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seems, there are not a few in that land. The name of the town was Ching, |
and we found that the fair or mart which was kept there would not be |
held for three or four months. So we sent our ship back to the Cape, as |
we meant to stay in this part of the world for some time, and go from |
place to place to see what sort of a land it was, and then come back to |
the fair at Ching. |
We first went to a town which it was well worth our while to see, and |
which must have been, as near as I can guess, quite in the heart of this |
land. It was built with straight streets which ran in cross lines. |
But I must own, when I came home to the place of my birth, I was much |
struck to hear my friends say such fine things of the wealth and trade |
of these parts of the world, for I saw and knew that the men were a mere |
herd or crowd of mean slaves. What is their trade to ours, or to that of |
France and Spain? What are their ports, with a few junks and barks, to |
our grand fleets? One of our large ships of war would sink all their |
ships, one line of French troops would beat all their horse, and the |
same may be said of their ports, which would not stand for one month |
such a siege as we could bring to bear on them. |
In three weeks more we came to their chief town. When we had laid in a |
large stock of tea, shawls, fans, raw silks, and such like goods, we set |
out for the north. As we knew we should run all kinds of risks on our |
way, we took with us a strong force to act as a guard, and to keep us |
from the wild hordes who rove from place to place all through the land. |
Some of our men were Scots, who had come out to trade here, and had |
great wealth, and I was glad to join them, as it was by no means the |
first time that they had been here. |
We took five guides with us, and we all put our coin in one purse, to |
buy food on the way, and to pay the men who took charge of us. One of us |
we chose out for our chief, to take the lead in case we should have to |
fight for our lives; and when the time came, we had no small need of |
him. On the sides of all the roads, we saw men who made pots, cups, |
pans, and such like ware, out of a kind of earth, which is, in fact, the |
chief trade in this part of the world. |
One thing, the guide said he would show me, that was not to be seen in |
all the world else (and this, in good sooth, I could not sneer at, as |
I had done at most of the things I had seen here), and this was a house |
that was built of a kind of ware, such as most plates and cups are made |
of. "How big is it?" said I, "can we take it on the back of a horse?" |
"On a horse!" said the guide, "why, two score of men live in it." He |
then took us to it, and I found that it was in truth a large house, |
built with lath and the best ware that can be made out of earth. The |
sun shone hot on the walls, which were quite white, hard, and smooth as |
glass, with forms on them in blue paint. On the walls of the rooms were |
small square tiles of the best ware, with red, blue, and green paint of |
all shades and hues, in rare forms, done in good taste; and as they use |
the same kind of earth to join the tiles with, you could not see where |
the tiles met. The floors of the rooms were made of the same ware, and |
as strong as those we have at home; and the same may be said of the |
roofs, but they were of a dark shade. If we had had more time to spare, |
I should have been glad to have seen more of this house, for there were |
the ponds for the fish, the walks, the yards, and courts, which were |
all made in the same way. This odd sight kept me from my friends for two |
hours, and when I had come up to them, I had to pay a fine to our chief, |
as they had to wait so long. |
In two days more we came to the Great Wall, which was made as a fort |
to keep the whole land safe,--and a great work it is. It goes in a long |
track for miles and miles, where the rocks are so high and steep that |
no foe could climb them; or, if they did, no wall could stop them. The |
Great Wall is as thick as it is high, and it turns and winds in all |
sorts of ways. |
We now saw, for the first time, some troops of the hordes I spoke of, |
who rove from place to place, to rob and kill all whom they meet with. |
They know no real mode of war, or skill in fight. Each has a poor lean |
horse, which is not fit to do good work. Our chief gave some of us leave |
to go out and hunt as they call it, and what was it but to hunt sheep! |
These sheep are wild and swift of foot, but they will not run far, and |
you are sure of sport when you start in the chase. They go in flocks of |
a score, or two, and like true sheep, keep close when they fly. In this |
sort of chase it was our hap to meet with some two score of the wild |
hordes, but what sort of prey they had come to hunt I know not. As soon |
as they saw us, one of them blew some loud notes on a kind of horn, with |
a sound that was quite new to me. We all thought this was to call their |
friends round them, and so it was, for in a short time a fresh troop of |
the same size came to join them; and they were all, as far as we could |
judge, a mile off. One of the Scots was with us, and as soon as he heard |
the horn, he told us that we must lose no time, but draw up in line, and |
charge them at once. We told him we would, if he would take the lead. |
They stood still, and cast a wild gaze at us, like a mere crowd, drawn |
up in no line; but as soon as they saw us come at them, they let fly |
their darts, which did not hit us, for though their aim was true, they |
fell short of us. We now came to a halt to fire at them, and then went |
at full speed to fall on them sword in hand, for so the bold Scot that |
led us, told us to do. |
As soon as we came up to them, they fled right and left. The sole stand |
made was by three of them, who had a kind of short sword in their hands, |
and bows on their backs, and who did all they could to call all the rest |
back to them. The brave Scot rode close up to them, and with his gun |
threw one off his horse, shot the next, and the third ran off, and this |
was the end of our fight. All the bad lreuck we met with, was that the |
sheep that we had in chase got off. We had not a man hurt, but as for |
the foe, five of them were dead, and not a few had wounds, while the |