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Lilliannah s'est arrêtée un moment. Elle voyageait pendant trois jours consécutifs sans se reposer, et ça a commencé à se mettre sur elle. Elle a retiré sa capuche juste assez pour que la brise puisse passer devant son front. En essuyant la sueur de son front, elle a pris une profonde respiration. "Enfin, je suis là", elle murmurait doucement. Malgré le soleil chaud qui la battait, elle était couverte de la tête aux pieds. Sa tunique brun foncé semblait être faite d'un tissu de coton fin, rembourrage en cuir robuste sur ses coudes et ses épaules. Des bretelles en cuir noir ont couvert ses avant-bras jusqu'à ses coudes. Un pantalon en tissu brun foncé et uni est tenu par une ceinture en cuir noir, assorti à ses bretelles, et doublé de quelques pochettes et d'autres bizarreries. Des bottes en cuir brun, une ombre ou deux plus légères que le reste de ses vêtements, ont atteint juste au-delà de ses genoux, sangles et boucles pliant le cuir sur l'extérieur, les ont fixés en place. Fixant son capot pour couvrir plus de son visage, elle continua vers la ville. C'était en fin d'après-midi. Le soleil se coucherait bientôt, peut-être une heure environ, en jetant des nuances d'orange et de rouge sur les champs. C'était son moment préféré, pour quelques raisons. Elle arriverait juste à temps pour le souper. La nourriture et un lit confortable feraient une belle façon de mettre fin à ce long et fatigant voyage. Crosshaven, ça s'appelait. Quaint et calme jusqu'à présent. Les fermiers avaient l'air d'achever leurs tâches quotidiennes dans les champs au moment où elle passait. Les familles se déposent chez elles pour dîner. S'arrêtant près de quelques alibis de rue, elle demanda où se trouvait la taverne la plus proche. « La Taverne de Niirborhood », répondirent-ils avec bonheur, « juste un peu plus en haut de la route, vous ne le manquerez pas ». Ils revinrent rapidement à leur bavardage, que Lilli entendit un peu avant qu'elle ne se tourne pour continuer dans la direction de la taverne. Parler du "voir" l'a fait snicker. "Ce n'est qu'un tas de pocus hocus", a-t-elle encore murmuré, assez bas pour que les loiterers n'entendent pas, je suis sûr que c'est juste une autre fraude, ou peut-être même rien du tout. Alors qu'elle s'approchait de la taverne, des bosses d'oie se sont abattues sur son bras, un frisson dans sa colonne vertébrale, son estomac s'est retourné. Elle a tiré sa capuche un peu plus loin sur ses yeux. Elle s'est arrêtée quelques mètres avant la porte et a pris une profonde respiration. Je suis idiote qu'elle se soit crue. Son intention était de continuer dans la taverne, d'obtenir de la nourriture, une boisson difficile pour régler son estomac et une bonne nuit de repos finalement.
Name: Lilliannah Corrine Dancroft Alias: Annalynne (Anna-leen) LaFray Appearance: Enticing your gaze, if not shrouded by her hood, are her eyes. Big, pale crystalline blue, reminding you of the sky on cloudy day, one displaying green speckles within. Also often hidden, are silky waves of fiery red hair, which is usually pulled back into a loose braid, allowing strands to fly about. Freckles scatter lightly over her nose. Standing at about 5’6”, Lilli’s build is more reflective of a dancer. Petite, though not without curves, and the majority of her weight sits below her waist. If exposed, several faded scars stretch across her back and shoulders. One scar in particular rests upon her right cheek, close to her ear and is about 1 1/2 inches in length. Her skin, tanned from travel, otherwise shows no markings. Age: 26 Gender: Female Bio: Lilliannah is the daughter of wealthy merchants Pavel and Catherine Dancroft, nestled in a quite far away mountain top town. Born into wealth, Lilli was raised to be prim and proper. Her older sister Kendall was a sight to behold. Lovely, thick brown wavy hair, deep blue eyes, pale skin, elegant and beautiful in every way, and more importantly, a product of both Pavel and his wife, Catherine. Lilli was constantly being criticized, and endlessly compared to her. “Why can’t you be more like your sister” the words would course through her mind, with no release. Always to be reminded of where she came from and who she wasn't. As the years passed, their differences became more apparent. She was constantly shunned by her parents, completely ignored by her sister, and made to feel like an outcast by most around her. She became violent, secluded and resentful. She thought perhaps by distancing herself, she’d be free of their criticism and harshness, being able to live her days in peace. Unfortunately this was not the case. Dark thoughts began to fill her mind, and so she sought the gods for help. Spending a week in prayer and deep meditation, she begged and pleaded for things to change. Frustrated by no answer, she finally went home. Exhausted from the thoughts that raced through her mind, the disappointment that echoed through the tense muscles of her body, she passed out even before she reached the front door. That's when the nightmares began. Within the horrid dreams, a message was relayed - her answer. It was merely a name, but she knew exactly what it meant. Each attempt at putting it out of her mind only made things worse. And so the day finally came; the day she would bring Kendall to her death. Her hands set to purpose with glee as she began to concoct the poison that would end her sister’s life. Deep down, she had hoped that this would make her parents acknowledge their only living daughter, at least acknowledge her with something other than disgust and disappointment. And finally, the deed was done. Days passed and turned into weeks, months. Nothing changed, nothing was ever enough for them. Lilli was gazed over and became one of the servants of the house. With that, she crept into the shadows and left. Memory: 7 years old Kendall was supposed to watch me. We went out to the pond behind the house. It was frozen over due to the bitter cold that engulfed the Gate that winter. I admit, perhaps I was being a bit if a nag. But then Kendall left. She was called over by some friends, Maribel or something like that, and a boy. Yet again, I was left to entertain myself. Honestly though, I preferred it this way. I remember Kendall would always tease me. I remember I was wearing my new shoes. Mama had Katalina take me to go get fitted for them. They were horrible against the cold weather, but then again, they were supposed to be for parties and fancy outings. My feet were freezing as I glided across the ice. Even then I was graceful on my feet. Though this is me and I may not have a clear picture of that. Something caught my eye. Something that was in the ice, but I never got a clear view. I crouched down to get a better look. The ice cracked, water gushed up and into my lungs. I began to freeze from the inside out. I can't even tell you where the shooting pain of ice cold originated, all I know was that within, what seemed like a matter of short moments, I was numb all over and the only thing I felt was the life being shoved out of my body by the cold. Patches of ice surrounded me, I tried my hardest to grasp onto one and pull myself out, but I was so cold I could barely feel my fingers. It was cold. It got dark. To feel like I was one with the cold water that surrounded me . I screamed. Or at least I tried to. Or, at the very least I thought i did. There were sounds. Was it me? I don't even remember being pulled out of the ice. There was a lot of screaming, and then, nothing. I awoke in the infirmary. Katalina found me wailing about. I had fallen in. It took her and one other to pull me out. Kendall was no where to be found. And the next morning at breakfast, it was as if nothing happened. Memory: 12 years old I met a cute boy, his name was Krystofer. He was new in town. I went to say hello and introduce myself. Kendall beat me to him. They're dating now. My friend Rose says it's only a matter of time before she gets sick of him. Rose is my best friend. My only friend really. Thank the gods for Rose. Memory: 15 years old Winter is upon us again, thank the gods it is almost over. I got into another argument with mother again. Oh if I received a coin for every time I heard the words ‘if only you were more like your sister’. ‘You’d go places’, she’d often finish that sentence with … I was sick nearly the entire winter. Being stuck in bed on your birthday is -not- fun. But Katalina made me this wonderful cake. Chocolate mousse with a light caramel coffee icing. Oh, I don’t know what she used to make this or even where she got them from. But I have decided, I am going to learn. May the gods bring me peace this year to come. Memory: 17 years old “May the gods grant me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.” A prayer I've been repeating over and over again these past few nights. I've tried to keep the peace. I've tried to keep my distance, but these thoughts I've had, they are driving me insane. I feel trapped, suffocated, alone. I often daydream, picturing myself ripping her heart from her chest. I'll hold it in my hand for a few moments, watching the intricate details of life work in such wondrous ways. The thump thump between my fingers, it grows weaker as my grasp on the organ grows tighter. I revel at the sight of blood trailing down my arm as I hold her heart, triumphantly, in the air. I've begged and pleaded with the Gods that they must stop. I’ll be traveling to the Temple downtown in the morning. I've packed a bag and don’t plan on coming back until I've received some sort of answer. ~ * ~ “I awoke from another nightmare. This had to have been the worst there was so far. Pain, so much pain. I sat in a pool of blood, feeling quite content, though all I saw was this hideous monster. Something had overtaken me and all I can hear, all I can feel was the pain of others around me. Lets not think about that now, I’ve too much to do today. Drenched in my own sweat, I tumble out of bed, struggling to find my feet. I look in the mirror. What a mess. Red ragged hair devouring my face, sweeping down to the middle of my back. Large black circles envelop my eyes which have become quite puffy I can barely see through them. The pale blue that once sparkled now seemed dull, more grey than anything, only speckled with light blue through out. Weeks of an improper diet has left the girl with once healthy curves to stand, gazing at skin and bones in the large and elegant mirror that adorned her room. How could I have let this happen. No more … no more.” Lillia took a few extra minutes to get ready today. Her hair twisted into neat braids, tucked tightly into a bun which sat between her ears. Her gown was neatly pressed and flowed against her thin figure quite elegantly. The gown itself was a light blue trimmed in white lace. A corset top trimmed her figure, tapered sleeves released themselves at her elbows, allowing a thin piece of lace to escape and flow about to her fingertips. It was a dress fit for a lady of the court, an especially odd dress for her to wear on an ordinary Thursday. Though no one made a comment or question regarding her choice, and she went about the day doing as she pleased as normal. She spent the first few hours of the early morning in the garden reading. Breakfast was finally called for which she reported for promptly. Eggs in a basket cooked over medium with crispy bacon and potatoes, finished off with a tall glass of freshly squeezed juice, her favorite breakfast meal. Lillia took her time eating, savoring each bite. The yoke of the egg spilled over her toast slowly as she cut into her food. She watched as it oozed out, staining the white dish, the colors of her food mixing slowly. She watched, fascinated, though after realizing her stare at the wondrous meal, she quickly took back to eating it. The afternoon was quickly upon them, which meant various chores had to be done before dinner. But Lillia had other plans for the afternoon. ~~*~~ She traveled to the various gardens around the manor, took solace within the woods picking berries and various other herbs. Though the anxiety was fiercely building inside her, she walked through the day even keeled and calm. Hiding in the shadows of the afternoon sun, she crept back to her room, successfully keeping herself from wandering eyes. “Tis time” she whispered to herself as she locked her door. With a deep inhale, she turned to her workstation of herbs and vials and went to work. Butterflies made their way through her stomach, ejecting from her in the form of giddy giggles as she carefully mixed and molded. Her hands trembled as she held the finished product in her hand. She couldn't help but smile, her release would be upon her soon enough. It was already 5 in the evening, they’d be calling for dinner soon. She had to make her move or delay another day. There was one thing that would steal her sister from her chores, afternoon lemonade - a treat just before dinner, and their little secret. They had been doing lemonades at dusk now for a few months. It was the only time that Lillia really got to spend with her sister, bonding time. But it was already too late and she knew she couldn't turn back now. Her life would be forfeit if she did and all that she truly wanted was to live in peace. No longer tormented by dark thoughts and cruel words or the harshness of her cold childhood. That winter was certainly the coldest in more ways than one. It was time for summer and this was her ticket. After carefully mixing in the toxin into Kendall’s lemonade, she met her sister outside the stables for their bonding tradition, taking with her a small boot dagger and a pair of gloves tucked within her belt. ~~*~~ Lillia watched as her sister drank up her lemonade, she must’ve been real thirsty as she took the whole glass down within one gulp. Kendall narrowed her eyes as she tried to focus on the objects around them, gripping onto the stool as her knees finally gave and she tumbled to the floor. Lillia watched with glee, a grin slipping on her face, a sly look of satisfaction as she pulled the gloves on, fixing her fingers in each slip of cloth. Kendall gasped for breath, trying desperately to feed off the air trying to stay alive. Her arms began to flail wildly as Lillia pounced, wrapping her hands around the girls neck, her fingers squeezing down one by one on the young girl’s airway. She moves herself up, sitting upright on top of Kendall. Leaning low, she pulls the dagger from her boot, examining the shiny blade. Orange, red and blue radiate within the room as the evening sun sets, the light shooting in all directions as it bounces off the blade of the dagger. In one swift move, Lillia plunges the dagger into Kendall’s heart, again and again, her blood making jagged patterns within the hay beneath their bodies. A deep maniacal laugh escaped Lillia in this moment. She remained on top of the carcass that was once her sister for a long moment, reveling in her accomplishment. Neither Kendall nor Lillia would be attending dinner that night. The aftermath however, had never crossed her mind, at least not until a loud thud came from inside the stables startling her. Thankfully no one was there. She had to get rid of her dress, she had to stage an attack. She ran down towards the river, ripping through the rose bushes and tearing through the dirt, tumbling down the hills and into the ice cold water that flowed into the creek. She had to make it believable to divert all attention from her. When they finally found her, she was unconscious and barely alive, nearly frozen to death. This was her second ‘accident’ in the ice. Who knew that the cold of the water would seep so deep into her heart allowing nothing else to live there other than bitterness and resentment. But her sister’s blood had sparked something within her, a feeling that she will never forget. Her parents flocked with grief, and that night was the first night in months that she had slept. A long, deep and peaceful sleep. ~ * ~ She never spoke of 'home' again, and after leaving it, she enlisted in the local mercenary guild. She had no experience, but they took her in anyway. Like a lost little puppy she seemed to paw at their door until they allowed entrance. Life became a quick and harsh lesson, it wasn't all dresses and dance lessons like she had while living with her parents. Though, they treated her with more care than she ever received at home, so her complaints swiftly diminished. Lilli picked up on things quickly, and would take to anything anyone would teach her. Within the few years spent there, they honed her skills as a ranger, and even began focusing on the skills needed for a successful scout. It wasn't too long before she's met Colin, the heavy footed barbarian, and one of the higher ups of the guild. Despite being married, he never hid his interest for her, it was just never reciprocated. She picked up on a few other things too, including how Colin looked at his wife, and every other woman who passed him by, the look of disgust and scorn his wife would give her upon passing. She also heard rumors, bits of her past creeping up in conversations held in the shadows, and from the sounds of it, this wasn't good for her. Sure, many in their ranks were criminals; petty thieves, murderers and the like. But a major client’s daughter was killed. Having her there, not turning her over, well, it was bad for business, and the guild was all about business. She needed to get out, to disappear, to leave the mountains, once and for all. A job came in that would send them to a set of islands not far from the mountains edge. This was her chance to escape. Unfortunately nothing went as planned on that trip. Betrayal, blackmail, manipulation, and one thing led to another. The only way she was leaving was with more blood on her hands. One night, after Colin had been particularly cruel to her, she called upon the gods for the courage to do what needed to be done. Dawn finally came about them, and as his life slipped from his body, she gazed upon him, an eerie sense of satisfaction and contentment came over her. The rage had finally subsided, leaving Lilli calm and peaceful. And with that, she slipped into the shadows, the fog of the isles hiding her presence. Finally, away from everything, she was able to rest. It was a peaceful sleep, hidden in the shrubbery of the forest just at the foot of the mountain, shrouded by the darkness of night. She'd have to be careful from here on in, and she had a long way to go. They'd be looking for her for sure. Is there anyone she can trust? Who is the Seer?: She's heard only rumors of the Seer, whispers within the dead of night. Years of travel still haven't brought her any closer to this being, this myth. She wanders now only looking for a purpose; something to do, somewhere to call home, people to perhaps call family, a real family. Her days of chasing childhood stories are done. An interesting tidbit which the Seer might know or see about her- Lilli is of chaotic alignment. She is a good person though there is a darkness within her. She is quiet, and likes to observe. She is also hot tempered if angered. She doesn't trust very easily however she is loyal to those who she deems worthy of her trust. Lilliannah is a woman of her word and will try very hard not to break it. She is honorable to that extent, but she plays by her own rules, her own code.
Arman savait que ce qu'elle faisait était mal, mais ça ne voulait pas dire qu'elle allait s'arrêter. Elle avait été intéressée par l'épisode de la taverne, puisque Ray n'en avait pas besoin avant ce soir, alors elle avait décidé de suivre. Une bonne histoire à gagner? Elle était là. Ray avait dit un jour qu'elle pensait beaucoup trop aux histoires; chaque pensée éveillée, quand elle ne parlait pas de nourriture, était des histoires. Bien sûr, elle était probablement un peu trop concentrée sur le seul sujet, mais c'était comme ça qu'elle travaillait. C'est pas possible. Quand le "kid" sans sexe, que l'autre garçon avait appelé "Seer", avait commencé à sortir en tenant la fille qu'elle avait lâchée de son tabouret et scintillé la porte devant la petite fête. En s'éloignant de la taverne, elle a essayé d'avoir l'air confiante, comme si elle ne faisait rien de mal. Elle a glissé dans une petite ruelle de l'autre côté de la taverne, attendant de voir où les autres allaient. En espérant qu'elle ne soit pas stupide, c'était dingue? Oui, probablement. Elle devrait le faire? Pas du tout. Mais rien de tout ça ne l'arrêterait. C'était la chose la plus sortie qui s'était produite depuis longtemps, il n'y avait aucun moyen qu'elle manque.
Name: Arman Ryanson Age: 16 Gender: Female, but looks male. Bio: Arman grew up traveling, village to village, never settling anywhere. She was the story keeper for her troupe, telling stories for her keep. They are currently stopping by in Crosshaven for a little while, before they plan to move on. Arman hides the fact that she is a girl. When she was little she was picked up from the roadside and has been with the travelers since then. Who is the Seer?: Another traveler, someone, she respects if ‘he’ exists. She has heard of ‘him’ in legends and one of the first stories she read was a piece of poetry about ‘him’. She would also like, if possible to be the one to record the seer’s story, and tell it to others. (But for that matter she quite likes telling anyone’s stories, if they will let her.)
Lucas soupira que Argo l'ignorait, regardant l'innommable partir avec Near-Nudey Judy en remorquage. Celui qui tirait la fille sauvage offrait à n'importe qui d'autre de les suivre, et bien qu'il sentât une gravité d'intérêt pour la personnalité curieuse, la taverne était pleine, et quelqu'un devait la diriger. Une nouvelle femme est entrée au fur et à mesure que les deux s'en allaient. Cette fille était habillée tête à orteil dans une tunique sombre, tirant une capuche sur sa tête quand elle est entrée. Lucas a réussi à avoir un regard sur son visage avant qu'il n'arrive : Elle avait de beaux cheveux rouges et des yeux bleu vif. Ces mêmes yeux semblaient être jetés dans la direction de Lucas. Il sourit à la nouvelle femme et la poussa au bar pour boire un verre. Comme il l'a fait, il a tout en douceur balayé la pièce laissée sur le comptoir, en remplaçant certains par diverses boissons, versé et mélangé à un rythme rapide. Alors qu'il servait ses clients avides, il aperçut un des vendeurs se lever pour partir. Lucas s'est rapidement rendu à l'autre pour s'enquérir. "Votre collègue semble s'intéresser à ce type, hein?" Il a demandé. Avant d'attendre une réponse, il a abattu le sujet et a décidé de parler affaires. Il y avait peu de temps pour qu'il parle, la plupart des assiettes de tavernes et des verres remplis. "Alors, vous deux êtes des vendeurs d'épices, hm? Qu'est-ce que tu as en stock, mon brave homme?"
Lucas Niir Age - 29 Gender - Male Bio - Lucas comes from a town a little ways down the road from Cross-Haven, where his parents own a locally famous tavern by the name of "Your Friendly Niirborhood Tavern." Their service is fantastic and incredibly quick, with their only being three people employed: Both of Lucas's parents, and a single cook. Their business was their pride and joy, and ever since childhood, Lucas was captured by the devotion his parents showed towards their business, and aspired to run the store some day. Lucas helped out around the tavern, and eventually was considered to be a fourth employee by everyone. He learned much from his parents, and eventually became skilled enough to open his own tavern in Cross-Haven by the same name. Business there, although a little slower due to the smaller size of the town, was well, and lived up to the reputation of his parents business in the town over. Lately, however, it had come to Lucas's attention that his father had come down with a terrible sickness. Due to this, his normally cheerful and eager-to-please attitude has waned a little bit. Who is the Seer? - Lucas has heard of him/her, but doesn't believe in The Seer. Upon mention, he usually will laugh and reply with: "Hell, we can all see, can't we? I don't see the big hoopla over it."
Fredrick a couru la balle de son pouce contre la poignée de son épée dans la contemplation tranquille. Il avait senti... quelque chose. Un changement soudain dans son âme alors que le Seer prenait leur congé de la taverne, était-ce ce que c'était d'être appelé par le destin? Et pourtant, il s'est retrouvé gelé, fixé sur les planches du sol sous lui, les derniers restes de son doute le paralysant dans sa tentative de détourner sa route de cette étrange figure. Son pied se crampait lentement devant lui, bientôt suivi de l'autre, alors qu'il s'élançait en avant comme un ivrogne, réussissant juste à prendre son pas avant qu'il n'entre en collision avec le patron nouvellement entré. "Mes excuses, Madame." Il a réussi avec un demi-arc rapide, se déplaçant rapidement vers la porte, jetant son épaule dedans alors qu'il éclatait dans la rue. Le voyant et la fille avec le regard de la sauvage autour d'elle, n'étaient que des pieds devant. Un être de légende, mais quelques pieds devant lui. Oh, comment son vieil ami Simeon 'doigts Lucky' aurait tué pour être à sa place. Cet idiot avait toujours pensé qu'il était destiné à de grandes choses, c'était une honte qu'il se soit retrouvé avec sa propre lame à travers son cœur comme Fredrick l'avait pris loin de ceux, ce qui s'est avéré être, pas si chanceux doigts. Il clignait la mémoire, avant de tourner son regard sur le voyant, s'occuper d'eux serait aussi dangereux que le duel avec Siméon avait été ce jour-là. "Et quel rôle je joue dans tout ça?" Il leur demanda soigneusement après eux, car une autre question brûlait dans son esprit, suppliant d'être exprimée. Ne demande rien au voyant, ne doit rien. Il se rappela apaisantment, fixant son visage avec le regard placide qu'il portait toujours si bien à la cour. Bien mieux qu'un examen attentif. Il a pensé avec bienveillance.
Name: Fredrick Riel Appearance: Age: 19 Gender: Male Lucas was born far to the west, in a land where the success of a nobles family was dependent upon the skill of the houses swordsmen, with custom dictating that all disputes and matters are settled with duels. To prevent putting the nobility at risk, they and only they, are allowed to employ the talents of simple folk to fight their duels for them. With his parents being poor Lucas could barely remember them, as he was sold to 'House Riel' at a young age, and put to training as a swordsman immediately. When he reached the age of sixteen he was granted his first personal blade, a steel short sword which he had named 'Nightbane', a weapon that swiftly helped him earn a name for himself among the Houses. Lucrative offers were made to House Riel in return for the lads service, but the House had grown proud of their fierce fighter, publicly declaring him the best in all the lands and granting the young man the right to wear their name. Word soon got to the king, of a small house, boasting of having the finest swordsman in the lands, wishing to see so for himself, he journeyed to their home and offered to buy the swordsmen from them, but in their arrogance they declined. The refusal was seen as an insult and direct challenge to the kings authority, using his influence he had the house stripped of its lands and titles and sent into exile. Young Lucas stuck with the family as they traveled east through the hinterlands with what little possessions remained to them, but inexperience with the rigors of travel led to the death of many, with once loyal house guards turning bandit. Wounded from his ordeals and attempts to crush the mutiny of his fellow swordsman, Lucas was left behind by those whom had escaped the battle unscathed, and had been forced to leave behind those too sick or frail to keep up. Eventually Barren earth gave way to lush grass, than fields of corn, Lucas collapsed at the feet of the first person he had seen in days, shortly passing out afterward. The man who had found him, a local farmer of the township of Crosshaven, helped nurse him back to health and offered lodgings to the young man in return for help with work around the farm. He accepted immediately and worked many a season for his savior, but in his heart he longed to return to his homeland and slay the man who ruined his House, yet found he knew not the way home. Who is the Seer?: Someone who may know of his homeland, as the name has been met with confused stares by all others/ A travelling companion.
Bien que Lilli ne le savait pas, elle avait passé le voyant en allant dans la taverne. Ses yeux bleu pâle étincelaient alors qu'elle marchait à travers la lumière du soleil, son regard était fixé sur le sol devant elle, ne regardant jamais loin d'elle. Qu'elle ait attiré l'attention des groupes ou non, elle n'a pas remarqué, et elle ne s'en souciait pas beaucoup. Elle n'était pas là pour avoir des ennuis ou attirer l'attention. Tout ce qu'elle voulait c'était régler les grognements de son estomac et les douleurs dans ses pieds. Tout le reste pourrait venir plus tard, si c'était le cas. La taverne était pleine d'affaires. Et apparemment le groupe récemment parti avait causé un peu d'agitation. Un homme a failli la labourer en essayant de les rattraper. Il lui a fallu un moment pour obtenir ses repères, son regard s'attardant sur la foule pendant un moment, prenant dans les nombreuses personnes différentes appréciant la compagnie de la taverne et ses biens. Enfin, ses yeux se sont fixés sur la garde du bar et un endroit vide au bar. Il l'a motionnée. Elle a lentement fait son chemin à travers la foule et à la place vide. Le barman semblait être occupé avec d'autres mécènes de l'établissement occupé. Était-il ici tout seul?, pensa-t-elle, et regarda autour de la taverne en espérant voir quelqu'un d'autre qui semblait travailler ici. En vain, le gentleman qui aidait le vendeur était le seul. Elle s'est cognée sur son capot, l'a arrachée de la tête et a libéré sa tresse des limites de son capot qui maintenant drapé sur ses épaules. Elle savait déjà ce qu'elle voulait, mais elle ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de regarder le fond des liqueurs derrière le bar. Cet endroit doit bien se passer, elle murmure, son regard flotte sur le barman une fois de plus. Elle avait faim, ses rations étaient épuisées il y a environ un jour et demi. Un étrange bruit qui jaillit de son estomac, comme le grognement d'une bête affamée. Peu importe ce qu'ils ont servi ici, elle avait assez faim pour manger presque tout ce qu'ils avaient, et probablement tout sur leur menu. Ses mains calmées s'asseyaient doucement, pliées sur la surface dure du haut de la barre. Elle pourrait être patiente si elle devait l'être. Les affaires sont arrivées en premier, elles sont toujours arrivées en premier. Son visage devint aigre comme une pensée traversa son esprit. Un bâilleur lui échappa, avec lui, la disposition aigre disparut rapidement.
Name: Lilliannah Corrine Dancroft Alias: Annalynne (Anna-leen) LaFray Appearance: Enticing your gaze, if not shrouded by her hood, are her eyes. Big, pale crystalline blue, reminding you of the sky on cloudy day, one displaying green speckles within. Also often hidden, are silky waves of fiery red hair, which is usually pulled back into a loose braid, allowing strands to fly about. Freckles scatter lightly over her nose. Standing at about 5’6”, Lilli’s build is more reflective of a dancer. Petite, though not without curves, and the majority of her weight sits below her waist. If exposed, several faded scars stretch across her back and shoulders. One scar in particular rests upon her right cheek, close to her ear and is about 1 1/2 inches in length. Her skin, tanned from travel, otherwise shows no markings. Age: 26 Gender: Female Bio: Lilliannah is the daughter of wealthy merchants Pavel and Catherine Dancroft, nestled in a quite far away mountain top town. Born into wealth, Lilli was raised to be prim and proper. Her older sister Kendall was a sight to behold. Lovely, thick brown wavy hair, deep blue eyes, pale skin, elegant and beautiful in every way, and more importantly, a product of both Pavel and his wife, Catherine. Lilli was constantly being criticized, and endlessly compared to her. “Why can’t you be more like your sister” the words would course through her mind, with no release. Always to be reminded of where she came from and who she wasn't. As the years passed, their differences became more apparent. She was constantly shunned by her parents, completely ignored by her sister, and made to feel like an outcast by most around her. She became violent, secluded and resentful. She thought perhaps by distancing herself, she’d be free of their criticism and harshness, being able to live her days in peace. Unfortunately this was not the case. Dark thoughts began to fill her mind, and so she sought the gods for help. Spending a week in prayer and deep meditation, she begged and pleaded for things to change. Frustrated by no answer, she finally went home. Exhausted from the thoughts that raced through her mind, the disappointment that echoed through the tense muscles of her body, she passed out even before she reached the front door. That's when the nightmares began. Within the horrid dreams, a message was relayed - her answer. It was merely a name, but she knew exactly what it meant. Each attempt at putting it out of her mind only made things worse. And so the day finally came; the day she would bring Kendall to her death. Her hands set to purpose with glee as she began to concoct the poison that would end her sister’s life. Deep down, she had hoped that this would make her parents acknowledge their only living daughter, at least acknowledge her with something other than disgust and disappointment. And finally, the deed was done. Days passed and turned into weeks, months. Nothing changed, nothing was ever enough for them. Lilli was gazed over and became one of the servants of the house. With that, she crept into the shadows and left. Memory: 7 years old Kendall was supposed to watch me. We went out to the pond behind the house. It was frozen over due to the bitter cold that engulfed the Gate that winter. I admit, perhaps I was being a bit if a nag. But then Kendall left. She was called over by some friends, Maribel or something like that, and a boy. Yet again, I was left to entertain myself. Honestly though, I preferred it this way. I remember Kendall would always tease me. I remember I was wearing my new shoes. Mama had Katalina take me to go get fitted for them. They were horrible against the cold weather, but then again, they were supposed to be for parties and fancy outings. My feet were freezing as I glided across the ice. Even then I was graceful on my feet. Though this is me and I may not have a clear picture of that. Something caught my eye. Something that was in the ice, but I never got a clear view. I crouched down to get a better look. The ice cracked, water gushed up and into my lungs. I began to freeze from the inside out. I can't even tell you where the shooting pain of ice cold originated, all I know was that within, what seemed like a matter of short moments, I was numb all over and the only thing I felt was the life being shoved out of my body by the cold. Patches of ice surrounded me, I tried my hardest to grasp onto one and pull myself out, but I was so cold I could barely feel my fingers. It was cold. It got dark. To feel like I was one with the cold water that surrounded me . I screamed. Or at least I tried to. Or, at the very least I thought i did. There were sounds. Was it me? I don't even remember being pulled out of the ice. There was a lot of screaming, and then, nothing. I awoke in the infirmary. Katalina found me wailing about. I had fallen in. It took her and one other to pull me out. Kendall was no where to be found. And the next morning at breakfast, it was as if nothing happened. Memory: 12 years old I met a cute boy, his name was Krystofer. He was new in town. I went to say hello and introduce myself. Kendall beat me to him. They're dating now. My friend Rose says it's only a matter of time before she gets sick of him. Rose is my best friend. My only friend really. Thank the gods for Rose. Memory: 15 years old Winter is upon us again, thank the gods it is almost over. I got into another argument with mother again. Oh if I received a coin for every time I heard the words ‘if only you were more like your sister’. ‘You’d go places’, she’d often finish that sentence with … I was sick nearly the entire winter. Being stuck in bed on your birthday is -not- fun. But Katalina made me this wonderful cake. Chocolate mousse with a light caramel coffee icing. Oh, I don’t know what she used to make this or even where she got them from. But I have decided, I am going to learn. May the gods bring me peace this year to come. Memory: 17 years old “May the gods grant me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.” A prayer I've been repeating over and over again these past few nights. I've tried to keep the peace. I've tried to keep my distance, but these thoughts I've had, they are driving me insane. I feel trapped, suffocated, alone. I often daydream, picturing myself ripping her heart from her chest. I'll hold it in my hand for a few moments, watching the intricate details of life work in such wondrous ways. The thump thump between my fingers, it grows weaker as my grasp on the organ grows tighter. I revel at the sight of blood trailing down my arm as I hold her heart, triumphantly, in the air. I've begged and pleaded with the Gods that they must stop. I’ll be traveling to the Temple downtown in the morning. I've packed a bag and don’t plan on coming back until I've received some sort of answer. ~ * ~ “I awoke from another nightmare. This had to have been the worst there was so far. Pain, so much pain. I sat in a pool of blood, feeling quite content, though all I saw was this hideous monster. Something had overtaken me and all I can hear, all I can feel was the pain of others around me. Lets not think about that now, I’ve too much to do today. Drenched in my own sweat, I tumble out of bed, struggling to find my feet. I look in the mirror. What a mess. Red ragged hair devouring my face, sweeping down to the middle of my back. Large black circles envelop my eyes which have become quite puffy I can barely see through them. The pale blue that once sparkled now seemed dull, more grey than anything, only speckled with light blue through out. Weeks of an improper diet has left the girl with once healthy curves to stand, gazing at skin and bones in the large and elegant mirror that adorned her room. How could I have let this happen. No more … no more.” Lillia took a few extra minutes to get ready today. Her hair twisted into neat braids, tucked tightly into a bun which sat between her ears. Her gown was neatly pressed and flowed against her thin figure quite elegantly. The gown itself was a light blue trimmed in white lace. A corset top trimmed her figure, tapered sleeves released themselves at her elbows, allowing a thin piece of lace to escape and flow about to her fingertips. It was a dress fit for a lady of the court, an especially odd dress for her to wear on an ordinary Thursday. Though no one made a comment or question regarding her choice, and she went about the day doing as she pleased as normal. She spent the first few hours of the early morning in the garden reading. Breakfast was finally called for which she reported for promptly. Eggs in a basket cooked over medium with crispy bacon and potatoes, finished off with a tall glass of freshly squeezed juice, her favorite breakfast meal. Lillia took her time eating, savoring each bite. The yoke of the egg spilled over her toast slowly as she cut into her food. She watched as it oozed out, staining the white dish, the colors of her food mixing slowly. She watched, fascinated, though after realizing her stare at the wondrous meal, she quickly took back to eating it. The afternoon was quickly upon them, which meant various chores had to be done before dinner. But Lillia had other plans for the afternoon. ~~*~~ She traveled to the various gardens around the manor, took solace within the woods picking berries and various other herbs. Though the anxiety was fiercely building inside her, she walked through the day even keeled and calm. Hiding in the shadows of the afternoon sun, she crept back to her room, successfully keeping herself from wandering eyes. “Tis time” she whispered to herself as she locked her door. With a deep inhale, she turned to her workstation of herbs and vials and went to work. Butterflies made their way through her stomach, ejecting from her in the form of giddy giggles as she carefully mixed and molded. Her hands trembled as she held the finished product in her hand. She couldn't help but smile, her release would be upon her soon enough. It was already 5 in the evening, they’d be calling for dinner soon. She had to make her move or delay another day. There was one thing that would steal her sister from her chores, afternoon lemonade - a treat just before dinner, and their little secret. They had been doing lemonades at dusk now for a few months. It was the only time that Lillia really got to spend with her sister, bonding time. But it was already too late and she knew she couldn't turn back now. Her life would be forfeit if she did and all that she truly wanted was to live in peace. No longer tormented by dark thoughts and cruel words or the harshness of her cold childhood. That winter was certainly the coldest in more ways than one. It was time for summer and this was her ticket. After carefully mixing in the toxin into Kendall’s lemonade, she met her sister outside the stables for their bonding tradition, taking with her a small boot dagger and a pair of gloves tucked within her belt. ~~*~~ Lillia watched as her sister drank up her lemonade, she must’ve been real thirsty as she took the whole glass down within one gulp. Kendall narrowed her eyes as she tried to focus on the objects around them, gripping onto the stool as her knees finally gave and she tumbled to the floor. Lillia watched with glee, a grin slipping on her face, a sly look of satisfaction as she pulled the gloves on, fixing her fingers in each slip of cloth. Kendall gasped for breath, trying desperately to feed off the air trying to stay alive. Her arms began to flail wildly as Lillia pounced, wrapping her hands around the girls neck, her fingers squeezing down one by one on the young girl’s airway. She moves herself up, sitting upright on top of Kendall. Leaning low, she pulls the dagger from her boot, examining the shiny blade. Orange, red and blue radiate within the room as the evening sun sets, the light shooting in all directions as it bounces off the blade of the dagger. In one swift move, Lillia plunges the dagger into Kendall’s heart, again and again, her blood making jagged patterns within the hay beneath their bodies. A deep maniacal laugh escaped Lillia in this moment. She remained on top of the carcass that was once her sister for a long moment, reveling in her accomplishment. Neither Kendall nor Lillia would be attending dinner that night. The aftermath however, had never crossed her mind, at least not until a loud thud came from inside the stables startling her. Thankfully no one was there. She had to get rid of her dress, she had to stage an attack. She ran down towards the river, ripping through the rose bushes and tearing through the dirt, tumbling down the hills and into the ice cold water that flowed into the creek. She had to make it believable to divert all attention from her. When they finally found her, she was unconscious and barely alive, nearly frozen to death. This was her second ‘accident’ in the ice. Who knew that the cold of the water would seep so deep into her heart allowing nothing else to live there other than bitterness and resentment. But her sister’s blood had sparked something within her, a feeling that she will never forget. Her parents flocked with grief, and that night was the first night in months that she had slept. A long, deep and peaceful sleep. ~ * ~ She never spoke of 'home' again, and after leaving it, she enlisted in the local mercenary guild. She had no experience, but they took her in anyway. Like a lost little puppy she seemed to paw at their door until they allowed entrance. Life became a quick and harsh lesson, it wasn't all dresses and dance lessons like she had while living with her parents. Though, they treated her with more care than she ever received at home, so her complaints swiftly diminished. Lilli picked up on things quickly, and would take to anything anyone would teach her. Within the few years spent there, they honed her skills as a ranger, and even began focusing on the skills needed for a successful scout. It wasn't too long before she's met Colin, the heavy footed barbarian, and one of the higher ups of the guild. Despite being married, he never hid his interest for her, it was just never reciprocated. She picked up on a few other things too, including how Colin looked at his wife, and every other woman who passed him by, the look of disgust and scorn his wife would give her upon passing. She also heard rumors, bits of her past creeping up in conversations held in the shadows, and from the sounds of it, this wasn't good for her. Sure, many in their ranks were criminals; petty thieves, murderers and the like. But a major client’s daughter was killed. Having her there, not turning her over, well, it was bad for business, and the guild was all about business. She needed to get out, to disappear, to leave the mountains, once and for all. A job came in that would send them to a set of islands not far from the mountains edge. This was her chance to escape. Unfortunately nothing went as planned on that trip. Betrayal, blackmail, manipulation, and one thing led to another. The only way she was leaving was with more blood on her hands. One night, after Colin had been particularly cruel to her, she called upon the gods for the courage to do what needed to be done. Dawn finally came about them, and as his life slipped from his body, she gazed upon him, an eerie sense of satisfaction and contentment came over her. The rage had finally subsided, leaving Lilli calm and peaceful. And with that, she slipped into the shadows, the fog of the isles hiding her presence. Finally, away from everything, she was able to rest. It was a peaceful sleep, hidden in the shrubbery of the forest just at the foot of the mountain, shrouded by the darkness of night. She'd have to be careful from here on in, and she had a long way to go. They'd be looking for her for sure. Is there anyone she can trust? Who is the Seer?: She's heard only rumors of the Seer, whispers within the dead of night. Years of travel still haven't brought her any closer to this being, this myth. She wanders now only looking for a purpose; something to do, somewhere to call home, people to perhaps call family, a real family. Her days of chasing childhood stories are done. An interesting tidbit which the Seer might know or see about her- Lilli is of chaotic alignment. She is a good person though there is a darkness within her. She is quiet, and likes to observe. She is also hot tempered if angered. She doesn't trust very easily however she is loyal to those who she deems worthy of her trust. Lilliannah is a woman of her word and will try very hard not to break it. She is honorable to that extent, but she plays by her own rules, her own code.
En effet, The Seer a répondu de façon plutôt indifférente à la question de Frederick sur le rôle qu'il jouerait dans les événements à venir, « c'est une question qui mérite d'être posée. Nous n'avons pas le moindre indice si ce n'est que nous savons que vous jouerez votre rôle." Le Seer s'est tourné vers son équipage plutôt motley et a soufflé un brin de cheveux hors du chemin. "Mes sens me disent que nous devrions trouver les réponses en suivant la piste du meurtrier, bien sûr, une piste est nécessaire pour démarrer cette entreprise. Comme les brigands s'en sont sortis sans aucun problème il y a toutes ces années sans aucun doute, ils sont devenus complaisants et laxistes. Pourtant, ils ne sont pas stupides s'ils n'ont pas encore été capturés, de sorte que la meilleure façon d'agir est de trouver l'homme moyen, la personne qui a aidé à coordonner leurs mouvements dans le passé en fournissant des informations." Le Voyeur a dit tout cela avec une certitude absolue, comme s'il en était ainsi parce qu'on l'avait dit. "Maintenant, pour aider à la recherche, si le jeune miss a peut-être un jeton, un reste de l'attaque, nous pouvons utiliser l'article pour tenter de trouver un chemin. Il n'est pas garanti de travailler bien sûr, mais pourrait nous fournir un exemple précieux. Autrement, un travail d'enquête à l'ancienne sera en règle. »
Name: Unknown Appearance: (Just ignore the 'tails') Age: Unknown Gender: Unknown Bio: The Seer is an enigma and seemingly unknowable. A wanderer who at times can see the future and seems to always have mysterious events surrounding The Seer's every journey. Who is The Seer? What is the Seer? Does even The Seer know its purpose or is The Seer merely tight-lipped? What is known about the Seer is wherever The Seer travels, change is soon to follow. Who is the Seer?: The Seer is The Seer, nothing more, nothing less.
Parmi le chaos qui brasse est toujours une lueur d'espoir. Celui qui attire tout le reste de l'espoir dans le chaos ensemble. C'est ce qui arrive quand l'ennemi naturel du chaos, l'ordre, se lève. L'ordre dans le chaos résout généralement le chaos. Qui sait ce qui arrivera quand cette lueur d'espoir attirera plus. Est-ce qu'ils vont s'asseoir au centre, dissiper le chaos environnant? Ou se dissoudra-t-elle et se dispersera-t-elle dans le chaos, pour ne plus jamais être vu? Torchwick romain Roman ordonne à certains de ses hommes d'entrer. "Très bien, les gars. C'est l'heure d'un verrouillage. Je veux dire tous les hommes, les femmes et les enfants à l'intérieur. Compte-tête, et rapport. Et assurez-vous de vérifier l'ancienne base. Je ne veux pas que nos... frères sauvages se cachent là-bas. S'ils ne peuvent pas se permettre de vivre ici, ils peuvent partir. En supposant qu'ils trouvent une sortie qui n'est pas bloquée par nous ou Grimm." En se souvenant des membres de White Fang qui habitent parfois ces salles, Roman s'est assuré d'être prudent pour ne pas insulter les pucebags. Il était cruel, pas stupide. -- Oui, patron. Le soldat répond, alors que lui et les autres se sont rassemblés à la sortie de l'Académie de Beacon, qui est maintenant sous-tendue, dans les avions auxquels ils s'étaient habitués. "C'est bien d'être roi." Roman se dit à lui-même. Après quelques secondes de silence, il dit à haute voix : « Je sais que nous ne pouvons pas trouver plus de chasseurs. C'est ce que nous faisons ici à Beacon : former de grands chasseurs. Travailler pour nous." Encore quelques secondes de silence. "Ouais, ouais. Ils ont besoin d'Aura. Je sais, mais nous faisons de notre mieux. En haut de chaque lèche-vitrine avec une certaine lueur à propos d'eux. Nous... À cela, les portes s'ouvrent de nouveau, révélant un cadre mince. Courbes féminines, mais pas les cheveux longs. L'éblouissement la garde hors de vue. "J'ai peut-être des nouvelles que tu veux. Maître." Roman connaissait la voix. Très bien. La voix de la femme planait dans l'air, comme si elle était faite de soie. Le chef roux sourit et lui dit qu'elle-qui-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-b-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a À la remarque, la femme pose un rouleau et sort en disant "c'est le message. Ne le renifle pas pour mon parfum trop longtemps, chérie." Roman, maintenant ennuyé, mais avec une légère bosse dans l'entrejambe de son pantalon, marche sur, prend la bouteille, et marche dans ses chambres, en disant seulement "Je pense que nous l'avons trouvé." Magdéline Magdeline a observé tout ça à l'extérieur, mais elle n'a rien entendu après le départ des soldats. Si seulement les sons pouvaient ramper. Elle n'a pu que voir Roman parler, mais personne d'autre dans la pièce. Jusqu'à ce que cette dame arrive. Elle n'était pas là assez longtemps pour avoir un bon look, mais son langage corporel était très sensible à Roman. Peut-être un amant? Collaborateur intéressé? Aucune idée, mais ce qu'elle savait c'était qu'il y avait un rouleau dans la possession de Roman maintenant. Et du visage du dictateur, ça n'aurait pas pu être une bonne nouvelle pour l'Insurrection. En ne disant rien, elle désactive son insecte, attrapant des blips de soldats disant aux gens de rentrer chez eux et... des choses bien pires que ça. Une fois de retour à la base, au milieu du sous-sol du quartier industriel, Magdeline révèle ce qu'elle sait à son équipe. "Nous devons comprendre ce qu'ils prévoient avec ce rouleau, pourrait l'un d'entre vous être un cher et obtenir plus d'informations sur les rouleaux, probablement ceux qui ont affaire au pouvoir, si je connais Roman assez bien. Et j'en suis sûr. Maintenant, puisqu'ils commencent un couvre-feu, nous devons être très prudents quand nous prévoyons des réunions plus tard dans la journée. Si nous faisons une réunion de nuit, utilisez les toits ou sous terre si vous le pouvez. Si vous devez utiliser le niveau du sol, prenez les routes arrière. Je préférerais que tu sois en retard plutôt que mort. Vous m'entendez?" Elle pose sa dernière question avec des larmes qui commencent à bien se lever. Merde, je ne peux pas continuer à aller dans le passé. Je dois me concentrer ici, maintenant, et ces enfants qui ont besoin d'aide. Respirant profondément et essuyant ses yeux, Magdeline continue. "Maintenant, j'ai fait quelques recherches sur les patrouilles, et je les ai marqués sur les planches. Les points rouges sont là où ils commencent et sont en haut de l'heure. éviter les lignes autant que vous pouvez. Si tu as besoin d'un endroit pour rester après une réunion, tu es plus que le bienvenu pour rester chez moi, mais tu devras faire attention de ne pas gâcher le compte du matin. Connaissez les patrouilles. Soyez en sécurité. Je vous aime tous. Rentre chez toi et repose-toi. Évitez de vous battre. Prochaine réunion : même heure, même endroit, exactement une semaine. Je trouverai un trou dans leur défense pour qu'on saute."
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Silme Raana "Ouais, ouais, je vais voir ce que je peux faire, mais fais, souviens-toi que ça te coûtera si je dois payer pour cette information, Mags."Silme était dans une chaise, portant son manteau à capuche régulier et l'usure de cuir voyou, se cachant avec un casque sur lequel il travaillait. Cela lui avait pris un certain temps, mais il l'a finalement fini, un casque masqué en forme de masque d'un Beowolf, une excellente façon d'inspirer la peur chez ses ennemis. Il avait même fait pour que les yeux brillent de façon inquiétante, l'un étant un argent brillant et l'autre un rouge écarlate foncé. Après avoir fait un dernier contrôle de tout, il s'est replié les oreilles et a mis la partie masque sur son visage, beaucoup de plaques métalliques se déplaçant en place pour faire la partie casque de l'engrenage, un ajustement parfait. Après un peu plus de fiddling, il a activé la pièce de communication et la lueur des yeux, se tournant vers son partenaire dans le crime quand il s'est levé. "Sapphire," a-t-il commencé, sa voix délibérément déformée par le masque pour le rendre plus profond et plus bestial, "Je continue tout seul, je vais vérifier certaines choses, ne m'attendez pas, rentrez tout droit chez moi et soyez prudent. Je serai à la maison dès que je peux. Quant au reste d'entre vous, essayez de ne pas mourir, des bâtonnets de viande." Avec ça, il a quitté la pièce, ramassant Scarlet Ravager comme il l'a fait. Contrairement au nom, les griffes étaient en fait un noir foncé, non réfléchissant, la lueur des cartouches de poussière étant cachée par le couvercle de la cartouche. Le nom venait de ce qu'ils avaient l'air d'un combat, ainsi que l'état qu'ils ont laissé à leurs victimes quand il s'est vraiment battu. En sortant de la cachette aussi tranquillement que possible, il s'est retrouvé dans une ruelle arrière, dans une poubelle partout et l'odeur des déchets humains et de la décomposition était trop, surtout pour ses sens de Faunus intensifiés. Le casque a aidé à les bloquer, si seulement un peu, comme il a fait son chemin à travers la ruelle jusqu'à ce qu'il est venu à une échelle qui a conduit au toit. Il a attendu jusqu'à ce qu'il arrive au sommet du toit avant de creuser dans son arme, tirant un rouleau de papier avec un sourire enroulé, l'ouvrant pour regarder sur le contenu. Voies de transport pour les expéditions de poussières envoyées à travers la ville. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Jackpot. Merci Mags, maintenant vient le plus facile, en le prenant des goons de Torchprick. En prenant le convoi le moins gardé, Silme range le rouleau dans son sac et équipe son arme, la partie de la griffe étant retirée pour permettre à ses mains d'utiliser facilement alors qu'il commence son sprint au-dessus de la ville, en faisant silencieusement son chemin vers la jonction la plus proche où le convoi s'arrêtait pour ramasser un peu plus de poussière, puis ils partent rejoindre un autre convoi. Il est rapidement arrivé à la zone de repos, tout comme le convoi s'est arrêté à la jonction. Il était composé d'un seul camion, d'un seul costume Mech, et d'une douzaine de morceaux de chair de canon. Ça allait être comme prendre des bonbons d'un bébé. Il a attendu jusqu'à ce que la moitié du groupe se rende dans le magasin de poussière cible pour « convaincre » le propriétaire de se séparer avec de la poussière pour la cause, puis il a sauté d'un alkey, regardant de l'ombre comme l'un des hommes est venu près de l'ouverture. Ses mains ont tiré hors de l'obscurité, l'attraper, par la tête et lui casser le cou avec une torsion rapide et brutale avant de le traîner dans l'allée. Puis le massacre a commencé, alors qu'il se déplaçait furtivement autour du groupe, qui était stupidement sur-confident, sans parler du lent. Ce n'est qu'après avoir traversé la moitié des gars à l'extérieur qu'ils ont trouvé quelque chose. Le chauffeur de mech, sentant quelque chose de raté, se retourna dans son costume après avoir décidénto prendre une fuite sur le trottoir. Tu n'es pas un animal, tiens-le. Ce type était en train de tomber en premier, Silme devait l'énerver pour attaquer n'importe qui d'autre. En sprintant à l'extérieur d'une autre ruelle, il a canalisé son Sembalance dans ses griffes, les faisant basculer vers le haut et sur ses mains tendues, une piste d'argent rougeâtre le suivant alors qu'il atteignait la jambe de mech. Il a pressé un butyon dans le gantelet, tournant le porte cartouche jusqu'à ce qu'il frappe la glace, avant qu'il ne frappe un coup croisé visqueux à sa cible, provoquant une glace argentée rougeâtre à étendre ober tout le membre et même à la chase principale, l'ajout de son Sembalance rendant la glace extrêmement caustique, l'appendice métallique commençant déjà à craquer à mesure que la charge qu'il portait commençait à devenir plus qu'elle ne pouvait prendre. Ignorant cela, la mech s'est tournée vers lui avec des mitrailleuses légères, mais il était déjà parti, chargeant 3 le goon qui semblait enfin arriver à la raison alors qu'ils ouvrent tous le feu sur Silme avec leurs fusils d'assaut. Passant à la poussière de vent maintenant, sauta dans l'air et commença à tourner violemment autour, provoquant une tornade de vents acides pour le former alors qu'il tomba vers le groupe, leurs balles étant corrodées dans la poussière avant même qu'ils ne l'atteignent. Il s'est écrasé sur eux, les vents brûlant leurs yeux et les laissant sans défense à sa prochaine attaque. Il a poignardé sa griffe droite en avant dans l'un d'eux, puis l'a tiré par le côté, en envoyant des morceaux du soldat partout. Sa prochaine victime devait être utilisée comme un bouclier humain tandis que le Mech lui ouvrait le feu, il a attrapé un des hommes aveuglés et l'a tiré devant pour prendre le plus gros de l'assaut et sa barrière d'aura dévia ce qui ne l'a jamais traversé. Le Mech avance rapidement, il tire encore pendant qu'il bouge des bacs, sa couverture étant soufflée pièce par pièce sanglante alors qu'il attend le bon moment pour frapper. Soudain, le Mech a un peu trébuché alors que sa jambe gelée s'est cassée, révélant les articulations vulnérables qui maintiennent la chose stable. Jackpot! Silme a pensé avec un sourire sous son masque qu'il a déplacé sa griffe libre dans le milieu SMG et la cartouche de poussière au feu, tournant les balles en petit explosif alors qu'il a tiré le point faible à l'aide d'un barrage de feu éclatant jusqu'à ce que la jambe se brise, provoquant la chute de la Mech avec un accident. Passant à l'avant du magasin, corps mutilé encore en main, il a rechargé le clip et ouvert le feu sur les derniers gonds qu'il avait besoin de morts, les tondre en sortant du magasin, le cadre de la porte créant le petit goulot d'étranglement parfait pour ses balles perçantes pour les éviscérer. Il n'a arrêté de tirer que lorsque le dernier homme est tombé au sol, avant de se tourner vers le membre survivant, qui était gelé dans la peur et s'était mouiller lui-même. Silme ressemblait à un démon affamé avec le cadavre dans ses mains et le rouge hétérochromique et l'argent de ses yeux, perçant dans l'âme de l'homme. "Montez dans le camion et conduisez-nous à la zone Loner, je serai là où se trouve la cargaison, et rappelez-vous, je saurai où nous allons, et si vous déviez juste le moindre peu, vous finirez comme vos potes là-bas, alors bougez-vous."Silme a lâché le cadavre et est passé à la Mecque juste au moment où le pilote sortait, pour se retrouver en regardant le canon de Scarlet Ravager. "Fin de la ligne pour moi, hein." Il a déclaré, exceptionnellement calme compte tenu des circonstances. --Désolé, répondit Silme, surpris de constater qu'il avait raison. Mais il ne l'a pas empêché d'appuyer sur la gâchette.Le Fang Blanc l'avait dépouillé de sa miséricorde il y a longtemps. "Mais avec la vie que nous avons choisie, on est rarement assuré d'une mort douce." Il a fini tranquillement, regardant le cadavre de l'homme pendant un moment avant de se tourner vers le dernier vivant. "Est-ce que j'ai bégayé avant, monte dans ce putain de camion." Craignant, l'homme a lancé l'action inyo, ne pensant même pas à revenir par radio de peur de ce qui pourrait lui arriver. Silme, utilisant la Corrosion et les fioles de Poussière de Feu, a éliminé de toutes les preuves qu'il pouvait de son présencd en s'éloignant du sang ghe, corrodant les corps au néant, et mettant le mech sur un minuteur. Il savait que les crétins de Torchprick seraient bientôt là, alors il a décidé de leur laisser un petit cadeau à l'intérieur du costume. Silme est monté dans le camion, et a ordonné à la mère de déménager. Ils conduisaient lentement au début, mais rapidement pris la vitesse tandis que Thdy allait sur leur chemin vers la zone Loner. Ils étaient presque là quand on entendait une grosse explosion secouer l'air, faisant sourire Silme. J'espère qu'ils l'aiment, je l'ai fait avec amour, gentillesse, et quelques kilos de poussière de feu hautement volatile. Je suis comme le père Noël, mais avec des explosions. TL;DR: Adolescent rebelle est rebelle, Silme va contre tout ce que Magdeline dit et se retire avec un camion plein de poussière se dirigeant vers la zone Loner. Et qui dit que le crime ne paie pas?
Name: Silme Raana, goes by a nicknames of Sil or Raana Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus Species: Timber Wolf Appearance: Shown below, but with wolf ears, tail, claws, and fang-like canines. Personality: He's a bit of a wild card, never really taking people seriously outside of a fight. He has a short temper, especially if someone decides it's a good idea to make fun of his faunus lineage. When that happens, they should fully expect to get punched in the face if he likes them, or have it clawed off if he doesn't. Along with his brash behavior is an undercurrent of not only a blunt honesty, but slight cluelessness as well. In a fight, he's like a tactical genuis, but when it comes to almost anything else, he's a bit slow on the uptake. Background: When he was child, Silme lived with his parents in Vale, both of them being hunters who frequently went on missions, leaving him alone for a lot of the time. Then, one day, they never came back, and it took him a few weeks to realize that he was truly on his own. He soon found himxelf on the street, treated like crap by many for being a faunus, something he was slowly growing to hate about himself as more people put him down and mocked him. Then, he was recruited by the White Fang, swiftly risinng through the ranks with his impressive fighting skills, until he sabotaged the robberyof a Schnee freighter, blowing up the whole thing and faking his own death in the explosion. After that, he returned to Vale at the age of 15, spending his days in a fancy hotel with some money he acquired in his escape. He also reconnected with his old friend, Sapphire Applecat, who he had met when he beat the crap out of some guys for bullying her. He didn't tell her about any of his activities in the White Fang(or that he was even a member), as it isn't something that he's necessarily proud of. That's not to say he hated it, far from it, but he just didn't like fighting for a guy like Torchprick(his special little nickname for the fucker), or anyone for that matter. He liked being a Loner, because that was what he had been from the beginning, and that's the way he'd like to die, a man whose only ruler is Death, and he's a pretty lenient boss once you get to know him. And then the Breach happened, the world went to hell with in days, and oblivion in weeks. He spent most of those early months healing up from that first wave at Sapphires house, having gotten ambushed by some Beowolves. One of the fuckers had busted through his Aura barrier and sliced uo his back real bad. Even now, months later, it still hurts a bit when he moves, and is a definite weakspot for him, the pain being intense and disorienting if he gets hit there. Now a days, he does what he can to get by, helping the Uprisers on occasion because they pay well and Torchprick's a prick. He'll never join them, though, he lost his faith in others looking over him a long time ago. Affiliation: A Loner by trade, he does help the Uprisers on occasion, provided that they pay a fee. Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks. Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either. Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armors, making him especially effective against Torchwick's mech suits, but he can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective it still allows him to do a bit more damage then normal. Other: Wears this most of the time He has a scar on his back from when Grimm attack him during the breach, 3 long jagged claw marks He doesn't like talking to Magdaline, her motherly attitude reminding him, painfully, of how he never really recieved much in the way of love from either of his parents, but especially his mother.
Graham a ri quand Magdeline a parlé de se reposer. "Haha, la nuit est quand je suis réveillé." Il l'a dit comme une blague. Il aimait Magdeline, elle était très attentionnée, une bonne qualité à avoir. "Et je suis réservé pour la plupart de la semaine. Eh bien, à la semaine prochaine tout le monde!" Il a dit avec un sourire et un clin d'œil avant de mettre ses lunettes et a commencé à courir, il s'est retourné rapidement "Ou une des nuits si vous êtes à propos de cela!" Il a dit que c'était plus une offre de traîner que de se promouvoir en tant que DJ. Graham a décidé de prendre la route du toit alors qu'il a réussi à trouver une échelle d'accès quand il est sorti. Graham a atteint les toits et a souri. Il a eu une bonne semaine d'avance sur lui et, espérons-le, une mission à la fin. Des soirées amusantes et des bagarres amusantes, son genre de plan. Graham voûta et glissa sous les tuyaux et les générateurs, sautant du toit à côté jusqu'à ce qu'il atteigne le quartier résidentiel. Il a trouvé son chemin fait et a marché à la maison, prenant soigneusement les ruelles arrières et d'autres routes alternatives que les rues. Sa maison était petite, mais il vivait seul et pouvait faire ce qu'il voulait. Graham est allé directement dans sa chambre et a enlevé ses lunettes, les chucking sur le lit. Il a fait ses valises, il a passé une longue nuit ce soir.
Name: Graham Malcolm Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again. Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life. Affiliation: Upriser Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful. Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs. Sembalance: Can control soundwaves. Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
Sapphire s'était ébranlée la tête en souriant à Slime lui disant de rentrer chez elle. "Oh, oui. A tout à l'heure." La chat-girl donne un mignon petit pourpre comme elle agite à Slime quand il part. Quelques secondes après son départ, dit-elle. "Oui, je vais le suivre." Elle sourit, tira sa capuche et sortit de la porte, s'assurant que Zanislash était avec elle. Elle ne connaissait pas le genre de problèmes qu'elle pouvait rencontrer à l'extérieur, mais savait que ce ne serait pas bon si elle n'avait pas son arme avec elle. Elle marchait à l'extérieur, mais elle suivait furtivement Slime. Être un chat Faunus a beaucoup aidé avec cela, et elle l'a facilement suivi. C'est-à-dire jusqu'à ce qu'il se soit battu. Rapidement, elle balance un toit et le regarde se battre. Son coeur battit et sa queue s'évanouissait alors qu'elle le regardait. "C'est si purrrif!" Sapphire purs tranquillement. Elle avait, pendant longtemps, eu un béguin majeur sur Slime, qui ne semblait pas qu'il allait mourir de sitôt. C'était l'une des principales raisons, ainsi que la nécessité de s'assurer que son amie serait en sécurité, que la seconde il y avait un vide Sapphire sautait du toit aussi loin qu'elle le pouvait, atterrissant parfaitement sur ses pieds. Elle se précipite à grande vitesse vers le camion, avant de sauter sur le toit, ne faisant pas autant de rouille qu'elle l'a fait. Ses yeux rougeâtres regardent Slime tandis qu'il bat tous les hommes, laissant un vivant pour conduire le camion. Elle baisse la tête, se cache, avant de sentir le camion bouger quelques instants plus tard. Je me demande où nous allons. Saphir pense à elle-même.
Name: Sapphire Applecat (Though she goes around by the name of Sif ) (Adding race because Faunus/Human) Race: Faunus (cat Faunus, black cat ears, black cat tail) Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Normal appearance: What she wears most of the time: Personality: Sapphire is a normally cheerful girl. She occasionally comes out with a joke, usually bad ones, but she tries to keep spirits high. Despite this, she is very easily made upset. Sapphire likes to read, listen to music, and practice with her weapons, and use his laptop. Sapphire is also very shy. Her favourite colour is blue. Despite being a cat Faunus. Background: Sapphire was born to a heavily abused Faunus family. For years, she had to be moved from school to school because she was being abused by humans. She used to cry over it, being quite upset, but eventually grew slightly used to it. As she grew up, she slowly dreamed of becoming a huntress. She felt it would make her stronger, and it would give her a purpose in life. So, she studied hard at her school, and then went to Signal to study further. In her spare time, she built himself a sword and a shield that both suited her. She also learned about aura and semblences, and even discovered her own semblence (even though she beat someone that was abusing her really hard because of the aggression that came with it)! However, everything went down. Grimm attacked, her parents died, and she was left alone, to live by herself. Affiliation: Loner Weapon: Zanislash - A sword which comes in three forms. The first form is just the hilt of a sword, from which the sword extends and retracts. The hilt of the sword also shoots semi-explosive shots, like those from Yang's weapons. The second form is a shield which comes in the form of a flat, small disk with a handle, which extends open to a medium sized, strong blue shield. The hilt and disk are both attached together, and can detach to be used as a sword and shield individually. However when they are attached and when activated at the same time, the two items combine. The shield has the hilt sticking out of it, and it can fire a lot more powerful shots and act as a much more powerful weapons. This heavily draws upon her strength, however, as it uses Sapphire's own strength to make more power in the weapon. Prolonged use can lead to pain and even passing out, though if the weapon senses she has gone too far it will automatically detach so she can regain her strength. Fighting style: Sapphire prefers to fight close up. She is extremely talented in swordplay, which is the reason for her preference to be close up. Usually, however Sapphire does not want to fight. Sembalance: Tearfuel; If Sapphire is upset to the point where she cries, her strength will grow, and with that her will to go on. Every drop of a tear is another gain to her strength. A crying person will usually be weak, and will give up, however if she cries, she pushes hard, and pushes forward. Sometimes, this may not be the case, but the majority of the time it is. However, this also can make her very, very angry and aggressive Other: N/A
Le camion arriva bientôt au bord de la zone de Loner, le mur étant gardé par les androïdes Torchwick avait volé à Ironwood. Ils ont facilité la contrebande de marchandises vers le territoire, vous laissant passer aussi longtemps que le conducteur avait des qualifications correctes. Torchwick aurait pu mettre quelques-uns de ses hommes ici, mais les attaques de Grimm étaient si fréquentes, ce n'était qu'un gaspillage de main-d'œuvre. Androids n'avait pas non plus d'émotions que woukd dessinent le Grimm à la porte, ce qui en fait une cible moins séduisante que les communautés Loner se sont répandues dans l'intérieur de la zone, qui a jailli et est mort de comme des mayflies, ici un jour et allé le suivant. Silme sortit du véhicule, se déplaçant à l'avant pour dépérir l'extrémité finale avec un coup de griffes, ajoutant une autre couche de rouge brillant au métal noir terne de ses Ravageurs. Il a ensuite rétracté ses griffes dans la section de gantelet pour laisser ses mains libres, assoiffant un certain nombre de robinets sur le côté du camion. Peu de temps après, une horde de voyous sortit de la menuiserie, un homme se détachant du reste avec ses cheveux blonds, son long manteau de tranchée noir, et l'épée brillante qu'il tenait dans sa main. "Ruthless comme toujours, je vois, je vais jamais me dire comment un enfant comme vous est capable de tuer si efficacement tout ce que Torchwick envoie pour protéger ses expéditions." "Nope, j'aime garder des secrets, garder les gens sur leurs orteils. Maintenant Carver, j'ai retenu ma part, tu tiens la tienne. Payez votre sac à merde." Le manque de respect de Silme à l'égard de leur chef les a rendus plutôt en colère, un de plus alors le reste. "Qui diable pensez-vous que vous êtes, en parlant à Carver comme ça, vous ani-" Était aa jusqu'à ce qu'il est arrivé avant que Silme se précipite et lance un poing dans sa gorge, coupant ses mots et l'oxygène. Il a ensuite cassé la jambe de l'homme en la frappant si fort qu'il s'est plié à l'envers, puis il l'a frappé au visage avec son masque, se cassant le nez dans un gouffre de cramoisi. L'homme est tombé, à peine capable de crier, à la fois la gorge qui a été frappé et l'amour pur de la douleur était dedans. "N'importe qui d'autre veut parler de merde, parce que je peux sortir les griffes si je le dois." Tous les fous secouèrent la tête, regardant la forme gémissante de leur camarade. Carver soupirait, évidemment ennuyé par la situation. "Quelqu'un arrange cet idiot, et loup-garou, s'il te plaît, ne mâche plus mes gars. Ça attire Grimms, tu le sais." Il a atteint dans sa veste pour tirer plusieurs piles assez grandes de cash, dont Silme l'a rapidement relevé. Maintenant que le travail a été fait, il n'avait pas besoin d'être le masque, donc il l'a enlevé, prenant un grand souffle d'air frais. Son sourire est rapidement devenu un froncement, cependant, comme il sentait quelqu'un qui était censé être à la maison. "Sapphire, j'ai dit de rentrer à la maison, tu ne peux pas m'écouter une seule fois." Il gémit avant de sauter pour affronter le clandestin au-dessus du camion. Carver fit un geste, et ses hommes commencèrent à décharger la poussière du camion, puis il monta soigneusement à l'avant du camion, se tenant derrière Silme et donnant à Sapphire un grand sourire. "Hé Kitten, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui, avez tout ce que vous avez besoin d'acheter parce que vous savez que je suis votre gars." Carver était le plus grand revendeur de marché noir de la zone Loner et probablement tout Vale, s'il existait alors il pourrait l'obtenir pour vous, en utilisant des méthodes que vous êtes mieux de ne pas savoir. Il était aussi un trou du cul écœuré qui avait un truc pour les filles Faunus et une approche très « main sur main » pour flirter qui était rarement jamais bien pensé.
Name: Silme Raana, goes by a nicknames of Sil or Raana Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus Species: Timber Wolf Appearance: Shown below, but with wolf ears, tail, claws, and fang-like canines. Personality: He's a bit of a wild card, never really taking people seriously outside of a fight. He has a short temper, especially if someone decides it's a good idea to make fun of his faunus lineage. When that happens, they should fully expect to get punched in the face if he likes them, or have it clawed off if he doesn't. Along with his brash behavior is an undercurrent of not only a blunt honesty, but slight cluelessness as well. In a fight, he's like a tactical genuis, but when it comes to almost anything else, he's a bit slow on the uptake. Background: When he was child, Silme lived with his parents in Vale, both of them being hunters who frequently went on missions, leaving him alone for a lot of the time. Then, one day, they never came back, and it took him a few weeks to realize that he was truly on his own. He soon found himxelf on the street, treated like crap by many for being a faunus, something he was slowly growing to hate about himself as more people put him down and mocked him. Then, he was recruited by the White Fang, swiftly risinng through the ranks with his impressive fighting skills, until he sabotaged the robberyof a Schnee freighter, blowing up the whole thing and faking his own death in the explosion. After that, he returned to Vale at the age of 15, spending his days in a fancy hotel with some money he acquired in his escape. He also reconnected with his old friend, Sapphire Applecat, who he had met when he beat the crap out of some guys for bullying her. He didn't tell her about any of his activities in the White Fang(or that he was even a member), as it isn't something that he's necessarily proud of. That's not to say he hated it, far from it, but he just didn't like fighting for a guy like Torchprick(his special little nickname for the fucker), or anyone for that matter. He liked being a Loner, because that was what he had been from the beginning, and that's the way he'd like to die, a man whose only ruler is Death, and he's a pretty lenient boss once you get to know him. And then the Breach happened, the world went to hell with in days, and oblivion in weeks. He spent most of those early months healing up from that first wave at Sapphires house, having gotten ambushed by some Beowolves. One of the fuckers had busted through his Aura barrier and sliced uo his back real bad. Even now, months later, it still hurts a bit when he moves, and is a definite weakspot for him, the pain being intense and disorienting if he gets hit there. Now a days, he does what he can to get by, helping the Uprisers on occasion because they pay well and Torchprick's a prick. He'll never join them, though, he lost his faith in others looking over him a long time ago. Affiliation: A Loner by trade, he does help the Uprisers on occasion, provided that they pay a fee. Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks. Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either. Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armors, making him especially effective against Torchwick's mech suits, but he can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective it still allows him to do a bit more damage then normal. Other: Wears this most of the time He has a scar on his back from when Grimm attack him during the breach, 3 long jagged claw marks He doesn't like talking to Magdaline, her motherly attitude reminding him, painfully, of how he never really recieved much in the way of love from either of his parents, but especially his mother.
Sapphire regarda silencieusement l'échange entre Slime et Carter Elle ne put s'empêcher de jouer avec ses cheveux pendant qu'elle regardait, son regard s'installant sur Slime. Elle pensait que peut-être ses actions agressives étaient un peu inutiles, elle était presque (comme elle l'a dit) tête sur talons pour lui (bien qu'en réalité, elle était définitivement tête sur talons). Son attention inébranlable sur Slime lui a permis de voir facilement que le loup avait attrapé son parfum quand il l'a fait. -- Eh bien, vous m'avez attrapé! Sapphire dit à voix haute, donnant un rire, avant que son visage ne devienne rouge. Carter semblait venir aussi. Sapphire se leva, et comme pour dire à Carter "Je suis pris" (même si elle n'était pas) elle enveloppe ses bras autour de Slime, câlinant vers lui avec une purée timide. "Bonjour, Carver," dit-elle. Le surnom de Kitten était plutôt gentil, elle a dû l'admettre. Il atténue sa timidité par la moindre proportion. "Je serai sûr de venir à vous si j'ai besoin de quelque chose, je suppose." Avec ça, le chat-Faunus se tourne vers qui elle avait les bras enroulés. "Je voulais juste te suivre," dit la fille, en donnant un sourire et un petit clin d'œil. "Je préfère être avec toi que sans." Elle se tient sur son bout des pieds et brosse sa joue sur le côté de son visage, purifiant comme si elle avait été hypnotisée par lui.
Name: Sapphire Applecat (Though she goes around by the name of Sif ) (Adding race because Faunus/Human) Race: Faunus (cat Faunus, black cat ears, black cat tail) Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Normal appearance: What she wears most of the time: Personality: Sapphire is a normally cheerful girl. She occasionally comes out with a joke, usually bad ones, but she tries to keep spirits high. Despite this, she is very easily made upset. Sapphire likes to read, listen to music, and practice with her weapons, and use his laptop. Sapphire is also very shy. Her favourite colour is blue. Despite being a cat Faunus. Background: Sapphire was born to a heavily abused Faunus family. For years, she had to be moved from school to school because she was being abused by humans. She used to cry over it, being quite upset, but eventually grew slightly used to it. As she grew up, she slowly dreamed of becoming a huntress. She felt it would make her stronger, and it would give her a purpose in life. So, she studied hard at her school, and then went to Signal to study further. In her spare time, she built himself a sword and a shield that both suited her. She also learned about aura and semblences, and even discovered her own semblence (even though she beat someone that was abusing her really hard because of the aggression that came with it)! However, everything went down. Grimm attacked, her parents died, and she was left alone, to live by herself. Affiliation: Loner Weapon: Zanislash - A sword which comes in three forms. The first form is just the hilt of a sword, from which the sword extends and retracts. The hilt of the sword also shoots semi-explosive shots, like those from Yang's weapons. The second form is a shield which comes in the form of a flat, small disk with a handle, which extends open to a medium sized, strong blue shield. The hilt and disk are both attached together, and can detach to be used as a sword and shield individually. However when they are attached and when activated at the same time, the two items combine. The shield has the hilt sticking out of it, and it can fire a lot more powerful shots and act as a much more powerful weapons. This heavily draws upon her strength, however, as it uses Sapphire's own strength to make more power in the weapon. Prolonged use can lead to pain and even passing out, though if the weapon senses she has gone too far it will automatically detach so she can regain her strength. Fighting style: Sapphire prefers to fight close up. She is extremely talented in swordplay, which is the reason for her preference to be close up. Usually, however Sapphire does not want to fight. Sembalance: Tearfuel; If Sapphire is upset to the point where she cries, her strength will grow, and with that her will to go on. Every drop of a tear is another gain to her strength. A crying person will usually be weak, and will give up, however if she cries, she pushes hard, and pushes forward. Sometimes, this may not be the case, but the majority of the time it is. However, this also can make her very, very angry and aggressive Other: N/A
Magdéline Magdeline était préoccupé par les méthodes de Silme, mais il a toujours obtenu ses informations de façon fiable, qu'il ait l'air de le vouloir ou non. J'aimerais qu'il ait l'air de ne pas être énervé d'être ici. C'est dur de travailler avec lui parfois. On dirait qu'il déteste tout le monde ici. Je suis sûr qu'il a été mal traité pour être faunus, mais je ne vais pas le traiter mal pour quoi que ce soit. Le pire que je ressentirais à son sujet serait s'il décidait de travailler pour Torchwick, ce qui, je doute, se produirait. Magdeline savait que sa haine pour les humains n'était que surpassée par sa disposition du Torchwick romain. L'homme dont la voix était dans les oreilles des Fangs Blancs. En parlant de voix dans les oreilles, Torchwick semblait parler à quelqu'un après que tous les gens soient partis. Je n'ai vu personne là-dedans, mais j'ai peut-être raté un coin. Mais d'habitude, il parle directement à la personne à qui il parle... L'esprit de Magdeline tournait alors qu'elle rentrait chez elle avec ses pouvoirs falsifiés pour sortir si tard, se présentant comme une travailleuse de deuxième quart qui rentrait chez elle tard. Elle connaissait un propriétaire de magasin qui allait couvrir son alibi et avait de faux dossiers pour aider la cause. C'était gagnant-gagnant. Elle pouvait marcher dans les rues la nuit et il pouvait empocher ce que serait son "salaire" quand on l'a appelé pour la vérification, ce qui était la plupart des semaines. Les soldats voient une femme d'âge moyen marcher dans les rues sans armes (bien, aucune visible) et ils ne battent pas les yeux. D'habitude. Cette nuit, les gardes étaient en alerte. Apparemment, un coup de fil était sur l'un des gardes à leur réunion quotidienne, donc ils se méfient d'une taupe dans leurs rangs. Comme ils étaient agités, ils l'ont pris sur les citoyens. Ce soir, c'était Magdeline. "Hé, madame. Qu'est-ce qui se passe si tard? Tu rentres chez ton petit ami?" Trop usée de les éviter plus tôt, Magdeline a montré ses « crédibilités » et a expliqué qu'elle travaillait tard. Une petite erreur : la date d'expiration du faux titre de créance est passée. "Héh. Le patron de Yer ne se tient pas bien avec ses employés, hein? Ou y travaillez-vous au moins?" Son partenaire a décidé de venir. "Oh mon. On dirait qu'on va te faire un livre. À moins qu'il n'y ait... l'indemnisation." En souriant à sa phrase si astucieuse, Magdeline a roulé les yeux. "Regarde, je vais m'en occuper. Vous pouvez l'appeler, il est juste en retard sur sa distribution de creds, les gars." "Eh bien, c'est dommage. Il est de votre responsabilité de s'assurer qu'il garde vos affaires en tête. Maintenant, vous pouvez juste nous payer, nous pouvons prendre ceci dans l'allée, ou vous pouvez essayer de courir et nous vous réserver." À laquelle son partenaire toujours si brillant chante. "Oui, et si nous te réservons, nous pourrions quand même l'emmener dans une ruelle. Tu as été vilain." Magdeline reroule les yeux et, après avoir pris un moment pour réfléchir, elle s'étourne un peu. "Très bien, les gars. Si tu veux vraiment, on peut prendre ça dans l'allée. Suivez-moi ~" Winking à la fin de son sentinelle, elle marche dans l'allée, exagérant sa marche pour montrer l'emprise de son cul. Une fois dans un endroit assez sombre, elle a sorti ses poignards et s'est cachée derrière une poubelle. Bien sûr, les gardes se promènent, essayant d'agir de façon non-avortée et décontractée, comme s'ils avaient vu un éventuel faunus sauter dans l'allée. Une fois qu'ils étaient à portée de main, Magdeline a tranché la gorge l'un et enchaîné l'autre, lui coupant la gorge aussi. En jetant les deux corps dans une benne à ordures, elle a repris son transit à partir des toits et les chemins de dos ombreux. C'est pas vrai. Je ne voulais tuer personne ce soir. Je vais devoir m'assurer que Thomas mette à jour mes creds pour que je n'aie plus ce problème. Je sais que je paierai pour ça plus tard. Probablement sous la forme de mon dos en train d'agir. Eh, quelques verres de bière et un peu d'advil vont tout réparer avant même qu'il ne commence. Avec ça, elle était enfin à la maison et pouvait se détendre.
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Le meurtre dans l'allée de deux des crétins de Torchwick cette nuit-là n'était pas passé inaperçu. Les yeux cachés regardés de l'ombre comme une femme d'âge moyen fente la gorge de deux hommes sains forts et jeté leurs cadavres dans une poubelle comme si c'était juste un autre jour de travail. Tandis que la femme tournait et quittait l'allée, un masque blanc et rouge, encadré de longs cheveux noirs, émergeait de l'obscurité. La lumière d'une voiture qui passait clignotait dans l'allée et illuminait brièvement les vêtements étrangers de la figure et scintilleait ternement de l'épée noire en forme de verre qu'elle embrayait d'une main. Inari s'approcha de la benne et leva le couvercle, donnant aux corps un bref coup d'œil avant de regarder dans la direction où la femme était partie. Étrange... elle a pensé, laissant le couvercle refermer une fois de plus et libérant sa main sur son épée, qui s'est brisée dans la poussière alors qu'il laissait sa main. Elle s'est tournée vers le mur et a sauté, traversant le mur jusqu'au toit en trois sauts. Une fois là-bas, elle a fait son chemin plus profond dans la ville de Vale jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait trouvé un toit d'où elle pouvait voir Beacon haut au-dessus. Alors qu'elle se tenait là, en regardant Vale et l'ancienne Hunter Academy, elle a pensé à ce qu'elle avait vu cette nuit-là. « Les choses commencent à bouger dans cette ville... » Elle s'est amusée à haute voix, à courir un doigt le long du bord de son masque. Je dois en apprendre plus. Elle a fini, dans ses pensées.
Name: Inari Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Faunus (black fox) Appearance: Personality: Inari is always gentle towards her fellow Faunus, however her two greatest hatreds in the world are Humans and Grimm. She despises the Grimm and wants nothing more that to wipe out every single one of them and anything associated with them. As for Humans, she considers them all to be untrustworthy bigots and would rather work alone than fight alongside one, unless absolutely necessary. Some humans may be nice people but, as far as she is concerned, none of them can be trusted until they prove to her otherwise. Background: Inari was born in Menagerie, under a different name, and experienced the discrimination of humans directly as she grew up alone on the streets. Even in the aftermath of the Faunus Rights Revolution, Humans living in and around Menagerie still made life for Faunus unpleasant. This came to a head when one evening in her early adolescence when she came across a group of drunk humans who were looking for trouble. She was passing by in a hurry and accidently ran into one of them, something they took personally. The humans decided to remind the insolent little Faunus of her place in a way that she would never forget. They carved four diagonal scars down her pretty little face, giving her the appearance of having been attacked by a clawed beast, and her fear, hatred and distrust of humans was born. Inari spent the next few years hiding away from the world until she was found one day, in a back alley by a member of the White Fang. When he saw her scars he took her under his wing and introduced her into a life of rebellion against human cruelty. She donned a mask to hide her scarred face and discarded her previous name, instead choosing to call herself Inari, after a character from a street play she once saw as a child. Over the next few years Inari would lose many of her White Fang comrades to the Grimm and she developed a hatred of them that rivaled her hatred of humans. So imagine her woe when she discovered that, not only had the White Fang allied with a human named Roman Torchwick, but that his plan involved the Grimm. Ordered by her superiors to assist in Torchwick's plans, she did so under protest, and witnessed the man's callous attitude toward the Faunus under his command. Torchwick became a center point for Inari's hatred and, in the aftermath of the Breach, while most of the White Fang rallied around Adam Taurus, Inari struck out on her own, planning to undermine Torchwick in any way she could. Affiliation: Loner/White Fang Weapon: Shrouded Glass: Inari uses Fire and Earth Dust, woven into the fabric of her clothing, to create weapons made of diamond hard Obsidian. She crafts the black glass-like mineral into bladed weapons such as swords, daggers and throwing knives. Fighting style: When fighting with a sword weapon, Inari uses the Kenjutsu fighting style, confronting her opponents with graceful swordplay. When wielding smaller blades like daggers or knives she falls back on a more agile fighting style of ninjutsu. Semblance: Gravity Manipulation: Inari is able to effect the direction of gravitational pull upon herself, allowing her to stand and walk on vertical and even upside down surfaces.
Graham est arrivé à son club juste avant que les clients aient vraiment commencé à faire la queue. Graham a eu ces problèmes car il devait porter ses affaires là-bas, car il n'a pas de voiture. "Où étais-tu? Le propriétaire vous attendait!" Le videur a demandé. "Pas le temps d'expliquer qu'il faut mettre ça en place." Graham a dit. Le videur secoua la tête un peu, tournant les yeux alors qu'il ouvrit la porte à Graham. Graham s'est rapidement précipité sur la scène alors que tout était mis en place à l'exception de lui. Il est allé sur scène et a commencé à mettre en place tout son matériel comme le comptoir de mix, ordinateur portable, écouteurs et microphone pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns. Quand il a fini de filer tout ce qu'il a rapidement sorti son téléphone après avoir mis sur la première piste, une piste calme par rapport à ses autres pistes qu'il a fait pour commencer la nuit. "Party at Club Eternity, frappez-le si vous cherchez un bon moment!" Il a envoyé à tout le monde sur sa liste de contacts, y compris les Uprisers. Les premières personnes ont commencé à venir, commander des boissons et ce qui n'est pas. - 3 heures plus tard... Cette nuit devenait bonne, les gens dansaient et s'amusaient, et rien ne s'était mal passé jusqu'ici. "Vous vous amusez tous ce soir?" Il a demandé au public par son micro. La foule a répondu avec des applaudissements, ce qui a fait sourire Graham alors qu'il utilisait son sampler et mixer deck pour faire la chanson qu'il devait avoir plus de basse et se transformer en une chanson dubstep plutôt qu'une chanson électronique qu'il jouait actuellement.
Name: Graham Malcolm Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again. Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life. Affiliation: Upriser Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful. Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs. Sembalance: Can control soundwaves. Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
Comme elle négligeait la ville, Inari remarquerait un groupe de goons de Torchwick sortant d'un camion devant un club, mais ce n'était pas des membres du White Fang. Ils portaient tous des vêtements de combat de couleur marron, tous des masques de Grimm noirs qui semblaient ressembler à celui d'une Ursa. Ils étaient tous lourdement armés avec le haut de l'équipement de la ligne, et même à partir de bien haut, on pouvait sentir la dépravation de ces hommes. Ils s'occupaient de sauvages, de monstres en forme d'hommes qui ne voulaient plus rien faire pour provoquer le chaos sanglant chaque fois qu'ils se déchaînent. Mais aussi intimidant que ces hommes aient pu l'être, leur chef était terrifiant. Il était incroyablement grand, autour de 6'11, avec un choc de cheveux rouges sur la tête, et ses yeux cachés derrière une visière en métal de haute technologie, lumière rouge émanant eerily des trous. Il portait une tenue similaire à celle de ses copains, mais la sienne était surtout noire, avec des lignes rouges tissées à l'intérieur. Ses bras mouillés découverts, le muscle qui déchire caché sous une couche dense de fourrure noire grossière, ainsi que des épis et des plaques d'ivoire qui ont couru jusqu'à la longueur des membres énormes. Ces bras puissants se terminèrent par des griffes sauvages, tranchantes comme n'importe quelle lame, l'une tenant une grande arme brute, s'adaptant à une telle figure. C'était un grand cleaver noir mécanisé, portant un tranchant mortel, qu'il a balayé avec une facilité pratique. Tournant vers les portes du club, un sourire sauvage sur ses lèvres, alors qu'il tirait le bras en arrière avant de lancer un seul coup de poing dans la porte, le soufflant de ses charnières avec un fort crash. Les gens en face de la porte s'envolèrent, faisant s'arrêter et se retournant dans la peur de regarder comme les hommes marchaient à l'intérieur. Les whispers couraient autour de la pièce, n'augmentant d'intensité que lorsque l'énorme homme à poils blancs est entré, immédiatement reconnaissable par tous les présents. Le boucher Il était le gars principal de Torchwick, connu pour être un homme cruel et sans cœur par tous, et mieux encore connu pour apporter la moitié-Grimm, bien que personne ne sait comment cela est arrivé. Une chose que tout le monde savait, cependant, c'est que là où le Boucher apparaissait, les gens avaient tendance à mourir. C'était un homme qui suivait son instinct, et le sien lui disait toujours de tuer, de tuer, de tuer. Le boucher se déplaçait à travers la foule, ses hommes debout près de l'entrée et autour de la piste de danse avec des armes levées, léchant leurs lèvres en prévision. Ce sont les garçons du boucher, les malades et les monstres qui se sont mis à la violence, à la mort et à la mutilation. Si quelqu'un leur donnait des ennuis, que les Garçons les rendraient dans leur jouet, était la seule chose qui leur était interdite était de mettre le jouet hors de sa misère. Une fois vos griffes, tout le monde savait que vous étiez aussi bon que mort et que ce sera la mort la plus douloureuse, la plus humiliante et la plus humiliante imaginable. "Hé, vieil homme," Le Boucher a dit quand il a atteint le propriétaire de l'établissement, le soulevant par le devant de sa chemise comme il l'a dit, "Vous êtes encore en retard sur vos impôts, trou du cul, quel est le problème. Tu aurais dû apprendre ton looon après qu'on ait cassé la rotule de ton frère la dernière fois. Mais évidemment pas. Nous vous avons donné un avertissement ce matin, donc je vais demander juste parce que je suis un gentil, Est-ce que vous l'avez encore." Le propriétaire était terrifié, il pensait avoir plus de temps. "Je suis désolé, je jure que je l'aurai d'ici la fin de ce mois, s'il vous plaît épargnez-moi." Le boucher roula la tête, balayant la pièce de derrière sa visière jusqu'à ce qu'il aperçoive une fille cachée dans la foule, une jolie jeune chose portant un rééquilibre à l'homme qu'il tenait. Souriant, le boucher procéda à jeter le propriétaire dans le bar, son sourire grandissant alors que la fille courait vers lui. Il a pris son bras avant que Shr puisse atteindre la forme inconsciente de l'homme et l'a élevé, l'attraper à peu près par le menton, ses griffes dangereusement près de son visage. "Vous avez tenu bon, vieil homme, vous êtes fille est une vraie beauté. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Juste le genre de fille dont Torchwick a besoin pour réchauffer son lit la nuit. Bien sûr, les garçons et moi devons lui donner une formation sur la façon de traiter le patron, s'assurer qu'elle est gentille et docile. J'attends cela avec impatience. » La fille a fait de son mieux pour se battre hors de son emprise, mais ce n'était pas utile. Il l'a jetée à deux de ses garçons, qui l'ont assommée en la coupant à l'arrière de sa tête avec un fusil, à peine capable de se contrôler en la déshabillant des yeux, comme si c'était un morceau de viande pour qu'ils l'inspectaient. Avec le paiement reçu, Le Boucher et ses hommes commencèrent à sortir de l'établissement, s'attendant à être incontestés comme la norme.
Name: Silme Raana, goes by a nicknames of Sil or Raana Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus Species: Timber Wolf Appearance: Shown below, but with wolf ears, tail, claws, and fang-like canines. Personality: He's a bit of a wild card, never really taking people seriously outside of a fight. He has a short temper, especially if someone decides it's a good idea to make fun of his faunus lineage. When that happens, they should fully expect to get punched in the face if he likes them, or have it clawed off if he doesn't. Along with his brash behavior is an undercurrent of not only a blunt honesty, but slight cluelessness as well. In a fight, he's like a tactical genuis, but when it comes to almost anything else, he's a bit slow on the uptake. Background: When he was child, Silme lived with his parents in Vale, both of them being hunters who frequently went on missions, leaving him alone for a lot of the time. Then, one day, they never came back, and it took him a few weeks to realize that he was truly on his own. He soon found himxelf on the street, treated like crap by many for being a faunus, something he was slowly growing to hate about himself as more people put him down and mocked him. Then, he was recruited by the White Fang, swiftly risinng through the ranks with his impressive fighting skills, until he sabotaged the robberyof a Schnee freighter, blowing up the whole thing and faking his own death in the explosion. After that, he returned to Vale at the age of 15, spending his days in a fancy hotel with some money he acquired in his escape. He also reconnected with his old friend, Sapphire Applecat, who he had met when he beat the crap out of some guys for bullying her. He didn't tell her about any of his activities in the White Fang(or that he was even a member), as it isn't something that he's necessarily proud of. That's not to say he hated it, far from it, but he just didn't like fighting for a guy like Torchprick(his special little nickname for the fucker), or anyone for that matter. He liked being a Loner, because that was what he had been from the beginning, and that's the way he'd like to die, a man whose only ruler is Death, and he's a pretty lenient boss once you get to know him. And then the Breach happened, the world went to hell with in days, and oblivion in weeks. He spent most of those early months healing up from that first wave at Sapphires house, having gotten ambushed by some Beowolves. One of the fuckers had busted through his Aura barrier and sliced uo his back real bad. Even now, months later, it still hurts a bit when he moves, and is a definite weakspot for him, the pain being intense and disorienting if he gets hit there. Now a days, he does what he can to get by, helping the Uprisers on occasion because they pay well and Torchprick's a prick. He'll never join them, though, he lost his faith in others looking over him a long time ago. Affiliation: A Loner by trade, he does help the Uprisers on occasion, provided that they pay a fee. Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks. Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either. Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armors, making him especially effective against Torchwick's mech suits, but he can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective it still allows him to do a bit more damage then normal. Other: Wears this most of the time He has a scar on his back from when Grimm attack him during the breach, 3 long jagged claw marks He doesn't like talking to Magdaline, her motherly attitude reminding him, painfully, of how he never really recieved much in the way of love from either of his parents, but especially his mother.
Graham a vu des hommes armés entrer dans le club. Il est clair que celui de Torchwick, Graham a mis ses lunettes pour couvrir ses yeux, essayant de jouer le long et le garder cool, continuant à jouer sa musique. Graham a observé le chef apparent alors qu'il parlait au propriétaire, ce n'était manifestement pas bien. Graham a glissé, enlevant son casque, mais il a continué à jouer de la musique. Dessinant son tonfas, Graham tissé entre les foules, s'accroupissant bas pour qu'il ne puisse pas être repéré. Graham était assez proche pour garder une ligne de vue claire sur lui, juste quand il attrape la fille. Graham a balancé ses tonfs alors qu'il marchait derrière. Il a tapoté le chef sur l'épaule et toussé pour que sa présence soit claire. Graham a balancé sa tonfa sur le visage des bouchers quand il s'est retourné, s'emparant de la fille par le poignet en attendant et la jeta dans la foule des spectateurs. Avec le long côté de ses tonfs tournés vers l'extérieur, il fixa les hommes, prêts à se battre avec un sourire sur le visage.
Name: Graham Malcolm Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again. Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life. Affiliation: Upriser Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful. Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs. Sembalance: Can control soundwaves. Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
Magdéline Magdeline a tiré dans son lit quand elle a entendu une explosion. Ça n'aurait pas pu être à quelques pâtés de maisons au plus. Oh, non. C'est pas vrai. Ça pourrait être quelqu'un de la réunion. En décidant de ne plus changer de sweat et de t-shirt à l'échelle grise et floue, en mettant simplement sa veste noire dessus, Maggie s'est emparée de sa ceinture de couteau et a déchiqueté sa porte du grenier sur le toit et s'est dirigée vers l'endroit avec de la fumée qui s'en sortait. Je ne vois rien. C'est un club? Je me souviens avoir vu un texto sur une fête earli- Graham. Quelque chose d'assez grand pour faire cette grosse explosion serait beaucoup trop pour Graham à gérer. Mais je ne sais rien de ce que Roman a qui puisse faire. À part les tanks, mais il les garde chez lui. Eh bien, Beacon. Peu importe. Magdeline s'est assez rapprochée pour voir que c'était bien l'Eternité du Club dont Graham a parlé. Magdeline a décidé de rester à proximité et d'observer. Elle interviendrait si les choses n'arrivaient pas. Pardonnez-moi, Graham, mais nous avons besoin d'informations. C'est un grand garçon. Attends, c'est le boucher de Roman? Merde. S'il est impliqué, alors quelqu'un a vraiment du mauvais côté de Roman. Je ne sais pas assez comment il se bat, mais je peux l'enchaîner quelques secondes si les choses vont mal. On a vraiment besoin d'informations sur ce type, mais il a besoin. À. Crève. Magdeline était assise dans un arbuste ombragé en vue du Boucher, canalisant son Aura et préparant ses chaînes d'équilibre pour le moment les choses tournent pour le pire, se sentant impuissante et en colère au-delà de la comparaison. L'homme qui a tué son fils et s'est en gros vanté à son visage était juste là, et elle n'avait pas la force ou la connaissance pour le tuer. Pourtant...
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Le boucher a pris le coup de poing, laissant la fille tomber dans la foule. Il s'est soudain trouvé sans se soucier d'elle, non non, pas quand il avait ce petit morceau devant lui. Il a roulé son cou, le plus souvent sans être affecté par son attaque. Il avait l'impression qu'il allait vraiment apprécier de couper ce petit gosse en petits morceaux de taille de morsure. Peut-être qu'il trouverait la famille du garçon et qu'il les verrait le faire, peut-être qu'il les ferait le manger avant qu'il fasse pareil. Les décisions, les décisions, elles étaient toutes si tentantes, mais il a deviné qu'il pourrait gérer cette partie plus tard. Tout d'abord, il est temps d'enseigner à la petite merde ce qui se passe quand on s'énerve avec le boucher et ses garçons. Avec un geste de sa main, son garçon a pris leurs positions, en gardant la sortie et en veillant à ce que personne n'entre. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. ou de cette façon, comme les mécènes du club semblaient désireux de le faire. Ils sont allés aussi loin des deux combattants que le garçon les a laissés, la fille étant emmenée furtivement par le garçon tandis que Graham n'était pas attentif et chargé dans le camion. Le boucher a fait quelques balançoires de test avec sa lame, un échauffement si vous voulez, le silence de plus en plus tendu comme il l'a fait, jusqu'à ce qu'il parle finalement. "Kid, tu es bien au-dessus de ta tête. J'ai pris Hunters et Huntresses dix fois plus dur que toi, et je les ai cassés comme des cure-dents. Il y avait ce garçon, un garçon brillant comme toi, c'était un dur combat. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. et il a aussi fait un repas difficile." Le boucher léchait les lèvres en position, la lame en face de lui dans les deux mains, il ressemblait à un taureau sur le point de tondre un jeune veau. Et puis tout derrière lui a explosé dans un éclair d'obscurité, l'envoyant blessant vers Graham à grande vitesse. Au lieu d'utiliser sa lame, cependant, il a simplement échangé les mains en plein air, car il a filé comme il allait l'utiliser, puis a lancé un puissant jab droit à l'intestin du garçon, visant à l'envoyer blessant dans la foule de patrons terrifiés. Tous ceux qui avaient été autour du Boucher avaient été dispersés par l'explosion, littéralement, comme des morceaux pouvaient être vus tomber et le sang s'éclaboussait partout. Cela causa de la panique, alors que les gens essayaient de passer devant les Garçons pour s'enfuir, seulement pour être impitoyablement abattus pour leurs efforts. Graham serait pris au milieu de ce brouillon fou, pressé comme une sardine par la presse des corps contre lui. Tout comme le Boucher l'avait prévu, le garçon était un idiot pour le défier dans un espace aussi fermé et très peuplé, et il allait maintenant faire face à la conséquence de ses actions. Le sol sous lui a explosé à nouveau, l'envoyant en l'air, alors qu'il tournait autour avec le Cleaver en main et a fait apparaître une petite boule d'obscurité derrière lui, qui a clignoté rouge une fois avant qu'il explose, le lançant à l'endroit où le garçon était, pris comme un rat dans un piège. Il était sur le point de l'attacher, et tous ceux qui étaient sur le chemin, en morceaux, quand des chaînes noires sont venues de partout, enveloppant autour de lui et le tenant en place au-dessus des patrons. Le boucher n'avait pas l'air inquiet, cependant, en fait, il avait l'air tout à fait heureux. La lueur de sa visière semblait s'intensifier, comme si c'était une bête à l'intérieur qu'il essayait de contenir, comme le sourire du boucher grandissait et faim, une longue langue noircie rampant de sa bouche pour glisser le long de ses lèvres. "Ohhhh, donc il est l'un des vôtres, n'est-ce pas? Vos enfants semblent avoir une mauvaise habitude de finir comme mon déjeuner, n'est-ce pas Magdeline." Il s'appelle avec un affectueux affectueux, son sourire devenant de plus en plus monstrueux alors que le noir de ses bras semblait ramper dans son cou, « J'ai dit à Torchwick qu'il aurait dû me laisser m'amuser avec toi à la Breach, mais il a dit que tu ne serais pas une menace, juste une vieille conne sèche qui connaîtrait sa place. Heureux que tu ne l'aies pas fait, parce que cela signifie que je peux voir ce beau regard de désespoir et de perte encore et encore alors que je transforme une autre de ta couvée en rien d'autre que des sacs vides de viande pourrie." Il se mit à rire, baryton en plein essor d'amusement dépravé et maniaque, alors que sa forme s'enflamma d'une obscurité éclatante avant qu'il ne semble exploser, caché de la vue par l'obscurité. Lorsqu'elle se disperse, seule l'horreur est visible, car une grande bande de gens a été coupée, Graham à peine manqué. Il avait été si près, qu'il avait une petite coupure sur le visage. Un pouce de plus, et il serait mort, c'était comme ça qu'il était proche. "Ne pensez pas que j'ai manqué garçon," Le Boucher a dit, à l'autre bout de la piste de danse sanglante, couvert de sang des corps, et de procéder à lécher de sa lame. "Je veux juste que Maggy sache que si elle ne sort pas bientôt, elle sera moins un fils de plus, mais elle à -1, une première je suis sûr." Encore une fois, le boucher éclata dans un éclat de rire maniaque, le son de celui-ci rebondissant des murs et échoant de tout autour, comme le rire d'un démon, ou même du diable lui-même.
Name: Silme Raana, goes by a nicknames of Sil or Raana Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus Species: Timber Wolf Appearance: Shown below, but with wolf ears, tail, claws, and fang-like canines. Personality: He's a bit of a wild card, never really taking people seriously outside of a fight. He has a short temper, especially if someone decides it's a good idea to make fun of his faunus lineage. When that happens, they should fully expect to get punched in the face if he likes them, or have it clawed off if he doesn't. Along with his brash behavior is an undercurrent of not only a blunt honesty, but slight cluelessness as well. In a fight, he's like a tactical genuis, but when it comes to almost anything else, he's a bit slow on the uptake. Background: When he was child, Silme lived with his parents in Vale, both of them being hunters who frequently went on missions, leaving him alone for a lot of the time. Then, one day, they never came back, and it took him a few weeks to realize that he was truly on his own. He soon found himxelf on the street, treated like crap by many for being a faunus, something he was slowly growing to hate about himself as more people put him down and mocked him. Then, he was recruited by the White Fang, swiftly risinng through the ranks with his impressive fighting skills, until he sabotaged the robberyof a Schnee freighter, blowing up the whole thing and faking his own death in the explosion. After that, he returned to Vale at the age of 15, spending his days in a fancy hotel with some money he acquired in his escape. He also reconnected with his old friend, Sapphire Applecat, who he had met when he beat the crap out of some guys for bullying her. He didn't tell her about any of his activities in the White Fang(or that he was even a member), as it isn't something that he's necessarily proud of. That's not to say he hated it, far from it, but he just didn't like fighting for a guy like Torchprick(his special little nickname for the fucker), or anyone for that matter. He liked being a Loner, because that was what he had been from the beginning, and that's the way he'd like to die, a man whose only ruler is Death, and he's a pretty lenient boss once you get to know him. And then the Breach happened, the world went to hell with in days, and oblivion in weeks. He spent most of those early months healing up from that first wave at Sapphires house, having gotten ambushed by some Beowolves. One of the fuckers had busted through his Aura barrier and sliced uo his back real bad. Even now, months later, it still hurts a bit when he moves, and is a definite weakspot for him, the pain being intense and disorienting if he gets hit there. Now a days, he does what he can to get by, helping the Uprisers on occasion because they pay well and Torchprick's a prick. He'll never join them, though, he lost his faith in others looking over him a long time ago. Affiliation: A Loner by trade, he does help the Uprisers on occasion, provided that they pay a fee. Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks. Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either. Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armors, making him especially effective against Torchwick's mech suits, but he can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective it still allows him to do a bit more damage then normal. Other: Wears this most of the time He has a scar on his back from when Grimm attack him during the breach, 3 long jagged claw marks He doesn't like talking to Magdaline, her motherly attitude reminding him, painfully, of how he never really recieved much in the way of love from either of his parents, but especially his mother.
Inari s'est posé à l'extérieur du club, ayant été alerté par les explosions chaotiques à l'intérieur, juste à temps pour voir une paire d'hommes sauvages en train de traîner une fille vers un camion tandis que deux autres ont pris position par les portes pour ne permettre personne à l'intérieur. Elle se redresse et se promène vers les quatre hommes, le clou de ses sabots sur la chaussée les avertissant de son arrivée. Les deux par la porte se tournèrent vers elle tandis que les deux autres traînaient la fille vers le camion. "Clubs fermés, fillette." Il a dit menaçantment, brandissant son arme sur elle alors qu'il se branlait dans la nuit, essayant d'établir ses détails. Inari se déplaçait, balayant sa main vers les hommes sans briser sa marche et la lumière du panneau du club néon reflétait brièvement deux objets qui clignotaient à travers l'air vers eux. Avec un peu plus qu'un cri gorgé, les deux hommes à la porte ont lâché, s'accrochant aux couteaux en verre noir qui sortaient de leur gorge. Les hommes qui traînaient la fille l'ont larguée et se sont tournés pour affronter cette nouvelle menace seulement la trouver juste devant eux. Le plus proche fait pour lever son arme seulement pour avoir une longue lame d'épée poussée vers le haut à travers le menton. Avec un cri de rage, le dernier homme ouvrit le feu, tapant la zone avec des coups de feu tandis qu'Inari sortit de sa ligne de feu. Sa lame a cligné et la moitié avant de son arme s'est écrasée au sol. Elle était juste là, à quelques centimètres de son visage et la dernière chose qu'il a vu était les fosses sombres des yeux de son masque. Sa lame clignotait encore une fois en l'air et il tomba, comme une marionnette avec des cordes coupées. Inari a regardé la fille inconsciente un moment. Une fille humaine. Elle se blottit froidement, la laissant là et se tournant vers le club. Ça ressemblait à du chaos à l'intérieur, des explosions et des coups de feu. Elle a préparé sa lame et a marché à l'intérieur, seulement pour sentir un autre fou comme il s'est tourné pour la confronter. Il semblait qu'il était le seul à avoir remarqué son entrée car toute l'attention était concentrée sur le grand homme bestial au milieu du club. Elle pouvait pratiquement sentir son aura du mal cruel. Grimm. La pensée apparut dans son esprit et, derrière son masque, ses yeux se rétrécissaient dans la haine. Elle a entendu son petit monologue et en a eu assez. Avec un seul saut en avant, elle a passé la foule des spectateurs et sur la piste de danse, du côté du boucher. Elle a réduit au silence la folie du monstre avec sa propre introduction personnelle. La dague obsidienne qu'elle a jetée a jeté un coup d'œil sur sa visière, faisant une cicatrice sur la tête et s'attaquant ensuite au sol, où elle s'est désintégrée.
Name: Inari Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Faunus (black fox) Appearance: Personality: Inari is always gentle towards her fellow Faunus, however her two greatest hatreds in the world are Humans and Grimm. She despises the Grimm and wants nothing more that to wipe out every single one of them and anything associated with them. As for Humans, she considers them all to be untrustworthy bigots and would rather work alone than fight alongside one, unless absolutely necessary. Some humans may be nice people but, as far as she is concerned, none of them can be trusted until they prove to her otherwise. Background: Inari was born in Menagerie, under a different name, and experienced the discrimination of humans directly as she grew up alone on the streets. Even in the aftermath of the Faunus Rights Revolution, Humans living in and around Menagerie still made life for Faunus unpleasant. This came to a head when one evening in her early adolescence when she came across a group of drunk humans who were looking for trouble. She was passing by in a hurry and accidently ran into one of them, something they took personally. The humans decided to remind the insolent little Faunus of her place in a way that she would never forget. They carved four diagonal scars down her pretty little face, giving her the appearance of having been attacked by a clawed beast, and her fear, hatred and distrust of humans was born. Inari spent the next few years hiding away from the world until she was found one day, in a back alley by a member of the White Fang. When he saw her scars he took her under his wing and introduced her into a life of rebellion against human cruelty. She donned a mask to hide her scarred face and discarded her previous name, instead choosing to call herself Inari, after a character from a street play she once saw as a child. Over the next few years Inari would lose many of her White Fang comrades to the Grimm and she developed a hatred of them that rivaled her hatred of humans. So imagine her woe when she discovered that, not only had the White Fang allied with a human named Roman Torchwick, but that his plan involved the Grimm. Ordered by her superiors to assist in Torchwick's plans, she did so under protest, and witnessed the man's callous attitude toward the Faunus under his command. Torchwick became a center point for Inari's hatred and, in the aftermath of the Breach, while most of the White Fang rallied around Adam Taurus, Inari struck out on her own, planning to undermine Torchwick in any way she could. Affiliation: Loner/White Fang Weapon: Shrouded Glass: Inari uses Fire and Earth Dust, woven into the fabric of her clothing, to create weapons made of diamond hard Obsidian. She crafts the black glass-like mineral into bladed weapons such as swords, daggers and throwing knives. Fighting style: When fighting with a sword weapon, Inari uses the Kenjutsu fighting style, confronting her opponents with graceful swordplay. When wielding smaller blades like daggers or knives she falls back on a more agile fighting style of ninjutsu. Semblance: Gravity Manipulation: Inari is able to effect the direction of gravitational pull upon herself, allowing her to stand and walk on vertical and even upside down surfaces.
Magdéline Le seul homme de main restant à ses yeux, Magdeline a essayé quelque chose qu'elle n'avait jamais envisagé de faire avec son Sembalance avant : tuer. Elle a concentré ses chaînes sur l'homme de main, mais spécifiquement sur son cou. Avec la rage qui s'enfuit d'elle dans le langage du corps et l'expression du visage, Magdeline serre un poing avec la main contrôlant ses chaînes de Sembalance, et il se resserre jusqu'à ce qu'un *snap* soit entendu. Les chaînes se sont dissoutes avec le corps sans vie s'écroulant au sol. À ce moment-là, Magdeline était en pleine vue et dans le club. Magdeline sourit à Graham, puis à cette mystérieuse femme qui est apparue il y a un peu quand elle la mentionne. "Tu devrais probablement rentrer chez toi maintenant, ma chérie. Et toi aussi, ma chère. Vous ne serez pas en mesure de faire beaucoup de dégâts réels. Je vais m'occuper de lui." J'ai presque craché le dernier mot, bien qu'elle ait gardé une attitude calme. Elle s'est tournée vers le boucher. « Je ne pense pas qu'il faille que le contrôle des animaux soit impliqué dans l'enlèvement de cet animal, et il semble que les parasites soient sous contrôle, donc aucun exterminateur n'a besoin. Eh, Grundal?" Appeler la bête par son vrai nom était loin de la seule guerre mentale de Magdeline, mais elle essayait juste d'attirer l'attention de la grande brute donc il était moins concentré sur le carnage, et moins attention aux survivants. "C'est vrai, mon grand. J'ai fait des recherches sur toi avant ce soir. Il s'avère qu'on est allés à la même académie. Même classe de fin d'études. Vous ne vous souvenez probablement pas du groupe appelé MNLA ("Magnolia")? Votre équipe rivale tous les quatre ans? On s'est démantelés il y a un moment. Quelques mois moins d'un an, en fait, en raison... de circonstances compliquées, après que le Grimm ait violé la ville. Difficile de travailler avec trois coéquipiers morts. Oh, et un enfant sur le chemin. Oui, tu te souviens de lui. Je le sais. J'espère pouvoir vous permettre d'être... plus près. Comme dans la même fosse." Sa dernière phrase était remplie de colère indéniable, de tristesse et de haine pure et sans adultère.
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Tout s'est passé dans un tourbillon, Graham pouvait à peine réagir à ce qui se passait. Avant qu'il ne le sache, les gens sont morts et le boucher est resté là, en riant comme un maniaque. "Bâtard malade!" Graham a crié. Et puis tout à coup Inari et Magdeline étaient dans la pièce. Magdeline leur a conseillé de rentrer chez eux, mais Graham s'est contenté de se serrer la tête. "Je ne vais nulle part." Il a dit, en train de remuer ses tonfas. Au fur et à mesure qu'ils se moquaient, ils se transformèrent en pistolet, et Graham s'attaqua l'un au boucher et l'autre au scan entre ses hommes. "Allez!" Il leur a crié dessus.
Name: Graham Malcolm Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again. Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life. Affiliation: Upriser Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful. Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs. Sembalance: Can control soundwaves. Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
Le boucher se tourna vers le nouveau venu, se retournant à regarder comme Magdeline tua un de ses garçons assez brutalement, son sourire monstrueux ne rétrécissant jamais alors qu'il réfléchissait à ses options. Le garçon n'avait évidemment pas eu son message, mais ça n'avait pas d'importance maintenant, ce qui était important c'était qu'il était plus nombreux, 3-1. Ce qui veut dire qu'il s'est battu pour une fois. En montant son cleaver, il s'est déplacé dans un objet ressemblant à un canon qui s'est rétracté au-dessus de son avant-bras avant de s'enfoncer pour former un snob. Il l'a ensuite pointé vers le plafond, une obscurité levant du canon avant de tirer une boule d'aura sombre dans l'air, puis a rapidement déplacé le canon de dommages à la précision, et a tiré plusieurs petites sphères sur chacun de ses adversaires, avant que la grande boule explose avec grande force, creusant le sol et cachant temporairement tout dans l'obscurité. Il a changé son arme en forme de cliveur, puis s'est tiré sur la fille Faunus, la visant avec une balançoire sur la tête, étant beaucoup plus rapide avec son arme que n'importe quelle personne avait le droit d'être. Il continuerait à lui frapper dans un barrage en mouvement rapide, en le changeant soudainement au milieu en cliquant sur un bouton qui a fait le cliveur devenir un faux, et rendant ainsi ses attaques beaucoup plus intenses et plus difficiles à éviter à mesure qu'il renversait la vitesse, avant d'ajouter une 5 sphères d'explosion dans le misc, en les faisant exploser dans son visage pendant qu'ils étaient engagés, puis en changeant de cibles alors que l'obscurité se dispersait, cette fois se dirigeant vers Graham. Il est retourné à son cleaver, mais il l'a balancé comme une batte de baseball sur lui, dans l'intention de frapper l'enfant autour d'un peu. Qu'il ait réussi ou non, c'est le n qui a lancé un groupe, son bras complètement noirci avec son aura, et il lui a donné un coup de poing dévastateur, et dans les quelques survivants derrière lui. S'il s'en doutait, ils prendraient tout le poids de l'attaque, mais s'il prenait l'attaque, ça ferait beaucoup plus que de chatouiller. Le Boucher utiliserait alors la force de cette attaque pour le lancer dans une attaque tournante à Magdeline, l'obscurité finalement partie de la pièce à ce moment-là. Il essayait de la couper en deux, l'attaque étant si forte qu'elle se couperait profondément dans la piste de danse, et il a en fait lutté un petit peu pour l'extraire. Grundai. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas été appelé comme ça. Oui, j'étais dans l'équipe Grendel je crois, le leader et nous avons été envoyés à l'Ivory Grove pour faire face à un nouveau genre de Grimm, qui a été dit être. C'est ce que j'ai dit. .intelligent. nous étions les meilleurs de notre classe, et certains des meilleurs là-bas, donc nous être choisis était un donné. Pourtant, cela n'a fini que par l'échec, et quand je suis revenu dans le monde de l'Homme de ce trou de l'enfer, j'ai été changé, plus fort, plus rapide, mieux que l'homme ou le faunus! » Grundai tenait une main à sa tête, la visière se développait vraiment intensément maintenant, et commençait à pulser dans le temps avec son souffle. Et son sourire s'élargissait de façon inhumaine maintenant, et les dents commençaient à devenir très, très tranchantes. On pouvait entendre un grondement bas et grognement qui émanait d'un profond dans sa gorge, non pas dans la colère, mais dans l'excitation pure et sans adultère. Le sang sur le sol, la peur dans l'air, la haine sur les visages de ceux qu'il affrontait, il n'a rien fait pour le décourager ou l'affaiblir, au contraire, il s'est senti d'autant plus vivant. Il pouvait le sentir, au fond de lui, quelque chose qui désirait vraiment cette énergie négative, le goût de celle-ci sur sa langue mieux que le vin fin. Il voulait, il en avait besoin, il devait l'avoir. Il l'aurait. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Mais ce jour n'était pas aujourd'hui. La bête était aux portes, et ce n'était pas le moment de la libérer de sa cage. "J'ai fait un marché avec le diable, Maggy, et ça m'a fait un dieu parmi les hommes. Vous étiez tous condamnés dès le début, et alors que j'aimerais vraiment finir ça, je pense qu'il est temps que je parte." Grundai redevient une fois de plus caché dans l'obscurité, mais c'était beaucoup plus profond qu'avant, et de lui rayonnait un tel sentiment de haine, de peur, de purs non-adultères, qu'il les repoussait, le sentiment comme des vers rampant dans leur peau. Et dans un rugissement bestial, The Butcher a libéré toute l'énergie qu'il détenait, l'explosion produisant tout le club. Le temps qu'il soit dégagé, Le Boucher et ses autres garçons étaient partis, de même que la fille et leur camion. Le Boucher s'était échappé. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Ou peut-être qu'il les avait laissés s'échapper, de toute façon, le résultat final est resté le même. Ils ont été nombreux blessés et plus morts avec dans le club, qui ne deviendrait probablement jamais opérable plus jamais.
Name: Silme Raana, goes by a nicknames of Sil or Raana Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus Species: Timber Wolf Appearance: Shown below, but with wolf ears, tail, claws, and fang-like canines. Personality: He's a bit of a wild card, never really taking people seriously outside of a fight. He has a short temper, especially if someone decides it's a good idea to make fun of his faunus lineage. When that happens, they should fully expect to get punched in the face if he likes them, or have it clawed off if he doesn't. Along with his brash behavior is an undercurrent of not only a blunt honesty, but slight cluelessness as well. In a fight, he's like a tactical genuis, but when it comes to almost anything else, he's a bit slow on the uptake. Background: When he was child, Silme lived with his parents in Vale, both of them being hunters who frequently went on missions, leaving him alone for a lot of the time. Then, one day, they never came back, and it took him a few weeks to realize that he was truly on his own. He soon found himxelf on the street, treated like crap by many for being a faunus, something he was slowly growing to hate about himself as more people put him down and mocked him. Then, he was recruited by the White Fang, swiftly risinng through the ranks with his impressive fighting skills, until he sabotaged the robberyof a Schnee freighter, blowing up the whole thing and faking his own death in the explosion. After that, he returned to Vale at the age of 15, spending his days in a fancy hotel with some money he acquired in his escape. He also reconnected with his old friend, Sapphire Applecat, who he had met when he beat the crap out of some guys for bullying her. He didn't tell her about any of his activities in the White Fang(or that he was even a member), as it isn't something that he's necessarily proud of. That's not to say he hated it, far from it, but he just didn't like fighting for a guy like Torchprick(his special little nickname for the fucker), or anyone for that matter. He liked being a Loner, because that was what he had been from the beginning, and that's the way he'd like to die, a man whose only ruler is Death, and he's a pretty lenient boss once you get to know him. And then the Breach happened, the world went to hell with in days, and oblivion in weeks. He spent most of those early months healing up from that first wave at Sapphires house, having gotten ambushed by some Beowolves. One of the fuckers had busted through his Aura barrier and sliced uo his back real bad. Even now, months later, it still hurts a bit when he moves, and is a definite weakspot for him, the pain being intense and disorienting if he gets hit there. Now a days, he does what he can to get by, helping the Uprisers on occasion because they pay well and Torchprick's a prick. He'll never join them, though, he lost his faith in others looking over him a long time ago. Affiliation: A Loner by trade, he does help the Uprisers on occasion, provided that they pay a fee. Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks. Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either. Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armors, making him especially effective against Torchwick's mech suits, but he can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective it still allows him to do a bit more damage then normal. Other: Wears this most of the time He has a scar on his back from when Grimm attack him during the breach, 3 long jagged claw marks He doesn't like talking to Magdaline, her motherly attitude reminding him, painfully, of how he never really recieved much in the way of love from either of his parents, but especially his mother.
Quand le monstre avait frappé, Inari avait à peine évité la première attaque et s'était vite rendu compte que, avec l'obscurité dans le club, elle ne pouvait pas compter sur ses yeux. Sa vision était aiguë, mais ses oreilles et son nez étaient plus aiguisés. Quand il s'est approché d'elle, le bruit de sa lame se déplaçant dans l'air et l'odeur de sa sueur étaient suffisants pour qu'elle garde une trace de lui. Même à l'époque, il était rapide et elle ne pouvait que rester devant ses balançoires. Elle n'a même pas essayé de parier ou de bloquer ses attaques, mais elle a tout simplement fait de son mieux pour les éviter. La dernière frappe qu'il a balancé était la plus rapide et aurait dû être la fin d'elle, mais à la dernière seconde elle a sauté vers le haut avec toute sa force torsadée dans l'air alors que son semblant s'est emparé et elle a senti la traction de la gravité se déplacer vers le plafond. Elle a atterri, ses pieds collés au toit et l'attaque est passée inoffensivement sous elle. Elle a pris un moment pour se remettre et, de son point de vue élevé, réévaluer la situation. Puis tout était fini, avant qu'elle puisse continuer à agir. Un autre éclair d'obscurité et le monstre était parti, avec tous ses crétins. Inari détendu son bras d'épée, libérant la lame de son adhérence et la laissant s'effondrer dans la poussière, alors qu'elle regardait vers le bas (en haut?) à tout le monde de sa position sur le plafond.
Name: Inari Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Faunus (black fox) Appearance: Personality: Inari is always gentle towards her fellow Faunus, however her two greatest hatreds in the world are Humans and Grimm. She despises the Grimm and wants nothing more that to wipe out every single one of them and anything associated with them. As for Humans, she considers them all to be untrustworthy bigots and would rather work alone than fight alongside one, unless absolutely necessary. Some humans may be nice people but, as far as she is concerned, none of them can be trusted until they prove to her otherwise. Background: Inari was born in Menagerie, under a different name, and experienced the discrimination of humans directly as she grew up alone on the streets. Even in the aftermath of the Faunus Rights Revolution, Humans living in and around Menagerie still made life for Faunus unpleasant. This came to a head when one evening in her early adolescence when she came across a group of drunk humans who were looking for trouble. She was passing by in a hurry and accidently ran into one of them, something they took personally. The humans decided to remind the insolent little Faunus of her place in a way that she would never forget. They carved four diagonal scars down her pretty little face, giving her the appearance of having been attacked by a clawed beast, and her fear, hatred and distrust of humans was born. Inari spent the next few years hiding away from the world until she was found one day, in a back alley by a member of the White Fang. When he saw her scars he took her under his wing and introduced her into a life of rebellion against human cruelty. She donned a mask to hide her scarred face and discarded her previous name, instead choosing to call herself Inari, after a character from a street play she once saw as a child. Over the next few years Inari would lose many of her White Fang comrades to the Grimm and she developed a hatred of them that rivaled her hatred of humans. So imagine her woe when she discovered that, not only had the White Fang allied with a human named Roman Torchwick, but that his plan involved the Grimm. Ordered by her superiors to assist in Torchwick's plans, she did so under protest, and witnessed the man's callous attitude toward the Faunus under his command. Torchwick became a center point for Inari's hatred and, in the aftermath of the Breach, while most of the White Fang rallied around Adam Taurus, Inari struck out on her own, planning to undermine Torchwick in any way she could. Affiliation: Loner/White Fang Weapon: Shrouded Glass: Inari uses Fire and Earth Dust, woven into the fabric of her clothing, to create weapons made of diamond hard Obsidian. She crafts the black glass-like mineral into bladed weapons such as swords, daggers and throwing knives. Fighting style: When fighting with a sword weapon, Inari uses the Kenjutsu fighting style, confronting her opponents with graceful swordplay. When wielding smaller blades like daggers or knives she falls back on a more agile fighting style of ninjutsu. Semblance: Gravity Manipulation: Inari is able to effect the direction of gravitational pull upon herself, allowing her to stand and walk on vertical and even upside down surfaces.
Graham a fait marche arrière alors que le boucher a balancé son cleaver vers lui, malheureusement il ne s'est pas arrêté là comme son adversaire a chargé toute l'énergie sombre qu'il utilisait dans son poing. Dans le même temps, Graham a utilisé son apparence et a pris les ondes sonores émises par les haut-parleurs et l'a lancé en avant, faisant les ondes sonores claquer dans le boucher, espérons ralentir le coup, Graham a retourné ses pistolets en tonfas et double bloqué avec eux, traversant les longs côtés ensemble. Malgré cette tentative, le coup de poing était incroyable et a envoyé Graham tomber à l'envers dans la foule. Il a eu beaucoup de chance, ça aurait pu être bien pire. Comme Graham shakily se levait, le boucher et ses hommes n'étaient nulle part où être vu, et la fille non plus. C'est pas vrai! Pourquoi a-t-il dû être si téméraire, mettre des civils en danger aussi. Graham s'est effondré sur le sol, les larmes s'affaissent. "Je suis tellement... putain de stupide!" Il s'est exclamé en se parlant à lui-même. Il a frappé le terrain dans la frustration. "Faites chier! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Il s'est encore crié dessus, répétant ses actes. Il s'est fait une promesse, il s'entraînera, deviendra plus fort et retournera au Boucher. Il se leva et marcha lentement vers le propriétaire. "Je vais la récupérer. C'est une promesse." Il a dit solennellement au propriétaire. Il s'est ensuite tourné vers Mags et Inari, conservant toujours ses lunettes. "Merci, pour l'aide." Il l'a dit, puis il s'est bagarré. "Sûr que j'ai gardé mon cul détruit." Il a ajouté avec un sourire faible.
Name: Graham Malcolm Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again. Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life. Affiliation: Upriser Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful. Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs. Sembalance: Can control soundwaves. Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
Magdéline Le carnage que cette bête créait était dévastateur. Pour empirer les choses, la bête ne laisserait pas tomber. C'est un combat injuste, quoi qu'il arrive. Il faut qu'on parte d'ici. On ne peut pas le prendre comme ça. À ce moment-là, le boucher venait de frapper Graham et de le faire revenir. C'était son tour maintenant. Voyant la grande lame sur le point d'être jetée sur elle, Magdeline se prépare à esquiver, mais sa vitesse. Il est plus rapide que n'importe quel homme de cette taille et avec cette taille d'arme devrait bouger. Elle a à peine essuyé, réussissant à essouffler avec simplement une coupure le long du côté de son abdomen droit. Elle l'agrippe de la main gauche, grogne et maudit sous son souffle. Puis, avec une "poof" et une explosion, le Boucher était parti. Graham fut le premier à réagir, et se battait pour ne pas pouvoir arrêter l'homme-bête. Magdeline marcha vers lui, écoutant sa colère et ses remerciements, et se met à frotter des cercles sur son haut du dos. "Hé, ça va aller, ma chérie. Tu as fait de ton mieux. Nous avons fait de notre mieux. C'est tout ce que tout le monde peut faire. Ce n'est plus un homme. Il ne plaisantait pas à propos de l'accord avec le diable. Bien que, je pense que c'était encore métaphorique. En tout cas, pourquoi ne pas aller se faire soigner et se reposer. Si vous ne vous sentez pas à l'aise de rester seul, n'hésitez pas à rester chez moi. » Avec un sourire, elle regarda de Graham à la jeune femme au plafond. "Madame, si vous avez besoin, nous pouvons vous emmener chez le médecin avec nous. Et si vous avez besoin d'un endroit pour rester, vous êtes libre de rester avec moi chez moi, ma chère." Souriant sincèrement la fille à l'intérieur du toit, elle commence à marcher vers son médecin, qui pourrait faire du travail ce soir. Pour un prix, évidemment.
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Indigo se promena tranquillement à travers la nuit de la ville, l'éclairage sombre éclairant à peine son chemin. Non pas que le mauvais éclairage ait changé quoi que ce soit : il n'avait nulle part où il devait aller, et les gens étaient moins susceptibles de voir son apparence sous son manteau. Bien qu'il n'ait jamais compris pourquoi, les gens ont paniqué quand ils ont vu ses traits de Grimm. C'est probablement mieux que personne ne sache pour moi, il s'est brouillé en continuant ses pas lents. Je me sentirais sans doute seule si tout le monde commençait à m'éviter... Une pensée bizarre est entrée dans sa tête. Mais, comme ses pensées sur d'autres personnes, il a rejeté cela comme quelque chose d'inimportant. Indigo a décidé de s'arrêter et de se reposer sur un banc de rickety pour la nuit, comme il le faisait normalement. Pendant les nombreux mois qu'il était en ville, il n'avait toujours pas vraiment de maison. Néanmoins, penser à quelque chose d'autre que le moyen le plus efficace de tuer était notamment plus épanouissant. Mais il n'a rien vu de mal à tuer les autres. Avant de pouvoir s'endormir, cependant, un fort rythme de frappe a commencé dans un bâtiment de l'autre côté de la rue, un signe lumineux au-dessus de l'entrée. Les mots ne faisaient que confondre les symboles pour lui, il demanda à l'homme devant ce qui se passait. Indigo a d'abord reçu un regard étrange, puis l'homme a répondu, "Ne pouvez-vous pas dire de la musique? C'est une fête." "Musique... des fêtes?" Indigo a répété les mots inconnus, regardant par une fenêtre. Il ne comprenait pas ce qui était si intéressant dans la musique ni quel était le but d'une fête. Aucun d'eux ne semblait agréable, mais il était étrangement entré par tout cela et continuait à regarder dans le club au fur et à mesure que la fête grandissait. Finalement, un grand camion s'est dirigé vers l'immeuble, où plusieurs goons de Torchwick et un homme avec une aura repoussante sont sortis. Indigo regarda vers leur chef, qui, à sa surprise, semblait aussi faire partie de Grimm. Mais instinctivement, Indigo pouvait dire qu'ils n'étaient pas du tout semblables ; il semblait que ce gang tuerait uniquement pour le plaisir. Ses soupçons ont été confirmés par leur entrée, qui a clairement invoqué la peur chez tout le monde sauf lui. Indigo s'en est allé, sans se soucier de l'enlèvement, mais quelques personnes ont soudainement poussé à l'action. Ils sont probablement plus forts que la personne moyenne, il pensait en regardant par-dessus son épaule, en montant les attaques échangées. Malgré cette croyance, qui était en fait, il doutait qu'ils pouvaient battre ce monstre d'une personne devant eux. Cet homme avait beaucoup plus de puissance de feu et de résilience que les trois, bien que sa vitesse n'était rien à rire. De plus, les réactions des autres seraient ralenties par le manque de vision. Son conscient l'exhortait à aller aider, mais il s'est dit que ce n'était pas son problème. Mais peu de temps après avoir vu que le camion se dirigeait vers lui, il a donné et soupiré les mots, « Vise-le ». Indigo a couru sur la route, où une lumière a été brisée et a enlevé son manteau distinctif. Il se cachait bien dans les ténèbres sans cela, et il pensait à son plan. La seule menace est à l'avant du véhicule. Le camion était probablement assez fort pour qu'il saute sans être remarqué par l'autre demi-Grimm. Jetez-les avant qu'ils ne fassent trop de bruit. Si ça se passait bien, il prendrait la fille et sauterait aussi. Il n'avait pas l'intention d'être pris, donc il courrait sans elle si c'était trop dangereux. Absolument. Alors... tuez-les aussi violemment que possible. Même s'ils couraient, ils ne devraient pas vivre plus longtemps que nécessaire. Dès que le camion est passé, Indigo est sorti de sa cachette et a sauté sur le hayon.
Name: Indigo Beryl Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Human/Grimm Appearance: Due to his half-blood, Indigo's body from the neck down is shadowy like a Grimm's, and his arms could be described as clawed gauntlets with bone spikes forming something akin to vambraces. Nonetheless, his figure is still quite humanoid. In order to hide his inhuman traits, he wears a metal azurite cloak that doubles as a layer of protection. Personality: Indigo is a distant and quiet person. He's not one to initiate conversation, but will gladly chat with others(albeit not usually paying attention while doing so). Despite actually being quite kind, Indigo has dreadful morals and is completely unfazed by death. He sees nothing wrong with killing others, but doesn't because there's no point in doing it, either. He's surprisingly adept at understanding the situation and will protect whatever is important to him, though he won't understand why. Background: His past foggy even to himself, Indigo doesn't know the circumstances of how his controversial existence came to be. The earliest memory of his was when he massacred a group of hunters and, for the first time in his life, had a thought. What's the point in killing these people? And, just like that, Indigo stopped attacking fighting and ventured deeper into Vale. Eventually, Indigo adapted to life there, adopting a friendlier attitude and becoming surprisingly comfortable. Torchwick's henchmen, after figuring out that he was generally passive, decided to just ignore him. Affiliation: Rusty Weapon: Wind Needle - A long shard of wind Dust that is capable of stirring up powerful winds. Stabbing motions result in a piercing cone of wind, while slashing with it will either rend or knock-back depending on the closeness of the target. Due to the power and range of the attacks, using it indoors can result in self injury. Dust can be added for additional effects. Indigo can also use his natural claws. Fighting style: Indigo prefers to either snipe or disrupt his enemies' movements from afar with his needle, avoiding the use of his semblance when possible. If he's forced to engage in close-quarters, he pursues his foes while disregarding whatever wounds he sustains. If he catches his target, Indigo will violently and literally tear them to shreds with his claws. Sembalance: Vampirism - Absorbing blood allows him to regenerates his body at an incredible rate. His body becomes stronger and more Grimm-like while doing so, and lowers his mental stability. The effect, for better or worse, wear off after not absorbing any blood for some time. Other:
Euhmm, ouais merci. Ce serait bien Mags. Graham a dit. Il est ensuite allé voir le propriétaire et a retiré environ 25 $ de son portefeuille. "Ce n'est pas grand chose, mais pouvez-vous tenir mon équipement pour moi s'il vous plaît." Il a demandé poliment. Le propriétaire a lentement hurlé, encore un peu secoué. "Je te donnerai plus demain." Il a dit avant de se retourner et de sortir de la porte. "Je serai dehors, nous devons partir bientôt, bien qu'au cas où la police ou pire se présenteraient." Il a dit, pour une fois conseiller Magdeline au lieu de l'inverse. Il a ensuite regardé vers Inari. "Que tu viennes ou pas, tu voudras peut-être sortir d'ici rapidement aussi." Il a dit :
Name: Graham Malcolm Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again. Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life. Affiliation: Upriser Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful. Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs. Sembalance: Can control soundwaves. Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
La Bête libérée À l'intérieur du camion, les hommes se sont serrés dans la fille près de l'avant du camion, regardant derrière eux avec crainte le corps ébouriffé qui était le Boucher. De temps en temps, il secouait et se spasmait, faisant reculer les hommes dans la peur, seulement pour donner un soupir de soulagement comme quand il se calmait. Grundai était un monstre que tout autour de lui craignait, et encore pire était quand il a perdu le contrôle de son côté plus monstrueux, ce qui est la raison pour laquelle il portait toujours cette visière. Il a injecté un type de suppresseur directement dans son esprit, épuisant son insatiable besoin de tuer aussi bas qu'il pourrait aller. Mais il ne pouvait pas le retenir pour toujours, et quand il s'est excité dans un combat, il est devenu encore plus difficile pour les drogues de prendre effet. Voyant Magdeline, entendant la fureur de sa voix, voyant les deux nouveaux jouets qu'elle avait amenés avec elle, cela lui avait donné faim pour leur sang. Il avait presque perdu lui-même leur dos, mais il aurait été trop tôt, trop facile, de les écraser tous dans une pâte rouge douce. Il voulait que son sang soit gagné, et quand il l'a bu après une bataille glorieuse, il aurait goûté tout comme le meilleur des vins, qui sont tous perfectionnés avec le temps. Cependant, il semblait que l'univers ne voulait pas qu'il se calme bientôt. Il n'a pas remarqué au début, trop profondément à l'intérieur de sa propre hibernation renforcée par lui-même, mais après un certain temps cela est devenu évident pour lui. Une créature était sur le camion, accrochée à l'arrière, rayonnant l'intention meurtrière, bien qu'elle n'était pas aussi puissante que la sienne. Pourtant, le Grimm à l'intérieur de lui a été attiré par cette mauvaise émotion, il a appelé à lui, l'a réveillé. Il s'est levé, faisant peur à ses garçons quand il s'est tourné vers eux avec son sourire de marque. "Dites à Torchwick tout ce qui s'est passé. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. et que je m'occupe d'un vilain petit bug en ce moment." Et avec cela, Le Boucher s'est retourné et arraché avec une main clouée, se déchirant facilement à travers le métal de la porte du camion pour saisir la tête du clandestin. Il s'est déchiré un trou en sortant, puis il a jeté l'homme dans la rue vide, en suivant peu après lui, cliveur en main. Maintenant qu'il pouvait voir l'homme, il pouvait dire qu'il était semblable à lui-même, un homme doué du toucher des ténèbres, achetait qu'il pouvait aussi voir qu'il n'était pas conforme à son instinct. Il essayait d'être la chose que Grundai avait laissée derrière lui, humain. Dire que ça l'a rendu malade était un euphémisme, car cela alimentait en lui un sentiment de haine qui ne pouvait pas être refroidi en tuant simplement ce valet. Il allait le déchirer, lentement et douloureusement, pour lui faire crier la gorge jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit crue et sanglante. Il retournerait cette chose dans l'animal qu'elle était censée être, dans l'animal qu'il était lui-même. Sans un mot de salut, ni de menace, Le Boucher chargé à l'autre demi-grimm d'une explosion d'énergie pour le propulser, le balançait avec la lame large, puis se déplaçait avec un barrage inébranlable de cliquetis avec son Cleaver, ajoutant au hasard de puissants coups et coups de pied afin d'empêcher son adversaire de reconnaître un modèle aux mouvements, et de le garder sur ses orteils.
Name: Silme Raana, goes by a nicknames of Sil or Raana Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus Species: Timber Wolf Appearance: Shown below, but with wolf ears, tail, claws, and fang-like canines. Personality: He's a bit of a wild card, never really taking people seriously outside of a fight. He has a short temper, especially if someone decides it's a good idea to make fun of his faunus lineage. When that happens, they should fully expect to get punched in the face if he likes them, or have it clawed off if he doesn't. Along with his brash behavior is an undercurrent of not only a blunt honesty, but slight cluelessness as well. In a fight, he's like a tactical genuis, but when it comes to almost anything else, he's a bit slow on the uptake. Background: When he was child, Silme lived with his parents in Vale, both of them being hunters who frequently went on missions, leaving him alone for a lot of the time. Then, one day, they never came back, and it took him a few weeks to realize that he was truly on his own. He soon found himxelf on the street, treated like crap by many for being a faunus, something he was slowly growing to hate about himself as more people put him down and mocked him. Then, he was recruited by the White Fang, swiftly risinng through the ranks with his impressive fighting skills, until he sabotaged the robberyof a Schnee freighter, blowing up the whole thing and faking his own death in the explosion. After that, he returned to Vale at the age of 15, spending his days in a fancy hotel with some money he acquired in his escape. He also reconnected with his old friend, Sapphire Applecat, who he had met when he beat the crap out of some guys for bullying her. He didn't tell her about any of his activities in the White Fang(or that he was even a member), as it isn't something that he's necessarily proud of. That's not to say he hated it, far from it, but he just didn't like fighting for a guy like Torchprick(his special little nickname for the fucker), or anyone for that matter. He liked being a Loner, because that was what he had been from the beginning, and that's the way he'd like to die, a man whose only ruler is Death, and he's a pretty lenient boss once you get to know him. And then the Breach happened, the world went to hell with in days, and oblivion in weeks. He spent most of those early months healing up from that first wave at Sapphires house, having gotten ambushed by some Beowolves. One of the fuckers had busted through his Aura barrier and sliced uo his back real bad. Even now, months later, it still hurts a bit when he moves, and is a definite weakspot for him, the pain being intense and disorienting if he gets hit there. Now a days, he does what he can to get by, helping the Uprisers on occasion because they pay well and Torchprick's a prick. He'll never join them, though, he lost his faith in others looking over him a long time ago. Affiliation: A Loner by trade, he does help the Uprisers on occasion, provided that they pay a fee. Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks. Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either. Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armors, making him especially effective against Torchwick's mech suits, but he can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective it still allows him to do a bit more damage then normal. Other: Wears this most of the time He has a scar on his back from when Grimm attack him during the breach, 3 long jagged claw marks He doesn't like talking to Magdaline, her motherly attitude reminding him, painfully, of how he never really recieved much in the way of love from either of his parents, but especially his mother.
Indigo s'est légèrement effondré lorsqu'une main ombreuse a percuté l'arrière du camion et s'est emparé de la tête. En même temps, il ressentait une intention de tuer anormalement forte. Eh bien, c'est mauvais, il a pensé clairement qu'il était viré du dos, fouettant sa Wind Needle en une seconde. En tournant son corps, il fit un mouvement effréné au sol avec lui pour se donner le temps d'atterrir sur ses pieds. Perdre l'emplacement de ce type était une erreur critique de sa part. Mais Indigo n'a pas eu le temps de penser à ce qui s'est mal passé, car l'homme - plus un monstre - s'est lancé en avant avec un élan incroyable et un swing écrasant. Indigo s'est penché vers l'arrière pour éviter l'énorme lame, en utilisant une main pour le frapper vers le haut et au-dessus de son visage, l'autre pour créer un coussin d'air au-dessous de lui. Se faisant prendre par chaque frappe pendant l'assaut, il s'est rendu compte qu'il n'y avait pas vraiment de modèle dans les attaques. Cependant, il a ri à haute voix quand il a réalisé quelque chose. C'était comme de la musique pour lui : juste un rythme agaçant et fougueux. Chaque coup de poing et de pied n'était qu'un battement supplémentaire entre les balançoires. Donc il a un usage! il sourit alors que l'escroquerie devenait de moins en moins difficile. Indigo s'est rapidement tourné vers son modus operandi régulier : prenez des coups et frappez-les plus. Il a redirigé chaque balançoire de l'arme avec un coup de nerf tout en contre-courant avec deux coups de poing et de pied de plus, en prenant les poings et les pieds au visage et au ventre, mais à aucun moment en ralentissant; plutôt, la vitesse des attaques d'Indigo a fini par augmenter dans un flou de son apparence sanglante absorbant chaque goutte qui est tombée de lui-même et toutes les blessures qu'il a réussi à infliger à son adversaire. La fille, le camion a soudainement été oublié par Indigo alors que son esprit commençait à se vider. Contrairement à son précédent snarl haineux, l'échange instantané dans la tranquillité presque pure, très légèrement entaché par le sang moins léger, était beaucoup plus terrifiant. Le boucher avait réussi, mais seulement temporairement, à le ramener dans l'insouciance mentale. Mais contrairement au passé, contrairement à la demi-Grimm devant lui, Indigo n'avait pas de fureur et n'aurait trouvé aucune joie dans l'effusion de sang; c'était plus comme une merveille insatiable pour elle, étonnement mélangé avec une curiosité cruelle. "Plus..." il a panté à haute voix, regardant la figure devant lui. "Je veux voir plus de sang."
Name: Indigo Beryl Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Human/Grimm Appearance: Due to his half-blood, Indigo's body from the neck down is shadowy like a Grimm's, and his arms could be described as clawed gauntlets with bone spikes forming something akin to vambraces. Nonetheless, his figure is still quite humanoid. In order to hide his inhuman traits, he wears a metal azurite cloak that doubles as a layer of protection. Personality: Indigo is a distant and quiet person. He's not one to initiate conversation, but will gladly chat with others(albeit not usually paying attention while doing so). Despite actually being quite kind, Indigo has dreadful morals and is completely unfazed by death. He sees nothing wrong with killing others, but doesn't because there's no point in doing it, either. He's surprisingly adept at understanding the situation and will protect whatever is important to him, though he won't understand why. Background: His past foggy even to himself, Indigo doesn't know the circumstances of how his controversial existence came to be. The earliest memory of his was when he massacred a group of hunters and, for the first time in his life, had a thought. What's the point in killing these people? And, just like that, Indigo stopped attacking fighting and ventured deeper into Vale. Eventually, Indigo adapted to life there, adopting a friendlier attitude and becoming surprisingly comfortable. Torchwick's henchmen, after figuring out that he was generally passive, decided to just ignore him. Affiliation: Rusty Weapon: Wind Needle - A long shard of wind Dust that is capable of stirring up powerful winds. Stabbing motions result in a piercing cone of wind, while slashing with it will either rend or knock-back depending on the closeness of the target. Due to the power and range of the attacks, using it indoors can result in self injury. Dust can be added for additional effects. Indigo can also use his natural claws. Fighting style: Indigo prefers to either snipe or disrupt his enemies' movements from afar with his needle, avoiding the use of his semblance when possible. If he's forced to engage in close-quarters, he pursues his foes while disregarding whatever wounds he sustains. If he catches his target, Indigo will violently and literally tear them to shreds with his claws. Sembalance: Vampirism - Absorbing blood allows him to regenerates his body at an incredible rate. His body becomes stronger and more Grimm-like while doing so, and lowers his mental stability. The effect, for better or worse, wear off after not absorbing any blood for some time. Other:
Carver a dû se détourner, lui pincer le nez pour arrêter le saignement de nez qu'il sentait venir. Trop mignon, bien trop mignon pour le loup-garou, le bâtard chanceux Après s'être installé, il s'est retourné au couple faunus avec un sourire plâtré o hus visage. "Demandez juste et vous recevrez, je vais même jeter dans un rabais juste à cause de combien vous êtes adorable." Les oreilles de Silme ont légèrement appuyé sur sa tête, signe d'un léger ennui et d'inconfort avec le frottement, un peu d'éblouissement dans ses yeux violets. Cependant, un ronflement derrière lui était un signe si sa queue bâillonnait bien qu'il ait rapidement surprimé l'envie dès qu'il l'a frappé. Une chose qu'il détestait d'être un loup faunus, sa queue avait l'habitude de donner ce qu'il pensait. "Oui, je suppose que c'est vrai. Tu es un bon ami Sapphire." Il lui a donné une égratignure derrière son oreille à l'endroit qu'elle aimait, donnant à Carver un regard bizarre quand il a offert une réduction. Carver n'a jamais offert de réduction à personne. Le visage de Sapphire devient un peu plus rouge, et elle purifie encore plus quand elle est grattée derrière l'oreille, prenant note que la queue du loup-garou était en train de s'agglutiner. "Tu es si gentille," elle glousse. Son cœur bat, elle se penche et lui donne un seul cou sur la joue, enveloppant ses bras encore plus serrés autour de Silme. Tournant la tête pour regarder Carver, elle s'incline la tête avec une légère timidité. Elle venait juste de le rencontrer, donc elle ne savait pas à quelle fréquence il distribuait des remises. Elle le remercie quand même. « Merci pour votre offre », lui dit Sapphire, un sourire timide sur son visage. "Je vais m'en occuper. Parfois." Encore une fois, sa tête revient pour regarder le bel homme dans ses bras. Elle laisse sortir un bâillement, en pressant la tête sur sa poitrine. "Silme, tu veux dormir dans mon lit ce soir?" Elle demande, en regardant son visage. Silme lui a donné un regard incrédule comme elle l'a appelé "douce", regardant par-dessus le côté du gars qui l'avait conduit ici. "Je pense que ce gars n'est pas d'accord avec toi sur ce front, Sapphire, ne dirais-tu pas Carver. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Carver? " Retournant la tête à Carver, il a vu l'homme bouder au coin du camion, murmurant quelque chose sur la façon dont les idiots sans indice ont toute la chance. Bizarre "Quant à votre offre, je suis d'accord avec elle, mais est-ce que vous alliez dormir? Le canapé est confortable, je suppose, mais ne préférerais-tu pas dormir dans ta propre chambre? » Il s'est interrogé avant de remarquer quelque chose au sujet de sa situation actuelle. Saphir a été pressé très près de lui, très près et il pouvait sentir sa poitrine assez importante pression sur son corps. Ses oreilles se sont immédiatement aplaties contre sa tête, et malgré toute sa volonté, sa queue a commencé à se branler furieusement, faisant son visage déjà relégué tourner une écarlate brillante. Certains des hommes de Carver ont commencé à éclabousser à sa situation difficile, seulement pour se sentir un froid dans le dos alors que sa tête s'est cassée vers eux, la quantité d'intention meurtrière dans ses yeux Violet les envoyant scurry retour au travail décharger la cargaison. Revenant à Sapphire, le blush sur ses joues encore assez proéminente, Silme s'éclaircit la gorge pour attirer son attention. "Sapphire, je ne sais pas comment te le dire, mais ils me touchent un peu. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est beaucoup." Il a fait un geste vague à sa poitrine alors qu'il parlait pour clarifier les choses, mais il n'avait probablement pas besoin de beaucoup de clarification en premier lieu. Carver se déplaçait tous les deux dans l'inconfort de Silme, et il courait l'idiot pour ne pas savoir ce qu'il avait, une fille de chat sexy qui le suppliait, littéralement, et tout ce qu'il pouvait se concentrer sur était un contact intime. Il a énervé Carver beaucoup de choses, donc il a décidé de s'amuser à l'embarras du garçon. "Venez maintenant Wolf-boy, ne faites pas comme si vous n'appréciiez pas ça. Ta queue est si dure que je m'attends à ce qu'elle tombe." En se tournant vers Sapphire, il a posé une main sur sa poitrine et a renversé sa tête vers elle, se penchant sur son épée comme il l'a fait comme une canne. "Je suis vraiment désolé pour toi, c'est un idiot si odieux, n'est-ce pas, presque au point où tu penses que c'est un prude. Vous avez mes condoléances, Kitten." Remontant la tête, il se finance en regardant les yeux violets en colère et en descendant le baril de Scarlet Ravager. Carver a simplement poussé l'arme hors du chemin avec son épée, donnant à Silme un regard comme pour dire, 'Est-ce vraiment nécessaire?' "Kitten, tu devrais probablement garder ton garçon ici sur un collier, de peur qu'il ne déchire quelqu'un de gorge pour lui avoir donné un mauvais regard. Pourquoi si sensible, Silme, essayant de surcompenser pour quelque chose?" Le sourire de Carver s'élargit en voyant la confusion du garçon en essayant de comprendre le sens caché de sa phrase. C'est facile de se moquer de cet idiot, en fait, ce n'est pas un combat équitable. "Eh bien, je vais dormir... avec toi. Dans le même lit." Saphir gigogne, regardant son visage tourner écarlate. Awwww, c'est trop mignon! La chat-girl pense à elle-même, commençant à purer, avant que son propre visage devienne rouge à cause de son commentaire sur ses seins le touchant. C'était un peu embarrassant, mais elle s'en foutait tant que c'était Silme qui était avec elle. Saphir tourne et regarde Carver alors qu'il commence à parler. Après que Carver ait fini de parler, Sapphire revient à Silme. Elle se penche, se tient debout sur ses pourboires, et donne un baiser à Silme sur le nez. En ignorant complètement ce que Carver a dit (pour qu'elle n'essaie pas de l'attaquer pour se moquer de Silme), son visage devient rouge. On est amis depuis si longtemps. S'il ne le demande pas... Je vais le faire. Sapphire ferme les yeux, retournant à plat sur ses pieds. "S-Silme..." Elle dit, sa voix soudainement silencieuse. "D-Est-ce que tu penses... qu'il n'y a pas de chance de nous... Sortir avec quelqu'un?" Elle demande timidement. "Huh?" était la réponse éloquente de Silme, incertain s'il avait entendu son droit. -- Attendez, vous voulez dire, genre, un rendez-vous, genre, avec traîner, et tenir la main et k-k-k-k-kissing?!?!?" Silme était un homme de nombreuses compétences, mais ils étaient tous violents ou criminels dans la nature, il n'était pas bon avec ses émotions, donc il ne savait honnêtement pas comment se sentir à propos de la demande de Sapphire. D'une part, il pouvait dire ouvertement qu'il ne la haïssait pas (ce qui, pour lui, était presque aussi bon qu'une déclaration d'amour), mais de l'autre. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Il avait peur. Il n'avait jamais laissé quelqu'un entrer comme s'il avait l'impression que Sapphire lui demandait de la laisser entrer, pas depuis que son père l'avait quitté. Elle ferait de même, une fois qu'il l'aurait laissée entrer, elle le laisserait tout seul, dehors dans le froid, seul de nouveau dans le monde avec son cœur arraché et étouffé. Il ne pouvait pas gérer ça, il ne voulait pas gérer ça. C'était trop tôt. Son cœur battait, ses pupilles appelaient, ses oreilles en arrière et la queue entre ses jambes, il se désengageait de Sapphire, ressemblant à un loup enroulé. Tout comme il était sur le point de dire quelque chose, cependant, un hurlement odieux déchira toute la nuit, et il fut bientôt suivi par beaucoup, beaucoup d'autres, avec le collage des griffes contre le béton, et les grognements de bête affamée venant vers un repas. Une meute de Beowolves éclata de l'obscurité, descendant sur le groupe avec une férocité sauvage que seul Grimm pouvait posséder. Immédiatement, l'esprit de Silme fut débarrassé de tous ses soucis, de ses malheurs, de tous ses sens tournés vers la lutte contre ces monstres. Il a accouché Scarlet Ravager, les transformant en mode épée courte alors qu'il courait vers l'avant sauter du camion au milieu du pack dans un tourbillon de lames, une explosion peu après qu'il a mélangé le feu et la poussière de vent ensemble dans l'air, lui donnant un peu d'espace et répandant l'air corrosif à travers le pack, les aveuglant pendant au mieux quelques instants. Les hommes de Carver ont commencé à tirer sur le Grimm qui est arrivé à proximité de la cargaison, mais ils n'étaient pas pressés d'aider Silme, comme c'était la façon de Loner. C'était chacun pour soi dans la zone de Loner, et tu n'as veillé sur les autres que s'ils étaient les tiens. Carver descendit du camion jusqu'au sol, balançant son épée comme il l'appelait à Silme. "Je t'ai dit que tuer ce type attirerait Grimm, Wolf-Boy, alors s'il te plaît fais le sale boulot pendant que moi et mon garçon amenons cette cargaison en sécurité. Merci." Carver parlait, un Beowolf est monté de derrière lui, sur le point de le frapper, quand il a soudain tourné autour et poignardé la bête dans sa poitrine avec sa lame, avant d'appuyer sur un bouton qui a causé la lame pour devenir fortement dentelé. "Je déteste quand des chiens comme toi ne connaissent pas ta place. Frappe-toi, va-t'en! En appuyant sur un second bouton, les serrations sur la lame ont commencé à tourner rapidement autour, faisant de l'épée un type de tronçonneuse qui déchirait l'intérieur de la bête, avant qu'il ne s'enfonçât vers le haut, bifurquant efficacement le Beowolf. Carver claqua sa langue avant de s'éloigner de la dissolution du Grimm Carcass vers ses hommes, les hurlant de prendre le rythme avant qu'il ne les transforme en Grimm Chow lui-même. Silme, d'un autre côté, était un peu en difficulté. Alors qu'il traversait le Grimm, sa concentration n'était pas de 100% parce qu'il pensait encore à la question de Sapphire, ce que cela signifiait, ce qu'il devait faire à ce sujet. Cela l'a amené à ne pas remarquer que les Bewolves l'entouraient jusqu'à ce qu'il soit trop tard, et puis il était coincé à essayer de les retenir pendant qu'il tentait. Chaque fois qu'il tentait, un Grim l'inculpait de tous côtés, cherchant une ouverture, et obtenant une épée dans leur gorge à la place, mais ils mangèrent encore pour le garder effectivement piégé, et il commençait à se fatiguer. Il avait l'habitude d'utiliser son aura, mais il s'attendait à avoir un autre combat intense aujourd'hui, donc il en avait utilisé plus dans sa première attaque contre le mech et quand il a tiré sur ces fous quand ils ont quitté le magasin, voulant s'assurer que le travail a été fait. Maintenant, il payait le prix, baissant lourdement alors qu'il fendait une vague apparemment sans fin de Grimm, à peine capable de les retenir. La seule raison pour laquelle il a pu les empêcher de le charger à la fois était qu'il avait encerclé une zone avec un champ de corrosion en utilisant des cartouches spéciales de poussière qu'il avait sur lui juste au cas où. Il était très douloureux de passer par, bien que essentiellement inoffensif, et a aidé à endiguer le flux de Beowolves venant à lui. Mais cela ne durerait que si longtemps, et même si cela durait un certain temps, les Grimm commençaient à attaquer en nombres plus élevés et plus élevés alors qu'ils s'apercevaient que cela ne les tuerait pas en entrant. Soudain, Silme se fit précipiter du côté de l'un des Beowolves, et ad pour utiliser plus Aura pour l'empêcher de déchirer son bras, dont il avait fermement à sa portée. C'est ce qu'il pensait avec une finalité sinistre, se sentant de plus en plus faible au fur et à mesure que la lutte se poursuivait. Je mourrai de la même façon que moi. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. seul Saphir se sentait un peu comme si elle allait sober. Elle murmure en regardant Silme avec un regard embarrassé. N'aurait pas dû demander, n'aurait pas dû demander, elle pense tristement à elle-même, son visage entièrement rouge. Comme les hommes affamés qui se battent pour la nourriture, son esprit se battait pour ce qu'il fallait faire. Des fragments se sont battus pour avoir poussé, approfondi et fait sortir Silme avec elle, d'autres se sont battus pour commencer à le convaincre qu'il devait, et quelques fragments se sont battus pour laisser tomber tout ce qu'elle avait dit, et prétendre qu'elle n'a jamais rien dit. Ses lèvres tremblent comme des parties de Silme d'elle, et larmes bien dans ses yeux alors qu'il recule. Il... Il... Je... Je ne m'attendais pas à ce que ça... me sente si mal. Saphir ouvre la bouche, et suce dans la moitié d'un souffle - qui sonne comme un sifflement triste - et ouvre la bouche pour parler, cependant est interrompu par un hurlement si fort qu'il fait son cri. Grimm! Elle pense, fouetter Zanishlash et en faire un bouclier séparé et des formes d'épée. Juste à temps, alors qu'un Beowolf sautait sur elle, le bouclier qui la protégeait de ses swips. Saphir tourne autour, le frapper sur le sol et rouler hors du chemin pour éviter un glisser d'une seconde. Roulant vers ses pieds, elle parvient à couper la gorge du deuxième Beowolf en chemin, et espionne un tiers derrière elle. Alors que la première monte sur ses pieds, elle lâche son épée, tournant la main autour de lui de sorte que le fond de la ruche était tourné vers l'endroit où la lame était censée être, la lame elle-même allant le long de son bras maintenant, donc elle la tenait à l'envers. Saphir l'a fait avec beaucoup de précision et d'habileté, donc elle était prête quand le premier Beowolf tente un swipe. Elle tire, et la chat-girl utilise l'explosion de l'arme pour pousser son bras en arrière, directement dans l'estomac du troisième Beowolf qui a essayé de s'assurer qu'elle ne rentrerait pas à la maison. Soudain, la bataille a repris. Aura a beaucoup aidé à éviter les attaques de deux Beowolves qui avaient sauté sur elle, ressemblant à la torsion d'un pervers d'une fille et Grimm. Elle lui a frappé le genou, l'a attrapé dans l'entrejambe, mais elle s'est battue avec des dents et des ongles pour empêcher leurs griffes de lui frapper la tête, comme elle avait son bouclier protégeant sa poitrine. Ses yeux s'éparpillaient, cherchant un moyen de s'échapper. À travers les flous de larmes stressantes dans ses yeux, elle a repéré Silme se battant pour sa vie. La vue l'a tuée. Sapphire venait de lui demander s'ils voulaient à ce jour, elle lui avait posé la question de toutes les questions, et il était là. Combattre. Elle éclate de larmes à la vue, poussant fort contre les Beowolves sur elle. Poussant son bouclier, dur, elle a poussé les Beowolves haut avant que Sapphire tourne, ses yeux une nuance rouge foncé, comme si elle venait de venir pour une tasse de thé et un souvenir pour ramener en enfer avec elle. Alors que les Beowolves se replient derrière elle, elle relie son épée et son bouclier, formant le pouvoir de drainage de la force qui était la forme finale de son arme. Elle pleure fort, se chargeant directement vers les Beowolves attaquant Silme, faisant tourner quelques-uns d'entre eux. Elle tire, en enlevant l'un immédiatement, avant de frapper dans l'autre, en tirant comme elle le fait. Alors qu'elle déchique le loup, une autre tentative pour la sauter de derrière. Saphir se tourne, la tabasser de l'air avec son bouclier comme si elle fouettait une mouche. Maintenant qu'elle avait un bon coup de feu, elle a tiré sur le Beowolf qui s'accroche à Silme. La bête avait lâché Silme pour grogner à Sapphire, seulement pour faire sauter la tête à la place. Silme était rapide pour revenir sur son exploit et était maintenant dos à dos avec Sapphire. Il y en avait juste trop, même avec le Tearfuel de Sapphire, elle ne pouvait pas les retenir pour toujours. Passant Scarlet Ravager au mode SMG, il s'est préparé à ce qui allait probablement être leur fin, quand un flash d'or est apparu devant eux, révélant Carver debout là avec un sourire sur son visage. "Eh bien, écoute, Wolf-boy, tu as l'air d'avoir des ennuis, alors laisse-moi t'aider, d'accord. Considérez cela comme une faveur que je m'attends à ce que vous remboursiez à l'avenir. » Carver dit, son sourire se tournant de charmant à déviant en quelques secondes, avant qu'il se tourne vers le Grimm qui était apparu, tut-tuting sur eux pendant qu'il se baguait le doigt. "Naughty, vilains bêtes vous êtes tous, attaquer mon loup comme ça, n'avez-vous pas lu le livre de main du méchant, vous êtes censés attaquer un à la fois, comme le bon canon fourrage que vous excusez sale pour monstre que vous mutes sont." Carver, qu'est-ce que tu fais, ils sont trop nombreux." Silme a commencé, seulement pour se retrouver se faire peler dans la tête par un caillou. Le truc, c'était que ça avait fait mal, et il s'est approché pour sentir l'endroit sur sa tête, il a trouvé qu'il était sorti sanglant. Comment a-t-il fait ça?!?Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? "Wolf-boy, ne saviez-vous pas ce que j'étais avant la brèche, l'homme était," Carver a déclaré, comme une horde de Beowolves a pris l'assaut à travers le dortoir Aura vers lui attaché en attendant que leur nourriture se refermer. "J'étais un sacré bon chasseur, alors s'il vous plaît ne me condescendez pas." Comme le premier Beowolf l'a atteint, il s'est soudain trouvé lui-même divisé en, comme l'a fait celui derrière lui, tombant du côté de Carver alors qu'il se tournait pour faire face au monstre qui l'entourait, sa veste commençant à prendre une lueur intense, 3 couleurs de rouge, blanc et vert. Dans un autre éclair d'or, il était dans l'épaisseur de celui-ci, tournant sa lame dans un cercle de compétition plus vite que l'on pouvait clignoter, bientôt suivi par l'aspersion du sang que le Grimm s'est évanoui, tombant au sol dans une hanche fumante. de leur part, c'était un massacre, complètement partial, car Carver se déchirait à Grimm après Grim, encore et encore. soit clignotant d'un endroit à l'autre, soit déplaçant sa lame à une vitesse presque incroyable. Pendant des temps où la lame n'était pas suffisante, cependant, il utilisait la poussière dans ses vêtements pour lancer soit une lame dévastatrice ou une rafale de vent sur la bête, ou les incinérer complètement dans des colonnes de flamme blanche intense. Il était comme un dieu de la guerre, et bientôt, les quelques Grimm partis vivants s'enfuirent pour les collines, retournant à l'intérieur. Carver s'est tourné vers les deux avec un sourire, sachant qu'ils étaient probablement abrutis par l'esprit-numbing cool qu'il était. Je suis un putain de patron, et maintenant ils le savent putain, donc ils ont intérêt à me respecter ou sinon je vais botter un gros cul! « Et c'est pourquoi, Silme, je n'ai jamais flippé une fois quand vous m'avez pointé une arme quelconque, parce que mon Sembalance est l'accélération instantanée », a expliqué Carver, appréciant la façon dont il a vu le garçon flipper quand il a utilisé son vrai nom, « me permettant un seul instant, me radoucissant d'augmenter la vitesse de mes balançoires de lame, et donc leur puissance, ou se déplacer presque instantanément d'un point à l'autre. Donc, comme vous l'êtes maintenant, vous ne me correspondriez pas. Alors, tu viendras avec moi et mes gars maintenant, je suppose, pas en sécurité pour toi et Kitten de se demander les niveaux supérieurs. Je doute que ce fût tout le paquet, et aucun de vous n'est en quelque forme que ce soit face à aucun Grimm sur votre chemin de retour." À l'aide de sa lame tachée de sang, il leur a montré l'entrée ou la sortie qu'il et ses hommes utilisaient pour transporter les marchandises. "Allez, ne soyez pas timide. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. et aussi soyez rapide à ce sujet, nous n'avons pas toute la nuit." En regardant ce que Carver a fait, Sapphire a été awestruck par son pouvoir pur. Cependant, elle l'a aussi pris comme un peu de vanité en raison de son pouvoir. Comme il a tué la plupart des Grimm, elle a toujours enlevé son agression sur ceux qui étaient près d'elle. Elle prit de fortes respirations, et oblitéra ceux qui se trouvaient près d'elle. Un Beowolf final a réussi à monter sur elle, cependant un fort coup de poing sur le côté de sa tête l'a jeté hors d'elle avant qu'elle active la lame de son arme et la drogue directement dans l'estomac, faisant une pirouette et coupant tout le chemin jusqu'au cou des créatures. Elle sortit Zanislash et regarda autour de lui pendant que la finale du Grimm se retirait. Essuyant des larmes errantes loin de ses yeux, des larmes de lutte et de tristesse, Sapphire regarde Silme alors qu'elle retourne ses armes à leur forme petite et portable. Il va bien... Il va bien... La chat-girl, se remettant de ce qui venait de se passer, regarde Carver comme il prend à nouveau sur Silme. Elle a essayé de dire quelque chose, mais maintenant qu'elle n'avait plus Tearfuel, elle se sentait fatiguée, tellement fatiguée. Elle trébuche, essayant de suivre Carver et ses hommes jusqu'à l'endroit où ils se déplaçaient, quand elle s'inclina et tombait sur le côté. Maintenant que son Tearfuel était fini, c'est la force supplémentaire qui avait péri avec elle, et sa force normale avait été utilisée dans le combat, combinée à la fuite de la forme combinée de Zanislash, elle s'était stressée bien trop loin et était faible. Les paupières de Sapphire se fermèrent à mi-chemin, et elle murmura le mot "Aide", se couchant sur le sol. Silme, qui marchait avec Sapphire vers le tunnel, est allée l'attraper avant qu'elle n'atteigne complètement le sol. Il décida alors de la porter sur le dos, l'accompagnant avant de suivre Carver et ses hommes dans les tunnels. Carver marchait à côté de lui, regardant Silme avec une lueur d'attente dans l'œil. "Je ne dis pas merci, parce que je sais que tu n'as pas fait ça par la gentillesse de ton cœur, Carver, tu veux quelque chose." Silme a vu le vieil homme, mais il s'est rapidement transformé en un regard de suspicion et de confusion comme il a pensé aux mots antérieurs de Carver. "Dis-moi, Carver, si tu étais un bon chasseur, alors pourquoi n'as-tu pas essayé de mettre fin à Torchwick, ou du moins d'essayer de le combattre comme les autres?" "Simple gamin, je voulais vivre plus que je ne voulais protéger les gens. Étant un chasseur ne travaillait pas pour moi aussi bien que j'ai pensé au moment où la brèche s'est produite, donc quand le Grimm a commencé à envahir la ville, j'ai pris l'opportunité d'avoir un petit accident, puis j'ai changé mon nom et badda-bing, badda-boom, Carver's en affaires en créant des itinéraires de voyage sûrs pour quiconque veut démarrer une entreprise de contrebande. Puis j'ai pris le contrôle de l'entreprise et suis devenu un homme très riche." "Tu es un gars intelligent, mais qu'est-il arrivé à ton équipe?" "Je ne sais pas, et pour l'amour de ma conscience, j'aimerais croire qu'ils sont tous vivants et qu'ils ont gardé la tête baissée." Silme a hurlé, avant qu'il commence à reconnaître les tunnels dans lesquels ils étaient. Il fit signe à Carver, puis descendit un tunnel de ramification qui mènerait à Faunus Plaza, une colonie souterraine de fortune peuplée principalement par Faunus, bien qu'il s'agisse davantage d'une station de patrouille et d'un avant-poste que d'autre chose. Tandis que ces tunnels étaient excellents pour garder les gens en sécurité, Grimm est toujours venu, et Faunus a été élu pour être les meilleurs gardiens en raison de la plupart ayant une excellente vision de la nuit. Il a navigué dans les rues vides jusqu'à ce qu'il arrive chez Sapphire, en utilisant sa clé pour ouvrir la porte. À l'étage, il la coucha sur son lit, où elle se recrocha inconsciemment, puisqu'elle s'était endormie le long du chemin. Pendant une seconde, Silme se souvint de son offre, mais il secoua la tête de celle-ci et sortit de la pièce. Il ne voulait pas lui donner un faux espoir qu'il lui ferait connaître ses sentiments, il ne l'a même pas fait maintenant s'il ne le ferait pas. Il avait besoin de temps pour y réfléchir, mais il fallait attendre demain, il était beaucoup trop fatigué pour faire face à ça ce soir. Il descendit donc les escaliers, dans le salon et s'écrase sur le canapé, laissant le doux sommeil se laver sur lui comme une rivière. TL;DR: Silme et Sapphire ont maintenant une tension romantique gênante, en raison de Sapphire en quelque sorte confesser (elle a demandé une date) et Silme ne répond pas. L'attaque de Grim s'est produite, Carver s'est révélé être un chasseur de grande compétence
Name: Silme Raana, goes by a nicknames of Sil or Raana Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus Species: Timber Wolf Appearance: Shown below, but with wolf ears, tail, claws, and fang-like canines. Personality: He's a bit of a wild card, never really taking people seriously outside of a fight. He has a short temper, especially if someone decides it's a good idea to make fun of his faunus lineage. When that happens, they should fully expect to get punched in the face if he likes them, or have it clawed off if he doesn't. Along with his brash behavior is an undercurrent of not only a blunt honesty, but slight cluelessness as well. In a fight, he's like a tactical genuis, but when it comes to almost anything else, he's a bit slow on the uptake. Background: When he was child, Silme lived with his parents in Vale, both of them being hunters who frequently went on missions, leaving him alone for a lot of the time. Then, one day, they never came back, and it took him a few weeks to realize that he was truly on his own. He soon found himxelf on the street, treated like crap by many for being a faunus, something he was slowly growing to hate about himself as more people put him down and mocked him. Then, he was recruited by the White Fang, swiftly risinng through the ranks with his impressive fighting skills, until he sabotaged the robberyof a Schnee freighter, blowing up the whole thing and faking his own death in the explosion. After that, he returned to Vale at the age of 15, spending his days in a fancy hotel with some money he acquired in his escape. He also reconnected with his old friend, Sapphire Applecat, who he had met when he beat the crap out of some guys for bullying her. He didn't tell her about any of his activities in the White Fang(or that he was even a member), as it isn't something that he's necessarily proud of. That's not to say he hated it, far from it, but he just didn't like fighting for a guy like Torchprick(his special little nickname for the fucker), or anyone for that matter. He liked being a Loner, because that was what he had been from the beginning, and that's the way he'd like to die, a man whose only ruler is Death, and he's a pretty lenient boss once you get to know him. And then the Breach happened, the world went to hell with in days, and oblivion in weeks. He spent most of those early months healing up from that first wave at Sapphires house, having gotten ambushed by some Beowolves. One of the fuckers had busted through his Aura barrier and sliced uo his back real bad. Even now, months later, it still hurts a bit when he moves, and is a definite weakspot for him, the pain being intense and disorienting if he gets hit there. Now a days, he does what he can to get by, helping the Uprisers on occasion because they pay well and Torchprick's a prick. He'll never join them, though, he lost his faith in others looking over him a long time ago. Affiliation: A Loner by trade, he does help the Uprisers on occasion, provided that they pay a fee. Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks. Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either. Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armors, making him especially effective against Torchwick's mech suits, but he can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective it still allows him to do a bit more damage then normal. Other: Wears this most of the time He has a scar on his back from when Grimm attack him during the breach, 3 long jagged claw marks He doesn't like talking to Magdaline, her motherly attitude reminding him, painfully, of how he never really recieved much in the way of love from either of his parents, but especially his mother.
Torchwick romain Les hommes sont finalement revenus avec le camion dans le transport aérien. Roman a remarqué un... trou important dans le dos. Qu'est-ce que c'est? En pointant le trou, Roman demande au chauffeur de la camionnette. "Monsieur. Le boucher l'a fait après avoir dit de vous dire ce qui s'est passé et qu'il allait s'occuper d'un bug." Après quelques secondes de silence, le dictateur s'est fait face et s'est finalement demandé : « Eh bien, qu'est-ce qui s'est passé!? » "Oh, c'est vrai! On a été pris en embuscade au club. Le DJ, Magdeline, et une salope masquée sont venus et ont interrompu l'extraction, monsieur. Plusieurs hommes sont morts, mais nous avons eu la fille." "... Tu veux dire elle?" Roman a demandé, pointant le crochet de sa canne sur une femelle attachée qui sautait loin. -- Oui, monsieur. Elle. C'est pas vrai. Je vais la chercher, monsieur!" Le soldat a pris un certain temps pour réaliser son erreur, mais Roman a levé la main pour l'arrêter. "Je peux le faire. Merci pour l'offre. "Doux." Avec ça, il lançait le crochet à l'échappé, l'attrapeant par la corde qui liait ses mains. Roman l'a ensuite traînée dans le dos, s'excusant à la disparition qu'il était si dur. En l'aidant à lever et à défaire ses fixations à la jambe, Roman a expliqué qu'elle ne partirait pas tant que son père n'aurait pas payé ses impôts plus la dette qu'il doit. -- Eh bien, au plus tôt. Il peut y avoir 5-7 jours ouvrables d'expédition, mais nous nous assurerons que vous n'êtes pas blessé. Inutile." Maintenant guidant la jeune femme par le petit de son dos, Roman explique sa position. "Maintenant, tu m'appartiens. Vous êtes maintenant une garantie pour l'argent que votre père doit. Jusqu'à ce que la dette soit payée, tu peux rester ici avec moi. Nous nous amuserons." En la regardant, il répète : "Beaucoup de plaisir. C'est ça. Magdéline Magdline ramène l'entreprise qu'elle a avec elle chez elle, ramenant les routes et les tunnels souterrains. Une fois à la maison, elle ouvre la porte, fait quelques pas, se retourne et accueille sa compagnie. "Eh bien, chez moi, c'est gentil. Le canapé dans le salon a un lit d'appoint, j'ai une chambre d'amis." Appeler l'ancienne chambre de son fils une chambre d'amis était difficile. C'était la première fois qu'elle pensait à la chambre depuis longtemps. Se concentrant sur l'installation de son entreprise, elle a continué, un peu moins enthousiasmé. "Um... tu peux dormir où tu veux. N'hésitez pas à prendre à manger ou à boire. La cuisine est juste à travers l'arche dans le salon là-bas." Magdeline pointe à travers le salon à la cuisine. "Si tu as besoin de vêtements, j'en ai pour les garçons et les filles. Peu importe ce que vous préférez..." Après une profonde respiration, elle continua. "Alors, fais comme chez toi. Je vais me coucher. Je suis fatigué de tous les combats... et merci d'être resté avec moi, même quand j'ai demandé à le combattre seul. Je n'aurais probablement pas pu faire grand-chose, mais acheter quelques dizaines de secondes. J'apprécie vraiment votre aide." Avec un air de respect. "Si vous voulez bien m'excuser, je vais me coucher." Avec ça, Magdeline monte les escaliers, dézippant sa veste une fois en haut et, une fois dans sa chambre, enlevant la veste. Maintenant qu'elle était dans ses PJs comme avant : haut de réservoir et pantalons flous, dont aucun n'avait été enlevé ou changé quand elle avait quitté la maison, elle a glissé dans le lit.
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Graham a suivi Mags chez elle. Après son offre très aimable, elle s'est couchée dans les PJ, il n'a pas remarqué qu'elle portait tout le temps. "Merci Magdeline." Il a alors appelé "J'ai le canapé." Graham s'est ensuite aidée à un verre de soda qu'il a versé. Il a posé le verre sur la table et s'est assis sur le canapé. Il fixa le plafond et frotta les mains sur son visage. "Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'une nuit de merde." Il murmurait pour lui-même. Graham allait s'entraîner, s'entraîner dans les combats et ensuite se mettre en route pour trouver la fille des managers. Un peu de quête héroïque et ironique pour Graham, mais s'il devait rembourser le manager d'une façon ou d'une autre, ce serait comme ça. Graham a annulé toutes les réservations par son téléphone, il avait besoin de temps autant que possible.
Name: Graham Malcolm Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again. Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life. Affiliation: Upriser Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful. Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs. Sembalance: Can control soundwaves. Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
C'est plus comme ça, mon garçon, Le Boucher sourit en entendant le garçon demander du sang. "Demandez et vous recevrez, voyons ce qui se passe quand vous relâchez vraiment." Le Bucther n'avait pas beaucoup souffert des attaques du garçon, quelques égratignures de gravité variable, mais rien qui serait un obstacle pour lui. Il a levé sa lame, qu'il s'est déplacée dans sa forme de canon à main pour la diriger vers l'une des maisons nesrby, où les gens regardaient dehors pour voir ce qui se passait. Un coup de la gâchette, une série de noir, un cri dans la nuit, puis une scission de silence consciencieux suivie immédiatement d'un boom fort comme partie de la maison a explosé, le coin, qui a fait descendre le reste de la maison aussi. Le boucher s'est dirigé vers le gâchis, reniflant l'air avant de trouver le whag qu'il cherchait. Atteindre les décombres, il a sorti un homme qui s'accroche à peine à la vie, avec plusieurs pieux dans son corps, prenant une seconde pour s'assurer qu'il était conscient avant de le jeter aux pieds autre demi-grimm. "Il y a ton sang, prends-le et montre-moi qui tu es vraiment, sinon tu te retrouveras dans l'état très désagréable d'être mon nouveau jouet. Ce qui est drôle avec les jouets, c'est qu'ils sont toujours les plus amusants à jouer juste avant qu'ils ne se brisent." Soyez libre de me dire à quel point je suis nul pour avoir pris si longtemps.
Name: Silme Raana, goes by a nicknames of Sil or Raana Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus Species: Timber Wolf Appearance: Shown below, but with wolf ears, tail, claws, and fang-like canines. Personality: He's a bit of a wild card, never really taking people seriously outside of a fight. He has a short temper, especially if someone decides it's a good idea to make fun of his faunus lineage. When that happens, they should fully expect to get punched in the face if he likes them, or have it clawed off if he doesn't. Along with his brash behavior is an undercurrent of not only a blunt honesty, but slight cluelessness as well. In a fight, he's like a tactical genuis, but when it comes to almost anything else, he's a bit slow on the uptake. Background: When he was child, Silme lived with his parents in Vale, both of them being hunters who frequently went on missions, leaving him alone for a lot of the time. Then, one day, they never came back, and it took him a few weeks to realize that he was truly on his own. He soon found himxelf on the street, treated like crap by many for being a faunus, something he was slowly growing to hate about himself as more people put him down and mocked him. Then, he was recruited by the White Fang, swiftly risinng through the ranks with his impressive fighting skills, until he sabotaged the robberyof a Schnee freighter, blowing up the whole thing and faking his own death in the explosion. After that, he returned to Vale at the age of 15, spending his days in a fancy hotel with some money he acquired in his escape. He also reconnected with his old friend, Sapphire Applecat, who he had met when he beat the crap out of some guys for bullying her. He didn't tell her about any of his activities in the White Fang(or that he was even a member), as it isn't something that he's necessarily proud of. That's not to say he hated it, far from it, but he just didn't like fighting for a guy like Torchprick(his special little nickname for the fucker), or anyone for that matter. He liked being a Loner, because that was what he had been from the beginning, and that's the way he'd like to die, a man whose only ruler is Death, and he's a pretty lenient boss once you get to know him. And then the Breach happened, the world went to hell with in days, and oblivion in weeks. He spent most of those early months healing up from that first wave at Sapphires house, having gotten ambushed by some Beowolves. One of the fuckers had busted through his Aura barrier and sliced uo his back real bad. Even now, months later, it still hurts a bit when he moves, and is a definite weakspot for him, the pain being intense and disorienting if he gets hit there. Now a days, he does what he can to get by, helping the Uprisers on occasion because they pay well and Torchprick's a prick. He'll never join them, though, he lost his faith in others looking over him a long time ago. Affiliation: A Loner by trade, he does help the Uprisers on occasion, provided that they pay a fee. Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks. Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either. Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armors, making him especially effective against Torchwick's mech suits, but he can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective it still allows him to do a bit more damage then normal. Other: Wears this most of the time He has a scar on his back from when Grimm attack him during the breach, 3 long jagged claw marks He doesn't like talking to Magdaline, her motherly attitude reminding him, painfully, of how he never really recieved much in the way of love from either of his parents, but especially his mother.
PLEIN Le combat du Boucher contre la demi-Grimm s'est terminé quand Indigo a pris un coup exprès, volant l'élan pour catapulter. Le boucher a eu tendance à suivre pour finir ce qu'il a commencé, mais il a été bipé par Torchwick, donc il est retourné à l'ex-Académie. À un moment donné avant le lever du soleil, Inari s'était envolée pour achever son propre programme. Magdeline dormait bien dans la journée, ce qui n'était pas trop mal depuis que son travail légitime était fermé pour la journée. Il est maintenant presque midi du lendemain.
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Graham est resté chez Mags jusqu'à ce qu'elle se réveille. Il avait une question très importante à poser. L'événement au club de nuit l'a gardé debout toute la nuit. Il avait échoué à protéger les innocents, et il n'avait rien fait d'utile. Il devait la récupérer. Torchwick a besoin de savoir qu'il aura un travail difficile maintenant. Son temps en tant que dictateur est terminé. Graham a donné à Mags le temps de se réveiller complètement avant de lui poser une question. "Hey Mags?" Il a commencé. "Tu es un meilleur combattant que moi et la nuit dernière... ce que je veux demander c'est, tu m'entraîneras?" Il a demandé. "Je veux devenir un meilleur combattant." Il a déclaré, déterminé à montrer sa détermination à l'égard de son but.
Name: Graham Malcolm Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again. Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life. Affiliation: Upriser Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful. Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs. Sembalance: Can control soundwaves. Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
Magdéline Magdeline s'est réveillée dans une brume. Les événements d'hier soir avaient commencé à la manger dans ses rêves. Il n'arrêtait pas de rejouer. Le carnage. La brutalité. Les cris. Le sang... Finalement, secouant mentalement une fois qu'elle était dans la cuisine, elle a remarqué Graham qui était probablement sur le point de partir, lui demandant de l'aider à s'entraîner. "Eh bien, je peux essayer, ma chérie. Je ne sais pas comment vous battre avec votre arme, mais je peux vous aider à mieux lire les adversaires et vous aider à mieux apprendre Grundai, si vous êtes vraiment inquiet pour lui. Il va être dur. Il a beaucoup mieux réussi à bloquer la guerre psychologique que je ne m'en souviens, mais il doit avoir une faiblesse... » Après avoir regardé dans l'espace pendant quelques secondes, elle s'est tournée vers le frigo pour prendre des œufs et du bacon qu'elle avait acheté l'autre jour. Magdeline a posé sa main sur la tête de Graham et lui a souri. "Ne t'inquiète pas tant pour hier soir. Je sais qu'on peut récupérer sa fille. Et pas avec une collecte de fonds. Vous voulez à manger? Et si vous voulez commencer l'entraînement aujourd'hui, je peux vous aider après le travail. Je dois partir dans une demi-heure. Vous pouvez rester ici si vous voulez. La clé de rechange est sous la brique avec le 'X' dessus sous le tapis de la porte arrière si vous devez sortir et revenir. Rappelez-vous que vous êtes déjà un grand combattant. Tu as juste besoin de savoir comment combattre cet ennemi. Ça va?" Et avec ça, Magdeline est revenue à ses ingrédients pour commencer à cuisiner un peu de nourriture.
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Mélanie La jeune fille tenait la rançon dans la position foetale sur le vieux lit qu'elle avait mis. Ça faisait un jour, et la fille du propriétaire du club avait été traînée dans l'enfer. Elle n'a pas pu faire plus que pleurer et se rappeler toutes les merdes qui avaient frappé le ventilateur ces dernières heures. Elle était vierge avant ce soir... Après avoir été kidnappée au club, Melanie avait été amenée au palais de Torchwick et a dit qu'elle n'était maintenant qu'une... possession de Torchwick. Les gardes l'avaient à peine emmenée dans la chambre qu'ils appelaient la sienne, 231, avant que personne dans la chambre n'ait des vêtements. Torchwick avait mis une ceinture de chasteté spéciale sur Melanie, pour empêcher l'utilisation injustifiée de sa propriété. Mais il ne couvrait que son ouverture frontale, et les gardes qui l'ont amenée, et quelques gardes de Fang blanc, et quelques autres gars qui se trouvaient à errer, tous ont pris chaque pouce qu'ils pouvaient sortir d'elle. Après presque deux heures de répétition, Torchwick est finalement arrivé. Peut-être qu'il avait prévu que ce soit comme ça, mais il était plus gentil que ses gardes. Oui, il lui a encore tiré les cheveux un peu, a forcé son mouvement de la tête pendant... "présentations orales", et a été dur à partir du moment où il a été excité, mais ce n'était pas aussi mauvais que les hommes avant lui. Peut-être que Melanie venait de s'engourdir, après des dizaines d'hommes avant Torchwick dans la dernière heure ou deux. Après ce dernier tour de mémoire et quelques minutes de pleurs, Melanie s'est finalement endormie. Elle ne savait pas pourquoi. Peut-être que c'était juste par pur épuisement. Melanie avait des rêves horribles, mais dormait bien dans la journée. Le soleil qui frappait son visage l'a enfin réveillée. Elle a regardé autour de la pièce. Elle a vu une commode, et il y avait quelques tenues. Le costume de Maid, le costume de "nurse" et une jolie robe de soleil. C'était joli. Elle a décidé d'avoir au moins l'espoir que les choses ne s'aggraveraient pas et de mettre la robe solaire. Seulement pour remarquer à quel point c'était opaque. Tu pouvais presque voir complètement à travers ça. Avec un peu d'ingéniosité, Melanie a mis en place une tenue qui utilisait des articles de chacun des fournis qui était aussi modeste que possible et semblait mignon. Je peux au moins avoir l'air décent. Décidé à faire face à sa peur tête sur, Melanie sortit de la pièce à l'entrée de la salle Torchwick avait un trône dedans. Elle n'a rencontré aucun gardien en chemin. La salle du trône avait quelques gardes. Quelques-uns qu'elle connaissait un peu trop personnellement. Décidant de jeter tout le monde, Melanie sourit et salua joyeusement Torchwick. Torchwick avait l'air confuse pour la voir, et plus encore pour qu'elle semble heureuse. "Bonjour, M. Torchwick. Je peux faire quelque chose pour toi? Je n'ai pas trouvé de robe trop décente, donc j'ai un peu improvisé. J'espère que ça te plaira." Melanie a clin d'œil à Torchwick et s'est prosternée une fois qu'elle a terminé. Torchwick et ses gardes étaient sans voix. Le dictateur au pouvoir a finalement régné dans son esprit et a répondu. "Oh, wow. Je ne m'attendais pas à ça. D'habitude, je laisse des robes sexy pour le... collatéral que j'ai. Votre attitude positive et votre volonté de servir sont rafraîchissantes. Si vous faisiez de la nourriture pour nous deux, ce serait magnifique. Je serai bientôt de retour pour dîner avec toi. J'ai hâte de te voir." Torchwick a appelé le bluff ludique de Melanie. Sans aucune carte pour sortir de ses manches, Melanie a hurlé et a fait son chemin vers la cuisine.
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Merci Maggie, Graham a dit. "Je n'ai pas faim, mais merci de toute façon pour l'offre." Graham a ajouté. Il a vraiment apprécié Magdeline, elle n'avait pas à l'aider, mais il est content qu'elle soit d'accord. Il a dû la récupérer. Il se sentait... responsable de ce qui s'est passé, et c'est le moins qu'il puisse faire. Graham était sur le point de sortir quand Mags a mentionné la clé. "Alors je suppose que ça ne vous dérangera pas si je me laisse entrer." Il m'a dit de plaisanter. "Merci encore Mags." Il a dit encore une fois, espérant montrer sa gratitude. Avec ça, Graham a quitté la maison. Il a cherché un chemin vers le toit, et après l'avoir fait, il a veillé sur Vale. "C'est l'heure d'un nouveau look." Il s'est dit avant de se mettre dans sa maison pour saisir son portefeuille.
Name: Graham Malcolm Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again. Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life. Affiliation: Upriser Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful. Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs. Sembalance: Can control soundwaves. Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
Après un sommeil qu'elle espérait durer pour toujours (bien qu'il ait duré un certain temps), Sapphire s'est réveillée, les yeux se levant à mi-chemin. Se frottant les yeux, elle regarda autour de lui pour découvrir qu'elle était seule dans la pièce, devinant que Silme s'était de nouveau écrasée sur le canapé. En ce temps de solitude, Sapphire dérobé, a pris une douche puis a mis un nouveau jeu de vêtements avant de descendre. Saphir se sentait légèrement faible à cause de la surutilisation de sa force la fois précédente, mais elle était déterminée à retrouver sa force en passant par un bon repas et en se relaxant un peu. Donc, elle a jeté ses robes pour se laver (Elle avait un set de rechange quelque part), se faisant un simple repas de lait et de toast. Je pourrais faire une pause, elle pense à elle-même, assise et mangeant.
Name: Sapphire Applecat (Though she goes around by the name of Sif ) (Adding race because Faunus/Human) Race: Faunus (cat Faunus, black cat ears, black cat tail) Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Normal appearance: What she wears most of the time: Personality: Sapphire is a normally cheerful girl. She occasionally comes out with a joke, usually bad ones, but she tries to keep spirits high. Despite this, she is very easily made upset. Sapphire likes to read, listen to music, and practice with her weapons, and use his laptop. Sapphire is also very shy. Her favourite colour is blue. Despite being a cat Faunus. Background: Sapphire was born to a heavily abused Faunus family. For years, she had to be moved from school to school because she was being abused by humans. She used to cry over it, being quite upset, but eventually grew slightly used to it. As she grew up, she slowly dreamed of becoming a huntress. She felt it would make her stronger, and it would give her a purpose in life. So, she studied hard at her school, and then went to Signal to study further. In her spare time, she built himself a sword and a shield that both suited her. She also learned about aura and semblences, and even discovered her own semblence (even though she beat someone that was abusing her really hard because of the aggression that came with it)! However, everything went down. Grimm attacked, her parents died, and she was left alone, to live by herself. Affiliation: Loner Weapon: Zanislash - A sword which comes in three forms. The first form is just the hilt of a sword, from which the sword extends and retracts. The hilt of the sword also shoots semi-explosive shots, like those from Yang's weapons. The second form is a shield which comes in the form of a flat, small disk with a handle, which extends open to a medium sized, strong blue shield. The hilt and disk are both attached together, and can detach to be used as a sword and shield individually. However when they are attached and when activated at the same time, the two items combine. The shield has the hilt sticking out of it, and it can fire a lot more powerful shots and act as a much more powerful weapons. This heavily draws upon her strength, however, as it uses Sapphire's own strength to make more power in the weapon. Prolonged use can lead to pain and even passing out, though if the weapon senses she has gone too far it will automatically detach so she can regain her strength. Fighting style: Sapphire prefers to fight close up. She is extremely talented in swordplay, which is the reason for her preference to be close up. Usually, however Sapphire does not want to fight. Sembalance: Tearfuel; If Sapphire is upset to the point where she cries, her strength will grow, and with that her will to go on. Every drop of a tear is another gain to her strength. A crying person will usually be weak, and will give up, however if she cries, she pushes hard, and pushes forward. Sometimes, this may not be the case, but the majority of the time it is. However, this also can make her very, very angry and aggressive Other: N/A
Silme dormait encore sur le canapé, bien que l'arrivée de Sapphire en bas l'ait réveillé, signifié par un retournement ennuyé de son oreille gauche. Avec un gémissement, il se lève du lit, s'élançant légèrement avant que son corps lui rappelle douloureusement que la nuit dernière avait été plutôt stressante. Scratching sa tête, il regarde autour de lui dans un labyrinthe avant de voir Sapphire, qu'il a donné une vague rapide de salutation avant de passer à un placard voisin, sorti quelques vêtements pour se changer après sa douche, qu'il a finalement jugé approprié de parler. "Hey Sapphire, concernant ce que tu m'as demandé. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Hier soir. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Je ne suis pas contre l'idée, alors chaque fois que tu veux y aller, dis-le-moi." Silme murmurait sous son souffle (totalement n'était pas rougissant ou quoi que ce soit) comme il passait, mais avec le niveau d'audition de Sapphire, elle l'entendait probablement très bien. Après cela, il est monté à la douche, ce dont il avait vraiment besoin si son nez était quelque chose à passer.
Name: Silme Raana, goes by a nicknames of Sil or Raana Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus Species: Timber Wolf Appearance: Shown below, but with wolf ears, tail, claws, and fang-like canines. Personality: He's a bit of a wild card, never really taking people seriously outside of a fight. He has a short temper, especially if someone decides it's a good idea to make fun of his faunus lineage. When that happens, they should fully expect to get punched in the face if he likes them, or have it clawed off if he doesn't. Along with his brash behavior is an undercurrent of not only a blunt honesty, but slight cluelessness as well. In a fight, he's like a tactical genuis, but when it comes to almost anything else, he's a bit slow on the uptake. Background: When he was child, Silme lived with his parents in Vale, both of them being hunters who frequently went on missions, leaving him alone for a lot of the time. Then, one day, they never came back, and it took him a few weeks to realize that he was truly on his own. He soon found himxelf on the street, treated like crap by many for being a faunus, something he was slowly growing to hate about himself as more people put him down and mocked him. Then, he was recruited by the White Fang, swiftly risinng through the ranks with his impressive fighting skills, until he sabotaged the robberyof a Schnee freighter, blowing up the whole thing and faking his own death in the explosion. After that, he returned to Vale at the age of 15, spending his days in a fancy hotel with some money he acquired in his escape. He also reconnected with his old friend, Sapphire Applecat, who he had met when he beat the crap out of some guys for bullying her. He didn't tell her about any of his activities in the White Fang(or that he was even a member), as it isn't something that he's necessarily proud of. That's not to say he hated it, far from it, but he just didn't like fighting for a guy like Torchprick(his special little nickname for the fucker), or anyone for that matter. He liked being a Loner, because that was what he had been from the beginning, and that's the way he'd like to die, a man whose only ruler is Death, and he's a pretty lenient boss once you get to know him. And then the Breach happened, the world went to hell with in days, and oblivion in weeks. He spent most of those early months healing up from that first wave at Sapphires house, having gotten ambushed by some Beowolves. One of the fuckers had busted through his Aura barrier and sliced uo his back real bad. Even now, months later, it still hurts a bit when he moves, and is a definite weakspot for him, the pain being intense and disorienting if he gets hit there. Now a days, he does what he can to get by, helping the Uprisers on occasion because they pay well and Torchprick's a prick. He'll never join them, though, he lost his faith in others looking over him a long time ago. Affiliation: A Loner by trade, he does help the Uprisers on occasion, provided that they pay a fee. Weapon: The Scarlet Ravagers: He uses a pair of Specialized Customizable Clawed Gauntlets that he can alter for various combat and utility functions, as well as changing into either a pair of Customized SMGs, with rapid- and burst-fire modes, for him to dual wield, or into two double-sided short swords. All variations of weapons can be augmented with with Dust cartridges for various effects and attacks. Fighting Style: Hit them faster and hit them hard, he is a Striker type fighter, extremely good at offense even against superior numbers. However, his defensive capabilities aren't the greatest, but they aren't the worst either. Sembalance: Corrosion, It is a very offensive Sembalance that allows Silme to imbue his attacks with a reddish-silver aura. This Aura is extremely effective at dealing damage, but it's usefulness truly shines when it comes with dealing with heavily armored enemies. With this ability, he can easily weaken most types of armors, making him especially effective against Torchwick's mech suits, but he can even apply his ability against the defensive aura of others, though it isn't as effective it still allows him to do a bit more damage then normal. Other: Wears this most of the time He has a scar on his back from when Grimm attack him during the breach, 3 long jagged claw marks He doesn't like talking to Magdaline, her motherly attitude reminding him, painfully, of how he never really recieved much in the way of love from either of his parents, but especially his mother.
Danny s'est réveillé encore fatigué parce que c'était dur de dormir la nuit dernière à cause de tout le bruit qui s'est passé pendant la nuit. Il s'est lentement levé et s'est douché en pendant la tête à l'envers quand il était là-dedans. Après avoir pris la douche, Danny s'est habillé puis a saisi ses armes d'abord son arme qu'il a gardée et a secondé ses gants qu'il a ensuite mis. "Un autre jour de folie..." Danny a dit avec un soupir.
Name: Danny Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Human Personality: Danny is kind and sweet and he will help the the weak when they call for him. He is also can be quite friendly to people he hasn't met yet, but if they throw hate at him he throws it back. Basically Danny treats people how they treat him. Background: Danny lived in vale with his parents until he became 18 that's when he moved out and started a life of his own. He took the job as assistant teacher for a local kids school, and when he wasn't busy helping out at the school he was busy inventing. On the day of the grim attack Danny was helping a teacher out in her class. When a grim came bursting through the school wall followed by a few others. Many of the children and school faculty died that day leaving Danny with tragic memories. Of what happened just so a corrupted man could become leader of what is now a dying city. From that point on Danny swore that Torchwick would pay for the innocent blood he spilled that day. Affiliation: Loner/Upriser Weapon: Danny's main focus is in weaponry is ones that use/control dust, and has so far created a few successful weapons that follow the lay out. Weapon: Desert storm - A small handgun that doubles as a flare gun that can fire bullets with different effects depending on the dust he used. To fire a flare Danny has to load the gun with a bullet infused with red rust (fire) and when he fires a flare would come out. Twin Ice Dragon - Danny has ice, wind, and earth dust infused with his gloves that can allow him to create two twin blades that are hard as obsidian. They can slice through most things in a clean slice, and are a force to reckon with. Fighting style: Danny prefers to attack faster than his enemy, but not use brute force. He has decided that light but fast attacks work best when trying to do offense and defense at the same time. Sembalance: Clone/replicas of himself.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????C'est quoi, ça? Le jeune garçon s'est promené dans la rue sans soins dans le monde. Il passa plusieurs belles dames, beaucoup de gens sur leur chemin de travail, mais surtout, il passa des enfants. C'est... Même face à la dictature et à l'éventuel anéantissement, ils procréent encore de façon prominente? Intriguant. Maître Torchwick sera heureux de cette information. Maintenant, je dois aller voir ce directeur de club à propos de ses cotisations... Bien qu'il doive à notre Maître une somme assez importante d'argent, il paiera toujours le propriétaire pour les dommages causés par la Bête. Stupide animal ne peut pas penser au-delà des cinq prochaines secondes à moins qu'il soit au combat. Peu importe, au moins je pourrais avoir le pauvre gars de notre côté. Une fois arrivé au club détruit, l'adolescent s'approche, à la recherche du propriétaire de l'établissement. Une fois localisé et engagé, il indique exactement combien le propriétaire doit, combien de temps il a jusqu'à ce que les intérêts touchent, combien les intérêts seront, et un plan de paiement suggéré. Après avoir vu l'inquiétude sur le visage de l'homme, il assure le propriétaire que son club sera réparé de tous les dommages causés par l'interruption de la nuit précédente en raison du Boucher et de son combat avec les Uprisers. Les trous de balles, les cratères, le mur et les taches de sang seront tous réparés, comme neuf, sans frais pour le propriétaire. "Voyez, je m'excuse personnellement que le boucher ait pris votre fille comme garantie, mais nous n'étions pas très précis. Maître Torchwick Jsut a dit "quelque chose de valeur pour le propriétaire", et c'est elle qu'il a choisi. Mais pourtant, notre Maître essaie d'être raisonnable avec ses exigences, puisqu'il sait ce que c'est de posséder une entreprise par soi-même. Et il est en général une personne plutôt gentille. N'oubliez pas de rembourser vos prêts à temps. Je suis désolé que ça soit arrivé, mais on fait tout ce qu'on peut de notre côté. Bonne journée, monsieur." Une fois qu'il a dit son spiel, le garçon est parti avec un sourire confiant et un ton amical. Une fois qu'il était à un pâté de maisons du club, il a radioné. "Hé. On est en affaires avec lui. Je pense qu'on peut le rendre service. Oui. Tout à fait. A bientôt, Maître."
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Saphir commence à boire son lait, souriant aux paroles que Silme a dites. -- Alors, je veux y aller le plus tôt possible. Elle dit, se gloussant comme un maniaque, s'allongeant sur le dos sur le canapé et jouant avec sa queue joliment. Elle devenait folle de l'idée de sortir avec Silme. "Je veux aller n'importe où avec toi!" Elle dit, se berçant la tête pendant qu'elle roule.
Name: Sapphire Applecat (Though she goes around by the name of Sif ) (Adding race because Faunus/Human) Race: Faunus (cat Faunus, black cat ears, black cat tail) Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Normal appearance: What she wears most of the time: Personality: Sapphire is a normally cheerful girl. She occasionally comes out with a joke, usually bad ones, but she tries to keep spirits high. Despite this, she is very easily made upset. Sapphire likes to read, listen to music, and practice with her weapons, and use his laptop. Sapphire is also very shy. Her favourite colour is blue. Despite being a cat Faunus. Background: Sapphire was born to a heavily abused Faunus family. For years, she had to be moved from school to school because she was being abused by humans. She used to cry over it, being quite upset, but eventually grew slightly used to it. As she grew up, she slowly dreamed of becoming a huntress. She felt it would make her stronger, and it would give her a purpose in life. So, she studied hard at her school, and then went to Signal to study further. In her spare time, she built himself a sword and a shield that both suited her. She also learned about aura and semblences, and even discovered her own semblence (even though she beat someone that was abusing her really hard because of the aggression that came with it)! However, everything went down. Grimm attacked, her parents died, and she was left alone, to live by herself. Affiliation: Loner Weapon: Zanislash - A sword which comes in three forms. The first form is just the hilt of a sword, from which the sword extends and retracts. The hilt of the sword also shoots semi-explosive shots, like those from Yang's weapons. The second form is a shield which comes in the form of a flat, small disk with a handle, which extends open to a medium sized, strong blue shield. The hilt and disk are both attached together, and can detach to be used as a sword and shield individually. However when they are attached and when activated at the same time, the two items combine. The shield has the hilt sticking out of it, and it can fire a lot more powerful shots and act as a much more powerful weapons. This heavily draws upon her strength, however, as it uses Sapphire's own strength to make more power in the weapon. Prolonged use can lead to pain and even passing out, though if the weapon senses she has gone too far it will automatically detach so she can regain her strength. Fighting style: Sapphire prefers to fight close up. She is extremely talented in swordplay, which is the reason for her preference to be close up. Usually, however Sapphire does not want to fight. Sembalance: Tearfuel; If Sapphire is upset to the point where she cries, her strength will grow, and with that her will to go on. Every drop of a tear is another gain to her strength. A crying person will usually be weak, and will give up, however if she cries, she pushes hard, and pushes forward. Sometimes, this may not be the case, but the majority of the time it is. However, this also can make her very, very angry and aggressive Other: N/A
Graham se tenait au sommet d'un bâtiment avec ses nouveaux vêtements, un masque à gaz pour cacher son visage et il portait une longue veste en cuir noir à capuche sur son t-shirt noir avec une sorte de logo rock band dessus et un pantalon de cargo noir pour lui donner un peu de mouvement en courant. Graham a ensuite enlevé son masque avec un soupir. "Cette merde est étouffante comme l'enfer, mais si je vais entrer là-dedans et protéger mon identité de cette nuit..." Il s'est dit, regardant le masque à gaz avant de le remettre à contrecœur. "Il faudra que ça le fasse." Graham a ensuite commencé à courir au club pour voir si quelque chose avait changé par rapport à la veille. À peu près à un pâté de maisons Graham a remarqué un homme particulier sur un téléphone, isolé de l'agitation et de l'agitation de la ville. Graham s'est rapproché et a écouté. "Les affaires avec le gars... Maître." Il a entendu, ce "maître" devait être Torchwick, et c'était son complice. Graham a grimpé dans le bâtiment avant d'atteindre le niveau du sol et de ramper bas sur le sol. L'homme n'était pas au courant et près d'un allié, espérons que Graham pourrait le faire. Il sortit de la foule et se jeta derrière lui avant de se couvrir la bouche de la main et de lui mettre un bras autour du cou, le traînant lentement dans l'allée. Graham a sorti un cinderhulk sous forme de fusil et l'a pointé sur sa tête. "Crie, fais n'importe quoi pour attirer l'attention et je vais tirer, compris?" Graham l'a prévenu avant de laisser tomber sa bouche. "Maintenant, tu vas me dire ce que j'ai besoin de savoir. Où est la fille? Exactement. Et qu'est-ce que Torchwick engage pour la garder?" Il a interrogé.
Name: Graham Malcolm Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: A fun loving teenager with a lust for adrenaline, fighting and jamming bass lines. He likes being social and being the light-hearted joker around people, always trying to bring up down trodden people and make them laugh or happy again. Background: Graham loves his music and nightclubs, not actually partying but making the music for the party. He's been DJing since as long as he can remember but he can actually do this at nightclubs because he doesn't drink alcohol and stuff, (been given permission by club owners and promoters.) This all changed when the shut down of Beacon occurred and Grimm infested the city. With the oppression of Torchwick, he decided to fight back. One value he could always believe in was freedom. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom to life. Affiliation: Upriser Weapon: "Cinderhulks" Two tonfas he use in speed and brutality, made from metal and can encase themselves in fire for extra damage. They can both transform into two pistols resempling flintlock pistols but more powerful. Fighting style: His keyword is "Endurance." He can't hit the hardest or fastest but he'll be standing until the very end. He believes that resilience makes a good fighter and has trained his body and mind to fit this.. It's no wonder he goes on for so long at the clubs. Sembalance: Can control soundwaves. Other: Knows basic parkour for the sake of manoeuvrability. (Think Mirror's Edge level)
L'interrogatoire L'homme a lutté contre Graham, avant d'abandonner assez rapidement. "D'accord, je vais parler. Peux-tu être un peu plus calme? Et éloignez-vous de l'arme?" Il a demandé. Graham a rapidement frappé l'homme avant de mettre Cinderhulk dans son étui, cependant, sans relâche, Graham l'a poussé au mur et l'a attrapé par la chemise. "Tu vas me le dire?" Il a posé une question menaçante. "Je le ferai. Calme-toi. Je ne suis pas pressé." L'homme a imploré. Graham est resté silencieux. "Je travaille pour Torchwick, dans une certaine mesure. Je ne suis qu'un homme de chiffres qu'il a engagé." Le gars m'a expliqué. "Comme un comptable." Il a résumé. Graham a tout pris. "Vous avez cinq minutes, continuez." Graham a commandé. "On a dit au boucher d'obtenir quelque chose de 'valeur', et que le propriétaire était en retard sur le paiement, Torchwick voulait une garantie." Il a continué. "Nous ne nous attendions pas à une personne! Non pas que Torchwick était mécontent, mais nous imaginions une montre, un bijou ou une télévision, pas sa fille. Je ne sais rien d'autre." Il a dit. Graham regarda le sol puis retourna vers le "comptable". "Regarde, gamin. Je sais que c'est nul, mais je fais juste des affaires. Il est toujours en train de réparer sa place gratuitement. Cela devrait être fait d'ici demain soir, afin qu'il puisse reprendre ses activités dès que possible. On veut juste que les prêts soient remboursés. Ce n'est pas un « kidnapper la fille et la tenir pour toujours », elle n'est qu'une garantie pour l'argent du prêt et elle sera remboursée quand la dette sera payée. Selon le calendrier, il devrait être dans les 3-4 prochains mois. À moins qu'il soit en retard ou à court de paiements. Est-ce assez de mon affaire pour te faire sortir de mon dos?" Le gars des chiffres regarde Graham avec impatience alors qu'il attend une réponse de son agresseur. Quelque chose ne s'est pas additionné dans la tête de Graham. "Attendez... pour quoi vous paie-t-il?" Graham a demandé, tout ça pour un mauvais paiement? Je ne peux pas avoir raison. Est-ce que c'est possible?. Le comptable-gone-rogue a roulé ses yeux. "Je suis payé pour faire tous les calculs pour le paiement de prêt, contacter les entrepreneurs et leur parler de leur paiement, et obtenir Maître Roman a tenu bon avec tout cela. La chose la plus sournoise que je fasse, de votre point de vue, est de montrer au propriétaire du club que notre maître n'est pas un gars horrible comme les Uprisers pensent. C'est juste un autre gars. Sauf avec beaucoup de pouvoir."
I posted, now we play waiting game for others to join. Namely GingerBoi, so Graham can respond to all dis that is aimed at him
Tales Tallshade Lundi 22 février 2016 C'était une pleine lune. Ce qui voulait dire qu'ils se réunissaient tous à la Cabine. D'abord dîner, puis Grimbold aurait un travail à leur donner. M. Robert Taylor, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme et Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme et Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme. Emplacement; Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec, Grimbold et celui qui est assis à côté de lui. Ce n'était qu'en février, et cela prendrait encore un mois avant que le soleil ne se lève à nouveau au-dessus de la montagne. Les feuilles gelées roulaient sous les bottes de Robert alors qu'il traversait la forêt sur le chemin de la Cabine de Grimbold. Il savait que certains des autres devaient raconter à leurs parents des histoires sur l'endroit où ils allaient. Peut-être qu'ils diraient qu'ils aidaient ce vieil homme qui aurait besoin d'une main supplémentaire. Comme c'est noble. Ou peut-être qu'ils leur ont dit qu'ils allaient à leur cabinet de théâtre. Mais pas lui. Robert vivait seul et avait juste besoin de s'assurer que personne ne l'a vu quand il est sorti, ou où il allait. C'était assez simple, mais une chose nécessaire à prêter attention à. Il pensait au temps où il n'avait pas eu d'autre choix que de se transformer en sa forme de renard pour être assez furtif pour passer devant certaines personnes sans être remarqué. Bien sûr qu'il a dû laisser ses vêtements derrière lui. Toute la soirée, il avait été enveloppé dans l'une des couvertures de Grimbold pour le couvrir et se réchauffer. Ils s'étaient moqués de lui. Mais cela est arrivé à d'autres de temps en temps aussi. Grimbold ouvrit la porte légèrement et parcoura l'ouverture d'un œil, comme il l'a toujours fait. Robert, mon garçon! L'homme a dit avec une voix lourde qui n'aurait pas l'air étrange sur un marin aguerri. Il ne l'a tapé sur le dos qu'un peu trop dur pour être à l'aise. Presque tout le monde est déjà là. Encore quelques-uns. Venez! Donnez-moi votre veste et asseyez-vous. J'ai fait de la soupe! » L'homme a pratiquement pris la veste de Robert de lui avant même qu'il soit préparé pour cela. Il a laissé tout ça arriver. C'était un beau geste. Robert est entré dans la cabine où il a trouvé l'atmosphère familiale confortable, confortable et une sorte de cabane romantique. Il sentait la forêt, la fumée et la soupe aux légumes. C'est le bois, le feu, les meubles faits à la main, qui l'ont rendu si accueillant. Et il y avait les crânes d'animaux sur le mur, et les vieilles bougies partout, qui donnaient quelque chose d'un peu sinistre. Mais c'était un endroit parfait pour eux. Il semblait aussi correspondre à la personnalité de Grimbold. Chaleureux, réconfortant, mystérieux et légèrement déconnecté. En entrant dans la pièce, Robert a vu environ la moitié de l'équipage déjà à la table. En bavardant, en mangeant la soupe faite Grimbold, en racontant des blagues, en se disputant. La façon dont les choses se sont déroulées sur ces rassemblements. Il a dit pendant qu'il cherchait Eddie. Assis, il soupirait. C'était une longue journée à la bibliothèque. Et la nuit n'avait pas encore commencé. Il a dit à la personne à côté de lui, alors qu'il étendait son bras avec son bol dans sa main, vers la grande réserve. Comment s'est passée ta journée?
Name: Robert Montgomery Taylor Nickname: Fantastic Mister Fox, Rob, Foxy Birth Date: january 4th, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: male Sexuality: heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: yellow-green eyes pierce from under his stubborn black hair. Though physically relaxed, the eyes give away that his mind is alert. Robert is slender and slightly taller than most. Because he is too lazy to shave daily, his chin is covered in stubble most of the time. He strides with a combination of authority and enibration. Sometimes one more than the other. It varies. Clothing Style: Robert's colors are mostly black combined with bordeaux red or dark green. He wears plain shirts, hoodies, jeans and boots. Outside he wears his black jacket. Delving Deeper Likes: power writing poetry with quill and ink adventure chocolate chip cookies playing the guitar berries red wine rum Dislikes: poets people who are not up for his ideas people who disrespect him chocolate and fruit combination human stupidity Fears: Being a failure Letting people down Drowning That humanity will destroy itself Habits: running his hand through his hair whistling playing with a coin. Personality: ♦ proud ♦ playful ♦ caring ♦ brooding Robert does what he wants, whenever he wants. Though life often doesn't agree with him. So he comes up with an extravagant plan to make it better, or to fix things. And sometimes it works. And often he gets in trouble even deeper. But he learned how to talk himself in and out of these situations. He doesn't like to be responsible for people, because they will only slow him down. But he feels responsible nevertheless. And often he can use a hand. His 'plans' are often not as much actual plans, as just a means to persuade people in aiding him. Background: Growing up, Robert had a rather normal childhood. In highschool he was one of the more alternative teenagers ofcourse. His most important problem at the time, was how society wanted him to be it's bitch by making him going to school and then study and work. That couldn't be what was meant for him. But other than that, not much weird stuff going on. Philosophy turned out a lot more boring and less enlightening than Robert had hoped. But he didn't want to return home emtpy handed. So he got a job at the library and bided his time in this town. It was even more boring than studying, but at least he could pay the rent and didn't have to put up with pretentious students and professors. But still, far from any great destiny. Despite his cynical attitude about religion in general, and after a night of heavy drinking, he went to church to pray for something good to happen. But as he was about to declare himself officialy crazy and close his eyes to start praying, a man next to him spoke to him. For some reason he quickly figured out Robert's situation and proposed to help him, if Robert did him a small favor. He needed to steal the small crucifix hanging on the wall of the church. Regardless of how the man was going to help him, that sounded like an exciting idea to him. So when the priest wasn't looking, he sneaked out the little artefact. After that, Grimbold asked him over for dinner. And they talked a lot. About life and society. Then Grimbold offered him a chance at a whole new life. Next to his current one. Relationships: Robert views everybody in the group as family. Though family doesn't necessarily means without friction. ♫Eddie ♫ and Robert are buddies. Robert is persuasive and Eddie tends to give in quickly, so Robert drags him along on his plans, more or less willingly. ⚡ Sloane ⚡ and Robert both are strong-willed individuals. This leads to clashes from time to time. Though he has respect for her independence. ♥ Terry ♥ has something very intruiging to Robert. She seems untouchable by his current social vocabulary. It's frustrating. Especially since he finds her rather attractive. ☯ Tobias ☯ is someone that Robert is slightly more careful with. He comes of as distant but dense, so he's just a little less comfortable around him than with the others. ☯ Cara ☯ is oke, but her controlling side is rather annoying. ☮ Nick ☮ is a great younger brother to have. Robert feels sort of a protector role for him. He will teach him the important things in life. Like rum appreciation. ☮ Nina ☮ is on Robert's level. Someone that he can talk with and have fun with. She's like a sister. But she's also hot. which is confusing. ☮Angel☮ Though she is relatively new, Robert gets a good vibe from her. Sharp and fun to hang with. ☮Skylar☮ Warm hearts are good company. Sky is comforting, which Rob needs sometimes. But she's also innocent enough for him to feel a protector role over her. ☯Daniel☯ He seems like a good kid, but Robert has a hard time really connecting with him. Extra: He wears a small flask filled with rum on his belt. Dark powers: Animal Form: Fox power: Loss of focus: For just a second, your thoughts were drifting somewhere else. You weren't paying attention you didn't watch where you were going. And now you walked into that lamppost, or cut yourself with the scissors. You stumbled, you hit your thumb with the hammer. Just your luck.
Teryn Ikeda Emplacement; Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec; Robert Taylor Grimbold aimait qu'ils se retrouvent tous dans sa cabine. La plupart des gens devraient probablement se méfier d'un vieil homme qui a invité un groupe de jeunes adultes dans sa cabane tout le chemin dans les bois loin des yeux de la société, mais là encore, la plupart des gens n'ont pas la capacité de se transformer en petites créatures boisées. Ce n'étaient pas vraiment des gens normaux. Grimbold était assez gentil pour leur servir de la nourriture à chaque fois qu'ils faisaient le voyage là-haut cependant. Aujourd'hui, il servait une sorte de soupe aux légumes. Malheureusement, Terry n'avait pas très faim. Elle n'a pas l'habitude de manger dans la cabane de Grimbold et s'est toujours assurée de manger à l'avance. Alors elle s'assit tranquillement au bord de la table tandis que tout le monde bavardait sur leur journée ou ce qui ne l'était pas. Elle attendait simplement que Grimbold commence la réunion pour comprendre ce qu'elle devait faire et rentrer chez elle. Mais ils ne pouvaient pas commencer parce que tout le monde n'était pas encore là. « Les gens devraient apprendre à venir à l'heure », pensait-elle à elle-même alors qu'elle faisait un autre compte de qui était ici. À ce moment-là, Robert était arrivé et avait pris le siège à côté d'elle. "De toutes les personnes..." C'était la seule personne qui n'avait pas l'air d'avoir envie de parler, ce qui était la plupart du temps. Elle le fixa, puis son bol, puis lui retourna. "Qu'est-ce que je suis? Votre serveur?" Elle murmura tranquillement avant d'attraper la louche. Malgré son ennui, elle lui a apporté de la soupe. Ce n'était pas hors de son chemin et elle ne voulait pas qu'il l'atteigne pour se servir de toute façon. "Vous devriez vraiment apprendre quelques manières," a-t-elle ajouté froidement après que son bol ait été rempli. "Et fais une coupe de cheveux pendant que tu y es."
Teryn Ikeda "I just can't deal with people right now... or ever."- -Teryn IkedaPersonal Information Name: Teryn Kanae Ikeda Nickname: Terry, TK, Scary Terry (Though she would glare at you for calling her this) Birth Date: February 20th, 19XX Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual but starting to feel a bit bi-curious. In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Terry is fairly tall for a Japanese girl, standing at 5"7. She has long, sleek black hair and always gets it cut in the same blunt fashion. Don't even bother trying to ask her to change her hair because it will never happen. She has pale skin from lack of sun exposure and delicate facial features. Some might say she has a "resting bitch face", but at least she makes up for it with her nice, slim body. Her brown eyes are cold and always seem like they're looking straight through you. Clothing Style: Terry likes to wear long-sleeved dresses paired off with tights or lace leggings. She enjoys wearing lace a lot. She generally wears a lot of black but also likes other dark colors like dark red because they don't make her look like a ghost. She wears a lot of accessories such as scarves, hats, sunglasses, and more to add more to her look. When she feels lazy, she'll wear an oversized sweater and leggings. Her shoes of choice are heels because she likes feeling tall and believes they show off her legs more. Delving Deeper Likes: Cloudy days Art History Shiny objects Mint Tea Photography Dislikes: Sunlight Heavy foods Racist jokes about her ethnicity Loud noises Dogs Fears: Her Grandmother Dying The Ocean Habits: Rolling her eyes Chewing mint-flavored gum Putting on sunblock Personality: ♦ Observant ♦ Cynical ♦ Stubborn ♦ Standoffish Terry isn't the most optimistic person around. She doesn't have that much faith in others and more than often assumes the worse will occur. Regardless, she thinks highly of herself and her ability to be able to observe the world around her. However, once she believes she is correct about something, it is hard for anyone to convince her otherwise even if she was actually wrong. It is rather hard for her to make friends because of this, but she is not necessarily a bad person, just a hard person to get along with. It suits her fine though, she doesn't feel like she needs friends anyways. Background: Terry had a normal childhood. Her dad was a somewhat wealthy business man and her mother was a stay at home mom. She was never neglected or abused. Her grandmother was always harsh and scary, but besides that Terry lived a peaceful life. She was never good at making friends and was only average in her school work. Her parents always let her do what she wanted, which wasn't much. She simply wanted to be alone and have a nice camera to take photos with. Tallshade was a weird town. Perfect for an outcast like Terry. She was looking up universities her junior year of high school when she discovered Tallshade. She particularly liked the fact that it was dark and covered in shade half of the year. She managed to convince her parents to let her apply to the small university there and found out that she was accepted her senior year. At the university, she is currently studying as an art history major. One day after class, she went into the woods to take some photos. A strange, old man approached her. She tried to ignore him at first, but he began to talk to her. He offered to give her powers as long as she promised to do what he said. It felt like a scene from Harry Potter which wasn't a good thing because she hated the series, but decided to accept his offer. Actually now that she thought about it, she still didn't know why she accepted his offer. He was very convincing... Position in the group: Terry understands that they are all working together for some unknown cause so she simply sees them as a group of coworkers or a rag-tag team. She would be the quiet one who does what she is supposed to do, but would never go the extra lengths to befriend everyone. ☮Sloane: Terry admires Sloane's artistic abilities and finds her to be an agreeable person. Terry isn't sure whether or not they could be considered friends, but Terry respects Sloane and is more likely to listen to her than to others. ☯Eddie: Terry has noticed that Eddie is very much a pushover. He appears to be afraid of her so they don't talk much. She is somewhat amused by the fact that she intimidates him so much but doesn't know a lot about him besides the obvious. ☯Nina: Nina likes to be in the center of attention, Terry doesn't. Nina isn't the nicest person around but as long as she doesn't bother her, Terry is fine with it. ☯Robert: Terry is quick to put Robert down when he tries to get her and the others to join in on his schemes. She believes that he is childish and arrogant. Despite the fact that he should know very well that she doesn't like him, he still tries to talk to her from time to time and she can't figure out why. She is interested in his music and poetry, but would never vocally express that. ☯Tobias: Well, she won't deny that he is easy on the eyes. But that's about it. They don't bother to talk to each other at all. ⚡Cara: At first glance, Cara is like Terry's opposite. Though Terry is aware of her somewhat two-faced nature, she doesn't care. All she knows is that she won't be falling for her 'sweet smile'. Still, she tends to stay away from Cara. Something about her just rubs Terry the wrong way, well more than most people do. ☮ Nick: She has sort of a soft spot for Nick, probably because he is so youngand she never had siblings before. She's very subtle about it though. For instance, she isn't as harsh and not as likely to shoot him down. She also keeps an eye out for him and would be willing to show him her photos from time to time. ☯Skye: She's a very nice person. Not a person Terry would associate herself with, but still Skye is a good person. ☯Angel: Terry's aware that Angel doesn't like her, but doesn't let it bother too much. She won't argue needlessly with the girl, but she won't try to get her to like her either. ☯Daniel: Though they don't talk, he seems like a person that Terry could get along with. He seems to understand her better than most people and gets that she is just who she is. Extra: Terry is like bazillionth-generation Japanese American so she doesn't even know how to speak Japanese. She will begrudgingly admit that she had watch anime when she was younger but will deny that she watches them anymore. The secret to her classic hair style? She cuts it herself because she doesn't even trust a hair stylist with it. Dark powers: Animal Form: Raven Power: She can create light breezes that could result in things like bad hair days and important papers getting lost
Edward Hansen Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec:Robert Taylor Eddie sourit à Robert alors qu'il prenait place entre lui et Terry. "Hey man, comment était la bibliothèque?" Eddie a demandé pendant que Robert prenait sa soupe. Eddie aimait vraiment venir à la cabane. Normalement, un grand feu ouvert le mettait à l'écart, mais ici, il était à l'aise. Loin de tout le reste, avec ses amis, avec Grimbold. Il pourrait même tolérer les gens qui sont généralement vraiment poussiéreux. Eddie a ramassé son bol et a mangé, tout en écoutant le bavardage oisif de la pièce. Je me demande ce que le vieux Grimbold nous réserve ce soir. Des nouvelles? Une nouvelle mission? Eddie a pensé, excité à la perspective d'obtenir une nouvelle mission, et de discuter des plans avec Robert. J'espère que le reste n'a pas eu d'ennuis et qu'il arrivera bientôt. Les pensées d'Eddie ont été interrompues par le bruit de frapper, puis par l'accueil Grimbold standard. Il se retourne pour voir qui c'est.
Name: Edward Anthony Hansen Nickname: Eddie. Don't call me Ed. Birth Date: January 31st, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Standing at 5' 7" and weighing 200 lbs, Eddie is a bit lumpy, but stays in shape with running. He has light brown hair and a meticulously kept goatee. His eyes are a light green, hiding behind thick black rimmed glasses. Caucasion, with vague traces of ethnicity. A pretty standard American mutt. Clothing Style: Likes solid color shirts with a pocket on the chest, loosely tucked into dark blue jeans. Dirty sneakers at the brink of falling apart. He doesn't usually buy new shoes unless his old pair are unuseable. Delving Deeper Likes: Tinkering Reading (Mostly fiction) Girls with red hair Cracking jokes, being sarcastic Dislikes: Bodily fluids Violence/Tense situations Cats Repetition Fears: Claustrophobic Fire Spiders Habits: Fidgets with his tools (Usually carries around a phillips screwdriver in his pocket, and twists it around when nervous) Loves junk food Prone to laughing in uncomfortable situations Personality: ♦ Honest ♦ Creative ♦ Inquisitive ♦ Timid Eddie is soft-hearted and good natured. Tends to stray away from conflicts and tense situations, and quick to give in to another's will. Enjoys taking things apart, seeing how they work, and attempting to put them back together. Pretty much at home with wherever his toolbox lands. Likes to spend time with friends, but tries to steer any conversation away from debate, especially if he thinks it might get heated. Will usually side with whoever has the greatest show of force, despite his actual feelings. Isn't afraid to do what needs to be done, to an extent. Background: Eddie comes from a broken house, on the outskirts of the nearest city. His mother was abusive, she would bully him into doing what she wanted and threatened to burn the house down when he wouldn't. His father was a gentle understanding man, and did his best to do damage control for his wife. As a result, Eddie decided he would follow his father's lead, which was to try to defuse any possible situation. Growing up, he discovered a fascination with machines, and was eager to practice. Unfortunately, his practice involved taking apart household appliances, sure he could put them back together. But, being inexperienced, kept losing pieces and forgetting the steps to repair them. Then his mother made good on her promise. She set the house on fire, with Eddie and his father inside. Eddie doesn't really remember what happened, but his father didn't make it. His mother was found criminally insane. Years later, Eddie moved to Tallshade. Eddie decided he wanted to go to the university, where he could hone his craft, and get away from bad memories. There he met Grimbold, late one night while out walking. Eddie was immediately enamored. Something about his voice was so warm and comforting... fatherly. He promised Eddie gifts in exchange for Eddie's loyalty and service, to which Eddie eagerly agreed. All he had to do was loosen the screws on a bike so it makes a squeaky sound. Mostly harmless, right? Position in the group: As far as position goes, Eddie would be considered support. He wouldn't dare take a leadership role, any opposition would easily succeed. No, Eddie would much rather be in the back, quietly performing whatever task was required of him. As far as relationships go: Sloane:☯ Eddie doesn't mind Sloane. She pushes him around a little, but no different than most of the people he grew up with. He admires her ability to stand out and be proud. Also, he is attracted to her. Not her looks, necessarily, but the way she carries herself. Though he would never have the courage to say that out loud. Sloane might hit him. Terry:☯ Terry is different from almost anyone Eddie's met from home. She doesn't really yell at or hit him, but he is still terrified of her. The way she looks right through him. She knows he's a coward, Eddie is sure of it. When they first made eye contact, it was like he was watching her read his life story, pulled from his eyes. And she didn't seem impressed. Or sympathetic. Or, anything at all, really. Robert:♫ Eddie and Robert became friends soon after he moved to Tallshade. Robert could easily see the advantages of having a guy who has access to tools, and is easy to persuade, as a friend. Eddie is more willing to take Robert's side, easily taken in by his "plans". Tobias:☯ Seems dangerous, but mostly leaves Eddie alone, which is fine by him. Cara:☮ She's nice to Eddie, if not a little controlling. Sometimes she will give Eddie (strongly worded) advice on various aspects of his life. Eddie will usually go along with it, mostly because he's seen how she reacts to others taking control away. Nick:☮ Eddie likes Nick's impulsiveness, and wants to look out for him, even though he doesn't seem like he needs it. Nina:⚔ Eddie tries to avoid Nina whenever possible, just the same as Nina makes snide comments whenever possible. Extra: Eddie usually carries a few loose screws, nuts, and bolts in his shirt pocket. Never know when you'll need them, right? Also carries a phillips screwdriver in his right pocket. Can usually be seen carrying his toolbox, with an assortment of wrenches, drivers, a hammer, etc. Not a full set, being one that was scavenged over the years, so the tools are also usually in poor condition. Other than that, pretty standard young adult gear. Wallet, phone, etc. Dark powers: Animal Form: German Shepherd Power: Can give metal things static charge. Not enough to power anything, but enough to give people a zap when touched. Eddie can affect any metal object he can see in detail, so if he loses his glasses he can only affect objects he can touch.
Sloane Shields Lieu: Entrée de la cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec n'importe qui déjà là & Terry L'artiste tatouée n'était pas en ville depuis la semaine dernière, et craignait même qu'elle ne revienne pas à l'heure pour le dîner de Grimbold. Donc, après être rentrée dans son propre appartement, déballant, nourrissant le chat et se rafraîchissant, elle s'est précipitée. Frappée contre l'air froid de février, elle est finalement arrivée et a frappé à la porte de la cabine. Jamais paranoïaque, Grimbold l'a regardée avant d'ouvrir la porte avec un sourire accueillant--un qu'elle est revenue. « Merci, j'ai compris », a-t-elle assuré, prenant soin de son manteau, de son écharpe, de son chapeau et de ses gants... Sloane aimait le silence de l'air froid de l'hiver, mais elle était certes un bébé gelé. Warmth l'a réconfortée alors qu'elle marchait plus loin dans la cabine. Le feu craquait et elle inhalait l'arôme d'un bon repas cuit à la maison. Un sourire rare et authentique est venu au visage de la femme alors qu'elle détachait l'écharpe tricotée de son cou. Même les crânes effrayants et l'air de mystère étaient agréables pour Sloane, bien que tout le monde ici était un peu bizarre à sa façon. Elle n'était certainement pas la seule. Son sourire s'est effondré et elle semblait s'ennuyer à nouveau quand elle a mis ses gants dans sa poche de manteau. Après avoir mis ses couches en dehors, le clic de ses talons a annoncé son arrivée alors qu'elle entrait dans la salle à manger, les yeux verts prenant le lot à l'aise. Malgré son retard, Sloane n'était pas là pour s'excuser. "Bonjour, adorables", a-t-elle salué alors qu'elle traquait sur le siège en face de Terry et Robert. Elle a offert un clin d'œil amical à Terry avant d'étirer son bras coloré sur la table pour remplir un bol de soupe. Elle semblait ignorer Eddie en s'asseyant, les épaules droites, les jambes croisées, les bras croisés, et ses yeux affamés sur la soupe devant elle.
You should never feel afraid to become a piece of art. Personal Information NAME Sloane Shields NICKNAMES Ona: given to her by her grandfather, but only her immediate family wastes time giving her name an extra syllable. Lo: she was first called this by her high school sweetheart and resents it being used by anyone else. BIRTH DATE November 21, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Female SEXUALITY Bisexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Her pale green eyes stand out the most: although mostly a light and icy green, flecks of deeper emerald and gold dot the irises. She tends to wear dark eyeliner and eye shadow that compliments the color. Sloane’s skin is dark brown in contrast, and she wears make up to accent her high cheekbones. Her dreadlocks are dark brown–nearly black–in color and are styled like a Mohawk with both sides shaved close to her scalp. She walks with a tall, confident demeanor and tends to wear a combination of tight pants and layered tanktops to show off her tattoo sleeves. Toned arms and legs stretch far, emphasizing her height and slimness–high heels help, too. Her nails are typically painted black, but are sometimes accented with whites, golds, reds, or purples as well. She also has tattoos behind her ear, neck, on her back and legs, hips, below her chest, and..elsewhere. Said tattoos include but are not limited to her zodiac sign, favorite quote, a semi-colon, and tribal designs. When it comes to jewelry, she has small gauges in her ears and long necklaces that dangle over her chest. She’ll sometimes have thick bracelets and rings on, as well. In her heels, she stands over 6' tall and weighs about 140 lbs. Notable tattoos: due to her dark skin, plain black tattoos are less than flashy. So she uses a lot of color in her work. On her left wrist is a compass, splattered with water color ink. The compass bleeds up her arm and into the rest of her sleeve. On the inside of her opposite arm is her first tattoo, gotten while taking Latin her freshmen year of high school: carpe noctem is scripted in hard, bold letters. This arm is sleeved, too, and compliments the phrase though overall it's not as colorful as her left arm. On her back is a decorated tree, decorated with reds and oranges. Finally, "1988" scripted on the side of her left ring finger. This is Winston's--her high school sweetheart's--birth year. These aren't all of her tattoos, but probably her most notable / important ones. CLOTHING A little athletic, a little slutty, all sexy: Sloane has a lean, beautiful body and she isn't afraid to show it off or the tattoos that decorate it. Her style can be described as a little grunge and a little street; she's always looks ready to go to a club. And unless she's working out, she's wearing heels. Sample wardrobe: X X X X X X X X Delving Deeper ♦ Ambitious ♦ Cold ♦ Creative ♦ Independent PESONALITY When it comes to people, she can come off friendly enough, though she’s rather apathetic behind the smiles. She’s far more interested in art and animals and magic, but she recognizes the importance and usefulness in others. Still, when her mood is soured, she can be sadistic and cruel to those she feel has wronged her–though, at times, she finds herself acting pointlessly cruel sometimes out of impatience or defensiveness. Needless to say, Sloane tends to look out for herself before others. However, she can easily bond with another over similar interests. She likes being active and loves to travel when she’s commissioned for a tattoo from someone out of town. Her less-than-conservative style stands out in a small town and she welcomes rumors of her being in a cult or a witch or in a gang or anything. LIKES Animals Art (tattoos, photography, paint, you name it) Foreign movies Tea Dance and rap Cities DISLIKES People (especially dull men) Feeling dumb: she dropped out of high school so, while clever, she isn't educated. And this can lead her to feeling self conscious about her intelligence. Fast food Boy bands Ross from FRIENDS FEARS Death Weakness Intimacy HABITS Playing with her hair StaringDoodling if she has a pen or pencil in hand BACKGROUND Sloane was born to an interracial couple (most notably of Sudanese and Iranian descent among others), but was raised by her mother and grandfather. There isn't much else to be said for the early years of her life because she was raised happily and healthily. Her sense of style growing up scared away potential friends, as she tended to take on a gothic/emo appearance, but she was content. And she was particularly happy when her first boyfriend (who on the surface was an idiot but friendly jock) asked her out and they became an item. They were happy together for only about six months: A particularly romantic Valentines Day led to a teen pregnancy with her first boyfriend. With support from both their families, she had planned to raise it with him. However, he died in an accident and she put the baby up for adoption instead--this being her biggest regret and a decision she made out of grief. Then she dropped out of her sophomore year of high school to become a tattoo artist. Neither her grandfather nor mother were very happy, but they tried to be supportive due to the tragic loss. While other people studied through and graduated from high school, Sloane spent those years studying the art of tattoos. She was a fast learner and talented artist. And now, at 25, she owns her own tattoo shop and apartment above it: Ink Shields. It's of course popular with university students, but she gets both people travelling far and paid extra to leave town for her artwork. It was soon after dropping out of high school that the Mentor appeared before her and gave her first task: key some guy's car. She was in a vulnerable place emotionally and psychologically, so she did. And the powers and the sense of family that came with them allowed her to toughen up and grow into the woman she is today. RELATIONSHIPS What I'm thinking so far (correct me if I'm mischaracterizing anyone): Sloane can come off as the stern but caring big-sister type. However, the latter is a lot harder to see, and she has little patience for weaknesses in herself or others. Terry: likes Terry enjoys her company as they have a lot of common--including the types of issues they face being a minority in a small town. She sees herself in Terry. Eddie: she has nothing against Eddie personally, but he seems to lack spine. She's impatient and snippy with him, partly because he just lets her. Robert: Finds him impulsive and obnoxious, but she knows there's more to him than that. He's not afraid to speak his mind, which she can at least respect. Cara: she comes off as friendly enough, but Sloane has seen the control freak side as well. She doesn't really mind allowing Cara to do what she wants, it's usually harmless to her. Toby: Dick. Sloane is p sure he's afraid of her since he doesn't always speak up. Makes her want to antagonize him more. Nina: They're both powerful, confident, and ambitious. So alike that they clash: Nina is really the only other member she considers worthy of rivalry. Nick: He's refreshing and bright--probably partly because he's the youngest of the group. But she admires his work and sees potential in Nick. Probably particularly protective of him. Angel: She doesn't have a problem with Angel; the girl seems tough as nails and Sloane admires her confidence. She's not ignorant to the issues between her and Terry, though, and would like to see them get along. Sky: Sloane was less than impressed with Sky when they first meant, but the woman's kindness and wisdom grew on her over time. And while she considers her a friend, she's also attracted to her as a person. EXTRA She has a Maine Coon named Nox. Her favorite color is deep red and she likes the scent of leather. Song: Life in Her Yet by Rag’n’Bone Man and Muse by OCAD. Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM Sloane's deer form is, of course, black as coal. However, she's relatively large for what would be a female deer, but nothing impossible for the species. Ironically, deer--especially does--are docile creatures whereas Sloane is anything but; however, she shares its lean, graceful figure and long limbs. POWER Umbra: Sloane can darken and manipulate shadows to a small degree, creating what would otherwise be a trick of the eye. She has exercised control over the power; however, her mental state can easily affect her control. Rage or depression can cause the lights to flicker and dim.
Cara Osborne Localisation; Accueil > La cabane de Grimbold Interagir avec; Grimbold et toute personne assise à la table Cara soupira, fermant la porte de son appartement derrière elle avec un claquement. Elle a jeté son sac sur le côté, vérifiant rapidement sa montre. Elle savait qu'elle était en retard, très en retard. Gandalf - je veux dire Grimbold - n'apprécierait probablement pas son retard, surtout sur la pleine lune. Cara a glissé de ses coins, au lieu de se déplacer dans sa chambre à coucher pour se transformer en quelque chose de beaucoup plus confortable afin de rencontrer l'autre famille de crétins dans la cabine de Grimbold pour dîner. Au bout de quinze minutes, Cara était habillée de façon appropriée et se sentait fraîche, le stress de la conférence médicale du matin se drainant lentement tandis que Cara rentrait dans le couloir avant, ses mains dans les cheveux essayant de l'attacher dans un chignon. Son appartement n'était pas trop loin de la forêt, alors Cara a décidé de le remonter jusqu'à la cabane de Grimbold à la place. Il a fallu encore vingt minutes, mais elle était enfin là et frappait à la porte d'entrée. La porte semblait s'être ouverte presque immédiatement, comme si Grimbold avait été là tout le temps. Cara lui a donné un sourire charmant, "Lectures, désolé." Elle expliqua vaguement, avant de passer devant l'homme âgé et vers le groupe réuni de malfaiteurs. Elle s'assit à côté de Sloane, s'emparant d'une soupe avant de s'asseoir. -- Alors, ai-je manqué quelque chose d'important?
Name: Catherine Amaya Osborne Nickname: Cara Birth Date: November 7th Age: Twenty-two Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Barely reaching 5'1" and weighing only 50kg (110lbs), Cara gives the impression of being cute and harmless. While she likes to be known as cute, harmless is something she's certainly not. The petite girl has an hourglass figure, hips wide but waist slender, usually maintained by her rapid metabolism and strict diet (other than chocolate, Cara can never resist anything chocolatey). Cara has a dimple on her left cheek, an indication of her smiley nature. She also has a naturally tanned complexion, complementing her brown hair and eyes. Speaking of eyes, Cara has wide doe eyed brown orbs, giving her an innocent look which is framed with thick, dark eyebrows. She also has shoulder-length brown hair, thick and kept straight with overgrown fringes that frame her somewhat chubby cheeks perfectly. Clothing Style: Cara loves to dress up, no matter the occasion. She loves to wear various skirts and dresses, as long as it's chic and cute (to match her bubbly-looking appearance). She also likes experimenting with her clothes, so one day she may go for a bold design, or the other she'd wear something simple. Make-up wise, Cara loves to define her eyes, either with some eyeliner or with dark eyeshadow. Lip colours vary depending on her mood or the situation, usually switching from naturals, pinks and bold reds. Deeper Likes: Tea Terrible romance drama films Cycling Reading Chocolate Dislikes: Doing nothing Coffee People who call her a control freak Anything cold Debby-downers Fears: Losing control of her life Suffocating Letting people too close Habits: Tapping her fingers against surfaces Playing with her hair Pouting her lips while in thought Personality: ♦ Kind ♦ Control Freak ♦ Blunt ♦ Stubborn ♦ Manipulative ♦ At first glance, people assume that Cara is docile and harmless, the cutesy one, if you will. However, Cara is anything but docile. She has been known to argue and stand by her points (and values) no matter what, her stubborn streak comparable to that of a boulder. Her stubbornness paired with her controlling personality can make her quite the unpleasant person to hang around with, most of the time. However, Cara refuses to acknowledge herself as a control-freak, that's one thing that would piss her off. Cara is very confident, in herself and her abilities. She is also always found with a smile (whether its fake or genuine, people usually can't tell). Don't get fooled by her sweet smile, however, as Cara can potentially use her 'sweet, innocent appearance' to dupe people. Cara also likes to consider herself honest, but most of her 'honesty' is just the blunt truth. She never sugar-coats her words (unless she's fooling someone), her words usually unfiltered. Overall, Cara can be nice when she needs to be, but piss her off and she can be a vindictive little bitch. Background: Born in the English countryside, in a small town where everyone knew everything, Catherine had a normal childhood. Or, as normal as one could get having seven older siblings. It wasn't like she was neglected or abused in the household, but Catherine knew that she wasn't the most wanted child. Having to compete with seven other children for any attention, Catherine developed into a loud, stubborn child that was hard to reason with unless she was bribed with chocolates. Catherine was encouraged to pick up many hobbies, including dancing and painting alongside furthering her education. Most of her siblings were average students, Catherine included. However, the girl had found her calling in life: to be a surgeon, where she had the contol and power to save lives. The medicine path motivated the girl throughout her childhood and teenage years, making her a hard-working student and achieving good grades even though she wasn't a genius. This remained until Cara finished her secondary education, achieving high grades - especially in science and maths. The girl, during her hunt for a university, stumbled on a town named Tallshade hidden within the forest. Liking the prospect of moving away from the stuffy town, Cara applied immediately for a medical course, before packing up and moving out as soon as she hit eighteen. Cara performed well during the first few years of her medical degree, studying hard and maintaining her work ethic like back at home. Cara met The Mentor during one of her panic-study sessions at the local library. Funnily enough, the girl actually screamed out 'I wish I could get them to listen to me!' before she noticed The Mentor beside her. Offering her powers in exchange doing whatever he wanted, the girl accepted immediately. That was a year ago, and now, Cara loves her life. Position in the group: Cara's desire for control means that she strives to be a leader, even if she's not the best person to lead a team. She likes to consider everybody in the group as friends, or at least some of them, but it doesn't mean that they're exempt to her blunt and bold personality. ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || 💕 Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ⚡ Rivals || ⚔ Nemesis ☮ Eddie ☮ Sweet guy, but he just needs to stand up for himself. Cara likes Eddie enough to try and tame her bold personality so she doesn't scare him off (even if it's not much difference). Cara doesn't like Nina's tendancy to bully Eddie, which often results in her advising him on ways to defend himself - her advice usually coming out as forceful. ☯ Terry ☯ Cara appreciates her observant nature, knowing that her fake smiles don't work on the quiet girl. Cara tends to just stay away from Terry, more because she doesn't know how to approach her without losing her cool. ☮ Sloane ☮ Bold and proud, Cara definitely likes Sloane, acting friendly enough to her. If she were attracted to women, she would've been attracted to Sloane. ☯ Robert ☯ Robert's playful nature reminds her of an excitable puppy. Cara doesn't mind going along with many of his schemes, as long as she doesn't consider it stupid. Again, like with many of the others, Cara remains friendly with Robert, as long as he doesn't make her feel like she doesn't have control during his schemes. ☮ Toby ☮ He's quite the looker, but withdrawn. She doesn't know much about Toby, and while she's curious, she doesn't bother to ask. There is a possibility that Cara could be attracted to Toby, but its more of a physical thing, rather than an emotional one. ☮ Nick ☮ Like the little brother of the group, Cara can understand what its like to be the youngest sibling, but she doesn't baby Nick either, no matter how adorable he looks in his ferret form. ⚡ Nina ⚡ Nina and Cara have a hot and cold friendship: one day they could get along well enough to watch movies and hang out with each other, the next they could easily grate on each other's nerves. ☮ Angel ☮ Angel is one girl that Cara knows she can have a argument debate with, no matter how heated it may get due to their stubborn nature. Both also from England, Cara likes to think that the two are friends. She doesn't mind showing Angel around Tallshade, since Cara understands what its like to be new in a different environment. Extra: Cara speaks with a hint of a British accent, one of the only hints to her British background. She's trying to give up smoking, after having a little health scare a while ago. powers: Animal Form: Power: Cara has the ability to make people hear whispers. It's not her speaking, but just simple idle chatter as if someone is right behind them, even if no one is there. Serves as a great distraction tool during exam season, though.
Angeline "Angel" Hardwicke Emplacement; Maison o' Fun; Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec, qui que ce soit "Je ne peux pas arrêter cette sensation au fond de moi... fille que tu ne réalises pas... ce que tu me fais..." Chantant le long - pas trop tranquille - à sa musique, Angel a saisi sa veste de sa chaise, regardant dans le miroir avant de quitter sa chambre. Non pas qu'il s'agissait nécessairement de premières impressions, elle se sentait toujours comme si les gens ne savaient pas trop comment la juger. Ce qui veut dire que des impressions étaient encore en train d'être faites - Ergo, sa tenue a été un peu plus réfléchie cette nuit. Elle ressentait certainement l'ambiance rocker ce soir, malgré les airs très jazzy et optimistes de Blue Swede, et s'était habillée en conséquence. Veste en cuir noir, jeans déchirés, son gilet AC/DC préféré, bottes noires et maquillage sombre, elle semblait bien aller. En descendant, ses bottes ont fait des bruits satisfaisants sur le plancher de bois franc. Elle a probablement piqué les sols plus d'une fois avec sa variété de talons, mais l'oncle James ne s'en souciait pas particulièrement. Il ne se souciait pas de beaucoup de choses - tant qu'elle et son frère n'étaient pas impliqués dans des activités illégales ou... vous savez, sont morts. Maintenant, elle savait avec certitude que son graffitiing et sa consommation d'alcool enfreignaient la loi - mais elle n'était pas encore en contact avec la police à ce sujet. Quant à l'endroit où elle allait ce soir, eh bien... elle doutait qu'il y ait même des lois qui existaient dans le monde moderne concernant l'étrange petite famille dont elle avait récemment fait partie. Glançant à sa montre, Angel étouffa un soupir en atteignant sa porte d'entrée - parfait. En retard. J'espère que prendre le chien pour des promenades était une bonne excuse pour le vieux coq. Malgré ses talons, il n'a pas fallu tant de temps à Angel pour se rendre à la cabine - à son arrivée, elle était légèrement essoufflée, des écouteurs se balançant autour du cou alors qu'elle frappait à la porte. Joan Jett pouvait encore être entendue blaring de l'un ou l'autre orateur à son entrée, offrant un sourire apologétique à Grimbold pour son retard. "Je vais garder la veste allumée, je pense. Je n'ai pas vraiment considéré le froid quand je m'habillais tout à l'heure." Elle a dit avec un sourire facile vers le Mentor, puis a pris sa place à la table, à côté de Cara. "Bonjour à tous. J'espère que tu n'as rien fait sans moi." En prenant un bol de soupe pendant qu'elle parlait, Angel était plus que content qu'elle ait sauté le dîner ce soir. Soupe faite maison définitivement croustillantes micro-ondes.
Name: Angeline Megara Hardwicke Nickname: Angel Birth Date: 24th November Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Angel stands at a less than average height of 5’5, along with a slim hourglass figure, and a heart-shaped face; atop of which sits a mess of chocolate brown curls, often worn in a myriad of different styles, and various shades of brown depending on how she feels like dyeing it. Her eyes are a bright, clear blue, standing out thanks to her dark lashes and brows. Her tanned skin is mostly unmarred, barring tiny scars here and there from scuffles in the past and childhood accidents. Clothing Style: Angel’s clothing style very much changes with the wind and her mood – some days she’ll favour darker clothes in a punk style, paired with heavy make-up and an obvious attitude. Other days she’ll be natural, wearing dresses of various styles and colours and accompanying accessories. And then the day after that she’ll just dress comfortably, wearing jeans and over-sized sweaters. The only clothes that rarely change are her pyjamas – anything with teddy bears. Because teddy bears are awesome, guys. Delving Deeper Likes: Anything fluffy – particularly animals. Face Painting (Well, any form of painting really, but face painting is a fun pastime for her.) Way too Loud music (Particularly rock) Cooking Steak (Cooked blue – any more than that is blasphemy, in her eyes.) Puns, quips, innuendos, and double entendres. (She’ll even sometimes sink so low as to pull the ‘That’s what he/she said’ joke.) Chocolate Day-dreaming ELECTRIC GUITAAAAAARRRRRRR Marvel Nature, and all of her destructive and calm feelings. Dislikes: Marvel-bashers Screamo or death metal Messing up her paintings Nosiness Apathy Slyness Ignorance The ever growing cacophony of irritating sounds often found issuing from children and babies. Fears: Heights Insects and arachnids Dying in some kind of meaningless, pointless manner. Not having left something worthwhile on this earth before she dies. Habits: Humming snatches of songs, or simply guitar riffs, under her breath. Tapping out drum beats. Day dreaming, zoning out, or losing track of a conversation mid-sentence. Clinging to a point rather stubbornly, should she believe she is correct and the other person is wrong. Personality: Entertaining ♦ Stubborn ♦ Opinionated ♦ Warm-Hearted ♦ Sharp Despite the fact her looks – and occasionally scatter-braininess - can make Angel seem like a wee naive girl, she is far from it. She knows far more than she lets on, and she will never let anyone take advantage of her. However, when looking at what Angel truly is like, it is plain to see she can make quite the courteous friend. Not only is she happy to lend an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on, but she gives fairly shrewd advice to people’s problems, in the hopes of helping them. Because of this, she is hardly one to judge others for their acts. One perspective of a story is hardly going to change her opinion of someone. Additionally, she’s quick to make jokes or light-hearted remarks in the hopes of getting someone’s spirits up. Humour rarely fails her, and is a very easy thing to fall back on. As for her stubbornness... well, it’s a miracle her animal form isn’t a Bull. If she has a point in an argument she will fight it as long she believes she is correct – which can definitely cause irritation for others around her, but she does certainly enjoy being right in her views... not that that means she is not open to other people’s opinions. When it comes to hard facts, she will happily accept it if she is wrong in something. As for opinions, everyone is entitled to have them – unless some poor ignorant fool is under the impression that their opinions are indeed facts. In which case, she’s happy to deliver a few sharp words towards said ignoramous. Background: Angel has been living in Tallshade for a good few months now, alongside her younger brother and Uncle. Prior to this, the last time she could remember a normal home life was when she was 9 years old, and still living in England with her brother, and parents. As such, life was pretty good. Her Mother was a Detective, her Father was in the army, and she was doing pretty good in terms of friends and school. Even with an annoying 5-year-old brother hanging around her at all times. Except, this annoying little brother arriving was one of the few good things she could remember in this time of her life – for a few months after her ninth birthday, her Mother died. A police raid gone wrong or something. She was too young to be given all of the details, not that it made it any easier. It had been while her Dad was away, on a tour in some country that she couldn’t pronounce yet. Naturally, he came home early, to attend the funeral and look after his young children. Shortly after this, he left the Army, under Compassionate leave. However, his time abroad had left its mark already – he’d seen such horrors, comrades blown apart before him, that things weren’t so perfect for him mentally. He became paranoid, plagued with nightmares and the inclination that someone had killed his Wife, and was then after him and his two children. Just before Angel’s tenth birthday, their house was sold and they moved to America. From there, they lived a very uncomfortable nomadic lifestyle – travelling from state to state when their Father became certain “people” had followed him there. He acted in the attempt to save his family, and Angel understood that. She knew her Dad was sick, so she just helped look after her brother and kept her head down in school, never really answering truthfully when people asked her why she never stayed for long. However, she knew something had to be done when he grew distrustful of her. Over the years she was maturing into a young lady, body and accent changing – but in her Father’s demented mind, she should still be his little nine year old. She became unrecognizable, and after she came home from school one day at the age of 16, he attacked her, thinking she was some kind of assassin that had broken in. Evading her Father, Angel fled the home with her brother, heading straight to the nearest police station for aid. She knew this would mean social services would get involved, but she couldn’t live with her Dad anymore, not when he was quite capable of killing her and her brother in their sleep. After a few weeks of wrapping their heads around their case, and a few foster homes, social services were able to find a relative of theirs living in America. Although the offer to go back to England was there, Angel decided remaining in the USA was better. She didn’t particularly want to remain in the same country as her Dad (Who was being deported back to the UK to receive mental help), but she knew this life better than her English life. Their fathers cousin – they simply call him Uncle James, it’s easier – happily took them in, being childless himself, and after a few years living in rainy Washington, James’ work had them moved to Tallshade. Now 20 years old, Angel is approaching her final year at University, studying Psychology. Over the years, she has also developed into a low-key rebel. Although not far rebellious enough to joy-ride vehicles or break into houses, she does partake in some amusing deviant acts. Her Uncle is quite lax when it comes to curfews, but had they been in place, she wouldn’t have paid attention to them anyway. Also, as a lover of art, she is quite happy to graffiti the town – nothing as crude as tags, but things that actually look nice. This was how she came across the Mentor. Late one night, she was busy spraying a moonlit lake on a wall when he appeared behind her, at first complimenting her art... and then asking her to spray something for him. Although dubious at first, she swiftly deduced that he wasn’t a cop – a cop would have arrested her already. So, she quite happily sprayed a pentagram on the church wall prior to his instructions (And thoroughly enjoying the irony behind said act), and from there, the conversation grew far more... odd. Now here she is with super-powers like the guys in her favourite movies, and doing things for a guy for reasons unknown to her... Position in the group & Relationships: Quite easily, Angel is the joker of the group. The first to make a quip or crack a joke in a tense situation, and an easy-going source of entertainment. She's also in the younger half of the group, which makes her far more likely to look for support from the older ones - being the caretaker of her brother from a young age, it's a refreshing change. Although happy to take charge if needed, she’s more than at ease to let someone else take the job. ☮Robert☮ The boy is an adventure-loving musician; what's not to love? He isn't too hard on the eyes either... ☮Toby☮ Has a pretty calming air about him. Seems like a dependable friend. ☮Cara☮ Ah. Bluntness. What a refreshing change in this world of political correctness. Also a potential foe when it comes to debating. ☮Nick☮ Hell, the boy can draw. He seems pretty sweet too - although not overly so, thankfully. His bootlegging of alcohol tells me that. ☮Nina☮ If I were to describe her in one word, it would be bitch. But hell, being a bitch isn't always a bad thing. I do admire girls and their claws, and she's got the sharpest of them all. Quite the hellion one looks for in a friend. ☯Eddie☯ Seems kind of meek, not really one to stand up for himself. Which is slightly irritating, but hey, the guy hasn't done anything bad to me. ☯Sloane☯ A fellow admirer of art, and isn't irritating so far. ⚡Teryn⚡ Ugh. I admire stubbornness, but clinging to one's opinions when proven wrong is pathetic. Lady also has some severe issues with everything and everyone, it would seem. Also, she hates dogs. Who hates dogs? THEY'RE SO FLUFFY! ☮Skylar☮ Reminds me of me, somewhat – although she seems sweeter than myself. A good friend – almost motherly, which is appreciated more than she knows. ☯Daniel☯ He seems nice enough, but is almost like a puzzle – one which I am itching to try and solve. Extra: Likes to partake in some underage drinking – moreso than what one would consider to be healthy. Dotes on the family dog – a clumsy Alsatian by the name of Dexter. Is a supreme geek lord – will thrash your ass in any trivia in regards to her favourite fantasy novels or media. Thanks to an extremely paranoid crazy army dad, was taught how to use Morse Code from a very young age. Dark powers: Animal Form: Black Coyote Power: Déjà Vu: Can give the feeling of Déjà Vu to anyone, by wiping their memory from the past few seconds – this can cause slight disorientation, or simply a repetition of a phrase or sentence. Useful if she needs to record or remember a conversation, or slip away without them realising.
Tobias Rieper La cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec quelqu'un assis à table C'était vraiment fatigant. Tobias avait travaillé deux quarts à son travail, et maintenant Grimbold voulait que tout le monde se rencontre pendant l'un des jours les plus froids de l'année. Pas exactement la pause que Tobias obtiendrait s'il rentrait chez lui et dormait la nuit, mais Grimbold a toujours insisté sur ces réunions, et il préférerait ne pas faire venir Grimbold à son appartement pour lui demander pourquoi il n'était pas là. Après un court voyage à la cabane solitaire dans les bois, Tobias a voulu frapper, mais Grimbold était déjà là, ouvrant la porte pour lui. C'est un type dégueulasse. "J'ai besoin de rester au travail un peu pour fermer, donc je suis un peu en retard, je sais." En entrant dans la cabine, il pouvait déjà dire que tout le monde n'était pas encore là. Robert, Eddie, Terry, Cara étaient déjà là. Et Sloane, mais Tobias préférerait faire semblant qu'elle ne l'était pas. Ses nerfs apprécieraient qu'il n'interagisse pas du tout avec elle ce soir. Le travail avait déjà mis à l'épreuve sa patience, Tobias n'avait pas besoin d'elle aussi. Tobias a décidé de se tenir à côté d'Angel, espérant qu'elle et Cara agiraient comme un tampon entre lui et Sloane. De plus, il n'aurait même pas à regarder Sloane ce soir, tant qu'il n'a pas regardé du côté. La soupe semblait assez appétissante, mais Tobias avait déjà mangé au travail, donc il n'a rien pris pour lui-même. Sans parler que ce serait un tracas de manger debout. "Hé." Ce n'était pas vraiment un salut, mais Tobias n'était pas particulièrement proche de qui que ce soit, donc il pensait que c'était suffisant.
Tobias Rieper “Home, sweet home. Something in the night felt like a door had been opened, an echo of the past, an old monster snapping its eyes open in the depths of my brain. Closing your eyes forces you to look at the darkness inside.” Personal Information NAME Tobias Rieper NICKNAMES Toby BIRTH DATE October 13th, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Male SEXUALITY Heterosexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Tobias's light blue eyes highlight his strongly german ancestry, if the pale white skin didn’t tip you off already. No makeup, nor any special hairdos, as one would expect from the average male, but has a beard/moustache. Tobias is exactly six feet tall, weighing around 170 pounds, fit as a fiddle, as his previous gang/prison lifestyle hasn’t allowed him to become weak. Tobias generally has a non expressive face, but he generally tries to smile for his own sake. CLOTHING Tobias doesn’t really wear anything too flashy in terms of his fashion, preferring to wear a simple jacket, jeans and some nikes. On occasion, he will wear a suit if he feels the situation requires it. And dress shoes too, because only a heathen would wear sneakers with a suit. Delving Deeper ♦Thoughtful ♦ Calm ♦ All Talk ♦ Remorseful PESONALITY While Tobias used to be aggressive in the past, now he attempts to be calm and less confrontational. While his anger still has a short fuse, Tobias manages to keep it in check, at least for now. Conflict is something he is not afraid of, but will avoid violence at all costs.Tobias would willingly allow another person to beat him, as he feels fighting back would drive him back to his previous life. As such, he tries to talk and bluff his way out of tricky situations. He can be withdrawn at times, as Tobias learned in therapy to mentally remove himself from the picture if his anger is getting out of control. LIKES Peace and quiet Snow Structure Cats/Dogs DISLIKES Tattoos Drugs Smug People Physical Fighting FEARS loss of self control Reversion to his precious lifestyle Addiction HABITS Plays with his rosary a bit when in deep thought. As stated before, has a habit of being withdrawn at random times. BACKGROUND Tobias was supposed to be the perfect model for the american dream. Four years of college, internship at a major accounting firm, steady and safe job. There was really nothing Tobias should have been complaining about, as he was practically set for life. But privately, he hated the life. Tobias felt little purpose in his studies, and later, his internship. While his family had paid for his college, and their connections earned him the internship, Tobias felt empty. His dissatisfaction led to his membership in a gang. The drugs helped, and beating up some poor sucker on the wrong side of town gave him a different high. Tobias was hooked. The drugs made him feel immortal, beating up other people gave him purpose and thrills. The gang made use of him as an enforcer, to collect debts, participate in gang fights, you name it. Ironically, Tobias was arrested for drug use/possession rather than being caught for beating people to near death. He was given three years in jail, losing his job, house, and his car. At first, Tobias blamed everything but himself for this sentence. The system, society, his circumstances. He constantly picked fights with other inmates to get a “high” again. After a year in prison, he “sobered” up and came to a different conclusion. His downfall was his own fault. There was nothing else to blame. There was something twisted, dark in his head if he had to do drugs or fight to feel satisfied. The system worked exactly as it should have, society was right this time, and he could offer no realistic excuses to his behavior. Tobias started to turn his life around as best he could in prison. Tobias no longer fought, he spent time in drug therapy sessions, and even became a Catholic, attending mass at the prison ministry. But as soon as he his sentence ended and he was let out, the empty feeling came back. Tobias tried to ignore the feeling, moving to a small town and acquiring a minimum wage job. He no longer cared much about the faith, ignoring it completely. But a man approached him, and offered him another purpose in life. Grimbold, he called himself. Supposedly Tobias had a higher calling, and as long as he would be willing to follow. Tobias accepted, but there was something in the back of the head telling him this might not be any different from his previous gang lifestyle.. RELATIONSHIPS Tobias probably comes off as the skeptic. The thinker of the group. He may take charge if no one else is willing. ☯Eddie☯ Weird guy, but nothing to hate him over. Tobias wonders why he’s in such a group however. ☯Teryn/Terry☯ Weird girl, but not as weird as Eddie. Not much to say about her as she rarely says much at all. ⚔Sloane⚔ Troublesome. While he may not backtalk to her, there are certainly times Tobias feels he might lose his temper with her and attempt to beat the living shit out of her. For this reason, Tobias acts cold to her in an attempt to get her to ignore him. ☯Robert☯ Too naive. Kind of reminds him of when he was younger, except with less angst, so he holds little ill will towards Robert. ☮Cara☮A bit on the short side, but she seems nice enough. ☯Nick☯Toby feels like he should say something about his illicit activities, but he feels he'd be a hypocrite considering he was no better at that age. ⚡Nina⚡Reminds him of Sloane. EXTRA None Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM A simple raccoon. POWER Can predict bad events, but has no idea of the severity/context, just that something bad will happen.
Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Quand les gens ont commencé à arriver à la cabane du vieil homme, le félin s'est déplacé dans l'ombre apparemment passer inaperçu comme son intention. Eddie et Teryn ont été les premiers à arriver. Le chat noir mince regardait tranquillement quand ils s'asseyaient à table et mangeaient la soupe aux légumes de Grimbold. Lumpy à quatre yeux Eddie avec ses sneakers sales et Teryn avec sa silhouette modèle et les cheveux noirs chatoyants assis à la table avec une chaise vide entre eux. Eddie était le nerd stéréotypé classique. Il semblait être un bon gars avec un bon cœur mais ne s'est jamais levé pour lui-même et s'est ainsi fait une cible facile pour ceux qui ont des personnalités plus abrasives. Teryn était assez confiante en elle-même par toutes les apparences, mais elle pouvait un peu trop forte-volonté au point de la dureté quand il s'agissait de ses opinions, même si elle avait prouvé qu'elle avait tort. Robert arriva bientôt après eux. Si le chat pouvait sourire, elle l'aurait quand le jeune homme avec les longues franges est entré. De toute l'équipe de motley qui avait été réunie par le vieux mystérieux Grimbold, elle aimait le plus Robert. Le jeune homme avait un esprit aventureux, et avait une façon de parler aux gens, de les persuader de l'aider dans tout plan qu'il concoctait ensuite. Il était facile sur les yeux aussi. S'il arrêtait de boire. À côté de l'entrée était l'amazonien Sloane. La beauté à la peau sombre n'était pas seulement grande, mais maigre et tonique, et se portait avec une abondance de confiance. Les yeux verts du félin noir se rétrécissaient alors qu'elle regardait la jeune tatoueuse se rendre à la table pour rejoindre les autres. Malgré l'amour de Sloane pour les animaux, elle et le chat ne s'entendaient pas. Peut-être étaient-ils trop semblables dans leur nature presque arrogante et vindicative. Mignon, petite Cara est arrivée presque immédiatement après Sloane. C'était une belle jeune fille de vingt-quelque chose avec ses cheveux brunes en haut dans un pain serré, une figure courbée, et un accent britannique séduisant. Dommage qu'elle n'ait pas aimé les filles. Encore une fois, Cara pourrait être plus qu'un peu autoritaire. Elle et le chat avaient une relation complexe, une relation qui pouvait être définie comme des frénéties. Un jour ils pourraient le meilleur des amis tandis que le lendemain pourrait être déterminé à se serrer les yeux l'un l'autre. Angeline a suivi quelques instants après. Le rocker avec les yeux bleus magnifiques était le nouveau membre du groupe, si nouveau que le félin noir n'en savait pas vraiment autant sur elle. Pour l'instant, ils s'entendaient très bien. Puis, Tobias est venu. 6 pieds de haut, beau et en forme, comme s'il sortait d'une pub de Clavin Klein. Lui et le chat ne s'entendaient pas. Elle ne savait pas pourquoi, mais ils semblaient se frotter les uns les autres. Pourtant, ça n'a pas empêché le petit animal d'admirer le garçon de loin. Avec la majorité du groupe ici dans la cabine, Nina a finalement décidé de faire connaître sa présence aux autres. Elle avait été la première à arriver, environ quinze minutes avant Eddie et Teryn. Après une nouvelle dispute avec sa mère et son beau-père, l'enfant de dix-neuf ans n'avait guère d'autre choix que de sortir de chez elle sous forme féline. Avec sa maison vers l'autre bout de la ville, il a fallu un certain temps pour atteindre la cabane de Grimbold dans les bois. Quand elle est finalement arrivée, elle était plus qu'un peu froide, et le vieil homme l'a rapidement invitée à l'intérieur pour se réchauffer par la cheminée. Maintenant, chaud et reposé, Nina rembourrée silencieusement vers la table, ne faisant pas un bruit comme elle a tissé à travers les chaises et les jambes de la table, se frottant contre Tobias en saluant. Ouais, ils n'ont vraiment pas suivi, mais il était sexy. Elle a fait la même chose avec Cara et Angel, glissant contre leurs jambes sous la table. Ignorant Sloane et Eddie, Nina l'a fait prendre de l'autre côté de la table pour saluer Teryn et Robert de la même manière, frottant le côté de son petit corps félin élégant contre les jambes, sa longue queue noire en l'air.
M. Robert Taylor, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme et Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme et Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme. Emplacement; Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec Teryn, Eddie et Nina Un peu repris par la réaction de Teryn, Robert était content qu'elle lui ait encore versé de la soupe. Les actions ont toujours été plus que des mots. Techniquement, vous êtes mon serveur en ce moment. Il pensait qu'elle prenait son bol. Ses autres commentaires qu'il vient d'ignorer. "Je suppose que tu as eu une dure journée à l'époque." Il lui a dit la moitié et la moitié à lui-même. Il ne savait toujours pas pourquoi elle agissait comme ça. Et les différentes forces en lui, comme sa curiosité pour elle et sa fierté, étaient une combinaison frustrante. Mais ce soir, il n'était pas d'humeur à jouer à ce jeu. Il était donc content que son ami soit arrivé à l'heure. "Merci" Il a dit à Teryn avec un clin d'œil, qu'il supposait qu'elle l'énerverait probablement. Robert a fait de l'espace pour Eddie alors qu'il venait s'asseoir entre lui et son serveur de soupe. Il n'était pas clair si Eddie avait choisi ce poste stratégiquement, ou s'il ne s'agissait que d'un geste aléatoire. Mais Rob était néanmoins reconnaissant. "Hé Eddie, content de te voir!" Il a dit qu'il s'était fistolé. "C'était ennuyeux comme d'habitude. Il y avait un type qui ne respectait pas la règle du silence. Alors je l'ai fait tomber de sa chaise. Ça a fait beaucoup de bruit. Après cela, il a été trop embarrassé pour dire autre chose. C'était la partie la plus excitante de ma journée." Il a fini avec un soupir. C'était plutôt pathétique. "Comment s'est passé l'université aujourd'hui?" Robert a commencé à manger pendant qu'il écoutait la réponse d'Eddie. Ça a marché des miracles sur son humeur. Une bonne nourriture après une longue journée, rien de mieux. "Tu devrais essayer la soupe" dit-il à Eddie en regardant Teryn, qui était dans une meilleure position que lui, pour aider son ami au délicieux repas.. Quelque chose s'est frotté contre sa jambe. En regardant sous la table, Robert a vu le chat noir familier le saluer. "Salut Nina!" Il a dit tout en la cachant. C'était une chose bizarre à faire avec les humains, mais sous forme animale, c'est devenu beaucoup plus naturel. Pour lui au moins, c'était une forme de communication amicale. Grimbold t'a apporté les vêtements? Je peux les avoir pour toi si tu veux."
Name: Robert Montgomery Taylor Nickname: Fantastic Mister Fox, Rob, Foxy Birth Date: january 4th, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: male Sexuality: heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: yellow-green eyes pierce from under his stubborn black hair. Though physically relaxed, the eyes give away that his mind is alert. Robert is slender and slightly taller than most. Because he is too lazy to shave daily, his chin is covered in stubble most of the time. He strides with a combination of authority and enibration. Sometimes one more than the other. It varies. Clothing Style: Robert's colors are mostly black combined with bordeaux red or dark green. He wears plain shirts, hoodies, jeans and boots. Outside he wears his black jacket. Delving Deeper Likes: power writing poetry with quill and ink adventure chocolate chip cookies playing the guitar berries red wine rum Dislikes: poets people who are not up for his ideas people who disrespect him chocolate and fruit combination human stupidity Fears: Being a failure Letting people down Drowning That humanity will destroy itself Habits: running his hand through his hair whistling playing with a coin. Personality: ♦ proud ♦ playful ♦ caring ♦ brooding Robert does what he wants, whenever he wants. Though life often doesn't agree with him. So he comes up with an extravagant plan to make it better, or to fix things. And sometimes it works. And often he gets in trouble even deeper. But he learned how to talk himself in and out of these situations. He doesn't like to be responsible for people, because they will only slow him down. But he feels responsible nevertheless. And often he can use a hand. His 'plans' are often not as much actual plans, as just a means to persuade people in aiding him. Background: Growing up, Robert had a rather normal childhood. In highschool he was one of the more alternative teenagers ofcourse. His most important problem at the time, was how society wanted him to be it's bitch by making him going to school and then study and work. That couldn't be what was meant for him. But other than that, not much weird stuff going on. Philosophy turned out a lot more boring and less enlightening than Robert had hoped. But he didn't want to return home emtpy handed. So he got a job at the library and bided his time in this town. It was even more boring than studying, but at least he could pay the rent and didn't have to put up with pretentious students and professors. But still, far from any great destiny. Despite his cynical attitude about religion in general, and after a night of heavy drinking, he went to church to pray for something good to happen. But as he was about to declare himself officialy crazy and close his eyes to start praying, a man next to him spoke to him. For some reason he quickly figured out Robert's situation and proposed to help him, if Robert did him a small favor. He needed to steal the small crucifix hanging on the wall of the church. Regardless of how the man was going to help him, that sounded like an exciting idea to him. So when the priest wasn't looking, he sneaked out the little artefact. After that, Grimbold asked him over for dinner. And they talked a lot. About life and society. Then Grimbold offered him a chance at a whole new life. Next to his current one. Relationships: Robert views everybody in the group as family. Though family doesn't necessarily means without friction. ♫Eddie ♫ and Robert are buddies. Robert is persuasive and Eddie tends to give in quickly, so Robert drags him along on his plans, more or less willingly. ⚡ Sloane ⚡ and Robert both are strong-willed individuals. This leads to clashes from time to time. Though he has respect for her independence. ♥ Terry ♥ has something very intruiging to Robert. She seems untouchable by his current social vocabulary. It's frustrating. Especially since he finds her rather attractive. ☯ Tobias ☯ is someone that Robert is slightly more careful with. He comes of as distant but dense, so he's just a little less comfortable around him than with the others. ☯ Cara ☯ is oke, but her controlling side is rather annoying. ☮ Nick ☮ is a great younger brother to have. Robert feels sort of a protector role for him. He will teach him the important things in life. Like rum appreciation. ☮ Nina ☮ is on Robert's level. Someone that he can talk with and have fun with. She's like a sister. But she's also hot. which is confusing. ☮Angel☮ Though she is relatively new, Robert gets a good vibe from her. Sharp and fun to hang with. ☮Skylar☮ Warm hearts are good company. Sky is comforting, which Rob needs sometimes. But she's also innocent enough for him to feel a protector role over her. ☯Daniel☯ He seems like a good kid, but Robert has a hard time really connecting with him. Extra: He wears a small flask filled with rum on his belt. Dark powers: Animal Form: Fox power: Loss of focus: For just a second, your thoughts were drifting somewhere else. You weren't paying attention you didn't watch where you were going. And now you walked into that lamppost, or cut yourself with the scissors. You stumbled, you hit your thumb with the hammer. Just your luck.
Daniel Reyes Lieu: Café Castle Street > Cabine Grimbold Interagir avec: Grimbold et n'importe qui déjà à la cabine Daniel détestait faire l'inventaire. Il détestait encore plus son manager sans valeur. Relâchant un soupir lourd, il a placé la dernière boîte de crème et de sucre sur l'étagère. En s'emparant du presse-papiers du comptoir, il a fini de vérifier les derniers articles du couple, en repensant avec frustration comment son manager avait "volontaire" Daniel pour aider en fin de mois l'inventaire puis en courant à un « rendez-vous important». Daniel n'était pas stupide. Il avait entendu son gestionnaire parler à d'autres employés plus tôt ce jour-là d'une fête. Un dernier coup d'œil à travers la liste de contrôle, un sourire sournois fantôme ses lèvres comme une pensée rebelle surgissait dans sa tête. Il ne savait pas si c'était à cause de son exposition à Grimbold et au groupe au fil des ans, mais ses actes subtils de rébellion devenaient plus fréquents. Effacer un coche, il a plutôt écrit, "Expiré, une case" à côté d'un article et s'est inscrit sur la liste. Remettre le presse-papiers à l'endroit juste sous le registre, Daniel a pris sa veste et une boîte de l'arrière avant de quitter le café, verrouillant la porte derrière lui. C'était une froide soirée de février, les étoiles scintillent au-dessus tandis que la pleine lune illuminait les rues pavées dans des tons chatoyants d'argent. Ce soir, ils devaient se retrouver dans la cabane de Grimbold. En vérifiant sa montre, il savait qu'il était déjà en retard mais il ne pouvait pas vraiment s'occuper de lui. Daniel avait fait le trek à travers les bois au bord de la ville pour la meilleure partie de cinq ans déjà et pensait qu'il s'était gagné une certaine clémence au moins. Enfonçant sa main libre dans sa poche de veste pour la chaleur et en ajustant sa prise sur la boîte dans sa main, Daniel prit son temps à marcher, profitant du silence de la soirée d'hiver croustillante. Vingt minutes plus tard, il l'a trouvé à la porte de la cabine trop familière. Il a frappé deux fois et a attendu. Il n'a pas fallu longtemps au vieux fou pour ouvrir la porte et le laisser entrer avec un sourire chaleureux. Daniel lui tendit la boîte dans les bras et raccrocha sa veste sur le crochet près de la porte. À l'interrogation de Grimbold, Daniel s'est contenté de dire : "Un cadeau du Café", comme l'odeur sucrée des gâteaux balancé de la boîte. Daniel donna une brève vague dans la direction du groupe alors qu'il s'assit à table, se servant tranquillement d'un bol de soupe.
Name: Daniel Anton Reyes Nickname: Danny Birth Date: June 3rd Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Daniel hides his emotions behind a veil of sea green eyes and controlled expressions. His perfectly arched eyebrows and flawless skin are merely a reflection of his upbringing and the mask his father unknowingly created. The only true expression of himself is the wild nature of his messy brown hair and small smiles he sometimes allows himself to show. Danny is average height for his age, standing at 5’8” and has a lean muscular build. Clothing Style: Not liking to stand out, his wardrobe consists mostly of simple neutral colored button-ups with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and a pair of comfortable jeans, dark blue or black. His shoe of choice is a pair of black high-top Converse. The only indication of his rebellious nature is a black studded belt he wears around his waist. Delving Deeper Guarded ♦ Observant ♦ Wary ♦ Rebellious Background & Personality (because I believe it takes one to determine the other): From a young age Daniel has learned to create a different outward persona dependent upon what the situation calls for at the time. Being raised in upscale Paris by his father, money, and a prestigious name to boot, appearances were everything. Social functions, garden parties, hosting important people from around the world. These were but a few examples of Daniel’s childhood. While other children his age were fussing over skinned knees and the newest video game, young Daniel was expected to be seen but not heard. Raised to be the heir to eventually take over his father’s company; composed, reserved, only speak when spoken to, everything you do elegant and refined. Everything was fine at first because he didn’t know any different. It was simply the world he lived in. But as he reached his teenage years Daniel’s observant nature started telling him a different story. A story of cloaks-and-daggers, false smiles and pretty lies. Friendly conversation was only a guise for some deeper ill intent. All the pretty gowns and well-tailored suits he had admired as a child became loud exclamations of one’s wealth and nothing more. His father’s stern lectures and strict instructions for Daniel’s upbringing turned out to be no more than a business plan for his future heir. There was no longer any warmth in his father’s eyes nor kindness in his words. If they had ever been there to begin with Daniel no longer trusted himself to know. He lost trust in people and closed himself off, becoming wary of the deeper meaning behind their intentions. This also led to a rebellious streak in Daniel. Not the kind of hell-raising rebellion they show in movies, but the more subtle rebellion of not listening to orders or making a rude comment to a guest while he knew his father was watching. However, these rebellious outbursts were few and far between as he didn’t like bringing more attention to himself than was necessary. He already had enough of that as it is. Hating the idea of being his father’s puppet and being no more than a pretty face with a powerful name, Daniel decided to run away when he turned 18. Saving up his allowance over the years and claiming his inheritance at his coming of age party granted him the ability to do just that. He sat through the tutoring sessions his father arranged and continued to smile gracefully at his father’s side. When the time finally came, under the cloak of darkness while the mansion slept, Daniel packed as much clothing and various necessities as he could fit in a backpack and fled. He hailed a taxi to the airport and bought the soonest ticket out of Paris. This led him to Tallshade, a tiny town in America nestled between a huge forest at the base of a mountain. The perfect sense of seclusion he had been looking for. Seemingly isolated from the rest of the world, it gave Daniel the freedom to make a new life for himself. However, he learned real quick how unforgiving the world can be. He also soon realized that he didn’t really possess a true identity for himself. Having grown up in the shadow of his father and knowing nothing other than what he had been taught, who was he now that he was free from all that? Who was Daniel Reyes when we wasn’t acting the perfect model son? He had a collection of “masks” and nothing more. He settled down in a modest apartment and stashed his money somewhere out of sight. Daniel didn’t want to have to rely on his namesake to get what he needed but having it readily available gave him a security blanket to fall back on should he need it. He did odd jobs around town, took a couple random classes at the local university, anything to give him a sense of purpose in a world that was foreign to him. The one thing he was grateful for however, was all the language classes his father made him take. He couldn’t imagine how much of a nightmare arriving in a new country would be not knowing the language. He spoke with a subtle French accent but was able to be understood by the locals well enough. Daniel met Grimbold one night when he decided to take a late night walk to clear his head. He had been feeling especially lost lately and homesick in a Stockholm’s Syndrome sort of way. He rationalized this by telling himself it was the security of familiarity and structure that he missed. Settled down amongst the grass in a clearing in the woods, he stared up at the stars and wished for things he couldn’t have. Almost as if in answer, The Mentor appeared as quiet as a whisper and promised him freedom and power, among other things. He had been chosen for a reason, Grimbold told him. There were others too. The only condition was to serve him whenever Daniel was called upon. That almost caused Daniel to deny the old man on the spot. Here was another puppetmaster looking to take hold of Daniel’s severed strings. However, Daniel couldn’t sense any hidden agendas or twisted ideals from the man and the promise of purpose and a place to belong was too strong a temptation to ignore. Looking back on it now, Daniel should’ve seen it as an omen, something too good to be true. He was right back at square one, taking orders from a higher power for some unknown greater purpose. But 5 years later Daniel finds himself working as a barista at the local coffeehouse, still obeying The Mentor’s wishes when the time came. Likes: People-watching Being around people but not overly interacting with them Books/Reading Running Pastries/Bread Dislikes: Bringing unnecessary attention to himself Being forced to do something Alcohol and the loss of control it provides Sycophants, brown-nosers Anything that reminds him of his past life Fears: Losing purpose Removing his “mask” Getting close to anyone and getting hurt Being found and brought back to Paris Habits: Tends to fake smiles out of habit due to his upbringing Closes his eyes when a situation makes him feel uncomfortable Leaves unannounced to go for a run to clear his head, sort his thoughts Night owl and suffers from slight insomnia Position in the Group: Hangs out in the background to observe others. Doesn’t trust easily and even though he’s been in this for the better part of 5 years, Daniel still feels like everyone is merely an acquaintance and prefers to keep it that way. He’ll never admit it aloud but he’s afraid of letting others in. He admires everyone in the group, mostly for things he feels he lacks, but feels safer keeping everyone in neutral standing and only working together as a team if it’s absolutely necessary. ☯ Eddie – Seems nice enough. Appreciates his honesty. ☯ Teryn – Feels he can relate with her on an indirect level due to both their tendencies to not trust easily. She can sometimes come off as rude or defensive but he can respect that she has her reasons as he has his. ☯ Sloane – He admires her sense of individuality and confidence. ☯ Robert – Seems like a troublemaker but Daniel can appreciate his sense of adventure and spontaneity. ☯ Tobias – Feels almost as if they could be twin brothers but will not openly acknowledge this. ☯ Cara – He knows all too well of her fake smiles and pretty words and sees her as an annoying little sister-type. ☯ Nick – Jealous of his carefree nature and lack of worry of what the future might bring. ☯ Nina – Likes her confidence but gets annoyed by her spoiled attitude towards others. Enjoys having someone to talk to in his native language. ☯ Angel – Intrigued by her ability to blend in and relate to anybody. Thankful for her humor that quickly diffuses tense situations. ☯ Sky – Respects her maturity and feels like she would listen the most if he ever felt the need to confide in someone. Dark Powers: Animal Form: Black Bat Power: Echolocation Being able to cause headaches from as minor as a constant throbbing to as severe as vertigo, dizziness and a loss of balance. Much like how bats use echolocation by creating a sound and processing the information they receive from the echo, Daniel uses his power by whistling while maintaining line of sight with his target. He is also able to determine the severity of the target's headache by changing the pitch of his whistle. Prolonged use of his power causes Daniel to become extremely fatigued. EDIT: Updated information on how Daniel uses his power.
Nina Constantine Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec : Robert "Salut Nina!" salue Robert de dessous ses franges comme atteint et donne à Nina un petit animal de compagnie qu'elle accueille avec une petite meule. Quand elle a pu se transformer en chat, Nina a hésité à laisser quelqu'un la toucher. En règle générale, les dix-neuf n'aiment pas être touchés à moins d'être invités. Mais, alors Grimbold l'a ramassée dans ses bras chauds, câlinant et la frottant doucement, et avant qu'elle ne le sache Nina purait. Donc maintenant, Nina était un peu moins méfiante quand il s'agissait de laisser les gens la caresser pendant qu'un félin. Le seul côté inférieur à la transformation de l'humain en félin était que Nina a perdu ses vêtements. Elle a soit dû se déshabiller à l'avance, soit s'en sortir après avoir transformé. Ce soir, elle s'est dépouillée avant de se changer, d'ouvrir et de s'appuyer sur sa fenêtre pour pouvoir sauter facilement de sa chambre par la fenêtre. La chambre de Nina était sur la deuxième histoire de la grande maison de sa famille, donc sa fenêtre mène au toit. Du toit Nina le chat rembourré au grand sapin près de sa maison, ses pas inaudibles. Un saut sans effort du toit à la branche la plus proche, en prenant quelques secondes pour se stabiliser avant de sauter soigneusement vers la branche suivante. Et ensuite. Et le suivant. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit assez proche pour sauter jusqu'au sol en dessous. Nina était bien pratiquée à descendre l'arbre car elle l'avait fait plusieurs fois en deux ans environ, elle avait été bénie par le don de Grimbold. Grimbold t'a apporté les vêtements? a demandé à Robert. "Je peux les avoir pour toi si tu veux." Nina avait pensé simplement rester dans sa forme actuelle pour le reste de son temps dans la cabine ce soir, peut-être enroulé dans les genoux de quelqu'un. Mais, après un moment a décidé qu'elle devrait rejoindre les autres à la table correctement. En s'éloignant de Robert et des autres avec son long chemin vers l'ombre où Grimbold gardait les vêtements supplémentaires, sa fine queue en l'air, Nina commença à revenir à sa forme humaine. Sa silhouette a commencé à s'allonger. La fourrure noire soyeuse semble céder la place à son teint naturel légèrement bronzé de peau caucasienne, à l'exception du haut de sa tête. Sur sa tête, la fourrure féline s'est transformée en cheveux humains et a grandi et un taux incroyable. Au moment où Daniel Reyes est entré dans la cabine et a fait son chemin vers la table Nina a été entièrement transformé et assez nu. Son dos vers la table alors qu'elle s'enfonçait lentement vers la pièce. Ses longs cheveux foncés chatouillaient le milieu de son dos nu, la lumière de la cheminée donnant à son derriere en forme de cœur une belle lueur orange. Ses hanches oscillaient avec flirt avec chaque mouvement de ses jambes sans fin. En regardant par-dessus son épaule, elle s'est moquée de Robert. « Je peux m'en occuper, M. Fox », a-t-elle dit avec douceur. Et puis, Nina a disparu dans la pièce.
Skylar Montgomery Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec: N'importe qui à la table Sky s'est lavée les mains dans l'évier de la salle de bain avant de se regarder dans le miroir. Déplacer une mèche de cheveux rouge derrière son oreille, elle se regardait attentivement. Elle avait vraiment 22 ans en six jours? "Je suis content que mes 20 ans aient l'air mieux que mes ados." Sky a pensé à elle-même avant de quitter les toilettes. Au moment où elle s'asseyait de nouveau à la table, tout le monde n'a pas tardé à arriver. Elle-même était arrivée au chalet dès que son quart de travail était passé de 8 h à 17 h. Pas les meilleures heures du monde en raison de combien d'une chouette de nuit elle est mais ils ont travaillé pour ce soir. Aujourd'hui, elle s'est retrouvée en train d'attendre des nuits comme ça. Alors qu'elle voyait beaucoup de ces gars dans la ville et qu'elle se parlait souvent, c'était différent d'être ensemble en groupe. Se servir une partie de la soupe Grimbold a fait qu'elle a commencé à manger. La soupe était agréable avec le froid qu'il faisait sortir. Le trek ici pourrait parfois être très froid. Pour elle le froid a été accueilli comme la chaleur et la dureté de l'été l'a rendu ennuyée. La soupe était une bonne façon de se réchauffer et de s'assurer que personne n'avait faim quand la réunion est venue. Au fil du temps, elle était assise à côté de Sloane et en face de Foxy, Eddie et Terry. Nina, Angel et Cara assis sur le côté de la table sur laquelle elle était. Toby s'est assis sur le groupe et il semblait que tout le monde était presque là. Sky regardé comme un chat noir sortit de sous la table et se transforma en Nina. Étant dans le groupe, elle a commencé à ne pas vraiment l'embêter si certains sont devenus nus au hasard autour d'elle. Ce n'était pas comme si tu pouvais transformer et avoir toujours des vêtements. Quand elle s'est transformée, cependant, elle ne voulait pas que quelqu'un la voie vraiment quand elle ne s'est pas transformée. "Sloane, comment va ta journée?" Sky a demandé à vouloir commencer à se joindre aux conversations.
Name: Skylar Jane Montgomery Nickname: Sky or Fawn Birth Date: February 28 Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Unlike the slim figures of all the other women in the Montgomery family Sky got more of a curvy figure. Along with being 5"2 and having unusual grey eyes it was safe to say she stuck out a bit compared to her four sisters. Freckles dot her face and body being something she loathed as a child and something she`s come to find as apart of who she is as an adult. The sun is usually an enemy because of her pale skin color. Her hair is naturally red and is curly and thick. She`s learned after cutting it short once that it`s best to leave it long, it`s a untamable beast. The redness in her hair varies by season, in summer months it turns copper due to the sun, in winter it turns a crimson red color(her preferred color of her hair). When it comes to make up she would rather skip it for a more natural look, though she does like lipstick. Even though she hides it, because mostly everyone in the group finds her to be the innocent one, she has a tattoo of a broken heart on the right side of her ribcage. The reason behind this tattoo no living soul knows, no one even knows she has it. Clothing Style: Sky`s clothing choices vary by how she feels. On a Friday she might be feeling a edgy black dress with three inch wedges while on a Monday she`d be wearing a white sundress with a light pink sweater. There are also the days where she dresses up like what she calls "witchy" or "hippy" styles. You can be assured whatever she`d wearing always has a necklace though and if she`s not feeling well sweat pants usually follow. Delving Deeper Likes: Music Coffee Strawberry pastries Literature Cats Art Dislikes: Rap Dishonesty Cherry anything Body shaming Public Speaking Drugs Fears: Abandonment Hurting other people Alienation Always being seen as the little sister Habits: When she`s nervous she`ll often start spinning her necklace or a piece of jewelry she`s wearing at the time. As she gets excited she goes from speaking normally to loudly. Whenever she`s uncomfortable she puts her hair into a ponytail. Often stays up way too late at night. Personality: ♦ Clumsy ♦ Wise ♦ Warm-Hearted ♦ Understanding Even as a child most people said she was far beyond her years and as she reached her teen years people started to say she was the wise old woman in a teenager`s body. She tries to understand someone before she says anything against them. This leads to her being very trusting and understanding towards others. The advice she gives to problems is usually a lot more than someone her age should be able to give. It`s also one of her biggest downfalls as others can betray her quite easily. In all she`s rather clumsy and lightheaded, someone could tell her something and she`d forget it in two seconds. This has always been something she`s hated because while she`s very smart no one can see that with how forgetful and sporadic her nature is. In sad situations she feels rather uncomfortable, because while she tries her best to comfort someone she always feels like she`s doing everything wrong. Even though she looks down on herself a lot she does have confidence in her decisions and she believes that believing in yourself is the best thing you can do. She does feel like the owl represents her a lot. Like the owl she prefers being up all night than being awake during the day. It`s also seen as a wise creature and has aspects that she wants for herself, to be more precise and strong are two of them. Background: In her family there`s five daughters, Sky being the youngest. Meaning her childhood was full of hand-me-downs and often being misplaced. Her oldest sister Delilah is seven years older than her. The second and third daughters, Mary and May, are twins and are six years from Sky. Jamie who`s the closest to Sky at only two years apart. When Sky was born her parents had been hoping to finally have a boy. She`s always felt like her father didn`t approve of her because of this. The Montgomery family is known for being a very rich and successful family in a town a few towns away from Tallshade. As she grew up she had trouble trying to convince people she wasn`t a snob like they tried to make her believe. Many people bullied her for her intelligence and the difference of her looks compared to her sisters. Even her sisters would laugh and joke about how she was adopted. It really did make her feel like she had no one, her parents were always working, and it was very easy to just isolate herself in their huge house. Due to all of this she fell into depression and at some points self harmed. In high school she got involved in a lot of bad groups. She often snuck out to get high or drunk with people she thought were her friends. It wasn`t until she was almost 18 that things went completely downhill. At a party she overdosed unintentionally. If the cops hadn`t broken up the party a few minutes later she would have died. In the hospital her family didn`t have anything nice to say to her and only yelled at her for being so irresponsible. They sent her off to a clinic for 6 months and she was released when she turned 18. Instead of going back to her family she broke off all ties to them. She got a job and lived in a small apartment till she finished high school and got a broken heart tattooed on the right side of her ribs. She saved up money and moved to Tallshade to go to college as soon as she had enough money. It was a step by step process. The day she got to Tallshade she went to the Castle Street Café and ordered a cup of coffee and some breakfast. The things she owned were in a small suitcase next to her in the booth. As she sat there silently reading her book an older man came and sat across from her in the booth and ordered a drink from the waitress before looking at her. Sky asked him who he was and they eventually got into a conversation about her life somehow. She found out his name was Grimbold and he asked her if she wanted a way to completely change her life and be in an actual family for once, as long as she did what he said. It took awhile but she agreed and he told her to walk out of the shop and not pay for her coffee or breakfast. It was history after that and she`s been with the group for three years now. She finally has a place where she can be herself. Relationships: Sky thinks of the entire group as her family. As such she has compassion and understanding for all of them. Most she considers as friends and even if she doesn`t feel too confident in a member of their family she still treats them with respect and gives them the benefit of the doubt. ☮ Eddie ☮ - Eddie is a good guy, she finds it interesting to watch him tinker, and talking about fiction books is always fun. Sky always tries to convince him to like cats more. He`s the person she goes too to talk about the books she`s reading at the time. ☯ Terry ☯ - In Sky`s eyes Terry is alright, her observant nature makes her an okay person to talk too, although her crude nature sometimes makes her a bit uncomfortable. ☮ Sloane ☮ - When they first met she knew the woman didn`t think too highly of her, some friendships start out a bit rocky though. In present day she finds Sloane to be a very good friend of hers, even if they don`t agree on rap music. ☮ Rob(Foxy) ☮ - Foxy as she likes to call him. She likes to think of him like the older brother she never had as his middle name happens to be her last name. Like her she also values how he thinks of them like a family. ♥ Toby ♥ - Ever since she met him Sky`s always had a crush on Toby. At first she thought it was just his looks and tried to talk herself out of it. As she got to know him more she found to really like his calm nature and that he himself also had some bad experiences with drugs and such, in which she could relate. ⚡ Cara ⚡ - Cara makes Sky feel rather uneasy. While she seems very nice Sky can feel the other side of her personality and has seen it a few times. This rather scares her. On the outside Sky is usually very nice to her however. ☮ Nick ☮ - Much like most of the group she sees Nick as a younger brother. She likes that if either of them aren`t feeling talkative the other person can rant as long as they want. It can also just be a conversation or sitting in silence. ☯ Nina ☯ - At first Nina seemed like the type of person Sky would never be on great terms with. She was the queen bee in high school while Sky had been the rebellious/druggy girl. As time went on she`s started to become perfectly fine with her. Even if she`s hot tempered and can be rather hard to work with Nina does protect those she cares for and Sky admires that. ☮ Angel ☮ - Angel`s compassion is what Sky appreciates the most about her. Even though she went through some hard stuff in life she still jokes and laughs. In Sky`s eyes she`s the person to go to if you`re having a bad day. ☯ Danny ☯ - Sky can't say she knows Danny too much. He was here before she was. Danny keeps to himself but he's not a bad person at all. She does trust him even if they don't know a ton about eachother. Extra: Dark powers: Animal Form: pic of animal form goes here power: She can hear the darker parts of someone's mind. Regrets, pain, dark secrets, are just a few. When she uses this power it causes paranoia in the victim. Even though she is kindhearted and understanding the old dark side of her understands a lot of the thoughts she receives.
Sloane Shields Emplacement: La cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec Sky Sloane avait été relativement calme pendant que les gens entraient, jetant parfois un clin d'œil à la personne la plus récente pour entrer dans la cabine et écouter les conversations autour d'elle. Jusqu'à, bizarrement, la table est tombée relativement silencieuse et elle a coiffé un sourcil, une cuillère de soupe à mi-chemin vers sa bouche. Elle le descendit dans le bol et regarda Nina, qui avait pris sa forme humaine. Merde, elle était magnifique si insupportable. La pensée lui apporta un sourire au visage, et Sloane regarda de façon peu apologetique Nina disparaître dans la pièce d'à côté. Amusée mais tournant les yeux, SLoane retourna à la table tout comme Sky parlait. -- Longue, répondit-elle après s'être débarrassée de la gorge. "Je viens de descendre du bus il y a une heure." Ce n'était pas une nouvelle à qui que ce soit que Sloane ait tendance à être à l'intérieur et à la sortie de Tallshade, son œuvre d'art est l'une des rares choses qui mettent la petite ville sur la carte. Si ce n'était pas pour Grimbold et la famille qu'elle a faite ici, Sloane ne serait pas encore là du tout. Elle regarda enfin Sky, se rappelant une troisième raison de rester. Elle soupira, un peu fatiguée, un peu exaspérée par elle-même et se pencha de nouveau vers l'avant. "Et toi?"
You should never feel afraid to become a piece of art. Personal Information NAME Sloane Shields NICKNAMES Ona: given to her by her grandfather, but only her immediate family wastes time giving her name an extra syllable. Lo: she was first called this by her high school sweetheart and resents it being used by anyone else. BIRTH DATE November 21, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Female SEXUALITY Bisexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Her pale green eyes stand out the most: although mostly a light and icy green, flecks of deeper emerald and gold dot the irises. She tends to wear dark eyeliner and eye shadow that compliments the color. Sloane’s skin is dark brown in contrast, and she wears make up to accent her high cheekbones. Her dreadlocks are dark brown–nearly black–in color and are styled like a Mohawk with both sides shaved close to her scalp. She walks with a tall, confident demeanor and tends to wear a combination of tight pants and layered tanktops to show off her tattoo sleeves. Toned arms and legs stretch far, emphasizing her height and slimness–high heels help, too. Her nails are typically painted black, but are sometimes accented with whites, golds, reds, or purples as well. She also has tattoos behind her ear, neck, on her back and legs, hips, below her chest, and..elsewhere. Said tattoos include but are not limited to her zodiac sign, favorite quote, a semi-colon, and tribal designs. When it comes to jewelry, she has small gauges in her ears and long necklaces that dangle over her chest. She’ll sometimes have thick bracelets and rings on, as well. In her heels, she stands over 6' tall and weighs about 140 lbs. Notable tattoos: due to her dark skin, plain black tattoos are less than flashy. So she uses a lot of color in her work. On her left wrist is a compass, splattered with water color ink. The compass bleeds up her arm and into the rest of her sleeve. On the inside of her opposite arm is her first tattoo, gotten while taking Latin her freshmen year of high school: carpe noctem is scripted in hard, bold letters. This arm is sleeved, too, and compliments the phrase though overall it's not as colorful as her left arm. On her back is a decorated tree, decorated with reds and oranges. Finally, "1988" scripted on the side of her left ring finger. This is Winston's--her high school sweetheart's--birth year. These aren't all of her tattoos, but probably her most notable / important ones. CLOTHING A little athletic, a little slutty, all sexy: Sloane has a lean, beautiful body and she isn't afraid to show it off or the tattoos that decorate it. Her style can be described as a little grunge and a little street; she's always looks ready to go to a club. And unless she's working out, she's wearing heels. Sample wardrobe: X X X X X X X X Delving Deeper ♦ Ambitious ♦ Cold ♦ Creative ♦ Independent PESONALITY When it comes to people, she can come off friendly enough, though she’s rather apathetic behind the smiles. She’s far more interested in art and animals and magic, but she recognizes the importance and usefulness in others. Still, when her mood is soured, she can be sadistic and cruel to those she feel has wronged her–though, at times, she finds herself acting pointlessly cruel sometimes out of impatience or defensiveness. Needless to say, Sloane tends to look out for herself before others. However, she can easily bond with another over similar interests. She likes being active and loves to travel when she’s commissioned for a tattoo from someone out of town. Her less-than-conservative style stands out in a small town and she welcomes rumors of her being in a cult or a witch or in a gang or anything. LIKES Animals Art (tattoos, photography, paint, you name it) Foreign movies Tea Dance and rap Cities DISLIKES People (especially dull men) Feeling dumb: she dropped out of high school so, while clever, she isn't educated. And this can lead her to feeling self conscious about her intelligence. Fast food Boy bands Ross from FRIENDS FEARS Death Weakness Intimacy HABITS Playing with her hair StaringDoodling if she has a pen or pencil in hand BACKGROUND Sloane was born to an interracial couple (most notably of Sudanese and Iranian descent among others), but was raised by her mother and grandfather. There isn't much else to be said for the early years of her life because she was raised happily and healthily. Her sense of style growing up scared away potential friends, as she tended to take on a gothic/emo appearance, but she was content. And she was particularly happy when her first boyfriend (who on the surface was an idiot but friendly jock) asked her out and they became an item. They were happy together for only about six months: A particularly romantic Valentines Day led to a teen pregnancy with her first boyfriend. With support from both their families, she had planned to raise it with him. However, he died in an accident and she put the baby up for adoption instead--this being her biggest regret and a decision she made out of grief. Then she dropped out of her sophomore year of high school to become a tattoo artist. Neither her grandfather nor mother were very happy, but they tried to be supportive due to the tragic loss. While other people studied through and graduated from high school, Sloane spent those years studying the art of tattoos. She was a fast learner and talented artist. And now, at 25, she owns her own tattoo shop and apartment above it: Ink Shields. It's of course popular with university students, but she gets both people travelling far and paid extra to leave town for her artwork. It was soon after dropping out of high school that the Mentor appeared before her and gave her first task: key some guy's car. She was in a vulnerable place emotionally and psychologically, so she did. And the powers and the sense of family that came with them allowed her to toughen up and grow into the woman she is today. RELATIONSHIPS What I'm thinking so far (correct me if I'm mischaracterizing anyone): Sloane can come off as the stern but caring big-sister type. However, the latter is a lot harder to see, and she has little patience for weaknesses in herself or others. Terry: likes Terry enjoys her company as they have a lot of common--including the types of issues they face being a minority in a small town. She sees herself in Terry. Eddie: she has nothing against Eddie personally, but he seems to lack spine. She's impatient and snippy with him, partly because he just lets her. Robert: Finds him impulsive and obnoxious, but she knows there's more to him than that. He's not afraid to speak his mind, which she can at least respect. Cara: she comes off as friendly enough, but Sloane has seen the control freak side as well. She doesn't really mind allowing Cara to do what she wants, it's usually harmless to her. Toby: Dick. Sloane is p sure he's afraid of her since he doesn't always speak up. Makes her want to antagonize him more. Nina: They're both powerful, confident, and ambitious. So alike that they clash: Nina is really the only other member she considers worthy of rivalry. Nick: He's refreshing and bright--probably partly because he's the youngest of the group. But she admires his work and sees potential in Nick. Probably particularly protective of him. Angel: She doesn't have a problem with Angel; the girl seems tough as nails and Sloane admires her confidence. She's not ignorant to the issues between her and Terry, though, and would like to see them get along. Sky: Sloane was less than impressed with Sky when they first meant, but the woman's kindness and wisdom grew on her over time. And while she considers her a friend, she's also attracted to her as a person. EXTRA She has a Maine Coon named Nox. Her favorite color is deep red and she likes the scent of leather. Song: Life in Her Yet by Rag’n’Bone Man and Muse by OCAD. Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM Sloane's deer form is, of course, black as coal. However, she's relatively large for what would be a female deer, but nothing impossible for the species. Ironically, deer--especially does--are docile creatures whereas Sloane is anything but; however, she shares its lean, graceful figure and long limbs. POWER Umbra: Sloane can darken and manipulate shadows to a small degree, creating what would otherwise be a trick of the eye. She has exercised control over the power; however, her mental state can easily affect her control. Rage or depression can cause the lights to flicker and dim.
Ange Hardwicke Emplacement; Cabine de Merlin Shack Grimbold Interagir avec; Cara Tandis que les autres s'entassaient bientôt dans la cabane, Angel les considérait un peu curieusement comme elle mangeait. Tobias entra peu de temps après elle, se tenant à proximité plutôt que de s'asseoir. Le type a coché toutes les boîtes pour grand, sombre et beau. Cependant, il a pris le « noir » un peu trop loin dans le royaume du mystère. Assez juste pour qu'elle-même ne sache pas grand-chose de lui - Angel n'était pas dans la ville depuis trois mois, si cela. Cependant, elle avait l'étrange encre qu'il était un mystère pour le reste du groupe aussi bien. Cara semblait être la plus proche de lui, d'après ce qu'elle pouvait dire - mais encore une fois, Cara était un amour total aux yeux d'Angel. Lors de sa première rencontre, elle avait été surprise de trouver une autre fille anglaise parmi tous les yankes. Non pas qu'elle avait beaucoup de liens laissés à l'Angleterre, autre qu'un père fou et mère morte, mais l'enfer, la surprise était tout de même agréable. "Girl sait la mettre elle-même dans une dispute." Elle a ajouté comme une pensée après coup. Quant aux autres, ils semblaient cool. Robert était certainement quelqu'un avec qui sortir un jour. Sloane - évidemment une artiste épique, si ses tatouages étaient quelque chose à juger par elle. Eddie... Eh bien, il n'avait pas vraiment fait beaucoup d'impressions sur elle, bon ou mauvais. En s'emparant d'un pain au milieu de la table, Angel l'a cassée en deux alors qu'elle continuait sa propre récapitulation de sa nouvelle « famille ». C'est Teryn... Moins on parle d'elle, mieux c'est. Juste à dire, leur première réunion n'était pas allée nager. Aux yeux d'Angel, de toute façon. S'élançant alors que Daniel entrait, suivi rapidement par Skylar, elle envoya à ce dernier un sourire éclatant. Skylar était une autre amie qu'elle avait faite rapidement, la trouvant plus qu'aisée à parler. Quant à Daniel, il y avait là une autre énigme. Le garçon était plus difficile à comprendre que Toby. Et puis Nina est apparue - ou plutôt, s'est rendue plus connue. De la manière la plus révélatrice possible. Angel n'avait pas l'habitude de changer de forme. Elle s'était déplacée cinq fois, et elle apprenait encore à courir correctement à quatre pattes sans manger un visage plein de saleté à chaque fois. De plus, tout ce qui était nu était une surprise. Oui, elle avait cru stupidement que les vêtements avaient changé avec le corps, style Harry Potter, parce que, avec toute la magie à laquelle elle avait été présentée, ce n'était pas trop difficile à croire. Par conséquent, cela avait été surprenant. Comme c'était maintenant, voir Nina est parfaitement en forme le cul qui les regarde tous. Une vue désagréable? Pas vraiment. Ce n'était pas la première fille nue qu'Angel avait vue avant. Mais pour qu'il apparaisse un peu soudainement tout en profitant d'un bol de soupe et d'un pain à moitié mangé, cela a fait qu'Angel avertit ses yeux pendant quelques instants, étouffant un rire. Parce que lorsqu'on montre une pleine lune, il faut naturellement y trouver de l'humour. "Jeez, j'ai vraiment besoin de m'habituer à toute cette histoire de commando que nous avons là." Elle a dit avec un sourire à Cara, assis à côté d'elle.
Name: Angeline Megara Hardwicke Nickname: Angel Birth Date: 24th November Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Angel stands at a less than average height of 5’5, along with a slim hourglass figure, and a heart-shaped face; atop of which sits a mess of chocolate brown curls, often worn in a myriad of different styles, and various shades of brown depending on how she feels like dyeing it. Her eyes are a bright, clear blue, standing out thanks to her dark lashes and brows. Her tanned skin is mostly unmarred, barring tiny scars here and there from scuffles in the past and childhood accidents. Clothing Style: Angel’s clothing style very much changes with the wind and her mood – some days she’ll favour darker clothes in a punk style, paired with heavy make-up and an obvious attitude. Other days she’ll be natural, wearing dresses of various styles and colours and accompanying accessories. And then the day after that she’ll just dress comfortably, wearing jeans and over-sized sweaters. The only clothes that rarely change are her pyjamas – anything with teddy bears. Because teddy bears are awesome, guys. Delving Deeper Likes: Anything fluffy – particularly animals. Face Painting (Well, any form of painting really, but face painting is a fun pastime for her.) Way too Loud music (Particularly rock) Cooking Steak (Cooked blue – any more than that is blasphemy, in her eyes.) Puns, quips, innuendos, and double entendres. (She’ll even sometimes sink so low as to pull the ‘That’s what he/she said’ joke.) Chocolate Day-dreaming ELECTRIC GUITAAAAAARRRRRRR Marvel Nature, and all of her destructive and calm feelings. Dislikes: Marvel-bashers Screamo or death metal Messing up her paintings Nosiness Apathy Slyness Ignorance The ever growing cacophony of irritating sounds often found issuing from children and babies. Fears: Heights Insects and arachnids Dying in some kind of meaningless, pointless manner. Not having left something worthwhile on this earth before she dies. Habits: Humming snatches of songs, or simply guitar riffs, under her breath. Tapping out drum beats. Day dreaming, zoning out, or losing track of a conversation mid-sentence. Clinging to a point rather stubbornly, should she believe she is correct and the other person is wrong. Personality: Entertaining ♦ Stubborn ♦ Opinionated ♦ Warm-Hearted ♦ Sharp Despite the fact her looks – and occasionally scatter-braininess - can make Angel seem like a wee naive girl, she is far from it. She knows far more than she lets on, and she will never let anyone take advantage of her. However, when looking at what Angel truly is like, it is plain to see she can make quite the courteous friend. Not only is she happy to lend an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on, but she gives fairly shrewd advice to people’s problems, in the hopes of helping them. Because of this, she is hardly one to judge others for their acts. One perspective of a story is hardly going to change her opinion of someone. Additionally, she’s quick to make jokes or light-hearted remarks in the hopes of getting someone’s spirits up. Humour rarely fails her, and is a very easy thing to fall back on. As for her stubbornness... well, it’s a miracle her animal form isn’t a Bull. If she has a point in an argument she will fight it as long she believes she is correct – which can definitely cause irritation for others around her, but she does certainly enjoy being right in her views... not that that means she is not open to other people’s opinions. When it comes to hard facts, she will happily accept it if she is wrong in something. As for opinions, everyone is entitled to have them – unless some poor ignorant fool is under the impression that their opinions are indeed facts. In which case, she’s happy to deliver a few sharp words towards said ignoramous. Background: Angel has been living in Tallshade for a good few months now, alongside her younger brother and Uncle. Prior to this, the last time she could remember a normal home life was when she was 9 years old, and still living in England with her brother, and parents. As such, life was pretty good. Her Mother was a Detective, her Father was in the army, and she was doing pretty good in terms of friends and school. Even with an annoying 5-year-old brother hanging around her at all times. Except, this annoying little brother arriving was one of the few good things she could remember in this time of her life – for a few months after her ninth birthday, her Mother died. A police raid gone wrong or something. She was too young to be given all of the details, not that it made it any easier. It had been while her Dad was away, on a tour in some country that she couldn’t pronounce yet. Naturally, he came home early, to attend the funeral and look after his young children. Shortly after this, he left the Army, under Compassionate leave. However, his time abroad had left its mark already – he’d seen such horrors, comrades blown apart before him, that things weren’t so perfect for him mentally. He became paranoid, plagued with nightmares and the inclination that someone had killed his Wife, and was then after him and his two children. Just before Angel’s tenth birthday, their house was sold and they moved to America. From there, they lived a very uncomfortable nomadic lifestyle – travelling from state to state when their Father became certain “people” had followed him there. He acted in the attempt to save his family, and Angel understood that. She knew her Dad was sick, so she just helped look after her brother and kept her head down in school, never really answering truthfully when people asked her why she never stayed for long. However, she knew something had to be done when he grew distrustful of her. Over the years she was maturing into a young lady, body and accent changing – but in her Father’s demented mind, she should still be his little nine year old. She became unrecognizable, and after she came home from school one day at the age of 16, he attacked her, thinking she was some kind of assassin that had broken in. Evading her Father, Angel fled the home with her brother, heading straight to the nearest police station for aid. She knew this would mean social services would get involved, but she couldn’t live with her Dad anymore, not when he was quite capable of killing her and her brother in their sleep. After a few weeks of wrapping their heads around their case, and a few foster homes, social services were able to find a relative of theirs living in America. Although the offer to go back to England was there, Angel decided remaining in the USA was better. She didn’t particularly want to remain in the same country as her Dad (Who was being deported back to the UK to receive mental help), but she knew this life better than her English life. Their fathers cousin – they simply call him Uncle James, it’s easier – happily took them in, being childless himself, and after a few years living in rainy Washington, James’ work had them moved to Tallshade. Now 20 years old, Angel is approaching her final year at University, studying Psychology. Over the years, she has also developed into a low-key rebel. Although not far rebellious enough to joy-ride vehicles or break into houses, she does partake in some amusing deviant acts. Her Uncle is quite lax when it comes to curfews, but had they been in place, she wouldn’t have paid attention to them anyway. Also, as a lover of art, she is quite happy to graffiti the town – nothing as crude as tags, but things that actually look nice. This was how she came across the Mentor. Late one night, she was busy spraying a moonlit lake on a wall when he appeared behind her, at first complimenting her art... and then asking her to spray something for him. Although dubious at first, she swiftly deduced that he wasn’t a cop – a cop would have arrested her already. So, she quite happily sprayed a pentagram on the church wall prior to his instructions (And thoroughly enjoying the irony behind said act), and from there, the conversation grew far more... odd. Now here she is with super-powers like the guys in her favourite movies, and doing things for a guy for reasons unknown to her... Position in the group & Relationships: Quite easily, Angel is the joker of the group. The first to make a quip or crack a joke in a tense situation, and an easy-going source of entertainment. She's also in the younger half of the group, which makes her far more likely to look for support from the older ones - being the caretaker of her brother from a young age, it's a refreshing change. Although happy to take charge if needed, she’s more than at ease to let someone else take the job. ☮Robert☮ The boy is an adventure-loving musician; what's not to love? He isn't too hard on the eyes either... ☮Toby☮ Has a pretty calming air about him. Seems like a dependable friend. ☮Cara☮ Ah. Bluntness. What a refreshing change in this world of political correctness. Also a potential foe when it comes to debating. ☮Nick☮ Hell, the boy can draw. He seems pretty sweet too - although not overly so, thankfully. His bootlegging of alcohol tells me that. ☮Nina☮ If I were to describe her in one word, it would be bitch. But hell, being a bitch isn't always a bad thing. I do admire girls and their claws, and she's got the sharpest of them all. Quite the hellion one looks for in a friend. ☯Eddie☯ Seems kind of meek, not really one to stand up for himself. Which is slightly irritating, but hey, the guy hasn't done anything bad to me. ☯Sloane☯ A fellow admirer of art, and isn't irritating so far. ⚡Teryn⚡ Ugh. I admire stubbornness, but clinging to one's opinions when proven wrong is pathetic. Lady also has some severe issues with everything and everyone, it would seem. Also, she hates dogs. Who hates dogs? THEY'RE SO FLUFFY! ☮Skylar☮ Reminds me of me, somewhat – although she seems sweeter than myself. A good friend – almost motherly, which is appreciated more than she knows. ☯Daniel☯ He seems nice enough, but is almost like a puzzle – one which I am itching to try and solve. Extra: Likes to partake in some underage drinking – moreso than what one would consider to be healthy. Dotes on the family dog – a clumsy Alsatian by the name of Dexter. Is a supreme geek lord – will thrash your ass in any trivia in regards to her favourite fantasy novels or media. Thanks to an extremely paranoid crazy army dad, was taught how to use Morse Code from a very young age. Dark powers: Animal Form: Black Coyote Power: Déjà Vu: Can give the feeling of Déjà Vu to anyone, by wiping their memory from the past few seconds – this can cause slight disorientation, or simply a repetition of a phrase or sentence. Useful if she needs to record or remember a conversation, or slip away without them realising.
Cara Osborne Emplacement; la cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec; Ange La sensation de brosser la jambe nue de Cara l'a presque ébranlée dans son siège. Cara savait qu'elle aurait dû s'y attendre, vu qu'elle connaît ce groupe d'inadaptés depuis près d'un an. Au lieu de regarder sous la table, Cara a repoussé sa jambe en réponse, sachant que la créature furieuse ci-dessous était déjà allée saluer d'autres personnes dans son étrange chemin. Le salut de Robert à la féline changeuse a confirmé les soupçons de Cara, un sourire sur son visage alors qu'elle réalisait que Nina n'aurait pas de vêtements si elle reculait devant tout le monde. La situation serait peut-être hilarante, en voyant les réactions de tout le monde. Cara s'est cognée à la pensée. Au fil du temps, Cara était venue aimer le groupe comme sa famille, en leur faisant plus confiance que sa vraie famille de retour à la maison, même si elle ne connaît la famille itinérante que depuis un an. Tout comme l'imagination de Cara a joué, Nina s'est transformée en son être humain, très fièrement devant tout le monde. Nue, comme le jour de sa naissance. Cara était fièrement une femme hétéro, aimant plus ses hommes. Mais bien sûr, personne ne pouvait nier que Nina avait l'air géniale. Et elle le savait aussi, avec son attitude confiante et flirt envers Robert. Supprimant un ronflement alors que Nina retournait dans la pièce pour se changer, Cara se tourna vers Angel en parlant. "Jeez, j'ai vraiment besoin de m'habituer à toute cette histoire de commando que nous avons là." "Il faut du temps pour s'habituer", a admis Cara. Quand elle s'était déplacée pour la première fois, la fille avait eu la chance de l'avoir fait dans le confort de sa propre maison, d'essayer de tester ses pouvoirs magiques dès que Gandalf - Grimbold - la laissa quitter la bibliothèque. "Mais bon, tant que nous ne suivons pas les traces de Nina avec les gens normaux, nous devrions être bons."
Name: Catherine Amaya Osborne Nickname: Cara Birth Date: November 7th Age: Twenty-two Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Barely reaching 5'1" and weighing only 50kg (110lbs), Cara gives the impression of being cute and harmless. While she likes to be known as cute, harmless is something she's certainly not. The petite girl has an hourglass figure, hips wide but waist slender, usually maintained by her rapid metabolism and strict diet (other than chocolate, Cara can never resist anything chocolatey). Cara has a dimple on her left cheek, an indication of her smiley nature. She also has a naturally tanned complexion, complementing her brown hair and eyes. Speaking of eyes, Cara has wide doe eyed brown orbs, giving her an innocent look which is framed with thick, dark eyebrows. She also has shoulder-length brown hair, thick and kept straight with overgrown fringes that frame her somewhat chubby cheeks perfectly. Clothing Style: Cara loves to dress up, no matter the occasion. She loves to wear various skirts and dresses, as long as it's chic and cute (to match her bubbly-looking appearance). She also likes experimenting with her clothes, so one day she may go for a bold design, or the other she'd wear something simple. Make-up wise, Cara loves to define her eyes, either with some eyeliner or with dark eyeshadow. Lip colours vary depending on her mood or the situation, usually switching from naturals, pinks and bold reds. Deeper Likes: Tea Terrible romance drama films Cycling Reading Chocolate Dislikes: Doing nothing Coffee People who call her a control freak Anything cold Debby-downers Fears: Losing control of her life Suffocating Letting people too close Habits: Tapping her fingers against surfaces Playing with her hair Pouting her lips while in thought Personality: ♦ Kind ♦ Control Freak ♦ Blunt ♦ Stubborn ♦ Manipulative ♦ At first glance, people assume that Cara is docile and harmless, the cutesy one, if you will. However, Cara is anything but docile. She has been known to argue and stand by her points (and values) no matter what, her stubborn streak comparable to that of a boulder. Her stubbornness paired with her controlling personality can make her quite the unpleasant person to hang around with, most of the time. However, Cara refuses to acknowledge herself as a control-freak, that's one thing that would piss her off. Cara is very confident, in herself and her abilities. She is also always found with a smile (whether its fake or genuine, people usually can't tell). Don't get fooled by her sweet smile, however, as Cara can potentially use her 'sweet, innocent appearance' to dupe people. Cara also likes to consider herself honest, but most of her 'honesty' is just the blunt truth. She never sugar-coats her words (unless she's fooling someone), her words usually unfiltered. Overall, Cara can be nice when she needs to be, but piss her off and she can be a vindictive little bitch. Background: Born in the English countryside, in a small town where everyone knew everything, Catherine had a normal childhood. Or, as normal as one could get having seven older siblings. It wasn't like she was neglected or abused in the household, but Catherine knew that she wasn't the most wanted child. Having to compete with seven other children for any attention, Catherine developed into a loud, stubborn child that was hard to reason with unless she was bribed with chocolates. Catherine was encouraged to pick up many hobbies, including dancing and painting alongside furthering her education. Most of her siblings were average students, Catherine included. However, the girl had found her calling in life: to be a surgeon, where she had the contol and power to save lives. The medicine path motivated the girl throughout her childhood and teenage years, making her a hard-working student and achieving good grades even though she wasn't a genius. This remained until Cara finished her secondary education, achieving high grades - especially in science and maths. The girl, during her hunt for a university, stumbled on a town named Tallshade hidden within the forest. Liking the prospect of moving away from the stuffy town, Cara applied immediately for a medical course, before packing up and moving out as soon as she hit eighteen. Cara performed well during the first few years of her medical degree, studying hard and maintaining her work ethic like back at home. Cara met The Mentor during one of her panic-study sessions at the local library. Funnily enough, the girl actually screamed out 'I wish I could get them to listen to me!' before she noticed The Mentor beside her. Offering her powers in exchange doing whatever he wanted, the girl accepted immediately. That was a year ago, and now, Cara loves her life. Position in the group: Cara's desire for control means that she strives to be a leader, even if she's not the best person to lead a team. She likes to consider everybody in the group as friends, or at least some of them, but it doesn't mean that they're exempt to her blunt and bold personality. ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || 💕 Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ⚡ Rivals || ⚔ Nemesis ☮ Eddie ☮ Sweet guy, but he just needs to stand up for himself. Cara likes Eddie enough to try and tame her bold personality so she doesn't scare him off (even if it's not much difference). Cara doesn't like Nina's tendancy to bully Eddie, which often results in her advising him on ways to defend himself - her advice usually coming out as forceful. ☯ Terry ☯ Cara appreciates her observant nature, knowing that her fake smiles don't work on the quiet girl. Cara tends to just stay away from Terry, more because she doesn't know how to approach her without losing her cool. ☮ Sloane ☮ Bold and proud, Cara definitely likes Sloane, acting friendly enough to her. If she were attracted to women, she would've been attracted to Sloane. ☯ Robert ☯ Robert's playful nature reminds her of an excitable puppy. Cara doesn't mind going along with many of his schemes, as long as she doesn't consider it stupid. Again, like with many of the others, Cara remains friendly with Robert, as long as he doesn't make her feel like she doesn't have control during his schemes. ☮ Toby ☮ He's quite the looker, but withdrawn. She doesn't know much about Toby, and while she's curious, she doesn't bother to ask. There is a possibility that Cara could be attracted to Toby, but its more of a physical thing, rather than an emotional one. ☮ Nick ☮ Like the little brother of the group, Cara can understand what its like to be the youngest sibling, but she doesn't baby Nick either, no matter how adorable he looks in his ferret form. ⚡ Nina ⚡ Nina and Cara have a hot and cold friendship: one day they could get along well enough to watch movies and hang out with each other, the next they could easily grate on each other's nerves. ☮ Angel ☮ Angel is one girl that Cara knows she can have a argument debate with, no matter how heated it may get due to their stubborn nature. Both also from England, Cara likes to think that the two are friends. She doesn't mind showing Angel around Tallshade, since Cara understands what its like to be new in a different environment. Extra: Cara speaks with a hint of a British accent, one of the only hints to her British background. She's trying to give up smoking, after having a little health scare a while ago. powers: Animal Form: Power: Cara has the ability to make people hear whispers. It's not her speaking, but just simple idle chatter as if someone is right behind them, even if no one is there. Serves as a great distraction tool during exam season, though.
Edward Hansen Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec:Robert Taylor Eddie était occupé à rappeler les moments forts de sa journée à Robert, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, à donner une charge statique à chaque outil que son professeur était sur le point de prendre, à sauter une classe pour tester les nouvelles marches sur son vélo (le voyage ici ce soir était une brise), et à se rapprocher d'un de ses camarades de classe. C'était une rouquine et Eddie a été frappé. Il n'arrêtait pas d'utiliser son pouvoir pour la taper et lui-même chaque fois qu'ils passaient des outils ("Wow, je suppose qu'il y a des étincelles entre nous!") Une fois qu'Eddie a réalisé que la plupart des gens avaient cessé de parler en dehors de lui, il s'est tourné pour voir ce qu'ils regardaient. "Je peux m'en occuper, M. Fox." Eddie rougit et regarda immédiatement Robert pour voir sa réaction. Eddie ne savait même pas que Nina était là, mais ce n'était pas surprenant. Il y avait des gens avec qui il ne s'entendait pas dans le groupe, mais Eddie fait confiance à Grimbold, et Grimbold leur fait confiance, donc ils ne peuvent pas être si mauvais. En plus, il avait des gens comme Robert et Sky avec qui traîner. L'esprit d'Eddie est revenu à Nina se transformant devant tout le monde. Tous pourraient changer, sous les mêmes restrictions, mais quand même. Eddie n'avait qu'à prendre sa forme animale deux fois. Une fois que son vélo s'est cassé à mi-chemin, et la seule façon d'être à l'heure était de cacher le vélo et ses vêtements et revenir pour eux plus tard. La seconde était... un peu plus embarrassante. Mais c'est une histoire pour une autre fois. Cependant, les deux fois, Eddie s'est assuré qu'il était complètement couvert d'ombre avant de revenir. "Alors... Je suppose qu'il y a cela" Eddie a dit, presque inaudiblement, comme il a cherché une pâtisserie que Daniel a apporté. Il s'est penché sur sa chaise et a mesuré la pièce.
Name: Edward Anthony Hansen Nickname: Eddie. Don't call me Ed. Birth Date: January 31st, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Standing at 5' 7" and weighing 200 lbs, Eddie is a bit lumpy, but stays in shape with running. He has light brown hair and a meticulously kept goatee. His eyes are a light green, hiding behind thick black rimmed glasses. Caucasion, with vague traces of ethnicity. A pretty standard American mutt. Clothing Style: Likes solid color shirts with a pocket on the chest, loosely tucked into dark blue jeans. Dirty sneakers at the brink of falling apart. He doesn't usually buy new shoes unless his old pair are unuseable. Delving Deeper Likes: Tinkering Reading (Mostly fiction) Girls with red hair Cracking jokes, being sarcastic Dislikes: Bodily fluids Violence/Tense situations Cats Repetition Fears: Claustrophobic Fire Spiders Habits: Fidgets with his tools (Usually carries around a phillips screwdriver in his pocket, and twists it around when nervous) Loves junk food Prone to laughing in uncomfortable situations Personality: ♦ Honest ♦ Creative ♦ Inquisitive ♦ Timid Eddie is soft-hearted and good natured. Tends to stray away from conflicts and tense situations, and quick to give in to another's will. Enjoys taking things apart, seeing how they work, and attempting to put them back together. Pretty much at home with wherever his toolbox lands. Likes to spend time with friends, but tries to steer any conversation away from debate, especially if he thinks it might get heated. Will usually side with whoever has the greatest show of force, despite his actual feelings. Isn't afraid to do what needs to be done, to an extent. Background: Eddie comes from a broken house, on the outskirts of the nearest city. His mother was abusive, she would bully him into doing what she wanted and threatened to burn the house down when he wouldn't. His father was a gentle understanding man, and did his best to do damage control for his wife. As a result, Eddie decided he would follow his father's lead, which was to try to defuse any possible situation. Growing up, he discovered a fascination with machines, and was eager to practice. Unfortunately, his practice involved taking apart household appliances, sure he could put them back together. But, being inexperienced, kept losing pieces and forgetting the steps to repair them. Then his mother made good on her promise. She set the house on fire, with Eddie and his father inside. Eddie doesn't really remember what happened, but his father didn't make it. His mother was found criminally insane. Years later, Eddie moved to Tallshade. Eddie decided he wanted to go to the university, where he could hone his craft, and get away from bad memories. There he met Grimbold, late one night while out walking. Eddie was immediately enamored. Something about his voice was so warm and comforting... fatherly. He promised Eddie gifts in exchange for Eddie's loyalty and service, to which Eddie eagerly agreed. All he had to do was loosen the screws on a bike so it makes a squeaky sound. Mostly harmless, right? Position in the group: As far as position goes, Eddie would be considered support. He wouldn't dare take a leadership role, any opposition would easily succeed. No, Eddie would much rather be in the back, quietly performing whatever task was required of him. As far as relationships go: Sloane:☯ Eddie doesn't mind Sloane. She pushes him around a little, but no different than most of the people he grew up with. He admires her ability to stand out and be proud. Also, he is attracted to her. Not her looks, necessarily, but the way she carries herself. Though he would never have the courage to say that out loud. Sloane might hit him. Terry:☯ Terry is different from almost anyone Eddie's met from home. She doesn't really yell at or hit him, but he is still terrified of her. The way she looks right through him. She knows he's a coward, Eddie is sure of it. When they first made eye contact, it was like he was watching her read his life story, pulled from his eyes. And she didn't seem impressed. Or sympathetic. Or, anything at all, really. Robert:♫ Eddie and Robert became friends soon after he moved to Tallshade. Robert could easily see the advantages of having a guy who has access to tools, and is easy to persuade, as a friend. Eddie is more willing to take Robert's side, easily taken in by his "plans". Tobias:☯ Seems dangerous, but mostly leaves Eddie alone, which is fine by him. Cara:☮ She's nice to Eddie, if not a little controlling. Sometimes she will give Eddie (strongly worded) advice on various aspects of his life. Eddie will usually go along with it, mostly because he's seen how she reacts to others taking control away. Nick:☮ Eddie likes Nick's impulsiveness, and wants to look out for him, even though he doesn't seem like he needs it. Nina:⚔ Eddie tries to avoid Nina whenever possible, just the same as Nina makes snide comments whenever possible. Extra: Eddie usually carries a few loose screws, nuts, and bolts in his shirt pocket. Never know when you'll need them, right? Also carries a phillips screwdriver in his right pocket. Can usually be seen carrying his toolbox, with an assortment of wrenches, drivers, a hammer, etc. Not a full set, being one that was scavenged over the years, so the tools are also usually in poor condition. Other than that, pretty standard young adult gear. Wallet, phone, etc. Dark powers: Animal Form: German Shepherd Power: Can give metal things static charge. Not enough to power anything, but enough to give people a zap when touched. Eddie can affect any metal object he can see in detail, so if he loses his glasses he can only affect objects he can touch.
Teryn Ikeda Emplacement; Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec; Robert Taylor, Sloane Shields Nina Constantine Terry a été légèrement repris par les remerciements de Robert. "De rien, je suppose," a-t-elle dit alors qu'elle roulait les yeux. Elle n'était pas habituée à un tel comportement, d'autant plus qu'elle avait peur de la plupart des gens. À son grand soulagement, Robert était occupé à parler à Eddie maintenant et l'a laissée seule. S'il y avait quelqu'un qui connaissait Terry assez bien, ils remarqueraient que son visage s'éclairait légèrement à l'arrivée de Sloane. "Hey Sloane," dit-elle avec une petite vague. Ils n'ont pas trop parlé, mais elle s'est toujours sentie un peu mieux quand Sloane est là. Elle était intéressante à parler et même Terry avait besoin d'une certaine interaction sociale de temps en temps. Puis un chat noir a finalement fait connaître sa présence au groupe. Le chat a fait son chemin autour de la table, frottant contre les jambes des gens qu'elle aimait (ou peut-être était juste d'accord avec). Terry s'est battu contre l'envie de caresser le chat quand il l'a approchée. Le chat était une vraie personne après tout. Ce serait bizarre. Robert n'avait pas l'air d'être d'accord avec ça. Puis soudain, le chat s'est transformé en Nina Constantine, une Nina Constantine nue. Les joues de Terry rougissaient légèrement et elle commença à se sentir jalouse du corps de la fille. C'était si beau et si doux. Et la confiance qu'elle portait avec elle... Après ce qui semblait être l'éternité, Terry a finalement épluché ses yeux et Nina est entrée dans l'autre pièce. Merde, est-ce qu'elle fixait vraiment? D'autres personnes semblent arriver. Ou étaient-ils ici avant toute cette scène? Elle ne faisait pas attention et elle ne s'en souciait pas vraiment. "Bien que cet endroit commence à être vraiment bondé."
Teryn Ikeda "I just can't deal with people right now... or ever."- -Teryn IkedaPersonal Information Name: Teryn Kanae Ikeda Nickname: Terry, TK, Scary Terry (Though she would glare at you for calling her this) Birth Date: February 20th, 19XX Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual but starting to feel a bit bi-curious. In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Terry is fairly tall for a Japanese girl, standing at 5"7. She has long, sleek black hair and always gets it cut in the same blunt fashion. Don't even bother trying to ask her to change her hair because it will never happen. She has pale skin from lack of sun exposure and delicate facial features. Some might say she has a "resting bitch face", but at least she makes up for it with her nice, slim body. Her brown eyes are cold and always seem like they're looking straight through you. Clothing Style: Terry likes to wear long-sleeved dresses paired off with tights or lace leggings. She enjoys wearing lace a lot. She generally wears a lot of black but also likes other dark colors like dark red because they don't make her look like a ghost. She wears a lot of accessories such as scarves, hats, sunglasses, and more to add more to her look. When she feels lazy, she'll wear an oversized sweater and leggings. Her shoes of choice are heels because she likes feeling tall and believes they show off her legs more. Delving Deeper Likes: Cloudy days Art History Shiny objects Mint Tea Photography Dislikes: Sunlight Heavy foods Racist jokes about her ethnicity Loud noises Dogs Fears: Her Grandmother Dying The Ocean Habits: Rolling her eyes Chewing mint-flavored gum Putting on sunblock Personality: ♦ Observant ♦ Cynical ♦ Stubborn ♦ Standoffish Terry isn't the most optimistic person around. She doesn't have that much faith in others and more than often assumes the worse will occur. Regardless, she thinks highly of herself and her ability to be able to observe the world around her. However, once she believes she is correct about something, it is hard for anyone to convince her otherwise even if she was actually wrong. It is rather hard for her to make friends because of this, but she is not necessarily a bad person, just a hard person to get along with. It suits her fine though, she doesn't feel like she needs friends anyways. Background: Terry had a normal childhood. Her dad was a somewhat wealthy business man and her mother was a stay at home mom. She was never neglected or abused. Her grandmother was always harsh and scary, but besides that Terry lived a peaceful life. She was never good at making friends and was only average in her school work. Her parents always let her do what she wanted, which wasn't much. She simply wanted to be alone and have a nice camera to take photos with. Tallshade was a weird town. Perfect for an outcast like Terry. She was looking up universities her junior year of high school when she discovered Tallshade. She particularly liked the fact that it was dark and covered in shade half of the year. She managed to convince her parents to let her apply to the small university there and found out that she was accepted her senior year. At the university, she is currently studying as an art history major. One day after class, she went into the woods to take some photos. A strange, old man approached her. She tried to ignore him at first, but he began to talk to her. He offered to give her powers as long as she promised to do what he said. It felt like a scene from Harry Potter which wasn't a good thing because she hated the series, but decided to accept his offer. Actually now that she thought about it, she still didn't know why she accepted his offer. He was very convincing... Position in the group: Terry understands that they are all working together for some unknown cause so she simply sees them as a group of coworkers or a rag-tag team. She would be the quiet one who does what she is supposed to do, but would never go the extra lengths to befriend everyone. ☮Sloane: Terry admires Sloane's artistic abilities and finds her to be an agreeable person. Terry isn't sure whether or not they could be considered friends, but Terry respects Sloane and is more likely to listen to her than to others. ☯Eddie: Terry has noticed that Eddie is very much a pushover. He appears to be afraid of her so they don't talk much. She is somewhat amused by the fact that she intimidates him so much but doesn't know a lot about him besides the obvious. ☯Nina: Nina likes to be in the center of attention, Terry doesn't. Nina isn't the nicest person around but as long as she doesn't bother her, Terry is fine with it. ☯Robert: Terry is quick to put Robert down when he tries to get her and the others to join in on his schemes. She believes that he is childish and arrogant. Despite the fact that he should know very well that she doesn't like him, he still tries to talk to her from time to time and she can't figure out why. She is interested in his music and poetry, but would never vocally express that. ☯Tobias: Well, she won't deny that he is easy on the eyes. But that's about it. They don't bother to talk to each other at all. ⚡Cara: At first glance, Cara is like Terry's opposite. Though Terry is aware of her somewhat two-faced nature, she doesn't care. All she knows is that she won't be falling for her 'sweet smile'. Still, she tends to stay away from Cara. Something about her just rubs Terry the wrong way, well more than most people do. ☮ Nick: She has sort of a soft spot for Nick, probably because he is so youngand she never had siblings before. She's very subtle about it though. For instance, she isn't as harsh and not as likely to shoot him down. She also keeps an eye out for him and would be willing to show him her photos from time to time. ☯Skye: She's a very nice person. Not a person Terry would associate herself with, but still Skye is a good person. ☯Angel: Terry's aware that Angel doesn't like her, but doesn't let it bother too much. She won't argue needlessly with the girl, but she won't try to get her to like her either. ☯Daniel: Though they don't talk, he seems like a person that Terry could get along with. He seems to understand her better than most people and gets that she is just who she is. Extra: Terry is like bazillionth-generation Japanese American so she doesn't even know how to speak Japanese. She will begrudgingly admit that she had watch anime when she was younger but will deny that she watches them anymore. The secret to her classic hair style? She cuts it herself because she doesn't even trust a hair stylist with it. Dark powers: Animal Form: Raven Power: She can create light breezes that could result in things like bad hair days and important papers getting lost
Daniel Reyes Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec : Tout le monde Daniel a pris son temps avec son bol de soupe, regardant autour des autres à la table comme il l'a fait. Tout le monde était comme une famille dysfonctionnelle géante, plus que n'importe quelle famille qu'il avait jamais vécu en France. Il a dû être presque le dernier à arriver car il a remarqué que tout le monde était ici sauf Nick. Daniel n'avait pas réalisé qu'il courait si tard. Peut-être que tout le monde était arrivé plus tôt. Il a atteint la table à la corbeille de pain et s'est emparé d'un rouleau croustillant, parfait pour aller avec la soupe copieuse. Daniel s'est permis un petit sourire quand il a arraché un morceau et l'a sauté dans sa bouche. Rien ne bat le goût du pain frais. Pas aussi bon que le pain à la maison, mais la boulangerie locale ici savait certainement ce qu'ils faisaient. Au silence soudain qui s'est abattu autour de la pièce, Daniel a levé les yeux et a failli s'étouffer sur son pain. "Oh la vachette," il bégayait en avalant. Mademoiselle Nina vient de se faire connaître très publiquement et Daniel a vite évité ses yeux par respect pour la dame. Il a réalisé que Nina aimait montrer son corps volontairement, mais Daniel était toujours un gentleman. Au lieu de cela, il s'est occupé d'observer les réactions de tous les autres. Skylar n'avait pas l'air dérangé par la situation. Après tout, c'était attendu. Ils avaient tous été avertis au début par Grimbold que cela arriverait s'ils se transformaient en leurs formes humaines. Sloane regarda ouvertement et Angel étouffa un rire tout en faisant une remarque plaisante à Cara. Cara n'a pas semblé trop ennuyée non plus, tout comme Skylar, et a simplement continué à converser avec Angel après avoir donné un bref coup d'oeil à Nina. Edward rougissait et regardait en bas, comme Daniel l'avait fait, puis se tournait vers Robert. Du siège de Daniel à la table, il ne pouvait pas tout à fait dire comment Tobias et Robert réagissaient à la performance de Nina, mais il était tout à fait curieux de savoir ce qui se passait dans l'esprit de Robert. Son petit acte lui avait été clairement dirigé après tout. Ce n'était pas trop difficile de dire que les deux avaient quelque chose entre eux, qu'il s'agisse d'un côté ou d'un autre. Enfin, le regard de Daniel tomba sur Teryn. Ses joues étaient rose poussière avec un léger blush mais elle n'a pas regardé loin tout le temps Nina a saunter à travers la pièce. "Vous regardez," Daniel chuchotait à Teryn avec un chanfrein. Ce n'est que lorsque la conversation est revenue à la table et que Teryn s'est secouée hors de son daze que Daniel a conclu que Nina devait avoir disparu dans la pièce arrière où les vêtements de rechange étaient conservés. Il secoua la tête avec un rire lorsqu'il retourna dans son bol, finissant les dernières cuillères de soupe. Il s'appuya sur sa chaise avec un soupir content lorsqu'il murmura sur le reste de son pain.
Name: Daniel Anton Reyes Nickname: Danny Birth Date: June 3rd Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Daniel hides his emotions behind a veil of sea green eyes and controlled expressions. His perfectly arched eyebrows and flawless skin are merely a reflection of his upbringing and the mask his father unknowingly created. The only true expression of himself is the wild nature of his messy brown hair and small smiles he sometimes allows himself to show. Danny is average height for his age, standing at 5’8” and has a lean muscular build. Clothing Style: Not liking to stand out, his wardrobe consists mostly of simple neutral colored button-ups with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and a pair of comfortable jeans, dark blue or black. His shoe of choice is a pair of black high-top Converse. The only indication of his rebellious nature is a black studded belt he wears around his waist. Delving Deeper Guarded ♦ Observant ♦ Wary ♦ Rebellious Background & Personality (because I believe it takes one to determine the other): From a young age Daniel has learned to create a different outward persona dependent upon what the situation calls for at the time. Being raised in upscale Paris by his father, money, and a prestigious name to boot, appearances were everything. Social functions, garden parties, hosting important people from around the world. These were but a few examples of Daniel’s childhood. While other children his age were fussing over skinned knees and the newest video game, young Daniel was expected to be seen but not heard. Raised to be the heir to eventually take over his father’s company; composed, reserved, only speak when spoken to, everything you do elegant and refined. Everything was fine at first because he didn’t know any different. It was simply the world he lived in. But as he reached his teenage years Daniel’s observant nature started telling him a different story. A story of cloaks-and-daggers, false smiles and pretty lies. Friendly conversation was only a guise for some deeper ill intent. All the pretty gowns and well-tailored suits he had admired as a child became loud exclamations of one’s wealth and nothing more. His father’s stern lectures and strict instructions for Daniel’s upbringing turned out to be no more than a business plan for his future heir. There was no longer any warmth in his father’s eyes nor kindness in his words. If they had ever been there to begin with Daniel no longer trusted himself to know. He lost trust in people and closed himself off, becoming wary of the deeper meaning behind their intentions. This also led to a rebellious streak in Daniel. Not the kind of hell-raising rebellion they show in movies, but the more subtle rebellion of not listening to orders or making a rude comment to a guest while he knew his father was watching. However, these rebellious outbursts were few and far between as he didn’t like bringing more attention to himself than was necessary. He already had enough of that as it is. Hating the idea of being his father’s puppet and being no more than a pretty face with a powerful name, Daniel decided to run away when he turned 18. Saving up his allowance over the years and claiming his inheritance at his coming of age party granted him the ability to do just that. He sat through the tutoring sessions his father arranged and continued to smile gracefully at his father’s side. When the time finally came, under the cloak of darkness while the mansion slept, Daniel packed as much clothing and various necessities as he could fit in a backpack and fled. He hailed a taxi to the airport and bought the soonest ticket out of Paris. This led him to Tallshade, a tiny town in America nestled between a huge forest at the base of a mountain. The perfect sense of seclusion he had been looking for. Seemingly isolated from the rest of the world, it gave Daniel the freedom to make a new life for himself. However, he learned real quick how unforgiving the world can be. He also soon realized that he didn’t really possess a true identity for himself. Having grown up in the shadow of his father and knowing nothing other than what he had been taught, who was he now that he was free from all that? Who was Daniel Reyes when we wasn’t acting the perfect model son? He had a collection of “masks” and nothing more. He settled down in a modest apartment and stashed his money somewhere out of sight. Daniel didn’t want to have to rely on his namesake to get what he needed but having it readily available gave him a security blanket to fall back on should he need it. He did odd jobs around town, took a couple random classes at the local university, anything to give him a sense of purpose in a world that was foreign to him. The one thing he was grateful for however, was all the language classes his father made him take. He couldn’t imagine how much of a nightmare arriving in a new country would be not knowing the language. He spoke with a subtle French accent but was able to be understood by the locals well enough. Daniel met Grimbold one night when he decided to take a late night walk to clear his head. He had been feeling especially lost lately and homesick in a Stockholm’s Syndrome sort of way. He rationalized this by telling himself it was the security of familiarity and structure that he missed. Settled down amongst the grass in a clearing in the woods, he stared up at the stars and wished for things he couldn’t have. Almost as if in answer, The Mentor appeared as quiet as a whisper and promised him freedom and power, among other things. He had been chosen for a reason, Grimbold told him. There were others too. The only condition was to serve him whenever Daniel was called upon. That almost caused Daniel to deny the old man on the spot. Here was another puppetmaster looking to take hold of Daniel’s severed strings. However, Daniel couldn’t sense any hidden agendas or twisted ideals from the man and the promise of purpose and a place to belong was too strong a temptation to ignore. Looking back on it now, Daniel should’ve seen it as an omen, something too good to be true. He was right back at square one, taking orders from a higher power for some unknown greater purpose. But 5 years later Daniel finds himself working as a barista at the local coffeehouse, still obeying The Mentor’s wishes when the time came. Likes: People-watching Being around people but not overly interacting with them Books/Reading Running Pastries/Bread Dislikes: Bringing unnecessary attention to himself Being forced to do something Alcohol and the loss of control it provides Sycophants, brown-nosers Anything that reminds him of his past life Fears: Losing purpose Removing his “mask” Getting close to anyone and getting hurt Being found and brought back to Paris Habits: Tends to fake smiles out of habit due to his upbringing Closes his eyes when a situation makes him feel uncomfortable Leaves unannounced to go for a run to clear his head, sort his thoughts Night owl and suffers from slight insomnia Position in the Group: Hangs out in the background to observe others. Doesn’t trust easily and even though he’s been in this for the better part of 5 years, Daniel still feels like everyone is merely an acquaintance and prefers to keep it that way. He’ll never admit it aloud but he’s afraid of letting others in. He admires everyone in the group, mostly for things he feels he lacks, but feels safer keeping everyone in neutral standing and only working together as a team if it’s absolutely necessary. ☯ Eddie – Seems nice enough. Appreciates his honesty. ☯ Teryn – Feels he can relate with her on an indirect level due to both their tendencies to not trust easily. She can sometimes come off as rude or defensive but he can respect that she has her reasons as he has his. ☯ Sloane – He admires her sense of individuality and confidence. ☯ Robert – Seems like a troublemaker but Daniel can appreciate his sense of adventure and spontaneity. ☯ Tobias – Feels almost as if they could be twin brothers but will not openly acknowledge this. ☯ Cara – He knows all too well of her fake smiles and pretty words and sees her as an annoying little sister-type. ☯ Nick – Jealous of his carefree nature and lack of worry of what the future might bring. ☯ Nina – Likes her confidence but gets annoyed by her spoiled attitude towards others. Enjoys having someone to talk to in his native language. ☯ Angel – Intrigued by her ability to blend in and relate to anybody. Thankful for her humor that quickly diffuses tense situations. ☯ Sky – Respects her maturity and feels like she would listen the most if he ever felt the need to confide in someone. Dark Powers: Animal Form: Black Bat Power: Echolocation Being able to cause headaches from as minor as a constant throbbing to as severe as vertigo, dizziness and a loss of balance. Much like how bats use echolocation by creating a sound and processing the information they receive from the echo, Daniel uses his power by whistling while maintaining line of sight with his target. He is also able to determine the severity of the target's headache by changing the pitch of his whistle. Prolonged use of his power causes Daniel to become extremely fatigued. EDIT: Updated information on how Daniel uses his power.
Tobias Rieper Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec : Daniel, Nina L'odeur sucrée des pâtisseries cuites remplissait la cabine, et bien que Tobias avait déjà mangé, il était difficile de résister. Après tout, le café vend habituellement ces gâteaux en petits morceaux, et ils coûtent assez pour acheter un repas ou deux ailleurs. Le Castle Street Café a essayé de le justifier par des ingrédients frais à cent pour cent ou quelque chose, mais c'était probablement juste du vacab fantaisiste pour que les hipsters recommandent d'acheter une collation trop chère à leurs amis et à leur famille. "Merci Daniel. C'est très gentil de ta part." Bien qu'il semblait que Daniel évitait son regard de quelque chose. Tobias regarda dans la direction que Daniel évitait, et il était nu Nina. Est-ce qu'elle devait vraiment utiliser ses pouvoirs maintenant? Il n'était pas nécessaire de se transformer devant tout le monde, c'était juste une utilisation sans fin.. Elle devait littéralement juste marcher quelques pas de plus et il y aurait une pièce vide où elle pourrait changer. Bien sûr, vu que presque tout le monde se moquait de son corps nu, ça aurait pu être une prise d'attention. Terry regardait depuis un moment. Tobias ne voulait pas sauter aux conclusions, car cela aurait pu être juste un choc pur, mais il semblait certainement qu'elle regardait hors de la luxure. Ouais, Tobias était un gars, il ne pouvait pas dire qu'il n'y avait pas de pensées impures, mais même lui et Daniel se retenaient mieux que Terry. "Vous savez, même si je suis sûr que beaucoup d'entre nous ont apprécié le spectacle, vous pourriez vouloir changer au lieu d'être les fesses nues devant le groupe." Tobias a élevé sa voix un peu plus fort que d'habitude au cas où elle n'entendrait pas dans la pièce.
Tobias Rieper “Home, sweet home. Something in the night felt like a door had been opened, an echo of the past, an old monster snapping its eyes open in the depths of my brain. Closing your eyes forces you to look at the darkness inside.” Personal Information NAME Tobias Rieper NICKNAMES Toby BIRTH DATE October 13th, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Male SEXUALITY Heterosexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Tobias's light blue eyes highlight his strongly german ancestry, if the pale white skin didn’t tip you off already. No makeup, nor any special hairdos, as one would expect from the average male, but has a beard/moustache. Tobias is exactly six feet tall, weighing around 170 pounds, fit as a fiddle, as his previous gang/prison lifestyle hasn’t allowed him to become weak. Tobias generally has a non expressive face, but he generally tries to smile for his own sake. CLOTHING Tobias doesn’t really wear anything too flashy in terms of his fashion, preferring to wear a simple jacket, jeans and some nikes. On occasion, he will wear a suit if he feels the situation requires it. And dress shoes too, because only a heathen would wear sneakers with a suit. Delving Deeper ♦Thoughtful ♦ Calm ♦ All Talk ♦ Remorseful PESONALITY While Tobias used to be aggressive in the past, now he attempts to be calm and less confrontational. While his anger still has a short fuse, Tobias manages to keep it in check, at least for now. Conflict is something he is not afraid of, but will avoid violence at all costs.Tobias would willingly allow another person to beat him, as he feels fighting back would drive him back to his previous life. As such, he tries to talk and bluff his way out of tricky situations. He can be withdrawn at times, as Tobias learned in therapy to mentally remove himself from the picture if his anger is getting out of control. LIKES Peace and quiet Snow Structure Cats/Dogs DISLIKES Tattoos Drugs Smug People Physical Fighting FEARS loss of self control Reversion to his precious lifestyle Addiction HABITS Plays with his rosary a bit when in deep thought. As stated before, has a habit of being withdrawn at random times. BACKGROUND Tobias was supposed to be the perfect model for the american dream. Four years of college, internship at a major accounting firm, steady and safe job. There was really nothing Tobias should have been complaining about, as he was practically set for life. But privately, he hated the life. Tobias felt little purpose in his studies, and later, his internship. While his family had paid for his college, and their connections earned him the internship, Tobias felt empty. His dissatisfaction led to his membership in a gang. The drugs helped, and beating up some poor sucker on the wrong side of town gave him a different high. Tobias was hooked. The drugs made him feel immortal, beating up other people gave him purpose and thrills. The gang made use of him as an enforcer, to collect debts, participate in gang fights, you name it. Ironically, Tobias was arrested for drug use/possession rather than being caught for beating people to near death. He was given three years in jail, losing his job, house, and his car. At first, Tobias blamed everything but himself for this sentence. The system, society, his circumstances. He constantly picked fights with other inmates to get a “high” again. After a year in prison, he “sobered” up and came to a different conclusion. His downfall was his own fault. There was nothing else to blame. There was something twisted, dark in his head if he had to do drugs or fight to feel satisfied. The system worked exactly as it should have, society was right this time, and he could offer no realistic excuses to his behavior. Tobias started to turn his life around as best he could in prison. Tobias no longer fought, he spent time in drug therapy sessions, and even became a Catholic, attending mass at the prison ministry. But as soon as he his sentence ended and he was let out, the empty feeling came back. Tobias tried to ignore the feeling, moving to a small town and acquiring a minimum wage job. He no longer cared much about the faith, ignoring it completely. But a man approached him, and offered him another purpose in life. Grimbold, he called himself. Supposedly Tobias had a higher calling, and as long as he would be willing to follow. Tobias accepted, but there was something in the back of the head telling him this might not be any different from his previous gang lifestyle.. RELATIONSHIPS Tobias probably comes off as the skeptic. The thinker of the group. He may take charge if no one else is willing. ☯Eddie☯ Weird guy, but nothing to hate him over. Tobias wonders why he’s in such a group however. ☯Teryn/Terry☯ Weird girl, but not as weird as Eddie. Not much to say about her as she rarely says much at all. ⚔Sloane⚔ Troublesome. While he may not backtalk to her, there are certainly times Tobias feels he might lose his temper with her and attempt to beat the living shit out of her. For this reason, Tobias acts cold to her in an attempt to get her to ignore him. ☯Robert☯ Too naive. Kind of reminds him of when he was younger, except with less angst, so he holds little ill will towards Robert. ☮Cara☮A bit on the short side, but she seems nice enough. ☯Nick☯Toby feels like he should say something about his illicit activities, but he feels he'd be a hypocrite considering he was no better at that age. ⚡Nina⚡Reminds him of Sloane. EXTRA None Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM A simple raccoon. POWER Can predict bad events, but has no idea of the severity/context, just that something bad will happen.
Sloane Shields Emplacement: La cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec Sky, Tobias et Daniel C'était comme si Sloane avait attendu toute la nuit pour l'attraper. Quand il a parlé, elle a tenu un doigt vers Sky et a tourné la tête, les yeux verts trouvant les bleus de Tobias. Même si c'était Nina qu'elle parlait pour défendre, elle a eu l'occasion de lui parler. "Ne sois pas si prude, Toby. Nous nous sommes tous vus nus », a-t-elle dit en lui faisant un sourcil. "Certains d'entre nous ont l'air plus impressionnants que d'autres." Elle l'a regardé de haut en bas avec un sourire taquin. Puis elle a offert une inclinaison mélodramatique de son épaule avant de retourner son attention à Sky, réinvesti dans la conversation qu'ils avaient commencée. Comme elle écoutait, elle retourna manger sa soupe, et quand elle eut fini, elle s'aida à un pâté que Daniel avait apporté. Comme elle l'a fait elle a hurlé un merci dans sa direction. Le type était mignon et avait un certain charme pour lui. Bien qu'il n'ait jamais eu beaucoup à dire sur lui-même ; et sur cette pensée, Sloane le regardait tranquillement un moment. Elle pourrait être assez retirée du groupe - tous le pouvaient - mais il était particulièrement prudent. Elle l'a ébranlé, mais elle est retombée dans l'écoute du bruit autour d'elle.
You should never feel afraid to become a piece of art. Personal Information NAME Sloane Shields NICKNAMES Ona: given to her by her grandfather, but only her immediate family wastes time giving her name an extra syllable. Lo: she was first called this by her high school sweetheart and resents it being used by anyone else. BIRTH DATE November 21, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Female SEXUALITY Bisexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Her pale green eyes stand out the most: although mostly a light and icy green, flecks of deeper emerald and gold dot the irises. She tends to wear dark eyeliner and eye shadow that compliments the color. Sloane’s skin is dark brown in contrast, and she wears make up to accent her high cheekbones. Her dreadlocks are dark brown–nearly black–in color and are styled like a Mohawk with both sides shaved close to her scalp. She walks with a tall, confident demeanor and tends to wear a combination of tight pants and layered tanktops to show off her tattoo sleeves. Toned arms and legs stretch far, emphasizing her height and slimness–high heels help, too. Her nails are typically painted black, but are sometimes accented with whites, golds, reds, or purples as well. She also has tattoos behind her ear, neck, on her back and legs, hips, below her chest, and..elsewhere. Said tattoos include but are not limited to her zodiac sign, favorite quote, a semi-colon, and tribal designs. When it comes to jewelry, she has small gauges in her ears and long necklaces that dangle over her chest. She’ll sometimes have thick bracelets and rings on, as well. In her heels, she stands over 6' tall and weighs about 140 lbs. Notable tattoos: due to her dark skin, plain black tattoos are less than flashy. So she uses a lot of color in her work. On her left wrist is a compass, splattered with water color ink. The compass bleeds up her arm and into the rest of her sleeve. On the inside of her opposite arm is her first tattoo, gotten while taking Latin her freshmen year of high school: carpe noctem is scripted in hard, bold letters. This arm is sleeved, too, and compliments the phrase though overall it's not as colorful as her left arm. On her back is a decorated tree, decorated with reds and oranges. Finally, "1988" scripted on the side of her left ring finger. This is Winston's--her high school sweetheart's--birth year. These aren't all of her tattoos, but probably her most notable / important ones. CLOTHING A little athletic, a little slutty, all sexy: Sloane has a lean, beautiful body and she isn't afraid to show it off or the tattoos that decorate it. Her style can be described as a little grunge and a little street; she's always looks ready to go to a club. And unless she's working out, she's wearing heels. Sample wardrobe: X X X X X X X X Delving Deeper ♦ Ambitious ♦ Cold ♦ Creative ♦ Independent PESONALITY When it comes to people, she can come off friendly enough, though she’s rather apathetic behind the smiles. She’s far more interested in art and animals and magic, but she recognizes the importance and usefulness in others. Still, when her mood is soured, she can be sadistic and cruel to those she feel has wronged her–though, at times, she finds herself acting pointlessly cruel sometimes out of impatience or defensiveness. Needless to say, Sloane tends to look out for herself before others. However, she can easily bond with another over similar interests. She likes being active and loves to travel when she’s commissioned for a tattoo from someone out of town. Her less-than-conservative style stands out in a small town and she welcomes rumors of her being in a cult or a witch or in a gang or anything. LIKES Animals Art (tattoos, photography, paint, you name it) Foreign movies Tea Dance and rap Cities DISLIKES People (especially dull men) Feeling dumb: she dropped out of high school so, while clever, she isn't educated. And this can lead her to feeling self conscious about her intelligence. Fast food Boy bands Ross from FRIENDS FEARS Death Weakness Intimacy HABITS Playing with her hair StaringDoodling if she has a pen or pencil in hand BACKGROUND Sloane was born to an interracial couple (most notably of Sudanese and Iranian descent among others), but was raised by her mother and grandfather. There isn't much else to be said for the early years of her life because she was raised happily and healthily. Her sense of style growing up scared away potential friends, as she tended to take on a gothic/emo appearance, but she was content. And she was particularly happy when her first boyfriend (who on the surface was an idiot but friendly jock) asked her out and they became an item. They were happy together for only about six months: A particularly romantic Valentines Day led to a teen pregnancy with her first boyfriend. With support from both their families, she had planned to raise it with him. However, he died in an accident and she put the baby up for adoption instead--this being her biggest regret and a decision she made out of grief. Then she dropped out of her sophomore year of high school to become a tattoo artist. Neither her grandfather nor mother were very happy, but they tried to be supportive due to the tragic loss. While other people studied through and graduated from high school, Sloane spent those years studying the art of tattoos. She was a fast learner and talented artist. And now, at 25, she owns her own tattoo shop and apartment above it: Ink Shields. It's of course popular with university students, but she gets both people travelling far and paid extra to leave town for her artwork. It was soon after dropping out of high school that the Mentor appeared before her and gave her first task: key some guy's car. She was in a vulnerable place emotionally and psychologically, so she did. And the powers and the sense of family that came with them allowed her to toughen up and grow into the woman she is today. RELATIONSHIPS What I'm thinking so far (correct me if I'm mischaracterizing anyone): Sloane can come off as the stern but caring big-sister type. However, the latter is a lot harder to see, and she has little patience for weaknesses in herself or others. Terry: likes Terry enjoys her company as they have a lot of common--including the types of issues they face being a minority in a small town. She sees herself in Terry. Eddie: she has nothing against Eddie personally, but he seems to lack spine. She's impatient and snippy with him, partly because he just lets her. Robert: Finds him impulsive and obnoxious, but she knows there's more to him than that. He's not afraid to speak his mind, which she can at least respect. Cara: she comes off as friendly enough, but Sloane has seen the control freak side as well. She doesn't really mind allowing Cara to do what she wants, it's usually harmless to her. Toby: Dick. Sloane is p sure he's afraid of her since he doesn't always speak up. Makes her want to antagonize him more. Nina: They're both powerful, confident, and ambitious. So alike that they clash: Nina is really the only other member she considers worthy of rivalry. Nick: He's refreshing and bright--probably partly because he's the youngest of the group. But she admires his work and sees potential in Nick. Probably particularly protective of him. Angel: She doesn't have a problem with Angel; the girl seems tough as nails and Sloane admires her confidence. She's not ignorant to the issues between her and Terry, though, and would like to see them get along. Sky: Sloane was less than impressed with Sky when they first meant, but the woman's kindness and wisdom grew on her over time. And while she considers her a friend, she's also attracted to her as a person. EXTRA She has a Maine Coon named Nox. Her favorite color is deep red and she likes the scent of leather. Song: Life in Her Yet by Rag’n’Bone Man and Muse by OCAD. Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM Sloane's deer form is, of course, black as coal. However, she's relatively large for what would be a female deer, but nothing impossible for the species. Ironically, deer--especially does--are docile creatures whereas Sloane is anything but; however, she shares its lean, graceful figure and long limbs. POWER Umbra: Sloane can darken and manipulate shadows to a small degree, creating what would otherwise be a trick of the eye. She has exercised control over the power; however, her mental state can easily affect her control. Rage or depression can cause the lights to flicker and dim.
Skylar Montgomery Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec: Sloane et Daniel Alors qu'elle était sur le point de répondre à Sloane, elle regarda de nouveau que Sloane et Toby ne s'entendaient pas. Aussi embarrassant qu'il soit parfois Sloane avait cependant un point. À un moment donné, à moins d'être nouveau, vous avez vu une majorité du groupe nue d'une certaine façon. Certains étaient plus ouverts avec elle, mais elle n'était pas aussi confiante. C'était son enfance qu'elle pouvait blâmer pour celle-là. Le problème de confiance était quelque chose qu'elle ne pouvait pas encore tout à fait se déplacer. Beaucoup d'entre eux avaient des raisons d'être si confiants cependant, ils n'étaient pas exactement dur sur les yeux. "Vous avez un point très valable" Atteindre les pâtisseries, elle a pris un morceau pour elle-même. « Merci Daniel », lui dit Sky avec une attitude optimiste avant de revenir à Sloane. "Je suis désolé que ça ait pris si longtemps pour revenir ici, ça doit parfois être une vraie traînée." Elle répondit et mangea une cuillère de sa soupe avant de continuer. "Je vais bien, la clinique de désintox avait un client aujourd'hui qui était plutôt déterminé à ne pas avoir de traitement. Il a essayé de briser le verre dans le hall et quand il n'a pas pu, il a essayé d'utiliser la force sur nous tous." Elle a dit que c'était normal tous les jours. La clinique de désintox où elle travaillait pourrait parfois être plutôt dangereuse. Mais c'était de l'argent et elle pouvait se permettre une place à elle. Cela l'a aidée à avoir une expérience personnelle sur le terrain personnellement. Voir les gens qui sont venus dans ses pouvoirs semblait parfois devenir hyper sensible. Il était difficile de ne pas les utiliser parfois. Elle se sentait coupable parce que même si elle trouvait des moyens de les aider, elle les donnait aussi à la paranoïa pour s'inquiéter. Même s'il ne s'agissait que d'une affection mineure et temporaire, elle ne pouvait s'empêcher de se sentir coupable. Certaines personnes sont venues complètement renversées par la dépendance qu'elles possédaient. C'était sa nature de vouloir les aider à surmonter ça.
Name: Skylar Jane Montgomery Nickname: Sky or Fawn Birth Date: February 28 Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Unlike the slim figures of all the other women in the Montgomery family Sky got more of a curvy figure. Along with being 5"2 and having unusual grey eyes it was safe to say she stuck out a bit compared to her four sisters. Freckles dot her face and body being something she loathed as a child and something she`s come to find as apart of who she is as an adult. The sun is usually an enemy because of her pale skin color. Her hair is naturally red and is curly and thick. She`s learned after cutting it short once that it`s best to leave it long, it`s a untamable beast. The redness in her hair varies by season, in summer months it turns copper due to the sun, in winter it turns a crimson red color(her preferred color of her hair). When it comes to make up she would rather skip it for a more natural look, though she does like lipstick. Even though she hides it, because mostly everyone in the group finds her to be the innocent one, she has a tattoo of a broken heart on the right side of her ribcage. The reason behind this tattoo no living soul knows, no one even knows she has it. Clothing Style: Sky`s clothing choices vary by how she feels. On a Friday she might be feeling a edgy black dress with three inch wedges while on a Monday she`d be wearing a white sundress with a light pink sweater. There are also the days where she dresses up like what she calls "witchy" or "hippy" styles. You can be assured whatever she`d wearing always has a necklace though and if she`s not feeling well sweat pants usually follow. Delving Deeper Likes: Music Coffee Strawberry pastries Literature Cats Art Dislikes: Rap Dishonesty Cherry anything Body shaming Public Speaking Drugs Fears: Abandonment Hurting other people Alienation Always being seen as the little sister Habits: When she`s nervous she`ll often start spinning her necklace or a piece of jewelry she`s wearing at the time. As she gets excited she goes from speaking normally to loudly. Whenever she`s uncomfortable she puts her hair into a ponytail. Often stays up way too late at night. Personality: ♦ Clumsy ♦ Wise ♦ Warm-Hearted ♦ Understanding Even as a child most people said she was far beyond her years and as she reached her teen years people started to say she was the wise old woman in a teenager`s body. She tries to understand someone before she says anything against them. This leads to her being very trusting and understanding towards others. The advice she gives to problems is usually a lot more than someone her age should be able to give. It`s also one of her biggest downfalls as others can betray her quite easily. In all she`s rather clumsy and lightheaded, someone could tell her something and she`d forget it in two seconds. This has always been something she`s hated because while she`s very smart no one can see that with how forgetful and sporadic her nature is. In sad situations she feels rather uncomfortable, because while she tries her best to comfort someone she always feels like she`s doing everything wrong. Even though she looks down on herself a lot she does have confidence in her decisions and she believes that believing in yourself is the best thing you can do. She does feel like the owl represents her a lot. Like the owl she prefers being up all night than being awake during the day. It`s also seen as a wise creature and has aspects that she wants for herself, to be more precise and strong are two of them. Background: In her family there`s five daughters, Sky being the youngest. Meaning her childhood was full of hand-me-downs and often being misplaced. Her oldest sister Delilah is seven years older than her. The second and third daughters, Mary and May, are twins and are six years from Sky. Jamie who`s the closest to Sky at only two years apart. When Sky was born her parents had been hoping to finally have a boy. She`s always felt like her father didn`t approve of her because of this. The Montgomery family is known for being a very rich and successful family in a town a few towns away from Tallshade. As she grew up she had trouble trying to convince people she wasn`t a snob like they tried to make her believe. Many people bullied her for her intelligence and the difference of her looks compared to her sisters. Even her sisters would laugh and joke about how she was adopted. It really did make her feel like she had no one, her parents were always working, and it was very easy to just isolate herself in their huge house. Due to all of this she fell into depression and at some points self harmed. In high school she got involved in a lot of bad groups. She often snuck out to get high or drunk with people she thought were her friends. It wasn`t until she was almost 18 that things went completely downhill. At a party she overdosed unintentionally. If the cops hadn`t broken up the party a few minutes later she would have died. In the hospital her family didn`t have anything nice to say to her and only yelled at her for being so irresponsible. They sent her off to a clinic for 6 months and she was released when she turned 18. Instead of going back to her family she broke off all ties to them. She got a job and lived in a small apartment till she finished high school and got a broken heart tattooed on the right side of her ribs. She saved up money and moved to Tallshade to go to college as soon as she had enough money. It was a step by step process. The day she got to Tallshade she went to the Castle Street Café and ordered a cup of coffee and some breakfast. The things she owned were in a small suitcase next to her in the booth. As she sat there silently reading her book an older man came and sat across from her in the booth and ordered a drink from the waitress before looking at her. Sky asked him who he was and they eventually got into a conversation about her life somehow. She found out his name was Grimbold and he asked her if she wanted a way to completely change her life and be in an actual family for once, as long as she did what he said. It took awhile but she agreed and he told her to walk out of the shop and not pay for her coffee or breakfast. It was history after that and she`s been with the group for three years now. She finally has a place where she can be herself. Relationships: Sky thinks of the entire group as her family. As such she has compassion and understanding for all of them. Most she considers as friends and even if she doesn`t feel too confident in a member of their family she still treats them with respect and gives them the benefit of the doubt. ☮ Eddie ☮ - Eddie is a good guy, she finds it interesting to watch him tinker, and talking about fiction books is always fun. Sky always tries to convince him to like cats more. He`s the person she goes too to talk about the books she`s reading at the time. ☯ Terry ☯ - In Sky`s eyes Terry is alright, her observant nature makes her an okay person to talk too, although her crude nature sometimes makes her a bit uncomfortable. ☮ Sloane ☮ - When they first met she knew the woman didn`t think too highly of her, some friendships start out a bit rocky though. In present day she finds Sloane to be a very good friend of hers, even if they don`t agree on rap music. ☮ Rob(Foxy) ☮ - Foxy as she likes to call him. She likes to think of him like the older brother she never had as his middle name happens to be her last name. Like her she also values how he thinks of them like a family. ♥ Toby ♥ - Ever since she met him Sky`s always had a crush on Toby. At first she thought it was just his looks and tried to talk herself out of it. As she got to know him more she found to really like his calm nature and that he himself also had some bad experiences with drugs and such, in which she could relate. ⚡ Cara ⚡ - Cara makes Sky feel rather uneasy. While she seems very nice Sky can feel the other side of her personality and has seen it a few times. This rather scares her. On the outside Sky is usually very nice to her however. ☮ Nick ☮ - Much like most of the group she sees Nick as a younger brother. She likes that if either of them aren`t feeling talkative the other person can rant as long as they want. It can also just be a conversation or sitting in silence. ☯ Nina ☯ - At first Nina seemed like the type of person Sky would never be on great terms with. She was the queen bee in high school while Sky had been the rebellious/druggy girl. As time went on she`s started to become perfectly fine with her. Even if she`s hot tempered and can be rather hard to work with Nina does protect those she cares for and Sky admires that. ☮ Angel ☮ - Angel`s compassion is what Sky appreciates the most about her. Even though she went through some hard stuff in life she still jokes and laughs. In Sky`s eyes she`s the person to go to if you`re having a bad day. ☯ Danny ☯ - Sky can't say she knows Danny too much. He was here before she was. Danny keeps to himself but he's not a bad person at all. She does trust him even if they don't know a ton about eachother. Extra: Dark powers: Animal Form: pic of animal form goes here power: She can hear the darker parts of someone's mind. Regrets, pain, dark secrets, are just a few. When she uses this power it causes paranoia in the victim. Even though she is kindhearted and understanding the old dark side of her understands a lot of the thoughts she receives.
Ange Hardwicke Emplacement; Cabine de Merlin Shack Grimbold Interagir avec Cara, Sloane "Tu es juste là, Cara." Angel a répondu à son dernier commentaire. "Bien que je sois tous pour un dîner avec ma famille, trop de nudité me fera penser à Game of Thrones... où les dîners se terminent rarement bien." Elle a gâché, puis s'est arrêtée. "En outre, alerte partielle de spoiler, je suppose." Elle a ajouté après réflexion. Cependant, les choses ont pris un tour beaucoup plus intéressant quand elle a réalisé que Daniel avait apporté des gâteaux du café où il travaillait. Elle a apprécié ce café, et a passé beaucoup de son temps là-bas. Il n'était pas trop grand ou trop petit, et la nourriture y était géniale. "Oh zeus doux, et les milkshakes. Les putains de milkshakes faits du ciel lui-même." Bouche arrosant à la simple perspective de cela, elle a pris un des gâteaux au chocolat de la boîte avec un doux sourire dirigé sur Daniel. Alors qu'elle entendait les commentaires de Tobias et de Sloane, elle se branlait légèrement, regardant vers son camarade à peau foncée. "Parle pour toi, Sloane. Ce bébé du groupe n'a eu que la chance de voir l'un d'entre vous nu - tout à l'heure." Grinning à Sloane, elle a sauté un peu du gâteau dans sa bouche, en grignotant délicatement. "Quant à l'impression - je pense qu'il y a plein de fesses dans la pièce qui cochent définitivement cette boîte."
Name: Angeline Megara Hardwicke Nickname: Angel Birth Date: 24th November Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Angel stands at a less than average height of 5’5, along with a slim hourglass figure, and a heart-shaped face; atop of which sits a mess of chocolate brown curls, often worn in a myriad of different styles, and various shades of brown depending on how she feels like dyeing it. Her eyes are a bright, clear blue, standing out thanks to her dark lashes and brows. Her tanned skin is mostly unmarred, barring tiny scars here and there from scuffles in the past and childhood accidents. Clothing Style: Angel’s clothing style very much changes with the wind and her mood – some days she’ll favour darker clothes in a punk style, paired with heavy make-up and an obvious attitude. Other days she’ll be natural, wearing dresses of various styles and colours and accompanying accessories. And then the day after that she’ll just dress comfortably, wearing jeans and over-sized sweaters. The only clothes that rarely change are her pyjamas – anything with teddy bears. Because teddy bears are awesome, guys. Delving Deeper Likes: Anything fluffy – particularly animals. Face Painting (Well, any form of painting really, but face painting is a fun pastime for her.) Way too Loud music (Particularly rock) Cooking Steak (Cooked blue – any more than that is blasphemy, in her eyes.) Puns, quips, innuendos, and double entendres. (She’ll even sometimes sink so low as to pull the ‘That’s what he/she said’ joke.) Chocolate Day-dreaming ELECTRIC GUITAAAAAARRRRRRR Marvel Nature, and all of her destructive and calm feelings. Dislikes: Marvel-bashers Screamo or death metal Messing up her paintings Nosiness Apathy Slyness Ignorance The ever growing cacophony of irritating sounds often found issuing from children and babies. Fears: Heights Insects and arachnids Dying in some kind of meaningless, pointless manner. Not having left something worthwhile on this earth before she dies. Habits: Humming snatches of songs, or simply guitar riffs, under her breath. Tapping out drum beats. Day dreaming, zoning out, or losing track of a conversation mid-sentence. Clinging to a point rather stubbornly, should she believe she is correct and the other person is wrong. Personality: Entertaining ♦ Stubborn ♦ Opinionated ♦ Warm-Hearted ♦ Sharp Despite the fact her looks – and occasionally scatter-braininess - can make Angel seem like a wee naive girl, she is far from it. She knows far more than she lets on, and she will never let anyone take advantage of her. However, when looking at what Angel truly is like, it is plain to see she can make quite the courteous friend. Not only is she happy to lend an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on, but she gives fairly shrewd advice to people’s problems, in the hopes of helping them. Because of this, she is hardly one to judge others for their acts. One perspective of a story is hardly going to change her opinion of someone. Additionally, she’s quick to make jokes or light-hearted remarks in the hopes of getting someone’s spirits up. Humour rarely fails her, and is a very easy thing to fall back on. As for her stubbornness... well, it’s a miracle her animal form isn’t a Bull. If she has a point in an argument she will fight it as long she believes she is correct – which can definitely cause irritation for others around her, but she does certainly enjoy being right in her views... not that that means she is not open to other people’s opinions. When it comes to hard facts, she will happily accept it if she is wrong in something. As for opinions, everyone is entitled to have them – unless some poor ignorant fool is under the impression that their opinions are indeed facts. In which case, she’s happy to deliver a few sharp words towards said ignoramous. Background: Angel has been living in Tallshade for a good few months now, alongside her younger brother and Uncle. Prior to this, the last time she could remember a normal home life was when she was 9 years old, and still living in England with her brother, and parents. As such, life was pretty good. Her Mother was a Detective, her Father was in the army, and she was doing pretty good in terms of friends and school. Even with an annoying 5-year-old brother hanging around her at all times. Except, this annoying little brother arriving was one of the few good things she could remember in this time of her life – for a few months after her ninth birthday, her Mother died. A police raid gone wrong or something. She was too young to be given all of the details, not that it made it any easier. It had been while her Dad was away, on a tour in some country that she couldn’t pronounce yet. Naturally, he came home early, to attend the funeral and look after his young children. Shortly after this, he left the Army, under Compassionate leave. However, his time abroad had left its mark already – he’d seen such horrors, comrades blown apart before him, that things weren’t so perfect for him mentally. He became paranoid, plagued with nightmares and the inclination that someone had killed his Wife, and was then after him and his two children. Just before Angel’s tenth birthday, their house was sold and they moved to America. From there, they lived a very uncomfortable nomadic lifestyle – travelling from state to state when their Father became certain “people” had followed him there. He acted in the attempt to save his family, and Angel understood that. She knew her Dad was sick, so she just helped look after her brother and kept her head down in school, never really answering truthfully when people asked her why she never stayed for long. However, she knew something had to be done when he grew distrustful of her. Over the years she was maturing into a young lady, body and accent changing – but in her Father’s demented mind, she should still be his little nine year old. She became unrecognizable, and after she came home from school one day at the age of 16, he attacked her, thinking she was some kind of assassin that had broken in. Evading her Father, Angel fled the home with her brother, heading straight to the nearest police station for aid. She knew this would mean social services would get involved, but she couldn’t live with her Dad anymore, not when he was quite capable of killing her and her brother in their sleep. After a few weeks of wrapping their heads around their case, and a few foster homes, social services were able to find a relative of theirs living in America. Although the offer to go back to England was there, Angel decided remaining in the USA was better. She didn’t particularly want to remain in the same country as her Dad (Who was being deported back to the UK to receive mental help), but she knew this life better than her English life. Their fathers cousin – they simply call him Uncle James, it’s easier – happily took them in, being childless himself, and after a few years living in rainy Washington, James’ work had them moved to Tallshade. Now 20 years old, Angel is approaching her final year at University, studying Psychology. Over the years, she has also developed into a low-key rebel. Although not far rebellious enough to joy-ride vehicles or break into houses, she does partake in some amusing deviant acts. Her Uncle is quite lax when it comes to curfews, but had they been in place, she wouldn’t have paid attention to them anyway. Also, as a lover of art, she is quite happy to graffiti the town – nothing as crude as tags, but things that actually look nice. This was how she came across the Mentor. Late one night, she was busy spraying a moonlit lake on a wall when he appeared behind her, at first complimenting her art... and then asking her to spray something for him. Although dubious at first, she swiftly deduced that he wasn’t a cop – a cop would have arrested her already. So, she quite happily sprayed a pentagram on the church wall prior to his instructions (And thoroughly enjoying the irony behind said act), and from there, the conversation grew far more... odd. Now here she is with super-powers like the guys in her favourite movies, and doing things for a guy for reasons unknown to her... Position in the group & Relationships: Quite easily, Angel is the joker of the group. The first to make a quip or crack a joke in a tense situation, and an easy-going source of entertainment. She's also in the younger half of the group, which makes her far more likely to look for support from the older ones - being the caretaker of her brother from a young age, it's a refreshing change. Although happy to take charge if needed, she’s more than at ease to let someone else take the job. ☮Robert☮ The boy is an adventure-loving musician; what's not to love? He isn't too hard on the eyes either... ☮Toby☮ Has a pretty calming air about him. Seems like a dependable friend. ☮Cara☮ Ah. Bluntness. What a refreshing change in this world of political correctness. Also a potential foe when it comes to debating. ☮Nick☮ Hell, the boy can draw. He seems pretty sweet too - although not overly so, thankfully. His bootlegging of alcohol tells me that. ☮Nina☮ If I were to describe her in one word, it would be bitch. But hell, being a bitch isn't always a bad thing. I do admire girls and their claws, and she's got the sharpest of them all. Quite the hellion one looks for in a friend. ☯Eddie☯ Seems kind of meek, not really one to stand up for himself. Which is slightly irritating, but hey, the guy hasn't done anything bad to me. ☯Sloane☯ A fellow admirer of art, and isn't irritating so far. ⚡Teryn⚡ Ugh. I admire stubbornness, but clinging to one's opinions when proven wrong is pathetic. Lady also has some severe issues with everything and everyone, it would seem. Also, she hates dogs. Who hates dogs? THEY'RE SO FLUFFY! ☮Skylar☮ Reminds me of me, somewhat – although she seems sweeter than myself. A good friend – almost motherly, which is appreciated more than she knows. ☯Daniel☯ He seems nice enough, but is almost like a puzzle – one which I am itching to try and solve. Extra: Likes to partake in some underage drinking – moreso than what one would consider to be healthy. Dotes on the family dog – a clumsy Alsatian by the name of Dexter. Is a supreme geek lord – will thrash your ass in any trivia in regards to her favourite fantasy novels or media. Thanks to an extremely paranoid crazy army dad, was taught how to use Morse Code from a very young age. Dark powers: Animal Form: Black Coyote Power: Déjà Vu: Can give the feeling of Déjà Vu to anyone, by wiping their memory from the past few seconds – this can cause slight disorientation, or simply a repetition of a phrase or sentence. Useful if she needs to record or remember a conversation, or slip away without them realising.
Tobias Rieper Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec:Sloane Sloane a décidé de le prendre sur lui, bien sûr. Il fallait s'y attendre, vu qu'elle détestait ses tripes et qu'il détestait les siennes. "Oui, bien sûr, mais il y a une chose qu'on appelle la décence humaine. Non pas que tu sois décent du tout de toute façon, donc je ne m'attends pas à ce que tu comprennes." Oui, il avait probablement déjà vu la plupart du groupe nu déjà, mais en aucun cas cela signifiait que Tobias voulait voir le nu tout le temps. Ce n'était pas comme s'il était un adolescent aux hormones, désespéré de voir le corps féminin. "Je pourrais honnêtement m'en soucier moins si vous voulez être un rebelle et marcher nus." Tobias souhaitait que ce soit la fin de la conversation, mais voyant comment Angel et Skylar se joignaient à la conversation, il en doutait. Sloane n'était pas du genre à laisser partir ces choses. C'était une autre raison pour laquelle Tobias a juré un de ces jours qu'il perdrait son sang-froid et commencerait à la battre. Certes, s'il avait rencontré la fille il y a 3-4 ans, Tobias l'aurait sans doute heurtée lors de leur première rencontre. Oui, le retour constant de Tobias n'a pas aidé beaucoup à la situation, mais il a dû libérer la colère d'une façon ou d'une autre, voir comment retourner la table et puis perdre sa merde n'était pas une option.
Tobias Rieper “Home, sweet home. Something in the night felt like a door had been opened, an echo of the past, an old monster snapping its eyes open in the depths of my brain. Closing your eyes forces you to look at the darkness inside.” Personal Information NAME Tobias Rieper NICKNAMES Toby BIRTH DATE October 13th, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Male SEXUALITY Heterosexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Tobias's light blue eyes highlight his strongly german ancestry, if the pale white skin didn’t tip you off already. No makeup, nor any special hairdos, as one would expect from the average male, but has a beard/moustache. Tobias is exactly six feet tall, weighing around 170 pounds, fit as a fiddle, as his previous gang/prison lifestyle hasn’t allowed him to become weak. Tobias generally has a non expressive face, but he generally tries to smile for his own sake. CLOTHING Tobias doesn’t really wear anything too flashy in terms of his fashion, preferring to wear a simple jacket, jeans and some nikes. On occasion, he will wear a suit if he feels the situation requires it. And dress shoes too, because only a heathen would wear sneakers with a suit. Delving Deeper ♦Thoughtful ♦ Calm ♦ All Talk ♦ Remorseful PESONALITY While Tobias used to be aggressive in the past, now he attempts to be calm and less confrontational. While his anger still has a short fuse, Tobias manages to keep it in check, at least for now. Conflict is something he is not afraid of, but will avoid violence at all costs.Tobias would willingly allow another person to beat him, as he feels fighting back would drive him back to his previous life. As such, he tries to talk and bluff his way out of tricky situations. He can be withdrawn at times, as Tobias learned in therapy to mentally remove himself from the picture if his anger is getting out of control. LIKES Peace and quiet Snow Structure Cats/Dogs DISLIKES Tattoos Drugs Smug People Physical Fighting FEARS loss of self control Reversion to his precious lifestyle Addiction HABITS Plays with his rosary a bit when in deep thought. As stated before, has a habit of being withdrawn at random times. BACKGROUND Tobias was supposed to be the perfect model for the american dream. Four years of college, internship at a major accounting firm, steady and safe job. There was really nothing Tobias should have been complaining about, as he was practically set for life. But privately, he hated the life. Tobias felt little purpose in his studies, and later, his internship. While his family had paid for his college, and their connections earned him the internship, Tobias felt empty. His dissatisfaction led to his membership in a gang. The drugs helped, and beating up some poor sucker on the wrong side of town gave him a different high. Tobias was hooked. The drugs made him feel immortal, beating up other people gave him purpose and thrills. The gang made use of him as an enforcer, to collect debts, participate in gang fights, you name it. Ironically, Tobias was arrested for drug use/possession rather than being caught for beating people to near death. He was given three years in jail, losing his job, house, and his car. At first, Tobias blamed everything but himself for this sentence. The system, society, his circumstances. He constantly picked fights with other inmates to get a “high” again. After a year in prison, he “sobered” up and came to a different conclusion. His downfall was his own fault. There was nothing else to blame. There was something twisted, dark in his head if he had to do drugs or fight to feel satisfied. The system worked exactly as it should have, society was right this time, and he could offer no realistic excuses to his behavior. Tobias started to turn his life around as best he could in prison. Tobias no longer fought, he spent time in drug therapy sessions, and even became a Catholic, attending mass at the prison ministry. But as soon as he his sentence ended and he was let out, the empty feeling came back. Tobias tried to ignore the feeling, moving to a small town and acquiring a minimum wage job. He no longer cared much about the faith, ignoring it completely. But a man approached him, and offered him another purpose in life. Grimbold, he called himself. Supposedly Tobias had a higher calling, and as long as he would be willing to follow. Tobias accepted, but there was something in the back of the head telling him this might not be any different from his previous gang lifestyle.. RELATIONSHIPS Tobias probably comes off as the skeptic. The thinker of the group. He may take charge if no one else is willing. ☯Eddie☯ Weird guy, but nothing to hate him over. Tobias wonders why he’s in such a group however. ☯Teryn/Terry☯ Weird girl, but not as weird as Eddie. Not much to say about her as she rarely says much at all. ⚔Sloane⚔ Troublesome. While he may not backtalk to her, there are certainly times Tobias feels he might lose his temper with her and attempt to beat the living shit out of her. For this reason, Tobias acts cold to her in an attempt to get her to ignore him. ☯Robert☯ Too naive. Kind of reminds him of when he was younger, except with less angst, so he holds little ill will towards Robert. ☮Cara☮A bit on the short side, but she seems nice enough. ☯Nick☯Toby feels like he should say something about his illicit activities, but he feels he'd be a hypocrite considering he was no better at that age. ⚡Nina⚡Reminds him of Sloane. EXTRA None Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM A simple raccoon. POWER Can predict bad events, but has no idea of the severity/context, just that something bad will happen.
M. Robert Taylor, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme et Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme et Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme. Emplacement; Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec;Eddie Dang, Nina Robert avait regardé sa transformation et avait continué à la regarder en s'éloignant. Quand elle s'est retournée et lui a parlé, il a senti quelque chose de chaud dans sa poitrine et son visage. Elle flirtait avec lui? Ou c'était juste Nina? Il a ri. "Je peux voir ça." Il a dit à l'ouverture de la porte par laquelle Nina venait de disséquer. La fille a certainement réveillé le groupe, avec tous les regards et commentaires qui l'ont suivie. En écoutant Toby et Sloane donner leur avis sur cette question, il a conclu qu'il était en fait d'accord avec Sloane. "entendez." Il a ajouté à sa déclaration alors qu'il soulevait son rumflask, avant de prendre une gorgée. Il s'est retourné vers Eddie qui venait de lui parler de sa journée. " Espèce d'enfoiré, au fait." Il a dit avec un sourire qu'il a doucement frappé son ami sur l'épaule. "J'espère vraiment qu'elle tombera pour l'étincelle" Rob tient sa fiole dans une offre pour lui d'avoir un puits. C'était aussi agréable d'entendre que la timidité d'Eddie tourmentait secrètement son professeur. Absolument des progrès. Les gâteaux que Daniël avait apportés étaient fantastiques. Mon Dieu. Être avec sa "famille" comme ça lui a fait oublier ses journées de travail merdiques. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à vouloir plus que d'être avec des amis à manger et à boire, avec la beauté nue occasionnelle. Et bien sûr une mission du seigneur Grimbledore. En parlant du diable, l'homme revenait de son poste à la porte, où il avait salué tout le monde. Il s'est assis à la tête de la table et a commencé à manger sa soupe, et à murmurer quelque chose sur Nick étant en retard. Robert a deviné que ça ne prendrait pas longtemps avant qu'ils n'arrivent aux nouvelles ou aux activités de la soirée. Ce qui était dommage, parce qu'après la longue journée, il ressentait beaucoup de choses parce qu'il se trouvait juste près du feu sous sa forme de renard. Il espérait qu'ils n'auraient pas à sortir. Ce sanctuaire, a-t-il fait quelque chose?
Name: Robert Montgomery Taylor Nickname: Fantastic Mister Fox, Rob, Foxy Birth Date: january 4th, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: male Sexuality: heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: yellow-green eyes pierce from under his stubborn black hair. Though physically relaxed, the eyes give away that his mind is alert. Robert is slender and slightly taller than most. Because he is too lazy to shave daily, his chin is covered in stubble most of the time. He strides with a combination of authority and enibration. Sometimes one more than the other. It varies. Clothing Style: Robert's colors are mostly black combined with bordeaux red or dark green. He wears plain shirts, hoodies, jeans and boots. Outside he wears his black jacket. Delving Deeper Likes: power writing poetry with quill and ink adventure chocolate chip cookies playing the guitar berries red wine rum Dislikes: poets people who are not up for his ideas people who disrespect him chocolate and fruit combination human stupidity Fears: Being a failure Letting people down Drowning That humanity will destroy itself Habits: running his hand through his hair whistling playing with a coin. Personality: ♦ proud ♦ playful ♦ caring ♦ brooding Robert does what he wants, whenever he wants. Though life often doesn't agree with him. So he comes up with an extravagant plan to make it better, or to fix things. And sometimes it works. And often he gets in trouble even deeper. But he learned how to talk himself in and out of these situations. He doesn't like to be responsible for people, because they will only slow him down. But he feels responsible nevertheless. And often he can use a hand. His 'plans' are often not as much actual plans, as just a means to persuade people in aiding him. Background: Growing up, Robert had a rather normal childhood. In highschool he was one of the more alternative teenagers ofcourse. His most important problem at the time, was how society wanted him to be it's bitch by making him going to school and then study and work. That couldn't be what was meant for him. But other than that, not much weird stuff going on. Philosophy turned out a lot more boring and less enlightening than Robert had hoped. But he didn't want to return home emtpy handed. So he got a job at the library and bided his time in this town. It was even more boring than studying, but at least he could pay the rent and didn't have to put up with pretentious students and professors. But still, far from any great destiny. Despite his cynical attitude about religion in general, and after a night of heavy drinking, he went to church to pray for something good to happen. But as he was about to declare himself officialy crazy and close his eyes to start praying, a man next to him spoke to him. For some reason he quickly figured out Robert's situation and proposed to help him, if Robert did him a small favor. He needed to steal the small crucifix hanging on the wall of the church. Regardless of how the man was going to help him, that sounded like an exciting idea to him. So when the priest wasn't looking, he sneaked out the little artefact. After that, Grimbold asked him over for dinner. And they talked a lot. About life and society. Then Grimbold offered him a chance at a whole new life. Next to his current one. Relationships: Robert views everybody in the group as family. Though family doesn't necessarily means without friction. ♫Eddie ♫ and Robert are buddies. Robert is persuasive and Eddie tends to give in quickly, so Robert drags him along on his plans, more or less willingly. ⚡ Sloane ⚡ and Robert both are strong-willed individuals. This leads to clashes from time to time. Though he has respect for her independence. ♥ Terry ♥ has something very intruiging to Robert. She seems untouchable by his current social vocabulary. It's frustrating. Especially since he finds her rather attractive. ☯ Tobias ☯ is someone that Robert is slightly more careful with. He comes of as distant but dense, so he's just a little less comfortable around him than with the others. ☯ Cara ☯ is oke, but her controlling side is rather annoying. ☮ Nick ☮ is a great younger brother to have. Robert feels sort of a protector role for him. He will teach him the important things in life. Like rum appreciation. ☮ Nina ☮ is on Robert's level. Someone that he can talk with and have fun with. She's like a sister. But she's also hot. which is confusing. ☮Angel☮ Though she is relatively new, Robert gets a good vibe from her. Sharp and fun to hang with. ☮Skylar☮ Warm hearts are good company. Sky is comforting, which Rob needs sometimes. But she's also innocent enough for him to feel a protector role over her. ☯Daniel☯ He seems like a good kid, but Robert has a hard time really connecting with him. Extra: He wears a small flask filled with rum on his belt. Dark powers: Animal Form: Fox power: Loss of focus: For just a second, your thoughts were drifting somewhere else. You weren't paying attention you didn't watch where you were going. And now you walked into that lamppost, or cut yourself with the scissors. You stumbled, you hit your thumb with the hammer. Just your luck.
C'est pas vrai. Emplacement; Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec; Tout le monde, un lapin Finalement, se couchant la porte ouverte avec un peu de difficulté, la poussant plus loin avec le fond de sa chaussure, Nick brouillait dans un certain nombre de minutes après que Nina soit partie pour l'autre pièce. Des rires solitaires sont sortis de lui comme a donné à Grimbold un salut paresseux, avant de retirer sa veste de ses épaules et de traverser pour trouver une place libre sur le sol, réparer sa chemise comme il l'a fait...porter le lapin flou sur son autre bras? Le lapin semblait à la fois confus et moins amusé. Nick était d'accord avec ça. Il l'a cambriolé sur la tête. Ouvrir sa bouche alors qu'il pointait un doigt sur le petit animal sur son bras, dont le nez secouait l'odeur de la nourriture, la nourriture que l'adolescent avait largement ignorée que dans sa propre excitation... yeux fléchissant autour d'une seconde, Nick s'est fermé la bouche, ses sourcils se levant haut au sujet de la discussion. Il y avait un peu de snicking tranquille avant de rire plus amusé. Alors que l'adolescent aimait penser qu'il était assez mûr pour s'accrocher avec des gens de quelques années de plus que lui-même, qu'il aurait pu s'habituer à la présence du reste d'entre eux, d'une manière ou d'une autre cela l'a beaucoup amusé, l'idée de l'un d'eux courant autour de brouillage pour se vêtir. Puis encore une fois, certains d'entre eux étaient plutôt honteux au sujet de leur nudité, et Nick n'était pas exactement une exception à cela non plus. Si quelqu'un lui disait qu'il traînerait avec une colonie plus âgée, magique, semi-nudiste, il aurait rejoint le club plus tôt. C'est vrai. Laissant sa langue traîner le côté de sa bouche alors qu'il dirigeait son attention vers une boîte, cherchant un gâteau pour tenir jusqu'à l'inspection du lapin, donnant à la personne la plus proche à sa droite un clin d'œil et un sourire, Qui cul? Qui était nu? Vous n'étiez pas... faire quelque chose d'étrange avant d'entrer ici, n'est-ce pas? Pour la plupart, il a considéré la plupart d'entre eux famille... c'est pourquoi c'était un peu bizarre avec certains d'entre eux, mais ah, il n'allait pas juger.
Name: Nicholas Foster Nickname: Nick, Ferret-boy Birth Date: December 25, 1999…a Christmas baby Age: 16 Gender: Male Sexuality: 1 on the Kinsey Scale In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Nick, like his own older siblings, ended up going through puberty early on. Standing at five foot ten inches, a lean build that has filled in somewhat during the summer, the teen is often mistaken for someone a handful of years older than the reality. His natural hair and eye color are a light brown, though he recently let his sister style and his hair ‘her way’, resulting in his current look. As part of his test of boundaries, the teen got tattooed and several piercings, though he decided against piercings after a number of months with them. Clothing Style: The teen hasn’t really thought on his own personal style. If he owns it, if it fits, if the colors aren’t harmful to the eyes, he will wear it…graphic t-shirts, jeans, and running shoes tend to be his jam, however. Delving Deeper Likes: Being around people Taking about everything, and nothing Funny animals Sketching tattoo designs Climbing and hiking Graffiti Dubstep Dislikes: Taking medicine Spicy foods Raisins Fears: Responsibility Boredom Loneliness Losing the friendship of a long-time friend Habits: Oft volunteers himself to sneaking booze and cigarettes for his fellow under aged teens. When it gets too quiet for him, he either starts whistling or starts narrating quietly to himself. Personality: ♦ Creative ♦ Easy-going ♦ Fun-Loving ♦ Impulsive Going with the flow of life, Nick can go from having a perfect attendance one week to skipping out a month the very next, taking pictures of graffiti to making improvements to them. With both of his older siblings having barely graduated high school in their own days, not seeking higher educations before getting to work right away, the teen always saw fit to just go with that as well. He strongly admires more dedicated artist types, and after getting tattooed, strongly desires learning more about the art of tattoo itself. Like any other teen, Nick does have a bit of insecurity when it comes to acceptance, and after getting peer pressured into buying things that most teens are generally restricted from, now volunteers for such tasks without having to be asked. When it comes to his future, Nicholas really doesn’t know, Background: Around the time that he was born, his older brother was already eighteen and his sister thirteen, his father just leaving to teach overseas. At some point, his mother left, his father continued his teaching job, and his siblings doing what they could to support the household. A lot of this happened when he was too young, and he never thought to ask or bring it up, happened too long ago. At aged ten, his father decided that everyone would relocate to some affordable housing in Tallshade, before skedaddling off to yet another country to teach. His brother got a job as a waiter at a local restaurant, his sister landed work at a beauty salon, and Nick would sometimes come to watch them work when school was over. When in high school, more specifically, when skipping a class of high school…Nicholas met their mentor. Enticed by the mystery of what this power was, rather than just having the power itself, and led along by his own curiosity…and this different sense of family…the teen conceded to join and fulfill these task, his first one having been to break into a house to steal a baby’s pacifier. Position in the group: Considers himself the younger brother, which isn’t all that bad. He’s actually used to the role of younger brother, having two older siblings in his own family. He actually thinks everyone in the group are pretty cool. He likes Eddie's sincerity. Admires Sloane, her tattoos, and her work. He thinks she's pretty badass. Doesn’t really know what to make of Terry, besides admiring her photography skills, but really doesn’t have enough faith in himself when it comes to sitting down to hear about that art history stuff. Rob... Feels like Toby is judging him, or at least doesn’t like something with him, but he can’t be certain. Cara... Nina... Extra:Dark powers: Animal Form: Ferret This fuzzy little fucker. Power: Induction of restlessness? If he’s bugged by being ignored, or the lack of energy, someone may get restless leg syndrome for a short time, or later experience a small bit of insomnia.
Edward Hansen Emplacement: La cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec: Robert, Nick Eddie a hurlé en reconnaissance et a pris une gorgée de la fiole de Robert. Ça l'a fait tousser un peu, mais il a surtout réussi. C'était un peu plus fort que ce qu'il buvait habituellement (eau). "Oui, je l'espère aussi." Il a répondu. La pièce était en train de mourir du petit exposé de Nina. Eddie n'aimait pas particulièrement Nina, mais putain... Eddie a été soulagé quand Nick est arrivé. Et confus quand il a vu le lapin. "Nina était dans sa forme de chat quand nous sommes arrivés. Puis elle a décidé de donner à tout le monde quelque chose dont il faut parler, apparemment » a expliqué Eddie en réponse à l'enquête de Nick. "De toute façon, tu devrais essayer la soupe. C'est du légume, donc votre petit ami en aimera peut-être quelques-uns." Eddie divertit l'idée qu'il s'agissait d'un nouveau membre du groupe, mais c'était très peu probable. Eddie s'assit avec une pâtisserie dans sa main, honorant son appréciation à Daniel. Alors qu'il mangeait, il se sentait satisfait de l'atmosphère de la pièce. Il a pu voir tous ses amis en un seul endroit, et même les amis qui n'étaient pas si amis l'ont laissé seul. Il regarda Grimbold, qui les avait tous réunis. C'était sympa, et Eddie était prêt pour toute mission que Grimbold avait en réserve pour eux.
Name: Edward Anthony Hansen Nickname: Eddie. Don't call me Ed. Birth Date: January 31st, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Standing at 5' 7" and weighing 200 lbs, Eddie is a bit lumpy, but stays in shape with running. He has light brown hair and a meticulously kept goatee. His eyes are a light green, hiding behind thick black rimmed glasses. Caucasion, with vague traces of ethnicity. A pretty standard American mutt. Clothing Style: Likes solid color shirts with a pocket on the chest, loosely tucked into dark blue jeans. Dirty sneakers at the brink of falling apart. He doesn't usually buy new shoes unless his old pair are unuseable. Delving Deeper Likes: Tinkering Reading (Mostly fiction) Girls with red hair Cracking jokes, being sarcastic Dislikes: Bodily fluids Violence/Tense situations Cats Repetition Fears: Claustrophobic Fire Spiders Habits: Fidgets with his tools (Usually carries around a phillips screwdriver in his pocket, and twists it around when nervous) Loves junk food Prone to laughing in uncomfortable situations Personality: ♦ Honest ♦ Creative ♦ Inquisitive ♦ Timid Eddie is soft-hearted and good natured. Tends to stray away from conflicts and tense situations, and quick to give in to another's will. Enjoys taking things apart, seeing how they work, and attempting to put them back together. Pretty much at home with wherever his toolbox lands. Likes to spend time with friends, but tries to steer any conversation away from debate, especially if he thinks it might get heated. Will usually side with whoever has the greatest show of force, despite his actual feelings. Isn't afraid to do what needs to be done, to an extent. Background: Eddie comes from a broken house, on the outskirts of the nearest city. His mother was abusive, she would bully him into doing what she wanted and threatened to burn the house down when he wouldn't. His father was a gentle understanding man, and did his best to do damage control for his wife. As a result, Eddie decided he would follow his father's lead, which was to try to defuse any possible situation. Growing up, he discovered a fascination with machines, and was eager to practice. Unfortunately, his practice involved taking apart household appliances, sure he could put them back together. But, being inexperienced, kept losing pieces and forgetting the steps to repair them. Then his mother made good on her promise. She set the house on fire, with Eddie and his father inside. Eddie doesn't really remember what happened, but his father didn't make it. His mother was found criminally insane. Years later, Eddie moved to Tallshade. Eddie decided he wanted to go to the university, where he could hone his craft, and get away from bad memories. There he met Grimbold, late one night while out walking. Eddie was immediately enamored. Something about his voice was so warm and comforting... fatherly. He promised Eddie gifts in exchange for Eddie's loyalty and service, to which Eddie eagerly agreed. All he had to do was loosen the screws on a bike so it makes a squeaky sound. Mostly harmless, right? Position in the group: As far as position goes, Eddie would be considered support. He wouldn't dare take a leadership role, any opposition would easily succeed. No, Eddie would much rather be in the back, quietly performing whatever task was required of him. As far as relationships go: Sloane:☯ Eddie doesn't mind Sloane. She pushes him around a little, but no different than most of the people he grew up with. He admires her ability to stand out and be proud. Also, he is attracted to her. Not her looks, necessarily, but the way she carries herself. Though he would never have the courage to say that out loud. Sloane might hit him. Terry:☯ Terry is different from almost anyone Eddie's met from home. She doesn't really yell at or hit him, but he is still terrified of her. The way she looks right through him. She knows he's a coward, Eddie is sure of it. When they first made eye contact, it was like he was watching her read his life story, pulled from his eyes. And she didn't seem impressed. Or sympathetic. Or, anything at all, really. Robert:♫ Eddie and Robert became friends soon after he moved to Tallshade. Robert could easily see the advantages of having a guy who has access to tools, and is easy to persuade, as a friend. Eddie is more willing to take Robert's side, easily taken in by his "plans". Tobias:☯ Seems dangerous, but mostly leaves Eddie alone, which is fine by him. Cara:☮ She's nice to Eddie, if not a little controlling. Sometimes she will give Eddie (strongly worded) advice on various aspects of his life. Eddie will usually go along with it, mostly because he's seen how she reacts to others taking control away. Nick:☮ Eddie likes Nick's impulsiveness, and wants to look out for him, even though he doesn't seem like he needs it. Nina:⚔ Eddie tries to avoid Nina whenever possible, just the same as Nina makes snide comments whenever possible. Extra: Eddie usually carries a few loose screws, nuts, and bolts in his shirt pocket. Never know when you'll need them, right? Also carries a phillips screwdriver in his right pocket. Can usually be seen carrying his toolbox, with an assortment of wrenches, drivers, a hammer, etc. Not a full set, being one that was scavenged over the years, so the tools are also usually in poor condition. Other than that, pretty standard young adult gear. Wallet, phone, etc. Dark powers: Animal Form: German Shepherd Power: Can give metal things static charge. Not enough to power anything, but enough to give people a zap when touched. Eddie can affect any metal object he can see in detail, so if he loses his glasses he can only affect objects he can touch.
Cara Osborne Emplacement; la cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec; Angel, Toby, Sloane et Draco Malfoy Nick "Au moins, nous n'avons pas de Lannisters." Une pause. "Ou nous?" Cara a souri à Angel, en plaisantant à dire qu'elle était une Lannister. Parfois, la fille pouvait être agaçante, mais au moins elle n'était pas aussi agaçante qu'une certaine personne de la série. En donnant à Daniel un sourire invitant, Cara a atteint la table pour attraper le goodie cuit. "Merci," honorant en remerciement, elle s'assit alors qu'elle commençait à grignoter sur le gâteau libre. Ce n'était pas souvent que Cara se gâtait à des gâteaux et des bonbons, à moins qu'ils ne soient du chocolat, mais le café de la ville avait cuit des produits pour mourir. Ou au moins certains d'entre eux l'étaient, de toute façon. Assis entre Sloane et Toby gâchait un peu le moment zen dans la cabine. Bien sûr, ils ont dû se disputer sur la décence même si tout le monde s'est vu à peu près nu quelques fois (en donnant tout à fait les yeux aussi, en passant par comment Terry appréciait auparavant la vue). En lui poussant les mains de toute miettes de gâteau supplémentaire, la fille a commenté, "Maintenant, les enfants, maman vous aime tous seulement si vous la laissez manger." "Oh regarde, Draco est là." Cara a hurlé à Nick, en souriant quand il est entré dans la cabine et est arrivé à la table, toute la famille - moins Nina, puisqu'elle s'habillait encore après son changement d'un chat - enfin autour de la table.
Name: Catherine Amaya Osborne Nickname: Cara Birth Date: November 7th Age: Twenty-two Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Barely reaching 5'1" and weighing only 50kg (110lbs), Cara gives the impression of being cute and harmless. While she likes to be known as cute, harmless is something she's certainly not. The petite girl has an hourglass figure, hips wide but waist slender, usually maintained by her rapid metabolism and strict diet (other than chocolate, Cara can never resist anything chocolatey). Cara has a dimple on her left cheek, an indication of her smiley nature. She also has a naturally tanned complexion, complementing her brown hair and eyes. Speaking of eyes, Cara has wide doe eyed brown orbs, giving her an innocent look which is framed with thick, dark eyebrows. She also has shoulder-length brown hair, thick and kept straight with overgrown fringes that frame her somewhat chubby cheeks perfectly. Clothing Style: Cara loves to dress up, no matter the occasion. She loves to wear various skirts and dresses, as long as it's chic and cute (to match her bubbly-looking appearance). She also likes experimenting with her clothes, so one day she may go for a bold design, or the other she'd wear something simple. Make-up wise, Cara loves to define her eyes, either with some eyeliner or with dark eyeshadow. Lip colours vary depending on her mood or the situation, usually switching from naturals, pinks and bold reds. Deeper Likes: Tea Terrible romance drama films Cycling Reading Chocolate Dislikes: Doing nothing Coffee People who call her a control freak Anything cold Debby-downers Fears: Losing control of her life Suffocating Letting people too close Habits: Tapping her fingers against surfaces Playing with her hair Pouting her lips while in thought Personality: ♦ Kind ♦ Control Freak ♦ Blunt ♦ Stubborn ♦ Manipulative ♦ At first glance, people assume that Cara is docile and harmless, the cutesy one, if you will. However, Cara is anything but docile. She has been known to argue and stand by her points (and values) no matter what, her stubborn streak comparable to that of a boulder. Her stubbornness paired with her controlling personality can make her quite the unpleasant person to hang around with, most of the time. However, Cara refuses to acknowledge herself as a control-freak, that's one thing that would piss her off. Cara is very confident, in herself and her abilities. She is also always found with a smile (whether its fake or genuine, people usually can't tell). Don't get fooled by her sweet smile, however, as Cara can potentially use her 'sweet, innocent appearance' to dupe people. Cara also likes to consider herself honest, but most of her 'honesty' is just the blunt truth. She never sugar-coats her words (unless she's fooling someone), her words usually unfiltered. Overall, Cara can be nice when she needs to be, but piss her off and she can be a vindictive little bitch. Background: Born in the English countryside, in a small town where everyone knew everything, Catherine had a normal childhood. Or, as normal as one could get having seven older siblings. It wasn't like she was neglected or abused in the household, but Catherine knew that she wasn't the most wanted child. Having to compete with seven other children for any attention, Catherine developed into a loud, stubborn child that was hard to reason with unless she was bribed with chocolates. Catherine was encouraged to pick up many hobbies, including dancing and painting alongside furthering her education. Most of her siblings were average students, Catherine included. However, the girl had found her calling in life: to be a surgeon, where she had the contol and power to save lives. The medicine path motivated the girl throughout her childhood and teenage years, making her a hard-working student and achieving good grades even though she wasn't a genius. This remained until Cara finished her secondary education, achieving high grades - especially in science and maths. The girl, during her hunt for a university, stumbled on a town named Tallshade hidden within the forest. Liking the prospect of moving away from the stuffy town, Cara applied immediately for a medical course, before packing up and moving out as soon as she hit eighteen. Cara performed well during the first few years of her medical degree, studying hard and maintaining her work ethic like back at home. Cara met The Mentor during one of her panic-study sessions at the local library. Funnily enough, the girl actually screamed out 'I wish I could get them to listen to me!' before she noticed The Mentor beside her. Offering her powers in exchange doing whatever he wanted, the girl accepted immediately. That was a year ago, and now, Cara loves her life. Position in the group: Cara's desire for control means that she strives to be a leader, even if she's not the best person to lead a team. She likes to consider everybody in the group as friends, or at least some of them, but it doesn't mean that they're exempt to her blunt and bold personality. ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || 💕 Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ⚡ Rivals || ⚔ Nemesis ☮ Eddie ☮ Sweet guy, but he just needs to stand up for himself. Cara likes Eddie enough to try and tame her bold personality so she doesn't scare him off (even if it's not much difference). Cara doesn't like Nina's tendancy to bully Eddie, which often results in her advising him on ways to defend himself - her advice usually coming out as forceful. ☯ Terry ☯ Cara appreciates her observant nature, knowing that her fake smiles don't work on the quiet girl. Cara tends to just stay away from Terry, more because she doesn't know how to approach her without losing her cool. ☮ Sloane ☮ Bold and proud, Cara definitely likes Sloane, acting friendly enough to her. If she were attracted to women, she would've been attracted to Sloane. ☯ Robert ☯ Robert's playful nature reminds her of an excitable puppy. Cara doesn't mind going along with many of his schemes, as long as she doesn't consider it stupid. Again, like with many of the others, Cara remains friendly with Robert, as long as he doesn't make her feel like she doesn't have control during his schemes. ☮ Toby ☮ He's quite the looker, but withdrawn. She doesn't know much about Toby, and while she's curious, she doesn't bother to ask. There is a possibility that Cara could be attracted to Toby, but its more of a physical thing, rather than an emotional one. ☮ Nick ☮ Like the little brother of the group, Cara can understand what its like to be the youngest sibling, but she doesn't baby Nick either, no matter how adorable he looks in his ferret form. ⚡ Nina ⚡ Nina and Cara have a hot and cold friendship: one day they could get along well enough to watch movies and hang out with each other, the next they could easily grate on each other's nerves. ☮ Angel ☮ Angel is one girl that Cara knows she can have a argument debate with, no matter how heated it may get due to their stubborn nature. Both also from England, Cara likes to think that the two are friends. She doesn't mind showing Angel around Tallshade, since Cara understands what its like to be new in a different environment. Extra: Cara speaks with a hint of a British accent, one of the only hints to her British background. She's trying to give up smoking, after having a little health scare a while ago. powers: Animal Form: Power: Cara has the ability to make people hear whispers. It's not her speaking, but just simple idle chatter as if someone is right behind them, even if no one is there. Serves as a great distraction tool during exam season, though.
Grimbold Lieu; À la table Interagir avec tout le monde Grimbold a regardé autour de la pièce. Il appréciait l'énergie que les jeunes avaient. les blagues, les éternuements, les flirtations. Cela lui rappelait sa propre jeunesse. Le temps avant qu'il ne vieillisse et qu'il ne se lasse, et son cœur pesant. Il était dans cette affaire depuis très longtemps maintenant. Trop longtemps. Il pensait aux autres avec lesquels il avait erré dans les forêts. Le groupe dont il était le seul qui restait. Une fois qu'il a vu que tout le monde a fini de manger, il a fort nettoyé sa gorge et s'est assis droit. De ses mains, il se tenait aux coins de la table. "Les garçons! Les filles! Je veux vous accueillir à nouveau ce soir lors de notre réunion de pleine lune. J'espère que vous avez apprécié la soupe et essayé les gâteaux que Daniel a été si aimable à apporter. » Sa voix profonde soufflait dans la pièce. Il s'est arrêté et s'est assuré que tout le monde faisait attention. « Je suis également heureux de voir que le nouveau membre de notre famille s'intègre parfaitement. J'attends de tout le monde qu'elle se sente chez elle. Nous nous occupons l'un de l'autre." D'Angel, il a déplacé son attention vers Nick qui venait d'entrer. Il a juste regardé le garçon en silence une seconde, comme pour demander pourquoi il était en retard, et ce qu'il préparait avec le lapin. Mais il n'en a rien dit. Puis il a continué son discours au groupe. "Nous allons visiter le sanctuaire ce soir. Mais avant, je suis presque sûr que vous êtes tous curieux d'entendre quelle est notre prochaine tâche. » Il s'est encore débarrassé de la gorge. "Pour chacun d'entre vous, j'ai une personne qui a besoin d'être porté malheur. Quoi que tu lui fasses, c'est à toi de décider, mais ils doivent rester chez eux samedi prochain. Ils ne sont pas censés sortir. Tu pourrais les faire sentir mauvais ou effrayés, tu pourrais les enfermer. Qu'ils se brisent les jambes. C'est à toi de voir. Mais ils ne peuvent pas quitter la maison à venir samedi." Grimbold regarda autour de la pièce pour s'assurer que tout le monde comprenait ce qu'il disait. "Tu peux t'entraider. Demandez de l'aide aux autres si vous en avez besoin. Ce sont vos cibles..." Grimbold a commencé à appeler les noms de tout le monde dans le groupe. Après chaque nom, il y avait le nom de leur cible. Certains étaient familiers. Certains ne l'étaient pas. "Oh, et encore une chose" Grimbold a ajouté après avoir terminé la liste. "Gardez votre samedi soir libre. Vous pourriez avoir un appel avec une demande. Acceptez l'offre." Il leur a donné un peu de temps pour le prendre. D'une voix beaucoup plus douce, il a fini : finissez votre soupe, si vous en avez encore besoin. Désolé Nina, mais on change encore. Ce soir, on apprend. Nous partons dans dix minutes.
Name: Robert Montgomery Taylor Nickname: Fantastic Mister Fox, Rob, Foxy Birth Date: january 4th, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: male Sexuality: heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: yellow-green eyes pierce from under his stubborn black hair. Though physically relaxed, the eyes give away that his mind is alert. Robert is slender and slightly taller than most. Because he is too lazy to shave daily, his chin is covered in stubble most of the time. He strides with a combination of authority and enibration. Sometimes one more than the other. It varies. Clothing Style: Robert's colors are mostly black combined with bordeaux red or dark green. He wears plain shirts, hoodies, jeans and boots. Outside he wears his black jacket. Delving Deeper Likes: power writing poetry with quill and ink adventure chocolate chip cookies playing the guitar berries red wine rum Dislikes: poets people who are not up for his ideas people who disrespect him chocolate and fruit combination human stupidity Fears: Being a failure Letting people down Drowning That humanity will destroy itself Habits: running his hand through his hair whistling playing with a coin. Personality: ♦ proud ♦ playful ♦ caring ♦ brooding Robert does what he wants, whenever he wants. Though life often doesn't agree with him. So he comes up with an extravagant plan to make it better, or to fix things. And sometimes it works. And often he gets in trouble even deeper. But he learned how to talk himself in and out of these situations. He doesn't like to be responsible for people, because they will only slow him down. But he feels responsible nevertheless. And often he can use a hand. His 'plans' are often not as much actual plans, as just a means to persuade people in aiding him. Background: Growing up, Robert had a rather normal childhood. In highschool he was one of the more alternative teenagers ofcourse. His most important problem at the time, was how society wanted him to be it's bitch by making him going to school and then study and work. That couldn't be what was meant for him. But other than that, not much weird stuff going on. Philosophy turned out a lot more boring and less enlightening than Robert had hoped. But he didn't want to return home emtpy handed. So he got a job at the library and bided his time in this town. It was even more boring than studying, but at least he could pay the rent and didn't have to put up with pretentious students and professors. But still, far from any great destiny. Despite his cynical attitude about religion in general, and after a night of heavy drinking, he went to church to pray for something good to happen. But as he was about to declare himself officialy crazy and close his eyes to start praying, a man next to him spoke to him. For some reason he quickly figured out Robert's situation and proposed to help him, if Robert did him a small favor. He needed to steal the small crucifix hanging on the wall of the church. Regardless of how the man was going to help him, that sounded like an exciting idea to him. So when the priest wasn't looking, he sneaked out the little artefact. After that, Grimbold asked him over for dinner. And they talked a lot. About life and society. Then Grimbold offered him a chance at a whole new life. Next to his current one. Relationships: Robert views everybody in the group as family. Though family doesn't necessarily means without friction. ♫Eddie ♫ and Robert are buddies. Robert is persuasive and Eddie tends to give in quickly, so Robert drags him along on his plans, more or less willingly. ⚡ Sloane ⚡ and Robert both are strong-willed individuals. This leads to clashes from time to time. Though he has respect for her independence. ♥ Terry ♥ has something very intruiging to Robert. She seems untouchable by his current social vocabulary. It's frustrating. Especially since he finds her rather attractive. ☯ Tobias ☯ is someone that Robert is slightly more careful with. He comes of as distant but dense, so he's just a little less comfortable around him than with the others. ☯ Cara ☯ is oke, but her controlling side is rather annoying. ☮ Nick ☮ is a great younger brother to have. Robert feels sort of a protector role for him. He will teach him the important things in life. Like rum appreciation. ☮ Nina ☮ is on Robert's level. Someone that he can talk with and have fun with. She's like a sister. But she's also hot. which is confusing. ☮Angel☮ Though she is relatively new, Robert gets a good vibe from her. Sharp and fun to hang with. ☮Skylar☮ Warm hearts are good company. Sky is comforting, which Rob needs sometimes. But she's also innocent enough for him to feel a protector role over her. ☯Daniel☯ He seems like a good kid, but Robert has a hard time really connecting with him. Extra: He wears a small flask filled with rum on his belt. Dark powers: Animal Form: Fox power: Loss of focus: For just a second, your thoughts were drifting somewhere else. You weren't paying attention you didn't watch where you were going. And now you walked into that lamppost, or cut yourself with the scissors. You stumbled, you hit your thumb with the hammer. Just your luck.
Teryn Ikeda Emplacement; Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec; Daniel Reyes Terry a été repris par le son de la voix de Daniel. "J'ai... peu importe..." elle a murmuré en arrière, incapable de trouver une excuse ou une défense décente. Son visage est rapidement revenu à sa couleur normale et elle a prétendu que rien n'était arrivé. Heureusement pour elle, tout le monde était apparemment arrivé et Grimbold commençait officiellement la réunion. Elle a attendu pour savoir quelle était sa mission. Apparemment, ils essayaient de garder les gens à l'intérieur de leur maison samedi. Une autre tâche aléatoire qui, d'une certaine façon, faisait partie de quelque chose de plus grand. La personne à qui elle a été confiée était Mme Victoria Young, une fille de sa classe d'anglais. Elle n'avait rien contre la pauvre fille, elle avait rarement rien contre ses victimes, mais c'était une mission. Comment allait-elle la garder à l'intérieur? Elle préférerait le faire sans blesser qui que ce soit, mais si c'était le cas, elle n'hésiterait pas. Quand Grimbold a annoncé qu'ils allaient à l'extérieur pour « apprendre », Terry a froncé. -- Pourquoi ai-je jamais accepté cela? Elle se demandait, se sentant exaspérée. Il y avait d'autres façons dont elle aurait pu passer son lundi soir, comme travailler sur ce document de recherche de 20 pages qui devait être publié la semaine prochaine. -- Eh bien, ne vous plaignez pas maintenant. Elle est entrée dans l'autre pièce et a décidé d'y enlever ses vêtements avant de se transformer en animal. Contrairement à Nina, elle n'allait pas montrer son corps à tout le groupe. Après avoir enlevé ses vêtements, elle commençait déjà à trembler. Elle s'est rapidement transformée en corbeau pour qu'elle n'ait plus à faire face au froid. Même si c'était bizarre les premières fois qu'elle l'a fait, elle avait l'habitude de se transformer maintenant. C'était comme mettre un pull. Elle a volé par la fenêtre et a perché sur la branche d'un arbre voisin. Elle a attendu que le reste du groupe sorte aussi et s'est demandé ce que Grimbold avait en réserve pour eux.
Teryn Ikeda "I just can't deal with people right now... or ever."- -Teryn IkedaPersonal Information Name: Teryn Kanae Ikeda Nickname: Terry, TK, Scary Terry (Though she would glare at you for calling her this) Birth Date: February 20th, 19XX Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual but starting to feel a bit bi-curious. In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Terry is fairly tall for a Japanese girl, standing at 5"7. She has long, sleek black hair and always gets it cut in the same blunt fashion. Don't even bother trying to ask her to change her hair because it will never happen. She has pale skin from lack of sun exposure and delicate facial features. Some might say she has a "resting bitch face", but at least she makes up for it with her nice, slim body. Her brown eyes are cold and always seem like they're looking straight through you. Clothing Style: Terry likes to wear long-sleeved dresses paired off with tights or lace leggings. She enjoys wearing lace a lot. She generally wears a lot of black but also likes other dark colors like dark red because they don't make her look like a ghost. She wears a lot of accessories such as scarves, hats, sunglasses, and more to add more to her look. When she feels lazy, she'll wear an oversized sweater and leggings. Her shoes of choice are heels because she likes feeling tall and believes they show off her legs more. Delving Deeper Likes: Cloudy days Art History Shiny objects Mint Tea Photography Dislikes: Sunlight Heavy foods Racist jokes about her ethnicity Loud noises Dogs Fears: Her Grandmother Dying The Ocean Habits: Rolling her eyes Chewing mint-flavored gum Putting on sunblock Personality: ♦ Observant ♦ Cynical ♦ Stubborn ♦ Standoffish Terry isn't the most optimistic person around. She doesn't have that much faith in others and more than often assumes the worse will occur. Regardless, she thinks highly of herself and her ability to be able to observe the world around her. However, once she believes she is correct about something, it is hard for anyone to convince her otherwise even if she was actually wrong. It is rather hard for her to make friends because of this, but she is not necessarily a bad person, just a hard person to get along with. It suits her fine though, she doesn't feel like she needs friends anyways. Background: Terry had a normal childhood. Her dad was a somewhat wealthy business man and her mother was a stay at home mom. She was never neglected or abused. Her grandmother was always harsh and scary, but besides that Terry lived a peaceful life. She was never good at making friends and was only average in her school work. Her parents always let her do what she wanted, which wasn't much. She simply wanted to be alone and have a nice camera to take photos with. Tallshade was a weird town. Perfect for an outcast like Terry. She was looking up universities her junior year of high school when she discovered Tallshade. She particularly liked the fact that it was dark and covered in shade half of the year. She managed to convince her parents to let her apply to the small university there and found out that she was accepted her senior year. At the university, she is currently studying as an art history major. One day after class, she went into the woods to take some photos. A strange, old man approached her. She tried to ignore him at first, but he began to talk to her. He offered to give her powers as long as she promised to do what he said. It felt like a scene from Harry Potter which wasn't a good thing because she hated the series, but decided to accept his offer. Actually now that she thought about it, she still didn't know why she accepted his offer. He was very convincing... Position in the group: Terry understands that they are all working together for some unknown cause so she simply sees them as a group of coworkers or a rag-tag team. She would be the quiet one who does what she is supposed to do, but would never go the extra lengths to befriend everyone. ☮Sloane: Terry admires Sloane's artistic abilities and finds her to be an agreeable person. Terry isn't sure whether or not they could be considered friends, but Terry respects Sloane and is more likely to listen to her than to others. ☯Eddie: Terry has noticed that Eddie is very much a pushover. He appears to be afraid of her so they don't talk much. She is somewhat amused by the fact that she intimidates him so much but doesn't know a lot about him besides the obvious. ☯Nina: Nina likes to be in the center of attention, Terry doesn't. Nina isn't the nicest person around but as long as she doesn't bother her, Terry is fine with it. ☯Robert: Terry is quick to put Robert down when he tries to get her and the others to join in on his schemes. She believes that he is childish and arrogant. Despite the fact that he should know very well that she doesn't like him, he still tries to talk to her from time to time and she can't figure out why. She is interested in his music and poetry, but would never vocally express that. ☯Tobias: Well, she won't deny that he is easy on the eyes. But that's about it. They don't bother to talk to each other at all. ⚡Cara: At first glance, Cara is like Terry's opposite. Though Terry is aware of her somewhat two-faced nature, she doesn't care. All she knows is that she won't be falling for her 'sweet smile'. Still, she tends to stay away from Cara. Something about her just rubs Terry the wrong way, well more than most people do. ☮ Nick: She has sort of a soft spot for Nick, probably because he is so youngand she never had siblings before. She's very subtle about it though. For instance, she isn't as harsh and not as likely to shoot him down. She also keeps an eye out for him and would be willing to show him her photos from time to time. ☯Skye: She's a very nice person. Not a person Terry would associate herself with, but still Skye is a good person. ☯Angel: Terry's aware that Angel doesn't like her, but doesn't let it bother too much. She won't argue needlessly with the girl, but she won't try to get her to like her either. ☯Daniel: Though they don't talk, he seems like a person that Terry could get along with. He seems to understand her better than most people and gets that she is just who she is. Extra: Terry is like bazillionth-generation Japanese American so she doesn't even know how to speak Japanese. She will begrudgingly admit that she had watch anime when she was younger but will deny that she watches them anymore. The secret to her classic hair style? She cuts it herself because she doesn't even trust a hair stylist with it. Dark powers: Animal Form: Raven Power: She can create light breezes that could result in things like bad hair days and important papers getting lost
Daniel Reyes Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec: S.O. Comme tout le monde s'approchait de la boîte de gâteaux et de pâtisseries qu'il avait si aimablement « empruntée » du Café, Daniel fit signe de sa reconnaissance à chacun des membres du groupe à tour de rôle en le remerciant verbalement ou en faisant un geste de remerciement dans sa direction. Même le simple fait de le remercier lui a apporté une sensation chaleureuse à la poitrine. Cela lui a donné ce sentiment d'appartenance qu'il avait voulu pour toute sa vie. Même s'il n'a pas beaucoup interagi avec le groupe, il s'est senti plus à la maison ici, dans cette cabane dans les bois, avec ces gens qu'il appelait la famille, qu'il n'a jamais grandi en France. Daniel regarda vers la porte alors que Nick fit enfin son apparition. Sans raison pour son retard, Nick a tout simplement plié par terre. L'ardeur de la jalousie s'est levée dans Daniel. Être si insouciant doit être une bénédiction. Cependant, Daniel a rapidement dissipé ses émotions, simplement heureux que tout le monde soit enfin là. Finissant le pain dans sa main, l'attention de Daniel fut capturée une fois de plus alors que Grimbold se tenait et faisait son annonce. Simultanément excité et anxieux d'entendre ce qui était en réserve pour eux, Daniel tenait à chaque mot qui laissait la bouche de l'homme. Un smirk méchant a honoré les traits de Daniel, une expression rare pour le jeune homme à montrer. Sa cible n'était autre que Monsieur Brian Cobald, le directeur du Castle Street Cafe et la source de la frustration de Daniel au travail. L'ironie était presque risible. Prêt à enfin étirer ses ailes, Daniel se leva de la table et sortit de la cabine. Décidant de laisser l'intimité de la pièce de rechange pour les filles, il se promena derrière la cabane jusqu'à son alcôve d'ombre habituel niché entre deux grands chênes. Daniel s'est rapidement dépouillé et transformé. Lents bras musclés ont cédé la place à de longues ailes noires cuirâtres tandis que la peau blanche lisse était recouverte de fourrure de cours. L'odeur et l'ouïe sont devenues amplifiées à leur maximum de potentiel pendant la vision, pas tellement. Il ne l'a pas réalisé avant de se transformer pour la première fois qu'il y avait une signification très littérale derrière être "aussi aveugle qu'une chauve-souris". Mais la liberté de voler était plus grande que ce qu'il ne pouvait jamais demander. Daniel le Bat a donné à ses ailes une bonne étirement avant de prendre l'avion, en retournant à l'avant de la cabine, et en accrochant à l'envers d'une branche près de la porte. Il a remarqué un corbeau sur une branche pas trop loin de son propre arbre et a pensé que Teryn n'a pas perdu de temps à transformer non plus. S'il pouvait sourire en ce moment, il le ferait. Ils étaient tous les deux impatients, il semblait.
Name: Daniel Anton Reyes Nickname: Danny Birth Date: June 3rd Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Daniel hides his emotions behind a veil of sea green eyes and controlled expressions. His perfectly arched eyebrows and flawless skin are merely a reflection of his upbringing and the mask his father unknowingly created. The only true expression of himself is the wild nature of his messy brown hair and small smiles he sometimes allows himself to show. Danny is average height for his age, standing at 5’8” and has a lean muscular build. Clothing Style: Not liking to stand out, his wardrobe consists mostly of simple neutral colored button-ups with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and a pair of comfortable jeans, dark blue or black. His shoe of choice is a pair of black high-top Converse. The only indication of his rebellious nature is a black studded belt he wears around his waist. Delving Deeper Guarded ♦ Observant ♦ Wary ♦ Rebellious Background & Personality (because I believe it takes one to determine the other): From a young age Daniel has learned to create a different outward persona dependent upon what the situation calls for at the time. Being raised in upscale Paris by his father, money, and a prestigious name to boot, appearances were everything. Social functions, garden parties, hosting important people from around the world. These were but a few examples of Daniel’s childhood. While other children his age were fussing over skinned knees and the newest video game, young Daniel was expected to be seen but not heard. Raised to be the heir to eventually take over his father’s company; composed, reserved, only speak when spoken to, everything you do elegant and refined. Everything was fine at first because he didn’t know any different. It was simply the world he lived in. But as he reached his teenage years Daniel’s observant nature started telling him a different story. A story of cloaks-and-daggers, false smiles and pretty lies. Friendly conversation was only a guise for some deeper ill intent. All the pretty gowns and well-tailored suits he had admired as a child became loud exclamations of one’s wealth and nothing more. His father’s stern lectures and strict instructions for Daniel’s upbringing turned out to be no more than a business plan for his future heir. There was no longer any warmth in his father’s eyes nor kindness in his words. If they had ever been there to begin with Daniel no longer trusted himself to know. He lost trust in people and closed himself off, becoming wary of the deeper meaning behind their intentions. This also led to a rebellious streak in Daniel. Not the kind of hell-raising rebellion they show in movies, but the more subtle rebellion of not listening to orders or making a rude comment to a guest while he knew his father was watching. However, these rebellious outbursts were few and far between as he didn’t like bringing more attention to himself than was necessary. He already had enough of that as it is. Hating the idea of being his father’s puppet and being no more than a pretty face with a powerful name, Daniel decided to run away when he turned 18. Saving up his allowance over the years and claiming his inheritance at his coming of age party granted him the ability to do just that. He sat through the tutoring sessions his father arranged and continued to smile gracefully at his father’s side. When the time finally came, under the cloak of darkness while the mansion slept, Daniel packed as much clothing and various necessities as he could fit in a backpack and fled. He hailed a taxi to the airport and bought the soonest ticket out of Paris. This led him to Tallshade, a tiny town in America nestled between a huge forest at the base of a mountain. The perfect sense of seclusion he had been looking for. Seemingly isolated from the rest of the world, it gave Daniel the freedom to make a new life for himself. However, he learned real quick how unforgiving the world can be. He also soon realized that he didn’t really possess a true identity for himself. Having grown up in the shadow of his father and knowing nothing other than what he had been taught, who was he now that he was free from all that? Who was Daniel Reyes when we wasn’t acting the perfect model son? He had a collection of “masks” and nothing more. He settled down in a modest apartment and stashed his money somewhere out of sight. Daniel didn’t want to have to rely on his namesake to get what he needed but having it readily available gave him a security blanket to fall back on should he need it. He did odd jobs around town, took a couple random classes at the local university, anything to give him a sense of purpose in a world that was foreign to him. The one thing he was grateful for however, was all the language classes his father made him take. He couldn’t imagine how much of a nightmare arriving in a new country would be not knowing the language. He spoke with a subtle French accent but was able to be understood by the locals well enough. Daniel met Grimbold one night when he decided to take a late night walk to clear his head. He had been feeling especially lost lately and homesick in a Stockholm’s Syndrome sort of way. He rationalized this by telling himself it was the security of familiarity and structure that he missed. Settled down amongst the grass in a clearing in the woods, he stared up at the stars and wished for things he couldn’t have. Almost as if in answer, The Mentor appeared as quiet as a whisper and promised him freedom and power, among other things. He had been chosen for a reason, Grimbold told him. There were others too. The only condition was to serve him whenever Daniel was called upon. That almost caused Daniel to deny the old man on the spot. Here was another puppetmaster looking to take hold of Daniel’s severed strings. However, Daniel couldn’t sense any hidden agendas or twisted ideals from the man and the promise of purpose and a place to belong was too strong a temptation to ignore. Looking back on it now, Daniel should’ve seen it as an omen, something too good to be true. He was right back at square one, taking orders from a higher power for some unknown greater purpose. But 5 years later Daniel finds himself working as a barista at the local coffeehouse, still obeying The Mentor’s wishes when the time came. Likes: People-watching Being around people but not overly interacting with them Books/Reading Running Pastries/Bread Dislikes: Bringing unnecessary attention to himself Being forced to do something Alcohol and the loss of control it provides Sycophants, brown-nosers Anything that reminds him of his past life Fears: Losing purpose Removing his “mask” Getting close to anyone and getting hurt Being found and brought back to Paris Habits: Tends to fake smiles out of habit due to his upbringing Closes his eyes when a situation makes him feel uncomfortable Leaves unannounced to go for a run to clear his head, sort his thoughts Night owl and suffers from slight insomnia Position in the Group: Hangs out in the background to observe others. Doesn’t trust easily and even though he’s been in this for the better part of 5 years, Daniel still feels like everyone is merely an acquaintance and prefers to keep it that way. He’ll never admit it aloud but he’s afraid of letting others in. He admires everyone in the group, mostly for things he feels he lacks, but feels safer keeping everyone in neutral standing and only working together as a team if it’s absolutely necessary. ☯ Eddie – Seems nice enough. Appreciates his honesty. ☯ Teryn – Feels he can relate with her on an indirect level due to both their tendencies to not trust easily. She can sometimes come off as rude or defensive but he can respect that she has her reasons as he has his. ☯ Sloane – He admires her sense of individuality and confidence. ☯ Robert – Seems like a troublemaker but Daniel can appreciate his sense of adventure and spontaneity. ☯ Tobias – Feels almost as if they could be twin brothers but will not openly acknowledge this. ☯ Cara – He knows all too well of her fake smiles and pretty words and sees her as an annoying little sister-type. ☯ Nick – Jealous of his carefree nature and lack of worry of what the future might bring. ☯ Nina – Likes her confidence but gets annoyed by her spoiled attitude towards others. Enjoys having someone to talk to in his native language. ☯ Angel – Intrigued by her ability to blend in and relate to anybody. Thankful for her humor that quickly diffuses tense situations. ☯ Sky – Respects her maturity and feels like she would listen the most if he ever felt the need to confide in someone. Dark Powers: Animal Form: Black Bat Power: Echolocation Being able to cause headaches from as minor as a constant throbbing to as severe as vertigo, dizziness and a loss of balance. Much like how bats use echolocation by creating a sound and processing the information they receive from the echo, Daniel uses his power by whistling while maintaining line of sight with his target. He is also able to determine the severity of the target's headache by changing the pitch of his whistle. Prolonged use of his power causes Daniel to become extremely fatigued. EDIT: Updated information on how Daniel uses his power.
Skylar Montgomery Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec : Sloane et Grimbold Une fois qu'elle a entendu la réponse de Sloane Grimbold a appelé leur attention et elle a regardé l'homme plus âgé. Elle avait beaucoup de respect pour lui. Même si leurs missions étaient parfois un peu bizarres, elles avaient toujours une raison derrière elles. Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de place pour discuter quand ils avaient choisi ce chemin eux-mêmes. C'était exactement une chose que tu pouvais quitter une fois que tu l'as commencé. Il a commencé à parler de leur mission, elle a écouté avec impatience qu'ils feraient. Apparemment, ils allaient recevoir quelqu'un qu'ils devaient garder à l'intérieur samedi. Les prochaines instructions qu'ils devaient eux-mêmes être libres samedi aussi. Pour elle c'était gérable mais elle ne savait pas pour les autres qui avaient des carrières à s'inquiéter. Il serait probablement plus difficile de déplacer les choses. Une fois de plus, cependant, ils avaient choisi cette vie, il n`y avait pas de recul. La personne qu'on lui a assignée s'appelait Henry Johnson. À l'heure actuelle, elle ne savait pas qui était cet homme ni comment elle allait savoir qui il était. Il y aurait beaucoup de façons pour elle de le rencontrer, la question de qui il était, était un peu intimidante cependant. C'était une petite ville, tout le monde connaissait surtout tout le monde, ou du moins qui ils étaient. Ce type serait soit un nouveau résident, soit pas très connu. "J'ai M. John Doe, voyons où ça mène, je suppose. Je sais que la paranoïa le tiendra à l'écart du public. » Se tenant debout, elle est entrée dans la pièce de rechange une fois que Terry était parti comme corbeau et a fermé la porte. Elle n'était pas le genre de fille à bouger les fesses nues devant un groupe de gens. À ce stade, elle devrait vraiment s'y habituer. Ce n'était malheureusement pas le cas. Sky est passée à la fenêtre de la pièce et l'a assez ouverte pour qu'elle puisse passer. Enlevant ses vêtements, elle les mit dans une pile sur le dessus de la commode à côté d'un porte-vêtements et se déplaça dans la chouette de la grange qu'elle appela son autre forme. Prenant un moment pour secouer ses plumes, elle s'envola et s'envola de la pièce par la fenêtre. Le sentiment d'être capable de voler n'était pas quelque chose qu'elle n'aurait jamais pu utiliser aussi. C'était incroyable d'avoir un tel contrôle sur quelque chose qui était si difficile à faire en tant qu'humain. Le petit cadre de son animal lui-même s'est également avéré lui rendre le vol encore plus facile. C'était l'une des nombreuses choses qui ont fait que sa vie ici se sente tellement mieux que la vie qu'elle a mise derrière elle. La personne qu'elle était avant de venir ici à son avis était morte, et elle était plus qu'exaltée par elle.
Name: Skylar Jane Montgomery Nickname: Sky or Fawn Birth Date: February 28 Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Unlike the slim figures of all the other women in the Montgomery family Sky got more of a curvy figure. Along with being 5"2 and having unusual grey eyes it was safe to say she stuck out a bit compared to her four sisters. Freckles dot her face and body being something she loathed as a child and something she`s come to find as apart of who she is as an adult. The sun is usually an enemy because of her pale skin color. Her hair is naturally red and is curly and thick. She`s learned after cutting it short once that it`s best to leave it long, it`s a untamable beast. The redness in her hair varies by season, in summer months it turns copper due to the sun, in winter it turns a crimson red color(her preferred color of her hair). When it comes to make up she would rather skip it for a more natural look, though she does like lipstick. Even though she hides it, because mostly everyone in the group finds her to be the innocent one, she has a tattoo of a broken heart on the right side of her ribcage. The reason behind this tattoo no living soul knows, no one even knows she has it. Clothing Style: Sky`s clothing choices vary by how she feels. On a Friday she might be feeling a edgy black dress with three inch wedges while on a Monday she`d be wearing a white sundress with a light pink sweater. There are also the days where she dresses up like what she calls "witchy" or "hippy" styles. You can be assured whatever she`d wearing always has a necklace though and if she`s not feeling well sweat pants usually follow. Delving Deeper Likes: Music Coffee Strawberry pastries Literature Cats Art Dislikes: Rap Dishonesty Cherry anything Body shaming Public Speaking Drugs Fears: Abandonment Hurting other people Alienation Always being seen as the little sister Habits: When she`s nervous she`ll often start spinning her necklace or a piece of jewelry she`s wearing at the time. As she gets excited she goes from speaking normally to loudly. Whenever she`s uncomfortable she puts her hair into a ponytail. Often stays up way too late at night. Personality: ♦ Clumsy ♦ Wise ♦ Warm-Hearted ♦ Understanding Even as a child most people said she was far beyond her years and as she reached her teen years people started to say she was the wise old woman in a teenager`s body. She tries to understand someone before she says anything against them. This leads to her being very trusting and understanding towards others. The advice she gives to problems is usually a lot more than someone her age should be able to give. It`s also one of her biggest downfalls as others can betray her quite easily. In all she`s rather clumsy and lightheaded, someone could tell her something and she`d forget it in two seconds. This has always been something she`s hated because while she`s very smart no one can see that with how forgetful and sporadic her nature is. In sad situations she feels rather uncomfortable, because while she tries her best to comfort someone she always feels like she`s doing everything wrong. Even though she looks down on herself a lot she does have confidence in her decisions and she believes that believing in yourself is the best thing you can do. She does feel like the owl represents her a lot. Like the owl she prefers being up all night than being awake during the day. It`s also seen as a wise creature and has aspects that she wants for herself, to be more precise and strong are two of them. Background: In her family there`s five daughters, Sky being the youngest. Meaning her childhood was full of hand-me-downs and often being misplaced. Her oldest sister Delilah is seven years older than her. The second and third daughters, Mary and May, are twins and are six years from Sky. Jamie who`s the closest to Sky at only two years apart. When Sky was born her parents had been hoping to finally have a boy. She`s always felt like her father didn`t approve of her because of this. The Montgomery family is known for being a very rich and successful family in a town a few towns away from Tallshade. As she grew up she had trouble trying to convince people she wasn`t a snob like they tried to make her believe. Many people bullied her for her intelligence and the difference of her looks compared to her sisters. Even her sisters would laugh and joke about how she was adopted. It really did make her feel like she had no one, her parents were always working, and it was very easy to just isolate herself in their huge house. Due to all of this she fell into depression and at some points self harmed. In high school she got involved in a lot of bad groups. She often snuck out to get high or drunk with people she thought were her friends. It wasn`t until she was almost 18 that things went completely downhill. At a party she overdosed unintentionally. If the cops hadn`t broken up the party a few minutes later she would have died. In the hospital her family didn`t have anything nice to say to her and only yelled at her for being so irresponsible. They sent her off to a clinic for 6 months and she was released when she turned 18. Instead of going back to her family she broke off all ties to them. She got a job and lived in a small apartment till she finished high school and got a broken heart tattooed on the right side of her ribs. She saved up money and moved to Tallshade to go to college as soon as she had enough money. It was a step by step process. The day she got to Tallshade she went to the Castle Street Café and ordered a cup of coffee and some breakfast. The things she owned were in a small suitcase next to her in the booth. As she sat there silently reading her book an older man came and sat across from her in the booth and ordered a drink from the waitress before looking at her. Sky asked him who he was and they eventually got into a conversation about her life somehow. She found out his name was Grimbold and he asked her if she wanted a way to completely change her life and be in an actual family for once, as long as she did what he said. It took awhile but she agreed and he told her to walk out of the shop and not pay for her coffee or breakfast. It was history after that and she`s been with the group for three years now. She finally has a place where she can be herself. Relationships: Sky thinks of the entire group as her family. As such she has compassion and understanding for all of them. Most she considers as friends and even if she doesn`t feel too confident in a member of their family she still treats them with respect and gives them the benefit of the doubt. ☮ Eddie ☮ - Eddie is a good guy, she finds it interesting to watch him tinker, and talking about fiction books is always fun. Sky always tries to convince him to like cats more. He`s the person she goes too to talk about the books she`s reading at the time. ☯ Terry ☯ - In Sky`s eyes Terry is alright, her observant nature makes her an okay person to talk too, although her crude nature sometimes makes her a bit uncomfortable. ☮ Sloane ☮ - When they first met she knew the woman didn`t think too highly of her, some friendships start out a bit rocky though. In present day she finds Sloane to be a very good friend of hers, even if they don`t agree on rap music. ☮ Rob(Foxy) ☮ - Foxy as she likes to call him. She likes to think of him like the older brother she never had as his middle name happens to be her last name. Like her she also values how he thinks of them like a family. ♥ Toby ♥ - Ever since she met him Sky`s always had a crush on Toby. At first she thought it was just his looks and tried to talk herself out of it. As she got to know him more she found to really like his calm nature and that he himself also had some bad experiences with drugs and such, in which she could relate. ⚡ Cara ⚡ - Cara makes Sky feel rather uneasy. While she seems very nice Sky can feel the other side of her personality and has seen it a few times. This rather scares her. On the outside Sky is usually very nice to her however. ☮ Nick ☮ - Much like most of the group she sees Nick as a younger brother. She likes that if either of them aren`t feeling talkative the other person can rant as long as they want. It can also just be a conversation or sitting in silence. ☯ Nina ☯ - At first Nina seemed like the type of person Sky would never be on great terms with. She was the queen bee in high school while Sky had been the rebellious/druggy girl. As time went on she`s started to become perfectly fine with her. Even if she`s hot tempered and can be rather hard to work with Nina does protect those she cares for and Sky admires that. ☮ Angel ☮ - Angel`s compassion is what Sky appreciates the most about her. Even though she went through some hard stuff in life she still jokes and laughs. In Sky`s eyes she`s the person to go to if you`re having a bad day. ☯ Danny ☯ - Sky can't say she knows Danny too much. He was here before she was. Danny keeps to himself but he's not a bad person at all. She does trust him even if they don't know a ton about eachother. Extra: Dark powers: Animal Form: pic of animal form goes here power: She can hear the darker parts of someone's mind. Regrets, pain, dark secrets, are just a few. When she uses this power it causes paranoia in the victim. Even though she is kindhearted and understanding the old dark side of her understands a lot of the thoughts she receives.
Foxy Emplacement; Cabine de Grimbold Bien sûr qu'ils sortaient. Au moins, il pourrait être Fox! Son alter ego préféré. Et le derpage en tant qu'animaux a toujours été amusant. La cible qu'on lui a assignée était un problème. Il connaissait son nom en visitant la bibliothèque de temps en temps. Son pouvoir était assez direct pour l'aider à s'envahir d'une cheville. Mais elle semblait innocente. Elle ne méritait pas ça. Il a dû trouver un autre moyen. Mais c'était pour plus tard de s'inquiéter. Robert se leva et étendit les bras en bâillant. Après une dernière gorgée de rhum, il a mis sa fiole sur la table et a commencé à se transformer. Pas besoin de changer de secret quelque part. Ses vêtements seraient à peu près tombés de lui quand il s'est réduit à la forme de renard. Bien que la transformation de tout le corps ait été un sentiment troublant, la partie la plus bizarre était la façon dont le crâne a changé de forme. La saillie de la mâchoire et du nez dans un museau. Rob était presque sûr qu'il entendait un bruit de broyage comme l'os pariétal et frontal dans son crâne aplati. L'extension des oreilles et la croissance de la queue et de la fourrure étaient une partie plus confortable de la transformation. Il aimait avoir une queue beaucoup. En quelques secondes, le garçon avait apparemment disparu, ne laissant derrière lui que les choses qu'il portait, alors qu'elles tombaient au sol. Et il y avait ça. Le renard fantastique s'est balancé pour découvrir que c'est loin de la pile de vêtements dans laquelle il était. Son museau a trouvé une sortie dans le cou de son pull. La lutte était courte et facile, et en quelques secondes il avait échappé à sa cage en coton. Les odeurs sont la première chose qui lui est venue. Tout était si fort. Et les sons. Il entendait une souris sortir de la cabine. Et un oiseau qui bat des ailes, probablement Terry ou Sky. Il a sauté sur la table pour superviser la façon dont les autres se débrouillaient avec leurs transformations. Puis il a roulé quelques fois. Et s'est cogné sa propre queue. Être un animal avait quelque chose de libérateur. Tu pourrais agir comme un autre.
Name: Robert Montgomery Taylor Nickname: Fantastic Mister Fox, Rob, Foxy Birth Date: january 4th, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: male Sexuality: heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: yellow-green eyes pierce from under his stubborn black hair. Though physically relaxed, the eyes give away that his mind is alert. Robert is slender and slightly taller than most. Because he is too lazy to shave daily, his chin is covered in stubble most of the time. He strides with a combination of authority and enibration. Sometimes one more than the other. It varies. Clothing Style: Robert's colors are mostly black combined with bordeaux red or dark green. He wears plain shirts, hoodies, jeans and boots. Outside he wears his black jacket. Delving Deeper Likes: power writing poetry with quill and ink adventure chocolate chip cookies playing the guitar berries red wine rum Dislikes: poets people who are not up for his ideas people who disrespect him chocolate and fruit combination human stupidity Fears: Being a failure Letting people down Drowning That humanity will destroy itself Habits: running his hand through his hair whistling playing with a coin. Personality: ♦ proud ♦ playful ♦ caring ♦ brooding Robert does what he wants, whenever he wants. Though life often doesn't agree with him. So he comes up with an extravagant plan to make it better, or to fix things. And sometimes it works. And often he gets in trouble even deeper. But he learned how to talk himself in and out of these situations. He doesn't like to be responsible for people, because they will only slow him down. But he feels responsible nevertheless. And often he can use a hand. His 'plans' are often not as much actual plans, as just a means to persuade people in aiding him. Background: Growing up, Robert had a rather normal childhood. In highschool he was one of the more alternative teenagers ofcourse. His most important problem at the time, was how society wanted him to be it's bitch by making him going to school and then study and work. That couldn't be what was meant for him. But other than that, not much weird stuff going on. Philosophy turned out a lot more boring and less enlightening than Robert had hoped. But he didn't want to return home emtpy handed. So he got a job at the library and bided his time in this town. It was even more boring than studying, but at least he could pay the rent and didn't have to put up with pretentious students and professors. But still, far from any great destiny. Despite his cynical attitude about religion in general, and after a night of heavy drinking, he went to church to pray for something good to happen. But as he was about to declare himself officialy crazy and close his eyes to start praying, a man next to him spoke to him. For some reason he quickly figured out Robert's situation and proposed to help him, if Robert did him a small favor. He needed to steal the small crucifix hanging on the wall of the church. Regardless of how the man was going to help him, that sounded like an exciting idea to him. So when the priest wasn't looking, he sneaked out the little artefact. After that, Grimbold asked him over for dinner. And they talked a lot. About life and society. Then Grimbold offered him a chance at a whole new life. Next to his current one. Relationships: Robert views everybody in the group as family. Though family doesn't necessarily means without friction. ♫Eddie ♫ and Robert are buddies. Robert is persuasive and Eddie tends to give in quickly, so Robert drags him along on his plans, more or less willingly. ⚡ Sloane ⚡ and Robert both are strong-willed individuals. This leads to clashes from time to time. Though he has respect for her independence. ♥ Terry ♥ has something very intruiging to Robert. She seems untouchable by his current social vocabulary. It's frustrating. Especially since he finds her rather attractive. ☯ Tobias ☯ is someone that Robert is slightly more careful with. He comes of as distant but dense, so he's just a little less comfortable around him than with the others. ☯ Cara ☯ is oke, but her controlling side is rather annoying. ☮ Nick ☮ is a great younger brother to have. Robert feels sort of a protector role for him. He will teach him the important things in life. Like rum appreciation. ☮ Nina ☮ is on Robert's level. Someone that he can talk with and have fun with. She's like a sister. But she's also hot. which is confusing. ☮Angel☮ Though she is relatively new, Robert gets a good vibe from her. Sharp and fun to hang with. ☮Skylar☮ Warm hearts are good company. Sky is comforting, which Rob needs sometimes. But she's also innocent enough for him to feel a protector role over her. ☯Daniel☯ He seems like a good kid, but Robert has a hard time really connecting with him. Extra: He wears a small flask filled with rum on his belt. Dark powers: Animal Form: Fox power: Loss of focus: For just a second, your thoughts were drifting somewhere else. You weren't paying attention you didn't watch where you were going. And now you walked into that lamppost, or cut yourself with the scissors. You stumbled, you hit your thumb with the hammer. Just your luck.
Edward Hansen Emplacement: La cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec: S/O "Edward Hansen, Emily O'Reilly" Le visage d'Eddie est devenu rouge à la mention du nom de son béguin d'université après le sien. Il a dû trouver un moyen de la garder chez elle samedi? Cette mission pourrait être difficile. Peut-être que Robert peut me donner une idée? Il est doué pour ça. Ou peut-être que je pourrais demander conseil à Cara ou Sky. Ce sont des filles, elles sauront probablement ce qui les garderait un samedi. Au moins, on a presque une semaine. Eddie n'a pas pu s'empêcher de sourire, à la mention d'apprendre quelque chose de Grimbold. La curiosité était presque écrasante, et Grimbold était un vieil homme si mystérieux. Nous le saurons assez tôt. Les pensées d'Eddie continuèrent à courir alors qu'il sortait, à "sa place", au coin de la porte. Il s'est déplacé de façon autonome, alors que son esprit était occupé. Bien que tout le monde ait vu à peu près tout le monde nu, il ne voulait toujours pas se déshabiller devant quelqu'un s'il n'y avait pas besoin ou urgence. Il ne pouvait pas simplement se transformer et sortir des vêtements, comme certains des autres. Un inconvénient de cueillir un animal plus grand. Il avait essayé une fois, mais sa chemise et ses sous-vêtements étaient particulièrement impossibles à enlever comme un chien, et encore plus gênant quand il a changé de dos. Il a déplacé un rocher plat qu'il a gardé juste pour une telle occasion, appuyé contre la cabane sur un autre rocher. Ses vêtements devraient être en sécurité là-bas. Peu de temps après, il s'aventurait à l'angle, et s'asseyait à la porte, transformé en chien. Eddie avait toujours eu un profond amour pour les chiens, mais n'a jamais eu la chance de le garder. Et donc quand il a rencontré Grimbold la première fois, il a immédiatement su quelle forme il voulait. Un berger allemand, comme celui qu'il voyait au magasin d'animaux de compagnie quand il était enfant. Alors qu'Eddie songeait à sa première rencontre avec Grimbold, sa queue se mit à s'évanouir. Quand il s'est souvenu qu'ils allaient recevoir une nouvelle leçon de Grimbold, il a doublé son rythme.
Name: Edward Anthony Hansen Nickname: Eddie. Don't call me Ed. Birth Date: January 31st, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Standing at 5' 7" and weighing 200 lbs, Eddie is a bit lumpy, but stays in shape with running. He has light brown hair and a meticulously kept goatee. His eyes are a light green, hiding behind thick black rimmed glasses. Caucasion, with vague traces of ethnicity. A pretty standard American mutt. Clothing Style: Likes solid color shirts with a pocket on the chest, loosely tucked into dark blue jeans. Dirty sneakers at the brink of falling apart. He doesn't usually buy new shoes unless his old pair are unuseable. Delving Deeper Likes: Tinkering Reading (Mostly fiction) Girls with red hair Cracking jokes, being sarcastic Dislikes: Bodily fluids Violence/Tense situations Cats Repetition Fears: Claustrophobic Fire Spiders Habits: Fidgets with his tools (Usually carries around a phillips screwdriver in his pocket, and twists it around when nervous) Loves junk food Prone to laughing in uncomfortable situations Personality: ♦ Honest ♦ Creative ♦ Inquisitive ♦ Timid Eddie is soft-hearted and good natured. Tends to stray away from conflicts and tense situations, and quick to give in to another's will. Enjoys taking things apart, seeing how they work, and attempting to put them back together. Pretty much at home with wherever his toolbox lands. Likes to spend time with friends, but tries to steer any conversation away from debate, especially if he thinks it might get heated. Will usually side with whoever has the greatest show of force, despite his actual feelings. Isn't afraid to do what needs to be done, to an extent. Background: Eddie comes from a broken house, on the outskirts of the nearest city. His mother was abusive, she would bully him into doing what she wanted and threatened to burn the house down when he wouldn't. His father was a gentle understanding man, and did his best to do damage control for his wife. As a result, Eddie decided he would follow his father's lead, which was to try to defuse any possible situation. Growing up, he discovered a fascination with machines, and was eager to practice. Unfortunately, his practice involved taking apart household appliances, sure he could put them back together. But, being inexperienced, kept losing pieces and forgetting the steps to repair them. Then his mother made good on her promise. She set the house on fire, with Eddie and his father inside. Eddie doesn't really remember what happened, but his father didn't make it. His mother was found criminally insane. Years later, Eddie moved to Tallshade. Eddie decided he wanted to go to the university, where he could hone his craft, and get away from bad memories. There he met Grimbold, late one night while out walking. Eddie was immediately enamored. Something about his voice was so warm and comforting... fatherly. He promised Eddie gifts in exchange for Eddie's loyalty and service, to which Eddie eagerly agreed. All he had to do was loosen the screws on a bike so it makes a squeaky sound. Mostly harmless, right? Position in the group: As far as position goes, Eddie would be considered support. He wouldn't dare take a leadership role, any opposition would easily succeed. No, Eddie would much rather be in the back, quietly performing whatever task was required of him. As far as relationships go: Sloane:☯ Eddie doesn't mind Sloane. She pushes him around a little, but no different than most of the people he grew up with. He admires her ability to stand out and be proud. Also, he is attracted to her. Not her looks, necessarily, but the way she carries herself. Though he would never have the courage to say that out loud. Sloane might hit him. Terry:☯ Terry is different from almost anyone Eddie's met from home. She doesn't really yell at or hit him, but he is still terrified of her. The way she looks right through him. She knows he's a coward, Eddie is sure of it. When they first made eye contact, it was like he was watching her read his life story, pulled from his eyes. And she didn't seem impressed. Or sympathetic. Or, anything at all, really. Robert:♫ Eddie and Robert became friends soon after he moved to Tallshade. Robert could easily see the advantages of having a guy who has access to tools, and is easy to persuade, as a friend. Eddie is more willing to take Robert's side, easily taken in by his "plans". Tobias:☯ Seems dangerous, but mostly leaves Eddie alone, which is fine by him. Cara:☮ She's nice to Eddie, if not a little controlling. Sometimes she will give Eddie (strongly worded) advice on various aspects of his life. Eddie will usually go along with it, mostly because he's seen how she reacts to others taking control away. Nick:☮ Eddie likes Nick's impulsiveness, and wants to look out for him, even though he doesn't seem like he needs it. Nina:⚔ Eddie tries to avoid Nina whenever possible, just the same as Nina makes snide comments whenever possible. Extra: Eddie usually carries a few loose screws, nuts, and bolts in his shirt pocket. Never know when you'll need them, right? Also carries a phillips screwdriver in his right pocket. Can usually be seen carrying his toolbox, with an assortment of wrenches, drivers, a hammer, etc. Not a full set, being one that was scavenged over the years, so the tools are also usually in poor condition. Other than that, pretty standard young adult gear. Wallet, phone, etc. Dark powers: Animal Form: German Shepherd Power: Can give metal things static charge. Not enough to power anything, but enough to give people a zap when touched. Eddie can affect any metal object he can see in detail, so if he loses his glasses he can only affect objects he can touch.
Ange Hardwicke Emplacement; Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec; S.O. Au moment où Nick était entré avec son ami - à la vue du lapin moelleux, naturellement l'esprit d'Angel est allé en hyperdrive sur la façon ostensible qu'il était - elle et la plupart des autres avaient fini leur repas. Alors que Grimbold se mit à parler, elle termina le reste de son gâteau en écoutant attentivement. Lors de sa première réunion le mois dernier, elle avait naturellement été séduisante. Angel n'a tourné qu'une fois avant cette réunion, et était tellement nerveux de changer avec les autres. Le Sanctuaire était un peu déconcertant aussi, mais elle s'est juste dit de penser aux sanctuaires de Skyrim. Ils étaient tout à fait normaux dans l'Univers des Scrolls de l'Ancien! D'habitude, ils avaient des nécromants et des trucs à proximité, mais peu importe... la magie, c'est de la magie. Cette deuxième fois a été beaucoup plus facile - non seulement elle savait plus de quoi faire, mais elle était plus à la maison avec les autres. Amis avec la plupart d'entre eux à cela - comme Grimbold l'avait mentionné, ils s'occupaient assez bien d'elle. Cependant, la dernière fois, on ne lui avait pas dit d'utiliser ses pouvoirs sur un autre humain - cet homme s'est avéré être un Garrett Russell. Elle savait qui il était - son frère aîné, Miguel, assis à côté d'elle dans la plupart de ses conférences de psychologie, et le couple étaient même amis. De son court séjour à Tallshade, elle a vite découvert que Garrett avait une réputation pour lui-même; la 17 ans, toujours au lycée, était un parti notoire et un jock stéréotypé. À quelques reprises, elle s'était rendue dans la maison de Garrett, soit pour des fêtes, soit pour des séances d'étude, Garrett avait flirté avec elle de façon nonchalante, beaucoup à la colère de son frère. Ce qu'il manquait cruellement dans les cerveaux que l'enfant a inventé dans les regards, la taille et les muscles, de sorte que tous les arguments avec son frère plus petit et plus nerveux n'ont pas duré très longtemps. C'est sûr de dire qu'Angel n'a pas été trop impressionné par lui, malgré ses efforts. Quant à son travail de le garder à l'intérieur... ce serait difficile. Comme il était passionné de fête et de papillon social, il était très probable qu'il ferait quelque chose samedi soir. Y avait-il un match de football au lycée? Il faisait partie de l'équipe... Ce serait ça ou une fête. Un type comme Garrett n'est pas resté le week-end. Décider d'y réfléchir plus tard - et peut-être obtenir de l'aide d'un membre plus expérimenté du groupe - Angel s'est levé avec les autres alors que Grimbold annonça leurs projets pour la nuit: Sanctuaire Temps avec le groupe Animal Fun-Time. Huzzah. Après le départ de Skye de l'arrière-salle - sous la forme d'une chouette noire magnifique - Angel est entré, se déshabillant rapidement au cas où quelqu'un d'autre voulait un peu d'intimité. Sous sa tenue de roche assez sombre, Angel chuckled comme elle regardait ses sous-vêtements très pas-rock: Slip blanc et soutien-gorge avec des empreintes de pattes multicolores partout sur eux. Sympa. En les enlevant aussi et en les pliant avec le reste de ses vêtements, Angel trembla au fur et à mesure qu'elle commença à changer. Soudain, sa tête s'allongeait dans un museau; les dents et les ongles s'allongent et s'aiguisent dans des griffes et des crocs; et la fourrure ébène poussait sur tout son corps. Les yeux prennent maintenant une lueur dorée pâle, Angel regarda ses pattes. "Woo! Un changement réussi! Maintenant, pour essayer de marcher droit et éviter de manger de la terre... » Elle se pensa, puis marcha prudemment jusqu'à la porte, la grattant jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'ouvre. À la légère comme elle voyait les autres, Angel ramena son rythme, trottant dans une ligne un peu droite à l'extérieur. Plutôt que d'aller directement au Sanctuaire, elle s'est assise à l'extérieur, regardant la lune pendant qu'elle attendait Cara... qui pourrait potentiellement vouloir un ascenseur dans sa forme de serpent. "Girl a intérêt à ne pas m'étouffer cette fois..."
Name: Angeline Megara Hardwicke Nickname: Angel Birth Date: 24th November Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Angel stands at a less than average height of 5’5, along with a slim hourglass figure, and a heart-shaped face; atop of which sits a mess of chocolate brown curls, often worn in a myriad of different styles, and various shades of brown depending on how she feels like dyeing it. Her eyes are a bright, clear blue, standing out thanks to her dark lashes and brows. Her tanned skin is mostly unmarred, barring tiny scars here and there from scuffles in the past and childhood accidents. Clothing Style: Angel’s clothing style very much changes with the wind and her mood – some days she’ll favour darker clothes in a punk style, paired with heavy make-up and an obvious attitude. Other days she’ll be natural, wearing dresses of various styles and colours and accompanying accessories. And then the day after that she’ll just dress comfortably, wearing jeans and over-sized sweaters. The only clothes that rarely change are her pyjamas – anything with teddy bears. Because teddy bears are awesome, guys. Delving Deeper Likes: Anything fluffy – particularly animals. Face Painting (Well, any form of painting really, but face painting is a fun pastime for her.) Way too Loud music (Particularly rock) Cooking Steak (Cooked blue – any more than that is blasphemy, in her eyes.) Puns, quips, innuendos, and double entendres. (She’ll even sometimes sink so low as to pull the ‘That’s what he/she said’ joke.) Chocolate Day-dreaming ELECTRIC GUITAAAAAARRRRRRR Marvel Nature, and all of her destructive and calm feelings. Dislikes: Marvel-bashers Screamo or death metal Messing up her paintings Nosiness Apathy Slyness Ignorance The ever growing cacophony of irritating sounds often found issuing from children and babies. Fears: Heights Insects and arachnids Dying in some kind of meaningless, pointless manner. Not having left something worthwhile on this earth before she dies. Habits: Humming snatches of songs, or simply guitar riffs, under her breath. Tapping out drum beats. Day dreaming, zoning out, or losing track of a conversation mid-sentence. Clinging to a point rather stubbornly, should she believe she is correct and the other person is wrong. Personality: Entertaining ♦ Stubborn ♦ Opinionated ♦ Warm-Hearted ♦ Sharp Despite the fact her looks – and occasionally scatter-braininess - can make Angel seem like a wee naive girl, she is far from it. She knows far more than she lets on, and she will never let anyone take advantage of her. However, when looking at what Angel truly is like, it is plain to see she can make quite the courteous friend. Not only is she happy to lend an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on, but she gives fairly shrewd advice to people’s problems, in the hopes of helping them. Because of this, she is hardly one to judge others for their acts. One perspective of a story is hardly going to change her opinion of someone. Additionally, she’s quick to make jokes or light-hearted remarks in the hopes of getting someone’s spirits up. Humour rarely fails her, and is a very easy thing to fall back on. As for her stubbornness... well, it’s a miracle her animal form isn’t a Bull. If she has a point in an argument she will fight it as long she believes she is correct – which can definitely cause irritation for others around her, but she does certainly enjoy being right in her views... not that that means she is not open to other people’s opinions. When it comes to hard facts, she will happily accept it if she is wrong in something. As for opinions, everyone is entitled to have them – unless some poor ignorant fool is under the impression that their opinions are indeed facts. In which case, she’s happy to deliver a few sharp words towards said ignoramous. Background: Angel has been living in Tallshade for a good few months now, alongside her younger brother and Uncle. Prior to this, the last time she could remember a normal home life was when she was 9 years old, and still living in England with her brother, and parents. As such, life was pretty good. Her Mother was a Detective, her Father was in the army, and she was doing pretty good in terms of friends and school. Even with an annoying 5-year-old brother hanging around her at all times. Except, this annoying little brother arriving was one of the few good things she could remember in this time of her life – for a few months after her ninth birthday, her Mother died. A police raid gone wrong or something. She was too young to be given all of the details, not that it made it any easier. It had been while her Dad was away, on a tour in some country that she couldn’t pronounce yet. Naturally, he came home early, to attend the funeral and look after his young children. Shortly after this, he left the Army, under Compassionate leave. However, his time abroad had left its mark already – he’d seen such horrors, comrades blown apart before him, that things weren’t so perfect for him mentally. He became paranoid, plagued with nightmares and the inclination that someone had killed his Wife, and was then after him and his two children. Just before Angel’s tenth birthday, their house was sold and they moved to America. From there, they lived a very uncomfortable nomadic lifestyle – travelling from state to state when their Father became certain “people” had followed him there. He acted in the attempt to save his family, and Angel understood that. She knew her Dad was sick, so she just helped look after her brother and kept her head down in school, never really answering truthfully when people asked her why she never stayed for long. However, she knew something had to be done when he grew distrustful of her. Over the years she was maturing into a young lady, body and accent changing – but in her Father’s demented mind, she should still be his little nine year old. She became unrecognizable, and after she came home from school one day at the age of 16, he attacked her, thinking she was some kind of assassin that had broken in. Evading her Father, Angel fled the home with her brother, heading straight to the nearest police station for aid. She knew this would mean social services would get involved, but she couldn’t live with her Dad anymore, not when he was quite capable of killing her and her brother in their sleep. After a few weeks of wrapping their heads around their case, and a few foster homes, social services were able to find a relative of theirs living in America. Although the offer to go back to England was there, Angel decided remaining in the USA was better. She didn’t particularly want to remain in the same country as her Dad (Who was being deported back to the UK to receive mental help), but she knew this life better than her English life. Their fathers cousin – they simply call him Uncle James, it’s easier – happily took them in, being childless himself, and after a few years living in rainy Washington, James’ work had them moved to Tallshade. Now 20 years old, Angel is approaching her final year at University, studying Psychology. Over the years, she has also developed into a low-key rebel. Although not far rebellious enough to joy-ride vehicles or break into houses, she does partake in some amusing deviant acts. Her Uncle is quite lax when it comes to curfews, but had they been in place, she wouldn’t have paid attention to them anyway. Also, as a lover of art, she is quite happy to graffiti the town – nothing as crude as tags, but things that actually look nice. This was how she came across the Mentor. Late one night, she was busy spraying a moonlit lake on a wall when he appeared behind her, at first complimenting her art... and then asking her to spray something for him. Although dubious at first, she swiftly deduced that he wasn’t a cop – a cop would have arrested her already. So, she quite happily sprayed a pentagram on the church wall prior to his instructions (And thoroughly enjoying the irony behind said act), and from there, the conversation grew far more... odd. Now here she is with super-powers like the guys in her favourite movies, and doing things for a guy for reasons unknown to her... Position in the group & Relationships: Quite easily, Angel is the joker of the group. The first to make a quip or crack a joke in a tense situation, and an easy-going source of entertainment. She's also in the younger half of the group, which makes her far more likely to look for support from the older ones - being the caretaker of her brother from a young age, it's a refreshing change. Although happy to take charge if needed, she’s more than at ease to let someone else take the job. ☮Robert☮ The boy is an adventure-loving musician; what's not to love? He isn't too hard on the eyes either... ☮Toby☮ Has a pretty calming air about him. Seems like a dependable friend. ☮Cara☮ Ah. Bluntness. What a refreshing change in this world of political correctness. Also a potential foe when it comes to debating. ☮Nick☮ Hell, the boy can draw. He seems pretty sweet too - although not overly so, thankfully. His bootlegging of alcohol tells me that. ☮Nina☮ If I were to describe her in one word, it would be bitch. But hell, being a bitch isn't always a bad thing. I do admire girls and their claws, and she's got the sharpest of them all. Quite the hellion one looks for in a friend. ☯Eddie☯ Seems kind of meek, not really one to stand up for himself. Which is slightly irritating, but hey, the guy hasn't done anything bad to me. ☯Sloane☯ A fellow admirer of art, and isn't irritating so far. ⚡Teryn⚡ Ugh. I admire stubbornness, but clinging to one's opinions when proven wrong is pathetic. Lady also has some severe issues with everything and everyone, it would seem. Also, she hates dogs. Who hates dogs? THEY'RE SO FLUFFY! ☮Skylar☮ Reminds me of me, somewhat – although she seems sweeter than myself. A good friend – almost motherly, which is appreciated more than she knows. ☯Daniel☯ He seems nice enough, but is almost like a puzzle – one which I am itching to try and solve. Extra: Likes to partake in some underage drinking – moreso than what one would consider to be healthy. Dotes on the family dog – a clumsy Alsatian by the name of Dexter. Is a supreme geek lord – will thrash your ass in any trivia in regards to her favourite fantasy novels or media. Thanks to an extremely paranoid crazy army dad, was taught how to use Morse Code from a very young age. Dark powers: Animal Form: Black Coyote Power: Déjà Vu: Can give the feeling of Déjà Vu to anyone, by wiping their memory from the past few seconds – this can cause slight disorientation, or simply a repetition of a phrase or sentence. Useful if she needs to record or remember a conversation, or slip away without them realising.
Sloane Shields Emplacement: La cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec Sky, Nick, Grimbold, d'autres "Shit, je ne sais pas comment tu gères ça," Sloane avait sympathisé avec Sky, grondant un peu. La jeune femme était si réservée et si tranquille; Sloane ne pouvait pas imaginer qu'elle manipule quelque chose de prêt à faire descendre le bâtiment pour éviter le traitement. Même si elle s'occupait de Sky, elle n'était toujours pas du genre à s'inquiéter, et elle a offert une puanteur sans défense. Le pire qu'elle ait eu à faire, c'était des bonds et des garçons bourrés qui ne peuvent pas s'asseoir, et elle a dit autant que Nick venait. "Nous vous le dirons quand vous serez plus vieux," elle s'est taquinée, jetant un clin d'oeil dans sa direction. C'est peu après qu'elle a fini sa soupe et Grimbold a parlé. À la mention de leur nouveau membre, Sloane avait jeté un coup d'œil sur Angel; nouveau, mais il avait raison, s'inscrivant directement dans la berline et l'atmosphère. Elle a même offert un sourire en accord (bien qu'il ait rapidement disparu). Puis le mentor s'est mis au travail : Sloane n'a pas reconnu le nom. Donc pas un local, pensait-elle, les yeux verts se rétrécissant alors que ses pensées suivantes sautaient à l'université. Et l'artiste était très bien de laisser son samedi ouvert; elle a apprécié les nuits tranquilles à la maison, surtout après avoir été partie toute la semaine. Une fois Grimbold a fini de parler, elle a sauté une autre pâtisserie dans sa bouche alors qu'elle se levait. Elle a disparu dans une autre pièce, sa chemise montante et sur la tête avant de pousser la porte presque fermée (les hoves ne pouvaient pas ouvrir une porte très bien après tout). Puis un moment plus tard, la dope sortait de la salle de bain et les vêtements de Sloane étaient laissés derrière. Le cerf était silencieux, regardant les autres avec de grands yeux sombres, avant de trotter lentement jusqu'à la sortie.
You should never feel afraid to become a piece of art. Personal Information NAME Sloane Shields NICKNAMES Ona: given to her by her grandfather, but only her immediate family wastes time giving her name an extra syllable. Lo: she was first called this by her high school sweetheart and resents it being used by anyone else. BIRTH DATE November 21, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Female SEXUALITY Bisexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Her pale green eyes stand out the most: although mostly a light and icy green, flecks of deeper emerald and gold dot the irises. She tends to wear dark eyeliner and eye shadow that compliments the color. Sloane’s skin is dark brown in contrast, and she wears make up to accent her high cheekbones. Her dreadlocks are dark brown–nearly black–in color and are styled like a Mohawk with both sides shaved close to her scalp. She walks with a tall, confident demeanor and tends to wear a combination of tight pants and layered tanktops to show off her tattoo sleeves. Toned arms and legs stretch far, emphasizing her height and slimness–high heels help, too. Her nails are typically painted black, but are sometimes accented with whites, golds, reds, or purples as well. She also has tattoos behind her ear, neck, on her back and legs, hips, below her chest, and..elsewhere. Said tattoos include but are not limited to her zodiac sign, favorite quote, a semi-colon, and tribal designs. When it comes to jewelry, she has small gauges in her ears and long necklaces that dangle over her chest. She’ll sometimes have thick bracelets and rings on, as well. In her heels, she stands over 6' tall and weighs about 140 lbs. Notable tattoos: due to her dark skin, plain black tattoos are less than flashy. So she uses a lot of color in her work. On her left wrist is a compass, splattered with water color ink. The compass bleeds up her arm and into the rest of her sleeve. On the inside of her opposite arm is her first tattoo, gotten while taking Latin her freshmen year of high school: carpe noctem is scripted in hard, bold letters. This arm is sleeved, too, and compliments the phrase though overall it's not as colorful as her left arm. On her back is a decorated tree, decorated with reds and oranges. Finally, "1988" scripted on the side of her left ring finger. This is Winston's--her high school sweetheart's--birth year. These aren't all of her tattoos, but probably her most notable / important ones. CLOTHING A little athletic, a little slutty, all sexy: Sloane has a lean, beautiful body and she isn't afraid to show it off or the tattoos that decorate it. Her style can be described as a little grunge and a little street; she's always looks ready to go to a club. And unless she's working out, she's wearing heels. Sample wardrobe: X X X X X X X X Delving Deeper ♦ Ambitious ♦ Cold ♦ Creative ♦ Independent PESONALITY When it comes to people, she can come off friendly enough, though she’s rather apathetic behind the smiles. She’s far more interested in art and animals and magic, but she recognizes the importance and usefulness in others. Still, when her mood is soured, she can be sadistic and cruel to those she feel has wronged her–though, at times, she finds herself acting pointlessly cruel sometimes out of impatience or defensiveness. Needless to say, Sloane tends to look out for herself before others. However, she can easily bond with another over similar interests. She likes being active and loves to travel when she’s commissioned for a tattoo from someone out of town. Her less-than-conservative style stands out in a small town and she welcomes rumors of her being in a cult or a witch or in a gang or anything. LIKES Animals Art (tattoos, photography, paint, you name it) Foreign movies Tea Dance and rap Cities DISLIKES People (especially dull men) Feeling dumb: she dropped out of high school so, while clever, she isn't educated. And this can lead her to feeling self conscious about her intelligence. Fast food Boy bands Ross from FRIENDS FEARS Death Weakness Intimacy HABITS Playing with her hair StaringDoodling if she has a pen or pencil in hand BACKGROUND Sloane was born to an interracial couple (most notably of Sudanese and Iranian descent among others), but was raised by her mother and grandfather. There isn't much else to be said for the early years of her life because she was raised happily and healthily. Her sense of style growing up scared away potential friends, as she tended to take on a gothic/emo appearance, but she was content. And she was particularly happy when her first boyfriend (who on the surface was an idiot but friendly jock) asked her out and they became an item. They were happy together for only about six months: A particularly romantic Valentines Day led to a teen pregnancy with her first boyfriend. With support from both their families, she had planned to raise it with him. However, he died in an accident and she put the baby up for adoption instead--this being her biggest regret and a decision she made out of grief. Then she dropped out of her sophomore year of high school to become a tattoo artist. Neither her grandfather nor mother were very happy, but they tried to be supportive due to the tragic loss. While other people studied through and graduated from high school, Sloane spent those years studying the art of tattoos. She was a fast learner and talented artist. And now, at 25, she owns her own tattoo shop and apartment above it: Ink Shields. It's of course popular with university students, but she gets both people travelling far and paid extra to leave town for her artwork. It was soon after dropping out of high school that the Mentor appeared before her and gave her first task: key some guy's car. She was in a vulnerable place emotionally and psychologically, so she did. And the powers and the sense of family that came with them allowed her to toughen up and grow into the woman she is today. RELATIONSHIPS What I'm thinking so far (correct me if I'm mischaracterizing anyone): Sloane can come off as the stern but caring big-sister type. However, the latter is a lot harder to see, and she has little patience for weaknesses in herself or others. Terry: likes Terry enjoys her company as they have a lot of common--including the types of issues they face being a minority in a small town. She sees herself in Terry. Eddie: she has nothing against Eddie personally, but he seems to lack spine. She's impatient and snippy with him, partly because he just lets her. Robert: Finds him impulsive and obnoxious, but she knows there's more to him than that. He's not afraid to speak his mind, which she can at least respect. Cara: she comes off as friendly enough, but Sloane has seen the control freak side as well. She doesn't really mind allowing Cara to do what she wants, it's usually harmless to her. Toby: Dick. Sloane is p sure he's afraid of her since he doesn't always speak up. Makes her want to antagonize him more. Nina: They're both powerful, confident, and ambitious. So alike that they clash: Nina is really the only other member she considers worthy of rivalry. Nick: He's refreshing and bright--probably partly because he's the youngest of the group. But she admires his work and sees potential in Nick. Probably particularly protective of him. Angel: She doesn't have a problem with Angel; the girl seems tough as nails and Sloane admires her confidence. She's not ignorant to the issues between her and Terry, though, and would like to see them get along. Sky: Sloane was less than impressed with Sky when they first meant, but the woman's kindness and wisdom grew on her over time. And while she considers her a friend, she's also attracted to her as a person. EXTRA She has a Maine Coon named Nox. Her favorite color is deep red and she likes the scent of leather. Song: Life in Her Yet by Rag’n’Bone Man and Muse by OCAD. Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM Sloane's deer form is, of course, black as coal. However, she's relatively large for what would be a female deer, but nothing impossible for the species. Ironically, deer--especially does--are docile creatures whereas Sloane is anything but; however, she shares its lean, graceful figure and long limbs. POWER Umbra: Sloane can darken and manipulate shadows to a small degree, creating what would otherwise be a trick of the eye. She has exercised control over the power; however, her mental state can easily affect her control. Rage or depression can cause the lights to flicker and dim.
Cara Osborne Emplacement; la cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec; S.O. Un soupir lourd s'échappa des lèvres de Cara, jetant sa cuillère à côté du bol dont elle avait une soupe. Ce n'est pas qu'elle n'a pas aimé se transformer en serpent et traîner avec le groupe des inadaptés dans leur forme animale, c'est juste le fait que cela a été un an depuis qu'elle avait obtenu ses pouvoirs mais elle ne pouvait toujours pas s'adapter à la situation sans grimpe. Cara a vu Angel entrer dans la pièce pour se transformer en coyote. Au moins, le nouveau a eu la chance d'avoir quatre jambes au lieu d'aucune. Elle a attendu qu'Ange quitte la pièce, décidant de prendre le moment de penser à qui était sa cible. Janet Garrison. Le nom lui semblait familier, comme un piquant à l'arrière de son esprit, mais elle n'était pas très sûre d'où elle l'a entendu. Cara a fouillé mentalement une liste de personnes de sa classe, retraçant chaque nom et chaque visage alors qu'elle essayait de se rétrécir sur la famille Miss Garrison. Ah, maintenant je me souviens... Janet était l'une des nombreuses filles cachées à l'arrière de la salle de conférence, le type timide et tranquille. Peut-être intelligent aussi, Cara devina. Elle ne savait pas grand-chose de la timide camarade de classe, autre que son âge - vingt et un - et dans quel dortoir elle vivait. Cara a pu utiliser sa tactique d'effroi habituelle sur la fille, peut-être s'amusait un peu juste pour s'assurer qu'elle ne quitterait pas sa chambre samedi. Cara ne voulait pas traumatiser complètement la fille, mais elle ne pouvait rien y faire. Un travail était un travail. Cara se leva lentement en voyant Sloane venir de la direction de la pièce, prenant comme son signal de se préparer. Laisser la porte partiellement ouverte derrière elle, Cara a immédiatement commencé sur ses vêtements. Un à un, les vêtements tomberaient à terre, avant qu'une Cara nue ne les reprenne et s'assure de les plier soigneusement, la froideur de la pièce soulevant des boules d'oie sur sa chair nue. Elle était toujours particulière à ses vêtements, voulant que tout soit pur et parfait. Tu pourrais même dire qu'elle était un peu un monstre de contrôle quand il s'agissait de chercher son meilleur. Non pas qu'elle l'admette à voix haute. Ensuite, Cara s'est préparée pour son changement, assise avec ses jambes pressées ensemble et ses bras contre ses côtés. C'était beaucoup plus facile et moins douloureux pour elle de le faire, car les écailles enveloppaient lentement sa peau et fusionnaient ses membres à son corps. La hauteur de Cara s'est encore rétrécie et ses yeux sont passés de la teinte brune à un noir obsidien, ses paupières disparaissent complètement jusqu'à ce qu'elle prenne enfin l'apparence d'un serpent noir mexicain. C'était la partie difficile. Cara avait laissé juste assez d'espace pour qu'elle passe par le passé, mais elle devait s'assurer qu'elle ne ferait pas un imbécile d'elle-même en se faisant enchevêtrer dans son propre corps tout en le faisant. Lentement, mais sûrement, Cara a glissé à travers le sol et vers les autres, leur faisant savoir que la pièce était vide avant de partir par la porte d'entrée, trouvant Angel attendant dehors. Cara aurait souri si elle le pouvait, mais elle a simplement sifflé en faisant connaître sa présence au coyote avant de grimper - faute d'un meilleur mot - vers le haut du corps d'Angel et s'est enroulée autour du cou, en s'attachant au corps du coyote. C'était un peu dangereux, mais Cara essayait de ne pas étrangler le nouveau. Tant qu'elle n'a pas sauté sur ses pattes et envoyé Cara voler en l'air.
Name: Catherine Amaya Osborne Nickname: Cara Birth Date: November 7th Age: Twenty-two Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Barely reaching 5'1" and weighing only 50kg (110lbs), Cara gives the impression of being cute and harmless. While she likes to be known as cute, harmless is something she's certainly not. The petite girl has an hourglass figure, hips wide but waist slender, usually maintained by her rapid metabolism and strict diet (other than chocolate, Cara can never resist anything chocolatey). Cara has a dimple on her left cheek, an indication of her smiley nature. She also has a naturally tanned complexion, complementing her brown hair and eyes. Speaking of eyes, Cara has wide doe eyed brown orbs, giving her an innocent look which is framed with thick, dark eyebrows. She also has shoulder-length brown hair, thick and kept straight with overgrown fringes that frame her somewhat chubby cheeks perfectly. Clothing Style: Cara loves to dress up, no matter the occasion. She loves to wear various skirts and dresses, as long as it's chic and cute (to match her bubbly-looking appearance). She also likes experimenting with her clothes, so one day she may go for a bold design, or the other she'd wear something simple. Make-up wise, Cara loves to define her eyes, either with some eyeliner or with dark eyeshadow. Lip colours vary depending on her mood or the situation, usually switching from naturals, pinks and bold reds. Deeper Likes: Tea Terrible romance drama films Cycling Reading Chocolate Dislikes: Doing nothing Coffee People who call her a control freak Anything cold Debby-downers Fears: Losing control of her life Suffocating Letting people too close Habits: Tapping her fingers against surfaces Playing with her hair Pouting her lips while in thought Personality: ♦ Kind ♦ Control Freak ♦ Blunt ♦ Stubborn ♦ Manipulative ♦ At first glance, people assume that Cara is docile and harmless, the cutesy one, if you will. However, Cara is anything but docile. She has been known to argue and stand by her points (and values) no matter what, her stubborn streak comparable to that of a boulder. Her stubbornness paired with her controlling personality can make her quite the unpleasant person to hang around with, most of the time. However, Cara refuses to acknowledge herself as a control-freak, that's one thing that would piss her off. Cara is very confident, in herself and her abilities. She is also always found with a smile (whether its fake or genuine, people usually can't tell). Don't get fooled by her sweet smile, however, as Cara can potentially use her 'sweet, innocent appearance' to dupe people. Cara also likes to consider herself honest, but most of her 'honesty' is just the blunt truth. She never sugar-coats her words (unless she's fooling someone), her words usually unfiltered. Overall, Cara can be nice when she needs to be, but piss her off and she can be a vindictive little bitch. Background: Born in the English countryside, in a small town where everyone knew everything, Catherine had a normal childhood. Or, as normal as one could get having seven older siblings. It wasn't like she was neglected or abused in the household, but Catherine knew that she wasn't the most wanted child. Having to compete with seven other children for any attention, Catherine developed into a loud, stubborn child that was hard to reason with unless she was bribed with chocolates. Catherine was encouraged to pick up many hobbies, including dancing and painting alongside furthering her education. Most of her siblings were average students, Catherine included. However, the girl had found her calling in life: to be a surgeon, where she had the contol and power to save lives. The medicine path motivated the girl throughout her childhood and teenage years, making her a hard-working student and achieving good grades even though she wasn't a genius. This remained until Cara finished her secondary education, achieving high grades - especially in science and maths. The girl, during her hunt for a university, stumbled on a town named Tallshade hidden within the forest. Liking the prospect of moving away from the stuffy town, Cara applied immediately for a medical course, before packing up and moving out as soon as she hit eighteen. Cara performed well during the first few years of her medical degree, studying hard and maintaining her work ethic like back at home. Cara met The Mentor during one of her panic-study sessions at the local library. Funnily enough, the girl actually screamed out 'I wish I could get them to listen to me!' before she noticed The Mentor beside her. Offering her powers in exchange doing whatever he wanted, the girl accepted immediately. That was a year ago, and now, Cara loves her life. Position in the group: Cara's desire for control means that she strives to be a leader, even if she's not the best person to lead a team. She likes to consider everybody in the group as friends, or at least some of them, but it doesn't mean that they're exempt to her blunt and bold personality. ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || 💕 Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ⚡ Rivals || ⚔ Nemesis ☮ Eddie ☮ Sweet guy, but he just needs to stand up for himself. Cara likes Eddie enough to try and tame her bold personality so she doesn't scare him off (even if it's not much difference). Cara doesn't like Nina's tendancy to bully Eddie, which often results in her advising him on ways to defend himself - her advice usually coming out as forceful. ☯ Terry ☯ Cara appreciates her observant nature, knowing that her fake smiles don't work on the quiet girl. Cara tends to just stay away from Terry, more because she doesn't know how to approach her without losing her cool. ☮ Sloane ☮ Bold and proud, Cara definitely likes Sloane, acting friendly enough to her. If she were attracted to women, she would've been attracted to Sloane. ☯ Robert ☯ Robert's playful nature reminds her of an excitable puppy. Cara doesn't mind going along with many of his schemes, as long as she doesn't consider it stupid. Again, like with many of the others, Cara remains friendly with Robert, as long as he doesn't make her feel like she doesn't have control during his schemes. ☮ Toby ☮ He's quite the looker, but withdrawn. She doesn't know much about Toby, and while she's curious, she doesn't bother to ask. There is a possibility that Cara could be attracted to Toby, but its more of a physical thing, rather than an emotional one. ☮ Nick ☮ Like the little brother of the group, Cara can understand what its like to be the youngest sibling, but she doesn't baby Nick either, no matter how adorable he looks in his ferret form. ⚡ Nina ⚡ Nina and Cara have a hot and cold friendship: one day they could get along well enough to watch movies and hang out with each other, the next they could easily grate on each other's nerves. ☮ Angel ☮ Angel is one girl that Cara knows she can have a argument debate with, no matter how heated it may get due to their stubborn nature. Both also from England, Cara likes to think that the two are friends. She doesn't mind showing Angel around Tallshade, since Cara understands what its like to be new in a different environment. Extra: Cara speaks with a hint of a British accent, one of the only hints to her British background. She's trying to give up smoking, after having a little health scare a while ago. powers: Animal Form: Power: Cara has the ability to make people hear whispers. It's not her speaking, but just simple idle chatter as if someone is right behind them, even if no one is there. Serves as a great distraction tool during exam season, though.
Tobias Rieper Emplacement: Cabine de Grimbold Interagir avec:N/A Enfin, Grimbold s'est exprimé en leur racontant la tâche qu'il avait pour eux. Ils devaient garder quelqu'un dans leur maison samedi prochain, physiquement ou mentalement. Et quelque chose à propos d'un appel, peut-être Grimbold les vérifierait ce soir-là. Tobias a froncé alors qu'il se demandait comment il garderait sa cible à l'intérieur de sa maison. Son pouvoir était de nature prédictive, contrairement à la plupart du groupe, qui avait quelque chose de plus actif dans la nature. Sa cible n'a pas vraiment aidé les choses non plus, c'était son propriétaire de toutes les personnes. Tobias doutait de sa forme animale, le raton laveur pouvait faire beaucoup avec la tâche que Grimbold lui avait assignée. Tobias était sûr qu'il devait faire quelque chose de physique pour garder son propriétaire à l'intérieur. J'espère que ça n'aurait pas à arriver à quelque chose de drastique, mais il avait une semaine pour le découvrir. En attendant, il devrait probablement se transformer en son animal. "J'ai toujours détesté cette partie..." La transformation n'a pas été douloureuse, mais c'était étrange. Oui, Tobias avait déjà changé, mais ça ne lui est jamais devenu normal. Toute la perte de tous vos vêtements était très gênante, mais il pensait que même la magie avait ses limites. Un raton laveur, Tobias s'est lentement retiré de sa chemise. Il avait appris de ses premières tentatives qu'aller de l'avant entraînait d'habitude sa tête à être coincée sur sa chemise, et Tobias courait avec elle coincée jusqu'à ce qu'il se transforme en arrière. Pas comme si elle obscurcissait sa vision, mais cela ruinerait son t-shirt et l'attention des gens serait attirée vers lui. Tobias commença alors son chemin vers le sanctuaire, ne voulant plus perdre de temps.
Tobias Rieper “Home, sweet home. Something in the night felt like a door had been opened, an echo of the past, an old monster snapping its eyes open in the depths of my brain. Closing your eyes forces you to look at the darkness inside.” Personal Information NAME Tobias Rieper NICKNAMES Toby BIRTH DATE October 13th, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Male SEXUALITY Heterosexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Tobias's light blue eyes highlight his strongly german ancestry, if the pale white skin didn’t tip you off already. No makeup, nor any special hairdos, as one would expect from the average male, but has a beard/moustache. Tobias is exactly six feet tall, weighing around 170 pounds, fit as a fiddle, as his previous gang/prison lifestyle hasn’t allowed him to become weak. Tobias generally has a non expressive face, but he generally tries to smile for his own sake. CLOTHING Tobias doesn’t really wear anything too flashy in terms of his fashion, preferring to wear a simple jacket, jeans and some nikes. On occasion, he will wear a suit if he feels the situation requires it. And dress shoes too, because only a heathen would wear sneakers with a suit. Delving Deeper ♦Thoughtful ♦ Calm ♦ All Talk ♦ Remorseful PESONALITY While Tobias used to be aggressive in the past, now he attempts to be calm and less confrontational. While his anger still has a short fuse, Tobias manages to keep it in check, at least for now. Conflict is something he is not afraid of, but will avoid violence at all costs.Tobias would willingly allow another person to beat him, as he feels fighting back would drive him back to his previous life. As such, he tries to talk and bluff his way out of tricky situations. He can be withdrawn at times, as Tobias learned in therapy to mentally remove himself from the picture if his anger is getting out of control. LIKES Peace and quiet Snow Structure Cats/Dogs DISLIKES Tattoos Drugs Smug People Physical Fighting FEARS loss of self control Reversion to his precious lifestyle Addiction HABITS Plays with his rosary a bit when in deep thought. As stated before, has a habit of being withdrawn at random times. BACKGROUND Tobias was supposed to be the perfect model for the american dream. Four years of college, internship at a major accounting firm, steady and safe job. There was really nothing Tobias should have been complaining about, as he was practically set for life. But privately, he hated the life. Tobias felt little purpose in his studies, and later, his internship. While his family had paid for his college, and their connections earned him the internship, Tobias felt empty. His dissatisfaction led to his membership in a gang. The drugs helped, and beating up some poor sucker on the wrong side of town gave him a different high. Tobias was hooked. The drugs made him feel immortal, beating up other people gave him purpose and thrills. The gang made use of him as an enforcer, to collect debts, participate in gang fights, you name it. Ironically, Tobias was arrested for drug use/possession rather than being caught for beating people to near death. He was given three years in jail, losing his job, house, and his car. At first, Tobias blamed everything but himself for this sentence. The system, society, his circumstances. He constantly picked fights with other inmates to get a “high” again. After a year in prison, he “sobered” up and came to a different conclusion. His downfall was his own fault. There was nothing else to blame. There was something twisted, dark in his head if he had to do drugs or fight to feel satisfied. The system worked exactly as it should have, society was right this time, and he could offer no realistic excuses to his behavior. Tobias started to turn his life around as best he could in prison. Tobias no longer fought, he spent time in drug therapy sessions, and even became a Catholic, attending mass at the prison ministry. But as soon as he his sentence ended and he was let out, the empty feeling came back. Tobias tried to ignore the feeling, moving to a small town and acquiring a minimum wage job. He no longer cared much about the faith, ignoring it completely. But a man approached him, and offered him another purpose in life. Grimbold, he called himself. Supposedly Tobias had a higher calling, and as long as he would be willing to follow. Tobias accepted, but there was something in the back of the head telling him this might not be any different from his previous gang lifestyle.. RELATIONSHIPS Tobias probably comes off as the skeptic. The thinker of the group. He may take charge if no one else is willing. ☯Eddie☯ Weird guy, but nothing to hate him over. Tobias wonders why he’s in such a group however. ☯Teryn/Terry☯ Weird girl, but not as weird as Eddie. Not much to say about her as she rarely says much at all. ⚔Sloane⚔ Troublesome. While he may not backtalk to her, there are certainly times Tobias feels he might lose his temper with her and attempt to beat the living shit out of her. For this reason, Tobias acts cold to her in an attempt to get her to ignore him. ☯Robert☯ Too naive. Kind of reminds him of when he was younger, except with less angst, so he holds little ill will towards Robert. ☮Cara☮A bit on the short side, but she seems nice enough. ☯Nick☯Toby feels like he should say something about his illicit activities, but he feels he'd be a hypocrite considering he was no better at that age. ⚡Nina⚡Reminds him of Sloane. EXTRA None Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM A simple raccoon. POWER Can predict bad events, but has no idea of the severity/context, just that something bad will happen.
Légèrement en montée, une silhouette apparut devant la grande pleine lune qui brillait derrière elle. Un loup, à fourrure grise épaisse, attendait que les autres animaux le suivent. Une fois qu'ils étaient tous ensemble, il les conduisit sur la montagne, sur un sentier caché, à travers la forêt. Le Sanctuaire les attendait. Un cercle de grandes pierres de taille, avec une pierre qui pourrait ressembler à un autel au milieu. Sur le côté du cercle, il y avait d'autres structures en pierre, penchées contre le flanc de la montagne. Dans l'ensemble, il pourrait rappeler une ancienne construction druidique. Une petite sœur de stonehenge peut-être. Mais beaucoup moins connu. Il était fort probable que personne d'autre que Grimbold et la famille des bêtes n'était au courant de cet endroit. Le loup a fait un mouvement circulaire avec sa tête, indiquant les autres pour former un cercle à l'intérieur du cercle de pierres. Sur le sol autour de l'autel, des lignes et des cercles avaient été tracés sur la terre. D'autres lignes étaient composées de différents types de poudres. Un noir, blanc, oker. Alors que le loup marchait lentement vers l'autel, il commença à changer. La fourrure s'est transformée en manteau gris. Une fois Grimbold arrivé au centre du cercle, il était complètement sous forme humaine à nouveau. Sur l'autel, un cygne attendait. Ne pas faire un bruit, pas stupéfait par tous les mouvements autour d'elle. Elle s'est allongée là, semblant être en paix totale, pendant qu'elle regardait les autres créatures. Grimbold n'était pas content de ce qu'il allait faire. Ce n'était pas la première fois, et ce ne serait pas la dernière. Mais il a fait ce qu'il avait à faire. Et ses élèves avaient besoin d'apprendre, parce qu'ils avaient un long chemin devant eux. Pendant qu'il vieillissait. Il a sorti sa dague et l'a retenue avec les deux mains, lame pointant vers le bas sur le cygne. "Opako senar, hambra manu, sepa kharta latangra ghudul" Avec une frappe rapide, Grimbold a fait descendre la lame. Il a frappé le cygne sur son dos, juste entre ses ailes. Une dernière fois, on entendait le cygne se vider d'air, avant qu'elle ne perde de force dans son cou, et sa tête tomba sur l'autel. Un silence épouvantable a frappé la forêt pendant quelques secondes. Pas d'oiseaux, pas d'insectes. Pas de bruit. Rien. Puis vaguement, une fumée noire a commencé à venir du cygne. Comme si tout le corps des bêtes s'évaporait. Les plumes ont fondu dans une fumée noire lourde qui était presque liquide. Et finalement, tout le cygne s'est dissipé. Une épaisse fumée noire roulait sur le côté de l'autel et sur le sol, d'où le cygne avait juste dissapéard. La fumée s'est répandue à travers le sol forestier, avant de s'évaporer lentement dans le néant. Sur l'autel il ne restait que le squelette du cygne. Grimbold murmura d'autres mots dans un langage inconnu, comme s'il payait son respect au corps de la créature morte. Puis il a commencé à ramasser les os dans un sac, laissant le crâne pour la fin. Il a regardé autour du cercle. C'était pour aujourd'hui. Il a hurlé dans la direction de la cabine, le panneau pour retourner en arrière. Après que Grimbold eut changé de loup une fois de plus, et ils retournèrent tous à la cabane. Il ne voulait pas expliquer ce qui venait de se passer, ni même pourquoi. Une fois que les gens s'étaient à nouveau habillés, ils ont commencé à partir. Je rentre chez moi, probablement. Grimbold se tenait à la porte, la même chose qu'il avait quand ils étaient entrés. Il a salué tout le monde, et les a regardés partir. Le lendemain, le soleil s'est levé au-dessus de l'horizon, rencontrant un ciel bleu sans nuages. Cette période de l'année, le matin a permis au soleil de briller sa lumière sur l'ombre haute pendant quelques heures, avant que le soleil se dissipe derrière la montagne.
Name: Robert Montgomery Taylor Nickname: Fantastic Mister Fox, Rob, Foxy Birth Date: january 4th, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: male Sexuality: heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: yellow-green eyes pierce from under his stubborn black hair. Though physically relaxed, the eyes give away that his mind is alert. Robert is slender and slightly taller than most. Because he is too lazy to shave daily, his chin is covered in stubble most of the time. He strides with a combination of authority and enibration. Sometimes one more than the other. It varies. Clothing Style: Robert's colors are mostly black combined with bordeaux red or dark green. He wears plain shirts, hoodies, jeans and boots. Outside he wears his black jacket. Delving Deeper Likes: power writing poetry with quill and ink adventure chocolate chip cookies playing the guitar berries red wine rum Dislikes: poets people who are not up for his ideas people who disrespect him chocolate and fruit combination human stupidity Fears: Being a failure Letting people down Drowning That humanity will destroy itself Habits: running his hand through his hair whistling playing with a coin. Personality: ♦ proud ♦ playful ♦ caring ♦ brooding Robert does what he wants, whenever he wants. Though life often doesn't agree with him. So he comes up with an extravagant plan to make it better, or to fix things. And sometimes it works. And often he gets in trouble even deeper. But he learned how to talk himself in and out of these situations. He doesn't like to be responsible for people, because they will only slow him down. But he feels responsible nevertheless. And often he can use a hand. His 'plans' are often not as much actual plans, as just a means to persuade people in aiding him. Background: Growing up, Robert had a rather normal childhood. In highschool he was one of the more alternative teenagers ofcourse. His most important problem at the time, was how society wanted him to be it's bitch by making him going to school and then study and work. That couldn't be what was meant for him. But other than that, not much weird stuff going on. Philosophy turned out a lot more boring and less enlightening than Robert had hoped. But he didn't want to return home emtpy handed. So he got a job at the library and bided his time in this town. It was even more boring than studying, but at least he could pay the rent and didn't have to put up with pretentious students and professors. But still, far from any great destiny. Despite his cynical attitude about religion in general, and after a night of heavy drinking, he went to church to pray for something good to happen. But as he was about to declare himself officialy crazy and close his eyes to start praying, a man next to him spoke to him. For some reason he quickly figured out Robert's situation and proposed to help him, if Robert did him a small favor. He needed to steal the small crucifix hanging on the wall of the church. Regardless of how the man was going to help him, that sounded like an exciting idea to him. So when the priest wasn't looking, he sneaked out the little artefact. After that, Grimbold asked him over for dinner. And they talked a lot. About life and society. Then Grimbold offered him a chance at a whole new life. Next to his current one. Relationships: Robert views everybody in the group as family. Though family doesn't necessarily means without friction. ♫Eddie ♫ and Robert are buddies. Robert is persuasive and Eddie tends to give in quickly, so Robert drags him along on his plans, more or less willingly. ⚡ Sloane ⚡ and Robert both are strong-willed individuals. This leads to clashes from time to time. Though he has respect for her independence. ♥ Terry ♥ has something very intruiging to Robert. She seems untouchable by his current social vocabulary. It's frustrating. Especially since he finds her rather attractive. ☯ Tobias ☯ is someone that Robert is slightly more careful with. He comes of as distant but dense, so he's just a little less comfortable around him than with the others. ☯ Cara ☯ is oke, but her controlling side is rather annoying. ☮ Nick ☮ is a great younger brother to have. Robert feels sort of a protector role for him. He will teach him the important things in life. Like rum appreciation. ☮ Nina ☮ is on Robert's level. Someone that he can talk with and have fun with. She's like a sister. But she's also hot. which is confusing. ☮Angel☮ Though she is relatively new, Robert gets a good vibe from her. Sharp and fun to hang with. ☮Skylar☮ Warm hearts are good company. Sky is comforting, which Rob needs sometimes. But she's also innocent enough for him to feel a protector role over her. ☯Daniel☯ He seems like a good kid, but Robert has a hard time really connecting with him. Extra: He wears a small flask filled with rum on his belt. Dark powers: Animal Form: Fox power: Loss of focus: For just a second, your thoughts were drifting somewhere else. You weren't paying attention you didn't watch where you were going. And now you walked into that lamppost, or cut yourself with the scissors. You stumbled, you hit your thumb with the hammer. Just your luck.
M. Robert Taylor, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme et Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme et Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme. Lieu; Accueil -> Bibliothèque Interagir avec; Texting Eddie "..ate maintenant pour dire désolé? - Désolé. Parce qu'il me manque plus que ton bo.. SLAM! Robert a balayé son réveil radio. Bien qu'il ait d'abord pensé que se réveiller à la musique était mieux que de se réveiller à un bip ennuyeux et répététif, il commençait à avoir quelques doutes. Tout en frottant le sommeil hors de son visage, il marcha à la cuisine dans ses sous-vêtements pour se faire de la farine d'avoine. Pendant que l'eau bouillait, il regarda dans le miroir. Une feuille était encore coincée dans ses cheveux sales. Avec ses doigts, il se peignait un peu les cheveux, afin qu'il ait au moins l'air assez bien pour aller travailler aujourd'hui. Non pas qu'il avait l'intention de mettre beaucoup plus d'efforts à cet égard. Bien, s'habiller peut-être. quinze minutes plus tard, Robert marchait vers la bibliothèque, profitant du seul soleil qui toucherait sa peau aujourd'hui. C'était une bonne ville pour les gingembres légers. Bien que le travail n'allait pas être très intéressant, il y avait une aventure intéressante qui l'attendait sous la forme de la mission Grimbolds. Sous la forme de Rachel Brooks, la fille qui allait passer un mauvais moment cette semaine. C'était la première fois que Robert se sentait quelque peu hésitant à propos des ordres de Grimbold. Il le ferait bien sûr. Mais elle semblait si innocente. Le soupir qu'il a laissé sortir, était visible comme un petit nuage qui a échappé à sa bouche, à cause du froid. Rob a sorti son smartphone de sa poche. Aux : Eddard De: Rob Hey Eddie, tu as des projets avec ta copine? Tu devrais l'inviter à sortir. Vous pourriez la garder occupée le samedi;) Sauf que vous devrez probablement partir pour cette autre chose cependant. Après avoir frappé l'envoi, Robert a de nouveau levé les yeux pour voir où il allait. Juste à temps pour échapper à un poteau de lampe. Ça aurait été ironique. Quand il est arrivé à destination, il a vu son patron ouvrir la porte. Bonjour Martha. Il était tout à fait prêt pour un autre jour extrêmement inégalé. Oui, ma vie.
Name: Robert Montgomery Taylor Nickname: Fantastic Mister Fox, Rob, Foxy Birth Date: january 4th, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: male Sexuality: heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: yellow-green eyes pierce from under his stubborn black hair. Though physically relaxed, the eyes give away that his mind is alert. Robert is slender and slightly taller than most. Because he is too lazy to shave daily, his chin is covered in stubble most of the time. He strides with a combination of authority and enibration. Sometimes one more than the other. It varies. Clothing Style: Robert's colors are mostly black combined with bordeaux red or dark green. He wears plain shirts, hoodies, jeans and boots. Outside he wears his black jacket. Delving Deeper Likes: power writing poetry with quill and ink adventure chocolate chip cookies playing the guitar berries red wine rum Dislikes: poets people who are not up for his ideas people who disrespect him chocolate and fruit combination human stupidity Fears: Being a failure Letting people down Drowning That humanity will destroy itself Habits: running his hand through his hair whistling playing with a coin. Personality: ♦ proud ♦ playful ♦ caring ♦ brooding Robert does what he wants, whenever he wants. Though life often doesn't agree with him. So he comes up with an extravagant plan to make it better, or to fix things. And sometimes it works. And often he gets in trouble even deeper. But he learned how to talk himself in and out of these situations. He doesn't like to be responsible for people, because they will only slow him down. But he feels responsible nevertheless. And often he can use a hand. His 'plans' are often not as much actual plans, as just a means to persuade people in aiding him. Background: Growing up, Robert had a rather normal childhood. In highschool he was one of the more alternative teenagers ofcourse. His most important problem at the time, was how society wanted him to be it's bitch by making him going to school and then study and work. That couldn't be what was meant for him. But other than that, not much weird stuff going on. Philosophy turned out a lot more boring and less enlightening than Robert had hoped. But he didn't want to return home emtpy handed. So he got a job at the library and bided his time in this town. It was even more boring than studying, but at least he could pay the rent and didn't have to put up with pretentious students and professors. But still, far from any great destiny. Despite his cynical attitude about religion in general, and after a night of heavy drinking, he went to church to pray for something good to happen. But as he was about to declare himself officialy crazy and close his eyes to start praying, a man next to him spoke to him. For some reason he quickly figured out Robert's situation and proposed to help him, if Robert did him a small favor. He needed to steal the small crucifix hanging on the wall of the church. Regardless of how the man was going to help him, that sounded like an exciting idea to him. So when the priest wasn't looking, he sneaked out the little artefact. After that, Grimbold asked him over for dinner. And they talked a lot. About life and society. Then Grimbold offered him a chance at a whole new life. Next to his current one. Relationships: Robert views everybody in the group as family. Though family doesn't necessarily means without friction. ♫Eddie ♫ and Robert are buddies. Robert is persuasive and Eddie tends to give in quickly, so Robert drags him along on his plans, more or less willingly. ⚡ Sloane ⚡ and Robert both are strong-willed individuals. This leads to clashes from time to time. Though he has respect for her independence. ♥ Terry ♥ has something very intruiging to Robert. She seems untouchable by his current social vocabulary. It's frustrating. Especially since he finds her rather attractive. ☯ Tobias ☯ is someone that Robert is slightly more careful with. He comes of as distant but dense, so he's just a little less comfortable around him than with the others. ☯ Cara ☯ is oke, but her controlling side is rather annoying. ☮ Nick ☮ is a great younger brother to have. Robert feels sort of a protector role for him. He will teach him the important things in life. Like rum appreciation. ☮ Nina ☮ is on Robert's level. Someone that he can talk with and have fun with. She's like a sister. But she's also hot. which is confusing. ☮Angel☮ Though she is relatively new, Robert gets a good vibe from her. Sharp and fun to hang with. ☮Skylar☮ Warm hearts are good company. Sky is comforting, which Rob needs sometimes. But she's also innocent enough for him to feel a protector role over her. ☯Daniel☯ He seems like a good kid, but Robert has a hard time really connecting with him. Extra: He wears a small flask filled with rum on his belt. Dark powers: Animal Form: Fox power: Loss of focus: For just a second, your thoughts were drifting somewhere else. You weren't paying attention you didn't watch where you were going. And now you walked into that lamppost, or cut yourself with the scissors. You stumbled, you hit your thumb with the hammer. Just your luck.
Daniel Reyes Lieu: Accueil > Café Castle Street Interagir avec : Brian Cobald (gestionnaire) Daniel s'est réveillé avec un gémissement. Il n'a pas beaucoup dormi la nuit dernière et le sommeil qu'il a réussi à obtenir était agité. Assis au lit, il regarda l'horloge sur sa table de chevet. Les nombres verts brillants qui lisaient 7:34m semblaient lui éblouir dans l'obscurité de la pièce. Vu qu'il n'allait probablement plus dormir aujourd'hui, Daniel s'est forcé de sortir du lit et a commencé sa routine matinale habituelle. Penser de nouveau la nuit précédente était inutile car cela n'avait pas beaucoup de sens pour lui alors alors pourquoi le serait-il maintenant? Grimbold leur avait dit qu'ils apprendraient quelque chose de nouveau au Sanctuaire, mais Daniel n'avait pas encore trouvé exactement ce que c'était. Après s'être habillé et nettoyé, il s'est rendu à la kitchenette et s'est préparé un bagel avec du fromage à la crème. Une fois de plus, il était 8 h 02. Il n'a pas eu besoin d'être au travail avant aujourd'hui, mais il a pensé qu'il pourrait se montrer un peu tôt. Il n'avait rien de mieux à faire de toute façon. Peut-être qu'il pourrait attraper son manager avant que tout le monde ne vienne pour leur service. Il avait une mission après tout. En s'emparant de sa veste, Daniel s'est dirigé vers la porte, décidant de finir son bagel en route. Alors qu'il atteignait le Castle Street Cafe, un sourire éclata alors que Daniel remarqua que Brian était déjà là. Pendant un bref moment, une pensée a traversé l'esprit de Daniel qu'il ne devrait pas être aussi heureux qu'il était que son manager allait être la cible de ses pouvoirs. Grimbold était sûr d'avoir un plus grand but pour cette mission que juste une petite vengeance, mais Daniel a rapidement rejeté la pensée. Il pourrait au moins s'amuser, n'est-ce pas? La petite cloche au-dessus de la porte signalant son arrivée, Daniel marcha vers la salle de pause de l'employé pour mettre sa veste dans son casier et prendre son tablier avant de retourner à l'avant. Il a trouvé Brian près du registre en regardant la liste de contrôle de l'inventaire d'hier soir. En regardant la présence de Daniel, Brian lui fit un rapide coup d'œil avant de lui rendre son attention sur le presse-papiers dans la main. C'était bref mais c'était tout le temps que Daniel avait besoin de remarquer la décoloration autour de l'œil gauche de Brian. Relâchant un petit sifflement, Daniel s'est fait donner l'impression de s'inquiéter. "C'est un peu de cireur que tu as là, Brian. "Dure nuit?" En s'emparant de la tête, Brian a gagné et a grondé : « Oui, un certain Jackwagon a décidé qu'il avait quelque chose à prouver après avoir trop bu. Et pour couronner le tout, j'ai maintenant cette foutue migraine... » Concelant sa jouissance de la situation, Daniel a simplement répondu : « Trop mauvais. La prochaine fois, vous devriez peut-être aider à l'inventaire au lieu de faire la fête avec des "jackwagons". Les yeux de Brian s'élargissaient légèrement en se rendant compte qu'il avait été pris dans son mensonge, mais Daniel prétendait ne pas avoir remarqué qu'il se tournait pour s'occuper des vitrines alors que les premiers clients commençaient à entrer.
Name: Daniel Anton Reyes Nickname: Danny Birth Date: June 3rd Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Daniel hides his emotions behind a veil of sea green eyes and controlled expressions. His perfectly arched eyebrows and flawless skin are merely a reflection of his upbringing and the mask his father unknowingly created. The only true expression of himself is the wild nature of his messy brown hair and small smiles he sometimes allows himself to show. Danny is average height for his age, standing at 5’8” and has a lean muscular build. Clothing Style: Not liking to stand out, his wardrobe consists mostly of simple neutral colored button-ups with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and a pair of comfortable jeans, dark blue or black. His shoe of choice is a pair of black high-top Converse. The only indication of his rebellious nature is a black studded belt he wears around his waist. Delving Deeper Guarded ♦ Observant ♦ Wary ♦ Rebellious Background & Personality (because I believe it takes one to determine the other): From a young age Daniel has learned to create a different outward persona dependent upon what the situation calls for at the time. Being raised in upscale Paris by his father, money, and a prestigious name to boot, appearances were everything. Social functions, garden parties, hosting important people from around the world. These were but a few examples of Daniel’s childhood. While other children his age were fussing over skinned knees and the newest video game, young Daniel was expected to be seen but not heard. Raised to be the heir to eventually take over his father’s company; composed, reserved, only speak when spoken to, everything you do elegant and refined. Everything was fine at first because he didn’t know any different. It was simply the world he lived in. But as he reached his teenage years Daniel’s observant nature started telling him a different story. A story of cloaks-and-daggers, false smiles and pretty lies. Friendly conversation was only a guise for some deeper ill intent. All the pretty gowns and well-tailored suits he had admired as a child became loud exclamations of one’s wealth and nothing more. His father’s stern lectures and strict instructions for Daniel’s upbringing turned out to be no more than a business plan for his future heir. There was no longer any warmth in his father’s eyes nor kindness in his words. If they had ever been there to begin with Daniel no longer trusted himself to know. He lost trust in people and closed himself off, becoming wary of the deeper meaning behind their intentions. This also led to a rebellious streak in Daniel. Not the kind of hell-raising rebellion they show in movies, but the more subtle rebellion of not listening to orders or making a rude comment to a guest while he knew his father was watching. However, these rebellious outbursts were few and far between as he didn’t like bringing more attention to himself than was necessary. He already had enough of that as it is. Hating the idea of being his father’s puppet and being no more than a pretty face with a powerful name, Daniel decided to run away when he turned 18. Saving up his allowance over the years and claiming his inheritance at his coming of age party granted him the ability to do just that. He sat through the tutoring sessions his father arranged and continued to smile gracefully at his father’s side. When the time finally came, under the cloak of darkness while the mansion slept, Daniel packed as much clothing and various necessities as he could fit in a backpack and fled. He hailed a taxi to the airport and bought the soonest ticket out of Paris. This led him to Tallshade, a tiny town in America nestled between a huge forest at the base of a mountain. The perfect sense of seclusion he had been looking for. Seemingly isolated from the rest of the world, it gave Daniel the freedom to make a new life for himself. However, he learned real quick how unforgiving the world can be. He also soon realized that he didn’t really possess a true identity for himself. Having grown up in the shadow of his father and knowing nothing other than what he had been taught, who was he now that he was free from all that? Who was Daniel Reyes when we wasn’t acting the perfect model son? He had a collection of “masks” and nothing more. He settled down in a modest apartment and stashed his money somewhere out of sight. Daniel didn’t want to have to rely on his namesake to get what he needed but having it readily available gave him a security blanket to fall back on should he need it. He did odd jobs around town, took a couple random classes at the local university, anything to give him a sense of purpose in a world that was foreign to him. The one thing he was grateful for however, was all the language classes his father made him take. He couldn’t imagine how much of a nightmare arriving in a new country would be not knowing the language. He spoke with a subtle French accent but was able to be understood by the locals well enough. Daniel met Grimbold one night when he decided to take a late night walk to clear his head. He had been feeling especially lost lately and homesick in a Stockholm’s Syndrome sort of way. He rationalized this by telling himself it was the security of familiarity and structure that he missed. Settled down amongst the grass in a clearing in the woods, he stared up at the stars and wished for things he couldn’t have. Almost as if in answer, The Mentor appeared as quiet as a whisper and promised him freedom and power, among other things. He had been chosen for a reason, Grimbold told him. There were others too. The only condition was to serve him whenever Daniel was called upon. That almost caused Daniel to deny the old man on the spot. Here was another puppetmaster looking to take hold of Daniel’s severed strings. However, Daniel couldn’t sense any hidden agendas or twisted ideals from the man and the promise of purpose and a place to belong was too strong a temptation to ignore. Looking back on it now, Daniel should’ve seen it as an omen, something too good to be true. He was right back at square one, taking orders from a higher power for some unknown greater purpose. But 5 years later Daniel finds himself working as a barista at the local coffeehouse, still obeying The Mentor’s wishes when the time came. Likes: People-watching Being around people but not overly interacting with them Books/Reading Running Pastries/Bread Dislikes: Bringing unnecessary attention to himself Being forced to do something Alcohol and the loss of control it provides Sycophants, brown-nosers Anything that reminds him of his past life Fears: Losing purpose Removing his “mask” Getting close to anyone and getting hurt Being found and brought back to Paris Habits: Tends to fake smiles out of habit due to his upbringing Closes his eyes when a situation makes him feel uncomfortable Leaves unannounced to go for a run to clear his head, sort his thoughts Night owl and suffers from slight insomnia Position in the Group: Hangs out in the background to observe others. Doesn’t trust easily and even though he’s been in this for the better part of 5 years, Daniel still feels like everyone is merely an acquaintance and prefers to keep it that way. He’ll never admit it aloud but he’s afraid of letting others in. He admires everyone in the group, mostly for things he feels he lacks, but feels safer keeping everyone in neutral standing and only working together as a team if it’s absolutely necessary. ☯ Eddie – Seems nice enough. Appreciates his honesty. ☯ Teryn – Feels he can relate with her on an indirect level due to both their tendencies to not trust easily. She can sometimes come off as rude or defensive but he can respect that she has her reasons as he has his. ☯ Sloane – He admires her sense of individuality and confidence. ☯ Robert – Seems like a troublemaker but Daniel can appreciate his sense of adventure and spontaneity. ☯ Tobias – Feels almost as if they could be twin brothers but will not openly acknowledge this. ☯ Cara – He knows all too well of her fake smiles and pretty words and sees her as an annoying little sister-type. ☯ Nick – Jealous of his carefree nature and lack of worry of what the future might bring. ☯ Nina – Likes her confidence but gets annoyed by her spoiled attitude towards others. Enjoys having someone to talk to in his native language. ☯ Angel – Intrigued by her ability to blend in and relate to anybody. Thankful for her humor that quickly diffuses tense situations. ☯ Sky – Respects her maturity and feels like she would listen the most if he ever felt the need to confide in someone. Dark Powers: Animal Form: Black Bat Power: Echolocation Being able to cause headaches from as minor as a constant throbbing to as severe as vertigo, dizziness and a loss of balance. Much like how bats use echolocation by creating a sound and processing the information they receive from the echo, Daniel uses his power by whistling while maintaining line of sight with his target. He is also able to determine the severity of the target's headache by changing the pitch of his whistle. Prolonged use of his power causes Daniel to become extremely fatigued. EDIT: Updated information on how Daniel uses his power.
Teryn Ikeda Lieu; Université -> Castle Street Cafe Interagir avec; Daniel Reyes « La nuit dernière, c'était étrange, du moins, étrange que d'habitude », se dit Terry en marchant à l'école. Elle n'avait jamais vu Grimbold faire quelque chose comme ça et se demandait pourquoi ils devaient tous être là pour regarder. Il a dit qu'ils "apprenaient" quelque chose, mais il n'a même pas pris la peine d'expliquer ce que c'était. Ce devait être une sorte de rituel, ce qui était évident, mais le but du rituel restait flou. Teryn avait marché jusqu'à l'école pour découvrir que son professeur avait annulé la classe. Elle était quelque peu contrariée qu'elle se réveille tôt juste pour assister à ce cours du matin, mais en même temps, elle aimait avoir la journée de congé. "Hm... alors qu'est-ce que je fais maintenant?" Elle se demandait quand elle était assise sur le banc à l'extérieur de sa classe fermée à clé. "Ah... Je sais." Elle s'est levée, a attrapé ses affaires, puis a fait son chemin au célèbre Castle Street Cafe. Les étudiants ont adoré venir ici pour boire du café, étudier et traîner. Mais contrairement à eux, elle avait une autre raison d'y aller : elle allait demander l'aide d'un certain chauve-souris. Elle n'aimait pas demander de l'aide, c'était sûr. Mais il était difficile de garder une personne à l'intérieur toute la journée avec seulement des brises. Daniel avait le pouvoir de donner des maux de tête aux gens, qui, combinés à ses brises, pourraient être en mesure de garder sa cible à l'intérieur. Elle a pensé à retourner en arrière et peut-être aller à la bibliothèque au lieu de travailler sur son rapport. Elle ne voulait rien devoir à personne. Mais assez tôt elle était déjà devant la porte du café. Terry gémit intérieurement en voyant qu'il y avait déjà une ligne au café. Elle s'est cognée avec son sac, s'est assurée de ne pas avoir de contact visuel avec d'autres clients, et s'est redressée chaque fois que c'était possible. Quelques instants plus tard, elle s'est enfin retrouvée devant la ligne. "Je voudrais un petit chai latte s'il vous plaît," dit-elle à l'homme prenant sa commande. Elle payait ce qu'elle sentait trop cher pour une petite tasse de latte, mais c'était le capitalisme. --Teryn, répondit-elle quand il demanda son nom. Pendant qu'elle attendait que son verre soit prêt, elle scannait la pièce pour Daniel, seulement pour le trouver par les vitrines. « Bonjour, Daniel, » s'approcha-t-elle du jeune homme, qui aurait peut-être été trop occupé à travailler pour l'avoir remarquée tout de suite. "Quand est ta pause?"
Teryn Ikeda "I just can't deal with people right now... or ever."- -Teryn IkedaPersonal Information Name: Teryn Kanae Ikeda Nickname: Terry, TK, Scary Terry (Though she would glare at you for calling her this) Birth Date: February 20th, 19XX Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual but starting to feel a bit bi-curious. In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Terry is fairly tall for a Japanese girl, standing at 5"7. She has long, sleek black hair and always gets it cut in the same blunt fashion. Don't even bother trying to ask her to change her hair because it will never happen. She has pale skin from lack of sun exposure and delicate facial features. Some might say she has a "resting bitch face", but at least she makes up for it with her nice, slim body. Her brown eyes are cold and always seem like they're looking straight through you. Clothing Style: Terry likes to wear long-sleeved dresses paired off with tights or lace leggings. She enjoys wearing lace a lot. She generally wears a lot of black but also likes other dark colors like dark red because they don't make her look like a ghost. She wears a lot of accessories such as scarves, hats, sunglasses, and more to add more to her look. When she feels lazy, she'll wear an oversized sweater and leggings. Her shoes of choice are heels because she likes feeling tall and believes they show off her legs more. Delving Deeper Likes: Cloudy days Art History Shiny objects Mint Tea Photography Dislikes: Sunlight Heavy foods Racist jokes about her ethnicity Loud noises Dogs Fears: Her Grandmother Dying The Ocean Habits: Rolling her eyes Chewing mint-flavored gum Putting on sunblock Personality: ♦ Observant ♦ Cynical ♦ Stubborn ♦ Standoffish Terry isn't the most optimistic person around. She doesn't have that much faith in others and more than often assumes the worse will occur. Regardless, she thinks highly of herself and her ability to be able to observe the world around her. However, once she believes she is correct about something, it is hard for anyone to convince her otherwise even if she was actually wrong. It is rather hard for her to make friends because of this, but she is not necessarily a bad person, just a hard person to get along with. It suits her fine though, she doesn't feel like she needs friends anyways. Background: Terry had a normal childhood. Her dad was a somewhat wealthy business man and her mother was a stay at home mom. She was never neglected or abused. Her grandmother was always harsh and scary, but besides that Terry lived a peaceful life. She was never good at making friends and was only average in her school work. Her parents always let her do what she wanted, which wasn't much. She simply wanted to be alone and have a nice camera to take photos with. Tallshade was a weird town. Perfect for an outcast like Terry. She was looking up universities her junior year of high school when she discovered Tallshade. She particularly liked the fact that it was dark and covered in shade half of the year. She managed to convince her parents to let her apply to the small university there and found out that she was accepted her senior year. At the university, she is currently studying as an art history major. One day after class, she went into the woods to take some photos. A strange, old man approached her. She tried to ignore him at first, but he began to talk to her. He offered to give her powers as long as she promised to do what he said. It felt like a scene from Harry Potter which wasn't a good thing because she hated the series, but decided to accept his offer. Actually now that she thought about it, she still didn't know why she accepted his offer. He was very convincing... Position in the group: Terry understands that they are all working together for some unknown cause so she simply sees them as a group of coworkers or a rag-tag team. She would be the quiet one who does what she is supposed to do, but would never go the extra lengths to befriend everyone. ☮Sloane: Terry admires Sloane's artistic abilities and finds her to be an agreeable person. Terry isn't sure whether or not they could be considered friends, but Terry respects Sloane and is more likely to listen to her than to others. ☯Eddie: Terry has noticed that Eddie is very much a pushover. He appears to be afraid of her so they don't talk much. She is somewhat amused by the fact that she intimidates him so much but doesn't know a lot about him besides the obvious. ☯Nina: Nina likes to be in the center of attention, Terry doesn't. Nina isn't the nicest person around but as long as she doesn't bother her, Terry is fine with it. ☯Robert: Terry is quick to put Robert down when he tries to get her and the others to join in on his schemes. She believes that he is childish and arrogant. Despite the fact that he should know very well that she doesn't like him, he still tries to talk to her from time to time and she can't figure out why. She is interested in his music and poetry, but would never vocally express that. ☯Tobias: Well, she won't deny that he is easy on the eyes. But that's about it. They don't bother to talk to each other at all. ⚡Cara: At first glance, Cara is like Terry's opposite. Though Terry is aware of her somewhat two-faced nature, she doesn't care. All she knows is that she won't be falling for her 'sweet smile'. Still, she tends to stay away from Cara. Something about her just rubs Terry the wrong way, well more than most people do. ☮ Nick: She has sort of a soft spot for Nick, probably because he is so youngand she never had siblings before. She's very subtle about it though. For instance, she isn't as harsh and not as likely to shoot him down. She also keeps an eye out for him and would be willing to show him her photos from time to time. ☯Skye: She's a very nice person. Not a person Terry would associate herself with, but still Skye is a good person. ☯Angel: Terry's aware that Angel doesn't like her, but doesn't let it bother too much. She won't argue needlessly with the girl, but she won't try to get her to like her either. ☯Daniel: Though they don't talk, he seems like a person that Terry could get along with. He seems to understand her better than most people and gets that she is just who she is. Extra: Terry is like bazillionth-generation Japanese American so she doesn't even know how to speak Japanese. She will begrudgingly admit that she had watch anime when she was younger but will deny that she watches them anymore. The secret to her classic hair style? She cuts it herself because she doesn't even trust a hair stylist with it. Dark powers: Animal Form: Raven Power: She can create light breezes that could result in things like bad hair days and important papers getting lost
Sloane Shields Emplacement: Boucliers d'encre Interagir avec le garçon de fraternité non. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 La mort. Sloane avait pratiquement grandi avec elle, s'approchant d'elle et lui volant, un rappel constant que sa vie finirait un jour. Et bien qu'elle soit restée comme un cerf, regarder Grimbold prendre la vie du cygne a suscité une peur familière en elle et son petit coeur de dope avait rapidement et fort frappé contre sa cage thoracique. Elle était avec le Mentor depuis des années et elle n'avait jamais vu une telle exposition, et la méconnaissance ne faisait qu'ajouter à son anxiété. Inutile de dire que la marche de retour à la cabane était sombre. Sloane avait suivi la petite meute jusqu'à la cabine, regardait vers l'avant et sabotait régulièrement. Une fois de retour et habillés, Sloane resta tranquille. Ce n'était pas rare pour elle, mais tout le monde avait partagé l'atmosphère lourde avant de quitter un par un. Et elle n'était pas du tout à boire, mais cette nuit-là, Sloane s'était arrêtée dans un bar. La jeune femme était rentrée chez elle avec un étranger - un étudiant avec des yeux brun clair - seulement pour rentrer à la maison le lendemain matin. Elle avait des clients (et une gueule de bois) à s'occuper, après tout. Et c'est là que sa journée a vraiment commencé, mais elle s'est trouvée distrait alors même qu'elle travaillait. Elle a siroté du thé entre les clients, et ils étaient peu nombreux et loin entre eux. Sloane a eu autant d'affaires que prévu dans une petite ville, mais elle s'est débrouillée. « C'est fait », a-t-elle dit, se penchant loin de sa cliente et se tenant à sa pleine hauteur. Ses talons de 4 pouces n'étaient pas exactement des standards d'affaires, mais qui allaient-ils dire? Le propriétaire? Après avoir vérifié sa nouvelle encre malade dans l'un des miroirs, le garçon de la fraternité a excitément rebondi jusqu'au comptoir de Sloane pour payer le dur labeur. "Merci, ça a l'air génial!" il a dit simplement avant de sauter de la porte, quelques cartes de visite dans ses poches saggy. Le reste de sa journée serait lent, et ses épaules coulaient comme elle le pensait, elle ne voulait pas penser. Alors qu'elle sirotait son thé, brassait spécifiquement pour l'aider à se détendre, elle était tendue. Après avoir vérifié son carnet de rendez-vous, Sloane a fermé la boutique pour la journée, s'est emparé et est sorti pour faire quelque chose. Peut-être rattraper pour avoir raté son entraînement du matin.
You should never feel afraid to become a piece of art. Personal Information NAME Sloane Shields NICKNAMES Ona: given to her by her grandfather, but only her immediate family wastes time giving her name an extra syllable. Lo: she was first called this by her high school sweetheart and resents it being used by anyone else. BIRTH DATE November 21, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Female SEXUALITY Bisexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Her pale green eyes stand out the most: although mostly a light and icy green, flecks of deeper emerald and gold dot the irises. She tends to wear dark eyeliner and eye shadow that compliments the color. Sloane’s skin is dark brown in contrast, and she wears make up to accent her high cheekbones. Her dreadlocks are dark brown–nearly black–in color and are styled like a Mohawk with both sides shaved close to her scalp. She walks with a tall, confident demeanor and tends to wear a combination of tight pants and layered tanktops to show off her tattoo sleeves. Toned arms and legs stretch far, emphasizing her height and slimness–high heels help, too. Her nails are typically painted black, but are sometimes accented with whites, golds, reds, or purples as well. She also has tattoos behind her ear, neck, on her back and legs, hips, below her chest, and..elsewhere. Said tattoos include but are not limited to her zodiac sign, favorite quote, a semi-colon, and tribal designs. When it comes to jewelry, she has small gauges in her ears and long necklaces that dangle over her chest. She’ll sometimes have thick bracelets and rings on, as well. In her heels, she stands over 6' tall and weighs about 140 lbs. Notable tattoos: due to her dark skin, plain black tattoos are less than flashy. So she uses a lot of color in her work. On her left wrist is a compass, splattered with water color ink. The compass bleeds up her arm and into the rest of her sleeve. On the inside of her opposite arm is her first tattoo, gotten while taking Latin her freshmen year of high school: carpe noctem is scripted in hard, bold letters. This arm is sleeved, too, and compliments the phrase though overall it's not as colorful as her left arm. On her back is a decorated tree, decorated with reds and oranges. Finally, "1988" scripted on the side of her left ring finger. This is Winston's--her high school sweetheart's--birth year. These aren't all of her tattoos, but probably her most notable / important ones. CLOTHING A little athletic, a little slutty, all sexy: Sloane has a lean, beautiful body and she isn't afraid to show it off or the tattoos that decorate it. Her style can be described as a little grunge and a little street; she's always looks ready to go to a club. And unless she's working out, she's wearing heels. Sample wardrobe: X X X X X X X X Delving Deeper ♦ Ambitious ♦ Cold ♦ Creative ♦ Independent PESONALITY When it comes to people, she can come off friendly enough, though she’s rather apathetic behind the smiles. She’s far more interested in art and animals and magic, but she recognizes the importance and usefulness in others. Still, when her mood is soured, she can be sadistic and cruel to those she feel has wronged her–though, at times, she finds herself acting pointlessly cruel sometimes out of impatience or defensiveness. Needless to say, Sloane tends to look out for herself before others. However, she can easily bond with another over similar interests. She likes being active and loves to travel when she’s commissioned for a tattoo from someone out of town. Her less-than-conservative style stands out in a small town and she welcomes rumors of her being in a cult or a witch or in a gang or anything. LIKES Animals Art (tattoos, photography, paint, you name it) Foreign movies Tea Dance and rap Cities DISLIKES People (especially dull men) Feeling dumb: she dropped out of high school so, while clever, she isn't educated. And this can lead her to feeling self conscious about her intelligence. Fast food Boy bands Ross from FRIENDS FEARS Death Weakness Intimacy HABITS Playing with her hair StaringDoodling if she has a pen or pencil in hand BACKGROUND Sloane was born to an interracial couple (most notably of Sudanese and Iranian descent among others), but was raised by her mother and grandfather. There isn't much else to be said for the early years of her life because she was raised happily and healthily. Her sense of style growing up scared away potential friends, as she tended to take on a gothic/emo appearance, but she was content. And she was particularly happy when her first boyfriend (who on the surface was an idiot but friendly jock) asked her out and they became an item. They were happy together for only about six months: A particularly romantic Valentines Day led to a teen pregnancy with her first boyfriend. With support from both their families, she had planned to raise it with him. However, he died in an accident and she put the baby up for adoption instead--this being her biggest regret and a decision she made out of grief. Then she dropped out of her sophomore year of high school to become a tattoo artist. Neither her grandfather nor mother were very happy, but they tried to be supportive due to the tragic loss. While other people studied through and graduated from high school, Sloane spent those years studying the art of tattoos. She was a fast learner and talented artist. And now, at 25, she owns her own tattoo shop and apartment above it: Ink Shields. It's of course popular with university students, but she gets both people travelling far and paid extra to leave town for her artwork. It was soon after dropping out of high school that the Mentor appeared before her and gave her first task: key some guy's car. She was in a vulnerable place emotionally and psychologically, so she did. And the powers and the sense of family that came with them allowed her to toughen up and grow into the woman she is today. RELATIONSHIPS What I'm thinking so far (correct me if I'm mischaracterizing anyone): Sloane can come off as the stern but caring big-sister type. However, the latter is a lot harder to see, and she has little patience for weaknesses in herself or others. Terry: likes Terry enjoys her company as they have a lot of common--including the types of issues they face being a minority in a small town. She sees herself in Terry. Eddie: she has nothing against Eddie personally, but he seems to lack spine. She's impatient and snippy with him, partly because he just lets her. Robert: Finds him impulsive and obnoxious, but she knows there's more to him than that. He's not afraid to speak his mind, which she can at least respect. Cara: she comes off as friendly enough, but Sloane has seen the control freak side as well. She doesn't really mind allowing Cara to do what she wants, it's usually harmless to her. Toby: Dick. Sloane is p sure he's afraid of her since he doesn't always speak up. Makes her want to antagonize him more. Nina: They're both powerful, confident, and ambitious. So alike that they clash: Nina is really the only other member she considers worthy of rivalry. Nick: He's refreshing and bright--probably partly because he's the youngest of the group. But she admires his work and sees potential in Nick. Probably particularly protective of him. Angel: She doesn't have a problem with Angel; the girl seems tough as nails and Sloane admires her confidence. She's not ignorant to the issues between her and Terry, though, and would like to see them get along. Sky: Sloane was less than impressed with Sky when they first meant, but the woman's kindness and wisdom grew on her over time. And while she considers her a friend, she's also attracted to her as a person. EXTRA She has a Maine Coon named Nox. Her favorite color is deep red and she likes the scent of leather. Song: Life in Her Yet by Rag’n’Bone Man and Muse by OCAD. Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM Sloane's deer form is, of course, black as coal. However, she's relatively large for what would be a female deer, but nothing impossible for the species. Ironically, deer--especially does--are docile creatures whereas Sloane is anything but; however, she shares its lean, graceful figure and long limbs. POWER Umbra: Sloane can darken and manipulate shadows to a small degree, creating what would otherwise be a trick of the eye. She has exercised control over the power; however, her mental state can easily affect her control. Rage or depression can cause the lights to flicker and dim.
Skylar Montgomery Lieu: Clinique de réadaptation Tallshade Interagir avec: les patients Des petits talons creusant dans le sol Sky a regardé Grimbold tuer le cygne. C'était presque en série. C'était censé être une sorte de leçon? Il pourrait être que c'était quelque chose au sujet de la mort et comment la vie est précieuse, mais même alors, c'était une manière horrible de l'enseigner. Honnêtement, elle ne savait pas comment réagir. Sky savait que ces leçons étaient pour une leçon, elle est avec Grimbold et les autres depuis des années maintenant. Ce n'était pas quelque chose qu'elle attendait cette nuit-là. "Si vous devez vous calmer, s'il vous plaît. Tout va bien, rien de ce que tu vois n'est réel. Vous êtes dans un endroit sûr." Sky a dit doucement à un jeune homme qui souffrait des effets secondaires d'une dépendance à la cocaïne. Il hallucinait en ce moment et il n'y avait pas beaucoup de choses qu'elle pouvait faire actuellement. Il y avait un mur qui l'empêchait d'interagir avec lui, car son cas d'hallucinations tendait à être violent. Il a essayé d'étouffer l'une des infirmières quand il est arrivé hier. Comme son travail ici était d'être une conseillère, elle n'était pas à haute voix pour interagir avec n'importe quel type de médicaments. Elle a appris que certains mots peuvent profiter à quelqu'un. Le pouvoir qu'elle détenait pouvait parfois aider, pas qu'elle aimait l'utiliser. "Sky je pense qu'on va devoir attendre encore un peu jusqu'à ce que les hallucinations s'arrêtent. C'est probablement mieux si vous parlez à d'autres patients pour l'instant." Une infirmière lui a dit que Sky et elle retournaient à son bureau en défaite. Assis dans sa chaise de bureau, elle soupirait exhuasted. La seule chose à propos de ce travail, c'est qu'on pourrait toujours l'appeler. C'est juste arrivé sa journée de travail a commencé à 4h du matin quand elle était rentrée à 2h du matin. A ce rythme, elle serait bientôt coupée et rentrerait chez elle pour la journée. La clinique n'était pas la plus grande, mais avec l'université, c'était bon d'être ici. Elle était l'une des quatre conseillères de celle-ci.
Name: Skylar Jane Montgomery Nickname: Sky or Fawn Birth Date: February 28 Age: 21 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Unlike the slim figures of all the other women in the Montgomery family Sky got more of a curvy figure. Along with being 5"2 and having unusual grey eyes it was safe to say she stuck out a bit compared to her four sisters. Freckles dot her face and body being something she loathed as a child and something she`s come to find as apart of who she is as an adult. The sun is usually an enemy because of her pale skin color. Her hair is naturally red and is curly and thick. She`s learned after cutting it short once that it`s best to leave it long, it`s a untamable beast. The redness in her hair varies by season, in summer months it turns copper due to the sun, in winter it turns a crimson red color(her preferred color of her hair). When it comes to make up she would rather skip it for a more natural look, though she does like lipstick. Even though she hides it, because mostly everyone in the group finds her to be the innocent one, she has a tattoo of a broken heart on the right side of her ribcage. The reason behind this tattoo no living soul knows, no one even knows she has it. Clothing Style: Sky`s clothing choices vary by how she feels. On a Friday she might be feeling a edgy black dress with three inch wedges while on a Monday she`d be wearing a white sundress with a light pink sweater. There are also the days where she dresses up like what she calls "witchy" or "hippy" styles. You can be assured whatever she`d wearing always has a necklace though and if she`s not feeling well sweat pants usually follow. Delving Deeper Likes: Music Coffee Strawberry pastries Literature Cats Art Dislikes: Rap Dishonesty Cherry anything Body shaming Public Speaking Drugs Fears: Abandonment Hurting other people Alienation Always being seen as the little sister Habits: When she`s nervous she`ll often start spinning her necklace or a piece of jewelry she`s wearing at the time. As she gets excited she goes from speaking normally to loudly. Whenever she`s uncomfortable she puts her hair into a ponytail. Often stays up way too late at night. Personality: ♦ Clumsy ♦ Wise ♦ Warm-Hearted ♦ Understanding Even as a child most people said she was far beyond her years and as she reached her teen years people started to say she was the wise old woman in a teenager`s body. She tries to understand someone before she says anything against them. This leads to her being very trusting and understanding towards others. The advice she gives to problems is usually a lot more than someone her age should be able to give. It`s also one of her biggest downfalls as others can betray her quite easily. In all she`s rather clumsy and lightheaded, someone could tell her something and she`d forget it in two seconds. This has always been something she`s hated because while she`s very smart no one can see that with how forgetful and sporadic her nature is. In sad situations she feels rather uncomfortable, because while she tries her best to comfort someone she always feels like she`s doing everything wrong. Even though she looks down on herself a lot she does have confidence in her decisions and she believes that believing in yourself is the best thing you can do. She does feel like the owl represents her a lot. Like the owl she prefers being up all night than being awake during the day. It`s also seen as a wise creature and has aspects that she wants for herself, to be more precise and strong are two of them. Background: In her family there`s five daughters, Sky being the youngest. Meaning her childhood was full of hand-me-downs and often being misplaced. Her oldest sister Delilah is seven years older than her. The second and third daughters, Mary and May, are twins and are six years from Sky. Jamie who`s the closest to Sky at only two years apart. When Sky was born her parents had been hoping to finally have a boy. She`s always felt like her father didn`t approve of her because of this. The Montgomery family is known for being a very rich and successful family in a town a few towns away from Tallshade. As she grew up she had trouble trying to convince people she wasn`t a snob like they tried to make her believe. Many people bullied her for her intelligence and the difference of her looks compared to her sisters. Even her sisters would laugh and joke about how she was adopted. It really did make her feel like she had no one, her parents were always working, and it was very easy to just isolate herself in their huge house. Due to all of this she fell into depression and at some points self harmed. In high school she got involved in a lot of bad groups. She often snuck out to get high or drunk with people she thought were her friends. It wasn`t until she was almost 18 that things went completely downhill. At a party she overdosed unintentionally. If the cops hadn`t broken up the party a few minutes later she would have died. In the hospital her family didn`t have anything nice to say to her and only yelled at her for being so irresponsible. They sent her off to a clinic for 6 months and she was released when she turned 18. Instead of going back to her family she broke off all ties to them. She got a job and lived in a small apartment till she finished high school and got a broken heart tattooed on the right side of her ribs. She saved up money and moved to Tallshade to go to college as soon as she had enough money. It was a step by step process. The day she got to Tallshade she went to the Castle Street Café and ordered a cup of coffee and some breakfast. The things she owned were in a small suitcase next to her in the booth. As she sat there silently reading her book an older man came and sat across from her in the booth and ordered a drink from the waitress before looking at her. Sky asked him who he was and they eventually got into a conversation about her life somehow. She found out his name was Grimbold and he asked her if she wanted a way to completely change her life and be in an actual family for once, as long as she did what he said. It took awhile but she agreed and he told her to walk out of the shop and not pay for her coffee or breakfast. It was history after that and she`s been with the group for three years now. She finally has a place where she can be herself. Relationships: Sky thinks of the entire group as her family. As such she has compassion and understanding for all of them. Most she considers as friends and even if she doesn`t feel too confident in a member of their family she still treats them with respect and gives them the benefit of the doubt. ☮ Eddie ☮ - Eddie is a good guy, she finds it interesting to watch him tinker, and talking about fiction books is always fun. Sky always tries to convince him to like cats more. He`s the person she goes too to talk about the books she`s reading at the time. ☯ Terry ☯ - In Sky`s eyes Terry is alright, her observant nature makes her an okay person to talk too, although her crude nature sometimes makes her a bit uncomfortable. ☮ Sloane ☮ - When they first met she knew the woman didn`t think too highly of her, some friendships start out a bit rocky though. In present day she finds Sloane to be a very good friend of hers, even if they don`t agree on rap music. ☮ Rob(Foxy) ☮ - Foxy as she likes to call him. She likes to think of him like the older brother she never had as his middle name happens to be her last name. Like her she also values how he thinks of them like a family. ♥ Toby ♥ - Ever since she met him Sky`s always had a crush on Toby. At first she thought it was just his looks and tried to talk herself out of it. As she got to know him more she found to really like his calm nature and that he himself also had some bad experiences with drugs and such, in which she could relate. ⚡ Cara ⚡ - Cara makes Sky feel rather uneasy. While she seems very nice Sky can feel the other side of her personality and has seen it a few times. This rather scares her. On the outside Sky is usually very nice to her however. ☮ Nick ☮ - Much like most of the group she sees Nick as a younger brother. She likes that if either of them aren`t feeling talkative the other person can rant as long as they want. It can also just be a conversation or sitting in silence. ☯ Nina ☯ - At first Nina seemed like the type of person Sky would never be on great terms with. She was the queen bee in high school while Sky had been the rebellious/druggy girl. As time went on she`s started to become perfectly fine with her. Even if she`s hot tempered and can be rather hard to work with Nina does protect those she cares for and Sky admires that. ☮ Angel ☮ - Angel`s compassion is what Sky appreciates the most about her. Even though she went through some hard stuff in life she still jokes and laughs. In Sky`s eyes she`s the person to go to if you`re having a bad day. ☯ Danny ☯ - Sky can't say she knows Danny too much. He was here before she was. Danny keeps to himself but he's not a bad person at all. She does trust him even if they don't know a ton about eachother. Extra: Dark powers: Animal Form: pic of animal form goes here power: She can hear the darker parts of someone's mind. Regrets, pain, dark secrets, are just a few. When she uses this power it causes paranoia in the victim. Even though she is kindhearted and understanding the old dark side of her understands a lot of the thoughts she receives.
Ange Hardwicke Emplacement; Maison ~ Café Interagir avec; Nate Hardwicke Juste à dire, la première expérience d'Angel avec le "leçon" Grimbold avait arrangé pour le groupe, n'était pas particulièrement agréable. Avant cela, elle n'avait pas vraiment pensé à l'obscurité potentielle avec laquelle elle se moquait. Bien sûr, un petit pouvoir cool et un changement de forme semblaient être des tours génials, qui n'étaient pas assez grands ou puissants pour être quelque chose d'aussi anxieux et ébranlant que quelque chose comme les pouvoirs de Magneto dans X-Men. A cause de cela, Angel n'avait jamais pensé qu'il y aurait un prix - à moins que ce ne soient les petites tâches que Grimbold leur a demandé. Comme sa première tâche, un Pentagramme innocent et ironique sur une église. Puis ça a gâché le week-end de quelqu'un, et vu sa cible, c'était juste de traiter un mauvais karma sur le gars. Mais sacrifier quelque chose d'aussi pur et innocent qu'un cygne? Merde, Angel n'était pas la première à s'inscrire à PETA - elle aimait trop sa viande. Si quelqu'un lui offrait un steak de cygne, elle l'essayerait. Mais ce que Grimbold a fait était juste troublant... avec ce qui s'est passé après. Les froids étaient descendus dans son dos, alors qu'elle et les autres s'asseyaient et regardaient sous leurs formes animales. Soudain, être un Coyote n'était pas si cool. Il se sentait encore moins cool que ce truc noir commence à émaner du corps sans vie du cygne. Un pleurnicheur a lancé dans sa gorge presque inconsciemment, en pensant aux blagues de Game of Thrones qu'elle et Cara avaient jetées tout à l'heure. "Ne s'est pas rendu compte que Grimbold avait des contacts avec Melisandre et l'armée des bébés d'ombre." Elle a pensé à elle-même faiblement - en essayant de saisir une certaine forme d'humour pour détendre la situation. Mais hélas, elle n'a pas pu partager cette équipe, et elle a tout simplement regardé avec insouciance jusqu'à ce que Grimbold les licencie. Juste à dire, elle avait eu du mal à trouver le sommeil immédiatement cette nuit-là - rien quelques gouttes de rhum ne guérissaient pas, mais quand même - elle n'aimait pas le fait que quelque chose que leur soi-disant Mentor avait fait était de lui donner une seconde pensée sur le sommeil. "Naté, alors aide-moi Dieu, si tu n'éteins pas cette musique, je te brûlerai la bite dans ton sommeil." C'était la deuxième phrase d'Angel du matin. La première avait été une menace similaire, non entendue par Nate, suivie d'une grande chaîne d'expletives murmurées. Ce qui avait fait peser cette menace particulière sur son charmant jeune frère, c'était Daft Punk. Robot Rock, pour être précis. Angel n'a pas eu de problème avec Daft Punk - les a appréciés, en fait. Mais pas à 7AM, en utilisant le système de sons haute manivelle. Un jour de semaine sans cours. Sans même s'inquiéter de sortir de son lit, Angel avait simplement téléphoné à son frère et raccroché une fois que la menace avait été transportée. La musique s'est arrêtée. Malheureusement, la colère d'Angel avait été assez chatouillée pour la garder éveillée, et elle est arrivée à la conclusion malheureuse que sa vessie complète et son estomac vide avaient maintenant dépassé la règle dans son corps, rendant le sommeil impossible à ce stade. En attendant que son frère Gremlin parte pour l'école secondaire, Angel commanda la salle de bain, en mettant sa propre playlist pendant qu'elle se douchait. Les airs apaisants et optimistes de Clean Bandit étaient plus qu'assez pour la relaxer, jumelés à l'eau chaude qui bat sur ses épaules, et son shampooing parfumé orange et le lavage du corps. Angel a été surpris de se trouver si triste - ce n'est pas comme si elle avait roulé dans la saleté hier soir. "Eh bien... à moins que vous comptiez la chute sur le chemin du retour à la cabine." En se remémorant à la mémoire, elle a été soulagée de constater que le souvenir d'hier soir n'était pas aussi hantant qu'elle l'avait pensé avant d'aller dormir. Toujours un peu effrayé par l'ensemble de la cascade "chanter et sacrifier" Grimbold avait tiré, mais à la lumière du jour, il semblait moins dérangeant. Il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour qu'Angel sèche ses cheveux et s'habille - puis se sente un peu ennuyé. Il semblait que le bon côté de son cerveau fouillait encore à l'étage dans sa chambre, car elle ne sentait aucun désir de dessiner ou de sortir quelques airs sur sa guitare. Qui a laissé de la nourriture. Et quelle meilleure nourriture pourrait-on ingérer que du bacon? "Bien sûr... pas de cochon. Joli, oncle James." En tirant un visage et en se détournant du frigo malheureusement privé de porc, Angel a remarqué le portefeuille de son frère sur la table à manger, ainsi que son bol de céréales à moitié vide. "Jésus Nate, que suis-je, votre femme de ménage?" Elle murmura avec un schowl, jetant ses flocons lentement enroulés dans la corbeille avant de regarder en arrière son portefeuille - qu'il avait oublié. Encore. En le ramassant, un mauvais sourire apparut sur le visage d'Angel quand elle sortit 20 $. "Ah, douce, douce vengeance. Le garçon devrait savoir que j'ai des frais pour nettoyer sa merde." En se branlant la facture dans sa poche, Angel a saisi ses clés alors qu'elle se dirigeait vers la porte. Le petit frère la traitait pour le petit-déjeuner au café... À son arrivée, Angel avait pris son siège préféré après avoir commandé un sandwich au bacon et un milkshake au chocolat au comptoir - une petite cabine cousue dans le coin. Maintenant, on pourrait envisager de combiner le lait, le chocolat et le bacon pour être une abomination, mais pour elle, c'était un petit déjeuner parfaitement équilibré.
Name: Angeline Megara Hardwicke Nickname: Angel Birth Date: 24th November Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Angel stands at a less than average height of 5’5, along with a slim hourglass figure, and a heart-shaped face; atop of which sits a mess of chocolate brown curls, often worn in a myriad of different styles, and various shades of brown depending on how she feels like dyeing it. Her eyes are a bright, clear blue, standing out thanks to her dark lashes and brows. Her tanned skin is mostly unmarred, barring tiny scars here and there from scuffles in the past and childhood accidents. Clothing Style: Angel’s clothing style very much changes with the wind and her mood – some days she’ll favour darker clothes in a punk style, paired with heavy make-up and an obvious attitude. Other days she’ll be natural, wearing dresses of various styles and colours and accompanying accessories. And then the day after that she’ll just dress comfortably, wearing jeans and over-sized sweaters. The only clothes that rarely change are her pyjamas – anything with teddy bears. Because teddy bears are awesome, guys. Delving Deeper Likes: Anything fluffy – particularly animals. Face Painting (Well, any form of painting really, but face painting is a fun pastime for her.) Way too Loud music (Particularly rock) Cooking Steak (Cooked blue – any more than that is blasphemy, in her eyes.) Puns, quips, innuendos, and double entendres. (She’ll even sometimes sink so low as to pull the ‘That’s what he/she said’ joke.) Chocolate Day-dreaming ELECTRIC GUITAAAAAARRRRRRR Marvel Nature, and all of her destructive and calm feelings. Dislikes: Marvel-bashers Screamo or death metal Messing up her paintings Nosiness Apathy Slyness Ignorance The ever growing cacophony of irritating sounds often found issuing from children and babies. Fears: Heights Insects and arachnids Dying in some kind of meaningless, pointless manner. Not having left something worthwhile on this earth before she dies. Habits: Humming snatches of songs, or simply guitar riffs, under her breath. Tapping out drum beats. Day dreaming, zoning out, or losing track of a conversation mid-sentence. Clinging to a point rather stubbornly, should she believe she is correct and the other person is wrong. Personality: Entertaining ♦ Stubborn ♦ Opinionated ♦ Warm-Hearted ♦ Sharp Despite the fact her looks – and occasionally scatter-braininess - can make Angel seem like a wee naive girl, she is far from it. She knows far more than she lets on, and she will never let anyone take advantage of her. However, when looking at what Angel truly is like, it is plain to see she can make quite the courteous friend. Not only is she happy to lend an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on, but she gives fairly shrewd advice to people’s problems, in the hopes of helping them. Because of this, she is hardly one to judge others for their acts. One perspective of a story is hardly going to change her opinion of someone. Additionally, she’s quick to make jokes or light-hearted remarks in the hopes of getting someone’s spirits up. Humour rarely fails her, and is a very easy thing to fall back on. As for her stubbornness... well, it’s a miracle her animal form isn’t a Bull. If she has a point in an argument she will fight it as long she believes she is correct – which can definitely cause irritation for others around her, but she does certainly enjoy being right in her views... not that that means she is not open to other people’s opinions. When it comes to hard facts, she will happily accept it if she is wrong in something. As for opinions, everyone is entitled to have them – unless some poor ignorant fool is under the impression that their opinions are indeed facts. In which case, she’s happy to deliver a few sharp words towards said ignoramous. Background: Angel has been living in Tallshade for a good few months now, alongside her younger brother and Uncle. Prior to this, the last time she could remember a normal home life was when she was 9 years old, and still living in England with her brother, and parents. As such, life was pretty good. Her Mother was a Detective, her Father was in the army, and she was doing pretty good in terms of friends and school. Even with an annoying 5-year-old brother hanging around her at all times. Except, this annoying little brother arriving was one of the few good things she could remember in this time of her life – for a few months after her ninth birthday, her Mother died. A police raid gone wrong or something. She was too young to be given all of the details, not that it made it any easier. It had been while her Dad was away, on a tour in some country that she couldn’t pronounce yet. Naturally, he came home early, to attend the funeral and look after his young children. Shortly after this, he left the Army, under Compassionate leave. However, his time abroad had left its mark already – he’d seen such horrors, comrades blown apart before him, that things weren’t so perfect for him mentally. He became paranoid, plagued with nightmares and the inclination that someone had killed his Wife, and was then after him and his two children. Just before Angel’s tenth birthday, their house was sold and they moved to America. From there, they lived a very uncomfortable nomadic lifestyle – travelling from state to state when their Father became certain “people” had followed him there. He acted in the attempt to save his family, and Angel understood that. She knew her Dad was sick, so she just helped look after her brother and kept her head down in school, never really answering truthfully when people asked her why she never stayed for long. However, she knew something had to be done when he grew distrustful of her. Over the years she was maturing into a young lady, body and accent changing – but in her Father’s demented mind, she should still be his little nine year old. She became unrecognizable, and after she came home from school one day at the age of 16, he attacked her, thinking she was some kind of assassin that had broken in. Evading her Father, Angel fled the home with her brother, heading straight to the nearest police station for aid. She knew this would mean social services would get involved, but she couldn’t live with her Dad anymore, not when he was quite capable of killing her and her brother in their sleep. After a few weeks of wrapping their heads around their case, and a few foster homes, social services were able to find a relative of theirs living in America. Although the offer to go back to England was there, Angel decided remaining in the USA was better. She didn’t particularly want to remain in the same country as her Dad (Who was being deported back to the UK to receive mental help), but she knew this life better than her English life. Their fathers cousin – they simply call him Uncle James, it’s easier – happily took them in, being childless himself, and after a few years living in rainy Washington, James’ work had them moved to Tallshade. Now 20 years old, Angel is approaching her final year at University, studying Psychology. Over the years, she has also developed into a low-key rebel. Although not far rebellious enough to joy-ride vehicles or break into houses, she does partake in some amusing deviant acts. Her Uncle is quite lax when it comes to curfews, but had they been in place, she wouldn’t have paid attention to them anyway. Also, as a lover of art, she is quite happy to graffiti the town – nothing as crude as tags, but things that actually look nice. This was how she came across the Mentor. Late one night, she was busy spraying a moonlit lake on a wall when he appeared behind her, at first complimenting her art... and then asking her to spray something for him. Although dubious at first, she swiftly deduced that he wasn’t a cop – a cop would have arrested her already. So, she quite happily sprayed a pentagram on the church wall prior to his instructions (And thoroughly enjoying the irony behind said act), and from there, the conversation grew far more... odd. Now here she is with super-powers like the guys in her favourite movies, and doing things for a guy for reasons unknown to her... Position in the group & Relationships: Quite easily, Angel is the joker of the group. The first to make a quip or crack a joke in a tense situation, and an easy-going source of entertainment. She's also in the younger half of the group, which makes her far more likely to look for support from the older ones - being the caretaker of her brother from a young age, it's a refreshing change. Although happy to take charge if needed, she’s more than at ease to let someone else take the job. ☮Robert☮ The boy is an adventure-loving musician; what's not to love? He isn't too hard on the eyes either... ☮Toby☮ Has a pretty calming air about him. Seems like a dependable friend. ☮Cara☮ Ah. Bluntness. What a refreshing change in this world of political correctness. Also a potential foe when it comes to debating. ☮Nick☮ Hell, the boy can draw. He seems pretty sweet too - although not overly so, thankfully. His bootlegging of alcohol tells me that. ☮Nina☮ If I were to describe her in one word, it would be bitch. But hell, being a bitch isn't always a bad thing. I do admire girls and their claws, and she's got the sharpest of them all. Quite the hellion one looks for in a friend. ☯Eddie☯ Seems kind of meek, not really one to stand up for himself. Which is slightly irritating, but hey, the guy hasn't done anything bad to me. ☯Sloane☯ A fellow admirer of art, and isn't irritating so far. ⚡Teryn⚡ Ugh. I admire stubbornness, but clinging to one's opinions when proven wrong is pathetic. Lady also has some severe issues with everything and everyone, it would seem. Also, she hates dogs. Who hates dogs? THEY'RE SO FLUFFY! ☮Skylar☮ Reminds me of me, somewhat – although she seems sweeter than myself. A good friend – almost motherly, which is appreciated more than she knows. ☯Daniel☯ He seems nice enough, but is almost like a puzzle – one which I am itching to try and solve. Extra: Likes to partake in some underage drinking – moreso than what one would consider to be healthy. Dotes on the family dog – a clumsy Alsatian by the name of Dexter. Is a supreme geek lord – will thrash your ass in any trivia in regards to her favourite fantasy novels or media. Thanks to an extremely paranoid crazy army dad, was taught how to use Morse Code from a very young age. Dark powers: Animal Form: Black Coyote Power: Déjà Vu: Can give the feeling of Déjà Vu to anyone, by wiping their memory from the past few seconds – this can cause slight disorientation, or simply a repetition of a phrase or sentence. Useful if she needs to record or remember a conversation, or slip away without them realising.
Cara Osborne Lieu; Université Interagir avec; Sa cible et Sloane par texte Le Sanctuaire a rappelé Cara de Stonehenge à la maison. Le placement soigneux des rochers dans un cercle presque parfait autour de l'alter toujours agacé Cara, même si elle avait vu exactement les mêmes rochers presque douze fois dans l'année, elle avait rencontré les créatures. Elle a soigneusement démêlé son corps loin du cou d'Angel, glissant sur son corps vers le sol. Et le garçon était content qu'elle ne penchât pas encore sur le cou du nouveau-né. Si le chant de Grimbold n'était pas assez flippant, il tenait un poignard dans la direction du cygne, qui était encore posé par l'alter impuissant. La frappe soudaine de la dague de Grimbold aurait fait constrictionner Cara autour du cou d'Angel instinctivement, mais au lieu de cela, il semblait qu'elle était presque en train de se friser dans son corps alors que ses pupilles noires regardaient la scène en avant. "---ne?" Toute cette situation a rappelé à Cara un sacrifice culte - celui que vous voyez dans de nombreux films bizarres et films d'horreur. C'était certainement une première, de voir Grimbold tuer un cramoisi des bois et regarder la fumée noire ooze du corps comme du sang d'une blessure. "---sborne?" Ce qui était encore plus bizarre, c'est que Grimbold a renvoyé tout le monde immédiatement après, les conduisant à sa cabine pour permettre aux autres, y compris Cara, de retourner chez eux. Cara n'a pas eu le cœur de dire quoi que ce soit alors qu'elle s'est enfuie de la cabine après avoir changé. Elle a juste fait un petit clin d'œil dans la direction de l'homme aîné, son esprit traitant toujours soigneusement les événements précédents. "Mlle Osborne!" La voix venait juste à côté de Cara, la fille s'éloignait presque de sa peau en réponse. Elle se tourne vers la droite, les yeux s'élargissent et le cœur court tandis que son professeur la fixe avec un regard déçu sur son visage. "Désolé de ça." Cara s'est excusée de regarder sa page vide qui devait être remplie de notes. 'Crap, c'est une heure gâchée. Bon travail, Cara. Le professeur se tourna une fois de plus vers l'avant de la salle, revenant à ses enseignements du système nerveux, car Cara s'était ridiculisée mentalement. Alors qu'il répondait à d'autres questions, Cara s'est rendue compte qu'on lui avait donné une occasion en or. Tournant discrètement la tête vers la gauche, comme si elle s'inclinait la tête pour regarder le mur, elle regardait l'épaule sur la tête blonde derrière elle, travaillant dur comme une bonne élève. Cara pourrait profiter de l'occasion pour parler à sa cible, apprendre à la connaître assez pour être capable de comprendre ce qui a effrayé la fille et l'utiliser contre elle. Peut-être que les choses n'étaient pas mal après tout. Avec le séminaire terminé, Cara a immédiatement sauté de son siège, pointant Janet déjà en train d'emballer rapidement. Cara n'a pas pu s'empêcher de remarquer à quel point la fille était tremblante et épouvantable, en stockant l'information dans son esprit alors que sa bouche tournait dans le doux sourire familier. Cara s'approcha de la blonde, les yeux étincelants et un sourire charmant sur son visage alors qu'elle embrayait son bloc-notes contre son corps. 'Gotta le pose sur épais.' "Bonjour!" Elle a salué d'une voix de chant. La bouche de Cara s'est ébranlée car Janet n'a même pas pris la peine de la regarder, au lieu de s'occuper de mettre son stylo dans son étui à crayons déjà rempli. "Je suppose que vous savez déjà pourquoi je suis ici, alors je pourrais peut-être emprunter certaines de vos notes que vous avez prises aujourd'hui?" Je veux dire, tu es la plus intelligente ici, et s'il y a quelqu'un en qui j'ai confiance pour prendre de bonnes notes, c'est toi--" Cara a été coupée par un éblouissement froid. "Sauvez-le, je dois sortir d'ici." Blindant deux fois, Cara réussit à peine à empêcher sa façade de glisser alors qu'elle continuait, inclinant même sa tête sur le côté pour feindre l'oubli. "Pardon? J'espérais juste que tu pourrais m'aider... Une fois de plus, Cara a été coupée par Janet, qui a finalement glissé son sac sur son épaule, « demander à quelqu'un d'autre. J'ai... quelque part où j'ai besoin d'être." Un autre regard par la fenêtre, Janet brushed devant la fille plus courte et vers la sortie, laissant le faux sourire de Cara pour se laver immédiatement du visage. Au lieu de se sentir en colère, comme si elle avait été arrachée comme si elle n'était rien, Cara ne pouvait s'empêcher de sourire. Après avoir regardé par la fenêtre pour trouver rien d'autre que des arbres, Cara a sorti son téléphone, en sélectionnant le contact dont elle avait besoin avant de taper. Sloane, je peux passer bientôt? J'ai besoin de ton aide pour quelque chose.
Name: Catherine Amaya Osborne Nickname: Cara Birth Date: November 7th Age: Twenty-two Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Barely reaching 5'1" and weighing only 50kg (110lbs), Cara gives the impression of being cute and harmless. While she likes to be known as cute, harmless is something she's certainly not. The petite girl has an hourglass figure, hips wide but waist slender, usually maintained by her rapid metabolism and strict diet (other than chocolate, Cara can never resist anything chocolatey). Cara has a dimple on her left cheek, an indication of her smiley nature. She also has a naturally tanned complexion, complementing her brown hair and eyes. Speaking of eyes, Cara has wide doe eyed brown orbs, giving her an innocent look which is framed with thick, dark eyebrows. She also has shoulder-length brown hair, thick and kept straight with overgrown fringes that frame her somewhat chubby cheeks perfectly. Clothing Style: Cara loves to dress up, no matter the occasion. She loves to wear various skirts and dresses, as long as it's chic and cute (to match her bubbly-looking appearance). She also likes experimenting with her clothes, so one day she may go for a bold design, or the other she'd wear something simple. Make-up wise, Cara loves to define her eyes, either with some eyeliner or with dark eyeshadow. Lip colours vary depending on her mood or the situation, usually switching from naturals, pinks and bold reds. Deeper Likes: Tea Terrible romance drama films Cycling Reading Chocolate Dislikes: Doing nothing Coffee People who call her a control freak Anything cold Debby-downers Fears: Losing control of her life Suffocating Letting people too close Habits: Tapping her fingers against surfaces Playing with her hair Pouting her lips while in thought Personality: ♦ Kind ♦ Control Freak ♦ Blunt ♦ Stubborn ♦ Manipulative ♦ At first glance, people assume that Cara is docile and harmless, the cutesy one, if you will. However, Cara is anything but docile. She has been known to argue and stand by her points (and values) no matter what, her stubborn streak comparable to that of a boulder. Her stubbornness paired with her controlling personality can make her quite the unpleasant person to hang around with, most of the time. However, Cara refuses to acknowledge herself as a control-freak, that's one thing that would piss her off. Cara is very confident, in herself and her abilities. She is also always found with a smile (whether its fake or genuine, people usually can't tell). Don't get fooled by her sweet smile, however, as Cara can potentially use her 'sweet, innocent appearance' to dupe people. Cara also likes to consider herself honest, but most of her 'honesty' is just the blunt truth. She never sugar-coats her words (unless she's fooling someone), her words usually unfiltered. Overall, Cara can be nice when she needs to be, but piss her off and she can be a vindictive little bitch. Background: Born in the English countryside, in a small town where everyone knew everything, Catherine had a normal childhood. Or, as normal as one could get having seven older siblings. It wasn't like she was neglected or abused in the household, but Catherine knew that she wasn't the most wanted child. Having to compete with seven other children for any attention, Catherine developed into a loud, stubborn child that was hard to reason with unless she was bribed with chocolates. Catherine was encouraged to pick up many hobbies, including dancing and painting alongside furthering her education. Most of her siblings were average students, Catherine included. However, the girl had found her calling in life: to be a surgeon, where she had the contol and power to save lives. The medicine path motivated the girl throughout her childhood and teenage years, making her a hard-working student and achieving good grades even though she wasn't a genius. This remained until Cara finished her secondary education, achieving high grades - especially in science and maths. The girl, during her hunt for a university, stumbled on a town named Tallshade hidden within the forest. Liking the prospect of moving away from the stuffy town, Cara applied immediately for a medical course, before packing up and moving out as soon as she hit eighteen. Cara performed well during the first few years of her medical degree, studying hard and maintaining her work ethic like back at home. Cara met The Mentor during one of her panic-study sessions at the local library. Funnily enough, the girl actually screamed out 'I wish I could get them to listen to me!' before she noticed The Mentor beside her. Offering her powers in exchange doing whatever he wanted, the girl accepted immediately. That was a year ago, and now, Cara loves her life. Position in the group: Cara's desire for control means that she strives to be a leader, even if she's not the best person to lead a team. She likes to consider everybody in the group as friends, or at least some of them, but it doesn't mean that they're exempt to her blunt and bold personality. ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || 💕 Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ⚡ Rivals || ⚔ Nemesis ☮ Eddie ☮ Sweet guy, but he just needs to stand up for himself. Cara likes Eddie enough to try and tame her bold personality so she doesn't scare him off (even if it's not much difference). Cara doesn't like Nina's tendancy to bully Eddie, which often results in her advising him on ways to defend himself - her advice usually coming out as forceful. ☯ Terry ☯ Cara appreciates her observant nature, knowing that her fake smiles don't work on the quiet girl. Cara tends to just stay away from Terry, more because she doesn't know how to approach her without losing her cool. ☮ Sloane ☮ Bold and proud, Cara definitely likes Sloane, acting friendly enough to her. If she were attracted to women, she would've been attracted to Sloane. ☯ Robert ☯ Robert's playful nature reminds her of an excitable puppy. Cara doesn't mind going along with many of his schemes, as long as she doesn't consider it stupid. Again, like with many of the others, Cara remains friendly with Robert, as long as he doesn't make her feel like she doesn't have control during his schemes. ☮ Toby ☮ He's quite the looker, but withdrawn. She doesn't know much about Toby, and while she's curious, she doesn't bother to ask. There is a possibility that Cara could be attracted to Toby, but its more of a physical thing, rather than an emotional one. ☮ Nick ☮ Like the little brother of the group, Cara can understand what its like to be the youngest sibling, but she doesn't baby Nick either, no matter how adorable he looks in his ferret form. ⚡ Nina ⚡ Nina and Cara have a hot and cold friendship: one day they could get along well enough to watch movies and hang out with each other, the next they could easily grate on each other's nerves. ☮ Angel ☮ Angel is one girl that Cara knows she can have a argument debate with, no matter how heated it may get due to their stubborn nature. Both also from England, Cara likes to think that the two are friends. She doesn't mind showing Angel around Tallshade, since Cara understands what its like to be new in a different environment. Extra: Cara speaks with a hint of a British accent, one of the only hints to her British background. She's trying to give up smoking, after having a little health scare a while ago. powers: Animal Form: Power: Cara has the ability to make people hear whispers. It's not her speaking, but just simple idle chatter as if someone is right behind them, even if no one is there. Serves as a great distraction tool during exam season, though.
Isaac Lynch Le père Lynch est sorti des portes d'entrée de l'église. Il venait de terminer sa lettre et se dirigeait maintenant vers la boîte aux lettres pour la poster. Il a apprécié les heures du matin quand il y a encore un peu de soleil sur cette ville autrement si sombre. Ce n'était pas seulement l'ombre éternelle de la montagne qu'ils vivaient. C'était aussi dans l'atmosphère. Bien que beaucoup de gens où chrétiens, c'était comme si les esprits païens qui habitaient ici il y a des éons, n'ont jamais vraiment quitté cet endroit. En tant que serviteur du Seigneur, il pouvait sentir ces choses. Mais avec la conscience est venu aussi la responsabilité. C'était son saint devoir, de débarrasser cette ville une fois pour toutes, de l'ombre qui a été jetée, par les mauvais esprits du passé. Avec la lumière du seigneur, il serrerait cet endroit et ce sont les gens. Le dernier maire avait considéré ses idées lunatiques. Mais maintenant avec le nouveau maire, il allait tout prendre différemment. Il avait tous ses plans. Et une fois qu'il aurait eu la chance de lui parler, il lui ferait voir les choses pour comment elles étaient. Avec son aide, il serait enfin en mesure de remplir ce rêve qu'il avait eu depuis qu'il a été nommé cette église dans cette ville, il y a dix ans. Car lui, le père Lynch, était le berger de ces gens - ces brebis, qui avaient besoin de conseils. Et la protection contre la présence toujours pressante du loup. Les Ténèbres dont ces habitants ingrats étaient si ignorants. Il y avait un vrai préjugé là-dessus. Des contes anciens, que beaucoup ont rejetés comme des histoires d'enfants. Certaines parties de la ville étaient plus âgées que la plupart des gens ne le savaient. La bibliothèque avait de très vieux livres. L'église était construite sur des ruines d'un bâtiment mystérieux pour lequel il ne connaissait toujours pas le but. Et les mines avaient été abandonnées plus longtemps que les grands-parents ne s'en souvenaient. Et il le savait. Il allait comprendre pourquoi. Il a vu les modèles cachés dans ce que les gens pourraient appeler de la malchance. Il allait mettre fin à ça. Ce n'est pas le Seigneur, mais le Père Lynch. Mais bien sûr, il allait avoir besoin d'aide. Quand la lettre a glissé dans la boîte aux lettres, le père Lynch s'est cassé de sa rêverie, avant de commencer son chemin vers l'église.
Name: Robert Montgomery Taylor Nickname: Fantastic Mister Fox, Rob, Foxy Birth Date: january 4th, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: male Sexuality: heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: yellow-green eyes pierce from under his stubborn black hair. Though physically relaxed, the eyes give away that his mind is alert. Robert is slender and slightly taller than most. Because he is too lazy to shave daily, his chin is covered in stubble most of the time. He strides with a combination of authority and enibration. Sometimes one more than the other. It varies. Clothing Style: Robert's colors are mostly black combined with bordeaux red or dark green. He wears plain shirts, hoodies, jeans and boots. Outside he wears his black jacket. Delving Deeper Likes: power writing poetry with quill and ink adventure chocolate chip cookies playing the guitar berries red wine rum Dislikes: poets people who are not up for his ideas people who disrespect him chocolate and fruit combination human stupidity Fears: Being a failure Letting people down Drowning That humanity will destroy itself Habits: running his hand through his hair whistling playing with a coin. Personality: ♦ proud ♦ playful ♦ caring ♦ brooding Robert does what he wants, whenever he wants. Though life often doesn't agree with him. So he comes up with an extravagant plan to make it better, or to fix things. And sometimes it works. And often he gets in trouble even deeper. But he learned how to talk himself in and out of these situations. He doesn't like to be responsible for people, because they will only slow him down. But he feels responsible nevertheless. And often he can use a hand. His 'plans' are often not as much actual plans, as just a means to persuade people in aiding him. Background: Growing up, Robert had a rather normal childhood. In highschool he was one of the more alternative teenagers ofcourse. His most important problem at the time, was how society wanted him to be it's bitch by making him going to school and then study and work. That couldn't be what was meant for him. But other than that, not much weird stuff going on. Philosophy turned out a lot more boring and less enlightening than Robert had hoped. But he didn't want to return home emtpy handed. So he got a job at the library and bided his time in this town. It was even more boring than studying, but at least he could pay the rent and didn't have to put up with pretentious students and professors. But still, far from any great destiny. Despite his cynical attitude about religion in general, and after a night of heavy drinking, he went to church to pray for something good to happen. But as he was about to declare himself officialy crazy and close his eyes to start praying, a man next to him spoke to him. For some reason he quickly figured out Robert's situation and proposed to help him, if Robert did him a small favor. He needed to steal the small crucifix hanging on the wall of the church. Regardless of how the man was going to help him, that sounded like an exciting idea to him. So when the priest wasn't looking, he sneaked out the little artefact. After that, Grimbold asked him over for dinner. And they talked a lot. About life and society. Then Grimbold offered him a chance at a whole new life. Next to his current one. Relationships: Robert views everybody in the group as family. Though family doesn't necessarily means without friction. ♫Eddie ♫ and Robert are buddies. Robert is persuasive and Eddie tends to give in quickly, so Robert drags him along on his plans, more or less willingly. ⚡ Sloane ⚡ and Robert both are strong-willed individuals. This leads to clashes from time to time. Though he has respect for her independence. ♥ Terry ♥ has something very intruiging to Robert. She seems untouchable by his current social vocabulary. It's frustrating. Especially since he finds her rather attractive. ☯ Tobias ☯ is someone that Robert is slightly more careful with. He comes of as distant but dense, so he's just a little less comfortable around him than with the others. ☯ Cara ☯ is oke, but her controlling side is rather annoying. ☮ Nick ☮ is a great younger brother to have. Robert feels sort of a protector role for him. He will teach him the important things in life. Like rum appreciation. ☮ Nina ☮ is on Robert's level. Someone that he can talk with and have fun with. She's like a sister. But she's also hot. which is confusing. ☮Angel☮ Though she is relatively new, Robert gets a good vibe from her. Sharp and fun to hang with. ☮Skylar☮ Warm hearts are good company. Sky is comforting, which Rob needs sometimes. But she's also innocent enough for him to feel a protector role over her. ☯Daniel☯ He seems like a good kid, but Robert has a hard time really connecting with him. Extra: He wears a small flask filled with rum on his belt. Dark powers: Animal Form: Fox power: Loss of focus: For just a second, your thoughts were drifting somewhere else. You weren't paying attention you didn't watch where you were going. And now you walked into that lamppost, or cut yourself with the scissors. You stumbled, you hit your thumb with the hammer. Just your luck.
Sloane Shields Lieu: quitter Ink Shields... ou pas Interagir avec Cara Sloane a puisé dans une longue et profonde respiration. L'air froid lui a fait refroidir la colonne vertébrale, mais l'a remplie d'une nouvelle énergie fraîche en regardant la ville. A côté de sa boutique et de sa maison se trouvait le café, qu'elle regardait de côté. Ce n'était pas rare pour la meute de traîner là-bas. Elle est restée immobile un moment avant de tourner dans la direction opposée. Cependant, elle n'a pas été très loin jusqu'à ce qu'elle sente son téléphone bourdonner dans sa poche. Alors que ses talons cliquaient sur le trottoir, elle a tiré l'appareil pour vérifier le message : Cara voulait se rencontrer. La femme a lâché les bras et a regardé le ciel, secouant un peu la tête. Pourquoi? Elle pensait tout simplement, muselant au-dessus de ses options. Finalement, elle a encore élevé son téléphone : Bien sûr. Il est malade d'être à la maison toute la journée. Soudain, Sloane a appuyé sur le bouton d'envoi. Elle était beaucoup de choses et loyal était l'une d'entre elles. Malheureusement. La femme tira dans un dernier souffle d'air frais et se tourna pour retourner à Ink Shields... alors qu'elle tournait, ses yeux suivirent le Père local pendant qu'il traversait la rue. Elle n'y pensait pas beaucoup, cependant, et elle a déverrouillé la porte de sa maison pour revenir à l'intérieur et se mettre à l'aise.
You should never feel afraid to become a piece of art. Personal Information NAME Sloane Shields NICKNAMES Ona: given to her by her grandfather, but only her immediate family wastes time giving her name an extra syllable. Lo: she was first called this by her high school sweetheart and resents it being used by anyone else. BIRTH DATE November 21, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Female SEXUALITY Bisexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Her pale green eyes stand out the most: although mostly a light and icy green, flecks of deeper emerald and gold dot the irises. She tends to wear dark eyeliner and eye shadow that compliments the color. Sloane’s skin is dark brown in contrast, and she wears make up to accent her high cheekbones. Her dreadlocks are dark brown–nearly black–in color and are styled like a Mohawk with both sides shaved close to her scalp. She walks with a tall, confident demeanor and tends to wear a combination of tight pants and layered tanktops to show off her tattoo sleeves. Toned arms and legs stretch far, emphasizing her height and slimness–high heels help, too. Her nails are typically painted black, but are sometimes accented with whites, golds, reds, or purples as well. She also has tattoos behind her ear, neck, on her back and legs, hips, below her chest, and..elsewhere. Said tattoos include but are not limited to her zodiac sign, favorite quote, a semi-colon, and tribal designs. When it comes to jewelry, she has small gauges in her ears and long necklaces that dangle over her chest. She’ll sometimes have thick bracelets and rings on, as well. In her heels, she stands over 6' tall and weighs about 140 lbs. Notable tattoos: due to her dark skin, plain black tattoos are less than flashy. So she uses a lot of color in her work. On her left wrist is a compass, splattered with water color ink. The compass bleeds up her arm and into the rest of her sleeve. On the inside of her opposite arm is her first tattoo, gotten while taking Latin her freshmen year of high school: carpe noctem is scripted in hard, bold letters. This arm is sleeved, too, and compliments the phrase though overall it's not as colorful as her left arm. On her back is a decorated tree, decorated with reds and oranges. Finally, "1988" scripted on the side of her left ring finger. This is Winston's--her high school sweetheart's--birth year. These aren't all of her tattoos, but probably her most notable / important ones. CLOTHING A little athletic, a little slutty, all sexy: Sloane has a lean, beautiful body and she isn't afraid to show it off or the tattoos that decorate it. Her style can be described as a little grunge and a little street; she's always looks ready to go to a club. And unless she's working out, she's wearing heels. Sample wardrobe: X X X X X X X X Delving Deeper ♦ Ambitious ♦ Cold ♦ Creative ♦ Independent PESONALITY When it comes to people, she can come off friendly enough, though she’s rather apathetic behind the smiles. She’s far more interested in art and animals and magic, but she recognizes the importance and usefulness in others. Still, when her mood is soured, she can be sadistic and cruel to those she feel has wronged her–though, at times, she finds herself acting pointlessly cruel sometimes out of impatience or defensiveness. Needless to say, Sloane tends to look out for herself before others. However, she can easily bond with another over similar interests. She likes being active and loves to travel when she’s commissioned for a tattoo from someone out of town. Her less-than-conservative style stands out in a small town and she welcomes rumors of her being in a cult or a witch or in a gang or anything. LIKES Animals Art (tattoos, photography, paint, you name it) Foreign movies Tea Dance and rap Cities DISLIKES People (especially dull men) Feeling dumb: she dropped out of high school so, while clever, she isn't educated. And this can lead her to feeling self conscious about her intelligence. Fast food Boy bands Ross from FRIENDS FEARS Death Weakness Intimacy HABITS Playing with her hair StaringDoodling if she has a pen or pencil in hand BACKGROUND Sloane was born to an interracial couple (most notably of Sudanese and Iranian descent among others), but was raised by her mother and grandfather. There isn't much else to be said for the early years of her life because she was raised happily and healthily. Her sense of style growing up scared away potential friends, as she tended to take on a gothic/emo appearance, but she was content. And she was particularly happy when her first boyfriend (who on the surface was an idiot but friendly jock) asked her out and they became an item. They were happy together for only about six months: A particularly romantic Valentines Day led to a teen pregnancy with her first boyfriend. With support from both their families, she had planned to raise it with him. However, he died in an accident and she put the baby up for adoption instead--this being her biggest regret and a decision she made out of grief. Then she dropped out of her sophomore year of high school to become a tattoo artist. Neither her grandfather nor mother were very happy, but they tried to be supportive due to the tragic loss. While other people studied through and graduated from high school, Sloane spent those years studying the art of tattoos. She was a fast learner and talented artist. And now, at 25, she owns her own tattoo shop and apartment above it: Ink Shields. It's of course popular with university students, but she gets both people travelling far and paid extra to leave town for her artwork. It was soon after dropping out of high school that the Mentor appeared before her and gave her first task: key some guy's car. She was in a vulnerable place emotionally and psychologically, so she did. And the powers and the sense of family that came with them allowed her to toughen up and grow into the woman she is today. RELATIONSHIPS What I'm thinking so far (correct me if I'm mischaracterizing anyone): Sloane can come off as the stern but caring big-sister type. However, the latter is a lot harder to see, and she has little patience for weaknesses in herself or others. Terry: likes Terry enjoys her company as they have a lot of common--including the types of issues they face being a minority in a small town. She sees herself in Terry. Eddie: she has nothing against Eddie personally, but he seems to lack spine. She's impatient and snippy with him, partly because he just lets her. Robert: Finds him impulsive and obnoxious, but she knows there's more to him than that. He's not afraid to speak his mind, which she can at least respect. Cara: she comes off as friendly enough, but Sloane has seen the control freak side as well. She doesn't really mind allowing Cara to do what she wants, it's usually harmless to her. Toby: Dick. Sloane is p sure he's afraid of her since he doesn't always speak up. Makes her want to antagonize him more. Nina: They're both powerful, confident, and ambitious. So alike that they clash: Nina is really the only other member she considers worthy of rivalry. Nick: He's refreshing and bright--probably partly because he's the youngest of the group. But she admires his work and sees potential in Nick. Probably particularly protective of him. Angel: She doesn't have a problem with Angel; the girl seems tough as nails and Sloane admires her confidence. She's not ignorant to the issues between her and Terry, though, and would like to see them get along. Sky: Sloane was less than impressed with Sky when they first meant, but the woman's kindness and wisdom grew on her over time. And while she considers her a friend, she's also attracted to her as a person. EXTRA She has a Maine Coon named Nox. Her favorite color is deep red and she likes the scent of leather. Song: Life in Her Yet by Rag’n’Bone Man and Muse by OCAD. Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM Sloane's deer form is, of course, black as coal. However, she's relatively large for what would be a female deer, but nothing impossible for the species. Ironically, deer--especially does--are docile creatures whereas Sloane is anything but; however, she shares its lean, graceful figure and long limbs. POWER Umbra: Sloane can darken and manipulate shadows to a small degree, creating what would otherwise be a trick of the eye. She has exercised control over the power; however, her mental state can easily affect her control. Rage or depression can cause the lights to flicker and dim.
Tobias Rieper Lieu: Maison/Café Interagir avec: Angel Tobias savait que leurs pouvoirs étaient le résultat de l'occultisme, de l'arcane, comme se transformer en animal et avoir des pouvoirs surnaturels clairement n'était pas la norme. Oui, les événements d'hier soir auraient dû être attendus, mais ça semblait surréaliste. Grimbold a sacrifié un cygne à quelqu'un. Il a essayé de ne pas s'attarder sur la pensée, mais l'enfer, c'était le truc des romans d'horreur et des films. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait être ce qu'il supposait être le maître de Grimbold? Un dieu sanguinaire? Des spectres impies? Tobias détestait l'admettre, mais il craignait un peu la vérité. Ce n'est pas qu'il allait le dire à personne de toute façon. S'il n'avait pas besoin d'une chose, Sloane l'a découvert et lui a donné plus de merde que d'habitude. C'est la pensée qui a fait de Tobias une rancune. Le groupe était bien et tout pour de petits discours, mais Tobias doutait de donner des renseignements personnels au groupe était la meilleure idée. Tobias ne faisait pas confiance à l'un d'eux avec quelque chose de significatif non plus. Même quand il était dans ce gang, il n'y avait pas grand-chose à craindre. Bien sûr, il y avait toute la rivalité de gang et les flics te tabasser à la pulpe en essayant de t'arrêter, mais si tu suivais les ordres, ça irait. Le gang aurait votre dos. D'habitude. Cela pourrait aussi être le cas avec Grimbold aussi, mais quand vous avez ajouté dans la magie noire, Tobias n'était plus si sûr. Peut-être que s'il traversait Grimbold un jour, Tobias serait celui sur l'autel, étant sacrifié jusqu'à n'importe quoi. Mais il était tard et il avait besoin du reste, alors Tobias a essayé de dissiper les pensées de son esprit et au moins d'essayer de dormir. Il a fini par dormir très peu, ses pensées d'hier soir empêchant toute sorte de sommeil reposant. Tobias était habitué à cela, car il se réveillait dès 4 heures du matin pour se mettre au travail, mais les premières minutes d'essayer de se lever ont toujours été une bataille personnelle. Finalement, après avoir utilisé chaque goutte de volonté, Tobias s'est traîné hors du lit et ensuite au frigo, où il allait fouetter un petit déjeuner de... Rien. On dirait que Tobias aurait besoin d'utiliser sa journée de congé pour frapper le marché pour reconstituer son frigo stérile. Mais d'abord, il allait prendre un petit-déjeuner au Café. Heureusement pour son sommeil et sa nourriture privés de corps, il n'était pas beaucoup d'une promenade pour atteindre l'entrée. En regardant rapidement sa propre réflexion dans la porte en verre, il s'est assuré que ses cheveux étaient au moins quelque peu présentables. Tobias a finalement commandé quelques pâtisseries pour le petit déjeuner et une tasse d'OJ. Tobias n'aimait pas vraiment la caféine, et malgré ce que quelqu'un d'autre a dit à ce sujet, il était presque sûr que le café était une sorte de narcotique liquide. Pourquoi quelqu'un d'autre dépenserait des dizaines de dollars pour acheter cette merde? Il avait cependant obtenu son ordre; Tobias a trouvé sa place préférée prise. Pas exactement pris, juste que la moitié de la table était occupée. Dommage vraiment, c'était le seul endroit où vous pouviez manger votre petit déjeuner dans un silence relatif. Mais Tobias s'est vite rendu compte que la personne qui avait pris sa place était Angel, le nouveau, alors il a pris le siège opposé en face d'elle. En regardant son petit déjeuner, Tobias n'était plus sûr de ce qui a invoqué plus de peur en lui, les événements d'hier soir, ou les choix alimentaires d'Angel. Il a ouvert la bouche, en ayant l'intention de faire une remarque sur son régime alimentaire, mais à la fin a décidé contre elle et a décidé de juste la saluer normalement. "Mornin Angel. D'habitude, je ne te vois pas ici."
Tobias Rieper “Home, sweet home. Something in the night felt like a door had been opened, an echo of the past, an old monster snapping its eyes open in the depths of my brain. Closing your eyes forces you to look at the darkness inside.” Personal Information NAME Tobias Rieper NICKNAMES Toby BIRTH DATE October 13th, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Male SEXUALITY Heterosexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Tobias's light blue eyes highlight his strongly german ancestry, if the pale white skin didn’t tip you off already. No makeup, nor any special hairdos, as one would expect from the average male, but has a beard/moustache. Tobias is exactly six feet tall, weighing around 170 pounds, fit as a fiddle, as his previous gang/prison lifestyle hasn’t allowed him to become weak. Tobias generally has a non expressive face, but he generally tries to smile for his own sake. CLOTHING Tobias doesn’t really wear anything too flashy in terms of his fashion, preferring to wear a simple jacket, jeans and some nikes. On occasion, he will wear a suit if he feels the situation requires it. And dress shoes too, because only a heathen would wear sneakers with a suit. Delving Deeper ♦Thoughtful ♦ Calm ♦ All Talk ♦ Remorseful PESONALITY While Tobias used to be aggressive in the past, now he attempts to be calm and less confrontational. While his anger still has a short fuse, Tobias manages to keep it in check, at least for now. Conflict is something he is not afraid of, but will avoid violence at all costs.Tobias would willingly allow another person to beat him, as he feels fighting back would drive him back to his previous life. As such, he tries to talk and bluff his way out of tricky situations. He can be withdrawn at times, as Tobias learned in therapy to mentally remove himself from the picture if his anger is getting out of control. LIKES Peace and quiet Snow Structure Cats/Dogs DISLIKES Tattoos Drugs Smug People Physical Fighting FEARS loss of self control Reversion to his precious lifestyle Addiction HABITS Plays with his rosary a bit when in deep thought. As stated before, has a habit of being withdrawn at random times. BACKGROUND Tobias was supposed to be the perfect model for the american dream. Four years of college, internship at a major accounting firm, steady and safe job. There was really nothing Tobias should have been complaining about, as he was practically set for life. But privately, he hated the life. Tobias felt little purpose in his studies, and later, his internship. While his family had paid for his college, and their connections earned him the internship, Tobias felt empty. His dissatisfaction led to his membership in a gang. The drugs helped, and beating up some poor sucker on the wrong side of town gave him a different high. Tobias was hooked. The drugs made him feel immortal, beating up other people gave him purpose and thrills. The gang made use of him as an enforcer, to collect debts, participate in gang fights, you name it. Ironically, Tobias was arrested for drug use/possession rather than being caught for beating people to near death. He was given three years in jail, losing his job, house, and his car. At first, Tobias blamed everything but himself for this sentence. The system, society, his circumstances. He constantly picked fights with other inmates to get a “high” again. After a year in prison, he “sobered” up and came to a different conclusion. His downfall was his own fault. There was nothing else to blame. There was something twisted, dark in his head if he had to do drugs or fight to feel satisfied. The system worked exactly as it should have, society was right this time, and he could offer no realistic excuses to his behavior. Tobias started to turn his life around as best he could in prison. Tobias no longer fought, he spent time in drug therapy sessions, and even became a Catholic, attending mass at the prison ministry. But as soon as he his sentence ended and he was let out, the empty feeling came back. Tobias tried to ignore the feeling, moving to a small town and acquiring a minimum wage job. He no longer cared much about the faith, ignoring it completely. But a man approached him, and offered him another purpose in life. Grimbold, he called himself. Supposedly Tobias had a higher calling, and as long as he would be willing to follow. Tobias accepted, but there was something in the back of the head telling him this might not be any different from his previous gang lifestyle.. RELATIONSHIPS Tobias probably comes off as the skeptic. The thinker of the group. He may take charge if no one else is willing. ☯Eddie☯ Weird guy, but nothing to hate him over. Tobias wonders why he’s in such a group however. ☯Teryn/Terry☯ Weird girl, but not as weird as Eddie. Not much to say about her as she rarely says much at all. ⚔Sloane⚔ Troublesome. While he may not backtalk to her, there are certainly times Tobias feels he might lose his temper with her and attempt to beat the living shit out of her. For this reason, Tobias acts cold to her in an attempt to get her to ignore him. ☯Robert☯ Too naive. Kind of reminds him of when he was younger, except with less angst, so he holds little ill will towards Robert. ☮Cara☮A bit on the short side, but she seems nice enough. ☯Nick☯Toby feels like he should say something about his illicit activities, but he feels he'd be a hypocrite considering he was no better at that age. ⚡Nina⚡Reminds him of Sloane. EXTRA None Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM A simple raccoon. POWER Can predict bad events, but has no idea of the severity/context, just that something bad will happen.
Daniel Reyes Lieu: Café Castle Street Interagir avec: Teryn Étonnamment, Daniel a levé les yeux de l'exposition de pâtisserie qu'il avait été occupé à organiser quand il a entendu quelqu'un le saluer. Il a été encore plus choqué quand il s'est rendu compte que c'était Teryn qui avait essayé d'attirer son attention. Ce n'était pas rare pour lui de voir certains des autres au Café pendant qu'il travaillait. Après tout, c'était un lieu de rencontre très populaire. Cependant Teryn, comme lui-même, n'a pas semblé du genre à s'écarter de son chemin pour interagir avec les gens à moins que cela ne soit nécessaire. Se moquant de sa révérence, Daniel murmura rapidement, "Morning", alors qu'il se redressait de la vitrine. Avant de penser à quelque chose à dire, Teryn a reparlé. "Quand est ta pause?" Daniel dépoussiéra ses mains sur son tablier en regardant vers l'horloge sur le mur. Elle doit vraiment avoir besoin d'aide pour quelque chose. Daniel doutait fortement qu'elle voulait simplement traîner. "Umm, dans une demi-heure. Si tu veux juste rester, je peux venir te trouver quand j'aurai fini." Daniel lui a offert ce qu'il espérait être un sourire amical. En réalité, il était plutôt anxieux d'entendre sa raison de le chercher. Mais avec le recul, elle était probablement plus anxieux qu'il ne l'a ressenti depuis qu'elle est venue volontairement dans un endroit bondé juste pour lui parler. À ce moment-là, il a entendu quelqu'un l'appeler sur le buzz de la conversation. "Je pense que votre commande est prête. Je ne serai pas long." Daniel a décidé de prendre sa pause un peu tôt puisqu'il est arrivé plus tôt que la normale ce matin-là. Raccrocher son tablier dans le dos et prendre sa veste dans son casier, Daniel a fait son chemin vers le haut de l'avant où il a trouvé Teryn assis près de l'arrière du café. Il a aussi remarqué qu'Angel et Tobias devaient arriver il n'y a pas si longtemps parce qu'Angel semblait s'emparer de son repas avec enthousiasme. Il a hissé un salut rapide dans leur direction, ne sachant pas s'ils ont vraiment remarqué ou pris soin, et a continué vers la table de Teryn. Prenant place en face d'elle, Daniel offrit un petit sourire. "Je suis tout à toi pendant environ 20 minutes. On peut sortir si tu veux? Un peu moins bondé là-bas..."
Name: Daniel Anton Reyes Nickname: Danny Birth Date: June 3rd Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Daniel hides his emotions behind a veil of sea green eyes and controlled expressions. His perfectly arched eyebrows and flawless skin are merely a reflection of his upbringing and the mask his father unknowingly created. The only true expression of himself is the wild nature of his messy brown hair and small smiles he sometimes allows himself to show. Danny is average height for his age, standing at 5’8” and has a lean muscular build. Clothing Style: Not liking to stand out, his wardrobe consists mostly of simple neutral colored button-ups with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and a pair of comfortable jeans, dark blue or black. His shoe of choice is a pair of black high-top Converse. The only indication of his rebellious nature is a black studded belt he wears around his waist. Delving Deeper Guarded ♦ Observant ♦ Wary ♦ Rebellious Background & Personality (because I believe it takes one to determine the other): From a young age Daniel has learned to create a different outward persona dependent upon what the situation calls for at the time. Being raised in upscale Paris by his father, money, and a prestigious name to boot, appearances were everything. Social functions, garden parties, hosting important people from around the world. These were but a few examples of Daniel’s childhood. While other children his age were fussing over skinned knees and the newest video game, young Daniel was expected to be seen but not heard. Raised to be the heir to eventually take over his father’s company; composed, reserved, only speak when spoken to, everything you do elegant and refined. Everything was fine at first because he didn’t know any different. It was simply the world he lived in. But as he reached his teenage years Daniel’s observant nature started telling him a different story. A story of cloaks-and-daggers, false smiles and pretty lies. Friendly conversation was only a guise for some deeper ill intent. All the pretty gowns and well-tailored suits he had admired as a child became loud exclamations of one’s wealth and nothing more. His father’s stern lectures and strict instructions for Daniel’s upbringing turned out to be no more than a business plan for his future heir. There was no longer any warmth in his father’s eyes nor kindness in his words. If they had ever been there to begin with Daniel no longer trusted himself to know. He lost trust in people and closed himself off, becoming wary of the deeper meaning behind their intentions. This also led to a rebellious streak in Daniel. Not the kind of hell-raising rebellion they show in movies, but the more subtle rebellion of not listening to orders or making a rude comment to a guest while he knew his father was watching. However, these rebellious outbursts were few and far between as he didn’t like bringing more attention to himself than was necessary. He already had enough of that as it is. Hating the idea of being his father’s puppet and being no more than a pretty face with a powerful name, Daniel decided to run away when he turned 18. Saving up his allowance over the years and claiming his inheritance at his coming of age party granted him the ability to do just that. He sat through the tutoring sessions his father arranged and continued to smile gracefully at his father’s side. When the time finally came, under the cloak of darkness while the mansion slept, Daniel packed as much clothing and various necessities as he could fit in a backpack and fled. He hailed a taxi to the airport and bought the soonest ticket out of Paris. This led him to Tallshade, a tiny town in America nestled between a huge forest at the base of a mountain. The perfect sense of seclusion he had been looking for. Seemingly isolated from the rest of the world, it gave Daniel the freedom to make a new life for himself. However, he learned real quick how unforgiving the world can be. He also soon realized that he didn’t really possess a true identity for himself. Having grown up in the shadow of his father and knowing nothing other than what he had been taught, who was he now that he was free from all that? Who was Daniel Reyes when we wasn’t acting the perfect model son? He had a collection of “masks” and nothing more. He settled down in a modest apartment and stashed his money somewhere out of sight. Daniel didn’t want to have to rely on his namesake to get what he needed but having it readily available gave him a security blanket to fall back on should he need it. He did odd jobs around town, took a couple random classes at the local university, anything to give him a sense of purpose in a world that was foreign to him. The one thing he was grateful for however, was all the language classes his father made him take. He couldn’t imagine how much of a nightmare arriving in a new country would be not knowing the language. He spoke with a subtle French accent but was able to be understood by the locals well enough. Daniel met Grimbold one night when he decided to take a late night walk to clear his head. He had been feeling especially lost lately and homesick in a Stockholm’s Syndrome sort of way. He rationalized this by telling himself it was the security of familiarity and structure that he missed. Settled down amongst the grass in a clearing in the woods, he stared up at the stars and wished for things he couldn’t have. Almost as if in answer, The Mentor appeared as quiet as a whisper and promised him freedom and power, among other things. He had been chosen for a reason, Grimbold told him. There were others too. The only condition was to serve him whenever Daniel was called upon. That almost caused Daniel to deny the old man on the spot. Here was another puppetmaster looking to take hold of Daniel’s severed strings. However, Daniel couldn’t sense any hidden agendas or twisted ideals from the man and the promise of purpose and a place to belong was too strong a temptation to ignore. Looking back on it now, Daniel should’ve seen it as an omen, something too good to be true. He was right back at square one, taking orders from a higher power for some unknown greater purpose. But 5 years later Daniel finds himself working as a barista at the local coffeehouse, still obeying The Mentor’s wishes when the time came. Likes: People-watching Being around people but not overly interacting with them Books/Reading Running Pastries/Bread Dislikes: Bringing unnecessary attention to himself Being forced to do something Alcohol and the loss of control it provides Sycophants, brown-nosers Anything that reminds him of his past life Fears: Losing purpose Removing his “mask” Getting close to anyone and getting hurt Being found and brought back to Paris Habits: Tends to fake smiles out of habit due to his upbringing Closes his eyes when a situation makes him feel uncomfortable Leaves unannounced to go for a run to clear his head, sort his thoughts Night owl and suffers from slight insomnia Position in the Group: Hangs out in the background to observe others. Doesn’t trust easily and even though he’s been in this for the better part of 5 years, Daniel still feels like everyone is merely an acquaintance and prefers to keep it that way. He’ll never admit it aloud but he’s afraid of letting others in. He admires everyone in the group, mostly for things he feels he lacks, but feels safer keeping everyone in neutral standing and only working together as a team if it’s absolutely necessary. ☯ Eddie – Seems nice enough. Appreciates his honesty. ☯ Teryn – Feels he can relate with her on an indirect level due to both their tendencies to not trust easily. She can sometimes come off as rude or defensive but he can respect that she has her reasons as he has his. ☯ Sloane – He admires her sense of individuality and confidence. ☯ Robert – Seems like a troublemaker but Daniel can appreciate his sense of adventure and spontaneity. ☯ Tobias – Feels almost as if they could be twin brothers but will not openly acknowledge this. ☯ Cara – He knows all too well of her fake smiles and pretty words and sees her as an annoying little sister-type. ☯ Nick – Jealous of his carefree nature and lack of worry of what the future might bring. ☯ Nina – Likes her confidence but gets annoyed by her spoiled attitude towards others. Enjoys having someone to talk to in his native language. ☯ Angel – Intrigued by her ability to blend in and relate to anybody. Thankful for her humor that quickly diffuses tense situations. ☯ Sky – Respects her maturity and feels like she would listen the most if he ever felt the need to confide in someone. Dark Powers: Animal Form: Black Bat Power: Echolocation Being able to cause headaches from as minor as a constant throbbing to as severe as vertigo, dizziness and a loss of balance. Much like how bats use echolocation by creating a sound and processing the information they receive from the echo, Daniel uses his power by whistling while maintaining line of sight with his target. He is also able to determine the severity of the target's headache by changing the pitch of his whistle. Prolonged use of his power causes Daniel to become extremely fatigued. EDIT: Updated information on how Daniel uses his power.
Ange Hardwicke Lieu; Château Street Café Interagir avec; Tobias "Mornin Angel. D'habitude, je ne te vois pas ici." Angel regardait par la fenêtre, remuant paresseusement son milkshake avec sa paille quand Tobias s'assit en face d'elle. Elle a été légèrement surprise - ce qu'elle savait peu de Toby était qu'il gardait généralement pour lui-même. Elle ne voulait pas qu'il s'asseyât - elle a offert un sourire en bienvenue. Toby avait l'air d'avoir besoin d'une compagnie, il avait l'air plus fatigué qu'elle ne le pensait. "Oui, d'habitude je prends mes verres pour y aller. Mais mon frère m'a gentiment réveillé le matin, alors me voilà." Elle a expliqué qu'elle prenait une bouchée de son sandwich pendant que son esprit retournait à la dernière fois qu'elle avait vu Toby - la nuit précédente. Sillonnant sa bouche, et retournant le clin d'œil avec un sourire tandis que Daniel passait leur table, Angel s'arrêta quelque peu hésitant avant de continuer à parler. "Alors, c'était vraiment... quelque chose la nuit dernière. Je dois dire que je ne m'attendais pas à ce qu'une merde de type druide tombe. Et bien... Je ne savais pas à quoi m'attendre." Angel a dit d'un ton bas, heureux qu'ils aient été garés quelque part calme où personne ne pouvait entendre leur histoire - Grimbold était assez strict quand il s'agissait de souligner à quel point leur deuxième vie devrait être secrète. "Et à en juger par les visages de tout le monde quand ils ont changé de dos, je suppose que vous ne vous y attendiez pas non plus? C'est la première fois qu'il le fait, n'est-ce pas? » Elle a demandé, l'idée que plus d'animaux soient brutalement assassinés comme ça la rampant encore plus. Bon sang, tu le fais dans un abattoir - mais l'idée de Grimbold poignardant un petit lapin à mort sur une dalle de pierre au milieu des bois, tout en câlinant maniaquement comme il a envoyé son âme à Cthulu ou quelque chose, n'était pas une bonne chose.
Name: Angeline Megara Hardwicke Nickname: Angel Birth Date: 24th November Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Angel stands at a less than average height of 5’5, along with a slim hourglass figure, and a heart-shaped face; atop of which sits a mess of chocolate brown curls, often worn in a myriad of different styles, and various shades of brown depending on how she feels like dyeing it. Her eyes are a bright, clear blue, standing out thanks to her dark lashes and brows. Her tanned skin is mostly unmarred, barring tiny scars here and there from scuffles in the past and childhood accidents. Clothing Style: Angel’s clothing style very much changes with the wind and her mood – some days she’ll favour darker clothes in a punk style, paired with heavy make-up and an obvious attitude. Other days she’ll be natural, wearing dresses of various styles and colours and accompanying accessories. And then the day after that she’ll just dress comfortably, wearing jeans and over-sized sweaters. The only clothes that rarely change are her pyjamas – anything with teddy bears. Because teddy bears are awesome, guys. Delving Deeper Likes: Anything fluffy – particularly animals. Face Painting (Well, any form of painting really, but face painting is a fun pastime for her.) Way too Loud music (Particularly rock) Cooking Steak (Cooked blue – any more than that is blasphemy, in her eyes.) Puns, quips, innuendos, and double entendres. (She’ll even sometimes sink so low as to pull the ‘That’s what he/she said’ joke.) Chocolate Day-dreaming ELECTRIC GUITAAAAAARRRRRRR Marvel Nature, and all of her destructive and calm feelings. Dislikes: Marvel-bashers Screamo or death metal Messing up her paintings Nosiness Apathy Slyness Ignorance The ever growing cacophony of irritating sounds often found issuing from children and babies. Fears: Heights Insects and arachnids Dying in some kind of meaningless, pointless manner. Not having left something worthwhile on this earth before she dies. Habits: Humming snatches of songs, or simply guitar riffs, under her breath. Tapping out drum beats. Day dreaming, zoning out, or losing track of a conversation mid-sentence. Clinging to a point rather stubbornly, should she believe she is correct and the other person is wrong. Personality: Entertaining ♦ Stubborn ♦ Opinionated ♦ Warm-Hearted ♦ Sharp Despite the fact her looks – and occasionally scatter-braininess - can make Angel seem like a wee naive girl, she is far from it. She knows far more than she lets on, and she will never let anyone take advantage of her. However, when looking at what Angel truly is like, it is plain to see she can make quite the courteous friend. Not only is she happy to lend an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on, but she gives fairly shrewd advice to people’s problems, in the hopes of helping them. Because of this, she is hardly one to judge others for their acts. One perspective of a story is hardly going to change her opinion of someone. Additionally, she’s quick to make jokes or light-hearted remarks in the hopes of getting someone’s spirits up. Humour rarely fails her, and is a very easy thing to fall back on. As for her stubbornness... well, it’s a miracle her animal form isn’t a Bull. If she has a point in an argument she will fight it as long she believes she is correct – which can definitely cause irritation for others around her, but she does certainly enjoy being right in her views... not that that means she is not open to other people’s opinions. When it comes to hard facts, she will happily accept it if she is wrong in something. As for opinions, everyone is entitled to have them – unless some poor ignorant fool is under the impression that their opinions are indeed facts. In which case, she’s happy to deliver a few sharp words towards said ignoramous. Background: Angel has been living in Tallshade for a good few months now, alongside her younger brother and Uncle. Prior to this, the last time she could remember a normal home life was when she was 9 years old, and still living in England with her brother, and parents. As such, life was pretty good. Her Mother was a Detective, her Father was in the army, and she was doing pretty good in terms of friends and school. Even with an annoying 5-year-old brother hanging around her at all times. Except, this annoying little brother arriving was one of the few good things she could remember in this time of her life – for a few months after her ninth birthday, her Mother died. A police raid gone wrong or something. She was too young to be given all of the details, not that it made it any easier. It had been while her Dad was away, on a tour in some country that she couldn’t pronounce yet. Naturally, he came home early, to attend the funeral and look after his young children. Shortly after this, he left the Army, under Compassionate leave. However, his time abroad had left its mark already – he’d seen such horrors, comrades blown apart before him, that things weren’t so perfect for him mentally. He became paranoid, plagued with nightmares and the inclination that someone had killed his Wife, and was then after him and his two children. Just before Angel’s tenth birthday, their house was sold and they moved to America. From there, they lived a very uncomfortable nomadic lifestyle – travelling from state to state when their Father became certain “people” had followed him there. He acted in the attempt to save his family, and Angel understood that. She knew her Dad was sick, so she just helped look after her brother and kept her head down in school, never really answering truthfully when people asked her why she never stayed for long. However, she knew something had to be done when he grew distrustful of her. Over the years she was maturing into a young lady, body and accent changing – but in her Father’s demented mind, she should still be his little nine year old. She became unrecognizable, and after she came home from school one day at the age of 16, he attacked her, thinking she was some kind of assassin that had broken in. Evading her Father, Angel fled the home with her brother, heading straight to the nearest police station for aid. She knew this would mean social services would get involved, but she couldn’t live with her Dad anymore, not when he was quite capable of killing her and her brother in their sleep. After a few weeks of wrapping their heads around their case, and a few foster homes, social services were able to find a relative of theirs living in America. Although the offer to go back to England was there, Angel decided remaining in the USA was better. She didn’t particularly want to remain in the same country as her Dad (Who was being deported back to the UK to receive mental help), but she knew this life better than her English life. Their fathers cousin – they simply call him Uncle James, it’s easier – happily took them in, being childless himself, and after a few years living in rainy Washington, James’ work had them moved to Tallshade. Now 20 years old, Angel is approaching her final year at University, studying Psychology. Over the years, she has also developed into a low-key rebel. Although not far rebellious enough to joy-ride vehicles or break into houses, she does partake in some amusing deviant acts. Her Uncle is quite lax when it comes to curfews, but had they been in place, she wouldn’t have paid attention to them anyway. Also, as a lover of art, she is quite happy to graffiti the town – nothing as crude as tags, but things that actually look nice. This was how she came across the Mentor. Late one night, she was busy spraying a moonlit lake on a wall when he appeared behind her, at first complimenting her art... and then asking her to spray something for him. Although dubious at first, she swiftly deduced that he wasn’t a cop – a cop would have arrested her already. So, she quite happily sprayed a pentagram on the church wall prior to his instructions (And thoroughly enjoying the irony behind said act), and from there, the conversation grew far more... odd. Now here she is with super-powers like the guys in her favourite movies, and doing things for a guy for reasons unknown to her... Position in the group & Relationships: Quite easily, Angel is the joker of the group. The first to make a quip or crack a joke in a tense situation, and an easy-going source of entertainment. She's also in the younger half of the group, which makes her far more likely to look for support from the older ones - being the caretaker of her brother from a young age, it's a refreshing change. Although happy to take charge if needed, she’s more than at ease to let someone else take the job. ☮Robert☮ The boy is an adventure-loving musician; what's not to love? He isn't too hard on the eyes either... ☮Toby☮ Has a pretty calming air about him. Seems like a dependable friend. ☮Cara☮ Ah. Bluntness. What a refreshing change in this world of political correctness. Also a potential foe when it comes to debating. ☮Nick☮ Hell, the boy can draw. He seems pretty sweet too - although not overly so, thankfully. His bootlegging of alcohol tells me that. ☮Nina☮ If I were to describe her in one word, it would be bitch. But hell, being a bitch isn't always a bad thing. I do admire girls and their claws, and she's got the sharpest of them all. Quite the hellion one looks for in a friend. ☯Eddie☯ Seems kind of meek, not really one to stand up for himself. Which is slightly irritating, but hey, the guy hasn't done anything bad to me. ☯Sloane☯ A fellow admirer of art, and isn't irritating so far. ⚡Teryn⚡ Ugh. I admire stubbornness, but clinging to one's opinions when proven wrong is pathetic. Lady also has some severe issues with everything and everyone, it would seem. Also, she hates dogs. Who hates dogs? THEY'RE SO FLUFFY! ☮Skylar☮ Reminds me of me, somewhat – although she seems sweeter than myself. A good friend – almost motherly, which is appreciated more than she knows. ☯Daniel☯ He seems nice enough, but is almost like a puzzle – one which I am itching to try and solve. Extra: Likes to partake in some underage drinking – moreso than what one would consider to be healthy. Dotes on the family dog – a clumsy Alsatian by the name of Dexter. Is a supreme geek lord – will thrash your ass in any trivia in regards to her favourite fantasy novels or media. Thanks to an extremely paranoid crazy army dad, was taught how to use Morse Code from a very young age. Dark powers: Animal Form: Black Coyote Power: Déjà Vu: Can give the feeling of Déjà Vu to anyone, by wiping their memory from the past few seconds – this can cause slight disorientation, or simply a repetition of a phrase or sentence. Useful if she needs to record or remember a conversation, or slip away without them realising.
Cara Osborne Emplacement; Université → Maison de Sloane Interagir avec; Sloane Cara était déjà en sortie de l'université au moment où elle sentait son bourdonnement de poche de cardigan, sa peau vibrant de la sensation. Ajustant sa prise sur son sac d'une main, elle a utilisé son autre pour pêcher son téléphone soigneusement de sa poche pour vérifier ce que le message était. Grinning en lisant la réponse de Sloane, la jeune fille s'est simplement amusée. À l'origine, Cara avait prévu de rentrer chez elle pour rattraper toutes les notes qu'elle avait manquées, en utilisant les notes aimablement données par une amie qui partageait la même classe qu'elle. Cependant, puisque Sloane a répondu si vite, et que sa maison était entre l'université et l'appartement de Cara, il était préférable d'essayer de le faire plus tôt, plutôt que de faire attendre Sloane. Sécurisant son sac sur son corps et glissant sur le casque noir, Cara a commencé à monter sur sa moto en direction de la maison de Sloane. Peu de temps plus tard, l'étudiante de l'université s'est finalement garée sur le trottoir, s'emparant de son sac avant de se diriger vers le salon de tatouage. Cara savait assez Sloane pour savoir que les faux sourires et les compliments à moitié arnaqués n'allaient pas travailler sur elle, donc son plan était d'aller droit au but plutôt que de perdre leur temps. Poussant la porte ouverte, Cara sourit. "Bonjour." Elle a hurlé à Sloane. "Deuxième jour, n'est-ce pas?" Elle a fait un geste autour de la boutique.
Name: Catherine Amaya Osborne Nickname: Cara Birth Date: November 7th Age: Twenty-two Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Barely reaching 5'1" and weighing only 50kg (110lbs), Cara gives the impression of being cute and harmless. While she likes to be known as cute, harmless is something she's certainly not. The petite girl has an hourglass figure, hips wide but waist slender, usually maintained by her rapid metabolism and strict diet (other than chocolate, Cara can never resist anything chocolatey). Cara has a dimple on her left cheek, an indication of her smiley nature. She also has a naturally tanned complexion, complementing her brown hair and eyes. Speaking of eyes, Cara has wide doe eyed brown orbs, giving her an innocent look which is framed with thick, dark eyebrows. She also has shoulder-length brown hair, thick and kept straight with overgrown fringes that frame her somewhat chubby cheeks perfectly. Clothing Style: Cara loves to dress up, no matter the occasion. She loves to wear various skirts and dresses, as long as it's chic and cute (to match her bubbly-looking appearance). She also likes experimenting with her clothes, so one day she may go for a bold design, or the other she'd wear something simple. Make-up wise, Cara loves to define her eyes, either with some eyeliner or with dark eyeshadow. Lip colours vary depending on her mood or the situation, usually switching from naturals, pinks and bold reds. Deeper Likes: Tea Terrible romance drama films Cycling Reading Chocolate Dislikes: Doing nothing Coffee People who call her a control freak Anything cold Debby-downers Fears: Losing control of her life Suffocating Letting people too close Habits: Tapping her fingers against surfaces Playing with her hair Pouting her lips while in thought Personality: ♦ Kind ♦ Control Freak ♦ Blunt ♦ Stubborn ♦ Manipulative ♦ At first glance, people assume that Cara is docile and harmless, the cutesy one, if you will. However, Cara is anything but docile. She has been known to argue and stand by her points (and values) no matter what, her stubborn streak comparable to that of a boulder. Her stubbornness paired with her controlling personality can make her quite the unpleasant person to hang around with, most of the time. However, Cara refuses to acknowledge herself as a control-freak, that's one thing that would piss her off. Cara is very confident, in herself and her abilities. She is also always found with a smile (whether its fake or genuine, people usually can't tell). Don't get fooled by her sweet smile, however, as Cara can potentially use her 'sweet, innocent appearance' to dupe people. Cara also likes to consider herself honest, but most of her 'honesty' is just the blunt truth. She never sugar-coats her words (unless she's fooling someone), her words usually unfiltered. Overall, Cara can be nice when she needs to be, but piss her off and she can be a vindictive little bitch. Background: Born in the English countryside, in a small town where everyone knew everything, Catherine had a normal childhood. Or, as normal as one could get having seven older siblings. It wasn't like she was neglected or abused in the household, but Catherine knew that she wasn't the most wanted child. Having to compete with seven other children for any attention, Catherine developed into a loud, stubborn child that was hard to reason with unless she was bribed with chocolates. Catherine was encouraged to pick up many hobbies, including dancing and painting alongside furthering her education. Most of her siblings were average students, Catherine included. However, the girl had found her calling in life: to be a surgeon, where she had the contol and power to save lives. The medicine path motivated the girl throughout her childhood and teenage years, making her a hard-working student and achieving good grades even though she wasn't a genius. This remained until Cara finished her secondary education, achieving high grades - especially in science and maths. The girl, during her hunt for a university, stumbled on a town named Tallshade hidden within the forest. Liking the prospect of moving away from the stuffy town, Cara applied immediately for a medical course, before packing up and moving out as soon as she hit eighteen. Cara performed well during the first few years of her medical degree, studying hard and maintaining her work ethic like back at home. Cara met The Mentor during one of her panic-study sessions at the local library. Funnily enough, the girl actually screamed out 'I wish I could get them to listen to me!' before she noticed The Mentor beside her. Offering her powers in exchange doing whatever he wanted, the girl accepted immediately. That was a year ago, and now, Cara loves her life. Position in the group: Cara's desire for control means that she strives to be a leader, even if she's not the best person to lead a team. She likes to consider everybody in the group as friends, or at least some of them, but it doesn't mean that they're exempt to her blunt and bold personality. ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || 💕 Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ⚡ Rivals || ⚔ Nemesis ☮ Eddie ☮ Sweet guy, but he just needs to stand up for himself. Cara likes Eddie enough to try and tame her bold personality so she doesn't scare him off (even if it's not much difference). Cara doesn't like Nina's tendancy to bully Eddie, which often results in her advising him on ways to defend himself - her advice usually coming out as forceful. ☯ Terry ☯ Cara appreciates her observant nature, knowing that her fake smiles don't work on the quiet girl. Cara tends to just stay away from Terry, more because she doesn't know how to approach her without losing her cool. ☮ Sloane ☮ Bold and proud, Cara definitely likes Sloane, acting friendly enough to her. If she were attracted to women, she would've been attracted to Sloane. ☯ Robert ☯ Robert's playful nature reminds her of an excitable puppy. Cara doesn't mind going along with many of his schemes, as long as she doesn't consider it stupid. Again, like with many of the others, Cara remains friendly with Robert, as long as he doesn't make her feel like she doesn't have control during his schemes. ☮ Toby ☮ He's quite the looker, but withdrawn. She doesn't know much about Toby, and while she's curious, she doesn't bother to ask. There is a possibility that Cara could be attracted to Toby, but its more of a physical thing, rather than an emotional one. ☮ Nick ☮ Like the little brother of the group, Cara can understand what its like to be the youngest sibling, but she doesn't baby Nick either, no matter how adorable he looks in his ferret form. ⚡ Nina ⚡ Nina and Cara have a hot and cold friendship: one day they could get along well enough to watch movies and hang out with each other, the next they could easily grate on each other's nerves. ☮ Angel ☮ Angel is one girl that Cara knows she can have a argument debate with, no matter how heated it may get due to their stubborn nature. Both also from England, Cara likes to think that the two are friends. She doesn't mind showing Angel around Tallshade, since Cara understands what its like to be new in a different environment. Extra: Cara speaks with a hint of a British accent, one of the only hints to her British background. She's trying to give up smoking, after having a little health scare a while ago. powers: Animal Form: Power: Cara has the ability to make people hear whispers. It's not her speaking, but just simple idle chatter as if someone is right behind them, even if no one is there. Serves as a great distraction tool during exam season, though.
Tobias Rieper Lieu: Café Interagir avec: Angel "J'ai toujours su que Grimbold était étrange, mais oui. C'était un nouveau." Tobias regarda autour du Café, dépeignant Daniel, et retournant son clin d'œil comme Angel l'a fait. "Je n'ai vraiment aucune idée de ce que le vieil homme fait maintenant." Tobias se trouva en train de douter s'il devait vraiment s'acquitter de la tâche que Grimbold lui avait confiée, mais à ce stade, il était trop tard pour se retourner et prétendre que rien ne s'était passé. Pas comme s'il avait l'argent pour déménager ailleurs. Et maintenant Tobias voulait savoir ce que Grimbold ne leur avait pas encore dit. S'il finit par être une merde de cul satanique où ils ont offert leur âme au diable, il appellerait les flics et feindrait l'ignorance qu'il en faisait partie. Bien qu'étant le nouveau, Tobias a dû admettre qu'Angel prenait ça assez bien. Il s'attendait à plus de choc, de peur. Elle était peut-être plus forte que lui à cet égard. Si Tobias avait vu ce que Grimbold avait fait lors de la première réunion, il s'en serait probablement allé lentement et aurait évité tout le sacrifice au truc du dieu du sang. Tobias a commencé à mordre dans un beignet, en savourant la gâterie sucrée. Pas un petit-déjeuner sain, mais il s'est dit qu'il pouvait se gâter de temps en temps. "De toute façon, une idée de comment vous allez faire ce que Grimbold nous a demandé?"
Tobias Rieper “Home, sweet home. Something in the night felt like a door had been opened, an echo of the past, an old monster snapping its eyes open in the depths of my brain. Closing your eyes forces you to look at the darkness inside.” Personal Information NAME Tobias Rieper NICKNAMES Toby BIRTH DATE October 13th, 1990 AGE 25 GENDER Male SEXUALITY Heterosexual In The Mirror APPEARANCE Tobias's light blue eyes highlight his strongly german ancestry, if the pale white skin didn’t tip you off already. No makeup, nor any special hairdos, as one would expect from the average male, but has a beard/moustache. Tobias is exactly six feet tall, weighing around 170 pounds, fit as a fiddle, as his previous gang/prison lifestyle hasn’t allowed him to become weak. Tobias generally has a non expressive face, but he generally tries to smile for his own sake. CLOTHING Tobias doesn’t really wear anything too flashy in terms of his fashion, preferring to wear a simple jacket, jeans and some nikes. On occasion, he will wear a suit if he feels the situation requires it. And dress shoes too, because only a heathen would wear sneakers with a suit. Delving Deeper ♦Thoughtful ♦ Calm ♦ All Talk ♦ Remorseful PESONALITY While Tobias used to be aggressive in the past, now he attempts to be calm and less confrontational. While his anger still has a short fuse, Tobias manages to keep it in check, at least for now. Conflict is something he is not afraid of, but will avoid violence at all costs.Tobias would willingly allow another person to beat him, as he feels fighting back would drive him back to his previous life. As such, he tries to talk and bluff his way out of tricky situations. He can be withdrawn at times, as Tobias learned in therapy to mentally remove himself from the picture if his anger is getting out of control. LIKES Peace and quiet Snow Structure Cats/Dogs DISLIKES Tattoos Drugs Smug People Physical Fighting FEARS loss of self control Reversion to his precious lifestyle Addiction HABITS Plays with his rosary a bit when in deep thought. As stated before, has a habit of being withdrawn at random times. BACKGROUND Tobias was supposed to be the perfect model for the american dream. Four years of college, internship at a major accounting firm, steady and safe job. There was really nothing Tobias should have been complaining about, as he was practically set for life. But privately, he hated the life. Tobias felt little purpose in his studies, and later, his internship. While his family had paid for his college, and their connections earned him the internship, Tobias felt empty. His dissatisfaction led to his membership in a gang. The drugs helped, and beating up some poor sucker on the wrong side of town gave him a different high. Tobias was hooked. The drugs made him feel immortal, beating up other people gave him purpose and thrills. The gang made use of him as an enforcer, to collect debts, participate in gang fights, you name it. Ironically, Tobias was arrested for drug use/possession rather than being caught for beating people to near death. He was given three years in jail, losing his job, house, and his car. At first, Tobias blamed everything but himself for this sentence. The system, society, his circumstances. He constantly picked fights with other inmates to get a “high” again. After a year in prison, he “sobered” up and came to a different conclusion. His downfall was his own fault. There was nothing else to blame. There was something twisted, dark in his head if he had to do drugs or fight to feel satisfied. The system worked exactly as it should have, society was right this time, and he could offer no realistic excuses to his behavior. Tobias started to turn his life around as best he could in prison. Tobias no longer fought, he spent time in drug therapy sessions, and even became a Catholic, attending mass at the prison ministry. But as soon as he his sentence ended and he was let out, the empty feeling came back. Tobias tried to ignore the feeling, moving to a small town and acquiring a minimum wage job. He no longer cared much about the faith, ignoring it completely. But a man approached him, and offered him another purpose in life. Grimbold, he called himself. Supposedly Tobias had a higher calling, and as long as he would be willing to follow. Tobias accepted, but there was something in the back of the head telling him this might not be any different from his previous gang lifestyle.. RELATIONSHIPS Tobias probably comes off as the skeptic. The thinker of the group. He may take charge if no one else is willing. ☯Eddie☯ Weird guy, but nothing to hate him over. Tobias wonders why he’s in such a group however. ☯Teryn/Terry☯ Weird girl, but not as weird as Eddie. Not much to say about her as she rarely says much at all. ⚔Sloane⚔ Troublesome. While he may not backtalk to her, there are certainly times Tobias feels he might lose his temper with her and attempt to beat the living shit out of her. For this reason, Tobias acts cold to her in an attempt to get her to ignore him. ☯Robert☯ Too naive. Kind of reminds him of when he was younger, except with less angst, so he holds little ill will towards Robert. ☮Cara☮A bit on the short side, but she seems nice enough. ☯Nick☯Toby feels like he should say something about his illicit activities, but he feels he'd be a hypocrite considering he was no better at that age. ⚡Nina⚡Reminds him of Sloane. EXTRA None Dark Powers ANIMAL FORM A simple raccoon. POWER Can predict bad events, but has no idea of the severity/context, just that something bad will happen.
M. Robert Taylor, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme et Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme et Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme, Président de la Commission des droits de l'homme. Lieu; Bibliothèque Interagir avec; Il était une fois une nuit de deuil, tandis que je méditais, faible et las, Sur beaucoup d'un volume pittoresque et curieux de lore oubliée, Tandis que j'ai hurlé, presque la sieste, soudain il est venu un tapotage, Comme quelqu'un qui rappe doucement, qui rappe à la porte de ma chambre. "C'est un visiteur," j'ai murmuré, "en tapant à la porte de ma chambre... Seulement ceci, et rien de plus." C'était jusqu'à ce que Robert entre dans le poème de Poe. Avec peu de gens à la bibliothèque, il a eu le temps de lire. Non pas qu'il ait été autorisé à faire ça, mais Martha ne pouvait pas le regarder partout. Ce type était un classique et quand Rob a vu "le corbeau" dans l'index, il prévoyait de rêver et de faire des liens inutiles avec Terry. Mais ce n'était que le premier verset, et la longueur du poème complet était trop longue pour sa portée d'attention. Ce n'était pas si accrocheur. Metrum, sérieusement. Comment était-il censé s'intégrer dans:"Plus d'un volume pittoresque et curieux de lore oubliée" s'il allait lire ça à voix haute. L'autre Ed ne lui avait toujours pas répondu. Il y avait aussi un poème intitulé "seule". Il soupirait. Je ne vais pas m'attarder à être un échec aujourd'hui. "Excuse-moi." Une voix devant lui a dit. Rob a rapidement fermé le livre et a fait semblant de l'inspecter. "Vous travaillez ici, n'est-ce pas?" Il a levé les yeux. Si ce n'était pas ce que tu appellerais une coïncidence irréaliste. Devant lui se tenait la fille aux yeux larges du nom de Rachel Brooks. -- Oui...? "Je cherche un livre. Ça s'appelle eh.. "parents toxiques" Elle a dit presque sans hésiter. Et c'est la fille à qui je dois faire quelque chose? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? "Laissez-moi juste vérifier dans l'ordinateur si nous avons cela disponible." Alors qu'ils marchaient vers l'ordinateur, l'esprit de Roberts courait. C'était sa chance. Allez! Pensez à quelque chose! Robert a fait défiler la liste sans fin des livres, faisant semblant d'être à la recherche. Puis il a pensé à quelque chose. Pas encore un vrai plan. Mais ça lui ferait gagner du temps. "Ah, on dirait que c'est sorti en ce moment. Ça devrait revenir cette semaine. Je peux t'appeler à son retour, si tu veux." Il a passé sa main dans ses cheveux. Il pourrait être considéré comme un bon service, ou il pourrait être considéré comme impoli de demander implicitement un numéro de client. Bien qu'elle puisse le prendre comme flirt. Ce qui pourrait marcher en sa faveur. Il y en a tellement, si. Elle n'était pas son genre. "Eh bien sûr. Voici mon numéro." Elle l'a écrit sur un bout de papier pour lui. "Merci!" Robert l'a regardée partir. C'était facile. J'aurais dû essayer ce truc plus tôt.
Name: Robert Montgomery Taylor Nickname: Fantastic Mister Fox, Rob, Foxy Birth Date: january 4th, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: male Sexuality: heterosexual In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: yellow-green eyes pierce from under his stubborn black hair. Though physically relaxed, the eyes give away that his mind is alert. Robert is slender and slightly taller than most. Because he is too lazy to shave daily, his chin is covered in stubble most of the time. He strides with a combination of authority and enibration. Sometimes one more than the other. It varies. Clothing Style: Robert's colors are mostly black combined with bordeaux red or dark green. He wears plain shirts, hoodies, jeans and boots. Outside he wears his black jacket. Delving Deeper Likes: power writing poetry with quill and ink adventure chocolate chip cookies playing the guitar berries red wine rum Dislikes: poets people who are not up for his ideas people who disrespect him chocolate and fruit combination human stupidity Fears: Being a failure Letting people down Drowning That humanity will destroy itself Habits: running his hand through his hair whistling playing with a coin. Personality: ♦ proud ♦ playful ♦ caring ♦ brooding Robert does what he wants, whenever he wants. Though life often doesn't agree with him. So he comes up with an extravagant plan to make it better, or to fix things. And sometimes it works. And often he gets in trouble even deeper. But he learned how to talk himself in and out of these situations. He doesn't like to be responsible for people, because they will only slow him down. But he feels responsible nevertheless. And often he can use a hand. His 'plans' are often not as much actual plans, as just a means to persuade people in aiding him. Background: Growing up, Robert had a rather normal childhood. In highschool he was one of the more alternative teenagers ofcourse. His most important problem at the time, was how society wanted him to be it's bitch by making him going to school and then study and work. That couldn't be what was meant for him. But other than that, not much weird stuff going on. Philosophy turned out a lot more boring and less enlightening than Robert had hoped. But he didn't want to return home emtpy handed. So he got a job at the library and bided his time in this town. It was even more boring than studying, but at least he could pay the rent and didn't have to put up with pretentious students and professors. But still, far from any great destiny. Despite his cynical attitude about religion in general, and after a night of heavy drinking, he went to church to pray for something good to happen. But as he was about to declare himself officialy crazy and close his eyes to start praying, a man next to him spoke to him. For some reason he quickly figured out Robert's situation and proposed to help him, if Robert did him a small favor. He needed to steal the small crucifix hanging on the wall of the church. Regardless of how the man was going to help him, that sounded like an exciting idea to him. So when the priest wasn't looking, he sneaked out the little artefact. After that, Grimbold asked him over for dinner. And they talked a lot. About life and society. Then Grimbold offered him a chance at a whole new life. Next to his current one. Relationships: Robert views everybody in the group as family. Though family doesn't necessarily means without friction. ♫Eddie ♫ and Robert are buddies. Robert is persuasive and Eddie tends to give in quickly, so Robert drags him along on his plans, more or less willingly. ⚡ Sloane ⚡ and Robert both are strong-willed individuals. This leads to clashes from time to time. Though he has respect for her independence. ♥ Terry ♥ has something very intruiging to Robert. She seems untouchable by his current social vocabulary. It's frustrating. Especially since he finds her rather attractive. ☯ Tobias ☯ is someone that Robert is slightly more careful with. He comes of as distant but dense, so he's just a little less comfortable around him than with the others. ☯ Cara ☯ is oke, but her controlling side is rather annoying. ☮ Nick ☮ is a great younger brother to have. Robert feels sort of a protector role for him. He will teach him the important things in life. Like rum appreciation. ☮ Nina ☮ is on Robert's level. Someone that he can talk with and have fun with. She's like a sister. But she's also hot. which is confusing. ☮Angel☮ Though she is relatively new, Robert gets a good vibe from her. Sharp and fun to hang with. ☮Skylar☮ Warm hearts are good company. Sky is comforting, which Rob needs sometimes. But she's also innocent enough for him to feel a protector role over her. ☯Daniel☯ He seems like a good kid, but Robert has a hard time really connecting with him. Extra: He wears a small flask filled with rum on his belt. Dark powers: Animal Form: Fox power: Loss of focus: For just a second, your thoughts were drifting somewhere else. You weren't paying attention you didn't watch where you were going. And now you walked into that lamppost, or cut yourself with the scissors. You stumbled, you hit your thumb with the hammer. Just your luck.
Edward Hansen Lieu: Café Castle Street Interagir avec: Ange, Tobias, texto Robert Eddie a vérifié son téléphone en marchant sur le trottoir. Un texto de Rob. Un petit sourire s'est brisé sur son visage. Si quelqu'un avait un plan, ce serait Robert. La collaboration serait peut-être la meilleure pour cette mission. Les pieds d'Eddie n'ont pas suivi le rythme, alors qu'il dactylographiait une réponse. Aux : Rob De : Eddie Oui, j'ai travaillé dessus. Pas de cours aujourd'hui, donc je passerai. Du café? Eddie a ajouté la dernière partie alors qu'il s'arrêtait devant le Castle Street Cafe, le hotspot social pour de nombreux jeunes adultes et surtout sa... eh bien, la famille est techniquement correcte. La petite cloche dîna alors qu'il ouvrit la porte, voyant quelques-uns des autres déjà là. Il a surtout évité le contact visuel avec Terry, et Daniel par la proximité. Au lieu de cela, il a passé la table où Angel et Tobias se sont assis. "Hé les gars, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?" il a dit, en arrêtant sur son chemin vers le comptoir. "Je ne veux pas vous interrompre, mais hier soir, c'était un peu bizarre, hein?" Eddie a ri, montrant un soupçon de nervosité. Il nageait encore dans sa tête, images du rituel brutal dont ils avaient tous été témoins. Il n'avait pas vu Grimbold faire quelque chose comme ça avant. Il ne savait même pas comment c'était une leçon. Qu'est-ce que Grimbold essayait de nous dire?
Name: Edward Anthony Hansen Nickname: Eddie. Don't call me Ed. Birth Date: January 31st, 1993 Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight In The Mirror In Depth Appearance: Standing at 5' 7" and weighing 200 lbs, Eddie is a bit lumpy, but stays in shape with running. He has light brown hair and a meticulously kept goatee. His eyes are a light green, hiding behind thick black rimmed glasses. Caucasion, with vague traces of ethnicity. A pretty standard American mutt. Clothing Style: Likes solid color shirts with a pocket on the chest, loosely tucked into dark blue jeans. Dirty sneakers at the brink of falling apart. He doesn't usually buy new shoes unless his old pair are unuseable. Delving Deeper Likes: Tinkering Reading (Mostly fiction) Girls with red hair Cracking jokes, being sarcastic Dislikes: Bodily fluids Violence/Tense situations Cats Repetition Fears: Claustrophobic Fire Spiders Habits: Fidgets with his tools (Usually carries around a phillips screwdriver in his pocket, and twists it around when nervous) Loves junk food Prone to laughing in uncomfortable situations Personality: ♦ Honest ♦ Creative ♦ Inquisitive ♦ Timid Eddie is soft-hearted and good natured. Tends to stray away from conflicts and tense situations, and quick to give in to another's will. Enjoys taking things apart, seeing how they work, and attempting to put them back together. Pretty much at home with wherever his toolbox lands. Likes to spend time with friends, but tries to steer any conversation away from debate, especially if he thinks it might get heated. Will usually side with whoever has the greatest show of force, despite his actual feelings. Isn't afraid to do what needs to be done, to an extent. Background: Eddie comes from a broken house, on the outskirts of the nearest city. His mother was abusive, she would bully him into doing what she wanted and threatened to burn the house down when he wouldn't. His father was a gentle understanding man, and did his best to do damage control for his wife. As a result, Eddie decided he would follow his father's lead, which was to try to defuse any possible situation. Growing up, he discovered a fascination with machines, and was eager to practice. Unfortunately, his practice involved taking apart household appliances, sure he could put them back together. But, being inexperienced, kept losing pieces and forgetting the steps to repair them. Then his mother made good on her promise. She set the house on fire, with Eddie and his father inside. Eddie doesn't really remember what happened, but his father didn't make it. His mother was found criminally insane. Years later, Eddie moved to Tallshade. Eddie decided he wanted to go to the university, where he could hone his craft, and get away from bad memories. There he met Grimbold, late one night while out walking. Eddie was immediately enamored. Something about his voice was so warm and comforting... fatherly. He promised Eddie gifts in exchange for Eddie's loyalty and service, to which Eddie eagerly agreed. All he had to do was loosen the screws on a bike so it makes a squeaky sound. Mostly harmless, right? Position in the group: As far as position goes, Eddie would be considered support. He wouldn't dare take a leadership role, any opposition would easily succeed. No, Eddie would much rather be in the back, quietly performing whatever task was required of him. As far as relationships go: Sloane:☯ Eddie doesn't mind Sloane. She pushes him around a little, but no different than most of the people he grew up with. He admires her ability to stand out and be proud. Also, he is attracted to her. Not her looks, necessarily, but the way she carries herself. Though he would never have the courage to say that out loud. Sloane might hit him. Terry:☯ Terry is different from almost anyone Eddie's met from home. She doesn't really yell at or hit him, but he is still terrified of her. The way she looks right through him. She knows he's a coward, Eddie is sure of it. When they first made eye contact, it was like he was watching her read his life story, pulled from his eyes. And she didn't seem impressed. Or sympathetic. Or, anything at all, really. Robert:♫ Eddie and Robert became friends soon after he moved to Tallshade. Robert could easily see the advantages of having a guy who has access to tools, and is easy to persuade, as a friend. Eddie is more willing to take Robert's side, easily taken in by his "plans". Tobias:☯ Seems dangerous, but mostly leaves Eddie alone, which is fine by him. Cara:☮ She's nice to Eddie, if not a little controlling. Sometimes she will give Eddie (strongly worded) advice on various aspects of his life. Eddie will usually go along with it, mostly because he's seen how she reacts to others taking control away. Nick:☮ Eddie likes Nick's impulsiveness, and wants to look out for him, even though he doesn't seem like he needs it. Nina:⚔ Eddie tries to avoid Nina whenever possible, just the same as Nina makes snide comments whenever possible. Extra: Eddie usually carries a few loose screws, nuts, and bolts in his shirt pocket. Never know when you'll need them, right? Also carries a phillips screwdriver in his right pocket. Can usually be seen carrying his toolbox, with an assortment of wrenches, drivers, a hammer, etc. Not a full set, being one that was scavenged over the years, so the tools are also usually in poor condition. Other than that, pretty standard young adult gear. Wallet, phone, etc. Dark powers: Animal Form: German Shepherd Power: Can give metal things static charge. Not enough to power anything, but enough to give people a zap when touched. Eddie can affect any metal object he can see in detail, so if he loses his glasses he can only affect objects he can touch.