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umm actually it was the Fed that saved the US.
Obama was golfing 8 years | 0non-toxic
If you choose to see the slogan "Make America Great Again" through the prism of race, then I guess that is what YOU choose to see. I don't. It's just one more political slogan in a sea of political slogans found during election years. Trump may be an opportunistic, obnoxious huckster, not qualified to be president, but I don't think he is a "racist". | 1toxic
While I think Trump is a lousy candidate, and I hope he loses to Clinton, I'm still glad he got the nomination rather than Cruz. I think Trump would make an inept president, but the Dominionist Cruz would have been a horrible disaster for our country. | 1toxic
There's no swamp being drained.
That's as fake as Trump telling you he supports healthcare. | 0non-toxic
nothing like wasting paper on passive aggressive shite | 1toxic
"July 28, 1868 - Secretary of State William Seward issued a proclamation certifying the ratification of the 14th Amendment by the states."
"If you want to get laid go to college. If you want an education go to the library." Frank Zappa
The Thomas Jefferson Building; Library of Congress
https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/14thamendment.html | 1toxic
I am sure that Trump being a sexist a-hole to Senator Clinton is really going to appeal to a majority of Americans. | 1toxic
Friggin useless broad... | 1toxic
Liberals are just useful idiots and aren't even fun to play with. The serious apparatchiks are a bit of a challenge and there is some sport in that. | 1toxic
Typical government employee, couldn't make it fishing, so he went out and found himself, to suck on the government copper.
How many penny's does it take to figure out who's on the face book page at the Lincoln Memorial.
Equal Protection, from the Seward Family Trust. just in case you got an education, from the family tree of Oliver North(Retarded) and Phil North(Delusional).
When your too stupid to read, breed into a government job. | 1toxic
I work downtown 5 days a week. I love the dog ban, yet just this week I have had to dodge dog poop from the Quackenbush Building all the way to Voodoo Donuts. Not just a little poop but a LOT of poop. You can tell it's dog poop because the owner obviously dragged the dog along while it was dropping deuces in a nice long line. I also still see a few un-neutered large "pitbull type" dogs in the downtown core....2 just this week.
My personal opinion is that the downtown area is a bit better than last summer as far as the number of "people who congregate" downtown, but it is not even close to feeling safe or nice or clean. I suppose "Kesey Square" is more pleasant to walk through now that there are tables displacing the people who just lie on the sidewalk. There are still people aggressively "asking" for money but they are more spread out now. To be fair I have not been to the Park Blocks recently so I cannot comment on it being better or worse but 10 years ago I liked eating lunch there. | 0non-toxic
I'm quite sure I've already read this article a few years ago, same statements, same comments, looks like this guy loves to be seen as an idiot, just to gain some click on his ridiculous articles. Good luck loser | 1toxic
Yeah, unfortunately, we have way more than our fair share of morons in Alaska. And, they vote. | 1toxic
The mailing seems too stupid to be a real attempt at recruiting or gaining support. But then it seems there are few limits to what a person considers their personal liberties, so who knows. | 1toxic
Nanakanda wrote:
"They need to remove this alcohol loop hole, it is too problematic."
You mean the woman needs to take responsibility for being drunk and submitting, or not saying No, Yes, I agree. | 0non-toxic
The DNC didn't drop anything. Hillary won the popular vote and for some god-awful reason the Electoral College handed the election to Trump. Oh and by the way it is the RNC who is under investigation for election tampering and collusion with Russia | 0non-toxic
Laura Stone you are why I love the Globe | 0non-toxic
"In fact, if he had supported Gore, the election wouldn’t have even been close."
Have to disagree with you on that Hugh. We had good reasons for not voting for Gore. Before he discovered global warming, which I'll give him a lot of credit for, Gore was another Bill Clinton, a conservative pro-business southern Democrat hawk, only without Clinton's political skill. During Clinton's first term Gore wanted to reduce Social Security benefits. He had to be told that the typical SS recipient was an old woman who barely made ends meet.
He was a lousy candidate who didn't even carry his home state of Tennessee. Nader was not to blame for Gore's defeat, which was deserved. A lot of us were sick to death of the Clinton presidency by 2000, and we were not going to vote for its continuation by Gore. Nor will we vote for a repeat by Hillary Clinton. We are revolting against business as usual, as we did in 2000. The Democratic party can move left or die. | 0non-toxic
No, the province shouldn't do anything -- the market determines what a reasonable rent is by location. It makes sense that rents should increase with RE because:
- It costs landlords more to invest in new properties, and
- Landlords can sell the existing properties for a handsome sum and invest in something else
With that said, rents will also decrease if RE prices start going down.
I get that rising RE prices (and hence rents) suck, especially for people on fixed incomes, but it isn't the landlord's job to make housing affordable. The only involvement the Gov't should have is in perhaps subsidizing low-income individuals who can't afford the market rates. | 0non-toxic
Good luck | 0non-toxic
The pope was reflecting in his homily Saturday on a reading from Luke’s Gospel, in which Jesus gives what is commonly referred to as the “Sermon on the Plain.” Coming down from a mountaintop, Jesus tells his disciples to “love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”
No wonder the haters keep calling him "anti-pope." | 0non-toxic
Cool. And YOU don't speak for me. | 0non-toxic
Possible this plan4alaska is just another round table elite paid for by corporations and Koch, Norquist,Soros. They look like a bunch of senile children wanting pizza! All the photo shoots will never do anything but more than the rich and powerful sticking to the stupid middle class. You notice none of their finances are at risk. Hey, morons, in your churches don't they tell you to care for the elderly, poor and widowed. Not druggies, drunks, jailbirds, and immoral politicians and lawmakers. No? They teach screw your neighbor and thumb your nose as long as they get theirs. | 1toxic
I have never gotten physical with anyone in my life. aside from Michael vik ,I can honestly, and with clear conscience, say I would like 30 minutes alone with this guy with him sitting in the back seat of a mustang. god forgive me. unfortunately, I can't imagine what kind of charges can be brought against this a**hole. a dog has no civil rights. some kind of goddez, hunh? I know there were some that could reign down the wrath of hell - guess I got a bit of that side. PLEASE DON'T FLAG THIS POST. it is strong - it is opinionated - it may be offensive to some, but it is not obscene. what this man did is obscene. | 1toxic
Finally a remedy to some extent at least to the traffic problem, air pollution, and golly gee... it creates jobs. Moreover, we might make it to work on time. | 0non-toxic
That case was hardly Springfield PD's finest hour. Running the defendant out the backdoor of the Police Department when his attorney is coming in the front door and denying any knowledge of Chuck's whereabouts when the attorney hired to represent him is trying to locate him was pretty dumb of Sergeant Smith. | 1toxic
If you vote Democrat why wouldn't you be a registered Democrat. All this 'unaffiliated' and "independent" designation is really just posturing--pretending you have choices where you really don't. For what policy or reason would any "Democratic leaning independent" vote either Republican or for a Republican? What do these people say to themselves? I don't want to register as a Democrat because I sometimes like to vote for fascism and fascists ?
The worst Clinton haters have on her is that she voted for the Iraq War resolution? She gave her reasons at the time and in hindsight has said she regrets it.
Sure she's a capable liar--she's a politician who's been attacked by Republicans for years--that's a necessary skill and I actually admire it. Like Krugman said, people unfairly hold her to a higher standard because she's a woman. It's idiotic but predictable. | 1toxic
only in america can the burn win states. its all about free everything while living in moms basement. pathetic. | 1toxic
Extreme paranoia is categorized as mental illness, lucky for you Obamacare covers that. | 1toxic
wow you're dumb. Or a troll. Possibly just both. | 1toxic
The city and county of Honolulu on this tiny little island of Oahu has all branches of the military. Can't think of any other city that is as militarized as Honolulu. | 0non-toxic
Sorry this was a real-estate developer who bet on making millions a year in profits. It did not work out that way. You don't play a multi-million dollar game without risk. Nor are you some mom and pop risking your entire families savings. | 0non-toxic
"lost the LBGT fight"? Perhaps you must mean where the SCOTUS created a SPECIAL CLASS of citizen so they could continue in their absurd delusions of normalcy. Walking around in heels and lipstick with a penis hidden under ones skirt doesn't make one a female. | 1toxic
Crucifying those involved would serve notice to the next batch of wannabe corrupt politicians. | 1toxic
What the heck does that mean, why would you even think to bring race into something as horrible as this? You are one sick dude! | 1toxic
Imagine what those idiots will do when he's elected. Gonna make the Ferguson riots look like a little league brawl. | 1toxic
What do you value? There is no acceptable level of herbicides in living cells because the body will not flush it out of the system. It is in the soil, watersheds, air, plants or other animals. So if you can live without water, breathing, other life forms and the food you eat . You need to take a look what has determined an unsafe level of toxins being sprayed apparently everyone but the Forestry Department understands that once absorbed by the body you cannot get rid of it. With Chidren it's evern more severe impacting their phsycial and emotional development. There is no question about the damage these herbicides toxins do. So get informed because you sound ignorant about the subject. | 1toxic
I'm sure a lot of people in the UK will be waking up tomorrow saying,
"Oh sh*t! What have we done? I didn't expect THIS to really happen." | 1toxic
If your well-being or your leashed dog's well-being is being feared for, you have a right to defend yourself against unleashed dogs. Maybe after this happens a bunch stupid owners will learn that all dogs should be leashed unless in an approved off-leash area (University Lake). Until then: carry a firearm, walk with trekking poles or carry bear spray. In other words: DEFEND YOURSELF. | 1toxic
You can't buy everything on Amazon & many people would be too dumb to use it. | 1toxic
Carlson was nuts. Gay was the least of his problems. He was rude, got cautioned by the Alaska Supreme Court for being too arrogant to implement their orders, was horrendous in court, calling people "cuckolds" among other things in divorce actions, practically never gave custody of a child to a man. He didn't go forward for election because he knew the bar survey would never have a good word to say about him A horrible judge, and a terrible human being. | 1toxic
These are the same people who think lower taxes bring higher revenues.
"You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons." | 1toxic
Idiot. The First Amendment also applies to public universities. This isn't a matter of debate, open a book or use a search engine. | 1toxic
Its amazing to me that anyone would take offense at the comments. Some people are just looking for the opportunity to be offended. | 0non-toxic
…'buying something' isn't always the highest criteria. | 0non-toxic
I agree. It is simply astonishing to see how many people think that a relationship should just be effortless and that if it isn't there is something wrong with it and it must be given up on. | 0non-toxic
That used to be part of the West before Islam invaded. | 0non-toxic
Kronberg troll gets stomped. | 1toxic
Damn, someone dropped the mic. | 1toxic
From the article Canada and Britain plan to offer financing for renewable electricity. What do they expect these countries to do for electricity when it's nighttime or the wind isn't blowing? | 0non-toxic
Israeli solders have every right to be in the West Bank because Israel was attacked. | 0non-toxic
Anna MacKinnon is giving Kelly a real challenge as being the most boneheaded of the bunch in the State Senate. | 1toxic
I need a rest, I am so tired and worn out from all the winning Trump promised. The GOP control the white house, senate, and house, and still can not pass one bill----SAD. | 0non-toxic
don't be blaming pot for this obnoxious behavior. The father of conservatism, William F Buckley, was a dedicated stoner who fought against the unconstitutional war on drugs. Your post is no less trollish than old soul. | 1toxic
Wavemaker, hahahaha, my bad, little bb hearted mouse. I've been informed that you are none other than Cate areola, a RAT not a mouse. you all stink just the same. You got to admit though , I had you pegged (BB Heart!). You are too spineless to put your real name in front of your ignorant posts, did you notice the likes on my post were 15 to 1 compared to yours before you figured out how to have it removed? It sucks being you!!! hahahahahaha wavemaker my a**. | 1toxic
Trump is an equal opportunity bigot, racist, sexist pig, he even makes fun of the handicapped, but the likes of Sarah Palin, with a handicapped child, and Ben Carson a black man still show support and look the other way, Both sell outs! what a sad America we have become! So sad! | 1toxic
Right. Breitbart-speak for anyone opposed to corporatist fascism. I already filed mine. | 0non-toxic
Geez, what a friggin ditz... | 1toxic
It's time for you to leave this public forum, Craig. I can't even imagine what living in your world is like; filled with hate of your fellow man. There's a difference between opposing opposite of political ideology and then there's just pure hate. This type of public forum isn't meant for someone like you. Peddle your self-righteous garbage elsewhere. | 1toxic
Ontario is going too implode. Way to many highly paid government parasites. Revenue tools......Baaaaaaaaaaaa | 0non-toxic
Getting guilt fatigue from paying off all the wounded groups; when do we get to the point where they can't bill us for ancient slights ? | 0non-toxic
Why is it that when a theft or burglary takes place on the south side, EPD responds quickly enough to catch the perp. Meanwhile, when Whiteaker residents call in a burglar, we get a 6.5 hour wait for a response.
Remember the thief who grabbed some electronics off a porch near SEHS last week? Well, we had a tweaker do the same thing in the Whiteaker, the difference is we didn't get a dozen cops within minutes, we got one cop thirty hours later.
This deplorable creation of a thug/bum/criminal safe zone by EPD is going to come back and bite the entire city where the sun doesn't shine if we don't correct it soon. | 0non-toxic
"Lawmakers insisted the donations won't affect the way they treat legislation or lobbyist requests."
Rriigghhtt, and I'll respect you in the morning!
Time to get big money out of politics, eliminate PACS and only allow individual contributions capped at a level based on median income. | 0non-toxic
We as a state and nation are so screwed. Please Gov. Walker keep the veto pen in hand for the future of Alaskans. This caucus is full of incompetent ijiots. | 1toxic
Sending many good thoughts for the tournament--may they lose every game and learn the joy of choosing a new path | 0non-toxic
Let me fix your ignorance. In the state of Minnesota; "Upon request of a peace officer, a permit holder must disclose to the officer whether or not the permit holder is currently carrying a firearm." He was legally carrying a firearm and announced it to the officer who shot him when he was instructed to get his license. The officer had no reason to be serving in the capacity as law enforcement. He was too frightened to do his job, over reacted and murdered an innocent driver. The laws are written in the state to give him the benefit of doubt and he was acquitted as a result. He will no longer serve as an officer of the law and for that, people should be releaved. | 0non-toxic
I can't stand Dunleavy. He along with his stupid riders need to go, this guy doesn't have a freaking clue. | 1toxic
Now you realize the power of a US president. Trump is not even in yet and look at the dancing going on already. Any US president affects the way most countries do business. | 0non-toxic
Oh yes 'Jane & Finch' one of my favorite parts of Toronto - NOT! | 0non-toxic
DG: You're correct that people have their "Donkey Show" moments when they do real "stupid" things. I just find this story very sad rather than even mildly amusing. I didn't find "America's Funniest Home Videos" very funny either. Maybe I'm just a crotchety (no pun intended) old guy........regards, Gary | 1toxic
The same Repugnicans holding parasites at bay, from the previously agreed upon earned profits of wealth-creating Big Oil, are also petrified by ak.gov employees and the likeminded fed.gov segment. It's a huge voting bloc due to the .gov nature of our state.
The wild card in this mess is just how much wealth they're going to end up confiscating from the productive (private sector) class in order to keep our bloated ak.gov two-day floater bouyant.
The day of reckoning fast approaches. | 0non-toxic
Would you agree to Trump's disclosure if the decides to tweet US nuclear weapons code? | 0non-toxic
All you need to do is teach yrou daughter in university is that it is not her fault if she has too much to drink blame the last guy she talked to while drinking. It is not her fault if she vomits; blame the bar, the bar tender and the manger.. It is not her fault if she can't get home; blame the taxi company. Its not her fault if she has sex while intoxicated.; blame the guy she had sex with. But if she has sex with another woman who is also drunk, praise her for being open minded and non judgemental. | 0non-toxic
Something needs to be done about downtown...this is OUR city. The police have their hands tied so they end up having to expend all their energy chasing down drivers with a couple beers in their system instead of dealing with the BS from all the "travelers" downtown. I can't walk 5 ft without stepping on someone making a bed on the sidewalk or demanding my change or food from me. I get insulted and threatened constantly by smug, deranged addicts that seem more self-entitled than struggling. Half of them are on heroin or meth and the others have serious mental health issues. One kid was threatening shop owners that if they didnt give him money store windows would be broken. These fools think these are their corners??? Some need to be taught a lesson. We were kids on these corners years before these pan-handling scrubs were even out of diapers and we had respect and made our own way. We liked to gather because we loved music and community...now its being a threat or a parasite. SICK OF IT | 1toxic
Hopefully this is the end of the story of this guy misusing both public servants and public funds. He is a disgrace, a bully, a liar and totally unfit to hold public office. | 1toxic
Didn't know you're gay too, Obooba. No wonder you chose that name. | 1toxic
I don't recall a massive murder rate on Sullivan's watch....nice try. Berkowitz is a total disaster | 0non-toxic
How many laws, protests, sit-ins, demonstrations and new holidays do we have to create to finally understand all it takes is respect and decency for your fellow man to make this freaking planet a decent place to live? How many wars do we have to have? What is it that you do not understand? People have a born right to live free and not be judged because of the color of their skin, their sexuality, their gender.....if you don't agree with the way someone lives - guess what? TOO FREAKING BAD. It is none of your business, leave them alone and focus on how you can live a better life by being respectful to everyone you encounter. Our children are not born with hate in their hearts - they LEARN that crap. Whether the reporter got the story right or not the bottom line is a group of Americans traveled to another part of the country for the purpose of telling another group what sinners they are. Don't you have anything better to do with your time and money???? | 1toxic
What a dumbed down Communist state. Mind your own business. | 1toxic
Most of us are not rewarded for our sins. | 0non-toxic
Shows you how stupid some Alaskans can be | 1toxic
I'm all for alternative energy generation whether it be wind, solar, wave, geothermal or the many other kinds I probably don't know about. So I'm with you there.
But, the automotive industry could be ready overnight for mass production of electric vehicles. The infrastructure just isn't there and the oil lobby is still quite powerful. If you really wanted fundamental change, why spend tax dollars on subsidies for purchases when you can spend it on charging stations or the variety of other elements required for that change. Giving someone $5,000 for a chevrolet bolt aint doing nothing. | 0non-toxic
Mulcair's description of Trump is spot on. | 0non-toxic
A couple weeks ago, when the report came out that freedom of information under this government had declined from the previous government, one poster produced a list of the usual apologists as being nominated for a special ‘no show’ award
A quick glance of posts here sees a similar abscence of some of the usual suspects... | 0non-toxic
Are you seriously calling Republicans Nazis? | 1toxic
you are the biggest gutless coward on this board. You forever run from the facts that expose your ridiculous babbling nonsense opinions for what they are, then like a coward flag the posts while puking grade school insults with all the debate skills of a stoned 14 year old dropout loser who can't handle his weed. And as usual you ran chicken*&^% from the facts I have posted, and so I reiterate clown; RUN FOREST RUN | 1toxic
I give you credit, SirJohn, you have a deep and intimate understanding of crazy stuff. | 0non-toxic
Sorry, you need to look up muni law | 0non-toxic
Bend over Anchorage, and especially property owners! | 0non-toxic
I can't think of one comment you've made where you haven't come across like a total prick. I wish it was possible to block some posters. You contribute nothing. | 1toxic
Fairbanks, dumping ground for dirty republicans... | 1toxic
Ms Wente writes "progressive left"....... oxymoron alert !! | 0non-toxic
63 is way too old. He would be a senior citizen for practically the entire time that he is office.
Young Americans are sick of being ruled by tired, old, senile men who grew up in such a distant generation and are so totally out of touch with current society. Members of the Supreme Court should face mandatory retirement at age 65. Having them serve until they die is totally idiotic and archaic. It creates chaos like this whenever one of them dies.
The only good thing going for him is that he is a hardliner on domestic terrorism, and would come down strongly on nutcases like the Bundys. As a prosecutor, he ran the investigation and preliminary hearings in the Oklahoma City Bombing case against Timothy McVeigh. And he then supervised the team that prosecuted him and got the death sentence.
So he would help insure that America's domestic enemies like the Bundys and their allies receive the stern justice that they deserve. | 1toxic
The 'fools' 'running' the City of Eugene give fools a bad name. | 1toxic
Thank you, Mr. Wohlforth. The Sitka Fine Arts camp is an enormous credit to Sitka. The rebirth of the Sheldon Jackson campus, from a dead corrupt institution to the thiving hub it is today gives one hope that the dead corrupt legislature may give way to something vibrant and new. | 0non-toxic
Trawlers are devistating our ocean bottoms. Seriously harming the most important species to Alaskans. Big money big lobbying. The decimation continues. | 0non-toxic
you have my vote! Those idiots in Juneau, I wonder who voted against this unnecessary stupid law. | 1toxic
"I wont support anyone wayerhouser sells to from this point on.."
You'll starve to death. Buh bye. | 1toxic
OK, so-called Last Patriot, what about Catholic priests that hide behind their collar as they're raping children and they just get moved from parish to parish. Isn't this the height of hypocrisy? And what about the Catholic gay or lesbian church member. Don't they have rights too? This issue will wind back up in the US Supreme Court where it needs to be. | 1toxic
Subsets and Splits