- diabetes,
- history of DSM-IV major psychiatric disorder, including alcohol and substance abuse, chronic use of medication that may affect taste,
- conditions that may interfere with gustatory or olfactory perception (colds, seasonal allergies, recent smoking history),
- aberrant stimulus ratings,
- contra-indication for fMRI,
- uncomfortable swallowing in supine position.
To compare the effectiveness of demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft + cross-linked collagen membrane with xenograft + non-cross-linked collagen membrane for posterior extraction socket ridge preservation.
Buccal bony wall loss is a common sequela following tooth extraction, and guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a common treatment for the regeneration of ridge form and volume preservation allowing dental implant placement. Many bone augmentation biomaterials are employed to accomplish GBR, and both the medical/ dental community and, subsequently, patients benefit from understanding whether a given GBR biomaterial might be more efficacious. To this end, a randomized, case series comparison of allograft + x-linked collagen membrane versus xenograft + non-x-linked collagen membrane would be beneficial to both the dental community and patients.
The study compares the effectiveness of demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft + x-linked collagen membrane with xenograft + non-x-linked collagen membrane for posterior region extraction socket ridge preservation.
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Subjects 18 to 70-yrs of age
2. Subject indicated for posterior tooth extraction (from 1st premolar to 1st molar) intended for implant placement, with adjacent teeth intact (for stent indexing)
3. Subjects with extraction site bony buccal dehiscences at least 1/3 the depth of socket and 1/3 the mesial-distal width of tooth socket
4. Subjects will have read, understood and signed an institutional review board (IRB) approved Informed Consent Form (ICF).
5. Subjects must be able and willing to follow study procedures and instructions.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Subjects with a history of any tobacco use within the last six months.
2. Subjects with healing disorders (i.e., diabetes mellitus, cancer, HIV, bone metabolic diseases) that could compromise wound healing and/ or preclude implant surgery; or who are currently receiving or have received within two months prior to study entry, systemic corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents, radiation therapy, and/or chemotherapy which could compromise wound healing and preclude periodontal surgery.
3. Subjects taking intramuscular or intravenous bisphosphonates.
4. Subjects who have a known allergy or sensitivity to alginate, latex, collagen or acrylic.
5. Female subjects who are pregnant or lactating, or who intend to become pregnant during the study duration
6. Subjects participating in other clinical studies involving therapeutic intervention (either medical or dental).
7. Subjects, who in the opinion of the investigator, for any reason other than those listed above, will not be able to complete the study per protocol.
The purpose of this study is to determine whether Aspirin or Clopidogrel are effective in the prevention of venous obstruction after implantation of cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator.
There are growing numbers of endocardial permanent pacemakers (PPM) and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) and cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) device. Asymptomatic obstruction of the access vein reported to have a high incidence (30-50%) in some studies. This complication can cause some difficulties in follow up procedures such as device upgrading. The purpose of this study is to determine whether Aspirin or Clopidogrel are effective in the prevention of venous obstruction after implantation of cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator.
Inclusion Criteria:
- patients who referred for first implantation of pacemaker, implantable cardiac defibrillator, or cardiac re synchronization therapy device
Exclusion Criteria:
- history of malignancy
- history of coagulopathy or platelet disorder
- history of venous thromboembolism
- history of gastrointestinal hemorrhage or active gastroduodenal ulcer in past 6 months
- history of chronic kidney disorder or serum creatinine more than 1.5 mg/dl
- patients who are on anticoagulant or other antithrombotic drugs or who must be on dual antiplatelet therapy.
The investigators perform neuropsychological tests and brain scintigraphy in 30 healthy subjects.
These results will be compared with data obtained out of episode in patients with Kleine-Levin syndrome (KLS).
The investigators want to determine if brain functional imaging and cognitive abnormalities persist during asymptomatic period in a large series of patients with KLS, and to find predictors of these abnormalities.
3 steps in the protocol :
- Brain ECD-SPECT (marking brain perfusion in relation to brain active/hypoactive area) superimposed on a template T1-weighted brain MRI.
- Extensive cognitive tests of executive functions, verbal memory and fluency , visuospatial ability and memory, reasoning abilities: spontaneous memory complaint, Stroop Color Word Test, Trail Making Test A and B, Direct and Reverse Digit Span Test, Letter and Semantic Fluency Test, Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, Mini-Mental test, Progressive matrice of Raven (PM-38)
- KLS-inventory and face to face interview of patients and parents by neurologist for patients. Modified KLS-inventory for healthy subjects.
Main outcome : Number of patients with persisting hypoperfused brain area (compared to controls), location of these area, number of patients with at least -1SD in one cognitive domain Correlation between KLS severity (disease course, number of episode, mean duration of episodes, time incapacitated, number of symptoms) and brain perfusion and cognitive abnormalities
Healthy subjects
Inclusion criteria :
- Subjects males and females with more than 18 y.o, age and sex-matched with patients with Kleine-Levin Syndrome
- with the same educational level and dominant hand than patients with Kleine-Levin Syndrome
- without any brain disease or sleep disease (Epworth score < 11/24) known.
- with social security
- french language
- for women : nonpregnant taking effective contraception
Exclusion criteria :
- Minor subjects