[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "President Barack Obama has been battling against fierce opposition to his Iran nuclear deal but, yesterday, his plans drew the unprecedented support of 29 of the nation's top scientists. The president's Iran nuclear deal was praised by the scientists who include former White house advisers, Nobel laureates, and makers of nuclear arms. Their support will come as a welcome respite for the President who has faced stiff opposition on the deal from members of his own party - including Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer. On Thursday, Schumer of New York - widely considered to be one of the most important Jewish voices in congress - made his opposition clear. He flatly said he will 'vote to disapprove the agreement.'The president's Iran nuclear deal was praised by the scientists who include former White house advisers, Nobel laureates, and makers of nuclear armsTheir support will come as a welcome respite for the President who has faced stiff opposition from within his own partyObama has been forced to try and reach undecided members of congress in a bid to push through the deal which has already divided opinionBut in the letter, all 29 scientists hailed the deal as 'innovative' and 'stringent \n Questions:The letter applauded the proposed Iran deal and shoots down the idea that _ may be able to create nuclear weapons in secret. (A) Barack Obama (B) Iran (C) White house (D) Nobel (E) Democratic (F) Chuck Schumer (G) Schumer (H) New York (I) Jewish (J) Obama" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN)Some members of the U.S. Congress may be resisting proposed new sanctions on Iran, but their opposition doesn't seem likely to stop Congress passing legislation on Tehran's nuclear program by the end of March. As one of the negotiators who sat across the table from the Iranians for the past 15 months, though, I can assure you that legislation at this juncture risks undermining a deal that is clearly in the interest of all parties. Fortunately, there now seems to be broad consensus that introducing more sanctions with immediate effect would simply play into the hands of Iranian hard-liners. With that in mind, ideas for moving legislation have turned to focus on two concepts: establishing a \"trigger\" for new sanctions, linked either to an arbitrary future date or a collapse in the talks, and defining what would constitute a good deal and requiring an \"up or down\" vote on it.Congress has been discussing whether to impose more sanctions on IranRichard Nephew: Movement of such legislation still risks sparking escalatory cycle \n Questions:If the point is to create red lines for the Iranian negotiators, then _ will have the opposite of its desired effect: defining a \"good deal\" in detail forces Iranian negotiators to cross our red lines to maintain their revolutionary credentials and sell a deal at home. (A) CNN (B) U.S. Congress (C) Iran (D) Tehran (E) Iranians (F) Iranian (G) Richard Nephew" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The White House, sensing a legislative defeat was nigh, today said President Barack Obama would be willing to meet Congress half way and sign legislation codifying its role in processing a nuclear deal with Iran if a Senate committee axed key portions of the bill during a formal review this afternoon. Senators later voted 19-0 to give the White House some of, but not all of its asks, and left in a signature feature of the bill giving Congress the authority to approve a final deal with Iran that the White House earlier implied may have been on the chopping block.Sensing a legislative defeat White House said the president would be willing to sign the bill if senators axed key portions of their Iran billSenators voted 19-0 to give the White House some of, but not all of its asks, and left in a signature feature giving Congress authority over a dealIt now goes to the full Senate, where it is could pass with a veto-proof majority - making the president powerless to reject it \n Questions:The Obama administration has repeatedly said that it only ever agreed to the phased lifting of restrictions on _ and made that clear during the last round of talks. (A) White House (B) Barack Obama (C) Congress (D) Iran (E) Senate" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Wisconsin's Republican governor Scott Walker became the 20th major party candidate for president on Monday with a speech that name-checked Planned Parenthood, the ISIS terror army, Hillary Clinton, Vladimir Putin and the Kohl's chain of department stores. The early GOP favorite has waited month after month to enter the race as others leaped in, but finally declared his availability for the White House in a suburb of Milwaukee. Walker cast himself as the economic and military heir to Ronald Reagan, and a hardscrabble survivor with a statewide record that, he says, can scale up to the size of a nation.Walker joins the fray with 14 other Republicans and five DemocratsPitches Kohl's Department Stores as a volume-pricing example of how the US tax code should reach more workers with lower ratesSlams Obama for 'leading from behind,' being weak on Iran and Russia, and failing to be a friend to IsraelPledges to repeal Obamacare and green-light the Keystone XL pipelineCasual Walker wore no necktie and spoke with a lapel microphone – reciting a memorized speech without a teleprompter – and enters the race in 2nd place in polls \n Questions:'We defunded _ and enacted pro-life legislation,' he said. (A) Wisconsin (B) Republican (C) Scott Walker (D) Planned Parenthood (E) ISIS (F) Hillary Clinton (G) Vladimir Putin (H) Kohl's (I) GOP (J) White House (K) Milwaukee (L) Walker (M) Ronald Reagan (N) Republicans (O) Democrats (P) Kohl's Department Stores (Q) US (R) Obama (S) Iran (T) Russia (U) Israel (V) Obamacare (W) Keystone XL (X) Casual Walker" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Mitt Romney has added his voice to the chorus of Republicans who are dismayed that an ignorant demagogue such as Donald Trump could be poised to capture the presidential nomination of their grand and noble party. In a speech Thursday morning, Romney said, \"Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University.\" He laid out a comprehensive case for why Republicans should reject Trump and pick one of the other candidates still in the race. But before we start lauding Romney for being a statesmanlike voice of reason and moderation, it's worth remembering a few things about him.Paul Waldman: Romney, GOP have used same ugly tactics as Trump, only with more politesseHe says Romney's 2012 campaign used racial code words, bullying mightTrumpism is GOP conservatism stripped of its veneer of subtlety, Waldman says \n Questions:It may not have been quite as appalling as what _ is doing now, but in many ways it was similar, the only difference being that Trump says out loud what Republicans such as Romney prefer to imply. (A) CNN (B) Mitt Romney (C) Republicans (D) Donald Trump (E) Romney (F) Paul Waldman (G) GOP (H) Waldman" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Wisconsin's Republican governor Scott Walker became the 20th major party candidate for president on Monday with a speech that name-checked Planned Parenthood, the ISIS terror army, Hillary Clinton, Vladimir Putin and the Kohl's chain of department stores. The early GOP favorite has waited month after month to enter the race as others leaped in, but finally declared his availability for the White House in a suburb of Milwaukee. Walker cast himself as the economic and military heir to Ronald Reagan, and a hardscrabble survivor with a statewide record that, he says, can scale up to the size of a nation.Walker joins the fray with 14 other Republicans and five DemocratsPitches Kohl's Department Stores as a volume-pricing example of how the US tax code should reach more workers with lower ratesSlams Obama for 'leading from behind,' being weak on Iran and Russia, and failing to be a friend to IsraelPledges to repeal Obamacare and green-light the Keystone XL pipelineCasual Walker wore no necktie and spoke with a lapel microphone – reciting a memorized speech without a teleprompter – and enters the race in 2nd place in polls \n Questions:'_ has tried to rip apart our higher education system. (A) Wisconsin (B) Republican (C) Scott Walker (D) Planned Parenthood (E) ISIS (F) Hillary Clinton (G) Vladimir Putin (H) Kohl's (I) GOP (J) White House (K) Milwaukee (L) Ronald Reagan (M) Republicans (N) Democrats (O) Kohl's Department Stores (P) US (Q) Obama (R) Iran (S) Russia (T) Israel (U) Obamacare (V) Keystone XL (W) Casual Walker" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "When the musical Oliver! opened in London’s West End on June 30, 1960, one might have expected Ron Moody to be somewhat grateful to the show’s creator Lionel Bart. As Moody, whose death at the age of 91 was announced yesterday, recalled in his autobiography, there were 17 curtain calls that night, including ‘a great cheer establishing me, in all humility, as the star of the show’. Without Bart, Moody would never have got to sing such memorable numbers as Reviewing The Situation and Pick A Pocket Or Two. And yet elsewhere in his memoirs, he described Bart as a ‘bloody stupid little b******’ whose ‘tunes were all derivative’.Ron Moody, who played Fagin in the 1968 film Oliver! died yesterdayThe star almost never got the role after falling out with the show's creatorHis Jewish mother opposed him playing Fagin claiming it was not niceHe achieved international acclaim and an Oscar nomination for the role \n Questions:After graduating he became the mainstay of many _ revues as both a writer and performer. (A) Oliver! (B) London (C) West End (D) Ron Moody (E) Lionel Bart (F) Moody (G) Bart (H) Reviewing The Situation (I) Pick A Pocket Or Two (J) Fagin (K) Jewish (L) Oscar" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Together they wrote a string of chart-topping hits for some of the world's biggest stars and created the memorable theme tune of Australian television soap Neighbours. Tony Hatch and Jackie Trent, who were married for more than three decades, were dubbed 'Mr and Mrs Music' after composing for artists including Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Scott Walker, Shirley Bassey and Petula Clark. So when Trent died last month aged 74 after a long battle with cancer, Hatch was expected to be at her funeral to say a final goodbye. True, their marriage had ended in divorce, but they had a daughter together and one of the most successful creative unions in showbusiness.Tony Hatch and Jackie Trent wrote chart-topping hits for musical superstarsThey divorced after three decades of marriage but have a daughter togetherBut he did not attend her funeral when Trent died at the age of 74 last monthHer second husband 'banned Hatch from funeral for breaking his wife's heart' \n Questions:And when he said he wanted to invite _ to the cremation, I said quite firmly, \"No. (A) Australian (B) Neighbours (C) Tony Hatch (D) Jackie Trent (E) Frank Sinatra (F) Dean Martin (G) Scott Walker (H) Shirley Bassey (I) Petula Clark (J) Trent" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "When the musical Oliver! opened in London’s West End on June 30, 1960, one might have expected Ron Moody to be somewhat grateful to the show’s creator Lionel Bart. As Moody, whose death at the age of 91 was announced yesterday, recalled in his autobiography, there were 17 curtain calls that night, including ‘a great cheer establishing me, in all humility, as the star of the show’. Without Bart, Moody would never have got to sing such memorable numbers as Reviewing The Situation and Pick A Pocket Or Two. And yet elsewhere in his memoirs, he described Bart as a ‘bloody stupid little b******’ whose ‘tunes were all derivative’.Ron Moody, who played Fagin in the 1968 film Oliver! died yesterdayThe star almost never got the role after falling out with the show's creatorHis Jewish mother opposed him playing Fagin claiming it was not niceHe achieved international acclaim and an Oscar nomination for the role \n Questions:And yet _ only turned professional at 30, following until then a startlingly different career path. (A) Oliver! (B) London (C) West End (D) Ron Moody (E) Lionel Bart (F) Bart (G) Reviewing The Situation (H) Pick A Pocket Or Two (I) Fagin (J) Jewish (K) Oscar" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) -- House Democrats are bracing for a rough election night next Tuesday, and top leaders are making a major push for rank and file members to open their wallets to help save those vulnerable Democrats who are in danger of losing their seats. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Rep Steve Israel, D-New York, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, held a conference call Tuesday afternoon with House Democrats and told them it was time to pony up -- and gave them a Friday deadline. According to a source on the call, a dozen House members and two Democratic candidates pledged almost $500,000 during the session.Democratic leaders seek campaign donations from rank and file representativesAs midterm vote nears, Democrats want final push for incumbents in tight racesRepresentatives are asked to give their extra funds to help in those races \n Questions:Several _ sources told CNN that members are expecting Republicans to pick up some seats, but they still believe that many House Democrats in competitive districts are positioned to survive if they get support. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) House (D) Democrats (E) House Democratic Leader (F) Nancy Pelosi (G) Steve Israel (H) D (I) New York (J) Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) -- House Democrats are bracing for a rough election night next Tuesday, and top leaders are making a major push for rank and file members to open their wallets to help save those vulnerable Democrats who are in danger of losing their seats. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Rep Steve Israel, D-New York, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, held a conference call Tuesday afternoon with House Democrats and told them it was time to pony up -- and gave them a Friday deadline. According to a source on the call, a dozen House members and two Democratic candidates pledged almost $500,000 during the session.Democratic leaders seek campaign donations from rank and file representativesAs midterm vote nears, Democrats want final push for incumbents in tight racesRepresentatives are asked to give their extra funds to help in those races \n Questions:But the ones who spent hours hosting fundraisers and trekking over to the _ headquarters to dial donors for dollars are frustrated with colleagues who don't reach their targets and don't seem to suffer major repercussions. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) House (D) Democrats (E) House Democratic Leader (F) Nancy Pelosi (G) Steve Israel (H) D (I) New York (J) Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- The midterm elections are a week away. Control of the Senate will be decided by a handful of close contests that remain competitive in the final days. In an era of narrow majorities in the upper chamber, just one or two races can make all the difference in terms of who will be in control. Most experts are predicting that Republicans will gain the Senate, though there are a few outliers, like my colleague at Princeton University, Sam Wang, whose statistical models have been showing that Democrats can still be victorious. In the coming days, here are six campaigns to watch. In each of these states Republicans are holding their ground by connecting their opponent to President Obama while Democrats strike back by reminding voters of extremism in the GOP.The outcome of six races could determine whether the U.S. remains in Democrats' handsJulian Zelizer: Democrats citing GOP extremism; Republicans cite Obama's performanceIn four of the states, Democratic incumbents are seeking to win re-electionZelizer: Can White House reverse historical pattern of midterm losses? \n Questions:North Carolina: This is a _ race that has been extremely expensive, with the national parties pouring money into advertising based on the view that this one can go either way, and it's close. (A) CNN (B) Senate (C) Republicans (D) Princeton University (E) Sam Wang (F) Democrats (G) Obama (H) GOP (I) U.S. (J) Julian Zelizer (K) Democratic (L) Zelizer (M) White House" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) It's no big deal, the thinking goes, that the Senate seems likely to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, as President Trump urged in his speech Tuesday night. The President encouraged this line of thought -- that elevating the judge from the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit \"fills [Justice Antonin] Scalia's seat\" with another conservative and just returns the court to a five-justice conservative majority that it had before Scalia passed away last February. Nothing to see here, supposedly; the real action will come when swing Justice Anthony Kennedy or one of the liberal justices leaves, moving the court further to the right. Democrats should hold their fire until it counts.Richard L. Hasen: The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear cases that will impact voting rights and campaign contributionsConfirming Judge Neil Gorsuch as a justice would swing the votes toward troubling decisions, he writes \n Questions:Even though Gorsuch is not a Scalia clone, things are likely to be pretty bad on these key issues, because Gorsuch is likely to vote like _, and the court with Scalia already was moving in a very bad direction. (A) CNN (B) Senate (C) Neil Gorsuch (D) Supreme Court (E) Trump (F) United States Court of Appeals (G) 10th Circuit (H) Justice Antonin] Scalia (I) Anthony Kennedy (J) Democrats (K) Richard L. Hasen" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) A battered Democratic Party has largely forfeited the fight on television over the fate of President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, another sign of both Gorsuch's political strength and of Democrats' inability to focus on fighting the pick. Just four days before Gorsuch appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democratic groups and committees have barely lifted an advertising finger in their quest to sink the nomination. At the same time, Republicans are waging an eight-figure advertising campaign that is growing daily, an effort centered on the states that Senate Democrats vulnerable in 2018 call home. Conservative and GOP-related groups have outspent Democrats on TV by more than $3 million, according to Democrats and Republicans tracking the advertising figures.Democrats had spent just $180,000 on the television campaign vs. $3.3 million from RepublicansSome liberals are making a late effort to bolster their paid media \n Questions:The _' grogginess is a reflection, party strategists say, of their overextension, channeling energy and dollars toward a perhaps more winnable fight on defending Obamacare; of their depleted coffers following a costly 2016 presidential campaign; and of their poor political positioning, largely seeing Gorsuch as clean, qualified and tough to attack, at least before the hearings begin Monday. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Democratic Party (D) Donald Trump (E) Supreme Court (F) Neil Gorsuch (G) Gorsuch (H) Democrats (I) Senate Judiciary Committee (J) Republicans (K) Senate (L) Conservative (M) GOP" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) It's no big deal, the thinking goes, that the Senate seems likely to confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, as President Trump urged in his speech Tuesday night. The President encouraged this line of thought -- that elevating the judge from the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit \"fills [Justice Antonin] Scalia's seat\" with another conservative and just returns the court to a five-justice conservative majority that it had before Scalia passed away last February. Nothing to see here, supposedly; the real action will come when swing Justice Anthony Kennedy or one of the liberal justices leaves, moving the court further to the right. Democrats should hold their fire until it counts.Richard L. Hasen: The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear cases that will impact voting rights and campaign contributionsConfirming Judge Neil Gorsuch as a justice would swing the votes toward troubling decisions, he writes \n Questions:Even though _ is not a Scalia clone, things are likely to be pretty bad on these key issues, because Gorsuch is likely to vote like Scalia, and the court with Scalia already was moving in a very bad direction. (A) CNN (B) Senate (C) Neil Gorsuch (D) Supreme Court (E) Trump (F) United States Court of Appeals (G) 10th Circuit (H) Justice Antonin] Scalia (I) Scalia (J) Anthony Kennedy (K) Democrats (L) Richard L. Hasen" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) General Michael Hayden told CNN's Fareed Zakaria that his opinion about the usefulness of special investigations had changed since FBI Director James Comey was fired. Comey was in the middle of investigating possible ties between Trump's presidential campaign and Russia's interference in the 2016 election when he was dismissed last Tuesday on the recommendation of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The many paths from Trump to RussiaHayden, a four-star general and former NSA and CIA chief, told Zakaria that up until Comey's firing he had been cynical of special investigations as a whole, confessing to a real \"dislike\" of \"special structures, special prosecutors and efforts and so on.General Hayden says he had always been cynical of special investigations but changed his mind after Comey's firingHayden suggests an \"extraordinary structure\" is needed so Americans can \"understand what happened here\" \n Questions:But now, Hayden insisted, with the future of the _ investigation unknown, he's not so sure. (A) CNN (B) Michael Hayden (C) Fareed Zakaria (D) FBI (E) James Comey (F) Comey (G) Trump (H) Russia (I) Rod Rosenstein (J) Jeff Sessions (K) NSA (L) CIA (M) Zakaria (N) Hayden (O) Americans" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Rep. Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump's pick for CIA director, promised Thursday at his Senate confirmation hearing to deliver unvarnished facts to the President and pledged to shield the agency from political influence at a time when Trump has been critical of the intelligence community. Like other nominees this week, the Kansas Republican disagreed with the President-elect in tone and substance on several occastions. He vowed not to reinstate enhanced interrogation techniques -- even if ordered to do so by Trump -- and took a harder line on Russia than Trump has displayed. Pompeo opened the hearing with criticism of Moscow even as the President-elect has suggested that the intelligence community's findings of Russian meddling in last year's election were overblown.Pompeo, a Kansas Republican, sits down before the Senate Select Committee on IntelligenceRussia's hacking efforts are an issue of top concern on both sides of the aisle \n Questions:Returning to _, he began a career in business, heading up companies that manufactured and provided materials for aircraft and oilfields. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Mike Pompeo (D) Donald Trump (E) CIA (F) Senate (G) Trump (H) Kansas (I) Republican (J) Russia (K) Pompeo (L) Moscow (M) Russian (N) Senate Select Committee on Intelligence" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) President Donald Trump said Thursday that he feared his firing of FBI Director James Comey could confuse Americans, but went ahead with the plan anyway. \"When I did this now I said, I probably, maybe will confuse people,\" Trump told NBC News. But he said he did it anyway \"to do the right thing for the American people.\" Trump said he wanted the FBI's investigation into Russia's election meddling to be \"absolutely done properly.\" He said Comey's firing might \"lengthen out the investigation.\" Earlier Thursday, White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the Comey firing may hasten the agency's investigation into Russian meddling.Trump fired Comey TuesdayThe FBI is investigating possible Trump campaign connections to Russia's election hacking \n Questions:The statement had come as a surprising admission from the White House that _'s sudden dismissal on Tuesday may have an effect on the Russia probe. (A) CNN (B) Donald Trump (C) FBI (D) James Comey (E) Americans (F) Trump (G) NBC News (H) American (I) Russia (J) White House (K) Sarah Huckabee Sanders (L) Russian" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Attorney General Jeff Sessions is the Cabinet member who's borne the brunt of President Donald Trump's criticism over the past year. Blamed by the President as the origin of the special counsel's Russia probe, Sessions has been on the end of Twitter barbs and private dress-downs alike. The \"beleaguered\" attorney general -- as the President has called him -- even offered to resign after heated exchanges, sources told CNN in June. But as he's stuck to his post atop the Justice Department, Sessions has pushed forward the President's agenda in a way perhaps no other agency head has. Since his swearing-in last February, Sessions has enacted sweeping change, prioritizing \"tough on crime\" policies that, he says, are \"restoring the rule of law.\" In appearances across the country, Sessions has shifted the spotlight to questions of immigration and concerns of crime. He's dismantled a progressive legacy left behind by Obama-era DOJ initiatives and shepherded new Trump directives through the courts. When the Trump administration made the decision to roll back the DACA program, it was Sessions who stood on stage alone.Sessions has pushed forward the President's agenda in a way perhaps no other agency head hasOver the last year, we have seen key developments at the 2017 Department of Justice \n Questions:The divisive issue of immigration in the country has made its way into the front of discussions of national security in _' DOJ. (A) CNN (B) Jeff Sessions (C) Cabinet (D) Donald Trump (E) Russia (F) Twitter (G) Justice Department (H) Obama (I) DOJ (J) Trump (K) DACA (L) Department of Justice" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Sen. Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump's pick to be United States attorney general, launched a public campaign as Alabama attorney general in 1996 to prevent a gay rights group from holding a conference at the University of Alabama, according to a KFile review of contemporaneous press accounts and legal filings. Sessions's record in public office is coming under increased scrutiny now that he has been selected as Trump's attorney general. He has been a staunch opponent of the LGBT rights movement. He dubbed the Supreme Court's 2015 decision legalizing gay marriage an \"effort to secularize, by force and intimidation.\" And in 2000 and 2009 he voted against measures expanding hate crime legislation to include sexual orientation. He's also co-sponsor, along with other prominent Republicans, of The First Amendment Defense Act, a bill opponents have dubbed \"a right to discriminate.\" President-Elect Donald Trump has vowed he'd sign the measure.Sessions launched a public campaign as Alabama attorney general to prevent an LGBT conference from being held at a public university.Donald Trump has tapped Sessions to be United States attorney general. \n Questions:_ agreed, though initially said he wouldn't take legal action to intervene. (A) CNN (B) Jeff Sessions (C) Donald Trump (D) United States (E) Alabama (F) University of Alabama (G) KFile (H) Trump (I) LGBT (J) Supreme Court (K) Republicans (L) The First Amendment Defense Act" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) The resistance to President Trump's controversial ban on refugees is growing. What started at the grassroots level with spontaneous protests at airports and on city streets is now reaching into higher levels of government. Frustrated with a President who seems to be running roughshod over American policy, Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, an Obama appointee, announced she would not defend the order. Yates said she would refuse to put the power of the Department of Justice behind this measure in the courts. Human rights, civil rights, and civil liberties supporters were bolstered by her defiance. Then Trump fired her by a hand-delivered letter, revealing the fragility of the opposition to this administration. Even with this blowup, it still does not seem that the Republican Senate, eager to secure this moment of unified government, will do anything to jeopardize Senator Jeff Sessions' confirmation as Attorney General. And from everything we know, Sessions will be much more than merely willing to enforce this order and anything else that comes from the Trump White House involving immigration and refugees in the coming years.Julian Zelizer says the lesson for Democrats from the Sally Yates firing is that they have to do everything they can to oppose the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and to block Trump's agenda \n Questions:Even if they can't stop the Sessions confirmation, they should put as much pressure on every _ before they cast that vote, and they need to make clearer at the end of this process that they will exercise their political muscle as a minority when it comes to other business. (A) Trump (B) American (C) Sally Yates (D) Obama (E) Yates (F) Department of Justice (G) Republican (H) Senate (I) Jeff Sessions (J) Attorney General (K) Sessions (L) Trump White House (M) Julian Zelizer (N) Democrats" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "For most parents, their child's birthday party might entail a game of pass the parcel followed by ice cream and jelly, but not for Sophie-May Dickson, 22, who claims she splashed out £2,500 on her daughter's fifth birthday bash. Ponies were hired, a red carpet laid out and a three-tiered crystal-encrusted birthday cake delivered to create a party fit for Princess Bliss Dickson, Sophie-May's oldest daughter. The mother-of-two, from Essex, whose youngest daughter Precious Belle Ruby Rozina, is three, appeared on ITV's This Morning this week to defend her lavish party throwing - and now FEMAIL has an exclusive peek into the bash.Sophie-May Dickson, 22, says she splashed £2,500 on her daughter's partyPrincess Bliss Dickson turned 5 in September and had ponies at her partyDescribing the event, Sophie-May said: 'It felt like her wedding' \n Questions:Appearing on This Morning on Monday talking about her party-throwing habit, _-May said: 'I think there's a big difference between a spoilt child and treated one.' (A) Sophie (B) May Dickson (C) Ponies (D) Bliss Dickson (E) Essex (F) Precious Belle Ruby Rozina (G) ITV (H) This Morning (I) FEMAIL" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "For most parents, their child's birthday party might entail a game of pass the parcel followed by ice cream and jelly, but not for Sophie-May Dickson, 22, who claims she splashed out £2,500 on her daughter's fifth birthday bash. Ponies were hired, a red carpet laid out and a three-tiered crystal-encrusted birthday cake delivered to create a party fit for Princess Bliss Dickson, Sophie-May's oldest daughter. The mother-of-two, from Essex, whose youngest daughter Precious Belle Ruby Rozina, is three, appeared on ITV's This Morning this week to defend her lavish party throwing - and now FEMAIL has an exclusive peek into the bash.Sophie-May Dickson, 22, says she splashed £2,500 on her daughter's partyPrincess Bliss Dickson turned 5 in September and had ponies at her partyDescribing the event, Sophie-May said: 'It felt like her wedding' \n Questions:_-May started planning the event in January and on Princess's big day in September there was a DJ, an entertainer, a bouncy castle, a three-tiered cake, a sweet buffet - and of course some visiting ponies to entertain. (A) Sophie (B) May Dickson (C) Ponies (D) Bliss Dickson (E) Essex (F) Precious Belle Ruby Rozina (G) ITV (H) This Morning (I) FEMAIL" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "They have dined with the Queen at Windsor Castle and joined the royal family at Ascot. And now the Middletons have had their almost-royal credentials boosted even further – by being immortalised in a series of royal baby books. Carole, Michael and Pippa Middleton – but not her brother James – all have star turns in the Shhh! Don’t Wake the Royal Baby! series, on sale in the Buckingham Palace gift shop for £6.99 each. The Duchess of Cambridge’s family join the royals to organise Prince George’s first birthday party in Happy Birthday, Royal Baby! Wielding a to-do list, Pippa is seen announcing: ‘Everything needs to be perfect for the Royal Baby’s celebrations.’The Middletons feature in Shhh! Don't Wake the Royal Baby! book seriesPippa is depicted as chief party planner for Prince George's first birthdayCarole is pictured wearing same dress she wore to visit George in hospitalThe Queen, Prince Charles and grandfather Michael also feature - but brother James does not \n Questions:They are currently on sale at the gift shop at _, as well as other royal residences open to the public. (A) Windsor Castle (B) Ascot (C) Middletons (D) Carole (E) Michael (F) Pippa Middleton (G) James (H) Royal Baby! (I) Buckingham Palace (J) Prince George’s (K) Happy Birthday (L) Royal Baby (M) Pippa (N) Royal Baby’s (O) Prince George (P) George (Q) Prince Charles" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Donald Trump's incoming administration is increasingly becoming Mike Pence's dream team. Trump's decision to tap Seema Verma -- Pence's own Medicaid policy consultant in the Indiana governor's office -- to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provided the clearest evidence yet of the prominence Pence and his conservative allies will have in Trump's Washington. CNN's 'Unprecedented': Here's Mike? The strange evolution of the relationship of Pence and Trump Trump's choices so far have reflected Pence's politics -- potentially proving helpful on Capitol Hill, where the Indiana governor and former House Republican leader has long been expected to help Trump most. Pence's devotion to conservative principles -- and his relationships with powerful groups, including the Heritage Foundation -- have allowed him to help Trump navigate a Washington terrain that is unfamiliar to the billionaire business mogul who just ran his first campaign for any office.A Mike Pence aide said Tuesday Donald Trump and the incoming VP consult on all Cabinet picksPence took over Trump transition planning from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie \n Questions:When Pence was first picked as Trump's running mate, the courtship was awkward at best, with Trump at one point -- after selecting _ -- fretting over whether he could retract the offer. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Mike Pence (E) Trump (F) Seema Verma (G) Medicaid (H) Indiana (I) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (J) Mike (K) Cabinet (L) New Jersey (M) Chris Christie" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) John Kelly was sworn in as President Donald Trump's new chief of staff Monday, tasked with bringing order to an often chaotic White House and jump-starting the President's stalled legislative agenda. \"We look forward to, if it is possible, even a better job as chief of staff,\" Trump said of his former secretary of homeland security. Trump told reporters in the Oval Office that his administration has \"done very well,\" noting the stock market, unemployment and business confidence. \"We have a tremendous base, we have a tremendous group of support, the country is optimistic and I think the general will just add to it. The country is doing very well. Strongest stock market ever,\" Trump said.Kelly is a retired Marine Corps generalRepublicans on Capitol Hill hope Kelly will bring order to the White House \n Questions:And anybody who thinks they're going to change _ doesn't know Donald Trump.\" (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) John Kelly (D) Donald Trump (E) White House (F) Oval Office (G) Kelly (H) Marine Corps (I) Republicans (J) Capitol Hill" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Donald Trump's incoming administration is increasingly becoming Mike Pence's dream team. Trump's decision to tap Seema Verma -- Pence's own Medicaid policy consultant in the Indiana governor's office -- to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services provided the clearest evidence yet of the prominence Pence and his conservative allies will have in Trump's Washington. CNN's 'Unprecedented': Here's Mike? The strange evolution of the relationship of Pence and Trump Trump's choices so far have reflected Pence's politics -- potentially proving helpful on Capitol Hill, where the Indiana governor and former House Republican leader has long been expected to help Trump most. Pence's devotion to conservative principles -- and his relationships with powerful groups, including the Heritage Foundation -- have allowed him to help Trump navigate a Washington terrain that is unfamiliar to the billionaire business mogul who just ran his first campaign for any office.A Mike Pence aide said Tuesday Donald Trump and the incoming VP consult on all Cabinet picksPence took over Trump transition planning from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie \n Questions:When Pence was first picked as Trump's running mate, the courtship was awkward at best, with _ at one point -- after selecting Pence -- fretting over whether he could retract the offer. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Mike Pence (E) Seema Verma (F) Pence (G) Medicaid (H) Indiana (I) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (J) Mike (K) Cabinet (L) New Jersey (M) Chris Christie" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Sen. Marco Rubio, a longtime hawk on Syria, praised the US airstrike on a Syrian airfield days after a chemical attack on innocents attributed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Following news that President Donald Trump had green-lit the US action, Rubio said Thursday on CNN's \"Anderson Cooper 360\" that Russia could not fairly criticize the military strike because Russia backed Assad -- who is accused of perpetrating the attack on his own people. \"They have no standing to say anything about this,\" Rubio said of the Russians. He said that the move doesn't just send a message, but amounts to a \"significant degrading\" of Assad's ability to carry out chemical attacks.Rubio said Russians had put themselves into harm's wayHe said the strikes indicated a firm US stance against Assad's reign \n Questions:\"If the Russians are there on the ground assisting _ in the commission of these heinous crimes -- war crimes -- they should answer for that,\" Rubio said. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Marco Rubio (D) Syria (E) US (F) Syrian (G) Bashar al (H) Assad (I) Donald Trump (J) Rubio (K) Anderson Cooper 360 (L) Russia (M) Russians" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Sen. Marco Rubio, a longtime hawk on Syria, praised the US airstrike on a Syrian airfield days after a chemical attack on innocents attributed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Following news that President Donald Trump had green-lit the US action, Rubio said Thursday on CNN's \"Anderson Cooper 360\" that Russia could not fairly criticize the military strike because Russia backed Assad -- who is accused of perpetrating the attack on his own people. \"They have no standing to say anything about this,\" Rubio said of the Russians. He said that the move doesn't just send a message, but amounts to a \"significant degrading\" of Assad's ability to carry out chemical attacks.Rubio said Russians had put themselves into harm's wayHe said the strikes indicated a firm US stance against Assad's reign \n Questions:In 2013, Rubio did not support authorizing a military strike against Assad after Obama called for congressional approval in the wake of _ unleashing chemical weapons on his people. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Marco Rubio (D) Syria (E) US (F) Syrian (G) Bashar al (H) Assad (I) Donald Trump (J) Rubio (K) Anderson Cooper 360 (L) Russia (M) Russians" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Sen. Marco Rubio, a longtime hawk on Syria, praised the US airstrike on a Syrian airfield days after a chemical attack on innocents attributed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Following news that President Donald Trump had green-lit the US action, Rubio said Thursday on CNN's \"Anderson Cooper 360\" that Russia could not fairly criticize the military strike because Russia backed Assad -- who is accused of perpetrating the attack on his own people. \"They have no standing to say anything about this,\" Rubio said of the Russians. He said that the move doesn't just send a message, but amounts to a \"significant degrading\" of Assad's ability to carry out chemical attacks.Rubio said Russians had put themselves into harm's wayHe said the strikes indicated a firm US stance against Assad's reign \n Questions:\"While I have long argued forcefully for an engagement and empowering the _ people, I have never supported the use of force, of US military force, in this conflict, and I still don't,\" Rubio said at the time. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Marco Rubio (D) Syria (E) US (F) Bashar al (G) Assad (H) Donald Trump (I) Rubio (J) Anderson Cooper 360 (K) Russia (L) Russians" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Ann Arbor, Michigan (CNN) -- Even among the hundreds of applications, this one stood out. Most applicants to creative writing programs submit stories about the angst of their suburban childhoods. This writer's stories concerned the daily ordeals of a boy living with his family on the streets of Nairobi, Kenya, and the horrific plight of a Rwandan girl whose mother is Tutsi and father Hutu. Not only did the applicant have what writers call \"material,\" he was blessed with an uncanny ear for human speech and the poetry to describe his characters' very unpoetic lives. I can still remember the young Kenyan boy watching his mother decant the glue she intends to sniff. The glue, the boy tells us, \"glowed warm and yellow in the dull light,\" and when his mother had poured enough, \"she cut the flow of the glue by tilting the tin up. The last stream of gum entering the bottle weakened and braided itself before tapering in midair like an icicle.\"Eileen Pollack: There was concern about Uwem Akpan's application to a writing programShe says he fit in well and his talent soon became evidentAkpan's blessed with great talent for hearing people and with poetic writing ability, she saysHis book of stories about African children has been selected by Oprah's book club \n Questions:Then, a year later, it published a revised version of the story about the half-_, half-Hutu Rwandan girl. (A) Ann Arbor (B) Michigan (C) CNN (D) Nairobi (E) Kenya (F) Rwandan (G) Tutsi (H) Hutu (I) Kenyan (J) Eileen Pollack (K) Uwem Akpan (L) Akpan (M) African (N) Oprah" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(EW.com) -- Critics everywhere have hailed \"Bully\" as an important, engaging documentary. EW's Owen Gleiberman calls it \"sensitive and eye-opening\"; the film has also earned a near-perfect 93 percent \"Fresh\" rating from the reviews aggregated by Rotten Tomatoes. But in an article posted late last week, Slate's Emily Bazelon alleged that some crucial parts of \"Bully\" are \"utterly one-sided\" and \"factually questionable.\" Her piece focused on Tyler Long, one of the doc's featured subjects; when he was just 17, Long took his own life, apparently because he was bullied by his classmates. But according to Bazelon, that isn't the whole story. She wrote that Tyler also suffered from ADHD, bipolar disorder, and Asperger's syndrome; additionally, his girlfriend broke up with him a few weeks before his suicide. It seems likely that these factors contributed to Tyler's decision to commit suicide, Bazelon wrote. She asserted that by not mentioning them -- and by possibly exaggerating the treatment Tyler received in school — director Lee Hirsch and producer Cynthia Lowen oversimplified and distorted the facts to create a smoother narrative.Slate's Emily Bazelon alleged that some crucial parts of \"Bully\" are \"utterly one-sided\"\"We are deeply disappointed by the author's neglect to gain a clear picture,\" a \"Bully\" producer saidSlate deputy editor said, \"The movie includes no mention of the mental health issues Tyler faced\" \n Questions:_ has covered bullying for Slate for a few years now. (A) EW.com (B) Bully (C) EW (D) Owen Gleiberman (E) Rotten Tomatoes (F) Slate (G) Emily Bazelon (H) Tyler Long (I) Long (J) Tyler (K) ADHD (L) Asperger (M) Lee Hirsch (N) Cynthia Lowen" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Balaraba Ramat Yakubu was 12 years old when she was married off. By 19 she was divorced, jilted by her husband; left to fend for herself in Kano state, northern Nigeria. But this isn't a sad story. Instead it's one of community and independence -- from the unlikeliest source. Yakubu began writing. And writing. And writing. The subject she chose was strangely fitting for this child marriage survivor: romance. Soon entire novels emerged. Written and printed in her native Hausa language, they spurred on a whole literary subgenre -- \"Littattafan Soyayya\" (love literature) -- which years later has grown into a prosperous cottage industry for the women of Kano.Love literature is a burgeoning cottage industry for many women in Kano state, NigeriaSubjects are wide ranging, from tackling child marriage to providing marital advicePhotographer Glenna Gordon has documented the growing craft in a new book \n Questions:She says: \"(The stories are) popular in _, but they haven't been heard of beyond, and (the authors) saw me as a way to make that happen, and were excited for that opportunity: to reach a bigger audience. (A) CNN (B) Balaraba Ramat Yakubu (C) Kano (D) Nigeria (E) Yakubu (F) Hausa (G) Littattafan Soyayya (H) Glenna Gordon" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) The concept of pansexuality has been around since the days of Sigmund Freud, but it took a shout-out from Miley Cyrus to bring it back into vogue for the 21st century. The word has been among Google's top search terms since the pop star declared herself pansexual in an interview with Paper magazine in July. As she put it, \"I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn't involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that's legal, I'm down with. Yo, I'm down with any adult -- anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me. I don't relate to being boy or girl, and I don't have to have my partner relate to boy or girl.\"Pansexual refers to sexual attraction without specific labelsScholars say the term appeals to a younger generation that dislikes labels \n Questions:But _'s work generated important questions about the direction of sexual desires, Garcia said. (A) Sigmund Freud (B) Miley Cyrus (C) Google (D) Paper magazine (E) Pansexual (F) Scholars" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "She's a real-life Barbie doll who works at children's parties and drives around in a pink Barbie car - but she's not keen on Ken. Tatyana Tuzova, 28, is a singer and Barbie from Moscow, Russia, who has loved dolls all her life but now appears as a guest of honour at parties and even on TV programmes. She said: 'l love working as a Barbie doll. 'It's got to the point where I can't tell the difference between Tatyana and Barbie anymore. 'I don't like Ken though. I've always loved Barbie and everything about her but I've never thought much of Ken.'Aged 12, Tatyana Tuzova loved Barbie's figureShe dyed her hair bleach-blonde and is slimmer now than at 15The singer's room is full of doll houses and children's toysNow she does appearances as Barbie \n Questions:Miss Tuzova prefers a more rough and ready boyfriend than _'s plastic partner. (A) Barbie (B) Ken (C) Tatyana Tuzova (D) Moscow (E) Russia (F) Tatyana" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) The concept of pansexuality has been around since the days of Sigmund Freud, but it took a shout-out from Miley Cyrus to bring it back into vogue for the 21st century. The word has been among Google's top search terms since the pop star declared herself pansexual in an interview with Paper magazine in July. As she put it, \"I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn't involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that's legal, I'm down with. Yo, I'm down with any adult -- anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me. I don't relate to being boy or girl, and I don't have to have my partner relate to boy or girl.\"Pansexual refers to sexual attraction without specific labelsScholars say the term appeals to a younger generation that dislikes labels \n Questions:The term tends to enter the public consciousness through celebrities, and _ is the most recent to claim the title. (A) Sigmund Freud (B) Miley Cyrus (C) Google (D) Paper magazine (E) Pansexual (F) Scholars" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The crew of a specially-made plane named Miss Piggy braved winds of 235mph as they ventured into the eye of Hurricane Patricia, the Western Hemisphere's strongest recorded storm. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Joseph Klippel shared video of the experience aboard the Lockheed WP-3D Orion 'hurricane hunter' that is used to record data from inside the most dangerous storms. The plane made two passes through the storm, passing through heavy winds and rain en route to the calm of the storm's eye, where the pilots could see all the way to the water below. A pressure reading of 879 millibars, the lowest ever recorded in a hurricane, was the result of a ten and a half hour flight as Miss Piggy went from Harlingen, Texas, towards the storm off the coast of Mexico and then back to Florida.National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration team braved 235mph winds to get to eye of Hurricane Patricia off the west coast of MexicoCrew did three separate flights into the storm to get measurementsLockheed WP-3D Orion plane specially outfitted to get into intense stormsTeam celebrated 10.5-hour flight by hugging their families \n Questions:It was only a tropical depression as of Saturday morning, though remnants of the storm were expected to contribute to mudslides and flooding in both _ and Texas. (A) Miss Piggy (B) Patricia (C) Western Hemisphere (D) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (E) Joseph Klippel (F) WP-3D Orion (G) Harlingen (H) Texas (I) Mexico (J) Florida" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- Asiana Airlines Flight 214 was seconds away from landing when the passengers sensed something horribly amiss. The plane was approaching San Francisco International Airport under a beautifully clear sky, but it was flying low. Dangerously low. Benjamin Levy looked out the window from seat 30K and said he could see the water of the San Francisco Bay about 10 feet below. Even for an airport where landing strips run close to the water, the descent seemed alarming to the San Francisco man. \"I don't see any runway, I just see water,\" Levy recalled. Further back in the Boeing 777, Xu Das had the same realization.Flight recorders have been found, the NTSB saysAsiana identifies the two 16-year-old girls killed in the crash182 people were hospitalized, while 123 were uninjuredPassengers say the plane's rear struck the edge of the runway \n Questions:Perhaps one of the reasons so many people survived Saturday's crash was because the _ is built so that everybody can get off the plane within 90 seconds, even if half the doors are inoperable. (A) CNN (B) Asiana Airlines Flight 214 (C) San Francisco International Airport (D) Benjamin Levy (E) 30K (F) San Francisco Bay (G) San Francisco (H) Levy (I) Boeing 777 (J) Xu Das (K) NTSB (L) Asiana" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "New pictures have emerged which show the devastation caused by Cyclone Pam after it tore through Vanuatu destroying towns and villages and killing at least six people.. The country's president, Baldwin Lonsdale, has estimated the cyclone, which struck on Saturday, has destroyed or damaged 90 per cent of the buildings in the capital of Port Vila. An RAF plane carrying aid has flown out today to help relief efforts following the devastating tropical cyclone which has wiped out much of the island nation which is in the South Pacific Scroll down for video Cyclone Pam has destroyed or damaged 90 per cent of the buildings in Vanuatu's capital of Port VilaCyclone Pam has battered the South Pacific island nation of VanuatuPresident estimates 90 per cent of buildings in the capital have been destroyedSix people have been confirmed dead and hundreds more injuredWinds of up to 155mph and heavy rainfall caused widespread destructionThe water supply has been tainted and residents are boiling water to drinkFlyovers by relief teams showed much of the country had been 'flattened'An RAF plane carrying aid has flown out from the UK to help relief efforts \n Questions:This aerial picture shows the trees which were uprooted on cyclone-ravaged _. (A) Cyclone Pam (B) Vanuatu (C) Baldwin Lonsdale (D) Port Vila (E) RAF (F) South Pacific (G) UK" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Lille (CNN) -- A year that began in uncertainty for Roger Federer ended with a historic title for the 17-time grand slam champion and his country. When Federer defeated Richard Gasquet of France 6-4 6-2 6-2 in front of another record crowd Sunday, it gave Federer a maiden Davis Cup title at the not so tender age of 33. The visitors prevailed 3-1 in the best-of-five match series. Switzerland had never before won team tennis' most prestigious event, playing in one previous final in 1992 when Federer was merely 11. \"For me personally, obviously I'm unbelievably happy because I've been playing in this competition for probably almost 15 years now,\" Federer told reporters as he sat among his teammates. \"At the end of the day I wanted it more for the guys.Switzerland wins its first Davis Cup title after Roger Federer routs Richard GasquetThe Swiss win the series 3-1 in Lille to disappoint most of the large crowd in northern FranceFederer has won almost everything in his career, just missing an Olympic singles goldHe got support from Stan Wawrinka, who shone in his two matches this weekend \n Questions:With Federer committing to every round of the Davis Cup this season -- unlike in years past -- and the emergence of compatriot _, it greatly boosted Switzerland's chances of success. (A) Lille (B) CNN (C) Roger Federer (D) Federer (E) Richard Gasquet (F) France (G) Davis Cup (H) Switzerland (I) Swiss (J) Olympic (K) Stan Wawrinka" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "As the clock ticked down on Celtic’s League Cup Final win, goalkeeper Craig Gordon looked in a world of his own as he glanced around Hampden, savouring every last moment. When the final whistle confirmed his first winners’ medal since the Scottish Cup victory over Gretna on penalties with Hearts in 2006, the goalkeeper immediately searched out the twin lights who had inspired his incredible comeback story. Over the course of his two long years out injured, four year old daughter Freya and then the arrival of little Emma, now 22-months old, provided both fortitude and hope in what was a seemingly endless dark tunnel for Gordon.Celtic beat Dundee United 2-0 in the Scottish League Cup finalKeeper Craig Gordon got his first winners’ medal since 2006Gordon has recovered from numerous injuries to succeed at Celtic \n Questions:‘I took a moment or two towards the end to think about things,’ admitted Gordon, his lips visibly quivering with emotion after the 2-0 win against _. (A) Celtic (B) League Cup Final (C) Craig Gordon (D) Hampden (E) Scottish Cup (F) Gretna (G) Hearts (H) Freya (I) Emma (J) Gordon (K) Dundee United (L) Scottish League Cup" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Lille (CNN) -- A year that began in uncertainty for Roger Federer ended with a historic title for the 17-time grand slam champion and his country. When Federer defeated Richard Gasquet of France 6-4 6-2 6-2 in front of another record crowd Sunday, it gave Federer a maiden Davis Cup title at the not so tender age of 33. The visitors prevailed 3-1 in the best-of-five match series. Switzerland had never before won team tennis' most prestigious event, playing in one previous final in 1992 when Federer was merely 11. \"For me personally, obviously I'm unbelievably happy because I've been playing in this competition for probably almost 15 years now,\" Federer told reporters as he sat among his teammates. \"At the end of the day I wanted it more for the guys.Switzerland wins its first Davis Cup title after Roger Federer routs Richard GasquetThe Swiss win the series 3-1 in Lille to disappoint most of the large crowd in northern FranceFederer has won almost everything in his career, just missing an Olympic singles goldHe got support from Stan Wawrinka, who shone in his two matches this weekend \n Questions:\"You saw how well Roger was playing, how he just killed _ today,\" said Wawrinka. (A) Lille (B) CNN (C) Roger Federer (D) Federer (E) Richard Gasquet (F) France (G) Davis Cup (H) Switzerland (I) Swiss (J) Olympic (K) Stan Wawrinka" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Hashima Island is one of the strangest places you'll ever be able to explore -- and few can. This eerie, desolate place of deserted tower blocks some 17 kilometers (10.5 miles) off the coast of Nagasaki in western Japan was opened to tourists four years ago but access is strictly limited. The buildings are too decrepit, so tourists skirt a defined path around one corner of the island. Only with special permission from Nagasaki City Council can you pick your way through the apartment blocks and climb the so-called \"Stairway to Hell\" to get a proper view of the ruins from the wind-battered shrine at the top.Hashima, on Japan's West coast, opened its first coal mine in 1887Mitsubishi turned it into a mining facility housing workers and their familiesIsland also the inspiration for the villain's home in the latest 007 movie \"Skyfall\"But the island, now derelict, has a darker history relating to slave labor during WWII \n Questions:Takazane says _ needs to address the issue with more honesty. (A) Hashima Island (B) Nagasaki (C) Japan (D) Nagasaki City Council (E) Stairway to Hell (F) Hashima (G) West coast (H) Mitsubishi (I) Skyfall (J) WWII" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "With mile upon mile of untouched golden beaches, corals reefs ripe for divers, ancient artifacts and a population desperate to impress. Somaliland is a country with plenty to offer tourists and it is actively encouraging visitors. But unfortunately, the much-desired tourists are not flocking to the east African outpost, neighbouring Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somalia. For starters, the country doesn't exist at all according to the international community, which recognises it only as part of Somalia, the troubled nation where piracy is rife and terrorist organisation Al-Shabaab is based. Locals walk along some of the 528 miles of beachfront in Somaliland that the country is keen to promoteSomaliland has been self-declared independent since 1991 but it is still not recognised internationallyThe Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises against all travel to Somalia, including SomalilandSomaliland tourism organisations insist their country is perfectly safe and actively promote toursThe country boasts untouched beaches and ancient artifacts are a great lureWomen on the beach must respect Islamic tradition and alcohol is banned \n Questions:By road enter through _ and Djibouti, although it's cheaper to fly than drive. (A) Somaliland (B) African (C) Ethiopia (D) Djibouti (E) Somalia (F) Al-Shabaab (G) Foreign and Commonwealth Office (H) Islamic" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Hashima Island is one of the strangest places you'll ever be able to explore -- and few can. This eerie, desolate place of deserted tower blocks some 17 kilometers (10.5 miles) off the coast of Nagasaki in western Japan was opened to tourists four years ago but access is strictly limited. The buildings are too decrepit, so tourists skirt a defined path around one corner of the island. Only with special permission from Nagasaki City Council can you pick your way through the apartment blocks and climb the so-called \"Stairway to Hell\" to get a proper view of the ruins from the wind-battered shrine at the top.Hashima, on Japan's West coast, opened its first coal mine in 1887Mitsubishi turned it into a mining facility housing workers and their familiesIsland also the inspiration for the villain's home in the latest 007 movie \"Skyfall\"But the island, now derelict, has a darker history relating to slave labor during WWII \n Questions:Mitsubishi pulled out, the workers found jobs on the mainland and _ was left to rot. (A) Hashima Island (B) Nagasaki (C) Japan (D) Nagasaki City Council (E) Stairway to Hell (F) West coast (G) Mitsubishi (H) Skyfall (I) WWII" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Why do their cheap meatballs taste so good? Why are bookshelves named Billy? Why can't store layouts be normal? These questions, and more, will no doubt be posed by the visitors who head to the new IKEA Museum opening next year. Of course, we might need to hammer together our own answers, having wound our way through thousands of irrelevant facts first. But perhaps a DIY museum experience will be even more satisfying once completed. The furniture company that changed the affordability of design has filed to build a museum on the site of its first store in Sweden. Tentatively scheduled to open in fall 2015, the museum will take up 7,000 square meters on the site of the recently relocated IKEA store in Almhult, also the site of IKEA'S first store opened by founder Ingvar Kamprad in 1958.IKEA Museum will be on site of first store in Älmhult, SwedenThe 7,000-square-meter museum will also have a museum shop and food for visitorsMuseum expected to draw 200,000 visitors per year \n Questions:While the then-17-year-old _ had already registered IKEA as a business in 1943, selling products ranging from nylon stockings to cigarette lighters, the Almhult site was the first brick-and-mortar store as well as the company's first furniture showroom. (A) Billy (B) IKEA Museum (C) DIY (D) Sweden (E) IKEA (F) Almhult (G) Ingvar Kamprad (H) Älmhult" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church can now be explored in an entirely new way. Just last year, LGBT travel company Quikky launched a gay-themed tour of the Vatican Museums art collection - and it has been steadily rising in popularity ever since. The 'Untold History' tour, as it's known, chronicles the gay backstories behind the world's most famous art. Quiiky's first, and most famous, LGBT-themed tour was one that highlights the life and work of Michelangelo, specifically within the Vatican Museums. 'It is a gay friendly tour because it's conceived especially, but not exclusively, for a LGBT audience,' the website reads.Tour operator Quiiky launched an 'Untold History' itinerary at the VaticanDuring the three-hour tour, guests hear the 'gay backstories' of the artThe tour hasn't been sanctioned by the Vatican, but it's not been forbidden \n Questions:On the tour, guests will explore the beauty of the Sistine Chapel and the other Museums, with gay-friendly guides telling stories of _'s work and its links to the artist's sexuality. (A) Roman Catholic Church (B) LGBT (C) Quikky (D) Vatican Museums (E) Untold History (F) Quiiky (G) Michelangelo (H) Tour (I) Vatican" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Why do their cheap meatballs taste so good? Why are bookshelves named Billy? Why can't store layouts be normal? These questions, and more, will no doubt be posed by the visitors who head to the new IKEA Museum opening next year. Of course, we might need to hammer together our own answers, having wound our way through thousands of irrelevant facts first. But perhaps a DIY museum experience will be even more satisfying once completed. The furniture company that changed the affordability of design has filed to build a museum on the site of its first store in Sweden. Tentatively scheduled to open in fall 2015, the museum will take up 7,000 square meters on the site of the recently relocated IKEA store in Almhult, also the site of IKEA'S first store opened by founder Ingvar Kamprad in 1958.IKEA Museum will be on site of first store in Älmhult, SwedenThe 7,000-square-meter museum will also have a museum shop and food for visitorsMuseum expected to draw 200,000 visitors per year \n Questions:A small exhibition of _'s history, titled \"IKEA through the ages,\" is already in place at the basement of the corporate culture center in Älmhult, but company reps are hoping that the new museum will be a much bigger tourist draw. (A) Billy (B) IKEA Museum (C) DIY (D) Sweden (E) Almhult (F) Ingvar Kamprad (G) Älmhult" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) An 18-year-old charged with posing as a doctor told ABC News that \"just because someone has a title 'doctor' in front of their name does not necessarily imply M.D.\" Malachi Love-Robinson, who police say posed as a medical doctor and treated patients in West Palm Beach, Florida, said his training involved shadowing many doctors. \"I'm not portraying as an M.D. I never said I've gone to school to be an M.D.,\" he told ABC. He said he had a Ph.D., but wouldn't disclose what field it was in. The interview aired on \"Good Morning America\" on Thursday. Sheriff's deputies in West Palm Beach arrested Love-Robinson on Tuesday afternoon and accused him of practicing medicine without a license. He was the head of his own practice, according to his website. Love-Robinson posted bail on Wednesday, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.18-year-old Malachi Love-Robinson tells ABC his training involved shadowing many doctorsPolice say Love-Robinson examined and gave medical advice to an undercover officerLove-Robinson tells ABC he has a Ph.D. but will not disclose what field it is in \n Questions:Love-_ physically examined the officer and provided medical advice, said the statement, which detailed a nearly two-week investigation that culminated in Tuesday's arrest. (A) ABC News (B) M.D. (C) Malachi Love (D) Robinson (E) West Palm Beach (F) Florida (G) ABC (H) Ph.D. (I) Good Morning America (J) Sheriff's (K) Love (L) Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) An 18-year-old charged with posing as a doctor told ABC News that \"just because someone has a title 'doctor' in front of their name does not necessarily imply M.D.\" Malachi Love-Robinson, who police say posed as a medical doctor and treated patients in West Palm Beach, Florida, said his training involved shadowing many doctors. \"I'm not portraying as an M.D. I never said I've gone to school to be an M.D.,\" he told ABC. He said he had a Ph.D., but wouldn't disclose what field it was in. The interview aired on \"Good Morning America\" on Thursday. Sheriff's deputies in West Palm Beach arrested Love-Robinson on Tuesday afternoon and accused him of practicing medicine without a license. He was the head of his own practice, according to his website. Love-Robinson posted bail on Wednesday, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.18-year-old Malachi Love-Robinson tells ABC his training involved shadowing many doctorsPolice say Love-Robinson examined and gave medical advice to an undercover officerLove-Robinson tells ABC he has a Ph.D. but will not disclose what field it is in \n Questions:As police led Love-_ out of his office in handcuffs, he said, \"I'm hurt because of the accusations and allegations. (A) ABC News (B) M.D. (C) Malachi Love (D) Robinson (E) West Palm Beach (F) Florida (G) ABC (H) Ph.D. (I) Good Morning America (J) Sheriff's (K) Love (L) Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A teenage girl has been charged with robbery after she was caught lying on Facebook about her involvement in the fatal ambush. Haley McKibben, 18, was allegedly involved in a plan to rob 23-year-old John Kinsey Jr who was found shot dead in his car last Saturday in Indianapolis, Indiana. McKibben was asked to 'set up' Kinsey by Julius Gordon, 19, so that the pair could rob him of a stash of marijuana and Xanax, according to an affidavit seen by Daily Mail Online. The 18-year-old reportedly got in the car to smoke with Kinsey and then sent a text message to Gordon to let him know where they were parked.Haley McKibben, 18, was allegedly involved in a plan to ambush 23-year-old John Kinsey in Indianapolis on SaturdayMcKibben was asked to 'set up' Kinsey by Julius Gordon, 19, so that the pair could rob him of a stash of marijuana and XanaxThe teen claimed to be an innocent bystander and not know the shooter - but detectives later found out they were Facebook friends \n Questions:Investigators then took to Facebook - and found that Gordon and _ were friends on social media. (A) Facebook (B) Haley McKibben (C) John Kinsey Jr (D) Indianapolis (E) Indiana (F) Kinsey (G) Julius Gordon (H) Xanax (I) Daily Mail Online (J) Gordon (K) John Kinsey" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "An elderly man who shot his paralyzed wife in the chest while she was asleep in a hospital bed did so with 'no evil', a district attorney has said. William Dresser, 88, walked into the rehab unit of Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center, Nevada, and killed wife Frances, 86, with a pistol in January last year after she begged to die. Carson City District Attorney Jason Woodbury has now filed a motion to dismiss the murder charge against Dresser. The prosecutor, who took office a year after the shooting occurred, cited evidence that Mrs Dresser had expressed a desire to no longer live.William and Frances Dresser had been married for 68 yearsShe 'begged' him to end her life after a fall left her paralyzed and in painHe bought a handgun, kissed her while she slept - then shot her in chest \n Questions:And he pointed to the fact that _ is suffering from advanced-stage prostate cancer. (A) William Dresser (B) Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center (C) Nevada (D) Frances (E) Carson City (F) Jason Woodbury (G) William" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "An innocent man who spent more than 30 years on death row for a murder he didn't commit has come face-to-face with the prosecutor who put him there. Glenn Ford, who was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer after his release last year, was too weak to stand when Marty Stroud walked into his Louisiana home last week but shook his hand. 'I want you to know that I am very sorry,' Stroud said during the somber meeting, which was filmed by Nightline. 'It's a stain on me that will be with me until I go to my grave.' 'Right,' Ford responded, without looking up. 'But it still cost me 31 years of my life and then nothing at the end but death because they give me from six to eight months to live.'Marty Stroud admitted in a letter published in a Louisiana newspaper last month that he was to blame for putting Glenn Ford behind bars in 1983Stroud: 'I was not as interested in justice as I was in winning'Ford, now 65, was freed a year ago after evidence emerged showing he was not at the scene of the murder and has since been living on donationsHe has also been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and has months to liveStroud visited Ford's home to apologize to him face-to-face but Ford told him he was not able to forgive him \n Questions:That, along with the money that he had in his bank account, left Mr _ with a paltry $20.24 to his name. (A) Glenn Ford (B) Marty Stroud (C) Louisiana (D) Stroud (E) Nightline" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A father dying of cancer is convinced that the Georgia man who was convicted of killing his teenage daughter is innocent. Joe Hamlin is working desperately to free, Jamerson Mangrum, who was convicted of killing his daughter, Katie, in July of 2002 in Acworth. 'She was my little girl. I miss her a lot,' Joe Hamlin told WGCL. The 15-year-old's body was found nude and partially burned along Kemp Road near Kellogg Creek. In the weeks following her murder, authorities interviewed a number of her acquaintances, including then 17-year-old Jamerson Mangrum who denied that he'd seen her. However, when an autopsy found Mangrum's DNA on her body, he changed his story, saying the pair had consensual sex.Joe Hamlin is working to free Jamerson Mangrum, the man convicted of murdering his daughter, but he's dying of stage four cancerHis daughter was brutally murdered in Georgia when she was 15 years oldHer father thinks Mangrum is innocent, despite DNA evidence being found \n Questions:I will reach that point in October,' Hamlin shared with _. (A) Georgia (B) Joe Hamlin (C) Jamerson Mangrum (D) Katie (E) Acworth (F) WGCL (G) Kemp Road (H) Kellogg Creek (I) Mangrum (J) DNA" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A 'scumbag' thief stole the handbag of a mother-of-three just seconds after she fell to her death from a motorway bridge, a court heard today. Sean Earle, 26, snatched the bag after speaking to 55-year-old Linda Clarke as she stood on a 60ft-high bridge over the M602 motorway in Eccles, Greater Manchester, on April 17. Manchester and Salford Magistrates' Court heard how Earle made no attempt to help or call emergency services after Mrs Clarke fell to her death and instead 'saw his opportunity' to steal the handbag. He admitted theft of the bag and contents, including Mrs Clarke's iPhone which was worth around £350, and will be sentenced at a later date.Sean Earle stole bag of mother-of-three seconds after she fell from bridgeHe 'saw his opportunity' when Linda Clarke, 55, fell to her death, court toldHer husband Gary said the 'despicable' theft had 'added to family's pain'Earle, 26, admitted he stole handbag, its contents and phone worth £350 \n Questions:Speaking at the family home in Swinton, Salford, today, Mr _ said his wife had suffered for some time with her mental health. (A) Sean Earle (B) Linda Clarke (C) M602 (D) Eccles (E) Greater Manchester (F) Manchester (G) Salford Magistrates' Court (H) Earle (I) Gary" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Soloman Bygraves (pictured) had followed Stanley Evans into his block of flats in Soho, central London, and pushed him over as he lunged for his wallet A homeless man has admitted knocking a frail 92-year-old widower to the floor to steal just five pounds. Stanley Evans, who lives on his own, was left lying on the ground for ten minutes after being attacked as he returned from a shopping trip in London. Soloman Bygraves had followed the pensioner, now 93, into his block of flats in Soho, central London, and pushed him over as he lunged for his wallet.Pensioner Stanley Evans, 92, had returned from a shopping trip in LondonHe was bundled to the ground by Soloman Bygraves as he waited for a liftThe 29-year-old attacker - who was caught on CCTV - made off with just £5Mr Evans had given Bygraves £10 just a few months before the incidentBygraves has now admitted carrying out the 'callous and sickening assault' \n Questions:Mr _ said he is determined not to let the mugging scare him out of leaving his flat and enjoying Soho where he has lived and worked in for so many years. (A) Soloman Bygraves (B) Stanley Evans (C) Soho (D) London (E) CCTV (F) Bygraves" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A nursing home carer who viciously beat a Good Samaritan and left him in a pool of blood has been spared jail because it 'would cause distress and upset to her children'. Mother-of-two Claire Steeden, 32, and her friends turned on innocent Anthony Murray as he went to the aid of another man they were beating up after being ejected from a nightclub in Blackpool, Lancashire. During the assault, Steeden and another woman Mary Wharton, 35, chased 24-year old Mr Murray across a town centre, before bringing him to the ground. He was repeatedly punched and kicked then left unconscious in a pool of blood whilst they stole his £400 iPhone, another mobile phone and £150 in cash.Claire Steeden, 32, spared jail because of 'responsibility' to her 2 childrenShe admitted assaulting Anthony Murray, 32, outside Blackpool nightclubBurnley Crown Court heard she also stole his £400 iPhone and £150 cashSteeden given 18-month suspended sentence and 160 hours unpaid workShe has 12-year-old daughter and eight-year-old son at Blackpool home \n Questions:At _, Steeden who has a previous conviction for stealing £6,000 from her ex-fiancee to buy a scooter, admitted assault and theft. (A) Good Samaritan (B) Mother (C) Claire Steeden (D) Anthony Murray (E) Blackpool (F) Lancashire (G) Steeden (H) Mary Wharton (I) Murray (J) Burnley Crown Court" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Russia is considering bailing out Greece in exchange for the country’s ‘assets’, it was reported last night. Alexis Tsipras, Greece’s prime minister, will meet Vladimir Putin in Moscow today, amid reports that the Kremlin will offer controversial loans and discounts on supplies of natural gas in a bid to lessen its dependence on the West The visit will raise fears the radical left government is looking east in search of alternative sources of finance as it bids to avoid bankruptcy. Scroll down for video Alexis Tsipras, Greece’s prime minister, will meet Vladimir Putin (pictured earlier this week) in Moscow today, amid reports that the Kremlin will offer controversial loans and discounts on supplies of natural gasAlexis Tsipras, Greece’s prime minister, will meet Vladimir Putin in MoscowThe meeting comes amid reports Russia is considering bailing out GreeceReports Kremlin may offer loans and discounts on supplies of natural gas \n Questions:Yesterday a parliamentary committee established by Mr _ for the first time put an official number on the reparations claim. (A) Russia (B) Greece (C) Alexis Tsipras (D) Vladimir Putin (E) Moscow (F) Kremlin (G) West" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Moscow (CNN) -- President Dmitry Medvedev has signed an order dismissing longtime Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, the Kremlin reported Monday on its website. The state-run RIA-Novosti news agency said Kudrin had resigned amid a dispute with Medvedev. The announcement came shortly after Medvedev had given Kudrin until the end of the day to decide whether to quit. \"You need to make a decision quickly and tell me about it today,\" Medvedev told Kudrin during a session of the modernization commission in Dimitrovgrad. Medvedev urged that Kudrin to \"make up his mind about his political future,\" according to the non-governmental, Moscow-based Interfax news agency.Russian Finance Minister Kudrin steps down over differences with MedvedevMedvedev has already signed the order dismissing KurdinThe economist has been credited with helping Russia weather the global downturn \n Questions:Citing differences with _, particularly related to defense spending, Kudrin said that he would not remain in a government led by Medvedev, Interfax said. (A) Moscow (B) CNN (C) Dmitry Medvedev (D) Alexei Kudrin (E) Kremlin (F) RIA-Novosti (G) Kudrin (H) Dimitrovgrad (I) Interfax (J) Russian (K) Kurdin (L) Russia" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Russia is considering bailing out Greece in exchange for the country’s ‘assets’, it was reported last night. Alexis Tsipras, Greece’s prime minister, will meet Vladimir Putin in Moscow today, amid reports that the Kremlin will offer controversial loans and discounts on supplies of natural gas in a bid to lessen its dependence on the West The visit will raise fears the radical left government is looking east in search of alternative sources of finance as it bids to avoid bankruptcy. Scroll down for video Alexis Tsipras, Greece’s prime minister, will meet Vladimir Putin (pictured earlier this week) in Moscow today, amid reports that the Kremlin will offer controversial loans and discounts on supplies of natural gasAlexis Tsipras, Greece’s prime minister, will meet Vladimir Putin in MoscowThe meeting comes amid reports Russia is considering bailing out GreeceReports Kremlin may offer loans and discounts on supplies of natural gas \n Questions:But here we, in turn, are interested in reciprocal moves – in particular, in _ receiving particular assets in Greece.’ (A) Russia (B) Greece (C) Alexis Tsipras (D) Vladimir Putin (E) Moscow (F) Kremlin (G) West" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A series of chilling text messages that a suicidal father sent to his increasingly panicked ex-girlfriend in the final moments before he allegedly threw their baby son to his death off a bridge has emerged. As he stood on Connecticut's Arrigoni Bridge with his seven-month-old son Aaden on Sunday night, Tony Moreno, 22, exchanged dozens of texts with his former partner, 19-year-old Adrianne Oyola. In separate messages, he told her: 'Enjoy your new life without us', 'There is no more days [sic]' and 'You're not a parent anymore' - prompting Oyola to frantically ask about her son's whereabouts. Moreno then wrote: 'He's dead', followed by 'And soon I will be too.' Shortly after, the father apparently leaped from the 90ft bridge himself - having already hurled Aaden into the water below.Tony Moreno, 22, admits throwing his seven-month-old son, Aaden, off Connecticut's Arrigoni Bridge - before jumping himself, officials sayOn night of alleged murder, he sent chilling texts to his former girlfriendHe told Adrianne Oyola: 'Enjoy your new life without us' and 'He's dead'An increasingly panicked Oyola begged for information about their childAs Moreno fell silent, she text him: 'Please don't hurt Aaden... Please!!!'On Tuesday, Aaden was found dead in Connecticut River 15 miles awayMoreno was rescued from water and is now alert and stable in hospitalHe has been charged with murder and is being held on $2million bondOyola had obtained a restraining order against Moreno but it was overturned on June 29 \n Questions:He ruled that the pair needed to 'figure out' their relationship for Aaden's sake and 'grow up and deal with each other as adults' - but did not find that there was no imminent threat to Oyola or _. (A) Connecticut (B) Arrigoni Bridge (C) Aaden (D) Tony Moreno (E) Adrianne Oyola (F) Oyola (G) Moreno (H) Connecticut River" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A series of chilling text messages that a suicidal father sent to his increasingly panicked ex-girlfriend in the final moments before he allegedly threw their baby son to his death off a bridge has emerged. As he stood on Connecticut's Arrigoni Bridge with his seven-month-old son Aaden on Sunday night, Tony Moreno, 22, exchanged dozens of texts with his former partner, 19-year-old Adrianne Oyola. In separate messages, he told her: 'Enjoy your new life without us', 'There is no more days [sic]' and 'You're not a parent anymore' - prompting Oyola to frantically ask about her son's whereabouts. Moreno then wrote: 'He's dead', followed by 'And soon I will be too.' Shortly after, the father apparently leaped from the 90ft bridge himself - having already hurled Aaden into the water below.Tony Moreno, 22, admits throwing his seven-month-old son, Aaden, off Connecticut's Arrigoni Bridge - before jumping himself, officials sayOn night of alleged murder, he sent chilling texts to his former girlfriendHe told Adrianne Oyola: 'Enjoy your new life without us' and 'He's dead'An increasingly panicked Oyola begged for information about their childAs Moreno fell silent, she text him: 'Please don't hurt Aaden... Please!!!'On Tuesday, Aaden was found dead in Connecticut River 15 miles awayMoreno was rescued from water and is now alert and stable in hospitalHe has been charged with murder and is being held on $2million bondOyola had obtained a restraining order against Moreno but it was overturned on June 29 \n Questions:_ was nowhere to be seen, but his empty stroller was sat on the bridge. (A) Connecticut (B) Arrigoni Bridge (C) Aaden (D) Tony Moreno (E) Adrianne Oyola (F) Oyola (G) Moreno (H) Connecticut River" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A series of chilling text messages that a suicidal father sent to his increasingly panicked ex-girlfriend in the final moments before he allegedly threw their baby son to his death off a bridge has emerged. As he stood on Connecticut's Arrigoni Bridge with his seven-month-old son Aaden on Sunday night, Tony Moreno, 22, exchanged dozens of texts with his former partner, 19-year-old Adrianne Oyola. In separate messages, he told her: 'Enjoy your new life without us', 'There is no more days [sic]' and 'You're not a parent anymore' - prompting Oyola to frantically ask about her son's whereabouts. Moreno then wrote: 'He's dead', followed by 'And soon I will be too.' Shortly after, the father apparently leaped from the 90ft bridge himself - having already hurled Aaden into the water below.Tony Moreno, 22, admits throwing his seven-month-old son, Aaden, off Connecticut's Arrigoni Bridge - before jumping himself, officials sayOn night of alleged murder, he sent chilling texts to his former girlfriendHe told Adrianne Oyola: 'Enjoy your new life without us' and 'He's dead'An increasingly panicked Oyola begged for information about their childAs Moreno fell silent, she text him: 'Please don't hurt Aaden... Please!!!'On Tuesday, Aaden was found dead in Connecticut River 15 miles awayMoreno was rescued from water and is now alert and stable in hospitalHe has been charged with murder and is being held on $2million bondOyola had obtained a restraining order against Moreno but it was overturned on June 29 \n Questions:He ruled that the pair needed to 'figure out' their relationship for Aaden's sake and 'grow up and deal with each other as adults' - but did not find that there was no imminent threat to _ or Aaden. (A) Connecticut (B) Arrigoni Bridge (C) Aaden (D) Tony Moreno (E) Adrianne Oyola (F) Moreno (G) Connecticut River" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- CNN anchor Anderson Cooper played the groom in a surreal wedding scene send-off for Bill Hader's Stefon character on the season finale of \"Saturday Night Live.\" Hader announced last week that he was leaving SNL after eight seasons to move to California and get more sleep, which meant his memorable characters were also saying goodbye. Stefon -- Weekend Update's New York City correspondent -- gave one last report Saturday night, rushing off the set after telling anchor Seth Meyers, \"You never respect me.\" \"I didn't want to do this here, but I've met someone else, and he's a lot like you, except he likes me for me, and we are getting married,\" Stefon said. \"Bye, Seth Meyers.\"Bill Hader makes his final appearance after 8 seasons on \"Saturday Night Live\"Hader's character Stefon is the NYC correspondent for \"Weekend Update\"Seth Meyers interrupts the Stefon-Cooper wedding in \"Graduate\" parody\"Get ready for Anderson Cooper -- 360!\" Cooper says before Meyers knocks him out \n Questions:Meyers and Stefon then reappeared live on the \"Weekend Update\" set as _ cast members tossed rice on them. (A) CNN (B) Anderson Cooper (C) Bill Hader (D) Stefon (E) Saturday Night Live (F) Hader (G) California (H) Weekend Update (I) New York City (J) Seth Meyers (K) NYC (L) Stefon-Cooper (M) Cooper (N) Meyers" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Given a cast of Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill, and the guiding hand of director and writer Judd Apatow (\"Knocked Up\" and \"The 40-Year-Old Virgin\"), perhaps there is no more appropriate title than simply \"Funny People.\" Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen and Judd Apatow get together at the \"Funny People\" premiere in Hollywood. Which is saying something, since \"Funny People\" frequently treads into the darker realms of comedy. Sandler leads the cast as George Simmons, an A-list Hollywood comedian whose fame and fortune has brought him a beautiful mansion on the beach, lots of luck with the ladies and, as the audience soon discovers, a life of loneliness.Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen star in Judd Apatow's \"Funny People\"Film presents \"realistic representation\" of comedians' lives, Rogen saysSandler plays lonely movie star; he says he's not much like character in real life \n Questions:_, who says he wouldn't be in comedy if he never saw Sandler's movies while he was growing up, says \"Funny People\" paints an accurate picture of the ups and downs of comedians who are just starting out. (A) LOS ANGELES (B) California (C) CNN (D) Adam Sandler (E) Seth Rogen (F) Jonah Hill (G) Judd Apatow (H) Funny People (I) Hollywood (J) Sandler (K) George Simmons" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) \"Saturday Night Live\" returned after a three-week hiatus and delivered a stinging and bold comedic takedown of both Bill O'Reilly and President Donald Trump's alleged history of sexual misconduct with women. Although \"SNL\" was unfair in one way -- it lumped Trump and O'Reilly's history of sexism together -- when in reality Trump's is far worse. The show opened the show with Alec Baldwin as Trump at a town hall meeting in Kentucky. The sketch comically summed up why Trump supporters still like him even though some of Trump's proposed policies would personally hurt them: \"It's like you found a finger in your chili, but you still eat the chili, because you told everyone how much you love chili.\"\"SNL\" returned this week, with Alec Baldwin playing both Donald Trump and Bill O'ReillyDean Obeidallah: It succeeded in producing provocative political comedy sketches \n Questions:\"_\" deserves to win several awards for its recent performances. (A) CNN (B) Saturday Night Live (C) Bill O'Reilly (D) Donald Trump (E) Trump (F) O'Reilly (G) Alec Baldwin (H) Kentucky (I) Dean Obeidallah" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Greece will not make a crucial loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund today – plunging the country deeper into crisis. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told the IMF last night that the £220million his country owes will not be paid until the end of the month. The delay, which pushes Greece closer to default and possible expulsion from the eurozone, came after talks in Brussels between Athens and its creditors broke down without a deal. Greece is close to running out of money and must reach an agreement with the IMF, European Central Bank and European Commission to secure another £5.2billion injection of bailout funds to stave off bankruptcy.Greece won't make crucial loan repayment to International Monetary FundPrime Minister said £220million won't be paid until the end of the monthDelay came after Athens' talks with creditors broke down without a deal \n Questions:Mr Tsipras has come under intense pressure from his anti-austerity party to withhold payment to the _ in an attempt to get a better deal. (A) Greece (B) International Monetary Fund (C) Alexis Tsipras (D) Brussels (E) Athens (F) European Central Bank (G) European Commission (H) Delay" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Greece will not make a crucial loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund today – plunging the country deeper into crisis. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told the IMF last night that the £220million his country owes will not be paid until the end of the month. The delay, which pushes Greece closer to default and possible expulsion from the eurozone, came after talks in Brussels between Athens and its creditors broke down without a deal. Greece is close to running out of money and must reach an agreement with the IMF, European Central Bank and European Commission to secure another £5.2billion injection of bailout funds to stave off bankruptcy.Greece won't make crucial loan repayment to International Monetary FundPrime Minister said £220million won't be paid until the end of the monthDelay came after Athens' talks with creditors broke down without a deal \n Questions:The move is allowed under _ rules but is rarely used. (A) Greece (B) International Monetary Fund (C) Alexis Tsipras (D) Brussels (E) Athens (F) European Central Bank (G) European Commission (H) Delay" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Greece has missed the deadline for its €1.6bn debt repayment to the International Monetary Fund, becoming the first developed country to fall into arrears on such payments. Eurozone finance ministers rejected the Greek government's new third bailout proposal just hours before it was set to default on its loans from the IMF. The last ditch attempt by the cash-strapped country to save itself advocated sidestepping the IMF altogether, and instead taking out a two-year bail-out extension using funds from the European Stability Mechanism. The potential deal would have made Germany Greece's biggest creditor as it contributes 27 per cent of the ESM - giving it a 'blocking majority' over any package.Has asked for a two-year rescue deal just hours before it is due to defaultGreece looking to sidestep the IMF and use the European Stability Mechanism insteadAlexis Tsipras previously urged Greeks to reject creditors' tough reformsFinance Minister said earlier today they would not pay by deadline19 finance ministers of the currency zone to discuss proposals tonight \n Questions:The _ is a permanent crisis resolution mechanism for countries of the euro area. (A) Greece (B) International Monetary Fund (C) Eurozone (D) Greek (E) IMF (F) European Stability Mechanism (G) Germany Greece (H) ESM (I) Alexis Tsipras (J) Greeks" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "She has become one of the most recognisable faces on Premier League benches, the woman doctor who Chelsea have relied upon to treat their injured players. But in the space of only four days, Eva Carneiro's relationship with Jose Mourinho has deteriorated so badly that we may not see her again. On Saturday, Carneiro and her colleague Jon Fearn angered the Chelsea manager by rushing on to the pitch to tend to Eden Hazard near the end of the 2-2 draw with Swansea. Eva Carneiro was born in Gibraltar to a Spanish father and English mother. She studied in Australia, did an MSc in London and a thesis at West Ham.Eva Carneiro will not be in dugout for Chelsea's next game with Man CityShe will remain as first-team doctor but will no longer attend gamesJose Mourinho vented anger at Chelsea medical team after Swansea clashThe medics ran to Eden Hazard's attention during closing stagesDecision meant Chelsea were temporarily down to just nine playersMourinho claims he knew Hazard didn't need treatment as he was just tired \n Questions:_ was hurt by that and Chelsea fans rushed to send her messages of support. (A) Premier League (B) Chelsea (C) Eva Carneiro (D) Jose Mourinho (E) Jon Fearn (F) Eden Hazard (G) Swansea (H) Gibraltar (I) Spanish (J) English (K) Australia (L) MSc (M) London (N) West Ham (O) Man City (P) Decision (Q) Mourinho (R) Hazard" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "She has become one of the most recognisable faces on Premier League benches, the woman doctor who Chelsea have relied upon to treat their injured players. But in the space of only four days, Eva Carneiro's relationship with Jose Mourinho has deteriorated so badly that we may not see her again. On Saturday, Carneiro and her colleague Jon Fearn angered the Chelsea manager by rushing on to the pitch to tend to Eden Hazard near the end of the 2-2 draw with Swansea. Eva Carneiro was born in Gibraltar to a Spanish father and English mother. She studied in Australia, did an MSc in London and a thesis at West Ham.Eva Carneiro will not be in dugout for Chelsea's next game with Man CityShe will remain as first-team doctor but will no longer attend gamesJose Mourinho vented anger at Chelsea medical team after Swansea clashThe medics ran to Eden Hazard's attention during closing stagesDecision meant Chelsea were temporarily down to just nine playersMourinho claims he knew Hazard didn't need treatment as he was just tired \n Questions:A Chelsea spokesman would not comment on _’s role or future on Tuesday night. (A) Premier League (B) Chelsea (C) Eva Carneiro (D) Jose Mourinho (E) Jon Fearn (F) Eden Hazard (G) Swansea (H) Gibraltar (I) Spanish (J) English (K) Australia (L) MSc (M) London (N) West Ham (O) Man City (P) Decision (Q) Mourinho (R) Hazard" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The Premier League Doctors' Group have described Jose Mourinho's decision to alter the role of Eva Carneiro as 'unjust to the extreme' and accused the Chelsea boss of placing the importance of results above player welfare. Chelsea club doctor Carneiro riled Mourinho by running on the pitch alongside first-team physiotherapist Jon Fearn when Eden Hazard went down injured late on in the 2-2 draw against Swansea. The Belgian had to leave the field of play after receiving treatment and with Chelsea already down to 10 men due to Thibaut Courtois seeing red, they temporarily had eight outfield players on the pitch.Eva Carneiro will not be in dugout for Chelsea's next game with Man CityShe will remain as first-team doctor but will no longer attend gamesJose Mourinho vented anger at Chelsea medical team after Swansea clashThe medics ran to Eden Hazard's attention during closing stagesThe Premier League Doctors' Group have defended Carneiro \n Questions:'It is also of great concern that at a time when the both the Premier League and the _ group are intensifying efforts to safeguard player welfare, the precedent set by this incident demonstrates that the medical care of players appears to be secondary to the result of the game.' (A) Premier League Doctors' Group (B) Jose Mourinho (C) Eva Carneiro (D) Chelsea (E) Carneiro (F) Mourinho (G) Jon Fearn (H) Eden Hazard (I) Swansea (J) Belgian (K) Thibaut Courtois (L) Man City" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Salford gained revenge for their shock Challenge Cup defeat at Leigh in April to make it two wins out of two in the Super League qualifiers with a 46-18 win on Sunday. Two-try Rangi Chase was in inspired form for Salford who ran in four converted tries in the last 20 minutes against a tiring defence. The Red Devils led 16-0 at half time with touchdowns from Ben Jones-Bishop, Scott Taylor and Ian Thornley with Michael Dobson kicking two goals. A Chase solo try increased the advantage to 22-0 before Leigh rocked Salford with two touchdowns in three minutes through Adam Higson and Greg McNally.Salford led 16-0 at half time thanks to tries from Ben Jones-Bishop, Scott Taylor and Ian ThornleyA superb Rangi Chase solo try increased the advantage to 22-0Leigh have now lost both opening matches against Hull KR and Salford \n Questions:Then _ made amends by leaving four defenders stranded on a bewildering run to notch his second try after 63 minutes and put the game beyond reach for the Centurions at 34-12. (A) Salford (B) Challenge Cup (C) Leigh (D) Super League (E) Rangi Chase (F) Red Devils (G) Ben Jones (H) Bishop (I) Scott Taylor (J) Ian Thornley (K) Michael Dobson (L) Adam Higson (M) Greg McNally (N) Hull KR" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "It seems that scoring stunning volleys in Tyne-Wear derbies is not the limit of Sunderland striker Jermain Defoe's limits as he shows off his impressive keepy up skills with a tennis ball. Fresh from his heroics on Sunday when he struck a brilliant volley to earn his side victory against Newcastle at the Stadium of Light, Defoe was the first player to take part in Sunderland's keepy up challenge. The former Tottenham forward set an impressive score of 76 for his team-mates to beat before taking the second part of the challenge - keepy ups with a Creme Egg. Tyne-Wear derby hero Jermain Defoe takes on the Sunderland keepy up challengeJermain Defoe was the first Sunderland player to take part in the challengeFormer Tottenham and West Ham striker scored an impressive 76Defoe then performed keepy ups with a Creme Egg and scored nine \n Questions:Defoe was overcome with emotion in the wake of his brilliant blast, and admits the joy it brought to a sold-out _ was too much to take in. (A) Tyne-Wear (B) Sunderland (C) Jermain Defoe (D) Newcastle (E) Stadium of Light (F) Defoe (G) Tottenham (H) Creme Egg (I) Tyne-Wear derby (J) West Ham" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Daryl Murphy and Freddie Sears continued Ipswich's rich vein of goal-scoring form as they ended Charlton's mini-revival with a 3-0 victory at The Valley. The duo both scored in the first half and Murphy grabbed another in the second, as Town banged in their 12th goal in four matches to edge nearer the Sky Bet Championship play-off places. Both teams had been in good form of late after being in something of a slump. Ipswich: Gerken, Chambers, Smith, Berra, Knudsen, Maitland-Niles (Coke 84), Skuse, Douglas, Pitman, Murphy, Sears (Oar 90) Charlton were looking for a third win in a row after going 12 games without victory, while Ipswich have also improved over the past three matches, hitting nine goals after managing just one in five games previously.Daryl Murphy heads Ipswich ahead to round off a scrappy moveFreddie Sears doubles the visitors advantage with deflected strikeMurphy added a third midway through second half to seal victoryCharlton were looking for third win in a row, but lost captain Johnnie Jackson to injury after just 13 minutes \n Questions:_ headed home as he took advantage of some dire defending to finish from close range. (A) Daryl Murphy (B) Freddie Sears (C) Ipswich (D) Charlton (E) The Valley (F) Town (G) Sky Bet Championship (H) Gerken (I) Chambers (J) Smith (K) Berra (L) Knudsen (M) Maitland (N) Niles (O) Coke (P) Skuse (Q) Douglas (R) Pitman (S) Sears (T) Oar (U) Johnnie Jackson" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Moscow (CNN)Crowds of people, some with tears in their eyes, flocked Saturday to the spot on a bridge in the shadow of the Kremlin where prominent opposition figure Boris Nemtsov was shot dead hours earlier, in what appeared to be a targeted killing. The fatal shooting of the former Russian deputy prime minister sparked outrage among fellow opposition figures, and many questions over who could be behind it. Nemtsov, who served in the late 1990s under President Boris Yeltsin, was one of President Vladimir Putin's most vocal critics. An ever-growing mound of flowers left by mourners marked the place where he fell late Friday night. The mood in the Russian capital is one of shock, among Putin supporters as well as those who back the opposition, one man told CNN.Nemtsov was accompanied by a friend when shots were fired from carCrowds flock to lay flowers at the spot on the bridge where Boris Nemtsov was shot deadInvestigative Committee says killing of Nemtsov was \"carefully planned\" \n Questions:\"I hope a real investigation will tell us who committed this heinous crime,\" he tweeted, pointing out that it happened only 100 meters from the heavily guarded _. (A) Moscow (B) CNN (C) Kremlin (D) Boris Nemtsov (E) Russian (F) Nemtsov (G) Boris Yeltsin (H) Vladimir Putin (I) Putin (J) Investigative Committee" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Nine high-profile Russians, including several high-profile diplomats, have died over the nine months since the US presidential election on November 8. Among the recent deaths were six Russian diplomats. Some of the deaths appeared natural and governments have ruled out foul play. In some cases, though, questions remain. That's either because the facts have changed over time, details are hard to come by, or the deaths are still under investigation. Self-proclaimed online sleuths and conspiracy theorists have filled the information void with speculation that the deaths were somehow related to Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election. No evidence has surfaced to make such a connection.Nine Russians -- all in key positions -- have wound up dead in recent monthsAt least one appears to be an assassination \n Questions:_ news outlets reported that he was 61 years old. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Russians (D) US (E) Self" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "London (CNN) Russian President Vladimir Putin probably approved the operation by Russian agents to kill former FSB spy Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, a detailed UK inquiry has concluded. Retired High Court Judge Robert Owen, who conducted the inquiry, wrote that he was \"sure\" that two former Russian agents poisoned the 44-year-old at a London hotel with highly radioactive polonium-210. And Owen wrote that he was also sure that the two men who allegedly poisoned Litvinenko -- former KGB and FSB employee Andrei Lugovoi and former Russian army officer Dmitri Kovtun -- were acting on behalf of others, probably the Russian spy service, the FSB.\"Putin himself personally protected (poisoning suspect) Lugovoi,\" Litvinenko's widow tells CNNRussia's Foreign Ministry calls the inquiry politically motivated; Russia's ambassador goes to the UK Foreign OfficeRussian President Vladimir Putin \"probably approved\" operation by Russian agents to kill Litvinenko, UK inquiry concludes \n Questions:\"He made clear that the inquiry's conclusion concerning the Russian State's probable involvement in this murder was deeply disturbing, demonstrating a flagrant disregard for _ law, international law and standards of conduct, and the safety of UK citizens. (A) London (B) CNN (C) Russian (D) Vladimir Putin (E) FSB (F) Alexander Litvinenko (G) UK (H) High Court (I) Robert Owen (J) Owen (K) Litvinenko (L) KGB (M) Andrei Lugovoi (N) Dmitri Kovtun (O) Putin (P) Lugovoi (Q) Russia (R) Foreign Ministry" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "There's nothing quite like receiving a handwritten thank you note. In this digital age, taking the time to hand-write a letter, seal it in an envelope, buy a stamp and then take a trip to the postbox expresses so much more gratitude than sending an email or text ever could. This is something top businessmen, politicians and celebrities know well. FEMAIL examines the notes guaranteed to inspire you to pick up paper and pen... Harry Potter actress Emma Watson took time in between filming to thank fellow actor Steve Carell for supporting her cause #HeForShe, which fights for gender equality.Emma Watson wrote to fellow actor Steve Carell for supporting #HeForShe9-year-old Honor Smith wrote to Richard Branson about her dyslexiaBeyonce thanked Michelle Obama for being a role model to her daughter \n Questions:The touching note is bound to have made _ smile. (A) FEMAIL (B) Harry Potter (C) Emma Watson (D) Steve Carell (E) HeForShe (F) Honor Smith (G) Richard Branson (H) Beyonce (I) Michelle Obama" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A woman who discovered a banknote with a romantic message written on one side managed to reunite the former lovers after posting a photograph on Facebook. Denise O'Reilly, from County Meath, Ireland, opened her purse and spotted the love note scrawled on a 20 euro note. The message, which has now been shared more than 16,000 times, read: 'Christy, it's always been you! Come and find me - Megan x.' Denise posted the image with the caption: 'Found this in my purse this morning. Christy she loves you. Go and get your girl.' The post was liked by 6,055 people and has been shared by 16,055 users to try and track down the former lovers.Denise O'Reilly, from County Meath, found the banknote in her purseImage was shared 16,000 times on Facebook and reached Christy LeechRevealed he's back in touch with former lover Megan, who penned the note \n Questions:Many Facebook users also tagged friends with the same names in case it was them, with _ eventually making himself known. (A) Denise O'Reilly (B) County Meath (C) Ireland (D) Christy (E) Megan (F) Denise (G) Image (H) Facebook (I) Revealed" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A sorority housekeeper at the University of Southern California was left screaming with joy after her 'girls' gifted her $21,000 to buy herself the brand new car she was saving up for. Fannie Randle, who has worked at the USC sorority Gamma Phi Beta for 24 years, was driving to work every day in an old car that was held together with duct tape - inspiring USC senior and former Gamma Phi Beta president Alicia Jewell to show her gratitude for the housekeeper with one last gift before graduation in May. 'Her car, currently, it just shouldn't have to be like that,' Miss Jewell told ATVN. 'So I was just like, \"You know what, she has so many alumni and so many girls that love her so let's just get her a car.\"'The University of Southern California students wanted to help housekeeper Fannie Randle purchase a new carUSC senior and former Gamma Phi Beta president Alicia Jewell called on her sorority sisters and alumni to raise the necessary fundsMs Randle has been driving around in an old duct-taped car \n Questions:'They mean everything to me,' Ms _ told the news station. (A) University of Southern California (B) Fannie Randle (C) USC (D) Gamma Phi Beta (E) Alicia Jewell (F) Jewell (G) ATVN" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Imran Awan, who has worked for several House Democrats, including Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was arrested Monday and charged with bank fraud as he tried to leave the country, legal documents show. FBI spokeswoman Lindsay Ram said FBI and US Capitol Police arrested Awan at Washington's Dulles International Airport as he attempted to travel to Pakistan. The complaint and affidavit against Awan accused him and his wife, Hina Alvi, of attempting to commit bank fraud by misrepresenting themselves on a loan for a rental property they had and then wiring the proceeds to two unnamed persons in Pakistan.Awan was arrested at Washington's Dulles International Airport as he attempted to travel to PakistanAwan was arraigned in US District Court on Tuesday and charged with one count of bank fraud \n Questions:Gowen said most offices ended their relationship with Awan, but that _'s office continued to keep him on the payroll until the day of the arrest. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Imran Awan (D) House (E) Democrats (F) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (G) FBI (H) Lindsay Ram (I) US Capitol Police (J) Awan (K) Dulles International Airport (L) Pakistan (M) Hina Alvi (N) US District Court" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Arrested: Doug Hughes was put under arrest for his gyro-copter stunt and charged with operating an unregistered aircraft and violating national airspace The postal carrier who flew a gyrocopter onto the lawn of the U.S. Capitol is facing two criminal charges. But he's being released from federal custody to return to Florida. Doug Hughes made his initial appearance in U.S. District Court in Washington on Thursday. That's one day after he steered his tiny aircraft onto the Capitol's West Lawn after flying through restricted airspace around the National Mall. He was charged with operating an unregistered aircraft and violating national airspace.Doug Hughes appeared in U.S. District Court in Washington on Thursday, one day after he steered his tiny aircraft onto the Capitol's West LawnHe was charged with operating an unregistered aircraft and violating national airspace before being released on his own recognizanceHe was sent back to his Tampa home, where he must check in weekly with authorities starting next week \n Questions:Corruption in _ has robbed the US citizens of the representative government that is our birthright. (A) Doug Hughes (B) U.S. (C) Capitol (D) Florida (E) U.S. District Court (F) Washington (G) West Lawn (H) National Mall (I) Tampa" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) A State Department employee with top secret security clearance has been charged with lying to the FBI about her failure to report thousands of dollars' worth of gifts she allegedly received from two Chinese intelligence agents, federal prosecutors said Wednesday. Candace Claiborne allegedly accepted cash, an iPhone, a laptop, meals, vacations and a fully furnished apartment over the course of several years in exchange for information, according to the complaint. The 60-year-old has worked for the State Department in several countries since 1999, most recently serving in an administrative support role as an office management specialist in Washington. Claiborne was arrested on Tuesday and charged on Wednesday with obstructing an official proceeding and making false statements to the FBI.Candace Claiborne allegedly failed to report thousands of dollars in gifts and other benefitsShe has pled not guilty to all charges \n Questions:When confronted by the FBI and _, prosecutors said Claiborne purposefully misled investigators and directed her co-conspirators to delete evidence detailing their interactions. (A) State Department (B) FBI (C) Chinese (D) Candace Claiborne (E) Washington (F) Claiborne" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The wife of one of the San Bernardino victims believes shooter Syed Farook targeted her husband because he was a Jew. Jennifer Thalasinos said her husband Nicholas had discussed religion and Israel with his co-worker Farook, as well as whether Islam is a peaceful religion. It has previously been reported that Mr Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew who wore tzitzits and the Star of David, harbored strong views against radical Islam and was a staunch supporter of the right to bear arms. 'Because of my husband being a Messianic Jew and because of the discussions, I think the shooter was intending on getting my husband,' Mrs Thalasinos told Fox News.Jennifer Thalasinos believes Syed Farook targeted her husband NicholasHe had discussed Israel and religion with his co-worker Farook, she saidMr Thalasinos and Farook may have argued on Facebook before attack \n Questions:'_ is going to be going through more than we'll ever be able to understand and we hope this will help ease her life just a little.' (A) San Bernardino (B) Syed Farook (C) Jew (D) Jennifer Thalasinos (E) Nicholas (F) Israel (G) Farook (H) Islam (I) Thalasinos (J) Messianic Jew (K) Star of David (L) Fox News" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Riverside, California (CNN) Enrique Marquez, a friend of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook, pleaded not guilty Wednesday in federal court to charges of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists, two counts of making false statements when buying two rifles, one count of marriage fraud and one count of making a false statement on immigration paperwork. U.S. District Judge Sheri Pym set his trial for February 23. It's expected to last 12 to 14 days, according to the prosecutor. A status conference and motion hearing will be held February 8. Marquez is suspected of buying rifles used by Farook and Farook's wife, Tashfeen Malik, in the December 2 mass shooting that left 14 people dead in San Bernardino. The married couple were killed in a shootout with police a few hours later.Enrique Marquez pleads not guilty to all charges in federal courtU.S. District Judge Sheri Pym sets his trial for February 23Marquez is accused of buying guns used by the San Bernardino shooters \n Questions:With his hands and feet shackled, _, 24, wore a white jail jumpsuit in court Wednesday. (A) Riverside (B) California (C) CNN (D) Enrique Marquez (E) San Bernardino (F) Syed Rizwan Farook (G) U.S. (H) Sheri Pym (I) Farook (J) Tashfeen Malik" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Marilou Danley said that she was worried her boyfriend, Stephen Paddock, was trying to break up with her when he bought her a cheap ticket to the Philippines about two weeks ago, then wired her money so she could buy her and her family a house there. But Danley, in a statement read by her attorney, said she didn't know Paddock had planned to carry out a mass shooting. In her first public remarks since Paddock killed 58 people and wounded close to 500 others in Las Vegas on Sunday night, Danley said Paddock -- a man she described as \"kind\" -- never gave her any clues or any warning \"that something horrible like this was going to happen.\"Gunman came to Las Vegas during Life is Beautiful festivalThe shooter's girlfriend is back in the US and being questioned \n Questions:Danley's statement sheds little light on what led the 64-year-old retired accountant to fire from his 32nd-floor hotel room window into a crowd of 22,000 concertgoers in the heart of _. (A) CNN (B) Marilou Danley (C) Stephen Paddock (D) Philippines (E) Danley (F) Paddock (G) Las Vegas (H) US" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Tony Mowbray will be named as the new manager of Coventry on Tuesday. Mowbray has been out of work since leaving Middlesbrough in 2013 but has agreed to return to the dugout with the League One strugglers. Steven Pressley was sacked by the Sky Blues last week after a run of seven games without a win. Former Middlesbrough manager Tony Mowbray will take over as the new boss of struggling Coventry Neil MacFarlane and Dave Hockaday took charge of Saturday’s win over MK Dons and look set to remain in charge for Tuesday’s game at Barnsley but Mowbray could be in the stands at Oakwell.Tony Mowbray will take over as manager of League One Coventry CityHe will replace Steven Pressley who was sacked last monthMowbray has been out of work since 2013 when he left MiddlesbroughHe also had spells in charge of Hibs, West Brom and Celtic \n Questions:_ are just above the relegation zone after their poor run of form and will look to Mowbray to turn things around quickly. (A) Tony Mowbray (B) Coventry (C) Mowbray (D) Middlesbrough (E) League One (F) Steven Pressley (G) Neil MacFarlane (H) Dave Hockaday (I) MK Dons (J) Barnsley (K) Oakwell (L) Hibs (M) West Brom (N) Celtic" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Charlton Athletic have moved swiftly to replace Guy Luzon in the managerial hotseat at the Valley, with Karel Fraeye appointed interim head coach after the Israeli's sacking at the weekend. The 37-year-old Belgian was assistant to former manager Jose Riga towards the end of the 2013-14 campaign when the south-east London club narrowly avoided relegation to League One. Fraeye will be joined in the dugout by his compatriot Wim De Corte on a temporary basis, with the remainder of Luzon's backroom staff - including assistant head coach Damian Matthew and first-team coach David Martane - confirmed to have left the club on Monday.Karel Fraeye takes temporary charge at Charlton after Guy Luzon sackingThe process to appoint a head coach on a permanent basis is underwayLuzon paid the price of losing seven out of nine Championship gamesFormer assistant Damian Matthew and David Martane have also departedFraeye worked previously at Charlton as Jose Riga's assistant manager \n Questions:_ subsequently parted company with the Addicks, leaving Fraeye with the task of lifting the side from their current position in 22nd and in need of a boost after Luzon won just 12 of his 36 matches since taking charge in January of this year. (A) Charlton Athletic (B) Guy Luzon (C) Valley (D) Karel Fraeye (E) Israeli (F) Belgian (G) Jose Riga (H) London (I) League One (J) Fraeye (K) Wim De Corte (L) Damian Matthew (M) David Martane (N) Charlton (O) Championship" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "When Dave King touches down in Glasgow this week, the Rangers chairman will be met by an overflowing inbox and an increasingly frantic fanbase. Nerves amongst supporters have been stoked by the apparent lack of action at Ibrox since the club’s embarrassing 6-1 aggregate play-off final defeat to Motherwell brought confirmation of another season in Scotland’s second tier. Even if plans to appoint a manager this week have been taking place behind the scenes, Rangers are also still without a full squad, a director of football, and a scouting network, to name but a few areas of urgent concern. By contrast, preparations for the new season at the home of likely title rivals Hibs have been swift and decisive. Already Alan Stubbs has snapped up striker James Keatings from Hearts to augment the Championship’s two highest-scoring strikers last season, Jason Cummings and Dominique Malonga.Rangers have to act quickly to secure promotion says Kevin KyleClub were embarassed by Motherwell in last month's play-offsAnd former Scotland striker says they must follow Hearts' exampleRivals for promotion Hibs have backed manager Alan Stubbs early \n Questions:‘Rangers could be doing with getting all their business done very quickly, like _ did last year,’ former Scotland international Kyle told Sportsmail on Sunday night. (A) Dave King (B) Glasgow (C) Rangers (D) Ibrox (E) Motherwell (F) Scotland (G) Hibs (H) Alan Stubbs (I) James Keatings (J) Hearts (K) Championship (L) Jason Cummings (M) Dominique Malonga (N) Kevin Kyle (O) Rivals" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Moscow (CNN) President Vladimir Putin has hit back at new American sanctions by ordering the US to cut staff at its diplomatic mission by 755, in Moscow's most aggressive move against Washington since the final years of the Cold War. Putin confirmed the move Sunday after the Foreign Ministry on Friday demanded the US cut staff numbers and announced a rash of other measures against Washington's missions. The measures came after the US Congress passed a bill last week imposing fresh sanctions over Russia's meddling in the US' 2016 election. President Donald Trump has indicated he will sign the sanctions bill into law.Putin says 755 staff will be cut from US missionsThe move follows a US Congress decision to impose fresh Russian sanctions \n Questions:The response represents a sharp downturn in US-Russia relations after signs that _ wanted to develop a new partnership with Moscow. (A) Moscow (B) CNN (C) Vladimir Putin (D) American (E) US (F) Washington (G) Cold War (H) Putin (I) Foreign Ministry (J) Congress (K) Russia (L) Donald Trump (M) Russian" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) President Donald Trump said Thursday that he feared his firing of FBI Director James Comey could confuse Americans, but went ahead with the plan anyway. \"When I did this now I said, I probably, maybe will confuse people,\" Trump told NBC News. But he said he did it anyway \"to do the right thing for the American people.\" Trump said he wanted the FBI's investigation into Russia's election meddling to be \"absolutely done properly.\" He said Comey's firing might \"lengthen out the investigation.\" Earlier Thursday, White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the Comey firing may hasten the agency's investigation into Russian meddling.Trump fired Comey TuesdayThe FBI is investigating possible Trump campaign connections to Russia's election hacking \n Questions:Earlier in her briefing Thursday, _ claimed that Comey's firing had not altered the Russia investigation at all. (A) CNN (B) Donald Trump (C) FBI (D) James Comey (E) Americans (F) Trump (G) NBC News (H) American (I) Russia (J) Comey (K) White House (L) Sarah Huckabee Sanders (M) Russian" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Moscow (CNN) President Vladimir Putin has hit back at new American sanctions by ordering the US to cut staff at its diplomatic mission by 755, in Moscow's most aggressive move against Washington since the final years of the Cold War. Putin confirmed the move Sunday after the Foreign Ministry on Friday demanded the US cut staff numbers and announced a rash of other measures against Washington's missions. The measures came after the US Congress passed a bill last week imposing fresh sanctions over Russia's meddling in the US' 2016 election. President Donald Trump has indicated he will sign the sanctions bill into law.Putin says 755 staff will be cut from US missionsThe move follows a US Congress decision to impose fresh Russian sanctions \n Questions:The response represents a sharp downturn in _-Russia relations after signs that Trump wanted to develop a new partnership with Moscow. (A) Moscow (B) CNN (C) Vladimir Putin (D) American (E) US (F) Washington (G) Cold War (H) Putin (I) Foreign Ministry (J) Congress (K) Russia (L) Donald Trump (M) Russian" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Scottish Football Association chief executive Stewart Regan is relaxed about Gordon Strachan's contract situation. Regan and Strachan plan to discuss the Scotland manager's future after the end of the Euro 2016 qualifying campaign later this year. Strachan is not contracted to Scotland for the World Cup qualifying campaign against England, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania and Malta. That could alert clubs impressed with the way the former Celtic boss has progressed Scotland and put them in a position to challenge Poland and Germany for an automatic slot for France. However, Regan said: 'Gordon has made it very clear that he loves his job. It suits him, it suits his lifestyle.SFA chief executive Stuart Regan relaxed about Gordon StrachanPair will discuss Scotland manager's future after Euro 2016 campaignStrachan is not contracted to Scotland for their World Cup qualifiers \n Questions:That contract is all about taking _ to a major final. (A) Scottish Football Association (B) Stewart Regan (C) Gordon Strachan (D) Regan (E) Strachan (F) Scotland (G) Euro 2016 (H) World Cup (I) England (J) Slovakia (K) Slovenia (L) Lithuania (M) Malta (N) Celtic (O) Poland (P) Germany (Q) France (R) Gordon (S) SFA (T) Stuart Regan (U) Pair" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "It is the game which, ultimately, could define the success or otherwise of Martin O’Neill and Roy Keane’s expensive Republic of Ireland tenure. Installed amid much fanfare 18 months ago, £1million-per-year O’Neill and his assistant Keane – with a £600,000 salary - were given a remit of qualification for Euro 2016, a task made easier by the expansion to a 24-team format. Defeat against Poland at the Aviva Stadium on Sunday, however, would all but render redundant any hope of automatic progression to next summer’s finals in France. It would be they and Scotland left to do battle for the play-off berth.Ireland play Poland in a Euro 2016 qualifier at the Aviva Stadium on SundayMartin O'Neill's side are three points behind group leaders PolandThe Ireland manager has been criticised for failing to make an impactO'Neill acknowledges significance of the game in relation to qualification \n Questions:O’Neill, whose fourth-placed side trail _ by three points, added: ‘We can change all of that (negative talk) with one result and one fantastic performance. (A) Martin O’Neill (B) Roy Keane (C) Republic of Ireland (D) O’Neill (E) Euro 2016 (F) Poland (G) Aviva Stadium (H) France (I) Scotland (J) Ireland (K) Martin O'Neill (L) O'Neill" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Roy Hodgson accepts that he will be axed if England flop at next summer’s European Championship following clear-the-air talks with the FA’s new chief executive Martin Glenn. Glenn revealed last month that discussions over Hodgson’s new contract had been put back until after the tournament in France. This alarmed the England boss who feared the speculation could be a distraction for his team. The two men met over drinks to resolve the issue and it is understood that relations between them are good. Hodgson will accept his fate if England fail to meet expectations at Euro 2016, having overseen a disappointing World Cup campaign last summer.Roy Hodgson will accept his fate if England fail at Euro 2016 in FranceThe England manager held a meeting with FA chief executive Martin GlennHodgson's contract discussions have been put back until after Euro 2016 \n Questions:_ is a really good manager and if we have a bad Euros — and I don’t think that will happen — he would not expect to be kept on. (A) Roy Hodgson (B) England (C) European Championship (D) FA (E) Martin Glenn (F) Glenn (G) Hodgson (H) France (I) Euro 2016 (J) World Cup" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) When Hurricane Irma ravaged the island of Barbuda in the Caribbean, the ferocious storm \"extinguished\" the isle's way of life and left the beautiful spot \"uninhabitable.\" And, now, for the first time in a few centuries, no one lives there. \"The damage is complete,\" Ronald Sanders, the Antigua and Barbuda ambassador to the United States, told Public Radio International. \"It's a humanitarian disaster.\" \"For the first time in 300 years, there's not a single living person on the island of Barbuda -- a civilization that has existed in that island for close to, over 300 years has now been extinguished.\"Antigua island \"remains open for business\"Officials are mulling a donors conference to raise funds \n Questions:The country would have been hurt even worse if _ had taken the same kind of beating from Irma that Barbuda did, Sanders said. (A) Irma (B) Barbuda (C) Caribbean (D) Ronald Sanders (E) Antigua (F) United States (G) Public Radio International" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) When Hurricane Irma ravaged the island of Barbuda in the Caribbean, the ferocious storm \"extinguished\" the isle's way of life and left the beautiful spot \"uninhabitable.\" And, now, for the first time in a few centuries, no one lives there. \"The damage is complete,\" Ronald Sanders, the Antigua and Barbuda ambassador to the United States, told Public Radio International. \"It's a humanitarian disaster.\" \"For the first time in 300 years, there's not a single living person on the island of Barbuda -- a civilization that has existed in that island for close to, over 300 years has now been extinguished.\"Antigua island \"remains open for business\"Officials are mulling a donors conference to raise funds \n Questions:He told CNN about 1,700 people were evacuated from Barbuda to _ and said others went to Antigua on their own. (A) Irma (B) Barbuda (C) Caribbean (D) Ronald Sanders (E) Antigua (F) United States (G) Public Radio International" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Haiti had only just begun rebuilding from a devastating earthquake six years ago when Hurricane Matthew tore through the small Caribbean nation on Tuesday, killing hundreds in its path and inundating entire villages. Once again much of the country is a disaster zone, with powerful Matthew shredding homes and engulfing communities in knee-deep water that is taking time to recede. At least 300 people have died since Matthew made landfall in Haiti on Tuesday as a Category 4 hurricane, according to Paul Altidor, Haitian ambassador to the United States. \"We expect unfortunately that number to rise a little bit as we begin to access communities, regions that were inaccessible because of the roads, because of the bridges that fell due to the hurricane,\" Altidor told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.At least 300 dead after Hurricane Matthew hit HaitiEvacuation centers overwhelmed as worst-affected areas cut off \n Questions:\"A large portion of _'s food is produced in the south where the damage is most severe. (A) CNN (B) Haiti (C) Matthew (D) Caribbean (E) Paul Altidor (F) United States (G) Altidor (H) Wolf Blitzer" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Blackwater founder Erik Prince testified to House lawmakers that he met the head of a Russian investment fund earlier this year -- but he insisted it was not part of an effort to set up a Russian backchannel with the Trump administration, multiple sources told CNN. In private testimony Thursday, Prince informed the House Intelligence Committee that he met in the Seychelles with Kirill Dmitriev, who is the chief executive of the state-run Russian Direct Investment Fund, at the request of the United Arab Emirates to discuss business opportunities. The meeting on the island in the Indian Ocean, he said, lasted roughly 20 minutes after dinner over a beer.Prince informed the House Intelligence Committee that he met in the Seychelles with Kirill DmitrievDmitriev is the chief executive of the state-run Russian Direct Investment Fund \n Questions:He denied any wrongdoing and anyone on _'s team asked him to take the meeting. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Blackwater (D) Erik Prince (E) House (F) Russian (G) Trump (H) Prince (I) House Intelligence Committee (J) Seychelles (K) Kirill Dmitriev (L) Russian Direct Investment Fund (M) United Arab Emirates (N) Indian Ocean (O) Dmitriev" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said both he and the Republican leading the House intelligence committee's Russia investigation want to meet with the former British intelligence officer who authored a controversial dossier containing explosive allegations about President Donald Trump and top members of his campaign. Schiff's comments to CNN's \"State of the Union\" on Sunday came after news broke that a pair of Republican staff members on the committee traveled to London to try to get an interview with the dossier author, Christopher Steele. In the interview, Schiff said he had not known about the trip and suspected Texas Rep. Mike Conaway, the Republican leading the investigation, had not either.GOP staffers traveled to London, sources told CNNSchiff said he and Conaway would be willing to go to London if Steele did not want to come before the panel in Washington \n Questions:A congressional source familiar with the GOP aides' trip has told CNN that _ investigators are expected to send a letter to Steele, inviting him to testify before the intelligence committee, but that would first need to be approved by the leaders of the panel's investigation. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) California (D) Democratic (E) Adam Schiff (F) Republican (G) House (H) Russia (I) British (J) Donald Trump (K) Schiff (L) State of the Union (M) London (N) Christopher Steele (O) Texas (P) Mike Conaway (Q) GOP (R) Conaway (S) Steele" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) The darkening storm over Russia is now looming over President Donald Trump's innermost circle. The intrigue now threatening to swamp Washington politics deepened on Monday when Trump's son-in-law and trusted adviser, Jared Kushner, offered to testify to senators about meetings with senior Kremlin officials -- including the head of a bank closely linked to President Vladimir Putin's government. And more revelations about a secret trip to the White House complex by House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes spurred claims by Democrats that he was in league with the President's aides to subvert his own panel's investigation into Moscow's alleged election meddling and ties to the Trump campaign.On Monday, Kushner volunteered to testifyLater in the week senators will weigh in \n Questions:But the storm isn't likely to break soon: There will be new _-related headlines on Thursday, when an intelligence committee hearing offers senators their first chance to go on the record addressing the widening controversy embroiling Trump and Russia. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Russia (D) Donald Trump (E) Trump (F) Jared Kushner (G) Kremlin (H) Vladimir Putin (I) White House (J) House Intelligence (K) Devin Nunes (L) Democrats (M) Moscow (N) Kushner" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Britain campaigned to get the jihadi preacher who inspired the Tunisian beach massacre off the United Nations's al-Qaida watch list, and may have attempted to recruit him as a spy, it has been reported. Hani al-Sibai, 54, who is living on £50,000-a-year state hand outs, described the London 7/7 terror attacks as a 'great victory', and is one of the 'key influencers' of the Islamic fanatics believed to have recruited beach gunman Seifeddine Rezgui. But now High Court documents have reportedly shown that in 2009, when David Miliband was foreign secretary, the Labour government had pushed for al-Sibai, who lives in London, to be taken off the UN's list of terror suspects.Hani al-Sibai, 54, described 7/7 attacks as a 'great victory' and is 'key influencer' of fanatics believed to have recruited beach gunmanHe has taken legal action to be taken off UN's list of terror suspectsHigh Court documents show government lobbied to have him removed from list in 2009Egyptian authorities claimed British intelligence services may have been trying to recruit al-Sibai \n Questions:Al-_ has also used public money to fund a series of legal cases against the Government to stop him being deported and to have his name removed from terrorist sanction lists. (A) Britain (B) Tunisian (C) United Nations (D) Qaida (E) Hani al (F) Sibai (G) London (H) Islamic (I) Seifeddine Rezgui (J) High Court (K) David Miliband (L) Labour (M) UN (N) Egyptian (O) British" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Britain campaigned to get the jihadi preacher who inspired the Tunisian beach massacre off the United Nations's al-Qaida watch list, and may have attempted to recruit him as a spy, it has been reported. Hani al-Sibai, 54, who is living on £50,000-a-year state hand outs, described the London 7/7 terror attacks as a 'great victory', and is one of the 'key influencers' of the Islamic fanatics believed to have recruited beach gunman Seifeddine Rezgui. But now High Court documents have reportedly shown that in 2009, when David Miliband was foreign secretary, the Labour government had pushed for al-Sibai, who lives in London, to be taken off the UN's list of terror suspects.Hani al-Sibai, 54, described 7/7 attacks as a 'great victory' and is 'key influencer' of fanatics believed to have recruited beach gunmanHe has taken legal action to be taken off UN's list of terror suspectsHigh Court documents show government lobbied to have him removed from list in 2009Egyptian authorities claimed British intelligence services may have been trying to recruit al-Sibai \n Questions:Al-_ and his wife are estimated to be on benefits of more than £48,000 a year – almost double the cap of £26,000. (A) Britain (B) Tunisian (C) United Nations (D) Qaida (E) Hani al (F) Sibai (G) London (H) Islamic (I) Seifeddine Rezgui (J) High Court (K) David Miliband (L) Labour (M) UN (N) Egyptian (O) British" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A terror-sympathiser linked to hate preacher Abu Qatada has been granted the right to live in the UK despite earlier being branded a risk to national security. The Moroccan-born 56-year-old holds joint French and Algerian nationality but is married to a British woman. However, he was excluded from the country on August 25, 2005 as he represented 'a sufficiently serious threat' to public safety. The father-of-eight, known only as ZZ, previously admitted having sympathy for banned Algerian terror group the GIA - but has had a decision banning him from the UK overturned after citing the Human Rights Act. According to judgement from the Special Immigration Appeals Commission, ZZ 'was not frank' about trips he made to the continent as a GIA activist.The terror sympathiser known only as ZZ was barred from the UK in 2005He tried to sneak into the country on a fake Belgian passport in 2009An appeals tribunal found that much of ZZ's evidence 'lacked credibility'Despite his alleged past, ZZ is no longer regarded a security risk \n Questions:The report said: 'Until at least 1996, the appellant maintained an association with _ , including reasonably close contact , and at least some sympathy of ideas. (A) Abu Qatada (B) UK (C) Moroccan (D) French (E) Algerian (F) British (G) ZZ (H) GIA (I) Human Rights Act (J) Special Immigration Appeals Commission (K) Belgian" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid ripped into Donald Trump on Thursday, calling the Republican presidential nominee a \"spoiled brat,\" \"a con artist\" and a \"human leech who will bleed the country.\" Reid made the remarks on the Senate floor, where he cited a recent cover story in Newsweek that raised questions about a potential Trump presidency based on his international business ties. The story, written by Kurt Eichenwald, said Trump would be the \"most conflicted president in American history\" if elected, as \"almost every foreign policy decision he makes will raise serious conflicts of interest and ethical quagmires.\" Reid began his remarks by expressing concern \"about the integrity and the security of democracy in America.\"Harry Reid cited a Newsweek story in critiquing Donald Trump's business connectionsThe Senate minority leader said he was concerned \"about the integrity and the security of democracy in America\" \n Questions:How could he understand working people, because he's only out for _.\" (A) CNN (B) Senate (C) Harry Reid (D) Donald Trump (E) Republican (F) Reid (G) Newsweek (H) Kurt Eichenwald (I) American (J) America" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Donald Trump is still Donald Trump. But a week into his dramatic transition from leading a revolt against the Republican hierarchy to becoming the presumptive Republican nominee, Trump seems caught between two versions of himself. He's the political bulldozer familiar from the primary season, remorselessly probing the weaknesses of his rivals -- both Republicans and Democrats -- in a constant cycle of confrontation. But he is also becoming a more conventional candidate as he staffs up a vice presidential search and moves from a self-funding financing model for his campaign toward traditional fundraising. Trump needs cash, but GOP donors not opening their walletsGOP still coming to grips with Trump as standard-bearerTrump is showing signs of the type of nominee he'll be \n Questions:But Trump's comments on a series of economic issues this week left other _ horrified. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Republican (E) Trump (F) Democrats (G) GOP" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) The departing leader of the Senate Democrats, Harry Reid, blasted President-elect Donald Trump on Friday as having \"emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry\" and said the responsibility for unifying the country is in his hands. \"The election of Donald Trump has emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry in America,\" Reid, the Senate minority leader, said in a stinging statement, which is a departure from the strategy of other leading Democrats. Both Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama have argued that Trump should be given a chance to lead. Obama welcomed Trump to the White House Thursday and said they had an excellent meeting. There was no such welcome from Reid.An aide said to Harry Reid said expect more fire from the Nevada Democrat in the coming daysReid, who did not seek re-election this year, also accused Trump of being a 'sexual predator' \n Questions:_ has flatly denied that he assaulted any women, in one instance saying he wouldn't have because the accuser was ugly. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Senate (D) Democrats (E) Harry Reid (F) Donald Trump (G) America (H) Reid (I) Hillary Clinton (J) Barack Obama (K) Obama (L) White House (M) Nevada (N) Democrat" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Donald Trump is trying to clean up a racially charged controversy Monday after he refused to disavow former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke over the weekend. When asked about his comments on CNN's \"State of the Union,\" Trump blamed a \"bad earpiece.\" \"I was sitting in a house in Florida, with a bad earpiece,\" the brash billionaire told NBC's \"Today\" show. \"I could hardly hear what he's saying. I hear various groups. I don't mind disavowing anyone. I disavowed Duke the day before at a major conference.\" Read more: Trump, Clinton dominate as Super Tuesday loomsDonald Trump deflected questions about disavowing David Duke, saying 'I just don't know anything about him'Duke and other white supremacists are largely backing Trump's GOP presidential bid \n Questions:\"I think he deserves a close look by those who believe the era of political correctness needs to come to an end,\" _ wrote. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Ku Klux Klan (E) David Duke (F) State of the Union (G) Trump (H) Florida (I) NBC (J) Today (K) Clinton (L) Super Tuesday (M) GOP" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) \"The viciousness of these Jews is unbelievable.... they are the dominant and dangerous power that exists in the United States of America today.\" Those are the words of former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan David Duke. We're not reaching way back here: this is from just three months ago when he lashed out at Jewish members of the media who he claimed were \"absolutely zeroing in now on Donald Trump.\" Duke, who is publicly supporting Trump, has since declared that voting against Trump is \"treason to your heritage.\" It really doesn't get too much more deplorable than that type of anti-Semitic rherotic. But when Trump's running mate was asked Monday night by CNN's Wolf Blitzer whether he would call it that, Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence refused. Instead, Pence offered a weak response: \"We do not want his support and we don't want the support of people who think like him.\"Dean Obeidallah: VP candidate Mike Pence declined to call white supremacist David Duke deplorableObeidallah: Pence says he's not into \"name calling\" but has no trouble denouncing Obama, reportersObeidallah: It's crucial for anyone who aspires to lead in America that they denounce anti-Semitism, racism \n Questions:At this writing, Pence has not denounced even this new round of praise from the former _. (A) CNN (B) Jews (C) United States (D) America (E) Grand Wizard (F) Ku Klux Klan (G) David Duke (H) Jewish (I) Donald Trump (J) Duke (K) Trump (L) Semitic (M) Wolf Blitzer (N) Republican (O) Mike Pence (P) Pence (Q) Dean Obeidallah (R) Obeidallah (S) Obama (T) Semitism" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Donald Trump is trying to clean up a racially charged controversy Monday after he refused to disavow former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke over the weekend. When asked about his comments on CNN's \"State of the Union,\" Trump blamed a \"bad earpiece.\" \"I was sitting in a house in Florida, with a bad earpiece,\" the brash billionaire told NBC's \"Today\" show. \"I could hardly hear what he's saying. I hear various groups. I don't mind disavowing anyone. I disavowed Duke the day before at a major conference.\" Read more: Trump, Clinton dominate as Super Tuesday loomsDonald Trump deflected questions about disavowing David Duke, saying 'I just don't know anything about him'Duke and other white supremacists are largely backing Trump's GOP presidential bid \n Questions:Sen. Marco Rubio slammed the remarks, saying they make _ \"unelectable.\" (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Ku Klux Klan (E) David Duke (F) State of the Union (G) Florida (H) NBC (I) Today (J) Duke (K) Clinton (L) Super Tuesday (M) GOP" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A passenger on board a Jet Airways flight opened the emergency exit and leapt onto the tarmac in a worrying security breach at Mumbai Airport in India. Jet Airways' Chandigarh to Mumbai flight 9W469 had landed around five minutes earlier before a man, who has been named locally as Akash Jain, sprang into action. He is reported to have opened the emergency exit in the middle of the plane, and jumped 15 feet down onto the tarmac. Scroll down for video Shortly after landing a Jet Airways passenger was reported to have opened the emergency exit and then made his way to the terminal and out of Mumbai Airport (file photo)In around 10 minutes, man had jumped out of plane and left the airportAfter landing on the tarmac, 30-year-old, who has been named locally as Akash Jain, was given directions to terminalAirport bosses said to be angry with how the security breach was reported \n Questions:Mid-day have reported that _ jumped off the plane at around 3.05pm, and by 3.16pm he was caught on CCTV leaving the airport. (A) Jet Airways (B) Mumbai Airport (C) India (D) Chandigarh (E) Mumbai (F) 9W469 (G) Akash Jain (H) Airport" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "An Air France flight was grounded in Amsterdam after somebody made threats over Twitter to blow it up. All passengers were evacuated from flight AF1741 from Schipol airport, which was due to land in Charles de Gaulle in Paris on Saturday afternoon. Security officials searched the plane with sniffer dogs after an account named @JihadiJohn8 said the jet would be blown up in the same way as the Russian plane leaving Sharm el-Sheikh last month. The account, which had not posted before making the threats, said: 'Forget #Russia? Wait for what will happen on flight AF1741 from #Amsterdam to #Paris.. #ParisAttacks'Flight from Schiphol Airport to Charles de Gaulle was evacuatedAll passengers removed and plane searched by sniffer dogsEmergency response came after @jihadijohn8 sent threats over TwitterHe wrote: 'Forget #Russia? Wait for what will happen on flight AF1741' \n Questions:_'s airports have remained open, despite the wave of terror attacks which rocked the capital, leaving at least 129 people dead. (A) Air France (B) Amsterdam (C) Twitter (D) AF1741 (E) Schipol (F) Charles de Gaulle (G) Paris (H) Russian (I) Sharm el (J) Russia (K) Schiphol Airport" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The hapless Seattle Airport baggage handler who woke up from a nap inside a plane's cargo hold, only to discover that the jet was in the air, made a frantic 911 call begging for help. Alaska Airlines Flight 448 bound for Los Angeles was forced to turn around and return to Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Monday when passengers heard banging and pleas for help coming from the cargo section of the jet. It was later revealed that the unnamed employee of airline contractor Menzies Aviation had dozed off inside the plane at the end of his shift and only awakened when it was in the air, about 14 minutes into the flight.Flight 448 had just taken off Monday when the pilot heard banging from beneathLA-bound plane was forced to return to Seattle for emergency landingWorker dialed 911 asking dispatcher to call someone and stop the planeHe later emerged calm but was taken to hospital as a precautionCargo hold was pressurized and temperature controlled, so the man was not in danger \n Questions:The flight departed again at 3.52pm and was expected to arrive in _ at 6.27pm, about 80 minutes late, according to the airline's website. (A) Seattle Airport (B) Alaska Airlines Flight 448 (C) Los Angeles (D) Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (E) Menzies Aviation (F) Flight 448 (G) Seattle" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The United States and Cuba have reached an agreement to reopen embassies and restore diplomatic ties severed more than five decades ago, and the historic deal will be unveiled on Wednesday, U.S. officials said on Tuesday. Nearly seven months after U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro sealed a diplomatic breakthrough, Obama will announce the new steps toward rapprochement in the White House Rose Garden at 11 a.m on Wednesday. Signaling it is likely to act in sync with the United States, Cuba's Communist government said the chief of the U.S. mission, Jeffrey DeLaurentis, would meet the interim foreign minister in Havana on Wednesday to deliver a note from Obama to Castro on the re-establishment of ties between the two former Cold War rivals.Embassies to open in Havana and Washington more than 50 years after they were closedPresident Obama to announce the decision in the White House Rose Garden on WednesdayMove is latest step in normalizing of relationships between the two Cold War enemies after more than 50-years of hostility \n Questions:A _ economic embargo against Cuba will remain in place,. (A) United States (B) Cuba (C) Barack Obama (D) Cuban (E) Raul Castro (F) Obama (G) White House Rose Garden (H) Havana (I) Washington (J) Move (K) Cold War" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Barack Obama will honor those who died at Pearl Harbor on Tuesday, appearing together 75 years after Japan's attack on Hawaii. \"The two leaders' visit will showcase the power of reconciliation that has turned former adversaries into the closest of allies, united by common interests and shared values,\" according to a White House statement. Abe's visit comes seven months after Obama's historic trip to Hiroshima in which he became the first sitting US president to visit the site where the United States dropped a nuclear bomb in 1945. Abe had implied his visit was in return for Obama visiting Hiroshima.Abe's visit comes seven months after Obama's trip to HiroshimaThe two leaders will meet Tuesday to discuss US-Japan relations \n Questions:Since assuming office in 2009, Obama had put US-_ relations high on his agenda. (A) Japanese (B) Shinzo Abe (C) Barack Obama (D) Pearl Harbor (E) Hawaii (F) White House (G) Abe (H) Obama (I) Hiroshima (J) US (K) United States" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Havana (CNN) U.S. President Barack Obama put the authoritarian government in Havana on the spot Monday, taking questions from reporters and insisting that his Cuban counterpart also deliver answers to pointed queries on human rights, political prisoners and economic reforms. Though they both acknowledged deep disagreements on these issues, the two leaders found common ground on the topic of the economic embargo on Cuba, which both want lifted. Obama went so far as to declare that \"the embargo's going to end,\" though he couldn't say when. In an extraordinary sign of the shifting attitudes, Castro was willing to answer one question on why his regime was keeping Cubans incarcerated for expressing anti-government views. But his response only underscored the schisms between himself and Obama.President Barack Obama and Cuban leader Raul Castro shook hands at the Palace of the Revolution in Old Havana on MondayScores of anti-Castro dissidents from the group Ladies in White were arrested over the weekend and detained after their weekly protest\"¿Que bolá Cuba?\" the U.S. President wrote on Twitter on Sunday, using an informal Cuban greeting \n Questions:On Sunday, Obama's interactions with everyday _ were carefully calibrated. (A) Havana (B) CNN (C) U.S. (D) Barack Obama (E) Cuban (F) Obama (G) Castro (H) Raul Castro (I) Palace of the Revolution (J) Old Havana (K) Ladies in White (L) Que bolá Cuba (M) Twitter" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Saira Murillo is just one of 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country who was specifically excluded from signing up for the Affordable Care Act, but it wasn't until recently that she found a way around the system. \"I didn't realize that as a DACA recipient, I would also be eligible to receive health insurance. It was thanks to a professor who told me and other undocumented students about our eligibility for Medi-Cal,\" Murillo told CNN en Español. Deferred status, or DACA, refers to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program enacted in 2012. It grants some undocumented youths temporary work authorization and a two-year reprieve from deportation.Administration official: DACA was never intended to provide federal assistanceRep. Michelle Lujan Grisham introduced bill to give legal immigrants health insuranceSome say services for undocumented immigrants would encourage illegal immigration\"Lack of health coverage has been a big problem for me. I've relied on home remedies\" \n Questions:\"Normally, someone with deferred action status would be considered lawfully present for all purposes on a federal level, which would mean that those DACA grantees would've been included in the ACA except that was changed about two months after the _ program was announced,\" Huerta said. (A) Saira Murillo (B) Affordable Care Act (C) DACA (D) Medi-Cal (E) Murillo (F) CNN (G) Español (H) Michelle Lujan Grisham" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- Four years ago today, President Barack Obama signed Obamacare into law, pledging that Americans could keep their health care plans and their doctors and that their coverage would be \"more secure and stable\" than before. As the horror stories continue to roll in, however, the emptiness of those promises and the human toll of this deeply misguided experiment have become increasingly difficult for Democrats to ignore. Consider Angela Strobel, a mother of five girls from Owensboro, Kentucky. Angela was perfectly happy with the insurance and the doctor she had before Obamacare. She also had an ironclad assurance from the President that she wouldn't have to sacrifice either one if his health care plan became law. Now she finds herself among the growing group of Americans who've been shell-shocked by the reality.Sen. Mitch McConnell says that four years after the Affordable Care Act was signed, many Americans still struggleMcConnell points to President's repeated claims that it wouldn't disrupt people's existing health care plansHe tells of several constituents who are \"reeling from that broken promise\" \n Questions:In recent weeks, we've heard calamitous reports of _ patients being denied access to doctors, hospitals and premium cancer care centers. (A) CNN (B) Barack Obama (C) Obamacare (D) Americans (E) Democrats (F) Angela Strobel (G) Owensboro (H) Kentucky (I) Angela (J) Mitch McConnell (K) McConnell" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) She spoke out on behalf of young undocumented immigrants like herself who want legal status. Now she's in the custody of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Daniela Vargas, 22, was arrested Wednesday after sharing her family's story -- including her father and brother's arrest last month by ICE officers -- during a news conference in Jackson, Mississippi. Moments before her arrest by ICE, Vargas had advocated for young people who, like herself, were brought to the US illegally as children, then qualified for a temporary reprieve from deportation under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA. Recipients often are called DREAMers, a reference to the DREAM Act, which if approved by Congress would give DACA participants permanent legal status.Immigrant from Argentina says she was brought to United States at age 7Financial troubles kept her from renewing her DACA status, friend says \n Questions:\"The path to citizenship is necessary for _ recipients but also for the other 11 million undocumented people with dreams,\" Vargas told reporters. (A) CNN (B) US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (C) Daniela Vargas (D) ICE (E) Jackson (F) Mississippi (G) Vargas (H) US (I) Obama (J) Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (K) DREAMers (L) DREAM Act (M) Congress (N) Argentina (O) United States" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Mirko ‘Cro Crop’ Filipovic is desperate to scratch his eight-year itch when he takes on Gabriel Gonzaga in Poland on Saturday. Cro Crop lost to the Brazilian in 2007 when a first-round head kick brought a swift end to the bout at UFC 70. But he is confident he can avenge the defeat on home territory. Mirko Filipovic (right) faces Gabriel Gonzaga in Poland on Saturday, eight years after losing to the Brazilian In 2007, Filipovic (right) was beaten by a first-round head kick and wants to avenge that defeat Filipovic admitted revenge is a motivating factor ahead of the encounter against GonzagaMirko Filipovic aims to avenge 2007 first-round defeat to Gabriel GonzagaFilipovic was beaten by a head-kick from the Brazilian eight years agoHe admitted revenge is a motivating factor ahead of Saturday's bout \n Questions:Gonzaga believes that his skillset has got even better since the last time he took on _. (A) Mirko ‘Cro Crop’ Filipovic (B) Gabriel Gonzaga (C) Poland (D) Cro Crop (E) Brazilian (F) UFC 70 (G) Gonzaga" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Callum Smith feels he has 'a point to prove' when he takes on Liverpool rival Rocky Fielding for the vacant British super-middleweight title. The unbeaten super-middleweights are clashing for the British title in a fight doubling up as a world title eliminator at the Echo Arena in Liverpool on November 7. Smith said: There's a lot of people with split opinions and it's not nice when people say that you are going to lose. I feel like I have got a pint to prove. 'I know I am the better fighter and I am looking forward to proving that to Rocky and his fans on the night and proving I am the best super middleweight in the city and ready to become one of the best in the world.'Callum Smith faces Rocky Fielding in British super-middleweight title boutThe Liverpool rivals go head to head at the Echo Arena on November 7 \n Questions:I know exactly how _ fights, he's confident, he comes forward, and he throws good shots - head, body, uppercuts and hooks - I don't need to watch tapes of him. (A) Callum Smith (B) Liverpool (C) Rocky Fielding (D) British (E) Echo Arena (F) Smith (G) Rocky" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Mirko ‘Cro Crop’ Filipovic is desperate to scratch his eight-year itch when he takes on Gabriel Gonzaga in Poland on Saturday. Cro Crop lost to the Brazilian in 2007 when a first-round head kick brought a swift end to the bout at UFC 70. But he is confident he can avenge the defeat on home territory. Mirko Filipovic (right) faces Gabriel Gonzaga in Poland on Saturday, eight years after losing to the Brazilian In 2007, Filipovic (right) was beaten by a first-round head kick and wants to avenge that defeat Filipovic admitted revenge is a motivating factor ahead of the encounter against GonzagaMirko Filipovic aims to avenge 2007 first-round defeat to Gabriel GonzagaFilipovic was beaten by a head-kick from the Brazilian eight years agoHe admitted revenge is a motivating factor ahead of Saturday's bout \n Questions:‘That’s the thing about the heavyweight division in the _, you know, one punch can change everything. (A) Mirko ‘Cro Crop’ Filipovic (B) Gabriel Gonzaga (C) Poland (D) Cro Crop (E) Brazilian (F) UFC 70 (G) Mirko Filipovic (H) Filipovic (I) Gonzaga" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "An autopsy has been completed on a missing Florida woman who was found dead in her sunken car in a Tampa-area lake, showing she was intoxicated  when she drove into into the water and ultimately drowned. Apryl Foster was last seen on February 12 leaving a bar alone in Ybor City after a night of partying, having finished work at 11pm at Ulele Restaurant, where she was a waitress. After a widespread search, the 33-year-old was found by divers in her submerged car in Brandon, just a few blocks from her house. According to the autopsy, the medical examiner measured Foster's blood alcohol level at 0.18, which is over twice the legal limit for driving, as well as THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, My Fox Tampa Bay reported.Apryl Foster, 33, was last seen on February 12 in Ybor City, FloridaCCTV footage speaking with a man before leaving a Tampa-area bar aloneHer body was found 10 days later inside her drowned carIt was just a few blocks from her house in BrandonAutopsy found a high blood alcohol level and marijuana in her systemDeath has been ruled an accidental drowning \n Questions:_ was reported missing after she failed to show up for work at the Ulele restaurant. (A) Florida (B) Tampa (C) Apryl Foster (D) Ybor City (E) Ulele Restaurant (F) Brandon (G) THC (H) Fox Tampa Bay (I) CCTV (J) Autopsy" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A Florida university is investigating the death of a student who drowned in Daytona Beach to determine whether or not hazing was involved. Bethune-Cookman University student Damian Parks, 22, was reported missing after going swimming with student s at 3am on Sunday and students who were with him said strong currents pulled Parks out to sea. His body was found Monday morning. Students who were with Parks, who were all part of a step team called Melodic Stepping Experience, which formed last year, said no hazing was involved. Bethune-Cookman University student Damian Parks, 22, drowned in Daytona Beach on Sunday after going for a swim with friends at 3am. He was pulled out to see by a strong current and his body was later found on Monday morningBethune-Cookman University student Damian Parks, 22, drowned on SundayHe and four friends had gone swimming in Daytona Beach at 3am after bar-hopping, Volusia County Beach Safety Ocean Rescue saidStrong currents pulled Parks out to sea and his body was found on MondayFriends who were with him said there 'was no foul play at all' and that Parks had not been drinking nor was he impaired in any wayThe five students were part of a step team called Melodic Stepping Experience, which formed last yearParks' mother Carolyn Parks, who lost another son, aged 16, six months ago, said that her son was not a good swimmer \n Questions:But _ is investigating Parks death after university administration 'heard rumors' that hazing was involved. (A) Florida (B) Daytona Beach (C) Bethune-Cookman University (D) Damian Parks (E) Parks (F) Melodic Stepping Experience (G) Volusia County Beach Safety Ocean Rescue (H) Carolyn Parks" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A Florida woman, 21, has been charged with driving under the influence manslaughter after she allegedly hit and killed a 13-year-old girl who was sitting in the street in February, police said. When Mackenzi Sue-Rose Miller allegedly struck and killed Trinity Backmann on February 28 in Apopka, her blood alcohol content level was over the legal driving limit, police revealed after a month-long investigation. Her BAC levels were 0.114 and 0.110, lab tests showed. The legal limit in Florida is 0.08. Mackenzi Miller (left and right), of Apopka, Florida, was charged with DUI manslaughter and DUI while causing injuries after allegedly hitting and killing 13-year-old Trinity Bachmann. Miller's blood alcohol content levels were 0.114 and 0.110, while Florida's legal driving limit is 0.08Mackenzi Miller struck and killed Trinity Bachmann with her car on February 28 in Apopka, FloridaTrinity was sitting in the street while having an argument with her motherTrinity's mother, Janice Pedroza, 36, was also injured in the crashPolice said Miller reeked of alcohol, had glassy, bloodshot eyes and had an open bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade in the carHer blood alcohol content levels were 0.114 and 0.110, police saidMiller faces DUI manslaughter and DUI while causing injuries charges \n Questions:A memorial still sits on the side of the road near where Trinity and _ were hit. (A) Florida (B) Mackenzi Sue-Rose Miller (C) Trinity Backmann (D) Apopka (E) Mackenzi Miller (F) DUI (G) Trinity Bachmann (H) Miller (I) Trinity (J) Janice Pedroza (K) Mike's Hard Lemonade" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "It's the morning of July 12, 2015, and Raheem Sterling's in his Range Rover driving to Liverpool's training ground. His phone rings. 'Morning gaffer,' Sterling replies as he takes the call. 'Just on the way into training,' the youngster continues. 'Okay, come into training but you're not coming on tour; we've accepted a bid,' Brendan Rodgers informed Sterling - who faces Liverpool for the first time this weekend following his summer departure. It's a moment he'll always remember. Having missed two days of training that week, the hype over whether Sterling would board the plane for Liverpool's tour of the Far East was at fever pitch.Raheem Sterling felt he would stay before Brendan Rodgers sparked a seismic shift in proceedings in FebruarySterling viewed Rodgers' comments as a ploy to paint him as the bad-boyForward is adamant he would have travelled on Reds' pre-season tourReaction from Liverpool fans to him at Stoke was the final nail in the coffinEurope's elite were making discreet overtures and were willing to pay double what Liverpool were offering \n Questions:And, as news filtered out about the contract rejection, _ noticed a change. (A) Raheem Sterling (B) Range Rover (C) Liverpool (D) Brendan Rodgers (E) Far East (F) Rodgers (G) Forward (H) Reds (I) Stoke (J) Europe" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "It's the morning of July 12, 2015, and Raheem Sterling's in his Range Rover driving to Liverpool's training ground. His phone rings. 'Morning gaffer,' Sterling replies as he takes the call. 'Just on the way into training,' the youngster continues. 'Okay, come into training but you're not coming on tour; we've accepted a bid,' Brendan Rodgers informed Sterling - who faces Liverpool for the first time this weekend following his summer departure. It's a moment he'll always remember. Having missed two days of training that week, the hype over whether Sterling would board the plane for Liverpool's tour of the Far East was at fever pitch.Raheem Sterling felt he would stay before Brendan Rodgers sparked a seismic shift in proceedings in FebruarySterling viewed Rodgers' comments as a ploy to paint him as the bad-boyForward is adamant he would have travelled on Reds' pre-season tourReaction from Liverpool fans to him at Stoke was the final nail in the coffinEurope's elite were making discreet overtures and were willing to pay double what Liverpool were offering \n Questions:The first set of discussions took place at the end of November, ending in _ rejecting a five-year contract worth £85,000 per week. (A) Raheem Sterling (B) Range Rover (C) Liverpool (D) Brendan Rodgers (E) Far East (F) Rodgers (G) Forward (H) Reds (I) Stoke (J) Europe" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Former Liverpool striker John Aldridge believes selling Raheem Sterling to Manchester City is a 'win-win' for the club as they have a better replacement in Jordon Ibe. The Reds have rejected two bids from their Premier League rivals for the England international, the last amounting to £40million, as they value the 20-year-old at £50million. However, with most of the players scheduled to return to pre-season training next week Aldridge insists now is the time to cash in on the youngster - who has turned down a £100,000-a-week contract offer. 'Brendan Rodgers should let Raheem Sterling leave for Manchester City now,' he wrote on sports social network Kicca.John Aldridge believes Liverpool have a replacement for Raheem SterlingJordon Ibe will be a better player according to the Reds legendSterling, 20, has been targeted by Premier League rivals Manchester City \n Questions:'_ are a big club and Raheem will get paid well and play Champions League football so he will be happy.' (A) Liverpool (B) John Aldridge (C) Raheem Sterling (D) Manchester City (E) Jordon Ibe (F) Reds (G) Premier League (H) England (I) Aldridge (J) Brendan Rodgers (K) Kicca (L) Sterling" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The father of a 14-year-old who was killed by a cannabis-smoking driver as she walked to school has told of his devastation as it is claimed the man was texting when he hit her. Liberty Baker died after being hit as she walked to school with friends in Witney, Oxfordshire, last June. Robert Blackwell, a 19-year-old drug user, was behind the wheel of the speeding Citroen C2 which mounted the pavement where Liberty was walking. Liberty Baker, 14, was killed when Robert Blackwell's speeding car mounted the pavement she was walking along on her way to school last June Liberty's father Paul Baker (left) said he wished he had been killed instead. Her mother, Maureen (right with Finley, Liberty's 10-year-old brother) broke down in tears after today's hearingLiberty Baker was killed as she walked to school in Witney, OxfordshireRobert Blackwell, 19, mounted the pavement in his speeding CitroenHe pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving this afternoonLiberty's father told of the schoolgirl's final moments after the hearingPaul Baker said her death had become a 'living nightmare' for his family \n Questions:The court heard how _ had been smoking cannabis the day before the crash with traces of the drug still in his blood. (A) Liberty Baker (B) Witney (C) Oxfordshire (D) Robert Blackwell (E) Citroen C2 (F) Liberty (G) Paul Baker (H) Maureen (I) Finley (J) Citroen" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The father of a 14-year-old who was killed by a cannabis-smoking driver as she walked to school has told of his devastation as it is claimed the man was texting when he hit her. Liberty Baker died after being hit as she walked to school with friends in Witney, Oxfordshire, last June. Robert Blackwell, a 19-year-old drug user, was behind the wheel of the speeding Citroen C2 which mounted the pavement where Liberty was walking. Liberty Baker, 14, was killed when Robert Blackwell's speeding car mounted the pavement she was walking along on her way to school last June Liberty's father Paul Baker (left) said he wished he had been killed instead. Her mother, Maureen (right with Finley, Liberty's 10-year-old brother) broke down in tears after today's hearingLiberty Baker was killed as she walked to school in Witney, OxfordshireRobert Blackwell, 19, mounted the pavement in his speeding CitroenHe pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving this afternoonLiberty's father told of the schoolgirl's final moments after the hearingPaul Baker said her death had become a 'living nightmare' for his family \n Questions:The schoolgirl's father today described the 'living nightmare' her death has become as prosecutors claimed _ had been distracted by his phone at the time of the crash. (A) Liberty Baker (B) Witney (C) Oxfordshire (D) Robert Blackwell (E) Citroen C2 (F) Liberty (G) Paul Baker (H) Maureen (I) Finley (J) Citroen" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A mother and her four children are fighting for their lives after being mowed down by a car 'doing 100mph' as they strolled to the park. Five ambulances and an air ambulance rushed to Grove Lane in Handsworth, Birmingham, following the horrific collision at 12.05pm today. Paramedics found a woman in her 30s, a four-year-old boy, a seven-year-old girl, a 12-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy had been hit by a grey Seat Leon. Witnesses said the two youngest children were sent flying '20 to 30 metres down the road' due to the force of the impact as the family crossed the road.Five ambulances and air ambulance rushed to collision at 12.05pm todayFound a woman in her 30s and four children had been hit by a Seat LeonWitnesses said two youngest children were sent '30 metres down the road'Police have arrested a 35-year-old man on suspicion of dangerous driving \n Questions:Another witness, who was travelling on a bus on _ when the collision happened, said: 'I was at the front of the bus so got a clear view. (A) Grove Lane (B) Handsworth (C) Birmingham (D) Seat Leon" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Manchester City will finally complete their protracted swoop for Liverpool forward Raheem Sterling this week, in deal worth up to £49million. The Etihad Stadium club made the key breakthrough in discussions for the wantaway attacker over the weekend and are on the brink of landing their No 1 summer target. The deal will see City pay their Barclays Premier League rivals a guaranteed £45million. An additional £4million in add-ons has also been negotiated, which would take the fee close to Liverpool's £50million valuation. Liverpool are said to be satisfied with the obtainability of the proposed £4million in extras and are confident Sterling will meet the targets.Manchester City have finally landed Raheem Sterling after Liverpool accepted a £49m bidDeal involves a guaranteed £45m, with an additional £4m in add-onsManuel Pelegrini had made the England winger his No 1 transfer targetSterling had angered Reds fans and former captain Steven Gerrard by refusing to go on pre-season tour and twice calling in sick from trainingClick HERE for all the latest transfer news \n Questions:_'s agent claims Sterling will not sign a new contract with the club, who respond by canceling a scheduled meeting with star and his representative. (A) Manchester City (B) Liverpool (C) Raheem Sterling (D) Etihad Stadium (E) City (F) Barclays Premier League (G) Deal (H) Manuel Pelegrini (I) England (J) Reds (K) Steven Gerrard" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Manchester City will finally complete their protracted swoop for Liverpool forward Raheem Sterling this week, in deal worth up to £49million. The Etihad Stadium club made the key breakthrough in discussions for the wantaway attacker over the weekend and are on the brink of landing their No 1 summer target. The deal will see City pay their Barclays Premier League rivals a guaranteed £45million. An additional £4million in add-ons has also been negotiated, which would take the fee close to Liverpool's £50million valuation. Liverpool are said to be satisfied with the obtainability of the proposed £4million in extras and are confident Sterling will meet the targets.Manchester City have finally landed Raheem Sterling after Liverpool accepted a £49m bidDeal involves a guaranteed £45m, with an additional £4m in add-onsManuel Pelegrini had made the England winger his No 1 transfer targetSterling had angered Reds fans and former captain Steven Gerrard by refusing to go on pre-season tour and twice calling in sick from trainingClick HERE for all the latest transfer news \n Questions:Sterling's agent claims _ will not sign a new contract with the club, who respond by canceling a scheduled meeting with star and his representative. (A) Manchester City (B) Liverpool (C) Raheem Sterling (D) Etihad Stadium (E) City (F) Barclays Premier League (G) Deal (H) Manuel Pelegrini (I) England (J) Reds (K) Steven Gerrard" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Manchester City will finally complete their protracted swoop for Liverpool forward Raheem Sterling this week, in deal worth up to £49million. The Etihad Stadium club made the key breakthrough in discussions for the wantaway attacker over the weekend and are on the brink of landing their No 1 summer target. The deal will see City pay their Barclays Premier League rivals a guaranteed £45million. An additional £4million in add-ons has also been negotiated, which would take the fee close to Liverpool's £50million valuation. Liverpool are said to be satisfied with the obtainability of the proposed £4million in extras and are confident Sterling will meet the targets.Manchester City have finally landed Raheem Sterling after Liverpool accepted a £49m bidDeal involves a guaranteed £45m, with an additional £4m in add-onsManuel Pelegrini had made the England winger his No 1 transfer targetSterling had angered Reds fans and former captain Steven Gerrard by refusing to go on pre-season tour and twice calling in sick from trainingClick HERE for all the latest transfer news \n Questions:Sterling tells Rodgers he wants to leave _ despite there being one more game left in the season. (A) Manchester City (B) Liverpool (C) Raheem Sterling (D) Etihad Stadium (E) City (F) Barclays Premier League (G) Sterling (H) Deal (I) Manuel Pelegrini (J) England (K) Reds (L) Steven Gerrard" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Donald Trump on Wednesday likened the presidential race to a boxing match -- saying that victories in next week's Ohio and Florida primaries would give him the knockout blow necessary to capture the GOP nomination. \"It's like with the fighters,\" Trump told CNN's Anderson Cooper. \"If you knock 'em out, nothing can happen.\" Trump said victories in Ohio and Florida would \"pretty much\" assure exits from Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. Recent polls have shown Trump leading in both of those states, which are set to vote Tuesday. \"I think if I win those two, I think it's over,\" Trump said.Donald Trump said victories in Ohio and Florida would \"pretty much\" assure exits from Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio\"If you knock 'em out, nothing can happen,\" Trump said \n Questions:In particular, Trump said _, once envisioned as a chief Trump rival who is staking his campaign on a win in Florida next Tuesday, was seriously damaged. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Ohio (E) Florida (F) GOP (G) Trump (H) Anderson Cooper (I) John Kasich (J) Marco Rubio" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- Get ready: The 2016 campaign for the White House is getting under way. Among those attending next week's Republican Governors Association meeting in Las Vegas are the group's chairman, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, as well as popular Republican governors such as New Jersey's Chris Christie, Wisconsin's Scott Walker and Louisiana's Bobby Jindal. While the RGA's annual confabs are all about policy and politics, 2016 is sure to come up because all four governors are thought to be contenders for the party's next presidential nomination. Even though the 2012 election is barely in the rear view mirror, speculation over the next race for the White House is getting started. With President Barack Obama winning a second term on Tuesday, an incumbent will not run in 2016, meaning both parties may have competitive nomination battles.The GOP's next presidential nominee might be at Republican governors gatheringNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie tops the list, but he has tough reelection fight aheadJoe Biden and Hillary Clinton are mentioned most often as Democratic candidatesGOP strategist says retread from past races won't be able to take party into the future \n Questions:Walker is a hero to many conservatives, thanks to his battles against public sector workers in _. (A) CNN (B) White House (C) Republican Governors Association (D) Las Vegas (E) Virginia (F) Bob McDonnell (G) Republican (H) New Jersey (I) Chris Christie (J) Wisconsin (K) Scott Walker (L) Louisiana (M) Bobby Jindal (N) RGA (O) Barack Obama (P) GOP (Q) Joe Biden (R) Hillary Clinton (S) Democratic" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Donald Trump is aiming to pull off one of the greatest political comebacks in history. The Republican nominee is rebounding from a summer of repeated stumbles that threatened to undermine his candidacy, underscoring his ability to claw his way back and stay competitive despite controversies that would sink any other politician. Poll: Nine weeks out, a near even race Trump and Hillary Clinton enter the critical post-Labor Day phase of the campaign in a dead heat. A CNN/ORC national poll released Tuesday finds Trump ahead of Clinton by two points -- 45% to 43% -- among likely voters. The race is also tight among registered voters, where Clinton has a three point advantage. Both findings are within the margin of error.CNN/ORC national poll shows Trump, Clinton in a dead heatTrump needs to make election a referendum on Clinton \n Questions:Unless he starts making headway soon, with early voting only weeks away, it may take something that jarring for _ to win. (A) CNN (B) Donald Trump (C) Republican (D) Hillary Clinton (E) Labor Day (F) ORC (G) Clinton" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "BURLINGTON, VERMONT (CNN) Bernie Sanders, the man who is leading in New Hampshire and giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money in Iowa, is coming to terms with a new reality: The media is taking him seriously. Since launching his campaign last May, Sanders has received vastly less media attention than his chief Democratic opponent, while his chances of becoming the party's nominee were largely dismissed by pundits and commentators — despite the fact that, like a certain senator before him, he draws far larger crowds, boasts a remarkably enthusiastic volunteer base, and, though he doesn't have as much money as Clinton, set an all-time record with more than 2.3 million campaign contributions last year.The press has given Sanders scant coverage when compared to Hillary ClintonThe Vermont senator is neck-and-neck in Iowa and leading in New Hampshire \n Questions:Jonathan Tasini, a _ surrogate, called the coverage \"a professional failure.\" (A) BURLINGTON (B) VERMONT (C) CNN (D) Bernie Sanders (E) New Hampshire (F) Hillary Clinton (G) Iowa (H) Democratic (I) Clinton (J) Vermont" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "BURLINGTON, VERMONT (CNN) Bernie Sanders, the man who is leading in New Hampshire and giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money in Iowa, is coming to terms with a new reality: The media is taking him seriously. Since launching his campaign last May, Sanders has received vastly less media attention than his chief Democratic opponent, while his chances of becoming the party's nominee were largely dismissed by pundits and commentators — despite the fact that, like a certain senator before him, he draws far larger crowds, boasts a remarkably enthusiastic volunteer base, and, though he doesn't have as much money as Clinton, set an all-time record with more than 2.3 million campaign contributions last year.The press has given Sanders scant coverage when compared to Hillary ClintonThe Vermont senator is neck-and-neck in Iowa and leading in New Hampshire \n Questions:The media acknowledged the large crowds, but the _ campaign felt that pundits came up with endless ways to dismiss their importance. (A) BURLINGTON (B) VERMONT (C) CNN (D) Bernie Sanders (E) New Hampshire (F) Hillary Clinton (G) Iowa (H) Democratic (I) Clinton (J) Vermont" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "BURLINGTON, VERMONT (CNN) Bernie Sanders, the man who is leading in New Hampshire and giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money in Iowa, is coming to terms with a new reality: The media is taking him seriously. Since launching his campaign last May, Sanders has received vastly less media attention than his chief Democratic opponent, while his chances of becoming the party's nominee were largely dismissed by pundits and commentators — despite the fact that, like a certain senator before him, he draws far larger crowds, boasts a remarkably enthusiastic volunteer base, and, though he doesn't have as much money as Clinton, set an all-time record with more than 2.3 million campaign contributions last year.The press has given Sanders scant coverage when compared to Hillary ClintonThe Vermont senator is neck-and-neck in Iowa and leading in New Hampshire \n Questions:In this case, conventional wisdom held that _ would waltz to the Democratic nomination without being seriously contested. (A) BURLINGTON (B) VERMONT (C) CNN (D) Bernie Sanders (E) New Hampshire (F) Hillary Clinton (G) Iowa (H) Sanders (I) Democratic (J) Vermont" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A 'pumped up' Heather Watson will target 'controlled aggression' to equal her best-ever Wimbledon showing and set up a potential third-round clash with Serena Williams. British No 1 Watson saved three match points to defeat Caroline Garcia in a truncated first-round tie that had been suspended for bad light on Monday night. The 23-year-old prevailed 1-6, 6-3, 8-6 to set up a second-round clash with Daniela Hantuchova, then revealed she psyched herself up for Tuesday's resumption of play with an intensive workout session. 'I always listen to music before I go on, upbeat, fast, dancy stuff but I did a lot more than usual before we went back out,' said Watson.Heather Watson defeated Caroline Garcia in three sets on TuesdayBritish No 1 is hoping to set up third round clash with Serena WilliamsWatson admits she was 'so flat' at start of her first round matchShe hopes 'controlled aggression' will help her progress further \n Questions:She lost in straight sets in the quarter-finals to _ in 2002, but this is the first year she has won a first-round match since 2011. (A) Heather Watson (B) Wimbledon (C) Serena Williams (D) British (E) Watson (F) Caroline Garcia (G) Daniela Hantuchova (H) British No 1" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- World number one Caroline Wozniacki enjoyed the perfect preparation for the French Open as she beat Chinese star Shuai Peng Saturday to win the WTA tournament in Brussels. Wozniacki will be aiming to win her first grand slam title at Roland Garros and warmed up with a 2-6 6-3 6-3 victory in the final to claim her 16th career title. The Dane also beat reigning French Open champion Francesca Schiavone in three sets in the semifinals and now heads to Paris where she faces Japanese veteran Kimiko Date-Krumm in her first round match. \"It's my fourth title of the season. I was pleased with the way I played and fought today,\" Wozniacki told the official WTA website.Caroline Wozniacki wins Brussels title ahead of French OpenWorld No.1 beats Shuai Peng in three sets in final to claim 16th career crownGermany win men's World Team Cup with a 2-1 win over Argentina \n Questions:\"Now I'm looking forward to _ -- I think I play on Monday, but I'll be ready.\" (A) CNN (B) Caroline Wozniacki (C) French Open (D) Chinese (E) Shuai Peng (F) WTA (G) Brussels (H) Wozniacki (I) Dane (J) Francesca Schiavone (K) Paris (L) Japanese (M) Kimiko Date-Krumm (N) World No.1 (O) Germany (P) World Team Cup (Q) Argentina" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A 'pumped up' Heather Watson will target 'controlled aggression' to equal her best-ever Wimbledon showing and set up a potential third-round clash with Serena Williams. British No 1 Watson saved three match points to defeat Caroline Garcia in a truncated first-round tie that had been suspended for bad light on Monday night. The 23-year-old prevailed 1-6, 6-3, 8-6 to set up a second-round clash with Daniela Hantuchova, then revealed she psyched herself up for Tuesday's resumption of play with an intensive workout session. 'I always listen to music before I go on, upbeat, fast, dancy stuff but I did a lot more than usual before we went back out,' said Watson.Heather Watson defeated Caroline Garcia in three sets on TuesdayBritish No 1 is hoping to set up third round clash with Serena WilliamsWatson admits she was 'so flat' at start of her first round matchShe hopes 'controlled aggression' will help her progress further \n Questions:_, the 32-year-old Slovak is the world No 72 and turned pro in 1999 — when second-round opponent Heather Watson was just six. (A) Heather Watson (B) Wimbledon (C) Serena Williams (D) British (E) Watson (F) Caroline Garcia (G) Daniela Hantuchova (H) British No 1" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(ArsTechnica) -- The Federal Communications Commission is releasing the details of its new net neutrality Order in stages. Although the FCC's new ban on \"unreasonable discrimination\" for wired ISPs allows certain kinds of traffic discrimination (not all bits need be equal), the agency made clear after Tuesday's meeting that \"paid prioritization\" deals with Internet companies are unlikely to be allowed. Critics had worried that the new Order would only affect outright website blocking, leaving paid prioritization untouched (or even implicitly sanctioned). \"Pay for Priority Unlikely to Satisfy 'No Unreasonable Discrimination' Rule,\" advises one subheading of the new net neutrality rules. Ed Whitacre's dream of directly charging Google and Yahoo to \"use his pipes\" -- a key event in starting the entire net neutrality debate -- appears to be dashed.The FCC's new rules forbid Internet providers from blocking lawful contentCritics worried that the new Order would leave paid prioritization untouchedFCC: Reasonable network management shall not constitute unreasonable discrimination \n Questions:\"Even open Internet skeptics acknowledge that pay for priority may disadvantage non-commercial uses of the network, which are typically less able to pay for priority, and for which the _ is a uniquely important platform.\" (A) ArsTechnica (B) Federal Communications Commission (C) FCC (D) ISPs (E) Internet (F) new Order (G) Unreasonable Discrimination' Rule (H) Ed Whitacre (I) Google (J) Yahoo" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Menlo Park, California (CNN) -- On Monday, Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, posted on Netflix's blog that the popular online movie rental service would not be breaking off its DVD-by-mail business from its online streaming business. This was Netflix's third major announcement relating to changes in pricing and service offering in four months. Like BlackBerry and Bank of America, both of which have recently borne the wrath of disappointed customers, Netflix has been subject to tremendous criticism over the past few months. (Full disclosure: I consulted for Netflix for about two years between 2003 and 2005.) While Netflix is taking a beating, with rapidly declining market valuation, angry customers and negative media coverage, Hastings' announcement actually signals the company's willingness to keep tinkering until it gets the service right. He is that rare public company CEO who is willing to take a risk, make mistakes in public and keep trying new things. For that, he deserves some credit.Since July, Netflix has been taking a beating, says Robbie Kellman BaxterIt raised prices by 60% and made, and then unmade, a drastic change, she saysBaxter: But Netflix's CEO, Reed Hastings, is willing to make mistakes and take risks\"Netflix is still a 'buy' in my book,\" because it's moving forward, says Baxter \n Questions:_'s goal was to convert current clients from \"DVDs and streaming\" to \"DVDs or streaming\" and charging a premium for customers wanting to stay with both. (A) Menlo Park (B) California (C) CNN (D) Reed Hastings (E) Netflix (F) BlackBerry (G) Bank of America (H) Hastings (I) Robbie Kellman Baxter (J) Baxter" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(ArsTechnica) -- The Federal Communications Commission is releasing the details of its new net neutrality Order in stages. Although the FCC's new ban on \"unreasonable discrimination\" for wired ISPs allows certain kinds of traffic discrimination (not all bits need be equal), the agency made clear after Tuesday's meeting that \"paid prioritization\" deals with Internet companies are unlikely to be allowed. Critics had worried that the new Order would only affect outright website blocking, leaving paid prioritization untouched (or even implicitly sanctioned). \"Pay for Priority Unlikely to Satisfy 'No Unreasonable Discrimination' Rule,\" advises one subheading of the new net neutrality rules. Ed Whitacre's dream of directly charging Google and Yahoo to \"use his pipes\" -- a key event in starting the entire net neutrality debate -- appears to be dashed.The FCC's new rules forbid Internet providers from blocking lawful contentCritics worried that the new Order would leave paid prioritization untouchedFCC: Reasonable network management shall not constitute unreasonable discrimination \n Questions:As some game developers worry, _ might effectively charge for non-inferior service, investing \"less in open access and more in services that they can provide at a premium.\" (A) ArsTechnica (B) Federal Communications Commission (C) FCC (D) ISPs (E) Internet (F) new Order (G) Unreasonable Discrimination' Rule (H) Ed Whitacre (I) Google (J) Yahoo" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) When Pope Francis canonizes the late Mother Teresa at the Vatican on September 4th, she will officially be recognized as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. For her followers, the title is a mere formality. They believe the world renowned humanitarian displayed saintly qualities throughout a life dedicated to serving the poor. But saintly is not a word everyone uses for Mother Teresa. Her critics say she was anything but. Read the service where the Pope will declare Mother Teresa a saint 'Scene from World War 2' Disillusioned former volunteer Hemley Gonzalez didn't meet her in person, but what he calls the \"horrific remnants of her legacy\" have left him deeply uncomfortable. After visiting the facilities she's responsible for starting, he feels only a \"troubled individual\" could have set them up.Ex-volunteer: Mother Teresa's charity should be held financially accountableCritics, doctors claim it was modern medicine, not a miracle, that cured Monica Besra \n Questions:Ghosh told CNN that he has him on video saying his wife was cured by medicine, rather than _. (A) Pope Francis (B) Mother Teresa (C) Vatican (D) Roman Catholic Church (E) Pope (F) World War 2 (G) Hemley Gonzalez (H) Monica Besra" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) The Catholic Church in Rwanda has apologized for its members' role in the genocide that saw hundreds of thousands of Rwandans killed in 1994. Rwandan bishops asked for \"forgiveness for sins of hatred and disagreement that happened in the country to the point of hating our own countrymen because of their origin,\" in a statement read after mass in parishes across the country Sunday. In 1994, Hutu extremists in Rwanda targeted minority ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus in a three-month killing spree that left an estimated 800,000 people dead. Hutu attackers burned down churches with hundreds or thousands of Tutsis inside. The violence was triggered by the death of President Juvenal Habyarimana, an ethnic Hutu, in a plane crash April 6, 1994.Rwandan bishops asked for forgiveness for sins of hatred and disagreementA statement from Rwandan bishops was read in the country Sunday \n Questions:Some _ commentators praised the apology as an important first step but said it didn't go far enough. (A) Catholic Church (B) Rwanda (C) Hutu (D) Tutsis (E) Hutus (F) Juvenal Habyarimana" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) When Pope Francis canonizes the late Mother Teresa at the Vatican on September 4th, she will officially be recognized as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. For her followers, the title is a mere formality. They believe the world renowned humanitarian displayed saintly qualities throughout a life dedicated to serving the poor. But saintly is not a word everyone uses for Mother Teresa. Her critics say she was anything but. Read the service where the Pope will declare Mother Teresa a saint 'Scene from World War 2' Disillusioned former volunteer Hemley Gonzalez didn't meet her in person, but what he calls the \"horrific remnants of her legacy\" have left him deeply uncomfortable. After visiting the facilities she's responsible for starting, he feels only a \"troubled individual\" could have set them up.Ex-volunteer: Mother Teresa's charity should be held financially accountableCritics, doctors claim it was modern medicine, not a miracle, that cured Monica Besra \n Questions:According to Ghosh, _'s husband said as much to him in 2003. (A) Pope Francis (B) Mother Teresa (C) Vatican (D) Roman Catholic Church (E) Pope (F) World War 2 (G) Hemley Gonzalez (H) Monica Besra" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A grandfather 'used like a football' by hooligans was today in a coma and fighting for life after a matchday pub brawl that police broke up using CS gas. Cambridge United supporter Simon Dobbin, 42, was found on the ground with serious head injuries following the fight involving about 15 people after his side’s match at Southend United in Essex. Football fans have already raised more than £5,000 towards transport and accommodation costs for Mr Dobbin’s family, who are travelling from Mildenhall, Suffolk, to visit him in Southend Hospital. Scroll down for video Brain damage: Father-of-three Simon Dobbin (left), who is married to Nicole (right), 43, also suffered damaged hips, broken ribs and a broken nose in the attack - and he is now on a life-support machineSimon Dobbin, 42, found on ground with serious head injuries after fightIt involved about 15 people following Southend v Cambridge on SaturdayFans raise £5,000 in transport and accommodation costs for his familyFather-of-three suffered brain damage, damaged hips and broken ribsMr Dobbin is now on a life-support machine and 'may never walk again' \n Questions:Please send a prayer to _ for a full recovery.’ (A) CS (B) Cambridge United (C) Simon Dobbin (D) Southend United (E) Essex (F) Mildenhall (G) Suffolk (H) Southend Hospital (I) Nicole (J) Southend (K) Cambridge" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A grandfather 'used like a football' by hooligans was today in a coma and fighting for his life after a matchday pub brawl that police broke up using CS gas. Cambridge United supporter Simon Dobbin, 42, was found on the ground with serious head injuries following the fight involving about 15 people after his side’s match at Southend United in Essex. Football fans have already raised more than £5,000 towards transport and accommodation costs for Mr Dobbin’s family, who are travelling from Mildenhall, Suffolk, to visit him in Southend Hospital. Scroll down for video Brain damage: Father-of-three Simon Dobbin (left), who is married to Nicole (right), 43, also suffered damaged hips, broken ribs and a broken nose in the attack - and he is now on a life-support machineSimon Dobbin, 42, found on ground with serious head injuries after fightIt involved about 15 people following Southend v Cambridge on SaturdayFans raise £5,000 in transport and accommodation costs for his familyFather-of-three suffered brain damage, damaged hips and broken ribsMr Dobbin is now on a life-support machine and 'may never walk again' \n Questions:Please send a prayer to _ for a full recovery.’ (A) CS (B) Cambridge United (C) Simon Dobbin (D) Southend United (E) Essex (F) Mildenhall (G) Suffolk (H) Southend Hospital (I) Nicole (J) Southend (K) Cambridge" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A grandfather 'used like a football' by hooligans was today in a coma and fighting for his life after a matchday pub brawl that police broke up using CS gas. Cambridge United supporter Simon Dobbin, 42, was found on the ground with serious head injuries following the fight involving about 15 people after his side’s match at Southend United in Essex. Football fans have already raised more than £5,000 towards transport and accommodation costs for Mr Dobbin’s family, who are travelling from Mildenhall, Suffolk, to visit him in Southend Hospital. Scroll down for video Brain damage: Father-of-three Simon Dobbin (left), who is married to Nicole (right), 43, also suffered damaged hips, broken ribs and a broken nose in the attack - and he is now on a life-support machineSimon Dobbin, 42, found on ground with serious head injuries after fightIt involved about 15 people following Southend v Cambridge on SaturdayFans raise £5,000 in transport and accommodation costs for his familyFather-of-three suffered brain damage, damaged hips and broken ribsMr Dobbin is now on a life-support machine and 'may never walk again' \n Questions:Simon remains in _ in a critical condition.’ (A) CS (B) Cambridge United (C) Simon Dobbin (D) Southend United (E) Essex (F) Dobbin (G) Mildenhall (H) Suffolk (I) Southend Hospital (J) Nicole (K) Southend (L) Cambridge" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "America has long been known for its cultural diversity but the rise of the Hispanic population is unlike any other minority group in the country's history. By mid-century, up to one in four Americans will be of Hispanic descent and the white majority will give way to a so-called 'minority majority.' The US Census Bureau defines Hispanic or Latino to refer to 'a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American (except for Brazil), or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.' The Economist reports that more lenient immigration laws in the 1960s took the Hispanic population from just 7m in 1970 to 57m today, a number which is predicted to double by 2050.More lenient immigration laws in the 1960s took the Hispanic population from just 7m in 1970 to 57m todayThe number of Hispanics today is predicted to double by 2050European whites once made up 80 per cent of the American population but will be a minority by 2044Geographic closeness of Hispanic countries to the U.S. along with rising birth rates among Hispanics within the country account for the growth \n Questions:Currently American Hispanics earn less money, on average, than white _. (A) America (B) Hispanic (C) Americans (D) US Census Bureau (E) Latino (F) Cuban (G) Mexican (H) Puerto Rican (I) South (J) Central American (K) Brazil (L) Spanish (M) Hispanics (N) European (O) American (P) U.S." ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Latino? Hispanic? Spanish speaker? Native born? When it comes to defining Latino identity in the United States today, the one common thread is its sheer complexity. In the latest episode of the CNN Original Series \"United Shades of America,\" W. Kamau Bell explores two Los Angeles communities where the majority of the residents are of Mexican descent -- East L.A. and Boyle Heights. Bell asks people in East L.A. to describe the state of Latinos in America today. \"We're a growing force to be reckoned with,\" says one man. \"We're taking over,\" says another. Indeed, in 2014, the Hispanic population in the United States reached a high of 55.4 million, or 17.4% of the total U.S. population.Hispanics are the youngest racial or ethnic group in the United States71% of Hispanics say that it's not necessary to speak Spanish to be considered HispanicThe term \"Latino\" is gaining more traction \n Questions:For example, Bell uses the term Latino in this episode while Pew tends to use the word _ in its research reports. (A) CNN (B) Latino (C) Hispanic (D) Spanish (E) Native (F) United States (G) CNN Original Series (H) United Shades of America (I) W. Kamau Bell (J) Los Angeles (K) Mexican (L) East L.A. (M) Boyle Heights (N) Bell (O) Latinos (P) America (Q) U.S." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The number of immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean has been increasing in recent years and they now account for almost ten per cent of the overall black population in the United States. Foreign-born blacks made up just 3.1 per cent of the black population in 1980, but they accounted for 8.7 per cent of that group in 2013, according to a report from the Pew Research Center. With 3.8 million foreign-born blacks already living in the United States, the center estimates 16.5 per cent of the US black population will be comprised of immigrants by 2060. The nearly 586,000 Haitians (above) in the US account for about 15 per cent of the black immigrant populationForeign-born blacks made up 3.1 per cent of the black population in 1980That number has been on rise and they were 8.7 per cent of group in 2013Majority of immigrants are from Jamaica, Haiti, Ethiopia and NigeriaBlack immigrants more likely to have college degree and have a higher income and are less likely to live in poverty than the US-born populationForeign-born blacks are now large part of population in NYC, DC and Miami \n Questions:Immigrants from Jamaica (above) and _ make up approximately a third of the foreign-born black population. (A) Africa (B) Caribbean (C) United States (D) Pew Research Center (E) US (F) Haitians (G) Jamaica (H) Ethiopia (I) Nigeria (J) NYC (K) DC (L) Miami" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Police, midwives and campaigners remain confused over whether s o-called designer vagina operations fall within female genital mutilation laws, a group of MPs have said. The Government has previously said the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 does not contain any exemptions for cosmetic surgery and it has no plans to amend the legislation specifically to prohibit female genital cosmetic surgery. But in a report on FGM, the Home Affairs Select Committee said despite Government reassurances there is still confusion and the Act should be amended to make it clear female genital cosmetic surgery would be a criminal offence if conducted on girls under 18 without physical or mental health justification.Government said FGM Act has no exemptions for cosmetic surgeryKeith Vaz said mutilation law 'is ambiguous and must be clarified'Number of NHS cosmetic genital surgeries has risen five-fold since 2001 \n Questions:'We have also introduced legislation to grant victims of _ lifelong anonymity, from the time an allegation is made, in order to encourage them to come forward. (A) Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 (B) FGM (C) Home Affairs Select Committee (D) Government (E) Act (F) FGM Act (G) Keith Vaz (H) NHS" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) A Detroit-area wife and mother accused of being involved in a federal female genital mutilation case was arrested Wednesday near her home and released hours later, under the condition that she doesn't talk to members of her religious community or attend her mosque. Tahera Shafiq, 48, is charged with conspiracy to commit female genital mutilation and aiding and abetting female genital mutilation. She is accused of entering the Burhani Medical Clinic, a Detroit-area clinic owned by Dr. Fakhruddin Attar and his wife, Farida, in February, when federal prosecutors allege the Attars allowed another Detroit-area doctor, Jumana Nagarwala, to perform female genital mutilation on two 7-year-old girls from Minnesota. Female genital mutilation is the cutting of part of a girl's genitals and has been illegal in the United States for decades, but this is the first federal case of its kind.\"Multiple minor girls in Michigan\" have said they were mutilated, a federal complaint says\"There was no mutilation of any genitals, of any kind,\" says a lawyer for the latest woman accused \n Questions:_ is expected to have her preliminary examination hearing July 5. (A) Detroit (B) Tahera Shafiq (C) Burhani Medical Clinic (D) Fakhruddin Attar (E) Farida (F) Attars (G) Jumana Nagarwala (H) Minnesota (I) United States (J) Michigan" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A mother and daughter who decided to have breast implants together found themselves facing medical bills of nearly £20,000 when both surgeries were botched. Tracey Ahmet, 45, and Margaret Hall, 64, from Romford, Essex, opted to enhance their assets from a B cup to a D. However the former care worker and her retired mother Margaret, 64, were shocked to discover their implants contained mattress filler - with daughter Tracey's breasts rupturing twice. The pair were victims of the PIP (Poly Implant Prothese) scandal that affected 300,000 women across Europe and South America in 2012. Tracey said: 'We just wanted to treat ourselves and share the journey together. I wish we'd booked a holiday instead.'Tracey Ahmet, 45, and Margaret Hall, 64, were caught in PIP scandalDaughter Tracy's implants burst twice resulting in multiple surgeriesMother Margaret from Romford, Essex is too scared to have hers removed \n Questions:Then when a report published in June 2012 revealed the problems with _, she feared the worst. (A) Tracey Ahmet (B) Margaret Hall (C) Romford (D) Essex (E) Margaret (F) Tracey (G) PIP (H) Europe (I) South America (J) Daughter Tracy (K) Mother Margaret" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- When Tad Agoglia started to clean up the mess caused by Hurricane Katrina, he couldn't help thinking he was weeks behind schedule. It was two months after the storm, and his crane operating company had just been hired to help in Louisiana. \"I wondered what it would have been like if I had been there on day one,\" Agoglia said. Frustrated by the kind of bureaucratic red tape that delayed aid after Katrina, Agoglia started the First Response Team of America, a mobile, \"24-hour-a-day firehouse\" that provides free emergency aid within hours of a catastrophe. Since 2007, the nonprofit group has responded to many of the country's worst natural disasters, including floods in Rhode Island and Tennessee and tornadoes in Alabama and Mississippi.A trio of CNN Heroes is still working to restore the Gulf after Hurricane KatrinaTad Agoglia is helping to clean up the oil spill, which has complicated comeback effortsLiz McCartney is trying to get families out of FEMA trailers and back into homesDerrick Tabb is reaching out to the youth of New Orleans with his after-school music program \n Questions:And he is proud at how his city has bounced back from _. (A) CNN (B) Tad Agoglia (C) Hurricane Katrina (D) Louisiana (E) Agoglia (F) First Response Team of America (G) Rhode Island (H) Tennessee (I) Alabama (J) Mississippi (K) CNN Heroes (L) Gulf (M) Liz McCartney (N) FEMA (O) Derrick Tabb (P) New Orleans" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Houston (CNN) Harvey is no longer a hurricane, but life-threatening flooding continued in and around Houston on Sunday night as citizens with boats assisted authorities in search and rescue efforts. Flooding from Tropical Storm Harvey is overburdening resources in the country's fourth-largest city, prompting authorities to call on volunteers with watercraft for help in rescuing those trapped in homes and buildings. An immediate respite from Harvey's wrath seems unlikely to come. The National Weather Service calls the flooding \"unprecedented,\" and warns things may become more dire if a forecasted record-breaking 50 inches of rain does fall on parts of Texas in coming days. In anticipation of a worsening situation, Dallas is turning its main convention center into a \"mega-shelter\" that can host 5,000 evacuees.Dallas aims to open \"mega-shelter\" for 5,000 evacuees by Tuesday morningTwo storm-related deaths reported so far: one in Houston, the other in Rockport \n Questions:The rainfall threatens to exacerbate an already dangerous situation, as _'s rains have left many east Texas rivers and bayous swollen to their banks or beyond. (A) Houston (B) CNN (C) Harvey (D) National Weather Service (E) Texas (F) Dallas (G) Rockport" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) In Georgia, Haitian-Americans answer phone calls to a hotline they set up for people interested in donating to relief efforts in Haiti. More than 600 miles away, in South Florida, volunteers stream into a warehouse daily, sorting medicine, hygiene products and other items for delivery to the island nation. A medical team led by the Haitian American Nurses Association of Florida lands in Haiti, bound for Aquin, Cavaillon and Les Cayes, three areas hit hard by Hurricane Matthew, according to a coalition called The Haitian American Hurricane Matthew Relief Effort. Nationwide, Haitian-Americans are leading relief efforts for their home country after Matthew killed hundreds in the southern portion and caused panic over potential rise in cholera outbreaks. Frustrated by what they believe is the lack of progress in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake, some are advocating donating to smaller \"Haitian-led\" groups, not larger international groups, such as the American Red Cross.Haitian-Americans lead relief efforts after home country hit by deadly hurricaneOrganizers encourage public to donate to \"Haitian-led\" groups, not international organizations \n Questions:Schaffer said the relief agency has been focusing on damage assessments in Haiti since _, and with the help of local groups, continues to work to get needed items to displaced residents, including hygiene, cholera prevention supplies and shelter supplies. (A) Georgia (B) Haitian (C) Americans (D) Haiti (E) South Florida (F) Haitian American Nurses Association of Florida (G) Aquin (H) Cavaillon (I) Les Cayes (J) Matthew (K) American Red Cross" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "London (CNN) Russian President Vladimir Putin probably approved the operation by Russian agents to kill former FSB spy Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, a detailed UK inquiry has concluded. Retired High Court Judge Robert Owen, who conducted the inquiry, wrote that he was \"sure\" that two former Russian agents poisoned the 44-year-old at a London hotel with highly radioactive polonium-210. And Owen wrote that he was also sure that the two men who allegedly poisoned Litvinenko -- former KGB and FSB employee Andrei Lugovoi and former Russian army officer Dmitri Kovtun -- were acting on behalf of others, probably the Russian spy service, the FSB.\"Putin himself personally protected (poisoning suspect) Lugovoi,\" Litvinenko's widow tells CNNRussia's Foreign Ministry calls the inquiry politically motivated; Russia's ambassador goes to the UK Foreign OfficeRussian President Vladimir Putin \"probably approved\" operation by Russian agents to kill Litvinenko, UK inquiry concludes \n Questions:\"He made clear that the inquiry's conclusion concerning the Russian State's probable involvement in this murder was deeply disturbing, demonstrating a flagrant disregard for UK law, international law and standards of conduct, and the safety of _ citizens. (A) London (B) CNN (C) Russian (D) Vladimir Putin (E) FSB (F) Alexander Litvinenko (G) UK (H) High Court (I) Robert Owen (J) Owen (K) Litvinenko (L) KGB (M) Andrei Lugovoi (N) Dmitri Kovtun (O) Putin (P) Lugovoi (Q) Russia (R) Foreign Ministry" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "London (CNN) Russian President Vladimir Putin probably approved the operation by Russian agents to kill former FSB spy Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, a detailed UK inquiry has concluded. Retired High Court Judge Robert Owen, who conducted the inquiry, wrote that he was \"sure\" that two former Russian agents poisoned the 44-year-old at a London hotel with highly radioactive polonium-210. And Owen wrote that he was also sure that the two men who allegedly poisoned Litvinenko -- former KGB and FSB employee Andrei Lugovoi and former Russian army officer Dmitri Kovtun -- were acting on behalf of others, probably the Russian spy service, the FSB.\"Putin himself personally protected (poisoning suspect) Lugovoi,\" Litvinenko's widow tells CNNRussia's Foreign Ministry calls the inquiry politically motivated; Russia's ambassador goes to the UK Foreign OfficeRussian President Vladimir Putin \"probably approved\" operation by Russian agents to kill Litvinenko, UK inquiry concludes \n Questions:\"He made clear that the inquiry's conclusion concerning the Russian State's probable involvement in this murder was deeply disturbing, demonstrating a flagrant disregard for _ law, international law and standards of conduct, and the safety of UK citizens. (A) London (B) CNN (C) Russian (D) Vladimir Putin (E) FSB (F) Alexander Litvinenko (G) UK (H) High Court (I) Robert Owen (J) Owen (K) Litvinenko (L) KGB (M) Andrei Lugovoi (N) Dmitri Kovtun (O) Putin (P) Lugovoi (Q) Russia (R) Foreign Ministry" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "London (CNN) Russian President Vladimir Putin probably approved the operation by Russian agents to kill former FSB spy Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, a detailed UK inquiry has concluded. Retired High Court Judge Robert Owen, who conducted the inquiry, wrote that he was \"sure\" that two former Russian agents poisoned the 44-year-old at a London hotel with highly radioactive polonium-210. And Owen wrote that he was also sure that the two men who allegedly poisoned Litvinenko -- former KGB and FSB employee Andrei Lugovoi and former Russian army officer Dmitri Kovtun -- were acting on behalf of others, probably the Russian spy service, the FSB.\"Putin himself personally protected (poisoning suspect) Lugovoi,\" Litvinenko's widow tells CNNRussia's Foreign Ministry calls the inquiry politically motivated; Russia's ambassador goes to the UK Foreign OfficeRussian President Vladimir Putin \"probably approved\" operation by Russian agents to kill Litvinenko, UK inquiry concludes \n Questions:He said: \"You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr. _, in your ears for the rest of your life.\" (A) London (B) CNN (C) Russian (D) Vladimir Putin (E) FSB (F) Alexander Litvinenko (G) UK (H) High Court (I) Robert Owen (J) Owen (K) Litvinenko (L) KGB (M) Andrei Lugovoi (N) Dmitri Kovtun (O) Lugovoi (P) Russia (Q) Foreign Ministry (R) UK Foreign Office" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Paris (CNN) President Donald Trump offered a staunch defense of his eldest son Thursday, saying during a carefully worded response here that Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer was a standard session that any political operative would have taken. \"My son is a wonderful young man. He took a meeting with a Russian lawyer, not a government lawyer, but a Russian lawyer,\" he said alongside French President Emmanuel Macron at the ornate Élysée Palace. \"It was a short meeting. It was a meeting that went very, very quickly, very fast.\" According to the emails released by Trump Jr. this week, the lawyer -- Natalia Veselnitskaya -- was described to Trump's son in an email as a \"Russian government lawyer\" with information that was part of the country's effort to help elect his father.The joint news conference featured Trump and MacronThe President last held a news conference a week ago in Warsaw \n Questions:Macron is eager to develop close security ties with _, but in other areas he's already emerged as a vocal critic, most notably over Trump's withdrawal from the climate accord that bears the French capital's name. (A) Paris (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Russian (E) French (F) Emmanuel Macron (G) Élysée Palace (H) Natalia Veselnitskaya (I) Macron (J) Warsaw" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Paris (CNN) President Donald Trump offered a staunch defense of his eldest son Thursday, saying during a carefully worded response here that Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer was a standard session that any political operative would have taken. \"My son is a wonderful young man. He took a meeting with a Russian lawyer, not a government lawyer, but a Russian lawyer,\" he said alongside French President Emmanuel Macron at the ornate Élysée Palace. \"It was a short meeting. It was a meeting that went very, very quickly, very fast.\" According to the emails released by Trump Jr. this week, the lawyer -- Natalia Veselnitskaya -- was described to Trump's son in an email as a \"Russian government lawyer\" with information that was part of the country's effort to help elect his father.The joint news conference featured Trump and MacronThe President last held a news conference a week ago in Warsaw \n Questions:Macron is eager to develop close security ties with Trump, but in other areas he's already emerged as a vocal critic, most notably over _'s withdrawal from the climate accord that bears the French capital's name. (A) Paris (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Russian (E) French (F) Emmanuel Macron (G) Élysée Palace (H) Natalia Veselnitskaya (I) Macron (J) Warsaw" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner released a statement Monday morning to the Hill intelligence committees about his contacts with Russians during the presidential campaign and transition. Kushner denied any collusion with the Russian government, which was engaged throughout 2016 in a campaign of its own to interfere in the election and help Trump beat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The 11-page statement from Kushner is his first public accounting of his interactions with Russians during the presidential campaign. Here's a look at the highlights: Kushner says he had four contacts with Russians last year. The first was a handshake with then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak before a Trump speech in April. The second was the highly controversial meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower in June. The third was a meeting with Kislyak during the transition. And the fourth was with Russian state-run banker Sergey Gorkov during the transition.Kushner offers his first public accounting of what he says are his four meetings with Russians during the 2016 campaign and transitionKushner also seeks to distance himself from the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower \n Questions:He says that he was late to the meeting and only in the room for 10 minutes while the issue of _ adoptions was discussed. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Jared Kushner (E) Hill (F) Russians (G) Kushner (H) Trump (I) Democratic (J) Hillary Clinton (K) Sergey Kislyak (L) Trump Tower (M) Kislyak (N) Sergey Gorkov" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Jack Dorsey would have to give up his post at Square if he wants to become permanent CEO of Twitter. The company he helped found and now leads on an interim basis said Monday that it is only considering candidates who can make a 'full-time commitment to Twitter.' Dorsey was named interim CEO after Dick Costolo stepped down effective July 1 amid criticism over Twitter's disappointing financial performance and share price decline. Costolo had been Twitter's CEO for five years and led the company through a successful stock market debut in 2013. But Twitter has yet to make a profit and there are concerns about its ability to grow its user base.Costolo stepping down from his role beginning July 1Costolo faced controversies over online abuse and user numbersBoard only considering candidates who can make 'full-time commitment' \n Questions:Costolo has agreed to cancel all of his remaining unvested equity in _ after July 1 as part of today's deal. (A) Jack Dorsey (B) Square (C) Twitter (D) Dorsey (E) Dick Costolo (F) Costolo (G) Board" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Jack Dorsey would have to give up his post at Square if he wants to become permanent CEO of Twitter. The company he helped found and now leads on an interim basis said Monday that it is only considering candidates who can make a 'full-time commitment to Twitter.' Dorsey was named interim CEO after Dick Costolo stepped down effective July 1 amid criticism over Twitter's disappointing financial performance and share price decline. Costolo had been Twitter's CEO for five years and led the company through a successful stock market debut in 2013. But Twitter has yet to make a profit and there are concerns about its ability to grow its user base.Costolo stepping down from his role beginning July 1Costolo faced controversies over online abuse and user numbersBoard only considering candidates who can make 'full-time commitment' \n Questions:'He has a profound understanding of the product and _'s mission in the world as well as a great relationship with Twitter's leadership team.' (A) Jack Dorsey (B) Square (C) Twitter (D) Dorsey (E) Dick Costolo (F) Costolo (G) Board" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Jack Dorsey would have to give up his post at Square if he wants to become permanent CEO of Twitter. The company he helped found and now leads on an interim basis said Monday that it is only considering candidates who can make a 'full-time commitment to Twitter.' Dorsey was named interim CEO after Dick Costolo stepped down effective July 1 amid criticism over Twitter's disappointing financial performance and share price decline. Costolo had been Twitter's CEO for five years and led the company through a successful stock market debut in 2013. But Twitter has yet to make a profit and there are concerns about its ability to grow its user base.Costolo stepping down from his role beginning July 1Costolo faced controversies over online abuse and user numbersBoard only considering candidates who can make 'full-time commitment' \n Questions:While some analysts expect Dorsey to be hired to the permanent post, this would mean giving up his job at Square, the payments startup, and _ has not indicated that he would do this. (A) Jack Dorsey (B) Square (C) Twitter (D) Dick Costolo (E) Costolo (F) Board" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will take on an advisory role to help figure out ways the Trump administration can fight the opioid epidemic. President Donald Trump made the announcement at a meeting at the White House Wednesday, with Christie sitting by his side. Trump introduced him as a \"very effective guy\" and said the governor will work with representatives in state and local government, as well as law enforcement, medical professionals, and victims to figure out the best ways to deal with this epidemic. Since 1999, the number of overdose deaths involving opioids quadrupled. From 2000 to 2015, more than 500,000 people died from drug overdoses, and opioids account for the majority of those deaths. It's estimated 91 Americans die every day from this addiction, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and for every death, more than 30 others are admitted to the emergency room.New Jersey has seen a big increase in drug overdose deaths, with 1,600 lives lost in 2015New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to chair commission to help fight the opioid epidemic \n Questions:_, there would be 100 more people on top of the 1,600 that we lost last year for this epidemic,\" Brogan said. (A) CNN (B) New Jersey (C) Chris Christie (D) Trump (E) Donald Trump (F) White House (G) Christie (H) Americans (I) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump, in a conversation with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, labeled New Hampshire \"a drug-infested den,\" according to a transcript of Trump's January 27 call that was published by The Washington Post on Thursday. The comment was quickly decried by Republican and Democratic lawmakers in the Granite State, including the state's Republican governor who endorsed Trump during the 2016 campaign. During the call, according to the Post, Trump lashed out at Peña Nieto for the quantity of illegal drugs that come into the United States from Mexico. \"We have a massive drug problem where kids are becoming addicted to drugs because the drugs are being sold for less money than candy,\" Trump said.Trump lashed out at Peña Nieto for the quantity of illegal drugs that come into the US from MexicoHe later bragged that he won the Granite State because of the opioid epidemic \n Questions:The 39-year-old mother of two -- almost seven years sober after getting addicted to prescription painkillers -- said her support for _ was already \"starting to dwindle,\" but this latest news pushed her over the edge. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Mexican (E) Enrique Peña Nieto (F) New Hampshire (G) The Washington Post (H) Republican (I) Democratic (J) Granite State (K) Post (L) Peña Nieto (M) United States (N) Mexico (O) US" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) The White House panel examining the nation's opioid epidemic has told President Trump to declare a national public health emergency to combat the ongoing crisis. \"Our citizens are dying. We must act boldly to stop it,\" the commission, headed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, said in an interim report Monday. \"The first and most urgent recommendation of this Commission is direct and completely within your control. Declare a national emergency.\" In pushing for the emergency declaration, the commission said that Trump is the \"only person who can bring this type of intensity to the emergency and we believe you have the will to do so and to do so immediately.\"The opioid commission recommends that Trump declare a public health emergencyThe White House says it will \"immediately\" review the recommendation \n Questions:\"We appreciate the _'s hard work on this important interim report. (A) White House (B) Trump (C) New Jersey (D) Chris Christie (E) Commission" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Andy Murray has faced a tricky transition in recent weeks between hard and clay courts as he tries to balance his preparations for the ATP World Tour Finals at The O2 and the Davis Cup final in Belgium. After four days of training on clay at London’s Queen’s Club this past week, Murray is now back on hard courts as he gets set to open his World Tour Finals campaign against Spaniard David Ferrer on Monday afternoon. Sportsmail was granted the first hit on the freshly-laid court at The O2 as Sky Sports pundit and Murray’s ex-coach Mark Petchey explained the issues involved in changing surfaces which his former charge will have to deal with over the next fortnight.Andy Murray is competing in this week's ATP World Tour FinalsThe world No 2 is also gearing up for the Davis Cup final in BelgiumMurray has flitted back and forth between hard and clay courts recentlyMark Petchey explains the difficulties involved in switching surfacesSee more of the latest news and updates on Andy Murray \n Questions:That again is something he is going to have to contend with during the _. (A) Andy Murray (B) ATP World Tour Finals (C) The O2 (D) Davis Cup (E) Belgium (F) London (G) Murray (H) World Tour Finals (I) Spaniard (J) David Ferrer (K) Sportsmail (L) Sky Sports (M) Murray’s (N) Mark Petchey (O) No 2" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The next time Andy Murray faces Nick Kyrgios is likely to be in Glasgow in two weeks’ time in front of feverish hordes supporting Great Britain against Australia in the Davis Cup semi-final. Kyrgios is expected to be the more rested of the two by then, Murray having knocked him out of the US Open in the early hours of Wednesday to set himself up for an arduous run which continues on Thursday against Frenchman Adrian Mannarino in the second round. Who Murray’s team-mates in Scotland will be remains a matter of conjecture, especially in light of James Ward’s recent run of defeats, albeit against mainly higher ranked opposition.Andy Murray beat Nick Kyrgios in four sets in the US Open first roundThe pair could meet again in a fortnight at the Davis Cup semi-finalMurray now goes on to face Adrian Mannarino in the second roundJo Konta and Aljaz Bedene are the two other Brits in action on Thursday \n Questions:At times _ seemed more interested in showing off than winning the match, but when, or if, he acquires maturity, his talent will make him a force to be reckoned with. (A) Andy Murray (B) Nick Kyrgios (C) Glasgow (D) Great Britain (E) Australia (F) Davis Cup (G) Murray (H) US Open (I) Frenchman (J) Adrian Mannarino (K) Who Murray (L) Scotland (M) James Ward (N) Jo Konta (O) Aljaz Bedene (P) Brits" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- Andy Murray recorded a double triumph on Tuesday to book his place in the last eight at Wimbledon, over opponent Marin Cilic and the dismal weather in London. After a day punctuated by rain delays on Monday, Murray was able to wrap up a 7-5 6-2 6-3 victory with just one interruption before damp conditions halted the action on all but Centre Court. Murray will now face Spain's David Ferrer -- who knocked him out of the recent French Open -- after the Spaniard defeated Juan Del Potro, from Argentina, 6-3 6-2 6-3. British No. 1 Murray said he was relieved to finish his clash against Croatian Cilic after a frustrating Monday in which play was suspended with the score 7-5 3-1.Britain's Andy Murray books Wimbledon quarterfinal slot with victory over Marin CilicNo. 4 seed wins 7-5 6-2 6-3 in rain affected match and will now face Spain's David FerrerFerrer beats Juan Martin Del Potro 6-3 6-2 6-3 under the roof on Centre CourtGerman pair Philipp Kohlschreiber and Florian Mayer both make it through to last eight \n Questions:\"It makes no difference but obviously every player would rather be on _ because you know you are going to get your match in regardless of the weather. (A) CNN (B) Andy Murray (C) Wimbledon (D) Marin Cilic (E) London (F) Murray (G) Centre Court (H) Spain (I) David Ferrer (J) French Open (K) Spaniard (L) Juan Del Potro (M) Argentina (N) British (O) Croatian Cilic (P) Britain (Q) Ferrer (R) Juan Martin Del Potro (S) German (T) Philipp Kohlschreiber (U) Florian Mayer" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) With the special election for Alabama's Senate seat less than two weeks away, the candidates appear headed for a photo finish, with Democrat Doug Jones gaining a slight edge over his Republican competitor Roy Moore, according to a new poll out Saturday. Jones is up 3% among likely voters, with 50% to Moore's 47%, according to a Washington Post-Schar School Poll. The survey found that allegations of improper sexual behavior made against Moore in recent weeks factored heavily in the candidate's drooping numbers. On the topic of moral conduct, 53% of voters said Jones had higher standards. Only about a third of those polled said Moore, a former district attorney, former Alabama state Supreme Court justice, and strong proponent of Christianity, has higher moral standards. Moore is perhaps best known for his strident opposition to LGBT rights and Islam and embrace of Christian theocratic principles.Jones is up 3% among likely voters, with 50% to Moore's 47%53% of voters said Jones had higher moral standards \n Questions:However, the pollsters did not disclose that _ was a sponsor of the poll until the end of the interview to avoid influencing the answers of respondents with opinions about the news organization's coverage of the allegations against Moore. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Alabama (D) Senate (E) Democrat (F) Doug Jones (G) Republican (H) Roy Moore (I) Jones (J) Moore (K) Washington Post (L) Schar School Poll (M) Supreme Court (N) Christianity (O) LGBT (P) Islam (Q) Christian" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) With the special election for Alabama's Senate seat less than two weeks away, the candidates appear headed for a photo finish, with Democrat Doug Jones gaining a slight edge over his Republican competitor Roy Moore, according to a new poll out Saturday. Jones is up 3% among likely voters, with 50% to Moore's 47%, according to a Washington Post-Schar School Poll. The survey found that allegations of improper sexual behavior made against Moore in recent weeks factored heavily in the candidate's drooping numbers. On the topic of moral conduct, 53% of voters said Jones had higher standards. Only about a third of those polled said Moore, a former district attorney, former Alabama state Supreme Court justice, and strong proponent of Christianity, has higher moral standards. Moore is perhaps best known for his strident opposition to LGBT rights and Islam and embrace of Christian theocratic principles.Jones is up 3% among likely voters, with 50% to Moore's 47%53% of voters said Jones had higher moral standards \n Questions:A spokesman for Moore's campaign responded to the polling results, insinuating that the _ had influence over the findings because they were the first news organization to report the sexual misconduct allegations against Moore. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Alabama (D) Senate (E) Democrat (F) Doug Jones (G) Republican (H) Roy Moore (I) Jones (J) Moore (K) Washington Post (L) Schar School Poll (M) Supreme Court (N) Christianity (O) LGBT (P) Islam (Q) Christian" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) With the special election for Alabama's Senate seat less than two weeks away, the candidates appear headed for a photo finish, with Democrat Doug Jones gaining a slight edge over his Republican competitor Roy Moore, according to a new poll out Saturday. Jones is up 3% among likely voters, with 50% to Moore's 47%, according to a Washington Post-Schar School Poll. The survey found that allegations of improper sexual behavior made against Moore in recent weeks factored heavily in the candidate's drooping numbers. On the topic of moral conduct, 53% of voters said Jones had higher standards. Only about a third of those polled said Moore, a former district attorney, former Alabama state Supreme Court justice, and strong proponent of Christianity, has higher moral standards. Moore is perhaps best known for his strident opposition to LGBT rights and Islam and embrace of Christian theocratic principles.Jones is up 3% among likely voters, with 50% to Moore's 47%53% of voters said Jones had higher moral standards \n Questions:So it's no surprise we would be down in the _ poll given their commitment to the systematic destruction of Roy Moore,\" the spokesman said. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Alabama (D) Senate (E) Democrat (F) Doug Jones (G) Republican (H) Roy Moore (I) Jones (J) Moore (K) Schar School Poll (L) Supreme Court (M) Christianity (N) LGBT (O) Islam (P) Christian" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "From awkwardly handing a beggar some change, to failing at eating a bacon sandwich, it is fair to say Labour spin doctors have so far failed to make Ed Miliband look cool. But now Twitter users are attempting to give the somewhat uninspiring party leader a makeover, by editing his face on to famous men's bodies. From Hollywood legends Marlon Brando and Harrison Ford, to astronaut Neil Armstrong and even TV's latest heart-throb Poldark, these images prove there is nothing that photoshop cannot achieve. Scroll down for video Ed, Ed Miliband: In an attempt to make the Labour leader look cool, Twitter users have begun editing his face on to the body of famous men, including Daniel Craig as James Bond in movie Casino RoyaleEd Miliband has history of appearing awkwardly in front of the cameraTwitter account aims to reinvent Labour leader as a symbol of coolMiliband's face edited on to famous men's bodies such as Daniel Craig \n Questions:Cool _, which was created just last Saturday, has already posted 45 images of the Labour leader, and has attracted 3,500 followers. (A) Labour (B) Ed Miliband (C) Twitter (D) Hollywood (E) Marlon Brando (F) Harrison Ford (G) Neil Armstrong (H) Poldark (I) Daniel Craig (J) James Bond (K) Casino Royale" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "From awkwardly handing a beggar some change, to failing at eating a bacon sandwich, it is fair to say Labour spin doctors have so far failed to make Ed Miliband look cool. But now Twitter users are attempting to give the somewhat uninspiring party leader a makeover, by editing his face on to famous men's bodies. From Hollywood legends Marlon Brando and Harrison Ford, to astronaut Neil Armstrong and even TV's latest heart-throb Poldark, these images prove there is nothing that photoshop cannot achieve. Scroll down for video Ed, Ed Miliband: In an attempt to make the Labour leader look cool, Twitter users have begun editing his face on to the body of famous men, including Daniel Craig as James Bond in movie Casino RoyaleEd Miliband has history of appearing awkwardly in front of the cameraTwitter account aims to reinvent Labour leader as a symbol of coolMiliband's face edited on to famous men's bodies such as Daniel Craig \n Questions:The teenager has 12,000 followers and claims to be the leader of #milifandom, a group of Labour backers and _ admirers, who use the hashtag to show their support. (A) Labour (B) Ed Miliband (C) Twitter (D) Hollywood (E) Marlon Brando (F) Harrison Ford (G) Neil Armstrong (H) Poldark (I) Daniel Craig (J) James Bond (K) Casino Royale" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "He has long struggled to convince voters that he is a suitable choice for prime minister. Now Ed Miliband has hired a leadership coaching firm that helps people overcome anxiety and find their ‘inner voice’. The consultants drafted in by the Labour leader claim to work with politicians to build ‘leadership skills’ using ‘neuroscience’ and ‘business psychology’. Scroll down for video Ed Miliband, pictured, has hired a US guru who can help him convince himself that he can be Prime Minister Mr Miliband, pictured, has constantly lagged behind Prime Minister David Cameron in the personal rating polls Services offered by ExtendedMind include coaching on how to look ‘authentic’ and tutorials on how to build alliances – which may come in useful during negotiations with SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon.Ed Miliband is trying to build his 'leadership skills' using psychologyHe has hired a leadership coaching firm to help him feel less anxiousThe firm ExtendedMind also tries to make its clients seem 'more authentic'Miliband had a note to remind him to be a 'happy warrior' during a debate \n Questions:Asked yesterday whether his use of _ had been ‘helpful’, Mr Miliband told a press conference: ‘I will let other people make a judgment on those questions. (A) Ed Miliband (B) Labour leader (C) US (D) Miliband (E) David Cameron (F) ExtendedMind (G) SNP (H) Nicola Sturgeon" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Sevilla president Jose Castro hailed Lionel Messi as an 'extra-terrestrial' after the Barcelona forward's latest star showing in Tuesday night's UEFA Super Cup triumph. Messi struck twice from two free-kicks in the space of eight minutes before setting up Pedro's extra-time winner as Barca ran out 5-4 winners in the Tblisi thriller. And having watched the Argentine superstar's world-class showing to dismantle his valiant losers, Castro hailed his team but admitted that Messi offered something out of this world. 'I'm very proud of my players and my team. As the (club) hymn says, this team never gives up,' Castro said.Lionel Messi struck twice as Barcelona beat Sevilla in the UEFA Super CupBarcelona hero also set up Pedro's winner in 5-4 extra-time triumphSevilla president Jose Castro called brilliant Messi an 'extra-terrestrial'Club chief was proud of how his side fought back from three goals downClick here to sign up to MailOnline's brilliant Fantasy Football game \n Questions:Given how close they pushed _ with Messi not far from his brilliant best, Castro can take heart in their performance and what it could entail for the new season. (A) Sevilla (B) Jose Castro (C) Lionel Messi (D) Barcelona (E) UEFA Super Cup (F) Messi (G) Pedro (H) Tblisi (I) Argentine (J) Castro (K) MailOnline (L) Fantasy Football" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "It was one of Barcelona's easier nights in the Champions League as Luis Enrique's team brushed aside Paris Saint-Germain 2-0 at the Nou Camp to reach the semi-finals. The 5-1 aggregate victory never looked in doubt as the Spanish side showed signs of returning to their brilliant best, with a combination of experienced stars and blossoming talent in their ranks. Here Sportsmail looks at the five things we have learned from Barca's crushing victory over PSG. Neymar (left) celebrates opening the scoring for Barcelona along with Dani Alves (centre) and Gerard Pique Neymar is a blend of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel MessiBarcelona cruised into UEFA Champions League semi-finalsNeymar and Andres Iniesta star men for Barca in 2-0 win over PSGParis Saint-Germain lost 5-1 on aggregate and must make smart transfersNeymar has blend of Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi \n Questions:_ project needs more investment – as long as it’s sensible investment. (A) Barcelona (B) Champions League (C) Luis Enrique (D) Paris Saint-Germain (E) Nou Camp (F) Spanish (G) Sportsmail (H) Barca (I) Neymar (J) Dani Alves (K) Gerard Pique (L) Cristiano Ronaldo (M) Lionel Messi (N) UEFA Champions League (O) Andres Iniesta" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Lionel Messi has been hailed as the greatest ever footballer by his Barcelona teammate Marc-André ter Stegen after the Argentine's match-winning performance against rivals Real Madrid Sunday. After taking a blow to the face which left him bloodied and shaken in the first half, Messi scored Barca's equalizer before netting the 500th goal of his club career -- a last-minute winner in the 3-2 victory over Real. \"I think he's the greatest ever, because there's nobody similar to him,\" German international goalkeeper Ter Stegen told CNN Sport's Alex Thomas. \"He loves to play football, he loves to see other people around him playing well. I think he's the best ever because of the talent and the amazing performances he's showing every week.\"Messi scores 500th Barcelona goalHis winner beats Real Madrid at the BernabéuBarça keeper: \"Messi is the greatest ever\" \n Questions:And, while many praised the brilliance of _'s contemporary rival Cristiano Ronaldo, others extolled older talents like Frenchman Zinedine Zidane and Brazil's Garrincha. (A) CNN (B) Lionel Messi (C) Barcelona (D) Marc (E) André ter Stegen (F) Argentine (G) Real Madrid (H) Barca (I) Real (J) German (K) Ter Stegen (L) CNN Sport (M) Alex Thomas (N) Bernabéu (O) Barça" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Two months ago, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department's new commander, Chanel Dickerson, made a pledge: Let's find our missing girls. Now, as the department posts profiles of missing black and Latina girls in the nation's capital on its Twitter feed almost daily, members of the Congressional Black Caucus are calling for a federal investigation. In a letter Tuesday, the lawmakers asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director James Comey to \"devote the resources necessary to determine whether these developments are an anomaly, or whether they are indicative of an underlying trend that must be addressed.\" \"(W)hen children of color go missing, authorities often assume they are runaways rather than victims of abduction,\" they added.Local police data show 22 missing child cases are open in DC\"One missing person is one person too many,\" DC's police commander said \n Questions:While Lowery said the number of child abductions is down across the country, the level of runaway cases seen in _ and other major cities is particularly disturbing. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Washington Metropolitan Police Department (D) Chanel Dickerson (E) Latina (F) Twitter (G) Congressional Black Caucus (H) Jeff Sessions (I) FBI (J) James Comey (K) W)hen (L) DC" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- The mother of missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway talked to the family of a murdered Peruvian woman whose case may be linked to her daughter's, the Peruvian family told CNN's sister network In Session. Beth Holloway gave the Flores family her \"sincere, sincere condolences\" when they spoke for the first time Wednesday, Enrique Flores told In Session's Jean Casarez. Flores' sister Stephany was killed May 30. Joran van der Sloot, who is being held in connection with the killing, was twice arrested but never charged in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in 2005. Beth Holloway told Enrique Flores she hoped his family would not go through what her family had suffered, he said.Stephany Flores' family speaks to Holloway's mother for the first time, victim's brother saysThe two families are linked by Joran van der Sloot, held over Flores killingVan der Sloot twice arrested but never charged over Natalee Holloway disappearanceEnrique Flores hopes Van der Sloot trial can ease both families' pain \n Questions:No trial start date has been set in the case, but a hearing is scheduled for next week, when _ will give his first statements before a judge. (A) CNN (B) Alabama (C) Natalee Holloway (D) Peruvian (E) In Session (F) Beth Holloway (G) Flores (H) Enrique Flores (I) Session (J) Jean Casarez (K) Stephany (L) Joran van der Sloot (M) Stephany Flores (N) Holloway" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) A girl rescued by Nigerian troops from Boko Haram militants does not appear to be one of the girls abducted in 2014 from a school in the town of Chibok, as was initially reported, an activist said Friday. Serah Luka, who was rescued Thursday, did attend the school, but wasn't abducted at the same time as the 276 taken from the school on April 14, 2014, according to Bukky Shonibare of the #BringBackOurGirls campaign. \"However, the same way we rejoice over the return of the Chibok girl, so also is our joy over this one,\" Shonibare said. A Nigerian army officer said Thursday that Luka was part of the mass abduction. On Friday, Army Brig. General Abubakar Rabe declined to address whether Luka was part of that abduction.Activist says girl rescued Thursday was not part of 2014 mass abductionGeneral says what's important is not how she was abducted, but her rescueMore than 200 Chibok schoolgirls remain missing after being snatched by Boko Haram \n Questions:First missing Chibok girl found after 2 years as prisoner of _. (A) Nigerian (B) Boko Haram (C) Chibok (D) Serah Luka (E) Bukky Shonibare (F) BringBackOurGirls (G) Shonibare (H) Luka (I) Abubakar Rabe" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Former porn star Bree Olson says ex-lover Charlie Sheen must 'face the consequences' for exposing her and so many others to the potentially deadly HIV virus. Sheen, 50, claimed he was diagnosed with the virus four years ago in a TV interview last week but former lover Olson believes he knew about it when they lived together in 2011 - yet never told her. Now she has accused him of 'putting a loaded gun to my head' by exposing her to the disease, and said doing so without telling someone is a crime in the US so he should be brought to justice.Sheen, 50, admitted last week he was diagnosed with HIV four years agoFormer girlfriend star Bree Olson says he never told her about itShe and another girl lived with him in 2011 and said they had sex every dayExposing others to HIV is a crime in America and she says he must 'face consequences' \n Questions:An insider claimed: 'Sheen waited over four months to inform Scottine that he was _ positive. (A) Bree Olson (B) Charlie Sheen (C) HIV (D) Sheen (E) Olson (F) US (G) America" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Former porn star Bree Olson says ex-lover Charlie Sheen must 'face the consequences' for exposing her and so many others to the potentially deadly HIV virus. Sheen, 50, claimed he was diagnosed with the virus four years ago in a TV interview last week but former lover Olson believes he knew about it when they lived together in 2011 - yet never told her. Now she has accused him of 'putting a loaded gun to my head' by exposing her to the disease, and said doing so without telling someone is a crime in the US so he should be brought to justice.Sheen, 50, admitted last week he was diagnosed with HIV four years agoFormer girlfriend star Bree Olson says he never told her about itShe and another girl lived with him in 2011 and said they had sex every dayExposing others to HIV is a crime in America and she says he must 'face consequences' \n Questions:It is also a misdemeanor to willfully expose someone to _, though that carries a prison sentence of just a few months. (A) Bree Olson (B) Charlie Sheen (C) HIV (D) Sheen (E) Olson (F) US (G) America" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Charlie Sheen is facing a number of lawsuits and being attacked by former partners after revealing he is HIV-positive. Just hours after Sheen told Matt Lauer on Today that he has had the virus for 'roughly four years' and informed all of his sexual partners since that time, the actor's former girlfriend Bree Olson made an appearance on The Howard Stern Show telling a very different story. She claimed that Sheen never once revealed to her that he is HIV-positive, and said later in a separate interview; 'He's a monster.' Shortly after Olson appeared on Stern's show another one of Sheen's sexual partners, Natalie Kenly, came forward to say that the actor never told her either that he is HIV-positive.Charlie Sheen said that he was diagnosed 'roughly four years ago' and his doctor said the virus is now 'undetectable' in his bloodHe said it was 'impossible' he had transmitted the virus to anyone but did admit to having unsafe sex with two partners who knew his statusHis exes Bree Olson and Natalie Kenly are claiming Sheen never once told them he is HIV-positive when they were together'He's a monster,' said OlsonSources close to Sheen say he did not find out he was HIV-positive until May 2011 when he was no longer with Olson - but was still dating KenlyThere are also reports that six people who had sex with the actor are already preparing to file lawsuits against himOne person claims they had sex with Sheen just last week and he did not reveal his statusSheen said his ex-wives Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller knew he is HIV-positive, and that he recently told his oldest daughter Cassandra \n Questions:If an individual breaks the agreement it states they must pay _ $100,000, and a percentage of any money they may have received for the information they shared. (A) Charlie Sheen (B) HIV (C) Matt Lauer (D) Bree Olson (E) The Howard Stern Show (F) Olson (G) Stern (H) Natalie Kenly (I) Kenly (J) Denise Richards (K) Brooke Mueller (L) Cassandra" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Syrian government forces say they have retaken control of the rest of Aleppo, but there is no military solution to the conflict in Syria. Only a widely accepted political settlement can end the fighting and stitch the country back together. The recent Syrian regime offensive -- supported by Russian and Iranian-backed forces -- to capture the rest of the eastern side of the city has led to the complete fall of the besieged area. However the Syrian regime's recent victories have raised many questions about the impact of these gains on the conflict in Syria and the fate of the country.Haid: Even if Assad is able to control Syria militarily, after a long struggle, the regime will still not be able to efficiently run the countryDespite the significance of Aleppo, the fate of the city alone is not a decisive factor in the Syrian conflict \n Questions:Any other solution will only deal with symptoms and ignore the illness until it is too late for it to be treated, and turn _ into a failed state permanently. (A) CNN (B) Syrian (C) Aleppo (D) Russian (E) Iranian (F) Haid (G) Assad" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Syrian government forces say they have retaken control of the rest of Aleppo, but there is no military solution to the conflict in Syria. Only a widely accepted political settlement can end the fighting and stitch the country back together. The recent Syrian regime offensive -- supported by Russian and Iranian-backed forces -- to capture the rest of the eastern side of the city has led to the complete fall of the besieged area. However the Syrian regime's recent victories have raised many questions about the impact of these gains on the conflict in Syria and the fate of the country.Haid: Even if Assad is able to control Syria militarily, after a long struggle, the regime will still not be able to efficiently run the countryDespite the significance of Aleppo, the fate of the city alone is not a decisive factor in the Syrian conflict \n Questions:These conditions, which helped pave the way for the rise of radical groups in the first place in _, have only been exacerbated. (A) CNN (B) Syrian (C) Aleppo (D) Russian (E) Iranian (F) Haid (G) Assad" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) The images from Aleppo, Idlib and Syria's border with Turkey can be described in one word: despair. Tens of thousands of people have fled the relentless bombing and shelling that has paved the way for dramatic battlefield gains by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad and its allies. Hundreds of thousands more remain trapped, awaiting their fate with trepidation. In the space of a few weeks, the Syrian battlefield has been transformed, the balance of forces pulverized and the prospects for peace talks -- already dark -- virtually extinguished. Another tide of displaced civilians converge on the Turkish border, trapped by the advance of regime forces.In the space of a few weeks, the Syrian battlefield has been transformedThe Assad regime has severed the main road from Aleppo to the Turkish borderA defining battle for Aleppo, Syria's largest city before the war, seems imminent \n Questions:_ -- which already has 2.5 million Syrian refugees on its soil -- says it is close to capacity. (A) Aleppo (B) Idlib (C) Syria (D) Turkey (E) Bashar al (F) Assad (G) Syrian" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "It was known as one of the grandest, most enchanting country parks in England, but now it could be at the centre of an unedifying legal tussle involving members of one of Britain’s most prominent and colourful landowning families. The Rushmore Estate, which has been in the Pitt-Rivers family for generations and counts film director Guy Ritchie as a neighbour, was once described by novelist Thomas Hardy as ‘quite the prettiest sight I ever saw in my life’. Last week its current owner, the flamboyant William Gronow-Davis, died and now the future of the estate’s 7,500 acres in Dorset – estimated to be worth more than £50million – hangs in the balance.Rushmore Estate's owner William Gronow-Davis passed away last weekThe future of the estate's 7,500 in Dorset now hangs in the balanceThere is speculation it might be divided among 23 family membersPotential buyers include William Fox-Pitt and Martha Lane Fox \n Questions:One doing the rounds is that William Fox-_ is going to take charge. (A) England (B) Britain (C) Rushmore Estate (D) Pitt (E) Rivers (F) Guy Ritchie (G) Thomas Hardy (H) William Gronow (I) Davis (J) Dorset (K) William Fox (L) Martha Lane Fox" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wasted little time escaping to Norfolk haven, Anmer Hall, for some much-needed family time in rural tranquility with their new daughter, Princess Charlotte, and son Prince George. And now it has been revealed that Kate and Prince William are looking to further enhance their ten-bedroom Georgian house, a gift from the Queen, which is to be their home for the next few years. Planning application has been submitted to the borough council seeking permission to re-site a tennis court at Anmer Hall. The 3.65-hectare court will sit adjacent to the stately home overlooking the luscious parks and ponds.Planning application has been submitted to the borough councilThe 3.65 hectare tennis court will sit adjacent to the stately homeHard court will have an AstroTurf surface and will replace an existing courtPlanning notice is online for public to submit comments by the end of JulyKate and William are raising their family at Norfolk bolthole \n Questions:'Moving the court further away from the Hall improves the views from the _ and locates the court largely in an area of undeveloped garden. (A) Duke (B) Duchess of Cambridge (C) Norfolk (D) Anmer Hall (E) Charlotte (F) Prince George (G) Kate (H) Prince William (I) Georgian (J) Hard (K) AstroTurf (L) William" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A millionaire has won a legal victory which could see a £10.5 million solar farm removed at a cost of £1.5 million - because it overshadows his Grade II listed home. Daniel Gerber from Broughton Gifford, Wiltshire, was horrified when developers started constructing the 54-acre site on the doorstep of his six-bedroom Grade-II listed home - which is worth almost £3million. He claims he was not informed of the planning application by the local authority - despite the development being just 45 metres from the boundary of his property. Gifford Hall (pictured) Mr Gerber's Grade-II listed home has six bedrooms and is worth almost £3millionDaniel Gerber was 'horrified' when a solar farm was built on his doorstopMassive development is just 45 metres from the boundary of his propertyThe £10.5m farm covers 22.1 hectares and would cost £1.5m to removeHe claims he was not told about the planning application by the councilTook case to court and said English Heritage should have been consultedJudge has upheld claim and ordered council to reconsider applicationWiltshire Council could face a hefty bill if they are sued by the solar giants \n Questions:'It is precisely the matter on which _'s expert views should be sought. (A) Grade II (B) Daniel Gerber (C) Broughton Gifford (D) Wiltshire (E) Grade-II (F) Gifford Hall (G) Gerber (H) English Heritage (I) Wiltshire Council" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Over the past several months, Western defense ministries and militaries have expressed anxiety over the large-scale Russian military exercise known as \"Zapad,\" or \"West,\" slated to begin in mid-September and to engage virtually every element of Russian forces. In late July, Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, commander of US Army Europe, warned that NATO allies fear \"Zapad 17\" could be a Russian \"Trojan horse.\" That is not an unwarranted concern. Twice over the past decade — Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014 — the Kremlin has used the cover of an exercise as preliminary to an invasion. The \"Zapad\" maneuvers, held about every four years, are particularly threatening in that they frequently simulate the use of nuclear weapons.Thomas Donnelly and Gary Schmitt: Russian military exercise known as \"Zapad\" is scheduled to begin this month in BelarusThere is concern among NATO allies that Zapad could be a cover for the preliminary to a Russian invasion \n Questions:Or, if they do leave, they leave behind military equipment that gives them a potential leg up in a future crisis with _. (A) Western (B) Russian (C) Zapad (D) Ben Hodges (E) US Army Europe (F) NATO (G) Zapad 17 (H) Trojan (I) Georgia (J) Crimea (K) Kremlin (L) Thomas Donnelly (M) Gary Schmitt (N) Belarus" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "NATO's top military commander expressed concern Sunday about the buildup of Russian forces on Ukraine's border, as Moscow's forces consolidated their control of Crimea over the weekend. Supreme Allied Commander Europe Gen. Philip Breedlove said Russia had a large force on Ukraine's eastern border and that he was worried it could pose a threat to Moldova's separatist Trans-Dniester region. \"The (Russian) force that is at the Ukrainian border now to the east is very, very sizable and very, very ready,\" Breedlove, a U.S. Air Force general, said. \"There is absolutely sufficient force postured on the eastern border of Ukraine to run to Trans-Dniester if the decision was made to do that, and that is very worrisome.\"NATO commander says Russia has a large force on Ukraine's eastern border\"Russia is acting much more like an adversary than a partner,\" NATO commander says\"We must not allow a new division of Europe,\" says German foreign ministerPro-Russia rallies planned in southern, eastern Ukraine \n Questions:\"What we've seen the President do in recent weeks, and what we'll see him do this week, is bring the world together in support of Ukraine, to isolate Russia for its actions ... and reassure our partners and allies in NATO and _,\" Blinken said. (A) NATO (B) Russian (C) Ukraine (D) Moscow (E) Crimea (F) Europe (G) Philip Breedlove (H) Russia (I) Moldova (J) Trans-Dniester region (K) Ukrainian (L) Breedlove (M) U.S. (N) Air Force (O) Trans-Dniester (P) German" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "NATO's top military commander expressed concern Sunday about the buildup of Russian forces on Ukraine's border, as Moscow's forces consolidated their control of Crimea over the weekend. Supreme Allied Commander Europe Gen. Philip Breedlove said Russia had a large force on Ukraine's eastern border and that he was worried it could pose a threat to Moldova's separatist Trans-Dniester region. \"The (Russian) force that is at the Ukrainian border now to the east is very, very sizable and very, very ready,\" Breedlove, a U.S. Air Force general, said. \"There is absolutely sufficient force postured on the eastern border of Ukraine to run to Trans-Dniester if the decision was made to do that, and that is very worrisome.\"NATO commander says Russia has a large force on Ukraine's eastern border\"Russia is acting much more like an adversary than a partner,\" NATO commander says\"We must not allow a new division of Europe,\" says German foreign ministerPro-Russia rallies planned in southern, eastern Ukraine \n Questions:\"It's deeply concerning to see the _ troop buildup along the border. (A) NATO (B) Russian (C) Ukraine (D) Moscow (E) Crimea (F) Europe (G) Philip Breedlove (H) Moldova (I) Trans-Dniester region (J) Ukrainian (K) Breedlove (L) U.S. (M) Air Force (N) Trans-Dniester (O) German" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "His battered and bloodstained body hung for three days on the cross on which he was crucified. Around his neck, the Islamic State butchers who killed him had hung a handwritten placard accusing him of apostasy — abandoning his religion. He was just 17 and the placard explained that the unnamed boy's crime had been to take photographs of the terrorist organisation's headquarters in the Syrian city of Raqqa, which has become the de facto IS capital. Images of his body were smuggled to the West in defiance of the city's terrifying religious police by undercover activists appalled at the daily brutality taking place in their city.Women are forced to become sex slaves, shared by the brutal jihadisLife in Raqqa once revolved around cotton farming. Muslims and Christians once lived together here and the sexes mixed freelyMusic and smoking is banned and thieves are punished with amputation \n Questions:_ today does not offer romance: instead, these highly prized foreign women are expected to have sex with dozens of jihadis. (A) Islamic (B) Syrian (C) Raqqa (D) West (E) Life (F) Muslims (G) Christians" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "His battered and bloodstained body hung for three days on the cross on which he was crucified. Around his neck, the Islamic State butchers who killed him had hung a handwritten placard accusing him of apostasy — abandoning his religion. He was just 17 and the placard explained that the unnamed boy's crime had been to take photographs of the terrorist organisation's headquarters in the Syrian city of Raqqa, which has become the de facto IS capital. Images of his body were smuggled to the West in defiance of the city's terrifying religious police by undercover activists appalled at the daily brutality taking place in their city.Women are forced to become sex slaves, shared by the brutal jihadisLife in Raqqa once revolved around cotton farming. Muslims and Christians once lived together here and the sexes mixed freelyMusic and smoking is banned and thieves are punished with amputation \n Questions:Women who have escaped _, having gone there willingly in the belief they would marry and look after one fighter, have told how they were used as prostitutes. (A) Islamic (B) Syrian (C) Raqqa (D) West (E) Life (F) Muslims (G) Christians" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Shocking photographs showing the bloody beheading of four alleged spies in Iraq have been released by Islamic State. The images, given the disturbing title 'Harvesting of Spies', were taken in the Iraqi province of Salahuddin and published on social media. According to the captions, the four men were accused of being spies for the Baghdad government and had been condemned to death by an Islamic court. Depraved: The images of the execution were taken in the Iraqi province of Salahuddin and published on social media Unusually for an ISIS public execution, no residents appear to have been allowed to witness the killings, despite them being carried out in a public placeWARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENTPhotographs of the execution of four alleged spies in Iraq released by ISISMen accused of spying for Baghdad government and condemned to deathThe images, published on social media, show the men being decapitatedFollows release of videos of execution of 'spies' and 'informers' last week \n Questions:Before their deaths, each man claims responsibility for spying on _, although it is unknown whether they are speaking under duress. (A) Iraq (B) Islamic State (C) Spies (D) Iraqi (E) Salahuddin (F) Baghdad (G) Islamic (H) ISIS (I) GRAPHIC CONTENT" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A prosecutor says a child who had been missing from Alabama and turned up 13 years later in Cleveland, Ohio was found in part because of red flags raised when he tried to apply for college. District Attorney Brandon Falls in Jefferson County, Alabama, told local news outlets that Julian Hernandez went to his school counselor for help when colleges kept having troubles matching his social security number to his name. Falls says the counselor then ran a search and realized Hernandez was listed as missing by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Authorities say Hernandez was 5 when his mother reported him missing. He is now 18. Falls says it's unlikely he knew he was listed as missing.Julian Hernandez was five when he was reported missing by his mother in Birmingham, Alabama, in August 2002Police suspected his father, Bobby Hernandez, who did not have custody of his son, as he had also disappearedNow 18, Julian discovered he was a missing person when he started applying to college and ran into issues with his social security numberBobby Hernandez has been arrested and faces felony charges; he was living in Cleveland, Ohio under the alias of 'Jonathan Mangina'Julian's mother is reportedly ecstatic to find her son, however it will be up to Julian whether he wants to be reunited since he is a legal adult \n Questions:Julian's mother, who was separated from _, reported him missing on August 28, 2002. (A) Alabama (B) Cleveland (C) Ohio (D) Brandon Falls (E) Jefferson County (F) Julian Hernandez (G) Falls (H) National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (I) Birmingham (J) Julian (K) Jonathan Mangina" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Lindsay Jo Rimer went missing from Hebden Bridge and her body was found in a canal five months later The sister of murdered schoolgirl Lindsay Jo Rimer has spoken of her family's agony as they still hope to find her killer 20 years after her death. Lindsay Jo was 13 when she went missing after going to the shops in Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire. Her body was discovered in Rochdale canal five months later, weighed down with a 20lb rock. The teenager's sister Kate described her family's struggle since Lindsay Jo's death as a 'life sentence'. She has spoken out for the first time as detectives launch a new bid to find Lindsay Jo's killer as they admit they are still searching for the 'golden nugget' to bring justice to her family.Lindsay Jo Rimer, 13, went missing from Hebden Bridge 20 years agoHer body was found five months later, weighed down in Rochdale canalKate, her sister, has spoken out as 20th anniversary of her death approaches in a bid to try and trace Lindsay Jo's murdererMs Rimer said the last 20 years have been like a 'life sentence' for family \n Questions:'Anyone who watches the clip of _'s interview will be moved by what she has to say. (A) Lindsay Jo Rimer (B) Hebden Bridge (C) Lindsay Jo (D) West Yorkshire (E) Rochdale (F) Kate (G) Rimer" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) It's been more than three years since Christopher Ponce allegedly slipped off an ankle monitor and skipped bail. The 26-year-old fugitive's time on the lam came to an end when police arrested him in Spain this week, Florida Highway Patrol Sgt. Steve Gaskins said. Ponce, who was featured on CNN's \"The Hunt with John Walsh\" in 2014, was charged with DUI manslaughter after a fatal 2012 car crash in Tampa, Florida. \"Extradition is in motion,\" Gaskins wrote on Twitter. Ponce is accused of driving drunk in the wrong direction on I-275, slamming head-on into another car. The crash killed 20-year-old William Angel and seriously injured two of his friends.Ponce is accused of driving drunk in the wrong direction on I-275, slamming head-on into another carThe crash killed 20-year-old William Angel and seriously injured two of his friends \n Questions:After _'s disappearance, police said they believed friends or family could be helping him evade authorities. (A) Christopher Ponce (B) Spain (C) Florida Highway Patrol (D) Steve Gaskins (E) CNN (F) The Hunt (G) John Walsh (H) DUI (I) Tampa (J) Florida (K) Gaskins (L) Twitter (M) William Angel" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Charlotte, North Carolina (CNN) -- Negative, expensive campaigns is something Sen. Kay Hagan is getting an education in this year. And something Hillary Clinton knows very well. Clinton campaigned Saturday for her fellow Democrat at a Charlotte rally of about 1,800 supporter. The former U.S. senator and secretary of state -- and widely presumed 2016 presidential contender -- used her appearance for Hagan to decry Thom Tillis, the Republican looking to unseat Hagan in November, as someone who will answer to big business, not raise the minimum wage and slash education funding. And unlike other appearances Clinton has made on the midterm campaign trail, the former first lady spent a portion of her speech Saturday decrying the level of outside spending in the Hagan-Tillis race.Hillary Clinton decries outside money in campaigns at an appearance in North CarolinaSenate race between Democrat Kay Hagan, GOP's Thom Tills is nation's most expensive\"You have to prove them wrong,\" Clinton urges the crowdHagan criticizes \"out-of-state billionaires\" who are \"trying to buy this election\" \n Questions:At a focus group of ten North Carolina moms earlier this week, the negative ads were one of many reasons that the women said they were tuning out the _ race. (A) Charlotte (B) North Carolina (C) CNN (D) Kay Hagan (E) Hillary Clinton (F) Clinton (G) Democrat (H) U.S. (I) Hagan (J) Thom Tillis (K) Republican (L) Hagan-Tillis (M) Senate (N) GOP (O) Thom Tills" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Montgomery, Alabama (CNN) President Donald Trump's endorsement and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's money carried their preferred candidate over the first hurdle in Alabama's Senate race Tuesday. But the results showed why the second hurdle will be much tougher to clear. Sen. Luther Strange, the national Republicans' preferred candidate, topped Rep. Mo Brooks to finish second Tuesday and advance to a runoff against controversial former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore. But Moore was the clear first-place finisher, earning 39% of the vote, compared to 31% for Strange and 19% for Brooks, with 95% of precincts' results tallied. Moore and Strange will now face off in a September 26 runoff to determine who will face Doug Jones -- who cruised through Tuesday's Democratic primary -- in the December special election to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions' former seat.Roy Moore and Luther Strange will now face off in a September 26 runoffStrange, previously Alabama's attorney general, filled the seat in February \n Questions:_ predicted that \"the most negative campaign ads in the history of Alabama\" will be aired against him by pro-Strange groups, and said it's up to voters to reject them. (A) Montgomery (B) Alabama (C) CNN (D) Donald Trump (E) Senate (F) Mitch McConnell (G) Luther Strange (H) Republicans (I) Mo Brooks (J) Supreme Court (K) Justice (L) Roy Moore (M) Strange (N) Brooks (O) Doug Jones (P) Democratic (Q) Jeff Sessions" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Charlotte, North Carolina (CNN) -- Negative, expensive campaigns is something Sen. Kay Hagan is getting an education in this year. And something Hillary Clinton knows very well. Clinton campaigned Saturday for her fellow Democrat at a Charlotte rally of about 1,800 supporter. The former U.S. senator and secretary of state -- and widely presumed 2016 presidential contender -- used her appearance for Hagan to decry Thom Tillis, the Republican looking to unseat Hagan in November, as someone who will answer to big business, not raise the minimum wage and slash education funding. And unlike other appearances Clinton has made on the midterm campaign trail, the former first lady spent a portion of her speech Saturday decrying the level of outside spending in the Hagan-Tillis race.Hillary Clinton decries outside money in campaigns at an appearance in North CarolinaSenate race between Democrat Kay Hagan, GOP's Thom Tills is nation's most expensive\"You have to prove them wrong,\" Clinton urges the crowdHagan criticizes \"out-of-state billionaires\" who are \"trying to buy this election\" \n Questions:At a focus group of ten _ moms earlier this week, the negative ads were one of many reasons that the women said they were tuning out the Hagan-Tillis race. (A) Charlotte (B) North Carolina (C) CNN (D) Kay Hagan (E) Hillary Clinton (F) Clinton (G) Democrat (H) U.S. (I) Hagan (J) Thom Tillis (K) Republican (L) Hagan-Tillis (M) Senate (N) GOP (O) Thom Tills" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) President Donald Trump is expected to end a program that protected undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children -- so-called \"Dreamers\" -- from deportation, four sources familiar with the decision told CNN. Two of the sources said the plan is to have a six-month delay in any action regarding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program to allow Congress time to pass a fix through legislation that would allow the undocumented immigrants to stay in the country. The expected move -- which comes after weeks of White House deliberations about what to do in response to an ultimatum from 10 state attorneys general led by Texas -- would satisfy Trump's base but upend the lives of nearly 800,000 people who were working and studying in the US. The DACA program, which gave qualified applicants protections from deportation, is popular among Democrats and moderate Republicans, many of whom have introduced legislation in Congress to try to protect the population permanently.The program gave qualified applicants protections from deportation and the ability to work and study in the USTwo of the sources said the plan is to have a six-month delay in any action \n Questions:Some Republicans have implored Trump in recent days to keep the program going as _ works on a solution for the sympathetic population -- who in most cases know no other home than America. (A) Donald Trump (B) United States (C) Dreamers (D) CNN (E) Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (F) DACA (G) Congress (H) White House (I) Texas (J) Trump (K) US (L) Democrats (M) Republicans" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Immigration enforcement is crippled by mismanagement and lack of clear training even as President Donald Trump seeks to increase deportations, a new report out Thursday from the Department of Homeland Security inspector general says. The inspector general's report, which focused on the deportation of undocumented immigrants who are no longer in detention, said that without fixing the issues, DHS will not be able to support the Trump administration's aggressive pursuit of undocumented immigrants. \"These management deficiencies and unresolved obstacles make it difficult for (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to deport aliens expeditiously,\" the report said. \"ICE is almost certainly not deporting all the aliens who could be deported and will likely not be able to keep up with growing numbers of deportable aliens.\"Trump issued executive orders to vastly increase the detention and deportation capacity of DHSThe IG dinged ICE for not having \"well-defined policies and procedures\" \n Questions:Field office staff confirmed that _'s available policies and procedures did not help them properly manage their non-detained cases.\" (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Department of Homeland Security (E) DHS (F) Trump (G) Immigration and Customs Enforcement" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) A dispute over whether the US government deported an undocumented immigrant with protected status heated up Wednesday, as the Department of Homeland Security released further details about the case. Lawyers for the man now in Mexico say their client was apprehended by Border Patrol and deported on February 18. DHS said Wednesday that never happened. In a lawsuit released Tuesday, lawyers for Juan Manuel Montes Bojorquez allege that the 23-year-old was deported from California to Mexico on February 18, despite having active protection under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Lawyers claim that Montes had renewed his DACA status, a protection for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children initiated under the Obama administration, in 2016, which would keep him protected until 2018, according to the lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act.DHS disputes that Juan Manuel Montes Bojorquez, 23, was deported from California to MexicoHis lawyers say he had active protection under deferred action, but DHS says that was voided \n Questions:But _ says the first record they have of Montes is in 2010, when he entered the US and agreed to a deal that allowed him to avoid expedited removal. (A) US (B) Department of Homeland Security (C) Mexico (D) Border Patrol (E) Juan Manuel Montes Bojorquez (F) California (G) Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (H) Montes (I) DACA (J) Obama (K) Freedom of Information Act" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Why don’t they get it? As the latest bad week for English clubs in the Champions League unfolded, I kept asking myself that question about Manchester City. With the squad they have assembled and the money that has been spent, games at the Etihad Stadium should be one of the most daunting tasks in Europe but that is far from the case and Juventus were the latest visiting team to find it all too comfortable. Is it the Champions League theme being played before kick-off rather than Blue Moon that sets the tone? Do supporters feel they belong in the competition or are they still in awe of the teams they are coming up against?I keep hearing people say that you have to play in a different way now in the Champions League, but, to be honest, that is nonsenseWhy should you try to beat foreign teams playing on their terms when they find the strengths of our game so difficult to deal with?I remember what it was like when Liverpool were in Europe. I won the UEFA Cup and Champions League and played in another final but I don’t ever remember us taking on a top team and out-footballing themWhether it was Gerard Houllier or Rafa Benitez the message was the same: European opponents hated playing against fast, aggressive, physical footballWhen I watch them at the Etihad, the pace and the atmosphere can resemble a pre-season friendly. It can't continue \n Questions:But _ were not the only English team to enjoy success with that tactic. (A) English (B) Champions League (C) Manchester City (D) Etihad Stadium (E) Europe (F) Juventus (G) Blue Moon (H) Liverpool (I) UEFA Cup (J) Gerard Houllier (K) Rafa Benitez (L) European (M) Etihad" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Arsenal's stars looked happy and relaxed as they prepared to begin their Champions League campaign in Zagreb this week. After a convincing win over Stoke on Saturday, Arsene Wenger's side, who are unbeaten since the opening day of the season, returned to training on Tuesday ahead of the trip to play Croatian champions Dinamo Zagreb. The Gunners, who set off for the Coratian capital from Luton Airport on Tuesday afternoon, go into European competition on a high after wins either side of the international break against Newcastle and then Stoke. Those victories have lifted the north London club up into the top four in the Premier League, while they have not been beaten since the shock opening-day defeat at home to West Ham.Arsenal preparing for first Champions League game of the seasonGunners begin European campaign on back of convincing win over StokeArsenal travel to meet Dinamo Zagreb on Wednesday \n Questions:Ozil has been in fine form this season, and his creativity has been a major part of the _' good start to the season. (A) Arsenal (B) Champions League (C) Zagreb (D) Stoke (E) Arsene Wenger (F) Croatian (G) Dinamo Zagreb (H) Gunners (I) Coratian (J) Luton Airport (K) European (L) Newcastle (M) London (N) Premier League (O) West Ham" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "On December 8, 2009, Manchester United beat Wolfsburg away from home to progress to the second round of the Champions League. Exactly six years later, United need history to repeat itself while Wolfsburg are out to rewrite it. Both teams need at least a draw to make it out of the group stage. Both teams know victory would guarantee passage to the next round – in Wolfsburg's case, for the first time in their history. Dieter Hecking's men were Bundesliga runners up and German Cup winners last season, but sold their best player Kevin de Bruyne to Manchester City in the summer. So what can United expect this evening?Wolfsburg host Manchester United on Tuesday in the Champions LeagueA win for either side on Tuesday will guarantee passage to last 16Kevin de Bruyne's move to Manchester City has been a massive lossMax Kruse, Julian Draxler and Andre Schurrle haven't filled the voidSupercup win over Bayern was a confidence boost but not built uponLow point was Robert Lewandowski's five-goal spree in nine minutesSchurrle was instrumental in CSKA Moscow win but is an impact player \n Questions:This is not entirely fair, as _ do have a very loyal local support base. (A) Manchester United (B) Wolfsburg (C) Champions League (D) United (E) Dieter Hecking (F) Bundesliga (G) German Cup (H) Kevin de Bruyne (I) Manchester City (J) Max Kruse (K) Julian Draxler (L) Andre Schurrle (M) Supercup (N) Bayern (O) Low (P) Robert Lewandowski (Q) Schurrle (R) CSKA Moscow" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two Chinese fishing vessels came \"dangerously close\" to a U.S. military ship in the Yellow Sea off the coast of China last week -- the fifth such incident in the past few months, two U.S. officials told CNN Tuesday. The USNS Victorious is an unarmed ocean surveillance ship operated by a civilian crew. The officials -- who could not be identified because the incident has not yet been formally announced -- said the two Chinese boats approached the USNS Victorious, a military sealift command ship, in international waters Friday in the Yellow Sea, which lies between China and North and South Korea.Chinese boats force U.S. ship to come to dangerous sudden stop, U.S. officials sayThe fishing boats repeatedly come close to USNS Victorious, officials sayUSNS Victorious authorized to do listening operations in international watersThe Victorious was involved in another incident in Yellow Sea in March \n Questions:The _ claim much of those waters as an economic zone over which they have sole authority. (A) WASHINGTON (B) CNN (C) Chinese (D) U.S. (E) Yellow Sea (F) USNS Victorious (G) North and South Korea" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two Chinese fishing vessels came \"dangerously close\" to a U.S. military ship in the Yellow Sea off the coast of China last week -- the fifth such incident in the past few months, two U.S. officials told CNN Tuesday. The USNS Victorious is an unarmed ocean surveillance ship operated by a civilian crew. The officials -- who could not be identified because the incident has not yet been formally announced -- said the two Chinese boats approached the USNS Victorious, a military sealift command ship, in international waters Friday in the Yellow Sea, which lies between China and North and South Korea.Chinese boats force U.S. ship to come to dangerous sudden stop, U.S. officials sayThe fishing boats repeatedly come close to USNS Victorious, officials sayUSNS Victorious authorized to do listening operations in international watersThe Victorious was involved in another incident in Yellow Sea in March \n Questions:The officials did not know the exact size of the _ ships but described them as being smaller than the 235-foot long U.S. vessel. (A) WASHINGTON (B) CNN (C) Chinese (D) U.S. (E) Yellow Sea (F) USNS Victorious (G) North and South Korea" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Two Chinese fishing vessels came \"dangerously close\" to a U.S. military ship in the Yellow Sea off the coast of China last week -- the fifth such incident in the past few months, two U.S. officials told CNN Tuesday. The USNS Victorious is an unarmed ocean surveillance ship operated by a civilian crew. The officials -- who could not be identified because the incident has not yet been formally announced -- said the two Chinese boats approached the USNS Victorious, a military sealift command ship, in international waters Friday in the Yellow Sea, which lies between China and North and South Korea.Chinese boats force U.S. ship to come to dangerous sudden stop, U.S. officials sayThe fishing boats repeatedly come close to USNS Victorious, officials sayUSNS Victorious authorized to do listening operations in international watersThe Victorious was involved in another incident in Yellow Sea in March \n Questions:The _ also sounded its danger alarm system and radioed for assistance to a larger Chinese fisheries service vessel nearby. (A) WASHINGTON (B) CNN (C) Chinese (D) U.S. (E) Yellow Sea (F) China (G) USNS Victorious (H) North and South Korea" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- One of the Internet's great promises is that it's the ultimate democratizer. It's open to everyone and allows all people to communicate. Facebook and Google have added new translation tools, but they take different approaches. But, so far, there have been several hitches in that plan. Not everyone has access to a computer and a broadband connection. Some governments still censor the Internet. And of course, we don't all speak the same language. For the World Wide Web to be truly global, shouldn't Chinese speakers be able to chat online with people who only speak Spanish? And why should an English speaker be barred from reading blogs written in Malagasy or Zulu?Facebook and Google are finding new ways to translate the WebFacebook favors human translation; Google leans on its computersGoogle claims to be the largest translation service online, with 51 languagesFacebook announces a new service to let Internet users help translate sites \n Questions:Meanwhile, _ plans to let computers do most of the work. (A) CNN (B) Internet (C) Facebook (D) Google (E) World Wide Web (F) Chinese (G) Spanish (H) English (I) Malagasy (J) Zulu" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- One of the Internet's great promises is that it's the ultimate democratizer. It's open to everyone and allows all people to communicate. Facebook and Google have added new translation tools, but they take different approaches. But, so far, there have been several hitches in that plan. Not everyone has access to a computer and a broadband connection. Some governments still censor the Internet. And of course, we don't all speak the same language. For the World Wide Web to be truly global, shouldn't Chinese speakers be able to chat online with people who only speak Spanish? And why should an English speaker be barred from reading blogs written in Malagasy or Zulu?Facebook and Google are finding new ways to translate the WebFacebook favors human translation; Google leans on its computersGoogle claims to be the largest translation service online, with 51 languagesFacebook announces a new service to let Internet users help translate sites \n Questions:Pros and cons: _'s computerized approach means it can translate tons of content -- and fast. (A) CNN (B) Internet (C) Facebook (D) Google (E) World Wide Web (F) Chinese (G) Spanish (H) English (I) Malagasy (J) Zulu" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "SHANGHAI, China (CNN) -- On Saturday at 10 a.m. it's show time for Brenda Zhang and her subtitle team. They roll out of bed, meet each other online and chat, while their modems download the latest episode of \"Prison Break,\" which just aired half a world away on Friday night in America. Chinese netizens have a growing appetite for online English content. Once they have the show on their hard drives, the team spends the rest of the day creating subtitles for it in Chinese before putting it back online for other fans to watch. Dozens of such groups exist in China. They are voluntary and are translating a mix of media, from books and magazines to games, TV shows and movies. The translated products are for an audience whose primary means of accessing foreign entertainment is the Internet.Online translating teams in China volunteer to translate pirated English mediaVirtual teams compete with one another to translate latest downloaded U.S. showsTeam member: \"We are living in this grey zone ... it is not legal\"Media expert: Groups are unique experiment in social dynamics of virtual groups \n Questions:The members of these online translations groups participate out of a desire to improve their _. (A) SHANGHAI (B) China (C) CNN (D) Brenda Zhang (E) Prison Break (F) America (G) Chinese (H) English (I) U.S." ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "London (CNN) Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will be questioned in the Ecuadorian embassy in London next month over rape allegations, the Ecuadorian prosecutor's office said. Swedish prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for Assange in August 2010 based on allegations of sexual assault by two female Wikileaks volunteers in the country and have for years sought his extradition. Ecuador said last month it would allow an interrogation of Assange. The announcement comes a week after Sweden renewed its calls for Ecuador to go ahead with the interrogation. Sweden and Ecuador had signed an agreement for cooperation and mutual legal assistance on criminal matters.Questioning will be led by Ecuadorian prosecutorTwo Swedish authorities can be present \n Questions:_ authorities will allow two Swedish officials to be present during the interrogation, the statement said. (A) London (B) CNN (C) Wikileaks (D) Julian Assange (E) Ecuadorian (F) Swedish (G) Assange (H) Sweden" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) -- Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the gates of Quantico Marine Base in Virginia Sunday to protest the treatment of Bradley Manning, who is being held at the base prison on charges that he released classified government documents to WikiLeaks. Daniel Ellsberg, the 1971 Pentagon Papers leaker and Retired U.S. Army Col. Ann Wright who is known for being one of three State Department officials to publicly resign in 2003 as a way to protest the U.S. invasion of Iraq. See a CNN.com exclusive interview with Ellsberg as he talks about his kinship with Manning, and Ellsberg's experiences as an infamous war-time leaker.Hundreds of demonstrators protest the treatment of Army private1971 Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg among the protestersEllsberg and retired Army Col. Ann Wright are among dozens arrested \n Questions:_, a 23-year-old Army private, is accused of giving WikiLeaks hundreds of thousands of classified military and State Department documents. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Quantico Marine Base (D) Virginia (E) Bradley Manning (F) WikiLeaks (G) Daniel Ellsberg (H) Pentagon Papers (I) Retired U.S. Army (J) Ann Wright (K) State Department (L) U.S. (M) Iraq (N) CNN.com (O) Ellsberg (P) Army" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "London (CNN) -- Julian Assange demanded that the United States drop its \"witch hunt\" against WikiLeaks on Sunday as he made his first public appearance after months effectively confined to the Embassy of Ecuador in London. \"As WikiLeaks stands under threat, so does the freedom of expression and the health of all our societies,\" the founder of website said to cheers from his supporters outside the embassy. \"The U.S. war on whistle-blowers must end,\" Assange said, calling for the freedom of Bradley Manning, the U.S. soldier suspected of giving hundreds of thousands of pages of secret American government documents to Assange for publication on WikiLeaks.NEW: UNASUR backs Ecuador and calls for dialogue to resolve the standoffJulian Assange links WikiLeaks to freedom of expression around the worldThe founder of WikiLeaks hadn't been seen since June, or spoken in public since MarchEcuador's president says Britain threatened to raid the embassy to arrest Assange \n Questions:Ecuador raised the stakes in its diplomatic row with the United Kingdom on Thursday, officially offering _ asylum in the South American country. (A) London (B) CNN (C) Julian Assange (D) United States (E) WikiLeaks (F) Embassy of Ecuador (G) U.S. (H) Bradley Manning (I) American (J) UNASUR (K) Ecuador (L) Britain" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A woman charged with helping two convicted murderers escape from prison admitted to her role in the plan to her husband when she backed out of being their getaway driver and the inmates threatened his life. Joyce and Lyle Mitchell worked as instructors at the Clinton Correctional Facility, where David Sweat and Richard Matt were reported missing June 6. Now, the details of how the two inmates who Joyce helped escape from the prison planned to murder Lyle have been revealed as the men remain at large and the search to find them enters day 14. Lyle's lawyer meanwhile is revealing just how unaware his client was of his wife's actions as he slowly starts to rebuild his life.Lyle Mitchell was completely unaware of his wife's involvement in helping David Sweat and Richard Matt escape from Clinton Correctional InstituteJoyce Mitchell was to meet the men at a power plant and then drive them seven hours to a wooded area after they escaped from prisonFirst David Sweat and Richard Matt they would go to Joyce's home where the two men planned to kill LyleJoyce claims she started having second thoughts the night of the getaway and had Lyle bring her to the hospital after dinnerIt was only after police began talking to employees and Joyce confessed that Lyle learned of her involvement, two days after the escapeIt was also revealed that Lyle had previously confronted his wife and Sweat about rumors they were having a relationship \n Questions:'Toward the end, Joyce had told _ - and we have no reason to doubt it - that she told Sweat and Matt that she wasn't going to go through with it,' he said. (A) Joyce (B) Lyle Mitchell (C) Clinton Correctional Facility (D) David Sweat (E) Richard Matt (F) Clinton Correctional Institute (G) Joyce Mitchell (H) Sweat" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Months before her mother was found dead in a bloody suitcase in Bali, Heather Mack sent boyfriend Tommy Schaefer a message asking him not to tell people she had asked him to kill her mom. Chicago teen Mack, now 19, sent Schaefer a Facebook message - strewn with grammatical errors - on the topic on May 26, 2014, just three months before her mother, Sheila von Wiese-Mack was murdered. 'Can you not tell people i asked you to kill my mom,' Mack's message to Schaefer, now 22, read. 'Cause i was so f***** up tommy and i really didnt mean it.'Heather Mack, 19, is serving 10 years in Bali prison for murder of motherHer boyfriend, Tommy Schaefer, is serving 18 years in prison for the crimeMack, from Chicago, apparently asked Schaefer to kill her mother, Sheila von Wiese-Mack, months before the crime in Bali occurredShe then asked in a May 2014 Facebook message for him to not tell people about her request, saying she was 'petrified and scared'In August, von Wiese-Mack's body was found in a suitcase left in a taxi outside the St Regis Bali Resort \n Questions:Von Wiese-Mack reportedly did not approve of _'s relationship with Schaefer. (A) Bali (B) Heather Mack (C) Tommy Schaefer (D) Chicago (E) Schaefer (F) Facebook (G) Sheila von Wiese (H) St Regis Bali Resort" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The husband of a prison worker accused of helping two convicted murderers escape a maximum-security prison has described the harrowing moment he learned the men planned to kill him. Lyle Mitchell, who also works at the Clinton Correctional Facility in upstate New York, appeared on the Today show on Tuesday morning for his first TV interview since his wife Joyce was arrested. He first became suspicious of her alleged role in helping Richard Matt and David Sweat escape on June 6 when she was repeatedly questioned by cops at the police station, he said. 'An investigator comes out and says, \"Mr Mitchell, your wife is more involved than what she's letting on\",' he recalled. 'I asked her what was going on. She said, \"I did some things… and I got over my head\". I didn't know what to say. I was just… disbelief, shock.'Lyle Mitchell appeared on the Today show on Tuesday for his first interview since his wife Joyce 'helped two inmates escape' on June 6She told him she had a change of heart when the convicted killers, Richard Matt and David Sweat, said they wanted her husband deadHe said she insisted she had not had sex with the men but had enjoyed the attention from Matt because 'she didn't believe I loved her anymore'He said he is unsure whether or not he will stand by herThe search for the inmates is now in its 18th day; the hunt has returned to 20 miles from the prison after 'their DNA was found in a cabin' \n Questions:Over the weekend, a nearby resident reported seeing a stranger run away from his cabin and the men's _ was reportedly found inside. (A) Lyle Mitchell (B) Clinton Correctional Facility (C) New York (D) Today (E) Joyce (F) Richard Matt (G) David Sweat (H) Mitchell (I) Matt (J) DNA" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "ISIS's notorious executioner Jihadi John has reportedly fled the jihadi group and is on the run in war-torn Syria and may have joined another jihadi group. Mohammed Emwazi, a British Kuwaiti computer science graduate turned murderer, is believed to have left the jihadi group after becoming fearful he might be killed by ISIS's chiefs. The British jihadi has not been seen in a propaganda video for nearly six months after the horrific beheading of Japanese photojournalist Kenji Goto. Questions over Emwazi's whereabouts have developed following his sudden disappearance from the spotlight in late January. It is thought that the media pressure associated with being the masked executioner and the publicity surrounding his real identity may have led to Emwazi's surprise decision to leave ISIS.Jihadi John is believed to be Mohammed Emwazi, originally from LondonMI5 allegedly tried to recruit the British Kuwaiti after going to TanzaniaEmwazi has not been seen in an ISIS propaganda video for six months and may have joined another jihadi group in war-torn Syria \n Questions:Kaderbhai also said claims that Jihadi _ feared for his life 'doesn’t fit the profile of the committed salafi-jihadist.' (A) ISIS (B) Jihadi John (C) Syria (D) Mohammed Emwazi (E) British Kuwaiti (F) British (G) Japanese (H) Kenji Goto (I) Emwazi (J) Jihadi (K) London (L) MI5 (M) Tanzania" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Ansbach, Germany (CNN) The Syrian suicide bomber who injured 15 people in a Sunday night attack on a music festival in Ansbach, Germany, left behind a video pledging allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said Monday. The ISIS-affiliated media group Amaq claimed the attacker was an ISIS \"soldier\" in a statement the group's supporters posted online Monday, but there is no evidence he was in contact with ISIS or directed to carry out an attack. ISIS goes global: 143 attacks, 29 countries, 2,043 deaths In the video left on a mobile phone, the 27-year-old Syrian announced his threat to carry out an attack \"as an act of revenge against Germans, because they obstruct Islam,\" Herrmann told a press conference. The man said the attack would be committed in the name of Allah as retaliation for the killing of Muslims. The bomber was killed.Neighbor describes bomber as a \"friendly and happy\" personThe ISIS-affiliated media group Amaq claims attacker was \"soldier\" \n Questions:_ accepted more than 1 million asylum seekers last year, and some Germans have expressed fears that terrorists might have entered the country among them, or that disaffected youths among the refugees could be susceptible to radicalization. (A) Ansbach (B) Germany (C) CNN (D) Syrian (E) ISIS (F) Abu Bakr al (G) Baghdadi (H) Bavarian (I) Joachim Herrmann (J) Amaq (K) Islam (L) Herrmann (M) Allah (N) Muslims" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Jihadi John will never enter 'paradise' because he beheaded British aid worker Alan Henning while he was 'under the protection of Muslims', a rival terror group battling ISIS has claimed. In a new propaganda magazine published online, the Jaish al-Fath group says the 47-year-old was a 'non-believer' but his murder was not justified under shariah law. Islamic State filmed the murder of Henning at the hands of Jihadi John - later outed as Mohammed Emwazi - and released the gruesome footage online in October 2014. But  the man who was described as a 'decent, caring human being' was supposedly granted Amana [protection] by two different Islamist groups and it was forbidden to harm him, according to Jaish al-Fath which commands up to 10,000 fighters.Statement from Jaish al-Fath Islamist group in new propaganda magazineBritish aid worker Henning was murdered by 'Jihadi John' in October 2014He was supposedly granted security by two different jihadi groups in SyriaJaish brands ISIS leader 'criminal' and its online supporters 'foul-mouthed' \n Questions:'They fail to see how their actions will affect the Ummah [community] at large,' Jaish al-_ writes. (A) Jihadi John (B) British (C) Alan Henning (D) Muslims (E) ISIS (F) Jaish al (G) Fath (H) Islamic (I) Henning (J) Jihadi (K) John (L) Mohammed Emwazi (M) Amana (N) Islamist (O) Syria (P) Jaish" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Chelsea will be back in action in the Premier League on Saturday as they host Norwich at Stamford Bridge following the relief of the international break. Jose Mourinho's side sit 16th in the table off the back of three consecutive defeats against West Ham, Liverpool and Stoke, and are just three points above the drop zone. Here, Sportsmail takes a look at five reasons Chelsea should be cheerful about their return, and five more as to why the fans should perhaps be a little more fearful. Mourinho's side need to rediscover the form of last season and their fixture run-in suggests they'll have the chance to do so.Chelsea have an easy run of Premier League home fixtures coming upThe Stamford Bridge faithful are still fully behind boss Jose MourinhoDiego Costa is struggling for goals and his behaviour is a problemJohn Terry and Co have been poor in defence as they've shipped goals \n Questions:The longer he argues that the world is against _, the more his players will look for excuses after every defeat. (A) Chelsea (B) Premier League (C) Norwich (D) Stamford Bridge (E) Jose Mourinho (F) West Ham (G) Liverpool (H) Stoke (I) Sportsmail (J) Mourinho (K) Diego Costa (L) John Terry" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Asmir Begovic insists Chelsea’s players are drawing reassurance amid a crisis run of results because the club possess the world’s best manager. Jose Mourinho is under intense scrutiny after a miserable start to the season with two successive defeats leaving their Champions League campaign floundering and Premier League title defence in tatters. Chelsea are 16th in the table with just eight points from eight games and Mourinho is in deeply combative mood, criticising players and challenging Roman Abramovich to sack ‘the best manager the club has ever had’. Begovic concurs, and claims the presence of the Portuguese serial winner remains a source of inspiration for the squad.Chelsea are 16th in the Premier League table having lost four matchesBlues boss Jose Mourinho has come under scrutiny after poor startHowever, Asmir Begovic is confident Chelsea can turn season around \n Questions:‘But at the same time he has kept calm, tried to keep things on the ground, make sure we don’t feel sorry for ourselves, and pick things up._ (A) Asmir Begovic (B) Chelsea (C) Champions League (D) Premier League (E) Portuguese" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "There may have been some remnants of a Chelsea recovery in the last week, but Jose Mourinho knows the champions are in for a game when they cross London to face West Ham. Slaven Bilic's side have been one of the surprise packages thus far, having already toppled Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester City. Sportsmail asked 90min bloggers from each side - West Ham's Joe Difford and Chelsea's Kavan Flavius - ten pertinent questions ahead of one of the most eagerly-awaited London derby for years. West Ham view: Chelsea fans have very short memories, and seem to forget that Roman Abramovich has bought their titles.Diego Costa isn't a player West Ham fans have particularly taken toChelsea manager Jose Mourinho needs a result in the London derbyWest Ham haven't beaten Chelsea for almost three years \n Questions:Chelsea view: It’s right up there with beating _ and Tottenham. (A) Chelsea (B) Jose Mourinho (C) London (D) West Ham (E) Slaven Bilic (F) Arsenal (G) Liverpool (H) Manchester City (I) Sportsmail (J) Joe Difford (K) Kavan Flavius (L) Roman Abramovich (M) Diego Costa" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "One Georgia mother remained remarkably calm when she walked into the kitchen and found that her three-year-old daughter had completely covered her 18-month-old son in peanut butter. The proud big sister, Emily, had somehow gotten her hands on an enormous container of peanut butter, and proceeded to slather it all over her little brother, Ethan - painting him with the sticky substance from his head right down to his toes. Their mom, Gina Gardner Brown, 44, recently shared a video she took of the mischievous moment on Facebook, explaining that it occurred over a decade ago - but is no less hysterical to watch.Gina Gardner Brown, from Georgia, walked into the kitchen to see that one child had emptied a container of peanut butter on the otherThe video shows Gina, now 44, finding her son Ethan covered in the goo, which has even plastered down one of his eyelidsHer daughter Emily is clearly proud of the transformation, though she admits she doesn't know why she did it \n Questions:_ - realizing that she doesn't seem to be getting in trouble after all - rubs more peanut butter between her fingers before wiping it down the side of her brother's face. (A) Georgia (B) Emily (C) Ethan (D) Gina Gardner Brown (E) Facebook (F) Gina" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Today show anchor Savannah Guthrie got more than she bargained for when she roped in her beloved daughter Vale to help her with a holiday cooking segment after the bouncing baby threw cookie batter all over her mother as she was trying to bake. Savannah, 43, who was also joined on the show by food blogger Siri Pinter and her daughter London, held her adorable 'pint-sized pastry chef' on her hip, while the one-year-old Vale mixed the batter, dumping some on her mother's shirt in the process. At one point during the segment, the child grabbed a chunk of vanilla bean sugar cookie batter and put it in her mouth as her mom declared: 'We lost a lot of dough.'The co-anchor, 43, and food blogger Siri Pinter, 33, had their infant daughters help them make Christmas cookies on the showVale, one, grabbed a chunk of vanilla bean sugar cookie dough and put it in her mouthSavannah joked that she struggled as much as Vale in the baking process \n Questions:_ continued to get really into the baking process, squealing 'yeah, yeah!'. (A) Savannah Guthrie (B) Vale (C) Savannah (D) Siri Pinter (E) London" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Blogger: Lisa is the author of Canadian Expat Mom When Canadian expat Lisa Webb first sent her vegetable-phobic three-year-old to school in France, she feared her daughter would starve during the day. The former assistant elementary school principal, who moved to France in 2009, was shocked to find rôti de boeuf and cordon bleu de dinde on the menu for toddlers - dishes she was used to eating in fancy restaurants with her husband. But when offered the chance to sit in on her eldest daughter's lunch breaks for one week, she witnessed tots using 'grown-up knives and forks' and eating everything put in front of them.Former assistant school principal Lisa Webb, 34, moved to France in 2009She feared her daughter would go hungry after seeing French school menuFussy three-year-old refused to eat vegetables at home with her parentsLisa says the food and way pupils dine has transformed her daughter's diet \n Questions:There’s no messing around when it comes to the _ and eating. (A) Lisa (B) Canadian Expat Mom (C) Canadian (D) Lisa Webb (E) France (F) rôti de boeuf and cordon bleu de dinde (G) French" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Qassim Shesho stands on Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq, overlooking a vast mountain range that rises from the desert. The calm is deceptive. He worries about the village behind him. Sheref ad-Din holds one of the holiest shrines for the Yazidis. ISIS militants are only two miles away. \"ISIS wants to exterminate us and they want to establish an Islamic caliphate, but Islam is not like what they are doing to us,\" Shesho says. He says he commands about 2,000 Yazidi fighters. Just months ago, he lived a peaceful life in Germany. \"I came back because my people are here. ISIS are terrorists. I came to defend my land, my family and my religion,\" he tells CNN by phone, speaking in Arabic.Qassim Shesho commands about 2,000 Yazidi fighters on Mount Sinjar in IraqHe and his sons, all Iraq natives and German citizens, came after ISIS attacked Yazidis\"I decided to defend Sinjar, not to fight. They decided to fight,\" he says of ISISShesho's son Yassir: \"If it comes to it, then I'm ready to die here\" \n Questions:Yassir arrived in September, shortly after ISIS's initial attack on _ left thousands stranded on the mountain without food, water or medical care. (A) Qassim Shesho (B) Mount Sinjar (C) Iraq (D) Sheref (E) Din (F) Yazidis (G) ISIS (H) Islamic (I) Islam (J) Shesho (K) Germany (L) CNN (M) Arabic (N) German (O) Sinjar (P) Yassir" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) One feature that sets ISIS apart from al Qaeda more than anything else is that they have declared war on fellow Muslims. That is what the group is primarily about, and herein lies the secret to its downfall. Its ideology and appeal can only be discredited by the very people it claims to represent. Opinion: Medina bombing is an assault on Islam itself This fact was in plain display during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. Last month, Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, the spokesman of ISIS, called on sympathizers to turn Ramadan into a month of calamity. He specified sympathizers in Europe and the United States.Nothing is out of bounds for ISIS, including the holiest of Islam's sites during Islam's holiest days, writes Hassan HassanFor ISIS, allegiance is what determines a person's chance to live, he says \n Questions:In _ traditions, Ramadan's first 10 days are of mercy, the second 10 are of forgiveness and the latter 10 are of immunity from hellfire. (A) CNN (B) ISIS (C) al Qaeda (D) Muslims (E) Medina (F) Islam (G) Abu Muhammad al (H) Adnani (I) Ramadan (J) Europe (K) United States (L) Hassan Hassan" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Qassim Shesho stands on Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq, overlooking a vast mountain range that rises from the desert. The calm is deceptive. He worries about the village behind him. Sheref ad-Din holds one of the holiest shrines for the Yazidis. ISIS militants are only two miles away. \"ISIS wants to exterminate us and they want to establish an Islamic caliphate, but Islam is not like what they are doing to us,\" Shesho says. He says he commands about 2,000 Yazidi fighters. Just months ago, he lived a peaceful life in Germany. \"I came back because my people are here. ISIS are terrorists. I came to defend my land, my family and my religion,\" he tells CNN by phone, speaking in Arabic.Qassim Shesho commands about 2,000 Yazidi fighters on Mount Sinjar in IraqHe and his sons, all Iraq natives and German citizens, came after ISIS attacked Yazidis\"I decided to defend Sinjar, not to fight. They decided to fight,\" he says of ISISShesho's son Yassir: \"If it comes to it, then I'm ready to die here\" \n Questions:Yazidis captured by ISIS have been forced to convert to _. (A) Qassim Shesho (B) Mount Sinjar (C) Iraq (D) Sheref (E) Din (F) Yazidis (G) ISIS (H) Islamic (I) Shesho (J) Yazidi (K) Germany (L) CNN (M) Arabic (N) German (O) Sinjar (P) Yassir" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) The family of a woman allegedly killed by an undocumented immigrant who'd recently been released from jail can't sue San Francisco over its sanctuary policy, according to a recent court ruling. Kate Steinle's shooting death in 2015 sparked national debate over so-called sanctuary cities and became a rallying cry for Donald Trump on the campaign trail. Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an undocumented immigrant and repeat felon from Mexico who'd been deported five times, is accused of shooting Steinle, a 32-year-old medical device sales rep, as she walked on a San Francisco pier. In a federal wrongful death lawsuit, Steinle's parents had argued that San Francisco and its former sheriff were partly to blame, because officials never notified Immigration and Customs Enforcement when Lopez-Sanchez was released from a local jail in April 2015.A magistrate dismisses claims against San Francisco, former sheriffA lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management can continue, he says \n Questions:_'s plan to deport criminals won't be easy; just ask Obama. (A) San Francisco (B) Kate Steinle (C) Donald Trump (D) Juan Francisco Lopez (E) Sanchez (F) Mexico (G) Steinle (H) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I) Lopez (J) Bureau of Land Management" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) A Yazidi woman who fled ISIS counted on reuniting with her husband after he found asylum in the United States. But she was barred from boarding a flight out of Iraq. A medical student in West Virginia is concerned his father won't be able to return home after attending a funeral in Iran. And an elderly Iraqi man's trip to see his son and daughter was abruptly halted in Qatar when he was put back on a plane to Baghdad. These are just a few of the families whose lives are in limbo after President Donald Trump's executive order limiting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries. They express fears for what the future will hold for them and their loved ones. Here are their stories:Dallal fled ISIS but can't see her husband in the United StatesSusan, an Iraqi-American, worries for relatives seeking US asylumMohammed Al Rawi's father was turned back while en route from Baghdad \n Questions:\"(I) was actually planning to send my kids to school in _ but no more. (A) Yazidi (B) ISIS (C) United States (D) Iraq (E) West Virginia (F) Iran (G) Iraqi (H) Qatar (I) Baghdad (J) Donald Trump (K) Muslim (L) Dallal (M) Susan (N) American (O) Mohammed Al Rawi" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The murder of a woman at a popular San Francisco pier allegedly by an illegal immigrant could have been avoided, federal immigration officials said Monday. The suspect, Francisco Sanchez - a Mexican national who has been deported five times and is accused of shooting Kathryn Steinle, 32 - was in the custody of the San Francisco Sheriff's Department on March 26, but was let go, it has been revealed. Sanchez, 45, was brought in on a decade-old drug charge, but was released on April 15 when the charges were dropped - just over two months before the murder on July 1.Kathryn Steinle, 32, was shot dead as she strolled along Pier 14 in San Francisco with her father on Pier 14Francisco Sanchez, 45, said he picked up a gun wrapped in a T-shirtClaims gun went off three times and he didn't realize he had shot SteinleImmigration and Customs Enforcement say Sanchez was taken into custody March 26 but released on April 15 without them knowing'ICE could have taken custody of him and had him removed from the country - thus preventing this terrible tragedy' officials saidSanchez, a seven-time felon, had been deported to Mexico five times \n Questions:'As a result, an individual with a lengthy criminal history, who is now the suspect in a tragic murder case, was released onto the street rather than being turned over to _ for deportation.' (A) San Francisco (B) Francisco Sanchez (C) Mexican (D) Kathryn Steinle (E) San Francisco Sheriff's Department (F) Sanchez (G) Pier 14 (H) Claims (I) Steinle (J) Immigration and Customs Enforcement (K) Mexico" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday described recent attacks in the country and across Europe as \"shocking, depressing and terrifying,\" but she refused to back down from an open-door refugee policy that has attracted fierce criticism following recent assaults in the country. What are the rules for asylum seekers in Germany? Germany has been rattled by four attacks in the past two weeks, three of which authorities say have been carried out by asylum seekers or refugees inspired by Islamist extremism. The attacks have given way to mockery by some Germans as well as foreigners, who have dubbed the recent weeks of bloodshed on social media as #MerkelSommer, or even \"Merkel's summer of slaughter.\"Merkel defends Germany's decision to accept 1 million refugees in 2015Chancellor confirms ISIS can infiltrate the refugee route \n Questions:She said that terrorists wanted _ to \"lose our view for what's important to us.\" (A) German (B) Angela Merkel (C) Europe (D) Islamist (E) MerkelSommer (F) Merkel (G) ISIS" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday described recent attacks in the country and across Europe as \"shocking, depressing and terrifying,\" but she refused to back down from an open-door refugee policy that has attracted fierce criticism following recent assaults in the country. What are the rules for asylum seekers in Germany? Germany has been rattled by four attacks in the past two weeks, three of which authorities say have been carried out by asylum seekers or refugees inspired by Islamist extremism. The attacks have given way to mockery by some Germans as well as foreigners, who have dubbed the recent weeks of bloodshed on social media as #MerkelSommer, or even \"Merkel's summer of slaughter.\"Merkel defends Germany's decision to accept 1 million refugees in 2015Chancellor confirms ISIS can infiltrate the refugee route \n Questions:But she said that _ had faced such challenges before, repeating the phrase \"We can do it\" several times. (A) German (B) Angela Merkel (C) Europe (D) Islamist (E) MerkelSommer (F) Merkel (G) ISIS" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Berlin (CNN) A spate of alleged sexual assaults and robberies at New Year's Eve festivities in the German city of Cologne has fueled a political firestorm over immigration in Germany. Ninety criminal incidents, a quarter of which were sexual assaults, were reported following New Year's Eve celebrations in the city, Cologne police told CNN. Police said victims described the perpetrators as gangs of Arab or North African men. Many of the assaults were likely intended to distract, allowing attackers to steal mobile phones and other devices, police said. Authorities said the crimes, including a rape, occurred around the train station, next to the western German city's landmark cathedral.Sexual assaults and muggings were reported in Cologne, Germany, on New Year's EveThe victims said the assailants were gangs of Arab and North African men, police sayThe reports of assaults have added fuel to Germany's migration debate \n Questions:But other politicians were forthright in linking the reported assaults to _'s welcoming approach to migrants. (A) Berlin (B) CNN (C) New Year's Eve (D) German (E) Cologne (F) New Year (G) Arab (H) North African" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Beirut, Lebanon (CNN) -- Syria needs lots of things right now. One of them is George Clooney. Let me explain. As the Geneva II talks this week made clear, there is no end in sight for the bloody three-year war in Syria. In the meantime, more than 100,000 people have been killed, the country is destroyed, and millions of Syrians have fled their homes, half of them children. This is the defining war and humanitarian crisis of this decade, which was underscored by my visit to Syrian refugees here this week. And yet there is no outcry from the broader rich-country public to end the suffering there.There is no-end in sight for Syria's bloody war, writes Mercy Corps' Jeremy BarnicleAnd yet there is no outcry from richer countries to end suffering there, he saysMercy Corps raised more for Typhoon Haiyan victims in three days than Syria in three yearsBarnicle says celebrities like Clooney can be powerful advocates for people in need \n Questions:To the extent that the media cover _, it is a diplomatic and political story. (A) Beirut (B) Lebanon (C) CNN (D) Syria (E) George Clooney (F) Geneva II (G) Mercy Corps (H) Jeremy Barnicle (I) Typhoon Haiyan (J) Barnicle (K) Clooney" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Beirut, Lebanon (CNN) -- Syria needs lots of things right now. One of them is George Clooney. Let me explain. As the Geneva II talks this week made clear, there is no end in sight for the bloody three-year war in Syria. In the meantime, more than 100,000 people have been killed, the country is destroyed, and millions of Syrians have fled their homes, half of them children. This is the defining war and humanitarian crisis of this decade, which was underscored by my visit to Syrian refugees here this week. And yet there is no outcry from the broader rich-country public to end the suffering there.There is no-end in sight for Syria's bloody war, writes Mercy Corps' Jeremy BarnicleAnd yet there is no outcry from richer countries to end suffering there, he saysMercy Corps raised more for Typhoon Haiyan victims in three days than Syria in three yearsBarnicle says celebrities like Clooney can be powerful advocates for people in need \n Questions:_, on the other hand, is slowly bleeding to death. (A) Beirut (B) Lebanon (C) CNN (D) Syria (E) George Clooney (F) Geneva II (G) Mercy Corps (H) Jeremy Barnicle (I) Typhoon Haiyan (J) Barnicle (K) Clooney" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) \"Why can't you stop the war?\" Seven-year-old Syrian refugee Bana Alabed made this heartbreaking appeal to the world Wednesday morning: Stop the carnage that's dragged on for six years in Syria and killed hundreds of thousands of her countrymen, including children. \"I want (them) to stop the war, and I want the children of Syria to play and go to school and live in peace,\" Bana told CNN's \"New Day.\" \"Together we can help them. Together we can save them.\" The child's appeal comes as the international community expressed shock and outrage at reports of a suspected chemical attack Tuesday that killed scores of civilians in northwestern Syria.\"The world is watching. The world doesn't do anything,\" Bana Alabed saysGirl's appeal comes as world leaders express outrage over suspected gas attack in Syria \n Questions:\"I don't know why the world can't stop the war in _.\" (A) CNN (B) Syrian (C) Bana Alabed (D) Bana (E) New Day (F) Girl" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) A Secret Service agent on Friday shot a man near a security checkpoint close to the White House after he brandished a gun and refused orders to stop. A Secret Service spokesman said the incident occurred shortly after 3 p.m. ET when a man carrying a gun approached a checkpoint on E Street near the White House. The suspect was given verbal commands to stop and drop the gun, and when he failed to comply, he was shot once by a Secret Service agent and taken into custody. Secret Service officers and an agent provided medical aid to the suspect, and the city's EMS said he was transported to a local hospital with critical injuries.The suspect was shot in the abdomen, according to two sourcesPresident Barack Obama was not at the White House at the time of the incident \n Questions:The _ went into a lockdown that was lifted around 4 p.m. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Secret Service (D) White House (E) E Street (F) EMS (G) Barack Obama" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) The man suspected in the shooting death of a central Georgia police officer has been arrested, according to the Telfair County Sheriff's Office. Royheem Deeds, 24, had been considered armed and dangerous, authorities said. About 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Officer Tim Smith responded to a Dodge County 911 call reporting a suspicious person at an intersection in Eastman, a town of 5,000 about an hour's drive southeast of Macon. \"Officer Smith arrived in the area and encountered an individual. Officer Smith exited his patrol car to investigate and was shot by the individual. Officer Smith returned gunfire and the individual fled the scene,\" a Georgia Bureau of Investigation statement said.Royheem Deeds is in custody, sheriff's office saysHe is suspected in the shooting death of Eastman, Georgia, officer \n Questions:_ had been with the Eastman police for more than five years, the GBI said. (A) Georgia (B) Telfair County Sheriff's Office (C) Royheem Deeds (D) Tim Smith (E) Dodge County (F) Eastman (G) Macon (H) Georgia Bureau of Investigation" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A trespasser carrying a suspicious package jumped over the White House railings last night - the latest in a string of embarrassing security breaches to hit the US capital. The intruder was arrested after climbing into the grounds of the President's home at 10.25pm. Brian Leary of the United States Secret Service - the federal agency in charge of protecting the President - said the unnamed person was in custody in Washington DC and charges were pending. He added that the intruder, whose gender or age has not been released, had been 'immediately' apprehended by officers in the uniformed division of the Secret Service.Trespasser managed to get into grounds of presidential residenceSecret Service in Washington DC claim they made an 'immediate' arrestIntruder's parcel was examined but deemed not to be a riskBreach comes a few days after a gyrocopter landed on Capitol's lawn \n Questions:Last September, a knife-wielding man managed to scale the fence on the north side and get into _ itself via an unlocked door. (A) White House (B) US (C) Brian Leary (D) United States Secret Service (E) Washington DC (F) Secret Service (G) Trespasser (H) Capitol" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) An Illinois prosecutor says he has found \"clear and convincing evidence\" that a former police officer was wrongly convicted of the 1957 murder of a 7-year-old girl in what is believed to have been the nation's oldest cold case to go to trial. Jack Daniel McCullough, a 76-year-old military veteran and former police officer from Seattle, was convicted in 2012 of the abduction and murder of Maria Ridulph. The child vanished from a street corner in Sycamore, Illinois, a small farming community about 65 miles west of Chicago. A judge hearing the case without a jury found McCullough guilty after a weeklong trial.The timeline in the 1957 disappearance of Maria Ridulph was always in disputeA judge found Jack McCullough guilty of her murder in 2013CNN's series on the case, \"Taken\" raised this question: Was justice really served? \n Questions:\"Thousands of pages of improperly excluded police reports more than 20 years old contain a wealth of information pointing to _'s innocence, and absolutely nothing showing guilt,\" Schmack said in a statement announcing his decision not to fight McCullough's request to overturn his conviction. (A) Illinois (B) Jack Daniel McCullough (C) Seattle (D) Maria Ridulph (E) Sycamore (F) Chicago (G) CNN (H) Taken" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "One of the detectives who helped bring Adrian Bayley to justice after he murdered Jill Meagher detailed the moment he knew they caught the notorious killer and rapist. Investigator Dave Butler, who has been nominated for the Pride of Australia, said he had 'a rush of anxiety' and 'the hairs just stood up on the back of (his) neck, when they realised a five-day investigation of Bayley was successful. Sen Sgt Butler, who led a team of more than 20 detectives and investigators, said the they were 'working blind' to try and solve the case, according to the Herald Sun.Detective in Jill Meagher case talks about how they caught Adrian BayleyBayley was found guilty of killing and raping Ms Meagher in 2012Sergeant Dave Butler says 'hairs stood up on neck' when the case brokeBayley also raped ten other women and has 43-year non-parole periodHe has launched an appeal into convictions for raping two women \n Questions:A non-parole period of 35 years for the rape and murder of _ in 2012 was increased in May after he was sentenced or the violent rapes of three more women. (A) Adrian Bayley (B) Jill Meagher (C) Dave Butler (D) Pride of Australia (E) Bayley (F) Butler (G) Herald Sun (H) Meagher" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Drew Peterson, a former suburban Chicago police officer convicted of killing his third wife and suspected in his fourth wife's disappearance, pleaded not guilty today to trying to hire a hitman to kill the prosecutor who helped put him in prison. Peterson's feet were shackled as he waived a preliminary hearing in the court in Randolph County in southern Illinois. He was charged in February with soliciting an unidentified person to find someone he could pay to kill Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow. Circuit Judge Richard Brown also granted Peterson's request for a speedy trial, meaning he would go to trial within 160 days or by July 28. Randolph County State's Attorney Jeremy Walker said the state would ready by July 13.Drew Peterson was convicted in 2012 of the murder of his third wife, Kathleen SavioHe is also suspected in the 2007 disappearance of Stacy PetersonOn February 9, he was charged with trying to have Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow murdered \n Questions:_ issued a brief statement after the new charges against Peterson were announced, saying that while it was 'unfortunate that prosecutors sometimes must deal with allegations of this nature,' he would not let a threat to his personal safety affect the way he does his job. (A) Drew Peterson (B) Chicago (C) Peterson (D) Randolph County (E) Illinois (F) Will County (G) James Glasgow (H) Richard Brown (I) Jeremy Walker (J) Kathleen Savio (K) Stacy Peterson" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Donald Trump's tax controversy and his self-destructive lack of discipline threaten to drain the Republican nominee of something he can't afford: time. With 36 days remaining before Election Day, the real estate mogul's campaign is consumed with the fallout from a New York Times story published over the weekend that found Trump reported a $916 million loss in 1995. That loss could mean Trump went 18 years without paying federal income taxes. Those findings -- which Trump's campaign isn't disputing but haven't been independently confirmed by CNN -- would be daunting for any presidential candidate to overcome. But they're especially challenging for Trump, who is losing control of the campaign's narrative after a strong September in which he narrowed the race with Hillary Clinton.Trump is losing control of the campaign's narrative after a strong SeptemberTime is dwindling for Trump to regain his grip on the campaign's message \n Questions:And ahead of the next presidential debate on Sunday, there's no sign Trump will do something to address the lack of focus, preparation and impulse control that helped contribute to _'s win at last week's showdown. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Republican (E) Election Day (F) New York Times (G) Trump (H) Hillary Clinton" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Donald Trump's tax controversy and his self-destructive lack of discipline threaten to drain the Republican nominee of something he can't afford: time. With 36 days remaining before Election Day, the real estate mogul's campaign is consumed with the fallout from a New York Times story published over the weekend that found Trump reported a $916 million loss in 1995. That loss could mean Trump went 18 years without paying federal income taxes. Those findings -- which Trump's campaign isn't disputing but haven't been independently confirmed by CNN -- would be daunting for any presidential candidate to overcome. But they're especially challenging for Trump, who is losing control of the campaign's narrative after a strong September in which he narrowed the race with Hillary Clinton.Trump is losing control of the campaign's narrative after a strong SeptemberTime is dwindling for Trump to regain his grip on the campaign's message \n Questions:_ in 15 minutes said two or three things and threw him off his game and he has not been able to recover since the debate.\" (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Republican (E) Election Day (F) New York Times (G) Trump (H) Hillary Clinton" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Donald Trump's tax controversy and his self-destructive lack of discipline threaten to drain the Republican nominee of something he can't afford: time. With 36 days remaining before Election Day, the real estate mogul's campaign is consumed with the fallout from a New York Times story published over the weekend that found Trump reported a $916 million loss in 1995. That loss could mean Trump went 18 years without paying federal income taxes. Those findings -- which Trump's campaign isn't disputing but haven't been independently confirmed by CNN -- would be daunting for any presidential candidate to overcome. But they're especially challenging for Trump, who is losing control of the campaign's narrative after a strong September in which he narrowed the race with Hillary Clinton.Trump is losing control of the campaign's narrative after a strong SeptemberTime is dwindling for Trump to regain his grip on the campaign's message \n Questions:The GOP nominee's closest surrogates launched a fierce defense of _ Sunday, portraying him as a master of business who expertly used the tax code to his benefit -- and that of his investors. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Republican (E) Election Day (F) New York Times (G) Hillary Clinton" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Pilots have reported 167 cases of toxic cabin fumes or smoke in only four months, official safety figures reveal. Twelve of the cases resulted in the pilots requesting a priority landing, one flight was diverted and on two flights the pilots made an emergency Mayday call. Among the worst cases, one incident report in February noted: ‘Fumes in cabin. Eleven of the cabin crew became unwell during flight, with symptoms of light-headedness, nausea and “sea sickness”. Oxygen administered. Aircraft returned.’ Victim? It is suspected British Airways pilot Richard Westgate, who died in 2012, had Aerotoxic Syndrome The figures have re-opened the argument about whether prolonged exposure to the air in planes is safe for passengers and crew.Pilots reported 167 cases of toxic cabin fumes or smoke in four monthsTwelve cases led pilots to request priority landing, with Mayday call in twoReignited debate on whether prolonged exposure to air in planes is safeMany former pilots and aircrew think they've suffered long-term illnesses \n Questions:The coroner’s intervention was the first official recognition of _, thought to be linked to memory loss, tremors, lethargy, headaches, tinnitus, confusion, breathing difficulties and even death. (A) Mayday (B) Oxygen (C) British Airways (D) Richard Westgate (E) Aerotoxic Syndrome" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Passengers have told of the moment the engine of a Southwest Airlines plane caught fire seconds before takeoff in Chicago on Wednesday night, forcing the jet to make an emergency landing. Southwest Airlines says no one was injured when the plane aborted takeoff at Midway International Airport due to a 'mechanical issue'. Airline spokeswoman Emily Samuels says emergency responders met the Boston-bound plane Wednesday night and that the 143 passengers exited via air stairs and returned to the terminal. Chicago Fire Department spokesman Cmdr. Frank Velez tells the Chicago Tribune one of the plane's engines caught fire, but the airplane has since been secured.Flight 3299 bound for Boston aborted takeoff late Wednesday nightVideo inside the cabin shows the right engine sparking and catching fireSouthwest Airlines said it was a 'mechanical issue'Fire Department said the engine overheatedAll 143 passengers were evacuated and there were no injuries \n Questions:Passengers were flown to _ in another aircraft early Thursday. (A) Southwest Airlines (B) Chicago (C) Midway International Airport (D) Emily Samuels (E) Boston (F) Chicago Fire Department (G) Frank Velez (H) Chicago Tribune (I) Flight 3299 (J) Fire Department" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A pilot's union alleges that Allegiant Air fired a pilot accusing him of trying to make the airline 'look bad' after he made an emergency landing in June. The pilot, who the union did not identify publicly because of confidentiality concerns, made an emergency landing on June 8 at St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport after reporting smoke in the cabin, the Tampa Bay Times reported. However, the airline told the Federal Aviation Administration in a report that mechanics couldn't find any defects with the plane in question. At the time of the emergency landing on Flight 864, four passengers and a flight attendant suffered minor injuries while evacuating the plane. The flight, carrying 141 passengers, was heading to Maryland.Pilot's union claims that Allegiant Air fired a pilot accusing him of trying to make the company 'look bad' after he made an emergency landing in JuneThe pilot landed Flight 864 on June 8 at St. Pete-Clearwater International Airport after reports of smoke in the cabinAirline told FAA in a report that mechanics couldn't find any plane defects \n Questions:_ officials declined to comment on the firing or the union's allegations. (A) Allegiant Air (B) St. Pete (C) Clearwater International Airport (D) Tampa Bay Times (E) Federal Aviation Administration (F) Flight 864 (G) Maryland (H) Pilot's (I) Airline (J) FAA" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) In President Donald Trump's book \"The Art of the Deal,\" he writes about how important it is to know one's market, to study hard. He wrote that he likes to gather as many disparate opinions and views about a potential real estate deal as he can before making any final decisions about how it will affect a given area or neighborhood. So it was a bit surprising to hear him say in an interview Thursday night that he expects South Korea to reimburse the United States for the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system we will soon be deploying to Seongju, a system that Trump said costs about a billion dollars.John Kirby: Asking South Korea to pay for an anti-missile system that is deployed by the United States and protects US assets makes absolutely no senseThe anti-missile system's geostrategic purpose in South Korea far outweighs any cost of putting it there, he writes \n Questions:Wherever you decide to deploy a system like _, you are by default making a decision about somewhere else you won't be able to deploy one. (A) Donald Trump (B) The Art of the Deal (C) South Korea (D) United States (E) Terminal High (F) Altitude Area Defense (G) THAAD (H) Seongju (I) Trump (J) John Kirby (K) US" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) President-elect Donald Trump's transition team has signaled to congressional Republican leaders that his preference is to fund the border wall through the appropriations process as soon as April, according to House Republican officials. The move would break a key campaign promise when Trump repeatedly said he would force Mexico to pay for the construction of the wall along the border, though in October, Trump suggested for the first time that Mexico would reimburse the US for the cost of the wall. Trump defended that proposal Friday morning in a tweet, saying the move to use congressional appropriations was because of speed.The Trump transition team says his preference is to fund the border wall through the appropriations processThe move would break a key campaign promise when Trump promised to force Mexico to pay for the wall \n Questions:According to the bank of _, Mexico received $24.8 billion in remittance payments in 2015. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Republican (E) House (F) Trump (G) Mexico (H) US" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump stepped back from the possibility of imminent military action against North Korea on Thursday, saying such an event is neither inevitable nor preferable. But he continued to present the threat of strikes as an option, if not the most desirable one. \"Each day, new equipment is delivered; new and beautiful equipment, the best in the world -- the best anywhere in the world, by far,\" he said of US military capacity. \"Hopefully, we're not going to have to use it on North Korea.\" \"Military action would certainly be an option,\" he added during a White House news conference. \"It would be great if something else could be worked out.\"\"Military action would certainly be an option,\" he saidDiplomacy with Pyongyang has failed over the past decades, he said \n Questions:In August, _ warned of \"fire and fury\" if North Korea continued to take threatening actions against the US. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) North Korea (E) US (F) White House (G) Diplomacy (H) Pyongyang" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(EW.com) -- Critics everywhere have hailed \"Bully\" as an important, engaging documentary. EW's Owen Gleiberman calls it \"sensitive and eye-opening\"; the film has also earned a near-perfect 93 percent \"Fresh\" rating from the reviews aggregated by Rotten Tomatoes. But in an article posted late last week, Slate's Emily Bazelon alleged that some crucial parts of \"Bully\" are \"utterly one-sided\" and \"factually questionable.\" Her piece focused on Tyler Long, one of the doc's featured subjects; when he was just 17, Long took his own life, apparently because he was bullied by his classmates. But according to Bazelon, that isn't the whole story. She wrote that Tyler also suffered from ADHD, bipolar disorder, and Asperger's syndrome; additionally, his girlfriend broke up with him a few weeks before his suicide. It seems likely that these factors contributed to Tyler's decision to commit suicide, Bazelon wrote. She asserted that by not mentioning them -- and by possibly exaggerating the treatment Tyler received in school — director Lee Hirsch and producer Cynthia Lowen oversimplified and distorted the facts to create a smoother narrative.Slate's Emily Bazelon alleged that some crucial parts of \"Bully\" are \"utterly one-sided\"\"We are deeply disappointed by the author's neglect to gain a clear picture,\" a \"Bully\" producer saidSlate deputy editor said, \"The movie includes no mention of the mental health issues Tyler faced\" \n Questions:Emily has covered bullying for _ for a few years now. (A) EW.com (B) Bully (C) EW (D) Owen Gleiberman (E) Rotten Tomatoes (F) Slate (G) Emily Bazelon (H) Tyler Long (I) Long (J) Bazelon (K) Tyler (L) ADHD (M) Asperger (N) Lee Hirsch (O) Cynthia Lowen" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN)To many viewers on the political right, Clint Eastwood's \"American Sniper\" is a patriotic film that celebrates a war hero and doesn't shy away from the truth about the terrorist threat. To some on the left, it glorifies an unjust war while paying homage to an unapologetic killer with a simplistic, good-versus-evil view of the world. Which is closer to the truth? Neither, say the movie's makers. In recent interviews, Eastwood, screenwriter Jason Hall and star Bradley Cooper have said they are dismayed by attempts to ascribe political meanings to what they see as primarily a portrait of real-life Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle and the Iraq War's impact on him.\"American Sniper\" has been misunderstood by some moviegoers who politicize itFilmmakers say their focus was to create \"a character study about what the plight is for a soldier\" \n Questions:One scene shows _, as Kyle, expressing dismay that his first kill as a sniper is not of an enemy soldier but of a young boy holding a bomb. (A) CNN (B) Clint Eastwood (C) American Sniper (D) Eastwood (E) Jason Hall (F) Bradley Cooper (G) Navy SEAL (H) Chris Kyle (I) Iraq War" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(EW.com) -- Critics everywhere have hailed \"Bully\" as an important, engaging documentary. EW's Owen Gleiberman calls it \"sensitive and eye-opening\"; the film has also earned a near-perfect 93 percent \"Fresh\" rating from the reviews aggregated by Rotten Tomatoes. But in an article posted late last week, Slate's Emily Bazelon alleged that some crucial parts of \"Bully\" are \"utterly one-sided\" and \"factually questionable.\" Her piece focused on Tyler Long, one of the doc's featured subjects; when he was just 17, Long took his own life, apparently because he was bullied by his classmates. But according to Bazelon, that isn't the whole story. She wrote that Tyler also suffered from ADHD, bipolar disorder, and Asperger's syndrome; additionally, his girlfriend broke up with him a few weeks before his suicide. It seems likely that these factors contributed to Tyler's decision to commit suicide, Bazelon wrote. She asserted that by not mentioning them -- and by possibly exaggerating the treatment Tyler received in school — director Lee Hirsch and producer Cynthia Lowen oversimplified and distorted the facts to create a smoother narrative.Slate's Emily Bazelon alleged that some crucial parts of \"Bully\" are \"utterly one-sided\"\"We are deeply disappointed by the author's neglect to gain a clear picture,\" a \"Bully\" producer saidSlate deputy editor said, \"The movie includes no mention of the mental health issues Tyler faced\" \n Questions:Lowen responded to the allegations with an exclusive statement to _:. (A) EW.com (B) Bully (C) Owen Gleiberman (D) Rotten Tomatoes (E) Slate (F) Emily Bazelon (G) Tyler Long (H) Long (I) Bazelon (J) Tyler (K) ADHD (L) Asperger (M) Lee Hirsch (N) Cynthia Lowen" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "These are the shocking images of a council traffic warden riding his moped thorough a section of highway closed off to facilitate roadworks to avoid slow moving traffic. The rider of the moped, who had learner plates on the back of his vehicle, ignored a large 'Works Access' sign on the left hand carriageway which was closed to traffic. The incident happened on the A406 North Circular Road on the westbound carriageway between Neasden and Brent Park. Both Brent Council and Serco, who supply wardens for the council have begun investigations into the incidents. Despite the large warning signs the moped went past the traffic, which according to dashcam footage of the incident, was edging forward at approximately 6 miles per hour.The Civil Enforcement Officer was riding along the A406 in north LondonHe passed a line of slow-moving traffic using a lane blocked by conesBrent Council has launched an investigation into the shocking footageThe incident was filmed in Neasden, north west London on a dashcam \n Questions:Brent Council, where the incident happened said that its _ are employed by Serco. (A) Works Access (B) North Circular Road (C) Neasden (D) Brent Park (E) Brent Council (F) Serco (G) Civil Enforcement Officer (H) A406 (I) London" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The off-duty New Jersey police officer who was behind the wheel during a wrong-way crash that killed two on Staten Island last week had eight previous accidents and a DUI on his record. Linden Officer Pedro Abad Jr. killed Officer Frank Viggiano and friend Joe Rodriguez - both 28 - when he drove the wrong way after a night at a strip club and collided head-on with a tractor-trailer. Abad had his license suspended for seven months starting in October 2013 after an alcohol-related accident in Rahway, New Jersey, in February of that year. Scroll down for video Pedro Abad Jr. (pictured both) had eight accidents and a DUI on his record before the Staten Island crashLinden Officer Pedro Abad Jr. had his license suspended in October 2013He was involved in an alcohol-related accident in Rahway, New JerseyAbad, 27, was going wrong way when he drove into tractor trailer last weekHe posted photo of three whiskey shots on Instagram hours before crashOfficer Frank Viggiano and friend Joe Rodriguez, both 28, were killedThird officer, 23-year-old Patrik Kudlac, and Abad are in critical condition \n Questions:He was reportedly involved in another accident, his eighth, four months after the _ incident. (A) New Jersey (B) Staten Island (C) Pedro Abad Jr. (D) Frank Viggiano (E) Joe Rodriguez (F) Abad (G) Rahway (H) DUI (I) Instagram (J) Patrik Kudlac" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A speeding motorist was stopped by police after being caught driving at 149mph on the M6 motorway. Officers were carrying out routine patrols on the M6 toll between junctions T7 and T5 in Staffordshire when they spotted the Ford travelling at more than double the speed limit. The police's on-board speed detection cameras recorded the driver travelling at 149mph, which equates to nearly two-and-a-half miles in a minute. They pulled the driver over between Cannock and Shenstone on Sunday evening and reported the motorist for speeding offences. Officers working for the Central Motorway Police Group (CMPG) then tweeted a picture which showed the shocking 149mph speed on their on-board surveillance camera.Driver caught travelling at 149mph on M6 in Staffordshire on Sunday nightPolice clocked his Ford doing double the speed limit with on-board cameraMotorist believed to one of fastest drivers caught in UK in last 12 monthsTwo drivers caught doing 146mph earlier this year and another 145mph \n Questions:The controversial pay-as-you drive _ has a history of high-speed incidents as drivers tear along the rarely used carriageways. (A) M6 (B) T7 (C) T5 (D) Staffordshire (E) Ford (F) Cannock (G) Shenstone (H) Central Motorway Police Group (I) CMPG (J) UK" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Pat Bonner warned under-fire Celtic boss Ronny Deila a league and cup double plus progression in the Europa League is the only way to ensure he remains in charge at Parkhead next season. In the wake of last week's abject 3-1 defeat in Molde, the legendary former Celtic and Ireland goalkeeper believes it is self-evident Celtic have not progressed in continental competition under their Norwegian coach. Celtic now face three crucial games in nine days, with a League Cup quarter-final at Hearts on Wednesday night followed by Saturday's visit of Aberdeen before Molde come to Parkhead next Thursday. And Bonner warned Deila that progression in Europe, allied to a successful defence of the league title - plus at least one domestic cup trophy - will remove all doubt over whether the 40-year-old will be trusted to lead Celtic next season.Pat Bonner believes silverware will save Ronny Deila's job at CelticDeila is under pressure after crashing out of Champions League qualifyingBonner does not think Celtic are getting any better in Europe \n Questions:Under _, Celtic have probably played better against the better teams in Europe, like Inter Milan last season. (A) Pat Bonner (B) Celtic (C) Europa League (D) Parkhead (E) Molde (F) Ireland (G) Norwegian (H) League Cup (I) Hearts (J) Aberdeen (K) Bonner (L) Deila (M) Europe (N) Champions League" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Alex McLeish has warned Ronny Deila that a domestic Treble with Celtic may not be enough to save his job. The former Rangers manager remains the last man to complete the clean sweep of trophies when he overcame a Martin O’Neill inspired Celtic side that would go on to reach the UEFA Cup Final in 2003. In contrast, Deila’s side have struggled in Europe, crashing out of the Champions League to Swedish champions Malmo and sliding to Europa League defeat against unfancied Molde. 1966-67             Jock Stein 1968-69             Jock Stein 2000-01             Martin O'Neill Deila has since steadied the ship with wins over Dundee United and Hearts. But, as the champions prepare for key games against Aberdeen in the league and a Glasgow return against Molde, McLeish reckoned domestic success may be less important now than European respectability.Domestic success will not secure Ronny Deila's future, says Alex McLeishThe former Rangers boss was last manager to win Scottish Treble, in 2003Deila has struggled in Europe - crashing out of the Champions League and sliding to defeat against Molde in the Europa League \n Questions:‘But he has got to beat these teams (_ etc). (A) Alex McLeish (B) Ronny Deila (C) Treble (D) Celtic (E) Rangers (F) Martin O’Neill (G) UEFA Cup Final (H) Deila’s (I) Europe (J) Champions League (K) Swedish (L) Malmo (M) Europa League (N) Molde (O) Jock Stein (P) Scottish Treble (Q) Deila" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Peter Lawwell recently admitted to telling Ronny Deila that it was a matter of getting over the ‘Le Guen hump’ but Celtic’s chief executive might well have cited a couple of names that had met their grim fates closer to home. One thing is for sure: Deila did not need to be an ardent student of the history of Scottish football to appreciate the gravitas of the situation he had become immersed in earlier this season. By late autumn, his side had twice exited Europe while Hamilton Accies had left Celtic Park triumphant. A search party was hardly required to identify his doubters.Celtic boss Ronny Deila was unsure he was cut out for the jobDeila struggled for results initially at Celtic ParkBut the Bhoys now lead the Premiership and should win the title \n Questions:Celtic manager _ admitted that the first six months in charge were mentally tough. (A) Peter Lawwell (B) Ronny Deila (C) Le Guen (D) Celtic (E) Scottish (F) Europe (G) Hamilton Accies (H) Celtic Park (I) Bhoys (J) Premiership" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- North Korea on Monday fired more projectiles into the sea off its east coast, South Korean officials said, urging Pyongyang to refrain from \"tension-creating acts.\" But Pyongyang described the launches as a \"regular military exercise.\" The South Korean Defense Ministry still needs to analyze exactly what the North has been firing for the past three days, said Choi Yong-su, an official in the ministry representative's office. They could be short-range missiles or a new kind of large-caliber artillery rocket, the ministry said. The North fired three projectiles into waters off its east coast Saturday and a fourth Sunday. It fired two more Monday, Choi said.North Korea says the launches are a \"regular military exercise\"North Korea has fired six projectiles into the sea over the past three days, Seoul saysThe South says they could be short-range missiles or large-scale artilleryThe North last week criticized the presence of a U.S. aircraft carrier in the region \n Questions:Before last week, tensions in the region had eased from a period in March and April that included near daily _ threats of war against South Korea and the United States. (A) Seoul (B) South Korea (C) CNN (D) North Korea (E) South Korean (F) Pyongyang (G) South Korean Defense Ministry (H) North (I) Choi Yong-su (J) Choi (K) South (L) U.S." ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- South Korea's spy chief said Wednesday that there is a high chance that North Korea will attack again following a strike last month that has led to renewed tensions on the peninsula, the Yonhap news agency reported. South Korean lawmaker Rhee Beum-Kwan quoted National Intelligence Service chief Won Sei-hoon as making the prediction, Yonhap reported. \"North Korea pushed for reckless actions as internal complaints grew over its hereditary power succession and economic situations worsened,\" the lawmaker quoted Won as saying. Meanwhile, South Korea and the United States wrapped up joint military exercises on the Yellow Sea, while South Korea carried on with plans for artillery firing drills next week amid simmering tensions with Pyongyang.Intelligence chief warns of more attacksReport: S. Korea is in talks with the U.S. for more drills to deal with \"provocation by the enemy\"Government ministers from South Korea and Japan will attend a December meetingNorth Korea warns U.S.-South Korea drills could lead to \"all-out war any time\" \n Questions:The _ is the acronym for North Korea's formal name: the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. (A) Seoul (B) South Korea (C) CNN (D) North Korea (E) Yonhap (F) South Korean (G) Rhee Beum-Kwan (H) National Intelligence Service (I) Won Sei-hoon (J) Won (K) United States (L) Yellow Sea (M) Pyongyang (N) S. Korea (O) U.S. (P) Japan" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) -- A North Korean official has questioned South Korea's credibility for its rhetoric and actions over the sinking of a South Korean warship in March, state-run media in North Korea reported Saturday. Maj. Gen. Pak Rim Su lashed out against the South for saying the North Koreans sank the Cheonan warship, a claim fiercely denied by his communist government. He said the evidence produced by South Korea to make its claim has been fabricated. He said South Korea has aggravated what has become a grave situation, and he warned that any accidental confrontation between the countries would result in war, according to an article in the state-run Korean Central News Agency. He cited North Korea's \"nuclear deterrent\" to deal with such situations.North Korea denies claim it torpedoed warshipPyongyang says South Korea fabricated evidenceChina, Japan, South Korea address crisis at meeting \n Questions:The _ say the South is attempting to undermine efforts to promote reconciliation and North Korea's progress. (A) CNN (B) North Korean (C) South Korea (D) South Korean (E) Pak Rim Su (F) South (G) Cheonan (H) Korean Central News Agency (I) Pyongyang (J) China (K) Japan" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) A Sacramento Police officer is under criminal investigation for a \"disturbing\" incident, captured on two videos, in which he threw an accused jaywalker to the ground and punched him repeatedly. The two-year veteran of the force, who has yet to be identified, has been placed on administrative leave with pay while his actions are under review. \"I thought I was going to be the next Trayvon Martin to be honest,\" Nandi Cain Jr., the accused jaywalker, said later in an interview with CNN affiliate KTXL. Police released dashcam video of the confrontation, which occurred Monday after the officer exited his patrol car and approached Cain on a residential street in California's state capital.Episode was captured on cellphone and dashcam videoOfficer was placed on administrative leave and is under criminal investigation \n Questions:\"The actions of the involved _ are disturbing and (do) not appear to be reasonable based upon the circumstances,\" the police department said in a statement. (A) Sacramento Police (B) Trayvon Martin (C) Nandi Cain Jr. (D) CNN (E) KTXL (F) Cain (G) California (H) Episode" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The off-duty New Jersey police officer who was behind the wheel during a wrong-way crash that killed two on Staten Island last week had eight previous accidents and a DUI on his record. Linden Officer Pedro Abad Jr. killed Officer Frank Viggiano and friend Joe Rodriguez - both 28 - when he drove the wrong way after a night at a strip club and collided head-on with a tractor-trailer. Abad had his license suspended for seven months starting in October 2013 after an alcohol-related accident in Rahway, New Jersey, in February of that year. Scroll down for video Pedro Abad Jr. (pictured both) had eight accidents and a DUI on his record before the Staten Island crashLinden Officer Pedro Abad Jr. had his license suspended in October 2013He was involved in an alcohol-related accident in Rahway, New JerseyAbad, 27, was going wrong way when he drove into tractor trailer last weekHe posted photo of three whiskey shots on Instagram hours before crashOfficer Frank Viggiano and friend Joe Rodriguez, both 28, were killedThird officer, 23-year-old Patrik Kudlac, and Abad are in critical condition \n Questions:_ officials said there was one other violation on Abad's record. (A) New Jersey (B) Staten Island (C) Pedro Abad Jr. (D) Frank Viggiano (E) Joe Rodriguez (F) Abad (G) Rahway (H) DUI (I) Instagram (J) Patrik Kudlac" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) A Sacramento Police officer is under criminal investigation for a \"disturbing\" incident, captured on two videos, in which he threw an accused jaywalker to the ground and punched him repeatedly. The two-year veteran of the force, who has yet to be identified, has been placed on administrative leave with pay while his actions are under review. \"I thought I was going to be the next Trayvon Martin to be honest,\" Nandi Cain Jr., the accused jaywalker, said later in an interview with CNN affiliate KTXL. Police released dashcam video of the confrontation, which occurred Monday after the officer exited his patrol car and approached Cain on a residential street in California's state capital.Episode was captured on cellphone and dashcam videoOfficer was placed on administrative leave and is under criminal investigation \n Questions:After _ protests, \"I looked both ways,\" and keeps walking, the officer says, \"If you do not stop right now, I will take you to the ground.\" (A) Sacramento Police (B) Trayvon Martin (C) Nandi Cain Jr. (D) CNN (E) KTXL (F) California (G) Episode" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Australia's highest ranking Catholic threatening legal action has not stopped the 60 Minutes TV program from hitting back at Cardinal George Pell and his fellow leaders across the country. Child sex abuse victim Peter Saunders, who was handpicked by Pope Francis to sit on the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, broke his silence on last Sunday's show about his thoughts on Cardinal Pell describing him as 'dangerous' and claiming his position was 'untenable'. Despite turning down invitations from 60 Minutes to respond to the damning remarks, Cardinal Pell remained tight-lipped - until after the show aired when a spokesperson stated that he was left with no choice but to seek legal advice.George Pell has asked for apology from child abuse victim Peter SaundersMr Saunders slammed Cardinal Pell as 'dangerous' on 60 Minutes programHe called on Pope Francis to 'take the strongest action' against PellVictims gave evidence Pell bribed them for silence and ignored complaintsPell's spokesperson described claims as 'outrageous' and 'misleading'60 Minutes journalist Tara Brown hit back saying church was 'out of touch' \n Questions:'Despite all of their rhetoric they have forgotten what matters most here: the victims, the victims want to be heard, they want to be listened to and most importantly they want to be believed but the bishops, arhcbishops, and Cardinal _ have given every indication that it's unlikely to happen.' (A) Australia (B) Catholic (C) 60 Minutes TV (D) George Pell (E) Peter Saunders (F) Francis (G) Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (H) Saunders (I) 60 Minutes (J) Tara Brown" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Australia's highest ranking Catholic threatening legal action has not stopped the 60 Minutes TV program from hitting back at Cardinal George Pell and his fellow leaders across the country. Child sex abuse victim Peter Saunders, who was handpicked by Pope Francis to sit on the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, broke his silence on last Sunday's show about his thoughts on Cardinal Pell describing him as 'dangerous' and claiming his position was 'untenable'. Despite turning down invitations from 60 Minutes to respond to the damning remarks, Cardinal Pell remained tight-lipped - until after the show aired when a spokesperson stated that he was left with no choice but to seek legal advice.George Pell has asked for apology from child abuse victim Peter SaundersMr Saunders slammed Cardinal Pell as 'dangerous' on 60 Minutes programHe called on Pope Francis to 'take the strongest action' against PellVictims gave evidence Pell bribed them for silence and ignored complaintsPell's spokesperson described claims as 'outrageous' and 'misleading'60 Minutes journalist Tara Brown hit back saying church was 'out of touch' \n Questions:'The men who lead it have put themselves on a collision course with the victims of child sexual abuse by expressing their unfailing support for _.' (A) Australia (B) Catholic (C) 60 Minutes TV (D) George Pell (E) Peter Saunders (F) Francis (G) Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (H) Saunders (I) Cardinal Pell (J) 60 Minutes (K) Tara Brown" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Australia's highest ranking Catholic threatening legal action has not stopped the 60 Minutes TV program from hitting back at Cardinal George Pell and his fellow leaders across the country. Child sex abuse victim Peter Saunders, who was handpicked by Pope Francis to sit on the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, broke his silence on last Sunday's show about his thoughts on Cardinal Pell describing him as 'dangerous' and claiming his position was 'untenable'. Despite turning down invitations from 60 Minutes to respond to the damning remarks, Cardinal Pell remained tight-lipped - until after the show aired when a spokesperson stated that he was left with no choice but to seek legal advice.George Pell has asked for apology from child abuse victim Peter SaundersMr Saunders slammed Cardinal Pell as 'dangerous' on 60 Minutes programHe called on Pope Francis to 'take the strongest action' against PellVictims gave evidence Pell bribed them for silence and ignored complaintsPell's spokesperson described claims as 'outrageous' and 'misleading'60 Minutes journalist Tara Brown hit back saying church was 'out of touch' \n Questions:It is also not clear if Mr Saunders is aware _ established within 100 days of being appointed as an Archbishop, an independent scheme to support victims. (A) Australia (B) Catholic (C) 60 Minutes TV (D) George Pell (E) Peter Saunders (F) Francis (G) Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (H) Pell (I) Saunders (J) 60 Minutes (K) Tara Brown" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "It's a long road to recovery for Spanish nurse's assistant Teresa Romero Ramos. Discharged from hospital six weeks ago after beating Ebola, she faces life without her beloved dog, Excalibur, put down by Spanish authorities for fear he might harbor the deadly virus. And questions remain about how she contracted the virus while helping to care for Spanish missionaries brought back from West Africa with Ebola, and the way her own case was handled. Romero was in court Thursday to seek 150,000 euros in damages from the then-Madrid health minister she accuses of blaming her for catching the disease. He publicly apologized for the comments and later resigned.Teresa Romero Ramos is suing Madrid regional authorities for putting down her dogShe is also suing the ex-regional health minister, who she says blamed her for falling ill\"It's clear they were not ready to look after a possible case of Ebola,\" she says of hospitalRomero wants to see revised protocols for health workers caring for Ebola patients \n Questions:\"I've forgotten about everything except the death of _ -- not the death itself, but the way in which this was done without finding out first whether the dog was infected,\" she said. (A) Spanish (B) Teresa Romero Ramos (C) Ebola (D) Excalibur (E) West Africa (F) Romero (G) Madrid" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Theranos decided to voluntarily withdraw its Zika virus blood test that it had submitted for Food and Drug Administration approval, the company said Wednesday. Theranos founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes previously told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta in an exclusive interview that the Zika test, though it's not one that would be as common as a test to check general health, was a priority for the company because it was a \"really important area of blood work.\" She talked about the test at her first presentation to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry Meeting in August. The hope, she said, was to be able to run the Zika test on a new mini-lab device the company debuted at the conference.The company still considers Zika a \"really important area of blood work\"Theranos cited a \"positive interaction\" with the FDA and said it will resubmit \n Questions:\"In my mind, this was a positive interaction with the _, and I'm grateful for its collaborative approach. (A) CNN (B) Theranos (C) Zika (D) Food and Drug Administration (E) Elizabeth Holmes (F) Sanjay Gupta (G) American Association for Clinical Chemistry" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "It's a long road to recovery for Spanish nurse's assistant Teresa Romero Ramos. Discharged from hospital six weeks ago after beating Ebola, she faces life without her beloved dog, Excalibur, put down by Spanish authorities for fear he might harbor the deadly virus. And questions remain about how she contracted the virus while helping to care for Spanish missionaries brought back from West Africa with Ebola, and the way her own case was handled. Romero was in court Thursday to seek 150,000 euros in damages from the then-Madrid health minister she accuses of blaming her for catching the disease. He publicly apologized for the comments and later resigned.Teresa Romero Ramos is suing Madrid regional authorities for putting down her dogShe is also suing the ex-regional health minister, who she says blamed her for falling ill\"It's clear they were not ready to look after a possible case of Ebola,\" she says of hospitalRomero wants to see revised protocols for health workers caring for Ebola patients \n Questions:Meanwhile, _'s superior court has already ruled once on the case of Excalibur -- saying that regional health officials did not act recklessly in putting him down. (A) Spanish (B) Teresa Romero Ramos (C) Ebola (D) Excalibur (E) West Africa (F) Romero (G) Madrid" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "She has become one of the most recognisable faces on Premier League benches, the woman doctor who Chelsea have relied upon to treat their injured players. But in the space of only four days, Eva Carneiro's relationship with Jose Mourinho has deteriorated so badly that we may not see her again. On Saturday, Carneiro and her colleague Jon Fearn angered the Chelsea manager by rushing on to the pitch to tend to Eden Hazard near the end of the 2-2 draw with Swansea. Eva Carneiro was born in Gibraltar to a Spanish father and English mother. She studied in Australia, did an MSc in London and a thesis at West Ham.Eva Carneiro will not be in dugout for Chelsea's next game with Man CityShe will remain as first-team doctor but will no longer attend gamesJose Mourinho vented anger at Chelsea medical team after Swansea clashThe medics ran to Eden Hazard's attention during closing stagesDecision meant Chelsea were temporarily down to just nine playersMourinho claims he knew Hazard didn't need treatment as he was just tired \n Questions:A Chelsea spokesman would not comment on _’s role or future on Tuesday night. (A) Premier League (B) Chelsea (C) Eva Carneiro (D) Jose Mourinho (E) Jon Fearn (F) Eden Hazard (G) Swansea (H) Gibraltar (I) Spanish (J) English (K) Australia (L) MSc (M) London (N) West Ham (O) Man City (P) Decision (Q) Mourinho (R) Hazard" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "She has become one of the most recognisable faces on Premier League benches, the woman doctor who Chelsea have relied upon to treat their injured players. But in the space of only four days, Eva Carneiro's relationship with Jose Mourinho has deteriorated so badly that we may not see her again. On Saturday, Carneiro and her colleague Jon Fearn angered the Chelsea manager by rushing on to the pitch to tend to Eden Hazard near the end of the 2-2 draw with Swansea. Eva Carneiro was born in Gibraltar to a Spanish father and English mother. She studied in Australia, did an MSc in London and a thesis at West Ham.Eva Carneiro will not be in dugout for Chelsea's next game with Man CityShe will remain as first-team doctor but will no longer attend gamesJose Mourinho vented anger at Chelsea medical team after Swansea clashThe medics ran to Eden Hazard's attention during closing stagesDecision meant Chelsea were temporarily down to just nine playersMourinho claims he knew Hazard didn't need treatment as he was just tired \n Questions:_ was hurt by that and Chelsea fans rushed to send her messages of support. (A) Premier League (B) Chelsea (C) Eva Carneiro (D) Jose Mourinho (E) Jon Fearn (F) Eden Hazard (G) Swansea (H) Gibraltar (I) Spanish (J) English (K) Australia (L) MSc (M) London (N) West Ham (O) Man City (P) Decision (Q) Mourinho (R) Hazard" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "The Premier League Doctors' Group have described Jose Mourinho's decision to alter the role of Eva Carneiro as 'unjust to the extreme' and accused the Chelsea boss of placing the importance of results above player welfare. Chelsea club doctor Carneiro riled Mourinho by running on the pitch alongside first-team physiotherapist Jon Fearn when Eden Hazard went down injured late on in the 2-2 draw against Swansea. The Belgian had to leave the field of play after receiving treatment and with Chelsea already down to 10 men due to Thibaut Courtois seeing red, they temporarily had eight outfield players on the pitch.Eva Carneiro will not be in dugout for Chelsea's next game with Man CityShe will remain as first-team doctor but will no longer attend gamesJose Mourinho vented anger at Chelsea medical team after Swansea clashThe medics ran to Eden Hazard's attention during closing stagesThe Premier League Doctors' Group have defended Carneiro \n Questions:'It is also of great concern that at a time when the both the Premier League and the _ group are intensifying efforts to safeguard player welfare, the precedent set by this incident demonstrates that the medical care of players appears to be secondary to the result of the game.' (A) Premier League Doctors' Group (B) Jose Mourinho (C) Eva Carneiro (D) Chelsea (E) Carneiro (F) Mourinho (G) Jon Fearn (H) Eden Hazard (I) Swansea (J) Belgian (K) Thibaut Courtois (L) Man City" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) In his first 100 days, President Donald Trump has signed more bills into law than the previous five presidents and has signed more executive orders than any president since Harry Truman. But unlike many of his recent predecessors, Trump didn't score any major legislative victories. Trump does have one big win: The Senate confirmed Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. That hasn't happened in a president's first 100 days since President James Garfield did it 136 years ago. New laws on the books, but no major legislation Since taking office, Trump has signed 29 bills into law, according to public records. That's more than Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan. But Trump hasn't signed any \"major legislation\" -- a bill that delivers on a campaign promise or has a nationwide impact.Since taking office, Trump has signed 29 bills into lawTrump is the fourth US president with a successful Supreme Court nomination in his first 100 days \n Questions:\"I don't think (_) even tries anymore, I think he just signs executive actions,\" Trump said in December 2015. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Donald Trump (D) Harry Truman (E) Trump (F) Senate (G) Neil Gorsuch (H) Supreme Court (I) James Garfield (J) Barack Obama (K) Bill Clinton (L) George W. Bush (M) US" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) \"Buckle up\" was the advice Vice President-elect Mike Pence gave Hill Republicans about the hectic pace ahead for Capitol Hill's first 100 days in 2017. The Republican-controlled Congress returns Tuesday to begin an aggressive push on a range of policies that their new partner -- President-elect Donald Trump -- can help turn into law. The focus in January will be to start the wheels in motion to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, and vote to confirm many of Trump's Cabinet nominees. There will also be debate about Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election -- an issue the incoming President doesn't want to focus on, saying last week it's time to \"move on\" -- but many in his own party view as a serious threat.Obamacare and confirming Trump's nominees top the agendaRussia's involvement in the 2016 election also promises to be a top issue \n Questions:Their plan is to use a budget process known as \"reconciliation\" to wipe away the major planks of _. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Mike Pence (D) Hill Republicans (E) Capitol Hill (F) Republican (G) Congress (H) Donald Trump (I) Affordable Care Act (J) Obamacare (K) Trump (L) Cabinet (M) Russia" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) President Donald Trump has bragged -- and did so again during his State of the Union address Tuesday -- that the tax cuts Congress passed would be the biggest in history. There's no doubt the tax legislation slashed corporate tax rates and will give 80% of individual filers a tax cut, according to some estimates. But arguably, President Barack Obama passed a larger tax cut by making most of President George W. Bush's cuts permanent. President Ronald Reagan definitely did. And Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson probably did, too. \"It will be the biggest tax decrease, or tax cut, in the history of our country,\" Trump said at the White House last month.Trump has said the tax cuts Congress passed would be the biggest everThey would not, according to the way the government measures tax cuts \n Questions:Even excluding Obama's cuts -- which were really extensions of previous cuts first enacted by Bush -- _'s tax reform bill will have nowhere near the effect on revenue that Reagan's did. (A) CNN (B) Donald Trump (C) State of the Union (D) Congress (E) Barack Obama (F) George W. Bush (G) Ronald Reagan (H) John F. Kennedy (I) Lyndon Johnson (J) White House" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Vice President Joe Biden has not endorsed a candidate in the 2016 race, but he recently praised Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for thinking big when it comes to how to lead the country. \"I like the idea of saying, 'We can do much more,' because we can,\" Biden told The New York Times in an interview published Thursday. Sanders' critics -- most notably surrogates for his primary opponent Hillary Clinton and the candidate, herself -- often question how realistic his proposals are, but Biden dismissed that concern. \"I don't think any Democrat's ever won saying, 'We can't think that big — we ought to really downsize here because it's not realistic,'\" Biden said. \"C'mon man, this is the Democratic Party! I'm not part of the party that says, 'Well, we can't do it.'\"Joe Biden praised Bernie Sanders for aiming high even if it doesn't work out\"I like the idea of saying, 'We can do much more,' because we can,\" Biden says of Sanders \n Questions:And I plan on staying deeply involved,\" _ said in January. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Joe Biden (D) Vermont (E) Bernie Sanders (F) The New York Times (G) Sanders (H) Hillary Clinton (I) Democrat (J) C'mon (K) Democratic Party" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Washington (CNN) Bernie Sanders says audio from a closed-door Hillary Clinton fundraiser shows the two largely agree -- even though Clinton dismissed some of Sanders' policy positions as \"false promises.\" \"If you listen to the whole discussion that she had, a very important point that she made is that a lot of young people who went into debt, worked very hard to get a good education, can't find a job commensurate to the education that they received,\" Sanders told CNN's Jake Tapper on \"State of the Union\" Sunday. Tapper was pressing Sanders about audio clips obtained from a hack into a Democratic staffer's emails posted late Friday by the conservative Washington Free Beacon.Sanders dismissed audio if Clinton criticizing his 'false promises'Sanders said the two agree that too many young people have lacked economic opportunity \n Questions:Clinton gives frank take on _ supporters in audio from hacked email. (A) Washington (B) CNN (C) Bernie Sanders (D) Hillary Clinton (E) Clinton (F) Jake Tapper (G) State of the Union (H) Tapper (I) Democratic (J) Washington Free Beacon" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "(CNN) Saturday was a big day for Bernie Sanders' quest for the Democratic presidential nomination as he swept to resounding victories in the caucus states of Hawaii, Washington and Alaska. But the delegate math is still in Hillary Clinton's favor. \"We knew things were going to improve as we headed West,\" Sanders said at a jubilant rally before 8,000 people in Madison, Wisconsin -- a state that will hold the next major contest in 10 days. \"We have a path toward victory.\" Takeaways from Western Saturday Clinton built up her delegate lead on the back of a strong run in the South, and Sanders argued Saturday his campaign always knew those states would be tough. In Madison, he said the map now offers more opportunities for his campaign as the contest progressed, largely because his wins are being powered by huge turnout among younger voters.Sanders hopes wins Saturday will help build momentum for larger states later onClinton has a commanding overall lead in delegates \n Questions:While Sanders shaved _'s lead in the delegate count, the former secretary of state had amassed 1,711 of the 2,383 delegates she would need to clinch the nomination before Saturday's contests, according to CNN estimates. (A) CNN (B) Bernie Sanders (C) Democratic (D) Hawaii (E) Washington (F) Alaska (G) Hillary Clinton (H) Sanders (I) Madison (J) Wisconsin (K) Western (L) South" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "More than 50 former female staff at a Wild-West-themed bar in in New York's Rockefeller Center have received payouts after being forced to work in a 'hyper-sexualized work environment' that 'degrad[ed] and humiliat[ed] its female employees', according to court records. According to a lawsuit filed at Manhattan Federal Court, women working at Johnny Utah's bar were required to remove wedding and engagement rings; wear 'sexually provocative', cowboy-style clothing; take part in bawdy drinking competitions with male customers, sit on their laps, and pour alcohol into their mouths; and kiss each other while riding a bucking mechanical bull. On one occasion, to mark Thanksgiving, women were even asked to wrestle in a pool of cranberry sauce, the New York Daily News reported. The level of the settlement is not known.The women were forced to remove wedding rings, sit on male customers' laps, and kiss each other while riding a mechanical bull, say court papersOn one occasion, some were asked to wrestle in a pool of cranberry sauceSome were secretly filmed and the footage was put online without consentJohnny Utah's bar, located in New York's Rockefeller Center, has settled with more than 50 former employees for an unspecified amount \n Questions:'[_ is] a hyper-sexualized work environment that increases the defendants profits by exploiting, degrading and humiliating its female employees,' said the court papers. (A) Wild-West (B) New York (C) Rockefeller Center (D) Manhattan Federal Court (E) Johnny Utah (F) Thanksgiving (G) New York Daily News" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A woman of Arab and Jewish descent who was strip-searched at a Detroit-area airport has reached a settlement in a lawsuit filed on her behalf, the American Civil Liberties Union said Tuesday. The federal government will give Shoshana Hebshi $40,000 as compensation for being humiliated on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks after armed agents forced her from a plane at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, made her undress during a search and held her for hours. Frontier Airlines, the Transportation Security Administration and Wayne County Airport Authority were named in the federal lawsuit. Won her case: Shoshana Hebshi, of Sylvania, Ohio, who was strip-searched at a Detroit-area airport, will gain $40,000 as compensation for being humiliatedThe federal government will give Shoshana Hebshi $40,000 as compensation for being ethnically profiledHebshi, who has a Jewish mother and Saudi Arabian father, has said she was discriminated against based on her dark complexionHebshi was detained along with two Indian men she was seated next to'People do not forfeit their constitutional rights when they step onto an airplane,' said ACLU attorney Rachel Goodman \n Questions:'I filed this lawsuit because I didn't want others to experience the kind of unnecessary trauma that I did, and it has given me faith that the justice system can work to protect constitutional rights,' _ said in a release. (A) Arab (B) Jewish (C) Detroit (D) American Civil Liberties Union (E) Shoshana Hebshi (F) Detroit Metropolitan Airport (G) Frontier Airlines (H) Transportation Security Administration (I) Wayne County Airport Authority (J) Sylvania (K) Ohio (L) Saudi Arabian (M) Indian (N) ACLU (O) Rachel Goodman" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "A former high-class call girl has lifted the lid on how her secret profession servicing the rich and famous left her fearing for her life. Rachael Webster, 43, from Liverpool, spent 15 years working as an escort in London's West End, making up to £3,000 a week working for celebrity clients, including a male model known for his wild party lifestyle, and the brother of an A-List actor. But her customers also included gangsters, criminals and violent thugs, and Rachael believes on several occasions she was lucky not to have been killed. The mother-of-three said: 'At times men did do some really horrendous things to me, absolutely despicable things.Rachael Webster, 43, from Liverpool was a high class escort for 15 yearsClients included celebrities as well as gangsters and violent criminalsOne threatened to put her in a wheelchair and another grabbed her throatHas now written a book about her experiences as a tribute to her mum \n Questions:At 22 Rachael was a single mother living in a council house with her young daughter while working at a massage parlour in _. (A) Rachael Webster (B) Liverpool (C) London (D) West End (E) Rachael" ] ]
[ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Harper Lee has joked about spending the money from her new novel on trips to Las Vegas and the Bahamas, one of her inner circle has disclosed. The reclusive novelist, whose long-lost novel Go Set A Watchman will be the publishing phenomenon of the decade when it is released on Monday - has a 'wonderful mind', Kamisha Booker, told Daily Mail Online. Mrs Booker, who visits Harper Lee twice a month, offered an unprecedented insight into Lee's state of mind and said the novelist was 'excited and overwhelmed' by the publication of the novel. Harper Lee hopes her book will be made into a film - as To Kill a Mockingbird was - and be invited onto the set to 'encourage' actors and give a first hand insight to movie makers as to how she meant the book to be understood.Member of author's inner circle tells Daily Mail Online that Lee, 89, is mentally sharp, excited about the new book and joking about the royaltiesKamisha Booker visits author twice a month with teenage daughter and said: 'For a lady that age she has a wonderful mind.'Book is published on Monday but has already split inner circle of reclusive author's friends in hometown of Monroeville, AlabamaOther former friends say they do not believe she has 'mental or physical strength' and that she is being 'walked over' into publicationAuthor's lawyer is now involved in feud with town museum which honors her legacy and includes courtroom where her father was defense attorney \n Questions:'With Miss _, there is nothing wrong with her mind. (A) Harper Lee (B) Las Vegas (C) Bahamas (D) Go Set A Watchman (E) Kamisha Booker (F) Daily Mail Online (G) Mrs Booker (H) To Kill a Mockingbird (I) Book (J) Monroeville (K) Alabama" ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "Harper Lee has joked about spending the money from her new novel on trips to Las Vegas and the Bahamas, one of her inner circle has disclosed. The reclusive novelist, whose long-lost novel Go Set A Watchman will be the publishing phenomenon of the decade when it is released on Monday - has a 'wonderful mind', Kamisha Booker, told Daily Mail Online. Mrs Booker, who visits Harper Lee twice a month, offered an unprecedented insight into Lee's state of mind and said the novelist was 'excited and overwhelmed' by the publication of the novel. Harper Lee hopes her book will be made into a film - as To Kill a Mockingbird was - and be invited onto the set to 'encourage' actors and give a first hand insight to movie makers as to how she meant the book to be understood.Member of author's inner circle tells Daily Mail Online that Lee, 89, is mentally sharp, excited about the new book and joking about the royaltiesKamisha Booker visits author twice a month with teenage daughter and said: 'For a lady that age she has a wonderful mind.'Book is published on Monday but has already split inner circle of reclusive author's friends in hometown of Monroeville, AlabamaOther former friends say they do not believe she has 'mental or physical strength' and that she is being 'walked over' into publicationAuthor's lawyer is now involved in feud with town museum which honors her legacy and includes courtroom where her father was defense attorney \n Questions:'Miss _ doesn't know how to put out the excitement. (A) Harper Lee (B) Las Vegas (C) Bahamas (D) Go Set A Watchman (E) Kamisha Booker (F) Daily Mail Online (G) Mrs Booker (H) To Kill a Mockingbird (I) Book (J) Monroeville (K) Alabama" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the example for the following task: In this task, you will be presented with a passage and have to answer a question based on your understanding of the events inferred from the passage. Among the entities, try to find the best entity that is most likely to fill in \"_\" and classify the answers based on options.:", "She swept up awards for her roles in Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. And now, Jennifer Lawrence has tackled a classic rags to riches story. In the highly-anticipated movie Joy, she steps into a fictionalized version of billionaire inventor Joy Mangano. Unlike the other movies hitting theaters this winter, the tale is a tender one about a divorced housewife's desperate journey to make something of her life - by inventing a self-wringing mop. Mangano, 59, is now worth $50 million, according to The Richest. But it all started from nothing 23-years ago. She grew up in Long Island and studied business at Pace University, where she met Tony Miranne.Joy Mangano, 59, was struggling to make ends meet when she divorcedShe invented a self-wringing mop and persuaded QVC to let her sell itIt became a hit and launched her career as a QVC saleswomanNow she lives in a St James, NY, mansion and is worth $50 millionFor more on Jennifer Lawrence's new movie visit www.dailymail.co.uk/jlaw \n Questions:_ is still astonished by the movie's existence and the people chosen to play her and the people in her life. (A) Silver Linings Playbook (B) American Hustle (C) Jennifer Lawrence (D) Joy (E) Joy Mangano (F) The Richest (G) Long Island (H) Pace University (I) Tony Miranne (J) QVC (K) St James (L) NY" ] ]