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Email écrit par Zac la nuit précédente que Julius a transmis à tout le monde (ou des mots dans le cas de Niles au club) Chère, Tu te souviens où était l'ancienne librairie de Cedar et Miller? Je pense qu'il s'appelait Creatures 'n Crooks. Le magasin qui a fermé il y a des années et est devenu le Mockingbird. Ce café s'est fermé il y a un mois. Il y a une nouvelle attraction qui n'a pas encore fait ses débuts. Le bâtiment est MASSIVE maintenant. Jules et moi avons tiré quelques ficelles et je suis heureux de dire que nous serons les premiers à entrer dans le futur lieu chaud rénové. L'adresse est 809 Cedar St! Habillez-vous festive! (Pas obligatoire, mais ce serait génial...). On va s'amuser! J'espère que vous pourrez vous libérer pour une nuit. Le dîner sera servi à 18 h 30. Vous pouvez apporter une ou deux personnes (21+ de préférence). J'amène mon jumeau et son petit ami. Je suis reconnaissant que vous ayez pris le temps de m'écouter. Le patron de l'OG est d'accord pour que vous apportiez votre propre alcool. Sinon, des rafraîchissements seront fournis. J'espère vous voir là-bas! Mes meilleures salutations, Zachary Harper Ce que le jeune homme a oublié de partager avec ses vieux amis, c'est ce qu'on appelait l'endroit (Google Maps n'a pas encore été mis à jour, donc si vous le cherchiez, il montrerait le Mockingbird), quel genre d'endroit il était, ce qu'ils allaient faire en dehors du dîner et que son frère est maintenant une elle. Timeskip: Vendredi 28 octobre 18h25 Si Zac le pouvait, il ferait du Trick ou du Treating. Quand il s'agissait de jeux, il était encore très enfant. Il espérait juste que ses vieux amis pourraient s'amuser. Les Coopers ont été assez gentils pour laisser Zac amener quelques personnes pour profiter de leur nouveau centre de divertissement (BEFORE THE PREMIERE)! Dans cet endroit, ils avaient même un bar et une belle salle à manger. Le jeune homme pouvait dire que cela allait certainement être le point chaud du siècle dans la vallée de Willow. Bien sûr, Jules a dû mettre de l'argent pour payer l'électricité... mais... la date d'ouverture de DADDZ FUN ZONE était à Halloween alors c'était aussi la façon de M. Cooper de tester ses employeurs. Une soirée amusante pour laisser aller et s'amuser, même si ses vieux amis avaient probablement prévu de partir plus tôt. L'arcade était une utopie absolue et ils ont vendu des boissons alcoolisées aussi?! Fan-fuck-tastique! Accordé, les boissons et les boissons ont dû rester dans les zones à manger. Mais l'homme était excité par Zac! Se tenant à l'extérieur nerveusement, l'homme aux cheveux foncés avec (rouge vaporisateur de couleur sur ses cheveux) a commencé à jouer avec son chapeau supérieur. Lui et sa sœur n'ont pas pu s'empêcher de s'habiller. Oui, quand ils jouaient à des jeux, ils enlevaient une partie de leur merde, mais pour l'instant, ils allaient faire sortir leur enfant à nouveau. Sur le mur, Vince, le petit ami de Gabby, a monté sa caméra. "Hé vous deux, tournez-vous." Gabriella et Vince étaient un "couple" de pirates, tandis que Zac a pris le rôle de vampire. Ce costume a été caché dans son placard pendant un certain temps maintenant. Quelque chose qu'il portait en première année de lycée. Dieu merci, il pourrait encore s'y mettre. Les deux jumeaux se sont tournés simultanément. Gabriella a embrassé la joue de Zac pendant que son frère faisait un visage stupide, révélant ses crocs. Après avoir pris la photo, Vince regarda silencieusement sa caméra pour la revoir. Il ne parlait pas souvent, mais quand il l'a fait, il était plutôt cool. "Gabs... Ils ne vont pas s'amuser." En ce qui concerne sa sœur, la peur dans les orbes bleues de l'homme était apparente comme l'enfer. Enlevant son chapeau de haut de lui et en le replaçant sur sa tête, elle roula les yeux enjoués : « Tu seras belle. Respirez. Ils viennent te chercher. Faites de votre mieux. Pas de dépression de votre part, monsieur!" Portant son doigt pointeur à son bruit, elle l'a adorablement piqué ce qui lui a fait sourire. "Ouais, tu as raison... oh, on s'est souvenus du..." "Oui. Tout est prêt." Pour voir si quelqu'un est encore arrivé, le garçon de "prettyface" s'est tourné pour regarder le parking, tout en répondant, "Merci l'homme! J'ai encore besoin de comprendre quand je veux le faire ressortir..."
- snipped - roleplay closed -
Alver s'est arrêté alors qu'il recevait un courriel dans la nuit, regardant son ordinateur de son intense étude de manga de soi pour aider ce qui serait quelque peu attendu dans l'interaction régulière. Bien sûr l'anime ou le manga ne devrait pas être celui pour l'aider dans la socialisation ou l'interaction d'amitié, mais c'était tout ce qu'il avait. En cliquant sur l'email, son regard de lavande l'a rapidement lu et il a soulevé un léger sourcil. Il se souvenait vaguement de l'endroit... et il ne savait pas exactement ce qu'ils faisaient maintenant. C'est bien, c'est plus dur à préparer. Merci Harpy. Attends... son jumeau n'était pas un mec? Peu importe. Pour l'instant, le grand fantôme avait d'autres préoccupations à régler. Quoi qu'ils fassent, Zachary a apparemment voulu sortir et s'amuser. Compte tenu de la demande d'habillage «festif» quel que soit ce que cela signifie. C'était un peu enfantin... ou beaucoup. Ce n'était même pas encore Halloween, mais Alver l'a toujours considéré puisque cela rendrait probablement sa connaissance immature heureuse. C'était tout l'intérêt qu'il avait de quitter son refuge. Qu'est-ce qu'il ferait? Il était en gros une attraction à pied de toute façon. Au moins, il ne connaissait aucun autre albinos en ville. Les enfants ont aimé le comparer à un fantôme ou à un vampire. Fantôme était un peu trop simple et être fondamentalement son moi quotidien. Vampire pourrait marcher. Il pourrait même être Zero Kiryu. Alver aimait penser qu'il ressemblait à l'ancien vampire humain. Pourtant, il n'était pas tout à fait positif que les autres l'obtiennent puisque Zero portait surtout des vêtements de tous les jours. S'il devait se déguiser, ça pourrait aussi bien être quelque chose qu'il ne porte pas tous les jours. Ses cheveux et ses yeux étaient naturels, donc bien sûr, il les portait tous les jours. Comme il rencontrait tout le monde, il voulait au moins avoir l'air un peu impressionnant. Après tout, c'était comme une première apparition et d'une certaine façon, il voulait entrer comme un bel homme enflammé. Sesshomaru? Non, c'est pas vrai. Samouraï? Pas tout à fait. Peut-être un chevalier? Oh ou peut-être Dante? Les décisions. Mhmm il avait ce costume d'armure donc peut-être un chevalier serait assez impressionnant. Ce n'était pas quelque chose qu'il portait tout le temps et c'était comme s'habiller. C'était un chevalier! Quelque chose d'un peu à l'opposé des termes bas que les gens ont généralement jeté sur lui. Plus sur le chemin de la lumière et de la chevalerie. L'endroit le laisserait probablement apporter une vraie épée alors il devrait probablement utiliser un faux décoratif. Lançant à l'horloge, Alver a réalisé qu'il était environ le matin maintenant et a décidé de retourner à sa chambre pour se reposer. Timeskip: 28 octobre 18h30 Après s'être réveillé et avoir préparé le costume, Alver a appelé son patron/ami pour le conduire. Sortant de la voiture, Alver tourna la tête vers Lily qui le fixa avec un regard nerf épouvantable. "C'est bien que tu sortes enfin d'Alver... mais juste une suggestion... si ces gars sont sexy. Assurez-vous de prendre la mémoire photographique et de les dessiner. Peut être utilisé dans une autre bonne série." La femme aînée a dit, faisant soupirer le grand homme pâle. "Ne sont pas sûrs qu'ils apprécieraient d'être transformés en chef de manga. Merci pour la balade." Alver a dit, regardant son rôle ses yeux et agiter sa main. "Détails. Sans doute ne le saurais-je jamais. Vous les dessinez de toute façon et ils se cachent dans votre garage. Appelez-moi avec les détails. Et envoyez-moi une photo d'eux." Lily a dit avant de partir. Alver clignait lentement alors qu'il regardait la voiture de mustang noire descendre avant de marcher le long de la promenade latérale, regardant un morceau de papier qu'il avait écrit à la main sur l'adresse. Son armure se clinquant gentiment pendant qu'il marchait. C'était un peu lourd, mais ça lui va bien. Les hommes de l'époque médiévale ont dû avoir un peu de force pour toujours braquer ces choses autour. Remercie sa mère de ses années d'entraînement physique pour lui permettre de rester en bonne santé. Peut-être qu'il devrait écrire quelque chose là-dessus? Flottant son regard de lavande vers le haut, le coloriage légèrement rouge clignotant avec un lampadaire qu'il a marché sous. Il a vu l'immeuble qu'il aurait dû partir. Harpy n'a pas donné de nom, mais il semblait que c'était celui autrefois connu sous le nom de Creatures 'n Crooks puis le Mockingbird. Ça ressemblait à... une arcade? Centre de divertissement? Quoi que ce soit, Alver aurait dû deviner que Zachary voulait qu'ils les rencontrent tous dans un endroit comme celui-ci. Pas qu'il n'aimait pas ces endroits. Il aimait les jeux qu'il pouvait jouer sans brûler ses globes oculaires. D'habitude, ces endroits étaient trop bruyants pour ses oreilles. Mais c'était pour Zachary, pour qu'il le tolère pour l'instant. Respirant profondément, le grand homme a brossé une main gantée à travers ses cheveux blancs, se regardant brièvement dans la réflexion de la fenêtre pour se regarder. Je devais m'assurer qu'il avait l'air bien. Satisfait, malgré avoir passé de nombreuses heures devant son miroir pour le faire droit, il a poussé la porte ouverte et a marché à l'intérieur. Debout haut et marchant à l'intérieur calmement et cool. C'est un bel homme. Il pourrait le faire. C'était un adulte. Il était grand. Il pourrait jouer cool pour une nuit. Tout allait bien. Spotting Zachary, celui qui a commencé tout cela avec deux autres, Alver est passé par là, regardant vers le bas les trois d'entre eux. Deux pirates et Zachary étaient apparemment des vampires. Comme c'est mignon. "... des salutations." l'homme pâle a réussi à les saluer. Son visage reste calme, mais réussit à donner un léger sourire amical.
Birthday October 31st Age 26 Formula and Sexuality Versatile and Homosexual Goal To be a little more out of shell. Do what friends do. Hangout and things. Or attempt to. Marriage/Family/Love Life Has been in one relationship four years ago. But he shut himself in after the break up. Has a grey she-cat named Miko. His father, having died when Alver was fifteen, was a kind man. While his mother still lives working as a policewoman. Rarely home. Occupation Writer/Manga Artist/Artist Appearance Height: 7'0 Weight: 160 lb Other prominent traits: His skin is ghostly pale, odd lavender colored eyes that occasionally change depending on the angle with the sunlight. White hair. Often wears a pair of glasses or contacts. Despite being tall, he's pretty skinny and almost looks fragile. But he can still pull off a judo move or two. Middleschool/Highschool Clique He's the nerdy, introvert sort of person. Past Crush He had a crush on Mikaela Winter during his school years. Alver felt a silent connection or familiarity towards his childhood friend. Perhaps because they both were... off in their own way. Bullied, misjudged. Alver didn't particularly have much hesitation when he figured out what he was feeling, and ended up confessing. Yet he was turned down. Heartbroken and crushed, he felt a bit bitter yet he just smiled in response. Then his father died, and the combination of grief assisted in secluding himself from everyone. Current Crush ----- Are you in contact with a Rose? No. Personality Alver is sort of quiet at first, mostly because he starts out suspicious of other people due to what his parents often warned him about and his previous encounters. Due to this, he can be sarcastic, sometimes a smart-ass, and let out a bit more of his dark sarcastic humor. He's also sometimes a bit mean and bitter when it comes to people who seem to feel overly sorry for themselves. He doesn't mean to be cruel, it just comes out that way. However, he's a pretty mature, sweet and kind boy who's rather calm most of the time. Pretty level headed, and doesn't enjoy fights. He's naturally curious and adventurous and enjoys wandering about often, seeming to ignore any possible danger. Although he doesn't have a lot of social skills and finds it difficult on how to talk to others, he does want other people's company even for a little bit. Having been secluded most of his life. But he's always willing to lend a friendly ear to those who feel down, giving his own friendly advice and opinions. Quite a fatherly/brotherly figure towards those younger than him. He loves flowers, stargazing, singing and playing the piano. As well as practicing Judo his father taught him. He also likes animals. Despite his overall kind nature, he can be mischievous and enjoys teasing others and has a little bit of dark humor. Despite others not usually enjoying his presence and sometimes hating his own appearance, he has a small bit of pride in his looks and never really attempts hiding his hair anymore, even growing it out into a longer length. He also enjoys taking advantage of those who are a bit scared of him from the 'demonic, ghost, vampire' rumors. He is however quite a bit naïve. Mostly a introvert during the day, and spending most of his time drawing or reading, he's not very good with technology or picking up certain things. He hasn't watched many movies, or adventured the internet other than strictly for work, sayings usually fly over his head, and he usually thinks his looks drive people away, so he never notices if people actually find him attractive. He's neat and organized, his house quite tidy and doesn't quite enjoy a mess. Though usually is the one who always cleans up even if the mess isn't his. Though he does enjoy wearing loose clothes as they are comfy. Likes cute things (including people). Short Bio On the day of Halloween, October 31st, gave birth to a boy with striking white hair and very pale white skin. Eyes a pretty light lavender color that often seemed to change color depending on where the light struck them. Sometimes lavender, sometimes a very light pale blue, and even a tinge of red people would say. His parents were quite shocked to see such a pale baby and wondered if he was just unhealthy, having never seen someone as pale as a ghost. He wasn't, the was just born with the gene of extremely rare pigments of a albino. So, his mother named him Alver, meaning "White" in Latin-American, along to fit with his last name, Rozu meaning Rose. His parents worried over his well being, as the doctors gave them proper diagnostics of possible defects of albinos, as well as studying their own research. They feared he would burn easily and wouldn't be able to see well since he had such low pigments in his eyes. So he was quite sheltered as a child. His parents often trying to keep him indoors and away from people, in fear of others reaction. As well as not wanting their son to burn easily or hurt his eyes further. Alver however was the curious sort. He wanted to go outside, play, interact with the other children. Including going to school like everybody else. In which case, his parents relented as long as he wore a hoodie, brought a umbrella and sunglasses with him. Of course this made him look a bit more awkward. His father died when Alver was fifteen, and his mother spends most her time working as a policewoman. Through his time in public school, he was often bullied for his looks. But he stayed around and put up with it so he could be with his friends. However, when his friendships fell apart... So did he. Unable to handle it and becoming bitter over people, he left public school to be home schooled. Shutting out the world and finding comfort in his own tiny one. When he was fifteen year old and he was out playing by himself, he was kidnapped by a group of shady people. His parents were of course on the case and hunted them down, however, during the rescue, Son Rozu was shot in the crossfire and bled out. He lost his father that day and he blames himself for it. This was what really made him shut and push everyone away. Not wanting to put others in danger just because of how he looked. He didn't want to see someone else bleed and die in front of him like his father. Especially someone he cared about. As a adult after his friendship broke with his childhood friends and his father's death, he more or less secluded himself from people as much as possible. Save the occasional few from work. Other *He has sensitive hearing and sense of smell. So he doesn't like loud places or strong smelling areas. *He likes to play piano and sing occasionally. *He enjoys cooking and is actually quite good at it. *He'a a bit of a clean freak and his house is kept tidy. *A habit of is that he takes care of others. Makes sure people are well fed, makes sure their clothes are straight, makes sure they have what they need. It's why he was taken advantage of by bullies as he'd usually 'help' them with their homework or give away his lunch. That and he his friends usually poked fun at how he could be a mother hen. *He has a high dislike/fear of any vehicle and usually avoids using them. *If ever he goes out in sunlight, he wears light colored clothes, sunglasses, and has a umbrella to protect himself. *He likes cloudy or rainy days. *He enjoys painting, and occasionally, he paints his childhood friends when they were kids. *He's quite the dork really. Loves manga and comic books and the occasional video game. Though most he can't quite play as his eyes can't handle them very well. Most of the older games he could though. Theme Song(s) Pompeii by Bastille Away From The Sun by 3 Doors Down Answer Coward Montblanc (Acquaintance / Friend / Close Friend / Best Friend / Love Interest / Boyfriend-Girlfriend / Ex / Enemy) Zachary Harper Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "When we were kids, Harpy and Miky were pretty much the kids of the group. I remember Harpy was so adorable and looked like such a girl. It's a reason I called him Harpy. For his last name and to tease his feminine features. Still, he was a bit of a baby and I often found myself trying to baby him. He was a bit of a scatter brain though. Honestly, I swear he needed other people to take care of him. I didn't really mind when he needed attention though... Hope at least nowadays he can stand on his own." Genie Fulton Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "If I was the calm one, GG the Pup was the temperamental one. He could get loud and I swear you even hint at a competition, he'd jump at the chance. He even tried to beat me at painting. That was messy. We'd butt heads occasionally, but to me he was like a large dog. Lots of barking, but was loyal and cute when he wanted to be. And despite his temperament, I knew he was someone I could rely on back then." Julius Graham Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "Awe Teddy. Such a cute kid. Despite the big guy he was lovable like a teddy bear. Adorable in his own way, course he didn't always enjoy it when I teased him about it. Always saying he was totally manly or something. But I liked him when he showed his true colors. When I painted, he would watch me sometimes, but whenever I offered for him to try, he'd just refuse. It was a pity. I still think of him fondly even now when I paint. Thinking his cheerful self would probably brighten this lonely house." Mikaela Winter Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend/First Crush "Miky... He had always been such a cutie. Despite being older then me, I just wanted to coddle him, protect him and make him smile. He was just so... Breathtaking is what comes to mind. It's hard to describe. When we were young, he spoke of such interesting fantasies sometimes. I wanted to paint them. Draw them. See what he saw. Course I couldn't quite replicate it, but it was nice trying. I was drawn to him unknowingly at first until we reached middle school years. Perhaps it was because his eyes were a little odd like mine... Or he was just odd as I was. So I got a little brave with some encouragement and confessed. I was rejected however. I knew that such a thing was possible, but I guess in my heart I was hoping for something straight out of a romantic book or a shounen manga. I also didn't realize how much it would hurt. And it really hurt. Cause the combination of fear, guilt, and bitterness held my heart. I was afraid I had just ruined our life long friendship. Guilty that I made Miky uncomfortable... And bitter that he didn't accept me. I knew it wasn't his fault, I did really. I hated myself for thinking that. I didn't want my friends to see the disgusting side of me. So I ran away. Like a coward and just ended up destroying my friendships. Thinking to myself 'they are better off without me. No one needs me. I'll just do what my kind does. Ghosts disappear.' So that's what I did. Disappear from their lives, letting them live them. It was fine. I'll be okay alone. Everything was better that way." Niles Blake Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "Coolio was a fun kid. He generally was just fun to be around. A bit silly.. Whenever we got in trouble, he was pretty much the one that talked us out of it. Then was able to laugh about it later. I had to fix his hair sometimes. It always felt he just royally messed it up. He just laughed at about anything though. It warmed the heart really." Lucas Adolf Past and Present Relationship: Ex-Boyfriend "He's crude... insensitive... a jerk... and at times cruel. Yet he could show such kindness sometimes. He always had a talent at pulling my heartstrings. Guess in a way... he gave me a sense of belonging."
Ah, le sentiment d'inconfort, physiquement et émotionnellement accroché sur la blonde aux fraises. Après une journée si agitée avec la façon dont Zac et Julius étaient venus et du café sur le plafond ce qui signifie que lui et la barista avaient été mâchés par le propriétaire du café, il n'avait même pas eu l'occasion de regarder par-dessus l'email jusqu'au jour de la rencontre. Il avait dit à Hank comment il allait sortir le lendemain et son ami était surpris d'apprendre le jour de la fête qu'il allait être le plus grand de Mikaela, mais Hank aimait les fêtes. Micah était venu sur le courriel, seulement quelques heures avant la fête, se préparant à rentrer chez lui après son quart. Il était dans l'arrière-salle sur son livre de chrome, en vérifiant sa boîte de réception quand il est venu sur elle. Creatures 'n Crooks, cette vieille librairie était un de ses préférés avant qu'elle ne soit démolie. Micah avait entendu parler de la fermeture du Mockingbird et vu qu'il était un plus haut pour l'un des seuls cafés de la ville. Ce serait probablement vraiment amusant! ...Awkward, mais amusant. Zac et Julius avaient toujours semblé comme ceux qui avaient le plus d'énergie quand ils étaient enfants, et Micah pensait que ce serait bien de rattraper. Jocelyn avait donné le droit de prendre soin de Luke pour la nuit aussi, tout était prévu pour ce soir quand... Oh, Micah devait porter un costume d'Halloween. L'homme n'avait pas vraiment habillé comme quoi que ce soit ces dernières années, il avait voulu regarder la partie de l'infâme père qui veillait sur son fils qui traitait trop pour s'habiller. Où trouverait-il un bon costume si court? Tous les magasins semblaient seulement avoir de mauvais faux costumes qui avaient été faits de matériaux plutôt démangeants. Comme Mikaela le pensait, l'une des baristas, Lauren, a jeté un coup d'œil à l'email sur son épaule. "Tu vas à une fête?" "Ouais... C'est avec quelques vieux amis. Mais je n'ai rien à porter... Le regard que Lauren lui a donné a envoyé des frissons à travers son corps. Il ne demanderait plus jamais à une fille de l'aider à choisir une tenue. Elle a fait ce sourire plutôt maléfique et a mis un doigt sur les lèvres du mâle plus court. Après avoir silencieux Micah, elle s'est évanouie pour parler à Angela avant qu'ils n'arrivent tous les deux, Angela reflétant l'expression de son collègue. "On a l'idée parfaite, donne-moi juste quinze minutes." Les filles se précipitèrent alors, l'une marchant dans les quelques rues de sa maison et l'autre partant en voiture. En attendant, Micah a appelé Hank et lui a parlé de la fête et ils ont tous deux décidé que son ami le rencontrerait là-bas. Le reste du temps a été passé à contempler le courriel, une sœur jumelle? Ce n'était pas ce dont Micah s'est souvenu... Quoi qu'il en soit, qu'est-ce que ces filles faisaient? Quand certaines filles ont la chance d'être créatives, elles sortent toutes. Angela et Lauren sont arrivées avec un tas de choses que Mikaela ne savait même pas à quoi elles servaient, avec une perruque... et une énorme robe de mariée blanche. "Girls-" Micah sortit de la chaise, il était assis dans la salle de repos et s'est appuyé, piégé avec les deux sorties bloquées. Et donc, Mikaela a été ébloui avec des pinces de maquillage et de cheveux et une perruque et une ceinture de jarretelles? Toutes les choses que vous attendez d'une fille à porter le jour de son mariage en seulement un peu plus d'une heure à épargner. Quand Micah a regardé dans le miroir, il n'a pas pu s'empêcher de se sentir choqué. C'était la version féminine de lui qui était prête à marcher dans l'allée. Il pouvait encore dire que c'était lui, mais n'importe quelle trace d'homme qui avait été sur lui était complètement disparu... Comment a-t-il pu faire face à Julius viril comme ça? « Portez ça aussi longtemps que vous le pouvez à la fête. Si vous avez besoin de porter quelque chose de plus facile à déplacer, nous avons pour vous une jupe plus courte et chemisier blanc. Tu dois les porter, d'accord? Nous ne vous laisserons pas dire non... Oui, ces filles étaient vraiment maléfiques. Micah devait s'assurer que Luc ne voyait pas cela. Et pour s'assurer que Mikaela soit allé à la rencontre dans son réveil féminin, ils ont volé ses vêtements d'origine. Alors il était là, attendant un pâté de maisons loin de DADDZ FUN ZONE, pour rencontrer Hank. C'était un grand rire de voir ce que Hank portait quand même. Il avait sur une chemise de fleurs hawaïenne qui était complètement non boutonnée, un collier de fleurs, et des troncs de natation, jumelés avec des lunettes de soleil et des flops. "Et je pensais que tu te moquerais de moi pour mon réveil," Hank riait, prenant le collier autour de son cou et le tournant autour. Le visage de Micah est devenu rouge vif et il n'a rien dit, un peu à flipper et embarrassé. Il marchait devant le Hank qui chuckling, voulant se taper sur le pied, mais ayant trop de jupe pour le faire. "H-Voilà rien...!" Mikaela a commencé à s'approcher de l'endroit où le groupe de personnes à l'avant était en train de migrer. Il y avait deux pirates qui semblaient être un couple et Zac comme un vampire plutôt extravagant. Et... ça ressemblait beaucoup à... pour l'amour de tout ce qui est saint... Micah se sentait prête à s'évanouir. Et bien qu'il ne soit pas devenu inconscient, il a fait un voyage sur ses propres jupes et a commencé à tomber.
Name Mikaela Winter Nickname Micah Birthday November 7th Age 29 Formula and Sexuality Uke II Heterosexual turned bisexual Goal Be able to support his son and give him the life he deserves. To be able to connect with his true "family" again. Family (Third person POV from his father's perspective) The Winter Family is known for being one of the most prestigious families of Willow Valley. They only had one boy they named Mikaela after the boy's great grandfather. His father never really approved of him, and did everything to kick that unpredictable imagination out of him and groom him into the successor he was meant to be. During middle school, this behavior got worse, his son was mixing up fantasy and reality. Thinking that these would be his last free years, his father let him be on his own. Once Mikaela arrived in high school, work was to be done. He had private tutors that would make him work all the hours of the night after school. He was always made to be in the top three places in school. Someone was influencing the successor, his grades were dropping drastically, he would shut himself into his room after school. He came home one day with cuts all over his face... His father immediately sent him to a boarding school. His heir would not be so weak! After two years of schooling, Mikaela pleaded with his father to let him come home, be with his mother who was having arthritis, gaining the proper social skills of an adult. Mikaela was allowed to go to a public college. There he met Emily, his forbidden love. His father tried to reason with his successor, the vixen was praying on his weak son. Finally, his father threw him out, disowning him. Once his wife was out of the picture. Mikaela's father did reach out a hand to his dreadful son, saying he would forget the past and adopt Luke, but Mikaela refused. Marriage/Love During college, Mikaela met a girl named Emily that was his only hope in the world. His angel was just a normal college girl that could never be accepted by his parents. Mikaela was disowned from the family, but he didn't care. Mikaela was married for a short period of three years from when he was 22 to 26, but his wife died 3 years ago. Emily had been suffering from a hereditary heart disease since she was young and passed away with no other family. He had one baby boy named Luke. Mikaela never did have any other relationship besides his marriage. There was a time in middle school... But that never did go anywhere. His son was born with lighter lavender eyes that came from his father and blonde hair. Luke has a habit of milking his cuteness, but always ends up taking care of his papa. Luke is exceptional at cleaning and housework, more of the time taking care of his dad than the other way around. Occupation During the daytime he works as the manager for a small bar/coffee shop. At night he works as a waiter at his friend's high-class restaurant "Tonnelli's Italian Cuisine Restaurant." His sweet old lady neighbor Jocelyn takes care of his son while he's out at night. At his coffee shop job he wears contacts that make his eye color blue. He leaves them off for his waiter job in order to get extra tips. Sometimes he would make up some inventions he would use around the shop. He was a decent gadget handy man as well. Appearance At the height of 5'4" he's a bit on the short side. He tries his best to keep the average weight of 125, but his weight is always lowering due to his high metabolism. The thing that stands out most about his appearance is his two different colored eyes. His right eye is a mint green, while his left is a deep lavender. he also has a burn scar on his left leg when he saved Luke from dropping a pot of boiling water on his head. He has strawberry blonde hair that is sickeningly straight and he usually leaves it to its own devices. Style: Not really being the fashionable type, Mikaela usually wore whatever his father ordered him to wear. All of his fantasies were kept in his head. He always had the baby face of his. Some people wondered if he ever did go through puberty in the first place, it seemed like he only grew taller and that was it. His voice changed seemed to be gradual and no one could really notice when it came to his normal voice now. Middleschool Clique "The one everyone leaves alone." Mikaela was the kind of person that was always staring off into space and caught in a day dream. In his earlier years of middle school, he was bullied a lot. He kept it a secret from the people around him and slowly all the bullies grew tired of him. The girls at school liked him for his mysterious look, but would leave him alone when they found out he would either talk for days about what he was thinking of, or just ignore them caught in some other delusion. He was always working on some kind of trinket that no one could understand. Highschool Clique "The Freak" It wasn't until high school that he met Jonah. No one had really gotten that psychological and that cruel when they bullied him in middle school. The teenager seemed to always have this sweet happy smile on his face, appearing to others as a good friend of Mikaela's. There were quite a bunch of misunderstandings with it. He would label Micah as a freak, someone that only had the purpose to disgust people. He might grow up to have money, but he'd just become the puppet with his father pulling the strings. Jonah wrecked at his mental state more and more. Mikaela became so withdrawn from reality it messed with his health. Was that a dragon peeking from around the corner? Did the walls just start to close in? Day in and day out was a terror. It was one day when Micah was so out of touch with reality he was unresponsive to Jonah. Getting angrier and angrier, the sadistic bully carved light lines into the other's face. It stung a little, but his words as he sliced him cut far deeper. When Mikaela came home, his father shipped him off to boarding school. He gained more confidence during those years. Mikaela realized he didn't want to carry on his father's legacy. He would do everything to make his father happy... then slip out right from under him. Past Crush He had a deep crush on Genie that he could never explain. Yes, there was no way he could like another man! But... this was Genie... All the boys might have caught on to his affection, but he never did confess. When they were in middle school, Alver confessed to him. Mikaela didn't know what to do. He had been caught at one point reading something with suggested homosexual tendencies. The boy... he had been locked in the closet all night after that. He wasn't gay! That wouldn't happen... Not as long as he lived under that household. Mikaela did his best to soften the blow of his rejection, but it didn't seem to work. Current Crush --- Are you in contact with a Rose? No Personality The boy always seems to be thinking up some new kind of fantasy as a kid. Before he met his childhood friends, he would spend hours staring at the wall and dreaming up new fantasies. He is a lazy bum who can't seem to clean anything right. He was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, but when he is able to focus enough, he's able to cook well. Mikaela loves being around people who all care for each other, they help bring his fantasies to reality. He may not show it, but smiles are all he wants to give other people. He also sees the world a lot differently from other people. Each different sound has a shade of color, and there are all beautiful. He always believed that Zac's blue voice was the prettiest though. Mikaela may seem distant to you now. When he talks to people, he puts on a facade of being super happy, keeping a save emotional distance between the two of you. If he doesn't try hard enough, he usually keeps a straight face all the time, and that creeps people out. Because of his time in high school, he does his best to distance himself. Micah doesn't want people to find out about his fantasies, he doesn't want to call him strange or a freak. He has a son to take care of. Luke and his friend Hank are the only ones around him that know about his daydreaming. Since he isn't good at housework, his son picks up the slack, he's usually taking a nap at home or playing with his son. Short Bio Mikaela never seemed to be fit for the heir to the Winter family. His eyes seemed to be two different colors and he was always off in his own world. His father thought of him as weak and would force him to study all the time. Micah didn't care too much about that, since studying wasn't that bad, whenever he wasn't studying, he was off in his fantasies. In his family, no one knew his true emotions, because he was so bad at showing them on his face. But then he met his first friends, the ones he actually called his family. They all seemed to be younger than him, but they unconsciously taught him how to express himself. He would laugh and play like a normal boy, which his parents had never seen before. Mikaela's favorite place was the club house, that was the only place he would ever go to when he final felt the pressures of his family. But... Everyone left. He couldn't handle the stress of rejecting Alver, the one he thought of as his "family's" mother. Mikaela realized what he was leaving, but he just couldn't handle it. His fantasies were his only company after that. After the intense bullying from Jonah, Mikaela was shipped off to boarding school. There was no way he could leave everything he'd known just to be under his father's thumb. If he had learned anything from Jonah, it was that he was going to turn into the puppet if he didn't do anything. Mikaela convinced his parents to let him go back to college in Willow Valley. There he was able to not be the most popular, but not be the loner either. He was able to meet Hank his freshman year and start his first proper friendship in forever. Jonah didn't go to his college so he didn't have any influence there. His second year... he met Emily. His beautiful angel, the one he hoped to spend his life with. They did everything together. Micah decided to marry her the first chance he got. But his parents said no way. Mikaela was the heir, he was to have an arranged marriage and take over the family business... but he fought back full force. His father got so pissed that he disowned his own son, not caring that he wouldn't have an heir anymore. Those next few years seemed to be his happiest after his childhood memories. They didn't have much money, but they made due and had a son right away. Luke was a reincarnation of his mother... but that must have been why she died from a heart attack. Mikaela was able to bounce back out of his depression because of Luke. He was able to stay firm and not let his parents take Luke away from him. To support his son, Mikaela worked extra hours as a waiter at a rather high-class restaurant. He devoted his life completely to his son... Jonah was back. He had gone and gotten a master's degree from his college and came back just to torture Micah. He came around now and again to wreck at Mikaela's mental state. He never did really fight back against Jonah, the only times he did was when Jonah said things about Luke. Jonah... the man came by one night while Luke was at a sleepover. He was outrageously drunk and overpowered Mikaela, raping him and sprouting insults left and right. Even Jonah felt a little bit bad about that when he woke up, so he paid Mikaela a hefty amount of money to keep him quiet and half-seriously joked about them doing it again every so often.
Nil Dès qu'il a lu l'email, Niles savait qu'il allait regretter d'avoir accepté cela. Il s'attendait peut-être à aller à la maison de Zac ou à l'appartement, prendre une bière, et partir après l'heure obligatoire - indiquant une raison de connerie comme une heure d'appel précoce comme une raison pour laquelle il partait. Mais bien sûr, les choses ne pouvaient pas être simples. Les choses ne pouvaient pas être... normales. Qu'est-ce qui était normal de toute façon? Niles avait projeté sa version idéale d'une réunion et, bien sûr, il finirait déçu par un changement de ton aussi radical. Peut-être qu'il n'était pas trop tard pour l'annuler. Il pourrait trouver une excuse. Quelles affaires a-t-il eues dans un "spot chaud"? Niles fréquentait des boîtes de nuit, il avait eu assez de points chauds pour durer trois vies. Et pourtant... la plus confuse et donc damnante information sur l'invitation était une ligne simple à mi-chemin de la pièce. Non, ce n'était pas le fait que Niles se rappelait que Zac avait un frère jumeau - Niles n'était pas étranger à cette communauté ayant 'daté' une poignée au fil des ans - mais plutôt quelque chose de apparemment inoffensif. "Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire, "robe festive"?" « Ça veut dire porter un costume », a dit Chelsea Harrington nonchalantement alors qu'elle était occupée à vérifier son maquillage sur un miroir compact. "Votre petite amie fait une fête costumée. Comme c'est adorable." Niles avait partagé les détails de sa rencontre avec Zac et l'email suivant avec son co-star et confident le plus proche, Chelsea. Ils avaient très peu de secrets entre eux et généralement Chelsea était celui d'ennuyer le Nil avec les détails de ses amis et de leurs affaires - et parfois les affaires LITÉRALES. Les Niles appréciaient l'inversion mineure du rôle. "C'est fou. Qui célèbre Halloween à l'âge de treize ans?" "Oui. Tu le sais." "Non, tu trouves une "infirmière adulte" bon marché ou quelque chose de costumé et tu essaies de jouer au branchement. Ce n'est pas fêter Halloween, c'est un vendredi soir ordinaire." "Aïe, j'ai oublié à quel point tu es bête. Quoi qu'il en soit, qu'est-ce que tu vas faire?" "Niles Blake." "Niles, chéri, tu sais que je t'aime mais tu dois vraiment baisser tes cheveux de temps en temps. Juste parce que votre personnage sur T.V. a un bâton dans son cul ne signifie pas que VOUS devez aussi bien." Chelsea a fermé son compact avec un sourire et a commencé à creuser dans son sac. "De plus, j'ai l'idée la plus mignonne d'un costume de duo. Je meurs de mes cheveux et de tout." Avec un sourire, Chelsea a trouvé ce qu'elle cherchait et a sorti un soutien-gorge rouge qu'elle a ensuite mis à la hâte. "Comment ça? Est-ce que... tu veux vraiment aller à ce truc?" Niles ne pouvait pas croire ce qu'il entendait. Il voulait à peine y aller et pourtant ici Chelsea montrait ce qui pouvait compter comme excitation. "Eh bien, je pense qu'un de tes amis doit être célibataire et pas... tu sais... toi. En plus imaginez la publicité que cet endroit pourrait obtenir si deux stars de la télévision ont été repérées. Je m'en vais, Niles, et je vais me prendre un joli petit jouet." Chelsea n'a absolument aucune honte, un contraste direct avec le personnage qu'elle a représenté à la télévision. Mais c'est ce que les gens ont engagé des acteurs pour faire. Agissez. "Tu n'amènes pas Carson, n'est-ce pas? C'est un petit pervers." "Carson sera à un événement sportif essayant de signer quelqu'un. Donc non. Mais si tu es si déterminée à y aller, tu peux venir avec moi. Inutile de prendre trois voitures." "Trois? Qui d'autre connaissez-vous?" Timeskip: Vendredi 28 octobre "Sainte merde pourquoi la seule fille confirmée à venir à ce truc doit avoir un petit ami?" Rebecca Blake se moquait dans la banquette arrière de la voiture de Niles, ses bras croisés et son costume ne faisaient qu'accroître sa dépression - elle avait choisi quelque chose qui, espérons-le, ne serait qu'attraper les yeux pour être frappée par la bombe que la « fête » n'était en fait que des « vieilles amies de Niles », et Rebecca les connaissait déjà. La nuit n'était certainement pas bonne pour elle... ou pour l'autre Blake frère au siège du conducteur. "Oh? Tu es lesbienne, Rebecca? Niles ne me l'a jamais dit." "Ce que je suis, c'est désespéré. Les filles, les gars, peu importe, donnez-moi juste quelque chose. L'école d'art était censée être pleine de gens sexuellement libérés, mais c'est un tas de connards prétentieux. Je dessine des choses érotiques, Chels, mais pensez-vous que les gens me commanderaient de dessiner leurs personnages préférés baisent s'ils savaient que l'artiste était vierge? C'est pas vrai! Mais Niles ici m'a dit que c'était une fête pas un...cerclejerk." -- Eh bien, votre sœur est très... colorée, n'est-ce pas? "Je n'aurais même pas ce problème si quelqu'un me laissait avoir FUN au lycée." Rebecca et Niles avaient modifié considérablement leur relation depuis qu'ils sont entrés à l'âge adulte, mais de temps en temps Rebecca aimait creuser de vieilles blessures juste pour qu'elle puisse jeter un peu de sel en eux. À quoi servaient les frères et sœurs? Niles, en attendant, a dit peu sur la route, mais pas par manque d'essai. Rebecca venait d'avoir cette façon de bulldozer à travers des conversations et elle et Chelsea avaient passé la longueur de la voiture à discuter des choses mieux discutées dans l'intimité d'une pièce fermée. Niles n'était pas sûr quand il est devenu un ami à Chelsea et par association sa sœur, mais il l'avait et il était sûr qu'il n'aimait pas vraiment ça. Presque autant qu'il n'aimait pas le costume Chelsea, mais l'avait forcé à porter. C'était un costume conçu pour les couples, idéalement, et Niles et Chelsea étaient tout sauf, mais Niles a appris il y a longtemps que quand Chelsea Harrington vous demande de faire quelque chose... vous le faites. -- Hé, Reby? Niles était la seule personne que Rebecca ait autorisé à l'appeler ainsi; elle sauvait les droits sur ce surnom pour un petit ami ou une petite amie, mais ce navire n'avait pas encore quitté le port, "Peut-être moins... profane quand on arrive là-bas?" "Quoi? Pourquoi? Tu t'en fous de ces gens, pourquoi devrais-je? Ce n'était pas mes amis, vous ne m'avez jamais laissé jouer à vos jeux stupides." C'était une décision des Nils et il en était venu à regretter plus tard dans la vie. Mais encore une fois, lui et Rebecca étaient... mieux maintenant. Niles savait qu'il s'agissait d'une bataille perdue et si soupirée. Ça allait être une épave. La conversation a rebondi entre Chelsea échangeant des histoires de ses différentes flings et Rebecca parlant des commissions les plus bizarres sur son blog et Niles regrettant de n'avoir jamais parlé de cet événement qu'au moment où il est arrivé à l'endroit où ils se rencontraient, il était heureux de sortir de la voiture pendant une minute. "Oh bien, nous ne sommes pas les premiers. Tu ne veux jamais être le premier. Quel... endroit suburbain c'est." Chelsea a été la première à quitter la voiture bien qu'elle ait attendu que Niles parte avant de s'approcher des costumes du groupe. Mais Chelsea et Niles avaient tous deux oublié la petite troisième roue. "Saintement, c'est ce gars qui porte une robe de mariée?" Rebecca n'a pas pu s'empêcher de crier en sortant de la voiture et a repéré le très visible Mikaela. "Je dessine ça plus tard. Oh mon dieu." Niles n'était arrivé que jusqu'au parking et déjà il haïssait tout à propos de cette nuit.
Niles Blake || 28 || Homosexual, Seme "Whispered something in your ear. It was a perverted thing to say, but I said it anyway. Made you smile and look away..." Birthday September Twenty Second Goal To see if it's true what they say...that you can't go back again...and in so doing making amends with the past, in whatever capacity that comes in. Marriage/Family/Love Life One would have to define relationships first to determine how many Niles has been in. He's been spotted at high profile events but never with his arms around anyone...though that could well be because he knows how to slip out of a crowd arm-in-arm with someone for an hour or two. His relationships, the ones that last longer than a few fun filled weeks and nights, tend to not last more than a handful of months. No pets to be had and the only remaining family he cares to consider is his younger sister, currently slaving away in art school. Occupation Star of the Small Screen; Actor noted for his role on a moderately successful police procedural. Appearance 5'10" 139 lbs He once had a tattoo but had it removed and the scar still lingers, leaving a burn mark on his left shoulder blade. His eyes are a muddy brown, but are anything but dim. The only time he's been seen with facial hair is when his role(s) demand it, otherwise he's as clean cut as one could imagine. His hair, a natural brown, wasn't always so perfectly maintained and straight, and some people remember when Niles had permanent bedhead no matter what he tried. Middleschool/Highschool Clique Niles was one of the band kids. He made first chair cello because he was the only cello player in his year. Past Crush Current Crush Are you in contact with a Rose? Possibly Not Personality Niles is a bit of a smooth talker, quick with a joke and even quicker with an expression of genuine interest. And that's him when the camera isn't running and he isn't spouting far-too-clever lines at a way-too-quick pace. Despite not quite yet being in his thirties, Niles acts as if he's that cool older relative everyone looked up to and loved having over for family events. At least, that's how he presents himself to the ever discerning public eye. Rumors surround him, from co-stars mentioning how much of a perfectionist he is, (to the point where an extra was said to have fled the set in tears after being scolded by Niles) and how he believes that he knows better than the directors or people in charge. Niles positions himself in a power position, making it clear from day one that anything he's involved in will eventually move along according to his own pacing and design. Which, on the plus side, makes him the consummate professional but then does make him hard to work with and even harder to like. And still, despite that, Niles' natural (or seemingly natural) charisma and presence has served him well in his private life. Many claim to have been picked up by Niles but given how the details of his private life (including even his sexual orientation) are just that, private, no one quite knows who is in the know. But Niles has gone on the record on a late night talk show that things are 'going well' in regards to his romantic life. He's not in the closet personally. Just professionally. Short Bio Niles Blake only ever wanted one thing growing up and it was as shallow a want as any other child's. Niles wanted to be cool. But of course, that never seemed to be a possibility. He wanted a bass. He was given cello lessons. He wanted to style his hair after the people in magazines. He came to school once with what could generously be called 'bucket hair'. To his credit, he kept a positive attitude towards his misgivings, mishaps, and overall aura as a well meaning but misinformed dweeb. It helped that he was a naturally funny person, able to shrug off the embarrassments and turn them into endearing stories to be retold and recalled at a reunion years down the line. His parents had a rather amicable divorce when he was near about half finished with high school and his little sister, Becky, was just starting. It was as simple a matter as both mother and father realizing that they didn't love each other and thought it would be better to just...see other people. Niles saw it as his responsibility to watch out for Becky, but realized it would be difficult with him going away after his own brush with what could be considered a 'divorce' of sorts and eventually onto secondary education. Still, the funny, kind of dweebish band kid was always watchful towards those who got close with his sister, which only made things tense between the siblings. Becky just wanted a fun high school life, to make mistakes and such. Niles' life relationships, mainly his familial but even his younger friendly ones, all seemed to be breaking apart which, of course, affected the young Niles. He's since patched things up with Becky (paying for her art school goes a long way) but his lack of meaningful relationships has not gone unnoticed. Rebecca Blake is currently in art school. She operates her own art blog where she takes commissions. Wants to become an animator.
Il semblait qu'il était le premier autre Zachary et sa fête à arriver. L'albinos n'était pas sûr s'il était heureux ou mécontent. Être premier est plus susceptible d'être en mesure de rencontrer tout le monde un à la fois. Moins stressant, mais cela signifie aussi qu'il se démarque le plus. Bien sûr... il se démarquerait de toute façon, mais c'est à part ça. Etre le dernier signifie qu'il pourrait probablement... se glisser et être parmi les murs mais aussi être le dernier pourrait conduire à tout le monde le regardant directement. Pour qu'il se démarque. Ce n'était peut-être qu'une situation perdue. Le regard de la lavande clignait lentement en voyant ce qui ressemblait à une fille le jour de son mariage. Cependant, le fait que cette personne venait droit vers eux, et qu'elle avait des yeux tout à fait différents... signifiait que cette personne était très probablement Mikaela. Micah... Miky... bien sûr... la première personne à venir était son vieux béguin. Dans une robe de mariée. Comme c'est parfait. Miky avait l'air si adorable, certainement l'art digne. "Okay Alver... Souviens-toi. Détends-toi, sois cool, tout ira bien. Bien que Miky ait l'air d'un fantasme de conte de fées et d'avoir l'air stupéfiant tout en le faisant, cette époque il y a longtemps est dans le passé. Vous êtes un seul introverti qui aime les garçons fictifs. Qui a besoin d'amour réalité? Sois cool et sois un charmant bon ami que tu peux être. Simple." Le grand homme pâle pensait à lui-même. Après avoir obtenu ses repères, Alver était sur le point de saluer son vieux béguin avant de s'arrêter alors qu'il voyait Mikaela avoir l'air un peu choqué. Ce qui a fait que l'homme beaucoup plus petit a trébuché sur sa robe. Pas vraiment penser à cela, Alver boulonné, armure clinquant avec lui, mais ses longues jambes l'a déplacé avec facilité quand il a atteint ses bras dehors. La droite enveloppée autour des épaules du travesti tandis que la gauche pressée gentiment contre la poitrine de sorte que le petit garçon n'a pas fait face dans son estomac d'armure. Soupirant de soulagement, il met gentiment son ami d'enfance debout avant de brosser inconsciemment la robe. Son esprit étant un peu obscur à l'heure actuelle en faveur du mode 'prise en charge de quelqu'un'. "... des salutations pour toi, Miky. Vous êtes ravissante ce soir, même si j'avoue que je suis un peu surprise par votre choix. » Alver a dit, de la voix la plus calme qu'il ait pu rassembler tout en clignotant un sourire. Bien que les engrenages dans sa tête commençait rapidement à spaz dehors comme il est venu à la réalisation, il était beaucoup trop près et n'avait aucune idée que dire. On pourrait imaginer les gens qui pensent peu à travers des milliers de dossiers avec des connaissances pour quelque chose pour l'aider en ce moment. L'un d'eux ôtait ses mains au garçon enchanteur. Peu de temps après, il a repéré d'autres personnes pas trop loin alors qu'elles garaient leur voiture. Les yeux de lavande clignotant alors qu'il reconnaissait le costume de « couple » et deux visages vaguement familiers. Niles et Rebecca? Alver ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de se demander comment Harpy et Teddy ont réussi à inviter, jusqu'à présent, tout le monde. Est-ce qu'ils se sont rendus coupables comme lui? Tenir l'information? Tu commences à pleurer? Tu mets les yeux de chiot? Peu importe ce que c'était, ça semblait faire l'affaire. "NiNi... euh. Les Niles. Salutations, c'est agréable de te voir. Et toi aussi Rebecca. Ravie de vous rencontrer, mademoiselle. Toi et les Niles faites un merveilleux Squall et Rinoa." Alver a accueilli poliment avec le même sourire calme mais poli amical. Il ne se souvenait pas que les Niles s'amusaient quand ils étaient jeunes. Ça aurait pu changer, mais il était prêt à deviner que c'était son partenaire de le faire s'habiller de cette façon. Même maintenant, il ressemblait à M. Cool aimait toujours jouer à M. Génial. Alver connaissait à peine Rebecca. Juste d'elle surtout. Vaguely dans l'enfance serait la voir. Elle était plus jeune alors que son frère, et il ne semblait pas que Niles à l'époque voulait avoir sa soeur tag le long dans leurs aventures. C'est sûrement le truc des garçons. C'est ou trois faits qu'il a probablement traîné autour d'elle tout le temps à la maison. L'homme pâle ne pouvait guère se rapporter à la vie avec un frère et une sœur, de sorte que la plupart de ses pensées sur la question n'étaient que de simples spéculations. Il s'est rendu compte que tout le monde était plus petit que lui, une grande sagesse. Des myrtilles. Peut-être que Miky attirerait plus d'attention depuis qu'il est dans une jolie robe. Soupir... Pourquoi Lily a dû le laisser seul?
Birthday October 31st Age 26 Formula and Sexuality Versatile and Homosexual Goal To be a little more out of shell. Do what friends do. Hangout and things. Or attempt to. Marriage/Family/Love Life Has been in one relationship four years ago. But he shut himself in after the break up. Has a grey she-cat named Miko. His father, having died when Alver was fifteen, was a kind man. While his mother still lives working as a policewoman. Rarely home. Occupation Writer/Manga Artist/Artist Appearance Height: 7'0 Weight: 160 lb Other prominent traits: His skin is ghostly pale, odd lavender colored eyes that occasionally change depending on the angle with the sunlight. White hair. Often wears a pair of glasses or contacts. Despite being tall, he's pretty skinny and almost looks fragile. But he can still pull off a judo move or two. Middleschool/Highschool Clique He's the nerdy, introvert sort of person. Past Crush He had a crush on Mikaela Winter during his school years. Alver felt a silent connection or familiarity towards his childhood friend. Perhaps because they both were... off in their own way. Bullied, misjudged. Alver didn't particularly have much hesitation when he figured out what he was feeling, and ended up confessing. Yet he was turned down. Heartbroken and crushed, he felt a bit bitter yet he just smiled in response. Then his father died, and the combination of grief assisted in secluding himself from everyone. Current Crush ----- Are you in contact with a Rose? No. Personality Alver is sort of quiet at first, mostly because he starts out suspicious of other people due to what his parents often warned him about and his previous encounters. Due to this, he can be sarcastic, sometimes a smart-ass, and let out a bit more of his dark sarcastic humor. He's also sometimes a bit mean and bitter when it comes to people who seem to feel overly sorry for themselves. He doesn't mean to be cruel, it just comes out that way. However, he's a pretty mature, sweet and kind boy who's rather calm most of the time. Pretty level headed, and doesn't enjoy fights. He's naturally curious and adventurous and enjoys wandering about often, seeming to ignore any possible danger. Although he doesn't have a lot of social skills and finds it difficult on how to talk to others, he does want other people's company even for a little bit. Having been secluded most of his life. But he's always willing to lend a friendly ear to those who feel down, giving his own friendly advice and opinions. Quite a fatherly/brotherly figure towards those younger than him. He loves flowers, stargazing, singing and playing the piano. As well as practicing Judo his father taught him. He also likes animals. Despite his overall kind nature, he can be mischievous and enjoys teasing others and has a little bit of dark humor. Despite others not usually enjoying his presence and sometimes hating his own appearance, he has a small bit of pride in his looks and never really attempts hiding his hair anymore, even growing it out into a longer length. He also enjoys taking advantage of those who are a bit scared of him from the 'demonic, ghost, vampire' rumors. He is however quite a bit naïve. Mostly a introvert during the day, and spending most of his time drawing or reading, he's not very good with technology or picking up certain things. He hasn't watched many movies, or adventured the internet other than strictly for work, sayings usually fly over his head, and he usually thinks his looks drive people away, so he never notices if people actually find him attractive. He's neat and organized, his house quite tidy and doesn't quite enjoy a mess. Though usually is the one who always cleans up even if the mess isn't his. Though he does enjoy wearing loose clothes as they are comfy. Likes cute things (including people). Short Bio On the day of Halloween, October 31st, gave birth to a boy with striking white hair and very pale white skin. Eyes a pretty light lavender color that often seemed to change color depending on where the light struck them. Sometimes lavender, sometimes a very light pale blue, and even a tinge of red people would say. His parents were quite shocked to see such a pale baby and wondered if he was just unhealthy, having never seen someone as pale as a ghost. He wasn't, the was just born with the gene of extremely rare pigments of a albino. So, his mother named him Alver, meaning "White" in Latin-American, along to fit with his last name, Rozu meaning Rose. His parents worried over his well being, as the doctors gave them proper diagnostics of possible defects of albinos, as well as studying their own research. They feared he would burn easily and wouldn't be able to see well since he had such low pigments in his eyes. So he was quite sheltered as a child. His parents often trying to keep him indoors and away from people, in fear of others reaction. As well as not wanting their son to burn easily or hurt his eyes further. Alver however was the curious sort. He wanted to go outside, play, interact with the other children. Including going to school like everybody else. In which case, his parents relented as long as he wore a hoodie, brought a umbrella and sunglasses with him. Of course this made him look a bit more awkward. His father died when Alver was fifteen, and his mother spends most her time working as a policewoman. Through his time in public school, he was often bullied for his looks. But he stayed around and put up with it so he could be with his friends. However, when his friendships fell apart... So did he. Unable to handle it and becoming bitter over people, he left public school to be home schooled. Shutting out the world and finding comfort in his own tiny one. When he was fifteen year old and he was out playing by himself, he was kidnapped by a group of shady people. His parents were of course on the case and hunted them down, however, during the rescue, Son Rozu was shot in the crossfire and bled out. He lost his father that day and he blames himself for it. This was what really made him shut and push everyone away. Not wanting to put others in danger just because of how he looked. He didn't want to see someone else bleed and die in front of him like his father. Especially someone he cared about. As a adult after his friendship broke with his childhood friends and his father's death, he more or less secluded himself from people as much as possible. Save the occasional few from work. Other *He has sensitive hearing and sense of smell. So he doesn't like loud places or strong smelling areas. *He likes to play piano and sing occasionally. *He enjoys cooking and is actually quite good at it. *He'a a bit of a clean freak and his house is kept tidy. *A habit of is that he takes care of others. Makes sure people are well fed, makes sure their clothes are straight, makes sure they have what they need. It's why he was taken advantage of by bullies as he'd usually 'help' them with their homework or give away his lunch. That and he his friends usually poked fun at how he could be a mother hen. *He has a high dislike/fear of any vehicle and usually avoids using them. *If ever he goes out in sunlight, he wears light colored clothes, sunglasses, and has a umbrella to protect himself. *He likes cloudy or rainy days. *He enjoys painting, and occasionally, he paints his childhood friends when they were kids. *He's quite the dork really. Loves manga and comic books and the occasional video game. Though most he can't quite play as his eyes can't handle them very well. Most of the older games he could though. Theme Song(s) Pompeii by Bastille Away From The Sun by 3 Doors Down Answer Coward Montblanc (Acquaintance / Friend / Close Friend / Best Friend / Love Interest / Boyfriend-Girlfriend / Ex / Enemy) Zachary Harper Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "When we were kids, Harpy and Miky were pretty much the kids of the group. I remember Harpy was so adorable and looked like such a girl. It's a reason I called him Harpy. For his last name and to tease his feminine features. Still, he was a bit of a baby and I often found myself trying to baby him. He was a bit of a scatter brain though. Honestly, I swear he needed other people to take care of him. I didn't really mind when he needed attention though... Hope at least nowadays he can stand on his own." Genie Fulton Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "If I was the calm one, GG the Pup was the temperamental one. He could get loud and I swear you even hint at a competition, he'd jump at the chance. He even tried to beat me at painting. That was messy. We'd butt heads occasionally, but to me he was like a large dog. Lots of barking, but was loyal and cute when he wanted to be. And despite his temperament, I knew he was someone I could rely on back then." Julius Graham Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "Awe Teddy. Such a cute kid. Despite the big guy he was lovable like a teddy bear. Adorable in his own way, course he didn't always enjoy it when I teased him about it. Always saying he was totally manly or something. But I liked him when he showed his true colors. When I painted, he would watch me sometimes, but whenever I offered for him to try, he'd just refuse. It was a pity. I still think of him fondly even now when I paint. Thinking his cheerful self would probably brighten this lonely house." Mikaela Winter Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend/First Crush "Miky... He had always been such a cutie. Despite being older then me, I just wanted to coddle him, protect him and make him smile. He was just so... Breathtaking is what comes to mind. It's hard to describe. When we were young, he spoke of such interesting fantasies sometimes. I wanted to paint them. Draw them. See what he saw. Course I couldn't quite replicate it, but it was nice trying. I was drawn to him unknowingly at first until we reached middle school years. Perhaps it was because his eyes were a little odd like mine... Or he was just odd as I was. So I got a little brave with some encouragement and confessed. I was rejected however. I knew that such a thing was possible, but I guess in my heart I was hoping for something straight out of a romantic book or a shounen manga. I also didn't realize how much it would hurt. And it really hurt. Cause the combination of fear, guilt, and bitterness held my heart. I was afraid I had just ruined our life long friendship. Guilty that I made Miky uncomfortable... And bitter that he didn't accept me. I knew it wasn't his fault, I did really. I hated myself for thinking that. I didn't want my friends to see the disgusting side of me. So I ran away. Like a coward and just ended up destroying my friendships. Thinking to myself 'they are better off without me. No one needs me. I'll just do what my kind does. Ghosts disappear.' So that's what I did. Disappear from their lives, letting them live them. It was fine. I'll be okay alone. Everything was better that way." Niles Blake Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "Coolio was a fun kid. He generally was just fun to be around. A bit silly.. Whenever we got in trouble, he was pretty much the one that talked us out of it. Then was able to laugh about it later. I had to fix his hair sometimes. It always felt he just royally messed it up. He just laughed at about anything though. It warmed the heart really." Lucas Adolf Past and Present Relationship: Ex-Boyfriend "He's crude... insensitive... a jerk... and at times cruel. Yet he could show such kindness sometimes. He always had a talent at pulling my heartstrings. Guess in a way... he gave me a sense of belonging."
C'est quoi, ça? Le sentiment de vertiges passait, mais il était trop tard pour Micah pour s'attraper correctement. Le garçon était sur le point de tomber sur son visage quand le grand albinos qu'il avait réalisé était Alver couru pour l'attraper. Son visage était un peu rouge, juste un peu. Il lui a fallu une seconde pour le remettre sur pied. Sous les nombreuses jupes il avait quelques appartements blancs, heureusement il n'avait pas à traiter avec les talons. Mikaela a grimpé son cou pour regarder Alver, voyant à quel point sa peau était encore fantomatique et combien de temps ses cheveux avaient eu. Alver disait quelque chose, mais malheureusement le garçon n'écoutait pas, principalement en pensant à combien cool et chevalier l'albinos avait l'air dans son costume. Alver le tenait encore, mais Micah ne s'en souciait pas tant que ça, il se sentait encore étourdi et personne ne voulait qu'il trébuche à nouveau. Alver... celui qui lui avait avoué il y a tant d'années. Il ne voulait pas le voir et des couteaux tranchés dans son cœur. On aurait dit que l'Albino était mal à l'aise, mais... C'était vraiment sympa de s'assurer que l'autre homme allait bien. Eh bien... probablement mieux que d'accord, il avait grandi pour être un géant maigre, "Bon sang, comment t'es devenu si grand?" Hank est venu de derrière eux et a commencé à rire, "C'est la première chose que vous dites à un ami d'enfance? Micah, tu es vraiment inestimable... Il avait les mains dans les poches et regardait la scène assez loin que Micah ne pouvait pas essayer de lui gifler s'il essayait. Micah n'était pas très bien ici, la calomnie de Hank, trop prise dans ses propres pensées. Ce n'était pas censé être quelques amis de Julius et Zac?! Son cerveau s'est rendu compte qu'il avait été dupé, et Mikaela savait qui allait avoir un regard désapprouvé plus tard. Son cœur battait hors de sa poitrine alors qu'il pensait à la façon dont tout le monde se réunissait. Comment survivrait-il? Tout irait bien, tant qu'il n'a pas eu de contact personnel avec personne. Si c'était le cas, ils découvriraient combien il était un monstre... "Saintement, c'est ce gars qui porte une robe de mariée?" Oh non... Cette robe l'avait déjà fait presque tomber sur son visage, le garçon avait besoin d'une pause de tout le stimulus. Micah pourrait tuer les baristas Lauren et Angela à Deja Brew à son retour. En regardant par-dessus son épaule, il a vu Niles et sa petite sœur Rebecca. On aurait dit que le plus jeune portait un costume extrêmement révélateur qui a fait exploser son visage pour une raison toute différente. "Elle doit être gelée!" Il murmura, pensant s'il devait prendre la position paternelle et lui faire porter les vêtements qu'il avait dans son sac. Qu'est-ce que Niles pensait de la laisser sortir comme ça? Toujours en train de garder cette personnalité cool et nonchalante... Il y avait une autre fille avec son ami d'enfance célèbre mais avec tout ce qui se passe autour de lui, il ne lui a pas vraiment donné l'esprit.
Name Mikaela Winter Nickname Micah Birthday November 7th Age 29 Formula and Sexuality Uke II Heterosexual turned bisexual Goal Be able to support his son and give him the life he deserves. To be able to connect with his true "family" again. Family (Third person POV from his father's perspective) The Winter Family is known for being one of the most prestigious families of Willow Valley. They only had one boy they named Mikaela after the boy's great grandfather. His father never really approved of him, and did everything to kick that unpredictable imagination out of him and groom him into the successor he was meant to be. During middle school, this behavior got worse, his son was mixing up fantasy and reality. Thinking that these would be his last free years, his father let him be on his own. Once Mikaela arrived in high school, work was to be done. He had private tutors that would make him work all the hours of the night after school. He was always made to be in the top three places in school. Someone was influencing the successor, his grades were dropping drastically, he would shut himself into his room after school. He came home one day with cuts all over his face... His father immediately sent him to a boarding school. His heir would not be so weak! After two years of schooling, Mikaela pleaded with his father to let him come home, be with his mother who was having arthritis, gaining the proper social skills of an adult. Mikaela was allowed to go to a public college. There he met Emily, his forbidden love. His father tried to reason with his successor, the vixen was praying on his weak son. Finally, his father threw him out, disowning him. Once his wife was out of the picture. Mikaela's father did reach out a hand to his dreadful son, saying he would forget the past and adopt Luke, but Mikaela refused. Marriage/Love During college, Mikaela met a girl named Emily that was his only hope in the world. His angel was just a normal college girl that could never be accepted by his parents. Mikaela was disowned from the family, but he didn't care. Mikaela was married for a short period of three years from when he was 22 to 26, but his wife died 3 years ago. Emily had been suffering from a hereditary heart disease since she was young and passed away with no other family. He had one baby boy named Luke. Mikaela never did have any other relationship besides his marriage. There was a time in middle school... But that never did go anywhere. His son was born with lighter lavender eyes that came from his father and blonde hair. Luke has a habit of milking his cuteness, but always ends up taking care of his papa. Luke is exceptional at cleaning and housework, more of the time taking care of his dad than the other way around. Occupation During the daytime he works as the manager for a small bar/coffee shop. At night he works as a waiter at his friend's high-class restaurant "Tonnelli's Italian Cuisine Restaurant." His sweet old lady neighbor Jocelyn takes care of his son while he's out at night. At his coffee shop job he wears contacts that make his eye color blue. He leaves them off for his waiter job in order to get extra tips. Sometimes he would make up some inventions he would use around the shop. He was a decent gadget handy man as well. Appearance At the height of 5'4" he's a bit on the short side. He tries his best to keep the average weight of 125, but his weight is always lowering due to his high metabolism. The thing that stands out most about his appearance is his two different colored eyes. His right eye is a mint green, while his left is a deep lavender. he also has a burn scar on his left leg when he saved Luke from dropping a pot of boiling water on his head. He has strawberry blonde hair that is sickeningly straight and he usually leaves it to its own devices. Style: Not really being the fashionable type, Mikaela usually wore whatever his father ordered him to wear. All of his fantasies were kept in his head. He always had the baby face of his. Some people wondered if he ever did go through puberty in the first place, it seemed like he only grew taller and that was it. His voice changed seemed to be gradual and no one could really notice when it came to his normal voice now. Middleschool Clique "The one everyone leaves alone." Mikaela was the kind of person that was always staring off into space and caught in a day dream. In his earlier years of middle school, he was bullied a lot. He kept it a secret from the people around him and slowly all the bullies grew tired of him. The girls at school liked him for his mysterious look, but would leave him alone when they found out he would either talk for days about what he was thinking of, or just ignore them caught in some other delusion. He was always working on some kind of trinket that no one could understand. Highschool Clique "The Freak" It wasn't until high school that he met Jonah. No one had really gotten that psychological and that cruel when they bullied him in middle school. The teenager seemed to always have this sweet happy smile on his face, appearing to others as a good friend of Mikaela's. There were quite a bunch of misunderstandings with it. He would label Micah as a freak, someone that only had the purpose to disgust people. He might grow up to have money, but he'd just become the puppet with his father pulling the strings. Jonah wrecked at his mental state more and more. Mikaela became so withdrawn from reality it messed with his health. Was that a dragon peeking from around the corner? Did the walls just start to close in? Day in and day out was a terror. It was one day when Micah was so out of touch with reality he was unresponsive to Jonah. Getting angrier and angrier, the sadistic bully carved light lines into the other's face. It stung a little, but his words as he sliced him cut far deeper. When Mikaela came home, his father shipped him off to boarding school. He gained more confidence during those years. Mikaela realized he didn't want to carry on his father's legacy. He would do everything to make his father happy... then slip out right from under him. Past Crush He had a deep crush on Genie that he could never explain. Yes, there was no way he could like another man! But... this was Genie... All the boys might have caught on to his affection, but he never did confess. When they were in middle school, Alver confessed to him. Mikaela didn't know what to do. He had been caught at one point reading something with suggested homosexual tendencies. The boy... he had been locked in the closet all night after that. He wasn't gay! That wouldn't happen... Not as long as he lived under that household. Mikaela did his best to soften the blow of his rejection, but it didn't seem to work. Current Crush --- Are you in contact with a Rose? No Personality The boy always seems to be thinking up some new kind of fantasy as a kid. Before he met his childhood friends, he would spend hours staring at the wall and dreaming up new fantasies. He is a lazy bum who can't seem to clean anything right. He was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, but when he is able to focus enough, he's able to cook well. Mikaela loves being around people who all care for each other, they help bring his fantasies to reality. He may not show it, but smiles are all he wants to give other people. He also sees the world a lot differently from other people. Each different sound has a shade of color, and there are all beautiful. He always believed that Zac's blue voice was the prettiest though. Mikaela may seem distant to you now. When he talks to people, he puts on a facade of being super happy, keeping a save emotional distance between the two of you. If he doesn't try hard enough, he usually keeps a straight face all the time, and that creeps people out. Because of his time in high school, he does his best to distance himself. Micah doesn't want people to find out about his fantasies, he doesn't want to call him strange or a freak. He has a son to take care of. Luke and his friend Hank are the only ones around him that know about his daydreaming. Since he isn't good at housework, his son picks up the slack, he's usually taking a nap at home or playing with his son. Short Bio Mikaela never seemed to be fit for the heir to the Winter family. His eyes seemed to be two different colors and he was always off in his own world. His father thought of him as weak and would force him to study all the time. Micah didn't care too much about that, since studying wasn't that bad, whenever he wasn't studying, he was off in his fantasies. In his family, no one knew his true emotions, because he was so bad at showing them on his face. But then he met his first friends, the ones he actually called his family. They all seemed to be younger than him, but they unconsciously taught him how to express himself. He would laugh and play like a normal boy, which his parents had never seen before. Mikaela's favorite place was the club house, that was the only place he would ever go to when he final felt the pressures of his family. But... Everyone left. He couldn't handle the stress of rejecting Alver, the one he thought of as his "family's" mother. Mikaela realized what he was leaving, but he just couldn't handle it. His fantasies were his only company after that. After the intense bullying from Jonah, Mikaela was shipped off to boarding school. There was no way he could leave everything he'd known just to be under his father's thumb. If he had learned anything from Jonah, it was that he was going to turn into the puppet if he didn't do anything. Mikaela convinced his parents to let him go back to college in Willow Valley. There he was able to not be the most popular, but not be the loner either. He was able to meet Hank his freshman year and start his first proper friendship in forever. Jonah didn't go to his college so he didn't have any influence there. His second year... he met Emily. His beautiful angel, the one he hoped to spend his life with. They did everything together. Micah decided to marry her the first chance he got. But his parents said no way. Mikaela was the heir, he was to have an arranged marriage and take over the family business... but he fought back full force. His father got so pissed that he disowned his own son, not caring that he wouldn't have an heir anymore. Those next few years seemed to be his happiest after his childhood memories. They didn't have much money, but they made due and had a son right away. Luke was a reincarnation of his mother... but that must have been why she died from a heart attack. Mikaela was able to bounce back out of his depression because of Luke. He was able to stay firm and not let his parents take Luke away from him. To support his son, Mikaela worked extra hours as a waiter at a rather high-class restaurant. He devoted his life completely to his son... Jonah was back. He had gone and gotten a master's degree from his college and came back just to torture Micah. He came around now and again to wreck at Mikaela's mental state. He never did really fight back against Jonah, the only times he did was when Jonah said things about Luke. Jonah... the man came by one night while Luke was at a sleepover. He was outrageously drunk and overpowered Mikaela, raping him and sprouting insults left and right. Even Jonah felt a little bit bad about that when he woke up, so he paid Mikaela a hefty amount of money to keep him quiet and half-seriously joked about them doing it again every so often.
Dépêche-toi, Jay! Je veux jouer à tous les jeux! Naruto Uzumaki a trébuché dans l'arcade, un sourire énorme sur son visage. Cependant, d'après les apparences, elle était déjà ivre. Entrez Erika Young, psychiatre nouvellement employé et le meilleur ami de Julius. Elle était aussi la seule personne au monde à l'appeler Jay. L'homme s'habillait comme un Minato Namikaze, le père de Naruto. L'idée pour eux d'aller en tant que personnages d'anime était entièrement à lui depuis qu'il avait été un grand fan de Naruto à la fac. Même ses coéquipiers de l'équipe de basketball de l'université ont adoré le spectacle. Soupirant alors qu'ils entraient, il regrettait l'audace d'Erika de prendre cinq coups de bourbon avant de quitter sa maison. Elle détestait l'alcool noir, alors il s'attendait à ce qu'elle abandonne après le premier coup! Mais pas du tout. La dame, qui se tenait à environ 5'3" et pesait 110lbs, a abattu ces tirs comme un champion. Bien sûr, elle avait été tout câblé, et maintenant ils étaient un peu en retard à la fête. En y pensant, il se rappelait qu'Erika était devenue particulièrement mordue quand elle était enivrée, donc il craignait le pire pour ses amis. J'espère que ça n'est pas arrivé à ça... "Bonjour, tout le monde! Je suis Erika et je serai votre maître ninjutsu personnel aujourd'hui!" L'adorable femme a pleuré, frappant dangereusement l'air devant elle. Cependant, quand elle a vu un certain vampire dans la pièce, elle a laissé sortir un squeak et s'est immédiatement tournée vers Julius. "C'est ce ZAC? Le Zac dont tu parles toujours?! C'est pas vrai! Moi, j'aime bien!" D'après ses mots, il était difficile de dire si Julius et elle étaient une chose, s'ils avaient une sorte de relation ouverte, ou quoi... Avant même qu'il puisse même répondre, "Naruto" était en train de se précipiter vers le vampire avec un abandon imprudent. 1... 2... 3. Oui, comme il le pensait. Il a fallu exactement 3 secondes pour qu'Erika passe par-dessus elle-même et s'enfonce dans l'homme. Il l'avait connue assez longtemps pour savoir qu'elle était un danger dans un état d'ébriété. Chuckling, ses yeux, apparemment bleus des contacts qu'il portait, regardaient autour de la pièce. Alver, Micah et quelqu'un qu'il ne connaissait pas conversaient, Niles et sa bande se mêlaient, tandis que Zac et deux pirates s'occupaient des shenanigans d'Erika. Julius a noté mentalement la variété des costumes, surtout en souriant à la robe de mariée de Micah. C'est mignon. D'après ce qu'il a pu dire, il a deviné que tout le monde passait un bon moment jusqu'ici. Au moins, tout le monde a intérêt à s'amuser. Il avait dépensé trop d'argent pour la fête idéale de Zac depuis que son ami était trop fauché pour louer tout ça lui-même... En plaçant les deux gros sacs d'alcool sur une table voisine, le "4th Hokage" se retourna pour alerter tout le monde à sa présence. "Hé, je suis Julius. J'ai apporté de l'alcool pour des boissons mixtes car ils ne servent que de la bière ici, alors creusez! Merci aussi à tous ceux qui sont venus! Commençons cette fête!" Il a bougé, clignotant un coup de main sur la sélection. Ce qu'il avait apporté n'était certainement pas bon marché et était un peu de l'alcool de la plus haute qualité que vous puissiez obtenir dans les magasins. Alors que l'homme musclé a montré les marchandises, il aurait pu jurer qu'il a vu la dame peu heureuse à côté de Niles briller sur lui. Peut-être qu'il s'est trompé? C'était vraiment étrange de revoir tous ses amis d'enfance à un endroit, mais... Ils manquaient encore une dernière personne, n'est-ce pas?
Full Name: Julius Kaisar Graham Birthday 3/15 Age 29 Formula and Sexuality Uke and Closeted Homosexual Goal Gaining the courage to present himself as a homosexual. Marriage/Family/Love Life He has been in precisely one relationship before: one with a woman who he never really felt attracted to, but he felt obligated to date a woman due to his father's constant pestering. Surprisingly, the relationship lasted three years, but his girlfriend eventually left him due to a lack of intimacy. They still remain best friends though, perhaps because she knows he's into men. Other than that, he has a single Pomeranian named Lyla. Occupation Construction Engineer Appearance 6'3" 220lbs Middleschool/Highschool Clique Jock Past Crush Leave this empty until we have a full cast. Did you confess? Were you confessed to? How did that moment change you? Yes you can like the same person as someone else. Current Crush Leave this empty. Are you in contact with a Rose? He has them all added on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and messages them every now and then, even if they don't reply. Personality Though Julius looks nothing short of intimidating, he's a big teddy bear. He's a very happy-go-lucky man who encourages his friends to shoot for the stars and supports them the whole way. He is also quite benevolent, such as going out of his way to help his men on construction sites though he isn't required to. Many consider Julius an upstanding citizen. Despite his demeanor, he is an emotionally withdrawn man. Julius rarely talks about his past or how he feels, unless someone manages to coerce it out of him, although he encourages his circle to come to him with their problems. He vehemently denies any interest in men and acts as "manly" as his father taught him. However, he secretly finds the same sex attractive, but he is afraid of being negatively judged by others and ultimately, his dad. Short Bio Julius has always been under his father's thumb. Since a young boy, he was taught what a man ought to be, the distinct line between men and women, and the fire and brimstone end that awaited homosexuals. His mother was always too shy and timid, a more traditional woman, and had little to do with his upbringing. Though he originally wanted to pursue more artistic hobbies in his youth, Julius was forced to play sports, primarily basketball. While he was quite good at it, basketball was never the forefront of his interests, and time and time again he attempted to be some kind of artist. Every time he picked up a pencil to draw or write, his dad would punish him severely though. "Real mean don't do that pansy crap" was the lesson he learned and quickly abandoned any hope of becoming an artist. He was constantly pushed into the athletic circle of friends in grade and middle school, although he did manage to make great companions outside of that clique. It was around this time that Julius began to feel an attraction to the same sex. He tried to push these feelings away, desperately wanting to please his dad. When high school came around, he was all but swamped by basketball. That was the only thing that mattered to his father: being the best player out there. Julius no longer had any free time to hang out with his old friends and they quickly lost touch, although he tried his best to keep connected somehow. By the time he graduated, he had a full scholarship to play basketball for one of the most prestigious colleges out there. Rather than take the easy way out and earn a basic degree, Julius aimed to become an engineer. Juggling between his rigorous training schedule and school, his life became hell. He rarely had any free time, but eventually, he made it out of college alive. More than that, he was projected to be one of the top drafts for professional basketball. His father was ecstatic, finally proud to call him his son. Indeed, Julius was the 5th drafted player and was given a considerable sum as part of his contract. Playing professional ball was surprisingly thrilling, but it came to an end rather fast. Before the start of his second season, he was seriously injured. His ACL was torn and there was no way he'd be able to return until next season. Rather than wait it out though, Julius finally found an opportunity to exit this career. It didn't take long for him to make some phone calls and find a job as a construction engineer. Since then, he has enjoyed a rather quiet life. He is mostly content with everything right now although he does wish he could face his fear of coming out...
Mikaela semblait un peu distrait, car le garçon mal assorti ne semblait pas vraiment répondre aux paroles de l'albinos. Peut-être était-ce le choc de presque tomber à plat sur son visage, ou peut-être voir Alver tellement plus grand maintenant. Vu qu'ils étaient petits, Alver était petit et un peu rugueux, tandis que Teddy était le grand gars. Juste une brindille maigre qui n'a pas beaucoup mangé. Maintenant, il avait tiré pour être grand et maigre. Peut-être que Miky a été surpris de le voir. Harpy et Teddy lui ont-ils dit que c'était tout le monde? Le regard de lavande clignotant un peu, la coloration devenant un peu plus pâle grâce à l'éclairage, ils se sont rapidement rétrécis aux serments soudains qui se sont répandus des lèvres du travestisseur. Élevant ses mains gantées, enroulées dans les poings, il étendit ses index et ses pouces et les utilisait pour pincer les deux amis de son enfance joli garçon joues sur son visage. "Langue Miky. Juste parce que je suis assez grand pour vous transporter comme une mariée ne signifie pas que vous devez utiliser des mots vulgaires." Alver gronde d'une légère manière sarcastique, sa voix douce mais nette. Malgré le pincement, il était doux, ne voulant pas vraiment blesser ou égratigner le joli visage. Relâchant sa main comme l'apparent plus un de Micah choisi sur l'individu girly regardant, le grand fantôme homme a examiné l'étranger et a donné un autre sourire poli. "Il a été un peu absent d'esprit depuis que nous étions enfants. Ravie de vous rencontrer, vous devez être une amie de Miky. Mon nom est Alver." Alver accueillit, dans son esprit, applaudissant silencieusement et respirant profondément avec l'aide d'un sac en papier. L'entraînement de maman et Boss est payant. En plus de lire tous ces romans mystères de manga et de lire! Charmante, polie, mature... pas de panique, pas de drame, pas de crise cardiaque grave qui peut envoyer quelqu'un à l'hôpital. Tout va bien. Glancing à Niles petite sœur aux mots légèrement étouffés de Miky avec un visage bouffé. Alver s'est moqué du clivage. "Mhm ouais. Au moins, c'est une soirée chaude." Il s'est moqué, il n'a pas été défait. Tourner son regard quand Teddy est arrivé avec un Naruto genderbent. Pendant que Teddy prenait le rôle du père de Naruto, Minato Namikaze. Ils avaient l'air plutôt bons aussi. Lavande regard les regardant, légèrement souriant comme la femelle Naruto pratiquement maulé Harpy, il a froncé comme Julius a placé de l'alcool sur la table et à peu près leur a permis d'attraper certains d'entre eux si désiré. Alver d'autre part, ne se souciait pas de l'alcool pour plusieurs raisons. Un, n'a jamais touché le truc sauf qu'une fois il s'est fait curieux à cause de manga et a décidé de se faufiler et de prendre une gorgée du saké de sa mère. Ça ne s'est pas bien passé. La seconde, les médecins et la mère s'inquiétaient que ça le rende trop malade et finalement, il ne voulait pas vraiment risquer de perdre la tête. Quelqu'un a lu un manga avec des gens ivres?! Les Shenanigans arrivent! Évite tes shenanigans! Attendez. Il était là pour être un "ami" pour eux, n'est-ce pas? Dans plusieurs manga modernes, ou romans, les gens qui sont amis ont tendance à sortir boire. Alors, il était censé le faire? Est-ce ainsi que l'amitié a fonctionné? Se saouler et faire des shenanigans? Mais il ne voulait pas TP un quartier. C'est un gâchis de très bon papier toilette. Il n'a pas non plus voulu faire un désordre ivre devant Miky. Alver aurait plutôt l'air un peu compétent alors que le ol... Dumdum. Avec un soupir doux, il tourna son regard vers Zachary, le garçon d'anniversaire, même s'il n'était pas le gamin d'anniversaire. Fondamentalement ce que c'était. Ce qu'il dit est supposé par Alver.
Birthday October 31st Age 26 Formula and Sexuality Versatile and Homosexual Goal To be a little more out of shell. Do what friends do. Hangout and things. Or attempt to. Marriage/Family/Love Life Has been in one relationship four years ago. But he shut himself in after the break up. Has a grey she-cat named Miko. His father, having died when Alver was fifteen, was a kind man. While his mother still lives working as a policewoman. Rarely home. Occupation Writer/Manga Artist/Artist Appearance Height: 7'0 Weight: 160 lb Other prominent traits: His skin is ghostly pale, odd lavender colored eyes that occasionally change depending on the angle with the sunlight. White hair. Often wears a pair of glasses or contacts. Despite being tall, he's pretty skinny and almost looks fragile. But he can still pull off a judo move or two. Middleschool/Highschool Clique He's the nerdy, introvert sort of person. Past Crush He had a crush on Mikaela Winter during his school years. Alver felt a silent connection or familiarity towards his childhood friend. Perhaps because they both were... off in their own way. Bullied, misjudged. Alver didn't particularly have much hesitation when he figured out what he was feeling, and ended up confessing. Yet he was turned down. Heartbroken and crushed, he felt a bit bitter yet he just smiled in response. Then his father died, and the combination of grief assisted in secluding himself from everyone. Current Crush ----- Are you in contact with a Rose? No. Personality Alver is sort of quiet at first, mostly because he starts out suspicious of other people due to what his parents often warned him about and his previous encounters. Due to this, he can be sarcastic, sometimes a smart-ass, and let out a bit more of his dark sarcastic humor. He's also sometimes a bit mean and bitter when it comes to people who seem to feel overly sorry for themselves. He doesn't mean to be cruel, it just comes out that way. However, he's a pretty mature, sweet and kind boy who's rather calm most of the time. Pretty level headed, and doesn't enjoy fights. He's naturally curious and adventurous and enjoys wandering about often, seeming to ignore any possible danger. Although he doesn't have a lot of social skills and finds it difficult on how to talk to others, he does want other people's company even for a little bit. Having been secluded most of his life. But he's always willing to lend a friendly ear to those who feel down, giving his own friendly advice and opinions. Quite a fatherly/brotherly figure towards those younger than him. He loves flowers, stargazing, singing and playing the piano. As well as practicing Judo his father taught him. He also likes animals. Despite his overall kind nature, he can be mischievous and enjoys teasing others and has a little bit of dark humor. Despite others not usually enjoying his presence and sometimes hating his own appearance, he has a small bit of pride in his looks and never really attempts hiding his hair anymore, even growing it out into a longer length. He also enjoys taking advantage of those who are a bit scared of him from the 'demonic, ghost, vampire' rumors. He is however quite a bit naïve. Mostly a introvert during the day, and spending most of his time drawing or reading, he's not very good with technology or picking up certain things. He hasn't watched many movies, or adventured the internet other than strictly for work, sayings usually fly over his head, and he usually thinks his looks drive people away, so he never notices if people actually find him attractive. He's neat and organized, his house quite tidy and doesn't quite enjoy a mess. Though usually is the one who always cleans up even if the mess isn't his. Though he does enjoy wearing loose clothes as they are comfy. Likes cute things (including people). Short Bio On the day of Halloween, October 31st, gave birth to a boy with striking white hair and very pale white skin. Eyes a pretty light lavender color that often seemed to change color depending on where the light struck them. Sometimes lavender, sometimes a very light pale blue, and even a tinge of red people would say. His parents were quite shocked to see such a pale baby and wondered if he was just unhealthy, having never seen someone as pale as a ghost. He wasn't, the was just born with the gene of extremely rare pigments of a albino. So, his mother named him Alver, meaning "White" in Latin-American, along to fit with his last name, Rozu meaning Rose. His parents worried over his well being, as the doctors gave them proper diagnostics of possible defects of albinos, as well as studying their own research. They feared he would burn easily and wouldn't be able to see well since he had such low pigments in his eyes. So he was quite sheltered as a child. His parents often trying to keep him indoors and away from people, in fear of others reaction. As well as not wanting their son to burn easily or hurt his eyes further. Alver however was the curious sort. He wanted to go outside, play, interact with the other children. Including going to school like everybody else. In which case, his parents relented as long as he wore a hoodie, brought a umbrella and sunglasses with him. Of course this made him look a bit more awkward. His father died when Alver was fifteen, and his mother spends most her time working as a policewoman. Through his time in public school, he was often bullied for his looks. But he stayed around and put up with it so he could be with his friends. However, when his friendships fell apart... So did he. Unable to handle it and becoming bitter over people, he left public school to be home schooled. Shutting out the world and finding comfort in his own tiny one. When he was fifteen year old and he was out playing by himself, he was kidnapped by a group of shady people. His parents were of course on the case and hunted them down, however, during the rescue, Son Rozu was shot in the crossfire and bled out. He lost his father that day and he blames himself for it. This was what really made him shut and push everyone away. Not wanting to put others in danger just because of how he looked. He didn't want to see someone else bleed and die in front of him like his father. Especially someone he cared about. As a adult after his friendship broke with his childhood friends and his father's death, he more or less secluded himself from people as much as possible. Save the occasional few from work. Other *He has sensitive hearing and sense of smell. So he doesn't like loud places or strong smelling areas. *He likes to play piano and sing occasionally. *He enjoys cooking and is actually quite good at it. *He'a a bit of a clean freak and his house is kept tidy. *A habit of is that he takes care of others. Makes sure people are well fed, makes sure their clothes are straight, makes sure they have what they need. It's why he was taken advantage of by bullies as he'd usually 'help' them with their homework or give away his lunch. That and he his friends usually poked fun at how he could be a mother hen. *He has a high dislike/fear of any vehicle and usually avoids using them. *If ever he goes out in sunlight, he wears light colored clothes, sunglasses, and has a umbrella to protect himself. *He likes cloudy or rainy days. *He enjoys painting, and occasionally, he paints his childhood friends when they were kids. *He's quite the dork really. Loves manga and comic books and the occasional video game. Though most he can't quite play as his eyes can't handle them very well. Most of the older games he could though. Theme Song(s) Pompeii by Bastille Away From The Sun by 3 Doors Down Answer Coward Montblanc (Acquaintance / Friend / Close Friend / Best Friend / Love Interest / Boyfriend-Girlfriend / Ex / Enemy) Zachary Harper Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "When we were kids, Harpy and Miky were pretty much the kids of the group. I remember Harpy was so adorable and looked like such a girl. It's a reason I called him Harpy. For his last name and to tease his feminine features. Still, he was a bit of a baby and I often found myself trying to baby him. He was a bit of a scatter brain though. Honestly, I swear he needed other people to take care of him. I didn't really mind when he needed attention though... Hope at least nowadays he can stand on his own." Genie Fulton Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "If I was the calm one, GG the Pup was the temperamental one. He could get loud and I swear you even hint at a competition, he'd jump at the chance. He even tried to beat me at painting. That was messy. We'd butt heads occasionally, but to me he was like a large dog. Lots of barking, but was loyal and cute when he wanted to be. And despite his temperament, I knew he was someone I could rely on back then." Julius Graham Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "Awe Teddy. Such a cute kid. Despite the big guy he was lovable like a teddy bear. Adorable in his own way, course he didn't always enjoy it when I teased him about it. Always saying he was totally manly or something. But I liked him when he showed his true colors. When I painted, he would watch me sometimes, but whenever I offered for him to try, he'd just refuse. It was a pity. I still think of him fondly even now when I paint. Thinking his cheerful self would probably brighten this lonely house." Mikaela Winter Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend/First Crush "Miky... He had always been such a cutie. Despite being older then me, I just wanted to coddle him, protect him and make him smile. He was just so... Breathtaking is what comes to mind. It's hard to describe. When we were young, he spoke of such interesting fantasies sometimes. I wanted to paint them. Draw them. See what he saw. Course I couldn't quite replicate it, but it was nice trying. I was drawn to him unknowingly at first until we reached middle school years. Perhaps it was because his eyes were a little odd like mine... Or he was just odd as I was. So I got a little brave with some encouragement and confessed. I was rejected however. I knew that such a thing was possible, but I guess in my heart I was hoping for something straight out of a romantic book or a shounen manga. I also didn't realize how much it would hurt. And it really hurt. Cause the combination of fear, guilt, and bitterness held my heart. I was afraid I had just ruined our life long friendship. Guilty that I made Miky uncomfortable... And bitter that he didn't accept me. I knew it wasn't his fault, I did really. I hated myself for thinking that. I didn't want my friends to see the disgusting side of me. So I ran away. Like a coward and just ended up destroying my friendships. Thinking to myself 'they are better off without me. No one needs me. I'll just do what my kind does. Ghosts disappear.' So that's what I did. Disappear from their lives, letting them live them. It was fine. I'll be okay alone. Everything was better that way." Niles Blake Past and Present Relationship: Childhood Friend "Coolio was a fun kid. He generally was just fun to be around. A bit silly.. Whenever we got in trouble, he was pretty much the one that talked us out of it. Then was able to laugh about it later. I had to fix his hair sometimes. It always felt he just royally messed it up. He just laughed at about anything though. It warmed the heart really." Lucas Adolf Past and Present Relationship: Ex-Boyfriend "He's crude... insensitive... a jerk... and at times cruel. Yet he could show such kindness sometimes. He always had a talent at pulling my heartstrings. Guess in a way... he gave me a sense of belonging."
À la surprise de Zac, la seule personne qui n'était pas encore arrivée était Genie. Tout le monde était là. L'excitation a rempli l'enfant homme pendant qu'il regardait tout le monde interagir. Il ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir un peu nostalgique. Alver était un chevalier en armure brillante. J'ai peut-être besoin de lui donner un changement de vêtements... Micah était un... une teinte rose très visible sur le joli garçon à la peau pâle quand son senpai a trébuché dans une robe de mariée. Ses réflexes n'étaient pas aussi rapides qu'Alver. Euh, je ne savais pas que Micks était dans ce genre de truc... Il a l'air bien, mais il a peut-être besoin de changer de vêtements. Zac n'avait aucune idée de l'arrière-plan et de la tension entre ces deux-là. Alver était assez éloquent aujourd'hui, mais Micah était à peu près le même petit homme qu'il connaissait il y a des années, avec un regard plus sage dans son regard hétérochromie, Hahah, Alver est assez grand, pas vrai Miki?. Son cœur s'est soudainement effondré avec le site de Niles et de sa compagne. Ils étaient beaux ensemble. Bien sûr, Zac ne savait pas ce qu'ils faisaient, mais même sans le costume, ces deux-là devraient se tenir ensemble. La femme était absolument stupéfiante et Niles a vraiment grandi pour être un tel charmeur et probablement une tueuse de dames. Un couple royal sans aucun doute. Avec le blush encore apparent sur son visage, il a apporté sa main à sa poitrine et détourné son regard loin des Nils et à... Rébecca?! Qu'est-ce que tu portes? C'était une fête costumée, oui, mais c'est cinglé. Elle semblait très impressionnée par l'homme vêtu de dentelle, de soie et de blanc. Un sourire courbé sur le visage de Zac quand Alver a accidentellement appelé Nils 'NiNi'. Peut-être la reconstruction de vieilles amitiés était-elle possible? Le monde et les pensées de Zac s'arrêtèrent quand une personne subitement chargée de lui ou bien, se précipita en lui. Un peu de sexe plié Naruto? Oh, c'est ça! C'est la petite amie de Jules? Par habitude d'attraper Scarlet à plusieurs reprises, Zac a enveloppé ses bras autour d'Erica pour s'assurer qu'elle était stable. "Ça va?" Il chuchotait. Elle avait une odeur persistante d'alcool délicieux émis de sa bouche, ce qui lui donnait une envie de boire sa propre boisson. Erica était certainement en avance sur le jeu en termes de se saouler. Au moins, elle s'amuse. Tout en tenant la petite fille, Zac a donné un pouce à Jules pour avoir apporté de l'alcool, "Tu as toujours eu mon dos, mec!" Cette fête était étonnamment plus calme qu'il ne s'y attendait... Pendant ce temps, Vince se tint silencieux et prit des photos de tout le monde, principalement Mikaela, qui le fascinait sans fin. Claquant à elle-même, Gabriella applaudit joyeusement à la vue de vieux visages et de nouveaux : « Je suis si contente que vous ayez tous pu y arriver! On peut jouer au rattrapage pendant qu'on mange. Je ne vous ai pas vus depuis des années!" Son petit ami était conscient qu'elle n'a probablement pas informé aucun des invités qu'elle s'était déplacée pendant le lycée, donc avec une voix basse, tout en saisissant une autre photo de Micah mignon, il a murmuré, "C'est Gabriel, au fait. Ou bien, maintenant Gabriella. Fondamentalement Zac s'il était une fille." "Hé!" "Tu sais que c'est vrai. Il suffit de mettre des extensions et de s'habiller," le pirate mâle taquiné. Zac n'a jamais admis qu'il avait été mannequin pour Vince avec sa sœur comme fille pour le site du photographe et des projets personnels... ni qu'il n'a admis qu'il ne voulait pas s'habiller comme une fille de temps en temps. Ignorant le taquinage, l'homme aux cheveux foncés inaugura ses amis pour le suivre alors qu'il les conduisait à l'un des endroits où manger, ce qui était étonnamment agréable pour un centre de divertissement. DADDZ FUN ZONE a parlé de terrain de jeu moderne et de haute technologie pour les enfants de tous âges, mais s'adresse fortement aux jeunes adultes qui veulent s'assurer qu'ils ont encore leur jeunesse Spun en eux. Cette salle en particulier avait toutes les anciennes machines de jeu d'arcade comme Pacman, Streetfighter II, Starfire, et etc. Il y avait des travailleurs âgés de 18 ans et plus stationnés dans tout le bâtiment, bavardant et jouant à des jeux (comme le hockey aérien) alors qu'ils attendaient le début du spectacle. Jules avait payé plus qu'assez pour l'électricité pour que même les ouvriers puissent s'amuser. Cet endroit avait vraiment l'air d'une grande fête. M. Cooper a laissé un message sur le mur pour Zac : Merci pour les bonnes affaires! Amusez-vous et amusez-vous! Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez avant dimanche. Quelques membres du personnel ont déjà mis une longue table avec des apéritifs et des sous-produits, quelque chose de léger mais assez rempli pour eux afin qu'ils ne passent pas trop de temps à manger. De plus, Zac a eu des surprises pour plus tard. Avec Erica collé à sa hanche et le joli garçon incapable de s'éloigner d'elle, Zac sourit à ses invités, "S'il vous plaît! Asseyez-vous où vous voulez. Les glacières sont là-bas." Il se déplaça dans une arche qui conduisit à une barre sans surveillance, avec deux refroidisseurs devant elle. L'un avec de la bière et l'autre avec des boissons non alcoolisées. "Si vous voulez bien m'excuser une seconde..." Avec tout son pouvoir, il s'est arraché de la main d'Erica et lui a donné un sourire réconfortant, "Je serai de retour." En quittant la pièce, il se dirigea vers la cuisine vide et respira profondément : « Sois cool Zac! Cette nuit ira bien. Arrête d'être si nerveux." En allant au frigo, il l'a ouvert pour révéler un gâteau d'anniversaire pour Alver qui disait: Joyeux jour d'Halloween, Alver! J'espère qu'Al ne s'en souciait pas. Zac a cueilli un gâteau neutre qui pourrait être aimé par beaucoup de gens. Si les gens ne le voulaient pas, il y avait toujours un assortiment de biscuits et de cupcakes. Il ferma le frigo et s'en alla dans une armoire où il cacha sa propre bouteille d'alcool, un verre, et son sac à dos, qui tenait qui sait quoi! Versant de la tequila dans le verre, il soupira et fixa son poison. En haut. Une chance. Deux balles... Peut-être qu'il devrait attendre la troisième? En retirant l'alcool, il secoua les mains et se prépara à devenir un hôte formidable. Enlevant son chapeau, il l'a placé sur le comptoir et a couru les mains dans ses cheveux, pensant à ce qu'il dirait à côté de ses vieux amis. Les mots étaient importants s'il voulait les voir plus que pour aujourd'hui... Pendant ce temps, Gabriella essayait d'amener Vince à prendre sa photo avec tout le monde. « Avant que vous partiez tous, nous devrons faire une photo de grand groupe! Et puis un plus petit pour les vieux camarades. Peut-être quand Zac est de retour d'où il est allé." "Le plan de jeu est que nous mangeons, Zac a un petit quelque chose pour ses vieux bourgeons, puis nous allons tous où que ce soit et nous amusons nous-mêmes. Tout ce que cet endroit a à offrir a été payé par Julius, donc pas besoin de s'inquiéter de vous limiter." "Mon frère a beaucoup réfléchi à ça... Bien sûr, il n'est pas parfait et il est toujours un enfant au cœur, mais il a travaillé son cul juste pour obtenir cet endroit pour nous-mêmes, moins tous les travailleurs, mais vous avez ce que je veux dire."
- snipped - roleplay closed -
Il n'était pas normal pour Micah de maudire bien sûr, et il l'a fait encore moins maintenant que Luc était dans sa vie, mais la pauvre robe portant l'homme ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de voir le grand chaud Alver avait obtenu. Ses yeux se rétrécissaient et un regard inquiet glissa sur le visage de Mikaela. Était-il vraiment en colère, était-ce quelque chose de vraiment important pour lui et il venait de chier dessus, n'est-ce pas...?! Alver a commencé à lui pincer les deux joues, apparemment les réflexes de Micah n'étaient pas à la hauteur. La mariée a glissé les mains pour éloigner les gantés d'Alver de son visage, les yeux qui se taisent, "Mère, lâche-toi!" Hank n'avait jamais rencontré quelqu'un comme Alver. Mikaela lui-même avait toujours été étrange, mais il semblait que tout son ami d'enfance était bizarre, "Oh um, salut! Oui, je suis Hank. Je vois cette absence d'esprit de temps en temps. Quoi qu'il en soit, Micah m'a demandé de... "Al! Ce n'est pas très gentil à dire. Et Hank, tu veux bien la fermer? J'étais censé être cool quand je suis arrivé, mais vous avez tout gâché!" Il a essayé d'empoigner son pied pour faire un point, seulement à partir des vibrations du terrain pour le faire trembler. Il ressemblait encore plus à une fille dont l'expression était si vulnérable. Hank a couvert sa bouche de rire. Julius est arrivé bientôt aussi et Micah n'a pas pu s'en empêcher. Même si le gars avait l'air totalement génial dans son costume Minato Namikaze, et que Minato était l'un des personnages préférés de Mikaela de Naruto, le gars avait été le principal à lui mentir sur qui venait. Et pas seulement que toute l'équipe d'enfance était là, il y avait aussi beaucoup plus de gens. L'inconfort de Mikaela était à travers le toit. Le garçon n'avait même pas remarqué Vince prendre des photos. La fille de Naruto est allée parler à Zac, apparemment trébuchant sur elle-même, mais Micah était concentré sur le 4e Hokage qui apportait une énorme quantité d'alcool. Tout père qui avait régulièrement de l'alcool était une personne horrible. Micah lui-même était un poids léger et les seules fois où il avait été en train de boire étaient avec Hank. Hank était un bon buveur... jusqu'à son cinquième verre, puis dormait comme un bébé. Non, Micah ne pensait pas qu'il prendrait de l'alcool ce soir. - C'est pas vrai. Mikaela a regardé pour voir une fille qui ressemblait exactement à Zac, est-ce que Gabriel s'habillait en croix? Mais il y avait eu cette information dans l'email... puis le garçon a entendu Vince parler pendant... prendre une photo de lui?! Le visage de Micah est devenu rouge et il a essayé de cacher son visage, glissant derrière Alver pour se protéger. Non, c'est pas vrai. Il n'a pas laissé quelqu'un capturer ses yeux hideux avec une caméra, peut-être que c'était juste une mauvaise idée. Gabriel... était une fille maintenant? C'était bien avec Micah, les photos étaient une affaire plus pressante après tout. Alors qu'ils commençaient à se diriger vers l'endroit, Micah ne pouvait s'empêcher de courir pour les machines, en oubliant complètement la caméra. Tous les jeux qu'il jouait quand il était enfant! Un grand sourire s'est manifesté sur le visage de l'homme plus court. Il a balayé la main d'Alver dans ses bras, voulant aller contre son vieil ami d'enfance. Comme au bon vieux temps... ouais!
Name Mikaela Winter Nickname Micah Birthday November 7th Age 29 Formula and Sexuality Uke II Heterosexual turned bisexual Goal Be able to support his son and give him the life he deserves. To be able to connect with his true "family" again. Family (Third person POV from his father's perspective) The Winter Family is known for being one of the most prestigious families of Willow Valley. They only had one boy they named Mikaela after the boy's great grandfather. His father never really approved of him, and did everything to kick that unpredictable imagination out of him and groom him into the successor he was meant to be. During middle school, this behavior got worse, his son was mixing up fantasy and reality. Thinking that these would be his last free years, his father let him be on his own. Once Mikaela arrived in high school, work was to be done. He had private tutors that would make him work all the hours of the night after school. He was always made to be in the top three places in school. Someone was influencing the successor, his grades were dropping drastically, he would shut himself into his room after school. He came home one day with cuts all over his face... His father immediately sent him to a boarding school. His heir would not be so weak! After two years of schooling, Mikaela pleaded with his father to let him come home, be with his mother who was having arthritis, gaining the proper social skills of an adult. Mikaela was allowed to go to a public college. There he met Emily, his forbidden love. His father tried to reason with his successor, the vixen was praying on his weak son. Finally, his father threw him out, disowning him. Once his wife was out of the picture. Mikaela's father did reach out a hand to his dreadful son, saying he would forget the past and adopt Luke, but Mikaela refused. Marriage/Love During college, Mikaela met a girl named Emily that was his only hope in the world. His angel was just a normal college girl that could never be accepted by his parents. Mikaela was disowned from the family, but he didn't care. Mikaela was married for a short period of three years from when he was 22 to 26, but his wife died 3 years ago. Emily had been suffering from a hereditary heart disease since she was young and passed away with no other family. He had one baby boy named Luke. Mikaela never did have any other relationship besides his marriage. There was a time in middle school... But that never did go anywhere. His son was born with lighter lavender eyes that came from his father and blonde hair. Luke has a habit of milking his cuteness, but always ends up taking care of his papa. Luke is exceptional at cleaning and housework, more of the time taking care of his dad than the other way around. Occupation During the daytime he works as the manager for a small bar/coffee shop. At night he works as a waiter at his friend's high-class restaurant "Tonnelli's Italian Cuisine Restaurant." His sweet old lady neighbor Jocelyn takes care of his son while he's out at night. At his coffee shop job he wears contacts that make his eye color blue. He leaves them off for his waiter job in order to get extra tips. Sometimes he would make up some inventions he would use around the shop. He was a decent gadget handy man as well. Appearance At the height of 5'4" he's a bit on the short side. He tries his best to keep the average weight of 125, but his weight is always lowering due to his high metabolism. The thing that stands out most about his appearance is his two different colored eyes. His right eye is a mint green, while his left is a deep lavender. he also has a burn scar on his left leg when he saved Luke from dropping a pot of boiling water on his head. He has strawberry blonde hair that is sickeningly straight and he usually leaves it to its own devices. Style: Not really being the fashionable type, Mikaela usually wore whatever his father ordered him to wear. All of his fantasies were kept in his head. He always had the baby face of his. Some people wondered if he ever did go through puberty in the first place, it seemed like he only grew taller and that was it. His voice changed seemed to be gradual and no one could really notice when it came to his normal voice now. Middleschool Clique "The one everyone leaves alone." Mikaela was the kind of person that was always staring off into space and caught in a day dream. In his earlier years of middle school, he was bullied a lot. He kept it a secret from the people around him and slowly all the bullies grew tired of him. The girls at school liked him for his mysterious look, but would leave him alone when they found out he would either talk for days about what he was thinking of, or just ignore them caught in some other delusion. He was always working on some kind of trinket that no one could understand. Highschool Clique "The Freak" It wasn't until high school that he met Jonah. No one had really gotten that psychological and that cruel when they bullied him in middle school. The teenager seemed to always have this sweet happy smile on his face, appearing to others as a good friend of Mikaela's. There were quite a bunch of misunderstandings with it. He would label Micah as a freak, someone that only had the purpose to disgust people. He might grow up to have money, but he'd just become the puppet with his father pulling the strings. Jonah wrecked at his mental state more and more. Mikaela became so withdrawn from reality it messed with his health. Was that a dragon peeking from around the corner? Did the walls just start to close in? Day in and day out was a terror. It was one day when Micah was so out of touch with reality he was unresponsive to Jonah. Getting angrier and angrier, the sadistic bully carved light lines into the other's face. It stung a little, but his words as he sliced him cut far deeper. When Mikaela came home, his father shipped him off to boarding school. He gained more confidence during those years. Mikaela realized he didn't want to carry on his father's legacy. He would do everything to make his father happy... then slip out right from under him. Past Crush He had a deep crush on Genie that he could never explain. Yes, there was no way he could like another man! But... this was Genie... All the boys might have caught on to his affection, but he never did confess. When they were in middle school, Alver confessed to him. Mikaela didn't know what to do. He had been caught at one point reading something with suggested homosexual tendencies. The boy... he had been locked in the closet all night after that. He wasn't gay! That wouldn't happen... Not as long as he lived under that household. Mikaela did his best to soften the blow of his rejection, but it didn't seem to work. Current Crush --- Are you in contact with a Rose? No Personality The boy always seems to be thinking up some new kind of fantasy as a kid. Before he met his childhood friends, he would spend hours staring at the wall and dreaming up new fantasies. He is a lazy bum who can't seem to clean anything right. He was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, but when he is able to focus enough, he's able to cook well. Mikaela loves being around people who all care for each other, they help bring his fantasies to reality. He may not show it, but smiles are all he wants to give other people. He also sees the world a lot differently from other people. Each different sound has a shade of color, and there are all beautiful. He always believed that Zac's blue voice was the prettiest though. Mikaela may seem distant to you now. When he talks to people, he puts on a facade of being super happy, keeping a save emotional distance between the two of you. If he doesn't try hard enough, he usually keeps a straight face all the time, and that creeps people out. Because of his time in high school, he does his best to distance himself. Micah doesn't want people to find out about his fantasies, he doesn't want to call him strange or a freak. He has a son to take care of. Luke and his friend Hank are the only ones around him that know about his daydreaming. Since he isn't good at housework, his son picks up the slack, he's usually taking a nap at home or playing with his son. Short Bio Mikaela never seemed to be fit for the heir to the Winter family. His eyes seemed to be two different colors and he was always off in his own world. His father thought of him as weak and would force him to study all the time. Micah didn't care too much about that, since studying wasn't that bad, whenever he wasn't studying, he was off in his fantasies. In his family, no one knew his true emotions, because he was so bad at showing them on his face. But then he met his first friends, the ones he actually called his family. They all seemed to be younger than him, but they unconsciously taught him how to express himself. He would laugh and play like a normal boy, which his parents had never seen before. Mikaela's favorite place was the club house, that was the only place he would ever go to when he final felt the pressures of his family. But... Everyone left. He couldn't handle the stress of rejecting Alver, the one he thought of as his "family's" mother. Mikaela realized what he was leaving, but he just couldn't handle it. His fantasies were his only company after that. After the intense bullying from Jonah, Mikaela was shipped off to boarding school. There was no way he could leave everything he'd known just to be under his father's thumb. If he had learned anything from Jonah, it was that he was going to turn into the puppet if he didn't do anything. Mikaela convinced his parents to let him go back to college in Willow Valley. There he was able to not be the most popular, but not be the loner either. He was able to meet Hank his freshman year and start his first proper friendship in forever. Jonah didn't go to his college so he didn't have any influence there. His second year... he met Emily. His beautiful angel, the one he hoped to spend his life with. They did everything together. Micah decided to marry her the first chance he got. But his parents said no way. Mikaela was the heir, he was to have an arranged marriage and take over the family business... but he fought back full force. His father got so pissed that he disowned his own son, not caring that he wouldn't have an heir anymore. Those next few years seemed to be his happiest after his childhood memories. They didn't have much money, but they made due and had a son right away. Luke was a reincarnation of his mother... but that must have been why she died from a heart attack. Mikaela was able to bounce back out of his depression because of Luke. He was able to stay firm and not let his parents take Luke away from him. To support his son, Mikaela worked extra hours as a waiter at a rather high-class restaurant. He devoted his life completely to his son... Jonah was back. He had gone and gotten a master's degree from his college and came back just to torture Micah. He came around now and again to wreck at Mikaela's mental state. He never did really fight back against Jonah, the only times he did was when Jonah said things about Luke. Jonah... the man came by one night while Luke was at a sleepover. He was outrageously drunk and overpowered Mikaela, raping him and sprouting insults left and right. Even Jonah felt a little bit bad about that when he woke up, so he paid Mikaela a hefty amount of money to keep him quiet and half-seriously joked about them doing it again every so often.
Haldan, un petit village sur la route entre Orchyre et Aunden "Soyez plus prudent avec elle." La voix était profonde. À plat. Puissant. Même sans aucune émotion dans les mots, il y avait une certaine mélodie au ton, une mélodie qui faisait qu'on se sentait obligé d'obéir à son message. Le propriétaire de la voix était, étrangement pour son grondement profond et la puissance naissante qu'il projetait, un homme bien en dessous de la hauteur moyenne portant des robes de patchwork de noir, vert et rouge de sang avec son visage caché par l'ombre d'un noir, large bordé chapeau de voyageur. Une autre bizarrerie, et presque comiquement grande pour le wielder si ce n'est pour la menace d'une mort inévitable rayonnant de sa lame, était la frappe de combat massive attaché au dos de l'orateur. Il brillait entre un rouge profond, noir et la couleur naturelle de l'acier comme si c'était une chose vivante. Les esclaves de l'homme ont trempé leurs têtes pourries ombreuses, ralentissant leur rythme afin qu'ils puissent tenir leur victime plus en sécurité. Quatre d'entre eux l'ont portée, une femme d'âge moyen portant un tablier blanc sur une tunique verte couverte de boue. Elle semblait être une herboriste ou un apothicaire, mais pour l'homme court et ses esclaves, c'était la marque de la Charte sur son front qui leur donnait de la valeur. Les figures chaotiques ont légèrement lâché la femme, lui tapant déjà la tête en sang contre un rocher et la faisant gémir dans son inconscient. L'homme sifflait et ils s'éloignaient de lui, craignant pour leur vie déjà perdue. "Je t'ai dit d'être prudent avec elle! Elle a besoin d'être vivante pour cela." Ils l'ont hissée de nouveau et ont continué jusqu'à leur destination: une pierre Charter juste à côté de la route principale. Au-delà, il y avait des falaises qui coulaient brusquement pour rencontrer le voir, le soleil tombant sous l'horizon alors que la nuit venait complètement sur eux. Enfin les serviteurs obscurs ne pouvaient plus faire et jetèrent la femme vers le bas avant de se hâter de la puissance de la pierre qui les repoussait. Les Morts ne pouvaient que fermer la pierre avant que le pouvoir qui les liait aux cadavres qu'ils habitaient ne soit désintégré et qu'ils soient ramenés dans la Mort. Gesturant impatiemment à sa droite, vers la pierre, l'homme a ordonné à une bande de villageois portant une torche de continuer le grisly procession à la pierre. Ils n'avaient aucun signe de manipulation magique, apparemment au service du petit nécromant de leur propre libre arbitre. Quelques-uns regardaient l'homme, ou plutôt les cloches serrées sur sa poitrine, avec des visages pâles, mais ils gardaient leur emploi; il était bien payé après tout. Ils ramenèrent la femme contre la pierre, tenant à sa place alors que leur maître de paie commençait son rituel. - C'est quoi, ça? Le quartier des marchands, Belisaere "Viens, Elaeriel. Nous n'avons pas le temps d'être dans un endroit comme celui-ci." La jeune femme, vêtue d'une tunique à la mode avec un pantalon en cuir serré, ne portait aucune expression en réponse à ces mots, suivant sa mère qui était ornée d'une robe plus traditionnelle et assez de bijoux pour acheter chaque maison dans la rue. Dans son esprit, elle s'interrogeait sur ce que «un endroit comme celui-ci» était censé suggérer au sujet de leur environnement, mais avait immédiatement décidé qu'il valait mieux ne pas l'évoquer. Sa mère n'avait pas le temps de poser des questions et ne s'attendait qu'à l'obéissance de sa progéniture. "Mère, quel est le but de cette visite?" Elaeriel a demandé, devenant fatiguée d'être carrassée autour de la ville par sa mère. Tout d'abord, il s'agissait d'une couturière, puis d'un bijoutier et maintenant ils se dirigeaient vers une connaissance de sa mère. La jeune femme avait un sentiment d'enfoncement de ce que voulait sa mère, probablement en essayant d'adoucir le coup en montrant ses magnifiques robes, colliers et anneaux, mais malheureusement de telles choses n'avaient guère d'importance pour quelqu'un qui avait de telles choses disposées avant plentiment toute sa vie. Sa mère aux yeux aiguisés, aux yeux aiguisés et aux yeux tout aussi aigus s'arrêta brusquement et arrondit sa jeune fille pour révéler une expression féroce. Elaeriel s'était habituée à ce regard dans les yeux de sa mère, à peine réprimée rage qui était probablement supposée suggérer sérieux mais n'a pas travaillé sur quelqu'un qui l'avait vu trop souvent. "Nous allons au manoir du maître Goldsmith. C'est peut-être au-delà de notre poste d'envisager de se marier avec une telle famille, mais ils ont suffisamment de fonds pour réunir une armée. Vous pourriez difficilement demander à vivre plus confortablement que wi-" "Tu ne peux pas me forcer." Elaeriel a coupé sa mère de façon pointue, sa voix courbée et tout aussi commandante que la matriarche de leur famille de branche. "Vous et votre père semblez oublier que la Reine a interdit les mariages arrangés contre lesquels la mariée ou le marié étaient opposés. Je n'aurai pas encore cette dispute avec vous. Je trouverai mon propre chemin de retour." Ignorant les menaces hantées de sa mère, Elaeriel tourna son talon et se prosterna dans la foule, se mêlant et disparaissant. Sa mère resta là où elle était, son visage pourpre avec rage sous le masque blanc du maquillage, entouré par ses gardes à la recherche de tous les assassins d'une famille rivale. -- Est-ce que je vais la chercher, madame? Un des gardes demanda, mais la matriarche de la famille se dirigeait déjà vers la maison du maître Goldsmith. "Non, bientôt elle n'aura pas le choix. Elle verra ça."
Name: Elaeriel (Ell-air-ehl) Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance/Physical Description: Elaeriel is much paler than the other members of her branch family, although they all have the dark hair commonly associated with the Abhorsens; a trait passed down through the generations. Her eyes are a bright blue giving her a ghostly appearance when contrasted with her white skin. Her raven black hair is straight and nearly always tied back into a ponytail, so as not to get in the way during her day-to-day activities. Of average height, standing at five foot seven inches tall, Elaeriel often finds herself towered over by other members of her family, especially the men who stand at well over six foot. She has a slight but athletic build, most of her life spent being trained for any of the potential jobs she might be given should her family take power at the end of the Queen's reign. Her clothing she chooses fastidiously and dependent on the occasion. When in the Royal Palace she wears silk dresses, although eschews the makeup that most of her fellow women apply as she also spends a great deal of her day actively and as such finds the time spent applying it badly spent. When not in the Palace she tends to dress herself in tight leather riding trousers and a tunic top, usually of a cool colour such as green or blue, with appropriate jacket or shawl dependent on the weather. Personality: Serious and focussed, Elaeriel has spent her entire life being taught that she must be prepared for just about any role. And not just be capable but be good at it. This leads her to be overly serious when it comes to seemingly minor tasks, applying her desire for perfection to anything she faces. That being said, she is relaxed in conversation although a bit awkward when not talking in an official capacity. Having had very few real friends, as opposed to family friends or cousins who could be potential enemies, she lacks the ability to interact with strangers easily and without suspicion. History/Background: Born into one of the seven branch families of the Royal Line, Elaeriel is the third and youngest child of her parents. Her eldest brother, in his mid-twenties, is her family's best hope to succeed the Queen and as such she is somewhat eclipsed in any of her achievements. That is not to say that she has been ignored, having been given the best education in almost all matters so she can do her part to secure her family's future. Her life has been spent amongst cousins who could one day in the future seek to have her killed or could become her partner should her parents and theirs decide it was in their best interests to ally. As such she has had no close friendships and speaks almost exclusively in diplomatic tones; polite and amiable but with little to no sincerity. Elaeriel hates this life, feeling trapped in machinations she has no interest in with her existence to be a pawn in a much greater game that she wants to escape. Visits from the Abhorsen have always been something she looks forward to, allowing her to escape the confines of the subtle game to hear of the necromancer's adventures and the wider world. She had often pleaded for permission to visit the Abhorsen's House but she was never let out of the sight of her parents or their servants, lest something happen to her and put them at a disadvantage. She is currently spending most of her days with the Royal physician, learning various methods of healing outside of the Charter and how to spot non-spelled poisons; a vital skill for when she has a spouse her parents assure her. Skills: She is a skilled charter mage, having been taught it by a succession of guards, Charter Mages of every discipline and even the Abhorsen himself for a short time. Her skill is entirely through the tutelage she has been given rather than an innate ability, although her bloodline gives her a closer connection to the Charter than many enjoy and as such she finds it easier to reach for. She has walked through the first two gates, although always with someone more skilled in the art at her side, and knows the use of the bells, and other musical instruments well, but only in a theoretical sense. Aside from this she has skill with bow and blade, specifically with a rapier or any other light weapon, and has spent years on horseback. She is, however, not used to longer journeys and has little experience of living in anything but the lap of luxury.
Toriel fixa son père... dans une flaque de sang pourris. Elle était là, tenant un boisseau de fleurs qu'elle lui avait apporté. C'était des tournesols. Il aimait les tournesols. Elle laissa tomber les fleurs et marcha vers lui, dans un labyrinthe. "" elle a dit, comme une poupée cassée. Elle a trébuché sur une épée, son épée, et est tombée dans la flaque, ses manches blanches s'imprégnant de sang rouge. Elle pleurnichait et rampait plus près. En essayant d'appeler à l'aide, elle a envoyé une fusée de Charter Magic, par la fenêtre cassée. En tenant la tête dans les mains de ses pères, elle a essayé de s'asseoir et de secouer violemment, attendant que quelqu'un voie la torche pour obtenir de l'aide.
Name: Toriel(toe-ree-ehl) Gender: female Age: 16 Appearance/Physical Description: She has red hair, short, like a boy's cut. Her eyes are a vivid blue, that seem to glow. She is tiny and fragile looking, at a meager five feet tall and very thin. She has an A-cup chest and wears simple black tunics over white long-sleeved blouses with full sleeves. Her pants are brown, leather riding pants and she wears black boots. She carries a Charter Spelled blade and a pack of oddities. Being a descendant of the Wall-Makers, she tends to make little Charter items. Personality: Very kind and soft spoken. Tends to avoid conflicts and tries to hide from bad things. She hums randomly, dazed and staring off into the distance or tinkering with items. A little goofy, she'll randomly hug or sniff people. History/Background: She comes from Belisaere and is very knowledgeable of the cities architecture and streets. She knows all the hidden passages and shortcuts. She was raised to be creative and free, by a kind and loving father. She has little knowledge of her mother, but knows she lives somewhere in the Wilds. Right now, she wanders about the city. She came home before, to find her father dead in a puddle of crimson blood. She's in a daze and needs help... Skills: VERY skilled with Charter magic, knowing quite a bit more than most. Her father was a Blessed Charter Mage and he taught her well. She sucks at fighting, though.
Navires Le chef du village, un vieil homme, s'est précipité pour rencontrer l'aile à papier qui s'est abattue avec la grâce d'un oiseau vivant, ses yeux se fermant comme la magie de la Charte qui l'a propulsée et le cavalier est monté régulièrement hors du transport. Il était habillé pour la bataille avec les symboles traditionnels de sa lignée estimée, mais la lenteur de ses mouvements ne pouvait être confondue que pour ce que c'était : la vieillesse. Sa barbe était un gris d'orage tout comme ses cheveux serrés mais il y avait une force dans son corps et bien qu'il se déplaçât prudemment il y avait de la force et un but dans ses actions; ce vieux Abhorsen avait encore beaucoup de vie en lui. "Où?" Il a demandé, bientôt. Le chef du village a hurlé, ne remettant pas en question le manque d'estime de son visiteur. Quand l'Abhorsen est venu dans une épingle à papier habillée pour la bataille, à l'air fatigué d'un long voyage, alors les plaisanteries n'étaient qu'une perte de temps. Le chef guida l'Abhorsen jusqu'à l'endroit où deux chevaux étaient détenus par ses compagnons villageois, également montés sur leurs propres animaux. Ils étaient des bêtes de travail, bas et lents, par opposition aux galopers maigres messagers et guerriers utilisés, mais ils serviraient leur but assez bien. La pierre de charte étant regardée par deux autres villageois, un peu hors de la ville et plus près du village du chef, mais en raison des forêts épaisses tout autour, il avait été plus facile pour l'Abhorsen d'atterrir à Navis et de continuer à pied ou à cheval. "Rien encore." L'aîné du couple les accueillit, voyant leurs visages sinistres mais déterminés. "Le corps semble avoir été là quelques bons jours maintenant." L'Abhorsen est allé seul et à pied pour examiner la pierre et le cadavre encore crucifié sur elle. Il a encerclé la pierre avant de gesticuler pour que le chef du village se joigne à lui. Tous les villageois avaient l'air malades à cause de leur proximité de la pierre brisée de la Charte, mais le chef avait beaucoup manié à son époque et n'avait fait aucun signe de son malaise. "Avez-vous vu des morts?" L'Abhorsen a demandé et l'homme a hurlé. -- Oui, monsieur. Pas beaucoup et hors du village proprement dit, monsieur. Quand on rentre, il ne reste plus rien, aucune trace. Leurs traces s'arrêtent, comme s'ils avaient disparu. Un jeune garçon dit qu'il a vu une fille camper par ici. Il dit qu'elle avait des cloches sur elle, monsieur." Il a prononcé les derniers mots dans un murmure comme si mentionner les dispositifs pourrait faire tomber les morts sur eux. L'Abhorse regarda la pierre, se déplaçant les épaules alors qu'il se préparait à l'exhertion devant lui. "Voyez si votre jeune garçon peut la retrouver. Je vais avoir besoin de lui parler."
Name: Elaeriel (Ell-air-ehl) Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance/Physical Description: Elaeriel is much paler than the other members of her branch family, although they all have the dark hair commonly associated with the Abhorsens; a trait passed down through the generations. Her eyes are a bright blue giving her a ghostly appearance when contrasted with her white skin. Her raven black hair is straight and nearly always tied back into a ponytail, so as not to get in the way during her day-to-day activities. Of average height, standing at five foot seven inches tall, Elaeriel often finds herself towered over by other members of her family, especially the men who stand at well over six foot. She has a slight but athletic build, most of her life spent being trained for any of the potential jobs she might be given should her family take power at the end of the Queen's reign. Her clothing she chooses fastidiously and dependent on the occasion. When in the Royal Palace she wears silk dresses, although eschews the makeup that most of her fellow women apply as she also spends a great deal of her day actively and as such finds the time spent applying it badly spent. When not in the Palace she tends to dress herself in tight leather riding trousers and a tunic top, usually of a cool colour such as green or blue, with appropriate jacket or shawl dependent on the weather. Personality: Serious and focussed, Elaeriel has spent her entire life being taught that she must be prepared for just about any role. And not just be capable but be good at it. This leads her to be overly serious when it comes to seemingly minor tasks, applying her desire for perfection to anything she faces. That being said, she is relaxed in conversation although a bit awkward when not talking in an official capacity. Having had very few real friends, as opposed to family friends or cousins who could be potential enemies, she lacks the ability to interact with strangers easily and without suspicion. History/Background: Born into one of the seven branch families of the Royal Line, Elaeriel is the third and youngest child of her parents. Her eldest brother, in his mid-twenties, is her family's best hope to succeed the Queen and as such she is somewhat eclipsed in any of her achievements. That is not to say that she has been ignored, having been given the best education in almost all matters so she can do her part to secure her family's future. Her life has been spent amongst cousins who could one day in the future seek to have her killed or could become her partner should her parents and theirs decide it was in their best interests to ally. As such she has had no close friendships and speaks almost exclusively in diplomatic tones; polite and amiable but with little to no sincerity. Elaeriel hates this life, feeling trapped in machinations she has no interest in with her existence to be a pawn in a much greater game that she wants to escape. Visits from the Abhorsen have always been something she looks forward to, allowing her to escape the confines of the subtle game to hear of the necromancer's adventures and the wider world. She had often pleaded for permission to visit the Abhorsen's House but she was never let out of the sight of her parents or their servants, lest something happen to her and put them at a disadvantage. She is currently spending most of her days with the Royal physician, learning various methods of healing outside of the Charter and how to spot non-spelled poisons; a vital skill for when she has a spouse her parents assure her. Skills: She is a skilled charter mage, having been taught it by a succession of guards, Charter Mages of every discipline and even the Abhorsen himself for a short time. Her skill is entirely through the tutelage she has been given rather than an innate ability, although her bloodline gives her a closer connection to the Charter than many enjoy and as such she finds it easier to reach for. She has walked through the first two gates, although always with someone more skilled in the art at her side, and knows the use of the bells, and other musical instruments well, but only in a theoretical sense. Aside from this she has skill with bow and blade, specifically with a rapier or any other light weapon, and has spent years on horseback. She is, however, not used to longer journeys and has little experience of living in anything but the lap of luxury.
L'Abhorsen était là, enfin. Jacel l'impure les regardait de loin, mais elle connaissait le bleu du manteau qu'il portait sur son armure. Leur conversation - sur elle - a été perdue sur elle, elle ne pouvait pas entendre la forme si loin. Elle s'est tournée et a commencé à marcher dans l'autre sens. Rushing donnerait sa position, il n'y avait aucun sens quand ils étaient distraits par la pierre. La proximité de cette Charte tant corrompue rendrait sa propre présence Magie Libre impossible à détecter. Maintenant que l'Abhorsen était là, il pouvait faire... quelque chose. Un truc d'Abhorsen qu'elle, en tant que nécromancère commune, n'était pas savoureux. Un Abhorsen pourrait-il réparer la pierre? Ou était-ce le domaine de la famille royale. Elle ne savait pas. Il l'a irrité d'être cette ignorante, mais elle l'était. Jacel n'était pas allé plus de vingt mètres quand une forme éclatait les arbres. C'était toute l'ombre, comme un homme vaguement en forme coupé de la scène devant elle, intouché par le soleil sous le couvert des arbres épais ici. Jacel a atteint l'instinct d'abord pour ses cloches, mais elle n'a pas osé sonner ceux qui sont si proches de l'Abhorsen. Elle changea le mouvement à son épée, se fermant pour la brûlure alors que la Charte magique en elle combattait la Magie Libre qui entassait son corps. Elle poussa l'épée, mais les seules étincelles qui volaient étaient de la nuque où sa propre main l'avait touchée, la chose de l'ombre s'était tordue comme un serpent loin de la lame. Il a apporté un bras vers le bas, enveloppant comme un tentacule autour du propre Jacel, en fermant son bras d'épée loin de son corps. Elle a coupé ses pertes et a largué l'épée, tout ce qu'il faisait maintenant était de la brûler. Il s'est posé à plat sur le sol. Jacel a saisi ses cloches avec sa main gauche, elle a pris Kibeth et l'a sonné. L'Abhorsen serait là dans quelques instants, elle savait. Mais il était meilleur que les morts. Elle pourrait passer la Neuvième Porte s'il interfère, mais s'il ne l'a pas fait, elle n'y arrivera peut-être pas du tout. La créature était forte, et elle n'arrivait pas à la contrôler complètement quand elle était déséquilibrée et non préparée, mais elle a réussi à la forcer à faire un pas en arrière, son pied ombreux atterrissant directement sur la lame épelée par la Charte. Maintenant, les étincelles blanches formaient la créature, elle lâchait et la lâchait, tombant en arrière. Quand il a touché le sol, il s'est éloigné d'elle, encore plus comme un serpent qu'avant. Mais elle sonna une seconde fois la cloche, et elle s'est évanouie, passant par la barrière dans la Mort.
Name: Jacel (Juh-cell), the Impure Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance/Physical Description: Tall, slim, and blond. Jacel has an thin, angular face, with tired green eyes. She looks, quite rightly so, as someone who doesn't get a proper meal very often. The hair on her head is sheared extremely close to her scalp, and she covers her head with a blue headscarf, in the fashion of the Southerlings that have lived in the Old Kingdom now for nearly a century. She chose this as it allows her to cover her tainted charter mark without attracting very many questions. She dresses in an amalgamation of clothing from both sides of the wall, and many walks of life. Her boots and trousers are those of a Crossing Point Scout. Made in the military style of Ancelstierre, but by hand so that they can withstand being in the Old Kingdom. She wears a button-up shirt that is faded and colorless. Over this is the bandolier of bells, signature to a Necromancer. Her belt is brown, and the seven handles that stick out of the pouches are of sandalwood, the bells themselves are brass. Her bells are typically covered by a wide triangular cloak, similar to a poncho. This she got from a band of Travelers, and it bears their clan markings and sigils embroidered in the fabric. Her head, over top the blue scarf, is adorned with a wide brimmed hat, the left side being pinned up in a cavalier fashion. She has a sword belt on her waist as well, hanging with a plain shortsword that is Charter spelled. With the Free Magic flowing in her veins now, it hurts her to wield it and she only does so out of desperation. Personality: "Curiosity killed the cat," one ought to say to her. When she was a child she would reply snarkily "Satisfaction brought him back." But, though still young, she's come to see her thirst for knowledge as a bit of a weak point for her. She's not a "watch and wait" kind of person, she has a need to do and experience. And so she isn't satisfied to explore the theoretical, hence her impatience with Wyverly's magical curriculum. This is underlined by a compassion that has been born from seeing too many bad things happen(and causing some of them). Her time with her Master has left her less than willing to continue in the more traditional veins of Necromancy. Instead, she wishes to use her powers for good. She has a feeling like she needs to atone for past wrongs, and habitually sacrifices her own recovering Charter Mark to do so. History/Background: Born Bethany Hooke in Ancelstierre, the Necromancer who would later be known as Jacel was a native of Bane. She came from a well off family that had long lived in the Northern part of the country, and grew up on stories of superstition and magic about the Wall and what was beyond. It was a subject she was immensely curious about, and so was always willing to hear scary stories of times that things had come across(though it never happened during her childhood). She attended Wyverly College, and was all too happy to jump to the magic lessons that were taught this close to the wall. But she found it lacked something, she wasn't sure what. Some element of the stories and superstitions she had been told just seemed to be missing. She hungered for it, but couldn't place what it was. For two years at school she studied hard, but still found her magical education lacking. Over this time she fantasized about running away to the Old Kingdom, but it wasn't until she was fourteen that she finally did it. Getting across was easier than it should have been. She put on a blue head scarf and hid in a group of refugees who were being forced across. Not only did the army not stop her, but they actually helped her! The refugees were beset by all sorts of nefarious characters shortly after being shuffled across, but little Bethany Hooke was the only one among them with a Charter Mark, and so she attracted the worst of the attention. Even these days, Jacel believes she was lucky with who got to her first. A Necromancer looking to recruit an apprentice. Anyone else might have killed her, she reflected later. Used her Charter Mage's blood for ritual, taken her soul and body for their own purposes. Instead, she learned those same dark arts that could easily have been used upon her. By age fifteen she had walked in the First Precinct, and eschewed her own true name. By seventeen, her master had gone missing. She didn't know where, he often left to go about his own business, leaving her with tasks to complete. It was months before she realized he wasn't coming back this time. She set out on her own, but didn't have a clear plan at the time. Since then, it's become clear that her kind is wanted in very few places. Without the influence of her teacher, her own better nature was able to blossom, and she tried to use her powers for good. She would ring Kibeth to walk the dead back where they belonged, or Ranna to quiet a graveyard. Once she even used Belgaer to discover the identity of a man's murderer, and inform his family. In some places she has gained a sort of respect. She is called Jacel the Impure, a semi-derogatory title. They dislike her powers, but these are places out of the way, where the Abhorsen doesn't come very often, and she is often their best defense against the dead. Jacel wants to put Free Magic behind her, but she finds it hard not to use the Bells when she finds a village beset by the Dead. Skills: Necromancy and Free Magic Adept. Novice swordfighter, she had classes at Wyverly, but had only taken one year before running away. She knows a novice level of Charter Magic, but accessing the Charter is exceedingly difficult for her, nearly impossible.
Le quartier des marchands, Belisaere C'était une chance que l'esprit d'Elaeriel était encore serré par la colère, son corps alimenté par l'adrénaline que l'argument avec sa mère avait apporté précipitamment dans ses veines. Tout cela a eu de la chance parce que, autrement, elle n'aurait peut-être pas remarqué l'éruption de la Charte magique. L'angle était trop raide tellement beaucoup n'ont pas remarqué la lumière bien qu'en se rapprochant de la source, elle pouvait entendre beaucoup de commotion dans l'une des rues latérales. Elle s'est arrêtée un moment, considérant ses options. Son premier instinct a été d'aller vers la source et d'enquêter sur ce qui se passait mais des voix de prudence sonnaient dans sa tête, beaucoup de voix exprimant leur inquiétude face à son apparente empathie pour d'autres échos à travers les années de sa vie de retour au présent. Elle secoua la tête et s'élança dans la rue avant que les voix douteuses ne puissent influencer sa détermination. Aujourd'hui, de tous les jours, elle agirait comme elle-même avant même d'être vendue à quelqu'un pour une alliance triste dans ce concours pour le trône. On pourrait pardonner de penser que la Reine était morte, ou morte, ce qui, avec toute l'activité frénétique des familles de la filiale à amasser des ressources et des alliés; mais la Reine était encore en bonne santé et active. Et aimé par son peuple. Le bruit s'est centré autour d'une maison, non pas dans l'état le plus pauvre, mais pas exactement un des hôtels marchands trouvés plus près de l'avenue principale du quartier marchand. Il y avait une fenêtre brisée et Elaeriel pouvait presque sentir les traces de Charter Magic laissées par l'éruption, bien qu'il semblait que personne d'autre ne pouvait même s'ils avaient compris ce qu'était l'éruption; peu avaient l'éducation qu'elle avait eue avec la Charte comme une amie à vie. La présence constante des Grandes Pierres de la Charte sous le Palais l'avait gardée dans la Charte dès sa naissance et l'atteindre était si facile, presque comme respirer. Ce n'était pas dire qu'elle était particulièrement douée avec elle, elle n'avait certainement pas de talent naturel, mais Elaeriel avait été enseignée par les meilleurs, donc elle était certainement une adepte au moins. "Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Y a-t-il quelqu'un à l'intérieur?" Elle a demandé, sa voix sonnant à travers les murmures houssées de ceux autour de la maison. Charter Magic était quelque chose d'un mystère pour certains et souvent associé à Free Magic. Du moins, en ce sens que là où il y avait Charte Magic il pourrait bien y avoir le danger de la Magie Libre aussi. Il n'était pas étonnant que les gens soient restés à l'extérieur plutôt que de se précipiter, mais ils se tournèrent au son de sa voix qui commandait; la voix de quelqu'un avait l'habitude d'obéir. La reconnaissance instantanée de la crête sur sa tunique a eu les habitants de la ville de dégager un chemin pour elle rapidement avec un homme s'approchant d'elle pour parler, la tête fléchie et le chapeau tenu dans ses mains. "Nous ne savons pas, Milady. Juste qu'il y avait cette lumière et un éclat alors nous sommes venus, en cas de feu vous voyez. Mais il y a juste le bruit de pleurer à l'intérieur. Nous attendions la Garde, au cas où c'était la magie libre, madame." Il a dit, en se jetant la tête comme il parlait. Elaeriel s'inclina, essayant de ne pas cacher son irritation à son attitude de subservent; d'autres membres de sa famille pouvaient s'y attendre, voire l'exiger, mais elle avait d'autres pensées sur la position des Royals. "Restez ici, alors. Si la Garde arrive, dites-leur que je suis entré." Elle descend le chemin avant elle, en essayant de ne pas laisser les regards de la petite foule la déstabiliser. Elle s'arrêta à la porte avant de la pousser ouverte et de balayer à l'intérieur avec ses mains démangeant déjà pour lancer une marque Charter, juste au cas où c'était une créature Magique Libre faisant les sons. Mais ce n'était pas le cas. C'était une jeune femme, son âge par le regard, en sanglotant alors qu'elle tenait la tête d'un cadavre dans ses mains. Après avoir brièvement évalué la situation, Elaeriel s'est précipitée vers la femme et a posé une main réconfortante sur son épaule. Elle se sentait encore mal à l'aise, les murmures de la foule dehors ayant mis ses soupçons en lumière, mais ces doutes étaient balayés par la vue devant elle; aucune Créature Magique Libre qu'elle connaissait ne pouvait tirer une performance aussi convaincante. "Tu es blessé?" Elle a demandé, regardant le corps. C'était certainement un cadavre, elle n'avait même pas senti la mort de l'avenue donc ça n'aurait pas pu être aussi récent. Le sang semblait sombre, collant comme il a séché mais pas complètement de cette façon le sang n'a jamais semblé. "Je vais chercher les gardes. Nous lui donnerons un Enterrement Charter une fois qu'il sera en sécurité."
Name: Elaeriel (Ell-air-ehl) Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance/Physical Description: Elaeriel is much paler than the other members of her branch family, although they all have the dark hair commonly associated with the Abhorsens; a trait passed down through the generations. Her eyes are a bright blue giving her a ghostly appearance when contrasted with her white skin. Her raven black hair is straight and nearly always tied back into a ponytail, so as not to get in the way during her day-to-day activities. Of average height, standing at five foot seven inches tall, Elaeriel often finds herself towered over by other members of her family, especially the men who stand at well over six foot. She has a slight but athletic build, most of her life spent being trained for any of the potential jobs she might be given should her family take power at the end of the Queen's reign. Her clothing she chooses fastidiously and dependent on the occasion. When in the Royal Palace she wears silk dresses, although eschews the makeup that most of her fellow women apply as she also spends a great deal of her day actively and as such finds the time spent applying it badly spent. When not in the Palace she tends to dress herself in tight leather riding trousers and a tunic top, usually of a cool colour such as green or blue, with appropriate jacket or shawl dependent on the weather. Personality: Serious and focussed, Elaeriel has spent her entire life being taught that she must be prepared for just about any role. And not just be capable but be good at it. This leads her to be overly serious when it comes to seemingly minor tasks, applying her desire for perfection to anything she faces. That being said, she is relaxed in conversation although a bit awkward when not talking in an official capacity. Having had very few real friends, as opposed to family friends or cousins who could be potential enemies, she lacks the ability to interact with strangers easily and without suspicion. History/Background: Born into one of the seven branch families of the Royal Line, Elaeriel is the third and youngest child of her parents. Her eldest brother, in his mid-twenties, is her family's best hope to succeed the Queen and as such she is somewhat eclipsed in any of her achievements. That is not to say that she has been ignored, having been given the best education in almost all matters so she can do her part to secure her family's future. Her life has been spent amongst cousins who could one day in the future seek to have her killed or could become her partner should her parents and theirs decide it was in their best interests to ally. As such she has had no close friendships and speaks almost exclusively in diplomatic tones; polite and amiable but with little to no sincerity. Elaeriel hates this life, feeling trapped in machinations she has no interest in with her existence to be a pawn in a much greater game that she wants to escape. Visits from the Abhorsen have always been something she looks forward to, allowing her to escape the confines of the subtle game to hear of the necromancer's adventures and the wider world. She had often pleaded for permission to visit the Abhorsen's House but she was never let out of the sight of her parents or their servants, lest something happen to her and put them at a disadvantage. She is currently spending most of her days with the Royal physician, learning various methods of healing outside of the Charter and how to spot non-spelled poisons; a vital skill for when she has a spouse her parents assure her. Skills: She is a skilled charter mage, having been taught it by a succession of guards, Charter Mages of every discipline and even the Abhorsen himself for a short time. Her skill is entirely through the tutelage she has been given rather than an innate ability, although her bloodline gives her a closer connection to the Charter than many enjoy and as such she finds it easier to reach for. She has walked through the first two gates, although always with someone more skilled in the art at her side, and knows the use of the bells, and other musical instruments well, but only in a theoretical sense. Aside from this she has skill with bow and blade, specifically with a rapier or any other light weapon, and has spent years on horseback. She is, however, not used to longer journeys and has little experience of living in anything but the lap of luxury.
Les papiers avaient commencé à s'accumuler, toutes les taxes et le travail financier pour les différentes entreprises appartenant à sa famille étaient dans une pile désordonnée sur son bureau en bois de chêne. Olivia soupira. Elle détestait le travail du papier. Le plus souvent, elle trouverait l'homme en charge et les hypnotiserait pour simplement oublier tout argent dû. Malheureusement, ça n'a pas marché sur tous les humains. D'où le désordre sur son bureau. Ses yeux violets s'éclaboussaient sur les taches noires de l'encre. Rien ne s'est vraiment distingué pour elle, rien n'a semblé assez important pour qu'elle prenne immédiatement note. Après avoir traversé la pile et placé les papiers auxquels elle avait prêté attention dans la pile de lecture, Olivia s'est tenue et a redressé son corset-top et jupe noire serrée. Elle a ajusté la rose sur le choker autour de son cou et s'est dirigée vers sa porte de bureau. Un regard de plus sur son épaule à l'horloge sur son mur l'a informée qu'il était passé 8. Un sourire l'a trouvée jusqu'à sa bouche. C'est l'heure de nourrir. Le chef de la famille Vampire Bianchi descendit occasionnellement les escaliers de sa demeure. Elle s'est demandée dans et hors des chambres dans l'espoir de trouver quelqu'un pour aller se nourrir avec elle. Elle avait aussi besoin de quelqu'un pour recueillir des informations sur la disparition de Daniel Smith. Sa femme était venue à elle il y a trois nuits s'inquiétait pour lui. La femme avait prétendu que c'était à la différence de Daniel d'être porté disparu pendant plus de quelques heures. Jusqu'à présent, il n'y avait pas eu de pistes. Olivia espérait que ce soir serait différent. Perdue dans ses pensées sur Danial, Olivia ne faisait pas attention à l'endroit où elle allait. Elle est tombée sur un autre corps. Dans son choc, elle a trébuché à l'envers. Toujours perdue dans son daze, elle a fait des excuses, oubliant qu'elle n'avait pas besoin de s'excuser auprès de qui que ce soit dans sa maison. "Désolé... juste en pensant..."
Name: Olivia Bianchi Age: A lady never reveals her age. It’s poor manners. Gender: Female Personality: She is the leader of a Vampire family. She is everything you could imagine a Vampire leader would be. She is the strong silent type that prefers to watch, listen, analyze, and only speak when she has something to say. This my no means she is cold or harsh. She is actually quite loving and protective of all that live within her mansion. If there are problems within the family, she does her duty as a leader to solve them. The only time she becomes upset or angry is when people mess with her family. She tends to be materialistic and greedy. She has an obsession with staying wealthy. If you were to ask her for money, she would most likely say no. Unless your name happens to be Riya. Bio: After her parents (the women that turned her) died in a fight with lycans, Olivia became the head of the family Bianchi. She didn’t ask for this role, she even tried to run away from the expectations suddenly thrust upon her. But somehow she always found herself back with her family. Once she accepted her role as the leader, she moved her whole family from Italy to America where they have bounced from one location to the next. She decided on Denver because marijuana has recently become legal and the family is making a killing off selling it legally in Colorado. She spends her days sealed tightly away in her mansion, handling business behind closed doors and blackout curtains. At night, she frequents the many bars and clubs her family owns, often grabbing a late night snack from pretty girls or men. Special Power: Hypnosis. This only works on humans that are susceptible. Those with a closed guarded mind are not able to become hypnotized. Other: She has a weak spot for Riya. Since she can walk through the daylight without dying, Olivia often asks her to run errands for her. She also hates it that Riya flirts with everyone since she has a not-so-secret crush on her.
Leon traînait dans les couloirs, attendant qu'il fasse nuit. Ses pensées avaient commencé à errer, ce qui signifiait généralement qu'il commençait à errer, en gardant son esprit hors de tout. La dernière fois qu'il a vérifié, il était presque assez sombre pour qu'il puisse partir. C'est une chose qu'il méprisait encore, il détestait être coincé à l'intérieur pendant la journée, sinon il mourrait. Quelque chose que sa famille a été très contre tout le temps. Il ne pouvait que deviner à quel point ils étaient heureux quand ses tentatives de suicide ont commencé à s'arrêter. Il s'est brièvement barré les dents, un petit piège s'éloignant de lui. Il a dû arrêter d'y penser. C'était le but de la errance. Pour arrêter de penser. Il a laissé sortir une bouffée d'air, de petites lueurs de flammes qui ont suivi. Et puis il a senti un corps s'écraser dans le sien. Immédiatement un snarl s'échappa de sa bouche, sa main s'emparant presque instinctivement de la personne, tandis que l'autre reculait pour frapper. Le feu commençait à tourner autour de sa main. Jusqu'à ce qu'il réalise qui était à sa portée. Il a baissé la main avant de ronfler," Vous devez regarder où vous allez Olivia."
Name: Sarah Smith Age: 20 (Is a new vampire) Gender: Female Personality/Bio: Sarah is definitely what one would call a strong woman. She is smart, pretty, and was physically strong even while she was human. While she was human, she was also what one would call an empath, someone who can take on other people's emotions as their own. She is dark, despite this, and anti-social. Sarah was caught one night by a street gang, where she managed to seriously wound a couple before she was shot and then stabbed. She was found by one of the Smith family and turned, and she woke, finding her empathic abilities wer heightened into hearing even the thoughts behind someone's emotions. For this reason she puts on music to drown out others. Special Power: She is a very powerful Empath. This means anything to do with emotions, she can do. She can manipulate emotions as well as "Feel" the particular thoughts causing an emotion in someone. However, there is a catch: She feels it very, VERY physically, sometimes causing pain in her. This happens especially if she is touched by two or more people at the same time. Other: Sarah, despite her anti-sociality, longs for a mate. She also has a tattoo of huge raven wings on her back, along with thorned vines running down her arms, each ending with a red rose on the tops of her hands.
Vermilla faisait actuellement du travail pour le propriétaire de la boutique de fleurs qui était une gentille vieille femme qui a été très aimable avec elle. Elle faisait une course pour le propriétaire parce que son patron a découvert sa mémoire Eidetic. Elle a même aidé le propriétaire à réaliser que le magasin était arnaqué en remboursant des articles déjà payés. Elle devait aller dans la société qui avait donné La boutique de fleurs de nombreux prêts. Elle avait fini d'organiser les travaux d'argent et de papier pour le propriétaire et a découvert qu'ils pouvaient rembourser plus de la moitié de la dette. Vermilla avait regardé la carte à la boutique et a commencé à se précipiter pour faire la course. Elle a pu utiliser de courtes coupures dans le bâtiment qu'elle avait appris après avoir rappelé l'image sur la carte. Elle se tenait juste à l'extérieur d'une porte de l'immeuble qui semblait être une goutte d'argent mais devait parler soit le propriétaire ou quelqu'un de haut rang. Elle ne voulait pas que la boutique de fleurs ait un mauvais nom à cause des compagnies qui avaient trompé le propriétaire de la boutique de fleurs. Elle a fait le tour et est entrée dans l'immeuble. Elle pouvait dire que les gens fixaient sa tenue c'était très dynamique pour un cadre d'affaires. Elle est allée voir une personne à la réception et m'a demandé : « Je dois parler à une Olivia... Oh mon, je suis désolé que mon patron n'ait écrit que le prénom... mais je suis ici pour réparer et clarifier ce qui s'était passé... Oh et pour rembourser la moitié de la dette qu'elle avait construite ». Vermillia était nerveuse mais a gardé sa position professionnelle mais a eu son sourire enfantin normal.
Name: Vermilla Winchester(haha supernatural reference) Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Outgoing, Optimistic, Charismatic, Active, and Caring Bio: Vermilla comes from a family of hunters. What she didnt know until recent is not just any hunters but Vampire hunters. No one in her family told her because from an early age they knew they would try and fight them. Vermilla cares for all kinds of life be cute snails to 'Monster'. Her family tried to tell Vermilla Vampires are monsters and Vermilla promptly reminded them because of a single person act doesnt mean they are all the same. When she saw her parents were so closed minded and saw only black and white she left. She currently works at multiple jobs. She currently working at a vet office(Secretary), flower shop(cashier), and a library(Library Assistant(ranges from stocking and cleaning type work)). She lives with a wealthy family friend in the area but is located in basement or attic depending on her hosts temper. The basement is preferred but when they are upset at everyone but her she sent to the attic which has no furniture and is very dirty. She could careless about that arrangement because as long as she doesnt have to listen to her family cruel thoughts on any being life that isnt human. Special Power: None supernatural power but is trained in gymnastic, self defense, multiple types of range weapons from guns to bows, and is known to have Eidetic memory. Other: Vermilla biggest fear is being hurt and has multiple walls up. She always seems outgoing and optimistic but with her family being cruel people and her now ex fiance cheating she hiding a very dark desire but her optimistic side has been keeping the dark desire from surfacing and that is why Vermilla has that wall. Its to prevent anyone from making her fall into her dark desire.
Riya a regardé vers le ciel, voyant que cela commençait à devenir plus sombre, elle a deviné que sa famille était prête à partir pour faire leur propre chose bientôt. Elle a eu de la chance quand elle est devenue vampire, elle a été douée d'une capacité qui lui a permis de traverser la dure lumière du jour, parfois elle se sentait comme les autres membres de sa famille la détestaient pour son don, mais savait que c'était plus d'envie que toute autre chose. Parce qu'elle n'a pas été entravée par la dure lumière du soleil, on lui a souvent demandé de faire des courses pour Olivia pendant la journée et c'est juste une chose de ce genre dont elle revenait. Eh bien, cela a pris plus de temps que je ne le pensais, j'espère qu'elle ne m'en veut pas à mon retour..., Riya s'est parlée tranquillement, bientôt un léger sourire cocu apparaissant sur son visage,,, oh bien, si elle l'est, je peux toujours faire appel à son côté plus doux de moi., elle s'est gigotée à elle-même. Elle savait qu'elle pouvait s'en sortir avec beaucoup plus que les autres dans sa famille, elle ne savait pas vraiment pourquoi, peut-être que c'était parce qu'Olivia l'avait sauvée personnellement ou peut-être que c'était le fait qu'elle pouvait marcher dehors pendant la journée et que c'était précieux pour elle, de toute façon, elle ne se plaignait pas. Riya a jeté un coup d'œil sur certains humains qui passaient par là, trois femmes pour être exactes, son estomac a glissé alors que ses sens ont remarqué le sang frais circulant dans leurs veines, ses crocs s'étendant un peu pendant qu'elle léchait ses lèvres. Elle l'a secouée alors qu'elle essayait de rester concentrée, se rendant en retard en prenant une bouchée rapide à probablement n'était pas la meilleure idée, elle était assez en retard comme il était et elle n'avait pas besoin de travailler plus dur pour sortir de l'ennui dans lequel elle était probablement. Elle est vite rentrée, en vérifiant l'horloge et en voyant qu'il était déjà huit ans, Darn, si tard déjà? C'était censé être de retour il y a une heure, oh bien... elle pensait à elle-même en laissant sortir un soupir. En entrant à l'arrière de la maison, elle entendit un peu de remous se produire et ne pouvait pas aider, mais smirk, semblait comme si la maison était toujours occupée ou il y avait des désaccords se produisant, "Hé, je suis la maison!" Riya appela, se dirigeant vers où elle entendit les voix.
Riya Bianchi Age: 45 Gender: Female Appearance Her frame is slim and athletic built, her long dark hair compliments her slim face, one that usually has a calm expression with a hint of seductiveness from her crimson red eyes. Usually her attire consists of a white sleeved shirt with a dark vest and a black leather jacket, blue skinny jeans with a belt hanging on her waist and brown boots. Unless she’s required to by her family, she rarely ever wear any kind of formal attire, feeling they don’t suit who she really is under them. Personality Kind and deviously playful would be the best way to describe Riya. She cares greatly for the new family she was brought into as well as being fiercely loyal to it, she’ll gladly give her life before she lets any harm come to her family. Something that may be surprising to her kind is when it comes to humans, specifically feeding off them, she tends to take into consideration how much blood she draws from them, being formally human herself, she sympathizes with what she used to be and will rarely ever kill a human through feeding. Her playful side was one she acquired when she was turned, generally she likes to toy with the prey she decides to target, revealing what she really is to them and then hunting them down when they flee in terror. When she’s home with her family, she likes to flirt with the others, though not serious, she enjoys how both the same and opposite sex squirm at her advances. Bio Riya’s life before she became a vampire wasn’t all the impressive nor interesting, she was above average when she was in high school and after she left school, she got a job working at a bank and an ordinary apartment. Having grown tired with how bland most of her life was and how she never really aspired for anything, she decided she’d go to school, get a degree and get a better paying job and home. Well that had been the plan at least, but unfortunately, she never got the opportunity to do so, one late night on her way back from work, she decided to cut through an alley to get home quicker and was grabbed by a man in the dark. Held at gunpoint she was robbed and then shot after some clouds parted and allowed the moonlight to shine in the alley, revealing the man’s face. As she laid there bleeding out, she couldn’t help but smile at the irony, she did nothing meaningful with her life and then when she was finally about to, she ended up getting killed. Riya was glad at first, thinking she would’ve just continued on with her meaningless life and death was probably better for her, but as she became weaker and got closer to death, the fear set in, she didn’t want to die, she wanted to live, she begged in her thoughts for someone to save her and as if her prayers had been answered, another figure came before her, this time a woman and granted Riya the powers of a vampire by drinking her blood and giving her own in return. She wasn’t used to her new powers at first, the enhanced abilities and pale complexion certainly scared her at first, plus the fact nothing could satisfy her hunger save for blood. Then the woman who saved her appeared at her home one night, explaining what Riya now was and offered her to join her family, with not many other options and still not fully understanding how her new powers worked, she accepted. Special Power - Sunlight Resistance Whilst she doesn’t have an actual ability, this passive power allows her to go outside during the day without needing any kind of protection from the sunlight that would no doubt easily cook others of her kind. Other She has a hell hound that she came across one night in a forest that had hunted down some people that were out camping, though it was unruly, she managed to tame it and is now a loyal companion that will do whatever she asks and protect her at all costs.
Tu devrais peut-être regarder où tu vas. C'est ma maison après tout... Olivia s'est moquée de son frère. Elle savait qu'elle paierait très probablement pour la remarque avec une autre remarque encore plus bizarre, mais elle ne s'en souciait pas. Elle aimait son frère, plus que les autres, plus que... Sa voix était comme de la musique. Il est entré à travers l'arrière de la maison et a rempli le corps d'Olivia de chaleur. "Nous sommes là." Olivia a téléphoné à son épaule sans jamais lui enlever les yeux de son frère. Une fois qu'elle l'a regardé bien et dur, elle a regardé Sarah. "Je crois que nous sommes sur le point d'aller nous nourrir. Voudriez-vous vous joindre à nous? Je sais que vous n'avez pas tout à fait adapté à la vie, mais je vous promets que cela devient plus facile. » Elle s'est agenouillée à côté de la fille et a souri. "Vous faites partie de ma famille maintenant et c'est mon travail de m'assurer que vous vivez. Demande à Hot-Head ici. Si tu as faim, je ne ferai pas mon travail. Nous pouvons vous trouver des sacs de sang si vous préférez ne pas vous nourrir des humains." Olivia a attrapé Léon par la main pour s'assurer qu'il ne partait pas. Elle aimait sa compagnie quand ils allaient se nourrir. Elle se sentait plus en sécurité avec lui. Elle a tenu son autre main pour que Sarah prenne, tout en attendant que Riya les trouve.
Name: Olivia Bianchi Age: A lady never reveals her age. It’s poor manners. Gender: Female Personality: She is the leader of a Vampire family. She is everything you could imagine a Vampire leader would be. She is the strong silent type that prefers to watch, listen, analyze, and only speak when she has something to say. This my no means she is cold or harsh. She is actually quite loving and protective of all that live within her mansion. If there are problems within the family, she does her duty as a leader to solve them. The only time she becomes upset or angry is when people mess with her family. She tends to be materialistic and greedy. She has an obsession with staying wealthy. If you were to ask her for money, she would most likely say no. Unless your name happens to be Riya. Bio: After her parents (the women that turned her) died in a fight with lycans, Olivia became the head of the family Bianchi. She didn’t ask for this role, she even tried to run away from the expectations suddenly thrust upon her. But somehow she always found herself back with her family. Once she accepted her role as the leader, she moved her whole family from Italy to America where they have bounced from one location to the next. She decided on Denver because marijuana has recently become legal and the family is making a killing off selling it legally in Colorado. She spends her days sealed tightly away in her mansion, handling business behind closed doors and blackout curtains. At night, she frequents the many bars and clubs her family owns, often grabbing a late night snack from pretty girls or men. Special Power: Hypnosis. This only works on humans that are susceptible. Those with a closed guarded mind are not able to become hypnotized. Other: She has a weak spot for Riya. Since she can walk through the daylight without dying, Olivia often asks her to run errands for her. She also hates it that Riya flirts with everyone since she has a not-so-secret crush on her.
Sarah secoua la tête, ses longues boucles noires se déchirant comme une cascade ébène sur ses épaules et dans son dos. Elle a serré ses yeux vert surnaturellement brillant fermé pour transmettre sa peur de goûter du sang. "Non." Elle a dit fermement. Ce n'était pas qu'elle ne voulait pas se nourrir des humains. Elle avait peur de trop aimer le goût et d'aller dans une frénésie. Même maintenant, elle avait une partie d'elle qui voulait drainer un homme sec. Étrange, elle n'avait été transformée qu'il y a deux jours et elle commençait déjà à devenir folle. Il y avait un regard de conflit sur ses belles caractéristiques et elle trembla pour la énième fois ce jour-là. Son besoin a commencé à se lever, mais elle l'a poussé vers le bas.
Name: Sarah Smith Age: 20 (Is a new vampire) Gender: Female Personality/Bio: Sarah is definitely what one would call a strong woman. She is smart, pretty, and was physically strong even while she was human. While she was human, she was also what one would call an empath, someone who can take on other people's emotions as their own. She is dark, despite this, and anti-social. Sarah was caught one night by a street gang, where she managed to seriously wound a couple before she was shot and then stabbed. She was found by one of the Smith family and turned, and she woke, finding her empathic abilities wer heightened into hearing even the thoughts behind someone's emotions. For this reason she puts on music to drown out others. Special Power: She is a very powerful Empath. This means anything to do with emotions, she can do. She can manipulate emotions as well as "Feel" the particular thoughts causing an emotion in someone. However, there is a catch: She feels it very, VERY physically, sometimes causing pain in her. This happens especially if she is touched by two or more people at the same time. Other: Sarah, despite her anti-sociality, longs for a mate. She also has a tattoo of huge raven wings on her back, along with thorned vines running down her arms, each ending with a red rose on the tops of her hands.
Leon brillait sur elle, ses lèvres se retirant légèrement sur ses dents. Il a grondé, un grognement mêlé à ses paroles », oh oui, votre maison, parce que vous pouvez faire tout ce que vous désirez dans cette maison. Autant se promener avec les yeux fermés et les écouteurs à l'époque." Il changea alors son regard vers Sarah, un piège maintenant à la place lançant ses mots. Sa voix semblait même plus profonde, alors qu'il parlait plus profondément dans sa poitrine », et si tu ne me disais pas quoi faire et que tu gardais ton nez dans tes propres émotions! » Il savait que c'était probablement un coup faible, il savait qu'elle ne pouvait pas vraiment le contrôler. Il ne s'en souciait tout simplement pas. Cela l'a irrité, même le rendant extrêmement inconfortable et tendu, le fait qu'elle pouvait lire ses émotions. Il n'aimait pas que les gens sachent ce qu'il ressentait, surtout à ses points bas. Il s'est concentré sur Olivia, rencontrant son état avec une férocité et une colère égales. Cependant, un léger lifting s'est manifesté dans ses lèvres. Comme il est l'un des gens qui ont connu Olivia le plus longtemps, il pourrait dire certaines choses. Et il avait des soupçons sur ses sentiments envers Rita. Il a regardé Olivia interagir avec Sarah, se moquer sous son souffle. Cependant, ce scout s'est transformé en un petit piège quand elle a mentionné pour lui demander que c'était son travail de garder les gens en vie. Une façon de l'énerver rapidement est d'évoquer ce fait, un qu'il a fait de son mieux pour se cacher de la plupart des autres. Ses dents barraient et il continua avec son faible snarl, "Ne osez pas Olivia." Il était sur le point de se tourner et de s'en aller, avant qu'il ne sente sa main s'emparer de la sienne. Il a rapidement commencé à réchauffer sa main, un avertissement clair de lâcher prise à moins qu'elle ne désirait se brûler. Une fois de plus, il s'est concentré sur Sarah, ses lèvres se soulevant dans un éternuement », vous savez si vous allez sans vous nourrir, vous perdrez le contrôle de vous-même autour d'un humain, avec ou sans sang ». Quelque chose qu'il savait trop bien. Une autre tactique pour s'assurer qu'il est resté en vie. Il a essayé de se taper la main loin d'Olivia, si elle voulait qu'il aille se nourrir avec elle alors très bien, mais il n'aimait pas être retenu sur. Puis, il a pris l'odeur d'un humain, son nez flamboyant, les dents s'allongeant à mesure que son excitation à propos de la perspective de la nourriture grandissait. "On dirait qu'on a une livraison"
Name: Olivia Bianchi Age: A lady never reveals her age. It’s poor manners. Gender: Female Personality: She is the leader of a Vampire family. She is everything you could imagine a Vampire leader would be. She is the strong silent type that prefers to watch, listen, analyze, and only speak when she has something to say. This my no means she is cold or harsh. She is actually quite loving and protective of all that live within her mansion. If there are problems within the family, she does her duty as a leader to solve them. The only time she becomes upset or angry is when people mess with her family. She tends to be materialistic and greedy. She has an obsession with staying wealthy. If you were to ask her for money, she would most likely say no. Unless your name happens to be Riya. Bio: After her parents (the women that turned her) died in a fight with lycans, Olivia became the head of the family Bianchi. She didn’t ask for this role, she even tried to run away from the expectations suddenly thrust upon her. But somehow she always found herself back with her family. Once she accepted her role as the leader, she moved her whole family from Italy to America where they have bounced from one location to the next. She decided on Denver because marijuana has recently become legal and the family is making a killing off selling it legally in Colorado. She spends her days sealed tightly away in her mansion, handling business behind closed doors and blackout curtains. At night, she frequents the many bars and clubs her family owns, often grabbing a late night snack from pretty girls or men. Special Power: Hypnosis. This only works on humans that are susceptible. Those with a closed guarded mind are not able to become hypnotized. Other: She has a weak spot for Riya. Since she can walk through the daylight without dying, Olivia often asks her to run errands for her. She also hates it that Riya flirts with everyone since she has a not-so-secret crush on her.
Riya a entendu Olivia's appeler et a fait son chemin vers les trois d'entre eux, un petit sourire frappant son visage, Eh bien je vois que les choses ici sont aussi animées que jamais,,, elle a interjecté, voyant une petite hostilité dans la pièce, la plupart du temps de Léon. J'ai pris soin de ces documents que vous aviez besoin d'envoyer, on dirait que le rachat pour le bar va passer, bien qu'il semble que vous en ayez déjà assez, mais je suppose que c'est vraiment pas mon endroit pour dire, oh et désolé d'être en retard, j'ai pensé que j'allais sortir de là beaucoup plus tôt, mais je suppose que non, Elle a laissé sortir un léger chanfrein. Je te vois dans une humeur agréable comme toujours, Léon.Riya a dit comme elle a dirigé son attention vers lui, "Allez, ne pouvez-vous pas sourire, pour moi? Je vous promets que si vous le faites, je vous donnerai une belle récompense, a-t-elle ajouté, le regardant avec des yeux lubriques alors qu'elle portait son visage près du sien, ses lèvres planant à quelques centimètres du sien, elle n'était pas sérieuse à ce sujet, mais elle a toujours eu avec sa famille en flirtant avec eux, quelque chose que Riya sentait parfois Olivia n'aimait pas, du moins quand il était dirigé sur quelqu'un d'autre qu'elle. Bientôt son fidèle compagnon s'est approché derrière elle, une créature à l'air de chien qui était faite d'os et de fourrure de cramoisi, Eh bien, là Ambient, je vous ai manqué aussi garçon, avez-vous été en train de vous comporter? Elle a regardé vers Sarah, l'un de leurs nouveaux membres que Olivia essayait d'obtenir pour venir avec eux, mais refusait; regardant son chien de l'enfer, elle s'est gratté derrière son oreille, "Dites-vous quoi, je vous donnerai un bon steak quand nous reviendrons, voulez-vous cela?" Une fois de plus son compagnon aboyé excitément avant d'être doucement calmé par Riya. Elle s'est ensuite déplacée vers l'endroit où Sarah était assise, vous devriez venir avec nous, nous allons tous passer un bon moment, plus s'il y a quelque chose qui vous inquiète, nous aurons votre dos, j'ai compris que c'est effrayant au début, mais vous le trouverez bientôt assez agréable, plus si vous venez avec nous, je peux vous récompenser, de Riya lui a donné un clin d'oeil flirt.
Riya Bianchi Age: 45 Gender: Female Appearance Her frame is slim and athletic built, her long dark hair compliments her slim face, one that usually has a calm expression with a hint of seductiveness from her crimson red eyes. Usually her attire consists of a white sleeved shirt with a dark vest and a black leather jacket, blue skinny jeans with a belt hanging on her waist and brown boots. Unless she’s required to by her family, she rarely ever wear any kind of formal attire, feeling they don’t suit who she really is under them. Personality Kind and deviously playful would be the best way to describe Riya. She cares greatly for the new family she was brought into as well as being fiercely loyal to it, she’ll gladly give her life before she lets any harm come to her family. Something that may be surprising to her kind is when it comes to humans, specifically feeding off them, she tends to take into consideration how much blood she draws from them, being formally human herself, she sympathizes with what she used to be and will rarely ever kill a human through feeding. Her playful side was one she acquired when she was turned, generally she likes to toy with the prey she decides to target, revealing what she really is to them and then hunting them down when they flee in terror. When she’s home with her family, she likes to flirt with the others, though not serious, she enjoys how both the same and opposite sex squirm at her advances. Bio Riya’s life before she became a vampire wasn’t all the impressive nor interesting, she was above average when she was in high school and after she left school, she got a job working at a bank and an ordinary apartment. Having grown tired with how bland most of her life was and how she never really aspired for anything, she decided she’d go to school, get a degree and get a better paying job and home. Well that had been the plan at least, but unfortunately, she never got the opportunity to do so, one late night on her way back from work, she decided to cut through an alley to get home quicker and was grabbed by a man in the dark. Held at gunpoint she was robbed and then shot after some clouds parted and allowed the moonlight to shine in the alley, revealing the man’s face. As she laid there bleeding out, she couldn’t help but smile at the irony, she did nothing meaningful with her life and then when she was finally about to, she ended up getting killed. Riya was glad at first, thinking she would’ve just continued on with her meaningless life and death was probably better for her, but as she became weaker and got closer to death, the fear set in, she didn’t want to die, she wanted to live, she begged in her thoughts for someone to save her and as if her prayers had been answered, another figure came before her, this time a woman and granted Riya the powers of a vampire by drinking her blood and giving her own in return. She wasn’t used to her new powers at first, the enhanced abilities and pale complexion certainly scared her at first, plus the fact nothing could satisfy her hunger save for blood. Then the woman who saved her appeared at her home one night, explaining what Riya now was and offered her to join her family, with not many other options and still not fully understanding how her new powers worked, she accepted. Special Power - Sunlight Resistance Whilst she doesn’t have an actual ability, this passive power allows her to go outside during the day without needing any kind of protection from the sunlight that would no doubt easily cook others of her kind. Other She has a hell hound that she came across one night in a forest that had hunted down some people that were out camping, though it was unruly, she managed to tame it and is now a loyal companion that will do whatever she asks and protect her at all costs.
L'œil de Sarah s'est ébranlé en entendant l'équipe de Leon. Elle roula un peu les yeux. Elle a eu l'envie de calmer ses fesses mais elle a résisté, sachant qu'il pourrait juste l'attaquer. Puis Riya s'est jointe pour essayer de la faire nourrir. Elle a clin d'oeil à l'excitation du chien. Elle était bombardée par tant d'émotions en ce moment, ça lui donnait mal à la tête. Elle soupirait. "Très bien. Mais si je suis sur le point de tuer quelqu'un, arrêtez-moi... de n'importe quelle façon est nécessaire."
Name: Sarah Smith Age: 20 (Is a new vampire) Gender: Female Personality/Bio: Sarah is definitely what one would call a strong woman. She is smart, pretty, and was physically strong even while she was human. While she was human, she was also what one would call an empath, someone who can take on other people's emotions as their own. She is dark, despite this, and anti-social. Sarah was caught one night by a street gang, where she managed to seriously wound a couple before she was shot and then stabbed. She was found by one of the Smith family and turned, and she woke, finding her empathic abilities wer heightened into hearing even the thoughts behind someone's emotions. For this reason she puts on music to drown out others. Special Power: She is a very powerful Empath. This means anything to do with emotions, she can do. She can manipulate emotions as well as "Feel" the particular thoughts causing an emotion in someone. However, there is a catch: She feels it very, VERY physically, sometimes causing pain in her. This happens especially if she is touched by two or more people at the same time. Other: Sarah, despite her anti-sociality, longs for a mate. She also has a tattoo of huge raven wings on her back, along with thorned vines running down her arms, each ending with a red rose on the tops of her hands.
BGM "H-aide!" La tumulte d'une femme affligée retentissait dans l'allée obscure et vacante de la ville. La nuit enveloppait les rues dans l'obscurité, laissant la lumière clairsemée dispersée autour sous la forme de signaux de circulation et de poteaux de lampes. Un refroidissement subtil s'attardait à l'air, porté sur une brise faible avec des articles de papier et de débris. "Aidez-moi, s'il vous plaît! Quelqu'un!" La voix appela de nouveau, accompagnée de près d'un empilement répétitif des talons contre le béton. D'un coin à l'autre, une jeune femme se déguisait en robe rouge et en talons hauts. Elle a désespérément essayé de garder son équilibre en passant dans la ruelle aussi vite que ses talons pouvaient la porter. Une forme sombre s'est précipitée sur son sentier, passant de l'ombre à l'ombre au fur et à mesure qu'elle se rapprochait de la femme. Elle regarda par-dessus son épaule brièvement mais ne vit rien. Des respirations effrénées et rugissantes ont échappé à ses poumons alors que son endurance s'est écroulée. Juste devant, elle pouvait voir une voiture passer. Une rue principale n'était pas trop loin, et peut-être quelqu'un qui pouvait l'aider. Une veste en fourrure et en cuir a déposé ses épaules avec son sac à main alors qu'elle brouillait vers l'avant. "Où pensez-vous que vous fuyez?" En un clin d'œil, la femme fuyante s'est trouvée poussée contre un mur de briques, en entrant en collision avec lui avec un bruit puis en glissant sur le sol. Elle a essayé d'appeler de nouveau à l'aide mais n'a réussi qu'un fouet paniqué alors que ses yeux se levaient pour rencontrer son agresseur. Un homme grand, pâle et écorché, vêtu de vêtements en cuir et de chaînes de motards, regardait la fille avec des yeux corpulents. Salive s'est échappé du coin de sa mâche remplie de crosse alors qu'il se penchait avec un sourire denté. "C'est ma salope que j'ai payé pour toi. Et si c'était un abruti? En laissant tomber un malfaiteur, l'homme leva sa main griffée. Un vaporisateur de cramoisi éclaboussé contre l'auburn du mur de briques, suivi d'un crik perçant l'oreille. Les yeux de la femme étaient larges alors qu'elle regardait horrifié, son visage peint dans le sang. Un bruit de battement très faible a frappé profondément devant elle. Un tremblement incontrôlable a secoué son corps alors qu'elle regardait un saignement, battant le cœur, quelque chose qu'elle n'avait jamais vu que dans des livres de biologie et des films d'horreur, serrés dans une main sanglante pouces de son visage. "W.w- what..i-is...." Flesh s'est séparé de l'organe, poussant le sang comme il a commencé à battre rapidement. Une agonie débarrassait Knell de la mort rugissait de l'homme pâle écorché alors qu'il atteignait sa cavité thoracique ouverte, se mouvant désespérément vers son propre cœur alors qu'il la regardait lentement écrasée jusqu'à ce qu'elle éclate finalement dans des rubans de viande et de viscères, en cascade au sol dans une pile aux pieds de la femme. Les cendres explosèrent dans l'allée alors que l'homme se désintéressait à un nuage de poussière, laissant un tas de vêtements sales sur le sol. Incapable de croire ce qu'elle venait de voir, la femme se trouva gelée, regardant le tas de cendres et de vêtements jusqu'à ce qu'une main descende vers elle. "Peur pas de lass. Le méchant homme est parti. Je vais m'occuper de toi." Toujours secouée, la femme a hésité à se concentrer pour rencontrer un visage accidenté aux yeux jaunes profonds. Soudain, elle ressentit la peur douloureuse et s'inquiétait lentement de son corps, engourdissant alors qu'elle se perdait dans le regard d'or. "O... ok..." Elle murmura, levant faiblement sa main dans la sienne. Sa prise était ferme et prudente, mais la glace froide alors que l'homme imposant la fouettait jusqu'à ses pieds et dans ses bras. Toutes les inhibitions ont disparu de la femme comme le visage de celui qui l'a embrassée près de lui. Son esprit est devenu vide et son corps est devenu chaud alors qu'elle sentait son souffle s'écraser sur son cou. Un doux baiser chatouillait sa peau, excitant de petits rires pour échapper à ses lèvres avant qu'elle ne soit rapidement remplacée par un faible yelp. Son corps s'est tendu, repoussant faiblement, mais la poignée des hommes s'est serrée. Douleur étouffante dans son corps alors qu'elle sentait la peau sur sa déchirure du cou. L'obscurité a amené la femme dans le monde suivant alors que la conscience et la vie ont quitté le corps de la femme, ses pleurnicheurs tranquilles s'effacent dans les guillemets bas et les os en éclats tandis que l'homme a vidé son corps de sang comme une boîte à jus. Des membres coupés et des morceaux de chair osseuse sont tombés dans un tas inébranlable sur la chaussée comme le cadavre manglé de ce qui était autrefois la femme a été libéré de la poignée des hommes. Une expression d'extase s'est propagée à travers la mâchoire tachée de Kraven alors qu'il léchait léthargiquement ses doigts ensanglantés, roulant lentement sa langue en haut et en bas de la longueur de sa main. "Ooooh pauvre pauvre fille. Je n'ai pas mangé toute la nuit...» Glissant sur les tas de cendres et de chair, Kraven se retourna et bûcha dans l'allée, écrasant le crâne frémi de celui qui devait venir devant lui. "...ça t'apprendra, putain d'égarement. Marchez sur le gazon familial et mettez-vous à la poussière." Le bruit de la circulation de secours lointaine résonna dans l'allée maintenant silencieuse, accompagnée du lacet constant d'un chien éloigné, et la nuit continua.
Name: Leon Bianchi Age: He doesn't give a damn about his age anymore Gender: Male Leon is approximately 6'4, well built and heavily muscled. His eyes are very dark in color, with a red tint to them. The limbal ring, however, is a startling red color, vastly standing out against the nearly black eye. When talking, it seems like he has a nearly permanent sneer on his face. He is covered with a multitude of tattoos, one located on his left leg, a dragon, the tail beginning on his foot, before spiraling up his leg to where the head rests on his hip, fire surrounding the dragon and blazing out of its mouth. Another, located on his left arm, is this series of animals, containing a eagle, deer, wolf, owl, and coyote. this flame tattoo located on his right forearm. As well as froza written across his chest. Personality: Leon can simply be described as a hot head. He is angry, hard, and cold. This slightest thing can set him off, and it would be within nearly everyone's well being if they stayed out of his way during one of his fits of anger. For Leon, his anger is one that simply continues to build on with time instead of fading into a lack of care. Deep inside, he is a distraught man. His anger stems from his anger at himself, and he is tired of life. He still has not come to terms with many of the previous events in his life, despite the time that has passed since then. He pushes everyone away for fear of being hurt, leading to a largely solitary life when it would have been more useful to him to allow people in. There is one person however, someone who has become his older sister, who can understand him more then most. Olivia is one of the few people that can manage to calm him if she gets close enough, but in his fits of rage he does not notice who specific people are, and could still end up causing injury. His feedings are violent, aggressive, often letting his pent up anger out on his victim. There is one thing he would never do, he never leaves a person alive after feeding, believing that to be torturing them due to his past history. Bio: Leon, before being changed into a vampire, lived a rough life. He was abused, and ended up being dragged into a different vampire family where he was used repeatedly as a source of food. When he finally managed to escape, he fled for his life, trying to be free of the never ending cycle. He would finally feel back to normal from a feeding, and then in would come the next one. He was finally free. However, during the time of his freedom, depression and anger caught up with him. He continued to spiral down, before giving up on life. He attempted to kill himself. But, he was found by a man, who so happened to be a member of the Bianchi family. His life was saved, and he was turned into a vampire. Was he happy? No. In no way was he happy. The amount of times he had to be held back from attempting to end his life with a variety of methods, several times it being Olivia that stopped him. He was very prone to violent outbursts, often involving his new found power of controlling fire. He had always been a pyromaniac, enjoying watching fire and setting things a light. And that followed him into a vampire, but increasing with his ability to create and control the fire. Special Power: pyrokinesis Other: If he is found staring down at his forearms, where his tattoos are covering, leave him be, unless your character is Olivia, or your character wants a face full of fire. He has a pet dragon, Rudos, who he met many many years ago. Rudos is full sized, stretched out he is the length from his shoulder to his hand, but Rudos prefers to simply sit on Leon's shoulder, tail wrapped around the back of his neck and the draping down his front
La fourche des talons contre un sol en marbre résonnait autour du manoir, la source n'étant autre que Teodora Bianchi. Une robe élégante et lactée enveloppait sa forme, très contrastée avec son visage de suif et ses cheveux bruns à cordes. Et, bien sûr, ses crocs allongés et ses narines évasées, signalant à ceux qui l'entouraient que Teodora était prête pour une chasse. Elle descendit l'escalier, à la recherche de sa sœur Olivia. Et, heureusement, ses recherches ont réussi tout comme elle a arrondi sur sa sœur, son frère, Riya, et un vampire qu'elle ne connaissait pas bondé dans l'un des plus petits couloirs. Teodora a lâché un bâillement fort, un bâillement qui a dit à ceux qui n'avaient pas encore remarqué que le Bianchi reclus était arrivé. "Bonne nuit, Olivia. C'est Léon. Riya." Elle les a salués d'une voix râpée. Teodora s'est rapprochée de Sarah, ses talons résonnant le long du couloir, "Est-ce qu'on est là?" Teodora a incliné la tête de Sarah avec un clou pour rencontrer ses yeux.
Teodora Bianchi Age: Stopped counting a long time ago Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Personality: - Paranoid - Ladylike - Charming - Stubborn - Snappish - Caring - Likes Children - Reclusive History: Teodora can't remember much of her life before she was turned- or, rather, she tries not to remember. She was turned when she was very young- seven or so. Ever since she can remember, Teodora has been content to stay behind whoever was the head of the family at the time. She had never had crazy ambitions anyways. Special Ability: Teodora is able to tell the future. There are multiple ways she can do this, including meditation and even violent prophetic dreams. Other: - Teodora has what humans like to call insomnia. She has trouble sleeping, leading to her sleep-deprived appearance. The only thing that can stave this off is sleeping pills. - She spends most of her time in her chambers, leading her to be rarely seen around the house. - Teodora enjoys reading, loving to browse through old compendiums and encyclopedias with quite a few fiction novels in between.
Sarah a regardé le nouveau venu, qui a fait quelque chose que Sarah ne s'attendait pas. La femme a touché son visage. Le vampire récemment tourné a gagné en douleur alors qu'elle a été touchée sur la peau nue, amplifiant les émotions de la femme centuple. "Sarah Smith..." dit-elle, voix laquée de douleur. "S'il vous plaît laissez-moi partir..." elle murmura. Elle n'aimait pas être touchée d'habitude. Son souffle a commencé à venir peu à peu, puis une fois qu'elle a été libérée, son souffle est venu plus facile.
Name: Sarah Smith Age: 20 (Is a new vampire) Gender: Female Personality/Bio: Sarah is definitely what one would call a strong woman. She is smart, pretty, and was physically strong even while she was human. While she was human, she was also what one would call an empath, someone who can take on other people's emotions as their own. She is dark, despite this, and anti-social. Sarah was caught one night by a street gang, where she managed to seriously wound a couple before she was shot and then stabbed. She was found by one of the Smith family and turned, and she woke, finding her empathic abilities wer heightened into hearing even the thoughts behind someone's emotions. For this reason she puts on music to drown out others. Special Power: She is a very powerful Empath. This means anything to do with emotions, she can do. She can manipulate emotions as well as "Feel" the particular thoughts causing an emotion in someone. However, there is a catch: She feels it very, VERY physically, sometimes causing pain in her. This happens especially if she is touched by two or more people at the same time. Other: Sarah, despite her anti-sociality, longs for a mate. She also has a tattoo of huge raven wings on her back, along with thorned vines running down her arms, each ending with a red rose on the tops of her hands.
C'est moi qui l'ai fait. La femme s'était fait sortir pour être trop humaine. Ce qui a commencé comme appât--une boisson fruitée et un clin d'oeil de l'autre côté du bar--était devenu une connexion réelle. Une expérience. Ils s'étaient retirés du bar pour s'asseoir à une table, Klaus se penchait pour écouter ses mots, pas son battement de cœur: elle n'était pas célibataire, mais elle avait besoin de temps loin du petit ami. Elle travaillait dans la construction et a suivi des cours de danse. L'attrait était beaucoup plus que cela, cependant, et Klaus a été attiré à plus de ces choses qui lui rappelaient quelqu'un d'il ya longtemps. La femme était rafraîchissante d'esprit, et elle s'éteignait à ses flirts. À la fin de la soirée, il écoutait simplement. Du moins, jusqu'à ce que les boissons ne satisferaient plus sa soif. Ses lèvres se resserraient et ses yeux sombres s'évanouissaient alors qu'il la coupait. "L'amour, j'ai besoin d'y aller." Klaus a incliné la tête en arrière, descendant le reste de l'alcool qui travaillait à peine. Son propre regard rempli de confusion. "Qu'est-ce que c'est? Je pensais... qu'on s'amusait », a-t-elle dit avec soin, tout d'un coup, peu sûr de nous. "Trop amusant," il a accepté comme il se tenait. Il la regarda cependant le regarder, et l'épuisement grandit à son visage. Il se pencha pour l'embrasser, mais elle le retourna, ses lèvres beaucoup plus durs et passionnées. Soudain, ses battements de cœur sonnaient dans ses oreilles, et il s'éloignait brusquement. Ils se regardaient un instant, et il se tapait les lèvres en regardant ailleurs. "Je suis désolé." Il n'a plus dit et a quitté le bar. Dehors, Klaus tira dans une longue bouffée d'air frais. Il avait tardé à se nourrir pour parler à une femme qui avait goûté aux cigarettes. "Idiot", il murmurait à lui-même. Tout à coup, un couple l'a regardé en marchant, en cliquant sur le trottoir. Il sourit jusqu'à ce qu'ils se tournent l'un vers l'autre pour échanger des regards perplexes, et il roula les yeux. Il se tenait là, en débattant de son prochain mouvement pour la nuit quand une légère brise lui portait l'odeur: le sang. Immédiatement sa tête tourna dans la direction d'où elle venait, les yeux paraissant scintiller rouge sous le lampadaire. Il a regardé autour d'une fois, ajustant les menottes de ses manches, puis a saunter loin après l'arôme. Casse-toi! Ce qu'il n'a pas tout à fait reconnu comme l'écrasement d'un crâne a eu Klaus pause dans sa marche. Les yeux se rétrécissaient, il regardait à l'entrée de l'allée, tranquille comme il écoutait. "Ça t'apprendra, putain d'égarement. Marchez sur le gazon familial et mettez-vous à la poussière." La réalisation s'est effondrée sur son visage étroit, et il a pris cela comme son signal pour partir. Klaus était presque sûr qu'il reconnaissait la voix en tant que Binachi ou Smith, mais il avait été dans et hors de l'hospitalité de la famille si souvent au cours des derniers siècles qu'il n'était pas sûr qu'il serait bien accueilli par un plus jeune. Alors, calmement, il s'est retiré. Bien sûr, il avait faim, mais il était évident que le sang était déjà réclamé. L'ancien vampire s'est contenté de trouver un repas pour lui-même. Après un autre pas en arrière, il a tourné sur son talon... Et la femme de la barre s'est heurtée à lui et est retombée sur le trottoir. -- Hé, hé, Klaus, salua-t-elle rapidement. "Je ne sais pas ce que j'ai dit là-bas, mais..." Klaus s'est agenouillé pour l'aider rapidement, la tournant autour d'elle et la poussant en avant alors qu'il marchait, l'interrompant avec un jet de clichés. "Je ne cherche pas de relation en ce moment, mon amour. Ce n'est pas toi, c'est moi. Je préfère les hommes. Et maintenant, tu devrais rentrer chez toi." Il se retourna alors qu'elle l'ébranlait, et elle ouvrit la bouche pour le frapper.
Klaus | 2k | Male Appearance: Klaus is tall and lean at 6', was turned in his late twenties, and almost looks like a man out of a perfume commercial: his high cheekbones, long eyelashes, and defined jawline makes him a perfect predator. He prefers to wear clothes that are in style, common, and fashionable to blend in with human society. His dark brown hair is usually lazily slicked back and accompanied by a thin, trimmed layer of hair along his jawline, chin, and upper lip. Unless you're waking up beside him, it's rare to see his shaggy mane disheveled and facial hair untrimmed. He has a pale and narrow face, complimented by a long and defined nose. His eyes are a dark brown, as well, though they occasionally seem to be almost red. When the vampire talks or laughs, it's not difficult to get a glimpse of his pointed fangs. Personality: Klaus comes off as very laid back and easy going, maybe even a little smug, but formal. He can be very charismatic and flirtatious, as well (his flirting can be rather goofy, making an especially friendly first impression). That said, he has a darker and more serious that comes out when he feels vulnerable or angry. Underneath the immediate exterior, he can be rather sadistic and cruel. If he catches you alone and doesn’t think any repercussions will come of it, he’ll be rather antagonizing. He believes he hasn't lived so long by being nice and he has done plenty of bad things. However, Klaus has many layers: at his core he's surprisingly romantic and idealistic. He appreciates faithfulness and is even loyal to his breed in general despite his general dislike of other vampires. He finds it difficult to trust others, but can and will open up about himself and his history if you earn his trust. Bio: Born in Athens, Greece just before Rome conquered the territory, Klaus was taken as a child slave. Orphaned, there wasn't many other options for him. His life as a slave was relatively decent, and he grew loyal and friendly to the boy who would grow to be his master. The bond between them was more comparable to friendship than it was slave and master, though the power dynamic became more and more obvious with age. Still, Klaus remained loyal if subdued. Besides, despite growing tall and big compared to others during the time period, he was given the cushy slave life: most of his chores involved cooking. He was even allowed to take a job to work to buy his freedom if he chose, but he was complacent. When the master grew old enough to marry, however, Klaus became enamored with the wife. She was full of life and strength and she was never afraid to remind you of it. Still, he kept his distance—he knew better: not only was he a slave and she a free woman, she was married to his master and friend. Despite this, the woman seemed drawn to Klaus, as well. Like many Romans, she was fascinated with Greek culture and the Greeks themselves, and he was far quieter and much more thoughtful than her husband. At first he would shy away from her advances, but he eventually warmed up to her and the two seemed to be in love. An affair continued behind the master’s back. One night, the master walked in on the lovers. Rather than take responsibility for the affair, the woman insisted that Klaus had forced himself upon her and he had little choice but to flee. The master was persistent, however, and was on his heels with city guards as the slave ran away. It wasn’t long before he was cornered, though he didn’t have a chance to defend himself—the men and master were slain by a single figure. Klaus thought he was safe until the killer turned on him. Unlike the other men, though, he awoke from death as a vampire. Despite saving his life, his sire was less than kind: Klaus was treated as a source of blood for his sire and was sexually abused. This kept him weak, and he was unable to venture out on his own for a long time. It was only when he was allowed to leave that he did, about twenty five years since his rebirth. By this point in his life, Klaus had come to detest slavery for obvious reasons. The circumstances of his turning has made him relatively weak for a vampire; vampires his age--and even younger--have been able to best him since and he is still very aware of his weakness. Klaus continued through life on his own. He dodged other vampires out of fear and he definitely did his best to avoid getting tangled up with slayers throughout the centuries. Though one night, he came across the beginnings of the Binachi family. They were careful, of course, but far kinder than other vampires Klaus had had the displeasure of knowing. He had been fleeing from old hunters and he was well aware of his weakness compared to others so he asked for refuge. They accepted, but he remained anxious around other vampires, so he did not join the family formally. However, he has grown to appreciate them and checks in on the Binachi-Smiths whenever he's around. He's in Colorado for Olivia, and seeks to help her with the threat to her family. While he does intend to maintain his independence, he can't help but enjoy the company. Power: None, actually, and a fact he keeps to himself. Despite being such an old vampire, Klaus is relatively weak due to the life he had after being turned. Even his enhanced speed, strength, and senses are dull compared to Olivia's. Other: - Klaus has turned only two others into vampires throughout his long life. - He's bisexual and ambidextrous. - He poses among humans as a traveling artist. - He enjoys art, piano, billards/pool, language, and travel
Maple, réveille-toi! Il fait déjà nuit dehors! La voix familière de Jasmine a réveillé Maple de son sommeil. La fille bâilla alors qu'elle s'asseyait, regardant l'horloge sur sa table de nuit comme une main allait caresse l'amulette qu'elle portait autour du cou. 20 h déjà, et bien sûr elle avait dormi toute la journée. "Daman. Je sais que la lumière du soleil me tuerait si je sortais, mais être constamment éveillé seulement quand il fait noir, ça devient un peu déprimant. » Elle parlait sérieusement en s'éloignant du lit, s'habillant d'un simple t-shirt rouge et d'un jean déchiré avant de commencer à chercher sa veste préférée. "Je pense que je vais essayer de rester debout toute la journée ce soir. La vue sur le jardin me manque dans la lumière." "Je pense honnêtement que le clair de lune convient mieux à ces pauvres fleurs." La voix de Jasmine était silencieuse, mais sa proximité avec Maple l'a toujours abandonnée. Maple a trouvé sa veste, jetée impitoyablement derrière la porte après la dernière fois qu'elle l'avait portée. Le tissu noir doux suspendu lâchement sur son cadre comme elle a attaché la fermeture éclair, en regardant dans le miroir comme elle l'a fait avant de décider de brosser son excuse enchevêtrée pour les cheveux. "Bien sûr que tu aimes mieux le clair de lune. Tu as toujours aimé la vie nocturne." "Toi aussi." "Ha. Je n'ai jamais vraiment eu le choix là-bas. Li-Ren, Kyle, où es-tu?" Alors qu'elle mettait sa brosse à cheveux et ligotait ses cheveux dans une queue de cheval lâche, un vieux lapin farci et un couteau, toujours dans sa gaine, apparurent derrière elle, flottant en plein air. Le vampire s'est tourné vers eux, souriant comme elle. "Bonsoir les garçons. Prêt à aller à la chasse?" "Non." Kyle, le lapin, a dit. -- Ai-je le choix? Le poignard Li-Ren a parlé ensuite. Le sourire de Maple n'a fait que grandir. "Tu sais que tu ne sais pas Li. Et, Hunny, tu n'es pas vraiment venu avec moi pour une chasse depuis des siècles." "Je sais. Tu continues à me laisser ici pour un service de garde ennuyeux. Je ne suis pas encore mentalement préparé pour la quantité agonisante de rien à laquelle je suis soumis chaque fois que vous décidez de saigner de la sève pauvre sèche." Avant que Maple puisse répondre, il l'a interrompue. "et s'il te plaît, ne m'appelle pas Hunny. Toi et moi savons tous les deux que tu as grandi il y a des siècles." "Uh-Huh. Bien sûr. Tu veux venir avec moi cette fois? Je croyais que tu détestais la vue." Elle a entendu le lapin gémir avant qu'il ne se prosterne contre elle, se déplaçant pour flotter à ses côtés une seconde plus tard. -- Très bien, alors. Elle a pris Li-Ren hors de l'air et a attaché le poignard à sa ceinture avant de quitter sa chambre. Elle descendit le hall jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrive à l'escalier principal, puis elle descendit la rampe pour atterrir, pas du tout gracieusement, sur le plancher en dessous. Elle a filé dans un petit cercle quand elle a retrouvé son équilibre, et souri aux gens qu'elle a maintenant remarqués étaient là. "Bonsoir tout le monde. Sommes-nous prêts à sortir?" "Bonjour Olivia, Léon, Teodora, Riya, et Sarah, n'est-ce pas? Apparemment, c'est une nuit merveilleuse pour une chasse." Kyle a salué chacun d'eux, le lapin en peluche qui bobait dans les airs comme il l'a fait. Que l'un d'entre eux ait remarqué le ton moqueur de sa voix ou non, Maple l'a fait, et elle s'est rapidement approchée pour attraper le lapin avant que n'importe qui d'autre ne le puisse. Elle l'a amené à la poitrine dans un câlin, si semblable à la façon dont elle le tenait comme un enfant. Elle ne pouvait pas avoir des membres de sa famille qui le déchiraient maintenant, pas quand il avait survécu si longtemps avec elle. "Ne t'en fais pas pour le fantôme, il parle un peu ce soir."
Name: Maple Bianchi Age: 138 (Appears to be 19-20) Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: In a few words: Kind, secretive, observant, playful, joyful, and confident. She's normally a quiet girl, but not really shy. She's always got a smile on her face, either because she's usually able to find something to be happy about, or for other's sakes. She may not be brave enough to run head-on into danger, or even sure that she'll make it through whatever obstacles she comes across, but she has confidence that in the end everything will turn out alright. She often keeps her thoughts to herself unless she's trying to cheer someone up. She has a tendency to be rude or violent when she feels even slightly threatened, often starting fights and causing herself to make a few enemies. Bio: Maple was orphaned at a young age along with her older brother. The city they lived in was harsh, an almost impossible place for even the toughest of adults to live in. A year passed before the two met a Vampire of the Bianchi family, who took a passing interest in the children. He helped them in small ways whenever he saw them, and as time went on he began to consider turning them, and raising them as his own. At the time he had doubts of if he should or not, his family may not have approved and tried to kill the children if they found out. He dallied for months, each day knowing that if he didn't act the two could die anyway, and then he'd have no chance at helping them. What finally pushed him to decide was just what he feared. A sickness spread throughout the land, and the boy fell ill and died shortly after. Maple never left his side even after he passed on, and was just starting to show signs of the illness when the vampire found her. She was hesitant to go with the man, though she liked him well enough, she was also frightened of this man she'd only ever seen at night. She eventually gave in to his request to come with him however, as she realized that her brother was not going to wake up again. The vampire, now her father, took her to an inn, where he waited until she fell asleep to turn her. She was brought to meet the family in three days time, after her father was sure that she was healthy enough, and fully a vampire. She was met with mixed feelings from the family members, but her father protected her from any harsh thought or action against her. She came to care about each member of the family as she grew, and in time she felt she was accepted more and more as a family member herself. Almost a decade later, her father died protecting her from a Vampire hunter, who she hunted down herself in revenge. Special Power: SOUL MANIPULATION - Maple can trap the souls of those she's killed into any nearby object, forcing them to fight for her. The items they are trapped in are able to move of their own control, unless she commands them to do something else. They are incapable of allowing any harm to come to her without attempting to stop it. Most of the ones she's made have been destroyed, she only has 3 at the moment. At one point she had 17 Trapped Souls under her command, an army of knick-knacks and things. Other: Enjoys all things about nature, especially thunderstorms. She will often stand outside in the rain, just watching the beauty of lightning flashing across the sky. Her worst fear is that no matter how long she lives, she'll never find anyone she loves as much as she loved her brother before she was turned. Kyle Farr (Hunny) Farr was once a vampire hunter who had the sad misfortune of running into Maple and her father only a few months after she'd been turned. She caused his death, whether from wounding him or from drinking him dry the two have yet to find out. As he died, her power came to light, and the hunter's soul became trapped within her beloved stuffed rabbit, Honey. The two are friendly to each other now, in fact Kyle's knowledge of Hunter tactics and his newfound inability to allow his master to come to harm in any way has saved her life many times. Li-Ren (Blade) hunter that killed her father, Li-Ren was mercilessly hunted by Maple for almost a decade before he finally died by her hand. She placed his soul into the very dagger that struck him down, as her final justice. Li-Ren has served her well in all battles since then. Jasmine (Amulet) strange case. Jasmine was a human that Maple had become friends with. They spent years together, until Jasmine found out that Maple was a vampire, and in fleeing from her found her death by falling into the river. She couldn't swim. Maple pulled her out of the water only a few minutes before her heart stopped. In an effort to keep her friend with her, to explain and perhaps give the girl a second chance at life, Maple had tried to turn her friend, but failed as her heart gave out too quickly. Jasmine haunted her for almost a year before Maple caught her wandering soul, tying Jasmine to an amulet her father had given her. Jasmine is constantly with Maple, and as she is imprisoned within an object not very well-suited for moving around and doing things, she has an ability that the others do not. If the locket is opened, she can surround Maple with a shield made of shadows. This stops most projectiles, and sunlight from reaching Maple, but can only be used for a short time.
L'ombre a balayé les halls vides, son manteau-trails brossant à travers le sol. Il a passé la fenêtre occasionnelle avec des rideaux noircissants fuyant la lumière de l'extérieur. Il cherchait quelqu'un ou quelque chose pour occuper son temps alors qu'il attendait quelqu'un pour avoir besoin de lui. Il savait qu'ils allaient aller à la chasse ce soir et l'ombre avait la moitié de l'esprit pour les rejoindre. L'ombre commence à marcher autour des couloirs sinueux et des salles de passage jusqu'à ce qu'il arrive à l'escalier principal. En s'adressant à Olivia, il m'a surtout demandé "si je me joignais à vous ce soir?" Il se pencha contre la rampe de l'escalier.
Wrong thread
Olivia soupira et lâcha la main de Léon pendant qu'elle le sentait se réchauffer. Elle l'a vu l'avertir de ne pas partir. Elle l'avait intentionnellement un peu antagonisé. Elle avait besoin qu'il soit un peu impitoyable ce soir si elle voulait trouver des réponses sur Daniel et les autres. "Leon, j'ai besoin que tu restes à mes côtés ce soir. J'ai un autre but que de chasser pour sortir." Olivia n'a jamais caché ses yeux au nouveau venu. À l'approche de Riya, Olivia sentit la pompe à sang plus vite dans son cœur. Elle a essayé de se calmer, sachant que les autres seraient en mesure d'entendre et Sarah serait très probablement en mesure de ressentir le changement dans ses émotions. Les yeux violets d'Olivia se sont roulés sur le côté pendant que Ryia flirtait avec les deux autres vampires et elle ne pouvait pas arrêter le jumeau de jalousie qui poussait à travers son corps. "Riya... Ici." Olivia lui a remis une carte avec un nom et une adresse dessus. "Emmenez Sarah à cette adresse. C'est un donneur de sang et une bonne amie de la famille qui a gardé notre secret pendant de nombreuses années. Il sera bon pour Sarah de se nourrir de quelqu'un qui ressentira du plaisir tout en étant nourrie au lieu de la peur. Assurez-vous de prendre une part égale et, comme Sarah l'a dit, si elle semble sur le point d'attaquer ou si elle est incapable d'arrêter, gardez cela à tout prix. » Olivia a tiré sur Sarah un sourire sympathique avant de se tourner vers le son de sa jeune sœur qui s'approchait d'eux. "Sœur. Combien de fois t'ai-je dit de ne pas toucher les nouveaux? Celui-ci peut ressentir toutes les émotions dans le couloir-" Elle a été coupée par l'apparition de Maple et de l'animal de compagnie de la famille, Shadow. "Maple et ses amis" Elle sourit et hoche la tête à Maple, la reconnaissant ainsi que ses bibelots. Puis elle s'est tournée vers l'Ombre. "En fait oui. J'aurai besoin de ton aide ce soir. Je vous expliquerai après notre départ." Elle se retourna vers Maple : « Sois chère et va nous trouver un stand à The Bloody Sunday. S'il vous arrive de voir Soma ou Kraven en chemin, leur direz-vous que je les cherche et qu'ils ont besoin d'attendre au club? N'hésitez pas à manger pendant que vous attendez. Ma sœur, va avec elle, je suis sûre que vous trouverez de belles collations. » Finalement, elle se tourna de nouveau vers Léon, « Léon, viens avec moi. On s'occupera de l'humain d'abord puis on partira. Shadow, faites un contrôle préimitar et assurez-vous que personne suspect ne se cache autour du terrain de la maison." Avec ses ordres finals, elle a couru dans les escaliers sans attendre pour voir si tout le monde allait suivre ses instructions. Elle savait qu'ils le feraient s'ils voulaient continuer à être sous la protection de la famille. Elle est entrée dans la pièce où sa réceptionniste humaine parlait avec une autre fille. Elle était jeune et vêtue de couleurs vives. Olivia sentit son estomac gronder alors que l'odeur du doux sang de la fille se balaçait vers elle. Elle sentait aussi les fleurs. Ça doit être la nouvelle fille que la vieille femme du magasin de fleurs a engagée. Elle est mignonne. Mais timide... Olivia secoua la tête, sachant que c'était la faim qui parlait. Alors qu'Olivia passait par l'homme au bureau, elle pouvait voir deux marques rouges sur le cou des filles où l'une de sa famille s'était nourrie d'elle. Encore une fois, Olivia roulait les yeux. Elle devrait à nouveau parler avec sa famille au sujet de se nourrir du personnel. "Bonjour. Mon nom est Olivia Bianchi. Mais tu peux m'appeler Olivia. Que puis-je faire pour vous?" Elle sourit, mais elle voulait mettre fin à cette affaire rapidement. Elle avait faim et avait besoin de se nourrir. Elle regarda autour de la pièce aux autres vampires. Ils regardaient tous la fille. Certains avec luxure, d'autres avec faim. "S'il vous plaît, dégagez la pièce. Cette jeune femme et moi avons des affaires à régler." Elle entendit les grognements et les grognements, alors qu'ils étaient forcés de partir. Olivia tourna son attention vers la jeune fille qui sentait le sang doux et les fleurs, attendant sa réponse.
Name: Olivia Bianchi Age: A lady never reveals her age. It’s poor manners. Gender: Female Personality: She is the leader of a Vampire family. She is everything you could imagine a Vampire leader would be. She is the strong silent type that prefers to watch, listen, analyze, and only speak when she has something to say. This my no means she is cold or harsh. She is actually quite loving and protective of all that live within her mansion. If there are problems within the family, she does her duty as a leader to solve them. The only time she becomes upset or angry is when people mess with her family. She tends to be materialistic and greedy. She has an obsession with staying wealthy. If you were to ask her for money, she would most likely say no. Unless your name happens to be Riya. Bio: After her parents (the women that turned her) died in a fight with lycans, Olivia became the head of the family Bianchi. She didn’t ask for this role, she even tried to run away from the expectations suddenly thrust upon her. But somehow she always found herself back with her family. Once she accepted her role as the leader, she moved her whole family from Italy to America where they have bounced from one location to the next. She decided on Denver because marijuana has recently become legal and the family is making a killing off selling it legally in Colorado. She spends her days sealed tightly away in her mansion, handling business behind closed doors and blackout curtains. At night, she frequents the many bars and clubs her family owns, often grabbing a late night snack from pretty girls or men. Special Power: Hypnosis. This only works on humans that are susceptible. Those with a closed guarded mind are not able to become hypnotized. Other: She has a weak spot for Riya. Since she can walk through the daylight without dying, Olivia often asks her to run errands for her. She also hates it that Riya flirts with everyone since she has a not-so-secret crush on her.
Leon correspond à l'éblouissement d'Olivia, en lui poussant les mains dans les poches. Son nez éclata brièvement à la mention d'un autre but. Il espérait simplement que ce serait quelque chose d'excitant. Il dédaignait être traîné à ses petites réunions ennuyeuses, souvent impliquant des humains qu'il n'avait pas le droit de toucher. Très frustrant pour lui de traiter avec. Il a focalisé son regard sur Riya, son nez frémissant en lui disant de sourire plus. Ses lèvres se retirèrent alors qu'elle s'approchait, enlevant une de ses mains et en la plaçant sur son épaule avant de l'éloigner de lui. Il a ensuite parlé, sa voix a duré », et que diriez-vous de ne pas flirter avec toutes les choses qui bougent. » Il l'a regardée interagir avec son chien, regardant dans le couloir. Il était impatient de partir, il était fatigué d'interagir et voulait simplement pouvoir se remplir. Il a légèrement balancé sa langue sur le dos de ses crocs, gardant ses lèvres fermées. Il se sentait alors mal à l'aise, devenant rapidement un rappel constamment odieux de son désir de manger. Son regard a de nouveau été porté à Sarah et Riya, une autre discussion commençant sur elle se joignant à nous pour manger. Il a laissé un léger grognement de dégoût comme Sarah a demandé à être empêchée de tuer un humain. Il a gardé sa bouche fermée, cependant, connaissant la quantité de vampires qui croyaient que c'était cruel de tuer les humains. Mais pour lui, il croyait que c'était de la torture, même si l'homme consentait, un peu comme le donneur de sang qu'Olivia venait de donner aux deux. Il secoua la tête brièvement, avant de reconnaître Théodora avec un clin d'œil. L'une des rares personnes avec qui il s'entendait quelque peu, même si c'était simplement parce qu'elle garderait pour elle-même. Cependant, un petit snicker lui a encore échappé, causé que Theodora a eu des problèmes mineurs de toucher la nouvelle fille. Il a eu une expression faciale légèrement distrait, se demandant où Rudos était allé. Il a ignoré l'arrivée de Maple, ne voulant pas être dérangé par les bibelots agaçants qui l'ont suivie. Il laissa alors sortir un sifflet bas, et on entendit rapidement le battement des ailes avant que le petit dragon ne s'élance dans les couloirs, trouvant rapidement sa place sur l'épaule de Léon. Il n'écoutait que la moitié des instructions d'Olivia, atteignant ses doigts sur le cou et le dos de Rudos. Cependant, on lui a de nouveau demandé de le suivre, un huff et un léger piège l'échappant. Il méprisait être ordonné autour, mais c'était la vie de vivre sous la maison d'Olivia. Il saisit les bords de sa veste, les écartant jusqu'à l'endroit où Rudos brouillait de son épaule, grimpant alors sous la veste avant de retourner dans son dos, hors de vue, à l'exception de l'étrange légère bosse sous la veste. Avec cela, il a lancé après Olivia, ralentissant avant d'entrer en vue de l'homme qui a décidé d'entrer dans leur maison. Il s'est dirigé vers l'avant, s'est arrêté près du bureau de la réceptionniste et s'est appuyé contre lui. Tout à propos de cette femme a agressé ses sens. Son odeur, le bruit de son sang se précipitant dans ses veines. Il a forcé sa bouche à rester fermée, la douleur s'intensifiant alors qu'il s'allonge une fois de plus. Tentant de se distraire, il se concentra plutôt sur la réceptionniste. Le nombre de fois où il a eu des ennuis pour avoir tué un membre du personnel humain. Il a souhaité qu'Olivia l'envoie sur la course de trouver le vampire qui a bu de la réceptionniste, il a eu trop de plaisir à manipuler ces vampires, enlever sa colère sur eux. Il retourna son regard vers le nouvel homme, tapant ses doigts sur le comptoir, son regard affamé paraissant creuser dans l'homme. L'haleine qu'il tira était tremblante, et il était certain qu'Olivia saurait exactement ce qu'il voulait faire. Cependant, il est resté dans la pièce, suivant les instructions et les multiples regards qui lui ont été donnés de rester avec elle.
Wrong thread
Vermilla a tourné quand elle a remarqué un mouvement vers sa droite. Elle a donné un sourire excité en apprenant que le mouvement était Olivia. "Plaisir de vous rencontrer Olivia, Im Vermilla... Oh oui!" Vermilla a dit heureux et a commencé à creuser dans les dossiers qu'elle avait assemblés pour la réunion. "Aujourd'hui, mon employeur a renversé son enjeu de papier, que j'ai déménagé pour aider et remarqué qu'il s'agissait de factures et d'articles de type argent" comme elle a expliqué son visage a grandi un rouge doux et a continué "Et j'ai remarqué quelque chose d'étrange tout en empilant les papiers". Elle s'est déplacée en sachant que certaines personnes auraient cru qu'elle fouillait, c'est le seul côté inférieur à elle d'avoir une mémoire éidétique. Elle a respiré profondément et a dit : « Et avec la permission de mon patron, j'y ai regardé et j'ai découvert que ses fournisseurs l'avaient arrachée en lui faisant payer les fournitures qu'elle avait déjà payées. Comme j'ai organisé les fichiers que je lui recommande et vous pour poursuivre le fournisseur avec les informations que j'avais recueillies et tout reviendra sur la bonne voie ». Elle s'est cassé les doigts et a sorti une enveloppe et a dit avec enthousiasme "Et j'ai découvert qu'elle pouvait payer au moins la moitié de sa dette en ce moment. J'ai proposé de faire cette petite mission pour elle parce qu'elle une belle dame et sa boutique ne devrait pas avoir un mauvais titre à cause des escrocs". Alors qu'elle a fini, elle a sauté quand elle a finalement remarqué une autre figure et a dit "Oh bonjour". Elle a remarqué qu'il semblait tendu et a demandé "Oh, tu vas bien". Elle s'est regardée et a dit : « Est-ce que ma tenue te dérange... Tu ne serais pas la première à avoir mal à la tête à cause de la luminosité de la couleur ». Vermilla a donné au gars un sourire chaleureux et a dit "ll sera sûr quand ou si jamais je reviendrai Il portera des tons plus neutres". Elle n'a été autorisée à porter ses vêtements vibrants que lorsqu'elle travaillait au magasin de fleurs ou à son rare jour de congé.
Name: Vermilla Winchester(haha supernatural reference) Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Outgoing, Optimistic, Charismatic, Active, and Caring Bio: Vermilla comes from a family of hunters. What she didnt know until recent is not just any hunters but Vampire hunters. No one in her family told her because from an early age they knew they would try and fight them. Vermilla cares for all kinds of life be cute snails to 'Monster'. Her family tried to tell Vermilla Vampires are monsters and Vermilla promptly reminded them because of a single person act doesnt mean they are all the same. When she saw her parents were so closed minded and saw only black and white she left. She currently works at multiple jobs. She currently working at a vet office(Secretary), flower shop(cashier), and a library(Library Assistant(ranges from stocking and cleaning type work)). She lives with a wealthy family friend in the area but is located in basement or attic depending on her hosts temper. The basement is preferred but when they are upset at everyone but her she sent to the attic which has no furniture and is very dirty. She could careless about that arrangement because as long as she doesnt have to listen to her family cruel thoughts on any being life that isnt human. Special Power: None supernatural power but is trained in gymnastic, self defense, multiple types of range weapons from guns to bows, and is known to have Eidetic memory. Other: Vermilla biggest fear is being hurt and has multiple walls up. She always seems outgoing and optimistic but with her family being cruel people and her now ex fiance cheating she hiding a very dark desire but her optimistic side has been keeping the dark desire from surfacing and that is why Vermilla has that wall. Its to prevent anyone from making her fall into her dark desire.
Maple s'inclina alors qu'Olivia lui donnait des directives, et attendit que le vampire aîné s'en aille avant de se tourner pour affronter Teodora. Elle n'a jamais vu beaucoup de cette femme, même être dans la famille depuis plus de 100 ans maintenant. Pour autant qu'elle le sache, Teo l'aimait bien. Au moins, elle l'espérait. Alors que tout le monde partait pour faire ses propres tâches, Maple lâchait Kyle de sa main et souriait à Teodora. "Voulez-vous, euh, vous montrer le chemin?" -- Oui, s'il vous plaît, conduisez-nous, oh mystérieuse vixen de la nuit. Maple était sur le point d'attraper Kyle, mais il a flotté vers la porte avant qu'elle ne le puisse. "Hunny, veux-tu continuer à vivre?" "Cela dépend de ce que vous appelez "vivre" chère fille." "Laissez-moi reformuler la question alors. Voulez-vous que je vous jette personnellement dans la cheminée?" "Passer dans le feu? Personnellement par vous? Quel plaisir! Ce serait un tel honneur, madame." Le lapin bourdonna dans l'air juste hors de sa portée, se prosternant alors qu'il prononçait les derniers mots. Elle s'est sentie plus qu'entendre le grognement en colère qui poussait dans sa gorge avant que le murmure émouvant de Jasmine n'atteigne ses oreilles. "Lâche ça. Il n'en vaut pas la peine en ce moment. » Le rappel a provoqué la colère d'Erable contre le lapin, et elle a regardé nerveusement à Teodora. "Héh. Désolé, c'est un petit cul ce soir." Peu importe ce que Teo a dit ensuite, alors qu'elle et Maple quittaient la maison, Maple tirait Kyle vers elle et grondait dans l'oreille du petit lapin farci. "Je pense que je commence à me rappeler pourquoi j'ai arrêté de t'emmener partout."
Name: Maple Bianchi Age: 138 (Appears to be 19-20) Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: In a few words: Kind, secretive, observant, playful, joyful, and confident. She's normally a quiet girl, but not really shy. She's always got a smile on her face, either because she's usually able to find something to be happy about, or for other's sakes. She may not be brave enough to run head-on into danger, or even sure that she'll make it through whatever obstacles she comes across, but she has confidence that in the end everything will turn out alright. She often keeps her thoughts to herself unless she's trying to cheer someone up. She has a tendency to be rude or violent when she feels even slightly threatened, often starting fights and causing herself to make a few enemies. Bio: Maple was orphaned at a young age along with her older brother. The city they lived in was harsh, an almost impossible place for even the toughest of adults to live in. A year passed before the two met a Vampire of the Bianchi family, who took a passing interest in the children. He helped them in small ways whenever he saw them, and as time went on he began to consider turning them, and raising them as his own. At the time he had doubts of if he should or not, his family may not have approved and tried to kill the children if they found out. He dallied for months, each day knowing that if he didn't act the two could die anyway, and then he'd have no chance at helping them. What finally pushed him to decide was just what he feared. A sickness spread throughout the land, and the boy fell ill and died shortly after. Maple never left his side even after he passed on, and was just starting to show signs of the illness when the vampire found her. She was hesitant to go with the man, though she liked him well enough, she was also frightened of this man she'd only ever seen at night. She eventually gave in to his request to come with him however, as she realized that her brother was not going to wake up again. The vampire, now her father, took her to an inn, where he waited until she fell asleep to turn her. She was brought to meet the family in three days time, after her father was sure that she was healthy enough, and fully a vampire. She was met with mixed feelings from the family members, but her father protected her from any harsh thought or action against her. She came to care about each member of the family as she grew, and in time she felt she was accepted more and more as a family member herself. Almost a decade later, her father died protecting her from a Vampire hunter, who she hunted down herself in revenge. Special Power: SOUL MANIPULATION - Maple can trap the souls of those she's killed into any nearby object, forcing them to fight for her. The items they are trapped in are able to move of their own control, unless she commands them to do something else. They are incapable of allowing any harm to come to her without attempting to stop it. Most of the ones she's made have been destroyed, she only has 3 at the moment. At one point she had 17 Trapped Souls under her command, an army of knick-knacks and things. Other: Enjoys all things about nature, especially thunderstorms. She will often stand outside in the rain, just watching the beauty of lightning flashing across the sky. Her worst fear is that no matter how long she lives, she'll never find anyone she loves as much as she loved her brother before she was turned. Kyle Farr (Hunny) Farr was once a vampire hunter who had the sad misfortune of running into Maple and her father only a few months after she'd been turned. She caused his death, whether from wounding him or from drinking him dry the two have yet to find out. As he died, her power came to light, and the hunter's soul became trapped within her beloved stuffed rabbit, Honey. The two are friendly to each other now, in fact Kyle's knowledge of Hunter tactics and his newfound inability to allow his master to come to harm in any way has saved her life many times. Li-Ren (Blade) hunter that killed her father, Li-Ren was mercilessly hunted by Maple for almost a decade before he finally died by her hand. She placed his soul into the very dagger that struck him down, as her final justice. Li-Ren has served her well in all battles since then. Jasmine (Amulet) strange case. Jasmine was a human that Maple had become friends with. They spent years together, until Jasmine found out that Maple was a vampire, and in fleeing from her found her death by falling into the river. She couldn't swim. Maple pulled her out of the water only a few minutes before her heart stopped. In an effort to keep her friend with her, to explain and perhaps give the girl a second chance at life, Maple had tried to turn her friend, but failed as her heart gave out too quickly. Jasmine haunted her for almost a year before Maple caught her wandering soul, tying Jasmine to an amulet her father had given her. Jasmine is constantly with Maple, and as she is imprisoned within an object not very well-suited for moving around and doing things, she has an ability that the others do not. If the locket is opened, she can surround Maple with a shield made of shadows. This stops most projectiles, and sunlight from reaching Maple, but can only be used for a short time.
Teodora a relâché sa main sur Sarah quand Olivia l'a grondée, s'inclinant la tête. "Je m'excuse, Olivia. Je ne le referai pas », murmura-t-elle. Chez Leon's snicker, elle lui a tiré dessus. Elle n'a pas apprécié le snicker un peu. Elle a épargné un regard vers la Sarah tremblante, qu'elle présumait être un nouveau vampire. "Je suis Teodora si vous devez le savoir", a-t-elle dit à Sarah. Teodora a hurlé sur les instructions d'Olivia, bien qu'elle ne le montre pas tout à fait, elle n'était pas contente qu'elle doive sortir de la maison et-- socialiser avec les mortels. Elle a presque frémi à la pensée, avant de se rappeler à quel point ils étaient amusants de jouer avec et puis drain de la vie. Et comment elle devait rester dans la famille. Elle avait une fois essayé de partir, seulement pour revenir quelques jours plus tard, en les priant d'accepter son dos.Teodora regarda Maple avec un clin d'œil. "Je devrais probablement aller me changer en quelque chose de plus digne d'une barre mortelle. Je reviens dans quelques instants », lui a-t-elle dit, et, fidèle à sa parole, elle s'est montrée quelques instants plus tard vêtue d'un haut bleu, de simples leggings noirs, de talons noirs et d'un simple bandeau bleu. Ses cheveux étaient retournés dans une tresse, et un rouge à lèvres plus foncé ornait ses lèvres. Elle a regardé son compagnon, très heureux. Maple avait toujours été une compagne agréable, même si elle la voyait rarement. Teodora, cependant, a trouvé les multiples bibelots et boules que Maple avait déplaisant. "Je recommande de fermer ce lapin. Je ne suis pas trop irritable, mais mon frère et ma sœur le sont certainement. Si je suis ennuyé par ce lapin, alors ils vont le déchirer en morceaux, je suis désolé de le dire," Teodora a dit Maple de sa façon habituelle pointue. Elle a suivi Maple par la porte, marchant derrière elle. "Tu devras diriger. Je ne sors pas très souvent, et je ne connais pas mon chemin autour de ce trou de merde fougueux d'une ville. »
Teodora Bianchi Age: Stopped counting a long time ago Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Personality: - Paranoid - Ladylike - Charming - Stubborn - Snappish - Caring - Likes Children - Reclusive History: Teodora can't remember much of her life before she was turned- or, rather, she tries not to remember. She was turned when she was very young- seven or so. Ever since she can remember, Teodora has been content to stay behind whoever was the head of the family at the time. She had never had crazy ambitions anyways. Special Ability: Teodora is able to tell the future. There are multiple ways she can do this, including meditation and even violent prophetic dreams. Other: - Teodora has what humans like to call insomnia. She has trouble sleeping, leading to her sleep-deprived appearance. The only thing that can stave this off is sleeping pills. - She spends most of her time in her chambers, leading her to be rarely seen around the house. - Teodora enjoys reading, loving to browse through old compendiums and encyclopedias with quite a few fiction novels in between.
Riya n'a pas pu aider, mais s'en moquer au regard aigre de Léon, alors qu'il a peut-être intimidé certains, il n'a pas eu avec elle, il a peut-être eu à voir avec Olivia là-bas, mais elle a trouvé que c'était quelque chose de drôle. Elle était un peu surprise de la remarque de Sarah, mais pensait que c'était juste de la faim, elle connaissait le sentiment quand elle a commencé à tourner, elle pensait qu'elle passerait par tous les humains qu'elle rencontrait, mais ce n'était pas difficile de se garder en échec et était sûr que ce serait la même chose pour Sarah. Pas besoin de s'inquiéter enfant, je sais ce que vous ressentez, ressentis de la même façon quand je suis devenu un vampire, nous allons nous assurer que vous n'avez pas trop mangé. Son attention se tourna vers Olivia quand elle s'adressa à elle, se levant et se déplaçant vers elle, elle prit la carte qui lui fut remise, étudiant le nom et l'adresse et puis regarda en arrière à Olivia, J'ai pensé que j'allais sortir avec vous et les autres pour manger, J'ai commencé à répondre dans une façade sonnante décevante, puis a ajouté, J'ai bien, Je ne m'inquiète pas que ce soit une soirée de filles avec juste moi et le nouveau et ne t'inquiète pas, Je m'assurerai qu'elle est en sécurité et ne boit pas quelqu'un à sec, J'ai donné un rire ludique. Elle se pencha alors près de l'oreille d'Olivia, chuchotant doucement et séduisantement, et j'espère qu'à notre retour, tu me rattraperas de ne pas m'avoir laissé aller avec toi, et qu'elle finira avec un clin d'oeil à elle et qu'elle retournera ensuite à Sarah. Riya se préparait à emmener Sarah à l'adresse, mais il semblait que la maison soit toujours vide ou toujours pleine, c'était comme cette dernière quand Teodora est descendue, suivie par Maple. Oh, hé Teodora, a pensé que tu ne sortirais jamais du lit,,, Elle taquinait, légèrement coller sa langue dehors. Elle a fait un simple clin d'œil à Maple quand elle les a accueillis et n'a fait aucun commentaire sur la remarque des lapins, non pas qu'elle n'aimait pas sa famille, mais les choses devenaient un peu bondées et elle était prête à sortir et à manger une bouchée, il était clair d'entendre aussi bien que Sarah n'aimait pas la petite foule non plus. Eh bien, je pense qu'il est temps que nous y allions, il commence déjà à devenir un peu bondé ici et Olivia, rappelez-vous ce que j'ai dit sur le fait de me rembourser, de Riya lui a donné un dernier clin d'oeil avant de tourner son attention vers Sarah, de sorte que, vous êtes prêt à aller enfant?
Riya Bianchi Age: 45 Gender: Female Appearance Her frame is slim and athletic built, her long dark hair compliments her slim face, one that usually has a calm expression with a hint of seductiveness from her crimson red eyes. Usually her attire consists of a white sleeved shirt with a dark vest and a black leather jacket, blue skinny jeans with a belt hanging on her waist and brown boots. Unless she’s required to by her family, she rarely ever wear any kind of formal attire, feeling they don’t suit who she really is under them. Personality Kind and deviously playful would be the best way to describe Riya. She cares greatly for the new family she was brought into as well as being fiercely loyal to it, she’ll gladly give her life before she lets any harm come to her family. Something that may be surprising to her kind is when it comes to humans, specifically feeding off them, she tends to take into consideration how much blood she draws from them, being formally human herself, she sympathizes with what she used to be and will rarely ever kill a human through feeding. Her playful side was one she acquired when she was turned, generally she likes to toy with the prey she decides to target, revealing what she really is to them and then hunting them down when they flee in terror. When she’s home with her family, she likes to flirt with the others, though not serious, she enjoys how both the same and opposite sex squirm at her advances. Bio Riya’s life before she became a vampire wasn’t all the impressive nor interesting, she was above average when she was in high school and after she left school, she got a job working at a bank and an ordinary apartment. Having grown tired with how bland most of her life was and how she never really aspired for anything, she decided she’d go to school, get a degree and get a better paying job and home. Well that had been the plan at least, but unfortunately, she never got the opportunity to do so, one late night on her way back from work, she decided to cut through an alley to get home quicker and was grabbed by a man in the dark. Held at gunpoint she was robbed and then shot after some clouds parted and allowed the moonlight to shine in the alley, revealing the man’s face. As she laid there bleeding out, she couldn’t help but smile at the irony, she did nothing meaningful with her life and then when she was finally about to, she ended up getting killed. Riya was glad at first, thinking she would’ve just continued on with her meaningless life and death was probably better for her, but as she became weaker and got closer to death, the fear set in, she didn’t want to die, she wanted to live, she begged in her thoughts for someone to save her and as if her prayers had been answered, another figure came before her, this time a woman and granted Riya the powers of a vampire by drinking her blood and giving her own in return. She wasn’t used to her new powers at first, the enhanced abilities and pale complexion certainly scared her at first, plus the fact nothing could satisfy her hunger save for blood. Then the woman who saved her appeared at her home one night, explaining what Riya now was and offered her to join her family, with not many other options and still not fully understanding how her new powers worked, she accepted. Special Power - Sunlight Resistance Whilst she doesn’t have an actual ability, this passive power allows her to go outside during the day without needing any kind of protection from the sunlight that would no doubt easily cook others of her kind. Other She has a hell hound that she came across one night in a forest that had hunted down some people that were out camping, though it was unruly, she managed to tame it and is now a loyal companion that will do whatever she asks and protect her at all costs.
Sarah a hurlé. -- Oui. Elle se tenait debout et sortait de la porte, son langage corporel disant qu'elle était extrêmement mal à l'aise. Elle a pensé à son père adoptif, et sire, Daniel, qui avait disparu. Elle voulait qu'il soit là, il avait un moyen de la calmer, personne d'autre ne l'a fait. Elle s'est cognée et a soupiré. Elle a senti l'ennui de Léon et a mordu sa lèvre. Puis elle est sortie de la maison, attendant Riya.
Name: Sarah Smith Age: 20 (Is a new vampire) Gender: Female Personality/Bio: Sarah is definitely what one would call a strong woman. She is smart, pretty, and was physically strong even while she was human. While she was human, she was also what one would call an empath, someone who can take on other people's emotions as their own. She is dark, despite this, and anti-social. Sarah was caught one night by a street gang, where she managed to seriously wound a couple before she was shot and then stabbed. She was found by one of the Smith family and turned, and she woke, finding her empathic abilities wer heightened into hearing even the thoughts behind someone's emotions. For this reason she puts on music to drown out others. Special Power: She is a very powerful Empath. This means anything to do with emotions, she can do. She can manipulate emotions as well as "Feel" the particular thoughts causing an emotion in someone. However, there is a catch: She feels it very, VERY physically, sometimes causing pain in her. This happens especially if she is touched by two or more people at the same time. Other: Sarah, despite her anti-sociality, longs for a mate. She also has a tattoo of huge raven wings on her back, along with thorned vines running down her arms, each ending with a red rose on the tops of her hands.
Olivia a attendu que la fille arrête de draguer. À ce stade, elle ne se souciait pas d'une dette stupide que la boutique de fleurs lui devait, honnêtement elle n'avait même pas remarqué. Elle avait au moins dix autres entreprises qui se débrouillaient assez bien et une petite boutique de fleurs était la moindre de ses préoccupations. Alors qu'elle attendait, ses pensées revenaient à Riya et son cœur reprit sa course. Elle n'a pas essayé de l'arrêter cette fois. L'idée que Riya vienne la voir plus tard dans la nuit... Ses pensées ont été interrompues par Léon. Elle regarda un peu comme il apparaissait, espérant qu'il n'avait pas entendu le sang dans son corps accélérer ses pensées de Riya. Elle a retourné son attention à la fille et n'a pas fléchi quand elle a senti la présence de Shadow. Elle aurait dû attendre que cet homme ait fini sa course avant d'obtenir un rapport de situation de Shadow. "Oh oui... ummm" Olivia a essayé de penser à quelque chose rapidement. Il ne semble pas professionnel de dire qu'elle n'avait pas pensé à la boutique de fleurs depuis des mois. Elle a aussi été distrait par l'odeur du sang des filles et de son estomac grondement. C'était presque comme si les filles sentaient le sang familier. "Oui, bien, je suis si contente que la douce petite dame ait finalement engagé de l'aide appropriée." Un sourire gentil, mais vide, étendu sur les lèvres d'Olivia. Cette fille... elle avait l'air familière aussi... "Pourquoi ne me suis-tu pas dans mon bureau et on peut discuter en détail de ce que ton patron te doit?" L'odeur du sang de la fille et son visage lui rappelaient une famille de chasseurs de vampires qu'elle connaissait il y a longtemps. Elle était presque certaine que cette fille timide ne pouvait pas être l'une d'entre elles, mais au cours de sa vie, elle avait appris qu'il valait mieux rester prudente. Olivia l'a retournée vers la fille et s'est approchée de Léon, elle a chuchoté pour que seule son audition améliorée puisse l'entendre, se mettre derrière la fille et rester là. Suivez-nous à mon bureau et restez en alerte. Je vous expliquerai une fois qu'on y sera. Une fois passée Léon, elle se retourna pour faire face à la jeune fille, souriant et gesuturant vers l'escalier. Elle s'est cognée une fois sur son corset-top, son signal secret pour que Shadow suive aussi. Si cette fille était un chasseur de vampires, elle aurait besoin de tous les renforts qu'elle pourrait obtenir.
Name: Olivia Bianchi Age: A lady never reveals her age. It’s poor manners. Gender: Female Personality: She is the leader of a Vampire family. She is everything you could imagine a Vampire leader would be. She is the strong silent type that prefers to watch, listen, analyze, and only speak when she has something to say. This my no means she is cold or harsh. She is actually quite loving and protective of all that live within her mansion. If there are problems within the family, she does her duty as a leader to solve them. The only time she becomes upset or angry is when people mess with her family. She tends to be materialistic and greedy. She has an obsession with staying wealthy. If you were to ask her for money, she would most likely say no. Unless your name happens to be Riya. Bio: After her parents (the women that turned her) died in a fight with lycans, Olivia became the head of the family Bianchi. She didn’t ask for this role, she even tried to run away from the expectations suddenly thrust upon her. But somehow she always found herself back with her family. Once she accepted her role as the leader, she moved her whole family from Italy to America where they have bounced from one location to the next. She decided on Denver because marijuana has recently become legal and the family is making a killing off selling it legally in Colorado. She spends her days sealed tightly away in her mansion, handling business behind closed doors and blackout curtains. At night, she frequents the many bars and clubs her family owns, often grabbing a late night snack from pretty girls or men. Special Power: Hypnosis. This only works on humans that are susceptible. Those with a closed guarded mind are not able to become hypnotized. Other: She has a weak spot for Riya. Since she can walk through the daylight without dying, Olivia often asks her to run errands for her. She also hates it that Riya flirts with everyone since she has a not-so-secret crush on her.
Leon resta à sa place au bureau, regardant la fille aux yeux durs. La teinte rouge située dans l'iris semblait s'éclaircir, ce qui faisait que ses yeux avaient un regard encore plus rouge pour eux. Il agita sa main dédaigneusement sur sa déclaration. Non, ce n'était pas la tenue agaçante de couleur brillante que portait la fille qui lui causait un mal de tête. C'était le son du sang qui semblait grandir de plus en plus fort dans ses oreilles sensibles. Il parlait, sa voix basse et sa bouche s'ouvre à peine," ce n'est pas toi petit, et je n'ai pas mal à la tête. Cela se trouve juste être mon expression faciale." Il s'est concentré sur Olivia alors qu'elle parlait à la fille, ramenant sur le changement de comportement subtil mais notable, immédiatement avant qu'elle invite la fille au bureau. Il a laissé sortir un grand air de son nez. Ça allait prendre un moment. Ses yeux sont maintenant restés concentrés sur la fille, le changement dans le comportement d'Olivia signifiant généralement un de l'importance. Alors que sa tête se tournait pour écouter les paroles qui lui étaient dites, ses yeux n'ont jamais quitté la fille. À la déclaration d'Olivia, il lâcha un faible grognement, tout simplement perceptible dans leur rayon d'audition, avant de s'en sortir avant qu'elle parte. Pourquoi ne pas me laisser la tuer et en finir avec ça. J'ai faim. Il a tapé ses doigts, restant concentré sur la fille, ses yeux dérivent légèrement vers le mouvement qui indiquait que Shadow devait suivre. Quoi qu'il en soit, Olivia a certainement dû demander une protection. Il pouvait sentir les petites pinces de griffes contre son dos, un signe que Rudos était capable de ramasser l'énergie étrange qui avait commencé à remplir la pièce. Mais il n'a pas été autorisé à sortir, 'c'est au moins quand l'apparition soudaine d'un dragon pourrait surprendre la fille qui se tenait debout. Avec un soupir, il se déplaça de son lieu de repos, attendant que la jeune fille commence à suivre Olivia. Il savait que les trois d'entre eux autour de la fille serait certainement surprenant et de mettre, mais c'était comme Olivia demandé. Bien qu'elle aurait probablement pu s'en aller avec l'adresse à haute voix suggérant qu'il se joigne à eux, parhaps y compris le mot frère dans sa déclaration. Il aurait rendu sa présence un peu moins nerveuse pour la petite fille. Il ne pouvait qu'imaginer marcher derrière elle. Si elle devenait nerveuse, son rythme cardiaque augmenterait, et il pourrait regarder toutes les subtiles différences de sang couler en allers et retours dans ses veines.
Name: Vermilla Winchester(haha supernatural reference) Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Outgoing, Optimistic, Charismatic, Active, and Caring Bio: Vermilla comes from a family of hunters. What she didnt know until recent is not just any hunters but Vampire hunters. No one in her family told her because from an early age they knew they would try and fight them. Vermilla cares for all kinds of life be cute snails to 'Monster'. Her family tried to tell Vermilla Vampires are monsters and Vermilla promptly reminded them because of a single person act doesnt mean they are all the same. When she saw her parents were so closed minded and saw only black and white she left. She currently works at multiple jobs. She currently working at a vet office(Secretary), flower shop(cashier), and a library(Library Assistant(ranges from stocking and cleaning type work)). She lives with a wealthy family friend in the area but is located in basement or attic depending on her hosts temper. The basement is preferred but when they are upset at everyone but her she sent to the attic which has no furniture and is very dirty. She could careless about that arrangement because as long as she doesnt have to listen to her family cruel thoughts on any being life that isnt human. Special Power: None supernatural power but is trained in gymnastic, self defense, multiple types of range weapons from guns to bows, and is known to have Eidetic memory. Other: Vermilla biggest fear is being hurt and has multiple walls up. She always seems outgoing and optimistic but with her family being cruel people and her now ex fiance cheating she hiding a very dark desire but her optimistic side has been keeping the dark desire from surfacing and that is why Vermilla has that wall. Its to prevent anyone from making her fall into her dark desire.
L'ombre regardée comme Leon le signalait à suivre. ombre hoche silencieusement sa tête comme ses yeux où maintenant entraîné sur le dos de la tête des filles. ses yeux semblaient se concentrer alors qu'il attendait que la fille suive pour ne pas être vue. Juste au cas où la poussée vient pour pousser il serait plus facile de tuer un ennemi qui ne sait pas de votre présense.(désolé pour le court post je ne sais pas quoi mettre)
Wrong thread
Riya a suivi Sarah hors de la maison, Ambient après elle près d'elle jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrive à la porte, "No Ambient, vous devez rester ici et garder la maison en sécurité, ne vous inquiétez pas, je serai bientôt de retour et puis je vous obtiendrai ce steak que j'ai promis," Riya a dit avec un sourire, Ambient heureusement frotter la tête contre sa jambe avant de tourner autour et de retourner à l'intérieur. Désolé à ce sujet, ce chien de l'enfer semble méchant, mais est vraiment doux en dessous, peut-être un peu trop, de Riya a donné un petit mandrin à Sarah et ensuite a commencé à marcher avec elle à l'adresse qui leur a été donnée. Pendant qu'ils marchaient tous les deux, Riya a senti qu'elle devrait rassurer la fille et peut-être apprendre à la connaître un peu mieux, alors, je parie que tu étais un peu effrayé quand tu as été transformé, hein? Je sais que j'étais, il m'est arrivé il y a une vingtaine d'années ou alors... Ouah, j'étais déjà si longtemps? » Riya s'est demandé, secouant la tête quand elle s'est rendu compte qu'elle n'était pas allée n'importe où avec cette phrase encore, « désolé, a été distrait. Quoi qu'il en soit, quand ça m'est arrivé, la première chose que j'ai faite a été d'arracher accidentellement la porte de mon frigo, vous pouvez imaginer ma surprise, - Riya a donné une autre chance. Ne vous inquiétez pas de cette faim que vous ressentez maintenant, j'ai été là et je me sentais comme si j'allais sucer tous les humains que j'ai rencontrés, mais j'avais la famille pour m'assurer que je n'en ai pas pris trop et je suis ici pour vous aider de la même façon, alors n'ayez pas peur de boire à un humain d'accord? Je vais m'assurer que vous n'allez pas par-dessus bord, de Riya lui a donné un sourire amical pendant qu'ils continuaient vers leur destination.
Riya Bianchi Age: 45 Gender: Female Appearance Her frame is slim and athletic built, her long dark hair compliments her slim face, one that usually has a calm expression with a hint of seductiveness from her crimson red eyes. Usually her attire consists of a white sleeved shirt with a dark vest and a black leather jacket, blue skinny jeans with a belt hanging on her waist and brown boots. Unless she’s required to by her family, she rarely ever wear any kind of formal attire, feeling they don’t suit who she really is under them. Personality Kind and deviously playful would be the best way to describe Riya. She cares greatly for the new family she was brought into as well as being fiercely loyal to it, she’ll gladly give her life before she lets any harm come to her family. Something that may be surprising to her kind is when it comes to humans, specifically feeding off them, she tends to take into consideration how much blood she draws from them, being formally human herself, she sympathizes with what she used to be and will rarely ever kill a human through feeding. Her playful side was one she acquired when she was turned, generally she likes to toy with the prey she decides to target, revealing what she really is to them and then hunting them down when they flee in terror. When she’s home with her family, she likes to flirt with the others, though not serious, she enjoys how both the same and opposite sex squirm at her advances. Bio Riya’s life before she became a vampire wasn’t all the impressive nor interesting, she was above average when she was in high school and after she left school, she got a job working at a bank and an ordinary apartment. Having grown tired with how bland most of her life was and how she never really aspired for anything, she decided she’d go to school, get a degree and get a better paying job and home. Well that had been the plan at least, but unfortunately, she never got the opportunity to do so, one late night on her way back from work, she decided to cut through an alley to get home quicker and was grabbed by a man in the dark. Held at gunpoint she was robbed and then shot after some clouds parted and allowed the moonlight to shine in the alley, revealing the man’s face. As she laid there bleeding out, she couldn’t help but smile at the irony, she did nothing meaningful with her life and then when she was finally about to, she ended up getting killed. Riya was glad at first, thinking she would’ve just continued on with her meaningless life and death was probably better for her, but as she became weaker and got closer to death, the fear set in, she didn’t want to die, she wanted to live, she begged in her thoughts for someone to save her and as if her prayers had been answered, another figure came before her, this time a woman and granted Riya the powers of a vampire by drinking her blood and giving her own in return. She wasn’t used to her new powers at first, the enhanced abilities and pale complexion certainly scared her at first, plus the fact nothing could satisfy her hunger save for blood. Then the woman who saved her appeared at her home one night, explaining what Riya now was and offered her to join her family, with not many other options and still not fully understanding how her new powers worked, she accepted. Special Power - Sunlight Resistance Whilst she doesn’t have an actual ability, this passive power allows her to go outside during the day without needing any kind of protection from the sunlight that would no doubt easily cook others of her kind. Other She has a hell hound that she came across one night in a forest that had hunted down some people that were out camping, though it was unruly, she managed to tame it and is now a loyal companion that will do whatever she asks and protect her at all costs.
Sarah a hurlé. "O-OKY..." elle a dit. Riya s'est montrée amicale pour qu'elle puisse lui faire confiance. "Oui, j'ai été assez surpris quand Daniel m'a mordu et m'a tourné..." Elle a couru ses doigts minces et délicats le long de la cicatrice du couteau à travers sa gorge. Elle s'est fait trancher la gorge la nuit où elle est devenue vampire. Daniel l'avait trouvée et l'avait transformée. Elle s'est cognée. "J'ai juste manqué Daniel, il avait un moyen de me calmer, personne d'autre ne l'a fait." Daniel avait été celui qui lui avait expliqué ce qui lui avait été fait. Bien qu'elle n'ait dit à personne ce qui s'est passé juste après. Il avait caché la jeune fille et s'était enfui. "À propos de Daniel, je sais ce qui lui est arrivé avant qu'il ne disparaisse. J'ai peur pour lui. Il m'a caché, puis s'est enfui, a dit qu'il avait des affaires à régler. Je ne l'ai jamais vu depuis. Puis je suis sorti après un moment et j'ai trébuché à travers Olivia."
Name: Sarah Smith Age: 20 (Is a new vampire) Gender: Female Personality/Bio: Sarah is definitely what one would call a strong woman. She is smart, pretty, and was physically strong even while she was human. While she was human, she was also what one would call an empath, someone who can take on other people's emotions as their own. She is dark, despite this, and anti-social. Sarah was caught one night by a street gang, where she managed to seriously wound a couple before she was shot and then stabbed. She was found by one of the Smith family and turned, and she woke, finding her empathic abilities wer heightened into hearing even the thoughts behind someone's emotions. For this reason she puts on music to drown out others. Special Power: She is a very powerful Empath. This means anything to do with emotions, she can do. She can manipulate emotions as well as "Feel" the particular thoughts causing an emotion in someone. However, there is a catch: She feels it very, VERY physically, sometimes causing pain in her. This happens especially if she is touched by two or more people at the same time. Other: Sarah, despite her anti-sociality, longs for a mate. She also has a tattoo of huge raven wings on her back, along with thorned vines running down her arms, each ending with a red rose on the tops of her hands.
Maple sourit à Kyle alors que Teodora l'avertit de le faire taire. "Vous voyez Hunny? Chut." Elle a tenu un doigt sur ses lèvres alors que le lapin commençait à parler à nouveau, l'empêchant de continuer. Alors que les deux vampires quittaient le terrain, Maple a zippé Kyle sur le devant de sa veste, ne laissant que sa tête regarder dehors et le cachant surtout de la vue de tous les humains qu'ils pourraient rencontrer dans la rue. Elle se sentait bizarre d'être invitée à diriger la route, normalement elle suivait ceux qui étaient plus âgés qu'elle, mais elle n'hésitait pas à baisser le trottoir et à commencer à naviguer dans la ville. Alors qu'ils blessaient dans les rues, Maple gardait ses dents serrées, retenant pratiquement son souffle jusqu'au bar, le Bloody Sunday. Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de gens dehors quand ils sont arrivés, mais quand ils sont entrés dans le bâtiment, ils ont été bientôt entourés par des humains. Elle a serré Kyle dans sa poitrine à travers la veste en entendant son estomac gronder. Ses dents ont souffert pendant qu'elle se rendait à une cabine vide sur le mur arrière de l'endroit, mettant Kyle sur le bord de la table quand elle est arrivée. "Garde ici." Elle grondait tranquillement au lapin. "C'est notre table maintenant." Kyle n'a rien dit, mais il n'a pas bougé non plus, alors elle a supposé qu'il jouait juste à être un lapin en peluche normale. Ça les aiderait à se démarquer moins s'il l'était. Elle a regardé autour du bar avant de regarder Teodora. Olivia a dit qu'on pouvait manger pendant qu'on attendait qu'ils arrivent, non? Voulez-vous trouver quelqu'un d'abord ou...?" Elle s'est enfuie en mettant ses mains dans les poches de sa veste pour l'aider à éviter de prendre l'humain le plus proche. Elle était assez bonne pour se garder sous contrôle, mais cette attente commençait à devenir douloureuse.
Name: Maple Bianchi Age: 138 (Appears to be 19-20) Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: In a few words: Kind, secretive, observant, playful, joyful, and confident. She's normally a quiet girl, but not really shy. She's always got a smile on her face, either because she's usually able to find something to be happy about, or for other's sakes. She may not be brave enough to run head-on into danger, or even sure that she'll make it through whatever obstacles she comes across, but she has confidence that in the end everything will turn out alright. She often keeps her thoughts to herself unless she's trying to cheer someone up. She has a tendency to be rude or violent when she feels even slightly threatened, often starting fights and causing herself to make a few enemies. Bio: Maple was orphaned at a young age along with her older brother. The city they lived in was harsh, an almost impossible place for even the toughest of adults to live in. A year passed before the two met a Vampire of the Bianchi family, who took a passing interest in the children. He helped them in small ways whenever he saw them, and as time went on he began to consider turning them, and raising them as his own. At the time he had doubts of if he should or not, his family may not have approved and tried to kill the children if they found out. He dallied for months, each day knowing that if he didn't act the two could die anyway, and then he'd have no chance at helping them. What finally pushed him to decide was just what he feared. A sickness spread throughout the land, and the boy fell ill and died shortly after. Maple never left his side even after he passed on, and was just starting to show signs of the illness when the vampire found her. She was hesitant to go with the man, though she liked him well enough, she was also frightened of this man she'd only ever seen at night. She eventually gave in to his request to come with him however, as she realized that her brother was not going to wake up again. The vampire, now her father, took her to an inn, where he waited until she fell asleep to turn her. She was brought to meet the family in three days time, after her father was sure that she was healthy enough, and fully a vampire. She was met with mixed feelings from the family members, but her father protected her from any harsh thought or action against her. She came to care about each member of the family as she grew, and in time she felt she was accepted more and more as a family member herself. Almost a decade later, her father died protecting her from a Vampire hunter, who she hunted down herself in revenge. Special Power: SOUL MANIPULATION - Maple can trap the souls of those she's killed into any nearby object, forcing them to fight for her. The items they are trapped in are able to move of their own control, unless she commands them to do something else. They are incapable of allowing any harm to come to her without attempting to stop it. Most of the ones she's made have been destroyed, she only has 3 at the moment. At one point she had 17 Trapped Souls under her command, an army of knick-knacks and things. Other: Enjoys all things about nature, especially thunderstorms. She will often stand outside in the rain, just watching the beauty of lightning flashing across the sky. Her worst fear is that no matter how long she lives, she'll never find anyone she loves as much as she loved her brother before she was turned. Kyle Farr (Hunny) Farr was once a vampire hunter who had the sad misfortune of running into Maple and her father only a few months after she'd been turned. She caused his death, whether from wounding him or from drinking him dry the two have yet to find out. As he died, her power came to light, and the hunter's soul became trapped within her beloved stuffed rabbit, Honey. The two are friendly to each other now, in fact Kyle's knowledge of Hunter tactics and his newfound inability to allow his master to come to harm in any way has saved her life many times. Li-Ren (Blade) hunter that killed her father, Li-Ren was mercilessly hunted by Maple for almost a decade before he finally died by her hand. She placed his soul into the very dagger that struck him down, as her final justice. Li-Ren has served her well in all battles since then. Jasmine (Amulet) strange case. Jasmine was a human that Maple had become friends with. They spent years together, until Jasmine found out that Maple was a vampire, and in fleeing from her found her death by falling into the river. She couldn't swim. Maple pulled her out of the water only a few minutes before her heart stopped. In an effort to keep her friend with her, to explain and perhaps give the girl a second chance at life, Maple had tried to turn her friend, but failed as her heart gave out too quickly. Jasmine haunted her for almost a year before Maple caught her wandering soul, tying Jasmine to an amulet her father had given her. Jasmine is constantly with Maple, and as she is imprisoned within an object not very well-suited for moving around and doing things, she has an ability that the others do not. If the locket is opened, she can surround Maple with a shield made of shadows. This stops most projectiles, and sunlight from reaching Maple, but can only be used for a short time.
BGM Musique basse profondément réverbérée dans les limites peu éclairées du club de nuit Bloody Sunday caché. Des serveuses scandalisées se pénétraient parmi les tables, s'éloignant à l'écart des mains en passant entre les groupes de mécènes, en plaisantant et en buvant en regardant occasionnellement la scène à l'arrière du club. De l'autre côté du bar, de l'autre côté d'une piste de danse surpeuplée et de quelques lignes de chaises, se trouvait la scène du spectacle, actuellement utilisée par une femme buxom roux en lingerie noire et des bottes à talons hauts du genou. Elle tournait lustrement autour d'un mât chromé au centre de la musique, acclamé par un couple de cuir et de jean vêtus d'hommes, alors qu'ils jetaient des billets légèrement fracassés à ses pieds. C'était une nuit jeune et il y avait beaucoup de clients dans la maison, malgré les clubs quelque peu isolés. Il y avait assez d'espace, y compris l'espace de fumer à l'arrière, pour abriter bien plus d'une cinquantaine de mécènes, mais il n'y en avait que dix ou douze. Ce soir, il y avait bien plus de trente buveurs et de goers de club. À la porte, un grand homme à la peau foncée avec une tête rasée dans des lunettes sombres et un blazer se tenait les bras croisés regardant froidement la jeune femme et ceux qui l'accompagnaient passaient par l'entrée discrète. Étrangement, il ne semblait pas les reconnaître, demander l'identification, ou se mettre sur leur chemin du tout. Au lieu de cela, il regardait, comme s'il était familier avec eux. Ou du moins de leur espèce. Les rideaux noirs couraient sur leur tête alors qu'ils passaient dans le club, la musique les frappant comme un mur de son. "Qu'est-ce qui se passe aujourd'hui?" Interrogé un brillamment commun au club qui était assis sur un tabouret en chrome et en cuir au comptoir du bar. "Malheureusement, oui..." Répondu une voix légèrement apathique de l'autre côté. Remplir un grand verre réfrigéré avec du liquide mousseux auburn, Soma soupira, favorisant les jours avec moins de patrons et moins de travail. Posant la tasse de bière en verre devant l'homme à son bar, Soma s'est brièvement attaché à son gilet et s'est assuré que son col était droit. Il n'y avait pas de code vestimentaire pour les barmans, surtout compte tenu de la nature des spectacles présentés par le club. Cependant Soma ne se sentait pas bien si elle n'était pas habillée formellement. "Malheureusement? Ne gagnes-tu pas plus d'argent quand c'est comme ça?" A demandé à l'homme avant d'accepter la boisson et de prendre une grosse perruque. "C'est juste plus de nouveaux visages que vous verrez sur le dos de vos cartons de lait la semaine prochaine..." Retirant la boisson et laissant tomber un bélier, l'homme a tiré sa manche sur son visage, essuyant une tache de mousse sur sa lèvre supérieure avant de regarder le barman. -- Quoi? Soma s'est ébranlé la tête, s'est emparé d'un chiffon et s'est occupé de quelques tasses bouchées. "J'ai dit que je suis fatiguée... ça a été une longue journée." L'homme lui a donné un bref ronflement. "Ha! Pourquoi crois-tu que je suis là?" Soudain l'attention de Soma s'est déplacée vers les portes comme quelqu'un avec un parfum familier est entré et a trouvé un stand juste loin de la foule. Soma a reconnu l'odeur mais n'a pas pu avoir une bonne vue de qui que ce soit à travers les foules de clients et de serveuses se bousculant entre les tables. "Que font-ils ici de tous les endroits?" Interrogé Soma sous son souffle alors qu'il regardait à travers le club dim. "Huh?" A demandé au client de lever son verre pour un autre aller. "Ce n'est rien." Répondu Soma brusquement, se déplaçant à l'autre extrémité du compteur. Il s'est reposé les mains sur le comptoir, regardant à travers la foule avec observance. "Je pensais que j'avais assez travaillé loin, s'il vous plaît ne soyez pas qui je pense que c'est..."
Name: Leon Bianchi Age: He doesn't give a damn about his age anymore Gender: Male Leon is approximately 6'4, well built and heavily muscled. His eyes are very dark in color, with a red tint to them. The limbal ring, however, is a startling red color, vastly standing out against the nearly black eye. When talking, it seems like he has a nearly permanent sneer on his face. He is covered with a multitude of tattoos, one located on his left leg, a dragon, the tail beginning on his foot, before spiraling up his leg to where the head rests on his hip, fire surrounding the dragon and blazing out of its mouth. Another, located on his left arm, is this series of animals, containing a eagle, deer, wolf, owl, and coyote. this flame tattoo located on his right forearm. As well as froza written across his chest. Personality: Leon can simply be described as a hot head. He is angry, hard, and cold. This slightest thing can set him off, and it would be within nearly everyone's well being if they stayed out of his way during one of his fits of anger. For Leon, his anger is one that simply continues to build on with time instead of fading into a lack of care. Deep inside, he is a distraught man. His anger stems from his anger at himself, and he is tired of life. He still has not come to terms with many of the previous events in his life, despite the time that has passed since then. He pushes everyone away for fear of being hurt, leading to a largely solitary life when it would have been more useful to him to allow people in. There is one person however, someone who has become his older sister, who can understand him more then most. Olivia is one of the few people that can manage to calm him if she gets close enough, but in his fits of rage he does not notice who specific people are, and could still end up causing injury. His feedings are violent, aggressive, often letting his pent up anger out on his victim. There is one thing he would never do, he never leaves a person alive after feeding, believing that to be torturing them due to his past history. Bio: Leon, before being changed into a vampire, lived a rough life. He was abused, and ended up being dragged into a different vampire family where he was used repeatedly as a source of food. When he finally managed to escape, he fled for his life, trying to be free of the never ending cycle. He would finally feel back to normal from a feeding, and then in would come the next one. He was finally free. However, during the time of his freedom, depression and anger caught up with him. He continued to spiral down, before giving up on life. He attempted to kill himself. But, he was found by a man, who so happened to be a member of the Bianchi family. His life was saved, and he was turned into a vampire. Was he happy? No. In no way was he happy. The amount of times he had to be held back from attempting to end his life with a variety of methods, several times it being Olivia that stopped him. He was very prone to violent outbursts, often involving his new found power of controlling fire. He had always been a pyromaniac, enjoying watching fire and setting things a light. And that followed him into a vampire, but increasing with his ability to create and control the fire. Special Power: pyrokinesis Other: If he is found staring down at his forearms, where his tattoos are covering, leave him be, unless your character is Olivia, or your character wants a face full of fire. He has a pet dragon, Rudos, who he met many many years ago. Rudos is full sized, stretched out he is the length from his shoulder to his hand, but Rudos prefers to simply sit on Leon's shoulder, tail wrapped around the back of his neck and the draping down his front
Olivia était sur le point de commenter qu'ils n'avaient pas besoin d'une arme quand une odeur étrange l'a prise hors de garde. Elle a reconnu son odeur il y a longtemps. Ses yeux violets, normalement doux, blasés rouge à sa réalisation soudaine. "Vous avez amené un chasseur dans cette maison!! Ne le nie pas! Tout ton corps a changé quand tu as réalisé qu'il était là! » Olivia traque lentement plus près de la fille. "Comment nous avez-vous trouvés. Il t'a envoyé nous distraire pendant qu'il cherchait à planifier une attaque surprise? Ombre! Rendez-vous visible et allez trouver le chasseur. Ne le tuez pas. Je veux qu'il vive pour lui poser des questions. Il a peut-être dit à d'autres chasseurs que nous sommes ici." Le chef de la famille Vampire a arrondi sur la fille debout à seulement pieds d'elle. Ses dents ont souffert d'un manque de sang, elle n'était pas d'humeur à se battre. Cette fois-ci, elle parlait plus calmement, "puisqu'il y a un chasseur ici, je ne peux que supposer que vous en êtes un aussi. C'était Vermilla? Allez avec mon frère. Va tranquillement et on te laissera peut-être vivre. Si vous vous défendez, je vous promets que ce sera la dernière, mauvaise décision que vous prendrez." Olivia n'a jamais laissé sa vue s'émerveiller de la chasseuse féminine. "Leon. Emmenez Mlle Vermilla dans la zone d'attente et surveillez-la de près. Mes autres affaires devront attendre. Je vais trouver les autres et les ramener à la maison. S'il y en a deux ici, il pourrait y en avoir d'autres autour de la ville." Olivia a regardé et a attendu pour voir ce que la fille ferait.
Name: Olivia Bianchi Age: A lady never reveals her age. It’s poor manners. Gender: Female Personality: She is the leader of a Vampire family. She is everything you could imagine a Vampire leader would be. She is the strong silent type that prefers to watch, listen, analyze, and only speak when she has something to say. This my no means she is cold or harsh. She is actually quite loving and protective of all that live within her mansion. If there are problems within the family, she does her duty as a leader to solve them. The only time she becomes upset or angry is when people mess with her family. She tends to be materialistic and greedy. She has an obsession with staying wealthy. If you were to ask her for money, she would most likely say no. Unless your name happens to be Riya. Bio: After her parents (the women that turned her) died in a fight with lycans, Olivia became the head of the family Bianchi. She didn’t ask for this role, she even tried to run away from the expectations suddenly thrust upon her. But somehow she always found herself back with her family. Once she accepted her role as the leader, she moved her whole family from Italy to America where they have bounced from one location to the next. She decided on Denver because marijuana has recently become legal and the family is making a killing off selling it legally in Colorado. She spends her days sealed tightly away in her mansion, handling business behind closed doors and blackout curtains. At night, she frequents the many bars and clubs her family owns, often grabbing a late night snack from pretty girls or men. Special Power: Hypnosis. This only works on humans that are susceptible. Those with a closed guarded mind are not able to become hypnotized. Other: She has a weak spot for Riya. Since she can walk through the daylight without dying, Olivia often asks her to run errands for her. She also hates it that Riya flirts with everyone since she has a not-so-secret crush on her.
Riya a hurlé la tête pendant que Sarah parlait, comprendre comment d'abord devenir un vampire était certainement un choc pour les sens. Elle a jeté un coup d'œil sur la fille quand elle a montré la cicatrice sur son cou, ce qui lui rappelait quand elle avait été tuée. Je suis sûr qu'il va bien et finalement vous vous retrouverez tous les deux, je veux dire que vous avez jusqu'à l'éternité pour le trouver, donc je ne m'inquiéterais pas trop, en outre, vous avez votre famille qui vous aidera avec tout ce dont vous avez besoin, alors n'ayez pas peur de compter sur nous, surtout moi, j'ai eu la chance de ne pas avoir cette faiblesse au soleil, donc si jamais vous avez besoin de quelque chose, vous pouvez me demander, Elle regarda le ciel tandis qu'ils continuaient vers leur destination, il est maintenant plus sombre qu'avant, puis quand elle regarda en arrière devant elle, elle vit trois gars passer. Elle a fait de son mieux pour déplacer Sarah et elle-même à droite pour leur permettre de passer assez de place, mais comme ils l'ont fait, l'un d'eux a délibérément heurté leur épaule à Riya. "Hey, regarde-le," L'homme parlait avec irritation. Riya a caché son visage sous ses cheveux, donnant un sourire dérisoire avant de lever la tête, donnant un sourire de façade, "Oh je suis terriblement désolé, c'était mon erreur." Un feu de rue s'est rapidement allumé, éclairant les cinq d'entre eux, donnant une vue plus claire à Sarah et Riya. Quand les hommes les ont vus, leur comportement s'est transformé en un autre casual et un peu cocu, "Oh, eh bien ne t'en fais pas, dites que vous de belles dames ne devriez pas être dehors en marchant ici toute seule, c'est dangereux la nuit. C'est vrai? Je n'avais aucune idée, et bien mon amie et je suis presque à l'endroit où nous sommes allés, donc il n'y a pas besoin de nous inquiéter," Riya a répondu, l'excitation grandissant en elle quand elle a installé son piège. Les trois hommes les ont entourés, essayant d'agir un peu flirt ainsi que d'être un peu arrogants, Oh non non, de jolies choses comme vous ne devriez pas être errant dans le noir, pourquoi ne pas venir à la place avec nous, nous allons lancer une fête et passer un bon moment. Riya a regardé le bras enroulant autour de sa taille, puis a regardé vers le haut de l'homme, ses yeux cramoisi pointus donnant un regard séduisant, mais cacher comment un prédateur regarde à elle, la proie, vraiment? Et y aura-t-il de la nourriture à cette petite fête que tu lanceras? Mon ami et moi avons assez faim. "Suuuuure, il y aura beaucoup pour toi à manger," Il a répondu, étant attiré dans mes yeux aussi bien que son corps mince et en forme. C'est merveilleux, mais je pensais qu'on pourrait manger maintenant, a dit Riya avec un sourire coy. Eh bien, ce sera un peu difficile à faire vu que nous n'en avons pas encore, chérie. Oh mais il y en a et nous avons une surprise à vous montrer aussi, j'ai juste besoin de vérifier avec mon ami d'abord. Ils se regardaient l'un l'autre avec confusion sur leur visage, ne comprenant pas vraiment ce qu'elle voulait dire par elle, mais ils étaient trop distraits par la bonne Sarah et Riya regardé pour la questionner, "Bien sûr mon cœur, prenez votre temps. D'accord, donc j'ai installé le piège, vous voulez avoir un peu d'apéritif avant le cours principal? Je suis sûr que vous aurez encore beaucoup faim quand nous arriverons là où nous allons, d'ailleurs, les hommes comme eux ont besoin d'apprendre une leçon sur les manières... et ne vous inquiétez pas, je m'assurerai que vous n'allez pas par-dessus bord, de Riya murmura à Sarah, regardant les trois hommes un moment avant de regarder vers Sarah; bien que la situation pourrait rendre la fille un peu mal à l'aise, elle était sûre que Sarah avait faim et voulait obtenir du sang en elle, mais Riya a finalement laissé la décision de se nourrir d'eux jusqu'à elle.
Riya Bianchi Age: 45 Gender: Female Appearance Her frame is slim and athletic built, her long dark hair compliments her slim face, one that usually has a calm expression with a hint of seductiveness from her crimson red eyes. Usually her attire consists of a white sleeved shirt with a dark vest and a black leather jacket, blue skinny jeans with a belt hanging on her waist and brown boots. Unless she’s required to by her family, she rarely ever wear any kind of formal attire, feeling they don’t suit who she really is under them. Personality Kind and deviously playful would be the best way to describe Riya. She cares greatly for the new family she was brought into as well as being fiercely loyal to it, she’ll gladly give her life before she lets any harm come to her family. Something that may be surprising to her kind is when it comes to humans, specifically feeding off them, she tends to take into consideration how much blood she draws from them, being formally human herself, she sympathizes with what she used to be and will rarely ever kill a human through feeding. Her playful side was one she acquired when she was turned, generally she likes to toy with the prey she decides to target, revealing what she really is to them and then hunting them down when they flee in terror. When she’s home with her family, she likes to flirt with the others, though not serious, she enjoys how both the same and opposite sex squirm at her advances. Bio Riya’s life before she became a vampire wasn’t all the impressive nor interesting, she was above average when she was in high school and after she left school, she got a job working at a bank and an ordinary apartment. Having grown tired with how bland most of her life was and how she never really aspired for anything, she decided she’d go to school, get a degree and get a better paying job and home. Well that had been the plan at least, but unfortunately, she never got the opportunity to do so, one late night on her way back from work, she decided to cut through an alley to get home quicker and was grabbed by a man in the dark. Held at gunpoint she was robbed and then shot after some clouds parted and allowed the moonlight to shine in the alley, revealing the man’s face. As she laid there bleeding out, she couldn’t help but smile at the irony, she did nothing meaningful with her life and then when she was finally about to, she ended up getting killed. Riya was glad at first, thinking she would’ve just continued on with her meaningless life and death was probably better for her, but as she became weaker and got closer to death, the fear set in, she didn’t want to die, she wanted to live, she begged in her thoughts for someone to save her and as if her prayers had been answered, another figure came before her, this time a woman and granted Riya the powers of a vampire by drinking her blood and giving her own in return. She wasn’t used to her new powers at first, the enhanced abilities and pale complexion certainly scared her at first, plus the fact nothing could satisfy her hunger save for blood. Then the woman who saved her appeared at her home one night, explaining what Riya now was and offered her to join her family, with not many other options and still not fully understanding how her new powers worked, she accepted. Special Power - Sunlight Resistance Whilst she doesn’t have an actual ability, this passive power allows her to go outside during the day without needing any kind of protection from the sunlight that would no doubt easily cook others of her kind. Other She has a hell hound that she came across one night in a forest that had hunted down some people that were out camping, though it was unruly, she managed to tame it and is now a loyal companion that will do whatever she asks and protect her at all costs.
Sarah regarda et s'inclina à Riya, puis elle se tourna vers un seul homme et sourit sans montrer ses dents, qui étaient encore allongées, et elle enveloppa ses bras autour de son cou, commençant à l'embrasser, puis mordant dans son cou. Elle a senti son choc, mais Sarah a utilisé son pouvoir pour calmer les trois hommes et a commencé à gâcher son sang. Bien sûr, c'était dégoûtant, mais c'était de la nourriture. Elle sentit alors ce qu'elle craignait. Elle en prenait trop. Elle s'est donc forcée à s'en aller, à se branler. L'homme est tombé par terre, inconscient, mais vivant. C'était plus facile depuis qu'il était dégoûtant.
Name: Sarah Smith Age: 20 (Is a new vampire) Gender: Female Personality/Bio: Sarah is definitely what one would call a strong woman. She is smart, pretty, and was physically strong even while she was human. While she was human, she was also what one would call an empath, someone who can take on other people's emotions as their own. She is dark, despite this, and anti-social. Sarah was caught one night by a street gang, where she managed to seriously wound a couple before she was shot and then stabbed. She was found by one of the Smith family and turned, and she woke, finding her empathic abilities wer heightened into hearing even the thoughts behind someone's emotions. For this reason she puts on music to drown out others. Special Power: She is a very powerful Empath. This means anything to do with emotions, she can do. She can manipulate emotions as well as "Feel" the particular thoughts causing an emotion in someone. However, there is a catch: She feels it very, VERY physically, sometimes causing pain in her. This happens especially if she is touched by two or more people at the same time. Other: Sarah, despite her anti-sociality, longs for a mate. She also has a tattoo of huge raven wings on her back, along with thorned vines running down her arms, each ending with a red rose on the tops of her hands.
Klaus avait conduit la femme loin de l'allée avec succès, conservant son secret et évitant un appel malheureux 911. Ils se sont assis sur un banc de parc et il a réitéré ses clichés, de plus en plus épuisé d'humour de la femme. Il ne pouvait pas tout à fait se nourrir d'elle comme ses yeux sombres et son sourire tordu lui rappelaient trop quelqu'un d'autre. Alors ils ont parlé et elle a fini par se calmer, il a attendu avec elle après avoir insisté pour qu'elle appelle un taxi et elle est partie. La gorge de Klaus était encore douloureusement sèche, cependant, et il avait gaspillé trop de temps sur l'humain qui est le sang qu'il ne voulait même pas. Les sourcils se sont sillonnés, il s'est pincé le nez, soupirant à lui-même. – Imbécile, répéta-t-il. Son esprit errait dans le Bianchi-Smith qu'il avait évité plus tôt et il a fait un point pour regarder autour de lui. La famille était peut-être en chasse ensemble. Il avait l'intention de manger son remplissage puis de visiter le manoir, mais il semblait qu'il pouvait rencontrer n'importe lequel d'entre eux ce soir. Il se souvenait vaguement d'une barre qu'ils fréquentaient, bien que le nom exact lui fuyât (non qu'il était garanti d'être encore là, de toute façon). Klaus était un peu solitaire parmi les vampires, bien qu'il ait supposé que si les membres de la famille disparaissaient qui se joignaient à la chasse pourrait être bénéfique. Cela signifiait de la sécurité en nombre, et avec cela décidé, il s'est tenu et a commencé à marcher dans ce qu'il a supposé être la direction du bar. Un nouveau parfum de sang a trouvé son nez et il se dirigeait déjà dans cette direction. Sans un humain qui le traînait à nouveau, il pensait que ce serait bien d'approcher. Klaus tourna un coin et son regard trouva la source : trois hommes et deux femmes se tenaient sous un lampadaire. Il a reconnu l'un comme un Bianchi: magnifique Riya était relativement jeune quand Klaus l'a rencontrée pour la première fois, mais elle avait clairement grandi en elle-même. Il espérait que son enfer n'était pas là alors qu'il regardait de façon suspecte. La deuxième femme venait de faire tomber un homme qui saignait du cou. Il ne l'a pas reconnue, mais... il s'est soudain senti détendu malgré l'horreur qu'elle a incarnée avec du sang coulant sur son menton et une expression épuisée sur son visage. Le calme qu'elle a imposé aux hommes ne pouvait durer que si longtemps face à un vampire. Klaus n'était pas surpris quand on s'est retourné pour fuir. En fait, il a laissé l'homme courir droit sur lui avec un coup brusque. Klaus l'a sauvé de la chute, mais a souri pour montrer ses crocs alors qu'il le tenait là. « Parti commence tout juste, amour », a-t-il taquiné, mettant agressivement son bras sur les épaules de l'autre alors qu'il le ramenait vers le petit groupe. Il a regardé Sarah encore un moment avant de se cogner les sourcils à Riya. "Assez de partager?" il a demandé poliment, rappelant le «tray» un autre Bianchi-Smith avait tué il ya peu de temps.
Klaus | 2k | Male Appearance: Klaus is tall and lean at 6', was turned in his late twenties, and almost looks like a man out of a perfume commercial: his high cheekbones, long eyelashes, and defined jawline makes him a perfect predator. He prefers to wear clothes that are in style, common, and fashionable to blend in with human society. His dark brown hair is usually lazily slicked back and accompanied by a thin, trimmed layer of hair along his jawline, chin, and upper lip. Unless you're waking up beside him, it's rare to see his shaggy mane disheveled and facial hair untrimmed. He has a pale and narrow face, complimented by a long and defined nose. His eyes are a dark brown, as well, though they occasionally seem to be almost red. When the vampire talks or laughs, it's not difficult to get a glimpse of his pointed fangs. Personality: Klaus comes off as very laid back and easy going, maybe even a little smug, but formal. He can be very charismatic and flirtatious, as well (his flirting can be rather goofy, making an especially friendly first impression). That said, he has a darker and more serious that comes out when he feels vulnerable or angry. Underneath the immediate exterior, he can be rather sadistic and cruel. If he catches you alone and doesn’t think any repercussions will come of it, he’ll be rather antagonizing. He believes he hasn't lived so long by being nice and he has done plenty of bad things. However, Klaus has many layers: at his core he's surprisingly romantic and idealistic. He appreciates faithfulness and is even loyal to his breed in general despite his general dislike of other vampires. He finds it difficult to trust others, but can and will open up about himself and his history if you earn his trust. Bio: Born in Athens, Greece just before Rome conquered the territory, Klaus was taken as a child slave. Orphaned, there wasn't many other options for him. His life as a slave was relatively decent, and he grew loyal and friendly to the boy who would grow to be his master. The bond between them was more comparable to friendship than it was slave and master, though the power dynamic became more and more obvious with age. Still, Klaus remained loyal if subdued. Besides, despite growing tall and big compared to others during the time period, he was given the cushy slave life: most of his chores involved cooking. He was even allowed to take a job to work to buy his freedom if he chose, but he was complacent. When the master grew old enough to marry, however, Klaus became enamored with the wife. She was full of life and strength and she was never afraid to remind you of it. Still, he kept his distance—he knew better: not only was he a slave and she a free woman, she was married to his master and friend. Despite this, the woman seemed drawn to Klaus, as well. Like many Romans, she was fascinated with Greek culture and the Greeks themselves, and he was far quieter and much more thoughtful than her husband. At first he would shy away from her advances, but he eventually warmed up to her and the two seemed to be in love. An affair continued behind the master’s back. One night, the master walked in on the lovers. Rather than take responsibility for the affair, the woman insisted that Klaus had forced himself upon her and he had little choice but to flee. The master was persistent, however, and was on his heels with city guards as the slave ran away. It wasn’t long before he was cornered, though he didn’t have a chance to defend himself—the men and master were slain by a single figure. Klaus thought he was safe until the killer turned on him. Unlike the other men, though, he awoke from death as a vampire. Despite saving his life, his sire was less than kind: Klaus was treated as a source of blood for his sire and was sexually abused. This kept him weak, and he was unable to venture out on his own for a long time. It was only when he was allowed to leave that he did, about twenty five years since his rebirth. By this point in his life, Klaus had come to detest slavery for obvious reasons. The circumstances of his turning has made him relatively weak for a vampire; vampires his age--and even younger--have been able to best him since and he is still very aware of his weakness. Klaus continued through life on his own. He dodged other vampires out of fear and he definitely did his best to avoid getting tangled up with slayers throughout the centuries. Though one night, he came across the beginnings of the Binachi family. They were careful, of course, but far kinder than other vampires Klaus had had the displeasure of knowing. He had been fleeing from old hunters and he was well aware of his weakness compared to others so he asked for refuge. They accepted, but he remained anxious around other vampires, so he did not join the family formally. However, he has grown to appreciate them and checks in on the Binachi-Smiths whenever he's around. He's in Colorado for Olivia, and seeks to help her with the threat to her family. While he does intend to maintain his independence, he can't help but enjoy the company. Power: None, actually, and a fact he keeps to himself. Despite being such an old vampire, Klaus is relatively weak due to the life he had after being turned. Even his enhanced speed, strength, and senses are dull compared to Olivia's. Other: - Klaus has turned only two others into vampires throughout his long life. - He's bisexual and ambidextrous. - He poses among humans as a traveling artist. - He enjoys art, piano, billards/pool, language, and travel
Riya sourit alors qu'elle regardait Sarah d'abord embrasser son cou, bien que les hommes pensaient qu'elle était juste très en avant, Riya savait la vérité et ce n'était pas longtemps avant que l'homme à sa portée ait soudain ses crocs en lui. Mon mon, vous êtes certainement un petit affamé, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, il y aura beaucoup plus, de Riya sourit à elle, voyant que sa faim avait presque sucé l'homme sec. Elle a remarqué que les deux autres n'avaient pas encore réagi, puis s'est rendu compte qu'il n'y avait aucun doute que le pouvoir de Sarah les gardait calmes, bien qu'en fin de compte, il se méfiait quand le choc de leur copain dévoré ne pouvait plus être surprimé. Elle a réussi à saisir l'homme qui avait été le plus en avant avec elle avant qu'il ne puisse s'enfuir, le pressant contre le mur alors que le dernier homme allait courir pour sa vie, "Shame, devine que je vais devoir aller le poursuivre après que j'ai fini ici, oh bien," Riya a parlé à haute voix, regardant l'homme s'enfuir avant de retourner son attention à celle qu'elle avait dans ses griffes, "Je vous ai encore et je suis plein de faim," elle lui sourit, révélant ses crocs allongés. P-S'il vous plaît, laissez-moi partir, I-. L'homme parlait shakily, mais a été interrompu quand Riya a mis son doigt sur ses lèvres. Je ne vais pas te tuer, je vais juste te montrer ce que ça fait de faire la fête avec un vampire, elle parlait calmement alors qu'elle courait doucement le dos de sa main sur le côté de sa joue, ses yeux une fois de plus séduisants, mais ils n'ont pas caché leur regard prédateur cette fois-ci. Elle a ensuite forcé sa tête sur le côté, exposant plus de son cou en ouvrant sa bouche large, prêt à creuser ses crocs tranchants dans sa chair, mais elle s'est arrêtée quand elle a entendu quelqu'un s'approcher derrière elle. Voyant que c'était Klaus, elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de sourire, prenant note de l'homme qui s'est échappé plus tôt à sa portée, -Par tous les moyens mon cher Klaus, s'il vous plaît joignez-vous, ils sont simplement les apéritifs pour nous,,, elle lui a coiffé un sourire avant de revenir à l'homme qu'elle avait épinglé contre le mur, finalement couler ses crocs en lui et dessiner ce doux nectar rouge qu'elle avait envie. Il a laissé sortir un cri de vie courte, essayant de la combattre en vain, sa force bien plus grande que sa grâce à son vampirisme et finalement il a cessé de lutter tous ensemble, sa force (quelle petite qu'il avait) le laissant plus de sang qu'elle a sucé. Elle a remarqué comment il ne se déplaçait pas et s'arrêtait, le laissant s'écrouler à terre, inconscient mais vivant, "Oh honte, c'est tout ce que tu avais? Cela ne m'aurait même pas rempli si j'étais encore un vampire frais,,, Riya a tatté l'homme inconscient, grimpant la dernière goutte de son sang du coin de sa bouche sur son doigt et puis lécher. Elle a ensuite retourné son attention à Klaus, elle s'est souvenue quand elle l'a rencontré pour la première fois, il (avec Olivia) l'avait aidé à mieux comprendre ses capacités et ce que cela signifiait d'être un vampire et comment survivre en tant qu'un, quelque chose dont elle était reconnaissante, Donc, dites-moi mon cher Klaus, qu'est-ce qui vous amène ici? Ne pas profiter d'une jeune femme délicate comme nous, n'est-ce pas? Non pas que je me défendrais si vous le faisiez, mais elle a parlé avec un regard de luxure sur son visage, bien qu'elle n'ait pas dit clairement si elle plaisantait ou vraiment sérieux, l'un de ses nombreux rancards, elle a toujours aimé les garder devinant.
Riya Bianchi Age: 45 Gender: Female Appearance Her frame is slim and athletic built, her long dark hair compliments her slim face, one that usually has a calm expression with a hint of seductiveness from her crimson red eyes. Usually her attire consists of a white sleeved shirt with a dark vest and a black leather jacket, blue skinny jeans with a belt hanging on her waist and brown boots. Unless she’s required to by her family, she rarely ever wear any kind of formal attire, feeling they don’t suit who she really is under them. Personality Kind and deviously playful would be the best way to describe Riya. She cares greatly for the new family she was brought into as well as being fiercely loyal to it, she’ll gladly give her life before she lets any harm come to her family. Something that may be surprising to her kind is when it comes to humans, specifically feeding off them, she tends to take into consideration how much blood she draws from them, being formally human herself, she sympathizes with what she used to be and will rarely ever kill a human through feeding. Her playful side was one she acquired when she was turned, generally she likes to toy with the prey she decides to target, revealing what she really is to them and then hunting them down when they flee in terror. When she’s home with her family, she likes to flirt with the others, though not serious, she enjoys how both the same and opposite sex squirm at her advances. Bio Riya’s life before she became a vampire wasn’t all the impressive nor interesting, she was above average when she was in high school and after she left school, she got a job working at a bank and an ordinary apartment. Having grown tired with how bland most of her life was and how she never really aspired for anything, she decided she’d go to school, get a degree and get a better paying job and home. Well that had been the plan at least, but unfortunately, she never got the opportunity to do so, one late night on her way back from work, she decided to cut through an alley to get home quicker and was grabbed by a man in the dark. Held at gunpoint she was robbed and then shot after some clouds parted and allowed the moonlight to shine in the alley, revealing the man’s face. As she laid there bleeding out, she couldn’t help but smile at the irony, she did nothing meaningful with her life and then when she was finally about to, she ended up getting killed. Riya was glad at first, thinking she would’ve just continued on with her meaningless life and death was probably better for her, but as she became weaker and got closer to death, the fear set in, she didn’t want to die, she wanted to live, she begged in her thoughts for someone to save her and as if her prayers had been answered, another figure came before her, this time a woman and granted Riya the powers of a vampire by drinking her blood and giving her own in return. She wasn’t used to her new powers at first, the enhanced abilities and pale complexion certainly scared her at first, plus the fact nothing could satisfy her hunger save for blood. Then the woman who saved her appeared at her home one night, explaining what Riya now was and offered her to join her family, with not many other options and still not fully understanding how her new powers worked, she accepted. Special Power - Sunlight Resistance Whilst she doesn’t have an actual ability, this passive power allows her to go outside during the day without needing any kind of protection from the sunlight that would no doubt easily cook others of her kind. Other She has a hell hound that she came across one night in a forest that had hunted down some people that were out camping, though it was unruly, she managed to tame it and is now a loyal companion that will do whatever she asks and protect her at all costs.
Oui Olivia ombre a dit de derrière la fille comme il est apparu d'une bouffée de fumée noire seulement pour se précipiter dehors la porte claquer ouvert laissant une piste de fumée noire épaisse derrière lui. alors qu'il se précipitait par la réceptionniste tous les papiers sur son bureau de chêne où scatéred. Une fois à l'extérieur de l'ombre a immédiatement commencé à chercher dans les bois surounding.
Wrong thread
Teodora a suivi Maple dans les rues de Denver, retenant son souffle, essayant de ne pas sentir la multitude d'humains qui les entouraient. Si elle s'autorisait à les sentir, le résultat serait très probablement qu'elle sauterait pour leur gorge. Olivia ne serait certainement pas satisfaite de cela. Teodora a donc gardé sa maîtrise de soi, ses dents douloureuses, sa tête battante de la douleur d'aller trop longtemps sans se nourrir. Une fois entrés dans le bar, Teodora s'est éternué dans le dégoût. Quelle insouciance. Elle a manœuvré autour d'humains ivres et de serveuses habilement vêtues, essayant de garder Maple à ses yeux. Les humains ici ont senti une odeur absolument dégoûtante. Il y a environ 500 ans, elle n'aurait rien mangé d'eux, même s'il semblait qu'il n'y avait pas le choix de nos jours. Avec les humains et leurs habitudes de nos jours, surtout les Américains. Mais, elle n'a pas eu le choix - elle aurait à se nourrir d'un, ou même de deux d'entre eux depuis qu'elle se sentait assoiffée. Un parfum est entré dans ses narines- Soma? Elle a reniflé un peu avant de pouvoir confirmer que c'était lui. Elle s'est tournée vers Maple. « J'aimerais m'alimenter, mais malheureusement, il semble y avoir une situation plus urgente. Olivia nous a demandé d'informer Soma et Kraven, si nous pouvions les trouver, qu'ils devraient attendre ici, et je crois que Soma est présente. Excusez-moi." Teodora a parlé, avant de siffler au bar, la poussant loin à travers les humains. "Eh bien, regardez qui j'ai trouvé. C'est tout simplement trop long, Soma." Elle a dit comme un moyen d'annoncer sa présence quand elle est arrivée à un endroit où on pouvait la voir et l'entendre.
Teodora Bianchi Age: Stopped counting a long time ago Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Personality: - Paranoid - Ladylike - Charming - Stubborn - Snappish - Caring - Likes Children - Reclusive History: Teodora can't remember much of her life before she was turned- or, rather, she tries not to remember. She was turned when she was very young- seven or so. Ever since she can remember, Teodora has been content to stay behind whoever was the head of the family at the time. She had never had crazy ambitions anyways. Special Ability: Teodora is able to tell the future. There are multiple ways she can do this, including meditation and even violent prophetic dreams. Other: - Teodora has what humans like to call insomnia. She has trouble sleeping, leading to her sleep-deprived appearance. The only thing that can stave this off is sleeping pills. - She spends most of her time in her chambers, leading her to be rarely seen around the house. - Teodora enjoys reading, loving to browse through old compendiums and encyclopedias with quite a few fiction novels in between.
Sarah a regardé un nouveau venu, puis a entendu Riya l'appeler Klaus. Sarah a essuyé le sang de sa bouche, résistant à l'envie de cracher. "Il avait un goût affreux..." Elle murmurait, bien qu'elle connaissait Riya et ce Klaus l'entendait. Elle a cédé à son envie et elle a craché sur le sol. Surtout pour qu'elle ait le goût de la bouche. "Il fume et boit son café noir."
Name: Sarah Smith Age: 20 (Is a new vampire) Gender: Female Personality/Bio: Sarah is definitely what one would call a strong woman. She is smart, pretty, and was physically strong even while she was human. While she was human, she was also what one would call an empath, someone who can take on other people's emotions as their own. She is dark, despite this, and anti-social. Sarah was caught one night by a street gang, where she managed to seriously wound a couple before she was shot and then stabbed. She was found by one of the Smith family and turned, and she woke, finding her empathic abilities wer heightened into hearing even the thoughts behind someone's emotions. For this reason she puts on music to drown out others. Special Power: She is a very powerful Empath. This means anything to do with emotions, she can do. She can manipulate emotions as well as "Feel" the particular thoughts causing an emotion in someone. However, there is a catch: She feels it very, VERY physically, sometimes causing pain in her. This happens especially if she is touched by two or more people at the same time. Other: Sarah, despite her anti-sociality, longs for a mate. She also has a tattoo of huge raven wings on her back, along with thorned vines running down her arms, each ending with a red rose on the tops of her hands.
Klaus regardait, l'homme sous son bras paralysé par la peur alors qu'il regardait le sang de ses amis s'assècher. L'homme aurait pu penser qu'ils étaient déjà morts, mais il savait mieux et il a un peu froncé en regardant les corps. "Il n'y a rien de délicat chez vous", a-t-il dit, levant ses yeux sombres jusqu'à Riya alors que le coin de ses lèvres se repliait dans un demi-sourire. Cela semblait certainement vrai - elle était beaucoup plus confiante que le vampire nouvellement transformé s'était rencontré il y a quelques décennies pour autant qu'il se souvienne. "Mais j'aime me battre." Avec ça, son regard s'est retourné vers Sarah alors qu'elle crachait sur le trottoir. Il n'a pas très bien toléré les nouveaux vampires, mais ils étaient faciles à repousser. Avec une punaise, il a mordu dans le cou du troisième homme, une main s'empoignant de la bouche pour étouffer le cri alors que la paralysie était brisée par la douleur. Le sang a été un coup de pouce d'énergie instantané pour lui et il a serré l'homme près de garder ses bras à ses côtés pendant qu'il luttait. L'esprit de Klaus était sur la tique de sa propre montre alors qu'il gémissait et rapidement dix secondes avaient passé et puis trente... Puis une minute et puis deux-- Contrairement aux autres, il ne semblait pas que Klaus avait l'intention de jeter l'homme au sol simplement inconscient. A gauche sans arrêt, il tirait finalement ses lèvres loin du cou d'un homme mort et laissait tomber le corps avant d'essuyer soigneusement ses lèvres avec un mouchoir récupéré de sa poche intérieure. Il regarda brillamment entre les deux autres avec une lèche de ses lèvres. « Ce n'est pas le moment de laisser vos sacs de sang vivants », a-t-il déclaré clairement. Riya au moins peut avoir pris son sens, se référant au membre de la famille disparu. Quoi qu'il en soit, il n'était pas sûr de la façon dont elle avait grandi à l'idée de prendre des vies, alors il regardait les deux avec un sourire impudent.
Klaus | 2k | Male Appearance: Klaus is tall and lean at 6', was turned in his late twenties, and almost looks like a man out of a perfume commercial: his high cheekbones, long eyelashes, and defined jawline makes him a perfect predator. He prefers to wear clothes that are in style, common, and fashionable to blend in with human society. His dark brown hair is usually lazily slicked back and accompanied by a thin, trimmed layer of hair along his jawline, chin, and upper lip. Unless you're waking up beside him, it's rare to see his shaggy mane disheveled and facial hair untrimmed. He has a pale and narrow face, complimented by a long and defined nose. His eyes are a dark brown, as well, though they occasionally seem to be almost red. When the vampire talks or laughs, it's not difficult to get a glimpse of his pointed fangs. Personality: Klaus comes off as very laid back and easy going, maybe even a little smug, but formal. He can be very charismatic and flirtatious, as well (his flirting can be rather goofy, making an especially friendly first impression). That said, he has a darker and more serious that comes out when he feels vulnerable or angry. Underneath the immediate exterior, he can be rather sadistic and cruel. If he catches you alone and doesn’t think any repercussions will come of it, he’ll be rather antagonizing. He believes he hasn't lived so long by being nice and he has done plenty of bad things. However, Klaus has many layers: at his core he's surprisingly romantic and idealistic. He appreciates faithfulness and is even loyal to his breed in general despite his general dislike of other vampires. He finds it difficult to trust others, but can and will open up about himself and his history if you earn his trust. Bio: Born in Athens, Greece just before Rome conquered the territory, Klaus was taken as a child slave. Orphaned, there wasn't many other options for him. His life as a slave was relatively decent, and he grew loyal and friendly to the boy who would grow to be his master. The bond between them was more comparable to friendship than it was slave and master, though the power dynamic became more and more obvious with age. Still, Klaus remained loyal if subdued. Besides, despite growing tall and big compared to others during the time period, he was given the cushy slave life: most of his chores involved cooking. He was even allowed to take a job to work to buy his freedom if he chose, but he was complacent. When the master grew old enough to marry, however, Klaus became enamored with the wife. She was full of life and strength and she was never afraid to remind you of it. Still, he kept his distance—he knew better: not only was he a slave and she a free woman, she was married to his master and friend. Despite this, the woman seemed drawn to Klaus, as well. Like many Romans, she was fascinated with Greek culture and the Greeks themselves, and he was far quieter and much more thoughtful than her husband. At first he would shy away from her advances, but he eventually warmed up to her and the two seemed to be in love. An affair continued behind the master’s back. One night, the master walked in on the lovers. Rather than take responsibility for the affair, the woman insisted that Klaus had forced himself upon her and he had little choice but to flee. The master was persistent, however, and was on his heels with city guards as the slave ran away. It wasn’t long before he was cornered, though he didn’t have a chance to defend himself—the men and master were slain by a single figure. Klaus thought he was safe until the killer turned on him. Unlike the other men, though, he awoke from death as a vampire. Despite saving his life, his sire was less than kind: Klaus was treated as a source of blood for his sire and was sexually abused. This kept him weak, and he was unable to venture out on his own for a long time. It was only when he was allowed to leave that he did, about twenty five years since his rebirth. By this point in his life, Klaus had come to detest slavery for obvious reasons. The circumstances of his turning has made him relatively weak for a vampire; vampires his age--and even younger--have been able to best him since and he is still very aware of his weakness. Klaus continued through life on his own. He dodged other vampires out of fear and he definitely did his best to avoid getting tangled up with slayers throughout the centuries. Though one night, he came across the beginnings of the Binachi family. They were careful, of course, but far kinder than other vampires Klaus had had the displeasure of knowing. He had been fleeing from old hunters and he was well aware of his weakness compared to others so he asked for refuge. They accepted, but he remained anxious around other vampires, so he did not join the family formally. However, he has grown to appreciate them and checks in on the Binachi-Smiths whenever he's around. He's in Colorado for Olivia, and seeks to help her with the threat to her family. While he does intend to maintain his independence, he can't help but enjoy the company. Power: None, actually, and a fact he keeps to himself. Despite being such an old vampire, Klaus is relatively weak due to the life he had after being turned. Even his enhanced speed, strength, and senses are dull compared to Olivia's. Other: - Klaus has turned only two others into vampires throughout his long life. - He's bisexual and ambidextrous. - He poses among humans as a traveling artist. - He enjoys art, piano, billards/pool, language, and travel
L'érable s'est éparpillé pendant que Teodora s'en allait pour trouver Soma. Elle avait d'autres soucis autour du bar. Elle est partie sur la piste de danse et a rapidement trouvé une victime appropriée. Un jeune homme nerveux, il ne pouvait pas être plus vieux qu'elle-même. Parfait. "Glad de voir que je ne suis pas la seule ici à enfreindre quelques règles." Elle sourit avec gaieté au gars alors qu'elle marchait vers lui. "Quel âge avez-vous? 19 ans? 20 ans?" Il avait l'air surpris qu'elle l'ait compris, mais comme il a pris un moment pour bégayer une réponse, il a essayé de changer son expression pour paraître plus flirt. J'ai essayé. "De quoi parle-t-on? J'ai 21 ans, à partir d'aujourd'hui." Il lui a fait un clin d'œil, et elle a ri. Ce type était un peu pathétique. "Vraiment? Moi aussi!" Elle lui a souri, ses crocs sont heureusement encore cachés. Elle se pencha sur lui et laissa tomber son acte joyeux, prenant un ton beaucoup plus suggestif. "Qu'est-ce que d'ya dire que nous célébrons ensemble?" Elle n'avait même pas besoin de le regarder pour savoir qu'il rougissait, elle pouvait entendre le sang dans son corps se précipiter vers ses joues et, d'autres endroits aussi. Il mit un bras autour de ses épaules, et, comme il se penchait pour répondre, elle s'inclina la tête et murmura à l'oreille. « J'aimerais vraiment sortir d'ici, cependant, trop de gens à mes goûts... » Il s'est retiré dans un moment de surprise, et après avoir regardé autour de la pièce, il a pris sa main et l'a conduite à la porte de la chambre des hommes. Si avide, si facile à attraper. Elle s'est moquée de lui pendant qu'elle fermait la porte derrière elle, en s'assurant que personne d'autre n'était dans la salle de bains comme elle l'a fait. Il n'a pas perdu de temps, la poussant contre un mur quand ils ont commencé à s'embrasser. Aussi bien que ça l'a senti, elle ne s'intéressait pas à ça en ce moment. Elle s'est assez éloignée de lui pour commencer à lui embrasser le cou, à l'envelopper les bras autour de lui pour qu'il ne puisse pas courir. "Tu ferais mieux de ne pas crier..." Le dernier bruit qu'il a fait avant qu'elle n'enfonçât ses crocs en lui était une sorte de grognement confus, et bientôt il pendait boiteux dans ses bras. Elle ne l'a pas tué, si elle faisait cet endroit serait probablement fermé ou quelque chose comme ça. Dès qu'il s'est évanoui, elle l'a laissé tomber, son corps tombant par terre par les lavabos alors qu'elle essuyait le sang de sa bouche avec une serviette en papier. "C'est bien mieux." Elle s'est bourdonnée légèrement en déverrouillant la porte et est partie, retournant à la table où elle avait déjà quitté Kyle. Elle n'avait pas fini la nuit, mais elle attendait que le reste de la famille arrive avant de se nourrir. Elle n'était plus sur le point de sauter sur qui que ce soit, du moins. Elle s'est assise à la cabine et a tiré Kyle dans ses bras comme elle l'a fait, chuchotant au lapin sur ce qu'il avait observé pendant qu'elle était partie. "Personne n'en a rien à foutre d'un lapin farci au hasard sur les tables au moins. J'ai quelques regards, mais personne ne s'est approché de la table. J'ai remarqué que tu as quitté la pièce avec ce pauvre garçon. Est-il encore en vie?" "Oui. J'ai pensé que ce serait mal de laisser un cadavre là-dedans, alors maintenant, on dirait qu'il s'est évanoui. Je ne peux pas dire qu'il ira bien une fois qu'il aura trouvé. Il est presque sûr qu'il est mineur." "Tu es mineur." "Non, je ne suis pas..." Elle sourit au lapin comme il soupirait. "Tu n'as pas l'air d'avoir 100 ans pour moi." "Quelle est la raison pour laquelle c'est si génial que c'est vrai."
Name: Maple Bianchi Age: 138 (Appears to be 19-20) Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: In a few words: Kind, secretive, observant, playful, joyful, and confident. She's normally a quiet girl, but not really shy. She's always got a smile on her face, either because she's usually able to find something to be happy about, or for other's sakes. She may not be brave enough to run head-on into danger, or even sure that she'll make it through whatever obstacles she comes across, but she has confidence that in the end everything will turn out alright. She often keeps her thoughts to herself unless she's trying to cheer someone up. She has a tendency to be rude or violent when she feels even slightly threatened, often starting fights and causing herself to make a few enemies. Bio: Maple was orphaned at a young age along with her older brother. The city they lived in was harsh, an almost impossible place for even the toughest of adults to live in. A year passed before the two met a Vampire of the Bianchi family, who took a passing interest in the children. He helped them in small ways whenever he saw them, and as time went on he began to consider turning them, and raising them as his own. At the time he had doubts of if he should or not, his family may not have approved and tried to kill the children if they found out. He dallied for months, each day knowing that if he didn't act the two could die anyway, and then he'd have no chance at helping them. What finally pushed him to decide was just what he feared. A sickness spread throughout the land, and the boy fell ill and died shortly after. Maple never left his side even after he passed on, and was just starting to show signs of the illness when the vampire found her. She was hesitant to go with the man, though she liked him well enough, she was also frightened of this man she'd only ever seen at night. She eventually gave in to his request to come with him however, as she realized that her brother was not going to wake up again. The vampire, now her father, took her to an inn, where he waited until she fell asleep to turn her. She was brought to meet the family in three days time, after her father was sure that she was healthy enough, and fully a vampire. She was met with mixed feelings from the family members, but her father protected her from any harsh thought or action against her. She came to care about each member of the family as she grew, and in time she felt she was accepted more and more as a family member herself. Almost a decade later, her father died protecting her from a Vampire hunter, who she hunted down herself in revenge. Special Power: SOUL MANIPULATION - Maple can trap the souls of those she's killed into any nearby object, forcing them to fight for her. The items they are trapped in are able to move of their own control, unless she commands them to do something else. They are incapable of allowing any harm to come to her without attempting to stop it. Most of the ones she's made have been destroyed, she only has 3 at the moment. At one point she had 17 Trapped Souls under her command, an army of knick-knacks and things. Other: Enjoys all things about nature, especially thunderstorms. She will often stand outside in the rain, just watching the beauty of lightning flashing across the sky. Her worst fear is that no matter how long she lives, she'll never find anyone she loves as much as she loved her brother before she was turned. Kyle Farr (Hunny) Farr was once a vampire hunter who had the sad misfortune of running into Maple and her father only a few months after she'd been turned. She caused his death, whether from wounding him or from drinking him dry the two have yet to find out. As he died, her power came to light, and the hunter's soul became trapped within her beloved stuffed rabbit, Honey. The two are friendly to each other now, in fact Kyle's knowledge of Hunter tactics and his newfound inability to allow his master to come to harm in any way has saved her life many times. Li-Ren (Blade) hunter that killed her father, Li-Ren was mercilessly hunted by Maple for almost a decade before he finally died by her hand. She placed his soul into the very dagger that struck him down, as her final justice. Li-Ren has served her well in all battles since then. Jasmine (Amulet) strange case. Jasmine was a human that Maple had become friends with. They spent years together, until Jasmine found out that Maple was a vampire, and in fleeing from her found her death by falling into the river. She couldn't swim. Maple pulled her out of the water only a few minutes before her heart stopped. In an effort to keep her friend with her, to explain and perhaps give the girl a second chance at life, Maple had tried to turn her friend, but failed as her heart gave out too quickly. Jasmine haunted her for almost a year before Maple caught her wandering soul, tying Jasmine to an amulet her father had given her. Jasmine is constantly with Maple, and as she is imprisoned within an object not very well-suited for moving around and doing things, she has an ability that the others do not. If the locket is opened, she can surround Maple with a shield made of shadows. This stops most projectiles, and sunlight from reaching Maple, but can only be used for a short time.
Grâce à l'éclairage modéré et à la foule de corps en mouvement, Soma pouvait distinguer la silhouette d'une jeune femme qui s'approchait. Ses yeux se rencontrèrent alors qu'elle émergeait de l'ombre dans la lumière sombre qui tombait au-dessus du comptoir de la barre. Il la reconnut, et une lueur de soulagement saigna dans son expression légèrement sévère. "Oh... c'est juste toi." La tension dans sa posture s'estompe et il a réussi un demi-sourire, regardant Teodora de manière un peu oblique. Un visage qu'il n'avait vu que quelques fois au cours de ses promenades éparses dans les salles du domaine familial. "Désolé... je pensais que vous étiez..." Il s'arrêta un moment, passant un bref regard vers la porte comme l'autre des parfums familiers laissés aux salles de bains avec sa proie nouvellement acquise. Qu'est-ce qui t'amène à ce trou dans le mur?
Name: Leon Bianchi Age: He doesn't give a damn about his age anymore Gender: Male Leon is approximately 6'4, well built and heavily muscled. His eyes are very dark in color, with a red tint to them. The limbal ring, however, is a startling red color, vastly standing out against the nearly black eye. When talking, it seems like he has a nearly permanent sneer on his face. He is covered with a multitude of tattoos, one located on his left leg, a dragon, the tail beginning on his foot, before spiraling up his leg to where the head rests on his hip, fire surrounding the dragon and blazing out of its mouth. Another, located on his left arm, is this series of animals, containing a eagle, deer, wolf, owl, and coyote. this flame tattoo located on his right forearm. As well as froza written across his chest. Personality: Leon can simply be described as a hot head. He is angry, hard, and cold. This slightest thing can set him off, and it would be within nearly everyone's well being if they stayed out of his way during one of his fits of anger. For Leon, his anger is one that simply continues to build on with time instead of fading into a lack of care. Deep inside, he is a distraught man. His anger stems from his anger at himself, and he is tired of life. He still has not come to terms with many of the previous events in his life, despite the time that has passed since then. He pushes everyone away for fear of being hurt, leading to a largely solitary life when it would have been more useful to him to allow people in. There is one person however, someone who has become his older sister, who can understand him more then most. Olivia is one of the few people that can manage to calm him if she gets close enough, but in his fits of rage he does not notice who specific people are, and could still end up causing injury. His feedings are violent, aggressive, often letting his pent up anger out on his victim. There is one thing he would never do, he never leaves a person alive after feeding, believing that to be torturing them due to his past history. Bio: Leon, before being changed into a vampire, lived a rough life. He was abused, and ended up being dragged into a different vampire family where he was used repeatedly as a source of food. When he finally managed to escape, he fled for his life, trying to be free of the never ending cycle. He would finally feel back to normal from a feeding, and then in would come the next one. He was finally free. However, during the time of his freedom, depression and anger caught up with him. He continued to spiral down, before giving up on life. He attempted to kill himself. But, he was found by a man, who so happened to be a member of the Bianchi family. His life was saved, and he was turned into a vampire. Was he happy? No. In no way was he happy. The amount of times he had to be held back from attempting to end his life with a variety of methods, several times it being Olivia that stopped him. He was very prone to violent outbursts, often involving his new found power of controlling fire. He had always been a pyromaniac, enjoying watching fire and setting things a light. And that followed him into a vampire, but increasing with his ability to create and control the fire. Special Power: pyrokinesis Other: If he is found staring down at his forearms, where his tattoos are covering, leave him be, unless your character is Olivia, or your character wants a face full of fire. He has a pet dragon, Rudos, who he met many many years ago. Rudos is full sized, stretched out he is the length from his shoulder to his hand, but Rudos prefers to simply sit on Leon's shoulder, tail wrapped around the back of his neck and the draping down his front
Teodora s'est détendue, voyant que Soma n'était pas trop tendue et polie. Elle s'assied dans un siège au bar, assez près pour qu'il puisse voir le sourire paresseux sur son visage pendant qu'elle se repose les coudes sur le bar, mettant sa tête dans ses mains. "Juste moi? Je pense que je mérite plus d'un salut que vous ne le pensez?" Teodora a flirté, puis a essayé de clin d'œil. "Tu sais quoi, gah, c'est une cause perdue, je ne peux pas flirter, faux ou pas." Quand Soma a demandé ce qui avait amené Teodora au bar, elle a gâché. "Ce qui m'amène toujours à l'extérieur du manoir. Nourriture, et bien sûr, "Livia. Teodora l'a dit, puis a ronflé. "Elle nous a ordonné de rester ici jusqu'à ce qu'elle, Léon, Riya, le nouveau va-je veux dire, ami- arrive ici pour un repas. Elle m'a demandé à Maple de te trouver et de te faire rester ici. "Livia te veut à la chasse ce soir, pour une raison quelconque."
Teodora Bianchi Age: Stopped counting a long time ago Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Personality: - Paranoid - Ladylike - Charming - Stubborn - Snappish - Caring - Likes Children - Reclusive History: Teodora can't remember much of her life before she was turned- or, rather, she tries not to remember. She was turned when she was very young- seven or so. Ever since she can remember, Teodora has been content to stay behind whoever was the head of the family at the time. She had never had crazy ambitions anyways. Special Ability: Teodora is able to tell the future. There are multiple ways she can do this, including meditation and even violent prophetic dreams. Other: - Teodora has what humans like to call insomnia. She has trouble sleeping, leading to her sleep-deprived appearance. The only thing that can stave this off is sleeping pills. - She spends most of her time in her chambers, leading her to be rarely seen around the house. - Teodora enjoys reading, loving to browse through old compendiums and encyclopedias with quite a few fiction novels in between.
Un humble voyou a réussi à sortir du barman autrement réservé, trouvant la moitié de la tentative de Teodora de flirter quelque peu charmant. Cependant, son sourire revient rapidement à une expression plus mulâtre quand elle parle de chasse. "Oh... est-ce que c'est vrai?..." Soma a déplacé son regard vers les profondeurs vides d'une tasse de bière bouchée qui s'est assise devant lui juste de l'autre côté du comptoir. "C'est dommage pour Livia. Je ne chasse plus." Malgré la faim instinctive que Soma ressentait tous les jours, il n'a jamais aimé se nourrir des humains. C'était l'une des principales raisons pour lesquelles sa présence au sein de la famille était si obscure. Bien qu'il ait déjà tué, c'est quelque chose qu'il évite strictement. Le sourcil de Soma s'est sillonné alors qu'il y pensait plus. Teodora pouvait le voir s'occuper de quelque chose derrière le comptoir. Le bruit d'une armoire en bois s'ouvrit et se fermait brusquement en dessous, tandis que le barman giflait quelque chose sur le comptoir. C'était un sac de liquide sombre. Tout aussi vite qu'il a produit le sac, il l'a perforé avec un couteau, déchirant un trou dans son côté sinueux et videant le contenu légèrement visqueux dans la tasse de bière qui était assise devant lui. Le liquide a glissé rouge comme il a versé dans l'air, remplissant la tasse à environ la moitié avant le contenu du sac étaient vides, laissant une bande rouge coloré de plastique marqué avec les étiquettes de l'hôpital. "Si tu as faim alors ici..." Avec un clack creux, Soma a fortement posé la tasse remplie de sang sur le comptoir en bois à quelques pouces de Teodora. Le liquide pourpre réfrigéré s'est presque déversé avant de s'installer dans la tasse. "Voilà. Buvez..." Une teinte de dédain saigné dans le ton de sa voix alors qu'il présentait la boisson. Un cocktail qu'il connaissait lui-même, étant son régime alimentaire depuis des années maintenant. Ce n'était qu'un des nombreux sacs de sang illégalement achetés qu'il gardait près de lui la plupart du temps. En jetant le sac dans une poubelle métallique sous le comptoir de la barre, Soma a saisi une serviette et a commencé à essuyer du sang versé sur ses doigts. "Ou je suppose que vous pouvez faire ce que votre ami fait et aller sucer un pauvre vagabond dans la salle de bains."
Name: Leon Bianchi Age: He doesn't give a damn about his age anymore Gender: Male Leon is approximately 6'4, well built and heavily muscled. His eyes are very dark in color, with a red tint to them. The limbal ring, however, is a startling red color, vastly standing out against the nearly black eye. When talking, it seems like he has a nearly permanent sneer on his face. He is covered with a multitude of tattoos, one located on his left leg, a dragon, the tail beginning on his foot, before spiraling up his leg to where the head rests on his hip, fire surrounding the dragon and blazing out of its mouth. Another, located on his left arm, is this series of animals, containing a eagle, deer, wolf, owl, and coyote. this flame tattoo located on his right forearm. As well as froza written across his chest. Personality: Leon can simply be described as a hot head. He is angry, hard, and cold. This slightest thing can set him off, and it would be within nearly everyone's well being if they stayed out of his way during one of his fits of anger. For Leon, his anger is one that simply continues to build on with time instead of fading into a lack of care. Deep inside, he is a distraught man. His anger stems from his anger at himself, and he is tired of life. He still has not come to terms with many of the previous events in his life, despite the time that has passed since then. He pushes everyone away for fear of being hurt, leading to a largely solitary life when it would have been more useful to him to allow people in. There is one person however, someone who has become his older sister, who can understand him more then most. Olivia is one of the few people that can manage to calm him if she gets close enough, but in his fits of rage he does not notice who specific people are, and could still end up causing injury. His feedings are violent, aggressive, often letting his pent up anger out on his victim. There is one thing he would never do, he never leaves a person alive after feeding, believing that to be torturing them due to his past history. Bio: Leon, before being changed into a vampire, lived a rough life. He was abused, and ended up being dragged into a different vampire family where he was used repeatedly as a source of food. When he finally managed to escape, he fled for his life, trying to be free of the never ending cycle. He would finally feel back to normal from a feeding, and then in would come the next one. He was finally free. However, during the time of his freedom, depression and anger caught up with him. He continued to spiral down, before giving up on life. He attempted to kill himself. But, he was found by a man, who so happened to be a member of the Bianchi family. His life was saved, and he was turned into a vampire. Was he happy? No. In no way was he happy. The amount of times he had to be held back from attempting to end his life with a variety of methods, several times it being Olivia that stopped him. He was very prone to violent outbursts, often involving his new found power of controlling fire. He had always been a pyromaniac, enjoying watching fire and setting things a light. And that followed him into a vampire, but increasing with his ability to create and control the fire. Special Power: pyrokinesis Other: If he is found staring down at his forearms, where his tattoos are covering, leave him be, unless your character is Olivia, or your character wants a face full of fire. He has a pet dragon, Rudos, who he met many many years ago. Rudos is full sized, stretched out he is the length from his shoulder to his hand, but Rudos prefers to simply sit on Leon's shoulder, tail wrapped around the back of his neck and the draping down his front
Teodora a soulevé son sourcil. "Je respecte votre décision de ne pas se nourrir des humains, mais ma sœur ne se retire pas. Elle vous fera venir à la chasse, que cela vous plaise ou non." Elle parlait tranquillement. Honnêtement, à ton âge j'aurais fait la même chose, mais dans les temps anciens, il n'y avait pas de sacs de sang. Vous avez tellement d'options aujourd'hui. Soyez heureux du fait que vous n'avez pas à boire d'eux et suivez simplement ses ordres. » Teodora a fini son soliloque, balayant la boisson de la table et prenant une gorgée. "Les sacs de sang sont tellement plus délectables que les humains de nos jours, tu ne crois pas? C'est certainement mieux que cette érable vagabonde qui se nourrit dans la salle de bains. »
Teodora Bianchi Age: Stopped counting a long time ago Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Personality: - Paranoid - Ladylike - Charming - Stubborn - Snappish - Caring - Likes Children - Reclusive History: Teodora can't remember much of her life before she was turned- or, rather, she tries not to remember. She was turned when she was very young- seven or so. Ever since she can remember, Teodora has been content to stay behind whoever was the head of the family at the time. She had never had crazy ambitions anyways. Special Ability: Teodora is able to tell the future. There are multiple ways she can do this, including meditation and even violent prophetic dreams. Other: - Teodora has what humans like to call insomnia. She has trouble sleeping, leading to her sleep-deprived appearance. The only thing that can stave this off is sleeping pills. - She spends most of her time in her chambers, leading her to be rarely seen around the house. - Teodora enjoys reading, loving to browse through old compendiums and encyclopedias with quite a few fiction novels in between.
Amélia Averyonna Riya, Sarah, et Klaus, la petite conversation entre eux n'a pas duré longtemps avant qu'une interruption n'arrive. Ce n'était pas beaucoup au début, juste une distorsion subtile dans leur environnement, comme s'ils étaient de l'eau avec une petite vague qui les traversait. Cependant, ces « ondes » ont rapidement augmenté d'intensité et de fréquence pendant une minute avant de s'arrêter, sans changement notable dans leur environnement. Puis des murs, ce qui ressemblait à des papillons a commencé à émerger. Ils n'étaient évidemment pas des papillons naturels, comme d'autres leur méthode d'apparaître comme ils étaient un violet néon brillant et illuminé dans l'allée sombre alors qu'ils flottaient autour. Finalement, ils semblaient se briser dans une averse de lumière violette tout comme un fort crash a été entendu du coin de la rue. Quand ils regardaient dans la direction d'où venait le bruit, ils trouvaient la source. Une jeune fille, probablement au cours de ses premières années, qui avait l'air déshonorée au mieux et carrément saccagée au pire, luttant pour rester debout alors qu'elle examinait la scène avant elle. Ses cheveux étaient en désordre et avaient l'air d'avoir besoin d'un bon lavage. En fait, tout au sujet de la fille, de sa peau à ses vêtements, était couvert de terre, comme si elle avait trébuché à travers la campagne pendant des jours à la fin par elle-même. Ses vêtements se composaient d'un t-shirt blanc, que l'autre était alors couvert de terre et déchiré à plusieurs endroits, a porté une tache de sang géante qui a commencé de son cœur et jusqu'à où sa chemise a rencontré la paire était ruiné bleu-jeans qu'elle portait. Alors qu'elle examinait le groupe, ses yeux rouge foncé semblaient briller une seconde avant de faire un autre pas vers eux. "Bainchi... "Smith." La fille a bourdonné avant de s'effondrer, son énergie a apparemment dépensé. Le bruit de quelque chose de métal frappant le trottoir pouvait être entendu et avec n'importe qui dans le groupe regardé, ils trouveraient une amulette serrée fermement dans la main droite de la fille, la crête de la famille Kroshinkov clairement affiché sur le devant de celui-ci.
Name: Amelia Artemia Averyonna Age: 11 (Recently turned) Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Amelia is a kind and shy young girl who, while initially finding it difficult, enjoys spending time with others. She is a pacifist, finding that violence leads to nothing but hate, anger, and more violence, and refuses to raise a hand in self-defense, though she is fine with using her powers to get out a sticky situation. In conversation, she is kind and well-mannered, rarely getting angry and sometimes showing an amazing amount of maturity for her age. At heart though, Amelia is still a child and wants someone to care for her and teach and give her attention. She also has a giant sweet tooth and loves candy of all kinds. In private, Amelia tends to wallow in guilt over the loss of her first friend and the person who turned her into a vampire, Dimitri Kroshinkov. Bio: Amelia has led a tough life. Her never knew her parents and spent most of her early being moved from foster home to foster home, never fitting in with any of them and also suffering from health issues that the families simply couldn't pay for. Eventually, while still only the tender age of seven, the young girl ran away from her latest home in rural Pennsylvania, running through the night and well into the morning, trying to leave the life she knew and hated behind in exchange for an uncertain future. Thankfully, luck was on Amelia's side. After being on her own for a week she came across an old house, seemingly abandoned, and decided she would try to make if her home alone in the woods. She spent the rest of that day scavenging for supplies or exploring the small home, finding only on detail of the house that stood out, that being the locked basement. When she settled down for the night, she got the fright of her life when the basement opened up and a tall, pale man walked out of it. He turned towards the young intruder and approached her silently, appraising her with bright red eyes. When he was standing right in front of her, he leaved down, reached out... and gently pat her on the head while giving her a kind smile. The man was Dimitri Kroshinkov, a vampire from Russia who had come to America centuries ago and had a soft spot for children. He quickly struck up a conversation with Amelia before leaving to hunt for the night. The two would begin living a peaceful life together with Dimitri helping the young human survive and Amelia giving him the company he had not enjoyed for some time. During this time together Dimitri's presence in the area became known to a group of vampire hunters and they actively began pursuing him. Knowing they would find his little home and would likely interrogate, if not torture, Amelia when they found her, Dimitri fled the area taking her with him. The two would spend the next couple of years on the run, the group pursuing them wherever they went. Knowing they would eventually get caught, Dimitri headed for Denver to try and get Amelia in the protection of the Smith and Bianchi families, the latter of whom he was acquainted with. The pair never made it, as the hunters managed to get ahead of the two and ambushed them. In the beginning of the ensuing fight, Amelia suffered an injury that wasn't immediately fatal but would no doubt prove to be for an human. Dimitri, enraged at the sight, flew into a blood rage and managed to overpower and kill the hunters by himself but suffered an injury of his own that would lead to the end of his undead life. Fighting through the pain as his body began falling apart, he gave the still barely living Amelia two final gifts before he passed away: the first gift was a locket with his family crest for so to the Smiths and Bianchis and the second was the gift of vampirism. Since then, Amelia has made her way to Denver, trying to adjust to her knew found abilities and limitations. She is now making her way to the Bianchi/Smith mansion, seeking shelter. Special Power: Amelia is a Mesmer, allowing her to warp the senses of others to create illusions. However, due to her young age, both as a human and a vampire, her powers are unstable. While usually weak, when upset she can create powerful illusions and border on real, but has no control over them, showing the great potential she can have as she gets older. Other:
Quelques moments tendus passèrent avant que Soma ne se détende une fois de plus, se rendant compte que son agressivité modérée était déplacée alors que Teodora exprimait ses sentiments sur la nourriture vivante. Quelque chose avec lequel le barman pourrait s'empathier. "Je suis désolé... je suis..." Soma a accroché le chiffon teinté de sang derrière la barre et s'est détendu contre le bord du comptoir, en descendant au niveau des yeux avec Teodora. Un regard sombre saigné subtilement dans la lueur verte de ses yeux alors qu'il la regardait, laissant son menton se reposer contre son poing. "Je n'ai pas encore l'habitude de ça, même après presque six ans maintenant." Il s'est un peu claqué, laissant un sourire faible revenir à son visage. "Donne-moi encore cent et peut-être que ça ne me dérangera pas." La musique s'est mise en marche alors qu'un autre artiste à peine vêtu s'est rendu sur la scène du spectacle. En laissant un bref soupir, Soma se retira, tirant un paquet de menthols de sa poche de gilet. "J'ai besoin d'une fumée. C'était une nuit chargée." Sortir de derrière le comptoir, Soma a signalé à l'une des serveuses avec un petit geste de sa main avant d'attraper son manteau à rayures d'épingles noires de l'extrémité de la barre. Avec sa veste pliée sur un bras, Soma s'approcha de Teodora à travers les corps étouffants et s'appuya près de son oreille, parlant doucement, mais assez fort pour être entendu à travers le rugissement terne de la foule et le blason de la musique. "Est-ce que tu vas te joindre à moi?"
Name: Leon Bianchi Age: He doesn't give a damn about his age anymore Gender: Male Leon is approximately 6'4, well built and heavily muscled. His eyes are very dark in color, with a red tint to them. The limbal ring, however, is a startling red color, vastly standing out against the nearly black eye. When talking, it seems like he has a nearly permanent sneer on his face. He is covered with a multitude of tattoos, one located on his left leg, a dragon, the tail beginning on his foot, before spiraling up his leg to where the head rests on his hip, fire surrounding the dragon and blazing out of its mouth. Another, located on his left arm, is this series of animals, containing a eagle, deer, wolf, owl, and coyote. this flame tattoo located on his right forearm. As well as froza written across his chest. Personality: Leon can simply be described as a hot head. He is angry, hard, and cold. This slightest thing can set him off, and it would be within nearly everyone's well being if they stayed out of his way during one of his fits of anger. For Leon, his anger is one that simply continues to build on with time instead of fading into a lack of care. Deep inside, he is a distraught man. His anger stems from his anger at himself, and he is tired of life. He still has not come to terms with many of the previous events in his life, despite the time that has passed since then. He pushes everyone away for fear of being hurt, leading to a largely solitary life when it would have been more useful to him to allow people in. There is one person however, someone who has become his older sister, who can understand him more then most. Olivia is one of the few people that can manage to calm him if she gets close enough, but in his fits of rage he does not notice who specific people are, and could still end up causing injury. His feedings are violent, aggressive, often letting his pent up anger out on his victim. There is one thing he would never do, he never leaves a person alive after feeding, believing that to be torturing them due to his past history. Bio: Leon, before being changed into a vampire, lived a rough life. He was abused, and ended up being dragged into a different vampire family where he was used repeatedly as a source of food. When he finally managed to escape, he fled for his life, trying to be free of the never ending cycle. He would finally feel back to normal from a feeding, and then in would come the next one. He was finally free. However, during the time of his freedom, depression and anger caught up with him. He continued to spiral down, before giving up on life. He attempted to kill himself. But, he was found by a man, who so happened to be a member of the Bianchi family. His life was saved, and he was turned into a vampire. Was he happy? No. In no way was he happy. The amount of times he had to be held back from attempting to end his life with a variety of methods, several times it being Olivia that stopped him. He was very prone to violent outbursts, often involving his new found power of controlling fire. He had always been a pyromaniac, enjoying watching fire and setting things a light. And that followed him into a vampire, but increasing with his ability to create and control the fire. Special Power: pyrokinesis Other: If he is found staring down at his forearms, where his tattoos are covering, leave him be, unless your character is Olivia, or your character wants a face full of fire. He has a pet dragon, Rudos, who he met many many years ago. Rudos is full sized, stretched out he is the length from his shoulder to his hand, but Rudos prefers to simply sit on Leon's shoulder, tail wrapped around the back of his neck and the draping down his front
Vermilla a vu durcir sur le sol son ton heureux disparu comme elle a dit "Je... suis...NOT..a chasseur de vampires". Ses dents étaient serrées alors qu'elle brillait au sol. "Pour votre information, pourquoi je signalerais ce monstre si je l'ai amené ici... je ne veux rien avoir à voir avec eux". Elle pensait dur de faire quelque chose de stupide et de les laisser la tuer, mais son côté positif lui a dit que cela n'aiderait pas à changer son point de vue de famille si elle le faisait. Elle avait les mains dans un poing serré en creusant ses ongles dans sa paume, mais pas assez pour saigner. Elle a suivi Léon refusant de parler plus loin mais sa tête faisait une liste de choses sur les endroits de la ville qu'elle peut déménager à bas pendant un mois. Elle aimait beaucoup la ville pour s'éloigner mais avait besoin de se cacher. Elle détestait sa famille et son sourcil gauche s'était ébranlé toutes les quelques secondes à cause de sa colère.
Name: Vermilla Winchester(haha supernatural reference) Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Outgoing, Optimistic, Charismatic, Active, and Caring Bio: Vermilla comes from a family of hunters. What she didnt know until recent is not just any hunters but Vampire hunters. No one in her family told her because from an early age they knew they would try and fight them. Vermilla cares for all kinds of life be cute snails to 'Monster'. Her family tried to tell Vermilla Vampires are monsters and Vermilla promptly reminded them because of a single person act doesnt mean they are all the same. When she saw her parents were so closed minded and saw only black and white she left. She currently works at multiple jobs. She currently working at a vet office(Secretary), flower shop(cashier), and a library(Library Assistant(ranges from stocking and cleaning type work)). She lives with a wealthy family friend in the area but is located in basement or attic depending on her hosts temper. The basement is preferred but when they are upset at everyone but her she sent to the attic which has no furniture and is very dirty. She could careless about that arrangement because as long as she doesnt have to listen to her family cruel thoughts on any being life that isnt human. Special Power: None supernatural power but is trained in gymnastic, self defense, multiple types of range weapons from guns to bows, and is known to have Eidetic memory. Other: Vermilla biggest fear is being hurt and has multiple walls up. She always seems outgoing and optimistic but with her family being cruel people and her now ex fiance cheating she hiding a very dark desire but her optimistic side has been keeping the dark desire from surfacing and that is why Vermilla has that wall. Its to prevent anyone from making her fall into her dark desire.
Les petites confusions de Léon furent rapidement effacées. Il pouvait sentir le changement dans l'air immédiatement après la réalisation d'Olivia. Rudos, sentant le changement, brouillait sur son épaule, les ailes évasaient légèrement avec un sifflement. La taille de Rudos, tout en étant sans danger, a aidé dans les combats en raison de la famille à se déplacer rapidement et à réagir. Leon'a auparavant à peine voilé la colère et la faim a jailli sur son visage, barrant ses crocs douloureux avec un faible snarl. En un clin d'œil, la distance entre lui et Vermilla était fermée, se tenant juste derrière la fille. Ses doigts secouèrent, voulant tendre la main et tuer, pour satisfaire une partie de sa faim et l'envoi d'une menace apparente. Après que ses ordres eurent été donnés, Léon lâcha un piège," pourquoi ne pas me laisser la tuer. Il suffit d'éliminer une autre menace pour nos familles. » Il ne se souciait évidemment pas du comportement frustré des filles puisqu'elle a déclaré catégoriquement qu'elle n'était pas un chasseur, un snort s'échappant. "Comme si un chasseur admettait librement qu'il en était un alors qu'il était entouré de vampires." Avec un dernier éblouissement à Olivia, il a attrapé la jeune fille par le bras, la tirant à l'endroit où ils devaient attendre. Il l'a ensuite poussée dans un siège. Il a craqué," gardez vos mains visibles en tout temps ou je les enlève. Il a ensuite commencé à parcourir la pièce, en gardant constamment les yeux sur la fille.
Name: Olivia Bianchi Age: A lady never reveals her age. It’s poor manners. Gender: Female Personality: She is the leader of a Vampire family. She is everything you could imagine a Vampire leader would be. She is the strong silent type that prefers to watch, listen, analyze, and only speak when she has something to say. This my no means she is cold or harsh. She is actually quite loving and protective of all that live within her mansion. If there are problems within the family, she does her duty as a leader to solve them. The only time she becomes upset or angry is when people mess with her family. She tends to be materialistic and greedy. She has an obsession with staying wealthy. If you were to ask her for money, she would most likely say no. Unless your name happens to be Riya. Bio: After her parents (the women that turned her) died in a fight with lycans, Olivia became the head of the family Bianchi. She didn’t ask for this role, she even tried to run away from the expectations suddenly thrust upon her. But somehow she always found herself back with her family. Once she accepted her role as the leader, she moved her whole family from Italy to America where they have bounced from one location to the next. She decided on Denver because marijuana has recently become legal and the family is making a killing off selling it legally in Colorado. She spends her days sealed tightly away in her mansion, handling business behind closed doors and blackout curtains. At night, she frequents the many bars and clubs her family owns, often grabbing a late night snack from pretty girls or men. Special Power: Hypnosis. This only works on humans that are susceptible. Those with a closed guarded mind are not able to become hypnotized. Other: She has a weak spot for Riya. Since she can walk through the daylight without dying, Olivia often asks her to run errands for her. She also hates it that Riya flirts with everyone since she has a not-so-secret crush on her.
On verra Little One... Olivia répondit à la fille et sourit mal. Puis elle a tourné son attention à Léon, "Nous ne pouvons pas encore la tuer. Elle a peut-être plus d'informations. Une fois que j'aurai renvoyé les autres, attendez-moi près de ma chambre. Nous avons des affaires sérieuses à discuter. Ryia peut regarder celui-ci jusqu'à ce que je sois prête à lui parler moi-même." Olivia a vu le dragon sur l'épaule de Léon. Elle n'avait jamais aimé le petit animal de compagnie de Léon, mais a gardé sa bouche fermée. Le petit dragon semblait apporter à Léon une sorte de bonheur... ou au moins l'avoir distrait de sa colère envers le monde. "Comme il semble que tu ne chasseras pas ce soir, je te ramènerai un frère à manger. S'il vous plaît essayez de ne pas manger le prisonnier." Le visage d'Olivia s'est adouci pendant qu'elle taquinait son frère. Une fois que Léon et Vermilla avaient quitté la pièce, Olivia sortit de la maison. L'odeur du chasseur de vampires était faible. Il était parti dès que la fille avait parlé. Peut-être qu'elle disait la vérité, peut-être pas. Ils trouveraient notre assez tôt. Un éternuement s'est répandu sur le visage rond d'Olivia et ses yeux violets ont allumé rouge un moment avant qu'Olivia ne s'attrape. Shadow! Le chasseur est parti, merci d'avoir essayé de le trouver. Vous pouvez soit garder l'extérieur du manoir, soit retourner à Léon et à la fille. Mais si vous retournez à l'intérieur, assurez-vous de rester visible. Je veux que la fille comprenne qu'elle ne s'en sortira pas indemne. » Avec cette Olivia est venue vers l'avant et a sauté du toit au toit, à la recherche de sa famille. En allant au club, elle a attrapé l'odeur de Riya, Sarah, et le sang. L'odeur du sang a fait de sa bouche de l'eau, mais elle a ignoré la sensation. Elle sauta d'un toit et atterrit gracieusement sur ses pieds devant les filles. Ce n'est qu'à son arrivée qu'elle a réalisé qu'il y avait aussi un homme présent. Olivia était sur le point de tourner sur l'étrange figure quand l'odeur de son vieil ami a rempli ses narines. "Klaus... mon ami. Je suis heureux que tu sois venu." Olivia a laissé un petit sourire s'étendre sur son visage. Klaus était un ami de la famille, et elle, depuis de nombreuses années. Elle connaissait ses faiblesses en tant que vampire, mais son expertise sur les chasseurs de vampires était grandement souhaitée. "Nous parlerons plus une fois de retour dans le manoir. D'ici là, nous devons... partir... » Olivia regarda le corps sans vie aux pieds de Klaus et les deux autres hommes à peine conscients à côté de Riya et Sarah. Le visage d'Olivia s'est transformé en pierre alors qu'elle réalisait ce qu'elle avait traversé. "Riya... Je t'ai dit de l'emmener à... peu importe. Je vous en parlerai plus tard. Finissons vos repas et allons chercher les autres. Quelque chose est arrivé. J'avais d'autres affaires à régler ce soir, mais ça attendra plus tard. » Elle s'est tournée pour quitter l'allée. C'est seulement alors qu'elle a vu la petite fille s'évanouir sur le sol. La fille sentait comme un vampire, mais elle n'en avait pas été une depuis longtemps. Ce n'est que récemment qu'elle s'est tournée, pas trop longtemps avant Sarah. Olivia s'approcha prudemment de la fille et leva la tête avec le bout de sa botte. C'était une jolie petite chose, mais qu'est-ce qu'elle faisait ici? Olivia soupira et parla aux trois derrière elle. "Ramène la fille au manoir et mets-la dans mes chambres à coucher. Ryia, dans la zone d'attente du manoir, il y a une jeune fille humaine. Utilisez l'équipement médical et tirez du sang sur elle. Ne prenez pas trop, juste assez pour aider cette pauvre fille à guérir. Que Léon tienne la fille humaine à terre si elle se bat. Garde ce jeune vampire dans ma chambre jusqu'à mon retour." Avant de quitter l'allée, Olivia a repéré quelque chose de brillant dans la main des filles. Elle s'est penchée et l'a arrachée. Un autre soupir, cette fois-ci avec un nom joint. "Dimitri..." Olivia a regardé par-dessus son épaule une dernière fois. "Ils ont intérêt à être morts avant que vous quittiez cette ruelle. Klaus, s'il vous plaît assurez-vous que mes ordres sont suivis, puis retournez dans le manoir." Avec un dernier saut, elle s'est limitée dans la direction du club. À son arrivée au club, l'odeur de sang l'a presque submergée. Elle secoua la tête pour éclaircir ses pensées. Olivia traversa les portes du club et poussa devant les ivrognes et les têtes de pot. Ses yeux voyageaient autour du club à la recherche de Maple et de sa sœur. Elle a trouvé sa sœur d'abord ainsi qu'une autre figure qu'elle n'avait pas vue depuis un moment. Elle les a approchés tous les deux. "Bon travail, Sis. Je vois que quelqu'un a pu suivre les ordres ce soir." Elle a embrassé sa sœur doucement sur les joues avec un sourire, comme si elle rencontrait une amie au bar. Elle regarda le verre plein de sang, puis se tourna vers Soma. "Je vois que tu préfères toujours du vin de sac..." Olivia sourit en se référant au sang dans la tasse qu'elle savait être d'un sac de sang. "Je n'ai jamais pu supporter le truc moi-même. De toute façon, j'ai besoin que tu retournes au manoir avec Maple, Teodora et moi-même. Quelque chose est arrivé et je ne veux pas que tu sortes seul. Ne discutez pas avec moi, faites-le. Aussi, alors que nous revenons au manoir, nous devrions garder un oeil sur Kraven, je voudrais qu'il retourne aussi dans le manoir. Dieu seul sait ce qu'il fait..." Avec cette Olivia clignote sur eux deux, maintenant un extérieur calme pendant que les pensées couraient à l'intérieur de sa tête. Elle s'est éloignée du bar pour trouver Maple. Sur son chemin, elle a aperçu une jolie fille qui la regardait. Olivia l'a approchée et a glissé une main autour de sa taille. La fille a été immédiatement piégée dans l'hypnotisme d'Olivia. "Viens, ma chère. Tu vas m'aider à trouver un ami et ensuite rentrer chez moi avec moi. Tu seras très utile à ma famille ce soir." La jeune fille a hurlé et a suivi Olivia dans un état comme celui de Zombie pendant qu'Olivia continuait sa recherche d'érable.
Name: Olivia Bianchi Age: A lady never reveals her age. It’s poor manners. Gender: Female Personality: She is the leader of a Vampire family. She is everything you could imagine a Vampire leader would be. She is the strong silent type that prefers to watch, listen, analyze, and only speak when she has something to say. This my no means she is cold or harsh. She is actually quite loving and protective of all that live within her mansion. If there are problems within the family, she does her duty as a leader to solve them. The only time she becomes upset or angry is when people mess with her family. She tends to be materialistic and greedy. She has an obsession with staying wealthy. If you were to ask her for money, she would most likely say no. Unless your name happens to be Riya. Bio: After her parents (the women that turned her) died in a fight with lycans, Olivia became the head of the family Bianchi. She didn’t ask for this role, she even tried to run away from the expectations suddenly thrust upon her. But somehow she always found herself back with her family. Once she accepted her role as the leader, she moved her whole family from Italy to America where they have bounced from one location to the next. She decided on Denver because marijuana has recently become legal and the family is making a killing off selling it legally in Colorado. She spends her days sealed tightly away in her mansion, handling business behind closed doors and blackout curtains. At night, she frequents the many bars and clubs her family owns, often grabbing a late night snack from pretty girls or men. Special Power: Hypnosis. This only works on humans that are susceptible. Those with a closed guarded mind are not able to become hypnotized. Other: She has a weak spot for Riya. Since she can walk through the daylight without dying, Olivia often asks her to run errands for her. She also hates it that Riya flirts with everyone since she has a not-so-secret crush on her.
Vermilla s'est prosternée à Leon et a dit : « Je ne suis pas chasseur, oui j'avais des chasseurs de vampires dans ma famille, mais ils tuent des monstres à cause de la peur de ne pas comprendre ». Leon a craqué parce qu'il lui a en gros donné l'idée qu'elle pouvait le faire tuer facilement et lui a dit : "Tue-moi, je m'en fiche. Je ne vais rien faire pour vous faire plaisir. Je ne pourrais jamais tuer aucun être". Elle a gardé l'œil sur Léon et s'est ennuyée avec Pacing surtout parce que quand elle a attrapé son ex tricher qui était tout ce qu'elle pouvait faire et de voir que cela lui rappelait la trahison qu'elle a craqué "Arrêter de faire comme un idiot il n'y a pas de raison. Cela n'aide personne ». Une pensée a frappé Vermilla et a demandé "Êtes-vous contrarié parce que votre faim... Je reçois ce chemin. J'ai failli tuer mon frère une fois parce qu'il a essayé de prendre part à mon repas quand j'avais très faim ». Elle a lentement roulé sa manche et a tenu son poignet à Léon. "Allez, je préfère que tu en prennes maintenant plutôt que d'être plus brutale plus tard" Vermilla a gardé le contact visuel avec Leon, mais même si elle avait encore un éternuement sur son visage, ses yeux s'étaient adoucis.
Name: Vermilla Winchester(haha supernatural reference) Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Outgoing, Optimistic, Charismatic, Active, and Caring Bio: Vermilla comes from a family of hunters. What she didnt know until recent is not just any hunters but Vampire hunters. No one in her family told her because from an early age they knew they would try and fight them. Vermilla cares for all kinds of life be cute snails to 'Monster'. Her family tried to tell Vermilla Vampires are monsters and Vermilla promptly reminded them because of a single person act doesnt mean they are all the same. When she saw her parents were so closed minded and saw only black and white she left. She currently works at multiple jobs. She currently working at a vet office(Secretary), flower shop(cashier), and a library(Library Assistant(ranges from stocking and cleaning type work)). She lives with a wealthy family friend in the area but is located in basement or attic depending on her hosts temper. The basement is preferred but when they are upset at everyone but her she sent to the attic which has no furniture and is very dirty. She could careless about that arrangement because as long as she doesnt have to listen to her family cruel thoughts on any being life that isnt human. Special Power: None supernatural power but is trained in gymnastic, self defense, multiple types of range weapons from guns to bows, and is known to have Eidetic memory. Other: Vermilla biggest fear is being hurt and has multiple walls up. She always seems outgoing and optimistic but with her family being cruel people and her now ex fiance cheating she hiding a very dark desire but her optimistic side has been keeping the dark desire from surfacing and that is why Vermilla has that wall. Its to prevent anyone from making her fall into her dark desire.
Leon s'est replié les bras, ronflant la femelle. « Que vous soyez ou non en train de faire l'objet d'un débat. Et nous ne ferons pas simplement confiance à votre parole." Un éclair d'émotion lui passa sur le visage alors qu'elle lui ordonnait pratiquement de la tuer. Il se rappelait de lui-même, il se rappelait peu se souvenir qu'il suppliait ses ravisseurs de juste le tuer, de mettre fin à sa souffrance. Il ne pouvait pas trop se souvenir de son temps en tant qu'humain, et pour cela il était reconnaissant. Son visage s'endurcit rapidement de nouveau, grogneant sur la fille », autant que j'aimerais drainer tout le sang de votre corps, on m'a dit explicitement de vous laisser en vie. Je n'aime pas trop affronter la colère de mes soeurs." Il reprit ses pas, il regarda par terre. Il détestait les rappels constants. Leon s'est figé alors que sa voix dure lui frappait les oreilles en cassant. Il a laissé un faible grognement," Tu n'es pas en mesure de me dire quoi faire, humain." Il reprit ensuite ses pas, sa pause ayant suffi à lui permettre de parler avant de continuer. Sa tête tourna légèrement en parlant, légèrement surpris par le changement de ton de sa voix. Il l'a regardée au fur et à mesure qu'elle se déplaçait, la regardant remonter sa manche et lui tendre le bras. Ses oreilles sensibles se concentraient sur le son de son sang qui se précipitait à travers elle. Ses doigts se déchiraient avant qu'il ne déchire enfin son regard de son poignet, gardant sa respiration aussi calme que possible. Il parlait lentement," Je suis toujours en colère. Et je ne crois pas qu'il faille laisser mes repas vivants. Je trouve que c'est de la torture et de la cruelle. Tout de suite. Couvre ton poignet." Il s'est déplacé vers le mur, se penchant le dos contre lui. Rudos se déplaçait, tenant sur le devant de sa t-shirt, la tête reposait sur son encoche jugulaire. Leon s'approcha, se frottant les doigts au-dessus des dragons, se concentrant sur le mur en face de lui.
Name: Vermilla Winchester(haha supernatural reference) Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Outgoing, Optimistic, Charismatic, Active, and Caring Bio: Vermilla comes from a family of hunters. What she didnt know until recent is not just any hunters but Vampire hunters. No one in her family told her because from an early age they knew they would try and fight them. Vermilla cares for all kinds of life be cute snails to 'Monster'. Her family tried to tell Vermilla Vampires are monsters and Vermilla promptly reminded them because of a single person act doesnt mean they are all the same. When she saw her parents were so closed minded and saw only black and white she left. She currently works at multiple jobs. She currently working at a vet office(Secretary), flower shop(cashier), and a library(Library Assistant(ranges from stocking and cleaning type work)). She lives with a wealthy family friend in the area but is located in basement or attic depending on her hosts temper. The basement is preferred but when they are upset at everyone but her she sent to the attic which has no furniture and is very dirty. She could careless about that arrangement because as long as she doesnt have to listen to her family cruel thoughts on any being life that isnt human. Special Power: None supernatural power but is trained in gymnastic, self defense, multiple types of range weapons from guns to bows, and is known to have Eidetic memory. Other: Vermilla biggest fear is being hurt and has multiple walls up. She always seems outgoing and optimistic but with her family being cruel people and her now ex fiance cheating she hiding a very dark desire but her optimistic side has been keeping the dark desire from surfacing and that is why Vermilla has that wall. Its to prevent anyone from making her fall into her dark desire.
Oui, Mlle Olivia. Shadow a dit qu'il arrêtait de fouiller les bois sombres sur le manoir. Il fit silencieusement son dos vers les portes d'entrée. Une fois à l'intérieur, il essayait toujours de voir où se trouvait la fille humaine à l'intérieur de la maison. une fois il a pu localiser les filles Shadow silence a marché à nouveau devant le bureau principal où la réceptionniste a choisi les papiers qu'il avait scaté. L'ombre s'approcha de la porte et il entendit Leon dire quelque chose à la fille. Après que la conversation ait arrêté Shadow est entré et a fermé la porte après lui-même. Il est ensuite passé à un siège de l'autre côté de la pièce à la fille. Ombre la regardait tranquillement avec son seul œil vert clair visible.
Wrong thread
Vermilla visage dur adouci comme il a parlé avant qu'il a déménagé à un mur. Elle a parlé doucement "Pourquoi as-tu dit comme ça... comme si tu étais un monstre". Elle a senti ses yeux s'arroser et elle a frappé le siège dans lequel elle était et a dit « C'est pourquoi je déteste ma famille et la plupart de l'humanité ». Elle avait ramené son poignet en disant : "Tu sais que tu n'es pas un monstre, n'est-ce pas? Si tu étais, tu t'en soucierais de la cruauté que c'était ». Elle a tenu son poignet plus fort et a dit "Mais il y a une différence, je offre mon sang pour qu'il ne soit pas cruel ou torture... mais laisser quelqu'un vivant après avoir pris le sang de force est torture et cruelle". Elle avait un éclat mais il n'était pas haineux comme avant, il a donné de la détermination. Elle grondait doucement et disait : « La plupart de l'humanité est cruelle... Ma famille ne m'a même pas dit d'être chasseur jusqu'à ce qu'ils tuent quelqu'un devant moi..Je pense que chaque vie a un droit et qu'ils n'ont pas aimé cela et quand mon... Mon... je déteste beaucoup de choses sur l'humanité mais l'amour est numéro un ». Elle veut l'amour mais la déteste parce que tout le monde qu'elle aimait lui a fait du mal ou l'a trahie. C'est une des raisons pour lesquelles elle essaie de ne pas aimer les gens.
Name: Vermilla Winchester(haha supernatural reference) Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Outgoing, Optimistic, Charismatic, Active, and Caring Bio: Vermilla comes from a family of hunters. What she didnt know until recent is not just any hunters but Vampire hunters. No one in her family told her because from an early age they knew they would try and fight them. Vermilla cares for all kinds of life be cute snails to 'Monster'. Her family tried to tell Vermilla Vampires are monsters and Vermilla promptly reminded them because of a single person act doesnt mean they are all the same. When she saw her parents were so closed minded and saw only black and white she left. She currently works at multiple jobs. She currently working at a vet office(Secretary), flower shop(cashier), and a library(Library Assistant(ranges from stocking and cleaning type work)). She lives with a wealthy family friend in the area but is located in basement or attic depending on her hosts temper. The basement is preferred but when they are upset at everyone but her she sent to the attic which has no furniture and is very dirty. She could careless about that arrangement because as long as she doesnt have to listen to her family cruel thoughts on any being life that isnt human. Special Power: None supernatural power but is trained in gymnastic, self defense, multiple types of range weapons from guns to bows, and is known to have Eidetic memory. Other: Vermilla biggest fear is being hurt and has multiple walls up. She always seems outgoing and optimistic but with her family being cruel people and her now ex fiance cheating she hiding a very dark desire but her optimistic side has been keeping the dark desire from surfacing and that is why Vermilla has that wall. Its to prevent anyone from making her fall into her dark desire.
"La maîtresse Olivia veut que tu vives jusqu'à ce qu'elle revienne. Si c'était à moi que tu serais mort là où tu te tiens." Shadow a dit comme ses mots où presque goutte à goutte avec une intention violente à l'égard de la fille vide de toute sympathie pour son histoire de sa famille. Son œil est devenu noir et a tourné un regard d'avertissement vers la fille pour l'empêcher de tenter à nouveau Léon. Pendant tout ce temps sa position est restée toujours en statue comme la coordinance. Le seul mouvement de lui était l'épaisse fumée venant de son manteau seulement pour se désintégrer lentement.
Wrong thread
Un faible grognement a glissé de la gorge de Léon, les muscles de sa mâchoire secouant à plusieurs reprises alors qu'il écoutait son discours. Il tira ses crocs, plia ses bras, ses ongles creusèrent dans ses avant-bras extérieurs. Quand il a parlé, sa voix était basse et dure », ne soyez pas dans votre travail de fantasme où vous croyez que tous les vampires ne sont pas des monstres. Oui, j'ai réussi à me tourner avec le fait qu'il y a du bon. Mais il y a des cruels qui aiment torturer et jouer avec leur nourriture et à peine les garder en vie pendant des années. » En utilisant sa vitesse, il s'est déplacé pour saisir sur son poignet avec presque la force d'écrasement osseux, sa peau presque insupportablement chaude au toucher. Il sentait le sang, mais ce n'était pas à elle. C'était le sien. Le sang descendait lentement ses bras des coupes en forme de croissant dans ses avant-bras, mais ils se guérissaient rapidement. Il s'est ensuite enrôlé," Je ne bois pas ton sang. Maintenant, reprenez votre putain de main, ou je vais la casser." Il a jeté sa main vers sa poitrine, traquant hors de la pièce, grimpant à l'ombre," assurez-vous de la regarder. Je reviens dans une minute, je doute qu'Olivia serait heureuse si je brûlais toute la maison." Leon a filé de l'autre côté de la maison, en sortant sur un balcon. Il a atteint ses cheveux, en s'emparant des poings, en s'entassant pendant qu'il tirait. Il ne supportait pas les flashbacks. Relâchant ses cheveux, il a laissé le feu s'enflammer autour de ses mains alors qu'il s'emparait de la rampe, l'enfilant facilement d'où elle était tenue, la balançant et la fracasser contre un mur avant de le jeter sur le sol en dessous. Le métal où ses mains avaient tenu était d'un rouge chaud. Il savait qu'il avait besoin de revenir, ne suivant pas les ordres d'Olivia'a de surveillance debout rarement terminé bien. Sa respiration a été bâclée, les doigts enroulés dans ses poings, essayant de calmer ses pensées sauvages.
Name: Vermilla Winchester(haha supernatural reference) Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Outgoing, Optimistic, Charismatic, Active, and Caring Bio: Vermilla comes from a family of hunters. What she didnt know until recent is not just any hunters but Vampire hunters. No one in her family told her because from an early age they knew they would try and fight them. Vermilla cares for all kinds of life be cute snails to 'Monster'. Her family tried to tell Vermilla Vampires are monsters and Vermilla promptly reminded them because of a single person act doesnt mean they are all the same. When she saw her parents were so closed minded and saw only black and white she left. She currently works at multiple jobs. She currently working at a vet office(Secretary), flower shop(cashier), and a library(Library Assistant(ranges from stocking and cleaning type work)). She lives with a wealthy family friend in the area but is located in basement or attic depending on her hosts temper. The basement is preferred but when they are upset at everyone but her she sent to the attic which has no furniture and is very dirty. She could careless about that arrangement because as long as she doesnt have to listen to her family cruel thoughts on any being life that isnt human. Special Power: None supernatural power but is trained in gymnastic, self defense, multiple types of range weapons from guns to bows, and is known to have Eidetic memory. Other: Vermilla biggest fear is being hurt and has multiple walls up. She always seems outgoing and optimistic but with her family being cruel people and her now ex fiance cheating she hiding a very dark desire but her optimistic side has been keeping the dark desire from surfacing and that is why Vermilla has that wall. Its to prevent anyone from making her fall into her dark desire.
Riya a jeté un coup d'œil sur le commentaire de Sarah, puis s'est un peu éclipsée quand elle a craché le sang qu'elle avait tiré, désolé que l'on n'était pas si bon, habituellement ils sont assez savoureux, mais je suppose que vous avez eu une mauvaise pomme, oh bien, je suis sûr qu'il y aura beaucoup d'autres qui seront beaucoup plus à votre goût. Son attention est revenue à Klaus quand il lui a de nouveau parlé, "Oh, qui fait mal, vous me faites vraiment mal, monsieur," Riya a répondu avec une façade blessée, plaçant sa main sur son poing avant de l'amener près de sa poitrine, comme si ses mots lui faisaient mal. La déposer rapidement, elle a donné un sourire à sa prochaine remarque, je ne pense pas que vous pourriez me gérer, je peux être assez dur et très déviant. Riya est devenue un peu plus sérieuse quand il a mentionné comment les humains sur lesquels ils se nourrissaient étaient encore vivants, bien qu'elle n'ait pas vraiment essayé de contrôler les autres de drainer complètement un humain, elle tenait toujours des sympathies pour ce qu'elle était et par conséquent, ne pouvait jamais vraiment tuer un humain en les drainant, seulement dans des cas extrêmement rares elle ne l'a jamais fait. Je ne vois pas vraiment le besoin de les tuer, en plus du fait qu'ils vont récupérer et pourraient être une source pour se nourrir de nouveau plus tard, personne ne croirait qu'ils crient sur la façon dont ils ont été attaqués pendant la nuit et nourris, en particulier par deux femmes,,, elle a souri à lui, bien que ce n'était qu'une façade ainsi. Je vous demanderais de laisser ces créatures pathétiques seules.Riya a été interrompue quand elle a ressenti une étrange distorsion dans l'air, sentant que quelque chose passait à travers elle. Elle sentait que le sentiment de devenir plus fort et plus fort jusqu'à ce qu'il s'arrête, "Qu'est-ce... c'était ça?" Riya n'a demandé à personne en particulier, puis tout d'un coup a entendu un bruit fort s'écraser, regardant vers là d'où il venait, elle a vu une fille, ses vêtements étaient déshonorés et il semblait qu'elle était à peine capable de se lever. Riya pouvait dire par son parfum qu'elle était un vampire, peut-être qu'elle est devenue récemment un, ce qui a vraiment attiré son attention bien que les noms de famille qu'elle a dit, maintenant Riya était curieux de savoir qui était cette fille, elle était prête à s'approcher de la fille quand Olivia a sauté devant eux, Combien d'autres personnes vont nous rejoindre? elle s'est demandé en pensant, non pas qu'elle n'était pas heureuse à Olivia, juste il y avait actuellement tant d'interruptions, il commençait à devenir ennuyeux. Super, on dirait que quelque chose l'a énervée, pas vraiment d'humeur pour une conférence plus tard, mais pas la meilleure idée de discuter avec elle quand elle a clairement coché, Riya a pensé à elle-même, laissant un soupir tranquille. Elle était un peu confuse quand Olivia leur a ordonné de prendre la fille inconsciente avec eux à la maison, mais encore plus curieux voulait qu'elle dans le lit Olivia. Vous l'avez, patron, Olivia a répondu légèrement sarcastiquement, donnant un paresseux, salut de deux doigts avant de vous diriger vers la fille inconsciente, non pas qu'elle était contrariée avec Olivia, juste qu'elle avait voulu nourrir un peu plus mais qui a été interrompu, cependant elle a été satiée pour le moment, donc c'était assez bon. Elle a ramassé la fille, regardant à Olivia une dernière fois, grimaçant légèrement quand elle a ordonné les hommes tués, ils ont peut-être été des sacs de terre, mais elle n'a pas senti qu'ils méritaient la mort. Quand Olivia est partie, Riya s'est approchée de Klaus, mais je ne peux pas vous dire quoi faire, je demanderais que vous ne tuiez pas les deux autres, il n'y a pas besoin pour cela,,, elle a parlé plus sérieusement avant de tourner son regard vers Sarah,,, venez, le temps pour nous de rentrer à la maison, désolé que nous n'ayons pas pu avoir une bonne nuit de filles dehors, mais I,ll se rattrapera bientôt,,, elle a donné un clin d'oeil flirt, puis a commencé à rentrer à la maison avec la fille mystérieuse dans ses bras. Il était beaucoup plus sombre au moment où ils sont finalement arrivés à la maison, quand elle est arrivée à l'intérieur, Ambient prenant note de son parfum de maître est rapidement allé se précipiter vers elle, Eh bien voilà Ambient, donnez-moi juste une seconde pour prendre soin de quelques choses et puis je vous ferai manger, sonnez bon? Alors qu'elle passait, elle a vu une fille dans la salle d'attente, Ce doit être la fille Olivia parlait, devine que je devrais faire ce qu'Olivia a demandé après que je l'ai fait avec cette petite fille, ne pense pas que même je serais capable de charmer mon chemin hors de punition quand elle est déjà bouleversée comme cela, elle a pensé à elle-même, donnant un léger sourire tout en exhalant hors de son nez. Elle se dirige ensuite vers les chambres d'Olivia, en entrant, elle ne pouvait pas aider, mais regarder à quel point la chambre était grande, puis encore, avec elle étant la tête de maison, cela avait du sens. Elle secoua la tête pour l'éclaircir avant d'aller au lit, plaçant la jeune fille dessus et ensuite mettre les couvertures sur elle, "Vous attendez juste ici et je m'assurerai que vous vous sentez bien comme la pluie assez tôt," Riya a parlé tranquillement à la fille inconsciente avant de sortir de la chambre une fois de plus. Elle l'a ensuite fait attendre en bas, se dirigeant vers la zone où ils gardaient l'équipement médical, le chargeant sur un chariot de plateau avant de se rendre dans la salle d'attente, quand elle est entrée, elle a remarqué Shadow, "Oh, ne savait pas que vous étiez ici aussi bien, vous avez l'air aussi sombre et fumée que toujours," elle a souri avec un clin d'oeil avant de passer à la fille avec le chariot de plateau. Quant à vous, je vais avoir besoin de tirer un peu de sang, mais vous n'avez pas à vous inquiéter, je n'ai pas gagné être prendre beaucoup et peut-être après, vous et moi pouvons avoir un peu de plaisir?.Riya avec un soupçon de séduction dans sa voix, bien que ce fût juste pour faire la fille squirm un peu de ses avances. Oh oui, Shadow, pense que tu pourrais trouver Leon et l'avoir pour moi s'il te plaît? Dis-lui qu'Olivia m'a demandé de tirer un peu de sang de cette fille et qu'il lui a demandé de la retenir si elle essayait de lui résister, elle l'a regardée, puis a regardé en arrière à la fille, non pas que tu aies résisté, ne le ferais-tu pas?, Riya a demandé à la fille quand elle a dirigé son attention vers elle, Ambient vient bientôt à côté de son maître, regardant la fille intensément comme il lui a barré quelques-unes de ses dents avec un grognement,, parce que si vous le faisiez, mon ami ici n'aimerait pas beaucoup cela et vous ne voulez pas obtenir sur mes chiots mauvais côté,, elle a donné un sourire dérisoire pendant qu'elle allait préparer le bras de la fille et puis coller une aiguille dans son bras pour commencer à égoutter son sang.
Riya Bianchi Age: 45 Gender: Female Appearance Her frame is slim and athletic built, her long dark hair compliments her slim face, one that usually has a calm expression with a hint of seductiveness from her crimson red eyes. Usually her attire consists of a white sleeved shirt with a dark vest and a black leather jacket, blue skinny jeans with a belt hanging on her waist and brown boots. Unless she’s required to by her family, she rarely ever wear any kind of formal attire, feeling they don’t suit who she really is under them. Personality Kind and deviously playful would be the best way to describe Riya. She cares greatly for the new family she was brought into as well as being fiercely loyal to it, she’ll gladly give her life before she lets any harm come to her family. Something that may be surprising to her kind is when it comes to humans, specifically feeding off them, she tends to take into consideration how much blood she draws from them, being formally human herself, she sympathizes with what she used to be and will rarely ever kill a human through feeding. Her playful side was one she acquired when she was turned, generally she likes to toy with the prey she decides to target, revealing what she really is to them and then hunting them down when they flee in terror. When she’s home with her family, she likes to flirt with the others, though not serious, she enjoys how both the same and opposite sex squirm at her advances. Bio Riya’s life before she became a vampire wasn’t all the impressive nor interesting, she was above average when she was in high school and after she left school, she got a job working at a bank and an ordinary apartment. Having grown tired with how bland most of her life was and how she never really aspired for anything, she decided she’d go to school, get a degree and get a better paying job and home. Well that had been the plan at least, but unfortunately, she never got the opportunity to do so, one late night on her way back from work, she decided to cut through an alley to get home quicker and was grabbed by a man in the dark. Held at gunpoint she was robbed and then shot after some clouds parted and allowed the moonlight to shine in the alley, revealing the man’s face. As she laid there bleeding out, she couldn’t help but smile at the irony, she did nothing meaningful with her life and then when she was finally about to, she ended up getting killed. Riya was glad at first, thinking she would’ve just continued on with her meaningless life and death was probably better for her, but as she became weaker and got closer to death, the fear set in, she didn’t want to die, she wanted to live, she begged in her thoughts for someone to save her and as if her prayers had been answered, another figure came before her, this time a woman and granted Riya the powers of a vampire by drinking her blood and giving her own in return. She wasn’t used to her new powers at first, the enhanced abilities and pale complexion certainly scared her at first, plus the fact nothing could satisfy her hunger save for blood. Then the woman who saved her appeared at her home one night, explaining what Riya now was and offered her to join her family, with not many other options and still not fully understanding how her new powers worked, she accepted. Special Power - Sunlight Resistance Whilst she doesn’t have an actual ability, this passive power allows her to go outside during the day without needing any kind of protection from the sunlight that would no doubt easily cook others of her kind. Other She has a hell hound that she came across one night in a forest that had hunted down some people that were out camping, though it was unruly, she managed to tame it and is now a loyal companion that will do whatever she asks and protect her at all costs.
Bonjour Mlle Riya Shadow a dit que son ton a changé en s'adressant à Riya à un plus formel. Son œil était de retour à sa couleur normale comme il a dit "Je ne pense pas qu'il soit sage d'appeler Maître Léon, son manque de nourriture l'a rendu instable en ce moment". Shadow a dit qu'il a commencé à se tenir silencieusement "Et si vous voulez encore que j'aille le chercher" (désolé pour la shortness)
Wrong thread
Vermilla a écouté la figure de l'ombre et s'est engourdie. Il ressemblait à son père avec son ton. Elle savait avec ce ton et les mots qu'il a prononcés que si elle quitte, il sera très blessé ou mort. Elle s'en ficherait de la partie morte. Elle a incliné la tête pour que les cheveux tombent devant son visage. Son corps qui avait une certaine tension desserrée. Elle ressemble à une marionnette accrochée à des cordes. Elle riait dans sa tête "Imme le monstre..Je veux la paix mais les deux côtés veulent la même chose...Il y a tellement plus pareil alors j'avais pensé". Elle savait que quelqu'un d'autre était venu et se préparait à avoir du sang. Vermilla n'était pas d'humeur pour tout ce qu'elle gardait les yeux cachés et la voix verrouillée. Elle voulait juste se cacher dans l'ombre loin de tout le monde. Son cerveau devenait fou en essayant de trouver quoi faire. Son côté optimiste se battait contre son côté plus sombre. Son côté optimiste a toujours gagné et cette fois, il a semblé détruire le côté sombre en pensant "Ils sont si têtus mais il y a des buts et une attitude sont les mêmes que j'ai juste besoin de les obtenir pour voir cela". Vermilla même si son côté plus sombre s'était retiré, elle était encore à émotionnellement fatiguée pour fonctionner.
Name: Vermilla Winchester(haha supernatural reference) Age: 19 Gender: Female Personality: Outgoing, Optimistic, Charismatic, Active, and Caring Bio: Vermilla comes from a family of hunters. What she didnt know until recent is not just any hunters but Vampire hunters. No one in her family told her because from an early age they knew they would try and fight them. Vermilla cares for all kinds of life be cute snails to 'Monster'. Her family tried to tell Vermilla Vampires are monsters and Vermilla promptly reminded them because of a single person act doesnt mean they are all the same. When she saw her parents were so closed minded and saw only black and white she left. She currently works at multiple jobs. She currently working at a vet office(Secretary), flower shop(cashier), and a library(Library Assistant(ranges from stocking and cleaning type work)). She lives with a wealthy family friend in the area but is located in basement or attic depending on her hosts temper. The basement is preferred but when they are upset at everyone but her she sent to the attic which has no furniture and is very dirty. She could careless about that arrangement because as long as she doesnt have to listen to her family cruel thoughts on any being life that isnt human. Special Power: None supernatural power but is trained in gymnastic, self defense, multiple types of range weapons from guns to bows, and is known to have Eidetic memory. Other: Vermilla biggest fear is being hurt and has multiple walls up. She always seems outgoing and optimistic but with her family being cruel people and her now ex fiance cheating she hiding a very dark desire but her optimistic side has been keeping the dark desire from surfacing and that is why Vermilla has that wall. Its to prevent anyone from making her fall into her dark desire.
Sarah est retournée à la maison, où elle a vu l'humain. Elle sentit sa bouche s'arroser mais se concentra davantage sur ce qui se passait. Elle avait peur dans les vampires. Elle a frissonné. Et la colère de Léon. Sarah se remémorait quand, en tant qu'humaine, elle avait tendance à trouver les pires relations. Elle s'est moquée, elle s'est ramenée au présent. Mais elle se méfiait de ce Klaus. Elle le regardait constamment.
Name: Sarah Smith Age: 20 (Is a new vampire) Gender: Female Personality/Bio: Sarah is definitely what one would call a strong woman. She is smart, pretty, and was physically strong even while she was human. While she was human, she was also what one would call an empath, someone who can take on other people's emotions as their own. She is dark, despite this, and anti-social. Sarah was caught one night by a street gang, where she managed to seriously wound a couple before she was shot and then stabbed. She was found by one of the Smith family and turned, and she woke, finding her empathic abilities wer heightened into hearing even the thoughts behind someone's emotions. For this reason she puts on music to drown out others. Special Power: She is a very powerful Empath. This means anything to do with emotions, she can do. She can manipulate emotions as well as "Feel" the particular thoughts causing an emotion in someone. However, there is a catch: She feels it very, VERY physically, sometimes causing pain in her. This happens especially if she is touched by two or more people at the same time. Other: Sarah, despite her anti-sociality, longs for a mate. She also has a tattoo of huge raven wings on her back, along with thorned vines running down her arms, each ending with a red rose on the tops of her hands.
La tension dans le regard de Riya--bien qu'il n'y ait qu'un instant avant qu'elle ne s'égare et qu'elle n'offre une doublure--ne passe pas inaperçue par Klaus. Il s'est permis de sourire avec son demi-sourire et un petit ronflement. Il secoua la tête dans un manoir en cisaillement et regarda avec insouciance tout en continuant. Il était évident qu'elle allait suggérer de ne pas tuer les hommes, mais soudain un nouveau joueur est entré dans le jeu. Les deux ont immédiatement fermé leur attention sur la fille, et les sourcils de Klaus se sont rapprochés. Avait-il mal entendu ou avait-elle brouillé le nom de la famille avant de s'effondrer? Il regarda Riya et les jeunes. Ses lèvres avaient été mises en ligne droite avant qu'il les ouvre pour parler... Et entre dans Olivia, prête à se battre pour défendre sa famille. Heureusement, elle était prompte à s'attraper, et Klaus correspondait à sa chaleur dans son sourire. "Olivia Bianchi, tu appelles et je viendrai", a-t-il dit, bien qu'un soupçon de mélodrame lâchât ses mots, rejeté comme taquinant par des gestes occasionnels de la main. Il a regardé son attention plonger dans les corps, bien qu'il était confiant que la tête de Bianchi prendrait son côté ici. En tant qu'étranger de la famille, cependant, il s'est simplement tenu poliment à l'écart et a regardé comme elle a donné aux autres l'ordre de faire ceci ou cela. Alors qu'Olivia examinait la jeune fille, il a failli s'avancer pour expliquer qu'elle avait parlé les noms de famille avant de s'évanouir. Cependant, il semblait qu'elle ait reconnu quelque chose à son sujet, et il s'est arrêté soudainement pour regarder la situation au fur et à mesure qu'elle se déplaçait. Une fille humaine, une mention de Léon--qui n'aurait pas pu être une bonne combinaison--et la nuit sonnait tout à fait à terme pour les Bianchi-Smiths. Il n'était pas tout à fait prêt à retourner au manoir avec eux à cause du drame, mais Olivia a donné l'assurance que ça allait. Il était clair qu'elle était d'accord avec la mentalité de Klaus sur celle de Riya, cependant, et il a tiré un sourire taquin et denté à l'autre alors qu'Olivia tournait le dos. Bien que ses sourcils se soient levés quand Riya l'a approché à la permission d'Olivia. Son regard se rétrécissait alors qu'elle parlait sobrement, clairement sympathique envers les humains. "Désolé, amour," a-t-il simplement dit, défaire les menottes de ses manches, regarder les deux suivre Olivia.
Klaus | 2k | Male Appearance: Klaus is tall and lean at 6', was turned in his late twenties, and almost looks like a man out of a perfume commercial: his high cheekbones, long eyelashes, and defined jawline makes him a perfect predator. He prefers to wear clothes that are in style, common, and fashionable to blend in with human society. His dark brown hair is usually lazily slicked back and accompanied by a thin, trimmed layer of hair along his jawline, chin, and upper lip. Unless you're waking up beside him, it's rare to see his shaggy mane disheveled and facial hair untrimmed. He has a pale and narrow face, complimented by a long and defined nose. His eyes are a dark brown, as well, though they occasionally seem to be almost red. When the vampire talks or laughs, it's not difficult to get a glimpse of his pointed fangs. Personality: Klaus comes off as very laid back and easy going, maybe even a little smug, but formal. He can be very charismatic and flirtatious, as well (his flirting can be rather goofy, making an especially friendly first impression). That said, he has a darker and more serious that comes out when he feels vulnerable or angry. Underneath the immediate exterior, he can be rather sadistic and cruel. If he catches you alone and doesn’t think any repercussions will come of it, he’ll be rather antagonizing. He believes he hasn't lived so long by being nice and he has done plenty of bad things. However, Klaus has many layers: at his core he's surprisingly romantic and idealistic. He appreciates faithfulness and is even loyal to his breed in general despite his general dislike of other vampires. He finds it difficult to trust others, but can and will open up about himself and his history if you earn his trust. Bio: Born in Athens, Greece just before Rome conquered the territory, Klaus was taken as a child slave. Orphaned, there wasn't many other options for him. His life as a slave was relatively decent, and he grew loyal and friendly to the boy who would grow to be his master. The bond between them was more comparable to friendship than it was slave and master, though the power dynamic became more and more obvious with age. Still, Klaus remained loyal if subdued. Besides, despite growing tall and big compared to others during the time period, he was given the cushy slave life: most of his chores involved cooking. He was even allowed to take a job to work to buy his freedom if he chose, but he was complacent. When the master grew old enough to marry, however, Klaus became enamored with the wife. She was full of life and strength and she was never afraid to remind you of it. Still, he kept his distance—he knew better: not only was he a slave and she a free woman, she was married to his master and friend. Despite this, the woman seemed drawn to Klaus, as well. Like many Romans, she was fascinated with Greek culture and the Greeks themselves, and he was far quieter and much more thoughtful than her husband. At first he would shy away from her advances, but he eventually warmed up to her and the two seemed to be in love. An affair continued behind the master’s back. One night, the master walked in on the lovers. Rather than take responsibility for the affair, the woman insisted that Klaus had forced himself upon her and he had little choice but to flee. The master was persistent, however, and was on his heels with city guards as the slave ran away. It wasn’t long before he was cornered, though he didn’t have a chance to defend himself—the men and master were slain by a single figure. Klaus thought he was safe until the killer turned on him. Unlike the other men, though, he awoke from death as a vampire. Despite saving his life, his sire was less than kind: Klaus was treated as a source of blood for his sire and was sexually abused. This kept him weak, and he was unable to venture out on his own for a long time. It was only when he was allowed to leave that he did, about twenty five years since his rebirth. By this point in his life, Klaus had come to detest slavery for obvious reasons. The circumstances of his turning has made him relatively weak for a vampire; vampires his age--and even younger--have been able to best him since and he is still very aware of his weakness. Klaus continued through life on his own. He dodged other vampires out of fear and he definitely did his best to avoid getting tangled up with slayers throughout the centuries. Though one night, he came across the beginnings of the Binachi family. They were careful, of course, but far kinder than other vampires Klaus had had the displeasure of knowing. He had been fleeing from old hunters and he was well aware of his weakness compared to others so he asked for refuge. They accepted, but he remained anxious around other vampires, so he did not join the family formally. However, he has grown to appreciate them and checks in on the Binachi-Smiths whenever he's around. He's in Colorado for Olivia, and seeks to help her with the threat to her family. While he does intend to maintain his independence, he can't help but enjoy the company. Power: None, actually, and a fact he keeps to himself. Despite being such an old vampire, Klaus is relatively weak due to the life he had after being turned. Even his enhanced speed, strength, and senses are dull compared to Olivia's. Other: - Klaus has turned only two others into vampires throughout his long life. - He's bisexual and ambidextrous. - He poses among humans as a traveling artist. - He enjoys art, piano, billards/pool, language, and travel
Teodora était sur le point de dire "oui" à la question de Soma quand elle a senti Olivia. « Nous avons de la compagnie », chuchotait-elle à Soma avant de se retourner pour affronter Olivia. Elle a hurlé à tout ce qu'a dit Olivia, mais vraiment, une question de coups de pied a couru à travers sa tête, "Pourquoi est-elle ici seule?" Olivia avait dit à Teodora qu'elle se joindrait à elle avec au moins Léon en remorquage, mais elle était seule. Ça l'a mise à l'écart, juste ce petit facteur que sa sœur n'était pas accompagnée comme elle l'avait dit. Elle semblait un peu déconnectée. Elle a envoyé des futures courir à travers sa tête, et alors qu'elle s'asseyait de nouveau, elle a mis sa tête dans ses mains et gémissait, ramassant le verre pour une autre gorgée. "Mon Dieu, je vais avoir mal à la tête pour le reste de la nuit. J'espère que ce n'est pas quelque chose de sérieux. Pouvoirs futurs. Toujours amusant." Elle a dit, mais juste pour elle-même, et elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que quelqu'un lui réponde vraiment.
Teodora Bianchi Age: Stopped counting a long time ago Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Personality: - Paranoid - Ladylike - Charming - Stubborn - Snappish - Caring - Likes Children - Reclusive History: Teodora can't remember much of her life before she was turned- or, rather, she tries not to remember. She was turned when she was very young- seven or so. Ever since she can remember, Teodora has been content to stay behind whoever was the head of the family at the time. She had never had crazy ambitions anyways. Special Ability: Teodora is able to tell the future. There are multiple ways she can do this, including meditation and even violent prophetic dreams. Other: - Teodora has what humans like to call insomnia. She has trouble sleeping, leading to her sleep-deprived appearance. The only thing that can stave this off is sleeping pills. - She spends most of her time in her chambers, leading her to be rarely seen around the house. - Teodora enjoys reading, loving to browse through old compendiums and encyclopedias with quite a few fiction novels in between.
C'est pas vrai.( "Entrez le titre de l'image ici") Peu importe ce qui nous arrive ce soir, souvenez-vous de ces hommes; nous avons regardé la mort dans le visage et nous n'avons montré aucune peur. Derrière lui, la porte était tendue par l'impact du moteur de siège massif qui s'était monté jusqu'à la porte. La mort nous a donné le meilleur d'entre nous et nous avons juste ri. Une grande joie a éclaté des hommes devant lui alors qu'il continuait son rythme. Nous ne craignons pas la mort! » Il cria, retourna encore avec l'encouragement de la foule. Ce qui le fait passer à travers cette porte doit se battre avec nous avant qu'elle ne puisse atteindre notre pont!Les soldats ont applaudi une fois de plus, mais le bruit de craquage de bois de la porte a rapidement écrasé leurs voix bellâtres. Petits éclats de la porte écaillé, et tombé du cadre tandis que le métal soutient plié et gémissement avec le stress. Nous avons un ami ici pour--- Sa sentence a été coupée par le bruit de la porte derrière lui commençant à échouer, comme le moteur de siège a brisé un trou à travers le centre de la porte en envoyant des attelles volant vers l'intérieur. Le petit trou a été comblé par la vue d'un crâne massif et monstrueux utilisé comme tête du moteur de siège. La plupart des yeux étaient fixés sur la vue de ce crâne, même s'il est resté dans le trou une seconde avant d'être rétracté, brisant plus de la porte avec elle. Une autre figure sortit de la ligne de front à côté de Lord Bali, son armure s'identifia facilement comme Gardien Fenris Laski, dernier membre connu des Gardiens de la Lumière. Le chevalier-commandant lui a donné un sourire faible et a placé sa main sur l'épaule des Gardiens. Il est bon que vous soyez resté avec nous.Le Seigneur Bali a parlé d'une voix douce. Le Gardien a rendu son sourire avant de sortir un peu plus, les yeux fixés sur le trou massif dans la porte, que toute seconde serait forcée d'ouvrir par le bélier. Et celui qui se trouve en proie aux ténèbres n'a pas besoin de craindre le mal; car la Déesse vous a choisi pour faire face au diable. Les soldats! Réjouissez-vous dans le fait que la Déesse elle-même est ici avec nous en ce moment dans notre heure la plus sombre; priez pour sa force pour que vous en ayez besoin. » Sa voix a commencé à s'élever en force pendant qu'il continuait.« La Déesse nous a bénis lorsque nous avons chassé l'ennemi des batailles. » Sa voix a commencé à bourdonner pendant qu'il continuait.« Nous avons été bénis lorsque la Déesse a guidé nos frappes contre leur monstre de siège qui a essayé de passer par le mur. » Il a tiré son épée, et comme il tournait il a parlé de la voix la plus forte encore qu'il a lancé son épée au trou massif de la porte. Avec la Déesse à nos côtés, nous résisterons aux Ténèbres ici et nous ramènerons leurs âmes sombres à l'enfer qu'elles ont rampés!La foule des soldats a applaudi encore plus fort cette fois, frappant leurs armes contre leurs boucliers ; si fort un bruit a-t-elle fait qu'elle a suralimenté le bruit du moteur de siège brisant à travers la porte, l'envoyant voler. Les soldats ont rapidement fait entendre leur voix et ont lu leurs armes. Comme le bruit des soldats est mort, et comme un brouillard a commencé à rouler à travers la porte cassée, le Seigneur Bali a parlé à Fenris, et ainsi commence, notre position finale contre l'obscurité, Il a dit comme un grand sourire s'est cassé le visage, Il est bon de se tenir enfin côte à côte avec un Gardien, surtout dans notre dernière heure! Fenris le regarda, son visage rempli d'un regard déterminé pendant qu'il parlait : « Ne craignez pas le chevalier-commandant, car tant que nous serons debout, nos hommes résisteront. » Beaucoup de secondes passèrent en silence, chaque soldat avait les mains serrées autour de ses armes et leurs boucliers rapprochés de son corps. Tous les yeux étaient sur l'écart, attendant avec un regard anxieux ce qui arriverait à travers la porte d'abord. Les yeux entraînés de Fenris scannés pour tout mouvement au-delà de la porte pourtant ce brouillard lourd obscurcit tout signe de mouvement. "Où sont-ils? " Interrogé sur un légèrement confus Seigneur Bali "Ils ont brisé la porte pourtant ils ont un regard rapide par Fenris faire savoir au Seigneur qu'il a vu quelque chose. Un regard d'agitation était tombé sur le visage des Gardiens alors qu'il parlait rapidement "Line-Breakers."À travers le brouillard, les formes de bêtes massives sont apparues en vue. Chaque tournait à plusieurs pieds de haut et ne montrait aucun signe de fatigue sous leur armure lourde et forte. Leurs grands marteaux de pierre, modifiés par la magie et éblouissants d'une couleur pourpre, apportèrent avec eux un sentiment de peur au sein des soldats. Les soldats savaient trop bien que leurs boucliers étaient un agiant de bout en bout si redoutables faibles. Fenris se retourna rapidement, tandis que le Seigneur braquait une merde silencieuse, alors que ses yeux regardaient pleinement les créatures qui avaient commencé à entrer dans la porte. Fenris regarda les soldats et cria d'une autre voix fulgurante : "Archers, prêts!" Les archers, qui entouraient la porte sur un terrain surélevé et au-dessus des bâtiments voisins, soulevèrent leurs arcs. À son ordre, les archers lisent une flèche et reculent sur la corde. Se tournant autour de lui, il vit les premiers Line-Breakers étaient déjà passé la porte, ils s'étendaient en formant une ligne lâche qui correspondait à leur propre en largeur, et se déplaçaient rapidement vers leur position. Avec un commandement fort, Fenris a crié « Loose! » et le son de quelques centaines d'arcs libérant leur projectile, puis a rempli l'air. Tout au-delà de leurs lignes, les Line-breakers étaient tombés par un nuage épais de flèches. Leur armure devint un pincoussion, chaque brise-ligne poussant maintenant dix flèches ou plus de l'avant de leur plaque de poitrine, permettant à leur sang sombre de couler de leur armure.. Leurs yeux noircis criaient de rage, et chacun frappait un rugissement qui poussait la peur à travers les rangs des soldats devant eux. Comme Fenris a maintenant remarqué qu'ils étaient presque à mi-chemin de leurs lignes, il a donné un ordre de plus à ses archers, le feu libre!.Il a préparé son épée comme les archers maintenant laisser lâche une autre volley de flèches. Cette fois, cependant, les tireurs expérimentés ont placé leurs tirs. La partie exposée de leur ennemi était maintenant en vue plus claire, et au lieu de leurs tirs atterrissant dans les sections blindées de la poitrine et des bras, ils ont maintenant trouvé leur maison dans le cou non armé au-dessus de la plaque thoracique et à travers les trous oculaires et à travers la bouche. Un briseur de ligne faisant son chemin vers Fenris trouva une flèche à tête large logée dans son cou, le faisant trébucher momentanéement. Un autre, aidé par les bêtes plus lente vitesse trouvée à la maison à travers la prise des yeux. Des torrents de sang ont commencé à couler des deux plaies, saturant le sol avec sa couleur foncée. La créature tomba de ses pieds et roula sur le sol pendant qu'il laissa perdre une autre peur induisant des cris. De derrière un brise-ligne non abattu, avec un coup de croûte osseuse, a couru à travers le monstre blessé et chargé vers Fenris et Lord Bali. Alors que les briseurs de lignes s'approchaient des lignes, certains soldats essayèrent de se précipiter et d'engager eux-mêmes les briseurs de lignes. L'homme-spear solitaire lui tendit la lance, l'extrémité inférieure étant plantée dans la terre et l'extrémité était destinée à la partie thoracique de la bête. Le soldat ferma les yeux alors que la bête frappait la lance, faisant éclater le bois autour de la pointe dans un nuage d'échardes en bois et envoyant une fracture au fond de la lance. La bête a brossé l'arme cassée et a pris une balançoire rapide sur le soldat, percutant son arme avec l'épaule de l'homme l'envoyant voler comme le bruit de croûte osseuse de l'impact a rempli la zone voisine. D'autres briseurs de ligne ont utilisé leur masse pour briser les lignes des soldats, tandis que d'autres ont balancé leurs grandes armes autour de leur corps. Les impacts de ces frappes ont facilement brisé à la fois le bouclier et l'os derrière lui, en envoyant des soldats en vol l'un contre l'autre ou en les frappant profondément dans le sol en dessous. Un Line-breaker chargé directement pour Fenris et Lord Bali, et avec un grand rugissement levé il est l'arme massive au-dessus de sa tête et a commencé à le faire descendre sur la paire. Puis le duo a rapidement esquivé la grève, qui s'est claquée dans le sol en envoyant une petite onde de choc s'écoulant autour. La force de la bête combinée avec les propriétés magiques du maul a permis à la bête de préparer rapidement une autre frappe, cette fois la balançant de son côté gauche en travers de son corps à la tête de Fenris. Il s'enfuya et roula rapidement entre les jambes massives de bêtes, s'enfuyant avec son épée sur une partie non armée de sa jambe arrière près du pied avec son épée, coupant facilement à travers la chair, provoquant un torrent de sang sombre qui s'écoule rapidement et un rugissement profond de la bête qui soufflait sur le bruit de combat ailleurs. Avec un coup de pied puissant et bien ciblé, le Line-breaker a renvoyé Fenris en vol. Lord Bali en a profité et a poignardé son épée à travers l'ouverture non armée juste sous la taille et au-dessus des hanches. Lord Bali a tordu son épée et l'a tiré notre, laissant perdre un autre torrent de sang encore plus rapide. La bête cria à nouveau, cette fois libérant une main et balayant le Seigneur Bali de côté en soldats voisins. La Bête a commencé à se diriger vers le Seigneur Bali, c'est une arme serrée et clairement dégagée des blessures qu'elle avait subies, mais une épée qui sortait de l'avant de sa gorge l'a arrêté. Fenris, avec ses bras élevés, avait poussé son épée à travers la partie non armée de son cou. Tirant rapidement la lame du cou des bêtes, Fenris regarda la bête essayer de tourner et de souffler un dernier rugissement, mais le son n'échappa jamais à sa lèvre. Au lieu de ça, c'est du sang qui nous a fait une bulle de l'avant alors qu'il tombait sur son genou, et qu'il a trouvé à la maison sur le sol alors que c'était les derniers souffles qui s'échappaient, ce sont les lèvres. Ailleurs, les soldats se heurtaient encore à la force des bêtes. Bien que les bêtes se vantaient d'une puissance massive et d'une armure durable, les soldats connaissaient leurs points faibles et comment combattre ces bêtes. Et assez sûrement, chacun a commencé à tomber un à un à une à une myriade de frappes d'armes différentes. Jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste enfin qu'un seul brise-ligne, entouré de nombreux soldats et déjà blessé d'une frappe de flèche à la poitrine supérieure. Fenris s'empresse de dire aux archers de cesser de tirer. Il a essayé de se balancer sur un soldat jouant des leurres, mais comme il a tenté de balancer une grande lance rapidement s'est forcé à travers la section non armée du bas du dos, et à travers le front. La bête se retourna rapidement et brisa le soldat de côté avec un puissant coup de dos. La bête s'est déplacée vers le soldat et a préparé une frappe au-dessus de la tête, mais un rouge s'est rapidement verrouillé sur son dos, frappant son cou à plusieurs reprises avec ses poignards. La bête gémit dans la douleur alors qu'il filait, essayant de se libérer du rouge, laissant son arme dans le processus. Une seconde passa avant que la bête ne prenne le rouge par ses vêtements et le tira de son corps et le jeta dans la terre devant lui, lançant son arme dans le processus. Tandis que la bête tentait de combler l'écart, une épée éclata de la gorge des créatures, et le Templier responsable la retira rapidement et regarda la bête tomber à terre morte. Les soldats acclamaient dans l'excitation, Line-breakers étaient un ennemi formidable et ils les avaient tous tués. Mais cent de leurs compagnons de troupe étaient morts et quelques centaines d'autres étaient blessés ou mourants alors que seulement quarante briseurs de ligne avaient chargé. Fenris, Lord Bali et les autres Capitans se sont empressés de calmer les soldats et de réformer les lignes. Une grande corne qui se blottit devant la porte les avertit qu'il y en avait plus sur le chemin. Un regard de choc pur et de confusion tomba sur Fenris et beaucoup d'autres visages de soldat alors que les nombreuses rangées de créatures clairement bordées qu'ils ne connaissaient pas commencèrent à s'écarter de la porte d'entrée et à former des lignes de combat devant les leurs. Fenris a vu ces nouveaux monstres, la plupart équipés d'un grand bouclier rond et d'une lance massive. Peu d'entre eux portaient une armure ou des vêtements, avec juste un peu situé sur la partie inférieure de l'aine. Les quelques choses uniformes parmi eux sont leurs crocs comme des dents, des capes rouges de sang et leurs casques qui bloquent toute vue de leurs yeux. Qu'est-ce que ces créatures? Sa poignée s'est serrée sur la poignée de son épée. Tous les deux les regardaient alors qu'ils remplissaient une grande distance de leurs lignes. Ils étaient soignés, et contrairement à toute créature obscure qu'ils avaient affrontée, ils étaient aussi organisés. Leurs lignes étaient propres, chaque créature se tenant à une distance précise l'une de l'autre et tenant leurs armes de la même manière. Fenris secoua la tête, Je ne sais pas, mais leur manque d'armure signifie qu'ils devraient être plus faciles à tuer que ces Line-breakers. À sa grande surprise, cependant, les bêtes atteignirent beaucoup comme ses propres soldats, ils formèrent un mur de bouclier. Leurs boucliers ont facilement pris la plupart des flèches jeté leur chemin, avec quelques errants trouver la maison dans toute partie du corps exposé qu'ils pouvaient. "Cessez le feu, cessez le feu!" Fenris cria, les archers avaient besoin de conserver leurs flèches. Pourtant, à sa surprise une fois de plus, dès que la dernière flèche a touché un bouclier, le mur de bouclier est tombé et leur ennemi, avec leurs boucliers face à eux et leurs lances planant juste au-dessus, a commencé à faire un rythme rapide à leurs lignes. Leurs réflexes sont rapides! »Fenris souillé aux soldats!« Ne prenez pas leur appât, attendez votre chance de frapper! »Il s'est arrêté!«Archers, mages, choisissez vos coups! » Il a attrapé un bouclier d'hommes morts et l'a préparé pour le combat. À lui-même, il murmurait --La Déesse nous protège.-- Des instants plus tard, ils étaient sur eux, et les combats reprirent une fois de plus. Leurs soldats essayaient de se battre comme d'habitude, mais ces réflexes de créatures étaient plus rapides que même Fenris n'aurait pu s'y attendre. Les lances volaient à des vitesses éclaboussantes, frappant à travers l'armure de la poitrine de leurs soldats, mais la plupart ne pouvaient gérer qu'une frappe sur le bouclier. S'ils survivaient à cela, ce serait sur leur habileté et la bénédiction de la Déesse.
Name: Fenris Laski Age: 34 Gender: Male Race: Human - Firen Appearance: !( "enter image title here") Personality: Fenris is one part veteran soldier and one part religious devote. He is the proverbial hybrid of a scholar and a front-line soldier, always reciting chants from The Book of the Holy Light during his day to day life while still not suffering a bit for his lack of focus on the battlefield. After a battle is over, he can often be seen performing the Last Rite over the dying men before plunging his sword into their body. He will never betray the duty he has to his Goddess, and refuses to part with his belief even when the world becomes a most unholy place. He is, on the contrary from his religious beliefs, a very cunning person. Often times using his power as a Guardian to force people to adhere to his plan or to give up what they need. Even though he is young in his time with a Guardian, he still commands respect by the way of his sheer size and through his skills as a leader. Though he has grown saddened as more and more of his comrades find themselves hearing their last rite from. The count of those he has lost keeps growing no matter how many dark beasts he sends back to the underworld. Character type and traits: Guardian of the Light – Positive: Natural born leader, Religious Negative: Strict, Cunning History: Fenris came to Feel la Den when he was just a boy. His father was a deserter, who traveled under the guise of religious pilgrimage, but secretly, he was running from his old lord. The family of three quickly learned very quickly that the religious might that was the Guardians of the Light and their Templar trainee's were not ones to forgive a deserter so easily. Fenris remembers very little of what happened in his first few weeks in the village outside the stronghold, but he remembers one event in particular. The first was when the Guardians passed judgment on his father. He was forced to watch as his fathers head was removed by the Axe of the executioner. The second was on the same day, when the Guardians took him from his mother and pressed him into the Knight training program. He spent the next twelve years in training to become a deadly warrior, a skilled leader and above all else; an example of the gods in flesh. He became well versed in the holy scriptures, as well as the application of them. On his eighteenth birthday, he was a recruit no longer. He was given his Templar sword and armor and was selected to be one of the select few to began his training anew, this time towards becoming one of the Guardians of the Light. He spent five years roaming with such a Guardian, learning their ways and training his swordsmen ship even further. Eventually he passed the initiation and became a Guardian in his own right. His first task as a Guardian was to take up the mantle of a recruiter, and take a Templar under his wings and train them as he was trained, as was the ways of the Guardians. Fate would have it that two years later, he and his Templar found themselves far away from the massacre that happened at the castle. His Templar recruit wanted to head back and face the darkness head on, but Fenris knew better. He knew the only way for it to reach the east was over the Bridge, and he knew that it would take them months to reach the destination. So, acting on his authority as a Guardian, Fenris began taking in as many recruits as he could. Bandits, thieves, farmers, rangers, iron foot and even merchants were conscripted. While they did not make for the most dedicated of recruits, the threat of the darkness and the prospects of them ever surviving it alone were not good. He and his small militia now stand with the defenders by the Sky Bridge. Even as they get driven back, they still fight strong. Equipment: -Guardian Long Sword -Guardian Plate Armor -Small satchel of provisions; while it is not enough for sustained travel -A pair of normal clothes for when he is not in armor. Other: (He is the only recorded Guardian to survive; with every other one either dead at Feer la Den or killed along the way. As such many people look to him for spiritual guidance and assistance.)
Illian se tenait seul parmi les mages, les autres mages se tenaient ensemble, en groupes de 2 ou 3 bavardages, planifiant et prenant appui de la présence des autres. Pas Illien, il avait entendu leurs murmures, une bonne moitié d'entre eux s'attendait à ce qu'il se retourne sur eux dès le début des combats. L'un des plus jeunes mages le regardait nerveusement lorsqu'elle pensait qu'il ne regardait pas, il attendait qu'elle le regarde et puis se faufilait les yeux avec les siens, il souriait un sourire denté et reniflait de rire au fur et à mesure qu'elle s'éloignait. Aucun des autres mages n'a remarqué, ils faisaient tous attention au discours en cours, les humains et leurs discours pfft. La porte s'est effondrée et un grand trou y est apparu, révélant un crâne monstrueux qui semblait leur sourire à travers la porte. Un frisson de peur s'est abattu sur la colonne vertébrale des Illiens alors qu'il bourdonnait sous son souffle. "par Nix" Une autre figure s'est déplacée pour rejoindre l'auteur du discours et après un mot a tourné pour s'adresser à l'armée. Les soldats! Réjouissez-vous du fait que la Déesse elle-même est ici avec nous en ce moment-" Illian l'accorda, luttant contre l'envie de cracher sur la mention de la Déesse. La porte s'est finalement effondrée, mais au lieu de la garde des monstres, il s'attendait à ce qu'il n'y ait rien. Un silence d'attente accroché au-dessus de l'armée pendant qu'ils attendaient, il a été brisé comme des créatures monstrueuses géantes maniant de grands marteaux apparu, murmurant a éclaté parmi les mages et les soldats se sont déplacés indiscretment, montrant leur nervosité à un tel ennemi. Le commandant a appelé les archers et bientôt une pluie de flèches a été dans l'air, pour tout le bien qu'il ferait. Les créatures chargées et les soldats les ont engagés, Illian a regardé que le carnage faisait rage de l'autre côté de la rue, heureux au moins de ne pas être à portée de ces marteaux, il a eu du mal à lancer des sorts mais il avait appris que les humains étaient très insistants à attendre les ordres, donc il a regardé et attendu l'appel. Enfin les monstres étaient tombés même si beaucoup d'hommes étaient tombés aussi, Illian regardait à la porte, il y avait toujours plus, toujours sans faute un autre corbeau attendant d'attaquer. Il a été prouvé juste moments plus tard que des créatures étranges ont commencé à marcher à travers la porte, il a dû faire une double prise que les lignes soignées et les formations ordonnées sont devenues évidentes et pour la deuxième fois ce jour-là Illian senti un frisson courir dans sa colonne vertébrale. Encore une fois, les archers étaient appelés, mais alors que les flèches volaient sur les bêtes qu'ils ont déplacées, formant un mur de bouclier aussi fort que n'importe lequel qu'il avait vu des humains, les flèches s'éclaboussaient des boucliers et puis les créatures chargées, éclair rapide pour les lignes humaines. Enfin, l'ordre a sonné, les archers, les mages, choisissez vos clichés! Illian jeta quelques durs de glace dans la masse qui s'approchait sans effet notable, les lignes de bataille s'affrontèrent et Illian lut pour trouver un angle propre pour frapper les bêtes. Il s'arrêta un moment pour réfléchir, s'il avait seulement de l'eau ou de la glace pour travailler, il pouvait faire les siens, mais il faudrait tant d'efforts, il pourrait ne pas avoir la force de se battre. Il a envoyé ses pensées à la recherche de tout ce qu'il pouvait utiliser et pour un moment senti quelque chose loin, mais ensuite il était parti. Il a froncé et, avec une grimace, s'est assis sur des jambes croisées dans la rue boueuse, le personnel a placé horizontalement sur ses genoux. Il ferma les yeux et accorda tout, il renvoya soigneusement ses sens à la recherche de la glace qu'il avait sentie jusqu'à ce qu'il l'ait soudainement eue, il sourit et regarda droit vers le haut, des nuages sombres s'accrochèrent au-dessus, cachant le ciel bleu clair qu'il aimait tant depuis qu'il laissait des tempêtes constantes des champs de glace. Pourtant, il lui fallait faire quelque chose, il ferma les yeux à nouveau et, avec beaucoup de soin, il commença son casting. Au-dessus de quelque chose a changé, les nuages ont commencé à tourbillonner, lentement toujours si lentement les particules de glace individuelles qui les ont fait commencer à s'unir. Illian était assis, les yeux fermés, concentré, S'il glissa la glace serait gaspillée, tombant du ciel sous des formes trop petites et non dirigées.
Name: Malcer Greystorm Age: 42 Gender: Male Race: Firen Appearance: Malcer doesn't deviate much from the ordinary look. His cheeks are bony but not sharp. He has a tan skin complexion dirtied with experience and age. He looks like he needs a shave. He also has greasy long brown hair and eyes. His hands are broad, meaty and wrought with age. He stands at about 6'4 - a giant - and weighs about 250 lb. Personality: Malcer is actually more of the tactician than the front liner. His bulk betrays little of his intellect. He can have intelligent conversations about current events, is an excellent chess player and plays the pan flute very well. He values his comrades a lot and will never leave a friend behind. However, as the years go by Malcer on the contrary grows in hardheadedness. If he feels a certain tactic is not working, he does what he looks like seems fit. This on occasion has nearly cost him his rank. He also has a weakness for hard drink. Character type and traits: Berserker Positive Traits: Intelligent, Loyal Negative Traits: Stubborn, Drunkard History: Malcer was born the eldest of five to a blacksmith in a small rural farming village in Firen. He was the tallest and strongest of the village boys around, and thus was always called on for the bulky jobs. However, he was also one of the more intelligent villagers. He bartered so well that he earned the nickname 'The Iavas Boy' among the townsfolk. He was one of the few in the village that could read or write and was always present in dealings with other villages. But most of the time in the village, they needed solid, steady arms and not much else. As he hewed lumber or pulled carts, Malcer felt there had to be something more to this. He wanted to put his abilities to better use than menial labor and occasional bartering. Malcer's chance came when a large band of bandits (lel) invaded the village on the eve of Malcer's 'manhood' party: eighteen years of age. They silenced all the fast runners and the messengers so news was never able to come to the capital. Malcer was strong and smart, so the bandits obviously tried to put a quick end to him as well. But when five of them attempted to slit his throat in bed, they discovered too late Malcer was a light sleeper. He mauled all of his attackers to death, and still in his frenzy rushed out the door, fought his way to the lead bandit and killed him - with his bare hands. The townsfolk made him a village hero and was offered the position of mayor. Malcer politely refused, saying he planned to put his abilities to a much greater use. With a sizable chunk of steel, Malcer for five days worked in his father's forge. He planned to make himself a knight's longsword, a symbol of courage and honor. He got the proportions quite out of shape, seeing as he had rarely seen a sword before and was used to forging farm tools. The sword could only be lifted by Malcer and the other strong men in the village, and even then it required two hands. Happy with his creation anyway, Malcer named his sword Nara, after his then childhood sweetheart. He went abroad and joined the army. He spent more than thirty years in service and was promoted to lieutenant. He would have gotten captain, but his hardheadedness prevented him from some potential promotions. Malcer was at his village and on leave when the invasions started. Malcer's village wasn't of great significance to the hordes, but it was still largely into the west and a company of about two hundred were sent to rout them. None escaped from the village save Malcer himself. He never forgave himself for it, and still has survivor's guilt to this day. With the loss of Malcer's platoon captain and half his regiment in the later onslaughts against Talamor, Malcer was promoted to captain and was given authority to command a company of fifty or so conscripts. Malcer was one of the captains to volunteer their company to defend the Sky Bridge. His men showed no opposition to their superior's command: many of them had lost their families to the horde, and, like their captain, were out for revenge. Equipment: - His greatsword, Nara - Long dagger - Backpack with supplies to survive in the wild for five days - Studded leather armor - Visored helmet Other: Assuming that a Firenian company is made up of a hundred conscripts btw.
Un groupe de douze hommes se tenait près du front de la formation militaire, se tenant debout comme des pouces endoloris aux unités en uniforme organisées devant elles. Ils portaient des armures légères qui ne correspondaient pas et ils portaient des armes de différents types, la seule chose qui pouvait être identifiée comme un «uniforme» sur ces hommes étaient les différentes pièces d'armure dorées qu'ils portaient qui portaient le symbole de la Hillklag Sellswords. Ces hommes n'étaient pas en ligne droite, ni espacés les uns des autres. Certains ont prêté sur leurs armes alors que le discours motivant a été donné tandis que d'autres étaient semblables à la position de l'un d'entre eux s'attendrait à ce que les soldats soient là pour un tel moment. L'un d'eux, un homme qui avait une épaule droite d'or, se tenait avec son épée tirée et regardait sans intérêt le Gardien de la Lumière qui parlait maintenant. Sentant un coup de pouce sur son épaule droite, il se tourna pour regarder l'homme qui était le chef de l'équipe Hillklag, un vétéran évident qui maniait un grand fléau odieux. L'homme lui chuchotait : "Salut, mon ami, tout ce qu'il nous reste à faire, c'est survivre et nous partirons en tant qu'hommes riches." L'homme silencieux a donné un grognement insatisfait avant de tourner son attention vers la porte d'entrée maintenant ouverte. Alors que l'armée se préparait pour l'ennemi éventuel, le Hillklag Sellsword réfléchissait à la façon dont il était engagé après la caravane sur laquelle il voyageait, avec un groupe d'autres mercenaires de Hillklag. L'homme se rendait compte que c'était probablement une grosse erreur d'accepter l'offre, pour une suite de raisons: L'homme qui les a embauchés était un capitaine, prétendant que le Chevalier-capitaine voulait les engager et qu'ils seraient payés avec une somme d'argent qu'aucun merc ne pourrait jamais imaginer recevoir dans une seule bataille. Le prix aurait dû être le premier avertissement, mais le fait qu'un capitaine ait offert le travail et non un scribe normal ou similaire pourrait être considéré comme anormal. Ce qui a aussi dit que ce n'était pas juste, c'était que les Hillklag Sellswords étaient en première ligne, pas comme comment leur unité devrait être utilisée. Lorsque le visage de l'ennemi parvint par la porte, l'homme silencieux se tenait là stupéfait à la taille des bêtes. Le Gardien a appelé les archers à tirer, suivis par les monstres à être couverts de flèches. Leur rugissement était stupéfiant, provoquant un léger recul de quelques mercs de Hillklag. Alors les bêtes se chargeèrent de leur sort. Un des brise-lignes chargés pour leur petit groupe, effectuant une balançoire pour écraser un ou deux d'entre eux. Les membres de Hillklag ont facilement esquivé l'attaque, mais ils se sont effondrés quand le sol s'est ébranlé du coup. Le Line-breaker a ensuite utilisé cette distraction pour effectuer une attaque à grande échelle, tuant quatre des mercenaires. À ce stade, les soldats derrière eux ont également chargé la bête. Le chef du Hillklag a crié à ses hommes, "Détournez-le! Donnez le temps aux grogneurs de l'enlever." Il a balancé son flair et a frappé l'armure de la jambe du brise-ligne, essayant d'attirer son attention. Le Line-breaker a simplement donné un coup de pied à l'homme, l'envoyant dans les rangs derrière eux. Le merc de Hillklag silencieux avait utilisé ce moment pour se mettre sous la bête pour le frapper quelques fois dans les points faibles de son armure. La bête descendit et le saisit par la jambe, le tirant au-dessus de sa tête. Alors que le Line-breaker était sur le point de le frapper contre le sol, le mercenaire a tiré son poignard de son fourreau et l'a jeté dans un point faible dans l'armure du poignet de la créature. Le Line-breaker a crié dans la douleur alors qu'il l'a lâché, en lâchant la main comme il l'a fait. Le mercenaire est tombé sur d'autres soldats, son poignard est toujours coincé dans le poignet de la créature. Se remettant des deux soldats maudits sous lui, le mercenaire a accusé, comme quelques autres soldats. Maintenant, ignorant la douleur, et réalisant que c'est la mort imminente, le brise-ligne a pris une autre frappe avec son arme massive. Lorsque l'arme a rencontré le sol, écrasant un homme en même temps, le mercenaire a trébuché et a été poussé à l'écart de l'accusation de soldats. Alors que le Hillklag Sellsword se rétablissait, l'un d'entre eux a réussi à frapper le coup de mort, la bête tombant à terre. Annoyé à ne pas se faire tuer lui-même, le mercenaire s'est approché de la bête et a récupéré son poignard alors que les soldats le passaient pour s'occuper des autres briseurs de ligne. Après avoir tiré la lame de sa place, il a regardé autour de lui et a remarqué qu'il était le seul Hillklag Sellsword restant debout. Huit des onze hommes qu'on lui a assignés étaient couchés sur le sol avec d'autres soldats qui avaient été assez malheureux. "R-R-Roger." Le mercenaire a entendu une voix sous un couple de cadavres et les a poussés hors du chemin pour découvrir un Hillklag Sellsword gravement blessé en dessous. L'homme avait sa jambe droite écrasée, avec sa seule botte dorée qu'il avait portée sur cette jambe, les dommages ont probablement été causés par l'arme du brise-lames. "R-Roger. C'est fini?" Roger s'est agenouillé alors qu'il inspectait son compagnon mercenaire, cet homme était apparemment jeune, probablement seulement depuis quelques mois, voire quelques semaines. Roger, après avoir vérifié la jambe de son collègue, a donné au jeune homme quelques pates sur son épaule. Bien qu'il doive probablement perdre sa jambe, le jeune merc vivrait, s'ils survivaient à ce combat. Avec ce rappel, Roger regarda en arrière à la porte alors que les hommes autour de lui reprenaient leurs lignes de combat, seulement pour voir les troupes ennemies nouvellement révélées. Leur maigreur et leur manque d'armure l'ont confondu au début, mais après les avoir vu réagir à la grêle des flèches, il était vite évident pourquoi ils ne portaient pas d'armure. Comme les créatures chargées, Roger a pris position dans la ligne, espérant que quelqu'un finirait par ramener les blessés à un point plus sûr, si possible. Les pensées de Roger à propos de son camarade ont disparu quand les troupes se sont affrontées.
**Name:** Amras Siannodel. **Age: **125 **Gender:** Male **Race:** Lebethron Elve. **Appearance:** !( "enter image title here") ** Personality: ** Amras eschews the fineries of civilised life and enjoys greatly the thrill of the hunt, believing that the hardships of survival build character and gives him his strength. In his eyes, the civilised elves have abandoned this way of life and become weak as a result. He is a passionate person, who follows tends to follow his heart instead of his head, trusting in his instincts and intuition, because they are the best tools for survival in the primal forests. He's also intense in thought and demeanour, with a straight connection between his heart, mind and body. He always says what He really thinks about something and does not hesitate to act when He knows he is doing the right thing. Amras can have two faces, the one they show to to his people and the one He wears for outsiders. To other Elves, He is attentive, kind and protective, but to others he is aloof, uppity and with more than a measure of arrogance. **Character type and traits:** Telcontar (Woodland Ranger.) **Traits** Positive: Loyal, Steadfast. Negitive: Overprotective, Distrusting of other Races. **History:** Aramil, his Brother Balen and his sister,Alysia, all grew up in a small but close knit village,his Father Nukumna sits on the Council of Elders thus Aarmil's education was more advanced for he was being groomed to take his fathers place once he became of age,but the call of the Forest was too strong,and Aramil took the path of his Grandfather Tanure, becoming an Officer in the Elven Defense Forces. **Equipment:** Elven Longbow, Elven longsword, Mithril Armor,3 bottled Mist,Camouflage Paint,5 vails Cold Fire,5 vails Ironwood Balm/1 sack Spidersilk/2 bottles Liquid Light,Travelling Cloak,2 sets of clothes,3 loavesWaybread.small sack of provisions for 5 days.
Le marteau de pierre est tombé sur le sol, donnant un puissant bruit de fissuration comme le briseur de ligne a donné un soufflet. Maro avait esquivé l'attaque, en s'éloignant du chemin à la dernière minute, mais en aucun cas il n'était encore hors de danger. La brute d'une créature monta de nouveau son marteau et descendit là où il se tenait. Maro à son tour a sauté à l'envers, perdant son équilibre sur un cadavre frais et tombé sur ses fesses. Le brise-ligne, ayant encore levé son marteau, l'a fait tomber une fois de plus. Cette fois-ci, le tueur a pulvérisé le corps frais, envoyant du sang dans toutes les directions et subséquemment éclaboussant Maro en gore. Il rugissait alors qu'il avait été élevé son marteau pour la quatrième fois, Maro s'est rapidement mis sur pied, et s'est jeté sur la chose. Sa première frappe a atterri sur la taille des créatures, où il n'y avait pas d'armure. Le sang est tombé de la blessure, il avait touché sa marque. Il n'y avait pas de temps à célébrer car il avait été giflé à part, sa main le frappant carré dans la poitrine. Il s'est effondré et a finalement glissé à un arrêt sur ses mains, le vent l'a frappé. Maro a respiré, et sa poitrine s'est évanouie dans la douleur. Tout semblait ralentir alors que le brise-ligne soulevait son marteau pour la dernière fois. C'était sa mort, Maro pensait qu'il explosait d'où il était, cette fois-ci évadant la balançoire entrante qui creusait le sol à côté de lui. Il a sauté, utilisant l'onde de choc comme boost a envoyé sa lame directement dans le trou des yeux des créatures. Le sang noir s'est éjecté et il s'est effondré à l'envers avec Maro sur le dessus. Il n'y a pas un jour, Maro s'était retrouvé au Château First Reach, la porte du dernier grand bastion du pays, le Château Salvano. C'était le seul endroit où aller et il avait besoin de savoir si quelqu'un d'autre de Feer la Den l'avait fait en dehors de ceux avec lesquels il était. Si son maître était là alors sûrement il le trouverait, après que tous les gardiens étaient un groupe sévère et si quelqu'un pouvait le faire alors ce serait eux. De nombreux réfugiés affluent encore de leurs villes et villages saccagés. Ceux qui avaient réussi à le faire, étaient au-delà de la chance, car beaucoup ne verraient plus jamais la lumière du jour et cela le fit trembler. En regardant les batailles, toutes sortes de soldats se préparaient à l'inévitable. La nuit serait bientôt sur eux et avec elle, les ténèbres et toute son armée dévorante. Il avait fait le vœu d'arrêter les ténèbres, et maintenant il détruisait tout ce que ce monde savait. Il secoua la tête dans le dégoût. Ces monstres paieraient pour ce qu'ils ont fait. il serait fier quand ils sont venus frapper à ces portes. Finalement, il avait trouvé de la nourriture distribuée par des gardes locaux. Ils étaient entourés de toutes sortes de gens affamés, la plupart étant des civils qui n'avaient que les vêtements sur le dos. Il les a mis en colère, mais savait qu'ils ne seraient pas ceux qui combattraient, et après tout, il aurait besoin de sa force pour la bataille à venir. Maro a commencé à pousser son chemin à travers la foule, mais peu après quelques cris ont été faits et d'autres choses non-désirables ont été dites, les gens ont commencé à faire un chemin. Après tout, il était un Chevalier Templier, et devait protéger ces gens en restant fort. En arrivant au sommet, il se tint sur une boîte et se mit à crier : « Souvenez-vous que la Déesse donne de la force à tous ceux qui la demandent! En marchant à travers ces belles rues, j'ai prié la déesse pour une telle force, et quand j'ai arrondi le coin, j'ai vu qui pouvait me garder bien pour le combat devant! Vous faites tous un service en laissant ceux qui choisissent de se battre pour vous, un peu plus en retour. Je vous remercie pour vos services, que la Déesse veille toujours sur vous." Avec son discours fait et les menaces de la foule épuisées pour l'instant, il a obtenu sa part de la nourriture et est allé quelque part assez à manger. La nuit est tombée rapidement, et la région s'est effondrée. La puissance de la garnison postée ici était sérieusement appelée à la porte. La défense de cette zone a été essentielle pour permettre aux civils de fuir et le temps pour Salvano de renforcer ses défenses. Maro avait peu d'espoir que ce château survivrait au siège qui était devant eux. Quoi qu'il en soit, il faisait pression sur les soldats qui l'entouraient. Certains lui donnaient des regards d'appréciation, d'autres de peur, mais cela n'avait pas d'importance pour lui comme il était un Templier et la Déesse était de retour. Son expression sévère a commencé à se détendre lorsque le Seigneur, Bali était son nom, a commencé à donner un élan moral dans la voie d'un discours. Son cœur s'éleva encore plus quand le Gardien Fenris Laski put être regardé. Elle le remplit aussi de tristesse, car quelque chose lui dit qu'il était le dernier Gardien maintenant. Ses pensées se tournèrent vers la bataille quand la porte fut finalement brisée et la vue de la ligne = briseurs envoya un frisson dans sa colonne vertébrale, mais il était prêt. Il s'est levé du cadavre, couvert de sang frais. En regardant autour de la destruction il a vu des cadavres partout, et le dernier des brise-lignes tomber. Une nouvelle corne a été jouée, et regardant d'où il se tenait, il pouvait à peine voir, mais il a réussi à attraper un aperçu d'un mur de bouclier et la pluie de flèches sur eux. Alors, ce nouvel ennemi connaissait la tactique, quelque chose qui pourrait leur coûter encore plus cher. Maro prit son épée de l'œil de la brute et s'élança sur le sol de sang trempé, alors qu'il rejoindrait les rangs. Rapidement, les lignes de front ont été assiégées et beaucoup des créatures ont traversé avec une rapidité qui semblait contre nature. Ce nouveau test était en route.
**Name:** Roger Maltuits (Mal-too-its) **Age:** 29 **Gender:** Male **Race:** Human -- Firen **Appearance:** - Height: 5'12 - Hair: Medium length, black and is normally in 'helmet hair' condition. No facial hair. - Eyes: Hazelnut brown - Build: Muscular - Skin tone: Slightly tanned - a variety of minor scars along his upper body, primarily upon his arms. A particularly nasty scar located on his right shoulder **Personality:** Roger is one to get straight to the point, caring little about tiptoeing around most issues. When a conversation is happening, he usually ends up being polite and letting those in the conversation speak as they would, only interrupting if he feels it's necessary. Has little interest in making lasting friends, except for work purposes. Feels money should be earned by actual work or labor, not given and taken freely. He doesn't normally accept criminal contracts, preferring to stay on the good side of the law. **Character type:** Hillklag Sellsword = **traits**: *Positive* Brave, Loyal / *Negative* Arrogant, nonspiritual **History:** Roger had finished a contract in a nearby town, one he had been doing for nearly a year. The job itself wasn't exactly something he liked doing, playing the scary bodyguard of a crooked and vile merchant. None of the townsfolk could fight him, though a few had tried. He didn't kill anyone, simply giving them a minor scar or scare. The local guardsmen couldn't do anything about him either, primarily because he didn't break any rules or laws, though they disliked him almost as much as they disliked the merchant. However, when the time came to when the contract was at an end and the merchant offered to renew it, Roger refused and made his way to leave town. The merchant didn't try to stop him as he could easily hire more thugs for a cheaper price from the local pub. With that, Roger managed to hitch a ride with a small caravan, wondering if the next job would be more fulfilling. **Equipment:** - a hand-and-a-half sword (Primary weapon, can be used with one or two hands) - a dagger (Secondary weapon, normally used in his left hand; either with or without his primary weapon) - satchel with various papers, blank & written. Also has an ink & quill to write with. - backpack with supplies - ( on right arm with Hillklag symbol - leather armour and ( Armour colours mostly consists of browns with a bit of black to contrast it. **Other:** He's mute & ambidextrous.
Thalius a regardé autour de lui. Se tenant au-dessus des batailles du Château First Reach, il était avec ce qui restait de la force militaire de Veradan. Ce n'était rien de se vanter : des hommes et des femmes qui ont été déplacés de leurs unités et se sont rapidement fusionnés avec ce qui restait. Il pouvait voir des membres du 33e Siege Dogs (la seule unité qui n'en a fait que la moitié après une tentative infructueuse d'attaquer une garnison non morte), des 21e Highlanders (une unité de tir à l'arc assez chanceuse pour survivre à la chute de Veradan) et même des 29e Frontiers (les recrues qui avaient été chargées de l'évacuation des réfugiés). Le reste des hommes rassemblés là-bas étaient d'autres unités, trop nombreuses à identifier. Thalius sentit une petite douleur quand il se souvint à nouveau qu'aucun des douze Valkyries ne se tiendrait à ses côtés cette fois-ci, mais il le secoua et se mit à l'acier pour la bataille à venir. L'étrange crâne qui a brisé la porte les a tous pris par surprise. Thalius n'avait pas vu une telle monstruosité quand les portes de Veradan ont été violées. Bien qu'il se soit remis du choc momentané, quelque chose lui dit que cette bataille pourrait être pire et plus brutale que n'importe quel combat qu'il avait encore vu avec ces créatures. Les premières choses à les attaquer, cependant, étaient quelque chose qu'il connaissait mieux. "Ligne Breakers d'abord... Une stratégie typique. Adoucissez-nous et divisez nos rangs pour nous rendre des cibles faciles pour le reste de leur force » a pensé Thalius alors qu'il étudiait leur ennemi. Leur taille massive et leurs armes étaient censées intimider et détruire. Si c'était la première fois qu'il les avait vus, Thalius aurait pu avoir peur. Cependant, il avait vu ces brutes deux fois auparavant, et il savait de quoi ils étaient capables. Il savait aussi qu'ils étaient très lents et démêlés; tout le monde assez rapide pouvait en faire tomber un tant qu'ils avaient du soutien pour distraire le disjoncteur de ligne. Lui et les autres Rangers avaient préparé leurs longbows et attendaient l'ordre de tirer. Finalement, le Gardien de Feer la Den, Fenris Laski avait donné l'ordre et ils se préparaient à lancer leurs flèches. "Cherch! Grâce à la discipline des années d'entraînement, les Véradan Rangers ont tous reculé leurs arcs en parfaite synchronisation, prêts à tirer sur demande. "Perdez-vous!" Et avec cela, les flèches de leur section ont toutes tiré en même temps, couvrant l'ennemi avec des projectiles, et en faisant tomber quelques-uns d'entre eux. Mais cela n'a pas arrêté leur avance. « Tout ce que nous pouvons faire est de les affaiblir et d'espérer que les hommes sur le terrain puissent faire le reste » a pensé Thalius en se souvenant de leur rôle pour cette bataille. La ligne Breakers a continué à fermer la distance à leurs hommes de pied. Feu gratuit! Laski a commandé. Avec cela, les Rangers ont commencé à viser leurs tirs aux points faibles au lieu de simplement créer un grand volley de flèches. Thalius a tiré sur la corde de son arc et a choisi une cible parmi tous les disjoncteurs de ligne. Il a décidé d'en prendre un qui s'approchait de Fenris. "Corporal Garret, aidez-moi avec cette cible!" Thalius commanda le Ranger à sa gauche, gesticulant à la ligne Breaker se dirigeant vers le Gardien. "Je vais l'étourdir. Et tu lui en as mis un droit dans la tête." Il a dit, alors qu'il lançait rapidement un tir sur le cou de la ligne Breaker, faisant planter l'ennemi, et Garret lança immédiatement sa flèche à travers l'œil, provoquant la créature à rugir son cri de signature. "Bullseye!" Garret a crié. "Pas le temps de fêter, ils commencent leur charge!" Un autre Ranger a dit. Les Disjoncteurs de Ligne avaient déjà fermé la distance entre leurs lignes, et les combats éclataient partout. "Ils sont trop proches de nos hommes! Les coups de feu sont trop risqués. Prioriser ceux qui sont derrière leurs lignes de front, réduire leur nombre et les affaiblir pour les défenseurs. » Thalius a commandé. Les autres Rangers l'ont reconnu et ont concentré leurs efforts sur les Disjoncteurs de ligne juste derrière le front pour donner aux troupes sur le terrain un temps plus facile. Leurs flèches ne cessaient de voler de leurs remparts alors que la bagarre au sol se poursuivait. Cependant, il y en avait tellement, et ils ne pouvaient pas lancer des flèches assez rapidement pour les réduire d'un nombre significatif, laissant une majorité d'entre eux à prendre en charge par le reste de l'armée. À la fin, leurs forces avaient fait de lourdes victimes en dépit de la victoire momentanée. Les applaudissements ont commencé à éclater de la foule. "C'est la première vague faite..." Un chef d'équipe des Rangers du nom de Brachen a dit. « Si nous maintenons ce taux de tuerie, il ne faudra pas longtemps pour que cette garnison tombe. Cette agression est loin d'être terminée." Thalius a remarqué. Les applaudissements ont été coupés quand la corne a commencé à souffler et un nouvel ennemi a commencé à marcher sur eux. Ils étaient différents, et Thalius ne pensait pas qu'il avait déjà vu ce genre de lanceurs non morts. "Thalius... est-ce que je t'ai déjà dit que je déteste quand tu as raison?" Brachen a dit comme il a préparé son arc une fois de plus. Thalius n'a pas répondu, mais a commencé à préparer une autre flèche. Ces ennemis étaient différents, ils étaient désarmés contrairement aux Disjoncteurs de Ligne, ils portaient des boucliers et des lances, et ils marchaient dans une formation bien organisée. "Je ne les ai jamais vus montrer ce genre de coordination avant... C'est peut-être gênant... » pensa Thalius alors qu'il commença à réfléchir à la façon de les traiter. Fenris Laski a levé son épée en l'air de dessous d'eux et leur a donné le commandement. "Archers, feu à volonté!" Les Rangers ont fait ce qu'on leur a dit et ont lancé leurs projectiles sur le nouvel ennemi, essayant de viser le cou, les jambes, les bras et la mâchoire inférieure, car ce sont les zones non armées qui n'étaient pas immédiatement couvertes par les boucliers. Au moment du lancement cependant, ils ont vu que leur ennemi a commencé à se rassembler et a créé un mur impénétrable de boucliers qui ont pris leurs flèches. Seulement très peu d'entre eux ont réussi à se faufiler dans les minuscules trous du mur de bouclier, et ils n'ont même rien fait de visiblement significatif pour l'avancée ennemie. "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?" Brachen s'est exclamé qu'il avait chargé une autre flèche et tiré sur eux, essayant d'aller pour un trou, mais il a été rapidement couvert, ce qui a causé le tir de se détourner inoffensifment. Thalius a tiré son propre coup, essayant de frapper un des lanceurs au milieu, mais encore une fois, la flèche a été prise. « Ils réagissent intelligemment et rapidement. C'est un comportement différent de celui que j'ai déjà vu..." Thalius a remarqué pendant que les autres archers essayaient de les frapper. Il commençait à penser que c'était un gaspillage de flèches quand Laski leur a dit de s'arrêter. "Cessez le feu, cessez le feu!" Ils ont arrêté leur volley et ont commencé à envisager leurs options. "Qu'est-ce qu'on est censés faire contre ça? Aucune de nos flèches ne passe! » Garret s'est exclamé. Soudain, cependant, le mur du bouclier s'est abattu et les lanceurs ont tenu leurs armes prêtes alors qu'ils commençaient à marcher rapidement jusqu'à leurs lignes. "Ces bâtards utilisent des tactiques réelles... et avec des réflexes plus rapides que n'importe quelle armée normale." Brachen a observé. Ne prenez pas leur appât, attendez votre chance de frapper! Archers, mages, choisissez vos coups! ► Fenris commandé avant de charger dans la fraye. -- Qu'est-ce qu'on fait? Interrogé Wellington, un archer du 29ème Frontiers. "Nous faisons ce qu'on nous a dit, choisissons nos tirs!" Brachen répondit alors qu'il visait l'une des créatures, et lança une flèche sur elles, que la cible dévia. Thalius avait pensé à eux pendant un certain temps, et a décidé de traiter l'ennemi comme des soldats vivants. "Ils réagiront s'ils voient nos tirs arriver, mais pas s'ils sont distraits. Ils ne peuvent réagir qu'à tant de choses en même temps. Attendez qu'ils engagent nos hommes, et qu'ils les fassent sortir un par un. Ne tirez pas comme des volleys, mais choisissez des cibles individuelles pour éviter tout feu amical. Privilégiez les ennemis qui sont les plus proches de nos soldats et des commandants, et communiquez vos cibles les uns avec les autres. » Il leur a dit. Les Rangers ont hurlé et ont commencé à tirer sur des ennemis individuels. Thalius lui-même a choisi des cibles et a essayé de les enlever. Leurs réactions étaient rapides, mais pas assez rapides il semblait. Parce qu'alors qu'ils pouvaient les bloquer s'ils voyaient la flèche, ils pouvaient être trop préoccupés par un soldat de pied pour remarquer qu'un seul était logé dans leur corps. Cela dit, ils avaient encore des réflexes inhumains, car un simple regard autour de leur tête semblait suffire pour leur dire tout ce qu'ils avaient besoin de savoir sur leur environnement et sur les dangers qui se dirigeaient vers eux. Thalius et les autres Rangers avaient besoin d'un timing précis pour tirer sans qu'il soit repéré par les sapeurs, et attendre cette occasion l'a fait afin qu'ils ne soient pas aussi rapides qu'avant, et le nombre de victimes commençait à augmenter. "On ne les tue pas assez vite!" Leonhard, un autre chef d'équipe, a dit en colère. "Nous faisons ce que nous pouvons. Si c'est tout ce que nous sommes capables d'accomplir, alors c'est encore mieux que rien." Thalius a répondu. "Hé, euh... Est-ce que quelqu'un d'autre a l'impression que le temps agit bizarrement?" Un Ranger du 29 a demandé, regardant vers le haut les nuages contre nature tourbillonnant dans le ciel. "Arrête de regarder les nuages et tire sur l'ennemi!" Brachen a crié en colère à la recrue. Pendant ce temps, une femme pâle et étrangement jolie arriva soudain à leurs remparts. Quelqu'un aurait demandé ce qu'elle faisait là-bas, mais ils étaient tous trop occupés à essayer de poser leurs coups de feu. Soudain, la femme jeta son couteau sur le mur, poignardant l'un des lanceurs qui avait piégé l'un de leurs soldats. Quelques Rangers ont regardé vers le bas pour voir ce qui s'est passé et ont vu le spearman soudainement commencer à se griffer jusqu'à ce qu'il soit mort de ses propres mains. "Par les Dieux... Je suis content que tu sois de notre côté." Leonhard a dit à la femme, qui semblait être une sorte de Mage. "Leonhard, concentre-toi! Thalius lui a rappelé que tu manquais d'occasions de tirer. "C'est ça! Excuses." Il a dit comme il a pris le but une fois de plus. Thalius pouvait voir comment se passait ce combat, et ce n'était pas bon. Ces Spearmen avaient des tactiques qui réduisaient l'efficacité des archers, et avaient également un avantage important dans le combat rapproché de leurs réflexes accrus. En plus du fait qu'ils étaient plus nombreux que les autres, Thalius savait qu'ils avaient besoin d'un plan plus organisé pour l'ensemble de leur force de défense pour s'attaquer à eux. Il n'était pas sûr de ce qu'ils pouvaient faire pour contrer ce nouvel ennemi, mais ils devaient le faire rapidement.
Name: Thalius Hanadar Age: 39 Gender: Male Race: Firen Appearance: He looks a little older than he actually is, with a hard face having a few wrinkles and scratches, and light skin. He has black, short, crew-cut hair. He has a short, rough beard forming around the outline of his mouth and chin. He has a medium body build, not scrawny, but not muscular or large either. He stands at 6'1 Personality: Thalius can quickly come off as an emotionless and detached person. He chooses not to spend time with others much, not even his fellow Veradan military survivors. He does not speak casually very often. However, he can prepare a battleplan on the fly and give orders with clarity and confidence. He has a sound and calm mind, capable of maintaining his composure even in the most stressful of situations. However, he treats his fellow soldiers (more specifically, those assigned underneath him) more like tools and assets than actual people (Though he appears to treat himself that way as well). He seems to show indifference as to whether they will survive a fight or not. Though this does not mean he’ll just send them or himself to their deaths, as he will do what he can to keep them all alive. But it seems to be motivated more by “maintaining their long-term usefulness” rather than a genuine care for their life. Character type and traits: Battlement Ranger – A calm and collected strategist. He is determined and never believes that the war is impossible. He comes off as cold and uncaring; not getting much trust or confidence easily from allies (and them not usually receiving his in return). His lack of empathy can make him disregard their emotional states at times. History: Thalius’ past is not something he openly discusses with anyone, unless they have earned their trust. What is known about him is that he had lived in the human city of Veradan, and that both his parents were soldiers. Following their footsteps, he enlisted as soon as he was capable, and of age. At first, his parents did not wish for him to take on the same dangerous lifestyle they had chosen to live, and tried to stop him for his own safety. But after an incident regarding a thief breaking into their home, they realized he was capable of protecting himself, and so they relented. Thalius was a member of the 20th Frontiersmen Platoon when he first started his military career; a unit comprised of entirely new recruits, called upon only against small-fry like bandits, or when the more experienced units need immediate assistance. After showing exceptional skill in ranged combat and tactics, he was transferred to the 12th Valkyrie Regiment (A long-range, support unit) after some years of service. Things were going well for them, but everything fell apart when the dead army began marching. Being a large city and center of trade, it was a prime target for cutting off supplies and assistance to the other remaining strongholds. The 12th Valkyrie Regiment remained at the city walls with the other ranged units, while the footmen held their position at ground level. They were ready to fight to their last, but the sight of the enemy made them realize it might have been pointless... An entire horde of unimaginable size marched upon them, with their soldiers and weapons looking like something torn out of a nightmare. Thalius tried to think of something they could have done to counter this threat, but even with a swift meeting of squad leaders and tacticians they all knew it was hopeless. No maneuever or plan would turn the battle in their favor. Their enemy fought using one thing: pure overwhelming force; a force that could not be stopped no matter what they did. The defenders fought valiantly, but there was no stopping the flood of monsters, the gates were breached, and defeat was imminent. Ragtag remains of the different platoons and units that made up the once proud and professional military force of Veradan reached the Sky Bridge, and volunteered themselves to assist in its defense. They doubted they would have a better chance considering how disorganized and unprepared the volunteer defenders were, but many of them wanted payback for the slaughter of their companions. And if it meant giving the monsters a harder time, they were willing to stand against the onslaught. Equipment: Wooden longbow for long-ranged and accurate firing Veradan Light Ranger armor Leather backpack for supplies and other items, with arrow quiver attached to the side Small, retractable Telescope Compact Crossbow for mid-range combat Crossbow Bolts and container Steel Shortsword for close-range engagements Other: He keeps a small, steel lockbox in his personal quarters, and in his bag when travelling. Just for fun... Here's his Theme Song: You Know My Name - Chris Cornell
Sur la ligne de front L'extrémité de la lance d'une créature noire a trouvé qu'elle se trouvait dans la poitrine d'un soldat à proximité, poussant rapidement un torrent de sang rouge. Le soldat a crié dans la douleur alors que le sang commençait à sortir de sa bouche. La créature a tenté de ramener la lance à travers, mais les mains de l'homme mourant se sont retrouvées enveloppées autour du puits de la lance. Avec un regard pur de dépit sur son visage, il a tiré à l'envers en utilisant son poids pour arracher la lance de la créature noire. Un autre soldat a saisi le bouclier et a ramené la créature dans ses rangs. D'autres soldats se sont empressés de mettre leurs lances et leurs épées dans le corps des créatures obscures. La créature rugissait un cri terrible, les soldats n'arrêtaient pas de poignarder leurs armes dans le torse des créatures. Il a essayé de s'en prendre aux soldats pendant une seconde, mais sa voix est restée silencieuse et son corps est tombé boiteux. Au-delà des lignes de combat, les soldats ont dû faire face à une situation similaire. Souvent, il faut sacrifier de cinq à dix soldats pour même l'une des créatures obscures tuées. Les créatures des Ténèbres ne se sont jamais arrêtées à l'avance, poussant constamment de plus en plus loin sur la route. Les soldats sur les murs étaient prompts à placer les troupes sur les escaliers, ce qui empêchait leurs positions d'être submergées. Ailleurs dans la bataille Des échelles ont commencé à être posées sur les murs de l'extérieur, et une combinaison de Line-breaker et les petites créatures qui constituent la majeure partie de leurs armées a commencé à monter.up les échelles. Les petites créatures se tenaient normalement près de cinq pieds dix, mais leur dos était plié latéralement à mi-chemin. Tandis que cela rendait difficile l'escalade des échelles, cela les rendait maladroits à se battre. Un simple sabre, cependant, pourrait en disposer avec facilité et patience. Au milieu de la bataille. L'une des créatures obscures pousse sa lance sur la tête de Fenris. Fenris l'a bloqué avec une balançoire de son épée, craquant la lance en bas de son arbre. La lance cassée tomba au sol et, en mouvement rapide, la créature tira son épée. Levant son bouclier vers le haut, il a poussé son bouclier du corps vers l'avant d'abord dans la forme blindée de Fenris. Tandis que les boucliers reliaient l'épée de la Créature des Ténèbres s'éteignaient au-dessus des boucliers. Fenris prit le coup, étant lentement repoussé alors qu'il se cognait derrière le bouclier pour éviter les frappes. Il a baissé son corps et a frappé son épée sur les jambes des créatures, coupant à travers la chair pourrie avec facilité forçant la créature à son genou. Fenris leva son corps tout en baissant son bouclier, leva son épée haut et était prêt à frapper le coup de feu sur la créature. La vue d'une autre lance volant du côté gauche a rapidement forcé sa tête vers la droite. Le rasoir tranchant de la lance coupé à travers quelques brins de cheveux avant que l'arbre repose sur son épaule pendant une fraction de seconde avant que la créature commence à la tirer en arrière. Fenris leva son bouclier et poussa la lance vers le haut, avant de pousser son épée rapidement à travers le cou de la créature, faisant éclater son sang sombre vers l'extérieur. Fenris a rapidement sorti l'épée du cou de la deuxième créature et l'a poussée dans la poitrine de la première qui essayait de préparer son épée pour une autre frappe. En provoquant rapidement la chair pourrie à céder la place à un torrent de sang noir foncé. Une autre lance a été poussée, cette fois coupant une petite entaille sur son avant-bras. Il tira son épée de la créature, lui permettant de tomber, avant de lever son bouclier pour couvrir son corps d'une seconde frappe de la créature. Ses yeux fixés sur la créature pourtant ses yeux étaient attentifs pour tout signe d'attaque des autres directions. Une main forte lui tendit l'épaule, l'avertissant que le Seigneur Bali avait des nouvelles de lui. Fenris s'est rapidement retiré de la ligne de front, sa place a été rapidement remplie par un autre soldat. Fenris a rapidement fait son chemin de retour de la ligne de front et il a marché du côté d'un soldat pressé, avant de regarder Lord Bali. Il a pris un chiffon de sa taille, les yeux verrouillés sur le seigneur avec un regard de "pourquoi m'as-tu traînée" sur son visage, et a commencé à lier le bandage de fortune sur la blessure. Quelques soldats ont couru entre les hommes, se précipitant vers la ligne de front avec un regard mal conseillé de confiance sur leur visage. La main du Seigneur Bali resta reposée sur la poignée de son épée, son visage comme s'il avait vu un fantôme, et un regard un peu épuisé qui s'était abattu sur son corps. Eh bien parle le Seigneur Bali! » Fenris a exigé!« Notre situation ici est sombre, nous perdons beaucoup d'hommes agiant cet ennemi. Nous ne pouvons pas rester tranquilles! Il y a une paire de Dôr Thuran. Ils sont juste apparus hors de l'ombre.Le Seigneur Bali a dit alors qu'il a demandé à Fenris de suivre. Fenris avait adopté un aspect tout aussi perplexe, finissant par lier le tissu autour de la plaie avant qu'il ne suive. "Nos soldats les encerclent, mais ils vous demandent de juger les intentions de notre ancien ennemi," J'ai pensé qu'aucun n'a été vu depuis la fin du Grand Reckoning? J'ai dit que Fenris a accéléré son rythme. Qu'est-ce qui les a fait quitter le col bouché sanglant?Il a arrêté son ton alors que sa tête tournait rapidement pour se battre derrière « Qu'est-ce qui les amène à nous? » Lord Bali a égalé son rythme et a continué à "Ouais, c'est ce qui est si merdique à propos de leur apparition ici!" Lord Bali s'est arrêté alors qu'il pointait vers l'endroit où se tenait la créature imposante. "Nous ne savons pas, mais il vaut mieux le découvrir rapidement." Fenris avait entendu les histoires de ces bêtes massives, mais il n'a jamais cru qu'elles étaient vraies. Pourtant, son œil n'a pas menti sur ce qui se tenait en face de lui. Ses yeux tendus à saisir l'énorme hauteur des deux bêtes, il ne pouvait que deviner que les deux créatures se tenaient bien sur plusieurs pieds de haut. Son rythme ralentit alors que ses yeux s'accrochaient au cadre de celui qui attire le plus son attention. De sa distance, il ne pouvait qu'en faire les détails de base, mais il voyait l'armure de la créature empruntée fortement à la forêt, Au lieu de plaques d'acier sur sa poitrine et l'épaule, la créature avait ce qui semblait être des plaques de bois épaisses mais bien façonnées. Comme il regardait encore plus près, il semblait que chaque dernier morceau de son armure portait un certain héritage à la forêt. Une couche épaisse d'une mousse comme substance recouvrait sa poitrine et ses bras, tandis qu'un casque fabriqué à partir du même bois que l'armure de poitrine recouvrait son visage; couronné d'un couple de cercles d'épines. Ses yeux descendirent vers son bras gauche, des pointes de bois pointues éclatèrent de l'arrière de son bras. Sa lance était généralement normale, sauf pour les runes inscrites et une zone juste sous la pointe de la lance. Entouré d'un joyau vert émeraude, il y avait plus de pics en bois qui éclataient dans un cercle uniforme autour du joyau. La pointe de la lance était solide, et semblait très tranchante aux yeux du Gardien. Il a recommencé à bouger alors que Lord Bali le rappelait à l'attention, sa tête dardée retour à la bataille derrière lui voyant la ligne de front était encore plus repoussée. Ses yeux se retournèrent vers ceux du Dôr Thuran et ses yeux tombèrent rapidement sur l'autre, et ses yeux furent accueillis par l'emplacement familier de la plaque d'acier couvrant le corps de la créature. Surplombant la poitrine, il y avait des plaques d'acier pleines qui entouraient une gemme de couleur sarclée. Ses yeux se levèrent et regardèrent les omoplates de la créature et s'émerveillèrent du design. Son épaule droite avait deux autres plaques d'acier qui se chevauchaient, avec des tassels qui descendaient du bord. Ses yeux dardaient à l'épaule droite et remarquaient qu'une seule plaque la recouvrait, mais trois pics d'acier massif sortaient de l'armure. En haut de son cou, deux autres plaques d'acier qui courbaient vers l'extérieur fournissaient une protection contre toute frappe errante. Sous le casque couvert d'épi, aucun œil n'a pu être vu. Fenris s'éloigna lentement des rangs arrière et son expression de Suprise ne fit que grandir avec la vue dégagée des créatures. Sa tête regarda rapidement vers le Seigneur Bali, avant de retourner aux créatures devant lui. Il s'est lentement déplacé dans le cercle des soldats, plaçant sa main sur l'épaule du premier avec lequel il est entré en contact. "Un soldat facile" Il a parlé d'un ton brouillé. -- Ce sont des monstres, monsieur! Le soldat a parlé d'un ton encore plus brouillé, la peur pouvait être lue de son jeune visage. "Ils ont presque effacé l'humanité de la carte deux-" "Je sais que Fenris a interrompu, garde ton épée prête." Fenris commanda alors qu'il se rapprochait du cercle. Fenris se déplaça à mi-chemin entre ses soldats et les créatures, son épée se leva haut et pointa vers la poitrine de la créature couverte de bois. "Que fais-tu ici, Dôr Thuran?" "Dar lun tovash dorlun." Il a parlé de la créature couverte de bois à Fenris d'un ton très profond, mais fantomatique. Les soldats et les Fenris se sont chacun braqués comme la créature parlait. Chaque soldat regardait entre eux avec un regard nerveux, et renforçait leurs emprises sur leurs épées. "Tovas don tuli?" L'épée de Fenris s'est abaissée alors que sa main libre volait vers son visage, le agitant d'un côté à l'autre. Sa main lâcha la tête et il regarda dans sa paume ouverte en disant: «Par la Déesse, ils ne peuvent pas parler la langue commune!» Il a dit comme son épée pointait en avant et en arrière entre les deux. La créature revêtue d'acier a déplacé sa tête vers le visage de Fenris, les soldats se sont tous reculés et ont levé leurs épées en réponse. "Je peux parler au nom de nous, si vous voulez de l'humain." Son ton n'était pas aussi profond, mais aussi étrangement fantomatique que le premier. La tête de Fenris gronda rapidement à la forme de la créature avant de dire "Si vous pouviez parler, pourquoi ne pas répondre à ma question?" Il a dit que la frustration soufflait de son visage. La créature a pris quelques pas plus près de Fenris, faisant en sorte que beaucoup de soldats derrière Fenris se précipitent et lancent leurs épées sur la créature, Fenris a placé la pointe de son épée sur le bijou de sarcelle sur la poitrine des créatures. La créature descendit lentement la tête et regarda tout droit dans le visage de Fenris. -- Vous ne m'avez pas posé de question. Sa main libre se leva lentement avant de placer ses doigts massifs sur le bord de la lame. "Nous ne sommes plus vos ennemis." Il s'arrêta alors que sa main poussait la lame loin de sa poitrine. "Votre ennemi est là-bas." Levant sa main libre et pointant vers la bataille avec son index. Fenris regarda autour de lui les autres soldats, les hurlant chacun à leur tour avant qu'ils ne se retirent des créatures. "Comment savons-nous que nous pouvons vous faire confiance?" Fenris a dit qu'il avait tiré son épée de son côté, laissant le bout de sag au sol. "Comment savons-nous que votre jeu final est le même que le nôtre?" La créature a prêté un rire doux "Vous ne pouvez pas et ce n'est pas." Il a parlé avec un ton de fait "Mais nous ne vous aiderons pas moins dans cette course de fous." Sa tête dardait vers ses camarades, qui étaient coincés à fixer les murs. "Valeur, Dorith?" Un ton sérieux a rempli l'air. "Aventilateur de Gaulin de na ni veylo!" Il parlait alors qu'il pointait sa lance vers une section sur le mur, à gauche de la porte. La seconde créature regarda vers la section et hurla la tête. "Qu'est-ce que c'est, créature?" Il interrogea Fenris en regardant en arrière, ne voyant que la grande bataille derrière lui. "Qu'est-ce qu'il voit?" Fenris a demandé. "Son nom, commandant, c'est Dorith." C'est un ton agressif de la part de la créature. "Ce qu'il voit n'est pas bon." Pauser comme il pointait son doigt vers les murs "L'ennemi pousse dans les escaliers, essayant de débarrasser vos murs de vos archers." "Seigneur Bali, nous devons envoyer des soldats pour renforcer cela-" Fenris a commencé à commander. "Dorith va y aller." La créature a parlé d'un ton commandant. "Il aura besoin de cinq soldats avec lui." Fenris a adopté un regard en colère comme sa tête inclinée "Et qui êtes-vous pour nous commander? Dans notre château?" "Vous connaissez très bien mon nom de commandant." Il a parlé à la créature d'une voix quasi silencieuse. "Thedas." Fenris a adopté un regard de choc, tout comme le Seigneur Bali. "Vous étiez responsable de la mise en route du Grand Reckoning!" Fenris a parlé d'une voix voilée. Thedas s'inclina la tête en parlant d'un ton calme : « L'histoire est écrite par les vainqueurs, commandant. » Thedas a posé sa main sur l'épaule de Dorith et a continué "Doh, Durith." Thedas retourna la tête à Fenris alors que Dorith commença à s'enfuir, ignorant les soldats qui se tenaient sur son chemin et commencèrent à se diriger vers l'un des escaliers qui menaient au mur. Thedas a regardé Fenris et a reparlé d'un ton confiant et captivant : « Vous n'avez pas besoin de nous faire confiance, aidez-nous simplement à vous aider. » Fenris regarda vers Lord Bali puis vers les soldats qui étaient à proximité. "Vous soldats." Signalant plusieurs d'entre eux dans le processus "Allez avec celui qui s'appelle Dorith, aidez-les à ma place." Lord Bali est rapidement passé à Fenris et était sur le point de parler, mais Fenris a parlé d'abord "En effet, je ne vous fais pas confiance, Thedas, mais je salue votre aide. L'ennemi de mon ennemi, n'est-ce pas? » Fenris dit qu'il a prêté sa main comme un geste de bonne volonté. "Nous ne sommes pas votre ami, commandant." Il a parlé d'une voix rapide : « Mais nous serons frères dans cette guerre. » Thedas parla d'un ton confiant, et il étendit la main comme dehors et saisit la main de Fenris et secoua. Sa tête s'est vite fléchée et sa main est tombée de chez Fenris. "Parle de ce que tu vois." Spoke Fenris "Ils ont créé une brèche dans vos lignes sur le mur, je crains que votre flanc soit en danger." Il a répondu. "Je vais chercher des soldats." Fenris cria alors qu'il tournait un corps pour retourner aux lignes derrière lui, mais une main ferme sur son épaule l'arrêta. -- J'ai encore un mot à vous dire, commandant. J'ai parlé à Thedas "Alone". Enlevant sa main de l'épaule des commandants alors qu'il montait sur une rue latérale qui mènerait à l'un des escaliers, avant de s'en aller. Lord Bali a laissé passer une seconde fois, attendant que Thedas soit hors de vue avant de dire "Je ne lui fais pas confiance." Il a dit que ses yeux suivaient Thedas. "Je n'ai pas confiance en toi pendant que tu as juste quelques soldats." Fenris regarda en arrière vers le Seigneur Bali et parla d'un ton excité. "Par la Déesse, tu as raison, mon ami. C'est pourquoi je vous demande de retourner au combat, et de me trouver de vrais soldats." Il s'arrêta alors qu'il tournait son corps vers le Seigneur et continua : « Les templiers, les sabres de Hillklag, et tous ceux qui ont fait leurs preuves au combat leur offrent le choix de se battre à mes côtés. » Il s'est arrêté. "Envoyez aussi vingt de nos sabres. Ne mentionnez pas Thedas ou Dorith, laissez-moi faire cela pour eux, mais mentionnez l'état terrible des flancs." "Très bien." Seigneur soupirant Bali "D'accord, soyez prudent dans l'intervalle." Il a dit qu'il secouait la tête et se retournait en courant vers la bataille. Fenris et Thedas Fenris s'est approché de Thedas d'une manière prudente par derrière. -- Qu'est-ce qui est si important que vous devez me parler seul de mes hommes? "Cette bataille est un commandant sans espoir." Il a dit "Même vous devez remarquer ceci." Sa voix était rapide et émoussée. "Aucune bataille n'est sans espoir quand la Déesse se bat avec nous" "De toute façon, quelle est la puissance d'une Déesse contre un dieu en chair?" Il a rétorqué : « Vos hommes peuvent se battre, mais ils mourront. » Thedas a tourné son corps pour faire face à Fenris "Les forces en jeu ici sont compliquées, même je ne comprends pas tout à fait." Il s'arrêta alors qu'il pointait la route vers le pont Sky et continua : « À moins que vous et vos soldats n'arriviez à traverser, je crains que tout ne soit perdu. » Fenris secoua la tête à l'idée d'une retraite. "Nous ne ferons rien de tel. Le général nous a ordonné de tenir, même au dernier homme." Fenris a parlé. "Un mauvais ordre." Il a parlé franchement. "Et qu'est-ce qui te donne cette prévoyance, Thedas?" Interrogé Fenris. "Comme ta Déesse est pour toi, mon dieu est pour moi." Il a dit "Seul mon dieu ne reste pas silencieux comme le tien." Il s'arrêta alors que sa tête regardait vers l'arrière de l'armée et continua : « Vos soldats arrivent, même en temps utile, nous poursuivrons cette conversation lorsque nous traverserons le pont. » Seigneur Bali et les soldats. Lord Bali a traversé les lignes alors que le chaos a commencé à tomber au-dessus des lignes. L'ennemi poussait fort, et les soldats commençaient à sentir une chute froide au-dessus des airs. Certains murmuraient le changement de température était un signe que le dieu mort était proche, mais le Seigneur Bali n'a pas été mis en place par cette conversation. Il courut vers chaque soldat à son tour; Roger Maltuits, Maro Heman, Malcer Greystorm, et d'autres comme eux. Chacun a été informé de la situation, mais la décision était à eux. Ils pouvaient se retirer du combat maintenant et aider Fenris avec leurs flancs, mais laisser la situation au milieu incertain ou ils pouvaient rester sur les lignes, garder l'ennemi à portée de main mais laisser un trou dans leur flanc qui pourrait s'avérer mauvais. Thalius Hanadar, Céline Branwenl et les murs défaillants. Alors que les flancs deviennent plus boueux avec les nouvelles créatures sombres en bas, et les autres venant par-dessus les murs, chacun se trouve dans une situation différente et dangereuse. Thalius et Céline trouvent leurs positions de plus en plus encerclées. Avec les créatures sombres venant d'en bas et Line-Breakers et la majeure partie de l'armée du dieu mort venant des murs. Ils peuvent s'attendre à des renforts bientôt, car Dorith et une petite bande de soldats tenteront de les aider, mais ils sont seuls pour l'instant. Ils peuvent soit trouver une position plus défendable ailleurs, enlever le soutien de leurs propres soldats en bas ou ils peuvent tenir leur terrain et tenter le destin que Dorith arrive à temps pour aider. D'autres archers et mages sur le mur ne seraient pas si susceptibles de recevoir ce soutien au début, mais beaucoup trouveront des voies d'évasion de la horde à travers les toits. La vérité froide sur Illian Le sort massif d'Illian avait attiré l'attention de l'ennemi et de ses amis. Sa race signifiait que les mages humains autour de lui ne faisaient pas confiance à ses intentions. Tandis que les créatures obscures semblaient connaître l'étendue de ce que la puissance du sort va causer à leurs forces. Un couple de lances a volé dans l'air ciblant le mage Illian, trouvant la maison dans deux autres mages aussi. Il pourrait continuer à jeter et à libérer ce sort tout en risquant de mourir ou de blesser, ou il pourrait le libérer tôt et protéger les mages de l'autre. Tuer l'ennemi et être la cible de ses amis, ou blesser l'ennemi et avoir la confiance des autres mages.
Name: Fenris Laski Age: 34 Gender: Male Race: Human - Firen Appearance: !( "enter image title here") Personality: Fenris is one part veteran soldier and one part religious devote. He is the proverbial hybrid of a scholar and a front-line soldier, always reciting chants from The Book of the Holy Light during his day to day life while still not suffering a bit for his lack of focus on the battlefield. After a battle is over, he can often be seen performing the Last Rite over the dying men before plunging his sword into their body. He will never betray the duty he has to his Goddess, and refuses to part with his belief even when the world becomes a most unholy place. He is, on the contrary from his religious beliefs, a very cunning person. Often times using his power as a Guardian to force people to adhere to his plan or to give up what they need. Even though he is young in his time with a Guardian, he still commands respect by the way of his sheer size and through his skills as a leader. Though he has grown saddened as more and more of his comrades find themselves hearing their last rite from. The count of those he has lost keeps growing no matter how many dark beasts he sends back to the underworld. Character type and traits: Guardian of the Light – Positive: Natural born leader, Religious Negative: Strict, Cunning History: Fenris came to Feel la Den when he was just a boy. His father was a deserter, who traveled under the guise of religious pilgrimage, but secretly, he was running from his old lord. The family of three quickly learned very quickly that the religious might that was the Guardians of the Light and their Templar trainee's were not ones to forgive a deserter so easily. Fenris remembers very little of what happened in his first few weeks in the village outside the stronghold, but he remembers one event in particular. The first was when the Guardians passed judgment on his father. He was forced to watch as his fathers head was removed by the Axe of the executioner. The second was on the same day, when the Guardians took him from his mother and pressed him into the Knight training program. He spent the next twelve years in training to become a deadly warrior, a skilled leader and above all else; an example of the gods in flesh. He became well versed in the holy scriptures, as well as the application of them. On his eighteenth birthday, he was a recruit no longer. He was given his Templar sword and armor and was selected to be one of the select few to began his training anew, this time towards becoming one of the Guardians of the Light. He spent five years roaming with such a Guardian, learning their ways and training his swordsmen ship even further. Eventually he passed the initiation and became a Guardian in his own right. His first task as a Guardian was to take up the mantle of a recruiter, and take a Templar under his wings and train them as he was trained, as was the ways of the Guardians. Fate would have it that two years later, he and his Templar found themselves far away from the massacre that happened at the castle. His Templar recruit wanted to head back and face the darkness head on, but Fenris knew better. He knew the only way for it to reach the east was over the Bridge, and he knew that it would take them months to reach the destination. So, acting on his authority as a Guardian, Fenris began taking in as many recruits as he could. Bandits, thieves, farmers, rangers, iron foot and even merchants were conscripted. While they did not make for the most dedicated of recruits, the threat of the darkness and the prospects of them ever surviving it alone were not good. He and his small militia now stand with the defenders by the Sky Bridge. Even as they get driven back, they still fight strong. Equipment: -Guardian Long Sword -Guardian Plate Armor -Small satchel of provisions; while it is not enough for sustained travel -A pair of normal clothes for when he is not in armor. Other: (He is the only recorded Guardian to survive; with every other one either dead at Feer la Den or killed along the way. As such many people look to him for spiritual guidance and assistance.)
La sorcière de la bataille s'est retrouvée sur le sol agenouillée à côté d'une autre des créatures qui étaient tombées par sa main. Ils étaient submergés et lentement mais sûrement la créature a commencé à couler à travers les portes, inondant les murs d'où elle avait fait son évasion. Pourtant, même les terrains n'étaient pas à l'abri de leur agression. Elle a sorti ses couteaux des quatre cadavres devant elle. L'argent chatoyant avait été terni, taché noir par le sang sombre des créatures. Ils ne l'avaient pas vue venir et c'était l'élément de surprise qui lui a permis d'abattre quatre d'entre eux seuls. Elle n'a pas pu le refaire. Ils étaient extrêmement rapides et elle pouvait suivre l'un d'eux, mais pas plus que ça. Quand il est arrivé à un seul combat, elle avait une chance mais il y avait beaucoup de ces monstres, elle les avait vus au-delà des portes à travers les yeux de son corbeau enchanté. Ils couvraient les champs et les collines au-delà. Les batailles n'étaient qu'un caillou sur leur route, rien de plus. Il y avait un moment de silence, comme le calme avant la tempête avant que la première créature ne la charge. Instinctivement, elle s'est échappée de sa lance mais elle a retourné son arme autour de lui, si bien que l'extrémité en bois de la lance s'est plantée dans son estomac. Elle la désorienta momentanément et la créature lança immédiatement sa prochaine attaque. À peine sortit-elle de son chemin la pointe de fer de la lance raclée contre son épaule qui était couverte d'armure. Elle a mis une certaine distance entre eux en sautant en arrière, restant bas au sol. Céline a réalisé qu'elle aurait besoin de garder un œil sur son environnement mais elle ne pouvait pas se permettre de perdre la vue de son agresseur. Il était trop rapide pour ça. Elle a attendu qu'il lance une autre attaque. Elle a toujours gardé la distance entre elle et son adversaire, principalement pour qu'elle ait eu le temps de préparer ses couteaux et d'invoquer ses malédictions. Un quart de combat serré l'a forcée à utiliser ses couteaux comme armes, ce qui était plus difficile à faire. Il a fallu plus de temps pour les sortir. Elle se dirigea directement vers sa poitrine et elle écarta sa charge et s'empara de sa lance avec les deux mains. Ils se sont décalés en arrière et avec son arme tenue à l'endroit où la créature n'avait pas d'autre moyen de l'attaquer. Elle n'a pas hésité et a rapidement plongé son couteau dans le côté de sa tête, avec la même vitesse étrange qu'elle l'avait jeté plus tôt. La créature tomba sur le sol sa lance posée inutilement à ses côtés, le sang sombre commença à s'échapper de la blessure sur le côté de sa tête. Céline n'a pas perdu de temps à admirer son travail à la main et a retourné le couteau à sa gaine enveloppée autour de sa cuisse. Alors qu'elle rentrait dans la ville, elle s'est vite rendue compte qu'elle était plus nombreuse. Les soldats ne correspondaient pas à la vitesse des forces d'invasion. Ils sont tombés à leurs pieds à gauche et à droite, les seuls alliés qu'elle avait laissés. Elle a réussi à sauver quelques-uns d'entre eux en lançant ses couteaux maudits à la vague des ennemis. Les malédictions qu'elle avait inculpées ont créé une douleur exécrable dans le corps en liquéfiant les os qui composaient le squelette. Il s'est rapidement répandu dans le groupe des cinq qui ont chargé à ses côtés les trois autres soldats. Ils laissèrent leurs lances et leurs boucliers au milieu de la charge tandis que leur corps devenait incapable de porter le poids s'écroulant comme des sacs de farine devant leurs pieds. Les hommes la regardèrent avec de grands yeux craintifs se bénir au nom de leur Déesse. "Ce n'est pas à moi que tu devrais avoir peur" dit-elle avec une expression illisible dans ses yeux pâles. Ses lèvres se formèrent en la moindre des sourires. S'ils avaient peur d'elle, comment allaient-ils se dresser contre ces créatures? Les trois soldats étaient un peu plus que les garçons qui essayaient d'être des hommes. Pourtant, tous les hommes étaient déjà tombés et les garçons étaient tout ce qu'elle avait laissé. Nous devons nous retirer. À moins que vous préfériez rester ici Céline a déclaré, gesticulant à ce qui restait de leurs camarades. Les jeunes soldats n'ont pas protesté et l'ont suivie alors qu'ils allaient plus loin dans la ville. Pendant qu'ils couraient Céline regarda les murs à leurs côtés. Il y avait des échelles qui les conduisaient. Elle les a peut-être utilisés comme plan d'évasion, mais là-haut, ce n'était pas mieux. Ils ont continué à courir jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient forcés de s'arrêter par une bataille qui a lieu au milieu de la ville. Il y avait encore moins de soldats alliés ici qu'il y avait eu aux portes et Céline se demandait comment les créatures avaient réussi à infiltrer la place de la ville. Peut-être plus d'entre eux avaient glissé devant elle qu'elle ne l'avait réalisé, surtout sans la couverture des archers et des mages. C'est par l'œil vigilant des Sœurs Noires qu'elle est sortie vivante aux portes. Ils venaient des deux côtés maintenant et sans aide ils n'allaient pas tenir longtemps. Il n'y avait pas d'évasion rapide, alors elle allait se battre à mort pour survivre à ça. Elle a sorti un de ses couteaux et a commencé à murmurer l'incantation qui lui appartenait. Elle a appelé les jeunes soldats à ses côtés. Sa voix était claire et ne trahissait aucune crainte qu'elle ait pu ressentir.
**Name:** Amras Siannodel. **Age: **125 **Gender:** Male **Race:** Lebethron Elve. **Appearance:** !( "enter image title here") ** Personality: ** Amras eschews the fineries of civilised life and enjoys greatly the thrill of the hunt, believing that the hardships of survival build character and gives him his strength. In his eyes, the civilised elves have abandoned this way of life and become weak as a result. He is a passionate person, who follows tends to follow his heart instead of his head, trusting in his instincts and intuition, because they are the best tools for survival in the primal forests. He's also intense in thought and demeanour, with a straight connection between his heart, mind and body. He always says what He really thinks about something and does not hesitate to act when He knows he is doing the right thing. Amras can have two faces, the one they show to to his people and the one He wears for outsiders. To other Elves, He is attentive, kind and protective, but to others he is aloof, uppity and with more than a measure of arrogance. **Character type and traits:** Telcontar (Woodland Ranger.) **Traits** Positive: Loyal, Steadfast. Negitive: Overprotective, Distrusting of other Races. **History:** Aramil, his Brother Balen and his sister,Alysia, all grew up in a small but close knit village,his Father Nukumna sits on the Council of Elders thus Aarmil's education was more advanced for he was being groomed to take his fathers place once he became of age,but the call of the Forest was too strong,and Aramil took the path of his Grandfather Tanure, becoming an Officer in the Elven Defense Forces. **Equipment:** Elven Longbow, Elven longsword, Mithril Armor,3 bottled Mist,Camouflage Paint,5 vails Cold Fire,5 vails Ironwood Balm/1 sack Spidersilk/2 bottles Liquid Light,Travelling Cloak,2 sets of clothes,3 loavesWaybread.small sack of provisions for 5 days.
Le grade et le dossier étaient sans aucun doute un groupe de motley. Avec la récente pénurie brutale de matériel de guerre, les nouveaux conscrits portaient leurs propres armes. Par exemple, des couteaux à boucher, des poignards usés attachés à des portées, des boucliers en barils, des fourches, des faucilles et presque tout ce qui constituait le danger le plus éloigné pour quiconque. Il y avait des hommes de bois, des chasseurs, des fermiers, des charpentiers, des scribes, et à peu près n'importe qui d'autre qui a été violemment arraché d'un endroit confortable dans la société, jeté une lance et un bouclier, et a dit de tuer l'ennemi - quoi qu'ils soient. Les expressions diffèrent d'un soldat à l'autre. Certains des nouveaux gommages qui avaient à peine semblé n'importe quelle action se tenaient droit, essayant de ressembler aux héros qu'on leur a dit qu'ils seraient. Certains des gars de la campagne qui étaient parfaitement à l'aise avec leur vie passée s'emparaient de leurs piques et de leurs bâtons soudés si durs que leurs doigts tournaient la même couleur que leurs visages. Les plus âgés, ceux qui étaient dans l'armée depuis presque et même aussi longtemps que Malcer, partageaient un état solennel, triste, mélancolique, regardant les jeunes rupestres avec un air nostalgique. Leurs arrières étaient droits, leurs épées brillaient, mais ils avaient tous le même regard léthargique à leurs yeux - ils avaient une bataille de trop pour se battre. Le capitaine de la 116e était Randolf Horelphus - un jeune homme assez jeune au début de la trentaine, probablement un autre lieutenant remplaçant son capitaine. Il avait l'air plutôt nerveux, mais il avait l'air d'être impatient d'obtenir l'endroit et de porter un ton d'autorité parmi ses hommes. Après que Bali leur eut parlé, les deux conversèrent. Randolph a parlé en premier. "Avec tout le respect que je vous dois, monsieur Greystorm, je pense que nous devrions nous battre sur les lignes de front. Certains de mes hommes pensent que ce serait une bonne façon de partir. De plus, il paraît que des créatures, des hommes d'arbres - une sorte de troll diabolique ou une autre - aident notre commandant. Mes garçons aimeraient de préférence se battre avec leur propre espèce." "Non, Randolph. Même si le milieu n'est pas gardé, nous devons aider le commandant, quoi qu'il arrive. S'il tombe, nos hommes seront encore plus démoralisés. Et quant aux hommes de l'arbre, j'ai un faible indice de ce qu'ils sont. Si on ne leur faisait pas confiance, on serait tous morts. Je ne veux pas m'adresser à nos gars comme ça, mais allons-y. Il nous faut des corps chauds tenant des bâtons pointus qui chargent l'ennemi. Les arbres-hommes répondraient probablement aux critères, n'est-ce pas?" Randolph a ouvert la bouche pour parler, puis la fermer aussi vite. Il avait entendu parler de l'entêtement de Malcer et ce n'était probablement pas le bon moment pour y faire face. Il a donné un ordre à son lieutenant. Le lieutenant a reçu une réponse mitigée. Certains des conscrits ont cliqueté sur leurs pieds et se sont tenus à l'attention comme les bons garçons qu'ils étaient, d'autres ont commencé à trembler violemment et à vomir, et d'autres ont levé un gant forlorn et muglé des promesses d'allégeance à demi-coeur. Aucun capitaine n'aimait le mélange d'expressions. Ils auraient besoin au moins d'une certaine fraternité parmi eux. Malcer vit un conscrit réconfortant son frère qui s'appuyait sur un mur qui s'inclinait. Pas vraiment un moment chaud et flou, mais il faudrait le faire. "Dix huttes! Sors d'ici!" L'entreprise d'une quarantaine d'hommes s'est approchée de l'emplacement de Fenris. Quoi qu'il en soit, la compagnie avait fait un assez bon travail d'expédition des créatures obscures, donc il y avait une accalmie dans le combat dans leur district. La compagnie a vu les pleurs des soldats sur les hommes morts, la débâcle furieuse des créatures mortes, et le pillage des cadavres, amis ou ennemis. Techniquement, le pillage a demandé une frappe intelligente dans l'armée de Firenian, mais personne ne l'a jamais suivi et il a couru de façon rampante et sans contrôle parmi les conscrits. Malcer a vu un soldat qui avait les mains dans les poches d'un arbalète Iavan mort. L'homme pitoyable leva les yeux effrayés sur Malcer, et traîné son prix derrière une ruelle. -- Je me présente pour le devoir, monsieur! Randolph a hurlé. C'était un geste intelligent. Il a tous les découragés dans le contrôle et les a amenés à leur sens. -- Nous défendrons les flancs, monsieur! Ce serait un honneur de mourir à vos côtés, s... » Randolph s'enfuit.
Name: Malcer Greystorm Age: 42 Gender: Male Race: Firen Appearance: Malcer doesn't deviate much from the ordinary look. His cheeks are bony but not sharp. He has a tan skin complexion dirtied with experience and age. He looks like he needs a shave. He also has greasy long brown hair and eyes. His hands are broad, meaty and wrought with age. He stands at about 6'4 - a giant - and weighs about 250 lb. Personality: Malcer is actually more of the tactician than the front liner. His bulk betrays little of his intellect. He can have intelligent conversations about current events, is an excellent chess player and plays the pan flute very well. He values his comrades a lot and will never leave a friend behind. However, as the years go by Malcer on the contrary grows in hardheadedness. If he feels a certain tactic is not working, he does what he looks like seems fit. This on occasion has nearly cost him his rank. He also has a weakness for hard drink. Character type and traits: Berserker Positive Traits: Intelligent, Loyal Negative Traits: Stubborn, Drunkard History: Malcer was born the eldest of five to a blacksmith in a small rural farming village in Firen. He was the tallest and strongest of the village boys around, and thus was always called on for the bulky jobs. However, he was also one of the more intelligent villagers. He bartered so well that he earned the nickname 'The Iavas Boy' among the townsfolk. He was one of the few in the village that could read or write and was always present in dealings with other villages. But most of the time in the village, they needed solid, steady arms and not much else. As he hewed lumber or pulled carts, Malcer felt there had to be something more to this. He wanted to put his abilities to better use than menial labor and occasional bartering. Malcer's chance came when a large band of bandits (lel) invaded the village on the eve of Malcer's 'manhood' party: eighteen years of age. They silenced all the fast runners and the messengers so news was never able to come to the capital. Malcer was strong and smart, so the bandits obviously tried to put a quick end to him as well. But when five of them attempted to slit his throat in bed, they discovered too late Malcer was a light sleeper. He mauled all of his attackers to death, and still in his frenzy rushed out the door, fought his way to the lead bandit and killed him - with his bare hands. The townsfolk made him a village hero and was offered the position of mayor. Malcer politely refused, saying he planned to put his abilities to a much greater use. With a sizable chunk of steel, Malcer for five days worked in his father's forge. He planned to make himself a knight's longsword, a symbol of courage and honor. He got the proportions quite out of shape, seeing as he had rarely seen a sword before and was used to forging farm tools. The sword could only be lifted by Malcer and the other strong men in the village, and even then it required two hands. Happy with his creation anyway, Malcer named his sword Nara, after his then childhood sweetheart. He went abroad and joined the army. He spent more than thirty years in service and was promoted to lieutenant. He would have gotten captain, but his hardheadedness prevented him from some potential promotions. Malcer was at his village and on leave when the invasions started. Malcer's village wasn't of great significance to the hordes, but it was still largely into the west and a company of about two hundred were sent to rout them. None escaped from the village save Malcer himself. He never forgave himself for it, and still has survivor's guilt to this day. With the loss of Malcer's platoon captain and half his regiment in the later onslaughts against Talamor, Malcer was promoted to captain and was given authority to command a company of fifty or so conscripts. Malcer was one of the captains to volunteer their company to defend the Sky Bridge. His men showed no opposition to their superior's command: many of them had lost their families to the horde, and, like their captain, were out for revenge. Equipment: - His greatsword, Nara - Long dagger - Backpack with supplies to survive in the wild for five days - Studded leather armor - Visored helmet Other: Assuming that a Firenian company is made up of a hundred conscripts btw.
Darius était parmi les autres mages, ignoré par tous sauf une poignée qui se tenait à ses côtés. Il a été un flou de mots comme une main tenait sa Lore-Tome et l'autre tenait son bâton. Pour un spectateur, il semblerait qu'il jette des malédictions et des sorts puissants pour faire des ravages parmi les lignes ennemies, s'il pouvait le faire, alors vous auriez raison. Mais en tant que Créateur de Loyaux, il est tenu par Voël de s'abstenir d'attaquer un autre être vivant avec magie. Maintenant Darius a fait de son mieux pour plier son vœu et se tient debout, surplombant la bataille, faisant tout ce qu'il peut. La poignée autour de lui n'est fidèle à lui que par l'effusion de sang qu'il les avait sauvés dans les batailles passées. La vérité était qu'il tentait d'harceler et de ralentir l'attaque ennemie, de les confondre et de les ramener sur eux-mêmes. Actuellement, il formait un faux mur de feu sur l'un des escaliers en haut des murs forçant l'ennemi à hésiter et à regarder dans le malaise, sans doute on réaliserait bientôt qu'il n'y avait pas de chaleur là et bravent les flammes seulement pour être suivi par le reste de sa force. Puisque Darius n'osait pas perdre son temps en parlant plutôt qu'en incantantant des sorts, il libéra son bâton, qui flottait là où il restait, et les mots commencèrent à se former au-delà de sa main tendue alors qu'il tentait de trouver plus de moyens d'arrêter l'assaut ennemi. Les mots lisent "Dis-moi, que vois-tu au-delà du mur? Y a-t-il une plus grande menace dont j'ai besoin d'être au courant? affiché dans n'importe quelle langue que le lecteur a parlé. Soudain, Darius ressentit une grande douleur dans son bras droit, son bras de coulée. La douleur s'est rapidement propagée. Les mages qui l'entouraient étaient prompts à tourner leur attention vers la douleur et à la forcer. Cela s'était déjà produit, la dernière fois qu'il était plus difficile d'enlever mais ils ont appris depuis cette défaite, une grande puissance pouvait sentir Darius et la meilleure théorie était qu'il essayait d'arrêter le flux de son pouvoir.. ou de le prendre pour eux-mêmes. Tandis qu'ils ont vaincu cette attaque Darius a toujours abandonné sa Tome du livre et donc il a commencé à aboyer les ordres "Protégez les hommes sur les remparts, si nous perdons les archers ou nos compagnons de mages alors les vrais hommes, ceux qui baignent dans notre sang d'ennemis, n'ont aucune chance. Si cela se produit, le monde se tournera vers cette bataille et nous blâmera pour notre inaction! » Il a crié à ses hommes, en défilant à travers les pages de son tome et en tirant l'étrange bout de papier... tout simplement désespéré de trouver tout ce qui pourrait l'aider à défendre ce château. Si c'était le cas, il romprait son vœu, mais en rompant son vœu, il conduirait au Rouge, le « dieu » des Lore-Makers le striptant de sa puissance, il pourrait encore enseigner et entraîner, mais il ne serait plus libre de jeter des sorts à leurs ennemis les plus puissants.
**Name:** Roger Maltuits (Mal-too-its) **Age:** 29 **Gender:** Male **Race:** Human -- Firen **Appearance:** - Height: 5'12 - Hair: Medium length, black and is normally in 'helmet hair' condition. No facial hair. - Eyes: Hazelnut brown - Build: Muscular - Skin tone: Slightly tanned - a variety of minor scars along his upper body, primarily upon his arms. A particularly nasty scar located on his right shoulder **Personality:** Roger is one to get straight to the point, caring little about tiptoeing around most issues. When a conversation is happening, he usually ends up being polite and letting those in the conversation speak as they would, only interrupting if he feels it's necessary. Has little interest in making lasting friends, except for work purposes. Feels money should be earned by actual work or labor, not given and taken freely. He doesn't normally accept criminal contracts, preferring to stay on the good side of the law. **Character type:** Hillklag Sellsword = **traits**: *Positive* Brave, Loyal / *Negative* Arrogant, nonspiritual **History:** Roger had finished a contract in a nearby town, one he had been doing for nearly a year. The job itself wasn't exactly something he liked doing, playing the scary bodyguard of a crooked and vile merchant. None of the townsfolk could fight him, though a few had tried. He didn't kill anyone, simply giving them a minor scar or scare. The local guardsmen couldn't do anything about him either, primarily because he didn't break any rules or laws, though they disliked him almost as much as they disliked the merchant. However, when the time came to when the contract was at an end and the merchant offered to renew it, Roger refused and made his way to leave town. The merchant didn't try to stop him as he could easily hire more thugs for a cheaper price from the local pub. With that, Roger managed to hitch a ride with a small caravan, wondering if the next job would be more fulfilling. **Equipment:** - a hand-and-a-half sword (Primary weapon, can be used with one or two hands) - a dagger (Secondary weapon, normally used in his left hand; either with or without his primary weapon) - satchel with various papers, blank & written. Also has an ink & quill to write with. - backpack with supplies - ( on right arm with Hillklag symbol - leather armour and ( Armour colours mostly consists of browns with a bit of black to contrast it. **Other:** He's mute & ambidextrous.
Roger s'en est pris à l'attaque du monstre, en lançant sa propre attaque. Son épée a rencontré le bouclier de la bête, cinglant contre elle avant d'être forcée avec une forte poussée. La créature a de nouveau essayé de l'écraser avec sa lance. Roger a dévié l'attaque rapide avec un parry réussi, il a ensuite atterri une autre frappe sur le bouclier de la créature, le mettant face à face avec la bête. Roger s'en est encore emparé, et la créature a réagi avec un bruit plus inhumain, qui est devenu brusquement un bruit de grognement. Le poignard de Roger avait trouvé sa marque et a été jeté dans le cou de la créature. Roger sourit sous son casque alors qu'il tirait la lame de la créature, ichor noir couvrant la lame. La créature, avec quel peu de force elle avait laissé, a utilisé tout son poids pour le pousser vers lui avant d'essayer de lui écraser le crâne avec le bord de son bouclier. Roger a réussi à bloquer les première et deuxième frappes avec ses bras, protégeant sa tête. Il a senti l'idiot du corps de la créature avant de tomber boiteux sur lui. Alors qu'il regardait autour de lui, s'attendant à ce qu'un autre soit prêt à le frapper, Roger remarqua le seigneur Bali debout au-dessus de lui. Après avoir aidé Roger, Bali a parlé, "Fenris a besoin d'aide pour contrôler nos flancs et a demandé le soutien des mercenaires Hillklag. Où est le reste de votre troupe?" Roger, qui était couvert d'ichor noir, tenait sa main dans un poing et, à l'aide de son pouce, glissa sa main d'un côté du cou à l'autre, pour indiquer que ses camarades étaient tous morts. Bali maudit avant de continuer, « Très bien, votre soutien serait toujours apprécié si vous le souhaitez encore. » Roger a ramassé sa dague, la renversant d'une manière coquine avant de l'enfiler et de lui faire un faux salut. Bali secoua la tête, "Un simple "oui" suffirait." Le mercenaire a fait un bruit étrange, un peu comme un ronflement, avant de ramasser son épée et de courir son chemin dans la direction que le seigneur Bali lui a indiqué d'aller.
Name: Thalius Hanadar Age: 39 Gender: Male Race: Firen Appearance: He looks a little older than he actually is, with a hard face having a few wrinkles and scratches, and light skin. He has black, short, crew-cut hair. He has a short, rough beard forming around the outline of his mouth and chin. He has a medium body build, not scrawny, but not muscular or large either. He stands at 6'1 Personality: Thalius can quickly come off as an emotionless and detached person. He chooses not to spend time with others much, not even his fellow Veradan military survivors. He does not speak casually very often. However, he can prepare a battleplan on the fly and give orders with clarity and confidence. He has a sound and calm mind, capable of maintaining his composure even in the most stressful of situations. However, he treats his fellow soldiers (more specifically, those assigned underneath him) more like tools and assets than actual people (Though he appears to treat himself that way as well). He seems to show indifference as to whether they will survive a fight or not. Though this does not mean he’ll just send them or himself to their deaths, as he will do what he can to keep them all alive. But it seems to be motivated more by “maintaining their long-term usefulness” rather than a genuine care for their life. Character type and traits: Battlement Ranger – A calm and collected strategist. He is determined and never believes that the war is impossible. He comes off as cold and uncaring; not getting much trust or confidence easily from allies (and them not usually receiving his in return). His lack of empathy can make him disregard their emotional states at times. History: Thalius’ past is not something he openly discusses with anyone, unless they have earned their trust. What is known about him is that he had lived in the human city of Veradan, and that both his parents were soldiers. Following their footsteps, he enlisted as soon as he was capable, and of age. At first, his parents did not wish for him to take on the same dangerous lifestyle they had chosen to live, and tried to stop him for his own safety. But after an incident regarding a thief breaking into their home, they realized he was capable of protecting himself, and so they relented. Thalius was a member of the 20th Frontiersmen Platoon when he first started his military career; a unit comprised of entirely new recruits, called upon only against small-fry like bandits, or when the more experienced units need immediate assistance. After showing exceptional skill in ranged combat and tactics, he was transferred to the 12th Valkyrie Regiment (A long-range, support unit) after some years of service. Things were going well for them, but everything fell apart when the dead army began marching. Being a large city and center of trade, it was a prime target for cutting off supplies and assistance to the other remaining strongholds. The 12th Valkyrie Regiment remained at the city walls with the other ranged units, while the footmen held their position at ground level. They were ready to fight to their last, but the sight of the enemy made them realize it might have been pointless... An entire horde of unimaginable size marched upon them, with their soldiers and weapons looking like something torn out of a nightmare. Thalius tried to think of something they could have done to counter this threat, but even with a swift meeting of squad leaders and tacticians they all knew it was hopeless. No maneuever or plan would turn the battle in their favor. Their enemy fought using one thing: pure overwhelming force; a force that could not be stopped no matter what they did. The defenders fought valiantly, but there was no stopping the flood of monsters, the gates were breached, and defeat was imminent. Ragtag remains of the different platoons and units that made up the once proud and professional military force of Veradan reached the Sky Bridge, and volunteered themselves to assist in its defense. They doubted they would have a better chance considering how disorganized and unprepared the volunteer defenders were, but many of them wanted payback for the slaughter of their companions. And if it meant giving the monsters a harder time, they were willing to stand against the onslaught. Equipment: Wooden longbow for long-ranged and accurate firing Veradan Light Ranger armor Leather backpack for supplies and other items, with arrow quiver attached to the side Small, retractable Telescope Compact Crossbow for mid-range combat Crossbow Bolts and container Steel Shortsword for close-range engagements Other: He keeps a small, steel lockbox in his personal quarters, and in his bag when travelling. Just for fun... Here's his Theme Song: You Know My Name - Chris Cornell
- C'est quoi, ça? Un froid hivernal s'est répandu entre les bâtiments des rues, où le seul son était les traces de bottes de service lourd a fait une apparition dans la nuit. Lent et monotone, il continua à travers les ruelles qui assombraient l'homme dans des ombres obscurcies. De là, elle s'est rapprochée et s'est rapprochée d'une entrée latérale d'une grande salle, construite d'un épais béton fait pour résister même au plus lourd des bombardements. À l'intérieur, il ne restait qu'une lueur de lumière en vue, entourant les portes vers lesquelles l'homme se dirigeait. Une lueur de lune s'est brisée par de minuscules fenêtres. En prenant ce qu'il avait, l'homme a allumé quelques allumettes alors qu'il faisait des randonnées autour de la circonférence de la pièce. Il a allumé la pièce, petit à petit, la bougie par la bougie. Autour de la périphérie, la lumière a commencé à remplir la pièce lentement. C'était un processus lent et patient, mais il fallait le faire à un moment donné. L'homme s'était engagé à assumer un tel devoir à l'égard d'un tel mémorial. Les années se sont écoulées depuis que les événements se sont déroulés, et la question de savoir si le monde était ou non couvert de mal était incertaine. Avec des heures comme celles-ci et seulement une minute d'addition de salaire, la tâche et le devoir semblaient tout sauf inutiles. Mais cet homme était vieux, flétri et remontait la fin de ses jours. Il a dû renoncer à son temps pour rendre la faveur de ceux qu'il a envoyés en avant dans l'âpreté du conflit mondialisé. Ces personnes devaient être traitées comme des héros non seulement pour le devoir qu'elles avaient, mais aussi pour la façon dont elles l'avaient fait. Il était dommage qu'il sache si l'un d'entre eux était encore là pour assister à la statue accordée dans leur propre honneur et réalisation. Les bougies ont fini par allumer la statue. Il n'a pas montré de chiffres, de visages ou de corps du tout. Seule une insigne était tout ce qui était nécessaire pour représenter l'histoire de ces gens. Un projet construit à partir de l'espoir, et seulement de l'espoir. Ce sont eux qui ont essayé l'impossible. Il voulait juste se souvenir de leurs visages une fois de plus, comme s'ils étaient encore sous son commandement et capables de refléter l'impact qu'ils avaient eu... - C'est quoi, ça? Les camions sont tous arrivés à leur destination, mettant fin à la formation du convoi alors qu'ils s'étendaient dans la clairière du dépôt de véhicules. Les portes arrière ont été ouvertes par l'assistant qui a été posté dans le dépôt pendant les premières heures. De l'arrière, une sélection d'hommes et de femmes ont été déchargés, ont avancé vers le centre du dépôt. Directement au milieu, devant l'endroit où ils ont été guidés, un petit podium a été placé vers le bas pour préparer les discours d'accueil et ce qui ne l'est pas. Une sélection de personnes se trouvait au centre. Quelques-unes de nationalités différentes, beaucoup d'origines différentes. Ceux qui avaient des vêtements semblables à leurs antécédents militaires, d'autres avec des vêtements usés par les années de conflit qu'ils avaient combattus. Certains avaient leur propre tenue, peu à peu construite à partir de cellules de résistance ou de terrains de combat de la milice. Autour du dépôt se tenaient des officiers et des soldats de haut rang habillés officiellement, tous ici pour assister au discours de formation qui informerait et diffuserait toutes les informations sur le projet en question. Beaucoup n'avaient aucune idée de ce dans quoi ils s'inscrivaient. Certains avaient une brève idée, mais ce que leur prix pour être venu était ne pouvait pas avoir été quelque part près de leur connaissance. Des hommes et des femmes, de première ligne et des armées de réserve, se tenaient tous les uns entre les autres. Certains ont discuté entre eux sur la raison pour laquelle ils étaient ici, ou se sont présentés aux semblables des autres amenés dans ce camp. Au centre de l'URSS, c'était le plus éloigné d'entre eux qui s'étaient éloignés du conflit, et d'autres l'ont trouvé le plus proche s'ils se trouvaient dans les divisions de la Réserve orientale. De toute façon, certains pourraient deviner l'importance cruciale du projet juste à l'emplacement du camp. La plupart des soldats soviétiques ont été entraînés bien plus près des lignes de front. Staline et ses officiers croyaient qu'ils pouvaient préparer les vagues de visages frais en leur permettant d'entendre les coups de feu au loin, l'artillerie bombardant de part et d'autre au-delà des collines. D'une certaine manière, c'était une méthode réussie, mais en les préparant aux visions, au lieu des sons, de la guerre, elle était parfois considérée comme inefficace. Soudain, les officiers entourant le groupe se tenaient à une attention aiguë, alors que la foule commençait à mourir dans leurs conversations. Un homme, grand dans sa position, s'est dirigé vers le podium dressé plus tôt. Ce fut une courte attente pour qu'il arrive depuis l'arrivée du groupe. Finalement, il s'est débarrassé de la gorge, en commençant son discours. Sa voix était rugueuse, rugueuse et endurcie par l'expérience derrière l'uniforme. Ses yeux s'éblouissaient comme s'ils avaient vu assez d'amis, de familles et de legs détruits par des bombardements d'obus. Une barbe sombre s'assit autour de sa bouche sèche, comme la fourrure symbolique de l'ours; la réputation de la nation elle-même. « Avant de faire des présentations formelles, tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que je suis heureux de vous rencontrer enfin tous. » Un écho profond a rebondi des murs du dépôt, en arrière dans la gorge dont il est sorti. La voix sonna aux oreilles de ses 'invités'. "Mon nom, si vous n'avez pas deviné, c'est Yuri Vychenko. Je suis votre nouveau commandant. Je suis votre nouveau supérieur. Je suis la raison pour laquelle vous êtes tous réunis ici... tous ces visages. Avant moi, je vois ceux dont les apparences me parlent et me disent qui vous êtes. Je vois, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns, un défaut allemand, un combattant chevronné des détachements vietnamiens, un vétéran et survivant de Leningrad... et beaucoup de ceux qui n'ont pas encore affronté le Troisième Reich en personne. Vous êtes tous ici pour vous voir comme l'espoir futur pour l'Union soviétique, pour notre régime et notre nation tel que nous le connaissons. Et à cause de cela, je ne peux pas exprimer la joie que c'est de vous voir tous ensemble pour une fois. » L'officier conduisit sa main à gauche de lui, où de nombreux membres du personnel en uniforme s'alignaient, documentaient tous entre leurs mains. Aucun d'entre eux n'a eu de sourires accueillants, mais leur posture et leur code vestimentaire ont montré qu'ils étaient fiers de voir ce qui pourrait être l'avenir de la Russie, et du monde, tel qu'ils le savaient. « À votre droite, vous verrez un alignement des officiers, que vous rencontrerez tous au cours de votre séjour ici pour suivre une formation complémentaire. Alors que j'aimerais vous présenter plus au programme maintenant, je vais devoir le sauver à un niveau plus personnel plus tard, comme j'ai des réunions à assister à. Enlevez vos documents de ces officiers, mes camarades, car ils vous dirigeront tous vers vos propres quartiers personnels, votre désignation choisie comme choisie par notre traitement et quelque chose d'un peu plus... spécial. Parlez entre vous après l'avoir fait, dirigez-vous vers votre caserne... Alors vous vous présenterez tous à moi à 9 h... Oh, et... bienvenue à l'escouade 914."
Name Helga Branwulf Age 21 Gender Female Birth-date / Location 1927 4th June/ Frankfurt, Germany Appearance Helga is beautiful but also very stressed mentally, most of the day her cheeks are pale white and her eyes are dark and hollow looking. She has a few scars around her torso from battle and is partially missing her left pinky finger after a climbing accident. Personality Helga is a young woman without a family and without a country, and this is reflected in her cold demeanor and cynical outlook on the world. Although she does feel that during whatever life she has left she must try to do some good in the world, and she takes a noble pride in her work as a soldier. She sees death as a normal cycle of existence and can be extremely macabre even at the most civil of times. Relationships Will update as story progresses Classification Marksman Mauser Karabiner Kar V2 Custom Sniper Variant (with 12 x scope) Smoke Grenade x 3 Standard Issue Soviet Knife Experimental Gear Gas Powered 'Affix' Grappling Gun The Affix Gun is a discontinued gadget used by Hungarian spies in the first world war, it is a mechanical grappling hook with a gas powered propellant. Like all grappling hooks, it is dangerous to use depending on the terrain and height of the grappling point, and the gas canisters to power are quite rare and expensive, luckily, Helga has learned to 're-charge' gas canisters using the tanks of nearby vehicles. Background Being born to a German-Jewish family after the first world war was not easy to begin with, but the rise of the Nazi Regime made it considerably worse. Helga's family were in an interesting position, they were ethnically jewish but not religious. They were also a rich an well connected family, which meant they were largely left alone or overlooked by the Nazi elements in the area, they were also able to keep their background for the most part secret to anyone who mattered. But in the world of secrets, lies and protection, a good thing could never last in Nazi Germany. When a very powerful and influential military officer visited Helga's family Frankfurt around the time she turned 13, he took an interest in the family because of their fame and wealth, but particularly a teenage Helga, as this officer was an ephebophile. Using his own connections to uncover the families secret of being jewish, he threatened to expose them to the authorities unless they let him keep Helga with him as his 'junior assistant' he traveled back to Berlin, the family protested heavily, but Helga, fearing for her family's safety, went against her parents and sadly accepted the proposition. Around a week later, Helga was officially handed over to Officer Hertzmann and on the way back to Berlin he smiled as he detailed that he told the authorities about her family anyway, and that they would be in a concentration camp within a week. She screamed and cried, and protested she wanted to join her family, but the officer beat her into submission and within a day they were back in Berlin. That evening, Helga, feeling weak, helpless and responsible for what happened to her family decided she wasnt going to be a victim anymore, she waited until her new 'guardian' entered her room late at night hoping to violate her, not knowing she had snatched his rifle away from his room when he wasnt looking and hid it under her blanket. When he came within 3 feet of her she shot him in the face, blasting his skull across the room. Quickly snatching all the money possible from his office she fled Berlin that very night and paid for a secret transport to Russia. With the money she was able to bribe a spy, and convinced him to have her join the army, and one day take revenge on Nazi Germany. Experience "German Defector - Escaped to USSR" Family All Killed In Germany Theme Song
"Qu'est-ce que j'ai, ma jambe est défoncée." Dit le jeune Vietnamien alors qu'il luttait pour se tenir après des heures d'être coincé dans un endroit à l'intérieur d'un camion. Il ne pouvait ni bouger ni rester, en raison de l'espace exigu qu'on lui donnait. Mais heureusement, tout cela était fini maintenant, comme il était arrivé à sa destination. C'était un petit dépôt, rien de plus, rien de moins, mais il était rempli de visages. La plupart d'entre eux étaient russes, tandis que certains portaient des nationalités différentes, beaucoup de gens de différents horizons. Mais il y avait une chose, une petite chose qui les a tous réunis, qui était connue de Thanh sous le nom d'Escouade 914. Ils se sont tous rassemblés sur une ligne droite et ordonnée, environ 30 au total, devant un petit podium, alors qu'un grand commandant l'a bientôt pris. Sa voix était claire et forte, mais moins grande et plus simple, ce qui lui convenait à peu près. Non pas qu'il déteste les nobles, mais ils parlent généralement d'une manière qu'il a du mal à comprendre. Il suffit de blâmer le mauvais sort qui lui a été accordé pour être né dans une famille rurale pauvre. Après le briefing, l'homme asiatique est parti recevoir l'ordre des officiers. Il avait remarqué que Thanh portait l'un des gilets qui lui avait été accordé comme cadeau des soldats vietnamiens avec lesquels il travaillait autrefois, avec d'autres gens, qui le regardaient. Thanh n'était pas en mesure d'être surpris, car la vue d'une petite Asie parmi une armée d'Européens serait étrange. Mais aucune mauvaise intention n'était dans ces regards, car ils savaient que les Vietnamiens étaient l'un de leurs alliés, liés ensemble par un lien invisible mais fort au cours des deux dernières décennies. Donc le jeune Thanh ne pouvait pas aider mais prendre un peu de fierté à servir ici. Après avoir reçu l'ordre, Thanh regarda sa montre-bracelet. Il n'était que 0800, donc il a eu beaucoup de temps. Il a regardé autour de lui, pour voir s'il y avait d'autres compatriotes vietnamiens qui étaient dans l'équipe avec lui. Mais malheureusement, il n'en a pas trouvé. Il ne pouvait même pas trouver un Asiatique pour ne pas mentionner des individus d'un petit pays comme lui. Mais comme il regardait un peu plus autour, il avait remarqué une vue assez familière. Un homme blond avec une barbe creuse, qu'il avait vu quelques fois à la défense de Kursk. Il n'avait pas eu beaucoup de chances de le connaître, en raison de leurs circonstances étant un peu serré autour de l'époque. Maintenant qu'ils se sont rencontrés, ce ne serait pas une mauvaise chose d'initier une conversation amicale avec lui. Bonjour. Je suis Thanh, un ancien membre du détachement vietnamien. Je crois que nous nous sommes vus à certains moments pendant Kursk. Je me demande si vous savez.
Name: Thanh Pham Age: 20 Gender: Male Birthdate/Location: 04.20.1928/Hanoi Vietnam Appearance: A young man standing only 165 cm high and 60 kilograms heavy, comparing to the likes of his Russian peers, his appearance isn't that much impressive, despite the height being slightly over the standards of Vietnamese men at the time. He has short, neat black hair and the yellowy brown skin, but in reality he looks a lot darker because of the bloods and dirt of the battlefield he faced. The color of the young man's pair of irires perfectly matched what he had been through: brown, for dirt and mud. He's not well-built, but not skinny. After being transferred to Russia, he took the usual attire of Russian infantry men, but then evolved to wearing another layer of light protective armor around him to protect himself against explosions, and to conceal the scars he suffered from all the battles he had faced. Personality: If one could describe him in three words, it would be brave, reckless and peaceful. Normally, to Thanh’s comrades, he would tend to act completely normal, and sometimes friendly to his peers, and try to avoid conflict as much as possible. He never went all the way to get in a fight with someone else and get injured in the process. A young man with a simple way of life, and a peaceful ideology to bear. He had little education during his childhood, so he can be clueless sometimes, and his manners sometimes might be a little rude. He can be lazy at times, but generally, he’s a gentle boy who values the moral values of life, like for example, friendship In stark contrast to the peaceful and tranquil personality, he is extremely reckless when it comes to tense situation. Because of his little education, especially in military tactics training, he is usually one of the first to charge into battle, regardless of gunfire, bombs, mines, pretty much everything, frequently getting himself wounded in battle. Many times he placed his life on the line like it was nothing, even if the target objective isn’t worth the risk at all. The rumor that he has once charged a German Tiger II tank during a battle with nothing but a bolt action rifle and a few molotovs and hand grenades has much confirmed the trait. But despite his seemingly stupid and impulsive human-wave aggressive attacks, Thanh isn’t that clueless in tactics, as he has some basic common sense about strategies, is actually very decent at teamwork, and his fierceness in battle had sometimes boosted the morales of battle soldiers. But when mentioning recklessness, there is absolutely no way not to mention about his bravery. It’s absolutely immeasurable. A trait inherited from his father, who is also a war veteran, Thanh’s bravery is widely reowned among their peers, something which they greatly respect the young man. He is quick-witted, seen continuously employed in tasks that require utmost resolution and daring. Thanh is also a patriotic person who is proud of his country’s long history, and is shown to be very hateful of the Nazis. To the bravery of the young man, Thanh despises cowards, to the point that he might even shoot them himself. On side-notes, Thanh is pretty bad at academic, politics and diplomacy. Relationships: N/A Classification: Specialist Equipment: -Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle -TT32 pistol -Molotovs x2 -HE grenade x2 -Warhead x5 (1 on the pole, 4 on reserve) Experimental Equipment: The lunge mine The same name as the Japanese made ‘lunge mine’, it’s basically a high explosive anti tank warhead shaped like a cone and is placed on one end of a 1.5 meters long pole. The mechanic of the weapon is simple. The bottom of the cone is attached with a super-magnet that can hold the weight of the mine so that it sticks onto metal structure. If the target is a concrete wall, then the user will have to manually add glue to the funnel like structure so that it stays on the intended location for at least a few seconds. The three sticks protruding out acts as fuses, when pushed inwards due to impact, the mine’s gunpowder will be triggered, and will explode. It is used like a spear, with the user has to grip it tightly, each hand placed on the 1/3 and 2/3 position of the pole respectively, although when attacking it can be changed depending on the references of the user. When attacking, the user will have to ram it into the target in a 90-degree angle for maximum potential of exploding. And after plunging it into the target, the user has around 3 seconds to remove the pole from the mine, which is done by rotating it a bit and pulling it out, and run to a safe location. The extracted pole can then be attached to another mine so that he can continue attacking. The user can choose not to use the pole and instead hold the mine directly, however, this is highly unrecommended. When triggered, the mine will take 3 seconds to explode. The heat and pressure of the explosion will be extreme, due to the large amount of explosion being squeezed into the small shell being let out at once, and the mine can penetrate to about 160mm of armor, which is a good number at the time. The movements of the user will have to be decisive, and he has to make sure that he has a clear path and good cover to both attack and retreat. In general, the one using this mine has to be brave, quick-willed, because one mistake can lead to deadly consequences. The user can die from the intense pressure being placed on him or the heat of the bomb. Even if he manages to run, he may still suffer wounds, so a cover is highly recommended. Another important thing to be noticed is that to use the mine, the user will have to get very close to the target. As a result, he will need heavy fire support, and he will have to pick his timing carefully, otherwise he would be gunned down when he either attack or retreat The mine, improved from the Japanese equivalent to make it survivable, is considered very effective against almost every walls, normal vehicles, light and medium tanks, armored car, some poorly armored heavy tanks, and most walking tanks due to the mine being triggered at point-blank range, but is prone to suffer from the heavy armor of most heavy tanks, super-heavy tanks and heavily armored walking tanks. Basically, an armor beyond the penetrative capability of 160mm will negate the effect of the mine. When faced against tanks, the user will have to choose the area with least armor, notably the rear or side if possible. In general, it can be very effective, but extremely risky, and is highly dependent on the skill and bravery of the user. Because of it, not many Soviet officers and generals held it in high regards, despite its performance. Background: A natural born Vietnamese, Thanh was born in Hanoi in a normal traditional family under the Imperial French occupation. Because his family’s bloodline wasn’t a noble one, he received little education, only going to rural schools. His father, at the time was in the resistance party against French occupation in Vietnam, however, was the role model of inspiration for Thanh, who inspired him to become brave and fearless in the face of danger. He had a normal childhood, like many other kid, and was taught Russian very early during school. That was when the Imperial Japanese invaded the French colonies in Asia. From the very start they tried to offer peaceful resolution to the French, but things soon became violent as the Japanese launched a major attack against the French’s three major foothold in Saigon, Hanoi and Hue. Realizing the imminent threat of a Japanese rule over Indochina, the French and Vietnamese government, along with two Indochina countries, Laos and Cambodia, decided to form a temporary alliance to keep the Japanese at bay. But as the numerically superior Japanese army approached near the capital, Vietnam’s Ministry of Defense at the time, decided to launch a full-scale war against the invading Japanese. Soon, the citizens began to build trenches, walls, and blockades in hopes to hold out as long as possible against the invaders Thanh’s house were among the first to get bombarded by Japanese artilleries and planes. His mother was killed on sight, while his father was busy fighting in the streets. Thanh was, who was only twelve at the time, decided to take revenge for his mother, and began to tag along the Vietnamese soldiers in the trenches, regardless of the gunfire that flew near him. Because of his young age, initially, the soldiers did not allow him to take part, but his stubborn attitude eventually convinced them, but he only took part as a messenger and ammunition carrier. For 60 days, Thanh miraculously managed to survive the battle, only sustaining minor wounds, and fled the battlefield along with thousands of French and Vietnamese troops. The Japanese occupation of Vietnam did not last long, thanks to the traditional scorched earth policy imposed by the Vietnamese governments that many times defeated the Mongolians and Chinese. Normal life ensured, but it was never the same. Seeing how the Russian influence among the society increased, Thanh was also influenced in some ways. And then the faithful operation occured. The day that many thousand soldiers of youthful Vietnamese men being sent to their deaths in a foreign, no man’s land. Thanh was thankfully spared due to his young age, but his father wasn’t so lucky. He was included in the long casualty list. Now left with no surviving family members of his own, Thanh soon noticed a chance to be migrated to Russia to join the Red Army in resistance against the rising German threat. Due to the lack of manpower, the Soviets were getting desperate, trying to recruit everybody they can, from every allied country. Thanh took the chance without any hesitation. Thanks to his pre-emptive education in Russian, he didn’t have many difficulties fitting in. He was highly regarded as brave, and several times charged German tanks under heavy fire with only a handful of grenades and molotovs, suffering some terrible wounds in some battles. On one cold, misty morning of February in 1946, he received orders to be transferred to defend Kursk from the unstoppable German mechanized forces. There, the tale of a reckless yet brave Asian who again and again charged the German tanks had, for some times, inspired the men there to continue fighting, and although his attack wasn't really effective, the rumors were big enough to the point that one German tank battalion commander to order the tanks to go in reverse once they heard battle cries and waves of infantry charge into their position. He was finally put down after attacking a German Tiger II, which was somewhat reowned among the Russian military for a while after that. The attack was pretty disastrous, as not only was he not able to destroy the tank, but he also got shot in the right leg by another tank's machine gun. He survived and was transported away from the battlefield, but the shot had put him out of action for an entire year, leaving behind a not so pretty projectile inside his bloody thigh, and a scar that he would have to carry with for the rest of his life. In March 1947, after a year lull in the fighting to treat the wounded leg suffered from the previous charge, Thanh was called back into service once his leg had healed. This time, he was placed in Stalingrad, possibly one of the largest graveyards in the world. The battle had raged on for nearly five years in that one city, and the citizens had either fled or all died. There, where soldiers were throwing everything they had against each other even for just a small inch of land, Thanh demonstrated his bravery and recklessness yet again, by rushing for the German trenches with nothing but his bare hands. At the time, weapons were scarce for the soldiers of Stalingrad, so some might not be distributed anything, and would have to rely on picking up dead soldier's weapons. The result was also disastrous, yet quite hilarious. After picking up a dead Russian's weapons, he was instantly shot in the arm, resulting in him falling to the ground due to sudden shock and pain, discarding the picked up weapon. Those behind him, thought he was dead, picked up the dropped weapon and moved on. Some who weren't paying attention even stomped onto his back. Still, it was still a minor wound, and Thanh continued to serve at Stalingrad until December, when he was transferred to Moscow to aid in war effort against the imminent German invasion. At the time, the Russian government officials were searching for someone to work with their equipments, a high explosive anti armor and structure mine that unfortunately has a very short trigger delay. Because of the short delay, there are chances that the user will sustain heavy wounds or even death if it is not operated correctly, so those in the reserve groups were hesitant to receive such a weapon. Before the Russian military had to force the weapon into one of the unfortunate, a Vietnamese instructor in the field, Sih Bao, introduced a young man who had had records and commendations for bravery. That man was Thanh, and the Russians decided to draft him in Squad 914, a mysterious experimental squadron formed by the Russian military Experience: Messenger and ammo refiller: December 1940 - January 1942 Basic military training: A few months Defense of Kursk: February-June 1946 Battle of Stalingrad: March-December 1947 Family: Vu Pham (Father) - Deceased Quynh Nguyen (Mother) - Deceased Theme song
La longue conduite a été serrée dans le camion couvert, 10 soldats entassés dans un camion entièrement chargé d'effets personnels et de matériel. La grande blonde s'assit à l'arrière de temps en temps s'étirant une jambe à la fois sur la porte arrière du camion, les articulations dans les genoux des hommes ont fait un pop que la tension dans les articulations ont été libérées. Victor ne reconnut pas les autres soldats, certains restèrent tout à fait comme lui pendant tout le voyage que d'autres parlaient entre eux, principalement à propos de la maison ou d'où ils venaient. Victor a pu s'occuper de regarder l'arrière du camion et sur la route de gravier et de béton qu'ils conduisaient, en essayant de faire le détail qu'il pouvait dans l'obscurité matinale. D'une manière ou d'une autre, il semblait s'être essuyé vers la fin du voyage pour se faire ébranler par un autre soldat qui a fait un geste à l'extérieur du camion. Le camion semblait s'être arrêté dans un dépôt ouvert. Quelques officiers ont ouvert la porte arrière de l'extérieur et ont ordonné à tout le monde de sortir, c'est à ce moment-là qu'il s'est rendu compte que sa jambe dormait et n'a pu qu'en partie s'attraper alors qu'il sautait du camion et atterrissait avec un léger roulis sur son dos. Les autres soldats dans le camion ont ri et l'ont aidé avant qu'ils ne se forment en accord avec les autres. L'officier qui a prononcé le discours semblait stoïque dans un genre de "j'ai vu quelque chose de merdique", le discours était aussi émouvant et au point qu'il n'était pas très fantaisiste ou quelque chose du genre, encore une autre qualité que Victor a apprécié. "Escouade 914 eh?- il murmurait à lui-même,-- tellement pour aller à Moscou, il soupirait et regardait autour, sur les quelque 30 soldats dans la pièce qu'ils semblaient tous... mal appariés. Il a tout de suite remarqué qu'il était l'un des plus grands là-bas alors qu'il s'approchait des officiers pour son dossier. La première chose qu'il a vu dedans l'a rendu curieux, Désignation: Soutien. Mais j'étais en train de m'entraîner en tant que fusilier, il pensait à haute voix, mais ici il était à une base inconnue entourée d'autres soldats et de visages inconnus. La plupart des soldats semblaient discuter les uns avec les autres avec une sensation surtout détendue, mais il se sentait toujours mal à l'aise parmi ses frères et sœurs les gens qu'il combattrait à côté et protéger. Donc il a fait ce qu'il a normalement trouvé une place dans le fond de la foule où il pouvait juste rester là et regarder les interactions des autres.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Victor Asimov Age 17 years, 4 months Gender Male Birth-date / Location November 20th, Oslo Norway, 1931 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance Strong and tall are two such things one would say about the half Russian half Norwegian boy at first glance, then they would notice the blond hair, beard, and blue eyes. The boy stands at just over 6'3” and weighs 245 lbs. he is no stranger to hard work and his body shows it. muscular, fit with many signs of scars and abuse taken from the elements and others. His hair is shaved at the sides and a bit longer than what it's supposed to be on top, always pushed back towards his shoulders. He will normally be seen wearing the simple standard issue green working uniform with polished black combat boots, he's never really cared about being fancy and tends to keep his uniform neat enough to not get called out on it. Personality With being young, strong, and fast most would not be wrong to assume his attitude would be reckless and overconfident. However, Victor tends to be more withdrawn and careful especially when speaking to others. He tends to have an awful habit of being too blunt or not tactful enough in most situations. In turn this tends to make others think he is rude or shy. His body language normally portrays kindness and a willingness to protect others but in the heat of battle his eyes betray the cold killer that lies under the surface, one may even be able to see him smile. Relationships Will Be updated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classification Support Equipment Standard DP-28 LMG Standard TT-32 Sidearm Ulfberht sword (Family heirloom) 3x fragmentation grenades Experimental Gear The Hydraulic Assisted Armored Platform or HAAP Suit.( Light Armor / Heavy Armor just replace Nazi emblems with Soviet ones) Is the USSR's most recent attempt to combine the technology of the USSR and the German war machines, the USSR's scientists have merged the strength and toughness of a walking tank with the agility and finesse of an infantry soldier. The system works as an exoskeleton covered in semi rounded armor plating and powered by 2 experimental Tesla batteries. These batteries work to power the hydraulic pumps that assist the wearer in movement and strength while wearing the heavy armor. The full helmet and face mask does have the option of using gas filters and a mounted flashlight. The Tesla batteries can last up to 4 hours on a full charge. Electrical input is the fastest way to recharge the batteries, however if this is not applicable in the given situation small electric generators are housed in the legs and arms of the suit. These generators allow the batteries to be charged by movement and can be switched on and off with a few levers. The drawback to this is it makes the suit slower and harder to move for the user. For this and other reasons it is recommended that the user be strong and given the ability to properly train and grow stronger before extended use. The user also has the option to run one battery at a time doubling the duration but additionally hampering movement during this time. Caution is to be used while operating this suit as the batteries when damaged can discharge into the user and surrounding soldiers. This often results in the users death and can lead to electrical failure in nearby vehicles. It is also noted that operating the suit in hot temperatures may result in the user succumbing to dehydration if not mindful of the situation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Victor was born November 20th 1931 in Oslo Norway, to an old Russian military man and veteran of the great war and a young beautiful Norwegian women who was an aspiring actress. Both were deeply in love and planned to live together in Norway with his fathers two children from another women and their new born son. But alas tragedy struck in the form of an infection that, even through many treatments would ultimately claim his mothers life a few months later. This would be something Victors father would blame him for, for the next 10 years. After this his father became depressed and turned to the bottle to help. Erasing his plans of living in Norway the man took his three children back to Russia and the USSR. There they would continue their lives in the family home they hopped would only be used for vacations. While his father took to long days at work in the propaganda department of the USSR and long nights out at the bars and out of the house his aunt and a few other family members helped to care for the children, his sister Sara who was 6 and his brother Ivan who was 8. For the next ten years his father would deal with his anger and unresolved issues by continually beating all of his kids. Victor learned early on how to stay out of the mans way and out of sight. For a time before his older brother left he would hide and let his brother take most of the beating. By the time he turned 8 and his brother was out of the house most days either working in the factories or doing training with the army to prepare for boot camp. This left 8 year old Victor and his rather frail 14 year old sister to his fathers wrath. It was at this time Victor started to stand up to his father, provoking him so he would come after him and not his sister. His sister by this time was very familiar with how to properly treat wounds and as such got plenty of training for the hospital while at home. When Victor turned ten he began to grow taller, stronger, and a bit more aggressive to the point where he was actively fighting back against his father. Still, to this day he is unsure of what prompted himself to do it but near his 11th birthday, after receiving a beating the night before, he ambushed his father with a wooden club. Beating the man to near death with the full intent of killing the man right then and there. Yet he stopped, the cruel father he had who showed very little emotion other than rage was crying. It took him a year for his father to finally come to terms with himself and get over his alcohol addiction. Victor wouldn't be able to trust the man for a few more years to come, it was strange that after 12 years he finally had someone who he could call father. Being the only child left in the household with his sister off to nursing school and his brother off somewhere in the soviet air force left just him and his father. He slowly began to trust the man as they began to go hunting, his father teaching him how to shoot, track, clean a kill, and survive. After a few years Roman began teaching him how to wield a sword and about the old Norse gods, a tradition passed from father to son on his mothers side. He knew that being openly religious would not be acceptable if he went on to be a soldier, so he practices in private and try's to keep it a secret. Victors mothers parents never had a son so they passed on the knowledge to Roman who was planning on teaching it to both his sons before Anita died. This was normal for him up until his 17th birthday, before this he would work with the local farms or construction crews around the city, growing stronger by the day. Then on his 17th birthday he signed up with the Soviet army, maybe while he was there he could help or protect others. His father wished him the best of luck and gave him their family sword to use in combat, Victor always just figured his father pulled some strings or called in a few favors to allow him to keep it. Boot camp was interesting, the physical part wasn't anything he wasn't used too. He was able to pick up on the structure and daily routine of the military fairly well. After a little while he was even able to bond with a few of the other recruits and was looking forward to going to Moscow with them. That was until the letter, when they were being told where they were going he was pulled aside by an officer and given his orders. He was being assigned to a top secret project, something called Squad 914. Experience Basic training - 3 months survival and hunting skills - 5 years Family Mother - Anita Asimov (Maiden name - Larsen) - Deceased Father - Roman Asimov - Holds a high position within the soviet propaganda department Half Brother - Ivan Asimov - Soviet Bomber Pilot Half Sister - Sara Asimov - Hospital nurse in Kirov Theme Song Sabaton-Primo Victoria
Milena a toujours admiré un chef fort, et c'est exactement ce qui s'est tenu devant elle et le reste de ses compagnons d'escouade. Ou du moins, il a donné une telle impression. Alors qu'elle regardait lentement ses environs, Milena sentait un petit sentiment de fierté. Elle était heureuse d'être l'une des rares choisies pour cette équipe, et si on devait faire attention, ils remarqueraient que le coin gauche de ses lèvres légèrement incliné vers le haut dans un sourire. Même si elle était vraiment impatiente de leurs missions, Milena a maintenu un visage de poker impeccable. Une fois leur commandant terminé par son discours, l'équipe s'est dispersée pour recueillir leurs documents. Milena a fait de même, la réalité de cette nouvelle aventure s'installe lentement. Mais en aucun cas elle était nerveuse, juste un peu anxieuse si ça. Elle a rangé les documents après les avoir regardés quand la femme que l'on appelait le "défaut allemand" a marché vers elle et une autre coéquipière et s'est présentée comme Helga Branwulf. "Bonjour. Je suis Milena Kuznetsov, l'un des médecins de l'équipe. J'espère que je n'ai pas besoin de trop sur le champ de bataille », a-t-elle plaisanté avec un léger sourire pour alléger l'humeur.
Name Milena Kuznetsov Age 17 Gender Female Birth-date / Location 31-03-1930 - Tomsk, USSR Appearance Milena is roughly 5'7, weighing in at 129 pounds. She has brown hair and eyes, although she has partial heterochromia in her left eye, therefore a portion of it is green as well. Milena has some generic scars throughout her body from childhood, but none of them are overly distinct. She has a couple of piercings on her ears and is always wearing a necklace her mother left for her as a good luck charm. Personality Milena is a gentle, caring spirit. Despite her young age, she's seen her fair share of medical horrors, thus she slowly began to rely on comedic relief to counteract the harsh realities of life. But her main personality traits don't entirely define her as a soldier neither in nor out of the battlefield. She is wise enough to separate her duties and responsibilities from her own personal feelings, and she has clear boundaries between work and play. Relationships To be determined. Classification Combat medic. Weapons included are the standard issue AVS-36 rifle and the TT-32 sidearm. Additionally, she carries a first-aid kit designed specifically for combat roles. Experimental Gear The Gatling Wrist Gun is, for the sake convenience, a partially handsfree revolver-styled weapon designed to fire from the wrist. The sturdy leather brace and its attachments absorb most of the recoil of the gun when it's fired. Instead of a traditional loading method, the cylinder is pulled out all the way in order for the bullets to be inserted. Once that's done, the cylinder is pushed back, twisting it to make sure it's locked in place. The hammer on this weapon is designed to act as the trigger, thus the user will still need a free hand. With that said, the disadvantage to this weapon revolves around the fact that the hammer doesn't have its own version of a trigger guard, therefore if it gets caught on something and enough pressure is applied, it will result in an accidental fire. Currently, this version of the gun is able to hold a maximum of eight bullets. Background Milena's childhood was anything but easy. Her mother passed away while giving birth to her, therefore she grew up with just her father, Dmitry. He was stern, but loving; such balance making life a little less complicated for Milena as she was constantly learning valuable life lessons at a relatively young age. Dmitry also passed on a great deal of knowledge to Milena as she grew older, anything from hunting and survival skills to dressing a bullet wound. He was a doctor, one of a few within their area, and the idea of going into the medical field seemed more alluring by the day. Eventually, that's what Milena decided on when she was old enough, and her father was extremely proud of her for following her heart. On the evening of Milena's 15th birthday, they had a small gathering with her father and two of her closest friends. They were home just enjoying a simple celebratory meal when a gang of 3 men burst in through the front door. Milena and her friends immediately fled to the bedroom the moment Dmitry barked his order. They rushed in and locked the door behind them, and despite all the adrenaline coursing through their bodies, the three girls remained silent and their ears glued to the door to listen to the commotion outside. There was incomprehensible arguing, some things being thrown around, and eventually, a single gunshot. That's when Milena couldn't hide anymore. Against her friends' warnings, she unlocked the door and hurried to the living room where she found her father's lifeless corpse. Her friends followed just a few moments after the fact and they were met with a hysterical Milena and her dead father. The intruders were long gone, realizing that the neighbors would hear the gunshot and would obviously go investigate what was going on. From that moment on, Milena lived alone and had to fend for herself. Even though there was great sorrow in her heart, she didn't play the victim card. In fact, she hated it when people pitied her as to her, it meant that her father didn't do a good job of teaching her how to survive, and that simply wasn't the case. Roughly two and a half years passed before she decided to join the armed forces...mainly to continue learning, but also to get revenge against people who were just like the intruders responsible for her father's death. Milena primarily relied on her private pain to motivate her to push forward, and she made a promise to her father that she would do her best to eradicate whatever evil she could from the world. Experience Nearly three months of basic training and two months in medic school. Family Both parents are deceased. Theme Song
Il était beaucoup trop tôt le matin quand elle devait partir à la gare, où un camion la ramenait. La nuit avant que l'officier de l'approvisionnement local lui ait donné quelques ennuis. Apparemment, son uniforme non réglementaire était un problème. Alors qu'elle pouvait l'amener à la base où elle serait intronisée dans l'escouade 914, elle avait besoin d'un uniforme vestimentaire, et elle devait y être à son arrivée. Selon l'agent d'approvisionnement. Vera n'en voyait pas l'importance, elle se sentait à peine comme une partie de l'armée. Il y a seulement trois nuits, un commissaire intimidant s'est présenté à sa porte, lui a dit de lever la main droite, de jurer de sa loyauté envers l'Union soviétique et de l'alto qu'elle faisait maintenant partie des forces armées. Elle ne connaissait même pas son propre rang! Lorsqu'elle est allée au dépôt d'approvisionnement, l'officier lui a donné la robe standard pour les femmes, un manteau et une jupe très bronzés et non flatteurs. Elle a demandé un pantalon au lieu de la jupe. Alors elle était là, assise dans un camion avec environ cinq autres. Son uniforme était tout neuf, raide et difficile à emménager. Alors que les autres parlaient de ce qu'ils faisaient, qui ils étaient, Vera ferma les yeux et coucha aussi profondément que possible dans le siège en bois inconfortable. Faire de son mieux pour devenir une avec le siège, bien qu'elle se sente comme la seule raison pour laquelle les autres ne lui parlaient pas était parce qu'il semblait qu'elle dormait, pas parce qu'elle était cachée d'eux. Bien plus tard, elle s'est sentie glisser dans le sommeil quand elle a remarqué l'arrêt du camion. Peu de temps après que quelqu'un l'ait tapée sur l'épaule, "On dirait qu'on est là, tovarisch." Vera hoche la tête, se lève lentement et suit les autres. Elle s'est retrouvée dans un dépôt pour la plupart vide. Des officiers et d'autres militaires les ont dirigés vers le centre, près d'un petit podium. Vera a regardé les camions qui les ont amenés ici, si elle s'est rappelée correctement... des camions ZiS-150? Un nouveau modèle de camion, le soi-disant successeur du ZiS-5, un modèle beaucoup plus ancien, mais très robuste et fiable. Ils n'ont commencé la production de ces camions que l'année dernière, pensait-elle à elle-même. Elle s'est tournée vers l'avant, où une trentaine de personnes, pour la plupart russes, se tenaient debout. Elle a accéléré son rythme pour continuer, laissant les camions et ses pensées sur eux derrière, se tenant derrière l'un des gens près de l'arrière. Un grand officier plus âgé monta sur le podium, flanqué d'un certain nombre de militaires à sa gauche. Il s'est débarrassé de la gorge, ce qui a fait regarder Vera. Il a commencé une salutation assez informelle, se présentant comme leur commandant, soulignant quelques personnes comme des anciens combattants et d'autres. Vera s'est enfuie quand elle a appris qu'il y avait des soldats vétérans dans cette unité, faisant une remarque mentale qu'elle devrait rester près d'eux quand la fusillade a commencé. Le commandant leur a ensuite donné l'ordre que le personnel à sa gauche transportait des documents pour eux. Quel genre de documents? Vera a pensé à elle-même, et aussi vite qu'il est arrivé, le commandant est parti après leur avoir dit de le rencontrer à 9h00, dans une heure. Bien qu'elle n'ait pas attrapé où. Elle est allée voir l'un des hommes portant les documents et a choisi les siens. Elle a regardé autour de lui et a vu que la plupart des gens avaient déjà commencé à se former en petits groupes, à discuter entre eux ou à feuilleter les pages de leurs documents personnels. Elle a même entendu quelqu'un murmurer qu'il avait été entraîné comme un fusilier, pas comme tout ce qu'ils lui avaient assigné pour être. La petite fille russe a remarqué que la plupart des gens avaient des uniformes brisés, avec des insignes de grade, des médailles ou des insignes, des patchs qui affichaient leurs anciennes unités. Son uniforme n'avait pas de telles choses. Elle se sentait vulnérable dans cette foule d'étrangers, de vêtements trop raides, sans son armure. Elle s'est donc dirigée vers ces camions pour mieux les regarder pendant qu'elle ouvrait son document. Elle n'a fait que quelques pas avant de trébucher sur elle-même et de déposer ses documents. Elle s'est arrêtée au milieu de la récupération et a vu les papiers s'étirer sur le sol. Elle cligne des yeux avant de rassembler rapidement ses papiers, d'ajuster son manteau et de poursuivre son chemin vers les camions. Elle était heureuse qu'elle s'éloignât du groupe après cet incident.
Name Vera Artyomovna Volkov Age 18 Gender Female Birth-date / Location April 11, 1930 / Perm, Russia Appearance Vera is a shorter woman, standing at 5'2". While on duty she typically keeps her short blonde hair in a bun or pony tail, tied with string. She usually has soviet tankers goggles on her belt or around her neck, using them to protect her blue eyes when operating her armor. She wears a tight VDV telnyashka, white and blue striped undershirt and has standard issue infantry pants. Over these she wears a loose fitting camouflage snipers uniform to hide her figure, and for stealth when she's out of her armor. She also has laced kirza boots from the VDV and Pattern 1941 RAF leather gloves, a gift from her father. Underneath all the layers of clothing, she is surprisingly fit. She has yet to wear the various belts, bandoleers and harnesses available to Squad 914. She has a nonstandard issue green beret she is fond of, but only wears it when she's out of her armor. In armor she has a soviet tank crewmans helmet with a build in mic and headphones. Typically when she goes into her armor, she strips off the snipers uniform, placing it over her seat or stuffing it under the seat. While she's able to operate the machine with the baggy clothing on, it's far more convenient to be out of it while in armor. She keeps her fathers bayonet strapped to her right boot, but the blade is so long that it runs along the length of her entire lower leg, with the hilt going beyond her knee. Her other boot has an NR-40 strapped to it. She also has a shoulder holster for her side arm, but it's usually hidden under the sniper uniform. Personality Fiercely protective of her Object-342 and more or less her friends, Vera shows great compassion and caring through her own special muted way. Vera is a very practical person, a quick witted problem solver, capable of diagnosing a problem with her armor in minutes and repairing it in the same time it takes to identify it. She is a very straight forward person, disliking any beating around the bush and lies that complicate things, though she does take an interest in gossip. She has ice in her veins and a talent for understatement. Her calm demeanor stems from her armor in which she feels safe and confident, although she knows that any tank, tank destroyer, anti tank gun, anything with a big enough bang can harm her. Outside of her armor, her ice melts a little and she becomes a little bit more like the young girl she actually is. When facing strangers, Vera is incredibly cautious and slow to trust, especially against male soldiers. Despite this she is capable of following orders and working alongside her squad mates. Relationships N/A Classification Combat Engineer NR-40 Combat Knife (5.9 inch blade) M1898/05 Sawback Bayonet (14.6 inch blade) TT-30 Pistol (7.62×25mm Tokarev) PPS-43 Submachine Gun (7.62×25mm Tokarev) Experimental Gear Weighing at roughly 1700 kilograms, the Object-342 is an eight foot tall mechanical armor with the goal of mobile fire support for infantry groups at the front lines. The project began in 1942 when a group of British Special Operations Executive Agents handed over a packet full of intelligence to Soviet agents. Among the many things in the package were early blueprints to the German Walking Tank. As Soviet scientists began working on their own armored bipedal unit, using these early blueprints as a base, Stalin ordered a group of engineers and scientists to create something that was original to the Russians. While the walking tank design was to make a tank walk, Object-342's group wanted to make a walking man into a tank. Six years later, the prototype Object-342 was finalized. The Object-342 is a single pilot operated machine, with the cockpit situated in the chest of the armor. A great deal of time went into developing the controls of the Object-342. Allowing for the pilot to more precisely control the limbs of the machine, letting it to move with more lifelike movements and pull off more complex maneuvers in combat. The armor is thickest around the torso where the cockpit is located, and the head where the optics, radio and most of the periscopes are in. The head also features an active infrared device, inspired by the German ZG-1229. The optics, also inspired by the Germans specifically their adjustable tank sights, allows for 2x to 6x zoom. The rear of the armor is where the power pack and engine is located, combined in a backpack with the ammunition. The front chest plate has a bright headlamp attached to it. The arms and legs of the armor are particularly strong, the arms having to move and carry heavy weapons, and the legs having to carry the whole thing. In controlled conditions, the armor is capable of jumping vertically up to four feet. Although landing is fairly difficult. The armor is also able to easily lift, push, and pull 800 kilograms of weight, without the weapons mounted on the arms. Unlike a tanks turret, the torso of the armor is only able to twist 130 degrees from the center, where the torso is aligned with the legs. The armament of the machine is simultaneously impressive and unimpressive. On the right forearm are two modified RP-46 Medium Machine Guns, belt fed with detachable box magazines. Mounted under the right arm is a heavily modified 76mm M1943 Regimental Gun, with a cut down barrel, stripped of nonessential parts, and an added three round revolving autoloader. On the right arm is a single belt fed DShK 1938 Heavy Machine Gun, with all of its ammunition stored in the armors backpack. The backpack stores four additional RP-46 box magazines of 250 rounds, giving each RP-46 two reloads. The 76mm M1942 has an additional six rounds, and the DShK 1938 has a 600 round magazine in the backpack. While the sheer volume of fire is impressive from the three machine guns and the cannon, accuracy is highly dependent on the pilots skill as there are no sights to assist in the aiming of any of these guns. The short barreled 76mm M1943 also has very limited anti armor capabilities, as the cannon can only use the OF-350 Fragmentation High Explosive, O-350A Fragmentation and BP-350M High Explosive Anti Tank shells. The armor itself is fairly slow, at most it can keep up with an infantry mans jog. The slow speed coupled with the limited ammunition carry, and comparatively poor anti armor capability means that the Object-342 would only be useful in a small amount of situations, in defensive action or attached to unarmored infantry. Due to the small amount of information released, expectations ran wild amongst the military leadership. Generals dreamed of outfitting entire regiments of infantry with this suit, steamrolling anything the Germans had. Soviet Airborne leadership gossiped about finally having armored units being able to leap from planes. Soviet Naval officers spoke of suits that were fully submersible, letting their marines storm beaches without needing landing craft. When the prototype was featured to these officers, it was met with a mixed reception. "It needs further testing? Put it in Squad 914." they said. The interior cockpit of Object-342 is painted white, with the controls being in front of the seat. On the left side wall is a gun mount where Vera puts her PPS-43 SMG with a pouch of ammo for it. On the right wall is a blank space with four small red stars, for four simulated duels where she won. Just below the four stars is a small hook where Vera puts her tankers helmet when she's not piloting. When she is, that hook is where her beret goes. Above the seat where the periscopes are, she has a number of photos. A family photo of her sitting on a park bench with Viktor next to her and her father and mother behind them standing is taped to the front periscope above the headrest. On the left periscope is a picture of Viktor and his tank crew sitting on their old T-34-85. The right periscope has a picture of her mothers cat, and the rear periscope has a picture of the research group that developed the armor. In that picture Vera is sitting at the front with the test pilots. On the left side of the head of the armor is a white painted decal of three wolves, one leading with two following. The lead wolf is scarred and old, the second is plated in steel, and the third is a younger wolf. Underneath her seat is a small tool kit she uses for field repairs. Background Born in 1930 in some village near Perm, she was abandoned at birth because her biological parents were too poor to raise her. She was given to a roaming band of orphans who agreed to adopted her into their gang, where she was raised to the best of their ability. She met a boy named Viktor, who protected her and fed her the most out of all of the children there. Their destination was the city of Perm, where they peddled, begged and tried to find work to feed and clothe themselves. The city proved fruitful for the small gang of orphans, many of them found work here or there and soon most left the gang to more profitable opportunities both good and bad, until only Vera and Viktor were left. The two of them had been helping at a mechanics shop owned by a veteran of the great war. As far as the two orphans could tell, he was alone, had no wife and his work was the only thing he had in life. The two schemed and it took only a little convincing. Early in 1938, an eight year old Vera and a ten year old Viktor was adopted by a war veteran named Artyom. Life became good, compared to the old days before he adopted them. Often on the weekends he took the both of them to the forest to camp, teaching them how to survive in the wild, how to shoot a rifle accurately, training them to defend themselves. Very quickly Artyoms neighbor noticed that he was caring for two children. Anna, a woman who worked in a bakery, confronted Artyom about how he was raising his kids. Over the next few years Viktor and Vera would call Anna mother, and Artyom father. Something the both of them neither encouraged nor discouraged. Anna educated them, teaching etiquette, how to cook, how to sew. Meanwhile their father taught them how to hunt small game, how to shoot a rifle, showed them military tactics, and lectured them about the horrors of war and what soldiers would do. Artyom feared another war, and it was obvious. At first Anna was reluctant but as the years went on and as Germany grew in power, she began to join them on their trips into the forest. In 1942, a group of officers approached Artyom, and he welcomed them with open arms and a bottle of vodka for them. Old war buddies. They admitted that they needed a test pilot for a new project. It took half a year of convincing, but when confronted with the news of the invasion of Britain, he agreed. Once the war started, Viktor joined the soviet Tank Corps luckily becoming the gunner of a very skilled and cunning tank commander. Around the same time the first prototype of the Object-342 was completed, Artyom and two other test pilots showed up, a soviet marine, and a paratrooper. All of them were friends from the great war, or sons of those friends. While the two other test pilots were able to fit uncomfortably into the armor, Artyom wasn't able to at all due to his larger size. Despite that, he was kept on the program due to his mechanical expertise. During the second test run, due to circumstances Artyom brought Vera. During their work, Vera spoke often to many of the scientists, engineers and the test pilots, becoming good friends with them. She asked them many questions about the armor, even learned how to pilot it from the test pilots. All in good fun. Until Vera climbed into the Object-342 when most of the crew was looking away and took it on a 15 minute joyride. Artyom was mortified, a test pilot lost a bet, and the scientists developing the armor were amazed by her display of skill in the armor. After Artyom scolded her, the crew convinced him to let her be a test pilot. After all, she was small enough to fit comfortably into the armor, and all they needed was pilot input. It wasn't like she would go out into battle wearing it. The next few years were fun to Vera, she showed great aptitude for piloting the armor, she learned many things from her seniors the two test pilots and her father. She developed new piloting techniques based on the observations of battle tactics and flow written down in letters by her brother. When she wasn't test piloting, she was learning how to maintain and repair it while listening to war stories from her fathers friends. She quickly became a better pilot than the other two, and soon she was the primary pilot of Object-342. In 1946, the Object-342 was completed and was shown alongside the Soviet walking tank to the military community. Vera was the pilot as they wanted the best possible performance. After the showing, the many officers there welcomed the walking tank warmly. The Object-342 was met with noticeably colder attitudes. They decided to let the Object-342 prove its worth by putting it in Squad 914, the pilot included. Artyom and the scientists objected loudly, but they dismissed them. With no other choice, Artyom and the research group was forced to agree. Before Vera shipped out, she drilled in the armor constantly, honing her skills. Artyom gave her his leather gloves, which had been a gift from an old friend in the British Royal Air Force, and one of his war trophies, a German M1898/05 Sawback bayonet from the first world war. The other test pilots also gave her gifts, the undershirt of a soviet marine and the boots of a paratrooper, and advice. After she was shipped out, Artyom and the research group was fueled by a new purpose. To keep on developing the Object-342 program and provide Vera with the best armor and equipment they could make. Experience Informal Survival Training - Spread out from 1938 to 1943 Informal Military Training - Spread out from 1938 to 1946 Object-342 Piloting - 1942 to 1946 Family Artyom Volkov - Father Anna Tarasova - Mother Viktor Volkov - Brother Theme Song N/A Current Log >Changelog 1.1 >Added where she stores her snipers uniform during piloting in Appearance Section. >Grammar fixes throughout sheet Old Logs >Changelog 1.0 >Filled in missing parts >Added additional details about Object-342 in Experimental Gear Section: Notably strength (p2), maneuverability (p2), customization (p5), and a headlamp (p2).
<--------------------> Aleyev avait déjà reçu les détails sur la Squad elle-même, et la plupart des instructions devaient avoir lieu. Le jeune homme, grand lui-même, était la deuxième âme à être sélectionnée, ou conscrite selon votre point de vue, dans le programme. Beaucoup d'informations lui avaient été communiquées avant le lancement officiel du projet, bien que les principaux détails aient été gardés à l'écart et que nombre d'entre eux lui aient été communiqués en toute confidentialité. Il n'a pas été autorisé à prononcer un seul mot de l'escouade jusqu'à son déploiement initial au combat, du moins à personne, sauf à d'autres camarades russes. Il connaissait l'équipement expérimental qui avait été suggéré, mais pas spécifiquement d'eux. Aleyev connaissait aussi la mission... Comme il a été démis de leurs fonctions, à l'instar des autres, ils ont commencé à se diriger vers les officiers qui détiennent des documents. Il a attendu dans une petite ligne avant d'entendre son nom appelé, s'approchant de l'homme habillé formellement avec un dossier dans ses mains. Lorsqu'il lui fut remis, Aleyev regardait vers le bas, le regardant brièvement avant de le mettre sous ses bras. Son uniforme semblait actuellement brouillé, mais d'une manière respectable en disant qu'il était un vétéran de la guerre. Au moins un vétéran pour le combat, pas le temps. C'était le même uniforme qu'il portait pour échapper à la ville des damnés. Mais avant que son esprit ne puisse s'attarder sur l'être de sa tenue, un homme s'approcha de lui. Ce nouveau visage n'était pas vraiment un nouveau visage, si vous comptez dans les années précédentes. Eh bien, un nouveau visage pour aujourd'hui, au moins. Il était assez bien habillé, montrant évidemment des signes d'une certaine expérience pour le moins. Il a parlé d'une manière amicale, s'est présenté et a donné sa propre identité. Dès qu'il a fini, un sourire s'est emparé du visage d'Aleyev. Il s'est branlé à haute voix, le tapotant sur le dos alors qu'il donnait une lourde houille de bienvenue. "Ah! Je croyais t'avoir reconnu dans les camions! » Il l'a laissé partir, se branlant à lui-même alors qu'il tendait une main sans doigt. "Bon de connaître ton nom enfin. Aleyev Yanovich. C'est bon de te voir trop strode sur à travers Kursk et sont toujours revenir pour plus! Vous, les Vietnamiens, savez bien vous battre." Il se tapait le dos, pointant vers certains des autres soldats qui parlaient entre eux. Aleyev a guidé la vision de l'homme vers l'endroit où son doigt était pointé comme il a gracieusement tombé sur chaque individu un par un, soulignant les différences dans leurs apparences, mais pas par ses paroles. "Tous ces gens sont ici, ils nous verront et apprendront de nous, n'est-ce pas? Qu'est-ce qui t'est arrivé après Kursk? J'ai été transféré à la fin de 1946 dans la 2e armée de choc. Je suis sûr que vous êtes au courant des... événements qui se sont produits à Leningrad." Sa voix dérivait lentement, alors que les pensées et les visions de Leningrad semblaient revenir sur la mention de son nom, comme une peste mortelle attendant de vomir sur tout le monde. Mais assez tôt, son visage semblait reprendre conscience alors qu'il souriait à l'ami vietnamien qu'il venait de faire.
Aleyev Yanovich - Thanh Pham - Helga Branwulf - Vera Volkov - Zoyka Stepanovna - Milena Kuznetsov - Victor Asimnov - Naomi Robinson -
L'escroquerie nazie Pendant la durée du discours de Yuri Vychenko Gerhard se tenait à l'attention, comme tout bon soldat le ferait, bien qu'après cela, il allumait une papirosa faite de journal avec ses allumettes à peine sèches. Contrairement aux autres, qui étaient également réunis ici, Gerhard ne portait pas d'uniforme, il ne portait même pas de vrais vêtements, les trois seules choses sur son corps étaient une veste rembourrée en coton avec son nom sur elle écrit avec de la craie blanche, pantalon rembourré en coton et une paire d'imprégnés à travers walenki. En résumé, il avait l'air malheureux, mais il était le reflet de son unité précédente. Un vieil homme qui était amèrement froid aux os, fatigué et pourtant avec les yeux d'un tueur, toujours rôdant, toujours concentré. La partie pas si glorieuse de la puissante armée rouge.Avant ce jour, qui était un miracle pour lui parce qu'il ne pouvait pas penser à la raison pour laquelle il serait nécessaire ou voulu ici, Gerhard faisait partie du fameux Shtrafbat. Un bataillon pénal, rempli de voleurs, de criminels, de prétendus déserteurs et d'autres qui s'étaient simplement trouvés au mauvais endroit, a mal tourné la situation dans le temps. Sur le chemin il a appris qu'il serait très probablement affecté comme ingénieur de combat, au moins c'est ce que l'homme avec le chapeau bleu rubané a dit. Alors il était là, prenant son temps doux pour fumer, bénéficiant de la liberté de ne pas être sous surveillance constante. Est-ce que c'est Haben Wir Denn hier? Ein paar Russen, ein Schlitzauge und eine Vaterlands Verräterin. Könnte spaßig werden, donc spaßig dass ich mich fast nach meiner nassen Höhle in den Schützengräben sehne..' il pensait en crachant un tabac qui a été aspiré dans sa bouche, désagréable et chaud mais mieux que n'avoir rien à fumer du tout. Qu'est-ce qu'on a là? Quelques Russes, un oeil de riz et un traître de la patrie. Ça pourrait devenir drôle, si drôle que je rate mon trou humide dans les tranchées. Gerhard von zur Burg s'attarda un peu plus longtemps, même après que son papirosa eut longtemps brûlé, avant de s'approcher d'un des commandants censés lui remettre ses papiers, il voulut prendre son temps et voir avec qui il s'occupait.Les hommes avaient tous l'air bien endoctrinés, sans mouvement et les yeux sternes. Ce qu'il a reçu sur papier n'était pas beaucoup, un petit laissez-passer d'identification avec son image dedans et quelques formateurs, mais les regards qu'il a gagnés étaient nombreux. L'Allemand est resté calme, il a allumé un autre papirosa qui était son dernier, un triste fait qu'il a dû faire face après avoir vérifié ses quelques poches. Il a pensé à tous les 'Idi nahuj ́s manqués ou le 'Shto pjaljeshsa, pidaras?' Il aurait pu les repousser, comme il l'a fait pour les soldats du MKVD dans son ancienne unité, mais l'ancien Allemand savait que c'était une autre ligue. Pas le bataillon pénal. C'était peut-être aussi sa chance de regagner sa liberté, après avoir défectionné il avait dit au MVKD tout ce qu'il savait et pourtant ils ont refusé de le laisser partir, au lieu de le jeter dans un Shtrafbat pour mourir. Ce n'était qu'un petit espoir, mais peut-être qu'il pourrait retourner dans sa famille. Comme Gerhard ne possédait pas une montre qu'il devait demander à quelqu'un pour le temps, par bon sens, il ne voulait pas déranger les soldats russes, il ne restait donc qu'une seule option. "Helga, Richtig?" Il m'a demandé d'être derrière elle alors qu'elle parlait à d'autres personnes », pouvez-vous me dire l'heure? Je ne possède pas de montre et être en retard dans la formation est quelque chose que je veux éviter, je suis presque sûr que notre nouveau commandant prendrait cela à cœur. Contrairement à Helga, être identifié comme un Allemand n'était rien dérangeant pour Gerhard. En tant qu'ancien officier SS, il a appris à porter une peau épaisse, s'adressant à elle en allemand lui donnerait également une idée de la façon dont elle a grimpé.
Alright, I am curious if you could make an exception for a defecting German? He is a little over the age limit^^ Name Gerhard von zur Burg Age 48 Gender Male Birth-date / Location 2APR1900 Height 6'1'' Weight 90kg/200lbs Appearance Slightly bulky, long limbs and broad shoulders.Tends to move a little inverted, tries to hide his strong physique. Though his brown eyes might seem warm his glance is lurking. Personality Gerhard is a WW1 veteran but unlike others he didn´t suffer from shell shock or from the aftermath of gas attacks, he keeps a cold attitude in leadership only feeding other soldiers as much empathy as he sees fit. In his private life he is a warm person and a father of 3 children. Disobedience from soldiers, no matter whether his subordinates or comrades, and failure as its result is seen by him as a disgrace. Relationships None, has no contact to his family at the given moment. Classification Combat Engineer -Weapons MP40 M1911 (trophy) Magnetmine (Magnetic AT mine) Stielgranate (German grenade) langer Dolch (long dagger) Experimental Gear "Drachenfeuer"-a flame thrower per say, but not an ordinary one. Ordinary flame throwers use a mixture of gasoline, ignited by an open flame and have the reach of a few yards. They are prone to bullet impacts and pose a liability for the carrier and the people surrounding him/her. Drachenfeuer is a experimental Flammenwerfer which Gerhard stole, prior to defecting, it uses two separate tanks. One filled with a oil and tar mixture, the other a solvent on the basis of muriatic and nitric acid which allows the thick and sticky mixture to move trough the pipes at all. Between those tans sits a small bottle of compressed CO, with a container full of magnesium solution underneath it.When activated the Oil and Acid first come together to create a liquid mass, which is then channeled trough a chamber. Inside that chamber the magnesium solution is added while the CO pressure is also applied, that way the mixture shoots trough the tube and is ignited upon exit. It burns a lot hotter thanks to the magnesium and it is almost impossible to put out due to the features of oil and tar. Background Gerhard was born into a relatively unknown royal family, though they did not posses many lands they were still resourceful, thanks to their investments into the Messerschmidt and TysonKrup companies. Gerhard grew up well protected by his mother an strictly disciplined by his father, at the age of 9 his father signed him into a Boxing club and a "Alte Kampfkunst" school. That´s where Gerhard , previously too well fed by his mother and kept from all evil, found interest in cold weapons and in fighting hand to hand.Simultaneously his father started to teach him how to hunt. His good genetics made him progress in both clubs and he developed a good form trough exercising. With 16 Gerhard signed into the Heer, much against his mothers will but also with lots of approval from his father. He fought the last two years of first great war, as a Schütze where he honed his shooting skills which earned him a Scharfschütze badge in the last 4 months of the conflict. After the war Gerhard went back to the clubs and started education in the Duisburg university where he studied weapon engineering and chemistry. During Hitler´s first Putsch in 1923 Gerhard was no follower, but the men of the SA sparked his interest so he started to observe the movement in the following years while working in a weapons factory. In 1929, when the economy crisis hit germany and the NSDAP started to gain popularity, Gerhard was a unemployed veteran holding a two degrees, that caught the attention of a SA Sturmbahnführer. Gerhard was recommended into their Ranks where he served from Truppführer up to a Sturmführer. He witnessed the rise of the 3rd Reich and gained popularity within the SA ranks, for his loyalty and commitment. In 1939 Gerhard caught wind of a new unique and elite unit being formed within the Reich, he immediately applied. The approval followed and he was implemented into 6th SS Division in Yugoslavia, after his qualifications were assessed. Later he served in the 35th SS Division in Poland and the Baltic states after cross training with Japanese allies. Towards, what seemed the end of the war in about 1943, Gerhad von zur Burg was promoted to the rank of a SS-Hauptsturmführer and tasked with taking command of a company of the 36th SS Grenadier Division "Dirlewagner". It was the most notorious and brutal division of the Reich, known for their brutality against civilian population.Only after seeing those men in action for two years, a small spark of disbelief ignited a fire of resistance in him. He held much pride in his honor as a soldier, but what they soldier should do. Or he´d lose the right to call himself one. The decision was quick, rational and final, one night Gerhard just packed his things and left in the cover of dark. Nobody knew that he defected the soviets, except the MKVD. Experience 1916-1918 IWW 1929-1939 NCO in the Sturmabteilung 1939-1947 Officer in the Schutz Staffel Family Mother:Maria von zur Burg-deceased Father: Ludwig von zur Burg-deceased Wife: Matilda Ebing- lives in his family estate in Mittenwald Children: Josefina(16), Franz(12), Sepp(6)- live with their mother Theme Song -
CINQUANTE PHAM "C'est lui. Heureux de te voir encore frapper les nazis comme d'habitude." Thanh a rendu le câlin de l'homme avec une force égale. Et il ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir un peu fier de la façon dont le gars s'est adressé aux soldats vietnamiens avec beaucoup de respect. Ils n'ont pas constitué une grande force pour faire de l'importance sur le champ de bataille, mais individuellement, certains ont été très courageux en effet. Et il est certainement intéressant d'être un étranger inspirant les hommes autochtones à se battre pour leur propre pays, se battre pour libérer les Russes, et le monde de la main des nazis. En parlant de ça... Thanh pouvait sentir sa poitrine accroupie comme Aleyev a mentionné les événements de Leningrad. -- Oui, je le sais... Encore plus clairement que quiconque, même si je n'y suis pas moi-même. Il ne savait pas s'il avait de la chance ou de la malchance. À cause de ses blessures à la jambe, Thanh avait évité d'être transféré dans cette ville désastreuse. Mais en échange, des centaines de milliers, dont certains de ses meilleurs camarades du Vietnam, ont péri à sa place. S'il avait été transféré là-bas, combien aurait-il sauvé. L'homme asiatique a mordu sa lèvre inférieure afin de soulager la douleur qui jaillit dans son cœur, alors qu'il lui retournait un sourire amical. "J'ai quitté Kursk en juin, à cause de blessures." Il a tapé sa propre cuisse droite. "C'était vraiment horrible, j'étais loin du champ de bataille pendant un an, jusqu'à Stalingrad. Mais je suis maintenant tout à coup de pied et prêt pour plus!" Thanh a ensuite regardé ses propres documents. "Votre équipement est-il assigné à l'avance, ou c'est juste moi. On m'a donné ce truc." Il a montré à Aleyev la photo de sa mine explosive.
Name: Thanh Pham Age: 20 Gender: Male Birthdate/Location: 04.20.1928/Hanoi Vietnam Appearance: A young man standing only 165 cm high and 60 kilograms heavy, comparing to the likes of his Russian peers, his appearance isn't that much impressive, despite the height being slightly over the standards of Vietnamese men at the time. He has short, neat black hair and the yellowy brown skin, but in reality he looks a lot darker because of the bloods and dirt of the battlefield he faced. The color of the young man's pair of irires perfectly matched what he had been through: brown, for dirt and mud. He's not well-built, but not skinny. After being transferred to Russia, he took the usual attire of Russian infantry men, but then evolved to wearing another layer of light protective armor around him to protect himself against explosions, and to conceal the scars he suffered from all the battles he had faced. Personality: If one could describe him in three words, it would be brave, reckless and peaceful. Normally, to Thanh’s comrades, he would tend to act completely normal, and sometimes friendly to his peers, and try to avoid conflict as much as possible. He never went all the way to get in a fight with someone else and get injured in the process. A young man with a simple way of life, and a peaceful ideology to bear. He had little education during his childhood, so he can be clueless sometimes, and his manners sometimes might be a little rude. He can be lazy at times, but generally, he’s a gentle boy who values the moral values of life, like for example, friendship In stark contrast to the peaceful and tranquil personality, he is extremely reckless when it comes to tense situation. Because of his little education, especially in military tactics training, he is usually one of the first to charge into battle, regardless of gunfire, bombs, mines, pretty much everything, frequently getting himself wounded in battle. Many times he placed his life on the line like it was nothing, even if the target objective isn’t worth the risk at all. The rumor that he has once charged a German Tiger II tank during a battle with nothing but a bolt action rifle and a few molotovs and hand grenades has much confirmed the trait. But despite his seemingly stupid and impulsive human-wave aggressive attacks, Thanh isn’t that clueless in tactics, as he has some basic common sense about strategies, is actually very decent at teamwork, and his fierceness in battle had sometimes boosted the morales of battle soldiers. But when mentioning recklessness, there is absolutely no way not to mention about his bravery. It’s absolutely immeasurable. A trait inherited from his father, who is also a war veteran, Thanh’s bravery is widely reowned among their peers, something which they greatly respect the young man. He is quick-witted, seen continuously employed in tasks that require utmost resolution and daring. Thanh is also a patriotic person who is proud of his country’s long history, and is shown to be very hateful of the Nazis. To the bravery of the young man, Thanh despises cowards, to the point that he might even shoot them himself. On side-notes, Thanh is pretty bad at academic, politics and diplomacy. Relationships: N/A Classification: Specialist Equipment: -Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle -TT32 pistol -Molotovs x2 -HE grenade x2 -Warhead x5 (1 on the pole, 4 on reserve) Experimental Equipment: The lunge mine The same name as the Japanese made ‘lunge mine’, it’s basically a high explosive anti tank warhead shaped like a cone and is placed on one end of a 1.5 meters long pole. The mechanic of the weapon is simple. The bottom of the cone is attached with a super-magnet that can hold the weight of the mine so that it sticks onto metal structure. If the target is a concrete wall, then the user will have to manually add glue to the funnel like structure so that it stays on the intended location for at least a few seconds. The three sticks protruding out acts as fuses, when pushed inwards due to impact, the mine’s gunpowder will be triggered, and will explode. It is used like a spear, with the user has to grip it tightly, each hand placed on the 1/3 and 2/3 position of the pole respectively, although when attacking it can be changed depending on the references of the user. When attacking, the user will have to ram it into the target in a 90-degree angle for maximum potential of exploding. And after plunging it into the target, the user has around 3 seconds to remove the pole from the mine, which is done by rotating it a bit and pulling it out, and run to a safe location. The extracted pole can then be attached to another mine so that he can continue attacking. The user can choose not to use the pole and instead hold the mine directly, however, this is highly unrecommended. When triggered, the mine will take 3 seconds to explode. The heat and pressure of the explosion will be extreme, due to the large amount of explosion being squeezed into the small shell being let out at once, and the mine can penetrate to about 160mm of armor, which is a good number at the time. The movements of the user will have to be decisive, and he has to make sure that he has a clear path and good cover to both attack and retreat. In general, the one using this mine has to be brave, quick-willed, because one mistake can lead to deadly consequences. The user can die from the intense pressure being placed on him or the heat of the bomb. Even if he manages to run, he may still suffer wounds, so a cover is highly recommended. Another important thing to be noticed is that to use the mine, the user will have to get very close to the target. As a result, he will need heavy fire support, and he will have to pick his timing carefully, otherwise he would be gunned down when he either attack or retreat The mine, improved from the Japanese equivalent to make it survivable, is considered very effective against almost every walls, normal vehicles, light and medium tanks, armored car, some poorly armored heavy tanks, and most walking tanks due to the mine being triggered at point-blank range, but is prone to suffer from the heavy armor of most heavy tanks, super-heavy tanks and heavily armored walking tanks. Basically, an armor beyond the penetrative capability of 160mm will negate the effect of the mine. When faced against tanks, the user will have to choose the area with least armor, notably the rear or side if possible. In general, it can be very effective, but extremely risky, and is highly dependent on the skill and bravery of the user. Because of it, not many Soviet officers and generals held it in high regards, despite its performance. Background: A natural born Vietnamese, Thanh was born in Hanoi in a normal traditional family under the Imperial French occupation. Because his family’s bloodline wasn’t a noble one, he received little education, only going to rural schools. His father, at the time was in the resistance party against French occupation in Vietnam, however, was the role model of inspiration for Thanh, who inspired him to become brave and fearless in the face of danger. He had a normal childhood, like many other kid, and was taught Russian very early during school. That was when the Imperial Japanese invaded the French colonies in Asia. From the very start they tried to offer peaceful resolution to the French, but things soon became violent as the Japanese launched a major attack against the French’s three major foothold in Saigon, Hanoi and Hue. Realizing the imminent threat of a Japanese rule over Indochina, the French and Vietnamese government, along with two Indochina countries, Laos and Cambodia, decided to form a temporary alliance to keep the Japanese at bay. But as the numerically superior Japanese army approached near the capital, Vietnam’s Ministry of Defense at the time, decided to launch a full-scale war against the invading Japanese. Soon, the citizens began to build trenches, walls, and blockades in hopes to hold out as long as possible against the invaders Thanh’s house were among the first to get bombarded by Japanese artilleries and planes. His mother was killed on sight, while his father was busy fighting in the streets. Thanh was, who was only twelve at the time, decided to take revenge for his mother, and began to tag along the Vietnamese soldiers in the trenches, regardless of the gunfire that flew near him. Because of his young age, initially, the soldiers did not allow him to take part, but his stubborn attitude eventually convinced them, but he only took part as a messenger and ammunition carrier. For 60 days, Thanh miraculously managed to survive the battle, only sustaining minor wounds, and fled the battlefield along with thousands of French and Vietnamese troops. The Japanese occupation of Vietnam did not last long, thanks to the traditional scorched earth policy imposed by the Vietnamese governments that many times defeated the Mongolians and Chinese. Normal life ensured, but it was never the same. Seeing how the Russian influence among the society increased, Thanh was also influenced in some ways. And then the faithful operation occured. The day that many thousand soldiers of youthful Vietnamese men being sent to their deaths in a foreign, no man’s land. Thanh was thankfully spared due to his young age, but his father wasn’t so lucky. He was included in the long casualty list. Now left with no surviving family members of his own, Thanh soon noticed a chance to be migrated to Russia to join the Red Army in resistance against the rising German threat. Due to the lack of manpower, the Soviets were getting desperate, trying to recruit everybody they can, from every allied country. Thanh took the chance without any hesitation. Thanks to his pre-emptive education in Russian, he didn’t have many difficulties fitting in. He was highly regarded as brave, and several times charged German tanks under heavy fire with only a handful of grenades and molotovs, suffering some terrible wounds in some battles. On one cold, misty morning of February in 1946, he received orders to be transferred to defend Kursk from the unstoppable German mechanized forces. There, the tale of a reckless yet brave Asian who again and again charged the German tanks had, for some times, inspired the men there to continue fighting, and although his attack wasn't really effective, the rumors were big enough to the point that one German tank battalion commander to order the tanks to go in reverse once they heard battle cries and waves of infantry charge into their position. He was finally put down after attacking a German Tiger II, which was somewhat reowned among the Russian military for a while after that. The attack was pretty disastrous, as not only was he not able to destroy the tank, but he also got shot in the right leg by another tank's machine gun. He survived and was transported away from the battlefield, but the shot had put him out of action for an entire year, leaving behind a not so pretty projectile inside his bloody thigh, and a scar that he would have to carry with for the rest of his life. In March 1947, after a year lull in the fighting to treat the wounded leg suffered from the previous charge, Thanh was called back into service once his leg had healed. This time, he was placed in Stalingrad, possibly one of the largest graveyards in the world. The battle had raged on for nearly five years in that one city, and the citizens had either fled or all died. There, where soldiers were throwing everything they had against each other even for just a small inch of land, Thanh demonstrated his bravery and recklessness yet again, by rushing for the German trenches with nothing but his bare hands. At the time, weapons were scarce for the soldiers of Stalingrad, so some might not be distributed anything, and would have to rely on picking up dead soldier's weapons. The result was also disastrous, yet quite hilarious. After picking up a dead Russian's weapons, he was instantly shot in the arm, resulting in him falling to the ground due to sudden shock and pain, discarding the picked up weapon. Those behind him, thought he was dead, picked up the dropped weapon and moved on. Some who weren't paying attention even stomped onto his back. Still, it was still a minor wound, and Thanh continued to serve at Stalingrad until December, when he was transferred to Moscow to aid in war effort against the imminent German invasion. At the time, the Russian government officials were searching for someone to work with their equipments, a high explosive anti armor and structure mine that unfortunately has a very short trigger delay. Because of the short delay, there are chances that the user will sustain heavy wounds or even death if it is not operated correctly, so those in the reserve groups were hesitant to receive such a weapon. Before the Russian military had to force the weapon into one of the unfortunate, a Vietnamese instructor in the field, Sih Bao, introduced a young man who had had records and commendations for bravery. That man was Thanh, and the Russians decided to draft him in Squad 914, a mysterious experimental squadron formed by the Russian military Experience: Messenger and ammo refiller: December 1940 - January 1942 Basic military training: A few months Defense of Kursk: February-June 1946 Battle of Stalingrad: March-December 1947 Family: Vu Pham (Father) - Deceased Quynh Nguyen (Mother) - Deceased Theme song
Naomi Robinson Emplacement actuel: Squad 914 Camp Se tenant debout avec une posture redressée et des bras placés derrière elle, Naomi écouta en silence le discours du commandant. Il avait été clair que Vychenko tentait d'adoucir la conversation pour instiller le patriotisme au sein de ceux qui se trouvaient devant lui, mais Naomi--malgré son dégoût pour de tels mots--refusé de bouger ou de détourner son regard de peur qu'elle ne se compromette elle-même ou quelque ordre que ce soit ses supérieurs au Royaume-Uni et maintenant l'Union soviétique ait donné Naomi. Quoi qu'il en soit, cela n'avait pas empêché Naomi de se froisser le nez dans le dégoût en entendant qu'il devait y avoir des Allemands--Krauts comme elle les appelait--dans leurs rangs. Rien de plus que des menteurs, des violeurs, des voleurs, et surtout, des meurtriers de sang-froid, Naomi pensait, se serrer les mains derrière le dos en poings comme les souvenirs passés ont refait surface, rappelant à l'agent les terribles événements qu'elle et le peuple de l'Empire britannique ont été forcés d'expérimenter aux mains des Allemands. Alors qu'il a terminé son discours, leur commandant a détourné leur regard vers la droite avec un mouvement de son bras. Une rangée d'officiers en uniforme se tenait dans l'ordre, chacun tenant ce qui devait être leur affectation. Aucun des officiers n'était accueillant, mais le regard troublant qui avait rencontré Naomi alors qu'elle s'approchait pour recevoir ses documents avait montré qu'ils avaient également survécu au procès par le feu, mais aussi qu'il existait une lueur d'espoir pour ceux qui ont été choisis pour être à l'écart de l'escouade nouvellement formée. Leur apparence brutale et impitoyable a rappelé à Naomi son père, et elle a commencé à se demander si--par hasard--il était toujours là, vivant et en train de frapper. Le Troisième Reich avait rapidement dépassé les forces qui avaient contre leurs soldats en France, et son père avait disparu depuis l'expédition désastreuse. Malheureusement, c'était une possibilité avec peu de chance d'exister, et tout ce qui restait à Naomi était d'espérer que son père était vivant pour voir ce qu'un fier soldat sa fille était devenu. En s'éloignant des officiers, Naomi a rapidement jeté un coup d'œil sur les documents qu'on lui a remis dans une zone isolée de la pièce. En aucun cas Naomi n'était un loup solitaire, mais elle avait voulu rassembler des renseignements (comme l'était l'une de ses fonctions) sur ses camarades sans que quelqu'un la distrait du reste. Deux Krauts, un certain nombre de Soviets, et un Vietnamien... Naomi réfléchissait à ceux qui se conversaient à l'intérieur de la salle de réunion. Alors que son regard rencontrait les deux Allemands conversant, Naomi sentit un sourire sur son visage alors qu'elle remarquait la tenue de l'homme bruissant. Porté de terre, son uniforme pénal a laissé croire à Naomi que les Soviétiques faisaient quelque chose de bien. La machine de guerre allemande avait infligé tant de douleurs et de souffrances ainsi que des effusions de sang et la mort à des familles innocentes, et Naomi a tenu ferme avec sa détermination à ce que les Allemands soient forcés de payer pour leurs péchés et leurs crimes.
Name: Naomi Robinson Age: 20 Years Old Gender: Female DOB: June 17th, 1927 Hometown: York, United Kingdom Theme Appearance Standing at a modest one hundred and sixty centimeters and weighing a total of fifty-four kilograms, Naomi Robinson is a fit female with fair skin, although caked dirt and grime conceals most of her youthful appearance. Her blonde hair is cut short right before the shoulders, while Naomi's irises are a gentle blue reminiscent of the waters of the English Channel. With a white undershirt, Naomi wears a traditional British garb consisting of black combat boots, camouflaged fatigues and a red beret, although it is clear that each piece has seen better days. Layered over her person by strap or belt loop, various satchels and pouches are used to store field supplies, along with any ammunition Naomi has scavenged from fallen German soldiers while on the Eastern Front. Personality A tried and true patriot, Naomi takes great pride in the British crown and holds the United Kingdom in high regard. As such, Naomi detests Germans after what happened to her family and her country's people, and while she has no problems with working with German defectors or resistance, the bombing of the United Kingdom is still fresh in her mind and results in a heavy heart full of hatred. Years worth of skirmishing in Eastern Europe has emotionally drained Naomi, and she dislikes those who are "talking bollocks" (i.e. nonsense) or beating around the bush, and would rather get straight to the point instead of trying to sweeten up a conversation. Except in the case of Germans, Naomi is a friendly soul to her comrades, but she is likely not to grow attached to any of them. Naomi has learned that with war comes a wave of death, and after a potential love interest died in her arms, she is hesitant to form any lasting relationships outside the context of fighting. This hesitance often makes Naomi appear distant from her comrades, although she knows this is for the best lest she take up the bottle as comfort after having another person she cares for die in her front of her eyes. In the end, Naomi does whatever she can to keep her sanity, especially with the chance that she might never see those in 914 again through the course of the war until it is won. Relationships N/A; Will be updated as RP progresses. Classification Soldier Class: Specialist While Naomi has more or less intergrated into the Soviet military, her equipment remains predominantly British. However, while she favors the use of British weaponry, Naomi has no qualms with Soviet weaponry and its usage on the battlefield. Primary Weapon: Sten MK IIS, chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum (9mm Luger) Secondary Weapon: Welrod Pistol, chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum (9mm Luger) Melee Weapon: Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife AoE Weapon: 3x Molotov Cocktails Experimental Gear During the design of the SHG-48, Soviet Inventor Atyre Ushaeke was inspired mid-testing by the compression of gas assisted support equipment as seen in the handgun given to Aleyev. Whilst in a training incident, the prototype compression canisters exploded, launching one of his assistants across the hall with not too many serious injuries. The design for the SHG-48 was mostly based upon Spanish materials, but the inspiration he was given allowed him to design something completely from scratch and from within his own and incredible mind. Here, the SDJM-48 came into the picture. The Short-Distance Jump Mechanism, commonly referred to as the SDJM-48, the 'Jump-Pack' or the 'Thrust-Suit', was designed to launch the user under controlled conditions over a short distance, being a few meters. This was the ideal invention Atyre had in mind for combating fast-paced movement across rooftops in urbanized areas for marksmen. However, during its design and testing, he realized that the suit itself served great use of dashing between streets, cover and battlefields for short distances, as well as launching the user into the air by a few meters to assist in climbing and scaling unreachable edges. This allowed Atyre to think of better uses. And so, through even more testing, ones that nearly didn't meet the deadline of the activation of Squad-914, he tested it on CQC courses and found them to be just as, if not more, effective when ran by a infantryman as a Marksman would use it. The SDJM-48 uses larger compression tanks built into the backpack slots. The backpack contains two ports for the canisters to sit within, much like how a double-barreled shotgun holds its cartridges, and feeds its compression tanks into mainly the back, leg or arm ejection systems. The backpack itself is not big at all, and is more part of the suit, but is detachable at most. The rest of the invention is mostly dependent on the user itself. An exo-skeletal frame is fitted specifically for the user's body, to prevent the enemy using it against them if captured, which hold nozzles to eject the huge bursts of pressure and force to propel them slightly. In addition to this, emergency, and far smaller, canisters can be fitted into a compartment on each arm and leg, acting as a single thruster on each limb. Whilst this seems an advantage, these have to be triggered directly via pressing a trigger button on each limb. These problems are yet to be fixed, but it is still a prototype feature to the prototype equipment. As for the main source of compressed force, but hitting a button on the hip, the user can initiate the upward thrust if pressed on the right side. If the left side is pressed, the force is directed behind the user, helping them move forward towards things like cover and other rooms quicker, most effective when sliding. These are triggered by pistol-triggers retrofitted to the gear to remove any, or the vast majority, of accidental activation. A small timed delay allows the user to brace their body and get into position to move. Background Born to a British officer and a seamstress, Naomi was allotted a bountiful life in the streets of York alongside her two older brothers. While her mother wished Naomi to take over the family's business as a seamstress, she had dreams of being on the stage, regaling the patriotic tales of her father and other servicemen that had served in the Great War. Her siblings would often pick on Naomi for showing such a patriotic attitude, given that the United Kingdom had just fought through a devastating and bloody war, but also because she was a woman, and that it was a man's duty to be there for their country. However, each time her brothers would bully Naomi, her father would take her side, scolding both of his boys as he took pride in Naomi's backbone and loyal support for the country he had bled for. By the late 1930s, appeasement had begun to fail and by 1939, the United Kingdom, allied with France, was now at a state of war. Her brothers were soon drafted and her father returned to service, leaving only a twelve year old Naomi and her mother in York. Horror ensued from what letters her mother and the people of York were receiving from the front lines, but Naomi attempted to keep the public in support of the war by using her gifted voice and patriotic spirit, but it was an uphill battle. France soon fell, and the Battle of Britain had soon began with what was left of the expeditionary forces against the Nazi hordes as the skies were blotted with various bombers and fighters such as the Heinkel HE 111 and the Spitfire Mk I dishing out hatred and anger in numerous aerial dogfights and bombing raids. For Britain, this was a dark time, but for the Robinsons, it was to be even darker. With Naomi's father still missing and Lucas--the middle brother--confirmed KIA after the disastrous mainland expedition, the war continued to take more souls from the Robinson family. Callum, the oldest brother, was shot down by the Germans over the London skies, and a mere week later her mother was killed in the family business by a bomb while Naomi was away at a sleepover. Now left alone in the world and with an infuriated passion to hold the Germans responsible, Naomi was forced to wander the streets of York as a newly minted orphan. However, the Special Operations Executive had heard of a young girl with a fiery spirit in York, and quickly set out to bring Naomi into their fold. While Naomi was still young and under the age for active service, the SOE ignored the rules in Naomi's favor and for confidential reasons to implement her as one of their operatives. Given weapons training and taught survival skills, Naomi soon learned that she had a knack for easily picking up foreign languages, and could learn them with hardly any effort. This ability and her age soon landed her place in Operation Lovejoy, using her youth to fool the Germans and to act as a universal translator for the agents as they delivered top secret documents and blueprints to the Soviets. While this mission was considered a success, unfortunately a British prisoner of war was executed along the way. Nevertheless, the agents continued to progress with their orders, and left for what was once Poland to aid the resistance that was fighting German regulars that had occupied their homeland since the start of the war. Linking up with the Armia Krajowa, or in other terms, the Polish Home Army, the agents attempted to contact the United Kingdom to confirm the mission's success, but no answer had came. Multiple attempts were tried, but neither the agents or resistance fighters could radio in, each of them unknowingly aware that the United Kingdom had capitulated under a massive invasion by Axis forces. Believing that the Germans were blocking communications, the agents decided to follow orders as planned, and began to sortie against German installations and troops, where Naomi was given her first taste of battle as a soldier. While Naomi followed the training she was given back in England, she was soon known to be more ruthless against the Germans--even if they surrendered--in a nature akin to the various Polish resistance movements, as anger swelled in her veins against the soldiers that had killed her family. Not long after rallying with the Armia Krajowa, Naomi would begin to take an interest in a young resistance fighter by the name of Mieszko Michalek, who was only a few winters older than her. Despite the depressing state of the world, Mieszko--affectionately named Mie by Naomi--would always bring laughter to her, and some of the older veterans would joke that the two were lovebirds. While neither of them had refused to admit that they were in love, the two would spend the time allowed to relax together by the fire or any other place suitable to be alone with one another, leading to plenty of rumors circulating around them. However, in war, anything can change, and began to do so by 1944, not long after the Germans introduced the first walking tank. The development of the walking tank was something incredible, but it was also devastating. The machine brought hell onto the resistance fighters and the agents, pushing them further back towards the Soviet border. It was one of these instances when Mieszko would bleed to death in Naomi's arms, shattering her perception of reality as she held his bloody corpse. Taking his broken watch, Naomi was forced to flee the battlefield with those that remained, and hid within the shattered villages and towns of old Poland. The agents attempted to continue their mission, but sorties and sabotage soon became unheard of as the Germans began to whittle away who remained, until Naomi was left alone once more in the world--this time without comrades. Thankfully, a stroke of luck had finally appeared for Naomi, who was certain her death was coming soon. A squad of VDV soldiers had landed nearby, and were clearing out a small village guarded by the Germans. Clearing house to house, the Soviets met Naomi in a dramatic stand off as the door was kicked in and guns were pointed. After a few words in broken English, and then Russian, the parties that realized that they were allied soldiers to one another, and Naomi began to help the Soviets finish the cleanup in the village. Their leader was appreciative of her help, and offered Naomi a ride back to their base. Seeing as it would be the best option, Naomi accepted and soon joined up with the Soviet forces, eventually leading to her placement in Squad 914. Experience Basic Training: 3 Months - Pre 1942 Operation Lovejoy: Success - 1942 Aid to the Polish Resistance: 1942 - 1947 Family Father: Henry Robinson - Status: Unknown Mother: Emilia Robinson - Status: Deceased Brother: Callum Robinson - Status: Deceased Brother: Lucas Robinson - Status: Deceased Love Interest: Mieszko Michalek - Status: Deceased
Victor a continué à faire ce qu'il faisait normalement dans un endroit bondé rester loin de la foule et de regarder, il n'a jamais été le meilleur quand il est venu à tenir une conversation décente avec les autres. Pourtant, même dans cette pièce pleine d'étrangers, il se sent détendu, comme s'il était en bonne compagnie. Les autres dans la pièce semblaient assez bien se mêler, par ce qu'il pouvait voir il y avait surtout des Russes dans ce groupe. Quelque chose à attendre, ce qui n'est pas attendu, c'est les étrangers. Il ne pouvait distinguer qu'un homme vietnamien aux cheveux foncés parmi eux, ainsi qu'une femme blonde qui ressemblait à elle pouvait être britannique, et quelques Allemands. Étonnamment, une jeune fille en tenue militaire et l'autre homme plus âgé avaient l'air de porter un uniforme de prisonnier. Victor n'avait pas de véritable hésitation à travailler avec les gens avec qui ils étaient en guerre depuis un certain temps, juste être heureux qu'ils soient là pour aider. Il savait qu'ils ne seraient pas autorisés ici de toute façon si ce n'était pas vrai. C'est bizarre? Bien sûr, mais ce groupe était définitivement une chose et c'était ragtag. Ce n'était pas seulement la nationalité mixte, c'était aussi des niveaux mixtes d'expérience et de spécialités. C'est peut-être exactement ce dont notre pays a besoin pour le moment, pour montrer que nous pouvons nous unir contre nos ennemis. Même si c'était le cas, ça montrerait du désespoir. Pourtant pour lui il a dit quelque chose d'autre, quelque chose qu'il a gardé pour lui depuis qu'il l'a entendu de son père. Bien que son père occupe une position plutôt élevée au sein du gouvernement, il entend parfois des choses, même s'il n'est pas censé le savoir. Pourquoi son père lui dit ces choses est au-delà de lui, peut-être comme un moyen de permettre au garçon de faire bien ou de le vaincre et de le garder loin du combat. Avant qu'il n'ait 17 ans et qu'il remplissait déjà la paperasse pour rejoindre l'armée, son père lui a dit quelque chose qu'il a insisté pour rester secret entre eux. Ce secret était simple, nous perdons la guerre. Une simple déclaration qui pourrait expliquer la nécessité d'une tactique désespérée, une déclaration dont personne ne parle. Soit ils savent et ne se soucient pas ou veulent l'admettre, soit comme lui ont une vision plutôt naïve du monde qui l'entoure et se contentent de céder à la propagande. Pourtant, il pensait qu'être seul ici n'allait pas accomplir quoi que ce soit contre sa nature tranquille, il a décidé de regarder autour de qui parler aussi. Il n'a pas eu l'impression d'interrompre certains petits groupes qui s'étaient formés ensemble. Les Allemands semblaient converser les uns avec les autres et un petit groupe, l'homme vietnamien bavardait avec un autre vétéran, quelques autres semblaient être très intéressés par les nouveaux camions de transport, et la dame blonde semblait faire la même chose qu'il regardait tout le monde d'une région isolée. La fille était petite, courte, avec des yeux bleus qui montraient de la force et de la ruse. Un sentiment peut-être, mais elle semble dangereuse en elle-même, il pouvait le sentir quand il a commencé à marcher vers elle. Garder son dossier coincé sous son bras droit, il s'est trouvé de plus en plus anxieux. Ce n'est pas qu'il était incapable ou effrayé de parler aux gens, il était juste un peu bizarre et embarrassant à ce sujet. Il garda son rythme lent et régulier en regardant de temps en temps jusqu'à ce qu'il s'arrête à quelques pieds d'elle. Il a gardé son dossier fermé et reposé à ses côtés et a parlé avec un sourire maladroit, un groupe plutôt étrange que nous avons obtenu ici ne pensez-vous pas? Il s'est arrêté un moment avant de regarder la blonde poilue fille, et puis là vous, un soldat britannique ou américain, il s'est arrêté un moment comme s'il s'était rendu compte qu'il avait sauté quelque chose, et mon nom est le vainqueur Asimov... Je pense que j'aurais dû commencer par ça, il semblait soudainement perdre confiance en lui-même, même pour une simple erreur.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Victor Asimov Age 17 years, 4 months Gender Male Birth-date / Location November 20th, Oslo Norway, 1931 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance Strong and tall are two such things one would say about the half Russian half Norwegian boy at first glance, then they would notice the blond hair, beard, and blue eyes. The boy stands at just over 6'3” and weighs 245 lbs. he is no stranger to hard work and his body shows it. muscular, fit with many signs of scars and abuse taken from the elements and others. His hair is shaved at the sides and a bit longer than what it's supposed to be on top, always pushed back towards his shoulders. He will normally be seen wearing the simple standard issue green working uniform with polished black combat boots, he's never really cared about being fancy and tends to keep his uniform neat enough to not get called out on it. Personality With being young, strong, and fast most would not be wrong to assume his attitude would be reckless and overconfident. However, Victor tends to be more withdrawn and careful especially when speaking to others. He tends to have an awful habit of being too blunt or not tactful enough in most situations. In turn this tends to make others think he is rude or shy. His body language normally portrays kindness and a willingness to protect others but in the heat of battle his eyes betray the cold killer that lies under the surface, one may even be able to see him smile. Relationships Will Be updated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classification Support Equipment Standard DP-28 LMG Standard TT-32 Sidearm Ulfberht sword (Family heirloom) 3x fragmentation grenades Experimental Gear The Hydraulic Assisted Armored Platform or HAAP Suit.( Light Armor / Heavy Armor just replace Nazi emblems with Soviet ones) Is the USSR's most recent attempt to combine the technology of the USSR and the German war machines, the USSR's scientists have merged the strength and toughness of a walking tank with the agility and finesse of an infantry soldier. The system works as an exoskeleton covered in semi rounded armor plating and powered by 2 experimental Tesla batteries. These batteries work to power the hydraulic pumps that assist the wearer in movement and strength while wearing the heavy armor. The full helmet and face mask does have the option of using gas filters and a mounted flashlight. The Tesla batteries can last up to 4 hours on a full charge. Electrical input is the fastest way to recharge the batteries, however if this is not applicable in the given situation small electric generators are housed in the legs and arms of the suit. These generators allow the batteries to be charged by movement and can be switched on and off with a few levers. The drawback to this is it makes the suit slower and harder to move for the user. For this and other reasons it is recommended that the user be strong and given the ability to properly train and grow stronger before extended use. The user also has the option to run one battery at a time doubling the duration but additionally hampering movement during this time. Caution is to be used while operating this suit as the batteries when damaged can discharge into the user and surrounding soldiers. This often results in the users death and can lead to electrical failure in nearby vehicles. It is also noted that operating the suit in hot temperatures may result in the user succumbing to dehydration if not mindful of the situation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background Victor was born November 20th 1931 in Oslo Norway, to an old Russian military man and veteran of the great war and a young beautiful Norwegian women who was an aspiring actress. Both were deeply in love and planned to live together in Norway with his fathers two children from another women and their new born son. But alas tragedy struck in the form of an infection that, even through many treatments would ultimately claim his mothers life a few months later. This would be something Victors father would blame him for, for the next 10 years. After this his father became depressed and turned to the bottle to help. Erasing his plans of living in Norway the man took his three children back to Russia and the USSR. There they would continue their lives in the family home they hopped would only be used for vacations. While his father took to long days at work in the propaganda department of the USSR and long nights out at the bars and out of the house his aunt and a few other family members helped to care for the children, his sister Sara who was 6 and his brother Ivan who was 8. For the next ten years his father would deal with his anger and unresolved issues by continually beating all of his kids. Victor learned early on how to stay out of the mans way and out of sight. For a time before his older brother left he would hide and let his brother take most of the beating. By the time he turned 8 and his brother was out of the house most days either working in the factories or doing training with the army to prepare for boot camp. This left 8 year old Victor and his rather frail 14 year old sister to his fathers wrath. It was at this time Victor started to stand up to his father, provoking him so he would come after him and not his sister. His sister by this time was very familiar with how to properly treat wounds and as such got plenty of training for the hospital while at home. When Victor turned ten he began to grow taller, stronger, and a bit more aggressive to the point where he was actively fighting back against his father. Still, to this day he is unsure of what prompted himself to do it but near his 11th birthday, after receiving a beating the night before, he ambushed his father with a wooden club. Beating the man to near death with the full intent of killing the man right then and there. Yet he stopped, the cruel father he had who showed very little emotion other than rage was crying. It took him a year for his father to finally come to terms with himself and get over his alcohol addiction. Victor wouldn't be able to trust the man for a few more years to come, it was strange that after 12 years he finally had someone who he could call father. Being the only child left in the household with his sister off to nursing school and his brother off somewhere in the soviet air force left just him and his father. He slowly began to trust the man as they began to go hunting, his father teaching him how to shoot, track, clean a kill, and survive. After a few years Roman began teaching him how to wield a sword and about the old Norse gods, a tradition passed from father to son on his mothers side. He knew that being openly religious would not be acceptable if he went on to be a soldier, so he practices in private and try's to keep it a secret. Victors mothers parents never had a son so they passed on the knowledge to Roman who was planning on teaching it to both his sons before Anita died. This was normal for him up until his 17th birthday, before this he would work with the local farms or construction crews around the city, growing stronger by the day. Then on his 17th birthday he signed up with the Soviet army, maybe while he was there he could help or protect others. His father wished him the best of luck and gave him their family sword to use in combat, Victor always just figured his father pulled some strings or called in a few favors to allow him to keep it. Boot camp was interesting, the physical part wasn't anything he wasn't used too. He was able to pick up on the structure and daily routine of the military fairly well. After a little while he was even able to bond with a few of the other recruits and was looking forward to going to Moscow with them. That was until the letter, when they were being told where they were going he was pulled aside by an officer and given his orders. He was being assigned to a top secret project, something called Squad 914. Experience Basic training - 3 months survival and hunting skills - 5 years Family Mother - Anita Asimov (Maiden name - Larsen) - Deceased Father - Roman Asimov - Holds a high position within the soviet propaganda department Half Brother - Ivan Asimov - Soviet Bomber Pilot Half Sister - Sara Asimov - Hospital nurse in Kirov Theme Song Sabaton-Primo Victoria
<--------------------> Il était heureux qu'au moins il ait eu la décence de ne pas demander tout de suite comment était Leningrad. Thanh était un gars génial, de la petite conversation qu'ils avaient c'était une compréhension claire l'un de l'autre. Il n'y aurait aucun doute que quelqu'un d'autre lui poserait des questions ou Thanh sur leurs expériences dans les différentes villes et leurs sièges. C'était sympa d'avoir quelqu'un à qui il pouvait s'adresser dans cette nouvelle brigade. Aleyev ne s'est jamais identifié comme un vétéran de la guerre, juste quelqu'un avec suffisamment d'expérience pour l'aider à traverser. Mais encore une fois, peu importe combien d'expérience vous avez, un mauvais mouvement pourrait conduire à une balle dans la tête. Ce sont les paroles de Yuri lui-même, leur commandant pour le moment de leur activation. Quand l'homme vietnamien lui a montré les photos de son propre équipement expérimental qui lui a été donné. De toute évidence, Thanh et Aleyev étaient tous deux déjà informés de l'équipement que chaque soldat allait recevoir, mais les autres auraient pu être aussi aveugles que des chauves-souris à ce stade. Il a pris la photo de ses doigts poussiéreux et l'a analysée de près. C'était une pyramide, presque, avec un long poteau à côté. Il est fort probable qu'il s'agisse d'une fixation ou d'un mécanisme supplémentaire. Sur les mots étaient des mots clés simples, mais celui qui a le plus attiré son attention était 'Mine'. L'idée de cela semblait radicale dans son esprit, mais Aleyev avait une bonne idée de comment il serait utilisé, en particulier par quelqu'un comme Thanh. Il sourit, chuckled et patte le dos de son nouvel ami vietnamien. "Monsieur, vous avez un sacré boulot à faire, avec cet équipement." Il a riposté une fois de plus, tirant une photo de lui-même. "Ceci, cependant, est le mien. Le génie russe appelé Atyre l'a inventé. Ils l'appellent le pistolet de soutien, 48e édition. Pas vraiment sûr de ce qu'il fait, mais, eh bien, c'est à ça que sert cette courte induction d'entraînement, n'est-ce pas? » Alors qu'il terminait sa peine, Aleyev se dirigea vers l'officier désigné qui tenait ses papiers, il regarda vers lui, tenant le dossier et le dossier jusqu'à ce qu'il puisse décrire les paragraphes en cours au sujet de l'hébergement du dortoir. Avant qu'il ait eu le temps de le scanner, une autre voix s'est levée de son épaule. Cette fois, c'était un Russe en uniforme, comme le sien, avec un visage comme une brique solide. Alors qu'Aleyev tournait son corps pour lui faire face, on lui a remis une petite lettre. "Yanovich... Annonce ça pour moi, puis va dans tes quartiers de couchage désignés. Assurez-vous que tout le monde va à la leur, cette lettre indique qui est dans quelle pièce les uns avec les autres." Le sergent lui a dit de le faire hoche la tête, avant de s'arrêter et de s'en aller, sans donner à Aleyev le temps nécessaire pour répondre ou comprendre ses ordres. Il a regardé vers le bas la lettre presque remise, l'ouvrant de sa dissimulation. Ce qu'il a vu était simple. Une liste de personnes, toutes assignées à quelles chambres avec qui. Au début, il semblait étrange, vous aviez les genres entre les uns les autres, mais aussi les nationalités scindées et fusionnées dans les chambres les unes des autres. Certaines personnes en avaient trois dans une pièce, d'autres n'étaient que des paires. La disposition était bizarre, mais il semblait montrer quelques signes de diversité, peut-être sortir les soldats de leur zone de confort. Finalement, Aleyev éleva la voix en agitant la lettre en l'air. Il attendait que la salle se taise alors qu'il préparait son discours improvisé. Ce n'était pas important, c'était la simple tâche d'assigner des salles sans que les officiers aient à gaspiller leur voix sur une telle simple tâche. -- Excusez-moi, puis-je avoir votre attention bientôt? La pièce a fini par s'effondrer considérablement dans le bruit qu'elle baignait. "Ici, j'ai une lettre qui vous assignera à vos chambres. S'il vous plaît... essayez de ne pas vous plaindre, je ne suis pas celui qui prend ces décisions. Oh et aussi, je m'excuse si je prononce votre nom incorrectement." Quand il s'est assuré que tout le monde écoutait, il s'est cogné. Il a ajusté l'écharpe qu'il avait récupérée d'un cadavre allemand de retour à Leningrad, un qu'il a pris avec lui depuis comme un charme de chance pendant l'hiver. Il regarda en arrière les soldats et les réservistes choisis pour leur tâche ultime pour l'Union soviétique, et peut-être aussi le monde. "Ces noms doivent être assignés à l'hébergement Bloc C. À l'intérieur, il y a différentes chambres, certaines pour deux ou trois personnes... ou quelque chose comme ça. Bref. Pour la chambre 2, nous avons... Thanh Pham et Zoyka Stepanovna. Dans la salle 3, il y a Helga Branwulf et Milena Kuznetsov. La salle 4 accueille Victor Asimnov et Gerhard von zur Burg. Et enfin, dans la salle 5...Aleyev Yanovich, Vera Volkov et Naomi Robinson... je pense avoir prononcé ces mots en bonne et due forme. Commencez à vous diriger vers vos dortoirs. L'éclairage s'éteint dans 2 heures. La nourriture attend dans vos chambres. C'est tout?" Aleyev plie la note et la place dans sa poche, attrape son bergen et commence tôt vers sa chambre. Les dortoirs eux-mêmes n'étaient pas loin, et ceux dont les noms n'étaient pas appelés allaient probablement être laissés à quelqu'un d'autre pour appeler. Au cours de son voyage, il a vu beaucoup d'officiers et d'état-major se promener, mais très peu d'entre eux étaient des soldats comme ceux qui se trouvaient dans le dépôt de véhicules. Certains portaient des manteaux de tranchées blanches et de longs gilets, comme s'ils étaient quelques-uns des hommes et des femmes trop intelligents pour combattre la guerre... Finalement, il a atteint l'endroit qu'il voulait, marchant dans la chambre. La vue de la pièce l'a surpris, tout à fait, instantanément. Il était grand, plus grand que le couloir pas si large qui relie les chambres ensemble. Il y avait beaucoup de chambre, une salle de bains séparée et trois lits séparés pour les trois résidents des chambres. Il y avait plusieurs conteneurs et zones de stockage pour accrocher l'uniforme. C'était presque un luxe par rapport à ce qu'il vivait à Kursk et à Leningrad. Surtout à Leningrad. Sur son lit était posé un plateau en bois, avec un bol de ce qui ressemblait à un type de soupe. Alors qu'il gâchait le luxe, il était compréhensible avec les difficultés des rations et de la nourriture qui étaient livrées autour du colossal béhémoth qui était la Russie. Devant les autres, il s'assit sur son lit, enlevant ses deux bottes et s'élançant à travers la literie un peu confortable, plateau sur les genoux. Aleyev entra, avant que les autres n'arrivèrent, et attendit leur arrivée.
Aleyev Yanovich - Thanh Pham - Helga Branwulf - Vera Volkov - Zoyka Stepanovna - Milena Kuznetsov - Victor Asimnov - Naomi Robinson -
Naomi Robinson Emplacement actuel: Squad 914 Camp Bientôt, un homme s'était approché de Naomi de sa propre volonté, s'arrêtant à quelques pieds de l'agent. Ce n'était pas difficile de manquer Victor comme il était un géant de l'homme, mais l'anxiété et la maladresse qu'il produisait n'ont servi qu'à le faire rester encore plus à l'extérieur de la foule. La nervosité avait rendu Naomi curieux dans ce qu'il avait à craindre, mais le Brit gardait le silence pour entendre ce que Victor avait voulu dire. "Robinson--Naomi Robinson. Je ne suis pas une Américaine, je suis une femme de York. Un Brit éprouvé et vrai." Naomi a expliqué, son accent apaisant britannique donnant peut-être une certaine paix aux préoccupations de Victor. À ce moment-là, Yanovich - leur conseiller, il semblait - avait appelé à leur attention pour annoncer leurs arrangements de logement. Naomi avait été jumelé avec deux Russes, mais Victor a été jumelé avec un Allemand pour son arrangement. L'agent était content qu'elle n'ait pas été forcée de passer ses jours dans la même cabine qu'un Kraut, mais Naomi ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de ressentir un moment de chagrin pour Victor. "On dirait qu'on va se séparer pour l'instant, Victor. Si le Kraut commence à vous causer des ennuis, comme ils le font toujours, cherchez-moi. Je vais rassasier le garçon." Naomi a expliqué, montrant des signes de sa relation déjà volatile avec les Allemands. Cependant, avant son départ, Naomi tendit la main à Victor dans le cadre de ses adieux, bien qu'il fût clair qu'il y avait eu un moment d'hésitation avant la tentative de poignée de main. Suivant les instructions données à leur caserne, Naomi a rapidement trouvé la chambre dans laquelle ils devaient rester. Spacieux, avec des lits pour chacun des trois qui dormaient dans leurs quartiers, ainsi qu'une salle de bains séparée. En regardant autour des quartiers, Naomi a vite trouvé un crochet pour raccrocher son uniforme, où elle a soigneusement accroché la veste kaki et le béret rouge qu'elle portait. Prenant une seconde pour brosser le béret, Naomi repoussa ensuite le plateau avec de la soupe à un coin du lit pour s'asseoir sur elle, face à l'homme qui avait appelé leurs noms avant qu'il s'assoie sur le lit qu'on lui donnait. Aleyev avait semblé à l'aise dans la position dans laquelle il était, et au lieu de le déranger, Naomi a décidé de manger la soupe qui était fournie. C'est peut-être leur dernier repas chaud de temps en temps, et une partie de Naomi ne voulait pas le voir refroidir.
Name: Naomi Robinson Age: 20 Years Old Gender: Female DOB: June 17th, 1927 Hometown: York, United Kingdom Theme Appearance Standing at a modest one hundred and sixty centimeters and weighing a total of fifty-four kilograms, Naomi Robinson is a fit female with fair skin, although caked dirt and grime conceals most of her youthful appearance. Her blonde hair is cut short right before the shoulders, while Naomi's irises are a gentle blue reminiscent of the waters of the English Channel. With a white undershirt, Naomi wears a traditional British garb consisting of black combat boots, camouflaged fatigues and a red beret, although it is clear that each piece has seen better days. Layered over her person by strap or belt loop, various satchels and pouches are used to store field supplies, along with any ammunition Naomi has scavenged from fallen German soldiers while on the Eastern Front. Personality A tried and true patriot, Naomi takes great pride in the British crown and holds the United Kingdom in high regard. As such, Naomi detests Germans after what happened to her family and her country's people, and while she has no problems with working with German defectors or resistance, the bombing of the United Kingdom is still fresh in her mind and results in a heavy heart full of hatred. Years worth of skirmishing in Eastern Europe has emotionally drained Naomi, and she dislikes those who are "talking bollocks" (i.e. nonsense) or beating around the bush, and would rather get straight to the point instead of trying to sweeten up a conversation. Except in the case of Germans, Naomi is a friendly soul to her comrades, but she is likely not to grow attached to any of them. Naomi has learned that with war comes a wave of death, and after a potential love interest died in her arms, she is hesitant to form any lasting relationships outside the context of fighting. This hesitance often makes Naomi appear distant from her comrades, although she knows this is for the best lest she take up the bottle as comfort after having another person she cares for die in her front of her eyes. In the end, Naomi does whatever she can to keep her sanity, especially with the chance that she might never see those in 914 again through the course of the war until it is won. Relationships N/A; Will be updated as RP progresses. Classification Soldier Class: Specialist While Naomi has more or less intergrated into the Soviet military, her equipment remains predominantly British. However, while she favors the use of British weaponry, Naomi has no qualms with Soviet weaponry and its usage on the battlefield. Primary Weapon: Sten MK IIS, chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum (9mm Luger) Secondary Weapon: Welrod Pistol, chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum (9mm Luger) Melee Weapon: Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife AoE Weapon: 3x Molotov Cocktails Experimental Gear During the design of the SHG-48, Soviet Inventor Atyre Ushaeke was inspired mid-testing by the compression of gas assisted support equipment as seen in the handgun given to Aleyev. Whilst in a training incident, the prototype compression canisters exploded, launching one of his assistants across the hall with not too many serious injuries. The design for the SHG-48 was mostly based upon Spanish materials, but the inspiration he was given allowed him to design something completely from scratch and from within his own and incredible mind. Here, the SDJM-48 came into the picture. The Short-Distance Jump Mechanism, commonly referred to as the SDJM-48, the 'Jump-Pack' or the 'Thrust-Suit', was designed to launch the user under controlled conditions over a short distance, being a few meters. This was the ideal invention Atyre had in mind for combating fast-paced movement across rooftops in urbanized areas for marksmen. However, during its design and testing, he realized that the suit itself served great use of dashing between streets, cover and battlefields for short distances, as well as launching the user into the air by a few meters to assist in climbing and scaling unreachable edges. This allowed Atyre to think of better uses. And so, through even more testing, ones that nearly didn't meet the deadline of the activation of Squad-914, he tested it on CQC courses and found them to be just as, if not more, effective when ran by a infantryman as a Marksman would use it. The SDJM-48 uses larger compression tanks built into the backpack slots. The backpack contains two ports for the canisters to sit within, much like how a double-barreled shotgun holds its cartridges, and feeds its compression tanks into mainly the back, leg or arm ejection systems. The backpack itself is not big at all, and is more part of the suit, but is detachable at most. The rest of the invention is mostly dependent on the user itself. An exo-skeletal frame is fitted specifically for the user's body, to prevent the enemy using it against them if captured, which hold nozzles to eject the huge bursts of pressure and force to propel them slightly. In addition to this, emergency, and far smaller, canisters can be fitted into a compartment on each arm and leg, acting as a single thruster on each limb. Whilst this seems an advantage, these have to be triggered directly via pressing a trigger button on each limb. These problems are yet to be fixed, but it is still a prototype feature to the prototype equipment. As for the main source of compressed force, but hitting a button on the hip, the user can initiate the upward thrust if pressed on the right side. If the left side is pressed, the force is directed behind the user, helping them move forward towards things like cover and other rooms quicker, most effective when sliding. These are triggered by pistol-triggers retrofitted to the gear to remove any, or the vast majority, of accidental activation. A small timed delay allows the user to brace their body and get into position to move. Background Born to a British officer and a seamstress, Naomi was allotted a bountiful life in the streets of York alongside her two older brothers. While her mother wished Naomi to take over the family's business as a seamstress, she had dreams of being on the stage, regaling the patriotic tales of her father and other servicemen that had served in the Great War. Her siblings would often pick on Naomi for showing such a patriotic attitude, given that the United Kingdom had just fought through a devastating and bloody war, but also because she was a woman, and that it was a man's duty to be there for their country. However, each time her brothers would bully Naomi, her father would take her side, scolding both of his boys as he took pride in Naomi's backbone and loyal support for the country he had bled for. By the late 1930s, appeasement had begun to fail and by 1939, the United Kingdom, allied with France, was now at a state of war. Her brothers were soon drafted and her father returned to service, leaving only a twelve year old Naomi and her mother in York. Horror ensued from what letters her mother and the people of York were receiving from the front lines, but Naomi attempted to keep the public in support of the war by using her gifted voice and patriotic spirit, but it was an uphill battle. France soon fell, and the Battle of Britain had soon began with what was left of the expeditionary forces against the Nazi hordes as the skies were blotted with various bombers and fighters such as the Heinkel HE 111 and the Spitfire Mk I dishing out hatred and anger in numerous aerial dogfights and bombing raids. For Britain, this was a dark time, but for the Robinsons, it was to be even darker. With Naomi's father still missing and Lucas--the middle brother--confirmed KIA after the disastrous mainland expedition, the war continued to take more souls from the Robinson family. Callum, the oldest brother, was shot down by the Germans over the London skies, and a mere week later her mother was killed in the family business by a bomb while Naomi was away at a sleepover. Now left alone in the world and with an infuriated passion to hold the Germans responsible, Naomi was forced to wander the streets of York as a newly minted orphan. However, the Special Operations Executive had heard of a young girl with a fiery spirit in York, and quickly set out to bring Naomi into their fold. While Naomi was still young and under the age for active service, the SOE ignored the rules in Naomi's favor and for confidential reasons to implement her as one of their operatives. Given weapons training and taught survival skills, Naomi soon learned that she had a knack for easily picking up foreign languages, and could learn them with hardly any effort. This ability and her age soon landed her place in Operation Lovejoy, using her youth to fool the Germans and to act as a universal translator for the agents as they delivered top secret documents and blueprints to the Soviets. While this mission was considered a success, unfortunately a British prisoner of war was executed along the way. Nevertheless, the agents continued to progress with their orders, and left for what was once Poland to aid the resistance that was fighting German regulars that had occupied their homeland since the start of the war. Linking up with the Armia Krajowa, or in other terms, the Polish Home Army, the agents attempted to contact the United Kingdom to confirm the mission's success, but no answer had came. Multiple attempts were tried, but neither the agents or resistance fighters could radio in, each of them unknowingly aware that the United Kingdom had capitulated under a massive invasion by Axis forces. Believing that the Germans were blocking communications, the agents decided to follow orders as planned, and began to sortie against German installations and troops, where Naomi was given her first taste of battle as a soldier. While Naomi followed the training she was given back in England, she was soon known to be more ruthless against the Germans--even if they surrendered--in a nature akin to the various Polish resistance movements, as anger swelled in her veins against the soldiers that had killed her family. Not long after rallying with the Armia Krajowa, Naomi would begin to take an interest in a young resistance fighter by the name of Mieszko Michalek, who was only a few winters older than her. Despite the depressing state of the world, Mieszko--affectionately named Mie by Naomi--would always bring laughter to her, and some of the older veterans would joke that the two were lovebirds. While neither of them had refused to admit that they were in love, the two would spend the time allowed to relax together by the fire or any other place suitable to be alone with one another, leading to plenty of rumors circulating around them. However, in war, anything can change, and began to do so by 1944, not long after the Germans introduced the first walking tank. The development of the walking tank was something incredible, but it was also devastating. The machine brought hell onto the resistance fighters and the agents, pushing them further back towards the Soviet border. It was one of these instances when Mieszko would bleed to death in Naomi's arms, shattering her perception of reality as she held his bloody corpse. Taking his broken watch, Naomi was forced to flee the battlefield with those that remained, and hid within the shattered villages and towns of old Poland. The agents attempted to continue their mission, but sorties and sabotage soon became unheard of as the Germans began to whittle away who remained, until Naomi was left alone once more in the world--this time without comrades. Thankfully, a stroke of luck had finally appeared for Naomi, who was certain her death was coming soon. A squad of VDV soldiers had landed nearby, and were clearing out a small village guarded by the Germans. Clearing house to house, the Soviets met Naomi in a dramatic stand off as the door was kicked in and guns were pointed. After a few words in broken English, and then Russian, the parties that realized that they were allied soldiers to one another, and Naomi began to help the Soviets finish the cleanup in the village. Their leader was appreciative of her help, and offered Naomi a ride back to their base. Seeing as it would be the best option, Naomi accepted and soon joined up with the Soviet forces, eventually leading to her placement in Squad 914. Experience Basic Training: 3 Months - Pre 1942 Operation Lovejoy: Success - 1942 Aid to the Polish Resistance: 1942 - 1947 Family Father: Henry Robinson - Status: Unknown Mother: Emilia Robinson - Status: Deceased Brother: Callum Robinson - Status: Deceased Brother: Lucas Robinson - Status: Deceased Love Interest: Mieszko Michalek - Status: Deceased
Vera a marché autour du nouveau camion, l'examiner de haut en bas. Il semblait que les nouveaux ZiS-150, mais le chauffeur était déjà parti, et sans personne pour sa curiosité, sa supposition aurait à faire pour l'instant. Elle a jeté un coup d'œil aux autres camions, puis elle est revenue au groupe, sans but. Elle ne voulait pas parler à qui que ce soit, et personne ne semblait vouloir lui parler, ce qui lui convenait. Peu de temps après qu'un homme se soit levé la voix et a recueilli l'attention du groupe, il a annoncé qu'il leur serait assigné des chambres, ce qui a fait Vera lever un sourcil. Elle s'attendait à une caserne, pas des chambres. Les soldats n'ont pas d'habitude une caserne? Elle n'arrêtait pas d'écouter. Vera a fini par être dans la dernière chambre, chambre 5, avec deux autres. Aleyev Yanovich, un Russe juge par son nom, et Naomi Robinson, pas un Russe. Elle ne savait pas d'où venait le nom, elle savait juste que c'était plus à l'ouest. Un Américain? Anglais? Les deux nations avaient les mains pleines en ce moment, et Vera était curieuse de savoir comment elles arrivèrent ici à l'est. Elle regarda autour de lui, notant que les gens avaient déjà commencé à se diriger vers la caserne, et que d'autres attendaient encore l'affectation des salles. Vera a décidé de marcher jusqu'à sa chambre, en suivant quelques personnes. La base ne semblait pas peuplée de soldats, mais il y avait des manteaux blancs et des officiers en uniforme. Un contraste frappant avec certaines des personnes qu'elle venait de voir dans le dépôt de véhicules, avec des uniformes portés et bien utilisés. Elle entra bientôt dans le bloc C et descendit dans le hall jusqu'à la salle 5. Elle ouvrit lentement la porte et se jeta la tête, en voyant deux autres déjà entrés. Elle regarda autour de lui, soulevant ses sourcils dans une douce surprise. Elle est entrée et a fermé la porte derrière elle, marchant autour de la pièce et examinant l'endroit. Vera a regardé dans la salle de bain et ensuite de retour aux autres. "Pas tout à fait ce que j'imaginais quand ils m'ont dit que je devais rejoindre l'armée." Elle est passée au dernier lit vide et s'est assise dessus, touchant le bol de la soupe avant d'en prendre une gorgée.
Name Vera Artyomovna Volkov Age 18 Gender Female Birth-date / Location April 11, 1930 / Perm, Russia Appearance Vera is a shorter woman, standing at 5'2". While on duty she typically keeps her short blonde hair in a bun or pony tail, tied with string. She usually has soviet tankers goggles on her belt or around her neck, using them to protect her blue eyes when operating her armor. She wears a tight VDV telnyashka, white and blue striped undershirt and has standard issue infantry pants. Over these she wears a loose fitting camouflage snipers uniform to hide her figure, and for stealth when she's out of her armor. She also has laced kirza boots from the VDV and Pattern 1941 RAF leather gloves, a gift from her father. Underneath all the layers of clothing, she is surprisingly fit. She has yet to wear the various belts, bandoleers and harnesses available to Squad 914. She has a nonstandard issue green beret she is fond of, but only wears it when she's out of her armor. In armor she has a soviet tank crewmans helmet with a build in mic and headphones. Typically when she goes into her armor, she strips off the snipers uniform, placing it over her seat or stuffing it under the seat. While she's able to operate the machine with the baggy clothing on, it's far more convenient to be out of it while in armor. She keeps her fathers bayonet strapped to her right boot, but the blade is so long that it runs along the length of her entire lower leg, with the hilt going beyond her knee. Her other boot has an NR-40 strapped to it. She also has a shoulder holster for her side arm, but it's usually hidden under the sniper uniform. Personality Fiercely protective of her Object-342 and more or less her friends, Vera shows great compassion and caring through her own special muted way. Vera is a very practical person, a quick witted problem solver, capable of diagnosing a problem with her armor in minutes and repairing it in the same time it takes to identify it. She is a very straight forward person, disliking any beating around the bush and lies that complicate things, though she does take an interest in gossip. She has ice in her veins and a talent for understatement. Her calm demeanor stems from her armor in which she feels safe and confident, although she knows that any tank, tank destroyer, anti tank gun, anything with a big enough bang can harm her. Outside of her armor, her ice melts a little and she becomes a little bit more like the young girl she actually is. When facing strangers, Vera is incredibly cautious and slow to trust, especially against male soldiers. Despite this she is capable of following orders and working alongside her squad mates. Relationships N/A Classification Combat Engineer NR-40 Combat Knife (5.9 inch blade) M1898/05 Sawback Bayonet (14.6 inch blade) TT-30 Pistol (7.62×25mm Tokarev) PPS-43 Submachine Gun (7.62×25mm Tokarev) Experimental Gear Weighing at roughly 1700 kilograms, the Object-342 is an eight foot tall mechanical armor with the goal of mobile fire support for infantry groups at the front lines. The project began in 1942 when a group of British Special Operations Executive Agents handed over a packet full of intelligence to Soviet agents. Among the many things in the package were early blueprints to the German Walking Tank. As Soviet scientists began working on their own armored bipedal unit, using these early blueprints as a base, Stalin ordered a group of engineers and scientists to create something that was original to the Russians. While the walking tank design was to make a tank walk, Object-342's group wanted to make a walking man into a tank. Six years later, the prototype Object-342 was finalized. The Object-342 is a single pilot operated machine, with the cockpit situated in the chest of the armor. A great deal of time went into developing the controls of the Object-342. Allowing for the pilot to more precisely control the limbs of the machine, letting it to move with more lifelike movements and pull off more complex maneuvers in combat. The armor is thickest around the torso where the cockpit is located, and the head where the optics, radio and most of the periscopes are in. The head also features an active infrared device, inspired by the German ZG-1229. The optics, also inspired by the Germans specifically their adjustable tank sights, allows for 2x to 6x zoom. The rear of the armor is where the power pack and engine is located, combined in a backpack with the ammunition. The front chest plate has a bright headlamp attached to it. The arms and legs of the armor are particularly strong, the arms having to move and carry heavy weapons, and the legs having to carry the whole thing. In controlled conditions, the armor is capable of jumping vertically up to four feet. Although landing is fairly difficult. The armor is also able to easily lift, push, and pull 800 kilograms of weight, without the weapons mounted on the arms. Unlike a tanks turret, the torso of the armor is only able to twist 130 degrees from the center, where the torso is aligned with the legs. The armament of the machine is simultaneously impressive and unimpressive. On the right forearm are two modified RP-46 Medium Machine Guns, belt fed with detachable box magazines. Mounted under the right arm is a heavily modified 76mm M1943 Regimental Gun, with a cut down barrel, stripped of nonessential parts, and an added three round revolving autoloader. On the right arm is a single belt fed DShK 1938 Heavy Machine Gun, with all of its ammunition stored in the armors backpack. The backpack stores four additional RP-46 box magazines of 250 rounds, giving each RP-46 two reloads. The 76mm M1942 has an additional six rounds, and the DShK 1938 has a 600 round magazine in the backpack. While the sheer volume of fire is impressive from the three machine guns and the cannon, accuracy is highly dependent on the pilots skill as there are no sights to assist in the aiming of any of these guns. The short barreled 76mm M1943 also has very limited anti armor capabilities, as the cannon can only use the OF-350 Fragmentation High Explosive, O-350A Fragmentation and BP-350M High Explosive Anti Tank shells. The armor itself is fairly slow, at most it can keep up with an infantry mans jog. The slow speed coupled with the limited ammunition carry, and comparatively poor anti armor capability means that the Object-342 would only be useful in a small amount of situations, in defensive action or attached to unarmored infantry. Due to the small amount of information released, expectations ran wild amongst the military leadership. Generals dreamed of outfitting entire regiments of infantry with this suit, steamrolling anything the Germans had. Soviet Airborne leadership gossiped about finally having armored units being able to leap from planes. Soviet Naval officers spoke of suits that were fully submersible, letting their marines storm beaches without needing landing craft. When the prototype was featured to these officers, it was met with a mixed reception. "It needs further testing? Put it in Squad 914." they said. The interior cockpit of Object-342 is painted white, with the controls being in front of the seat. On the left side wall is a gun mount where Vera puts her PPS-43 SMG with a pouch of ammo for it. On the right wall is a blank space with four small red stars, for four simulated duels where she won. Just below the four stars is a small hook where Vera puts her tankers helmet when she's not piloting. When she is, that hook is where her beret goes. Above the seat where the periscopes are, she has a number of photos. A family photo of her sitting on a park bench with Viktor next to her and her father and mother behind them standing is taped to the front periscope above the headrest. On the left periscope is a picture of Viktor and his tank crew sitting on their old T-34-85. The right periscope has a picture of her mothers cat, and the rear periscope has a picture of the research group that developed the armor. In that picture Vera is sitting at the front with the test pilots. On the left side of the head of the armor is a white painted decal of three wolves, one leading with two following. The lead wolf is scarred and old, the second is plated in steel, and the third is a younger wolf. Underneath her seat is a small tool kit she uses for field repairs. Background Born in 1930 in some village near Perm, she was abandoned at birth because her biological parents were too poor to raise her. She was given to a roaming band of orphans who agreed to adopted her into their gang, where she was raised to the best of their ability. She met a boy named Viktor, who protected her and fed her the most out of all of the children there. Their destination was the city of Perm, where they peddled, begged and tried to find work to feed and clothe themselves. The city proved fruitful for the small gang of orphans, many of them found work here or there and soon most left the gang to more profitable opportunities both good and bad, until only Vera and Viktor were left. The two of them had been helping at a mechanics shop owned by a veteran of the great war. As far as the two orphans could tell, he was alone, had no wife and his work was the only thing he had in life. The two schemed and it took only a little convincing. Early in 1938, an eight year old Vera and a ten year old Viktor was adopted by a war veteran named Artyom. Life became good, compared to the old days before he adopted them. Often on the weekends he took the both of them to the forest to camp, teaching them how to survive in the wild, how to shoot a rifle accurately, training them to defend themselves. Very quickly Artyoms neighbor noticed that he was caring for two children. Anna, a woman who worked in a bakery, confronted Artyom about how he was raising his kids. Over the next few years Viktor and Vera would call Anna mother, and Artyom father. Something the both of them neither encouraged nor discouraged. Anna educated them, teaching etiquette, how to cook, how to sew. Meanwhile their father taught them how to hunt small game, how to shoot a rifle, showed them military tactics, and lectured them about the horrors of war and what soldiers would do. Artyom feared another war, and it was obvious. At first Anna was reluctant but as the years went on and as Germany grew in power, she began to join them on their trips into the forest. In 1942, a group of officers approached Artyom, and he welcomed them with open arms and a bottle of vodka for them. Old war buddies. They admitted that they needed a test pilot for a new project. It took half a year of convincing, but when confronted with the news of the invasion of Britain, he agreed. Once the war started, Viktor joined the soviet Tank Corps luckily becoming the gunner of a very skilled and cunning tank commander. Around the same time the first prototype of the Object-342 was completed, Artyom and two other test pilots showed up, a soviet marine, and a paratrooper. All of them were friends from the great war, or sons of those friends. While the two other test pilots were able to fit uncomfortably into the armor, Artyom wasn't able to at all due to his larger size. Despite that, he was kept on the program due to his mechanical expertise. During the second test run, due to circumstances Artyom brought Vera. During their work, Vera spoke often to many of the scientists, engineers and the test pilots, becoming good friends with them. She asked them many questions about the armor, even learned how to pilot it from the test pilots. All in good fun. Until Vera climbed into the Object-342 when most of the crew was looking away and took it on a 15 minute joyride. Artyom was mortified, a test pilot lost a bet, and the scientists developing the armor were amazed by her display of skill in the armor. After Artyom scolded her, the crew convinced him to let her be a test pilot. After all, she was small enough to fit comfortably into the armor, and all they needed was pilot input. It wasn't like she would go out into battle wearing it. The next few years were fun to Vera, she showed great aptitude for piloting the armor, she learned many things from her seniors the two test pilots and her father. She developed new piloting techniques based on the observations of battle tactics and flow written down in letters by her brother. When she wasn't test piloting, she was learning how to maintain and repair it while listening to war stories from her fathers friends. She quickly became a better pilot than the other two, and soon she was the primary pilot of Object-342. In 1946, the Object-342 was completed and was shown alongside the Soviet walking tank to the military community. Vera was the pilot as they wanted the best possible performance. After the showing, the many officers there welcomed the walking tank warmly. The Object-342 was met with noticeably colder attitudes. They decided to let the Object-342 prove its worth by putting it in Squad 914, the pilot included. Artyom and the scientists objected loudly, but they dismissed them. With no other choice, Artyom and the research group was forced to agree. Before Vera shipped out, she drilled in the armor constantly, honing her skills. Artyom gave her his leather gloves, which had been a gift from an old friend in the British Royal Air Force, and one of his war trophies, a German M1898/05 Sawback bayonet from the first world war. The other test pilots also gave her gifts, the undershirt of a soviet marine and the boots of a paratrooper, and advice. After she was shipped out, Artyom and the research group was fueled by a new purpose. To keep on developing the Object-342 program and provide Vera with the best armor and equipment they could make. Experience Informal Survival Training - Spread out from 1938 to 1943 Informal Military Training - Spread out from 1938 to 1946 Object-342 Piloting - 1942 to 1946 Family Artyom Volkov - Father Anna Tarasova - Mother Viktor Volkov - Brother Theme Song N/A Current Log >Changelog 1.1 >Added where she stores her snipers uniform during piloting in Appearance Section. >Grammar fixes throughout sheet Old Logs >Changelog 1.0 >Filled in missing parts >Added additional details about Object-342 in Experimental Gear Section: Notably strength (p2), maneuverability (p2), customization (p5), and a headlamp (p2).
Quelles sont les chances? Milena sourit, se tournant vers Helga alors qu'elle réglait son sac sur son épaule droite, qui était naturellement de plus en plus lourd à la minute. La journée avait été assez longue, et Milena était prête pour un souper agréable et chaleureux. "On se voit dans la chambre." Avec une vague rapide, Milena a fait son chemin vers les dortoirs. Elle passa quelques soldats, certains qui l'aimaient essayaient simplement de se reposer. Elle a été la première à atteindre leur chambre, et elle a choisi le lit en face de la porte contre le mur. Milena s'assit sur le lit pendant qu'elle lançait son équipement sur le sol, l'appuyant contre le cadre alors qu'elle regardait autour d'elle un moment pour s'habituer à son nouveau logement. Avec chaque nouveau poste qu'on lui a assigné, elle est devenue un peu plus attristée par le fait qu'elle n'avait pas de maison avec une famille où retourner. Elle a manqué son père, terriblement, mais malheureusement, il vivait dans ses souvenirs depuis un certain temps maintenant, et la pensée décourageante qu'elle ne le reverrait jamais n'était pas plus facile au fil du temps. « Je peux me battre pour toi, père », se chuchotait Milena, espérant trouver un peu de confort dérivé de ses mots simples. "Je peux me battre pour toi, et maman..." Elle sourit comme une seule larme tombait sur sa joue. "C'est ce que je peux faire pour vous deux." Avant de courir la chance d'être considérée comme la faible, Milena a essuyé son visage au fur et à mesure qu'elle enlevait ses bottes. Le lit n'était pas aussi mal à l'aise que l'image, et elle s'est poussée contre le mur, traversant ses jambes devant elle pour se rendre confortable. En regardant vers le bas le bol de soupe, Milena espérait qu'il rappellerait les repas maison qu'elle avait l'habitude de déguster il n'y a pas trop longtemps. À sa grande surprise, quand elle prit la première cuillère, elle trouva le goût tranquille agréable. Milena a cueilli à l'un des légumes pour obtenir quelque chose de solide dans son estomac à côté du bouillon. Elle mangea le reste de sa nourriture en silence, les pieds agités devant un indicateur que les autres faisaient lentement leur chemin vers leurs chambres aussi, un petit rappel qu'elle n'était pas seule. Et par là, elle ne voulait pas dire seule dans un sens conventionnel, mais plutôt, chacun de ces soldats là-bas avait leurs propres luttes personnelles aussi. Chacun d'eux avait ses propres démons à combattre et à accepter que c'était une façon de traverser ce qui les attendait... ou alors c'est ce qu'elle pensait.
Name Milena Kuznetsov Age 17 Gender Female Birth-date / Location 31-03-1930 - Tomsk, USSR Appearance Milena is roughly 5'7, weighing in at 129 pounds. She has brown hair and eyes, although she has partial heterochromia in her left eye, therefore a portion of it is green as well. Milena has some generic scars throughout her body from childhood, but none of them are overly distinct. She has a couple of piercings on her ears and is always wearing a necklace her mother left for her as a good luck charm. Personality Milena is a gentle, caring spirit. Despite her young age, she's seen her fair share of medical horrors, thus she slowly began to rely on comedic relief to counteract the harsh realities of life. But her main personality traits don't entirely define her as a soldier neither in nor out of the battlefield. She is wise enough to separate her duties and responsibilities from her own personal feelings, and she has clear boundaries between work and play. Relationships To be determined. Classification Combat medic. Weapons included are the standard issue AVS-36 rifle and the TT-32 sidearm. Additionally, she carries a first-aid kit designed specifically for combat roles. Experimental Gear The Gatling Wrist Gun is, for the sake convenience, a partially handsfree revolver-styled weapon designed to fire from the wrist. The sturdy leather brace and its attachments absorb most of the recoil of the gun when it's fired. Instead of a traditional loading method, the cylinder is pulled out all the way in order for the bullets to be inserted. Once that's done, the cylinder is pushed back, twisting it to make sure it's locked in place. The hammer on this weapon is designed to act as the trigger, thus the user will still need a free hand. With that said, the disadvantage to this weapon revolves around the fact that the hammer doesn't have its own version of a trigger guard, therefore if it gets caught on something and enough pressure is applied, it will result in an accidental fire. Currently, this version of the gun is able to hold a maximum of eight bullets. Background Milena's childhood was anything but easy. Her mother passed away while giving birth to her, therefore she grew up with just her father, Dmitry. He was stern, but loving; such balance making life a little less complicated for Milena as she was constantly learning valuable life lessons at a relatively young age. Dmitry also passed on a great deal of knowledge to Milena as she grew older, anything from hunting and survival skills to dressing a bullet wound. He was a doctor, one of a few within their area, and the idea of going into the medical field seemed more alluring by the day. Eventually, that's what Milena decided on when she was old enough, and her father was extremely proud of her for following her heart. On the evening of Milena's 15th birthday, they had a small gathering with her father and two of her closest friends. They were home just enjoying a simple celebratory meal when a gang of 3 men burst in through the front door. Milena and her friends immediately fled to the bedroom the moment Dmitry barked his order. They rushed in and locked the door behind them, and despite all the adrenaline coursing through their bodies, the three girls remained silent and their ears glued to the door to listen to the commotion outside. There was incomprehensible arguing, some things being thrown around, and eventually, a single gunshot. That's when Milena couldn't hide anymore. Against her friends' warnings, she unlocked the door and hurried to the living room where she found her father's lifeless corpse. Her friends followed just a few moments after the fact and they were met with a hysterical Milena and her dead father. The intruders were long gone, realizing that the neighbors would hear the gunshot and would obviously go investigate what was going on. From that moment on, Milena lived alone and had to fend for herself. Even though there was great sorrow in her heart, she didn't play the victim card. In fact, she hated it when people pitied her as to her, it meant that her father didn't do a good job of teaching her how to survive, and that simply wasn't the case. Roughly two and a half years passed before she decided to join the armed forces...mainly to continue learning, but also to get revenge against people who were just like the intruders responsible for her father's death. Milena primarily relied on her private pain to motivate her to push forward, and she made a promise to her father that she would do her best to eradicate whatever evil she could from the world. Experience Nearly three months of basic training and two months in medic school. Family Both parents are deceased. Theme Song
CINQUANTE PHAM C'était assez naturel pour Thanh. Parler à Aleyev était en effet très relaxant et divertissant. Il était probablement le seul à qui il pouvait parler si naturellement. Peut-être parce que nous avions tous les deux vu ce que nous voulions tous ne pas voir, mais que nous devions voir. Bien sûr, Thanh n'était pas un vétéran, n'ayant que vingt ans, mais au moins il avait vu des combats, il avait subi des pertes, du sang et des horreurs. Il ne voulait pas sortir et irriter d'autres personnes, surtout des jeunes arrogants qui étaient si pleins d'eux-mêmes, mais il ne pouvait pas leur parler aussi bien qu'avec quelqu'un qui le comprend. Après l'examen expérimental de l'équipement, la pièce a été assignée. Pour la première fois, Thanh avait entendu les détails du nom de toute la Squad. Les Russes étaient la majorité, suivis par les Allemands, qui n'étaient pas des transfuges douteux. D'autres nationalités intéressantes qu'il pouvait enregistrer étaient les Norvèges, les Français,...Send comme il l'avait prévu, pas asiatique, il est apparu. S'il y en avait, ce serait peut-être Naomi quelque chose. Elle, peut-être, n'était certainement pas russe, pourrait être japonaise, mais le nom de famille aurait pu être américain ou britannique. Espérons que c'est ce dernier, parce que bien que les Vietnamiens n'aient eu aucun problème à être amis avec les Japonais, le fait qu'ils aient tué sa mère l'a laissé prudent quand ils se sont approchés de ces gens traditionnels. Un autre nom a attiré son attention : son colocataire. Le nom criait qu'elle était une femme, et qu'elle était russe. Thanh était un peu réticent à partager une chambre avec une femme, mais en guerre, la commodité serait sûrement jetée dans la poubelle, et le jeune asiatique n'avait pas vraiment la route pour la romance. Il était trop occupé à se battre pour ça. Tout le monde était alors occupé à s'installer dans leur chambre respective. On pourrait dire la même chose pour Thanh, comme il a fait une ligne d'abeille vers son quartier. Son rythme s'accélère, sa posture droite. En ouvrant la porte de sa chambre, il avait remarqué que son colocataire n'était pas encore là. Cela signifiait qu'il avait tous les honneurs de choisir son propre lit. Eh bien, c'était s'il avait des choix distincts de toute façon. Les deux lits étaient les mêmes, bénis d'un vieux matelas presque pourri, et il y avait une table de chevet simple, partagée entre eux. Sur elle, deux bols de soupe froide ont été placés. "C'est le paradis..." Certainement pas pour certains nobles qui ne savaient que du luxe, mais pour ce jeune homme qui est né un peu commun à Hanoi, c'était quelque chose d'inimaginable. Thanh s'est couché tranquillement, la douceur du lit a allégé toute la douleur produite par toutes ses cicatrices et blessures. Il pouvait sentir le sol fuir devant moi, comme s'il était porté dans le ciel. Oh mon Dieu, la vie était si bonne...
Name: Thanh Pham Age: 20 Gender: Male Birthdate/Location: 04.20.1928/Hanoi Vietnam Appearance: A young man standing only 165 cm high and 60 kilograms heavy, comparing to the likes of his Russian peers, his appearance isn't that much impressive, despite the height being slightly over the standards of Vietnamese men at the time. He has short, neat black hair and the yellowy brown skin, but in reality he looks a lot darker because of the bloods and dirt of the battlefield he faced. The color of the young man's pair of irires perfectly matched what he had been through: brown, for dirt and mud. He's not well-built, but not skinny. After being transferred to Russia, he took the usual attire of Russian infantry men, but then evolved to wearing another layer of light protective armor around him to protect himself against explosions, and to conceal the scars he suffered from all the battles he had faced. Personality: If one could describe him in three words, it would be brave, reckless and peaceful. Normally, to Thanh’s comrades, he would tend to act completely normal, and sometimes friendly to his peers, and try to avoid conflict as much as possible. He never went all the way to get in a fight with someone else and get injured in the process. A young man with a simple way of life, and a peaceful ideology to bear. He had little education during his childhood, so he can be clueless sometimes, and his manners sometimes might be a little rude. He can be lazy at times, but generally, he’s a gentle boy who values the moral values of life, like for example, friendship In stark contrast to the peaceful and tranquil personality, he is extremely reckless when it comes to tense situation. Because of his little education, especially in military tactics training, he is usually one of the first to charge into battle, regardless of gunfire, bombs, mines, pretty much everything, frequently getting himself wounded in battle. Many times he placed his life on the line like it was nothing, even if the target objective isn’t worth the risk at all. The rumor that he has once charged a German Tiger II tank during a battle with nothing but a bolt action rifle and a few molotovs and hand grenades has much confirmed the trait. But despite his seemingly stupid and impulsive human-wave aggressive attacks, Thanh isn’t that clueless in tactics, as he has some basic common sense about strategies, is actually very decent at teamwork, and his fierceness in battle had sometimes boosted the morales of battle soldiers. But when mentioning recklessness, there is absolutely no way not to mention about his bravery. It’s absolutely immeasurable. A trait inherited from his father, who is also a war veteran, Thanh’s bravery is widely reowned among their peers, something which they greatly respect the young man. He is quick-witted, seen continuously employed in tasks that require utmost resolution and daring. Thanh is also a patriotic person who is proud of his country’s long history, and is shown to be very hateful of the Nazis. To the bravery of the young man, Thanh despises cowards, to the point that he might even shoot them himself. On side-notes, Thanh is pretty bad at academic, politics and diplomacy. Relationships: N/A Classification: Specialist Equipment: -Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle -TT32 pistol -Molotovs x2 -HE grenade x2 -Warhead x5 (1 on the pole, 4 on reserve) Experimental Equipment: The lunge mine The same name as the Japanese made ‘lunge mine’, it’s basically a high explosive anti tank warhead shaped like a cone and is placed on one end of a 1.5 meters long pole. The mechanic of the weapon is simple. The bottom of the cone is attached with a super-magnet that can hold the weight of the mine so that it sticks onto metal structure. If the target is a concrete wall, then the user will have to manually add glue to the funnel like structure so that it stays on the intended location for at least a few seconds. The three sticks protruding out acts as fuses, when pushed inwards due to impact, the mine’s gunpowder will be triggered, and will explode. It is used like a spear, with the user has to grip it tightly, each hand placed on the 1/3 and 2/3 position of the pole respectively, although when attacking it can be changed depending on the references of the user. When attacking, the user will have to ram it into the target in a 90-degree angle for maximum potential of exploding. And after plunging it into the target, the user has around 3 seconds to remove the pole from the mine, which is done by rotating it a bit and pulling it out, and run to a safe location. The extracted pole can then be attached to another mine so that he can continue attacking. The user can choose not to use the pole and instead hold the mine directly, however, this is highly unrecommended. When triggered, the mine will take 3 seconds to explode. The heat and pressure of the explosion will be extreme, due to the large amount of explosion being squeezed into the small shell being let out at once, and the mine can penetrate to about 160mm of armor, which is a good number at the time. The movements of the user will have to be decisive, and he has to make sure that he has a clear path and good cover to both attack and retreat. In general, the one using this mine has to be brave, quick-willed, because one mistake can lead to deadly consequences. The user can die from the intense pressure being placed on him or the heat of the bomb. Even if he manages to run, he may still suffer wounds, so a cover is highly recommended. Another important thing to be noticed is that to use the mine, the user will have to get very close to the target. As a result, he will need heavy fire support, and he will have to pick his timing carefully, otherwise he would be gunned down when he either attack or retreat The mine, improved from the Japanese equivalent to make it survivable, is considered very effective against almost every walls, normal vehicles, light and medium tanks, armored car, some poorly armored heavy tanks, and most walking tanks due to the mine being triggered at point-blank range, but is prone to suffer from the heavy armor of most heavy tanks, super-heavy tanks and heavily armored walking tanks. Basically, an armor beyond the penetrative capability of 160mm will negate the effect of the mine. When faced against tanks, the user will have to choose the area with least armor, notably the rear or side if possible. In general, it can be very effective, but extremely risky, and is highly dependent on the skill and bravery of the user. Because of it, not many Soviet officers and generals held it in high regards, despite its performance. Background: A natural born Vietnamese, Thanh was born in Hanoi in a normal traditional family under the Imperial French occupation. Because his family’s bloodline wasn’t a noble one, he received little education, only going to rural schools. His father, at the time was in the resistance party against French occupation in Vietnam, however, was the role model of inspiration for Thanh, who inspired him to become brave and fearless in the face of danger. He had a normal childhood, like many other kid, and was taught Russian very early during school. That was when the Imperial Japanese invaded the French colonies in Asia. From the very start they tried to offer peaceful resolution to the French, but things soon became violent as the Japanese launched a major attack against the French’s three major foothold in Saigon, Hanoi and Hue. Realizing the imminent threat of a Japanese rule over Indochina, the French and Vietnamese government, along with two Indochina countries, Laos and Cambodia, decided to form a temporary alliance to keep the Japanese at bay. But as the numerically superior Japanese army approached near the capital, Vietnam’s Ministry of Defense at the time, decided to launch a full-scale war against the invading Japanese. Soon, the citizens began to build trenches, walls, and blockades in hopes to hold out as long as possible against the invaders Thanh’s house were among the first to get bombarded by Japanese artilleries and planes. His mother was killed on sight, while his father was busy fighting in the streets. Thanh was, who was only twelve at the time, decided to take revenge for his mother, and began to tag along the Vietnamese soldiers in the trenches, regardless of the gunfire that flew near him. Because of his young age, initially, the soldiers did not allow him to take part, but his stubborn attitude eventually convinced them, but he only took part as a messenger and ammunition carrier. For 60 days, Thanh miraculously managed to survive the battle, only sustaining minor wounds, and fled the battlefield along with thousands of French and Vietnamese troops. The Japanese occupation of Vietnam did not last long, thanks to the traditional scorched earth policy imposed by the Vietnamese governments that many times defeated the Mongolians and Chinese. Normal life ensured, but it was never the same. Seeing how the Russian influence among the society increased, Thanh was also influenced in some ways. And then the faithful operation occured. The day that many thousand soldiers of youthful Vietnamese men being sent to their deaths in a foreign, no man’s land. Thanh was thankfully spared due to his young age, but his father wasn’t so lucky. He was included in the long casualty list. Now left with no surviving family members of his own, Thanh soon noticed a chance to be migrated to Russia to join the Red Army in resistance against the rising German threat. Due to the lack of manpower, the Soviets were getting desperate, trying to recruit everybody they can, from every allied country. Thanh took the chance without any hesitation. Thanks to his pre-emptive education in Russian, he didn’t have many difficulties fitting in. He was highly regarded as brave, and several times charged German tanks under heavy fire with only a handful of grenades and molotovs, suffering some terrible wounds in some battles. On one cold, misty morning of February in 1946, he received orders to be transferred to defend Kursk from the unstoppable German mechanized forces. There, the tale of a reckless yet brave Asian who again and again charged the German tanks had, for some times, inspired the men there to continue fighting, and although his attack wasn't really effective, the rumors were big enough to the point that one German tank battalion commander to order the tanks to go in reverse once they heard battle cries and waves of infantry charge into their position. He was finally put down after attacking a German Tiger II, which was somewhat reowned among the Russian military for a while after that. The attack was pretty disastrous, as not only was he not able to destroy the tank, but he also got shot in the right leg by another tank's machine gun. He survived and was transported away from the battlefield, but the shot had put him out of action for an entire year, leaving behind a not so pretty projectile inside his bloody thigh, and a scar that he would have to carry with for the rest of his life. In March 1947, after a year lull in the fighting to treat the wounded leg suffered from the previous charge, Thanh was called back into service once his leg had healed. This time, he was placed in Stalingrad, possibly one of the largest graveyards in the world. The battle had raged on for nearly five years in that one city, and the citizens had either fled or all died. There, where soldiers were throwing everything they had against each other even for just a small inch of land, Thanh demonstrated his bravery and recklessness yet again, by rushing for the German trenches with nothing but his bare hands. At the time, weapons were scarce for the soldiers of Stalingrad, so some might not be distributed anything, and would have to rely on picking up dead soldier's weapons. The result was also disastrous, yet quite hilarious. After picking up a dead Russian's weapons, he was instantly shot in the arm, resulting in him falling to the ground due to sudden shock and pain, discarding the picked up weapon. Those behind him, thought he was dead, picked up the dropped weapon and moved on. Some who weren't paying attention even stomped onto his back. Still, it was still a minor wound, and Thanh continued to serve at Stalingrad until December, when he was transferred to Moscow to aid in war effort against the imminent German invasion. At the time, the Russian government officials were searching for someone to work with their equipments, a high explosive anti armor and structure mine that unfortunately has a very short trigger delay. Because of the short delay, there are chances that the user will sustain heavy wounds or even death if it is not operated correctly, so those in the reserve groups were hesitant to receive such a weapon. Before the Russian military had to force the weapon into one of the unfortunate, a Vietnamese instructor in the field, Sih Bao, introduced a young man who had had records and commendations for bravery. That man was Thanh, and the Russians decided to draft him in Squad 914, a mysterious experimental squadron formed by the Russian military Experience: Messenger and ammo refiller: December 1940 - January 1942 Basic military training: A few months Defense of Kursk: February-June 1946 Battle of Stalingrad: March-December 1947 Family: Vu Pham (Father) - Deceased Quynh Nguyen (Mother) - Deceased Theme song