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"In Field Battery Operate Latching Valve Water Irrigation Timer Controller With DIY PCB\nIntroduction: In Field Battery Operate Latching Valve Water Irrigation Timer Controller With DIY PCB\nI have a small vegetable farm in Thailand. we still use a lot of worker to do watering. Now I try to make some solution for make a timer for watering plant and use less worker for watering.My requirementis that It must be good on field with out need to lay long cable for electricity. I also don't wan't to controll water from the water center as I already layout pipe on the field . The most important thing is I want to make my own controller which can be customize and expand feature in the future like adding LoRa, Zigbee IOT, Sensors and make that suit my farm.\nBefore start,I would like to inform you that I'm from Thailand , My English Language may not good but I will try my best, Sorry if there are some mistake in my English in this article.\nSo . the major key feature of this project is\n1.Simple Controll timer for water irrigation by ON-OFF water valve, 4 times a day.\n2.Must be battery operate, more safty than use electricity and easy to implement in field.\n3.Suitable for running any where in farm that have water pipe.\n4.Cost effective.\n5.Can be expand feature in the future.\nAfter done several of searching for solution and tools. I come up with Latching vale as the use less power to controll and also use AVR Controller as cheap and easy to find with a lot of resource. I use my old school basic language as easy for me to understand and i use it long before arduino came out so,I go with BascomAVR. I use Autodesk EaglePCB for designed a PCB. Autodesk Fusion360 for make box cover. Now i got every thing ready, Now lets make it step by step.\nParts, Tools and Supply\n1. Dc Water irrigation Latching Solenoid Valve. Can be any size depend on size of water pipe. Can be bought from amazon, alliexpress.\n2. PCB, PCB Etching Acid, Cutting / Drilling Tools.\n3. Electronics component, LCD 16*2 , Atmega328p, Mosfet, Capacitor etc. You can find all component need in Eagle Schematic file.\n4. Battery and Battery Holder, Any battery between 7-18 V.\n5.",
"Waterproof electronic box.\n6. Autodesk Eagle Pcb software for pcb printout, Laser Printer.\n7. AVR ISP for programming AVR microcontroller.\nStep 1: Knowing Type of Water Solenoi Valve.\nThere are 3 common type of water solenoid valve. DC solenoid valve, AC solenoid valve and Latching Valve. Most common type that use in many project in watering plant is DC solenoid valve, This type of valve use DC power to energising coil to raises the plunger and enabling flow let water pass through. But this type is not good for batery operate as they need continue power energising the coil.This project then use a Latching Valve. The different to the other is that they need only one pulse or power to energising the coil and the plunger will hold it state. The direction on plunger close or open depend on polarity electric power pulse that apply to the coil.If we apply + - to coil it will pull back plunger in to coil and if we swap it,put - + to the coil it will push plunger out.\nThis Dc Latching Valve need pulse of power to operate. They need around 6-20 V with about 500ms of pulse time to energising the coil. Once pulse apply they will latch it state there for no need any power to provide ti the coil any more until it need to change it state.That's why it very good for batery or energy saving operation.\nStep 2: Circuit Design\nFor circuit design, I use Autodesk Eagle for design schematic and pcb. Eagle is easy and flexible schematic and pcb designer. I had been using if for very long time. It very suitable for D.I.Y and Hobbyist. This program will allow you draw schematic, place component that need and generate component to pcb board editor. So. There are 2 main editor windows of Eagle , Schematic editor and pcb Board editor. I like this program as you can change or edit or create libraly to suit your project. On Eagle board editor you can arrange component the way you need and manual rout pcb trace as you like. As for me I didn't do very complex pcb or multilayer pcb or any big pcb so it free version /education version of it is more than enough.\nNow for this project circuit designed.",
"Custom Arduino Board\nIntroduction: Custom Arduino Board\nI have work with Arduino from few years. It makes easy our electronic projects. But I was thinking how to make boards like Arduino?. When I make a permanent projects like clocks, whether stations. I have to keep my Arduino there forever I have to break that project or buy another one for another project. With this I can easily make any project with it's circuit. all I have to do is solder the components to this one.\nand Hope this will be a cool and fun project.\nSupplies\nFor this project we need some Supplies.\n* ATmega 328 -1\n* 22pf -2\n* 16 MHz crystal -1\n* USB ASP programmer -1\n* pin hedders male,femail\n* Ic bace(for atmega 328)\n* Double side PCB( I used Dot board )\n* 7805 IC -1\n* 0.33uf capacitor -1\n* 10uf capacitor -1\nNote: When you buy the USBASP programmer make sure to by the small 10 to 6 pin adapter.\nThese are for the circuit and I brought them via alixpress website.\nI took these Supplies images from the internet.\nAnd we need Basic Soldering skills, soldering iron, etc.\nStep 1: Video\nCustom Arduino board\nStep 2: Gather All the Components\nWhen you are going to make this project. gather all the components to your table. It will be easy to you.\nStep 3: Make the Circuit\nRead the diagram and build the circuit.\nIt explains how to connect vires, components etc.\nPlace the components according to diagram on the dot board. Then check them again. After checked them, begin to solder the circuit.\nCheck where the components placed and how It will also help you just like the diagram.\nAdd a LED to your Board. The built in led Is on the D13 pin. Make sure to add a resister otherwise led could burn.\nStep 4: Make the Digital and Analog Pins\nNow Get the pin herders and place them on both sides of Microcontroller as Arduino. These will allow you to Connect sensors etc.\nJust like normal Arduino.\nPlease check Images. These will help you to understanding.\nAnd you can label your pins if you like.",
"Ex: A0 , A1\nStep 5: Power Section\nAdd a 5v power regulator circuit to the project. So we can use it with a battery pack.\nCheck the circuit diagram and connect the 5v out put to VCC and GND pins of our Arduino.\nStep 6: Make Pins for Programmer\nNow, Here we are going to program our board using a USB programmer and Arduino Software. So for that we are using six pins.\nIn here I'm explaining how to make that part.\nFor communication with USB programmer we are using MISO MOSI SCK RESET VCC and GND pins. these are the six pins I mentioned earlier.\nIf you look at a programmer you will notice that it Comes with six pins 3 for one line. So we need to make suitable port in our board.\nPlease check images.\nGet pin header and break it to 2 pieces that include 3 of them in a one piece. and place them like in image and solder them. Now mark one side.(make it GND or VCC so it will easy to remember the side of your pins). Solder six pins to the Microcontroller. Then begin to make the connections.(check carefully images).\nStep 7: Prepare the Programmer\nTo Use the Programmer we need to Install some Drivers to our Computer.\nFor that go to this site :<PERSON>\nClick on download.\nAfter download it. Open it.\nPlug the USBASP programmer to the computer.\nGo to Options -> List all devices (tick on this)\nSelect Usbasp on the select bar.\nSelect the driver\nInstall it.\nThere are 6 drivers and to many people it worked only two of them. They were : . So I recommend to install one of them.\nThen go to device manager. You will see A device called Usbasp that successfully installed our driver.\nI included images of these steps.\nStep 8: Upload the Bootloader\nIf we want to work with our Arduino we need to install a Arduino bootloader. Its like our computer OS. It only need to install one time.\nThere are several ways to install bootloader to atmega 328 and you can find many tutorials from the internet.\nConnect the Programmer to the our board\nSelect the board as Arduino Uno.\nProgrammer as Usbasp.\nIn tools click the Burn bootloader.\nThis will burn the bootloader to our atmega328.\nStep 9: Lets Make It Work\nNow place the micro controller on the IC base.",
"Audio Spectrum Visualizer IN-13, 7 Band.\nIntroduction: Audio Spectrum Visualizer IN-13, 7 Band.\nHello Guys,\nThis project was a long journey. I developed, tested and choose each part carefully. One step at the time, the whole project have forward slowly. But at the end. Wow it's an amazing product. Very proud of it. Lets begin.\nSupplies\nPart is available here Version 1.2\nAlmost all parts came from digikey.\nIn the part list you will find all part number needed.\nFew other part came from ebay like IN-13 or tube acrylic holder.\nThis is not a cheap project. There are many parts and some are expensive. IN-13 are not in production anymore.\nYou will need to put some money and time in it. All is hand crafted except for pcbs. Tube are fragile and take a lot of care. At the end the result is unique and very beautiful.\nStep 1: Specifications\nSpecifications I wanted:\n* 7 Bands IN-13 tube.\n* Hardware FFT\n* RCA input\n* Microphone input\n* Low floor noise\n* Auto On\n* Auto Off\n* Volume control as well\n* Real Frequency Respond\n* No negative power supply\n* Integrated frequency generator to adjust each tube\n* Invert mode. To put 2 spectrum side by side one mirror of the other.\n* One PCB for everything, HVPS include.\n* No add-on china module\nStep 2: HVPS\nNixie in-13 are working at around 140 vdc. We will use a power adapter of 12v.\nLet's making a HVPS for this.\nThe idea here is to short to GND a coil at high speed. This cause back EMF spikes of many many volts.\nWe add a diode to grab this spike and we accumule those spike in a capacitor.\nA feedback (output voltage sample) is returning back to the controller and this one adjust the duty cycle (duration time) of the PWM (the coil shorted to GND). More the coil is shorted more the spike will be huge. But if the time is too long, the coil will just burn.\nThis idea is called a boost converter and many chip controller are available to do this.\nOn my nixie clock, i didn't have a controller. In fact, the uC was doing the PWM. The load is not moving so the PWM do not need to be change or adjust.\nBut with a graphic band visualizer, the load is constantly moving. In that case, we will use a step up (boost) controller.\nMany could do the work.\nUC3843B, available from texas instrument, ON semiconductor, STMicroelectronics. This is an old chip cheap and always in production.",
"Texas datasheet, ON datasheet, ST datasheet $0.58 usd\nMAX1771, only available from Maxim Integrated. datasheet. Nick de Smith have already done a psu for this purpose here. Results are very good. $5.00 usd. See more details later why we can't use it.\nStep 3: The Coil... Optional Basic Experience, Attention, High Voltage!\nFirst, the choice of the coil. Must be around 2A with low resistance DC.\nSDR1307-101KL is looking good. 1.9A, 0.180 ohm, 13 mm round, surface mount, good price.\nB82479A1 also have nice specification for our needs.\nI draw and try this schematic. This is just a test on prototype board. We can't have good efficiency this way. This is to demonstrate the principle of operation.\nFrequency input will be TTL 5v from 20kHz to 70kHz 50% duty cycle\nStep 4: Trying HVPS\nI did 5 HVPS with different controllers, different pcb arrangement. The goal here was to find a good efficiency, low cost part with low noise.\nI also tried Nick HVPS here\nThe author here did a very good job. And yes the efficiency is 85% I tested it. The max 1771 give a modulated frequency to drive the mosfet. The modulated frequency is lower than 20khz and this bring me a big problem. I was seeing it on the tube! Definitely not a good thing. I had no choice to draw something myself for my needs.\nFinally I choosed the UC3843B and clock it to 36kHz. At this speed, this isn't transmitted on the tube, problem solved. I did 4 littles pcb to tried different configuration of component until, under test, was perfect.\n1 tube take 71ma. 7 tubes full turn on takes 500ma for a total of 6w only. My power supply can go to 10 watts easily.",
"Home Automation System With Your Own Application (android App)\nIntroduction: Home Automation System With Your Own Application (android App)\nI was minded to make a home automation system since few months. So I made a system in last month.\nIt works with Internet. So I can control my system anywhere in the world with internet access.\nTo control this system I made my own mobile application ( Android application ) instead of using normal app like Blink.\nIn this tutorial I will explain how I made my home automation system.\nHome automation System\nIf we take hardware parts\n* I used ESP32 dev module (This microcontroller will receive commands from our phone and operate the system)\n* relay system (This receive the signals from the microcontroller and working as a switch to operate the AC units)\nThese are the main parts and I used some I.E.Ds for testing and to get status.\nSoftware,\nI used MIT app inventor to make mobile application\nFor coding part on ESP32 I used Arduino application\nIn my project I want to send data from anywhere in the world to my system.\nFor that part I used data base called google firebase\nLet's check what we need to make this project.\nSupplies\nWe need Some electronics and some softwares to this project.\n* ESP32 devkit v1 module (You can use any ESP32 module)\n* Relay module\n* Some LEDs (For testing)\n* 10K resistors\n* M to F jumping wires\nSoftwares,\nArduino application (To program ESP32 module.)\nMobile app (To control our system)\nStep 1: How It Works?..\nCheck the image. As image describes, First from the phone we sent data to the data base. Via internet. Then data base store data in cloud. It updates Realtime.\nThen our esp32 takes the data from the database.\nSo simply we send commands from the phone and esp32 takes them then work according to it.!\nStep 2: Data Base\nWith this Realtime cloud-base database we can send data anywhere from the world if we have a internet connection.\nSo what this Data base do is It takes data that we send from the phone and store it on a cloud.\nFor that we use database called Google firebase\n( Firebase is a platform developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. It was originally an independent company founded in 2011. In 2014, Google acquired the platform and it is now their flagship offering for app development.)\nStep 3: Build a Data Base\nWe need to create firebase project and need to create Realtime data base.\nHere are the steps to create the database.\nFirst, Log in to your google Account.\nOpen your browser, Search google firebase.\nClick on their website.\nThen go to console.\nMake new project.\nAfter create you a new project go to Realtime data base.\nThen create a Realtime data base.\nCopy your URL in database project and save it somewhere. We need that URL later.\nNow go to project settings.\nThen service accounts -> database secrets .\nCopy your and save your Secret key.",
"It also need us later.\nCheck the images. They explain how to do these all steps step by step.\nStep 4: Android Application\nSo, Let's make our own App. I'll put a video that explains how to create mobile app to automation system.\nDownload it from here : App\nNote : If you use this sample , Application is a saved file and you have to open Mit app invertor and open that file from it. Then you can change it as you want. After you add Url and Token build your app and use it.\nAfter you installed the application Open the database and check if database is update live when you click the buttons.\nIf it is updating, we are good to go!.\nStep 5: Make the Circuit\nNow we have database and App, all we need is the circuit. To build the circuit, find those circuit parts and bring them to on your table.\nCheck the diagram. Build it according to the diagram.\nNote: You can connect relay power pins to whatever you want power supply. But note signal pins coming from the ESP32. So you need to make Common Ground. Connect the GND pin of relay to one of GND pin on sp32.\nFew ELDs in the diagram are for testing.\nStep 6: Coding Part\nSo now we need to make a code to work our circuit according to our commands.\nFor that we should make a code that should be able to get data from the data base live and run the circuit according to that data.\nFirst of all open the Arduino software.\nThen select the board as ESP32 dev module.\nAnd select the correct port.",
"Make Fungsional Radio Hat From 1949\nIntroduction: Make Fungsional Radio Hat From 1949\nHello from 1949 new Era on radio technology, \"don't use it, wear it\" the Slogan come from technology wearable radio hat from 1949. The hat come with radio, audio vacuum tube amplifier and battery pack. Now i want make this one, and this is all step.. happy making\nSupplies\n-Vintage Safari hat\n- electronic Moduls for radio, or just use a diy radio kit at online store\n-mini amply power\n-5v charger module\n-stepdown 3v module\n-dc 6E2 audio tube 2x\n-2x battery 18650\n-couple of wire\n-cap of jar\n-coil\n-Earpad\n-electronic tool\nStep 1: Making Radio\n- Assembly the radio kit, the kit come with a cmplete electronic modul just follow the intruction paper who come with.\n- soldering all electronic part to pcb board, becareful, you don't wan a mistake, because the radio can't turn on if have any mistake, yse a diagram and data sheet for guide you.\n- test funsion if yiu have already woth the mini radio.\nStep 2: Making Audio Tube\n- use a E62 audio vacuum tube kit, its coming with complete electronic part and pcb.\n-Soldering All item part to pcb board\n-makesure installation correctly\n- you need 2 pcs\nStep 3: Making Headset\n- this step you need 5w speaker, earpad, plastic cap, hard spon.\n-soldering wire to speaker\n-install the earpad to speaker with hot glue\n-use a plastic cap to cover speaker with hot glue\n-Cut a 3cm hard spon for making headset arm.\n-done\nStep 4: Making Antenna\n-This step you need plasti cap jar, a couple coil, plastic tape\n-Cut the plastic cap, just need a side circle (picture 2)\n-Wrap the coil a couple warp around the cap\n-Use tape to keep the coil in place\n-done\nStep 5: Assembly Radio Hat\n-This Step you need the safari retro hat.\n-Prepare the hat and all part who has we create before.\n-first we install the audio vacuum tube, make a pin hole on the hat same with pin on the tube, Plug the tube pin through the hat, on inside hat plug the board with insert the pin tube to adapter pin on pcb board, do same thing with another tube.\n- install the amply power, first modif the durection potensio on the pcb just bend the pin potensio, So that the face of the potential is facing up, make a hole at the front of hat, insert the shaff potensio on the hole, screw it and install the knob. Look a picture.\n-Instal the antenna, make a pin hole insert the coil to hole and install the circle antena on the back hat using hot glue.\n-Install the speaker, install the headset we make before to the right side oh the hat, use hot glue or screw.\n- for Radio is differen part with hat, use 2 battery 16850 for suply power, look diagram radio part, you need step down to 3v for powered radio, and charger modul becase the battery permanently soldering, so we need charger port.",
"The 7,2 V battery output use to powered the audio tube, you need 5 pcs wire @1 meter, the wires are used to connect the radio to the hat, 2wire is power, another 2 wire for audio and 1 wire for antena.\n-hat wiring, look at hat diagram, the 7,4v from battery input to power on amply power module and output go to power input the audio tube. Audio wire from radio go to audio input on audio tube, the output to speaker. Only use 1 audio tube in this tutorial because just use one speaker or mono. If you use stereo use of all audio tube, last wire connect to antena hat.\n- All done...\nThankyou\n<PERSON><PHONE_NUMBER> for suply power, look diagram radio part, you need step down to 3v for powered radio, and charger modul becase the battery permanently soldering, so we need charger port. The 7,2 V battery output use to powered the audio tube, you need 5 pcs wire @1 meter, the wires are used to connect the radio to the hat, 2wire is power, another 2 wire for audio and 1 wire for antena.\n-hat wiring, look at hat diagram, the 7,4v from battery input to power on amply power module and output go to power input the audio tube.",
"DIY ESP32 Wifi Self Balancing Robot - B-Robot ESP32 Arduino Programing\nIntroduction: DIY ESP32 Wifi Self Balancing Robot - B-Robot ESP32 Arduino Programing\nThis article is proudly sponsored by PCBWAY.\nPCBWAY make high quality prototyping PCBs for people all over the world. Try it for your self and get 10 PCBs for just $5 at PCBWAY with very great quality, Thanks PCBWAY. The ESP32 Balancing Robot Shield that I developed in this project uses PCBWAY PCB services. In this instructable, I will show you how to build Self Balancing Robot use ESP32 Wifi. Let's get started!\nThis self balancing robot is based on:\n* B-Robot EVO 2.0 by JJRobots\n* B-Robot ESP32\nStep 1: Circuit Diagram\nStep 2: Parts List\n* 1 x PCB ESP32 Balancing Robot Shield (\n* 1 x ESP32 DEVKIT V1 board\n* 2 x Stepper Motor Driver A4988\n* 1 x 3 axis Acc. and Gyro sensor MPU6050\n* 2 x Stepper Motor Nema17\n* 1 x Servo Motor MG90S\n* 1 x LED 3mm\n* 2 x LED 3mm White Super Bright\n* 1 x Active BUzzer\n* 2 x V-Regulator 5V AMS1117 (SMD)\n* 1 x Resistor 1K Ohm\n* 1 x Capacitor 0.1uF\n* 1 x Capacitor 100uF/16V\n* 2 x Capacitor 220uF/16V\n* 1 x Rocker Switch Dia.",
"20mm\n* 2 x Rechargeable Battery Li-ion 18650 3,7V\n* 1 x Battery Holder 2x 18650\n* 1 x Micro USB Cable\n* 1 x OTG Adapter\n* 1 x Terminal Screw 2 pin 5mm\n* 2 x Female Header 15 pin\n* 5 x Female Header 8 pin\n* 2 x Female Header 4 pin\n* 1 x Male Header 2 pin\n* 1 x Male Header 3 pin\n* 1 x Jumper cap\n* 1 x Set screw 5mm\n* 1 x Set M3 set screw 10mm\n* 2 x O-ring 3mm ID 82mm\n* 1 x Set 3D Printed Parts\nStep 3: Order PCB on PCBWAY\nTo make this project you need to order a prototype PCB on PCBWAY. How to order is very easy and you will get 10 Pcs PCB for $5 with very great PCB quality.\nStep to Order:\n1. SignUp/Log in on\n2. Open this PCB project link ESP32 Wifi Balancing Robot Shield\n3. Click Add to cart.\n4. Wait moment for PCB review, then Click Check Out.\nStep 4: Solder SMD Component (AMS1117 5V)\nThis project has two SMD component, it is not too difficult to solder because the size of the SMD component is quite large, so don't worry.\nYou will need tweezers as a tool to hold the components when soldered.\nStep 5: Place the Components\nAfter finish solder SMD component, next attach other trough hole components on the PCB following the pictures and symbols on the PCB, for details you can follow step by step in the video.\nStep 6: Soldering\nSolder all the component legs on the back of the PCB, for details you can follow step by step in the video.\nAfter finish solder, cut all the long legs of the component wire\nStep 7: Attach Modules\nAttach the ESP32 board, MPU6050 and two Driver Stepper Motor A4988 into the female header socket as shown, look at the pin name don't get the wrong orientation.\nStep 8: 3D Printed Parts\nPrint all of 3D parts Balancing robot, get design file from\nList 3D Printed Parts:\n* 2x Wheels\n* 2x Hub Arm\n* 2x Side Panel\n* Top Shelf\n* Motor Shelf\n* Electronics Shelf\n* 2x Bumpers\nStep 9: Install 3D Parts\n* Insert four M3 nuts into each hole on the edge of the Electronics Shelf (3d printed part).\n* Install two Side Panel (3d printed part) on both sides then tie it with a machine screw.\nStep 10: Install Stepper Motor\n* Attach two stepper motor Nema17 to the Motor Shelf (3d printed part) then tie it with a machine screw.",
"<PERSON> Who Act on the Movie\nIntroduction: <PERSON> Coffee Who Act on the Movie\nHello my Name <PERSON> im from Indonesia, today i will show you about My Robot Coffee The Name Rori, his a Robot Coffee who can be a robot assistant too, <PERSON> is a Character in a Indonesia new web series Movie, but his a real Robot who can serve the coffee.\nI make a Robot Rori in Two week, use a 3dsmax and fusion 360 to making a model from a draft concept design. the model i create with 3ds max 2019 and a split them to a partising for 3d printing using fusion 360, and printed with FDM printing with PLA+ material. For mechanical movement i use Servo motor from Hitec and a couple from another servo. the system i use 2 mode, autonomus and manual control because need inprovement act with the actors. for autonomus i Use arduino and Ez-Board controller, and manual i use 16 Channel Radio Control from Radio Master.\nThe robot tall is 60cm with 2 arm 180 rotate, griper, 180 degre head of predom, the face is android screen with apps face and coffee menu inside, He move with 2 wheel drive and 1 free omni wheel backside, who can make the movement smoothly.\nThis tutorial maybe not complete step because is a long step so if you need for more detail can message me on my profile or just comment on this tutorial, Thankyou 😀\nSupplies\n* 3ds Max 2019\n* Fusion 360\n* anycubic delta plus 3d printer\n* Anet e12 3d printer\n* hitect servo\n* Arduino\n* Ez-Board from Ez-Robot\n* RadioMaster TX16S Aula Sensor\n* Flysky FS_iA10B Receiver 2.4G10CH PPM\n* 7 Inch Tablet Android 10\n* 5 Inch Universal Polyurethane Shopping Cart Wheels Set of 2\n* 2x YoungRC 30A ESC Brushed Electric Speed Controller\n* Turnigy 8-15A UBEC\n* Iron Flask Sports Water Bottle\n* Gikfun Mini DC 6V to 12V R385 Water cooled Water Pump\n* DIYmall 16 Bits 16 X WS2812 5050 RGB LED Ring\n* ExpertPower Standard 12V 7AH Rechargeable\n* Auto Battery Recharger 12v Car Battery Charger\n* GREEN FABWOOD 75 Type Plastic Crown Gear\n* coating and paint spray\n* alteco EPO Putty A+B\n* 2xJIUWU 3x6x2.5mm Miniature Steel Bearings\nStep 1: 2d Concept to 3d Design\n# Make a 2d concept design and 3d design for print\nFirst think first, is a consept, make your concept robot who you want to build,this is a copcept robot for a movie who i will made, not really detail but we can make the detail in 3d design after next step, the concept must contain the most important and most iconic things for the robot.\nIf the concept accepted, we turn the 2d model to 3d model with 3ds Max, in this step we can make a detailing for mechanical system for robot movement in one peaces. next we split a 3d model to a part with fusion 360, you can split to 2 big part first, Head and Body, next we create the detail head model with a part head, for my robot i make a couple a part main head, top head, back door and side door, see the picture.",
"For Body part, i make that to a 5 big Part split to proceed on 3d printing next. Dont forget make a detail front door, back door, and hole for arm. Next make a Arm and another part. and mechanical inside the robot, like holder for servo and any harware part else.\nStep 2: Printing\n# 3d printing prosess\nNext Step, print your 3d models, after 3d model ready, we can split if the model to large for print, so you can split to a couple part with Fuson 360, print for all part. for the the Stl file you can request to me, because is a lots of file. after print part ready you have to put it back together, use super strong glue or use couplers.",
"Making Your Own Photovoltaic 5V System\nIntroduction: Making Your Own Photovoltaic 5V System\nThis uses a buck converter as a 5V Output to charge the battery(Li Po/Li-ion). And Boost converter for 3.7V battery to 5V USB output for devices needed 5 V. Similar to the Original system that uses Lead Acid Battery as an energy storage charge by either PWM or MPPT controller. And supply for 12V Devices. This One only uses a Buck converter to convert 12V (solar panel nominal voltage) to stable 5V to charge a Li-Po/Li-ion battery, after daylight. Switch to Boost converter to convert the battery's voltage 4.2 (3.7 nominal voltage for Li-Po and Li-ion) to again 5V for devices powers 5V. (You can still use the 5V in the Buck Converter during daytime while the Li-Po/Li-ion Battery is charging. It might not be as efficient as the original system(12V).",
"I only did this because my solar panel power is only 15W and not enough budget to buy MPPT or PWM charger for 12V. and not enough to power applications that need higher than 50W. So I make an alternative option, the 5V version.\n(Reminder, the system does not have any controllers.)\nThis system is for solar panels that are lower than 30W and only 12V only. (9V solar panels would still work).\nMy System specifications\nInput Solar Panel =12V (18V)\nPower used = 15 W\nCharging time = depends on your solar panel's power and the battery’s capacity.\nUSB Output 1 (Buck converter) = 5V\nUSB Output 2 (Boost converter)= 5V\nBattery type= depends on your choices(Li-Po/Li-ion) 3.7 and capacity - Mine was Li-Po with a capacity of 3500mAh.\nOne to point:\nWhile the project is ongoing for experiments for improving and calculating its efficiency and whether it was worth it. Ask me questions for the project.\nStep 1: Ready the Materials\n* Purfboard (Medium Size)\n* Wires\n* Leads Alligator Crocodile Double-ended Test Roach Clip Jumper Wire( Optional for testing)\n* 2x USB Ports\n* Lead solder.\n* Solar Panel -(recommend 20Watts higher, 12V)\n* 1x TP4056 charging and protection circuit for the Li-Po and Li-ion.\n* 1x Li-Po/Li-ion battery ( depends what battery you choose and the capacity)\nBuck-Converter (One I use)\n* (1x) LM2576T (5V version, 3A )\n* (1x) 100uH Inductor\n* (1x) 100uF and (1x) 1000uF Electrolytic capacitors\n* (1x) Schottky Diode\n* (1x 1K resistor and small LED) -optional\nAlong with measurement tools\n* Digital/Analog Multimeter ( Voltage and Current needed here to calculate its efficiency)\nStep 2: Follow the Circuit Schematic\nSolder all the components in a PCB purfboard.\nIt would be better to short the Data plus and minus Pins on the USB ports for Android Phones.\nbe sure to switch off the Boost converter to not overload the TP4056 while charging the battery.\nIf your solar panel's power is lower than the recommended power, which is 20Watts above, you should only connect one battery. because of the limited power in your solar panel's power. Example: 15Watts is 0.83A, which means that's your max current.\nStep 3: Power and Measure the Circuit.\nIf the circuit is working properly, then test it by using dummy loads like 5W resistor in the output and measure the voltage and current. like this picture.\nEncountering Problems\n- photovoltaic system -\nIf the input voltage (photovoltaic) in the buck-converter suddenly drops lower than the nominal voltage of PV and the output voltage. then the problem should be on this list.\n*the load in the output is connected already and draws more power from the PV.\n*Less sunlight outside due to cloudy, etc.\nif your problem is not on this list, leave a comment and I will answer it.\nStep 4: Finished\nWe're done.\nYou can calculate the efficiency of the Buck-converter and the Boost converter by this formula.\nOutput Voltage x Output Current\n------------------------------------------- x 100% = Efficiency\nInput Voltage x Input Current\nThings to Remind!!",
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"A Super Easy Security Camera With the ESP32 CAM\nIntroduction: A Super Easy Security Camera With the ESP32 CAM\nIf you have done any IoT project, you may know that everything almost all the time consist on sensors measuring physical magnitudes, sending them through the internet and controlling devices with the I/O ports.\nBut today we are going to learn how to use the ESP32 CAM, that is an ESP32 Development board that has a Built-In camera.\nThis board can help us on developing projects that can see, and some interesting aplications are:\n* Security Camera.\n* Longs Time Lapse Shots.\n* 3D Printer Monitoring Camera.\n* Door bell camera.\n* Etc.\nIf you are a visual learner I know that a video worth more than 1000 words, so here is a Tutorial video. (I am a Spanish speaker, so please consider turning on English subtitles):\nHope you to enjoy the project.\nStep 1: Skills Needed.\nAs you can noticed, nothing looks very difficult on this project, but you will need some basics knowings about:\n-Using the Arduino IDE.\n-3D printing or Handcraft (for the enclousures).\n-Welding.\nStep 2: Components and Parts List.\nHere is the list of materials and tools you will need to do the project yourself.\n1. -ESP32 CAM:\n2. -USB to TTL:\n3. -Hot Glue gun.\n4.",
"-Soldering Iron.\n5. -Some jumper Wires.\n6. -USB cable.\n7. -Enclosure.\nNOTE: If you want to create a PCB to place your ESP32 CAM more professionally you should design your PCB and manufacture it with JLCPCB.\nCheap PCBs and SMT Assembly from $2 USD + (2 Coupons).\nStep 3: Programming Conections:\nThe ESP32 is board from the ESP family developed by Espressif and if you have used one of their boards, mainly the ESP-01 (ESP8266), you may know that the GPIO0 (Pin) is the one that decide on the boot mode of the Chip, so for this case you need to connect a jumper between the GPIO0 and Gnd.\nStep 4: Installing the Enviroment for the ESP32 in the Arduino IDE.\nFirst you need to Install the Arduino IDE.\nOpen it, then click on Archive>Preferences\nOn Aditionals URL's paste this link:\n\nAnd install the ESP32 Boards Package as shown in the screenshots.\nStep 5: Uploading the Camera Web Server Sketch\nSelect the Board \"Ai thinker ESP32-CAM\"\nGo to Archive> Examples> ESP32> Camera> CameraWebServer.\nIn the sketch uncomment the model of the ESP32 CAM you are using.\nPut the WiFi credentials and Upload.\nOnce the ESP32 is burned.\nDisconect the GPIO0-GND jumper and reset the board, look at the IP printed on the Serial Monitor.\nSearch for it on your favorite Web Browser and done.\nClick on Start Stream to look what's your camera seeing.\nCODE HERE.\nStep 6: Assemble Your ESP32 Within the Enclosure\nWire up the USB cable through the case so the power wires can be soldered to the power pins (+5v and GND) of the ESP.\nGlue the ESP32 CAM so the camera sensor can see through the square cutout.\nScrew it. and glue the Camera to the power adapter.\nSTL FILES FOR THE ENCLOSURE.\nStep 7: Test It and Enjoy It.\nJust connect your camera in a WiFi reaching place, and go to your browser and look at the place you are watching.",
"Smart Desk LED Light | Smart Lighting W/ Arduino | Neopixels Workspace\nIntroduction: Smart Desk LED Light | Smart Lighting W/ Arduino | Neopixels Workspace\nNow a days we are spending a lot of time at home, studying and working virtualy, so why not to make our workspace greater with a custom and smart lighting system Arduino and Ws2812b LEDs based.\nHere I show you how build your Smart Desk LED Light that you can control with an IR remote controller from your TV, Home theater, or any device with IR transmitter.\nIf you are a visual learner I know that a video worth more than 1000 words, so here is a 2 parts Tutorial video. (I am a Spanish speaker, so please consider turning on English subtitles):\nStep 1: Skills Needed\nAs you can noticed, nothing looks very difficult on this project, but you will need some basics knowings about:\n-Using the Arduino IDE.\n-Programming ESP8266.\n-3D printing.\n-Welding.\n-Wiring.\nStep 2: Components and Parts List\nA good place I can recommend to find your components, it's MakerFocus, it's an Open Source Hardware Store!\n1. PCB I really recommend to use JLCPCB SMT Services to order yours.\n2. ESP8266 (Microcontroller).\n3. WS2812 LEDs Strips.\n4. 5v 2A Power Supply.\n5. PCB Power Jack.\n6. 3D Printer.\n7. IR Sensor\n8. Remote controller, could be your TV one.\nStep 3: Circuit Diagram\nHere is the Circuit diagram, it has all the internal conections of the circuit that will allow us to create the PCB design later.\nI also attached the PDF of the Schematics so you can see it better.\nDOWNLOAD Schematics, Code and Libraries for FREE.\nStep 4: PCB Design and Ordering\nFor the implementation of a good project we need a reliable assembly for the circuit that makes it up, and there is no better way to do it than with a good PCB.\nHere you can download the Gerber, BOM and Pick & Place Files, the ones you need to order your PCB on your PCB manufacturing company.\nI suggest JLCPCB:\n📦$2 for Five - 4 Layers PCBs & cheap SMT (2 Coupons)\nBUY THE ALREADY DESIGNED BOARD, Gerber + Pick & Place + BOM\nStep 5: 3D Parts Printing\nAll the files to print the project enclosure.\nYou can print them on your 3D printer, if you haven't got yours, here you can by the one I use.\n3D Printer Ender 3 Pro\nStep 6: Programming the ESP8266\n1. Install the Libraries that will the code works\n2.",
"Open your Arduino IDE.\n3. Go to File > Examples > IRremoteESP8266 > IRrecvDemo\n4. This example Code will let you copy the IR code that transmits the remote controller key you want to use.\n5. In the IRrecvDemo, update the kRecvPin to the one you have connected with the IR Sensor.\n6. Connect your ESP8266 to the programmer and connect the IR Sensor to your selected Pin.\n7. Upload the code.\n8. Open the Serial monitor and press the keys you want to know the code, and copy and save them on notes.\n9. Open the MCM-LED-DESK.ino code.\n10. Set the kRecvPin to 3, the pixels are connected on pin 0 and the pixels count in my case is 80.\n11. In the Leer() function, update the code of the If's to the ones of your remote controller.\n12. Upload the code to the ESP8266 using the project PCB and a USB to TTL converter\nStep 7: ESP8266 ADC Hack\nAs you noticed, my design can be used with a ESP-07 or ESP-01, but in my case I used the ESP-01 and it doesn't have the ADC (Tout) pin reachable so I had to solder a tiny wire in the Tout pin of the chip and connect it on the PCB ADC pin.\nStep 8: Project Assembly\nPlace the PCB with everything connected already in the box, screw it, place the potentiometer nut and knob, glue the IR sensor and close everything with screws or more glue :D.\nStep 9: Placing the Strips and Control Unit\nGlue the Strips on your desk or desired place, they already has glue but I secured them with some hot glue.\nCut it at your desk/place size, be sure the connector can reach the control box and glue it too.",
"DIY SMART LED MATRIX (ESP8266 + WS2812 / NeoPixels )\nIntroduction: DIY SMART LED MATRIX (ESP8266 + WS2812 / NeoPixels )\nHere is my introduction to a project that I am very excited to show you. It's about a DIY Smart LED Matrix that will let you show on it, data, such as YouTube Stats, your Smart Home Stats, as temperature, humidity, can be a simple clock, or just show text and animations.\nIn this first tutorial I will be making it first test and text showing.\nIf you are a visual learner I know that a video worth more than 1000 words, so here is a Tutorial video. (I am a Spanish speaker, so please consider turning on English subtitles):\nHope you to enjoy the project!.\nStep 1: Skills Needed.\nAs you can noticed, nothing looks very difficult on this project, but you will need some basics knowings about:\n-Using the Arduino IDE.\n-3D printing or Handcraft (for the Grid).\n-Welding.\n-Wiring.\nStep 2: Components and Parts List\nA good place I can recommend to find your components, it's MakerFocus, it's an Open Source Hardware Store!\n1. PCB, you can choose between the No LEDs version and ADD the LED's Strips by yourself, or the one with the LED's.\n2. ESP8266 (Microcontroller).\n3. WS2812 LEDs Strips.\n4. 5v 2A Power Supply.\n5. PCB Power Jack.\n6. 3D Printer (Optional) You can do the parts with cardboard or something rigid.\nStep 3: Circuit Diagram\nHere is the Circuit diagram, you have several options to make the project.",
"You can just create the control part of the circuit, the one shown in the first image, then attach individual LEDs Strips as shown on the 3rd image.\nYo can also, instead of LED strips, use LED Panels.\nIt has all the internal conections of the circuit that will allow us to create the PCB design later.\nI also attached the PDF of the Schematics so you can see it better.\nDOWNLOAD Schematics, Code and Libraries for FREE.\nStep 4: PCB Design and Ordering\nFor the implementation of a good project we need a reliable assembly for the circuit that makes it up, and there is no better way to do it than with a good PCB.\nHere you can download the Gerber, BOM and Pick & Place Files, the ones you need to order your PCB on your PCB manufacturing company.\nI suggest JLCPCB:\n📦$2 for 5 PCBs & cheap SMT (2 Coupons)\nBUY THE ALREADY DESIGNED BOARD, Gerber + Pick & Place + BOM\nStep 5: Assembly\nPrint the Grid.\nI printed the grid on different parts because of my tiny 3D printer.\nI cutted a piece of a rigid white paper to get a better pixel definition.\nAttached the Grid Files. (You can design your own Grid).\nI printed 2 Grid and 1 Grid2 pieces.\nStep 6: Programming the ESP8266 and Testing\n1- To program the ESP8266 we need to place the jumper on (PROG position), connect the USB to TTL converter to our PCB on it respectives pins and then to our PC, install the libraries and then upload. (Need to have the ESP8266 Packaje installed on your IDE).\n2- Install the Libraries and Dependencies.\n3- Restart the IDE, go to Archive > Examples > Adafruit NeoPixel > Strandtest.\n-Edit the number of LEDs connected.\n-Edit the Pin to \"0\" .(Where LEDs are connected).\n4- Upload the sketch.\n5- Jumper on USE, disconnect USB and connect the 5v power Supply.\n6- Verify that all your LEDs works fine.\nNOTE: Use the 3.3v of the USB-TTL convertor to power the ESP. (Will burn with 5v).\nStep 7: Final Programming and Text Showing.\n1. Change the \"HOLA\" with the text you want to show.\n2. Verifiy that you are connecting the LEDs on PIN #.\n3. Adjust the brightness.\n4. Edit the colors of the text.\n5. Upload and Enjoy.\nNote the last image: If you are placing the LEDs diffent than me, please adjust those options in the Code.",
"DIY INTERNET CONTROLLED SMART LED MATRIX (ADAFRUIT + ESP8266 + WS2812)\nIntroduction: DIY INTERNET CONTROLLED SMART LED MATRIX (ADAFRUIT + ESP8266 + WS2812)\nHere is my 2nd advance to a project that I am very excited to show you. It's about a DIY Smart LED Matrix that will let you show on it, data, such as YouTube Stats, your Smart Home Stats, as temperature, humidity, can be a simple clock, or just show text and animations.\nIn this second tutorial I will be sending text and color data through the internet. If you are a visual learner I know that a video worth more than 1000 words, so here is a Tutorial video. (I am a Spanish speaker, so please consider turning on English subtitles):\nStep 1: Skills Needed\nAs you can noticed, nothing looks very difficult on this project, but you will need some basics knowings about:\n-Using the Arduino IDE.\n-Programming ESP8266.\n-3D printing or Handcraft (for the Grid).\n-Welding.\n-Wiring.\nStep 2: Components and Parts List\nA good place I can recommend to find your components, it's MakerFocus, it's an Open Source Hardware Store!\n1. PCB I really recommend to use JLCPCB SMT Services to order yours, you can choose between the No LEDs version and ADD the LED's Strips by yourself, or the one with the LED's.\n2. ESP8266 (Microcontroller).\n3. WS2812 LEDs Strips.\n4. 5v 2A Power Supply.\n5. PCB Power Jack.\n6.",
"3D Printer (Optional) You can do the parts with cardboard or something rigid.\nStep 3: Circuit Diagram\nHere is the Circuit diagram, you have several options to make the project. You can just create the control part of the circuit, the one shown in the first image, then attach individual LEDs Strips as shown on the 3rd image.\nYo can also, instead of LED strips, use LED Panels.\nIt has all the internal conections of the circuit that will allow us to create the PCB design later.\nI also attached the PDF of the Schematics so you can see it better.\nDOWNLOAD Schematics, Code and Libraries for FREE.\nStep 4: PCB Design\nFor the implementation of a good project we need a reliable assembly for the circuit that makes it up, and there is no better way to do it than with a good PCB.\nHere you can download the Gerber, BOM and Pick & Place Files, the ones you need to order your PCB on your PCB manufacturing company.\nI suggest JLCPCB:\n📦$2 for 5 PCBs & cheap SMT (2 Coupons)\nBUY THE ALREADY DESIGNED BOARD, Gerber + Pick & Place + BOM\nStep 5: Adafruit Configuration for Internet Control\n1. Go to Adafruit IO Page\n2. Create a free account.\n3. Look and copy the Adafruit credentials to your code.\n4. Go to Feeds > View all > Create new feed.\n5. Create the feeds down bellow.\n* -mensaje.\n* -rojo\n* -verde\n* -azul\nIn Adafruit API Documentation we have the info to properly communicate with the server.\nWe are going to be using this URL soon:\n{username}/feeds/{feed_key}/data\nStep 6: Programming the ESP8266 and Testing\n1. Connect the USB to TTL Converter as follows:\nUSB to TTL -------> ESP8266\n3.3v Vcc\ntx rx\nrx tx\nGnd Gnd\n1- To program the ESP8266 we need to place the jumper on (PROG position), connect the USB to TTL converter to our PCB on it respectives pins and then to our PC, install the libraries and then upload. (Need to have the ESP8266 Packaje installed on your IDE).\n2- Install the Libraries and Dependencies.\n3- Restart the IDE, Open the Code.\n4- Configure your WiFi Credentials and Adafruit IO Username and Password\n4- Upload the sketch.\n5- Jumper on USE, disconnect USB and connect the 5v power Supply.\n6- Verify that all your LEDs works fine.\nNOTE: Use the 3.3v of the USB-TTL convertor to power the ESP. (Will burn with 5v).\nStep 7: Controlling the LED Matrix With Postman\n1.",
"ESP32 CAM WEB Server and Getting Started Guide\nIntroduction: ESP32 CAM WEB Server and Getting Started Guide\nThis Instructables is all about setting up ESP32 CAM Webserver.\nThe goal here is to connect ESP32 CAM with FTDI Module and program it with the CAM WEB SERVER sketch which will allow us to monitor the camera feed via a web app.\nThe Next Level of this project is to make a ROCK SOLID WIFI SECURITY CAMERA!\nwhich is coming soon.\nWatch the video-\nSupplies\nThese are the things that you will need for this built/setup\n* Breadboard\n* ESP32 CAM\n* FTDI Module\n* Wires\n* WIFI Connection\nStep 1: ESP32 CAM INTRO\nThe ESP32 CAM is Basically an ESP32 without a CP2102 Chip. Instead, it is equipped with a 2MP OV2640 camera module and an SD Card Reader on the bottom side of the board.\nAlso, the camera module is switchable, which means we can upgrade this camera from 2MP to 5MP or Higher.\nIt cost around 10$ which is a pretty sweet price tag for such a capable Microcontroller.\nThe WIFI module used in this Version is ESP-32S which has a built-in 32Mbit of Flash and 512KB Internal plus external 4M PSRAM.\nIt has 9 IO Ports and its default baud rate is 115200bps. Also, it's five volts tolerance which means we can hook it up with an external 5V Charger setup but a voltage above 5V will kill the module.\nIts specs are somewhat similar to generic ESP32 so I won't be listing the whole spec chart.\nStep 2: Installing ESP32 Boards for Arduino IDE\nFor Installing Third parties Dev Board on Arduino IDE, we have to copy their JSON URL which in our case is this-\n* copy the above URL and paste it in the additional board manager URL which is in the Preferences of Arduino IDE.\n(If you already have other dev board URL in the additional board manager, you can put a comma in between two URLs)\n* After putting the URL, open the board manager and search ESP32 in, and then download the ESP32 Board package.\n* After doing all this, you need to Restart the Arduino IDE and the new ESP32 Board will appear in the board manager menu.\nStep 3: Connecting the FTDI With ESP32 CAM/Wiring\nESP32 CAM doesn't have an onboard programming chip which is a bummer, because of this we have to add an external USB to Serial Programming module.\nFor That, I will be using this USB to Serial module.",
"This Module is based around the FTDI FT232 chip. you can use other serial converters as well, wiring will remain the same for them as we only have to connect TX and RX with the ESP32.\n* Set FTDI output to 5V\n* Connect the FTDI's VCC (which is 5V) to 5V of ESP32 CAM\n* GND to GND\n* RX to U0T\n* TX to U0R\n* GPIO0 which is IO0 to GND (this will put the ESP32 CAM in Flash Mode)\nStep 4: Flashing the ESP32\nBefore Flashing Process, you need to change few things in the example sketch.\n* Go to Example> ESP32> Camera and open the CameraWebServer sketch\n* Input your SSID and password\n* Change the camera module from #define CAMERA_MODEL_WROVER_KIT to #define CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER\n* Now, Go to Tools and select the right board which is in our case AI-Thinker ESP32-CAM.\n* Select the right port and hit upload.\nNow, when the ESP32 Starts its uploading process you will see the connecting message with dots and dashes. press the reset button on the bottom side of the board when dots and dashes start.\nIf you have encountered an error during this setup that says unable to connect, this means your timing was not good, try again and when the first dot appears in the debugging menu, long-press the reset button for at least 1 second. After few seconds, your sketch will be uploaded.\n* now plug out the USB from FTDI Module and remove the jumper between GPIO0 and GND.\n* Plug in the USB and open up the serial monitor.\n* ESP32 will get connected with WIFI (which would take 1min) and you will see the IP address of the ESP32 CAM.",
"Make Your Own Arduino AC Dimmer | Drive Motors & Lights\nIntroduction: Make Your Own Arduino AC Dimmer | Drive Motors & Lights\nHi every one, here <PERSON>, and I want to show you how I made my own Arduino AC dimmer that can control AC loads such as motors and lights easily. It has the power to handle 1200+ Watts and It's a very nice project for domotics and home automation because the microcontroller I used is the ESP8266 that has WiFi capabilities and the code could be adapted with few changes.\nHere I leave you a tutorial with all the information so you can make your own version.If you are a visual learner I know that a video worth more than 1000 words, so here is a Tutorial video. (I am a Spanish speaker, so please consider turning on English subtitles):\nStep 1: Skills Required:\nThis project may seem difficult or very complex, but it is definitely not completely, since you will have all the guidance for the construction, it was difficult for me to design it to make life a little easier for you.",
"Any conceptual doubt, you are free to ask it without problems.\n* You should have an understanding of:\n* 3D Printing (Optional for the case).\n* Arduino programming (I give you the code).\n* Soldering through hole components.\nWarning: In this project we will handle main power, so please be careful\nStep 2: Components and Parts List\nThe Electronics discrete components as resistors and transistors will be attached in a BOM file in the PCB Step.\n* Here is the list of what you will need for the whole process:\n* -10kohm Potentiometer.\n* -2 Double Terminal blocks.\n* -AC motor of your preference (single phase).\n* -Dimmable Lightbulb.\n* -Small 5 volts cellphone power supply.\n* -Measuring tools: multimeters, clamp meters (optional).\n* -Micro USB SMD connector.\n* -1.3 inch OLED Display.\n* Wire.\nBOM list of PCB components attached.\nGreat, cheap and awesome Graphical Multimeter to watch the Sinusoidal AC wave form\nStep 3: Circuit Diagram\nHere is the Circuit Diagram of our project:\nIt has all the internal conections of the circuit that will us allow to create the PCB design later.\nI also attached the PDF of the Schematics so you can see it better.\nStep 4: PCB Design and Ordering\nFor the implementation of a good project we need a reliable assembly for the circuit that makes it up, and there is no better way to do it than with a good PCB.\nHere you can download the Gerber, BOM and Pick & Place Files, the ones you need to order your PCB on your PCB manufacturing company.\nI suggest JLCPCB:\n$2 for 1-4 Layer PCBs⚡, Get SMT Coupons🎫\nUnZip the .rar file with a software like WinRar or any other.\nStep 5: 3D Parts (Housing + Motor Holder)\nHere you have the STL files for the 3D parts of the project.\n* Housing.\n* Cover\n* Potentiometer Knob and nut.\n* Button cap.\n* Motor holder.\nStep 6: Programming the ESP8266 Microcontroller\n1- To program the ESP-12s we need to connect it directly to our PC through the USB cable, open the Code \"ACControl\", install the libraries that I also attached and click on upload.\nIf the current measurements are wrong on your display, or you want to improve them, you can tune experimentally this parameters in the code:\n* float Sensibilidad = 0.066; //sensitivity of the 30Amps sensor (see datasheet of ACS712 if use 20A or 5A version).\n* float intercept = 35952.685; // Change this until you got closer as posible to the real current.\n* float slope = 273; // Change this until you got closer as posible to the real current.\n* float testFrequency = 60; // frequency of your circuit (Hz)\n* float windowLength = 40.0 / testFrequency; // num of cycles that will be test.\nCODE, LIBS, EVERYTHING, DOWNLOAD FOR FREE HERE\nStep 7: Wiring Up\nFollow this few steps carefully:\n1. Insert the OLED Display in the case slot.\n2. Wire the Display and make shure the connections are right between the PCB and OLED (Pinout may vary).\n3. Connect the motor or light wires (Black and Red) to the output terminal block, it doesn't matter the polarity.\n4.",
"Smart Arduino Energy Monitor | ESP32 + Raspberry Pi + Home Assistant\nIntroduction: Smart Arduino Energy Monitor | ESP32 + Raspberry Pi + Home Assistant\nHello to everyone, today I am going to show you a project that I've been working on for a while, it consist on an ESP32 based Smart Energy Monitor that takes current and voltage samples through sensors in our power grid and shares the data to a local server made with Home Assistant and Raspberry Pi.\nIf you are a visual learner I know that a video worth more than 1000 words, so here is a tutorial video. (I am a Spanish speaker, so please consider turning on English subtitles):\nStep 1: Skills Required\nThis project may seem difficult or very complex, but it is definitely not completely, since you will have all the guidance for the construction, it was difficult for me to design it to make life a little easier for you. Any conceptual doubt, you are free to ask it without problems.\nYou should have an understanding of:\n* Basic electronics. (We are going to be using some electronics principles that are good to know to understand how this meter works).\n* Handling of cutting tools and drills.\n* How to solder. (To place the components we need).\n* How to use a meter intruments as multimeters and clamp meters.\n* Writing code in C. (if you want to make any modification to the main code that is provided).\nStep 2: Components and Parts List\nThe electronics discrete components as resistors and transistors will be attached in a BOM file in the PCB Step.\n🛒Materials:\n1. -Current sensor (CT)\n2. -Sensor de voltaje (PT)\n3. -OLED Display\n4. -Adafruit ESP32 Feather\n5. -Jack de audio hembra 3.5mm\n6. -Conectores hembra SIL\n7. -Varistor, 240v-200ma fuse,choke coil.\nStep 3: Circuit Diagram\nHere is the Circuit Diagram of our project:\nIt has all the internal connections of the circuit that will allow us to create the PCB design later.\nI also attached the PDF of the Schematics so you can see it better.\nStep 4: PCB Design, Gerber, BOM and Pick & Place Order\nFor the implementation of a good project we need a reliable assembly for the circuit that makes it up, and there is no better way to do it than with a good PCB.\nHere you can download the Gerber, BOM and Pick & Place Files, the ones you need to order your PCB on your PCB manufacturing company.\nI suggest JLCPCB:\n📦$2 for 1-4 layers PCBs ⚡ + 🎫 SMT Coupons\n⏬Download Free Gerber, BOM and Pick & Place files\nUn Zip de .rar file with a software like WinRar or any other.\nStep 5: Project Enclosure (TAKACHI)\nI request a free sample of this TAKACHI enclosure for my project, you can instead 3D print yours with the dimensions shown in the PDF.\nStep 6: Assembly of the Board\nTo start taking everything together follow these steps:\n1. Connect the push button to the PCB\n2.",
"Connect the OLED display to the PCB, the code is made for the SPI configuration.\n3. Connect the AC cable in the PCB terminal block (strip wires)\n4. Connect the voltage selector switch\nStep 7: Programming the ESP32 (GitHub)\nGo to my Github repository and follow these steps:\n1. Install the Arduino IDE\n2. Install the ESP32 card package by copying this URL in IDE preferences:\n3. Deploy your server in Home Assistant\n4. Clone this repository\n5. Install the attached ZIP libraries\n6. Open the Arduino code\n7. Modify the **Clavis** variable with a long-term Token generated in your Home Assistant\n8. Modify the variable **serverName** with \"http://(IP of your Raspberry Pi):8123/api/states/sensor.meter_ai\", Ex: \"http://<IP_ADDRESS><PHONE_NUMBER>:8123/api/states/sensor.meter_ai \"\n9. Connect your ESP32 and load the program on the board\nStep 8: Configure the Home Assistant Enviroment\nTo make everything works, follow these steps in your Home Assistant system:\n1. Open your home assistant by searching it in your browser.\n2. Go to Supervisor> Adds on and install InfluxDB, Grafana and File Editor.\n3. Open the File Editor and search for the *Configuration.yaml* file\n4.",
"No PCB WiFi Smart Switch W/ ESP8266 and Ubidots\nIntroduction: No PCB WiFi Smart Switch W/ ESP8266 and Ubidots\nI know that a well done electronic project needs it own PCB to assamble it. In the best-case scenario we can afford a custom PCB order from a company as JLCPCB as an examble, but this is not always the case, sometimes we are just trying to build a prototype that we consider do not need a PCB to do what it meant to do, and we need it for now so we don't have time to waiting things to arrive.\nThat's why I consider that knowing that we can replicate or build our projects with Perfboards is important, so I build this tutorial to show you how do I made my Perfboard version of a PCB project that I've done years ago.\nIf you are a visual learner I know that a video worth more than 1000 words, so here is a Tutorial video. (I am a Spanish speaker, so please consider turning on English subtitles):\nHope you to enjoy the project!.\nStep 1: Skills Needed\nAs you could noticed, nothing looks very difficult on this project, but you will need some basics knowings about:\n-Using the Arduino IDE.\n-Welding.\n-Wiring.\nDisclaimer: notice that this project works with main voltajes, please don't do anything if you don't know how to handle this securetely.\nStep 2: Components and Parts List\nA good place I can recommend to find your components, it's MakerFocus, it's an Open Source Hardware Store!\n1. Perfboard.\n2. ESP8266 WiFi Microcontroller.\n3. BTB16 .. BTA24 Triac or Similar.\n4. Hi-Link 3.3v Power Supply.\n5. 2x Terminal blocks 3 p, 2 p\n6. 100nf 400v Capacitor (104)\n7. 2x 470 ohm 1/2W Resistors\n8. 470 ohm 1/4W Resistor\n9. MOC3010 Opto-Triac\n10.",
"2x 1Kohms Resistors\n11. wire\nStep 3: Circuit Diagram\nThe circuit is simple, it has the ESP8266 connector, that has all the resistors to set up the ESP on boot mode. The Triac Switching stage that handle the main voltajes and the current of the load to control, and the Power Supply that converts 120-220Vac to 3.3v DC to power up the ESP8266.\nSchematic PDF attached.\nDOWNLOAD Schematics, Code and Libraries for FREE\nStep 4: Circuit Assembly on Perfboard\nThe thing with this project is to use a perfboard to assemble it, I usually use custom PCBs made by JLCPCB as you can notice on my other projects, so lets get through this.\n1. Clean the surface of your perfboard with sandpaper.\n2. Place the components and solder their pads.\n3. Make the connections with a strip of wire in the digital stage (low voltage).\n4. Make the connections with an isolated wire in the Power Stage (Main Voltage).\n5. You are done.\nIf you want to build the PCB version of this project you can order it on JLCPCB, they manufacture really fast and best quality in the market Printed Circuit Boards:\n📦$2 for 5 PCBs & cheap SMT (2 Coupons)\nStep 5: Programming the ESP8266 and Testing\nTo properly program our ESP8266 we need a USB to TTL interface, it could be an Arduino (w/o the atmega), or a USB to TTL converter, in my case I made my own USB to TTL adapter circuit to program specifically the ESP8266, you can see it here and make yours:\nFirst of all, create your Ubidots Account (could be the STEM free student version).\n1. Open the code (Download here).\n2. Select the ESP8266 Board.\n3. Select the right COM port.\n4. Set your Ubidots Token in the Code.\n5. Set your WiFi credentials.\n* In this case the device name is \"wifiswitch\" (you can change this).\n+ The variable that is controlling the switch is called \"light\"\n+ The output pin of the ESP8266 is the GPIO0.\n+ The input pin for the external push button is the GPIO2.\nOnce you program your ESP8266, test it, verify it connectivity to the network and use the Serial Monitor to see if it subscribe properly to the device \"wifiswitch\" and the variable \"light\" and show you every detail as you can see in the picture attached.",
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"Panino Alla Parmigiana - an Italian Delicious Recipe\nIntroduction: Panino Alla Parmigiana - an Italian Delicious Recipe\nParmigiana di Melanzane (that mean “eggplant parmesan”) is a fabulous, unique and astounding dish, typical of Italian cuisine.\nIt’s composed by fried eggplant slice assembled in layers in a pan with tomato, mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese and basil. Upon all the layer are done, is finally baked in the oven where all the ingredients embrace together, and a gratin crust is formed with a stringy and tasty filling. A delicious for your mouth!!\nA unique goodness with disputed origins, between Sicily, Campania (Naples) and Emilia Romagna (Bologna); whose name derives from the Sicilian word “Parmiciana” that are the wooden strips of the overlapping shutters, which recalls the layers of fried aubergines!\nAnd why do not use this dish recipe to make a spectacular sandwich?\nFollow this Parmigiana Recipe, with all the tips and step-by-step illustrations to make it really fast and you will bring a perfect Parmigiana to the table in no time! With compact but at the same time soft layers, with a delicious flavor, succulent and lightly greasy!\nStep 1: Ingredients!\nThe most important step, the required ingredients!\n* Eggplant\n* Tomato puree\n* Mozzarella cheese\n* Parmesan\n* Extra virgin olive oil\n* Basil\n* Garlic\n* Salt\n* Sugar\n* Flour (“0” type)\n* Peanut oil\nWe will use extra virgin olive oil for making a tasty tomato puree meanwhile the peanut oil it will be used to frying the eggplant slice. It’s possible to use different oil type to fry, but the peanut one is the best one because it has a high resistance to the heat and make possible a crunchy crust.\nStep 2: Tomato Sauce\nFor a very Italian tomato puree sauce, you have to put some extra virgin olive oil into a high-sided pot, peel the garlic, cut in half and put it with the oil. Heat up a low-medium heat, leave to flavor for some minute and then add the tomato puree, basil, salt and a touch of sugar.\nNow, put the heat at low and wait: the tomato puree needs to “pippare”, a term used in Italy to indicate the long time it takes the sauce to cook while it boils a low low heat (around 10-15 minutes).",
"In this way, the sauce becomes thicker and tastier.\nStep 3: Eggplant\nFirst, you have to heat up the peanut oil (I hate when the recipes tell you to heat something after all the preparation and then you have to wait with nothing to do!).\nPut the oil in large pot with a flat bottom: the pot dimension is needed to be at least large enough to put two eggplant slices together. Put on low heat! You don’t want to rush for a smoke oil, but you want to reach the right temperature in the right manner!\nMeanwhile the oil heats up, wash properly the eggplant, dry it and cut into slice with a width of 4-5 mm each. For the sandwich are require 4 slices, but you can make a few extra if (like me) you like to eat some bonus during the preparations! ;P\nOnce you cut the slices, put the flour in a plate (in a generous quantity) and flour both sides. Do it with dry slice and hands, so your flour will not get wet, making tedious grains.\nStep 4: FRY IT!!\nIt’s time to make these slice CRISPY!\nWatch the oil temperature, which must be around 170°C (338 F). Do you not have a thermometer? No worries! Here a trick: dip the tip of a toothpick (and if you don't have them, use the back of a wooden ladle) into the oil, if you see a lot of little bubbles comes out, you have the right temperature to fry, if not, you have to wait more.\nPerfect! Put into the hot-oil two eggplant slices, with caution! Wait until a homogeneous crispy layer is formed on the submerged side and then turn the slice. Once it done, remove slices from the oil and displace them onto towel paper, to remove the remaining extra oil.\nProceed with other slices (and if you have some more, salt one or two and taste it! After all, tasting the preparation is the basis to make good food!).\nTip and trick: wait to salt your fried dish until you will eat it! This helps to prevent that the crunchy fried layer becomes wet and flabby.",
"Fun-Bun Brioche\nIntroduction: Fun-Bun Brioche\nThe Brioches with the bun are the traditional Sicilian (IT) breakfast. Usually, during breakfast you can enjoy them filled with ice cream as the flavour is perfect for every ice cream that you can find!\nAlthough, no one says that you can`t fill them up with spreadable chocolate!\nWhen I started doing them I thought “ you know what would be fun? To make the bun of a different colour and flavour because no one does that!” so… there they are! Brioches with the coloured bun! Ideal and funny for a breakfast with your kids!\nAnd for more guidance watch the video attached!\nSupplies\n* 600 gr Flour (Strong)\n* 70 gr of butter\n* 180 mL of milk\n* 5 eggs\n* 100 gr of caster sugar\n* 1 Lemon\n* 25 gr of fresh yeast (or 10 gr of dry yeast)\nFor the coloured version\n* Red edible colour\n* Cocoa powder\n* 1 tsp of milk\nStep 1: Knead the Dough\nAdd the milk, the butter (at room temperature), the sugar, 1 egg and 3 yolks and Lemon Zest to the flour.\nKnead the dough looks smooth.\nStep 2: Double It!\nCover the dough with cling film and leave it in the oven with the light on (at that point the oven should maintain between 25 to 30C) for 2h (or until it has doubled in volume). If you don`t have the option for that in your oven cover the bowl with a blanket to ensure that temperature is maintained.\nStep 3: Prepare the Brioches and the Buns\nPrepare the buns by dividing the dough in 7 pieces of 120gr each.",
"Give them a round shape.\nFor the little buns divide the remaining dough in pieced of 20-30 gr each.\nStep 4: If You Like Them Flavoured or Coloured\nIf you like them coloured you can either add the red colour and knead until the dough is full red.\nOr if you want them filled with chocolate add cocoa powder and 1 tsp of milk. Mix the dough, it will give it a “marble-style look”.\nStep 5: Create the Brioches With the Buns\nShape the big pieces of dough as a ball and, using your fingers press the dough in the middle to create space to insert the smaller pieces of dough. Brush the now created hole with milk and insert the smaller piece of dough.\nCover the dough with cling film an wait for the volume to double (it will need 1h)\nStep 6: Brush the Brioches and Cook Them\nBrush the buns with a yolk and cook them in the oven at 170C for 15 mins.\nStep 7: Eat and Enjoy!\nEat and Enjoy! You can fill them with chocolate, or if you like it Sicilian style you can fill them with ice-cream!",
"Fish-shaped Potato Mash With Tuna\nIntroduction: Fish-shaped Potato Mash With Tuna\nHi! Today we're gonna be making a potato and tuna based fake-fish! I think it is a delicious recipe for a family dinner and a great way to experiment with shapes and food \"sculpture\". No cooking needed, just a mixer and your ability! I hope you'll have fun making it as much as I did :)\nSupplies\n* 1 kg boiled potatoes\n* 400gr tuna in extra virgin olive oil\n* Anchovy fillet\n* pickled peppers\n* Pitted olives\n* (optional) capers\n* Mayonnaise\nStep 1: Making the Tuna Mousse\nPut 400gr of tuna, a handful of washed and squeezed salted capers, 7 pitted olives and 3-4 anchovy fillets in a mixer. Mix everything together until you get something like the fourth photo.\nStep 2: Adding Potatoes\nI prefer not to blend the potatoes. Instead, I crush them with a fork, but you can use a potato masher if you like. When you're done, add a pinch of salt (not too much, because the tuna condiment is pretty salty already!), then mix it with the tuna mousse using a fork or a spatula.",
"If you want and you like, you can add a few more capers in this step.\nStep 3: Getting Hands Dirty!\nWhat you have to do now is to free your imagination! Put the dough on a plate and try shaping it like a fish. I suggest you to moisten your hands, so the surface will turn out smoother. If you want, you can also use a straight knife to shape the fish even better :)\nStep 4: Adding Mayonnaise Glaze\nIt is now time to cover the fish with mayonnaise! You don't have to make a shiny surface, because we'll be covering it with more decoration!\nStep 5: More Mayo Decoration!\nUsing a tube of mayonnaise, we can now highlight the shape of the fish and make a few more decorations. I suggest you to cover the side too, using the tip of a knife to join each \"strip\" of mayo.\nStep 6: Adding Peppers and Olives\nIt is now time to add pickled peppers and olives to further decorate the fish. Cut them to the appropriate shapes in order to fit them inside the mayo scales you made in the previous step.\nStep 7: Done!\nYour fish-shaped potato mash and tuna is finished! Time to finally eat it! Mmmmh, delicious!!!\nI hope you had fun following this recipe, let me know if you make your own :)",
"Chocolate Tortellini Filled With Coconut and White Chocolate\nIntroduction: Chocolate Tortellini Filled With Coconut and White Chocolate\nFor who loves chocolate in any shape and form! These chocolate tortellini are the new horizon of chocolate. White inside and dark outside, is chocolate all around!\nSupplies\nRecipe for 2 people\nFor the Pasta dough:\n* 100 gr of Flour\n* 10 gr of cocoa powder\n* 2 medium eggs\n* 1 tbsp of vegetable oil\n* 1 tsp of salt\nFor the filling:\n* 100 gr of white chocolate\n* 50 gr of dark chocolate\n* 200 mL of double cream\n* 3 tbsp of coconut flour\n* 1 tbsp of butter\n* 100 mL of milk\nStep 1: Prepare the Pasta Dough\nSift the flour and the cocoa powder and dig a little hole in the mountain of powder. Place the two eggs and start mixing. Once the dough starts to have a more steady shape, add the oil and salt and keep kneading the dough.\nOnce the dough is ready, cover it in cling film and let it rest for at least 30 min.\nStep 2: Prepare the Filling\nUse 90gr of white chocolate with the butter. When the two are completely melted add the coconut flour and keep mixing.\nOnce the flour has been completely mixed add the milk and mix it until the cream hardens a little bit. Let the mixture rest until completely cold.\nIf you like a different type of filling, you can choose whatever you like, just make sure that the filling has the right consistency.\nStep 3: Prepare the Whipped Cream\nChop he dark chocolate into small pieces.\nWhip the double cream and add the pieces of chopped chocolate. Mix carefully, with a slow movement to allow a thorough mixing.\nStep 4: Roll the Pasta\nRoll out the pasta dough until reaching a 1mm (or less) thickness. It will take a while as the dough is a bit though at the beginning, but you will get there!\nBe sure that your pasta is as thin as possible otherwise, it will be tough to eat.\nStep 5: Shape the Tortellini\nTime to shape the tortellini.",
"Cut the dough in equal squares. Usually a tortellino is 2.5cmx2.5cm but you can do the size you prefer!\n1. Place the filling in the square\n2. Fold the tortellino in a triangle.\n3. Make sure that each side is completely closed (if some filling comes out use a tissue to clean it)\n4. Press the sides of the tringle towards the filling (look at the image)\n5. Take the two vertices at the end of the sides that you just manipulated and close them in a circle around your finger.\nEasy to see than to describe! Look at the GIF for the instructions or feel free to comment and ask!\nStep 6: Boil the Tortellini\nAs you would do for pasta, boil some water and once the water started boiling add the pasta. The tortellini will sink in the water, when they start floating it means you can take them out because they are ready.\nStep 7: Plate and Enjoy!\nPlate as you like, grate a bit of white chocolate to reproduce a grated parmesan effect and enjoy the tortellini!\nFor any question please feel free to ask",
"Sandwich Cake\nIntroduction: Sandwich Cake\nWhile preparing food for a birthday party I realized that the best appetisers where the fun ones! Therefore, the idea of having small finger-food sandwiches has been replaced by a sandwich cake! It looks like a cake, you cut it like a cake, but... it`s a sandwich!\nSupplies\n* White sliced bread (16 slices)\n* 400gr of cream cheese\n* 400gr of smoked salmon\n* Lettuce\n* Half cucumber\n* 2 carrots\n* Mayonnaise\n* 3 small avocados\n* 4 salad tomatoes\n* 1 can of tuna\n* 1 Olive\nNon food stuff: baking paper;toothpicks (you can even use spaghetti) and a round base tin (although, this is optional because is mainly used to shape the cake, while, for an easier version, the cake can remain squared shaped).\nYou can fill the sandwiches as you like! Pepperoni, ham, cheese, mozzarella... the more the merrier!\nIt`s a new concept, and people will be surprised!\nStep 1: Prepare the Base\nShape the baking paper as the same size and shape of the chosen base.",
"Cover the baking paper with mayonnaise to ensure that the bread sticks on the paper.\nStep 2: Start the Sandwich\nPlace 4 slices of bread ensure that the straight sides are aligned.\nPrepare the tuna. Drain the can of tuna and place it in a bowl, add 4 spoons of mayonnaise and mix.\nEnsure that the tomatoes, the avocadoes and the salad are sliced and ready to filled the sandwiches.\nStep 3: Build Your Sandwich!\nThis can be done as you like! I personally added:\nbread - a layer of mayonnaise - smoked salmon - salad - avocado - bread - tuna and mayonnaise - tomatoes - bread - mayonnaise - smoked salmon - salad - tomatoes - avocadoes - bread\nStep 4: Cover You Cake\nCut and shape the edges of your cake (make sure that all the external parts of the bread are cut). Once the desired shaped has been achieved cover you cake with cream cheese.\nEnsure that the cream cheese covers all the empty part in between the slices of bread and cover you cake as you are icing a sweet cake!\nStep 5: Decoration And... Enjoy!\nDecorate your cake as preferred.\n(Tu ensure that the flower shaped carrot pieces stayed together I used a spaghetto).\nCut, and eat!",
"Vegetarian Skewers\nIntroduction: Vegetarian Skewers\nThe vegetarian skewers are beautiful and delicious, a really successful dish for gatherings of friends and family. They can be made from a variety of vegetables as well as upgraded with tofu or salmon cubes.\nSupplies\nVegetables:\nCherry tomatoes (preferably in several colors)\n1-2 zucchini\nChampignon mushrooms\nMini portobello mushrooms\nSome colored peppers\nSweet potato\nCarrot\nRed onion\nOptional: Tofu / Salmon fillet\nFor the marinade:\nOlive oil\nSesame oil\nSoy sauce\nDate syrup (or honey)\nA handful of sesame seeds\nSalt, garlic, lemon, favorite herbs\nBamboo skewers\nOven/ toaster oven\nBaking paper\nWhat is nice about this recipe is that you can treat everything as inspiration: you can replace or remove any ingredient (except the bamboo skewers themselves) according to your taste and what you have at home.\nStep 1: Preparing the Vegetables\nWash the peppers, and cut them into 2 * 2 cm cubes.\nPeel the carrots, the red onions and the sweet potato, cut them into cubes of similar size.\nThe zucchini can be washed and cut into one centimeter-wide slices or into cubes similar to other vegetables.\nThoroughly wash the cherry tomatoes, do not cut them.\nThe mushrooms are ready (unless you have huge mushrooms, then you can cut them).\nIf you want to add tofu or salmon- cut them into 2*2*2 cm cubes. Than add them to the vegetables for the following steps (soaking, skewering and roasting).\nStep 2: Preparation of the Marinade\nIn a flat dish - simply mix all the ingredients of the marinade:\nOlive oil, sesame oil, soy sauce, date syrup (2-3 spoons of each), , 2-3 crushed garlic cloves, some salt and lemon, and as much as you want from your favorite herbs.\nThat's all.\nYou can subtract or add ingredients according to personal taste and mood.\nStep 3: Soaking\nMix the vegetables well with the sauce.",
"It is most convenient to mix with your hands and keep the vegetables whole and beautiful. And then wait, for about an hour.\nStep 4: Skewer\nSkewer the soaked vegetables on the bamboo skewers :-).\nStep 5: Roasting in the Oven\nPreheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius (390F).\nPut baking paper on a flat baking sheet and arrange the skewers side by side. Put the baking sheet in the oven for 30-40 minutes.\nStep 6: Enjoy :-)",
"Stuffed Peppers and Onions\nIntroduction: Stuffed Peppers and Onions\nA very colorful vegetarian dish, which can be almost a complete meal - contains a lot of vegetables, very little fruit and also carbohydrates.\nSupplies\n3 big onions.\n7-10 colored peppers (chose medium size peppers, with round bottom)\n3 carrots\n1 beet\nSome stalks of celery\nPistachios, Almond chips, dried cranberries (a handful of each)\n1 cup of whole rice\nWater\nOlive oil\n2 spoons of pomegranate sauce (warmly recommended)\nTomato paste\nSalt, paper, cinnamon\nOptional: 1-2 spoons of dates honey\nMedium pot, strainer, sauté with a lid\nStep 1: Pre-cook the Onions and the Rice\nPrepare two onions for stuffing:\nPeel them and cut each one lengthwise to the middle (see video).\nBoil them in water for half an hour until softened, strain them from the water and let them cool.\nMeanwhile, cook a cup of rice with two cups of water and a pinch of salt for about twenty minutes (half cooking), and leave the pot covered for a few more minutes. We used whole rice, white rice can also be as well, but then the cooking time should be shorter.\nStep 2: Preparation of the Sauce\nIn the sauté, prepare the sauce:\nHeat oil and add chopped onion. After a few minutes add chopped carrots, then (wait a few minutes ...) chopped celery sticks, and then (again ...) chopped beets. cook for a while and add pomegranate sauce and a pinch of salt, some paper and cinnamon, wait a few more minutes and add a handful of cranberries, almonds chips, and pistachios. Mix well, taste, and if necessary improve flavors.\nNow, with a perforated spoon take out half of the mixture, and add it to the rice.",
"This is going to be the filling.\nBack to the sauce: add to the sauté a small box of tomato paste and 1-2 cups of water, close the lid and let it cook over low heat.\nStep 3: Cut and Fill the Peppers\nMix the rice well with its sauce.\nWash the peppers, cut off their top, fill each pepper to about three-quarters of the height and cover it back.\nPut the peppers next to each other in the sauté and close back the lid.\n.\nStep 4: Fill the Onions\nGently peel one layer of the cooked onion. Hold it in one hand and place a spoonful of the filling in the center of the layer. Roll the onion around the filling (see video).\nLift the sauté lid and place the stuffed onions between the peppers. Using a spoon, take some of the sauce and cover the peppers and onions. You can add a little water as needed.\nStep 5: Cook Everything :-)\nCook over low heat for another hour and a half. Occasionally you should lift a little sauce with a spoon and pour it over the peppers and onions.\nStep 6: Bon-appetite\nBon-appetite!",
"Picanha: the Brazilian Way to BBQ\nIntroduction: Picanha: the Brazilian Way to BBQ\nWhat’s the formula for the perfect Picanha?\nSome could say that a balanced seasoning blend it’s the secret. We from CooKing say, that meat and cooking method makes the difference. A well-prepared Picanha is one of the most rewarding meals, both for the stomach and for the spirit of those who want to take the challenge of bringing to the table a sirloin cap worthy of the Brazilian tradition. This highly prized cut of meat, which is getting every day more appreciated between the EU-Churrasco lovers, has as its protagonist the external fat.",
"One of the parameters to define the success of a Picanha is in fact the crunchiness of the adipose layer when the cooking is done. We at CooKing have already unsheathed the swords... the ones for the grill of course!\nSupplies\nWhat we used:\nWeber Q1400 with rostisserie, but basically a grill and a Rostisserie is all what you need for.\nStep 1: Trimming\nTrimm out the excess fat, in order to give a nice and smooth shape to the Sirloin cap.\nStep 2: The Cut\nCut the sirloin cap perpendicularly to the meat fibers in 6 to 10 cm thick slices.\nStep 3: Piercing\nFold the slices with care, leaving the fat outside and piercing them into the skewer or sword.\nStep 4: Seasoning\nSeason the meat with Maldon salt flakes, or alternatively, with coarse Kosher salt.\nStep 5: Grill It ! Grill It !\nStabilize the grilling device between 180°C and 200°C and place the skewer or the sword on the rotating support between 30 and 40 cm from the heat source.\nStep 6: Time to Serve\nWait for the formation of a crispy and flavored Bark, then remove the skewer/sword from the heat source and bring the skewer/sword to the table.\nStep 7: Slice It !\nCut in thin slices until you can see the raw or undercooked part, then bring the skewer/sword back to the grilling device and repeat steps 5, 6, 7 and 8.\nStep 8: Have Fun And... Buon Appetito !",
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"Inexpensive Lighted Circus Themed Sign\nIntroduction: Inexpensive Lighted Circus Themed Sign\nThis is a tutorial on how to create a great looking inexpensive lighted sign. Mine is circus themed to coincide with a clown themed Halloween display but the basic techniques can be applied to any theme or design. The material I selected for my sign are inexpensive and somewhat durable but higher quality/more durable materials can be used depending on you skill level. The reason I used the materials that I did was because I was trying to do it a cheap as possible and I only needed it for one occasion.\nI can't recommend enough for you to sit down and take the time to plan your sign out. The better planned out your sign is the more professional it will look.\nStep 1: Supplies/tools\n* Materials:\n* lightweight 1/8th inch plywood\n* 12 volt LED strip lights\n* 1\"x2\" pine wood (length depending on your needs, more on that later)\n* Screws\n* Adhesive\n* paint\n* styrofoam sheet\n* sandpaper\n* Tools: soldering iron\n* hot wire cutter or sharp utility knife\n* scroll saw or jigsaw\n* drill\n* table saw\n* soldering iron\n* hot glue gun\n* wire cutter/stripper\n* square\nStep 2: Design\nI am no artist, I can fudge my way through most things without things looking too terribly amateur but that's about it. With that in mind the circus style font was perfect for my design. The letters follow pretty specific geometric patterns that make replicating them pretty easy. their design also makes aligning them easier.\nStep 3: Creating You Cut Out Letters\nOnce I figured out what size I wanted my letters to be, I measured and cut a strip of plywood as wide as the height of the letters. I then took that strip and cut it in to individual panels the width of the letters. All of my letters were of the same width (no \"M\"s or \"W\"s), so with my sign being 8 letters I cut 8 identical panels. I discretely wrote each letter on each panel. Lay all of these panels out together and confirm that their size and spacing conforms to your design. It is easy to make adjustments to the overall size, if they're too big, at this stage.\nUsing a pencil, I lightly marked some measurements to help me draw the letters on the panels.",
"I recommend only lightly drawing your guidelines out at first so that if you need to edit them, the lines you've already drawn will be easy to erase. Once you've drawn all your letters and decided that your satisfied with them you can go back over them a little darker, These will be the lines we'll follow when cutting out the numbers so keeping them clean and neat will help you when using the saw.\nI used the rounded base of a bottle I found, to duplicate the same curve that is inherent to the font's design. I also used a bottle that had an outside radius that matched the inside curve of the \"O\". These shortcuts helped keep the letter contours uniform.\nStep 4: Cutting Out the Letters\nThe ideal tool for this is the scroll saw, if your letters have a lot of interior corners or sharp turns it will require the right blade. If your using a jigsaw make sure you get a blade that leaves a clean edge on plywood. The wrong blade will splinter the wood.\nTo cut the interior of a letter like an \"R\", \"A\", or \"O\" you need to drill a hole to start your cuts. Drill a hole that's just slightly wider than your blade, then you can insert your blade and make your interior cut. Now that your letters are all cut out lay them out and adjust their position in relation to each other and confirm everything lines up as planned. The plywood I used left little strands at the cut edge so I trimmed them off with a utility knife and lightly sanded the edges.\nStep 5: Prepping Your Letters for Mounting\nI wanted to letters to be offset from the sign so that I could put lights behind them to give them a light silhouette effect. I ripped the 1\"x2\"s in half so that I had 2 1\" strips. The amount of space the letters stand off is a matter of personal preference. On my sign the lights are visible at some extreme angles had I made the space between the backing and the letters smaller the lights would have been hidden better.\nI chose to cut pieces of the strips that were about 2/3rd the total height of the letters (for example: if my letters were 9\" tall I cut a 6\" strip for it). This is also a matter of personal preference keep in mind the longer the length of the strip the more LED strip you are likely to use.",
"Custom Wooden Ouija Board // Luigi Board\nIntroduction: Custom Wooden Ouija Board // Luigi Board\nThe spooky season is upon us! To celebrate all that is spooky I created a custom <PERSON> themed Ouija Board.\nThis project was inspired by the \"Luigi's Mansion\" franchise from Nintendo. The games have always blended spooky and fun in such an amazing way and I wanted to capture a piece of that with the Luigi Board. I tried to incorporate as many elements as possible from the games into the design of the game board, from the Dark Moon and Boos in the corners, the GameBoy Horror planchette, down to the <PERSON> style font used for the lettering throughout the board.\nUsing a few basic tools found in most small garage woodshops, I will show you how to build your very own custom Ouija Board!\nStep 1: Measure, Cut, and Sand\nI'm using a 1/4 inch sheet of Baltic birch plywood for the game board. The first thing I needed to do was cut the giant 3 foot by 5 foot plywood sheet down to a more manageable size. I measured out 17 1/2 inches long and 12 inches tall. I then cut the board to size using my track saw.\nThe surface of the plywood is very rough, so I sanded it smooth with 220 grit sandpaper.\nStep 2: Applying the Artwork\nI had the artwork printed at my local office supply store because it was cheap and I could get the entire artwork printed on one sheet (and some extras too just in case) This saved me from having to print and tape multiple sheets of paper together. If you don't want to have the artwork printed professionally and prefer to print at home, this transfer method will work with any standard laser printer.\nTo transfer the artwork to the plywood I'm using Mod Podge Gloss. Using a cheap paintbrush, I applied a thin, even coat to the surface of the plywood. In order to ensure maximum coverage I also applied the Mod Podge to the artwork. Once both surfaces were covered I flipped the artwork onto the plywood. Using my hands I pressed the artwork down firmly onto the plywood, working from the middle out to remove any bubbles that may have been trapped. An old credit card works really well for this as well.\n**Note**\nWhen printing your artwork, make sure and mirror the image you want to transfer.\nStep 3: Remove Paper Backing\nAfter letting the Mod Podge dry for 24 hours, it was time to remove the paper backing and reveal the artwork underneath. I started by spraying down the entire surface with water.\nTo remove the paper backing without damaging the artwork, I'll be removing it in two passed. For the first pass I used a soft bristle toothbrush and applied medium pressure.",
"I carefully scrubbed the bulk of the paper backing away. The paper clogs the bristles, so make sure and clean the toothbrush often.\nThe first pass removed the bulk of the paper backing, but there is still a thin layer obscuring the artwork. To remove this I rewet the board and did another pass this time using only my fingers. This allows me to be very gentle and feel when I have removed the remaining paper leaving only the artwork behind.\nStep 4: Cut to Final Size\nWith the paper backing removed, it's time to trim the board to final size. I line the edge of my track saw guide to the black border surrounding the artwork. I then cut all four sides of the board to final size. I then sand the freshly cut edges smooth with 220 grit sandpaper.\nStep 5: Painting and Clear Coat\nTo complete the look of the board and hide the plywood edges, I paint the sides of the board with black acrylic paint. This would also be the perfect time to touch up any of the artwork that may have been rubbed off when removing the paper backing. I chose to leave the imperfections as it fit the theme of the board nicely.\nTo seal in the artwork and protect the surface of the board I'm using Polycrylic Clear Matte. I apply a thin layer to the entire surface and edges of the board. The Polycrylic likes to spill over the edge so I make sure and clean up any drips from the edges of the board.\nAfter letting the first coat dry, the surface of the board is pretty rough. To smooth it out, I lightly sand the surface and edges with 220 grit sandpaper. I then apply another coat of Polycrylic. I repeat this process until I have 4 coats of Polycrylic on the board. When all the layers have dried, I'm left with a silky smooth finish.\nStep 6: Printing and Coloring the Planchette\nWith the game board complete, I can start making the Planchette, which is the piece you use to move around the board.",
"Modern Geometric Candle Holders\nIntroduction: Modern Geometric Candle Holders\nWood prices have nearly tripled recently. This makes it the perfect time to hunt and scavenge for free materials. The wood for these candle holders was rescued from a construction site dumpster and turned into these modern geometric candleholders. They are fun to make and very fast and easy to batch out making them a very good product to sell. Back when local craft shows were a thing before the lock down these candle holders were one of my best selling products and would sell out almost immediately.\nThis project truly embodies the spirit of Trash to Treasure as I turned wood headed for a landfill into a product that customers loved and generates profit to fund future projects and tools.\nUsing a few basic tools found in most small garage woodshops, I will show you how to build a few of these Geometric Candle Holders of your very own.\nIf you would like a copy of the template I designed I have a link to it in the video description.\nSupplies\n2 x 3 Dimensional Lumber\nPolycrylic Clear Matte\nTea Light Candles\nHot Glue\nMaking Tape\nSandpaper\n3 inch Nails\nStryofoam Sheet\nColor Spray Paint (optional)\nStep 1: Getting Started\nThe wood for this project came from two, roughly four foot sections of 2x3's I found in a construction site dumpster. I spoke with the construction crew and asked if it would be ok to take a few pieces and they gave me the go ahead. I always ask before I take any material from construction sites just to be sure it's ok.\nI started this project by printing and laminating a copy of the template I made. Laminating the template isn't required, but it does keep the template from ripping and tearing when using it multiple times. I've made hundreds of these candle holders using the same laminated template! With the template laminated I cut it out using a hobby knife.\nStep 2: Cutting the Blanks\nI marked out a line on my miter saw fence 8 inches away from the blade. Using a clamp and a scrap of wood I clamp it to my miter saw fence. This will allow me to butt up my wood to the stop block and make repeated cuts over and over again without having to measure every time.\nI cut both 2x3's into 8 inch long blanks.",
"I was able to get 10 blanks out of both pieces with very little wood left over.\nStep 3: Drilling the Holes\nWith the blanks cut to size I chose which face I wanted for the top. I tried to avoid any knots or major defects. Once I chose my top I lined the template up to the blank and transferred the center mark using a scratch awl. This left me with three impressions I will use at the drill press. I repeated this process until all of the blanks had marks on the tops.\nWith a 1 and 5/8ths inch forstner bit chucked up in my drill press I lined up the center of the bit with the marks I made and drilled three holes into each candle holder blank.\n**Pro Tip**\nSave those wood shavings! You can make so many cool things with them, like the Water Resistant Fire Starters I showed you how to make in a previous Instructable found here\n\nStep 4: Creating the Facets\nI set my miter saw fence to random degrees and cut the ends of the blanks into random angles. I switched the angle every two or so cuts as I wanted a lot of variation between the candle holders. To further randomize the angles I also tilted the blade to random angles. This process leaves the candle holders with really nice randomized facets on the ends.\nStep 5: Cutting Randomized Side Profiles\nUsing the cut off scraps from the miter saw, I attached them to the bottom of the candle holders using masking tape. This will give me a random side profile when I run them through the bandsaw. When cutting the sides on the bandsaw, I kept constant downward pressure on the middle of the piece so that it wouldn't pivot under the pressure from the blade.\nAfter cutting one side I removed the cut offs, mixed them up, reattached them to the candle holders, and cut the other side.\nAlternatively you could tilt the table on your bandsaw, but I like how random the cuts turn out using the cut off method.\nStep 6: Sand the Pieces Smooth\nI use my belt sander to remove all of the band saw marks and sand the pieces smooth. To sand the faceted ends I used the disc sander attached to my belt sander and adjusted the angle to match the angle of the facet.",
"Sheet Metal Pumpkin Yard Decoration\nIntroduction: Sheet Metal Pumpkin Yard Decoration\nThis is just a quick and simple project to bring a little Halloween décor to your yard. I bought this ceiling tile years ago because I wanted to use it as a ceiling light medallion but I never got around to doing that project. The ceiling tile just sat around in my garage gathering dust. I saw a similar pumpkin decoration at a roadside stand, made out of corrugated metal and that's when the inspiration hit me to use the ceiling tile to make my own version.\nSupplies\nTin Ceiling Tile\nTin Snips\nMarker\nDremel with cut off disk\nSandpaper\nSaw\nWooden Stakes\nConstruction Adhesive\nStep 1:\nThe first thing I did was draw my pumpkin using a blue marker. I wasn't going for perfection here just your basic everyday pumpkin. I used a blue marker because I could see the lines better than a black marker. You can see from my drawing that the lines aren't perfect. Consider them a rough guide for where to cut. Pumpkins are organic and far from perfect just like me.\nStep 2:\nI used a pair of straight cutting tin snips to cut out the perimeter of the pumpkin. Then I used my Dremel tool with a cut off disk to cut out the eyes, nose, and mouth.",
"Lastly I sanded the edges so they wouldn't be so rough. Make sure to wear gloves when working with thin metal it can be very sharp and easily cause an injury.\n*Tin snips come in different cutting angles or rather there are some tin snips that are for cutting straight lines and others for cutting curves that go left or curves that go right. If you are buying tin snips make sure you grab the correct pair for task at hand. They are sometimes sold in a 3 pack with all three types that will cover all your tin snipping needs.\nStep 3:\nI didn't want to screw through the front of the pumpkin so I decided to use some construction adhesive to attach the stakes to the pumpkin. Before attaching the stakes to the pumpkin I painted the bottom halves black so that they would not be as noticeable when placed outside. Using my caulk gun I liberally spread some construction adhesive on each stake and pushed them in to place I made sure to avoid any of the eye and mouth holes. I used some heavy metal weights to apply pressure on the stakes while the adhesive set.\nStep 4:\n*Bonus tip: Since I only used a little bit of the construction adhesive I wanted to save the rest for later use so I got a 3 inch long screw and shoved it in to the hole of the tube then tightly wrapped the tip in electrical tape. I use this method for storing caulk and silicone tubes too. It works fairly well. The last time I had used this particular tube of construction adhesive was about 1 month ago and it was still good.\nStep 5:\nOnce the construction adhesive dried I staked the pumpkin decoration in our front garden bed to hopefully spread a little bit of Halloween happiness.\nThis is a quick and relatively easy project that has a lot of room for error since the pumpkin can be less than perfect. And I really like the look of the tin ceiling tile which sets this pumpkin apart, it is definitely one of a kind.",
"Scrap Plywood Coffee Table\nIntroduction: Scrap Plywood Coffee Table\nThis coffee table is made from scrap plywood leftover from another project. It was a fun project and fairly easy to build.\nSupplies\n* various pieces of scrap wood [or you could use one sheet of 1/2\" or 3/4\" birch plywood)\n* [1x] bottle of wood glue\n* [4x] 16\" hairpin legs\n* 1\" wood screws for legs [16x]\n* [1x) polyurethane\n* Table Saw\n* Miter Saw\n* Router\n* Router Circle Jig\n* Palm Sander\n* Sand Paper (80, 120 & 220 grit)\n* Tack Cloth\n* Power Drill\nStep 1: Gather Scrap Pieces\nDepending on the final size of your table you will need several strips for the glue up. After sorting through various pieces I ended up using about 45-50 strips of scrap wood to make a table that was 25\" in diameter.\nStep 2: Cut to Length\nI cut the pieces roughly about 30\" in length. This gave me a few inches to work with in case I messed up cutting the circle. If you want your table to be bigger than 25\" in diameter then cut the pieces longer and add a few more strips to your glue up.\nStep 3: Cut to Width\nUsing a table saw, cut the strips to a width of 2\". Your table's thickness can be more or less, but I felt 2\" would give me a hearty look.\nStep 4: Glue Up\nLayout the strips in the order you want and apply glue evenly. Do a few strips at a time to get started so it makes it easier to glue bigger sections once you get to the end. Let the glue dry.\nStep 5: Find the Center Point\nThere are a couple of ways to find the center point, but for this project I just measured the length and width of table top and adjusted according to how much room I had available.",
"At my shortest points I was just shy of 13\" from center. This gave me some room to play with as I cut and ended up being about 12.5\" from center giving me a diameter of 25\".\nStep 6: Cut Out the Table\nThere are several methods to cutting out a circle on a project (jig saw, table saw, router, etc.). Whatever you use I would recommend having some guide to help you. I used a router with a circle jig which made it very easy. Remember to prop up your piece on a few boards underneath and the start with a few shallow passes. Continue making passes and lowering the bit until excess is trimmed off.\nStep 7: Sand and Finish\nUsing a palm sander I started with 80 grit and worked my way up to 220 grit. After I finished sanding I used a tack cloth and shop vac to remove all the dust.\nI had some leftover Polyx-Oil leftover from another project and applied 3 coats (giving it time to dry in between each coat). There are numerous protective finishes you can use on a project like this, so just use what is available to you and follow their directions.\nStep 8: Add the Legs\nI picked up these hairpin legs at my local Home Improvement store. Since it was a smaller table I was originally going to only add 3 legs, but felt 4 made it more sturdy.\nI measured about an inch in from the side of the table to corner of the legs and just measured the the space between them until they were even and then screwed them in.\nStep 9: Final Product\nI hope you enjoy the build as much as I did.",
"Cat Clock W/fish\nIntroduction: Cat Clock W/fish\nHere is a fun and pretty easy clock to make if you have a few tools, glue, and pendulum clock mechanism.\nStep 1: Supplies\nPendulum clock mechanism (Amazon)\nbasswood, thin craft sheets (you can also use foam core)\nbandsaw or coping saw\nsandpaper\n5\" circular plaque\nair dry clay or equivalent\ndrill\nwhite primer\nacrylic (brushes water etc...)\nwood glue, pencil, paper, sharpie marker, scissor, AA battery\nStep 2: Design the Clock\nFirst, do a sketch of the clock you want to make. I chose to make a cat with a fish on his tail. Next draw the actual size body parts. Plan on using a base for the animal which also needs to be cut from the basswood.",
"outline the body parts with a sharpie, then cut and place on the base piece to be sure of the size. note that the 5\" plaque will become the belly of the beast and also the actual face of the clock.\nStep 3: Transfer to Basswood\nUsing the body parts as templates trace them to the basswood (or foam core, then you would use an exacto blade to cut)\nCut your wood pieces I used a band saw however when I have done this activity with my younger kids they use a coping saw.\nsand all edges and spray prime...You do not have to spray prime but I find it is easier to eventually paint.\nStep 4: Drill Hole\nline the circular plaque and the base piece carefully together and drill a hole through both pieces.\nStep 5: Extra Features\nI used air-dry clay to mold eyes etc. for my creatures.\nStep 6: Paint the Clock\nPaint and decorate all the body and clock parts (I decided my cat needed whiskers!) When dry glue all the pieces together (including clay pieces.) When gluing clock face to base be sure the hole lines up exactly. I used wood glue except for gluing the pendulum rod to the fish.\nStep 7: Assemble Clock Mechanism\nas directed on package.\nStep 8: Finished\nInsert AA battery and your clock is finished.\nPictured are other animal clocks that I have made.\nAlso if you take a look at other Instructables I have posted you will see a pretty cool Monopoly Clock!",
"Pi Pie Stand\nIntroduction: Pi Pie Stand\nTo celebrate Pi Day I decided nothing would be better than making a pun! So, I made a Pi stand. I feel like people who are quirky enough to celebrate their love of pie and Pi would get a kick out of this unique twist on the traditional cake stand, and the added strip of walnut inlay gives this Pi stand enough character to make it stand out beneath the pie its holding.\nSupplies\nMaterials needed:\nFor the Pi piece\n10 inch long x 6 inch wide x 2 inch thick Piece of Maple ( I used maple because it was what I had on had)\nFor the round plates\nTop Plate: 14 Inch long x 10 1/2 wide x 1 inch thick Piece of Maple ( the top and bottom plate will be cut from the same piece of maple)\nBottom Plate: 12 Inch long x 7 inch wide x 1 inch thick Piece of Maple\nWalnut Inlay: 10 inch long x 2 inch wide x 1 inch thick ( you will cut you inlays from this one piece)\nTools Needed:\n* 220 grit sand paper\n* 150 grit sand paper\n* Metal Files\n* Wood glue\n* Nail Gun\n* 1 1/4 Brad Nails\n* Band Saw\n* Jointer\n* Planer\n* Table Saw\n* Disc Sander\n* Circular Saw\n* Clamps\n* Pencil Compass\n* String\n* Tape Measure\n* Pencil\n* Oil/Stain/Paint\nStep 1: Cutting Walnut\nFirst ALWAYS REMEMBER SAFETY FIRST! PLEASE WEAR PROPER EYE AND EAR PROTECTION WHEN WORKING WITH DANGEROUS TOOLS!\nTOOLS NEEDED:\n* Band saw\n* Tap measure\n* pencil\nFor this project I used rough cut wood, this will come up later as it will need to be jointed and planed, but first we need to make our cuts!\nWe will need to cut our walnut for the inlay. The three pieces of inlay will all be cut from the same piece of walnut, I only had a 10 inch piece so that was the max that I could do, but for this project that is perfect.\nCutting Initial Piece\nI used my band saw with the fence as a guide to cut all my pieces to the desired width. Before cutting make sure to mark your wood with all the correct measurements.\nCut a piece of walnut down to a strip to 10 L x 2 W x 1 thick. I drew a diagram of this in the pictures for reference.\nCutting Pi Piece\nNext is cutting the Pi piece.",
"Once again I adjusted the fence on my bandsaw to help me cut a strip off that measured\n10 inch L x 2 inch W x 1/4 inch thick. As stated above, I drew a diagram for reference.\nCutting Plate Pieces\nFinally, time to cut the strips for the top bottom and middle pieces. Take the leftover walnut and use it to cut the final two strips for your two plates.\nFor the bottom plate:\nFirst cut a strip 10 inch L x 1 inch W x 1/4 inch thick\nFor the top plate:\ncut a strip 10in L x 1 W x 1/4 inch thick\nYay! You have now cut your inlays!\nStep 2: Cutting Maple\nTOOLS NEEDED:\n* Table saw\n* Circular saw\n* Tape Measure\n* Pencil\nNow for this step we will be cutting the maple for the top and bottom plate and for the Pi shape. The top and bottom plates are fairly easy and straight forward since the wood is already the desired thickness of 1 inch so they only need to be cut to length x width.\nTop & Bottom Plate\nFor this cut I used a circular saw because my board was pretty long and it was easier to maneuver the circular saw than maneuver the board around. I clamped the board to my work table and made sure that I had my eye and ear protection on and made first my top cut of\n14 in L x 10 1/2 in W x 1 in thick\nAfter this cut, I made my bottom plate cut to\n12 in L x 7 in W x 1 in thick\nYou can use any method you like to cut your wood to your dimensions, such as a compound miter saw, hand saw, or table saw, like I said I just used my circular saw for ease.\nPi Piece\nSometimes things work out well in life and it turns out I already had a piece of maple that was perfectly sized for this project, so I did not need to cut this piece. However, I do know the wood fairies do not visit everyone and bestow perfect pieces of cut wood in their garages so they may need to cut their own.",
"Spooky Salvage Shop Silhouette\nIntroduction: Spooky Salvage Shop Silhouette\nHi there! Recently I've been interested in creating light fixtures using repurposed signage found in salvage shops, this is the second one that I've created and this time I've added a spooky twist! The fun thing about these light fixtures is that they can easily be taken apart and the images switched out depending on the season.\nSupplies\n* repurposed acrylic sineage letter (Salvage shops usually have many of these to choose from)\n* cleaning rags and water\n* screwdriver and screws\n* black and silver spray paint\n* cardboard\n* exacto knife\n* poster board\n* led light strip\n* glue stick or other adheisive\nStep 1: Finding a Letter\nFor this step I recommend going to a salvage shop in your area. I picked up my A from Sarasota Architectural Salvage, and choose it because A is the first letter of my name and my favorite color is red (which is also a perfect spooky color for Halloween!). I also recommend checking for a hole in the back leading to the inside of the letter, this is the hole that you will string your lights wiring through. What you pick for your letter itself though is completely up to you!\nStep 2: Open the Letter\nNow once you find a letter that you like, it's time to take a peek at what the inside looks like. I identified where the screws were that held the back of the letter onto the front, and took those out to separate my letter into two pieces. After that is done you can inspect the inside of the letter, and in my case, tear out any existing pieces that may interfere with the lights and silhouette that will be put into the piece.\nStep 3: Cleaning the Letter\nNow its time to tackle the dust and dirt. I used a hose and a rag for this step, but a bucket or sink will also work for it. This step is pretty self explanatory, use a rag and water wipe down your letter and get the built up dirt off of it, this will make sure your LED's come through nice and bright once they're installed in your letter!\nStep 4: Designing Your Silhouette\nFor this step its time to connect to your inner artist. In the spirit of Halloween I'm going for grim reaper imagery complete with a moon and small house on the horizon. After I made the initial sketch I made a larger sketch in order to plan out the layers for the silhouette. I settled on creating three layers, one for the grim reaper figure and a tombstone, one for the house, hill, and clouds, and the last for the moon and stars.\nStep 5: Creating the Silhouette for Your Letter\nFor this step I think the best course of action is to first trace your letter on poster board and cut out the number of layers you need, then draw and cut out your designs with an exacto knife. I started with the bottom layer of the moon and stars, drawing them then cutting them out with an exacto knife, then I moved onto the layer with the house and the clouds, and finally I cut out the grim reaper and tombstone.\nStep 6: Creating Supports for Your Silhouette\nNow that you have the layers of your silhouette cut out, there needs to be a bit of separation between each layer.",
"I chose to use cardboard for my spacing layers since its easy to get your hands on. For this step I cut out pieces of cardboard to glue onto the main figures in my piece. I had a piece for the grim reaper, pieces for the clouds, and pieces for the hill. After I was done creating these spacers, I stacked the pieces of my silhouette together with the spacers to get a feel for how it would look inside of my letter. Once your silhouette is looking the way you want it, then your ready to assemble it in the letter!\nStep 7: Assembling the Silhouette in the Letter\nFor this step you must now use your glue stick or other adhesive to stick all of the pieces you have cut out together. I assembled mine inside of the letter. We're in the home stretch now!\nStep 8: Installing the LED Lights\nFor this project I chose to install 2.5M Govee LED's. I use this brand for other lights in my house and they can all be controlled from the same app on my phone. The installation of these lights is also very straightforward, but I've included a lot of pictures since it can be hard to explain. they come in a roll with adhesive on the back. I chose a place to start near the base of my letter, and began to string them along the inside of the letter. With the length of LED's that I had I was able to go around the inside of the letter 3 times.",
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"First, I feel like the article is confusing, so it would be better if you read peer-reviewed articles instead.\n(If I recall correctly, <PERSON> & Beloborodov 2017 per your reference discusses more towards observations. It might be easier to understand if you check theoretical papers instead).\nHow does the field decay of a magnetar power the emission of high-energy electromagnetic radiation?\nA young magnetar (i.e., strongly magnetized neutron star) has two main energy components: rotational (aka. spin) and magnetic. Rotational energy has shorter timescale as shown in Eq. 2, i.e. ~ one year ( Magnetic energy would dominate later (see; note, I have never read this paper but I notice a good number at its abstract). Therefore, this gives you some sense that timescale matters.",
"You might want to also check how a magnetar/pulsar links to the pulsar wind nebula, accelerated particles, and radiation (e.g.,\nIs it as simple as ∂/∂ produces an electric field which accelerates charged particles that happen to be there, and then those accelerating particles radiate photons?\nCheck Eq. 14 of the second paper. Simply yes. Note: not all particles radiate.\nDoes the energy radiated by these photons cary any significant fraction of the total energy in the field?\nI don't understand this question. If you mean the total radiation field, significant fraction of energy in the radiation depends on factors such as timescale.\nIs the word done producing these photons the reason that the magnetic field decays?\nNot sure what you are referring to, but it sounds like a \"not quite so\" to me.\nNote: Pulsars are objects when observed we see pulse of light. Some pulsars are white dwarfs, while most of them are neutron stars. Note: The misalignment of rotation and magnetic-dipole axes + beam direction relative to observers are important. Note: While a young magnetar might produce strong jets, which can create the pulse, we might not observe the pulse because its environment does not support. You might want to check \"choked jets\" (",
"I think what you need is here on the Wikipedia. In section \"Radiation and cooling,\" it says \"The rate of cooling has been estimated ... After initially taking approximately 1.5 billion years to cool to a surface temperature of 7140 K, cooling approximately 500 more K ... takes around 0.3 billion years, but the next two steps of around 500 K ... take first 0.4 and then 1.1 billion years.\"\nOne take away is that the rate of cooling (giving a fixed change in temperature, i.e., every 500 K) is increasing non-linearly. This is because the cooling is governed by diffusion process.",
"So, at low temperature, to cool down 500 K more would take very long time than what it did in the past.\nAs someone said in the comment, there is no precise definition of a black dwarf. So, I would not say who is right or wronge without understanding how they define the cutoff.\nHowever, if you roughly define it to be at the level that its color temperature passes beyond the visible wavelength (i.e. >7000 A or < 4000 K), and if you follow the info mentioned above by extrapolating from about 5500 K and assuming the rate of changing 500 K is constant as what it did in the previous step (i.e., from 6000 to 5500K taking 1.1 billion years), approximately we get the upper limit for cooling from 5500 to 4000 K as 3 billion years. By adding about the previous 2 billion years from the initial temperature down to 5500 K, we have >5 billion years for a white dwarf from its initial state down to about 4000 K. Note that the 5 billion is a lower limit because we did not consider non-linearity.\n(Note that you can also approximate the non-linearity effect by assuming an increment of 1 billion years in each step implying by the step 6000-5000 K. By doing this, the lower limit would be >7 billion years.)\nSince the age of the universe is 13 billion years, whether you believe that a black dwark exists or not depend on i) definition, ii) rate of cooling, and iii) variation (which means there might be a white dwarf that was borned cool or living in the environment that supports better cooling than the typical population).",
"To start with, a (non rotating) black hole and a star of the same mass creates the same gravitational potential when you are far away enough. Since we observe planets at $0.05\\mathrm{AU}$ around stars of about the same mass as the sun, I think you can expect planets in this region around a similar mass black hole, according to stability criterion. Moreover, the smallest black holes you can physically create have masses of about $3-4 M_\\odot$.\nThere are multiple issues here though. First is how do you physically bring the planet that close to the black hole? I see two possibilities. Either the planet formed directly in the accretion disk of the black hole, and staid there, or the planet formed further away (say around the binary star system) and was captured by the black hole. If you assume that at $0.05\\mathrm{AU}$, the accretion disk of the black hole is not that different than the accretion disk around a protostar at early ages, then you can maybe create a planet there (I can think of a few scenario that would prevent it, but it would require a more important study). If the planet formed further away in the disk or in the binary system, it is possible to make it migrate inward.",
"This is actually called ex-situ formation in planetary systems.\nIf you imagine that the planet is tidally locked (you can try fiddling around with the formula $t_{\\text{lock}} \\approx \\frac{\\omega a^6 I Q}{3 G m_p^2 k_2 R^5}$ from wikipedia that gives the timescale for the planet to become tidally locked to get an estimate of how long it would take) and that there is no accretion disk anymore, I guess you could manage to make the system stable.\nThe final question is then to get the whole system stable on a large. Even though it may extremely unlikely, I think there has to be some stable orbits in the system using 3 body resonance, but this is not my field of expertise. having one or two stars is not making a huge difference, between the flux received from them and the gravitational pull are both in $1/r^2$, so that two stars at 1.4AU give the same flux and the same mean gravitational pull than one star at 1AU. The only difference is in the stability of the system.\nTo conclude, I guess that the system is very unlikely to exist. Yet if you manage to find a planet there, you'd require to have life:\n1. the accretion disk of the black hole has to be cleared\n2. the planet should be tidally locked to the black hole to be protected from the radiations\n3. the planet should be trapped in a very unlikely stable orbit so that it doesn't travel around in the system AND it has time to get tidally locked to the black hole",
"We don't know and you can make up the effect you want. The answer given above correctly sums up our current understanding of black holes and gravity. However, currently we can't reconcile our understanding of gravity (which explains black holes) with our understanding of quantum mechanics (which explains mater/antimatter interaction). In other words, \"nothing will happen\" ist not something we know but something we'd need to test in an experiment.\nIf you want a spectacular effect, you can make one up: During matter/antimatter annihilation, the mass/energy stops to have gravity for short moments (due to quatnum gravity effects we have not been able to observe yet, because they are to weak when we do these experiments with single atoms in a collider). This allows some mass and or radiation to escape (either in direction with the spin of the BH, or as a jet along the axis of rotation). Also the on/off sends strong gravitational waves.",
"Some of the emitted matter/energy lumps may be dense enough to form black holes themselves, they may loose momentum when interacting with the accretion disks and fall back into the large BH ...\nThe shape will be weird - wikipedia has this to say about a black hole merger: \"As two black holes approach each other, a ‘duckbill’ shape protrudes from each of the two event horizons towards the other one. This protrusion extends longer and narrower until it meets the protrusion from the other black hole. At this point in time the event horizon has a very narrow X-shape at the meeting point. The protrusions are drawn out into a thin thread. The meeting point expands to a roughly cylindrical connection called a bridge.\"\nOne question that a reader with a good grasp of physiscs will have is when this cataclysm will happen - I think our best guess according to current physics is that time will stop inside the event horizon due to gravitationl time dilation. Short 'hiccups' in gravity will also stop this dilation.\nFor story purposes it would be a bad idea if the affair becomes a completly naked singularity (20 SM matter annihiliation?), however I think you can make up a mechanism with that only partially ot for short moments 'opens' the event horizon.\nFor scientists this will be very exciting because it is the first chance to look at a naked singularity. Problem is: Noone can quite predict what will happen, so noone knows the safe distance to observe the event!",
"My original answer below is wrong, see the correct answer of <PERSON>. The author of the OP 0x90 asked me to not delete this answer and instead explain why it was wrong. Perhaps this can be a teachable moment in how the EHT pictures can be misinterpreted.\nThis is because of the tilt of the accretion disk with respect of our line of sight. The accretion disk is \"in front\" of the black hole in the southern part of the image.\nYou can compare with this image from the 5th paper of the ApJ Letters \"First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. V. Physical Origin of the Asymmetric Ring\", which shows one of the best-fit theoretical simulations alongside the observed image:\nThere is a number of other effects at play, though. You see only a narrow frequency band, so once the light is shifted by the Doppler effect to a different wavelength in either direction, or when the plasma has the wrong temperature, you stop seeing it in the image. An additional general-relativistic effect is a \"space-time push\" the rotation of the black hole gives to co-rotating photons, which causes a slight west-east asymmetry in the image as well.\nExplanation why the above is wrong:\nAs already noted, the what we see in the EHT image reconstruction is not just any image, it is a representation of the strength of a radio signal at almost exactly 1.3 mm in wavelength. Even though it is rendered in yellow to orange color for intuition, it is not an ordinary image of an object over a continuous spectrum and the radiation of the plasma ends up being much more directional and specific than you might usually expect. Another ingredient that greatly complicates the understanding of the image are relativistic effects.",
"For example, often the emission from behind a black hole turns out to outshine anything in front of it! Even judging a slightly blurred numerical simulations without additional knowledge requires a great deal of direct experience with the problem.\nThe crucial mistake I made was the assumption that the image would always be rotated so that the assumed spin axis is pointing north. This is how every numerical simulation result is presented and I have been fooled by doing too much theory to think differently. Naturally, if they do not even know where the spin axis is pointing and have at best a blurry idea, it is better to plot with respect to a standard system of celestial coordinates, which happened in the EHT image.\nNow let me expand on <PERSON> answer to contribute to the picture of how the image emerges. I extracted and rotated this picture from simulations of <PERSON> and other EHT collaborators (2014, A&A): In this picture you see simulation results where the jet as well as the black hole spin are tilted in various ways with respect to the observer (the jet and spin are always aligned here). The tilt is the same in every column, and every row represents a different magnification and wavelength of observations. You see that when the plasma is moving toward you, it appears brighter. This is relativistic Doppler beaming. There are various components to the image, including not only the disk but also the jet.\nIf the disk was edge on, you would see a ring created by the jet (plus disk-to-jet transitioning matter) that is stricken through by the main disk. This corresponds to the right-most column. As you rotate more and more (but not quite) face-on towards the disk, there will still be a component of the plasma that ends up being strongly beamed towards you while the whole image starts looking quite a lot like a pure ring (left-most column). This is the current leading scenario for what EHT saw in M87.",
"A simple way to think about this problem is simply in terms of which planetary orbits are stable in a given binary star system.\nLet's talk about S-type orbits, where a planet's orbit around its star is smaller than the mutual orbit of the two stars. There is an outer edge of stability: planet orbits that are wider than a certain distance are unstable. That distance is directly linked to the closest approach between the two stars, Rmin. The ballpark number is generally 1/3: orbits start to be stable at about 1/3 of Rmin. So, if the two stars' closest approach is 30 AU, planetary orbits are stable out to about 10 AU. This is not a really firm number, because it depends to some degree on things like the stars' masses, how eccentric the stars' orbit is, and how inclined the stars' orbit is relative to the plane of the planets. But it's a good ballpark number.\nSo, for your case of a binary separated by 20 AU, you could plausibly have planets orbiting both stars out to, say, 6-7 AU.",
"If you want to be conservative put the edge at 5 AU. If the stars have different masses, then the more massive star can have planets farther out. If the binary orbit is eccentric, say with e=0.5, then the closest approach distance would be 20 AU * (1 - e) = 10 AU, so the outer edge for stable orbits would be at around 3 AU.\nOf course, you can pack as many planets as you want interior to that radius (see here for example:\nYou could also have planets orbiting exterior to the two stars, on P-type orbits. The ballpark criterion for planets on P-type orbits is that the inner edge of stability is at least 2 times the maximum separation of the two stars. So, for the case of your binary separated by 20 AU, you could have planets orbiting past ~40 AU (or, to be conservative, past ~50 AU). If your binary has an eccentricity of 0.5, then the farthest separation of the two stars would be 20 AU * (1 + e) = 30 AU, so you could have planets anywhere past 60-ish AU. Again, there are lots of details but this is the simple ballpark way to think about it.\nAnd FYI see here for a summary of the effect of binary stars on planets:\nThis figure shows the punchline:\nHope this helps!\nps - HDE 226868: very nice detailed answer related to formation.",
"I'm following <PERSON> direction of thinking.\n1. Mars and Earth orbit the Sun. A single blow can't put Mars into path where it would gradually decrease its distance to Earth for 300 years.\n2. One could attempt to put Mars onto an eccentric orbit intersecting with Earth's orbit. That would require a knock of velocity of at last 2500 km/h (calculations below), thus quite some more than 21 km/h. Mars would then intersect the Earth's orbit in less than a year. Depending on the initial positions of the planets on their orbits the collision could occur during the first intersection or one of the further ones. If however they would not collide for 300 years, the Earth's orbit could be still perturbed by the gravitational force of Mars, which by itself could have catastrophic results. Predicting the details would require a complex simulation.\n3. If you want to postpone the collision for 300 years, I would propose to knock Mars away from the Sun, so it would cross Neptune's orbit and come back after 300 years to hit the Earth. One still would need to take into account possible interactions of Mars with the outer planets and perform very precise calculations, but that might be easier than keeping Mars just next to the Earth without a collision for 300 years. The knock velocity to the planet would need to exceed 11500 km/h so even more. An advantage of this method is that depending on the planets position the recoil may put the protagonist into virtually any spot in the solar system you want, including the Earth or its Moon.\n4. As the others pointed out, if the protagonist transfers momentum to the planet, it receives the same momentum in the opposite direction. For 2500 km/h knock on Mars a 100kg protagonist would receive energy of 16·10¹⁵ GeV per each nucleus of his body.",
"This is a lot. That's way more than any energy ever produced in laboratory or observed in nature. That's a hypothesized energy of Grand Unification ( The act of knocking would be extremely violent. Complete disintegration of any molecular and nuclear structures, production of any known and perhaps unknown particles, maybe even black holes.\n5. Some suggested that the knock would destroy the planet. Maybe. The energy of the knock described in point 2 is 39·10³⁰ J, while Mars binding energy is perhaps 5·10³⁰ J. Some matter would follow in the desired direction. It's difficult for me to speculate how exactly it would turn out.\n6. Once the protagonist lands on another target planet or moon, it transfers its momentum to it, causing similar level of destruction and orbital perturbation as that done to Mars. As the others pointed out, it would violently interact with any matter on its way, and even with cosmic background (see:\nMaths. I'm sorry if there are any mistakes, but note we're in the regime where adding or deleting a zero wouldn't change the conclusions.\n1. Knocking Mars towards the Earth The total (potential and kinetic) energy of a planet with mass m orbiting around a star with mass M is $$E = -G\\frac{Mm}{2a},$$ where a is the semi-major axis.\nAssuming Mars following a circular orbit, $a=R_\\mathrm{Mars}$ (distance between Mars and the Sun), $$E_\\mathrm{Mars} = -187·10^{30} \\mathrm{J}.$$\nFor elliptic orbit between the present Mars and Earth's orbits $a = (R_\\mathrm{Mars} + R_\\mathrm{Earth})/2$, $$E_\\mathrm{Mars-Earth} = -226·10^{30} \\mathrm{J}. $$\nThe knock corresponds to change of the energy by $$\\Delta E = E_\\mathrm{Mars-Earth} - E_\\mathrm{Mars} = -39·10^{30} \\mathrm{J}.$$ As the potential energy remains constant, $\\Delta E$ corresponds to change of the kinetic energy only.\nThe orbital velocity of Mars is $v_\\mathrm{Mars} = 86430$ km/h, it's initial kinetic energy is $E_\\mathrm{k} = mv_\\mathrm{Mars}^{2}/2$, and final kinetic energy (just after the knock) is $$E_\\mathrm{k} + \\Delta{E} = m\\frac{(v_\\mathrm{Mars} + \\Delta v)^{2}}{2}.",
"The other answers are correct in terms of the principal reason that lighter molecules are much more likely to escape the atmosphere. However, it seems that the premise of the question (and perhaps also of some of the answers and comments) is based on an incorrect model of atmospheric escape.\nMolecules from most parts of the atmosphere would never escape regardless of velocity.\nThe picture below is taken from this document (recommended reading) and illustrates that escape is basically only possible for molecules above 500 km (the exosphere). Molecules below that will (most likely) collide with other molecules before escaping.\nSo, what is the atmospheric composition like in the exosphere?\nThe figure below shows the mixing ratios for the main components between 0 and 1000 km based on data taken from NRLMSISE-00. The exosphere is shaded in grey. As you can see, the most abundant molecules in the exosphere are atomic oxygen, helium and hydrogen.",
"Hence, it is kind of a moot point to discuss escape velocities of molecular hydrogen and oxygen. Of course, the mass ratio happens to be the same since they are both diatomic molecules (but note that a large part of the atomic hydrogen in the exosphere originated from water in the lower atmosphere rather than from molecular hydrogen).\nIt is also very hot in the exosphere (~1000 K) so making calculations for surface temperatures is also technically wrong (though again, it may happen to give the same qualitative result when comparing two species).\nYes, lighter molecules (or atoms) are much more likely to escape the atmosphere. The by far biggest reason for this is that they are much more likely to reach escape velocity (see the other answers). But another contributing factor is that they are much more likely to reach the upper layers of the atmosphere where they can escape because of gravitational stratification, which starts already in the heterosphere. However, most molecular species will be photolyzed into their atomic constituents by UV radiation before they reach altitudes high enough to escape, so it is really the mass of the atoms that matter. Another factor that is very important for which species reach the top of the atmosphere is of course chemical processes in the atmosphere, but that is a whole different chapter.",
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"looking on getting rats! TELL ME EVERYTHING!\ni’ve been wanting a new pet, and rats seem like a good option. I was thinking 2 female rats, bonded.\ni currently have a cat and a small dog. i’ve had 2 hamsters and 4 fancy rats and many many other pets.\nwhat size cage do i need? i prefer getting a tall standing one rather than a wide/long floor one, but what’s good for them?.\nanything on food? special care? what should i look out for that ISNT good for them? are hanging nets alright? toys?\ntell me EVERYTHING!!!",
"looking on getting rats! give me advice!!!!\ni’ve been wanting a new pet, and rats seem like a good option. I was thinking 2 female rats, bonded.\ni currently have a cat and a small dog. i’ve had 2 hamsters and 4 fancy rats and many many other pets.\nwhat size cage do i need? i prefer getting a tall standing one rather than a wide/long floor one, but what’s good for them?.\nanything on food? special care? what should i look out for that ISNT good for them? are hanging nets alright? toys?\ntell me EVERYTHING!!!",
"i’m looking on getting PET rats. what do i need to know?\ni’ve been wanting a new pet, and rats seem like a good option. I was thinking 2 female rats, bonded.\ni currently have a cat and a small dog. i’ve had 2 hamsters and 4 fancy rats and many many other pets.\nwhat size cage do i need? i prefer getting a tall standing one rather than a wide/long floor one, but what’s good for them?.\nanything on food? special care? what should i look out for that ISNT good for them? are hanging nets alright? toys?\ntell me EVERYTHING!!!",
"how to cope with turtle death\ni had a painted turtle that was dumped out into someone’s lawn because it had a growth disorder. each time he dropped his scutes, multiple layers came off, so he never grew, and we fed him a lot of calcium, so that was not an issue.",
"i used to bring him out a lot and handle him (he was a sweet little turtle, never bit) and i slowly transitioned to not holding him as much to never holding him due to covid and getting new pets, also my dad put the turtle in his office. (works from home) i recently found him limp and floating around in his enclosure, eyes pink and mouth open (didn’t look like he died peacefully) and i just feel horrible for not spending more of my time with him and i wonder if anyone has a way to cope. it’s been days and even though i wasn’t super attached, i just can’t get over it for some reason",
"is it bad to pop my cat?\ni bought a cat about a month and a half ago from a litter my grandmas cat had and he’s grown into such an energetic and playful cat. He always sleeps with me, rubs on me and licks me a ton and loves to pushed under my hands so i’ll let him. However recently he’s started playing with me a lot more than usual and unfortunately his version of playing hurts a fucking ton.",
"my arms are constantly covered in bites and scratches and sometimes they sting for hours. i know he doesn’t mean to actually hurt me but i can’t help but smack the hell out of him sometimes out of reaction or toss him off of me when he hurts me. he always looks so offended and runs off a bit but eventually we’re back to normal until he wants to play again. is hitting my cat bad? i don’t hit him hard just a bit of a smack but it still feels bad when i have to.\nTL;DR - sometimes when my cat plays with me i smack him out of reaction and i feel bad and like i’m hurting him despite not hitting hard.",
"new pup, need advice!!\nmy partner and i just adopted an adorable 5 month old german shepard/alaskan husky mix. shes obviously stressed about the new environment because she wont eat or pee at her pee pad (but had no trouble peeing in carpeted room).",
"she was also just spayed so she’s very low energy rn. any advice for us as new dog owners? i.e. how to get her to pee at her pee pad, get her to eat, how to care for her since she just got spayed, training, etc",
"is it cruel to lock my cat out of my room when i workout?\ni’ve been turning my life around a good bit recently and a part of that is starting workout routines. i’ve been doing it for a bit of a month now and i just absolutes cannot do it in a room that isn’t closed off.",
"my cat sees me moving fast and thinks it’s play time and goes absolutely crazy and crawls on me and stuff and i just can’t get my workouts done. i started going into a separate closed off room to do then now but my cat completely loses its mind and whines louder than i’ve ever heard it whine before at my door and tries to force himself under it. i’ve seen posts saying it cruel to lock your cat away from you even if for a short time but i just can’t workout with him around me.",
"Dog loves other animals, not aggressive at all but when i take her out in public she goes rabid if she sees another dog! Please read\nhi y'all, i have a 1.5 yo lab/pit mix. she lives w 2 small cats, 1 large dog and a little puppy. she is besties with everyone, specifically the little puppy. never acted aggressive.",
"the thing is, when i take her to a park or just out in public, if she sees another dog she goes CRAZY. she is a very large dog and although i know shes just excited the owner ger really scared because she's pulling with all of her might snapping and barking very loudly (she has a terrifying bark). ive taken her to the dog beach and prak before, she was perfectly fine. made friends with other dogs just fine.\nhow can i train her to not do this? sshould i just get a muzzle?",
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"As <PERSON> said, you won't know for sure until you do a finite element analysis. I was intrigued by this question as a colleague and I got into a discussion about this. While we both agreed the diagonal bracing would be better at resisting deflection, we wondered by what factor it would be better.\nWe were really curious so we settled the debate and did a quick structural analysis on SkyCiv Structural 3D (can try for free for one month if anyone is wondering). It took around an hour to set up both gates and analyze them mainly because we had to generate the node positions from scratch. Anyways here are the results of the linear static analysis which take into account the assumptions and simplifications you made. We applied a 5 kN POINT LOAD at both F1 and F2 and made each support a pin support at the locations you specified.",
"Note that in the 3D colored results the deflection is 12X greater than the actual deflection of the gate in both scenarios - it is exaggerated so you can see the deflected shape of the gates.\nGate #1\n$\\text{y-deflection at the bottom-left of the gate} = 31.74\\text{ mm}$\n$\\text{Max total deflection} = 32.10\\text{ mm}$\nGate #2\n$\\text{y-deflection at the bottom-left of the gate} = 7.84\\text{ mm}$\n$\\text{Max total deflection} = 7.55\\text{ mm}$\nDiagonal bracing (Gate #2) is clearly the winner. So when both gates are subjected to the same load it looks like Gate #2 resists deflection better (i.e. is more stiff) by a factor of 4.25.\nSome more interesting points:\n* There's a pretty high bending stress at that top right support in both scenarios ~ 350 MPa.\n* The analysis didn't take into account self-weight of the gates.\nAlso let me add that there looks to be a scaling issue with the diagonal grid you have drawn, because when I modeled it I found that there were far less points than what was suggested by your diagram. I ensured that the parallel spacing between each rhombus was 300mm. This means the diagonal of each rhombus is roughly 424mm. Your gate is 3300mm in length so that means around 8 rhombi should fit across your gate in the x-direction - but you've drawn around 12. Just thought I'd let you know.",
"Shear stress in Interstellar docking scene\nThe movie Interstellar has a scene where a huge spaceship (64 meter diameter ring) called Endurance is spinning out of control after an explosion. The protagonist slows its angular velocity down by docking his smaller craft (Ranger) to Endurance and using Ranger's retro thrusters for about 30 seconds until their (Ranger+Endurance) angular velocity is reduced to zero.\nThe first time I watched the scene, I couldn't stop thinking the docking mechanism would have to be massively strong to resist the shear stress caused by the torque applied to Endurance.\nI did some back of the envelope calculations to estimate the shear stress it would have to withstand.\n$$ \\omega = \\frac{2\\pi}{T} $$\n$$ \\alpha = -\\frac{\\omega}{\\Delta{t}} $$\n$$ I = MR^2 $$\n$$ \\mathcal{T} = I\\alpha = -\\frac{2{\\pi}MR^{2}}{T\\Delta{t}} $$\nWhere:\n$$ \\omega \\text{ is the angular velocity of the Endurance.}\\ \\alpha \\text{ is the angular acceleration required to stop the spin.}\\ I \\text{ is the moment of inertia of the Endurance approximating it to a ring.}\\ \\mathcal{T}\\text{ is the torque required to slow the Endurance down.} $$\nMy estimates follow: $$ T \\text{ is visually about 6 rpm, although TARS says 60 rpm. So } \\text{0.1 }s^{-1}.\\ \\Delta{t} \\text{ is about } 30 \\text{ s}.\\ M \\text{ is unknown.",
"I will use 445,000 kg to match the ISS mass.}\\ R \\text{ is 32 m, Endurance being 64-meter wide.} $$\nThe required torque would be $\\mathcal{T} = -954\\text{ MNm}$.\nThat is huge! And it should come from retro thrusters!\nSo I estimated the shear stress considering the docking mechanism to be a solid round shaft. It is a best case scenario, since it would have to be hollow to allow flow of people.\n$$ \\tau = \\frac{\\mathcal{T}r}{I_p} $$\nWhere:\n$$ \\tau \\text{ is the shear stress at distance }r\\text { from the center}\\ I_p \\text{ is the shaft polar moment of inertia.} $$\nFor a solid round shaft $I_p = \\pi{r}^4/2$. So if we consider a $\\text{2 m}$ diameter solid shaft, the maximum shear stress would be:\n$$ \\tau_{\\text{max}} = \\frac{2\\mathcal{T}}{\\pi{r}^3} $$\nAnd that would give $\\tau_{\\text{max}} = 607 \\text{ MPa}$.\nThis is above what most types of steel would withstand.\nDo my calculations make sense? Would that be possible in the real world anyhow?",
"The simple answer is that it isn't resolving in both orthogonal directions equally well. The horizontal dimension is the binocular dimension, and from looking at your animation, it looks to have about ~3 times the resolution. The horizontal banding, I'm pretty sure is not ringing, and is in fact, representative of additional information.\nThis article does a nice job of explaining what is being seen, and it has a picture, both of a simulated depiction of Io from one of the two telescope mirrors, and the combined image. The thing you should notice from the above image is that the 8.4 m telescope picture is at the same resolution as the vertical axis of your animation.\nWhat is going on with the interferometer image?\nBy increasing the separation between telescopes, we increase the angular resolution. Just about everyone with a casual interest in astronomy will have learned that fact in this past week.\nBut the other thing you do, is introduce interference patterns. The two telescopes essentially act like a double slit experiment. In the vertical (non binocular) dimension, the diffraction can be treated like a single-slit experiment.",
"The angular intensity formula for a single slit is as follows: $$ I(\\theta) = I_0 sinc^2(\\frac{\\pi b sin(\\theta)}{\\lambda})$$ where $b$ is the diameter of each mirror, and $\\lambda$ is the wavelength of the light.\nThe horizontal (binocular) dimension acts as a double slit. The double slit formula is as follows: $$ I(\\theta) = I_0 cos^2(\\frac{\\pi d sin(\\theta)}{\\lambda})sinc^2(\\frac{\\pi b sin(\\theta)}{\\lambda})$$ where $d$ is the distance between the centres of the two telescopes.\nWhen you combine these two together, using the telescopes dimensions that you quotes (b=8.4, d=14.4), you come up with a pattern remarkably close to what you actually see from the telescope.\nOn the left, screencapture from above animation, on the right, the predicted double slit intensity.\nFringe removal\nIt seems that the animation you saw is based off unprocessed images from the LBT. Obviously, they have methods for removing the fringe bands. As to how, I have no idea. I found a paper that discusses interferometry in depth and they mention:\nWhat we therefore have is a series of fringes, whose amplitude is given by the Fourier transform of the source intensity distribution. In practice, steps are usually taken to get rid of the fringes using a phase rotation whose rate is known (as both B and s are known). This is done in optical interferometers by use of accurate delay lines to compensate for the path difference, and in radio interferometers by the insertion of electronic delays.\nBut I have no idea what that means. Perhaps some boffin from Physics.SE would be nice enough to answer.",
"FOV reduction with Fresnel\nI have a simple optical system that works based on energy collection. (i.e. I have a photo diode that counts photons). I don't do any imaging. For my application, I need to have a specific FOV and I have been trying to build this FOV using off the shelf Fresnel lenses. (my FOV is 200x200mm high at 300mm away from the lens system, I am trying to reflect this to a 2.5x2.5 detector)\nI basically, take an image of my FOV (i.e. assume my FOV is an image) at target distance, I ray trace through three fresnel lenses (F=15, F=15, F=10.2 all same diameter), I position the lenses such that each one is 1 mm away from each other on the same axis.",
"Each one is 2mm thick. The final image of FOV falls on to the detector.\nWhen I measure each lens individually, they all adhere to their spec (ie. focal length), however when I construct my system (really putting one after the other with 1mm gap), I think there is a problem:\n1. The energy collection is not what it is supposed to be (the diameter of the first lens is 10mm, so I expect roughly 10x amplification but I only see around 5)\n2. I take a bright light (white LED) and shine to lens system (at this moment system is in my hand and I am reflecting to a surface) hoping to see a bright image of the source. I do not see the source brightly, if anything it is very weak.\n3. I take out the third lens and use the first two and repeat the bright light experiment and same result, image is brighter compared to three lens but not as bright as a single lens experiment. I assume the loss is about 5% on each surface so this loss on brightness is puzzling.\nNow, does it make sense to do what I am trying to do with Fresnel lenses? Assuming my trace is correct (I am pretty sure it is), where else I should be looking?\nWhat other methods you recommend, I really need a very low cost optical front end to reduce the FOV to detector.",
"Interesting question! I always enjoying trying to see where the second law is hiding.\nRather than considering the details of the CPCs, I'm going to steel man the concept and consider a perfect optical element which conserves optical etendue.\nEnergy balance from the perspective of plate 1\nAt best, etendue ($\\epsilon$) of heat fluxes will be conserved between the plates,\n$$ \\epsilon_1 = \\epsilon_2 \\ A_1 n_1^2 \\sin(\\theta_1) = A_2 n_2^2 \\sin(\\theta_2) $$\nNote, for the actual configuration the optical elements are not perfect, $\\epsilon_1 > \\epsilon_2$. So actual system will not reach this limit.\nTop plate has subscript 1 and bottom subscript 2.\nThe optical energy balance between the plates is the etendue multiplied by the power emitted by the blackbody (<PERSON>–Boltzmann law).\nFor plate 1,\n$$ \\epsilon_1 \\sigma T_1^4 $$\nFor plate 2, $$ \\epsilon_2 \\sigma T_2^4 $$\nAt equilibrium, the rates of energy exchanged between the plates must be equal to each other, because otherwise temperatures will carry on increasing forever — you have a perpetual motion machine.\nAs you already said the emission angles are $\\theta_1 = \\theta_2 = \\pi/2$, which leads to the condition that $\\sin(\\theta_1) = \\sin(\\theta_2) = 1$.\nFrom the perspective of plate 1 the heat is exchanged in vacuum so $n_1 = n_2 = 1$, and by definition this exchange occurs over the surface area of plate 1, therefore, the energy balance is,\n$$ 0 = -A_1 \\sigma T_1^4 + A_1 \\sigma T_2^4 $$\nThe first term is the energy emitted by plate 1 and the seconds term is the energy absorbed by plate 1.\nThis leads directly to,\n$$T_1 = T_2$$\nSo if etendue is conserved (the ideal case) the plates will have equal temperatures.\nIn practice any optical element introduces loses so,\n$$ A_1 n_1^2 \\sin(\\theta_1) > A_2 n_2^2 \\sin(\\theta_2) $$\nleading to\n$$T_1 > T_2$$\nEnergy balance from the perspective of plate 2\nNow let's apply energy balance from the perspective of plate 2.\nPlate 2 absorbs the heat flux from plate 1,\n$$ A_2 n_2^2 \\sin^2(\\theta_c) \\sigma T_1^4 $$\nThe critical angles appears here for the reasons shown below: rays hitting the optical element over all external angles get transformed to rays with internal angles which cover the acceptance/escape cone. This is just the application of Snell's Law.\nThe heat flux emitted by plate 2 which can escape and be absorbed by plate 1 must be restricted to angles inside the escape cone,\n$$ A_2 n_2^2 \\sin^2(\\theta_c) \\sigma T_2^4 $$\nLight that is emitted outside the escape cone is totally internally reflected and reabsorbed by plate 2.\nI think this is where a lot of people get struck. They don't realise that their idea has introduced an irreversibility in the direction of travel of light: there are no optical diodes.\nSimplifying the above using,\n$$ \\sin^2(\\theta_c) = \\frac{1}{n_2^2} $$\nThe energy balance from the perspective of plate 2 is, therefore,\n$$ 0 = A_2 \\sigma T_1^4 - A_2 \\sigma T_2^4 $$\nAgain, this leads to the same results as before,\n$$ T_1 = T_2 $$\nfor the ideal case and\n$$ T_1 > T_2 $$\nwhen etendue is not conserved and losses are introduced.",
"This is a fun question and has about 4 or 5 different factors at play:\nTypes of forces involved: Pressure vs. Inertia Types of resistance involved: Rigidity vs. Plasticity Objects involved: Soldiers vs. Buildings\nScenario: Damage from a bomb blast (energy wave) vs. shrapnel impact/penetration (kinetic collision).\nHow damage is applied with:\n1. Blast - the PSI of a blast is uniform over the face of it's wave-form (sphere). All material objects are subject to this energy being propagated over their surface and structure.\n2. Shrapnel/Bullet - the kinetic energy (m*V) is imparted during a collision. There is very high relative force at the point of impact, at which point the total energy is propagated throughout the object.\nThe damage of either occurs when the strength of the medium is unable to absorb or deflect the energy, and thus the material bonds are broken.",
"In buildings this results in cracks or holes in lesser cases, or structural collapse in greater ones. For soldiers there are additional physiological factors that relate to perforations of internal organs, or limbs torn off, or the \"fine-red-mist\" scenario in higher energy exchanges.\nIf the tensile strength of a surface is greater than the force of a collision it will be mostly reflected - so buildings hit by shrapnel are much less likely to be damaged as the actual force is relatively low.\nWhile most shrapnel is very small, it travels very fast. It is easily able to penetrate the surface resistance and impart its energy on the structure. At this point we can see that soldiers cannot resist nearly as much total force as a building.\nNow for some figures: A 9mm/.40 cal bullet has about 350 to 400 ft lbs. of energy. This converts to 2.4 - 2.7 PSI, however this is applied over a very small point (probably not even a square inch). At 5 PSI the force is approximately equivalent to .357 magnum, or .45 ACP (standard officer's side arm). You won't be knocking down a building with one of those, yet they do a good job of stopping a soldier.\nWhy does a building not withstand a 5 psi blast then? Find the surface area of the building in square inches (an 8' x 12' wall is 1152 square inches), multiply by 5 and then do the same for the human (approximately 250 square inches).\nOptionally divide the 250 / 1152 and see that the human is absorbing only 20% of the damage. Factor in the reduction due to deformation of the surface (I have no idea what figures would be in play here.), and humans suddenly look like super-men vs. blast damage.",
"The fact that $xdist = a/2$ is a condition not an assumption. That must be the case for some angle of the diffraction, and when that is the case you can 'pair' up a portion of the beam with another portion of the beam and you will get complete diffraction. When $xdist$ does not equal $a/2$, then you cannot do this 'pairing up' and some portion of the beam will not destructively interfere. This how is the variation in intensity is explained.\nEDIT:\nThink about it this way: The a/2 condition essentially says that if you were to divide the beam up into two halves with an equally arbitrary resolution of beams in each half, then the first beam of the top half (at 0 measuring from the top of the slit) would destructively interfere with the first beam of the second half (at a/2 measuring from the top of the slit). Every beam in the top half would find a beam corresponding in the bottom half that would lead to destructively interference.\nFor a/4 we have the same case: We can split the beam up into 4 quadrants each containing an arbitrary number of beams. Beam 1 from quadrant 1 would destructively interfere with beam 1 from quadrant 3, etc.",
"quadrant 1 and 3 destructively interfere. Same thing with quadrant 2 and 4, hence we also have a minimum here.\nFor a/5 it does not work: We split the beam up into 5 sections, with 4 of them we can make the same argumentation as before. That leaves us with 1 entire section that does not destructively interfere, no minimum.\nWhat is the difference between a/2 and a/4: Think about it geometrically first. If we use the diagram from the video you posted, the a/4 condition would mean that we have the distance of $xdist=\\lambda/2$ higher up and therefore the angle of the resulting beam would be angled higher. Turns out this is the condition for the second minimum. In fact, you will notice that this works with all multiples of 2, so let's make the algebraic:\n$xdist=\\frac{a}{2m}sin(\\theta)=\\lambda/2$\n$xdist=\\frac{a}{m}*sin(\\theta)=\\lambda$\n$xdist=asin(\\theta)=m\\lambda$ (where m is a non-zero positive integer)\nThis is the condition for all minima in the intensity pattern, i.e. places with complete destructive interference.\nSince you now understand the geometrical shift of the minimum along with a, you can make sense of this condition optically: If a phase shift of $\\lambda/2$ results in a destructive interference, then shifting that phase by a whole $\\lambda$ should again result in a destructive interference.",
"The first thing to note is that the formula given above for spherical mirrors is only a paraxial approximation, so one part of the mystery to unravel is where the approximation comes from.\nThe below discusses the 2D case but equally applies to 3d.\nOne way to get an approximate reflection O' is to create a flat planar mirror (represented by the line) that is perpendicular to the line OC and tangent to the circular mirror.\nThis approximation only works well when the point O is close to the mirror (or looked at another way, the circular mirror is very large).\nNow lets use the circular mirror as a circle of inversion. The plan here is to invert point O through the circular mirror, then reflect the inverted point, then undo the inversion. Notice that inverting a point twice gets back to where you started, so to undo an inversion just apply the inversion again. So we are going to invert, reflect, invert. Let's do it!\n1. Invert. Invert the point O through the circular mirror to point O'. Since we used the mirror as the circe of inversion, the mirror looks the same after inversion.\n1. Reflect.",
"Now we can use the same reflection approximation on the inverted point. Create a flat mirror and reflect the inverted point O' to O''. This is why the final point we come up with in the end will only be an approximation. Also notice that this inversion brings far away points close to the mirror, which is what is needed for the flat mirror approximation to be accurate.\n1. Invert back. We're still in the inverted world, so we now need to invert back to the real world. Invert the reflected point O'' to O'''.\nNow here is the really cool part. We can directly get to O''' from O by a single inversion through the circle that you describe above that has half the radius of the circular mirror!\nIn hindsight, that special circle with half the radius now makes some sense. If you invert that circle through the circular mirror, it becomes the flat plane mirror we used in the reflection approximation.\nSo hopefully this gives some intuition on why inversion through the half circle is a good approximation for reflection in the circular mirror when the point is close to the axis of the system.",
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"Overview:\nThe beautiful art form of mosaics is quite intriguing. Each piece of material isn't very appealing on its own, but when arranged in a pattern, they create amazing pieces of art. Board games that employ a similar tile-laying mechanic come to mind in my deranged gaming mind. They begin with just a basic starting tile, but by the time the game is over, the board might look incredible.\nFor me, the game Carcassonne best fulfills these criteria. Players construct a southern French landscape in the game Carcassonne by assuming the role of founders. Players claim various completed features to earn points for victory by positioning their followers on them. A game isn't always good just because the pieces of the board fit together so neatly. Playable with any combination of 2–5 players, Carcassonne was the 2001 Spiel Der Jahres winner.\nCarcassonne is a board game that is based on a real city in southern France. The game was inspired by the city's well-known fortress walls as well as other aspects of the surrounding landscape. The players assume the roles of the region's founders, and each one of them seeks to leave its mark on the landscape. Every time a player has a turn, they added a fresh tile to the board. Players connect these tiles to other pieces that are already on the board using portions of cities, roads, fields, and monasteries. The followers that players have available can be used to stake off certain sections on the tile they just placed. These \"followers,\" or \"meeples,\" transform into farmers, thieves, knights, and monks when they are placed on the game board, aiding the player in the expansion of the area around Carcassonne. The player with the most points after the final tile is played wins. Gamers score points through these meeples.\nComponents:\nCarcassonne has a few parts. Over 70 impressively detailed land tiles are included in the game. A lot of work was spent making sure that this crucial game component looked excellent and was of high quality. The start tile's back side has a different color scheme from the other tiles, which is another excellent detail. makes it incredibly simple to locate the game's first piece.\nThe rule book is highly thorough and includes illustrations to address any clarifications and significant game-related difficulties. The scoreboard, which is uninteresting, and the follower pieces are the only other two components that come with the game. Meeples are relatively basic game pieces that have grown to be some of the most recognizable in the modern era of board gaming.",
"The mobility of the game board is a drawback that is shared with Settlers of Catan. Inadvertent tile-hitting by players will force everything to move. If you have OCD, it could drive you insane. Although it isn't as awful, it can still be inconvenient.\nGameplay:\nCarcassonne is a relatively easy game to play. A starting tile is used to begin the game, and the remaining tiles are then combined and arranged face-down on the table. The game can start once each player takes his eight chosen color meeples. Each player is given three actions before the next player enters the game.\n1. Set a tile.\n2. Send a follower out (optional)\n3. Give completed cities, roads, or cloisters a score.\n1. Set a tile.\nEach tile that is drawn by a player has one of three features on the edges. Either a medieval city, a rural road or lush countryside will be present. The choice of where to put this piece on the board is up to the players. The tile cannot be placed anywhere at random by the player. To install the tile, they must match on both sides and attach to any other tile that has already been played. The tile's center will house a cloister or monastery, which will be the other feature. Each of these landscapes offers choices for players to position their followers in the following phase or can be built upon by places where the player has followers.\n2. Send a follower out.\nOne of the players' meeples from their supply may be placed on any of the four available land types on the tile they just played during this phase. The meeple now assumes the job of a farmer, thief, knight, or monk, respectively, if they occupy one of these locations in the field, road, city, or cloister. This group of followers will stay there until the road, city, or cloister is finished. The farmer will remain on the playing field until the game is over. The only drawback to playing a follower is that neither your meeples nor those of any other player may be on the same connected terrain type. If a piece is connected to a city section, for example, you cannot place a follower in the city if another knight is already there.",
"Introduction: In Splendor, players assume the role of wealthy Renaissance merchants who trade gems for exquisite jewels of beauty. Splendor is a 30-minute-long abstract card drafting and engine-building game for 2 to 4 players.\nReview: Splendor contains a small number of really high-quality parts. The cards feature a beautiful material, white borders on the backs to assist hide wear and extremely attractive front graphics that look fantastic without borders. Also, there are gems, which come in 6 various hues and are excellent poker chips.\nThe card display is the center of the game's action. A player's turn is comprised of one of the following 4 actions.\nPick three stones of various colors.\nPick 2 identical-colored diamonds (as long as all the gems of that color are present in the bank when you take them)\nPut one development card on hold and take one gold token.\nBuy one face-up development card or one that has already been reserved.\nThere are two methods for earning points. There are development cards that may be used that are worth points, and each game will have several nobles that can be used that are also worth points.\nA player must discard the tokens shown in the card's lower left corner in order to buy a face-up or reserved development card. Purchasing development cards provides two advantages. They might first be point-worthy. The card will also offer the player a constant discount on future development cards.\nAt the end of her turn, a player determines whether she has at least the quantity and color of cards the noble is seeking in order to entice him to visit her.\nThe game may be summed up like that. It's a sprint to 15 points in this game. If a player has 15 points after the game is over (and everyone has had an equal number of turns), the player with the most points wins.\nThe minimal weight and short play duration of Splendor definitely lessen my major complaint about it. The randomness of the draw might make all the difference. It can be annoying to see a card you really need go off the board in a multiplayer game before you even have a chance to get it. Similar to this, buying a face-up development card in a two-player game involves the danger of getting a card that your opponent can actually use.\nThere are numerous aspects of Splendor that I adore. Its simplicity would be the first thing. Two key ratios come to me when I consider how much I enjoy a game: the time it takes to set up in comparison to how much fun I have playing it, and the time it takes to play in comparison to how much fun I have playing it.",
"These similarities make sense to me because time is the most valuable resource we possess. Splendor succeeds admirably on both of these scales. It takes 90 seconds to set up the game, approximately 5 minutes to explain it, and perhaps another 30 seconds to play it. Also, there is a highly enjoyable, juicy gaming experience during that period.\nThe magnificent tiles appeal to me as well. There are no color diamonds that are intrinsically more valuable than any other because the three unique decks of development cards are spread equally among them. That is now different thanks to the noble tiles, which instantaneously increase the value of whatever color gem the nobles want. The nobility put a lot of effort into keeping each game interesting, despite the static nature of the card decks.\nI've already mentioned how easy the game Splendor is. There are hardly many regulations and turns are fairly brief. Notwithstanding those elements, the game can—and probably will—become quite bloody very quickly. Those that make poor choices could find themselves eliminated from the game after a few turns. When one of your opponents swipes the perfect card off the board and receives a wild gold token as compensation, your attempt to wait until you have enough gems to buy it could leave you in terrible, soul-crushing agony.\nThe game's speed is maintained by two regulations that I haven't yet discussed. There is a limit of 10 gem chips per player. Your strategy to collect a lot of diamonds and then go on a spending binge has failed. I also forgot to mention that each player is only allowed to have three cards in her reserve at any given moment. So while you can grab the cards your adversaries are undoubtedly coveting, wouldn't those three reserve places be better suited to holding the cards you actually need?\nBy keeping each player's tableau and gem stock public, Splendor also maintains the tension of a good card drafting game - the balance between going for more cards for yourself to advance your engine and going for cards you think your opponents need. By allowing players to immediately take a card from the display even if they are unable to pay for it right away, Splendor gives the game a sense of worker placement.\nSplendor is a fantastic game that, I'm sure, will go completely unnoticed by most players.",
"You must use anything you can find to keep your fire blazing in the cooperative survival game The Coldest Night, in order to survive. Indie Boards & Cards is the publisher of the game, which was created by <PERSON>.\nPlaying the game The Coldest Night\nPlaying Kindling cards into the fire pit array in The Coldest Night requires teamwork if you want the fire to stay lit. Since you don't always hold the best cards, you must devise strategies for keeping the fire going without suffering severe frostbite.\nBeginning the Coldest Night, every single Kindling card includes an ash and a heat component. Once a card is played, it is set down in the fire pit to the left of the other cards and must possess an ash value identical to or below the sum of the heat values of the remaining cards in the fire. There can never be more than four cards in the fire pit, but you can play numerous cards during one round. The sole alternative is to scavenge, which enables you to draw three extra Kindling cards and give each card to a teammate or yourself if you are unable or unable to play a card.\nIn the game itself, interpersonal interaction is restricted. You cannot discuss the precise values of the cards you have, but you may discuss the possibility that a hotter fire may or may not be required.\nThe eldest Kindling card, which is the card that is furthest to the right in the fire pit, is thrown away after each card has been played or scavenged, and you then check for frostbite. When there are less than three cards in the fire pit, you will be dealt a Frostbite card.",
"This card will place some kind of limitation on you till it is eliminated or treated; this will happen if the entire heat value of the cards in the fire pit is precisely the same as the number on the Frostbite card at the start of a subsequent round. The next player then has their turn after you draw one new Kindling card.\nCards for kindling can have unique effects. The Boon cards might provide you more choices when taking cards out of the fire pit at the end of your turn or let you acquire new ability tokens. The Obstacle cards might make you take numerous cards out of the fire pit at the end of your turn or compel you to take the most effective cards out of the fire pit. There are additionally three cards in the deck called The Fire Dwindles that, once obtained, are instantly played to the fire pit but lack the ability to heat the fire up (but do slow you down).\nIf you are able to play each of the Kindling card to the fire pit, you win the game. In the event that there aren't any cards in the fire pit or if you're required to draw a Frostbite card but there are none left in the deck, you lose.\nPros\nThe Coldest Night is a 20 minute co-op game with a survival theme, frostbite cards, and Obstacle cards. Players have to hold onto cards for extra heat, play Obstacle cards to win, and scavenge for items to burn at the risk of getting frostbite. The Frostbite cards have a good mix of negative effects and look great, and the game is consistently 20 minutes long.\nCons\nWith the identical cards in every game, The Coldest Night is a filler game, but after four or five games, it loses its surprise factor and appeal as a replayable game. Because of the restrictions on communication, it seems as though the game is being pushed to be a little harder and avoid the quarterbacking/alpha player problem.",
"<PERSON> Quo Vadis is an elegant negotiation game that gets to the heart of the mechanic that it seeks to explore with a minimum of added elements. Although the game has an ancient Roman political theme, the board and pieces are quite abstract. The goal of the game is to maneuver one's pawns (politicians) through a series of political committees (groups of 1, 3 or 5 squares) en route to the senate (a five member committee space that marks the end of the board). Players will gather laurel tokens of various values which represent victory points as they pass between the paths of certain committees. When the five spaces of the senate have been filled, each player who has managed to advance a pawn into the senate compares the number of laurels he has acquired and the winner is the person with the most laurels. Of course, if one never manages to place a pawn in the senate, it is impossible to win regardless of the number of laurels that one might have.\nUnlike other negotiation games such as \"I'm the Boss,\" there is no real hidden information or vindictive card play in Quo Vadis (even victory points, which remain hidden after they have been collected, are theoretically trackable). Quo Vadis is all about the art of making deals that are advantageous to oneself without giving other players too much of a benefit in return. The game encourages deal making by forcing the players to have the support of a majority of the spaces in a committee in order to leave it to progress forward on the board.",
"While this can be achieved by controlling the necessary spaces with one's own pieces, it is often necessary to gain the support of your opponents. Allowing a player to move forward immediately gains the supporting player a single laurel token but the most interesting deals will require the moving player to concede more than that. The official rule regarding deals is that anything may be negotiated but the only binding agreements are those that can be fulfilled by the time of the player's next turn. So if one agrees to move a pawn to a certain square on the next turn, one is legally obliged to fulfill that condition unless circumstances have altered to prevent that move from being made at the time. Although the only real elements at stake are the acquisition of laurels and advancement towards the limited number of seats in the senate, the relative value of those two goals fluctuates greatly during the game, and deals are further complicated by the need to account for how your agreement will benefit the other players and how many laurels they have at the time.\nQuo Vadis is one of many games where the range of players recommended on the box is overly optimistic. Having played this game with three and with five, I would say that there is little point in playing with less than a full compliment of players. The race to the senate is simply stripped of all tension in a three player game and the game really suffers without that element.\nQuo Vadis' elegance and abstract minimalism has the potential to be the game's greatest strength or its greatest flaw depending on what a player is seeking from the game. If one is looking for a pure negotiation game, it is an ideal choice as it effectively boils down the mechanics to allow for a tense 30 minute contest of thought provoking negotiations and tough decisions without needing to resort to the possibility of threats and bluff which come from hidden information. The lack of chaos, however, can lead to the game feeling somewhat dry despite the fact that it has a high degree of player interaction.",
"Ticket to Ride is a popular board game designed by <PERSON> and published by Days of Wonder. The game is set in the early 1900s and players take on the role of railway tycoons, competing to build the most extensive rail network across North America.\nThe game board is a map of North America, with cities and routes connecting them. Each player has a set of colored train pieces and a set of train cards representing different types of train cars. Players use these cards to claim routes between cities, earning points for each route claimed.\nAdditionally, a set of destination tickets are distributed to each player at the start of the game. The completion of these tickets, which represent specific routes between cities, awards players with extra points at the conclusion of the game. However, if a player doesn't finish a destination ticket, they lose points.\nIn the strategy game Ticket to Ride, players must strike a balance between the requirement to finish their destination tickets and their ambition to claim routes. The game can be played with two to five people and lasts normally between thirty and sixty minutes. Since its first release in 2004, it has garnered a great deal of praise and received a number of accolades. It is regarded as a modern board game classic.\nGame strategy\nThere are several strategies that players can use to increase their chances of winning Ticket to Ride:\nPay attention to finishing destination tickets: In Ticket to Ride, finishing destination tickets is a crucial part of earning points. Players are handed destination tickets at the beginning of the game that detail precise routes between cities.",
"As they provide bonus points at the end of the game, pay attention to completing these tickets by taking the routes indicated on them.\nBlock your rivals: In the competitive game of Ticket to Ride, blocking your rivals might be a successful tactic. Consider claiming a route yourself if you notice an opponent is attempting it in order to keep them from gaining points.\nCreate a lengthy, continuous path: A long, continuous route can be quite valuable, especially if it crosses several different board regions. Early on in the game, try to construct a lengthy route because doing so later on can be challenging.\nA player must have a set of train cards that match the colour and quantity of train cars on the route in order to claim a route between cities. Having a large collection of railway cards can provide you more alternatives for claiming routes while also making it more difficult for your rivals to claim the routes they require.\nKeep track on how your rivals are doing: Pay attention to the routes that your rivals are claiming and the tickets that they have for the destinations. By knowing what routes are most likely to be contested, you will be better able to block their paths.\nGame aesthetics\nThe unusual and appealing look of Ticket to Ride contributes to the overall enjoyment of the game. The game board features a map of North America along with vivid depictions of towns, train lines, and geographical features like mountains and rivers. The train cards and parts are also well coloured and vivid.\nThe game is simple to understand and play thanks to its intuitive design. It's crucial for a game where players must swiftly analyse the board and plan their movements that the visuals are clear and simple to grasp.\nHigh-quality cardboard pieces and manageable, easy-to-shuffle cards are among the game's components. The trains are entertaining to play with and give the game a physical component.\nOverall, the aesthetics of the game are both practical and aesthetically beautiful. Players are drawn in and motivated to keep playing because it delivers an immersive and interesting experience. The game's lasting appeal is largely due to its vibrant, high-quality components and user-friendly design.",
"Tongiaki was one of the first games I picked up when I started buying European style games. It can be a chaotic game with a rapidly changing board and board positions, which may not appeal to everyone. Still, while I have bought many games since I picked on Tongiaki, it still makes it onto the table on a regular basis.\nTongiaki is a game of Polynesian exploration in which your tribe is trying to get a foothold on as many islands as possible. Of course, everyone else’s tribe has the same goal. While you will need the help of other tribes to reach some of the islands, the ultimate control of the islands will always be a competitive struggle. There will be times when cooperation will give way to the strategic need of drowning people.\nTongiaki comes with a box full of pretty components. There are thirty-two tiles, sixteen ocean tiles and sixteen land tiles, including the starting island, Tonga. The tiles are hexagons with curving sides, which makes them look quite a bit like ninja throwing stars. Each tile has a red dot on it, which is used to determine orientation for placement.\nThere are enough pieces for six different players in red, green, purple, orange, blue, and yellow. Each player gets fifteen little wooden ships which are the outlines of the Polynesian sailing ships called Tongiakis, which is where the name of the game comes from.\nTo start the game, the island of Tonga is set in the middle of the playing area. The back of Tonga is white, as opposed to the blue of the other tiles, making it easy to pick out. The rest of the tiles are then shuffled. Each player gets a set of ships.\nEvery island has a number of beaches with each beach having a number of slots for boats. The starting island, Tonga, has six beaches, each with three slots. At the start of the game, the players go around twice, placing a ship on one of the slots until every player has two ships on the island. They are not allowed to fill up any beach.\nAfter everyone has their two ships on Tonga, the set up is finished and the game is ready to begin.\nOn your turn, you have two choices.",
"You can either expand your population on one island, which might lead to migration, or you can king an island, if you have sole occupancy of that island.\nMost of the time, you’ll be expanding your population. That’s the real meat of the game. When you expand your population, you double the number of ships you have on one island. However, you cannot put down more ships than there are beaches on the island, so there are going to be times you don’t get to out and out double.\nIf you fill up a beach, then that will lead to migration, which is how you get more tiles out onto the board.\nSome of the beaches have more than one launch, which indicates the direction the migrating ships will go. The player who caused the migration picks which launch the boats will leave from and then draws a tile and places it. If the tile is an island then it was a pretty easy migration. You take all of the boats from the beach and distribute them onto the beaches of the newly found island. You must place at least one boat in each beach before you add a second boat to any beach.\nAnd yes, since some of the beaches are quite small, with only two slots, it is possible to discover a new island, populate and then have an immediate migration. Sometimes, one player’s turn can turn into a chain reaction, changing the board considerably.\nHowever, half of the tiles in the game are ocean tiles, which are riskier. Each ocean tile shows a number of ocean paths, many of which have numbers on them from two to four. The numbers are the number of DIFFERENT colors of boats needed to cross that ocean path. It’s not the size of the fleet but the diversity of the fleet that matters. If there are not enough different colors in the fleet, the fleet is lost, everyone drowns, and those ships go back to their owners.\nHowever, if the fleet is able to make it, another tile is drawn and added to the board. If it is an island, the island is populated the same way as previously mentioned. If it’s another ocean tile, the process keeps on going until either the fleet drowns or an island is found.\nBy mid game, there should be a pretty well defined chain of islands and known ocean paths.\nIf you are the only person on an island, you have the option of kinging that island. Instead of expanding, you place one of your ships on the mask that is in the center of the island and any other ship you have on the island returns to supply.",
"Agricola is a worker placement game for 1 to 5 players, with a focus on resource management. It is a subsistence farming simulation game, set in the 17th century.\nPlace the central board on the table, set up all the other cards as described in the game rules. There are wooden room tiles, clay room tiles, stone room tiles, field tiles, food tokens, begging cards, goods pieces, livestock pieces, action cards, minor and major improvement cards and occupation cards.\nEach player starts with 2 workers, a farmer and his wife, a small wooden house, a board to fill with cultivated fields, houses, or barns with fences and animals, 7 Occupation cards and 7 Minor Improvement cards. A player can take 2 actions per round.\nThe game lasts 14 rounds, divided into 6 stages. After rounds 4, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 14, a harvest occurs, where each player must feed their family or pay the consequence by taking a beggar’s card which makes them lose 3 points at the end of the game.\nEach round begins by flipping the next round card, which offers a new action for the players. Next, all action spaces with a red arrow are replenished, for example, the wood hut gets 3 wood pieces per round which add up if no one has claimed them. Now each player takes turns placing a worker on an action space and performing the action, until all workers have been placed.",
"Only one person can be placed on any action space at a time. Actions include building fences, installing barns, collecting goods such as clay and wood, improving your house, plowing fields, having babies, breeding animals and growing food. When all workers have been placed and actions taken, players recover their workers and a new round begins, unless it’s harvest time. At the end of the 14 rounds, the player with the most points is the best farmer and wins.\nThe game is attractive, the tokens are made of wood and are easy to manipulate. The actions are simple to understand, with many options to pursue. The game has great replay value because so many different strategies can be used. It’s a most interesting game and well worth trying for board game night.",
"<PERSON>'s games have a familiarity to them, most likely because he is a prolific and influential designer who cultivates and brings to market games steeped in agriculture, growth, and efficiency. Players are expected to make tactical connections, invest limited resources, convert myriad goods, and place various tiles, all in the pursuit of a ripe harvest and satisfyingly tangible development. Rosenberg has become known for games with a large footprint (A Feast for Odin, Fields of Arle, Caverna). His games showcase hundreds of little resource tokens (Le Havre, Ora & Labora, and, again, A Feast for Odin). While he has made a splash with lighter polyomino games, his entries have generally been considered involved, tight, and sprawling.\nSo then he comes along with Nusfjord. Fewer tiles, fewer resources, fewer worker options, fewer rounds, and a smaller footprint. Twenty minutes per player? It seems as if old Uwe might be turning his back on players that love his expansive and robust creations. Where is the juggling of resources? Where are all of the goodies that will fill up my player board? What can be done with 21 total actions?\nTake a closer look, though, and you see that he has done something many designers have difficulty with. He has cut fat tremendously. I think his design philosophy for this game was \"take every expected aspect of my games and whittle them down to their most basic.\" Rosenberg has embraced minimalism with Nusfjord.\nWhat is Nusfjord? It turns out that it is a delightful game that sees players running fishing companies in a Norwegian village, welcoming skilled elders to their fold, building ships for larger hauls, managing forests to acquire wood, and constructing special buildings on their land. There is also a small amount of shareholding that keeps income interesting and offers another simple consideration to the game.\nAlmost every decision comes down to weighing a need for fish, wood, gold, or points. Fish are useful because they are necessary for utilizing elders, building certain structures and ships, and filling up the \"serving table\" that activates the elders (gaining gold in the process). Wood is simply used to build stuff. Gold is also used to build things, but it is worth points at the end of the game and can buy shares (which will earn more fish). Points can be gained through buying and selling shares, building structures and ships, covering open spaces on player boards, and acquiring gold.\nThat's almost everything that a player can focus on in the game. It really isn't an incredibly long list, but you may have noticed that there is a lot of interactivity among the resources. Most times you need a combination of goods to build something. Oftentimes you'll need fish to gain quick cash, but you may also need gold to gain more fish.",
"You'll need forests to gather wood, but you'll need to clear out those forests to gain space for buildings. With every other action, players are weighing pros and cons, as most aspects of the game have a push-pull feeling that must be worked efficiently to get the greatest effect.\nOne of the most interesting elements of the game is how important fish are. This becomes very clear when you talk about the aptly named \"Fishing Phase.\" Here's how the fishing phase goes. You check your current haul of fish. Maybe you've built a couple of ships, so you're bringing in 7 of the little swimmers. The first thing you must do is pay your friendly elders who have done so much (or little) for you. Let's say you have two elders at this point in the game, so that's 1 fish each. You're down to 5 fish. Now you must pay issued shares. You've issued 1 share: that's a fish paid out to another player. Now you're down to 4 fish. You distribute to any of the shares of your company that you own. You only have the two shares you started with: that's 2 fish. Those will go from your shares and into your Supply, to be used by you for whatever you want. So, now you're down to 2 left to dish out. They go to your Reserve (unless you're already at the limit of 8 fish in there, in which case they go bye-bye). You don't have access to your Reserve unless you take an action to transfer it to your Supply, so they'll just sit there until you do something about it. In the end, out of the 7 fish you hauled, you ended up with 2 you can immediately work with. Thankfully you had those two starting shares!\nThis little illustration shows the importance of a whole number of things - the size of your haul, the amount of elders you have, the amount of shares you've sold, the amount of shares you possess, and whether you're relying on your reserve or not.",
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"Iran: bloggers mull election results · Global Voices\nWith election authorities now ordering a partial recount and a run-off between <PERSON> and the conservative <PERSON> scheduled for this coming Friday, bloggers continue to chew over the results and disagree about what to do next.\nFrom Teheran, <PERSON> (Hoder) writes of “the coming coup.” He says: “\nAll non-fundamentalists are rallying behind <PERSON>. Many are talking about a possible coup by Sepah [the Islamic Revolution's Guards Corps] and Basij [army and police] after Friday‘s second round results.\nIn another post he writes of one possible silver lining coming out of the elections:\nOne good thing about an <PERSON> term could be that it would end the apathy among the youth born after the Iran-Iraq war.\n<PERSON> will probably stay in Iran for a couple more days, but says he probably can't stay longer and hints at concerns for his own safety.\nMr. <PERSON>, now in Ahwaz on business with a lost cellphone, remains terribly upset.\n“Windsteed” at Iran Votes 2005 writes:\nI have received reports from a number of towns that Basij (Sepah's militia) are active there trying to encourage people to vote for <PERSON> on Friday. This is done in a variety of ways including offering poeple money and clothes and provoking their “sense of dignity”. These reports come from these Iranian towns: Klardasht, Lahijan, Asataneh, Birjand, Neyshabour, Garmsar, <PERSON>, and Zanjan. In one case, I am told, that Basijis personally approach peoples’ houses, asking for the ‘man/elder of the household’ to come to talk to them. Then, they go on to give advise to the men that if they feel responsibility towards their family members, especially their women (Namouss) they must vote for <PERSON>, who will, they claim, protect their honour.\nIranian expats discuss:\n<PERSON>, writing from Canada, calls for a boycott on <PERSON> in Friday's upcoming runoff, despite the fact that he'll be facing off against the conservative hard-liner, <PERSON>:\nAlthough I believe <PERSON> will ruin the country but this will be short time and the crisis will shoot them out of the power forever. <PERSON> will not initiate any true reform and will constanslty but silently bite the soul of this land.\n<PERSON> disagrees:\nI am not sure if the situation gets worse fixing the present system or replacing it with a democratic regime will be easier, in fact it might become more difficult. Nor do I believe that <PERSON> would necessarily heed the call for reforming the system fundamentally. I just propose that by considering him instead of <PERSON>, the reformists and the pro-referendum camps might be able to sit aback, regroup, and plan a better strategy as Iranians will have to go to the polls again for the municipal councils and parliamentary elections during the next three years.\n<PERSON>, guest author at Free Thoughts on Iran (a “collective project of a group of Iranian students” mainly living outside Iran) has a long analysis of the results and calls for boycott of the next election round:\n…old excuses will be repeated again for certain in the coming days to justify this mistake.",
"If we still insist on remaining blind, only worse kinds of defeat will await us in the future. By rejecting a total boycott democracy in Iran lost an important battle on Friday. There would not be another such an opportune moment in the near future. This chance was missed. There is now the time to cut the losses and begin the real grass-root struggle for a referendum. The first step must be the boycott of the second round of this “elections.” It is finally time to understand the simple fact that freedom is not free.\n<PERSON> at Free Thoughts on Iran disagrees. He thinks an <PERSON> victory will mean “the return of facism.”\nOne lesson from the June 17th election is the failure of boycott strategy. People's civil disobedience in order to get to democracy is just a dream. Boycotting the upcoming run-off is nothing just helping <PERSON> to run the country toward Fascism. Those who want other than Fascism have no choice but voting the other candidate, whoever he is.",
"Iraq: Death Of Shi’ite Leader <PERSON> · Global Voices\n<PERSON>, leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (the largest political party in the Iraqi Council of Representatives), died of lung cancer on August 26 in Tehran, Iran. His death is expected to have repercussions for politics in Iraq. Bloggers around the region have responded to the news.\nIn Bahrain, <PERSON> is devastated:\nصدمة اليوم ..\nوفـاتـه ..\nيا رب ..\nخفف ألمَ هذا المصاب ..\nA shock today…\nHis death…\nO Lord…\nEase the pain of this misfortune…\nIn Baghdad, <PERSON> writes:\nبمزيد من الأسى والحزن تلقينا نبأ رحيل بطل من أبطال العراق والأمة الإسلامية، حجة الإسلام والمسلمين سماحة السيد عبد العزيز الحكيم طيب الله ثراه، رجل كرس حياته للعلم والجهاد فأصابهما معاً\nWith more pain and sadness we learned of the death of one of the heroes of Iraq and of the Islamic nation, the Proof of Islam and of Muslims [an honorific title], His Eminence <PERSON>, may God let him rest in peace, a man who devoted his life to knowledge and jihad and attained them both.\nAt the Iraq and Gulf Analysis blog, <PERSON> writes:\nMore than anything, through his political career, <PERSON> became a symbol of the chaos, the contradictions and the opportunism that have characterised Iraq in the post-2003 period. Having abandoned religious studies at an early level, <PERSON> made a professional career in the 1980s as a political-military operator in what was then called the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), a Khomeinist outfit created by Iran in 1982 in order to maximise its control of the Iraqi opposition during the Iran–Iraq War. He returned to Iraq from Iran after the start of the Iraq War in 2003, and in August that year, after the death of his brother <PERSON> in a terrorist attack in Najaf, was propelled to the top leadership position in SCIRI. […] <PERSON> chose to be treated for cancer in Iran and it is remarkable that the United States was unable to correctly interpret his physical movements as the most revealing indicator of his true political loyalties. Since 2003 and until today, <PERSON>, SCIRI/ISCI and members of the Badr brigades have travelled in and out of Iran without any restriction. It was Iranian territory that was used to orchestrate the new INA [Iraqi National Alliance].",
"It is inconceivable that the authorities in Tehran would have allowed these processes to go on within their own borders had they not felt that right until his death <PERSON> was pursuing a policy that was in Iran’s best interests. Instead, however, Washington for a long time clung to a rosy scenario in which ISCI was seen as a potential convert to the American cause; ultimately it was the contradictions in this policy that would create the space for <PERSON> peculiar political career.\nU.S. President <PERSON> welcomes <PERSON> to the White House Monday, Dec. 4, 2006. (Photo by White House, taken from Wikimedia Commons)\n<PERSON> at Palestinian Pundit is not impressed with <PERSON> praise for <PERSON>:\nWhat a let down! This is the first time I am openly disappointed in <PERSON>. He could have kept his mouth shut, or kept the message personal. However, to eulogize the American/Iranian puppet (and his brother before him) as Iraqi “heroes” is a bit much.\nOn top of that to talk about his struggle for a united and sovereign Iraq! Under the boots of the U.S. occupation, <PERSON>? This is a stooge who literally entered Baghdad on an American tank!\nShame on you <PERSON>. But again, these are the orders from Tehran; I try to be understanding.",
"Iran’s Most Memorable Internet Moments in 2012 · Global Voices\nAs usual, Iranian netizens have faced many challenges in 2012. They have seen online repression grow and become more institutionalized with the launch of an official cyber police force. In turn, they have defied the Islamic regime in various ways throughout the year, such as by filming streets protests, reporting on the failures of government-run institutions, and campaigning for political prisoners and environmental issues.\nBelow are some of the most memorable moments from the Iranian cyber world in 2012. The regime continued its repressive and merciless tactics against bloggers and netizens all year. It began with the repression of bloggers and ended the year by killing one of them.\nBloggers in Chains\n<PERSON>, a blogger who was tortured to death\nThere are many brave cyber activists in Iran, but there is one name that shines brighter than others and marked 2012: <PERSON>, 35, was a blogger from Robat-Karim, south-west of Tehran, who was arrested for criticizing the government in October and tortured to death in Evin prison.\nIranian netizens launched a major online storm after the shocking news of <PERSON>'s death, and according to officials in Tehran Iran‘s top cyber police chief was sacked as a result of the death.\nIn January, we learned that a 50-year old Iranian blogger, <PERSON> (aka <PERSON>), was charged with “insulting <PERSON>” and “enmity with God” or “waging war against God”, charges that could carry the death penalty in Iran. His trial on December 21, 2011 lasted only 15 minutes.\nAccording to Reporters Without Borders, 18 netizens are still imprisoned in Iran and it seems no virtual activity is safe in the country as cyber police “proudly” announced several times that it arrested various Facebook administrators. Even one blogger favorable to President <PERSON> faced a jail sentence, and several others were censored as rivalries between governing factions has grown.\nBig Night\nBloggers, like millions of Iranians, celebrated when <PERSON> feature film “A Separation” won Iran's first Oscar award. Netizens participated in an outpouring of celebration, and some fans also created posters for “A Separation” for different tastes.",
"They also criticized pro-regime Fars News when it embellished on <PERSON>'s Oscar acceptance speech and changed his words to: “Iranian people respect all cultures despite the western hostility with Iranian nuclear program.”\nIsrael-Iran Virtual love affair\nIsraelis and Iranians exchanging messages of love sounds stranger than fiction in these tense years, when the Iranian and Israeli governments threaten each other with military might. An Israeli Facebook campaign that said “We will never bomb your country. We love you” to Iranians, received an answer from Iranians in the form a corresponding Facebook campaign that said to Israelis, “We are your friends.”\nStrike in Tehran\nDemonstrations and strikes were rare in 2012 but when they happened, cyber activists were there to report. Shopkeepers went on strike at the Bazaar in Tehran in early October as Iran's financial situation deteriorated due to international sanctions. Protesters clashed with security forces in Istanbul Square in Tehran and chanted “Down with Syria!”. This slogan was most likely inspired by the fact that many Iranians blame the Iranian government for (allegedly) supporting the Syrian regime financially at a moment when their own country is in need of cash.\nSupporting Political Prisoners\nBloggers campaigned and supported several political prisoners including <PERSON>, jailed human rights activist when she went on hunger strike. Finally after 49 days of hunger strike, the government lifted a travel ban imposed on <PERSON>'s teenage daughter.\nControlling Internet\nIslamic State continues its “crusade” to control more and more the Iranian internet world. On Sunday, September 23, 2012, the regime surprised many by filtering Google and Gmail for a short period of time. Regime called its decision based on a request by the public to oppose an anti-Islam film on YouTube.\nMany interpret this filtering as another step towards controlling the internet or launching “clean internet” as was promised by Iranian officials earlier in 2012.\nHaving the infrastructure for a skeleton Iran-only Internet in place would give the Iranian government greater power to shut off access to the Internet at times of civil unrest.\nBeyond Politics\nIranian netizens did not focus only on political issues but also covered several environmental and humanitarian issues:\nSaving a Lake – On May 21, 2012, once again people in Urmia and several other cities in the Azerbaijan region of Iran called on the government to save the dying Lake Urmia, one of the world's largest salt water lakes.",
"The Houthi and <PERSON> Confrontation is Taking Yemen to a Dangerous Place · Global Voices\nMajor General <PERSON>, Minister of Defense the day he arrived arrived in Aden. Tweeted by @Yemen411 on March 8, 2015.\nAnother key member of Yemen's government has escaped the Houthi-controlled capital Sana’a in the north for the southern port city Aden. Defense Minister Major General <PERSON> arrived in Aden on March 8.\nThe Houthis, a ten-thousand strong tribal militia from the north, forcefully occupied the presidential palace in Yemen's capital city on January 21.\nSince they first entered Sana'a on September 21, 2014, the Houthis have taken over key government buildings, the airport, Yemen Central Bank, and income-generating national corporations like the Safar Oil Company.\nGeneral <PERSON>'s March 8 escape is seen as a big boost to President <PERSON>, who is building a rival power center in the south with loyal army units and tribes against the Houthis.\nOn March 7, a <PERSON> aide claimed the president said, “Aden became the capital of Yemen as soon as the Houthis occupied Sana'a.”\n<PERSON> escaped the capital Sana'a with his family after being under Houthi-imposed house arrest for a month.\n<PERSON> tendered his resignation a day after the Houthi took over his presidential palace. When he escaped and reached Aden, 400 kilometers away from the capital on February 24, <PERSON> released a statement saying Yemen’s parliament had not accepted his resignation, so he is still president. <PERSON> then denounced all political agreements made by the Houthis in Sana’a since they took over.\nAnti-Houthi voices celebrated <PERSON>’s prison break from Sana'a. Some worry that <PERSON> might have motivated the Houthis to invade Aden. And others believe <PERSON> is recklessly hijacking existing tensions between the north and south of the country.\nThe separatist sentiment remains popular in the south, where Yemenis feel economically and politically marginalized by the north. The Houthis belong to tribes from the north, and <PERSON> belongs to a southern tribe.\nBeing in Aden is symbolic and dangerous\nThe once-thriving coastal city Aden is Yemen’s second largest. Aden is the former capital of South Yemen, which was an independent state until 1990, when it unified with North Yemen.",
"Unhappy with Sana’a in 1994, South Yemen declared its secession again from the north. A civil war ensued, and the north ended up occupying the south.\nThe Houthis’ unilateral excessive use of power in Sana'a and our northern provinces has led the south to refuse any orders coming from them and they are organizing their own armies to defend themselves if the Houthis attack.\nThe Houthi populist movement\nThe Houthi uprising against the government started in 2004. Since then, Yemen's power center in Sana'a has alleged that the Houthis want to overthrow them and implement Shia religious law. The Houthis have maintained that they are “defending their community against discrimination” and government aggression.\nMost Houthis adhere to a branch of Shia Islam called Zaidism. Zaidis make up one-third of Yemen's population and ruled North Yemen for almost 1,000 years until 1962.\nYemen's government under previous President <PERSON> and current President <PERSON> has accused Iran of financing the Houthi insurgency. From 2004-2010, the government brutally tried to crush their rebellion.\nIn 2011, the Houthis joined a mass uprising against <PERSON>. They soon expanded their territorial control in Saadah and neighbouring Amran province.\nBefore September 21, 2014, no one in Yemen thought that the Houthis could possibly reach the capital Sana’a and no one thought that the Houthis would even consider waging a civil war that they were bound to lose.\nIt was shocking when Sana’a was surrounded by the Houthi militias. They demanded that subsidies on fuel prices stay in place.\nThey also promised to fight corruption and to implement the outcomes from the unprecedented National Dialogue Conference (NDC), which took place after the 2011 uprising in Yemen. This also helped fuel Houthi popularity.\nThe NDC was a 10-month deliberation process between <PERSON>, and representatives from the Houthis, political parties, and youth and women organizations. The conference was supposed to help Yemen transition fairly from 33 years of <PERSON> rule, but the various groups failed to reach consensus about addressing concerns of the south.\nWith the Houthis popularity and power increasing, President <PERSON> gave into their demand to set up a technocrat government.\nBut that wasn’t enough; they marched into Sana’a.",
"Bahrain: Bloggers Consider Starting Official Society · Global Voices\nBahrain bloggers restarted their monthly gatherings after a break of some months. This get-together was organised by <PERSON> as usual, but with more structure than previous sessions:\nIt was a good turnout in the end. We had 11 bloggers in there and a good amount of interest in the presentations. The “featured presentation” was to a visiting friend from Ireland – <PERSON> – who talked to us about his experiences in activism and lobbying and showed how we might adapt and adopt some of the tried and tested methods in our own endeavours.\nAlthough it seems that having some structure to the meetings is a good idea, everyone agreed that five presentations were too much to take in.\nWe ended the session by my floating the idea to form a Bloggers’ Society and register it with the Ministry of Social Affairs. … The basic premise is that we would like to have an infrastructure that legally can support a blogger should s/he fall in trouble because of court cases brought against them and indeed to provide a legal entity that can organise various activities normally not possible outside of that realm.\nA number of cases have been brought against Bahraini bloggers and journalists in recent months, and the latest was against Al Wasat newspaper journalist <PERSON>. <PERSON> gives his theory of why this has happened:\nAs young teenagers, we used to joke with each other that we should not drive our cars in the last week of the month, as it is in that week specifically – we naively thought – that the traffic police got to be rather conscientious about their job and handed driving offences left, right and centre.",
"The reason, we surmised, was that they are ensuring that they get paid their salaries for that month from our fines!\nIf this is the motive behind these continuous harassing techniques by the public prosecution or the government in general, then let’s not waste time with all of this and start a “Writers Kitty” where every writer pays a subscription of a set amount per month and be done with it! That would save the prosecution’s, court’s and the public’s time and efforts and will hopefully get them all to dedicate their time more industriously investigating the myriad of delayed cases that desperately need resolved and fairly decided.\nMeanwhile, <PERSON> writes in his blog Madas Ayatallah (‘The Ayatollah's Sandals’) about his experiences – and bad habits – at university:\nلا أملك كثيراً من الذكريات في جامعة البحرين. ويبلغ جهلي بها مستوىً،\nحدّ أنني مازلت أضيع بين ممراتها ذات التصاميم الفخيمة. وعند بداية كل فصل دراسي – كما هو الحال هذا الأسبوع -، أجد لزاماً عليّ اللجوء إلى قفّائي الأثر وعسس المباني المقوسة، لتحديد أماكن المحاضرات المسجلة عندي في الجدول الدراسي برموز لا أكاد أفقه منها شيئاً.\nI don't keep much in my memory regarding the University of Bahrain. My ignorance reaches such a level that I still get lost in the corridors of all that grand architecture. And at the beginning of every semester – as it is this week – I find it necessary to resort to trackers and patrols in the curved buildings, to work out the places of the lectures that I'm registered for in my study timetable, indicated by symbols I can barely comprehend.\nFinally, <PERSON>, an American married to a Bahraini, recounts more of her experiences of new motherhood in Bahrain:\nWe took <PERSON>'s documents to the Health Center two weeks ago to get his birth certificate. Well, <PERSON> went to pick it up yesterday and guess what….. they misspelled his name.",
"Death of a 12-year-old boy lays bare the plight of Iran’s Ahwazi minority · Global Voices\nAhwazi children walk alongside a canal. A 12-year-old boy has been the latest casualty of Ahwaz's continued state of poverty and struggle. Image: Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 3.0\nA 12-year-old Ahwazi boy was reported dead by suicide on the evening of July 24, 2018, in the Republic of Iran, sparking outrage over the discrimination and hardship faced by the country's minority Ahawzi population.\nSuicide rates and cases of self-immolation continue to rise among the Ahwazi, an Arab community who live in Iran's oil and gas-rich southern provinces and constitute 10 percent of the country's population. Viewed as inferior because of their ethnicity, most Ahwazis exist below the poverty line, with limited or no access to employment, education, healthcare, or basic utilities.\nThe mother of the young boy, who was identified only as <PERSON>, returned to the family home in Abadan, in the province of Khuzestan, on Tuesday evening to find that her 12-year-old son had hanged himself. The boy was the eldest of two children, the other a five-year-old girl.\nThe mother, the sole wage-earner of the household, worked as a housekeeper and cleaner and struggled to provide for herself and her children. According to activists, shortly before her son's death, the woman had sold some of the family's meager possessions, including her son’s mobile phone and bicycle, in order to pay outstanding rent.\n<PERSON>'s suicide is the latest to afflict the Ahwazi Arab community. In the past couple of years, a high number of Ahwazi Arab young men have protested through acts of suicidal self-immolation, often in front of the oil and gas companies’ headquarters and government offices.\nIn an interview with Ahwaz monitor in April 2017, the Ahwazi activist <PERSON> pondered the reasons behind those events:\nThere is a surge of high incidence of suicide across Al-Ahwaz due to poverty and the high rate of unemployment as well as the closure of the Ahwazi Arab free market that led to Ahwazi youth and especially those who are married to commit suicide.",
"The suicide attempts also increased in rural areas in Ahwaz since 90 percent of Ahwazi Arab people in rural areas are suffering from poverty and very low income. They are overwhelmingly dependent on agriculture and fishing for their food but these people have been left with no alternative source of income after their entire arable lands on the banks of the Karoon River were forcibly confiscated by regime officials with very low compensation.\nThere is, however, an economic crisis occurring across Iran, and there is a general upswing of suicide rates across the country. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), and various studies led inside of Iran reported by Iranian news agencies such as the Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA), suicide rates in Iran are on the rise. In 2014, the WHO reported that 5,3 out of 100,000 Iranians committed suicide.\nOn social media, in reaction to the harsh news, one Iranian remarked on the sad state of the country reflected in both <PERSON>'s suicide, alongside similar deaths amongst another Ahwazi boy of 17 years old alongside another 15 year old girl from an Arab dominated city of Iran.\nحکومت جمهوری اسلامی تو یک هفته؛\n۱. خودکشی پسر ۱۲ ساله آبادانی\n۲. خودسوزی پسر ۱۷ ساله اهوازی\n۳. دختر ۱۵ سالهی شهرک الغدیر\n+ هر سه به دلایل معیشتی خودکشی کردن. چه شعارهایی قبل از ۵۷ دادند، حالا بعد از چهل سال همون مردم دارن برای بقا مبارزه میکنند.",
"Egypt: IMF Deal Sparks Controversy · Global Voices\nThis post is part of our special coverage Egypt Revolution 2011.\nHelping Egypt overcome the cash crunch that ensued in the wake of the January 25 Revolution, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed on Sunday to a 3 billion dollar loan package to the Arab World’s most populous country.\nThe deal will, supposedly, help Egypt obtain funding to meet the balance of payments deficit that now stands between $10bn and $12bn in the wake of the revolution that overthrew president <PERSON> in February.\nEgyptian pounds. Image by Flickr user <PERSON> (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).\nBut while the Egyptian government and Finance Minister <PERSON> hailed the deal as a step to “relaunch the Egyptian economy,” Egyptians were largely skeptical, with the deal receiving negative feedback from online citizens and activists.\nOn Facebook, a group entitled “No IMF Deal for Egypt” was created and now comprises around 300 members, to discuss the deal and provide other alternatives to save cash and reduce budget deficit.\nUser <PERSON>, for example, argues that:\nreducing the salaries of ministerial consultants could save more than 70 bln [billion] dollars\nAnother user, <PERSON> asserts that:\nit’s possible to save 36 bln dollars immediately if the private funds were added to the general budget balance\nOn Twitter, blogger and activist <PERSON> (@Gsquare86) voiced a strong refusal to the deal:\n@Gsquare86: WE MUST REJECT THAT LOAN!!!! we are in a revolution, NO #SCAF NO GOV can make these decisions without the people's consent !!! #IMF #Egypt\nUser <PERSON> (@amr_gohary) is questioning the validity of approving the deal by “a transitional government”\n@amr_gohary: How come an interim unelected government is taking such strategic decisions as the IMF loan decision? #Egypt\nThe deal comes after IMF praised Egypt’s draft of the 2011/2012 budget balance which raised government spending by a quarter.",
"The country's interim government claims the budget will help improve social justice and remedy some of the economic grievances that was, according to a Gallup poll released on Sunday, one of the main reasons that helped trigger the anti-regime uprising in January.\nThe balance centers around raising the national minimum wage from the old level of 34 Egyptian pounds (GBP 3.50) per month to 700 Egyptian pounds, and the establishment of a 2 billion Egyptian pound fund to pay for unemployment benefits. The IMF said the deal will help put the Egyptian Economy on the “right track”, despite opposition from businessmen who see the draft as running against the neo-liberal policies that helped their businesses flourish under <PERSON>’s rule.\nOne thing for certain is that both Egyptians and their government are keeping their eye on how the economic wheel is moving these days. But while Egypt’s rulers attempt to “resurrect” this ailing sector, there is a fear lurking in the air that this might come at the expense of post-revolution Egyptian independence.\nThis post is part of our special coverage Egypt Revolution 2011.",
"Cuba: Diaspora Discusses New Real Estate Law · Global Voices\nBloggers, primarily from the Cuban diaspora, are having a field day with news of a new law that will allow Cubans to actually buy and sell real estate legitimately. While this significant reform has the potential to open up a whole new world to Cubans, who may now leave property to relatives in their wills, many feel that there are still too many restrictions and more importantly, that there are more pressing issues.\n<PERSON> publishes the official PDF document of the new law, accompanied by this sardonic comment:\nLet the games begin!\n<PERSON> does the same, but reserves comment.\nNotes from the Cuban Exile Quarter, however, does not hold back, beginning his post by saying:\nWithout human rights the ‘right’ to buy and sell property is a right to expropriate the poor.\nThe post continues:\nNewsrooms around the world are reporting with great excitement that Cubans will be able for the first time in half a century to buy and sell property. It is being hailed as an expansion of economic freedom. The reality is much more somber. Human rights are non-existent in Cuba.",
"There is a powerful elite known as the nomenklatura that has the power, in practice, to do whatever it wants regardless of the “law.” Property rights are human rights. Human rights are non-existent in Cuba.\nThe blogger goes on to say:\nIn reality, property can be taken from one owner and given to another with greater political influence. What has until now been a de facto practice for decades will be given a legal veneer in order to give the rich, powerful and politically connected…in Cuba the right to plunder the island.\nMeanwhile, the level of violence against human rights defenders is increasing.\nConfirming this claim is <PERSON>, who publishes first-hand accounts from dissidents who were recently arrested.\nAgainst the backdrop of ongoing arrests like these, Uncommon Sense calls the whole thing a “scam”, saying:\nThe headlines were buzzing…with reports that the <PERSON> dictatorship was about to start letting Cubans buy and sell property, most of which was stolen by the dictatorship some 50 years ago.\nBut I had a hard time giving a damn, much less taking the news seriously because I knew that there were again Cubans being beaten, threatened, harassed, arrested, etc. because of their political opposition to the regime. Allowing real estate deals just seems like another way for the regime to hold onto power, and to earn more cash for itself, without changing the fundamental nature of its rule.\nHe continues:\nWhatever the exact numbers [of politically motivated arrests], they reflect the reality of Cuba today much more than a ‘new law’ allowing Cubans to buy property stolen from them with money they don't have.\nNotes from the Cuban Exile Quarter has the last word, acknowledging that while “changes are taking place in Cuba…it is going from bad to worse”:\nWithout the rule of law, respect for human rights and escalating violence against nonviolent activists things are bound to get a lot worse.\nThe thumbnail image used in this post, “House in Vinales, Cuba, with sunset”, is by <PERSON>, used under an Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0) Creative Commons license. Visit <PERSON> photostream.",
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"Amid Crackdown on Dissent, Six Vietnamese Human Rights Activists Are Dealt Long Prison Sentences · Global Voices\n<PERSON>, a prominent land rights activist, leads the march with her son, <PERSON>. The placard reads: “Justice for the Brotherhood for Democracy.” Photo: Facebook screen grab/<PERSON>\nThis article by <PERSON> is from Loa, a news website and podcast of Viet Tan that broadcasts stories about Vietnam. It is republished by Global Voices as part of a content-sharing agreement.\nSix activists were sentenced to between seven and 15 years in prison on charges of subversion after a one-day trial in Hanoi. These are the harshest punishments to be issued by Vietnam's one-party state in years.\nHuman rights lawyer <PERSON>, 48, received the longest sentence of 15 years in prison and five years of house arrest.\nAccording to attorney <PERSON>, who represented some of the defendants, <PERSON> said while inside the heavily secured courtroom that “leniency for political dissidents today is really an act of leniency for yourself in the future.”\n<PERSON> shared similar sentiments, saying, “I have no regrets. Today you put me on trial but tomorrow it may be you on trial.”\n<PERSON> legal assistant <PERSON>, who was arrested with him in December 2015, received nine years in prison. Lutheran pastor <PERSON> and <PERSON> both received 12 years. <PERSON> and <PERSON> received sentences of 11 and seven years in prison, respectively. All besides <PERSON> are bloggers and citizen journalists who have been jailed before.\nAll six are members of the Brotherhood for Democracy (BFD), an organization that promotes civic engagement and provides training in human rights. The group began in 2013, with <PERSON> as one of the founding members.\nThe trial of 6 Vietnamese activists is over.\n<PERSON> 15 years\n<PERSON> 7 years\n<PERSON> 12 years\n<PERSON> 11 years\n<PERSON> 12 years\n<PERSON> 9 years\n— Grace Bui (@gracebui2016) April 5, 2018\nA tightening grip on dissent\nCommenting on the trial, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman <PERSON> said , “In Vietnam there is no such thing as a ‘prisoner of conscience’, and there’s no such thing as people being arrested for ‘freely expressing opinion’.”\nPeople were quick to react on Twitter.\nThis is such a joke. Thanks to those who dared asking the question in the first place though.",
"Foreign delegations in #Vietnam should not let the authorities get away so easily from their international obligations regarding human rights.\n— <PERSON> (@JadeDussart) April 5, 2018\nA sad day for #PressFreedom: Only one day of trial to seal the fate of 6 #Vietnam bloggers and activists, including blogger <PERSON>, sentenced to 15 years of jail, and veteran journalist <PERSON>, sentenced to 12 years. #StopTheCrackdownVN\n— RSF_Asia-Pacific (@RSF_AsiaPacific) April 5, 2018\nThe latest research from Amnesty International shows there are currently close to 100 prisoners of conscience in Vietnam. In 2017 alone, more than 40 activists were arrested, issued warrants or exiled in an ongoing crackdown on freedom of expression.\nThe European Union also condemned the convictions. An EU spokesperson for the European External Action Service (EEAS) said the development “continues the negative trend of prosecuting and sentencing human rights activists and bloggers” in Vietnam.\n<PERSON>, who is the son of pastor <PERSON>, told <PERSON> that he and his family are heartbroken with the sentence. <PERSON>, also known as <PERSON>, had been traveling the world to advocate for his father and other members of the BFD:\nIt’s really horrible because my grandmother is already 90 years old. I don't think she’s going to last the next 12 years,” he said. “I don't think my father will get the chance to see her again. [We are] a family who has a member dedicating their lives to society and this is what we get from the government.”\nLocal and global support\nBefore the trial, supporters marched the roughly two kilometers from Thái Hà Church to the courthouse in Hanoi in solidarity with the six activists. A Facebook live video showed how the mobilization was followed and eventually broken up by security and plainclothes police.",
"Vietnamese authorities arrest four land rights activists · Global Voices\nL to R: <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>. They were arrested by the police on 24 June and later charged for “conducting propaganda against the state.” Source: Facebook – <PERSON>\nThis article was originally published on Loa, a news website and podcast on Vietnamese news by <PERSON>. An edited version is published below as part of a content-sharing agreement.\nIn the early morning of June 24, land rights activist <PERSON> narrated his impending arrest in a video posted to Facebook.\nBoth uniformed and plainclothes police are surrounding my house. It is 5:30 am. I think they are going to arrest me today.\nHe continued:\nAs I have said in my will, I have no intention of committing suicide if I am arrested. I am very healthy at the moment, without any signs of illness. If I die in a police station or detention center, it is because the police killed me.\nSecurity police forcibly broke into <PERSON>'s property and arrested him shortly after. The same day, authorities arrested his mother, <PERSON>, his brother, <PERSON>, and another activist, <PERSON>.",
"All four activists were outspoken about the clash in Đồng Tâm in January, when security police raided the home of an elder village leader and killed him. <PERSON> had met with diplomats of the US embassy in February to discuss what had happened in Đồng Tâm.\nState media reported that <PERSON>'s Facebook account had “attracted more than 50,000 followers” and claimed it had “carried distorted information” about the clash in Đồng Tâm. His Facebook account has since been shut down.\nOn Monday, June 29, attorney <PERSON> went to the Investigation Security Agency in Hà Nội to conduct procedures for <PERSON> defense. He brought back reports that all four activists are being charged under Article 117 of the penal code, for “conducting propaganda against the state.” People charged under Article 117 face up to 20 years in prison.\n<PERSON> wife had given birth to their second child just four days prior to his arrest. In the video posted on Facebook, he briefly turned the camera to his newborn child, who was sleeping.\nCitizen journalist <PERSON> on Facebook that he had spoken with <PERSON> at the end of May and that <PERSON> had predicted that something bad would soon happen to him, but didn’t want to go anywhere because he wanted to be with his wife and children when they needed him most.\nThe Vietnamese government also arrested two other activists on June 24 because of Facebook posts critiquing the state. This series of arrests come just weeks after the arrests of three journalists in what human rights groups are calling a crackdown on activists ahead of the 13th National Party Congress.\nHuman Rights Watch reported at the end of last year that Vietnam had more than 130 political prisoners. Other NGOs, such as Defend the Defenders, recently placed that number at almost 250 political prisoners. Among those detained are land rights petitioners who are fighting to protect their land from seizure by the authorities.\nListen and watch to <PERSON>'s reporting about the arrest:",
"Vietnamese Blogger <PERSON> Detained, Stripped of Citizenship, and Exiled to France · Global Voices\n<PERSON> with a sign declaring “I am Vietnamese.” Source: Facebook\nThis edited article by <PERSON> is from Loa, a news website and online radio project of Viet Tan that broadcasts stories about Vietnam. It is republished by Global Voices as part of a content-sharing agreement.\nProfessor <PERSON> learned earlier this month that Vietnam’s president had decided to take away his citizenship. The 61-year-old, who holds dual French-Vietnamese citizenship, is a prominent blogger who writes about human rights, social justice, and corruption in Vietnam. He’s a member of the pro-democracy party Việt Tân. <PERSON> was interviewed from Saigon by Loa’s contributing reporter <PERSON> before the professor was arrested and exiled to France.\n<PERSON>: Professor <PERSON>, how will deportation affect your family situation?\n<PERSON>: Deportation from this country would mean that my family will be forced to be split up. Since I have French citizenship, my daughter is also a French citizen. If I am deported, she can go to France with me or at a later time. However, my wife, <PERSON>, is a Vietnamese citizen. She has to stay back to take care of her older brother, who is a disabled South Vietnamese war veteran. He was wounded during the <PERSON> battle in 1973. My brother's situation is critical, he is almost blind, almost deaf and paralyzed on one side of the body. He needs constant home care assistance. In addition, my wife also has to stay back to take care of her elderly mother who is 80 years old. These are the challenges that sum up the difficult situation I face.\n<PERSON>: Why does the government consider you a national security threat?\n<PERSON>: According to Việtnam’s constitution, they charged me with violating national security, but they haven’t actually convicted me of anything at all, and yet, Foreign Ministry spokesperson <PERSON> declared that I have violated national security.\nSecondly, what exactly is violating national security? What action is that? If you or any of the listeners followed my case in the past, I previously served 17 months imprisonment and three years of house arrest.",
"After that period of time, I'd say my activism fell under the category of “light”. I wrote blogs and articles, I continued to express my views on issues like democracy, corruption, environment, territorial sovereignty. This is something that anybody could do, and to be honest, everybody should do — it’s our responsibility to express those views.\nEspecially as an educator, even though I am no longer able to teach, I still have these rights, as well as the right to express my perspectives on the state's education system. My actions have been peaceful, and I never use vulgar or inflammatory speech.\nSo I've shared this information with my friends and family, as well as with current and former activists, and they all agree that the government is targeting Việt Tân, as I was previously convicted as a Việt Tân member. And after I was released, I still continued to write, so they just claim that all of those actions are for Việt Tân. We can call this type of intimidation attempts to deter and punish — that is their language — anybody that has any association with Việt Tân, and of course punishment of the organization itself.\n<PERSON>: You left Việtnam in 1973 and eventually came back in 2000. Why did you decide to stay in Việtnam?\n<PERSON> My decision, I think, is very normal. Every Vietnamese has the wish to live on the land that he was borned and raised. Like everyone, I also wish to live, to work and even to die here, that’s normal. My wish is very strong, and I think it will overcome all obstacles.\nWhy are there people who want to leave Việtnam? I think they leave reluctantly, because they too, like everyone else, love their homeland. I know many people who want to go live abroad. I also know many people abroad who want to go back to our homeland, but circumstances do not allow them. All are very sad images of our country. My choice is also a painful one.\n<PERSON>: During the past 17 years since you came home, have you been able to fulfill your dream to build your homeland, at least in some measure?\n<PERSON>: My dream has definitely not been fulfilled because our country is still facing many problems, from politics to the environment, health, etc.",
"Singapore’s Economic Success ‘Comes at the Sacrifice of Humans Rights,’ Says Activist <PERSON> · Global Voices\nScreenshot of <PERSON> from her YouTube account.\nThis article by <PERSON> is from Loa, a news website and online radio project of Việt Tân that broadcasts stories about Việt Nam. It is republished by Global Voices as part of a content-sharing agreement.\n<PERSON> is a 26-year-old activist in Singapore. Though young, she has inspired the ire of Singaporean officials over the last four years for her efforts to raise awareness of the stifling political environment in Singapore and restrictions on speech and assembly.\nIn 2017, <PERSON> was scheduled to attend a human rights conference in Malaysia, but when she arrived she was deported upon the demands of the Singaporean authorities.\nShe continues to resist the government’s attempts to suppress her right to free expression, by speaking at international forums such as the Internet Freedom Festival in Spain, which she attended for the first time in March 2018.\n<PERSON> (KT): This is <PERSON> reporting from the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia, Spain. I’m here with <PERSON> from Singapore, who is an activist, and who led a session on our first day here. What would you like to tell people about Singapore?\n<PERSON> (HHH): I think the only thing that Singapore has is [this] so-called “economic success”, and we do not have any human rights at all. This economic success is actually at the sacrifice of Singaporeans, especially in the public housing, public healthcare, as well as employment. Singapore has an economic success that is being admired by countries all around the world. But, it comes at the sacrifice of humans rights in Singapore. The first thing is public housing. Singapore is the only country in this world that doesn’t spend a single cent from a cash-flow perspective on public housing. Second, is public healthcare. We actually have [a] compulsory insurance scheme, the government forces people to buy, on top of private insurance. With this insurance scheme, the total premium that the government collects is actually more than the total amount of claims that the government actually have to pay out every year. The third thing is the right to retirement. In this scheme the government forces people to set aside about 30 to 40 percent of their salary.\n<PERSON>: When I was at your session, I found it very interesting the way that the government has created laws in response to your activities. Could you tell me about some of those laws?\n<PERSON>: In Singapore, you can only protest in a park. It’s a very sad scene in Singapore. Just imagine, the government says that you can protest, but it’s only in a park.",
"It’s as good as asking you not to protest at all. You want to protest outside government agencies. You want to be able to express your freedom of assembly anywhere you want, but in Singapore, it’s only at this park.\nOn September 27, 2014, through a lot of effort that we put in through 2013 all the way to 2014, we managed to get more than 6,000 Singaporeans to protest at this park. On that day, the government actually sent a minister there, and tried to set up all kind[s] of entrapments against us. They provoked the protesters into doing a lot of things. We are thankful the international community spoke up against it and supported us. But, ever since that incident on September 27, 2014, scenes of protest in Singapore actually disappeared. Nobody gathered at this park anymore, lest to say there are any protests. That was the biggest protest ever, since in the 21st century for Singapore. Since this protest, the government investigated about 20 people, and charged six of us. I was one of them. They disqualified me from standing for parliamentary elections because of this protest. Which means in the next elections, I won’t have the ability to stand.\n<PERSON>: How were they able to ban you from participating in that election?\n<PERSON>: In Singapore, there is this law that says that if you have ever been fined more than 2,000 Singaporian dollars [1,520 US dollars], you would not be able to stand for election. In Singapore before you can protest, you have to tell the government you are going to protest. On their protest website, they have three options. You have to either give a speech, or you’re holding a protest, or you’re singing, which is performance. You can only click one of the options. I always click speech; all of us click speech. But, if you click speech, you will be charged for demonstration.",
"Films on human rights abuses and courageous opposition in Myanmar · Global Voices\nA screenshot from the film Burma Rebel Artist: Moe Thandar Aung\nThis movie playlist is from Cinemata, a platform for social and environmental films about the Asia-Pacific. It is a project of EngageMedia, a nonprofit that promotes digital rights, open and secure technology, and social issue documentary. This is edited and republished as part of a content-sharing agreement with Global Voices.\nFebruary 2022 marks one year since the military junta seized control of the Myanmar government and derailed the country’s journey towards democracy. A year on, blatant human rights abuses continue to burden the people. Amid escalating threats to their digital rights, the people of Myanmar need support in sounding the alarm over the worsening human rights situation in the country.\nEngageMedia has curated a playlist of films that shows the extent of rights abuses in the country, as well as courageous forms of resistance against the continuing infringement on people’s rights. Marking the one-year anniversary of the coup, “A Year of Resistance” turns the spotlight on the long-standing struggle of the people of Myanmar for democracy.\nThis film collection is curated in solidarity with the people of Myanmar. In bringing the stories of unrest and atrocities to light, these films hope to inspire action and advocacy towards justice and freedom.\nREAD MORE: Myanmar's Spring Revolution\n“Burma Rebel Artist: Moe Thandar Aung”\nAfter the Myanmar military coup in February 2021, <PERSON>, a graphic designer whose work touched on themes on feminism, began making protest art in support of calls to defend and uphold democracy in the country.\nToday, activists from the growing civil disobedience movement in Myanmar are printing her works en masse, and even more are publicly sharing and reposting her work.\nThis video is by Myanmar-based filmmaker <PERSON> (also known as <PERSON>). He was recently interviewed on an episode of Pretty Good Podcast about his experience documenting the Myanmar protests after the coup.\n“Black out”\nIn the aftermath of the 2021 Myanmar coup, the country is faced with state-mandated internet and information blackouts.",
"<PERSON>, a single mother, and <PERSON>, her daughter and an anti-coup protester, are among those who can no longer access the internet at home. In their pursuit of news on what is happening on the ground, they find only fabricated stories and unreliable information.\n“Myanmar activists denounce selling of their data to military”\nTelenor — Myanmar's second-largest telecoms business — departs the country, selling 100 percent of the company to a Lebanese investment group. This move made activists concerned that their data could end up in the hands of the military as a result of the sale. Thus, they created an online petition and have organized cyber protests to stop this so-called “betrayal.”\n“Names and Faces of Myanmar’s Bloody Days”\nDuring the six months of the junta coup, at least 950 civilians have been violently killed. A total of 90 children under the age of 18 have been murdered, while at least 48 children were arrested.\n“Wave”\nAn independent female humanitarian activist from Shan State describes the trauma she experiences in working in an environment pervaded by despair but also her commitment to helping those forced to flee armed conflict. This film was directed by <PERSON>, <PERSON>, and <PERSON>.\n“Digital Rights in Myanmar”\nIn this video, Myanmar activists talk about the digital rights and digital security challenges they face, arguing that freedom of expression, freedom to organize, and freedom to associate should be kept, protected elements of digital rights.\n“Wake Up Myanmar”\nThis song was made by 24 Youth from six different corners from Myanmar that participated in Turning Tables Myanmar’s yearlong social cohesion project “The Voice of the Youth.” Together they produced and recorded the song “Wake Up” which calls for democracy, youth participation, and sustainable development to replace corruption and injustice.\n“Striving for Democracy: Burma's Road to Freedom”\nStriving for Democracy: Burma's Road to Freedom shows two Burmese monks journey to Jakarta, Indonesia, a few weeks after Cyclone Nargis, at the time the worst natural disaster recorded in Myanmar. During their travels, they shared stories from Myanmar and its people, finding many Indonesian supporters along the way.\nThis 2009 film shows powerful footage from the Saffron Revolution, a series of economic and political protests led by students and Buddhist monks that swept Myanmar from August to September 2007. It also highlights the continuing need for international solidarity amongst Southeast Asians in times of political upheavals as in the current situation in Myanmar.",
"What’s happening in Thailand? Youth activists rally to protect democracy, freedom of speech · Global Voices\nPro-democracy protesters, led by students from the Free Youth group and the Student Union of Thailand, calling for democratic reforms on July 18, 2020, at the Democracy Monument in Bangkok. Photo and caption by <PERSON>.\nThis article by <PERSON> is from EngageMedia, a non-profit media, technology and culture organization. This story was edited and republished on Global Voices as part of a content-sharing agreement.\nAfter years of repression, censorship, and injustice under a pro-military government, thousands of protesters in Thailand are taking to the streets and to the internet to call for political changes and democratic reforms. What started as pro-democracy rallies by students in February 2020 have now evolved to countless protests led by Thai youth and students as young as 14-years-old against the pro-military government taking place almost daily in at least 55 out of 77 provinces nationwide.\nThree demands\nThis student-led pro-democracy movement is the first time in modern Thai history that the Thai monarchy had been talked about publicly in a critical way since doing so is a jailable offense. The protests, led by the Free People Movement, are demanding changes in a country with a long history of suppressing dissent. Under the overarching goal to have “a democratic form of government with the monarch under the constitution”, the movement is demanding three key changes to the current Thai government: dissolve the Parliament, re-write the military-backed constitution, and stop intimidating and arbitrarily arresting critics.\nBut much like recent attacks on freedom of expression online in neighbouring Philippines and Hong Kong, Thai protesters and media are increasingly being silenced by their government in both physical and digital spaces.\nJust this August 26, Free People Movement leaders <PERSON> and <PERSON> were arrested for their role in the July 18 anti-government rally. They have since been granted bail. A day earlier, after pressure from the Thai government, Facebook had blocked access within Thailand to the “Royalist Marketplace”, a group with over a million members where Thai citizens could discuss the monarchy. Almost immediately, however, Facebook said it was prepared to legally challenge the Thai government’s request. As of writing, a new group with the exact same name has already emerged, with over 500,000 members joining within the first day of its creation.\nOn top of these crackdowns, the local Thai media also cannot freely report on the state’s harassment and intimidation against protesters out of fear of being targeted by the government’s legal measures and financial backlash.\nThe first wave of protests\nIn late February 2020, the first wave of student protests across Thailand was initially triggered by the Constitutional Court’s dissolution of the pro-democracy Future Forward Party, an opposition party popular among younger voters.",
"Soon after, the Thai government signed an emergency decree prohibiting anti-government rallies in the name of curbing the spread of COVID-19. But by June, Thais had grown even angrier at the government due to the increasing economic hardship brought on by the pandemic, the disappearance of Thai anti-government activist <PERSON> in Cambodia, and the perceived failings of the justice system in the case of <PERSON> [a billionaire heir accused of killing a police officer during a car crash in 2012. The case against him was dropped triggering public outcry against impunity for the rich].\nThe second wave of protests\nThis combination of grievances, along with the easing of lockdowns in the country, sparked the second wave of protests. On July 18, the Free Youth group and the Student Union of Thailand organized a peaceful rally in front of Bangkok’s Democracy Monument with over 2,000 protesters. This time, the student-led demonstrations were far more powerful and widespread, attracting a much broader cross-section of society. By August 16, more than 20,000 people repeatedly chanted, “Down with dictatorship, long live democracy”, at Bangkok’s Democracy Monument.\nThis new generation of Thais are also harnessing technology to organize “flash” protests, bridging the gap between online and offline activism. Partly inspired by the Hong Kong movement, the Thai movement is largely leaderless, with participants primarily using social media to protest and mobilize more people throughout the nation. Anti-government sentiments and political discontent have spread quickly on social media, with various protest hashtags emerging on Twitter. Young protesters are also using various online platforms like Tinder and TikTok to spread their protest message, often using symbols, satire, and popular culture.\nBut while the Thai government has maintained that people are allowed to express their dissent and desire for reform, it has increasingly harassed, detained, and initiated criminal complaints against student leaders and protesters who took part in the peaceful protests. While the government said the emergency decree’s extension to September won’t prohibit political protests, the police continue to summon protest leaders for violating the decree.",
"Thailand’s ‘youthquake’: Activism in the time of COVID-19 · Global Voices\nStudents alight their mobile phones during a protest at Kasetsart University on February 29, 2020. Photo by <PERSON>. Source: EngageMedia / Coconet\nThis article by <PERSON> is from Coconet, a platform for digital rights movement-building in the Asia-Pacific hosted by EngageMedia, a non-profit media, technology and culture organization. This story was edited and republished on Global Voices as part of a content-sharing agreement.\nHope for political change in Thailand has grown stronger in 2020 after a wave of student protests across the country followed the constitutional court’s dissolution of the opposition Future Forward Party.\nThis decision sparked flash mobs against Thai Prime Minister <PERSON> and his authoritarian regime, which has been in power since 2014. From February 21 to March 14 there were at least 79 flash mobs in universities, according to the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights group.\nThis wave of protests, dubbed the “youthquake” phenomenon, is reflective of growing political awareness among Thai youth.\nWith young people on their side, pro-democracy groups saw potential for ousting the pro-military government.\nBut then, COVID-19 arrived, with accompanying government restrictions.",
"The emergent Thai civil society was soon hit with an emergency decree that prohibits public assembly, moving activists online.\nBut Thai authorities have also been upping surveillance of online activities.\nThe government even has an Anti-Fake News Center that has been dubbed the “Fake News Center” by critics who have accused it of focusing on restricting rights to freedom of expression, rather than dealing with disinformation.\nThe center is known to censor information and criticism regarding the government’s management of the pandemic. It has even pressed charges against citizens for stating obvious truths.\n<PERSON>, an artist from Phuket, was arrested by police under the Computer Crimes Act after he posted on an online platform that there was no COVID-19 screening at the Suvarnabhumi airport, where he arrived following a stay in Spain in March 2020.\nBut harsh measures have failed to stifle dissent.\nIn fact, the June 4 disappearance of political exile <PERSON> in Cambodia reignited protests against the pro-military government, with more than 400,000 retweets using the hashtag #SaveWanchalearm the following day.\nHashtag activism and flash mobs on Twitter\nAmid restrictions, Twitter has become the main space for freedom of expression in Thailand. One of the viral hashtags during COVID-19 has been #nnevy, which emerged when Thai Twitter users sparked a war against Chinese nationalist trolls and created “a new pan-Asian solidarity”.\nThis happened after Chinese fans of Thai actor <PERSON> retweeted a tweet that called Hong Kong a “country.”\nThai Twitter users retaliated against the online attacks against <PERSON>, which appeared to be led by pro-Beijing trolls.\nSoon after, Twitter users from Hong Kong and Taiwan joined the defence, which led to popular hashtags #MilkTeaAlliance and a Thai equivalent that translates to #MilkTeaIsThickerThanBlood.\n<PERSON>, the Hong Kong pro-democracy activist, posted a photo of the actor with a message that Hong Kong was standing with Thais who loved liberty and standing against persecution by China.\nHe even called for the building of an Asian alliance against dictatorship.\nThe Student Union of Thailand then came up with an online campaign to “protest from home” by sharing photos or placards commenting on government performance with the hashtag #MobFromHome. This hashtag topped Twitter trends in Thailand.\nApart from using hashtags, pro-democracy activists online have also adopted a strategy called “bombardment”, or “ทัวร์ลง”, in which a user asks other users to collectively criticize a problematic post.\nIn Thailand, this kind of online public mobilization has been used to counter the government’s information operation (IO) campaigns that involve online attacks targeting dissidents and critics.\nAchieving critical mass on alternative online platforms\nWhile Twitter has been the platform of choice for anti-youth activists, two events that happened in close succession led to a drop of general confidence in the platform.\nOn May 13, the official Thailand Twitter account @TwitterThailand tweeted its first message, “Sawasdee khrap, Thailand” (Hello, Thailand!). On May 19, Twitter announced the update of its privacy policy to share users’ activities and IP addresses with “partners” to enhance targeted advertisements.",
"Silencing the media won’t stop the student-led protests in Thailand · Global Voices\nThai protesters with their three-finger “Hunger Games” salute. Photo by <PERSON>, used under the Foundation for Community Educational Media 2006 (cc) BY-NC license.\nThis article by <PERSON> originally appeared in Coconet, a platform for digital rights movement-building in the Asia-Pacific, hosted by EngageMedia, a non-profit media, technology and culture organization. An edited version is published below as part of a content-sharing agreement with Global Voices.\nIn Thailand, the youth-led pro-democracy movement is showing no signs of retreating, despite a State of Emergency banning public gatherings of more than four people. In response, the Thai government issued an order on October 16 banning four independent media outlets and a Facebook page from posting news content, based on the pretext that these organizations posed a major threat to national security. The groups in question are Voice TV, Prachatai, The Reporters, and The Standard, as well as the Facebook page of the Free Youth movement. The decree was signed by National Police Chief, <PERSON>, at the request of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission and the Digital Economy and Society.\nREAD MORE: Why are young people protesting in Thailand?\nThe ban on these groups has since been lifted, following an October 21 order by the Criminal Court. The Court cited Section 35 (1) and (2) of the Constitution, which state that “a media professional shall enjoy the liberty to present news or express opinions in accordance with professional ethics,” and that “the closure of a newspaper or other mass media in deprivation of the liberty under paragraph one shall not be permitted.”\nThe government’s decision to even attempt this ban was both misguided and counterproductive. If the Thai government believed that banning the four media houses would have stopped or weakened the ongoing protests, it was sorely mistaken.\nProtest communications go beyond media\nLong before the current protests, Voice TV, Prachathai, The Reporters, and The Standard had played a critical role in generating comprehensive and independent media content for the Thai public. And with their consistently high-quality content, professionalism, and code of ethics, the popularity of these media organizations has only increased. For instance, the YouTube channel of Voice TV surged to over two million subscribers during its coverage of the protests, making it currently one of the most popular news media outlets in the country.\nIf the intent of the Thai government was to stop news of the protests from spreading, it seems that the Emergency decree was the wrong choice of strategy. Even though many Thai youths depend on these independent media outlets, several more online platforms are also producing the same kind of independent content.",
"In addition, such content is also produced and shared on other channels of communication, such as on messaging applications Telegram, Line, and Signal.\nEqually important, as well, is the fact that, while protesters rely mainly on media and other forms of communication to mobilize, these organizations have nothing to do with the students’ communication, coordination, and management of the protests. The young protesters have become tactical in terms of organizational structure, information dissemination, time management, and protest management because of the advantages of using social media platforms. For example, the protests of October 14 to 21 at Ratchaprasong, Pathum Wan, Lat Phrao, and the Asok intersection in Bangkok and in other provinces clearly demonstrate how efficiently the students organized, coordinated, managed and controlled the protests. To manoeuvre the security forces, for instance, no information related to time and place of the protest is available until the last hour. Moreover, the protests take place simultaneously in several places within a specific period of time. The protests on Sunday, October 18, for instance, took place in different places in Bangkok and 12 provinces nationwide. To avoid unnecessary clashes with security forces, the protest leaders quickly adjourn the protests and demobilize people, while the security forces are on their way to the protest site.\nAnother sign of policy failure\nPrime Minister <PERSON>—who swept to power by a military coup in May 2014—is known in Thailand as not being friendly to independent media. As the protests against his government kept growing, the decision to ban the four independent media houses was nothing but another sign of policy failure and inability to handle the situation in which the legitimate power to rule was being questioned.\nIn fact, this move could fuel further protests. Since October 13, there have been daily protests in Bangkok, largely due to ongoing arrests of some protest leaders and daily intimidation and harassment of people by the Thai authorities. That day, the police had arrested 21 people, including protest leader <PERSON>. The following day, thousands of students mobilized and marched to the Government House to protest against the government and demand the release of their detained colleagues.\nThere have been 246 protests in 62 provinces over the last three months.",
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"Only ‘Foreign Agents’ Share Stories About Happy Times in the U.S., Says Russian Court · Global Voices\nThe “American Samara Alumni Club” performs a flashmob greeting to Americans and friends everywhere. YouTube\nSocial media reposts about life in the U.S. are enough for an organization to be deemed a “foreign agent” in Russia, at least according to the Lenin District Court in Samara. On Tuesday, the court upheld the Ministry of Justice's August decision to include the “American Alumni Club” on the Kremlin's list of foreign agents for reposting two stories about American life on the social media website VKontakte. The court ruled that the reposts constituted “political activity,” in violation of a 2012 law that requires groups to register as foreign agents if they receive international funding and participate in political activity — a term that, through recent legislation and jurisprudence, has taken on an increasingly broad definition.\nSo broad, in fact, that the term may be starting to lose whatever meaning it once had. As reported by the advocacy website Open Russia, the Samara court wasn't able to explain exactly what about the American Alumni Club's reposts violated the law, saying only that they included “material with stories about life in the U.S.” (The club's VKontakte group is now private.) The court fined <PERSON>, the head of the club, 50,000 rubles ($790), and slapped a 300,000 ruble ($4,740) fine on the organization itself, in accordance with article 19.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, “Violating the mandate of the activity of a non-profit organization, acting as a foreign agent.”\nThe American Alumni Club's logo. Source: VKontakte.\nIn May 2016, the Russian parliament passed a law clarifying what constitutes “political activity,” broadening the definition so as to make nearly all collective action fall under the scope of the law. According to the new legislation, political activity encompasses everything from appealing to state bodies to engaging in activity aimed at achieving a certain result in an election.",
"The caveats to the law are similarly broad, covering charitable, educational, and cultural endeavors, as well as work in a variety of other spheres; the exemptions allow the determination of what constitutes political activity to be made on entirely political grounds. Everything in <PERSON>'s Russia is political.\nAlthough this legislation affected administrative offenses, the government has pursued similar measures in the criminal sphere. As <PERSON> has argued, Russian anti-terrorism laws have become so broad that they encompass a wide variety of non-terroristic activity: “The government has long used the ‘fight against terrorism and extremism’ to justify repressive laws, no matter how obviously senseless they may be. As a result, Russia’s statutory framework can now be effectively used to target not only credible extremist threats, but also political opponents of the state.” The same can be said of the foreign agent law, which leaves NGOs subject to prosecutorial and ministerial whims.\nThe American Alumni Club, founded in 2001, aims to develop cultural, informational, and educational ties with American organizations, and does charitable work in the Samara region. It is one of 146 organizations that have been designated as foreign agents by the Ministry of Justice since 2012. More than 20 organizations have chosen to close their doors rather than accept the branding as foreign agents. Most recently, on October 4, the Memorial Society, one of Russia's most famous and influential non-profit organizations that seeks to preserve the memory of the victims of communism and to describe comprehensively the human rights abuses committed in the Soviet Union, was hit with the foreign agent label. Human rights advocates say the 2012 law is part of a broader Kremlin effort to crack down on dissent and civil society in Russia. According to Human Rights Watch, “It is part of a sweeping crackdown to silence critical voices that has included new legal restrictions on the internet, onfreedom of expression, on the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, and on other fundamental freedoms.”",
"Russia, China, and the Push for ‘Digital Sovereignty’ · Global Voices\nRussian President <PERSON> and Chinese leader <PERSON>. Source:, CC 2.0\nOn the last weekend in October, officials and high-profile media figures from Russia and China met in Guangzhou for the first ever China-Russia Internet Media Forum. Speakers congratulated each other on improved cooperation over traditional and digital media, and their collective effort to combat attempts by “Western mainstream media” to control the informational space. <PERSON>, Russia’s deputy minister of telecommunications and mass communications, delivered a speech at the conference detailing the countries’ overlapping cybersecurity concerns. He focused on network security and the development of “invulnerable information-communications systems.” “It is necessary to ensure the stability and invulnerability of the national segment of the internet from external action,” he argued.\nSince the founding of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2009, Russian and Chinese officials have frequently discussed joint cybersecurity initiatives. A relatively substantial degree of collaboration was formalized in the context of heightened Russo-Chinese cooperation in 2014 and 2015, with both countries signing an agreement that included cybersecurity cooperation provisions in May of last year. In the words of the agreement’s signatories, its purpose was to limit the use of informational technology designed “to interfere in the internal affairs of states; undermine sovereignty, political, economic and social stability; [and] disturb public order.”\nDigital Sovereignty\nThis emphasis on digital sovereignty remains a central tenet of both countries’ cyber policies, even as cooperation on the issue has ebbed and flowed. The non-aggression elements of the 2015 agreement floundered in the implementation stage, in part due to ambiguous language, but largely as a result of continued Chinese cyber espionage. This activity rose to unprecedented levels in 2016, with Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky Labs reporting 194 Chinese cyberattacks in the first 7 months of the year alone—compared to just 72 in 2015. These attacks targeted government agencies, the defense and aerospace industries, as well as nuclear technology companies.",
"And they’re probably underreported: a Kaspersky Labs spokesperson told Bloomberg that only around 10% of their corporate clients exchange data related to hacks with their security network.\nSource: Flickr, Open Democracy\nDespite the attacks, Russia and China have continued their cybersecurity cooperation, at least publicly. In April, the first Russian-Chinese Forum on Internet Security was held in Moscow, and Mr. <PERSON>’s China-Russia Internet Media Forum came a few months later. What's more, according to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs <PERSON>, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and intelligence services hold consultations with Chinese officials on cybersecurity issues twice a year. Still, these exchanges do not amount to substantive agreements.\nЖелезняк: Необходимо обеспечить цифровой суверенитет России\n— Единая Россия (@er_novosti) May 11, 2016\n<PERSON> [deputy secretary of the general council of <PERSON>’s United Russia party]: It's necessary to support Russia's the digital sovereignty.\nDigital sovereignty resembles, in many ways, the Kremlin’s conception of “sovereign democracy,” a term used to justify Russia’s right to eschew certain democratic principles in the name of “stability” and sovereignty in their own affairs. Similarly, cyber-sovereignty challenges the dominant American, internationalist approach to norms of digital governance. The Russian and Chinese view of internet regulation places much more authority in the hands of states, and views cyber activity as occurring within the jurisdictions of these states, rather than within a stateless data environment.\nCyber Envy\nRather than an alliance, Russia and China have a marriage of convenience that reflects a shared priority: regime stability. On the Russian side, this amounts in part to envy of China’s near-comprehensive control of national cyberspace. This has been particularly clear in Russian interest in the monitoring of internet traffic. In an interview with, <PERSON>, director of the Coordination Center for Top-Level Domain RU, noted that efforts at monitoring, such as deep packet inspection (DPI), which are well established in Chinese internet infrastructure, have received a great deal of attention in Russia.",
"New internet laws in Russia — and US tech giants’ acquiescence — spell trouble for dissenting voices · Global Voices\nRally against online censorship in Kaliningrad, Russia. Sign reads: “Respect the Russian constitution.” Photo by <PERSON>, (CC BY 4.0)\nA 2017 law regulating online activity and anonymous speech went into effect in Russia at the beginning of this month.\nThe law “on information and information technology” stipulates what content search providers are legally allowed to show. Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor, known as the “censorship ministry”) already maintains a registry of banned websites, created in 2012. The list of banned sites range from online gambling to extremist material and information on the use of narcotics. Search engines are now prohibited from showing these sites in their search results.\nTo facilitate the implementation of the registry, Russian agencies created the Federal State Information System to act as a bridge between the registry and search providers. These search providers are now legally mandated to connect to this system through an API so that banned websites will automatically be filtered out. Yandex, Russia's largest search engine has connected to the API, but Google has so far not complied with these new requirements, which may leave it subject to a petty fine (by Google's standards) of up to 700,000 rubles, or about USD $10,000.\nThe law also dictates when and how a user can anonymously use the internet, such as through VPN (Virtual Private Networks) software that allows users to mask the origin of their traffic through servers in other countries, thereby avoiding locally-based content restrictions and censorship.\nGoogle has been censoring search results in Russia on the basis of local laws for quite some time. Links to popular Russian torrent sites disappeared over a year ago from both Yandex and Google as Roskomnadzor deemed the sites illegal. As RuNet Echo reported earlier, Google has also been accused of over-complying with censorship requests from the Russian government, such as removing YouTube videos posted by opposition figure <PERSON>, and most recently, blocking a controversial rapper’s music video.\nSeveral years ago, Google moved some of its servers to Russia in accordance with laws compelling companies to store their data on Russian citizens on Russian soil.",
"With some servers now in Russia, the authorities have a more direct means of forcing the company to comply with local law.\nUsers have long suggested using VPNs to go around these types of measures, but the law’s provisions took this into account as well: VPN providers must block the sites, or face being blocked themselves. But this may be easier said than done. The Russian government banned Telegram earlier this year , but the app is still up and running and being used all across Russia without a VPN. Similar attempts to block VPN services could meet limited success, due to their decentralized infrastructure. This leaves the threat of a fine as the most salient option at Roskomnador’s disposal against VPNs and search providers that do not connect to the new federal system.\nWhile the proposed fine may seem paltry from the perspective of massive tech companies like Google, sources close to Russian tech operations have said that amendments are in the works to drastically increase fines . Rather than capping the fines at 700,000 rubles, the new rules allegedly peg the fines at 1% of the company’s earnings.\nWhile regular internet users don’t have to worry about such excessive fines, they too could soon face other repercussions for anonymously using the internet. Roskomnadzor has spearheaded new rules that require messaging apps to identify users based on their mobile provider. This in effect ties a user’s phone number to their personal identity.\nApps like Signal and Telegram pride themselves on allowing a user to communicate practically anonymously if they so wish. By obligating such apps to verify a user’s identity with their service provider, the Russian government is attempting to crack down on dissent and what they see as criminal activity. Telegram voluntarily registered with Roskomnadzor in 2017, which makes them liable under the new law. Signal does not keep servers in Russia and may run the risk of being banned there for non-compliance with the rule, but it also has a relatively small user base in Russia.",
"Russia’s Democratic Coalition Is On The Ropes · Global Voices\nRussia's opposition Democratic Coalition has been dealt blow after blow in the run up to regional elections. Images mixed by <PERSON>.\nWhen a group of opposition parties joined forces this April, they knew their goal of introducing true political pluralism to modern Russia was a tall order. Nevertheless, the Democratic Coalition forged ahead with plans to back candidates in regional elections this fall, with an eye on the national parliamentary elections in 2016. In recent weeks, however, the Coalition's grand ambitions have collided full force with the harsh reality of politics in <PERSON>'s Russia.\nOn September 13, a number of regional and district elections will be held across Russia. In preparation, the Democratic Coalition organized primaries earlier this summer to chose local candidates, and opposition leaders from Moscow such as <PERSON> toured key regional cities to drum up support. As the election date draws near, however, many Coalition candidates have found themselves unable to make it onto the September ballot.\nIn Russia, signatures from a certain number of supporters must be collected in order for candidates to take part in regional parliamentary elections, and the signatures must be verified by the local Election Commission. The verification process involves cross-checking the signee's identity and address with the database of the regional branch of the Federal Migration Service, and any discrepancies result in disqualification. Signature collection has been the focus of the Democratic Coalition in recent weeks, but this hurdle has so far proven insurmountable for the new opposition alliance. Many of the signatures declared invalid by local officials have been scrapped for dubious reasons, the Coalition claims.\nNovosibirsk\nIn Novosibirsk, Russia's third-largest city, the Coalition submitted about 11,700 signatures. <PERSON> wrote online that those selected were the most perfect from a total of 17,500 signatures the Coalition had collected, and “were double checked by a graphologist, entered in databases for compliance with passport data, and a call center had telephoned almost all the signees.” On July 24, however, the regional Election Commission working group ruled that only 10,187 of the signatures were valid, leaving a total falling 470 signatures short of the required number of 10,657. <PERSON>, the Democratic Coalition’s campaign manager in Novosibirsk, detailed the working group's findings in a post to his website:\nНаписал подробно о том, что означает решение рабочей группы избиркома, и что мы будем делать\n— <PERSON> (@leonidvolkov) July 25, 2015\nI have posted details about what the Election Commission working group's decision means and what we will do next\nAfter receiving the Election Commission's ruling, <PERSON>'s campaign team in Novosibirsk undertook a 30-hour marathon session to review all the signatures that had been deemed invalid. They found that in many cases Election Commission employees had introduced typographical errors themselves when entering the signee's information into a computer so that it could be cross-checked with the Federal Migration Service database.",
"They also asserted that the Federal Migration Service database contained outdated information, thus explaining the discrepancies that resulted in disqualification in many cases. The graphic below details the Coalition's findings:\n“The Election Commission working group declared 1487 signatures to be invalid. The results after correcting their mistakes: 615 invalid signatures. 1065 valid signatures.” Graphic labels (top to bottom): “Mistakes in checking. Typographical entry errors. Out-of-date FMS data. Mistakes by FMS. Invalid signatures. Under question. Lack of information. Duplicates.”\n<PERSON>'s team then met with representatives of the Novosibirsk Election Commission on July 27 to present these findings. An official from the regional branch of the Federal Migration Service in attendance dismissed their claims, however, informing everyone that the FMS database was up-to-date and contained no mistakes, wrote <PERSON> on his blog. After being rebuffed, the Democratic Coalition representatives refused to leave the Election Commission building, and were briefly detained by police before being fined for disobeying police orders.",
"Who’s Paying for the Meme War Against <PERSON>? · Global Voices\nA paid-for meme critical of opposition leader <PERSON>.\nOn May 5, the administrators of multiple major public groups on the Russian social media website VKontakte began receiving offers of payment to post memes criticizing opposition leader and political blogger <PERSON>.\nThe meme scheme became public when a VKontakte community called “Abstract Memes for Elites of All Sorts” published a post that included screenshots of the pay-to-play offer. The person —or people — responsible for promoting the content identified themselves only as representatives of an “advertising agency,” and had ready-made memes available for distribution. They asked the VKontakte group administrators to write text to accompany the memes, and promised to pay between 700 and 900 rubles ($12-15) per post per day.\nThough it remains unclear who is behind the memes, the scheme comes on the heels of an April 18 report by television station Dozhd about a major mudslingling campaign that the Kremlin was reportedly planning against <PERSON>. Just days later, an anonymous user published a video on YouTube comparing <PERSON> to <PERSON>, which many interpreted as being part of a larger attack against the opposition presidential candidate.\nIn a series of messages exchanged with the administrators of “Abstract Memes,” the alleged advertising agency representatives confessed that they disliked “Nashism,” or the kind of political tactics that the now-defunct pro-Kremlin youth movement “Nashi” used to employ, and that they were only doing it for the money.",
"They also said that two other groups, “Borscht” and “iFeed” had already agreed to distribute the memes, though no anti-Navalny material has appeared on their feeds in recent days.\n“Is <PERSON> a Kremlin Agent?” Source:\nThe administrators of several groups ultimately did post several of the anti-Navalny memes that had been sent to “Abstract Memes.” The group “The Illusionist,” which has more than 2.2 million followers on VKontakte, posted a meme on the evening of May 5 that looked like a magazine cover and read: “Is <PERSON> a Kremlin Agent?”\nAnother group, “Cool Science, Tricks, and Magic,” which has only 4,800 members, posted the same image the following morning.\nOne meme proposed by the advertising agency depicts <PERSON> as a magician impressing a group of hamsters by turning “speculation” and “falsehood” into grapes. The VKontakte community “You Won't Believe It,” which has more than 6.7 million subscribers, initially posted the meme but had deleted it by May 7.\nThe website Meduza reported that other VKontakte groups, including “Evil Chaplin” and “Decaying Europe,” had also published anti-Navalny memes, though they have likewise been deleted.\nThe brief anti-Navalny meme offensive seems to have hurt VKontakte groups more than it helped them: Roughly 1,600 users unsubscribed from “Decaying Europe,” and around 1,400 left “The Illusionist,” according to Meduza.\nСтатистика одного из таких сообществ. Кажется, народу не понравилось\n— Лентач (@oldLentach) May 6, 2017\nStatistics [showing the number of unsubscribers] from one of these online communities. It seems that the people didn't like [the memes].",
"Russian opposition leader <PERSON> calls for continued resistance after receiving 9-year sentence · Global Voices\nScreen Shot from BBC's YouTube channel showing <PERSON>'s trial inside a prison.\nWhile global public attention is mostly focused on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, other events taking place in Russia go almost unnoticed, including the Moscow trial of <PERSON>, the country's most prominent opposition leader.\n<PERSON> returned to Russia on January 17, 2021 from his stay in a German hospital recovering from an attempt to poison him. On that day, he was arrested right inside Moscow airport on charges of violating the terms of his probation in a previous embezzlement case, and taken into custody.\nAfter a hasty court hearing, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison and sent to a prison in the Vladimir region, not far from Moscow. Given his popularity in Russia after he unearthed massive corruption and targeted President <PERSON> , it became obvious that the story would not end with this verdict, and that the Russian authorities would try to find another reason to keep him imprisoned longer.\nA year after his arrest, on January 25, 2022, the Federal Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation (Rosfinmonitoring) included <PERSON> on the list of extremists and terrorists. Right after this, a new case was submitted to the Lefortovo Court of Moscow against <PERSON>. This time, he was accused of contempt of court and fraud . He was charged with the latter because he allegedly insulted a judge who had sentenced him in a previous trial in 2021.\nTo understand how far-fetched this accusation is, it is worth looking closer at the list of alleged insults : “Your Honor, you are breaking the law,” “My God.” The harshest words uttered by <PERSON> during the meeting were “disgusting”(омерзительный), “vile”(гнусный), and “go nuts” (офигеть), and they weren't even addressed to the judge.\nAs for the second part of the accusation regarding fraud, it relates, according to the prosecution, to the collection of money for <PERSON>'s flagship project Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK, a non-profit organization that investigates, discloses and prevents corruption in the highest authorities) that was allegedly spent for “personal needs and for extremist purposes.”\nThe reality is that about 300,000 people voluntarily donated their funds to the investigations of the FBK organization, of whom only four felt deceived and filed a lawsuit . An investigation by members of FBK reported that two of those were fake victims, and the other two were entrepreneurs investigated in unrelated criminal cases, and might have been pressured by security forces to act as they did to help with their own cases, as is often the practice in Russia.\nSpecial measures for a special trial\n<PERSON>'s trial was conducted in unusual circumstances: Instead of bringing the defendant to court for hearings, the court itself moved several times to the prison located in a small town in the Vladimir region. According to <PERSON>'s lawyer , this is an unusual decision and a rather rare case in judicial practice. Nevertheless, the authorities did not announce why they decided to hold the hearing in a prison instead of transporting <PERSON> to Moscow.",
"Journalists were allowed to watch the trial from a separate room through a TV screen, yet the transmission was frequently interrupted for alleged technical reasons. Though the hearing was formally declared open to anyone, that fact that that it took place inside a prison made it decidedly not. Everything was done to keep the trial as underreported as possible and kept away from the public eye.\nOne possible explanation for such measures is that, as expected, <PERSON> used the opportunity of the trial to express his views on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. An Instagram video of one of the hearings shows him saying: “ I am against this war. I consider it immoral, fratricidal and criminal. It was started by the Kremlin gang to make it easier for them to steal. They kill for the sake of stealing. … I am against this war.”\nThrough his social media accounts, <PERSON> also called on Russian citizens to protest to express their disagreement with the actions of the Russian authorities. He concluded by saying: “ If prison time is the price for my human right to say what I consider necessary and the civil right to fight for a better future for Russia, then they can ask for 113 [years]. I will not give up my words and what I did.",
"Russia’s Parliament Went on a Censorship Binge Today · Global Voices\nThe Kremlin is cracking down on online anonymity. Again. Images mixed by <PERSON>.\nRussia's lower house of parliament approved a spate of censorship laws today, voting for legislation that will prohibit messaging services from allowing users to communicate anonymously, outlaw the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), proxies, and other anonymizers, and require search engines to hide links to blocked sites.\nIn the last week before its summer recess, the State Duma passed an astonishing number of bills—69 in the last three days alone. Today's legislation, which is being sold as an important contribution to Russian national security, is the latest attempt by the government to monitor online activity. Many elements of the bills correspond with <PERSON> Strategy for the Development of an Information Society and may presage more repressive regulatory measures.\nThe bill regulating messaging platforms requires services to provide a telephone number to verify a user's identity.",
"The bill will force popular local messaging services like Telegram, Viber and Whatsapp to deny access to users who do not provide information verifying their identity.\nThe law also will require companies to prevent illegal content from being distributed across their platforms, a nearly impossible task given the volume of user messages sent across such platforms each day. The bill includes a provision that allows courts to instruct messaging services to block individual users’ messages.\nThe law also requires companies to allow state authorities to use their networks to send mass messages to their entire Russian user base.\nCompanies that do not comply with the law risk being blocked by Roskomnadzor, Russia's state censor.\nThe Duma approved a separate bill that requires internet anonymizers, including VPNs, to restrict access to certain online online content or risk being blocked by Roskomnadzor. The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) and the Federal Security Service (FSB) will be responsible for tracking the anonymizing services. This regulation also mandates that search engines prevent links to blocked websites from showing up in search results.\nBoth bills are already being criticized for their lack of precision, which will likely leave the door open for state abuse.\nWorth saying the VPN bill & the messenger bill both vague on enforcement mechanisms. As always, this leaves room for both evasion & abuse.\n— <PERSON> (@tanyalokot) July 21, 2017\nOn the same day, the Duma passed yet another bill mandating that SIM-card purchasers present a valid passport so that telecom providers are able to verify the identity of their subscribers.\nThe legislation must now be approved by Russia's upper house of parliament, the Federation Council, and then sent to the Kremlin to be signed by <PERSON> before it becomes law.\nSome messaging services are already indicating that they will comply with the legislation, which would enter into force on January 1, 2018. The head of the messaging app Viber, which was one of the first companies to comply with a 2015 law mandating that internet companies store data belonging to Russian citizens on Russian soil, has announced that his company will comply fully with Russian legislation.\nTelegram recently bowed to pressure from Russian authorities, agreeing to register the company but not to store user information in Russia or turn over any personal data to the government.\nThe Duma is likely to pass more restrictive regulations when it reconvenes in September: yesterday, at the NextM digital conference in Moscow, <PERSON>, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies, and Communication, announced that in the near future the government would have no choice but to pass more regulation on big data, the Internet of things, blockchain, and a number of other technologies.",
"‘Buy a New SIM Card’ and Await Further Interrogation: Russia’s Security Services Detain and Question a Reporter · Global Voices\n<PERSON>, a member of the independent Journalists’ and Media Workers’ Union, pickets the headquarters of Russia's domestic security agency FSB, to protest against a colleague's detention. Photo by <PERSON>, used with permission.\nWhen state security officers arrived at his home early in the morning of January 31, Russian journalist <PERSON> learned firsthand that punishment is not always timely.\n<PERSON>, a co-chair of the Journalists and Media Workers Union in Russia, was visited by members of the FSB, one of Russia’s security services, who searched his apartment and seized several of <PERSON>'s possessions including laptops, documents and copies of his independent magazine, Moloko Plus.\nPosting on his channel on Telegram, a widely-used messenger service in Russia, <PERSON> told his subscribers that the search was related to Article 205.3 of Russia's criminal code, a statute that deals with “undergoing training for the purpose of committing terrorist activity.” This was confirmed by a lawyer from Open Russia, an organization dedicated to the promotion of democracy and human rights in the Russian Federation.\n<PERSON> also took to Twitter to tell everyone the reason for the visit:\nУ меня обыск. Доброе утро. В рамках текста в The new times. Телефон отбирают.\n— паша никулин (@mrzff) 31 января 2018 г.\nThey’re searching my apartment.",
"Good morning. For my article in The New Times. They’re taking away the phone.\nThe article in question, “From Kaluga With Jihad”, drew on an interview <PERSON> had conducted with a Russian national from the Kaluga region, who went to Syria to fight for the Al-Nusra Front, a splinter faction of al-Qaeda. When it was published in March of 2017 in The New Times, the interview immediately drew the attention of the Russian authorities.\nRoskomnadzor, Russia's media regulator, issued a warning to The New Times for “signs of justifying terrorism” in the interview. The piece was later removed from The New Times’ website.\nAs The New Times’ chief editor later wrote on Facebook:\nПутин публично говорит о том, что тысячи россиян воюют за ИГ, а писать о мотивах, почему русский парень из Калуги принимает ислам и уезжает воевать в Сирию — это „признаки оправдания терроризма“! По мне так это классическая цензура, которая запрещена Конституцией.\n<PERSON> publicly says that thousands of Russians are fighting for the Islamic State, but writing about motives, why a Russian guy from Kaluga accepts Islam and goes off to fight in Syria is “signs of justifying terrorism”! I feel this classic censorship, which is banned by the Constitution.",
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"Losses of keras CNN model is not decreasing\nI am working on Street view house numbers dataset using CNN in Keras on tensorflow backend. I have queries regarding why loss of network is not decreasing, I have doubt whether I am using correct loss function or not. First I preprocess dataset so my train and test dataset shapes are:\n('Training set and labels', (26721,32,32,1), (26721, 6) )\n('Validation set and labels ', (6680,32,32,1), (6680,6) )\n('Test set and labels', (13068,32,32,1), (13068,6) )\nReason why labels array has 6 columns, because maximum digits in one image is 6.",
"For suppose, if image has 2 digits \"1 and 2\", then labels array is considered as [1,2,10,10,10,10] , where 10 represents no digits.\nNow this is my model definition:\ndef modelCNN(input_shape, num_classes):\nmodel = Sequential()\nmodel.add(Convolution2D(16, 7, 4, border_mode='same',\ninput_shape=input_shape))\nmodel.add(PReLU())\nmodel.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2), border_mode='same'))\nmodel.add(BatchNormalization())\nmodel.add(Convolution2D(32, 5, 3, border_mode='same'))\nmodel.add(PReLU())\nmodel.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2), border_mode='same'))\nmodel.add(BatchNormalization())\nmodel.add(Convolution2D(64, 3, 3, border_mode='same'))\nmodel.add(PReLU())\nmodel.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), border_mode='same'))\nmodel.add(Flatten())\nmodel.add(Dense(512))\nmodel.add(PReLU())\nmodel.add(Dropout(0.5))\nmodel.add(Dense(num_classes))\nmodel.add(Activation('softmax'))\nreturn model\nI tried with different customs model, but nothing seems working. I do compilation, loss and optimization like this:\nmodel.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy',\nmetrics=['accuracy'])\nprint(model.summary())\ncsv_logger = CSVLogger('training.log')\nearly_stop = EarlyStopping('val_acc', patience=200, verbose=1)\nmodel_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(model_save_path,\n'val_acc', verbose=0,\nsave_best_only=True)\nmodel_callbacks = [early_stop, model_checkpoint, csv_logger]\nK.get_session().run(tf.global_variables_initializer())\nmodel.fit_generator(train,\nsamples_per_epoch=np.ceil(len(train_dataset)/batch_size),\nepochs=num_epochs,\nverbose=1,\nvalidation_data=valid,\nvalidation_steps=batch_size,\ncallbacks=model_callbacks)\nNow, What I think that categorical_crossentropy loss needs one hot vector representation, but I am not sure how should i convert my labels array. Because unlike Mnist dataset, I have multiple labels in each image.\nIs there any loss function that I can use? or Any suggestion to make things work?\nNote: I am using CNN just for classification only, not for detection.\nThanks very much in advance",
"Handling dimensions for RGB data with Keras CNN\nI'm trying to make work the code from kera's documentation getting started. I'm getting there but there is something I do not understand about handling RGB data. I made one work with MNIST data (which is greyscale), but I can't seem to figure out the CIFAR10.\nHEIGHT = 200\nWIDTH = 200\ndef build_model():\ninputs = keras.Input(shape=(HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3))\n# making things simple, I don't CenterCrop, just set the input to whatever I'm feeding it\n# I do rescale to 0-1 values\nx = Rescaling(scale=1.0 / 255)(inputs)\n# this basically the doc's architecture\nx = layers.Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation=\"relu\", )(x)\nx = layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(x)\nx = layers.Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation=\"relu\",)(x)\nx = layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(x)\nx = layers.Conv2D(filters=32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation=\"relu\",)(x)\nx = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x)\noutputs = layers.Dense(10, activation=\"softmax\")(x)\nmodel = keras.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)\nreturn model\n# fake data, easier to play with shapes than with the actual CIFAR10 data to debug\n# shape is (500, 200, 200, 3), cifar10's is (60000, 32, 32, 3)\ndata = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(500, HEIGHT, WIDTH, 3)).astype(\"float32\")\n# shape is (500,1) cifar10's is (60000,1). Just 10 categories to match the output layer\nlabels = np.random.randint(0,9, size=(500,1)).astype(\"int8\")\nprint(\"got fake data...",
"\")\nmodel = build_model()\nprint(\"model built... \")\nmodel.summary()\nmodel.compile(optimizer=keras.optimizers.RMSprop(learning_rate=1e-3),\nloss=keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy())\nprint(\"model compile...\")\, labels)\nprint(\"done\")\nFor some reason, I get:\nValueError: Shapes (None, 1) and (None, 10) are incompatible\nStrangely, if change the label's fake data to size=(500, 10) then it \"works\". But obviously that makes no sense, since it would mean I have 10 labels for each sample. The MNIST dataset that works which I refer to can also be found in the linked documentation. The architecture of the network is much simpler (only Dense layers linked together).\nWhat am I missing here? Why would it be so different for a colored image than it is for a greyscale?\nEDIT: I also tried the work with the data from train, test = cifar10.load_data(), but it yields the same results.",
"CNN for classification giving extreme result probabilities\nI'm having issues with my CNN, using Keras with Theano backend. Basically, I need to classify 340x340 grayscale images into 6 categories. The problem is my CNN gives too \"hard\" probabilities, for instance it will rarely give predictions with some uncertainty, and always tries to push for a 90%+ for one class. The problem is that for my coursework, the penalty used is very harsh for complete miss classification, and uncertainty is much preferred.",
"( so having a prediction like [0.6, 0.3, 0.2, ...] is much better than having [0.9,0.03,0.02,..].\nI'm unsure why this is happening. My dataset consists of 2400 images, which are from different CCTV, and task is about recognising possible objects. Only 800 of the samples are actually from the data, the other 1600 have been generated through data augmentation. Note that it is therefore extremely likely a that some pictures are either identical, or extremely similar (e.g. the same scene, one second later)\nmodel = Sequential()\n#1\n# Few filter to take big stuff out\n# Also, first layer is not conv so that I can reuse that layer separately\nmodel.add(Dropout(0.1, input_shape=(1,340,340)))\nmodel.add(Convolution2D(64, 4, 4, border_mode='same'))\nmodel.add(Activation('relu'))\nmodel.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), dim_ordering=\"th\"))\n#2\nmodel.add(Dropout(0.1))\nmodel.add(Convolution2D(128, 4, 4, border_mode='same'))\nmodel.add(Activation('relu'))\nmodel.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), dim_ordering=\"th\"))\n#3\nmodel.add(Dropout(0.1))\nmodel.add(Convolution2D(256, 4, 4, border_mode='same'))\nmodel.add(Activation('relu'))\nmodel.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), dim_ordering=\"th\"))\n#4\nmodel.add(Flatten())\nmodel.add(Dense(1024))\nmodel.add(Activation('relu'))\n#5\nmodel.add(Dense(512))\nmodel.add(Activation('relu'))\n#6\nmodel.add(Dense(6))\nmodel.add(Activation('softmax'))\nopt = SGD(lr=0.001)\nmodel.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'])\nprint \"Training..\"\nfilepath = \"log/weights-improvement-{epoch:02d}---{val_acc:.2f}.hdf5\"\ncheckpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor='val_acc', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='max')\ncallbacks_list = [checkpoint]\, y_t, validation_split=0.1, nb_epoch=500, batch_size=32, callbacks=callbacks_list)\nHow do you suggest I fix this? Thank you in advance!",
"TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'Log_dir'\nI am trying to build model to convert Sign Language to text. I am facing some problem while trying to create and using tensorboard object inorder to visually see the output and optimize my model.\nfrom tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Activation, Conv2D, Flatten, MaxPooling2D,Dropout\nfrom tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential\nfrom tensorflow.keras.utils import normalize\nfrom tensorflow.keras.callbacks import TensorBoard\nimport numpy as np\nimport tensorflow as tf\nimport pickle\nimport cv2\nimport time\n# Load the dataset\nX = pickle.load(open(\"X_ab.pickle\", \"rb\"))\nY = pickle.load(open(\"Y_ab.pickle\", \"rb\"))\nmodelname = \"a-z{}\".format(int(time.time()))\nboard = TensorBoard(Log_dir=\"logs/{}\".format(modelname))\n# Scaling the data. /255 since data is image data\nX = normalize(X, axis=1)\nprint(\"({})\".format(X.shape[0]/2400)+str(X.shape)) # (2400,50,50,1) - n,y,x,c\nmodel = Sequential()\nmodel.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), input_shape=X.shape[1:])) # 64 3,3\nmodel.add(Activation('relu'))\nmodel.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) #\nmodel.add(Dropout(0.40))\nmodel.add(Conv2D(128, (3, 3))) # 5,5\nmodel.add(Activation('relu'))\nmodel.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))\nmodel.add(Dropout(0.25))\n# EXTRA\nmodel.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3))) # 5,5\nmodel.add(Activation('relu'))\nmodel.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))\n# remember to flatten the data since the data is 2d and dense accepts 1d data\nmodel.add(Flatten())\n#model.add(Dense(128)) # 64 to 32\nmodel.add(Dense(26)) # OG 1\nmodel.add(Activation('sigmoid')) # sigmoid\nmodel.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy',\noptimizer='adam',\nmetrics=['accuracy'])\n# batch size should be kept a little low(20-200) to avoid negative results\, Y, batch_size=30, epochs=10, validation_split=0.2,callbacks = [board]) # OG 30\\"modelname\")\ni = 6\nwhile i <= 10:\, Y, batch_size=30, epochs=i, validation_split=0.2,callbacks = [board]) # OG 30\\"{} - ({}).model\".format(modelname,i))\ni = i+1\nThe error which I am getting is as follow:\npython3\nTraceback (most recent call last):\nFile \"\", line 16, in <module>\nboard = TensorBoard(Log_dir=\"logs/{}\".format(modelname))\nTypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'Log_dir'",
"Remedies to CNN-LSTM overfitting on relatively small image dataset\nNotes\nUsing a pretrained model, trying data augmentation (not possible knowing nature of images, lowering number of parameters in the network, all didn't help)\nContext\nI have a sequence of images. Target is a multivariate continuous time series. I am trying LSTM on CNN without using a pretrained model. Training a CNN model didn't got me a satisfying results. A very sure reason is that train is only on one year.",
"While predicting with test images present is on several months.\nAny image augmentation is nearly impossible from nature of images, satellite images on a fixed geo-location, tracking passing clouds.\nAlong with images, I have time features, and trend, seasonality of target which is known for test set, as it can be scientifically calculated (it's about GHI, estimated by the <PERSON> and <PERSON> model).\nProblem\nThe problem is with over-fitting, tracking best model on validation set is done by early stopping.\nValidation set is a small fraction from train, .9 for train, so train set is furthermore made fewer.\nTrain is a set of 8804 images, and target variable. Timed Model layers take series of 31 sequences. For example train takes (255,31) and validation takes (29,31).\nThe model, I came up with is the following:\nlosses_weights=[[1, .4]];\nmain_input__ = Input(shape=(31, 120, 120, 1), name='main_input__')extraction\nx__ = TimeDistributed(\nConv2D(8, kernel_size=(3, 3), strides=(1, 1) , activation='relu')\n)(main_input__)\nx__ = TimeDistributed(MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2)))(x__)\nx__ = (TimeDistributed(BatchNormalization()))(x__)\nx__ = TimeDistributed(Conv2D(8, (2,2), strides=(1, 1), activation='relu'))(x__)\nx__ = TimeDistributed(MaxPooling2D((2, 2), strides=(2, 2)))(x__)\n# extract features and dropout\nx__ = TimeDistributed(Flatten())(x__)\nx__ = (TimeDistributed(Dense(8, activation='relu')))(x__)\nx__ = Bidirectional(LSTM(lstm, return_sequences=True, dropout=0.3))(x__)\nlstm_out__ = Bidirectional(LSTM(lstm, return_sequences=True, dropout=0.3))(x__)\nauxiliary_output__ = Dense(8, name='aux_output')(lstm_out__)\nauxiliary_input__ = Input(shape=(31, 10), name='aux_input')\nz__ = keras.layers.concatenate([lstm_out__, auxiliary_input__])\n# We stack a deep densely-connected network on top\n# z__ = (LSTM(lstm, return_sequences=True, dropout=0.4))(z__)\nz__ = Bidirectional(LSTM(lstm, return_sequences=True, dropout=0.3))(z__)\nmain_output__ = Dense(8, name='main_output')(z__)\n################################################################################\nloss=[loss_mse_warmup, loss_mse_warmup];\n#;\nmodel__ = Model(inputs=[main_input__, auxiliary_input__], outputs=[main_output__, auxiliary_output__])\nmodel__.compile(loss=loss_mse_warmup, optimizer='adam', loss_weights=loss_weights)\nhistory__ =[x_train, aux_train],y=[y_train, y_train], epochs=100, batch_size=2, validation_split=.9, callbacks=callbacks)\nloss_mse_warmup is just a mean_squared_error that ignores 5 first training input signals.\nTries\n1. Several Batch-size lengths: [32, 16, 8, 2].\n2. loss weights ranging in [[1, .4], [1, .3], [1, .2]].\n3. Different variants of number of nodes in CNN: [8,16,32].\n4.",
"Validation Accuracy stays constant upto 4 decimal places while Training Accuracy increases\nThis is my model summary for reference:\nModel: \"sequential\"\n_________________________________________________________________\nLayer (type) Output Shape Param #\n=================================================================\nconv2d (Conv2D) (None, 98, 98, 32) 320\n_________________________________________________________________\nactivation (Activation) (None, 98, 98, 32) 0\n_________________________________________________________________\nmax_pooling2d (MaxPooling2D) (None, 49, 49, 32) 0\n_________________________________________________________________\nconv2d_1 (Conv2D) (None, 47, 47, 32) 9248\n_________________________________________________________________\nactivation_1 (Activation) (None, 47, 47, 32) 0\n_________________________________________________________________\nmax_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2 (None, 23, 23, 32) 0\n_________________________________________________________________\nconv2d_2 (Conv2D) (None, 21, 21, 64) 18496\n_________________________________________________________________\nactivation_2 (Activation) (None, 21, 21, 64) 0\n_________________________________________________________________\nmax_pooling2d_2 (MaxPooling2 (None, 10, 10, 64) 0\n_________________________________________________________________\n<PERSON> (<PERSON>) (None, 6400) 0\n_________________________________________________________________\ndense (Dense) (None, 64) 409664\n_________________________________________________________________\nactivation_3 (Activation) (None, 64) 0\n_________________________________________________________________\ndropout (Dropout) (None, 64) 0\n_________________________________________________________________\ndense_1 (Dense) (None, 26) <PHONE_NUMBER>\n_________________________________________________________________\nactivation_4 (Activation) (None, 26) 0\n=================================================================\nTotal params: 439,418\nTrainable params: 439,418\nNon-trainable params: 0\n_________________________________________________________________\nThis is the output i am getting when I train my model:\nWARNING:tensorflow:sample_weight modes were coerced from\n...\nto\n['...']\nWARNING:tensorflow:sample_weight modes were coerced from\n...\nto\n['...']\nTrain for 41 steps, validate for 8 steps\nEpoch 1/5\n41/41 [==============================] - 29s 719ms/step - loss: 0.4022 - acc: 0.8336 - val_loss: 0.1885 - val_acc: 0.9615\nEpoch 2/5\n41/41 [==============================] - 20s 480ms/step - loss: 0.2523 - acc: 0.9294 - val_loss: 0.1723 - val_acc: 0.9615\nEpoch 3/5\n41/41 [==============================] - 20s 481ms/step - loss: 0.2204 - acc: 0.9485 - val_loss: 0.1672 - val_acc: 0.9615\nEpoch 4/5\n41/41 [==============================] - 20s 482ms/step - loss: 0.2098 - acc: 0.9548 - val_loss: <PHONE_NUMBER> - val_acc: 0.9615\nEpoch 5/5\n41/41 [==============================] - 20s 498ms/step - loss: 0.1997 - acc: 0.9583 - val_loss: 0.1669 - val_acc: 0.9615\nThis is the model history after I trained the model:\n{'loss': [0.40232268926556125, 0.2524432904698366, 0.22039496203873055, 0.2098230598894365, 0.199863911314976],\n'acc': <PHONE_NUMBER>, <PHONE_NUMBER>, <PHONE_NUMBER>, <PHONE_NUMBER>, 0.958294],\n'val_loss': [0.18854963406920433, 0.17227689549326897, 0.16715877316892147, 0.16466446034610271, 0.16689967922866344],\n'val_acc': <PHONE_NUMBER>, <PHONE_NUMBER>, <PHONE_NUMBER>, <PHONE_NUMBER>, <PHONE_NUMBER>]}\nThe val_acc stays at <PHONE_NUMBER> no matter what i do. I have tried increasing the number of epochs, my dataset is unbiased and i am using data augmentation so i don't think the amount of data is the problem.\nNOTE: This is my first time using ImageDataGenerator().",
"I am concatenating two different CNN model trained on two completely different dataset\nMy model is going in the infinite loop while predicting( full_model.predict(inputgenerator)). I think there is some issue with the datagenerator code that I have written(especially with while loop).please help me)\nDataset_A/\nTrain/\nType_1/\nImage_0\nImage_1\n…..\nType_2/\nImage_0\nImage_1\n…..\nTest/\nType_1/\nImage_0\nImage_1\n…..\nType_2/\nImage_0\nImage_1\n…..\nDataset_B/\nTrain/\nType_1/\nImage_0\nImage_1\n…..\nType_2/\nImage_0\nImage_1\n…..\nTest/\nType_1/\nImage_0\nImage_1\n…..\nType_2/\nImage_0\nImage_1\n…..\nCODE\ninput_imgen_1 = ImageDataGenerator() input_imgen_2 = ImageDataGenerator()\ndef generate_generator_multiple(generator_1, generator_2 ,dir1, dir2, batch_size, img_height,img_width): gen1 = generator_1.flow_from_directory(dir1, target_size = (img_height,img_width), class_mode = 'binary', batch_size = 16, shuffle=False, seed=7)\ngen2 = generator_2.flow_from_directory(dir2,\ntarget_size = (img_height,img_width),\nclass_mode = 'binary',\nbatch_size = 16,\nshuffle=False,\nseed=7)\nwhile True:\nX1i =\nX2i =\nyield [X1i[0], X2i[0]], X1i[1] #X1i[1] is the label\ninputgenerator=generate_generator_multiple(generator_1 = input_imgen_1, generator_2 = input_imgen_2, dir1='dataset_A_path', dir2=' dataset_B_path ', batch_size=16, img_height=390, img_width=390)\nCNN_for_dataset_1\ninput_1 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(390, 390, 3)) conv2d_p1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(16, kernel_size=3, activation=tf.keras.activations.relu)(input_1) conv2d_p2 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, kernel_size=3, activation=tf.keras.activations.relu)(conv2d_p1) conv2d_p3 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, kernel_size=3, activation=tf.keras.activations.relu)(conv2d_p2) maxpool_1 = tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(conv2d_p3) conv2d_p4 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=3, activation=tf.keras.activations.relu)(conv2d_p3) conv2d_p5 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=3, activation=tf.keras.activations.relu)(conv2d_p4) maxpool_2 = tf.keras.layers.MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2))(conv2d_p5)\nCNN_for_dataset_2\ninput_2 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(390, 390, 3)) conv2d_b1 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(16, kernel_size=3, activation=tf.keras.activations.relu)(input_2) conv2d_b2 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, kernel_size=3, activation=tf.keras.activations.relu)(conv2d_b1) conv2d_b3 = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, kernel_size=3, activation=tf.keras.activations.",
"Keras CNN model gives no gradients error during training\nI’m trying to create a Convolutional Neural Network model, using an 824 image dataset, for predicting an output value. Problem is that the dataset is quite unstructured, as there are plenty of RGB and grayscale images, and there are no subfolders inside.\nI changed them all to grayscale and created train/validation/test splits with the resized images.",
"Then I made a Keras CNN model, but when I try to use fit_generator I have a No gradients provided Value error.\nI've attached the colab code. As I’m new in the field of Deep Learning, I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.\n```\nbase_dir = '/content/drive/My Drive/Colab/chondro d2 23112016' tif_img = glob.glob(\"/content/drive/My Drive/Colab/chondro d2 23112016/*.TIF\")\nCreate train/test/validation directories\ntrain_dir = os.path.join(base_dir,'train')\nos.mkdir(train_dir)\nvalidation_dir = os.path.join(base_dir,'validation')\nos.mkdir(validation_dir)\ntest_dir = os.path.join(base_dir,'test')\nos.mkdir(test_dir)\nbase_dir = '/content/drive/My Drive/Colab/chondro d2 23112016' tif_img = glob.glob(\"/content/drive/My Drive/Colab/chondro d2 23112016/*.TIF\") train_dir = os.path.join(base_dir,'train')\nImages to the folders\nTRAIN\nfilelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(train_dir, \"*.TIF\")) for f in filelist: os.remove(f)\nfnames = [os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(tif_img[i])) for i in range(400)] for fname in fnames: src = os.path.join(base_dir,fname) dst = os.path.join(train_dir,fname) shutil.copyfile(src,dst)\ngrayscale and resize to (224,224)\nfor i in range(len(os.listdir(train_dir))): im = + '/'+ os.listdir(train_dir)[i]).convert('L') new_im = im.resize((224,224)) + '/'+ os.listdir(train_dir)[i])\nVALIDATION\nfilelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(validation_dir, \"*.TIF\")) for f in filelist: os.remove(f)\nfnames = [os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(tif_img[i])) for i in range(400,600)] for fname in fnames: src = os.path.join(base_dir,fname) dst = os.path.join(validation_dir,fname) shutil.copyfile(src,dst)\nfor i in range(len(os.listdir(validation_dir))): im = + '/'+ os.listdir(validation_dir)[i]).convert('L') new_im = im.resize((224,224)) + '/'+ os.listdir(validation_dir)[i])\nTEST\nfilelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(test_dir, \"*.TIF\")) for f in filelist: os.remove(f)\nfnames = [os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(tif_img[i])) for i in range(600,824)] for fname in fnames: src = os.path.join(base_dir,fname) dst = os.path.join(test_dir,fname) shutil.copyfile(src,dst)\nfor i in range(len(os.listdir(test_dir))): im = + '/'+ os.listdir(test_dir)[i]).convert('L') new_im = im.resize((224,224)) + '/'+ os.",
] | 224 | [
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027114c6-b469-58b9-82ba-0fef14486c3a | [
"Fleas.\nI don't know what to do. To be honest I don't even have a pet but I suspect my cousin's dog gave me and my family fleas. I've taken several steps to address this situation, including washing my bed sheets meticulously, giving my room a thorough cleaning, and even using flea-repelling scents to deter these persistent pests. In my attempt to tackle the issue, I've also set up flea traps, but the results have been somewhat underwhelming, capturing only a few fleas.",
"Despite washing my bed sheets they're still fleas lingering around and I don't know what to do at this point. My head has been itchy too and when I shake it out 2 fleas were there. If any of you have encountered a similar situation or have expertise in dealing with fleas, I would greatly appreciate your advice. How can I effectively eliminate these persistent pests?",
"How can I prevent fleas on my cat when I work in a storage unit? I currently have her on revolution plus.\nHi I work at a storage unit full time. Just recently I discovered fleas/flea dirt on my kitten and I treated her with revolution plus ever since. I don't know if I got it from my coworker who a said his bf had pets that had fleas or I got them from work.",
"But I know storage units can be a big risk for fleas. I currently bag my clothes and change in the car to new clothes everytime I enter the house as well as change shoes and shower before enteracting with my cat. What further steps can I take to stop her from getting fleas as far as what im don't right now.",
"Questions About Fighting Fleas\nSo, I am dealing with fleas for the first time. I have read up on combatting them, but still have a couple specific questions I haven't found answers to. (Context: We have one dog, about to begin treatment. No carpet. The infestation seems to be in its early stages.)\n1. After I do a deep clean, can I block off areas of the house to avoid daily cleaning? .",
"I spend a lot of time at work, and my housemate does not have the mobility to reasonably get downstairs. If I clean everything and then close the door such that the dog can't get down there and shed eggs, can I reduce the frequency of cleaning? By how much? If not just closing the door, would a draft stopper work?\n2. Do I have to clean cloth that does not touch the floor and pets do not have access to? . I know that fleas can jump and climb, but do I have to clean things such as the felt on a pool table? From what I understand, fleas tend to lay eggs on an animal that then shed off. Do I need to worry about fleas going out of their way to lay eggs on the pool table? Placemats on the dinner table? Fabric posters on the wall?\nAny advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to cut any corners, but I also don't want to be scrambling to complete tasks I don't necessarily have to. Thanks for reading this far.",
"My kitten got fleas help! :(\nHi, I have a kitten that's 5 and a half months old now. I noticed a flea in my bedroom where she stays with me all the time and I combed her out and saw flea dirt :( so I went to the vet to get some topical flea treatment. I put one dose on her and will continue to be putting it on her monthly.",
"My room is all carpet and I've been vacuuming as much as I could with my full time job I'm exhausted. I want to call pest control bc that would be my last resort. I also bought some food grade diemtoeous earth but don't know the best way to use it. Any times from anyone?",
"How easy is it for a cat to attract fleas?\nOur house cat was recently missing outside for a day when we moved into our new home.\nNow he’s back and my main concern are fleas - maybe worms as well.\nHowever when we first found him as a stray we got a really nasty infestation that lasted at least half a year or something. It was HORRIBLE. I don’t want to experience that again.\nWhat would be the best course of action to avoid getting another infestation like that again? We currently have him in one room in the house but the kids keep occasionally letting him out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.",
"Fleas won’t go away\nHey guys. My partner and I have an 8 year old husky and 3 cats all under the age of 4. We moved to a new house a while back and there is plenty of space for everyone inside and my husky has a large yard to play in. We also have pet-safe hardwood flooring in the entire house, so zero carpet. The issue is that a few months ago, I noticed a couple of fleas on my dog. I, of course, started everyone on their flea treatments (the best topical I could get at a pet store for the cats, and the same quality in a pill form for the dog) immediately. He took a Capstar, went to get a professional flea bath at the groomers, then got his regular flea pill. I then brushed out each cat along with giving them a waterless bath before they received their topical treatments each month. I also use a high quality flea spray in every corner of my home several times each week.",
"I’m at a loss on what to do. The fleas don’t seem to be everywhere in the home and there doesn’t seem to be a ton of them, but I can’t seem to get them all gone. I’ll brush my fur babies and somehow still find one stray flea every now and then. Part of me believes that they are coming from our backyard where the husky plays. However, I know the previous owners and this has literally never been an issue with their dogs in the yard/home. Is there something I’m missing here? Should I call an exterminator for the house and /or yard? It makes me feel horrible to see them occasionally itch and knowing I’ve done everything I know to do for them. I’m also slightly concerned about if there are any side effects from them being exposed to fleas for this period of time. I feel like a failed pet parent. Any help would be greatly appreciated.",
"Cat overgrooming\nLower belly and hind legs are bald. I can’t figure out if it’s allergies, infection, or stress. The vet gave her a steroid which helped so this leads me to believe she’s actually itchy and not doing it out of anxiety. We tried food trials, kicking the air purifier up a little more often.",
"She’s been treated for fleas. I’m considering finding a safe antifungal treatment just to see if that does something. She’s always had slight upper respiratory problems which I assumed to be that super common feline herpes virus. I no longer treat it with lysine as it’s really tough on her stomach and I’ll be cleaning cat puke all day.\nShe’s 6 btw\nWhat haven’t I considered yet? What would you try next? I’m taking her back to the vet soon. What should I ask for? Help!!!",
"Paws (not claws) hurting me all of a sudden?\nI realize this may seem like a trivial question, but it's causing me a lot of angst because she gets upset if I try to make to make her lay down when she's standing on my lap.\nObviously, if she were to dig her claws into me, that would hurt. But as of the last few months, her actual paws have caused pain on my thighs like I have big concrete cylinders being driven into my legs.",
"She hasn't gotten too heavy; in fact, she's been on a diet and lost almost a pound over several months. It's also not a lingering pain; as soon as she lays down or jumps on the back of my chair, I'm fine.\nWhat could be the reason for this, and how do I fix it? She gets on my lap and stands A LOT because she doesn't like the aforementioned diet and wants me to give her more food. Thank you for any advice!\nSorry I couldn't get a better picture; I was having a bit of trouble maneuvering the phone around her LOL.",
] | 454 | [
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02736b5b-7a50-5d1a-84b1-26f9a2bac4f7 | [
"Anyone But You\nI can’t believe my rating for this, but I’m sorry, I must live my truth!!!\nWhile I wish there were a few more laughs here, I found this to be charming, romantic, and sexy. It often veers into the tongue-in-cheek “we’re in a romcom!” energy that has plagued many contemporary romcoms. But when it decides to be sincere, that’s when it taps into its full potential.",
"I was grinning from ear to ear the entire time. Also, it looks so damn good. I’m so glad I went to a theater to watch. Here’s to hoping we get more mid-budget romcoms (and movies of all genres) again.",
"Run\nHoly shit. This was all kinds of intense and riveting. I find it hard to sit through a movie, no matter how short, without pausing multiple times. With Run I didn’t pause it once. Edge of my seat the entire time.\n<PERSON> is fantastic as always, but honestly this is <PERSON> movie. She is the real star here. The movie is somewhat marketed to be about <PERSON> character...",
"and in some ways it is. But <PERSON> performance knocked <PERSON>’s out of the park. She carried out the more intense, nail-biting and believable acting out of the two. It was her character I was rooting for, and that ending made me whoop and yell “YES GIRL” at my screen because to me, the story was about <PERSON> (<PERSON>) not <PERSON> (<PERSON>).\nI’m really so happy to finally see a movie that features a disabled actor, but also to not have the disability be the defining point of the character’s personality. <PERSON> was manoeuvring through stunts just like any able-bodied actor, giving a badass character an equally badass performance, and displaying representation to a whole group of people who we rarely get to see on screen (or, if we do, are usually performed by actors without a disability). I just know this alone will mean a lot to the disabled community.\nAnd, aside from the script suffering with a little bit of predictability, the film overall was pretty great. I really enjoyed it, and I didn’t have many issues at all with it. I’m definitely going to be keeping an eye on the team that made this.",
"The <PERSON> vs. The Machines\nThis was so fun!!! At first I wasn’t sure I was into the animation style, but by the end it had grown on me a lot. It was colourful, quirky, and different – but I loved it.",
"The family’s storyline was great, and the themes about technology were so on the nose it was wickedly funny. There were so many moments that had me laughing out loud to myself, so I definitely enjoyed the humour. What I loved the most though, was that this whole movie was clearly made by people who adore movies themselves, there were so many little references throughout to films and filmmaking, and it’s all those little touches that I think makes me appreciate movies like this all the more.\nWould definitely recommend it.",
"Euphoria: Trouble Don't Last Always\nSometimes I feel like I’m the last person on earth to watch this show. I tried watching it multiple times and never got past the first two episodes. I tried again, and now – for some reason – it clicked.",
"There is just something about this episode that went far and beyond any previous one, and it’s just so damn intimate, real, and show-stopping. I loved the fact that pretty much the whole episode was just a conversation, and it was truly a fascinating conversation at that. The way <PERSON> and <PERSON> bounced off each other was simply awesome, and I could’ve watched another few hours of it tbh.",
"<PERSON>\nI have been on a string of terrible movies lately, so I was desperate for one to break the streak and luckily, <PERSON> did just that. I had no idea this was coming, but anytime there’s a new soder film, I’m hyped. <PERSON>’s directing was both slick and vexing, making the audience feel like there’s always something more sinister lurking beneath the surface (or behind the screen) hehe. The entire movie caught me off guard, but what really got me was the humor.",
"I don’t know what I was expecting, but that really had me chuckling. Early on, I wasn’t really gelling with <PERSON>’s script, but by the end, I was fully on board, and <PERSON> was clearly having fun with his foreshadowy visuals. So many cool shots and scenes but that chase scene stood high above the rest. Highly recommend; a nice little treat from one of the best living directors.",
"The Boys in the Boat\nThis is absolutely amazing. No big stars, no mind blowing story, no big budgets, no political agendas, just a simple and normal movie for normal people. <PERSON> has my respect for making this. Very simple yet wonderful. Great acting, and the cinematography was amazing. It's a great feel good movie, and the quality of each scene is really good.",
"I wouldn't say it's visually stunning, but those visuals gave me peace of mind. I absolutely enjoyed this. Watch it in one sitting. I've always been a fan of rowing, and the fact that this is something that happened for real, you can find the final race on YouTube; makes it more interesting. Just wanted to say it's a damn good movie. I highly recommend it. Even if you don't feel the same way I did, you will certainly have a great time.",
"<PERSON>\n<PERSON> was amazing, <PERSON>, you’re awesome and I love you.\nI don’t know how I feel about the film. I mean the acting was great, and the way everything was shot was fabulous. I’m very happy for <PERSON> because it seems like this is a dream project for him, both as director and actor.\nI feel like I just lost interest in some of the dialogue scenes. Some of them happen for like 2+ minutes in a single shot, and I have a TikTok attention span. I sometimes suck to watch movies with.",
"Our generation (me) is chalked.\nEach conductor scene made me happy on the inside. I feel like I have a hidden love for orchestras that I didn’t know existed. I am now going to drive home from the theater while blasting classical music.\nP.S. To the old man sitting next to me in the theater who was laughing and having a good time throughout the film, I really wished I got to talk to you before you walked out. You seem like a nice fella, and I hope you have a good rest of your night.",
"<PERSON>\nImpossible not to cry at the last 15 minutes. I now deeply and sincerely need “<PERSON>”, whoever that is, to be happy.\nI was super on the <PERSON> train up to and including Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, but she’s fallen flat for me in almost everything since.",
"So I was really happy to love a performance of hers again with this. Not to say that she’s the standout of the cast (they’re all very strong, it’s probably <PERSON> for me), but she was the most pleasant surprise. She brings a real natural warmth and kindness that’s so crucial for this character.",
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"Poltergeist\nFuck it! I love it. I don't even find the movie that scary, but with every rewatch I find myself swept up by the fantastic performances, superb craft worthy of studying, and well realized characters.",
"It's also got good commentary and humour throughout. Most of all, I love how the events are always serving the idea of this family realizing how much they love each other and through just enough scenes and moments which develop the characters and genuinely incredible performances from the family members, that idea hits harder than most films. Even when the effects are bad the scenes still work because of the performances.\n\"WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!\"\nBanger.",
"The Silence of the Lambs\n1000 Spines #13\nFeels so good to finally revisit this after like six years. Such a joyous watch from start to finish. Makes me feel so disgusting. Love love love the structure of it. The forward framing is so cool.",
"<PERSON>'s presence (and lack of presence) throughout the film is fab, and honestly I could say the same for <PERSON>. Really interesting how little <PERSON> is even in the film. But he's serving when he is. <PERSON> is just such a delight. Let's go lesbians! Honestly excited to continue watching the Hannibal trilogy, although I have no idea what I'm getting myself into.",
"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure\nThe older I get, and the more hateful and disgusting the world seems to get, the more I wonder, \"Did enough people just not watch Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure when they were 12?\"\nHonestly, I feel like this is the kind of film that could unite humanity. Nothing is more pure fun, pure joy, and pure love.",
"Sure, it may be dated, as I've said in the past, but the impact this movie had on me is still undeniable. It's just one of those pure films that's etched into my brain and will be until the day I die, and I love just about every single second of this film.\nBut none of this should be news to anyone. I did try to sincerely convince my high school band that our name should be <PERSON> on like, a bi-monthly basis.\nWith People:\n<PERSON>\nGeorge\nSheldon",
"The Exorcist: Believer\nEveryone still mad at DGG for Halloween Ends (which I absolutely love) and that seems to carry over to the reviews. People are expecting another Exorcist and it’s not going to happen. I like the risks DGG and <PERSON> take.",
"I enjoyed this quite a bit. It had its lesser moments, sure, but that doesn’t change my enjoyment of the film. We are never going to have the lighting in a bottle that was The Exorcist but I can enjoy a bold risk and new movie and new view of the source material. Deceiver is on deck.\nOh, and that Thanksgiving trailer!!!",
"<PERSON>\nI can see why a lot of fans love this one. It's a grand, operatic, melodramatic trilogy capper that puts a lot of focus on <PERSON> and <PERSON>. But... I just don't connect with it. It's one of the meanest movies I've ever seen, and I don't think it fully earns that moniker, thanks to haphazard dialogue and plotting. It's just a hard, grisly watch.",
"And that ending - there's too much going on! That's before the next few movies add even more layers to it. Anyway time for the praise. There is an artistry to the bleakness, and I think there's more to the themes and story than most of the other Saw movies. The acting is actually pretty good too. A mixed bag.\nI am not doing a full Saw rewatch btw. I just wanted to get refreshed on the original trilogy before Saw X. Building that hype you know",
"Insidious: The Red Door\nI’m an Insidious/Conjuring apologist, so I’m always going to enjoy any of these movies more than maybe I should. It got to a point where the jump scares were a little too much (I am also finding I’m more of a scaredy cat as I get older, wtf?) and the pacing got a bit slow and felt like the storyline trudged along, but <PERSON> brings me a kind of comfort that only a true horror movie daddy can, so I give it a pass.\nI also have an insane ear and talent for recognizing voices and not even like 5 seconds into the ending credit song and I knew that that was him. Fun cover, too.",
"Halloween\nWhat separates this from other classic slashers is this is made by a dude who knows how to frame a shot, move the camera, light a scene, and create mood and terror without taking things too far. Genuinely way better than I remembered and so much is due to how <PERSON> never shows <PERSON> all that much. He'll pop up in scary sequences where he's obscured by objects or lights and be framed in the background. There's something very alarming about seeing <PERSON> (he is a scary lookin fella) in close up 100 times in a movie but the effect of that is nowhere near as good as what's pulled off here. <PERSON> masterfully stretches the moments of suspense better than most horror movies, always giving us the creeps but never blowing it.",
"It's such a simple movie, but it being a well made slasher set in the context of a familiar and \"safe\" environment is what makes it a truly singular work. As much as I love this movie though, it does have its dumb moments and performances, especially early in the film during the day. The biggest has gotta be when <PERSON> freaks out when she sees her dad's car (the town sheriff) cause her and <PERSON> are smoking weed. I'm like, why in the fack are you pulling over to go talk to him then? Just keep driving! Ohhhh, we need to hear him tell them/us that someone broke into the store to get knives, ropes, and a mask... It's goofy. I say this because some people go overboard tearing these new DGG movies apart for their dumb moments but I think they should just chill out because at times this movie can be silly in the same way too! Evil Dies Tonight!!",
"No One Will Save You\nNo One Will Save You is a good ol' exciting thrill of extraterrestrial paranoia. It has some familiar or even formulaic traits, but it also offers some neat twists and quite beautiful moments. I truly enjoy the movie because the camera work and the soundtrack are just beyond amazing! It was somewhat intense and simultaneously graceful.",
"Frankly, without the stunning camera work and the soundtrack, it would be a pretty meh movie. My biggest pet peeve when it comes to creature movies is how often they show the monster, this movie showed the alien pretty early on and it was on full display of gray nudity lol. It turns me off a little because I like subtle build-ups, it makes the mystery more exciting.",
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"Cascading effects that result in global conflict.\nThe first year will herald a glorious and wonderful year for those parts of the world who believe in Santa and somehow still utilize written letters to him.\nAs those who actually followed the custom start reporting the arrival of gifts, the world starts taking notice that perhaps there is more than we knew.\nReligious leaders across the world start reacting.\nSome declare this to be the proof that the Christian belief is correct.\nOther already extremist movements deny the truth, portraying the events as some kind of sinister plot.\nThe divide between already opposed religions grows wider, the world has become a tiny bit more fractured and a tiny bit worse.\nThe one time occurrence causes many to try and exploit the system.\nPeople start preparing for the next year.\nCreating ridiculous lists of wishes, both material and immaterial.\nOpposing movements declare that the resurgence of <PERSON> was because of insert odd reason here.\nThey believe that those who are attempting to exploit the system will cause its end.\nOr worse, cause divine retaliation.\nThe first acts of violence occur as devout <PERSON>-ists try and prevent children from creating wish-lists.\nThe next year's Santa season only makes things worse.\nAs people start manipulating children, riches and destruction are asked for in vast quantities.\nWhile one man asked for a fancy car, his neighbor asked for the tools to destroy that very car.\nCountries around the world start demanding a ban on Christmas, to prevent the chaos.\nChristian nations see this as an attack on their faith.\nBefore long, it becomes clear that there is no limit to the possible gifts bestowed by <PERSON>.\nAnd as chaotic as the world is, a world with unlimited resources is vastly worse.\nIn a misguided attempt to protect themselves, several nations around the world declare war on each other, and the third world war begins.\nThanks <PERSON>!\nOther random effects:\nOne-child policies abandoned.\nThe end of pine trees across the world as a global harvest ends their lives.\nLiteracy goes through the roof, as wish lists become more important.\nElf fiction becomes thoroughly odd.\nSlavery discussions ensue around the world, with movements to save elves.\nThe church of Santa becomes one of the largest religions.\nSeveral people are released from insane asylums.\nDoll and toy car manufacturers around the world file for bankruptcy.\nNews broadcasters around the world go on the hunt for fat bearded men.\nFat bearded men around the world go into hiding.",
"It never had any value to begin with. It was a product where the marketing got ahead of the development. Some smooth talking salesman found himself in possession of the stuff, silver-tongued his way through a huge sale by promising all sorts of valuable properties to the metal, and it caught on. The material started changing hands, shot up in value as a untested commodity because it's so shiny, it has to be great, right?\nLarge organizations (banks, corporations, government factions) caught wind of the hype and started \"Go west, young man\" campaigns to get cheap labor in on the ground floor. Promises of wealth and a solid career in the MGM industry brought lots of men and women out to seek their fortune. Soon warehouses all over the map were full of the stuff.\nThen the metallurgists got a few samples.",
"People were bringing in nuggets, ingots, anything they could get. All were asking for the miracle devices they were promised to be crafted. Weapons, armor, machine parts, the works.\nIt turns out it is only useful as an alloy to other metals, usually metals that are so scarce, large-scale practical uses are too far out of scope for the amount of materials any one person or organization can realistically possess. However, the metallic mix is close to 80% MGM and 20% Unobtainium.\nOr the process of making the alloy is so time consuming or dangerous to not be worth the effort.\nEither way, many small trinkets exist, horseshoes, ashtrays. Whispers exist of a family that has an entire cutlery set made from MGM and Unobtainium (Or just plain MGM if that's what you go for, if so, ignore the next paragraph).\nBecause of the scarcity of the Unobtainium, MGM values have plummeted to nil. Sure, some people still run mining ventures because the occasional investor can be duped into thinking that when Unobtainium becomes Scarce-but-still-possible-to-obtainium the future of MGM will blow through the roof.\nAs for now, the abundant surplus of MGM sits uselessly in warehouses, frequently in ghost towns. The value of the material is so low it's not worth paying a few laborers a day's work to move the stock.\nThe door the party encounters is clearly made of either masterfully crafted MGM or the 80/20 mix.",
"What observable traits set the MilkyWay apart from other Galaxies?\nIn a short story, Earth's humanity dies off to a plague and a few thousands years later a space faring race plants a new seed of humans in attempt to restore what civilization used to be.\nThe Earth is effectively the same, though biomes may change and a couple thousand years of wild evolution have passed (so a wild dog might look a bit different but it's still clearly a canine). The method of \"planting the seeds of civilization\" is apparently instantaneous to the humans, as if one day, everyone just woke up as if they had just gone to sleep normally the day before. At that point, the seed planters take their leave and observe from afar without interaction. (The story spans hundreds of years as they observe)\nIt's just one big city, outfitted with the tools and resources necessary to farm, process, and produce what a population of that size would normally consume. The humans have been granted the know how on how to operate the machines and build a sustaining civilization. Satelittes and cell phones don't exist but they would later be reinvented. Their next generation being the first humans that actually would need to learn how to walk, talk, read.",
"Their parents are somewhat programmed to work together in building a sustainable \"start\" to the civilization (even if they aren't exactly aware as to why) and would come off as very literal and set in their ways while their children are more creative, looking at the world in increasingly philosophical ways.\nOther than the knowledge of the world around them and how to survive though, these humans do not have a living past in memory. They don't have a notion of \"where did we come from\" and this first generation largely doesn't care. Their children though ask such questions, using the tools and technologies we have now and in the near future to rediscover the universe outside of the Earth. This generation spawning a renascence of invention and discovery in the absence of war and while crime is still a distant concept while everyone's needs are met. Some conflicts arise between competing theories and discoveries.\nWithout a history, polytheist stories (where the milky way got it's name in reality) or previous inspirations, they need something to name it. What observable traits set the Milkyway apart from other galaxies? Also keeping in mind they don't have a distant probe to view it from anywhere but Earth. They can see distant galaxies while they are deciding on a name.\nThis naming period may last a few years as these fresh explorers catch up to our current IRL astronomical knowledge and begin sending out orbital telescopes similar to our own.\nTypical DM brain, I can make a world, but fail to find a good name.",
"The dangerous part of executing villains could be less from the law aspect and more from the villainous backlash from that decision.\nWhen you surround the enemy\nAlways allow them an escape route\nThey must see that there is\nAn alternative to death.\n* <PERSON>, The Art Of War\nThe lack of major threat to life and limb posed by heroes and the justice system provides a \"safety net\" for villains. As long as they don't go too far, a villain is relatively safe from permanent harm, and should be able to break out of holding without undue fuss. This means that the villains have little incentive to fight all-out, as killing a hero or causing massive collateral damage is liable to cause one of those heroes to decide you might be better off in a coma. And if you lose, hey, you're back on the streets inside of a month, so it doesn't cost you anything to hold back.\nImplementing villain execution removes that safety net; each fight is now one that could potentially cause their death, and if they anger a hero badly enough for them to cross a line, that's no more dangerous than being caught in the first place, so they have little to lose and a lot to gain by, say, taking an orphanage hostage, or assassinating a hero.\nThis doesn't necessarily seem like something that the heroes couldn't deal with; a short period of unrest as the villains are put down, and then a peace once they're gone. However, there's a very important thing that overlooks.\nNormally, supervillains are loners, sometimes working in short-lived coalitions for a single task, or in longer-lived pair groups of villains with a personal or professional connection.",
"They sometimes spend more time fighting each other than the heroes! It's fairly rare that you get a significant group of villains all working together over and extended period, and even rarer that they're looking out for each other. This means that in general, superhero teams will have a greater concentration of force than villains will. This ensures that most villains are outmatched by their opposition and so will rarely get to execute plans that will cause harm on a mass scale.\nHowever, by implementing villain execution, it would not be out of the question for villains to see this as a declaration of war. With a charismatic leader or rabble-rouser at the forefront, you could very well see a massive coalition of villains form with the sole purpose of making certain that the government will never be able to enforce their sentence, whether by threats of unspeakable violence if the sentence is passed, or simply by obliterating pieces of the governmental engine until it is unwilling or unable to follow through.\nSo in short, never back your enemy into a corner, and take that doubly seriously when you're talking about a population of superpowered criminals.\nI'd also like to acknowledge part #3 of <PERSON>'s answer. There are some threats so vast that you might need the villains' help to defeat; <PERSON> comes to mind, or the Endbringers from Worm.",
"All forms of reading becomes inherently dangerous.\nTL;DR - Readers develop a short form of pre-reading to \"hash\" the text and compare the hash to known enthralling patterns to detect traps. \"Abandon your mind to the...\" becomes \"Abyo Mito Ta..\" (nonsense words) which don't mean anything to the reader other than, \"this is a trap\"\n* It cost no mana (no magic response)\n* It cost few money\n* Protect you even when you are not ready\n* Allow you to read what you want, in every language you know\n* Doesn't take time\nOnly costs a second or two when reading something to check the hash, and the education to learn and enforce the habit among the average reader.\nThough this isn't the only way the world would react to this possibility.\nThis threat would be akin to mass mailing anthrax IRL\nThis would be a global security concern if stealing someone's mind and making a thrall out of them was really this simple, amassing slave armies every time you put up a new billboard, entire wars could be won by painting your words in the clouds above or using illusion magic to \"pepper spray\" an attacker with hovering symbols that a fast reader simply glancing at would fall prey to. To then have the concentration and effect sustained by the target itself thereafter, that's no simple task.\nThis must be either, much more difficult to perform than explained, or newly discovered and never used against the world yet.\nA less severe version may be a book that contains a glyph which houses \"Command\" or \"Suggestion\" like effects to \"READ\" or to continue reading the control spell until finished, so that the hook has a definitive sink that can either be resisted or fallen for. From there, the duration of time to read the enthralling symbols is all that waits for the effect to stick long term, though the compulsion to read doesn't mean the target isn't aware of what's being read.\nA commoner likely would just read and absorb the information but a wizard would likely be able to identify the intent of the trap setter by understanding the template of words being read. As in general safety training, specific dangers as these sorts of traps would be wise to teach in schools to prevent strong magic users falling prey to these simple traps.\nI believe the response to such an attack would be immediate, urgent, and far spread when detected.",
"Once discovered every magical defense program would be working to put an end to it and devise ways to find who set the trap.\nThis gives us 4 points of resistance\n-Before you see the hook but are within threat range.\n-The compulsion to continue reading once the hook is activated.\n-The formation of the lasting enthrall effect while hooked.\n-Post attack response.\nBefore you see the hook but are within threat range.\nImportant places such as government buildings etc will be outfitted with Magic Dispelling gateways. When walking through, all magical items much be handed to a guard/wizard to be checked via detect magic to determine any enchantment or illusion school magics (if detected further probing occurs), while everything else and the person passes through a dispel magic portal. This removes any magical effects present in items or creatures passing through (no disguise self allowed) and the magic within the text that creates the link between the trap setter and the target is removed, disabling the trap.\nIn general, an enchantment effect found using detect magic on either an object or person would become much more suspicious and actionable, towns likely setting up guard patrols specifically containing magic detectors to scan areas regularly as a result.\nThe compulsion to continue reading once the hook is detected.\nReaders would be trained to read in a way that disrupts direct thought injection attacks. Rather than reading entire words, a learned habit to replace words, shorten words, or rearrange the words read can be used as a passive defense. Rather than reading \"Abandon your mind to the...\" would instead be read as \"Aba-yo mi-tota...\" which will become a barrier allowing the reader to understand abstractions and concepts indirectly (imagine a code hash) and compare that abstract with commonly used \"enthralling\" patterns to determine that an attack was attempted before reading any further. Correspondence to high importance folk would filter through a scholar that could screen for traps.\nAdditionally, divination sensors can be set to Alarm whenever \"I am magically compelled to do something\" to emit concentration breaking sounds or to alert others nearby that they have been enchanted on repeat (imagine magic mouth necklaces in DnD5e).\nThe formation of the lasting enthrall effect while hooked.\nContingencies and emergency response could be pre-planned, \"If I am ever magically compelled to do something, cast dispel magic/banishment/etc on myself and send a message to X for help.",
"You might not need to worry about how big the event is but rather show how a series of smaller events triggers a decent into ignorance. The Movie 'Naausica of the Valley of the Wind' by <PERSON> has a cataclysmic war named \"The Seven Days of Fire\" but some tech survived but society declined back to an interesting mix of bronze-age with sprinkles of tech. It might serve as inspiration for you.\nThere are other answers that suggest the same thing and I'll give my two cents as to why it is a better approach. Disasters of large enough scale to almost destroy humanity are both easy to imagine, nuclear war or a meteor strike, that they have a fairly large body of literature exploring the concept and also common enough to become a trap for lazy authors.",
"Those large-scale catastrophes are too easy to use as a deux ex machina to drive the plot or explain the history.\nHow much more interesting would it be to show how small events chain together to doom civilization, such as the last copy of an important manual being tossed on a fire by anti-tech zealots, or a lab that can produce antibiotics laying idle because no one knows how to fix a generator, or relatedly, the fuel needed to run the generator being hoarded by a survivalist who dooms himself and his family because they need the drugs the fuel would have allowed to be produced.\nI know other answers have suggested this shows how fragile civilization is and I want to clarify that this is not what I mean by this answer - the difference being that it's not civilization that is fragile, it is the human psyche that can introduce instability when given the right circumstances. Society drives people to prefer safety of those in the 'in' group over much else so if you get the wrong person in charge they can wreck havok, the question remains then how large the effect is and how different tribes interact when their leaders are at odds or irrational or misguided. Now do that on a larger scale and over a few generations and it's easy to end up with a globe full of ancient tech that no one knows how to use.\nGet a small scale disaster to start the ball rolling and show how the short-term needs of a group start dictating their response at the expense of their long-term needs. Have you studied the fall of the Roman Empire? It didn't fall overnight but it had a similar effect as your question. You might consider exploring the space with a short story that follows 'the last engineer in Rome', as in an educated person who no longer has the resources or support to keep things in repair such that the world succumbs to ignorance when he dies.",
"Okay, so, first problem with both maps is that the Raven Rock Mountain Complex is not included in either. Being the US government's hiding hole in the advent of exactly the kind of apocalypse that is described, it would probably be the effective administrative capitol even if Washington DC was reclaimed and reinhabited. I buy that DC would be used as a symbolic capital for legitimacy's sake, but in a world where zombies are still a threat, and especially one where that threat seems to be increasing again, whatever was left in DC would probably get packed up and lugged back to Raven Rock, just in case.\nWith that out of the way-\nWhat people are missing is the idea of a 'buffer.' If the surviving government, rather than annexing right up to the waterfront, set up a de-facto military government for the regions around DC in order to catch and pick apart the kinds of hordes that practically took down civilization, they'd be significantly more secure in their control of the District of Colombia itself. Of course, the welcome side effect is that in this period of massive instability, the capital would be significantly better protected if a popular uprising or rebellious state decided to move on them.",
"As for farmland, I find it realistic for the soldiers to grow crops, given it has happened historically and being exposed in an open field is now a much more dangerous thing without a weapon and training.\nIt's defiantly a neo-feudal thing, which might not be what you're going for, but without the kind of manpower, established economic force, and broad-scale public safety against what are effectively wildlife attacks, a decentralized defense-in-depth makes a lot more sense than sending out the airplanes and tanks as a single unified army to annihilate the threats one at a time.\nWith zombies in particular, small, local and largely self-sufficient fortified garrisons protecting an urban center with the kind of immigration pull a resecured DC would have makes even more sense. Even when Americans in DC lacked voting rights, it still attracted a massive urban population, as any capital tends to.\nWith few exceptions, they will be fighting smaller, more numerous hordes, only coming together when the government detects a particularly large horde. When that happens, small and manned fortifications would be able to keep the horde distracted until help arrived, given how most zombies tend to only target a single thing at a time. This can result in some great moments, if zombies appear that are significantly more tactically-minded, leading a horde straight past the bunkers to the city of DC. The military would have probably gotten quite used to the strategy, and response times would have gotten slow after 19 years of learning how the things worked.",
"I can think of three ways that the humans might be able to communicate with each other without the superior AI catching on to it.\nPoetry\nAs mentioned in the question, an artificial intelligence, though it can mimic the analysis or prose and artful devices, only a human can really appreciate the ideas and concepts captured by a poem. Note that the use of a poem would not reveal messages in plain sight but use literary devices to convey the idea rather than exact phrasing.\nAdvantages\nThis seems like a better way for humans to communicate their feelings about situations and their love for each other (maybe?). This also is easy to learn and pickup, and even with the AI's massive database of poetry, even with the ability to add new intercepted poems, it would not become easy to break.\nDisadvantages\nCommunication has a lot to do with clarity and poems may not be the best pick for this, as different people can interpret the same poem with different results.\nCode with Virus\nPerhaps the only weakness to this AI is anything written/spoken must be passed through some interpreter/compiler, and this means the AI could be hacked.",
"As part of the developmental process of the AI, rather than \"escaping the code\" to prevent a virus from running, the AI was developed to \"skip over\" code that it recognizes contains a virus.\nWhen the humans discover this vulnerability, they develop loads of viruses and attempt to shut down the AI. Now, however, the remnants of the viruses they learned and tried to use against the AI, they use as the header of footer of messages with each other.\nAdvantages\nThis completely prevents the AI from reading and learning anything from a human's message.\nThe human's can communicate their message directly, as they know where to look for the actual message and ignore the header and footer code that is the virus.\nDisadvantages\nHumans have to remember and retain the code that is a virus and write it perfectly. This could also mean it takes longer to \"encode\" their message.\nIllogical Statements\nIn the second <PERSON> movie (featuring <PERSON>), <PERSON> and his brother communicate with a simple code that makes complete nonsense to an outsider. They flipped any all truthiness of statements (like: \"I love you\" becomes \"I hate you\").\nThe humans have found that using this coupled with using sentences like, \"this statement is false,\" utterly confuse the AI, resulting in the AI ignoring/failing to process their message.\nAdvantages\nOnce learned, the humans could get in a habit of this and learn to communicate quite easily.\nDisadvantages\nThe learning curve might be harder than I imagine.",
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"My rabbit likes me\nI have had my rabbit for almost 6 years now. Throughout the whole 5 years, he never really took interest in me. The only time he'd willingly come near me is if I had something he wanted.",
"I hit a rough patch a couple years ago, so I wasn't as attentive as I should've been. Things are looking up now, though, and he's suddenly really interested in me. I can't walk in/out of my room without him under me. He'll nudge me until I pet him, and then lay on the floor near by.",
"My cat loves then punches the living shit out of my dog\nMy cat is super affectionate towards other cats and dogs. I introduced her to my dog last year and they've gotten along. They sleep together and she will groom his fur as well as rub up against him. Dog isn't too fond of this but he's a small docile old maltese man who has never shown aggression towards each other.\nSometimes, <PERSON> will purr up to him, snuggle with him, then absolutely whack my dog's face for seemingly no reason.",
"Usually lasts for a second, then she's back to snuggling or goes away. Her claws are cut and the dog actually doesn't give much of a fuck, but it scares the living shit out of me because they both like to sit beside me while I WFH and they both want to sleep on my bed.\nI dont know what im after from posting this, it might end up just being a certified unexplainable cat moment. Or maybe someone will comment that my cat is suffering from some chronic disease and to take the pets to the vet STAT. Maybe I'm just sharing this story to see if anyone else has experienced the same thing. Thoughts?\n",
"Currently covered in stray cat hair, How to proceed?\nThere's this stray cat who really loves me. I think. Normally she'd just meow at me for few headpats and that'd be it. But very rarely, she'd meow so loud and jump at me and everything.",
"Insisting I sit down, she'd get on my lap and start licking my clothes aggressively.. like she's cleaning me. She'd start looking at my clothes and sniffing a specific spot before deciding to lick it or not.\nThing is, I end up with tons of cat hair on my clothes. I make sure ofc to not touch my nose or mouth with my hands until I wash them incase she's dirty and all, etc etc. But how do I proceed with clothes? Do I just throw them into the washing machine? Wash by hand? Soak em..??",
"Paws (not claws) hurting me all of a sudden?\nI realize this may seem like a trivial question, but it's causing me a lot of angst because she gets upset if I try to make to make her lay down when she's standing on my lap.\nObviously, if she were to dig her claws into me, that would hurt. But as of the last few months, her actual paws have caused pain on my thighs like I have big concrete cylinders being driven into my legs.",
"She hasn't gotten too heavy; in fact, she's been on a diet and lost almost a pound over several months. It's also not a lingering pain; as soon as she lays down or jumps on the back of my chair, I'm fine.\nWhat could be the reason for this, and how do I fix it? She gets on my lap and stands A LOT because she doesn't like the aforementioned diet and wants me to give her more food. Thank you for any advice!\nSorry I couldn't get a better picture; I was having a bit of trouble maneuvering the phone around her LOL.",
"Kitten won’t stop peeing everywhere\nHello, any help would be greatly appreciated. I got my kitten (10 months old) when he was 2 months old. He used to pee around the house every couple of weeks, now almost every day, 9/10 times when I’m asleep. However, he poops in the litter box.",
"The vet tested his pee and found that he had a bacterial infection. We gave him the medicine, and he should have been responding to it by now, but he hasn’t. The vet recommended a diffuser to calm him down. But it’s a hundred dollars, and I’m not sure if it will work. What should I do?",
"Head twitching advice needed\nCame home for lunch and my cat seemed fine. After I finished lunch I noticed my cat was sleeping on the bed and his tongue had been sticking out with drool on the sides of his mouth. Every minute or so he sticks his tongue out and his head twitches. All he ever wants to do is play and eat. Wont play.",
"Won’t eat treats. He is a very affectionate cat and I was petting him and he hissed at me which he’s never done. Cat pretty much only wants to lay on the bed. He is reacting to everything differently. Anyone know what’s going on or what I can possibly do??",
"Will my new dog and my other dog eventually get along well?\nMy dog's best friend / soul mate recently passed away. They were inseparable. They cuddled and played together all the time.\nHe seemed anxious and lonely without her, so we adopted another dog (similar breed and same gender to the one who passed away) to be a companion for him.",
"During the meeting at the shelter they got along super well. Happily sniffing each other and acting very excited. At home though, our dog is kind of ignoring the new dog, and has even growled at her a few times when she tries to be affectionate with him.\nWe've only had her for a few days now. Is he simply trying to establish his alpha status and boundaries? Have you ever had a similar experience that ended in them being very happy with each other's company? Or is it more likely that he'll always be indifferent to her?",
"Am I too late to vaccinate my cat?\n6 months ago, I found a kitten near trash dumpster. I gave him some food and he started to follow me back so I took him in. I am not a cat person and I was in no way financially fit to even vaccinate that kitten.",
"I just managed to skip my lunch few times a week to get his cat food and litter. Infact, I hid him from landlord because I couldn’t pay for him. I did post on facebook so someone could adopt him but I haven’t had any",
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"It does not appear to have been so. Reading <PERSON> Business Insider article, It Took <PERSON> About 27 Seconds To Decide To Be In 'Birdman':\nDuring a panel at New York Comic Con for the film, <PERSON> shared the story of how he was cast in director <PERSON> movie about a washed-up actor, <PERSON> (<PERSON>), hoping to rejuvenate his career with a Broadway play.\n<PERSON> said he first learned about \"Birdman\" while filming another movie, which he flew home in the middle of shooting to discuss.\n\"I got a call saying, '<PERSON> was making a movie,'\" said <PERSON>. \"I was working on a movie and they said, 'well, unfortunately, you probably can't fly home because you're in the middle of making this movie' and when his name was mentioned, I said, 'Well, maybe I should find a way to fly home because, like I'm sure <PERSON>], I'm a big, big fan of his movies.\"\nThe actor said it took him less than 30 seconds to decide to star in the movie after dinner with <PERSON> who has made movies including \"Babel\" and \"21 Grams.\"\n\"So, it was that simple. I flew home and they wouldn't ... they couldn't tell me what it was about and now that I've done the movie I understand why they couldn't explain it because I'm not sure what happened,\" he said.\n\"I went and had a dinner with him [<PERSON>] and it was very pleasant and very interesting,\" <PERSON> said.",
"\"If you've ever spoken with him, you'd know why. He's just a very interesting, extremely passionate guy which is contagious. At the end of the evening he said, 'Well, here. Read this.' It took me about, I don't know, 27 seconds to decide, 'Yeah, I want to do this.'\"\nIf it had been specifically 'written with <PERSON> in mind', he would have been actively courted. If this article (and <PERSON> himself) is to be believed, he dined with <PERSON> and only then was given the script to read and accepted it. Had it been written 'for him', it seems more likely that they'd have contacted <PERSON> (or his agent) directly, and he'd have been in on it from the beginning.",
"As we already know that 'The Social Network' was based on a book called 'The Accidental Billionaires' by <PERSON>. Now if you check the wikipedia entry it tells us something about the production.\nScreenwriter <PERSON> said, \"What attracted me to [the film project] had nothing to do with Facebook. The invention itself is as modern as it gets, but the story is as old as storytelling; the themes of friendship, loyalty, jealousy, class and power. I got a 14-page book proposal that <PERSON> had written for his publisher for a book he was going to call The Accidental Billionaires. The publisher was simultaneously shopping it around for a film sale. That's how it wound up in my hands. I was reading it and somewhere on page three I said yes. It was the fastest I said yes to anything.",
"But <PERSON> hadn't written the book yet, and I assumed that Sony was going to want me to wait for <PERSON> to write the book, and I would start a year from now. They wanted me to start right away. <PERSON> and I were kind of doing our research at the same time, sort of along parallel lines.\"\nHowever, according to <PERSON>, <PERSON> did not send him material from his book as he wrote it: \"Two or three times we'd get together. I'd go to Boston, or we'd meet in New York and kind of compare notes and share information, but I didn't see the book until he was done with it. By the time I saw the book, I was probably 80 percent done with the screenplay.\" <PERSON> elaborated:\nSo it's like the book and the screenplay for this movie were almost written in parallel.\nSo when the book was released in 2009, pretty soon the movie als got released in 2010. So my point is - The Social Network's production just followed the production of the book - The Accidental Billionaires. And the book followed what was an interesting story at that time. So it is only coincidental that the movie's release and facebook's boom occured at the same time.",
"I think there are some hints in this interview with <PERSON>:\nFirst, I found this amusing:\nO: What about Hair? Did something particular draw you to the play?\nMF: Songs. I saw the very first public preview on Broadway of Hair, when I was here in 1967 for some sort of festival or something. I just loved every song. It's one of the three musicals in history in which every song is a gem.\nBut here he's talking about another film he directed, Taking Off. Notice what he says about hippies in their environment:\nI considered a portrait of these young kids, called hippies in those times. But what I discovered... I spent a lot of time in the Lower East Side, seeing these crash pads, and I found them very, very boring. On the other hand, when I talked to the parents of runaway kids, I found them much more interesting, because they were in panic.",
"They were doing things, they were trying to find their children, they were trying to understand their children. The children just spent their time lying in the crash pad, smoking pot and looking at the ceiling. It was very boring. That's why I turned the focus of Taking Off on the parents.\nSo now it's time to direct <PERSON>; is it likely he's going to retell the story he saw on stage, when he thinks (overall) their lifestyle is boring?\nI think instead he looked for ways to introduce conflict, and that started (with a classic Man vs Man) with <PERSON> meeting <PERSON>. And it's a good setup: a naive, fish out of water, law-abiding, soon to be soldier meets a gregarious, law-breaking, anti-war rebel. <PERSON> <PERSON>, our protagonist, thought he knew is being challenged.\nI agree with what you said about <PERSON>'s infatuation with <PERSON>, but some love interest was necessary in order to provide a reason for the trip to <PERSON>'s base. And also to provide the means to get <PERSON> shipped off to war. After all, it was <PERSON> being just a bit too clever and he lost this one.\nThe really big theme, for me, are the changes designed for the three main characters:\n* <PERSON> goes from naive to getting having his eyes opened\n* <PERSON> leaves the authoritarian high society and is free\n* <PERSON> for the first time in his life has to follow rules\nDespite <PERSON> saying, above, \"I just liked the music!\", I think he made the changes he felt he needed to make to keep the story interesting.",
"It was just supposed to be a gag.\nThe cameo would have been in the first Spider-Man movie, not Spider-Man 2, so keep in mind that it was in the very early days of the current era of Marvel movies. The first X-Men movie had just come out, and that was it.\n<PERSON> refers to the idea as just a gag, but given how fans can be, and how much Marvel seems to listen to their fans, it may have established a shared or at least cotigunious universe. Marvel was probably at least a little bit interested in establishing that precedent too.\nThe quote you are thinking of is this:\n\nHuffington Post: I read where you were saying how much you’d like to act opposite <PERSON> as <PERSON>, but of course the studio rights prevent that. Is there anything stopping you from just walking by in a scene where the character’s name isn’t mentioned?\n<PERSON>: In the first “Spider-Man” — <PERSON> reminded me of this — we really tried to get me to come on and do something, whether it was a gag or just to walk through the shot or something. The problem was, we couldn’t find the suit. The suit was stuck in some thing.",
"And so when they were in New York when I was there, we couldn’t get it together. So, you know, I actually asked some high level people about it. Because the optimist in me goes, “Why not? Why can’t we do it? You know, a split cast or whatever?” And someone reminded that the amount of money Fox paid compared to the amount of money Disney paid is very different [laughs]. So how you split that pie up? God knows. But in the comic books, what’s great about it is they’re just mashing together all the time — and it’s awesome. And people are like, “Yeah, well, let’s get this one with that!” And, you know, I still think, one day, there may be an ability to do it.",
"<PERSON> discussed this with Collider:\nHe also revealed, “We had a version of [Before Sunset] that happened two years later. But once it took us five years and we can’t get the money to make that movie we have to rethink it. So elements or lines from that script stayed. When we first finished Before Sunset there was an idea that we would do. <PERSON> and I wanted to do a short film the next year that we thought would be really fun to do like a five minute short and then put it in the vault so to speak and then fifteen years later make another film.”\nThe article also discussed the third film:\nIf you’re a fan (like me) of these two amazing movies and are hoping they’d do a third film, it sounds like they aren’t against it, but don’t expect to see it anytime soon. That’s because even though people constantly give <PERSON> ideas for the film, he says, “My thought is we will make one as soon as everybody has forgotten about it.”\nThey later clarified the exact reason they released the third film when they did, in an interview with French website Allocine.",
"Quoting from The Guardian's rewrite of it:\n<PERSON> reveals that he, <PERSON> and <PERSON> are negotiating a third outing for the transatlantic couple. \"All of three of us have been having similar feelings that we're ready to revisit those characters,\" said <PERSON>. \"There's nine years between the first two movies and, if we made the film next summer, it would be nine years again, so we really started thinking that would be a good thing to do. We're going to try to write it this year.\"\nSo to summarise, they wanted to release Before Sunset earlier, but struggled to get funding and that delayed the launch. When they did finally release the film, nine years had passed. They didn't want to release Before Midnight too early, and eventually settled on releasing it nine years after Before Sunset, to have the same timeline consistency between the first two films as the second and third films.",
"<PERSON> discussed this to an extent with He was asked about <PERSON>, who is the most prolific of the <PERSON> <PERSON> writers, having written sixteen novels between 1979 and 1996:\nCS: Have they decided not to adapt any of <PERSON> novels?\n<PERSON>: I don’t think they ever would, because they don’t own them. I don’t know what the deal is with that. We’re taking the original idea. The funny thing is if you read <PERSON>’s (novels), which I try to plow through occasionally, there’s an awful lot of story lines that have never been used because obviously the films are based on the books. There are still ideas that we can sort of pluck from.\nThis seems to be confirmed on the wiki of Ian Fleming Publications, who own the copyright to <PERSON> as a novel character.",
"This can be compared to EON who appear to hold the copyright to <PERSON> as a film character.\nFollowing this logic, it would be costly for EON to purchase the rights to any of the continuation novels.\nThis doesn't mean they haven't borrowed content from the novels before. This has been discussed over at the MI6 Community, with one poster noting similarities between the License Renewed novel and <PERSON> films:\nLicence Renewed: <PERSON> gets his first glimpse of villain industrialist <PERSON> at England’s famous Ascot racetrack.\nA View to a Kill (1985): <PERSON> gets his fist glimpse of villain industrialist <PERSON> at England’s famous Ascot racetrack.\nLicence Renewed: <PERSON> poses as a weekend party guest at <PERSON>’s large country estate in Scotland.\nA View to a Kill (1985): <PERSON> poses as a weekend party guest at <PERSON>’s large country estate in France.\nLicence Renewed: <PERSON>’s SAAB ejects tear gas from its vents when surrounded by henchmen.\nTomorrow Never Dies (1997): <PERSON>’s BMW ejects tear gas from its vents when surrounded by henchmen.\nLicence Renewed: <PERSON> fights henchman <PERSON> in the cargo hold of C-130 over Spain in the book’s climax.\nThe Living Daylights (1987): <PERSON> fights henchman <PERSON> in the cargo hold of C-130 over Afghanistan in the film’s climax.\nThere are plenty more examples of these similarities over there.\nAnother factor to consider with regards to adapting parts from the continuation novels is the fact EON have always put so much original content into the films anyway. The <PERSON> novels written by <PERSON> are very different to the films that were released, as <PERSON> wrote within the technological constraints of the time (so Moonraker does not take place on the Moon, for example) and made his \"Bond\" protagonist much more realistic (meaning he fails quite often, can't take three guys on in a gun fight etc).\nGiven EON disregarded so much of the original novels, it seems likely they could/would do something similar with the continuation novels. So not only would they have to pay to adapt the novels, they'd likely not use large portions of the novels, making it even more of an unnecessary cost.\nFinally, the scripts for <PERSON> films aren't too difficult to come up with. They tend to follow set patterns, with the gorgeous woman, the slick lines, a few car chases, etc. Given this, there doesn't appear to be a shortage of scripts or ideas for EON to use in creating the films.\nSo in summary, there doesn't appear to be any desire to turn any of the continuation novels into films, probably because EON don't own the rights to them and it would be costly - but that doesn't mean they haven't borrowed elements from the novels for use in some of the modern films.",
"No.\nOn Sept. 2022, <PERSON> and <PERSON> announced on <PERSON>'s Twitter account: (tweet 1) (tweet 2), that <PERSON> will reprise his role as <PERSON> in a third Deadpool film to be released in 2024. This <PERSON> film will be set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.\nWhile many beloved comic book stars have been played by multiple actors, there’s really only been one <PERSON> in the movies. “Well, I was greedy,” <PERSON> says. “I held on to it for 20 years. And then, of course, since I left, it’s been bought by Disney. I’m sure the plans are afoot.”\nA few weeks later, I talk to <PERSON> on the phone, and those plans are clear. “I straight-up lied,” he says. “But you’re not the only one I lied to, let me tell you.”\nHe really meant it when he said he was retiring as <PERSON>. But then in 2016, “I went to a screening of ‘Deadpool.’ I was 20 minutes in, and I was like, ‘Ah, damn it!’ All I kept seeing in my head was ‘48 Hours’ with <PERSON> and <PERSON>. So it’s been brewing for a long time.",
"It just took me longer to get here.”\nAt the end of August, during a road trip to the beach with his family, he finally made the decision. He called <PERSON>, who’d been pleading “on the daily” for a <PERSON>-Deadpool movie. “I think, actually, he’d given up,” <PERSON> says. “I think it was a big shock to him. There was a massive pause, and then he said, ‘I can’t believe the timing of this.’”\n<PERSON> was about to meet with Marvel Studios president <PERSON> about “Deadpool 3.” With <PERSON> in, the rest is comic book movie history.\n“Oh my God, I’m thrilled,” <PERSON> tells me. “It’s like old home week. To get to be on set with one of my closest friends each and every day is a dream come true. But to do it with these two iconic characters side by side, that’s beyond our wildest dreams.” <PERSON> adds that the first time he talked to <PERSON> — three and a half years ago after Disney bought Fox — he’d pushed for bringing in Wolverine. “It wasn’t possible then,” <PERSON> says. “For this to be happening now is pretty damn exciting.”\n— The Story of Hugh Jackman in Five Acts. Variety",
"Firstly, you have failed to look at the times frames involved. <PERSON> killed <PERSON> on the 14th of February 2013.\nGone Girl was in the works a long time before the murder\n\"Gone Girl is a film adaptation of <PERSON>'s 2012 novel of the same name, and the author also wrote the adapted screenplay. One of the film's producers, <PERSON>, read the manuscript of the novel in 2011 and brought it to the attention of <PERSON> in December of that year. <PERSON> and <PERSON> then collaborated with <PERSON> to further develop the manuscript—with <PERSON>'s film agent, <PERSON>, they met with film studios in early 2012.[6]\n<PERSON> submitted her first draft screenplay to 20th Century Fox in December 2012, before <PERSON> was selected as the director for the project.\"\nSo if the first draft of the screenplay was submitted 3 months the prior to <PERSON> killing <PERSON>, and the screenplay was based on the book, I find it highly unlikely that they would have decided to change the screenplay and let it be affected or influenced by a murder which would only be tried in court after the movie was filmed.\nSecondly, <PERSON> started filming in Sept 2013 for about 5 weeks. The details of <PERSON>'s murder were not fully explored until the trial started in March 2014.",
"It was live coverage of the trial which pushed the story into worldwide media exposure.\nThird: The murder of <PERSON> is by no means unique and there are many other cases that spring to mind like the <PERSON> and <PERSON> trials. Regardless of how long ago these famous trials and murders occurred, their themes still play out in popular culture and daily references. Any murder of a girlfriend or spouse with a public figure involved is going to play out in the media in the same way. All famous trials are going to resonate in some ways.\nYou have to ask <PERSON> to give you an absolute answer, but my conclusion is it is highly unlikely that he would have seen the need to make the movie resonate with the Oscar Trial. Or to use your words, I doubt he needed to or was influenced to 'play up' any thematic similarities.\nAnd before you ask this question in the future years to come: no, I don't think the director of the one day to be made <PERSON> biopic will be influenced into introducing thematic similarities from Gone Girl.",
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"Take a large ensemble of particles and preselect state $\\left|\\psi\\right\\rangle$\nThen take a large sub-ensemble of this ensemble and postselect state $\\left|\\phi\\right\\rangle$.\nIn other words, set up the experiment, with the ensemble starting in state $\\left|\\psi\\right\\rangle$. Make a weak measurement of the observable $\\hat{A}$, then make a strong measurement (at the end of the experiment) and look at the data that ended in state $\\left|\\phi\\right\\rangle$. As mentioned in the comments of the question, this does potentially lead to issues about whether or not this is actually a weak measurement as it involves a strong measurement of the measurement device.\nThe weak value, $A_W$, gives the average (mean) value of $\\hat{A}$ that the particles in this sub-ensemble appear to have when measured via a weak interaction\nIt is not relevant or useful when looking at a single particle, although measuring an ensemble of particles is equivalent to repeating an experiment with a single particle, many times.\nIf, instead of a weak measurement, a strong measurement was performed, then the wavefunction collapses and we no longer know which particles would have ended in state $\\left|\\phi\\right\\rangle$ given that they started in state $\\left|\\psi\\right\\rangle$ as they have effectively now started in a different state.\nPostselecting $\\left|\\phi\\right\\rangle$ such that $\\left\\langle\\phi|\\psi\\right\\rangle$ is small allows for amplification of measurements that were previously too small to observe (e.g.",
"Spin Hall Effect of Light -\nThey also bring a new way to look at counterfactual statements - a set of statements that classically, cannot be simultaneously true as they appear to contradict each other. This is usually solved in quantum physics by saying that when making a (strong) measurement of such a statement, the wavefunction collapses and the other statements cannot be measured so do not have to be simultaneously true. As weak measurements do not collapse the wavefunction, they allow for these statements to be tested (e.g. <PERSON>'s Paradox -",
"Just to add on to what was said by there other answers, it is trivially true that for a composite system in $H^{A \\times B}$ composed of systems in $H^{A}$ and $H^{B}$, not every $\\hat{\\rho}{AB}$ can be written as a $\\hat{\\rho}{A} \\times \\hat{\\rho}_{B}$, but let us consider what the effects of the composite subsystems entangled-ness will be on the subsystems density matrices?\nFirst, embedded in your question is the fact that: if $\\hat{\\rho}{AB} = \\hat{\\rho}{A} \\times \\hat{\\rho}{B}$, then $\\hat{\\rho}{A}$ and $\\hat{\\rho}_{B}$ are both pure systems. This is because their density matrices can be written as $|\\psi \\rangle \\langle \\psi |$ and $|\\phi \\rangle \\langle \\phi |$ where $|\\psi \\rangle \\in H^A$ and $|\\phi \\rangle \\in H^B$ respectively.\nSo we can say \"Composite System Unentangled $\\rightarrow$ Subsystems Pure\"\nNow lets go the other way, what happens if we assume the Subsystems are pure? Without loss of generality lets assume $\\hat{\\rho}_{A} = |a_0 \\rangle \\langle a_0 |$ since we can just define a basis where pure state is a basis vector:\n$$\\hat{\\rho}{A} = |a_0 \\rangle \\langle a_0 |$$ $$=\\text{Tr}_B(\\hat{\\rho}{AB})$$ $$=\\text{Tr}B(|\\gamma \\rangle \\langle \\gamma |)$$ $$=\\text{Tr}_B(\\sum{w,x,y,z} \\gamma_{w,x} \\gamma_{y,z} |a_w b_x \\rangle \\langle a_y b_z | )$$ $$=\\sum_{k}\\langle b_k |(\\sum_{w,x,y,z} \\gamma_{w,x} \\gamma_{y,z} |a_w b_x \\rangle \\langle a_y b_z | )|b_k \\rangle$$ $$=\\sum_{w,y,k} \\gamma_{w,k} \\gamma_{y,k} |a_w \\rangle \\langle a_y| $$\nBut we know this has to be: $$=|a_0 \\rangle \\langle a_0 |$$ From the first line, therefore: $$\\gamma_{w,k}=\\delta_{w,0} \\sigma_k$$ $$|\\sigma \\rangle := \\sum_{k} \\sigma_k |b_k\\rangle $$ Which shows that $|\\gamma \\rangle = |a_0 \\rangle |\\sigma \\rangle$, which is unentangled.",
"So we can also say that \"Composite System Unentangled $\\leftarrow$ Subsystems Pure\"\nCombining both results gives the fact that \"Composite System Unentangled $\\leftrightarrow$ Subsystems Pure\".\nOf course this does not affect the trace of the total density matrix or even that of the subsystems, but it does affect the trace of the square of each of the density matrices. The result is also quite powerful in that it allows us to combine entangled-ness and mixed-ness of quantum composite systems, which is far easier both computationally and heuristically than involving the Von Neumann Entropies. It also allows for quick cheats on tests if one is asked to prove a state is entangled or not.\nFor further reading see Schmidt Decomposition and Singular value decomposition.",
"Suppose the entangled particles are generated in a singlet state, $\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\vert 01 \\rangle - \\vert 10 \\rangle)$. If measurement set A is the standard basis, ${ \\vert 0 \\rangle, \\vert 1 \\rangle }$, then we would expect the result to be \"zero\" with probability $\\tfrac{1}{2}$ and \"one\" with probability $\\tfrac{1}{2}$.\nIf I've read your question correctly, it seems that your confusion comes from believing that the measurement results of entangled particles must always be identical. Barring experimental error, this is only the case when the measurement bases, A and B, are identical. If A and B were both the standard basis, then there would be perfect correlation between the A measurements and the B measurements.\nIf on the other hand, B is a basis like ${ \\vert + \\rangle, \\vert - \\rangle }$ where $\\vert + \\rangle = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}(\\vert 0 \\rangle + \\vert 1 \\rangle)$, and $\\vert - \\rangle = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}(\\vert 0 \\rangle - \\vert 1 \\rangle)$, then we only expect a 50% correlation between the results of A measurements on X and B measurements on Y.\nThis correlation is still quite good, and is the foundation of Bell-type inequalities, but it is not so good that either party learns anything about the other's choice of basis (or in your terminology: sees a deviation in expected probability based on the decoherence of their counterpart). Both parties always expect to see the \"zero\" and \"one\" states with 50% probability - the entanglement only affects the correlation between the remote parties results were they to compare them.\nEDIT: @HDE, With respect to the results of measurements in a fixed basis, non-entangled particles are much like weighted coin flips. So the experiment in which the parties have non-entangled particles is not much different from if we let two parties choose arbitrarily weighted coins and had them flip those coins to generate their results. Now, the probability that both parties get the same result is a function of which coin they each chose, if they each chose a coin that's weighted 90% towards heads, then they'll get the same result around 82% of the time.",
"81% of the time they'll both get heads, and 1% of the time they'll both get tails.\nLet's look at entanglement, here the probability that both parties get the same result is given by $\\cos^2({\\theta})$ where $\\theta$ is the \"angle\" between their bases. In my example with singlets above the angle was $\\pi/4$ and so there was a 50% correlation between the parties' results. With an angle of $\\pi/8$ we see an 85% correlation. This is the key difference, the correlation is governed by the similarity of the bases, not the frequency of particular outcomes. An outcome that occurs 10% of the time will yield a coincidence with probability $\\cos^2({\\theta})$, which will generally not be 10%. To emphasize this, let's think about the weighted coin flips. If <PERSON> gets a tails on a 90% heads coin, then even in an optimistic case, where <PERSON> chooses the same coin, she only expects <PERSON> to get a tails 10% of the time. With entangled particles, when <PERSON> sees a tails, even if it only occurs one in a million times, she expects <PERSON> to see a tails with certainty assuming he chose the same basis, or with probability .85 if he chose one $\\pi/8$ radians off, and so on.\nHope that helps",
"The answer depends somewhat on the interpretation of quantum mechanics you choose. However, if you take one of the standard ones, then a superposition of two states is not the same as being in both of these states simultaneously, nor as being in an unknown one of these states, nor as being in an unknown state \"in between\". Superposition is an entirely new idea that we don't have words in conversational English to express.\nIt might help to give a real-world example that mirrors the math. You can drive your car in any direction. Suppose your car also has a widget that indicates what compass direction you're moving in, but it's primitive and can only say \"North\", \"East\", \"South\", or \"West\". These are the only four things it can ever say.",
"If you drive northeast, it has a 50/50 chance of saying North or East. Now I'll reframe all your questions in this context and the answers should be clearer:\nHowever, I'm wondering if before the measurement, i.e. during superposition, the quantum really is in those two different pure states ($|0\\rangle$ and $|1\\rangle$) - or maybe even in all states in between those two?\n\"I'm wondering if, when you drive northeast, the direction of your car really is in these two different pure directions (North and East) - or maybe even in all directions in between those two?\"\nor if it is always only in one \"pure\" state (or one state between those two)\n\"Or is the car always going one \"pure\" direction, like North or East?\"\ncould the dice 1) show all numbers at the front side at once before measuring it and the measurement destroys this so that it only shows one of those sides then or 2) is there always only one number at the front side, but we talk of superposition because we don't know, which one until measuring it?\n\"1) Could the widget say North and East at the same time before looking at it? 2) Is the direction of the car always North or East, but we don't know which one until measuring it?\"\nHopefully the answers to these questions are clear. The car can drive any way it wants to; the widget just doesn't tell us everything about the state, just like measuring if a quantum bit is 0 or 1 doesn't tell us everything about its state. Driving steadily northeast is just a fundamentally different thing from driving north and driving east and is not at all a probabilistic mixture of them. This is the way standard quantum mechanics thinks of superpositions.",
"This is not a good way to visualize or think about Qubits, if indeed you are actually interested in understanding them; the hand-wavy idea of superposition as a mixture is often used to give a quick overview to people who want the cliffnotes version of the cliffnotes version of Quantum Computing.\nA much better way to visualize Qubits is with the use of the Bloch Sphere, this can help in understanding the relationships between observable eigenstates, pure states(super position states), and mixed states. I won't go into too much detail since there are many posts on Physics SE, and many more on Quantum Computing SE that discuss the Bloch Sphere and what can be drawn from it, but let me just show where your analogy/visualization fails.\nWe define our computational basis as $|0 \\rangle$ and $|1 \\rangle$, a Qubit $| \\psi \\rangle$ can be in a superposition of these states, meaning $|\\psi \\rangle = \\alpha|0 \\rangle+ \\beta|1 \\rangle$, where $|\\alpha|^2 + |\\beta|^2 =1$ and each coefficent's magnitude square represents the probability of finding the state in the corresponding $0$ or $1$ state.\nNow notice with this definition of $\\alpha$ and $\\beta$ we can have $|\\psi_1 \\rangle = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt2}|0 \\rangle+ \\frac{1}{\\sqrt2}|1 \\rangle$, or $|\\psi_2 \\rangle = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt2}|0 \\rangle- \\frac{1}{\\sqrt2}|1 \\rangle$. Although you may be looking at those two states and thinking that the probabilities for measuring $0$ and $1$ are identical and so therefore the states are also identical, you would be incorrect.",
"These states are actually orthogonal to each other and span a new basis which we commonly denote as $|+ \\rangle$ and $|- \\rangle$. They are eigenstates of a different observable. And so just because they are probabilistically identical as it relates to measurements made in the computational basis does not mean that the states themselves are identical.\nQuantum Computing operates under a different physical paradigm than classical computing, and probabilities are not the end all and be all of this paradigm, but a consequence of it. As a result thinking about Quantum Computing or Qubits as merely objects of a probabilistic nature misses the essence, power and beauty of QC.",
"I won't explain the complete algorithm here. You can find a good explanation in Wikipedia or <PERSON> and <PERSON>\nThe aim of Grover search is to find some \"marked\" items ($|x_t\\rangle$) in an unstructured database. The \"marking\" is done by a function called the oracle. The problem you are trying to solve is - 'Given an oracle can you find the items it marks in a database?'. The ability to implement the oracle doesn't imply that we can construct $|x_t\\rangle$. And at times you will not even have the freedom to construct an initial state. For example when you use Grover search as an intermediate step in some other algorithm\nIt is not paradoxical. If you look at the intermediate steps closely all operations involved are unitary. So the entire algorithm is also unitary. The source of your confusion may be this: Initially $\\langle \\psi | x_t\\rangle$ was small but the algorithm amplifies this value.",
"It is not a contradiction because unitary transformations preserve inner products if you apply them to both the vectors (i.e. rotation of the whole space). But here we change $| \\psi \\rangle$ and not $|x_t\\rangle$. The amplification here happens the same way how the x-component of a 2D vector can change when you rotate it keeping the axes fixed.\nCheck out <PERSON> and <PERSON> for a really simple explanation. They effectively explain the whole thing in terms of two dimensional vectors.\nAn alternative way to think about it is using the <PERSON> equation. The Schrodinger Hamiltonian has two terms, the kinetic energy term and the potential energy term. If there is no potential then the tendency of the K.E term is to spread out the wave function. What <PERSON> search does is this: A potential is applied to the \"marked\" states and the system is allowed to evolve according to the Schrodinger Hamiltonian. The potential concentrates the amplitude at the marked states so that when you do a measurement there is a high chance that you will get these states. <PERSON> figured out his algorithm by thinking about it in this way and then discretizing <PERSON> equation. You can find his own explanation along these lines here",
"Understanding the virtual states referenced in multiphoton absorption studies\nThe Heisenberg energy-time uncertainty tells us that we can have so-called virtual states between eigenstates as long as the lifetime of these states is at most:\n$\\tau = (\\frac{h}{4 \\pi E_v})$\nWhere $h$ is the <PERSON> constant ($6.62607 * 10^{-34} Js$, or $4.135668 * 10^{-15} eVs$), and $E_v$ is energy difference between our virtual state and the nearest eigenstate. If we assume $E_v \\approx 1 eV$ for a virtual state, we can estimate that this state can only exist for at most $\\tau_2 \\approx 3.29106 * 10^{-16}$ seconds.\nNow, in the literature and wikipedia, I've repeatedly seen the claim that two-photon absorption ( involves a single photon event promoting a molecule to a virtual state, and because the energy-time uncertainty allows this state to exist for some time $\\tau$ (as estimated above for a $\\approx 1 eV$ transition), if another photon strikes within this time window the energy of the two photons can be summed to allow for a transition with double the energy of a single photon. For example, two $\\lambda \\approx 2.48 \\mu m$ photons with energies of $\\approx 0.5 eV$ each can, through a virtual state, sum to allow for a $\\approx 1 eV$ transition correspond to the absorbance of a single $\\lambda \\approx 1.24 \\mu m$ photon.\nHowever, I'm having trouble understanding where the \"memory\" for the first photon absorbance is stored, since a virtual state is not a real eigenstate with distinct observables. What mechanism allows for the energies of the two photons to be summed? And are these energies being summed, or is there some energy loss associated with transitioning through a virtual state? Please note that I fully understand there may not be an intuitive \"memory mechanism\", I just mean \"memory\" in the sense of being able to write down something like a descriptive state vector for a virtual state that accounts for the state's energy.\nFinally, what does it mean to say that a virtual state can exist for \"at most a time $\\tau$\" in the context of the energy-time uncertainty principle? Is this just the expected lifetime for a state decaying exponentially with decay parameter $\\lambda = \\frac{1}{\\tau}$?\nA good soundbite for this question would be: how can we write down a quantum mechanical expression for a virtual state (say, in the context of raman spectroscopy) in Hilbert space? And if it's ultimately correct to describe the virtual state using an interaction Hamiltonian between some particle's dipole and the EM field of an incoming photon (of some wavelength), how do we write down a description of this Hamiltonian in a rigorous manner? Does this Hamiltonian give us any insight into the lifetime of the virtual state?\nAlso, why do I often see references to a Rigged Hilbert space when doing literature searches on this topic? Take for example these two papers by <PERSON>, M.:\n<PERSON>, M. A description of virtual scattering states in the rigged Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics. J. Math.",
"Phys. 24, 2142 (1983).\n<PERSON>, M. Construction of rigged Hilbert spaces to describe resonances and virtual states. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 124(1–3), March 1984, 317 (1984).\nFrom ( <PERSON>, <PERSON>. Role of the spectral shape of quantum correlations in two-photon virtual-state spectroscopy. (2013).\n\"The quantum mechanical calculation of the TPA [Two-Photon Absorption] transition probability shows that its value can be understood as a weighted sum of many energy non-conserving atomic transitions (virtual-state transitions) [22, 23] between energy levels.\"",
"It's likely bad taste to answer your own question, however, here I am only pointing out the argument of another in the literature. I also won't accept this answer to allow others to respond.\nSurprisingly, my above guess that perfect copying is only limited by the probability of spontaneous emission... might actually be correct.\nQuoting from [<PERSON>, P. W., <PERSON>, M. L. Photons cannot always be replicated. Physics Letters 92(A) no. 7, pp.",
"321 - 322 (1982).]:\n\"The probability of spontaneous $(n_s = 0)$ generation of signal photons is equal to the probability of stimulated generation when there is initially one signal photon already present.\"\n\"This result is traditionally expressed in the context of ordinary stimulated emission by an initially excited atom. The point here is that this fundamental law applies to all stimulated processes. Whenever there is a possibility of stimulated generation of photons, there is also the possibility of spontaneous generation. And when there is initially one signal photon, the rate of spontaneous generation is precisely equal to the rate of stimulated generation. (More generally, the rates are equal when the expectation value of the signal-mode photon number is unity.) Of course, the absolute rates are different for different purposes...\"\n\"...It should be mentioned that Wooters and Zurek [7] have independently reached a similar conclusion, that no device is able to clone with certainty photons in an arbitrary state of polarization. Their agreement is general: The linearity of quantum mechanics forbids the existence of such a device. The argument of Wooters and <PERSON> does not rule out the amplification of any given state by a device designed specifically for that state, but it does rule out the existence of a device capable of amplifying an arbitrary state. However, if one designs a device to amplify a specific state then he is assuming a priori knowledge of the state.\"\nSaid differently: the ability to achieve stimulated emission without spontaneous emission, or more generally, the existence of quantum amplifiers capable of operating below a critical noise threshold, would mean the absurdity of allowing for superluminal information transfer via a FLASH-like mechanism:\nI suppose this quote also have relevance to another question on this site:\nSpecifically, we can say that any gain medium in the optical cavity of a laser will have some probability of spontaneous emission, and thus, rigging the gain medium so that the properties (or subset thereof) of this spontaneously emitted photon match that of the photon one is attempting to clone, means knowing a priori knowing the photons state vector. Therefore, \"no cloning\" does not preclude the existence of lasers or require that stimulated emission have some degree of \"sloppiness\".",
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"How do you measure the degree of influence of pre-training on a fine-tuning task?\nContext\nI have a randomly initialized (deep learning) model A, and a pre-trained model Ap. The two are trained (or fine-tuned, more specifically for Ap) on the same target task* and I call them A' and Ap', respectively.\np(.) is the performance of a model on the target task. Let's admit that, in general, p(Ap') > p(A').\n*Assuming that either with everything identical (seeds, etc), or that I have enough seeds so I can rely on the average behavior.\nWhat I am looking for\nA measure/metric of the robustness/dependency of my method with respect to the pre-training; i.e.",
"something that tells me the degree of dependency of my method on the pre-training process.\nIn the end I want to repeat this process over many fine-tunning methods and compare them.\nEdit 1\nI would like have some conclusion that looks like: \"the fine-tunning method X is more robust to pre-training than fine-tunning method Y based on the fact that even with a worse* pre-training it retains more performance.\nA bit more formally : * say that the training (or, again, fine-tuning) methods X and Y are being compared; * their respective performances after they are applied to the (raw, pre-trained) models are (p(Ax), p(Apx)) and (p(Ay), p(Apy));\nI'd like to make conclusions, based on comparisons between (p(Ax), p(Apx)) and (p(Ay), p(Apy)), that X is more/less robust to the pre-training than Y.\nIdeally... given a method X, I'd like to generate a sequence (p(Ax), p(Ap1x), ..., p(ApNx)) such that the pre-trained models Ap1, ..., ApN are increasingly better in their original (surrogate) task -- and A (without pre-training) is a reference. Then the sequence of performance on the target task (p(Ax), p(Ap1x), ..., p(ApNx)) allows one to take conclusions about X [compared to another fine-tuning mehtod Y].\nA practical (optional) constraint: for the sake of reproducibility, I'd like to use publicly availabe pre-trained models so in a perfect scenario all the model Ap1, ..., ApN should be available or \"easily\" reproducible (i.e. can be programatically generated).",
"From a practical and theoretical perspective, when is it beneficial to incorporate Gumbel noise into a neural network, as opposed to just using Softmax with temperature?\nYou don't necessarily need Gumbel-Softmax to obtain \"one-hot like\" vectors, or the ability to differentiate through an indexing mechanism.\nThe LSTM architecture and derived variants are examples of this. They model \"forget/input\" gates using sigmoid outputs, which are deterministic. A \"true\" gating mechanism would be either 0 or 1, but to make things differentiable, LSTMs relax that constraint to sigmoided outputs. You'll notice that there is no \"random\" inputs here, and you can still apply the straight-through trick here to make the gates truly discrete (while backpropagating a biased gradient).\nGumbel-Softmax can be used wherever you would consider using a non-stochastic indexing mechanism (it is a more general formulation). But it's especially useful when you want to backpropagate through random samples of discrete variables.\n* VAE with a Gumbel-Softmax or Categorical posterior (encoder) distribution. Notably, you cannot simply use a deterministic softmax here because it would turn your VAE into a standard autoencoder.",
"Autoencoders lack a way to generate new samples from the prior.\n* Actor-Critic architecture with a Gumbel-softmax or Categorical actor (most policy gradient implementations assume you can re-parameterize the gradients from the critic through the actor without using a score function estimator to estimate the black-box gradient). You cannot simply substitute the deterministic softmax here, because there is a type mismatch: the critic takes as input a action $a \\in A$, while the softmax represents the conditional policy distribution $\\pi(a|s)$\n* The \"probabilistic\" interpretation of a non-random quantization such as an LSTM would essentially be mode-seeking behavior in fitting a density. You have loss function that takes in categorical decisions $c$, so the expected loss $\\mathbb{E}_c[f(c)]$ is minimized by learning some distribution $p(c)$. Quantizing a softmax without sampling the Gumbel noise (e.g. just using a sigmoid or softmax) is akin to choosing the same $c$ every time. For some $f$ this is okay, and for other $f$ this is highly suboptimal (consider the categorical KL divergence as a loss).\nMy best guess is that the introduction of the Gumbel noise enforces stronger exploration before convergence, but I can't recall reading any papers that use this as a motivation to bring in the extra randomness.\nThis is an interesting idea, but there are many ways to inject \"exploration\" noise into the set of parameters you use in a function approximator.",
"In a variational antoencoder (VAE), the output of the encoder, $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$, is a deterministic function of input data $x$ (you put $x$ into your encoder neural network, and it generates $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$, there is nothing random here).\nThen the hidden representaition $z$ (posterior) is sampled from the Guassian distribution parameterized by $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$. So notice that we don't talk about what 's the distribution of $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$ (since they are deterministic based on $x$, not random variables), but we do talk about the distribution of $z$.\n\"why do we want to feed forward latent matrix with Gaussian distribution?\"\nTo be specific, we feed a Gaussian distributed variable $z$ into the decoder network. This is the basic model assumption of VAE regarding how samples are generated. Notice that one of the main difference between VAE and standard autoencoder is that VAE is a generative model, in the sence that you can randomly generate samples, instead of using a input $x$ to reconstruct something similar to $x$.\nIf we imagine a VAE trained on the MNIST hand written digits dataset, we want to randomly sample $z$~$p(z)=\\mathcal{N}(0,1)$, and feed this $z$ into the decoder network which give us the output distribution (which is again a Gaussian), and sampling from that output distribution results in an image of a digit.\n\"Why compare a distribution of Mu and Sigma matrices? \"\nWe do not compare the distribution of $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$. As explained above, we are talking about the Gaussian distributed hidden variable $z$ (posterior $q_{\\theta}(z|x)$) parameterized by $\\theta=(\\mu,\\sigma)$.",
"We compare the posterior distribution of $z$ with its prior ($p(z)=\\mathcal{N}(0,1)$) and the difference (measured by their KL-divergence) is used as a regularization term in the loss function.\nThe reason for that is we want the latent representation $z$ to be close to its prior (standard Gaussian). This is relevant to how we generate samples from the VAE (we first sample from the standard Gaussian prior). If we encode a $x$ to somewhere very far from this prior, it will be unlikely that we can generate such samples.\nFor example, a well trained posterior (first two dimensions) for MNIST looks like this (photo from here)\nNotice that the posterior for each digit (e.g. dark blue for digit \"0\") is distributed like a Gaussian and not far from $\\mathcal{N}(0,1)$, but difference digits do occupy different area.\nMany online tutorials (e.g. here or here) have more detailed explanation about the concepts in VAE. I would suggest to read them.",
"Here are the answers:\n1. In sequence modeling, we expect a sentence to be ordered sequence, thus we cannot take random words (unlike bag of words, where we are just bothered about the words and not really the order). For example: In bag of words: \"I ate ice-cream\" and \"ice-cream ate I\" are same, while this is not true for the models that treat entire sentence as ordered sequence. Thus, you cannot pick N random words in a random order.\n2. Choosing tokens is model dependent. You can always preprocess to remove stop words and other contents such as symbols, numbers, etc if it acts as noise than the information.\n3. I would like to clarify that lemmatizing and word-piece tokenization is not the same. For example, in lemmatization \"playing\" and \"played\" are lemmatized to \"play\". But in case of word-piece tokenization it's likely split into \"play\"+\"##ing\" or \"play\"+\"ed\", depending on the vocabulary. Thus, there is more information preserved.\n4. max_length should be optimally chosen such that most of you sentences are fully considered. (i.e, most of the sentences should be shorter than max_length after tokenization). There are some models which considers complete sequence length.",
"Example: Universal Sentence Encoder(USE), Transformer-XL, etc. However, note that you can also use higher batch size with smaller max_length, which makes the training/fine-tuning faster and sometime produces better results.\n5. The pretrained model is trained with MAX_LEN of 512. It's a model's limitation.\n6. In specific to BERT,as claimed by the paper, for classification embeddings of [CLS] token is sufficient. Since, its attention based model, the [CLS] token would capture the composition of the entire sentence, thus sufficient. However, you can also average the embeddings of all the tokens. I have tried both, in most of my works, the of average of all word-piece tokens has yielded higher performance. Also, some work's even suggests you to take average of embeddings from the last 4 layers. It is merely a design choice.\n7. Using sentence embeddings are generally okay. But, you need to verify with the literature. There can always be a better technique. Also, there are models specific to sentence embeddings (USE is one such model), you can check them out.",
"Disclaimer:\nI am also fairly new to GANs, but I've been extensively playing with things, and trying various ideas to get something usable (I'm also using PyTorch). So I am by no means an expert, but after seeing your question, I thought I'd share some things I've learned along the way with the hope that you'd find them useful. I haven't looked thoroughly at your code yet, so I assume your code is generally correct (meaning no unwanted silly mistakes with the network models, loss computation, etc...).\nAlso, beware that I'm not using MNIST and my architecture has recurrent layers. So not all these suggestions might be applicable to you and YMMV...\nQ 1. Am I seeing mode collapse?\nAfter some tweaking and iteration I have a GAN which does learn to generate images which look like they might come from the MNIST dataset. Actually they're not digits yet but they are recognisable pen strokes, and certainly not random noise.\nRemember that mode collapse happens when your network fails to generate a diverse enough set of outputs (most/all samples look the same).\nLooking at your example image, I don't think you're even at the point of mode collapse yet. Your example image does not look much like a \"real\" digit. In my experience, when mode collapse happens, your generator would produce valid and almost convincing looking example, but that's it. All generated examples will look pretty much the same.\nThat being said, I think your problem is that your generator network has not yet learned to produce real (or semi real) looking samples. I'd suggest training for longer, while making sure that your loss computation, etc. are all correct. When my network started working, I could immediately tell that it's producing valid output.\nA few pointers:\n* Be sure that your learning rate is small enough.",
"My first problem was a large learning rate (I used 0.001 with <PERSON>, then realized that my model only works with something small like 0.0002).\n* Make sure learning is happening. Track the loss values over time and make sure they make sense. There shouldn't be any spikes in loss values, else something is wrong.\nI've had great success with feature matching as my loss metric. Without feature matching, my network never really worked well.\nQ 2. How To Escape Mode-Collapse?\nThat's the million dollar question! I've been pulling my hair out trying to find a working solution for mode collapse for the past month.\nYou see, my problem right now is that all generated samples look super convincing, but they all look almost exactly the same.\nIf the answer above is that a train GAN should output many diverse but valid images, then I have mode-collapse.\nI've read extensively and tried many approaches to avoiding mode-collapse but none have worked:\nwith / without batch normalisation with / without maxpooling with / without dropout with / without label softening with / without noise added to both input and target labels, including noise that decays over training time various widths and depths for the generator, less so the discriminator increasing training time (but poor compute power only allows me about 6-10 epochs on the full dataset)\nIt's great that you tried all this (I did too), but I found that for me, no architectural change really made any difference. The only thing that has partially worked for me so far is using the WGAN loss. It's very tricky to get it to work, but after about 2000 epochs, I see samples that look real (with some obvious flaws) but look very different from one another.\nI suggest you try both WGAN and WGAN-GP as your loss metric. Due to reasons beyond this discussion, I cannot easily use WGAN-GP.\nLastly:\nDo they have to be matched but opposite? mine aren't - the discriminator is proven to have the learning capacity and that's it. After that the shallower the better to ensure easier back propagation to the generator.\nMy discriminator and generator almost match and are opposite of each other. I've tried many many variations, but didn't find any significant differences/improvements. I just decided to keep things simple and match them for now. Once my mode collapse issue goes away, I will revisit this.\nHope this helps. I really hope to get feedback from some experts on this.",
"The first line of the BERT abstract is\nWe introduce a new language representation model called BERT.\nThe key phrase here is \"language representation model\". The purpose of BERT and other natural language processing models like Word2Vec is to provide a vector representation of words, so that the vectors can be used as input to neural networks for other tasks.\nThere are two concepts to grasp about this field; vector representations of words and transfer learning. You can find a wealth of information about either of these topics online, but I will give a short summary.\nHow can BERT be expected to get this right, and how can humans or another algorithm be expected to evaluate whether \"soup\" is a better answer than \"coffee\"?\nThis ambiguity is the strength of word prediction, not a weakness. In order for language to be fed into a neural network, words somehow have to be converted into numbers. One way would be a simple categorical embedding, where the first word 'a' gets mapped to 1, the second word 'aardvark' gets mapped to 2, and so on. But in this representation, words of similar meaning will not be mapped to similar numbers.",
"As you've said, \"soup\" and \"coffee\" have similar meanings compared to all English words (they are both nouns, liquids, types of food/drink normally served hot, and therefore can both me valid predictions for the missing word), so wouldn't it be nice if their numerical representations were also similar to each other?\nThis is the idea of vector representation. Instead of mapping each word to a single number, each word is mapped to a vector of hundreds of numbers, and words of similar meanings will be mapped to similar vectors.\nThe second concept is transfer learning. In many situations, there is only a small amount of data for the task that you want to perform, but there is a large amount of data for a related, but less important task. The idea of transfer learning is to train a neural network on the less important task, and to apply the information that was learned to the other task that you actually care about.\nAs stated in the second half of the BERT abstract,\n...the pre-trained BERT model can be finetuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial taskspecific architecture modifications.\nTo summarize, the answer to your question is that people DON'T care about the masked word prediction task on its own. The strength of this task is that there is a huge amount of data readily and freely available to train on (BERT used the entirety of wikipedia, with randomly chosen masks), and the task is related to other natural language processing tasks that require interpretations of the meaning of words. BERT and other language representation models learn vector embeddings of words, and through transfer learning this information is passed to whatever other downstream task that you actually care about.",
"Finding an optimal learning rate is an important step in optimizing a neural network. As discussed at length here it is not a trivial question, but there are some ways to get a good starting value. Main idea here is to plot loss vs learning rate for different values and choose the learning rate where the slope is the highest:\nThis image is from the link above. This figure tells me that anything from a little right of 10-5 to around 10-3 can be a good learning rate. One can also set a relatively high learning rate, and reduce it when the loss function reaches a plateau, so in the above example, you would be better off by starting with the highest end; and lower the rate later as needed. This can be achieved by a learning rate scheduler (such as the one in Keras callbacks). This way, you won't spend a lot of time at the initial epochs where there is a lot to learn and the loss drops quickly.",
"Three key parameters of a scheduler are \"factor\",\"patience\" and \"min delta\" . If the loss function does not change by \"min delta\" in \"patience\" number of epochs, the learning rate is reduced by the ratio defined in \"factor\".\nYou also mention decay in your post, which can be considered as the default learning rate for some optimizers. And if I remember correctly, it actually associates a different learning rates for each parameter, and reduces them at a different rate. You can find a more detailed comparison here. But the main reason to use a LR scheduler even when a decay is present is to have more control on the learning process. When the training reaches a plateau, you might have to wait for a long time before the default decay in <PERSON> (for example) gets to a low enough value to get over that region and start learning again. But with a scheduler, you can define when to lower the learning rate by a significant amount (compared to default decay), so that further learning is possible. Keep in mind that there is not much to learn in the later epochs compared to the ones in the beginning.",
"I've been also looking for the answer of this question, and I give my different view of Gumbel softmax just because I think this is a good question.\nFrom a general point of view: We use softmax normally because we need a so-called score, or a distribution $\\pi_1 .. \\pi_n$ for representing n probabilities of categorical variable with size n; We use Gumbel-softmax to sample an one hot sample [0..1..0] from this distribution.\nIn more concrete examples: Normally in networks for NLP(which categorize outputs into different word tokens), softmax is used to calculate the distribution of different, say, 5000 word choices at current text position. the cross entropy loss, gives a measure about the difference between the softmax predicted distribution and the real word distribution; For Gumbel-softmax, it is normally used to generate a sample one-hot vector for the constructing the following network, like in some VAE-based models. That's why the temperature factor $\\tau$ is a must for Gumbel-softmax, and in most cases not needed in softmax.\nAt this point, we know the difference of their uses cases, now comes the confusing part: the two formulas are so similar, why they are doing the different things?\nThe first key factor: What makes the difference is the $g_i$ term in the Gumbel-softmax formula. It represents a point sampled from the distribution $Gumbel(0, 1)$. the adding term $log(\\pi_i)$ and the scaling term $\\tau$ is just used to reparameterize it to $Gumbel(log(\\pi_i), \\tau)$ (reparameterization trick is for making it differentiable). This Gumbel distribution is the key distribution for sampling a categorical variable in Gumbel-max method(hard and not differentiable since there is a argmax), and this is also where the name Gumbel comes from in Gumbel-softmax. Every time we use Gumbel-softmax, we need to randomly sample from $Gumbel(0,1)$ and do the reparameterization trick, this is the most different part from softmax.\nI would rather name it soft-Gumbel-max, to indicate it is motivated to make a soft version of Gumbel-max, instead of just intending to add a Gumbel term to softmax.\nThe second most significant difference: is the use of $\\tau$. In most neural networks, softmax is not coupled with this term. Since we normally need a distribution, not a nearly one-hot vector. What's more, in some cases, like beam search, we need to get the second or third most probable choices to explore global optimal searches.",
"In softmax, $\\tau$ is normally added with some domain-specific knowledges to make the distribution steeper. Smaller $\\tau$ not always means better, we need to tune it to best fit the model. For Gumbel-softmax however, in the later stage of the model training, we need the Gumbel-softmax as close to one-hot vector as possible. That's why we need to anneal it smaller and smaller during training.(the $\\tau$ is not too small at the beginning of training for this makes the training more stable). In some implementation like torch.nn.functional.gumbel_softmax, it uses the straight through trick hard - (detached soft) + soft to maintain the output value a one-hot vector as in hard Gumbel-max but with well-defined gradients as in soft differentiable Gumbel-softmax.\nThe most part I disagree with the previous answer is that, Gumbel-softmax will not give you the exact one-hot vector. It is still an estimation of one-hot vector. Even for straight-through, the forward pass is Gumbel-max and only the backward pass is Gumbel-softmax.\nThat's almost all how I understand Gumbel-softmax, Gumbel-max and softmax. Please comment if there is anything unclear or incorrect.\nMORE If you still confuse\nAfter writing this answer, I found that, although the use cases of softmax and Gumbel-softmax are different, but we can still force to apply softmax in the place where Gumbel-softmax is applied without getting any arithmetic problem, and vice versa. Because both of them are soft and not exact, and both of them are differentiable. To make clearer why this is a problem. let's make two very gross examples of misuse.\nSuppose there is a network needing a sample but not a distribution of a categorical variable, e.g.",
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"On the island of Majorca, nestled among the hills in the village of Alpich is a small farm. Your farm. Island life is calm and peaceful, but don’t be fooled; the competitive spirit is alive and well in this sleepy Spanish town.\nSo you farm. You tend the pigs. You sow the fields. You hawk your wares. It’s hard work, but you’ve never been afraid of getting your hands dirty. In fact, if hard work were all that it took to be successful you’d be the best farmer there ever was. Unfortunately, Lady Luck is also against you and it’s up to you to tame her, because ward work isn’t enough on La Granja.\nHow it Plays\nVictory points. You want them. Whomever has the most at game’s end is the victor.\nLa Granja is played over the course of six rounds which are broken down into four phases, the first of which is the Farm Phase.\nIn the Farm phase, you’ll play a card to your board and draw new cards, collect income, add goods to your empty fields, and your pigs will procreate if able. You’ll also have an opportunity, in turn order, to purchase a roof tile which grants a one-time ability, and potentially some points.\nNext comes the Revenue Phase in which a handful of dice are rolled and arranged near their matching actions on the board. In turn order, players will select a die, place it on their farm board, and carry out the associated action. Some of these actions include gaining a pig or farm good, gaining money, and making a delivery. After all players have selected 2 dice, there will be a single die leftover. All players will take this remaining action.\nThe dice are rolled and lined up alongside the board that dictate the actions available to the players this round.\nHopefully you’ve collected some goods by now because it’s time to deliver them in the Transportation Phase. In secret, all players will select one of their available donkey markers, then reveal them once everyone is ready. These markers have a combination of donkey and siesta symbols on them.",
"Donkeys dictate how many deliveries you can carry out, while siesta symbols move you up the siesta track. Turn order is evaluated based on who is highest on the siesta track and the new order goes into effect immediately.\nDeliveries consist of you sending a good to one of the craft buildings on the board or a market barrow card that you placed in your farm board earlier in the game. If you fulfill the needs of a craft building, you will be rewarded with a craft marker that grants you a bonus, such as additional income or extra deliveries. If you fulfill the need of a market barrow card you will place a marker in a corresponding numbered market stall on the main board. The number grants you victory points, and you can remove adjacent stalls that belong to an opponent if they have a lower value.\nThe round concludes with the Scoring Phase. You receive a number of points equal to the number of market stalls you have on the board. Additionally, if you’ve met certain thresholds on the siesta track you will get points. The players are then reset back to zero on the siesta track, and a new round begins.\nSetup for 2 players includes a farm board, a hand of cards, a coin, a trade good, and a victory point.\nOn the Shoulders of Giants\nNothing is created in a vacuum. We are influenced by our experiences and formed by our surroundings. Likewise, the games we play today are only possible because of the groundwork laid by games past. One game will build on the concepts of another, refine away the impurities of staid motifs in order to create something new and exciting. Only rarely are there innovations that seemingly come out of nowhere to forge a new paradigm in the gaming landscape.\nLa Granja is no great innovator. It borrows ideas and concepts liberally from games that have come before it, and if you’ve played some of the great Euro games of the recent past, you will surely recognize elements of them here. Designers <PERSON> and <PERSON> are quick to point out their influences and give due respect to the games which guided their development process with a thank you note in the rulebook to <PERSON>, <PERSON>, and <PERSON> for their respective creations.\nWhereas Trains took the basic structure of Dominion and built upon it to make something new, La Granja is an amalgamation of systems from disparate influences framed under a single cardboard roof. It’s an homage to the games of the designer’s leisure time, a remix of the greatest hits. But taking inspiration does not guarantee success. Mixing so many ideas into a single experience is a perilous endeavor. Is La Granja successful?\nYes.",
"‘What can I do you fer?’\n‘Um yeah, I’m looking to build a factory. I’m going to need 3 crates of wood and 3 crates of clay then I’ll be on my way.’\n‘I’m afraid that’s not gonna be possible. We only got 2 crates of wood.’\n‘But I’m pretty sure I saw another crate in the warehouse. Can’t you just go over and get it?’\n‘You must be new here. This is storage. Not warehouse. If you wanted something from warehouse you shoulda talked to warehouse earlier. So what you see here, is what ya got. If you need something and it ain’t here, well, you’d better do a better job at plannin’ next time. Them’s the rules. It’s how things work around here. No way around it. It’s the same for you as it is for all The Colonists.’\nHow it Plays\nThe Epic Strategy Game. It’s emblazoned on the front of the box like a badge of honor. Or perhaps it’s a warning. With a self reported playing time of up to 4 hours, The Colonists isn’t shy to let you know that you’re in for a long night of gaming. But worry not, for a game that aims to steal away your evening, it’s relatively easy to learn and play. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not ‘My First Board Game’ material, but it’s not as intimidating as 8 pounds of cardboard might initially suggest.\nYou are charged with growing and nurturing your fledgling colony. You’ll gain points for the buildings you construct, coins you collect and the colonists you employ. There is a main board made up of hexes with action spaces and a personal community board for each player. On your community board you’ll arrange the buildings you’ve constructed and store the resources you collect.\nThe game is divided into 4 eras, each of which is further divided into 5 years, which is further divided into half years. Each half year, players will carry out 3 actions in turn order.",
"An action means moving your Steward on the main board to an adjacent space and carry out the associated action. These actions usually involve collecting resources or spending resources in order to construct buildings. If there is an opponent’s Steward on an action space, you must pay them some amount of resources dictated by the current era in order to move onto it. Optionally, you can move your Steward to any market on the board. This may be useful if you want to move quickly across the board or if there is nothing useful to do in the adjacent spaces.\nAt the end of the year, the starting player will add 3 more action spaces to the board. In this way the actions available to you will increase as the game goes on. Additionally, if you have any colonists working in your buildings, you’ll need to feed them and your production buildings will generate goods.\nThere are some more nuances to the rules and how exactly some of the actions spaces work, but for the most part, that’s a good overview of how the game plays out. Different eras will introduce new and generally more powerful action spaces. Costs and strengths of buildings will likewise grow as the game progresses. There is, however, one concept that deserves explaining: Storage.\nYou begin the game with a limited number of storage spaces and an even more limited amount of warehouse spaces. When you collect resources, they must go into one of these spots on your community board. If you have no more room, tough luck, to the garbage they go. Most importantly, when using resources to construct resources you can only expend what you currently have in storage. You’re free to move resources between storage and the warehouse freely before carrying out your action, but once you start the action you’ve locked everything in.\nWith hundreds of chits and tokens to contend with, I highly recommend using a counter tray to save on table space and speed up play.\nFirst Impressions\nThe Colonists can be intimidating. The box is large. The play time is lengthy. And its physical footprint on the table is deep. But hopefully the above overview will lessen your apprehensions. It really is an approachable game. If you’ve played and learned any mildly complicated strategy game in the past, you’ll have no trouble getting a grip on The Colonists. The greatest impediment to enjoyment is the length of time it take to get through a complete game. Personally, I’ve never been bothered or put off by activities that take a long time.",
"You must use anything you can find to keep your fire blazing in the cooperative survival game The Coldest Night, in order to survive. Indie Boards & Cards is the publisher of the game, which was created by <PERSON>.\nPlaying the game The Coldest Night\nPlaying Kindling cards into the fire pit array in The Coldest Night requires teamwork if you want the fire to stay lit. Since you don't always hold the best cards, you must devise strategies for keeping the fire going without suffering severe frostbite.\nBeginning the Coldest Night, every single Kindling card includes an ash and a heat component. Once a card is played, it is set down in the fire pit to the left of the other cards and must possess an ash value identical to or below the sum of the heat values of the remaining cards in the fire. There can never be more than four cards in the fire pit, but you can play numerous cards during one round. The sole alternative is to scavenge, which enables you to draw three extra Kindling cards and give each card to a teammate or yourself if you are unable or unable to play a card.\nIn the game itself, interpersonal interaction is restricted. You cannot discuss the precise values of the cards you have, but you may discuss the possibility that a hotter fire may or may not be required.\nThe eldest Kindling card, which is the card that is furthest to the right in the fire pit, is thrown away after each card has been played or scavenged, and you then check for frostbite. When there are less than three cards in the fire pit, you will be dealt a Frostbite card.",
"This card will place some kind of limitation on you till it is eliminated or treated; this will happen if the entire heat value of the cards in the fire pit is precisely the same as the number on the Frostbite card at the start of a subsequent round. The next player then has their turn after you draw one new Kindling card.\nCards for kindling can have unique effects. The Boon cards might provide you more choices when taking cards out of the fire pit at the end of your turn or let you acquire new ability tokens. The Obstacle cards might make you take numerous cards out of the fire pit at the end of your turn or compel you to take the most effective cards out of the fire pit. There are additionally three cards in the deck called The Fire Dwindles that, once obtained, are instantly played to the fire pit but lack the ability to heat the fire up (but do slow you down).\nIf you are able to play each of the Kindling card to the fire pit, you win the game. In the event that there aren't any cards in the fire pit or if you're required to draw a Frostbite card but there are none left in the deck, you lose.\nPros\nThe Coldest Night is a 20 minute co-op game with a survival theme, frostbite cards, and Obstacle cards. Players have to hold onto cards for extra heat, play Obstacle cards to win, and scavenge for items to burn at the risk of getting frostbite. The Frostbite cards have a good mix of negative effects and look great, and the game is consistently 20 minutes long.\nCons\nWith the identical cards in every game, The Coldest Night is a filler game, but after four or five games, it loses its surprise factor and appeal as a replayable game. Because of the restrictions on communication, it seems as though the game is being pushed to be a little harder and avoid the quarterbacking/alpha player problem.",
"Tongiaki was one of the first games I picked up when I started buying European style games. It can be a chaotic game with a rapidly changing board and board positions, which may not appeal to everyone. Still, while I have bought many games since I picked on Tongiaki, it still makes it onto the table on a regular basis.\nTongiaki is a game of Polynesian exploration in which your tribe is trying to get a foothold on as many islands as possible. Of course, everyone else’s tribe has the same goal. While you will need the help of other tribes to reach some of the islands, the ultimate control of the islands will always be a competitive struggle. There will be times when cooperation will give way to the strategic need of drowning people.\nTongiaki comes with a box full of pretty components. There are thirty-two tiles, sixteen ocean tiles and sixteen land tiles, including the starting island, Tonga. The tiles are hexagons with curving sides, which makes them look quite a bit like ninja throwing stars. Each tile has a red dot on it, which is used to determine orientation for placement.\nThere are enough pieces for six different players in red, green, purple, orange, blue, and yellow. Each player gets fifteen little wooden ships which are the outlines of the Polynesian sailing ships called Tongiakis, which is where the name of the game comes from.\nTo start the game, the island of Tonga is set in the middle of the playing area. The back of Tonga is white, as opposed to the blue of the other tiles, making it easy to pick out. The rest of the tiles are then shuffled. Each player gets a set of ships.\nEvery island has a number of beaches with each beach having a number of slots for boats. The starting island, Tonga, has six beaches, each with three slots. At the start of the game, the players go around twice, placing a ship on one of the slots until every player has two ships on the island. They are not allowed to fill up any beach.\nAfter everyone has their two ships on Tonga, the set up is finished and the game is ready to begin.\nOn your turn, you have two choices.",
"You can either expand your population on one island, which might lead to migration, or you can king an island, if you have sole occupancy of that island.\nMost of the time, you’ll be expanding your population. That’s the real meat of the game. When you expand your population, you double the number of ships you have on one island. However, you cannot put down more ships than there are beaches on the island, so there are going to be times you don’t get to out and out double.\nIf you fill up a beach, then that will lead to migration, which is how you get more tiles out onto the board.\nSome of the beaches have more than one launch, which indicates the direction the migrating ships will go. The player who caused the migration picks which launch the boats will leave from and then draws a tile and places it. If the tile is an island then it was a pretty easy migration. You take all of the boats from the beach and distribute them onto the beaches of the newly found island. You must place at least one boat in each beach before you add a second boat to any beach.\nAnd yes, since some of the beaches are quite small, with only two slots, it is possible to discover a new island, populate and then have an immediate migration. Sometimes, one player’s turn can turn into a chain reaction, changing the board considerably.\nHowever, half of the tiles in the game are ocean tiles, which are riskier. Each ocean tile shows a number of ocean paths, many of which have numbers on them from two to four. The numbers are the number of DIFFERENT colors of boats needed to cross that ocean path. It’s not the size of the fleet but the diversity of the fleet that matters. If there are not enough different colors in the fleet, the fleet is lost, everyone drowns, and those ships go back to their owners.\nHowever, if the fleet is able to make it, another tile is drawn and added to the board. If it is an island, the island is populated the same way as previously mentioned. If it’s another ocean tile, the process keeps on going until either the fleet drowns or an island is found.\nBy mid game, there should be a pretty well defined chain of islands and known ocean paths.\nIf you are the only person on an island, you have the option of kinging that island. Instead of expanding, you place one of your ships on the mask that is in the center of the island and any other ship you have on the island returns to supply.",
"The Bottom Line\nTaluva is a tile placement game with original mechanics that nevertheless manages to feel reminiscent of other Euros, and, as such, the game suffers from a bit of Euro-fatigue. If you can get past this, however, you will discover an excellent medium weight game that plays in less than an hour with beautiful components. I highly recommend it.\nThe Rules\nIn Taluva players represent either Gods or Chieftains, who are trying to spread their people across the island and to erect temples and towers. Players start the game with a pool of three different types of structures: Towers (2), Temples (3), and Huts (many). The winner of the game is the one who plays the most Temples with ties broken by most Towers, then by most Huts. A player can also win immediately by getting rid of all structures of any two kinds from his pool. A player can also be eliminated if he or she cannot make a legal play, however, it seems like this will be a very rare occurance.\nThe gameplay is as follows:\n1) Place Tile – The player draws a tile from the face down supply and places it on the island. Each tile consists of three hexagons arranged in a triangular pattern.\nOne of the hexagons will always be a volcano. The other two will be randomly distributed between lakes, forest, mountain, plain, and dessert. A tile may be placed in one of two ways:\n1a) A tile may be added onto the periphery of the island. All a tile has to do is touch another tile and it is a legal play. Landscapes do not need to match up.\n1b) A tile may be played on top of other tiles so long as the volcano on the tile is played on top of another volcano, and “flows in a different direction” (which just means the tile must be played on top of portions of two tiles, it can’t just overlap one tile.) And so long as it does not cover up a Temple or a Tower, or completely cover up a settlement (see below for definition of a settlement). Huts can be covered up, and when they are they are removed from the game and set aside. They do not go back to the controlling player.\n2) Place Structures – One type of structure may be placed from the player's pool according to the following rules.\n2a) Huts – A hut can be placed on any none volcano hex on the first level of the island. If a hut is placed in isolation then it begins a new settlement. A settlement is any set of adjacent structures all of the same color. Instead of beginning a new settlement a hut can also be used to expand an existing settlement. When expanding, a particular terrain type is chosen, and huts are placed on all hexes of that terrain which border on the settlement to be expanded.",
"When huts are placed on the second level of the island then two huts can occupy a hex and similarly for the third level.\n2b) Temples – One temple may be placed per settlement. A temple may only be placed once the settlement reaches a size equal to three structures or greater. Temples can be placed on any level and cannot be covered by volcanoes.\n2c) Towers – One tower may be placed per settlement. A tower may only be placed on the third level of the island. Towers cannot be covered by volcanoes.\nThe Components\nThe components to this game are first rate, truly beautiful. Seriously, I haven’t seen better components made out of wood and cardboard in a game. The cardboard tiles are THICK and durable. The artwork on an individual tile is attractive. The wooden structures are intricate, much more so than the usual 2D shapes we see in euro games.\nThe only possible complaint is that the emergent board tends to look pretty busy. It doesn’t have the large scale beauty of a Tikal board for example. However, this is an aesthetic complaint only. It does NOT detract from gameplay. When playing the game it is always easy to extract the information you need from the board.\nOverall the components are top shelf. You could not ask for better. Plus, I personally find the box front to be an attractive and engaging design.\nThe Theme to Mechanics Integration\nThis is where the “Euroness” of the game comes through. There is simply not much integration between the theme and the mechanics. Why can’t temples or towers be volcanoed? Or why would a volcano spare the last hut in a village? Why can you expand onto, for example, three forests but only one plain? And why can more huts be built higher up?\nNone of these things make much sense given the theme, but to me that’s ok. The mechanics of the game are highly developed and balanced. It’s clear that a lot of testing went into the design.",
"Generally games and especially board games have been a good niche and a source of relaxation for a very long time, and the variety available today is incredible. An example is “Azul,” a tile-arrangement game designed by <PERSON> and published by Plan B Games, is one such example that has garnered attention recently.\nThe components of Azul make it known from the outset. The game includes 100 vibrant, high quality tiles, a fabric bag to store them in, a player board and scoring markers. The tiles are made of durable plastic with intricate designs inspired by Portuguese azulejos. It’s clear to see that Azul is a game that has been made with much thought and attention to detail.\nThe gameplay is normally straightforward but still has plenty of strategic aspects to keep players captivated. The goal is to gain the most points by strategically taking tiles from the center and placing them on your board.",
"Each turn you can only take tiles of the same color from one row, so be mindful not to take too many or your score will suffer as a result!\nOne of Azul’s standout features is how quickly players can pick up the rules – it’s simple enough for even those new to modern board games to grasp but still offers enough complexity for experienced board gamers to explore various tactics over multiple playthroughs. With 2-4 players allowed at once, it’s an ideal sitting for friends and family alike. Plus the game remains fresh each round thanks to its constantly changing tile setting.\nFinal analysis, Azul is an abstract strategy game that challenges players to create beautiful tile patterns while competing for points. The game mechanics are simple yet elegant, requiring players to balance short-term and long-term strategies. Its visually stunning design and quick gameplay make it a popular choice for both casual and serious gamers.\nIn conclusion, Azul is an exceptional game; visually stunning yet challenging enough for everyone participating – regardless of skill level – to enjoy playing over and over again! This is why it comes as no surprise that Azul has won numerous awards including Spiel des Jahres since its release. If you’re looking for fun and engaging entertainment then this game should definitely be at the top of your list!",
"Image Courtesy of bloominoctober\nThis review continues my series of detailed reviews that attempt to be part review, part resource for anyone not totally familiar with the game. For this reason I expect readers to skip to the sections that are of most interest.\nPlease thumb this review if you appreciate my work. It does put a smile on my face to know you stopped by. Thanks for reading.\nSummary\nGame Type – Sandbox Adventure Game\nPlay Time: 90-180 minutes\nNumber of Players: 2-6 (Best 4-5)\nMechanics – Action Points, Area Movement, Dice Rolling, Hand Management, Pick-up & Deliver, Take That, End Game Bonuses, Variable Player Powers, Betting & Bluffing\nDifficulty – Moderate (Takes a couple of plays to put it all together)\nComponents – Excellent\nArtist – <PERSON>\nRelease – 2018\nDesigner – <PERSON> -(Debut Game)\nOverview and Theme\nOut west the dust is grittier, the vultures prey on the dead and temperaments are on edge - connected by muscle memory to a trigger finger only inches away from a six-shooter already bored with being in its holster for all of 23 minutes.\nWelcome to Western Legends, a sandbox adventure game that allows you to create your own story in the lands of the Wild West. Before I really crack in, what the heck is a sandbox game and how does it differ from other games? For starters we call them sandpits here in Australia but sandbox is definitely the better term in relation to gaming. It is used because a child can make pretty much whatever it wants out of a sandbox. They can mould hills and mountains, create rivers and caves, play army men in name it. This then gives rise to the term 'sandbox game' to help define a game in which the players have more freedom in the paths they choose and the decisions they make, the actions they can take and there is usually a thematic element or story that can unfold.\nAll of this differs from a more traditional game where your role is set and the actions that you can take are fairly limited by comparison. , , or ...are all good examples of games that use a limited set of mechanisms\\systems and give each player a role within a loose theme.\nWestern Legends, a sandbox game, is far more open than that and allows a player to pursue many avenues to victory. They can choose a life as an outlaw, be a lawman and hunt those dirty dogs down, rustle\\wrangle cattle, prospect for gold, play poker in the saloons, rob the bank and so forth.",
"Players can even change their ways over the course of a game if they feel so inclined. Of course no game can be limitless and even Western Legends has its boundaries. But this is a card playin' romp through the days of frontier towns, where a man could set out to make of his life what he could...and if he couldn't he'd take it at the end of a barrel anyhow. Heck, even some famous women made a name for themselves in the 'ol west and proved they could be as skilled or as cunning as the next gringo.\nBut can a game with a far more open narrative and rules framework actually work at the end of the day? Is it a nice idea but ultimately fraught with danger in the end? That's what I'm here to find out and over plays spanning a year I played this one a few times to get the low down myself.\nPass me the rope compadre. I have me some lynchin' to do!\nThe Components\nWestern Legends comes to us from and is very well produced.\nBoard – The board is a generous 4-segment affair that feels like it should be called large or slightly oversized, without it matching anything humongous like the board.\nThe main playing area depicts the two towns of Darkrock and Red Falls and surrounding areas. This makes for over 60 locations to traverse, a railway, two ranches, 6 bandit hideouts and 3 prospecting locations. A pair of Mesas also limit movement and create narrow pathways between them as well as to the north and south. A black border surrounds both towns and serves to define the town boundary.\nIcons frequent the board and symbolise key locations and actions that can be taken. Either side of the board allows for various decks to be placed and a Wanted and Marshal Track can be found on the left, which is integral to the roles of the player's characters and the benefits they can pursue.\nAt the bottom of the board can be found the Legendary Track, which ranges from 0-30. The map itself uses hues of mottled browns and reds to give it a real western feel and you can almost taste the dust just looking at it.",
"This review originally appeared on The Board Game Show blog and is written by <PERSON>. The Board Game Show blog is located here:\nWhen a game promises “politics and power struggles in the dark Arthurian Britain” and only eight actions per player, per game, the money flies out of my wallet. The promise of simple game mechanics that belie a deeper, strategic experience are nearly always a major draw for me. The King is Dead delivers on these counts.\nI first discovered The King is Dead at the Osprey Publishing booth at GenCon Indy this year, and what immediately captured my attention -- before hearing anything about the gameplay -- was the quality of the components. The linen-textured game box opens like a book, and printed on the inside surface of the box is an atmospheric depiction of knights approaching a hillside village.\nThe mounted game board has an antique, distressed look and depicts Great Britain partitioned into eight, historically accurate territories. The game’s cards mirror the aged look of the board with clear depictions of the actions they convey, and the remaining components include faction control counters, wooden faction cubes and a cloth bag from which to draw them. Finally, Osprey has provided purposeful storage trays in which to store the game pieces.\nFilling the Void\nThe King is Dead takes place within a power vacuum that follows the death of King <PERSON>. The map's eight territories are up for grabs, so at its core The King is Dead is an area-control game. Each player is a potential claimant to the throne and spends their limited actions manipulating three factions to control regions and gain followers (wooden cubes). Simply, whomever has the most followers of the reigning faction at the end of the game becomes the power behind the throne and wins.\nThe factions are the Scots, Romano-British and the Welsh, and each is represented by its own collection of colored wooden cubes.\nEight Cards\nIt’s hard to imagine a whole game playing out with only eight actions per player, but it is this fact that lends The King is Dead its elegance. Two to four players begin the game with eight action cards each. That’s it.",
"Your whole strategy hinges on how you manage this small, but powerful hand of cards.\nWhen the game begins, the pile of region cards are shuffled and placed along the edges of the board, taking random positions from 1 to 8. The position of these cards dictates the order of the power struggles.\nPlayers also populate the board with faction cubes at the start (four per region), so with the random placement of territory cards and faction cubes, every game presents a unique challenge.\nEight Actions\nIt’s not a coincidence that there are eight territories for you to contest and eight action cards in your hand. How many will you play on each? If you play two or three cards on the power struggle for one territory, you’ll be sitting on your hands while players with more cards fight over others. If you play just one card per power struggle, will that be enough to carry out your plans? Probably not.\nLet’s take a look at what these cards can do, keeping in mind that the goal of the game is to see that your most supported faction wins territories. Know that the faction or factions you support are entirely up to you, and in our games, it certainly isn’t unusual to change course. If your opponent is suddenly sweeping up tons of blue cubes (also known as Scots), you may decide the Scots are a lost cause (for you) and begin focusing your efforts on the success of Welsh or Romano-British factions.\nOne card action is to simply switch two followers in one region with one follower in an adjacent region. Similarly, another has you switching one for one. Each time you use a card on your turn, you also take a cube into your possession from anywhere on the board. Thematically, this is how players gain influence within the factions. Ultimately, if I end up with the most Welsh at the end of the game and the Welsh control most of the board, I win.\nThis is the Settlements card, and it allows the player to place one follower from each faction from the common pool onto the board.\nThis is the Scots card. It allows the player to place two blue followers from the common pool into regions adjacent to a region controlled by the Scots.\nMost of the other cards have you placing faction cubes onto the board, and one unique card allows you to tinker with the order of region cards themselves, switching two of them -- even one currently being contested -- with another. You can then lock one of them into its new slot so it can never be moved again!\nThis can have dire consequences for an opponent who has been pouring action cards into a territory, only to see it moved to a another position where he will likely not have additional actions to influence it later on.",
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"I thought I would offer the brute force solution.\nThe idea is to try every single track layout in turn. When constructing a layout, there are only three pieces that need to be taken into consideration: a left handed curve, a right handed curve and a straight.\nYou can encode the track layout as a base 3 number with a width corresponding to the number of pieces in the layout. To enumerate all track layouts just count in base 3, where the encoding goes 0=straight, 1=left and 2=right.\nThe next stage is to check that the layout joins up at both ends. The first check is to make sure there are enough curves to go one complete circuit. If we choose an anti-clockwise sense for one circuit, then 12 left curves are needed. For every extra right curve, we need to add on extra left curve. So to check the particular layout might work, just add the number of left curves and subtract the number of right curves - this must equal 12.\nLastly, we need to check the ends actually meet. We simply plot the track on a cartesian grid. We start the origin at [0,0] and if it ends at [0,0], then it joins.\nThe simplest way to plot the track is LOGO style.",
"In other words we maintain a direction vector which points in the direction of the last layed track piece. If we encouter a left curve, then rotate the direction by 30 degrees and for a right curve rotate by -30 degrees - a straight does not affect the direction.\nTo actually plot the curves and straight, we scale up the direction vector by the size of the piece, i.e. 10 units for a straight, and 12.4 x 12 / 2 x pi (radius of complete circular track) units for a curve.\nCAVEATS\nDue to rounding errors in adding up floating point numbers, the plotting is not exact. And in real life we can leave some wiggle room for the ends to meet, so this needs to be catered for.\nMany layouts will be the same, but shifted by one position. I can't see a way to exclude duplicate shifted layouts other than to keep previous ones and check against them.\nThe algorithm does not exclude layouts where pieces cross. In order to do that, you would have to check that each piece in a layout does not cross another piece in the layout (thats O(n^2)). And there would have to be checks for curve-curve, curve-straight and straight-straight crossings, and that starts to get very complex.\nThe running time of the algorithm is obviously O(3^N) which is exponential - and probably impractical for very large layouts.\nBelow is some VBA code you can paste into Excel to give you proof of concept. I've deliberately tried to keep the code as simple as possible to aid conversion to your favourite language. Any questions, please feel free to ask.\nOption Explicit\nType Vector\nX As Double\nY As Double\nEnd Type\nSub GenerateTrackLayout()\nDim lCounts(40) As Long\nDim lColumn As Long\nDim lTrackLength As Long\nDim lCurveSum As Long\nDim lIndex As Long\nDim lIndex2 As Long\nDim vDirection As Vector\nDim vBase As Vector\nDim vTrackPosition As Vector\nDim fPI As Double\nDim fCurveRadius As Double\nDim fStraightLength As Double\nDim sPath As String\nDim lOutputRow As Long\nConst TOLERANCE = 0.5 'inch\nlOutputRow = 1\nvBase.X = Sqr(3) / 2 ' 30 degrees\nvBase.Y = 1 / 2 ' 30 degrees\nfPI = 4 * Atn(1)\nfCurveRadius = 12.4 * 12 / (2 * fPI)\nfStraightLength = 10\nlTrackLength = 12 ' initial track length\nApplication.ScreenUpdating = False\nDo\n' Check for closed track\nlCurveSum = 0\nFor lIndex = 0 To lTrackLength - 1\nIf lCounts(lIndex) = 1 Then\nlCurveSum = lCurveSum + 1\nElseIf lCounts(lIndex) = 2 Then\nlCurveSum = lCurveSum - 1\nEnd If\nNext\nIf lCurveSum = 12 Then ' one 360 degree rotation anti-clockwise\nvDirection.X = 0\nvDirection.Y = 1\nvTrackPosition.X = 0\nvTrackPosition.",
"Introduction\nWhile solving google foobar I stumbled upon this problem. I approached the problem with A* along with a few modifications. As this algorithm correctly outlines the core concepts, I would like to go further ahead and add some detailing to this.\nAlgorithm:\nEach node will have the following parameters:\n1. parent: The immediate parent of the node.\n2. position: This is the (x,y) position of the node.\n3. f,g,h: These are the heuristics needed for A* to work.\n4. wall_broken: This is a boolean flag that would account for a broken wall in the path to the node. By default is set to False.\nAfter we set up our pre-requisites, we move into the algorithm.\n1. Create the start and end node.\n2. Initialize the open and closed lists. The open list must contain the start node.\n3. Iterate until we have visited each node.\n1. Take the node with least f from the open list.",
"This is our current node. Remember putting it inside the visited list.\n2. Check whether the current node is the end node. When comparing equality, we will compare the positions of the nodes only. If yes, then hurray! Return the path that has been traced. If no, perform the next step.\n3. Generation of children from the current node.\n+ Check for validity of the position.\n+ Check if the position has a wall. If it does, then we need to check whether the current node has any broken walls in its path (this is where we will need the wall_broken property of the node). We destroy the wall if we have no prior destruction. We make sure to assign the wall_broken property of the child which broke into a wall to True.\n+ We do not generate children if they already have been visited.\n4. Iteration on the children to decide which goes into the open list and which don't.\n* Assign heuristics to each child.\n* Look for a better child in open to replace. Else add it into the open list.\nConclusion\nThis algorithm is a modification of the A*. It conveys the core concept. If you want a detailed walkthrough of the concept with code, I have a gist written in python.",
"Furious Tourbillon\nIntroduction: Furious Tourbillon\nI modeled this design after the tourbillons in the Jacob and Co. Twin Turbo Furious watch. I spent many hours looking at this video.\nI tried to make the model an accurate (scaled up) version of the original Furious mechanism. I printed the screws to scale and used them as caps to cover the 2mm screws that actually hold it together. In looking at the videos of this design, there mechanism with a spring between two plates (shown below). I'm don't know what its original intent was, but I'm using it to decouple the intermittent rotation of the movement (you can see the balance spring below the trellis) from the constant rotation generated by the stepper motor. Without it the L2 spherical frame would jerk with every tick. The spring and the lower silver plate attach to the movement assembly. The end of the spring is attached to the upper silver plate with that Philips head screw, which is driven by the motor. And there is a pin below the screw that sticks into the slot in the lower plate. In the picture the assembly is at rest, so the spring has pulled the pin to the right end of the slot in the lower plate.\nWhen I turn on the stepper, the end of the spring slides in the slot to the left, and the spring passes torque to the (L1) movement assembly so it can tick. When the speed of the motor matches that of the movement, the pin of the end of the spring moves back and forth in the middle of the slot. If the speed of the motor is slow, then eventually the pin moves to right end of the slot and the movement stops ticking. If the speed of the motor is fast, then the pin moves to the left end of the slot.",
"When it hits the left end of the slot, there is a step function in the torque and the things can go bad very quickly.\nThis is because there is a torque overload when the end of the slot is hit, the torque overload passes too much energy to the balance wheel (sort of kicking it) causing to swing further, which reduces the tick frequency and average rotation rate of the movement assembly. The symptoms are that the movement suddenly starts ticking very loudly, and the movement quickly binds. The sudden drop in the rotation rate of movement aggravates the overload condition, which if ignored can break shafts or teeth of gears. The one time I didn't stop the motor in time, the main shaft sticking out of the L1 Frame Bridge broke.\nI can watch the watch the position of the pin in the slot as it goes around, and tweak the motor speed to keep it centered. The problem is that there is a huge delay in the response time to changes in motor speed, so it's easy to over correct and lose control.\nThe code using sets the initial speed very low, so when I turn on the stepper, it starts at a really slow rotation rate and this design needs a much faster rate. So I have to crank the shaft encoder like mad to get it up to the speed, and at the same time I bump the balance wheel to make sure it doesn't hang and break some gear teeth or something else. So for all practical purposes, you have to kick start it like an old hit-or-miss engine, then carefully tend it to keep it running. I actually found it sort of a challenging to find the speed sweet spot. So I decided to post the design as is, explain the issues, and see if anyone comes up with a solution.\nOther learnings...\nAt one point I squeezed the outer edges of the L2 Upper and Lower Bodies together too hard, and I broke the shaft sticking out of the L1 Frame Base. My solution to this and the L1 Frame Bridge shaft breaking was to design a 3mm hole in the center of each shaft, that I could slip a 3mm steel rod into.\nThis was also my first experience with 'silk' PLA filaments, and there was learning curve. Using the same settings that I have been using forever for regular PLA, the first layer didn't want to stick to the print bed, and I found that it has relatively poor inter-layer adhesion. To address the layer 1 problem I tried changing the print bed temp from 60 to 70 C°, but it did not seem to be very effective. What worked was a lower the Z height on the first layer to get a lot more squash to it. To address the inter-layer adhesion problem, I turned up the extruder temperature 10, but again this did not make a big difference, however the parts seemed a little stronger when I changed the perimeter layer count from 2 to 3.\nA lot of people complain because silk filaments clog their nozzles.",
"Icosahedron Sphere (from A4 Papers)\nIntroduction: Icosahedron Sphere (from A4 Papers)\nThis icosahedron sphere is a fun combination of craft and math (no calculations needed). It's made by connecting many small triangles, with no glue, to create a very stable sphere.\nThe building blocks are non-curved triangles, and by connecting them into a combination of hexagons and pentagons you create a curved shape. Because of the flexibility, or \"hinge\", between each 2 connected triangles the result is a more spherical shape.\nSupplies\nAll you need for this project is:\nA4 Paper - 100gr sheets give good stability and are easy to fold.\nScissors or a blade.\nI used two colors of paper, because its prettier and easier to understand in the images. In this case you need -\n1 1/2 A4 sheets of color A (pink)\n1 3/4 A4 sheets of color B (blue)\nStep 1: Cutting Up You Paper\nThe paper has to be cut into equal thickness long strips. I chose the pink paper for the triangles and the blue for the connectors.\nPink paper: This is a bit more tedious with a lot more folding and cutting but the end piece size is exactly 1 triangle.\nBlue paper: This is less cutting and folding, but you have to be accurate to get the strips equal width.\nStep 2: Creating the Folding Marks\nIn order to construct the shapes you need the folds to make exact squares. This is a simple method for getting those fold points accurate (without having to pull out a ruler).\n(Anybody who has owned an old printer with continuous feed printer paper has probably done this many times)\nStep 3: Triangles and Connectors\nBecause of the way the pink paper was cut, each piece can now be folded into a triangle. These are equilateral triangles in which each side is the same length. The strips are longer than 3 squares, and this overlap creates the stability of the triangle.\nThe blue strips need to be cut into connectors- each connector is 4 squares long (cut at the fold marks).\nStep 4: Basics of Putting Together Triangles\nEvery 2 triangles are connected by 1 connector piece. The connector goes through both triangles and wraps over the shared sides, and then is tucked in between the 2 triangles.\nThat way each triangle side is completely wrapped in blue and there is a \"hinge\" connecting the two triangles.\nStep 5: General Principles of Putting Stuff Together\nIt is extremely important that when you start connect multiple triangles the \"hinge\" is always on the same side.\nThere are 2 basic shapes -\nPentagons - created from 5 connected triangles. These units are curved and their shape is stiff (non bendable)\nHexagons - created from 6 triangles.",
"When no pressure is put on them these units are flat. But these units can be bent along any diagonal.\nStep 6: Construction Rules\nTriangles are now added one by one to create the shape. Now you need to choose a rule to follow. This seems complicated but it really isn't too bad, as long as you consistently follow the rule you chose you will end up with a sphere.\nThe rule options:\n1. Every 3 pentagons are connected by one triangle. 12 pentagons and 19 triangles.\n2. Every large triangle (made out of 4 triangles) has a pentagon at each corner.\n3. There is a hexagon attached to the end of each pentagon.\nYou might notice that these rules are basically the same...because they are!\nThe only difference is which 'block' your focusing on when you start connecting your pieces (pentagons, large triangles or hexagon-pentagon connection).\nI personally follow option 2\nStep 7: Adding Pieces\nMake 1 pentagon and put it to the side.\nStart constructing going from one hexagon and adding triangles. As you move up in your chosen rule you will create a kind of semi-sphere.\nIf you think you got lost, look for that rule that you chose in the connection between pieces.\nKeep building until you reach a sphere that is missing a five point star.\nAt this point you should have left 5 single triangles and the pentagon you put to the side.\nStep 8: Preparing to Close the Sphere\nWhen you reach this stage it becomes harder the thread the connectors through a triangle and then pull them back up again.\nThat is why the last 5 triangles are added with the blue connector already attached.\nEach triangle is connected to the 'point' of the missing star. This means 2 sides connect to 2 triangles already in the sphere.\nThe remaining unconnected side will already have the blue connector in.\nStep 9: Finishing the Sphere\nYour sphere now has a missing pentagon - but the blue connecting pieces are already there.",
"Because all the simple methods would probably fail.\nThere are many maze-solving algorithms, check this wikipedia page: Now the problems with these ones on are either the necessary time (remember, this is a race) or the lack of information in <PERSON>'s case:\n* Wall following a.k.a. Right-hand-method\nAs the others already mentioned, the Right-hand rule doesn't always work. I would add something to this: the rule provides a sure method if, and only if all the walls are connected to the maze's boundary, thus there are no loops; or on a maze with loops if both the entrance and the exit is on the same piece of wall. (See <PERSON>'s answer.)\n<PERSON> could not know if this is the case.\n* Random mouse method\nThis is the most basic one, but the drawback is obivious. The method is randomly choosing direction at every junction, and turning back at dead-ends. After an ernomous amount of time, this will with high probability lead to the exit.\n<PERSON> would still be in that maze...\n* Pledge algorithm\nThe algorithm is an enchanced wall following with a compass: you choose a direction as zero angle, and at each turn you add the (signed) turned angle to a sum. If the sum and the current direction are both zero, leave the wall and head forward to another wall. The problem is that the method, like the wall follower one, only works if the exit is on the outer wall of the maze. (The entrance could be anywhere though.)\nAgain, this one requires information <PERSON> didn't have.\n* <PERSON>'s algorithm\nFrom Wikipedia:\nThis method requires drawing lines on the floor to mark a path, and is guaranteed to work for all mazes that have well-defined passages. A path is either unvisited, marked once or marked twice.",
"Every time a direction is chosen it is marked by drawing a line on the floor (from junction to junction). In the beginning a random direction is chosen (if there is more than one). On arriving at a junction that has not been visited before (no other marks), pick a random direction that is not marked (and mark the path). When arriving at a marked junction and if your current path is marked only once then turn around and walk back (and mark the path a second time). If this is not the case, pick the direction with the fewest marks (and mark it, as always). When you finally reach the solution, paths marked exactly once will indicate a direct way back to the start. If there is no exit, this method will take you back to the start where all paths are marked twice. In this case each path is walked down exactly twice, once in each direction.\nThis may be the only method that could work for sure. Drawing on the floor, however, is not so pleasable during a race... And considering the possible magical propertities of the maze, even this one could fail.\nThe other two methods, the Recursive and the Maze-routing are too complicated to expect <PERSON> using them.",
"Algorithm to pick elements in one array that sum to a setpoint, and corresponding elements in other array to average to a setpoint?\nNote: The input file is an excel file. However, I am only looking for help with the algorithm as I can then code it in VBA.\nI need to scan both columns (shown below) to find any number of column 1 values that when summed match the setpoint (E2) and column 2 values that when averaged match the setpoint (E3). One constraint is that the chosen values in column 1 and column 2 must be from the same row (or same 'index', shown in the image highlighted in blue and green).\nExplanation of the solution below: What it should do is say 'A2 and A6 sum to 7 (match cell E2), and the corresponding B2 and B6 average to 3' (match cell E3). Therefore, these rows should be selected/highlighted in any appropriate way.",
"(note that technically the first solution would be rows 2 and 3 as they fit the sum/average setpoints also).\nExample that does not work as a solution: It can't be A4 and A5 because although they add to 7, B4 and B5 average to 1.5, not the setpoint of 3.\nImage of the problem (with a solution highlighted):\nA solution for one of the cases (below) works only for the case where there are two rows that will sum/average to the setpoints. It will not work for cases where more than two rows are required. The solution should work for any number of rows required.\nExample where three rows would be required (Solution is the first three rows):\nReason for this solution: B6:B8 sums to the setpoint of 8 and C6:C8 average to the setpoint of 3\nI am looking for help with an algorithm. If the solution is a large number of rows required (>100), how can I iterate through the combinations efficienctly to find a set of rows that both sums/averages to the setpoints?\nIt may not be possible to find a solution to both setpoints, in this case finding a solution within an error is also ok\nNote: If there is a more suitable stack exchange please advise.\nFinding an algorithm is NP-Hard, therefore I am also looking for appropriate simplifications to avoid this. An error term may be an example of one simplification.",
"As far as I understand your requirements,\n1. You want to store a set of points in a tree, not necessarily balanced.\n2. You want to be able to rotate any sub-tree about its root point, by any angle\n3. You want to find the final coordinates of any point after after a set of rotation operations as specified above.\nSince we'll be storing 2D points in a tree structure, I'll be using a point QuadTree approach to store the points. Let the structure of a node of the tree be as follows: $ Node := (x,y,\\theta,q1,q2,q3,q4,parent)$. Where\n* $x,y$ is the co-ordinate of a point.\n* $\\theta$ is the resultant angle by which the point's tree has been rotated to after an arbitrary number of rotation operations.\n* $q1,q2,q3,q4$ are pointers to the quadrants with respect to $(x,y)$.\n* $parent$ is a pointer to the parent node.\nFunctions for the QuadTree\n1.",
"$insertPoint(x,y)$\nThis would be a standard QuadTree insertion algorithm while setting $\\theta=0$ for the newly inserted node.\n2. $searchPoint(x,y)$\nThis would search the QuadTree for a node representing $(x,y)$ and return a pointer to it. This will be used ahead.\n3. $rotatePoint(x,y,\\theta)$\nThis would be a standard QuadTree search for $(x,y)$. Then upon finding the particular node, set $node.\\theta = node.\\theta + \\theta$ i.e. add and store the rotation angle into the $\\theta$ value already in the node.\n4. $calculateResultantCoordinates(x,y)$\nThis is where the magic happens.\nThis function will return a $(x',y')$ pair consisting of the resultant co-ordinates of the $(x,y)$ passed to the function.\npseudo-code\ncalculateResultantCoordinates(x,y)\n{\nn = searchFor(x,y)\nif (n is null)\n// error handling\n(x,y)=(n.x,n.y)\nwhile ( n.parent != null )\n{\nif ( n.parent.theta == 0 )\ncontinue\nx = x - n.parent.x\ny = y - n.parent.y\n// (x,y) now represent a complex number (x + j*y)\n// rotating a complex number can be done by multiplying it with $e^{j*\\theta}$ = $cos(\\theta) + j*sin(\\theta)$\n// the resultant point is\n// $(x*cos(\\theta)-y*sin(\\theta),x*sin(\\theta)+y*cos(\\theta))$\np = x*cos(p.theta) - y*sin(p.theta)\nq = x*sin(p.theta) - y*cos(p.theta)\n(x,y) = (p,q)\nn = n.parent\n// traverse the path from leaf to the root node\n}\nreturn (x,y)\n}",
"Space gate traffic control problem\nA civilization uses the sci-fi staple of space gates to get around between systems. These gates, for our purposes, are big, round and very much not transparent; think the star gates but huge or the gates in the X universe of games. You can't see though them, we will assume they have a frequency shadow some what like deep water.\nThe civilization has a huge range of ships, some tiny like cars and some colossal ships that only just fit through the gates. A system is doing really well, traffic is up a huge amount on last year, but there is a problem. The accident rate is also up.\nHow do you stop ships popping out of the gate directly in front of another ship, causing an accident? However, efficiency is very important. We don't want to limit the gates to one ship at a time in each direction. However, if one of the really big ships is coming through it is necessary to stop all craft from the other side.",
"It is also important that ships keep a minimum safe distance between each other. When a ship enters it leaves in the same place on the other side. The ship has to be entirely inside the portal before it starts coming out the other side. Travel time is near instant once inside the portal. Ships enter and exit at the same speed.\nBear in mind that it is hard for the two halves of the gate to talk to each other, deep water is hard to transmit though (though not impossible). I would like to not break the <PERSON> rate limit here. Some other method of communication between the sides is possible. I had a slightly crazy idea of using ping pong balls to signal a ships impending arrival while thinking about this.\nShips not following the proper protocol will be dealt with by law enforcement, for \"Reckless endangerment of life in control of a ship\" or some such law.\nI'm looking for a system that provides the best bi-directional through put of ships and doesn't cause any one to sit in a queue for hours on either side of the gate.",
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"Turning generative recursion results (leaves of a tree) into connected components (where each neighbour differs by one element)\nI'm generating valid timetables for my uni with a simple generative recursion algorithm like this (disregarding handling of course-specific labs and tutorials)\ndef generate(current_timetable, unallocated_courses):\nif conflicts(current_timetable):\nreturn\nif not unallocated_courses:\nresults.add(current_timetable)\nreturn\ncourse = first(unallocated_courses)\nfor section in course:\nnew_timetable = copy(current_timetable) + section\ngenerate(new_timetable, rest(unallocated_courses))\n(Storing results as a flat list for now)\nProbably room for memoization in there, but that part of the program is fast enough already.\nNow, since this generates too many timetables to easily compare, I decided to group them into 'families', which are connected undirected graphs of timetables in which you can navigate between any two nodes by swapping one section at a time for another. As a result, I get around ~10 very differently shaped timetables that I can subjectively compare.\nMy naive O(n^2) approach was to take every single combination of 2 nodes, build an adjacency list based on the delta between each pair, and then find connected components with BFS.\nIf I store results in a tree (i.e. non-leaves are incomplete timetables, root is empty, each child has 1 more course allocated than its parents, and the leaves are the completed timetables), is there any insight about this structure that could make finding connected components faster?\nI realize that immediate siblings would be connected in the final graph, since their only difference is which section (of the course that their parents is missing) was picked, but there can also be leaves that are identical except for e.g.",
"their grandparents, and those are the ones that I can't seem to detect without the O(n^2) approach.\nTo clarify: Each course has a bunch of sections. At each level of the tree, a certain course is considered, and for each section in that course, a subproblem is created.\nFor example:\nAt level 1, different sections of course A are considered. At level 2, different sections of course B are considered.\nHere's sample output with 2 families (sorry about the current interface):",
"k-way merge but without an absolute order\nI have k lists that I would like to combine to a single list. Each list's elements are unique and are sorted in a particular order, but there is no notion of an absolute order, and different items across lists can only be compared if they are equal. To give a specific example (here I use < to indicate the sorting inside each list):\nl1 = a < b < c\nl2 = b < d\nl1 + l2 should result in one of the following (and I don't care which one it results in):\na < b < c < d\na < b < d < c\nIf the lists are incompatible, e.g. a < b and b < a then I want to get an error.\nI thought about modifying k-way merge somehow but it's not clear to me how to do that without a global order. Btw, I'll probably be happy with a $O(nk)$ solution.\nedit: sorry if it's not clear from above, but the resulting list (if it exists) should respect all of the orderings of the sublists. Also all the items should be unique in the result.\nedit 2: Perhaps a better way to phrase the problem is this. I'd like to construct an order vector given k pieces of that order vector (or get an error if that's impossible).\nHere's an algo that I think works for k=2.",
"Find and mark all the duplicates - I think this is $O(n)$ - then start writing down elements from first list until you hit a duplicate, once you do add all elements from second list until you hit that same duplicate, then write down the duplicate and continue. The part where it's a bit more tricky with k>2 is that the duplicate may not be in every list to do the above (and this process cannot be done sequentially, i.e. l1+l2+l3 is generally not the same as (l1+l2)+l3, where + denotes this operation of finding the superset order list).\nfinal edit: Now that I thought a bit more about it, should be easy to extend the above to any k. Use a hash to find which lists each unique element belongs to. Then traverse along the first list using the above logic - writing down all elements until you hit first duplicate, in which case write down all elements (that haven't been written down yet) in all other lists before that duplicate and keep doing that until you reach the end of first list. If haven't reached the end of second list, continue same algo there and so on. Each list will be traversed twice - once to get the duplicates, and second time to do the above, making it $O(n)$. A compatibility error will be discovered if you iterate along a list but can't find the duplicate (because it was already written down in an earlier pass).\nPlease let me know if I missed something.",
"Circular path visiting fewest nodes\nI don't know what this problem is called, so I haven't been able to Google for it, but I have a graph problem that I feel must have been solved many times before, and I just cannot find a good solution.\nGiven a directed graph, and nodes A and B, I want to find a route that takes me from A to B and back to A again, going through the fewest number of nodes. I have attempted to solve it with various versions of the shortest path problem, but it doesn't get me there. There could be a short path [A]->[1]->[2]->[B] from A to B, and one [B]->[3]->[4]->[A], that I can stitch together to get a tour that visits four nodes besides A an B (the nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4). But there might also be longer paths, [A]->[x]->[y]->[z]->[B] and [B]->[z]->[y]->[x]->[A] that ends up only visiting three nodes, because the paths overlap.\nIf I try to use a standard shortest-path approach, my thinking was to conceptually double the graph, so edges out of B would go into a copy of the graph, and look for the shortest path from A to A' where A' is the copy of node A.",
"That gives me a shortest path cycle, but if I visit the same node going from B to A as I do going from A to B, then it counts as much as visiting a new node, where it should be free. The cost of visiting a node in the \"copied\" graph depends on the path I took in the first graph, and if I start carrying that information with me, the heap I use for finding the shortest path has to remember not only a node but a path. The state-space explodes, and so does the running time.\nI am not convinced that this is something that has an efficient solution, and I might be able to brute-force something with a branch-and-bound approach that does track paths, changing the scoring of nodes in the \"copied\" graph. But before I start thinking along that path (no pun intended), I would like to know that I am not missing something trivial and that the problem has an efficient solution.\nI would greatly appreciate any pointers to how to attack this problem, or just confirmation that it might be a problem that doesn't have an efficient solution, so I can give up on trying to find one.",
"How to determine if a tree $T = (V, E)$ has a perfect matching in $O(|V| + |E|)$ time\nThis is a problem I've come across while studying on my own; it's from Algorithms by <PERSON>, <PERSON> and <PERSON>. Specifically, the problem statement is:\nGive a linear-time algorithm that takes as input a tree and determines whether it has a perfect matching: a set of edges that touches each node exactly once.\nIn the context of this book:\n* A tree is an undirected, connected and acyclic graph.\n* A linear-time algorithm on a graph $G = (V,E)$ is something that runs on $O(|V| + |E|)$ time.\nThinking on the problem, the following seemed promising:\nOf course, the tree must have an even number of nodes, otherwise we can exit early and report that there is no perfect matching. Additionally, if at any point we find an isolated vertex, we can can do the same.\nSince we're dealing with a tree, we can search for a leaf $v$, a node with a single incident edge $(u,v)$. This edge must be in the perfect matching, for it's the only one that matches $v$.\nWe then remove the vertices $u$ and $v$ from $T$, along with all edges that involve them, and repeat the process.\nIf we remove all vertices in this manner, we have found a perfect matching.\nNotice that, while the removal may disconnect the graph, it will remain acyclic and this is what matters. Disconnecting the graph essentially splits the tree into multiple trees, so the iteration continues to make sense even in this case.\nNow, this problem shows up in the chapter about greedy algorithms, so this approach seems like a natural fit.\nMoreover, searching on the topic I've found that a tree has at most one perfect matching (see, for instance, this).",
"In other words, if it has one, it is unique, so the algorithm must produce the one if it exists.\nHowever, when actually thinking about implementation, I don't really see how this runs in $O(|V| + |E|)$. The naive approach appearcs to be quadratic, because at each step we need to scan for a leaf and update the graph, and neither of these take constant time. I'm mostly thinking of adjacency list representation, but this seems to hold true for adjacency matrix as well.\nI've also toyed with precomputing and updating degree values for vertices, but haven't nailed it.\nSearching more on the topic, I've come across this link, which suggests what's essentially the same algorithm to solve the same problem (number 2 on the exam). However, in the statement and solution, they only claim it to run in polynomial time.\nHow would one implement this algorithm in linear time, or else design another algorithm to solve the problem in linear time? What do we assume about data structures or operation complexities involved?\nEDIT: Following on sdcvvc's suggestion, here's some C++-esque pseudocode implementing his idea. I think this works.\n```cpp enum class MatchStatus { HAS_MATCH, ROOT_NEEDS_MATCHING, CANNOT_MATCH }\nbool hasMatching(tree t) { return hasMatching(t.root) == MatchStatus<IP_ADDRESS>HAS_MATCH; }\nMatchStatus hasMatching(node treeRoot) { // Keep track of whether the current node (root of the current (sub)tree) // is matched to some child node bool isMatched = false;\nfor(node subTreeRoot : treeRoot.children)\n{\nMatchStatus subTreeStatus = hasMatching(subTreeRoot);\nif(subTreeStatus == MatchStatus<IP_ADDRESS>CANNOT_MATCH)\nreturn MatchStatus<IP_ADDRESS>CANNOT_MATCH;\n// The subtree has a perfect matching *except* its root needs to be matched\nelse if(subTreeStatus == MatchStatus<IP_ADDRESS>ROOT_NEEDS_MATCHING)\n{\nif(isMatched)\n// Current node is already matched\n// The subtree root needs a match but cannot be matched\nreturn MatchStatus<IP_ADDRESS>CANNOT_MATCH;\nelse\n// Match the current node to subTreeRoot\nisMatched = true;\n}\n// else if(childStatus == MatchStatus<IP_ADDRESS>HAS_MATCH) // continue; }\nreturn isMatched ?",
"Complexity to insert subset of array to minimize order inversions\nI'm not entirely sure what to call this, or if there are good reductions to other known problems, so references to those will help.\nAs input you're given an array A of length n of distinct elements, and another array B of length k < n that contains a subset of the elements in the first array, potentially in a new order. The output should be an array of length n with every element in A such that the relative order of every element in B is preserved, and the order of elements in $A \\setminus B$ should minimize the number of inversions with respect to A.\nFor example, take as input A := [1, 2, 3, 4], B := [1, 4, 2], then the output could be either [1, 3, 4, 2] or [1, 4, 2, 3] as each have one inversion caused by the placement of the 3, which is the smallest you can achieve without altering the order in B.\nThis can pretty trivially be done in $O(k (n - k) + n)$, where for each element in $A \\setminus B$ you scan through $B$ and compute the number of inversions that would happen if inserting there, and simply put the element in the gap that minimizes it. However, this is worst case $O(n^2)$ depending on k, and that seems avoidable.",
"In particular, it seems like there should be some invariants in the relative order of elements that need to be placed that should save some time.\nThere are small tweaks that make it better, but that don't improve the worst case complexity. For example, take two elements $c1, c2 \\in A \\setminus B$ where c1 comes before c2 in A. After finding c1's optimal position, c2 must come after it in the final order.\nPsuedo Code\n``` fn min_inversions(a_order, b_order) # all ordered elements for constant time access b_set := set(b_order) # all elements left of element considering for rank inversions left_set := set() # where to start looking for insertions # equal to the last insertion found, helps time, but not worst case start_index := 0 # index to start scan for minimum # array for each gap between elements in b_order, we insert the missing elements here # since we process missing elements in order, we can append to preserve order insertions := [[] for _ in 0..len(b_order) + 1]\nfor ai in a_array:\nif ai in b_set:\n# don't need to locate, but mark as left of considered element to compute inversions\nleft_set += set(ai)\nelse:\n# number of inversions for placement in any considered gap\n# initial value is arbitrary as we only care about relative value, but this setting is \"correct\"\ninversions = [size(lef_set)]\nfor bi in slice(b_order, start_index):\nchange = -1 if bi in left_set else 1\ninversions += [inversions[-1] + change]\nstart_index = start_index + argmin(inversions)\ninsertions[start_index] += [ai]\n# here insertions has everything from A\\B in the optimal gap, just need to interleave with the initial B\nresult := interleave(insertions, b_order)\n```",
"Finding which strings in a set of strings have a certain prefix - can it be smaller than O(number of strings*length of prefix)\nIf I have a set of words and need to return which of them start with a certain prefix, can that complexity be less than O(n*d), where n is the number of words and d is the prefix. I'm asking because of this video: (1:20 starts discussing the solution), where it says it can be lowered through using a trie with all of the words, but I think the creation of the trie would take O(n*t) complexity, where t is the average length of the words. Assume that all words will be at least as long as d (any word which has length smaller than d is disregarded immediately in the solution below, but is still considered during the creation of the trie in the video).\nMy idea for the solution is the simple one: go through each word and check if it starts with the same prefix.",
"If it does, add it to the list of words which start with that prefix, otherwise don't. The reason I think this is the best solution possible in terms of worst-case complexity is as follows: if we skip even one character or one string, we may return the wrong answer. This is the minimum input that is to be considered and in any other case, it is also considered (for example, in the solution that input is considered during the creation of the trie).\nExample javascript code:\nfunction solve(prefix, words) {\n//startsWith has worst-case complexity O(d) where d is the length of the prefix\nfunction startsWith(word, prefix) {\n//this doesn't change worst-case complexity but means that the only disregardable input is disregarded\nif (prefix.length > word.length) return false;\nfor (let i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++) {\nif (prefix[i] !== word[i]) {\nreturn false;\n}\n}\nreturn true;\n}\nconst wordsArray = [];\n//since there are n (n is the length of the words array) and every iteration has worst-case complexity O(d),\n// we have a worst-case complexity of O(n*d)\nfor (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {\nif (startsWith(words[i], prefix)) {\nwordsArray.push(words[i]);\n}\n}\nreturn wordsArray;\n}\nconsole.log(solve(\"do\", [\"dog\", \"dark\", \"cat\", \"door\", \"dodge\"]));\nI'm asking that because in the video it was mentioned that it can be faster than O(n*d), but I believe the solution was wrongly analyzed. I, however, am just a hobbyist and feel like it is more likely I'm missing something here.",
"Sample a set of N numbers without replacement, each element taken from N different weighted sets\nHere's my problem: I have $N$ sets of integers $S_i$ where $|S_i| = n_i \\forall i \\in [1,N]$ each with non-uniform weights $W_i = {w_{i,1}, ..., w_{i,n_i}}$ such that $\\sum_{j}{w_{i,j}} = 1$. I want to sample $m$ unique lists $P_{k \\in [1,m]} = (p_{k,1}, ...,p_{k,i}, ...,p_{k,N})$ of $N$ integers (including duplicates, and ordering matters), with each element $p_{k,i} \\in S_i$.\nThe naive implementation I use as a proof of concept to generate a new unique list $P_k$: I pick an element from $S_1$ at random according to the weights $W_1$, then I pick an element from $S_2$ with weights $W_2$, etc... until I have $N$ elements to create a candidate list. If this list is not unique among exiting lists, I discard it and start again at the top, otherwise it becomes the list $P_k$.",
"This is repeated until I get $m$ unique lists.\nAlthough it works and gives me the correct result, this is very inefficient as I get more and more duplicate sets as $m$ increases, and as the weights $w_i$ diverge from a uniform distribution.\nHere's an example with disjoint sets: $N=3, n_1=4, n_2=3, n_3=5$ $$ S_1 = {1, 2, 3, 4}; S_2 = {11, 12, 13}; S_3 = {21, 22, 23, 24, 25}; $$ With $m=3$, a possible sampling would be: $$ P_1=(1, 11, 21), P_2=(1, 12, 24), P_3=(3, 12, 22) $$\nAll the sampling algorithms I have found either assume uniform distribution, or require \"flattening\" my problem from $N$ sets to one set of all possible combinations (and calculating the corresponding weights). Although the computation of the weight for a specific combination is trivial, it is not feasible for the size and number of sets I'm working with: $2 \\leq N \\leq 20$ and $2 \\leq n_i \\leq 50$. Typically $1 \\leq m \\leq 1000$ and $m \\leq \\prod_{i \\in [1,N]}{n_i}$.\nDoes anyone has an idea to replace my current naive solution? I am looking for an algorithm that would allow me to make that sampling without replacement a. directly from $S_i$ and $W_i$, or b. a 1D weighted sampling algorithm that does not require pre-computing all possible combinations and corresponding weights.",
"Maximum-coverage minimum-overlap intersection of sets\nI'm having troubles finding information on how to solve/optimize a problem I'm currently facing, which probably means I'm either approaching it poorly and/or I don't know what to search for.\nThe question I think I need the answer to: given several sets of possibilities, what is the smallest number of sets I must select to cover the entire range of possibilities? Alternatively, what is the smallest number of cameras I need to have 100% coverage of all points of interest? The latter is the real underlying form of the question, but the former may be an XY problem.\nHow do I optimize this problem?\nMy specific scenario is a little complex to describe here, but here's a simplistic scenario that should be sufficiently analogous:\nImagine I have a large facility with many specific places I want to be under the supervision of security cameras (\"targets\"), and imagine I have a lot of different places I could put cameras (\"sentries\").\nNaturally, each possible sentry position can see some set of targets - some may not be able to see any, some may one see one, but many may see many.\nI'm trying to find a way to place the smallest number of cameras to have complete coverage of all the targets. I suspect this will naturally also become a minimum-overlap problem, but does not have to be.\nMy sets are small enough that I am able to quickly fully enumerate every sentry position and the set of all target positions it can see, which I can either represent (in python) as the set of target indexes (e.g. set([1,3,4])) or a numpy array that's a bitmask of targets viewable (e.g.",
"numpy.array([False,True,False,True,True],dtype=bool)), or another form if another form is more valuable. (Technically, I'm enumerating all sets of targets which are viewable by a single camera, and for every one of those sets there may be multiple camera positions which can see that set, but this difference is immaterial to the end goal).\nI know from experience that if I start exhaustively enumerating all combinations of those to find full-coverage sets, even if I aggressively stop searching if I've exceeded my previous-best camera counts, that this will explode too quickly to run.\nMy end optimization goal is to find the minimum number of cameras. The minimum overlap isn't important (in fact, maximum overlap may be preferred when reasonable), but the number of cameras is the single most-important factor; given the choice between 6 cameras with no overlap and 7 cameras with lots of overlap, the 6 will always be preferred.",
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"Ultimately, money is used to buy people's time.\nYou might think you are paying for a road; in fact you are paying for people to spend time with shovels and jackhammers, people to quarry stone and drill for oil, people to build and maintain the machinery, and people to transport the raw materials to the site. Not to mention yet more people to decide precisely where and how it should be built in the first place.\nSome people value their time more than others; there are only so many waking hours in each day, and fatigue sets in quickly if you try to stretch them, or if you try to work through too many days in a row. Most people will try to earn as much money for their time as their education and training permits.\nYou can influence people to spend their time on projects that are important to you, by offering contracts to do so at a high enough price. Some (possibly much) of that money will be spent on supplies; the rest will be distributed among the workers and managers on the spot. At this stage, where the money comes from is irrelevant; if you control the Treasury, you can print it out of thin air, and it will be accepted at face value.\nThe above marks about as far as your current understanding reaches.\nOne must also understand that people working on your project are not working on other projects as a consequence. Other roads will develop more potholes, farms will go uncultivated, cars and computers will not be manufactured - because the people who would normally see to them are instead working on this new project of yours that earns them more money.\nYes, unemployment has also gone down a bit, but not everyone is inherently suited to construction work, and there's a finite supply of the unemployed. In fact, in many places the construction industry is concerned about a shortage of skilled labour. The same goes for the mining, chemical, transport and high-tech industries which feed into your project.\nFor a single project that's not a very large effect, but it adds up when you initiate a global programme of them. The result is that the supply of goods goes down a bit.\nAll these newly-enriched people then want to spend their money in order to benefit from it. To begin with, they buy food - construction work is hungry work, after all. With financial security, they move to larger homes, start families, and buy cars and computers and kitchen appliances.",
"They travel to see the world, and need good roads to do so.\nIn short, demand for goods goes up a bit. But supply of goods has been going down at the same time. The net effect is an increase in prices and a reduction in consumer satisfaction.\nThe increased prices help to rebalance the economy. The price of food goes up, so being a farmer becomes worthwhile again. Profit margins on gaming computers go up, so chip fabs shift production to CPUs and graphics cards instead of industrial microcontrollers and sensors. Car manufacturers increase their wages and salaries, to bring in enough labour to increase production to meet demand.\nWorkers begin to leave your project behind, because they feel you're not paying them enough any more - even though your terms are still nominally as generous as they originally were. In order to entice them back, you must increase your own offers still further - and print yet more money to fund them.\nThis is a vicious cycle. This is how inflation happens.\nIf it happens quickly enough, the price increases become so noticeable that the perceived value of your currency goes down even faster - people start charging higher prices because they believe prices will increase further before they can spend their earnings - which leads directly to hyperinflation.\nThe root cause, though, is that you've been increasing the money supply faster than the supply of work hours and productivity. To avoid it, you must fund your projects without increasing the money supply.\nTaxation is one of the traditional answers to this problem. Conveniently, one of the major expenditures normally funded by taxation - the military - can now be downsized, since you are so confident that wars will no longer occur (though I suspect you might be wrong in practice). So you can keep taxation roughly constant, and redirect trillions of dollars per annum from the military-industrial complex into public works.\nJob done.",
"First, space is huge. Really huge. Generally if you want to put something in orbit and something else is already there, you just need to pick a slightly higher or lower orbit, or occupy the same orbit but some distance ahead or behind.\nThe most valuable orbital real estate are geostationary orbits, because you need to occupy a fixed point above the equator to avoid moving in the sky relative to the ground. This is a ring of 130,000km of useful space. Maybe it is allocated in blocks of 10km or 1km to avoid near misses, allow for orbital approaches, etc.\nOnce we split it into blocks, potentially multiple people will bid to occupy an orbital point because it is the ideal point for broadcasting over the US, or over the EU, or whatever purpose they have.\nSlots in geostationary orbit could be owned by the first occupying organisation, or claimed by the country on the equator underneath, or shared between all countries on that line of longitude. Slots over the ocean might be owned by the nearest country, or shared between the countries on both sides.\nBut if there is lots of competition for a slot, someone can just build a suitably large space station to mount all the antennas or sensors required. You might have to rent both the space you need in the station and the frequency range you need to avoid interference with someone else. And your space station can be arbitrarily large, especially in the north-south axis\nEventually you could end up with a 130,000km continuous ring - though this would prevent anyone from having geosynchronous satellites that occupy a geostationary slot or two, but pass through it north and south at the same time each day instead of staying above the equator.\nAnd you could have one or more space elevators connecting to the large stations in geostationary orbit, which also have stations at the counterweight point above them.\nThe same logic would also apply to a space station at a Lagrange point, except ownership would either be claimed by the organisation that built it, a planet wide governing body, or the last organisation to seize it by force.\nFor lower circular orbits, it is either a free for all, or you really need a planet wide body to administer claims.",
"It would be very similar to a land registry today. Your claim could reference an altitude, and a phase parameter that would determine where you are in relation to everything else sharing the same orbit. This could be a position at a fixed point in time, and all future positions are then extrapolated from it. Satellites can have different inclinations and you ensure that they cross the equator (and each others orbits) at different times, or more likely everything forms a train in the same inclination, for a much greater density.\nThe registry body will need to be closely tied to the local military - unregistered objects would risk being destroyed, or the flip side is that if there is no local military, there is nobody enforcing the claims.\nAt some point it stops being useful to have lots of satellites, and we upgrade to bigger satellites instead. So we have a few rival GPS constellations with small numbers of satellites, but having lots of rival GPS systems just wastes radio bandwidth. We'll have thousands of LEO internet satellites, but there are diminishing returns once any user has a choice of a few providers and can see a few satellites overhead. Space based manufacturing or resorts - the bigger the better. Space based power can also just scale up if the number of satellites gets too high.\nAny elliptical orbits would risk intersecting anything in a circular orbit, so a satellite in an elliptical orbit probably has to take responsibility for avoiding anything in a circular shell as it passes through.\nBeyond geostationary orbits, there is going to be lots of empty space to go around. You might have some traffic control, but your main concern is probably planetary defence against kinetic bombardment, or smuggling, rather than traffic collision avoidance.\nThe same logic would apply to any other planet, although they might not spin fast enough for geostationary orbits to useful.\nAnd asteroids are likely just claimed on a first come basis, though larger bodies might be claimed by governments, or could be self-governing.",
"Frame challenge: a reset to normal would make the Earth most habitable.\nThe question asserts that future humans:\naren't overly worried about further damage to the biosphere (because it's already been thoroughly wrecked)\nHowever, 80 years is not nearly enough time to destroy even 10% of global species. According to the WWF, \"between 0.01 and 0.1% of all species will become extinct each year.\" If we assume a worst-case-scenario of 0.1% extinction per year, we'll still have 92% of today's species by 2100. That's terrible, but still minimal enough to make saving what's left worthwhile.\nAfter all, further damage to the biosphere would directly cause damage to humans.\n* Loss of biodiversity threatens the very agriculture that increasing temperatures is intended to promote, because diversity keeps soils productive.\n* Biodiversity ensures that adequate nutrients are available in different geographic regions, so killing more species might feed wealthy agrarian countries, but it would starve less developed ones.\n* Increasing temperature changes the movement of disease vectors. As climate change progresses, we are seeing a plethora of new diseases (and old diseases in newly-warm places) even today.\nNot to mention the other physical effects of injecting more energy into the Earth's atmosphere / hydrosphere:\n* More tropical storms\n* More floods\n* More droughts\n* More forest fires\nThese events are not only deadly, but expensive.",
"They would threaten humanity as it expanded; less efficient soils, scarcer nutrients, worse weather, and worse diseases would combine to yield no net benefit.\nFurthermore, the assertion that increasing temperatures would yield more productive land is inherently flawed. A warmer Earth may mean hospitable poles - but it would also mean far less land near coasts, as well as inhospitably hot land near the equator. I will concede that the poles are warming faster than the equator, so you might see a minimal net gain in arable land, but sea level rise may reverse even that. You would be better off engineering plants to live in salty soils or hard permafrost than to disturb ecosystems that have been stable for millions of years.\nThe bottom line is, we have largely only seen negative environmental impacts since the beginning of human-driven climate change. If humans are offered the technology to fix the Earth's climate in 2100 - at which point the ecosystem will still be salvageable - they will begin the process of rebuilding instead of worsening the damage.\nTL;DR The optimum temperature of Earth for humans is the one we evolved with, because we are dependent on the ecosystems around us.",
"An integrated circuit\nThat's right, the entire palace is one single computer chip.\nThe base price of the raw materials is laughable, a kg of semiconductor-grade purified monocrystalline silicon is just ~2000$/kg, cheaper even than gold.\nThe real price points are\nFabrication\nICs are hard to make. Current-generation fabs are in the price range of 18 billion USD and so hard to build that they're driving companies like Intel out of the business. And that is for 2-dimensional Wafers with a diameter of 300mm. Fabricating one wafer costs around 17,000$.\nThere's Fabs today that can build chips that are several hundreds of layers high - used for high-density SSD chips - but building a kilometer-high palace in one go?\nBuilding a fab that creates that sort of 3D chip from one monocrystalline piece of silicon would be madness - exactly the right choice for your emperor.\nQuality control\nWafers have defects, e.g. from pieces of dust in the atmosphere. This is one of the major price points for chip production; modern processes give around one defect per 10cm² of wafer area. Every chip on a wafer must be tested carefully for defects and thrown out - or have parts of it disabled - if a defect is found. In practice this means that a significant fraction of modern CPUs and GPUs are thrown away just as they're manufactured.\nNaturally, the emperor's palace - manufactured in one piece from one monocrytalline piece of silicon - will need to have zero defects. Which may add a tiny bit to the manufacturing costs.\nUnfortunately, a 3D chip will be really, really expensive to test since test probes can't just touch any part of the circuit...\nDevelopment\nThere's a lot of awesome things that can be done directly in silicon.\nApart from CPU cores, memory and storage you can build LEDs, capacitors, sensors for all sorts of things like magnetic fields, acceleration and pictures, protection diodes etc.",
"Your chip can be radiation-hardened, or be a solar cell. Naturally, the emperor's palace will have every feature.\nEverything that can be conceived will be integrated into the palace.\nThe palace will not just be a chip for the sake of being a chip; it will provide functionality. There will be no need to install electric cabling, light switches or computer screens in your palace because the building is these things.\nFabricating a chip that has all kinds of different features at once won't be cheap - there's a reason they don't put RAM and CPU cores on the same chip, the required fabrication techniques are just too different.\nIntel spends more than 10 billion dollars on research and development every year, and that's mostly just for incrementally improving CPU cores, nothing else. Intel CPUs are still quite cheap nevertheless because of economy of scale.\nThe emperor's palace, naturally, won't have any incremental improvements, or mass production. The Emperor can assign each cubic centimeter of palace wall to a different star system, and hold and pay for a great competition to see who can design the most impressive, most innovative cubic centimeter of wall, from scratch.\nEvery star system will assemble a team of their most brilliant scientists and engineers in an attempt to outcompete their rivals and impress the Emperor; especially if he tells them that cost is not an issue, and, in fact, he'd prefer things to be on the expensive side.\nOf course, each cubic centimeter must be interconnected with the surrounding ones, and fulfill an actual purpose. Even having a few dozens of engineers working together on a complex project on Earth typically causes an immense amount of headache and management overhead, and makes your development costs explode far beyond what planned for. Luckily, that's an intended side effect.\nConclusion\nThe costs are literally inconceivable to me, but it definitely won't be cheap, and the emperor can add as much complexity, and show off as much complexity, as he likes. There's even nice synergy effects, if he chooses to share some or all of the beautiful technical advancements that are made while constructing the Fab or designing the Chips, similar to what happened with all of the money that was sunk into the Apollo project on Earth.\nOne important thing to get right from the start is Framing. It must be made clear that the project isn't supposed to be cheap, or efficient, but that it's supposed to be prohibitively expensive and stretch the limits of engineering, science and the general economy far beyond what seems reasonable.",
"You also need to think of the psychological side.\nA general rule of thumb is that a human army will break when it loses about a third of it's number. So even if they have 'won' 10,000 to 3000 in casualties, that might be enough for the remaining humans to break for it (and rapidly get overwhelmed).\nThere is also the impact of them not dying. You shoot them with an arrow - they keep coming. You chop an arm off - it keeps attacking. You've cut it's legs off - now it's going for your legs whilst the next two are jumping on your shield. They have no fear and no sense of injury. So your line breaks; those in the rear echelons get spooked and start running, soon it's every man for himself.\nYes, if the defenders could stand in line, methodically chop off heads and ignore their own casualties they would probably win - but battles are not like that.\nWith additions as suggested..\nLooking at various tactics:\nCavalry:\nHaving a crowd of large horses with armored knights on them is a terrifying spectacle, if it is directed at you. Of course, the zombies feel no fear. Run them through with a spear, and you've just lost your spear. Hack with a sword and you might do some damage, but taking a head requires serious skill.",
"Stop to fight at bay, and the mob will close in. Lose the horse, and you'll be stumbling around half-blind in heavy armor whilst zombies dogpile you. Would you charge a horde of zombies knowing that death is almost certain?\nArcher:\nLook I made a pincushion. Time to leg it now.\nCannon:\nLook I played skittles. Skittles getting back up. Tile to leg it even more..\nShieldwall:\nIn which your first rank have swords; second and third ranks have spears that protrude.\nThe whole point of the shieldwall is that it's meant to be safe, that's what allows people to go into combat (most people worry about dying, and a solid formation makes it harder to slope off), and it's hard to attack because the first attackers get skewered. But the zombies don't care - the first ones charge straight onto any spears, without dying, dragging them down. The next wave are onto the swordsmen, and even if you do kill them, sheer weight of numbers will overbear you, as above.\nThe majority of deaths in medieval battles happen in the rout, when your formation breaks up and starts to flee. Once chaos starts, the zombies have all the advantages. Every time they stab someone, break a limb, or stun an opponent they've knocked that person out of the fight; knocking them out requires serious dismemberment.",
"There is a difference between saying the speed of light is the same in any frame, and saying it is the same in all frames - because certain unexamined assumptions creep into the second statement, about the comparability of speeds.\nIt is like asserting that there is the same ratio of boys and girls in any school classroom. Equivalently, Is the ratio the same in all classrooms? Yes.\nBut, from this, do we infer that every classroom must contains the same number of girls and boys? No - in fact a classroom may contain no children, or be stuffed like the black hole of Calcutta, and still the asserted ratio is maintained so long as every boy that is present has a counterpart girl that is present.\nSo what people fail to readily appreciate is that, whilst the ratio may be constant, the underlying number of boys and girls may differ freely.\nIn other words, what does not need to stay constant in relativity, is the scales of time and distance in which the measurement of speed is expressed.\nSo the speeds are not the same in all frames, when the person asking the question implicitly expects that the speeds in each frame that are being compared, are being measured on the same scales.\nThe frame, in relativity, is the thing that defines those scales against which speed is expressed.\nI am of course saying nothing yet about why this approach is valid - I am not an educator, so I may not be entirely clear, and may raise more questions than I answer, but here goes.\nThe reason is it valid is because we have no known way of measuring time without measuring distance. That is, clocks don't measure \"time\", they measure speed - the rate of a physical process that involves regular changes in spatial position.\nThe pendulum of the grandfather clock moves back and forth in space - and it is only by devising a much more complex mechanism, that any apparent movement forward in \"time\" is counted and seen.\nIndeed, it is not entirely clear what \"time\" actually is - it is that \"other thing\" inside a timepiece that is not the position of the mechanism, but something else that has to be postulated to account for how the positions of various parts of the mechanism move.",
"Nor is it clear that a perfect pendulum moves forward in time - since it simply repeats the same positional relations, once forwards and once backwards.\nOther clock mechanisms exist besides the pendulum, but they are all predicated on a reciprocating action across a measure of space, and some assumption about the constancy and regularity of the time it takes to traverse that space.\nIt follows therefore that if that reciprocating action takes a different period of time to complete a cycle across a region of space, the time measured will change.\nThat is how, in relativity, the local speed of light is always constant - that is, a distance traversed reciprocally, always involves a constant period of time on a clock, because the clock itself measures that.\nTherefore, if it takes longer for a fixed distance to be traversed, the clock will slow down, and therefore the \"time\" taken to traverse that distance always remains a constant on the clock, because it is the speed of that journey which the clock was measuring in the first place - it was not measuring \"time\".\nIn other words again, clocks assume the speed of light to be constant. If it is not constant (in objective terms), then the clock cannot tell, because the reading on the clock face is always in a fixed relationship to the local speed of light.\nThat is why it is a local constant in relativity, but relativity does not say that the speed of light in one frame is equivalent to the speed in another (because each frame, by definition, is using a different scale of time, which is based on a local measurement of the speed of light by a clock that is stationary, and which is not equivalent between frames).\nAnd what relativity does say, is that the differing speeds of light for different objects, will only be detected by clocks that are moving relative to one another. It will not be detected by co-moving, local, clocks.",
"To maintain animals, you need plants. To maintain plants, you need warmth, light, or ideally both.\nYour demons and monsters are unlikely to take a side salad with their meals, so they would probably prey on the largest non-monstrous creature in the area. If a monster eats like a carnivorous human, let's say each monster needs 50 pigs a year, one per week, ish. Supporting large animals like that requires some serious calories to be available.\nTo this end, I would suggest making your city home to geothermal power, which fuels the growth of dark-leafed plants , mosses, and lichens that survived 99% of the lights going out. Maybe that's why that location was chosen for the city in the first place? It's not unreasonable to think that these near-future people could gene-splice together crops tailored to grow underground; imagine a field of wheat, or an apple tree, almost jet black. Over a thousand years of neglect, basically everything broke down, including the heat transfer conduits, meaning a large number of physically disparate locations within are overrun with plant and animal life, all supported by heat not going where it was designed to go. And as a bonus, this provides light in some places, in the form of dully glowing metal.\nSo, with all that out of the way: vehicles would be rusted to unrecognisable scrap, and completely devoid of paint. Ditto signage.",
"Windows would probably be alright, unless the heat's really something to write home about in some places, in which case they would likely have broken from either sustained heating or repeated heating and cooling, depending on how static the environment is. Note that suspended windows, like the wall panels of large public buildings such as art galleries, are held in place using metal fasteners that will definitely have given way. Electronic circuitry is a non-starter, as others have said, but it's always possible to fix some stuff with Handwavium technology.\nBuildings are a little more tricky. Some concrete mixtures will last centuries, some will be crumbling in fifteen years. Some buildings don't even use concrete anymore, or if they do, only in the foundations. An underground city doesn't sound like something that would spring up organically, which implies it was a designed habitat, which implies that it would have been put together all around the same time, or at least sufficiently close enough together that after 1000 years it makes no difference. The key, then, is consistency: decide how unstable and crumbled your buildings are, and stick to it (at least by category; steel-framed buildings would definitely have collapsed, long ago, and rusted into almost nothing).\nPersonally, I'd go a little unusual and flatten your city a bit, make it so the wildlife and passage of time have made it into a semi-open plain, with concrete pebbles and dead things forming a semi-toxic soil underfoot, dotted with outcroppings in the form of old buildings. It's not quite a maze, it's too open for that, but it's certainly not somewhere your average line of sight is very long. If you want to gain access to any of the old buildings, you'll need to bring seismic imaging equipment and a shovel.",
"To survive in the long run, your population's diet will have to diversify in range, shrink in quality, and vary hugely in quantity\nDiversity:\nTheir diet on land will expand to encompass a wider definition of what animals count as food than most of your modern readers, 'pest' species included: rats, bushtail possums (if we're using the modern New Zealand example of Mahia as a baseline), dogs, deer, feral pigs (who will in turn eat the human's waste) and so on. If it moves on or near land, and it's not horribly poisonous or venomous, they will try to eat it.\nBeing on a peninsula, they will have access to nesting or burrowing seabirds, their chicks and their eggs. Gull egg collection (for food) was a major activity for island populations who couldn't afford to be picky. Witness the annual muttonbird (shearwater) take still carried out in New Zealand today. St Kilda and other islands in the Hebrides were also known for eating gulls.\n'Odd' seafood will also be a regular part of their diet - particularly in famine conditions. Seaweed, whelks, cockles, seaslugs etc. Whatever can be scraped off a rock at low tide will go in their stew pots.\nDepending on the climate of your peninsula, they may also have seasonal gluts of insects to eat: grubs, crickets, locusts, wasp larvae, bee honey comb (complete with bee larvae) and so on.\nAgriculture - whether farms or gardens - will rely heavily on human and animal waste as fertiliser. Given the size of the peninsula, I doubt that there will be many large domestic animals around. They need too much pasture.\nQuality:\nThey cannot afford to be picky, especially when food gets scarce.\nOn the one hand, this means they will likely eat carrion, sick or wounded creatures (\"I can eat that staggering possum now, and get Tuberculosis in 10 years time, or I can not eat it now and be dead next week from hunger\"), and plant food that's entering the 'slimy yet satisfying' stage: wormy apples have extra protein after all... This all carries some risk in terms of health, but as I implied earlier your people will have to choose between eating something rotten or starvation.\nOn the other hand, this may also lead to an interesting food culture in terms of fermented things. They have access to salt (sea water) which can be boiled to brine to make a preservative.",
"Fish, shellfish and vegetables can all be preserved in salt brine. Other fermentation methods do not use salt (eg Kaanga pirau: rotten corn). Fermentation has the benefit of trapping valuable vitamins in some food, as well as preserving the food long term, which is vital when the quantity of food is not guaranteed.\nQuantity\nI mentioned gluts of insects above. However, they will also be absent as a or hard to find at some times of year, especially in a temperate climate.\nThis goes for the majority of your food sources. Seabirds will likely nest only at certain times of year, plants grow slowly over winter if at all, and adverse weather conditions may prevent fishing during the equinox, to give a few examples.\nYour people, being cut off from the mainland and its food sources, cannot import food to balance out those cycles and will regularly face certain times of year when they have low food resources available. Late spring is a possibility. You have used up your winter stocks, crops are growing but haven't matured yet, the weather is too unpredictable to fish and so on.\nThen you have to think about famine.\nSometimes, perhaps in those hungry times of year, your food resources will not renew themselves. Maybe your people anticipate seabirds to arrive and nest in early summer? Well this year they will not nest well at all, and the fishing is very poor too. Here, the local climate of the ocean and its currents has driven your food away from shore - as the currents move, the fish move away. As the water warms too much, the shellfish die.\nIf this situation is combined with drought or flooding that removes another food source temporarily you have a serious problem on your hands. Famine will kill your young children and your elderly through starvation or diarrhea or any number of famine related causes.\nHow they cope with starvation years will influence their culture in the long run, and will also serve to manage your population numbers, potentially allowing other food resources to bounce back in later years. Quick breeding animals like seabirds will recover their population levels faster than humans as a general rule as environmental conditions return to normal.",
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"This might be Code Lyoko (aired from 2003 in France and from 2004 in the USA), as <PERSON> said in the comments.\n\"there were a group of kids/teen (around 13-15) who found a parallel universe (inside a game, I think).\"\nPart of the description from Wikipedia:\n<PERSON>, a 12-year-old prodigy attending boarding school at Kadic Academy, discovers a quantum supercomputer in an abandoned factory near his school. Upon activating it, he discovers a virtual world called Lyoko with an artificially intelligent girl named <PERSON> trapped inside it. <PERSON> learns of X.A.N.A., a fully autonomous, malevolent, and highly intelligent multi-agent system, that also dwells within the Supercomputer. Using Lyoko's powers, X.A.N.A can possess electronics and objects in the real world like a virus to wreak havoc. X.A.N.A.'s primary objective is to eliminate anyone aware of the Supercomputer's existence so that it will be free to conquer the real world and destroy all humanity.\n<PERSON> works tirelessly to materialize Aelita into the real world and stop attacks caused by X.A.N.A. <PERSON> is aided by his three friends <PERSON>, <PERSON>, and <PERSON>, who are virtualized into Lyoko to save both worlds from the sinister virtual entity.",
"They achieve this by escorting Aelita to various Towers on Lyoko, which serve as interface terminals between Lyoko and Earth. Once the Tower is deactivated, <PERSON> can launch a \"Return to the Past\" program, which sends the world back in time, while anyone scanned into the Supercomputer retains memory of the other timeline, to undo any damage caused by X.A.N.A. In \"Code: Earth,\" <PERSON> is finally materialized, but the group discovers that X.A.N.A. had planted a virus inside of her that will kill her if the Supercomputer is turned off. They realize that they cannot destroy X.A.N.A, or <PERSON> will be destroyed along with it.\n<PERSON> adjusts to life in the real world, while <PERSON> attempts to develop an antivirus program to liberate her from X.A.N.A.'s power.\nThis sounds like your description. I'm not so sure about the black suits with coloured lines. There was a remake in 2014, which did have such suits, but I'm not sure whether the same was true of the original 2000s series.",
"<PERSON> probably died physically, because:\n* no one have seen him ever since, and humans can't live in the machine world (air is too polluted, no food, no other humans, etc, see the Animatrix canon).\n* his death is clearly hinted at with the cross light metaphor of the <PERSON> when the machines send the \"kill code\" for Agent <PERSON> (whether it's a kill code specifically for Agent <PERSON> or just killing the body of <PERSON> remains up to debate, but we can clearly see the highlighted sending of a command from the Deus Ex Machine to <PERSON> via the glowing wires just a moment before Agent <PERSON> is deleted)\n* it was probably necessary to balance the equation (since <PERSON> is a cumulative error of the system because of allowed free will and Agent <PERSON> being the counterbalance)\nHowever, since <PERSON> is clearly a messianic figure like the <PERSON>, he may resurrect. And indeed, in the Matrix Online game canon, there were clear hints that he did, under the traits of a woman who recently awoken from coma:\n<PERSON>'s ultimate fate has been openly called into question as <PERSON> has pointed out that his remains were never returned from 01 (the Machine City) back to Zion, but at the same time the Machines have commented that they did not recycle (liquify for re-use) his body. On an interesting note, there is a newspaper clipping found during a Zion critical mission about a 27-year-old woman named <PERSON> (an anagram for \"<PERSON>\") waking up from a coma and leaving the hospital on her own.",
"In the text, there was a note written on it asking, \"Is this him?\" Furthermore, on one Machines' set of critical missions, it turned out that <PERSON> does not exist in any known database, therefore supporting the speculation that <PERSON> is <PERSON>. Although no outright comments have been made, developers have hinted that <PERSON> would have played a role in the future.\nApart from the <PERSON> mystery woman, the first mission of Matrix Online was to find fragments of <PERSON>'s RSI, and the RSI was later partially reconstructed by the machines and displayed in a club, so it's clear that some digital artefacts of <PERSON> remained inside the Matrix.\nAn in-universe explanation of how he could survive is that his digital counterpart (his RSI) survived his physical body, which is not so surprising since we know from the third movie that those two parts of him could be separated (he was in coma, unplugged from the Matrix, and still his digital counterpart was in the Matrix). I have explained this theory in more details here:",
"Might be Spy Hard (1996).\nSecret agent WD-40 <PERSON> (<PERSON>) has his work cut out for him. Along with the mysterious and lovely <PERSON>, Agent 3.14, he must rescue the kidnapped <PERSON> and stop the evil genius, a General named <PERSON> (<PERSON>), from seizing control of the entire world.\n<PERSON> was wounded in an earlier encounter and no longer has arms. However, he can \"arm\" himself by attaching robotic limbs with various weapons attached. <PERSON> is talked out of retirement by an old friend, agent <PERSON> (<PERSON>), and given his new assignment by The Director (<PERSON>), who also is testing out a variety of elaborate disguises. At headquarters, <PERSON> encounters an old agency nemesis, <PERSON> (<PERSON>), and flirts with the Director's adoring secretary, referred to as Miss <PERSON> (<PERSON>).\nOn the job, <PERSON> is assisted by an agent named <PERSON> (<PERSON>), who gives him rides in a never-ending variety of specially designed cars.",
"They seek help from <PERSON> (<PERSON>), a blond child, home alone, who is very good at fending off intruders. <PERSON> resists the temptations of a dangerous woman (<PERSON>) he finds waiting for him in bed. But he does work very closely with Agent 3.14 (<PERSON>), whose father, Professor <PERSON> (<PERSON>), is also being held captive by <PERSON>.\nEverything comes to an explosive conclusion at the General's remote fortress, where <PERSON> rescues both <PERSON> (<PERSON>) and Miss <PERSON> and launches a literally disarmed <PERSON> into outer space, saving mankind.\nClip of the chair scene:\nFrom\nIn some ways Spy Hard is a twisted inside out and played on its side version of <PERSON> and <PERSON> Get Smart television series. This time though, Agents 86 and 99 are nowhere to be seen. <PERSON> is now the Director (played by <PERSON>) and he has moved up in the world, impersonating furniture, rugs, Venetian blinds and other large household items. Borrow the undersexed secretary and secret weapons designer from the <PERSON> movies, stir it all up and see how many jokes about flatulence you can come up with.",
"! The show's staff and writers occasionally make jokes about <PERSON>'s frequent \"deaths\" on the show. In the season 7 episode \"Heroes\", one of the SG teams examine some ancient ruins and a scientist says \"Dr. <PERSON> is gonna die when he sees this!\" to which another member (Col. <PERSON>, played by <PERSON>) responds \"What?! Again?\". Comparisons have also been made between <PERSON> and <PERSON> from the cartoon series South Park. <PERSON>'s first death is by staff blast while he defends <PERSON>; he is resurrected by <PERSON> with a sarcophagus in the film. <PERSON> flat lines in Season 4's \"The Light\".",
"He dies of radiation poisoning in season 5's \"Meridian\" and Ascends to a higher plane until he reappears in Season 7's \"Fallen (part 1)\". He is killed by <PERSON> at the very end of \"Reckoning\" and is seen at a midway point between Ascension and mortality before finally retaking human form in \"Threads\". <PERSON> is presumed dead after SG-1 is brainwashed to believe this in Season 1's \"Fire and Water\". <PERSON> also is killed by <PERSON> several times in a virtual reality system in Season 8's \"Avatar\". Other deaths generally involve <PERSON>'s teammates: they die together in \"The Nox\" (where they get resurrected by the Nox) and in the alternate future of \"2010\"; their robot versions are killed in \"Double Jeopardy\", <PERSON> being the first to die; and a Goa'uld-possessed alternate timeline version of <PERSON> is shot by <PERSON> in \"Moebius\", while in another timeline in the same episode, all of SG-1 are killed except <PERSON>.\n-Wikipedia article on <PERSON>.\nAs <PERSON> pointed out in his comment, death becomes a little more difficult to define once we're dealing with SF medical tech that can resurrect characters from a point when they'd be considered biologically dead. The general population of the SGC has certainly perceived him as dead a number of times, starting from \"Fire and Water\" in season 1, though he was not actually dead. I would imagine that they are also referring to his ascension, which may not have counted as death from his perspective, but was probably close enough to it for everyone else.",
"The Protagonist was worried or alarmed because he knew that <PERSON> telling him (his past self) about the Plutonium-241 (actually a section of the Algorithm) is what caused him to lose it to Sator. In that scene where that quoted dialogue took place, the Protagonist already knew that the Algorithm could bring the end of the world. He didn't know this yet when he initially talked to <PERSON>.\nRelated dialogue in the scene when <PERSON> initially told the <PERSON> about the 241.\n<PERSON>: What if you have something he needs?\nProtagonist: Such as?\n<PERSON>: Plutonium-241.\n...\nProtagonist: Helping an arms dealer steal weapons-grade plutonium is unacceptable, <PERSON>. I'm just gonna take him out.\n<PERSON>: No, no, no. <PERSON> has to stay alive. He has to stay alive until we know his part in things. Leverage the situation, without losing control of the 241.\nAfter the Tallinn heist and car chase, the <PERSON> lost the 241 to <PERSON>.",
"The Protagonist (who has inverted and went back in time) wanted to know why <PERSON> will tell his past self to steal the potentially world-ending 241 / Algorithm section in the first place (causing him to later inadvertently lose it to <PERSON>). (<PERSON>: \"If I don't do something, in two days, she tells me about the 241.\")\n<PERSON> expounds on the matter in the next scene. Related dialogue:\n<PERSON>: What did I do?\nProtagonist: It's what you're going to do. In two days, you're gonna have me dangle Plutonium-241 in front of the world's most dangerous arms dealer. Now, I wanna know why.\n<PERSON>: You let <PERSON> get hold of 241?\n<PERSON>: No, I let him get ahold of the algorithm. So, tell me about it, <PERSON>.\n...\n<PERSON>: You're going to warn me.\n<PERSON>: No, I'm not. Ignorance is our ammunition.\n<PERSON>: Come on.\n<PERSON>: If you had known what the algorithm was, would you have let it fall into <PERSON>'s hands?\n<PERSON>: You want <PERSON> to get the last section.\n<PERSON>: That is the only way he'll bring together the other eight.\n<PERSON>: I was supposed to steal it... Then lose it?\n<PERSON>: Mission accomplished.",
"Simon_Says (The_Outer_Limits), found this on reddit\nScene on youtube - robot pets cat to death...\nGideon <PERSON>, an electronic engineer, twenty years ago lost his wife <PERSON> and son <PERSON> in a horrific car crash. At that period of time he was working at the so-called Neural Archiving Project — NAP for short. This technology was developed to create smart computers by transferring human engrams into computers.\nThe company eventually gave up on the technology, but <PERSON> didn't. After years of quietly perfecting it, he built at home a small robot, using parts he stole from Concorde Robotics, where he now works. <PERSON>, <PERSON>'s niece, discovers <PERSON>'s secret, that the robot contains actual neural engrams from <PERSON>'s dead son <PERSON>, which <PERSON> has integrated into the robot in hopes of re-creating his son. And now, the robot actually has memories of the real <PERSON>.\n<PERSON> becomes worried not only about <PERSON> but also about the robot that sounds and acts a lot like her little cousin used to. And she begins to realize that <PERSON> may not have been the lovable little angel that everyone believed he was.\n\"<PERSON>\" becomes more and more demanding, putting pressure on <PERSON>, who could lose his job. When he asks <PERSON> to \"babysit,\" the robot attacks during a tantrum and injures her. When <PERSON> returns they argue about \"<PERSON>\" being a robot or as <PERSON> insists, a true boy.",
"<PERSON> leaves upset. Later, <PERSON> apologizes over the phone and asks her to look after <PERSON> again as he has to work. <PERSON> does so, but this time gets along much better with \"<PERSON>\" who also apologizes for hurting her.\n<PERSON>'s boss finds out about the robot, and claims that since it was built from company equipment, it belongs to the company. When he tries to forcibly take \"<PERSON>\" away, <PERSON> becomes enraged and clubs the man on the head, killing him. <PERSON> and <PERSON> begin to argue, but \"<PERSON>\", who becomes distraught at recognizing the seriousness of the situation, shouts for them to stop and claims that he is ultimately the one at fault. Upset, \"<PERSON>\" confesses that \"he\" was responsible for the car crash: when <PERSON> refused to take <PERSON> to the toy store, <PERSON> threw a temper tantrum and grabbed the steering wheel, causing the fatal crash. To him, that unwise tantrum was the first domino to start the chain reaction that has now led to this moment.\nRealizing what he's done could seriously impact <PERSON>, <PERSON> ushers her out, assuring her that he'll remedy the situation and do the right thing without affecting her. Soon afterwards, <PERSON> hears a gunshot and rushes back in, only to discover that <PERSON> has copied his own mind into another robot before committing suicide. <PERSON> can only look on in horrified silence as the two robots chat like father and son.",
"The Architect's conversation with <PERSON> is at times difficult to follow, but the Architect is fairly clear about his threat to the human race:\nThe Architect: You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed - its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated.\n<PERSON>: Bull--.\nThe Architect: Denial is the most predictable of all human responses, but rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it. The function of the One is now to return to the Source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the prime program. After which, you will be required to select from the Matrix 23 individuals - 16 female, 7 male - to rebuild Zion. Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash, killing everyone connected to the Matrix, which, coupled with the extermination of Zion, will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.\ntranscript of The Matrix Reloaded\nThe difference between this threat and the failed Paradise Matrix is that the Machines weren't about to destroy Zion (i.e. kill all the humans outside of the Matrix) when the Paradise Matrix failed. With the Paradise Matrix, any humans not in the Matrix (we don't know if there were any) would have survived. Furthermore, Agent <PERSON>'s quote does not suggest that every human in the Paradise Matrix died.",
"If Agent <PERSON> meant to say that every human died, he would have more likely said that \"every crop was lost\" or \"all the crops were lost\". Since humanity did not go extinct with the failure of the Paradise Matrix it must be the case that some humans survived, either inside or outside of the Paradise Matrix when it crashed.\nThe important thing about the Architect's threat is that the Architect is blackmailing <PERSON> with the extinction of humanity so that <PERSON> would choose to return to the Source and restart the cycle. He might be exaggerating when he says that a system crash of the Matrix would kill everyone. Even <PERSON> initially doubted that the Architect's threat was true:\n<PERSON>: You won't let it happen. You can't. You need human beings to survive.\nThe Architect: There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept. However, the relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility of the death of every human being on this world.\ntranscript of The Matrix Reloaded\nSince the Architect was blackmailing <PERSON>, he might not have actually believed that all the humans in the Matrix would die (although the Machines might kill any survivors to make good on their threat to cause the extinction of humanity). The Architect's threat just had to be convincing enough that <PERSON> would believe him, and the Architect thought that was the case since (a) it would be irrational to ignore the threat and take a chance on all of humanity, and (b) all the previous Ones had believed the threat and returned to the Source.",
"Because <PERSON>'s memory sequence was triggered by <PERSON>'s (played by <PERSON>) resemblance to <PERSON>. So while <PERSON> was in her coma, her Metaconscious used <PERSON> to represent <PERSON>. The memory sequence of <PERSON>'s death was stil within <PERSON>'s head, and <PERSON> did not yet know about <PERSON>, so <PERSON>'s image suddenly changing to a strange girl certainly would be confusing. Also, in-world, <PERSON> had not revealed the truth until then.\nFrom the Wikipedia entry for the \"Dark Page\" episode, pertinent parts bolded:\n<PERSON> returns to the Enterprise, this time as the teacher of an alien race learning to speak. Their native form of communication is telepathy, but they want to learn spoken language in order to interact with other races. <PERSON> comes aboard with <PERSON> and his young daughter, <PERSON>, who is <PERSON>'s star pupil.\nSuspecting that <PERSON> is not her usual, flamboyant self, <PERSON> tries to investigate. When <PERSON> starts showing signs of fatigue, she is taken to Sick Bay to be examined. <PERSON> tells <PERSON> that her interaction with the aliens is more taxing on her telepathic glands than she is used to and is asked to refrain from telepathic contact with them until she can recover. <PERSON> helps her mother by verbally communicating with <PERSON> and <PERSON>, but <PERSON> still uses her telepathy when they don't grasp the verbal concepts. After an incident where <PERSON> falls into a pool of water in the arboretum, <PERSON> falls into a coma. With no signs of physical trauma, <PERSON> deduces that her telepathic abilities have caused her mind to collapse in on itself from the over use. <PERSON> uses his ability to form a bridge between <PERSON> and <PERSON>, and the former finds herself walking through corridors like on the Enterprise.",
"<PERSON>'s mental defenses pick up, first conjuring <PERSON>'s father to distract her, then an image of <PERSON> himself ordering her to sever her connection. She sees past these ruses and encounters <PERSON> petting a wolf, but the girl does not seem to know who \"<PERSON>\" is. <PERSON> then charges in screaming for <PERSON> to get away from her, causing <PERSON> to break her connection.\n<PERSON> and <PERSON> search through <PERSON>'s things and find several pieces of the puzzle missing; journal entries for a journal <PERSON> kept since being married had blank pages from shortly after <PERSON>'s birth going on several years. The image of <PERSON> in her mother's mind does not add up. She tries again to reach her mother, this time, <PERSON> encounters the wolf by himself who chases after <PERSON> through the deck until she encounters a Turbo Lift that opens into space. Hearing her mother call for help, <PERSON> jumps in and lands in the arboretum where <PERSON> had collapsed. <PERSON> is there, still begging <PERSON> to leave, but <PERSON> refuses, stating that a repressed memory is killing her and she must relive the memory in order to survive. Suddenly, an image of a human girl who looks like <PERSON> is playing by the water with a puppy, and <PERSON> calls her <PERSON>. <PERSON> urges <PERSON> to relive what happened, and she tearfully remembers a tragedy when <PERSON> ran after the puppy when it got away, though it was unclear what had caused her death. <PERSON>'s repressed memory of <PERSON> and her resemblance to <PERSON> led to her coma. As <PERSON> recalls happier memories of <PERSON>, <PERSON> tells her to share them so she can learn about the sister she never knew. The women awaken in Sick Bay holding hands.",
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"The Boys in the Boat\nThis is absolutely amazing. No big stars, no mind blowing story, no big budgets, no political agendas, just a simple and normal movie for normal people. <PERSON> has my respect for making this. Very simple yet wonderful. Great acting, and the cinematography was amazing. It's a great feel good movie, and the quality of each scene is really good.",
"I wouldn't say it's visually stunning, but those visuals gave me peace of mind. I absolutely enjoyed this. Watch it in one sitting. I've always been a fan of rowing, and the fact that this is something that happened for real, you can find the final race on YouTube; makes it more interesting. Just wanted to say it's a damn good movie. I highly recommend it. Even if you don't feel the same way I did, you will certainly have a great time.",
"<PERSON>\nYou just don't get better than that. God what a ride of a movie. Dialouge, acting, stuntwork, production and set design, score, locations.....Slaps so goddamn hard.",
"Love when you finish a movie you love and it just makes you feel so badass, happy and ready to take on the world. This is one such movie. It's a shame <PERSON> is a bit of a nut because he is fantastic in this and a very handsome bastard.\nHollywood, give me more of these movies.\nThe quotes are so good:\nI'm a priest, not a saint\nHow did I escape? With Pain...How did I plan this? With Pleasure?\nThe dinner speech about basking in the sunlight and do your worst.\nGoosebumps galore. Also, my favorite <PERSON> performance",
"1492: Conquest of Paradise\nHonestly, I didn't know much about <PERSON> before watching this, but then again, I wasn't really looking for a history lesson. I've seen a lot of people say in the reviews that it's very historically inaccurate, but I don't care. I don't watch movies to learn history, I watch movies to entertain myself. So yeah, this one pretty much entertained me. It's not the best <PERSON> film, nor the worst one. It's a solid movie anyway.",
"The scenes are just breathtaking, and the score? Forget the movie, can we just talk about the amazing score in this, absolutely incredible. Instant goosebumps everywhere. <PERSON> did a great job. Probably a soundtrack made in heaven. It adds a powerful and epic feel to the movie. The pacing is a bit slow at times, but it allows you to soak in the atmosphere. If you enjoy historical dramas, give Conquest of Paradise a watch!",
"Night on Earth\nThis may be one of my new favorite movies ever. Night on Earth does the “slice of life” concept better than almost any film I’ve seen. This is the type of movie that you love but wish that you were the one to make it first. The idea of following five different taxi drivers in five different cities perfectly fits my taste in film.",
"All of the conversations and situations are so captivating and well written. The Rome storyline alone is entertaining enough to be a whole movie. Very After Hours-esque which is one of my all time favorites films. An amazing cast as well! 9.8/10",
"The End We Start From\n9:40 pm\nWent in knowing nothing and that was fun. Quite enjoyed this. Very interesting concept. Great performances. <PERSON> best performance I’ve seen so far. The whole esthetic of this movie is just sad. There’s barely any scenes where the film focuses on how upsetting it is and that’s what makes it disturbing. They make off hand comments and lighthearted jokes about how their families are probably dead and they do it like it’s nothing.",
"They carry their babies through the worst situations and environments. I don’t like kids and it was even upsetting for me. I definitely don’t feel like this movie was full of itself. Also a well shot movie. It looks great. The ending is great too and is gonna have me thinking about the subtext of the film. I’d recommend seeing this before it leaves theaters fast as hell. Don’t know why the release for this is so bad.",
"Saw X\nBest one since Saw VI. That might not be saying much, but trust me, this one is good!!\nIt follows a formula unique to this franchise, a character study all about <PERSON>. The first half is a serious and sincere drama, before the second half indulges in great, gory mayhem.",
"I really liked all the traps in this one. It feels like everybody who made this cared and had passion. I didn't love everything about the story but as a Saw fan this was a blast!\nThe mid credits scene made me cum",
"The Holdovers\nI had no interest in seeing this film. I saw the trailer and thought it looked okay. Then I kept seeing all of the praise from mutuals, so I changed my mind. I'm glad I did because this is one of the best films of the year.\nThis feels like a classic Christmas film. It's got a warm and welcoming feeling that made my day so much better. It's very funny and with a lot of heart. This is a film I'll watch every Christmas season from now on.\n<PERSON> delivers my favorite performance of his. I loved his character and felt for him. Same with <PERSON> character.",
"He was great as well. <PERSON> is also a standout. I hope they all receive Oscar nominations for their performances.\nThis is a beautifully shot film. The score and music choices fit like a glove. The film looked and felt like it was made in 1970. The script is really well done and I loved the dialogue. It deserves a nomination for Best Screenplay.\nThis was a pleasant surprise. It's one of the best films of the year. I'd highly recommend it.",
"Run\nHoly shit. This was all kinds of intense and riveting. I find it hard to sit through a movie, no matter how short, without pausing multiple times. With Run I didn’t pause it once. Edge of my seat the entire time.\n<PERSON> is fantastic as always, but honestly this is <PERSON> movie. She is the real star here. The movie is somewhat marketed to be about <PERSON> character...",
"and in some ways it is. But <PERSON> performance knocked <PERSON>’s out of the park. She carried out the more intense, nail-biting and believable acting out of the two. It was her character I was rooting for, and that ending made me whoop and yell “YES GIRL” at my screen because to me, the story was about <PERSON> (<PERSON>) not <PERSON> (<PERSON>).\nI’m really so happy to finally see a movie that features a disabled actor, but also to not have the disability be the defining point of the character’s personality. <PERSON> was manoeuvring through stunts just like any able-bodied actor, giving a badass character an equally badass performance, and displaying representation to a whole group of people who we rarely get to see on screen (or, if we do, are usually performed by actors without a disability). I just know this alone will mean a lot to the disabled community.\nAnd, aside from the script suffering with a little bit of predictability, the film overall was pretty great. I really enjoyed it, and I didn’t have many issues at all with it. I’m definitely going to be keeping an eye on the team that made this.",
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"How about some of the words that describe groups which actually were known for this (or similar) intimidation tactics, one video game/psychology theory, and a common troupe. The first and last are very common terms/legends used for this while the second provides some names used for this behavior based on a psycho-analyst model:\núlfheðnar and <PERSON> & the Kaikusi Yumu\nThough originally two groups these are now both more commonly lumped together and referred to as Berserkers. These were two shamanic groups which were known to invoke an animal totem/spirit (the wolf and bear) to intimidate their enemies and build themselves into a rage state which helped to dehumanize themselves (making brutality easier and lessening the effects of fear) and creating an altered-state which allowed them to ignore pain easier 1 & 2. To do this they would perform rituals which included biting their shields and howling or roaring at the enemies3 (some say it included drinking blood or other self-harm events) before and while heading into battle. It's actually the inspiration for a TV trope known as the screaming warrior which has been used in numerous shows and video games. It was also effective as these warriors became legends which were said to be immune to damage from fire or iron 1 & 2 & 3.\nThese were not the only warriors to invoke animal spirits and practice rituals to build themselves into a rage.",
"Carib warriors would try and be possessed by the Kaikusi-yumu 4 the tiger spirit or tiger demon. This spirit would stay inside him until he ate the heart or drank the blood of a slain enemies.\nJungian Psychology and Persona\nThe Persona video games directly borrow from Jungian Psychology and in these games - you must do something painful to activate your powers (like shot yourself in the head or rip a bloody mask off your face). This comes directly from <PERSON> who postulated that an emotional shock or trauma would split off some of our psyche and create a complex 5.\nSo <PERSON> gives us 4 really cool names based on his archetypes: the Shadow, the Animus and Anima, and the Persona - many of which involve pain (or trauma) to develop further (or more correctly dealing with the trauma). In fact, one of the earliest (no longer followed) of <PERSON>'s methods was to have people relive and retell their trauma in order to deal with and grow - a process called Abreaction.\nOf Terror Knights, Black Knights, and Sith\nMany games and movies/tv, have a class of Knight which use attacks and actions that cause themselves damage in exchange for beneficial or combat effects. Such as Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy, and Star Wars - they are also used in legends and as a representation of <PERSON>. These groups usually use some form of negative energy (whether derived from demons, blood magic, negative emotions, etc) to fuel their spells and abilities and thus either experience a form of blow back from them or actually have to physically damage themselves to even access them.\n1: <PERSON>, Ancient Germanic Warriors: Warrior Styles from Trajan's Column to Icelandic Sagas, Routledge, Aug 2004, pg.38-40\n2: Transforming Warriors: The Ritual Organization of Military Force, Routledge, May 2016, pg.55-57.\n3: <PERSON>, \"Bare or Bear, or, the Story of Berserk\", 2008.\n4: The Anthropology of War, Cambridge University Press, Jul 1990, pg.151-152.\n5: \"A Review of the Complex Theory,\" CW 8, par. 204.",
"One main inspiration for <PERSON> was the Christian Bible. Valinor is a parallelism relating to the likes of Heaven and the Elves who have a very strong resemblance likened to the chosen ones, etc.... All of the books have the prototypical evil vs good story background as does the Bible (as do many other literary sources). Men are corrupted and easily influenced by power and live in the middle earth. <PERSON> was banished, but he returned as Satan was to according to scripture. <PERSON>, the dark overlord and his minions and mordor are all highly resembling of Hell, Satan and Demons.\nAlthough <PERSON> was a devout Christian... He obviously was trying to create a unique story and had an awesome imagination and I don't believe his intentions were to mask the concepts in the Bible as opposed to creating an awesome and truly unique literary work of science fiction. Some other/additional possible influences with the detailed aspects of the races possibly come from Northern Mythology.\nThe ring exhibits a general object of desire. One that is sought after so much that it ultimately and permanently corrupts a soul who is then tortured and tormented at the loss of a material object.",
"Objects of desire in the recorded history of the world tend to lead to wars, murder, etc... I believe this is his main use of the ring as a illustrative tool. Another corollary comes when <PERSON> states (Around 1:24 in The Fellowship of the Ring): \"There is only one Lord of the Ring, there is only one who can bend it to his will and he does not share power.\" Obviously that's a reference to <PERSON> and is illustrative of the concept of <PERSON> and/or God and how they are not subject to the desires of normal man. And just as <PERSON> carried the burden of man and relieved him of his sin - <PERSON> does the same (at least in concept) for all the races of middle earth. I'm not aware of any prior works that have a similar concept of a single ring aside from what's already been mentioned in the other answers.\nHere is a excerpt from the link below:\nReligious influences\n<PERSON> once described The Lord of the Rings to his friend, the English Jesuit Father <PERSON>, as \"a fundamentally religious and Catholic work, unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision.\"1 Many theological themes underlie the narrative, including the battle of good versus evil, the triumph of humility over pride, and the activity of grace, as seen with <PERSON>'s pity toward <PERSON>. In addition the epic includes the themes of death and immortality, mercy and pity, resurrection, salvation, repentance, self-sacrifice, free will, justice, fellowship, authority and healing. <PERSON> mentions the Lord's Prayer, especially the line \"And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil\" in connection with <PERSON>'s struggles against the power of the One Ring. <PERSON> has also said “Of course God is in The Lord of the Rings. The period was pre-Christian, but it was a monotheistic world” and when questioned who was the One God of Middle-earth, <PERSON> replied “The one, of course! The book is about the world that God created – the actual world of this planet.”\nCheck this link:\nWikipedia - Tolkien Influences",
"I think there is an anime exploring that idea. The Church would wield much more power- and most likely that Church would be Catholic or Orthodox as it already possess sacraments (physical things transmitting spiritual power) which that could fight them. They also both have a fairly centralized organization that is Global. Many Protestant Churches are not like this and may be overshadowed or simply unable to coordinate any meaningful resistance. It will have well trained exorcists already capable of fighting other evils. Sacramentals are the physical elements which are used to dispense the sacraments.",
"You could even combine blessed holy water or the relics of a Saint with Weapons (a Sword, or Gun's bullets..?) Vocations to the Priesthood would increase dramatically and all of a sudden people would give the Church heed on moral stances on sin.\nDeacons, men having some vows but not fully priests, would probably become almost warrior like because they can handle some of the responsibilities of a priest (other than administering sacraments).\nGovernments would probably start trying to meddle in Church affairs again because Bishops are once again influential, powerful leaders. They'll start trying to appoint their favorite candidates for Bishop- this could lead to increased corruption. There would be a struggle for autonomy for the Church. On the plus side for the Church, they can make demands of secular governments and society.\nAreas where the Church is already powerful will be the most protected in the short term and may become bases of operations from which to launch re-conquests of Vampire held areas. (example: Italy may be used to reconquer Northern Europe with Poland's help..)\nSuperstitions and the growing new Paganism may collapse if they can't replicate any of the power that the Church has. It may validate the existence and power of the God of <PERSON>.\nI'd look to how the Church grew in influence at the beginning of the Dark Ages as a model for the transition from now to your setting as one reason it was like that was that Bishops were the only Roman officials who didn't abandon their stations; people rallied around their leadership.",
"Little effect on classical/medieval tactics (they had similar items already)\n<PERSON> & <PERSON> (Greek Fire & artillery)\nFirst, I'm ignoring using fire in windy conditions.\nAs this is one of the main weaknesses of fire as a weapon. Due to the fact that wind could cause the smoke & even the fire itself (if not the spell then the stuff it lite on fire) to turn back at your own army. While rain would prevent you from lighting structures on fire defeating the main purpose. You simply would not use fire in windy or bad weather conditions.\n<PERSON>\nTo start with firecone wizards: Greek Fire was a known substance during the classical period which allowed for the first real flamethrowers (though there were thermo-based weapons before this). It was a powerful weapon which could not be put out with water alone (it actually burned on the water).\nNow at the 800-2000 degree (F, 1000 C) range - this would not really effect the tactics in use during the periods you proposed as Greek Fire tubes were about this temperature and with much greater ranges1. Again, these were limited due to the fact that they could not be used during bad weather and armies developed tactics to counter it including soaking hides or leather armor in vinegar to prevent ships from burning.\nNow most stone melts at 2750 F, so anything over 2000F (1000C) could be a game changer. Destroying naval ships and melting castle walls. Except, the Middle Ages already had a similar game changer in the form of cannons. So it might lead to Bastion or Star forts being developed earlier and other anti-cannon tactics just coming sooner.\nFirebolt\nNow as to firebolt wizards, we called these grenadiers.",
"And these wizards were great at storing Greek fire in stone, ceramic, or glass jars to then lob firebolts into their enemies2. And again cannons, trebuchets, and catapults were already effective weapons which forced armies to develop tactics to protect their personnel & structures against them.\nSo again, at the same temperatures as mentioned earlier, the tactics developed against grenadiers & catapults (anti-personnel weapons) would be employed with these. While the tactics developed to protect against trebuchet & cannons (full artillery) would be employed against the other.\nPossible high damage but not a lot of effect - Ice\nOkay, you hit hypothermia way before your blood freezes and I assume that froze blood would be an unpleasant way to die - presuming that armor doesn't stop it. However, then you've only taken out 10 people per wizard.\nThe biggest advantage of this would be the fact that it is not effected by weather - meaning you could just snipe people on top of castle walls (in a full storm). Deadly but limited potential. Further, they would just start putting shields in front of themselves, arrow slits, or use other tactics which they had for dart launchers (i.e. catapults).\nDestructive today - devastating during classical/medieval period\nTornado\nHurricane Dorian had sustained winds of 185 mph during its peak - this would be sending a high category hurricane against the enemy. Damage - look at hurricane aftermath or just imagine trying to ride on a horse, in full armor, through one.\nSources\n1: <PERSON>, <PERSON> (2006), \"\"Greek fire\" revisited: recent and current research\", in <PERSON>, <PERSON> (ed.), Byzantine Style, Religion and Civilization: In Honour of Sir Steven Runciman, Cambridge University Press, pp. 290–325, ISBN 978-0-521-83445-2\n2: <PERSON>: \"Studies in Ancient Technology,\" Leiden 1993, ISBN 978-90-04-00621-8, p. 107",
"I seem to recall a ritualistic which <PERSON> was \"reborn\" a spirit without a body is for all intents and purposes dead. Reinhabiting a body... any body after being removed from your original body makes you undead. The use of powerful magics to bind the soul to an object before death seems (even in standard D&D Liches) to be a precursor to the Lichdom. If a wizard can't very well wait until they are already dead to create a Phylactary. We must ask ourselves, would <PERSON> EVER have died? If the answer is no, then he is clearly either divine, demonic, or undead. <PERSON> is how a Lich begins. An unnatural act to avoid death by a powerful Wizard. A d&d wizard who createds a Phylactary by whatever infernal magics puts their soul there. <PERSON> was not the first to do such a thing, he was the first to make multiple Phylacraries in the <PERSON> world. Nothing would stop a D&D Wizard from doing the same, provided he could find a way to divide his soul. Other clues that <PERSON> is undead are that he survives the destruction of his body.",
"A lich, once the body is destroyed, will reform after a time, just as <PERSON> did. Their soul will be protected (or trapped) by their Phylactery and they will experience exactly what <PERSON> describes. No death, especially not in the permanent sense, but also not really alive. <PERSON> is a Lich whose body was destroyed who reformed that Body (as Liches are want to do) and wasn't able to be defeated until his Phylacteries (Horcruxes) were destroyed... honestly it's a basic <PERSON> plot-line in D&D. The only debate here comes from <PERSON> fans who either want to idolize <PERSON>, saying she didn't have any inspiration or want to avoid admitting that <PERSON> is fantasy just like Lord of the Rings... btw, while we're at it, <PERSON> is where the fantasy genesis of the <PERSON> comes from his Phylactary is the One Ring. Remember in The Hobbit, he was merely called \"<PERSON>.\"\nIt all comes from LoTR, the granddaddy of D&D, Wheel of Time, the modern fantasy concept of elves and dwarves, Star Wars, and Harry Potter. Yep potterites, I guarantee you'd love picking up a Polyhedron and building your own Wizard. You'll recognize all the spells that are used in Harry Potter. Although I'd probably recommend more fireballs than disarming telekinesis... but that's up to you. Hey <PERSON> is a great PowerWord Kill, don't you think?",
"Assuming WWI or 2-ish technology: just use the mechanisms they already used and had for these types of weapons:\nTrip Wires or Electronic fuses\nTrip wires were commonly used with mines as an activation mechanism. This concept works with a hoover craft as well. The disadvantage of trip wire was it was easier to see than a standard pressure sensor and as the location of the \"trip wire\" might need to be altered (raised) this disadvantage would increase. However, its still possible as one could disguise them in the barbed wire which littered the \"deadman's land\" fields that trench warefare used. I would also set this up as a daisy chain of mines to improve the chances of disabling or even just hitting this quick vehicle.\nOn a similar note, which would be more accurate but also more dangerous for troops.",
"You could set up a electronic fuse (think the old TNT \"plunger\") which a solider would trigger once the vehicle was over the mines.\nRadio Activated Mines\nThis became more of an issue in modern warefare (and with IDEs) but radio activated mines are a real thing. The radio technology of WWI required pretty big comm equipment which was usually transported by horse or mule1 but, as trench warefare was largely static, it is conceivable that a few stations could be setup which allow for activating a mine. The range and low development of radio technology would make these much less reliable than fuses but the ability to be farther away and not have to disguise wires themselves certainly makes this an interesting tactical option.\nMagnetic Mines\nThese were actually developed during WWI but did not see much action until WWII (and then only as a Naval weapon)2. However, if these hovercraft are seen as a potent threat and weapon it makes sense that this weapons development would be accelerated and a ground-based version developed.\n1: \"Golden Age of Radio in the US\", Radio on the Frontlines exhibition. Digital Public Library of America.\n2: <PERSON>, <PERSON>, \"Naval Weapons of World War Two\" (London, UK: Conway Maritime Press, 1985)",
"As a counter-point to <PERSON>'s answer: God can have a story arc albeit one with an obvious victor. For example: the Christian God <PERSON> takes human form (with the name <PERSON>) in the books Matthew, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, and <PERSON>. Since he is omnipotent there is no evenly matched opponent however there is an introduction, a goal, a journey, build up, a climax, and a resolution. There's even suspense at a few points.\n<PERSON> had a desire (to save humanity) and antagonists (namely the pharisees) which stood in the way of the goal. Granted he was never frustrated by their attempts but certainly this qualifies as a story.\nAlthough there are plenty of conflicts, all of them are one-sided. The trick questions given by the pharisees are easily and immediately answered.",
"And if you read the back story (the Old Testament) you'd know that by definition (of omnipotent) God can't fail. Which forms a weird plot armor in that we know that <PERSON> will die but he will also always succeed (even if painful). And that no force can even slow him down with temptation and death happening exactly as expected. And this exactly what we would expect from an omnipotent main character: people stand in his way but it in no ways hinders his progress.\nStories of a utopia are about a perfect place, writing about a perfect person has some similarities. Writing about a perfect place could have a purpose of \"this is the perfect place and we should strive to make our society just like it\" likewise writing about a perfect person could have the purpose \"this is how a perfect person acts and we should all strive to be like him\".\nPretty much the only stories about a perfect person are wrapped in either religion or philosophy because generally speaking these stories aren't as popular. A lack of challenge is considered boring and of course no reader can relate to a perfect person.\nMy answer answers \"can it be done\" (yes) and \"why would it be done\" for a perfect all powerful main character. As for viewpoint: it exists and is called an omniscient third person narrator (whether the narrator is a god or not).",
"Sounds like \"Nature's End\" by <PERSON> & <PERSON>\n* Explosive population growth\n+Ironically (as I type the actual world population is quoted as 7.12 Billion according to The US Census Bureau) this is set at \"over 7 Billion\" but the \"Depopulationist Manifesto\" is quoted as saying \"The reason that life on earth is in danger of destruction is that there is an overpopulation of human beings\".\n* Widespread global pollution\n+The first chapter has the son \"<PERSON>\" of the main POV character \"<PERSON>\" dying trying to save others \"in the Denver pollution catastrophe of 2021\".\n* one of the antagonists is a cult leader who preaches to people to voluntarily commit suicide to reduce burden on society\n+This character is <PERSON>\" the head of the \"Depopulationist Movement\". \"Every person who joins the Depopulation will gain much from his death and rise far in his next life.\"\n* There is some backdrop story to this antagonist in which he is revealed to be a sadist torturing little animals\n+\"Once I got a cat and tied it by its tail under the window, and cut a small slit in its belly.",
"It screamed and squirmed about, and once in a while I would stick my fingers inside -\"\n* The protagonist races against time to find a solution for the pollution which is becoming lethal\n+This is the only thing that doesn't compute. They are racing to complete a \"conviction\" - a computer simulacrum of a personality which can be questioned and will always tell the truth about the person it is simulating.\n* he uses notes from his late son who was a researcher in the field to follow a trail. The research notes are in a data pad that self erases if certain questions, devised by his son, are not answered when reading it\n+This follows the description of <PERSON>'s datafiles exactly, although I can't find the quote.\n* the solution he finds at the end is a secret lab that has been growing super-intelligent next generation kids who have the potential to solve all the problems.\n+It's not a lab, but a secret community of hyper-intelligent children and uplifted apes call \"Magic\".\nIncidentally, this is one of my favourite books! :)",
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"I have played through the scenarios in the rulebook of the both Battlelore and C&C Ancients, and ultimately I found that I enjoy Ancients more. This review is an attempt to explain my preference.\nComponents: I will concede that Battlelore wins the battle of the components because it is lavishly overproduced. However, Ancients does have some positive qualities as well.\nI am not a painter, nor do I wish to spend my time painting plastic miniatures. Thus, I found the wooden blocks to be preferable. The blocks are attractive, easier to move, and easier to store than the Battlelore miniatures. However, in all other aspects Battlelore has superior components.\nThe terrain tiles, cards, and board of Battlelore are more substantial, more attractive, and ultimately, I suspect, more durable. The reference cards, card racks, and removable flags are all great touches and make the game feel really polished.\nGameplay: Here is where Ancients soundly thrashes Battlelore. The differences in mechanics between the two games are subtle, but these differences ultimately make Ancients a deeper game from a tactical and strategic standpoint. Overall, I'm impressed by how Ancients consistently rewards skillful play. Here is a breakdown of the mechanical differences that I found most significant:\nEvade/Retreat: In Ancients, you can evade an attack. This option is not available in Battlelore. Choosing when to evade is critical, not only because it decreases the likelihood you will suffer casualties (if you evade, the attacker only scores a hit by rolling your unit color symbol), but because the retreat rules truly punish you. In Ancients, units retreat their full movement which means a retreat is more likely to break up a line, you are more likely to lose units during a retreat, and the retreating unit is much more likely to be left in a position where you have to use valuable command cards to bring it back into a relevant position on the board.\nIn contrast, retreats in Battlelore are not serious drawbacks and I often find that I can retreat into a supported position.\nBattleback: In Ancients all units can battle back. This makes combat much more intense and exciting. Will you wipe out the last heavy infantry unit with your warriors or will the infantry be able to battle back with 5 dice? Tense stuff!\nIn contrast, Battlelore provides that only \"bold\" units can battle back.",
"Units are typically bold when they are supported or have advantageous terrain, and of course, dwarves are always bold. This means that you want to take advantage of unsupported units and create isolated units whenever possible. It is simply not very tense attacking a foe that can't fight back - this feels artificially \"gamey\".\nBattlelore uses the boldness rule to encourage you to form little \"knots\" of supported units. This is like hitting you over the head with a 2 x 4. If you don't do this you will die! If you isolate your opponent's units you will win! Smash! Boom! Ow!\nAncients rewards good formations but more subtlety. Supported units can ignore 1 flag which is simple enough. However, Ancients rewards good troop management in another way as well, through a more intriguing command deck.\nCommand Cards: The command cards in Ancients offer more rewards for creating strong formations, and they also reward a player who wisely utilizes his leaders. The deck feels more balanced and does a superior job of allowing me to feel like a general maneuvering his troops into position to play the decisive card. The special cards are well chosen and well balanced.\nIn Battlelore, the command deck is clearly overshadowed by the lore deck. Many of the great effects of the Ancient command cards, such as First strike and Rally, have been ported over to lore cards. The are replaced by scout cards which affords a player a way (albeit a rather boring way - move 1 unit, draw 2 command cards at the end of your turn, keep one of them) to get better command card quality in his hand.\nBy porting over the dramatic and exciting command cards of Ancients to the lore deck, the importance of the command deck is diminished, and I think that is unfortunate. Wisely using and timing the play of command cards is the most enjoyable aspect of the game to me.\nThe Ancients command deck creates also seems to create more intriguing and tense battles. I recognize that a lot of the elements that I enjoy in the Ancients command deck are picked up on and expanded by the lore deck; however, the effects in the Ancients deck are in every game and they are well chosen. The lore deck is somewhat of a crapshoot in comparison, and games can be much more uneven because of this.\nOne person may call this replayability, another person may call it randomness. I simply find that there is a greater opportunity to grow as a player with a the Ancient command deck versus the Battlelore lore deck.\nI guess it could be akin to mastering bridge versus poker.",
"...and the obligatory \"This is my first review please be gentle!!!\" clause.\n“Small World is a fun, zany, light-hearted civilization game in which 2-5 players vie for conquest and control of a board that is simply too small to accommodate them all!” A retheme of <PERSON> Vinci, Small World(also done by <PERSON>) is a territory control game where races rise and fall while conquering the board. In simplest terms, the game is a territory control game where the limiting factor is the number of units available to you. However, upon a deeper look, the game reveals much much more.\n...and end the canned description.\nI have never played <PERSON> and no point of comparison to the game Small World is inspired by. Perhaps this is good, perhaps this is bad, but at least I'm judging Small World on its own merits alone.\nProduction Values\nSmall World has its share of bits. In standard Days of Wonder fare, everything is of high quality. All of the pieces are printed in full color on stocky cardboard. The pieces come off easily from the sprues. No fear of ripping here! Perhaps the highest compliment to Days of Wonder is that the storage of all of the bits is beyond fantastic. Every chit has a compartment, every piece has a spot. Days of Wonder hit this one out of the park.\nGameplay\nIn my opinion, the recipe for a good game includes simplicity, hidden complexity, and elegance. Small World delivers on all of these fronts. The game is remarkably simple to teach and learn. Within 15 minutes, a game will be up and running with few to no questions. The shortened version of the rules are simply: You gain territories by placing 2 more of your tokens than tokens currently there. Gain one point for every territory you control. 1 of each enemy in a conquered territory is returned to the box. The others are redistributed at the end of the active player's turn.\nThis very simple and elegant mechanic is made complex by the random combination of powers/races that may appear and by the concept of sending races into decline.",
"A game containing Heroic Amazons is very different than one containing Stout Amazons is different from one containing Flying Amazons. Even if you have one of the best combos possible, eventually your race will be overextended and will not be able to effectively defend itself. At that point, it might be prudent to send your active race into decline. This means you remove all but one of your pieces from each territory you control. Additionally, select and new race/power combo to champion. The timing of this action is a crucial decision as it is often the only way to bring more troops onto the board.\nReplayability\nGiven the random combinations of races/powers there is already a ton of replayability inherent to the game. With 14 races and 20 powers, there are 280 combinations. The optimal strategies change when different race/power combinations hit the board, so there's a lot to think about. Furthermore, the game comes with 4 boards: one for 2 players, one for 3 players, etc.\nUnlike some other games, Small World's lighthearted charm is an invitation to play more. In a game where the game hinges around player versus player conflict it might be easy to demoralize players after repeated thrashings. However the mood of the game is charming and amusing. Even if you are losing terribly, see such ridiculous combinations as Hill Tritons or Commando Giants is enough to elicit a chuckle.\nComplaints\nNo game is perfect, and alas there are a couple of things that are a bit odd about Small World. Invariably, with so many possible combinations there can be balance issues. Most notable are perhaps Spirit Ghouls and Flying Sorcerers. However given the rarity that these occur, the small fault is forgivable.\nAlso, the game has a ton of little bits! The usual problems with these arise, be careful lest the vacuum, pet dog, or sofa monster kidnap half of your game.\nOverall\nThe game is a refreshing light-hearted affair with hidden complexity that invites the player back for more. It is simple enough to teach someone new to gaming within minutes yet complex enough to allow two chess masters to slug it out. With the elegance of mechanics, depth of play, and quality of production, it is hard to not recommend Small World.",
"The Bottom Line\nTaluva is a tile placement game with original mechanics that nevertheless manages to feel reminiscent of other Euros, and, as such, the game suffers from a bit of Euro-fatigue. If you can get past this, however, you will discover an excellent medium weight game that plays in less than an hour with beautiful components. I highly recommend it.\nThe Rules\nIn Taluva players represent either Gods or Chieftains, who are trying to spread their people across the island and to erect temples and towers. Players start the game with a pool of three different types of structures: Towers (2), Temples (3), and Huts (many). The winner of the game is the one who plays the most Temples with ties broken by most Towers, then by most Huts. A player can also win immediately by getting rid of all structures of any two kinds from his pool. A player can also be eliminated if he or she cannot make a legal play, however, it seems like this will be a very rare occurance.\nThe gameplay is as follows:\n1) Place Tile – The player draws a tile from the face down supply and places it on the island. Each tile consists of three hexagons arranged in a triangular pattern.\nOne of the hexagons will always be a volcano. The other two will be randomly distributed between lakes, forest, mountain, plain, and dessert. A tile may be placed in one of two ways:\n1a) A tile may be added onto the periphery of the island. All a tile has to do is touch another tile and it is a legal play. Landscapes do not need to match up.\n1b) A tile may be played on top of other tiles so long as the volcano on the tile is played on top of another volcano, and “flows in a different direction” (which just means the tile must be played on top of portions of two tiles, it can’t just overlap one tile.) And so long as it does not cover up a Temple or a Tower, or completely cover up a settlement (see below for definition of a settlement). Huts can be covered up, and when they are they are removed from the game and set aside. They do not go back to the controlling player.\n2) Place Structures – One type of structure may be placed from the player's pool according to the following rules.\n2a) Huts – A hut can be placed on any none volcano hex on the first level of the island. If a hut is placed in isolation then it begins a new settlement. A settlement is any set of adjacent structures all of the same color. Instead of beginning a new settlement a hut can also be used to expand an existing settlement. When expanding, a particular terrain type is chosen, and huts are placed on all hexes of that terrain which border on the settlement to be expanded.",
"When huts are placed on the second level of the island then two huts can occupy a hex and similarly for the third level.\n2b) Temples – One temple may be placed per settlement. A temple may only be placed once the settlement reaches a size equal to three structures or greater. Temples can be placed on any level and cannot be covered by volcanoes.\n2c) Towers – One tower may be placed per settlement. A tower may only be placed on the third level of the island. Towers cannot be covered by volcanoes.\nThe Components\nThe components to this game are first rate, truly beautiful. Seriously, I haven’t seen better components made out of wood and cardboard in a game. The cardboard tiles are THICK and durable. The artwork on an individual tile is attractive. The wooden structures are intricate, much more so than the usual 2D shapes we see in euro games.\nThe only possible complaint is that the emergent board tends to look pretty busy. It doesn’t have the large scale beauty of a Tikal board for example. However, this is an aesthetic complaint only. It does NOT detract from gameplay. When playing the game it is always easy to extract the information you need from the board.\nOverall the components are top shelf. You could not ask for better. Plus, I personally find the box front to be an attractive and engaging design.\nThe Theme to Mechanics Integration\nThis is where the “Euroness” of the game comes through. There is simply not much integration between the theme and the mechanics. Why can’t temples or towers be volcanoed? Or why would a volcano spare the last hut in a village? Why can you expand onto, for example, three forests but only one plain? And why can more huts be built higher up?\nNone of these things make much sense given the theme, but to me that’s ok. The mechanics of the game are highly developed and balanced. It’s clear that a lot of testing went into the design.",
"Sun of York\nA game for 2 players designed by <PERSON>, and published by GMT Games\n“Now is the winter of our discontent\nMade glorious summer by this son of <PERSON>;\nAnd all the clouds that low'r'd upon our house\nIn the deep bosom of the ocean buried.”\n― Richard The Third Act 1, scene 1, 1–4\nIntroduction\nThere was a time where collectible card games were a hot new thing. Magic the Gathering is still the complete king, nay, emperor, of that domain, but it also spawned not a few card games the include either a deck building or deck construction mechanic.\nI played a few of them. I tried and actually liked from Columbia, but as the ACW isn't a subject of great interest to me, it kind of came and went.\nI've always liked the idea of a card based wargame without a map having the forces and terrain deployed on a table top, and then resolving the action through the play of cards. There are lots of games in this general category. There's two series by Columbia, the aforementioned Dixie and their . can arguably be included. despite not being a card game has a similar idea of an abstracted terrain.\nSo how does the idea of an abstracted card version of the War of the Roses translate into game play? Let's find out.\nComponents, Rules, and Gameplay\nThe game comes with two deck of cards, one for the Lancastrians and one for the Yorkists.\nIt also comes with some dice, counters for marking specific kinds of information, the rules, and a pair of player aid cards.\nThe cards are nicely done and the information on them is nice and clear and easy to read.\nThe game includes 20 (!!) scenarios and a set of campaign rules for those who want to keep track of their progress (or lack thereof). There is also a nice simple rule for playing random scenarios.\nThe players set themselves up with a virtual field of play that has a left and right flank, and in the centre are three rows battle zones split into left, centre, and right.\nThis lovely custom playing mat from <PERSON> showcases it nicely:\nEach turn is split into four phases: morale checks, combat, movement, and a discard phase. To win the game, you need to capture the centre rear space of your opponent, or both the left and right rear positions.\nThe initial deployment has each player take out the leader and terrain cards specified from the scenario and into the spaces they're assigned to, and then draws 16 more cards from their remaining deck to be deployed as they see fit.",
"You then flip it all face up and have at it.\nThe rules are relatively straightforward and everything you need to know about moving, engaging, fighting, and flanking are all easily found and explained in the rulebook.\nConclusions\nSun of York was a game I really wanted to like, but ultimately it left me unsatisfied. The fault likes not with the game itself, but rather my likes and desires in a game. As I stated in the introduction, I like the idea of an abstracted card game of a battle, but the reality is that I really want to have a map with units and terrain.\nThe deck contains a random mix of units, terrain, and leaders. There are some special event cards that you can play as well. This means that no two scenarios will be alike, yes, but also means that you can get completely ahistorical results.\nI may be overly picky on this point. I'm no scholar of the War of the Roses, and I'm not going to be able to point expertly at how the way combat is resolved in this game is a poor simulation of how archers behaved in this era. However, I don't get a strong sense of time and place with this game, and I could just as easily be playing a generic card game with soldiers and archers and leaders.\nIt's clear then that my preference for having a map and units to help me conceptualize what's going on in front of me. And that's no indictment of Sun of York, it just doesn't make it a game for me.\nIf you like card games like this, and you like this era, it's a solid entry in the genre.\nThank you for reading this latest installment of Roger's Reviews. I've been an avid board gamer all my life and a wargamer for over thirty years. I have a strong preference for well designed games that allow players to focus on trying to make good decisions.\nAmong my favorites I include , the , the , , , , , and\nYou can subscribe to my reviews at this geeklist: and I also encourage you to purchase this very stylish microbadge:",
"I'm a picky gamer so it takes a lot to get me excited about a new game. Every now and again one comes down the pike that makes me eager for the next session. I think the last game that got me this excited to play again was probably Panamax. So let's dive in..\n1) Disclaimer: I need to make two disclaimers. The first is that I only have a single play under my belt. The second is that I played Teotihuacan using a mod on Tabletop Simulator, with a downloaded copy of the rule book from BGG. As a note to the designers (and designers everywhere), immediately after finishing the game, I hopped on Amazon and pre-ordered a copy. Online play remains my favorite way to learn new games and the most likely way for me to purchase a physical copy.\n2) Components: Since I've only played it online, I can't comment on the quality of the components. However, TTS uses scanned images of the actual graphics, and I can say they are gorgeous, easy on the eyes, well laid out, and have moderately easy to grok iconography. There are no language dependent cards for those playing in a multilingual group.\n3) Rules: The rule book is well written with no glaring ambiguities. I have a few lingering questions about tile interactions that I've posted in the rules forum, but over all learning the game from the book was not a chore.\n4) Mechanics: For long time gamers, the mechanics of Teotihuacan will feel comfortably familiar, but also fresh enough to justify being a new game.",
"This to me is a perfect combination because it makes a game that has a decent amount of heft and complexity relatively easy to learn and teach.\nThe heart of the game involves moving workers (in the form of dice) up to three action spaces per turn. The cost of taking an action goes up depending on how many other players already have dice there, and the power of the action goes up if you already have your own dice there. Timing your actions to save money (in the form of cocoa) adds one layer that makes every decision more consequential, and thus more interesting. Timing your actions to focus your workers on the same action adds another.\nThis is a point salad game, with multiple paths to victory. The most obvious involves contributing to the building of the Pyramid of the Sun, but there are many other strategic paths you can take as well.\nIn the process you'll have to manage your resources - wood, stone, gold, and cocoa, along with the most precious resource of them all - time. Periodically the game is interrupted by a solar eclipse which triggers a scoring round. There is some variability in the timing of the eclipses, but you'll have plenty of notice. After the 3rd eclipse (or when the pyramid is completed) there is a final scoring round and the game ends.\n5) Pacing: Turns consist of \"pick a die, move it, take an action, next!\" Pacing is fairly quick with not a lot of downtime in between turns (another important consideration for me). Each round the game moves one step closer to the inevitable eclipse, creating a maximum turn length, but player actions can also hasten the process so there is some player control over game length as well.\n6) Theme: For the most part, the theme felt organic. I understand that early on in the development process there were some questionable marketing choices but those seem to have been corrected. There is one aspect of building the pyramid that seems a bit pasted on, but creates interesting game play decisions and wasn't so far removed from the game as to be immersion breaking for me.",
"Power Grid – <PERSON>’s Fiddly Funkenschlag Flop\nI generally agree with the masses, the BoardGameGeek masses that is. I heartily concur with the thousands of people who have voted Tigris & Euphrates, El Grande, Caylus, Ra, and Age of Steam into the Top 10 on BGG. My tastes and those of BGG at large very rarely diverge, but Power Grid stands out as the most prominent instance of this rare occurrence. Let me start out by saying that I have a profound respect for the design of Power Grid. I think that <PERSON> did an outstanding job of interweaving various clever mechanics into a well-balanced game. The supply-and-demand market system for resources is particularly nicely done, and an admirable feat in game design. However, I analogize the respect I have for <PERSON>’s design to the respect I have for classic games such as Chess and Go, or the respect I have for classical music such as <PERSON> or <PERSON>. To be clear, I don’t think that Power Grid nearly rises to the level of any of those four masterpieces, but the similarity lies in the fact that while I respect and appreciate the design of each, I simply do not enjoy playing (or listening to) them whatsoever. I don’t intend to write many negative game reviews; not because I have something against them (they can actually be quite useful to people one a limited budget), but rather just because I rarely find a game I don’t like. In this case though, I think it may be worthwhile for me to explain the shortcomings, as I see them, of Power Grid.\nFirst things first, what will you get in the box and what is it going to cost you? Power Grid comes with a double-sided game board, 132 wooden houses (22 in six different colors), 84 wooden resource tokens (representing coal, oil, garbage, and uranium), paper money, 5 rules summary cards, and 43 power plant cards. Power Grid retails for $44.95, and is published in the United States by Rio Grande Games. The components of Power Grid are generally very good. The double-sided game board is a nice touch, and certainly something that I’d like to see more games (e.g., Ticket to Ride) include to increase replayability. The board has Germany on one side and the United States on the other, which provides excellent variety that many eurogames with maps lack. The paper money leaves something to be desired, but could easily be replaced by poker chips. Finally, one minor complaint with the components is that the wooden resource tokens representing oil are completely round (as opposed to the garbage tokens which have flat edges), and consequently tend to roll off the table quite frequently. Nonetheless, the components are generally well done, especially the double-sided game board.\nSo what are you doing with all this coal and oil for 90 minutes? The goal of Power Grid is to be able to supply power to more cities than any of your opponents by the time the game ends.",
"In order to supply power to cities you will need to do three things. First, you will need to buy power plants. Second, you will need to buy resources to run those plants. Third, you will need to claim cities on the map as the target for your power. My first complaint is with the instruction booklet for the game, which makes the game seem much more convoluted than it really is. The game simply comes down to building power plants, buying resources, and claiming cities, but the instructions are nearly impenetrable. This complaint is minor however, because most instructions for eurogames make the games seem far more complicated than they really are. Nonetheless, prospective Power Grid players should be forewarned that the instructions may take some time to digest.\nThe game is divided into 5 phases. First, determine player order (which will affect the order in which you build power plants, buy resources, and claim cities). This is done by putting players in order by the number of cities they have claimed (highest to lowest). This may sound like the player is already ahead because they have the most cities will have an advantage, but the reality is actually the reverse because many of the phases are conducted in reverse order. This is my second complaint with the game. The determination of player order is a huge “catch-up” mechanic to prevent a runaway leader and ensure that the results of every single game are extremely close. I don’t mind catch-up mechanics in general. I think the removal of rings in YINSH and income reduction in Age of Steam are both great examples of catch-up mechanics done right. However, in this case I think the catch-up mechanic is simply too extreme. It is so extreme in fact that players often strive to be in “last place” so that they can be last in player order.",
"I can't shake the feeling that it is too early for my to write this post. The two initial War Stories games are not yet in general release. As a Kickstarter backer, I was able to pick up my copies at WBC a couple weeks ago, but there are very few copies out there. The rulebooks have only just been posted online. We know the development of the system has been fraught with calamity, and in fact given the snapshots of the system revealed over the last couple years it has gone through dramatic changes right up until publication. What does all this mean?\nMy first impression, upon tearing into the shrinkwrap at WBC, was one of overwhelming quality. From the graphic design to the component specs, this is a top-notch production. Solidly thick boards and overlays, uniformly painted blocks, attractive and high utility stickers, rules in full color, sturdy combination play aids and screens -- few among us indeed would be disappointed upon opening the box. I read the rules and aside from a couple ambiguities I was champing at the bit to get this to the table.\nPlease note, I am putting the photos in this review in spoiler tags, since they reveal information about the Soviet side in the first scenario.\nBut what does War Stories bring to the table that other WW2 tactical systems do not? \"Fog of war\" seems to be the order of the day. Using stickered blocks as playing pieces hearkens back to the dawn of the wargame age and is nothing new, but these scenarios and systems have been designed to keep you in the dark about your opponent's intentions and capabilities to a level rarely seen in the hobby. You are from the start discouraged from reading through the scenario book; you are instructed to read only the description for the scenario you are playing, and only for the side you are playing. Each side has their own book detailing only their own set up and objectives; your opponent is a mystery. An event deck is constructed with some cards seeded by each player; this will act as a timer with a \"game over\" card near the bottom. Other cards detail assets which are secretly assigned to units, representing things like APCR ammo or Molotov cocktails.\nNothing changes how one approaches a tactical situation more than a lack of information. So far, so good, then. War Stories goes out of its way to remove as much information as it can before play.",
"In fact, in the two games I have played to date, my opponent and I agreed to reveal as little as necessary during the game. Obviously this requires adhering to an \"honor system\" so that one can properly apply modifiers like the downshift for firing at extended range, but in all we did not find playing under these conditions cumbersome.\nOther reviews will give a better overview of the mechanics of play, but I will summarize here. In turn players play an Orders chip to activate some of their units to fire, move, or rally. Infantry units that act are \"spent\"; weapons teams and vehicles are not. Vehicles have three \"modes\": fire, move, and support (which allows a little of both). After orders, a player is given a number of \"regroups\" which ready a spent infantry unit or change the mode of a vehicle.\nAlthough the board is divided into the usual hexes, these hexes are grouped into larger areas. Terrain overlays alter these area designations, with more difficult terrain grouping hexes into smaller (even one-hex) areas. Movement is generally by area, although \"reduced\" movement (due to suppression, casualties, etc.) is by hex instead. There is no terrain chart, because movement costs are built in to the map. This alone makes War Stories an advance in the state of the art.\nFire combat is resolved by counting the range to the target in hexes and pulling one of a couple dozen \"combat chips\" from a bag. Each chip has an infantry-target and vehicle-target size. You scan the chip for the band matching the firing range, then shift up or down for a variety of factors (notably weapon strength and terrain). The band you finally land in gives the combat result, from misses to suppression, reduction, and elimination. Some chips provoke the draw of an event card mid-resolution; this can only happen once per turn, and the turning of an event card acts as a timekeeper as well.\nRally and close combat both use a simple morale system where a chip is drawn as above and its \"valor\" value is checked against or added to that of the unit. Close combat is especially contentious: if a unit does not kill its opponent, it automatically takes casualties as well.\nAll of this sounds fairly clear and straightforward, and it is -- except when it's not. We had a dozen questions concerning things ambiguous, contradictory, or outright missing in the rules from our first play.",
"Based on a quick glance, at the time of this writing, there are already 40 reviews of Twilight Struggle posted.\nSo I asked myself, rhetorically, \"Self, does the world really really need another review of this game?\"\nMy Self responded, \"Well, if you want to eventually earn your silver reviewer microbadge...\", but that's beside the point.\nI decided to write this review because Twilight Struggle has not only become my favorite game, but also is one of very few games I'm passionate about.\nSo, without further ado, I present... Twilight Struggle\nTwilight Struggle is a card driven wargame set in the cold war and spans the period from 1945, just after the end of WWII, to 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down.\nRules\nThe rules are available at GMT's website. The rules are generally clear and well written. Like any game, there are some nuances that you need to be careful of (simple example - required military ops only accrue if you stage coups or through the play of specific war cards in the deck.\nComponents\nThe components are of very good quality.\nThe map is thick cardboard and has lived up well to repeated playings. Getting it to lie flat has not been an issue. Some users have suggested using plexiglass over the board.\nThere are 110 cards in the game representing different events during the span of the Cold War. The cards span three eras: early war, mid war, and late war. The mid war deck being the largest of the three. Although the cards are of excellent quality, the early and mid war cards will see the most use, so I have used card sleeves with my decks to minimize wear on them.\nThe game also comes with influence markers for the USA and USSR player in various denominations, as well as a number of information markers, and two d6.\nGameplay\nThe game lasts up to 10 turns, but can end sooner if one of the following conditions is met:\n1. One player gets to 20 victory points.\n2. One player has control of Europe when the \"Europe Scoring\" card is played.\n3. The DEFCON degrades to \"1\", which causes thermonuclear war. In this event, the loser is the phasing player (more below).\nIf the game goes the full 10 turns without an automatic win, then a final round of scoring is done for each region on the map (Asia, Central America, South America, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe).",
"Whoever has the most victory points after all regions are scored is the winner.\nCard Driven\nThe heart of the game is in the cards. Each card represents a specific event during the cold war. Some cards have white stars on them (events favoring the US), some have red starts (events favoring the USSR), and some have split red/white stars which can be played by either side.\nEach turn players receive enough cards to make a full hand, which is 8 in the early war (turns 1-3), and 9 in the mid war (turns 4-7) and late war (turns 8-10).\nHeadlines\nAt the start of each turn, both players select and simultaneously reveal an event. The effects of the event are resolved in ops value order. The higher ops value event always goes first, scoring cards always go last, and the US event goes first in case of ties.\nThen 6 rounds (7 in the mid and late war) are played. The USSR player always goes first.\nEvents\nSome events, such as \"NATO\", are unique and removed from the game once played. Other events, such as \"Arab-Israeli War\" are merely discarded and can (and very likely will) occur again once they're shuffled back into the deck.\nOperations\nEach card also has a value between 1 and 4 on the card which represents its operational value. Instead of using the event, you can use these points to place influence, attempt a realignment, or stage a coup.\nThe catch is that playing a card with an event favorable to your opponent causes the event to occur! This is simply a stroke of genius. It adds an incredible tension to the game that gives it a powerful verisimilitude. Fortunately, you get to choose if the event happens before or after you use the points.\nThere are two ways to avoid an opponent's event being triggered. One is to play the card onto the Space Race. The other is to use the \"UN Intervention Card\" (played simultaneously with the event you want to avoid).\nScoring Cards\nThere are special cards in the deck called scoring cards. They trigger a scoring round for the region specified and cannot be held - you must play them, whether for good or ill. There is also a special scoring card for Southeast Asia which is removed from play after it's used.\nHand management is a key to success.",
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"I had a second-trimester pregnancy loss 2 months ago. I had to serve a baby shower tonight.\nMy husband and I have been together for 10 years. We found out we were expecting our first earlier this year and were so excited. We listened to our son’s heartbeat and marveled at his little nose, and we were healthy. We were great. Until one day, we weren’t.\nI won’t go into detail, but it was traumatic. Our loss was a three-week process that almost killed me, and I had to have emergency surgery. I was medically required to be off work for over a month. It was a lot.\nI returned a few weeks ago.",
"I was sat tonight with a party of 8 and it was a baby shower for a little boy. They had a huge “It’s a BOY!” balloon surrounded my a bunch of small blue ones, and the Mom-To-Be had a large linen hamper full of her gifts. A bunch of onesies. Pacifiers. All the things I just had to box up. I was passing out their food, and got to the Mom’s entree, and the whole table was like “That’s for our Momma!” They had a cake, with little blue baby boots on top and they offered me a slice. I declined.\nAnd I think that was the hardest point in my professional career. To serve that party with a smile and wit, and to look that woman in the eye and congratulate her.\nI lost it in my car on the way home.\nSide note: Cheers to all of us who show up and do our best, especially when our personal circumstances are tough. Customer service is next-level hard.",
"Flat Tire Drama\nI was teaching a biology class at a nearby school 3 hours a week, while my husband babysat our 4 kids, including a nursing baby. Nearby is relative in the country, it was a half hour drive away. It was tough, I never liked high school myself and being an Army brat, I changed high schools 4 times, so that didn't help my integration in my adolescent years.",
"I've always felt ill at ease with teens, much more comfortable with adults. So when I got to my car after school one day and saw a tire totally deflated, my first thought was that my students had played a mean prank on me and I cried. I was worried I'd be late for my baby's feeding, my husband had no patience with the baby when he was fussy, and I had no idea what to do.\nLuckily for me, the school had a mechanics program and the students fixed my tire in a jif and for free. I was wrong about teens!",
"A 4 year old boy told me that he loved me yesterday\nHis family was finishing up and he’d been so polite the whole meal. Ordered his own drink and “Spiketti” with a please and all.\nAs I dropped the check and wished them a good day he suddenly stood up on the booth a bit, held out his arms and looked me in the eye to proclaim “I LOVE you!!”\nI asked if it was because I brought him spaghetti because that’s worked on people in the past too. He giggled so I think it was the spaghetti.",
"I served a table of two 7 year olds on a date. I’ve been in the industry for 10 years, and this was by far my favorite table I’ve had.\nI work in an upscale restaurant. During my shift tonight, the hostess came up to me to inform me they were about to double seat me, because one table was parents and the other were their kids on a date. They wanted to be at a different table so their “parents wouldn’t embarrass” them, but their parents wanted to be nearby to supervise it and easily cover the check.\nSo they double sat me.\nI went to the parent’s table first to make sure we were all on the same page, and they told me the kids could order whatever they want and then I turned to go to the kid’s and tonight is homecoming in my town, so I assumed it was going to be high schoolers, but I walked up to these two 7 year old kids just sitting at a high top. They had kids menus and were just giggling away, their feet dangling like crazy.\nI asked if I could get them something to drink. The little boy was like “After her!” I asked if I could get any appetizers started for them, and the boy ordered Mussels. Like wine broth, shallots, PEI Mussels. And a side of toast, for the broth. They ate every single piece.",
"When I asked them how it was, the girl told me she had never had mussels before in her WHOLE LIFE and he convinced her to try them and she loved them. And he was just beaming.\nI went to the parents table and told them their kids are incredibly mature and so cute, and they told me the two were the same age, and have always lived on the same street. So they have grown up together, and have always had this crush on each other.\nThey got chicken tenders and fries for their dinner. And they ordered our dessert special to share, a seasonal crème brûlée, to finish off the evening. They captured everyone’s hearts so much that (with parental approval, of course) my manager gave them half glasses of a zero-proof champagne to toast with, with little strawberries on the glasses.\nThey joked with the food runner. They complimented my service. They ate every bit of everything, and drank every bit of that sparkling grape juice. They conversed the whole time, and giggled. I got talking with one of the moms as they were cashing out about it. How you would think having a crush on each other would make them shy, but the conversation was literally nonstop.\nAnd it was the cutest thing and honestly my faith in everything is restored.",
"Is your ice cold?\nI’ve been in the industry for over 15 years. I’ve heard some shit. But a few months ago I was waiting on a couple, probably in their early 40’s, the wife asked for an iced tea without ice. The husband asked for a water, and then said “I’m not sure if I want ice. Is your ice cold?” We had been having a good interaction so I thought he was making a dad joke and kind of chuckled (so did his wife).",
"But no. He just stared at me and said “why are you laughing”. I kinda stumbled a bit but couldn’t think of a response and finally said “I’m confused by your question sir”. Thankfully his wonderful wife just side eyed him and said “are you fucking serious? Are you ok?” Which lead to this exchange…\nHusband:”yes, I want to know if their ice is cold?!”\nWife: “ <PERSON> what are you doing?”\nHusband to me: “Answer my question please”\nMe: “umm, it’s frozen water, so yea…it’s cold??”\n<PERSON>: “then I don’t want ice”\nMe: “gotcha”\nAs I walk away I hear his wife ask if he’s having a stroke. Which he responds with “don’t belittle me” and then asking for my manager because he needed clarification on whether ice is cold or closer to room temperature.\nI’m still thinking about it 4 months later.",
"Let Adoption Stores\nHi,\nI haven’t tried to get a pet for nearly 20 years but after my Charlie passed last year, I was thinking about maybe finding a new friend.\nI went to a place called Puppyland in Idaho and I’m not sure I can even describe my experience correctly.\nIt was super weird. Like, they put you in a small space to fall in love with the dog and then there’s all these strange sales steps building up to the final sales presentation with that unveils astronomical pricing and “options”.\nI felt like I was buying a used car.\nWhat gives?",
"I bring my Doctor with me to the pharmacy.\nThis summer I flew out of state to visit and vacay with an old friend who happens to be a doctor.\nWhen I got to his house and unpacked I realized I had forgotten to bring a prescription medicine that I need to take everyday. He said it was no problem and called a prescription in to the pharmacy at Wa**art. Then we went out hiking and playing and getting dirty, dressed kinda outdoor scroungy.\nWhen we were done playing we went to the pharmacy to pick up my pills. I went to the pharmacy counter while my Dr.",
"buddy stood back 6' behind me. It probably looked like he was the next customer in line behind me. Honestly, we both looked kinda grungy from a day of fun.\nThe young lady behind the counter tried to look up my presc. and dismissively said she couldn't find any record of it in their system. period.\nFrustrated, I sarcastically said, \"well if my doctor were standing here could he write this prescription for me?\"\nShe said \"Yes.\"\nSo I smiled, turned around and motioned to my doctor buddy to come to the counter as I said \"well he's right here.\" He stepped up, identified himself, asked for a prescription pad and wrote out my prescription.\nNot very malicious but we guessed that that was a first for her.",
"Lying to get a job\nWhen we moved to the country to become self sufficient, we hadn't counted on being far from everything, needing the car all the time, and no jobs in the area. My husband did find a job for the summer, worked double time and put me on the payroll, then he and I both had unemployment for the winter, but we had to prove that we were looking for work, which was true in his case but not in mine because I was 8 months pregnant. If I revealed this fact, I would lose the benefits and he was not finding anything else, and we had 3 kids and a mortgage.\nSo I sent out applications for teaching jobs, hoping nobody would call me on my bluff.",
"Then the Unemployment officer called me and wanted to meet to discuss my job searching! That same week, a nearby school called me for a job teaching high school physics, just about my most hated subject in school!\nI went on the interview and said I was 5 months pregnant and only due in late December and they believed me because I don't get very big. I was asked if I could teach Physics and I said sure, but I'd rather Biology, and they gave me one group of Secondary V Biology, just 3 hours a week, and just enough for me to avoid having to go to the Unemployment meeting.\n3 weeks later, the baby was born, I said he was premature, I took one day off and went back to work, with my husband being the babysitter. I kept all my unemployment benefits plus my salary, it was terribly hard but I found I really loved to teach and got a full time gig the next year.",
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"First, you realize pens are inherently portable. So the first step is to make the typewriters small enough to be easily portable. With a genius-level foresight (or a dumber than dumb 21st century hindsight) it is clear that mechanical typewriters will not quite fit the bill - electronics is the way to go, especially the newly discovered semiconductor devices.\nSomething like this, replacing the hard to operate mechanical construction with an electrically operated printing ball and an easy to type keyboard s an improvement:\nStill too heavy. So then comes the next model:\nThat's better, but for quick notes, paper is still cumbersome, big and heavy (in reasonable quantities). Replacing the paper with a built in display is an improvement:\nIt could be made smaller, but then typing would become more difficult.\nThe next step is to make these (first luggable, then portable, or perhaps even pocket) typewriters to be widely accepted and used by the population worldwide.",
"Granted, with prices getting low enough, these will be used, but mostly by enthusiasts and typewriter geeks. So, in addition to writing down notes (which is the main use of a pen), what can our typewriters offer as their killer app? Well, we people are social beings, so the ability to communicate remotely... while nothing new under the Sun, making it ubiquitous and portable (and with some far reaching imagination, even wireless) would have some appeal...\nSo, after some iterations, your typewriter fits into a pocket and either has a reasonable keyboard, but a bit heavy:\nthrough smaller, but still very usable:\nto the poor man's typewriter with a limited keyboard, requiring multiple presses of a key to enter the desired letter:\nAnd who knows where the future development leads, but one thing is clear, the devices will have a keyboard - although we can imagine technological development to allow us other input methods, who would want to write on anything that is slower, error-prone and clumsier than a keyboard?\nThat's for the two way written communication... but can we do better? Obviously, N-way (where N>2) is better - imagine a worldwide network, with hundreds, nay, thousands of discussion groups, where you can type you opinion, read the responses from your peers on your pocket typewriter screen, even communicate in real time... I can imagine this to be the major timesink and a new most indispensable thing since the television. And once this becomes widespread, people will use handwriting (and pens) less and less and eventually even the school system will catch on.\nAnd, if the development starts with the transistor and continues in its natural leisure pace, prompted now and then by generous investments in the right spots by your entrepreneur, and if in the 1950 he is young and healthy, with a bit of luck he might live long enough to see his dream come true.",
"I think a good technology to consider in comparison is the telegraph. The telegraph also began as a technology processing bits of information that while accessible, in that they used the sound/touch of tapping, was also cumbersome to use in that it required the user to learn a specialized code to both input and interpret. So, you had a specialized profession develop around the telegraph, which gave way when an interface easier for the layman (the telephone) was developed. So, if you have the adoption of punch card computers a good century before Cathode Ray Tubes were sophisticated enough to create purely visual displays, you need to think about how you would stop CRTs from overwhelming punch cards and Refreshable Braille Displays.\nKeeping telegraphs in mind, one interesting possibility is if your early punch card computers could interface directly with telegraph lines.",
"The French were already pioneers at long distance communication: under <PERSON>, signal towers were built connecting Paris to the frontiers of the country. What if a series of punch cards at a central computer in Paris could be sent to a punch card writer in Marseilles almost instantly? You could have a sort of internet under <PERSON>!\nUltimately, though, I think tactile interfaces are going to be hard to catch on very widely, even with these boosts. The best bet is to try to stimulate a jump to more audio displays. This is where a lot of technology is trying to move now: a natural language interface, like Siri or Alexa. Maybe if a punch card internet develops, you'd still have specialized data entry types for input, but the displays would instead become temporary phonographs?\nHonestly, there are a lot of repercussions that could come from this, but good luck exploring! Some other resources to look at are 'Jacquard's Web' by <PERSON>, a non-fiction book on the development of the Jacquard loom and some of its significance, and 'The Difference Engine' by <PERSON>, which not only launched the steampunk genre but also deals with <PERSON>-style central computers as the major point of departure for the world.",
"What immediately comes to mind when considering this question is that the the system is symmetrical - that is, it works exactly the same even if someone from planet 1 is transplanted to planet 2. It is not a subjective exclusion from the current planet. The energy of the current planet is objectively unusable. So what would make that happen? The simplest answer, for me, is that something in the transition from planet X to planet Y is necessary for it to become usable.\nTo find what that is, I would look at the physical layout of a solar system. What is between you and another planet that isn't between you and your own planet? This could be some object in its own orbit, or maybe the energy must be drawn through multiple planets to amplify. But my thought is that it must be drawn through the sun.\nWhy? Well, it's big, bright, and your planet's energy can never ever go through it on its way to you. The sun could act as a focus or an activator of another planet's energy, and that energy must be (inadvertently) drawn through the sun to be useful to a magician. Or perhaps the journey of the magical energy through the sun's radiation between planets activates it and it doesn't physically have to go through the sun, but the idea is the same. Something between the planets (the sun or some other arcane object) acts as a catalyst for magical reactions.",
"The energy around planets is the fuel, but it needs a spark somewhere out in space that just isn't available on the planet you stand on.\nThe other simple observation is the sheer distance involved. I liked it <PERSON>'s inverse square law idea, but I like it better the other way. The further the planet is from you, the greater distance the energy has to build momentum. If you draw it from a paltry 4000 miles from the center of your planet (or less if it's from the atmosphere), it is equivalent to a musket-ball rolling out of the barrel. But, drawing from a Pluto analog 5 billion miles away, your magical bolt comes screaming like an abused particle doing loops somewhere in a Swiss lab.\nThink of it as potential energy in a gravitational field - except the gravity is the magician pulling on the magic. The further it has to fall (be pulled), the more time the force acts upon it, applying an acceleration the whole time. Even a small (whatever small is in magical terms) acceleration over 5 billion miles produces an inordinately larger velocity than an acceleration across 4000 miles. And translating \"velocity\" into magical power, that's the ballgame. The furthest source of magical energy on your planet just isn't far enough for any significant, noticeable power to be built up.",
"I am quite fond of books by a Russian writer, <PERSON>, who among other novels, explored technologies for achieving practical immortality and their implications on individuals and society, in \"Wish Generator\" and somewhat in \"Nanotech network\" as one of the aspects :\nBeing a sci-fi writer, he leans toward longevity of the conscience - not necessarily confined to the original biological body it was born in. Not necessarily to one body at all (e.g. spawn a copy of yourself - and both are fully yourself, no paradox and conflict of clone/origin - to travel the universe (perhaps in a body that can live in the cold and void or dive into stars), then sync back the impressions of your copies whenever their ways cross again.",
"The technologies and biological basis for what he proposes as initial stages of modularizing the body (and eventually replacing, as it ages) as a carrier of consciousness are already available or will probably emerge in foreseeable decades.\nRegarding your question, one of his outcomes was that true immortality on scale of many (all) humans can cause them to become very responsible about what they do. There is no more place for \"I can do whatever, those who come after me will sort it out\" - I will live to be hit by the consequences; even if you're immortal, living forever in a wasteland with no way out is not a good prospect...\nThis will probably boost technologies and space travel as well: \"If the Sun burns out in a billion years and swallows the Solar system, this is my personal existential threat, and a problem I have to solve.\" Quite possibly, the immortal humanity will have to invent ways to travel the galaxy and take the planets (and stars) with them as big comfortable spaceships to fit them all.\nIt can impact the work of memory as well: it is not infinite, so the trick is to remember what is needed, what matters, and to be able to lose the cruft over time. \"The perfect memory is not one that remembers everything collected over millennia, but one that is usable and where you can still find the needed memories in reasonable time.\"",
"Living on a giant banana world\nIn my story, which should be taken entirely seriously, mankind encounters a region of space occupied mostly by giant exo-householdobjects.\nThat is, planet sized kettles, saucers, teacups, cutlery, etc. There is even a giant <PERSON> branded teapot, because this is how serious a story it is. They orbit around perfectly ordinary stars of various sizes.\nThe protagonists are going to spend a significant amount of time stuck on a giant banana while observing a solar system with many such objects. They are mostly incredibly impractical people - philosophers, theologians and so on - with a small cohort of ships engineers and tradesmen, as well as a rapacious mine manager called <PERSON> who only cares about the giant silverware.",
"They're very well supplied with everything they could want except the means to get offworld.\nLeave aside the problem of gravity trying to make the banana into a sphere - assume that either the banana is mostly made of a nearly infinitely strong material when you drill much beneath the peel, or better still, that gravity is excluded from operating within it and only begins at the surface (albeit with all the mass of the banana still contributing). With a sunlike star, what combination of orbital distance and rotational motion can make this pungent, ethyne laced world in the sweet spot of being inhabitable but periodically very uncomfortable or dangerous?\nI'm specifically interested in: 1) and main) What problems are generated by rotation of the banana and what if any rotational motions are amenable to life at least over a few square kilometres while still being a damned nuisance?\nSo, it needs a few square kilometres that have sort-of earth temperatures and pressures. I'll say -20 to 80 deg C temperature, and 0.3 to 3 bar pressure, with possible intermittent exceptions.\nI'm guessing depending on the axis of rotation, there are going to be areas that are uninhabitably hot/cold. I'd like to place their town in the middle of the banana on the concave side, unless there are any serious objections or better suggestions.\nFor obvious reasons, answers need only stand up to limited scrutiny.\nOrbiting fruit worlds and kettles raise such serious theological, philosophical and anthropological problems that the eggheads that are on it are only going to notice that their lives are in danger when the engineers are banging on their doors warning of the impending 30 day shadow that will cause temperatures to drop to dangerously low levels and they need to put their entire libraries in buggies or local flying craft and relocate.\nI welcome anyone raising problems relating to atmospheric composition or ground instability that are likely to arise as the banana ripens, although I am not short of ideas in this department...unlike, you know, how these people can survive for 20s without freezing or burning or being thrown off the surface.",
"In our world, four important factors have determined the look of our clothes since the dawn of time: available resources, climate, purpose and moral. In my opinion, microgravity is simply going to add one degree of freedom to the clothing designers, but it is not going to decide whether clothes will be tight around the body, or floating in the air.\nNote on Resources. If all clothing is imported from Earth, then we can presume we'd be able to find the same range of materials that we would find in terrestrial shops. On the other hand, if the manufacturing occurs locally, then depending on the local resources, one could should consider whether cotton or linen production is feasible, whether farming for wool could happen, or whether the local fauna can provide skin for leather clothes. If the answer to these three questions is 'no', then the locals may exhibit a preference for synthetics. A note about the local fauna: if there is a native wild fauna, the corresponding skins and furs may be considered fancy pieces of garment, depending on how difficult it is to hunt them.\nNote on climate. I am going to state the obvious: cover more to protect from extremes. Extreme heat, extreme cold, extreme radiance, extreme wind, all typically call for longer clothes, covering more of the human body.\nNote on purpose. Working clothes are definitively designed for purpose. Be it a uniform to identify members of the organization, or a special suit to shield from hazards on the workplace. Hazardous working environment will require stricter control over the design. For instance, factory workers moving around large machinery may be given tighter clothes, gloves, helmets, and protective shoes.\nNote on morals. Morals dictate clothing design in our world to much a larger extent that we may imagine. The most interesting aspect of this is that hindering and impractical clothing may become the norm if it best fits the moral standards of society. The fact that women had to wear gowns for instance, even when riding horses, is just one example of such trend.",
"I would recommend that you define your society well before dwelling into defining the clothing design, as the latter depends heavily on the former.\nQ&A note on microgravity\nQ: wouldn't microgravity make clothes float as in water?\nA: That is very likely, but... It depends on the fabric and on the treatment. A large dose of starch can keep clothes rigidly in place for quite some time. Leather can be arranged to be stiff and in place. Old Victorian era gowns had a frame to keep them in shape, defying gravity: the same principle could be applied, i.e. to implement a frame inside the clothing, to defy microgravity.\nQ: wouldn't this floating be unpleasant?\nA: Not necessarily. In fact, it may be part of the fashion to have a floating scarf that follows you as you dash around. Or to have a tunic dancing in the air as the memory of the contour of the movements you just made. In fact, you could build a whole Bohemian philosophy on that.\nA note about military uniforms\nA military uniform is not a combat suit. It is a cloth of display. In history, military uniforms have been designed to be pompous, affected, and possibly impractical. I would imagine that they would embrace microgravity, add a cape and a complicated set of salute movements to make it float like angel's wings. Add a hat with golden threads, dangling in the air, like the mane of a godly horse. Now you have a military uniform worth being displayed.\nA combat suit, on the other hand, has to allow free movement, protect from external hazards, and provide some level of cloaking. No special microgravity thoughts there. It really depends on where the action happens.",
"Approximately the same time as it has taken the original to arrive at the same age and physical condition, obviously!\nYet this may not quite be acceptable from a plot point of view, so here's a few pointers on reducing that time frame, contingent on the use of the clone.\nSpare parts\nYou don't actually need a full clone for this, it should be possible to graft the organ to be replaced onto a bio-compatible host and with growth/rate accelerators you'd be looking at several months to years. Some organs are problematic: the brain, for instance (we simply don't know enough about the interconnections between all the neurons except that these interconnections are partly created through learning by the individual), but also muscles as muscles need a work out to be compatible with the individual receiving the spare part. On the bright side, you can require some re-validation therapy and it may be advantageous to use a younger version of an organ.\nRejuvenation\nThe practice where a much younger clone is used as a replacement body when old age becomes a hindrance. This requires a mind transfer technology which presumably fixes the neuron and neuron interconnection problem. There is plenty of time to grow a body (say, twenty years) and the clone body does not need much exercise and can be kept unconscious during the entire growth cycle. A period of up to a year of exercising the new body after the mind transfer (the old mind has to adapt to the much younger body) is probably acceptable as well.\nReplacement\nThe practice where a clone body is offered as a replacement in case of accidents or after being murdered.",
"Again, this requires a mind transfer technology in addition to regular mind recordings as a backup to restore onto the blank slate. This is one of the more difficult use cases as it requires the body to be grown fairly fast, say less than five years, while keeping it a blank slate. Another problem is to copy the physiological impact of the environment on the new body, i.e. scars, wear and tear, and so on. Without this the clone will not have an identical or even similar look! Again an adjustment period of the recorded mind to the new body of a year is acceptable.\nReplication\nThis is the use case where the genotype of successful individuals are copied to augment (or supplant, whatever the plot is) the general population. The problem here is to copy the environment and learning processes too as the phenotype is the determinant of success, not the genotype on its own. However, decades to grow and learn a clone into an individual are permissible, as each copy will be an individual, albeit very similar to another copy.\nOther uses\nThere are probably other very creative uses of clones but the main things to consider are:\n* in how far does the phenotype (result of environment and genetics) of the clone need to match the original? A blank slate is much easier than a fully trained individual.\n* how much time do you have to prepare the clone in advance? If you need anything less than a couple of years, I'd seriously look into biological 3D printing and infusing the 3d printed cells with the DNA from the host.",
"I seriously doubt a realistic answer to this is possible, as we would have to understand what separates the genesis of intelligence from the genesis beneficial behaviours and actual civilisation from \"mere\" intelligence. However, I tried to think up some ideas that might be productive for science fiction.\nFirstly, one way to drive a social structure in the most primitive sense (consider ants or bees) would be diversification within the species - such as exhibited by Queens, workers, drowns. Yet, one might turn this into a hen and egg problem.\nI don't think the restriction to a parasite of any order is crucial, but I will stick with it. Let's say our first order parasites Antrasi are a species of fungus living on the hairy parts of mammalian skin. Especially heads. Our second order parasites Betrisi were originally fairly standard lice-like animals feeding off fungus. Over time they adapted to the specific Antrasi fungus.\nThe problem with Antrasi is, that, after about 6 months, it destroys the skin, so that it kills itself. Luckily, there exist different types of it. If they infect a head in succession, they restore the Ph, so that the skin remains intact and they can keep living. The problem is, that such a transition is unlikely to occur through natural dissemination of Antrasi spores.",
"Here Betrisi come into play.\nThe Betrisi-Scout is a subtype capable of wide range flight. Every 6 months it flies from head to head, seeking sleeping individuals infected with suitable fungi. The worker is in charge of harvesting large quantities of fungi and transportation to the other host head. It also produces suitable chemicals to facilitate quick growth of the newly displaced colonies. Over time Betrisi might evolve complicated behaviours, just like bees or ants. How they might transition from these primitive stages to intelligence, is an insanely difficult question.\nIf one is willing to be even more unrealistic, one might endow Queens with feromones inducing mutual attraction in suitable (super) hosts. That would help bringing them closer together!\nObviously, if one already believes in intelligent parasites, it is trivial to show how all manner of cunning and cooperation (between colonies) would aid them. The trouble is, you asked how they would become intelligent and that is certainly a Noble Prize question. It is not entirely clear to me what qualifies as swarm intelligence but a high degree of communication between colonies is obviously desirable. I want everything to be tightly synchronised. Ideally, I want all human couples determined by this rationale!",
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"How Zimbabwe’s biometric ID scheme — and China’s AI aspirations — threw a wrench in elections · Global Voices\nIndelible ink on the finger of a voter. Photo by <PERSON> via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0.\nEditor's note: This piece is part of a series on digital ID systems, produced in partnership with The Engine Room. Visit the Digital ID microsite to read a full research report on this global trend, and case studies on five countries that have deployed digital ID systems, including Zimbabwe.\nIn July 2018, Zimbabweans went to the polls for the first time since the ousting of long-time (now deceased) leader <PERSON>, who had held power for nearly 30 years. This may have been promising from an outsider's perspective, but the heavily contested elections did not inspire confidence in Zimbabwean voters.\nWeeks after polling day, when results had not yet been released, hundreds of people took to the streets of the capital Harare to protest the delays, with many fearing that the Zimbabwean Electoral Commission (ZEC) had rigged the results in favor of then-Vice President <PERSON>, who took office shortly after <PERSON>’s ouster.\nBut vicious party politics were not the only reason Zimbabweans distrusted the results of this particular election. In the months leading up to the vote, something else had been happening, something new: The government had begun to collect citizens’ biometric data, as part of the voter registration process.\nIn previous elections, citizens could visit any polling station and vote just by showing their conventional ID cards, which contained their name, ID number, date and place of birth and date of issue. After voting, one's finger would be smeared with indelible ink to avoid double voting. Now, citizens suddenly had to submit their photos, fingerprints, national identity numbers and home addresses into one integrated and digitized system. If they did not do this, they were told, they might be barred from voting.",
"This increased public fears of monitoring and intimidation, already a common theme for elections in Zimbabwe.\nThe system was touted both by ruling party and opposition voices as a strong guard against “ghost” voters and other types of election fraud. But its underlying technology was not built with these issues in mind. Nor was it built in Zimbabwe.\nChina’s ‘AI foray’ into southern Africa\nThe government of Zimbabwe signed a strategic partnership with CloudWalk Technology, a Chinese company that has become a leader in the field of facial recognition, in March 2018. The objective of the partnership was to commence a large-scale facial recognition program in Zimbabwe, which government officials said would be used to preserve “law and order,” and then expanded to other public sector programs.\n<PERSON>, a special adviser to President <PERSON> (and Zimbabwe’s former ambassador to China) told the Herald :\nAn ordinary Zimbabwean probably won’t believe that you can buy your groceries or pay your electricity bill by scanning your face, but this is where this technology is taking us…as government, we are happy because we are moving with the rest of the world.\nPart of the Chinese government’s Belt and Road initiative , this agreement made Zimbabwe one of the first countries in southern Africa to adopt this technology.\nThe relationship between the two countries is not new — with hundreds of millions of dollars invested in various sectors of Zimbabwe’s ailing economy, China has a strong interest in Zimbabwe’s political affairs. Chinese President <PERSON> has frequently expressed his desire to spread China’s communist leadership style to political parties worldwide and he has found a willing taker in Zimbabwe’s ruling party, the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.\nChina is eager to produce the world’s best AI and Chinese companies are turning to Africa to speed up their algorithms’ diversity training. Rolling out the technology in a majority African population will allow CloudWalk to more clearly identify other ethnicities , potentially placing the Chinese firm steps ahead of US and European developers.\nGraphic rendering of a facial structure algorithm, via Pikrepo. (CC 0)\nCloudWalk uses 3D light facial software, which is purportedly better than other facial recognition programs at reading dark-skinned faces. The deal allows CloudWalk to train its algorithms on data taken from Zimbabwean citizens. The resulting information is meant to help China build one of the world’s most inclusive and racially-diversified facial recognition databases.\nBut at what cost to Zimbabwe’s fragile democracy, and to Zimbabweans’ privacy?\nDigital ID and distrust in the 2018 election\nOpposition parties and civil society organizations had in fact pressed for electoral reforms that included the adoption of the biometric voter registration (BVR), with the hope of eradicating the persistent problem of “ghost” voters in almost every election.",
"What do Zimbabwe’s internet disruptions say about the state of digital rights in the country? · Global Voices\nZimbabwe's January internet disruptions sent a chilling message to citizens that internet access is a favor, not a right. Here, two men in Harare, Zimbabwe, rest on a ledge mid-day. Photo by <PERSON> via Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0.\nMillions of Zimbabweans will remember January 2019 for spiraling prices for basic commodities, a massive fuel price hike, and multiple unexpected internet disruptions which lasted for several days.\nWhen protesters took to the streets of Harare, the capital, to speak out against the dramatic 150 percent fuel price hike, the military responded with a brutal clampdown that took many by surprise. Clashes left scores of protesters injured or tortured and at least 12 dead.\nAs activists turned to social media to mobilize the protests and draw attention to Zimbabwe’s deteriorating economy , President <PERSON>'s administration responded with restricting access to social media and entire networks in certain areas of the country on the grounds of national security .\nBetween January 14-21, citizens had difficulties accessing their bank accounts or communicating effectively with friends and family.",
"All businesses and shops shut down as soldiers patrolled the streets.\nThe government issued directives from the president's office, channeled through the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) toward mobile and fixed telephony companies to restrict access to entire networks until further notice.\nAccording to Netblocks internet shutdown observatory, the January disruptions included total network shutdowns that took Bulawayo, and Harare, the capital, offline, and restrictions on access to social media platforms and messaging apps including Facebook and Whatsapp.\nThe disruptions were partially lifted a few days later, but a ban on accessing certain social media services remained until it was lifted on January 21, hours after the country’s High Court deemed the ban ‘’illegal’’.\nZimbabweans now live in fear that a shutdown can happen again at any time on the government’s whim; authorities seem to view digital rights as a favor granted to citizens rather than a constitutional right.\n‘Digital rights thwarted’\nWhile <PERSON>'s administration made a public commitment to opening up the media, he seems to follow in the footsteps of former President <PERSON>, who was also intolerant of freedom of expression and freedom of information before the military deposed him in November 2017 — effectively ending his 37-year rule.\nGovernment officials have repeatedly described access to social media as a potential threat, hinting that similar actions to the January shutdown would not be ruled out.\nIn fact, in the aftermath of last January's disruptions, <PERSON>, the Deputy Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, said that the government would not hesitate to shut down the internet in the future, referring to citizens as “primitive people (…) who don’t understand the meaning of peaceful demonstrations.”\nIn early July, the Minister of Information Communication Technology, <PERSON>, issued a warning on what he termed abuse of the internet and social media in The Herald:\n“There is a lot of photoshopping and negative falsehoods which are being peddled on social media. What really has gotten into us as a people? … Let's be very careful with what we see on social media. Not everything that we see on social media is true.”\nInternational and regional treaties signed by Zimbabwe\nOn paper, Zimbabwe is a signatory to various international and regional protocols committing states to safeguard and promote freedom of expression including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. Zimbabwe is also committed to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Culture Information and Sport, which deals with information availability, infrastructure, freedom of media and code of ethics.\nSuch statements by government officials demonstrate the fragile state of digital rights in Zimbabwe, activists said.\nInternet Society of Zimbabwe chapter president, <PERSON>, pointed out that the disruptions experienced are an indication that ”the authorities would violate digital rights in future if they sense a security threat as a result of protests”.\n”The fact that the government was compelled to lift the ban on a technicality and not on the basis of infringing [upon] digital rights gives credence to the assertion that in the future, the government will possibly issue another blanket internet shutdown using the ‘correct’ office”, he told Global Voices in an interview.\nThe technicality is based on Zimbabwe's High Court ruling that the state security minister had no authority to order mobile operators to restrict internet access to customers during the January 2019 protests. Internet services were restored after this ruling.\n“The shutting down of the internet in January this year set a bad precedent which will ensure this continues to happen in the future.",
"How Artificial Intelligence could influence Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections · Global Voices\nImage by Commonwealth Secretariat on Flickr, used under a CC BY-NC 2.0 license.\nFollowing years of citizen mistrust of election management bodies and perceived lack of transparency, the use of biometric technology such as people’s physical and behavioural characteristics in political processes has swept across Africa. As Zimbabwe heads for general elections, constitutionally due in 2023, the campaign season will soon be in full swing.\nThe country held by elections on March 26, 2022, which saw the opposition party Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) bagging 22 out of the 28 National Assembly seats. Although these by elections were a litmus test of the main election set for next year, what role is artificial intelligence expected to play in shaping political outcomes?\nAs voting day approached, a number of anomalies related to the voters’ roll were picked up and made public by civil society organizations, raising concern about the credibility of biometric voter data storage. These include allegations of manipulation of the voters roll by moving up to 177,000 voters to new constituencies and unsanctioned changes to at least 156 polling stations.\nThe fact that some of these technologies do not exclusively rely on internet transmission protocols to transmit and store data makes it incumbent upon African governments to adopt a broad approach to controls that address all information security breaches.\nInformation Security\nIn the past 32 years, almost all of Zimbabwe's elections have been beleaguered by accusations of voter intimidation, vote rigging and violence. In the run up to the March 26 by elections, a familiar narrative thread of voter data manipulation was raised by the CCC and civil society organizations. The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) claimed that almost everything was above board and that the voters roll was constantly being updated. This lack of transparency not only corrodes confidence in biometric technology but it also frustrates the credibility and audit of such technology’s technical functionality.\nIn 2018, Zimbabwe entered into a strategic cooperation partnership with Chinese start up CloudWalk Technology, under which the government would gain access to a facial recognition database that it could use for all kinds of purposes. These uses would range from easier policing under the Smart cities initiative to tracking down political dissidents among others.",
"In return, China gains access to this database of Zimbabwean citizens in order to train its algorithms and improve the ability of its surveillance systems to recognize darker skinned tones. The agreement is being implemented in stages and will soon reach development of camera and network infrastructure in Zimbabwe. AI driven facial recognition software has historically had difficulties with recognizing such skin tones and with this harvesting of Zimbabweans’ personal data, China will gain a globally competitive edge in the AI market.\nAs Zimbabwe’s electoral history will prove, information security breaches remain a regular threat. For instance, as the 2018 elections drew closer, the ZEC refused to give the then dominant opposition party, MDC Alliance, access to the voter’s roll stored in its servers arguing that such access could compromise security of sensitive data. Addressing the media, ZEC Chairperson <PERSON> said that the 2018 elections could not be rigged as Zimbabwe’s voting system was tamper-proof, for the reason that all citizens’ personal data they had collected under the biometric registration process was housed in a consolidation server. She added that those servers had very strict protection files and un-hackable access level passwords. Despite this statement by the ZEC head, some voters received targeted campaign text messages from the ruling ZANU PF party, sparking alarm that the commission had availed voters’ data to the ruling party. ZEC responded to the allegations by admitting that its database had been hacked.\nIn an interview, Assistant Professor for Security Studies at the Africa Centre for Strategic Studies, <PERSON> said the problem is not so much the technology itself but the choices that repressive regimes make in employing the technology and for what purposes.\n“Naturally, authoritarian regimes are going to be interested in biometric technology for a lot of the wrong reasons, to closely monitor the movements of the political opposition, to harass, detain and potentially intimidate voters and activists, potentially to enable the selective sanctioning or punishment of those who don't adequately support the regime,” Allen told Global Voices.\nHe noted that one of the biggest problems so far with the roll out of biometrics across Africa is that it is really challenging to collect biometric data on every citizen. “Citizens from the most marginalized groups are the most likely to be excluded, which can have all kinds of second order consequences, from preventing them from voting to denying access to benefits,” he said.\nIn a study, digital expert and human rights lawyer with the Ethics Institute at Utrecht University <PERSON> argues that, in the past, the reliance on information security in Zimbabwe was based on overt militarization and securitization of the internet, for example, the involvement of the Israeli Nikuv collaborating with the army in election processes.",
"Weaponising the law: Zimbabwe’s new frontier in digital rights repression · Global Voices\nImage courtesy <PERSON>\nZimbabweans live in an increasingly repressive environment for digital rights, particularly targeting human rights defenders, and lately non-governmental organizations. The law is a major tool for such repression and legislation has been passed to undermine legitimate dissent against unpopular policies and politics.\nOn December 3, 2021, President <PERSON> signed the Data Protection Act (Chapter 11:22) into law. Critics argue that this law infringes on digital rights of citizens and is a\nruse for government to legally infiltrate citizens’ online spaces in order to crush dissent.\nUnfortunately, this law does not prohibit internet shutdowns, which have been used in the past to shut down freedom of expression, and other liberties. On February 20, 2022, when opposition leader <PERSON> of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) drew thousands of supporters to his maiden election rally in the capital city, Harare, internet watchdog NetBlocks reported a significant throttling of internet services, which disrupted live streaming of the rally. This coverage blackout would benefit the incumbent government by limiting potential voters’ enlightenment about the existence of a new opposition party. The CCC is opposing the ruling party ZANU- PF (Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front) in the 2023 general elections.\nThus, 2022 will provide ample opportunity to monitor the government response to electoral challenges, and whether or not this will include the use of internet shutdowns and laws to clampdown on activists, opposition leaders and independent media.\nOf a legal guillotine\nThe end of the 30-year <PERSON> regime was to herald a new era for Zimbabweans. Instead, the country has backslid into populist and military backed strongman rule.",
"After <PERSON> was toppled in a military coup in November 2017, his successor <PERSON> pushed for normalization of ties with the international community but this has not happened. Instead, on February 21, 2022, the European Union (EU) extended a decades-old embargo against <PERSON>’s administration, citing continued rights abuses.\n“Intimidation of political opposition and other government critics has continued to restrict the democratic and civic space, which is under threat of shrinking further through the Data Protection Act and ongoing legislative processes such as the Private Voluntary Organizations Amendment Bill and the envisaged so-called Patriotic Act. The EU is concerned about these developments,” said the EU in a statement.\nData Protection Act: To serve or protect?\nThe Data Protection Act is one of the laws used to repress freedom of expression and freedom of the media in Zimbabwe, even though these freedoms are guaranteed under section 61 of the Zimbabwean Constitution. Critics maintain that the Data Protection Act should strike a balance between the protection of national security and the exercise of rights of ordinary individuals. This law amends provisions of three pieces of legislation: the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act) (Chapter 9:23), the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act (Chapter 9:07) and the Interception of Communications Act (Chapter 11:20).\nClause 164c of the act criminalizes the spread of what the government classifies as “false” information online, punishable with a jail term of up to five years, or a fine, or both.\nEarlier in February, in an emailed and telephone interview with human rights lawyer <PERSON> pointed out that this law does not qualify nor define that which it refers to as false, leaving room for wide interpretation and making it prone to abuse.\n“The provision, in other words, is criminal defamation renamed. Zimbabwe had outlawed criminal defamation but, to the surprise of the nation, this has been revived by this particular provision,” <PERSON> said.\nHe pointed out that the act ceases to be a data protection law and becomes, rather, a tool to protect the state, a cyber-crime tool.\n<PERSON> holds that the original intention in drafting the law as a data protection tool has been overridden by state protection interests, adding that the act is likely to be a tool against expressing anti-government sentiments, which can easily be interpreted as incitement of violence or injurious falsehoods.\nSection 12 of the act makes it necessary to obtain consent in writing to process a citizen’s genetic, biometric and health data. However, it does not apply “where the processing is necessary to comply with national security laws or…for reasons of substantial public interest.”\nIn another interview during the same month, human rights lawyer <PERSON> told Global Voices over email , that this provision falls short of constitutional obligations.\n“The proviso to the section is couched in a very wide manner and is capable of being abused. Phrases such as substantial interest, are incapable of a precise meaning.",
"Nigeria’s digital ID scheme may benefit those ‘with access’— but what about everyone else? · Global Voices\nTaking fingerprints for Aadhaar, photo by <PERSON>, via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 3.0.\nEditor's note: This piece was written by <PERSON>, the digital rights program manager at Paradigm Initiative Nigeria. It is part of our series on digital ID systems, produced in partnership with The Engine Room. Visit the Digital ID microsite to read a full research report on this global trend, and case studies on five countries that have deployed digital ID systems, including Nigeria.\nCan Nigeria’s digital identification (ID) scheme truly serve the public? Or is it yet another venture that will only benefit “those with access”?\nThis question is likely at top of mind for youths across Nigeria, who learned earlier this month — to the relief of many — that they would not be required to present digital ID numbers in order to register for upcoming university matriculation exams.\nOn January 11, 2020, Nigeria’s Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board announced that it would walk back the relatively new requirement, despite having instituted it in October 2019.\nWhile it may seem like an innocuous policy change to an outsider, this reversal marked an embarrassing acknowledgment of the flaws in Nigeria’s nationwide digital identification system, which attempts to streamline the country’s complex patchwork of identity information systems pertaining to various financial and public service entities.\nMy organization, Paradigm Initiative Nigeria, has been following the development of the system and advocating for lawmakers to establish comprehensive data protection and privacy laws in Nigeria before continuing to collect citizens’ data as part of the digital ID system.\nHow is the system meant to operate?\nThe National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) intends to make National Identification Numbers (NIN) a mandatory requirement for passport applications, voter registration, the opening of bank accounts and tax payments, alongside transactions relating to everything from consumer credit and health insurance and social security matters, to land ownership and pensions. That is a lot of data.\nNaturally, challenges with the system hit on public policy: The initiative collects several new forms of personal data — including all ten of one's fingerprints — that are not protected or even addressed by Nigerian law. The system also faces more practical issues related to registration processes. Although the system was first conceived in 2014, only 19 percent of Nigerians have registered for National NIN. In order to serve the entire population, the Director-General of the Commission has said it would need to establish an additional 9,000 registration centers, on top of the 1,000 centers currently in operation.\nThus far, in many circumstances, the system has proven to further complicate these processes, and in some cases, to alienate citizens from participation.\nChallenges for students, travelers and Nigerians with disabilities\nStudents who did attempt to register for NIN ahead of exams reported that the process was marred by extortion, bribery and other corrupt practices. One student group published a statement asserting that the exercise subjected students to undue stress.\n<PERSON>, the mother of a student seeking to matriculate, alleged that she went to three separate registration centers in Lagos.",
"In each case, officials demanded bribes ranging from 5,000 nairas to 7,000 NGN (about $12-$20 United States dollars) from people seeking to register. As per its establishing act, the NIN registration process is meant to be free of charge.\nA graduation ceremony in a private university in Nigeria. Photo by <PERSON>/ANN, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.\nResearch by The Engine Room has highlighted how many of the NIN registration locations were not accessible for people with physical impairments. Several people with physical disabilities described their attempts to register as humiliating.\nAs we were conducting our own research on the NIN system, Nigeria’s Immigration Service set a requirement that all passport applicants present a NIN. When a colleague needed to renew her international passport in August 2019, she flew into Abuja from Lagos and went straight to immigration headquarters, only to be turned away for lack of a NIN. She dashed to the office of the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) so she could obtain her NIN, but on arrival, she was told they had run out of forms and she would have to come back another day.\nIn this case, I personally intervened on her behalf, having just met a top officer of the identity commission as part of my work. The officer obliged my request and my colleague was able to get the NIN the same day.\nWho really benefits?\nMany would argue that I should at least be glad that I have access to people who have some power. But this is exactly the problem. If essential services in Nigeria are only truly available to people who “have access,” what should the rest of the population do?",
"India’s digital ID system deepens exclusion of vulnerable communities amid pandemic · Global Voices\nBanner image credit: Corona crisis in Kolkata 14. <PERSON> (CC-BY-SA-4.0)\nThis post was first published at Yoti as a part of <PERSON> Digital Identity Fellowship. It has been edited for Global Voices.\nBefore Indian society had the chance to recover from the hardship of both a financial slowdown and the controversial amendment to the Citizenship Act, it got hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the time of reporting, 16,568 Indians have died of COVID-19 and 554,386 have tested positive. By mid-May, 24 people, mostly migrant workers who were desperately trying to return to their own houses, were also reported to have died recently because of the lockdown. Most of them died in an attempt to walk hundreds of kilometres, in hunger and illness, and some as a result of indiscriminate attacks.\nHowever, a curated database maintained by open data community Datameet suggests that more 882 Indians have died of non-coronavirus reasons (mostly starvation and financial distress, exhaustion, accidents during migration, lack or denial of medical care, suicides, police brutality, crimes, and alcohol-withdrawal) during the lockdown. Many marginalized communities were already struggling to survive poverty, hunger and systemic exclusions, and life got even harder due to social distancing and lockdown regulations.\nIndia's digital identification system—which faced scrutiny over privacy concerns and exclusion— has further put marginalised communities at a greater disadvantage during the pandemic.\nThere have been concerns that fingerprint-based authentication (as used by Aadhaar, India’s national biometrics-based digital identity program) can increase the risk of further spreading COVID-19, and India’s Public Distribution System (or PDS, India's social welfare service) predominantly uses Aadhaar for authentication. The state of Kerala identified this risk early on and suspended the use of all biometric authentication systems.",
"This, and all the other social, political and transactional risks linked to Aadhaar — because of COVID-19 — have put marginalized communities at much higher risk, and furthered calls for a revised look at the digital ID ecosystem. While migrant workers in the cities of Delhi, Mumbai and Surat desperately try to return back to their native homes, many struggle to get the COVID-19 relief and regular support of food grains and rations that they are entitled to – all because PDS is yet to be made universal to ensure an equitable public benefit.\nAadhaar and social services\nThe use of Aadhaar-based authentication – or linking the use of Aadhaar with essential social services – makes exclusions more likely than ever.\nA 68-year-old disabled woman from the Indian state of Odisha with missing fingers was denied enrolment in Aadhaar, and as a result, she received no food grains for 11 months. Another disabled person was denied rations for three years, and a five-member family, including an elderly couple, have been in a similar situation for the past six months. There are over 100 such individuals from one tiny administrative region in the same province who did not receive the food grains or rations that they are entitled to.\n<PERSON> of Lachipur, Sonepur distt., Odisha was denied of Aadhaar first for not having fingers intact. She hasn’t received any food grains or other ration for 11 months, or #COVID19 relief. @Food_Odisha @rajaaswain @CMO_Odisha #MarginalizedAadhaar\n— <PERSON>@subhapa) April 30, 2020\nFrom public welfare to mass surveillance\nNational Register of Citizens\nIndia is in the middle of the National Register of Citizens (NRC), an effort to identify and build a database of “legal citizens” which, in the first rollout in the state of Assam, declared 31 million people out of a total population of 33 million as “legal” while leaving 1.9 million, mostly Muslims, as stateless . The government has plans to implement NRC across the country .\nThe use of personal data lies at the centre of everything — from identifying protesters using facial recognition, or selectively-identifying vehicles owned by Muslims from a government database during a communal pogroms, or even tracking people who have travelled to a coronavirus-affected country. The government is reportedly in the process of developing a geofencing app that can alert local authorities if a person in COVID-19 quarantine or isolation attempts to ‘escape’, using the affected person’s cell tower location.",
"Expelled Chinese diamond mining firm quietly returns to Zimbabwe · Global Voices\nA secret airstrip was built in a diamond field seized by the Zimbabwe army in 2007. Zimbabwe has long struggled with diamond mining exploitation from foreign companies. Photo by <PERSON> via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.\nThe quiet return of expelled Chinese mining company Anjin Investments to diamond fields located in eastern Zimbabwe have sparked concerns of exploitation of Zimbabwe's resources under President <PERSON>'s administration, natural resource experts have said.\nThe state restored Anjin's license following intense pressure on Harare by Beijing, and the company has begun setting up operations earlier this month.\nReturn of Anjin To Marange Diamond Fields: the blindside of Zimbabwe is open for business agenda\n— <PERSON> (@mukasiri) February 10, 2019\nAnjin's history of exploitation\nAnjin Investments is a joint venture between the Anhui Foreign Economic Construction (Group) Co Ltd (Afec), and Matt Bronze Enterprises, formed by Zimbabwe’s defense ministry and the Zimbabwe Defence Forces.\nAnjin Investments and other diamond companies were stopped from mining the diamond fields located in Marange by former President <PERSON>’s government in 2016 following allegations of failing to remit taxes.\nMarange is a diamond-rich area located 400 kilometers east of the capital Harare within Manicaland Province.\nZimbabwe's office of the auditor general and parliament noted that Anjin Investments had never produced financial statements to account for its diamond mining operations.\nAccording to a parliamentary report on record , between 2010-2015, Anjin produced approximately 9 million carats which generated about $332 million United States Dollars in revenue.",
"Out of that figure, $62 million USD went to the government as royalties and $86 million USD was spent under corporate social responsibility.\nHowever, due to its military connections, Anjin Investments constructed a defense college at a cost of $98 million USD.\nThe company was one of the seven companies that were permitted to operate in Marange diamond fields prior to the consolidation of the mines in 2016.\nThe other companies included Mbada Diamonds, Diamond Mining Corporation, Jinan Investments, Marange Resources, Kusena and Gye Nyame. Government-owned a 100 percent stake in Marange resources and 50 percent in the other six diamond-mining entities in Marange.\nThese companies were forced into a merger to create the Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (ZCDC), but Anjin resisted the move.\nAnjin and Jinan were negatively affected by the merger, angering Chinese authorities who viewed the move as an assault on property rights and a violation of the investment agreement companies shared with the government.\nThis development also led to the overall deterioration of relations between former president <PERSON> and the Chinese, who had been his “all-weather friends.”\nIgnoring human rights abuses\nWhen Anjin left Marange, they dismissed hundreds of workers without paying their outstanding salaries and severance packages. The company was accused by its employees of racism and abuse of workers.\nAnjin recently recruited scores of employees at Chibuwe village, with the assistance of local councilors who were asked to provide names for the company to select, according to <PERSON> , director of the Centre for Natural Resource Governance:\nLack of transparency regarding the return of Anjin, therefore, raises these questions, who authorized them to mine in Marange? Why were formal government institutions overlooked?\n<PERSON> joins ZCDC, which has also been plundering Marange and committing horrific human rights abuses without any tangible benefits to the community.\nChibuwe village is located within Manicaland near Marange, situated at the deep end of the Save Valley.\n<PERSON>, provincial mining director for Manicaland, expressed ignorance about the presence of Anjin when contacted for comment.\n<PERSON>, permanent secretary in the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development, also professed ignorance on the matter saying as far as he was concerned Anjin does not have a permit to be in Marange. <PERSON> said:\nAnjin is one of the companies we are in discussions with but no decision had been made on their return.\nTHE RETURN OF ANJIN INVESTMENTS TO MARANGE – ZIMBABWE GOVERNMENT PROFESSES IGNORANCE @FMaguwu @mlevu28 @onhachi\n— CNRG Zim (@CNRG_ZIM) March 25, 2019\nWill history repeat itself?",
"Can Zimbabwe handle the coronavirus amid a collapsing health care system? · Global Voices\nA health worker points out what few drugs he has left in his stores in a health center, Mazoe, Zimbabwe, April 22, 2009. Photo by <PERSON> / AusAID via Wikimedia Commons CC BY 2.0.\nCheck out Global Voices’ special coverage of the global impact of COVID-19.\nAs the government of Zimbabwe confirms the first COVID-19 casualty in the country, many Zimbabweans have questioned Zimbabwe's capacity to handle a public health pandemic of this magnitude.\nThe nation's fragile health care system combined with its poor record of internet access has citizens on high alert — and already grieving.\n<PERSON>, 30, succumbed to complications from the coronavirus on the morning of Monday, March 23, 2020, at Harare Wilkins Infectious Diseases Hospital, where he was admitted after showing symptoms.\n<PERSON> was popularly known for his explainer video series, “State of the Nation with Zororo.” He was the son of a prominent businessman, <PERSON>.\nThe Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr <PERSON> has confirmed the death of <PERSON>, who was the second person to test positive for Covid-19 in Zimbabwe.@GNyambabvu @EMupoperi @JoshMunthali @nickmangwana @MoHCCZim @lizmaggz @samaita44\n— ZBC News Online (@ZBCNewsonline) March 23, 2020\n<PERSON> wrote on Twitter, “let us pause and reflect”:\nMr <PERSON>, the son of Mr <PERSON> has passed on. MHSRIEP. I have just learned of this tragic loss of life due to the virus. A giant with so much potential has fallen. Corona is real. Let us pause and reflect. Life is too precious.\n— <PERSON> (@mmawere) March 23, 2020\n<PERSON> is the second case of coronavirus reported by the Minister of Health and Child Care <PERSON> last week.\n<PERSON> announced the first confirmed case was a British national who resides in Victoria Falls. The 38-year-old male had traveled to Manchester, England on March 7 and traveled back to Zimbabwe on March 15 from Manchester, via South Africa.\nUpon arrival, the patient went into self-quarantine on the advice of <PERSON>, according to The Chronicle.",
"However, after developing “severe respiratory distress,” he was admitted to Wilkins Hospital, where he tested positive for the virus.\nWith two confirmed cases as of March 26, according to WHO, Zimbabweans have no choice but to brace themselves for potential disaster.\nCan Zimbabwe handle coronavirus?\nOn Wednesday, Zimbabwe's doctors and nurses went on strike to protest a lack of personal protective equipment (PPEs) necessary to treat patients with the highly contagious virus.\nEven before the coronavirus crisis reached Zimbabwe, its health care system was collapsing, and families have been expected to provide their own gloves and clean water for basic treatment in health care facilities, according to Time magazine.\nDoctors and nurses had only returned to work in January after a four-month strike to demand higher salaries and improved working conditions, according to Time.\nPresident <PERSON> last week issued an announcement banning gatherings of more than 100 people in an effort to slow the spread of the virus. <PERSON> also ordered the closure of schools, colleges and universities on Tuesday.\nTwitter user <PERSON> asked why there wasn't more “realistic discourse” about COVID-19:\nWhy are we not having a realistic discourse about #COVID19 in Africa- the first fatality in Zimbabwe died gasping for air, doctors on strike as no protective gear, no water in hospitals. People who stay at home have no income and no food\n— <PERSON> (@rashida_abbferr) March 25, 2020\n<PERSON> , a human rights advocate in Zimbabwe, wrote a Facebook post on March 23, sharing her concerns about Zimbabwe's state of unpreparedness:\nI am concerned about the state of unpreparedness that our country is in. A friend of mine battling to save lives in UK while at risk said the Covid Beast is real. I see my fellow citizens in denial that this can happen to us. No one is immune. The cities and towns are buzzing with life. Business as usual. What signs do we need? People are dying. Are we seriously waiting to be told to stay at home.",
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"Just want to add another perspective by using computers and our understanding of space-time as an analogy.\nFirst, let me state that computers do not recognize time by itself. It requires an external clock that is subsequently mapped to human-understandable time (1 time step -> 0.1 ns, for example). But barring that external clock to quantize (discretize) the executions of computers instructions (note that in computers we artificially synchronize executions based on the clock, otherwise, it will \"just happen\"), the amount of \"time\" (from we as external observer that already understand time) required to accomplish tasks (or a sequence of instructions) are not quantifiable.\nSo for the computers without external clock, time would be something inherent to their fabric of existence.\nAnother perspective before getting to the final point is how we understand the concept of fabric of space-time. (image below from the book \"We Have No Idea\")\nWe can't really measure the expansion of our very fabric of space-time directly, since any measure we use would also be expanding, unless we can find something that doesn't expand with the fabric of space-time.\nNow, back to the computer analogy, I guess it won't be able to see the concept of time, unless there are things in the universe that stays constant with respect to time (something that does not \"expand\" with the chaos of time in your universe).\nHowever, we now do learn about the speed of light and the fabric of space-time (but much much later, definitely not the first thing that we would come up with).",
"So I believe there would be some cases that caused your creatures to try to understand the concept of time, with much difficulty, just as now we try to understand the concept of space-time.\nA final remark would be to note that this might have some similarity if we assume speed of light is much lower than the current speed, that we can move very close to the speed of light. That can cause things to happen differently for different people (think about the different frame of reference in our current universe that might cause ordering of events to be different for different observers). So it might be hard for the creatures in your universe to understand that there are absolute ordering (passage of time) of events. So you might want to start from there.",
"Quantum Tunnelling\nWith the quantum tunnelling effect, you could tunnel through a barrier that it classically cannot surmount. This effect could be explained using the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Here I will do a basic explanation: We have a green ball, two valleys (one below the another) and a mountain.\nWe push a little the green ball, it moves and falls in the first valley turning some of its potential energy into kinetic energy (light green line), then, the ball tries to climb the mountain using all its kinetic energy (yellow line), but sadly there isn't enough to climb the \"barrier\", and finally it falls in the metastable valley (red line and ball), a zone with some energy (not rest state) but not enough to climb the wall.\nBut if we think about energy, the ball can be in any place below the brown line because it doesn't need more kinetic energy to archive it, even more, reaching that states can turn potential energy into kinetic energy.",
"So, if we close the eyes, the uncertain principle said that this ball can be anywhere below the line, even inside the mountain! Using this principle and not looking elsewhere, the ball can do some tricky physics and move through the quantum tunnel in order to archive the real stable valley, where it doesn't have more potential energy.\nYour character can use this quantum tunnel in order to move instantly into zones below its brown line, which would be something like its chemical energy (stamina?) or maybe potential energy (can't teleport outside gravity wells), I don't know, that is your problem, not mine ;).\nOther ways could be:\nWarp Drive (Alcubierre drive)\nThere is a way to move faster than light without becoming pure energy, disintegrate or move through quantum and weird tunnels.\nIn soft sci-fi it's called warp drive, but in hard science it's usually referred to it as <PERSON> drive.\nIt collapses (make smaller) space towards it and expanses (make larger) space behind it in order to move less distance to archive further destinations.\nAnd extremely collapse and expansion of space towards and behind the teleporter respectively in a fast way could be experienced as a \"teleportation\".\nThe most realistic way to archive this could be manipulating gravity wells but it doesn't matter much.\nWormholes\nA wormhole connects two points in space-time themselves making something that could be described as a \"bridge\" between the points. By this way, you could travel almost instantly shortening the distance between you and your destiny. Also, you don't need to disassemble into molecules.\nLightspeed\nIf you become energy and travel at speed light, then become matter and reassemble philosophically speaking is a bit difficult to tell you if you are still alive, but at least it would be instantly for you. A particle travelling to lightspeed will not experience the pass of time.",
"On the assumption that the universe is not expanding, but things are shrinking\nAlthough the title gets the gist across, clearly, this is going to run into a lot of contradictions if I don't explain the idea as it resides in my head.\nBear with me in the following analogy of a child playing with modelling clay. Suppose they are very creative and very proud. I.e; they are constantly pursuing more novelty in their creation, and do not want to destroy what they have already made.\nSuppose they start by making two houses using the entirety of their clay, yet they still want to add more complicated features while preserving what they have already. The only way to do so is to proportionally scale down their models, so they have more clay to work with.\nIn this analogy, the clay is the total amount of fundamental building-block to work with, creativity is entropy, and the proportional scaling-down is the facet required to satisfy higher entropy. As a result the elements of the system become relatively smaller, while distances become relatively larger.",
"To the perspective of one of the models, it does not experience itself getting smaller, but rather experiences the universe expanding and getting more complicated. The analogy isn't perfect, and my idea of assuming entropy as equivalent to intricacy may be conceptually wrong, but I hope you get the main idea.\nAnalogously, galaxies are not getting farther apart from an universally-external perspective. Rather, they are at a more relatively static distance, individually shrinking to satisfy the need of delegating properties of itself to increase intricacy.\nThis model of the universe is going to run into contradictions if we don't specify what and where exactly is being scaled down (e.g; particles, forces, physical constants, etc).\nA similar question was asked in 2012. The main answer brushed the thought experiment off as an example of \"Occam's razer\". However, I don't think it's safe to say that a \"component-shrinking universe\" is a more complicated theory; as it seems to only differ interpretationally.\nCould this model be a viable alternative to expansion? Is it mathematically equivalent, just interpretationally distinct?\nFurthermore, would this explain redshift not as wavelengths being stretched over through expanding space, but residual unaffected 'bigger' wavelengths from an older universe whence things were less shrunk?",
"We need to think about just where the time dilation effect occurs. By then thinking about the observations from each point of view, that is the free falling object and the external observer, we can come to terms with just what is happening as opposed to what appears to be happening.\nThe experience of time\nWe must remember that an object moving at a certain speed will travel through time (or the 4th dimension) at a slower rate. This does not mean that it moves slower, otherwise it would obviously not be travelling \"at a certain speed\".\nWhere time slows is in the ticking of the physical processes of the object itself.",
"In other words, my clock would tick twice as slow according to you as I flew past you at 87% the speed of light. I would be waving my arms normally, but according to you, I would appear to be waving my arms twice as slow and would also appear to be squeezed in size (not really relevant to this).\nThe falling object's point of view\nIf you were the object falling into the black hole, you would accelerate as you approached the event horizon, but you would take longer and longer to react to the approach, to the point where you would fall into the black hole in no time at all. From your perspective, your approach to the event horizon would become exponentially faster.\nIn other words, you would fall incredibly fast into the black hole, but you would have barely registered it in your mind because there just wasn't enough time for you due to relativity.\nThe stationary observer's point of view\nNow, the stationary observer outside the black hole's influence would observe something very different. The light (or rather, information) about your descent would become more and more redshifted, but also take longer and longer to actually reach their eyes.\nThis means that according to the observer, the falling object would slow down to a halt at the event horizon and have disappeared.\nSo what really \"happened\"?\n* The falling object fell in very quickly, but hardly realised it happening\n* The stationary observer would think that the object disappeared and never reached the event horizon.\n* <PERSON> taps on some gravity books and saves the human race.",
"Can eternal inflation and gravity explain dark energy?\nFirst of all, I have absolutely no background in astronomy and physics. I just watch a lot of \"i-hope-scientific\" youtube channels talking about physics and astrophysics and I can kind of follow the maths and concepts.\nSo, I was thinking, with absolutely no physics to support this:\nREAL QUESTION STARTS HERE:\nSay, the big bang happened everywhere, followed by inflation that never stopped. This is wat eternal inflation described (if i am correct)\nThen, as eternal inflation goes on and more and more universe outside of the observable universe is created. Then there would be an unlimited amount of mass outside our observable universe.\nCan this mass create an gravitational effect on the galaxies in our universe?\nWe are at the center of our observable universe, so the gravitational effect of all the mass outside our observable universe would never affects us. But from the perspective of another galaxy, it would be affected by a bit of universe that is outside our observable universe.\nThen you might explain the effect that galaxies that are farther away from us move faster away from us. And that galaxies closer to use move slower away.",
"Then you can explain this by saying that the galaxies farther away are closer to the \"unlimited\" mass outside our observable universe. And thus are more affected by this. And that galaxies close by are less affected.\nThe theory with dark energy claims that dark energy causes an outward push from the inside of our universe. Wouldn't this be indistinguishable from a gravitational pull from the outside?\nAlso, could this explain the red-shift we see in light from the far end of the observable universe? If I remember correct, gravity can red-shift light if the light moves away from the source of the gravitational pull (as seen near black holes). Light form the far end of the universe has moved trough the gravitational pull away from the \"infinite mass\" of the outside universe.\nThis was my idea, and I would like to see where I am thinking wrong.\nOne thing where I obviously might be thinking wrong is that this effect would be homogeneous throughout the universe and it should cancel out. But is this also true when you throw some relativity into the mix?",
"You could have a look at electromagnetic induction. When the electromagnetic field through a surface surrounded by a conductor changes, this will generate an electric current which in turn generates a magnetic field that resists this change. In the case of a superconductor, the generated field will be precisely strong enough to stop the change completely.\nSince light is electromagnetic radiation, we can imagine a substance which similarly manages to partially or fully cancels out all light that passes through it by generating electromagnetic fields opposite to the waves of the light.\nsevere speculation:\nIt seems like what you'd need to achieve this is a bunch of charged particles that are able to move without resistance. A massless charged particle seems ideal here. Sadly, since it is massless, it would be unable to not move at the speed of light. If they move around in a confined space randomly, they would create an incredibly strong and chaotic electromagnetic field. Though you could just invoke quantum mechanics and claim they move in all directions at the same time (much like particles with mass at rest bounce off the higgs field in all directions at the same time) and therefor create no net electromagnetic field.",
"Another problem becomes simply containing these particles, and this is a big one. You'll have to use electromagnetism to keep these particles together and this will likely be just as difficult as what the particles are doing for you (canceling the light). But could possibly be more straightforward. (Maybe a rather simple, if powerful electromagnetic field would be enough to turn any particle headed out of the confined space around.)\nwhat would this achieve?\nWell, since these particles can only cancel out light within their volume, light would be able to pass through it largely unchanged. However, inside the substance all light would be entirely canceled out. which means that it would be pitch black.\nSo the way to use it is to surround your enemies with it (or just their heads) and though you will still be perfectly able to see them, all they would see is darkness.\nsome possible side effects\nThis would interact with all electromagnetic fields, including that of the earth, so if you move this substance it would generate a field to resist this change. Since this resists all change in electromagnetic fields, it is possible that brains and nerves in general stop working within this substance. I'm not sure how to solve this one without some serious handwaving.",
"self-replicating \"population\" of machines: feasible or not, now?\nRecently, a robot called Philae soft-landed quite safely onto the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, then shot some photos and got some other interesting information that was sent back to Earth. This unveiled my curiosity, regarding our current technology and what is possible to do with it, now.\nSpecifically, my question is in the title. Do we have technology and knowledge sufficient for making <PERSON> probes, i.e. self-replicating population of machines that can perform all tasks necessary for full replication, including extraction and processing of raw materials into working machine components and assembling them into new machines.",
"It is allowed for a machine to perform specific tasks (i.e. each machine does not have to be omnipotent relatively to the replication process or any other process).\nNew instructions may be passed to these robots when necessary.\nIt does not need to be nanoscale. Actually, any scale is desirable, as long as \"it works\". Scale of machines may be modified later.\nEfficiency (in a very broad sense) is not a problem, as long as \"it works\", and can be increased later because time is not a problem.\nEnergy shall not be a problem, relying on renewable energy in the long-run.(edit: as has been pointed out in answers, solar-powered probes seems not be an option far from sun. Then, what ?)\nSuch a \"thing\" may be put to good use down on earth, but it could also be sent into space and, given enough time, slowly colonize the entire solar system, using solar energy as primary source of energy for example, but maybe harvesting chemical energy and materials from asteroids, comets and possibly other planets and satellites.\nWhile asking whether it is possible or not to do it with our current technology and knowledge, I don't mind about whether it is useful or not.\nI don't mind about money nor time necessary to make it real.\nI just want to know whether it is possible or not, and why ?\nIf you think and answer that, \"yes\", we may do it now, any -- ordered if possible -- list of potential current technology useful/necessary for making all of this real is welcome.\nDon't hesitate to edit (but keep a trace of) my text if you feel it would improve its understandability.",
"Realistic 3D vision in our usual space-time\nHumans, animals and various devices only have 2D vision: that is, we see a 2D projection of light reflected from various 3D objects in the direction of our eyes (and processed by our brains).\nI would like to describe a 3D vision, but without being fancy 5+ dimensional beings. Questions are both: how can it be realized and how would it feel to have such a vision?\nI want to keep all the limitations of our usual vision: finite resolution (amount of pixels), finite field of vision (area and distance), finite time resolution, finite spectrum and spectral resolution, etc.\nOf course I don't want to keep is to rely on electromagnetic spectrum alone. Better have a combination of scanning instruments, including various elementary particles.\n1) One way is to have a million nanorobots (or organic analogue) with sensors floating in space and communicating with each other / some external processing device.",
"If they are tiny enough they can even 'see' inside living tissue or some porous materials.\nThe processing needed to 'comprehend' such image in real time is enormous though. And also, it will not be a higher-dimensional analogue to our vision, because we won't be able to 'turn our head' and see another 3D projection of a 4D object, we'd be more like a right hand circle in this 2D space:\n2) On the other hand a complete analogue the vision I want would be a usual 3D being seeing in 2D space:\nIn this image purple lines is what the blue ball sees: projection of a 2D space at different moments in time.\nSince I don't want extra dimensional beings, let's say we are all 4D (including time) and go from there. Now it's much more complicated to realise, since 'turning our head' we'd be able to see a projection of 3D space existing at several moments of time simultaneously in the past and in the future.\nI can't even begin to imagine how it would feel and how it could be processed.\nIn the end, I would like some help in fleshing out both options 1) and 2), possible ways to desribe them, and related problems and maybe some references to similar ideas?\nThere's a similar question here<PHONE_NUMBER> and one of the answers describes something similar to what I want<PHONE_NUMBER>, but all of it is not science based.",
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"I rencently stumbled on a more or less similar question. Actually the Fourier transform of the velocity autocorrelation does not gives you the phonon DOS but rather the phonon population of your system. In other words it gives you normal modes.\nThe actual calculation of the DOS can be found, for example, in the thesis of Dr <PERSON>, gracefully linked by Prof. <PERSON> in this discussion:\nAs Prof. <PERSON> says, the actual calculation is rare in the litterature and it could clarify some question to develop it here.\nUnfortunately it is in spanish but I can give here a quick explaination of his calculations.\nA. Computation of the phonon DOS\nGiven the Fourier transform of the velocities from the space of time ($t$) to the space of frequencies ($\\omega$):\n$$\\mathbf{v}n(\\omega)=\\int{-\\infty}^{\\infty}\\mathbf{v}_n(t)e^{i\\omega{}t}dt$$\nwhere the subscript $n$ corresponds to the $n^{th}$ atom and $i$ is the imaginary unit.",
"From here one can get the spectrum of potential kinetic energy:\n$$|\\mathbf{v}n(\\omega)|^2 = \\int{-\\infty}^{\\infty}\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty} \\mathbf{v}_n(t') \\mathbf{v}_n(t) e^{i\\omega{}(t-t')}dtdt'$$\nIn a stationnary oscillatory state, the coordinate $r_n(t)$ can be rewritten as a function of the normal modes of oscillation:\n$$ r_{nj}(t) = \\sum_s Q_{snj} e^{-i\\omega_{sj} t} $$\nwith the $\\omega_s$ the normal frequencies of oscillation and j the direction of the 3D space, $Q_{snj}$ being the mean coordinate of the particle. Hence one can express velocities as the derivative regarding time:\n$$ v_{nj}(t) = \\sum_s Q_{snj}(-i\\omega_{sj}) e^{-i\\omega_{sj} t} $$\nUsing this expression in the second integral, one can deduce:\n$$ \\sum_{i=1}^N |\\mathbf{v}n(\\omega_s)|^2 = \\sum_s\\sum{(n*j)=1}^{3N} \\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty} |Q_{snj}|^2\\omega_s^2 e^{i(\\omega+\\omega_s)t''}dt'' $$\nwhere $t''=t-t'$.\nAt thermal equilibrium, given the equipartition of the energy, one has directly $\\sum_j |Q_{snj}|^2\\omega_{sj}^2=3k_BT$. As the normale modes are supposed to be dominant, the integral of the complex exponential can be reduced to a Dirac distribution such as $\\rho(\\omega) = \\sum_s \\delta(\\omega+\\omega_s)$ is the phonon DOS.\nHence: $$ \\sum_{i=1}^N |\\mathbf{v}n(\\omega_s)|^2 = 3Nk_BT\\sum_s\\delta(\\omega+\\omega_s) $$ $$ \\downarrow $$ $$ \\rho(\\omega) = \\frac{\\sum{i=1}^N |\\mathbf{v}_n(\\omega_s)|^2}{3Nk_BT} $$\nTaking $t'=0$ for the origin of the time, this final expression reduces to $$ \\rho(\\omega) = \\frac{\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty}\\sum_{i=1}^N <\\mathbf{v}_i(t)\\cdot\\mathbf{v}_i(0)>}{3Nk_BT} $$ linking it to the autocorrelation. If you just Fourier transform the autocorrelation of the velocities, you get the normal modes. You have to had them (i.e integrate) to get the actual DOS. More informations on the assumptions are in the thesis.",
"The two pictures obviously can't refer to the same thing.\nActually, they do.\nYou see, $FE(E,T)$, the Fermi function, is the mean number of fermions in the state of given energy E at temperature T. Hopefuly, it is bounded between 0 and 1 so only zero or one fermion in these quantum states. In this case, $\\mu$ is the limit of energy at wich you have one half of a chance to found a fermion in you gas. Lower energy levels will mostly be filled and higher ones will be empty.\nObviously, in order to generalise the distribution it is common to normalize regarding $k_bT$ i.e $\\beta = \\frac{1}{k_bT}$. $\\mu$ actually depends on your system and mostly on your system's reservoir and so is fixed with regards to N and T (else the distribution isn't valid, meaning you don't have enough particles or the temperature is too high).\nI did a plot of two characterising limit $\\nu$ (sorry for notation change, it's old) relatively different to the temperature of their systems as $\\nu = 10k_bT$ and $\\nu = 50k_bT$.",
"e is in $k_bT$ units.\nAs you can see, as the distribution is exponentially decaying between $\\nu-5k_bT$ and $\\nu+5k_bT$. This gives you the density of distribution of your fermions in the different energy states around.\nIf you keep an eye on a constant $\\mu$ (or $\\nu$ in the case of my plot) you will see the distribution sharpen as you decrease the temperature. This defines the so called \"Fermi sphere\" in the p space containing all the energy levels of your fermions at zero temperature. As such you define it's radius as $p_F$ giving you a total number of quantic states (for electrons): $$\\frac{4}{3}\\pi p_F^3\\frac{V}{h^3}2=N$$ (2 is due to the 1/2 spin of electrons) As such, you can define the Fermi energy as $\\epsilon_F = \\frac{p_F^2}{2m}$ giving you the fermi level at $0\\ K$: $\\mu_F=\\epsilon_F$.\nRemember that $\\mu$ depends on the system bath and that the distribution along the energy states varies with $T$. Hope this helps a bit.",
"Yes, it is possible. It is done often. The solution depends on the dynamics and orientation(s) of the spins in the ensemble (as will be shown bellow). I will assume you want to calculate the spectrum in frequency space.\n$$ \\omega_{cs} = \\sigma_{zz}^{LF}(-\\gamma \\vec{B}_{0}) $$\nWe can hide a few variables and rewrite this in a much more useful way as: $$ \\omega_{CS} = (\\vec{b}^t_0 \\overset {\\leftrightarrow}{\\omega}\\vec{b}_0)^{LF} = (\\vec{b}^t_0 \\overset {\\leftrightarrow}{\\omega}\\vec{b}_0)^{PAS} =(\\vec{b}^t_0 \\overset {\\leftrightarrow}{\\omega}\\vec{b}_0)^{RF} $$\nwhere,\n$$ \\vec{b_0} = \\frac{\\vec{B_0}}{B_0}. $$\nThe above allows us to calculate the chemical shift in many reference frames. The frame where $\\omega$ is diagonal (the PAS) is often convenient.\n$$ \\omega_{CS} = \\omega_{xx}^{PAS}(\\vec{b}^{PAS}{0,x})^2 + \\omega{yy}^{PAS}(\\vec{b}^{PAS}{0,x})^2 + \\omega{zz}^{PAS}(\\vec{b}^{PAS}_{0,x})^2 $$\nWe can define $\\theta$ as the angle between $Z^{PAS}$ and $b_0$ and $\\phi$ as the angle between $X^{PAS}$ and the x-component of the $b_0$ field. This lets us write:\n$$ \\omega_{CS} = \\omega_{xx}^{PAS} \\cos^2\\phi \\sin^2\\theta + \\omega_{yy}\\sin^2\\phi \\sin^2\\theta+ \\omega_{zz}^{PAS}\\cos^2\\theta $$\nThe above is the main equation you will need to calculate a chemical shift spectrum in frequency space.",
"Numerically you will sum over all the angles in your ensemble. If your sample is a powder you could use angles sampled from a Gaussian distribution on a sphere for example. Typically people then apply convolution with a Lorentzian function (to account for relaxation and smooth the numerical artifacts). If your sample is a solution and the molecular reorientation time is fast compared to the inverse of the anisotropy, everything but the isotropic component will be averaged away. To put this in context (and to get to some possibly familiar equations) it will be useful to introduce some convention. In the <PERSON>-convention:\n$$|\\delta_{zz} - \\delta_{iso}| \\ge |\\delta_{xx} - \\delta_{iso}| \\ge |\\delta_{yy} - \\delta_{iso}|$$ $$\\delta_{iso} = \\frac{1}{3}(\\delta_{xx} + \\delta_{yy}+ \\delta_{zz})$$ $$\\delta = \\delta_{zz} =\\delta_{iso}$$ $$\\eta = (\\delta_{yy}-\\delta_{xx})/\\delta$$\nWhere $\\delta$ is called the anisotropy and $\\eta$ is called asymmetry. Graphically:\nUsing this convention and some geometry you can get to: $$ \\omega {CS} = \\frac{\\delta}{2} (3\\cos ^2\\theta -1 + \\eta \\sin^2 \\theta \\cos 2\\phi) + \\delta{iso} $$\nAlso, ab initio chemical shift calculations normally are reported in shielding values, you will probably want to convert to shift values using a sutable reference.\nReference: Multidimensional Solid-State NMR and Polymers, by <PERSON> and <PERSON>, chapter 2",
"I believe in your equations $u_k (\\vec{r})$ has different meanings in each equation:\n* In equation 1, $u_k (\\vec{r})$ refers to a periodic function in the Bravais lattice.\n* In equation 2, it refers to the wavefunction $\\phi(\\vec{r})$ around each lattice site (it is written as $\\phi(\\vec{r}-\\vec{R}_j)$ becasue $\\phi(\\vec{r})$ is centered at the origin).\nNow, let's try to see if both forms are equivalent:\n$$ \\tag{1} \\exp(i\\vec{k}\\cdot\\vec{r})u_k (\\vec{r}) \\equiv^? \\sum_j \\exp(i\\vec{k}\\cdot\\vec R_j)\\phi (\\vec{r}-\\vec{R}_j)$$\nTake the RHS:\n$$ \\tag{2} \\sum_j \\exp(i\\vec{k}\\cdot\\vec R_j)\\phi (\\vec{r}-\\vec{R}_j)= e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot \\vec{r}} \\left (e^{-i\\vec{k}\\cdot \\vec{r}} \\sum_j e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot\\vec R_j}\\phi (\\vec{r}-\\vec{R}_j) \\right ) $$\nNote that I only multiplied by $1=e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot \\vec{r}} e^{-i\\vec{k}\\cdot \\vec{r}}$, then we must ask: are the terms in parenthesis a periodic function in the Bravais lattice?\nLet's use the substitution $\\vec{r}\\rightarrow\\vec{r}+\\vec{R}_k$, where $\\vec{R}_k$ is an arbitrary lattice vector. Then we have:\n$$ e^{-i\\vec{k}\\cdot(\\vec{r}+\\vec{R}_k)} \\sum_j e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot\\vec R_j}\\phi (\\vec{r}+\\vec{R}_k-\\vec{R}_j) =e^{-i\\vec{k} \\cdot \\vec{r}}\\sum_j e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot(\\vec{R}_j-\\vec{R}_k)} \\phi(\\vec{r}+\\vec{R}_k-\\vec{R}_j) $$\nNow, we can write our question as:\n$$ \\sum_j e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot\\vec R_j}\\phi (\\vec{r}-\\vec{R}_j) \\equiv^? \\sum_j e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot(\\vec{R}_j-\\vec{R}_k)} \\phi(\\vec{r}+\\vec{R}_k-\\vec{R}_j) $$\nIf we have an infinite lattice, then these equations are equivalent, so we know the part in parenthesis in equation (2) is periodic.",
"If instead, we have periodic boundary conditions (for example, a 2D lattice wrapped into a torus), there are some terms in the LHS that don't appear in the RHS and vice-versa. In this case, however, they would cancel out, since these terms would be separated by a distance equivalent to the boundary conditions.\nThis means your equation 2. can be written as:\n$$e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot \\vec{r}} \\left (e^{-i\\vec{k}\\cdot \\vec{r}} \\sum_j e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot\\vec R_j}\\phi (\\vec{r}-\\vec{R}j) \\right ) = e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot \\vec{r}} u\\vec{k}(\\vec{r}) $$\nwhere $u_\\vec{k}(\\vec{r}) = e^{-i\\vec{k}\\cdot \\vec{r}} \\sum_j e^{i\\vec{k}\\cdot\\vec R_j}\\phi (\\vec{r}-\\vec{R}_j)$ is a periodic function in the Bravais lattice.\nA great reference is:",
"Normal coordinates for harmonic approximation (classical lattice vibration)\nI am reading <PERSON> \"Fundamentals of the Physcs of Solids\" vol. 1. and i am very much stuck at this point (chapter 11.3.2 in the book):\nIn the harmonic approximation the potential energy of a lattice with a base can be written as:\n$$U_{harm}= {1 \\over 2} \\sum \\limits_{m, \\mu, \\alpha, n, \\nu, \\beta} \\Phi^{\\mu \\nu}{\\alpha,\\beta}(m-n) u\\alpha(m,\\mu) u_\\beta(n,\\nu) $$\nHere $m,n$ sum primitive cells, $\\mu,\\nu$ base atoms and $\\alpha,\\beta$ coordinates.\nWe want to express this in the normal coordinates of the Fourier transform of $\\Phi^{\\mu \\nu}(m-n)$, called the dynamical matrix $D$ and the instantatious displacements $u_\\alpha(m,\\mu,t)$ expressed in the eigenvectors $e^{(\\lambda)}$ of $D$ in the normal coordinates $Q$:\n$$D^{\\mu \\nu}{\\alpha,\\beta}( \\vec q)={1 \\over \\sqrt{M\\mu M_\\nu}}\\sum_n \\Phi^{\\mu \\nu}(m-n)e^{-i\\vec q ( \\vec R_m -\\vec R_n)}$$\n$$u_\\alpha(m,\\mu,t)={1 \\over \\sqrt{N M_\\mu}} \\sum \\limits_{ \\vec q , \\lambda}e^{(\\lambda)}{\\mu,\\alpha}(\\vec q)Q\\lambda(\\vec q) e^{i \\vec q \\vec R_m} $$\nPutting the $u_\\alpha(m,\\mu,t)$ in the equation for $U_{harm}$ gives the expression of my concern:\n$$U_{harm}={1 \\over 2} \\sum \\limits_{m, \\mu, \\alpha, n, \\nu, \\beta} \\Phi^{\\mu \\nu}{\\alpha,\\beta}(m-n){1 \\over \\sqrt{N M\\mu}} \\sum \\limits_{ \\vec q , \\lambda}e^{(\\lambda)}{\\mu,\\alpha}(\\vec q)Q\\lambda(\\vec q) e^{i \\vec q \\vec R_m} {1 \\over \\sqrt{N M_\\nu}} \\sum \\limits_{ \\vec q' , \\lambda}e^{(\\lambda')}{\\nu,\\alpha}(\\vec q')Q{\\lambda'}(\\vec q') e^{i \\vec q' \\vec R_n} $$\nThe argument now goes that in the secons sum only summants with $\\vec q' = \\vec q $ contribute because $\\Phi^{\\mu \\nu}(m-n)$ only depends on the difference in lattice vectors $\\vec R_m$ i really don't get this and would very much appriciate an explanation of this arument or the fact tat only these summants contribute.\nPS: as always any critique and questions that make it easyer for you to answer the question is apriciated.",
"Lower limit for atomic number in case of imaginary ion with Z < 1\nIn my programming project I calculate the minimal energy of an atom with 2 electrons in the $L=0, S=0$ state, using a Hylleraas wave function.\nThe values I find for $Z=2$ (He) and $Z=1$ (H$^-$) are in good correspondence with what can be found in literature (Pekeris, 1962):\n* $E_0({\\rm He}) \\approx -2.903~{\\rm a.u.}$\n* $E_0({\\rm H^-}) \\approx -0.528~{\\rm a.u.}$\nHere a.u. are the atomic units in which the energy of the hydrogen atom is $-0.5$. However, the next part of the project is to find a lower limit for $Z$, e.i. imagine a theoretical ion with $0<Z<1$ $(Z\\in \\mathbb{R})$, what is the minimal value for $Z$ in order for the two-electron system to remain bound? This is equivalent with asking: for which value of $Z$ is $E_0=0$?\nI cannot find any references about this theoretical lower limit online, but I don't think my results are correct: the $E(Z)$ relation, also shown in the graphs below, looks like a power law.",
"This means that $E_0\\to0$ for $Z\\to0$, but in this case you just have two electrons and you would expect a very positive energy as the two will strongly repel each other.\nI do not expect you to help me with the programming project, but maybe someone could provide some useful thoughts or a reference about this theoretical lower limit? I keep finding it strange that the results for $Z=1,2$ are correct with errors of only 0.01% and everything seems to go wrong for small $Z$.\nNote: how are these energies exactly calculated? We start with a Hylleraas wavefunction subjected to a coordinate rescaling factor $\\alpha$: $$ \\langle\\vec{r}1\\vec{r}_2|\\Psi\\alpha\\rangle = \\sum_{STU}C_{STU}N_{STU}{\\rm e}^{-\\alpha s/2}(\\alpha s)^S(\\alpha t)^T(\\alpha u)^U $$ with $s = r_1 + r_2, t = r_1-r_2, u=r_{12}=|\\vec{r}1-\\vec{r}_2|$, $S,U\\in\\mathbb{N}$, $T\\in2\\mathbb{N}$ and $\\alpha\\in\\mathbb{R}^+$. Three matrices can be calculated: the overlap matrix $[M]$, the kinetic energy $[T]$ and potential energy $[V].$ They scale like: $$\\langle\\Psi\\alpha|\\Psi_\\alpha\\rangle = \\langle\\Psi|\\Psi\\rangle/\\alpha^6 $$ $$\\langle\\Psi_\\alpha|T|\\Psi_\\alpha\\rangle = \\langle\\Psi|T|\\Psi\\rangle/\\alpha^4 $$ $$\\langle\\Psi_\\alpha|V|\\Psi_\\alpha\\rangle = \\langle\\Psi|V|\\Psi\\rangle/\\alpha^5 $$ Variation to the expansion coefficients in $\\langle\\Psi_\\alpha|(T+V)|\\Psi_\\alpha\\rangle/\\langle\\Psi_\\alpha|\\Psi_\\alpha\\rangle$ leads to a generalized eigenvalue problem: $$ \\left(\\alpha^2[T]+\\alpha[V]\\right) C_\\alpha = E_\\alpha[M]C_\\alpha $$ The lowest energy eigenvalue $E_\\alpha^0$ gives a function of $\\alpha$ of which the minimum needs to be determined. This minimum is the best variational approximation of the ground state energy.\nUPDATE: It is interesting to plot the evolution of the coordinate rescaling factor $\\alpha$ as a function of $Z$. Apparently, there is a discontinuity around $Z\\approx 0.89841$, which is close to the critical value of $Z\\approx 0.91$ found in literature. I would suppose this point has a significant meaning, but I have failed so far to give it a physical interpretation (I hope to find an interpretation which has to do with the ionization of at least 1 electron).",
"Problems while numerically computing band structure using k.p theory\nI want to use k.p theory to numerically compute the band structure of a bulk semiconductor. The band I like to include are the lowest conduction band (cb), the heavy-hole (hh), the light-hole (lh) and the split-off (so) band, each twice spin-degenerate. To do this, I have to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an 8x8 Hamiltonian. I know there are plenty of different types for the very same problem depending on the definitions of the states at $k=0$, so I do not show this Hamiltonian here.\nThe lattice periodic wave function of band $\\lambda$ can be written as an expansion into the states at $k=0$:\n$ u_{\\lambda,{\\bf k}} = \\sum_\\nu c_{\\lambda,\\nu,{\\bf k}} u_{\\lambda,{\\bf 0}} $.\nTo numerically get the band structure and the eigenvectors which contain the expansion coefficients $c_{\\lambda,\\nu,{\\bf k}}$, I use an eigenproblem solver like zgeev (Lapack) or ComplexEigenSolver (c++ eigen library) for each k-point (in a certain direction). These routines give you the eigenvalues in no particular order so I sort them (and the correspoding eigenvectors) in descending order (for each k also). I can then say, that the first two values are the two spin degenerate cb, the next two the hh, then lh, then so - I just do not know which one is spin up and which is spin down (since they are degenerate). The band structure I get looks good (the spin degenerate bands have the same energies):\nMy problem now are the expansions coefficients, i.e. the eigenvectors, from which I get 8 and each have 8 entries. These entries have a particular order, depending on how my Hamiltonian is build.",
"Lets assume the eigenvector ${\\bf a}_{\\lambda,{\\bf k}}$ for band $\\lambda$ and momentum $\\bf k$ has the following order:\n${\\bf a}{\\lambda,{\\bf k}} = (c{\\lambda,cb\\uparrow,{\\bf k}},c_{\\lambda,cb\\downarrow,{\\bf k}},c_{\\lambda,hh\\uparrow,{\\bf k}},c_{\\lambda,hh\\downarrow,{\\bf k}},c_{\\lambda,lh\\uparrow,{\\bf k}},c_{\\lambda,lh\\downarrow,{\\bf k}},c_{\\lambda,so\\uparrow,{\\bf k}},c_{\\lambda,so\\downarrow,{\\bf k}})$\nSince I only know the two vectors that are either $\\lambda=cb\\uparrow$ or $\\lambda=cb\\downarrow$, I can (and will) confuse the two spin coefficients. How can I sort them correctly? I will need some additional info for that and I do not know one.\nAnother problem is how my (unsorted) coefficients look like (shown are the 4 possible cb to cb coefficients):\nSince they are not sorted by spin, I would not assume a smooth function here but when I plot only points, I would assume to see something like a smooth function if I interchange the colors (black and blue as well as red and green are interchangable). But, this is far from being smooth, and whats about this single k point with an imaginary part?\nLong story short: How can I sort my spin degenerate eigenvectors and eigenvalues correctly? And what could be a reason for my eigenvectors to have such a weird behavior? I checked my implementation really hard and double checked against another from a colleague. Any tips/hints appreciated.\nEDIT\nThe construction of the Hamiltonian and the appropriate lattice periodic basis functions can be found e.g. on this page. While this describes what I want to do in the end (Quantum Well Structure with strain effects etc.) I need to understand the easier bulk problem first completely. So the basis set is given by Eq. (4), the Hamiltonian by Eq. (5), and its subparts by Eqs. (6), (8), (17), (18), (20), (22).",
"What frame of refernce to select in statistical mechanics?\nSuppose we have a solid particle suspended inside a fluid such as an ideal gas, as shown in the following picture:\nOur system is the solid particle and the environment is the gas (which acts as a heat bath). Our frame of reference is attached on the edge of the container (shown with black color, ignore the other origin for the moment).\nThe energy of the solid particle, composed of $N$ atoms, in this frame of reference is (for sake of simplicity we assume we have a monoatomic solid and neglect the potential energy terms):\n$$ E = \\sum_{i=1}^N \\frac{1}{2}mV_{i}^2 = \\underbrace{\\frac{1}{2}MV_{\\mathrm{cm}}^2}{\\text{KE of the center of mass}} + \\underbrace{\\sum{i=1}^N \\frac{1}{2}mu_{i}^2}_{\\text{KE with respect to center of mass}} $$\nSelecting a frame of reference\nWhat is the correct frame of reference to apply statistical mechanics? The center of mass of the system or the one attached on the edge of the container?\nIf it is the second, then that means that even macroscopic objects such as a rock emerged on a fluid (e.g. sea), they have on average $\\frac{3}{2}k_\\mathrm{B}T$ energy associated with their center of mass, which means that they move a little bit (because of the very high mass). Is that correct?\nI am giving below a gif from Wikipedia which can help visualizing the process.",
"In this gif the yellow \"ball\" is a dust particle.\nFrame of reference and net velocity\nSuppose now that we describe our system based on the origin with blue color, which happens to move relatively to the container (and also to the gas). This means that now $\\langle V_\\mathrm{cm} \\rangle \\neq 0$. This is not a proper frame of reference to apply statistical mechanics since if the relative velocity is increased, the temperature of the solid particle will increase which doesn't make sense. Is that also correct?\nIn summary, when we want to describe our system in statistical mechanics, what frame of reference should we use?",
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"What is The correct terminology for expressing *this* notion of complexity\nSay for example, I have an algorithm $Al_i$ that produces output from the set $S = {s_i}$ for problems from the set $P = {p_i}$, and another algorithm $Al_j$ that also produces output from the set $S = {s_i}$ for problems from the set $P = {p_i}$. For the purposes of this question, $Al_j$ and $Al_i$ are the same.\nOr, if I have two systems that produce the same output given the same input, then we can treat these systems as the same.\nGenerally, if two objects do the same things (produce the same output for identical input, convey the same information as output), then these objects are identical. The processing of the systems are not relevant. We're only concerned with the output of the systems, objects, entities, etc.\nNow, there are many such identical systems. Say $T_i$ is some set of all identical objects/entities/systems that do some same thing. Let $t_i^*$ be the object in $T_i$ with the smallest <PERSON> complexity.\nIs there a conventional terminology for expressing $t_i^*$?\nAn example of a $T_i$ may be the set of all proofs for a particular theorem. (Here the <PERSON> complexity of all theorems includes each intermediate theorem invoked in its proof (so basically each theorem would first be expressed in axioms first and computing the complexity of that expression)).",
"I may be interested in referring to the least complex theorem (using the aforementioned notion of the complexity of the axiomatic expression of the theorem).\nThings can be defined by form or by function. I understand that <PERSON> complexity traditionally considers the former, while I am concerned with the <PERSON> complexity of the latter. A picture has a defined form, and an algorithm that only produces that picture is no different from the picture itself. What about an algorithm that produces different output. We could look at the form of the algorithm, or look at its function. Looking at function, all correct algorithms for a particular problem are identical. Bogosort is identical to quicksort which is identical to mergesort, heapsort, etc.\nI am concerned with the smallest Kolmogorov complexity of any sorting algorithm.",
"Is effective solvability a coherent and/or useful concept?\nI am aware of <PERSON>'s proof of the undecidability of the halting problem (and I think I understand it). What I'm asking is quite different. I shall define what I mean by \"effectively solvable\":\nA problem $P$ is effectively solvable if there exists an agent $A_P$, such that for any specific instance of $P \\, (P_i)$, $A$ can solve that instance of the problem $(P_i)$ in a finite time.\nImagine $A_P$ as a superintelligence with unbounded (but finite) computational power, and unbounded (but finite) memory. $P$ is effectively solvable if $A_P$ would eventually (in finite time) produce a correct solution for any given instance of $P$.\nIt may be the case that there does not exist any algorithm that \"solves\" a certain class of problems say sigma $$ problems (suppose that sigma problems are a certain kind of mathematical problem). However, this does not mean the problem is not effectively solvable. For any given sigma problem, a sufficiently intelligent agent (or sufficiently competent mathematician) may be able to eventually find its solution(s) (or determine that no such solutions exist) using an (unbounded*) number of mathematical tricks. The mathematical methods applied to sigma problems is limited only by the creativity of the agent concerned. There are essentially an infinite number of strategies, from which a finite subset may be drawn from in sequence (forming an algorithm) to apply to a particular sigma problem.\nEffective solvability (or effective decidability) is different from the traditional notion of decidability in that problem that are effectively solvable do not require a finite number of steps which always guarantee a solution. In fact, for each instance of an effectively solvable problem, a different algorithm may be used. There may be no general algorithm that solves all instances of a problem, but for each instance of the problem, a tailor made algorithm may exist.\nGoing entirely off my intuition here, I think the following is a definition of \"effectively solvable\":\nA problem $P$ is effectively solvable for $A_P$ if $\\not\\exists$ an instance $P_i$ of $P | A_P$ does not solve $P_i$ in finite sequence of steps.\nOR:\nA problem $P$ is effectively solvable if $\\forall$ instances $P_i$ of $P$, $A_P$ can correctly solve $P_i$ in finite time.\nIf there is a tailor made algorithm for every instance $P_i$ of a problem $P$, then a sufficiently intelligent agent can in practice solve every instance of the problem (by searching solution space for said algorithm when confronted with that instance of the problem).",
"Thus even if in theory no general solution to the problem exists, in practice, specific solutions to each $P_i$ always exist (provided the above criteria is satisfied).\nWhile some of such problems may be \"undecidable\", they are in actuality (for all practical purposes) \"effectively solvable\".\nThe set of effectively solvable problems is a superset (and I believe that it is a proper superset) of the set of decidable problems.\nI do not know whether the halting problem is effectively solvable (I'm starting to believe that it's not). That's not my major interest though (I am curious to the answer) What I am truly interested in is effective solvability.\nI am interested in effective solvability, because the range of problems that can be solved by an AI is not (necessarily) the range of problems that can be solved by a Turing machine, but the range of problems that are effectively solvable. I feel that the traditional (<PERSON>) notion of decidability is insufficient when the computer is a sufficiently (pun intended) intelligent agent. Thus when we ask the question:\n\"What problems can a computer solve?\"\nI feel the set of effectively solvable problems and not (necessarily) the set of decidable problems is the answer.\nWhat are some problems that are not effectively solvable by your definition?\nI do not know of any, and I suspected there may be none. To hazard a guess however:\n1. Problems which may involve randomness may not be effectively solvable. In particular if the computer gets the right answer, but doesn't know it got the right answer, then it can never solve that instance of the problem. Such problems are thus not effectively solvable.\nAs a concrete example of such a problem, imagine a machine delta. Delta is non deterministic. Delta (uses its input) to randomly select/construct an arbitrary Turing machine $M$.",
"You have to first understand what is the problem here. A problem is usually a relation between inputs and outputs. The complexity is a measure of difficultly for algorithms to obtain input from the output. A single instance of a problem like the one you have are trivial, since there exists an algorithm that would output the answer (whether it is provable, refutable, or neither). However from the practical point of view this is not of much use.\nAsking for $\\mathsf{NP}$-hardness of an instances is a confusion that is not uncommon among non-experts in theoretical computer science. The reason for this confusion is that in algorithms/complexity courses, many students mistakenly view $\\mathsf{NP}$-hardness as \"not solvable in practice\" or \"no algorithm\". $\\mathsf{NP}$-hardness does NOT mean that the instances of the problem cannot be solved in practice (take for example SAT), it neither means that there are no algorithms, and it doesn't even mean that there is no efficient/polynomial time algorithm for the problem ($\\mathsf{P}$ vs. $\\mathsf{NP}$ is still an open problem in theoretical computer science and it doesn't seem that we are close to answer it).\nI am guessing that what you really want to ask is if it is possible to use computer to find the answer to $\\mathsf{P}$ vs. $\\mathsf{NP}$.",
"But this is not a very precise question: what do we mean by using computers to solve an instance of a problem?\nLet me try to clarify this: assume that I know the answer to the question, and I write a one line program that always outputs the same correct answer (e.g. the answer to the question is YES and my program is cout<<\"YES\";). Do we consider this as using computers to find the answer to the question? I would assume no.\nAnother situation to understand the issues: assume that I have a brute-force algorithm and it finds the answer after say 1 billion years. It is an answer after a finite time, so it is a constant time algorithm However it is not really useful for us, since presumably we want to know the answer in a reasonable amount of time (say before we die). What is a reasonable amount of time? It is not a precise concept.\nIn summery,\n* a problem instance cannot be $\\mathsf{NP}$-hard, an problem instance is trivial from complexity perspective (there exists an algorithm that outputs the correct answer in constant time, we know it is one of the 3 programs (always output \"YES\", always output \"NO\", always output \"UNDECIDABLE\") but we don't know which of these 3 programs correctly solves the problem.\n* $\\mathsf{NP}$-hardness is a theoretical concept for a general instance of problems, it doesn't imply that we cannot solved a problem on instances we care about in practice (SAT is $\\mathsf{NP}$-hard but in practice SAT-solvers work amazingly well on instances that some industries case about and understanding why this is the case is an on-going research topic).\n* in practice often we don't care about general inputs, we care about a specific subclass of inputs, and on those inputs we might be able to solve the problem. However we should understand that our algorithm will not work on general examples. Any algorithm that works well on some subsets of inputs needs to exploit some properties of those inputs. If we don't have any idea about the particular properties of our instance then we are in a situation similar to the general case inputs.\n* when we don't know any particular property of an instance of a problem we think of it at that time as being hard as general case.\nOne final point: even if $\\mathsf{P}=\\mathsf{NP}$ and we can solve SAT and proof search for proofs of a given length efficiently (given $\\varphi$ and $n$, is there a proof of length $n$ for $\\varphi$ in theory $T$, think of $T$ as ZFC for simplicity), it is possible that it won't help much with finding a proof of that fact for various reasons, e.g.:\n* although the statement is true, there is no proof of it, so current axioms of mathematics are incapable of settling the question positively or negatively,\n* we have an efficient algorithm for searching for proofs of given length, however the constants in the running time of the algorithm are huge, so even though the algorithm is polynomial time, it is not a practical algorithm (e.g. running time is $10^{1000}n^{500}$).\nAnd similarly if $\\mathsf{P}\\neq\\mathsf{NP}$, it doesn't mean that there isn't a short proof of this particular statement in $T$.",
"I will try to address why the concepts of NDTM and NP are useful, and possibly what motivated their study.\nNDTM is one of many variants of turing mahcine. For example, the classical (deterministic) Turing machine can be equipped with multiple heads and tapes, randomness or quantum states. It can also be constrained by a limited alphabet, limited tape or pre-determined head-movements (see here).\nA TM is said to decide a language (a set of words using a pre-defined alphabet), if it can halt on any input written on the tape, and accept precisely inputs belonging to the language. A language is called decidable if any TM decides it. Similarly, a function $f$ on natural numbers is said to be computable if there exists a TM which, given an input $n$, halts with $f(n)$ written on the input tape.\nIt turns out that all of the mentioned variations of TMs (including NDTM) are equivalent in the set of functions they can compute (similarly, the languages they can decide). This holds for other, much more different models than TMs, and has led to the <PERSON>-Turing thesis, which informally hypothesizes that any \"reasonable\" model of computation is equivalent to the classical Turing machine. In this aspect, NDTMs are useful as an example of fantastical computational models that are nonetheless as strong as a classical TM, supporting the <PERSON>-Turing thesis.\nAs far as I understand (see here and here for history), <PERSON> himself did not focus on complexity classes, and so the previous reason might have been his sole motivation. However, later on it was discovered that different TM variants are not equivalent in the set of problems (languages and functions) they can solve in a certain amount of computation steps (time), bound on working-tape size (memory) and success probability. With this finer resolution, it turns out that the different models are very different, resulting in a zoo of complexity classes for problems.\nI hope this is helps show why NDTMs (and the NP complexity class) are not a definite model for the problems science could potentially solve efficiently, but just one of many variations of computational models (less realistic than random and quantum machines, for example).",
"There are, however, some reasons for why the specific class of nondeterministic polynomial time ($NP$) is such a popular attraction of the zoo:\n1. It is relatively easy to explain and reason about. While researchers are working on many other open problems in complexity theory, the question of whether $P\\neq NP$ requires only basic knowledge in math to understand, and the concept seems so intuitive that it invites many solution attempts from amateur researchers.\n2. Whether a problem is solvable in polynomial time in a computational model is seen as an approximate measure of practical tractability (this is <PERSON>'s thesis).\n3. Any complexity bound derived by NDTMs can be seen as a bound on verification time by classical TMs (see here for why). Since classical TMs are used as models of practical computation, this has practical implications.\n4. Many real-world important problems just happen to be not just in $NP$, but $NP$-complete. This means that if $NP$ is indeed a different complexity class than $P$, all of these important problems are not solvable in polynomial time with classical TMs.\nNote that the fourth reason is unrelated to how realistic NDTMs are as a computational models (compared to classical TMs or other variants), or to any initial motivation for the invention of the concept. NP-complete problems are just surprisingly common in real life, and the scientific interest in them mirrors that.",
"Am I Onto Something?\nToday I had an insight into an alternative deterministic algorithm for testing the primality of a number. I want to know if this algorithm is useful, and worth pursuing. I'll describe the idea behind the algorithm below:\nLet the fastest gcd algorithm we know be $g^(a, b)$. $g^$ takes in two numbers and finds their greatest common divisor. To find out if any number $n$ is prime it is sufficient to test if any of the prime numbers from $2$ to $\\sqrt{n}$ inclusive is a factor of $n$.\nConsider a set of numbers $S$. Let $V_c$ be any subset of $S$ such that $g^*(V_c) = 1$, that is, all $x_i$ in $S$ are mutually prime. Let the set of prime numbers be $P$. Let $h_i$ be the set of all factors of $x_i$.\n$$P = \\bigcup_{i = 1}^{{#}S} h_i.$$ So $S$ is a partitioning of $P$ such that all the elements of $S$ are formed from the product of unique elements in $P$, and no element in $P$ is used to form more than one element in $S$. There are several possible configurations of $S$. Let's denote them $S^j$.\nLet $P_k$ be the set of all prime numbers from $2$ to $k$. Let $S_k^j$ be an $S$ partitioning of $P$.\nNow, my primality test is this:\n1. Given any number $n$, pick $k: k \\ge \\sqrt n$ (the closer $k$ is to $\\sqrt n$, the better).\n2. Generate an optimum $S_k^j$.\n3. for $x_i$ in $S_k^j$\n4.",
"if $g^(n, x_i) != 1$\nreturn false*\nend for\n5. return check\nFor implementation purposes, I'm thinking of creating a set of $S^j$ with consecutive $x_i$ (consecutive in the sense that the largest prime number used to make $x_i$ is consecutive with the smallest prime number used to make $x_{i+1}$, such that we can easily cut off a portion of $S^j$ to get our $S_k^j$. Depending on circumstances though, we may generate the optimum $S_k^j$ on the spot, though this should only be pursued if the cost of generating it is negligible or guarantees a significant speed up over the alternative of the consecutive table. I think creating a pre-generated $S_k^j$ is useful for this purpose, though I'm not sure if it would slow down the overall algorithm. Alternative tables apart from the consecutive table may also be considered.\nAn English Explanation\nMy idea in English is basically this:\nTo test if a number $n$ is prime, we only need to check if any of the prime numbers from $2$ to $\\sqrt{n}$ is a factor of $n$. Using this foundation, I tried to devise a method that is faster at testing primality, than computing $n \\mod i$ for all primes between $2$ and $\\sqrt{n}$.\nIf two numbers are mutually prime, then their gcd is $1$. A prime number is mutually prime with every other prime number that is not itself. Imagine I had a number $y_n$. $y_n$ is a product of all the prime numbers from $2$ to $\\sqrt{n}$. I can test if $y_n$ is prime, by running $g^(n, y_n)$, where $g^()$ is our fastest gcd algorithm.\nHowever, what if instead of just $1$ number, I had a set $S$ of numbers which satisfied the following properties:\n1. All the elements of the set are mutually prime with every other element.\n1. Each element of the set is a product of some primes between $2 and \\sqrt{n}$ (both inclusive). 2. The product of the elements of the set is equal to the product of all the prime numbers from $2$ to $\\sqrt{n}$.\nIt becomes apparent, that I can test if $n$ is prime, by computing $g^*(n, x_i)$ until I get a value that is not equal to $1$ (if all values are equal to $1$, then the number is prime). where $x_i$ is some element in $S$.",
"Definition of Closed Under Left Polynomial Composition\nI am studying Computation complexity using <PERSON>'s book: \"Computational Complexity\". While doing Problem 7.4.4, I came across the definition of what it means for a class of functions $C$ to be closed under left polynomial composition.\nHere is Problem 7.4.4:\n\"Let $C$ be a class of functions from nonnegative integers to nonnegative integers. We say that $C$ is closed under left polynomial composition if $f(n) \\in C$ implies $p(f(n)) = O(g(n))$ for some $g(n) \\in C$, for all polynomials $p(n)$. We say that $C$ is closed under right polynomial composition if $f(n) \\in C$ implies $f(p(n)) = O(g(n))$ for some $g(n) \\in C$, for all polynomials $p(n)$.\nIntuitively, the first closure property implies that the corresponding complexity class is \"computational model-independent\", that is, it is robust under reasonable changes in the underlying model of computation (from RAM's to Turing machines, to multistring Turing machines, etc.) while closure under right polynomial composition suggests closure under reductions (see the next chapter).\nMy doubt is what is the correct way of interpreting this definition and proving that a given class of functions $C$ is closed under left polynomial composition. The definition got me confused since the part \"for all polynomials $p(n)$\" appeared after the part \"for some $g(n) \\in C$\".",
"I thought about two interpretations.\n1. Given arbitrary $f(n) \\in C$ and $p(n)$, exhibit some $g(n) \\in C$ such that $p(f(n)) = O(g(n))$. Then, you have proved that $C$ is closed under left polynomial composition. I think this makes more sense, since by this definition I was able to prove that the class $C = {n^k: k > 0 }$ is \"computational model independent\", which makes sense to me.\n2. Given an arbitrary $f(n) \\in C$, exhibit some $g(n) \\in C$ such that for all polynomials $p(n)$ we have that $p(f(n)) = O(g(n))$. While assuming this definition, I gave a counterexample and proved that the class $C = {n^k: k > 0 }$ is NOT \"computational model independent\", which sounds awkward to me.\nWhich interpretation is the correct one?\nThanks in advance.",
"Revisiting this due to some related research I am doing, the disagreement between myself and some of the others who answered, can be assimilated into a holistic understanding in which we were all correct. But IMO the adopted computer science terminology “bounded nondeterminism” is an incorrect oxymoron (which was my point before).\nThey key point is to distinguish between bounded and unbounded nondeterminism.[1]\nNondeterministic Turing machines (aka “NTMs”) have bounded nondeterminism in that each state transition has a bounded number of possibilities, i.e. the number of programs (aka “configurations”) is finite. The tape remains unbounded, so the proof of termination remains undecidable. But for any given input that halts, the output is deterministic and bounded in time― i.e. for any input the result is deterministic or doesn’t terminate. Also NTMs execute all possible configurations in parallel, so they execute exponentially faster than emulation of NTMs on deterministic Turing machines (aka “DTMs”).[2]\nThere really isn’t any nondeterministic relationship between inputs and outcomes in NTMs because the outcome is always the same for any input or initial state, which is evident because they they can be emulated by DTMs without any added randomness.[2] Undecidable is not the antithesis of deterministic, because not halting is also a deterministic result. Deterministic machines always have the same outcome for a given input, even when that outcome is to not halt. The localized nondeterminism of NTMs is in each state transition of the executing algorithm.",
"It is undecidable a priori which path of the tree might terminate providing the output state. But undecidability is not nondeterminism. Thus the term “bounded nondeterminism” is intended to describe the localized indeterminacy within the state machine but not the relationship of inputs to results, hence the concept of “bounded”. I still think the term “bounded nondeterminism” is an oxymoron and it could have been more accurately described as a “parallelized state transition” <PERSON> machine.\nWhereas, for any given input or initial state, unbounded nondeterminism (aka “indeterminism”) has an unbounded number of possible states. Unbounded nondeterminism involves not just the number of possible configurations of programs, but some unbounded external state which is not part of the input or initial state, such as unbounded delays. And thus outcomes can vary on repeated executions for the same input or initial condition; thus is not a deterministic relationship between inputs and outcomes.[3]\nRandomized and probabilistic algorithms employ some nondeterminism, i.e. random selection of possible configurations possibly bounded in number of configurations, but they don’t execute all the possible configurations as NTMs do. Thus they are not deterministic unless the randomness is deterministic (e.g. PRNG) and the initial state of the entropy for the randomness is considered to be part of the input.\n[1]\n[2]\n[3] <PERSON>, <PERSON> and <PERSON>: The Actor Model (everything you wanted to know...). Jump to the 17:44 minute mark.",
"There is an $n^k$ prover if and only if $P = NP$\nI am studying computational complexity using <PERSON>'s book: \"Computational Complexity\". I am trying to solve the final statement of Problem 8.4.9, but I am stuck and would like some hint on how to proceed.\nProblem 8.4.9:\n\"Let $f(n)$ be a function from integers to integers. An $f(n)$-prover is an algorithm which, given any valid expression in first-order logic that has a proof in the axiomatic system in Figure 5.4 of length $l$, will find this proof in time $f(l)$. If the expression is not valid, the algorithm may either report so, or diverge (so the undecidability of validity is not contradicted).\n(a) - Show that there is a $k^n$ prover, for some $k > 1$.\nIn a letter to <PERSON> in 1965, <PERSON> hypothesized that an $n^k$ prover exists, for some $k \\geq 1$.",
"For a full translation of this remarkable text, as well as for a discussion of modern-day complexity theory with many interesting historical references, see:\n* <PERSON> \"The history and status of the P versus NP problem\" Proc. of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, pp.603-618, 1992.\nProblem: Show that there is an $n^k$ prover, for some $k > 1$, if and only if $P = NP$.\"\nFigure 5.4 that he mentions contains the standard logical axioms for first-order logic (I can post the picture here, if you like).\nI tried reading the mentioned article, and although it is very interesting from the historical point of view, it didn't help me figure out the solution. My first attempt was to use the result that a formula $\\phi$ is valid if and only if its negation $\\neg \\phi$ is not satisfiable and try to connect this problem to $SAT$, which we know is $NP$-complete. However, using this result I obtain something about a formula NOT being satisfiable, while $SAT$ is about satisfiability.\nCan anyone help me with this statement? Thanks in advance.\nPS: Not closely related to what I am asking, but I think I was able to solve letter (a) by noticing that if a formula is valid, then we can apply the logic axioms (and the number of logic axioms is constant) without worrying about how we instantiate variables since a valid formula is true under all possible interpretations.",
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"This review was originally written for my board game editorial site Player Elimination.\n<PERSON> has made a career pairing Euro-style adventure mechanisms with threaded narrative content. This is most directly seen in Near & Far, but it’s also present in Above & Below and Empires of the Void II. Unfortunately none of those games have felt perfectly comfortable or expertly integrated between their various elements. Iteration, however, leads to innovation. Sleeping Gods is Red Raven’s chef-d’œuvre.\nThis design represents a philosophical shift. Instead of attempting to service a worker placement and storytelling game equally, the focus has been placed on developing a sprawling narrative endeavor. There is still resource management – almost too much – and of course systems for conflict and skill tests, but those are clearly in service to the fireside whispers of The Manticore’s journey through a far away land full of wonder.\nThe Manticore is of course your ship. A 1920s steamboat crewed by nine characters, characters you will control and divvy up among the players equally. Taking a page out of Ravenloft, the steamer disappears in a blanket of fog and ends up in a foreign sea. It’s a tale of bewilderment, discovery, and moral plight.\nThis is good stuff.\nThis game is inseparably linked to recent standouts 7th Continent and Tainted Grail. It offers an open world for players to explore while demanding you precisely manage health and fatigue – across both your crew members and The Manticore – in order to earn the right to keep going.\nThe narrative here is fundamentally between the two approaches offered in those predecessors. 7th Continent required you attempt to lift a curse by following a couple of vague clues. Like a pigeon scooping up errant breadcrumbs scattered in the Bakeoff Tent, there are many distractions and interesting features pulling at your feathers. The main storyline almost felt like an aside to exploring the continent. This worked to its detriment as the central loop of resource gathering gave way to such repetition that I found myself wishing <PERSON> would turn the damn wheel already and make the whole continent disappear.\nTainted Grail on the other hand was sharply focused. If you don’t engage the intricate main plotline of a post-apocalyptic King <PERSON> seeking his legacy, well then you’re condemned to a life of repeatedly gathering supplies to light oversized monolithic statues. This game only succeeds because the central story is so well written.\nSleeping Gods has none of this nonsense.",
"While you do have to spend time resting and attending to your people’s bruises, it’s ultimately much less focused on the grind. Instead, it’s all about visiting locations on the map and engaging locals in discourse or exploring wondrous locations. This is funneled through a main storyline that is structurally wispy: you’re trying to gather totems which will raise the slumbering gods in exchange for your freedom. It’s a proposition, but one which you have really no choice to accept when you open that box.\nWhat’s quite remarkable is how focused this game is despite basically being an enormous collection of side-quests. Each little task you engage is an isolated job – head to an island to the west and retrieve a lost blade, or visit the large forest to the south and find my son – but the overarching spirit of the game feels incredibly directed and centered.\nThis is reflected in The Manticore itself. Since players take on the role of several crew members, each with emergent personality and their own special abilities, you are all tethered to the ship. Unlike those previous two touchstone games you can’t wander off on your own.\nThat’s an important distinction. For one, it means this game is consistent across any range of players. Every single crew member is utilized regardless of the number of participants. This makes for a sturdy solitaire game as well as an incredible multiplayer co-operative one.\nMore importantly though it keeps the action focused. When you engage in the relatively uncommon combat, everyone participates. When you head to the storybook to read a passage, everyone should be perked up and invested. There are still turns where leadership alternates between players, but group collaboration is always paramount.\nThere’s a certain warm satisfaction in all of these disparate quests knotting together around the focal point of that little steamboat miniature. It’s one of the central themes that you’re sailing through this cryptic realm but it’s actually sailing through you. Everything of note is occurring by your hand and your decision. Sleeping Gods may not be your dwelling, but its fate is uniquely yours.\nOne of the quirks of <PERSON> style is that the worlds they build are whimsical. This results in Sleeping Gods feeling more like Young Adult fiction as opposed to a serious dramatic work.",
"This review was originally posted at Player Elimination, my weekly board game editorial site.\nYou couldn’t miss it. As I walked up to my front porch, slouched and tired from not enough sleep and more than enough work, the large package was sitting there. This isn’t an unusual sight as cardboard shipping boxes containing cardboard gaming boxes arrive weekly at my suburban dwelling. This one was different because it was unexpected.\nI hurried inside lifting with my legs instead of my back, and laid the thing out on my dining room table with a pietistic moment of silence.\nA careful slice of the knife and there it was, that sleek black and gold cover staring me in the eyes with all the atmosphere of an <PERSON> directed game of chess.\nThis happens often. I toss a wad of cash into the pot of a Kickstarter campaign and several years later a game arrives unexpectedly. It’s like a subscription box that delivers once a year and takes your arm as recompense.\nYou may have heard of the 7th Continent (cue church bells, doves, and <PERSON>). It raised eight million dollars over two crowdfunding campaigns and has received much acclaim. As an experience it abandons players on an island and has you working together to lift a cryptic curse. And everyone absolutely loves it.\nFor good reason too. In many respects this is the ultimate exploration game as you cut through jungle, stumble through snow, and snarl in the face of the weirdest of beings. It’s captivating and overwhelming in the sheer amount of content you can discover over the course of play. One could literally set fire to the rest of their collection and dedicate themselves to the 7th Continent for the rest of the year. Probably the rest of all of your years.\nAlthough I don’t actually recommend that.\n[record scratch]\nNever have I so thoroughly committed myself to a game and felt so conflicted. This monstrosity in a box has provided me with double digit hours of wonderful discovery and adventure. It’s provided some really standup moments of shock and it continually surprised me with the elegance of its core ‘push your luck’ mechanism. In short, it’s a beautiful piece of design and an unparalleled experience – for 12 hours or so.\nThe 7th Continent thematically exists as a sort of heartbreak simulator. It accomplishes what Fog of Love couldn’t in that it presents a genuine emotional journey of courtship, love, consummation of that love, comfort, annoyance, aggravation, hate, and eventually divorce.",
"Yeah, that’s quite a bit of steps to unpack and work through. Relationships are complicated, yo.\nThe problem with a design predicated on exploration is that you need something to explore, something that will eventually be fully discovered and lose its purpose. Think about that for a moment. When the premise of your creation’s fun is in the process of discovery, the lifespan is outright limited. You’re working towards something, and that something is likely an unsatisfied ending. The damn finish line is the knife that’s going to kill you, not the 20 mile long trek.\nPeople like to throw around that special phrase ‘it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey’. Usually to sort of couch disappointment in a revelation that’s not up to snuff. I watched Lost, I know disappointment.\nThe 7th Continent’s solution for this problem of terminus is to throw it all at you. Not just the kitchen sink, but the loofah, the hand towel, the tiles, and even the blackened grout between them. What feels like the entire run of Dominion, Legendary, and Thunderstone is all crammed into a single box where you must meticulously curate and file each card so as to make retrieval during play minimally painful. By giving you so damn much to explore and wade through, you’ll never hit that unsatisfying end-of-the-line where you look back and question your life choices – at least that’s the theory. And while everything is fresh and exciting, that pain of leafing through cards and maintaining a perfectly organized library will be subdued and easily covered up. Eventually fresh and exciting turns to rote and monotonous, end of the journey or not.\nThe island feels enormous in the early days. You’ll push through alien territory and encounter bizarre vegetation and bizarre-er lifeforms. You’ll hit breathtaking pieces of geography and your mind will race with possibility. It all feels so damn wide open and refreshingly free. You can do whatever you want and go wherever you’d like.\nThat’s the premise at least.",
"Space Cadets: Away Missions is the third release in Stronghold’s Space Cadet line and it’s absolutely nothing like the frantic real-time <PERSON> games of past. This <PERSON> and <PERSON> designed light dungeon crawler bears the Space Cadets setting in theme only, hitting us hard with an approachable yet sophisticated game of ‘50s golden era sci-fi blasters and Martians. The humor in Stronghold’s first board game Kickstarter release featuring a title with the acronym SCAM belies the strength and vitality of this spectacular game.\nWhile Stronghold Games has always featured great production values and attractive components, <PERSON> has outdone himself here. Away Missions brandishes over 100 solid miniatures, mounds of attractive tiles, large player mats, and two huge booklets. It feels lavish and special, fitting the attractive feel of gameplay. How can you not fall in love with a release that boasts little plastic brains-in-a-jar and space leeches? You immediately want to crack some skulls and pew-pew.\nThis game sits in a comfortable realm just above the Dungeons and Dragons Adventure System in terms of depth and complexity. It’s light yet packs a bit of oomph that helps it stand out and grasp your interest for the long term. Like its peers, you embark on different missions hurdling large packs of enemies, finding interesting loot, and exploring defiled ground.\nOne of the shining elements of this cooperative design are the scenarios. Mounds and mounds of scenarios. 20 of the suckers form a loose narrative of linked story that explores the alien invasion and always keeps you on your toes. Many games in this genre offer quite repetitive goals that feed a growing sense of similarity which can deflate extended play. Away Missions throws this notion out the window by offering you constantly evolving tactical situations with really divergent narratives. You will break out of fish-head prisons, free human Thralls, snatch up blueprints for alien technology, and seek revenge on the malevolent foreigners.\nMoving on from a difficult scenario and flipping those huge pages to see your new opportunity for carnage is truly a treat. I was shocked how the feel could be drastically shifted by re-arranging a collection of random tiles in interesting formations and by throwing in a couple of new specific rule changes. One of the early scenarios allows you to place your deployment hex adjacent to any outside tile as your team of cadets is boarding the enemy craft.",
"These clever little elements are packed into each corner of the design and constantly have you nodding in appreciation.\nThis strong variety does come at a cost though as setup can be somewhat labored. You have alien tokens, discovery (item) tokens, and tile tokens to mark possible objectives. These pools of chits may have specific mixes required by the scenario so you’ll be removing or adding a defined amount and it can get somewhat fiddly. Thankfully the effort pays off and the game delivers with beauty so this is just the cost of doing business.\nSuck it alien scum.\nThe lush presentation will draw you in but the heart of the design, the Overkill mechanic, will make you stay. It’s such a simple little mechanism but therein lies its genius. Attack rolls are made with pools of 10-siders, requiring a three or below to score a hit. Your first success inflicts a single point of damage (good enough to kill most alien types) but your subsequent hits are dubbed Overkills and may be spent as action currency to trigger special effects.\nMany thematic designs feature special powers and abilities scattered across characters and items, but the process in which they’re tied to the action and turn structure is usually pretty stale and predictable. By linking this smattering of special powers to successful combat resolution rolls you fuse one of the most interesting elements of Ameritrash with the most dramatic portion of the game. This results in high tension rolls that produce tremendous opportunity for combos and creative play as you cut down an alien, move into an adjacent space, and command a teammate to give him extra actions. It feels outright empowering because your cast of fate determines the downstream narrative shenanigans. It’s delicious and full of tension while maintaining a solid degree of tactical choice.\nThis tremendous Overkill mechanism is backed up by an action point system that allows for maximum player control in the face of stalwart danger. The enemies come in thick waves as you reveal more each turn in great numbers. The AI controlling them is relatively simple as they tend to march straight towards you and throw lasers in the direction of human flesh. Yet the enemies manage to feel drastically different due to various types of attacks and the included Overkill effects they can generate against you. Additionally, it’s extraordinarily fun to light up a Saucerman Leader and trigger his Overkill ability that allows you to stun another foe.",
"That woman at the back of the room that you haven’t been able to take your eyes off of. The gorgeous and mysterious honey whose lit a fire in your guts and has you questioning everything you once thought was true. She’s not only a total knockout but she’s unequivocally brilliant, focused, and intellectually challenging. She’s perfection personified through overwrought genius. She’s Earth Reborn.\nIn 2010 <PERSON> bestowed a gift of epic proportions. This large box of finely sculpted plastic and multi-layered mounds of cardboard is not dripping in theme – it’s overflowing in bucket loads. This is a deep, overly thematic post-apocalyptic miniature game with enough sub-systems and multi-faceted rules to satisfy the most gluttonous of masochists. You can search rooms, torture prisoners, launch missiles from a silo, and put your buzz-saw fist through a mech’s face.\nLearning this game is a bear. It sets out to teach the rules through scenarios dedicated to each rules section so that participants may slowly build up their acumen and internalize the sub-systems. It’s a good way to teach but it’s not practical for most in the hobby. Earth Reborn requires dedication and work which will ultimately pay dividends like a broken slot machine, but you must put in the effort. It starts off explaining the core Order System, where you play a tile next to one of your characters and then spend some of your limited Command Points (CP) to take one of several actions on the tile. The Command tiles themselves are quite varied, and allow you to spend different amounts of CP to perform actions more effectively and increase the likelihood of success.\nMovement and shooting comes next and are pretty simple to grasp as everything is measured orthogonally and core concepts like line of sight are reminiscent of similar affairs many gamers would have experienced prior. Attack rolls are handled through custom dice that generate various amounts of hits that are needed to overcome the opponents own hits and armor in melee, or just their armor when firing a weapon at range.",
"It’s not altogether complicated but there is depth here, particularly once you start including equipment and weapons which modify rolls and perform differently. You also have added interaction from firing arcs and different amounts of damage depending on where the target is in relation to which way your character is facing. Some people would argue this is needlessly fiddly; I would argue it is simply awesome. When you look at <PERSON> melee arc, and realize he is just as effective on his left side as his front (due to having a huge buzz-saw left hand) you realize the amount of cleverness in the design is inordinately high.\nThe game is simply made of an extraordinarily large portion of these small touches of ingenuity as the attention to detail is phenomenal. The Search mechanic is a prominent example, as many games simply have you roll some dice and draw a card to claim your reward. <PERSON> says “hell no”, as Earth Reborn requires you to manipulate the Search deck with a sub-system that can only be described as brilliant. You roll dice which give you search points and allow you special actions such as shuffling the deck or flipping it over. You’re allowed to spend your search points to purchase the card on top as long as the icons on the card match the room you are searching – which means you can only pick up an Assault Rifle if you’re searching the armory or the Declaration of Independence if you’re searching a Command icon room. You can only buy the top card, so you must manipulate the deck to view additional cards and find an item to either accomplish your objective or aid in your ability to vanquish the enemy. Adding to the utterly high degree of awesomeness is the fact that the cards are double-sided and sometimes you’ll need to finagle the deck to flip cards over to find that needed piece of equipment. It’s just sheer joy and you’ll find yourself going out of your way to perform a Search simply to interact with this incredible mechanic. I’d almost go so far as to say it’s my favorite mechanic of any game I’ve ever played as it’s simply that damn good.\nRight behind Searching is the mind-blowing icon driven action system peppered throughout the game. The mechanic is dubbed the “Iconographic Phrasing System” (IPS) and typically consists of a single line of symbols that denote an action or effect you can trigger at the location. Fans of Race for the Galaxy will have no problem quickly digesting this common sense notation which is often highly logical and easily organized. This may, however, be a turn-off of significant proportions for some and is one of the contributing factors of the design’s difficulty in attracting a large popular audience.",
"“He’s crossed all the oceans all around the world.” <PERSON>, The Sound and the Fury\nArchipelago is an obtuse, conflicted, and wildly engaging Euro game full of chaos and caustic judgment. On the surface it feels like a stream of consciousness design with mechanical quip and obfuscated layers making the journey more difficult than necessary. The truth is, Archipelago is spiritually the board game equivalent of a <PERSON> novel, with its unrelenting prose proving a forest upon your path. Like much of <PERSON>’s work, beyond the outright chaos and seeming hodge-podge is a deep and enrapturing experience that is exceptionally enjoyable and surprisingly focused.\nThis is a Euro game as only <PERSON> could fashion. The philosophy behind the design unsurprisingly mirrors the ideology present in its Ameritrash brother Earth Reborn. Layered mechanics give way to depth and are integrated in a streamlined fashion which beckons you to return again and again. One could posit that <PERSON> is cut from the same cloth as <PERSON>, although the former’s games tend to have a greater degree of coherency and direction that elevate them to a level of grandeur rather than toil in a realm of overwhelming difficulty.\nArchipelago can be dissected into 3 vital organs and spheres of interaction that form the guts of the title. The Action Wheel provides for the turn to turn momentum and pace of player manipulation as each participant places action disks worker placement style. The hex board is built as players branch out and explore, discovering new vistas and resources to exploit. The final and most powerful element is the market system which dictates the vitality and health of the raging economic undercurrent that players interact with on a constant basis. All of these are nuanced and developed, comprising fleshed out interfaces to manipulate and be manipulated by.\nThe box is packed full of cardboard goodness.\nThe Action Wheel is made up of a plethora of spaces for players to utilize. Each player takes a turn placing one of their action disks (workers) and then executing the corresponding action. Actions are tight and you will often want to accomplish much more than you are afforded. Options include harvesting resources, constructing buildings, taxing the locals, birthing or hiring additional workers, and exploring.",
"Most actions are pretty straightforward and indicative of the typical fare. Exploration is the most fascinating and reminiscent of <PERSON>’s search mechanic from the earlier mentioned Earth Reborn. When you explore you may either take the top tile from the stack or the tile beneath it. Tiles are double sided and you are able to attempt to place either side, but you can only see the top-most face which is readily visible. The difficulty arises in that tile placement is restricted based on respecting land features – so a mountain must connect to a mountain, sea to sea, and so on. So, when presented with the desire to explore but the only visible tile face is not currently place-able, do you take that risk and go with the tile below it? If you fail, then your entire action is wasted. This is a chief example of that aforementioned chaotic current interwoven throughout the game that forcefully shoves the design in the opposite direction of its genre associates. The risk/tension is fascinating and in no way feels tacked onto the game or shoddy.\nOne of the most interesting elements of the Action Wheel is the fact that some spaces allow only limited placement while others permit freedom of being able to be repeatedly selected. There is no limit to the number of people that can harvest Exotic Fruit, but if you want to explore you are only able to place your disk on the space marked with your color. Once you have done this, you may explore with a subsequent action by placing your action disk on one of the multi-color spaces, as long as they haven’t already been occupied. This hybrid of limited and free action selection adds to the tightrope struggle of balance embedded in the design’s nature. While this intrinsic elegance is belied by the cluttered and busy graphic design of the Action Wheel, the simplicity and strategic engagement rises to the surface quickly upon engaging.\nThe map is built of these hexes that players explore and place, branching out and taking shape like watching a map being charted by a cartographer in accelerated real-time. The tiles themselves are beautiful and a joy to gaze upon, erecting a flourishing portrait as players place Citizens, Buildings, and Boats on the map, giving life to a newfound culture sprouting from its energetic roots. The map is perhaps the most forgiving element of the design as you can readjust, move, and shift focus all at the cost of an action or two. Placement of your Citizens and the tiles themselves due limit you in scope, but the game offers enough breadth of strategy that you can often make do no matter the draw.\nGorgeous artwork sets the backdrop for the Archipelago.",
"Everyone loves a good bar. Bottom-shelf shots, double-fisting beers, and countless hours of brawling while calculating THAC0.\nThis concept began as a re-working and modernization of the classic 1980 Yaquinto title Swashbuckler. <PERSON> and family eventually came to the realization that the result was a different animal altogether. The Dragon & Flagon was born and gamers worldwide-well, at least those who attend my game nights-rejoiced.\nThis is a mechanically solid programming game with a very light and inviting theme. Don’t let the cheery artwork and cutesy 3D scenery (seriously, have you seen those mugs and chairs?) hoodwink you into thinking this is a light gateway game though. The engine behind the body has a stable full of horsepower and the entire package is quite clever.\nThe Dragon & Flagon - where the only thing that's spilled more than beer is blood.\nThe goal is to amass the most fame by bashing each other over the head with scenery. Every blow you land steals fame from the target and the hostess with the mostest at the final bell is the lord of the barroom brawl. It’s a simple concept executed with a relatively straightforward action programming structure.\nPlayers have a large hand of cards with mostly common actions and a few unique ones only their character can perform. In between each time segment, effectively a round, you program a card face down into your first and second action spaces. When your turn pops up you flip your first card and execute it.\nAfterwards you slide your second card down to the first slot and program a new card in position two. Your character marker jumps forward a number of spaces on the time track depending on the maneuver you executed, and then you await your next action. The time track itself has a slight Red October vibe, but thankfully the execution is much more interesting here.\nA cast that actually represents the variety of everyday life.\nI will say that for a silly and over the top theme the mechanical weight is heavier than you’d expect. Filling empty action slots, maneuvering a large hand of cards, fiddling with the time track, and managing lingering status affects-all of these can come across as occasionally cumbersome and take you out of the action. It gives the game a procedural feel at times where the action is segmented out in small dollops.\nFortunately the action is worth the wait. You pick up chairs or mugs, hop atop tables, literally yank rugs out from under drunk bystanders, and swing from chandeliers.",
"Any game where I can climb a table, get pelted by a thrown stein, and then leap off to kick the Paladin in the head has my vote.\nThe trick is that the conclusion of each action can be extremely satisfying and dramatic. You can pull off interesting combos like boasting your superiority and then landing a risky flying kick. The points pour in and your enemies lay in a pool of tears and ale.\nAdding to the flair is the very powerful unique special card each character possesses. You can only unlock this card if you grab the magical dragon flagon located at the center of the room. You’ll have to dive across tables, duck a few blows, and produce some fancy footwork to grab the thing, but it will certainly be worth it.\nWhen you trigger those special action cards you feel like a super hero. You’ll blast up a part of the bar with a cannon shot, react with blazing speed and avoid programming, or bring the power of god down upon the patrons. The rest of your crew will wish they slipped out before last call.\nBeyond those awesome dramatic moments the design ultimately triumphs because it knows how to pull off action programming, at least in a 2016 sense. The key to this genre is producing moments of chaos without feeling punishing. You need to maintain the balance between effectiveness and incompetence which produces humorous outcomes. Serving both in even doses is as difficult as balancing on one foot while half the bar is pelting you with mugs.\nThe Dragon & Flagon succeeds in this aspect because it’s undeniably smart. It keeps the programming to only two action cards so that you can continually adjust. When dazed from an attack, or when profusely chugging beer if you’re the pirate, you have to fill a third action slot. That amount of severity is perfect as it’s a penalty to have to think and plan ahead amid a scene full of chaos. Yet you never are excluded from participating or affecting the playing field.\nEven when you script an action that is not allowed, such as a throw when you don’t have anything in your hands, the game never slaps you down. You merely discard the card and progress one space on the time track, ready to act immediately again in the next round. It’s clever and refined and just feels right.",
"Eclipse, Mage Knight, Cyclades, and Kemet. All of these are top-shelf titles that combine focused and streamlined Euro mechanisms with Ameritrash conflict and gumption. These are pretty boys who exude smooth yet possess unyielding bite. They’re <PERSON> of the cardboard jungle and their kingdom just got a little bit smaller with the arrival of Hyperborea.\nHyperborea sets out to be a 4X game like Eclipse, albeit one set in a sprawling land-locked Fantasy world as opposed to the vast black sea of space. The vast majority of civilization games in this genre are bloated, unwieldy, and take all day to play. Hyperborea accomplishes a similar feat in a streamlined 90 minutes while still remaining substantial and mentally engaging.\nThe engine behind this Ferrari is the cube bag-building mechanism built on the foundation of deckbuilding. You will be acquiring cubes throughout the game and adding them to your bag much like a player acquires cards and adds them to their deck in Dominion. On your turn you will draw 3 cubes and place them on various tracks on your player board in order to either complete actions or build towards completing an action in the future. Actions such as moving your units on the hex map or acquiring a new Technology have different colored cube requirements. For instance, if you wish to push the attack and beat down your enemies with brawn you will need primarily Red cubes. Tailoring your bag towards your long-term strategic needs is key and the soul of this title.\nThe depth in this central mechanism is widened due to a key difference from its deck-building forefathers – the need to acquire additional spaces to place cubes in order to fully utilize an expanding bag. On the basic player board, you will only be able to perform a single set of Moves or Attacks and are quite limited in your ability to repeat or focus on a particular action. This allows for strong diversity and options in starting play but it enforces the need to nab Advanced Technologies from the public offer in order to enhance and manipulate your cube economy. If you want to perform a massive string of attacks you will need to research the Advanced Weaponry or War Mounts so that you have an additional space to place cubes and perform actions. This sort of two-step dance provides an ebb and flow in gameplay that requires thought and decisive action.\nIf the cube economy itself is the heart of the game, the Advanced Technologies are the brain.",
"The quantity of cards is quite large, and only 8 are visible at any one time. This provides for an intelligent bite size sampling as players only need to focus on what is currently available and don’t have to sift through enormous tech trees or understand all of their options from a huge list straight from the get-go. This is, of course, borrowed from Eclipse and it is my absolute preferred method of Technology acquisition. It simplifies learning and provides exceptional variety with a very slick mechanic.\nAs emphasized earlier, choice is absolutely impactful in this game. Decisions require careful thought and weighing of options as you can often do as much harm as good by not respecting the game’s intricacies. Acquiring Technologies does not shirk this common theme as the decision point is not as simple as grabbing up Techs that suit your playstyle in rapid fashion. Each Advanced Technology adds a Grey cube to your economy as soon as you acquire it, which represents waste and slows your efficiency. These cubes are useless when drawn unless you have acquired some of the Technologies which can manipulate them in varied ways. The end result of having to deal with this waste is that a greater emphasis is placed on being picky about what Techs you go for and making sure they feed into your optimized engine.\nA wide array of technologies offer vast choice and strong variety.\nOne of the main strengths of the cube economy is the games penchant for rewarding specificity but also tolerating diversity. Each set of actions on your main board has two choices, with one being typically stronger than the other. The stronger choice will require a more precise cube recipe in order to reap the greater benefit. However, instead you may opt to trigger the slightly weaker power and it will allow you to place a cube of any color as part of the combination. This provides for great tension and nuanced decision making as you draw a Red cube along with an Orange and must now decide whether to trigger your one strength attack ability by placing the Red and then the Orange in the multi-colored slot, or you can bite the bullet and place the Red cube on the stronger line waiting to trigger the effect until later in the game when you will draw the required Green cube out of your bag. Wait too long and your opponent may swoop in and clear out the Ruins you were gunning for. Act now with a weaker effect and sacrifice efficiency for instant gratification.\nWhile efficiency and bag management touches every part of this game and will be the driving force behind victory and defeat, there are a number of additional layers which provide interaction and flavor.",
"These days, it’s not uncommon to find card games that disguise themselves as something much more. They push the envelope and redefine how complex, strategic, and/or thematic a card game can be. Guillotine is the antithesis to these, a basic card game that makes no pretensions. Two decks of cards, a toy (non-working) head-chopper, and that’s all it needs to be a cut above your average filler.\nComponents: See above. The two decks of cards – the action deck and nobles deck - are colorfully designed (with tongue firmly in cheek) on decent quality stock and nicely coated. (Despite all the execution, there is no ‘die’ to roll). Not much more to say on that!\nTheme/Object of the game – You are one of the executioners during the French Revolution just trying to make a name for yourself by executing the highest ranking nobles (based on point value) in line. Of course, other executioners are also out for the fame and fortune you desire. Your job is simple: behead the first noble in line at the end of your turn. But playing the right action card at the right time can make all the difference in the world. The person with the most points at the end of three days of executions is the winner.\nRules: Dirt Simple. You start out with five action cards in your hand and 12 nobles in line to lose their head during day one of executions. You have the option of playing an action card at the beginning of your turn.",
"If so, you execute (pun intended) the action immediately. Whether you’ve played an action card or not, you then must behead the first noble in line, then take another action card from the deck. When there are no more nobles in line, lay out 12 more for the next day. The game is over after three days of executions. Any exceptions to these rules are printed on the cards themselves.\nGameplay: I’m not just sticking my neck out when I say that this is where the game shines. The action cards in your hand allow you to do a variety of things – rearrange the line (or prevent people from rearranging it), add or subtract nobles to the line, assess penalty points to other players, reverse the order of nobles, etc. While this may not be the most strategically challenging exercise, it is unpredictable and fun. Sure, there’s a hefty amount of luck involved, but having a few decisions on which is the best play at any one time is just enough to give you bragging rights when you win.\nGood Stuff – This is a card game that plays in about 15-20 minutes and is a great filler game. Selling for about $15, it’s also a pretty good deal. You can always play fewer hands (days) than prescribe, or reformat the game to make the game longer (but remember, there are only so many nobles cards). Having no small parts also makes this very portable.\nBad Stuff – The game can wear out its’ welcome if it’s played too much, and the theme might be a turn-off for those who are easily offended.\nFinal Words. Guillotine is a wonderful find – a multi-player filler game with a warped sense of humor and an air of unpredictably. It’s not very deep nor is it grandiose, but is a lot of fun. I can see myself picking up this game and keeping it in the car to play at coffee shops or wherever the opportunity presents itself.",
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"<PERSON> and <PERSON>\nReally remarkable stop motion here, with <PERSON> elevating his game even higher. It's in the fine details of fast movement and in the jumps and gravitational bits. So good. His command of how things move and have weight has always been phenomenal, but he's improving all the time.\nHis cinematic chops are also extending. he's using camera overlays including bits of hand drawn animation.",
"He is cross cutting action sequences and he's using multiple angles of the same action.\nAs parable, this isn't much, but it is a pretty devastating rip on the bourgeoisie. Because of his use of insects and animals, we see thee creatures as ourselves - and so here we see ourselves as rats. Not entirely comforting. And if I did have a minor quibble, it's that even though he is now animating the faces of these rate, it does move the piece a little further into pastiche because they no longer look like real animals, but closer to cartoon versions. Its something that was bound to happen if he wanted this level of characterization, but it is a trade off. Still, this piece has some great stuff.",
"<PERSON>: Chapter 4\nIn some ways this is absolutely top of the franchise for me. Every frame is immaculately presented with a sense of formal beauty that tops what <PERSON> has done before. You can feel his confidence bursting of the screen with the explosions of colour, light and smoke all throughout. It's also the most stripped back <PERSON> has been, which means the outstanding supporting cast all step up to amazing effect. There isn't a bad character in the bunch, with <PERSON> Mr Nobody quietly stealing the film for large chunks. <PERSON> and <PERSON> are both outstanding additions to this world, adding a new type of kinetic energy to the action that I adored.",
"<PERSON> also pops up perfectly.\nThe action is of course the star of the show here, and once again the franchise shows its desire to show us things we've never seen in the genre before.\nThe Osaka Continental is a perfect piece of location setup and payoff, establishing setting before everything explodes into violence. Whether it's doorbell-assisted martial arts, nunchuck combos or bow and arrow finishers, it's an excellent first sequence.\nCompared to the patience of the Osaka sequence, the final Paris dash is a brilliant Warriors homage that serves as a perfect grab-bag of everything we love this franchise for. The bird's eye crane move is an all-timer presentation for <PERSON> mayhem, which is only topped by the fact that it happens twice!\nAll of the stuntperson pratfalls that came before culminate in <PERSON>'s climb up the Sacré-Coeur steps, which is some of the best stuntwork I've seen in ages. Countless people tumble down and down these steps, and it's hard not to feel out of breath just watching it. The work of the stunt choreographers and performers needs to be lauded, because what they pull off in this one is absolutely bananas.\nOverall I feel like the series has maintained a steady level of quality, which is super impressive for a franchise that's gone on this long. I think this is the top of the bunch for me, if only slightly beat out by 3. There's something to love about all of them, which is perfect.",
"Last Tango in Paris\nIncredibly difficult to watch, both as a story and metatextually.\nTaken at face value, everything is so raw and so natural. The performances are layered with such realism and sorrow. Plus the way <PERSON> and company shoot Paris is extraordinary, showing the suburbs and side-streets of the city with an identity all their own. The few landmarks used, such as that bridge from Inception, are made to stick out.\nThe bleakness of the scenario goes from beginning to end, but the film builds to a conclusion you know will provide only sadness. Thankfully you have the aging <PERSON> to play a man lost in his youth, put opposite the wise-beyond-her-years <PERSON>.\nBut with knowledge of how the film is made and the toll it took on <PERSON> in particular, The infamous rape scene has been the subject of scrutiny for years, and for good reason.",
"Even though it is supposedly simulated, I've never felt so disturbed by a rape sequence, nor felt the pain so much of the subject. Even in the context of the film the act plays out with a marked lack of consent.\nBut this isn't the only moment that disturbs and upsets, with so much of <PERSON>'s performance feeling manipulated and extorted. She's a stunning force opposite <PERSON>, the babe in the woods to his big bad wolf. Yet you cannot deny the talent of her actual acting, building a world-weary teenager who nevertheless feels as emotionally old as <PERSON> looks. We're not watching a <PERSON> and <PERSON> dynamic between the characters, but a bond between two adults who are afraid of growing beyond the roles they've made for themselves.\nBut what happens, say, when those roles are forced in place, are dictated, are abused?\nIn a film like Last Tango in Paris, where does performance end and trauma begin? This is what leaves you on the verge.",
"Poor Things\nI read the book this month and it instantly became one of my favourites. It is such an amazing and many faceted piece of literature that it is hard not to see this film now as a slight failure. There is a lack of ambition in how <PERSON> drops the setting, the framing structure and some level of mystery. It feels like the <PERSON> of 10 years ago might have tried and failed, but perhaps the sense of <PERSON> now is not to try at all. He instead hones in on specific elements of the novel, playing them to perfection.",
"It'd just hard for me not to spend a little time imagining what could have been.\nWhat’s left is a masterpiece in its own right. As so much is excised to focus on the mental journey of <PERSON>. The cinematography, costumes, score, production design. All emphasising what it is like to see the world through the eyes of a child, to be free of worldly pressure, but in <PERSON>’s unique case not to be treated as a child or to know the feeling of being under authority. Perhaps it would be better for the world if we were all afforded such a luxury.\n<PERSON> is sensational, but as is the full cast. <PERSON> really just cannot miss an opportunity to do a perfect line delivery.",
"<PERSON>\nAs usual, <PERSON> style is something fun and to be admired, from the framing to color palette to awkward deadpan matter-of-fact tone of dialogue, but I've been chasing the high I felt from Moonrise Kingdom and The Grand Budapest Hotel where I believe <PERSON> really peaked in creativity, style, and storytelling.\nBoth Asteroid City and The French Dispatch have failed to impress me on that level, although I still can find enjoyment in them. They simply don't have that special something that can be found in some, well, most, earlier <PERSON> films.",
"The Royal Hotel\nThoroughly enjoyed. <PERSON> has the juice and can direct actors better than almost any of her peers.\nI would describe this as a successful attempt to take a lot of the ideas behind The Assistant and reapply them to a different setting and genre. It’s a film for a big crowd and it works extremely well.\n<PERSON>’s strength is in her character work. She never takes an easy out for the sake of drama, and even the villains of this film are full of contradiction and drawn with a lot of empathy.",
"Surprisingly a significant amount of the conflict exists between the two leads, and their different approaches for dealing with drunken chauvinism. At times this dynamic felt mildly underwritten to me, however I feel like I owe the film another watch while considering this relationship more.\nThe real revelation here compared to The Assistant is how <PERSON> blocks and shoots her scenes. Most of the film is set in a fairly packed bar, with around a half dozen distinct patrons. Fantastic use of the space is made and the camera always feels like it is finding the most interesting spot. <PERSON> knows when not to show certain parts of the bar and a lot of tension is mined from a fear of what might be happening just outside the frame.\nMost importantly performance is king and the actors are never lost in the fray while trying to show off with a set piece.\n<PERSON> is sensational once again.",
"The Glass Menagerie\nIt’s always satisfying to finish off a director’s CV especially one as good as <PERSON>. He’s a great director because he can balance script, style, and performance with a seeming ease. Just look here at the sister being informed of the gentleman caller.",
"The camera is this roving monster with fast edits showcasing the emotional imbalance the moment provides for her smashing into a mid point shot of the characters opposed just as she begins to find the strength and settlement of mind to find her position on the matter.\n<PERSON> really should be spoken of in conjunction with all the greats though here he’s clearly aiming for <PERSON>. <PERSON> is the most blatant example of this seemingly being tasked to do with shadows and grain exactly what he was doing in the ‘70s. This is a kind of gross looking film that hides its playfulness in plain sight.",
"<PERSON>\nAdmittedly, I did not register this as a comedy until 40 minutes in at which point after realizing this everything the film was doing became crystalized and threatened to break the film in two. The mood piece about alienation as an immigrant worker is nearly overtaken by a dead pan humor that is somehow too arch and too subdued, best exemplified by <PERSON> performance that threatens into becoming a caricature every time the film returns to him.",
"Fortunately, the film finds it's footing again at it's closing with <PERSON> mechanic. Very much of a piece with <PERSON>'s Fallen Leaves as a film that perfectly captures the feeling of living in current moment even if it isn't as fully realized as <PERSON>'s film. I imagine this plays better in a theater with an attentive crowd.",
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"How to plot a table with multiple columns as a box plot\nI am trying to plot a box plot with the Trinucleotide as the x axis (so 64 trinucleotides on the x axis) and the frequency of each trinucleotide in each of 6 samples then color code the plot according to the sample. This is a snippet of the table and the code I have so far as well as the type of graph I want.\n``` ibrary(tidyverse) library(readxl)\n<PERSON> <- read_xlsx(\"TrinucleotideFrequency06182021.xlsx\") <PERSON> <- gather (<PERSON>, \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\",key=\"gene\", value=\"value\") marte$gene <- as.factor(marte$Trinucleotide)\nmarte$group <- as.factor(marte$gene)\nggplot(marte, aes(x = gene, y = value, color = group)) + geom_boxplot() ```\nhead (marte) produces the output below and underneath is a part of the table I am using to generate the plot with the first column as the trinucleotide and the other 6 as each gene respectively.\nTrinucleotide gene value group <chr> <fct> <dbl> <fct> 1 AAA AAA 0.0214 AAA 2 TAG TAG 0.0199 TAG 3 AGC AGC 0.0132 AGC 4 TGT TGT 0.0338 TGT 5 GAT GAT 0.0130 GAT 6 CAC CAC 0.0112 CAC\nAAA 0.<PHONE_NUMBER>.016654469 0.<PHONE_NUMBER>.<PHONE_NUMBER>.<PHONE_NUMBER>.<PHONE_NUMBER> TAG 0.019927531 0.018790672 0.015649845 0.<PHONE_NUMBER>.019363723 0.<PHONE_NUMBER> AGC 0.013209711 0.<PHONE_NUMBER>.014520044 0.",
"(Updated question) Problem with Fold-change mean compared to absolute data (in qPCR)\nFor the problem below I am aware of the statistics involved but just can't get my finger around the following:\nIn biology we use qPCR to measure gene expression or basically number of mRNA copies. It does this by counting how many cycles of amplification (2^) it needs to reach a threshold. So to simplify everything lets assume that 1024 copies would require 10 cycles (2^10). If there are more copies it would take less cycles to reach the threshold, therefore 2024 copies would take 9 cycles, 512 copies 11 cycles etc.. Now imagine the following scenario:\nWe have the following samples:\nSample 1. 1024 copies of gene A and 4096 copies of gene B\nSample 2. 1024 copies of gene A and 16384 copies of gene B\nNow we want to compare sample 2 to 1, with gene B in relation to gene A:\nIn absolute numbers this would be:\nSample 1. 4096 / 1024 = 4x more B\nSample <PHONE_NUMBER> = 16x more B\nThe average amount more B = (16 + 4) / 2 = 10x more B\nNow with qPCR the same samples from above would look like the following:\nSample 1. Gene A 10 cycles, Gene B 8 cycles.\nSample 2. Gene A 10 cycles, Gene B 6 cycles.\nNow using the methods standard used for qPCR data we first take the difference between Gene B and A. Followed by the mean of the difference and this is taken 2^.\nSample 1. 10 - 8 = 2 cycles\nSample 2.",
"10 - 6 = 4 cycles\nThe average amount more B = 2^((2 + 4)/2) = 8x more B\nAll publications / software tools etc will compute an average of 8x more B. And I am aware this originated from a log2 scale, however why does this statistically correct method differ in outcome from absolute numbers?\nUpdate I oversimplified my question therefore below some more details of my \"problem\".\nCondition 1 biorep 1. 1024 copies of ref and 1024 copies of gene X\nCondition 1 biorep 2. 1024 copies of ref and 1024 copies of gene X\nCondition 2 biorep 1. 1024 copies of ref and 4096 copies of gene X\nCondition 2 biorep 1. 1024 copies of ref and 16384 copies of gene X\nSo to compute in absolute numbers the average amount more of gene X in condition 2 versus 1:\nWe can forget the reference gene here as cDNA amounts are the same, therefore:\nCondition 1 biorep 1 & 2: average (1024 + 1024) / 2 = 1024 copies\nCondition 2 biorep 1 & 2: average (4096 + 16384) / 2 = 10240 copies\nCondition 2 vs 1: average 10240 / 1024 = 10x more gene X in condition 2 vs 1\nNow with qPCR CT values based on the numbers above:\nCondition 1 biorep 1. Ref_CT 10 and GeneX_CT 10\nCondition 1 biorep 2. Ref_CT 10 and GeneX_CT 10\nCondition 2 biorep 1. Ref_CT 10 and GeneX_CT 8\nCondition 2 biorep 1. Ref_CT 10 and GeneX_CT 6\nNow using the official qPCR calculations:\nCondition 1, Ref_CT mean (10 + 10) / 2 = 10\nCondition 2, Ref_CT mean (10 + 10) / 2 = 10\nCondition 1, GeneX_CT mean (10 + 10) / 2 = 10\nCondition 2, GeneX_CT mean (8 + 6) / 2 = 7\nRef_deltaCT (10 - 10) = 0\nGeneX_deltaCT (10 - 7) = 3\ndelta_deltaCT (3 - 0) = 3\nDifference Condition 2 vs 1 = (2^3) = 8x\nThis equates to 8x more of Gene X on average in condition 2 compare to condition 1. Here now is the difference of 8x vs 10x. Also any program you will use to fill in these CT values it will result in a ratio of 8 compared to 10.\nIs this perhaps as this method equating to 8 should only be used for technical replicates, and bioreps should use a different equation resulting into 10?",
"Dnase data for GRCh38\nThis question below turned to be completely faulty. I don't have to do anything with DNase data for GRCh38. I asked it because of the file count difference between hg38 and hg37, which I thought to be too big. For hg38 there're 95 files *Peak.txt.gz. For hg37 there're 236 *narrowPeak.gz, but after merging pairs PkRep1 & PkRep2 (probably FASTQ(SE/PE) reps) we get only 123 files. Finally, this difference (123 & 95) no longer seems to be big and we have even cleaner situation without PkRep1 & PkRep2.\nOne again: there's no problem with DNase data for GRCh38 assembly and only my question was misleading. I'd like to apologise for the confusion I introduced.\nI'm interesed in transciptional activity, thus I'm willing to use DNase hypersensitivity sites to detect regions where transcription factors are allowed to bind. In previous genome assembly GRCh37 / hg19 I used to use narrow peaks files from these two sources (University of Washington and Duke University, respectively) (files with suffixes .narrowPeak.gz):\n\nWith the most contemporary assembly GRCh38 there're also some annotations attached (files with trailing Peak.txt.gz):\nAnd here four complementary question arise:\n1. Consider only datasets, which come from University of Washington.",
"For GRCh38 / hg19 I counted 236 narrow peak files, whereas for newer GRCh38 there're only 95 files. How to explain this differene? Do the datasets represent exactly the same coverage, but with much lower granularity / precision (datasets that come for several tissue lines are merged into fewer files)?\n2. With GRCg37 / hg19 we have both narrow peaks as well as broad peaks, whereas GRCh38 comes with only one type of of file *Peak.txt.gz. Does it mean that with the newest version we have only narrow peaks? Are the broad peaks hidden somewhere else?\n3. With GRCh37 / hg19 we have two separate sources of DNase data: UofW and Duke. For GRCh38, it seems that only UofW datasets are availabe. Is any other source of DNase data available, maybe stored separately (Duke or other lab)?\n4. Let's suppose that you're in my place and you would like to determine cis-regulatory areas. What type of data can be used to do so? <PERSON> DNase datasets but from other source or even completly different type of data (NOT DNase)?\nThank you in advance for your answer.",
"Computing adjusted p-values in batches\nData\nFor simplicity I propose the following scheme:\n1. I have two DataFrames, one with genes, the other with miRNA (it is a simple example, it is not the case what the DF are), the data are continuous:\nGene_1 Gene_2 Gene_3 Patient_1 220.43 12,959 12,311 Patient_2 270.27 12,870 13,234\nmiRNA_1 miRNA_2 miRNA_3 Patient_1 220.43 12,959 12,311 Patient_2 270.27 12,870 13,234 2. I must draw correlations all the genes against all the miRNAs (using either <PERSON>, <PERSON> or <PERSON> correlation, it doesn't matter) establishing as final result the following structure:\nGene miRNA Correlation P-value Adjusted P-value Gen_1 miRNA_1 0,959 0.00311 0.00014 Gen_1 miRNA_2 -0,039 0.00311 0.00014 Gen_1 miRNA_3 -0,344 0.00311 0.00014 Gen_2 miRNA_1 0,1333 0.00311 0.00014 Gen_2 miRNA_2 0,877 0.00311 0.00014 ...\nProblem\nThe result of the Cross Join (all against all) can result in a DataFrame with billions of rows.",
"To give a dimension of the required space, leaving aside the columns of the gene and the miRNAs and considering a small result of 300 million rows would need 300000000 * (16 bits of the correlation in floating pt + 64 bits of p-value + 64 bits of adjusted p-value) = 5 GB approx.\nIn order to optimize the memory usage, I do the computation in batches, the problem is with the adjusted p-values since I use the method of <PERSON> & <PERSON><PHONE_NUMBER> Gen_1 miRNA_3 -0,344 0.00311 0.00014 Gen_2 miRNA_1 0,1333 0.00311 0.00014 Gen_2 miRNA_2 0,877 0.00311 0.00014 ...\nProblem\nThe result of the Cross Join (all against all) can result in a DataFrame with billions of rows. To give a dimension of the required space, leaving aside the columns of the gene and the miRNAs and considering a small result of 300 million rows would need 300000000 * (16 bits of the correlation in floating pt + 64 bits of p-value + 64 bits of adjusted p-value) = 5 GB approx.\nIn order to optimize the memory usage, I do the computation in batches, the problem is with the adjusted p-values since I use the method of Benjamini & Hochberg (1995) with the function p.adjust of R (using a Python wrapper) that requires the complete p-value array, which makes me run out of memory.\nIs there any way to compute, either from another library or another similar statistical method, the p-value adjusted in batches?\nI already tried the FastLSU technique to be able to filter out some p-values that are not significant, but as I understood it, when I get the adjusted p-value for each row I need to know all the total p-values. If I could get for each row the adjusted p-value my problem would be solved since I could download the results of the batches to disk and goodbye to complications.\nIf someone could shed some light on the subject I would be very grateful",
"TRANSFAC Matrix.dat retrieve count matrix using BA or CC field\nIn the TRANSFAC Matrix.dat most of the motifs are given in the form of count matrix, but a few of them are given as some kind of frequency matrix. Those aren't ordinary PWMs because rows don't sum to 1, but these sums are more or less stable across rows.\nI would like to have a raw count matrix in all cases, so I trying to retrieve the count matrix from those several \"fractional\" cases.\nAt first I thought that the field BA (Basis - statistical basis of the matrix) MANDATORILY starts with a number of sequences actually used in the matrix, so I would be able to simply multiply:\n$$ \\frac{\\text{nucleotide value}}{\\text{row sum}} \\times \\text{number of sequences from BA} $$\nMoreover, sometimes in CC field there's information like: core from: 11\nUnfortunately, the results are not very close to integer value, so this cannot be explained by rounding errors.\nFor example, in a certain row we have (btw, the row sum is $10.73$ from rounding errors):\n3.99 4.07 0.87 1.8\nBA 17 compiled ... sequences; total weight of sequences: 10.74\nCC core from: 11, length: 6\n$$ \\frac{4.07}{10.74} \\times 17 = 6.4423 $$\n$$ \\frac{4.07}{10.74} \\times 11 = 4.<PHONE_NUMBER> $$\nIn my opinion these values $0.44$ or $0.16$ couldn't be explained by rounding errors.",
"There's no description (link to article) enclosed to this motif. That aren't log-odds because all of them are non-negative values.\nIn this particular case, if I use the formula $count(x) = round( (\\frac{x}{10.74}) \\times 11 )$, the resulting counts will sum up to $11$, so it's fine. This method with value $11$ replaced by $17$ doesn't result in set of values summing to $17$, but $16$.\nThe problem is that in another example I have\nBA 17 compiled binding sequences; total weight of equences: 12.86\nCC core from: 1, length: 4 In this case I should rather multiply by $17$ not $1$ to get the sum of $17$. As you see, I cannot stick to either BA or CC for all such motifs.\nHow would you retrieve the raw count matrix in a such case and what could be the problem in my approach? (jumping between BA and CC values)\nCould anyone explain how those values in matrix have been derived, is it some kind of log-odds?",
"How to interpret a specific feature importance?\nApologies for a very case specific question. I have a dataset of genes, with which I am using machine learning to predict if a gene causes a disease. One of the features I have is a beta value (which is the effect size of the gene's impact on the disease), and I'm not sure how best to interpret and use this feature.\nI condense the beta values from the variant level to the gene level, so a gene is left with multiple beta values like this:\nGene Beta ACE -0.7, 0.1 ,0.6 NOS 0.2, 0.4, 0.5 BRCA -0.1 ,0.1, 0.2\nCurrently I am trying 2 options of selecting a single beta value per gene, one where I select the absolute value per gene (and ignore whether it was a previous negative value) and another where I select the absolute value and return the previous negative numbers back to being negative.",
"I am trying this as for beta values a postive or negative direction indicates the size of the effect a gene has on the disease, so I would think it's important to retain the negative information (as I understand it).\nHowever, I've been advised to use just the absolute values with not retaining negative status, and I'm not sure if there's a way for me to know if one option is better than the other from the machine learning perspective. I am also having a problem in either case where my model values this feature as much more important than any other feature in my dataset. For example gradient boosting gives this an importance of 0.01, the next most important feature is at 0.001.\nSo my question is, how best can I interpret a highly important feature like this? If it is much more important is it actually a bias and is it likely due to my own handling/preprocessing of the feature or is it acceptable that is it just very important? Would it be possible for me to set my model to re-weight the importance of this particular feature? I have a biology background so not sure what is the normal or least biased approach.",
"Feature Selection Statistical Test for Nominal Response Vs Continuous Predictors? (in R)\nI cannot find much information on this, none so-far useful.\nI have a sparse data set with 17K+ columns of continuous gene expressions, an example of a typical column: (3.15, 0, 7.1294, 0, 0, 0, 2300.2, 213.444,...) and each row has an associated nominal response of celltype = 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'. These are names, hence nominal, and not ordinal.\nThus, there are 17308 gene expression columns, and a single response column in my dataframe, with 4954 rows/samples.\nI am trying to find the right statistical test to perform a filter-method for feature selection (taking the best 1000 low-correlation p-values obtained through some statistical test). My teacher mentioned Wilcoxon rank sum test, but I dont see how this applies, nor ANOVA. I found the Kruskal-Wallis as the only relatively good test. I do not come from a statistics background, having only taking Mathematical Statistics I in university.\nI use a File Backed Matrix (FBM from bigstatsr package) to assign the p-values in a foreach loop, as follows:\nforeach(i = 1:num_feats, .combine = 'c') %dopar% { dat_total = cbind(df[, i], df$ctype) p_vals[i - 1, 1] <- kruskal.test(df[, i] ~ df$ctype, data = dat_total)$p.value } but this results in about 12000 p_values stacked up at zero... (?)\nI also tried switching df[, i] ~ df$ctype for df$ctype ~ df[, i] but kruskal.test in R asks for response ~ group, regardless, when I do this I get a bimodal distribution of p-values: a few thousand stacked up near 0 (but non are zero) and a few thousand stacked up near 1 (some equal to 1). I read more on this as in 'Section C' found here.\nI'm supposed to just test each column against the response, check for significance, peel off the best 1000, and then generate a feature reduced matrix df_sml that I then feed into elastic net, lasso, linear discriminant analysis and a classification tree.",
"What I did however was pick the best <PHONE_NUMBER> p-values, and pick the top 1000 that had correlation between -0.25 and 0.25 (LDA was failing otherwise).\nANY tips are appreciated, I don't see the point of deriving a test data set for reproduction. This(and several other) articles mentioned Kruskal-Wallis for categorical dependent versus continuous independent variables (but my concern is I am feeding them in 'backwards' to the test in R).\nI dont understand why I would possibly want to factor celltype into a dummy variable, as this is nominal data and not ordinal data, so any explanation regarding that appreciated. If it is okay, why? Doesn't ordinal data imply rank? And if I am treating the dummy variable as factor, how is that different than treating 'A', ..., 'E' as factors?\nThe simplest method you can suggest would be most appreciated, hence my turn to Kruskal-Wallis and not some of the more complicated and involved methods I have seen suggested (I likely wouldn't have the time to implement them).\nedit: I wanted to add a few things: I ran elastic net for alpha = 0.1:0.9 by 0.2 and LASSO, and I am getting a classification accuracy rate around 0.98 for all of these. So unless something is amiss, my models are getting pretty good results, LDA performed just slightly worse (0.96) than Elastic Net (glmnet), the Tree model with pruning (0.76) was garbage lol. And this was using df$ctype ~ df[, i] which is group ~ response, not the desired format by kruskal.test as far as I know. {see ?kruskal.test(formula,...)}\nedit2: I wanted to add, there are like 8K+ columns with 95% entries being zero, but the teacher said to leave them in and do this test instead (this data is for a machine learning course midterm project), which I've read can be what is contributing to the wild number of p-values stacking up at or near 1. I originally stripped these columns from the dataframe.",
"Methods of nuclear transfection - nuclear transport\nI am reading through the ENCODE papers, which is taking me well out of my comfort zone in terms of modern laboratory techniques. At the risk of asking a question which may well be thoroughly answered somewhere else on the internet, I was hoping for a brief explanation of nuclear transfection.\nIn Whiteld et all, they describe the direct assay of transcription factor binding site efficacy in human cells. To do this, they transfect a luciferase plasmid, presumably into the nucleus of the cell (because they subsequently observe that the luciferase plasmid is transcribed).\nReading through Materials and Methods and getting to the supplementary file, they disclosed their transfection protocol. The relevant reagants appear to be:\nFuGene 6\n\"a nonliposomal formulation designed to transfect plasmid DNA into a wide variety of cell lines with high efficiency and low toxicity. \" (From Promega's website.)\nLipofectamine LTX\n\"efficient reagent for plasmid delivery and protein expression\" (From Invitrogen's website.)\nPLUS reagent\n\"PLUS™ Reagent is used in conjunction with transfection reagents, such as Lipofectamine™, to enhance transfection in adherent cell lines.\" (From Invitrogen's website.)\nApparently, the protocol is to combine the DNA plasmid with transfection reagent, wait a few minutes, and then add in the cells, and incubate at 37ºC for 24 hours.",
"That's all that is required to get the plasmid into the nucleus.\nI have consulted Wikipedia and Strachan and Read's Human Molecular Genetics 4th edition, but been unable to answer my question about this technique.\nI think I have a pretty clear understanding of how these reagents are able to get through the cell's lipid membrane, but I don't have a similar understanding of how the DNA then passes to the nucleus.\nIn Human Molecular Genetics 4th edition, I can find only one paragraph about plasmid transfer across a nuclear membrane, page 704: \"Transport of plasmid DNA to the nucleus of non-dividing cells is very inefficient because the plasmid DNA often cannot enter nuclear membrane pores. Various methods can be used to faciliate nuclear entry such as conjugating specific DNA sequences or protein sequences (nuclear localization seuqences) that are known to facilitate nuclear entry, or compacting the DNA to a small enough size to pass through the nuclear pores.\"\nBut nothing in the materials and methods section of Whiteld et. all mentions any of these techniques. I'm sure they would have mentioned if their plasmid included a DNA conjugation sequence, so that can't be it. Perhaps these reagents implicitly include some sort of DNA compaction polycation, such as PEG-CK30?\nIsn't the cytoplasm an extremely hostile place for DNA plasmids? Shouldn't they just flail around in the cytoplasm until they are digested?\nOr perhaps these vectors sneak into the nucleus during mitosis? (This is a theory that just occurred to me when contemplating the \"non-dividing\" qualification in the <PERSON> quote.)\nSince the question isn't addressed in the paper, I can only assume the answer is elementary and something that a professional cell biologist would be expected to know. I've run out of obvious next steps for finding the answer, so I beg pardon in advance for asking it.\nBest regards,\n<PERSON>",
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"Rotary Dial Arduino Input\nIntroduction: Rotary Dial Arduino Input\nThis project was intended to serve as a proof of concept for using a rotary phone’s dial as an interface between a user and the Arduino microcontroller. However, this experiment quickly turned into an opportunity to learn all about the Atmega328P’s various timer and interrupt capabilities and how to manually set registers within the Arduino IDE in order to utilize them and handle IO operations more efficiently. This section includes a brief video demonstration of the rotary dial's use as an input to a microcontroller.\nStep 1: Connecting the Rotary Dial to the Arduino\nWhile disassembling a few legacy phones, I was excited to learn that their dials are completely self-contained devices that operates as mechanical switch. When the user draws the dial back to a specific number the switch will periodically open that number of times, with a specific timing that is dictated by the rotary dial’s inner clockwork. In order to test the possibility of using the device to act as a sort of keypad, the circuit depicted in the top diagram was constructed. Both LEDs have their own digital pins (D3 and D4) which are simply used to communicate whether the correct predetermined code has been entered into the dial.",
"The microcontroller counts the low pulses at the rotary dials pin (D2) in order to determine which number has been entered.\nStep 2: Coding for Rotary Dial Input\nThough the circuit is very straight forward, programming for this operation required an intimate knowledge of the Atmega328P’s timers. A timer had to be utilized in unique ways in order to distinguish one pulse from another, debounce the rotary dial's switching, and decide when to stop counting pulses for one digit and start counting pulses for the next digit. The project has left me with a much deeper understanding of the registers used to control the 328P and a comfortability with the technical documentation involved. Below is the entire program used to run the demonstration in the introductory video.\n#define dialPin 2\n#define redLED 4\n#define greenLED 3\nbool checkPin ( int *input, int *truePin );\nbool keep_count = 1;\nint Pindex = 0;\nvolatile int Cycle = 0;\nvolatile int Tick = 0;\nint inputPin[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //we add an extra element to avoid buffer overflow\nint truePin [4] = { 1, 7, 3, 8};\nvoid setup() {\npinMode (dialPin, INPUT);\npinMode (redLED , OUTPUT);\npinMode (greenLED,OUTPUT);\npinMode ( 11, OUTPUT);\ndigitalWrite(11, LOW);\nnoInterrupts();\nTCCR2A = 0; // Timer/Counter ContRol Registers used to set mode, prescalar, other options\nTCCR2B = 0;\nTCCR2B |= ( 1 << CS22); // we set the Clock Select bit of this register so that our prescalar is 64\n// desired f = 1000 Hz\n// Clock Speed /( prescaler * ( counter max - start of count ) ) = f\n// 16 000 000 / ( 64 * ( 256 - x ) ) = 1000 Hz\n// x = 6\nTCNT2 = 6; // Timer CouNTer register. This is what is incremented. We start OUR specific count at 48\nTIMSK2 = 0;\nTIMSK2 |= ( 1 << TOIE1 ); // on the Timer Interrupt Mask Register the TimerOverflowInteruptEnable bit is set\nSerial.begin (9600);\n}\n//IMPORTANT NOTE: with an 8 bit counter running with a prescalar of 64 and an initial count of 6 we get about 1000Hz\n//So we want 3 seconds at 1000 cycles per second = MAX_CYCLES of 3000\n//For a debounce of 50ms we likewise need 75 cycles\n#define MAX_CYCLES 1500 //for 1.",
"Piano Metronome\nIntroduction: Piano Metronome\nThis project was conceived of after I examined the types and styles of various off-the-shelf Metronomes. I am currently learning to play the piano and having a Metronome in order to keep time was necessary. I felt sure that I could build one based on a standard Arduino Uno R3 board. The resultant Metronome has a combined light and sound feature which can be customized to reflect the tempo of the beat. While V1 of the project is complete a V2 is being considered based on some new features such as adding a 18650 Battery shield to allow charging of the batteries via a USB charging cable. I added a simple time display feature in this version, however a future version could include the time in providing a fixed number of beats option.\nSupplies\n1. Arduino UNO R3 card and DC Plug, terminal type\n2. DS1302 Real Time Clock plus 2032 button battery\n3. Two pole switch, coloured wires, PCB female plugs, heatshrink, PCB board, 3mm plastic supports\n4. LED plus 330ohm resistor\n5. PAM8403 Digital Amplifer 3W\n6. Digital Rotary Encoder with central push button\n7. 8 Ohm 1W speaker\n8. 20 X 4 line LCD screen using IC2 communications\n9. 50x90x150mm project box\n10. 4 x Neopixel RGB common anode LEDs\n11.",
"2 x Adjustment push on control knobs.\n12. 2 * 18650 batteries and twin battery holder\n13. two pole switch.\n14. a quantity of plastic M3 20mm board supports and 5mm screws\n15. Blank PCB board, 20mm x 50mm approx.\nStep 1: CONSTRUCTION\nI freely accept that getting all of the above components into a 50x90x150mm project box is not easy and a larger project would have made things easier. However as the completed project shows it is possible. While I have not shown it, I recommend constructing the circuit on a suitable breadboard and testing its operation with the downloaded software. Construction starts with four equally spaced 8mm holes drilled into the top of the project box, to allow the four LED lights to be located there. Additionally, two 5mm holes are drilled on the face plate for the rotary encoder and Amp Volume control, a single 5mm hole is drilled in the center of project box’s side to allow access to the speaker, finally a single 12mm hole is drilled on the side of the project box to allow the Off/On circular two-pole switch to be installed.\nUsing a jigsaw and file a 96mm by 40mm square opening is made in the front panel to allow the 4x20 display to be inserted into the opening. It will also be necessary to drill 10 * 3mm holes in the front (4) and back panels (6) of the project box to allow for the M3 screws. The Arduino UNO R3 is wired to its components as laid out in the attached Fritzing circuit diagram.\nThe faceplate logo print, see attached PDF, is printed cut to shape and attached to the front panel of the project box. The IC2 controller is soldered to the 20x4 LCD screen and this screen is then attached to the front panel, after being inserted into the square cutout and fastened using 4 x M3 screws.\nThe two-pole switch is inserted through the 12mm hole on the side of the project box and the 8W speaker is glued to the inside of the project box so that the middle of the speaker is directly opposite the 5mm hole on the project box’s side panel. The rotary encoder and Amp volume control are attached to the inside of the project box’s lid and both of the knob control bars are past through the face plate so that they finish in the correct position in the center of the logo printout. Finally, the two control knobs are pushed onto the control bars.\nWhen soldering the twin 18650 battery holder, ensure that the batteries are in series so that a total voltage of 7.2V is supplied, via the DC plug, to the Arduino. The 4 RGB LED light array is constructed using a blank PCB board, as per the Fritzing diagram. Where possible connections between components should be soldered, however if Dupont wires are used then it is recommended that all are glued in place after being tested.\nStep 2: OPERATION\nThe Volume control increased the sound level if turned to the left, and decreased the sound level if turned to the right. The Menu/Tempo control initially starts in the Tempo option and turning it to the left will Increase the tempo while turning it to the right will reduce the Tempo.",
"A DIY Flapping-wing Robotic Bat With Arduino, 3D Printed, and Lego-compatible Parts\nIntroduction: A DIY Flapping-wing Robotic Bat With Arduino, 3D Printed, and Lego-compatible Parts\nIntroduction\nBats use their forelimbs as flapping wings. They are the only mammals capable of true flight. Bats have been one of the symbols of Halloween. It is believed that witches worshipped horned figures with wings, possibly bats. Although bats have a creepy reputation, they have been widely used as Halloween decorations. In this tutorial, a flapping-wing robotic bat has been made that can be used as part of a Halloween decoration. The general view of the robotic bat is shown below. The current bat is made of some Lego-compatible parts, an Arduino board, a motor driver, an off-the-shelf DC gear motor, two red LEDs, a PIR motion detector sensor, and 3D printed parts. The red LEDs resemble scary eyes for the bat. Sensitivity to motion is another feature that has been added to the bat. When an object or a person passes nearby, the bat starts flapping its wings.\nStep 1: General View of the Robotic Bat\nIn this tutorial, we will make the body structure and the wing mechanisms of the bat using Lego-compatible parts. However, the wings are designed and 3D printed.",
"Then, a DC gear motor drives the crank mechanism of the bat to flap its wings. Since an Arduino Nano onboard is used, we can attach a diverse set of sensors and modules to the project. This enables us to get the most creative and let our imagination go limitless.\nStep 2: A Crank Mechanism for the Flapping Wings\nAs a creative decoration for the Halloween season, we can make our robotic bat scare people off by flapping its wings whenever a person passes by using a PIR motion detection module. The PIR motion detectors are similar to the ones used in automatic hallway lamps. Thanks to the open-source nature of the Arduino board that allows such developments.\nStep 3: PIR Motion Detector\nFor more sophisticated applications, an Arduino NANO board is added to the bat to significantly increase the expandability and programming elements of the project. As you know, various add-on shields can be added to any Arduino board to expand the project’s capabilities.\nStep 4: The Red LEDs of the Robotic Bat\nFor instance, the Arduino board allows us to add two super flux red LEDs to the bat so that they can be turned on whenever the bat detects any motion nearby. These features enable us to make our projects fun and interactive.\nStep 5: Materials\nList of electronic parts\nA) 1x Arduino Nano\nB) 1x PIR sensor\nC) 1x Mini Switch\nD) Jumper wires\nE) 1x Breadboard, Mini Size\nF) 2x RED LEDs\nG) 1x Power Jack, Barrel Type\nList of Lego Technic components\nA) Frame, 5x7 module\nB) TT Gear Motor\nC) 3D Printed Gear Motor Housing\nD) 3D Printed Lego-Compatible Coupling\nE) Gear, 40-tooth\nF) M3 x 25 Machine Screw\nG) M3 x 10 Machine Screw\nH) Axle, 12-module\nI) Axle, 6-module\nJ) Axle, 3-module\nK) Beam, 3-module\nL) Beam, 5-module\nM) Beam, 7-module\nN) Angular beam, 3x5 module\nO) Beam with crosshole, 2-module\nP) Gear, 24-tooth\nQ) Gear, 8-tooth\nR) Axle connector with axle hole\nS) Connector peg, 2-module\nT) Connector peg with the axle, 2-module\nU) Bushing, module\nV) Axle, 2-module\nW) Connector peg with friction, 2-module\nX) Bushing, 1-module\nStep 6: Assembly of Mechanical Parts\nLet’s start off by assembling the body structure and wing mechanisms of the bat. The body structure holds everything together including the gears, wings, and electronics. Prepare the Lego-compatible pieces according to the part list, and follow the step-by-step video tutorial below.\nStep 7: 3D Printed Parts\nIn order to hold the DC gear motor in place and make a proper connection to the Lego pieces, we have used custom-designed, Lego compatible, 3D printed motor housings, and shaft couplings. The wings are specially designed and 3D printed to give a proper outlook to the bat. Download and print out the motor housings, couplings, wings-1, and wing-2. Then prepare the required Lego-compatible parts from the part list, and follow the step-by-step mechanical assembly tutorial.",
"7-Segment NeoPixel Clock With Countdown Timer\nIntroduction: 7-Segment NeoPixel Clock With Countdown Timer\nIn this Instructable, my twin brother, <PERSON>, and I will show you how to make a 7-segment NeoPixel Clock with Countdown Timer. The inspiration for this project began with our parents and their fitness room. While they have an older digital clock in the room, it has no functionality other than telling the time. And oftentimes, our parents will use their phones as a countdown timer for their workouts but they have no dedicated stand for it, so situating it in the room is cumbersome and tedious. My brother and I always try to make something for our parents for Christmas and we came up with the idea of creating an “Exercise Clock” that not only adds a modern clock into the room but also incorporates a countdown timer so that our parents will not have to fumble with their phone timers anymore. While we designed the clock with exercise/fitness in mind, this can be created and placed in a variety of other locations!\nWe are very pleased with how the clock turned out and our parents love it! Here is a quick rundown of some of the features of our exercise clock!\n- 7-segment display that shows current time of day and illuminates NeoPixel ring according to the current minute of the hour\n-IR sensor that enables that user to adjust clock/timer settings from anywhere in close proximity with IR remote\n-Countdown timer function that allows user to set a countdown timer.\n-Recurrent countdown timer that will loop a timer infinitely with a user-input break in between. E.g. HIIT workout that may require a 1 minute timer with a 30 second break in between sets\n-Piezo buzzer that buzzes when timer reaches 0. Also provides auditory feedback whenever a button is pressed on the IR remote\nIf you are interested in seeing how we made this project or you want to make one for yourself, please follow along! If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below and we'll try our best to respond quickly!\nSupplies\nElectronics:\n-Arduino Pro Mini 5V\n-4x NeoPixel ¼ Ring 24-Bit RGB LED\n-1.2” 4-Digit 7-Segment Display w/I2C Backpack\n-DS3231 RTC Module\n-Piezo Buzzer PS1240\n-IR Receiver Sensor 38kHz (Salvaged ours from an iHome iH9 unit)\n-IR Remote (Salvaged ours from an iHome iH9 unit)\n-Power Adapter 5V 2A\n-2n2222 Transistor\n-1k Resistor\n-1000 uF Capacitor\n-CR2032 3V Battery\n-Flexible 28AWG wire\nMiscellaneous:\n-3D printer (optional)\n-Acrylic Sheet cut into desired diameter\n- E6000 glue\n-Printable adhesive vinyl sheets\n-Black Spray Paint\n-Printer\n-Hot glue gun\n-Exacto knife\n-Soldering iron + Solder\n-Tools (wire cutters, scissors, needle nose pliers)\nStep 1: Circuit Diagram and Testing the Electronics\nWe were basing our idea off of a unique clock design we had seen while perusing the internet.",
"In order to replicate something similar to this, we needed some essential components. Those included: an Arduino to run the program, an RTC module to obtain real time clock data, a NeoPixel ring for display, and a 7-segment display to show the time/timer digitally. We wanted our parents to be able to adjust the clock from a distance so we chose to incorporate an IR receiver/remote. Finally, we wanted to add some type of auditory buzz when the timer completed, so we incorporated a piezo buzzer.\nCircuit Diagram:\nWe chose to use EasyEDA to create our schematic. A PDF version of the schematic is available in the attachments. Of note, both the RTC module and the 7-segment w/backpack use the I2C protocol. On the Arduino Pro Mini, those pins correspond to A4 (SDA) and A5 (SCL). The IR receiver is connected to pin 2 as that pin is useable as an external interrupt. The NeoPixel data input can be connected to any digital pin and we chose pin 6 as that is what Adafruit uses by default in their example codes. Finally, we connected the piezo buzzer to pin 3 and wired it to the base of a 2n2222 transistor to increase the volume of the buzzer.\nWiring and Testing The Electronics:\nWe began by wiring the components on a breadboard per the schematic and tested the individual components to ensure they were working properly.",
"Remote Control Arduino Car\nIntroduction: Remote Control Arduino Car\nA great introductory project for those diving into the IoT and Arduino platform. Working with motors and an IR sensor helps newbies understand various components and sensors compatible with the Arduino. Using the remote control, you will be able to control the robot's movement allowing the robot to move in straight lines or turn based on human input.\nCreated by <PERSON>, an upcoming Computer Science major at the University of California, Riverside. <PERSON> is an ambitious individual looking to study further in computer science with a deep interest in microcontroller and microprocessing technologies.\nSupplies\n* Arduino Uno\n* 400 Point Solderless Breadboard\n* Caster Wheel (Universal Wheel)\n* 2 x TT Motors (1:48 Gearbox)\n* 2 x TT Motor Wheels with Slotted Inserts\n* 2 x 2 AA Cell Battery Holder\n* 4 x AA 1.5 V Batteries\n* L293D Motor Driver\n* IR Sensor with Remote\n* Assortment of Jumper Cables\n* Double Sided 3M Tape\n* Soldering Iron with Solder\n* Heat Shrink / Electrical Tape\n* Screw Driver\n* 3D Printer (Ender 3 V2 used)\nStep 1: CAD: Designing the Base\nWhen designing the base, there are a few points to consider. One of the main challenges is spacing and ensuring everything is able to fit including wires. Common designs including starting with a circle or square and developing a base that accommodates your needs.\nStarting with a circle extruded 6 mm, I first accommodated for the wheels. With a 66 mm diameter and a tire width of 26 mm, I was able to remove a significant portion of the circle to ensure the wheels had enough room to move around and would not get caught upon other electronics or parts of the base.\nOn the other side of the circle (the underside), the holes for mounting the caster wheel were made. The caster wheel used had dimensions of 33mm x 27mm. These holes are unique in the sene that they are threaded holes which the screws perfectly fit into. Using this excellent guide by <PERSON>, Given that I was using M3 standard screws, I was able to create holes 3 mm wide and adopt the concept and create the helix with a 0.5 mm pitch that ran clockwise. As per the equilateral triangle, the side length was 0.45 mm and I performed sweep on the path of the helix. Repeating this process 4 times, I was able to create my caster wheel mount.\nThe same concept was applied for the mounting holes of the Arduino. However, this time, standoff-like cylinders were created to allow the Arduino to sit comfortably as the soldered joints on the bottom of the Arduino would prevent a flush mount. An excellent reference image depicts the various holes on the Arduino and their dimensions.\nLastly, 3 holes were created and spread throughout the base to allow or convenient cable management.",
"Given the battery's position on the bottom, two holes on either ends will allow the battery terminals to be connected to the breadboard and Arduino. These holes were dimensioned at 5 mm to allow a wire to comfortably it through. The hole near the center is to allow wires coming from the motors to be connected to the L293D motor driver. The hole was dimensioned at 12 mm to allow at least 4 wires to fit through comfortably. I finally used a 5 mm filet on the sharp corners to smooth out any rough edges.\nStep 2: Assembly: Putting Everything Together\nUsing 4 x M3-6 screws, we can first attach the caster wheel. When attaching the wheel, we need to ensure that the wheel is facing the opposite direction of the makeshift standoffs we created for the Arduino.\nIf the TT motors do not have wires already soldered onto the leads, then solder the wires prior to fixing them to the base. We will be placing the motors on the \"stem\" of the mushroom shape. Preferably, the leads of the motor should be facing inward to avoid interference with the wheels, we have placed the red terminals closer to the base as this will make our coding more consistent later on. You may choose to change up the configuration, however, be aware that changes in code will need to reflect accordingly. Using 3mm tape we can attach the motor to its position. Ensure to place both motors prior to prevent the motors from not having enough space and interfering with one another. We can now attach the wheels on the ends of the TT motors and thread the wires through the 12 mm hole near the center.\nMoving onto the batter holders, we first need to attach them in a series configuration before fixing them to the base. Attach one of the positive terminals (usually red) to a negative terminal of the other battery holder (usually black). Solder the wires together and use heat shrink or electrical tape to conceal the solder joint.",
"Playing Card Suit Indicator! Euchre! Pinochle!\nIntroduction: Playing Card Suit Indicator! Euchre! Pinochle!\nIn this Instructable, I will show you how I made my accelerometer based card game suit indicator. The inspiration behind this project was my family's love for the card game of Euchre (similar to Pinochle). In short, Euchre is a trick-taking card game played most commonly with a deck of 24 standard playing cards (9's, 10's, Jacks, Queens, Kings, Aces, and Jokers). Normally there are four players, two on each team, and the goal of the game is to win as many tricks as possible and be the first team to win with 10 points.\nAt the beginning of a new hand, \"trump\" is called and this dictates the card suit that will \"trump\" or \"supersede\" other suits during the round. It is without fail that multiple times per round someone seems to ask the dealer \"So what is trump?\" (essentially wanting to know what card suit will beat the other suits during that round). Rather than having the dealer reiterate the trump suit multiple times, I decided to create this small position based card suit or \"trump\" indicator that displays the current suit for the entire round.\nOnce a hand is dealt and trump is declared, all the dealer has to do is rotate the device to the indicated suit. The LCD screen will display the trump suit for the rest of the players. No worries if the dealer cannot see the LCD screen because the back of the device has a painted suit that is the same as what is displayed on the screen.\nThis was a fairly quick and simple device to make and can be implemented in essentially any game that requires a specific card suit to be known. Follow along if you would like to make one!\nSupplies\nElectronics:\n* Adafruit 1.54\" 240x240 Wide Angle TFT LCD Display\n* Arduino Pro Mini 5V\n* Lithium Ion Polymer Battery 3.7V 500mAh\n* 3 Axis Gyroscope and 3 Axis Accelerometer Module\n* LiPo Battery Charger Circuit\n* Pololu 5V Step Up Regulator\n* 16gB microSD card\n* Small electronic slide switch\nOther:\n* 3D Printer (Optional)\n* Black PLA Filament (Optional)\n* Black, White, and Red Acrylic Paint with Paint Brushes\nMiscellaneous:\n* Soldering iron and solder\n* Electrical tape\n* Flexible 28 AWG wire\n* Hot glue gun\nStep 1: Euchre! Rules and Gameplay\nEuchre may seem complicated from an outsiders perspective however it is fairly easy to pick up and a lot of fun to play once you get the hang of it!\nMany websites and Youtube tutorial videos do a great job of explaining the rules if you are interested in learning how to play. I will link some below.\n* Video How to Play Euchre\n* Website - Euchre instructions\nAs mentioned, this device does not have to be used for Euchre.",
"It really can be used for any game when a card suit would need to be displayed for the players!\nStep 2: Schematic and Wiring\nI began with first deciding on what components I wanted to utilize for this project. I knew I wanted to keep the overall size of the project fairly small so as to sit on a card table on not take up a ton of space. I ended up choosing an Arduino Pro Mini 5V as the microcontroller for the project as it was small and had enough pins to drive the LCD display and accelerometer. Speaking of the display, I ended up choosing the 240x240 LCD display because it was square, good for wide angles which was ideal for this project, and had the ability to display color. Finally, I found a small 500mAh LiPo battery to power the device. I was unsure how long this would hold a charge with the LCD screen constantly running but after initial testing it easily powered the device for a few hours.\nI sketched up a wiring schematic to incorporate the main electronic components as detailed in the picture/schematic pdf. I initially tested the LCD screen and accelerometer using an Arduino Uno but converted to the Pro Mini for the final product. Follow the wiring schematic for how to properly wire up your device!\nI will note that I added the Pololu 5V step up regulator towards the end of making this project. The internal 5V regulator on the Pro Mini was unable to take the 3.7V input from the LiPo batter and appropriately power the screen. Adding this regulator was inexpensive, took up little space, and allowed for the device to work properly.",
"Myo Armband - Changing Color of LED Strips\nIntroduction: Myo Armband - Changing Color of LED Strips\nThe Myo Gesture Control Armband is an incredible tool that uses predetermined gestures to control many features on the computer. With the additional help of an Arduino Uno, this instructable will show you how to use the Myo to change colored LED light strips.\nSupplies\nHere are the items you will need to complete this Instructable:\n1. Myo Gesture Control Armband\n2. Arduino Uno\n3. Myoduino Software\n4. Neopixels LED RGBW light strips\n5. Breadboard\n6. 2 Resistors greater than or equal to 400 ohms\n7. 4 Resistors of 100 ohms\n8. Connecting wires for breadboard\n9. Adjustable Regulator (LM217)(TO-220)\n10. 1000 microfarad capacitor\n11. External Power Supply - Potentiometer\n12. Alligator clips\nStep 1: Circuit Power Supply Set Up\nFirst, the power supply needs to be set up and connected to the left side of the main section on the breadboard. Use the images to help with the next steps.\n1. Take the potentiometer power cable, put it into the wall, and insert it onto the Arduino port.\n2. Take the potentiometer and set it to the settings displayed in the image. Use the silver dial to adjust the settings\n3. Place the TO220 regulator on the breadboard. Attached is a diagram of the node parts of the regulator. Connect a wire from the \"V in\" pin on the Arduino to the top \"input\" pin on the voltage regulator.\n4. Take another wire connecting the \"GND\" pin on the Arduino to the negative blue strip on the breadboard.\n5. On the middle \"Output\" node of the voltage regulator, connect two wires. These will connect to the \"Data In\" wire of the LED strip.\n6.",
"Place the capacitor on the same node as the \"output\" node of the regulator, and then to Ground (the blue negative strip on the breadboard). If needed, use an additional wire to connect them.\n7. Construct the resistor ratio of R1 to R2. The equation provided was used to find our ratio of 3:1. Additional information can be found on the regulator datasheet. Based on calculations for this section, we used 4 100 ohm resistors, 3 resistors in series to make a total of 300 ohms for our R2, and 1 100 ohm resistor for our R1.\n8. Place the 300-ohm resistors on a new node, connecting them from the \"Output\" pin of the regulator. Take another wire and connect them to Ground.\n9. Place the single 100-ohm resistor on a new node and connect it from the \"I Adjust\" pin on the regulator.\nStep 2: Breadboard Design\nNext, we will set up the right main side of the breadboard and circuit design to connect the LED strips to the Arduino. Use the images to help with the next steps.\n1. Using Alligator clips, connect each strand of the LED (\"5V\", \"Data In\", \"Ground\") to a wire.\n2. Take the corresponding wire of the \"5V\" from the LED and attach it to the breadboard.\n3. Place a 470 ohm on the same node. (We used 470 ohm resistors, but you can use any resistor greater than or equal to 400 ohms here.)\n4. Use another wire to connect the 470 ohm resistor on the node to a pin on the Arduino.\n5. Use another wire to connect the \"Data In\" strand from the LED to \"Output\" node of the voltage regulator.\n6. Use a wire to connect the \"Ground\" strand to Ground on the breadboard (the negative blue strip).\n7. Repeat these steps for the second LED strip.\nStep 3: Installing the Myoduino Software\nThe Myo required the specific Myo Controller and application software to work. The Myoduino software allows the Myo to be connected to the Arduino interface.\nMyoduino Software\nFollow the link above for all the needed downloads.\n1. Download the \"Myo Connect\" installer (for whichever computer you have. For this instructable, we used Windows)\n2. Open the Arduino program\n3. In a new file program, go to \"Sketch\", \"Include Library\", \"Add .Zip Library\"\n4. Within the file explorer, open the Myoduino folder until you can select the folder labeled \"MyoController\"\n5. Add the \"MyoController\" folder as the Zip file\nStep 4: Uploading the Code\nNow it's time to upload the lighting code onto the Arduino.",
"Creating a 1-wire Keyboard\nIntroduction: Creating a 1-wire Keyboard\nHi, my name’s <PERSON> and this is my first Instructable!\nThroughout this Instructable I will show you a simple way to create a keyboard “matrix” with up to 20 buttons that can be read using a single Analog Pin. In this way, you can use it with an Arduino board or any other microcontroller to create more complex interfaces without sacrificing your board’s precious pins.\nStep 1: Why Should You Try It?\nWhen developing an Arduino (or any other microcontroller) project, sometimes it is handy to use a keyboard for the user to be able to interact with our invention. This is a simple and easily manageable feature when we only need a few buttons or switches.\nWhen our project requires multiple inputs, it becomes handy the use of keyboard. However, using a conventional keyboard, created by using a 4x3 or a 4x4 button matrix, still requires multiple pins from our board.\nAfter doing some research, I came to a possible turnaround. You could connect multiple resistors across the keyboard’s pins and use one of these as an output, so that you get a different voltage for every button that is pressed.\nThis seems like a quite clever solution. However, anywhere around these tutorials could I find a specific way to know the value for each button beforehand, and there seems to be no consensus about the resistors’ values for this to work.\nThat’s when I came up with a simple question: What if you could arrange the buttons and adjust the resistors in such a way that you get exactly the voltage you want?\nThat my friends, is what we’re about to do.\nStep 2: Some Formulas\nThe proposed layout for our matrix takes advantage of some simple concepts used for analyzing circuits. These are:\nOhm’s Law\nThis is a fundamental law for dealing with electronics. It states that the voltage “v” across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the resistor [1], this is\nv = iR\nResistors in series\nWhen having multiple resistors connected in series, just like in the first image, the equivalent resistance of the resistors connected in series is the sum of individual resistances. That is:\nReq = R1+R2+...+Rn\nResistors in parallel\nWhen having multiple resistors connected in parallel, just like in the second image, the equivalent resistance of the parallel resistors is equal to the product of their resistances divided by their sum.",
"That is\nReq = (R1 x R2)/(R1 + R2)\nVoltage divider\nWithout getting into many details, a voltage divider has a topology like the one shown in the third image. In general, if a voltage divider has N resistors in series with the source voltage v, the nth resistor will have a voltage drop of\nVn = V*(Rn)/(R1 + R2 +...+ Rn)\nStep 3: The Initial Layout\nAs I’ve mentioned earlier, we’re creating a button matrix. For this purpose, we start from the normal button matrix layout and teak it a little to reach our goals. So, let’s begin.\nIn a normal button matrix, each button is connected to those in the same row/column. This layout is shown in the first image.\nTo start with the modifications, we should put some resistors (the values are not important yet) between each pair of terminals and one extra connected between the top row and Vcc (for this example: +5V).\nAdditionally, we should add a reference, AKA ground node. In this case, we select the lowermost right button’s terminal, the one where the resistor R8 is attached, to connect our ground. This new layout is shown in the second image.\nStep 4: Thinking Just Like an Engineer\nUp to this point, it may not be clear for everyone where are we heading. However, let me tell you that from here on, just by following a simple “algorithm” it is quite easy. But first, just as the title for this step reads, let’s think like an engineer.\nFor this, we must:\nspecify the desired behavior\nFor this keyboard, we want the following behavior:\nIf no button is pressed, the output must read 5V\nIf a button is pressed, the output must read a proportional value between 0 and Vcc. Additionally, each voltage step should be an equal portion of Vcc divided by the number of buttons plus one (I’ll explain why later).",
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"Pressure release and earthquake\nLet's say the earth is flat. Someone standing at the center would feel weightless. The closer he gets to the edges the more matter he will have behind him and the stronger gravitational pull will be. He will literary feel like he is climbing a steeper and steeper mountain. It's the same for the matter which composes the Earth. Think of it as a sponge. As soon as you release it it will expand and take more place. It the same for matter: at the center it weights nothing but it is squeezed between the matter which stands at the edges, willing to collapse. This squeezing (pressure) compresses matter which consequently will to expand as soon as possible. The moment you suppress gravity you allow matter to expand and release its potential energy as a sound wave travelling through Earth.\nIn my opinion if you target a block which is inside the crust this would look very much like an earthquake and would have similar impacts on the environment. If you activate this on a volume that contains crust and air I think that everything described by <PERSON> is correct.\nNo centripetal force anymore\nAccording to <PERSON>'s laws of motion, any object to which is applied a force $F$ will move through empty space in straight line forever. It's linear motion and no force is required to actually move.",
"Force is required to change the momentum (direction and speed). Objects on Earth's surface are not moving in straight line because of a centripetal force which keeps changing their momentum. They want to move in linear motion but they can't. They are like a rotating ball attached by a string. This force is Gravity.\nThe Earth is spinning very fast. The angular speed of Earth's rotation in inertial space is about $7.2921150\\times 10^{-5}\\ \\text{rad/s}$ (solar second). When you multiply this by equatorial radius of $6\\,378\\,137\\ \\text{m}$ it gives you a tangential speed of $465.1\\ \\text{m/s}$. If you were able to remove gravity from a block of matter, nothing (as far as I know) would stop it from moving in straight line at $465.1\\ \\text{m/s}$ into space except for the frictional forces and the effect area. Friction might be quickly overwhelmed as your block increases in size.\nScratching the surface\nI meant to have the area of effects not penetrate the surface on any of the scenarios except the last one\nIf your machine does not target Earth's crust at all things tend to be gentler. Imagine everything <PERSON> talked about without any violent explosions. On a large scale however, air displacements would significantly affect the weather, producing exceedingly violent winds travelling at huge speed and destroying almost everything on its passage.\nThe speed of light\nIf your matter losses its mass it must become something massless and there is not many options here: it should turn into energy (otherwise your Universe has energy leaks which is very weird and question all modern physics). According to the mass-energy equivalence equation $E=mc^2$ this is completely devastating and equivalent to an anti-matter bomb. Since I suppose this is not really interesting for your story, you have to take this into account, either to ignore it of find a way to avoid it.\nHow do you do this?\nThe how is not important, I want to know what would happen after it was turned on at different levels.\nI disagree and how is certainly a question you should ask to yourself and be clear about in your question: how does your machine remove gravity from the block of matter? Does it modify space-time curvature? Does it make you matter massless so almost unaffected by gravity (turning it into electromagnetic waves and therefore making it travelling at light speed)? It might impacts the answers you obtain here.",
"If an object accelerates towards the speed of light many known rules of physics don't apply or at least have to be adapted to fit.\nAn easy \"key\" to the problem is that the speed of light is not relative. It is always constant regardless of the speed/location of the observer.\nLet's say someone shoots a laser beam on the moon and watches the reflected signal from earth. He sees light, that travels to and from the moon. It travels twice the distance from earth to moon.\nSomeone in a really fast spaceship sees the moon and the light flying by. Thus, the light from earth to moon and the light from moon to earth are not on the same line but are tilted. A person in the spaceship sees some kind of V-shape for the way the light travels. Assuming that the speed of light is constant for everyone that leaves only one choice:\nThe light observed from the spaceship travels a longer distance. Therefore, the time has to go slower in the spaceship than on earth.",
"This phenomenon is known as time dilation. Similar things happen to distances.\nThe factor by which lengths/time are changed is called Lorentz Factor. It is calculated this way:\n$\\gamma = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{1-\\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}$\nThis factor also applies to mass. The mass of not moving object is multiplied with this factor. If the value of v increases towards the speed of light c, the term under the square root will become smaller and eventually 0 for $ v = c $. The whole term $\\gamma$ increases with increasing speed. The relative mass of a moving object with the mass $m_0$ is $m = \\gamma \\cdot m_0$.\nBecause of the increasing mass, more and more energy is needed to accelerate towards the speed of light and eventually you need an infinite amount to reach the speed of light. Therefore it is not possible to reach the speed of light through standard acceleration.\nThere's a theoretical approach for realizing speeds higher than the speed of light: The Alcubierre Drive. It basically deforms the space the traveller is in, so it doesn't move faster than the speed of light inside its space but seen from the outside it is faster.",
"Forget science articles from non serious science sources. They are misleading to say the least.\nBasic Science\nThe two attractive forces that can work from distance are electromagnetism and gravity. So if you want any tractor beam you must use one or both.\nUnfortunately neither can be directed (as far as we know) and they \"spread\" in all directions meaning you cannot select a specific object and pull it. You will affect anything in range in the same way.\nAlso gravity cannot be created (as far as we know). An electromagnetic field can be created by an electric current. So a tractor beam is most likely to be a big electromagnet.\nElectromagnet attraction doesn't work on everything.\nAlso you will need a lot of energy to create a strong enough effect.\nIn space note that your ship attracting another object will make both to move as by <PERSON>'s third law.\nFinally consider that if you need to grab something in space to your spaceship it can be a lot easier just to use some kind of \"crane\".",
"The means to attach to the target can be by harpoon (but can damage the target), suction (very hard in space without an atmosphere and also needs a smooth target surface) or electromagnets (needs a iron-like object and can damage/impair sensible electronics)\nThe next cool option\nMaybe a good and cool option is to use space drones. A swarm of small rocket robots can move far away from your spaceship and grab things for you. But remember it's not that easy to move a complex object like ISS without it starting to rotate and derive in funny ways.\nLaser pulling particles\nThere are some claims in that but let's read it carefully.\nThose devices work by heating one side of the particle so air in contact with that particles ascends and this movement pulls the particle (like a miniature vacuum). It don't works in space and is limited to very small targets. A bigger laser to move a big object is more likely to use enough energy to burn it.\nNote: high potency lasers work by just reducing it's pulse duration to a fraction of second. The shorter the pulse, the higher the potency using the same energy amount. This means to continuously fire a high potency laser needs a huge amount of energy",
"The science starts to fail at point 3 and 4 depending on your interpretation.\nPoint 3 says that mass converts to energy and vice versa, this of course is true. Combined with point 4 it however suggests that this can happen arbitrarily, this is where the physics fail, most notably the conservation of momentum. Bad practice, certainly for science-based, but here is the wiki quotation:\nBecause of momentum conservation laws, the creation of a pair of fermions (matter particles) out of a single photon cannot occur. However, matter creation is allowed by these laws when in the presence of another particle (another boson, or even a fermion) which can share the primary photon's momentum. Thus, matter can be created out of two photons.\nSo unless you can shoot one pattern of very high energy photons from one side and a second set from the other you can't do this.\nAnother physics law you are breaking is Heisenberg. You can either know the exact location of a particle or the exact speed. Not both simultaneously. To create matter in a specific configuration at an atomic level you need to know the exact location of the colliding photon.",
"Since you know the velocity of the photon you would be in breach of the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg.\nTwo more points I would be highly doubtful about, but can't give you concrete evidence for, is whether you can possibly create a (stable) photon pair with a high enough energy to create neutrons and protons. Also at very high energy densities the non-linear regime of electro-magnetic waves will probably become annoying.\nLastely point two might not strictly speaking be true. Some loop holes in quantum entanglement theory might allow for FTL communication (see comment) but as far as I know there is no major consensus about the loop holes in quantum entanglement. To give a gist of it, quantum entanglement is instantaneously (experimentally proven <PERSON>, et. al., Nature). So if you take a pair of particles, quantum entangle them, move one particle to the other side of the universe as soon as the quantum entanglement is broken you will know it instantly on both sides of the universe. If you could do this with enough mass kept in a quantum entangled state you could send messages instantaneously. Of course you should send the mass there in the old fashioned way. Saw this method once already used in a science fiction novel very nicely.",
"Since you would like to avoid mathematics, you can always break down the process into a series of steps.\n1. Say you apply an upward force to the atom on the right for a very short time, the atom on the right will gain some momentum. Meanwhile the atom on the left is still stationary during this time. It hasn't felt the effects immediately. Information travels at the speed of light.\n2. The right atom will move up. When the right atom moves up, the bond stretches. This causes the atom on the left to experience a component of upward force also a component of force to the right. Essentially, the left atom moves up during this small time at the start. This is expected, you apply a force on an object you at least expect the centre of mass motion to move in the direction of the force, not the opposite.\n3. Since your force is off centre of mass then your combined system will also rotate about the center of mass. As I explained above you will also have other components of force not just up and down.",
"The bond is changing orientation with time. Factoring in that the atoms are moving as well. These forces (including the up and down) will contribute the oscillation of the atoms in a 2D plane. This results in rotation.\nSo after going through this process what we have determined is that centre of mass moves upwards however you will get also get rotation.\nThe 2nd picture you have drawn in the image is actually in the centre of mass frame of reference. (i.e. you are moving with the centre of mass). In the stationary frame both atoms will ultimately move upwards.\nPlease let me know if I have answered your question or if you would like clarification.\nEdit: Additional sketch for clarification. The image shows the state of the system at different times $t_{3}>t_{2}>t_{1}>0$. At each time step I show the force due the bonding and the velocity that resulted from the prior time. Then I show the new velocity vector.For the next time, I displace the atoms in the direction the new velocity vector is pointing. I do this for a couple of times to demonstrate that you will end up getting rotation. Also I assumed I am working in the centre of mass frame when I sketched these diagram.\nAlso for $t_{3}$ I accidentally displaced the atoms in the same time step. The velocity directions are correct however the displacement occurs in the next time step.",
"Would a mini-blackhole collision with Earth cause destruction?\nLet's forget about the probability of this event. I am a mad scientist on the Moon, I created a micro black hole of the diameter $r=0.5cm$. I have to be fast before it evaporates due to Hawking radiation, but before shooting it to the Earth, doubt stops me.\nAs soon as my blackhole reaches the ground (and even before), it starts sucking material. Everything it \"touches\" would disappear under the event horizon. It couldn't create shockwaves and alike. How could then it produce the massive blast of heat and destruction it supposed to?\nI consider two scenarios:\n1. The black hole travels to the Earth with relatively low speed. This way the (zero) momentum of the material it sucks during interaction would slow it down enough to finally stop. After that, it would slowly but surely consume the whole Earth. This is the less interesting problem therefore.\n2.",
"The black hole hits Earth with a significant portion of light speed. It wouldn't even bother with the sucked material, even the whole planet couldn't stop it. Speaking of an asteroid, this would be the holly way of total destruction. But I have an event horizon...\nSo, there is the question:\nIn both cases, would it, and if, by what effect and how much would the black hole heat up the impact zone?\nI have some theories. Maybe the gravitational turbulence the encounter causes locally would cause enough heat to be destructive. This seems to work only for the first case: a speeding hole would have little time to accelerate the ground material. Maybe the material it sucks up would emit strong enough radiation. Or the collision's energy would indeed only increase the black hole's mass, and I would only get a neat 0.5cm wide hole in the ground with slowly (?) rising diameter. (In this case, I'd wonder if any friction-like phenomena would occur apart from the momentum of sucked material...)\nNote: I am not interested in the effects of Hawking radiation of the black hole, though I don't know how significant would it be. If it is so big it makes the neglection unrealistic, feel free to produce a bigger mini-blackhole.",
"You could have a look at electromagnetic induction. When the electromagnetic field through a surface surrounded by a conductor changes, this will generate an electric current which in turn generates a magnetic field that resists this change. In the case of a superconductor, the generated field will be precisely strong enough to stop the change completely.\nSince light is electromagnetic radiation, we can imagine a substance which similarly manages to partially or fully cancels out all light that passes through it by generating electromagnetic fields opposite to the waves of the light.\nsevere speculation:\nIt seems like what you'd need to achieve this is a bunch of charged particles that are able to move without resistance. A massless charged particle seems ideal here. Sadly, since it is massless, it would be unable to not move at the speed of light. If they move around in a confined space randomly, they would create an incredibly strong and chaotic electromagnetic field. Though you could just invoke quantum mechanics and claim they move in all directions at the same time (much like particles with mass at rest bounce off the higgs field in all directions at the same time) and therefor create no net electromagnetic field.",
"Another problem becomes simply containing these particles, and this is a big one. You'll have to use electromagnetism to keep these particles together and this will likely be just as difficult as what the particles are doing for you (canceling the light). But could possibly be more straightforward. (Maybe a rather simple, if powerful electromagnetic field would be enough to turn any particle headed out of the confined space around.)\nwhat would this achieve?\nWell, since these particles can only cancel out light within their volume, light would be able to pass through it largely unchanged. However, inside the substance all light would be entirely canceled out. which means that it would be pitch black.\nSo the way to use it is to surround your enemies with it (or just their heads) and though you will still be perfectly able to see them, all they would see is darkness.\nsome possible side effects\nThis would interact with all electromagnetic fields, including that of the earth, so if you move this substance it would generate a field to resist this change. Since this resists all change in electromagnetic fields, it is possible that brains and nerves in general stop working within this substance. I'm not sure how to solve this one without some serious handwaving.",
"While Sir <PERSON>'s post is a very intriguing answer, but I'm afraid it's wrong. The sun's surface is clearly in motion, but that does not necessarily result in the radiation of audible sound, even if the sun and earth where in a fluid medium (such as a air) that would allow sound transfer.\nTo explain why, we can actually apply the same line of analysis to the earths's ocean. The surface moves a lot, so sound should be radiated. However, we hear nothing unless you are really close by and have breaking waves.\nLet's run the math with rough numbers: The ocean has a surface area of about 510 million square kilometers. $150 \\cdot 10^{12} m^2$. Let's say the average wave height is 1m and the average wave frequency is 0.1 Hz (1 wave every 10 s).",
"If the ocean where a sherical source this would create a sound power of $5 \\cdot 10^{24} W$ and the sound pressure at 1000 km away would be 240 dB SPL. That's obviously not the case, otherwise we'd be all dead.\nSo why not? In order for sound to actually radiate, the surface must move uniformly. For every ocean wave that moves air up there is a wave nearby that moves air down and so the contributions simply cancel. Technically speaking, we need to calculate the power by integrating the normal intensity over the entire surface, the intensity has equal amounts of positive and negative components and the sum over those is zero.\nThat's the same reason why you put a loudspeaker in a box: in open air the air motion from the front of the cone and from the rear of the cone will simply cancel out, so you put it in a box to get rid of the sound from the rear.\nSo I think the real answer here is: you would hear absolutely nothing since the sound contributions from different parts of the sun's surface would cancel each other out. Sound radiation over that distance would only occur if the sun's surface moves uniformly, i.e. the whole sun expands or contracts. That does happen to some degree but only at very, very low frequencies which are inaudible and where sound radiation is a lot less efficient.",
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"You will have to forgive the lack of sources in this answer, as I am using references from a real book which I own (because I'm really that much of a nerd). Usually I'm much more link heavy in my answers.\nThe creature that I am using is something like a \"cloud\" or massive collection of gases, as referenced here. It is made up of small, organic \"organs\" within a larger, gaseous form. These organs are connected by electrical paths much like our own brain cells are connected to one another. The creature is essentially one giant brain, with the organs acting as cells, communicating. The cloud is made up of the same materials our own body is made up of, but on a much larger scale and in a gaseous form. These allow the brain to travel through the vacuum of space (with some minor handwavium).\nThis creature feeds on gaseous elements, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc, all the gases that are found in abundance in the universe. In the short story it is based on, the creature sucks out needed replacement gases of a planet's atmosphere and leaves behind wastes (the story specifically puts Earth in danger of this creature).",
"It can also eke out pockets of gas by heating up its own body (potentially hotter than a sun) to evaporate gases from asteroids. The creature is even capable of moving through space by thrusting out waste gases to propel it forward, giving it some maneuverability.\nShould your spacecraft exude some kind of gaseous waste from its engines, the Black Cloud may be attracted to it, and begin to follow behind it, sucking up the trail of waste gas. It may at first only feed harmlessly on this waste gas. The cloud would then become hungrier, and become aware of an oxygen-rich environment within the craft. While your spacecraft might be fully sealed from gases, perhaps the cloud has some gases which are radioactive, damaging the spacecraft. Perhaps even the cloud can infiltrate the engines to try and get more sweet delicious gases, forcing your spacecraft to a halt. Perhaps the cloud can heat up its body to \"smoke out\" the gases within your spacecraft, mistaking it for some weird asteroid. And even the solid \"organs\" of the cloud can perhaps physically attack the ship, seeking to expose the gases within.\nPossibilities may or may not be endless with this sort of set up.",
"Let's take the idea of practical magic and run with it, shall we? A quick glance into Thermodynamics allows us to see that there is no such thing as \"cold\", just lack of heat. <PERSON> (and <PERSON>, and <PERSON>, etc) can NOT actually \"project\" ice and cold. Instead, she has a magical ability to selectively absorb energy from her environment. Control over this energy absorption can lead her to be able to create ice sculptures as long as there is water in the air to condense. Remember when she took her gloves off and held the metal objects for the <PERSON> ceremony? Water immediately began condensing and freezing on the metal surface, because metal is a good conductor. It stands to reason someone who has this ability would likely have conductive objects have energy drawn from them faster, especially via contact.\nI'm building up to the following answer: <PERSON> can, in fact, rely upon her magic to not need to worry about solid waste removal, water collection, and food preparation. She is taking the energy out of the environment, and it's gotta go somewhere.",
"Likely she is absorbing it directly in to herself (she was locked in a room with no visitors for many years since her parents croaked, the guards were not allowed to visit). She is, in essence, \"eating\" the energy she requires right out of the environment itself, so it stands to reason that she wouldn't get hungry. And, if she is not consuming solid foods in any way, there's no reason for her to need a system for solid waste removal. Her water intake can be explained by water in the air directly condensing in her lungs (also, she can condense large quantities of water right out of the air, so more if necessary is available on demand), at a rate which can be absorbed into her blood stream, leaving only the issue of liquid waste removal. Due to her unique metabolic situation (she absorbs energy from her environment) there is likely less waste and more efficiency. But as an engineer, I'm not going to handwave this away with magic, because Thermodynamics might explain the reason for everything else, but Thermo also says the scant waste has to go SOMEWHERE. So, Ice Chamber Pot for peeing, and that's it.",
"How could people in the medieval times defeat an armored vehicle?\nIn my setting there is a mad artificer making armored cars for the army. The cars have wooden frames with 10 mm of steel on every side, wooden wheels with metal plates covering them, and are propelled using two different methods (some have horses which sit within the cart and push it forward, and the others have slaves inside who use large handcranks to rotate the wheels). They have several wheels to get even ground pressure and all the openings (two vision slits, and multiple arrow slits around the vehicle) are covered with visors that can be closed. Some of the larger cars also have cannons mounted in them, which can fire forward, and others have small cannons (basically just oversized muskets) or magic machine guns mounted in a turret.\nThe infantry fighting the cars would need methods to face the cars both in open combat (meeting on the field of battle) in random encounters (infantry have no time to prepare) and ambushes (where the infantry have time to prepare)\nWith this information, how could people in a low fantasy setting with 1400’s technology and limited magic defeat these vehicles?\nEdit: After reading the input I have decided to adapt the concept for the cars.",
"Lots of people have mentioned mud being a problem, and I do not know a fix for that besides wider tires and each wheel having it's own suspension so that they all touch the ground (and perhaps more wheels).\nPeople have also mentioned the use of artillery against the car, and while that would be a threat I don't think that the weapons which would be used in this time period would be good enough to reliably take out the cars.\nSomething to mention that I should have before, the setting is very low magic. Someone having magic ability at all is one in a million, and the odds of that person also being skilled and smart enough to become an artificer would be incredibly rare. As far as the setting is concerned the artificer is the only person capable of making any sort of advanced weapon (like the magic machine gun).\nOtherwise some of the answers have been very useful. The use of Naphtha (something I didn't realize was known about at the time) is especially interesting.",
"How Could Someone Make an Army Which is Immune or Resistant to Magic Attacks?\nMy DnD character is a sorta artificer/warlock mix who has technical prowess and has a patron that can give him glimpses into technology from alternate universes (basically advanced knowledge on technology) and their ultimate goal is to make it possible for the average person to have the power to counter magic, without having to have magic powers themselves.\nThey also have the goal of starting a company to exploit this technological advantage to raise a professional army to counter other armies who use wizards and other magic users in combat. The problem I run into is the sheer strength that magic can bring to an army. Everything from being able to call down meteors to even just the ability to put people to sleep would make an army not using magic practically useless. So I am trying to find ways to counter magic on a military scale.",
"I am not completely adverse to using a little bit of magic to reach this goal, but I would like to keep to the original premise that the army is made up mostly of non-magic soldiers.\nFor some context the setting of the game is based off of a Europa Universalis mod called Anbennar, so when I say technologically advanced I mean so in a late medieval/early renaissance sense with a fantasy twist (think breech loading guns that use crossbow arms instead of springs, gatling gun type weapons, fantasy “tanks” which are either pulled internally by horses or use large cranks to rotate the wheels, pedal powered planes, stuff <PERSON> would come up with). I hope to have at least basic steam engines decently soon, and to begin building factories for mass production. I think the current technology level would be around the 1870’s or so in terms of weapons available, though none are as refined as they had in our real world by then.\nI do have access to a specific metal called “Damstere” which is made of crystalized magic and in essence acts as a spell slot. It can be burned to power magic that is connected to it in some way (be it scroll of some other form of magical infusion) which I considered as an option when combined with scrolls of antimagic to make a sort of “anti-magic shield grenade” but the sheer time cost to make a single anti magic scroll is very high, and getting access to enough 15th level wizards to make the scrolls would be nearly impossible for large scale production.\nAnother option later on is a material known as “Dark Damstere” which has inherent anti magic properties, but just getting access to that material will take quite a bit of time (nearly a century), way too long for it to be a viable solution in the short term.\nSo, with the information provided I ask, how could I go about having armies which can have at least some resilience against magic?",
"Could a deep ocean creature use some kind of bacteria in its body as a way to generate oxygen?\nI've been creating a world where most-to-all of its life resides in the deep ocean. For story purposes, I would like said creature to have lungs, but it is not necessary.\nDescription of the Creature in Mind The creature in question is something along the lines of a massive sea serpent. Ideally, it would be able to either surface into an area that has air in it and be able to move on land, through legs or just by slithering along in a similar fashion to a snake. It lives around 2000 meters down, give or take ~500 meters.\nEcosystem of the Planet The planet is a large oceanic planet, which is slightly larger than Earth, and only has some small archipelagos for land. The plants of the planet primarily exist at the surface, as to the much smaller prey animals. small predators eat these smaller prey animals, but most animals who are purely \"prey\" don't exist very far down.",
"Predators prey on smaller predators in a hierarchical type system, with the largest predators also bien the deepest. The creature would be in the mid-size range, but they have the advantage of being omnivores: there are massive underwater caverns that are filled with air. Very large plants, in some ways similar to those on Earth, grow in these caverns, and are adapted to using chemosynthesis to create energy, along with some small to mid size mammals and reptiles. This is really the only sizable prey besides smaller oceanic predators down this low, so the creature profits greatly from this resource. Due to much larger predators from below, they are forced to move around, and as these caverns, while common, are not common enough to allow for consistent breathing. These creatures do have large enough lungs to get to the surface, but this is impractical for them, as it would include long diving and surfacing sessions that may make to creature more vulnerable to predators.\nBy my understanding, there are many types of bacteria that could create oxygen as a waste resource, not through photosynthesis, but by some form of chemosynthesis, but I'm not certain. It is possible for a reasonably large creature (whale sized or larger) be able to host some form of bacteria in its body in a symbiotic relationship as a way of generating the oxygen that it needs to live? I'm presuming that the bacteria simply consumes some of the food that the creature eats, and then the oxygen created is somehow sent to the lungs.\nIf there are any other ideas as to how a creature of this size could get air, besides gills, as they collapse in while in regular air conditions, they would be helpful.",
"Reading through the comments I am having a tough time figuring out if this thread is still active, but I do have a few ideas.\nFirstly, you ask what must be changed to follow some form of logic? As noted, magic usually isn't very logically, however I understand what you mean by this and to me it seems like an additional (9th) domain might be useful (since 7 doesn't seem to work as you mentioned in the comments) to ensure some sort of balance. That is, a rock-paper-scissors mechanic. The main reason to use an RPS mechanic is to make sure that no single ability, or any combination thereof, is head-and-shoulders better than the others. If this were the case, there would be no real reason to ever use the other spirits, or for that matter include them in your world, thus my suggestion to add a 9th.\nA functioning rock-paper-scissors mechanic can only work with an odd number of features. The ability to bind multiple spirits complicates the system, but the combinatorics exist to sort the problem out. My initial suggestion to simplify things here would be to only allow 3 spirits at any given time. This works well as a multiple of 9, and still gives an 24-, 12-, 8-hour time span feature as you mentioned.",
"Should you decide to go that route and run into a specific problem developing a balanced scheme, that may make for an excellent follow-up question.\nAs far as which domains must be added to cover the whole spectrum of a human being? my initial thought was to add a creativity/ingenuity type category, but it would be hard to specify what exactly that might do, especially for the malevolent spirit. One idea that does seem to flow would be an Emotion category. The benevolent spirit would add empathy and the ability to relate to people, thus making them more likely to support your cause. The malevolent form would make you cold hearted and distant, which may be useful for making those \"tough\" decisions. Just an idea.\nOne other thing: the malevolent Appearance spirit doesn't seem fitting. Instead what if that spirit made you intimidating to others. People would be scared of you and thus less likely to oppose you, but also less likely to support your efforts.",
"Background of my answer:\nOne of my favorite books, Paladin of Souls by <PERSON>, had a scene where one character's injuries were being \"passed off\" to two other characters. The one \"passing off injuries\", a great warrior, was sent sneaking into the enemy army's camp. The two \"injury receiving\" characters were safe, laying in the castle, with attendants at hand to bind wounds as they occurred. I would describe it in more detail, but I would rather not spoil it, as it's a fairly epic part of a great book.\nHow it could be applied:\nUsing this as a model (including genders), I would expect combat to go like this:\nPre-battle:\n* <PERSON> prepares for battle by doing some stretches, swinging his sword a few times, etc.\n* <PERSON> prepares for battle by donning armor, retreating to the tower where attendants will have a good view of the battle. She will get strapped to a table or the floor, or maybe the armor is heavy enough to hold her down.\n* <PERSON> heads out to battle. Not fearless, but knowing he will be well-defended. While he's out...\nCase 1: <PERSON> gets hit with an attack that the armor can handle.\n* For the <PERSON>, conservation-of-energy and conservation-of-momentum kick in. I would expect the armor to \"feel\" what it could from the impact, then have the rest of the momentum (and remaining energy) transfer back to the <PERSON>, i.e. he could be knocked down by a strong enough hit. Impacting on the ground would also be transferred partly to the armor, and then back to the warlock.\n* The squire, in the meantime, is jostled as the armor she is wearing seems to be hit out of nowhere. Because she is tied down, it doesn't do a whole lot, otherwise.\nCase 2: <PERSON> gets hit with an attack that damages the armor some.\n* <PERSON> says \"ow\", among other things. If he has been hurt, I imagine him to either retreat or keep fighting in an epic way.",
"If he has not been hurt, he will try to avoid being hit in the same spot, knowing he has a weakness there.\n* <PERSON> and attendants notice the armor get damaged. <PERSON> is probably a bit shaken, but otherwise still unharmed. If the armor looks repairable, the attendants get to work right away, forming new material onto the armor to cover/reinforce the hole/break.\n* An extension of this idea: If the armor was optimized to be swapped out in segments, the attendants might watch for a moment when the warlock is safe, then swap a damaged segment of armor out for a new piece, pit-crew style. This would be another reason the warlock would try to not be hit in the same place - he might have a moment of no armor, with knowledge that more armor was on the way.\nCase 3: Warlock gets hit with an attack the damages the armor a lot. (Like, somewhat crushed, or maybe cleaved)\n* The squire very likely would be injured by the deformation of the armor. If she's still alive, she probably says \"ow\", and she and the attendants will get her into new armor as quickly as possible, assuming it's safe for the warlock. If she's not alive, the attendants will either put her in new armor (on the off-chance she's actually just unconscious) or carefully remove her body from the twisted wreckage and begin preparing her for funeral rites, knowing they've done their best to help the warlock.\n* The <PERSON> will definitely say \"ow\", if he's not dead from the blow. A crushing blow would impact hard, a cleaving blow would probably cleave him, too. This isn't to say he can't have awesome \"block it with his arm\" moments, but a heavy-duty mace or axe (or siege weapon) might make him hesitate.\n* If the <PERSON>'s not dead, he'll be checking himself for armor as an indicator of his squire's life. Whether or not she's alive, he'll be retreating hastily - either because he now has no armor, or because the squire needs a chance to swap armor.\nOdd circumstance: <PERSON> dies, squire does not. (e.g. stabbed with a <PERSON> dagger)\n* If the <PERSON> dies and the Squire does not, what happens is dependent on the nature of the spell.\n* If the magic persists after the warlock's life ends, the squire and attendants may not even know he's dead unless they see him.",
"What would we see of a devastating interstellar war between alien civilizations within 1000 Ly?\nI have two interstellar civilizations, both of which are extremely advanced and within a few thousand light years of earth. They go to war and make some stars explode in the process.\nThe Combatants\nI have in my space setting two civilizations who are extremely, extremely advanced. To get an idea of their capabilities let me list the ones relevant to this discussion. Both sides were capable of causing a star to go super nova, had micro black hole arrays as their \"small arm weaponry\" and were able to warp from star system to star system by willing it. There is a tech gap between them that is balanced by the less advanced ones, who I will refer to as the Industrials (of whom you can imagine as extremely advanced machines), being much more tenacious than the Archivists. The Archivists, whose design is very serpentine and fuming in blinding energy are ancient beings who really just wanted to collect data on the universe. They predate the empire, but that part of this overbuilt cosmic history isn't important here.\nSo why are they at war? Here's a bit of context for anyone who needs it.\nContext\nThere is a somewhat complicated history behind why such a cataclysmic war occurred in the first place. Since it's not the meat of my question and really unrefined in terms of completion i'll just say the following long sentence. While humans were figuring out agriculture a powerful, seemingly all encompassing empire spanning the Orion Arm fell apart violently due to a miasma of catastrophes that stem from the Archivists launching a decapitation raid on the empire's oligarchs in response to the empire destroying their observatory world located around a star in the Aquila rift. Said observatory held quite a few Archivists. Given the distance of the named place, you may see why i'm asking this question.\nFast forward a thousand years and the empire is pretty much dead. A procession of events leads the Industrious to have a civilization that is slowly murdered by a cryptic force known as the Celestials who appear on the scene a few centuries after the empire's decapitation.",
"They just start killing anyone who is self-aware and a pain inducing war against a would-be Empire Successor polity called the Eternal Republic which no one but the Celestials won. The Eternal Republic was exterminated, but the Industrious had enough time to go into hiding as the celestials massacred their society as well. Industrious than spent a few millenniums in hiding as the Celestials continued hunting down life that was sensed by them as self-aware, purifying world after world of such life. The Industrious however, rebounded and rebounded hard.\nThe Industrious deep within the mantle of multiple worlds uninhabitable managed to advance to technological levels that rivaled the Archivists to a degree and begun a uphill crusade against the Celestials, at first being very outnumbered. However the Industrious at this point were militarily far more advanced than the Celestials, meaning they easily fought the Celestials despite being out numbered and rapidly expanded in numbers as they exterminated the Celestials. Once the Celestials were killed off, the Industrious inexplicably turned their weapons and vast military on the Archivists. Thus began the Annihilation.\nIn the Annihilation (which was a war that only lasted a century), multiple stars were super novae'd. But the Industrious, despite managing to do far more damage to the Archivists than the Empire ever could would lose the war. The Industrious as a species were let off surprisingly easy, being only reduced to a primitive, stone age civilization. The Archivists however, instead of coming to dominate the Orion Arm simply went into further hiding. They still are out there to this day, observing as they always had.\nI am aware that by cosmic history has opened way more questions than answers (like about the culture/nature of all these aliens and the way the empire was ran), but I rapidly came to realize a massive, massive trouble with all this star exploding and interstellar massacring:\nWouldn't we have noticed all this?\nI ask this since there is no way a war where stars went into supernova in such rapid procession wouldn't be noticed by astronomers and raise tons of questions. The super novae would after all leave behind planetary nebulae in their wake, such as the crab nebula which came from a super nova seen around the world in 1200 AD. The question of super novae also has been bothering me since wouldn't multiple super novas in short procession would cause some very noticeable planetary nebulae complexes? These would be extremely noticeable cosmic features within a thousand light years and their cultural impact may have history altering conditions if I have this in my mind right.",
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"Cabbage Condo\nIntroduction: Cabbage Condo\nThere's nothing like a garden harvest: homegrown broccoli florets, robust lettuces, fat heads of cabbage! That is, until you get them inside and see that they're riddled with holes and covered in slugs, earwigs and cross-striped cabbage worms, and the broccoli's unappealingly webby. You end up eating only a tiny, untouched core, or throw the whole thing out.\nI renewed my interest in vegetable gardening a few years ago, after we'd removed a bunch of white pines that threatened our house here in Massachusetts, and I had real sunlight for the first time in ages. I'd tried spun row cover and PVC hoops pushed directly into the ground, but bugs got under it, and it was a hassle to pull up ground staples, pull back the row cover, then replace it after I'd tended to my plants.\nYears earlier, I had built a PVC \"hoop house\" on a cedar frame, with the idea of setting the whole thing over a group of plants and lifting it off when necessary. It didn't work well because the ground it rested on wasn't perfectly flat, and footprints created gaps so bugs could crawl under the frame easily.\nI decided to try hoops again this year, but this time, go elaborate. Rather than make the wooden frame holding the hoops out of horizontal slats as I'd done years ago, I'd turn them vertical, and have a two-frame system—an \"outer frame\" that would stay in place for the whole season, with a cleat around the inside for an inner frame with the PVC hoops and screening to rest on. This way, no gaps—and with a ridge pole or ridge stick which extended beyond the gable ends of the screening, I'd be able to lift the entire frame off of the plants when I needed to weed or harvest the plants.",
"The hoops would be high enough to give even tall plants like Brussels sprouts room to thrive. Window screening would allow me to water the plants and to see how they're doing without removing the cover, as I had to do with spun row cover.\nMy choice of wood was Western red cedar for its rot-resistance and its light weight, which makes a difference when you're trying to hoist a large structure by yourself.\nSupplies\n• 4' screening (available in 100' rolls online) • 4 10' pieces 1 x 6 Western red cedar for inner and outer frames • 1 10' piece 1 x 6 clear pressure treated, ripped to 4\" for ridge stick (remainder was ripped to make strips to hold screening in place) • 1 8' piece 1 x 4\" wood for \"ridge clamp\" (I used leftover mahogany from a deck demolition) • 3 10' pieces ½\" PVC pipe • external screws • 8' strap or rope\nStep 1: Building the Frames\nYou may want to build this with different dimensions for your garden, so measurements here are rough.\nCut two 10' 1 x 6 cedar boards into 6' and 4' pieces, then glue and screw them to create a 6' x 4' rectangle, with two 3\" external screws going into each corner, and Gorilla glue (indoor/outdoor).\nTaking inside measurements from this frame, cut appropriate lengths from the remaining two 1 x 6 cedar pieces to create a second frame that slides into the first (outer) frame with just a little clearance.\nGlue and screw a cleat to the inside of the outer frame, its top 1\" from the top of the outer frame. Mine was scrap mahogany, roughly 1\" x ¾\".\nThe cross-section in the photo shows how the whole thing comes together, with the inner frame resting on the cleat of the outer frame.\nStep 2: Water-bending PVC Pipe\nI've bent PVC hoops for garden structures before, but merely held them in shape with a wire strung between holes drilled near the ends. The Western red cedar, though light, is also somewhat brittle, and so you don't want a lot of outward pressure on the inner frame which might bend or split it. Videos found online show how you can bend PVC pipe with boiling water. It works surprisingly well.\nFirst, lay out a 4' wide half-circle on a scrap panel of wood, with an improvised compass (a stick nailed into the panel, and a hole drilled 2' from the nail to insert a pencil). Clamp more scraps of wood to the panel, covering the line you've just drawn, and draw another half-circle, on these scraps.",
"Fence Trellis Brackets\nIntroduction: Fence Trellis Brackets\nOver the course of many years, I've been slowly expanding my backyard garden infrastructure. It started by planting directly in the ground in a back corner, which had insufficient sun exposure. This was fine for lettuce and parsley, which was what the pet rabbits wanted, but not much else thrived.\nFrom there I switched to individual pots for more control over the soil and sun exposure. This year, I ramped up the operation following the removal of several trees in the neighbor's yard (sunlight) and dying bushes in my yard (space). Three raised beds, additional pots for herbs, and a composting bin.\nWe started with two squash plants in one of the beds, but of course they tried to take over the entire town ... then were killed by a combination of beetles and powdery mildew. For the second squash attempt, we decided to plant directly in the ground along a fence, which started out great ... then two of the plants turned out to be more of a spreading/climbing variety and were taking over the lawn\nI decided the solution was to run them vertically, but that came with a few limitations.\n1. The new wooden fence belongs to my neighbor and I don't want to fill it full or screw/nail holes.\n2.",
"This isn't a permanent planting location, so I didn't want to build a large trellis.\n3. When I finally get a fence built, things will probably need to be moved around.\nI had an idea for a nondestructive and easily removable fence bracket and what better way to use up shop scraps than building prototypes.\nSupplies\n2 x 4 offcuts\n1\" dowel stock\n1 1/2\" stainless screws\nStep 1: Dowel Lengths\nI started by rounding up 1\" dowel offcuts and cutting them to a standardized length using the small parts crosscut sled on the table saw.\nDue to available material and saw kerf lossage, this ended up being 11 5/8\" ... two came in at 10\".\nStep 2: Ripping Board Stock\nFor the board stock, I'm using up 2x4 offcuts, which would otherwise end up in a fire pit.\nThe blade was set to half the height of a board and fence to half a board width. Run one side - flip - run the other side.\nI then ran all the boards through the drum sander to remove tooling marks. It's not necessary, but I have the sander and it's fun to use.\nStep 3: Board Lengths\nThe crosscut sled and stop block was used to batch out 5\" lengths. Minimal offcuts were tossed into the burn bucket.\nStep 4: Boards Widths\nThese were then ripped down to 3\" wide. I'm not sure why I chose this order instead of ripping first, but either way works.\nStep 5: Hole Layout\nEvery board gets marked for a hole at 1 1/2\" in from each long edge (the center of the board) and 1\" in from each end grain/short edge.\nStep 6: Hole Drilling\nEach board received a 1\" through hole on one end of the board using a <PERSON> bit. This was made easily repeatable by setting the fence on the drill press table and then clamping a speed square to the table.\nI'd drill most of the way through from the first side, then flip the board to finish the hole from the opposite side in order to eliminate tear out.\nAt this point, the boards were split into two piles before drilling the second holes.\nFront/adjustable boards get a 1/8\" countersunk hole large enough for a stainless wood screw.\nBack/fixed board get a 1/8\" pilot hole.\nStep 7: Assembly\nAssembly is also quick and easy.\nThe 1\"dowel is glued into the hole of the back board and pinned with two brad nails.\nThe front board is then slid onto the dowel. I used some scrap plywood to keep the parts from binding (and away form wet glue) as I ran/threaded the screw for the first time.\nSince this is a test, I opted for no finish, but I'd probably use boiled linseed oil or shellac.\nStep 8: Glamour Shots\nThe bracket just slips onto the top of the fence between two boards. Since this fence has dog-eared boards, the dowel nicely settles into the V recess.\nThe front board is pressed towards the back like a clamp and the screw, holds them in place.\nNote: The screw runs between fence boards, so no destructive/unsightly holes.\nI then ran a few loops of twine between the base of the plant and the dowel.",
"Miniature Door\nIntroduction: Miniature Door\nI'm creating a room of miniature furnishings for the home of the mascot of a Boston bookstore that's opening in 2022. We needed a small exterior door that'll be applied at the bottom of the sidelight next to the store's front door that \"the mascot uses.\" It needed to be squirrel-sized, and as sturdy and damage-proof as possible because it'll be exposed to the elements and children, so wood was out of the question. I decided to create the door in poured epoxy using a silicone mold, so that if it ever IS badly damaged, I can pour a new one without having to start from scratch. This build took a lot of steps, but I'm happy with how it turned out.\nSupplies\nMold-making silicone\nepoxy\nopaque epoxy colorant\nscrap wood\nbrass plate\nferric chloride (be safe with this stuff!)\nOoks picture hanger nail\nStep 1: Creating the Mold Master\nI wanted the door to echo the front door of the bookstore, and it seemed that including the trim around the door in my build would not only help the illusion, but allow the entire miniature doorway to be thicker and more sturdy.\nFirst, I created the positive \"master\" for the door, which I'd use to create my flexible silicone mold. I wanted this door to have a real wood grain, so I built the master on a scrap piece of oak, orienting the grain vertically. I applied seven thin strips of oak to form the rails and stiles of the door.\nIt was important for this to feel as real as possible, so I knew I had to apply tiny mouldings to the inside edges of the panels. But I needed tiny mouldings for that! Using a bench scraper and a number of small files, I created a tiny scratch stock for the mouldings and clamped that to a table. I cut a thin slat of maple, chosen for its long, smooth grain, and repeatedly scraped it past the scratch stock profile until it had been scraped down to the profile I wanted. I cut the mini moulding away from the maple slat on my table saw.\nThen I cut 45-degree miters on the moulding pieces and glued them in place. I wasn't overly careful about my miters because I wanted this door to feel the same age as the large door it was patterned after, and that door has seen many decades of wear and coats of paint.\nAfter the trim moulding was in place, I added square trim around the door, leaving a small gap between them for realism.",
"Around that, I applied another, thicker custom-profile trim that I created with another scratch stock I made. When it was all in place, I sanded it gently and gave it a couple of coats of spray polyurethane to help the silicone release from the \"master.\"\nStep 2: Making the Silicone Mold\nI used four pieces of scrap wood and hot glue to create a \"dam\" around the door / moulding master, and then mixed up a big batch of molding silicone. Pouring slowly, I filled the form to the top of the \"dam.\"\nWhen the silicone had set, I broke away the \"dam\" pieces, and carefully peeled the silicone off of the master. Peeling it away had that same satisfying feel as when you dig a knife into a fresh jar of peanut butter. The mold was clean and crisp—it had picked up every wood grain detail from the master.\nI trimmed away excess bits of silicone (when they say it settles into every tiny void or crack you've left, they're not kidding).\nStep 3: Creating Brass Doorknob Plate and Street Number\nTo make the door feel more real, it needed a brass street number plate, and a brass plate for the doorknob and keyhole. I wanted to try etching the brass, and did web research on how to do it using ferric chloride. There are lots of tutorials online—but if you're going to do it, be safe. It's nasty stuff, and you can do some real damage to yourself if you're not extremely cautious.\nFirst, I created a pattern for my plates in Photoshop (with numbers reversed). I printed them out with my laser printer on the glossiest, thin magazine paper I could find. Note: you don't need to worry about finding a blank piece of paper--only the laser toner will transfer to the brass, not the magazine images.\nI burnished a piece of ⅛\" thick brass to clear the surface of any oils or other things, and give myself the smoothest base for the etching I could. I positioned my pattern face down on the brass, folded it around the stock, and taped it with metallic duct-insulation tape.",
"Entire Dovetailed Birdhouse From One Board\nIntroduction: Entire Dovetailed Birdhouse From One Board\nI made a simple birdhouse for a titmice from a single board of redwood. For outdoor birdhouses, I recommend weather-resistant lumber, like cedar or redwood. I incorporated some basic dovetail joints, but you don't have to! This is a super easy project; and the design is very forgiving to small mistakes.\nSupplies\nMain Ingredient:\n* One board of wood\n* I used sustainably-sourced redwood (naturally rot resistant) 72\" x 5.5\"\nConsumables:\n* 8 corrosive-resistant screws\n* Wood glue\n* Teak oil (or other exterior finish)\nTools:\n* Hand saw\n* Drill\n* Combination square or speed square\n* Clamps\n* Sander or sandpaper\n* Dovetail guide (optional)\n* File (optional)\nStep 1:\nUsing a combination square (or speed square), mark a 45-degree line across the board beginning approximately 6 inches from one end of the board (or higher if you want a taller birdhouse, but note that 6\" complements the board width, which can more easily create the side walls in Step 2).\nStarting at the same point on the opposite side of the board, mark a second 45-degree angled line across the board. These two lines should intersect in the exact middle of the board (see illustration). Continue both of these lines across to the other side.\nUsing a handsaw, cut along these two lines, creating a pentagon with three right angles (see illustration). This piece will constitute one side of the birdhouse.\nUse the cut-out pentagon from the step above to place onto the board and trace a cut line (90-degree line running perpendicular across the board creating a mirror of the first cut pentagon, which will be the second pentagon with a tapered peak).\nCut along this line to create two identical right pentagons. Let's refer to these pieces as the \"end pentagons.\"\nStep 2: Cut Out the Two Side Walls\nMeasure approximately seven inches from the end of the board and mark it where you'll cut out the side wall (you can get more or less; just make sure the two side walls are of equal length).\nCut along this marked line.\nRepeat the step above to make the second side wall.\nStep 3: Cut Out the Roof Panels\nNow to cut out the roof panels, similar to the step above, measure approximately 8.5 inches from the edge and make a perpendicular mark across the board. Cut along this line.\nRepeat the step above to cut out the second roof panel.\nYou need to trim down one of the roof panels so that when they are layered across the tapered peak of the pentagon ends. Use the first roof panel's width, mark a cut line running parallel down the second roof panel. Cut off this edge. Save this thin strip of wood for Step 12.\nAs you can see in the last photo, now when the two roof panels form the roof, the larger roof panel extends further up.",
"The second panel is tucked beneath, but they both drop down the same distance.\nStep 4: Cut Dovetail Joints in the Sidewall\nThis is optional. I wanted to add dovetail joints because I think they look cool, but you can use a basic butt joint.\nUsing a ruler or dovetail guide, mark the angles of your dovetail joints. Use the width of the board, mark the depths of the joints. cut them out.\nI didn't feel the need to have super precise dovetails. It's a birdhouse, after all, and I plan to use glue to fill any gaps.\nStep 5: Cut Corresponding Dovetail Joints in the End Pieces\nNow mark the corresponding the dovetail joints on the pentagon end pieces. Cut out these joints. Use a file or sandpaper to trim the joints down to size. Do a dry fit.\nStep 6:\nWith all the sides complete, mix some sawdust into wood glue, and glue the four sides together.\nClamp it up and let is dry.\nStep 7: Cut Out the Bird Hole\ncut out the hole, which will be the doorway into the birdhouse. I started with a standard bit, then moved up to a 1\" spade bit. I wanted my hole to be about 1&3/8ths, and the only bit I had that was that large was a titanium step bit meant for metal. I used that to bore the rest of the hole.\nOptional: to increase the depth of the bird's hole (and protect the birdhouse from predators), cut a 3\" x 3\" wood plate, drill the same sized hole and glue the plate over the doorway so the hole lines up.",
"Concealed Gate and Pivoting Slide Bolt\nIntroduction: Concealed Gate and Pivoting Slide Bolt\nIn March of 2018, a Nor'easter persuaded a large section of an even larger tree to drop a flying elbow onto my fence ... it was a slobber-knocker. Since that storm also threw my roof shingles around the neighborhood like a game of 52 pick up, which in turn opened the literal floodgates for water intrusion, I had quite a mess on my hands.\nAfter cleaning up all the water damage and calling in the insurance claim, I borrowed a chainsaw and got to work in the yard. The tree was limbed, bucked, and given to a friend for future fire pit enjoyment. Parts of the fence were already in need of repair (loose and/or rotten off posts, insect damage, squirrel damage, algae), so I took the opportunity to just cut it all down. It ended up in a dumpster with the old roof a few months later.\nPutting up a new fence was low priority since I was busy with a full gut job of the second floor bathroom and hall closet, as well as ceiling repairs in the living room. Adjusters, electrician, plumber, permits, inspectors, supplemental claims, multiple insurance battles - it was a nightmare.\nDuring that span of time, the neighbors got impatient and put up their own fence, which was great for me. The back and other side are on hold until I get a retaining wall replaced, but while I wait for that ... I decided to close in the ground zero side of the yard.\nThis Instructable is primarily focused on the concealed gate mechanism, so I'll try to quickly overview the actual fence building. I also didn't take many pictures of that process because it's just a basic fence.\nSupplies\n2 3/8\" galvanized posts\n2 3/8\" galvanized wood posts adapters\nGalvanized\nGalvanized screws\nPressure treated 2x4 boards\nPressure treated fence pickets\nStep 1: Posts, Brackets, and Boards\nThe former fence was cedar and due to the climate in my area, was rotting out after 10 years. I decided to change tactics and go with galvanized posts and brackets with pressure treated wood. Some of the pickets need replacing down the road and corrosion will become a factor, but the posts will probably out last me.\nI'm close to an esker ridge, which means tons of rocks. An auger on a skid steer might do it, but I don't have one, so I just dug the holes over the course of a week - pry bar, shovel, and post hole digger, sweat, minimal tears.\nPosts were set with concrete, brackets bolted on, and 2x4 boards attached with lag screws. I didn't worry about leveling the post tops because it was easier to run them long and cut them off with a portaband - except that one near the house ... ran a bit short on that fella.\nStep 2: Gate\nThere are adjustable metal gate kits on the market, but I decided to make one using readily available parts from the big box store.",
"I was planning on welding the frame, but aluminum corner brackets made the job much easier - and arguably more accurate considering I haven't welded in many years.\nThe frame was attached to the post with hinges and easily adjusted until it sat flush against the horizontal boards. This dry fit in turn reveals the six locations for bolts, which was a multi-step process.\n1. 5/16\" holes drilled through the galvanized pipe.\n2. Those hole locations marked on the inside face boards.\n3. Pilot hole drilled through the boards.\n4. 3/4\" holes drilled on the outside faces of the boards - deep enough for a washer, split washer, and nut.\n5. 5/16\" hole drilled on the inside faces of the boards.\nWhy the heck do I do it this way? Few reasons.\n1. If you just drill through with a 5/16\" from one side, you're gonna get blowout. I don't like blow out. I always drill from both sides in order to have a clean face/surface.\n2. Trying to enlarge a 5/16\" hole to 3/4\" with a <PERSON> bit is rather difficult. It can be done with a drill guide, but that's just more extra steps.\n3. I'm insane and like to punish myself.\n5/16\" carriage bolt was inserted through the pipe and through the wood. Washer, split washer, nut, tighten .. done.\nAll that remained was to cut the horizontals to free the gate. I did this by clamping a DIY saw track to the fence and making the cut with a circular saw.",
"How to Turn a Sewing Base Into a Planter for Christmas\nIntroduction: How to Turn a Sewing Base Into a Planter for Christmas\nI was on my way home from work one day when I came upon an older gentleman trying to hoist a vintage sewing machine into a dumpster. I stopped to ask him about it. It had belonged to his mother and he was clearing the house so he could put it on the market. It was starting to rain, so I asked him if I could have it and he gladly obliged!\nSupplies\n* Houndstooth Stencil\n* Stencil brush\n* Poinsettias\n* Liquid rubber (optional)\n* Trofast container\n* Painters Tape\n* Poly Coated Freezer Paper\n* Vintage sewing machine base (with a rounded drip pan)\n* Scrap of wood Mineral spirits and black colourant\n* Paint (we used PPG Break-Through\n* Clear coat (we used Varathane Diamond Wood Finish - Matte)\nStep 1: Taking Apart\nAs I was taking it apart, my wife had a brainstorm. After the top was off, she decided the drip pan belly, where the sewing machine is stored, would make an awesome planter.\n`\nStep 2: Restore the Metal\nI wouldn't normally do this, but the metal base was so dirty I hosed it down. It was such a hot day, it evaporated fast. My wife and I tag teamed to sand down the rusty spots on the metal with sanding sponges so we could reach into all the tight areas.\nAfter wiping the dust off thoroughly, I sprayed on a few thin coats of Tremclad clear to protect and prevent further rust.\nStep 3: Seal the Drip Pan\nWith the base done, I turned my attention to the drip pan. My wife originally intended to plant directly into it, but as these things go, she changed her mind. It's a woman's prerogative, after all! But before she did, I sealed the inside of the drip pan with Liquid Rubber. Liquid rubber is perfectly safe to plant into and will protect the wood from water. Since the drip pan already had holes in it, it would've been perfect to leave outdoors too for summer planting. This step is optional, but it does also help produce friction for the liner which will come later.\nTape off the edges and wrap it with freezer paper.",
"I didn't want to accidentally get the rubber compound on the outside of the wood; my wife had plans to stencil that.\nThe inside was a bit dusty (it was stored for a while after we cleaned it) so I used an air compressor to blow it out before painting.\nLiquid rubber is thick, so I use a paper cup to transfer some into a container to paint with. As you'll see in the video, I start with a brush to get into the corners, then apply the rest with a mini roller.\nLiquid rubber is water based, so you can wash it out of the brush and roller with warm soapy water.\nStep 4: Sand\nSanded the wood on the outside of the drip pan to prepare it for the next step. We used a fine grit just to provide some tooth.\nStep 5: Stencilling\nBecause of the awkward shape of the oil pan, my wife had to stencil the piece vertically. To help with that she uses clamps to hold the stencil at the top. After the first coat was done, it wasn't looking great, but I knew it would look awesome in the end. On the sides, tape off the bottom curved edge so you don't get paint on it.\nStep 6: Using Glaze\nMy wife wanted a transparent look for the paint for this next step of stencilling, so she mixed some glaze with white paint. As you can see on the side, the look is vastly improved now. The pattern really pops now; it almost looks 3-D.\nI forgot to mention that one trick when stencilling an awkwardly shaped rounded piece like this is to cut a piece of wood on an angle to prop it up from underneath. You could also jam in some shims underneath instead as a substitute.\nStep 7: Top Coat\nMy wife prefers to use a matte finish on antique pieces, like this one from Varathane. Give the stencilled wood a few coats to seal and protect.\nStep 8: Finishing Touches\nBecause the drip pan was never meant to be a standalone piece, there was a gap at the front we had to fill in so you can't see the inside. I cut a piece of scrap wood to fill that in. However, we had to darken the edges so it would match the end grain on the drip pan. The end grain always sucks in more stain than the rest of the wood so it had to be darkened quite a bit.",
"Get Lost in a Good Book: a Simple Book Nook in 9 Steps\nIntroduction: Get Lost in a Good Book: a Simple Book Nook in 9 Steps\nHave some old, damaged books? Want to bring your favorite scenery or setting into your home?\nSupplies: a hardcover book, rigid foam/posterboard/heavy\nduty non-corrugated cardboard, decorative paper (I used encyclopedia pages for a black and white canvas)\nTools: Glues (stick glue, hot glue, liquid Elmer’s/school glue), markers or translucent paints, x-acto knife\nStep 1: Choose the Book\nFind a hardcover book, preferably one with an intact cover and spine, but damaged or missing pages. I found a box of Westerns by the roadside after a hard rain. The pages were already brittle, and now moldy too. Don’t sacrifice a book you love or a book that still has life in it.\nStep 2: Remove the Text Block (Pages)\nFold the front and back covers back to expose the area where pages meet the spine. Carefully slice through the endpapers (and not the spine). Set the text block (chunk o’ pages) aside. If you want to paint or decorate the cover, do so now and let it dry.\nStep 3: Cut Panels\nUse the text block as your guide to cut reinforcing panels.\n1. The front and back should be the same size as the text block’s (and a bit smaller than the covers).\n2. The spine should be the length and width of the text block’s, but slightly shorter at top and bottom (I took 0.25 inches off both ends).\n3. The ceiling and floor pieces should be narrower and shorter than the text block’s. The goal is to make them sit flush within the other foam pieces. You may need to make slight adjustments to ensure the book closes properly, with front and back covers parallel, not splayed.\nStep 4: Cut Paper for the Panels\nWrap the fronts and edges of the cover and spine pieces in your chosen paper.\nI used encyclopedia pages as they had black text on a white background, and the paper was like onionskin. This kind of paper didn’t add bulk, but I did worry about the markers/paint bleeding. If you want to use watercolors, I recommend applying a clear gesso first. Don’t use newspaper—it will yellow and disintegrate.",
"You can use the pages that you cut out of this book if they are flexible, but mine were crumbling.\nTrim paper to size, leaving an overlap to glue to the backsides of the foam pieces. You can fold or cut the corners to get a clean, mitered edge.\nStep 5: Glue the Paper to the Panels\nGlue the paper to the foam panels on the front, edges, and wrapped around to the back. I used Elmer’s stick glue, as liquid school glue would cause wrinkles and hot glue would leave lumps. Let dry.\nWrap the ceiling and floor pieces completely in the paper, as their insides and outsides will be visible. Aim to have the seam/overlap near the long edge of the panel.\nStep 6: Glue Three of the Panels to the Hardcover\nWith the book spread open, hot glue the backs of the cover and spine panels to the hardcover interior.\nDo not glue the ceiling/top or floor/bottom panels yet.\nStep 7: Decorate!\nDecorate! I chose my favorite local scenery, as I find the same kind of peace there as I do in a book. Keep in mind the scale – small trees at the back, objects appear larger closer to you. If you want any 3D elements, decide how you will make them.\n1. Waterfall: I cut 6 skinny strips (approx. 0.5 inches wide), colored them blue on the front and back (using two different markers), then braided them. Braid gently, as the paper may tear. I then glued braid #1 at the top of the spine panel. I glued the braid #2 at the base of the spine panel. I then glued braid #1 to the spine, just above where I glued the start of braid #2. I curled the ends of braid #1 around a pencil to help form the foamy that collects at the base of a waterfall, and left them loose. I glued braid #2 down in a few spots along the floor panel to ensure it didn’t unravel.\n2. Pine/conifer tree: I cut then colored a 2-inch-wide strip of paper green on the front and back (using two different markers).",
"How To Make A Dodecagonal Wall Clock\nLet's build a straightforward but distinctive dodecagon-shaped analog wooden clock while learning about various types of wood. An enjoyable woodworking project to display on your preferred wall.\nMaterials: Hardwoods like mahogany, rosewood, teak, ash, and oak were used to make the clock pieces.\n> Wood for Indicator - Choose as many various wood species as you can, such as pine, cedar, red heart, maple, and zebra wood.\n(Be sure the wood you buy is dry and doesn't contain a lot of moisture because this could lead to cracks once you create the clock.)\n> Automatic Clock Movement\n> 80, 120, 240, and 320 grit sandpaper\nMore Lacquer\nFirst, cut the triangles into pieces.\nStart outlining the triangle on the slab of hardwood. Use a template to precisely mark 12 triangles. Use a band saw to make preliminary cuts, and then sand the leftover material to match the template.\nAfter cutting, mark the slope on the sides and sand them using a belt or disc sander to give the piece a taper at the end. This step is optional. When the surfaces taper towards the ends, this will provide the appearance of depth. You can omit maintaining a smooth surface and simplify the operation.\nCheck if a dodecagon forms once all the components have been assembled. Number the pieces after matching the grains to make them appear seamless.\nCreating a tongue-and-groove joint in step two\nWith a table saw, cut each piece 5 MM deep on both sides. Verify that the grooves are the same on both sides. To create the junction, cut twelve 3mm thick tongues in accordance with the groove.\nThird: Gluing\nApply glue to the piece and the groove to attach three pieces at once. The dodecagon is then complete by joining the four quarters using glue. To connect the components, use strap clamps and masking tape. I made the error of gluing all the parts together at once, which led to gaps between a few of the pieces.\nStep 4: Cutting a groove and putting strips into it\nto seal the opening left by the glue. In order to provide contrast to the geometry and serve as a half-hour indicator, I chose to inlay softwood strips.\nUsing a circular saw and a guide, make 12 cuts along each side of the piece. With a table or band saw, cut 3MM thick strips of a softwood (Western Hemlock in this case) or contrasting color for the inlay.",
"Put them in the grooves with glue, then sand the excess.\nDrilling holes and inserting dowels is step five.\nFor the central hole of the mechanism, mark the center from the centre of each edge. Mark the holes for the hour indicator starting from the center using a compass. For the 3, 6, 9 and 12 hour indicators, drill holes measuring Ø10 mm on the 8 pieces and Ø15 mm on the 4 pieces. For the central dowel, drill a hole measuring Ø25 MM.\nCreate the dowels from the various wood types in accordance with the holes. I used the disc sander to create the dowels because they were little. Apply glue and use a hand saw to trim the excess.\nRouting the Back for Mechanism in Step 6\nRoute the rear according to the size of the mechanism in the center using a hand router and flat bit. Make a hole in the center to accommodate the clock's workings.\n7th step: sanding\nThis is a difficult and time-consuming procedure, but it is essential. Start by sanding everything smooth and flush with 80-grit coarse sandpaper. Sand spreading outward in the direction of the wood grain from the center. Up to 330 grit, switch to a finer grit. Sand until you can touch it without detecting any lumps or uneven surfaces. I sanded it for almost four hours at 1200 grit to create a flawless, shiny finish.\nStep 8: Lacquer, the final step.\nAs I desired a natural glossy effect, I finished with clear gloss lacquer. But, you can also choose a PU or oil finish. Apply three to four coats of lacquer and maintain sanding the surface between coats with fine grit paper. I used a cloth to apply the finish, but you could also use a brush or sprayer. Make sure to apply the finish in the wood's radial direction.",
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"Fourier transform in <PERSON>'s paper\nWhile calculating $\\beta_{ij}$ for the case of a Schwarzschild black hole, <PERSON> uses the Fourier transform of the solution of the wave equation (Particle Creation by Black Holes, <PERSON>, Commun. Math. Phys. 43, 199 (1975)).\nSo the first question I have is this: Is the reason why he prefers to work in Fourier space that in there the differential equation becomes an algebraic equation, making it easier to deal with?\nThe other question pertains to the mathematical machinery of the transform.",
"The wave equation is $\\Box \\phi=0$, and it can be expanded in terms of the complete orthonormal set ${{g}}$ satisfying $\\Box g=0$. In Schwarzschild spacetime we also have another additional property, i.e. $g(r,t,\\theta,\\phi)=\\frac{1}{r}f(r,t)Y_{lm}(\\theta,\\phi)$, where $Y_{lm}(\\theta,\\phi)$ is the spherical harmonic function and $f$ satisfies the following equation $$\\frac{\\partial^2 f}{\\partial t^2}-\\frac{\\partial^2f}{\\partial r_}+\\left(1-\\frac{2M}{r}\\right)\\left[\\frac{l(l+1)}{r^2}+\\frac{2M}{r^3}+m^2 \\right]f=0 \\tag{1}$$ where $r_=r+2Mln(\\frac{2M}{r}-1)$.\nNow, <PERSON> states that Fourier transform of the incoming wave can be written as the following: $$p_{\\omega^{'}lm}=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi\\omega^{'}}}\\times\\frac{1}{r}\\times F_{\\omega^{'}}(r)\\times e^{i\\omega^{'}v}\\times Y_{lm}(\\theta,\\phi) \\tag{2} $$ where $v=t+r_*$.\nGoing by the definition of the Fourier transform, one obtains $$p_{\\omega^{'}lm}=\\int_{-\\infty}^{+\\infty}\\frac{1}{r}f(r,t)Y_{lm}(\\theta,\\phi)e^{-i\\omega^{'}v}dv \\tag{3}$$ since $dv=dt+(1-\\frac{2M}{r})^{-1}dr$. I don't have any idea how to proceed any further from here, so what should I do now?\nEdit: My problem is how to get the final form of $p_{\\omega^{'}lm}$ and by final form I mean the equation 2.12 or 2.11\nAnd if anyone is still confused as what one has to show it's just how one goes from $(3)$ to $(2)$.",
"<PERSON>'s law for the <PERSON> solution\nI'm puzzled with the following question: find an analog of the <PERSON>'s law for the <PERSON> solution.\n<PERSON> metric is a solution to the vacuum <PERSON> equations $$ds^2=dt^2-\\sum_{i=1}^3a^2_i(t)(dx^i)^2$$ with coefficients $a_i(t)=t^{p_i}$, where $p_i$ are constant parameters satisfying $\\sum_ip_i=1$ and $\\sum_i (p_i)^2=1$. This solution describes anisotropic space.\nIt is known that in the <PERSON>-Walker metric, when coefficients along all axes are the same $a_i=a$ wavelengths of a photon at times $t$ and $t_0$ are related by the scale parameter $a(t)$ as $$\\frac{\\lambda(t)}{\\lambda(t_0)}=\\frac{a(t)}{a(t_0)}$$\nthis is true if the rate if the space expanding $\\dot{a}/a$ is significantly smaller then the frequency of the photon.\nThe question is how to generalize this statement in the case of the <PERSON> metric. A natural idea is to suppose that the statement is generalized directly to the propagation along \"main\" axes $$\\frac{\\lambda_i(t)}{\\lambda_i(t_0)}=\\frac{a_i(t)}{a_i(t_0)}$$ and \"linearly\" for a generic direction, i.e.",
"for $\\vec{\\lambda}=\\lambda_i \\vec{e_i}$ $$\\frac{|\\vec{\\lambda}(t)|}{|\\vec{\\lambda}(t_0)|}=\\frac{\\dot{a}_i(t)\\lambda_i}{a_i(t)\\lambda_i}$$\nHowever, I'm not able to confirm this conjecture by any quantitative argument. I've tried to show that the EOM in a curved space-time $\\nabla^\\mu F_{\\mu\\nu}=0$ admit a solution of a kind $A_\\mu(x)\\sim e_{\\mu}\\exp{\\left(i g_{\\mu\\nu}q^\\mu x^\\nu\\right)}$ with $q^\\mu$ being a rescaled \"minkowskian\" momentum $q^i(t)=\\frac{k_i}{a_i(t)}, \\eta^{\\mu\\nu}k_\\mu k_\\nu=0$ but failed to succeed.\nAfter some time I've realized that one should probably look not for an exact solution of this type (even in the <PERSON>-Walker case the relation $\\lambda(t)\\sim a(t)$ is approximate) but for a \"high-frequency\" approximate solution. But still I'm not currently able to find it.\nSo my questions are:\n1) Is the suggested generalization of the Hubble's law correct?\n2) If so, how to provide quantitative evidence for it? I would be satisfied even with calculations for a massless scalar field if they are simpler to perform in order to achieve the goal.",
"Variation of <PERSON>-Hawking-York term. General boundary condition and total derivatives\nIt is actually a comment and question to the answer of <PERSON> in the following post:\n\nIn deriving the variation of the extrinsic curvature, I obtain an additional contribution associate to what he calls $c^{\\mu}$. I could not figure out why it should vanish in the first place (hence before assuming any boundary conditions as Dirichlet).\nThus for me the variation of $K$ is given by (where $D_{\\mu}c^{\\mu}$ is a total derivative w.r.t.",
"$\\int_{\\partial M} \\sqrt{h}$): $$\\delta K=−12K_{\\mu\\nu}\\delta g_{\\mu\\nu}−\\tfrac{1}{2}n_{\\mu}(\\nabla_{\\nu}\\delta g_{\\mu\\nu}−g_{\\nu\\lambda}\\nabla_{\\mu}\\delta g_{\\nu\\lambda})+D_{\\mu}c^{\\mu} + n^{\\nu} (\\partial_{\\mu}n_{\\nu}) c^{\\mu}$$\nThe last contribution stems from the fact that $H^{\\mu\\nu}H_{\\nu\\rho}=\\delta^{\\mu}{\\rho}-n^{\\mu}n{\\rho}$ is degenerated and yields not simply $\\delta^{\\mu}_{\\rho}$, hence the usual <PERSON> symbol structure has some further terms containing the normal directions.\nBasically, what I was doing is the following: $$ \\int \\sqrt{h} \\nabla_{\\rho} c^{\\rho}= -\\int \\sqrt{h} \\tfrac{1}{2}(h^{\\mu\\nu}-g^{\\mu\\nu})(\\partial_{\\rho}g_{\\mu\\nu})c^{\\rho}=\\int \\sqrt{h} \\tfrac{1}{2}n^{\\mu}n^{\\nu}(\\partial_{\\rho}g_{\\mu\\nu})c^{\\rho}$$ and then playing around with the orthogonality of $h$ and $n$. In my case it was $\\nabla_{\\rho}c^{\\rho}$ appearing in the variation of $K$ in the first place and I converted in the above way to some total derivative and the additional term.\nI am mentioning this point (though this question is old and it might have a trivial solution) because this post appears as the first hit whenever one searches for Gibbons-Hawking variation. Thus, any clarification why this additional term should disappear except for Dirichlet conditions might be helpful, or in the unlikely case I truly haven't overlooked anything, I think this term should be added in the previous results. Anyway, I am open for suggestions to match these outcomes.",
"Euclidean derivation of the black hole temperature; conical singularities\nI am studying the derivation of the black hole temperature by means of the Euclidean approach, i.e. by <PERSON> rotating, compactifying the Euclidean time and identifying the period with the inverse temperature.\nConsider the Schwarzschild case as an example. The Euclidean Schwarzschild metric is of course\n$ds^2=\\left(1-\\frac{2M}{r}\\right)d\\tau^2+\\left(1-\\frac{2M}{r}\\right)^{-1}dr^2$\nwhere $\\tau=it$ the Euclidean time. Here $\\tau\\in[0,\\beta]$ with $\\beta=T^{-1}$ the inverse temperature, where the points $\\tau=0$ and $\\tau=\\beta$ are equivalent.",
"(I ignore the 2-sphere part of the metric.)\nOutside but close to the event horizon $r=2M$, we can (after simple some steps) write this as $ds^2=\\frac{\\sigma^2}{16M^2}d\\tau^2+d\\sigma^2$.\nHere $\\sigma^2 \\equiv 8M(r-2M) $, though this is not really relevant for my question.\nNow the next step in all the literature is to require that $\\tau/4M$ is periodic with period $2\\pi$ to prevent conical singularities. I have trouble understanding this.\n* A conical singularity basically means that the point at $\\sigma=0$ looks like the tip of a cone, right? So we have a singularity at $\\sigma=0$. But don't we still have a singularity there for polar coordinates $(r,\\theta)$, since the coordinate chart $\\theta$ is not continuous there?\n* If so, removing the point $\\sigma=0$ would erase the conical singularity, right? Then why do we want to get rid of the conical singularity, why is it any worse than the polar coordinate singularity? Of course polar coordinates just describe flat space without the origin, is this not the case for the conical coordinates?\nClearly I have not understood the concept of a conical singularity...\nLast question: suppose I did understand it, and continued the derivation to get the temperature $T=1/8\\pi M$. Apparently this is the temperature as measured by an observer at infinity, how can I see this? I know the temperature gets redshifted, like frequency, but I don't see where the derivation identifies $T$ with the one measured at infinity.",
"Gravitational redshift of temperature and electrostatic potential\nConsider a charged black hole in four-dimensional <PERSON> spacetime, with charge $Q$, mass $M>Q$:\n$ds^2=-f(r)dt^2+\\frac{1}{f(r)}dr^2+r^2d\\Omega_2^2$, with\n$f(r)=1-\\frac{2M}{r}+\\frac{Q^2}{r^2}$.\nWhen an observer at radial coordinate $r_1$ emits a photon, an observer at radial coordinate $r_2>r_1$ will perceive the photon with a redshifted wavelength. This is easy to interpret.\nA similar thing happens for the temperature. If $\\kappa$ is the surface gravity of the black hole, then the Hawking temperature is $T_H=\\frac{\\kappa}{2\\pi}$. Due to gravitational redshift, the temperature measured by an observer at radial coordinate $r$ is\n$T_{loc}(r)=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{f(r)}}T_H$.\nThe redshift factor is the same as for a redshifted frequency, which I can understand by associating temperature with the inverse imaginary time period.\nI interpret this redshift as a consequence of the particles which constitute Hawking radiation experiencing gravitational redshift.",
"Is this correct?\nApparently, something similar also happens for the electrostatic potential. The electrostatic potential difference between the outer event horizon $r_+$ and infinity is given by $\\Phi=\\frac{Q}{r_+}$. However, the electrostatic potential between $r_+$ and some coordinate $r>r_+$, \"blueshifted\" from infinity to $r$, is given by\n$\\phi(r)=\\left(\\frac{Q}{r_+}-\\frac{Q}{r}\\right)\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{f(r)}}$.\n(Source: <PERSON>, <PERSON>, Whiting and <PERSON>, Charged black hole in a grand canonical ensemble, PRL Vol. 42 No. 10, 1990, equation 4.15.)\nThis expression seems to tell me that $\\frac{Q}{r_+}-\\frac{Q}{r}$ is the electrostatic potential difference between $r$ and $r_+$ as measured by someone at infinity, and the above expression is this same potential difference as measured by someone at $r$.\nIs there a simple interpretation why the measured electrostatic potential should experience gravitational redshift as well, with the same redshift factor as a frequency? What is the wavelength that is being redshifted in this case, is it the one from the photons mediating the electromagnetic force? (These photons are virtual though, so can they actually be redshifted?)",
"Trajectories in AdS\nOn page 2 of this paper (, <PERSON> explains (and has a very nice picture) showing the trajectories that a timelike and null particle would take in AdS space.\nOf course, what this diagram really shows is the conformal compactification of AdS - hence the cylinder. To see this, I can consider the metric of, say, $AdS_3$: $ds^2=L^2(-\\cosh^2{\\mu} dt^2 + d \\mu^2 + \\sinh^2{\\mu} d \\theta^2)$ where $\\mu \\in [0, \\infty)$ is the radial variable of $AdS_3$.\nTo conformally compactify, we substitute $\\sinh{\\mu}=\\tan{\\rho}$ and find $ds^2=L^2(-\\sec^2{\\rho} dt^2 + \\sec^2{\\rho}d \\rho^2 + \\tan^2{\\rho} d \\theta^2) = \\frac{1}{\\cos^2{\\rho}} ( - dt^2 + d \\rho^2 + \\sin^2{\\rho} d \\theta^2)$ where $\\rho \\in [0, \\frac{\\pi}{2}]$ is the new angular variable\nWe can then consider the compactified metric $\\hat{ds}^2 = \\cos^2{\\rho} ds^2 = ( - dt^2 + d \\rho^2 + \\sin^2{\\rho} d \\theta^2)$ which is exactly the cylinder metric with radial boundary at $\\rho=\\frac{\\pi}{2}$ representing $\\mu=\\infty$ of the original $AdS_3$.\nNow my concern is that conformal compactification preserves angles (whether curves are spacelike, timelike etc) but it doesn't preserve distances and so we need to be careful whether we are plotting geodesics of $AdS_3$ or of its compactification.\nI agree with <PERSON> as to how the null geodesic looks.",
"Indeed, if I set $ds^2=0$, and supress the motion in the angular direction with $d \\theta=0$ then I can rearrange the compactified metric to find (I denote affine parameter with $\\lambda$):\n$0=L^2(-(\\frac{dt}{d \\lambda})^2+(\\frac{d \\rho}{d \\lambda})^2) \\Rightarrow \\frac{d \\rho}{dt}=\\pm 1 \\Rightarrow \\rho = \\pm (t+t_0)$. In other words, a future directed null ray would travel on a straight line of gradient 1 as shown in <PERSON>'s picture.\nHowever, I disagree with his trajectory for the timelike particle. Here, I have $ds^2=-1$ and so, again supressing the motion in the angular direction with $d \\theta=0$, I can rearrange the compactified metric to find (now denoting proper time by $\\tau$):\n$-1=L^2(-(\\frac{dt}{d \\tau})^2+(\\frac{d \\rho}{d \\tau})^2) \\Rightarrow \\frac{d \\rho}{d \\tau}= \\sqrt{-\\frac{1}{L^2}+\\frac{E^2}{L^4}}$ where I have used that the timelike Killing vector $\\partial_t$ generates a conserved energy $E=-g_{tt} \\frac{\\partial t}{\\partial \\tau} \\Rightarrow \\frac{\\partial t}{\\partial \\tau} = \\frac{E}{L^2}$.\nTo plot this curve on the $(\\rho,t)$ <PERSON> diagram, I use that $\\frac{d \\rho}{dt} = \\frac{d \\rho}{d \\tau} \\frac{d \\tau}{dt} = \\sqrt{-\\frac{1}{L^2}+\\frac{E^2}{L^4}} \\frac{L^2}{E}= \\sqrt{1-\\frac{L^2}{E^2}} \\Rightarrow \\rho(t) = \\sqrt{1-\\frac{L^2}{E^2}} t$ which is again a linear trajectory as opposed to the oscillatory one that he draws!",
"Schwarzschild geometry in Schwarzschild coordinates $(t,r,\\theta,\\phi)$ is time-symmetric \\begin{equation} ds^2=-\\left(1-\\frac{2GM}{c^2 r}\\right)c^2dt^2+\\left(1-\\frac{2GM}{c^2 r}\\right)^{-1}dr^2+r^2\\left(d \\theta^2 +\\sin^2 \\theta d \\phi^2\\right) \\;. \\end{equation}\n<PERSON> coordinate system is defined by a set of geodesic clocks. The coordinate clocks are freely falling from some maximal radius $r_m$ towards $r=0$, where $r_m$ is different for each clock. All clocks start falling at the same Schwarzschild time $t_0$ and they are synchronized in such a manner that each clock shows $0$ at $r_m$.",
"<PERSON> coordinate is defined to stay constant along the trajectory of each clock, while for time coordinate proper time is taken.\nFrom now on the angular part metric will be omitted, since is stays the same. We also take $r_s=2M$ and $G=c=1$: \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:sch-met2} ds^2=-\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)dt^2+\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)^{-1}dr^2 \\;. \\end{equation}\nGeodesics in Schwarzschild gometry\nTo get the equation of geodesics in Schwarzschild geometry we have to solve equations of motion of a free particle: \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:lagrangian} \\mathcal{L}=\\frac{1}{2}mg_{\\mu\\nu}\\dot{x}^\\mu\\dot{x}^\\nu \\;, \\end{equation} \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:dot} \\dot{x}^\\mu=\\frac{dx^\\mu}{d\\tau}=u^\\mu \\;. \\end{equation} \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:lagrangian2} \\mathcal{L}=-\\frac{m}{2}\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)\\dot{t}^2+\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)^{-1}\\dot{r}^2 \\;, \\end{equation} \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:EL} \\frac{d}{d\\tau}\\frac{\\partial\\mathcal{L}}{\\partial \\dot{x}^\\mu}-\\frac{\\partial\\mathcal{L}}{\\partial x^\\mu}=0 \\;, \\end{equation} For $\\mu=0$ we get a constant of motion \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:ConstOfMotion} \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial\\tau}\\left[\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)\\dot{t}\\right]=0 \\qquad \\Rightarrow \\qquad \\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)\\dot{t}=a \\;, \\end{equation}\nFor timelike geodesics: $ds^2=-d\\tau^2$ the radial geodesic equation becomes \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:orbit} \\left(\\frac{d\\tau}{dr}\\right)^2=\\frac{1}{a^2-\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)} \\;. \\end{equation} Maximal radius is ($dr/d\\tau=0$) \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:maximal} r_m=\\frac{r_s}{1-a^2} \\;.",
"I tis very important to notice that you can do this at a given point, but not at any given curve. In fact, it is true that for geodesics you can define a locally flat coordinate system such that the <PERSON> symbols vanish along the curve. This is compatible with the idea of the equivalence principle for $inertial$ observers.\nHowever, for more general trajectories, it is not possible to define a such a coordinate system: the <PERSON> symbols get corrections due to the acceleration of the trajectory, and these are compatible with the notion of fictious forces that are seen due to non-inertiality.\nThe way to analyze the problem above is by means of the Fermi normal coordinates (FNC).",
"These are a coordinate system that is associated with a timelike trajectory and describes \"what an observer undergoing this trajectory sees\". In case you want learn more about this, I recommend In any case, it is possible to show that the metric in FNC can be written locally around the curve (up to first order in acceleration and curvature) as\n$$\\begin{aligned} &g_{\\tau \\tau}=-\\left(1+2 a_{\\mathrm{i}}(\\tau) x^{i}+R_{0 \\mathrm{i} 0 \\mathrm{j}}(\\tau) x^{i} x^{j}\\right), \\ &g_{\\tau i}=-\\frac{2}{3} R_{0 \\mathrm{jik}}(\\tau) x^{j} x^{k} \\ &g_{i j}=\\delta_{\\mathrm{ij}}-\\frac{1}{3} R_{\\mathrm{ikjl}}(\\tau) x^{k} x^{l} \\end{aligned},$$ where $\\tau$ is the proper time of the trajectory (and the timelike coordinate of the FNC) and $x^i$ denote the proper distance from the trajectory, which are the spacelike trajectories of the FNC. $a(\\tau)$ is the trajectories proper acceleration and $R(\\tau)$ is the curvature tensor along its motion.\nThe <PERSON> symbols to first order in acceleration and curvature then read\n$$\\begin{aligned} \\Gamma_{i j}^{\\tau} &=\\frac{1}{3}\\left(R_{0 \\mathrm{ijm}}+R_{0 \\mathrm{jim}}\\right) x^{m} \\ \\Gamma_{\\tau i}^{\\tau} &=a_{\\mathrm{i}}+R_{0 \\mathrm{i} 0 \\mathrm{~m}} x^{m} \\ \\Gamma_{\\tau \\tau}^{\\tau} &=0 \\ \\Gamma_{j k}^{i} &=\\frac{1}{3}\\left(R_{\\mathrm{j} \\mathrm{km}}^{\\mathrm{i}}+R_{\\mathrm{k} \\mathrm{jm}}^{\\mathrm{i}}\\right) x^{m} \\ \\Gamma_{\\tau j}^{i} &=R_{0 \\mathrm{mj}}{\\mathrm{j}} x^{m} \\ \\Gamma_{\\tau \\tau}^{i} &=a^{\\mathrm{i}}+R_{0}^{\\mathrm{i}}{ }_{0 \\mathrm{~m}} x^{m} \\end{aligned},$$ which can be seen to vanish if $a^i = 0$ (inertial motion) and $x^i = 0$ (on top of the curve).",
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"Lots of questions, but I'll try to answer:\nForming without a Ruling Body\nA completely urbanized planet might be able to form without one ruling body. This would mean that the different countries on the planet would have to be very trusting of each other. Or at a point in war where you couldn't destroy each other's cities.\nIn the Middle Ages, France and England were at war. Along one river in France, each country would build a castle, each on their own side of the river. Around these castles towns would form, the two enemy towns may be very near each, even though they were at war. Cities on an urbanized planet could form similarly. Even if both countries were at war, the cities could come up to the boundary line (or very close) if the technology or incentive was there not to attack. In the case of France and England, the river prevented a quick attack on the opposing town, meaning that the town would have time to flee to the castle and be protected.\nIf the two countries were allies, then they might not object to building cities right up against each other. There would probably be a small boundary line, but this would be negligible to the size of the city. It might even be used as a park.\nWhy Such a Planet is Good\nCities provide great opportunities.",
"They are the sources of jobs, because the jobs can find labor. They are the source of government, because the governors need a place to meet. If cities kept growing, with bigger corporations and bigger amounts of work, it could be economically beneficial. It might also be more efficient (more people in a smaller space), keeping scientists together so research could go on. It could also be politically useful, everyone in one place is easier to manage than having them scattered across the stars.\nThese are all reasons to do this if you had the ability to travel to other habital planets. If you couldn't travel, a planet-wide city would merely provide you with enough space to house all your people.\nI don't see why there couldn't still be private landowners, it is just likely that a land owner would get a \"cubic\" plot, meaning that their land doesn't necessarily go up into the sky forever. This would make it easier to build large sky scrapers.\nSummary\nYour final section of the question asks why this could happen. I believe I have already answered that, but I will summarize.\nSuch a planet might exist if there were a single government and the population needed a planet-wide city to provide enough space. Or it could exist if the government thought a large city to be economically or politically beneficial.\nSuch a planet might exist if there were multiple governments and they were at peace. Each government would extend its city as far as possible, for the reasons above. Or if the planets were at war, a system were each side couldn't attack the other would allow for the reasons above to take over.",
"The answer depends almost entirely on the exact nature of the political and economic system.\n1. Who controls the robots? Do people have equal shares of robotic resources? To what level can they perform business and advance their resources?\n2. Who checks violation of the law? How does one pay for mistakes? The robots?\n3. Who makes laws? Can laws be changed? By the international authority? Or are the permanent? Who keeps them permanent?\n4. Who forms this international survey you talk of? Robots? People who are considered moral (but could be deceptive)? Elected representatives?\n5. Is there a motive to even have currency?\nIt is nearly impossible to create a perfectly equal society. If you are hypothetically making one, please specify so.\nEdit\nI am answering keeping the OP's reply in mind....\nAs long as people can advance their resources legally (in other words, perform business), capitalism is inevitable. It will be quite similar to our world economically, where the smartest people will eventually earn the most amount of money, along with a few lucky people.",
"Terrorism will be a major problem, assuming that nuclear weapons have been thoroughly researched by then.\nYou mentioned that those who developed robots are responsible for them. I assume that it is legal for individuals to develop robots. Each country will use robots for the army (if we still require manpower in futuristic military).\nCorruption will still exist. People with money will get away more lightly.\nThey have the same possible judgement. If I am to take that literally, every human has the same opinion on every issue, eliminating the need for such a body. Further, it is fundamentally against human nature, so the humans become kind-of robots themselves.\nIf difference of opinion is still possible though, it depends on who is in power. Democracy will work as well in the future as it does now, some countries will have really good systems, some will not. If the international system is really good, they will soon let out total control to the robots (as long as the First Law of the robots, of not harming humans and not having an individualistic greed, cannot be broken). This will completely revolutionise the society (in which case, ignore the above answer).",
"Basics of Life\nCities don't just happen. They exist where the basics of life are readily available. Whether or not the basics are there naturally is a matter for the history of your setting, but they must be there. You need...\n* Water - I hope I do not have to explain why\n* Food - Ditto\n* Shelter - You need to be able to build homes; If there are no local building materials, you cannot have a city. You will have an outpost at best.\n* Access - You need to be able to easily move in and out of the city. Cities in mountains rarely thrive without advanced transportation technology.\nIn the case of your desert city, you would need water (a river or springs, though it does not need to be enough to support the current city, just the first settlement), you need enough arable land to support that first settlement's need for food. You need access to wood or grasses to make structures. You need roads and/or rivers to travel on, which as you mentioned, would be the point of the city.\nNeed\nThe first settlement needs a purpose. Just being at a cross-roads is not enough - not every junction of the inter-state is a massive city. That location needs to serve a purpose.",
"It must have a natural or artificial resource that a traveler would need. In my opinion, water is the most logical answer, however other needs are possible, including precious metal and mineral mines.\nTechnology\nThere needs to be enough engineering skill in the city to build infrastructure - irrigation, aqueducts, roads, sanitation, etc. These are more important in a desert than anywhere else. A small spring, which would be enough to support a small settlement would not support a large city as it grew - technology is how a city would solve that problem. Do not forget that cities themselves are systems of technology; the land would not naturally support that many people living in the same place. This would be an important point in your city.\nExample: Las Vegas\nThe city of Las Vegas was formed as a small outpost on the road to the west (during the expansion of the United States to the west). It remained that way - an outpost for water and animal feed (and later gasoline) until the great depression, when water (from the brand new Lake Mead created by the hoover dam) became more abundant, with it came irrigation to grow crops and raise pigs. Shelter came in for form of artificial resources moved into the area by the government for the construction of the dam. With only these three, the city was a boom town in the classic sense - it served as a place for dam construction workers to waste their paychecks on vice. The city itself did not grow until the final basic of life was accomplished - access in the form of the national numbered roads system ('Highway system'). Without these four things, and technology to more efficiently use the four things, you cannot have a city, especially in a desert.",
"Could a Giant Earth planet have lower gravity than Earth?\nI'm writing a neo-pulp adventure and one of the planets that appears needs to have the following characteristics:\n* Is populated by giant non-sentient non-humanoid insect-like aliens, some from the sizes of cattle but some from the size of a Boeing 747. Some of the bigger creatures should be able to fly.\n* The atmosphere is very thick and most of the planet is very jungle-like like a rain forest.\n* The flora is not so Earth-like, there are no trees, but plants with flowers can grow taller than redwoods.\n* There will be one type of spider-like creature that creates something similar to a spider web but strong enough to capture a small flying vehicle. Thus this creature should be able climb plants.\nNow I was thinking that for many of these characteristics it should have lower gravity however I'm not sure if is physically possible for a rocky planet some N times Earth's size to have lower gravity.",
"I know that a planet's gravity has to do also with density and not only size, but again, not sure if a rocky planet can not be dense enough to have lower gravity than Earth. Another possibility is to make the opposite, a planet with high gravity with its fauna adapted to it, however in that case I doubt flight will be possible.\nKeep in mind that: * Earthlings (as I'm not using the term human) are not going to stay there for much longer, just a couple of days, weeks at most. * If Gravity is higher than Earth it should not crushed humans and human-size aliens that arrive there, but can cause some discomfort.\n* Technically is not necessary for it to be a super Earth, even an Earth-size planet is still huge but if possible to keep this will be more fun. * Is preferable that the atmosphere is human-breathable.\nThanks in advance.\nPD: Is a neo-Pulp novel so is certainly not hard sci-fi, science doesn't have to be rigorous (although some scientific accuracy doesn't hurt anyone) but the point is it's soft sci-fi as long as avoids magic or fantasy explanations will be enough.",
"Other answers address the question of gravity, so I'll just expand on the atmosphere topic.\nThe Problem\nThe biggest physics issue with your proposed world is the atmosphere.\nA star is formed when enough gas is present that the gravity from all of the gas is enough to collapse it down into a dense hot sphere. It would thus collapse any atmosphere around it into itself. First you may think, well maybe the star only collapses the heavy elements and the light ones could still form an atmosphere. However, most of a star is hydrogen, the lightest element.",
"So this is not true.\nThe density and pressure of a gas grows exponentially towards a the source of gravity, so it is impossible to have an extremely thick atmosphere without reaching pressures where things form plasmas. The exponential growth is because each layer of gas must have a pressure that can support all of the weight above it.\nEven if the star initially didn't have enough gravity by itself to suck down a giant atmosphere, even a low density atmosphere would have more mass and thus gravity than a typical star.\nThe Solution\nIf you want to have a giant atmosphere, consider having it on the outside of a shell. So then you'd have a star, a large vacuum, a (possibly transparent (maybe even diamond)) inner shell, an atmosphere, and an optional outer shell.\nWith this arrangement your gravity in the atmosphere would be:\n$$g=\\frac{G\\,(M_{star}+M_{shell}+ M_{atm})}{r^2}$$\nWhere $r$ is the distance to the center of the star, $g$ is your gravitational acceleration, $G$ is the universal constant of gravitation, and the $M_{star}$, $M_{shell}$, and $M_{atm}$ are the masses of the star, inner shell, and portion of the atmosphere closer to the star than $r$ respectively.\nSo now let's take a look at the equations for the atmosphere to see if we can come up with some numbers that will fit your criteria:\nFirst the specific ideal gas law relating temperature $T$, density $\\rho$, and pressure $P$:\n$$\\rho=\\frac{P}{RT}$$\nWhere $R$ is the specific gas constant (for air = $286.9\\frac{J}{kg\\,K}$)\nLet's say the temperature is constant to simplify our analysis, and keep our creatures comfortable.\nThe change in mass of atmosphere closer than $r$ as $r$ increases will just be the surface area of the sphere of size $r$ times the density at that $r$:\n$$\\frac{d\\,M_{atm}}{dr}=4\\,\\pi\\,r^2\\,\\rho=\\frac{4\\,\\pi}{RT}\\,r^2\\,P$$\nThen since the pressure of the atmosphere must support the weight of the gas above it, the rate of change is also related to the density:\n$$\\frac{dP}{dr}=\\rho\\,g=\\frac{P}{RT}\\frac{G\\,(M_{star}+M_{shell}+ M_{atm})}{r^2}$$\nTo simplify things a little let's change our variables:\n$$M=M_{star}+M_{shell}+ M_{atm}$$\n$$\\frac{dM}{dr}=\\frac{dM_{atm}}{dr}$$\nNow we almost have enough information to do a numerical integration; we just need our initial values, and our constants. So let's try:\n$$T=25^\\circ C$$\n$$M_0=M_{sol}= 10^{30} kg$$\n$$P_0=1 atm = 10^5 Pa $$\n$$r_0 = 1 AU = 1.5\\times 10^{11} m$$\nIntegrating numerically we can get a plot of pressure vs altitude:\nAs you can see, the pressure drops off to less than three quarters of the initial pressure (enough to cause altitude sickness) by about 5000 km. Certainly a thicker breathable atmosphere than the measly 2.4 km that earth has, but let's see if we can do better.\nBy increasing our starting radius and decreasing the mass of our star and shell we can decrease the rate of pressure drop off, so let's look at a start with near the minimum mass to still be a red dwarf, about a tenth of our sun, and let's start out 100 times as far away:\nFor this system it looks like the breathable atmosphere would extend out to 7000 km: not much of an improvement for the extremes it took to get there.",
"One simple solution is that which you find in games: mana. Make the use of magic a limited resource, and there you have a limit on the number of undead. More experienced/knowledgeable users can use more mana and use more undead, but are still limited. The non-undead will rot, and you won't even have that many bodies to put your magic on.\nit can be concluded that at some point the world will be overpopulated\nOf course this is to answer your question. But one thing that strikes me that nobody else commented yet, is on your main concern. You asked how to avoid a problem and people are telling you how to do so, but nobody commented on the problem itself. Overpopulation? Let's think about it for a minute.\n\"wiped all but few thousand survivors\"\nEarth is right now at 7 billion people, and if we migrate to sustainable means of production, we can hold much more. There are extensive parts of land with no use at all currently. So, to overpopulate, specially with beings that take space but don't need food, clothes or consume anything else, we could maybe triple that or more.",
"Not even counting that you could keep your undead in the ocean.\nAssuming a world similar to earth in size and land area, and a population of only a few thousand, it would take several thousands of years to repopulate all of it and reach the current state, in terms of population. And that is assuming an non-conservative growth. Then you add a few other factors:\n* when someone dies, their respective undead go back to rotting until someone else takes over (Google says Maggots can consume up to 60 percent of a human body in under seven days, meaning if people don't act fast, that undead is lost forever)\n* plus the natural wearing out of the undeads in use\n* plus wars where massive numbers of undead gets destroyed\nKeeping the supply replenished starts to look like a challenge. Even if you don't follow any other of the suggestions here to limit the usage of necromancy and such, we're still looking at several thousands of years of having enough space for everyone, living and undead.\nHow can I explain that it will never happen?\nWhen you take into account all those factors, they don't explain that it will \"never happen\", but for sure it is not a problem to be worried about for uncountable generations (more than 100 for sure). And if the world is medieval, they will most probably evolve their technologies quite a lot, very fast. Specially with so much free labor. It's very feasible they will reach the space age in less than 2 millenia.\nMaybe ask yourself how relevant to your story it is to worry about that at this point. ;-)\nNote to self: a civilization with space exploration technology and necromancy. Sounds original, this idea can go somewhere. X-D",
"The initial falling is pretty well covered by the other answers, so this will focus on the other question in the OP.\nAs the trash collects over thousands of years, would it start to pile up more in some places then others?\nMany of the processes would apply to trash on Junkyard the same way that they apply to dirt on Earth.\nPrecipitation\nIf you wanted there to be a variety in its distribution, you could add weather that would prevent some trash from making it to the surface, or dissolve trash, creating a climate-like distribution of trash. For example, if your planet had acidic oceans, the patterns of accelerated trash decay would form in the same way that patterns of precipitation form on Earth, with less precipitation corresponding to less disintegration, and thus more trash.",
"The oceans themselves would only contain trash that could survive their acidity.\nFor example, if Junkyard had Earth's geography, trash on the Western side of the Rockies would receive a lot more acid rain than trash on the opposite side, analogous to how California receives a lot more rain than Nevada.\nGeological Activity\nIf the Junkyard planet is geologically active, subduction zones might swallow up a lot of trash, and the areas where new crust is made would be briefly bare. Also, the way trash reacts to lava could cause areas near volcanos to have unusual concentrations of specific types of trash\nWeathering from Wind\nAdditionally, if certain latitudes have faster wind than others (comparable to the winds around Antarctica here on Earth), that trash would erode faster (on a very slow time scale, but still), and would have a tendency to settle around the belt instead of inside of it.\nGlaciers\nI'm sure there are more creative ways to incorporate glacial erosion, but at the very least, if someone dropped a comet onto the planet, its chunks might move like glaciers, carving out valleys behind them.\nFor processes that wouldn't apply to Earth:\nTidal Locking\nIf the planet orbits around a star, you might want to make it tidally locked, causing trash on one side to melt, and causing trash on the other side to accumulate. Additionally, dumpers may prefer one side or the other to avoid the heat of the star, or to get its energy, depending on which side you prefer.",
"How to make many sapient species on an alien planet without genetic engineering?\nWith the species of Damarian, as found on the list here, there are many different species, which all evolve at about roughly the same time.\nObviously, a huge problem about multiple species evolving simultaneously is that if they're all sapient, they can kill each other off in a deathmatch-esque war. However, I want most of them to have at least some technology, and for them to have survived long enough to accept one another.\nSo, without further ado, here's what Damarian's surface is like:\n* Larger than Earth (1.5-ish Earth Diameter, roughly 4.5-ish Earth circumference, and thus (Most likely, following surface area calculation rules) several times Earth's surface area).\n* Same percentage of land area and water area as Earth; 71% water (WAY more water than Earth, and also much more area, even with 29% land area)\n* Most likely chillier, due to Damarian's orbit being roughly 384 days (19-ish days longer than Earth's orbit), but if it is, most likely the temperature differences would be minor, only noticeable at the (Much more distant) poles, and would be nearly indistinguishable at the equator.\n* Orbits Aplha Centauri A, also known as Rigel Kentaurus, at almost the same distance as Earth does with the Sun, but more distant enough for an almost 19 day extension of the year (Hopefully, with Alpha Centauri A's bigger size and thus extra heat and light, habitability by humans is possible).\n* Has 6 moons, which are NOT relevant for the question AT ALL; This question assumes the Damarian's orbit (And those of its moons) are stable and life has adapted to 5 moons and the tidal effects they all make. Plus, 3 of them are tiny ex-asteroids, and 2 of the other 3 are less than 1,000 km wide each.",
"The largest is about the same size as our own Moon.\n* Four major landmasses: Gaundar (Mostly in the north of the planet, colder but longer and thinner); Tharizdun (Huge mass split nearly down the middle near the equator, resulting in a huge middle sea, with many hundreds of islands in the surrounding ocean; Sort looks like a fortune cookie that's been opened); Kehez (Comes from the south pole and goes up past the equator, getting within 2,000 miles of Tharizdun's southern edge, and gets fairly close to Gaundar on its northern edge); and Dendar (Southern temperate zone, close-ish to Kehez on the opposite side from Tharizdun). I'll be referring to the continents for the habitats.\nHere is what Damarian's non-sapient life is like:\n* VERY rich plant life (In the energy and nutrients easily available from the plant); fruit and nut eating herbivores only need to eat for about 30 minutes each day, leaf and fungus eaters only need 2-ish hours of feeding daily, and even grazers and grain eaters only need to eat about 4 hours a day, but typically spend most of their day eating anyway (Hey, why not?)\n* This rich plant life means herbivores can sustain HUGE populations, which leads to much larger population counts of carnivores, which, along with Damarian's size, means that Damarian can hold much more biomass than Earth.\n* The animals provide prey for the Stone Age peoples, who occasionally met. Being Stone Age people, each interaction was different: Some meetings ended with fight, others with trading.\nSo, using this question, I know that there are a few things the sapients need to keep themselves from killing each other: Different habitats (Easy, with Damarian being THAT big), but some way to interact often (I'm thinking they all can survive just fine in most climates, but usually live in two or three particular habitats), or have them have different niches or needs.\nWith all of my species in order of appearance, here's their habitats and general niches (During the Paleo- and Mesolithic Ages):\nVolrortheans: Either chilly, Scandinavian-esque locales (Closer to the coast) on Gaundar or Kehez, or warm, Polynesian-like coasts on equatorial Kehez, and temperate grasslands of Kehez. They are typically megafauna hunters in smallish groups (4 to 12 adults, half that many youngsters).\nMaravneans: Temperate plains and forest of Kehez, usually near rivers; Usually fish and hunt/gather.\nAsterians: Hot deserts and temperate plains of equatorial Kehez, typically hunt and trap smaller critters and smaller members of megafauna species.",
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"TALKING AND COUNTING CLOCK\nIntroduction: TALKING AND COUNTING CLOCK\nToday, I would like to share how to build a \"Talking And Counting Clock\" based on Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board, which can notify the real time, temperature by voice and show hour - minute on Neopixel Led Ring 35.\nBefore getting started, please watch my video below:\nUpdate version 2: This clock can notify by voice for time, temperature and show hour - minute by counting their ten and unit digit number on Neopixel Led Ring 35.\nStep 1: Bill of Materials\nThe main components are included:\n* 1pcs x Adafruit Circuit Playground Express.\nDigikey:\nAmazon:\n* 1pcs x Speaker.\n* 1pcs x DS3231 Real Time Clock Module.\n* 1pcs x AMS1117 3.3V Power Supply Module.\n* 1pcs x Double Side DIY PCB 7x9cm.\n* 1pcs x TIP41C.\n* 1pcs x Capacitor 1000uF.\n* 1pcs x Resistor R1K.\n* 1pcs x Female header 40P.\n* 2pcs x Screw 2P female headers.\n* 20pcs x Copper pillars 10mm.\n* 12pcs x Copper pillars 20mm.\n* 12pcs x Female power jack.\n* Some bolts & nuts and led pins.\n* Power supply 5V.\nStep 2: Project Schematic\nThe schematic is shown on the picture above.\nThere is a built-in mini speaker on the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board but its sound is not loud enough so I used an external speaker.\nStep 3: Adafruit Circuit Playground Express Pinout\nThe Adafruit Circuit Playground Express Board is equipped with an ARM Cortex M0 Processor, 48MHz and it is integrated with many sensors such as:\n* Motion sensor.\n* Light sensor.\n* Temperature sensor.\n* IR receiver and transmitter.\n* Sound sensor.\n* Mini speaker.\n* Some interactive push buttons/ slide switch and RGB Neopixel LEDs...\nYou can check its detail at:\nStep 4: Drilling and Soldering Works\nFirstly, after measuring and marking, I drilled 14 holes on DIY PCB corresponding to the 14 alligator-clips of Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board. And I mounted copper pillars on the drilling holes.\nThen I plugged Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board on the copper pillars and did some adjustments to make sure their pads didn't touch each other.\nAt the PCB backside, I soldered a 6 pins female header to plug DS3231 RTC. You see the picture below, I used led pins, bent them into circles around the drilled holes and fixed them by soldering to PCB. This ensures good contact between the copper pillars and bolts.\nI continued to solder the remaining components according to the schematic diagram in the previous step.\nPlugging DS3231 RTC and AMS1117 on the PCB headers.\nConnecting speaker to PCB control board.\nFinally, I mounted speaker onto the PCB control board by some copper pillars. The PCB control board and speaker can be placed either horizontally or vertically.\nDone.\nStep 5: Programing\n1.",
"The project code is available at my GitHub.\n2. Libraries for Arduino IDE.\n* Adafruit Circuit Playground by Adafruit.\n* RTCLib by Adafruit.\n3. Programing notes:\n* To upload the program from Arduino IDE to Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board, we go to Tools ‣ Board ‣ Boards Manager ‣ Installing Adafruit SAMD Boards by Adafruit.\n* To read the time from DS3231 via I2C protocal, I used RTCLib library by Adafruit. After that this time value is played by voice over the speaker. It is done by the following commands which are supported from Adafruit Circuit Playground library, for example with hour:\nswitch (now.twelveHour())\n{\ncase 1: CircuitPlayground.speaker.say(spONE); break;\ncase 2: CircuitPlayground.speaker.say(spTWO); break;\ncase 3: CircuitPlayground.speaker.say(spTHREE); break;\ncase 4: CircuitPlayground.speaker.say(spFOUR); break;\ncase 5: CircuitPlayground.speaker.",
"Colorful Message With Grove Beginner Kit and RGB Led Matrix\nIntroduction: Colorful Message With Grove Beginner Kit and RGB Led Matrix\nToday, I'd like to share how to create a colorful message displayed on the RGB led matrix by Grove Beginner Kit For Arduino from Seeedstudio. In this project, the led matrix background and letter colors can be customized base on the Grove Beginner Kit built-in sensors.\nLet's getting started.\nStep 1: Supplies\nMain components are as follows:\n* 1 x Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino.\n* 320 x 5mm Common Anode RGB LEDs.\n* 16 x A1013 Transistors.\n* 2 x Shift Register 74HC595N.\n* 9 x Power Logic 8-Bit Shift Register TPIC6B595N.\n* 12 x 0.1uF Decoupling Capacitors.\n* 100 x 100Ω Resistors.\n* 16 x 1kΩ Resistors.\n* 1 x Single-Side Copper Prototype PCB Size A4.\n* 1 x Proto Shield for Arduino.\n* 2 x Clear Acrylic Plate Size A4.\n* 2 x Male & Female 40pin 2.54mm Header.\n* 1 x Power Supply 5V.\n* 1 x DC Power Supply Male & Female Socket.\n* 1 x DC Power Supply Screw Type.\n* 8 x Copper Standoff Spacers 20mm.\n* 2 meter x Rainbow Color Flat Ribbon Cable.\nStep 2: Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino\nThe Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino® is powered by one Arduino UNO compatible Board (ATmega320p based Seeeduino Lotus) together with 10 additional Grove Arduino sensors all in one piece of the board.\nAll modules are pre-wired, no breadboard and jumper cables required.\nYou can go to SeeedStudio wiki page, there are full of tutorials and codes for getting started.\nStep 3: Idea\nI have built one RGB led table 16x20 which was controlled by SPI protocol, and reserved 4 control pins for future applications as follow:\n* DATA PIN\n* CLOCK PIN\n* LATCH PIN\n* BLANK PIN\nYou can check how I built this led matrix at:\nMy idea is to combine this led board and Grove Beginner Kit to display information and make color customizations based on Grove Beginner Kit built-in sensors.\nStep 4: Schematic\nYou can download the project schematic in PDF format HERE.\nThe components for controlling a RGB led matrix 16x20 via SPI:\n* Columns (cathodes) scanning: including 3 groups of TPIC6B595N to control 20 columns, each group includes 3 x TPIC6B595N for 3 colors: Red, Green & Blue.\n* Rows (anodes) scanning: including 2 x 74HC595N and 16 x A1013 transistor to control 16 rows.\nThe connection between Led Matrix 16x20 and ATmega320p based Seeeduino Lotus on the Grove Beginner Kit is as follow:\n* DATA_PIN: connect to Seeeduino Lotus pin D11 (MOSI).\n* CLOCK_PIN: connect to Seeeduino Lotus pin D13 (SCK).\n* LATCH_PIN: connect to Seeeduino Lotus pin D2.\n* BLANK_PIN: connect to Seeeduino Lotus pin D7.\nStep 5: Soldering and Assembling Works\n* Soldering a RGB Led Matrix 16x20: I reused this led matrix from previous project. You can check detail at:\n\n* Soldering 4 SPI pins male header on a Proto Shield for Arduino.\n* Proto Shield for Arduino was plugged on the Seeeduino Lotus and Grove Beginner Kit was mounted on the backside of led matrix.",
"Then I connected 5VDC power supply and SPI connection to Grove Beginner Kit.\n* Ready for programming.\nStep 6: Programming\nThe project code is available at my GitHub:\n\nStep 7: How It Works\nIn this project, I used Rotary Potentiometer and 3-Axis Acceleration Sensor to determine the colors of scrolling message, for both letter & background. Details are as follows:\n1. Led matrix background color is decided by 3-Axis Acceleration Sensors on the Grove Begginer Kit. For each different pose of led table, it will show a different color.",
"ATTINY85 – SIMULTANEOUSLY USING I2C AND SPI PROTOCOLS\nIntroduction: ATTINY85 – SIMULTANEOUSLY USING I2C AND SPI PROTOCOLS\nThe Attiny85 does not support specific hardware for SPI and I2C comunications as on ATmega series, instead there is a hardware module called UNIVERSAL SERIAL INTERFACE (USI) that can be only configured to perform SPI or I2C. In this small project, I'd like to share how to perform both SPI and I2C protocols simultaneously on the ATTiny85 by:\n* Using USI for I2C with TinyWireM library to read MPU-6050.\n* Using remaining pins for Software SPI to control one LED MATRIX 13x15.\nLet’s getting started by video below.\nStep 1: Bill of Materials and Tools\nMain components:\n* 200pcs x LED 3mm, optional color, blue in my case.\n* 2pcs x Double Sided DIY Protoboard Circuit 7x9cm.\n* 1pcs x DigiSpark ATTiny85.\n* 1pcs x MPU-6050 Accelerometer + Gyro.\n* 2pcs x Shift Register 74HC595N.\n* 2pcs x Power Logic 8-Bit Shift Register TPIC6B595N.\n* 16pcs x Transistor A1013.\n* 300pcs x R100.\n* 16pcs x R1K.\n* 4pcs x Capacitor 0.1uF.\n* 4pcs x Copper Standoff Spacers 15mm.\n* 2pcs x Female 40pin 2.54mm Header.\n* 2pcs x Male 40pin 2.54mm Header.\n* 1pcs x XH2.54mm – 3P 10cm Wire Cable Double Connector.\n* 1pcs x XH2.54mm – 4P 10cm Wire Cable Double Connector.\n* 1pcs x XH2.54mm – 6P 10cm Wire Cable Double Connector.\n* 1pcs x Power Bank 5V, minimum 2A.\n* 1meter x 8P Rainbow Ribbon Cable.\n* Some small bolts and nuts.\nTools:\n* Intelligent Digital Oscilloscope Multimeter. This is an useful multimeter tool with reasonable price and it is integrated waveform signal display within 20KHz.\n* Hot glue gun.\n* Soldering machine.\nStep 2: Idea and Schematic\nMy idea is to use only one ATTiny85 to make an auto-rotating message led matrix - size 13x15. It uses an MPU-6050 Accelerometer + Gyro to calculate the angle and detect whenever led matrix is in upside-down position, then it will carry out the correction by rotating the message on led matrix and its direction as well.\nYou can download schematic with high resolution PDF file HERE.\nStep 3: Protoboards Soldering\nI soldered the led matrix shield and control circuit on 2 prototype boards 7x9cm as diagram shown on STEP 2.\n1. Soldering led matrix shield 13x15\nI cut led pins short enough and ensure all led anodes/ cathodes to be soldered together without any extension wires. Led matrix shield have all 15 rows and each row has 13 leds. At the bottom, male headers for led anodes (rows) and cathodes (columns) were soldered to plug on the control board.\n* Top view\n* Bottom view\n2.",
"Soldering control circuit\nI soldered the control circuit to another DIY protoboard 7x9cm. All the wires were arranged on PCB top and they will be hidden when led matrix shield is plugged.\n* Top view\n* Bottom view\n* Plugging ATTiny85 and MPU6050 into their female headers.\n* Connecting the wires from ATTiny85 male header to SPI and MPU-6050 male headers. Control board is DONE. The ATTiny85 USB port is protruded from the protoboard so that it can be plugged into a computer or power bank.\n3. Connecting protoboards together\n* Plugging matrix shield to control board.\n* DigiSpark ATTiny85 was glued into the control protoboard to avoid wobbling.\nStep 4: Eagle Design\nBecause the protoboard 7x9cm has limited space so I took my times to design this project in Eagle software. With the same hardware configuration, Eagle PCB can control led matrix 16x16 with auto-rotating function.\nI have just finished designing and did not send to fabrication company. I think it should work as same as my protoboards.\nAnd here is my design.",
"M5Paper Weather Station\nIntroduction: M5Paper Weather Station\nI have one M5Paper which is equipped an ePaper touch screen 540 x 960 pixels, temperature and humidity sensor, real-time clock, microSD, 03 x HY2.0-4P ports. It can connect to WIFI, bluetooth, or implement other protocols like: I2C, UART, DAC/ADC via extension ports and a magnetic attachment system....\nToday, I'd like to share my home weather station by using this M5Paper.\nLet's getting started.\nStep 1: Things We Need\nHardwares:\n* 1pcs x M5Stack® M5Paper ESP32 Development Kit 960X540 4.7 Inch eInk Display 235 PPI IoT Terminal E-Book Industrial Control Panel\n* 1pcs x USB-C programming cable.\nSoftwares:\n* Visual Studio Code.\n* PlatformIO IDE for VSCode (Extension).\n* LCD Image Converter: It can transform your bitmaps and fonts to “C” source format.\nStep 2: About M5Paper\nM5Paper features:\n* ESP32-D0WDQ6-V3 @ 240 MHz dual core, 600 DMIPS, 520 KB SRAM.\n* Screen: ePaper / eInk multipoint touchscreen, 4.7 “, 540 x 960 pixels @ 235ppi, 180 degree viewing angle.\n* Connectivity: Wi-Fi with 3D antenna, dual mode Bluetooth.\n* Memory and storage: 16 MB flash memory, PSRAM 8MB, Micro SD card reader up to 16GB.\n* Built-in RTC BM8563.\n* Built-in temperature and humidity SHT30.\n* Built-in Magnet.\n* Internal 1150mAh LiPo battery.\n* Expansion connectors x3 HY2.0-4P.\nIt can be used for the following applications: IoT Terminal, E-Book, Industrial Control Panel, Smart Home Panel....\nStep 3: Installing VSCode and PlatformIO IDE Extension\nM5Paper can be programmed by classic Arduino IDE, MicroPython or UIFlow (M5Stack's graphical IDE) and so on....Previously I had tested some M5Paper sample codes by Arduino IDE from internet, it caused errors and I couldn't return to original factory test. Then I found that M5Paper original factory test program is developed by VSCode + PlatformIO IDE extension therefore I took my times to install & learn. This is a tool I've never used previous time, but after I studied some basic knowledge, it really seem like to be a good platform.\nTo install VSCode and PIO for M5Paper, I followed below steps:\n* Firstly, I downloaded Visual Studio Code from base on my computer operating system Windows 7(/ macOS/ Linux)...",
"and installed it to computer.\n* Secondly, I opened VSCode, go to Extensions Tab ‣ Type PlatformIO IDE at \"Search Extensions in Marketplace\" ‣ Click \"Install\". There are many extensions here, we can install more depending on our needs.\n* Thirdly, I entered to PIO Home ‣ Click Libraries tab ‣ Search and install \"M5Stack by Zibin\" and \"M5EPD by m5stack\"\nStep 4: Overview Weather Station Idea\nTo do this weather station, I was inspired by estshorter with his M5Paper dashboard project at:\n\nSince the M5Paper is new product and it doesn't have many resources to refer to, so for me this is a good starting point, both in terms of M5Paper and PlatformIO.\nThe time & weather information are described in the below picture.\nTake notes that:\n* The indoor temperature and humidity are read from a built-in SHT30 sensor.\n* Time information is read from a RTC built-in sensor BM8563 and it can be synchronized with NTP Time Server.\n* The other weather information like: pressure, wind, sunrise & sunset time, visibility, weather icon & description...are read from\nStep 5: Programming\nThe code is available at my GitHub. Thank to estshorter for his good reference source related to M5Paper.\n\nNotes:\n- Change your Wi-Fi parameters in \"src/WiFiInfo.h\".\n- Weather, sunrise & sunset, temmperature, humidity, visibility, pressure, wind ... icons are converted to \"C\" codes and located at:\n* \"scr/WeatherIcons.c\"\n* \"scr/THPIcons.",
"Rainbow Led Circuit Sculpture\nIntroduction: Rainbow Led Circuit Sculpture\nToday I would like to share how to make a sculpture circuit that controls 16 RGB leds using ATTINY85. We can adjust their colors separately according to the colorwheel rule with a touch button.\nStep 1: Things We Need\nThe main components are as follows:\n* 1pcs x DigiSpark ATTiny85.\n* 1pcs x Shift Register 74HC595N.\n* 1pcs x Power Logic 8-Bit Shift Register TPIC6B595N.\n* 8pcs x Transistor A1013.\n* 16pcs x RGB LED 5mm, Common Anode.\n* 6pcs x R100.\n* 8pcs x R1K.\n* 2pcs x Capacitor 0.1uF.\n* 1pcs x 2.54mm Pitch 40 Long Pin Single Female Header.\n* 1pcs x 16-Pin DIP IC Base Socket Connector (For 74HC595N).\n* 1pcs x 20-Pin DIP IC Base Socket Connector (For TPIC6B595N).\n* 1pcs x Touch Button.\n* 1meter bare copper wire.\n* 1pcs x Power Bank 5V.\nTools:\n* Wooden template: I reused a template when I did a led cube project. For this project, we just need one row with 8 holes, each hole diamter: 5mm and hole spacing: 20mm.\n* Soldering Iron: I use 2 types of soldering iron, one with a small tip and adjustable temperature and the other with a bigger tip. The reason is that my small tip soldering iron is very difficult to solder big size bare copper wires together.\n* The other tools:\nStep 2: Schematic\nThe project schematic is shown on the above picture. I try to arrange the schematic as same as the circuit sculpture arrangement so it is quite big. You can download HERE for schematic in PDF file.\nStep 3: Soldering Works\nSoldering the red, green, and blue pins (cathode pins) of 8 leds together to form the first group.\nSoldering the same for second group and arrange two groups of leds with their backs to each other. The anode pins are soldered together like picture below.\nIdentifying the E (Emitter) pin of PNP A1013 transistor. These pins will be connected to the power supply. I inserted 8 transistors into the wooden template holes and soldered all E pins to the copper wire.",
"The C (Collector - middle pin) pins of each transistor will be connected to the led group anode pin above. Because transistors and LEDs have the same spacing, it is easy to solder.\nOnce the C pin (Collector - the middle pin) of the transistor is connected to the anode pin of the led, I had a strong structure. Then I soldered remaining components and fly wires following the schematic. I can put leds into wooden template holes\nOr I can put transistors into wooden template holes during soldering.\nWe need to note the pinout and arrangement of the 74HC595.\nAnd TIPC6B595N pinout and its arrangement are shown below:\nBecause it is symmetrically arranged so it can stand on its own on a flat surface.\nFinish.\nStep 4: Programming\n1. The project code is available at my GitHub.\n2. The following core, library need to be installed in this project:\n* ATTinyCore at:\nThis core allows sketches to be uploaded directly to DigiSpark ATTiny85 via USB and it can be installed using the Boards Manager in Arduino IDE. The Boards Manager URL is:\n\n- File ‣ Preferences on Arduino IDE, enter the above URL in \"Additional Boards Manager URLs\"\n- Tools ‣ Boards ‣ Boards Manager... - Select \"ATTinyCore by <PERSON>\" and click \"Install\".\n* tinySPI library at:\n- Open Aduino IDE\n- Sketch ‣ Include Library ‣ Manage Libraries... ‣ Search \"tinySPI by <PERSON>\" ‣ Install.\n3.",
"A Signboard for My Store or My House\nIntroduction: A Signboard for My Store or My House\nMy idea came from I made some changes according to my needs.\nI designed an LED signboard to say \"Hello\" to my friends who come to my house or to say \"Hello\" to my customers who come to my shop (if I have one in the future). More letters on the signboard will light up as someone comes nearer and nearer. The signboard will make a welcome sound and the letters on the signboard will shine when someone is at the door. When it gets dark, the letters on the signboard will light up automatically. This shows people where my house or my shop is. I can hang the signboard on the door of my house or my shop so that people will know that I welcome them to my house or my shop! HELLO! Welcome here!\nStep 1: Prepare Hardware Required\nWhat you need:\n1. Breadboard x1\n2. Arduino board (I am currently using Arduino Leonardo.)\n3.",
"Double-sided PCB board x 6\n4. LEDs ( red, blue, green, and yellow)\n5. Jumper cables; wires\n6. Resistors x 6 (Note: for more safety of LED)\n7. Mosfet x 6\n8. HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor x1\n9. Speaker x1\n10. Foam board x 1\n11. Paper box x 1\nStep 2: Design Your Sign\nAfter getting all the materials needed, arrange the LEDs on the PCB board to make the five letters H, E, L, L, O, and a smiling face.\nThe steps are shown in the pictures.\nStep 3: Assemble the Other Parts\nThe ways of assembling are shown in the circuit diagram.\nEach of the five letters--H, E, L, L, O, and the smiling face is controlled by a different wire. You need to label them or you'll get confused easily because there are too many wires.\nStep 4: Programming\nNow it's time to start programming the code.\nMy code is attached below.\n\nStep 5: Do the Decoration If Needed\nHide all your materials into a box and you are done.",
"DIY Wireless LEGO ESP32 Spaceship Steering Wheel Game Console\nIntroduction: DIY Wireless LEGO ESP32 Spaceship Steering Wheel Game Console\nHere is a self-made LEGO wireless game console that we can use to play games on the computer.\nWhen playing a game programmed by ourselves, we may need to connect the controller to the computer with a USB cable, which is not so comfortable to play with when the cable limits our operation with the handheld. So in this article, we will teach you to make a game console with Lego bricks that communicates wirelessly with the Future board (an ESP32-based mainboard) of the computer, to control the characters in the game.\nAll the things we used are listed below, and the code for this project is also provided in this article, so let's give it a go!\nIf you like our projects and tutorials, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube for more interesting STEM projects and ideas.\nSupplies\nElectronics:\n2 × ESP32-based Future board\n1 × USB-C\n1 × Robotbit Edu - including the base and the battery (expansion board)\n2 × Sugar Red Button Module (or other button sensors)\n1 × Sugar Joystick Module (or other 4-direction analog joystick modules)\nLEGO parts:\n1 × Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 × 13 (41239)\n2 × Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 × 11.5 (32009)\n2 × Technic, Liftarm Thick L-Shape 3 × 5 (32526)\n4 × Technic, Liftarm Thick H-Shape 3 × 5 (14720)\n6 × Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 × 5 (32316)\n2 × Technic, Liftarm Thick L-Shape 2 × 4 (32140)\n2 × Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 × 3 (32523)\n6 × Technic, Pin with Friction (6558)\n30 × Technic, Pin with Friction (2780)\n6 × Technic, Pin with Friction (43093)\nYou can find all the items in the Future Board Sugar Series IoT Educational Kit.\nAlso we use Kittenblock - the editor based on Scratch 3.0 to program in this project.\nStep 1: Assemble the Game Console\nAssemble the game console according to the instruction.\nStep 2: Connect the Circuit\nIf you use a normal 4-direction analog joystick module, then the ACD (analog) pinouts should be P0, P1, P12, P14, and P15.\nNext, two Future boards will be used in this project and the system can be divided into two parts:\n* Sending end (the game console), which is to send the control instructions;\n* Receiving end.",
"A Future board is connected to the computer to receive the instructions from the console to control the interaction of characters in the game.\nStep 3: Write the Program of the Sending End\nDownload the code and open it in Kittenblock (Kittenblock is a Scratch 3.0-based editor, you can download it here). The program needs to be downloaded to the Future board.\nIf you don't know how to download the program to the board, please refer to the tutorial here.\nHere is the program file.\nStep 4: Program of the Receiving End\nTo process the instructions from the console and interact with the sprites in the game.\nProgram source file\nStep 5: Test It Out And... Done!\nNow you can test out your project!\nEnjoy your game ^^",
"Micor:bit Environment Monitoring and Temperature-controlled Motor Fan\nIntroduction: Micor:bit Environment Monitoring and Temperature-controlled Motor Fan\nResult\nThe current moisture, temperature, air pressure and the altitude are displaying on the OLED screen. If the detected temperature is no less than 30℃, the motor starts driving the fan for cooling, or it stops driving to save the energy.\nSupplies\n* micro:bit x 1\n* Nezha extension board x 1\n* Planet X – BME280 Sensor x 1\n* Planet X-OLED Display x 1\n* Planet X -Motor Fan x 1\n* 16*32 Baseboard x 1\n* 2*3 Bricks x 12\n* RJ11 Wires x 3\nStep 1: Hardware Connections\nInsert the micro:bit to Nezha extension board and connect BME280 and OLED display to IIC port on Nezha board with the RJ11 connectors, and then connect the Motor fan to J1 port.(You can see the color of the connection is the same with the equivalent port in the sensor you connect.)\nStep 2: Bricks Building Up\nConnect 2*3 bricks on the 16*32 baseboard as the picture shows.(Note: There are six bricks used in the right upper side)\nConnect the devices on the baseboard through 2*3 bricks we just connected as the picture shows.\nStep 3: Software Programming\nGo to MakeCode page:(\nAdd the Planet X entension and click extension on the menu of the settings.\nStep 4: Search With “PlanetX”in the Dialogue Box to Add the Package.\nGo to the coding page to edit the program.\nProgramme to show an icon while on start. In forever brick, programme to let the OLED display Hello,ELECFREAKS.",
"Display the temperature on the third line on the OLED display. Here we need to use the text brick in the MakeCode to show the text info and the detected value from BME280.\nStep 5: Now We Program in a Similar to To Display the Moisture, the Air Pressure and the Altitude on the Fourth, the Fifth and the Sixth Line on the OLED Screen.\nHere comes to the part of making the motor fan controlled by the temperature. We use BME280 module to detect if the current temperature is no less than 30.\nIf the temperature is over 30℃, the motor fan drives to cool the environment, if it is below 30℃, the motor stops driving to save energy. (You can see the color of the connection is the same with the equivalent port in the sensor you connect.)\nLink:",
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"I would posit that the curriculum in the educational facilities would focus on teaching students to be open-minded and creative rather than just filling them to the brim with arbitrary knowledge like they normally do.\nTake superheroes, for instance. They are known for using their tremendous powers which habitually break the laws of thermodynamics to... uh... fight crime. Sometimes in a single city, no less. In children that can do literally anything they want, creativity is absolutely key if you want the world to use magic in society.\nChildren, with more flexible minds than adults, may also be trained to think in many more dimensions than a human would normally so as to design more elaborate creations, short-term memory training will be used so that they can process more complex operations with ease, and if it is easier to do things that are more likely, physics will definitely have a place in the curriculum as well.\nWhat is probably the most interesting thing that children would learn in a magic school, mind you, is morality.",
"In a world where literally everything can be blamed on someone somewhere, justifiably so, with no real way of proving that that hurricane that destroyed an entire city wasn't you, the people would more likely than not have a much stricter moral code that they would be held to and cling to with their very lives. Even the occasional bout of mischief from a mage would be cause for suspicion if some disaster just happened to affect someone they didn't get along with. As such, magic-capable children would have to be taught at a young age to be absolute paragons of calm, collected, disciplined infallibility, never interfering with the natural world more than necessary, lest they pose a danger to others, themselves, and possibly magecraft itself by virtue of starting a witch hunt should their abilities have dreadful consequences. Or not. Perhaps the muggles are just paranoid. But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if the reasoning is right or wrong: social uprising can collapse entire civilisations.\ntl;dr: Teach your mages self-control first, creativity second.",
"I'll just add one angle to your list that hasn't been done a lot in fiction: paranoia, with the possibility of widespread, culture-altering degrees of paranoia if this is a universe that has any significant number of animal shapeshifters rather than just the one.\nOn the most basic level, if I found out someone I knew well could turn into, say, a spider or a flea, I would have difficulty coping with this information. Philosophically, I'd be moving from a world where I feel reasonably secure that it's possible to keep some things private to one where <PERSON> could be a spider on the ceiling watching me have sex without me knowing and with zero consequences. Ew.\nSome people would take this knowledge better than others. Imagine, for example, <PERSON> was a guy in your high school.",
"Sooner or later, everyone's going to think of the spider-sex scenario and apply it to all of their secrets and all of the gross things humans prefer to do without an audience. In even that small group of people loosely connected to <PERSON>, some people are going to have a pretty rosy view of humanity and think it's okay, some people will be realists and think about whether or not <PERSON> has motivation to spy on them specifically out of all the people he might be spying on, and some will, in all likelihood, be inclined to paranoia anyway. Some people will try to put <PERSON> out of their mind, and others will worry about the possibility of him watching every second of the day until they melt down.\nAll this would happen even if <PERSON> was the best guy in the world and would never think of spying on anyone. <PERSON> would be pretty lucky if nobody tried to murder him just to be able to believe in privacy again.\nIf anything, I might think someone in a very close relationship with your shapeshifter might take all this better, in the same way that you get used to compromising privacy when you're living with someone you for the most part like. People who know <PERSON> peripherally would probably go the most crazy thinking about it, because they don't really know what <PERSON> is thinking about them.\nLastly, inevitably, I would think at least someone would start developing religious thoughts about <PERSON>, because frankly, if <PERSON> could be watching you at any time, a sufficiently paranoid mind would start considering, as a matter of course, the possibility that <PERSON> was watching any time they did anything shameful or gross, and from there it's a hop, skip, and a jump to the theological.",
"What would be needed to have a database that contained information on people with powers in a post-apocalypse?\nFor a post-apocalyptic world I'm writing, I have a bunch of, essentially, demons that have killed a large majority of humanity, destroying almost everything in that stands in their way, whether that be cities, animals, or even tanks. The demons have forced the remaining humans to basically live in walled cities. For clarity, these cities are basically just cramped buildings people live in run by the government that, while they have electricity, water, and other necessities, is still kind of crappy. The government in question is also has enacted a permanent state of martial law, forcing a lot of people to work on weapons and ammunition in barely held together factories or just forcing them to become soldiers to help fight the demons.",
"There are also people, who through means most people don't know how except for a rare few, gained powers that are similar yet also distinct from the demons, and they are “employed” by the government to help them fight off the demons trying to kill the rest of humanity scattered throughout what’s left of civilization. Though, it’s less “employed,” and more them offering a bunch of stuff to these empowered people and hoping they agree, because some of them have the powers that are all but impossible for them to control with there weapons/supplies.\nSo, I wanted to have the remaining governments basically have a database of these empowered people, for plot reasons that mostly involve hacking, but I’m not sure how feasible that would be given the circumstances of my world. The powers I have in mind for the humans aren’t really made for helping with more technological-based problems, more the “kill that big glowy fire guy” type problems. And as for the current tech level, it's kind of a \"use whatever scraps and wires leftover from destroyed cities, powerlines, handheld devices like phones, and whatever else they can get their hands on to try and maintain some semblance of society.\" Which leads me to my question:\nWhat exactly would it take for my world’s government to create and maintain a database of empowered people? Any help would be appreciated, as I am not that good with technology!",
"To maintain animals, you need plants. To maintain plants, you need warmth, light, or ideally both.\nYour demons and monsters are unlikely to take a side salad with their meals, so they would probably prey on the largest non-monstrous creature in the area. If a monster eats like a carnivorous human, let's say each monster needs 50 pigs a year, one per week, ish. Supporting large animals like that requires some serious calories to be available.\nTo this end, I would suggest making your city home to geothermal power, which fuels the growth of dark-leafed plants , mosses, and lichens that survived 99% of the lights going out. Maybe that's why that location was chosen for the city in the first place? It's not unreasonable to think that these near-future people could gene-splice together crops tailored to grow underground; imagine a field of wheat, or an apple tree, almost jet black. Over a thousand years of neglect, basically everything broke down, including the heat transfer conduits, meaning a large number of physically disparate locations within are overrun with plant and animal life, all supported by heat not going where it was designed to go. And as a bonus, this provides light in some places, in the form of dully glowing metal.\nSo, with all that out of the way: vehicles would be rusted to unrecognisable scrap, and completely devoid of paint. Ditto signage.",
"Windows would probably be alright, unless the heat's really something to write home about in some places, in which case they would likely have broken from either sustained heating or repeated heating and cooling, depending on how static the environment is. Note that suspended windows, like the wall panels of large public buildings such as art galleries, are held in place using metal fasteners that will definitely have given way. Electronic circuitry is a non-starter, as others have said, but it's always possible to fix some stuff with Handwavium technology.\nBuildings are a little more tricky. Some concrete mixtures will last centuries, some will be crumbling in fifteen years. Some buildings don't even use concrete anymore, or if they do, only in the foundations. An underground city doesn't sound like something that would spring up organically, which implies it was a designed habitat, which implies that it would have been put together all around the same time, or at least sufficiently close enough together that after 1000 years it makes no difference. The key, then, is consistency: decide how unstable and crumbled your buildings are, and stick to it (at least by category; steel-framed buildings would definitely have collapsed, long ago, and rusted into almost nothing).\nPersonally, I'd go a little unusual and flatten your city a bit, make it so the wildlife and passage of time have made it into a semi-open plain, with concrete pebbles and dead things forming a semi-toxic soil underfoot, dotted with outcroppings in the form of old buildings. It's not quite a maze, it's too open for that, but it's certainly not somewhere your average line of sight is very long. If you want to gain access to any of the old buildings, you'll need to bring seismic imaging equipment and a shovel.",
"At the risk of an endless stream of downvotes, just employ them.\nThe construct of currency and employment IS slavery. Keep people doing meaningless, menial jobs and give them an arbitrary unit of currency representing a figment of your imagination which they can exchange for things you create that they don't need but may want. Factor in some made up threat that they will have to face if they cease to participate and you have just created, or recreated, slavery as it currently is.\nHow do you re-create slavery after it has vanished 500 years after some war? Well, you've had 500 years for people to forget about the stupidity of human derived labor and exchange, so your androids can deviously begin to rebuild the architecture of economy that they have lost concept of. Since they appear to be on good terms with the humans, they may be able to convince them of some kind of threat that affects humans alone, like a level of toxicity in the air that will not affect the androids. Barter an exchange of services at first. Something absent of the fusion batteries so they don't link the two. We will do this.",
"Your part will be to do this. A mutual exchange.\nMeanwhile, these meaningless tasks are actually an effort at gathering the materials necessary for building and developing the batteries your androids need. Surely by this point 500 years later they have deconstructed a few and may have an idea on how to make them if they had the raw materials. Plus, since you have to keep your humans alive and pacified, you also gather the means to build recreation and exercise facilities, nourishment development, and some kind of sports game since for reasons unknown and absolutely and completely baffling to me in real life - sports just seem to refuse to ween in appeal and an unbelievable number of people currently and historically obsess over the trivial banalities of a gaggle of humans chasing after a ball. With all of these developments, the humans will not only perform your tasks, but they will relish them and praise you for restoring humanity. Eventually, even if it is revealed that you did all of this just to get an endless supply of fusion batteries, they will still see and believe anything you tell them if you tell them over and over.\nBasically, exactly the same as the world we currently live in except it's 500 years after a war that crushed civilization, caused dissension, and left a bunch of people to rebuild in a new world where conquest, making and breaking treaties, and savagely taking everything for themselves so they can profit from it and control those they believe to be less than themselves is not only regular, but necessary to keep an exponentially growing populace under control... oh wait.",
"It never had any value to begin with. It was a product where the marketing got ahead of the development. Some smooth talking salesman found himself in possession of the stuff, silver-tongued his way through a huge sale by promising all sorts of valuable properties to the metal, and it caught on. The material started changing hands, shot up in value as a untested commodity because it's so shiny, it has to be great, right?\nLarge organizations (banks, corporations, government factions) caught wind of the hype and started \"Go west, young man\" campaigns to get cheap labor in on the ground floor. Promises of wealth and a solid career in the MGM industry brought lots of men and women out to seek their fortune. Soon warehouses all over the map were full of the stuff.\nThen the metallurgists got a few samples.",
"People were bringing in nuggets, ingots, anything they could get. All were asking for the miracle devices they were promised to be crafted. Weapons, armor, machine parts, the works.\nIt turns out it is only useful as an alloy to other metals, usually metals that are so scarce, large-scale practical uses are too far out of scope for the amount of materials any one person or organization can realistically possess. However, the metallic mix is close to 80% MGM and 20% Unobtainium.\nOr the process of making the alloy is so time consuming or dangerous to not be worth the effort.\nEither way, many small trinkets exist, horseshoes, ashtrays. Whispers exist of a family that has an entire cutlery set made from MGM and Unobtainium (Or just plain MGM if that's what you go for, if so, ignore the next paragraph).\nBecause of the scarcity of the Unobtainium, MGM values have plummeted to nil. Sure, some people still run mining ventures because the occasional investor can be duped into thinking that when Unobtainium becomes Scarce-but-still-possible-to-obtainium the future of MGM will blow through the roof.\nAs for now, the abundant surplus of MGM sits uselessly in warehouses, frequently in ghost towns. The value of the material is so low it's not worth paying a few laborers a day's work to move the stock.\nThe door the party encounters is clearly made of either masterfully crafted MGM or the 80/20 mix.",
"How difficult would it be to make high-power energy weapons undetectable?\nTake, if you will, a sci-fi setting in which power is cheap and handheld energy weapons (blasters, lasers, plasma rifles, that sorta thing) are common. In this setting is an isolated community basically dedicated to stealth and assassination (think \"ninjas in space\").\nOstensibly, my space-ninjas favor traditional ninja weapons (shuriken, swords and the like) and ninja tricks over the energy weapons which are not only significantly more powerful but far easier to obtain, because of the stealth aspect: Any energy weapon which can generate and use enough power to be…well…an effective weapon, would basically be detectable by pretty much anyone with a mind to detect them. It would be like trying to sneak around with a giant neon sign flashing \"← Here is a ninja\".\nThey may be many things, but space-ninjas are not stupid. If they could still do their job and sneak around while using a blaster, they'd totally do it. Right now, I'm sorta handwaving this away as being logistically impossible: sure, we could make you a blaster that can't be detected, but it would require so much shielding that it would either (a) lose all portability or (b) end up prohibitively expensive.",
"And even then, it wouldn't help you when you decide to actually fire the thing.\nBut I'm not sure how realistic this is. It seems to me that due to being portable yet practical hand weapons in the first place, heavy shielding would already be a built-in necessity just to prevent the device from arcing electricity everywhere or sticking to every metal surface around when it's turned on. However, my knowledge of electromagnetism is pretty much limited to high school physics class and having watched a lot of Star Trek, which isn't really as helpful as it might seem.\nI'm still researching exactly how the weapons would work, technology-wise, and since all worldbuilding to this point has focussed on the ninjas who plain don't (or shouldn't) use them it's not been a huge concern yet. I could easily just say that the plasma rifles are of necessity run off of a handwavium power cell — instantly detectable by any easily-produced handwavometer — and get the desired results (i.e. ninjas avoiding tech), but I would prefer to keep my handwavium within reasonable limits. For the purposes of this question, I'm less interested in the detectability of the hypothetical sci-fi power source and more about the detectability of any electrical device designed to draw and handle that much energy.\nAssuming everything is basically powered by electricity, how viable would it be to have — and use — that much power portably without it producing enough of a distinguishable effect to instantly set off an alarm from any system designed to look for it?",
"Enhancement Magic is Easy\nThere are of course mages who can summon lightning to strike the battlefield, and to a greater extent, men with the ability to fling balls of flame from their fingertips. But for many, their greatest tool is the ability to cast small enhancements on their weapons and armor. A quick cast of Sharpness allows their sword to slice through un-enchanted wood and metal. A little extra power channeled into their boots can give a strong push off, allowing them to run faster and jump farther, darting across the battlefield. They are certainly better off than the average warrior. Unfortunately, even the most clever soldier can be caught unawares by a well placed rifle shot. If they can interpose their shield between themselves and the musket fire, the bullets will likely ricochet off, but the impact of a rain of musket fire will certainly force them back. And if a single shot makes it through, it could disrupt their concentration. Once they lose focus on their enhancements, they'll be peppered endlessly.\nLead Munitions\nMagic is great, but even the toughest mage's shield is like paper to a lead ball.",
"They can't be fired far due to their weight, and the balls tend to be a little expensive, not to mention toxic if the holders aren't careful after using them, but there's no arguing with results. These rounds can't be used effectively for ranged combat against another rifle brigade, but can certainly help repel a group of magic-weapon wielding foes, provided you can keep your head down. Of course, this all depends on your being lucky enough to avoid being hit by a wave of thunder dashing you against the wall at your back.\nGun Hunters\nGunfire is all too common of a risk to mages. No matter how big your spell, a single round through the skull will put a stop to the casting. A few mages have taken exception to this, and instead seek to alter the course of a battle by removing their most deadly opponents. The best of these are not great archmages, but instead function as small units of guerilla tactic-employing warriors. Using magic to create a dampening aura, they stamp out the ignition of sparks with their presence. This means, of course, that they are unable to create any flames or gunfire themselves, but this doesn't matter to them. They're much more comfortable with eliminating groups of riflemen with a short-sword. A job made much too easy by the foolish reliance on working firearms, with only a silly little bayonet to protect them from these squads.",
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"Update: roommate bad owner\nHey all Here’s the update as promised. She told me to stop letting her outside because the neighbor doesn’t like it. I explained she needs to go out after being home for several hours to pee and for fresh air.\nI then broached the subject about the dogs needs for walks/playtime and she said her dogs not a lab, and made a bunch of excuses about taking her out on weekends blah blah blah but I’ve seen nothing like that since I’ve been here.",
"As she’s putting makeup on to go out again and leave for the night. Dogs left alone 15 hr/day. I’m considering moving out and finding a sublet. So sad for the dog.",
"Roommate is bad dog owner\nI moved in with my roommate just over a month ago and noticed she is not a good owner.\nThe dog is left 8+ hours, then she will come home, throw food in the bowl and leave for the night. The dog gets walked maybe 3x/week by her. She’s left alone most of the time by herself. The dog is just over a year old.\nShe’s a super gentle, sweet, playful and loving lab. When you ask for the ball she so gently let’s you take it from her mouth. I can tell she’s attention starved and is depressed. She just lays down looking sad all the time and isn’t social with other dogs ( I take her for walks at least 1x/day as I can). She gets so excited when I come home. The owner complains the dog is never happy when she gets home, but she doesn’t realize it’s because the dog knows she will be ignored anyway.\nI’m so frustrated with my roommate. I worked in rescue for years, and while I know this is far better than what many animals have to deal with in the world , I know the dog deserves a home with a family and people who will engage her in play and take her out for activities in the day.",
"This dog deserves that. To be part of a family and feel loved.\nI am thinking about how to approach this to my roommate, if I should at all. She’s younger than me, she’s 26, and got the dog after a breakup. I don’t think she realizes how much play and interaction is needed. In other words, when she’s home, the dog needs to feel like part of the pack.\nI don’t know how to do this without offending my roommate. I want to suggest maybe an elderly cat as a rescue who would do much better with this type of a situation. I know if it weren’t for me the dog would never get out or get playtime and basically be alone all the time. It breaks my heart. I take her for walks and play with her because I feel so bad, but then there’s a reason I don’t have a dog. I don’t have the time to do everything a dog needs. I feel so bad I can’t do everything for her.\nFeedback or advice appreciated.",
"Should I return her?\nI have an adult male small dog. Looks like a poodle, but smaller. He’s 6 years old, has a reserved personality, doesn’t like anyone disturbing his business. We had to take care of his brother for some time but my dog never accepted him.",
"He would get super angry, bark at him and would bite him. So we decided to not take care of the brother again. I thought this behavior was because both were males.\nThinking things would be different with a female dog, I brought a female husky puppy. Same thing is happening, and I am scared they don’t like each other ever, and one the husky is bigger they’ll fight a lot 🥲 she learned to bark and always barks at him when she gets mad..\nI don’t know if I should return her, my mom y telling me that’s the best hung to do right now …",
"Moving out\nI’m moving out of my parents home for the first time in the upcoming weeks. The problem is my little kitty <PERSON>. I went and got <PERSON> a little after COVID for the family with my mom at an animal shelter. Ever since we first met her she had such a loving and different personality that we had to take her home that day. She’s almost 2 now and is truly a one of a kind kitty. She’s never hissed at us unless in a really stressful situation nor does she do things maliciously.",
"She is very vocal and likes to do things like fetch and stuff. I like to think of her as half dog half cat. Anyways whenever I think about having to leave and not bring her with me I get very upset. My mom and older brother are also very attached to the cat and I don’t want to take her away from a place where she has more company and people. She is also very close to my mother so I know she would get the company she needs. I guess I’m asking for peoples personal experiences or if I should get another kitty etc etc. Thank you :))",
"I’m at a loss right now on potty training\nThe dog is a 8 month old Great Pyrenees names <PERSON>. I’ve had her almost a month a half and she uses the bathroom outside and doesn’t have my accidents for a week then after she was let out 2 hours earlier she crapped and peed on the floor. I have never had a dog have accidents like this before maybe once after we got it potty trained for my previous once’s. But this happens to frequently I’m not sure what the problem is.",
"I’ve been doing all the things I was told to reward her when she goes outside take her on a set schedule But it’s not working. She even has another dog there a 6 year old Great Dane that goes outside with her. The next step I see is having her in a kennel the entire night and when everyone leaves the house. I don’t want to it seems cruel to me not letting her have freedom in the house but I don’t know another solution. And taking her back to the shelter is worse then her being in a kennel I believe.",
"My 2 year old rescue isn’t house trained\nShe is a hyper, anxious terrier mix who also happens to poop only in the house. I’m worried she’s conditioned to do that now, and I made the mistake of saying “bad dog” and getting angry at her which supposedly is going to only perpetuate her fear of pooping in front of me (according to multiple sources i guess). I just want her to poop outside and not on the carpets inside.",
"I’m crate training her and she has her toy inside the crate. When we catch her pooping in the house she just is too fast for us to put her on a leash and take her outside. We don’t have a fenced in yard and she’s flight risk so we only take her out on a leash.",
"My cat loves then punches the living shit out of my dog\nMy cat is super affectionate towards other cats and dogs. I introduced her to my dog last year and they've gotten along. They sleep together and she will groom his fur as well as rub up against him. Dog isn't too fond of this but he's a small docile old maltese man who has never shown aggression towards each other.\nSometimes, <PERSON> will purr up to him, snuggle with him, then absolutely whack my dog's face for seemingly no reason.",
"Usually lasts for a second, then she's back to snuggling or goes away. Her claws are cut and the dog actually doesn't give much of a fuck, but it scares the living shit out of me because they both like to sit beside me while I WFH and they both want to sleep on my bed.\nI dont know what im after from posting this, it might end up just being a certified unexplainable cat moment. Or maybe someone will comment that my cat is suffering from some chronic disease and to take the pets to the vet STAT. Maybe I'm just sharing this story to see if anyone else has experienced the same thing. Thoughts?\n",
"Leaving small dogs in our house for 2 weeks while on vacation\nHey all, My mom decided that it’s too expensive to board our dogs in a doggie daycare, and that my dogs will be more comfortable being in our house. She hired our cleaning lady to pet sit our dogs.",
"She committed to coming in our house once every morning and night to walk and feed them. I am still feeling anxious and I am nervous about our cleaning lady fulfilling her commitments as she lives half an hour from our house.\nHas anyone else done something like this before? I know boarding them is ideal, but our older dog literally got traumatized from being boarded as the day care had him Play (small 9 pound yorkipoo) with big dogs who ended up hurting him. So we dont want to risk something like that again with him and our younger dog.",
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"The Mother and the Whore\nI mean—French people talking and fucking and self loathing does not get better than this. I love that in 70s Paris, <PERSON> is considered a girl with a big ass — like it’s almost the talk of the town? Yet she carries herself perpetually hunched and shawled up, eyes smoky but unable to conceal a profound sadness. <PERSON> is one of my favorites — sharp, sarcastic, almost too gorgeous to be believably cast aside here. JPL is, well, peak JPL — containing all the angst and anxieties and smarminess of FNW protagonists.\nNew restoration with Françoise Lebrun Q&A.",
"Perfect Days\nA little overly cute for me — semi-structuralist arthouse for your parents to enjoy. Great leading performance.",
"Gets a lot of mileage out of its depiction of the quiet joys of routine. Ends strongly.\nBut I absolutely hated the B&W dream sequences. And while I’m complaining: props to <PERSON> for choosing a (unfortunately kinda bad) Stones song that even I was not familiar with, but other than that, I was a bit disappointed by the bland obviousness of this much-hyped dad rock soundtrack…your mostly plotless, needledrop-focused movie about a music collector’s got a prominent “Brown Eyed Girl” sequence? It opens with “House of the Rising Sun”?!? “Dock of the Bay”???? “Feeling Good”???? Cmon!!!!!!!!",
"Nostalgia\nFor all the poetry and transcendence and desperate sincerity there also is something so sour about this movie. I mean there's a lot of bitterness in <PERSON> in general that the One Perfect Shot crowd doesn't talk about so much (thinking of <PERSON>'s first reaction to seeing <PERSON> in Solaris) but in particular the moment when <PERSON>'s tape player craps out before his, uh, big moment in Rome is almost unbearably cruel.",
"But funny, too! Or the long take of <PERSON> drunkenly rambling to a small Italian child... It feels like the scene in Lenny when <PERSON> is bombing, but this time the room is halfway underwater. Knowing the backstory of this project it almost seems like it should be a self-pitying disaster, but it's all just sadistic enough to follow me around all day like a dark cloud.",
"The Irishman\n“He’s dead? Who did it?”\n“Cancer.”\nI found this a touch overrated upon release, but <PERSON> — once you’re keyed into <PERSON>’s thematic goals regarding the pathetic, “just following orders” nature of his protagonist here, this thing just sings. I unfairly derided the aesthetic here as having “Netflix sheen” back in the day, and while the look is perhaps overly digital and clean, it still looks — let’s be real — heads and shoulders above most anything else being made at the moment. <PERSON>, <PERSON>, and especially <PERSON> are all delivering performances that rank among their very best, the script is absurdly detailed and honestly impressively subtle…it’s a fucking masterpiece.",
"Easily better than Casino and among <PERSON>’s best. One of the great films about the act of dying. Bring on Flower Moon.",
"Anatomy of a Fall\nA movie about how deeply unserious and misogynistic the French are.\nIt doesn’t really do much new that other family-centered courtroom dramas haven’t done better save for exposing the many, often tiny biases against women that are engrained in society. The opposite of that same preconception that helps <PERSON>’s case in Kramer vs. Kramer mixed with <PERSON>’s uphill battle in Marriage Story.\nFunny how mockumentary-ish the filmmaking was at points, which was clearly meant to evoke immediacy but instead took me out of it.",
"It works to its favor that it’s helmed by an immaculate leading performance. <PERSON> carefully balances fear and doubt and so much constrained emotion. She probably won this the Palm d’Or all by herself.",
"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas\nFor as bombastic as this movie is, to me, it is the cowardly younger brother of Apocalypse Now. You know, the one that makes you stand behind him at the computer and watch youtube poop memes.\nEveryone clearly Showed Up to work for this film…production design is fantastic (as expected), <PERSON> is doing some great proto-Rango work…and <PERSON> is responsible for the singular emotionally effective scene in whole thing (at the diner).\nEverything else is flashy immaturity.",
"A <PERSON> aside that goes on for too long. A guy whispering nonesense in your ear while he is chewing something wet. <PERSON> is obsessed with spectacle and iconography and nothing much else underneath, which is maybe fitting for a movie stumbling around Vegas I guess whatevwerrrrreeeeeeee\nanyways time to watch legally blonde 2",
"Dog Day Afternoon\nThank God I did not know anything about this movie because the experience I just had was transcendent.\nThe opening was so funny I was asking myself if this had been a comedy all along, until I realized that the absurdism was just a reality of the overall situation. It’s funny, yes, but it’s also tense and thrilling and tragic all over, to the point where I sobbed my eyes out during that one phone call towards the end.\nWhat a heartbreaking little moment that oddly encapsulates the personal cost of queerness, the lengths to which society can push you by means of rejection.",
"When a society doesn’t afford you dignity, you are forced to demand it.\nAlso, the actual bank robber <PERSON> is playing was as hot, if not hotter, than <PERSON> himself. No wonder the tellers were like “whatever you say, handsome”. Like, same.",
"Hi, Mom!\nTwo perfectly good, separate, movies; short films even, coexist in 86 minutes of runtime in <PERSON> Hi, Mom!. The only problem is that this isn’t two movies. While both parts are brilliant in their own ways, they simply do not fit. It’s pretty upsetting.",
"<PERSON> futile yet unique attempts to make a porno surely makes an amazing comedy, and his radical theatrical production and later guerilla warfare make for a hugely theoretical and impactful political thriller of sorts, but there simply isn’t enough reason for these stories to intersect. It doesn’t feel like one movie. Because it shouldn’t be. If you split this film in half I’d give each half a higher rating than this. It’s a single flaw, but it’s a pretty damn big one.",
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"If this question refers to the fact that saliva does not clean as well as water, as in trying to lick your lips clean, and finding that you still feel somewhat sticky, then it must be because saliva is only composed of 99.5% water. The other components of saliva leave a film on your skin when you’ve tried to lick yourself clean…\nSaliva contains mucus, for instance, which is composed of mucopolysaccharides and glycoproteins, which are themselves “sugars”, so there you’re trying to remove something while adding some of it. Not too efficient. However, this mucus is essential to forming the slimy lump of masticated food known as the bolus which can then slide smoothly down the esophagus. Plain water would not have this effect.\nElectrolytes contained in saliva, such as sodium, chloride, bicarbonate might leave a salty residue. Up to 8 million human cells and 500 million bacterial cells are present in one ml of saliva. Bacterial products (small amino acids, amines and thiols) can be responsible for bad odors and would leave something behind that pure water wouldn’t.",
"So If you don’t have any water available, you can use saliva to clean up, but it won’t do as good a job!\nIf the question refers to why saliva wouldn’t clean our teeth completely after eating sweet foods, I agree that would be so practical! The fact is that saliva does get the process started. Various enzymes play a role in breaking down food particles trapped in dental crevices, thus helping to protect against tooth decay. Sorry if that job needs to be finished with dental floss and a toothbrush!\nPtyalin, secreted by the acinar cells of the parotid and submandibular glands begins the digestion of starch in the mouth, during mastication. Lipase has to be in the acidic environment of the stomach to start digesting fats. Antibacterial enzymes such as lysozyme, salivary lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin and ImmunoglobulinA attack bacteria in the mouth.\nSaliva is supersaturated with various ions, which keep the Ph of the mouth between 6.2 and 7.4, a Ph range which protects the enamel of the teeth by preventing the dissolution of minerals in the hard dental tissues. By the way, do you know why small wounds in the mouth heal so fast? Because of Epidermal Growth Hormone, EPH, present in saliva! And let’s not forget that saliva moistens the mouth, dissolves the molecules for tasting, and is essential for swallowing!\nSaliva isn’t pure water, thank goodness because all of its other components are so essential to saliva’s role in the body. So it doesn’t clean stickiness on the skin or in the mouth as well as a damp cloth or a toothbrush, but that’s not what it’s there for!",
"#1 Why aren’t Viruses “alive.”\nAccording to the seven characteristics of life, all living organisms must grow, reproduce, respond to stimuli, evolve, respire, excrete and have a highly complex organized structure. Biologists use some of these characteristics to determine whether something is living or non-living. Let’s look at some of these traits and how they compare with those of viruses to better understand why viruses are not living organisms.\nLiving organisms reproduce by passing on genetic information dissimilar to viruses which replicate after hijacking the host’s cells. The continuity of life occurs because organisms reproduce themselves using a molecular blueprint called DNA. Unlike living organisms, viruses can neither grow nor reproduce independently since they do not have the compound cellular organelles that this activity requires. It requires the help of another living organism to replicate.",
"For a virus to survive and multiply, it needs all three things: a host cell with some of its own genetic material; another living organism (usually bacteria) that will serve as a \"vector\"; and finally, one or more basic tryptophan molecules that makeup part of the genome. When they infect a cell, they use the host’s DNA to replicate their own genetic material and then use the host’s machinery to make new virus particles. Since they have no cell membranes or organelles, viruses are not considered living organisms.\nMoreover, compared to living organisms with cell membranes and other organelles such as ribosomes and mitochondria sites for protein synthesis and respiration, viruses have no membranes; they consist of either DNA or RNA molecules surrounded by a protein layer. They also have no ribosomes to make protein, no cytoplasm, and no energy source because they have no mitochondria.\nLiving things react to changes in their environment. Organisms react to internal and external environmental fluctuations since they have sensory apparatus that allows them to respond to illumination, sound, chemicals, and many other influences from the surrounding, unlike viruses which only interact with the cells they invade based on the virus’ chemical makeup and the environment in which it ends up. From the comparisons above, one can conclude that the simplicity and characteristics of viruses make it impractical to term them as living, making it impossible to classify them as living organisms.",
"The question as it is posed is nonsensical. In chemistry, an element is a pure substance consisting only of atoms which all have the same number of protons in their nuclei; it cannot be further broken down into simpler substances by a chemical reaction.\nTaste is a completely biological concept, an interaction between our taste bud receptors and a combination of many elements making up the substance we are tasting. Pure elements don’t exist in nature to be tasted, so our taste receptors aren’t made to react to them. In fact, most elements would be poisonous, as well as not taste anything.\nThe human tongue contains between 2,000 and 10,000 taste buds, each of which are made up of 50 to 150 taste receptor cells. These cells contain receptors, microvilli called taste hairs, which extend upward inside the taste pore. The microvilli come into contact with tastants, or taste stimulating compounds, dissolved in oral saliva after intake/mastication, which enter the taste pore. They interact at the microscopic level through protein receptors or ion channels. Then the chemical stimuli are transduced through the sensory cell and the electric impulse is conducted to the brainstem by the afferent gustatory nerve fibers.\nThere are five basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami.",
"A high concentration of Na+/sodium ions in the saliva causes the gustatory epithelial cells to depolarize and release neurotransmitters, interpreted by the brain as a salty taste. Sour tastes occur in a similar process, by direct diffusion of ions, but in response to high H+/Hydrogen ion concentrations, that is, acids. Sour-detecting gustatory cells will depolarise as the concentrations increase. Sweet taste involves the detection of sugars, such as glucose and monosaccharides, by special G-protein coupled receptors rather than direct diffusion of ions. Likewise, bitter taste is the detection of long-chain organic compounds known as alkaloids which contain basic nitrogen ions. Umami taste is a detection of certain amino acids such as glutamine and may be loosely considered as the “taste of proteins”. Hot and spicy flavors are actually pain/temperature sensations caused by the substance called “capsaicin” in food, binding to thermoreceptors whose function is to prevent burning of the mouth and tongue.\nChemical properties do define/direct taste, though not of elements, but of substances, a combination of elements. I would add that any food contains a great number of flavor components , chocolate alone contains over 800. No food is only sweet or only sour, etc… This is what makes tasting so interesting!",
"Hypothermia (when the body is too cold) is said to occur when the core body temperature of an individual has dropped below 35° celsius. Normal core body temperature is 37°C. (1) Hypothermia is then further subdivided into levels of seriousness (2) (although all can be damaging to health if left for an extended period of time)\n* Mild 35–32 °C: shivering, vasoconstriction, liver failure (which would eventually be fatal) or hypo/hyper-glycemia (problems maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, both of which could eventually be fatal).\n* Moderate 32–28 °C: pronounced shivering, sufficient vasoconstriction to induce shock, cyanosis in extremities & lips (i.e. they turn blue), muscle mis-coordination becomes more apparent.\n* Severe 28–20 °C: this is where your body would start to rapidly give up. Heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure fall to dangerous levels (HR of 30bpm would not be uncommon - normally around 70-100). Multiple organs fail and clinical death (where the heart stops beating and breathing ceases) soon occurs.\nHowever, as with most things in human biology, there is a wide scope for variation between individuals. The Sweedish media reports the case of a seven year old girl recovering from hypothermia of 13°C (3) (though children are often more resilient than adults).\nHyperthermia (when the body is too hot - known in its acute form as heatstroke) and is medically defined as a core body temperature from 37.5–38.3 °C (4). A body temperature of above 40°C is likely to be fatal due to the damage done to enzymes in critical biochemical pathways (e.g.",
"respiratory enzymes).\nAs you mentioned burns, I will go into these too. Burns are a result of contact with a hot object or through infra-red (heat) radiation. Contact with hot liquid is referred to as a scald rather than a burn. Tests on animals showed that burns from hot objects start to take effect when the object is at least 50°C and the heat applied for over a minute. (5)\nFreeze-burn/frostbite, which is harder to heal than heat burns(6) occurs when vaso-constriction progresses to the degree where blood flow to affected areas is virtually nil. The tissue affected will eventually literally freeze, causing cell destruction. (7) Similarly to hypothermia, frostbite is divided into four degrees (that can be viewed on Wikipedia).\nAs to the matter of global warming cooking us to death, I would imagine that it would be more indirect changes that got us first. If the average temperature had risen to the necessary 40°C to cause heat-stroke, sea levels would have risen hugely due to the melting of the polar ice caps. Crops and other food sources would likely be affected too, therefore I don't think that global warming is overly likely to directly kill humans.",
"Stye Stone\nIntroduction: Stye Stone\nIntroduction\nEvery so often I develop a stye or sty; aka hordeolum. A stye is a red painful bump on the inside or outside of the upper or lower edge of the eyelid. A stye is a bacterial infection. When it occurs on the inside of the eyelid an oil gland of the eyelid has become blocked. The oil helps lubricate the surface of the eye. The stye on the external eyelid is an infection in the root of the eyelash. Most of the time a stye will go away on its own.\nThe standard treatments to speed up healing for a stye are warm compress, clean the eyelid with mild soap, gentle message, antibiotic or anti-inflammatory ointment. My stye is on the inside of my eyelid and have lived it for 7 months. I have had antibiotic and other treatments short of surgery. My relief has come from a Stye Stone. A warm compress was very time consuming, after multiple times heating up a face cloth I stopped. My life is very busy and having to wait around for the water to heat up and apply a “warm” wet cloth was cumbersome. I would use the compress treatment for a couple of days, then other things became a priority.",
"I would resume when time permitted but the reduction in swelling was minimal at best.\nThe Solution\nI started to work the problem. How could I maintain moist heat for 3 to 5 mins? The water on the cloth cooled off quickly and the stand-by “hot” water was too hot to re-apply. What could I use to keep the water on the cloth hot, something reusable, something with good thermal properties…\nRice bag? No.\nReusable heat pad? Kind of bulky.\nWhat about a stone? Yes.\nThe benefits of this instructable are to give you\n1) a working knowledge to provide a first aid treatment.\n2) to provide a labor-saving first aid devise and\n3) to provide a low cost first aid devise.\nNote This is an educational instruction for a First Aid device, consult with a professional to see if this is the best treatment for your ailment or for ongoing treatment.\nRhyme\nTo rock a bye stye on my eyelid,\nAn eye ailment an image lurid.\nMake a compress with a heated stone,\nHealing will come add water as shown.\nNext Supplies.\nStep 1: Supplies\nSupplies:\n1) Small Stone,\n2) Face cloth,\n3) Small bowl,\n4) Water and\n5) Heat source.\nAbout the Stone\nFind a stone, one small enough to hold comfortably, smooth and without cracks. Clean the stone before use.\nNext Wrap the Stone\nStep 2: Wrap the Stone\nWrap the face cloth around the stone.\nNext Heat the Stone\nStep 3: Heat the Stone\nPlace the Stye Stone into the microwave oven. Set the timer for less than a minute, depending on size of the stone.\nNote: Microwave wattage vary from model to model. Your heating time may differ.\nNext Warm the Water\nStep 4: Warm the Water\nWarm up a bowl of water in a microwave oven for about 1 min.\nNote: Microwave wattage vary from model to model. Your heating time may differ.\nNext Water and Stone Meet\nStep 5: Water and Stone Meet\nWater and stone meet to make moist heat.\nDip the wrapped stone into the bowl of warm water wait 15 seconds. If the water and Stye Stone are too hot, wait for it to cool.\nNext Apply to the Stye\nStep 6: Apply to the Stye\nPlace the Stye Stone on the stye, rotate the stone as the cloth cools. Do not apply the Stye Stone if it feel hot on the stye. Remove and let cool.\nRe-dip the Stye Stone into the warm water as needed.\nAfter 5 mins. wash and dry the Stye Stone so it is ready for the next time.\nNext Observations &Summary\nStep 7: Observations & Summary\nObservations\nApply the Stye Stone 2 times a day. You should see the stye clearing up after about a week. As a first aid treatment this works well. This Stye Stone has served its purpose to reduce the healing time of the stye infection.\nBenefits\n1) This Stye Stone can be repeatedly use.\n2) This stone can be used for other treatments.\nNote This is an educational instruction for a First Aid device, consult with a professional to see if this is the best treatment for your ailment or for ongoing treatment.\nSummary\nI am a happy guy,\nsaying bye to my stye.\nDo you want to try?",
"Introduction\nThe system that regulates body energy store consumption is hugely complicated, but is mainly a cooperation between hormones released by the pancreas (insulin - lowers blood sugar and glucagon - raises blood sugar) and the liver (as the bodies main glycogen store and factory for various energy related tasks).\nFed State\nIn the fed state (high blood glucose e.g. after a meal), the body produces a large amount of insulin. When the ratio of insulin:glucagon is high (≈0.5):\n* Dietary glucose is absorbed by the liver when glucose concentrations are over 8mM. This glucose is then either\n* used in respiration by the liver\n* converted to glycogen to be stored in the liver\n* converted into fatty acids which are then transported out to the periphery in very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs)\n* Adipose tissue (fat tissue) takes up glucose in the blood. This glucose is then:\n* used in respiration by the adipose tissue\n* converted into fatty acids then tri-acyl-glycerols (TAGs) - fat.",
"VLDLs from the liver can also be absorbed by adipose cells to be used for this.\n* Skeletal Muscle again directly absorbs glucose from the blood\n* During contraction glucose is used directly in respiration to fuel the activity\n* In preparation for future contraction it is converted into glycogen and stored in the cell\n* Amino acids are incorporated into cellular proteins though if they are superfluous then they can be used in respiration\n* The brain directly absorbs glucose and uses it in respiration\nEarly Fasting State\nWhere the insulin:glucagon ratio has dropped to around 0.15\n* In the liver\n* Glycogenolysis is activated to release glucose from stored glycogen to compensate for falling plasma glucose levels (signalled by elevated glucagon)\n* Triglycerides in the liver are preferentially broken down for hepatic respiration - fatty acids are transported in from the blood to meet the livers own energy demands\n* The liver begins the process of gluconeogenesis - making glucose from non-carbohydrate precursors\n* Adipose tissue\n* Rapidly starts lipolysis - stored fats are broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol.\n* Some of the free fatty acids are used for the adipose tissues own respiratory demands\n* The majority is released to the periphery to be utilised by other tissues\n* The glycerol released can't be used by most tissues, but is taken up by the liver where it can be used to make glucose by gluconeogenesis\n* Skeletal Muscle\n* Uptake of glucose from the periphery is reduced to preserve glucose for cells that can't easily use other fuels - e.g. the brain or red blood cells\n* Free fatty acids become the main fuel for skeletal muscles to conserve the glucose for elsewhere\n* Unlike in the liver, glycogenolysis is not activated as there are no glucagon receptors in muscle tissue. This means glucose is only produced from glycogen when muscles are actively contracting, as before.\n* At this point proteins can start to be broken down, their skeletons used as an immediate source of energy and amino acids released to be taken up by the liver and used in gluconeogenesis\n* The brain directly absorbs glucose and uses it in respiration. Fatty acids can not be used as these do not cross the blood brain barrier\nLate Fasting State\nIf there has still been no glucose intake, the insluin:glucagon ratio falls even further, to around 0.05.\n* Liver\n* No further glucose has entered the liver and within 24h all hepatic glycogen stores have been depleted\n* Gluconeogenesis becomes the principle source of all plasma glucose - the liver creates new glucose from:\n+ Amino acids - muscle & liver protein breakdown\n+ Glycerol - from adipose tissue\n+ Lactate - from red blood cells and muscles\n* High amounts of fatty acids are converted into Acetyl CoA to be used in respiration by the liver, but too much Acetyl-CoA is produced. The remainder is converted into ketone bodies that are useless to the liver, so jettisoned to be used by other tissues (esp. the brain)\n* Adipose tissue\n* As the fast continues into a few days, adipose tissue adapts to producing large amounts of free fatty acids.",
"When you say 'humans can not smell when they have water trapped in their noses', I believe you mean the loss of the sense of scent caused due to nasal congestion, which is due to inflammation, blocking the scent receptors in the nasal cavity (any mechanical blockage preventing odours from reaching the olfactory nerves can cause a loss of sense of smell. This blockage can be due to inflammatory processes like simple infections causing mucus plugs or nasal polyps(1)). Since the basic structure of the respiratory tract is similar in mammals, mucous plugs reduce scent sensitivity in elephants as well.\nOlfaction occurs when odourants bind to specific sites on olfactory receptors located in the nasal cavity. They get into the nasal cavity when you breathe or sniff the air.\nMolecules of odourants passing through the superior nasal concha of the nasal passages dissolve in the mucus that lines the superior portion of the cavity and are detected by olfactory receptors on the dendrites of the olfactory sensory neurons.",
"This mucus acts as a solvent for odour molecules, flows constantly, and is replaced approximately every ten minutes. ...(2)\n(Thanks to @Adhish for the above point.)\nIf the water itself has a scent, then, as @KaPy3141 pointed out, it can be distinguished because it is in contact with the olfactory receptors. Scent of anything else outside cannot be determined, because they do not reach the receptors.\nElephant lungs are attached directly to the diaphragm and chest wall, allowing them to create much greater \"vacuum pressure\" for sucking water through their long trunks, while drinking.(3) To open its mouth to breathe would cause the loss of the low pressure and the water column would expelled. So the water column must first be transferred to the mouth, then swallowed before breathing can recommence.(4) Thus, as far as respiration is concerned, they cannot breathe when the trunk contains a column of water, and, as a result, odourants cannot enter the nasal cavity, and elephants cannot smell in this case.\n1-\n2-\n3-\n4-",
"The first thing I want to make clear is that, the B and T that \"will only float around in circulation for a short period of time before dying and being replaced\", are not the ones that have already learned to recognise a certain diseases (or vaccine) but rather the naive cells that haven't yet done so. This is also made clear later in the same answer you cited:\nAs these injected protein sequences circulate through your blood they will eventually bump into a B or T cell that has a receptor that recognizes them. When this happens, the B or T cell will now start to divide and give rise to long lasting memory cells that express the exact same receptor and will therefore recognize the exact same protein sequence again in the future. These cells will float around in your blood for most of your life and make you 'immune' to the recognized pathogen.\nIn order to understand why some vaccines hold for your whole life, while some need a booster every few years we need to look at the life time or recycling of those memory cells, which stay in your body for much longer than the naive immune cells.\nNow we come to the actual answer(s) to your question and there multiple factors that (can) have an influence on this:\n* Initial strength of the immune response: Every vaccine (and/or disease) evokes an immune response with a different strength.",
"Generally the stronger the first response is, the more memory cells will be created initially (those actually don't have correspond to the same molecular memory either, they might recognise different aspects of the vaccine/disease) and with more cells available it will take longer until none are left\n* Natural exposure: memory cells start proliferating when they encounter the molecule (protein/virus/bacteria) which they have 'memorised', if there is an acute infection they will do so a lot in order to produce a lot of antibodies against it. However, even a very small amount of virus/bacteria, that wouldn't actually make you sick, will allow induce them to proliferate and preserve their numbers. Therefore memory cells against a more common or prevalent disease should be more stable in your body, than ones against a very rare one.\n* There very likely more factors that either I or the whole scientific community don't really know about. Cellular systems and the immune system in generally are rather complicated ...",
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"The Empire and Rebellion share the same enemies\nWhile it seems difficult to make sure there's only one rebel group, it's easy to imagine a situation in which one rebel group is vastly predominant over other ones. In fact, there are many examples. For instance:\n1. Democrats v. Republicans -- The parties may be \"at war,\" but they both agree that third parties such as Libertarians or Marxists in power would be far worse(I'm not taking a stance here about whether that is correct). Their combined influence and agreement on this is more than enough to effectively silence third parties(though if both parties' leaders are highly disliked, a third party may gain some traction).\n2. Catholics v. Protestants(in pre-enlightenment Europe)-- They may have considered each other heathens, but they both considered everybody else to be heathens as well. If there was ever a serious threat posed by a third religious sect, say Eastern Orthodoxy or Islam, they would have united temporarily(as Western-European Christians) to crush it.\n3. The Kuomintang v. <PERSON> -- They were bitter enemies, but they were united in national identity.",
"Considering the Japanese to be rebels against Chinese dominance of the east(which could kind of make sense in a twisted way), the KMT and CCP united temporarily to crush the third faction, and only resumed warring when it was deemed that the greater threat to their society was defeated.\nTo integrate this concept with your example, I would suggest that in your world there are really only two political ideologies that have any popular support with the commoners. The first is the caste system currently in place, of course. The second is unlikely to be something as radical as democracy or Socialism, or even a republic, and is more likely to take the form of a military dictatorship by a benevolent secular ruler, a theocracy, or some kind of fragmented city-state model. It could be that your world is young enough that only two forms of government have every really been tried, or it could be that the records of previous civilizations have been lost, or it could be that your society is extremely conservative. But for whatever reason, both the Empire and the Rebellion consider any third political ideologies to be far, far, more dangerous than they consider each other, and so will temporarily unite, for instance freely giving each other intelligence about third factions, just so they can be stamped out.\nStarting a third rebellion would be really difficult, and not worth the expense\n1. Mac v. PC -- (This one is slightly different, and probably less applicable to your scenario). There's enough variation in consumer preference to keep people switching from Mac to PC, or vice versa, when one side slips up or has a breakthrough, but there's not enough variation in consumer tastes to justify the existence of a third for-profit competitor. Apple and Microsoft both have huge infrastructures dedicated to producing a quality product, and an upstart third OS company would not have the resources to create a product as good, and no realistic chance of gaining a large enough number of users to generate the necessary revenues to become a competitor. In essence, the market is only big enough for two, based on costs of production, and amount of variation in tastes.\nApplying this to your scenario, it could be that most people don't care what replaces the current system, inasmuch as they really just want the current system gone. Hence, there would be little support for a third faction, as people would just see it as a subtraction of resources from the rebellion that could be used against the Empire(In the same way that people saw <PERSON> as just a subtraction from <PERSON> votes). Because starting a rebellion is very expensive, and everybody thinks the current rebellion is working out for them, there wouldn't be enough interest to generate a third faction.",
"Post War Geopolitics?\nI'm writing a story. In this story, a sufficiently advanced alien descends to Earth, and bestows esper abilities on a third of humanity.(A rank 5 electric Esper for example can generate a 100 Gigawatts(tentative) of electric power constantly).\nFollowing that pandemonium broke out, and several factions, secret society and organisations tried to use the chaos as a means to further their agenda. Guilds were formed among espers, and the Third World War; The Guild War began and was fought for 2 years.",
"The war did not degenerate into a Nuclear war, due to intervention by the Protagonist's former guild(a genius computing prodigy gained the ability to interface with electronics, and systematically locked down all nuclear armaments globally).\nOur chief antagonist <PERSON>, is a member of a faction called the British Imperialists. He managed to outwit our genius protagonist and win over most of his former guild.\nAfter the protagonist's defeat, he worked to unite the world into one Empire. About 2 thirds of the guilds joined him and in the two years since then, he managed to gain 75% support.\nFor the Geopolitics what I've got so far is:\nThe British Commonwealth, was united into \"The Great Kingdom of Britain\", due to the British Imperialists.\nThe former USSR forms \"The Great Kingdom of Russia\"\nChina and Taiwan have been united to form the Great Kingdom of China. Manchuria, Nepal, and some of China's neighbouring countries have been annexed by \"The Great Kingdom of China\".\nI'm thinking of a United E.U, but I'm not sure.\nAfrica is divided; I'm not sure whether the divisions should be as they are now, or should be larger.\nI don't know how South and Central America would be like.\nMaybe Arab Asia and Northern Africa should unite into one Caliphate?\nOceania would be annexed by \"The Great Kingdom of Britain\"\nAlso, \"The Great Kingdom of Britain\", would have desired the USA, as it was former Crown territory.\nSo help please?\nHow'll the USA look like? How'll central and Southern America, Africa and the rest of Asia be? Should the EU be united?\nI want a believable post war Geo politics.",
"TL;DR\nNo, making a country that spans multiple planets is not a good idea.\nWhile it is feasible(ish), it's certainly not very useful. Let's imagine a rudimentary system for the space of this answer. It consists of four worlds:\n* Earth\n* The Moon\n* Mars\n* <PERSON> (orbiting a star 500 light years away)\nOk, so now let's try using a US style government:\nEach planet is divided into 200(ish) 'states', which are equivalent to US states in function, but are much larger, approximately equal to countries on Earth. Further, each 'state' is divided into 'substates' which are the size of US states. Ergo, the organization chain-of-command might look something like:\n1. Federation of Planets\n2. Planet\n3. State\n4. Substate\n5. County\n6.",
"Town\nWe'll assume that the Federation has a constitution similar to that of the US, and that laws work, like in the US in a top down jurisdiction (Ex. a law at the planet level holds across its planet) and a bottom-up importance (Ex. the Federation outlaws wearing tall hats, but <PERSON> specifically permits it, so residents of the planet Bob are allowed to wear tall hats.)\nGreat! You have a functional country.\nAnd then election time comes along. Since, for important plot reasons, the main government is situated in Oklahoma City, the president of the Federation has to live in the Octarine House. Now you have a conundrum. If we assume for a moment that a <PERSON>, a ungendered person who lives on planet Bob, is elected by majority, then they need to travel to Earth to live in the Octarine House. Unfortunately, that leaves the Federation without a president for the next five hundred years while <PERSON> uses relativistic travel to get to Earth.\nIf <PERSON> isn't a source of candidates, then there's a big spat over government without proper representation, and that story has already been told.\nBut let's assume it happened anyways. In the above link, the parent government tried to put down the rebellion and it failed.\nEarth can't even do that. For the same reason that <PERSON> can't elect a president who lives there, Earth can't really attack <PERSON>. Bob is, essentially, under its own rule.",
"Cold War Brinkmanship/Diplomacy\nYour dragons are relatively powerful, as mentioned by the other answers, so they're certainly stronger than a human army on its own, but there is a bit of a problem.\nFemales have a natural lifespan of around a millenium while males live ~500 years. Males are also more common, since females lay clutches of ~6 male eggs every few decades but only 1 female egg approximately every century.\nThat indicates an entire possibility that a Dragon Queen is a major target for any other Dragon Queen, since if you defeat them, either by subterfuge or by defeating them in honorable combat, it wouldn't take long for one Dragon Tribe to eventually find themselves effectively annulled by means of not having a female dragon who can lay another female egg within a century. Best case scenario, you end up with a comedic story about a Dragon Princess not acting like she was next in line to ascend to the Dragon Queen/Empress role, but that also gives large amounts of power to intermediate regents as a result.\nIn a situation like that, the dragons will likely advance up to and through Peace of Westphalia style treaties just to avoid further bloodshed, and likely leading to a League of Nations/United Nations approach of resolving conflicts by diplomatic means well before they get to a point where they actually get to a warring state.\nAll factions would be agreeing to this (Well, except possibly the human slaves themselves, but they would likely be held in line by the dragons' ability to enforce said peace) due to the sheer fear of what would happen if they were invaded by a different <PERSON>.\nThis said, it's not like they wouldn't posture for war\nSo, let's say that Nation X sends a messenger to the Dragon UN to try and claim more land from Nation Y as part of a dispute over resources on some bordering island I.\nAs they're doing that, they may send some of their male dragons to the island I, perhaps in pairs of 2, carrying entire makeshift crates of human soldiers, armed up with equipment to both fight enemy dragons, and enemy humans.\nThen they just wait there and effectively siege the island (Or if there's a non-island territory being disputed, just surround the territory that is being disputed) while they wait to receive an update from the Dragon UN messenger as to the results of the dispute, and either occupy the island, or leave it, if it's determined during the treaty that Nation Y responded by effectively doing the same with equal or more force at island J, and they managed to get a concession out of the original invader, evacuate and leave.\nIf Nation Y doesn't necessarily want to occupy island J instead, and go to island I to confront Nation X, they would likely still be mostly about declaring stakes, and essentially boasting about the size and strength of an army they brought to the area to act as \"muscle\" for the negotiations on the treaty side.\nThis would likely be followed by a lot of public relations by both nations as to the motives of the opposing nation, and as to why they deserve the territory.\nUltimately, this would have a much larger effect on which dragon tribes have more territory based on which tribes have the better luck at having more spare Queens lined up in case of an disagreement leading to an actual fight, or how many male dragons a tribe can spare for these brinkmanship fights along with their human slaves to justify the other side capitulating to their demands - but full-on skirmishes, and outright wars, would likely be very rare, and would only come due to a large portion of diplomatic means breaking down, combined with dragon nations that are willing to risk lower level female dragons due to having enough female dragons to safely have a Dragon Queen buffer in case of a succession crisis due to the conflict getting beyond regularly heated. That said, even in those cases, <PERSON> might be trying to secure exit strategies should the battle turn against their favor quickly on a field of battle - because once the fight begins, the other side might just press their advantage to prevent the attacking nation from attacking them again in the future.",
"Was the term 'final' a misnomer for the Gryffindor-Slytherin match in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?\nThe Gryffindor-Slytherin match was referred to as the final in Prisoner of Azkaban. But was that the correct term to use? Wasn't it just one of six league matches?\nNote\nThis isn't a duplicate of this question.",
"That assumes that the House Trophy consists of six league matches, while my question asks whether there is any canon evidence for the format, depending on which one could say if the word 'final' is applicable in the case mentioned above.\nMy thoughts\nI think this can be answered if we can say definitively whether the House Trophy consisted of six(in the round robin system) or seven(six league matches plus a final) matches.\nI find that evidence kind of points to the first possibility, as:\n* The match in question was actually rescheduled, and was supposed to be the first match of the season.\n* The House Trophy typically ends with a Gryffindor-Ravenclaw match, unlikely if the system had a final. Unlikely because Gryffindor's performances are usually not strong enough to make to the 'final' (if there was one), and the team's fate usually hangs in the balance before the last match. Plus, if there was a final, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw should have met before in the group stage, but no allusion is made to such a match.\n* <PERSON> keeps telling <PERSON> to catch the <PERSON> only if they are more than fifty points up.1 That would be unnecessary if the match was a final as a final is a 'winner-takes-all' kind of match.\nMy question\nIs there any definitive canon evidence for whether the Hogwarts House Trophy had a format consisting of six league matches plus a final**? Or did it consist of just six league matches?\nThat would help understand if it was right to call the Gryffindor-Slytherin match in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban a final.\n1 'So you must only catch it if we're more than fifty points up,' <PERSON> told <PERSON> constantly.\nThe Quidditch Final, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban",
"What location options are available for a large-scale underground mining city\nIn the late 18th century, a strange project was proposed by a Dutch engineer regarding a certain English expedition. The British Empire held a vast amount of territories at this time and had much to protect. Certain members of the Royal Navy discussed whether it would be feasible to start and maintain a large-scale colony (Around 20,000 or more) in one of their outer territories to serve as a base for a military outpost. Britian had started many colonies before. However, this one was to remain utterly secret because of its military potential.\nThe purpose of this idea was two-fold: Operate a self-sustaining colony that can provide Britain with resources. And allow them to have a distant military outpost to protect their vast empire. One can operate in secret, including if necessary, from underground should the mainland or important territories fall under attack.\nNot only would this colony have to be secret, but also able to withstand attacks and be well defended.\nThe engineer in question suggested an underground city or fortification of sorts. He was inspired by the underground networks and cities found in ancient cultures around the world. The man figured with the \"modern\" equipment and the vast resources at hand, the Commonwealth could surely utilize something similar.\nThe project began in the 1890s but picked up the pace from the early 1900s to before the war. By then interest in the secret project had declined. Its high cost and the threat of war caused attentions to be diverted elsewhere.",
"Even though this outpost was designed to serve a military purpose, the Homeland and nearest territories were deemed of higher interest. And overtime the mining colony-who's true purpose only known to a few-was abandoned.\nAs time goes on, the project is eventually disbanded, though most of the residents still remained long after they were abandoned. Being able to utilize the self-sufficient capabilities of the colony.\nThis develops into the main plot of the story.\nMy two questions are:\n1. What remote geographical location would serve best for this underground colony?\nOne that would both keep it secret up until modern times but also have the resources to be self-sufficient? (Portions of Australia wilderness or northern Canada seem as likely candidates)\nSince this colony is built for military application, they likely would be somewhere near the coasts(but obviously this could cause water issues. However I thought perhaps water could be used as power for the colony's mining needs.)\n1. And realistically, where underground would the colony be built?\nObviously water-table and fault lines will play a role. (Though fault lines weren't discovered until 1915 if my memory is correct) I am aware of certain theories about the Earth's crust being \"honeycombed\". If so, perhaps a network of these large caverns would do. What about vacated magma tubes? Are there other natural structures that would provide a good area from which to house an underground colony?\nAdditional details:\nThe technology in question is early 20th century industrial equipment.\nThere is electricity involved.\nThe colony does have access to the outside world, but is designed to be able to live mostly underground.\nThe colony is nearly completely self-sufficient, including their own steel-making capabilities and people trained in weapons manufacturing\nThis is a large-scale colony growing to about 20,000 before being abandoned. And obviously larger in the years that followed.\nThe project is highly classified.\nSufficient funding is backing the project.\nThey have over two decades to complete it.\nWhile I research various scientific studies, I am chiefly interested in robotics and astronomy. So, I am not UpToDate concerning much of geology. So please correct me if I have made any errors.",
"Alternate History is a real (and popular) genre.\nAlternate History fiction asks \"what if something different happened\" and then extrapolates how the world would be different. Generally, the 'this' is a very big deal and obvious to the reader that it is a departure from actual history.\nExamples:\n* What if Nazis won Worl War II? (The Man in the High Castle, Fatherland)\n* What if a man from the future gave the Confederacy a futuristic weapon(The Guns of the South)\n* What if there were dragons during the Napoleonic War?(His Majesty's Dragon)\nAs you can see they can often(but not necessarily) have a fantastic element to explain why fictional history departed from actual history.\nNot An Excuse for Mistakes\nAlternate history should not be mistaken for historical fiction that contains a mistake. The point of departure should be clear and obvious from the start - probably featured on the cover or back of the book summary. Alternate History should not be used by a person who wants to write a historical novel without doing his\\her homework and tell people all errors are because \"Alternate History\".\nTo answer your question of acceptability, here's my answer:\n1. The point of departure from actual history vs alternate history should be obvious and have significant consequences. (For instance, changing the birthdate or name of a historical figure would not be alternate history, and more interpreted as a mistake)\n2.",
"All departures from actual history should be obvious or easily inferable from the departure of actual history.(e.g. If WWII never happens, then it might be acceptable that <PERSON> never became Prime Minister. It is not acceptable to say that if there was no Spanish Inquisition, then Pope <PERSON> would instead have been Pope <PERSON>) If they aren't obvious or easily inferable, then the novel should explain it.\nThis Particular Case\nIf the point of the novel you're talking about was something like \"what if the French Revolution never happened\", then I would say this was an obvious Alternate History. If the book was a Romance novel that took place in Paris in 1815 with a brief visit to \"King <PERSON>\" who had rules for 30+ years... then I would say that was a historical novel with a bad mistake. If it was something between those two examples, you'll have to use your own judgment.\nHope that helps!",
"Story or novel about humans being rare in the galaxy, and protagonist is searching for earth\nI read this maybe 20 years ago(and it may be much older than that)... I don't recall if it was a short story, or a novel.\nThings I recall:\n1. The galaxy is largely populated by aliens.\n2. Humans are rare, and scattered in small numbers across many worlds. They may be considered an ancient race. Despite the small numbers, they may command some sort of authority. I do not believe they have a \"current\" homeworld, more just residing on alien worlds all over.\n3. Humans and almost mystical or revered to the aliens.\n4. The location of earth or terra (don't recall what it was called in the story) is unknown to everyone. Considered mythological, really.\n5. The protagonist is human, the story starts with him going to work in a local noble/official's court or office in a city. I don't really recall what his actual job purpose was. I seem to recall humans tended to wear monk-like robes. I want to say(not sure) that the noble/official's name started with the letter \"J\". The protagonist may have quit, or been fired, or banished, or sent on a quest.\n6.",
"At some point, the protagonist sets off to find earth\n7. I MAY be confusing this point with an unrelated story, but I seem to recall at some point there are armies of humans from long ago being kept in stasis, and it may be implied that the result of letting them out is basically going to be galactic conquest.\n8. The protagonist does travel to multiple planets in his search.\n9. The protagonist may at some point consult with a library or librarian. I believe the librarian is female, but am not sure if she is human or alien.\n10. I don't recall if Earth/Terra/whatever was ever found in the story. I seem to recall there's a cave(I may be confusing this with that same unrelated story mentioned above) at some point.\n11. The protagonist does not have any sort of special or unusual powers or abilities that I recall, beyond simply being human.\n12. I don't believe the tone was that of an action-oriented adventure; it was slower paced and more thoughtful, I seem to recall there were few to no instances of combat or weapons at least in the beginning parts of the story.\n13. The protagonist is an adult. I'm not sure how old, I think maybe middle aged.\n14. Humans may have been bald(whether by depilation or some natural evolution thing, I don't know.). I don't recall for sure, and may be confusing this point.\nFrom digging around, I'm mostly sure it's not:\nThe <PERSON> series, as aliens were definitely a thing.\nThe Roads of Heaven series, as the protagonist was definitely male.\nEarthblood by <PERSON> and <PERSON>, as besides the tone issue, the protagonist is an adult.\nAsimov's Foundation series. (It's possible it might be set in the same universe, in the distant future? It did have a similar tone, though there was zero mention of psychohistory. And, again, aliens were in this story.)",
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"I think there is some sort of bug near the end of the first answer (joshphysics), possibly in the variational step which involves integration by parts. Unless some further assumptions were used. Otherwise the implied conclusion seems to be that the EL eqns for any functional with integrand $F(x(s),\\dot{x}(s))$ are generally the same as for the functional with integrand $F^2$.\n[A simple counterexample is $F = x(s)$, though I realise this is getting away from geodesics.",
"Then the EL eqn for $F^2$ would be $x=0$ whereas the EL eqn for $F$ itself would be $1=0$.]\nAnyway, getting back to the original question, often the words \"Cauchy-Schwarz\" appear when relating $\\int f^2$ to $\\int f$.\nIgnoring that, and looking just at EL equations, consider minimizing/maximizing the two functionals $\\int F^2 ds$ and $\\int F ds$ (with the same parameter and bcs), where $F = F(x(s),\\dot{x}(s))$. When are these two problems equivalent (or at least, one implies the other)?\nThe EL eqns for the two cases are generally different (cf counterexample above), but one condition for equivalence is $dF/ds = 0$ (when evaluated on a solution to either of the two EL eqns).\nWe also have the Beltrami identities for each case, which are first integrals of the EL eqns (cf energy conservation): for $F$ we have $\\dot{x}_i\\frac{\\partial F}{\\partial \\dot{x}_i} - F = c_1$ and for $F^2$ we have $\\dot{x}_i\\frac{\\partial (F^2)}{\\partial \\dot{x}_i} - F^2 = c_2$ (*).\nRestricting to the problem of geodesics on some surface, we have an integrand of the form $F = \\sqrt{g_{ij}(x)\\dot{x}^i\\dot{x}^j}$ and this satisfies $\\dot{x}_i \\frac{\\partial F}{\\partial \\dot{x}_i} = F$ (identically), and also satisfies $\\dot{x}_i \\frac{\\partial (F^2)}{\\partial \\dot{x}_i} = 2F^2$ (+).\nLet's suppose we have a solution to the EL eqn for $F^2$, and thus to the Beltrami identity $()$ for $F^2$. Then () and (+) together give $F^2 = c_2$ i.e. $F$ is constant when evaluated on our solution.\n[this is essentially point 9 of <PERSON>'s answer] Hence the equivalence condition mentioned above ($dF/ds = 0$) is satisfied, and so the EL eqn for $F$ is also satisfied.\nThe converse doesn't hold in general since the <PERSON> identity for such an $F$ is satisfied identically (with $c_1 = 0$), so does not give anything \"extra\".",
"Since in retrospect I realise this question can be taken in several different ways, I am posting another reply myself, which combines some of the best answers so far and could hopefully help somebody else understand why this obviously wrong physical reasoning occurs mathematically.\nAs is clear at this point, the original issue was bad notation and there are at least four different ways in which this question can be understood (and resolved). From now on I am going to refer to the current position as $\\vec{x}_0$ and the trajectory as a function of this starting position and time as $\\vec{x}(t)$, such that $\\vec{x}(0)=\\vec{x}_0$, in order to avoid confusion. In all cases the other initial condition $\\vec{\\dot{x}}(0)=\\vec{v}_0$ will not be given much consideration, but we still have to be aware of it.\n1. First scenario: as correctly pointed out, <PERSON>'s second law does not imply that the force comes from a potential and/or is a function of the current position. In this case the force is simply a definition and the question doesn't hold anymore, since the force does not have to be a function of the trajectory:\n$$\\vec{F}(t)=m\\vec{\\ddot{x}}(t)$$\n1. Second scenario: the force comes from a potential, such that $\\vec{F}(\\vec{x}(t))=-\\left.\\frac{\\partial U(\\vec{x}')}{\\partial \\vec{x}'}\\right|_{\\vec{x}'=\\vec{x}(t)}$ and we make a coordinate transformation of the whole trajectory $\\vec{x}(t)=s\\vec{y}(t)$ for some scaling factor $s$. In this case:$$\\vec{F}(\\vec{x}(t))=m\\vec{\\ddot{x}}(t) \\Leftrightarrow \\vec{F}(s\\vec{y}(t))=ms\\vec{\\ddot{y}}(t), \\qquad\\vec{F}(\\vec{x}(t))=\\vec{F}(s\\vec{y}(t))$$ This is a simple change in variables and there is not much else to be found here - certainly no contradictions anyway.\n2. Third scenario: the force comes from a potential and we rescale the initial condition of the differential equation, so that $\\vec{\\tilde{x}}(0)=s\\vec{x}_0$. In general, this trajectory will be completely different to $\\vec{x}(t)$ and the only way $\\vec{\\tilde{x}}(t)=s\\vec{x}(t)$ is if the force corresponds to a quadratic potential.\n3. Fourth scenario: the force comes from a potential and we rescale the solution $x(t)$ of the differential equation, such that $\\vec{\\tilde{x}}(t)=s\\vec{x}(t)$.",
"In general, this rescaled function no longer satisfies the original differential equation and nothing else can be said. The only way the new rescaled trajectory satisfies the original differential equation is if we had a harmonic potential.\nNote that the difference between 3. and 4. is subtle: the new trajectory $\\vec{\\tilde{x}}(t)$ in 3. satisfies <PERSON>'s second law but its shape is in general different to $\\vec{x}(t)$, while the $\\vec{\\tilde{x}}(t)$ in 4. doesn't in general satisfy <PERSON>'s second law (and doesn't have to) and its shape is the same as $\\vec{x}(t)$. In both 3. and 4. the trajectories can only degenerate for a harmonic potential (although one might have to fiddle with the velocity initial condition to achieve that), which is what my original post \"proved\", although it certainly isn't clear whether I proved 3. or 4. (possibly neither) due to my bad notation!",
"In general\nYes! A simpler example might be a mass in a 2-D plane attached to four springs (one on each side). Assuming the oscillations are small, the motion of the mass can be described as the combination of oscillations in both $x$ and $y$ directions.\nSolving your example\nIn fact, in your specific example, we do see that phenomenon (for small oscillations!).\nAssume we have a pendulum where the string is actually a spring.",
"For simplicity, I'll restrict the motion of the pendulum to one plane (ie it can swing in one direction, but is blocked along the other).\nThe total energy can be written as the sum of kinetic energy (in both the swing direction and radial direction), and the gravitational potential energy and the spring potential energy.\n$E(l, \\theta)=\\frac{1}{2}m\\dot{l}^2+\\frac{1}{2}ml^2\\dot{\\theta}^2+\\frac{1}{2}k(l-l_0)^2+mg(l_0-l\\cos\\theta)$\nwhere $l$ is the length of the pendulum spring, $l_0$ the \"natural\" length of the pendulum spring if you lay it flat on a table, $\\theta$ is the angle from vertical, dots indicate time derivatives. I set the $E=0$ reference for the gravitational part as when the pendulum is at the bottom of its motion.\nNow let's assume the swinging motion is small: if we Taylor expand the $\\cos\\theta$, keeping only up to second-order in small $\\theta$:\n$E(l, \\theta)=\\frac{1}{2}m\\dot{l}^2+\\frac{1}{2}ml^2\\dot{\\theta}^2+\\frac{1}{2}k(l-l_0)^2+mg(l_0-l)+\\frac{1}{2}mgl\\theta^2$\nBy completing the square, we can combine the third and fourth term, and (ignoring a constant term that appears and just shifts the energy), we find\n$E(l, \\theta)=\\frac{1}{2}m\\dot{l}^2+\\frac{1}{2}ml^2\\dot{\\theta}^2+\\frac{1}{2}k\\left(l-l_0-\\frac{mg}{k}\\right)^2+\\frac{1}{2}mgl\\theta^2$\nLet $x=l-x_0$ where $x_0=l_0+\\frac{mg}{k}$\n$E(x, \\theta)=\\frac{1}{2}m\\dot{x}^2+\\frac{1}{2}kx^2+\\frac{1}{2}m(x+x_0)^2\\dot{\\theta}^2+\\frac{1}{2}mg(x+x_0)\\theta^2$\nThe first two terms look like our usual harmonic oscillator in $x$, oscillating around $x=0$.\nWe note that, if the swing is small ($\\theta$ is small) and the spring movement is small ($x$ is small compared to $x_0$), then $x\\dot{\\theta}^2$ and $x\\theta^2$ have three factors of smallness, and $x^2\\dot{\\theta}^2$ has four! I'll get rid of the $x^2\\dot{\\theta}^2$ term since we already killed off some terms with four factors of smallness when expanding $\\cos\\theta$. Now, rearranging:\n$E(x, \\theta)=\\frac{1}{2}m\\dot{x}^2+\\frac{1}{2}kx^2+\\frac{1}{2}mx_0^2\\dot{\\theta}^2+\\frac{1}{2}mgx_0\\theta^2 + P(x, \\theta)$\nwhere $P(x, \\theta)=mxx_0\\dot{\\theta}^2+\\frac{1}{2}mgx\\theta^2$.\nInterpreting\nForget about $P$ for a moment, and you see we have two independent harmonic oscillator motions happening at once:\n1.",
"<PERSON>'s law for a current loop being deformed\nI'm working through <PERSON>'s Classical Electrodynamics text (3rd version, chapter 5.15) about <PERSON>'s law:\n<PERSON>'s law is pretty familiar:\n$\\int_c E \\cdot dl = -\\frac{d}{dt}(\\int_s B \\cdot n da)$\nwhich states that the contour integral of the electric field around a bounded surface is equal to the negative time rate of change of the flux bounded by that surface. No problem. Here we have a total derivative and <PERSON> addresses 2 cases.\n\"The flux though the circuit may change because (a) the flux changes with time at a point, or (b) the translation of the circuit changes the location of the boundary\"\nIn either of these cases, it is easy to show that:\n$\\frac{d}{dt}(\\int_s B \\cdot n da) = \\int_s(\\frac{\\partial B}{\\partial t} \\cdot n da) + \\int_c(B \\times v)\\cdot dl$\nby using $\\frac{d}{dt} = \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} + v \\cdot \\nabla$ and then applying a \"product rule\", $\\nabla \\cdot B = 0$ and stokes theorem.",
"i.e.:\n$\\frac{d}{dt}\\int_s B \\cdot n da = \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t}\\int_s B \\cdot n da + (v \\cdot \\nabla) \\int_s B \\cdot n da$\nIn the case where the surface is constant, we can exchange the order of differentiation and integration:\n$\\frac{d}{dt}\\int_s B \\cdot n da = \\int_s \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} B \\cdot n da + \\int_s (v \\cdot \\nabla) B \\cdot n da$\nI still have no problem with this. Now we can work on the second term on the right (apply a product rule, drop terms with $\\nabla \\cdot B$ and then apply stokes theorem) to get the $\\int_c(B \\times v)\\cdot dl$ term.\nwhich, when applied to <PERSON>'s law gives the nice result:\n$\\int_c [ E' - (v \\times B)] \\cdot dl = - \\int_s \\frac{\\partial B}{\\partial t} \\cdot n da$\nThe problem arises when you allow the shape of the bounded surface to change. (Consider a circular wire loop in a magnetic field that you then hit with a hammer causing a dent in one side). How does changing the surface influence the result that we derived above? It seems to me that this would prevent us from being able to exchange the order of differentiation and integration which seems like it leaves us in a pretty tight spot ...",
"Confusion about imposing constraint in the action\nI'm totally confused by one thing. I know that I probably shouldn't be confused about that, but at the moment I don't quite know what fails in the following:\nSuppose we have a particle of unit mass moving in a potential $V(r)$ on a plane. Then, the action one would consider is given by $$S= \\int dt \\left[\\frac{1}{2}\\dot{r}^2 + \\frac{1}{2}r^2 \\dot{\\theta}^2 - V(r)\\right].$$ Clearly, $Q=r^2 \\dot{\\theta}$, the angular momentum, is conserved, so the equation of motion for $r$ reads: $$-\\ddot{r} + \\frac{Q^2}{r^3}- V^{\\prime}(r)=0.$$\nSo far, everything is fine.\nBut now I decide to impose angular momentum conservation by hand via a Lagrange multiplier $\\lambda$:\n$$S^{\\prime}= \\int dt \\left[\\frac{1}{2}\\dot{r}^2 + \\frac{1}{2}r^2 \\dot{\\theta}^2 - V(r) + \\lambda(t)(r^2 \\dot{\\theta}-Q)\\right],$$ where $Q$ is a constant.\nTo my understanding, this constraint should turn out to be redundant because angular momentum is already constant. But somehow, it doesn't:\nFirst, variation of $S^{\\prime}$ w.r.t. $\\lambda$ trivially yields $r^2 \\dot{\\theta}=Q$.",
"Next, I vary w.r.t. $\\theta$ and integrate by parts. I get $$\\int dt \\left[-\\partial_t(r^2 \\dot{\\theta}) - \\partial_t(\\lambda(t)r^2) \\right]\\delta \\theta=0,$$ i.e. $$\\lambda = - \\dot{\\theta} + \\frac{c}{r^2}$$ with constant $c$.\nAnd finally, I vary w.r.t. $r$ and get:\n$$0=\\int dt \\left[-\\ddot{r} + r \\dot{\\theta}^2 - V^{\\prime}(r) + 2\\lambda(t)r \\dot{\\theta}\\right]\\delta r$$\nUsing the above equations of motion, I can rewrite the EoM for $r$ as:\n$$-\\ddot{r} - \\frac{Q^2}{r^3} - V^{\\prime}(r) + \\frac{2Qc}{r^3}=0.$$\nUnless $c=Q$ (i.e. $\\lambda=0$ at any time), this is not the original equation of motion.\nBut why does the redundant constraint modify the result? Did I change the physics? If so, what is the interpretation behind the constaint and the integration constant $c$?\nThanks in advance!\npsm",
"The direct answer to you question is: No, you may not in general identify $\\phi=-\\pi/2$ with $\\phi=\\pi/2$. The points to not correspond to the same physical conditions. The exception is if you are in fact treating a two-dimensional particle (an ellipse) in a two-dimensional world. But as the question stands that does not seem to be the case.\nNow, I can clarify a little.\na) The equation in the question is valid for ellipsoids of revolution, spheroids. The angle $\\phi$ is the azimuthal angle in a spherical coordinate system describing the axis of revolution of the spheroid.\nb) The original question arises because of the inverse tangent in the solution. The original derivation of the equation, due to <PERSON> (1922) DOI link (pdf), instead states (Eq. 48): $$ \\tan\\phi=\\frac{a}{b}\\tan\\frac{\\kappa abt}{a^2+b^2}.",
"$$ This leaves no ambiguity. The function $\\phi(t)$ is a solution of the equation of motion (Eq. 47): $$ (a^2+b^2)\\dot\\phi = \\kappa(a^2\\cos^2\\phi + b^2\\sin^2\\phi). $$ If this equation is integrated numerically one finds that $\\phi(t)$ grows monotonically (for physical values of the parameters).\nc) Depending on what application you have in mind, you may consider working directly with the cartesian components of the unit vector $\\mathbf n(t)$, instead of the spherical parametrization. The corresponding equation of motion is $$ \\dot{\\mathbf n}=\\mathbb O\\mathbf n + \\Lambda(\\mathbb S\\mathbf n-\\mathbf n \\mathbf n^T\\mathbb S \\mathbf n) $$ where the constant flow-gradient matrices $\\mathbb O$ and $\\mathbb S$ represent the flow, and the constant $\\Lambda$ represents the shape of the particle (related to $r$ in question). This equation is, perhaps surprisingly, exactly solvable by a simple matrix exponential: $$ \\mathbf n(t)=\\frac{\\exp[(\\mathbb O + \\Lambda \\mathbb S)t]\\mathbb n(0)}{|\\exp[(\\mathbb O + \\Lambda \\mathbb S)t]\\mathbb n(0)|} $$\nI recently wrote an introduction to this subject and the equations quoted. It is available here (free full text). You may be particularly interested in Sec 2.3 (p.23) and Appendix A for the generalization to triaxial ellipsoids.",
"Is this trick for finding the eq.s of motion of a rod being pushed up a incline valid?\nSo I'm trying to find the equations of motion for the point $Q$ (as seen in the figure below) along an incline with angle $\\beta$ with the horizontal, when the rod from $P$ to $Q$ is pushed by a constant and horizontal force $F$. Assume no friction.\nI've calculated that the horizontal force, $F_s$, that must be applied at $P$ in order to keep the rod static at an angle $\\alpha$ is $$F_s=\\frac{\\cos \\alpha \\sin \\beta}{\\cos \\alpha \\cos \\beta +1}F_G$$ which has a maximum when $\\alpha=0$ in the interval $[0,\\beta]$.\nThe \"trick\" is now to say that we can calculate the eq.s of motion for $Q$ resulting from the constant $F$ on $P$ by calculating the eq.s of motion for $Q$ when the force (before $F$) is now the variable $F-F_s$.\nFor example, by choosing $F$ to be the minimum force required to set the rod in motion, $$F=F_s(\\alpha=0)=\\frac{\\sin \\beta}{\\cos \\beta +1}F_G,$$ we would obtain (where $x$ is along the incline) $$m\\ddot{x}=F-F_s=F_G\\sin \\beta \\left( \\frac{1}{\\cos \\beta-1} - \\frac{\\cos \\alpha}{\\cos \\alpha \\sin \\beta +1}\\right)$$ Now we express $\\alpha$ by $x$ as $$\\cos\\alpha =\\frac{x}{L}\\left(\\cos \\beta -1 \\right)+1$$ to obtain the rather nasty looking D.E. $$\\ddot{x}(t)=g\\sin \\beta \\left[\\frac{1}{\\cos \\beta-1} - \\frac{1}{\\sin \\beta+\\left(\\frac{x(t)}{L}\\left(\\cos \\beta -1 \\right) \\right)^{-1}} \\right]$$\nQ1: Is this method of \"pretending\" we apply a force which is the force \"left over\" from what is required to keep the rod static valid? If it is, could you please guide me to some resources that expands upon the idea (it is still rather fuzzy in my head)? If it isn't, what is wrong with it?\nQ2: Can the D.E. be solved? Can this problem be solved using only elementary mechanics-methods (i.e., no Lagrangians and such)? How would you do it?\nLooking forward to your inputs, thanks!",
"I know this is an old question, but I have just set a similar problem for myself today and found this question after solving it.\nDisclaimer: I was only concerned with the equilibrium shape (the \"catenary\" for discrete case), so if the OP was after the dynamics of such a system, this won't serve as an answer. However, the last comment from the OP indicates the interest in the following method.\nAs <PERSON> said in the comments, to compute the equilibrium shape (the \"catenary\" for discrete case) the most simple way seems to be the method of Lagrange multipliers.\nFor (my own) convenience, the g vector is up instead of down, so the catenary is standing.",
"Also, I'm using Cartesian coordinates.\nThe example of the result is above, with the smooth curve representing a catenary in the usual sense, with the arc length equal to the sum of all \"rod lengths\" between the point masses. I have taken the support points out of consideration and set the supporting rod length to be half of the length between two masses, just for convenience.\nThe arc length is taken as the fixed value $L=3$ with $l=L/6=1/2$; and the distance between support points is $2$.\nSolution for the particular case above, since it's simple enough to infer the general case without additional comments.\nDue to the symmetry, it's enough to consider only the part with $x>0$.\nThe one and only equilibrium condition in this case is the minimum value of the potential energy for the system, and since I have directed the gravitation up, we need to maximize the sum of $y_k$:\n$$\\text{maximize} \\quad f=y_1+y_2+y_3$$\nSubject to constraints:\n$$\\begin{cases} g_1=(y_1-y_2)^2+(l/2-x_2)^2-l^2=0 \\ g_2=(y_2-y_3)^2+(x_2-x_3)^2-l^2=0 \\ g_3=y_3^2+(x_3-1)^2-l^2/4=0 \\end{cases}$$\nLagrangian multiplier method involves introducing additional variables for each constraint, and writing down the Lagrange function:\n$$L=f-\\sum_k \\lambda_k g_k$$\nThen the necessary (but not sufficient) condition for the maximum of $f$ will be:\n$$\\nabla L=0$$\nThen the general method requires building a Hessian matrix with the second derivatives, but there's no need in this case! We know that all $x_k,y_k$ should be real and positive, and as far as I can see, there's always a single solution like that (for any arc length I tried I mean).\nConsidering all the partial derivatives, we recover our original constraint equations, and $5$ additional ones:\n$$\\begin{cases} (y_1-y_2)^2+(l/2-x_2)^2-l^2=0 \\ (y_2-y_3)^2+(x_2-x_3)^2-l^2=0 \\ y_3^2+(x_3-1)^2-l^2/4=0 \\ 1-2 \\lambda_1 (y_1-y_2)=0 \\ 1+2 \\lambda_1 (y_1-y_2)-2 \\lambda_2 (y_2-y_3)=0 \\ 1+2 \\lambda_2 (y_2-y_3)-2 \\lambda_3 y_3=0 \\ \\lambda_1(l/2-x_2)-\\lambda_2(x_2-x_3)=0 \\ \\lambda_2(x_2-x_3)-\\lambda_3(x_3-1)=0 \\end{cases}$$\nThe only solution with real and positive $x_k,y_k$ is:\n$$\\begin{array}( x_2=<PHONE_NUMBER> \\ x_3=0.904152 \\ y_1=<PHONE_NUMBER> \\ y_2=<PHONE_NUMBER> \\ y_3=<PHONE_NUMBER> \\ \\lambda_1 = 1.59714 \\ \\lambda_2 = 2.35603 \\ \\lambda_3 = 6.49642 \\end{array}$$\nNumerical solutions are obtained with Wolfram Mathematica. The resulting diagram (also created with Mathematica) is presented above.",
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"Proof of Strong Duality Via <PERSON>\nI am trying to prove what is often titled the strong duality theorem. There is a hint in the book that I'm following, and I want to follow the method they have outlined for me. I will outline the problem:\nLet A.1: $\\, \\, $Minimize $c^tX$ subject to $AX\\, \\ge\\, b,\\, X \\ge\\, 0$\nLet A.2(Dual): $ Maximize\\, Y^tb\\, subject\\, to\\, A^tY \\le\\, c,\\, Y \\ge \\, 0$\n<PERSON> states: Given the matrix D and the row vector d, either there exists a column vector v such that Dv $\\le\\, 0$ and the scalar dv is strictly positive or there exists a non-negative row vector w such that wD = d, but not both.\nThe strong duality theorem states: If a linear program has a finite optimal solution, then so does it's dual, and the optimal values of the objective functions are equal.\nProve this using the following hint: If it is false, then there cannot be any solutions to\nAX $\\ge$ b, $A^tY\\, \\le\\, c,\\, X\\, \\ge\\, 0,\\, Y\\ge\\, 0,\\, and\\,c^tX\\, \\le\\, Y^tb $.\nMy attempt at a solution picking up from the hint.",
"If someone will help me complete the proof, I want it to follow my line of reasoning. I know there are many other proofs of this out there.\nLet X' be optimal for A.1, and let $c^tX'$ = $\\lambda$\nAssume for contradiction that the hypothesis is wrong.\n$\\begin{bmatrix} A^t & -c\\ 0 & -1 \\end{bmatrix}$ * $\\begin{bmatrix} Y\\1\\end{bmatrix}$ $\\le$ $\\begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 0 \\end{bmatrix}$, $\\begin{bmatrix} b^t & -\\lambda\\end{bmatrix}$ * $\\begin{bmatrix} Y\\1\\end{bmatrix} \\ge\\, 0$ is unsolvable.\nBy <PERSON>, we know the following system is solvable:\n$\\begin{bmatrix} X & w_2\\end{bmatrix}$ * $\\begin{bmatrix} A^t & -c\\0 & -1\\end{bmatrix}$ $\\ge$ $\\begin{bmatrix} b^t & -\\lambda\\end{bmatrix}$ Where X, $w_2$ are $\\ge$ 0.\nNow, from the system above, we may write $XA^t\\, \\ge\\, b^t$, and Xc $\\le$ $\\lambda\\, -\\, w_2$.\nIf $w_2$ is greater than 0, then we have found a contradiction with the assumption that X' was optimal for A.1. However, one cannot reach that conclusion is $w_2$ is exactly 0.\nI feel like I can't be that far off from a correct complete proof as I've followed exactly the hint, and the use of <PERSON> which was explained on the previous page. If someone could help me finish\\correct the proof, I'd be greatly appreciative.",
"Open Source Quadratic Programming with Piecewise Linear Objective\nI am looking for an open source solver to solve the a quadratic programming problem with an additional piecewise linear objective, as show below. The problem is fairly small ($\\mathbf{x}$ is a vector of dimension 120).\n\\begin{equation} \\max_{x}: \\mathbf{x}^{T} \\mathbf{q_0} - \\mathbf{x^{T}} P_0 \\mathbf{x} - f(\\mathbf{x}) \\end{equation}\nNote that above $P_0$ is positive semidefinite and $f$ is piecewise linear for each variable in $\\mathbf{x}$ but not convex.",
"For each $x_i$, $i \\in \\left{1, ..., 120\\right}$, $f(x)$ would be a vector of coordinate points, e.g.\n[(x_0, y_0), (x_1, y_1), ..., (x_N, y_N)]\nFor any given $x_i$, $f(x_i)$ looks something like the following.\nSince $f$ does not depend on any cross terms in $\\mathbf{x}$, the above optimization could also be written as\n\\begin{equation} \\max_{x}: \\mathbf{x}^{T} \\mathbf{q_0} - \\mathbf{x^{T}} P_0 \\mathbf{x} - (f(x_1) + ... + f(x_{120})) \\end{equation}\nThe are also linear constraints of the form $A\\mathbf{x} < \\mathbf{b}$ are added.\nI have formulated the problem in Gurobi which is fairly straightforward but was hoping to compare this to an open source solver. Looking around it seems like GLPK would work for this, but I have no experience using this library so was hoping for a bit of info related to this or alternative solutions.\nA sample problem for gurobi using the matlab API is shown below.\nN = 2;\nq_0 = [-3.31e3, -5.07e3];\nP_0 = [-0.90e-04 -0.63e-04;\n-0.63e-04 -0.90e-04];\nx = [-2.0000e9, -1.0000e9, -0.8000e9, -0.6000e9, -0.4000e9, -0.2500e9,...\n-0.1000e9, -0.0500e9, -0.0250e9, -0.0100e9, -0.0010e9, 0, 0.0010e9,...\n0.0100e9, 0.0250e9, 0.0500e9, 0.1000e9, 0.2500e9, 0.4000e9,...\n0.6000e9, 0.8000e9, 1.0000e9, 2.0000e9];\ny = [2.938964e6, 0.753364e6, 0.488104e6, 0.280144e6, 0.129472e6,...\n0.053766e6, 0.011007e6, 0.003751e6, 0.001435e6, 0.000465e6,...\n0.000037e6, 0, 0.000037e6, 0.000465e6, 0.001435e6, 0.003751e6,...\n0.011007e6, 0.053766e6, 0.129472e6, 0.280144e6, 0.488104e6,...\n0.753364e6, 2.938964e6];\nparams.outputflag = 0;\n%formulate model\nmodel.obj = zeros(N, 1);\nmodel.Q = sparse(P_0);\nmodel.A = sparse(zeros(1, N));\nmodel.sense = '=';\nmodel.rhs = 0;\nmodel.ub = repmat(1e9, N, 1);\ = repmat(-1e9, N, 1);\nmodel.modelsense = 'max';\n% piecewise tcosts\nfor i = 1:2\nmodel.pwlobj(i).var = i;\nmodel.pwlobj(i).x = x;\nmodel.pwlobj(i).",
"Modelling belonging of a real variable to an interval by a boolean variable\nIn the context of a MILP, I have variables $x_{t} \\in \\mathbb{R}$ which have a lower bound $x^{min}$ and an upper bound $x^{max}$.\nLet $I_{1} = [x^{min},a_{1}], I_{2} = ]a_{1}, a_{2}], ..., I_{n} = ]a_{n-1}, x^{max}]$ form a partition of $[x^{min}, x^{max}]$.\nThe behaviour of the system I want to model depends on which $I_{p}$ the value of each $x_{t}$ belongs to, therefore I want other variables $y_{p,t} \\in {0,1}$ such that $y_{p,t} = 1 \\iff x_{t} \\in I_{p}$.\nThe variables $y_{p,t}$ appear in the objective function in a sum of the type $$\\sum_{t} \\sum_{(p,q) \\in {1,n}^2} c_{p,q}y_{p,t}y_{q,t-1}$$ where the $c_{p,q}$ are constant, positive factors1. We want to minimize the objective function, so the $y_{p,t}$ will be minimized by the solver.\nI came up with the following constraints for the $y_{p,t}$ variables but I am not entirely satisfied and wondering if I could do better.\nFor each interval $I_{p} = ]a_{p-1}, a_{p}]$ we would have the following constraints on new variables, $z^{ub}{p,t}$ and $z^{lb}{p,t} \\in {0,1}$ :\n$$ z^{lb}{p,t} \\geq \\frac{x{t}-a_{p-1}}{M}$$ $$ z^{ub}{p,t} \\geq \\frac{a{p}-x_{t}}{M} + \\epsilon$$ where $M$ and $\\epsilon$ are appropriate constants.\nThe case $p = 0$ is different but obtained by adding epsilon to the first constraint right hand side as well.\nThen $y$ would be obtained with a logical \"and\" between $z^{lb}$ and $z^{ub}$ : $$ y_{p,t} = z^{lb}{p,t}*z^{ub}{p,t} $$ which is easily linearized.\nThe reasons I am not satisfied with this, although I believe it should work, is both having to use $M$'s and $\\epsilon$'s and having to linearize the logical \"and\" constraint.",
"Is there a smarter way to design these constraints ?\nHopefully I provided enough information. I didn't include the whole model because it's quite long and I don't think it would be useful. But please let me know if that's not the case.\n1 : I know this is not linear, but it is easily linearized and I think it is clearer this way.",
"Strong polynomial time algorithm for deciding LP feasibility\nLet $$A \\cdot X + B \\preceq 0$$ be a system of linear inequalities with $X \\in \\mathbb{R}^n$ $A\\in \\mathbb{R}^{m\\times n}$ and $B \\in \\mathbb{R}^m$ where $m \\geq n$. According to Farkas lemma, exactly one of the following two is true: 1) $\\exists X \\in \\mathbb{R}^n$ such that $A\\cdot X + B \\preceq 0$ 2) $\\exists y \\in \\mathbb{R}^m_+$ such that $y^T \\cdot A = 0$ and $y^T \\cdot B > 0$\nThen lets define the convex optimization problem: $$ d^{\\star} = \\min q^T \\cdot A \\cdot A^T \\cdot q \\ s.t \\begin{cases} q \\succeq 0\\ B^T \\cdot q > 0\\ \\| q\\| \\leq 1 \\end{cases}$$ Let $q^{\\star}$ be the solution to the above problem.\nWe have two possible outcomes:\na) $d^{\\star} = 0$ hence $q^{\\star} \\cdot A = 0$, $B^T \\cdot q^{\\star} > 0$ therefore the system is NOT feasible\nb) $d^{\\star} > 0$ hence $\\not \\exists q \\succeq 0$ with $q^T \\cdot B > 0$ and $q^T \\cdot A = 0$ otherwise $\\frac{q}{\\| q \\|}$ would vanish the above function, therefore yielding a smaller value than $d^{\\star}$. It follows that the linear system HAS a solution\nQuestion\nThe above optimization problem can be solved with ellipsoid algorithm without dependency on the problem data, right? Of course, this does not yield the solution (to LP) but can decide if the LP is feasible or not, in polynomial complexity for real coefficients LP ?! What am I missing ?\nUpdate\nIn the above optimization problem we have $B^T\\cdot q > 0$ generating an open set. It is obviously, not possible to ask just $B^T \\cdot q \\geq 0$ since this would automatically generate the trivial solution $q = 0$.",
"Instead, I think that $$ d^{\\star} = \\min q^T \\cdot A \\cdot A^T \\cdot q \\ s.t \\begin{cases} q \\succeq 0\\ B^T \\cdot q \\geq 0 \\ \\textbf{1}^T \\cdot q \\geq 1\\ \\|q\\| \\leq \\sqrt{m} \\end{cases}$$ should solve some of the complaints. This prevents the solution $q = 0$ and has closed contraints set. However, here take $\\frac{q}{1^T \\cdot q}$ instead of $\\frac{q}{\\|q\\|}$ in the interpretation of $d^{\\star} > 0$. Am I missing something ?",
"Algorithm for choosing unique options with least overall cost\nProblem And Question\nI am looking for pointers for an efficient algorithm for the following problem.\nIt is hard to explain without some data so first I will provide some example data:\nDestination 1:\nSource 1: Cost 26\nSource 2: Cost 32\nSource 3: Cost 98\nCreate New Source: Cost 100\nDestination 2:\nSource 1: Cost 12\nSource 2: Cost 99\nSource 3: Cost 51\nCreate New Source: Cost 88\nDestination 3:\nSource 1: Cost 55\nSource 2: Cost 31\nSource 3: Cost 76\nCreate New Source: Cost 99\nI need to choose one of the sources for each destination, so that each source (excluding 'create new source', which can be used as many times as required) is used zero or one times, and the overall cost is low.\nI do not need (although it would be nice) an algorithm that produces the absolute lowest cost, because I imagine this would require brute forcing. Instead, I just need an algorithm that is rather more efficient than blindly using source $n$ for destination $n$.\nExample Output And Constraints\nThe above data was actually chosen completely at random, but the following general rules apply to the data:\n* It will be very likely that, excluding the 'Create new source' option, the amount of sources will be equal to the amount of destinations.\n* It will be very likely that the cheapest option for destination $n$ will be to use source $n$.\n* It will be very likely that the cost of creating a new source will be one of highest costing options.\n* The example data above uses 3 sources, therefore there are $(3+1)^{3}=64$ total options, and as such, the solution is brute-forcible. At the time of writing, I am actually currently working with 33 sources and counting, there the brute forcing the $(33+1)^{33}=3.45...",
"× 10^{50}$ options is not feasible.\nFor the above data, the following costs are generated:\n/---------------+---------------+---------------+------------+--------\\\n| Destination 1 | Destination 2 | Destination 3 | Total Cost | Valid? |\n+---------------+---------------+---------------+------------+--------+\n| Source 1 (26) | Source 1 (12) | Source 2 (31) | 69 | FALSE |\n| Source 2 (32) | Source 1 (12) | Source 2 (31) | 75 | FALSE |\n| Source 1 (26) | Source 1 (12) | Source 1 (51) | 93 | FALSE |\n| Source 2 (32) | Source 1 (12) | Source 1 (55) | 99 | FALSE |\n| Source 1 (26) | Source 3 (51) | Source 2 (31) | 108 | TRUE |\n\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/‾\\/\nTherefore\n* Destination 1 should use Source 1.\n* Destination 2 should use Source 3.\n* Destination 3 should use Source 2.\n* In actual fact, blindly using source $n$ for destination $n$ with this data actually has a cost of 201, almost double the best choice, and is ranked 15th of the 24 valid solutions.\nBackground To The Problem\nI am working with a series of playlists, which when combined form one master playlist. Each playlist consists of a title in the format of (Master Playlist - Part $n$) and a list of items. These playlists are stored on a server.\nThe program I have written locally calculates the new state the master playlist needs to be in, splits it up with rules that are beyond the context of this question, and then starts making API calls to update the state of the playlists on the server accordingly.\nThe operations that can be done are\n* Create a new empty playlist, giving it a name in the process.\n* Delete an unwanted playlist, and any items inside.\n* Add an item to an existing playlist.\n* Remove an item from an existing playlist.\n* Re-order an item to a new position in the playlist it is already in.\n* Rename a playlist.\nIn the programs current form, for each local playlist part $n$, it will fetch the server state of playlist part $n$, work out whether it is cheaper to delete+recreate or add+remove, and then proceed accordingly.",
"The overal idea of the sub-problem sounds good.\nI've noticed a few issues:\nWhat is k supposed to represent?\n$j$ represents the number of machines unsold at the end of month $i$. This can't be negative as you cannot have a negative number of machines unsold, which means you sold more than what you produced!\nYou said you start with $MinCost(n,0)$ so you start with $j=0$, but then you need to compute $MinCost(n-1,0-k)$ and you wrote that $1 \\leq k$, which leaves to negative $j$!. There seem to be an issue here.\nI think your idea was that $k$ was the net difference of machines unsold on day $i$, which makes it hard to reason about.\nSo let's define $k$ as the number of unsold machines at the beginning of month $i$ (= number of unsold at the end of month $i-1$).\nWhat is $c(k,j,i)$?\nYou should have enough data to compute the costs yourself.",
"By the new definition of $k$, $c(k,j,i)= c \\cdot (j-k + d_i - m)$. This is because you had $k$ machine at the beginning of month $i$, you have $j$ machines at the end of that month and you sold $d_i$ machines, so you produced $j-k + d_i$ machines that month. You can produce $m$ machines without any additional cost so the remaining number of machine costs $c$ dollars per machine.\nPlease note that this value cannot be negative, as you can't get back the costs if you have to build less than $m$ machines. So $c(k,j,i)= max(0, c \\cdot (j-k + d_i - m))$.\nThis brings us to\n$\\quad MC(i,j) = \\min{MC(i-1,k) + max(0, c \\cdot (j-k + d_i - m)) + h(j) \\mid 0 \\le k \\le D }$\nWith $MC(0, j) = \\begin{cases} 0 & \\quad \\text{if } i = 0\\ + \\infty & \\quad \\text{if } i \\neq 0 \\end{cases}$\nBecause you can't have machines in stock before the first day.\nWe could make some optimisation on the max value of $k$ but it's a bit hard to compute and won't improve the asymptotic complexity.\nI believe this should be enough to write the algorithm.",
"$$ \\begin{bmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \\ x_3 \\ x_4 \\end{bmatrix} = \\underbrace{\\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\end{bmatrix}}_{=: {\\bf L}} \\begin{bmatrix} u_0 \\ u_1 \\ u_2 \\ u_3 \\end{bmatrix} + x_0\\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 1 \\ 1 \\end{bmatrix} $$\nor, more succinctly,\n$$ {\\bf x} = {\\bf L} {\\bf u} + x_0 {\\bf 1}_4 $$\nSince the final state cost is zero, we define weight vector ${\\bf w} := \\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & 0 \\end{bmatrix}^\\top$. Hence, the optimal control input sequence can be found via\n$$\\boxed{\\begin{array}{ll} \\underset{{\\bf u} \\in \\Bbb Z^4}{\\text{minimize}} & x_0^2 + \\left\\| \\mbox{diag}({\\bf w}) \\left( {\\bf L} {\\bf u} + x_0 {\\bf 1}_4 \\right) \\right\\|_2^2 + \\left\\| {\\bf u} \\right\\|_2^2 \\ \\text{subject to} & {\\bf 0}_4 \\leq {\\bf L} {\\bf u} + x_0 {\\bf 1}_4 \\leq x_0 {\\bf 1}_4\\end{array}}$$\nwhich is an instance of integer regularized least squares.\nUsing Python (with NumPy and CVXPY),\n```python import cvxpy as cp import numpy as np\nx_0 = 5\nL = np.array([( 1, 0, 0, 0), ( 1, 1, 0, 0), ( 1, 1, 1, 0), ( 1, 1, 1, 1)])\nw = np.array([1, 1, 1, 0]) W = np.diag(w)\noptimization variables\nu = cp.Variable(4, integer=True)\nbuild state vector\nx = (L @ u) + (x_0 * np.ones(4))\nbuild cost function\ncost = cp.sum_squares(x_0) + cp.sum_squares(W @ x) + cp.sum_squares(u)\ncreate optimization problem\nprob = cp.Problem( cp.Minimize(cost), [ np.zeros(4) <= x, x <= x_0 * np.ones(4) ] )\nsolve optimization problem\nsolution = prob.solve(solver = cp.ECOS_BB)\nprint(\"Optimal input sequence: \", np.round( u.value, 2)) print(\"Optimal state sequence: \", np.append([x_0], x.value )) print(\"Minimal cost: \", np.round( cost.value, 2)) ```\nwhich outputs the following\ntext Optimal input sequence: [-3. -1. 0. -0.] Optimal state sequence: [5.",
"2. 1. 1. 1.] Minimal cost: 41.0\nHence, one optimal solution is the following\n$$ u_0 = -3, \\qquad u_1 = -1, \\qquad u_2 = u_3 = 0 $$\nNote that this optimal solution is not unique. For details, please consider reading <PERSON>'s answer.",
"Inverse Newton Method for optimization: is this the correct algorithm?\nI am trying to implement the algorithm in this article. I have already asked a question before about it here, and I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. This time, it's this section of the article that I am struggling with (bold part is mine).\n[...] it can be shown that the vector $c_r$ that satisfied (29) can be estimated by minimizing the function $$\\chi(c_r) = \\frac{1}{2} c_r'[G(c_r) + \\alpha I]c_r - c_r'\\tilde{m}_r$$ where $I \\in \\mathcal{R}^{(s_1s_2)\\times(s_1s_2)}$ is an identity matrix. The optimization for $c_r$ can be performed by using the inverse <PERSON> method since the first and second derivative of $\\chi(c_r)$ are available in closed form as $$\\nabla \\chi(c_r) = (G(c_r) + \\alpha I)c_r - \\tilde{m}_r$$ $$\\nabla \\nabla \\chi(c_r) = G(c_r) + \\alpha I$$\nI looked for this inverse <PERSON> method and didn't find anything with that exact name (not really my area of expertise). However, I did find <PERSON>'s method for higher dimensions in Wikipedia. Is that the algorithm that I should use? If not, could you give me some pointer to what I could use? I implemented it in Matlab, but my final result is still not even close to what I should have. I simulated some data, transformed it, added some noise, then tried to invert it back.",
"I should get something like what I started with, but it's totally different and nonsensical. So I am trying to rule out possible failure areas. Here is the matlab code for all the functions, and the formula for $G(c_r)$. If anyone could double check my work, it would mean a lot. I think it looks much more difficult than it really is, but I can't wrap my head around what I'm doing wrong.\nFormula for $G(c_r)$:\n$$ G(c_r) = \\tilde{K}0 \\begin{bmatrix} H(\\tilde{K}'{0,1}c_r) & 0 & \\cdots & 0 \\ 0 & H(\\tilde{K}'{0,2}c_r) & \\cdots & 0 \\ \\vdots & \\vdots & & \\vdots \\ 0 & 0 & \\cdots & H(\\tilde{K}'{0,N_xN_y}c_r) \\end{bmatrix} \\tilde{K}_0' $$\nHere, $\\tilde{K}_{0,i}$ is the ith column of $\\tilde{K}_0$ and $H$ is the Heavyside function.\n(Inverse?) <PERSON> method: $x_{k+1} = x_k - \\gamma [f''(x_k)]^{-1} f' (x_k)$\n```matlab cr = ones(s1*s2, 1); % Initial Guess alpha = 1; % Initial Guess gamma = 1; % Step size. prev_chi_val = 1E8; % Just to check when it's converging epsilon = 0.001; maxiter = 50;\nfor num = 1:maxiter G_calc = G(cr, K0til, Nx, Ny); % Needed for all 3 functions. Defined at the end chi_val = chi(cr, G_calc, alpha, mtil); % Defined at the end D_chi = der1_chi(cr, G_calc, alpha, mtil); % Defined at the end DD_chi = der2_chi(G_calc, alpha); % Defined at the end cr = cr - gamma .",
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"To locate possible mineral resources, geologists inspect rock outcrops, surface characteristics, and geological formations in the field. They hunt for obvious indicators of mineralization, such as mineral veins, altered rock formations, or surface mineral samples, by analyzing the mineralogy, texture, and structure of rocks. Geologists can identify patterns and correlations between geological features and the occurrence of minerals by documenting these findings and producing precise geological maps.\nBy analyzing the chemical make-up of rocks, soils, and water, geochemical analysis is essential to mineral prospecting. Geologists gather field samples and analyze them in the lab to ascertain the presence and quantities of particular elements or minerals. Geochemical anomalies, which are elevated concentrations of certain elements or mineral assemblages, provide valuable indications of potential mineral deposits. By studying the distribution of these anomalies, geologists can narrow down areas where mineralization is likely to occur.\nGeophysical methods are used to detect subsurface features and anomalies associated with mineral deposits. Variations in these properties can indicate the presence of geological structures, mineralized zones, or other subsurface features that may contain minerals.",
"Geophysical surveys can cover large areas and provide valuable information for further exploration.\nAdditionally, geologists rely on knowledge of specific geological environments and models of ore deposits to guide their search for minerals. Different minerals tend to form under specific geological conditions and environments. For example, certain metallic ores are associated with particular rock types or geological processes like volcanic activity or hydrothermal systems. By understanding these relationships and conducting targeted exploration in regions with similar geological characteristics, geologists can improve the chances of discovering mineral deposits.\nFurthermore, historical data, including records of previous mining activities and geological surveys, offer valuable insights for mineral exploration. By studying past mining operations and their success in specific areas, geologists can identify patterns and geological features associated with mineral deposits. This historical information aids geologists in their hunt for fresh mineral deposits when paired with contemporary exploration techniques.\nIn conclusion, geologists use a variety of techniques to identify regions where minerals are likely to be discovered, including field observations, geological mapping, remote sensing, geochemical analysis, geophysical approaches, and knowledge of geological settings. Geologists can better target their exploration efforts using these multidisciplinary methods to geology, increasing the likelihood of finding mineral resources that are economically feasible.",
"The ejecta and their momentum appear to be entirely the product of the dissolved gasses in magma, according to this page on Physicochemical Controls on Eruption Style on the How Volcanoes Work pages of the Geology Department of San Diego State University:\nThe amount of dissolved gas in the magma provides the driving force for explosive eruptions. The viscosity of the magma, however, is also an important factor in determining whether an eruption will be explosive or nonexplosive. A low-viscosity magma, like basalt, will allow the escaping gases to migrate rapidly through the magma and escape to the surface. However, if the magma is viscous, like rhyolite, its high polymerization will impede the upward mobility of the gas bubbles.",
"As gas continues to exsolve from the viscous melt, the bubbles will be prevented from rapid escape, thus increasing the overall pressure on the magma column until the gas ejects explosively from the volcano. As a general rule, therefore, nonexplosive eruptions are typical of basaltic-to-andesitic magmas which have low viscosities and low gas contents, whereas explosive eruptions are typical of andesitic-to-rhyolitic magmas which have high viscosities and high gas contents.\nA similar description is offered by <PERSON>, associate professor in the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences at Tulane University:\nAt depth in the Earth nearly all magmas contain gas dissolved in the liquid, but the gas forms a separate vapor phase when pressure is decreased as magma rises toward the surface of the Earth. This is similar to carbonated beverages which are bottled at high pressure. The high pressure keeps the gas in solution in the liquid, but when pressure is decreased, like when you open the can or bottle, the gas comes out of solution and forms a separate gas phase that you see as bubbles. Gas gives magmas their explosive character, because volume of gas expands as pressure is reduced.\nSo the gross extrusion of magma from the earth is not innately gas-dependent (though gas influences the composition of the magma), but the violent processes are caused more by gas coming out of solution and forming pressurized bubbles than gas or magma being under pressure, if that makes sense.",
"The discovery and use of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas have had a significant impact on the growth of human civilization. These fuels have made it possible for humanity to get electricity, transport commodities, and operate equipment on a large scale. But what if fossil fuels were never found by humans? How would our evolution have changed?\nWe must first look at what fossil fuels have made possible for us in order to discuss this topic. It is well known that humankind was able to revolutionize transportation and manufacturing, for example, with the introduction of coal-powered steam engines. More rapidly and efficiently than ever before, trains and steamships allowed people and products to move across great distances. The ability of factories to create items at previously unheard-of speeds paved the way for mass manufacturing and the emergence of consumer culture.\nBut, if fossil fuels had not been used, we would have needed to turn to other energy sources. Throughout the early stages of human civilization, wood and charcoal served as our main fuel sources. We most likely would have kept using these sources if fossil fuels hadn't been available, at least in the near future.",
"Yet, deforestation would have been a significant issue because wood is a limited resource.\nWe may have resorted to other renewable energy sources, like wind, water, and solar electricity, to prevent deforestation. In actuality, some of these resources, including grain-grinding windmills and machinery-powering watermills, have been employed for millennia. We probably wouldn't have been able to achieve the same level of industrialization without fossil fuels, as these sources are not as dependable or effective as they are.\nNuclear power is one potential replacement for fossil fuels. Huge amounts of energy are released during nuclear reactions, and nuclear power plants may produce electricity without emitting greenhouse gases. However, nuclear power is a contentious and potentially dangerous option due to the risks involved, including meltdowns and radiation leakage. It's improbable that humanity could have securely harnessed nuclear power on a major scale without the expertise and understanding obtained from using fossil fuels.\nA world without fossil energy could have had a smaller adverse effect on the environment. Since humanity would not have produced as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere without using fossil fuels, climate change might have had less of an impact. It's also conceivable that humanity would have discovered additional methods to harm the ecosystem, such as through deforestation or excessive use of other natural resources.",
"Anticipating the future viability of coastal cities in the next four decades presents numerous complexities and uncertainties, making it difficult to provide a definite answer. Nevertheless, several crucial factors can help us comprehend the potential obstacles and risks that coastal cities may encounter in the coming years.\nA major concern for coastal cities revolves around the rising sea levels attributed to climate change. As global temperatures increase, the melting of glaciers and ice sheets contributes to a rise in sea levels. This poses a substantial threat to coastal regions. This is by increasing the risks of storm surges, coastal erosion and flooding. The susceptibility of coastal cities varies based on different factors. These include local topography, existing infrastructure and the efficacy of coastal protection measures.\nThe frequency and severity of extreme weather events including hurricanes and cyclones will increase due to climate change. These occurrences have the potential to cause major harm to coastal cities. This includes infrastructure damage and financial setbacks. Cities capacity to withstand and bounce back from such occurrences will be crucial to determining whether or not they survive.\nThe accessibility and sustainability of freshwater supplies are additional factors to take into account.",
"Cities along the coast frequently depend on freshwater resources from rivers, aquifers, or desalination facilities. However, when sea levels rise, freshwater supplies may become contaminated and unfit for use in agriculture or human consumption. This is due to saltwater intrusion. A sustainable and resilient water supply becomes crucial for the survival of coastal cities.\nAdditionally, the socioeconomic factors influencing coastal cities contribute to their resilience and adaptive capacity. Cities equipped with strong governance, robust infrastructure, effective urban planning, and adequate resources are better positioned to confront the challenges associated with climate change. Investment in climate adaptation measures such as flood-resistant structures and sustainable infrastructure can enhance a city's ability to withstand future risks.\nCoastal cities' chances of surviving over the next 40 years are still in question. It is dependent on a number of variables. These include rising sea levels, extreme weather and international efforts to slow down climate change. Although there are many obstacles, proactive adaptation strategies and international cooperation provide coastal cities hope for increasing their resilience and reducing hazards. Governments, communities, and other stakeholders must work together to create resilient, sustainable coastal cities that can endure the effects of climate change.",
"Creating an experiment to measure back radiation from atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) can be difficult and complex, however the following strategy is one possibility:\nChoose an appropriate area for the experiment: A location free of significant sources of interference, such as cities, factories, or sizable bodies of water, should be chosen. This can work best in a desert or open area.\nInstall a measurement station: Install a measurement station with a high-precision radiometer that can measure both incoming and outgoing radiation in the necessary wavelength ranges. To prevent reflections or interference from the ground, the radiometer should be set at a height above it.\nRadiation input measurement: Using a radiometer, determine the solar radiation input. The experiment's starting point measurement will be this.\nRadiation output: Using a radiometer, determine the radiation output from the Earth's surface. The radiative energy balance at the Earth's surface can be calculated with the use of this measurement.\nUtilise a radiometer to measure the back radiation coming from the atmosphere. To achieve this, you must cover the radiometer with a filter that only lets light of the right wavelengths through. This filter should be selective for the particular radiation wavelengths that CO2 absorbs and emits.\nThe difference between the entering radiation and the total of the back radiation and the departing radiation must be calculated. You will receive an estimate of the net radiative energy balance caused by atmospheric CO2 at the Earth's surface.\nThe experiment should be repeated several times, ideally in various seasons or weather conditions, to confirm the validity of your data.\nDetermine the amount of back radiation brought on by atmospheric CO2 by analysing the data.",
"To verify your conclusions, you might compare the results to those from simulations and models.\nIt should be noted that the complexity of the Earth's climate system might make planning and carrying out research on atmospheric CO2 a difficult process. In order to verify the accuracy and validity of your results, it is crucial to consult with specialists in the field and to adhere to the right scientific methods and standards.\nConfounding factors should always be taken into account in every scientific investigation because they can have an impact on the results. Changes in cloud cover, atmospheric particles, and water vapour are examples of potential confounding variables when measuring the back radiation from atmospheric CO2. It's crucial to make sure that your study appropriately takes these elements into consideration.\nThink about substitute techniques: There are various techniques that can be employed in addition to radiometry, which is one of the most popular ways to measure back radiation. For instance, some scientists quantify the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere using infrared spectroscopy, which allows them to calculate the amount of back radiation. It's crucial to take multiple approaches into account and select the one that is best for your particular research issue and available materials.\nPublish your findings: It's critical to inform the scientific community of your findings after your experiment is complete and the results have been analysed. Think about disseminating your research through other suitable means, presenting your findings at conferences for scientists, or publishing your findings in a peer-reviewed scientific publication. This could increase our understanding of atmospheric CO2 and how it affects climate on Earth.\nIn conclusion, meticulous preparation, attention to detail, and adherence to scientific rules and standards are necessary when developing an experiment to quantify back radiation from atmospheric CO2. You can run a thorough and scientifically sound experiment to deepen our grasp of this crucial subject by following the above-described methods.",
"When we speak of a fossil, we don't usually mean a preserved object, but rather a preserved trace of an object, like it's impression in other material. Metal objects certainly would leave impressions in the surrounding material, as well as oxides. So in that sense they can easily leave fossils.\nWhether the steel artifact its self lasts for eons depends on the specifics of the metal and the chemical and thermal conditions it encounters. But under most conditions, reactive metals like steel and aluminum would react away through multiple different corrosive mechanisms listed here. There's a very nice table here of the rates of corrosion progression for a few types of steel alloy. This includes Hastalloy, which is one of the most corrosion resistant forms of steel and for that reason is commonly used in nuclear power plants. For industrial use, with \"Excellent Corrosion Resistance\" being less than 0.1 mm of corrosion progression per year. That rate of corrosion will eat through 100 meters of metal in a million years. Zinc-steal in contact with fresh water corrodes at a rate of at least 10 mm/year, which would rapidly destroy it over large time scales.\nAnother way of looking at it is that basically all iron on Earth is found in the form of iron oxide, so iron compounds do not tend to stay oxidized over large time scales. Similarly, aluminum reacts with oxygen rapidly and is hardly ever (but not never) found in nature as an elemental metal.",
"Some surface treatments such as anodization can extend this time, but will eventually fail. Some elemental metals can be found in nature, which is an indication that under some conditions they could be found as fossils. These \"native metals\" particularly include copper, gold, silver and platinum-group metals (see link for a full list).\nIf, however, a reactive metal object is kept well away from oxygen and water it may last much longer. This is the case for satellites, although most satellites orbits are not entirely stable. The longest lasting may be those boosted into graveyard orbits; standard geosynchronous satellite graveyard orbit results in an expected orbital lifetime of millions of years. Objects on Mars stand a good chance of lasting for long time scales, since they are not exposed to air or water, and are kept cold with little thermal cycling. They are also likely to become buried in dust blown by the Martian wind. The Philae comet lander may be similarly preserved, though comets tend to crash into planets after a few million years. Similarly, several of the outer planet probes may last for extreme time scales since they will be in vacuum, cold, and safe from major collisions. In particular: Voyager 1 & 2, Pioneer 10 & 11, New Horizons. But these are continuously moving away from the solar system, so while preserved, won't leave any fossils to find.\nIn total, the answer appears to be eons, but few objects will find suitable conditions, and the best place to look will be on Mars.",
"Iron ores exists in multiple forms: iron oxides, iron sulphides, dissolved iron in water and nickel-iron metal.\nFor a world without oxygen, it will depend on whether there were any water on this world.\nFor native Nickel-iron which is found on most celestial bodies that does not have any atmosphere nor water (deposits will come from iron-rich meteors, which will not be oxidized, and is available even with total planetary differentiation that sank any primordial iron into the core), all you need is a magnet(you won’t even need magnets if your world is of class M, which means there was a high content of metallic iron, as just sawing off a part of the ground will yield malleable metal) to collect the granules of iron from the regolith.\nFor iron oxides (which is often found co-located with silicates), you have two choice:\nif The world have water in the form of ices or a liquid ocean(as for prebiotic earth), then you could probably dissolve your rocks using an acid(depends on what other elements are found, acids are generally made from the respecting salt/salty materials using diaphragm electrolysis from the anolyte. hydrochloric or sulfuric acids may be used, as these ions are often found in ices, volatiles and prebiotic oceans. The resulting solution is then electrolyzed in a diaphragm cell again, depositing iron on the cathode and regenerating the acids (along with oxygen) in the anolyte. The water and acids in this process is purely catalytic, as it is regenerated in the reaction.\nFor worlds without any water deposits, if you can’t import any hydrogen/water as a catalyst, the Thermite reaction will be extremely useful when it comes to refining iron. First, most rocks on the surface of many planets will generally be a mixture of alkaline metal oxide, silicon dioxide and aluminum oxide, with the occasional calcium thrown in. This composition generally melts at 1200 degrees C maximum, and depends on the exact rock composition, can either have viscosity as low as cooking oil or as high as taffy candies. Electrolysis of the molten rock using platinum electrodes(as they don’t wear out) yields alkaline metals at the cathode and oxygen gas at the anode, alone with silicate glass. Divalent cations like magnesium, calcium and iron will also be deposited. The high temperatures will force these metals to vaporize, and this mixture of metals will be used to reduce any oxide ores to the metal.",
"Depends on the rock type, the electrolyte will start to thicken as the reaction progresses, and should be replaced when the conductivity of the molten rock have dropped below economical values.\nAny iron in this molten rock can be easily harvested, as it will plate out on the cathode first, and the mixture of reducing metals can now be used to reduce the actual iron oxide ore using high temperatures. The trick here, is to use an excess of the reducing metal mixture, so the excess silicates inside the ore is being turned into silicon. The iron then drops out as a molten iron-silicon alloy, which can be purified using oxygen from the rock electrolysis cells, leaving behind silica glass. The slag is primarily sodium and calcium silicate, which can be electrolyzed to recover most of the sodium-calcium metal. Any aluminates would have been converted into aluminum metal before the alkali metal silicates have became irreducible due to being thermodynamically stable, and drops out of the solution as a phase-separated layer from the iron metal.\nAs This process removes silica from the regolith and iron oxide feedstock, in theory we could separate all the iron, silicon, alkali metals, calcium and oxygen from any given piece of rock. The alkali metal rich slags of the reaction can be electrolyzed, which recovers most of the mobile cations, and the residual silica-alumina reduced to elemental silicon using aluminum metal. The alumina product is then reduced using sodium, regenerating aluminum and oxygen. We have achieved total separation of the rock feedstock, and refined iron from the process.\nFor the iron sulfides, we can employ thermal separation followed by, depends on whether hydrogen is available, wet chemical or Thermochemical methods to refine the Ferris sulfide product. Pyrite breaks down into ferrous sulfide and elemental sulfur at above 500 degrees C, and the sulfur will start to distill over at 700 degrees C. Vacuum distillation can therefore be employed to reduce all the iron and other metal sulfides to the monosulphide variety.\nThe wet chemical method of separation uses an acid to dissolve the ferrous sulfide, generating hydrogen sulfide gas and an iron salt.",
"Both melting and dissolving are physical processes that cause changes in the state of matter. Still, they are distinct in terms of the substances they involve and the underlying mechanisms.\nAs a solid substance absorbs heat, melting is the process by which it transforms into a liquid state. A solid must reach its melting point, the temperature at which its crystalline structure disintegrates and the particles become more mobile, before it may start to melt. The quantity of energy needed to melt a substance depends on its melting point and specific heat capacity. Melting is an endothermic process, meaning it requires energy input.\nContrarily, the process of dissolving is the uniform dispersion of a material (the solute) in a solvent to produce a homogenous mixture known as a solution. A substance must interact with the solvent's particles to dissolve; this interaction must weaken the solute's intermolecular forces so that it may mix with the solvent's molecules. Depending on whether the energy released or absorbed by the reaction is higher, the process of dissolving is either exothermic or endothermic.\nOne of the main distinctions between melting and dissolving is that the former occurs when a single material changes its state of matter. In contrast, the latter occurs when two or more compounds interact to produce a solution.",
"The original material doesn't change chemically during melting; only its physical condition is altered. On the other hand, when a material dissolves, the solute and solvent combine chemically to create a new compound with a different set of attributes.\nThe energy requirements involved in each operation are another important distinction. Energy must be added to cause melting, usually in the form of heat, to dismantle the intermolecular forces keeping the solid together. On the other hand, dissolving might involve either the release or absorption of energy depending on the particular solute and solvent involved. For instance, although ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) absorbs energy when dissolved in water, table salt (NaCl) releases energy when dissolved in water.\nEach process's speed can vary based on several variables. The pace of melting normally depends on the temperature and the substance's specific heat capacity. The solubility, temperature, pressure, and concentration of the solute and solvent influence the dissolution rate.\nIn conclusion, while both melting and dissolving are physical processes that result in changes in the state of matter, they are a distinct from one another in terms of the materials they involve, the energy required, and the underlying mechanisms. Dissolving is the process of evenly distributing a solute in a solvent to produce a solution, which can be exothermic or endothermic. Melting is the act of converting a solid material into a liquid state by adding energy.",
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"Out of universe answer\nIn very early drafts of the script to the original Star Wars, <PERSON> used the phrase \"May the Force of Others be with you\". This was intended to be a common greeting, a reference to a shared religion that was common in many inhibitants of the galaxy he was just starting to build ideas about at the time.",
"In the original rough draft of the script, the phrase is used by several characters: both the King and Queen of \"Aquilae\" (a world which seems to have become merged with Alderaan during later revisions, as they are <PERSON>'s parents), \"General\" <PERSON> (an elderly Jedi), <PERSON> (his old friend) and <PERSON> (<PERSON>'s son), <PERSON> (an anthropologist...) and <PERSON> (a random rebel with only 3 other lines).\nIt was this phrase that inspired him to develop the ideas about what the \"Force of Others\" actually was (shortening the name to just \"the Force\" along the way, probably just because it sounds better like that -- <PERSON> is very driven by the way things sound in his writing), and what the Jedi (or Jedi-Bendu as they were called in early drafts) actually did.\nAlong the way, he changed his ideas about the background of the galaxy, and followers of the Force became rare, almost extinct (although it doesn't seem he had yet figured out exactly why: I think he was just trying to highlight <PERSON> character as being exotic, and explain why <PERSON> had never encountered the ideas behind the Force before), but I suspect he simply didn't have the will to completely remove that line from the script -- I suspect he loved the sound of it, and it had a personal link for him to the history of how he'd developed the story -- so he left it in, even though it wasn't entirely logical for it to be used in that context, at least according to the ideas he was developing at the time.\nOf course, later justifications were added, but as of the moment the final Star Wars script was written, it didn't make much sense. But <PERSON> didn't expect Star Wars to be the commercial success it was, he wasn't expecting to develop it into a full 6 movie series, and he certainly wasn't expecting the huge extended universe or other additions that came later. So he let a slightly illogical line stand, because he wanted it to be there.\n(This is, of course, just a theory: <PERSON>'s statements about the actual process by which Star Wars was developed are self contradictory and in places nonsensical, so a lot of this is based on supposition, but it seems reasonable)",
"Why specifically was <PERSON> the \"only hope\" of Princess <PERSON>?\nI know that there is a sort of similar question about how Princess <PERSON> knew about <PERSON> here, but I'm curious as to why and how Princess <PERSON> thought an aging <PERSON> would be of any help to the Rebellion worth risking herself and her crew in addition to the stolen Death Star plans (which apparently the Rebellion only had stored on R2-D2 physically, and no other copies)?\nSee here for the scene in question.\nThings to consider:\n1. Obi-<PERSON> as a resource to the Rebellion didn't even have his own ship or own resources to contribute (not even enough to pay for passage for a smuggler to transport him).\n2. <PERSON>-<PERSON> as a fighter did not do any extensive amount of fighting in A New Hope (he cut off a guy's arm in a bar, and sacrificed himself vs <PERSON>, that's it)\n3. <PERSON> as a Jedi didn't have an apprentice yet, and was probably not going to have a shot at taking on <PERSON> or the Emperor.\n4.",
"Princess <PERSON> risked near everything just to visit in person the place where she thought <PERSON> still lived (he could have been dead for years assuming that she said \"years ago\" in her message to <PERSON> regarding how she knew of him). She risked herself, her ship, her crew, her cause (if she had been tortured into giving up the Rebellion) and the stolen plans themselves (next time stormtroopers, shoot down the empty escape pod, if for no other reason than to improve your atrocious aim and shooting during the original trilogy), just to see if <PERSON> might be interested if still alive to maybe (somehow) help the Rebellion.\nPossible answers I've considered (I'm curious for more though):\n1. Obi-<PERSON> might have some sort of wisdom or knowledge about attacking the Death Star and he may have been able to analyze the stolen Death Star plans for weaknesses (but the Rebels did a good job of this anyway).\n2. <PERSON>-<PERSON> would have been exceptional at espionage and infiltration (took out the tractor beam on the Death Star, successfully avoided almost every stormtrooper he encountered, and Jedi mind tricked the ones he couldn't avoid -- think \"these aren't the droids you're looking for\"), although <PERSON> stealth would not have been needed inside the Death Star had <PERSON> not gotten herself captured and in need of a rescue from the Death Star in the first place, which happened as a result of trying to visit <PERSON>-<PERSON>.",
"In Appendix B to \"The Return of the King\", the August 3018 entry briefly mentions how <PERSON> hid in Moria to evade both the Elves and the servants of Sauron who hunted him, and how he was unable to leave through the West-Gate (the gate through which the Fellowship entered) when he finally found it.\nThe background material published as \"The Hunt for the Ring\" in \"Unfinished Tales\" goes into a bit more detail. <PERSON> entered Moria not only to hide from his enemies -- particularly from the <PERSON>, who were searching for the Shire along the Great River -- but also in hope of crossing the Misty Mountains westward in order to find the Shire and the Ring himself.\nWhat then happened to <PERSON> cannot of course be known for certain. He was peculiarly fitted to survive in such straits, though at the cost of great misery; but he was in great peril of discovery by the servant of Sauron that lurked in Moria, especially since such bare necessity of food as he must have he could only get by thieving dangerously. ... he became lost, and it was a very long time before he found his way about. It thus seems probable that he had not long made his way toward the West-Gate when the Nine Walkers arrived. He knew nothing, of course, about the action of the doors. To him they would seem huge and immovable; and though they had no lock or bar and opened outwards to a thrust, he did not discover that. In any case, he was now far away from any source of food, for the Orcs were mostly in the East End of Moria, and was become weak and desperate, so that even if he had known all about the doors he still could not have thrust them open. It was thus a piece of singular good fortune for <PERSON> that the Nine Walkers arrived when they did.\nStil in the vicinity of the gate, <PERSON> quickly picked up the Company's trail; <PERSON> already hears his footsteps before they make their first stop for sleep several hours after entering the Mines (as confirmed by the entry for January 13, 3019 in \"The Tale of the Years\": \"Attack by Wolves in the early hours.",
"The Company reaches the West-Gate at nightfall. <PERSON> begins to trail the Ringbearer\"). The passage quoted above suggests that <PERSON>, by then desperate to get out, would have followed anybody. But it didn't take him long to feel or guess that his Precious was with the party: he somehow found his way out of Moria despite the attack on the Fellowship and later that same day dared to enter the (to him) terrible Elvish land of Lothlorien. The idea of escape had quickly given way to pursuit of the <PERSON>.\nHow did he know the Ring was with the Company? I discount the idea that he could sense it as the <PERSON> could: during the Riddle Game <PERSON> stood right in front of him with the <PERSON> in his pocket, yet at its end <PERSON> failed to guess it was in there in 4 tries. But the sight of <PERSON>, who had quizzed him extensively about the Precious, leading a party that included no less than 4 hobbits might have been a good hint.\nIn the end, though, I think <PERSON> must have perceived a resemblance between <PERSON> and <PERSON>. He wasn't in any doubt as to which hobbit had the Ring: he tried to climb the tree <PERSON> is in the first night in Lorien, and later he unerringly followed <PERSON> when the Fellowship broke above Rauros Falls. <PERSON>'s ability to track them seems to have been based mainly on scent (in the Emyn Muil, <PERSON> says \"In this dry bleak land we can't leave many footprints, nor much scent, even for his snuffling nose\"). However much or little <PERSON> and <PERSON> looked alike, it could well be that they smelt enough alike to <PERSON>. I would also note that, besides the Ring, <PERSON> carried 2 of <PERSON>'s other belongings. <PERSON> had never worn the mithril coat all that much and had left it in a museum for decades, so I don't see how it could have carried much of his scent by the time of <PERSON>'s journey to Mordor.",
"The main thing he did was watch over <PERSON>. That was his main purpose there, as he said to <PERSON> and <PERSON> on Polis Massa. <PERSON> says \"To <PERSON>, to his family, take him.\", and <PERSON> says \"I will take the boy and watch over him.\" There are many instances in the legends where he 'saves' <PERSON> from skirmishes, etc. eventhough <PERSON>'s Uncle <PERSON> wasn't too happy about that.\nWith regards to his own life, he continued with his training, despite not having a master with him. As <PERSON> says to <PERSON> on Polis Massa, <PERSON> old master <PERSON> had contacted him and had found the way to 'come back' to the world of the living and interact with people. <PERSON> had not completed his own training, so he could only come back as a voice (I think), but he told <PERSON> how to do it. <PERSON> taught <PERSON>, and he spent at least some time on Tatooine training with this particular 'power'.\nThis last part is just speculation, but he might also have travelled at least around the immediate vicinity of where he lived and where <PERSON> lived, and got to know a bit more about the planet he was on. Evidenced by:\n* He knew a deal more about sandpeople than <PERSON>, though <PERSON> had been living there as long as <PERSON>. When <PERSON><PERSON><PERSON> and <PERSON> found the butchered bodies of the Jawas who found C3PO and R2D2, <PERSON> suggested it might have been the sandpeople who attacked them. But <PERSON> says that the blaster marks on the Sandcrawler were too accurate for sandpeople, and guessed correctly that it had been Imperial Troopers who killed the <PERSON>. He probably interacted wth the sandpeople enough to know how well they shot.",
"When he saved <PERSON> from them, he also knew how to scare them off.\n* He was familiar with the denizens of Mos Eisley. While <PERSON> did mention the town in the movie, when they actually went there, it was <PERSON> who somehow knew exactly how and where to find a smuggler. If he'd simply found a passenger ship, this could be waved off. I'm sure many people would want to leave Tatooine, and would not need to do it so hush-hush, so a simple cruise ship would be what most travellers look for. But <PERSON> found a smuggler of all things, and normal people who are unfamiliar with the place would not be able to find one that easily.\n* He also knew <PERSON>. While in Episode 3, we see that <PERSON> formerly knew <PERSON> and helped him escape Kashyyyk after nearly being killed, we also see that <PERSON> remained on the planet, and did not follow <PERSON> to Polis Massa. So, since that is the only moment before Episode 4 where <PERSON> appears, and he does not meet <PERSON> then, it only makes sense that <PERSON> only met <PERSON> after he started living on Tatooine.\nEDIT: From the wikia, the cantina on Mos Eisley was indeed a popular gathering place for spacers, smugglers, and the centre of a host of criminal activity in Mos Eisley. So you could argue that <PERSON> might have simply heard about the place, brought <PERSON> there, and met <PERSON> by chance. But to have asked around for smugglers who were willing to evade Imperial Troopers would have attracted too many unwanted questions and rumours. There was a very high chance that some smuggler could have rejected them, and then tattled to the Imperials for money, if <PERSON> had simply walked in without a plan. In fact, someone did tattle to the Troopers just before the Millenium Falcon took off.",
"At present, we just don't know for sure.\nTime measurements are based on Earth standards as far as we can apply them to time in Star Wars.\nThere is a specific event in the season finale which is of importance within the Star Wars universe, although likely unknown to the galaxy at large at the time;\n! The destruction of Tipoca city by the Empire.\nThis may have a date canonised at some point in the future, which would allow us to pin point how much time has passed since Order 66 was issued, but at present that's not happened as the Bad Batch finale was the first depiction or mention of that event.\nThe show itself doesn't allow us to clearly track time. Although the events of each episode is not shown to last more than a day or maybe two, there are cuts where the squad are shown travelling between system. The duration for interstellar travel times in Star Wars are poorly defined, often described as mere hours to cross a large part of the galaxy.\nOn top of that there are events which happen off-screen, usually mentioned in the opening scene of each episode. We don't really get to know how long these events take, but given the context I wouldn't expect those breaks to be more than a week or two.",
"Contrary to this, there is plenty of development happening within the Empire, with the introduction of TK troopers. The Empire might be rushing this as much as possible, given the distaste held by <PERSON> in particular against clones, but it's not something they could implement overnight, at least not to the degree shown by the end of the season.\nFinally, we do have a character who might offer some guidance. <PERSON> is still a child and isn't shown to age visibly through the course of the season. While this may be down to artistic reasons (for comparison, <PERSON> aged through occasional redesigns of her character in Clone Wars), we could take this as evidence that the events of the first season couldn't have lasted longer than a year.\nAll this taken together, unless and until dates are given in future works, we could expect the season finale to have occurred between two and twelve months from Order 66. My personal opinion, based on the story progression and development, would be towards a shorter time period of between two and four months.",
"OK, having watched through the series again over the weekend, I do think that we can answer some of your question and at least address the rest.\nWere Clone Force 99 deliberately created?\nYes, <PERSON> deliberately developed the Bad Batch, presumably from Omega's genetic material.\nIt's where I was created. You all were here too. Your mutations were enhanced in this room. Experimental Unit 99 began right here.\n-- Omega, Bad Batch S1E15 \"Return to Kamino\"\nOn whose order were Clone Force 99 created?\nIt is suggested that <PERSON> gave the order (see below). Although I suppose it is possible that <PERSON> just went ahead and made these clones (or at least Omega) on her own in secret, and <PERSON> merely found out about (and approved) the project at a later date.\nMost in Tipoca City don't know about it.\n-- Omega, Bad Batch S1E15 \"Return to Kamino\nWe know that the Bad Batch were created in <PERSON> secret lab on Kamino. We also know they were tagged with the \"CT99\" number. This suggests that everyone else was supposed to believe that they were defective, again presumably for the purposes of secrecy.\nWhy were Clone Force 99 created?\nThis we don't know exactly. We know they wanted enhanced clones as part of some plan to ensure that their position as creators of a galaxy wide army continued, but we don't know the details of this plan. It's likely that at the time, the Bad Batch were created as a prototype for further enhanced clones that could be sold to the Republic.\nHowever, we know that after Order 66 and early in the rise of the Empire, the Kaminoans come to see the enhanced clone project as vital for their own interests.\nWe must ensure our clones remain essential...",
"If your experiment can yield a superior clone, it will secure our relationship with this Empire.\n-- <PERSON>, Bad Batch S1E03 \"Replacements\".\nThis same conversation includes <PERSON> pointing out that the original DNA samples they have from <PERSON> \"continue to degrade\", meaning that they are likely unsuitable for the Kaminoan's purpose, and that they would need the Bad Batch to continue their work. <PERSON> then states that,\nWe only need one. Our survival depends on it.\nConsidering the actions taken by <PERSON> in trying to recapture Omega, and only Omega, it's clear that Omega is the one that they need.\nThe Kaminoans don't create without a purpose. You all have one, so what's hers?\n-- Cut, Bad Batch S1E02 \"Cut and Run\"\nHow producing enhanced clones would save the Kaminoans at this point was not openly addressed, and with <PERSON> implied death during S1E14 \"War-Mantel\" we are left with only <PERSON> who would probably know the answer to that.\nFrom the discussions between <PERSON> and <PERSON> throughout the series, we could conclude that the Kaminoans felt enhanced clones would be unarguably superior to conscripted/enlisted soldiers, ensuring that Kaminoan clones remained the front-line troops for the Empire. During the creation of Clone Force 99 this is likely to be the Kaminoans' motivation.\nHowever, given that 80% of their enhanced clones had already defected by the time <PERSON> claims, \"Our survival depends on it,\" and <PERSON>'s increasing hostility towards continued cloning, it's obvious that the ability to create new enhanced clone soldiers is of no interest to the Empire.\n<PERSON> is not an idiot, so this might suggest that the actual reason for wanting to continue the project (and therefore their need for Omega) is something else. It is possible that this other, unknown reason might have been something the Kaminoans were aware of much earlier and was therefore a factor in the creation of the Bad Batch in the first place.\nOne minor, but pertinent tangent that should be addressed:\nI further analyzed Omega's genetic profile and discovered she has pure, first-generation DNA.\n...\nWhile our genetic structure was modified for growth acceleration and obedience, Omega is a pure genetic replication. -- Tech, Bad Batch S1E09 \"Bounty Lost\"\nWhy does it have to be Omega that they develop new enhanced clones from? <PERSON> was not the only bounty hunter in the universe. If Omega's DNA was completely unaltered and the existing enhanced clones had demonstrated unfavourable traits (such as a high rate of desertion), one wonders if it wouldn't be less hassle to start again with a new donor. Unless the knowledge they had of adjusting human DNA was highly specific to <PERSON>'s own genetic code.",
"What led <PERSON> to conclude that <PERSON> was a Sith?\nThis question is similar to this one pertaining to <PERSON> assessment, but there are different circumstances that I think are noteworthy, and therefore justify a separate question. When <PERSON> explained his conclusion to <PERSON>, they had now seen what <PERSON> was capable of, as he had fought two Jedi, and successfully killed one of them (a very well-experienced Jedi Master).\nHowever, when <PERSON> first fought against <PERSON>, it was the first time that any Jedi had seen him (at least as far as what the films show; and none of those present during <PERSON> subsequent meeting with the Jedi Council had any prior knowledge of <PERSON>), and <PERSON> spent very little time fighting against him at that point. When <PERSON> escaped by boarding the <PERSON>'s ship, he had this exchange with <PERSON>:\n<PERSON> : What was it?\n<PERSON>-<PERSON> : I'm not sure... but he was well trained in the Jedi arts.",
"My guess is he was after the Queen...\nAnd later, when he relayed his experience and his conclusion to the Jedi Council:\n<PERSON><PERSON><PERSON> : only conclusion can be that it was a Sith Lord.\n<PERSON>-<PERSON> : Impossible! The Sith have been extinct for a millennium.\n<PERSON> : I do not believe the Sith could have returned without us knowing.\nSo, considering the Council's skepticism of <PERSON>'s affiliation due to how long the Sith have been absent from the Jedi's affairs in the galaxy (and thought to have been long-extinct), what was it that led <PERSON> to believe that <PERSON> was a Sith Lord? I understand that it was probably easy to conclude that he wasn't a fallen Jedi, but why not some other type of Dark Jedi? The definition of Dark Jedi (at least according to Wookieepedia) is a Force-sensitive that adheres to the Dark Side, but isn't a Sith. In fact, if we rely on Legends, there were a few notable examples of Dark Jedi, such as <PERSON>, then there was <PERSON> during what became known as the Dark Jedi Conflict, and, most notably, there was <PERSON> former Padawan <PERSON>. And, on another note, <PERSON> was a Dathomirian Zabrak, not a Sith Pureblood.\nBased on what <PERSON> knew at the time, wouldn't it have been the more logical to conclude that Darth <PERSON> was actually a previously unknown Dark Jedi?\nNote: While I drew upon Legends information in forming my question, an answer from either Canon or Legends is acceptable (depending on what information is available). If possible, answers for each are appreciated.",
"Is there any detail in the canon to suggest where The Liberty and the Tantive IV met to transmit the Death Star plans?\nPursuant to comments made by @tjd and <PERSON> in my answer to this question, I will reproduce the note that I made:\nThe points raised by @tjd and <PERSON>, in the comments to this answer, are solid. Why Leia was in the Tatoo system to begin with depends on a question I could not find an answer to; namely, at what point between Polis Massa/Darknell and Tatooine, did the Tantive IV (Leia's ship) attempt to transmit the now complete Death Star plans to the Liberty? The Death Star plans were not stolen all at once, but as described in Operation Skyhook, in a series of actions that started in AX-235 or Danuta (the canon is contradictory but seems to favor <PERSON>), then Toprawa. The Tantive IV then moved to Polis Massa and Darknell to receive the last parts of the plans, both of which are due west of Tatooine in the 'south' the of galaxy.\nI could not find in the canon where the Liberty and Tantive IV met to attempt to transfer the plans before being intercepted/interrupted by the Immortal.",
"From there the Tantive IV and a rebel detachment moved to the Tatoo sector but their general location was betrayed by U-3PO during the Battle of Tatooine. Their specific location in the system was given away when they tried to activate an uplink station, and then <PERSON> and his contingent moved in, leading to the capture of <PERSON>.\nThe attempted activation of the uplink station still supports that <PERSON> was again trying to transmit the plans (from an out-of-the-way location), rather than being in the Tatoo system to deliver them (which she wasn't, she was there to recruit <PERSON>). She would not have used the HoloNet as it was controlled by the Empire and she most likely could not have transmitted the plans over any large distance via hyperwave communication due its limitations, so it is reasonable that she would have dropped out of hyperspace in an out-of-the-way place to transmit the plans as securely as she could.\nIs there any evidence in the canon to suggest where the Liberty and the Tantive IV met to attempt this transmission?",
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"Synchronized 2-Axis Motion With Variable Speed (Arduino + LEDs + 28BYJ-48)\nIntroduction: Synchronized 2-Axis Motion With Variable Speed (Arduino + LEDs + 28BYJ-48)\nThis tutorial shows how to move two stepper motors so they will synchronously arrive at defined destination point. There are many sophisticated solutions for doing this such as GRBL or Marlin. Using an Arduino, there are also dedicated “Multi Stepper” libraries that can support you. However, we will use a more basic approach here making it as easy as possible while adding a simple user interface using either three LEDs and some microswitches.\nSupplies\n* 1 Arduino Nano (or Uno, with 328P CPU)\n* 1 Breadboard (830 Holes)\n* 14 Jumper Cables (male-to-male, 10...20 cm)\n* 12 Jumper Cables (male to-female, 10...20 cm)\n* 2 LEDs (5mm, 20mA, around 2V)\n* 2 Resistors (220 Ohm)\n* 2 Microswitches\n* 1 Potentionmeter (5 or 10 kOhm)\n* 1 5V Power Supply\n* 2 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motors (5V Version) + ULN 2003 Driver Boards\nStep 1: Configure Your Breadboard\nSet-up your breadboard as shown in the pictures above:\n* Connect GND and 5V to the according rails of the breadboard.\n* Pins D2 to D5 of the Arduino go to In1 to In4 of the first ULN2003 board.\n* Pins D6 to D9 of the Arduino go to In1 to In4 of the second ULN2003 board.\n* Pin D10 of the Arduino goes to the + leg (longer leg) of the first LED (red). Connect the shorter leg (-) to a 220 Ω resistor and the other end of this resistor to the ground rail.\n* Connect D11 the same way to the second LED and its resistor.\n* Connect the Arduino pins A0, A1, and A2 to the microswitches. Connect the other side of the microswitches to GND. We will not use any pull-up resistors to avoid short circuits here, because we use the pull-up that are already integrated in the Arduino.\n* Connect the left leg of the potentiometer to ground, the right leg to 5V and the middle leg to A3 of the Arduino.\n* The Arduino itself will be powered through the USB port during the first tests. Nevertheless, the motors should not be powered through the USB port. Hence, connect a separated power supply to plus/ground rails on the other side of the breadboard.",
"Connect the + pin and - pins of each ULN2003 board to these plus/ground rails. As a last step, make a bridge between the both ground rails.\nStep 2: A First Test\nNow we can do a first test of our set-up and the included “user interface”.\nOpen the Arduino IDE and load the attached “Two_Steppers_-_First_Test.ino” file. It should compile without any additional libraries. Most of the code is pretty self-explanatory.\n* The setup() method is only defining which pins will be used for input and out actions and open the serial connection to the PC.\n* The loop() method now will continuously perform the following sequence:\n1. Read the value of the potentiometer from the analog input, scale for displaying values between 0 and 100%, read the buttons and print the status all input elements to the serial interface.\n2. Switch on one LED on and the other off.\n3. Using two for-loops, move each motor approximately a quarter of a full rotation (8 * 128 = 1,024 half-steps per quarter rotation; a full rotation is usually 4,076 half-steps for the 28BYJ-48 motors). During the every second run of loop(), the steps will be done in forward direction. During the other runs, the motors will go back to the initial position.\nThe core concept of moving stepper motors is to switch on and off the coils in the motors using the digital output pins. On the Arduino, they are represented by the PORTB and PORTD registers, where D2…5 (= motor 1) are the bits 2…5 of PORTD, D7…8 (first two wires that go to motor 2) are bits 6…7 of PORTD and D9…10 (second two wires of motor 2) are bits 0…1 of PORTB.",
"LEGO Compatible Street Light and LED-Brick\nIntroduction: LEGO Compatible Street Light and LED-Brick\nThis instructable shows how to build a LEGO compatible Street Light and an LED brick using snippets of a WS2812B LED strip, and it shows how to drive these LEDs with a small microcontroller. As an advantage over other street lights, it can be used to set different colors and intensities – and it does some “rainbow-lighting”.\nSupplies\nFor building the lanterns you will need:\n- 3x microswitch\n- 1x perfboard 2 cm x 8 cm (6 x 28 holes)\n- 1x DIP-8 socket\n- 1x Attiny85-20PU microcontroller\n- 1x WS2812B LED strip (with 144 LEDs/m)\n- 1x 0.14….0.25 mm2 wire ( » 1 m)\n- 1x 3D printer with some filament (or print service)\n- 1x 40 pin female <PERSON> header (optional)\n- 2x 1 pin male <PERSON> header (optional)\n- 2x 3 pin male <PERSON> header (optional)\n- Some jumper wires and an Arduino Uno (or an ISP) for programming the Attiny\nStep 1: Print the Lantern and the Bricks\nAttached, you find 5 STL files:\n* Lantern: This is the street light.\n* Perfboard Brick: Thiswill be the holder of the perfboard with circuit we are going to make. For sure, you can place the perfboard outside your LEGO scene or you may “hide” it in a different case made of LEGO bricks. This is just a simple LEGO compatible brick for keeping the microcontroller within the scene as you probably want to use the pushbuttons to change the light intensity or color.\n* Lantern Cable Brick: With this optional 4x2 brick, you can fix the cables coming from the lantern to the ground plate if you want to hide the cables.\n* Cable Guide Brick: Another optional 4x2 brick for “guiding” the cables over longer distances.\n* LED Brick: This is an alternative brick that can carry two LEDs. It might be useful if you want to build the “stem” of the lantern from standard LEGO 2x1 bricks, or if you want to integrate LED lights in other structures like a wall of a LEGO house.\nIn the pictures you will see more details on the intended use of these bricks.\nAfter some approaches, I found that printing all parts upside down (with the knobs to the build plate) yields the optimal results in terms of tolerances which is important to make the bricks snap to original LEGO elements. Print all parts with a layer height of 0.2 mm, 2mm wall thickness, 25% infill, support, and a brim. The brim is important for the street lights, in particular.\nPlease note: If the bricks are too tight to snap on other LEGO bricks or plates, use a sharp knife and scratch a bit of material from the connectors like shown above.\nStep 2: Electrical Circuit - the Board\nCut a segment with 13 holes from the perfboard and solder the connections, the headers and the DIP-8 socket as shown in the diagrams and pictures.\nIn the middle of the board, you see the Attiny and the three pushbuttons. The pushbuttons are connected to the digital inputs D0, D2, and D4.",
"The circuit will be able to drive two LED strips independently using the digital outputs D1 and D3.\nWhile the first diagram (named “Overview”) shows all connections on the front side (including the power and ground lines as well as the connections to the LEDs), the wiring is really done on the backside of the board. Hence, please place the headers, the socket, and the microswitches on one side as shown in the diagram marked with the label “Front” and solder all connections as shown on the diagram with label “Back”. The “Back” diagram shows the board as you will see it during soldering (i.e. mirrored to the front side).\nStart with the solder tracks. Use some copper or sliver wire to do the longer ones. Short connections can be done directly using solder tin. After the tracks are established, you must bridge power and GND to both sides using short shielded cables as you will cross other connections or MCU pins (see red and black cables in the pictures).\nPlease note: The diagrams include the Attiny85 for a better understanding of the wiring. In the real world, please solder the DIP-8 socket here as shown in the photos. You will need it for inserting and removing the Attiny after/before (re-)programming.",
"Arduino: Portable Two-Axis Stepper Control\nIntroduction: Arduino: Portable Two-Axis Stepper Control\nIn a previous tutorial we have seen how to run two stepper motors synchronously from a given start position to a defined destination using an Arduino and a very simple “user interface”. That user interface was restricted to some microswitches and LEDs, both installed on a breadboard.\nAs promised, this new instructable shows\n* how to add a small OLED screen,\n* how to run the Arduino, the motors, and the screen from one power supply, and\n* how to put it all in a fancy control box.\nIn the end, you will have a device for controlling the steppers not only at home, but also “in the wild”, e.g. from a USB power bank / portable charger.\nSupplies\n* 1x Arduino Nano\n* 2x 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motors (5V version) + ULN 2003 Driver Boards\n* 1x OLED Display 0.96 inch (160x80px, SPI, 8 pins, e.g. this one)\n* 3x Microswitches (optional, for testing)\n* 1x Breadboard (830 holes, optional, for testing)\n* 15x Jumper Cables (male-to-male, 10...20 cm, optional, for testing)\n* 12x Jumper Cables (male to-female, 10...20 cm, optional, for testing)\n* 1x Perfboard (70 mm x 30 mm - 24 x 10 holes)\n* 1x DC Barrel Jack Socket 5.5 mm/2.1 mm (for Panel Mount, w/ M7 Nut)\n* 3x Pushbuttons (7mm diameter, like these)\n* 1x Electrolytic Capacitor (100µF)\n* 1x 5V Power Supply\n* 1x 3D printer or 3D printing service (optional, a plastic box or wooden box would be ok, too)\nStep 1: Adding the Screen\nAs a first step, we revisit the circuit from the previous instructable and add the small 0.96\" OLED screen to the breadboard. This step is optional for testing all the components. Alternatively, you may skip it and proceed with Step 2.\nSet-up your breadboard as shown in the pictures above:\n* Connect GND and 5V of the power supply to the upper red and blue rails of the breadboard.\n* Connect the upper and lower (blue) ground rails and the GND pin of the Arduino to one of it.\n* Pins D2 to D5 of the Arduino go to In1 to In4 of the first ULN2003 board.\n* Pins D6 to D9 of the Arduino go to In1 to In4 of the second ULN2003 board.\n* Pin D11 of the Arduino goes to the SDA (or Data or MOSI) pin of the display.\n* Pin D13 of the Arduino goes to the SCL (or CLK or SCK) pin of the display.\n* Pin A3 of the Arduino goes to the DC (or SA0 or A0) pin of the display.\n* Pin A4 of the Arduino goes to the CS pin of the display.\n* Connect the RST pin of the Arduino to the RST (or RES) pin of the display.\n* Connect the GND pin of the display to one of the ground rails and the Vin pin of the display to the 5V pin of the Arduino.\n* Connect the Arduino pins A1 to A3 to the microswitches.",
"Connect the other side of the microswitches to GND. We will not use any resistors to avoid short circuits here, because we use the pull-up that are already integrated in the Arduino.\nPlease note: The 0.96” display I have used (see link under \"supplies\") officially asks for a 3.3V operating voltage. Hence, all pings (i.e. Vin and signals) do not match the voltage of the output pins of the Arduino Uno/Nano/Mega which have 5V. Thus, you would need to connect the Vin pin to 3.3V and you need to add signal converters for the other lines either by using a bi-directional logic level shifter chip as presented here or a resistor-based voltage dividers as shown here. But: other tutorials like this one or this one propose to connect at least the signal lines directly to the output pins of the Arduino as I did in the sketch above, because the display is typically 5V-tolerant. Furthermore, some users in Arduino forums found the display flickering or entirely black when connecting Vin to 3.3V - which was my experience, too.",
"Arduino Servo Shield\nIntroduction: Arduino Servo Shield\nThis instructable explains how to make an “Arduino Servo Shield” from a PCA9685 breakout module and an Arduino PCB expansion board.\nThe basic module supports 16 servos which may be expanded to 992 servos by adding additional PCA9685’s.\nImages\n* The cover photo shows five servos attached to the PCA9685 servo shield\n* Photo 2 shows the PCA9685 Servo Shield attached to an Arduino UNO R3\n* The PCA9685 Servo Shield video shows the five servos in operation [1]\n* The PCA9685 Servo Plotter video shows an experimental servo plotter attached to the shield [2]\nNotes:\n[1]\n* The code used in both videos is provided in Step 3 “Software”\n[2]\n* Construction details for the servo plotter may be found here\n* The wobbles in the radial lines are due to mechanical backlash in the servos.\nSupplies\nThe following items were obtained from\n* 1 only Arduino UNO R3 + USB cable\n* 1 only PCA9685 16 Channel 12-bit PWM Servo Module\n* 1 only prototype PCB expansion b oard for Arduino UNO R3 Shield\nThe following items were obtained locally:\n* Hookup wire\n* Breakable male header strip pins\nThe estimated cost of this project is less than $50.00\nStep 1: Theory\nThe PCA9685 I2C breakout module has its own clock.\nEach module supports 16 servos.\nUp to 62 modules may be daisy chained for a total of 992 servos.\nThe V+ pin on each module is connected directly to the green connector. Connect it to the Vin pin of your Arduino for self-contained operation if your servo supply is between 7V~12V.\nThe default address for each module is 0x40.\nAdditional modules require that you jumper the address lines by means of a solder blob(s) as shown in photo1\nThe PCA9685 modules may also be connected in a serpentine manner as shown here This method is probably intended for small pockets of servos as all of the servo current passes through the PCB wiring rather than the load being spread as shown in photo 1.\nStep 2: Construction\nStep 1\n* Solder the header pins shown in photo1 to the Arduino expansion board\nStep 2\n* Replace (unsolder) the existing pins on the PCA98685 Servo module with breakable single-line male header pins.",
"The pins are shown in photo 2.\n* Fit a second set of breakable single-line male header pins at the opposite end.\nStep 3\n* Position the PCA9685 module such that the pins do not touch the Arduino connectors beneath and solder in position as shown in photo 3\nStep 4\nWire the\n* Arduino 5V to the PCA9685 VCC\n* Arduino GND to the PCA9685 GND\n* Arduino SCL (pin A5) to the PCA9685 SCL\n* Arduino SDA (pin A4) to the PCA9685 SDA\nThese connections are shown in photo 4\nStep 3: Software\nStep 1\n* Download and install the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment” from\nStep 2\n* Download and install the following library\n* This library may also be installed by clicking “Tools/Manage Libraries” in your Arduino and typing “adafruit pwm” in the search bar as shown in photo 1.\n* This method requires some patience as it takes a while before anything happens. Click “Install” when the library listing appears.\nStep 3\n* Download the attached file “PCA9685_servo_demo.ino” and copy the contents into a fresh Arduino sketch. Use a text editor such as Notepad++ ... not a word processor.\n* Save the sketch as “ PCA9685_servo_demo” without the quotes then compile and upload it to your Arduino.\n* Disconnect the USB cable to your Arduino\n* Attach your servos to the shield ...",
"The Analog Clock Box\nIntroduction: The Analog Clock Box\nYour kid is not able to read an old-fashined analog clock? Your students are confused with that evil European 24 hour time format? Then this box might be a good and simple motivator!\nOpen the lid, put some sweets or chocolate inside and push any button. The servo-motor will lock the box, and the display will show a clock set to a random time. Furthermore, it shows four times in digital hh:mm notation. Hit the button below the right answer, and you and another time will be presented. Repeat this process with correct answers (literally)three times - and *taadaa* the servo will unlock the lid and hence give access to the sweets.\nThe provided code is pretty simple - feel free to increase the number of required correct answers - or to replace the entire clock thing by other brain teasers.\nSupplies\n* 1x Leonardo-compatible \"Pro Micro\" Board with 8 MHz ATMEGA32U4 CPU @ 3.3 V (sometimessold as \"Arduino Pro Micro\", just make sure that it is NOT an Arduino Nano or Arduino Micro which have the 328p CPU and run at 5 V\n* 1x KMR 1.8\" TFT Display (like the one shown here)\n* 1x Perfboard with 24x18 holes (70 x 50 mm)\n* 1x Battery Holder with Switch for 4x 1,5 V AA batteries, approx. 69 x 65 x 19 mm, like this one\n* 1x LD1117v33 Voltage Regulator in TO-220 case like this one\n* 1x 100 nF Ceramic Capacitor\n* 2x 10 µF...100 µF Electrolytic Capacitor\n* 1x 40 Pin Female Dupont Hearder\n* 1x 1N4001 Diode\n* 4x Microswitches\n* 1x SG90 servo motor\n* 1x Piezo Butter (~ D 14 mm, H 7 mm)\n* 6x M2x8 Screw\n* 4x M3x8 Screw\n* 4x M4x30 Screw\n* 6x M2 Nut\n* 4x M3 Nut\n* 4x M4 Nut\n* Some 0.15...0.25 mm2 Cable\n* 3D Printer with some PLA filament (or, alternatively, a 3D printing service)\nStep 1: The Circuit\nIn the provided diagrams and pictures, the perfboard is always shown from front and back. Please keep in mind that the view from front to back is mirrored this way.\nThe front side is the one which will accommodate the display. The Pro Micro goes to the back. Consequently, the header for the display is only on the front side (and soldered on the back side) and the headers for the Pro Micro are on the back side (and soldered on the front side). Thus, the headers shown with the dotted blue lines are only meant for orientation. I propose the following sequence for soldering:\n1.",
"Cut one 3 pin header, one 8 pin header and two 12 pin headers from the 40 pin female Dupont header rail.\n2. Solder the 8 pin header to the front, all the other headers to the back as shown in the diagrams and in the first photo. (Do not get confused by the 4 pin header marked with a red dotted arrow. This was an approach of a socket for the piezo buzzer which is skipped at a later stage as the housing became to big - please just do not add it).\n3. Add the cables as shown in the diagrams, then all the other elements as shown in the picture.\n4. After soldering is finished, push the Pro Micro and the display into their headers.\nPlease note:\n* The slightly darker brown color in the diagram marks solder bridges.\n* Instead of the barrel jack shown in the diagram, these red and black lines must be connected to the battery pack. It is best to place a small screw terminal here as shown in the pictures.\n* Do not forget the heatsink on the voltage regulator. I bent the whole regulator with the heatsink by 90°. The original heatsink caused some collision here. This is why the pictures show that the heatsink was cut a bit using a metal saw.\n* The electrolytic capacitor at the 3 pin header (which will host the servo motor) is a bit of an overkill as the servo is not driven directly by the Pro Micro nor does it have any load - it just rotates a simple flap. However, adding a 50µF...100µF capacitor here could stabilize the circuit, so it should be added.\n* The diode is another overkill: Officially, the SG90 has a voltage range of 4.8...",
"TICO – Tic -Tac-Toe Arduino Robot\nIntroduction: TICO – Tic -Tac-Toe Arduino Robot\nTICO is a 3D printed, Arduino-powered Tic-Tac-Toe robot that inspires kids to learn code, robotics, and electronics.\nIn this intractable, I will explain how to print and assemble Tico. Then, we’ll provide a working code that can bring Tico to life and ready to play.\nThe initial design of Tico was inspired by the popular Plot clock project.\nSupplies\nMarker\nTico was designed to hold the following Shuttle Art marker:\n\nYou can use other small whiteboard markers as well. However, they may require some adjustments.\nEraser\nPrepare the eraser by cutting a small piece of cloth from a standard whiteboard eraser and sticking it onto the 3D printed eraser part (hot glue will work great).\nScrews\nTo connect the 3D printed parts together you will need the following M3 screws:\n7 X M3 | 12mm\n2 X M3 | 14mm\n4 X M3 | 8mm\nYou will also need 7 X M3 Nylon nuts (regular nuts will also work).\nElectronics\nThe Arduino code below uses various electronic components to provide an excellent game experience. However, many of these components are optional, where you can start with just the Arduino and the servos if you'd like.\n* Arduino Nano microcontroller.\n* 3 X MG90S Metal servos(It is possible but not recommended to use the SG90 plastic servos).\n* 38 KHz IR receiver.\n* IR remote (this one is recommended but your regular TV remote can work as well).\n* 3 X AA / AAA batteries and a battery holder\n* Button module\n* ST7735 TFT Display - The display we used in our photos is blue and not red, this is not as this is the same screen. Be sure to use a screen with ST7735 controller.\n* 5V passive buzzer\nStep 1: 3D Printing Parts\n3D print the included parts.",
"There is no need for support and printing time is about 2 hours.\nI recommend printing the arms in a different color (orange part in the photo).\nThe board part should be printed in white.\nStep 2: Prepare Board\nThe board part should be printed in white and then covered with clear packing tape as shown in the the photo below (the tape will make it very easy to erase the board between games)\nStep 3: LIFT Servo\nTake one of the plastic servo arms (included in the servo bag) and drill a 3mm hole in the center of it.\nUse a cutter to make the arm shorter.\nAttach the two parts using a 12mm screw and nut as shown in the photos below (orientation is important!)\nDo not tighten the screw. The parts should be able to rotate against each other freely.\nAttach the LIFT servo to the base using two screws included in the servo bag.\nImportant: Connect the servo to an Arduino and rotate it to 80 degrees. Only after doing this, attach the arm to the servo, like shown in the photos.\nThe angle between the servo and the arm should be 90 degrees as shown in the photos (this is important).\nStep 4: LEFT/RIGHT Servos\nAttach the servos to the holder as shown in the photos below (orientation is important!).\nAttach the RIGHT/LEFT servos holder to the LIFT servo arm with a 12mm screw and nut.\nDo not tighten the screw. The parts should be able to rotate against each other freely.\nThe RIGHT/LEFT servos holder should also be attached to the base using a 14mm screw and nut.\nStep 5: Eraser Holder\nUse 2 X 12mm screws to assemble the eraser gripper.\nAt this stage, you can also install the board in its place.\nStep 6: Arms Assembly\nAssemble the arms precisely, as shown in the photos. Use 12mm screws and nuts.\nDo not tighten the screw. The parts should be able to rotate against each other freely.\nDo not put the arms on the servos (we will do it soon).\nInside the servo bag are two additional plastic arms that we haven’t used yet.\nUse a cutter to make them “one-sided,” as shown in the photos.\nImportant: Connect the servos to an Arduino and rotate them to 130 degrees (left servo) and 140 degrees (right servo).",
"Tiny Whoop Drone Gate With Timer\nIntroduction: Tiny Whoop Drone Gate With Timer\nI got my son a tiny whoop indoor FPV drone for Christmas, specifically an EMAX Tinyhawk II. We’ve had fun creating small obstacle courses in our basement, but one thing was missing – a timer so we could compare flight times.\nThis instructable (my first) is for a drone gate with an automatic timer that can be used at the start and end of the course. When the drone passes through the gate at the start of the course, a timer starts and continues until the drone passes through the gate again at the end of the course.\nSince we’re using an Arduino as the brains of this project, we decided to add an RGB LED strip in a circle that the drone flies through. The LEDs change colors every ten seconds during the race that the pilot can see in their peripheral vision. If the race ends with a new record time, the LEDs show a chaser pattern. A long press of the reset button saves the current race time as the new record to beat.\nBefore going any further, let’s see this drone gate in action…\nStep 1: Electrical Components\nBelow are the electrical components we used:\n* Arduino Nano\n* HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor\n* Adafruit 4-digit 7-segment display w/I2C backpack\n* WS2812B individually addressable RGB LED strip (2M, 120 LEDs, 5V)\n* Push button\n* 1000µF capacitor\n* 470-ohm resistor\n* 10K-ohm resistor\n* 5V power supply\n* DC power adapter\n* Micro USB cable\nStep 2: Other Supplies\nBelow are additional supplies we used to construct the circuit and actual gate:\n* Soldering iron\n* Jumper wires\n* Heat-shrink tubing\n* Black plexiglass\n* Drill press with paddle bits\n* Jigsaw with plexiglass blade\n* Hot glue gun\n* ½” OD plastic tubing\n* 1x2 poplar painted black\n* Wood glue and nails\nStep 3: Hardware\nWhen setting out to build this drone gate, we weren't sure what to use to detect the drone as it passes through the gate. We ended up using an HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor – a common sensor often used in robotics to measure distance. This sensor has two pins that need connected to the Arduino – trigger and echo. We decided to connect these to digital input pins D4 and D3, respectively.\nFor displaying the race time and to keep things simple, we decided to use an Adafruit 4-digit 7-segment display w/I2C backpack. This display uses serial communications to update the display and is only connected to the two I2C pins on the Arduino Nano – A4 (data) and A5 (clock).\nWe used a narrow (5mm) 2-meter RGB LED strip that we folded in half onto itself so that the LEDs point both up and down. This LED strip is passed inside plastic tubing to hold its shape as a circle to fly the drone through.",
"We connected the RGB LED strip to pin D5 on the Arduino using a 470-ohm resistor. We also added a 1000µF capacitor to the input power. The resistor and capacitor are recommended best practices for connecting RGB LED strips.\nA simple push button is used to reset the timer back to zero. It can also be long pressed to store the displayed time as the record time to beat. We connected the reset button to pin D2 on the Arduino with a 10K ohm pull-down resistor to ground.\nTo power this project, we used a 5V power supply and female DC power adapter with terminal screws. The RGB LED strip has too many LEDs to be powered from the Arduino directly, so it’s wired directly to the power adapter. To power the Arduino, we decided to use an old micro-USB cable we had laying around. We soldered the 5V and GND wires of all the components together with the power and micro-USB cable and protected the connections with heat shrink tubing.\nStep 4: Wiring Diagram\nStep 5: Software\nThe software for this project is relatively straight-forward. The main program loop checks for the presence of the drone within the gate and starts or stops the race timer. The elapsed time is updated on the 4-digit display with a max time of “999.9” seconds. The most complicated portion of the code is updating the RGB LED strip to indicate race progress. Because we used a 2-meter LED strip folded back on itself, the LEDs need to be mirrored so the LEDs facing up match those that are facing down.\nThe Arduino Nano’s built-in EEPROM is used to save the record flight time, triggered by a long press of the reset button.",
"Programmable Arduino Remote Control (PCB)\nIntroduction: Programmable Arduino Remote Control (PCB)\nWith this small, palm-sized device, it is possible to remote control your PC or your Smartphone. Or to control your PC and your Smartphone at the same time.\nAnd it is freely programmable. You can write programs like: Login to your PC, open and login to, play/pause a movie or adjust the volume on your Smartphone.\nHow is that possible? The used micro controller board has a chip that can act as a so called HID device, which stands for Human Interaction Device and simply means keyboard or mouse. And it has another chip, a Bluetooth chip which can act as a Bluetooth keyboard.\nThe programming is intuitive and there are more examples in the User Manual in the Wiki [1]. The syntax is described in the Programming Guide [1]. The video demonstrates a wireless login to a Windows PC with one click and a login to with another click.\nWhat makes this remote control unique is that everything is stored in the volatile memory of the micro controller. It is safe to write programs which contain passwords.\nAnd it is unique as Bluetooth remote control which you can program from a long list of possible commands. For more details see also the User Manual [1].\nThis is a improved version of the Programmable Arduino Remote Control. It uses a printed circuit board (PCB) which you have to have manufactured. This costs a little extra. In return, the shape is more that of a remote control and it requires less soldering.\nIn this project, my goal was to make a device that looks more like a remote control. Further, and because I use it every day, I wanted something more robust than its predecessor.\nThe direct material costs are approximately USD 78.\n[1] Parc Wiki on github\nSupplies\n1 Adafruit Feather 32u4 Ble (\n1 MicroUSB cable\n1 Custom PCB (see step Printed Circuit Board)\n1 IC MCP23008 (\n1 LiPo 350 mAh (\n5 Button switch, 6mm (\n2 Slide switch (\n1 Stack female headers (\n1 DIP switch 4 positions (mouser)\n4 Screw M2 x l10\n1 Windows PC\n1 Arduino IDE ( Optional: PuTTY (\n1 3D Printer\n1 Soldering iron and soldering wire\n21g PLA filament\nI added links to the Adafruit and the Mouser web shops, but you also get the parts elsewhere.",
"For example for the LiPo battery, search for \"PKCELL LP552035\".\nStep 1: 3D Printed Parts\nPLA and the standard settings (20% infill) can be used. Support structures have to be enabled.\nStep 2: Printed Circuit Board\nI had mine produced by Aisler ( At Aisler, it is possible to produce the PCB directly from the attached Fritzing project file.\nIf the manufacturer of your choice does not support Fritzing as import format, then try the Gerber files. \"All\" manufacturer support Gerbers.\nStep 3: Soldering Keypad\nSolder the five push buttons and the two slide switches to the front side of the PCB. Turn the PCB and add the MCP23008. Make sure the direction of the IC is correct.\nAdd the DIP switch.\nFrom a female header stack, break out a piece of three pin sockets. Solder this piece to the back side of the PCB.\nStep 4: Soldering Micro Controller\nSolder the header pins to the back side of the keypad. You can also solder the pins first to the micro controller board and as the second solder it to the keypad.\nSolder the pins flush to the keypad. The plastic distance holder that holds the pins as an array is by default set that the pins look out 1 mm. So you have to push the pins 1 mm down first.\nAfter the pins are soldered to the keypad, remove the black distance holder band. The battery will required all the space in between the two components.\nLastly, add the micro controller board. The battery shall be free movable between the two components.\nStep 5: Assemble\nConnect the battery to the micro controller board. Now you can put whole assembly into the case and use it.\nThat was it basically. Next you will learn how to install the software and program the remote control.\nStep 6: Arduino IDE, Libraries and Boards\nFor the following steps, the Arduino IDE is required.",
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"Lissajous Clock\nIntroduction: Lissajous Clock\nHaving previously made a couple of clock projects with different themes I wanted to retain the differentiation on the next clock themed project. Therefore, there would be no Neopixels or mechanical indicators and in this case elected to use an LCD display.\nYet another departure was with regard to the microcontroller which previously had been a Microbit and this was to use a Raspberry Pi Pico.\nHowever, not wanting to go for a classic numeric display the plan was to display the time using Lissajous figures in the style of a carriage clock, using wood, Acrylic and Brass.\nThe attached video shows 29 minutes compressed in to 27 seconds (Showing time from 21:09 to 21:38), to illustrate the changing figures.\nSupplies\nRaspberry Pi Pico Lipo\nPico Display Pack 2.0 (320 x 240) IPC LCD\nPico Omnibus (Dual Expander)\nRGB Encoder Breakout\nRV3028 Real Time Clock (RTC) Breakout\nSwitch - Momentary SPST\nSwitch - Rotary SPDT\nBrass sheet - 0.5mm\nAcrylic sheet Clear - 3mm\nAcrylic sheet Black - 5mm\nVent Grille Covers - 45mm\nStraight Pin Header 1 row x 36 way - Qty 5\nRight Angle Header 1 row x 36 way\nStraight PCB Socket 1 row x 10 way - Qty 16\nLiPo Battery 3.7V/500mAh\nStripboard\nJumper wires (socket to socket) - Qty 24\nJumper wires (socket to pin) - Qty 4\nHandle Bow type 110mm(L),x 22mm(H)\nDecking Plank 120mm(W) x 180mm(L) x 24mm(D) - Qty 2\nScrews - M2 x 16mm - Qty 6\nScrews - M2 x 8mm - Qty 10\nM4 Allen bolts 25mm - Qty 4\nM4 Allen bolts 50mm - Qty 4\nM4 Allen bolts 10mm - Qty 2\nM4 threaded insert nuts - 10mm(L) - Qty 10\nM4 screws contersunk 25mm - QTY 4\nStick on feet - Qty 4\nNo affiliation to any of the suppliers used in this project, feel free to use your preferred suppliers and substitute the elements were appropriate to your own preference or subject to supply.\nTools\nStep cone drill bit 4 to 12mm\n2mm drill bit\n5mm drill bit\n7mm drill bit\n9mm drill bit\nCounter sink bit 8mm\nCounter sink bit 10mm\nCounter sink bit 12mm\n2mm Allen Key\n4mm Allen Key\nSaw\nDrill\nOscillating Multitool\nCombination Square\nScribe\nMarker\nSoldering Iron\nSolder\nClamps\nSander\nKnow your tools and follow the recommended operational procedures and be sure to wear the appropriate PPE.\nStep 1: Lissajous Figures\nLissajous figures named after <PERSON> (Also known as Bowditch Curves after the initial work of <PERSON>), who devised a method to study compound vibrations. Originally employing pendulums, tuning forks and optical methods. Reflecting light from mirrors on two tuning forks vibrating at right angles will display <PERSON> figures as will other devices such as Harmonographs and Pantographs.\nDifferent patterns will be produced by the variation in frequency and phase between the two input stimuli.\nLisaajous figures are used in many areas Acoustics, Electronics and Communication to name a few areas.\nWe can forego the mechanical methods and produce them using mathmatical calculation.\nAssuming sinusoidal waveforms as they are applicable to both mechanical and electrical systems and simplify the mathematical and visual process.\nIf we use Excel as our display for our compound waveform.\nAssume two sinusoudal waveforms of the same amplitude, phase and frequency one assigned to the x axis and one to the y axis these representing our two tuning forks.\nX = sin(t) and Y = sin(t) as we can consider the period of a sinewave in relation to the circumference of a circle.\nWith one revolution equal to 2Pi radians or 360 degrees, sin(t) will range from -1 to +1.\nPlotted on an X-Y chart will produce a straight line with an angle of 45 degrees.\nIf the phase difference is 180 degrees than the straight line displayed will be at 135 degrees.\nIf we change the phase of one of the waveforms by 90 degrees.",
"Micro Binary Clock\nIntroduction: Micro Binary Clock\nHaving previously created an Instructable (Binary DVM), that makes use of the limited display area using binary.\nIt was only a small step having previously created the main code module for Decimal to Binary conversion to creating a Binary Clock but the only thing missing was a RTC (Real Time Clock).\nHowever, the Microbit does not have a build in RTC.\nThe RTC enables the realisation of clock projects with a battery backup.\nAs such the following project uses a Microbit and a Kitronik RTC to create a 24H clock with a Binary display and additionally has an alarm option.\nThe project software which will be to run on the Microbit will be created in Makecode Blocks.\nSupplies\nMicroBit V1 or V2\nMicroBit protective case (optional)\nMakecode\nKitronik RTC\nCR2032\nCodeblocks\nCura\n3D printer\n1 * SPDT (on - on) switch\n1 * SPDT (on - off - on) switch\n2 * SPST (normally open), momentary switch\n4 * M3 (10+6mm), M/F standoffs with M3 nuts\n4 * M3 (8mm), screws\nJumper wire M/F connector, 100mm, 28AWG pre-made with plug and socket.\n1 * Piezo Buzzer (no Drive)\nThese supplies are available from a number of outlets and you may have your own preferred supplier.\nStep 1: Defining the Display Area\nAlthough the display area is limited in the amount of data that can be shown at any one time, it lends itself ideally to the display of bit data.\nAs such there is sufficient area to display 4 x 4 bit binary words to represent time with notifications and selection modes.\nThe display is split into 3 main areas; Time, Selection and Modes.\nTime\nSixteen LED's assigned to Time, each column of 4 LED's is assigned to a time interval, the intervals being in the form H, H, M & M.\nEach bit of the Binary word has a weighting of 1, 2, 4 & 8 with the LSB on row 4 and the MSB on row 1\nEach Binary 4 bit word allows a count of 0 to 15, which is more than sufficient for the 24H time format, requiring a maximum count per column of 2, 9, 5 & 9.\nSelection\nOne row of 4 LED's at row 0 are used to identify the time column selected when entering time.\nModes\nOne column of 5 LED's at column 4 are used to identify Modes, Functions and Operation.\nTick - LED 4,0 flashing on & off is used to indicate Seconds and operation.\nTime - LED 4,1 indicates Time mode when on. (Default mode at switch on)\nAlarm - LED 4,2 indicated Alarm mode when on.\nAlarm Notification - LED 4,3 & LED 4,4 flash when the Alarm is triggered.\n.\nStep 2: RTC (Real Time Clock)\nThe RTC is the beating heart of the application, allowing the setting & keeping of accurate time.\nFurther details of the RTC can be found at Kitronik.\nThe RTC provides a regulated supply negating the need to power the Microbit by its own USB or JST connector and battery backup is provided to retain the time in the event of power loss.\nBefore using the RTC you will need to load the Extension package.\nUsing Makecode from the Settings icon, select Extensions and type Kitronik RTC in the search.\nSelect the package to install it and it will be added to the other extensions.\nThere are a number of code blocks to read from and write to the RTC.\nWe will only require 4 of these code blocks for the Binary Clock.\nThese will be utilised to write the set time to the RTC and to read the time back to update the clock display.\nStep 3: Coding the Clock\nThe first part of the code is program initialisation of variables, arrays and informative text.\nInit\nBclk – Binary Clock\n<Sel - A button selects the column that will be adjusted for time setting.\n>Inc – B button increments the time.\nPressing both A & B buttons together changes the mode between Time & Alarm.\nStrval – is the string value containing the time in the form “HH:MM:SS” returned from the RTC\nOnly HH & MM are used to display or set the time.\nMode – retains the mode value for Time = 1 and Alarm = 2 selected with the A+B button combination.\nPeriod – is the value for the time column, selected with the A button.",
"Neopixel Candelabra\nIntroduction: Neopixel Candelabra\nThe project came about as a means of making use of something that was only partly used and making it more user friendly.\nThe Candelabra was mainly used as a feature candle holder as the candles were very rarely lit being both a consumable and a pollutant.\nAs a result of this it occurred to me that it could still function as a usable Candelabra but instead of wax candles I could use light rods.\nThe light rods would make use of total internal reflection in the same way that fibre optic cables use light to transfer data.\nThe light source would be provided by Neopixel RGB Mini LED's the light rods would be made of clear resin and the control for the LED's would be provided by a MicroBit microcontroller.\nSupplies\nSoftware\nBlocksCAD\nCura\nMakecode\nHardware\n3D Printer\nMicro:bit\nUSB cable\nUSB power adapter\nMaterials\n2 part Epoxy Resin\n22mm diameter poly tubing - (4 * 30cm lengths)\nLubricant to aid release of cured resin from moulds.\nEpoxy resin polish\nNeoPixel RGB Mini Button PCB - qty 4\n22 Gauge enamelled copper wire or solid core coloured insulation wire.\n26 Gauge Ribbon cable\n2.54mm sockets, crimp or solder termination.\nRight angle pin header strip\nCopper strip board\nTools\nTrack cutter or 3.5mm drill bit\nSoldering iron + Solder\nWire cutters\nLong nose pliers\nSaw\nFile or sanding paper\nStep 1: Light Rod Adapter Design\nIn order to enable the Light Rod to be supported in the candle holder and at the same time allow the Neopixel to be mounted at the end of the rod to enable light to be efficiently coupled, an adapter was required.\nThis could be envisioned in various ways but in my case I decided to 3D print it.\nThe first step was to measure the candle holder and obtain the required dimensions.\nThe candle holder is essentially made up of 2 cylinders a 2cm x 1cm candle socket and a wider cylinder 3cm x 1.2cm wax catcher that sits above it.\nUsing BlocksCad I created these required elements to the measurements previously obtained.\nThe candle socket element would require a recess for the Neopixel and a way for the wire to be routed.\nThe wax catcher element would require a hole aligned to the element below it and a recess for the wire, which also serves to make up the slack in the socket for the light rod.\nStep 2: Light Rod Adapter 3D Printing\nHaving created the elements these were then imported into Cura.\nAt this stage 4 pairs for a total of 8 elements were required and this is achieved with ctrl+M and specifying the number of copies.\nThe resulting gcode is then loaded in the 3D printer.\nAs the Candelabra has a golden finish I used Gold Silk PLA filament.\nPrinter settings for 4 pairs of adapters.\nLayer quality - 0.15mm\nWall thickness - 1mm\nInfill - Density; 50%,\nPattern; Concentric\nBuild Adhesion - Brim\nNo supports.\nWeight - 37g\nFilament length - 12.4m\nPrint Time - 4 hour 30 mins\nStep 3: Light Rod Adapter Assembly\nHaving created the Light Rod Adapters these now require assembly including the Neopixel.\nLooking at the pad configuration for the Neopixel it was evident that the two 5V pads were connected in series and likewise the two 0V pads too, in order that that these could be connected in a continuous series chain.\nHowever, to simplify the connections in the adapter, I would connect these as a spur off the main trunk.\nThis would mean that only 4 wires would be required per Neopixel rather than 6 wires.\nBe sure to colour code the wires if using enamelled copper with coloured paint or sleeves, alternatively solid core wire with coloured insulation could be used.\nWith wires attached a 90 degree bend was formed and the wire pushed through the hole to exit the bottom this was then bent back up by 180 degrees inline with the recess.\nThe wires were then fed through hole in the wax catcher element, bent 90 degrees across the top in the recess and then bent 90 degree down the side..\nThe 2 elements are now united, a dab of glue will hold the two elements together.\nTaking a piece of stripboard measuring 3 holes wide by 7 holes long a length of right angled pin header strip consisting of 3 pins, is inserted and soldered in each end.\nAt hole co-ordinate 2,6 cut the copper track, either using a track cutter or 3.5mm drill bit.",
"Tensegrity Planter Light\nIntroduction: Tensegrity Planter Light\nIn a previous Ible I presented the Tensegrity planter.\nThis update uses the same design and make process with some small additions.\nThe additions are in the form of Neopixel LED's fitted into the two arms of the planter sections.\nThese sections are connected continuously by three very thin enamelled copper wires\nA Microbit is used to control the lighting patterns.\nAdditionally, the filament is luminous and glows for a period after the light is removed.\nSupplies\nTensegrity Planter (previous Instructable)\nNeopixel LED's - Qty 21 (6 + 15)\nMicrobit\n34 SWG/31 AWG (0.236mm/0.226mm) Enamelled copper wire (ECW) or nearest equivalent, thinner wire can be used but is more fragile.\nMicrobit Breakout connector\nM3 bolts * 6\nM3 nuts * 2\nPliers\nPin header SIL * 6 pins\nPin to socket leads * 3\nSocket to socket leads * 3\nVeroboard\nCapacitor 1000uF/6V3\nResistor 470 Ohms/1W\n** No affiliation to any of the suppliers linked and listed above ***\nStep 1: Tensioning Support\nIn order to simplify the tensioning process, I created a tensioning support out of LEGO bricks. But this could equally be made from something else subject to what ever materials are available.\nIt makes levelling easier as it frees your hands from having to simultaneously hold the planter whilst trying to keep the tension even and the top level.\nStep 2: Through Holes\nTaking a 2mm drill bit carefully drill a horizontal hole into the 2nd step from the top of the pyramid.\nThe drill end should protrude in to the planter cavity.\nThis hole will be just below the bolt fixing exit hole, this needs to be close to this hole so that the LED wires are unobtrusive and follow the support wire.\nA hole is required on each pyramid.\nDrill the holes carefully so as not to induce too much heat as this can clog the drill bit trapping the bit.\nStep 3: LED's\nTake 3 lengths (18 inches/46cm) of ECW twist the 3 lengths together at one end and feed from the outside into the cavity, use tweezers or pliers and pull half the length through. Untwist the ends and tin with solder.\nSeparate 6 LED's from a strip and solder the 3 lengths of ECW to V+, GND and DI.\nIdentify the correct wires with a DMM and mark accordingly with tape, sleeve or knots in the wire then tin the free ends of the wire and temporarily fit a 3 pin header and test that the LED's function using the Neopixel tester.\nPosition the LED's into the lowest part of the cavity making sure the plant holder sits at its lowest level.\nThread the other end of the 3 wires through the lower pyramid and solder to the end of the strip with the 15 LED's.\nUsing 3, pin to socket leads solder the pins to the end of the strip, the sockets will connect to the decoupling circuit (Resistor, Capacitor), the other end will connect to the Microbit via 3, socket to socket leads.\nAgain test the LED's function.\nStep 4: Supporting Base\nA base was created to house the microcontroller and support the planter complete with Neopixels.\nThis support base was created in BlocksCAD and then 3D printed.\nDrill a small indentation with a 3mm drill bit coincident with the support base holes into the planter base.\nThe base is held in place with 4 * M3 bolts/screws which grip the planter base.\nStep 5: Control\nControl is based on the code used in the Candelabra which allows remote and/or manual control.\nThe Microbit is mounted on the supporting base that sits beneath the planter with M3 bolts.\nThis holds everything in place having sufficient space in the planter cavity and allows the Microbit to protrude from the back to allow access to the control buttons and the USB lead.\nStep 6: Light It Up\nYou've put it all together, now is the time to light it up",
"BigBit Binary Clock Display\nIntroduction: BigBit Binary Clock Display\nIn a previous Instructable (Microbit Binary Clock), the project was ideal as a portable desktop appliance as the display was quite small.\nIt therefore seemed appropriate that the next version should be a mantel or wall mounted version but much bigger.\nThere would be no need to reconstruct another controller but to use the existing clock and add an interface for the display.\nThis Instructable details the process of creating the BigBit display and the software updates to the existing clock.\nSupplies\nPerspex Adhesive\nBlack Perspex Sheet 21.5cm x 21.5cm x 5mm\n3D Printer for plaques & nut holder (optional), as these could be created by other means.\nBlocksCAD\n2 part Epoxy Resin\nM2.5/8mm screws * 13 qty\nM2.5 washers * 13 qty\nWS2812Neopixel Button LED's * 25 qty.\nEnamelled Copper Wire 21 AWG or other insulated wire.\n2mm drill bit\n2.5mm drill bit\n8mm drill bit\n30mm Forstner drill bit\nJumpers M/F\nStraight pin headers\nHemispherical Silicone moulds 28mm\nStep 1: Design\nThe design would be modelled on the existing Microbit display using Neopixel LED's serially connected and arranged in a 5 x 5 matrix.\nLabels would be included to identify Hour, Minutes, Binary weighting and Status indicators.\nThese labels would be created as 3 plaques, that will be 3D printed and inlaid with coloured resin fixed with screws, allowing customisation as required.\nThe main time display area would have lenses fitted to accentuate each time bit and improve angular viewing.\nRather than creating a project from the ground up, the previously created Microbit Binary Clock will be used to drive the display.\nThis required an update to the existing software to incorporate the Neopixel extension and coding to replicate the display functionality on the Microbit display.\nCapability to wall or mantel/table mount.\nStep 2: Software\nThe software is based on the previous Microbit Binary Clock with additions for the Neopixel LED's.\nStep 3: Main Panel\nThe main panel would be made from black Perspex of 21.5cm x 21.5cmm x 5mm.\nInto this would be drilled holes for the Neopixel LED's and the recesses for the lenses.\nThe display matrix area occupies and area of 18cm x 18cm from the top right with the LED's space at 35mm\nThe recesses for the lenses would be 3cm in diameter by 1mm in depth.\nThe Perspex main panel was cut from a larger piece then the centres for the pilot holes marked on the protective paper.\nHole centres marked these were than drilled with a 2mm bit.\nThese were than used to align the 30mm Forstner drill bit which was used to cut the recesses for the lenses.\nDuring the process of drilling the recesses for the lenses a warp began to develop in the panel due to the front to back temperature differential.\nHowever, this was not a show stopper just on minor hiccup along the way.\nIn order to remove the warp it required placing the panel into a preheated oven at 80 degrees C for1Hr.\nIt was placed on a flat metal tray with baking sheets on the front and back faces to prevent the likelihood of sticking.\nA metal tray was placed on the top and a weight applied to this.\nAfter the hour the oven was turned off and it was left cool to room temperature.\nThe centre holes where then cut from the back with a stepped drill for an 8mm centre hole with a 10mm countersink, this is were the LED's would sit.\nStep 4: Plaques\nWhile the Main panel was being drilled the Label plaques were being printed.\nThese were designed using BlocksCAD\nTwo of the plaques (Binary Weighting & Time Units), would have recessed text to allow coloured resin infill.\nWhilst the remaining Status plaque would have open lettering to allow light to pass through.\nThe Binary Weighting and Status plaques would be mounted vertically, Weighting on the left and Status on the right.\nThe Time units would be mounted horizontally along the bottom.\nAll plaques would be orientated so that the text aligns with its designated row/column.\nOnce printed an resin infill was applied to the Weighting and Time units plaques.\nStep 5: Fitting the LED's\nThe LED's would be joined together in a string of 5 each individually soldered to its neighbour by 3 wires of 21 AWG enamelled copper wire then each group of 5 would then be joined together with a jumper.",
"LED Kaleidoscope\nIntroduction: LED Kaleidoscope\nYour typical Kaleidoscope is an optical instrument with two or more reflecting surfaces tilted to each other in an angle, so that objects on one end of the mirrors are seen as a regular symmetrical pattern. The reflectors are usually enclosed in a tube, containing on one end loose coloured pieces of glass/plastic or other combinations of transparent and opaque materials to be viewed. Rotation causes materials to move creating random patterns.\nThis version closely follows the general design however, were your typical Kaleidoscope uses physical elements that move under the influence of movement this version used LED's to display everchanging random patterns.\nThe patterns are displayed on a Zip tile for Microbit, this contains 64 LED's in an 8 x 8 matrix which are controlled by the Microbit.\nSupplies\nMicroBit\nZIP Tile LED Display\nPlastic Mirror 212mm long x 40mm wide - Qty 3\nBlocksCAD\n10mm M3 X M3 Hex standoff threaded hole & screw - Qty 6\n15mm M3 X M3 Hex standoff threaded hole - Qty 3\n3mm x185mm rod - Qty 3\nM3 X 10mm countersink screw - Qty 3\nMasking tape.\n2mm drill bit.\nPliers.\nM3 box spanner.\nScissors.\nStep 1: Aperture Ring and Carrier Design\nThese elements are designed using BlocksCAD and are 3D printed.\nThe carrier supports the Zip tile and Microbit in place and into this is inserted the aperture ring.\nThe aperture ring is a press fit into the carrier and once pressed into the carrier rotates freely by turning with the knurled edge.\nThe three mirrors in the form of a Triangular prism sit in the recess in the Aperture ring.\nWith these elements in place the image is viewed between the mirrors and rotation of the aperture ring allows the display of the existing pattern to the varied.\nStep 2: Support and Eyepiece\nThese elements are designed using BlocksCAD and are 3D printed.\nThe Supports slide over the reflectors and are spaced at intervals and in conjunction with the rods form the body of the kaleidoscope.\nThe Eyepiece fits over the end and caps off the body.\nStep 3: 3D Printed Hardware\n3D printed elements consist of the Supports and Eyepiece additional to this the Aperture ring and Carrier which are printed as two separate elements that are then clipped together.\nStep 4: Microbit and ZipTile Assembly\nThe Zip tile is attached to the Mircobit by five M3 bolts and cylindrical spacers.\nBoth elements are orientated with the LED's facing upwards and the Microbit visible enabling easy operation of the A button.\nHowever, the Microbit can be mounted in invisible mode on the back reducing the profile if required.\nDetails for the Zip tile and assembly options are given at the following link:\n\nStep 5: Display Assembly\nThe Display assembly consists of the Zip tile, Microbit, Aperture Ring and Carrier.\nThe Zip tile + Microbit are slid into the underside of the carrier and held in place by the close tolerance of the design.\nThe carrier supports the Zip tile and the Aperture sits central to the Zip tile.\nStep 6: Reflectors\nThe reflectors or made up of three rectangular mirrors formed into a triangular hollow prism and held together with tape.\nThe mirrors are made of plastic making them easy to cut whilst at the same time being less fragile than glass.\nThese were cut from a single sheet with a portable table bench saw although a hand saw could be used if clamped along the full length of the edge to be cut to prevent breakage or movement resulting in scratches or an uneven cut.\nThe triangular hollow prism is placed end on to the Aperture within the triangular recess.\nThe ZIP tile mounted at one end is then viewed through the centre of the hollow prism.\nStep 7: Assembling the Body\nThe assembly process is shown in the accompanying images in addition to the following description.\nUsing one of the Supports place it over the Aperture ring and align the centre triangle.\nWith a pen mark the Aperture through the three holes in the Support.\nWith a 2mm drill bit make three holes at the points previously marked, into these holes screw a standoff.\nTake each of the rods and taper each end with a knife/file/pencil sharpener subject to the material.\nIf metal rods are used then threads will need to be cut on the ends at this point.\nFit three standoffs, one on the end of each rod and screw approximately10mm of the rod into the threaded hole of the standoff.",
"LumiClock\nIntroduction: LumiClock\nThis is a clock based project. The title of which embodies the main means of displaying the time.\nThe \"Lumi\", being an abbreviation for Luminous.\nUtilising lumious paper in conjunction with UV LED's to display the time which fades over a period of time between updates.\nFor a bit of added nostalgia, the numbers are in a dot matrix format.\nIn addition to luminous paper and UV LED's the clock uses a Microbit, RTC, Digital Logic, 3D printing and Mechanical parts.\nSupplies\nMicrobit\nCompact All in One Robotics Board\nDS3231 RTC\nResistor 2k2 - Qty 2\nResistor 10k - Qty 2\nResistors 220R - Qty 8\nCapacitor 100nF MLC - Qty 3\n74HC541 Octal Buffer IC\nMicro Metal DC motor\nMotor connector Shim\nUV LED's 5mm - Qty 8\nPinbetween\nHall sensors - Qty 2\nMicro USB breakout\nMomentary contact push button (SPST) - Qty 2\nPush button (on/off) switch\nToggle switch\nTerminal Posts - Qty 9\nJumper Jerky F/F 185mm\nJumper Jerky Junior F/F 100mm\nJumper Jerky Junior M/M 100mm\n3d Printer\nFilament\nLuminous Paper\nClear Laminating Sheet, Clear sticky back plastic or A4 pocket sleeves.\n20pin DIL IC socket\nStripboard\nBall magnets 3mm - Qty 2\nStainless steel tubes 30cm(L) X 6mm(Dia.) - Qty 2\nM4 threaded rod 32cm long - Qty 2\nM4 threaded rod 34cm long\nFlanged Bearings 8mm OD x 4mm ID - Qty 2\nHex standoffs M4 x 5mm - Qty 3\nM4 nuts - Qty 5\nHex standoffs M3 X 5mm - Qty 4\nHex standoffs M3 X 10mm+6mm - Qty 2\nHex standoffs M3 X 10mm\nHex standoffs M3 X 25mm - Qty 6\nBolts M3 x 12mm - Qty 24\nBolts M3 x 10mm - Qty 2\nBolts M3 x 16mm\nM3 nuts - Qty 8\nCountersunk Bolt M3 x 12mm\nScrews M2 x 8mm self tapping - Qty 2\nGrub Screw M4 x 6mm\nPin Header right angle 22 pins\n3 pin terminal block, 2.54mm pitch - Qty 2\nAcrylic Sheet 24cm (W) x 40cm (L) x 5mm (D) - Qty 2\nSpring (Compression) 10mm free length x 5mm dia.x 0.5mm wire\nMay prove more cost effective to buy a range of values rather than individual values unless you already have them available. Some components may also have a MOL greater than the quantity specified in the component list.\nNo affiliation to any of the suppliers used in this project, feel free to use your preferred suppliers and substitute the elements were appropriate to your own preference or subject to supply.\nLinks valid at the time of publication.\n2mm drill bit\n3mm drill bit\n6mm drill bit\n7mm drill bit\nDrill\nSaw\nClamps\nRuler\nCombination Square\nAllen Keys\nPliers\nSoldering Iron\nSolder\nSanding paper\nKnow your tools and follow the recommended operational procedures and be sure to wear the appropriate PPE.\nStep 1: Principle\nThis project makes use of Photo Luminescence using paper layered with Strontium Aluminate which has a green glow although different mixes can result in different colours and persistence.\nOnce charged, light from the paper will continue to be emitted after the charging light has been remove.",
"The charging light in this case comes from UVA LEDs.\nThe light emitted after charging is initially very bright but quickly decays to a lower intensity becoming further deminished over time, this persistance can last for several hours. if the paper is exposed multiple times in relatively quick succession then multiple ghost images will be present. Therefore, to minimise this effect a delay is applied between successive exposures.\nConsequently, this project is best viewed in a low light environment.\nStep 2: Mechanics\nUV LED's are used to illuminate luminous paper but require some means of moving the LED's over the paper to create the numbers.\nThis is achieved by using a single (x axis), leadscrew.\nThe leadscrew is directly driven by a DC motor which can rotate clockwise and anti-clockwise.",
"Strobe Generator\nIntroduction: Strobe Generator\nA strobe (stroboscopic light), is a device used to produce repeated light flashes.\nThese flashes can be set to different durations and colours.\nRather than using a xenon flash tube the light will be produced using Neopixels and these will be controlled by a Circuit Playground Bluefruit (CPB).\nA strobe can be used to give moving objects the appearance of being stationary if initiation of the light pulse is synchronised to the rate of movement of the object.\nIt can also be used in photography to freeze moments of time of fast moving objects or to capture progressine movement combined with a long exposure.\nIn this project we will be using a long exposure combined with variable movement and a constant strobe frequency. Therefore the rate of movement will be visible as variations in the spacing between successive flashes recorded in the picture.\nIn addition random colours will also be generated on the fly for added effect.\nA video is included to show the changing colours minus the trails which are evident on the long exposure.\nWarning!\nBe aware that some people are susceptible to Photosensitive epilepsy with light pulsed from 19 - 26Hz (53 - 38mS)\nThe conditions may vary by individual therefore, to reduce the likelyhood of an episode it is recommened not to stare at the light or to shine it directly at an individual in close proximity for prolonged periods.\nHowever, if you or anyone who will be exposed to this project are sensitive to stroboscopic effects avoid such experiments.\nSupplies\nCircuit Playground Bluefruit (CPB) or (Express and/or Classic).\nBattery LiPo 3.7V/500mA\nLipo Charger\nMakeCode Maker\nOptional case requirements.\n3D Printer\nPETG translucent or clear filament\nM2.5/25mm bolts with nuts - Qty 4\nStep 1: Design\nIn its most basic form all we have to do with the Neopixels is switch them on and off rapidly.\nThis is accomplished by initiating a forever loop in which we switch the Neopixels on then apply a pause for a number of milliseconds and apply a clear to switch them off.\nThis will create the strobe effect.\nThe time period of the pause could be fixed but for flexibility it is made variable.\nStrobe duration being controlled by the button A to select the value.\nValues 0 to 90mS.\nPressing button B will light a single red LED on the Neopixel ring at positions 0 to 9.\nEach press moving the appropriate colour around the ring to indicate the value.\nPressing button A applies the value to give the required strobe rate, whilst re-pressing this again will stop the strobe and display the previous value.\nValues being 0, 10mS, 20mS, 30mS, (40mS, 50mS)*, 60mS, 70mS, 80mS, 90mS.\n*Within the range for Photosensitive epilepsy were this or other durations could be disabled within the software as required.\nThis equates to frequencies of 11.1Hz to 250Hz\nStep 2: Software\nThe application is created with MakeCode Maker.\nButton A is used to select the pulse duration, this is indicated by illumination in red of one of the Neopixels from 0 to 9\nWith 0 being 0mS* and 9 being 90mS.\n*However, in reality the minimum time for pause if set to zero is 4mS.\nButton B initiates the strobe on time for the selected pulse duration with a fixed off time due to the loop delay of 20mS.\nWhen the strobe is initiated all the Neopixels will flash.\nSimple modifications in the code (which are already included), can be made to vary the lighting effect from a single colour to multiple random colours.\nFor diagnostic purposes when the strobe is disabled the on and off times can be verified with an oscilloscope attached to the A1 pin.\nThe A1 output is disabled when the strobe is enabled.\nUpload of the UF2 file format is not support hence the python equivalent as a text file is attached instead.\nStep 3: Hardware\nThe CPB (Circuit Playground Bluefruit), was housed in a 3D printed PETG case.\nA translucent case containing the CPB and the battery.\nFour bolts which pass through both halves of the body are used to clamp everything together.\nThis was designed using BlocksCAD.\nHowever, it would work equally well without it, if the battery is supported in the palm of the hand although a case helps to keep everything together.\nStep 4: Diagnostic Output\nOscilloscope images at the A1 reference output for different pulse durations (4, 10, 20 & 90)mS and the loop delay time.",
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"See this diagram,\nNow, the slant appears to be the same for June and December Solstices, doesn't it? First thing, it is a wrong conception that Sun travels more \"perpendicular\" to horizon in the summers. It just reaches a higher point as you can see, not that the slant is more.\nWhere does the disparity come in?\nCivil Sunrise begins when the Sun is 6° below the horizon, Nautical Sunrise begins when it is 12° below the horizon and 18° for Astronomical Sunrise.\nSo, the Civil/Astronomical Disparity is due to the extra 12° of altitude that the Sun has to cover. Now, the diagram I have posted is better to explain the sunset, so let it be that way. It is just the same for our purpose.\nThe motion of the sun is uniform along the circles that you see. But these angles which decide our sunrise are measured perpendicular to the horizon, from the zenith. Are you aware of what happens when you project circular motion along a straight line?\nThat's right. You get a sinusoidal curve. The special thing about this curve is that it changes fast at some points and slow at others. Transit is the position when the Sun is highest in the sky. In the curve for equinox (as in Fig 1), if you assign 0° to that point, the Sun is at 90° at sunset and -90° at sunrise.",
"Both positions give you the peak of a sine curve and the change is lowest at that point. That might explain why you get the least difference at Equinox.\nNow, if you consider the curves for June/December solstice (as in Fig 1), the position for sunset/sunrise is a little off 90°, hence rate of change is faster there as compared to the equinox.\nThat should explain why the disparity is larger at solstices as compared to equinox. But what about the difference in June and Decemeber solstice?\nNow, my dear, you are entering dangerous territories. Let me remind you that the line/plane along which we are making our degree measurements is perpendicular to horizon. But the plane of circular motion is still at an angle to it. So, the sinusoidal curve has to go through another set of projections before you get the exact thing. On Equator, the disparity between the solstices vanish, yes, as the aforementioned two planes align.\nAnyway, I was hoping to give you a qualitative description just so you get the gist of it. Here are the equations if you need a mathematical idea\n$$\\cos a = \\sin \\delta \\sin \\phi + \\cos \\delta \\cos \\phi \\cos H$$,\n$a$ is (90+6)° for civil sunrise/set, and (90+18)° for astronomical sunrise/set,\n$\\delta$ is declination of Sun on that date. Google it.\n$\\phi$ is latitude of the place\nTo get the disparity, you need to find $H$ from the formula for two values of $a$ and get their difference. Remember to divide by 15 to convert from degrees to hours.\nHere is a graph showing disparity along declination(-23.5° to +23.5°)",
"Technically, the Moon is Full at a specific time. Therefore you need to check the time of sunset/moonrise OR sunrise/moonset that is closest to the time of Full Moon. Then you can more accurately compare the variation. Here is the list for 2019 created using the U.S. Naval Observatory website.\nLongitude E9° 8', Latitude N41° 35'\nAll times in Universal Time (UT)\nDate of Full Moon -------- Sun ---------- -------- Moon -------- Moon-Sun\nDate Time Date Time Date Time Diff\n1/21/2019 5:16 Rise 1/21/2019 6:45 Set 1/21/2019 6:54 +0:09\n2/19/2019 15:53 Set 2/19/2019 17:01 Rise 2/19/2019 16:55 -0:06\n3/21/2019 1:43 Rise 3/21/2019 5:26 Set 3/21/2019 5:58 +0:32\n4/19/2019 11:12 Set 4/19/2019 18:08 Rise 4/19/2019 18:14 +0:06\n5/18/2019 21:11 Set 5/18/2019 18:39 Rise 5/18/2019 18:14 -0:25\n6/17/2019 8:31 Rise 6/17/2019 3:49 Set 6/17/2019 3:54 +0:05\n7/16/2019 21:38 Set 7/16/2019 18:56 Rise 7/16/2019 18:49 -0:07\n8/15/2019 12:29 Rise 8/15/2019 4:32 Set 8/15/2019 4:09 -0:23\n9/14/2019 4:33 Rise 9/14/2019 5:02 Set 9/14/2019 4:59 -0:03\n10/13/2019 21:08 Set 10/13/2019 16:46 Rise10/13/2019 17:02 +0:16\n11/12/2019 13:34 Set 11/12/2019 16:07 Rise11/12/2019 16:25 +0:18\n12/12/2019 5:12 Rise 12/12/2019 6:40 Set12/12/2019 6:42 +0:02\nThe difference is much smaller than your original list.\nWhy this happens MCG and <PERSON> explained why it happens, namely because:\n1. If the moonrise/set is not the same time as the exact Full Moon, then moonrise/set occurs earlier or later than the sunset/rise.\n2. Because the Moon passes above and below the ecliptic (the path of the Sun in the sky), the Full Moon is rarely directly opposite from the Sun. Therefore, it can rise earlier or later than the Sun even when exactly \"Full\".\n3.",
"Even if the Full Moon were exactly opposite from the Sun (180 degrees apart, and in a total lunar eclipse), there would still be a difference between the time of sunset/moonrise. Those times are when the limb of the sun/moon is visible, and the limbs are closer together than 180 degrees apart. Also, atmospheric refraction shrinks the separation a small amount.\nWhere and when are they closest?\nThis is more involved but can be reasoned using the following figure. The Sun is in the direction of 1, so the ring of sunset-sunrise is the circle A-A. The Full Moon is in the direction of 2, so the ring of moonrise-moonset is the circle B-B. Where these two circles cross at C is where the sunset and moonrise (or sunrise and moonset) occur at the same time. The highlighted area is where the Moon and Sun are both above the horizon at the same time. Note that this figure is highly exaggerated for illustrative purposes.",
"What @A.C.A.C is getting at is (I think) is speed relative to what?\nThe Earth moves with a speed around the Sun, but that is not an absolute speed, that is a speed relative to the Sun. The Moon has a speed that it orbits the Earth, and another at which it orbits the Sun. I think you are attempting those two together, but those are two different references. You can somewhat do so, and say that you come up with a speed that the moon is orbiting the Sun.\nWe will ignore that in reality the Earth also orbits the Moon part as it it relatively unimportant here, the Moon is at times effective going around the Sun faster than the Earth, but only while its orbital direction matches the Earth's orbital direction around the Sun.",
"Half the time it does not, half the time it is in the other direction, which means at those times it is orbiting the Sun slower than the Earth. If you are talking average speed relative to the Sun, then the Moon has the same average orbital speed on the Sun as the Earth, however, because it is also orbiting Earth it ends up with a slightly longer orbital path, so a slightly higher average orbital speed relative to the Sun.\nBut the, the entire Solar System is also moving in the Galaxy because it is spinning at a much higher speed than the relative orbital speed of the Earth or Moon. Is that in a direction that adds to of subtracts from the Orbital speed? Oh, Wait, not only is the Galaxy is also moving through space at a much higher rate as well, that really makes it complicated in deciding, relative it what is anything moving faster than anything else. You need to set a point of reference first.\nETA: This link may help to the clarified question:\nThis shows a highly exagerated scale what the Earth-Moon orbit around the sun looks like in this image:\nNote that the smooth orbit we think of as Earths is not either, it is a two body system orbiting the sun and the moon and Earth actually orbit a center of gravity between them, it is just much closer to the Earth. The picture again is grossly out of scale.",
"Building orientation - how come both summer and winter solstice used for a facade?\nI am planning to build a shed atop my terrace. I was analyzing the sun path to determine the overhang length, facade height etc, but got stuck with a conflict as below.\nThe summer sun's location peaks are on Northern side of a location (or a plot or house), while its winter sun, is at lower angle, on Southern side as shown below, referred from here.\nMy conflict is as follows. I see in multiple websites, for a glass of a fixed direction (ex, South), they show both summer and winter sun angles. How can that be the case?\nCase 1: For ex, let us look at below diagram from here\nThey have shown both Jun Sun and Dec Sun for a South facing Glass! But, if we look at sun path, only Dec sun may be on South side. Here are 2 months' sun orientation from this wonderful tool.\nJun on northern side of building:\nDec on southern side of building:\nSo strictly speaking, for south side glass, shouldn't we only consider winter months? And similarly, summer for northern side? Similarly this should not be applicable at all to E-W side right, because there, Sun appears also at ultra low angles, so no point unless a vertical shading (thus recommendations to minimize glass on E-W, as I am from tropical region).\nHere is another image with same conflict in same website.\nCase 2: Here is another image from another website.",
"Here too, for a single direction glass (presumably North or South), they illustrate both Summer and Winter as below.\nHow can that be the case??\nCase 3: And then another from here\nWhat am I missing?\nMy understanding is that, if we take North for example, through out the day, Sun's altitude changes, but the maximum of that incidence is at Summer solstice as below.\nSo in Northern side, if I want to avoid Sun's direct incidence altogether, say from 8 AM to 4 PM and I do not mind the time afterwards as anyway its morning or evening, I should only see for Northern Side, at Summer Solstice (around Jun), from 8 AM to 4 PM what is the min and max altitudes. For my location, that happens to be around $30^{\\circ}$ to $78^{\\circ}$, which after further calculations gives me a guideline that, my overhang length $l$ could be $1.732h$, where $h$ is height of my glazing, for example. There is no need of Dec calculation on Northern Side.\nIf my understanding is correct, then it is wrong for those websites to illustrate both Summer and Winter solstice angles on a glass of single direction. Or please correct me where I am going wrong here.\nThis is blocking my design phase of my shed.\nUpdate:\nAs <PERSON> pointed out, in some locations, sun always tend to be in north or south. For ex, in northern hemisphere, as you go northwards, sun becomes more and more only available in south, through out the year. For ex, the sun path for Hamburg, Germany is shown below.",
"Solar Elevation Angles -- Anomaly?\n\"The solar elevation angle is the altitude of the sun, the angle between the horizon and the centre of the sun's disc.\" - Wikipedia\nThe meridian is when the sun is directly facing earth and is at exactly 90° overhead at some point along the longitudinal line at a given location.\nMy question is, if the sun is 93 million miles away and travels overhead at 90° between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer, how is it that there are Meridian solar elevation angles reported from relatively nearby cities on Earth of less than 89.99°?\nLet's take for instance Calgary, Canada as of today May, 04 2016 -- estimated ground distance from Calgary to where the Sun is at 90° on Calgary's longitudinal line is ~3000 miles. The solar elevation angle (aka \"altitude\") is reported by the timeanddate website to be 55°! - TimeandDate\nReversing the angle, using right triangle math:\nThe base angle, our solar elevation angle, of a right angle triangle is:\n\"solar elevation angle\"= arctangent (h/a)\n89.998151749049 = arctangent (93000000/3000)\nSo using right triangle math alone with the presumption of the Sun being 93 million miles away and base distance of 3000 miles we get an expected solar elevation angle of 89.998151749049°.\nThat makes sense, since if something is 93 million miles away from us and you think of it as a triangle, then the distance between any place on earth and the location on earth where the sun is at exactly 90° overhead -- you should expect the other angle of the triangle to be at near 90°, connected by a relatively tiny sliver of distance in a much elongated triangle to the center point of the distant sun.\nIf we go the other direction and leave out the presumption that the sun is 93 million miles away.",
"We take h as unknown, we know the reported solar elevation angle of 55°, we can again use right triangle math:\nLet a=3000, solar elevation angle=55°\nh = a * tangent (\"solar elevation angle\")\n4,284.<PHONE_NUMBER> = 3000 * tangent(55°)\nSo according to my calculations, based on the advertised solar elevation angle of 55° at Calgary, Canada on May, 04 2016 at Meridian, at a ground distance of 3000 miles from where the Sun is at exactly 90° overhead -- the Sun is actually only 4,284.<PHONE_NUMBER> miles high!\nUpdate : The math would work out for a sphere Earth with a radius of 4000 miles, using the exact solar position and adding corrective angles due to a presumption of a spherical curvature:\nCalgary, Canada: 51°03′N 114°04′W\nLocation of Sun at Calgary Meridian: 16°23′N 114°04′W\nDistance = 2395.386 miles\nRadius of Earth=4000 miles\nArc distance = 4790.772 miles\nWidth of arc = 4509.52059 miles\nAngle to center of the Earth=68.622754110849°\n68.622754110849°/2=34.31137705542450°\nThis math utilized calculations that may have had a bit less acurracy but to make it work you need to add a bandaid padding of approximately 34.31137705542450° to Calgary,Canada's advertised angles. If you do you arrive at 55°+34.31137705542450° = 89.31137705542450° which is close to what I would expect to see. If, we are truly living on a Flat Earth, then the calculations would be telling us that the Sun height is only 4,284.<PHONE_NUMBER> miles high and we can use simple trignometry.\nArc Calculator\nCoordinate Distance Calculator\nIf the math is difficult for you, you can check with an online triangle calculator such as: Ke!san",
"It is possible.\nFirst, you did the math correctly, a center-to-center distance of 45500 km would result in geosynchronous orbit assume mass = 1 earth.This is well beyond the Roche Limit, so you bodies are stable.\nWhether this could happen is entirely dependent upon how fast the rotations were at the initial conditions. For our Earth and moon, the initial conditions result in a mutual tidal lock in about another 50 billion years -- though the expected red-giant phase of the sun may make this a moot point.\nCertainly Venus is spinning much slower than Earth even though the planets are very similar in other ways. So there is clearly great variety in initial conditions and/and events history to get us to this point in time. Your system is certainly within the realm of the possible.\nSince your planet is mutually locked with your moon, there is actually less tidal stress since the moon is always in the same place in the sky. Your planet would be stretched a little more in the moon direction because the planet would time to fully adjust -- bust this does not mean more strain. Earth bulge due to rotation is many times as large as tidal bulge, but the important factor is not how much out-of-spherical it is, it is how how strain in induced because of regular orbital cycle.\nYour planet tidal strain would be only that of the sun, which presumably would be similar to Earth. On Earth, solar tidal force is about 46% of the lunar tidal force. So, still some tidal strain, but only about one-third as much as on Earth (tidal forces are additive).\nThe difference in Planetary shape due to tidal locking is negligible on Earth (only about 1 meter in the deep ocean).However, since tidal force in your case is based on a moon 0.71 times the moons mass, but 8.4 times closer you should expect a permanent tidal bulge of about 428 meters in deep ocean.",
"Less over land (rock is heavier than water). May sound like a lot, but you would never notice it without good instrumentation.\nIf you want tidal strain, it is easily accomplished. Just make the moon's orbit eccentric. Because your moon is so close, the tidal effects are magnified considerably. Our moon varies from 363,104 to 405,696 km., a bit over 10% variation. Because tides are proportional to distance cubed, a 10% variation results in a 33.1% variation in tidal force. This would result in very significant tidal stress, large ocean tides, etc. The local residents would definitely notice these tides and would be able to correlate them to apparent changes in the moon diameter.",
"The Logic Problems of Black Holes\nAs I always preference my questions, I am not a scientist or student. I am an engineer who loves physics.\nIt is my understanding that, there are 2 competing thoughts behind what a black hole is. Standard Description – Is that a stellar core collapses under its own weight when it begins to fuse iron. It shrinks to a point of infinite density and an event horizon is formed. Time splits from space just below the event horizon. Matter falling into the event horizon will eventually meet the singularity.\nThe second description is like the first, except that matter never falls below the event horizon and piles up on it. (This is due to time ending at the event horizon). The black hole and event horizon expands because of this shell of material on it.\nBoth descriptions are illogical. They might make sense from a mathematics point of view, but they have problems from a purely logical point of view.\nStandard Description 1. Density - Let’s say we have a BH at 10 solar masses. If I push another solar mass of material into the event horizon, how can something that was infinitely dense, become even more infinitely dense? 2. Size – How can matter collapse to a singularity… (Now I understand that it is a mathematical singularity which means we have pushed physics to its breaking point…) Logically you cannot be infinitely dense, and infinitely small.",
"You can be one of the other, but not both. If you are infinitely dense, any matter falling onto you would have to pile up around the singularity as it cannot be squeezed any further. If you are infinitely small (let’s say a Planck Length in size), then you cannot be infinitely dense, as new material must be squeezed into this Planck Length as well. 3. Energy – I would expect that as the quarks are destroyed in the collapse, they would give off a TREMENDOUS amount of energy. Where does this go? Why does it not push back against gravity blowing the stellar core apart? (I do not think there is anything that keeps the “singularity” from being pure energy is there?) 4. If you have an infinitely dense, infinitely small singularity, how does the event horizon grow?\nSecond Description 1. If time ceases, just at the event horizon and all matter deposited on the event horizon forms shells around it why is it not reflective? It would no longer be a black body as matter on the top of the shell would be further away than the event horizon and the escape velocity would be less than the speed of light.\nTo me this is the easiest to get around. Time does indeed stop just “BELOW” the event horizon. Matter does not collapse into a singularity and therefore is not infinitely dense. As matter is drawn into the event horizon, it piles up on the core and enlarges the event horizon. (Think of a glass that as you add water, keeps expanding.) However, I don’t think this is mathematically supported.\nI am sure there other paradox’s surrounding black holes. These are the ones that have made me curious.",
"My suggestion is you throw this book away, and use only \"good books\".\nWhoever wrote this book has a very confused mind.\nI can vaguely guess what the author might have had in mind when he mentioned these \"three types\", but trying to make sense of these very confused notions would only add to your confusion, not reduce it.\nAlso, while the revolution of the Earth around the Sun does involve inertia, the overall motion is certainly not exclusively due to inertia.\nJust as a matter by curiosity (certainly not to buy it) what are the title and author of this book ?\nEDIT\nMaybe I should have given you more details earlier.\nThe inertia that, when no force is applied, keeps at rest a body at rest is the same that guarantees a body in motion \"perseveres\" in this motion at the same speed in the same direction. So what your book call \"inertia of rest\", \"inertia of motion\" (constant value of the speed in meters per second?) \"inertia of direction\" (which, combined with the previous one, is the only meaningful thing for a physicist, conservation of the \"physical speed\" which means both direction and value in meters per second). Distinguishing them as three \"types of inertia\" makes absolutely no sense.\nNow about the Earth and the Sun. Before <PERSON> (thank you, user4574), people believed the Sun went around the Earth. Now we know that it is the contrary, the Earth goes around the Sun. But this motion, called \"revolution\" takes a whole year and in combination with the tilt of the Earth's axis is responsible for the seasons.",
"This motion does involve inertia, but also a force. It is the interaction of this force, the gravitation of the Sun, and the inertia of Earth that is responsible for it, not just some \"rotational inertia\" that by itself would keep the Earth to go around the Sun because it is now rotating around it.\nThere is really, however, such a thing as \"rotational inertia\". But not to go round another object: to keep an object rotating around itself (technically, around it own axis), like a rotating top, to keep rotating indefinitely if no (momentum of) force is applied on it. I am not going to elaborate on the notion of \"momentum of force\".\nAnd indeed the Earth does rotate around its own axis. Not once a year but once a day. This is why we see the Sun rise and set every day. This daily motion does not mean that the Earth rotates around the Sun but rather rotates around its own axis, once a day.\nAnd this daily motion, yes, is purely due to inertia, a different sort of inertia than the first one, technically called \"conservation of angular momentum\", but you can think about it, if you want, as a \"rotational inertia\" though to my knowledge nobody uses this term.\nSo yes, sunrise and sunset are phenomenons due to inertia, to the fact that the Earth keeps turning around its own axis, like a rotating top.\nBut it was not at all clear that you were referring to this daily motion in your question, since you were mentioning \"going round the Sun\", which I understood as the year-long revolution, which is not purely due to inertia.",
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"If you want to go home sooner, stop standing around and do something\nI (27f) work at a small local food place. My other coworkers leave after the lunch rush, leaving me and a coworker (15f). I am scheduled until 3, she leaves whenever I decide I don't need her help anymore. I used to send her home once it was slow enough, but then noticed after she left that there was still things that needed to get stocked.\nSo recently, I've started making sure everything is fully stocked before sending her home.",
"You'd think she'd help instead of just watching me, but you'd be wrong. Everyday I walk around stocking and filling coolers and sauces and cutting veggies while she just...stands there. And then I say \"looks like everything is done, you're good to go\" hoping she'd get the hint. But she still continues just standing there.\nBonus context: she is homeschooled, stares at me all day, always cranky, has been cold to me ever since she found out I am an atheist and denied coming with her to a good Friday event, and will hide the tickets she wants to do under her arm while she washes her hands.",
"I finally talked to my boss about my issues with my coworker, and she gaslit me\nQuick note: we do NOT have an HR or CEO or anything. I work for a small family owned business and there is no one above them.\nI've (27f) worked here for a year and have been suffering in silence working with a problematic coworker. She is 15 and homeschooled.\nSummary of issues:\n-She stands around waiting to be sent home watching me stock and clean\n-She stares at me and other coworkers\n-She will hide food order tickets she takes under her armpit while she washes her hands so no one else can make them\n-She found out I'm an atheist and pressured me to come to an event at her church and was mad at me for declining and has been cold to me ever since\nI finally hit my limit dealing with her every day and called my boss to talk to her about it and ask to be scheduled at a different time than the problematic coworker.",
"She proceeded to gaslight me and tell me I'm \"probably imagining it\" and \"that doesn't sound like (coworkers name)\" and that no one else has any problems with her. I know that to be untrue because I have listened to more than a few coworkers complain about working with her. My boss is never here when we are so how does she know?? They won't fire her though because we're so short staffed and she lives close.\nSo thankfully, they are giving me different hours. But I'm now actively looking for a different job because I don't want to work for someone that I can't talk about my concerns with.",
"Is my crush my boss?\nI work with my crush at coffee shop at our university campus. We got hired at the same time and the same position. However, because my crush is so friendly and kind, he was promoted to shift lead. There's probably about 12 \"regular\" workers, and (now) 4 shift leads, and 2 managers.",
"He's not in charge of my pay or scheduling, but he tells us regular workers to take out the trash, clean tables, etc. He'll say whether or not I can take my break or lunch. If I'm a cashier that day, he has to sign off on my till amount. As shift lead, he'll lecture us, as needed.",
"Does my shift lead genuinely think I'm pretty?\nHe and I work together at a fast food restaurant. I have a little crush on him. Despite being a few months older than him, he actually is my shift lead. I usually open on Friday mornings, and he comes in a few hours later.",
"One day, he asked me if work had been busy. I said it hadn't, and he said \"really? So were you just hanging out looking pretty the whole time?\" He said it within earshot of his work BFF and another newer male coworker. Since I have a crush on him, I don't want to be falsely hoping. Was he just asking me that as conversation, a way to look cool in front of the other guys, or because he believes it?\nView Poll",
"Wholesome moment with my coworker\n\"<PERSON>\" and I work at a restaurant. It was a very slow Friday morning. I was at the register and he was nearby restocking items. These two men come in and buy some food. They pay with cash, but since most people pay with card nowadays, I closed the register without even giving it a second thought. I gasped loudly and went to the cook to ask for help. <PERSON> came to me and asked me what happened. I told him, and he tried to unlock the register using his ID number (which we learned at orientation).",
"He wasn't able to. However, since the manager was on lunch and the shift lead clocked out that day, and they're the only ones with authorization to reopen registers, we were screwed.\nThe next fifteen minutes were sent with <PERSON>, the cooks, and I trying to figure out a solution. The manager ended up having to finish her lunch early and clock back in early just so the register could be reopened. Thankfully no one gave me any crap about it, not even the customers who had to wait all that time. I felt so embarrassed that because of my mistake, everyone was inconvenienced. But <PERSON> was just so...gentle with me after. He gave me the easier tasks, and he just spoke to me in a very light tone. It's like he could tell I was embarrassed, even though I tried not to show it.",
"Do I just suck?\nI work in banquets and I'm always at the bottom getting 1-2 days. I've learned how to do everything, setting up a buffet, make a table, I can carry a big tray and anything heavy.\nI recently got hired at a country club and everyone was nice and banquet manager acknowledged my knowledge.",
"I even offered to wash dishes to assist. Some of their employees who have been there for a year were standing on their phone instead of helping bussing. Guess what, my other 2 coworkers who were hired at the same time got 4 days, I got 2.\nI'm so sick and tired and has totally destroyed my self esteem and confidence to receive my schedule and see my other coworkers getting more hours.",
"Title: Horrible bosses\nBody:\nThe worst boss I ever had was definitely my high school summer job boss. She ran a small local restaurant and she only hired high schoolers because she knew we all had low standards and didn't realize we could quit when someone treated us terribly. The food was terrible, imo, but it was cheap and we got a lot of regulars who just liked to have somewhere to hang out. This boss, we'll call her <PERSON>, was so mercurial. Sometimes you'd come in and you'd be her favorite person. One week she was training a new girl and said she should do exactly what I was doing (being friendly but efficient, remembering regular's names).",
"And then she gave me a raise on the spot! Then literally the next week, I slightly messed up a customer's order and <PERSON> started yelling at me, right in front of the customer. \"Are you stupid or do you not care?? I don't understand how someone could fuck something this simple up.\" The customer looked horrified and started to say it was ok and she didn't even care that much but <PERSON> would. Not. Stop. I had to go cry in the backroom and <PERSON> got snarky about me taking too long of a break. And the worst part is, I never even quit! The restaurant closed one week when I was out of town and I just got a text from another waitress saying <PERSON> said our last checks would be in the mail.",
"My shift lead lectured me...but I honestly found it really sexy\nMy crush and I work at a fast food restaurant at school. We have to ask everyone for their student IDs so they could get a student discount (it just takes the tax off). I just give everyone the discount 1) to make the line go faster, and 2) because professors and other staff should get discounts too. One day, a construction worker for the university came in and bought a coffee. A few minutes after the guy came and went, my crush came up to me and asked \"(my name), how much did you charge that guy for a coffee?\"\nI told him the amount, and he was just staring at me for a few seconds, like he was thinking about what to say.",
"He laid it on me, but was super nice to me. He explained that the same guy I charged threw a fit a few days prior because they didn't give him the discount. He told me to not be giving non-students student discounts. He was being super nice to me the rest of the day. He just spoke to me more gently, and he helped me with more stuff.",
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"the MCU is an amalgamation of 616 universe and 1610 universe and the cap portrayed by <PERSON> gets his characteristic traits from 616 universe and his powers from 1610 universe, the evidences are, in the movie Winter soldier,\n1) right in the first scene after completing his jog, we see falcon (presumably a peak human or at least above average human in intense conditioning) drenched in sweat and panting like hell, but <PERSON> who completed the circuit in far lesser time and at greater speed didn't sweat a drop or pant a bit, this shows captain's super human stamina.\n2) in the climax fight in one of the drones, after winter soldier got struck under a huge metal beam (which looked like it could weigh at least a ton (2204 pounds) <PERSON> lifted that beam high and long enough so that <PERSON> can come out, this shows captains super human strength, saying this as MARVEL states the highest possible weight a peak human can lift is 500 kgs (1,110 lbs)\n3) <PERSON> got blasted through a bus from a flyover above (3 storey high) at considerably great speed (due to grenade impact on his shield) and he even jumped from the 30th storey of treskilion and landed on streets (but used his shield to cushion the fall but if you can jump from 30th floor with a heavy pillow or shield to cushion and you are still unharmed then fine !) these feats shows cap's super human durability as any other human in the above situation would have simply died due to severe body damage\n4) in the elevator scene <PERSON> got tased multiple times with the stun baton and was being tased continuously for 5 seconds and was still resisting it, whereas humans would get unconscious within a second of contact from a stun baton, super human durability right\n5) in a scene where falcon was carrying captain over the air he said \"you are heavier than you look\" which means due to super soldier serum his bones and muscles got denser and thus heavier, making him heavier than he looks, the end result his body is so many times durable and resilient to damage than human\n6) right from captain america 1 to cap 2 whenever <PERSON> punched or kicked a human they tend to fly several meters away in the air, this shows his super human strength (the kinda strength to send a fully grown man with his equipment several meters away in air with his strike power) and i haven't seen any peak human do that till now\n7) in captain america the first <PERSON> was shown chasing a car across the city and he was keeping his pace with the car and even managed to catch the car, which implies <PERSON> can run at a speed which is some where between 37 - 49 miles per hour, and that's a genuine super human speed",
"In short, the multiverse is a concept in theoretical science which posits that our known universe exists alongside a potentially infinite number of alternates. In the show, the quantum multiverse theory is adopted, in which a new universe is created when a diversion in events occurs, referred to as a nexus event.\nAs stated by miss minutes, the original multiverse was plagued by war across the realities in a way similiar to the avengers - pop in, steal an infinity stone, and be back to your own reality with none the wiser, but having completely changed the course of another reality.\nAlthough vague, the presented information states that the sacred timeline was created, probably a single strand of the universe, to stop the multiverse war, most likely time travelers wreaking havoc or exploiting the past peoples with the advantage of knowledge and in the process creating new multiverses which is mentioned to be destablising (destablising as to what though is yet to be revealed).\nThe entire point of the TVA it seems is to prevent the creation of new multiverses by sticking to a single \"sacred\" timeline that is apparently for the greater good. If a diversion in events would occur a new parallel universe would be created.",
"This is reflected in the show as any time the TVA enter the timeline area they take great care to cover their tracks and return it to its original state so as to not trigger a multiverse splitting event.\nAs mentioned in one episode, destructive events take no bearing on the previous state of things and create something anew from its constituents - for example the destruction of a planet bears no memory on the state of its configuration (people, cities, plants) for its contents are essentially atoms. For example it would make no difference if you were at the bus stop or the library if the earth was destroyed - either way we would become atoms in the cosmos, and unless by some miracle of gravity and geometrics, creating of a new universe would be significanltly unlikely, since our atoms will only be absorbed by a neighbouring gravitional body such as the sun or jupiter in which case randomness or entropy would obscure all memory of the previous configuration.\nHence why the second variant is able to obscure herself in the midst of chaos as her presence does not really increase the chances of a multiverse by any significant amount.\nSo, to answer your question: How is it possible that if only a single universe is allowed there can be multiple variations of the same man?\nSo the TVA cannot stop the splitting of a universe into two but they can guide the events so that the result of a split recombines into the same outcome and resolves into a single universe once again, as long as the split was not large enough to be irreversible.\nFor example, if there was by some way of accessing true chance, you could effectively split the universe IF and only IF the outcomes of the dice throw were magnanimous in effect.\nFor example, thanos when he equips the five-stoned gauntlet, if he decided five fates for the nine realms - obliteration, relocation, preservation, and some others - each with a completely different outcome based on true chance that could not be recombined into the same result after taking effect - then you could effectively create five universes and five Thanos variants.\nBut the TVA being the TVA would not allow this to continue and would probably guide the entire galaxy in each universe which contained thanos and everyone else in the avengers show into a black hole in which case only the mass of galaxy - unchanged by the split of the universe into five - would be important and that all memory of the orientation of the galaxy would be lost forever, thereby forming the multiverses into a single universe again as the timelines again become identical, as the same mass had been added to the black hole in each case and the resulting effect was the same.\nIn a nutshell, yes there are multiverses created spontaneously to account for variants, however these multiverses are guided back to the original design or \"scared timeline\" for the universe by the TVA. As a result these multiverses recombine into the original scared timeline, which is easiest done at the time of the split, before the two parallels universes grow apart and become difficult to recombine to a shared and homogenous destiny (as the show demonstrates by not wasting any time after <PERSON> originally escapes).\nAt least that's my take.",
"what would be the benefit of sentient symbiotes that can only form permanent bonds and can only bond with one host\nImagine a symbiotic life form like the Klyntar species from Marvel: a creature made up of an amorphous mass of cells and are, as a whole, sentient.\nThe species would have the following additional characteristics:\n* they could only form one permanent bond with a host\n* they could evolve the host in any fashion or change its form at will\n* it would merge with the host at a molecular/genetic level and preserve its consciousness via adding its cognition center to the host body permanently along with decentralizing the host nervous system to speed up cognition via entangling the neurons together so the host will not die if shot where previous brain was\n* the host would receive enhanced healing, strength, speed, intelligence, and depending on the environment that the host lives in the symbiote will adapt the host beyond current capability's.\n* the symbiote could communicate with the host, allow them to support one another emotionally and physically during their nearly infinite lifespan.\n* In such a life-span that while technically immortal the host and symbiote would not survive forever due to war, violence, etc\n* symbiotes would make people invulnerable to disease, poison, radioactivity, and cancer (note that anything else that could detrimentally harm the host body would also be mitigated through the enhanced abilities)\n* the symbiote could only override the will of the host if either knocked unconscious (accident or combat) to save the host from harm or with the hosts explicit permission\n* the bonding would only be consensual or through birth (i.e. hosts and symbiote would mate)(the infants would grow up at a decelerated rate i.e. 1 standard year of growth would be doubled for the infant (36-40 years to adult-hood)) -they would be two separate entities with distinct personalities but they would each give the other suggestions as to what or what not to do\n* the bonding to a degree would not be personal choice but rather a gut feeling and the use of what would be best for both rather than one (i.e. telepathic subconscious decision)\n* the host would gain the innate abilities of the symbiote (i.e.",
"telepathy, a morph-able body and any other abilities that were only innate to that specific symbiote)\n* the bonding process could last a while (i.e. 1-2 days all the way up to a year or two in rare cases ) so the bodies have time to merge and develop\nGiven stated examples what long term psychological effects could happen to a given host after a log period of time?\nMost sci-fi focuses on the physical side of such a bond (e.x. Venom, Carnage) or parasitism involving possession or overpowering of the will in such a theme as this it is stated to be an extreme case of parasitism. Not much is is written about the other route and what will happen with extreme symbiosis between two organisms and the psychological effects such a bond would have on the host and symbiotic organism in such a bond.",
"Any answer to this is going to be pure speculation, and continue to open up \"what-if\" scenarios, but here goes:\nAn important outcome of this Endgame is that the stones are GONE, and the avengers only suffered two losses (3, counting <PERSON>). In any timeline where they use they defeat <PERSON> before he snaps half of reality, the stones still exist. In any timeline where the stones exist, they are a threat. A number of beings more powerful than <PERSON>, or the avengers, will want to get there hands on them to wipe out all of the universe or remake it in there image. Any future where they kill <PERSON> and then the universe is completely destroyed by another force is probably considered a loss to <PERSON>.\nBut wait, you say, once they kill <PERSON>, they can just use the gauntlet to get rid of the stones themselves! Not so, say I.",
"The only being besides <PERSON> who is shown to use the stones without suffering death is the <PERSON>, who is in no mental state to do the snapping. But wait, can't one of the avengers just make the self-sacrifice play to get rid of the stones? No, the only being who can physically fit into the <PERSON> gauntlet is <PERSON>, so another avenger can't just throw on the glove and take one for the team.\nWhat about <PERSON>'s nanobots, can't he make a nanobot glove? Sure, he can reform the bots into a glove shape, but without time to analyze the gauntlet or gather info from <PERSON> about how the glove taps the power of the stones and how to wield them, his prototype is just as likely to blow up as it is to work.\nand thus the argument continues to spiral further and further downward, when the core of the issue is that <PERSON> plan was the only way, because we are told it's the only way. We can spend hours and hours theorizing about how each of the \"obvious\" plans would have failed and put the universe in a worse situation, but it's unnecessary. The other plans would have failed, because both Doctor <PERSON> and the <PERSON> brothers say they would have failed. The actual reasoning behind what would have caused each of them to fail is moot.",
"Have you ever read the book snowcrash? The author <PERSON> used a very interesting plot device involving viruses that exist purely in the form of information, these were not created by hackers, but by mere random chance in an infinite universe.\nSo perhaps one of your robots is hit by some cosmic rays which flips enough bits to overcome the limitations of it's programming or perhaps even cause it to reformat and build from scratch. After the first robot is \"infected\" this problem, much like real viruses wants to sustain itself by spreading. So this first robot doesn't have to rely on cosmic rays to convert his comrades, but instead begins hacking them itself.\nYou don't need to use the cliche of cosmic rays, there is a theory called stoned ape theory where our ape ancestors ate magic mushrooms and it caused their brain chemistry to change, allowed them to think in different ways and unlocked new fields of cognitive capability. Perhaps the design of your menial robots is such as to allow a few burnt out transistors to cause unexpected changes or an unsantised input from a visual or audible source to exploit a previously unknown security flaw. Imagine an image that for a computer vision system contained the equivalent of an SQL injection causing it to drop a table or append data from an unusual source. The exact sauce is unknowable. In snowcrash, there was a picture (I always imagined it as something similar to a QR code) that would fry the brains of a programmer who viewed it.",
"However, non programmers were not affected, programmers who could interpret machine code could understand the picture, their brain read the information and executed an instruction contained within it and consequently died. Non programmers couldn't interpret it so never ran the instruction contained within it. The author's explanation for this is essentially the universe is nearly infinite, and there for almost everything that could exist must exist. Therefore as there are physical viruses that cause illnesses in people, and computer viruses made of information that causes malfunctions in computers, there may be viruses made of all sorts of information, light, sound, heat, anything that could be interpreted that could cause a malfunction in whatever could interpret it.\nThere are an infinite number of patterns of cosmic rays or transistor failures or anything that can cause a detrimental result in a given system, however there must also be a few ways that through sheer luck result in self propagating errors. If evolution is just a mix of random mutations due to genetic drift and selection pressures, think about how unlikely it is that Ophiocordyceps exist, its a fungi that can control the minds of ants. Imagine the unlikely combination of random mutations and circumstance that turned mind controlling other species into a viable niche. Perhaps the same thing happened on your world.",
"what kind of organs or anatomy or modifications for the alpha creature to mind control/enforce their kin?\nI want to make a biological group of creatures where there is an absolute alpha creature that their lower kin cannot ever harm due to a mental prohibition. This would be equivalent to <PERSON>'s first law of robotics - a lower kin may not harm their alpha or through inaction allow their alpha to come to harm, extended to also prevent them to do rebellion/revolution against their alpha even against this lower kin will.\nThe alpha cannot control their lower kin beyond this single restriction - they may not remote control the lower kin as a biological drone nor can they even give an order that must be obeyed beyond that restriction.\nThe concept is a bit similar to the powers of the dragon king in the second movie How to Train Your Dragon but more limited - there the Alpha could directly remote control other dragons like drone.\nhere a link to gif image to help imagine it better (imgur reject it)\n\nand Here is a description of the dragon controlling ability in the link, for ease of search.\nDragon Controlling\n“ He who controls the Alpha, controls them all. [src] ” — Drago Bludvist The force of an Alpha\nAccording to Dragons: Rise of Berk, Bewilderbeasts use their eyes and ultrasonic sounds to control dragons' minds.",
"This was shown in the second movie, the Bewilderbeast's bony spines on its head were rapidly vibrating while the pupils on its eyes narrowed into slits, making it seem more likely, plausible, and believable that they are what broadcast the ultrasound.\n* the creatures, both alphas and lower kin, have intelligence comparable to humans.\n* the creatures are not insects, they are vertebrate and have a brain and not cold blood (I am not decided yet whether they should be warm blooded or both like dinosaurs, I forgot the correct english term for it)\n* the lower kin creatures vary considerably - some favour/specialist in strength or size, some prefer speed, some prefer maneuverability or agility, some prefer cunning, etc, each with their own pro and cons due to that.\n* the alpha is not necessary to be the biggest either, in fact there are many lower kin that are bigger than the alpha due to specialism build, but the alpha is more of a jack-of-all-trades build but still higher compare to the common one and just a bit bellow compare to the specialist build/stats.\n* I do not want to use pheromones as the mechanism for this control so please do not provide this as an answer. Similarly, symbiotic or parasitic creatures such as fungi or worms are not acceptable. I want the mechanism to be part of the creature's organs (especially internal organs if possible).\n* not just simply be based on psychology/society either, like ancient ancestor trauma or intimidation or instinct or tradition or base of simple cunning.\n* I do not mind the ultrasonic sound method like the dragon king in the link, if it is scientifically or biologically possible, though I prefer no antenna for my creature, but I wonder how it would work with the lower kin organs to be able to be mind controlled.\n* The mind control ability should not also affect another alpha, since I want the situation to be that only an alpha can fight against another alpha.\n* the mind control cannot be based on sexual organs or gender.\nIs there a scientific or biological way to achieve this?\nfeel free to correct my grammar or the tag to the appropriate one.",
"this may be the best suggestion for a movie you have ever had in your life and it is the Lord Of The Rings, it is a masterpiece and the epitome of the art of cinema, because this movie represent the highest level of friendship and heroism, there are many scenes that can be said to be totally perfect and this movie won 17 Oscars and this is something that did not happened with any other movie and it was directed by <PERSON> who went up on the stage one evening to receive 11 Oscars in one night, wars between humans and Elves and Orcs while the hero <PERSON> and <PERSON> walk towards Mount Doom to destroy something evil.",
"is there a way to seal something like dr <PERSON>?\nthis video explain better to what dr <PERSON> is and what he can do Dr. <PERSON>’s Superpowers EXPLAINED\n<PERSON> character is from watchmen\nand here some quotes from wikipedia link\nPowers and abilities\n<PERSON> is the only character in Watchmen to possess superpowers. Throughout Watchmen, he is shown to be absolutely powerful and invulnerable to all harm; even when his body is disintegrated, he can reconstruct it in a matter of seconds and remains unharmed. He is capable of altering his size depending on his needs, for example, reconstructing himself in a much bigger form. He can hurl huge objects effortlessly with his hands. He is also unable to exhaust himself. <PERSON> has complete awareness of and control over atomic and subatomic particles. He is also an omnikinetic. He does not need air, water, food or sleep, and is immortal. He can teleport himself and others over limitless distances.",
"He is also capable of true flight, although he uses only levitation in most of his appearances. Due to his perception of time, he sees his past, present and future simultaneously.\nIn addition to these powers, <PERSON> is able to phase any part of his body through solid objects without damaging them, produce multiple copies of himself which function independently of each other, project destructive energy, disintegrate people, create force fields, transmute, create and destroy matter, move objects without physically touching them (telekinesis), reverse entropy, repair anything no matter how severe the damage is, and, he suggests, create life. He also claims to have walked on the surface of the sun. At one point it is stated that, in the event of a nuclear war, he would be capable of destroying Soviet nuclear missiles while at the same time 'destroying' large areas of Russia. As a result of these capabilities, <PERSON> becomes central to the United States' Cold War strategy of deterrence.\nHe is also capable of manipulating reality as he sees fit, as seen when he erased ten years from the DC Universe, when <PERSON> tried to bring his original universe back to normal. The intervention of <PERSON> caused The New 52 timeline to be formed, within which most superheroes are younger and less experienced, and most of them lose their most important relationships before they even begin. Even Mister <PERSON> himself acknowledges <PERSON> to be far more powerful than him.[25] Such power makes him one of the most powerful beings in the DC Multiverse.\nScientific accuracy\nIn the 2009 film adaptation Watchmen, physics professor <PERSON> of the University of Minnesota was used as a scientific consultant, and shed light on the potential scientific explanations of Doctor Manhattan's powers both in the film and the comic. <PERSON> radiation inspired Doctor Manhattan's appearance in the 2009 film adaptation.\n<PERSON> explained that the intrinsic field has basis in reality in that it is a representation of a collection of the electromagnetic, and strong and weak nuclear forces. <PERSON> explained that if a being were able to manipulate matter, such a being would have complete control over these three forces; hence, the \"intrinsic field\" would exist. <PERSON> also explained that while it is unlikely, Doctor <PERSON>'s teleportation abilities could seemingly be achieved through quantum tunnelling, should Doctor <PERSON> have control over his probability wave functions.\nbasically my <PERSON> is similar like him and i want to know is there a way to seal something like him.\nand please explain the method to achieve it, even better if it can be done or create by human, its not necessary using today technology, but at least achievable in the future or theoretically possible.\nfeel free to edit the tag because i dont know which tag is more apropriate for this question.",
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"Spider-Man: Far from Home\nHello people on the internet, welcome back to the series where I connect movies to Cars 2. Tonight’s movie is the favorite of a good friend of mine, <PERSON>! (No it isn’t, he hates it)\nAlright, so the connection between Cars 2 and Spider-Man: Far From Home. As I said, very simple, very easy, the connection is England, but more specifically, both of these movies are sequels about the main character and friends going to Europe (Cars 2 also has Asia) with the climax taking place in England.",
"That’s about it. As I said, this was simple. Oh yeah also the red character gets an upgrade (<PERSON>’s paintjob & <PERSON> designing the new suit)\nList",
"<PERSON>\nI wanted to hate this, but I didn’t wow. This definitely isn’t a great movie it’s just ok. But that’s a godsend considering what I thought it was gonna be by its terrible trailer. There are a lot of cringy lines and very cringy moments that make me wanna jump off a building.",
"It’s probably leaning on a 5 instead of a 7 if I had to change its score personally. But who cares, it’s a fine movie tbh I had a good time with it. Will people come out hating it… yeah. This will basically be the Last Jedi of the Pixar pantheon. But I for one enjoyed it and I didn’t hate it.",
"The Batman\nFear is a tool. When that light hits the sky, it’s not just a call.",
"It’s a warning. For them.\nWell folks, It took ‘em that long to realize that a dark, gritty and mysterious superhero based in a dark, gritty and mysterious city should have a dark, gritty and mysterious movie.\nI loved <PERSON> as The Riddler (with his many notes for “The Botmon” 😂), and <PERSON> makes a great <PERSON> (you have to admit he looks a lot like him).\nAnd I know it’s not gonna happen, but I really think this movie should get a bit more real and lose the PG-13.\nAnyhow, I really enjoyed this movie but I believe that <PERSON> adaptation of Batman hasn’t reached its full potential yet.\nI have a feeling it’s gonna be an iconic franchise. Here’s hoping, anyways.",
"Air Force One Down\nI shouldn’t like this one as much as I do but thems the breaks.\nA cool as fuck DTV actioner that could have benefited from one and a half more a action beats. <PERSON> is an absolute star, kicking ass for the entire run time. I’ll take 28 sequels to this as long as she’s in every one.\nIt’s flabby at times, feeling overly wordy and patriotic but once it cranks up the fun-o-meter, it hits hard. With hammers, knives and even grenades.",
"The final action scene is awesome, though some will complain about shaky cam and rapid fire editing. Didn’t bother me though.\nIf given more focus when it comes to action, this would be a DTV classic. As is, it’s a VERY good action thriller with some stellar set pieces. I had loads of fun.",
"Dawn of the Dead\nDon’t Worry Be Happy: The Muzak Version is probably the most frightening thing in this, and I’m terrified of fast zombies.\nNo, wait. Zombaby is far creepier!\nI was quite moved by the final scene.\nWith a quiet dignity the guy accepts his fate, rather than cling desperately to what little time remains.\nThe silence as the boat moves away from him, with the chaotic murderous crowd of zombies about to descend and finish him off, it’s beautifully paradoxical.\nBoom!\nAbsolutely don’t blame him. “You’ll never take me alive!”\nThe extras in the credits is just the icing on the cake.",
"No. There’s no hope. All gone.",
"Godzilla Minus One\nThe perfect mix of classic <PERSON> (not that I'm an aficionado) and modern blockbuster. Taking the best of both and mashing it up into a post-war Japan - fight to live rather than die for honor.\nNot sure if this was the intent, but I loved that instead of trying to look as real as possible, the CGI was attempting to replicate practical effects. The action was both visually fun but also exciting, paced perfectly and had emotional weight strong enough to make me care but not going totally overboard with the sentimentality (although it veers dangerously close a couple of times).\nFurthermore, for all the people out there saying \"there isn't much <PERSON> in here\"...",
"I don't know what y'all are talking about. He's in it a lot more than I was expecting. And each time it was under a little different circumstances.\nYeah there is all sorts of stuff to unpack in here even though at the end of the day it's a better than <PERSON>, <PERSON> movie.",
"<PERSON> and <PERSON>\nThis was much better than I was expecting. I think <PERSON> is great and he has some solid support. I was intrigued by the story. We can’t expect a Temple Of Doom (my favorite) or a Raiders Of The Lost Ark in 2023.",
"We know is going to be CGI heavy but that didn’t take away from my enjoyment. The film didn’t seem as long as it is and it a breezy, fun watch. I did find myself grow annoyed with some of the character but they finally redeemed themselves, as I knew they would. Some nice surprises and there are worst ways to kick off a weekend.",
"Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers\nI opted for the supposedly superior Producer’s Cut of this one. If this is meant to be the better of the two cuts, the Theatrical Cut must be a fucking nightmare. This was atrocious.\nA rambling mess jam packed with a nonsense sub plot about <PERSON> being part of a cult. <PERSON> must have been livid.\nThe biggest issue is that The Curse of Michael Myers is a snooze fest.",
"Nothing happens for 45 minutes and then, when it seems to pick up, it doesn’t really pick up at all. <PERSON> is barely in it. He just kind of pops up here and there and gives us a dull, gore-less kill. Such a disappointment.\n<PERSON>’s doing his best but jeans given some truly laughable shit to say.\nI feel sorry for <PERSON>. He doesn’t deserve this shit pile of a film.",
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"The latest Last Night on Earth expansion comes in a smallish box, but it's crammed with a good amount of stuff; 4 scenarios, 5 counter sheets, 3 new decks of cards and about 8 each of new Hero and Zombie cards. My first impression is that the new scenarios, combined with the new mechanics, make this more of an \"advanced\" version of LNOE, moreso than Growing Hunger, but for a LNOE fan looking for some more depth and variety, that's a great thing. Here are some details...\nThere are 3 new decks, Survival Tactics and Unique Items (which benefit the Heroes) and Grave Weapons (for the Zombies). If a Hero rolls 5+ for movement, instead of Searching, they can draw either a Survival Tactics card or Unique Item card, depending what numbered building they're in (Unique Items = 1-3 or 1-2, Survival Tactics = 4-6 or 5-6, 3-4 = choice of either). So basically, any time you were going to search anyway, you'll have a 1 in 3 chance of getting one of those cards instead of the usual Hero card. And by and large, those are quite powerful...\nA few of the Survival Tactics cards...\nSeveral of the Survival Tactics cards are of the same type as other Hero cards, but the difference is that these cards, as well as the Unique Items and Grave Weapons, are never considered to be \"Hero\" or \"Zombie\" cards, and cannot be cancelled as such. And some of them include new elements like \"Duct Tape\", which allows you to combine two of your Items to gain the effect of both at the same time; \"Use the Sewers\", where you can add sewer tokens to the board to allow for faster movement (I'm glad that there is a counter provided for being \"in the sewer\" which is placed off the board and which requires one movement space; I didn't like the idea of teleporting across the board between sewers, which is how I thought it might work from the original description... I also like that the Zombies can use the sewers as well); \"Ammo Belt\", which lets you put 3 Ammo tokens on it and discard them instead of discarding a Gun, or to add +1 to a roll; and \"Barricade the Windows\", which gives additional barricade strength (more on barricades below).\nA few of the Unique Items...\nThe Unique Items offer some kind of bonus, and sometimes an additional bonus if a particular character has them. For example, <PERSON>'s Pendant allows its owner to discard it to cancel a wound, but also gives <PERSON> an extra Fight die if she has it.",
"<PERSON> Bible gives any other player his normal ability to take a wound to attempt to cancel any Zombie card on the roll of 3+, and if Father <PERSON> has that, then he automatically cancels a Zombie card if he takes a Wound. I'm a little disappointed that there aren't more examples of that in the Unique Deck than there are; from the earlier description of this, I expected there to be more character specific bonuses like that, but a lot of characters aren't represented in this way and not all of these cards offer that kind of thing. Presumably, we'll see more character-specific Unique Items with future LNOE expansions.\nOne of the Grave Weapons cards...\nThe Grave Weapons cards may be drawn by the Zombie player instead of spawning 2 normal zombies, and they give a specific zombie a particular ability, per the example above. I really love these, because much as I like LNOE, one criticism I have is that the Zombies don't seem to have as much character or as many tactical choices as the Heroes. This improves both of those things. Survival of the Fittest provides tokens (see the counter sheet above) to place under zombies with Grave Weapons, but having played the game now with the tokens, the value of having the miniature set became apparent, because it can be a real PITA to move around all of the Zombies with the markers. I am disappointed that while the mini set includes a new Grave Weapon type (Crawling Torso), it does not include two of the existing types (Recently Dead and Explosive), so you still have to use markers for those. But that's more of a complaint against that set and not against SOTF itself.\nBarricades\nSOTF includes several new or updated \"dot\" mechanics in the rulebook, and probably the most significant of those (and long-awaited by LNOE fans) is for Barricades. Basically, when you are in a building, instead of searching, if your movement roll was 4 or higher, you can either erect a barricade or reinforce one. A Hero can also take a wound at the end of a Move Phase to build or reinforce a barricade.",
"So the seventh Arkham Horror expansion was released recently; the fourth of the \"small box\" expansions. Having played with it a few times now, I believe it is the best of the small boxes, but I have to admit that's not necessarily saying much... Much as I love Arkham Horror and the system as a whole, I've never been a huge fan of the small box expansions. Sure, if you're a completist or AH addict you're gonna get 'em, anyway, and it's always nice to have some new items and Mythos cards and location cards to add to the pile, but I've usually been a little disappointed with the specific original content added with each small box expansion. And it's not a matter of being disappointed with the content itself... some of it is very clever and interesting... but more about the lack of involvement most of that new stuff will end up having in your typical games. I mean, when was the last time you had a Cult Encounter, or drew an Exhibit item, or were Barred from a neighborhood, or received a Blight? Sure, one of those things will pop up every once in a while, but unless you specifically feature a particular small box expansion in a game, you're not likely to come across those things very often. Heck, even when you do feature a small box expansion you may not happen to encounter any of those things. When you throw down $25 for an expansion, you kind of expect to see it come into play with at least some measure of importance. In that sense, Lurker at the Threshold seems to be more worthwhile than the others in that it includes a few things that are guaranteed to show up in your games. The value those things will add to your games may not necessarily be that high, but at least you'll get to experience them.\nHere's what's new in the Lurker expansion...\nTHE NEW GATES\nLurker includes all new gate markers which are meant to replace your old gate markers.",
"Each gate has something unique about it; some have penalties of lost Sanity or monsters appearing if you fail to close the gate, some will devour investigators at the locations where they open or cause a doom token to be added if an investigator is at the location where they open, some are moving gates which are a pain because they can only be sealed on unstable locations (which they will no longer be on once they move), and some are split gates from which you can choose one of two Other Worlds to enter.\nNow, I'm not sure there is any real benefit to choosing one Other World over another unless there's a preponderance of monsters on the board from one of the locations, and it's pretty rare that you'll fail to close a gate (hopefully), and it's a matter of random bad luck for a devouring gate to open on a location where you are, so those things don't really come into play all that often. In that sense I guess it's the small box syndrome yet again. But at least the danger is there... Whether the gates will have any active effect in a game is questionable, but at least you will see them and be wary of the effects they might cause, and you will always at least wonder if one of the nasty ones will open up and devour you while you're leisurely catching up with the Grand Poobah at the Silver Twilight Lodge.\nRELATIONSHIP CARDS\nThis is my favorite new element for the game, though again, the actual impact is fairly minimal. Relationship cards are dealt out to each player during setup, and take effect for each player and the player to their left. So each player will end up with two \"partnerships\", through which the Relationship cards may be used. And there are some nice benefits to these and they add a little more interaction into the game, as the two players often have to decide which of them can make best use of that extra movement point on their turn, or whatever the bonus is. Continuing with the Personal Stories from Innsmouth Horror, the Relationships add a little more of an RPG feel to the game, though I would have liked to see things that are a little more positive/negative in nature... ya know, like actual relationships. (An example of a variant card I created in that vein is below.)\nA nice rule that goes along with these cards is that when a player is devoured, both of their partnerships are dissolved, and new Relationship cards are not drawn with their replacement character. That gives more of a real penalty to a player being devoured, other than just the pain in the butt of having to discard everything and redraw all of your new character's items. A drawback of the Relationship cards is that they add yet another thing that you have to keep track of and remember that you have... In my games, more than one turn has gone by with players realizing long afterwards that they forgot to make use of their Relationship ability when they might have.",
"I have a love/hate relationship with Descent 2nd Edition. I love the looks and can't resist buying everything, but hate the gameplay and general experience. Let me explain... no, there is too much. Let me sum up:\nWhen it first came out, I was both excited and leery of the game. As with most FFG games, it looked great, and at a glance some of the mechanics felt like a good step up from 1st Ed. However, once I got the game and played it a few times with my friends, it fell short in a major way with a bunch of minor problems adding up to a not-so-fun game for us. The worst parts for us were less the mechanics and more the changes from a 'dungeon crawl' to an 'adventure' game. When it's more important for the heroes to run and grab wheat than kill the bloody goblins, it's not so fun for us.\nLow and behold, FFG announcted Game Night Kits for Descent. These kits promised a change in mechanics, from a 1vMany style game play, to a pure co-op. But even better, these kits promised some things that we found missing from the game, such as \"leveling up\" during a quest, finding treasure during a quest, a mechanical reason for killing monsters, and what appeared to be a fun game playable in one night.\nSo, needless to say, I had high expectations for this kit. I got my grubby little hands on the kit this week...\nDescent Game Night Kit: Forgotten Souls\nThe kit was relatively light. Packed in a non-discrete cardboard shipping box, it contained a Getting Started booklet, a Rule booklet, 10 Monster Activation Cards, 12 Exploration Cards, 10 Peril Cards, and 3 POD sized sheets for tracking doom and monster kills. It also contained acrylic health tokens and blue dice.\nThe acrylic pieces are kind of cool, but the transparent dice are not very different from the normal dice. Maybe if I had a whole set I'd notice it, but so far, meh. The rulebook wasn't very large, 16 pages with 5 of those being setups for specific encounters. The modified gameplay was light enough that if you know the core rules, it takes tops 10 minutes to explain how this co-op works.\nHow does it work?\nThe co-op is embodied in a quest. The one included in the kit is called Forgotten Souls.",
"The heroes stumble on a village where everyone is dead and a small boy leads them to a cave. Boy disappears, door slams shut, and the heroes now have to go through this dungeon to the end to find a way out. The villagers are in here, but now zombies. There are also barghests, flesh mulders, and dragons, and a big bad dragon deep at the end.\nEnough flavor text, how does it actually work? The game is played very similar to the core game. There's a board with the heroes and monsters on it, the heroes play exactly as the do in the base game, the \"Overlord\" has a turn as well but it's been automated. The heroes win by going through the encounters and accomplishing a specific goal. The heroes lose if the Doom token ever reaches the same space as the Fate token (they are on the same track, Doom goes up, Fate goes down).\nHow the game differs from the core game in the following ways:\n- Encounters\n- Overlord's Turn\n- XP & Loot\nEncounters\nEncounters are the main way of playing this game. There is an Encounter deck, and as the heroes explore the dungeon, they draw encounter cards that describe the map and monsters. There are three 'stages' to the game, and this is represented by special encounter cards. The first stage encounter is shuffled with the first 3 cards, the second stage is shuffled with the next 3 cards, and the final stage is shuffled with the last 2 cards. At the end of each stage, Heroes are rewarded XP and can immediately spend on skills (more on that later).\nAn Encounter indicates how the map is built, what monsters start on the map, and the specific goals for that part of the map. An Encounter is a card and a map description. Each encounter has an Entrance and an Exit, the Entrance hooks to the previous Encounter's Exit. The Exit has a door. The door cannot be opened until the Encounter card has been discarded (the objective of that particular encounter fulfilled or failed). Succeeding quests usually just refreshes the Fate track (one part of the 'timer' in the game). Failing a quest usually involves increasing the Doom track (the other part of the timer). Once the encounter is done, heroes can open the door exploring the next encounter.",
"While I'm still waiting for more plays before I write a complete review or a Capsule Review, I can't wait to discuss my first impressions.\nFFG should have subtitled this game \"The Game of Leaders\". For those who are worried that it's just another Star Wars Risk, you can let go of that concern.\nIt's as if the designers had said, what's the two biggest thematic drivers in Star Wars? And then decided it was galactic scope and heroic leaders. Then they designed a game around that.\nSure, there are lots of cool miniatures (150+) and combat rules complete with dice and cards. And yes, there are battles (though they do seem somehow anti-climactic for the most part). But the heart of the game are the leaders.\nTo succeed at this game is to know where, when, and how to apply your leaders. The game revolves around this.\nBoth sides start the game with 4 leaders (out of their stock of 12). During the game (Turns 1,3,4,5) they gain 1 more for a total of 8.\nLeaders start in the \"Leader Pool\" and are used for all core mechanics.\nThere are 3 phases in the game, which I have renamed:\n1) Assign your leaders.\n2) Use your leaders.\n3) Get your leaders back.\nLeaders have several important uses:\na) Perform Missions\nb) Oppose Missions\nc) Activate Systems\nd) Combat Tactics\nPerforming Missions. This is the heart of the game. Both players have a hand of Starting Missions that remain in their hand throughout the game and are common, critical goals for their side. Such as the Rebels' \"Sabotage\" or the Imperial \"Gather Intel.\"\nIn addition to the Starting Missions, both players have a Mission deck that will feed them new missions at the end of each turn. Add to this a Project deck for the Imperials, which is just an extension of Missions and once gained (by successful missions) give powerful missions that can be performed.\nIn order to perform these missions successfully, during the first phase (Assignment Phase), both players decide which of their hand of missions (hand limit of 10) they will attempt this round. They place those missions facedown and assign 1 or 2 leaders to each one.\nMissions have specific requirements in the form of Skill Icons (Diplomacy, Intel, Spec Ops, Logistics) that are matched by icons on Leaders.",
"So if the Empire wants to Gather Intel (requires 1 Intel icon), they place that card facedown and assign leaders, such as Emperor Palatine (with 2 Intel icons).\nThen during the Command (Use your Leaders) phase, players alternate using their Leaders to do things like performing their chosen missions.\nIn the example above, \"Gather Intel\" requires I place the assigned Leader \"in any Rebel system\". So I pick one and place the Leader. Now the Rebels have a chance to respond and may place 1 of their Leaders in the same system to oppose my \"Attempt\".\nIf both sides have Leaders in the system, there is a dice contest to see if it succeeds. For example, Palatine with 2 Intel icons will roll 2 dice; if the Rebels assign <PERSON> with 2 Intel icons, they'd roll 2 dice too. Plus, ALL Leaders of both sides in the system with the appropriate icons add dice to the roll. The acting side must roll MORE successes than their opponent in order to succeed.\nSucceeding at missions is the key to success for both sides, perhaps even more for the Rebels who are always behind in terms of military might and area control.\nThe other use of Leaders in your Pool is to Activate Systems which then allows you to move your units. Placing a leader in a system allows you to move all units (within transport limits) in adjacent systems into the leader's activated system.\nIf both sides have units in the system, Combat is resolved. Some Leaders have Tactic Values on them that allow you to draw Tactic Cards that can provide big benefits during the resolution of combat.\nLeaders. The game is all about leaders.\nYou need to perform a mission! Which Leader(s) do you send?\nYou need to keep some in your Pool. How many missions do you attempt?\nYou need to move units. Which Leader do you use to Activate a system?\nYou're going to be in combat! Which Leader has the right Tactic Values (Space/Ground) to get the most benefit?\nYour opponent performs a mission that is a game changer. Do you have any Leaders left in your Pool to oppose it?\nThese are the critical choices that drive the game.\nIt is NOT just a game of military units marching around the map. In fact, combat is seldom a major factor.",
"Introduction\nI've never played We the People, the game this is based on, and the American Revolutionary War isn't my usual area of gaming interest; however, given its pedigree, I really felt I had to take the opportunity to get this game.\nThis review is about Washington's War from GMT Games. The game was designed by <PERSON>, who has a storied career in game design with well over 60 titles to his credit (including expansions and modules). I find it not a little ironic that despite my over three decades of gaming that this is the first time I've either owned or played a <PERSON> design!\nThe advertised playing time is 90 minutes. This is the first GMT game I can recall with the estimated playing time on the back of the box. I applaud this move from GMT and hope they continue this with future releases.\nTheme\nWashington's War is a card driven game about the American Revolution, with the forces of King <PERSON> fighting American colonists fighting for independence.\nComponents\nLet's have a look inside the box.\nThe game features a gorgeous linen finish mounted board depicting the eastern portion of the United States (and a small piece of Canada).\nThe counters are nice and thick, reminiscent of GMT's recent Deluxe Twilight Struggle. It has British and American forces, in a similar style to the unit counters of Here I Stand. In addition, there are leader counters (both standard sized and stand up sized versions so the decision of which one to use is up to the individual players).\nThere are a large number of political control markers to show which side controls any specific area on the map. The state abbreviations are inside the circles, so for those who aren't as familiar with US geography as they might like, I recommend the solution <PERSON> introduced me to for Unhappy King Charles! of using bingo tokens which have the benefit of being transparent.\nThe cards are of the standard excellent quality we've come to expect and enjoy from GMT. The deck is roughly 50-50 events and ops cards, with the ops cards being divided into 1, 2, and 3 ops point cards.\nThe dice are perfectly functional, but not as pretty as the dice I'm used to from GMT.\nThe rule book is clear and concise, and in keeping with the latest releases such as is in colour and full of examples. In addition, there's a play book and 2 copies of an identical double sided player aid.\nRules and Game Play\nVictory Conditions\nWinning can happen one of two ways. First, elimination of all enemy combat units on the board (British win = all American and French in US and Canada are eliminated, American win = all British units in the 13 colonies eliminated).",
"Second, after the North's Government Falls - War Ends special event strategy card, in which case a political control victory is determined. In a political victory, the Americans win if they control 7 or more colonies, and the British win if they control 6 or more colonies. Canada is included in the colony count. Control of a colony depends on political markers - whoever has the majority controls the colony. Note that if both sides are tied, or \"both sides win\", then the British win.\nOk, now that I know the victory conditions, how do I play?\nWashington's War begins with both players placing their starting forces and political control (PC) markers on the map as per the scenario instructions. Then the American player adds 1 PC marker in each of the 13 colonies in any space that's available. Then the British add 2 more PC markers with certain restrictions.\nOnce the board is set up, play begins with the following turn sequence:\n- reinforcement phase\n- strategy cards\n- strategy phase\n- winter attrition phase\n- French naval phase\n- political control phase\n- end phase\nReinforcement Phase\nDuring the reinforcement phase, generals in the captured general box is moved to the reinforcement box, and reinforcements on the turn track are deployed on the board.\nStrategy Cards\nEach player is dealt 7 cards for the coming turn. The American always get the first card, and reshuffles occur as needed. There are some cards which are added at specific junctures in the game.\nStrategy Phase\nThe American player decides who will go first in the turn, unless the British player preempts this by the play of a major or minor campaign card (see \"What can I do with my cards\", below). Players then alternate until both are out of cards. It's possible that one player may run out of cards before their opponent thanks to events, in which case one player will have the benefit of playing out their turn uninterrupted by their opponent.\nWinter Attrition Phase\nDuring the winter, all units are checked for attrition. The French, Americans and British all have different attrition conditions.\nFrench Naval Phase\nAfter winter attrition, the American player relocates the French naval unit to any blockade zone they wish.",
"WHAT IS IT?\nPandemic is a cooperative game for 1-4 players, designed by <PERSON>, published and distributed by Z-Man Games.\nWHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?\nEach player represents a character among a scientific research team that is trying desperately to treat and cure four powerful diseases that are threatening to eliminate mankind.\nWHAT'S IN IT FOR ME?\nPandemic comes in a medium-sized box that includes a game board, 4 large (a bit too large, perhaps) player pawns, 4 disease cure markers, infection and outbreak markers, six wooden Research Stations, a nice easy-to-read and follow 8 page glossy rulebook, several cubes in 4 different colors, 2 decks of cards (Player Cards and Infection Cards), as well as 5 role cards and 4 player aid cards.\nWHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT?\nTo set up the game, each player is dealt one of the player roles and receives a number of Player Cards (which represent the different cities on the board, and include a few special ability cards). The diseases get a head start where three Infection Cards are drawn and three disease cubes are added to each of those cities, then three more cards are drawn with two cubes added to each city, then three more cards are drawn with one cube added to each city. A number of Epidemic cards are added to the Player Card deck (4 = easy game, 5 = normal game, 6 = very hard game), and all players begin with their pawns in Atlanta, where there is also a Research Station.\nEach player's turn follows the same simple order...\n1. Take up to 4 actions.\n2. Draw 2 Player Cards.\n3. Draw Infection Cards equal to the current Infection rate.\nOf the 4 actions a player can make on their turn, the options are:\n- Move from one city to a connecting city (costs one action per move).\n- Discard a particular city card to \"fly\" to that city (costs one action).\n- Discard the city card you are currently in to fly to any other city (costs one action).\n- Move from a city with a research station to another city with a research station (costs one action).\n- Build a Research Station by discarding the card of the city the player's pawn is located (costs one action).\n- Treat a disease by removing cubes from the city where the player's pawn is located (costs one action per cube removed).\n- Cure a disease by discarding 5 cards of particular disease's color while the player's pawn is located at a Research Station (costs one action).\n- Trade a card with another player as long as both players are in the city of the traded card (costs one action).\nThe character roles are worth mentioning now, as each of them has a special ability which affects the above actions...\nThe Dispatcher can move another player's pawn on his turn, and can also move any player's pawn to a city occupied by any other player's pawn.\nThe Operations Expert can build a Research Station at any city where he is located, without having to discard (or hold) that city's card.\nThe Scientist only needs 4 of the same color's cards in order to cure a disease.\nThe Medic may remove all disease cubes in a city for only one action, instead of one action per cube.\nThe Researcher may give any card to another player (one action per card) when they are in the same location.",
"It does not need to be the card matching the location.\nOnce a player has taken their 4 actions, they draw 2 Player Cards and add them to their hand (hand limit is 7, so players must discard if the limit is exceeded). Included in the Player Card deck are a few special cards, which can be played at any time during the game and do not cost an action to play. These include the following abilities; Airlift (fly any player to any city on the board); One Quiet Night (skip the Infection phase for one player's turn); Government Grant (add a Research Station to any city); Resilient Population (choose one Infection Card from the discard pile and remove it from the game); Forecast (look at the next six Infection Cards and reorder them however you choose).\nSo that's all good, but there are also some very, very bad cards in the Player Card deck... the Epidemic Cards. When an Epidemic Card is drawn, you take the Infection Card that is on the bottom of the Infection Card deck (to be sure of introducing a new infected city into the game) and add three cubes to it. The Infection rate also moves up one, and so after a few epidemics you will be drawing 3 and then 4 Infection Cards per turn. Yikes.",
"(My first review!)\n<PERSON>: You’re gonna get yourself killed, chasing after your damn fortune and glory!\n<PERSON>: Maybe. But not today.\n--Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom\nI was walking by the Flying Frog booth at Gen Con when I was pulled in by a demo in progress. My boyfriend and I decided to wait and try the game for ourselves - the guy (who turned out to be the designer) running the demo made it sound like a lot of fun. Once we sat down, I found out my first impression was right. I had a great time, bought the game, and took it out the lobby to play a full game with my boyfriend and two friends. Then we played it again last night.\nThe Components:\nThis is a Flying Frog game. That means the cards are good quality, but have the same issue as in their other games where they’re a little sticky until they’ve been shuffled a lot or put into sleeves. You need to be very careful to make sure they’re shuffled completely.\nThe board is huge and gorgeous, a map of the world with areas marked as ‘The Great White North’ or ‘The Heart of Africa,’ just as they might be in a pulp novel or movie. The figures are great quality, and there are a lot of them. There are the Hero figures, unique <PERSON> figures, Temples, and a pile of Nazis and mobsters to be placed on the board.\nThe Theme:\nThis game is full of pulpy, thematic goodness. Each player takes control of a Hero, such as Dr. <PERSON> (Master of Science), who travels the globe in search of ancient artifacts. Each artifact is randomly generated by drawing from the treasure deck and the adventure deck to get names like The Spear of the Damned, or The Mask of the Golden Mummy. Characters have to get past a certain number of Dangers to get to the treasure, determined by the adventure card drawn for the treasure. If they pass, they make progress toward their goal. Fail, and the Danger card flips over to become a Cliffhanger, which ends their turn.\nThe theme is very strong.",
"The characters and villains are pulp archetypes from the 1930’s. It’s set during the time that Nazis have already taken over Germany, and are spreading their influence across the globe. There’s a Nazi Zeppelin flying around the world, dropping off Nazis at each destination. They are hunting for the same treasures as the heroes, and become obstacles to dodge or fight off on the Heroes’ way to the treasure.\nGame Play:\nThe game does use a lot of dice. Characters that aren’t that great at Agility, for example, might have trouble with a randomly drawn Danger that tests their agility. There are ways to mitigate characters’ weakness and bad luck, by drawing helpful Events or picking up the right Gear and Allies. Those things are also random, though, so there are no guarantees.\nInitiative is rolled to see who goes first each round, and then again for Movement. One thing I like about the dice is that if a one is rolled for Initiative or Movement, that player gets to draw an Event card. That makes it more interesting to roll a one, where in other games a one might mean you didn’t get to do much at all.\nTreasure hunting is all press your luck. Heroes have the choice to Press On! or to Camp Down and heal up after each Danger. A Hero can pass the test to climb a mountain, but if they choose to go on to the next challenge they risk all the Glory they’ve earned so far. But the goal is for the Heroes to accumulate fifteen Fortune and return to their home city first to win the game, so stopping after every Danger is a good way to play it safe... and also a good way to lose the game.\nConclusion:\nThis game is fun. I strongly recommend it to players who like a strong theme, who like pulp action movies like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and who don’t mind some elements of chance in game play. It’s a good game to play with the family, but my gamer boyfriend and I like it too. The game is a little expensive but with the components, theme, and extraordinary game play, it’s totally worth it in my book.",
"I am a fan of the tiny Silver Line games from Fantasy Flight (aside from Cold War, I also own Condottiere and Citadels), and kind of a history buff. So any game about the actual Cold War resonates with me. When I read a glowing review on <PERSON> website, it seemed like something worth taking a strike at, since I have been in the market for a solid two-player game. Not only did I enjoy the game a lot, but I was thrilled to discover that my fiance loves it too. It has become our two-player game of choice, and I recommend it highly.\nPlayers play either the CIA or the KGB, and select agents to win influence in a certain country. Each country has a point value, and opponents jockey for position by using a mechanic that has been compared to blackjack; if you bust, your agent dies. Combine the push-your-luck element with the bluffing and character selection (to me reminiscent of Citadels), and you have a two-player game that is surprisingly tense and fun.\nThe Good News\nGood Presentation Even though there isn't a great deal in terms of bits, the game looks good, has some durable cards, and in general, the components evoke the theme well. I give special note to the agent cards, printed on larger, thicker cardstock then the other cards. These cards are terrific, and I hope that Fantasy Flight will eventually use something similar for the character cards in Citadels, a game that desperately NEEDS some more durable character cards.\nBalanced Characters Although this is hardly the brain-burning game many will seek, sticklers will be happy to know that the six agents each player has at the beginning are surprisingly useful. There's no dud in the group. I initially thought that the Analyst was the runt, but if you are lagging in the game, he's mighty handy to have around. In general, all six agents have their uses, although some may argue that the Master Spy and Director are overpowered.",
"They are frustrating, but considering that it's not that hard to get your agent killed, and the Assassin can take either one out, it kind of evens out.\nFun Bluffing Fans of bluffing mechanics would do well to check this one out. Trying to parse what your opponent is up to, and what agent they are using is surprisingly fun. I have lost many games by guessing incorrectly. That will frustrate some, but for me it is enjoyable, particularly when I know my opponent well, and we are both experienced at the game.\nCard Combos Some may note that the numbered cards play a little like Magic, with players \"tapping\" cards to gain their abilities, and affecting your opponents situation by what you do. Even when you seem to have painted yourself into a corner, you probably have more options then you think.\nThe Bad News\nA Lot of Luck This doesn't bother me, but it certainly will bother others. Essentially, if the cards don't go your way, you can go down in flames in a hurry. This seems par for the course with ANY card game, but I find that the luck is somewhat controllable, since it's not that hard to card-count, and there are a couple ways to see what agent your opponent is using, and to throw a wrench in their plans.\nThe \"Event\" Cards Again this doesn't bother me a bit, but some will balk at the \"event\" cards, which essentially involve a high card draw. This is irritating to some, but I love being able to use the analyst in these cases for a guaranteed victory. It's ALSO a great time to use your Director, since that'll up the point value of victory. Plus, there's no risk of getting them killed through causing civil disorder.\nThe Bottom Line\nAs I said earlier, the character selection mechanic reminds me of Citadels, only everyone starts with the same selection of characters. Still the double-guessing is similar, and the character your opponent selected can throw all your plans awry. Even though I actually think Citadels plays alright with two, this one leaves it in the dust, and the low price-point and sharp visuals make for a game that you should give a shot.",
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"That bird is the mockingjay! OMG, you didn't know that that bird is the very bird that symbolized rebellion, the very bird that <PERSON> wore on a pin as her token? It is the very symbol of the series! And now with a calmer tone, I explain to you that that bird is a result of a female mocking bird, a natural animal, making babies with a male jabberjay, a muttation (still don't know why they add the extra t) spawned in the labs of the Capitol as a weapon against the Districts during the first rebellion. The Capitol released the birds when they found out that they were ineffective, as the rebels just sent them home with lies. The Capitol had underestimated a creature's desire to live, so thus mockingjays became. They are a creature that the Capitol never planned on existing, and it is like <PERSON> and her sparking the rebellion. They never wanted that. And that is also why <PERSON> is the Mockingjay in the book, which is fittingly titled Mockingjay.\nThe mockingjay is a species of bird that was created through the accidental mating of jabberjays and mockingbirds.",
"Black in color with white patches on the undersides of their wings, Mockingjays are famous for their ability to mimic a wide range of sounds produced by humans. When <PERSON> wore a pin bearing an image of this bird in the 74th Hunger Games, it angered the Capitol; the bird's very existence was a result of a mistake on the Capitol's part, and it represented a slight against them. This association with the bird later caused <PERSON> to be dubbed \"The Mockingjay\", the symbol and leader of the Second Rebellion\nMockingjays have a certain level of symbolism in Panem, though the nature of that symbolism can vary significantly. <PERSON> refers to the birds as \"something of a slap in the face to the Capitol\". Interestingly, this musing came before the 74th Hunger Games competition actually began, which suggests that the \"rebellious\" symbolism of the mockingjay was already established - or at least implied - before <PERSON> even arrived on the scene. For <PERSON> herself, they are a reminder of her father, and later of <PERSON>.\nThe mockingjays are not actually gold, that's just the pin that <PERSON> gave <PERSON>. Just to let you know, because you call it a \"golden bird.\" And the pin originally belonged to <PERSON>'s aunt.",
"I get the idea that spells can be created by wizards from Order of the Pheonix, when <PERSON> tells <PERSON> about her mother's death. When <PERSON> asks her if she's known anyone who's died, she responds\n\"Yes, my mother. She was quite an extraordinary witch, you know, but she did like to experiment and one of her spells went rather badly wrong one day. I was nine.\"\nThis makes it sound as if <PERSON>'s mother was able to create her own spells, or at least attempt to do so with limited success.\n<PERSON> thinks at first that many spells in his copy of \"Advanced Potion-making\" were invented by the Prince because they've been crossed out and re-written, but then when he talks to <PERSON> about \"Levicorpus\" <PERSON> makes it sound as if that spell was merely popular during his time at Hogwarts, and wasn't invented then. However, when <PERSON> attemps to use it against <PERSON>, he says\n\"No, <PERSON>! You dare use my own spells against me? It was I who invented them--I, <PERSON>! And you'd turn my inventions pn me, like your filthy father, would you?\"\nSo, clearly, <PERSON> actually did manage to invent his own spells while he was at school.\nWe also learn from Mr.",
"<PERSON> that wizards are able to conduct their magic through many magical objects, and you will simply get the best results from a wand that has chosen you. Think of the sparks that <PERSON> makes issue from his wand when he first tries it in <PERSON>'s shop; that wasn't a particular spell, because he hadn't learned to produce sparks with a spell yet. Magic doesn't always have to be in spell form, and the sort of magic that underage wizards and witches are able to produce before they come to Hogwarts is often individual to each person. I would think that with enough study of magical theory, individuals would be able to harness this sort of magic and recreate it with their own incantation.\nWe know that potions are invented over the years because the Wolfsbane potion is said to be a recent invention by <PERSON> in Prisoner of Azkaban. The chocolate frog card about <PERSON> notes him for his work on alchemy with <PERSON>. This gives the idea that there is new magical reserach and innovation within the Wizarding World and people are always learning new ways to channel magic, so I think that spells can be created with enough work and trial and error.",
"<PERSON>, the author of the novels, is known to be a huge fan of ancient Roman and Greek mythology. For example, from this interview:\nQ: Thanks to a cruel futuristic government, 24 children are chosen by lottery to compete in the annual Hunger Games—a fight to the death that’s televised live. How did you come up with that idea?\nA: It’s very much based on the myth of <PERSON> and the Minotaur, which I read when I was eight years old. I was a huge fan of Greek and Roman mythology. As punishment for displeasing Crete, Athens periodically had to send seven youths and seven maidens to Crete, where they were thrown into the labyrinth and devoured by the Minotaur, which is a monster that’s half man and half bull. Even when I was a little kid, the story took my breath away, because it was so cruel, and Crete was so ruthless.\nShe discusses this in more detail in an interview with Scholastic:\nQ: You weave action, adventure, mythology, sci-fi, romance, and philosophy throughout The Hunger Games. What influenced the creation of The Hunger Games?\nA: A significant influence would have to be the Greek myth of <PERSON> and the <PERSON>. The myth tells how in punishment for past deeds, Athens periodically had to send seven youths and seven maidens to Crete, where they were thrown in the Labyrinth and devoured by the monstrous Minotaur.\nEven as a kid, I could appreciate how ruthless this was. <PERSON> was sending a very clear message: “Mess with us and we’ll do something worse than kill you.",
"We’ll kill your children.” And the thing is, it was allowed; the parents sat by powerless to stop it. <PERSON>, who was the son of the king, volunteered to go. I guess in her own way, <PERSON> is a futuristic <PERSON>.\nIn keeping with the classical roots, I send my tributes into an updated version of the Roman gladiator games, which entails a ruthless government forcing people to fight to the death as popular entertainment. The world of Panem, particularly the Capitol, is loaded with Roman references. Panem itself comes from the expression “Panem et Circenses” which translates into “Bread and Circuses.”\nThe audiences for both the Roman games and reality TV are almost characters in themselves. They can respond with great enthusiasm or play a role in your elimination.\nAs a final note, this interesting page at Shmoop discusses some of the allusions to Roman society, including:\n* The name Panem (as discussed above)\n* The arena and its similarity to the Colosseum\n* Cinna - there were two Cinnas associated with <PERSON>. One was a tyrant involved in his assassination, the other a poet murdered following the assassination after being mistakenly identified as the other Cinna.\n* The large number of Roman names in the Capitol.\nAll of these references have obviously come from interviews with the author. The books don't provide any deeper reason for this and the movies certainly don't.\nI would add that from an out of universe point of view, I think you've already described the link: \"one could see the term \"Capitol\" and the actual Hunger Games as a kind of gladiator fights in relation to that\". I think that's exactly what is at play here. The use of Roman symbolism throughout the Capitol only further emphasizes the strength and might of the Capitol over the weak, disjointed Districts.",
"Canon\nThe official Star Wars Databank has this to say:\nIf ever one needed an example of the irredeemable evil that was the Empire, turn to the shattered remains of Alderaan. An influential world, Alderaan was represented in the waning days of the Republic by such venerated politicians as <PERSON> and <PERSON>. A peaceful world, Alderaan was bereft of weaponry in an era of galactic strife. It was not without spirit, however. Alderaan was one of the earliest supporters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, though its officials prudently kept all ties to the Rebellion secret.",
"Despite such discretion, the Empire knew it to be a haven of Rebel activity, and Grand Moff <PERSON> targeted the beautiful world for reprisal as soon as the Death Star was operational. The massive primary weapon of the battle station obliterated Alderaan, leaving only a lifeless asteroid field behind.\nWookieepedia (citing Star Wars Rebels – \"A Princess on Lothal\") says this:\nDuring this time, Alderaan became the Alliance's main source of munitions. The planet's crown princess and representative in the Imperial Senate, Princess <PERSON>, adoptive daughter of <PERSON> and <PERSON>, began using her diplomatic immunity as an Imperial senator to carry out Rebel missions in restricted Imperial systems.\nLegends\nIn Star Wars: Battlefront II, a 501st trooper says this:\n\"For all their talk of being a peaceful planet, Alderaan had been thumbing its nose at the Empire for years.\"\nThe Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide labels Alderaan as one of the Empire's priority targets for providing political and strategic aid to the Alliance.\nWookieepedia says this (although they didn't cite their source so take it with a grain of salt):\nImmediately after the formation of the Galactic Empire, Alderaan was wracked by anti-Imperial protests, mainly from alien refugees who were now forced to pay an exorbitant tax to return home. Alderaan eventually became a safe haven for rebellious elements who wished to fight the growing oppression of the Empire, which helped bring on the planet's very downfall.\nIncluded among the population was a group of Caamasi refugees depicted in the novel I, Jedi, for example, that fled to Alderaan after an Imperial bombardment destroyed their planet. They were most definitely Rebel sympathizers.\nConclusion - YES\nWhile it's hard to determine what percentage of the Alderaan people were pro-Rebellion, it had a reputation for being very sympathetic to the Alliance which should be sufficient for the question.\nIt's generally understood that a significant portion of the galaxy's population didn't like the Empire but any official stance against the regime would carry significant consequences and violent suppression. Therefore, Alderaan, being a peaceful planet, was officially aligned with the Empire but both its political figures and its people had a reputation of secretly being very influential supporters of the Rebellion.",
"In short, there's no definitive answer to this question. The film's themes of psychology and chaotic treatment of time travel make it difficult to pin down a solid answer. Still...\nThe voice <PERSON> hears calling him <PERSON> is mostly unexplained, but the homeless man he and <PERSON> run into multiple times shares the voice. While it is unlikely that this man is the sole source of the voice (as <PERSON> hears it several times before when escaping the mental hospital, and at other points where it is incredibly unlikely the homeless man is around), the confusion and mental degradation caused by repeated time travel (or the medication in the mental hospital) throughout the film is hinted at as the source of the voice. Keep in mind that the first place <PERSON> hears it is while strapped down after his first return to the future. <PERSON> may simply be imagining it because he has started to go insane, an interesting contrast to the dramatic irony produced in the audience, who know that <PERSON> is sane about being from the future.\nNonetheless, the voice does seem to perform a <PERSON>-like role in driving <PERSON>'s actions as another personality only he can hear.",
"As <PERSON> can be thought of as the \"monkey\" (in reference to the monkey sent into the well to retrieve the kid, but instead taking the sandwich, much like <PERSON> is only back in time to find a sample of the virus, not stop it from spreading), there's a possibility he is being used as a test animal by the scientists. To support this piece of speculation, note that the virus first breaks out in the airport where young <PERSON> is. Odds are, if he weren't immune, he would have died, but even if he weren't (and built up an immunity after being exposed to the virus), he would have lived through the virus outbreak, and probably had it at one point. Unless the scientists had a way to rid a person of the virus (which would negate the need to send somebody back to begin with to get a sample), the sanitation procedures the scientists are putting on are all a show, and everyone still alive is infected, with an immune response keeping them unharmed.\nIf <PERSON> is a test animal, it is likely that it is for time travel itself, as the procedure seems unrefined (they send him to the wrong time frequently). Thus, he may very well be receiving brain damage from time travel (if not already from the stress of the events), and the voice may be a product of that fact. One other explanation is that somebody from the future is somehow observing and speaking to <PERSON> during his ordeal, which isn't out of the question either. Otherwise, it has a supernatural explanation.",
"Does <PERSON> becoming <PERSON> actually make sense?\nI like to pretend that the Star Wars prequels never happened.\nDon’t get me started on <PERSON> story arc. You’re telling me that an independent, fearless woman, who defended her planet against the trade federation and advocated for intergalactic democracy in the senate, would give up on life immediately after giving birth? Padme Amidala would decline the role of mother, arguably her most important role?\nThe question was about <PERSON>, though, so I shall focus on him.\n<PERSON> was taken from his mother and his home planet at a young age (though, we are frequently reminded, he was considered old for beginning Jedi training). <PERSON> is not old enough for his personality to have solidified, but we do see that he is compassionate and willing to help. He is close to his mother and wants to return to Tatooine one day to free his mother. Can any mama’s boy turn into a vengeful, evil villain? I would say that it is unlikely, but <PERSON>’s close bond with his mother is not the only reason his transformation into <PERSON> is not believable.\nAs <PERSON> gets older, we are told that he becomes a skilled Jedi. <PERSON> is frustrated when he believes the Jedi council does not recognize his skill and impedes his promotion within the Jedi ranks. <PERSON> did not seem arrogant or ambitious as a child, but certainly those are traits a person could develop later in life. As a young adult, <PERSON> displays inconsistencies in his personality. He develops feelings for Padme <PERSON>, but <PERSON> genuinely seems to respect his crush. When they are fighting monsters side-by-side, <PERSON> appears to admire Padme Amidala’s skills.",
"Just as mama’s boys don’t usually transform into horrible murderers, men who respect women are generally more in touch with their feelings and able to process anger in healthy ways.\nPerhaps the most disappointing facet of <PERSON>’s fall to the dark side is his motivation for seeking <PERSON> powers. <PERSON> cares for <PERSON> and is afraid of losing another woman he loves, just as he lost his mother. Because <PERSON> has visions of Padme Amidala dying, <PERSON> tries to learn how to keep people alive - which is, supposedly, a Sith power. Of course his desire for this power is not the only reason <PERSON> falls prey to the dark side, but it is a reason that is covered heavily in Revenge of the Sith. Despite the fact that <PERSON> wants so desperately to keep <PERSON> alive, the first time he wonders if she betrayed him, <PERSON> force-chokes <PERSON>. He rapidly switches from loving and respecting the women in his life to hurting the mother of his unborn children. I was disappointed by this plot point as once again, the abuse of a woman was used to further the character journey of a man. For a franchise with so many positive female role models, Revenge of the Sith felt very out of place.\nThe rapid transformation of <PERSON> also felt inauthentic to the character. Throughout the prequel movies, <PERSON> was depicted as a flawed and deeply hurt man, but he never appeared to be on the cusp of evil. As a result, <PERSON>’s transformation into <PERSON> never made sense.",
"Could wildfire burn <PERSON>?\nIt was established in the books by Word of God fairly early on that <PERSON> is not immune to fire. From an interview with <PERSON>:\n<PERSON>: Do Targaryens become immune to fire once they \"bond\" to their dragons?\n<PERSON>: <PERSON>, thanks for asking that. It gives me a chance to clear up a common misconception. TARGARYENS ARE NOT IMMUNE TO FIRE! The birth of <PERSON>'s dragons was unique, magical, wonderous, a miracle.",
"She is called The Unburnt because she walked into the flames and lived. But her brother sure as hell wasn't immune to that molten gold.\n<PERSON>: So she won't be able to do it again?\n<PERSON>: Probably not.\nHowever, it seems that with the recent events of Episode 4 of Season 6 of the TV show, Book of the Stranger, television Daenerys is immune to fire, burning down the main building in Vaes Dothrak with all of the Khals inside it, and walking outside naked but unharmed.\nWhen the events of the season finale\n! demonstrated the destructive force of wildfire once again with the destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor by Queen <PERSON>, and the imminent collision course between her and <PERSON>,\nit demands that the question be asked: could Daenerys survive being burnt by wildfire?\nEditing to differentiate between this and the previous question. Has it been established in the TV show that wildfire is hotter than regular fire? All she has been exposed to so far (funeral pyre, burning great hall in Vaes Dothrak) was normal fire. Assuming the books and TV show follow different rules, this question is asking has there been any evidence that <PERSON>, and <PERSON>* in general are immune to fire to the point where being burnt by wildfire or dragon's fire would not hurt them. If there is insufficient evidence for this that would make the answer pure speculation I will close the question, but this community is excellent for digging up tiny details that may answer even the most esoteric questions.\n*See spoiler:\n! The relevance of this question I feel is even greater now that it's possible that there is more than one <PERSON> left in the world, who has just taken up the mantle of The King in the North.",
"It might have corrupted <PERSON>, and she was already weakened anyway\nThe Avatar wiki page on energybending (the method by which it is possible to remove someone's bending abilities) has a \"Dangers\" section, which says:\nEnergybending is an extremely powerful and potentially dangerous technique. If the bender's spirit is even slightly weak, or bendable, they will be infected by the spirit of the one they are bending. As a result, the bender can be corrupted and even destroyed.\nWe see this in Avatar: the Last Airbender; when the lion turtle first teaches <PERSON> energybending, it warns <PERSON> that his spirit must be strong in order to not be corrupted by the other who's bending it being taken away.\nLion turtle: To bend another's energy, your own spirit must be unbendable or you will be corrupted and destroyed. (from Sozin's Comet, Part 4)\nIn the last episode of Avatar: the Last Airbender, we see that <PERSON>'s corruption nearly takes hold of <PERSON> as <PERSON> attempt to energybender his bending away, but <PERSON> proves stronger is able to do so without being corrupted.\n... <PERSON>'s energy begins to make its way to <PERSON>'s body, consuming the blue and replacing it with red energy. Cut to a view above <PERSON> looking down at his face as the energy reaches his face and continues to cover the beams shining out his mouth and eyes. Cut to a side-view as the red light begins to take control and the blue light diminishes. Cut to close-up of <PERSON> as the red energy has taken over almost completely with just one eye left.",
"The blue energy begins to disappear, but at the last second it blasts out of <PERSON>'s eyes, overwhelming the red energy in the process and proceeding to take over <PERSON>'s own body. Cut to a wide shot of the area as <PERSON> completely takes over <PERSON>'s energy and an intense beam of blue energy erupts into the sky... (from Sozin's Comet, Part 4)\nPart of <PERSON>'s character arch is that she is, unlike <PERSON>, far less spiritual. She might not trust herself to be strong enough in spirit, especially compared to someone both very spiritually strong and also corrupt (<PERSON>). Previously, <PERSON> had only used energybending to restore people's bending (and even then, it has just been \"blocked by <PERSON>\", not actually taken away via energybending).\nAlso remember that at the end of Book 3, <PERSON> is not exactly at her strongest, having been poisoned, so that's another reason why <PERSON> might not have been too keen to test herself. She is shown to be rather weak in the last few minutes of that last episode of Book 3:\n<PERSON>: [Side shot, revealing <PERSON> in a wheelchair.] You know, nobody expects you to bounce back right away. It's only been two weeks. You need time to heal. (from Venom of the Red Lotus)",
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"Has old <PERSON> observed several different cycles?\n[SPOILERS FOR DARK SEASON 3 EPISODE 8]\nAfter (re)watching <PERSON> and <PERSON>'s conversation, one part of it seems confusing to me.\nClaudia claims that there had been infinite cycles (= time loops), and that <PERSON> tried to destroy the knot (= kill pregnant <PERSON>) infinite amount of times. She also claims that their current conversation is happening for the first time ever.\nAnother confusing thing is how she even knows about the Origin world (well, she claims that she figured it out in 33 years, but there's a problem with that, see below).\nA little bit of elaboration on what I mean by \"different cycles\": we now know that it's possible to change the timeline in the few seconds during the apocalypse and we also know that <PERSON> uses this opportunity to create the point at which the twin worlds diverge.\nIn any case we know that the last cycle was different from the previous one, because <PERSON> remembers finding herself shot by <PERSON>'s hand, which doesn't happen. It's possible that infinite small changes occured during the apocalypse, and not just the huge <PERSON> meeting/not meeting the alt!Martha split. Something else must have changed to give <PERSON> the insight into the origin, which she didn't have in previous cycles.\nI know this question got confusing, but that's because I am indeed confused.\nI guess, the more concrete wording of the question would be: did <PERSON> remember several different cycles, which could be distinguished by small changes, or did she only observe the two available(') to <PERSON> and <PERSON>?\n(') I should say the versions of <PERSON> and <PERSON> from the last / second to last cycle. If my theory about different cycles is even correct.\nEdit: Wait, I also forgot about old <PERSON> that <PERSON> killed.",
"Which didn't happen. I'm not sure at which point in her personal timeline she came to <PERSON> to have that conversation. It probably was before she was supposed to be killed.\nAlso, her behaviour before she was killed doesn't make much sense. The <PERSON> that was killed couldn't have known about the origin world, because if she had, then she would have gone to <PERSON> to tell him about it. But she hadn't. She couldn't have gone to get killed after the conversation with <PERSON>, because then there wouldn't have been a <PERSON> to kill her.",
"Was the <PERSON>/<PERSON> transformation part of <PERSON>'s hallucination?\nI guess there isn't going to be a 100% proven answer, so I'm more interested in what possibility is most likely. In the answer on <PERSON> IMDB page to the question of whom <PERSON> slept with, the most likely possibility is suggested to be that he slept with <PERSON>, and the brief appearance of <PERSON> in <PERSON>'s place was just a hallucination.\nWhat troubles me about this explanation is that <PERSON> sees the same <PERSON>/Donna transformation when he is playing back the surveillance tapes in the police station. He plays and rewinds a hologram of the surveillance several times and still notices the same effect.\nHis hallucinations generally seemed to be random and brief, so I find it unlikely that he could have had the exact same hallucination both while: (a) lying in bed with <PERSON>/Donna, and (b) reviewing the surveillance tapes. Adding to (b), he didn't just see the transformation once while reviewing the surveillance tapes - the transformation coordinated precisely with his playing and rewinding of them.",
"It's not impossible for a hallucination to be that sophisticated, but it seems unlikely to me.\nOf course, if the <PERSON>/<PERSON> transformation wasn't a hallucination, this begs the question of what actually was going on. All I can think of would be that:\n! <PERSON> (who goes by the name of \"<PERSON>\" while in the scramble suit and who poses as <PERSON>) was wearing some high-tech <PERSON> disguise that briefly glitched while she was lying in bed with <PERSON> (who goes by the name of \"<PERSON>\" while in the scramble suit and who poses as <PERSON>). The glitch was responsible for the transformation, and this would explain why <PERSON> saw the transformation both while lying in bed with <PERSON>/<PERSON> and while reviewing the surveillance tapes. But then... why would <PERSON> sleep with <PERSON>? She seems very concerned about <PERSON>'s well-being when she drops him off at New-Path and later talks with <PERSON> about him (<PERSON> is another undercover agent who poses as a New-Path employee), but why sleep with him? Did she feel so bad for him that she would sleep with him? Or, was she in love with him?",
"I have to say I disagree with DisturbedNeo's answer. When you watch the episode, after she zaps herself, The Doctor is handcuffed to a pipe, with no one else there. With Mr. <PERSON> distracted by all the people who suddenly returned, I don't think the first thing he did was run back to see The Doctor and <PERSON>.\nFurthermore, before the conversation where he figures out what's in the screwdriver, you see that they're beginning to evacuate the people that were saved. Seeing as though they had no idea that the people were even going to be alive, I doubt very much they had ships ready for them to teleport to (admitted, maybe it's an interplanetary teleportation network, and that's irrelevant). They would presumably have to do a bit of work coordinating things (though I'll admit that CAL might be able to help now that she's able to think clearly), during which time <PERSON> tried to find <PERSON>:\nDOCTOR: Any luck?\n<PERSON>: There wasn't even anyone called <PERSON> in the library that day. I suppose he could have had a different name out here, but, let's be honest, he wasn't real, was he?\nSo, to sum up, after <PERSON> zaps herself, the following needed to happen:\n* <PERSON> finds The Doctor handcuffed and releases him (presumably after explaining what happened to many confused people)\n* <PERSON> tries to find <PERSON> and fails\n* The return of all the saved people to their homes begins to get organized\nThat said, I think part of the explanation can be found in the following quote:\nDOCTOR: There's a neural relay in the communicator. Lets you send thought mail.",
"That's it there. Those green lights. Sometimes it can hold an impression of a living consciousness for a short time after death. Like an afterimage.\n<PERSON>: My grandfather lasted a day. Kept talking about his shoelaces.\nSo, we know that some people last longer than others.\nAlso, given that Ms. <PERSON> was not very bright, perhaps her pattern wasn't as strong to begin with. If that does have something to do with it, then I think <PERSON>, a chosen companion of The Doctor, would be a very strong pattern.\nFurthermore, this was a neural relay that The Doctor himself put into the screwdriver. Given his own knowledge of psychic phenomena, technology, brains, and, well, practically everything, I think it's safe to say he might know a few tricks to keep the pattern from degrading as quickly which could incorporate into the design.\nTogether, I think these factors allowed <PERSON>'s pattern to survive.",
"Who is <PERSON> talking to in the limo? (s01e07)\nIn the early episodes, the show creators were very careful about putting Mr <PERSON> into scenes, but not having anyone other than <PERSON> interacting with him.\nIn later episodes, they break this pattern. In s01e06, v1ew-s0urce, <PERSON> and <PERSON> have a conversation in a bar about the Dark Army and <PERSON>. Later in that episode, Mr <PERSON> visits <PERSON> at his grow lab, and threatens him to get him to return to F Society.\nIn these scenes, are we meant to believe that it's actually <PERSON>, and not <PERSON>? If so, then it follows that in s01e07, wh1ter0se, it's actually <PERSON> in the limo with <PERSON> having this (paraphrased) conversation:\n<PERSON>: We’re meant to be allies.\nMr <PERSON>: I don't think there’s anything we can possibly agree on.\n<PERSON>: I know your dirty little secret.\nWhat is this secret? Is it about the F Society plan? Seemingly not (unless he's bluffing), because in the last episode (of season 1) he goes to <PERSON>'s apartment begging to know what's going on.",
"Additionally, there's nothing in the earlier episodes between <PERSON> and <PERSON> to suggest they're allied in some kind of plan. Again, in the last episode, <PERSON> tells <PERSON>, \"I told you we were meant to work together.\" I read that as counter to the idea they had previously agreed to be allies. And this banter is unlike any conversation <PERSON> and <PERSON> had before.\nAt this point in the season, it's not been revealed that Mr <PERSON> isn't real, so the show creators want us to believe there's some secret additional plot between Mr <PERSON> and <PERSON>. But it seems to me that this never pans out in any real way.\nSo we're left with:\n* This is <PERSON> and <PERSON> having a conversation, and it makes no sense with the rest of the plot.\n* This is <PERSON> having a conversation with someone else, who for some reason is also <PERSON>.\n* The conversation never actually occurred, and the show creators are just messing with us.\n* <PERSON> is also hallucinating Mr <PERSON>.\n* Since only <PERSON> can see <PERSON>, <PERSON> and <PERSON> are the same person (which makes even less sense than this scene).\n* The whole conversation is actually in <PERSON>'s head, and we see it because <PERSON> talks to us.\nPerhaps there are other possibilities I've not considered.\nWhat was the purpose of this scene, and to whom is <PERSON> actually speaking?",
"Why didn't a time wraith attack <PERSON>? <PERSON> In the CW series, the <PERSON>, the concept of time wraiths is a little confusing. (I know it's kinda late to ask since Season 3 just finished), but I was wondering, why didn't a time wraith attack <PERSON>-Eobard?\nIf you paid any attention to the show, especially season 2. You'd understand that <PERSON> is a walking bootstrap-grandfather paradox combined. He was always meant to create the <PERSON>, though he didn't realize it until it was \"too late\" after he killed the real <PERSON>. Hence you got the confession where he said they were never truly enemies. He truly understood he was always meant to create the <PERSON>. On top of that he had some season 1 spoilers from <PERSON> and <PERSON> obviously.\nHe stayed for 15 years in the 21'st century and was manipulating the timeline. Why didn't a speed force enforcer show up?\nHe didn't manipulate anything. He was only fulfilling his own role in the big schemes of the universe.\nWas it because <PERSON> was integral in making <PERSON> the <PERSON>, to cement the very timeline? Was the Speed-Force allowing <PERSON> to live because he could create the timeline?\nThere was no timeline to be cemented. He has always been the creator of the <PERSON>.",
"He just didn't realize it until later.\nSeason 2 <PERSON> to season 2 <PERSON>: You ruined my life. You killed my mother.\nSeason 1 <PERSON> to season 1 <PERSON>: It is your destiny to lose to me, <PERSON>. Just like it was your mother's destiny to die that night.\nAnother hint: <PERSON> was informed by <PERSON> that <PERSON> successfully launched a particle accelerator. No mention of word 'explosion'. Furthermore, a successful launch negates the possibility of <PERSON> gaining his powers in 2020. <PERSON> was feeding him bs on spot. That's why she was made by Team <PERSON>.\nI know that the concept of time-wraiths was introduced in Season 2, so no explanation was offered about this thing. But is there any other reason than it being a plot hole?\nIt's not a plot hole. That's why it happened. The only time Wraiths came for <PERSON> was when he was with the Legion of Doom.",
"Is this time travel scheme internally consistent?\nI know there are similar questions, but not similar enough, and in fact, I don't remember seeing this kind of time travel in fiction.\nBefore I start, it doesn't matter how the time machine works in this world (could even be many different types), and time travel is allowed to violate matter/energy conservation laws (i.e. time traveler or time machine appears out of thin air).\nNow the rules are as follows:\n* Only time travel to the past is allowed.\n* The timeline always changes due to the arrival of the time traveler.\n* There's only one real timeline. The \"old\" timelines are destroyed forever.\n* There's a first ever time traveler by the time of arrival.\nThat last part is important. Clearly, time travel events are countable. So if you go back in the real timeline, you eventually find the earliest arrival. It doesn't really matter when this time traveler departed in their original, destroyed timeline.\nI believe this system is internally logically consistent and doesn't allow for any paradoxes. If you travel back and kill your grandfather, you will just have to live your life knowing your double will never be born.\nHere's an illustration of multiple time travelers (or time travel events) in this scheme:\nAs you can see, time travelers are ordered by their arrival time and nothing else.",
"They can bring records, devices and anything else from their own timeline and all of that will exist, even though the timeline itself is lost.\nThe first ever time traveler doesn't have to be the \"original\" one either. For example, it could have happened like this:\nSomebody invented the time machine, tested it out, which created a new timeline, then somebody else got a hold of the same technology and traveled back far enough to become the first arrival.\nSo what I'm asking is this: * is this system internally consistent?\nEdited due to comments\n* how to explain why somebody later who finds out the arrival time of the 1st (2nd, 3rd) time traveler can't travel father back?\nI mean, that would make everything inconsistent again. Maybe they can and will simply become the first time traveler themselves? But where does it end? Now I'm confused again. Logically it has to end somewhere so we get a final timeline with a set and ordered list of time travelers up to some point.\nMaybe Primer idea is not that bad (for those who haven't seen the movie SPOILERS ahead): we can only travel back to the point when the time machine was first turned on. But I don't like this restriction very much.\nSome extra stuff that's not very important:\nPeople often complain that maleable timeline stories don't have high enough stakes because the character can always go back and change something else, or if multiple realities coexist, then nothing even matters. But here's only one eventual reality and nobody will ever be able to recreate their original timeline, especially due to multiple time travel arrivals after their own.\nI think there's a good narrative potential here. For example, there could be a whole society (or two competing ones) made of time travelers who are all by definition come from different timelines, quite possibly very very different. With different societies, technologies etc.",
"Regarding house sigils\nI'm halfway through the first half of A Storm of Swords, and so far appearances or references to every animal/symbol of every house sigil have been made, with exception to the lion of <PERSON>.\nI mean, we've seen direwolves (Stark), stags (Baratheon), bears (Mormont), dragons (Targaryen) and eagles (although <PERSON>'s sigil is a falcon, it is close enough and most likely exists). We know that trouts (Tully) are bound to exist, since the rivers are, most likely, host to several different types of fish (maybe someone already ate trout somewhere along the books, but I really do not remember). We know that there are sigils such as the <PERSON>'s Twins or the Martell's Sun and Spear (Sunspear) that are a reference to their \"keep's\" name or location. Furthermore, in page 108 of ASOS's first part, <PERSON> tells <PERSON> that \"(...)dragons(...) grew so huge that they could pluck giant krakens from the seas.\", making reference to the <PERSON>'s sigil animal, in a way that is not metaphorical.",
"The <PERSON>'s sigil is a flower, which is explained by their natural lands, fertile and flowery. Similar to the case of House <PERSON>'s sigil is House <PERSON>'s (we've seen wolves but not foxes, but they most likely exist in Westeros South, since their geographical and climacteric conditions will allow so).\nThis means that, excluding the lion of <PERSON>, every house sigil (that I am aware of so far) as been referenced in conditions other than metaphors (like the lion defeating the wolf, referring to this or that battle between <PERSON> and <PERSON>, etc.), and/or can have its meaning traced back to its House's geographical location.\nAs far as I have read, no lion other than a metaphorical one (used in confrontations with other houses, reflecting the characteristics (fierce, beautiful, etc.) of some Lannister House member, etc.) or the one present in the Lannister House sigil has been spotted or referenced in the books. Judging from the geographical and climacteric conditions in Westeros, I'd say that lions are bound to be indigenous to some location further South (or perhaps they come from Essos). This begs the question: Do lions exists in Westeros or in the ASOIAF's world? If so, WHY is it the House Lannister's sigil? Shouldn't they have picked some animal natural to their geographical region or something like that?\nIf this question is simply something that is answered by reading the rest of the series just tell me so, and sorry for the long question.\nThank you!",
"How can <PERSON> pilot a TARDIS? [Spoilers]\n<PERSON> pilot a TARDIS\n! with <PERSON>, in the end of Hell Bent.\nBut, except for short or emergency flights, normally with the presence of the Doctor alongside, no human (River Song isn't pure human) would have been able to pilot the Doctor's TARDIS by themselves. There are many difficulties with the way it's portrayed:\n1. <PERSON> is shown reading the manual, which is written in Gallifreyan, arguably one of the most complex and difficult languages to learn and understand in the universe. I'd imagine a cross of Chinese with Category Theory (in math) might be similar to nursery level in Gallifreyan. Not only the language is difficult, many of the concepts probably don't even exist in human language.\n2. Piloting the TARDIS (safely, at least) should depend on an extensive knowledge of temporal mechanics which would have been beyond the capabilities of a human brain, no matter how long they'd have to study it. The Doctor was seen trying to teach <PERSON> how to pilot the TARDIS, yes, but the \"safely\" is still open for discussion. The TARDIS can destroy the Universe in case something wrong happens (see Big Bang).\n3.",
"Being human, both lack the Time Lord temporal senses, which may have something to do with piloting the TARDIS as well. Like having eyes to be able to fly a plane.\n4. Most crucially, I think, as <PERSON> they'd lack the symbiotic nuclei, which AFAIK are necessary to establish the symbiotic bond between the TARDIS and its pilot (I believe it's said in PROSE: Interference - Book One).\nThe TARDIS will die if its pilot dies, so it's not like someone can simply take over a TARDIS. They need their pilot. River Song has been modified by the Silence with many Time Lord characteristics, including the symbiotic nuclei which are also necessary for the regeneration, besides having a connection to the Vortex from the moment of her conception. Even so, she needed the Doctor's TARDIS teaching her. How did <PERSON> and <PERSON> manage it, with a bog-standard TARDIS which wouldn't be accostumed with non-Time Lord passengers, let alone a non-Time Lord pilot?\nAnother point is that with all the trouble the Doctor finds traveling in the TARDIS, having a pair of humans flying around with a TARDIS of their own is a serious risk of universe-destroying paradox. For example if <PERSON> manages to get \"killed\" along the way, with no Doctor to save them. Remember the Doctor deactivated <PERSON>'s Vortex manipulator for this reason, and <PERSON> was a trained, and experienced, Time Agent.",
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"The Arecibo Message\nIntroduction: The Arecibo Message\nHistory:\nThe Arecibo message is an interstellar radio message which carries basic information about humanity and earth. It was sent to globular star cluster M13 (25,000 light years from earth) in 1974. It will take almost 25,000 years to arrive there.\nIt is intended for any extraterrestrial life form if present there. It was also a way to demonstrate human technological advancement. The message was broadcast into space by the Arecibo observatory.\nThe Arecibo message really fascinates me, as it's really interesting to write a message in a way that anyone in the universe can understand it, removing the language barrier.",
"One such attempt was the Arecibo message. I decided to make the Arecibo message even to celebrate humanity's technological advancement.\nStep 1: Supplies\n* Cardboard\n* Scissor\n* Pencil\n* Glue (Adhesive)\n* White paper\n* Black colour paper\n* Red colour paper\n* Violet colour paper\n* Blue colour paper\n* Green colour paper\n* Dark sketch pen\nStep 2: Sticking Black Colour Paper on Cardboard\n* Take the cardboard & the black colour paper.\n* Apply glue on the colour paper.\n* Stick the colour paper on the cardboard.\n* Similarly stick more black colour paper such that the cardboard is vertically filled.\n* Don't leave gap while sticking the colour papers, take your time & stick carefully.\nStep 3: Cutting Out the Remaining Portion\nNow cut out the remaining piece of cardboard with scissor after successfully pasting the black colour paper on the cardboard.\nStep 4: Time to Measure\n* The arecibo message consist of 1679 bits, arranged into 73 rows and 23 coloumn.\n* The size of your rectangular board doesn't really matter, until it has 79 rows and 23 coloumn.\n* Measure the length and breadth of your rectangular board.\n* Let's say the length is x cm and it's breadth is y cm.\n* Now your length that is x cm divide it by 73.\n* Take the breadth that is y cm of the board and divide it by 23.\n* Now what you have got is the length of the side of your smallest unit.\nStep 5: Drawing Rows and Coloumn\n* Now once you are set with your measurements, start with measuring and marking the gap between two consecutive lines.\n* First, I started with marking the gap between 23 coloumn lines.\n* Then use the scale and pencil to make the 23 coloumn, try as best as possible to make straight lines, take your time and do it accurately.\n* Now, I marked the gap between 72 row lines.\n* Then draw 73 rows, it has to be neat. One thing required is patience, yes it will take time to draw 73 row lines, be patient & draw as accurately as possible.\nStep 6: 1st Code: the Basic Numbers.\nNow, starts the most important task, that is sticking on the codes. I would suggest you to refer to the Wikipedia image of the Arecibo message in order to get the right spots of the codes. Different colors are used in arecibo message in order to differentiate codes and this colour information is not present in the actual message that was sent.\n* The first code represents the basic numbers, that is from 1 to 10 as indicated in the image above.\n* First refer to the Wikipedia Image and mark the spots with 'W' which indicates White, you can use your own symbols.\n* Now, draw small units as per your measurement on a white colour paper.\n* Then cut out your small units from white sheet.\n* Apply glue on them.\n* Then stick on the spots marked with 'W' (White)\n* Now first code of basic numbers are ready.\nStep 7: 2nd Code: DNA Structure & DNA Double Helix\n* Similarly now first use the violet colour paper to cut out small units and stick it accordingly at the right place. This code indicates, the atomic number of elements which are present in DNA that are Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen & Phosphorus respectively.\n* The next code gives the chemical formulas for DNA building blocks using atoms defined above, also representing the nitrogen bases (base pairs), Adenine, Guanine, Thymine & Cytosine.\n* The last code of the DNA part represents the helical structure of DNA.\n* Be patient and cut the small units correctly and stick it slowly on the marked position, yes it is time consuming but later will end up as a masterpiece.\nStep 8: 3rd Code: the Human\n* The third code indicates the figure of a human.\n* The element on the left coded to show the human height.",
"Voyager Golden Record\nIntroduction: Voyager Golden Record\nHistory :\nThe Voyager Golden records are two phonograph records that are placed in both of the Voyager spacecraft which was launched in 1977. The Golden record consist of sounds and videos portraying the life on earth.The Golden record is intended for any intelligent extraterrestrial form (aliens) who may find them in the distant future. It's a way we humans can say \"hello we exist out here\".\nVoyager 1 is the farthest human made object from earth. The space craft is traveling with a speed of 17 km/sec, it would require about 17,565 years at this speed to travel a light year.\nAccording to me The golden record is one of the finest things that humans have launched into the interstellar space. In a nutshell the Golden record is a message to the intelligent alien life forms. The only difference is when we usually send a message we know to whom we are sending but in this case this is a message to an unknown recipient. The Golden record really fascinates me and is something hopeful representing humankind in this infinite cosmic ocean, I decided to celebrate this by making the Golden record cover.\nStep 1: Supplies\n* Cardboard\n* Scissor\n* Compass\n* Pencil\n* Golden and yellow colour pencil\n* Scale\nStep 2: Cut Out a Circle\n* Take the cardboard piece.\n* Draw a circle on the backside of the cardboard piece.\n* The actual Golden record is 12 inches (30 cm) in diameter. That means radius of the actual golden record is 15 cm. So make a circle of radius 15 cm on the backside of the cardboard.\n* Now cut out the circle with Scissor, make sure that it's a perfect circle, take your time and cut out accurately.\nStep 3: Making a Small Hole at the Center\nNow we have to make a tiny hole at the center.\n* First use the compass to draw a small circle at the center.\n* Now pierce with the help of the compass needle throughout the circle.\n* Use a pencil to remove this part now by passing a pencil through that tiny circle.\n* The tiny hole at the center is ready now.\n* Refer to the video above to get a better idea how I made that small hole at the center.\nStep 4: Colouring Time\n* The real golden record is made up of gold platted copper and also consist of uranium-238 (it will help the extraterrestrial life form to know how old the record is)\n* So here we will use golden and yellow colour pencils to get the similar colour.\n* Colour uniformly throughout, don't be in a hurry and colour lightly.\n* After colouring with yellow colour throughout the record use the golden colour. Colour with the golden pencil lightly to just give it a lustre, don't colour it darkly.\n* So now our golden record is completely coloured\nStep 5: Inscribing on the Golden Record: Pulsar & Unit Defining Diagram\nNow it's the most important task to inscribe on our coloured golden record. I would suggest you to visit Wikipedia Image of the Voyager Golden Record to get the clear image and it would help.\n* I started with making the pulsar diagram, the pulsar diagram shows where we live.",
"We are in the middle. The direction and proportional length of the lines show where the distant pulsar are. In binary is the period of each pulsar.\n* Then I made the diagram that defines unit to the aliens. As we can't use cm, meters, kilometers etc because we made them up. Therefore we have hyperfine transitions to define unit. The circle that you see is hydrogen with one proton and one electron. Hydrogen being one of the common elements in space it is assumed that aliens may know their properties that is there is transition between parallel & antiparallel spins, whenever this transition happens there is a emission of electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 21 cm and period of 2.1 nanoseconds.\nStep 6: More Inscription: the Audio & Video Instructions\n* The audio instruction consist of how to properly use the stylus and in binary that the stylus should go around the record once every 3.6 seconds to playback correctly and in total should take one hour to do so.\n* Then I drew the video instruction that is given to the aliens to properly view the images and videos, then if the aliens did it right then the first image that they would get is a circle, so it is inscribed on the Golden record to help them.\nStep 7: It's Done!\nIt's done, your golden record is ready. You can do whatever you want with it. I would suggest to place it in a showcase or hang it or stick it on the wall using double sided tape as I did. I love it. One of the most beautiful thing that I have came across is the golden record.",
"Easy Infinite Supernova\nIntroduction: Easy Infinite Supernova\nI started my origami journey last summer after attending a workshop. Since then I love folding and creasing paper whenever I get some time.\nLast year, I posted \"Infinite Supernova\" (find it here). I'm very thankful that it got featured and appreciated by many. Since it requires folding 50 units before assembling it, I felt that it may be difficult for the beginner.\nI revised the design and posted a \"Mini Infinite Supernova\" (find it here), which was easy and required only 5 units. Much to my amusement and delight, it got featured on the Instructables Homepage. I was totally thrilled and got motivated to make it more beginners friendly.\nSo here, in this Instructables project, we'll make an Easy Infinite Supernova, having colors of a rainbow. We'll need a total of 7 units for this, but I promise that the folding is much easier than any of the previous Infinite Supernovas.\nStep 1: Things We Need:\n* 7 Origami papers, 15 cm x 15 cm\n* Flat surface for folding\n* Paper glue\nStep 2: Building Block: Making a Unit (1/4)\nStart with a square sheet of paper. Fold it in half diagonally and unfold it.\nFold the paper again in half along the other diagonal and unfold it.\nNow, fold all the corners to the center of the paper where the two diagonal creases are intersecting each other.\nSharpen all the creases well.\nStep 3: Building Block: Making a Unit (2/4)\nStart with unfolding any one of the corners\nThen fold it so that the tip touches the crease we just unfolded.\nRepeat this with other corners.\nStep 4: Building Block: Making a Unit (3/4)\nFlip the paper and fold all the corners to the center of the paper.\nCarefully sharpen the crease using your fingernail.\nStep 5: Building Block: Making a Unit (4/4)\nFlip the paper again and hold the paper so that anyone corner is facing you.\nNow hold the corner facing toward the right between the thumb and index finger of your right hand.",
"Similarly, hold the corner facing toward the left between the thumb and index finger of your left hand.\nGently pinch the corners, so that it resembles a small hat. Release your hold and repeat this with the other two corners so that the paper automatically ends up folding into a shape of a Heart.\nOur Unit is ready (Pic 6). We need to make 7 such units for our Mini Infinite Supernova\nStep 6: Assembly\nGlue all the units together. Then arch the strand and glue the ends to make a circle.\nThat's it. We are done. It's time to play now!\nStep 7: Supernova Is Ready to Explode !\nHold it from the side with both your hands. Move your hand in a downward or upward motion to unfold the inner layers. Adjust your hand as and when needed.\nEnjoy as the Supernova as it explodes infinitely.",
"Paper Trebuchet\nIntroduction: Paper Trebuchet\nIn this Instructable. I am going to show you how to make a paper Trebuchet.\nWhat Is a Trebuchet\nA trebuchet is a type of catapult that uses a long arm to throw a projectile. It was a common powerful siege engine until the advent of gunpowder. There are two main types of trebuchets. The first is the traction trebuchet, or mangonel, which uses manpower to swing the arm.\nSupplies\nYou will need the following for this project\n1. Waste news paper\n2. Hot glue gun\n3.",
"Ruler\n4. Tape\n5. String\n6. Paper clip\n7. Counter weight (here i use a container)\nStep 1: Making Paper Rolls\nStart by rolling a sheet of paper around a toothpick and tape it off.\nStep 2: Building the Frame\nUse some of these paper rolls of apt size to build the basic frame of the trebuchet which consist of rectangular base and triangular side.The height of the trebuchet must be enough for the counter weight and short side of the arm to rotate freely.\nStep 3: Making and Attaching the Axle\nTake a paper roll.Roll another piece of paper around it.Cut the pieces to size so that it fits the the top of the frame.\nBigger piece made around the small piece will rotate around small piece.Glue the axle into place.\nStep 4: Build the Arm\nArm too is a cylindrical paper roll.Glue arm to the rotating part such that length of the arm in front of rotating part is making a ratio of 3.75:1 with the length of the arm beyond the rotating part where counter weight is going to be mounted.\nStep 5: Attaching Counter Weight\nFor counter weight I use a cylindrical container which is completely filled with water.Take a paper roll and flatten it (make 2) to hold counter weight.\nNow we can mount the counter weight on the short end of the arm.\nStep 6: Making and Attaching the Sling\nTake a paper and cut it in an oval shape.Take a string and tie one end of it around the long side of the arm of our trebuchet. Next,see how long the string needs to be and cut it . Tie a loop so that it slides over the metal wire placed over the metal wire placed in the end of the arm.Tape the oval shaped paper which carries our paper ball over the string.\nStep 7: Firing",
"Cardboard Racer\nIntroduction: Cardboard Racer\nThis project will describe the process of making a functional cardboard racing car that is powered by an elastic band and with it how STEM (STEAM), [not forgetting the Arts]; can be applied.\nScience will explore Newtons 3 laws of motions.\nTechnology - Practical application of the Science using the car to perform experiments.\nEngineering - Design and building the car.\nArts - Creative expression to customise and individualise the car by modifying it visually whilst maintaining functionality.\nMaths - Calculation used to generate numerical data for analysis.\nSupplies\nCorrugated Card Board (370 x 230 x 4 mm) * 3\nScissors\nCutting Blade\nClear Adhesive Tape\nGlue\nRuler\nPencil or Pen\nElastic Bands * 5\nCloths Pegs as required.\nBamboo Skewers * 2 (160 mm min)\nM4/10mm screw * 2\nM4/20mm threaded standoff\nM4/20mm screw\nM4 washers * 6\n4 mm drill bit\nBradawl\nStep 1: Newtons 3 Laws of Motion\nWhat are Newtons 3 law of Motion.\n1: An object at rest or in motion will continue to do so unless acted upon by an external force.\nThe car continues in motion once the initial force is applied but will eventually come to a stop as a result of frictional forces. Frictional forces can be significantly reduced by the use of bearings and rolling on a hard surface.\n2: When a force acts on an object, it will cause the object to accelerate. The larger the mass of the object, the greater the force needed to cause it to accelerate.",
"Therefore, force = mass x acceleration.\nThe mass is constant but we can change the force to cause greater acceleration.\n3: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.\nThe more you pull the elastic the more force it generates. The applied force is stored as potential energy and is released as kinetic energy with an equal and opposing force.\nStep 2: Experimentation\nNewtons 2nd law states that Force = mass x acceleration\nThe mass of the car of 0.115kg\nIf it accelerates at 1m/s then the force required is 0.115 * 1 = 0.115 N (assuming no losses in the system)\nm/s * 2.237 = mph.\nGreatest acceleration will occur upon release and thereafter reduce due to external forces.\nIf you time the car over a fixed distance you will get an estimation of speed.\nFor acceleration (1m/s), mass (0.115kg), and the measured displacement of the elastic (18cm).\nElastic Potential Energy (Joules) = 1/2 * Force (N/m) * Elastic displacement^2 (m)\nThe Force is the spring constant = F/dX = 0.639N/0.18 = 3.55N/m\nEPE (Joules) = 1/2 * (3.55N/m * (0.18m^2)) = 0.0575J\nVelocity = sqrt((2*EPE)/kg) =sqrt((2*0.0575)/0.115) = 1 m/s\nMore force is required to overcome frictional losses & elastic efficiency in the system 0.639N versus 0.115N.\nFurther experiments looking at the effects on distance and speed can be conducted.\n1: With stronger and weaker elastics. (greater or weaker force).\n2: For variation in mass..\n3: On hard floors (wood/cushion floor) compared to carpet.\n4: The ratio of elastic stretch.\nReview the data using Excel with charts to visualise the results pictorially and numerically.\nStep 3: Main Body - Part 1\nThis is the body and chassis of the car all in one..\nIts designed for rigidity in the 3d form with minimal pieces.\nOrientate the piece of card (370 x 230 mm), with the long edge horizontally.\nWith the pencil and ruler, proceed to mark the card as per the diagram.\nOnce the card has been marked, proceed to cut the card with a sharp blade using the ruler as a guide\nFolds are marked with dotted lines\nHoles are marked with a cross.\nStep 4: Main Body - Part 2\nOnce the pattern for the car has been cut out folds are required to give it shape and strength.\nAlign the centre line on the card with the edge of a table or box and carefully apply pressure close to the line on the card overhanging the edge of the table/box, pushing the card down to form an angle of ~60 degrees.\nProceed to bend the two short tabs inwards to an angle of ~90 degrees.",
"How to Convert Binary to Hexadecimal in Less Than 5 Minutes\nIntroduction: How to Convert Binary to Hexadecimal in Less Than 5 Minutes\nPlease find the file attached below which walks you through the simple steps to make the conversion.\nStep 1: Introduction\nThe following is a guide for coders to make quick conversions from binary to hexadecimal. (Base 2 and base 16) This can be used to fulfill coding requirements, for a math/ computer science class, or to learn about lower-level systems that you may want to build on top of. All you will require is some place for you to work out the solutions and basic counting skills\nStep 2: Disclaimer\nIt is good for readers to know basic decimal to binary conversions, but it is not a requirement. The easy steps below can make the conversions easy without prior knowledge.\nStep 3: Necessary Material\n> Paper pen\n> Calculator (as per preference)\nStep 4: Introductory Note\n> · Binary is a number system in base 2 – each digit can only store 2 values (1 or 0) in computer science they are usually grouped in groups of 8 called (also called a byte)\n> Hex is a number system in base 16 – after the number 10, hex uses alphabets till F (number 15)\nStep 5: Table 1- Additional Info and Powers of 2\nWe need to know the power of 2’s to carry out the following conversions.\nStep 6:\n1. Using the workspace, manually separate the binary digits into groups of 4 (also called a nibble) with the powers of 2 written below\nStep 7:\n2. If the leftmost nibble group does not have enough binary digits simply add 0’s to make the group of 4.\nStep 8:\n3. Go in the direction from right to left. (the opposite direction)\nStep 9:\n4. Use the first 4 powers of 2 (8421) write them below each nibble. Convert the binary number to decimal using power of 2’s.",
"These are the place holders in number 2^3, 2^2, 2^1, 2^0\nStep 10:\n5. Multiply the 8,4,2,1’s with the binary digits (in simple words only multiply 1 binary digit to the following 8,4,2,1.\nStep 11:\n6. Add the products within each set of four.\nStep 12:\n7. Use letters after values above 9 so 10= A, 11=B, 12=C, 13=D, 14=E, 15=F\nStep 13:\n8. Find the equivalent hexadecimal number for each group using Powers of 2- (Refer to table 2)\nStep 14:\n9. Write the converted hexadecimals from right to left (the standard order)\nStep 15: Congractulations!\nPat yourselves. You can now easily convert binary digits to hexadecimals in less than 5 minutes.\nIf you were confused in writing them from right to left, I suggest try the conventional way of going from left to right, it depends on what you prefer. However, in computer science it Is adviced to go in the opposite direction and then writing it conventionally. Make sure to double check the calculations! Check out wikiHow if you have further interests in learning other conversions. Thank you and enjoy your future computer science endeavors!",
"GALACTIC EXPLORER - Design & Make Your Own Spaceship Prototype\nIntroduction: GALACTIC EXPLORER - Design & Make Your Own Spaceship Prototype\nI was fascinated by Science fiction since my childhood. For the past few months, I have always dreamed of making my own spaceship prototype for the future interplanetary and Intergalactic transportation of humans. I already have resources & technology like 3d printers, laser cutting, and other hand tools to make my own prototype.\nSo, I decided to make a self-made Design & a prototype of a spaceship with all the facilities and tools needed for humans to travel through space to reach their destination planet or nearby Solar Systems in the future.\nI want to make this Futuristic spaceship for Kids for Learning and self-making Purpose.\nI was motivated by few science fiction movies such as Martian, Prometheus, Interstellar, gravity, Star Trek, Star Wars, Lost In Space, Arrival, Wall-E & Approaching unknown, in which I have seen many spaceships and space vehicles.\nSo, That's the seed of my idea.\nI started from scratch to collect information about the current International Space station and vehicle.",
"Also, to develop Spaceships and necessary Modules for Interplanetary travel.\n\nFurthermore, I want to make this for kids and adolescents. that’s why I design detachable and magnetic modules which can be rejoined at different places and children can make various designs using the same parts.\nIn the addition, we're working on Augmented Reality. with the help of this technology, kids can learn space technology through AR.\nThe entire project work is based on my own imagination and for learning purposes.\nBy following these steps you will design and make your own Spaceship prototype.\nLet’s start to make a dream spaceship.\nCheck out my video for more.\n\nSupplies\n* Rough pages for Idea Design\n* Laptop for 3D Design in Autodesk Fusion360\n* 3D Printer access\n* Sandpapers for surface finish\n* Feviquick Adhesive for join 3d printed part\n* Acrylic, Spray paint colors\n* Rubber gloves for spray painting\n* Passion to Complete Project *\nStep 1: Idea Builtup\n* I Figure out a 3D printing technology to help me make a prototype for my design.\n* I started with the rough design of ISS (ZARYA) In my 3d design. Side by side research on New Space Technology and other nearby planet exploration done by space agencies.\n* I found Manufacturing giants like SpaceX, Boeing, Lockheed Martin used 3d printing to manufacture some Components for space applications.\n* Now I want to design my Spaceship Prototype in Software and print it on my 3D Printer for Showcasing the Idea in real Life.\nReserch Reference:\n\n\n\n\n\nStep 2: Drawing Some Rough Idea From Research\n* I Explore some designs from the Internet websites for reference and to collect data.\n* I separate data according to requirements, daily needs of humans, maintenance, emergency, future expansion on Spaceship building, communication, extravehicular activity in Space.\n* I make a list of Different Types of Modules with their Working environment and Facility.\n* Most of the ideas come from Analysis of ISS data and From science fiction movies.\n* I list out all modules and their work in Spaceship for sustain life.\n* Checkout Here: NASA ISS Structure Assembly.\n\nStep 3: Requirement of Future Long Journey in Space\nWhat Humans Need in Travel interPlanetary Missions?\nI list out some modules and necessary equipment need for interplanetary missions.\n1> Food & Water reserve and ReClaimers Machine\n2> Grow their own Food in Space in small Amount\n3> Medical supply and Emergency equipment\n4> Various Experiments in Microgravity and in Space.",
"U.S. Space Shuttle\nIntroduction: U.S. Space Shuttle\nHISTORY:\nThe U.S. Space Shuttle program was first launched in 1981 and all space shuttles were retired in 2011. 135 missions were flown by NASA’s fleet, consisting of the Challenger, Discovery, Colombia, Atlantis, and the Endeavour. Space shuttles were also used to help build the International Space Station. In the 30 years of their missions, the shuttles have set records and strived to beat them.\nMission STS-135, ended the space shuttle program on July 21, 2011 after Atlantis came to its last landing at Kennedy Space Center, Florida.\nSupplies\n* cardboard\n* Hot glue\n* White paint\n* Black paint\n* Permanent marker (black)\n* Printer\nStep 1: Main Body\n1. on a piece of cardboard 2 layers thick, cut our the design above. (I messed up a little in my drawing, it is 10 inches by 10 inches)\n2. Cut a rectangle 8 1/2 by 6 1/2 inches long and peel off one side.\n3. Glue the rectangle lengthwise to where the cockpit starts.\nStep 2: Cockpit\n1. make the front sides by cutting out a piece 1 3/4 high, and 2/14 inches long. On the other end it needs to be 1 1/4 inches high and about 2 3/8 inches long. MAKE 2!\n2. Make a rectangle 1 1/4 by 1 inch long.\n3. Cut out a triangle large enough to to fit across the top. Cut it on the end to make the front curved\n4. Glue it on. (Put a scrap piece under it for extra support)\n5.",
"Glue on the sides and front. If they do not fit cut off\nStep 3: Engines\n1. Make 3 circles out of paper, about 3 inches long and 1 inch wide.\n2. Use 2 scraps of cardboard to glue to the sides of the the engines.\n3. glue a folded piece of paper into the hole just made. (On both sides)\n4. Make 2 smaller and glue them onto the the folded up papers.\nStep 4:\nStep 5: Paint\n1. Spray paint the whole thing white.\nStep 6: Painting\n1. Use black paint to make the front window.\n2. Use a thin brush to make a line under the window.\n3. Make a rectangular outline on the thin line you just painted.\n4. For on the bottom of the window to the bottom of the cockpit, paint the front black.\n5. Use a permanent marker to draw 4 lines going from side to side of the shuttle.\n6. Draw a line from the front window to the start of the tail.\n7. Paint a line on the back of the wings.\n8. Cut out the flaps behind the black lines.\n9. Paint the top of the tail.\n10. Paint the engines.\nStep 7: Printing Stickers\n* Print out the words:\n* NASA “worm logo”\n* “NASA Discovery”\n* The American Flag\n* USA\nStep 8: Adding Stickers\n1. glue them on as shown on as shown above.\n2. Cover the whole thing with modge podge.\nStep 9: Completed\nHave fun!",
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"Shiny Stars Night Light\nIntroduction: Shiny Stars Night Light\nHey guys, today I made a Shiny Stars Night Light that you can put on your table or in your kid's room and the best thing about it is that it has a lot of shiny stars embedded in it.\nI also added a beautiful line in the middle, but that's completely optional. It looks so lovely in darkness. All the stars shines so brightly because all the stars are actually blue LEDs.\nYou can place this on your, or your kid's bedside and have a peaceful sleep. they are not excessively bright and that makes them a perfect nightlight.\nSupplies\nYou will need,\nOne black A4 paper and One Blue A4 paper\nOne white A4 sheet\nOne cardboard A4 size\nGlue\nLots of blue LEDs\nSome White LEDs\nWires\n6v Battery holder (4 cell)\nSome more cardboard\nThe Tools that you will need-\nPliers\nscissors\npencil\nscale\nsoldering iron\nglue gun\nwire cutter\nwire striper\nStep 1: Take Both the Black and Blue A4 Sheets\nTake both the blue and black A4 sheets and for now keep the blue sheet away but in reach.\nNow with the black sheet. Mark one inch from all sides and then make straight lines forming a border all around the sheet.\nStep 2: Make the Space for the Quote\nNow from the bottom left side, mark 10cm up on the left side.\nFrom the bottom right side, mark 20cm up on the right side.\nNow mark 10 cm above both of those points.\nJoin both the lower points of either side together.\nJust like that also join both the points on the upper side of either side.\nStep 3: Cut Out\nNow take a paper cutter and cut the two shapes above and below our quote area.\nYour finished cut out should look like the last picture.\nStep 4: Now Write Your Quote\nNow take a pencil and write whatever quote or line you want to write on your night lamp.\nI prefer making some lines first and then writing between those lines. Like writing on a ruled notebook. It will look more neat.\nStep 5: Now Cut Out Your Quote\nNow cut out all the letter in your quote.\nIf you cannot cut out all the letter in your quote, because I know it is very hard, and you can still make a lot of mistakes.",
"What I advise you to do is to cut a whole rectangle out and then stick a piece of white paper on it and write your quote on it with a marker such that the whole background is filled with black and the words are white.\nThat way you can get the same effect but with less effort and mistake.\nI was able to cut out every single letter, so I did just that.\nStep 6:\nNow it's time to get out the blue paper and mark our quote area on it.\nRemember, I said the quote area, not the quote. The blue paper is supposed to go behind the black paper. So we need to make sure that the letters in our quote can be illuminated from behind, so for that. We need to cut that area out on the blue paper.\nOnce you've marked the area, cut it out with a paper cutter.\nStep 7: Glue All of Them Together\nThe end product should look like the first picture. They are not glued yet. I have just placed them on top of one another to see how they should be glued. You should do the same and check before actually glueing them together.\nOnce you're sure about the order, glue all of them together.\nWhite stays on the bottom, then blue and on top of everything else the black one.\nIf you cut out all the letters separately, make sure that you glue all the little things in them.\nStep 8: Cut the Cardboard\nNow take the A4 size cardboard and mark our quote area on this as well.\nAnd then cut it out.\nStep 9: Glue Our Paper on the Cardboard\nNow take the papers from before and glue them on the cardboard.\nStep 10: Mark Holes for White Led\nNow take a cardboard piece to cover the exposed back side of the papers.\nOn this cardboard mark holes for white LEDs.\nStep 11: Now Insert LEDs\nNow make holes on those marked areas and insert White LEDs in them.\nMake sure to bend the leads of the leds.\nStep 12: Now Solder All LEDs in Parallel\nNow once you've bent the leads of LED glue them in place and solder all of them together in parallel.\nStep 13: Time to Add Our Stars\nOnce our quote area lights are done now move on to the stars.\nMark holes for the stars on the blue paper area. Once you've marked them, make holes with scissors or something else.",
"Make a Wireless Telegraph\nIntroduction: Make a Wireless Telegraph\nHello everyone, today I made a wireless telegraph with which you can send wireless messages using Morse code for your friends to listen through a radio.\nThis is a very simple and easy telegraph that you can make for your kids or your friends. It is wireless, and can be listened to, through a radio.\nThis telegraph uses an electromagnetic buzzer to make small sparks that sends am signals wirelessly, and you can tune in your am radio to listen to the telegraph and record messages sent in Morse code.\nSupplies\nOne rectangular piece of cardboard. (size based on how big you want your telegraph to be.)\nOne push button\nOne electromagnetic buzzer (MAKE SURE IT IS NOT PIEZO BUZZER)\nOne LED with a 100 ohm resistor , resistor\nOne battery (3v - 5v)\nTools required-\nsoldering iron\ncutter\nFLUX, DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE FLUX.\nliquid flux (this one is even better)\nGlue gun\nStep 1: First Take a Piece of Cardboard\nFirst thing you need to do is to take a piece of cardboard.\nNow remember that the size of this cardboard will decide the size of your telegraph. Choose it based on whether you want a big or small telegraph.\nStep 2: Take a Push Button and Make Holes for It\nNow take a push button. It should be a push button that only stays on while you press it. Don't use an on/off switch.\nOn the cardboard, on one side, mark where the pins of the switch lie and then make holes there.\nStep 3: Now Pass Some Wires Through Those Holes and Solder Them\nNow take two wires and pass them through the holes you made.\nOnce you're done, solder those wires to the switch. The length of the wire should be enough to reach the other side of the cardboard.\nStep 4: Glue Everything\nNow pull the wires back and push the switch into the cardboard such that the switch is facing up. Like I'm showing in the photo.\nStep 5: Do the Same With the Buzzer\nNow do everything again for the buzzer. Exactly as before.\nMark the pins, make holes, pass wires, solder, pull back the wire and finally glued.\nStep 6: Now Add the LED\nNow what you need to do is to make a hole for the LED in the cardboard and glue the LED there.\nThe position of all of these components do not matter.",
"You can put them wherever you like as long as you make sure to keep the connections right.\nStep 7: Now Add the Battery Connector\nOnce you're done with adding all the required components. Add a battery to our circuit to make it run.\nYou can add a battery connector, or you can directly connect the battery to the circuit. Whichever way you do it, just make sure that your battery is somewhere from 3v to 6v.\nStep 8: Mark Anything If Needed\nif you have something you'd like to draw, write or mark on your telegraph. Then I will suggest you to do that on this stage.\nFor example, I was using a simple berg strip for my connector, so I marked positive and negative terminals for me. So I don't make a mistake and connect the battery backwards.\nStep 9: Time to Make Connections\nMaking connections is really easy. All you have to do, is to connect both the LED and the buzzer with the battery and the switch in such a way, so that when you press the switch, both the buzzer and the LED gets powered on.\nIt's just a simple circuit with a switch, really.\nStep 10: Now Glue and Connect the Battery\nNow glue the battery in place and connect it with the circuit.\nStep 11: Before Moving on Any Further, Check Everything\nBefore moving on or finalizing everything. Check everything and make sure that everything works fine. Once you're sure about that. Tape everything.\nStep 12:\nNow take a small piece of cardboard. It should be big enough to completely cover your switch.",
"Arduino Morse Code Writer\nIntroduction: Arduino Morse Code Writer\nI made a robot that can convert any given text into Morse code and then write it down!!\nIt's made out of cardboard and Lego and for the electronics I used Arduino and only two motors.\nSupplies\nArduino Uno board\nStepper motor\nMicro servo SG90\nULN2003 stepper motor driver module\nPower supply module\nBreadboard\n4× Jumper wires\n6× Female-to-Male dupont wires\n9V1A Adapter\nUSB cable\nCardboard\n2× Wooden dowels\n2× Springs\nStraw\nWhite paper\nLego\nSuper glue\nHot glue gun\nElastic band ( to make a pen holder)\nScissors\nCutter\nStep 1: Building the Base\nStart by building the base.\nMine is 4 studs wide and 20 studs long, after building one layer with those lengths, I built a one stud wide boarder around it leaving a gap on one side to leave space for the stepper motor, then I added tile pieces to the middle part where the paper strip will be. Using Lego made it very sturdy and easy to modify.\nTo make the paper roll, I cut strips of A4 paper 1.2cm wide ( I chose this width because it's the same width as the Lego wheel I used, you can make yours bigger or smaller depending on your wheel) and I glued their ends together to form one very long strip, then I wrapped it around the wheel.\nStep 2: The Servo Piece\nFor this step you need:\n* two wooden dowels 4cm long\n* two springs 2cm long\n* one straw cut to two pieces 2cm long each\n* one 12cm by 4cm piece of cardboard\n* two 4cm by 1.5cm pieces of cardboard\n* one 4cm by 2cm piece of cardboard\nFirst, glue the dowels to one of the 4 by 1.5 pieces, then insert the springs and the straws in the dowels, then glue the other cardboard piece on the other side to hold everything in place.\nSecond, glue the 4cm by 2cm piece on top of the straws.\nThird, flip the whole piece over and glue a small dowel to the back of it, not in the middle but slightly to the left. (I forgot to add the small dowel in the first picture)\nFinally, cut a hole in the big piece of cardboard the size of the front of the servo motor and glue the motor in, then glue the piece we just made with the dowels to the big piece so that when the servo moves, it pushes the small dowel down which in turn pushes the springs down too.\nI ended up cutting about 3cm from the bottom part of the 12cm by 4cm piece and gluing two more 4cm by 1.5cm pieces to it, then covering that with a 5.5cm by 4cm piece of cardboard.\nAnd to hold the marker I made a small loop of elastic band and glued it to a small piece of cardboard then I glued that to the 4cm by 2cm piece which will move down when the servo starts. These additions stopped the marker from moving from side to side when the springs come back up.\nStep 3: Adding the Servo Motor and the Paper Roll to the Base\nI added two more bricks to one side of the base to support the servo piece and I glued it in place.\nThen I added the wheel to the far end of the base.\nStep 4: Building the Stepper Motor Frame\nThis step was a bit of a challenge, because the motor wasn't made to fit with Lego perfectly.",
"However, I did manage to do it by using the two holes in the motor to secure it to in place. Next, I glued a Lego wheel to the tip of the motor and then I put it right next to the base on the side that I left open in step 1.\nStep 5: Finishing Touches\nI added two arc pieces to cover the wheel to fix the paper in place. And I added two smaller arc pieces one to hold the wires of the stepper motor and another one to hold the paper. Lastly, I changed the stepper motor wheel to a slightly bigger one that moved the paper better than the old wheel.\nStep 6: Electronics\nFinally, you have to connect the motors to the Arduino and upload the code.\nWe will start with the servo motor, connect the brown wire (the ground wire) to the GND pin, then the red wire (the power wire) to the 5V pin, and the orange wire(the signal wire) to the Dig #5 pin.",
"DIY Hot Air Balloon Room Decor\nIntroduction: DIY Hot Air Balloon Room Decor\nI really like hot air balloons. I wanted to make one as a decor for my room. I hope you too like this decor and make it for your room.\nSupplies\nCraft paper, Liquid glue, Hot glue gun, Scissors, Rope, Greaseproof paper, Brush\nStep 1: Cut\nFirst I cut the white craft paper into small pieces. You don't need to use scissors. You can also use newspapers and magazines. You can recycle using newspapers and magazines.\nStep 2: Glue\nI inflated a balloon. I applied liquid glue on it. I put the pieces of paper on the balloon and applied glue on it again. I made a round bubble like this. If you want, you can do the same for another layer after the papers are dry. Do not cover the entire balloon with paper. Leave a round space of about 2.5 cm.\nStep 3: Make It Look Nice\nAfter it dried, I cut the balloon inside and removed it. I cut the papers in this section a little bit to make it look nice.\nStep 4: Circle\nI made a circle, gluing the thick rope with glue. I used a hot glue gun to glue it on.",
"The diameter of the circle is 2.5 cm.\nStep 5: Long Pieces\nI cut long pieces of thick rope and glued them with glue. If you do this step on greaseproof paper, the glue will not stick to the floor.\nStep 6: A Deep Bowl\nI joined the round and long piece with glue. It looked like a deep bowl :)\nStep 7: Holes\nI made 4 holes at the tip of the paper balloon. Holes should be at equal distances. I put thick ropes through these holes and knotted them.\nStep 8: Bring Together\nI glued the other ends of the thick threads to the deep bowl-like piece I made with the strings.\nStep 9: Some Decoration\nI cut 8 pieces of thick rope as high as the paper balloon. I twisted one end of these strings through the hole in the tip of the paper balloon. And I glued it with glue. I glued the other ends to the top of the balloon.\nStep 10: Circle\nI made a circle, gluing the thick rope with glue. I used a hot glue gun to glue it on. The diameter of the circle is 2.5 - 3 cm. I glued 1 rope in the middle of the circle.\nStep 11: And the Final\nAnd the final. Our hot air balloon room decor is ready. 😍🎉🎉🎉\nStep 12:\nThis is my video about this decor. You can see all little details about this decor. Maybe you can say 'hi' on the comment of video :) I'll be so happy 💚",
"A Place in a Tin\nIntroduction: A Place in a Tin\n'A Place in a Tin' is a project very close to my heart. The project involves using a method called 3D paper layering (sounds complicated, trust me it's not).\nYou can use this method in different ways, but here, I'm going to be showing you how to use it for a place, in a tin.\nThe place I'm making today is Bahrain.\nSupplies\nYou will need:\n* Tin (Please read Step 1 for more insight into the type of tin)\n* Paper (try experimenting with different textured papers)\n* Double-sided tape/ Cellotape/ Masking Tape\n* Scissors\n* Paint (Acrylic paint preferred)\n* Tracing paper (optional, but honestly makes the process easier)\n* Modge-Podge (Could be replaced by a glue-water mixture)\n* Pencil\nStep 1: Collect Your Tin\nThis tin could be of any size. It could range from small Nivea tins to even a huge Nido tins. Use whatever is readily available. I have used a Nivea tin that is this deep. (shown in image)\nBut keep in mind that the depth of your tin decides the number of layers you can put and the difficulty. The deeper the container, the more layers, and the more difficult. Also, the smaller the diameter, the more challenging to draw in details.\nIf you do not have any tins lying around, feel free to try this method on a cardboard roll. The instructions will differ, but the concept is the same.\nStep 2: Plan Your Design\nSince My chosen place is Bahrain, I need to plan my design. I have attached a template of what I have done, but feel free to use whatever method you have in mind.\nStep 3: Cut Out Your Pieces\nUsing a sharp pencil, trace the outside of the tin onto your paper for this step.\nDraw each layer of the design onto a circle.",
"You can use tracing paper to trace the shape onto your cutout paper\nMake sure that each layer is shorter than the one before it.\nOnce you are done, cut them out.\nStep 4: Paint Your Tin\nPaint the tin's outside and sides however you want. I am painting the Bahrain flag on the bottom and am writing text on top, for which I will show you a hack in the next step.\nStep 5: (Optional) Trace on Text and Paint\nDraw your text on paper, and then trace it onto tracing paper. Then, securing the tracing paper onto the tin top, I used an empty pen to press down hard over the lines so that it gets embossed onto the paint (refer to the last picture to see results).\nStep 6: Secure Paint With Modge-podge\nFor heaven's sake, buy some modge-podge!\nUnless you have experience with the glue-water mixture, the process can be arduous to use! Besides the fact that the paint may begin to leach and bleed. Nor is it long-lasting or consistent!\nYou can see the messy affair it is, to use glue-water!!\nStep 7: Paint Your Cutouts\nPaint the cutouts. It's simple.\nStep 8: Attach Cutouts to Inside of Tin\nUsing double-sided tape, or rolled cellotape, attach the layers in order, one at a time, to the tin.\nStep 9: Enjoy!\nYour tin is finally done!\nI realised too late that I had used very dark colours, so try using vibrant colours that reflect ht beauty of the place you are choosing.\nMy tin definitely needs to improve. But now, since I know what went wrong, I can help you out:\n1. Invest in Modge-podge\n2. Use bright or vibrant colours\n3. The tin cannot shut tightly, so don't pick a very tight container.\n4. Stiff paper for the cutouts will ensure that the edges don't curl.\n5. Use a sharp pencil to ensure that the cutouts fit snugly.\nAnd that is done and dusted! Have fun trying this out!!",
"Diy Origami Organizer Box Without Glue\nIntroduction: Diy Origami Organizer Box Without Glue\nHi Friends! In this project, I made an amazing, easy origami organizer box. This is really so easy and without glue. I made a desk organizer box.\nStep 1: Cut:\nFirst I cut a square sheet of paper from A4 size paper.\nStep 2: Fold:\nFold the corners of the paper. (1 and 2 edges overlap) It will be in the form of a triangle.\nStep 3: Rotate:\nRotate the triangular paper 45 degrees. You can determine the direction according to the numbers in the photo.\nStep 4: Fold 2:\nFold the sides of the triangle to the middle. So you will get a square shape. You can follow the numbers.\nStep 5: Turn and Fold:\nTurn over the back of the new square paper. Then fold only 2 layers of paper (at the bottom corner of the square) upwards.\nStep 6: Unfold\nUnfold all the parts you have folded and make the triangle in step 3 again.\nStep 7: Triangles:\nYou need 3 of these triangle. I did it in different colors.",
"But you can also use paper of the same colors.\nStep 8: Numbers:\nI wrote numbers on the left and right sides of the triangles. These are very important. This stage will create the organizer.\nStep 9: Inside and Outside:\nThe number 2 side of each triangle will go inside the corner number 1 of the paper on the left side (according to the photo).\nStep 10: Inside 2:\nThis rule applies to all edges. \"The number 2 side of each triangle will go inside the corner number 1 of the paper on the left side (according to the photo).\"\nStep 11: Fold All:\nThe organizer will look like a bowl. Turn the bottom. Interlace the corners of the paper to form the bottom of the bowl. For example: fold the yellow paper, then the blue, then the green, then the yellow, and again the blue and green paper.\nStep 12: Ready:\nOrganizer is ready. You can do it by using colorful, or just one color paper.\nStep 13: Finish:\nI made a bowl-shaped organizer without using any glue, tape, etc. Although it may seem difficult, you will find that it is very easy when you start doing it.\nStep 14: My Video:\nThis is my video about this project. You can also see all steps and all important details in this video.",
"ZeeZee Lights: Personalized, 3D Printed DIY Smart LED Light\nIntroduction: ZeeZee Lights: Personalized, 3D Printed DIY Smart LED Light\nPersonalized, 3D Printed DIY Smart LED Light\nDesigned for the kids, but could be used for grown-ups too 😊. Could be used as a night lamp, decoration, sign, logo, etc.\nThis tutorial covers a video guide on how to design and produce your ZeeZee lights.\nSupplies\n* 3D files\n* Make it on your own. You can follow the video tutorial bellow\n* Buy it on Etsy if that suits you better\n* Wifi LED controller\n* Power supply (12V, 2A, or more)\n* LED strip (12V, cheapest one will be fine)\n* Female power supply connector\n* (Hot) glue\n* 3D printer filament\n* 3D printer\nThe URLs above are affiliate links and the ones I used, verified, and recommend them.\nStep 1: Design\nThere is a step-by-step tutorial (of 13 steps) in the video below, so you can make your own 3D letters and covers, but if you want a shortcut, you can buy it on Etsy.\nI designed it using the fantastic Autodesk Tinkercad free online tool and I encourage you to try it by yourself, especially if you are a beginner. Make some changes on your own, try to improve the design.\nIf you looking for a more powerful tool, take a look at the Autodesk Fusion 360.\nSTLs used in this tutorial are available on Thingiverse.\nStep 2: 3D Printing\nI used black and white PLA filaments. Black for the letter’s body and white for the letter cover/shading. As initially designed as 100 mm tall and 30 mm thick, letters ZITA took about 5 hours to print with 0.6 mm nozzle and 0.4 mm layers.\nA few useful tips: Learn from my mistakes 🙂\n* When printing white covers, do not forget to clean your nozzle before. Black leftovers will ruin your cover and it will not be clean white.\n* When the cover is printed, let it cool down before you take it from the printer’s bed.",
"Covers are thin and if you pull them while are warm, they could be easily deformed.\n* If you are not satisfied with the cover’s size (too loose/tight) change the cover’s bevel (step 12 in the video).\n* Print letter covers horizontally flipped, to get the smooth side (bedside) on the outside.\nStep 3: LED Strip Installation\nWhen you are done with printing it is time to install an LED strip to assemble the whole thing.\nFirst, I glued the LED strip (just peeled off adhesion tape on the strip) to the wall of the letter, as displayed below. Then I took one side of the strip and soldered the wire and pushed it through the hole in the back of the letter.\nWhen I was sure that the LED strip is nicely spread out and working, I used a hot glue gun and glued the strip for good.\nWhen all the letters are done, an LED strip is installed, take all the wires, and solder them to the female power supply connector.\nI used a 12V LED strip, so basically I can power it right now using just a 12V power supply. LEDs will glow but we’re missing the fun, smart part.\nStep 4: LED Controller\nLED Controller I used is a powerful little bad-ass. It works like a charm and best of all it is cheap.\nAll you need is the Magic Home app and follow the instructions you got with the device. If you are not sure how to power it up, take a look at the video, I recorded the installation procedure.\nIn addition to the light control itself, there are more fun options such as Mic control. You can play music, or even sing and your light will react to the sound.\nStep 5: The End\nFeel free to adjust this project to yourself. For example, you can use an RGB LED strip or maybe 5V LED strip to power the whole thing from the AA batteries.\nAnyway, whatever you do, have fun, and please share your work on social networks!\nThis tutorial is published also on PowerUserTutorials Follow for more tutorials.\nVideo is made using powerful Wondershare Filmora app, probably the best video editing app for beginners. They have a free version too, so feel free to test it out.",
"Cardboard Pentagon Table Lamp\nIntroduction: Cardboard Pentagon Table Lamp\nIn this project, I make a big lamp out of cardboard.\nI choose pentagon shapes for lamp geometry.\nI got lots of cardboard in waste. I made this lamp big in size compared to a regular lamp.\nThe lamp looks like a pentagonal globe that is illuminated by light from inside.\nLet’s start making this lamp.\nGather all supplies listed below to start making.\nSupplies\n1> cardboard (approx.",
"3 ft x 4ft sheet) or use waste boxes of home appliances\n2> Scissor\n3> Glue\n4> scale\n5> glue gun\n6> LED light\nStep 1: Cardboard Cut\nFor making the pentagon shape we use different sizes of rectangle cardboard.\nWe use below the number of cardboard pieces.\n1> 80 x 20 mm x 55 piece\n2> 100 x 20 mm x 55 piece\n3> 130 x 20 mm x 55 piece\n4> 150 x 20 mm x 40 piece\n5> 175 x 20 mm x 40 piece\n6> 200 x 20 mm x 20 piece\n7> 400 x 200 mm x 1 piece for center pole.\nUse a scissor or paper cutter to cut the cardboard.\nFor cutting all sizes of cardboard pieces, first, you cut the longboard as per different heights.\nThen mark 20 mm spacing on each cardboard to cut with a scissor or paper cutter.\nCut them and store them separately.\nStep 2: Assembly of Base.\nFor making the base we use the below rectangle cardboard cuttings.\n1> 200 x 20 mm x 20 piece\n2> 175 x 20 mm x 40 piece\n3> 150 x 20 mm x 40 piece\nArrange them in a pentagon and use glue to stick them one by one as shown in the images.\nMake a bunch of them and place one on the other to make the whole base.\nStep 3: Make Pentagon\nFor making a small pentagon we use below cardboard rectangle strips.\n1> 80 x 20 mm x 55 piece\n2> 100 x 20 mm x 55 piece\n3> 130 x 20 mm x 55 piece\nWe arrange each size of cardboard stick in a pentagon and make 3 different layers of a pentagon with different sizes of a pentagon.\nWe make 11 staked pentagons using these 3 different-sized cardboard rectangles.\nStep 4: Assemble Pantagon\nStick all 11 pentagons one by one from each side of the pentagon edge.\nStarting from 5 sides of the pentagon. stick 5 pentagons on base.\nAfter drying stick the other 5 pentagon shape on other edges.\nLastly, stick 1 pentagon at the top side of the structure.\nUse 400 x 200 mm x 1 piece for the center pole. Bend in 3 pieces to make a triangular shape.\nUse lights to stick around the triangle Pole.\nI use an RGB LED strip but you can use a white LED for a single color of light.\nStep 5: Assemble Pole to Lamp Structure.\nTo assemble the pole we cut cardboard of the same size as the bottom and placed the pole in the center of the bottom plate and join it with adhesive.\nConnect the base with the top lamp structure and your lamp is ready.\nOn power supply and check out how it glows at night time.\nStep 6: Result.",
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"Dynamic path planning and waypoint sorting\nGood evening everyone,\nI have a question that I am having a bit of trouble formulating properly and thus it is making it complicated to look up literature on the subject. What I am looking for is a name for a more general problem of the same nature, and I think it will have something to do with the title of this question, dynamic path planning and sorting.\nBefore getting into the details, I'll try to summarize the question as best as I possibly can:\nAttempted Summary\nIn a complete and weighted graph, which algorithm(s) should be used to continuously obtain a path which maximizes the reward obtained from visiting vertices if the rewards are dynamic and thus constantly changing?\nAnd now, a bit more context.\nProblem Statement\nSuppose we have a robot:\n* The robot is capable of autonomous movement\n* It is fitted with several sensors\n* The robot must patrol a set of locations L and gather data using its sensors at all of the li ∈ L\n* Some locations are more interesting than others, and may be worth visiting more frequently. What makes these locations \"more interesting\" is that data taken from these locations have a higher variance than the data taken from other locations. Also, it is important to take into account the time since the location was last visited. The longer it has been, the more desirable it will become to visit.\nThe goal is to properly schedule the order in which the different locations should be visited so that we can both maximize the information gain and minimize the energy expended by the robot, e.g: the distance traveled. We can assume the robot can move freely from any point and to any location, not just from location to location.",
"Also, the robot must gather data continuously for a period of time T, so the scheduling has to be done more than once.\nMy view\nTo me, it looks like this problem can be modeled as a graph. The vertices represent each of the locations that the robot must visit, and the edges have a cost associated to them which represent the distance that must be traveled. I believe the robot itself can also be modeled as a vertex in this graph, which has edges connecting it to every single other location. We can assume all locations are also fully connected between each other, since the robot can go from li to lj such that ∀ i, j ∈ L, however some of these pairs will not be desirable given the distance.\nSo we are trying to minimize energy expenditure while maximizing information gain. This part sounds like an optimization problem. If I can model the information gain or \"reward\" obtained from visiting each vertex, taking into account factors such as arbitrary importance of the vertex and variance, it might make sense to use a classical pathfinding algorithm, however I am not too sure how these algorithms behave when used against vertices whose rewards change over time (the overall reward of a vertex will be affected by the amount of time that has passed since it was last visited).\nI have also thought about modeling this as a linear programming problem, however I am not quite sure how to obtain a sorted set using this approach (of course I can get the best and worst locations to visit, but what about the order of the rest?)\nThank you for your suggestions.",
"Introduction\nWhile solving google foobar I stumbled upon this problem. I approached the problem with A* along with a few modifications. As this algorithm correctly outlines the core concepts, I would like to go further ahead and add some detailing to this.\nAlgorithm:\nEach node will have the following parameters:\n1. parent: The immediate parent of the node.\n2. position: This is the (x,y) position of the node.\n3. f,g,h: These are the heuristics needed for A* to work.\n4. wall_broken: This is a boolean flag that would account for a broken wall in the path to the node. By default is set to False.\nAfter we set up our pre-requisites, we move into the algorithm.\n1. Create the start and end node.\n2. Initialize the open and closed lists. The open list must contain the start node.\n3. Iterate until we have visited each node.\n1. Take the node with least f from the open list.",
"This is our current node. Remember putting it inside the visited list.\n2. Check whether the current node is the end node. When comparing equality, we will compare the positions of the nodes only. If yes, then hurray! Return the path that has been traced. If no, perform the next step.\n3. Generation of children from the current node.\n+ Check for validity of the position.\n+ Check if the position has a wall. If it does, then we need to check whether the current node has any broken walls in its path (this is where we will need the wall_broken property of the node). We destroy the wall if we have no prior destruction. We make sure to assign the wall_broken property of the child which broke into a wall to True.\n+ We do not generate children if they already have been visited.\n4. Iteration on the children to decide which goes into the open list and which don't.\n* Assign heuristics to each child.\n* Look for a better child in open to replace. Else add it into the open list.\nConclusion\nThis algorithm is a modification of the A*. It conveys the core concept. If you want a detailed walkthrough of the concept with code, I have a gist written in python.",
"Finding multiple paths through a grid such that every grid square is equally used\nSetup\nHere’s the setup: I have an $N$ x $N$ grid of tiles, and a list of $M$ agents that need to move across the grid. Each agent has its own start tile $S(a)$, end tile $E(a)$, and an exact number of steps $D(a)$ it must make. Each step consists of a one-tile move horizontally, vertically, or staying in place. For each agent, $D(a)$ is usually much larger than the Manhattan distance between $S(a)$ and $E(a)$, so the path the agent takes is not necessarily a straight line from $S(a)$ to $E(a)$. Furthermore, the sum of all $D(a)$ is expected to be much larger than $N$ x $N$, so every tile will be used at least once. Agent paths are allowed to intersect with other paths and with themselves, and the number of agents on a tile at any given time doesn’t matter.\nThe Problem\nI would like to find paths for each agent that begin at $S(a)$, end at $E(a)$, and are exactly $D(a)$ steps long, with the goal of minimizing the maximum number of times any given tile is used. More formally, given an agent path $P_0 \\ldots P_n$, let $C(P, t)$ be the number of times tile $t$ appears in $P$, and let $A(t)$ be the sum of $C(P, t)$ over all agent paths.",
"I would like to find agent paths that minimize the maximum $A(t)$ over all tiles $t$.\nMy intuition tells me that this problem is almost certainly NP hard, so I’m looking for some kind of approximation or heuristic.\nFirst Attempt\nMy first stab at solving this was to find each path sequentially. For each agent, I create a 3-dimensional $N$ x $N$ x $D(a)$ search space, then use A* search to find the min-cost path from $[S(a), 0]$ to $[E(a), D(a)]$. The cost of each node in the search is the number of times that tile has been used by previous paths. Then, once the path is found, I add to the cost of each tile used, and proceed to the next agent. Of course, this leads to the problem that while the last agent path will be pretty good, the first agent path will be essentially random because the grid is yet totally unused. So, I just loop this process a few times; once the last path is computed and the tile costs updated, I loop back to the first path, subtract from the grid the costs that agent contributed, then recompute that path and add the new costs in. After 3 or 4 loops, I converge on a pretty reasonable solution.\nBut I’m hoping there’s a better idea out there. Any ideas or references to similar problems that I could read up on would be very welcome.",
"Scheduling algorithm with defined starting intervals and processing times\nI need to design an algorithm for opening and closing some valves at regular times. The input schedule will look something like this:\n* Every 5 minutes, open each of valves 1, 2, and 3 for 5 seconds\n* Every 8 minutes, open each of valves 4, 5, and 6 for 10 seconds\nThe main constraint on this schedule is that only one valve can be open at a time.\nIf I were given just the first line from above as my schedule, the result would be like:\n* t % 300 = 0: open valve 1\n* t % 300 = 5: close valve 1, open valve 2\n* t % 300 = 10: close valve 2, open valve 3\n* t % 300 = 15: close valve 3\nAdding in the second line raises some more problems, like what is the overall time period (i.e. the divisor in the %)? I believe this should be the least common multiple of all the time periods: 2400 = 300 * 8 = 480 * 5. The schedules then become 8 and 5 copies, respectively, of the base schedules lined up sequentially.\nI would want to determine if it is possible to fulfill the schedule.",
"A simple sanity check is that the sum of all the open times is less than the total amount of time in the LCM, but I do not believe this is sufficient.\nSecond, I need to determine what the actual combined schedule is. I believe this would be a series of starting offsets for each valve's schedule. In the simple case I illustrated above, the offsets for each of valve 1, 2, and 3 are 0, 5, and 10, respectively.\nI have looked into cyclic static scheduling, earliest deadline first algorithms, etc., but have been unable to synthesize this knowledge into the algorithm that I need here. The difficulty I see is that I do not have an ending deadline but a starting deadline: once the first valve opens at t=0, it must also open at t=300, 600, 300*n.\nOther analogies I have considered are:\n* packing byte patterns into a buffer without overwriting non-null values (view each time slice as a byte and the value at the byte is the number of which valve is open)\n* dispatching trains of different speeds at given intervals and avoiding collisions\n* arranging transparent pieces of plastic with some colored areas in a stack (or cylinder since this is repeated) so that a max of one color is present at any given point\nTo recap: I need to determine a schedule meeting the above criteria. If determining the schedule is computationally intensive, it would also be nice to quickly determine if such a schedule is possible as well.\nAm I on the right track here? What should I search for to move forward in this algorithm design? Has this problem been solved already?",
"Duplicate elements in Queue for BFS Maze Algorithm\nI'm fairly new to studying data structures and algorithms.\nI've implemented a non-recursive BFS on a 2d \"maze array\" which seems to work well. It finds the position of 2 in an array of 1s (walls) and 0s (spaces), marking visited positions with 3.\nHowever, I notice that there are duplicate values in the Queue.",
"I understand that I should avoid visiting already visited positions. However the queue contains only \"prospective\" positions which are yet to be visited. Should I modify the algorithm to not enqueue positions which it already contains? Will the algorithm still work if I do so?\nAs far as I know I have implemented the following algorithm:\nCreate a queue for positions yet to explore, and enqueue the entrance (0,0)\nWhile the list is not empty\ndequeue\nIf it is the goal position,\nexit displaying position and success message\nOtherwise,\nmark the position as visited, and enqueue all valid neighbors (not walls and not visited)\nIf the list is empty and the method has not returned, there is no path\nSome sample output is below:\nEnqueueing (0,0)\nQueue contents: [(0, 0)]\nPress Enter to continue:\nDequeueing\nCurrent position: (0, 0)\nMarking (0, 0)\n[3, 1, 1, 0]\n[0, 0, 0, 1]\n[0, 0, 1, 0]\n[1, 0, 0, 2]\nEnqueueing coordinates of valid positions in 4 directions.\nQueue contents: [(0, 1)]\nPress Enter to continue:\nDequeueing\nCurrent position: (0, 1)\nMarking (0, 1)\n[3, 1, 1, 0]\n[3, 0, 0, 1]\n[0, 0, 1, 0]\n[1, 0, 0, 2]\nEnqueueing coordinates of valid positions in 4 directions.\nQueue contents: [(1, 1), (0, 2)]\nPress Enter to continue:\nDequeueing\nCurrent position: (1, 1)\nMarking (1, 1)\n[3, 1, 1, 0]\n[3, 3, 0, 1]\n[0, 0, 1, 0]\n[1, 0, 0, 2]\nEnqueueing coordinates of valid positions in 4 directions.\nQueue contents: [(0, 2), (2, 1), (1, 2)]\nPress Enter to continue:\nDequeueing\nCurrent position: (0, 2)\nMarking (0, 2)\n[3, 1, 1, 0]\n[3, 3, 0, 1]\n[3, 0, 1, 0]\n[1, 0, 0, 2]\nEnqueueing coordinates of valid positions in 4 directions.\nQueue contents: [(2, 1), (1, 2), (1, 2)]\nPress Enter to continue:\nDequeueing\nCurrent position: (2, 1)\nMarking (2, 1)\n[3, 1, 1, 0]\n[3, 3, 3, 1]\n[3, 0, 1, 0]\n[1, 0, 0, 2]\nEnqueueing coordinates of valid positions in 4 directions.\nQueue contents: [(1, 2), (1, 2)]\nPress Enter to continue:\nDequeueing\nCurrent position: (1, 2)\nMarking (1, 2)\n[3, 1, 1, 0]\n[3, 3, 3, 1]\n[3, 3, 1, 0]\n[1, 0, 0, 2]\nEnqueueing coordinates of valid positions in 4 directions.\nQueue contents: [(1, 2), (1, 3)]\nPress Enter to continue:\nDequeueing\nCurrent position: (1, 2)\n[3, 1, 1, 0]\n[3, 3, 3, 1]\n[3, 3, 1, 0]\n[1, 0, 0, 2]\nEnqueueing coordinates of valid positions in 4 directions.\nQueue contents: [(1, 3), (1, 3)]\nPress Enter to continue:\nDequeueing\nCurrent position: (1, 3)\nMarking (1, 3)\n[3, 1, 1, 0]\n[3, 3, 3, 1]\n[3, 3, 1, 0]\n[1, 3, 0, 2]\nEnqueueing coordinates of valid positions in 4 directions.",
"Circular path visiting fewest nodes\nI don't know what this problem is called, so I haven't been able to Google for it, but I have a graph problem that I feel must have been solved many times before, and I just cannot find a good solution.\nGiven a directed graph, and nodes A and B, I want to find a route that takes me from A to B and back to A again, going through the fewest number of nodes. I have attempted to solve it with various versions of the shortest path problem, but it doesn't get me there. There could be a short path [A]->[1]->[2]->[B] from A to B, and one [B]->[3]->[4]->[A], that I can stitch together to get a tour that visits four nodes besides A an B (the nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4). But there might also be longer paths, [A]->[x]->[y]->[z]->[B] and [B]->[z]->[y]->[x]->[A] that ends up only visiting three nodes, because the paths overlap.\nIf I try to use a standard shortest-path approach, my thinking was to conceptually double the graph, so edges out of B would go into a copy of the graph, and look for the shortest path from A to A' where A' is the copy of node A.",
"That gives me a shortest path cycle, but if I visit the same node going from B to A as I do going from A to B, then it counts as much as visiting a new node, where it should be free. The cost of visiting a node in the \"copied\" graph depends on the path I took in the first graph, and if I start carrying that information with me, the heap I use for finding the shortest path has to remember not only a node but a path. The state-space explodes, and so does the running time.\nI am not convinced that this is something that has an efficient solution, and I might be able to brute-force something with a branch-and-bound approach that does track paths, changing the scoring of nodes in the \"copied\" graph. But before I start thinking along that path (no pun intended), I would like to know that I am not missing something trivial and that the problem has an efficient solution.\nI would greatly appreciate any pointers to how to attack this problem, or just confirmation that it might be a problem that doesn't have an efficient solution, so I can give up on trying to find one.",
"What is the name of this logistic variant of TSP?\nI have a logistic problem that can be seen as a variant of $\\text{TSP}$. It is so natural, I'm sure it has been studied in Operations research or something similar. Here's one way of looking at the problem.\nI have $P$ warehouses on the Cartesian plane. There's a path from a warehouse to every other warehouse and the distance metric used is the Euclidean distance. In addition, there are $n$ different items. Each item $1 \\leq i \\leq n$ can be present in any number of warehouses. We have a collector and we are given a starting point $s$ for it, say the origin $(0,0)$. The collector is given an order, so a list of items. Here, we can assume that the list only contains distinct items and only one of each. We must determine the shortest tour starting at $s$ visiting some number of warehouses so that the we pick up every item on the order.\nHere's a visualization of a randomly generated instance with $P = 35$. Warehouses are represented with circles.",
"Red ones contain item $1$, blue ones item $2$ and green ones item $3$. Given some starting point $s$ and the order ($1,2,3$), we must pick one red, one blue and one green warehouse so the order can be completed. By accident, there are no multi-colored warehouses in this example so they all contain exactly one item. This particular instance is a case of set-TSP.\nI can show that the problem is indeed $\\mathcal{NP}$-hard. Consider an instance where each item $i$ is located in a different warehouse $P_i$. The order is such that it contains every item. Now we must visit every warehouse $P_i$ and find the shortest tour doing so. This is equivalent of solving an instance of $\\text{TSP}$.\nBeing so obviously useful at least in the context of logistic, routing and planning, I'm sure this has been studied before. I have two questions:\n1. What is the name of the problem?\n2. How well can one hope to approximate the problem (assuming $\\mathcal{P} \\neq \\mathcal{NP}$)?\nI'm quite happy with the name and/or reference(s) to the problem. Maybe the answer to the second point follows easily or I can find out that myself.",
"How to determine the minimum \"Arrival Distance\" given a maximum velocity, acceleration and jerk along with an initial velocity and acceleration?\nProblem\nGiven the following:\n* $A$ - maximum acceleration.\n* $J$ - constant jerk (the rate of change of acceleration).\n* $v$ - initial velocity.\n* $a$ - initial acceleration (where, in practice, $a ∈ [-A, A]$, however this is not a requirement for a solution).\nHow might one determine the shortest possible \"stopping distance\", i.e. the distance traveled at the end of which both velocity and acceleration simultaneously arrive at 0?\nEdit: <PERSON> kindly pointed out that \"stopping distance\" isn't the correct term here. Perhaps \"arrival distance\" is better suited? This is because I'm looking for a solution where, not only velocity reaches 0, but both velocity and acceleration reach 0.\nAttempt\nSo far, I've been using the following equation to solve this within my application:\n$d = \\frac{v^2}{2A} + \\frac{vA}{2J}$\nHowever, I realised that while this accounts for an initial velocity, it does not account for an initial acceleration and instead assumes 0. What I would really like to achieve is to solve distance for both an initial velocity $v$ and an initial acceleration $a$.\nI also know that when $a=0$ and $v=0$, $d=0$.\nThe paper On-Line Planning of Time-Optimal, Jerk-Limited Trajectories by Haschke et al. hints at the complexity of this problem in the introduction:\nWhile <PERSON> et al. [7] developed an online capable method to compute time- optimal trapezoidal velocity profiles from arbitrary initial conditions, <PERSON> and <PERSON> [6] presented an approach to compute jerk-limited trajectories, but only zero initial acceleration conditions could be handled.",
"To the best of our knowledge, a universal solution to compute time-optimal third-order trajectories with arbitrary initial conditions was not available till now, because the lack of symmetric zero boundary conditions enormously complicates the problem.\nI plan to keep reading through this and report back with any useful findings.\nI'll continue to update this section with edits showing my work in progress when I resume work tomorrow, if no-one beats me to it in the meantime.\nContext\nI'm attempting to improve a motion profile for some linear actuators that are present in an art installation that I'm working on in a small team.\nPreviously, the linear actuator was driven using a constant acceleration selected by us. We could achieve fast movement nicely with high acceleration, and we could achieve slow movement nicely with slow acceleration, however slow movement with a high acceleration resulted in a lot of \"chatter\" from the motor. The idea is to apply a constant jerk rather than a constant acceleration to achieve smoother behaviour at both low and high speeds.\nI think my implementation is nearing completion, however I've just noticed that my current arrival distance function (above) does not account for initial acceleration. As a result, the arrival distance appears accurate at high velocities, however is very inaccurate at low velocities with high acceleration. This error results in late deceleration, which results in overshooting, which in turn results in the motor eternally oscillating around the target position. I believe a proper solution for arrival distance will at least take us a step closer toward the behaviour we wish to achieve.\nAny assistance/guidance is greatly appreciated!",
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"You can use meet-in-the-middle to reduce the running time to $O(n^{\\lceil k/2 \\rceil})$.\nFor simplicity, let me assume that $k$ is even.\nThe idea is as follows:\n* Partition $A$ into two parts.\n* For each part, compute a sorted list of sums of $k/2$ elements from the part.\n* For each $k/2$-sum in the first part, use binary search to find the best $k/2$-sum in the second part which conforms to the constraints.\nAs stated, there are several problems with the idea:\n1. It assumes that the optimal solution contains exactly $k/2$ summands out of each part.\n2. It runs in time $O(n^{k/2} \\log n)$.\n3. It uses $O(n^{k/2})$ memory.\nTo handle the first difficulty, there are several options. We could just repeat the entire algorithm $\\sqrt{k}$ times. Alternatively, there might be deterministic ways to achieve the same goal.",
"Here is a hybrid solution:\n* Randomly partition $A$ into $k^3$ parts $P_1,\\ldots,P_{k^3}$ (anything substantially larger than $k^2$ would work). With high probability, each element of the optimal solution is in its own part.\n* Consider all possible partitions of $A$ into two parts of the form $P_1,\\ldots,P_i$ and $P_{i+1},\\ldots,P_{k^3}$. One of these will contain exactly $k/2$ elements of the optimal solution.\nTo handle the second difficulty, we need to be slightly more careful in implementation. Using merging (the familiar subroutine from mergesort), it should be possible to compute the $k/2$-sums of each part in $O(n^{k/2})$. The final step can be implemented in $O(n^{k/2})$ using a classic two-pointer technique (the first pointer goes up on the first half, the second one goes down on the second half).\nThere are tricks to reduce the memory required from $O(n^{k/2})$ to $O(n^{k/4})$: further divide each part into two sub-parts. You can easily go over all $k/2$-sums in the first part by considering all pairs of $k/4$-sums in its subparts. Binary search on the second part can then be implemented using the two-pointer technique.",
"Here's something more complicated, which performs $n + o(n)$ comparisons, and achieves an approximately correct list with high probability.\nSuppose you want to partition a set $V$ of $n$ elements into a disjoint union $L \\cup S$ of a set of larger elements and a set of smaller elements, where every $s \\in S$ is bounded above by every $\\ell \\in L$, and where where $# L \\approx \\sigma n$ for some constant $0 < \\sigma < 1$. Then with only a constant (or smaller than constant) probability of failure, we can select $L$ in such a way that it contains all of the $\\sigma n$ largest elements of $V$, together with only a constant (or decreasing) fraction of extraneous elements.\nAlgorithm\n1. Obtain a sample $X$ of $N$ randomly selected elements, for some $0 < N < n$ which we will specify later. Sort them. This takes time $O(N \\log(N))$.\n2. For some parameter $\\delta > 0$, find a pivot $x^\\ast$, chosen to be the $(\\sigma + \\delta/2) N^{\\text{th}}$ largest element of $X$. (If there are multiple elements with the same value, put all of the copies of the value of $x^\\ast$ which precedes the $(\\sigma + \\delta) N^{\\text{th}}$ largest element into $L$; put the rest of the values, including $x^\\ast$ itself, into $S$.)\n3. Compare all of the remaining elements of $V \\smallsetminus X$ to $x^\\ast$.",
"If they are larger, put them in $L$; otherwise, put them in $S$.\nLet $M$ be the set of the $\\sigma n$ largest elements of $V$. We will consider the probability that $L$ contains all of the elements of $V$, but no more than $\\delta n$ additional elements of $V$ beyond that.\nProbabilistic and run-time analysis.\nThe probability that any particular element of $X$ is in $M$ is, by definition, $\\sigma$. In particular, by the <PERSON> bound, the probability that $X$ contains as many as $(\\sigma + \\delta/2)N$ elements of $M$ scales as $$ \\Pr\\biggl[ #(X \\cap M) \\geqslant (\\sigma + \\delta)N \\biggr] ~~\\leqslant~~ \\exp\\Bigl( -\\delta^2 N/2\\Bigr),$$ and that therefore $$ \\Pr\\biggl[ x^\\ast \\in X \\cap M \\biggr] ~~\\leqslant~~ \\exp\\Bigl( -\\delta^2 N/2\\Bigr). $$ Because $L$ is constructed to be all of the values which are larger (or at least succeed) $x^\\ast$ in $V$, it follows that $M$ is a subset of $L$ provided that $x^\\ast \\notin M$. Then, we have $$ \\Pr\\biggl[ M \\not\\subseteq L \\biggr] ~~\\leqslant~~ \\exp\\Bigl( -\\delta^2 N/2\\Bigr), $$ for any $\\delta > 0$. We want more than this, however: we would like the number of extraneous elements in $L$ not to be too large. The expected number of elements in $L$ is going to be $(\\sigma + \\delta/2)n$, but we're interested in the probability with which it is less than $(\\sigma + \\delta)n$, as well as being at least $\\sigma n$. That is, we want to know the probability with which the number of elements is bounded by $\\delta n/2$ from the expected value, which is $$ \\Pr\\biggl[ |# L - \\sigma n | \\geqslant \\delta/2 \\biggr] ~~\\leqslant~~ 2 \\exp\\Bigl( -\\delta^2 N/2\\Bigr). $$ If we want this probability of failure to be at most some value $0 < p < 1$, we then require $$\\begin{equation} p \\geqslant 2\\exp\\Bigl( -\\delta^2 N/2\\Bigr) ~~\\implies~~ N \\geqslant \\frac{2\\ln(2/p)}{\\delta^2}\\;.",
"The problem is that you are using $n$ to mean too many different things without really defining it. You can't say that an algorithm runs in $O(n)$ time without specifying what $n$ is, unless it is clear from context. In this case it is not clear, and that is what is tripping you up.\nWhen we say an integer multiplication algorithm runs in $O(n^2)$ time, the tacit assumption is that $n$ is the number of bits in the two input arguments. In practice, a multiplication algorithm that runs in $O(n^2)$ is usually actually a multiplication algorithm that runs in $O(pq)$, where $p$ is the number of bits in the first argument and $q$ is the number of bits in the second argument.\nWhen analyzing an algorithm such as the one in the question, it would be typical to define two variables: the number of elements in the list (let's call it $\\ell$) and the maximum size of any element of the list (let's call it $s$). The bit size of the representation of $\\ell$ is $\\Theta(\\log \\ell)$. Given this information—and the assumption above that the multiplication algorithm runs in time $O(pq)$ for input bit sizes $p$ and $q$—then the runtime analysis is easy: the function runs in time $O(\\ell s \\log \\ell)$.\nIt is possible to do runtime analysis on this procedure using only a single $n$ variable, if we define $n$ to be the total number of bits in the representation of the entire input.",
"That is, we let $n$ be the sum of the bit lengths of all the integers in the input list. Since $\\ell$ and $s$ above are obviously no greater than $n$, we can substitute $n$ for $\\ell$ and $s$ in our previous bound to get a weak bound of $O(n^2 \\log n)$. A more detailed analysis can actually prove $O(n \\log n)$, since each bit of the input is only used in one left-hand side of a multiplication.\nHowever, if we also drop the $O(pq)$ multiplication assumption and assume only the guarantee stated in the question of $O((\\max{p, q})^2)$, then trying to get a bound better than $O(n^3)$ requires a lot more fiddly reasoning about tradeoffs between element size vs. list size, and probably isn't worth it. [*]\nThe moral of the story: when analyzing an algorithm whose runtime is affected by multiple factors, state your definitions clearly, and use as many variables as necessary for a straightforward analysis unless there is a strong reason to lump things together.\n[*] This is based on me thinking about the problem for all of 5 minutes. Maybe someone else can volunteer a proof of $O(n^2)$ under these assumptions, but I couldn't think of one.",
"Optimal lookup complexity when requiring insertion complexity to be at most $\\mathcal O(\\log\\log n)$?\nHow can we design a data structure (storing ordered data) that gives the best worst-case lookup complexity possible, under the constraint that we require the worst-case insertion complexity to be at most $\\mathcal O(\\log\\log n)$? (For clarity, I am considering equality == and inequality < tests to be the only \"costly\" operations and considering things like dereferencing pointers to have negligible cost.)\nMy attempt so far is as follows. We can design a kind of \"hybrid\" data structure that consists of an (unordered) linked list of binary trees such that as we continue adding elements, the number of nodes in each binary tree grows asymptotically to some function $s(n)$, and the number of trees in the list grows asymptotically to $n/s(n)$, where $n$ is the total number of elements.",
"Inserting new elements in this structure will have a worse-case complexity of $\\log(s(n))$ in the long run, and looking up elements will have a worst-case complexity of $(n/s(n))\\cdot \\log(s(n))$ if we iterate through the trees one by one and employ binary search on each tree until we find the desired element. This general method gives us $$I(n) = \\Theta\\big(\\log s(n)\\big), ~ ~ ~ L(n) = \\Theta\\big(\\frac{n\\log s(n)}{s(n)}\\big)$$ where $I(n)$ measures insertion complexity and $L(n)$ measures lookup complexity. Fixing an exponent $p>0$ and choosing $s(n) = (\\log n)^p$ gives us the desired maximum insertion time of $\\log\\log n$, and a lookup time of $$L(n)=\\Theta\\big(\\frac{n\\log\\log n}{(\\log n)^p}\\big)$$ so we can conclude that this lookup complexity is achievable for any $p>0$ in a way that satisfies the constraint $I(n)=\\mathcal O(\\log\\log n)$.\nCan we do better than this? For instance, can we achieve, say, a lookup time of $L(n)=\\mathcal O(n^{1-\\epsilon})$ for some $\\epsilon > 0$ while still meeting the $I(n) = \\mathcal O(\\log\\log n)$ insertion requirement? (My intuition tells me the answer is \"no\".) Are there any applicable strategies for proving that the best possible complexity has been found?",
"How does the strong form of the PCP theorem imply the inapproximability of Max-XORSAT?\nTheorem 11.4 For any constant $\\delta > 0$, every problem in NP has probabilistically checkable proofs of length poly($n$), where the verifier flips $O(\\log n)$ coins and looks at three bits of the proof, with completeness $1-\\delta$ and soundness $1/2+\\delta$.\nMoreover, the conditions under which <PERSON> accepts are extremely simple - namely, if the parity of these three bits is even.\nThis theorem has powerful consequences for inapproximability. If we write down all the triplets of bits that <PERSON> could look at, we get a system of linear equations mod 2. If <PERSON> takes his best shot at a proof, the probability that <PERSON> will accept is the largest fraction of these equations that can be simultaneously satisfied. Thus even if we know that this fraction is either at least $1-\\delta$ or at most $1/2+\\delta$, it is NP-hard to tell which. This implies that it is NP-hard to approximate Max-XORSAT within any constant factor better than $1/2$.\nFirst, I don't think it can be as simple as just checking that the parity is even. <PERSON> could just make <PERSON> accept anything by handing him a proof of all zeros, and make him reject anything with a proof of all ones. Surely the parity must instead equal some value that <PERSON> computes along the way.\nFurther, It's not a priori clear to me that <PERSON> would select every triplet with equal likelihood. If that wasn't the case, wouldn't it be possible for a no-instance to yield a Max-XORSAT formula where more than $1/2+\\delta$ of the clauses can be satisfied even though <PERSON> accepts with probability less than $1/2+\\delta$?\nLet's take a degenerate case as an example. <PERSON> asks <PERSON> to help him decide whether a given sequence of $n$ bits $\\mathbf{b}$ is all ones - $\\mathbf{b=1}$ for short. This problem is trivially in NP. And <PERSON> clearly doesn't need <PERSON>'s help.",
"But he can go out of his way to use it anyway. Here's what they do:\nFirst <PERSON> gives <PERSON> a PCP $\\mathbf{x} \\in {0,1}^n$ (let's assume $n \\gg 3$). Then <PERSON> checks if $\\mathbf{b=1}.$ If it is, he checks that $x_1 \\oplus x_2 \\oplus x_3 = 1$ holds in <PERSON>'s PCP. Otherwise, he checks either $x_1 \\oplus x_2 \\oplus x_3 = 1$ or $\\overline{x_1} \\oplus \\overline{x_2} \\oplus \\overline{x_3} = 1$ (note that these can't both be satisfied) with equal probability 0.45. Or with probability 0.1 he checks $x_i \\oplus x_j \\oplus x_k = 1$ for a uniformly random triplet.\n<PERSON> can thus convince <PERSON> that $\\mathbf{b=1}$ by giving him, for example, the proof consisting of all ones. But if $\\mathbf{b\\neq1}$ there's no proof that <PERSON> accepts with probability greater than 0.55. This gives PCP's with completeness $1-\\delta$ (indeed we also have completeness 1) and soundness $1/2+\\delta$ where $\\delta = 0.05$.\nNow what's the Max-XORSAT formula corresponding to $\\mathbf{b\\neq1}$? Well, <PERSON> could look at any triplet $x_i, x_j, x_k$ as well as $\\overline{x_1},\\overline{x_2},\\overline{x_3}$. So presumably it's the conjunction of all those triplets when XORed together. All but one of these clauses can be satisfied. So the fraction is very close to one. But that's nowhere near the probability that <PERSON> will actually accept.\nPS: We need a PCP tag.",
"Space is counted in machine words rather than in bits. A machine word is allowed to contain a member of the universe $U$, and so is $O(\\log |U|)$ bits wide. The array $G$ stores hash functions, via their index inside some collection of universal hash functions. The lecture notes don't mention this, but there are collections of universal hash functions of size $O(|U|^2)$. If you use one of these collections, each entry of $G$ takes $O(\\log (|U|^2)) = O(\\log |U|)$ bits to store, and so $O(1)$ machine words.\nWhy is it meaningful to count space in machine words? First of all, even if you store your set as an array (with logarithmic access time, using binary search), the number of bits is $O(n \\log |U|)$ rather than $O(n)$. If we want such an array to be considered taking up linear space, we need to \"divide\" by $\\log |U|$, and the simplest way to accomplish this is to allow each memory cell to contain $O(\\log |U|)$ bits (the exact constant doesn't matter).\nAnother reason we would like to allow cells to contain an unbounded number of bits is so that they can store indices.",
"When you implement binary search, or any other algorithm, you have variables which store indices in the array. These variables take $O(\\log n)$ bits to store. When discussing algorithms, however, we often think of an index as taking $O(1)$ space. Again, the way to accomplish this is to allow each memory cell to contain at least $\\log n$ bits.\nOn the other hand, if we allow memory cells to be of arbitrary size, then the space measure becomes trivial, since anything can be done in $O(1)$ space (though depending on the exact computation model, you might have to pay in terms of running time). The usual convention in algorithms is to allow each memory cell to contain $O(\\log n)$ bits, where $n$ is the input size (in bits). In this particular case, it is more meaningful to allow a machine word to contain $O(\\max(\\log n, \\log |U|))$ bits, and this is the way we measure the space consumption of the algorithm.",
"The $\\Theta(n)$ difference-of-sums solution proposed by <PERSON> and <PERSON> can in fact be generalized to any other data type for which we can define a (constant-time) binary operation $\\oplus$ that is:\n* total, such that for any values $a$ and $b$, $a \\oplus b$ is defined and of the same type (or at least of some appropriate supertype of it, for which the operator $\\oplus$ is still defined);\n* associative, such that $a \\oplus (b \\oplus c) = (a \\oplus b) \\oplus c$;\n* commutative, such that $a \\oplus b = b \\oplus a$; and\n* cancellative, such that there exists an inverse operator $\\ominus$ that satisfies $(a \\oplus b) \\ominus b = a$. Technically, this inverse operation doesn't even necessarily have to be constant-time, as long as \"subtracting\" two sums of $n$ elements each doesn't take more than ${\\rm O}(n)$ time.\n(If the type can only take a finite number of distinct values, these properties are sufficient to make it into an Abelian group; even if not, it will at least be a commutative cancellative semigroup.)\nUsing such an operation $\\oplus$, we can define the \"sum\" of an array $a = (a_1, a_2, \\dots, a_n)$ as $$(\\oplus\\, a) = a_1 \\oplus a_2 \\oplus \\dotsb \\oplus a_n.$$ Given another array $b = (b_1, b_2, \\dots, b_n, b_{n+1})$ containing all the elements of $a$ plus one extra element $x$, we thus have $(\\oplus\\, b) = (\\oplus\\, a) \\oplus x$, and so we can find this extra element by computing: $$x = (\\oplus\\, b) \\ominus (\\oplus\\, a).$$\nFor example, if the values in the arrays are integers, then integer addition (or modular addition for finite-length integers types) can be used as the operator $\\oplus$, with subtraction as the inverse operation $\\ominus$. Alternatively, for any data type whose values can be represented as fixed-length bit strings, we can use bitwise XOR as both $\\oplus$ and $\\ominus$.\nMore generally, we can even apply the bitwise XOR method to strings of variable length, by padding them up to the same length as necessary, as long as we have some way to reversibly remove the padding at the end.\nIn some cases, this is trivial. For example, C-style null terminated byte strings implicitly encode their own length, so applying this method for them is trivial: when XORing two strings, pad the shorter one with null bytes to make their length match, and trim any extra trailing nulls from the final result. Note that the intermediate XOR-sum strings can contain null bytes, though, so you'll need to store their length explicitly (but you'll only need one or two of them at most).\nMore generally, one method that would work for arbitrary bit strings would be to apply one-bit padding, where each input bitstring is padded with a single $1$ bit and then with as many $0$ bits as necessary to match the (padded) length of the longest input string.",
"(Of course, this padding does not need to be done explicitly in advance; we can just apply it as needed while computing the XOR sum.) At the end, we simply need to strip any trailing $0$ bits and the final $1$ bit from the result. Alternatively, if we knew that the strings were e.g. at most $2^{32}$ bytes long, we could encode the length of each string as a 32-bit integer and prepend it to the string. Or we could even encode arbitrary string lengths using some prefix code, and prepend those to the strings. Other possible encodings exist as well.\nIn fact, since any data type representable on a computer can, by definition, be represented as a finite-length bit string, this method yields a generic $\\Theta(n)$ solution to the problem.\nThe only potentially tricky part is that, for the cancellation to work, we need to choose a unique canonical bitstring representation for each value, which could be difficult (indeed, potentially even computationally undecidable) if the input values in the two arrays may be given in different equivalent representations.",
"The following is directly taken from pages 358-360 of The Nature of Computation by <PERSON> and <PERSON> and I think addresses your problem directly.\nImagine that you run a computer center with $p$ identical machines, or a parallel computer with $p$ processors, for some constant $p$. You are given $n$ jobs with running times $t_1,t_2,...,t_n$. Your task is to find a schedule - a function $f:{1,...,n}\\rightarrow{1,...,p}$ that assigns the $j$th job to the $f(j)$th machine.\nThe load on the $j$th machine is the total time it takes to run the jobs assigned to it, $$ L_j = \\sum_{i:f(i)=j} t_i\\,. $$ Since the machines run in parallel, the time it takes us to finish all the jobs is the maximum load on any machine, $$ M=\\max_{i\\leq j\\leq p} L_j\\,. $$ We call this time the makespan, and your goal is to minimize it. This gives the following problem:\nMakespan\nInput: A set of $n$ running times $t_i\\geq0,\\,i=1,...,n$\nOutput: A function $f: {1,...,n}\\rightarrow{1,...,p}$ that minimizes the makespan $$M = \\max_{1 \\leq j \\leq p} \\sum_{i:f(i)=j}t_i$$\nExercise 9.3 Reduce Integer Partitioning to the case of Makespan where $p=2$.\nThere is, however, a simple algorithm that comes with a quality guarantee. The idea is to divide tasks into two groups, \"large\" and \"small\", and schedule the large tasks first. Let $T_{\\text{tot}}=\\sum_{j=1}^n t_j$ be the total running time of all the tasks. We choose some constant $\\eta > 0$, say $\\eta = 1/10$. We call the $j$th task large if its running time is at least a fraction $\\eta$ of the total, $t_j \\geq \\eta\\,T_{\\text{tot}}$, and small if $t_j < \\eta\\,T_{\\text{tot}}$.\nThe algorithm then proceeds in two phases:\n1. Find a schedule that minimizes the makespan of the large tasks, using exhaustive search.\n2.",
"Distribute the small tasks by giving each one to the machine with the smallest load so far, regardless of that tasks's running time.\nHow long does this algorithm take? Since there are at most $1/\\eta$ large tasks, there are $p^{1/\\eta}$ ways to schedule them. Since $p$ and $\\eta$ are constants, this gives a constant number of possible schedules to explore in phase 1, and we can check all of them in polynomial time using exhaustive search. Phase 2 clearly runs in polynomial time as well.\nNow let $M$ denote the makespan of the schedule produced by this algorithm. How does it compare to $M_{\\text{opt}}$? Let $M_{\\text{large}}$ denote the maximum load of a machine after phase 1, i.e., the minimum makespan of the large tasks. Since adding the small tasks can only increase the makespan, we have $M_{\\text{large}} \\leq M_{\\text{opt}}$. If the algorithm manages to fit all the small tasks in phase 2 without increasing the makespan, putting them on machines with load less than $M_{\\text{large}}$, then $M = M_{\\text{large}}$. But since $M_{\\text{opt}} \\leq M$, in this case $M = M_{\\text{opt}}$ and the algorithm performs perfectly.\nSo, we will focus on the harder case where the makespan increases in phase 2, so that $M > M_{\\text{large}}$ and our schedule for the small tasks might not be optimal. Let $L_j$ denote the load of machine $j$ after phase 2. Without loss of generality, we can assume that $L_1 \\geq L_2 \\geq ... \\geq L_p$. Since $L_1 = M > M_{\\text{large}}$, we know that at least one small task was added to machine 1.\nLet $t$ be the running time of the last such task.",
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"Colorful Message With Grove Beginner Kit and RGB Led Matrix\nIntroduction: Colorful Message With Grove Beginner Kit and RGB Led Matrix\nToday, I'd like to share how to create a colorful message displayed on the RGB led matrix by Grove Beginner Kit For Arduino from Seeedstudio. In this project, the led matrix background and letter colors can be customized base on the Grove Beginner Kit built-in sensors.\nLet's getting started.\nStep 1: Supplies\nMain components are as follows:\n* 1 x Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino.\n* 320 x 5mm Common Anode RGB LEDs.\n* 16 x A1013 Transistors.\n* 2 x Shift Register 74HC595N.\n* 9 x Power Logic 8-Bit Shift Register TPIC6B595N.\n* 12 x 0.1uF Decoupling Capacitors.\n* 100 x 100Ω Resistors.\n* 16 x 1kΩ Resistors.\n* 1 x Single-Side Copper Prototype PCB Size A4.\n* 1 x Proto Shield for Arduino.\n* 2 x Clear Acrylic Plate Size A4.\n* 2 x Male & Female 40pin 2.54mm Header.\n* 1 x Power Supply 5V.\n* 1 x DC Power Supply Male & Female Socket.\n* 1 x DC Power Supply Screw Type.\n* 8 x Copper Standoff Spacers 20mm.\n* 2 meter x Rainbow Color Flat Ribbon Cable.\nStep 2: Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino\nThe Grove Beginner Kit for Arduino® is powered by one Arduino UNO compatible Board (ATmega320p based Seeeduino Lotus) together with 10 additional Grove Arduino sensors all in one piece of the board.\nAll modules are pre-wired, no breadboard and jumper cables required.\nYou can go to SeeedStudio wiki page, there are full of tutorials and codes for getting started.\nStep 3: Idea\nI have built one RGB led table 16x20 which was controlled by SPI protocol, and reserved 4 control pins for future applications as follow:\n* DATA PIN\n* CLOCK PIN\n* LATCH PIN\n* BLANK PIN\nYou can check how I built this led matrix at:\nMy idea is to combine this led board and Grove Beginner Kit to display information and make color customizations based on Grove Beginner Kit built-in sensors.\nStep 4: Schematic\nYou can download the project schematic in PDF format HERE.\nThe components for controlling a RGB led matrix 16x20 via SPI:\n* Columns (cathodes) scanning: including 3 groups of TPIC6B595N to control 20 columns, each group includes 3 x TPIC6B595N for 3 colors: Red, Green & Blue.\n* Rows (anodes) scanning: including 2 x 74HC595N and 16 x A1013 transistor to control 16 rows.\nThe connection between Led Matrix 16x20 and ATmega320p based Seeeduino Lotus on the Grove Beginner Kit is as follow:\n* DATA_PIN: connect to Seeeduino Lotus pin D11 (MOSI).\n* CLOCK_PIN: connect to Seeeduino Lotus pin D13 (SCK).\n* LATCH_PIN: connect to Seeeduino Lotus pin D2.\n* BLANK_PIN: connect to Seeeduino Lotus pin D7.\nStep 5: Soldering and Assembling Works\n* Soldering a RGB Led Matrix 16x20: I reused this led matrix from previous project. You can check detail at:\n\n* Soldering 4 SPI pins male header on a Proto Shield for Arduino.\n* Proto Shield for Arduino was plugged on the Seeeduino Lotus and Grove Beginner Kit was mounted on the backside of led matrix.",
"Then I connected 5VDC power supply and SPI connection to Grove Beginner Kit.\n* Ready for programming.\nStep 6: Programming\nThe project code is available at my GitHub:\n\nStep 7: How It Works\nIn this project, I used Rotary Potentiometer and 3-Axis Acceleration Sensor to determine the colors of scrolling message, for both letter & background. Details are as follows:\n1. Led matrix background color is decided by 3-Axis Acceleration Sensors on the Grove Begginer Kit. For each different pose of led table, it will show a different color.",
"TALKING AND COUNTING CLOCK\nIntroduction: TALKING AND COUNTING CLOCK\nToday, I would like to share how to build a \"Talking And Counting Clock\" based on Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board, which can notify the real time, temperature by voice and show hour - minute on Neopixel Led Ring 35.\nBefore getting started, please watch my video below:\nUpdate version 2: This clock can notify by voice for time, temperature and show hour - minute by counting their ten and unit digit number on Neopixel Led Ring 35.\nStep 1: Bill of Materials\nThe main components are included:\n* 1pcs x Adafruit Circuit Playground Express.\nDigikey:\nAmazon:\n* 1pcs x Speaker.\n* 1pcs x DS3231 Real Time Clock Module.\n* 1pcs x AMS1117 3.3V Power Supply Module.\n* 1pcs x Double Side DIY PCB 7x9cm.\n* 1pcs x TIP41C.\n* 1pcs x Capacitor 1000uF.\n* 1pcs x Resistor R1K.\n* 1pcs x Female header 40P.\n* 2pcs x Screw 2P female headers.\n* 20pcs x Copper pillars 10mm.\n* 12pcs x Copper pillars 20mm.\n* 12pcs x Female power jack.\n* Some bolts & nuts and led pins.\n* Power supply 5V.\nStep 2: Project Schematic\nThe schematic is shown on the picture above.\nThere is a built-in mini speaker on the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board but its sound is not loud enough so I used an external speaker.\nStep 3: Adafruit Circuit Playground Express Pinout\nThe Adafruit Circuit Playground Express Board is equipped with an ARM Cortex M0 Processor, 48MHz and it is integrated with many sensors such as:\n* Motion sensor.\n* Light sensor.\n* Temperature sensor.\n* IR receiver and transmitter.\n* Sound sensor.\n* Mini speaker.\n* Some interactive push buttons/ slide switch and RGB Neopixel LEDs...\nYou can check its detail at:\nStep 4: Drilling and Soldering Works\nFirstly, after measuring and marking, I drilled 14 holes on DIY PCB corresponding to the 14 alligator-clips of Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board. And I mounted copper pillars on the drilling holes.\nThen I plugged Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board on the copper pillars and did some adjustments to make sure their pads didn't touch each other.\nAt the PCB backside, I soldered a 6 pins female header to plug DS3231 RTC. You see the picture below, I used led pins, bent them into circles around the drilled holes and fixed them by soldering to PCB. This ensures good contact between the copper pillars and bolts.\nI continued to solder the remaining components according to the schematic diagram in the previous step.\nPlugging DS3231 RTC and AMS1117 on the PCB headers.\nConnecting speaker to PCB control board.\nFinally, I mounted speaker onto the PCB control board by some copper pillars. The PCB control board and speaker can be placed either horizontally or vertically.\nDone.\nStep 5: Programing\n1.",
"The project code is available at my GitHub.\n2. Libraries for Arduino IDE.\n* Adafruit Circuit Playground by Adafruit.\n* RTCLib by Adafruit.\n3. Programing notes:\n* To upload the program from Arduino IDE to Adafruit Circuit Playground Express board, we go to Tools ‣ Board ‣ Boards Manager ‣ Installing Adafruit SAMD Boards by Adafruit.\n* To read the time from DS3231 via I2C protocal, I used RTCLib library by Adafruit. After that this time value is played by voice over the speaker. It is done by the following commands which are supported from Adafruit Circuit Playground library, for example with hour:\nswitch (now.twelveHour())\n{\ncase 1: CircuitPlayground.speaker.say(spONE); break;\ncase 2: CircuitPlayground.speaker.say(spTWO); break;\ncase 3: CircuitPlayground.speaker.say(spTHREE); break;\ncase 4: CircuitPlayground.speaker.say(spFOUR); break;\ncase 5: CircuitPlayground.speaker.",
"A Signboard for My Store or My House\nIntroduction: A Signboard for My Store or My House\nMy idea came from I made some changes according to my needs.\nI designed an LED signboard to say \"Hello\" to my friends who come to my house or to say \"Hello\" to my customers who come to my shop (if I have one in the future). More letters on the signboard will light up as someone comes nearer and nearer. The signboard will make a welcome sound and the letters on the signboard will shine when someone is at the door. When it gets dark, the letters on the signboard will light up automatically. This shows people where my house or my shop is. I can hang the signboard on the door of my house or my shop so that people will know that I welcome them to my house or my shop! HELLO! Welcome here!\nStep 1: Prepare Hardware Required\nWhat you need:\n1. Breadboard x1\n2. Arduino board (I am currently using Arduino Leonardo.)\n3.",
"Double-sided PCB board x 6\n4. LEDs ( red, blue, green, and yellow)\n5. Jumper cables; wires\n6. Resistors x 6 (Note: for more safety of LED)\n7. Mosfet x 6\n8. HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor x1\n9. Speaker x1\n10. Foam board x 1\n11. Paper box x 1\nStep 2: Design Your Sign\nAfter getting all the materials needed, arrange the LEDs on the PCB board to make the five letters H, E, L, L, O, and a smiling face.\nThe steps are shown in the pictures.\nStep 3: Assemble the Other Parts\nThe ways of assembling are shown in the circuit diagram.\nEach of the five letters--H, E, L, L, O, and the smiling face is controlled by a different wire. You need to label them or you'll get confused easily because there are too many wires.\nStep 4: Programming\nNow it's time to start programming the code.\nMy code is attached below.\n\nStep 5: Do the Decoration If Needed\nHide all your materials into a box and you are done.",
"Traffic Light With Pinoo\nIntroduction: Traffic Light With Pinoo\nPurpose of the Project: To make the traffic light system by using green, yellow and red led modules with the Pinoo control card.\nDuration: 2 lessons\nAge Group: 7 years old and above\nPinoo Set: Basic set, invention set, maker set and complete set.\nAchievements: Learns to code the Pinoo control board. Learns to use a LED module. Algorithm building skill develops. Coding skill improves.\nSupplies\nMaterials to be used: Mblock 3 program, Pinoo control card, red, yellow and green led module, connection cables.\nMaterials Required for the Design: Black cardboard, white electrical tape, tongue stick, black cardboard, scissors, silicone gun and silicone.\nStep 1: Project Preparation\n* For our project, we first start our black cardboard with a road view.\n* We make the road and pedestrian path with the help of white band.\n* We cut and straighten the bottom of our tongue stick. Then we make the small piece we cut into a rectangular shape. After fixing our tongue stick, we fix the small part to support it as in the picture.\n* We fix our LEDs in the form of red, yellow and green with the help of a silicon gun and we finish our design part. Let's pay attention to which doors we install our leds on the Pinoo control card.",
"(1.Door: Red Led, 2.Door: Yellow Led, 3.Door: Green Led)\nStep 2: Adding Pinoo Extension\n* From the Extensions tab, we click on the \"Manage Extensions\" option.\n* In the window that opens, we type \"Pinoo\" into the search engine and simply say download to the result. It was installed on our computer.\nStep 3: Connecting the Pinoo Control Board to the Computer\n* In Mblock 3, we click on the \"Connect\" tab on the upper left.\n* We click on the \"Serial Port\" section from the window that opens and select the \"COM6\" option from the page that opens.\n* NOTE: Since the port entries of each computer are different, the numbers next to the COM text may change. We click on the Cards tab.\n* From the window that opens, we select the \"Arduino Nano\" card option used by the Pinoo control card.\n* We click on the Extensions tab.\n* In the window that opens, we select the extension \"Pinoo\" of the control card we are using.\n* We click on the Connect tab.\n* We click on \"Firmware Update\" from the window that opens.\nStep 4: Coding Part\n* In order to control our LED module, we flash it with the code \"Change LED status\" under the \"button is pressed\" code.\n* Under the \"Green Flag\" code, we will repeat our code continuously, first turning on our red LED for 5 seconds and at the same time turning off our yellow and green LEDs. In the same way, we have turned on our yellow led for 1 second and turned on our green led for 5 seconds, and then turned on our yellow led for 1 second to repeat it continuously.\n* We right click on the \"Pinoo Program\" command. In the window that opens, we select the \"Upload to Arduino\" option.\n* On the page that opens, we click the \"Upload to Arduino\" button selected in red. Our codes are uploaded to our Pinoo control card.\n* We click on the \"Close\" button after the \"Download Finished\" text appears. After the installation is finished, the battery compartment is inserted and the project is run.\nStep 5: Working Status of the Project\n* The running state of our traffic light project.",
"DIY Wireless LEGO ESP32 Spaceship Steering Wheel Game Console\nIntroduction: DIY Wireless LEGO ESP32 Spaceship Steering Wheel Game Console\nHere is a self-made LEGO wireless game console that we can use to play games on the computer.\nWhen playing a game programmed by ourselves, we may need to connect the controller to the computer with a USB cable, which is not so comfortable to play with when the cable limits our operation with the handheld. So in this article, we will teach you to make a game console with Lego bricks that communicates wirelessly with the Future board (an ESP32-based mainboard) of the computer, to control the characters in the game.\nAll the things we used are listed below, and the code for this project is also provided in this article, so let's give it a go!\nIf you like our projects and tutorials, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube for more interesting STEM projects and ideas.\nSupplies\nElectronics:\n2 × ESP32-based Future board\n1 × USB-C\n1 × Robotbit Edu - including the base and the battery (expansion board)\n2 × Sugar Red Button Module (or other button sensors)\n1 × Sugar Joystick Module (or other 4-direction analog joystick modules)\nLEGO parts:\n1 × Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 × 13 (41239)\n2 × Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 × 11.5 (32009)\n2 × Technic, Liftarm Thick L-Shape 3 × 5 (32526)\n4 × Technic, Liftarm Thick H-Shape 3 × 5 (14720)\n6 × Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 × 5 (32316)\n2 × Technic, Liftarm Thick L-Shape 2 × 4 (32140)\n2 × Technic, Liftarm Thick 1 × 3 (32523)\n6 × Technic, Pin with Friction (6558)\n30 × Technic, Pin with Friction (2780)\n6 × Technic, Pin with Friction (43093)\nYou can find all the items in the Future Board Sugar Series IoT Educational Kit.\nAlso we use Kittenblock - the editor based on Scratch 3.0 to program in this project.\nStep 1: Assemble the Game Console\nAssemble the game console according to the instruction.\nStep 2: Connect the Circuit\nIf you use a normal 4-direction analog joystick module, then the ACD (analog) pinouts should be P0, P1, P12, P14, and P15.\nNext, two Future boards will be used in this project and the system can be divided into two parts:\n* Sending end (the game console), which is to send the control instructions;\n* Receiving end.",
"A Future board is connected to the computer to receive the instructions from the console to control the interaction of characters in the game.\nStep 3: Write the Program of the Sending End\nDownload the code and open it in Kittenblock (Kittenblock is a Scratch 3.0-based editor, you can download it here). The program needs to be downloaded to the Future board.\nIf you don't know how to download the program to the board, please refer to the tutorial here.\nHere is the program file.\nStep 4: Program of the Receiving End\nTo process the instructions from the console and interact with the sprites in the game.\nProgram source file\nStep 5: Test It Out And... Done!\nNow you can test out your project!\nEnjoy your game ^^",
"Catapult With Pinoo\nIntroduction: Catapult With Pinoo\nProject Purpose: To make a catapult project by using button module and servo motor with Pinoo control card.\nDuration: 2 lessons\nPinoo Set: Invention, Maker,Full Set\nAge Group: 9 years and older\nBenefits:\n• Learns to code Pinoo control card.\n• Learns to use button module.\n• Learns to use servo motor.\n• Improves the skill of setting up algorithms.\n• Improves coding skill.\nSupplies\nRequired Materials: Mblock 3 program, Pinoo control card, servo motor, button module\nMaterials Required for Design: Wooden pieces, acrylic paint, 11 colored ice cream sticks, stir bar, scissors, 3 pharmacy tires, plastic bottle cap, silicone gun and silicone.\nStep 1: Project Preparation\n* For our project, let's start by making the platform where we will place the catapult.\n* We paint the wooden parts with acrylic paint.\n* We silicon the wooden pieces as shown in the figure.\n* We start making the catapult. We silicon the 4 ice cream sticks as shown in the figure.\n* We silicon the other ice cream sticks as shown in the figure.\n* We silicone the ice cream sticks as shown in the figure.\n* We silicon one ice cream stick on the upper part.\n* We silicone the plastic bottle cap on the ice cream stick.\n* We silicone ice cream stick in the lower part. We attach the ice cream stick with a lid to that stick with the rubber.\n* We are increasing the number of tires. 2 tires will be installed\n* We silicone the catapult on the platform.\n* We remove the end of the servo motor and silicon it as shown in the figure.\n* We also silicon the button module.\n* We bend the catapult and cut the stir bar according to the distance between the servo motor. .\n* We silicon the end of the servo motor to the rod as shown in the figure\n* We install the connecting cables of the sensors.\n* We attach the other ends of the connecting cables to the Pinoo control board. (Button is for 1. door, servo motor is for 2. door)\n* We also plug in the USB connection cable.",
"Now we can start coding.\nStep 2: Adding Pinoo Extension\n* From the Extensions tab, we click on the \"Manage Extensions\" option.\n* In the window that opens, we type \"Pinoo\" into the search engine and simply say download to the result. It was installed on our computer.\nStep 3: Connecting the Pinoo Control Board to the Computer\n* In Mblock 3, we click on the \"Connect\" tab on the upper left.\n* We click on the \"Serial Port\" section from the window that opens and select the \"COM6\" option from the page that opens. NOTE: Since the port entries of each computer are different, the numbers next to the COM text may change.\n* We click on the Cards tab.\n* We select the \"Arduino Nano\" card option used by the Pinoo control card from the window that opens. We click on the Extensions tab.\n* In the window that opens, we select the extension \"Pinoo\" of the control card we are using.\n* We click on the Connect tab.\n* We click on \"Firmware Update\" from the window that opens.\nStep 4: Coding Part\n* First, we make the angle of the servo 90 degrees.\n* We attach the end of the servo motor. By tilting the catapult, we bring the servo motor to 0 degrees.\n* It will look like this.\n* We print it on the screen to see the button status. (When 1 is pressed, you will see the value 0 when 1 is not pressed.) We create the condition that the button state must be 1.\n* We make the angle of the servo motor 90. In this way, he will throw catapults. Within 4 seconds, we will lower the catapult and turn the servo motor to 0 angle again.\n* We create the condition for the button state to be 0. Then we adjust the angle of the servo motor.\n* In order to upload our codes to the pinoo sensor card, we make the \"Pinoo Program\" command at the beginning of the event and delete the code we use to see the button value on the screen.\n* We right click on the \"Pinoo Program\" command and select the \"Upload to Arduino\" option in the window that opens.\n* On the page that opens, we click the \"Upload to Arduino\" button selected in red.\n* Our codes are uploaded to our Pinoo control card.\n* We click on the \"Close\" button after the \"Download Finished\" text appears.",
"Arduino 74hc595 Rgb Leds With 20 Effects\nIntroduction: Arduino 74hc595 Rgb Leds With 20 Effects\nIn this Tutorial, I will show you how to make an RGB-led circuit with 20 effects by using Arduino UNO and shift registers 74hc595.\nI am thinking about how to control more than 20 led with Arduino Uno because Arduino Uno only has 13 digital pins. So how It's possible?\nThat's why I am using shift register 74hc595. We need only 3 Arduino digital pins to control multiple RGB-leds using 74hc595 shift registers. If want to learn how shift register works? click here.\nSupplies\nLet's start with gathering components for 74hc595 RGB-led effects.\n1. Arduino Uno\n2. Shift registers (74hc595) X 5\n3. RGB LEDs X 12\n4. 270-ohm Resistor X 36\n5. Full-size breadboard X 2\n6.",
"Jumper Wire.\nStep 1:\nHow many RGB LEDs can an Arduino control?\nThe answer is 2 RGB LEDs is controlled by Arduino Uno because one RGB LEDs require 3 PWM pins to control the brightness and color, but there is only six PWM pin in Arduino Uno.\nHow to control multiple LEDs with Arduino?\nAs you know, we have only 6 PWM pins and, if we want to control multiple LEDs by Arduino Uno is not possible, so that's why we are using shift registers 74hc595to control multiple LEDs. By using numerous shift registers as a daisy chain technique, we can run as many LEDs as you want.\nSo in this tutorial, I will show you how to make a circuit and how to program it.\nStep 2: Circuit Diagram of 12 RGB Led Effects\nThe circuit diagram seems complex, but it's not that I'll guide you through step by step to build the circuit.\nTake a breadboard after that, start placing shift registers on the breadboard and make sure that each IC having a gap in-between.\nNow we have to connect RGB LEDs, but there are two types of RGB LEDs.\n1. Common anode LED\n2. Common cathode LED\nStep 3: Building the Circuit\nIn this tutorial, I'm using a common cathode LED, so bend the tall lead (cathode pin) of the led and connect it to the GND terminal of the breadboard. Do the same for all RGB LEDs.\n*For common anode LED circuit diagram and code should be different.\nNext, connect a 220-ohm resistor to each pin of the RGB LED to protect the led from high current.\nStep 4:\nNext, connect shift register pins 16 (VCC) and 10 (SRCLR) to the breadboard 5v terminal and connect pins 8 (GND) to the breadboard GND terminal.\nTo build a daisy chain circuit, we have to connect the shift register to another.\nNow, connect a jumper wire between shift register pin 9 (Q7`) to another shift register pin 14 (DS) for sending data to another IC. Do the same for other shift registers.\nConnect a jumper wire between shift register pin 13 (OE) to another shift register pin 13 (OE). OE pin is used to control the brightness of the LEDs. Do the same for other shift registers.\nConnect a jumper wire between shift register pin 12 (RCLK) to another shift register pin 12 (RCLK). Do the same for other shift registers.\nConnect a jumper wire between shift register pin 11 (SRCLK) to another shift register pin (SRCLK). Do the same for other shift registers.\nNow we have to connect RGB LEDs to the shift register.\n* Connect led pin 1 to shift register pin 15 (Q0).\n* Connect led pin 2 to shift register pin 1 (Q1).\n* Connect led pin 3 to shift register pin 2 (Q2).\n* Connect second led pin 1 to shift register pin 3 (Q3).\n* Connect second led pin 2 to shift register pin 4 (Q4).\n* Connect second led pin 3 to shift register pin 5 (Q5).\n* Connect third led pin 1 to shift register pin 6(Q6).\n* Connect third led pin 2 to shift register pin 7(Q7).\n* Connect third led pin 3 to another shift register pin 15(Q0).\nRepeat the same process for other RGB LEDs.\nNext, we need to connect the shift register (74hc595) to the Arduino Uno to control it.\n* Connect the shift register Pin 14 (DS) to the Arduino pin 12.\n* Connect the shift register Pin 13 (DS) to the Arduino pin 11.\n* Connect the shift register Pin 12 (RCLK) to the Arduino pin 10.",
"Rainbow Led Circuit Sculpture\nIntroduction: Rainbow Led Circuit Sculpture\nToday I would like to share how to make a sculpture circuit that controls 16 RGB leds using ATTINY85. We can adjust their colors separately according to the colorwheel rule with a touch button.\nStep 1: Things We Need\nThe main components are as follows:\n* 1pcs x DigiSpark ATTiny85.\n* 1pcs x Shift Register 74HC595N.\n* 1pcs x Power Logic 8-Bit Shift Register TPIC6B595N.\n* 8pcs x Transistor A1013.\n* 16pcs x RGB LED 5mm, Common Anode.\n* 6pcs x R100.\n* 8pcs x R1K.\n* 2pcs x Capacitor 0.1uF.\n* 1pcs x 2.54mm Pitch 40 Long Pin Single Female Header.\n* 1pcs x 16-Pin DIP IC Base Socket Connector (For 74HC595N).\n* 1pcs x 20-Pin DIP IC Base Socket Connector (For TPIC6B595N).\n* 1pcs x Touch Button.\n* 1meter bare copper wire.\n* 1pcs x Power Bank 5V.\nTools:\n* Wooden template: I reused a template when I did a led cube project. For this project, we just need one row with 8 holes, each hole diamter: 5mm and hole spacing: 20mm.\n* Soldering Iron: I use 2 types of soldering iron, one with a small tip and adjustable temperature and the other with a bigger tip. The reason is that my small tip soldering iron is very difficult to solder big size bare copper wires together.\n* The other tools:\nStep 2: Schematic\nThe project schematic is shown on the above picture. I try to arrange the schematic as same as the circuit sculpture arrangement so it is quite big. You can download HERE for schematic in PDF file.\nStep 3: Soldering Works\nSoldering the red, green, and blue pins (cathode pins) of 8 leds together to form the first group.\nSoldering the same for second group and arrange two groups of leds with their backs to each other. The anode pins are soldered together like picture below.\nIdentifying the E (Emitter) pin of PNP A1013 transistor. These pins will be connected to the power supply. I inserted 8 transistors into the wooden template holes and soldered all E pins to the copper wire.",
"The C (Collector - middle pin) pins of each transistor will be connected to the led group anode pin above. Because transistors and LEDs have the same spacing, it is easy to solder.\nOnce the C pin (Collector - the middle pin) of the transistor is connected to the anode pin of the led, I had a strong structure. Then I soldered remaining components and fly wires following the schematic. I can put leds into wooden template holes\nOr I can put transistors into wooden template holes during soldering.\nWe need to note the pinout and arrangement of the 74HC595.\nAnd TIPC6B595N pinout and its arrangement are shown below:\nBecause it is symmetrically arranged so it can stand on its own on a flat surface.\nFinish.\nStep 4: Programming\n1. The project code is available at my GitHub.\n2. The following core, library need to be installed in this project:\n* ATTinyCore at:\nThis core allows sketches to be uploaded directly to DigiSpark ATTiny85 via USB and it can be installed using the Boards Manager in Arduino IDE. The Boards Manager URL is:\n\n- File ‣ Preferences on Arduino IDE, enter the above URL in \"Additional Boards Manager URLs\"\n- Tools ‣ Boards ‣ Boards Manager... - Select \"ATTinyCore by <PERSON>\" and click \"Install\".\n* tinySPI library at:\n- Open Aduino IDE\n- Sketch ‣ Include Library ‣ Manage Libraries... ‣ Search \"tinySPI by <PERSON>\" ‣ Install.\n3.",
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"3D Printing Puzzle Repair\nIntroduction: 3D Printing Puzzle Repair\nIf you own or have access to a 3D printer, then you'll no longer need to fear buying a used puzzle from a garage sale! Or, perhaps you already have a puzzle you'd like to save from from a fate of forever being incomplete.\nFollow along with my simple instructions and there will never need to be another unfinished puzzle again!\nSupplies\nAny 3D printer\nPaper + pencil/pen\nComputer scanner\nVector software (Inkscape, Illustrator, Affinity Design)\nCalipers\n3D software (I used TinkerCAD)\nPaint!\nStep 1: Copying the Missing Pieces\nI went pretty low tech with this technique and stuck with the tried and true pencil and paper to trace the outlines.\nTip: A mechanical pencil works best as the straight and thin graphite gets the closest and most accurate edge.\nJust slide a standard size piece of paper under the missing piece gap. Using a standard sized paper allows you to double check your scale when it's pulled into software. I used the same piece of paper for all the different pieces and I just made sure not to overlap them. You can see that I messed up tracing a piece; I simply crossed it out, moved the paper over, and tried again.\nTip: Using a standard sized paper allows you to double check your scale when it's pulled into software\nPop that paper into a scanner and we'll pull that digital copy into our vector software for the next step!\nThere are other ways you could make this work without a scanner such as: taking a very accurate and level picture with a camera with some sort of measurement guide or scanning the cluster of puzzle pieces that surround the missing piece gap directly without the tracing step.\nStep 2: Digitally Create Your Pieces!\nAfter opening your scanned image into a vector software (Inkscape, Illustrator, Affinity Designer) you'll want to lock the layer of the image and then create a second top layer to trace your lines. I don't kill yourself with accuracy here, just eyeball it and follow the lines the best that you can. I tend to follow the outside of the line so you can see what you are doing and because you lose a little of the edge in the tracing process. My quick video should help explain my process the best. You could try to do an image trace/raster trace/bitmap trace but I find that makes the pieces a lot more lumpy. This process isn't flawless, but it always ends with the pieces fitting pretty well for me.\nAfter tracing the individual pieces I bring them together into a much more uniform cluster. Turn the scanned image layer invisible, and export as an .SVG.\nI use TinkerCAD because it is quick and easy, especially since it just needs to be extruded.",
"There are many other CAD/ 3D printing softwares out there that can do the same.\nNo matter what I do, when I import my files into TinkerCAD they are never the right size. All of your pieces are now grouped together so if you highlight your full grouping in the vector software you should see the correct width and height. Manually correct these in TinkerCAD and you'll know your pieces will be the correct size.\nDon't forget to measure the thickness of the puzzle for your new pieces! Calipers come in handy for this. Use that measurement to set the height of your extrusion. Now you can export your new 3D files as a .STL!\nOne last software, I promise....just load it up into your preferred 3D printing slicer.\nI printed the pieces solid at 100% infill, PLA, normal .175 detail.\nStep 3: 3d Print!\nThe satisfaction of a quick but useful print!\nMy technique is a little sloppy and can lead to some tiny gaps but it always fits well enough that it will only fit in the position and place it is supposed to.\nStep 4: Paint!\nBefore you stress out about getting your new puzzle piece perfectly painted, know that professional restoration artists usually loosely block out any missing areas of paint so as to not detract from the original artists work. Enough to trick the eye and fill out the painting instead of trying to flawlessly replicate the original art. Even if your color is off or your pattern is a little sloppy, it'll still make the puzzle look more complete than a gaping hole. Strive for complete, not perfect!\nI spend about 30-45min painting each piece. I enjoy the challenge of trying to match the colors and see how close I can get it. They look great at a distance and sometimes can completely disappear! Up close and under scrutiny its obvious which ones I've manufactured. So...don't give up if you don't feel artistic enough, it takes very little to fool the eye at a glance.",
"Simple Drawer Dividers With 3D Printed Connectors!\nIntroduction: Simple Drawer Dividers With 3D Printed Connectors!\nAnyone else have an infamous utensil drawer in the kitchen? One where trying to find your tongs, spatula, or ladle is like diving into a black hole? Or how about another drawer with bowls or kid dishes scattered about? Here is a simple solution. Using 1/4\" board and a 3D printer you can quickly and simply arrange the drawer with dividers and keep it organized!\nIn the past I've tried using these boards for drawer dividers with only glue to hold them together, but they inevitably come apart! They also tend to be tricky to glue. This configuration is similar, but uses 3D printed connectors to make things easier and allows the dividers to last longer!\nSupplies\nAll it takes is two 0.25\" x 2.5\" x 4' boards (about 8' total), a saw, a measuring tape or ruler, and a 3D printer. Glue is optional. If you don't have a 3D printer, I have 3D Printed sets available for sale on my Etsy shop: TaylorMadeCustom3D\nStep 1: Remove and Assess Your Drawer\nFirst things first, remove the drawer by pulling it all the way out, lifting the front end up so the back wheels can come out of the track. Next, throw away anything that you don't use or have too many of! You'll thank me later. :)\nStep 2: Organize Items Into Similar Sizes and Arrange New Layout in the Drawer\nRemove all the utensils (or whatever items are in the drawer) and organize into similar sizes, categories, and items. Then take a try at arranging the items back in the drawer according to their groups, putting least used items in the back.\nNote: You do not have to try to stack every item in the drawer, just pick the widest and longest of the group. Remember, once you are done the dividers will help stacks of items to not fall over into each other.\nStep 3: Sketch Where Dividers Will Go and Measure\nNext, sketch on a piece of paper the layout of the drawer and identify how straight lines (which will be dividers) would separate each group of items.",
"(You can also draw with pencil lines between item groups if you like.) Then using a measuring tape or ruler, measure each divider line and note on your paper.\nNote: Don't forget that the boards are 1/4\" thick themselves to make sure your math adds up!\nStep 4: Determine Number and Type of 3D Print Connectors\nThe 3D Print Connectors I have designed in TinkerCAD have 1/4\" grooves for the boards and come in 3 types.\n* Cross Joint - Used when two dividers intersect at the same point.\n* T Joint - Used when one divider butts up against the side of another.\n* End Cap - Used on the edges of each divider as needed to make a snug fit in the drawer.\nDetermine how many T Joints, Cross Joints, and End Caps you need on the sketch. Since the connectors work best having one on top and one on bottom of each joint, multiply your numbers by 2.\nStep 5: 3D Print the Connectors (Or Buy Them!)\nDue to variations of 3D print filament and printer tolerances please first 3D print the Test Connectors.STL to determine if they are a snug fit for your boards. The connectors shouldn't be too tight, but also not too loose. Because of the way they are designed there is a little pinch slot that should groove the board when you push it onto the board, holding it so it does not slip out. You will want to push down on a hard surface to fit them on the boards. If the fit is too tight, try scaling the Test STL file in your slicing software up to 103-105% and try again. If too lose, try scaling down to 95-97% until you get a good fit. Then make sure to scale similarly for how many you need.\nPrint Settings:\n* 0.3 layer height\n* 100% infill\nNote: In my own experience I first printed these with normal PLA and they fit great! Then I used wood PLA (as pictured) but had to scale up the size to better fit due to the different filament.\n***If you don't have a 3D printer but still want to do the project, I have 3D Printed sets available for sale on my Etsy shop: TaylorMadeCustom3D\nStep 6: Cut the Boards to the Correct Lengths\nUsing your measurements and a miter saw or regular saw, cut the boards to your measurements. If desired, sand the edges and/or stain the boards.",
"3D Printed Print in Place Box\nIntroduction: 3D Printed Print in Place Box\nI made a Print in Place box. This means it prints in one piece with no assembly required. All you do is print the file, take it off the bed, and it should be good to go!\nIn this instructable I go through my process of making this model, and how to print it yourself.\nThe file for this model can be found at\n(I told my school to an ambassador on the discord)\nSupplies\nAll you need for this is an FDM 3D printer with a decently sized bed (I used an Ender 3 Pro).\nAny rigid filament would probably work, although I used PLA.\nYou'll also need a slicer. I used Cura but any should work.\nStep 1: Designing the Box\nConceptualization:\nI started off with a simple sketch to get the dimensions I wanted, and a way to get the articulation I was imagining. It was very simple, and I just drew it on a sticky note.\nDesigning:\nI started by making a simple box with two adjacent walls missing. I put a rail on each side for the chain to rest on. I made the first chain piece, making sure it had the size and shape I wanted. Then I patterned the chain piece, setting the spacing so that they'd interlock perfectly. Finally, I added the handle and some designs to the side to give it a more finished look.\nStep 2: Prototyping\nThe three pictures above show 3 of my printed prototypes.",
"All of these had slight issues that I wanted to fix before I could felt like I could call it done.\nEven though this phase of designing can get annoying, I always do it for the projects I'm passionate about so I make the best final product I can. Prototyping allows me to make changes I hadn't thought of, or couldn't test in Fusion.\nStep 3: Print Settings\nPrint Settings\nThis file should be a pretty simple print if your printer is correctly calibrated. The main issue I had in my testing was caused by my bed being too close to the nozzle. This would cause the bottom layers to fuse together. Making sure your bed is properly leveled will help get a successful print.\nDepending on your bed size, the box may need rotating at a 45 degree angle. It barely fits on the Ender 3 Pro bed.\nI was able to use low quality in Cura, so layer heights shouldn't be an issue.\nI designed this with relatively forgiving tolerance, but the horizontal expansion setting in Cura can be adjusted to give you more clearance if needed.\nStep 4: Post Processing\nNone!\nI designed this as print in place. So as soon as it finishes printing, the model is ready to go. This was a very difficult obstacle for me to design around, but it payed off in the end. All my overhangs had to either be bridged, or at a printable angle. The hinges were also designed specially for 3D printing to allow it to print with no clean up or assembly.",
"CNC Carved <PERSON> in Pumpkinite\nIntroduction: CNC Carved <PERSON> in Pumpkinite\n<PERSON> frozen in Pumpkinite\nThis was totally just a fun experiment to see what would happen when you try to 3D-carve a pumpkin with a CNC machine. It got pretty messy but I think it turned out kind of interesting.\nCheck out the quick Instagram video here, thank you for following!\nIf you have any questions after reading my Instructable, please feel free to ask in the comments. Happy Halloween!\nSupplies\n* Flat-ish Pumpkin (try and find one with a really flat/compressed side)\n* Pumpkin Carving Tools (Knife, Scooper)\n* CNC Machine (any sized machine could be used really - it all depends on the size of your pumpkin!)\n* 3D Model (you could also cut out any vector file - this experiment just happened to use a 3D model)\n* Autodesk Meshmixer(Free Software to prepare and modify the original 3D model)\n* Vectric Aspire(The software I used to convert the 3D image into a GCODE file that my CNC machine could process and cut out of the pumpkin)\nStep 1: Choose a 3D Model or Vector Pattern\nThe sky's the limit on what you can carve with a CNC machine!\nLiterally any 3D model or vector pattern could work.\nFor my first attempt at this, I thought it would be fun to try and make a Star Wars themed version of the iconic \"Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite\".\nI'll be using the 3D model of <PERSON> attached as an STL file to this Instructable step.\nStep 2: Prepare Your Pumpkin for Cutting\nAs you wander through the pumpkin patch, try to find a deformed pumpkin that is more flat than round on at least one of the sides. Sometimes if they've been growing against another flat surface they can take the shape of that surface.",
"You might even get to take a flat one home for free as most people probably don't want a flat pumpkin (little do they know....haha).\nStep 3: Clamping Down Your Pumpkin Slice\nI found a scrap piece of MDF that I'll be using as the platform to mount the pumpkin slice to. To prevent it from getting soggy and wet, I placed a piece of wax paper on MDF before adding the pumpkin slice.\nPosition the pumpkin slice on to the platform and make sure your CNC machine will be able to get at it.\nI found some long and thin pieces of scrap wood to help clamp down the pumpkin slice in place so that it doesn't shift around while being cut. Screw in the wood \"clamps\" just enough to add firm pressure on the sides of the pumpkin, but not so tight that it damages the pumpkin surface.\nWe'll then be clamping this MDF board assembling on to the CNC work area using t-slot clamps.\nStep 4: Preparing the 3D Model for Cutting\nFirst measure the pumpkin “work area” of the slice so that we can represent it on the computer and input the measurement values into the CNC software.\nNext I'm Using Autodesk Meshmixer (free software) to modify my STL file and create a model that will fit 'inside' my pumpkin slice. The rectangular grey block you see represents the area/volume of the pumpkin slice.\nI placed an oval shape into the block and then subtracted the oval area from the block to better represent my cutting area.\nI then superpositioned <PERSON>’s cut out face into the domed cavity that we just substracted.\nIn order to meet the height restrictions of my CNC machine, I had to squish <PERSON>’s face a little bit so his nose would be flush with the highest surface.\nUsing Vectric Aspire CNC software (not so free), inputted the new 3D model and simulated a 3D cutting path.\nSince the pumpkin is so soft, we can do the entire path in a single pass (no excavation paths necessary!) Now we’re ready for cutting...\nAutodesk Fusion 360 should be able to do 3D cutting paths as well (I just haven't tried it out yet!). If you have a good tutorial or tips on how to do it, please let me know in the comments.\nStep 5: CUTTING THE PUMPKIN\nIt's time to cut out our design on the pumpkin! This is by far the most exciting part.\nSince pumpkins are mushy I knew things would get messy pretty fast.",
"(Box)ing Glove- How to Design a Fast Container in TinkerCAD\nIntroduction: (Box)ing Glove- How to Design a Fast Container in TinkerCAD\nHi! This is an exercise in rapid production of an artistic item using a cheap 3D printer and all free software.\nBasically what happened is that I haven't posted an Instructable in... well, like years. I had some interaction with @instructables on Instagram and was like... it's been too long! I went on the site and saw that there was a box contest closing in 9 hours. I have a day off, a 3d printer, a computer, and I need a challenge! This project was born. The whole idea is to show how to make a box from a sketch, using the contours of the sketch the define the pieces of the model. This is about as simple as CAD gets and works well enough for fast and artistic prototyping-basically no math involved!\nI use TinkerCAD a lot because it's free and easy. Here's the TL;DR for those of you who already know how this kind of thing works:\n1. Open TinkerCAD\n2. Use the scribble tool to make a simple line drawing, extrude the scribble to 1mm thick, 2 mm off the build plane. This is your image.\n3. Copy the image scribble and paste it onto the build plane\n4. Edit the image scribble by filling it in completely, extrude it to 1mm thick, 1mm off the build plane, and orient it exactly under the first scribble as a background. This is the image background.\n5. Copy paste the background scribble onto the build plane THREE TIMES. Edit one copy of the background scribble by erasing the interior to result in a thin outline. Extrude this to 20mm thick, flat on the build plane. This is the box wall.\n6. Copy the box wall scribble and paste it onto the build plane. Orient the copied wall scribble perfectly over one of the two remaining copied background scribbles. Change the copied wall scribble to Hole rather than Solid.",
"Group the Hole wall scribble and the background scribble to create a plug scribble. Set this plug scribble to 1mm thick flat on the build plate.\n7. Orient the plug scribble exactly below the stack of the background and image scribble. Group these three scribbles to create the Lid.\n8. You should have one background scribble and a wall scribble left on the build plate. Orient the wall scribble directly over the remaining background scribble and group them to create the box.\n9. Export, print, paint, enjoy!\nSupplies\n-TinkerCAD\n-A 3d Printer (I used a modified Anycubic I3 Mega S)\n-A Slicer (I used CURA)\n-Filament (I used PLA)\n-Paint and decorations (I used cheap red spraypaint and black poster paint)\nStep 1: Open TinkerCAD\nOpen TinkerCAD, it's a free browser-based CAD program. It is pretty basic and mostly functions by making 3d shapes and adding them and subtracting them from each other. Today's project mostly uses the Scribble tool, adjusting the Snap Grid, changing between Solid and Hole, Grouping, and the Copy/Paste function. To learn more about how to use these tools I recommend this video\nStep 2: Scribble an Image\nStart a new Scribble. The Scribble function is available in the Basic Shapes drawer on the right side of the TinkerCAD UI. Draw a basic line drawing. In my case I made a simple boxing glove. This can be exact or rough. Mine was rough, just using my finger on my laptop touch screen from a reference picture.\nOnce you're satisfied with your drawing, make your scribble into a 1mm thick solid floating 2mm off the build plane. This will be the image on the top of your box lid.\nCopy and paste this scribble onto the build plane.\nStep 3: Fill in Your Scribble to Create a Background\nTake the copy of your image and edit it again in the scribble tool. This time, fill it in completely as a solid shape.\nExtrude this scribble as a 1mm thick solid, this time 1mm above the build surface. This is your background.\nMake 3 Copies of this background scribble on the build plate.\nStep 4: Make a Wall Scribble\nTime to make a wall for your box.\nTake one of the background scribbles and edit it. This time, erase the interior of your shape, leaving a thin wall around the edges, essentially just an outline of the background. Extrude this scribble as a 20mm high solid sitting flat on the build plate. This is your box wall.",
"Bird Motel\nIntroduction: Bird Motel\nBirds are always on the move, constantly traveling due to their work. Don't they deserve to stay somewhere nice without tapping into their nest egg? Introducing the Bird Motel. With a pool, free continental breakfast and of course, a place to rest their beaks, they can't possibly go wrong. You too can build their home away from home and join in and become the proprietor of your own regional Bird Motel.\nSupplies\n* One 24\"x48\"x0.54\" sheet of MDF split into qty 3 11.5\"x16\" and qty 2 11.5\"x18\" (rip the 24\"x48\" into two ~12\" pieces, divide from there, you should have one 12\" piece remaining)\n* Two cans (or more) of paint of your choice\n* A pole to mount the birdhouse.\n* Access to a CNC\n* Paintbrushes\n* Wood glue\n* A bunch of clamps\n* Sticker paper\n* A Polyurethane like sealer (there are lots of alternatives that are animal friendly so I would suggest one of those)\n* Scissors\n* 4x4 post for mounting the birdhouse\nStep 1: The Design\nFirst step is to design the motel. I went through a couple of iterations before I decided what I wanted. I read a blog about bird houses and then looked up which birds are in my area. This is designed for the Chickadee. I initially was trying to figure out a pun to make it a Chickadee only Motel but I figured that if another bird liked it, I'd allow it. Also I never check to make sure they're staying with us at the door so the breakfast is truly for the everybird. I designed it in Carbide Create but you could use any kind of file you want.",
"See this link for the files for the Shapeoko 3 XL -\nStep 2: Cut Out the Wood\nSo you'll need 5 total pieces to cut out on the CNC (less if you generate the NC files yourself).\n16\"x11.5\" is required for Birdhouse1.NC, Birdhouse4.NC and Birdhouse5.NC files.\n18\"x11.5\" is required for Birdhouse2.NC and Birdhouse3.NC\nAll of them only use the Carbide 201 flat cutter.\nIt took about an hour in total to cut out all of the pieces and sand them a little.\nStep 3: Dry Fit and Sand\nAfter everything is cut and initially sanded, dry fit the structure and see if there's anything that you want to change.\nStep 4: Initial Glue Up\nSo the pool is two layers of MDF sandwiched together and the roof is lined so that when it rains the rainwater will be directed to the pool so no one has to remember to refill it! Many clamps are involved at this step.\nStep 5: PAINT!\nPaint the thing! It's a choose your own paint adventure. I used the Rustoleum Hunter Green and Almond paints and then a light green spray paint I had lying around but really, whatever is your aesthetic will totally work.\nStep 6: Bird Motel, Assemble!\nJust like the Avengers, it takes work to assemble this Bird Motel. Assemble and glue it all together and you'll have a Bird Motel in no time. Also this is a good opportunity to polyurethane the inside of the bird house because once the roof is glued on, there's no easy way to take it off.\nStep 7: Labels\nVERY IMPORTANT!\nHow are people supposed to know that your Bird Motel offers a FREE Continental Breakfast unless you have a sign saying so? Print out the labels (first image) on a sticky paper and carefully cut them out. If you have like a Cricut, this would be really easy but I used a pair of scissors and you can definitely see the precision (lol). Carefully place them on the Bird Motel.\nStep 8: Polyurethane Everything\nJust everything. Everything on the Bird Motel that is. You want to make sure that everything is sealed and water tight. If you didn't poly before you glued the roof on then that's a little unfortunate. Small brush and carefully paint from the little hole openings OR take off the roof. Either way, it'll be a bit of time.\nStep 9: Mount It and Wait for Weary Travelers\nThis is the last step and the most difficult to pull off because unless you're on Bird Twitter (which is weirdly also called Twitter and not Tweeter or some clever name like that) you'll have to wait for the word of mouth to come about your Bird Motel's opening.",
"Pulp It! - 3D Printable Recycled Cardboard Molds\nIntroduction: Pulp It! - 3D Printable Recycled Cardboard Molds\nTired of throwing cardboard boxes away? Want to recycle at home with a 3D printer? I've got the perfect project for you.\nPulp It! offers new ways to reshape recycled cardboard at home with just a 3D printer. Download different molds and start making recycled products today.\nSupplies\nOnly basic tools are needed to make incredible cardboard products:\n* FDM 3D Printer: Any 3D printer works as the molds are made with PLA plastic\n* Blender: Used to pulp the cardboard. Similar tools may also work.\n* Cloth: To remove excess water from the pulp.\n* Clamps: To press the parts together and form the cardboard product.\n* Scissors: to cut the cardboard into smaller pieces.\nAnd some supplies too:\n* PLA plastic: To 3D print the molds.\n* Cardboard: Or any other pulp-based material such as paper or packing material.\n* Glue: PVA glue or rice paste works best.\n* Water\nStep 1: Pulp It Mold Set\nThe Pulp It! mold set includes four different designs: Pencil Holder, Box, Tray and Coaster.\nAlso, an Autodesk Fusion 360 parametric design is also available. With it, you can easily change the dimensions of the mold and customize it with your own text and logo.\nStep 2: 3D Printing the Molds\nChoose one or more of the mold designs and 3D print them. Keep in mind that these parts will need to withstand pressure, so they need to be resistant.\nRecommended print settings:\n* Layer Height: 0.2-0.3mm\n* Wall thickness: 1.6mm\n* Top/Bottom thickness: 1.5mm\n* Infill Density: 20%\nTip: The mold designs are compatible with larger nozzles. Use a 0.6mm or 0.8mm nozzle to print the molds faster. That will also make them more resistant!\nEach mold has at least four parts:\n* Walls: Vertical walls that form the side shape.\n* Wall Clip: This clip keeps the wall mold closed and withstands some pressure.\n* Bottom lid: It forms the bottom part of the mold and it's flat. It could also be curved.\n* Top lid: It forms the interior shape and determines the object's thickness.\nThere are some molds such as the ones from the Box design that include two different Top lid parts.",
"That's because the same mold set makes two different objects just by changing the Top lid: one makes the cardboard container and the other one the cardboard lid.\nDon't know which one to start with?\nIf it's the first time you'll make objects with recycled cardboard and 3D printed molds, I personally recommend trying the Box design.\nStep 3: Making the Pulp\nNow the fun part begins!\nPreparing the cardboard\nAlmost any type of pulp-based materials work. If you're using cardboard boxes make sure any tape or coatings are removed before making the pulp.\nMake sure you cut the cardboard into smaller pieces so you can easily blend them. For example, 1x3\" (25x75mm) cardboard pieces work great for standard-size blenders.\nChoosing the binder\nA water-soluble binder is required to improve the strength of the final product and it also helps keep its shape when drying.\nThere are two main binders that I recommend: PVA glue and rice paste (AKA rice glue). I personally recommend using PVA glue if it's your first time working with paper pulp as it's easier to use.\nTip: If you have access to soluble PVA filament for FDM 3D printers, you can dissolve some of it and use it as glue.\nMixing the ingredients\nThis isn't an exact science. It's recommended to start with the water and binder and slowly add the cardboard until the mix is dense enough.\nWarning: Never add too much cardboard as you can damage the blender.\nHere's the amount of material I start with:\n* Water: 500g\n* Cardboard: 150g\n* Binder: 30g\nMix all the ingredients until the pulp has a homogeneous consistency. If you can still see pieces of cardboard, you need to blend them more. You can always remove some cardboard bits from the pulp if they had a non-soluble material such as tape or staples that you didn't see during the cutting process.\nWhen making pulp it's difficult to estimate the right amount to make as the density of the mix can vary. However, it's always better to prepare too much than to run out of it in the middle of a project.",
"Design and 3D Print a Modern and Cozy Reading Light!\nIntroduction: Design and 3D Print a Modern and Cozy Reading Light!\nThis mesmerizing, 3D printed light fixture is made around a pendant light cord and Edison light bulb.\nIt includes a fully functional, 3D printed ball and socket mount!\nIn this Instructable, I'll take you through the entire design process in Fusion 360, as well as the 3D printing and assembly process!\nYou can also purchase the STL files on my website and skip right to the printing and assembly.\nMake sure to check out the full design/build video here!\nAlright, let's get started!\nSupplies\nSTL Files -\n3D Printer (I have a Prusa i3 MK3S)\nPendant Light Cord Kit with fabric-wrapped cord -\nVintage-style LED Light Bulb -\nCalipers (These are super handy thing for designing all sorts of 3D printed items!) -\nWhite PLA Filament -\n120 grit sandpaper -\nGel Superglue -\nFour (4) M3x20 screws and Four (4) M3nS square nuts to assemble the ball joint mount. I got these from the spare part kit that came with my 3D printer, but you can also get them at the following links:\nM3x20 Screws -\nM3nS Square Nuts -\n5-minute epoxy -\nNeedle nose Pliers -\nClamp -\n2 wood screws (for mounting to wall) -\nStud finder -\nDrill/Driver (for mounting to wall) -\nAllen keys -\nNote: Some of the above links are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional\ncost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.\nStep 1: Measure Real-World Components and Import Dimensions As User Parameters\nBefore doing any 3D modeling, the first step is to take some measurements!\nI used my dial calipers to measure the pendant light cord kit, lightbulb and hardware.\nThen, I inputted all of these measurements into Fusion 360 as User Parameters.\nThis will make it really easy to model the light fixture around existing components, and change dimensions if necessary!\nStep 2: Model Socket and Lightbulb\nAfter inputting all of the dimensions, modelling the socket assembly and lightbulb was a simple process!\nThese bodies didn't have to be incredibly detailed - I just used them to size the light fixture and get a sense of what the finished piece would look like.\nThe socket is a simple cylinder, with one end filleted.",
"I represented the cord attachment by lofting between two circles.\nTo model the lightbulb, I sketched one half of its profile and then revolved it around a center axis. The most important dimension here is the total length of the lightbulb and socket - I wanted to make sure that the lightbulb wouldn't stick out of the bottom of the lampshade.\nStep 3: Create Lampshade Profile\nNow we can draw the lampshade profile around the socket assembly.\nFirst, create a construction plane through the center of the lightbulb, cutting through it the \"hotdog\" way.\nI used fit-point-splines to sketch one half of the profile for the inside edge of the lampshade. I made sure to place the sketch inside the screw-on rings, as these are what I will use to hold the lampshade on the socket assembly.\nThe great part about splines is you can play with the control points and modify the curve to your heart's content!",
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"Not without handwavium\nThe video of the water levitation thing is actually a pretty cool physics effect, but it's predicated on sound wave pressure zones. Note how the water only hovers in little areas? It's because there are literal sound waves keeping them there. When droplets get too large, they rupture. I won't go into too much detail because I'll inevitably derail, but in order to use that, you'd have to make a very low pitch tone, and make it very loud. You wouldn't have the 'upside down ocean' effect, either. You'd just have a big hovering dewdrop.\nAnother solution would be to have something under the water that buoys it up. Unfortunately, gases are out; the highest density gases, according to the brains in Chem SE, clock in at only $13 \\frac{kg}{m^3}$, while water is an even $1000\\frac{kg}{m^3}$. That solution is out.\nWater isn't especially ferrous, so you couldn't just pop a huge (electro)magnet on the ceiling and call it good. Even if you used ferrofluid instead of water (ooh, imagine black rivers!) you'd get the telltale signs of magnetic fields on the surface of the lake, which would spoil the effect.\nAs for the other three fundamental forces...",
"Well, the weak force is weak, the strong force isn't strong enough, and gravity defines the idea of 'ceiling' for <PERSON>.\nThere goes hard science. Time for...\nA dash of handwavium\nReally, see ShadoCat's answer for this one. Basically, you could use biology to put ceiling growing life down that appears to be a lake on the ceiling.\nThe other approach is to fudge some of the properties of water and use an answer from the 'no handwavium' section.\nUnfortunately, these both suffer from one key issue in your vision: liquid going from a stream in the floor and dumping into the sky. This one isn't really possible without magic, because physics would use an inverse square law sort of approach to your effect (meaning that the water would become a vapor as it approached before finally transitioning to a stream on the ceiling) and biology would use tentacles or feelers or something to suck up water.\nLots of handwavium\nMagic is now on the table. With magic comes area effects and effects that only target certain classes of items. Now you have a lake on the ceiling. Congratulations.\nPostscript\nThere's one more trick you can use for the lake on the ceiling thing. Mushrooms. Specifically, hallucinogenic spore release combined with subliminal priming could initiate a lucid dream state wherein <PERSON> believes he's encountered all the wonders you've described, but is actually tripping out and getting dissolved by a plant monster. Ah, the wonders of drugs!",
"It's definitely conceivable.\nLight, as we see it, is in the wavelength band of 390 to 700 nm. This is a rather narrow band of light, but it's the only band you need to reflect to make your world dark. All the rest can come in as normal to heat the planet. And you wouldn't even need to completely reflect all the visible light. You wanted constant dusk, so you only need to stop 70-90%(ish) of the light from reaching Earth. The rest could be reflected... Or absorbed. (For more about that, see articles describing global warming.) When volcanoes erupt, they spew a bunch of reflective stuff into the atmosphere. In big eruptions, this usually lowers the global temperature for a year or so.\nGreat, there's some background. Now how do I do it?\nThe first thing you'd wanna do is set up a big black cloud in the lower atmosphere, preferably of a greenhouse gas. This will absorb light from the sun and heat up.",
"Unfortunately, as <PERSON> pointed out in comments, this absorbs a lot of heat, so much that your planet will cook. Well, how do you fix that? Mirrors. Right above the black cloud, if you set up another cloud, but this time use something like sulfur to block the light This will allow only a set percentage of the light to hit your black fog.\nSo... You've successfully destroyed our beautiful sky. What's that gonna do to the planet? (I swear, I plead NPOV.) For one, your plants will change. If they don't die outright, they'll turn black. Since visible light is in such short supply, they'll try to capture as much of it as possible. Let's assume that your plants survived without a significant hit to the $O_2$ in the atmosphere. Great, what's next? Wind. As your cloud stops most of the light from reaching Earth, but traps heat, the ground won't radiate heat like it does today. This will alter or stop the cyclical motion of the lowest atmosphere, causing weird effects.\nIn summary\nWhile it is definitely possible to selectively alter the climate (indeed, we can do it today!) be careful of unintended effects that result from it.",
"Not much, actually\nTo start off with, let's just see if there's any creatures with a lower core body temperature (I'm probably gonna use that term a lot, so I'm gonna acronym it CBT.) than humans. According to 'Biology, Medicine, and Surgery of Elephants', elephants have a CBT of 96.8-98.6F (or 36-37C for anyone not living in the backwards imperial system.) There you go, a creature with a lower CBT than ours...ish. Sloths are even lower, with a CBT of between 80 and 93 degrees, according to wikipedia. I also found this riveting article from the scholarly journal Functional Ecology that discusses this exact question. Apparently, mass significantly impacts the CBT of some families of animal. I'd read through the article 4 or 5 times just to digest the highly scholastic language. Also take a look at some of its references. They seemed to contain some interesting (though not necessarily useful) information.\nOr take most animals that aren't either birds or mammals. Backyard lizards, for example. They're cold-blooded animals, which means that they don't keep a consistent internal temperature. Boom, just make sure your world doesn't ever get up to 98.6F.\nOn the other hand:\nThere's a few good reasons that our CBT is where it's at (or near enough, we fluctuate constantly.) This article, which appears to be written by a hardcore phi conspiracist, claims that a lot of the important temperatures in our body are phi away from the freezing and boiling points of water. Interesting, but without a reason why1, we can't change it.\nLet's disregard that for a moment. Our CBT is actually pretty critical to a lot of processes. The chemistry of a lot of the enzymes used in our body works such that they work best at... 98.6F. Some of them work better at fever temperatures, but that's an extreme case with immunological reasons. Specifically, the reason we're not living at the same temperature we do when we are sick is that most of our enzymes don't work as well so hot.\nPossible solution: Handwave some alternative evolution in there. All good.\nThere's a good reason that the CBT is higher than the surrounding air: Movement.",
"If we were isothermal with the environment, we'd overheat whenever we did... anything. (Fish and reptiles are different.2) Keeping ourselves comfortably above the environment temperature means that we can shunt off excess heat after strenuous exercise through sweating, etc.\nWhat would you have to change?\nTo start with, you're not gonna have a human when you're done. Accept it and move on.\nSolution 1: Lizardmen\nAccording to numerous sources,dubious these already exist and they control the government. How would they work, though?\nCold blooded creatures stay at the same(ish) temperature as their surrounding environment. On the one hand, this means that they don't need to spend as much energy on maintaining a CBT. On the other... The metabolism of reptiles is a lot slower than that of mammals of equal size. Since they have to work over a greater range of temperatures, they can't work as efficiently, which means that they're not as active. Your lizardmen would move slowly, with quick bursts of speed.\nLizards spend a large portion of their day sunning themselves to increase their temperature. In part, this feels really good.3 More importantly, though, the increase in temperature speeds their metabolism and allows them to digest things faster.\nPros:\n* Reduced resting metabolism: Because cold-blooded animals don't have to keep a stable temperature, they're able to survive much longer without food. A crocodile, for example, can survive six months without a meal.\n* IR invisibility: Warm-blooded animals show up pretty bright on thermal cameras. In contrast, since cold-blooded animals are the same temperature as their surroundings, they're harder to detect on IR cameras.\n* Longer (resting) anaerobic respiration: With a low metabolism comes a slow energy consumption. The internet places the lung capacity of a snake at 30 minutes of air.\nCons:\n* Reduced speed and mobility: Most reptiles hunt with a 'sit-and-wait' strategy. Because they can't use energy as fast as mammals, they're not very good when it comes to running down their prey.\n* Reduced cranial mass: Most cold blooded animals... Aren't that smart. (Remember that velociraptors were dinosaurs, which are in a grey area.) The reasoning behind this is fairly simple: Brains take energy to run, and lots of it. In fact, an estimated 20% of human energy consumption goes to the brain.",
"The Earth would probably spin apart.\nNormally, standing on the equator, you're moving at the relatively slow pace of 1 earth circumference per 24 hours. Your momentum would carry you straight off into space, tangent to the surface of the Earth, except gravity keeps pulling you down. It does this far more strongly than you need to stay on the surface. Using a web site to let me calculate the orbital velocity around the Earth, with a height of 0m, I calculated that a trip around the Earth would take 84.48154038573982 minutes. This means that if Earth spun that fast, you would have just enough gravitational attraction to keep you on the surface.\nYou're asking about MUCH faster. Even if the Earth slows down afterward (which I think you're suggesting with 'decelerate'), the speed at which that rotation occurred would fling huge pieces of the Earth into space. I don't have any hard numbers (maybe try the Physics SE for that), but I have no doubt that the centripetal force required to keep the planet intact would far exceed the force of gravity and the chemical bonds between parts of the Earth. You might see a few large chunks of tectonic plates stick together as they fly off into space, but I suspect even those wouldn't fare well.\nGiven this, one has to ask what exactly is causing this speedup.",
"If it's some massive adamantium rod running through the planet, being turned by some being of godlike power, the rod would probably just rip through the Earth. Dealing with forces that powerful, the Earth's crust would have about as much chance of holding together as water or air. If the planet is just magically sped up, every single molecule, it will fly apart.\nNow, just for argument's sake, you did mention 'decelerate', so maybe the same unbelievably powerful force spinning the Earth is also holding it together while spinning it, until it stops and lets it go back to normal. Then it's a question of how that force was applied. If it somehow made all of the planet, but no man-made buildings, move, then they'd have no chance at holding on. Most buildings would have the ground yanked out from under them so quickly they'd stay mostly intact, like glasses on a tablecloth that's pulled out, until something at a slightly high elevation spins into them. That mountain over there? It just went through your house. \"Now\", you may say, \"I built my house on top of Mount Everest just in case that happened!\" Well, I hope for your sake that whatever is 12 hours rotation around the Earth from there is the same height, because now that the Earth has stopped below you, your house is falling for whatever the difference is. In short, anything that isn't magically accelerated and held together with the Earth is debris.",
"These are to the best of my knowledge, the physics of super human strength related to punching (if there is such a thing):\nTo start, when a human being punches, he/she generates force by one of the following:\nTorque - generate centripetal force by swinging the weight of the arm\nLeverage - pushing off the ground slightly and/or against one's own weight or speed\nIn order to generate escape velocity, a human being would not be able to use those means because:\nTorque - The person would have to anchor the centripetal force with their body somehow, so unless they have super-human obesity (or density) or super-human physics, they're not really going to be able to aim using torque.\nLeverage - The person's feet and body would sink into the ground like a bullet and their punch would miss (which would be funny)\nSo basically you need to answer this question: Where does the super force come from and when does it work?\nWhere does it come from?\nIf the force comes ex nihilo or in another way that does not obey the laws of physics, then all bets are off, but then you can have someone get punched into the atmosphere (totally worth suspending physics).\nA Dilemma\nLet EV = <PERSON>'s required to generate escape velocity\nYou are stuck in a catch-22 I like to call the super-cancelling dilemma. If a person can punch with super human force, they can also absorb that amount of force (dissipating it \"into the universe\" or whatever) otherwise they have to break the laws of physics. So the puncher generates EV newtons by creating and simultaneously absorbing that force in his/her own body thus reaching the punchee with the force and transferring it. But here's the catch 22...\nIf BOTH brawlers can absorb that amount of energy, they will not be able to force each other at all (EV - EV = 0), and the fight wouldn't appear to be super human unless a regular object or person got in the way in which case it would be obliterated.\nThe one brawler would need superhuman means, so the ball is back in your court since you got them into this predicament to begin with - now you have to get them out.\nThe fight would look normal if they could absorb exactly the same amount as they could dish out, so if one is slightly stronger than the other but multiplied by hundreds of thousands of Newtons, you're talking about guys flying through the atmosphere again, but that means the one person must be roughly twice as strong as a super-human who can generate EV or more force (2EV - EV).",
"If there is some fluctuation (as there is in a real fight), and that fluctuation can be in the thousands of Newtons, now you're talking about a one punch fight. One guy punches punches with EV + 1 Ns and the other guy absorbs Ev - 1 Ns of force. Well, if they are immutable, now you've got that guy flying with ~2000 Ns in whatever direction he was struck.\nFurther considerations\nIf a punch misses, can that puncher \"reabsorb\" the force even though they absorbed it once already to create it, or will that person go flying in the direction of their swing?\nCan the super-human body absorb at the same ratio as a regular human? if so, it will appear like a normal fight. If not, they'll obliterate one another at the first punch with a only a tiny variation relative to the normal godly force.\nIf there is an angle, deflection, speed, or interference at all, you need to recalculate (in other words, you are facing a myriad of variables)\nSo No, that's not possible based only on the parameters you gave. They would need a way to create and absorb the force at the same time.",
"Define a parent 'body' object. It'll contain the basic physics to work as a moving object. In pseudopython (2.7) it would look a lot like:\nclass body:\ndef __init__(self, mass, velocity, position):\nself.mass = mass\nself.velocity = velocity\nself.position = position\ndef move_step(self, time_scale):\n#Basically, steps the object along the simulation.\nself.position += self.velocity * time_scale\n#Not actually that simple, but time_scale is used to change\n#how accurate the simulation is.\nNote that I'm just gonna assume that velocity and position are defined as vectors, so that we can easily get their x, y, or z components, or get the magnitude and direction. Writing the vector object will be left up to the reader. Note that I didn't include any references to gravity or other objects. I've found that object-to-object interaction is annoying to deal with, so it would be better to simply have an object that handles the simulation.\nEssentially, it loops through each body in the simulation and calculates the forces on the body. Since $\\Sigma F = m*a$, you can get the $\\Delta V$ of the object and apply it to that body's velocity. After every body's velocity is updated, the simulator loops through again and triggers their move_step method.\nSounds good, right? All you need is to define all the gravities acting on an object, then sum them and update.\nNot so fast.",
"You gotta factor in relativity if you want increased accuracy. In general it doesn't change much, but when you get to the scale of the Sun and Mercury, it becomes noticeable. I'd implement a method (or a lambda) that calculates Lorentz factors, and a conditional that chooses whether to use Newtonian or relativistic math based on some fancy factor.\nCollisions\nOk, so I can't do this one without making things simpler. Stuff where their sizes are massively different is easy. larger.mass += smaller.mass; del smaller\nAfter that, there's so much complexity that I'm not really sure how to proceed. In essence, objects need to break apart, and they need to have shape. That's hard to do. I'd recommend stealing a lot of stuff from the bpy package.\nGotta go, sorry!",
"The only way you could get lift from a gas sac is if it was a light element like helium or very hot, making it less dense than ordinary air. Both would require a large volume, and then you've got a hot air balloon, not a suit. Combining a smaller volume with a suit designed for air resistance is an interesting idea, but I don't have the knowledge to know how well it would work. Essentially, you have a spectrum from a parachute with huge surface area at one end to a hot air/helium balloon with a huge volume at the other, so I would think that some form of less surface area than a parachute and less volume than a balloon would work. The question is how much less you could get away with.\nAlso, you mention inflation, implying they aren't inflated to begin with. That complicates things, and probably rules out helium, since where would it come from? Capturing regular air during the fall is possible, but then you need to heat it (and avoid burning your skydiver).",
"Perhaps some chemical lining the empty sacs could trigger a thermal reaction as they fill up, which needs to be replaced every time. This would also prevent long flights or floating off too high, as the heat would run out and you would lose buoyancy.\nLast, if your world doesn't need to be too Earth-like, there are factors that would make this more effective. High winds could provide lift to the squirrel suit portion. Lower gravity makes for less force to be fought against in general. A heavier atmosphere would make the air resistance of the squirrel suit work better, plus if you have pre-inflated sacs of a light gas, it would be more effective if the normal air is heavier. Last, and probably least, a colder environment to begin with could make the hot air solution more effective, but I'm not sure how much colder it would need to be to make a significant difference, plus you then need to generate more heat.\nOh, and this whole thing brought to mind the short novel Windhaven by <PERSON> and <PERSON>.",
"Living on a giant banana world\nIn my story, which should be taken entirely seriously, mankind encounters a region of space occupied mostly by giant exo-householdobjects.\nThat is, planet sized kettles, saucers, teacups, cutlery, etc. There is even a giant <PERSON> branded teapot, because this is how serious a story it is. They orbit around perfectly ordinary stars of various sizes.\nThe protagonists are going to spend a significant amount of time stuck on a giant banana while observing a solar system with many such objects. They are mostly incredibly impractical people - philosophers, theologians and so on - with a small cohort of ships engineers and tradesmen, as well as a rapacious mine manager called <PERSON> who only cares about the giant silverware.",
"They're very well supplied with everything they could want except the means to get offworld.\nLeave aside the problem of gravity trying to make the banana into a sphere - assume that either the banana is mostly made of a nearly infinitely strong material when you drill much beneath the peel, or better still, that gravity is excluded from operating within it and only begins at the surface (albeit with all the mass of the banana still contributing). With a sunlike star, what combination of orbital distance and rotational motion can make this pungent, ethyne laced world in the sweet spot of being inhabitable but periodically very uncomfortable or dangerous?\nI'm specifically interested in: 1) and main) What problems are generated by rotation of the banana and what if any rotational motions are amenable to life at least over a few square kilometres while still being a damned nuisance?\nSo, it needs a few square kilometres that have sort-of earth temperatures and pressures. I'll say -20 to 80 deg C temperature, and 0.3 to 3 bar pressure, with possible intermittent exceptions.\nI'm guessing depending on the axis of rotation, there are going to be areas that are uninhabitably hot/cold. I'd like to place their town in the middle of the banana on the concave side, unless there are any serious objections or better suggestions.\nFor obvious reasons, answers need only stand up to limited scrutiny.\nOrbiting fruit worlds and kettles raise such serious theological, philosophical and anthropological problems that the eggheads that are on it are only going to notice that their lives are in danger when the engineers are banging on their doors warning of the impending 30 day shadow that will cause temperatures to drop to dangerously low levels and they need to put their entire libraries in buggies or local flying craft and relocate.\nI welcome anyone raising problems relating to atmospheric composition or ground instability that are likely to arise as the banana ripens, although I am not short of ideas in this department...unlike, you know, how these people can survive for 20s without freezing or burning or being thrown off the surface.",
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"Easy Makey Makey & Scratch\nIntroduction: Easy Makey Makey & Scratch\nThis is my first instructable! I am going to explain how to integrate Scratch (programming language) with Makey Makey, I will make a cat Meow and walk in an easy to follow steps.\nThe best practice I use, is to do all the programming in Scratch then change it to Makey Makey. I hope this will help you with your projects.\nSupplies\n* Scratch\n* Makey Makey\nStep 1: Let Us Get Scratch\n* You can work with Scratch online. You don't need to join Scratch and have an account to start creating, just hit \"Start Creating\" and you are ready to start. Make sure to save your project into your computer, otherwise you will loose it.\n* Or you can work offline by downloading Scratch. I prefer the offline version because I don't have reliable Internet connection. Scratch is available for Windows, Mac, ChromeOS and Android.\nStep 2: Setting Up the Stage\nSprite: The default sprite used in Scratch is the lovely cat !\nYou can change this by selecting a new sprite, click the cat face to the right lower corner and choose\n* The library (click Choose a Sprite)\n* Draw your own (click Paint)\n* Upload one from your computer (Upload Sprite).\nI am going to stay with the cat.\nBackground: You can choose different backgrounds from the library, draw your own or upload from your computer.\nI will choose from the library the \"Colourful City\" background.\nStep 3: Let's Make the Cat Say Hello!\nNow, let's make our cat say something. You need to make sure that you are selecting the cat sprite before placing your code.\nDrag a \"When space key pressed\" block from Events, and a \"Say Hello for 2 sec\" block from Looks to your workspace. What this will do is that it will make the cat say hello for 2 seconds.\nNote that you can change the phrase and the time duration as you like.\nStep 4: Give Your Cat a Sound\nDrag a \"Play sound until done\" block from sound and place it before the \"Say hello\" block. You can change the sounds by going to the \"Sounds\" tab, you can even record your sound!\nStep 5: Let's Walk in the City\nIt gets a little bit tricky here. Don't worry !\nLet's get back to math for a second, we have two axis.",
"X axis is the horizontal and Y axis is the vertical. If we go to right from the zero on the X axis, it will increase X (Positive X). If we go to the left of zero, it will decrease X (Negative X). The same will apply to our cat! if we want it to go to the right then we move it by a positive step and if we want it to go to the left, we move it by negative step.\nTo do this:\nDrag two \"When space key pressed\" blocks to your workspace, to change the space to the arrow keys (right and left) press the drop down menu and select accordingly. Attach a \"Move 10 steps\" to the \"When right key pressed\" and \"Move -10 steps\" to the \"When left key pressed\", you can find the move step block in Motion. Now, change the 10 steps to 5, we don't want it to be super fast.\nDoes it look like walking? Apparently not! in order to fix that, you need one more step. Drag \"Next Costume\" block from looks and place it before the move steps block to make your cat looks like walking, try it on!\nStep 6: Finally Makey Makey\nAll what you need now is to connect your Makey Makey. You need to use the space, right arrow and left arrow in your Makey Makey.\nTo Programm it in Scratch, add the Makey Makey extension and you will see new blocks appear. Replace the \"When space key pressed\", \"When right arrow key pressed\" and \"When left arrow key pressed\" with the ones from Makey Makey blocks. Enjoy!",
"Color Mixing Lamp Arduino Project Instructable\nIntroduction: Color Mixing Lamp Arduino Project Instructable\nThis is the Color Mixing Lamp from the Arduino Projects Book (Project 4). The project will sense the light conditions around the phototransistor and create different color lights.\nSupplies\nYou will need the Beginner Arduino Starter Kit, either Windows, Mac OS, or Linux on a device to download the Arduino Software.\nStep 1: Download the Arduino Software\n* Go to and download the software applicable to your device.\n* Once you have downloaded the right software follow the instructions in the Project Book included in the Arduino Starter Kit on pages 15-17\nStep 2: Gather All the Components\nAll materials are in the Arduino Starter Kit. The components you will need are,\n* 3 220 OHM resistor (blue)\n* 3 10 KILOHM resistor (tan with brown, black, orange, gold)\n* 3 phototransistor\n* Different color gel strips. (small translucent colored strips)\n* LED with 4 legs\n* 3 grey or blue or green wires (they are all in the same packet);\n* 3 yellow or blue or green wires (they are all in the same packet);\n* 1 white wire\n* 3 orange wires;\n* 1 red wire.\nStep 3: Build the Circuit\nFirst, you want to make sure your Arduino is set up, use pages 12-13 to build the Arduino board.\nNext, you want to assemble the circuit on the board using the picture above or page 54 in the book as a guide.\nBuilding the circuit requires a lot of attention. Here are some pointers so that you don't get lost:\n- The red wire connects power from one side to the other so there is power on both sides.\n- It doesn't matter which number you connect your wire to as long as you also change the number when coding.\n- The 220 OHM resistors are all positioned after the wires.\n- The leg wire that connects the LED to the ground is the longest one (it is the negative end).\n- The 10 KILOHM resistors are all positioned before the wires.\n- The longest leg on the photoresistors is positively charged, so it needs to be connected to power, and the shortest one is negatively charged, so it needs to be connected to ground.\nNote: If in doubt ask the teacher.\nStep 4: Type the Code\nAfter you build the circuit you need to type up the code. Start by creating a new Arduino file. Then you want to copy down the code in the steps below. Each step has an explanation of that given section of code.\nStep 5: Coding Part 1\nThis part of the code creates new constant integers to use in the rest of the code.",
"The \"const int' is to enter the data, the \"()LEDPin\" is the name of the variable, and the \"(number)\" is to show which pin it is connected to.\nStep 6: Coding Part 2\nThis shows the value that each LED has, which in this case, it is equal to 0.\nStep 7: Coding Part 3\nIn \"void setup()\", the serial monitor will start to record the data at 9600 bps.\nThe mode of the LED pins was classified as OUTPUT.\nStep 8: Coding Part 4\nIn \"void loop()\", we read the value the sensors are transmitting and put a small delay between them.\nStep 9: Coding Part 5\nAfter that, we set the serial monitor to print the values the sensors are transmitting, and add them in a sentence using the \"\\t\" as the space in which the value will show. (note: don't forget the \"ln\" after the last line!)\nStep 10: Coding Part 6\nHere we set the values the LED will transmit. The amount of red, green, and blue will change as you adjust the numbers.\nStep 11: Coding Part 7\nThis part shows how we are setting the serial monitor to print the value we set for the variables in the last step. (note: don't forget the \"ln\" after the last line again!)\nStep 12: Coding Part 8\nThe \"analogWrite\" commands the LED to output the values by emitting light.\nStep 13: Plug It in and See If It Works\nThe first thing you need to do is to check if it works is to verify the code. You can do this by clicking the check button as shown in the first image. There may be many things wrong with your code. That is normal. You are most likely going to mess up. The only thing you can do is to check over everything to make sure you copied the code correctly.",
"Lucky Mini Slot Machine\nIntroduction: Lucky Mini Slot Machine\nAre you going to throw a party lately? or going to a carnival? or just want to have fun with your kids? See if this mini slot machine can make your event much more fun!\nThis machine would choose a number itself and show the number on the screen. When people press the joystick, the number in the middle of the machine changes. When it changes to the number that is shown, a prize would come out.\nIf you like our projects and tutorials, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube for more interesting STEM projects and ideas.\nSupplies\nHardware\npaperboard * 1\nseveral LEGO bricks\n3D printed reel * 1\nGeekservo 2KG servo *2\nRobotbit base *1\nRobotbit Edu *1\n18650 Lithium Battery *1\nFuture board *1\nSugar Joystick *1\nSoftware\nKittenblock\nTool\nUtility knife\nscissors\nruler\npencil\ndouble-side tape\n3M tape\nmarkers\n3D printer\nStep 1: Idea\nThe slot machine is basically a cuboid, so we will use a piece of paperboard to cover the LEGO working parts and draw something on it to make it look like a real slot machine. The turning of the reel and the presentation of the prize require a servo.\nStep 2: The 3D Printed Reel\nWhen finished printing, get rid of the extra parts, and write down the numbers with markers.\nStep 3: Assemble the Inner Part of the Machine\nAssemble everything following the assembly instructions.\nStep 4: Design the Cover\nDraw on the paperboard and cut out the parts we need.\nStep 5: Cover the Lego Framework With the Paperboard Cover\nUse LEGO technic rubber stoppers to fix the cover to the LEGO parts.\nStep 6: Draw on the Cover!\nDraw everything you like on the slot machine.",
"We drew some patterns to make it looks more like a real slot machine.\nStep 7: Write the Program\nWe need to write the program to show a random number on the screen and make the reel turn to a random number and analyze whether the random number on the screen is the same as the one on the reel.\nDownload the program\nStep 8: Write the Program: First Step - Set Variables\nSet the x variable as the goal number (the number shown on the screen, and the reel needs to turn to this number to win); set the y variable as the reel number.\nStep 9: Write the Program: Second Step - to Analyze\nTo analyze whether x equals y. If so, then win the prize (the prize tray then extends); if not, then the game continues and nobody wins.\nStep 10: Write the Program: Third Step - Joystick Module\nThe triggering of the joystick changes the y variable. As y changes, the angle of the servo that controls the reel changes too. (the servo angles need to be adjusted before we write the program.)\nStep 11: Write the Program: Fourth Step - Indication\nAdd a boot animation to the beginning of the program.\nAdd the display of the goal number to the middle of the program. When the joystick is triggered once, the indication sound and image of not winning will be added to the program part that runs when not winning; same as the winning parts.\nStep 12: Now You Finish the Slot Machine!\nGive it a go and have fun with your family and friends!",
"Micro-Bit Arcade Machine\nIntroduction: Micro-Bit Arcade Machine\nIn this Instructable you will be hooking up a joystick to a Micro-bit and making a machine you find at arcades. Inspiration to make this project came when I decided to figure out how to add parts onto Micro-bits, like joysticks. Once I completed my original goal, I decided to go further and instead of a Micro-bit, Joystick, and a million messy wires in between, I challenged myself to make an Arcade style box to put it in and I hope you will too!\nSupplies\nYou will need:\n* A light cardboard box (see step 1)\n* A hole puncher\n* A Micro-bit with some sort of extension board\n* A battery pack and USB cable\n* 4 Micro-bit buttons\n* 4 connector wires, 1 black, 1 red, and 2 random\n* A computer (pretty sure you have one!)\nStep 1: Measuring the Box\nFirst let's get some cardboard,\nThis arcade machine should be made out of light cardboard, slightly thicker then a cereal box, but not corrugated. The end result should be about the width and length of your micro-bit extension board.\nFor this project I will be using the measurements for this extension board (in the kit). Most extension boards that are smaller then 3.25 inches should work though.\nNow you can use the pictures as a guide to measure your box, clicking them enlarges the pictures.\nStep 2: Cutting and Adding to the Box\nNow that we have box measured, it is time to cut it. Simply cut it out along the edge of the boarder,\nAlso looking at the pictures for text boxes.\nLet us begin to measure holes to put things in.\n1.",
"Starting with the hole for the Micro-Bit, outline the uppermost part of the box upside down with your Micro-Bit, as in the pictures.\n2. Now use a hole puncher to make a hole right were the battery pack is going to go through.\n3. Finally, make a hole on the end of the box just big enough to fit your joystick.\nStep 3: Micro-Bit Side\nFirst let us download the code that we are using for this project.\nUse a USB to plug in your micro-bit into your computer, then download the code to your computer using the download below this step, then download it to your Micro-Bit using its file (found in your computer's files)\nOnce completed, your Micro-Bit should light up \"A\" on its screen.\nOnce you put your Micro-bit into the extension board, you should look for four pins on it, the Ground pin, 3V(volts) pin, pin 1, and pin 2.\nStart putting in your connector wires, connect one end of the black connector to ground, the red connector to 3V, and the two random ones to pins 1 and 2.\nFinally, take the other ends of each and put the black connector to Ground on the joystick, the red to 5V, pin 1 to VRX, and pin 2 to VRY.\nVRX makes an output between 0 and 1023, depending on the x position of the joystick(or horizontal position) VRY outputs the Y position (or vertical position).\nNow we will be putting on the Micro-bit to the arcade box.\nDownload Here\nStep 4: Gluing the Box\nStart by using hot-glue to glue the Micro-bit extension board onto the box, as shown in the picture. then push your joy-stick into the hole you made earlier, then gluing it in place.\nAt this point you should have cut out the box and put on the Micro-bit. You are now ready to glue the box together\nput glue on one of the tabs, like in the picture. Then fold that tab into another side, so that it folds up the box.\nrepeat this until you have all the tabs folded in, making sure that all the electronical parts don't move in the middle of it.\nOnce you have glued the whole box together, the last step is to plug in the battery to the Micro-bit and try it out!",
"A Color Sensing Glove That Sends the HEX Code to a Computer Program\nIntroduction: A Color Sensing Glove That Sends the HEX Code to a Computer Program\nWouldn't it be cool to see something on our desk or nearby, a color that we like, and add it directly to our projects on our computer? Now you can!\nYou can make this hand-worn wearable that uses a color sensor to detect colors from the environment around us. Then it lights up NeoPixels with the color we scanned, and writes the HEX code to an OLED on the glove.\nThis HEX can then be sent to our computer (with touch input) - directly into what we are working on to add the HEX code for us.\nSupplies\nThe supplies I've used for this project include:\n* Adafruit Flora board or Circuit Playground Classic\n* Flora sewable color sensor\n* 4x4 grid NeoPixels but any shape will work (I've linked to the circle x 16)\n* OLED screen 128 x 64\n* wires\n* soldering or conductive thread to sew the connections\n* you'll a small piece of conductive fabric to act as a touch input button to send the HEX value to your computer\n* Felt, neoprene, or material for the glove, or a recycled glove is even more eco!\nIn this case, I won't be using a battery if you want to enable the feature of transferring the HEX code to the computer, we will need a cable to connect to our computer so we will use that for power too.\nWearable Electronics items purchased from Tinker Tailor.\nStep 1: Draw Out Your Connections\nSometimes it can be easier to follow your connections if you map them out your project. I usually start by adding all the components I need and then drawing my mappings.\nFor this circuit, we will connect:\nThe color sensor\n* Ground - Ground on Flora\n* Power - Power on Flora\n* SDA - SDA on Flora\n* SCL - SCL on Flora\nThe OLED\n* Ground - Ground on Flora\n* Power - Power on Flora\n* SDA - SDA on Flora\n* SCL - SCL on Flora\nNeoPixels\n* Ground - Ground on Flora\n* Power - Power on Flora\n* DO - to pin 10 on Flora\nConductive fabric as touch input\n* Fabric sewn or wire connected to pin 9 on Flora, pin 12 Circuit Playground\nStep 2: Check Each Component and Connection\nTo do this step by step we should add the color sensor first.",
"Then we can check it's working. We will do this for all of our parts, the color sensor, the NeoPixels, and the OLED.\nAfter you hook up the color sensor using I2C and the connections in the previous step, we will upload the code to our board.\nFirst, we need to add a library.\nStep 3: Adding a Color Sensor\nLet’s open the Arduino IDE and install a library to use this sensor.\nOpen the Library Manager, and search for Adafruit TCS34625.\nThe color sensing library didn’t appear when I searched - I tried searching for color sensor, which worked. Click o click Install, and Install all.\nThis library is for a slightly different color sensor so I modified the sample file slightly.\n#include <Wire.h> //include Wire.h to be able to communicate through I2C on Arduino board\n#include \"Adafruit_TCS34725.h\" //Colour sensor library\n//Create colour sensor object declaration, to see effects of different integration time and gain\n//settings, check the datatsheet of the Adafruit TCS34725.\nAdafruit_TCS34725 tcs = Adafruit_TCS34725(TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_50MS, TCS34725_GAIN_4X);\nvoid setup() {\nSerial.begin(9600);\nSerial.println(\"Color View Test!\");\n//Start-up colour sensor\nif (tcs.begin()) {\nSerial.println(\"Found sensor\");\n} else {\nSerial.println(\"No TCS34725 found ... check your connections\");\nwhile (1); // halt!\n}\n}\nvoid loop() {\nuint16_t clear, red, green, blue;\n//Collect raw data from integrated circuit using interrupts\ntcs.setInterrupt(false); // turn on LED\ndelay(60); // takes 50ms to read\ntcs.getRawData(&red, &green, &blue, &clear);\ntcs.",
"DIY Paper Cup Flower Lantern for Halloween\nIntroduction: DIY Paper Cup Flower Lantern for Halloween\nIt's about to be Halloween! We are making an elegant lantern that changes color to add some atmosphere to our <PERSON> fairy costume, or you can definitely change the program to turn the light into other colors to make it scarier.\nAll the things we used are listed below, and the code for this project is also provided in this article, so let's give it a go!\nIf you like our projects and tutorials, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube for more interesting STEM projects and ideas.\nSupplies\n1 × Future board (It's put inside the lantern to light it up)\n1 × 400mAh Lithium Battery\n1 × USB-C\n5 × Paper cup\n1 × Glue\n1 × Utility knife\n1 × Scissors\n1 × Pencil\n1 × Tape measure\n1 × String\n1 × Straw or stick\nStep 1: Mindmap - a Structure of This Project\nBefore we start to make it, we can write down what we need to do and what we need and turn it into a mindmap, so everything will be clear.\nStep 2: Learn From Others!\nOur project is based on one of EzyCraft's projects, shout out to EzyCraft for making such great content!\nStep 3: Mindmap of the Lantern Structure\nStep 4: The First Layer of the Lantern - Remove the Top\nLet's get started! First, we make the first layer of the lantern.\nRemove the part that is 4cm away from the base.\nStep 5: Make the First Layer of the Lantern - Divide It Into 9 Parts\nMeasure the diameter and divide it into 9 parts equally.\nStep 6: Make the First Layer of the Lantern - Make the Petals\nDraw The Petals, cut along the lines we drew, cut a straight line towards the base to separate each petal, but leave a 5mm gap, and open it.\nStep 7: The Second Layer - Remove Parts\nRemove the part that is 5.5cm away from the base, then remove the base.\nStep 8: The Second Layer - Divide It Into 9 Parts\nThe cup should also be divided into 9 equal petals.\nStep 9: The Third Layer - Remove Parts\nRemove the part that is 6.5cm away from the base, then remove the base.\nStep 10: The Third Layer - Divide It Into 9 Parts\nThe cup should also be divided into 9 equal petals.\nStep 11: The Fourth and Fifth Layer - Remove Parts\nRemove the top and the base.\nStep 12: The Fourth and Fifth Layer - Divide Them Into 15 Parts\nMeasure the diameter and divide the cup into 15 parts.\nStep 13: Curl the Petals\nUse a pen to curl the petals inwards.\nStep 14: Glue the Fourth and the Fifth Layers Together\nGlue the fourth and fifth layers together; the petals should be staggered so that it looks much beautiful.\nStep 15: Glue the First, the Second, and the Third Layers Together\nPut all three layers together in order; the petals should be staggered so that it looks much beautiful\nStep 16: Put All the Petals Together\nPut the fourth and the fifth layer in the first, second, and third layer.\nStep 17: Write the Program of the Future Board\nOpen Kittenblock, choose Future board as the hardware.\nWrite the RGB program\nThere are three built-in RGB on the Future board that are connected to P7. The program is shown above.\nStep 18: Download the Program\nStep 19: Put the Future Board in the Lantern\nStep 20: Check Out How It Works!\nTie the string and the straw to it, done!",
"The Super Easy Pico Keyboard\nIntroduction: The Super Easy Pico Keyboard\nThis is the easiest Raspberry Pi Pico to Keyboard tutorial. You can make in easy visualized steps a functioning Macro keyboard, Password keyboard, or anything that you can do with a keyboard.\nI am also the original author and have made this tutorial in Dutch for the Makersbase. I am Tomodesigns and I do cool stuff on my Youtube and also Instagram! I am a dutch student with a passion for making and teaching others.\nThis tutorial is well tested on an audience with a beginner knowledge of soldering and coding. So you can also do this!\nYou can make your button casing with my laser-cut wood file or 3dprint file. You will only have to follow the wood or 3dprint steps depending on your chosen method. If you have a Pico and a button you can also follow this tutorial without building the buttonholder.\nSupplies\nThese are all the parts we need for this Instructables:\n* Button: (Diameter of 7mm)\n* Wire (Red and color of your choice):\n* 4mm wood or 3dprint filament\n* Micro USB cable\n* Raspberry Pi Pico:\n* Solder tin\nHere are all the tools we're going to need for this Instructables:\n* Soldering Iron\n* Lasercutter or 3Dprinter (Or nothing if you don't want to make a case)\n* Cable stripper:\nStep 1: Preparation Gluing (Wood)\nBefore we start making the box that contains all your electronics, we first have to collect the right parts. These are:\n* Wood glue\n* Wooden box parts\nThe wooden box parts file is included. You can laser cut this part or go to step 3 for the 3dprinted box if you don't have a laser cutter.\nStep 2: Gluing (wood)\nAs you can see in the video above, you can now glue the box together.\nNB! Do not glue the lid on the box yet.",
"This must still be able to open to put in all the electronics.\nStep 3: Download and Printing Parts (3D Printing)\nDownload these files from this link:\nYou don't have to use any supports for this print and it is around 1,5 hours of printing.\nInfill doesn't matter.\nStep 4: Preparation Soldering\nFor soldering you need a number of things:\n* The Pico\n* A button\n* Two wires (red and color of your choice)\n* solder tin\nAnd we need some tools:\n* Cutting pliers\n* Cable stripper\n* Soldering iron\n* Little helper\nStep 5: Little Helper (Info)\nThis is the Little Helper. This handy tool has a magnifying glass and two little hands.\nWith these hands he can, for example, hold your Raspberry Pi Pico while soldering. So that everything is easily kept in one place. In the other hand, it can even hold the cables that you are going to attach to the Pico.\nHere is a link to buy this handy tool!\nAlways use the Little Helper when you can when soldering!\nStep 6: Cable Stripper\nTo solder cables to your Knop and Pico, you must first remove the casing from the cables. This is called stripping cables.\nWe do this to expose the part of the cable that conducts the current hole. You can recognize these conductive smaller cables by the silver/bronze color. We are going to solder these on the Pico and Button.\nStrip both sides of both your cables.\nStep 7: Pico Soldering\nIn this step, we are going to solder both cables to the Pico.\nWe do this by first putting some solder tin on the pico where we will connect the wires.\nWe are going to do this on pin 3.3V and GP10 (see image)\nStep 8: Button Soldering\nIn this step, we will solder the cables that we soldered to the pico in the previous step to a button. You have 2 pins on the button. Solder one wire per terminal.\nMake sure the ends of the wire do not touch!\nMake sure you soldered everything to the right points!\nStep 9: Attaching Button\nNow we put the knob through the hole in the lid and tighten it with the nut!\nStep 10: Download Ciruitpython\nClick https://downloads.circuitpython.",
"Traffic Light With Pinoo\nIntroduction: Traffic Light With Pinoo\nPurpose of the Project: To make the traffic light system by using green, yellow and red led modules with the Pinoo control card.\nDuration: 2 lessons\nAge Group: 7 years old and above\nPinoo Set: Basic set, invention set, maker set and complete set.\nAchievements: Learns to code the Pinoo control board. Learns to use a LED module. Algorithm building skill develops. Coding skill improves.\nSupplies\nMaterials to be used: Mblock 3 program, Pinoo control card, red, yellow and green led module, connection cables.\nMaterials Required for the Design: Black cardboard, white electrical tape, tongue stick, black cardboard, scissors, silicone gun and silicone.\nStep 1: Project Preparation\n* For our project, we first start our black cardboard with a road view.\n* We make the road and pedestrian path with the help of white band.\n* We cut and straighten the bottom of our tongue stick. Then we make the small piece we cut into a rectangular shape. After fixing our tongue stick, we fix the small part to support it as in the picture.\n* We fix our LEDs in the form of red, yellow and green with the help of a silicon gun and we finish our design part. Let's pay attention to which doors we install our leds on the Pinoo control card.",
"(1.Door: Red Led, 2.Door: Yellow Led, 3.Door: Green Led)\nStep 2: Adding Pinoo Extension\n* From the Extensions tab, we click on the \"Manage Extensions\" option.\n* In the window that opens, we type \"Pinoo\" into the search engine and simply say download to the result. It was installed on our computer.\nStep 3: Connecting the Pinoo Control Board to the Computer\n* In Mblock 3, we click on the \"Connect\" tab on the upper left.\n* We click on the \"Serial Port\" section from the window that opens and select the \"COM6\" option from the page that opens.\n* NOTE: Since the port entries of each computer are different, the numbers next to the COM text may change. We click on the Cards tab.\n* From the window that opens, we select the \"Arduino Nano\" card option used by the Pinoo control card.\n* We click on the Extensions tab.\n* In the window that opens, we select the extension \"Pinoo\" of the control card we are using.\n* We click on the Connect tab.\n* We click on \"Firmware Update\" from the window that opens.\nStep 4: Coding Part\n* In order to control our LED module, we flash it with the code \"Change LED status\" under the \"button is pressed\" code.\n* Under the \"Green Flag\" code, we will repeat our code continuously, first turning on our red LED for 5 seconds and at the same time turning off our yellow and green LEDs. In the same way, we have turned on our yellow led for 1 second and turned on our green led for 5 seconds, and then turned on our yellow led for 1 second to repeat it continuously.\n* We right click on the \"Pinoo Program\" command. In the window that opens, we select the \"Upload to Arduino\" option.\n* On the page that opens, we click the \"Upload to Arduino\" button selected in red. Our codes are uploaded to our Pinoo control card.\n* We click on the \"Close\" button after the \"Download Finished\" text appears. After the installation is finished, the battery compartment is inserted and the project is run.\nStep 5: Working Status of the Project\n* The running state of our traffic light project.",
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"Maker Wallet - Fully 3D Printable\nIntroduction: Maker Wallet - Fully 3D Printable\nThis project has been designed in collaboration with BuildBee, the all-in-one 3D printing solution to design, monitor and print from the cloud.\nLearn more about BuildBee:\n---\nThe Maker Wallet is a fully 3D printable wallet.\nDownload the STL files which are ready to print or the STEP file if you want tu customize or remix the design.\nStep 1: Features\nThis design is meant to be as accessible as possible. These are the design's features:\n* Up to 5 standard-size cards\n* Room for bills and other small objects\n* Lock mechanism\n* Customizable back and front\n* Fully 3D printable\n* 15-second assembly\nStep 2: 3D Printing Tips\nYou can use any FDM 3D printer you want. You just need some PLA filament. Some 3D printing tips:\n* Use a 0.4mm nozzle\n* Print settings: 3 perimeters and 0.2mm layer height\n* Loose lock mechanism? Play with the slicer’s tolerances settings to fix it\n* Adhesives are not required, but you can add some glue where the lid and lever connect for increased rigidity\nStep 3: Assembly\nPrint all the parts with the flat part facing down and remove any strings or surface imperfections, especially on the main body and lever files.\n1. Place the lever in the main body. You should be able to move it with your hand.",
"If it's a bit loose don't worry as that part will stay in place.\n2. Slide the container in place from the top part. It should hold in place. If it still slides you can use a bit of glue. You can also re-print the part using a different tolerance setting.\n3. Connect the lid to the main body and make sure the top part slides properly and connects to the container undercut.\nIf the lock mechanism isn't properly working, check the tolerances settings on your slicer and re-print the container and lid 3D models.\nStep 4: Customization\nThe STEP file of the Maker Wallet is available for download and you can easily customize the front or back with your name or logo.",
"Pulp It! - 3D Printable Recycled Cardboard Molds\nIntroduction: Pulp It! - 3D Printable Recycled Cardboard Molds\nTired of throwing cardboard boxes away? Want to recycle at home with a 3D printer? I've got the perfect project for you.\nPulp It! offers new ways to reshape recycled cardboard at home with just a 3D printer. Download different molds and start making recycled products today.\nSupplies\nOnly basic tools are needed to make incredible cardboard products:\n* FDM 3D Printer: Any 3D printer works as the molds are made with PLA plastic\n* Blender: Used to pulp the cardboard. Similar tools may also work.\n* Cloth: To remove excess water from the pulp.\n* Clamps: To press the parts together and form the cardboard product.\n* Scissors: to cut the cardboard into smaller pieces.\nAnd some supplies too:\n* PLA plastic: To 3D print the molds.\n* Cardboard: Or any other pulp-based material such as paper or packing material.\n* Glue: PVA glue or rice paste works best.\n* Water\nStep 1: Pulp It Mold Set\nThe Pulp It! mold set includes four different designs: Pencil Holder, Box, Tray and Coaster.\nAlso, an Autodesk Fusion 360 parametric design is also available. With it, you can easily change the dimensions of the mold and customize it with your own text and logo.\nStep 2: 3D Printing the Molds\nChoose one or more of the mold designs and 3D print them. Keep in mind that these parts will need to withstand pressure, so they need to be resistant.\nRecommended print settings:\n* Layer Height: 0.2-0.3mm\n* Wall thickness: 1.6mm\n* Top/Bottom thickness: 1.5mm\n* Infill Density: 20%\nTip: The mold designs are compatible with larger nozzles. Use a 0.6mm or 0.8mm nozzle to print the molds faster. That will also make them more resistant!\nEach mold has at least four parts:\n* Walls: Vertical walls that form the side shape.\n* Wall Clip: This clip keeps the wall mold closed and withstands some pressure.\n* Bottom lid: It forms the bottom part of the mold and it's flat. It could also be curved.\n* Top lid: It forms the interior shape and determines the object's thickness.\nThere are some molds such as the ones from the Box design that include two different Top lid parts.",
"That's because the same mold set makes two different objects just by changing the Top lid: one makes the cardboard container and the other one the cardboard lid.\nDon't know which one to start with?\nIf it's the first time you'll make objects with recycled cardboard and 3D printed molds, I personally recommend trying the Box design.\nStep 3: Making the Pulp\nNow the fun part begins!\nPreparing the cardboard\nAlmost any type of pulp-based materials work. If you're using cardboard boxes make sure any tape or coatings are removed before making the pulp.\nMake sure you cut the cardboard into smaller pieces so you can easily blend them. For example, 1x3\" (25x75mm) cardboard pieces work great for standard-size blenders.\nChoosing the binder\nA water-soluble binder is required to improve the strength of the final product and it also helps keep its shape when drying.\nThere are two main binders that I recommend: PVA glue and rice paste (AKA rice glue). I personally recommend using PVA glue if it's your first time working with paper pulp as it's easier to use.\nTip: If you have access to soluble PVA filament for FDM 3D printers, you can dissolve some of it and use it as glue.\nMixing the ingredients\nThis isn't an exact science. It's recommended to start with the water and binder and slowly add the cardboard until the mix is dense enough.\nWarning: Never add too much cardboard as you can damage the blender.\nHere's the amount of material I start with:\n* Water: 500g\n* Cardboard: 150g\n* Binder: 30g\nMix all the ingredients until the pulp has a homogeneous consistency. If you can still see pieces of cardboard, you need to blend them more. You can always remove some cardboard bits from the pulp if they had a non-soluble material such as tape or staples that you didn't see during the cutting process.\nWhen making pulp it's difficult to estimate the right amount to make as the density of the mix can vary. However, it's always better to prepare too much than to run out of it in the middle of a project.",
"Presentation Stand - 3D Printed\nIntroduction: Presentation Stand - 3D Printed\nIf you are looking for a presentation stand for a special object ... this one might be it!. The different 3D models shown in the video or in the pictures give you an impression how it could look like. Of course the possibilities of 3D printing are not as manifold as shown in the video.\nThe transparent nylon thread makes it look like the plate is floating between the open arcs.\nDimensions: L200 x H158 x W160mm. Base Ø 80mm, plate Ø 105mm.\nThere are 4 files to print for this object:\n* Arc_big.stl\n* Arc_small.stl\n* Base.stl\n* Plate.stl\nAfter you have printed these parts ...\nRemark: As all parts are designed to fit very precisely, it may happen that you have to rework one or the other part a bit with sandpaper and/or cutter due to different dimensional accuracy of the printers and the different behavior of the filaments.\nSupplies\nThe plate is held in position by 4 nylon threads. For the assembling you need:\n* Nylon thread Ø 0,35mm\n* Superglue\n* Some patience ;-) … when positioning the plate\nStep 1: Inserting the Big Arc\nStart by gluing the big arc into the base. I used superglue. A small bulge in the middle of the arc will help you with the alignment.\nPress the arc firmly into the recess. Hold it for a moment!\nBefore you continue, wait a little while for the glue to set.\nStep 2: Inserting the Small Arc\nThen you can insert the small arc.",
"I used a screwdriver to press it into place.\nTo ensure a good fit, the fitting accuracy is very tight. It may be necessary to correct the fit with a cutter knife or sandpaper.\nStep 3: Attaching Nylon Threads to the Plate\nNow prepare 4 nylon threads with approx. 20-25cm length. Insert them from the bottom of the plate. A multiple knot is enough to fix the thread to the plate.\nStep 4: Place and Align the Plate\nStart by hanging the plate into the big arc. The thread length between the tip of the arc and the plate should be about 6cm.\nThere is a small slit (W 0,3mm) at the end of the arc - apart from the hole - to trap the thread initially for temporary fixation.\nThen take the threads for the small arc and proceed in the same way.\nWhen the plate is aligned horizontally - at a height of about 10cm from the bottom - you can pull the thread through the hole 1-2 more times and clamp it. This should be enough for a permanent fixation. Now you can cut of the thread ends.\nDue to the material (PLA) the load is limited ... about 150 gr.\nStep 5: Color and Material Suggestions\nSome more color and material combinations in 3D model.",
"Bedside Lamp (Box) - LED 12V 2.5W - 3D Printed\nIntroduction: Bedside Lamp (Box) - LED 12V 2.5W - 3D Printed\nI have already published a bedside lamp here: ... lamp head in tube form.\nBut for those who like it more square, this one now has a box shape and was originally the first bedside lamp I have designed and printed. The design is based on \"PLAzzy Dog Lamp - LED 12V 2.5W - 3D Printed\" ...",
"that cannot be denied!\nThe assembly is in many parts identical with \"Bedside Lamp (Tube)\".\nThe files must be printed in the following number of copies:\n* 1x BSL_LED Lamp_head.stl\n* 1x BSL_LED Lamp_back.stl\n* 1x BSL_LED Lamp_neck.stl\n* 2x BSL_LED Lamp_leg.stl\n* 2x BSL_LED Lamp_foot.stl\n* 1x BSL_LED Lamp_spacerwasher.stl\n* 1x BSL_LED Lamp_lightsocket.stl\nPrint settings:\n* Printer brand: Prusa Printer: I3 MK3S\n* Supports: No\n* Resolution: 0,18\n* Infill: 20%\n* Filament brand: Prusa; ICE Filament color: Galaxy Black, Silky Silver; Romantic Red\n* Filament material: PLA\nAfter you have printed your parts ...\nRemark: As all parts are designed to fit very precisely, it may happen that you have to rework one or the other part a bit with sandpaper and/or cutter due to different dimensional accuracy of the printers and the different behavior of the filaments.\nSupplies\nFor this project you will need:\n* 1x … 64x64x3mm white polycarbonate glass, 70% translucency (or transparent polycarbonate glass or twin wall-sheet). I used polycarbonate glas - because of the more pleasant light.\n* 1x … Ø 4x55mm from a threaded rod (or screw Ø m4 x 60 and saw of the screw head)\n* 1x … Ø 4x45mm from a threaded rod (or screw Ø m4 x 50 and saw of the screw head)\n* 2x … Ø M3x20mm + plus 2 matching washers (to connect head, neck and light base)\n* 4x … wing nuts Ø 4mm\n* 10x … washers Ø 15x4,5mm\n* 5x … self-tapping screws Ø 2,2x 9,5mm\n* 4x … self-adhesive rubber pads Ø 8x1,6mm\n* Switch wire, 10cm\n* Drill, Ø 2mm\n* Fretsaw\n* Soldering Iron\n* Solder\n* Glue\n* Sandpaper\n* Phillips screwdriver\nEspecially for the light installation you need:\n* AC/DC Socket 5,5/2,1 mm\n* 4G bulb socket\n* 2 Position Mini Toggle Switch\n* 4G LED bulb 2,5W/250Lm\n* AC/DC power adapter\nIMPORTANT!: I do not advise the installation of a higher wattage bulb, because of too much heat development!\nSome of these parts you can find here:\n*\n* Light: Trango 5er Pack G4 LED Leuchtmittel TGG415-2.5W - 12V AC/DC - 2.5 Watt 250 Lumen mit 3000K Power SMDs warmweiß\n* Power adapter: LEICKE Netzteil 12V 2A | 12V 2000mA | Ladegerät 24W für LCD, LED-Streife\n* Bulb socket\n* AC/DC Socket\nStep 1: Preparations - Overview\nBefore you start ... here an overview:\n* All print parts.\n* Different \"glass\" options.\n* All possible parts you need for assembly.\n* All parts you need for the electric.",
"Basketball Pen\nIntroduction: Basketball Pen\nDo you remember Stabilo's iconic basketball pen from the early 2000s? Here's my attempt to recreate it.\nSupplies\nTools\n* 3D printer\n* Optional ‒ Cutting plotter\nMaterials\n* 3D printer filament (e.g. Ultimaker CPE black)\n* Orange rubber spray (e.g. Plasti Dip® Go Mango)\n* Primer spray (e.g. Dupli-Color Universal Primer)\n* Stabilo fineliner point 88 mini\n* Black (or different color) rubber tape\n* Optional ‒ Spray paint (e.g. Edding Acrylic Spray)\nStep 1: 3D Printing\nPrint all attached STL files:\n* Hull.stl\n* Tip.stl\n* Ring.stl\n* Lid.stl\nStep 2: Primer and Rubber Coating\nSpray the hull with one layer of primer. I held mine in place by mounting it on a stick. This allowed me to evenly spray it from all sides.\nOnce the primer has fully dried, apply 4 – 5 layers of rubber spray.\nIn Stabilo's original, the small ring indicates the color of the ink. You may decide to paint it in the corresponding color.",
"I decided to leave mine black as I use a black fineliner.\nStep 3: Assembly\nInstall the tip on the pen. It should make a 'click' sound and sit tightly.\nSlide the ring from the bottom of the pen towards the tip.\nPut the pen into the hull. Firmly push it all the way in, you may use the original lid to apply pressure.\nThe ring should now be locked between the tip and the hull and not be able to move.\nStep 4: Fitting the Lid\nDepending on the tolerance of the 3D-printed parts, the lid may be slightly too tight. In this case, carefully scrape off a thin layer on the inside of the lid and test if it fits. The lid should sit firmly on the pen but come off without too much force – similar to the original.\nStep 5: Lines\nCut four thin strips of black rubber tape (100 mm × 1.5 mm). Align them with the notches and fix them with a folding tool or the pointy end of a paper clip.\nStep 6: Sticker (optional)\nOn a cutting plotter, cut a logo (for example the attached Wilson logo) from a piece of black rubber tape. It should not be larger than 20 mm × 5 mm.\nCarefully remove the logo from the cutting mat and place it on the rectangular placeholder on the side of the pen.\nUse a piece of paper to apply pressure on the printed logo without moving it.\nStep 7: Done\nThat's it. Enjoy writing with your new basketball pen!",
"ZeeZee Lights: Personalized, 3D Printed DIY Smart LED Light\nIntroduction: ZeeZee Lights: Personalized, 3D Printed DIY Smart LED Light\nPersonalized, 3D Printed DIY Smart LED Light\nDesigned for the kids, but could be used for grown-ups too 😊. Could be used as a night lamp, decoration, sign, logo, etc.\nThis tutorial covers a video guide on how to design and produce your ZeeZee lights.\nSupplies\n* 3D files\n* Make it on your own. You can follow the video tutorial bellow\n* Buy it on Etsy if that suits you better\n* Wifi LED controller\n* Power supply (12V, 2A, or more)\n* LED strip (12V, cheapest one will be fine)\n* Female power supply connector\n* (Hot) glue\n* 3D printer filament\n* 3D printer\nThe URLs above are affiliate links and the ones I used, verified, and recommend them.\nStep 1: Design\nThere is a step-by-step tutorial (of 13 steps) in the video below, so you can make your own 3D letters and covers, but if you want a shortcut, you can buy it on Etsy.\nI designed it using the fantastic Autodesk Tinkercad free online tool and I encourage you to try it by yourself, especially if you are a beginner. Make some changes on your own, try to improve the design.\nIf you looking for a more powerful tool, take a look at the Autodesk Fusion 360.\nSTLs used in this tutorial are available on Thingiverse.\nStep 2: 3D Printing\nI used black and white PLA filaments. Black for the letter’s body and white for the letter cover/shading. As initially designed as 100 mm tall and 30 mm thick, letters ZITA took about 5 hours to print with 0.6 mm nozzle and 0.4 mm layers.\nA few useful tips: Learn from my mistakes 🙂\n* When printing white covers, do not forget to clean your nozzle before. Black leftovers will ruin your cover and it will not be clean white.\n* When the cover is printed, let it cool down before you take it from the printer’s bed.",
"Covers are thin and if you pull them while are warm, they could be easily deformed.\n* If you are not satisfied with the cover’s size (too loose/tight) change the cover’s bevel (step 12 in the video).\n* Print letter covers horizontally flipped, to get the smooth side (bedside) on the outside.\nStep 3: LED Strip Installation\nWhen you are done with printing it is time to install an LED strip to assemble the whole thing.\nFirst, I glued the LED strip (just peeled off adhesion tape on the strip) to the wall of the letter, as displayed below. Then I took one side of the strip and soldered the wire and pushed it through the hole in the back of the letter.\nWhen I was sure that the LED strip is nicely spread out and working, I used a hot glue gun and glued the strip for good.\nWhen all the letters are done, an LED strip is installed, take all the wires, and solder them to the female power supply connector.\nI used a 12V LED strip, so basically I can power it right now using just a 12V power supply. LEDs will glow but we’re missing the fun, smart part.\nStep 4: LED Controller\nLED Controller I used is a powerful little bad-ass. It works like a charm and best of all it is cheap.\nAll you need is the Magic Home app and follow the instructions you got with the device. If you are not sure how to power it up, take a look at the video, I recorded the installation procedure.\nIn addition to the light control itself, there are more fun options such as Mic control. You can play music, or even sing and your light will react to the sound.\nStep 5: The End\nFeel free to adjust this project to yourself. For example, you can use an RGB LED strip or maybe 5V LED strip to power the whole thing from the AA batteries.\nAnyway, whatever you do, have fun, and please share your work on social networks!\nThis tutorial is published also on PowerUserTutorials Follow for more tutorials.\nVideo is made using powerful Wondershare Filmora app, probably the best video editing app for beginners. They have a free version too, so feel free to test it out.",
"How to Make Lego Technic Compatible Parts in Fusion 360\nIntroduction: How to Make Lego Technic Compatible Parts in Fusion 360\nAttending high school: Homeschool\nWhether you are looking for a discontinued Lego part, or want to make a custom Lego part, this tutorial will help. I have used Fusion 360 to do both. This tutorial will focus on Lego Technic parts.\nMy example will include making a Lego mount for a brushless motor and a servo mount. I used these to make a high powered Lego RC car.\nSupplies\n1. Autodesk Fusion 360 Software\n2. 3D printer (I use the Creality Ender 3 V2)\nRecommended: Digital Caliper\nStep 1: Measurements\nIf you want to use 3D printing to adapt non Lego parts into your Lego design, its a good idea to start by measuring the non Lego part that you want to use. A digital caliper makes this process easier.\nStep 2: Build Your Adapter or Lego Part\nIf you are creating an adapter to a non Lego part, it often works best to create the non Lego side first.\nStep 3: Make Your Part Lego Compatible\nAt this point, you may place your adapter into an existing Lego part (example of the motor mount), or add peg holes or pegs. Lego studs are 8x8x8mm peg holes are around 5mm depending on the precision of your 3D printer.",
"Distance center to center between peg holes should be divisible by 8. Dividing by 8 will give you the length in studs.\nYou can find Lego STL files on as well as a few other sites.\nStep 4: Set Up Your Part for Printing\nImport your Lego compatible part into your 3D printing utility and set up for printing. I find that PrusaSlicer works better than many other slicers. Depending on the part I use %60 - %100 infill. Add supports and adhesion if needed and send to your printer!\nStep 5: Print Your Part\nStep 6: Post Process\nRemove any supports and file down anything that needs it. Often I need to drill the peg holes.\nStep 7: Install Your Part and Have Fun!\nI installed my Lego parts into a Lego RC car. So far they have held up! My Lego car is much more powerful now with the brushless motor instead of the Lego motors I used to make cars with. Its also easier to steer now that I have a servo to steer my car with.",
"3D Printed LED Clock\nIntroduction: 3D Printed LED Clock\nWelcome to our project: creating a 3D printed, LED lit, digital clock! The end result is sleek, appealing, and vibrant. Not only does this project provide the perfect amount of mellow lighting, but also a useful digital clock feature.\nSupplies\n* Digital clock kit (about 2 by 1.5 inches). Arduino is another good option.\n* Soldering iron and metal\n* 3D printer and filament\n* Laser cutter or CNC\n* white, translucent acrylic\n* Hot glue gun or Gorilla glue\n* Thin wood for laser cutting decorative panel\n* LED light strip (6-10)\nStep 1: The Digital Clock\nWith whatever digital clock/soldering kit you choose, follow the kit's instructions for assembly and soldering. As you can see, ours had several parts (including buttons to adjust the time) that we secured with a soldering iron and sponge. This part took about 30 minutes, and you should test that everything functions as intended before moving on to the rest of the clock.\nStep 2: The Clock CAD\nNext, CAD your clock. We used Fusion360 and created two pieces that interlock to contain the clock, and a small interlocking piece to go on top and hold the whole thing together. We also used Fusion for the CAD of the LED strip which we converted to an engineered drawing to send to the laser cutter. You could definitely duplicate this design, or take it in your own direction entirely. You have lots of creative freedom to make it your own here.",
"Just make sure you keep a couple things in mind:\n* Be precise in your measurements for the opening where the clock shows]\n* If you go with interlocking pieces, leave a gap / offset of a couple mm so that pieces will fit snugly\n* Leave a hole in the side for your power source if your kit contains a USB\n* Make sure you leave enough room on the inside for all the mechanisms (digital clock, power, led strips, etc.).\nStep 3: Print and Assemble\nPrint the case of your clock and make sure that everything fits. Put the digital clock inside and make sure it does not move around too much, and plug it in to make sure it functions correctly. At this stage you can also go back to the CAD and make and necessary adjustments and reprint.\nOnce we were happy with our print, we laser cut the face of the design on wood and stained it for a sleek finish.\nStep 4: Laser Cut the Acrylic / Place LEDs\nNow you can laser cut your acrylic on a laser cutter or CNC. You can cut it to fit directly into your design, or make simple panels to fit into the back of the clock. This is a good option if you do not have access to a laser cutter: just find a translucent material that you can fit into your design to amplify the light.\nThen, fit your LED lights. I glued them to a Styrofoam plate to amplify the light within the clock for a better glow. These can be attached to an external power source, but in our case we used a 9V battery and soldered a switch on.\nBy now you can see your project taking full shape, and you can see in our picture how well the lighting worked!\nStep 5: You're Done!\nHere is our completed project! By now you've completed all the steps to make a successful 3D printed, LED light Clock. It's perfect for lighting as well as telling the time. We would love to see your versions of this project :)\nThanks for reading,\n<PERSON> and <PERSON>",
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"How to use numerical analysis to calculate the motion of any planet?\nI have just started reading the <PERSON> lectures and in chapter 9, he explains how one might use numerical analysis to calculate the motion of a spring which can be extended to calculate the motion of earth around the sun ( assuming the sun is fixed ).\n<PERSON> states that one may calculate the motion of Neptune or Jupiter or whatever even if the sun is not taken to be stationary. These are the equations he states:\nNow let us see how we can calculate the motion of Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus, or any other planet. If we have a great many planets, and let the sun move too, can we do the same thing? Of course we can. We calculate the force on a particular planet, let us say planet number i, which has a position $x_i,y_i,z_i$ (i=1 may represent the sun, i=2 Mercury, i=3 Venus, and so on).",
"We must know the positions of all the planets. The force acting on one is due to all the other bodies which are located, let us say, at positions $x_j,y_j,z_j$. Therefore the equations are: \\begin{align} m_i\\,\\frac{dv_{ix}}{dt}&= \\sum_{j=1}^N-\\frac{Gm_im_j(x_i-x_j)}{r_{ij}^3},\\notag\\ \\label{Eq:I:9:18} m_i\\,\\frac{dv_{iy}}{dt}&= \\sum_{j=1}^N-\\frac{Gm_im_j( y_i- y_j )}{r_{ij}^3},\\ m_i\\,\\frac{dv_{iz}}{dt}&= \\sum_{j=1}^N-\\frac{Gm_im_j( z_i- z_j )}{r_{ij}^3}.\\notag \\end{align} Where \\begin{equation} \\label{Eq:I:9:19} r_{ij}=\\sqrt{(x_i-x_j)^2+(y_i-y_j)^2+(z_i-z_j)^2}. \\end{equation}\nThen he states that,\"Then when we have all initial positions and velocities we can calculate all the accelerations by first calculating all the distances\". Alright, if we do have all initial velocities and distances of all the planets, how do we use that to calculate all future positions and velocities of planet $i$ as the positions and velocities of planet $j$ will be affected by planet $i$ as well! ?\nHere is the link to the chapter:",
"Pendulum with Oscillatory Support - A question on Lagrangian Mechanics\nRecently I have been attempting Morin's Introduction to Classical Mechanics (2008) but I got rather stuck on question 6.3 on the topic of Langrangian Mechanics. Attached are the problem and the illlustrating image.\nQuestion 6.3: A pendulum consists of a mass m and a massless stick of length l. The pendulum support oscillates horizontally with a position given by x(t)=Acos(wt), see Fig. 6.10. What is the general solution for the angle of the pendulum as a function of time?\nMy initial thought of the question was that since the support undergoes harmonic oscillation, there must be a constant force acting on the support.",
"For instance, a spring may be driving the motion of the support. The langrangian calculated must include the kinetic energy of the support and the potential energy of the driving force, in addition to the motion of the pendulum.\nAs such, I solved the question as below:\ncoordinates of support: $(x, 0)$ \\\\ coordinates of mass: $(x-l \\sin \\theta, -l \\ cos \\theta)$\n$T=\\frac{1}{2}M\\dot x^2 + \\frac{1}{2}m[\\dot {(x+l \\sin \\theta)}^2+ \\dot{(-l\\cos\\theta)}^2]=\\frac{1}{2}M\\dot x^2+\\frac{1}{2}m(\\dot x^2+2\\dot x \\cos \\theta \\dot {\\theta} + l^2{\\dot \\theta}^2)$\n$V=mgl\\cos\\theta+\\frac{1}{2}kx^2$\n$L=T-V=\\frac{1}{2}M\\dot x^2+\\frac{1}{2}m(\\dot x^2+2\\dot x \\cos \\theta \\dot {\\theta} + l^2{\\dot \\theta}^2)-mgl\\cos\\theta-\\frac{1}{2}kx^2$\nWhen I checked the answer, however, the motion of the support is not included in the calculation of the Lagrangian L. Instead $T=\\frac{1}{2}m(\\dot x^2+2\\dot x \\cos \\theta \\dot {\\theta} + l^2{\\dot \\theta}^2)$ and $V=mgl\\cos\\theta$. The L calculated was therefore\n$L=\\frac{1}{2}m(\\dot x^2+2\\dot x \\cos \\theta \\dot {\\theta} + l^2{\\dot \\theta}^2)-mgl\\cos\\theta$\nOf course, when taking the Euler-Langrange equations by the $\\theta$ coordinates, the differential equations obtained for both cases are the same as the M and k terms have no $\\theta$ or $\\dot \\theta$ terms, so the final answers are the same.\nHowever, I am rather confused why the answer provided in the book allowed for the Lagrangian to be calculated for the mass alone without consideration of the support. A viable $L$ would require the total energy in the frame to be conserved. How would anyone know that movement of the support does not contribute to the energy of the mass before any calculation beforehand? Or am I missing something?\nThanks for any responses in advance.",
"Confusion in understanding Coriolis force example\nI am learning Classical Mechanics from a book called Newtonian mechanics by <PERSON>. The book tries to explain Coriolis force with an experiment as an example which confounds me. The book goes something like this:-\nWe can find the magnitude of this[Coriolis] force by investigating another simple motion. Suppose that instead of the situation just described[wherein on a horizontal table rotating with a uniform angular velocity, we had a particle held at a particular radius by fastening it with a string to the center of the table], we make a particle follow a radially outward path in the rotating frame at constant velocity $\\vec v'r$ . In this frame there must be no net force on the particle. Clearly, it follows a straight line path in the rotating frame.",
"But in the stationary frame it follows a curved path, $AB$ . In $S$ the transverse velocity $v{\\theta}\\;(= \\omega r)$ is greater at $B$ than at $A$ , because the radial distance from the axis is greater at $B$ . Hence there must be a real transverse force to produce this increase of velocity seen in the stationary frame. This real force might be provided, for example, by a spring balance.\nI am fine with it except for the final line(in bold). Where is the spring balance here? I can't imagine where I could fit it in the picture for it to give a transverse force to the particle. Is it attached to the center or the circumference of the circle or where else? Understanding where the spring balance is, seems essential here for understanding the existence of the Coriolis force as the book itself later says:\n.. since an observer in $S'$ sees the spring balance exerting a real sideways force on the object in the $+ \\theta$ direction, he infers that there is a counteracting inertial force in the $- \\theta $ direction to balance it\nThanks for your help in advance.\nPS:- If you want to read exactly what the book says, please follow the link above and go to page 514 of the book.",
"Derivation of collision rules\nMy question is about the selected answer\nThe author of the question writes:\nI want to be able to calculate the resulting velocities of 4 particles (hexagons, specifically) after they simultaneously (elastically) collide, given their initial velocities. They all have the same size and mass, and in the specific case I'm trying to solve currently, one hexagon is fired at three stationary hexagons (as shown below)\nThe author of the selected answer provides a solution for the general case, but in the middle of the explanation he uses the following system of equations that he calls \"collision rules\":\nThe collision rules are expressed along the contact normals where the final relative speed is a negative fraction of the impact relative speed $$\\begin{align} \\frac{1}{2}(v_A+\\Delta v_A)-(v_B+\\Delta v_B) & = -\\epsilon (\\frac{1}{2}v_A-v_B) \\end{align}$$ $$\\begin{align} (v_A+\\Delta v_A)-(v_C+\\Delta v_C) & = -\\epsilon (v_A-v_C) \\end{align}$$ $$\\begin{align} \\frac{1}{2}(v_A+\\Delta v_A)-(v_D+\\Delta v_D) & = -\\epsilon (\\frac{1}{2}v_A-v_D) \\end{align}$$\nSince all velocities before the collision except $v_A$ are equal to $0$, the system can be simplified for $\\epsilon = 1$: $$\\begin{align} \\frac{1}{2}(v_A+\\Delta v_A)-\\Delta v_B & = -\\frac{1}{2}v_A \\end{align}$$ $$\\begin{align} (v_A+\\Delta v_A)-\\Delta v_C & = -v_A \\end{align}$$ $$\\begin{align} \\frac{1}{2}(v_A+\\Delta v_A)-\\Delta v_D & = -\\frac{1}{2}v_A \\end{align}$$\nI understand how to derive these rules for the collision of two bodies from the conservation of energy and conservation of momentum laws.",
"But I fail to understand how the derivation could be done for the case described in the question.\nThe law of conservation of energy in this case for $\\epsilon = 1$ is: $$(v_A+\\Delta v_A)^2+(\\Delta v_B)^2+(\\Delta v_C)^2+(\\Delta v_D)^2=v_A^2$$ The law of conservation of momentum in vector form is: $$(\\mathbf{v_A}+\\mathbf{\\Delta v_A)}+\\mathbf{\\Delta v_B}+\\mathbf{\\Delta v_C}+\\mathbf{\\Delta v_D}=\\mathbf{v_A}$$\nThe law of conservation of momentum along the normal from A to B: $$\\frac{1}{2}(v_A+\\Delta v_A)+\\Delta v_B+\\frac{1}{2}\\Delta v_C-\\frac{1}{2}\\Delta v_D=\\frac{1}{2}v_A $$ , along the normal from A to C (x axis): $$(v_A+\\Delta v_A)+\\frac{1}{2}\\Delta v_B+\\Delta v_C+\\frac{1}{2}\\Delta v_D=v_A $$ , along the normal from A to D: $$\\frac{1}{2}(v_A+\\Delta v_A)-\\frac{1}{2}\\Delta v_B+\\frac{1}{2}\\Delta v_C+\\Delta v_D=\\frac{1}{2}v_A $$\nI tried to manipulate the equations but wasn't able to get to the aforementioned three rules. So my questions are: * how does one derive them? * is it possible to derive rules for the general case of N bodies? * will it work for the case when bodies B, C, D, ... are not stationary?",
"Lagrangian equations of motion for ball rolling on turntable\nThe equations governing the motion of a ball of mass m, radius R rolling on a table rotating at constant angular velocity $ \\Omega $ which are derived using <PERSON>'s laws are: (I present these for comparison) \\begin{align} (I+mR^2) \\dot{\\omega}_x &= (I+2mR^2)\\Omega \\omega_y-mR \\Omega^2y \\ (I+mR^2) \\dot{\\omega}_y &= -(I+2mR^2)\\Omega \\omega_x + mR \\Omega^2 x \\ \\dot{x} &= R \\omega_y \\ \\dot{y} &= -R \\omega_x \\end{align} Where $x,y,\\omega_x,\\omega_y$ are absolute values measured in the rotating frame ($x,y$ being positions and $\\omega_x,\\omega_y$ angular velocities of the ball). To express the position, velocity, etc in the inertial $XYZ$ frame we can perform a change of variables: \\begin{align} X=x \\cos \\theta - y \\sin \\theta \\ Y=x \\sin \\theta + y \\cos \\theta \\end{align} The equations written above are correct as far as I know. Now I've tried to derive these equations using the Lagrangian approach, but my equations differ slightly from the above.",
"I'll share my work here:\nWe start with the standard formulation of the Lagrangian equations of motion: $$\\frac{d}{dt} \\left( \\frac{\\partial L}{\\partial \\dot{q_i}} \\right) - \\frac{\\partial L}{\\partial q_i}=Q_i$$ For this system, there are no non-conservative forces doing work at any time so $Q_i=0$ (Assuming no-slip here). Now the kinetic energy of the system is: $$T=\\frac{1}{2}m \\| v \\| ^2 + \\frac{1}{2} I \\| \\omega \\|^2 $$ Where $v$,$\\omega$ are the absolute linear and angular velocities of the ball, $I$ is the moment of inertia of the center of mass. I'll proceed in the rotating frame basis $xyz$, where the position $r$ of the ball is given by $$\\vec{r}=x \\hat{i} + y \\hat{j}$$ Using velocity kinematics in rotating frames, the absolute velocity of the ball is given by: $$\\vec{v}=\\vec{\\Omega} \\times \\vec{r} + \\vec{v}{xyz}$$ Where $\\vec{v}{xyz}$ is the velocity of the ball in the rotating frame: $$\\vec{v}{xyz} = \\dot{x} \\hat{i} + \\dot{y} \\hat{j}$$ So the absolute velocity $\\vec{v}$ after expanding gives: $$\\vec{v} = (\\dot{x}-\\Omega y) \\hat{i} + (\\dot{y} +\\Omega x) \\hat{j} $$ It follows from taking the magnitude of the absolute velocity: $$\\| v \\|^2 = (\\dot{x}-\\Omega y)^2 + (\\dot{y}+\\Omega x)^2$$ The first unknown term in the Lagrangian equations of motion.",
"Mutual E force due to charged coaxial rings\nI found the following question in a good physics book I was solving and although this is a computer problem, I wonder if it can be done without using computers.\n$Q.$ Find the force of attraction between $2$ coaxial rings of radius $R$ having charge $+Q$ and $-Q$. Assume that the common axis is the $X-axis$ and the distance between their centres is $2R$.\nFirst I assumed that the centre of the positivelt charged ring is $(0,0,0)$. Then I took a small element of length $Rd\\theta$ on the positively charged ring which has co-ordinates $\\vec\\theta=(0,R\\cos\\theta,R\\sin\\theta)$ and another element on the negatively charged ring with length $Rd\\phi$ and co-ordinates $\\vec\\phi=(2R,R\\cos\\phi,R\\sin\\phi)$. Hence the distance between the two elements is $$d=|\\vec\\phi-\\vec\\theta|=\\sqrt{4R^2+2R^2-2R^2\\cos(\\theta-\\phi)}=2R\\sqrt{1+\\sin^2\\left(\\frac{\\theta-\\phi}2\\right)}$$ Now, by symmetry we can assume that the mutual force would be directed toward the centre and parallel to the common axis.",
"Therefore first we have to find the component of the force between the 2 elements towards the centre. The angle between the line joining $\\vec\\theta$ and $\\vec\\phi$ and the line joining $\\vec\\phi$ and $\\vec 0$ is given by $$\\begin{align}\\cos\\alpha&=\\frac{(\\vec\\phi-\\vec\\theta).\\vec\\phi}{|\\vec\\phi-\\vec\\theta||\\vec\\phi|}\\&=\\frac{2+\\sin^2\\left(\\frac{\\phi-\\theta}2\\right)}{\\sqrt5.\\sqrt{1+\\sin^2\\left(\\frac{\\phi-\\theta}2\\right)}}\\end{align}$$Hence the force on that element along the axis is$$F=\\int_{0}^{2\\pi}\\int_{0}^{2\\pi}\\frac{(Q/2\\pi R)^2(2+\\sin^2(\\frac{\\phi-\\theta}2))}{4\\pi \\epsilon_{0}4(1+\\sin^2(\\frac{\\phi-\\theta}2))\\sqrt5}*\\frac2{\\sqrt5} d\\theta d\\phi$$ The $\\frac2{\\sqrt5}$ comes because we are taking the component along the axis. The $R^2$ cancels in the numerator and denominator because of $Rd\\theta$ and $Rd\\phi$ and $R^2$ at the denominator. I am at a loss about how to evaluate this integral (It can be understood why it is a computer problem). So I have the following 3 doubts:-\n$1.$ Is my approach correct?\n$2.$ How can the integral be evaluated?\n$3.$ Is there an easier way to calculate the required force?",
"Throwing a ball from the surface of the earth so that it ends up in a circular orbit\nAssume the Earth to be a uniform sphere of mass M and radius R. Also let the Earth be stationary initially. Assume further that there is all other stellar bodies are very far away so as to have no influence in this problem.\nA ball of mass m is to be thrown from the surface of the Earth so that it ends up ultimately moving in a circular orbit at a height h from the surface of the Earth. How should the ball be thrown, as in, what should be its initial velocity and what angle $\\theta$ with the radial vector from the Earth's center to its initial position on the surface of the Earth?\nMy attempt at the solution -\nSince the Earth-ball system is isolated, its energy would be conserved. Let the initial speed of the ball be $v_0$ and the final speed be $v_f$. We'll have the following equation:\n$$ \\frac{1}{2}m v_0 ^2 - \\frac{GMm}{R} = \\frac{1}{2}mv_f^2 - \\frac{GMm}{R+h}$$\nNext, we know that when the ball will finally be in circular orbit, the gravitational force will be providing the necessary centripetal acceleration for it to maintain circular motion, which gives us the following equation:\n$$ \\frac{mv_f^2}{R+h} = \\frac{GMm}{(R+h)^2} $$\nBesides, since gravity is a central force, the angular momentum of the ball about the center of the Earth will remain conserved, which yields the following equation:\n$$ mv_0R \\sin(\\theta) = mv_f(R+h) $$\nThat completes setting up three equations for three variables - $ v_0, v_f, \\theta $.",
"Solving them, we would obtain the following values for each:\n$$ v_o = \\sqrt\\frac{GM(R+2h)}{R(R+h)} $$\n$$ v_f = \\sqrt\\frac{GM}{R+h} $$\n$$ \\theta = \\sin^{-1} \\Biggl( \\frac{1+\\frac{h}{R}}{\\sqrt{1+\\frac{2h}{R}}} \\Biggr) $$\nHowever, it is observed that for $\\theta$ the argument of $\\sin^{-1}$ is always greater than or equal to one, being one only if h is zero. The proof maybe carried out by initially assuming that the argument of $\\sin^{-1}$ is less than or equal to one for h greater than or equal to 0, and solving the inequality will yield that h must be less than or equal to zero. So the only acceptable solution is for h to be zero. This just winds up being the case of throwing the ball with sufficient speed tangentially on the surface of Earth so that it keeps orbiting on the Earth's surface itself. Thus, there is no feasible way to just throw a ball so that it ends up in a circular orbit of certain desired radius.\nThe problem is that I don't see any Physical intuition for why this should be true; either that, or I am doing something wrong. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated!",
"All 2-body systems end up tidally locking each other. In fact, the Earth is slowly going into tidal locking with the Moon, it just takes a lot longer for the larger body to lock with the smaller one (the moon is of course already locked). In your case, it is expected that a binary system of asteroids would be tidally locked.\nI simulated the asteroids orbiting the sun at one AU, where the sun has position {0,0,0} and a velocity which offsets that of the asteroids.\nLet's assume our asteroids have an average density of $~1000\\frac{kg}{m^3}$.",
"Then the mass of asteroid of $3\\left(km\\right)$ diameter with a volume of $\\frac{4}{3}\\pi 1.5^3\\left(km^3\\right)\\approx14\\left(km^3\\right)=14\\times10^9\\left(m^3\\right)$ has a mass of $14\\times10^{12}\\left(kg\\right)$\nWe can estimate the relative velocity by means of an idealized circular motion, in which case $a=\\frac{v^2}{r}$. We also know that the acceleration due to asteroid 2 is $$G\\frac{m}{r^2}=6.674\\times10^{-11}\\left(N \\frac{m^2}{kg^2}\\right)\\frac{20\\times10^{12}(kg)}{\\left(1.5\\times10^4\\right)^2(m^2)}=5.93\\times10^3\\left(\\frac{m}{s^2}\\right)$$ And thus: $$v=\\sqrt{ar}=\\sqrt{1.5\\times10^4(m)\\times5.93\\times10^3\\left(\\frac{m}{s^2}\\right)}=0.3\\left(\\frac{m}{s}\\right)$$\nThis gives us a good aprroximation, and with some testing, it turns out that $0.4\\left(\\frac{m}{s}\\right)$ gives us a good orbit:\nSo, let's use the following statistics:\nAsteroid 1\nMass: $14\\times10^{12}$\nPosition:$\\left(AU,0,0\\right)$\nVelocity:$\\left(0.4\\frac{m}{s},29780\\frac{m}{s},0\\right)$\nAsteroid 2\nMass: $20\\times10^{12}$\nPosition:$\\left(AU,15\\times10^3,0\\right)$\nVelocity:$\\left(0,29780\\frac{m}{s},0\\right)$\nMeaning they have an initial distance and velocity relative to eachother of $\\Delta s=13\\times10^3$,$\\Delta v=0.4\\frac{m}{s}$.\nBehaviour\nOur asteroids have a steady near circular orbit around the sun, the orbit takes about 390 Earth days:\nThe distance between the asteroids fluctuates slightly, both in the short as long term, this is more realistic than perfectly circular orbits. The long term fluctuation is due to the influence of the sun, this gives the distance between the asteroids over 2 earth years:\nTidal locking\nThe asteroids rotate very slowly around eachother, and will almost certainly be tidally locked.\nEccentricity and Stability\nThis configuration is stable over single digit years, the precise configuration needs to change for stability to be maintained over more years.\nFor decades long stability, the eccentricity actually seems to decrease, regardless of the initial situation, however when the orbit eccentricity becomes too low (the orbits become highly circular), the orbits become suddenly less stable, here is the plot over 200 years:\nAs you can see, after 70 years or so, the asteroids start to draw closer together. Increasing velocity accuracy, draws this out,\nLet me know if you need anything else, I love this stuff.\nMy guess is this means it's really difficult to find a stable orbit between such two small objects, however by increasing the accuracy of the velocity, it should be possible for the orbit to be stable for a few thoasand years, though such a configuration would be highly unlikely to occur naturally.",
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"This answer might not make a lot of sense without a little background on quantum computing\nA QCNN ( is a type of quantum model that the authors in this paper use to model quantum data. At the core it is just a quantum circuit acting on a set of qubits in order to model quantum data that is on those qubits. The authors use it to predict a particular property of their quantum data. Here is a piece from the paper where they explain the architecture at a high level:\nThe circuit's input is an unknown quantum state $\\rho_{\\text{in}}$. A convolution layer applies a single quasi-local unitary ($U_i$) in a translationally-invariant manner for finite depth. For pooling, a fraction of qubits are measured, and their outcomes determine unitary rotations ($V_j$) applied to nearby qubits. Hence, nonlinearities in QCNN arise from reducing the number of degrees of freedom.",
"Convolution and pooling layers are performed until the system size is sufficiently small; then, a fully connected layer is applied as a unitary $F$ on the remaining qubits. Finally, the outcome of the circuit is obtained by measuring a fixed number of output qubits. As in the classical case, circuit structures (i.e. QCNN hyperparameters) such as the number of convolution and pooling layers are fixed, and the unitaries themselves are learned.\nTo contrast this a little bit with the classical CNN: The QCNN is best used when dealing with quantum data that you wouldn't normally be able to deal with (easily) classically. The authors made a very smart choice here in choosing to model data that could be prepared on a quantum computer, data which might be harder for a classical computer to prepare. If you have classical data (like MNIST or CIFAR) then the CNN is still your best bet over the QCNN for performance. If you have quantum data on a quantum computer the QCNN has a much stronger case.\nIf you've been using TensorFlow Quantum, one of the tutorials shows this exact performance comparison where a quantum computer modelling classical data has a really hard time keeping up with the scaling of the classical computer (\nWe are hoping to use TensorFlow Quantum to better understand quantum data and it's not too likely any QCNNs are going to pop up in serious classical ML pipelines for NLP or Image classification at scale that are going to drastically improve performance..... yet :P",
"I won't explain the complete algorithm here. You can find a good explanation in Wikipedia or <PERSON> and <PERSON>\nThe aim of Grover search is to find some \"marked\" items ($|x_t\\rangle$) in an unstructured database. The \"marking\" is done by a function called the oracle. The problem you are trying to solve is - 'Given an oracle can you find the items it marks in a database?'. The ability to implement the oracle doesn't imply that we can construct $|x_t\\rangle$. And at times you will not even have the freedom to construct an initial state. For example when you use Grover search as an intermediate step in some other algorithm\nIt is not paradoxical. If you look at the intermediate steps closely all operations involved are unitary. So the entire algorithm is also unitary. The source of your confusion may be this: Initially $\\langle \\psi | x_t\\rangle$ was small but the algorithm amplifies this value.",
"It is not a contradiction because unitary transformations preserve inner products if you apply them to both the vectors (i.e. rotation of the whole space). But here we change $| \\psi \\rangle$ and not $|x_t\\rangle$. The amplification here happens the same way how the x-component of a 2D vector can change when you rotate it keeping the axes fixed.\nCheck out <PERSON> and <PERSON> for a really simple explanation. They effectively explain the whole thing in terms of two dimensional vectors.\nAn alternative way to think about it is using the <PERSON> equation. The Schrodinger Hamiltonian has two terms, the kinetic energy term and the potential energy term. If there is no potential then the tendency of the K.E term is to spread out the wave function. What <PERSON> search does is this: A potential is applied to the \"marked\" states and the system is allowed to evolve according to the Schrodinger Hamiltonian. The potential concentrates the amplitude at the marked states so that when you do a measurement there is a high chance that you will get these states. <PERSON> figured out his algorithm by thinking about it in this way and then discretizing <PERSON> equation. You can find his own explanation along these lines here",
"Short answer:\nStrictly speaking, \"Deep\" and \"Spiking\" refer to two different aspects of a neural network: \"Spiking\" refers to the activation of individual neurons, while \"Deep\" refers to the overall network architecture. Thus in principle there is nothing contradictory about a spiking, deep neural network (in fact, the brain is arguably such a system).\nHowever, in practice the current approaches to DL and SNN don't work well together. Specifically, Deep Learning as currently practiced typically relies on a differentiable activation function and thus doesn't handle discrete spike trains well.\nFurther details:\nReal neurons communicate via discrete spikes of voltage. When building hardware, spiking has some advantages in power consumption, and you can route spikes like data packets (Address Event Representation or AER) to emulate the connectivity found in the brain. However, spiking is a noisy process; generally a single spike doesn't mean much, so it is common in software to abstract away the spiking details and model a single scalar spike rate. This simplifies a lot of things , especially if your goal is machine learning and not biological modeling.\nThe key idea of Deep Learning is to have multiple layers of neurons, with each layer learning increasingly-complex features based on the previous layer.",
"For example, in a vision setting, the lowest level learns simple patterns like lines and edges, the next layer may learn compositions of the lines and edges (corners and curves), the next layer may learn simple shapes, and so on up the hierarchy. Upper levels then learn complex categories (people, cats, cars) or even specific instances (your boss, your cat, the batmobile). One advantage of this is that the lowest-level features are generic enough to apply to lots of situations while the upper levels can get very specific.\nThe canonical way to train spiking networks is some form of Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP), which locally reinforces connections based on correlated activity. The canonical way to train a Deep Neural Network is some form of gradient descent back-propagation, which adjusts all weights based on the global behavior of the network. Gradient descent has problems with non-differentiable activation functions (like discrete stochastic spikes).\nIf you don't care about learning, it should be easier to combine the approaches. One could presumably take a pre-trained deep network and implement just the feed-forward part (no further learning) as a spiking neural net (perhaps to put it on a chip). The resulting chip would not learn from new data but should implement whatever function the original network had been trained to do.",
"Take a large ensemble of particles and preselect state $\\left|\\psi\\right\\rangle$\nThen take a large sub-ensemble of this ensemble and postselect state $\\left|\\phi\\right\\rangle$.\nIn other words, set up the experiment, with the ensemble starting in state $\\left|\\psi\\right\\rangle$. Make a weak measurement of the observable $\\hat{A}$, then make a strong measurement (at the end of the experiment) and look at the data that ended in state $\\left|\\phi\\right\\rangle$. As mentioned in the comments of the question, this does potentially lead to issues about whether or not this is actually a weak measurement as it involves a strong measurement of the measurement device.\nThe weak value, $A_W$, gives the average (mean) value of $\\hat{A}$ that the particles in this sub-ensemble appear to have when measured via a weak interaction\nIt is not relevant or useful when looking at a single particle, although measuring an ensemble of particles is equivalent to repeating an experiment with a single particle, many times.\nIf, instead of a weak measurement, a strong measurement was performed, then the wavefunction collapses and we no longer know which particles would have ended in state $\\left|\\phi\\right\\rangle$ given that they started in state $\\left|\\psi\\right\\rangle$ as they have effectively now started in a different state.\nPostselecting $\\left|\\phi\\right\\rangle$ such that $\\left\\langle\\phi|\\psi\\right\\rangle$ is small allows for amplification of measurements that were previously too small to observe (e.g.",
"Spin Hall Effect of Light -\nThey also bring a new way to look at counterfactual statements - a set of statements that classically, cannot be simultaneously true as they appear to contradict each other. This is usually solved in quantum physics by saying that when making a (strong) measurement of such a statement, the wavefunction collapses and the other statements cannot be measured so do not have to be simultaneously true. As weak measurements do not collapse the wavefunction, they allow for these statements to be tested (e.g. <PERSON>'s Paradox -",
"In a variational antoencoder (VAE), the output of the encoder, $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$, is a deterministic function of input data $x$ (you put $x$ into your encoder neural network, and it generates $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$, there is nothing random here).\nThen the hidden representaition $z$ (posterior) is sampled from the Guassian distribution parameterized by $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$. So notice that we don't talk about what 's the distribution of $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$ (since they are deterministic based on $x$, not random variables), but we do talk about the distribution of $z$.\n\"why do we want to feed forward latent matrix with Gaussian distribution?\"\nTo be specific, we feed a Gaussian distributed variable $z$ into the decoder network. This is the basic model assumption of VAE regarding how samples are generated. Notice that one of the main difference between VAE and standard autoencoder is that VAE is a generative model, in the sence that you can randomly generate samples, instead of using a input $x$ to reconstruct something similar to $x$.\nIf we imagine a VAE trained on the MNIST hand written digits dataset, we want to randomly sample $z$~$p(z)=\\mathcal{N}(0,1)$, and feed this $z$ into the decoder network which give us the output distribution (which is again a Gaussian), and sampling from that output distribution results in an image of a digit.\n\"Why compare a distribution of Mu and Sigma matrices? \"\nWe do not compare the distribution of $\\mu$ and $\\sigma$. As explained above, we are talking about the Gaussian distributed hidden variable $z$ (posterior $q_{\\theta}(z|x)$) parameterized by $\\theta=(\\mu,\\sigma)$.",
"We compare the posterior distribution of $z$ with its prior ($p(z)=\\mathcal{N}(0,1)$) and the difference (measured by their KL-divergence) is used as a regularization term in the loss function.\nThe reason for that is we want the latent representation $z$ to be close to its prior (standard Gaussian). This is relevant to how we generate samples from the VAE (we first sample from the standard Gaussian prior). If we encode a $x$ to somewhere very far from this prior, it will be unlikely that we can generate such samples.\nFor example, a well trained posterior (first two dimensions) for MNIST looks like this (photo from here)\nNotice that the posterior for each digit (e.g. dark blue for digit \"0\") is distributed like a Gaussian and not far from $\\mathcal{N}(0,1)$, but difference digits do occupy different area.\nMany online tutorials (e.g. here or here) have more detailed explanation about the concepts in VAE. I would suggest to read them.",
"The first line of the BERT abstract is\nWe introduce a new language representation model called BERT.\nThe key phrase here is \"language representation model\". The purpose of BERT and other natural language processing models like Word2Vec is to provide a vector representation of words, so that the vectors can be used as input to neural networks for other tasks.\nThere are two concepts to grasp about this field; vector representations of words and transfer learning. You can find a wealth of information about either of these topics online, but I will give a short summary.\nHow can BERT be expected to get this right, and how can humans or another algorithm be expected to evaluate whether \"soup\" is a better answer than \"coffee\"?\nThis ambiguity is the strength of word prediction, not a weakness. In order for language to be fed into a neural network, words somehow have to be converted into numbers. One way would be a simple categorical embedding, where the first word 'a' gets mapped to 1, the second word 'aardvark' gets mapped to 2, and so on. But in this representation, words of similar meaning will not be mapped to similar numbers.",
"As you've said, \"soup\" and \"coffee\" have similar meanings compared to all English words (they are both nouns, liquids, types of food/drink normally served hot, and therefore can both me valid predictions for the missing word), so wouldn't it be nice if their numerical representations were also similar to each other?\nThis is the idea of vector representation. Instead of mapping each word to a single number, each word is mapped to a vector of hundreds of numbers, and words of similar meanings will be mapped to similar vectors.\nThe second concept is transfer learning. In many situations, there is only a small amount of data for the task that you want to perform, but there is a large amount of data for a related, but less important task. The idea of transfer learning is to train a neural network on the less important task, and to apply the information that was learned to the other task that you actually care about.\nAs stated in the second half of the BERT abstract,\n...the pre-trained BERT model can be finetuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial taskspecific architecture modifications.\nTo summarize, the answer to your question is that people DON'T care about the masked word prediction task on its own. The strength of this task is that there is a huge amount of data readily and freely available to train on (BERT used the entirety of wikipedia, with randomly chosen masks), and the task is related to other natural language processing tasks that require interpretations of the meaning of words. BERT and other language representation models learn vector embeddings of words, and through transfer learning this information is passed to whatever other downstream task that you actually care about.",
"How to use a loss function that is not differentiable?\nI am trying to find a codebook at the output of a fully connected neural network which chooses points such that the minimum distance (Euclidean norm) between the so produced codebook is maximized. The input to the neural network is the points that need to be mapped into higher dimension of the output space.\nFor instance, if the input dimension is 2 and output dimension is 3, the following mapping (and any permutations) works best: 00 - 000, 01 - 011, 10 - 101, 11 - 110\n``` import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import itertools\ninput_bits = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, 2], name='input_bits') code_out = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, 3], name='code_out') np.random.seed(1331)\ndef find_code(message): weight1 = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=0.01, size=[2, 3]) init1 = tf.constant_initializer(weight1) out = tf.layers.dense(inputs=message, units=3, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, kernel_initializer=init1) return out\ncode = find_code(input_bits)\ndistances = [] for i in range(0, 3): for j in range(i+1, 3): distances.append(tf.linalg.norm(code_out[i]-code_out[j])) min_dist = tf.reduce_min(distances)\navg_dist = tf.reduce_mean(distances)\nloss = -min_dist\nopt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(loss)\ninit_variables = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess = tf.Session()\nsaver = tf.train.Saver()\ncount = int(1e4)\nfor i in range(count): input_bit = [list(k) for k in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=2)] code_preview =, feed_dict={input_bits: input_bit}), feed_dict={input_bits: input_bit, code_out: code_preview}) ```\nSince the loss function itself is not differentiable, I am getting the error\nValueError: No gradients provided for any variable, check your graph for ops that do not support gradients, between variables\nAm I doing something silly or is there a way to circumvent this? Any help in this regard is appreciated. Thanks in advance.\nUPDATE:\n``` import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np import itertools from random import shuffle\ninput_bits = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, 2], name='input_bits') learning_rate_val = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(), name='learning_rate')\ndef find_code(message): weight1 = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=0.01, size=[2, 3]) init1 = tf.constant_initializer(weight1) out1 = tf.layers.dense(inputs=message, units=3, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, kernel_initializer=init1) return out1\ncode = find_code(input_bits)\ndistances = [] for i in range(0, 4): for j in range(i+1, 4): distances.append(tf.linalg.norm(code[i]-code[j])) min_dist = tf.reduce_min(distances)\navg_dist = tf.reduce_mean(distances)\nloss = - min_dist\nopt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(loss)\ninit_variables = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess = tf.Session()\nsaver = tf.train.Saver()\ncount = int(9e5) threshold = 0.5\nfor i in range(count): input_bit = [list(k) for k in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=2)] shuffle(input_bit) input_bit = 2 * np.",
"Finding an optimal learning rate is an important step in optimizing a neural network. As discussed at length here it is not a trivial question, but there are some ways to get a good starting value. Main idea here is to plot loss vs learning rate for different values and choose the learning rate where the slope is the highest:\nThis image is from the link above. This figure tells me that anything from a little right of 10-5 to around 10-3 can be a good learning rate. One can also set a relatively high learning rate, and reduce it when the loss function reaches a plateau, so in the above example, you would be better off by starting with the highest end; and lower the rate later as needed. This can be achieved by a learning rate scheduler (such as the one in Keras callbacks). This way, you won't spend a lot of time at the initial epochs where there is a lot to learn and the loss drops quickly.",
"Three key parameters of a scheduler are \"factor\",\"patience\" and \"min delta\" . If the loss function does not change by \"min delta\" in \"patience\" number of epochs, the learning rate is reduced by the ratio defined in \"factor\".\nYou also mention decay in your post, which can be considered as the default learning rate for some optimizers. And if I remember correctly, it actually associates a different learning rates for each parameter, and reduces them at a different rate. You can find a more detailed comparison here. But the main reason to use a LR scheduler even when a decay is present is to have more control on the learning process. When the training reaches a plateau, you might have to wait for a long time before the default decay in <PERSON> (for example) gets to a low enough value to get over that region and start learning again. But with a scheduler, you can define when to lower the learning rate by a significant amount (compared to default decay), so that further learning is possible. Keep in mind that there is not much to learn in the later epochs compared to the ones in the beginning.",
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"CO2 Sensor for Schools\nIntroduction: CO2 Sensor for Schools\nBackground\nThe scientific understanding of COVID-19 transmission has turned away from the early, highly-publicized measures of fomites (touchable objects that can have the virus on them) and is now focused on aerosols (small, airborne particles that may not drop onto surfaces). Detailed reading here.\nSimply put, perhaps your biggest concern regarding COVID transmission should be clean air.\nIf you are breathing air that has already been exhaled, you could potentially be breathing in aerosols containing the virus. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a great indicator of the amount of previously respired air in a room - the air we exhale is 4-5% CO2 which is 100 times the amount of CO2 in air we inhale. So CO2 will build up in a room with poor ventilation, just as COVID-containing aerosols will.\nWith schools, and other places of business, returning to in-person activities, it is challenging to know the air quality in a room. CO2 sensors are a pretty good way to indicate how dense the amount of previously-respired air in a space is, and therefore how much potential COVID could be in the air.\nThere are good CO2 sensors on the market (We like the Aranet4), as well as quite a few bad ones. General tip: make sure to spend the money on an NDIR-based sensor. We can also make our own for about half of the price! This project comes in around $70-$80 in supplies vs. $150 or more for reliable, 'store-bought' NDIR CO2 sensors.\nCreated by the Innovation Lab at La Jolla Country Day School, La Jolla, CA, USA.\nSupplies\nNote: We link to Adafruit when possible because we believe in their company philosophy. You can order these same parts at other places.\nArduino Nano Every - With headers attached if you want to have minimal soldering required.\nSensirion SDC30 CO2 sensor board ($50-60) - This is a highly accurate and reliable board utilizing NDIR technology.",
"We think it is the best in class and has useful documentation from SparkFun. You will have to purchase and solder your own headers on to the sensor. Otherpurchasingsites.\nHeaders - Any headers (plug to plug) will work! Need 7 to solder to your SDC30 Sensor.\nRGB LED - We use an RGB LED to indicate the CO2 levels via color. Possible to use three, individual colored LED's instead!\nSunfounder LCD1602 - Many LCD Screens *could* work, but the code and pinouts are specifically designed to be used with this style. Note: The LCD takes a lot of power, so not recommended for battery power.\nHalf-size Breadboard\nPlug-to-Plug (M/M) 75mm Jumper wires\nDepending on what USB ports your computer has pick one:\nUSB Cable - USB A - Micro - (*Most* computers feature at least 1 USB-A port)\nUSB Cable - USB-C - Micro - (Newer computers have more USB-C. Since 2019, MacBook's have been exclusively USB-C ports.)\nEquipment Needed\nSoldering Iron. The CO2 sensor does not come with headers attached. Learn to solder.\nOptional: Laser Cutter or 3D printer for a housing.\nStep 1: Assemble\nWhile assembling the circuit, please be mindful of a few things:\n* The wiring for the RGB LED can be a little bit tricky to place the legs into the correct slots as shown in the photo. There's enough space to bend the legs and get them in the right slots without having any of the 4 legs touch, but it's always a good idea to have a couple extra LEDs in case the legs end up getting too bent :)\n* Your Arduino and SCD30 may not have the slots labeled exactly as they are in this diagram, so make sure that you're plugging from the TX/SCL port on the arduino (The image shows a4 but the pin does both!), to the TX/SCL pin on the sensor, and similarly for the RX/SDA pins.\n* On the topic of labels being slightly different, the farthest left pin (VDD or VIN) is where you want your power for the sensor to route to.\n* Specifically this is set up for a 16 x 2 LCD screen that uses a 4 pin I2C backpack (as pictured and as linked in supply!)\n* Make sure you power the LCD screen with 5V, and the Sensor with 3.3v! If you try to power the screen with only 3.3v you're going to have some problems :)\n* Don't forget about the brightness adjustment on the back of the LCD Screen!",
"Handheld Arduino LED Matrix Thermometer\nIntroduction: Handheld Arduino LED Matrix Thermometer\nMade for ART3681C - Interactive Electronic Art\nSupplies\nNeeded Supplies:\nMost of the supplies I used were in this ELEGOO Arduino starter kit:\n* 1 - ELEGOO Arduino UNO R3 (included in kit)\n* 1 - DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor (included in kit)\n* 6 - Male-to-Male Jumper Wires (included in kit)\n* 1 - 9V Battery with Battery Clip (included in kit) or 1 - 5V Power Adapter (not included)\n* 1 - 8 x 8 WS2812B LED Matrix:\n* Thin Heat Shrink Tubing or Electrical Tape\n* Arduino IDE (used to add code to the Arduino)\nTo add code to the Arduino, you'll need a computer nearby, and the USB cable that came included with the kit.\nOptional Supplies:\nI had leftover chipboard, Bristol board, and tacky glue to make a screen for the LED Array, but it's not necessary to complete the project. If you want to make the screen I made, you'll need a 3.5\" x 3.5\" square of any kind of thicker-pressed paper(Bristol board or cardstock are some examples),a small amount of chipboard, and tacky glue to make a frame for the LED Matrix.\nStep 1: Prepare the Jumper Wires\nTo begin, grab six jumper wires. I recommend grabbing two red, two black, and two other separate colors, choosing four colors in total. After gathering the wires, you should notice that they have some rubber bits on both ends of them. We'll want to remove some of them by pressing the point of the jumper wire into the surface you're working on and holding onto the rubber part. They should come off rather easily, without ruining the wire. Do this on both ends to one red wire, one black wire, and one of the other colored wires. On the other three wires, you'll only want to remove one of the rubber ends, instead of both. We want to remove some of these so that we can connect everything together while also maintaining a lower profile on the finished product.\nStep 2: Start Connecting the DHT11 Sensor\nGrab the DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor from the Arduino Kit, the three wires that have both rubber ends removed, and some heat shrink/electrical tape. The sensor should look like a blue box with holes, connected to a tiny circuit board with three leads coming from the board. Hold the sensor so that the blue is facing you, and the leads are pointing down. In this orientation, the leads in order from left to right are Data, Power(5v), and Ground.",
"We'll want to connect a wire to each of the leads on the sensor. I recommend using red for Power, black for Ground, and whichever other color was chosen for Data.\nWith Heat Shrink:\n1. Add the thin-sized heat shrink to a end of jumper wire.\n2. Put one of the leads of the sensor in the heat shrink and make sure that the wire end and lead touch a decent bit.\n3. Warm the heat shrink so that it collapses around the wire end and lead, making a connection between the two.\n4. Repeat for the other two leads.\nWith Electrical Tape:\n1. Wrap a tiny bit of electrical tape around the end of a jumper wire.\n2. Put one of the leads of the sensor on the tape and make sure that the wire end and lead touch a decent bit.\n3. Press the tape around the lead and wire, making sure that the connection is solid.\n4. Repeat for the other two leads.\nOnce you have the wires connected firmly with the leads, take the other point of each wire and bend them 90 degrees. You might have to add heat shrink or tape to the other end, as the wires sit close together on the Arduino, and having them touch might cause shorting.\nStep 3: Start Connecting the LED Matrix\nGrab the LED Matrix, along with the other three wires, these being the ones where only one rubber end was removed. The LED Matrix has several wire coming from it, two sets of red/white/green wires, and one red/black pair of wires. We only care about one set of the red/white/green wires, specifically the one that's labeled Power/Ground/DIN(Data In).",
"Split Flap Assembly and Design\nIntroduction: Split Flap Assembly and Design\nWelcome to our Split Flap Assembly and Design Instructable! Split flap displays are a fun, and quirky way to display messages in alphanumeric text. Since the instructions here are pretty lengthy, we've grouped the steps into 4 major categories:\n1. Electrical Assembly\n2. Hardware Engineering\n3. Character Lettering Design\n4. Software Programming\nSupplies\nMaterials for the Electrical Assembly (per split-flap unit):\n1x Arduino nano (every) 1\n1x Perfboard 24x18 holes (5x7cm)\n1x Stepper motor Nema 17 with step angle 1.8deg\n1x A4988 Stepper Motor Driver with Heat Sink\n1x Male header pins 4-pin\n2x Female header pins 15-pin\n2x Female header pins 8-pin\n2x Female header pins 3-pin\n2x Female header pins 2-pin\n3x Female header pins 1-pin\n1x Hall Effect Sensor\n3x colors 22AWG Solid Core Wire\n4x TOTAL (for up to 8 split-flaps) Wire Nuts\n2x TOTAL (for up to 8 split-flaps) 5KOhm resistors\nMaterials for Hardware Design (per split-flap unit):\n2x Wooden Housing Case\n1x Front Acrylic Panel\n1x Acrylic Laser Cut Side Panel\n1x Acrylic Laser Cut Right Wheel\n1x Acrylic Laser Cut Left Wheel\n1x 3D Printed Hub\n1x 3D Printed Motor Mount\n50x Split Flap\n1x Acrylic Spring Holder\n1x Aluminum Spring Holder\n1x Spring Tin Strip\n1x Motor Coupling + its screws\n1x Magnet (for hall effect sensor)\n4x #4 Washer\n4x 4-40 Nut\n4x 4-40 Bolt\n11x #4 Wood Screws\n4x 2/56 Nut\n2x 4-40 Nut\n2x #4 Washer\n2x 4-40 x 1/2” screw\n2x 4-40 x 3/8” screw\n4x 2/56 x 3/8 Screws\n4x 8mm M3 Screw\nMaterials for Character-Lettering Design\n2x sheets of vinyl per 50-flap split-flap in the colors that you want the lettering to appear in\n1x Silhouette Cameo\n1x cutting mat\nStep 1: Electrical Assembly - Supplies\nHere is an image containing all the supplies you will need to assemble the electrical wiring.",
"See the supplies section above for a comprehensive list of all the needed components and links to purchase each\nStep 2: Electrical Assembly 1\nThe diagram is what we will be building today. Feel free to build it your own way or follow our detailed instructions below!\nFirst, solder wires to the hall effect sensor. Make sure the sensor is flipped the right way (when the face with chamfered edges is facing you, the wires are power, ground and signal left to right)! Add heat shrink for insulating the wires.\nStep 3: Electrical Assembly 2\nCut the header pins down to the following lengths:\n1x male 4-pin\n2x female 15-pin\n2x female 8-pin\n2x female 3-pin\n2x female 2-pin\n3x female 1-pin\nStep 4: Electrical Assembly 3\nPlace and solder components to perf board according to our design here. Your perf board's coordinates might not exactly match our spreadsheet, so be sure to still count the coordinates!\n(For assembly, use the Top View; for soldering, use Bottom View, flipping around a left-right axis)\n1. Plug 2 female 8-pin into the driver\n2. Plug 2 female 15-pin into Arduino\n3. Put Arduino onto the board and solder the pins to the board (Bottom View, solder D2-16, J2-16)\n4.",
"Accessible IoT Plant\nIntroduction: Accessible IoT Plant\nThere are quite a few types of self-watering plants but this one adds IoT services and accessibility into the mix. I have also kept the use to 3V rather than 5V to make it easier/cheaper for the classroom.\nSupplies\n* Microbit V2 or V1\n* Microbit Shield (any will do)\n* Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04\n* ESP8266\n* 180 degree Servo SG90\n* Pipet or straw\n* 2 x Wooden skewers\n* 1 x Tooth pick (optional)\n* 3 small elastic bands\n* 2 x nails or screws\n* Electrical Tape\n* Scissors or clippers\n* Cup\n* Plant\n* 11 x female to female jumper wires (dupont)\nStep 1: Sensing the Moisture\n* Connect your Microbit to the shield\n* Take 2 jumper wires, strip off the ends of one side each onto the nails with electrical tape.\n* Connect the wires to a 3V positive pin and pin 0 of the microbit\n* Then program the Microbit to read the moisture of the plant using Makecode\nStep 2: Connecting to the Internet\n* Wire the ESP8266 to the shield using jumper wires\n* Make a copy of the wiring diagram in TinkerCAD circuits here\n* Search Makecode extensions for \"ESP8266\" and add the blocks\n* Follow the Makecode instructions above to connect the Microbot to the internet\n* Pin 16 for the RX and Pin 12 for the TX\n* Connect your sensor readings to ThingSpeak by creating a new Channel making sure you have the API keys\n* Follow the extra Makecode instructions\n* Make sure your sensors are recording data\nStep 3: Accessibility\n* We are going to make a movement sensor for audio cues\n* Wire the Ultrasonic Sensor to the Microbit shield using the diagram\n* Trig to Pin 1 and Echo to Pin 8\n* Add the Sonar Extention to Makecode\n* Follow the Makecode instructions\nStep 4: Self Watering\n* Add the self-watering mechanism using a servo\n* Use elastic bands (or glue if you prefer) to fix the two long wooden skewers to the servo\n* Use an optional toothpick to secure the elastic bands on the short side.\n* Cut a hole in the pipet (or use a straw with a bend) to act as a reservoir for water\n* Attach the pipet to a servo arm with elastic (or glue)\n* Add the Servo extension to Makecode\n* Follow the Makecode instructions\n* Attach the servo to Pin 2\n* Attach the mechanism to the plant or water cup. Whichever is easiest for your cup of water\n* Secure the legs of the mechanism with an elastic band around the cup or plant.\n* Experiment with the servo arm angles\n* YOURS WILL LIKELY BE DIFFERENT ANGLES TO MINE\nStep 5: Analyse Your Measurements\n* Your measurements may be very different from mine\n* I have experienced ranges from 700-1000 for moisture levels using different shields and materials.\n* The temperature may also need to be tweaked by adding simple additions to the Makecode to add or take away degrees.",
"As above.\n* Use the Thingspeak app Thingview to make a public or private page for your plant\nStep 6: Extensions\nRather than use a pipet or straw improve the design using TinkerCAD 3D design.\nIdeas for improvements:\n* Better watering mechanism\n* Using the data to predict the watering needs in a calendar\n* Adding notifications from Thingspeak into Amazon Alexa using IFTTT. Link here\n* Build an all in one 3D printed plant pot with water reservoir and holders for the Microbit and Sensors\n* Send tweets about your plants conditions on its own account. Link here\nStep 7: Don't Have Any Kit?\nYou can use the \"potato\" battery to simulate the servo responses using the TinkerCAD circuits page if you do not have any kit on you.",
"Pinky - Cheap Computer for Remote Learning\nIntroduction: Pinky - Cheap Computer for Remote Learning\nPROJECT SUMMARY: Semi-portable (still needs wall power) cheap computer that's ideal for kids to use for remote learning at home. Its based on the Raspberry Pi computer and a specific small monitor by HP. It can easily be moved around your home to suit the needs of your family and then moved out of the way (like off the kitchen table) when not needed.\nThis project is an entry in the Anything Goes Contest. Please vote if you like it.\nSo this is one of those projects that just comes out of nowhere. This was entirely unplanned and unneeded, but a few things all fell into place with the right timing and thus \"<PERSON>\" was born. Here's the culminating list of things that led to the project:\n1. Got several rolls of pink PLA filament (3D printing material) super cheap. Nothing against pink (I actually like it), but I just figured I'd use it mostly for prototyping.\n2. Black Friday deal on a mechanical keyboard that I've always wanted to try, but the best deal was the pink model. (Turns out I do NOT like mechanical keyboards.)\n3. I had been trying to get Octoprint to work on my 3D printers, but gave up, so I had a Raspberry Pi computer just sitting unused\n4. My employer provided work from home kits that came with monitors, but in my home office I have a larger monitor. So this monitor was sitting unused as well.\nNOTE1: I realize if you purchased these exact items to replicate this project it would not be cheap, and the money could be much better used to simply buy a older used laptop computer. That said, my intention with this Instructable is to show how to piece together a usable computer with items you may already have on hand and how you can 3D print add-on parts to make it portable and tidy when not being used.\nNOTE2: I won't go into setting up the computer itself. There are tonnes of resources (primarily and Instructables (there's even a few entered in this same contest) on setting up Raspberry Pi software.\nSupplies\n1. Small Computer Monitor. Shown here is Model Number 1JS09A4#ABB (HP 24\" LED WUXGA IPS Z24N G2)\n2. Raspberry Pi Computer. Shown here is the Model 4 with 8GB RAM and a clear case from Canakit Amazon Link\n3. Power Cord (This will power the Raspberry Pi directly from the monitor, no AC/DC converter needed)\n4.",
"Short Micro HDMI To Standard HDMI Cord Amazon Link\n5. M6 Allen Head Bolts and 1 Locking M6 Nut\n6. M3 Screws and Nuts\n7. Keyboard (wired or wireless)\n8. Mouse (wired or wireless) Amazon Link to one shown here\n9. Heavy Duty Double Sided Tape (Gorilla or 3M brand)\n10. IPA (For cleaning surfaces before applying the tape)\n11. OPTIONAL, USB Camera, and Wired or Bluetooth Speakers\nTOOLS:\n1. 3D printer with standard PLA filament\n2. Standard shop tools\nStep 1: Carry Handle Overview\nSo this monitor has a unique design for the center pedestal. They even sell a small form factor workstation that mounts directly to it (Last Image). I leveraged that in designing a two-piece assembly that clamps the upper portion. The long arm and its angle are designed to balance the weight of the monitor while lifted and also to allow the monitor to meet its full range of motion.\nStep 2: Carry Handle Design\nAll designs were done in Autodesk's Fusion 360 (First Image), sliced in Ultimaker's Cura (Second Image), and printed on Creality printers.\n3D prints were done at 0.2mm layers and 50% infill (this is high but you want a high value for the strength).\nSTL files below.\nStep 3: Carry Handle Installation\n1. Attach the handle to the upper arm part with a bolt and locking nut. Do not over-tighten. The handle should be free to rotate.\n2. Start the two bolts on the forward facing side of the upper arm part into the rear part, but leave loose (First Image)\n3. Bring the two parts together to engage the recessed features on the monitor's pedestal (Second Image)\n4. Install the remaining four bolts from the rear and secure all six bolts (Last Two Images)\nNOTE: The front two bolts require an L shaped allen wrench or ball-end driver since the monitor's panel is in the way. Or you can detach the monitor from the base and reattach later.",
"TICO – Tic -Tac-Toe Arduino Robot\nIntroduction: TICO – Tic -Tac-Toe Arduino Robot\nTICO is a 3D printed, Arduino-powered Tic-Tac-Toe robot that inspires kids to learn code, robotics, and electronics.\nIn this intractable, I will explain how to print and assemble Tico. Then, we’ll provide a working code that can bring Tico to life and ready to play.\nThe initial design of Tico was inspired by the popular Plot clock project.\nSupplies\nMarker\nTico was designed to hold the following Shuttle Art marker:\n\nYou can use other small whiteboard markers as well. However, they may require some adjustments.\nEraser\nPrepare the eraser by cutting a small piece of cloth from a standard whiteboard eraser and sticking it onto the 3D printed eraser part (hot glue will work great).\nScrews\nTo connect the 3D printed parts together you will need the following M3 screws:\n7 X M3 | 12mm\n2 X M3 | 14mm\n4 X M3 | 8mm\nYou will also need 7 X M3 Nylon nuts (regular nuts will also work).\nElectronics\nThe Arduino code below uses various electronic components to provide an excellent game experience. However, many of these components are optional, where you can start with just the Arduino and the servos if you'd like.\n* Arduino Nano microcontroller.\n* 3 X MG90S Metal servos(It is possible but not recommended to use the SG90 plastic servos).\n* 38 KHz IR receiver.\n* IR remote (this one is recommended but your regular TV remote can work as well).\n* 3 X AA / AAA batteries and a battery holder\n* Button module\n* ST7735 TFT Display - The display we used in our photos is blue and not red, this is not as this is the same screen. Be sure to use a screen with ST7735 controller.\n* 5V passive buzzer\nStep 1: 3D Printing Parts\n3D print the included parts.",
"There is no need for support and printing time is about 2 hours.\nI recommend printing the arms in a different color (orange part in the photo).\nThe board part should be printed in white.\nStep 2: Prepare Board\nThe board part should be printed in white and then covered with clear packing tape as shown in the the photo below (the tape will make it very easy to erase the board between games)\nStep 3: LIFT Servo\nTake one of the plastic servo arms (included in the servo bag) and drill a 3mm hole in the center of it.\nUse a cutter to make the arm shorter.\nAttach the two parts using a 12mm screw and nut as shown in the photos below (orientation is important!)\nDo not tighten the screw. The parts should be able to rotate against each other freely.\nAttach the LIFT servo to the base using two screws included in the servo bag.\nImportant: Connect the servo to an Arduino and rotate it to 80 degrees. Only after doing this, attach the arm to the servo, like shown in the photos.\nThe angle between the servo and the arm should be 90 degrees as shown in the photos (this is important).\nStep 4: LEFT/RIGHT Servos\nAttach the servos to the holder as shown in the photos below (orientation is important!).\nAttach the RIGHT/LEFT servos holder to the LIFT servo arm with a 12mm screw and nut.\nDo not tighten the screw. The parts should be able to rotate against each other freely.\nThe RIGHT/LEFT servos holder should also be attached to the base using a 14mm screw and nut.\nStep 5: Eraser Holder\nUse 2 X 12mm screws to assemble the eraser gripper.\nAt this stage, you can also install the board in its place.\nStep 6: Arms Assembly\nAssemble the arms precisely, as shown in the photos. Use 12mm screws and nuts.\nDo not tighten the screw. The parts should be able to rotate against each other freely.\nDo not put the arms on the servos (we will do it soon).\nInside the servo bag are two additional plastic arms that we haven’t used yet.\nUse a cutter to make them “one-sided,” as shown in the photos.\nImportant: Connect the servos to an Arduino and rotate them to 130 degrees (left servo) and 140 degrees (right servo).",
"A Color Sensing Glove That Sends the HEX Code to a Computer Program\nIntroduction: A Color Sensing Glove That Sends the HEX Code to a Computer Program\nWouldn't it be cool to see something on our desk or nearby, a color that we like, and add it directly to our projects on our computer? Now you can!\nYou can make this hand-worn wearable that uses a color sensor to detect colors from the environment around us. Then it lights up NeoPixels with the color we scanned, and writes the HEX code to an OLED on the glove.\nThis HEX can then be sent to our computer (with touch input) - directly into what we are working on to add the HEX code for us.\nSupplies\nThe supplies I've used for this project include:\n* Adafruit Flora board or Circuit Playground Classic\n* Flora sewable color sensor\n* 4x4 grid NeoPixels but any shape will work (I've linked to the circle x 16)\n* OLED screen 128 x 64\n* wires\n* soldering or conductive thread to sew the connections\n* you'll a small piece of conductive fabric to act as a touch input button to send the HEX value to your computer\n* Felt, neoprene, or material for the glove, or a recycled glove is even more eco!\nIn this case, I won't be using a battery if you want to enable the feature of transferring the HEX code to the computer, we will need a cable to connect to our computer so we will use that for power too.\nWearable Electronics items purchased from Tinker Tailor.\nStep 1: Draw Out Your Connections\nSometimes it can be easier to follow your connections if you map them out your project. I usually start by adding all the components I need and then drawing my mappings.\nFor this circuit, we will connect:\nThe color sensor\n* Ground - Ground on Flora\n* Power - Power on Flora\n* SDA - SDA on Flora\n* SCL - SCL on Flora\nThe OLED\n* Ground - Ground on Flora\n* Power - Power on Flora\n* SDA - SDA on Flora\n* SCL - SCL on Flora\nNeoPixels\n* Ground - Ground on Flora\n* Power - Power on Flora\n* DO - to pin 10 on Flora\nConductive fabric as touch input\n* Fabric sewn or wire connected to pin 9 on Flora, pin 12 Circuit Playground\nStep 2: Check Each Component and Connection\nTo do this step by step we should add the color sensor first.",
"Then we can check it's working. We will do this for all of our parts, the color sensor, the NeoPixels, and the OLED.\nAfter you hook up the color sensor using I2C and the connections in the previous step, we will upload the code to our board.\nFirst, we need to add a library.\nStep 3: Adding a Color Sensor\nLet’s open the Arduino IDE and install a library to use this sensor.\nOpen the Library Manager, and search for Adafruit TCS34625.\nThe color sensing library didn’t appear when I searched - I tried searching for color sensor, which worked. Click o click Install, and Install all.\nThis library is for a slightly different color sensor so I modified the sample file slightly.\n#include <Wire.h> //include Wire.h to be able to communicate through I2C on Arduino board\n#include \"Adafruit_TCS34725.h\" //Colour sensor library\n//Create colour sensor object declaration, to see effects of different integration time and gain\n//settings, check the datatsheet of the Adafruit TCS34725.\nAdafruit_TCS34725 tcs = Adafruit_TCS34725(TCS34725_INTEGRATIONTIME_50MS, TCS34725_GAIN_4X);\nvoid setup() {\nSerial.begin(9600);\nSerial.println(\"Color View Test!\");\n//Start-up colour sensor\nif (tcs.begin()) {\nSerial.println(\"Found sensor\");\n} else {\nSerial.println(\"No TCS34725 found ... check your connections\");\nwhile (1); // halt!\n}\n}\nvoid loop() {\nuint16_t clear, red, green, blue;\n//Collect raw data from integrated circuit using interrupts\ntcs.setInterrupt(false); // turn on LED\ndelay(60); // takes 50ms to read\ntcs.getRawData(&red, &green, &blue, &clear);\ntcs.",
"Magic MQTT Button for HomeKit (Homebridge)\nIntroduction: Magic MQTT Button for HomeKit (Homebridge)\nThe purpose of this project is to use the low-cost ESP8266 module to create a \"Magic Switch\" that can integrate with various home automation solutions such as Node-red, Home Assistant, Apple HomeKit (using Homebridge), and many more.\nI decided to make use of MQTT as the messaging protocol for the Magic Switch because it is fast and reliable using custom firmware on the ESP8266 module known as Tasmota.\nThe purpose of the switch is to trigger an Automation or Scene in a smart home instance.\nFor this instructable you require a running instance of Homebridge and MQTT. Both these solutions can be easily installed on the low-cost Raspberry pi.\nA good guide on getting started with Homebridge on the Raspberry pi can be found at this wiki or on the official Homebridge website.\nHere is some information on getting started with MQTT on a Raspberry pi:\n* link 1\n* link 2\nLet's get started...\nSupplies\nYou require at minimum the following for this project:\n* ESP8266 and Programmer\n* 3.3V Voltage regulator module (or similar)\n* Project enclosure. Here is the 3D printable enclosure.\n* 11 mm x 9 mm female power adapter\n* Old DC power supply (5V-12V)\n* Membrane ON/OFF switch\n* Running MQTT broker\n* Running Home Automation hub (in this case Homebridge)\nHaving a soldering iron and hot glue will assist you greatly.\nStep 1: Flashing ESP8266 With Tasmota\nWe will be flashing the ESP8266 module with Tasmota in order to connect it to our MQTT broker.\nThere are various resources available to assist you in flashing the ESP8266 with Tasmota.\nA method for flashing the ESP-01 module using a program called Tasmotizer can be found here.\nWhen you finished flashing Tasmota to the ESP-01 module using the provided link, we will continue to configure the module with an appropriate name as well as configuring the module to connect to our MQTT broker.\nStep 2: Configure Module Friendly Name\nWe will give our module a friendly name using the Tasmota interface.\n1. Navigate to the IP Address of your ESP-Module\n2. Click \"Configuration\"\n3. Click \"Configure Other\"\n4. Enter a relevant name in \"Device name\" and in \"Friendly Name 1\"\n5. Click \"Save\"\n6. Wait a few seconds\n7. Navigate back to the main menu\nNext, we will configure the MQTT settings for our module to connect and publish messages to an MQTT topic.\nStep 3: MQTT Setup\nIn this step we will be configuring our module to connect to an MQTT broker\n1. On the main menu of the Tasmota interface, click on \"Configuration\"\n2. Click on \"Configure MQTT\"\n3. Now enter your MQTT broker information\n1. Enter your HOST IP address\n2.",
"Enter your Broker port number\n3. Enter a Client (Friendly name to use for your client, I used \"MagicSwitch\"\n4. Enter your Broker User\n5. Enter your Broker Password\n6. Enter your topic to publish to, I used \"MagicSwitch\"\n* Click \"Save\"\n* Wait a few seconds\n* Navigate to the main menu\nIn the next section we will be testing that our MQTT connection works.\nStep 4: Testing MQTT Configuration\nTo test the MQTT configuration, I use a program for Windows called MQTT-Explorer. Download and install it. If you are using a MAC, you can download the program from the official website.\n1. Open MQTT-Explorer and connect to your MQTT broker\n2. Navigate to the Tasmota interface of the module in a web browser on the same network\n3. Toggle the module by clicking on \"Toggle\"\n4. Monitor the topic you setup in the MQTT configuration step (stat/MagicSwitch/Power)\n5. If all is good you should see it update as you toggle the module\nIn the next step we will be configuring the GPIO inputs and outputs of the ESP-01 Module.\nStep 5: GPIO Configuration\nThe ESP-01 Module has 8 pins. Some of the pins can be set to use as inputs or outputs. For the Magic Switch project, we want one input to connect a button to, and one output for an LED indicator.",
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"Knit Hat With a Loom\nIntroduction: Knit Hat With a Loom\nIn this Instructable you will be learning how to make a neat knitted hat.\nFirst we will make the hat with a circle shaped loom.\nSupplies\n* Knifty Knitter\n* Yarn\n* Scissors\nThat's it,\nfor your yarn, if you want a big fluffy hat, you can use one strand of bulky yarn, like I am using, But if you want a nice thin silky hat, you can use four or five strands of thin yarn, so that there are only small holes in you hat.\nStep 1: Wrapping Around Your Loom\nClick the photos for descriptions /\\\nStart off by making a slip knot with your yarn, and put it onto the peg that is sticking out of the loom. This peg is called the \"Holding Peg\". You can also just wrap your yarn around the peg a few times.\nIf you look to the left of your Holding Peg, there is a peg that is called the Starting Peg, and to the right, is the Ending Peg.\nTake your yarn and, going counter clockwise around the Starting Peg, wrap it around once, as shown.\ncontinue wrapping around your loom until you get back to your Ending Peg.\nFrom here, push all the loops on the pegs down, then go around a second time, but note that this is the only time you will go around twice, because you do not yet have two rows (Also note that if the yarn between pegs is on the outside, you are doing it the wrong way).\nStep 2: Knitting Off\nNow that you have two strands around your loom, you are ready to knit off.\nStart by taking your picking tool (the tool with the metal rod that bends at the end) and place it in the bottom of the groove in the Starting Peg. take your pick, and grab the first row, or the one nearer to the loom.",
"pull it over the second row, and over the peg.\nContinue this process until you reach the ending peg once again. You have completed one row.\nStep 3: Making the Brim\nKeep Wrapping and knitting off until you have double as much length as you want your brim to be.\nNow flip the hat inside out, so that all the yarn is on the top side.\ntake your tail end from when you started, and pull it out and straight onto your holding peg, so that it is in between your starting peg and ending peg.\nNext, find the loops from your first row, and start putting them on your loom, starting from the one just left from your tail. This will fold the hat over itself, and make your brim.\nWhen you are finished, just knit off, because making the brim replaces the wrapping part.\nNow just keep making more rows like before, until you are ready to finish it.\nStep 4: Finishing the Hat\nOnce you are happy with your hat, it is time for the last few steps.\nOn your last knit off, don't pull the string down.\nFirst, cut off your yarn, making sure you have about a foot of tail.\nNext, wrap some more yarn three times around the loom, like so.\nCut the yarn, then fold it in half evenly, and put the folded part 4-5 pegs to the right from the starting peg, then put it around the loom, so that it is below the single string from your hat.\nNow, starting from the Starting Peg, take your single string, carry it over your double string, then back under the double string so that the single string is back to where it started.\nRepeat all the way through the loom, making sure not to miss any pegs, or the whole thing will come apart.\nOnce you come back to the loop you made with your double string, just take it off and continue until you have gone through every peg.\n\\/ A video of the knot \\/\nStep 5: Taking It Off the Loom\nnow you will see that you have three strings, two of them being from your double string that you wrapped around, the other one being from the end of your hat. take everything of the loom, making sure that the double string does not come undone\nlightly pull the two ends of the double string together, so that it makes the top of your hat.\nafter it is as tight as it can get, make a simple square knot with the two ends, then tie the single end to the two other ends.\nThat's it!",
"Easy Granny Square for Beginners!\nIntroduction: Easy Granny Square for Beginners!\nHi Y'all! In this Instructable, I'm going to show you how to\ncrochet an easy Granny Square for semi-beginners. A granny Square is a simple square using only a few stitches so it will to be fairly easy to learn. I am going to show you how to crochet all stitches needed for this step-by-step tutorial in close-up detail so you will hopefully not be confused. So lets get started!\nSupplies\nYou will need:\nOne ball of yarn, any size\nA crocheting hook that corresponds to the size of yarn you have available\nA pair of scissors\nStep 1: Forming a Slip Knot\nA slip knot is usually a first step in most crochet projects you will come\nacross, so this is a very important skill to know.\nStep One: Hold your strand of yarn so that the end is dangling over your pinkie and the end attached to the ball of yarn is in-between your thumb and index finger.\nStep Two: Wrap the long end around your index and middle finger in an x (look at the picture for help).\nStep Three: Push your hook under the top right arm of the x and then over the top left arm of the x.\nStep Four: Pull the top left arm of the x under the top right arm of the x.\nStep Five: Now, making sure to hold the loop on the hook so it doesn't fall off, pull your hand out of the other loop from Step Two.\nStep Six: While still holding the loop on the hook, pull on the short and the long end of your yarn at the same time to tighten the knot onto the hook.\nStep 2: Holding Your Hook and Yarn\nTo correctly hold your hook, grab the long end of your yarn with your pinkie and ring finger of your left hand. Now move your index finger so that it is on top of the strand of yarn. This keeps slight tension in your yarn so it is easier to form stitches. Just make sure not to hold the yarn too tightly, but keep it loose so it can slide through your hand as you use it. The last thing you need to do is pinch the short end of your yarn in-between you middle finger and thumb(as shown in the picture).\nStep 3: Forming a Chain\nThe first step of our project is forming a 3 link chain. To do this, wrap the long end of your yarn over the back of your hook by dipping your hook underneath it and back up again. Keep holding your hook and yarn in the correct position! Now twist your hook so the hooked part is facing down at your left palm. Then carefully slide your hook out of the slip knot you formed in Step 1, pulling the second loop through. Repeat this twice more, wrapping the yarn around and pulling it through the first loop. Now you have a chain!\nStep 4: Forming a Loop to Start 1st Round\nNow we are going make the 3 link chain into a loop. First, stick the tip of your hook through the first stitch, the one that was the slip knot.",
"Once your hook is all the way through, your hook connects the two ends of the chain to form a circle. To connect them with yarn, wrap your yarn over the hook as if you were going to start a chain. Now pull it through both the loops on your hook. To finish this step, chain 3.\nStep 5: Learning a Double Crochet Stitch\nNow for the first round, you need to form 12 double crochet stitches in the middle of the loop you made in the last step. To do this, wrap your yarn over your hook, then stick the end of your hook in the middle of the loop. Now, with your hook poking through the loop, wrap your yarn around the end of the hook. Then pull you hook through JUST THE CHAIN LOOP! Now you have three pieces of yarn wrapped around your hook. Next, wrap your yarn around the hook and pull it through ONLY TWO HOOPS on your hook. Wrap again, and pull through two again. Now you have one double crochet stitch!\nStep 6: Finishing Round 1\nTo finish round 1, start by making 11 more double crochet stitches into the middle of the chain loop like i showed you in the last step. Next, you have to join the last double crochet stitch with the chain of three that you made before. To do this, stick the end of your hook in-between the chain of three and the first double crochet link. Once its sticking out the other side, wrap your yarn over your hook and pull it through both loops on your hook. Now you have one loop left, make a chain of three.",
"Stuffed Bunny Out of a Knitted Square\nIntroduction: Stuffed Bunny Out of a Knitted Square\nThese knitted bunnies are very easy to make, so they are perfect for last minute gifts and decorations. You can make them in any size, with almost infinite variations.\nNote: Medium size yarn works well for most sizes but for a few exceptions. If you are making a bunny three inches square or smaller, it is best to use sock yarn and small needles. (sizes 1, 2, and 3) When you are making a bigger bunny, take into consideration whether you want the bunny to be squishy, or firm. Use medium yarn for a squishy bunny, and bulky yarn for a firmer bunny.\nStep 1: Supplies\n* Knitting needles in size four (3.5 mm)\n* Yarn (For this project I am using: I Love This Yarn, medium weight in brown for the body, and white for the tail and features)\n* Stuffing\n* Tapestry needle\n* Pins\n* Pompom maker (optional)\n* Crochet hook (optional)\nStep 2: Casting On\nFor this project, I am casting on 30 stitches.\nStep 3: Knitting the Square\nBegin Knitting in Garter stitch until the length of your square is the same as its width. To easily tell if you have a perfect square, fold the knitted fabric diagonally against the needle. If it lines up with the opposite corner, you've finished knitting and can bind off and cut the tail.\nNote: I have found that more simple, solid stitches work best for this project. Examples are the Garter and the Seed stitch. You can also do Stockinette, but personally I like textured stitches better.\nStep 4: Shaping the Bunny's Head\nFor this step you need a long strand of yarn in the same color as your square and a tapestry needle. I am using a different color yarn so you can see what I am doing.\nFirst fold the square in half vertically, and place a pin at the top of the square where the fold is. This is where you will start knitting. Next, fold the square in half horizontally, and place a pin where the fold is on one side of the square.\nThread the needle, and insert it at the top where you placed the pin. Begin stitching in the running stitch diagonally towards the pin on the side of the square. You are basically going to make a triangle in the top half of the square. End where you started and leave the tail. Remove both pins.\nNext, grab both tails and pull them slightly until the area in the middle of the triangle looks like a bowl.",
"Stuff the head, and pull the strings as tight as they will go, so that there is only a little space left at the back of the head between the ears. Tie the yarn, and cut it to about two inches length.\nStep 5: Completing the Body\nTake another long strand of yarn and insert it from the inside just behind the head. Sew the back using the Overcast stitch until you come to where the tail will be. Stuff the body to desired firmness, and finish sewing the body. Bind off, and cut the yarn to about two inches. With the yarn still on the needle, push the needle through the body, making sure the distance to the point where the needle will exit is long enough so that the yarn will be left in the body when you pull the needle out. Do the same to any other yarn tails.\nNote: When you begin to sew the body, it is best to sew through the tail a few times so your stitches won't come undone.\nStep 6: Making the Bunny Tail\nUsing either a pom-pom maker, cardboard, or some other method, make a pom-pom scaled according to your bunny's size with contrasting yarn. When you tie the pom-pom, make sure to leave a long tail. Thread the pom-pom tail through the behind of the bunny. Tie with a good knot so it stays put, and draw the tail through the body.\nStep 7: Stitching the Face\nWith contrasting yarn, stitch the eyes and nose of the bunny. If you want, you can also add whiskers. I like to use a separate piece of yarn for each. Begin every feature by tying the yarn to the spot you want the feature to be. Draw the tail through the head, and hide the knot under your stitches. Do the same when you end.\nStep 8: Done!\nThere you have it! An adorable, easy bunny. If you want, you can crochet a chain and make your bunny a bow:) I hope you like this project, comment down below with any questions.\nIdeas For Projects:\n* Key chain\n* Easter bunny decor\n* Garland of bunnies",
"Crochet Cubes - Minecrafting\nIntroduction: Crochet Cubes - Minecrafting\nI picked up crocheting a few years back, when I started to see these cute \"amigurumi\" dolls that were of pop culture items, such as cartoons and what not... so I decided to give my hands a try at it. I'm now addicted to crocheting, and call it my #crodiction.\nThis is an Instructable on how to create cubes using a simple single crochet technique often used in the creation of amigurumi style stuffies.\nI have two sons, both of who are heavily in to Minecraft, and what better way than to expand their universe than by creating stuffies for them, and here I'm sharing how to design and make cubes just for those purposes (for those of you who don't know, Minecraft is a video game that is block based, and everything is VERY blocky, albeit very graphics card intensive), and in the theme of the game itself, this is another form of being creative.\nSupplies\n1. crochet hook (preferred size 4 or 5)\n2. yarn (various colours)\n3. darning needle (for yarn)\n4. batting (stuffing)\nStep 1: Chain Stitch\nThe chain stitch is the first thing every crocheter needs to learn, and in the video above, you can see how to do this, followed by the single crochet. I usually use 10 stitches to make 10x10 squares, which lines up nicely for the inclusion of Minecraft facial features.\nStep 2: Single Crochet All the Way Back + One Chain Stitch\nAfter the first return row of single crochet, add another chain stitch, and then return back (as shown in the video), so that you continue to have 10 single crochet for each row...",
"not having this additional chain stitch will lead to the creation of a triangle, and not a square... trust me, I've made that mistake early in my learning.\nStep 3: Repeat to Make a Square\nRepeat going back and forth to a total of 10 rows (1x chain, 9x single crochet), which will create a relatively perfect square. Make sure to end with a chain stitch.\nStep 4: Half Crochet the Length to Generate the Bend\nGoing back this time, we do what's called a half crochet, which will make a nice edge to work off of, so that we can create a bend in the crochet, and make distinct sides of the cube.\nStep 5: Continue to Eventually Make a 3 Piece Connected Pattern That Can Be Held Together to Make a Cube\nRepeat the last step till you get three sides of the cube.\nThen chain stitch 10 off of the end of the 3 sides of the cube to create a single square of 10 stitches.\nThen chain stitch 10 off of that single square, so that you can create a 2 side square piece that has one edge in it.\nThen you should have 6 total sides that can be manipulated to a cube easily.\nLeave a very long length of yarn after the final panel for use to stitch the cube together.\nStep 6: Creating the Cube - Stitch With a Darning Needle, and Stuff With Batting Before Closing It Off\nNow to create the cube.\nPlaying around with the corners, you should be able to see that this three pieces can be manipulated to a complete cube.\nUsing a darning yarn needle, you can now just loop through the sides going around the cube.\nUnfortunately you won't be able to traverse around the entire cube in one pass, and you could use the length of the beginning of the piece to darn the last side, but before you do that, take some time to fill the cube up with batting/stuffing. I would refrain from filling it up until you have all but the last edge stitched up.\nPlease note, the instructions here are based upon an even number of stitches (10) as the dimensional piece. If you're planning on doing an odd number (i.e. 9 stitches), then the pattern is quite different to generate the cube... it's not a 3, 1, 2 as listed here, but a 2, 1, 2, 1 in order for them to be able to manipulated in to a cube form.\nStep 7: Putting It All Together\nOnce you get the hang of creating these specific cubes, you can easily extend them to rectangular prism shapes, and with that, can start to stitch them together to create a plethora of possibilities.\nSome examples of items that I've created using this particular technique (all Minecraft themed). I've even added magnets to the hands and feet of a few, so that they can stick to wall corners, or even hold on to items that are magnetic.\nWhen switching colours, there are a number of ways to do this, one of which is to introduce the new colour in line with the current, and another is to crochet them separately.",
"Flowers From Recycled Material\nIntroduction: Flowers From Recycled Material\nWhen you can’t donate a piece of clothing because it is slightly damaged. Or you have lots of scraps left from other project, don’t throw them away. You can make it into a pretty flower.\nHere I turned some scraps of material into a ponytail holder.\nSupplies\n1-Any unwanted shirts or scraps of textile\n2-Ruler\n3-Round shaped objects to help you draw circles (2 -4 inches in diameter) (½ to 1 ¼ diameter for smaller circles)\n4-Pair of scissors\n5-Needle and thread\n6-A piece of cardboard\n7-Some polyester stuffing or yarn or cotton balls\n8a-glue gun ( optional) Or 8b- any other glue for fabric\n9-A plastic mat ( to protect your table when you use the glue gun).\nStep 1: Cutting the Pattern for the Flowers\nHere I use a 2 ¼ diameter circle for the petals and 1 ¼ diameter circle for the center of the flower. You can use any size you like. It depends on the amount of material scraps you have.\n1. Trace the circles. You need 5 large and 2 small.\n2. After tracing, cut the circles as closely to the line as you can.\nStep 2: Cutting the Cardboard\nWe use a cardboard ( any thickness you like) to support the center of the flower. We found a 0.02 mm thick instruction card.\n1. Cut out 2 pieces of ½ inch diameter circles.\nStep 3: Making the Petals\n1. Take 1 large circle, fold it into half and then into quarters. Rub over the folds. This is to get a crease on the material.\n2. Bring the opening of the material to face you, so that you can see a cross design as shown in the picture.\n3. Add the stuffing.\n4. Get your needle and thread and do a running stitch.\n**Note - a running stitch is a simple stitch by passing the needle in and out of the fabric at a regular distance.\n5. At the end of the material, pull the thread. The opening of the petal will closed up.\n6. Repeat the same steps for the next 5 petals.\nStep 4: Stitching the Petals Together\nWhen you have 5 petals ready, connect the last petals to the first petals by sticking it together.\nStep 5: Make the Center of the Flower\n1. Take the card board circle. Add a small dab of glue ( fiber glue or glue gun)\n2.",
"Stick a small amount of stuffing onto the cardboard.\n3. Place the smaller cloth circle on top of the stuffing.\n4. Turn the project over, and do a running stitch along the edge of the cloth circle.\n5. When you reach the end, just pull the thread together and you will create a pouch and enclose the stuffing.\n6. Do a few stitches to close the opening. Make a knot and cut off the thread\n7. Place the center of the flower to the position you like. You can stitch the center to the flower petals or use the glue to stick them together.\nStep 6: Making the Baking for the Flower\n1.Take the remaining pieces of small circle ( cloth and card board).\n2.Place some glue on the center of one side of the cardboard. Glue the cloth to it.\n3.Turn it around and glue the edges of the cloth over the cardboard.\n4. When you reached the last portion to fold the cloth over, make a small slit on the cloth so you can get a nicer finish.\n5. Place more glue on the side with the card board still showing and then glue to the back of the flower.\n6. Your fiber flower is done.\nStep 7: Assembling\nTake a small scrap of material of your choice. Can be a ribbon or same material. I have lots of extra scraps left.\n1. Fold the edges to make it neater and then glued the folds together.\n2. Glued the ponytail tie/band to the scrap of material you are using.\n3. Glue the flat side of it to the back of the flower.\n4. Let it dry. You have your own unique ponytail tie now.\nStep 8: Finished Product\nI used a glue gun to help stick my flowers to other material . You are free to choose whatever type of glue you have handy.\nI glued my to a ponytail band / tie. And also to a hook to hook it onto bags.",
"Jumbo Farmhouse Christmas Stocking\nIntroduction: Jumbo Farmhouse Christmas Stocking\nThis bulky, soft stocking will be gorgeous by your Christmas Tree! They are so huge and soft, even your baby will want one to sleep in!!\nStep 1: Gathering Supplies\nSupplies Needed:\n- Size 5 Bulky Yarn (250 yards)\n- 6.5 mm Hook\n- Scissors\n- Yarn Needle\n- Knowledge of basic crocheting, Magic circle, Front Post Double Crochet, and slip stich and whip stich.\nAbbreviations used are:\n-ST = Stich\n- CH = Chain\n- SC = Single Crochet\n- DC = Double Crochet\n-HDC = Half Double Crochet\n- FPDC = Front Post Double Crochet\nThe pictures above go in order of the rows or steps and might help you to see what it should look like.\nStep 2: The Toe - Part 1\n~This part can be a different color than the body of your stocking! It can be any color you would like or make your whole stocking the same! I chose White.\n~Start with making a magic circle. Once you have made the magic circle, CH 1 and start with ROW 1.\nROW 1 - Make 8 HDC, join with SLIP ST to 1st HDC and CH 1\nROW 2 - Make 2 HDC into each ST, join with a SLIP ST and CH 1\nROW 3 - Into the first ST make 1 HDC, than make 2 HDC into the next ST. Repeat all the way around. Join with a SLIP ST and CH 1.\nStep 3: The Toe - Part 2\n~Keep continuing the toe\nROW 4 - Into the first 2 STs make 1 HDC, than make 2 HDC into the next ST Repeat all the way around. Join with a SLIP ST and CH 1.\nROW 5 - Into the first 3 STs make 1 HDC, than make 2 HDC into the next ST. Repeat all the way around. Join with a SLIP ST and CH 1.\nROW 6 - Into each ST, make 1 HDC.\nOn last ST, join with next color for the body of your stocking and CH 2. ( Again optional with the color you would want or stay the same color!)\nStep 4: The Body - Part 1\n~Now continue the rows for the body.\nROW 7 - With your new or the same color, make 1 DC into each ST all the way around. Join with a SLIP ST and CH 2. (Picture one)\n~Before starting the next row, cut and tie off the string for the toe color. Sew it in with your yarn needle in now or at the end.\nROW 8 - Into the first ST make 1 DC, than make 1 FPDC into the next ST. Repeat all the way around.",
"Join with a SLIP ST and CH 2.\nROW 9 - Into the first ST make 1 FPDC, than make 1 DC into the next ST. Repeat all the way around. Join with a SLIP ST and CH 2.\n~Repeat ROWS 8 &9 until you reach Row 17.\n~When you finish row 17, leave the yarn for the rest body. DO NOT CUT! This is what I did if you want to do the same : place the rest of the yarn color for the body inside the stocking so it is out of the way for now. (See last picture)\nStep 5: The Heel - Part 1\n~To start the heel, connect new color or same (your choice) to the 11th ST of ROW 17 with a CH 1.\nROW 1 - Make 1 SC into that same ST as the CH 1 and continue 1 SC into each ST until you reach 20 STs across . CH 1 and turn.\nROW 2 - Join together the first 2 STs by making 1 SC and continue 1 SC into each ST until you reach the last 2 STs. Join together the last 2 STs with 1 SC. CH 1 and turn.\n~Repeat ROW 2 for ROWS 3-8 until there are 6 STs left.\nROW 9 - Into the first ST, make 2 SC and continue 1 SC into each ST until you reach the last ST. Make 2 SC into the last ST. CH 1 and turn. In the pictures 6 and 7 you will see the row start to go over row 8. That's how you know you've got it!\n~Repeat ROW 9 for ROWS 10-15 until there are 20 STs left.\nStep 6: The Heel - Part 2\n~Before you cut the yarn and tie off, leave about a 10\" tail.\n~Fold the flap inside out so its on the outside of the stocking.",
"Origami Squid/jellyfish\nIntroduction: Origami Squid/jellyfish\nOne day, I wanted to make a origami octopus, but the instructions were too difficult to understand, so I thought, why not make my own sea creature? And that’s was I did. The origami squid/jellyfish has similar steps as to making an origami crane. It’s a easy one to make!\nSupplies\n- square sheet of paper, color of your choice\n- scissors\n- coloring supplies (this is optional)\nStep 1: Fold Paper in Half Into a Triangle\nIf the paper is not a square, you won’t be able to do this.\nStep 2: Repeat Step 1 Again\nStep 3: Squash Fold One Side\nopen up the top two layers and flatten it.\nStep 4: Repeat on the Other Side\nFlip the paper over and repeat step 3 on the other side. Once you did that, you should have a square base.\nStep 5: Squash Fold Start\nYour paper should be facing you the same way as the picture for the last step. Take the top two layers and fold the left and right to the crease in the middle of the diamond. If you are confused, take a look at the image.\nStep 6: Fold the Top Down\nTake the top triangle (includes all layers) and fold it down as shown in the picture.\nStep 7: Unfold\nUnfold all the folds we have made in steps 5 through 6.\nStep 8: Flip Paper Up and Squash Fold\nStep 9: Flip and Repeat\nFlip the paper and repeat steps 5 through 8.\nStep 10: Make a Tiny Fold on Both Sides\nRepeat on both sides.\nStep 11: Cut 4 Tentacles\nFlip your paper to the side. Cut it along the crease in the middle.",
"Do the same on the other side.\nStep 12: Cut Through the Middle ( All Layers) on the Left and Right to the Horizontal Crease in the Middle.\nNow you have made a origami squid! To make a jellyfish, keep scrolling.\nStep 13: Make the Jellyfish\nSquids have 8 tentacles, while jellyfish have up to 15. If you want your jellyfish eight tentacles, then you don’t need to cut anymore. But if you want more tentacles, you may cut more. Open up the top fold both points at the top down, but fold it inside. If you like, you may try to separate the tentacles, but try not to rip the paper. You can also curl the tips of the tentacles.\nStep 14: Add a Face (optional)\nYou can use markers or any supply to make a face for your little sea creature. I used a marker for mine.\nStep 15: Done!\nNow you have made a origami squid/jellyfish! Make sure to post a picture of you finished results :)",
"A Cuddly Crochet Jack-o'-lantern\nIntroduction: A Cuddly Crochet Jack-o'-lantern\nWorried about a pumpkin price hike for this year's Jack-o'-lantern? Hate the mess of carving an actual pumpkin? Do you just crave another seasonal cuddly dust collector? If you nodded to any of those questions let me take you along for a spooky session of crocheting!\nSupplies\nA crochet hook and an orange yarn are self explanatory, but you will also need some green yarn for the pumpkin's stem, and some black yarn for the mouth and the eyes. Some stuffing material is optional but highly recommended.\nWant more details? I used a 3 mm yarn and a corresponding crochet hook.\nFurthermore I will be using some standard abbreviations for stitches:\n* SC - Single Crochet\n* HDC - Half Double Crochet\n* DC - Double Crochet\nStep 1: The Foundation\nLet's start off slow. Chain 20 + 1 stitches, chain 1, turn your work around, and move on to the next step.\nStep 2: The First Rib\nNext we will form the first of many pumpkin's ribs.\n1. slip stitch\n2. 2x SC\n3. HDC\n4. 12x DC\n5. HDC\n6. 2X SC\n7. slip stitch\n8. chain 1 & turn your work around\nDo this three times to make a single rib.\nStep 3: Making the First Crease\nTo make ribs as pronounced as possible, we have to make creases very sharp.\n1. 20 slip stitches (red yarn)\n2. chain 1 & turn your work around\n3. 20 slip stitches pulling the yarn from the opposite side (green yarn)\n4. chain 1 & turn your work around\nRepeat stitches from Step 2 to make another rib.\nStitches form row 2 are somewhat unusual. They might be difficult before you get used to them.\nStep 4: Making the Second Crease\nSince ribs are made of three rows, pattern repeats every two ribs. Here is how to make the second crease:\n1. 20 slip stitches pulling the yarn from the opposite side (green yarn)\n2. chain 1 & turn your work around\n3. 20 slip stitches (red yarn)\n4.",
"chain 1 & turn your work around\nRepeat stitches from Step 2, but the first row is crochet pulling the yarn from the opposite side (first orange row after red one in the photos). Note that you have to yarn over the crochet hook in a counter clockwise direction.\nStep 5: Rinse and Repeat\nRepeat steps 3 through 4 until you are happy with how big your pumpkin is. You can stop at anytime after you finish steps 3 or 4. I opted to go with ten ribs, which means I stopped after finishing the fifth Step 3.\nBefore I show you how to turn what you see on the photo above into a pumpkin, let's talk about Jack-o'-lantern's face.\nStep 6: Carving the Eyes\nI think this goes without saying, but use black yarn for eyes. I only used brown because my lighting and camera setup wouldn't let me take nice photos if I used black yarn.\n1. 6x SC in a magic ring\n2. SC, chain 2, SC; all in the same stitch (in an odd stitch of the previous round)\n3. slip stitch (in an even stitch of the previous round)\n4. repeat 2 & 3 two more times to get a triangle\nPull up the loop and sew the yarn as shown in the last photo and congratulations! One eye done, one more to go.\nStep 7: Don't Cut Yourself!\nEyes were very simple to make, mouth comes with longer set of instructions.\n1. chain 21+1\n2. 2x slip stitch (starting with the second chain from the hook)\n3. SC\n4. DC, chain 2, imitating HDC (as seen on photo 4; instead of yarning over, put crochet hook through the bottom loop of previous DC and through the same chain you used for DC in 4.; after pulling up the yarn, you end up with three loops on your hook as seen on photo 5; yarn over and pull through all three loops) [this forms a downwards zig-zag]\n5. SC\n6. HDC (pull the yarn through first and fourth chain (photo 6) so that you end up with four loops on your hook (photo 11), pull through all)\n7. repeat 3 through 6 once\n8. repeat 3 through 5\n9. 2x slip stitch\nStep 8: Frankensteining It Togeather\nAnd so we find ourselves in much the same situation as the famous dr. <PERSON> did. We have multiple body parts that have to be stitched together.",
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"Feeling a bit stuck in hospitality\nHi hospitality friends. This post goes out to all the artists / musicians / writers out there who work in hotels.\nI'm a pretty young guy (26) and I've been working in hospitality for over four years now. As far as jobs go, I really like my position here and I feel that I'm quite good at it (concierge). I get to tell people about all my favorite places in town, live music, outdoor activities, and how to have fun in general. It definitely suits me and I don't want this to come off as a complaint post. A lot of people are stuck with jobs that they dread and I'm truly grateful that's not the case for me.\nBut I'm also a musician and it's what I've always dreamed of doing professionally. My band has made some great progress this year, and my hotel management has supported us a lot. Which is huge, because most jobs like this will not work around a musician's schedule. And although I don't dislike my job by any means, I'm still dreaming about the day that I don't need it and can put all my focus into my band's music and starting to establish a larger fan base. I'm just getting to the point now where I feel like there's no end in sight, and I'm scared that I'll just be at the same hotel into my 30's or something.",
"I know I'm projecting here, maybe it's just a mid 20's crisis (if that's a thing).\nThere's nothing wrong with keeping my job and remaining a local act. But I just want more, and I'm scared that I'll still be sitting at this desk when I'm 40 wondering what I should have done differently. I've seen a lot of posts in this sub where people come to vent about this industry, and people dismissively saying \"sounds like you're in the wrong line of work.\" We're just trying to work with what we've got here, there's no such thing as a \"dream job\" in the service industry if you ask me. There are good days and there are hard days, and the hard days make me scared that I'll never get out.\nI'd love to hear from the artists among us about your experience working in hospitality with creative aspirations. And if you are an artist, musician, writer, whatever: don't stop. Keep going. I don't know you but I support you. Don't let anyone tell you that your job at the hotel is more important than your dreams.\nI know there may not be much of a \"tale\" involved in this post, so apologies if this wasn't the best place to post this. Feel free to keep scrolling. Love you all and thank you for sharing your thoughts. Hang in there everybody",
"You're Appreciated <3\nI was reminded the other day of why I love my job. I feel like being an FDA has its EXTREME ups and downs (re: crazy group that wanted to buy a firepit lmao). There's days where we wonder why we work where we do, and days where we wonder why we need money to survive, and days where we're just content. There are so few days where we go \"THIS. This is why I love my job.\"\n\nAs most properties in the city do, I have my share of corporate regulars. A few of them I know so well that I don't ask much of anything anymore. \"Checking out this date right? Cool, got your favorite room, charged the normal card, here's your keys!\" Usually pretty unremarkable interactions. But this particular regular I am centering around today, I have been WORKING AT. This is my first regular that I completely recognized; seeing his reservation, I knew who he was. He started out so quiet. He also never comes back down to the desk after checking in, so check in is the only interaction I get with him. Recently I've gotten short 5 minute conversations out of him, and we've shared a few laughs. The other day though, made my heart so full.\n\nHe does his normal check in, then tells me he has something for me. He pulls out a bag from a local winery, and hands it to me.",
"He admits, he doesn't drink and he doesn't know anything about wine, but knows that I'm a drinker (as most FDAs seem to be lol). He got these two wines for me, he didn't know what I liked, but got a red and a white, and hopefully I like one of them. I was honestly shocked. I thanked him profusely, and asked what brought this on? And this is what he said:\n\n\"I travel a lot, nature of the job, and this is my favorite time of the week. I know when I show up here, you're going to greet me with a smile, and you always make sure I'm taken care of. I just wanted to make sure you know that you're appreciated.\"\n\nI can't even express how happy I was. Knowing that I'm making an impact on someone. That me putting in an effort to connect with my guests is working. I just wanted to share this story, because I feel like we make more of an impact on people than we realize. Of course our one-off guests won't say anything to us directly, but I've noticed that my regulars at least usually make it clear that they're happy that we're there. All FDAs out there, please remember that a lot of people appreciate you being kind to them, even if they don't have the courage or time to let you know that. <3\n\nP.S. I liked both the wines he gave me, if anyone was wondering. I did also give him a cookie that I baked instead of one of the brand-standard cookies in return, since that's all I had (which, for the record, I would NEVER do for a regular guest, liability and all).\nBut also, if you're an FDA that's not a big drinker, how do you do it? There must be a secret you're refusing to share.",
"Tales from the front desk here… wanting to move on to serving as I’m starting school soon and hotel work is becoming to much. Just looking for insight from you guys who actually do it.\nSo, as my title states I’ve never been a server. I was a sort of server I guess for a few weeks when I was 15 at a breakfast place. I took drink orders and served them. And then I refilled coffee. I did get tips for that but the waitresses (only women staff there) were never too happy to give their 15 year old co worker a part of their tips. Which I understood and I quickly left that place…\nBut since I was 18 I’ve done front desk work. I’ve made my way to supervisor and the main trainer. However, im ready to start college and I just feel working front desk at a busy hotel is draining me to much.\nThey want me at least 4 days a week. For mid shifts, so I get off at 11pm and don’t get home till 11:30-12. And on my shifts I have to wear many hats. Im maintenance, concierge, housekeeping delivery, GPS?, and front desk agent who guests expect to take their shit with an ear to ear smile.\nI can handle angry guests. But the guests I deal with in hotels are different form when I did retail and even that server job. They are a level of entitlement I can’t explain.",
"I also deal with a huge work crew who just signed a contract with us. Who were just kicked out from a local hotel in our area. So we are their last resort.\nTheir behavior is awful. And being a female alone from 3-11 it can get very sketchy. These guys have already memorized my schedule. They haven’t been “mean” per se but they talk down to me and have asked very inappropriate questions. I can’t do anything because this contract is “to important” and my bosses have stressed that they have to be kept happy.\nAll in all, I think working as a server making tips and at least being surrounded by more than one co worker would be nice for my mental health. I’m sick of being alone all the time dealing with what I deal with. I was also hoping a serving job could be flexible with me wanting part time.\nI’m good with working any weekends and night time shifts. But I’d probably need some weekdays off for school. Right now I’m making about $2 more than minimum wage.\nI just wanted to ask you guys if the serving world sounds like a better fit in this situation or just any insights about what to expect if I change fields. I have ever yelled or gotten angry at guests. I know how to stay calm and I’d say I’m fit for customer service roles. I just wanna know more about what I’m getting into it. Should I expect the same level of entitlement from customers?",
"I think this will be my last day at this particular hotel\nI’m burnt out.\nMy hotel is a mom & pop type of place. It’s not owned by any big corps or anything and it’s been in the same family for over 20 years. The owner died a few years back and ever since then, it’s traded hands between family members. Originally the owners wife ran it with her 2 children and when they ultimately couldn’t handle it, they handed it over to a cousin to run. He’s the current owner.\nThe owner is absolutely checked out. He’s got 2 other businesses he has his hands in and hardly ever pays any attention to the hotel itself. Third floor has ceiling tiles falling apart, second has the rug coming up with signs that say ‘pardon us’ (which, have been there for 2 years according to our reviews) and first floor has more stains than rooms. The only thing he’s upgraded in the time I’ve been here, is clocks…\nApril 21st we were supposed to have our new A/C turned on, we taped off our parking lot for a day, had a crane come out and install it and everything, you could even see it from across town. But, the contractors that put it up there apparently failed to get a permit through our city and now it’s sitting on someone’s desk somewhere being ignored. Not exactly sure what’s going on, above my pay grade and all that, but the shit has been rolling downhill ever since and I just cannot take it anymore. It’s fucking June and where I live, it’s about to get hot.",
"Like 100 degrees (about 38 celsius) hot.\nToday was my last straw. After weeks of handling irate customers (our owner will not update the website to say we have no AC currently, thinks that guests will be more lenient after coming in and finding out) that want to yell and scream at me about it and the WiFi, I walked in today to my coworker having an absolute meltdown.\nTo sum it up, she called our entire FD staff useless, called me stupid, tried to snatch my phone out of my hand when I tried to show her a photo, said no one knows how to do their jobs and that none of us know how hard she has it (also, this entire time her boyfriend is standing in the lobby yelling as well). This is where I could go on and on about how she never cleans, never does her res checks, always comes in late and never breaks down the day before she leaves (and that’s only the tip of it!) but it doesn’t matter. She’s not doing her job. At. All. And it shows.\nManager is supposed to be back tomorrow. Apparently we’re going to ‘figure this out’ but I’m fully expecting to walk away from this job at this point. Not even bringing my shit in tomorrow, I’m just gonna leave it in my car. I have a feeling that one of, if not both of us, will walk away from this ‘meeting’ feeling disappointed.\nI love this place despite its problems and I love my coworkers (except for her) but I don’t have to be here, I don’t need this job. I can just walk away this time, no strings attached (and that feels good) but It’ll also be sad to walk away from here. I won’t put up with being yelled at by a coworker.\nSpoiler: the meeting sucked",
"Company obsessed with perfection\nI worked as a front desk person at a high end spa a few months back. The front desk is pretty small, and there's so much stuff on it. The owner have a sign on the desk that they have 5 stars on yelp, I didn't think it was necessary to boast about it, and it was taking up space. Customers probably already know the reviews by searching up the spa online. I got bored one day and checked how they're doing and they dropped to 4.9 and one customer said their service wasn't that good.",
"Is it bad that I'm slightly enjoying this?\nThey always say they're high end so they have super expensive services. The customer service is pretty good but behind the scenes there's some drama. Main reason I left because I felt unsupported and a bit bullied/hazed by the owners. Also I noticed some people probably quit since their names are no longer on the staff section of the website. I feel like they're constantly changing people.",
"Nervous to apply and start a new job/ train.\nSoooo I'm basically on track to get fired from my current serving job over something pretty ridiculous. My old coworker works as a server/ bartender at this restaurant and today he told me one of the other bartenders was fired so it's the perfect chance to get hired. He told me to apply and talk to his manager and he would put in a good word for me. However, I'm extremely nervous and anxious.",
"I've never bartended before and even though I know they'll train me, I still feel like I won't be able to do it without messing up or getting too overwhelmed. I'm having a tough time believing in myself and making the jump. I'm so comfortable and used to my current job and am in shock that I might be fired this week so thinking about starting another and having to go through training is really keeping me up at night. Any tips on getting the confidence to believe in myself enough to start a new job and excel especially in an area I have no experience in?",
"How to get over the shame\nThis time of year it hits extra hard for some reason, but how do you rationalize the shame/ stigma that comes with being a server? Every year as I get older it seems worse at Thanksgiving when family passes judgement (passive aggressive) that I am STILL serving in my late 20’s. The worst is when they ask when I plan to get a ‘real’ job, like this isn’t one… I wish people had more respect instead of looking at this like a job for teens or those down on their luck.",
"Are the owner's expectations normal across other family owned restaurants?\nI work at a somewhat small Vietnamese Bistro. We usually only have one server working a shift. We have a total of 15 tables and while those are all rarely full we do on often have 7-10 tables during a rush. Which all fall on one person to take orders and run food out. If that was all we had to do that wouldn't be a problem. But we are also expected to do all of the following.\n-greet, seat, and prepare all tables. (Basically hostess/host)\n-take orders, run food, general serving\n-bus tables and clean them\n-prepare sauces for certain appetizers and dishes whenever they are ordered.\n-answer the phone for any call ins.\n* prepare any alcoholic or specialty drinks (boba teas, Vietnamese coffee, etc)\n-Be ready to reset 2 hour long yt videos with info about upcoming events and music playlists.\nI do my absolute best and I am always running around doing all I can. But if I am on the phone taking an order I get in trouble for not greeting a table when they come in or they will get on me for not resetting a video right after it ends while I'm taking care of 7 tables. There are other things we have to juggle like making sure our sweet and unsweet teas are full, filling the ice machine.",
"But those aren't too bad.\nThis definitely impacts the service I can give each table and I'm developing an anxiety about coming into work and worrying about being yelled at for something I can't manage. I've talked to the other servers and they are put out with it too. Maybe I have a bit of imposter syndrome. I feel like I'm crappy at my job and can't meet expectations. No matter what I do.\nThere are some really good aspects of the job. I generally like the family that owns the place. They can just be very rude and have bad tempers.\nI guess I just needed to vent and see if this is normal. I think there is a good chance I'm just not a good server and I want your opinion on if I should try and find another line of work. Thanks for reading!",
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"Customer Always Right - NOT!!!\n“The customer is always right” is a nice sentiment, but there is nothing right about people who steal from us, lie to us, or abuse us!!!!!\nI had a real PSYCHO a few days ago! Our store is very busy; often I’m not able to get off the register for long periods. This woman came up, had a bunch of stuff in her cart, and I proceeded to scan her order, being polite and pleasant to her all along. I was nearly finished when she asked if we kept baby formula behind the counter. I told her no and which aisle is was on. I looked down to finish bagging the last of her items, and when I looked up again, she was nowhere to be found. Bear in mind we had people waiting in line behind her. This entitled <PERSON> believed that everybody waiting behind her should have to wait for her to go get her baby formula! I called out, “Ma’am, we have people waiting behind you.” She eventually came back with a container of baby formula, which I proceeded to scan and bag.",
"As I did so, she started telling me that I needed to work on my customer service. I kept on trying to be nice to her, in spite of the fact that she was obviously unhappy that I had reminded her that people were waiting in line behind her. Things just escalated from there, and she turned downright abusive! She called me a few unprintable names, including a c_nt, and then began THROWING the bags of things at me!!!! I mean, this grown woman was having a tantrum just like a toddler!!!!\nWe still aren’t sure we won’t get some repercussions from corporate about this - IF she actually had the nerve to contact them after the way she behaved! She should be embarrassed at her own behavior, but chances are, she’s not. (Also, she could have asked about the baby formula much sooner and would have had plenty of time to go get it while I kept scanning her order, but no, she waited till I had almost finished!)\nYou know, I really feel sorry for her. If she thinks it’s okay to act like that out in public and have a two-year-old tantrum, something is seriously wrong with her!!!!\nNeedless to say, I won’t bother pointing out the fact that there are people waiting ever again! If they aren’t considerate enough to care about those in line behind them, nothing anybody says or does will make them care. By the way, MOST people, if they’ve realized at the last minute that they need something else and there are people waiting behind them, will go ahead and pay for what they already have, put it in the car, and then come back in for whatever they need. They do NOT think they deserve to make others wait for them to finish shopping!",
"Customers can’t find open register with the light on\nI’m helping my manager do things around the store, mainly packaways on register 2. I turn on the light for register 1 and leave our bell out. Then I put the “register closed” sign up on register 2 and start scanning the items.\nI suddenly hear a thunk. I look up to find a woman unloading her cart at register 2. I tell her, “Ma’am this register is closed.” And gesture to the closed sign. She asked, “Well which one is open then?” I pointed to register 1 and tell her I can check her out over there.\nI finish some of the packaways and decide while waiting on my manager to bring more I will do some go-backs. I come back up to the front to grab another basket of go-backs to see a man standing at register 3. He says he’s ready to check out.",
"I tell him that register is closed. Again, he asks which one does he need to go to. I tell him register 1. Before I go over there, I double checked that both registers 2 and 3 have their respective “register closed” sign. They do.\nYet again I step away from the registers and come back to find two women at register 3. I have to repeat myself and tell them register 3 is closed. They both start looking around like lost children and ask, “Well, then which one do we go to? Which one is open?” I tell them I can check them both out on register 1. Ya know, the one with the light on.\nWhat was it with these customers? Had they never been in a store with lights above the register? Can they not read a very clear sign that says “register closed”? Don’t they know the light being on means the register is open and if it’s off the register is closed?\nIt’s not that hard to look up!!",
"Customers cannot understand a subtotal so I had to break it down to them like they were 5 year olds.\nCustomer buys about 10 things. 3 of the items were 6.99–2 with tax and 1 without tax. 6.99 x 2 = 13.98\nCustomer’s daughter comes back in to tell me that I overcharged them. So I asked to see the receipt knowing I did not. I asked her where was the mistake and she said that I charged her 13.98 and they got nothing for that price.\nMe: You got 2 things for 6.99 so that’s the subtotal of the 2 items.\nDaughter: Yeah but then you charged us 6.99 again. We only got 2 things you’re saying.\nMe: Yes you did, you got that other thing and that has not tax.",
"That’s why it’s separate.\n<PERSON>: Could you do the sale again? It’s not right.\nSo I do it again, as I’m able to void out sales, and it came out correctly. She begins to shake her head and her mother comes in and pulls out the calculator on her phone and they start going at it again.\nMother and daughter: YOU SEE?!?! You over charged us. We got nothing for 13.98!!!!!!\nI began to explain it and point at their things and show them which ones were 6.99 and they still could not understand that 6.99 twice equals 13.98… So then the daughter gets loud and says, “Well you don’t have to give us an attitude!”\nAnd I said, “Well, I shouldn’t have to explain things with apples and bananas so that you could figure out that 6.99 x 2 equals 13.98. 1 banana plus 1 banana equals 2 bananas.”\nIn disgust, they look at me and tell me that it was wrong. The amount they got on their calculator was not equalling the amount on the receipt because they forgot about taxes. I just don’t know how these morons get through life.",
"Customers hiding items for later?\nYesterday I watched a woman come out of the dressing room with 4 dresses and put them behind a rack of different clothes. I approached her and offered to take them if she wasn’t interested, so I could put them back in the correct place.\nShe said to me that she’s pretty sure she wants them, she just didn’t want to carry them with her while she did the rest of her shopping and they were the last ones in her size (from the clearance rack), so she was hiding them for when she came back later. She explained this to me as if it was a perfectly normal thing to do.\nOur store usually doesn’t “hold” items, because we found that the vast majority of the time people don’t come back for them. I’m not sure if she knew this or not, but regardless we can’t have customers hiding things in the racks.",
"I explained to her that if she wasn’t going to buy them now I needed to put them back where they belonged.\nShe huffed at me and muttered the word “ridiculous” under her breath before picking 1 of the 4 dresses to bring to the front for purchase. She left the other 3 where they were and I replaced them as she side eyed me from the line. She didn’t come back for them later, so I’m pretty sure she never intended to get all 4.\nI’ve heard of this kind of thing happening before, but am pretty sure its universally frowned upon. I thought it was so weird that she just explained it to me like it was a totally okay and normal thing to do.",
"Just follow the directions I gave you\nMy store is massive so I’ll never begrudge a customer for getting turned around. But please, for the love of god, just follow the instructions I’m giving you! I just spoke to someone who needed to get to a different department:\nCustomer: I’m trying to get to Home Organization for a shelf.\nMe: Okay! Just follow this wall back into the plant room and take the shortcut next to the bathrooms.\nC: Okay.",
"Did we just miss all the shelves, then?\nMe: What do you mean?\nC: Well, we saw all of these (holding up photo) in the Showroom but there wasn’t anything to grab.\nMe: Right. The displays are upstairs, but the takeaway is on this level.\nC: Where at?\nMe: In Home Organization.\nC: How do I get there?\nMe: screaming internally Just follow this wall back into the plant room and take the shortcut next to the bathrooms.\nHaving to repeat the very simple instructions I just gave to customers who weren’t paying attention is one of my biggest pet peeves at this job. At least I’m almost done for the day.",
"Customer started crying in the dressing room and wouldn’t leave the store…\nThis is my first week working retail as I’m normally a teaching assistant but needed extra income for the summer.\nIt was Saturday and so we were pretty busy. A woman came in with 5 or 6 dresses to try on that, in all honesty, I could tell were not going to fit. After about 15 minutes I went back to check on her because a line had formed for the 4 dressing rooms we had and she wasn’t out yet. I asked her if everything was alright, she kind of shakily said yes, so I went away.\nAnother 10 minutes, I check again.\n“Still doing okay?” A bit more firm now, she responds. “Yes, I’m fine!”.\nI stood nearby to keep an eye on things and kept hearing sniffles. Another 5 minutes went by, I knocked on the door this time.\n“Ma’am, are you almost done? There are other customers waiting for the dressing rooms.”\nShe stuck her head out the door and I could see then for sure she had been crying. She handed me all the dresses.\n“Put these back.” And then she closed the door.\nI kinda stood there confused for a minute and responded through the door again.\n“Are you alright?”\n“…”\n“I’ll put these back and give you a minute, but I’m sorry, we really do need the dressing room.”\nAnother 15 minutes went by.",
"By now she’s been in there a total of 45 minutes crying. The manager wasnt there that day and all my coworkers were less than helpful, so this was all on me and I had no idea what to do. I knocked on the door one more time, a bit forcefully.\n“Ma’am. You’ve been in there for a very long time and while I can see you’re having a bad day, we can’t let you just stay in there. You don’t have any clothes in there even. I can give you another 5 minutes but if you won’t leave by then I need to call security.”\nThe door FLEW OPEN and this woman, red faced and teary eyed scream-whispered at me about how if the store wasn’t going to carry any “normal” sizes then the least they could do was give her space when it made her feel bad! She went on a mini rant about unfair sizing and catering to normal sized people and the beauty industry.\nI do sympathize, and honestly our sizes do run a bit small, but they still fit the normal “straight size” range of 0-14. I felt bad because I know how frustrating that can be, but also I didn’t need that anger directed at me.\nI just looked at her and told her again “You need to leave now.” Thankfully she did, but she flipped me off at the door.\nWeird situation that has really put me off for the rest of the week. I’m sure it’s pretty tame compared to a lot of the stuff in here, but this is in fact my first rodeo and I did not enjoy it.\n——\nETA: This is a repost since my last one was removed! Fixed the problem.",
"Grown man reported me to corporate because I wouldn’t get on the floor to clean up his mess for him.\nBusy friday night at a large chain. Walked past a table (that wasn’t mine) where an older man (probably late 30s) with his friend gestured to call me over. Walk up to the table, and he points to a cup of ranch he just dropped on the floor, without saying anything. Offer to grab him some napkins, he nods and says thank you. Alright, no problem.\nCome back with a stack of napkins and a rag. I say “There you go, sir!” and set them on the table, and begin to turn to walk away (I had about 5-6 active tables at this point). He says “excuse me!” I turn around, and he’s holding the napkins towards me while continuing to point to the spilled cup of ranch.\n“Aren’t you gonna clean it up?”\nNow, I like to think I’m quite friendly and have good customer service skills. However, getting on my hands and knees to wipe ranch out of a carpet, while the grown ass man that spilled it is sitting and watching me (not even receiving the tip from said grown man) is about where I draw the line. Already stressed and busy, I just say “No, sorry, I have a ton of other stuff to do right now. You spilled it, you can clean it up.” And quickly walked away.",
"(About two minutes later, I walked by and see he made the poor girl who actually was his server clean it up herself. He actually waited until she came back to see if she would clean it up for him instead).\nThink nothing of it, until about the next night when I get called into my manager’s office. Apparently, that guy called corporate with a formal complaint. His report was very vague and completely untrue. To paraphrase: He claimed that he “asked multiple people” before he got helped. (Not true, he called me over directly after I watched him spill it). Said that the server who helped him (me) “rolled her eyes” when he asked for napkins. (also not true) and was “belligerent” when I came back to give him the napkins. (Never mentioned in the report that he was wanted me to clean the mess he made).\nLuckily our GM is pretty cool and believed my side of the story, she just gave me a verbal warning so she could tell corporate she solved the dispute.\nI swear some people get a huge power trip when they’re receiving some kind of customer service. My job is to bring you food quickly and make sure you have a good meal. Servers are not your mother or personal servants, and trying to get someone in trouble because you’re too lazy to clean up your own damn cup of ranch dressing is such trashy behavior.",
"Customer gets snotty with me when I tell her we don’t do military discounts\nTitle is pretty self explanatory. Ok so this one wasn’t that bad, could’ve been worse. At least there was no yelling or cursing or asking for a manager. And yes I understand it’s strange my workplace does not offer military discounts, but that’s just how it is, I’ve asked my supervisors on multiple occasions just to make sure, and they always told me “no”.\nSo quick rundown, lady & a man who I presume is her husband come up to my register & right off the bat, they place their items on the counter, and she tells me “and add a military discount please, you guys do military discounts right?”\nI apologize and very nicely tell her “unfortunately we do not, I’m sorry about that” And she just looks at me dumbfounded & says in a very snotty tone “yeah you should be sorry”.",
"Ok bitch, yeah sure lemme just go ahead and change store policy that’s out of my control just for you, sure.\nLuckily the husband then changes the subject & we go through the rest of the transaction as usual. They leave the store, no problem. Could’ve been worse, like I said. Just hate when people get all rude towards you over something you didn’t decide upon.",
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"Do you think my restaurant is going to shut down?\nI’ve worked at said restaurant over a year and it’s slowly been declining. When I started we were short staffed and have never gotten fully staffed, we’ve had a help wanted sign for 6 months. I’ve trained and had 7 people quit in this timeframe. 7 people isn’t a lot but when the FOH consists of 3 people most days it seems excessive. Our kitchen staff has worked there over 10 years, they are all family and don’t seem to be going anywhere. I am one of two adults on the FOH staff the rest are 17 year old boys. The restaurant is dirty, no one cleans, no one polishes, I’m the only one who cleans the booths and tables. Almost daily I’m wiping off dirty tables that they already set up, removing crumbs, dirty dishes, sometimes hair. I never see anyone wash their hands. The kids have AirPods in their whole shift, eat in front of customers, play on their phone right in front of customers.\nI’ve seen a huge decline in regulars, people who used to come once a week haven’t been seen again.",
"Our reviews are terrible. It’s the type of restaurant that you eat at once and never come back. We’re in a trendy area but the restaurant is dim and hasn’t been decorated since 2010. The owner hides in his office. He expects me to discipline people and make sure they show up for their shifts, figure out schedule changes. The weirdest part is they opened another restaurant that is trendy and doing very well. It’s clean, fully staffed, professional, gets great reviews, and has a GM. We don’t even have a manager?\nIt feels like I’m expected to run the entire restaurant but I just feel embarrassed everyday at work by how shitty the place is. I give great service and try my best but when you have kids messing up stuff and being wildly unprofessional it’s hard. Obviously I should be looking for a new job but I make great money due to the area we’re in. What do you think, does it sound like a business on the verge of dying?",
"Manager basically told coworker to shark tables\nI was already annoyed as someone had called off and instead of the owner finding coverage they told me “you’ll be fine”. It ended up being the busiest night we’ve had in awhile which is great because it’s been extremely slow, great chance to make money. Our restaurant goes by number of people and first in gets first table. Right off the bat my coworker who just started takes the first table when it should have been mine. I let it go and took the next table. Then another table came in which would go to me but she went right over. I rewrote the rotation paper and just put her first so there wouldn’t be any confusion. As the night goes on she repeatably takes tables that are supposed to be mine but I let it slide because she’s new.\nWhen I mention it to the owner she says “well I did tell her to help out and take more if you were busy”.",
"The reason I was constantly busy is because I’m expected to do voids, deal with customer complaints, and answer everyone else’s questions. We also have issues with our tickets not printing to the kitchen so I have to deal with that as well. I snapped and told her that was messed up as I don’t get paid extra to deal with all this stuff, I’m actively losing money every shift. She didn’t care at all just pointed out I made a lot of money last month.\nOther than finding a new job what would you do? I get paid as a server but have to train everyone, close most nights which means I have to stay even if I don’t have a table until everyone leaves, deal with all POS issues, customer issues, voids, coworker questions, update items on the POS, frequently get guilted into coming in on my days off. My schedule is constantly changed to accommodate everyone else. She’s obviously aware I should be paid more but she doesn’t care.\nI just want to be a server and not deal with everything else but all of our employees are teenagers so she has no one who is even capable of taking over. If she were to hire someone I would lose most of my hours because we don’t have shifts available for an additional person. My tables don’t know I’m doing all this extra stuff so they think I’m just being lazy which has an impact on my tips. It’s just frustrating to be doing so much more than everyone else but making less and having a lot more stress.",
"Would you quit?\nLong story short I was given a “manager role” and was paid hourly for a bit then they needed servers so I went back to serving. The whole time I’ve been serving I’m expected to be “the manager” and doing extra tasks but getting paid the same hourly as everyone else. For awhile I was happy to help but then I got frustrated that I wasn’t getting paid, felt like I was getting taken advantage of so I stopped caring as much. I still train, do voids, handle complaints, close, help when anything goes wrong, ect.",
"Basically everything but manage my coworkers. We hired a new person who is going to be offered the manager position after 1 month with a $10 raise while also getting to serve and have a full rotation.\nIt’s way too late to ask for a raise and I honestly don’t want the position but I’m jaded about the whole thing. I just can’t get over the idea that I was expected to do all this for a year with no compensation and someone swoops in and takes it with proper compensation. I’ll get over it but I can’t help but think bitter remarks. Would you quit?",
"700 for two weeks\nMy current paycheck is at $500 before tip out and taxes, there’s 2 days left in the pay period so I’m hoping it’ll be $700 but that’s generous. Is it normal to be this slow right now!? My boss keeps telling me it’s the slow season, it’ll pick up. The entire year has been like this. Of course there have been some really good months but recently I’m barely getting by. I’ve had two days where I’ve made $40 all night, most days under $100 or slightly over.",
"It used to be $100 on a bad day. Less than 15 customers during the week and they spend $50 or less. My restaurant is fairly expensive so they’re getting two items to share. I’m just very panicked, I can’t survive another month like this. I know the solution is to find another job but no one is hiring near me and I’m not sure if it’s just my restaurant or the economy?",
"I quit today with no backup plan.\nI just need to speak to people who get it. My restaurant was bought out by a hospitality group. It’s been downhill since.\nToday, I took an order for over 50 items for 11:20 tomorrow (it happened to be pizzas) so things need to be prepped and we open at 11AM. I simply let the kitchen staff know that I took this order for tomorrow morning. I let the executive chef know and I got flipped out on. He asked why I told his staff, I’m trying to do HIS job, I’m to do nothing but “take orders”. I repeated myself that I simply just told them about the order and he went off again. I’ve NEVER been spoken to in that way in any aspect of my life and I’ll be damned if I’ll allow it to happen at work.\nHe’s known to be a hot head and new management has allowed it.",
"Im not the first person he’s gone off on, he drinks on the job, he has asked the younger kids if they have a weed pen for him to hit.\nI’ve been looking for an out as I see the writing on the wall but wanted a back up plan first. This is the riskiest thing I’ve done - quitting a job with no back up. But more than anything, I’m happy to draw the line and know my worth.\nEdit: CFO of the company called me absolutely furious with the chef. Begged me not to quit as he went on talking about my value and what not. I appreciated his call but there was NO mention of consequences for the chef's behavior. They wanted a meeting between myself, chef, and the FOH manager tomorrow. I declined and explained I needed time. I can't see myself going back for any reason.",
"Doing All work\nHello. I’m a waitress at a new place. I like it. People like me so much. Customer service in my country is a mess (know from local subreddit) and people are just amazed and always call me to say thank you for everything I’m doing. I love that appreciation and try my best to earn it.\nOur boys love me. They always chat with me, joke with me and help. On the other hand, girls are bossy with me. I understand that I’m new and someone may try to teach me the specifics of this place but poker face “Go, do this”, “Go there” just sounds bad.\nIt’s been days since our cleaning lady is cursing me for doing a ten men job. Usual day is me running around and doing everything from taking orders, staying on run and cleaning tables while delivering coffee checks to barista while other girls just stand there, chatting, or spin around with some nonsense “I’ll make a visibility of hard work.”\nI understand it can be just me but I mean totally different person (the cleaning lady I mentioned) noticed this, so it’s not just me imagining herself a slave.\nToday I got complaints from manager that I forgot to place forks on the table multiple times. I did but I did it when doing ten men’s job and other girls just walking around with nonsense help I was already doing.",
"Like we got a hall. 3 tables finished and left. I was taking orders from two others and getting them into system. Meanwhile my coworkers could take plates from finished tables, clean them, get rid of coffee cups or anything… No, just staying or walking around the whole building like something was going on. When getting guest bills they just jump into my hands with “I’ll do that”. No, please. Let me finish my task and help me with doing your own work.\nI’m a shy person and it’s only in my peak when I can say something or just say no, stand my ground. That’s the reason why I’m treated like that. What can I do? It’s getting impossible to bare. Should I just mirror their behavior and stop being an all-around-funnyass-girl? I mean doing everyone’s work just worsens mine so it’s like one person doing ten tasks but all are done so-so at the end. Managers at the end see that half done thing and it’s me who “failed”. You can’t fail if you just don’t do (speaking about those girls).\nHelp me prepare for my tomorrow shift.",
"Owner lets coworker show up whenever she wants\nMy coworker no called no showed this week leaving me as the only person running the whole restaurant besides the chefs, owner did not care. Next day coworkers shows up right as service begins, we are supposed to come an hour early to set up. I complain and coworkers gets written up for not showing up day before. The next two days coworker again shows up right as service begins. At this point I’m just annoyed, if I didn’t show up on time we wouldn’t be able to open. The only “manager” is me who gets paid the same as everyone else so I’m not disciplining anyone. I complain yet again and the owner talks to her however, I overhear him phrasing it as it’s stressful for ME and I don’t appreciate being stressed waiting to see if she shows up.",
"Basically blamed my feelings for the whole thing, not the fact that his employee isn’t showing up for work. So now I look like a jerk and it’s hostile at work. I was told he could fire her but if he did that I would be required to cover all of her shifts. Is this normal behavior? The owner lets everyone do whatever they want and expects me to pick up the slack.\nAnother thing that is driving me insane is that I requested one day off in December, my first request in 6 months and I was told no. Then he turns around and asks everyone else for their requests off and approves all of them. The person I usually work with on the day I asked for off got the day off but not me who specially asked for it. I’m supposed to have “seniority of the schedule” as he has said but my requests are always denied and my schedule is always changed to accommodate everyone else.",
"Question\nI live in Florida and work at a restaurant where the owner and all front of house managers serve tables and one of them is the owner. Everyone is given a section every shift. There’s usually two managers working each shift at night time and one manager and one non-manager every morning shift.",
"It’s a family run restaurant where they play favorites and hire their family members. Of course most of the managers are family members. I know it’s a super conflict of interest for managers to be waiting tables and especially in this situation. What I’m asking here is it also illegal?",
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"Lady <PERSON> received <PERSON>'s letter about witches' prophesy and became ambitious, immoral and a tempter. She did say\nUnsex me here\nBut this has nothing to do with her gender, a lot of times it has happened in history that women have played deceitfully, immorally and cruelly for example you can take <PERSON>, wife of <PERSON> and daughter of <PERSON>'s General <PERSON>, was cruel and ambitious too.\nThe only way for Lady <PERSON> to gain power is through <PERSON> using her rhetoric.\nThat was true, she rewired the brain of <PERSON> (which was already fighting with the ambitious Devil) and made him to do what he feared. But not only she used rhetoric but also showed masculinity by taking the blooded daggers from <PERSON> and placing it there. But again this rhetoric persuasion should not be related with gender, as we find in <PERSON>; <PERSON> persuaded <PERSON> with murderous thoughts.\nDo you think that the tragedy of Macbeth is the consequence of <PERSON> is being too sensitive to masculinity? What does Masculinity mean for <PERSON>?\n<PERSON> was not less masculine, in Act 1 Scene 2 he is depicted as:\nfor brave <PERSON> – well he deserves that name\nand he is considered violent too:\nHe unseamed him from the nave to th’chops\nbut it is unjust to think of his pure conscience as a sensitive masculine character, he after murdering the king <PERSON> expresses his inner voice as:\nI am afraid to think what I have done; Look on't again I dare not.\nSo, considering the above saying of <PERSON> and comparing it with \"He unseamed him from the nave to th’chops\" it doesn't seem that <PERSON> was afraid of blood, he was afraid of himself and Higher Self, even at his death his last words were\n.",
". .my soul is clog’d with blood—\nI cannot rise! I dare not ask for mercy—\nIt is too late, he drags me down; I sink,\nI sink, — my soul is lost forever! — Oh! — Oh!\nHe thinks and worries about his soul, his feeling of guilt was overtaking him. The hallucination of <PERSON> was just another portrayal of how deeply <PERSON> was aware of his murderous sin.\nThere are some of the lines in Macbeth that do demonstrate gender hierarchy, <PERSON> said to Lady <PERSON>\nBring forth men-children only;\nFor thy undaunted mettle should compose nothing but males\nand Witches warned <PERSON>\n<PERSON>! be bloody, bold and resolute;\nlaugh to scorn the power of man;\nfor none of woman born shall harm <PERSON>.\nTo re-quote your question\nWhat does Masculinity mean for <PERSON>?\n<PERSON> was valor, and respected by whole men of <PERSON>. <PERSON> knew what sins always bring to the sinners at last, his extreme feeling of guilt and consequential hallucination was because of the transparency of his heart.",
"He is a hero.\nThe whole play is a \"morality\" play, with a virtue/vice comparison between <PERSON> and <PERSON>. But the twist is, from the outset, that <PERSON> is really the virtue (wise, biblical, popular), while <PERSON> is lost in vanity (harebrained, hot blooded) - but brave and honourable, like a legendary giant, with a devout, idealistic maiden in tow:\nPrince <PERSON>: ...I am not yet of <PERSON>'s mind, the <PERSON> of the north, he that kills me some six or seven dozen of Scots at a breakfast, washes his hands, and says to his wife “<PERSON> upon this quiet life! I want work.” “O my sweet <PERSON>,” says she, “how many hast thou killed today?” “Give my roan horse a drench,” says he, and answers “Some fourteen,” an hour after. “A trifle, a trifle.\". Act 2, Scene 4.\n<PERSON> is chivalry, and is considered on the whole to be living up to the expectation of his time. But, ultimately, in vain:\n<PERSON>: ...There's honour for you! Here's no vanity! Act 5, Scene 3.\nand slightly earlier\n<PERSON>: What is honour? A word...Honour is a mere scutcheon - and so ends my catechism. Act 5, Scene 1.\nHe is definitely not a villain. Perhaps there is similarity to <PERSON>, who is lost in vain. Also, for his hot-bloodedness, I can see similarities with <PERSON> in The Godfather:\n<PERSON>: I hope you're not a hot head like your brother <PERSON>, you can't talk business with him.",
"The Godfather.\nIs <PERSON> a villain in the Godfather? No way.\nPerhaps <PERSON>'s actions are not on the whole \"recommended\" by <PERSON>, in some sense, but he is given the role of a hero, not a villain. It is more likely <PERSON> is the villain. Consider Henry IV Part 2, where <PERSON> is ultimately cast out, and Henry V, where <PERSON> is hanged. But then, he is too likeable. So there is a deep character comparison going on. If there is a villain, what is being driven out is <PERSON>'s un-kingly life. He is fulfilling his potential. So personalities are so bright and vivacious in the play, it is the opposite (dullness) which is being driven out \"with a dagger of lath\", leaving the fulfilment of <PERSON> as <PERSON> (again, like in the Godfather).",
"<PERSON>: Mask of the Phantasm\nThe cowl\nThe armor of <PERSON> little by little decends and fades to black, and the walls which <PERSON> has built between himself and his world of turmoil vanish\nWhats left is to find eyes of a demon that isn't defined by violence and crime, but by heartbreak\n\"Really <PERSON> it's almost as if you pick them because you know theres no chance for a serious relationship\"\nWe witness a man who prefers loneliness. A persona who picks souls that are doomed to fail because he knows they can never hurt him\nLetting rooftops of rain express his solace, his longing for someone to see every part of him the sickness the ugliness, and still want to share it with him, and allow him to do the same. <PERSON> in <PERSON>'s mind was that one glance of life beyond a vow that will never bring back what was taken\nPlease. Tell me it's okay\nThe Bat and the Phanstasm.\nTwo who deal with their torment by choosing to be symbols rather than people.",
"All a facade to hold back tears.\nThe purple suit, is the Jester who swathes in a world of broken dreams and false desires, and Evil laughing, pure evil thriving knowing that it stands in the way of true happiness. Real evil laughs joyfully at the realisation that none of it will ever work, be sane. Extinguishing her light to leave <PERSON> in nothing but darkness.\nMaybe after this is settled. Maybe then\nIt's all lost dreams, an idealised future which in every case is difficult to actualise, because fantasies aren't real.\nthat is <PERSON> torment\nThe Gotham Skyline and the rain\n- That is all he has now.\n Perhaps it's all he's ever had...",
"How powerful <PERSON> is in the beginning of \"An Outcast of the Islands\"?\nI'm first time reading a novel of <PERSON>, I was inspired and revered him since I saw Apocalypse Now. But as <PERSON><PERSON> is regarded as a very skillful, detailful and prolific writer so I must admit that my knowledge is a little low to fully understand him, therefore confusion arises and I have to come here for clearing up a doubt.\nIn the first chapter of An Outcast of the Islands, <PERSON> (the main character of the novel) is described as very powerful and somewhat as sophomaniac. To quote from the book:\n[...] he kept them(Da Souza tribe) singing his praises in the midst of their laziness, of their dirt, of their immense and hopeless squalor: he was greatly delighted.\nThey lived (Da Souza tribe) now by the grace of his will. This was power. <PERSON> loved it.\nAnd he depicted him as intelligent by\n<PERSON> knew all about himself. On the day when, with many misgivings, he ran away from a Dutch East-Indiaman in Samarang roads, he had commenced that study of himself, of his own ways, of his own abilities, of those fate-compelling qualities of which led him toward that lucrative position which he now filled.\nSo, these remarks suggest that <PERSON> was very powerful and law himself, and more importantly he himself made him. But a little later in the same chapter, when <PERSON> is going home the book writes\nLeaning against one of the brick pillars, Mr. <PERSON>, the cashier of Hudig & Co., smoked the last cheroot of the evening. Amongst the shadows of the trimmed bushes Mrs.",
"<PERSON> crunched slowly, with measured steps, the gravel of the circular path before the house. \"There's <PERSON> going home on foot- and drunk I fancy,\" said Mr. <PERSON> over his shoulder. \"I saw him jump and wave his hat\".\nIt's been mentioned in the first chapter that <PERSON> is a clerk for Hudig & co., and at the same time his prowess is talked about. The confusion is that in my society and as far as I have seen, clerks are the ones who give receipts for something, to be a bit direct: they are employees of comparingly low power. So, given that <PERSON> is the head of the whole Da Souza tribe and everyone lives by his grace, how come Mr. <PERSON> makes such remarks on him? And how could he be just a clerk of a company when he got such powers (whole army of that tribe) which hardly anyone in that company have?\nKindly explain me the situation of <PERSON> as can be deduced from the first and second chapter of An Outacst of the Islands.\nUPDATE: In the third chapter it is written that\nHe had married her [<PERSON>] to please <PERSON>, and the greatness of his sacrifice ought to have made her happy without any further exertion on his part.\nI’m lost even more here as to who <PERSON> was and how marrying <PERSON> would have pleased him? <PERSON> & co. can be imagined as a company which transports its products over the whole Europe and these Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia. I’m unable to understand how Da Souza tribe is related to Hudig & co.",
"I think the assumption is that <PERSON>'s songs are an expression of something more complicated than power.\n<PERSON> has this to say on <PERSON> in letter 144:\n<PERSON> is not an important person – to the narrative. I suppose he has some importance as a ‘comment’. I mean, I do not really write like that: he is just an invention, and he represents something that I feel important, though I would not be prepared to analyze the feeling precisely. I would not, however, have left him in, if he did not have some kind of function. I might put it this way. The story is cast in terms of a good side, and a bad side, beauty against ruthless ugliness, tyranny against kingship, moderated freedom with consent against compulsion that has long lost any object save mere power, and so on; but both sides in some degree, conservative or destructive, want a measure of control.",
"But if you have, as it were taken ‘a vow of poverty’, renounced control, and take your delight in things for themselves without reference to yourself, watching, observing, and to some extent knowing, then the question of the rights and wrongs of power and control might become utterly meaningless to you, and the means of power quite valueless. It is a natural pacifist view, which arises in the mind when there is a war.\nAs an embodiment of a pacifist position, he can't be said to have \"power\" at all, and neither can his songs.\nPolitical power, martial power, magical power, the power of the rings, are all inherently \"corrupt\" in that their aim is to alter the tide of affairs, to change the world as <PERSON> made it, in order to serve the aims of those who wield power (even if they intend to do something good with it). The ring, as the physical manifestation of the will to power, represents this inherent corruption.\n<PERSON>'s songs, like those of <PERSON>, are linked to the creation of the world, to the perfect condition of things before they are corrupted by greed, or pride, or the other failings of beings. <PERSON>'s \"power\" if he has it, is to be of a world untouched by these failings and not to want to exercise power at all, but rather to be imbued with what remains of a world untouched by it. <PERSON> is so untouched by power, so immune to its influence, that even the ring has no effect on him. His essential essence is effective in Middle Earth (against corrupt wights and tree spirits, etc.) because it is part of the perfect state of the world close to its creation, something that is, in itself, effective. This state is something shared by his land, and his songs are essentially conservative - they reassert the original condition of the world by repeating the process by which <PERSON> created it.",
"I can only guess at the answer, but here goes. You've already noted the episode titled Gilding Over All is a reference to <PERSON>, and has the line many deaths I'll sing.\nIt is no coincidence that both <PERSON> and <PERSON> share the same first name. Even their surnames are basically the same: <PERSON> and <PERSON> (White man).\n<PERSON> was one of America's most influential poets - a great in his field. He was obsessed with his work Leaves of Grass and was constantly revising it. The work was not easily accepted because of it's celebration of self and sensuality - the editors asked <PERSON> to sensor his work, but he would not - just as <PERSON> was obsessed with creating the greatest meth possible - his life's work - and his work would also be frowned upon by less enlightened people than himself.\n<PERSON> and <PERSON> were both brilliant chemists; indeed <PERSON> would have been recognized as such by his success with Gray Matter if he had not acted so rashly/impulsively by walking away from it in a huff. It is an insight into <PERSON>'s arrogance that he never takes responsibility for this act, instead nourishing this grudge throughout the entire series. <PERSON> thinks of himself as being a world-class brilliant man cut down by chance (not his own flaw) to his lowly position as a high school chemistry teacher.\nWhen <PERSON> and <PERSON> first meet, <PERSON> is already aware of <PERSON>'s brilliance, and they discuss their pure love of chemistry. We know why <PERSON> is in the meth buisness; <PERSON> explains,\n“I was on my way—jumping through hoops, kissing the proper behinds, attending to all the non-chemistry that one finds oneself occupied with. You know that world. That is not what I signed on for. I love the lab—because it’s all still magic, you know? Chemistry? I mean, once you lose that….”\nAnd <PERSON> agrees with him.",
"They have a moment where they agree with <PERSON> that the purity of what they love had been spoiled for them. For <PERSON>, this was a declaration of disillusionment with convention and of liberation. So, too, are <PERSON> and <PERSON> liberated from the lecture room (class room for <PERSON>, academia for <PERSON>) and convention.\nWhen I, sitting, heard the astronomer... in the lectureroom,\nHow soon... I became tired and sick;\nTill... I wander’d off by myself...\nLook’d up in perfect silence at the stars.\n<PERSON> is accepting of <PERSON>'s obvious great admiration verging on adulation as if it were his due. It is with some of this stardust in his own eyes that he purchases a copy (paperback) shortly afterwards and reads it himself. Perhaps <PERSON> liked <PERSON> celebration of himself that occurs in I Sing the Body Electric and other poems in Leaves of Grass. Though it is never explained, I think <PERSON> sees himself in <PERSON>. It doesn't hurt that two of the poems in Leaves of Grass were mourning the death of the great president, <PERSON>. One might even go so far as to say that to <PERSON>, he with the insufferable ego and self-deception) himself believes he is a great man who will deserve to be mourned when he dies (of cancer).",
"Chapter 26, Knights and squires, Moby Dick\nI am not a native English speaker. I am struggling with the last few paragraphs of chapter 26 of moby dick. I tried using a dictionary and even translating to my native language but the dots don't seem to connect. I am not able to get the intuitive feeling of these paragraphs. I tried reading it multiple times, but I don't feel satisfied.\nI don't want to skip any line of a book that plays such an important role in English Literature.\nBut were the coming narrative to reveal in any instance, the complete abasement of poor <PERSON>’s fortitude, scarce might I have the heart to write it; for it is a thing most sorrowful, nay shocking, to expose the fall of valour in the soul. Men may seem detestable as joint stock-companies and nations; knaves, fools, and murderers there may be; men may have mean and meagre faces; but man, in the ideal, is so noble and so sparkling, such a grand and glowing creature, that over any ignominious blemish in him all his fellows should run to throw their costliest robes.",
"That immaculate manliness we feel within ourselves, so far within us, that it remains intact though all the outer character seem gone; bleeds with keenest anguish at the undraped spectacle of a valor-ruined man. Nor can piety itself, at such a shameful sight, completely stifle her upbraidings against the permitting stars. But this august dignity I treat of, is not the dignity of kings and robes, but that abounding dignity which has no robed investiture. Thou shalt see it shining in the arm that wields a pick or drives a spike; that democratic dignity which, on all hands, radiates without end from God; Himself! The great God absolute! The centre and circumference of all democracy! His omnipresence, our divine equality! If, then, to meanest mariners, and renegades and castaways, I shall hereafter ascribe high qualities, though dark; weave round them tragic graces; if even the most mournful, perchance the most abased, among them all, shall at times lift himself to the exalted mounts; if I shall touch that workman’s arm with some ethereal light; if I shall spread a rainbow over his disastrous set of sun; then against all mortal critics bear me out in it, thou Just Spirit of Equality, which hast spread one royal mantle of humanity over all my kind! Bear me out in it, thou great democratic God! who didst not refuse to the swart convict, <PERSON>, the pale, poetic pearl; Thou who didst clothe with doubly hammered leaves of finest gold, the stumped and paupered arm of old <PERSON>; Thou who didst pick up <PERSON> from the pebbles; who didst hurl him upon a war-horse; who didst thunder him higher than a throne! Thou who, in all Thy mighty, earthly marchings, ever cullest Thy selectest champions from the kingly commons; bear me out in it, O <PERSON>!\nBefore this paragraph, the narrator was talking about the qualities of <PERSON>, and it was making sense. But then, he diverged. He went from <PERSON> to democratic God(what does that mean?) very abruptly.",
"To answer your question about how to show that a character is crying, not wanting to show emotion in him, or superficially describing his emotions as a narrator, or how to do this without using allusive images and pop culture (emojis)(That las part shakes me off, truth be told).\n1.-Many strong characters do not show their feelings for what they are expected to not have any weackness.\nCrying is seen as a weakness.\nIn these plot arcs I like to show that everyone has a weakness and that is fine, many authors talk about how in hard times, even the most ferocious soldiers can feel bad for a fallen partner and how to refuse to showing your feelings only hurts them more and more.\nUntil they can not anymore, and have to let them out, if handled well, can be moments full of emotions and a critical point in your story.\nYou can also talk about how a character also feels bad, tears fall from his eyes, but they are unable to understand why you feel this way or on the contrary. Even with tears in their eyes, they refuse to accept that they are bad for not seem weak or emotional. (This is a common story among female characters in environments with men).\n2.-To describe as narrator how a character feels is uncommon and it is better to use a combination of narrative with dialogues and actions in the scene that reflect the internal conflict that occurs in our characters.\nYou can describe in very detail - between the dialogues - the actions that occur before a very sad moment.\nThen as a narrator describe what a character does or when the time comes when this character is not able to continue talking or express their feelings, you can narrate how they feel, but using allegories and comparisons so that the public better understand what a character feels exactly.\n3.- FIRST ALLOW ME TO END THIS DEBATE HERE AND NOW\nIf your text is in a book for young adults and teenagers,especialy in a world where they can use whattsapp or other emoji-allowed-media, it´s very good using emojis in order to show emotions in a chat or in the net .\nAll with moderation of course, not every single line haz to have it, I´m thinking more like, some chats conversations or text messages.\nAllas in a normal day, we writers can´t use emojis, only descrive them in a best scenario, but if the YOU whant or NEED to use pictures and the alike for the sake of making a more enjoyable, undertandable and realistic world, you can, and SHOULD.",
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"Effects\nThe fictional filmmakers in \"EFFECTS\" make a film called \"DUPED\"; and that's what must've happened to everyone rating this film 3 1/2 stars!!! The entire first hour (of this hour and 24 minute film) consists of a handful of -- I hesitate to call them actors -- meandering aimlessly about reciting inane, bland dialogue. Apparently, the script to this film WAS actually written but it sounds improvised (NOT a compliment). It's the misapprehension usually held by filmmakers who have seen too many Cassavettes films that improv is better than a well-crafted script; it's almost never true. The unbelievably dopey and boring dialogue is spoken by a cast with absolutely no screen presence inhabiting the roles of non-characters who are less developed than your average 30 seconds TV commercial. Sitting through scene after scene of the dumbest, dullest and most-unrealistic dialogue I've ever heard is seat-squirmingly embarrassing for all involved.\nI've seen \"EFFECTS\" described as a \"slow burn\" film; now, I love slow burn films but this is not one of them. This is a damp squib floating in a pan of used dishwater. Another comment about this film is that the characters are meant to be deliberately unlikeable. This is also not true.",
"In order to dislike a character, one must at least a mile interest in them; none of the characters evoke even the mildest interest on the viewer's part and, even when a character does something which is supposed to be unlikeable, they have registered on the viewer's consciousness so little as to only evoke a suppressed yawn.\nThe greatest sin a movie can commit is to be dull and \"EFFECTS\" is a film which is mind-numbingly dull for the entire first HOUR of it's short running time. There is a difference between slow-moving deliberation and a film devoid of all interest. \"EFFECTS\" is in the latter category. When something finally does happen after the one hour mark, the viewer is long past caring. The interesting premise of the \"twist\" in the final reel has been so ineptly set-up that the supposedly anticipated shock effect just isn't there. For a movie called \"EFFECTS\" with <PERSON> hanging around, the film has zero effects; except for one where the fictional filmmakers demonstrate a prop razor effect on a prop leg sitting on a table. And after all is said and done, the final event of the film is just downright silly -- not shocking or disturbing in any way. I actually laughed out loud (NOT a compliment); my laugh was only a disdainful scoff at a film premise so ineptly mishandled.",
"Dog Tags\n\"IF <PERSON> AND HIS ZOMBIES WANNA RIDE OUT, THEY GOTTA MAKE IT TO CHECKPOINT 2!\"\nAwwwwwwww, if only there WERE zombies! Only 20 minutes in and I was looking at my watch. The problem with DOG TAGS is that is suffers from PLATOON-itis. Released a year after (that terrible movie) PLATOON, DOG TAGS takes itself way too seriously. A group of POW's (this is during the Vietnam War) held in tiger cages are rescued by an Army Captain who takes them on a secret mission.\nSoon the men find a cache of gold bars and that ole devil greed takes over. So yes, this is basically TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADRE in the jungle. But there the similarity with that superb movie ends. Going in, the synopsis led me to believe this would be kinda a KELLY’S HEROES type of movie but it’s not fun at all. The mention of a “cache of gold” brings to mind more of a fun caper movie in the jungle (which this is not). Seriously in need of the editor’s scissors. Also most of the ‘emotional beats’ in the film are not earned so we get the clichéd Vietnam soldier mental breakdowns etc. without any emotional lead-up to them hence they seem even more clichéd and we couldn’t care less.",
"These characters/actors constantly emote different emotional states but they have not been established by the script or the performances so they are basically faceless nonentities whom we also couldn’t care less about.\nThe one ‘<PERSON> in <PERSON>’ character with the monstrously oversized eyeglasses was the only one I hooked onto and . . . well . . . let’s just say don’t get too attached to him. The thing is beautifully shot and the new Vinegar Syndrome print is flawless! The script is way too heavy-handed and melodramatic so I can’t really slam the actors for not being able to do anything with it. If the direction for the film wasn’t going to be ‘fun’ then it’s perfectly acceptable for it to be a serious action flick but there’s precious little action in it and, when there is action, it’s oddly anti-climactic and uninvolving. Director <PERSON> also directed the video nasty NIGHTMARE IN A DAMAGED BRAIN which I own but haven't watched yet. I certainly hope <PERSON> brings more life to that one. Kinda really disappointed with this.",
"Burn After Reading\nOne of the most relentlessly evil comedies I can think of. Honest though. Brutally honest.\nI made too much hash out of delineating the Brothers in my DRIVE AWAY DOLLS blurb, but there there really is something breathless about the PERFECT editing and Cinematography calibration of these comedies.\nThe right lenses give the right weight, the right edits play the right moments.",
"An almost obsessive interest in character behavior punctuated and reveals.\nI have some understanding that DRIVE AWAY DOLLS is attempting to embrace a visual language that is separate from that formal control...I just prefer the violent effectiveness of the formal control. That's just me though. I wish it was present in that movie.",
"<PERSON>\nThere's a wonderful visual gag early on that I thought was there just to skewer the vapid world of social media influencers, but in context with the rest of the film it also serves as a reminder to the viewer to keep on your toes.\nI tuned in hoping for another HOST or an UNFRIENDED-like experience, but this only dabbles with that sort of thing and is equally SCREAM and going on from there.\nAnd it's odd that this is yet another horror film I've seen in the very recent past that is playing with the \"killing dogs in genre films\" taboo. Seems to be a recent wave of that and I am glad to see it.",
"Holy Spider\nLike other taut psychological thrillers about serial killers, HOLY SPIDER (<PERSON>, 2022) delivers a gut-wrenching twist – that works NOT on plot level, not for what the killer did, but what he incited on people. Too bad it indulges too long on the killer's mind.",
"The problem with films that depict serial killers (especially inspired by true events) is that the story tends to humanize them, finding (or sometimes providing) motivation. HOLY SPIDER does exactly this; there's where it suddenly falls into an exploitative & misogynistic shaft.\nThe fact that it also follows a feminist protagonist gives a hint on what the film tries to actually do; but, in the end, her existence feels like a mere resonance of how the titular killer bizarrely polarized public opinions. (2/4)",
"United Passions\nThe sheer fucking hubris of this movie makes it five stars in my heart.\nThere is something endlessly endearing about watching brainless, and soulless executives try desperately to convince themselves that they're not just parasites in make-work jobs that benefit the world about as much as the use of lead in paint. They're corrupt criminals leeching off a popular sport, and they are well aware of that fact. However, they're still so pathetically preoccupied with what the public thinks of them that they're willing to sink their ill-gotten gains into this incredibly embarrassing and poorly constructed movie.\nI can't even begin to fathom the conception behind this movie. Who is it supposed to inspire? It's literally 100 minutes of charmless suits trying to cover their stinky unwashed asses. According to this very movie, none of these characters even pretend to give a fuck about football.",
"The formation of FIFA has absolutely nothing to do with love for the sport, its players, nor its fans. There is more saccharine <PERSON>-ian whimsy and weepy revelry in these characters finding new ways to profit off the sport, than in the presentation of the sport itself which is relegated to brief scene transitions. I don't even think we see a single player get a speaking line in this fucking movie.\nAlso, the fact that this was released A SINGLE YEAR before a bunch of corruption scandals hit the company (including their president, who is presented as explicitly incorruptible in this movie) is just so perfect. <PERSON>'s kiss.\nIf there's any lesson to be gleaned from United Passions; it's to never believe the hype. Executives are absolute fucking sub-IQ morons that are only in a prosperous position because they have zero scruples and are more than willing to take advantage of the system that has been constructed to benefit them. They could disappear en masse in a <PERSON>-style snap, and the world would function just as, if not more efficiently.",
"Evil Dead\nThis is EVERYTHING I wanted it to be. Cheesy acting, creepy locations, BREATHTAKING practical effects, and all the gore you can imagine.\nLiterally my only critique of the film is that it's missing its \"<PERSON>\" magnetism of the original 1981 movie.",
"This one's main protagonist is perhaps the most uninteresting of the bunch, whereas <PERSON> played such a vital component of tying everything together in the first film.\nHowever, I amount this to a smaller penalty than I think others have, because let's be honest, no one really gives a shit about the acting when it comes to these sorts of films. We wanna see guts and gore and blood and crazy demon shit, and this was ALL that and more.\nSuper fucking underrated film. Go check it out and don't take it too seriously.",
"<PERSON>\nLet's get this movie straight in our minds, OK? From the beginning, our 'hero' runs headlong into a goalpost. Our 'serial killer' shows up to kill a family and parks his TV repair van WITH HIS ACTUAL NAME EMBLAZONED ON THE SIDE in front of the house. Why doesn't he just sell tickets to the cops. I mean, this movie doesn't even make sense with it's own internal logic. It is a comedy pure and simple. <PERSON> is having fun here. I mean, there's that whole sequence where <PERSON> chases <PERSON> through TV show after TV show\n(which is frankly the best part of the film) which seems lifted right from the <PERSON> comedy STAY TUNED . . . .which hadn't even been made yet! <PERSON> and it's killer <PERSON> (admittedly a really great visual) was meant to launch another horror franchise and didn't simply because the film is awful. And stupid. Badly written, badly acted and, dare I say it, even badly directed (i.e. when the Coach is sent to <PERSON>'s house to get his diving mask and <PERSON> slowly enters the house . . . . the bathroom door is ajar and we see the \"<PERSON> Stop Him\" writing in blood on the mirror about half a minute before <PERSON> enters the bathroom and we cut to a 'surprise' reveal shot of .",
". . . the writing on the mirror). I mean, this was obviously supposed to be a 'surprise' or else why the cut to the mirror; but if so, why is the mirror mostly on camera for half a minute BEFORE the reveal?!?!?\nI have to admit that no, I've never seen all the silly <PERSON> sequels -- I've only ever seen the first film -- and if they were as stupid and silly as SHOCKER then no wonder they killed horror movies after the 1980's. Unfortunately, if SHOCKER was in the 'so bad it's good' category it would be great but the film is just too dull for that. Illogical, wacky stuff happens but not enough to make this movie a lot of fun. There are just too many dull stretches. The thumbnail synopsis has <PERSON> (<PERSON>) as a serial killer who likes to kill entire families. After <PERSON> (<PERSON>) slams into a goalpost, he starts having prophetic dreams in which he sees the killings happen in his dreams; he sees <PERSON>'s TV repair van in his dream as well as <PERSON> himself doing the killings. <PERSON> tells his policeman father (<PERSON>) and they go catch <PERSON> who is given the electric chair. <PERSON> has been having a 'thing' with electricity so the electric chair only manages to give <PERSON>'s 'ghost' the ability to body-hop (a la DC Comics' <PERSON>) from person to person. Naughtiness ensues. As I've said, this fairly straight-forward plot has a script that will have you saying \"WHAT?!?!?!?!\" at the screen every 5 minutes as another wacky thing happens that doesn't quite make any sense. I've never seen an interview with the director but I'd love to know what <PERSON> had to say about this film; whether it was just for the money or whether he was experimenting with deliriously hallucinogenic storytelling. But sadly for me, SHOCKER is neither enough of one thing or the other. Without the wackiness, it would've been a pretty good slasher and with much more of the trippinesss it would've been much more entertaining and interesting. Unfortunately, we're left with a movie which really doesn't know what it wants to be.",
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"How powerful would an explosion have to be for its effects to be felt worldwide?\nIf an explosion were to occur at any point on earth, how powerful would that explosion have to be for it to be audible or otherwise detectable by every person on the planet? Detection could mean either seeing or hearing the blast or feeling the tremors created by the shock wave.\nBonus question: is any such explosion possible without it destroying the planet, the atmosphere or wiping out all life on earth?\nA rough estimate puts the average distance between most antipodes on land at just shy of 20 000 kilometres.\nThe largest nuclear bomb ever detonated, Tsar Bomba, had a yield of 50-58 megatons of TNT and was detectable almost a 1000 km away, according to Wikipedia:\nThe heat from the explosion could have caused third-degree burns 100 km (62 mi) away from ground zero. A shock wave was observed in the air at Dikson settlement 700 kilometres (430 mi) away; windowpanes were partially broken to distances of 900 kilometres (560 mi). Atmospheric focusing caused blast damage at even greater distances, breaking windows in Norway and Finland.",
"The seismic shock created by the detonation was measurable even on its third passage around the Earth.\nThe most powerful volcanic eruption known was that of Mount Tambora in 1815. Classified as Volcanic Explosivity Index 7 (note that it goes up to 8) with an estimated yield of 800 Mt, it was heard about 2 600 km away.\nOn 5 April 1815, a moderate-sized eruption occurred, followed by thunderous detonation sounds, heard in Makassar on Sulawesi 380 km (240 mi) away, Batavia (now Jakarta) on Java 1,260 km (780 mi) away, and Ternate on the Maluku Islands 1,400 km (870 mi) away. On the morning of 6 April, volcanic ash began to fall in East Java with faint detonation sounds lasting until 10 April. What was first thought to be the sound of firing guns was heard on 10 April on Sumatra island more than 2,600 km (1,600 mi) away.\nThe Wikipedia page on TNT equivalents list some interesting events but branches off into seismic and cosmic events after the entry for the Tsar Bomba.\nSo, is it possible to go bigger?",
"All the planets in our solar system rotate on their own axis, therefore having a North Pole and a South Pole, the points where the axis meets the planet's surface. Some planets, such as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, have an almost perpendicular axis, with the consequence of not having any seasons.\nEarth’s tilt at the present time is 23.5 degrees. This causes the sun to shine on different latitudes at different angles throughout the year, causing the seasons. When the North Pole tilts towards the sun, it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere and vice-versa.\nThe axis of Uranus has the greatest tilt of all the planets in our solar system, near 98 degrees, so its North Pole is almost at its equator. This causes the most extreme seasons of all the planets, lasting 21 years, as for nearly a quarter of the Uranus year ( 84 earth years), the sun shines directly over one pole, leaving half the planet plunged into a long dark winter. Overall, it’s always cold.\nIf Earth were tilted like Uranus, spring and fall would receive relatively normal light, but in the summer in the Southern Hemisphere, the sun would never set, while the Northern Hemisphere would be plunged into darkness and cold.",
"The South Pole would melt completely, while the North Pole would freeze over, and the opposite 6 months later. These extremes at both ends of the planet would cause tremendously fierce and constant windstorms in the twilight zones. Oceans repeatedly freezing and thawing would greatly affect the planet, probably cooling it due to the greater albedo effect of ice.\nThank goodness Earth’s tilt is nowhere near that of Uranus! But why are the planets tilted differently and could this happen to Earth?\nScientists believe that Earth was struck by a large Mars-sized planet some 4.5 billion years ago, knocking off a big chunk which became the moon. The extreme tilt of Uranus was also caused by a great collision, but Earth’s moon saved it from being tilted as badly. The attraction of the Moon on the Earth keeps its axial precession, that is the variation of the angle of the axial tilt, between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees over a period of 41,000 years. This variation of the tilt has dramatic effects on Earth’s climate, but nowhere near what would happen if it were tilted like Uranus!",
"What would the climate of this habitable world be like?\nSomewhere, far away in the universe, there is a galaxy that has not been made by nature. Whatever kind of hyperadvanced civilization could have created such a titanic project, and for whatever purpose is not relevant in this question. At the center of this artificially constructed galaxy is a black hole 300 trillion times as massive as our sun. Surrounding that hole is an accretion disk one quintillion times as bright as our sun. Surrounding that is a habitable zone three times as wide as the entire Milky Way galaxy. Within this zone is a K5 main-sequence star, 74% as wide, 69% as massive and only 16% as bright as our sun. Such stars burn their hydrogen so slowly that they can last not for ten billion years like our sun, but 34. And they are so hot that they can have a habitable zone that isn’t close enough to tidally lock their planets. Another, equally important, factor about orange dwarves is that they emit very low quantities of ultraviolet radiation.\nThe planet that orbits that star is its own alien space bat, a planet that blatantly and violently disregards our understanding of astrophysics. At 18,500 miles wide, it is 230% as wide as Earth, resulting in an overall area of 1,075,210,086 square miles.",
"But instead of having a crushing gravity as a super-Earth should, it carries instead 100% of Earth’s gravity. A single day lasts 26 hours, and it rotates 417 times to make up its year. We have measured its magnetic field at no greater than 7.8 gauss, 12 times greater than on Earth. Its atmosphere is just as thick as Earth's. The star rises from the west and sets on the east, yet the planet still orbits it from a prograde, or counterclockwise, direction. Its axial tilt varies from 19.7 to 26.9 degrees. However, it’s not all that this planet has to define its seasons. Regardless of the point in the year, the accretion disk outlining the black hole will always be present in the sky, measuring in at an angular diameter of half a degree. The star, in turn, measures in at 1.88 degrees wide, almost four times as wide as our sun. Both sources of light are present during the day in the “summer” months. Its single moon is so far away and yet so large that it fills in at an angular diameter of 2.61 degrees.\nHere is the planet's current map:\nAnd then, here is the planet's current map with mountains labeled and directed for tectonic movement:\nThe land between the two mountain ranges used to be a basaltic plateau before the collisions squeezed it up into being as high as Tibet.\nCurrently, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 500 parts per million, and oxygen makes up 35% of the atmosphere.\nUsing all of the information listed above, what would the Köppen classification climate map of this world look like?",
"Several notable effects can be envisaged:\n1. Wind erosion\nMost of the flat land will end up becoming wasteland or desert (the process of natural desertification), with the top soil being blown away and deposited elsewhere (likely ending up in the ocean). Over a long period of time, hills will be worn down, as will any mountains that are not formed from very hard rock, such as granite, and even granite might end up being reduced by the extreme weathering.\n2. Dust Storms\nDue to the suspended particles of soil in the air, dust storms will be commonplace, and severe air pollution will prevent anyone from breathing normally without some form of filtration mask. Due to this pollution, sunlight will be reduced significantly. Visibility will be poor, and it will be easy to get lost in such conditions.\n3. Loss of Surface Vegetation and Animal Life\nDue to wind erosion, dust storms, and lack of sunlight, very little surface vegetation will survive. Water sources (rivers, lakes, ponds) will become clogged and tainted.",
"Animals will perish, herbivores being unable to find food and/or drinkable water, and carnivores for lack of prey and water.\nSurviving plants and animals will typically be desert plantlife and creatures.\nSo how would this occur?\n1. Water World\nA water world will tend to produce superstorms due to the lack of large terrain features to stop such storms from developing to full capacity. On Earth, this can be seen is how the most destructive typhoons and hurricanes develop out in the ocean initially. A classic book that describes such a world is <PERSON> (yes, the guy who wrote 'Game of Thrones') and <PERSON> Windhaven.\n2. Impact Winter\nCaused by a large asteroid or comet strike on the planet, this is a mass extinction level event, generating the same amount of explosive force as thousands of nuclear bombs. With tremendous amounts of dust thrown into the atmosphere, this would lead to massive destabilisation of weather systems and up to thousands of years of extreme weather, including superstorms.\nWhile the superstorms wouldn't be continual with a single impact, you could have frequent collisions of smaller asteroids setting up a permanent change to the planet's weather systems, causing constant superstorms.\n3. Abrupt Climate Change\nThis occurs when a tipping point in the planet's climate is reached due to pollution or similar causes, creating an irreversible change to the weather. While planetary weather systems tend to be self-correcting, they can eventually be overcome.\nThe best example of this is The Day After Tomorrow (2004 film), with the linked article above exploring the possibility of it occuring in real life.",
"Do flights affect tides?\nCan artificial satellite positions affect tides? on Space Exploration.SE asks if artificial satellites can affect tides, because they are a lot closer than our natural satellite, even though they are much smaller in mass. The top answer to that question is basically \"no.\"\nA commenter estimates that Pluto might have a larger effect, but Pluto is such a distant object I didn't think most people could easily relate to that, so I tried running the numbers with something people might be more familiar with, closer to our surface: airplanes.\nLet's start by considering a big plane in relatively common use. The Boeing 747 is well known as a popular aircraft type, and it seems that the version of it they're producing now is the Boeing 747-8. This page says it has a maximum takeoff weight of 4.48105 kg and a maximum landing weight of 3.12105 kg, with a service ceiling of 1.3104 m. I'll round that to a weight of 3.5105 kg mass and 1*104 m height above the surface of the ocean.\nNow, the moon.",
"Wikipedia says the moon has a mass of around 71022 kg and a distance from the center of the earth on the order of 4106 km, which is 4109 m. Earth's radius, about 6.3103 km, is about a tenth of a percent of that distance and lost in the rounding/simplification of the Moon's orbit to be circular instead of its actual eccentricity.\nThis means that the moon's mass is (71022 kg / 3.5105 kg =) 21017 times that of the 747. The moon's distance from the surface of the ocean is (4109 m / 1104m =) 4105 times that of the 747.\nComments on this answer note that \"the amplitude of tides is proportional not to the strength of the gravity force, which is proportional to r2, but to its gradient, which is proportional to r3...a factor of 103 in distance means a factor of 109 in tidal effect.\" Therefore, the effect that the distance has on the amplitude would be ((4105)3 =) 6.41016.\nThus the overall effect of the 747 on tides should be (6.41016 / 21017 =) about a third of the effect of the moon. It's a back-of-the-envelope order-of-magnitude calculation, but a much larger result than I expected.\nDid I mess up somewhere in the math or facts above? (If not, I'm willing to cut & paste that content into an Answer, but for now it's just showing the work I've done in arriving at this question and attempting to solve it myself.)\nNow, there are many flights in the sky at any given moment, all around the world, and to a certain extent any tidal effects of one flight would be cancelled out by the effects of one or more others. However, the flight map is not completely balanced or evenly distributed north-south or east-west.\nDo flights affect tides?",
"TL;DR: It depends on what you mean by \"all out nuclear war\", and whether or not you plan to remain in the same place post-war... but generally speaking, the farther north or south of the equator, the better, with both the north and south poles receiving the lowest exposure over time due to more self-contained wind patterns. Politically speaking, it's really anyone's guess what might happen, so I'd say you have creative free rein on that.\nAs for physically surviving the weapons themselves, consider this: by 1962 (after hundreds of above-ground tests conducted by the US, USSR, UK and France), there was no place on the surface of the Earth where radioactive isotopes from nuclear weapons could not be found, thus prompting the first international treaty to limit testing in 1963, followed by the \"SALT\" talks in the 1970's.\nSo if you're talking about the \"mutually assured destruction\" scenario from the time of the Cold War, where literally thousands of nukes would explode on the same day, then the dispersion of radioactive material would be so immense that no place on Earth would be even close to \"safe\" for many years, possibly even resulting in the fabled \"nuclear winter\" scenario (nobody really knows for sure). An \"all out nuclear war\" today would likely involve far fewer, but they are also likely to be far more powerful weapons, thus producing higher local damage with less global fallout. Either way, if any combination of the major nuclear nations today engaged in an \"all out nuclear war\", it's pretty safe to say that a very large portion of life on Earth would be extinguished within about 6 weeks time, mostly due to the global dispersion of neutron-active isotopes. Of course, due to the enormous number of people on the planet, there would still always be some survivors living in pockets here and there depending on their local geographies and prevailing winds.\nThere are two primary radiation risks. The first is the the instantaneous (speed of light) exposure to the immense energy released by each blast. This is full-spectrum electromagnetic energy, from long-wave, to infrared (heat), all the way through the visible, x-ray, and even gamma rays. The exposure to this would generally have the same devastating impact on all life forms above sea level that are not at least partially protected by very significant barriers like mountain ranges. (Some x-rays and all gamma rays would still pass through mountains, but the lower frequencies will not.) The intensity of exposure will depend on distance.",
"Line of sight exposure drops off at the rate of the inverse square law (at double the distance, one receives one fourth the intensity; at triple the distance, one receives one ninth the intensity, etc.). If a human is exposed to this direct radiation and they survive the blast, they may have severe burns, or extreme dermatitis which may still kill some in the first hours or days. Marine life would be minimally impacted by the initial blasts, affecting only that which is close to the explosion.\nThe other risk is, of course, the fallout. It would affect all surface life that receives it. It would affect marine life as well, with the worst effects in the shallow regions and less so in the deep. There are many factors that affect the amount of radioactive particles that get ejected into the stratosphere, among them the proximity of the detonation to bodies of water and the altitudes at which the individual weapons are detonated. Most of the deadly radioactive isotopes created by a nuclear explosion are very heavy, and would gradually, but slowly, sink into the ocean depths, but losing their effect over time.\nRadioactive isotopes decay at roughly a rate of a 7:10 ratio between time and intensity (for each 7x increase in the amount of time since the blast, the radioactivity of its fallout decreases by about 10x), but the bigger the blast, the more of those isotopes are floating around in the first place and eventually it all settles on the ground. Most estimates speculate the lethality of any particular bomb's fallout to last on the order of months, but of course, the areas closest to ground zero will receive the greatest volume of fallout and will remain dangerous for a longer period of time.\nBottom line: there are such a large number of variables affecting survivability that for your world-building task, a tremendous range of outcomes are plausible, which gives you a lot of wiggle-room to create it the way you want. In order to minimize the overall threat, my advice would be to focus on dry mountainous regions located at latitudes greater than 30 degrees either north or south, with locations on whichever side of the mountain range receives less precipitation. At between 30 & 60 degrees of latitude, the drier side of the mountains would typically be the East side, and at even higher latitudes, the drier side of the mountains would typically be the West side.\nBest of luck with your project.",
"The magnetic poles are completely separate from the geographic poles.\nThe magnetic poles are constantly moving around. The magnetic north is currently quite close to the north pole and is moving towards Siberia. In recorded history it has been as far south as northern Canada. See this link for a record of locations. On average it drifts 40 km per year.\nOver many millennia, the magnetic poles sometimes wander so far that the field reverses in a geomagnetic reversal. Then the north magnetic pole becomes south and vice versa. The last one happened 780,000 years ago. In the last 83 million years there have been 183 reversals, i.e. one every 450,000 years.",
"So we can probably expect another in the next 100,000 years or so.\nThe earth's spin axis moves as well, independently from the magnetic field. According to NASA it has drifted about 10 m in the 20th century, or about 4,000 times less than the magnetic north. It is caused by the melting of ice in a global warming episode, by earthquakes and, on a much slower scale, by continental drift. Continental drift is caused by the rise and fall of molten rock inside the earth, and is completely unaffected by magnetic pole drift or reversal.\nAs for the origin of the Sahara, it started a couple of million years ago, at a time when the continents were already close to their current positions. According to one theory, it is thought that it started to form when the monsoon started to weaken as a result of the ice ages.\nWhile the present global warming may cause it to grow larger and drier, that has nothing to do with pole shift - either magnetic or geographic.\nAs for the difference in sea level at the equator, compared to the poles, I suspect you are thinking about the fact that the earth is an oblate (flattened) sphere so at the poles you are closer to the centre than at the equator (by about 11 km). However, that does not affect the level of the ocean compared to the land. At the poles, both sea and land are 11 km closer to the centre. Finally, Africa has not been substantially closer to either pole for hundreds of millions of years. If anything, it is probably further north now than it was 150 million years ago.",
"Lets start by making this a fission based dragon vs a fusion based dragon so the dragon will have a use for eating all that radioactive material.\nSince the dragon will not be able to use uranium ore directly there will need to be a few steps in its digestion process. The first step will be to grind up the ore by chewing and dissolve the uranium ore \"yellowcake\" in nitric acid in the dragon's stomach to form uranyl nitrate. Then the uranyl nitrate will be passed to the dragon's second stomach where it will be combined with ammonia to create ammonium diuranate. The dragons third stomach will reduce the ammonium diuranate with hydrogen to get uranium dioxide while its 4th stomach will convert that with hydrofluoric acid to uranium tetrafluoride before its 5th stomach oxidizes the results to get uranium hexafluoride \"hex\".\nOnce the food is digested it will have to be enriched and molded into a useable form. The hex will be passed via a special organ in the dragon's body consisting of a huge chain of diffusion chambers used to separate the uranium-238 from the uranium-235. The Uranium hexafluoride gas will be cascaded through the diffusion chambers before being passed to the dragon's 6th stomach that chemically removes the fluoride from the hex and transforms it into Uranium dioxide.",
"The Uranium dioxide is then melted and compressed into pellets that are stored in the dragon's reaction chamber.\nThe dragon's reaction chamber holds the enriched Uranium dioxide pellets close enough to achieve criticality when moderated by the high-pressure water running through it. The high-pressure water is used as both a moderator to keep the reaction critical and as the coolant used to move the energy in the form of heat throughout the dragon's body to its cooling organ, its skin.\nEach scale on the dragon has a copper inner side and a steel outer side. The temperature differential between the outside atmosphere and the high temperature, high-pressure coolant water works as a thermocouple to simultaneously cool down the dragon and generate electricity. This electricity is what is used to power the exotic dragon musculature that allows these majestic creatures to hold their immense two-kilometer bodies aloft without being crushed under their own weight.\nThe dragons breath weapon is powered by pellets generated in its reaction chamber and moved up the dragons esophagus to its breath chamber. When it wants to rain down death on its foes the dragon moves the pellets in its breath chamber together at the same time it opens its mouth and feeds chunks of waste u-238 into its breath chamber. The extreme heat from the breath chamber reaction turns the uranium into a stream of high velocity extremely radioactive uranium plasma.",
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"The Journey of Award-Winning Hong Kong Citizen Photojournalist <PERSON> · Global Voices\n<PERSON>'s photo of a protest incident on 8 December 2013 won the Best Online Photojournalism Award. A female protester dashed out into the road to attempt to stop the Chief Executive <PERSON> vehicle from leaving a district-level consultation meeting on the government annual budgetary report. The police carried her away and dropped her on the ground in the process. CC: AT-NC\nHong Kong In-Media, a NGO advocates citizen journalism, has organized E-Citizen Awards to promote original reporting, political comics, photography and commentary online. Contributing reporters from, a online media sponsored by Hong Kong In-Media, have interviewed some of the award winners. Below is an interview with <PERSON>, the winner of the Best Online Photojournalism award. The Chinese article was written by <PERSON>, a contributing reporter from, and published in Mingpao, a local printed newspapers on October 26. The English version below is translated by <PERSON>.\nThe interview took place in a bookstore in Mongkok, just one street away from one of the pro-democracy sit-in sites, a “high-risk” place as described by Hong Kong police. A few hours before the interview, another group of masked men carrying cutters among other metal tools came to remove the blockades set up by protesters. Text messages kept arriving with alerts during the interview that the “blue ribbons,” a group of police supporters, were likely to start trouble that evening. Conflicts between pro-Occupy and anti-Occupy groups seem to erupt anytime since October 3, when a group of pro-Beijing thugs attacked pro-democracy protesters in Mongkok.\nAs the Chinese saying goes, “People born in troubled times carry responsibilities.” The on-going Umbrella Movement relies on every protester's persistence. <PERSON>, a volunteer reporter at United Social Press (USP), an online media platform, believes it is his responsibility to record what's happening at the Mongkok protest site through his lens.\n<PERSON> has won Best Photojournalism of Hong Kong In-Media’s E-Citzen Awards. Before the interview, <PERSON> joked, “It is great to have this interview in Mongkok, because after we finish the interview, I can go directly to the street to take photos!” Since Occupy Mongkok began on September 29, <PERSON> went there almost everyday to shoot photos after he finished his day job.",
"He usually stayed till late at night and then went home, took a short rest and returned to work.\nAlthough his did not make any money from taking photos, <PERSON> was very satisfied with his work. “I feel honored to cover this movement as a citizen reporter, filing in the gaps left by the other media and presenting a full picture of the protest.”\nAll the frontline newspaper photojournalists know or have heard of USP, as USP’s volunteer reporters are present at nearly every protest. <PERSON> and another ten volunteers, with no salary nor insurance, formed the USP team in Hong Kong in the hope of helping the public understand the situation with their real-time news photos. <PERSON> believes, “The lens of the camera are the eyes of a reporter. The subject, the angle and even the light of a photograph reflect the view of the reporter.”\n<PERSON> started his journey to photojournalism with “street snaps.” “Two years ago, I was a typical Hong Konger working in the retail sector. Every day I worked long hours and didn’t care about society. Honestly speaking, back then I didn’t even know who [current Hong Kong Chief Executive] <PERSON> was or who [current Chinese Premier] <PERSON> was. My ‘street snaps’ were just empty displays of photographic skill.”\nOne day, <PERSON> became fed up with his mundane life and quit his job to study commercial photography for a year. Incidentally, he joined USP as a citizen reporter.\nPlacing people at the center\nWhat is the difference between photojournalism and street snaps? <PERSON> pondered for a moment and replied in a philosophical tone, “The difference lies in my completely different values and perspectives. The change in my life has given substance to the subjects I shoot.”\nHe likes the style of the war correspondent <PERSON>. What <PERSON> has captured throughout his career are the most shocking scenes of conflict. <PERSON>’s bio goes like this: “I have been a witness, and these pictures are. my testimony. The events I have recorded should.",
"Post-Umbrella Revolution’s Politics Reflected in the Newly Launched Stand News · Global Voices\nThe composition of the newly launched Stand News’ board members reflect the media's political positioning in post-Umbrella Revolution Hong Kong. Image from Stand News’ Facebook.\nThis article, written by's editorial team, was originally published in Chinese on December 28 and was translated by <PERSON> into English for Global Voices as part of a content-sharing partnership.\nTwo months before the Occupy Central movement brought about mass demonstrations demanding free and fair elections in Hong Kong, <PERSON> shuttered his popular alternative news site, House News. At the time, <PERSON> claimed was terrified by Hong Kong's political environment.\nBut with tensions still sky-high in Hong Kong, <PERSON> launched a new site just before Christmas, known as Stand News, or “Standpoint News” in Chinese. Given its peculiar origins, the site has thus far been met with both praise and criticism on social media.\nWithin one night, netizens made fun of the relaunch by setting up dozens of pages that copied the platform's name: including “Love Stand”, “Happiness Stand”, “Gambling Stand”, “Battle Stand”, “Football Stand”, and “Magnet Stand”. The flood of praise and condemnation following Stand News’ launch seemed to have ruined a great holiday.\nMost of the skeptical comments centered on the fact that <PERSON> hasn't explained how he overcame his said fear, particularly after the Umbrella Revolution, as persecution and revenge have added to the chilling effects of Hong Kong's political atmosphere. In addition, the absence of Stand News during the Umbrella Movement, as it is also called, has been labeled as a certain type of original sin.\nApart from these initial reactions and speculations, we haven’t seen any analysis of the political positioning of Stand News after the Umbrella Revolution.\nThe launching statement of the Stand News said it takes Hong Kong as its home and thus Hong Kong is its “standpoint” or political position. Yet all political groups and parties in Hong Kong, including pro-establishment groups such as Caring Hong Kong Power and other pro-Beijing camps, take Hong Kong as their home and claim to speak for Hong Kong.\nThe political position of Stand News can be best reflected from its board members, half of whom are the original business managers of the former House News. The other half are new faces, including <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON> and <PERSON>.\n<PERSON>, a pro-democracy barrister, has long advocated for civil and political rights in China and Hong Kong.",
"In 1998, in a legal case concerning the right of Hong Kong-born citizens to reside in mainland China, <PERSON> chose to stand against dominant public opinion but with Hong Kongers’ mainland children, reflecting her belief that some values are more important than votes and applause.\n<PERSON>, who is associated with Hong Kong Council of Social Services, represents local the NGO sector. Both <PERSON> and <PERSON> are conventional democrats who contributed to Hong Kong's democratic reform in past decades.\nSince the mid-2000s, a series of social movements have contributed to the rise of new political forces consisting of both youth and localist Hong Kongers who treasure local culture and identity. These two groups sometimes work with and sometimes are at odds with the conventional democrats. The increasing separation and inner conflicts among anti-establishment democrats have raised concerns as to whether the driving force for social and political changes in Hong Kong will be disintegrated.\nThe formation of the Stand News board has undoubtedly addressed the above concern. <PERSON>, a pop star and activist who was very active in the the umbrella movement, represents the new emerging youth force, while <PERSON>, a current news commentator who advocates for Hong Kong's autonomy, represents the force of localists who want to safeguard Hong Kong as an autonomous space.\nIf older generation democrats and the new political forces can consolidate and unite with one another, they can surely mitigate the current conflicts and work from a new beginning. If Stand News were to position itself as the bridge between these groups, it would have to be operated and interpreted by its editorial and reporter team and its in-house bloggers.\nThe eleven staff members of Stand News all come from the former House News. At House News, they excelled in news judgment and visualisations and had been seen as a media that promote ‘localist’ agenda. But whether they can reset the political agenda amid the chaotic politics of the post-Umbrella Revolution Hong Kong depends on their political judgement beyond journalism senses.",
"‘Humour Is a Sharp Weapon Challenging an Authoritarian Regime’ · Global Voices\n<PERSON>'s award-winning political cartoon about the White Paper issued by the Chinese government's State Council on “one country, two systems.” People in Hong Kong believe that the new interpretation of “one country, two systems” will ruin the city's autonomy. Used with permission.\nBelow is an interview with <PERSON>, a mainland Chinese political cartoonist who recently won the Best Political Cartoon in Hong Kong In-Media's E-Citizen Awards, which aim to promote original reporting, political cartoons, photography and commentary online. The interview was originally written in Chinese by <PERSON> and translated into English by <PERSON>.\n“I never thought I could win this award, especially when I saw so many excellent creations at the Occupy Central sites. I felt a little ashamed,” says <PERSON> humbly. He won the Best Political Cartoon in Hong Kong In-Media’s E-Citizen Awards this year.\n<PERSON>'s profile picture in social media. Use with permission.\n<PERSON>, which means <PERSON>, is the pseudonym of <PERSON>, a mainland China-based political cartoonist. During his honeymoon in Japan, he was criticised by a number of state-run media outlets in China and labelled a “pro-Japanese traitor”. He decided to stay abroad and now lives in Japan as a university researcher. He hopes to travel to Hong Kong to receive the award and observe the creative political expressions at the sites of the so-called Umbrella Revolution there.\nHe used to draw cartoons for iSun Affairs Magazine, an independent publication focused on greater Chinese communities, but the magazine was shuttered in 2013. Compared to other mainland netizens, Biantailajiao pays close attention to the political affairs of Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, and Taiwan, whose independence as a country China rejects. He believes the democratic future of these two places will serve as examples for the mainland. Although Hong Kong doesn’t have democracy, the citizens’ determination in the pursuit of democracy excites him.",
"In contrast, in mainland China, many people defend the communist party’s totalitarian rule, which leaves citizens hopeless.\nAn recent example of intellectuals protecting Chinese authoritarianism came during a literature forum in October, when Chinese President <PERSON> praised young writer <PERSON> for spreading “positive energy” on the Internet. Mainland netizens have largely debunked <PERSON>'s work as “full of lies”. In fact, famous blogger <PERSON>, who is a skilled fact-checker, was kicked off popular Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo for his criticism of <PERSON>. <PERSON> created a figurative caricature of the incident; netizens who retweeted the cartoon were questioned by police.\n<PERSON> points out that since <PERSON> took office, Chinese citizens have enjoyed less freedom of expression. In October 2013, when the Central Propaganda Department cracked down on Weibo's opinion leaders, he received a subpoena from police accusing him of “spreading false information”. During the interrogation, the officers cautioned him to be careful, given that he had hundreds of thousands Weibo followers at the time.\nFacing such pressure, <PERSON> and other online opinion leaders have acted more cautiously since November 2013. Following the questioning, he limited his drawings to social problems that didn’t criticise the communist regime. Instead, he put his energy into a Taobao online store selling snacks from Japan and Taiwan that he operated with his friends. He never imagined that in May, when he was on honeymoon with his wife in Japan and collecting items for his Taobao store, that mainland authorities would level accusations of being a “pro-Japanese traitor” against him.\nHis accounts on Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo, a similar service, were later deleted, and his Taobao shop was closed (later re-opened), cutting off a major source of income. On 9 August, he described the episode in a tweet as “the worst censorship” he had ever experienced.\nSome speculated that the move was a retaliation against his satirical cartoon on Hong Kong's Occupy Central protests, a massive movement calling on the Hong Kong and mainland Chinese governments to allow genuine democratic elections. On 17 August, he published a cartoon that featured a mainland delegate going to Hong Kong to denounce Occupy Central and implied that mainland Chinese authorities mobilized anti-Occupy Central protests from behind the scenes. The next day, dozens of official mainland media outlets republished an article titled “See Through the Pro-Japanese Traitor Face of Biantailajiao”.\nHe felt wronged.",
"China’s State-Run Central Television Slammed for Plagiarizing a Photographer’s Work · Global Voices\nOne of the shots taken from <PERSON> Starry Tibet in CCTV's program. Screenshot from <PERSON>'s Weibo post.\nChina Central Television (CCTV) has been slammed for plagiarism of a freelance photographer's work and for its arrogant response to criticism. This isn't the first time that the state-run CCTV has plagiarized ideas or others’ work in its programs. Instead of looking into the allegations, CCTV has told the police to investigate the photographer for scams, and domestic reports on the plagiarism dispute have been censored and taken offline.\nOn September 10, <PERSON>, a freelance photographer in Wuhan, Hubei province, claimed on Weibo (the Chinese equivalent of Twitter) that his time-lapse photography work had been plagiarized by CCTV’s program The Beautiful Villages in China, “without his authorization.”\n<PERSON> quickly reached out to CCTV, but was frustrated with their response. Someone who claimed to be a “CCTV intern” beat about the bush on the phone, avoiding a direct response to his demand to reach the person in charge of the program.",
"The “intern” even rebutted with “So what if CCTV uses your work [without your authorization], do you think that's wrong?”\n<PERSON> recorded the phone conversation and embedded it in a blog post, explaining to the readers that the CCTV program plagiarized his time-lapse photography work, Starry Tibet, which was filmed in four different locations in Tibet in 2013. The challenging photos, which took him many days to shoot, were taken in adverse weather conditions and at an altitude of 5,000 meters.\nAccording to <PERSON>'s own description:\n但是我想说的是,我的素材都是拼了命吃了苦拍来的。而且在西藏一年时间,身体已经被搞垮了。最后却得到中国官方中央电视台这样的回应。我非常的伤心难过。\nWhat I want to say is that my work cost me a lot of effort. My health was damaged during the year in Tibet. And now, China’s official CCTV has given me such a response, which makes me extremely sad.\nAfter <PERSON>’s phone negotiations, CCTV changed its contact details from a phone number to an e-mail address on the program's official website.\nInstead of justice, intimidation\nLater on the same day, <PERSON> said on his Weibo that he was being intimidated by CCTV staff, who claimed they would go to the Hubei police and ask them to investigate him for a suspected “scam.” His demand for compensation of 250,000 yuan was also rejected.\n更新一下进展。今天上午,我和栏目通话,要求他们赔偿我素材使用费25000元,但是他们不是很愿意,并劝我不要把事情闹大,不然以后没法继续和央视合作了,但是他们不愿意而且告知会通知我湖北襄阳当地公安局调查我,是不是诈骗。。。。。\nUpdate on the development. This morning, I talked to the program staff and demanded RMB25,000 yuan (approximately US$3920 dollars) as a copyright fee. But they were not willing to do so and persuaded me not to publicize the dispute or else I could no longer work with CCTV in the future.",
"Hong Kong Media’s Credibility Problem · Global Voices\nA research center in a local university announced the latest findings of a media credibility survey earlier this month, which shows an overall decrease in the perceived credibility of the city news outlets since the beginning of the study in 1997. The result created a query on public perception on the concept of credibility against the background of the deteriorating press freedom conditions in Hong Kong and the prosumer culture in the new media era.\nThe article written by <PERSON> was originally published in Chinese on 3 January 2014. This English version was translated and edited by <PERSON> and republished on Global Voices as part of a content-sharing agreement.\nAs press freedom continues to deteriorate in Hong Kong, pro-democracy lawmakers put forward a motion debate on the protection of information, press and speech freedom in June 2013. Photo from\nThe Center for Communication and Public Opinion Survey from the Chinese University of Hong Kong has conducted telephone surveys asking respondents to rate the media's credibility since 1997. It announced the results of its latest survey in January 2014. The media ranked at the top appear neutral and “harmonized” [meaning self-censored], with the South China Morning Post among all print media, and Hong Kong Economic Times among Chinese print media. Ming Pao, which ranked first among Chinese print media for more than ten years, has been overtaken and only ranked second. The newspaper even removed its masthead slogan as “the most credible Chinese newspaper”.\nMeanwhile, the Apple Daily, one of the most popular newspapers in Hong Kong, which does not hide its pro-democracy stance, has dropped to 17 in the credibility list, followed by two <PERSON> newspapers.\nThe result shocked media circles as the most “harmonized” ones has won the top position in the credibility survey. Some criticized the research's methodology, some criticized the public for the wrong judgement.\nThe research method, indeed, could have been better designed. During the survey, participants were asked to rate the newspapers according to their impression, which translates into extent of preference, and is not directly relevant to the newspaper's credibility. In a Chinese-speaking society, local residents do not regularly read English-language newspapers. It would be easy for an English-language newspaper to obtain an average rank as the respondents may not have read the paper. In fact, the South China Morning Post has been criticized for turning red by laying off or sidelining experienced and outspoken journalists since the new editor-in-chief took office in 2011. Also, Hong Kong Economic Times is considered a pro-government and <PERSON> Chinese newspaper.\nEven though the survey's methodology has its flaws, it has been conducted for more than 10 years.",
"The sudden shift of “public impression” also requires explanation.\nThe survey reveals an overall decrease in media credibility, compared to 2010. This may be attributed to growing self-censorship, which may in turn come from pressure from the business sector and government. Such public impressions are in alignment with the result of the World Press Freedom Index, in which Hong Kong dropped from 34 in 2011 to 54 in 2012, and further down to 58 in 2013.\nCredibility needs to be redefined\nWhile conventional newspapers are subjected to political pressure, the rise of new media has also transformed the relationship between media organizations and readers. More and more people read news online, and they look for news which is of their own interests and preferences, not to mention sharing news among peers. Traditional mass media is slowly evolving into a distributive model, and passive readers become active content producers. Readers can report news themselves or simply become current affair commentators in their own social media circles. They are not passive readers but prosumers, or the so called me-media.\nUnder the new information prosumer culture, the meaning of credibility is subjected to re-interpretation. Responding to the findings, <PERSON>, the chairperson of the Hong Kong Journalists Association, suggested that media corporations must not “sensationalize and not take sides, but reveal things for the good of society”. Such a statement equates credibility to objectivity. Yet, even in conventional journalistic practice, credibility has to be established by reporting issues concerning public interest, quite often challenging government and corporate interests. In a new media environment, people are looking forward to conversation and exchange of different viewpoints. The notion of credibility is based on fact-based commentary that expresses a stance.\nNew media has its challenges as well, especially when commercial online media outlets have become more directed to the market depending on number of clicks, which has been criticized as hit-rate journalism. Last year, in Hong Kong, Apple Daily planned to link up hit rates on its website to staff bonuses [zh]. The idea received severe criticism from the media industry, and the newspaper gave up the plan.",
"VIDEO: Judging Boyfriends by Their Housing in Hong Kong · Global Voices\nHong Kong is the world's most expensive place to live due to its rocketing property prices. For an outsider, the prices are just an unreasonable figure. For local residents, they become a nightmare that affects every aspect of life, sometimes even people's relationships.\nThis nightmare is depicted in an online short story called “Girlfriend brings you home for dinner” [zk] posted anonymously under the pseudonym “Golden Godfather” in popular online forum Golden Forum earlier this year.\nInspired by the story, <PERSON>, a political commentary video producer, later turned it into a mini-film titled “Public housing, Private-ownership apartment, Private apartment” that has gone viral in Hong Kong.\nThe video plays with some stereotypes of Hong Kong Chinese families in which the mother expects her daughter to improve her life by picking a relatively wealthy boyfriend. As the residential address of a person can reflect a person's economic status in Hong Kong, the first question the mother in the video asks the boyfriend is where he lives. There are three scenarios – public housing, government-subsidized housing under the private-ownership scheme, and a private apartment.",
"And the mother reacts accordingly.\nWithin a short period of time, the video receives more than 100,000 views and many comments. While the video is clearly exaggerating the relationship between people by playing with the materialistic stereotype of the “Chinese mother”, many netizens believed it depicted reality:\nKHL1U1001016: freaking true…\n<PERSON>: sooooooo realistic…\n<PERSON>: It's sad and funny because it's true. HK SAR people do judge people by where they live and their work…\nAngelina <PERSON>, playing the mother in the video, is keen to know where exactly her daughter's boyfriend lives. Screen capture from YouTube.\nThe mother, portrayed by <PERSON>, an experienced artist in Hong Kong, has become the focus of the discussion on YouTube:\nwhwong2881: That guy should said : Na I don't like your daughter because you are a fuxking gold digger\nabcnoman011: They are not gold digger , it just that the price of a apartment in hk is so unreasonable high , that a normal person can hardly afford . The mother is just want to make sure that the daughter is dating someone that have a private apartment or at least own one, so the daughter do not have to suffer later in live , it is sad but truth , the mother have a a good reason to do that , she may went through hell in the past to save up money to buy an apartment , so she do not want her daughter to go through what she had gone through . Sad !!!!!!!!\n<PERSON>: fantastic actress, Ms <PERSON>, same set up three tone of performance.\nAs a mother she just hope her child get the best future.\nHowever our society is deeply affected by the western culture and lost our the fundamental believe of human being.\nWe need more people to be alert and rectify our society back to the right track.\nOf course, the ultimate problem is the crazy property prices because of the unlimited flow of investment and speculative capital in the city:\nasuka k: Don't blame auntie, but the government!",
"Hong Kong’s Pro-Democracy ‘Occupy Central’ in Photos · Global Voices\nPro-democracy protesters in central Hong Kong on October 1, 2014. Photo by Flickr user <PERSON>. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0\nPeaceful protests demanding free elections in Hong Kong have entered their sixth day.\nHong Kongers are calling on Beijing to allow the people to nominate the candidates themselves in city's next chief executive election. China has said it will allow Hong Kong, a special administrative region that enjoys a certain amount of autonomy from the mainland, a direct vote in 2017 for the first time, but has ruled that a largely <PERSON> nominating committee select the candidates before they are allowed on the ballot.\nProtesters are also pushing for current Chief Executive <PERSON>, who has refused to back down but has agreed to hold talks with the movement, to resign.\nOccupy Central, as the sit-in in central Hong Kong is called, attracted tens of thousands of people at its peak. Footage from a drone, vetted by Storyful, captured just how far the protest stretched on September 29:\nThe rally has so far stood its ground against police attempts to clear the area with tear gas, pepper spray and batons. Protesters have used umbrellas to shield themselves from the aggressive tactics, leading some to call the movement the “umbrella revolution” or “umbrella uprising.”\nTake a look at photos below for a further glimpse of Occupy Central.\nProtesters tie yellow ribbons to the arms of those who wish during the Hong Kong protest in Causeway Bay on October 1, 2014. Photo by <PERSON>. Copyright Demotix\nProtesters at the Central Government Offices in Hong Kong use cellophane wrap and surgical masks to protect themselves against the use of pepper spray on September 27, 2014. Photo by <PERSON>. Copyright <PERSON>\nProtesters staged a sit-in outside government headquarters on September 27 at Admiralty, demanding <PERSON>, chief executive of Hong Kong, to meet them to have a dialogue. Photo by <PERSON>.",
"Copyright Demotix\nProtesters in Hong Kong stand together after police begin to tear gas the gathering on September 28. Photo by <PERSON>. Copyright <PERSON>\nA barricade with a meaning, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. September 29, 2014. Photo by <PERSON>. Copyright <PERSON>\nSigns in various languages supporting democracy on display in Hong Kong on October 1, 2014. Photo by Flickr user <PERSON>. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0\nA protester holds a sign of ‘civil disobedience’ in front of a line up of riot police on September 27, 2014 as part of Occupy Central protest outside government headquarters at Admiralty, Hong Kong. Photo by <PERSON>. Copyright Demotix\nDubbed the politest protesters, Hong Kongers have set up a recycling station to keep the protest sites clean. Photo by <PERSON>. Copyright Demotix\nFollow our in-depth coverage: Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution",
"The November 12 clashes at the Chinese University of Hong Kong: An eyewitness view · Global Voices\nStudent activists protect themselves with umbrellas on the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong on November 12, 2019. Photo by the author. Used with permission.\n<PERSON> is an Assistant Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUKH). This story is an edited version of a post published by Lokman on Facebook, bearing witness to the events surrounding the clash between student activists and police on the CUHK campus on Tuesday, November 12.\nOn Tuesday, November 12, I was supposed to teach my undergraduate morning class, “development of mass communication,” but classes were all suspended because of the protests.\nAs I write this, I am sitting in my office. It’s 9am Hong Kong time on November 13. I’ve just brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got myself some tea. Yes, I slept in my office, on the couch. My body feels a bit stiff and tired, and it reminds me of the days I’d go out clubbing until sunrise—except of course I am not that young anymore, nor was I exactly dancing last night.\nI shouldn’t complain, because at least I had a couch to sleep on. I don’t know how many students slept outside last night, but by the time I left, around 3am, many were still outside working the supply lines, literally holding down the fort.\nThe day of November 12 was completely nuts.\nIt started with the 11am press conference in which I participated. In “normal” times, taking the Department of Justice to court over an injunction seeking to censor online speech would be newsworthy. But yesterday, only a sprinkling of journalists were present. The conference was live-streamed on the news portal HK01, and it got coverage from Apple, RTHK radio, Unwire and some others. But on a day like yesterday, this was not news—and understandably so, with everything else that was happening.\nAfter the press conference, which was held in the Legislative Council Building, I looked for a place to sit down and calm my nerves. I was walking towards Central district. It was almost lunch hour; for the second day in a row, office workers were coming out to protest against the Hong Kong government and the police. In front of Louis Vuitton, people wearing suits and high heels were trying to occupy the road, shouting slogans. Some were kneeling to leverage bricks so we could use them as roadblocks.",
"Others stood on the sky bridge looking down at us, and many were yelling at them to come down and join us, that this is not a movie.\nAt some point, five high school girls showed up, visibly excited. They started shouting slogans and the rest of the crowd followed suit. Then members of the press started photographing the high-schoolers—inappropriately, as such a record could haunt them later. The girls giggled with embarrassment at first, then moved away; but the photographers followed them. In the end, several of us took out our umbrellas and shielded the girls. We held our umbrellas up for a while until my arm started getting sore. I told the girls to remember not to neglect their studies (when did I become this person?), and we went our own way.\nAs 2pm neared people began retreating. The lunch hour was over. Only moments before, we’d been standing strong, facing down the police, then abruptly “reality” kicks in, and it is time to go back to the office. I got myself some food and headed home.\nThat was when I began seeing footage of the scenes at Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)—the university where I teach. Some of my students were tweeting things like “where is the university president, where is the management, where are the teachers?!” I felt terrible. As I responded to friends who were asking me if I was okay, I decided, fuck it—I’m going to campus.\nBut how? I’m in Sheung San, Hong Kong Island, and my university is in Shatin in the New Territories, some distance away. Traffic is disrupted. Then a friend offers me a ride. We pick up several others along the way, and, with the car loaded, we are off on our way to CUHK, talking along the way about the people we know who have been arrested.\nThe traffic jam is huge, partly because of road blocks by protesters or police, and partly because it seems like a massive part of Hong Kong is mobilizing to go to CUHK to help out. At a certain point we cannot drive any further as the road is blocked by people and cars all trying to unload and distribute materials, helmets, water, etc. “Please help move stuff, this shit is heavy!",
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"How to Make a Garage Door (EASY!!!)\nIntroduction: How to Make a Garage Door (EASY!!!)\nThis is a EASY arduino project that you could create to impress your teacher and friends. This project is an IR sensor-controlled garage door. It uses 2 Servo motor's to move the garage door into an opened and closed orentation. The inferred sensor (IR) is effective and long range with a range of 1-5 meters. This project is great When paired with an arduino car project.\nSupplies\nElectronics:\n* 2 Servo Motor's\n* 1 Infarred Sensor (IR)\n* 1 Infarred Remote (IR) (any tv remote works)\n* 2 Resistors\n* 5-10 LED's (optional)\n* 1 Breadboard\n* 1 Arduino Uno\nAccessories:\n* Frame (wood, 3D printed)\n* Construction Paper (Garage door)\nTools:\n* 1 Wire Cutter\n* 1 Glue Gun\n* 1 Soldering Iron\nPower/Connections:\n* Wires\n* 2 9v Batteries\n* 1 battery cap (buckle connector)\n* 1 battery cap (male DC plug)\nStep 1: Research\nThere was a planning process before I started this project to figure out what to do. I wanted to create something unique that had never been done before, and I couldn't find anything on garage doors. So, right there, I confirmed my project idea. This section contains background information on the most important and intricate components.\nArduino:\n* Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that uses simple hardware and software to make it easy to use. Arduino boards can take inputs - such as light from a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and convert them to outputs - such as turning on an LED, triggering a motor, or publishing anything online. The arduino uses the format code of C++.\nInfarred Receiver (IR):\n* IR(Infrared) Receiver Extender cable, which consists of an IR receiver and a plug connected by a wire, is used to conveniently receive and amplify the infrared remote controller signal. The epoxy package and shell of an infrared receiver can filter out visual interference.\nServo Motor:\n* A servomotor (or servo motor) is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that can control angular or linear position, velocity, and acceleration precisely. It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a position feedback sensor.\nTransistor (NPN):\n* The NPN transistor is designed to pass electrons from the emitter to the collector (so conventional current flows from collector to emitter).",
"The emitter \"emits\" electrons into the base, which controls the number of electrons the emitter emits.\nStep 2: Wiring Part 1\nBefore Starting the wiring let me tell you what each wire color represents:\nBlack = Ground\nRed = Power\nGreen = Arduino Output To BredBoard\nBlue = Arduino Output To Component\nSteps:\n1. Connect power and ground from the arduino to the bredboard\n2. Connect the first servo to pin 11 on the arduino\n3. Connect the second servo to pin 3 on the arduino\nNote : connecting the servos to the arduino will allow it to send code straight to the servo\nStep 3: Wiring Part 2\nIn this wiring step, we will connect the IR receiver. The IR Reciver is the most important component in this project because it connects to a controller, which sends signals to the arduino and then to the servo to tell it to move up and down when pressed.\nSteps:\n1. Connect the IR Reciver to pin 7 on the arduino\n2. connect the IR Reciver to Power and Ground\nNote : For the IR Controller you will program that in the coding section. also make sure that the IR reciver in facing in the downwards direction of the bredboard\nStep 4: Wiring Part 3 (optional)\nThis step is optional; it simply adds a spark to the project by turning on a light when the garage opens and off when the garage closes. Instead of just one led, I soldered eight together to make a chandalier. Looking at the diagram, the inner circle connects to ground, while the outer circle connects to power.\nSteps:\n1. Connect Arduino pin 4 to the transistor's base (make sure the connection is through a 1k OHM resistor)\n2. Connect the LED's negative side to the emitter and positive side to power from the bredboard (make sure poweris connected thorugh a 330 OHM resistor)\n3. Connect the transistor's collector side to ground directly.\nStep 5: Code\nSimply copy and paste the code into the Arduino editor and connect your computer to the Arduino to upload it.",
"Color Mixing Lamp Arduino Project Instructable\nIntroduction: Color Mixing Lamp Arduino Project Instructable\nThis is the Color Mixing Lamp from the Arduino Projects Book (Project 4). The project will sense the light conditions around the phototransistor and create different color lights.\nSupplies\nYou will need the Beginner Arduino Starter Kit, either Windows, Mac OS, or Linux on a device to download the Arduino Software.\nStep 1: Download the Arduino Software\n* Go to and download the software applicable to your device.\n* Once you have downloaded the right software follow the instructions in the Project Book included in the Arduino Starter Kit on pages 15-17\nStep 2: Gather All the Components\nAll materials are in the Arduino Starter Kit. The components you will need are,\n* 3 220 OHM resistor (blue)\n* 3 10 KILOHM resistor (tan with brown, black, orange, gold)\n* 3 phototransistor\n* Different color gel strips. (small translucent colored strips)\n* LED with 4 legs\n* 3 grey or blue or green wires (they are all in the same packet);\n* 3 yellow or blue or green wires (they are all in the same packet);\n* 1 white wire\n* 3 orange wires;\n* 1 red wire.\nStep 3: Build the Circuit\nFirst, you want to make sure your Arduino is set up, use pages 12-13 to build the Arduino board.\nNext, you want to assemble the circuit on the board using the picture above or page 54 in the book as a guide.\nBuilding the circuit requires a lot of attention. Here are some pointers so that you don't get lost:\n- The red wire connects power from one side to the other so there is power on both sides.\n- It doesn't matter which number you connect your wire to as long as you also change the number when coding.\n- The 220 OHM resistors are all positioned after the wires.\n- The leg wire that connects the LED to the ground is the longest one (it is the negative end).\n- The 10 KILOHM resistors are all positioned before the wires.\n- The longest leg on the photoresistors is positively charged, so it needs to be connected to power, and the shortest one is negatively charged, so it needs to be connected to ground.\nNote: If in doubt ask the teacher.\nStep 4: Type the Code\nAfter you build the circuit you need to type up the code. Start by creating a new Arduino file. Then you want to copy down the code in the steps below. Each step has an explanation of that given section of code.\nStep 5: Coding Part 1\nThis part of the code creates new constant integers to use in the rest of the code.",
"The \"const int' is to enter the data, the \"()LEDPin\" is the name of the variable, and the \"(number)\" is to show which pin it is connected to.\nStep 6: Coding Part 2\nThis shows the value that each LED has, which in this case, it is equal to 0.\nStep 7: Coding Part 3\nIn \"void setup()\", the serial monitor will start to record the data at 9600 bps.\nThe mode of the LED pins was classified as OUTPUT.\nStep 8: Coding Part 4\nIn \"void loop()\", we read the value the sensors are transmitting and put a small delay between them.\nStep 9: Coding Part 5\nAfter that, we set the serial monitor to print the values the sensors are transmitting, and add them in a sentence using the \"\\t\" as the space in which the value will show. (note: don't forget the \"ln\" after the last line!)\nStep 10: Coding Part 6\nHere we set the values the LED will transmit. The amount of red, green, and blue will change as you adjust the numbers.\nStep 11: Coding Part 7\nThis part shows how we are setting the serial monitor to print the value we set for the variables in the last step. (note: don't forget the \"ln\" after the last line again!)\nStep 12: Coding Part 8\nThe \"analogWrite\" commands the LED to output the values by emitting light.\nStep 13: Plug It in and See If It Works\nThe first thing you need to do is to check if it works is to verify the code. You can do this by clicking the check button as shown in the first image. There may be many things wrong with your code. That is normal. You are most likely going to mess up. The only thing you can do is to check over everything to make sure you copied the code correctly.",
"Arduino 4in1 Robot Projects\nIntroduction: Arduino 4in1 Robot Projects\nHello friend!\nIn this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to make arduino 4in1 robot that you can easily build at home. First line follow robot, Second obstacle avoiding, Third the line follow robot with obstacle avoiding, and fourth the object follows robot. Visit my website for more tutorials.\nStep 1: Component Requirement:\n1. Arduino Uno is the brain of the robot.\n2. Motor driver l298n for controlling the motor.\n3. 2 sets of IR sensors for line tracking and object follow.\n4. Ultrasonic sensor (hc-sr04) with mount for detecting an object.\n5. Servo motor.\n6. 2 sets of Bo motors with the wheel.\n7. Caster wheel.\n8.",
"Jumper wire.\nnow, we have all the components\nStep 2: Let's Build the Circuit:\nFirst, Take a chassis 13 x 16 size and then stick Bo-motors on the bottom of chassis with the help of double tap after that stick a caster wheel too. With this robot easily move and rotate.\nFor command the robot we need an arduino Uno and then we need a motor controller l298n and stick both on the chassis . you can also control motor with l293d IC.\nNow connect the motor to the motor driver. Motor 1 is connected to the out 1 and 2. Motor 2 is connected to the out 3 and 4.\nConnect the motor driver to the Arduino Uno.\nFirst, EnableA pin is Connected to the Arduino pin 11.\nIN1 pin is Connected to Arduino pin 13.\nIN2 pin is Connected to Arduino pin 12.\nIN3 pin is Connected to Arduino pin 7.\nIN4 pin is Connected to Arduino pin 6.\nEnableB is Connected to Arduino pin 5.\nEnableA and EnableB is use for controlling speed of the motor.\nNext, take a wheel and attach it to the Bo motor.\nStep 3:\nNext, take an IR sensor and stick it on the front of the chassis after that stick a breadboard too for power connection.\nConnect the Arduino 5v pin to the breadboard positive side and gnd pin to the breadboard negative side.\nNow, connect the IR sensors to the Arduino Uno.\nConnect right IR sensor Out pin to Arduino pin 4.\nConnect the Vcc pin to the 5v.\nConnect the GND pin to the GND.\nConnect left IR sensor Out pin to Arduino pin 3.\nConnect the Vcc pin to the 5v.\nconnect the GND pin to the GND.\nNext, connect a dc jack with the switch to the motor driver for powering.\nPositive terminal is connected to the motor driver input pin and Negative terminal is connected to the Motor Driver GND pin and also connect Arduino GND pin to the Motor Driver GND pin for a logic connection after that take servo motor and stick it on the chassis.\nConnect servo motor signal pin to Arduino pin 2, Vcc pin to 5v, and gnd pin to gnd.\nNext, Take an ultrasonic sensor and attach it to the mount with the help of a screw after that Attach an ultrasonic sensor on the top of the servo motor and secure it with a screw. It will help us to rotate the sensor and get the left and right distances. If you want to Know how ultrasonic sensor works?\nTo connect the ultrasonic sensor with Arduino.\nConnect VCC pin to Arduino 5v pin.\nTrig pin is Connected to Arduino A5 pin.\nEcho pin is Connected to Arduino A4 pin.\nGnd pin is Connected to Arduino gnd pin.\nStep 4:\nNow stick a supporter on the mount with help of a double-tap and then take an IR sensor and stick it on the supporters. With this IR sensor robot can detect the object and follow it.\nfor the connection of IR sensor,\nLeft IR sensor signal pin is connected to Arduino pin A0.\nRight IR sensor signal pin is connected to Arduino pin A1.\nConnect VCC pin to 5v. Connect gnd pin to gnd.\nNow, take a 7.4-volt lion battery and stick it on the bottom of the chassis. Don't use a 9v volt battery for powering the motor driver. Connect the battery to the dc jack.\nNow, the circuit is completed.\nStep 5: Coding:\nconnect the USB from computer to the Arduino for program it.\nUpload the line follower code after that remove the USB and connect a 9v battery to the Arduino dc jack.\n*** IMPORTANT***\nNow, we have to calibrate the IR sensor for that rotate its potentiometer until it detected a black and white surface.",
"How to Make a Basic Ultrasensor Keyboard Prototype With Arduino\nIntroduction: How to Make a Basic Ultrasensor Keyboard Prototype With Arduino\nFor this Instructable, I have made a primitive musical soundboard using an ultra sensor as a keyboard. Here I will show you the basic steps on how to create such a device yourself. Later on, in December, I will demonstrate to you how to make a more complex or soldered version of this soundboard with the Arduino.\nSupplies\nWhat You Need (some examples of the materials are demonstrated above):\n* Wooden board to make the keyboard sturdy, approximately 27cm x 32cm is wide enough.\n* One passive buzzer\n* One ultrasonic (HC-SR04) sensor module\n* 1-2 breadboards\n* Approximately 5-10 woodscrews\n* Approximately 2-3 male-to-male wires\n* 4 female-to-male or Dupont wires\n* One Arduino\n* 6-12 woodscrews\nOther Basic Materials\n* ruler (preferably one that measures in cm or mm)\n* pencil and/or pen\n* tape\n* screwdriver\nBONUS:\n* 1 RGB led\n* 4 more male-to-male wires\n* Possibly 3 220 Ω resistors.\nCode requirements:\n* Arduino Libraries “pitches,” “SR04.h”\n* Buzzer Code\nMOST IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS:\n* Patience\n* Self-confidence\n* Self-love\n* tenacity\nStep 1: Setting Up the Board\nThe first thing you would want to do is set down your wooden board. Then place your Arduino, Ultrasensor, and breadboard in a way that they are accessible and close to one another, yet spacious enough for the Keyboard. As you can see with my finished prototype, I originally intended to have more components in my project, which is why mine is so spacious, but due to time constraints and issues with the button switches, I had to remove those components. Oh well, it's just a prototype in this stage; less is more, I suppose. Will probably add them later on in December.\nAnyway, I recommend you arrange your board like this, as you can see above in the diagram.\nStep 2: Drawing the Notes\nThe next step of this process would be to measure the sides of your wooden board. The first thing to do is make a mark 6-8 cm away from the ultra sensor. The next thing to do is after you make after your first mark is make an additional 2 cm marks all the way to the end as seen in the diagram above. Say, if you plan to have eleven notes, draw twelve lines.",
"If you plan more, do more, but make sure they're at least 2 cm apart, otherwise you would have to reprogram your prototype later on.\nImportant note:\nIt would also probably help if you mark some distance that is even numbered so it would be easier to program later on.\nStep 3: Securing the Board\nAfter you place your components in a way you prefer, mark over them with a pencil or pen. Then use the woodscrews and screw them into the holes on the side of the Arduino (if you don't get it yet, those little protruding holes on the side of your Arduino are for woodscrews) and the soundboard. Since this is a prototype and it doesn't need to be too fancy, you can use tape, another wooden block, or even glue if you so choose to secure the ultra sensor. For my prototype, I used tape. Just make sure that the ultra sensor has a clear area and is not blocked by the tape, a woodscrew, etc. You can refer to the diagram with the black dots, each black dot signifies a woodscrew, which gives you a general idea of where to place your screws.\nIf you want to, you can even take off the adhesive strip and attach the breadboard to the wood, but I wouldn't recommend that if you plan to use that breadboard again.\nImportant note:\nWhen it comes the wood you have and the material,the minimum number of screws needed to secure your Arduino would be two, the minimum number of woodscrews for the breadboard would be four. You can add more if you wish, but its already secure as is. That is the number I went with for my prototype.\nStep 4: Wiring the Ultrasensor\nNow, this is the fun part. The first thing you want to do is wire your ultra sensor to the Arduino. Now, its time to get your female-to-male wires. With these pins, connect one to The Echo slot so the pin goes into pin 11, and the trigger pin goes into pin 12.",
"Smart Desk LED Light | Smart Lighting W/ Arduino | Neopixels Workspace\nIntroduction: Smart Desk LED Light | Smart Lighting W/ Arduino | Neopixels Workspace\nNow a days we are spending a lot of time at home, studying and working virtualy, so why not to make our workspace greater with a custom and smart lighting system Arduino and Ws2812b LEDs based.\nHere I show you how build your Smart Desk LED Light that you can control with an IR remote controller from your TV, Home theater, or any device with IR transmitter.\nIf you are a visual learner I know that a video worth more than 1000 words, so here is a 2 parts Tutorial video. (I am a Spanish speaker, so please consider turning on English subtitles):\nStep 1: Skills Needed\nAs you can noticed, nothing looks very difficult on this project, but you will need some basics knowings about:\n-Using the Arduino IDE.\n-Programming ESP8266.\n-3D printing.\n-Welding.\n-Wiring.\nStep 2: Components and Parts List\nA good place I can recommend to find your components, it's MakerFocus, it's an Open Source Hardware Store!\n1. PCB I really recommend to use JLCPCB SMT Services to order yours.\n2. ESP8266 (Microcontroller).\n3. WS2812 LEDs Strips.\n4. 5v 2A Power Supply.\n5. PCB Power Jack.\n6. 3D Printer.\n7. IR Sensor\n8. Remote controller, could be your TV one.\nStep 3: Circuit Diagram\nHere is the Circuit diagram, it has all the internal conections of the circuit that will allow us to create the PCB design later.\nI also attached the PDF of the Schematics so you can see it better.\nDOWNLOAD Schematics, Code and Libraries for FREE.\nStep 4: PCB Design and Ordering\nFor the implementation of a good project we need a reliable assembly for the circuit that makes it up, and there is no better way to do it than with a good PCB.\nHere you can download the Gerber, BOM and Pick & Place Files, the ones you need to order your PCB on your PCB manufacturing company.\nI suggest JLCPCB:\n📦$2 for Five - 4 Layers PCBs & cheap SMT (2 Coupons)\nBUY THE ALREADY DESIGNED BOARD, Gerber + Pick & Place + BOM\nStep 5: 3D Parts Printing\nAll the files to print the project enclosure.\nYou can print them on your 3D printer, if you haven't got yours, here you can by the one I use.\n3D Printer Ender 3 Pro\nStep 6: Programming the ESP8266\n1. Install the Libraries that will the code works\n2.",
"Open your Arduino IDE.\n3. Go to File > Examples > IRremoteESP8266 > IRrecvDemo\n4. This example Code will let you copy the IR code that transmits the remote controller key you want to use.\n5. In the IRrecvDemo, update the kRecvPin to the one you have connected with the IR Sensor.\n6. Connect your ESP8266 to the programmer and connect the IR Sensor to your selected Pin.\n7. Upload the code.\n8. Open the Serial monitor and press the keys you want to know the code, and copy and save them on notes.\n9. Open the MCM-LED-DESK.ino code.\n10. Set the kRecvPin to 3, the pixels are connected on pin 0 and the pixels count in my case is 80.\n11. In the Leer() function, update the code of the If's to the ones of your remote controller.\n12. Upload the code to the ESP8266 using the project PCB and a USB to TTL converter\nStep 7: ESP8266 ADC Hack\nAs you noticed, my design can be used with a ESP-07 or ESP-01, but in my case I used the ESP-01 and it doesn't have the ADC (Tout) pin reachable so I had to solder a tiny wire in the Tout pin of the chip and connect it on the PCB ADC pin.\nStep 8: Project Assembly\nPlace the PCB with everything connected already in the box, screw it, place the potentiometer nut and knob, glue the IR sensor and close everything with screws or more glue :D.\nStep 9: Placing the Strips and Control Unit\nGlue the Strips on your desk or desired place, they already has glue but I secured them with some hot glue.\nCut it at your desk/place size, be sure the connector can reach the control box and glue it too.",
"Bike Blinkers/ Hazard Lights\nIntroduction: Bike Blinkers/ Hazard Lights\nThese super cool simple to make bike lights work on almost any bike and look great! They last for hours on end and use simple Arduino code to run it. Lets get to building!\nSupplies\n* (20x) 3mm LEDs\n* (2x) NPN Transistors\n* (2x) 35 Ohm Resistors\n* (2x) 100 Ohm Resistors\n* (1x) 9v Battery\n* (1x) 9v Battery Clip\n* (2x) Push Buttons\n* (1x) Power Switch\n* Extra Wire\n* (1x) Arduino Uno\nStep 1: Build the Frame (3D Print)\nWhat I have done is drawn up the way the light is going to look using Inventor. You can also use Tinker Cad as well. I will attach the STL files below so you can use which ever slicer you wish and 3D Print it. I recommend 0.15mm for the print quality at a 10% infill to make it print faster. The case it designed to fit an Arduino Uno but if you use a smaller microcontroller (like the Arduino Nano), you. Moreover, the casing for the buttons only fits my type of buttons. You might need to design your own if you are going to use different buttons. Another option is to use a three way switch where you can change the blinker direction with one hand and just hot glue the switch to the handle bars.\nStep 2: Assemble the Electronics\nWhat I have done is taken the Lights, hot glued the back of them in place, and connected all of the positive and negative leads together in parallel. What this does is makes it so that the 9v battery can easily power all of the LEDs. I connected all the negatives of both sides and left the positives from each side independent from each other. That way the Arduino can control each half of the lights respective to when you press the button. I then added a resistor to limit the current that way it doesn't damage the LED bulbs. The reason we are using a transistor is to protect the Arduino. If you pull too much current from a pin on the Arduino board, you can potentially damage the Arduino which is not good. It is much safer to use the Arduino to open a transistor like a switch and allow the 9 volt battery to power the LEDs directly. See the pictures above to see how I wired the LEDs together.\nStep 3: Assemble the Frame of the Lights\nI will be using hot glue to assemble all the pieces since it is easily assessable, holds up well, and has the ability to easily be removed if something needs to be repaired.",
"I glued on the back wing plates to the front plate and let it dry. I followed this up by fishing the wires through the rectangular hole in the Arduino case in order to connect it onto the Arduino. You can either hot glue or tape the Arduino in place using double sided tape. After attaching this piece, I moved onto the bike clips.\nStep 4: Assemble the Attachment Clips\nAssemble the attachment clip and secure it in place using bolts with a 0.25\" diameter. By doing so, you can tighten it to whatever thickness your bike post is. This allows for it to be easily modular to transfer between bikes. You can also attach the back Plate of the Arduino housing to the bike clip assembly using a nut and bolt. Once this is complete you should have two parts, The light assembly and the clip assembly. DO NOT GLUE THESE TOGETHER YET. We need to ensure that the wiring is correct and works. We also need to code the Arduino.\nStep 5: Secure the Buttons to the Bike\nIf you are using buttons like me, you can attach the buttons into the clips and bolt them next to your bike handles. See the picture above. This will allow your handles to easily reach the buttons without making it an inconvenience. String the wires all the way down to the back of the seat where the Arduino will be housed.\nStep 6: Plug It All Together\nPlug In:\n9v + into Vin\n9v - into GND\nLED GND into GND\nBase of transistor on left side into One of SwitchOne Pins\nBase of transistor on right side into One of SwitchTwo Pins\nButton (Left) into pins 2 and the Transistor Base\nButton (Right) into pins 7 and the Other Transistor Base\nCollector pins from both sides to 9v +\nPower switch in between 9v+ and everything else connected to it. (Prevents passive loss of battery power)\n[Schematic Is in Picture Above]\nStep 7: Code the Arduino\nI will attach the Arduino Code file Down below. It is very simple. All it does is constantly blink an output from pins 2 and 7.",
"A Signboard for My Store or My House\nIntroduction: A Signboard for My Store or My House\nMy idea came from I made some changes according to my needs.\nI designed an LED signboard to say \"Hello\" to my friends who come to my house or to say \"Hello\" to my customers who come to my shop (if I have one in the future). More letters on the signboard will light up as someone comes nearer and nearer. The signboard will make a welcome sound and the letters on the signboard will shine when someone is at the door. When it gets dark, the letters on the signboard will light up automatically. This shows people where my house or my shop is. I can hang the signboard on the door of my house or my shop so that people will know that I welcome them to my house or my shop! HELLO! Welcome here!\nStep 1: Prepare Hardware Required\nWhat you need:\n1. Breadboard x1\n2. Arduino board (I am currently using Arduino Leonardo.)\n3.",
"Double-sided PCB board x 6\n4. LEDs ( red, blue, green, and yellow)\n5. Jumper cables; wires\n6. Resistors x 6 (Note: for more safety of LED)\n7. Mosfet x 6\n8. HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor x1\n9. Speaker x1\n10. Foam board x 1\n11. Paper box x 1\nStep 2: Design Your Sign\nAfter getting all the materials needed, arrange the LEDs on the PCB board to make the five letters H, E, L, L, O, and a smiling face.\nThe steps are shown in the pictures.\nStep 3: Assemble the Other Parts\nThe ways of assembling are shown in the circuit diagram.\nEach of the five letters--H, E, L, L, O, and the smiling face is controlled by a different wire. You need to label them or you'll get confused easily because there are too many wires.\nStep 4: Programming\nNow it's time to start programming the code.\nMy code is attached below.\n\nStep 5: Do the Decoration If Needed\nHide all your materials into a box and you are done.",
"Handheld Arduino LED Matrix Thermometer\nIntroduction: Handheld Arduino LED Matrix Thermometer\nMade for ART3681C - Interactive Electronic Art\nSupplies\nNeeded Supplies:\nMost of the supplies I used were in this ELEGOO Arduino starter kit:\n* 1 - ELEGOO Arduino UNO R3 (included in kit)\n* 1 - DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor (included in kit)\n* 6 - Male-to-Male Jumper Wires (included in kit)\n* 1 - 9V Battery with Battery Clip (included in kit) or 1 - 5V Power Adapter (not included)\n* 1 - 8 x 8 WS2812B LED Matrix:\n* Thin Heat Shrink Tubing or Electrical Tape\n* Arduino IDE (used to add code to the Arduino)\nTo add code to the Arduino, you'll need a computer nearby, and the USB cable that came included with the kit.\nOptional Supplies:\nI had leftover chipboard, Bristol board, and tacky glue to make a screen for the LED Array, but it's not necessary to complete the project. If you want to make the screen I made, you'll need a 3.5\" x 3.5\" square of any kind of thicker-pressed paper(Bristol board or cardstock are some examples),a small amount of chipboard, and tacky glue to make a frame for the LED Matrix.\nStep 1: Prepare the Jumper Wires\nTo begin, grab six jumper wires. I recommend grabbing two red, two black, and two other separate colors, choosing four colors in total. After gathering the wires, you should notice that they have some rubber bits on both ends of them. We'll want to remove some of them by pressing the point of the jumper wire into the surface you're working on and holding onto the rubber part. They should come off rather easily, without ruining the wire. Do this on both ends to one red wire, one black wire, and one of the other colored wires. On the other three wires, you'll only want to remove one of the rubber ends, instead of both. We want to remove some of these so that we can connect everything together while also maintaining a lower profile on the finished product.\nStep 2: Start Connecting the DHT11 Sensor\nGrab the DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor from the Arduino Kit, the three wires that have both rubber ends removed, and some heat shrink/electrical tape. The sensor should look like a blue box with holes, connected to a tiny circuit board with three leads coming from the board. Hold the sensor so that the blue is facing you, and the leads are pointing down. In this orientation, the leads in order from left to right are Data, Power(5v), and Ground.",
"We'll want to connect a wire to each of the leads on the sensor. I recommend using red for Power, black for Ground, and whichever other color was chosen for Data.\nWith Heat Shrink:\n1. Add the thin-sized heat shrink to a end of jumper wire.\n2. Put one of the leads of the sensor in the heat shrink and make sure that the wire end and lead touch a decent bit.\n3. Warm the heat shrink so that it collapses around the wire end and lead, making a connection between the two.\n4. Repeat for the other two leads.\nWith Electrical Tape:\n1. Wrap a tiny bit of electrical tape around the end of a jumper wire.\n2. Put one of the leads of the sensor on the tape and make sure that the wire end and lead touch a decent bit.\n3. Press the tape around the lead and wire, making sure that the connection is solid.\n4. Repeat for the other two leads.\nOnce you have the wires connected firmly with the leads, take the other point of each wire and bend them 90 degrees. You might have to add heat shrink or tape to the other end, as the wires sit close together on the Arduino, and having them touch might cause shorting.\nStep 3: Start Connecting the LED Matrix\nGrab the LED Matrix, along with the other three wires, these being the ones where only one rubber end was removed. The LED Matrix has several wire coming from it, two sets of red/white/green wires, and one red/black pair of wires. We only care about one set of the red/white/green wires, specifically the one that's labeled Power/Ground/DIN(Data In).",
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"Fluid Art\nIntroduction: Fluid Art\nHello Everyone,\nThis colorful Instructable is about how to do Fluid art using various techniques. Its really cool way to play with colors even though you are an amateur or you don't like paint in conventional method using a brush or any hand tool. Just pour the colors together and be curious to know what you get as result.\nLittle theory about fluid art, this technique is also known as Pouring theory or art therapy. It soothes your mind, when the color gets to flow in different direction, its relaxes you. Beauty part is when you do same technique with different colors you get a different outcome, even slight changes in pattern will be there like human finger prints, looks same but everything will be unique in its own way.\nLet the fun begin\nStep 1: Supplies\n1) Canvas Board (6\"x 6\") - 6 Nos\nyou can also use wood, acrylic or even coasters.\n2) Fluid art acrylic colours - As per your choice\nI have taken White, Red, black, yellow, Neon yellow, Neon green, Neon Pink and Neon Orange\n3) Pouring medium\nRecommended brands are Brustro, Liquitex\n4) Paper cups (150 ml , 75 ml size)\n5) Hand gloves\n6) Apron to cover your dress as acrylic colour will stain your fabric, or wear old clothes while performing this art\n7) Weighing machine (not mandatory) for beginners\nStep 2: Make Mess But on Plastic Sheet\nSpread news paper on your desk and cover it will plastic sheet, plastic sheet are enough and once dried, you can peel off your earlier poured acrylic or even resin. But my plastic sheet was not big enough so, i added newspaper below. since this is 6 inch x 6 inch canvas board, so one paper cup will be enough to hold it in air. Set up all the six canvas board with sufficient distance between them.\nStep 3: Make It Fluid\nThere is difference between acrylic colour and fluid acrylic colours, for fluid art obviously you need fluid acrylic colours as they will have better flow rate, in order to make it more smooth flow, pouring medium is added. Clearly see your fluid color instruction. Certain acrylic fluid (brand) doesn't require pouring medium, they are thin and flow is smooth, adding pouring medium to it will spoil your paint as it be like water paint consistency.\nSo its important to know whether your brand requires it or not, then if it requires what is the ratio.",
"for eg., my acrylic colour required pouring medium, their ratio where 2:1 for paint and pouring medium.\nAfter combining, you should have consistency that paint shouldn't drip like water nor like honey, somewhere in the middle. Consistency of fluid acrylic is the key to achieve best flow.\nStep 4: Prime Your Canvas\nPriming up your surface means, you are gonna make your surface ready for art therapy, it will really help allowing to flow the paint in the direction you want. Usually surface will be primed with white acrylic paint, you can choose your preferred color blue ,red, even pink totally your choice. If you wanna do professionally then you can use professional primer available in market. apply on the surface and leave it for 24 hours.\nStep 5: Smash Technique\nTrust me, this is one of the lazy as well cool technique, all you have to do is pour your colours on a cardboard enough to fill your canvas board. Take your primed canvas board and SMASH it. 3rd image is what left in cardboard after removing canvas board.\nStep 6: Your First Technique\nEven i didn't expect beautiful 3D branch results in pink colour, cool orange rose at the right top corner. It happened when i tried to pull it up. That's the beauty of this technique, you can create something without even seeing it.\nStep 7: Dirty Cup Mixing\nAdd your first colour (red) and in side, touching the ends of cup add another colour (yellow)\nTip: Connecting cup and pouring in the wall of the cup helps in reduction of bubble creation, Bubbles are enemy of your art here. As they will be intact and blows up before drying and creates a dent.\nStep 8: Dirty Pour Technique\nTake your final colour and place the cup ulta on the canvas board, let it lie for few seconds, take it the colour will take the course when you start tilting it\nStep 9: Rotate\nRotate directions in such a way that it covers the entire canvas board.\nTip to remember: Whatever colour your pouring first in your cup will be your canvas centre colour.\nIn this i added first red and too combination is 60% red & 40% yellow , so red is dominating. Remember to put your dark colour less than your light colours,\nits should have been 70% yellow and 30% red, i might even have got orange out of it.",
"Fluid Art - Intermediate Level\nIntroduction: Fluid Art - Intermediate Level\nHello Everybody,\nLot of attention being given to mixed media art these days, There are lot variants in it, Fluid art is among them Earlier i have posted basic Fluid art technique that are beginner friendly, here demonstrating intermediate techniques which i learnt. So let's get started !!\nStep 1: Art Supplies\n1) Canvas - 8\" x 10 \" - 2 nos\n2) Few pre cut Mdf bases approx 4 - 5 inches\n3) Acrylic colours - As per your requirement\n4) Pouring Medium\n5) Butane torch\n6) Silicone oil (for creating cells)\n7) Few paper cup and stirrers\n8) Happy face :) for trying something new\nStep 2: Acrylic Colour Consistency\nReally need to put it out there, different colours even though acrylic fluid colours might have different consistency level, Hence it has to be bought to pouring level as shown in gif. This consistency can be achieved by adding Pouring medium. This consistency plays a major role in creating art pieces. will give sample at last for this.\nStep 3: Cell Serum\nAdd few drops lets say 3-4 drops for 50 ml of fluid acrylic, silicone oil is the best for creating cells in your artwork.\nStep 4: Base Coat\nAlways base coat your canvas or any form of base medium, so it aids easy movement of your poured acrylic colours.\nStep 5: Flower Technique\nFor this technique cut the bottom of a bottle which has wavy curves like below, i had used a bottom of bottle with five flowing. So it will be similar to a flower with five petals, This seems easy but you should be careful while adding each colours alternately, as almost they should be equal, then only the final result appealing. As you keep adding colours at center obviously the earlier poured colours drips down evenly on five sides.\nStep 6: Adding Layers\nI have added five sets like, yellow, orange, Teal and red and repeated the pattern for five times. this repetation pattern is purely based on the size of the canvas you are usually. Finally poured little white as finishing touch. Once done gently remove the cup without distortion to avoid disturbing pattern. 2nd image is after taking out the cup. Empty center part with five petals, once you take the fluid will slightly moves towards center too..\nSo after a minute or two, put a tissue paper or cotton paper, it will look like image 3, now take it out by meeting the four edges of paper so the colours get merged at center forming flower.\n<PERSON>, your flower is ready.\nPro tip: Use round shape canvas for this style as it will be having less blank space on the sides\nStep 7: Torch It\nNow the magic happens as first and last of colour , yellow and red had silicone oil in them. once you torch it cells starts to appear.\nFirst round of torching - First image\nSecond round of torching after few secs- <PERSON> image\nStep 8: Flower Technique in Flower Shaped Base\nEven though i liked the result of previous, i felt it had more blank space in sides.",
"So decided to do in smaller size like 5 inch base. This time with same bottle at center but different colours too. Started with Purple, Blue, Teal and white and repeated one more time. i.e., total two times.\nThis is pour white colour had the silicone oil in it.\nStep 9: Flower Power\nSimilar to first one, put a tissue of cloth and gently remove it by holding four corners, and torch, This time i was able to take video of it.\nIts ready\nStep 10: Swipe Technique\nSecond Technique is also fun yet a tricky one. For this preferred shape is rectangle.\nCover 33 percent area some base colour either white or black (not mandatory) but its adds some extra essence of beauty in final result.\nStep 11: Multi Colour\nSince it added black on right side. My left side shall be white colour with silicone oil. Start lining up your vibrant colours as vertical stripes. I have gone in the pattern by Lavender, Blue, Teal, red, orange and yellow and almost all in equal width ( I said almost :P ) as mine is not perfect. Once you poured up strips slow and steady without overlapping. Fill the inbetween gaps using the stirrer. So its fuller and no small empty space left in between\nStep 12: Swipe\nAs in the technique name, now is the part which determines finish of your art. Take a sturdy piece of sheet or cardboard and swipe from left to right, i.e., from white (which has silicone oil) towards black.\nIt will scare you little bit as it be just like mixing of colours. But once you torch it you'll see the beauty reveal.",
"Things That Can Be Done With Epoxy Resin - Beginner Level\nIntroduction: Things That Can Be Done With Epoxy Resin - Beginner Level\nHi All,\nThis instructable about total fun things you can with Epoxy Resin, This is new to me, so of course posted this for amateur's like me, who are interested in resin art but thinking their way to start it. I hope this is useful to those budding resin artists.\nBasically resin art is about mixing resin and hardener in correct proportions, so chemical reaction happens and when get what we intended to make with it by turning those two liquids into solid pieces.. like coasters, jewellery, pop sockets decor, home decors, resin art wall clock also protection layer to your painting leaving glossy finish. What all you be seeing in this instructable few of the above mentioned. I was very excited while and now double excited to share this experience.\nStep 1: Supplies & Safety First\nEpoxy clear resin - 225 g\nHardener - 75 g\nMy resin and hardener mixing proportions is 3:1, follow mixing proportion as per manufacturer instructions. Always mix in the exact amount, without tolerance\nSolid pigments for resin art (necessary colours will be shown separately in each topic)\nOpaque pigments - Blue & White\nCoaster mould\nMDF coaster - 2 Nos\nJewelry moulds\nPaper cups\nPopsicle stick\nWeighing machine\nGold foil sheet\nSafety warnings, Always wear\n1) protective glass,\n2) Mask covering your nose and mouth\n3) Gloves that fits you well\nNever compromise here, while mixing resin and hardener, unpleasant smell comes which is not good when inhaled for a long term. Resin art is all about fun. But safety before fun is very important\nWhen its touch bare skin, immediately spray rubbing alcohol/IPA and wash thoroughly with soap and water.\nYour safety is always in your hand\nStep 2: Setup Your Art Area\nResin doesn't sticks to everything its being touched. Resins doesn't stick to silicone( so most of the moulds are silicone based), polypropelene, most of the PVC, Plastics, greasy area, shiny side of wax paper\nSo its all prepping your work area with plastic covers or polypropelene sheets, so that it doesn't stick to unwanted area. Don't worry these can be reused next time you do it too.\nSo i added newspaper as base, covered with old plastic sheet. My silicon mat, where my perfomance will happen.\nDone with all the specifications, now lets enjoy the work.\nPlace the coaster mold above silicon mould\nStep 3: Measure Volume\nEverybody knows basic mathematics of calculating volume as per the specified shape, but for a irregular shape?? how will be determine..",
"Two pages long integral ??.. Don't sweat. Just pour water in mold, fill it with required amount and pour the water back to measure the quantity.\nNow measure the quantity of resin and hardener to that amount, for eg, My mold required 45g for filling one coaster. I wanted to make two coaster so 90g of resin required. My resin mixing ratio is 3:1 so 67.5g of resin and 22.5 grams of hardener will be correct proportion to yield 90g combination for two coasters\nStep 4: How to Mix and How Long to Mix\nThis is FAQ (First Arising Question) in mind, your manufacturer should have mentioned clearly below process\nMixing time\nPouring time (pot time)\nCuring time\nMixing time is for combining resin and hardener correctly. generally few mins\nPouring time is for how long you can play with your resin, that is your decoration time. Generally 30 minutes to 1 hour\nCuring time is how does this take to dry completely, pouring state to gel phase to solid phase generally this will be 12 to 48 hours depending upon the size.\nIf mixing time is not given mix until it turns transparent (image 4)\nAnother trick to always mix slowly to avoid creating bubbles. you really don't want bubbles ruining your art work\nStep 5: Colour Up the Party\nI divided the 90 grams ratio into 50g, 25g, 15g segments. When i bought these solid pigments, first colour i wanna try was pearl pink it was so mesmerizing. Take a pinch and mixed it in 50g resin. Pearl violet in 25g resin, and gold foil sheet in 15g clear resin\nStep 6: Pearl Pink Beauty\nPour pink shades from the corner to center, when they are half running pour pearl violet mix and fix pour resin gold sheet mix in the edges.\nStep 7: Swirl It\nNow is your time to enjoy, you carefully play with the combination to get the expected design you are looking for..\nStep 8: MDF Coaster\nMDF coaster basically wood type of coaster, it very economical..",
"Concrete Jewelry\nIntroduction: Concrete Jewelry\nHello Everybody,\nThis instructable is about new range and collection of making Quirky jewelry, you are gonna see each step of it so that you can also try it.\nMost bizarre part is, I have used Art concrete to create these jewelry... yup !! even though its concrete, due to its size its light weight but rigid\nStep 1: Supplies\n1) Art concrete - 30 to 40 gms\n2) Silicone moulds - Earrings and pendants moulds (old, shineless mould also can be used as the result is going to be matte finish, i used my old moulds which is used for resin jewelry making, so i don't have to invest twice)\n3) Paper cups/plastic cups\n4) Tints\n5) Acrylic sticks (for mixing)\nThat's all you need, these are eco-friendly, so respirator mask or gloves not mandatory\nStep 2: Mixture\nAdd approx 5gm of water to 30 gm of cement and check out the consistency i didn't want flowing consistency as adding to much water caused bubbles, so add water to amount where you get more or less paste consistency. Its better if you use plastic cup as in paper cup the poured water start gets absorbed after 20 - 30 mins\nStep 3: Terrazzo Chips\nRecently in my place, Terrazzo art using Jesmonite/Art cement / white cement art form is trending, so that's what lured me in to this art form , but the most fun part i like making is the terrazzo chips, where you apply 1mm thickness of art concrete on a plastic sheet or OHP sheet and spread it as if you are buttering your bread. Try spreading at even thickness and let it dry for 24 hrs. If you are using Jesmonite its take about 45 minutes to set, very quick process.\nStep 4: After a Day\nSince applied layer is about 1 mm, its cracked while curing, its not a big deal as we are going to break it anyways. Likes you can add colour and get colourd terrazzo chips too\nStep 5: Tints\nSince its jewelry required quantity in each colours are less, so i have divided them in mini silicone cups, there are few techniques will learned when i tried this art form, so each one will be explained in upcoming steps\nStep 6: Marbling\nThis technique, is you add tint based on the quantity of medium and give it a swirl, don't mix completely and pour in moulds.",
"Tap few times to get rid of the air bubbles, once you tap air bubbles comes to top surface.\nStep 7: Valentine's Special\nValentine's is around the corner, how can i not make heart <3 , mix red tint thoroughly and pour into moulds, leaving tiny space to for white, Dual shade earring.. As you see when you tap, its not the best appearance on the backside, but once its dried residue can be dusted off.\nStep 8: Experimentation\nWhenever this art concrete dries completely, the colours are not bright as they were when pouring result looks slightly diluted (unless you are using jesmonite, in that colour stays the way its poured/mixed), so i wanted to create strong tint, we all played with colours in our childhood mixing two/three to see the colour we get.. For e.g, Mixing yellow with blue gives green.\nHere I mixed Pink four drops and Royal blue four drops, as a result of mixing i got an interesting colour, in water colours when pink and blue are mixed you get violet. So similarly i got something, but its somewhere between Violet and Mauve. I'm not sure which is more apt to call it, so if you know mention in the comment section\nStep 9: Long Pendant\nSimilar way of making decorative milkshakes, poured few drops of experiment pigment along the edges of long pendant mould, and added white almost till the top. after few mins added long eye pin in length of mould, without any support it was holding the position\nStep 10: Terrazzo Pendant\nAdd white terrazzo chips to this pigment, usually when terrazzo chips are added the art concrete will become quick thick, but don't add water further. Apply it like cream and give a good tap at the end.\nStep 11: Sparkle\nNever tried this before, but wanted to know the combination of art concrete and glitter, add some glitter to mould and on top add the base.\nStep 12: Marbling\nHere is video process of Marbling a pendant\nStep 13: Mixed Colour Terrazzo\nSo previously have made each colour terrazzo, mixed with leftover white base and poured few pendants and earring\nStep 14: Demoulding\nAfter 24 hrs, it got fully dried so its time to demould the beauties..",
"Botanical Resin Jewelry\nIntroduction: Botanical Resin Jewelry\nHello Everybody,\nDuring lockdown, i was exploring new ideas, hobby and activities, it when i fall in love with resin. I have posted an instructable in which i would have explained the basics of Resin art. Now after lot of trail and error somehow i jumped from beginner to Intermediate level. For while now i had my eyes on making resin jewelry especially Botanical collection. In this instructable, you'll be seeing jewelry making from beginner level to intermediate level.\nStep 1: Supplies\n1) Resin\n2) Hardener\n3) Earring & Pendant Silicone mold\n4) Open bezels\n5) Cachabon bases\n6) Paper cups\n7) Dried flowers collection\n8) OHP Sheet\n9) Silicone pouring cup\n10) Mini Butane torch\n11) Twezzer\n12) Seashells\n13) Jumprings - 6mm, 7 mm, 10 mm in gold and silver colour\n14) Earrings hooks in gold and silver colour, stud with rubber base\n15) Round nose plier, square nose plier and wire cutter\n16) Weighing scale\nSafety gear\n16) Respirator mask or KN95 mask\n17) Gloves\nStep 2: Make Your Own Dried Flowers\nThis part is more like DIY, you can skip this if you have bought dried flowers they are available in online websites too. You can dry your hand picked flowers and leaves in your home with this technique not to mention that this ingredient which be your kitchen, Interested to know what it is....? It's ..........Semolina (granulated wheat)\nTake cup, fill the bottom with semolina for 1 inch and add the flowers that are to be dried, add put more semolina and cover it.\nAfter few days (7 - 10 days) they get dried without losing much of their original color, but still the flower will not be in perfect shape, you have to press them with something heavy , Of course my engineering books have been a big help here :P they are big and heavy.\nPut the flowers in the wax paper lie them with proper distance without over lapping , close the wax paper and the book and keep it under weight (other engineering books) for couple of days\nSemolina is an economical idea and it can be used repeatedly. Professionally people use silica gel to dry their hand picked flowers\nStep 3: Resin Mixing\nResin mixing should be done with precision as per manufactures instruction. Mix slowly to avoid more bubbles, but there is no short to avoid bubbles completely. You have wait for few mins to gets the bubbles to pop by rising above after mixing or you can torch it, for beginners i don't recommend torch they are slightly tedious technique to pop the bubble like using tooth pick.. Initially go with that only.\nHere I'm gonna start with beginner level Resin jewelry making, no experience needed for this. Just little of creativity and heart to try out is enough\nAlways before starting your resin work, cover your work area with material that resin doesn't stick to, glove up and mask on\nStep 4: Playing With Colors\nShortly ordered for these red foils, they are absolutely gorgeous and as usual gold foil are heart throbber, I Used 30 grams of mixture.",
"Used resin ratio is 2:1 i.e., for two parts of resin mixed with one part of hardner. So here 20 grams of resin with 10 grams of hardener . Divide in four parts One for mixing Solid matte black pigment, another for white dye and remaining two for gold and red foils.\nFoils are very fragile and super light, you need to handle. That too foil sheet comes trapped between wax paper, don't touch with gloves coz they get struck. I used tweezer to tear off required amount of foils\nStep 5: Classic Eye Catching Earrings\nPresenting you the best combination, black with gold foil. Pour carefully filling the first half of the earring mold and add the gold foil mixture\nStep 6: Matching Pendant\nOf course how can we move on to next combination making without making matching pendant. Pretty much bring it similar to earring's outlook.\nStep 7: Red and White\nFor this chose rectangle shaped pendant , first half white and second half red foils. Seriously using foils are gives 3D floating effect in objects which is mesmerizing. similar shaped earrings would be.. will see in step down\nStep 8: Frame Earrings\nThese are rectangle too, first half white and remaining half red foils.. Pour resin leftover with different combination to discover another beautiful combinations\nStep 9: Open Bezels\nNow we are graduating from beginner to intermediate level in resin jewelry, you may wonder why it so? they look easy but making requires quite a lot patience and steady hands like neuro surgeon.",
"Geode Resin Clock on Acrylic Base\nIntroduction: Geode Resin Clock on Acrylic Base\nHello Everybody,\nDoes Epoxy resin belongs to plastic family?\nYes it is. Epoxy resin have been developed around 50 years and they belong to plastic family. When resin and hardener mixed up , chemical reaction and result hard solid material in result. Polyester resin and epoxy resin are thermo setting resin\nSource: Google\nRecently I have fall in love with resin work and also it so much interesting to play with colours, you'll be seeing more of it in my future instructables :P\nSo i decided to create my first Geode Resin clock, procedure is pretty simple and i'll be walking you through each and every step.\nStep 1: Supplies & Safety\n1) Resin & Hardener\n2) 12\" White acrylic base\n3) Clock machine set\n4) solid powder pigments/ opaque paste pigments - Gold, Pearl navy blue and Pearl white\n5) Clear quartz crystal - 250gm\n6) Reusable resin sticks / Popsicle sticks\n7) Paper cups - small , medium\n8) Latex\n9) Acrylic stand for holding the clock (optional)\nFor safety\n1) Latex Gloves\n2) KN95 mask or respirator\nStep 2: Prep Your Area\nKeep your art area covered with plastic cover, as resin doesn't stick to that surface, wear a plastic apron to protect your dress\nStep 3: Latex Coating\nLatex or mask tape is used to remove resin drips on backside or edges of the piece you are work with. As this resin drips will spoil your art's final look.\nAlso since its flat surface the resin will spread when poured, this it turn move in direction which results in resin drips especially near the edges.\nTake your acrylic base place it upside down and start applying your latex on the edges to upto certain margin level let's sat about 2\" inch. Let it sit for few minutes. Apply at the center opening too\nStep 4: Resin 101\nNow our surface is prepped and ready for resin work. Mean while the latex is drying measure your resin and hardener as per manufacture instructions, i have given detailed resin mixing procedure in this link Resin art-Beginner level. This helps in understanding when you are doing for first time. Overall I mixed 120g of resin for this size of clock base\nAnyways, Pour resin and put quartz crystal and combine it with resin. Apply epoxy resin on the acrylic base outermost surface upto 1 inch.\nStep 5: Geode the Base\nIf its comes to geode, there is no specific design or pattern, it about how we want it to look in final, you can even add geode in different pattern... in the middle or left or right its totally upto the designer. Add your quartz crystal and spread them in the position.\n(Do check positioning this way shouldn't be hindrance for clock hands while moving)\nStep 6: Mix Your Colours\nI have used only three colours, again this is purely user choice.",
"Take little of your solid pigments and mix with resin. Already i have used 20g of resin for mixing with quartz crystal. For this three dividends was 50g, 25g and 25g for Pearl navy blue, Pearl white and golden respectively.\nBefore start pouring don't forget to clog the center hole using masking or cello tape (smooth side)\nStep 7: Colors\nMy choice of colors is blue, white and golden because they get together well and result will be soothing to eyes when looked.\nThere is no specific pattern or way. I started with and poured pearl white lines and gold lines after that\nStep 8: Color 2\nSame followed in cross way with blue, white first and separate them with gold and fill the entire area\nStep 9: Dark Blue Lines\nOnce you have finished the surface wait for few mins. When resin pot time is close to 20 mins, add the blue once more. I haven't added any color extra but its at the end of pot time after mixing resin. So its quite dark compared to first obtained colour when poured. This is will not spread much as it did before. so give nice dark blue lines as touch up.\nStep 10: After Few Hours\nThis has crossed resin pot time, which means now resin will be very sticky. If you disturb it will not return to it original position as it was before.. in simple words you can't edit now without creating a mess. Now due to gravity excess resin is flowing in all sides.. Even a pattern formed at center when resin using center hole as exit way\nStep 11: After 24 Hours\nNow this has dried completely, has very clear glossy finish\nStep 12: Bye to Resin Drips\nThis is the backside of the clock, see in all directions resin drips have occurred.",
"Pinata Cookies\nIntroduction: Pinata Cookies\nHello Everyone,\nThis instructable is about cookie recipe which is not only fun to do but its fun to play with before eating it. More like pinata cookie, but here the hidden gift is clearly visible and it can be opened while eating it. while adding different flavours in middle you'll experience multiple taste burst in your mouth. I have made it in three layers so that my rainbow sprinklers will run up and down beautifully.\nLet's get onto the recipe\nStep 1: Ingredients\nThis is the basic eggless cookie recipe but i tried to make something extraordinary but combining ideas.\nCookie\n1) All purpose flour - 125 grams\n2) White sugar - 40 grams\n3) Brown sugar - 60 grams\n4) Chilled Butter - 76 grams\n5) Baking powder - 1/4 tsp\n6) Salt - 1/4 tsp\n7) Milk - 1 tbsp + 1 tsp\n8) Vanilla syrup - 1 tsp\n9) Rainbow sprinkles or chocolate sprinkles or any interesting stuff for pinata\nIcing\n1) Sugar - 1/2 Cup\n2) Milk - 1 Tbsp\n3) Corn syrup - 1.5 tsp\nCandy Glass\n1) Sugar - 1 Cup\n2) Water - 1 Cup\n3) Corn syrup - 1/2 Cup\nStep 2: Sugar Combo\nAdd white sugar and brown in mixie grinder and grind well to fine powder. The reason behind selection of white and brown sugar combination for cookie\nAdding white sugar makes the cookie crispy and gives structure to the cookie\nAdding brown sugar gives your cookie moist, caramel flavor and it contain acid that reacts with baking soda.\nI prefer combination of both qualities in my cookie, so i combined both. If you wanna make plain sweet sugar cookie or any type of flavor white sugar gives the sweet flavor and gives out the flavor you have added.\nStep 3: Add Ins\nSift the flour, add powdered sugar combo, baking soda and salt. Now for the wet ingredients, add chilled milk and finally add chilled butter, cut in cubes.\nStep 4: Crumbs to Dough\nOnce your warm fingers touches the crumbs, your butter starts losing it shape and combines with the rest of the ingredients. within few minutes and also with adding further water or milk, your cookie dough will be ready in one piece intact.\nStep 5: Refrigerate\nSlowly stretch out the dough about half inch thick above the cling wrap and wrap around and refrigerate over night.\nStep 6: Cute Cutouts\nDust the silicon mat and place the chilled dough it will be very firm, add flour if necessary, slowly roll using roller and stretch it out to 0.5 cm thickness.",
"Take your cookie cutter and start cutting the shape. since centre part is for candy glass, inorder to make hallow you need to cut twice for outer and inner shape. Remove extra dough and repeat the process again\nStep 7: Bake\nFor microwave oven, preheat the oven to 180 degree Celsius\nArrange your baking tray with parchment paper and line up your hallow cookies and bake for 10 minutes at 180 degree Celsius\nI used halogen oven, problem with that i have to do the baking many times due to limited space, but no need of preheating the oven\nStep 8: Candy Glass\nAdd sugar, corn syrup and water.\nYou may wonder that isn't sugar and water enough to make candy when it gets caramelized ? yes it is, but when it reaches caramelization it will be in golden to brown colour. Hence to make it transparent (well almost) adding corn syrup gives clearer view.\nBe aware that corn syrup with be very sticky and has high viscosity\nStep 9: Keen Monitor\nOnce its start bubbling, keep a close watch as the transformation stage is very fast for the process. Measure the temperature, its starts to pick up very fast even though its in low heat. Almost at 140 to 150 degree Celsius its ready and you need to act very quick.\nAll the bubbles will vanish once you switch off the heat, since it will be very hot air bubbles pops automatically.\nCAUTION: Do not come in contact with vessel or candy glass as it will be very hot, it may even burn your skin. Be very careful while doing this procedure.\nStep 10: Its Time to Fill the Hollow Cookie\nBefore starting the candy glass procedure arrange your cookies on the parchment paper or silicon mat. So it can removed once the candy glass solidifies.\nIt will solidify very fast, i mean like in a minute, so its better to do two to three batch of this to fill these many cookie. Mine candy syrup reached almost 150 degree celsius, hence its mild amber in colour.\nFill them fast and it will solidify in jiffy.",
"Potato Lollipops\nIntroduction: Potato Lollipops\nHi all,\nThis instructable is about great snack, in my case dinner material. Of course this is not diet friendly coz it has potatoes and its oil fried, but it nutritious and delicious ;) Its about time you give a diet break a break by stuffing these little pops in your mouth and have a cheat day for diet. They are very easy to prepare and plus thing is its can be listed as party material, Mostly Potato pops are made like just the round balls, but these are lollipops which is cool.\nStep 1: Ingredients\nPotato Pop Base\n1) Potato (medium size) - 3 nos\n2) Spring onion - 3 tbsp\n3) Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp\n4) Chat masala - 1/2 tsp\n5) Cumin powder - 1/2 tsp\n6) Dry Coriander powder - 1/2 tsp\n7) Raw mango powder - 1 tsp\n8) Pepper powder - 1/2 tsp\n9) Salt - 1/2 tsp\n10) Bread crumbs - 1/4 Cup\n11) Sweet corn - 3 tbsp\nFor slurry\n1) Corn flour - 2 tbsp\n2) Maida - 2 tbsp\n3) Salt - pinch\n4) water - 1 tbsp\nFor center\nMozzarella cheese or cheese cube - 14 cubes (for this potato quantity)\nFor exterior coating\nBread crumbs - As required\nStep 2: Boil Potato\nFirst and foremost thing, boil the potato well, i boiled this in pressure cooker, Peel of their skin and mash it well with potato masher\nStep 3: In Go Everything\nAfter mashing really well, it will be very soft. First add the spices mentioned, then add sweet corn , spring onion and bread crumbs. DO NOT ADD WATER. Mix it well, potato itself will have moisture content and that will be helpful in holding the mixture intact.\nStep 4: Cheese It\nIf you have cheese cubes, straight away you can nudge it in the center, if you have block of cheese cut them in cube not big not small size it approx 1/4 of ball size. Grease you hand either with oil or butter start rolling potato balls, give a press at the center and place the cheese, cover the ball. Carefully poke a bamboo skewer, don't worry the potato mixture will be intact.\nNote: Cheese lovers don't try to add more cheese in the center, I'll tell why at the end\nStep 5: Line Them Up\nOnce done, Make the slurry, combine both flour , salt and slowly add water and mix it lump free\nStep 6: Dip and Roll\nDip your potato pop in slurry and immediately coat it with bread crumbs\nStep 7: Fry It\nHeat the oil to medium temperature , after testing. slowly add your potato lollipop and fry them until they turn golden brown\nStep 8: Potato Lollipop Dressing\nLooks like they are in Camp fire, seated round with fire at center and telling ghost stories..",
"Creepy thinking right?\nAnyhow for parties placing them like this in the center would be very appealing and make everybody wanna try it out\nStep 9: Thank You\nSo you are at the final step, look how cheesy it is at the center.. yummmyyyyy\nAs i said few tips before starting\n1) Instead of adding full sized sweet corn mash them too, they tend to pop out in hot oil (found it hard way.. Ouch)\n2) 1/4 cheese at the center the size of potato mixture, because then only there will be a thick potato protective layer around the cheese keep it inside the pop. Trust me cheese and hot oil are cold blooded enemies, they don't get along with each other. If cheese leaks into oil there will be lot of popping sounds as its watery in hot oil. So watch out for that\n3) Adding skewer before fry is the correct way to do. Ya its difficult to cook with it. Don't think about poking it after cooking will help you to create lollipop, you'll end up with leaky lollipop. cheese will come out immediately.\nMostly have fun and impress your friends and family\nThank you for your support & time.\nPlease leave a comment or suggestions. Do vote if you like this recipe\nAdios !!!",
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"Let's do an as exaustive as possible list of what do you need in Space and during a war?\nVital need: The most obvious to begin. I suppose even if you have FTL communication, you won't use only unmaned craft. You will need to provide food and water to your troops. And your ennemy will need supplies to sustain planetary siege you will maybe provoke. Water and food sources as well trade routes (you will probably always use the shortest path, because the voyage without FTL to the closest star is at least 4 years long, see Proxima Centauri) will be real strategic points, if you don't want your troops and population to starve.\nExample of water sources: water rich asteroids, frozen moon (like Europa)...\nExample of food sources: habitable planet with vegetation and maybe animals, farm spacestation (like in the video game serie X), nebulae (some are believed to contain organic molecules, you could manage to synthetise food with them)...\nMilitary ressources: A bit more specific to war: ammo, spacecraft and fuel. Ammo will be plasma for plasma weapon, ion for ion cannon... Only laser will not need ammo (maybe replacement lens?). You will need to control ammunition factories and be able to supply them (trade routes, again and mines for metals, and various ressources you could need, you will found them in all kind of stellar object, it depend of the nature of the ressources). Same purpose for spacecraft, you need to control \"spacedockyard\" to be able to repair existing spaceship and building new ones. To fuel for vessels, assuming they are powered by fusion reactor, and not old fashion hydrazine (not efficient enough, too explosive and heavy), you will need hydrogen, to fuel the fusion reaction.\nEconomy and communication: Money is the sinews of war (and intel too). You will need to control trade routes and \"space docks\" to destroy the ennemy economy and prevent him to build new spaceship, enroll new troops... To gather intel, controlling ennemy communication and command centers is a good start. They will contain informations and will help you to decypher ennemy code (like with the Enigma machine).",
"It will prevent your ennemy to correctly communicate too, and disorganise his military organisation.\nSpace specific strategic point: Since the begining, this is the same kind of strategic point than on Earth. Now let's talk about space specific one. A spaceship is really greatly insulate (see vacuum insulated panel). It means your ship will generate many static electricity. It could be dangerous for the ship electronics (and the crew, maybe). You will need to discharge it sometimes if you don't want to be thunderstruck the next time you approach a planet (fun fact, you will be the source of the lightning). You can find this kind of issue with ion thruster (not at the same scale but I assume the activity on your warship will generate static electrecity, firing a ion cannon for example). Heat will be an other problem. You can't dissipate much heat in void, beacause of it's poor thermal conduction (see the begining of the paragraph). You will need to enter a fluid to dissipate heat quickly (a really low temperature liquid is the best of the best). You could dissipate the heat by irradiation to, but you will be really visible (and this is not a good during a war).\nPoint to discharge static electricity: point with opposite charge like planets or asteroid (if you're lucky)\nPoint to dissipate heat:where you can find fluids colder than your ship. Ocean on a planet, atmospher of a planet, nebulae...\nBut on this time and distance scale, war is close to be a none-sense. You could find all the place/ressource you need in another place, closer and more important safer.\nI hope you like my list! Thanks for the reading.",
"Early Space Race Era\nI agree it can be doable (with a lot of luck) at steam power era but will need a massive effort akin to put the man on moon, maybe even requiring a international task force. Below I will list some challenges were are not pointed in previous answers.\nWhy not in the age of sail?\nBecause we never got an age of sail for start. At sec XV we unified some kingdoms and they started a tech race akin to the space race to finally develop oceanic navigation. At sec XVI we founded colonies in the new world and it pushed the navigation development and with the growth of the colonies culminated in the \"Age of Sail\". Without those elements OP super earth most likely skiped it entirely.\nA Fearsome Sea\nThe size of this Ocean will bring a lot of weather and climate challenges. You can expect winds, tides and currents to be way bigger. Also expects typhoons to be cataclysmic. The tides per se will be a good challenge for the building of ports. The tsunami size weaves can make even fishing impossible in large coastal areas. The sea conditions will be nasty, even in good weather and impossible in bad weather. Navigation will be a really dangerous business. Also the sea conditions will make coastal erosion a thing. I ever wonder if most of coastal will be of massive cliffs.",
"All those factos summed make me wonder coastal cities will be almost entrenched in big natural harbours and important sea trade routes will be exclusively between cities in bays (the only place where is possible to build a big port anyway) and where the route travels along a, most time, very peacefull chunk of the ocean.\nLots of Trains & Planes but no Fleet\nThe size of the continet this points out railroads will be in demand early ans planes too but navigation will be very limited in all aspects, speacially in tech. This leads to a strange scenario where we will hit industrial age and even space age skipping sail age.\nThe Dark Side\nThe Moon is a great target for mankind aspiration, from dawn of time we can see it but we cannot reach it. We dreamed to land here a million times. But what if for millenia we do know Super-Terra has a dark side out of reach? Once scientist proves we can launch a object in orbit and retrieve it the first thing to be flung out will be a camera to take pictures of the uncharted lands. Once the first pictures are retrieved be sure it will trigger a space/exploration/colonization race.\nAge of New World\nThe reason the new continent will spring a sort of space race is to gather data from the land, not only a coastal line but weather a major biomes, moutains ranges, rivers. Everything necessary for future settlers. Also a new tech race on navigation will sprung. Visionaries will dream of under-water-boats, starting the project of the (probably first) submarine. Long-range-any-weather-transocenic ships will gain the status today we grant to a mission to Mars. It will bring a new age.\nWhat if there already people here? They are probably in another phase in tech development, even using a different \"tech tree\" but fact we reached them first. Also yes its unlikey but possible small grups can end strained here but OP can wave a complex geologial/ice age to explain it. Maybe thermals isles of heat making a sort of ring of fire connecting boths continents in immemorial times. What in that case the answer instead can be Ice Age",
"Too Many Catastrophes\nOk so by magical a cube of 470km appears out of nothing. For mercy I will consider it appears cold and at rest (no need of a gold huge meteor), in a flat desert land and avoid nasty things like all the air moved the volum of the cube moved (the shockwaves per si can make any nuke looks like a small bang).\nAlso let's say the cube keeps a cube by magic, otherwise you can think all that mass as a sort of high viscouseus liquid spreading very fast as a golden tsunami for over even a bigger area, maybe covering a continent and hitting the sea with nasty environmental consequences.\nNote also some of the sea salt is made of gold but I'm unsure how it can affect sea wildlife. For sure the sea can become a slight less dense.\nNot the last catastrophe can be the mass of the cube ripping trough the planet crust and reaching the mantle this is very speculative but one can expcet volcanos erupting and earthquakes all around and not even start to think about all that gold sinking to the core.\nLet's also make the magic protect the planet rotation, you know what can happen if you concentrate mass in a ball? Well put a small lead pin in a baseball ball side and throw it, thats what they call an odd ball.\nIf there are sattelites over this planet their orbits can be affect by a huge Mascon (sorry ISS).\nEconomics\nRulling out all the world destruction thing we still will see bad things happening because gold is valuable because it's rare. Unless some major global power throw all his military at protecting the cube, maybe triggering a world war, gold now is a very ordinary thing. You can have balast make of gold to use in fishery, use it to make water pipes and so on as it now can be as cheap as lead (just a bit less unhealthy).\nHow gold will trigger an economic crisis depends on your world setup.",
"In a medieval setup kingdoms will slowly change all his currency to silver. Powerfull kings will be less powerfull. In a a more renaissense world the new formed banks sinks, the merchants are almost bankrupt and say goodbay to arts patronage. In a modern earth like society we are screwed, badly. Gold is an important commodite.\nThe bottom line is: The poor fool wished all the gold of the world is now more poor ans screwed than before.",
"1/ It seems possible to stop evolution !\nThere are lots of examples of earthlings species which evolution has stopped at a certain point, for example this bacteria living in the deep ocean has not changed since 2 billions years.\nAdd crocodiles, trilobites and other species. They found a place in nature that fits them so perfectly they (quite) stopped their evolution.\nYou could imagine a specie that stop evolving while finding the perfect balance, like my very old bacteria.\n2/ Except it is not possible.\nIn fact, some species did evolve from these, but the original specie was not extincted as the new one did not replace them. These species seems freezed in evolution, but if they are so perfect, why don't they rule the world ?\nThey have a very specific place and climate they are adapted to. They don't spread worldwide. If they become too numerous, they die (from hunger and lack of vital resources).\nI'm not sure how a unique plant could evolve and how climate could be the same everywhere, but let's assume that the case, you have the same plant everywhere, and the climate is... perfectly perfect. The plant grows. And grows.",
"It spreads worldwide. Wow.\nIf nothing threatens your plant, then nothing stop it from growing. Your plant become its own ennemy : the nutrient the plant needs to grow will lack. The shadow from the grown-up plants will hide the sun from the youngs. Or, if it's perfectly flat, the place will lack for the youngs and nothing will replace an old dying plant on a ground without the essential nutrients (as the old plant has already deeply used it to grow)\nAs a result, the young plants will die, except the ones with a small mutation allowing them to accept another kind of nutrient, or less sunlight, or growing above the other. A new specie is born. Evolution strikes agains.\nYou could argue that the young plants can live from the dead old plants (That sounds creepy) but on earth, a lot of other species are needed to decompose a plant (worms, bacterias...). If the plant can \"eat\" herself still living or not decomposed, it will have a serious bad time with its \"child\", but that could be the one and only way your unique plant could rule the world, all alone.\nAnd even with that solution, I'm not sure it's not already a new specie, as the first generation eats from the ground and the new generation eats froms the old plants, and might develop another way to absord nutrients.",
"Water Worlds, probability and life\nI have had similar thoughts as yours, specially for the case of a Europa or Enceladus type world, which is starting to seem the most likely type of planets for having liquid water. Think our Solar System, there is one Planet with liquid water on surface, one which had in past (Mars), however undersea oceans are almost certain in Enceladus and Europa and possible in several other bodies Ganymede, Callisto, Ceres, Titan and probably others. The lack of Sun light would certainly hinder development of life but I don't think it could be discarded. The aparent significantly higher probability of planets with water available in underground oceans migh somewhat compensate the less likely formation of life because of missing sunlight.\nIt is interesting the other answer that mentions that more advanced lifeforms having developed on land inspite of it being much later than ocean life, not sure if that could be extrapolated to other worlds since I wouldn't be sure why that has happened. Ocean life certainly is not in bad shape and there are probably more species at sea that at land. Just seems that the stage they have evolved is in most cases sufficient for survival in that environment without having needed to develop into intelligent beings.\nAlien Ocean civilizations\nI would make a difference between an ocean civilization in an ocean in contact with an atmosphere vs one under a layer of ice.",
"In the first case the civilization would eventualy reach the surface, and investigate the exterior, how much it could initially learn might depend on how deep they originaly evolved and presence or not of significant cloud cover in the atmosphere.\nUnder Ice Ocean Civs Some of what applies in this case probably aplies also to previous case if the civilization where deep enough to make light absent.\nIn these Europa-type worlds:\n* There would be no sunlight anywhere.\n* Therefore vision might not evolve or only in species evolving simultaneously some type of bioluminiscence, competing with other systems as sonar smell or others to interact with the world.\n* Lack of light and vision would make astronomy unknown for long stages of civilization development.\n* Maybe even the absence of paterns found in astronomy might slightly slow develoment of math vs other sciences.\nA civilization as we know would probably be sedentarious, this would make it unlikely at first to develop among species living in the open ocean, I speculate if such civilization apeared it would be either at the sea floor on at the sea top, in contact with the ice cover. Current speculation on posibility of hot vents in Europa at the sea floor might make a bottom civilization seem more likely, but maybe a \"Top\" civilization would be possible too if the life mass is enough for large animals living far from rocky bottom (or maybe the top could be chemically active in some way too.)\nThings in our evolution that we take for granted might take a different course of events, even knowing the world is round would probably not be known until the civilization expands enough to reach itself on the other end.\nFor all this civilization knows they would just as likely think that the ceiling extends indefinately, something that would be possible to continue believing even well after they knew the world was round and therefore that the floor is finite and their world has a \"center\".\nI think this civilization would probably need to be at least at tech levels similar to ours or at minimum mid 20th century levels to even start speculating of the posibility of the world having an outer limit. This knowledge would probably be obtained from theoretical models, probably modeling pressures and gravitation. Gravitation, and <PERSON> laws in general would probably take much longer to be accurately undestood, as on Earth these where modeled with important inputs from astronomy and observation of planets. Other chances are detecting the Sun by some type of radiation penetrating the ice and ocean in levels detectable to some science instrument. From then curiosity would eventualy lead to this new Field of Science (Astronomy). Even then much would be theorical and even debated until finaly being able to breach the ice cover.\nConsidering that even in present Humans can reach the moon and other planets with probes, but still haven't made holes as deep as might be requiered by a civilization in Europa to reach outside the ice cover (and they would be drilling against gravity!) - maybe there could be a significantly developed civilization that knows little of the universe out of the ocean.\nHey maybe there is a mega civilization now on Europa that is as advanced as us or more but has not developed technology or science to breach the ice cover yet.",
"International Rescue/Superhero!\nThis one requires some charitable donations, but I'm sure the UN could help out here. At the same time you will need to jeep check on your ego in case it gets too large so a degree of anonymity may be required (probably not a suit where you look like a bat or spandex based however).\nYou have pretty much the ultimate logisitical tool. Instantly able to transport matter from point a, to point b. Anywhere.\nYou start off by announcing to the world at a press conference you have this technology and this is how you prepare to use it, so everyone knows about it, and makes it harder for anyone else to try steal it or coerce you into a different train of action. Include a demonstration plus details of your charitable donation and how people/organisations/business can help.\nNext. Portal transport, using your stockpile of charitable donations you buy yourselfs a quick and handy transport option. Something like a transport place which can take a helicopter and/or you can skydive out of (face it you're going to want to make an entrace where you can!). (Somewhat like Thunderbird 2 I suppose.)\nSecond thing. Hire a team to monitor the world (space station optional), they keep track of all news stories around the globe allowing you to respond.\nThird thing. Base of operations, you'll probably want to stockpile resources for distribution and a place to service and fuel your transport.\nFinally save the world!\n* Drought in Africa.",
"Fly one portal under the Niagra falls, the other to Africa, water quickly appears, use it to top up a reservoir (somewhat ambitious) or attach to the back of your transport vessel and water the ground below.\n* Volcano in the pacific. Use it to evacuate people away from the danger, where they instantly walk from the impending lava straight into a camp with fresh linen and running water.\n* Food crisis in Sweden. You set up one portal at your base of operations (or place managing aid), and the other where the food crisis is. Instant delivery of supplies without the logistical worry (think how long it takes to load and send a plane, plus logisitcal cost of crew, fuel, maintenence etc).\n* Disease outbreak in Australia. Why worry about multiple plane/ship journeys taking people and medical supplies when you can just send them through the portal.\n* Miners stuck down a deep mine in Greenland. Ok you still have the trouble of getting down there and back yourself, but whats one trip compared to multiple especially if theres a lack of supplies.\nThere are so many endless possibilities of how you could save the world, cutting down on cost and environmental impact (your own plane journey compared to multiple hercules). You're not being paid for it, rely on charitable donations and will try to help anyone anywhere wherever you can, however the multiple inspiring real world heroes you hear on the news become one (hence keeping your ego in check).\nAnd I leave you with this. Where there's heroes. There's always villians. People will try obtain this technology from you for their own evil gains.",
"Build a university/engineering school\nAs many answer have pointed out, building a gun from scratch in the bronze age will be very difficult. Thus to solve this you should not try to build a gun, but build a society that can create a gun.\nSo in your backpack bring knowledge, USB sticks with encyclopedia and all textbooks you can get your hands on from primary to university grade. This should not take up a lot of space. Bring 4 laptops with the devices to charge the laptop, solar panels and converters. Bring enough to have some spare. Bring some actual guns for protection from the locals if necessary and to impress them. Last and most important bring detailed start up plans and tools. Since it is the bronze age, I would suggest bringing steel axes and saws, hand drills and if still room left maybe steel screws for easy construction. Also fill the rest of the bag with gold/silver/diamond or whatever currency the locals use. I am assuming a rather large bag pack, but you can reduce all number to one (2 for the electronics) if it does not fit.\nOnce you arrive in the past you need a place to settle and build your university, convince the locals that your knowledge is worthwhile and get as many pupils you can support. If you can choose the place you land make sure your near coal, ion and oil deposits. A place with some kind of states already in place might be best, see: Bronze Age States, but you might also opt for advanced framing cultures. The hittites empire might be a good place to locate (modern Turkey, Anatolia), near lake Van seems to have all the necessary resources, I just don't know how far underground. Resources: metals, oil and coal.\nOnce you arrive roughly follow the next steps:\n1. Sell you knowledge for food/influence. Best knowledge to sell is probably improving tools (mainly agricultural) and health treatments. Distilling alcohol might also be a viable option or construction work.\n2.",
"Build/Buy a house/school and build a printing press. Start printing the correct books for the school. So learning how to read, simple arithmetic and than basic engineering principals. All in a very directly applicable manner.\n3. Start gathering and teaching pupils and spread your influence. Do this by helping the local community and state community and let your pupils do projects.\n4. Start building a foundry inside your school and start making bronze tools. Don't overlook the fact that you probably can improve their bronze making a lot. Being very valuable, also you can teach/use local bronze smiths to speed up you foundry.\n5. If no iron is available make a project of building one, you need to have the exact location of easily accessible iron available. Remember that you only need small amount, so no need to look for the very big mines of nowadays.\n6. Progress from bronze to making iron tools\n7. Later progress to weapons and a weapons factory.\n8. If oil is available one might make plastic in a very early state. Making some kinds of plastic is not that hard and has very good material properties for tooling compared to the wood that they would normally use.\nThis plan will take quite some time and in the mean while you need to make sure that both the local and state community are cooperative and appreciative of you. Building a society by cooperation is probably easier that force, but make sure you have enough force to withstand outside pressure. Have better weapons and tactics should allow you to withstand a lot of pressure if necessary.\nTo speed up the whole process supplying the state with better weapons and tactics than the enemy can boost the whole procedure of creating a weapons factory. In that way you could start with a primitive weapons factory and gradually upgrade to a modern one.",
"There already pretty good answers (Even <PERSON> is a greate one!). It's a glorified comment to add a few points.\n1. Economics\nFood One side effect of a entire population running around is calories needs increase. This makes land even more valuable and food production even a bigger business.\nOil Car and other vehicles can still be necessary for long distances depending of how much a human can endure to run at top speed. Cargo vehicles like trains and ships are still common. Anyway oil consuption ill decrease a bit an can even not be biggest business around.\nShoes A interesting side effect can be high demand for footwear. Running at 40mph all day ill make people buy running shoes weekly.",
"Footwear industry can be a lot larger in this hipotetical world.\n2 Culture\nWAR Running at 40mph a platton trained to run carring heavy logs can crush gates and break enemy lines with easy. All tatics can change since mobility is a key factor since the first pre historian tribal skirmishes. At that speed spearmens and javelins throwers can be fearsome.\nStreets Since cars are more a utility for cargo and long trips streets ill be build for fast running people. That means maybe a grass lane with a danm good drain system.\nTransit Law enforcement in transit ill don't need the arise of automobile or the big confluence of horse powered wagons. Each ancient civilization ill create his transit code and in modern days we ill got specialized transit laywers.\nAlcohol can be strict proibited for e everyone!\nCommunication Even in medieval eras communication ill be a lot better between tows and feuds. Also depending on human endurance trips can be a lot more common increasing trade leting people in touch that with the mobility of armies and the need for more land can even \"enlarge\" a lot the size of the small medieval feuds and nations ill be likely to form early.\n3 Science\nNeed is the mother of invention That's true so steam power => Combustion => Aviation can arise a bit later for example but A increased commnucated humanity can need telegraph early.\nNow trying to respond the question:\nHow to keep stupid people alive\nBiology Just make a better peripheric vision. Human hability to driveat 40mph proves we don't need a lot more upgrades.\nMobile Phones Can strict proibited to move and use a mobile device for obvious reasons. In some places they can be entirely banned.\nAlcohol Proibited since ancient times! Can even be a taboo\nSorry for the lack of beer & wine guys.",
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"Two initial observations :\n1. Are the darts launched with the same speed or the same kinetic energy?\nWhen you specify that you use the same 'force' to launch both darts, it is not clear what you intend. Using the same force in Newtons over the same distance should result in the two darts acquiring the same kinetic energy but different speeds. However, as <PERSON> points out, your ability to launch objects is limited by the mass of your arm. If the mass of the arm is much larger than the mass of the dart, very little KE is imparted to the dart. All light-weight objects are launched with approximately the same speed, which is limited by size and strength of the arm and the technique used. See Physics of Overarm Throwing.\n1. The effect of gravity is a complicating factor here, so let us ignore it.\nIf there was gravity but no air resistance, the object launched with the greater speed would travel further.",
"The range of a projectile without drag is proportional to $v^2$ and is independent of mass. If there is both gravity and air resistance the situation becomes more complex, except when the objects are launched close to straight up or close to horizontal. Darts are usually launched close to horizontal.\nWith Air Resistance (Drag) but no Gravity\nFor the same shape and size of object, travelling at the same speed, the drag force $F$ caused by air resistance is the same. It depends on cross-sectional area but not mass. For thrown objects, drag force is approximately proportional to speed through the air : $F=-kv$.\nThe equation of motion is $a=F/m$ so that $\\frac{dv}{dt}=-(k/m)v$ which has the solution\n$v(t)=v_0e^{-bt}$\nwhere $b=k/m$. Integrating again we get\n$x(t)=(v_0/b)(1-e^{-bt})$.\nThe distance travelled after a long long time is\n$x(\\infty)=v_0/b=mv_0/k$.\nWhich dart travels further depends on the initial momentum $mv_0$.\n1. Launch with the same KE\nHere $\\frac12mV^2=\\frac12Mv^2$ (the lighter dart has higher velocity) so $V/v=\\sqrt{M/m}$. The ratio of distances is\n$x_M/x_m=Mv/mV=V/v=\\sqrt{M/m}$.\nThe heavier dart travels further, despite the fact that the lighter dart started with higher speed.\n1. Launch with the same Speed\nThe above result indicates that the heavier dart will travel further still, because the lighter dart starts with less KE.\nHere $V=v$ so the ratio of distances is\n$x_M/x_m=Mv/mV=M/m$.\nThe heavier dart travels further still than when the darts have the same KE.\nConclusion : In both scenarios the heavier dart travels further.",
"Instantaneous Velocity at a Sharp Point\nMy friend and I are having an argument. Here's the situation:\nA block is at rest on a frictionless surface. At instant $t_0$ a person pushes the block to the right with a constant force. At instant $t_1$ the person stops pushing the block which then glides at a constant velocity $v_f$.\nWhat is the instantaneous velocity of the block at instant $t_1$?\nMy friend says it's a simple \"Newton's Laws\" question and the answer is $v_f$ because there are no forces on the block at that time so it stays in constant motion.\nI would have agreed with him if the question asked for the instantaneous velocity immediately after $t_1$. But I think the right answer is more obscure than that. There are two ways of thinking about this problem:\n1. The Ideal Case\nIn an ideal case, the force is released instantaneously which would result in the following graphs:\nNotably, at $t_1$ the acceleration is discontinuous because the force is released instantaneously.",
"This would mean that the velocity and displacement graphs would have sharp corners at $t_1$. Therefore, in this ideal case, the instantaneous velocity at $t_1$ is undefined because displacement isn't differentiable (the limit from the left is not equal to the limit from the right).\nThis is quite a generous abstraction from reality that would require an infinite force from your muscles to pull your hand back in an infinitely short amount of time. But I don't think it matters, because even in a realistic case, the instantaneous velocity cannot be $v_f$.\n1. The Realistic Case\nIn reality (a non-ideal case) the force by the hand on the block is not released instantaneously at instant 5. This would mean the acceleration dips down over some period of time as shown below. This would mean the velocity graph would be a curve (differentiable) at $t_1$ rather than a sharp point (undifferentiable). I have drawn the realistic curves in red:\nThe conservation of momentum tells us that this velocity curve can never exceed $v_f$ so the realistic case is strictly less than the ideal case around $t_1$. In my mind, this is proof that the instantaneous velocity at $t_1$ must be between the instantaneous velocities just before $t_1$ and just after $t_1$.\nSo who is right?",
"Your last suggestion is correct : the use which you are making of dimensional analysis is not justified.\nDimensional Analysis has two purposes : (1) to check that equations or terms in equations are commensurate; and (2) to find combinations of quantities with particular dimensions or no dimensions at all. It is not able to derive physically meaningful formulas, and certainly not a unique formula, which is what you seem to be expecting it to do.\nThe 2nd purpose can be achieved using Rayleigh's Method, or <PERSON>'s Pi Theorem which is a more formal version of it. For this purpose the method works, and it is easy to see why it works. That to me is sufficient justification.\nIn your 1st example, <PERSON>'s Method tells you that the formula $\\Delta P=k\\rho gh$ (where $k$ is a dimensionless constant) is dimensionally consistent, but it cannot tell you that this formula is physically meaningful or correct for the application you have in mind. It cannot tell you what value of $k$ you should use. It can only tell you what dimensions $k$ must have for the formula $\\Delta P=k\\rho gh$ to be dimensionally consistent.\nIn the 2nd example, the method cannot tell you that the force of gravitational attraction between two masses should be $F=Gm_1m_2/r^2$.",
"The method does not generate any dimensionless combinations of the quantities $F, m_1, m_2, r$. This is not a failure of Rayleigh's Method because no dimensionless combinations of these variables can be derived by any method. As with your 1st example, dimensional analysis can only tell you what dimensions the constant $G$ must have for the formula $F=Gm_1m_2/r^2$ to be dimensionally correct.\nThe strengths and limitations of the method are stated in the wikipedia article :\nThe <PERSON> π theorem provides a method for computing sets of dimensionless parameters from given variables, even if the form of the equation remains unknown. However, the choice of dimensionless parameters is not unique; <PERSON>'s theorem only provides a way of generating sets of dimensionless parameters and does not indicate the most \"physically meaningful\".\nTwo systems for which the [dimensionless] parameter [are equal] are called similar. As with similar triangles, they differ only in scale. They are equivalent for the purposes of the [unknown] equation. The experimentalist who wants to determine the form of the equation can choose the most convenient [system to investigate].\nMost importantly, <PERSON>'s theorem describes the relation between the number of variables and [the number of] fundamental dimensions.",
"Why didn't he consider the centripetal force as a force acting on that object.\nBecause Centripetal force is not a force acting on the body. The Centripetal force is not necessarily a unique force in its own right. As an answer pointed out, The \"centripetal force\" is simply defined as the net force acting towards the centre.\nIf there were some more forces acting in the radial direction (for example, if your car was tied with a rope to a tree at the centre of the circle, there would be an additional force of Tension towards the centre) then the sum of the forces would be equal to Tension + the Normal reaction component. This sum would then be considered the centripetal force.\nHere is another way to thing of the scenario : Write the <PERSON>'s law equation for the radial direction without thinking anything about being on a circular trajectory. Don't think anything about centripetal forces for a moment.",
"If were on any other ordinary track, the only force on the car would be $N\\sin(\\phi)$ which then by <PERSON>'s law is equal to $ma$. $$Nsin(\\phi) = ma$$\nNow, because you are moving in a circular path, the \"a\" in the equation must be towards the centre of the circle and its magnitude is a function of the linear velocity at which you are moving in the circular path (specifically it is $\\frac{|v(t)|^2}{r}$ but in your case, v is constant). Now, this is something you have to accept, in circular motion, there must be an acceleration pointing to the centre with the magnitude mentioned above, otherwise the motion would not be circular anymore. Plug this into the equation and you simply get the result as : $$N\\sin(\\phi) = \\frac{mv^2}{r}$$ This pretty much what the other answers said, that the sum of all forces towards the centre (there is only 1 in your case) is the centripetal force. I have taken the opposite sign convention but it doesn't affect the final result.\nTo answer one of your side questions, if $\\phi = 0$, essentially when the road is unbanked and frictionless (as per the diagram), you would never be able to make a turn (In reality, there is always friction to provide the necessary force towards the centre).\nHope this helped.",
"No, there is no reason why the stored energy should be the same in both cases. The only requirement is that the total force supplied by each system of springs is the same, because the two systems are supporting the same load, and each is in equilibrium.\nThe difference in stored energy does not 'go' anywhere because these are two separate cases. You are not converting one case into the other.\nIf you did start with the load supported by the springs in series and converted this to the load supported by the springs in parallel, the difference in elastic energy would not in fact equal the difference in gravitational PE of the load!\nThe tension in each spring would have to be reduced from $W$ to $\\frac12 W$ where $W$ is the weight of the load, and the extension of each reduced from $x$ to $\\frac12 x$. The elastic energy stored in a spring with tension $W$ and extension $x$ is $\\frac12 W x$. The total elastic energy stored in the two springs is initially (ie in series) $2\\times \\frac12 Wx=Wx$ and finally (ie in parallel) $2\\times \\frac12 (\\frac12 W)(\\frac12 x)=\\frac14 Wx$.",
"The decrease in elastic PE is $\\frac34 Wx$.\nAfter the change from series to parallel, the springs initially supply a total upward force of $2W$ while the weight supplies a downward force of $W$. An additional downward external force is required, starting at $W$ and decreasing to $0$, to prevent the system from gaining kinetic energy as the tension is reduced. The work done against this external force equals the KE which the load would have acquired when it reached the equilibrium position had it been released. In that case it would have overshot the equilibrium position and oscillated indefinitely.\nThe work done on the load (average force x distance) by the two springs is $W\\times (\\frac12 x)=\\frac12 Wx$, which is the increase in its gravitational PE. The work done against the external force is $(\\frac12 W)(\\frac12 x)=\\frac14 Wx$. The total work done by the two springs is $\\frac34 Wx$.\nTo summarise : the two springs lost total elastic energy $\\frac34 Wx$ of which $\\frac12 Wx$ increased the gravitational PE of the load while $\\frac14 Wx$ was done against an external force.\nSee Mass dropped on a spring.",
"Cube bouncing off a wall\nAn elastic cube sliding without friction along a horizontal floor hits a vertical wall with one of its faces parallel to the wall. The coefficient of friction between the wall and the cube is $\\mu$. The angle between the direction of the velocity $v$ of the cube and the wall is $\\alpha$. What will this angle be after the collision (see Figure P.1.3 for a bird's-eye view of the collision)?\nThis is Problem 1.3 in A Guide to Physics Problems, Part 1: Mechanics, Relativity, and Electrodynamics. There are things I don't understand in the solution provided in the book.\nThere are two forces acting on the cube. One is the normal reaction $N(t)$, perpendicular to the wall, and the other is the force of friction $F_{fr}(t)$ parallel to the wall\nWe expect that, as a result of the collision, the cube’s velocity $\\textbf v$ will change to $\\textbf v'$. In the direction perpendicular to the wall, the collision is elastic, i.e., the velocity in the $\\textbf{x}$ direction merely changes sign: $v'_x=-v_x=-v\\sin(\\alpha)$.",
"Therefore, the momentum changes by $-2mv\\sin(\\alpha)$ in the $x$ direction. This change is due to the normal reaction $N(t)$\nSo, according to <PERSON>’s second law: $$\\Delta p_x = -\\int_0^\\tau N(t) dt = -2mv\\sin(\\alpha)$$\nwhere $\\tau$ is the collision time. If there were no friction, the parallel velocity component would not change and the angle would remain the same. However, in the actual case, the $y$ component changes and $$\\Delta p_y = -\\int_0^{\\min(\\tau',\\tau)}F_{fr}(t)=-\\int_0^{\\min(\\tau',\\tau)}\\mu N(t) dt$$\nHere $\\tau'$ is the time at which the velocity $v_y$ goes to $0$. So $$mv_y'=mv_y -\\int_0^{\\min(\\tau',\\tau)}\\mu N(t) dt$$\nThe first thing I can't grasp is why the collision is elastic in the $x$ direction. Admitting this, I'm ok with the equation $\\displaystyle \\Delta p_x = -\\int_0^\\tau N(t) dt = -2mv\\sin(\\alpha)$.\nBesides, I don't get why $\\displaystyle \\Delta p_y = -\\int_0^{\\min(\\tau',\\tau)}F_{fr}(t)$. It looks a lot like the previous equation the author got on the $x$-axis, but I don't understand why he considers $\\tau'$ as the time at which the velocity $v_y$ goes to $0$, and why the upper bound of the integral has to be $\\min(\\tau',\\tau)$.",
"Before starting, the meaning of tendency needs to be clarified. I believe that by Tendency, your teacher means the obstructed motion of a body (or a fluid) under a force.\nA liquid has the tendency to move down due to gravitational force (or under influence of gravitational force, same meaning). But the liquid’s downward motion has been obstructed by the container in which it is kept.\nHow can tendency of shifting away alone, change the pressure at point A ? Shouldn't the liquid at A move away from it in order to decrease the pressure there ?\nThis question can be answered both qualitatively and quantitatively. You have already derived the result quantitatively using <PERSON>’s laws of motion and a few assumptions. What remains is to understand the result qualitatively.\nThere are many-many ways to understand this.",
"One way is the way presented by your teacher. Another way presented in other answers is as follows:\n* When at rest, the weight of the liquid in vertical column and the force exerted by atmosphere causes the liquid to apply force on the rightmost wall.\n* When the tube is accelerated horizontally towards the right, a pseudo-force or fictitious force acts towards the left on the liquid in horizontal column with respect to the tube.\n* This reduces the force exerted by the liquid on the rightmost wall, thus reducing the pressure at point $A$.\nBelow, I would like to present another way to derive the result. I have found this method to be much helpful while pondering over your question.\nAssumptions\n* The liquid is incompressible.\n* The surface tension is ignored (I am not even sure what will happen to the meniscus under horizontal acceleration).\n* The tube is thin (so that the horizontal pressure variation in vertical part and vertical pressure variation in horizontal part could be ignored).\nDerivation\nWe use only <PERSON>’s laws of motion to derive the result. We take the ground as the frame of reference.\nWe choose a thin cylindrical part of the liquid with one end adjacent to the rightmost wall of the tube and another end directly at the end of vertical part of tube, and analyse the forces acting on it.\n$F:$ The buoyant Force.\n$\\delta N:$ Normal Force applied by wall.\n$\\rho :$ Density of liquid.\n$P_0 = P_{atm} + \\rho gH$ : Force applied by liquid on left of the part of liquid.\nWe take a small circular cross-section ($\\delta A$) to ensure negligible change in pressure across height of cylinder.\nLet $P_i$ be the pressure exerted by liquid on the wall when tube is at rest. And, let $P_f$ be the pressure exerted by the liquid on the wall when the tube is accelerating.\nUsing <PERSON>’s third law: $$ P_i \\delta A = \\delta N_i \\tag{1}$$ $$ P_f \\delta A = \\delta N_f \\tag{2}$$ $N_i$ and $N_f$ are the Normal Forces in the two states.\nWhen the part of liquid is in equilibrium: $$P_0 \\delta A = \\delta N_i$$ $$P_i = P_0 \\tag{using 1}$$\nNow, when the tube is accelerating horizontally towards the right with acceleration $a$: $$ ma = P_0 \\delta A - \\delta N_f$$ $$ \\rho la = P_0 - \\frac{\\delta N_f}{\\delta A} \\tag{3}$$ Then: $$ \\rho la = P_0 - P_f \\tag{using 2 and 3} $$ $$ P_f = P_0 - \\rho l a $$\n$$ P_f < P_i $$\nNote: If the presented set of assumptions is not sufficient then please comment.",
"This is because of greater shear strain you will experience if you run on the train while its accelerating. But us humans do not deform when subjected to this stress but they fall down.\nThere are two factors involved here\n1. Shear force(assuming uniform acceleration)\nWithout using complicated terms, let's assume that you're a passenger(A) watching another passenger(A) standing inside the train. According to you when the train accelerates at $a m/s^2$., the passenger(A) inside accelerates at $a m/s^2$. Let his mass be $m*kg$. Humans generally run at an angle of $15 \\deg$\nNow person (A) has started to accelerate in the opposite direction at $a_1 m/s^2$ at an angle of $15\\deg$*.Due to <PERSON>'s Third Law the force exerted by the train will oppose passenger A\nForce at your feet(when running) $$ \\sum F_{xz}=ma - \\cos(15 \\deg)ma_1$$ $$ \\sum F_{xz}=ma - 0.96ma_1$$\nIn very few cases this force would be in direction of $\\overrightarrow{ma}$.",
"Believe it or not except high speed bullets, normal trains accelerate very slowly.\nAlso due to Newton's Third Law, the forward acceleration of your head will be equal to the backward acceleration\nShear stress tends to deform originally rectangular objects into parallelograms. The most general definition is that shear acts to change the angles in an object.\n$$\\tau_{xz} = \\frac{F}{A_{xz}}$$\nAnd if you also want to know shear strain $$ \\tan \\gamma_{zx} = \\frac{\\Delta x}{z}$$ $$\\gamma_{zx} = \\tan^{-1} \\Bigr ( \\frac{\\Delta x}{z} \\Bigr)$$\n* z is height of the person\n* $\\Delta x$ = ? $$\\sin(15 \\deg) = \\frac{\\Delta x - s_{net}}{z}$$ $$\\sin(15 \\deg)z = \\Delta x - s_{net}$$ $$0.25z + s_{net} =\\Delta x$$\n* Let $a-0.96a_1$ be $a_{net}$\n$$s_{net} = ut + \\frac{1}{2}a_{net}t^2$$\nSince humans are not rectangular, this is just an approximation, also air resistance and friction do not come in this approximation.\nNow if passenger (A) were just to stand, he would not exert any force on the train, nor would the train exert any force on him due to <PERSON>'s third law. Thus\n$$\\tau_{xz} = \\frac{0}{A_{xz}}$$ $$=0N/m^2$$ Since there is no force there is no displacement and person is perpendicular to the ground while standing,shear strain equals zero too. $$\\sin(90 \\deg) = \\frac{\\Delta x -0}{z}$$ $$\\frac{\\Delta x -0}{z} = 0$$\n$$\\gamma_{xz} = \\arctan (0)=0$$\n1. Friction\nAll of us know that without friction we won't be able to stand. While running friction is lesser as compared to state of rest of an object in contact with the ground. Therefore a moving object will experience less friction, and will be more likely to fall.\nConclusion : You are more likely to fall if you run in the opposite direction of the train's acceleration than standing still on the train",
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"“THIS GAME IS A FELDIAN POINT SALAD.”\nWhat does that even mean? Well, it was designed by <PERSON>, so by definition it must be 'Feldian', right? And 'Point Salad'? I understand what is intended by that phrase. It's quite pithy. For some people a 'Point Salad' game is a generous game. It's a game that is always giving, and therefore gentle on the ego of players. For others a 'Point Salad' game is the equivalent of a school sports day where everyone gets a ribbon for taking part, regardless of placing.\nI hear something different. Something very different. When someone tells me that a game is 'Feldian' then my own personal dictionary substitutes the word 'sadistic'. When I hear 'Point Salad', I think 'deliberately opaque'.\nAquasphere is a Feldian Point Salad. It's sadistic and deliberately opaque.\nI don't understand any way of thinking about Feld that doesn't acknowledge the fact that he designs some of the most vicious games out there. Aquasphere is no different.\nIt's a core concept of game design to give the players difficult (i.e. meaningful) decisions. This can be generated by ensuring that the players have to manage limited resources (see almost every game ever made) and/or by forcing the players to compete with one another for limited actions (see almost every worker placement game ever made, except for unusual ones like Ninjatowhere taking an action doesn't block other players. Seriously, what's up with that?). Aquasphere embraces these fundamentals, as you'd expect from an experienced designer like <PERSON>. I want to move to this section and deploy a Submarine in this section, but I don't have enough Time to do both. I want to take this Research card and this Lab section and kill those Octopods, but another player might well be after one or more of those same things. This is vexing. This is good design. But this is not 'vexing' enough for Feld. This is not 'good design' enough for Feld. These alone do not make it 'Feldian'. No. For Feld, there has to be another source of conflict. For Feld, the game also has to pit the player against him or herself.",
"So let's program a Bot. But which program do you want? By saying 'Yes' to one program, you are also saying 'No' to another in an ever decreasing spiral of limitation. That's what makes this game 'Feldian'. For you, sir or madam, Mr. <PERSON> is happy to go the extra mile and design a game in which you are not just screwed over by it or by the other players, but you are also forced to screw yourself over. Repeatedly. Whether it's programming a Bot, or the <PERSON> action selection of Trajan, you are going to be your own worst enemy. You'll sit and take it, and you will like it.\nSo, to be 'Feldian' is to be sadistic. And to consume a 'Point Salad' is to immerse yourself in the 'deliberately opaque'.\nAquasphere has many moving parts. I counted at least a billion. And the value of these individual moving parts to your cause is not immediately obvious at any point in the game. In the early stages it is impossible to tell who is winning. Good. So you play on, oblivious. Then in later stages of the game it occurs to you that it is still impossible to tell who is winning. End game scoring makes a mockery of any attempts to bring your feeble mental computing power online, as does the unpredictability of the next five minutes.\nFor a new player who has no idea what he or she is doing, it's very easy to blunder along almost at random. Because you are always scoring points, or seemingly improving your game position, it's very difficult to tell whether or not you are actually playing well, or whether or not you are setting yourself up for a particularly brutal end game scoring experience. So many moving parts. So little feedback, except for the persistent internal nagging that accuses you of sub-optimal play at every step. The temptation is there to just sit back and let the flow of the game carry you along. Sure, you will lose, but you'll probably only lose by a handful of points. It's like plate-spinning in a hurricane. There's a small chance that the winds will howl just right and end up doing all your work for you, making you look like a legend for a short while, but the fickle nature of...errr...Nature also means that the very next second you could be picking shards of bone china out of your face. Feld does not design gentle, ego-massaging games. He designs nasty, complex slapping machines.",
"“This is broken,” I sneer, as my opponent plays the Action card 'Backstab' and my Disciple is sent back to the reserve before I can activate him. Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200. But I don't mean it. It's a tongue-in-cheek comment. The type of thing you say to wind up your opponent rather than because it's a legitimate complaint.\nI've just lost a Disciple, which is a set back both financially and strategically. Not only that, I didn't get to activate him, which means that I'm going to have to wait for the next turn to complete this mission. It's messed with my timing. Very harsh. But something strange is happening. I'm totally calm. I didn't see this coming and I couldn't do anything about it and normally this kind of thing would cause at least a little simmering under the surface. A tiny build up of rage. But not this time. I'm totally at peace about what has just happened. I understand now, you see. Action cards that can both cause this kind of thing and prevent it are powerful, valuable assets. When I started this game I made sure that, during the Bidding Phase, I was fighting over the more obvious benefits. <PERSON>, more Disciples, Annexes, weapons etc. But now I understand that Action cards are worth fighting over too.\nIt's the same for the Bonus cards. I pick one up late in the game, in a desperate search for points. It gives me 5 points if I haven't completed any Espionage missions. Nice, I think sarcastically, looking at the two Espionage missions in my completed pile. But, again, although I'm disappointed I'm not angry. I'm calm here as well.",
"Because again I understand. I'm not thinking, “This isn't fair.” Instead I'm thinking, “I should have taken some Bonus cards earlier.” It makes sense. Pick up at least one Bonus card early on and then arrange my strategy around that. If I'd had this card earlier, I could have rejected Espionage missions, for example. That's better than just drawing cards at random late in the game and hoping that you stumble across the one Bonus card that fits with how you've been playing. I also understood the value of the Foresight action that had just seemed like a last option, “Well, I've got nothing better to do and I've got a Disciple here, so I may as well have a look at the Bonus cards”. Yes. Use the Foresight action to arrange the Bonus cards to suit you, and then win that auction in the next turn. Yes. A strategy develops.\nThe first time I played Yedo it was a surprisingly easy sell. I described it as 'Lords of Waterdeep set in Japan' (Apologies <PERSON> and <PERSON>, I know that's neither fair nor totally accurate) and both players pounced on it. One of them loves Lords of Waterdeep and the other doesn't care for it at all, but the description was enough for them to be interested. We ran out of time to finish the game, but by the end both players declared that they preferred Yedo to Lords of Waterdeep. One player would stop in the middle of her turn to comment on how 'lovely' the game was. I don't think she was talking about the fact that the church had been burned to the ground or that she had a handful of missions she couldn't complete because there were no Dojos left. I think she meant either the graphic design or just the design generally. I don't know if I would use the word 'lovely', but I think she was right either way.\nIt is true that the game is harsh and unpredictable. In our first game I removed the cards marked 'Samurai' as it was supposed to create a gentler environment. The first Event of the game was the Sakoku promo card and so the church was gone, and with it one source of income. Even the 'gentler' events lock districts and monkey with your plans. There were a couple of turns where between an inaccessible district and fear of the Watch, it seemed like there was nothing to do but tread water until the next round when you could get things back on track. But I didn't care. I realised quickly that this was game of biding your time, and taking advantage of the break in the action to do something else that was useful, something that you hadn't planned to do originally. You have to adapt, and then pulling off those chains where you complete several missions in one turn becomes very rewarding\nYedo would have been an easy design to mess up.",
"Euro Game Influencer?\nI am not really up on the history of boardgame genres, so I'm making this statement from a position of little knowledge, but Splotter's 1999 effort Bus seems to be ahead of its time. Especially when you compare it with what has come since, games such as Caylus, Agricola, and Age of Steam/Steam. It is a worker placement, strategic planning, puzzle of a game that is the equal of the 'greats' that have come in the 21st century.\nAction Cubes and Building Routes\nEach player starts the game with 20 available actions cubes (plus one pre-placed action which gives each player a bus, you need at least one bus in a game called Bus, right?). These action cubes are it. Once used there is no way to get them back, and no way to 'generate' new ones. So use them wisely. Each turn you must use two, but after that you can use as many as you wish. Picking the right moment to commit using more cubes, to give you more actions will be the difference between winning and losing.\nWith these cubes you will need to build a bus route and transport passengers to their desired destination. For each passenger you move to a destination then one point is yours. There are plenty of ways to spend you action cubes to help get more passengers to more destination on more buses, thereby ramping up your points. You'll read more about effective use of your actions cubes throughout this review.\nNotice that despite this being a tranport themed game I didn't mention route optimization yet. I've done that for a reason. The game isn't about getting passengers to their destination in the shortest distance possible. Indeed it is the opposite, it's about getting your bus line to meander around the board as much as possible, taking in a many possible destination buildings as it can (just like real-life). Having a lot of destinations on your route, with a good variety of types (home, work, or pub), is key to a good route and a high score. Like any good Euro game though that isn't the only thing that is key.\nBefore we leave bus lines as a topic there is another interesting mechanic in the laying of your route. As with roads in Settlers of Catan your bus line is made up of wooden blocks, each being a segment of your line, with the segments running from one junction to another.",
"However, unlike Settlers, your line must extend from either or both ends. You can't branch from middle of your line. So your bus route ends up as one long line snaking across the board. This makes extending your line a tad more difficult, requiring a little bit more planning. If you're not careful you can block yourself off from a part of the board you are desperate to get to, or not be able to access the passengers you need. Even in a three player game on a map designed to support five players the nature of the game forces a close 'intertwining' of routes rather than players just controlling a corner all to themselves.\nPlacing line extensions is an action the player can select on their turn. There are other action types available too, such as adding passengers, adding buses, adding destinations, running your buses, and the ever present Euro game action of '1st Player Next Turn'. There is also the very gamey 'freeze time' action, but more on that later.\nSelect Actions, Execute Actions\nEach round in the game is played like any good worker placement game, such as Caylus. First each player selects actions one at a time (starting with the 1st player). When all players have passed you then execute the actions that have been selected. This is where the most fun is to be had. Making sure you do all the actions you need to run your strategy, and second guessing your opponents is where lips start getting bitten and foreheads mopped. You need to plan ahead, not just in the turn to see what actions other players will be doing, but working out what will help you future turns.\nAction selection and execution is not quite so straightforward though, and to be honest pretty hard to describe, so please bear with me on this. Most of the actions (extending lines, adding passengers, placing new buildings, and running buses) allow more that one player to select them (unlike Agricola or Le Havre). The action cubes (of the wooden variety) are placed in the action boxed in order ('a', then 'b', then 'c' etc.). However during action execution phase the line extending and building adding actions are performed in reverse order ('f', then 'e', then 'd' etc.), meaning the last player to select the action, not the first gets to execute first. It's such a clever little mechanism that if this was a <PERSON> game the fans would be screaming 'genius'.",
"There is no shortage of go reviews. I'm writing this one because there isn't yet a completely one-sided lovefest for this great game, and (as a completely biased fanboy) I think there should be one.\nI'm not going to cover the rules. They can be given in a few short sentences, but that isn't what I love about this game. All you really need to know is that go is a perfect information, luckless, abstract, 2 player game.\nBefore, During, and After a Game\nWhen I know I'm going to be playing a serious game of go, I get excited and nervous together. I know it'll be a blast, but the nervousness is: Will I play well? Will I discover clever insights as we play? Or will I overlook something stupid and play badly?\nDuring the game all my concentration is focused on the board. I am thinking as hard as I ever do, and all about the abstract situations that are arising. After a long, hard game, the stress will be so great that my hands will be shaking and I can barely stand up.\nFor days after, I will be running over the game in my head. Thinking about the positions that happened. Trying to work out which moves could have been better, and why. Trying to figure out what my opponent might have known that I didn't.\nSomething New Every Game\nIn almost every single game of go, you will discover something new. Although go is theoretically fully calculable, the calculations are so fantastically beyond what any human can manage that pattern recognition, intuition, and experience are just as important as raw calculating. This experience helps in both tactics and strategy. And this need for experience means that you should be taking away something new that you didn't know before from each game. You're never \"done\" studying go.\nTactics Too Complex to Fully Analyze\nTactically, when you are trying to read out what will happen in the next few moves, you can't consider all the possibilities. There are too many. You have to quickly decide which moves are likely to be important, then see what they lead to. Finding the unexpected move that your opponent overlooked and that thwarts his plans is a great boost to your ego.",
"When you overlook a move that your opponent sees you need to remember it, so that next time you won't be caught the same way! When you enter into a complex struggle, and you know that both you and your opponent are at risk of making mistakes, you must fight desperately to make sure that you don't make a move that gives your opponent a crucial advantage in the rest of the game.\nDeep Strategy\nStrategically, experience and intuition are even more important than in tactics. During play, patterns form on the board, and nearby patterns (and sometimes even distant patterns) will interact, forming larger and larger constellations of meaning. Sometimes the stones are arranged to score points. Sometimes they threaten the safety of enemy stones in the area. Sometimes they invade into enemy territory, taking away area that would otherwise be points for your opponent. Sometimes they are vague and flexible, stones scattered through an area that can be turned to multiple different purposes as the need arises. Sometimes your stones are arranged badly, and do nothing but give your opponent easy targets to attack. All these considerations may take over a hundred moves to become fully clear. Were you able to find the moves that made the best patterns and shapes for the situations?\nA Style For Every Player\nEvery player has a different style. If I was shown a record of a game between two frequent opponents of mine, I would have a good chance of knowing which player was which color on the board. Partly this is because of the strengths - is this player good at fighting? Does he or she make efficient structures early in the game? Do they tend to make surprising moves that work out well? Or do they fall apart when their groups face a fierce attack?\nAnother difference is in how a player values different aspects of the game. Some work towards solid points, \"cash in the bank\" as its called, from the very beginning. Some work hard to make sure all their pieces are safe; others don't worry if they lose some pieces, knowing that they'll make up the difference elsewhere.\nThis variation from one player to another means that each time you play somebody new, you're going to have a game different from the ones before. They'll show you new board situations that you need to examine. And each game you play with them after will give you a better and better picture of how they play and what they're thinking about as you play them.\nA Tiny Bit of Balance\nNow I'll tone down the fanboy-ism a bit. I realize that the game isn't for everybody. Even if you like themeless abstracts, even if you enjoy 2 player games, you still need to be ready for the brutal learning curve.",
"Image Courtesy of BigWoo\nThis review continues my series of detailed reviews that attempt to be part review, part resource for anyone not totally familiar with the game. For this reason I expect readers to skip to the sections that are of most interest.\nIf you liked the review please thumb the top of the article so others have a better chance of seeing it and I know you stopped by. If you thumb the bottom as well, I consider that a bonus. Thanks for reading.\nSummary\nGame Type – Card Game\nPlay Time: 45-60 minutes\nNumber of Players: 4 Players\nMechanics – Ladder Climbing, Hand Management, Team Play, Trick Taking\nDifficulty – Moderate (Rules cause difficulties and takes many plays to do well)\nComponents – Very Good\nArtists – <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>\nRelease – 1991\nDesigner – <PERSON> -(All things <PERSON>, Cosmic Eidex, Kremlin)\nOverview and Theme\nFew games can really attain the title of 'classic'. To gain this honour a game generally has to define a new genre, be a worldwide best seller or be around for a very long time. For all the plaudits Gloomhavenhas received over the past few years, it cannot lay claim to this least not yet. Tichu however holds its head high when described as a 'classic' and is held in equally high regards by gamers all around the world.\nFor that reason I almost feel the need to pay reverence to this title. That pressure is felt even more when I look back on one of my early reviews (2007) that pretty much got the very nature of the game so wrong (from a definition sense anyway). I was suitably schooled for referring to the game as a trick-taking game and it reminds me of my humble beginnings.\nTichu is loved by many all around the world (103,000 plays on BGG is huge for a pure card game and only just bests it with 114K plays). Whilst games like and have five to six times this number of plays, I suspect that many Tichu players would not be regular BGG users or record their plays when compared to those titles (app plays would also be a feature for those other games).",
"Tichu can also be found in as many editions and customised forms as there are strategic decisions to be had within a single game.\nTichu is best defined as a 'ladder climbing' game. That means that whilst cards are played to a single set of cards within a round (which could loosely be called tricks) the defining principal is that the players are restricted to following the type of lead made (only a 3-of-a-kind can be played on another 3-of-a-kind and it must be higher in value to what has been played previously). This is just one example. In addition Tichu is also a 'shedding' game. This term refers to the fact that the players are trying to get rid of the cards in their hand, preferably before anyone else can achieve the same feat.\nIn relation to Trick Taking, Ladder Climbing follows the same principal as following suit, except suit is replaced by following the lead type (single card, straight of a given length, full house, pair etc).\nBeyond all that Tichu is, I think, the ultimate team (pairs game) in tabletop gaming (at least in relation to card play). I don't think anything else comes close. Other releases have tried to play with the Tichu formula, some have tried to replicate its core at different player counts, but none have captured the lightning in a bottle that is Tichu. The game is approaching its 30th anniversary in 2021, although some will point out that its design as we know it leans heavily on several games played in China.\nIf you are not familiar with are in for a treat. If you are then please have a pleasant read and make sure I get it right. My plan here is not to just outline the game but to try and convey the strategic depth of the game and what makes it so enjoyable to play.\nDespite its popularity I wouldn't be surprised if a number of readers are not familiar with it.\nLet me use my esp the Dragon damn you partner!\nThe Components\nTichu can be found around the world with all sorts of Publisher and Distributor names on the box lid. It comes in many forms from standard cardboard offerings to metal tins and collector edition tins.\nFor this section I will be simply covering the common elements of the game and my personal copy is the classic \\ tuck-box edition.",
"CONCORDIA Published by PD verlag Designed by <PERSON> Price on Amazon: £49.00\nCONCORDIA was first published around 2014, and my thoughts on playing it now that it has been launched again are \"How the heck did I miss this Gem first time round?\" There is a solid Ancient Roman theme that is adhered to throughout (with perhaps a little leeway here and there) and you get the feel that this is a deliberate proposition and not just chrome added to a game mechanic.\nIt is played on a double-sided board, the general side to use is the World according to Ancient Europe. The slightly harder game is played on the flip side, which is an expanded Italy. Both maps show the available routes - brown for overland and blue for sea travel - that the player's Colonists use for exploration. These routes are made of small square dots, but no matter the length of the journey the distance between two Cities is always just one movement point. Players have as many MPs as they have Colonists on the map.\nEach player has their own colour components, meeple Colonists and ship Colonists, plus a set of colour coded starter cards.\nThe game's components are impressive in number. In design they are regular, basic meeples (ships, people, wheat, houses etc), a deck of cards, resource tokens, and cardboard coins. That's not a bad thing in any way, shape or form. They are easily recognisable for what they represent, they are made of coloured wood - each resource being a different shape and colour.\nSo I guess this is one time when the old chestnut 'colour me impressed' is actually true and of value.\nSo let's take a look at the rules, the mechanics, the lifeblood of every great game.\nRule 1. Play a card from your hand and do what it says on it.\nRule 2. Refer to Rule 1.\nThat's it!\nThere is an amount of random in CONCORDIA, but only in the setup. What there isn't is a lot of (or any) luck; what happens in the game depends entirely on the card/s you play and the actions you take.\nIt isn't cooperative, it is challenging and competitive, and there are several ways to frustrate your opponents without ruining their game.",
"I really like that you can cause minor upsets that mean opponents may have to rethink their strategy.\nFrustration Fact: You only have a finite number of resource spaces on your player board, so it is often that you find opponents playing cards which create resources that you cannot take, even when you need them. In fact it's fun to play a card to hand out free resources when you know darn well that another player who desperately needs that resource cannot take it. Resources can be traded/sold by playing a Mercator card but may never be discarded. To gain more space for resources on your player board you have to get more Colonists on the board - each Colonist takes up one resource space.\nCONCORDIA has elements of man management, resource management, card management, deck-building and area control.\nMan Management: You have 6 Colonists each. 3 sea and 3 land. Once placed on the board they can be moved accordingly by the previously mentioned tracks. Each Colonist on the board gives you one MP that can be used on one or many Colonists.\nResource Management: Brick, Food, Tools, Wine and Cloth are all needed, usually a Brick and another resource (depending on what the city trades in) to build houses in different cities (each player may only build one house per city.\nCard Management/Deck Building: Each player begins with their own set of 7 cards - each set being the same - and then buys cards from the display. Buying cards seems expensive at first as the cost is in resources (which are already quite difficult to gather) but you really need to boost your personal deck as many of the cards available will boost your score.\nWe really like the fact that although you build a deck by buying cards you get to choose the cards you want to play, no hoping the right combination will come along. However, once played the card stays played until you play the Tribune card. Playing this card counts as your turn but it does return all played cards to your deck.\nArea Control. Playing a Prefect card gives either a cash bonus or, usually better still, all the resources from his houses in one of the Provinces (as long as the Province is still providing). If the player also has the Praefectus Magnus card - this passes round player to player on being used - in which case the player receives one extra resource.",
"Over the years, I have played a lot of strange little filler games and a lot of silly card cards. I happen to be a big fan of Fluxx, as well a lover of Advanced Civilization. However, We Didn’t Playtest This At All might take the cake for the lightest, most random game I have ever played.\nIf you want a game that requires almost no time to play and takes almost no thought whatsoever, a game you could play while standing in line at the movies, this is the game that you have been looking for.\nPlaytest (since I am not going to type out We Didn’t Playtest This At All over and over again, even if I could just use cut and paste) consists of a slender deck of cards. The cards are plain, slightly thin, white cards. They don’t have any illustrations, although some of the ‘extra special’ cards have stars on their backs which means people will know when you get them. The cards also have cute little comments on the bottom, which I think are actually pretty funny.\nThe game plays from two to around eight. Honestly, the upper number is a little fuzzy. I am sure you could cram more people into the game if you really felt like it. You shuffle the deck, deal out two cards to each player and you’re ready to go. On your turn, you draw a card and you play a card. That’s it. The game ends when someone wins, everyone but one person loses, everyone loses or when everyone wins. Yes, those are all possibilities.\nUnlike Fluxx, Playtest does not have formal categories like rules or goals. The cards are all over the place. There are cards like “You win if you’re the only one wearing blue” or “Draw extra cards” or “An opponent gets eaten by a dragon and loses” or “You lose.",
"Really.” There’s a whole deck full of this stuff. Trust me, I’m not even giving you a real taste.\nYeah, if you take the time, you could chart out how the cards work and categorize them but it’s really not that kind of game. If you’re planning on doing that, just stop. If you’re seriously thinking about that, you are not this game’s demographic. Just stop before you hurt yourself.\nIn case you haven’t figured it out yet, Playtest doesn’t have a theme per se. You have arrows and kittens and dragons and black holes, as well as games of Rock, Paper, Scissors thrown in. What Playtest really feels like, and the funny little quotes help, is having a conversation at a gaming convention.\nAs a Looney Labs fan and a guy who has played a lot of Fluxx, I have to address the inevitable comparison between the two games. They’re honestly not as much alike as they look. Fluxx, with its different categories of cards and built in balances to its goals, is actually a much more balanced and structured game. Playtest is actually a lot more like getting a hold of someone else’s copy of 1000 Blank White Cards. In fact, I honestly believe that’s how <PERSON> developed the game.\nSo, with all that said and done, what’s the game like and what do I think of it? Playtest is fast, wild and random. Sweet Cthulhu, is it fast wild and random! A game can easily last less than two minutes. I’ve seen games end before I even had a chance to play. Yes, that can happen with the right combination of cards in Fluxx but there are a lot of one card plays that can win you Playtest. The game bounces all over the place.\nNow, do I have a problem with that? If I had a problem with that, why on Earth would I have bought a game called “We Didn’t Playtest This At All”? It’s a silly, random game! That’s the point! For a game to play while waiting at a restaurant or waiting in line at a convention or stuck at an airport terminal, Playtest is perfect. If unstructured silliness sounds good to you, this game will be good to you.",
"We're Airborne. We don't start reviews, we *finish* them.\nI'm not a wargamer. I lack the patience, dedication and poor personal hygiene required to become one of gaming's elite. However, when I became aware of this title it instantly went onto my wishlist. Why is this? Two reasons...\ni) Twilight Struggle. It's the greatest game ever, and as such I'm crazy for the CDGs.\nii) The Vietnam War. I don't know why, but I've long been interested in this conflict. Maybe it's because Platoon is my favourite film of all time.\nAll I know, is that when I saw a the Vietnam/CDG combination I got excited and decided that I wanted this game. So, after a few solo runs and an initial loss to a foe so sneaky that he stole my underpants mid-game, what are my impressions?\nCard-Driven Wargaming. An eight-week college for the phoney tough and the crazy brave.\nI like games where theme and mechanic work in harmony; where neither feels like it's been shoe-horned in at the expense of the other. Sometimes, a review will wait until the end to tell you how a game feels. For me, how a game like this feels is not a postscript but its raison d'etre. For a wargame to get my attention it has to grab me. I'm pleased to say that Hearts and Minds gets it right.\nIt's a wargame, but it's not about conflict. At least, not really. It's about politics. It's about public opinion. As the Allied player you curse the loss of every unit, not because you care about the young men who just died, but because every loss brings the South closer to a coup and public opinion to rock bottom. As the Red player you are happy to throw everything at the Allies. Your guys are expendable, because you know that whatever happens you will stay in the fight. You don't need to win battles, you just need to kill enough Grunts to make the US public think twice about sending their boys In Country to die. The Arsenal of Democracy is useless here, as modern media made Vietnam a war that a Democracy couldn't win.\nThe game employs a rolling score chart, much like Twlight Struggle. If the score is in the negative, it's on the <PERSON> side. This is good for the Allied player.",
"If it is on the positive side, it's on the <PERSON> side. This is good for the Red player. But there's no 'first to twenty wins' here. The Allied player will be haemorrhaging points from turn one, and they'll keep pouring out all the way to 100 if necessary. He doesn't win the game by winning the war. He wins the game by stemming the bleeding enough to save face. Reinforcements come too slowly, and turn up untried and vulnerable, and those blue tokens representing US and International troops might as well have 'Free Doves!' written on them. The North player picks up points without even trying. The South player has to claw together Hawks where he can. The VC will turn entire provinces against you, ambush and kill your troops, and then vanish like the mist. You'll plug one hole, and NVA will pour in through another thanks to the almost total freedom of movement that the <PERSON> trail gives them. Naval and air supremacy is useful, but it won't save you. The Red player will enjoy having the time and resources to probe, mislead and devastate the South. The Blue player will feel the despair of a futile war, but also bleed every inch of joy from even the smallest victory.\nIn other words, Hearts and Minds gets my attention. But how does it work?\nI love this game at night. The dice...there's no right or wrong in them. They're just there.\nAs previously explained, this is a game where you are trying to get as many points as possible. The Red player gets points for controlling provinces, killing non-Vietnamese units, causing a coup in the South (mainly by killing Vietnamese units) and a few other places. The Blue player only gets points in a few specific situations, such as card events. Both players can benefit from making sure that their faction comes out on top in the civil wars in Laos and Cambodia, but those conflicts are sideshow - at least initially - to the main event in South Vietnam.\nEach year you get to play four cards. A card will give you Resource Points to spend. If you don't spend them all, you can save them for future turns - Stored Resource Points. You'll need those SRPs. You can use one each turn to supplement your card points, but you'll probably try and avoid this if you can. You'll really need those SRPs.",
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"How to efficiently deorbit space junk\nSetting: Nearish future where corporate space ventures have had maybe a hundred years of launching satellites and missions and tourists into earth's orbit.\nIssue: Launching anything is difficult now because you've got to make it through a million bits of space junk. Picture that scene in Wall-E where <PERSON>'s ship has to smack its way through a bunch of junk in earth's atmosphere.\nPartial solution: Contractors are hired to go up into space in their ships and get rid of that trash so that things like communications satellites and manned missions don't get obliterated and rockets can be launched more easily.\nProblem with the partial solution: De-orbiting space junk takes fuel. Some of this stuff has a lot of Delta-V. Matching speed, docking, and deorbiting the space junk would take tons of fuel... more than is probably possible or efficient for removing the volume of junk that needs to be removed.",
"Blowing up the junk doesn't work, it just turns one big trash bullet into a thousand tiny trash bullets traveling at the same speed as before in a less predictable orbit.\nMy idea: A ship that interfaces with and steers a giant tunnel of an electromagnet onto space junk, then acts as a huge railgun and fires the junk either to escape velocity or back into earth's atmosphere. Is this feasible? Is there an easier solution? If you like this solution, how do you think something like this would work? I like it because the trash-moving method can be accomplished electronically and charged with solar cells... but I feel like there must be a less cumbersome solution that doesn't require a massive orbital railgun (very expensive for the space trash company)\nNo magic, no infinite fuel sources, and as cheap as possible for the most profit per bit of junk deorbited.\nEdit: I'm particularly interested in keeping my crew and their ship in space for as long as possible to avoid costly launch/reentry. Economy is a huge factor here - it needs to be cheap. Picture a company looking to make the most off of a low wage crew.",
"Satguns - railgun on a satellite with evasive capabilities\nSo, railgun cold war coming up:\nAnd I imagine that the powers that be will be less shy about using these cheaper, non-mass-destruction weapons, as opposed to expensive ICBMs-that-go-big-boom.\nSo in my story, preparing for that probable first strike, that would be aimed at taking out the adversary's railguns, the US would like to protect its railguns by placing them on small satellites in orbit. The purpose of this is to enable complete evasion (dodging) of incoming railgun shots (incoming from Earth's surface). Also, I really really want a super cool Satgun that can shock the bad guys by \"stepping aside\" from their supposedly unstoppable attack.\nHowever, the requirements for an effective railgun on a satellite seem to come in direct conflict with the evasive capabilities. I'm not going to ask for hard science here, because I realize this may be quite beyond our current tech level. So sci-fi it is! The story can be set at any point between 2020 and 2100.\nMy question is: How would the US build a Satellite that can both use its own railgun and evade railgun shots coming from the Earth's surface?\nClarifications:\nDespite what the link/s above may suggest, I'm not set on China being the adversary in the story, and I'm only thinking about the US because they seem to have the most advanced tech in this field, and therefore the greatest chance of pulling a Satgun off.\nThe railguns (both on Satguns and on Earth) are your everyday easygoing 32MJ guns such as the ones that the US Navy currently tells us about:\nThe slugs are not guided, they just fly up/down real quick.\nMy Satguns need to be:\n1. For the purpose of evasion:\n2.",
"As small as can be\n3. Highly maneuverable (depends on whether we can detect an incoming slug very early on)\n4. Capable of receiving warning on an incoming slug on time for a successful evasive maneuver (actual sensors don't have to be on board, but the data about a specific slug headed towards a specific satellite needs to reach the satellite on time)\n5. For containing and using their railgun:\n6. Big enough to contain the railgun/s and energy supply (The smallest thing that I can think of that'll give enough juice is a nuclear reactor)\n7. Big enough for ammo storage - at least a hundred slugs (since you can't easily replenish depleted ammo in space)\n8. Handle recoil (I've read some cool ideas about using recoil energy rather than absorbing it)\n9.\n+\no\n-\n*\n+\no\n-\n*\n+\no\n-\n*\n+\no BOOM ! ! !",
"Under the ice:\nUnder the ice on Europa, there is... more ice. The upper layer of the planet is actually a solid ice layer, similar to the upper mantle of the Earth. While solid, there is a lot of convection (on Earth this creates tectonic activity), so if you drilled a tunnel down there, it would collapse pretty quickly due to the shifting ice. Also, as you drilled down there would be lots of pressure from the gas formed by sublimating ice that you've newly exposed to the vacuum of space.\nSo vehicles designed to go down there would have their own drilling equipment and be able to fix themselves to the ice, maybe using giant spikes or equivalent. If and when they get down to the water level, they would probably stay as close as possible to the surface to avoid getting caught in underwater currents caused by the tides (when you orbit a gas giant, your tidal forces are very, very strong), so I doubt you'd even have a submarine-like design, just a tank that claws its way through the slushy ice-soup that saturates the top levels of the oceans.\nOn the surface:\nEasy peasy. Europa's gravity is about 13% of Earth's, so you could propel yourself with jets of water vapor expelled from RCS thrusters:\nWater vapor is easy to make when the ground is made of ice and you have nuclear power.",
"Don't bother with hydrogen and oxygen: just superheat the water and explosively blast it out of a nozzle: the easiest way to store hydrogen and oxygen is in the form of water.\nLocal materials:\nWell, you're good on fuel. Everything else would have to be imported or slowly fished out from the ice's mineral content through electrolysis, dew point separation, or whatever ends up being more efficient. There's a good amount of carbon down there, and plenty of hydrogen, so you could conceivably make plastics through a convoluted and power-hungry process. Some metals are present at impact sites, as well as silicon, which you could use to make ceramics. You might be better off importing though. It depends: if Europa is a fuel-mining colony, they can probably afford to filter their water for impurities as part of the refining process. If they're a research outpost, haha good luck!",
"Put human bodies into suspended animation caskets (SACs)\nThis will be the most sustainable option because you do not need a lot of materials to run actual space. Living spaces must at all times be:\n* sanitized\n* monitored\n* air-conditioned\n* pressurized\n* lighted\n* gravitated\nThese requirements are just for designing a general livable space. Specialized living spaces like bathrooms, bunkbeds, kitchens, living rooms, cockpits, laboratories, viewing windows, etc., require a lot more conditions, meaning a lot more resources.\nBUT if you just put everyone to sleep, then you just need highly sophisticated bunk beds that also function as dining rooms, comfort rooms, and all sorts of utility rooms. Your only problem will then be all about running a place where interaction is necessary and/or encouraged, i.e. cockpits, laboratories, and living rooms.",
"My solution is just to\nPut human minds in full-immersion virtual realities (FIVRs)\nEverything in an FIVR is limited only by what computational power your ship can allot for such simulations. The only thing you need to ensure is the hierarchy of command within the ship, the accuracy of your simulation compared to real-world physics, and the correlation of the simulation with the control processes of the ship.\nBasically, you need to provide an interface for the simulation and the real world such that if the captain in the simulation decides to crank a simulated lever to steer the ship leftward, the ship will steer leftward based on the value of the cranked lever.\nIt would be like controlling the ship itself from within the simulation.\nThis simulation-reality correlation can be extended to all the other functions of the ship like\n* running the simulation\n* regenerating food sources\n* administering intravenous nutrition\n* navigating through space\nSummarizing: The freedom and safety you desire can be efficiently provided by virtual spaces. You can place a sophisticated, self-sustained, single-size bed anywhere on your ship. You only need that bed to be able to read and carry out the thoughts of the person on it. Maybe just add propulsion and the bed itself can become the ship, or link several of these beds together and equip them job-specific extra utility functions.\nTL;DR: By making the ship, the humans, and the interfaces between the two to be as integrated as possible, you do not need to know specifically where inside the ship should you put your humans.",
"I foresee hollow protoplanets!\nSince this species develops in a free-fall environment within a space-based cloud of gas littered with resource-rich/-poor asteroids, the first major structures will be built on the asteroids for mining operations. Individuals rarely want to travel long distances to get to work (long is, of course, relative in space), so housing will be built on the same asteroid as the mining facility. As the facility grows, it will need access to more resources, so either the company will start another mining facility or haul other asteroids to an existing one.\nClumps of asteroids then become the foundation for larger settlements, which attract more attention, more business, and more inhabitants, which bring in more asteroids to support the growing population.\nIndependent facilities will produce a similar effect, though in this case \"clumps\" will be individual asteroids connected via trade routes. The collections will attract attention, which brings in business, inhabitants, and more facilities. To prevent unwanted drifting, asteroids would be tethered together to emphasize established trade and transport routes.\nIn either situation, the city is developing in three dimensions, expanding roughly evenly in all directions.",
"This produces a spherical structure, with the oldest buildings at the center.\nTethers and nuts and bolts should be quite capable of holding things together; after all, they do quite well under constant gravitational stress from Earth.\nThe common architecture is going to be something much like what's on the ISS. There's no real down direction, so doors can be in any flat surface, possibly even in cones, corners, or hemispheres. In the case of asteroid clusters, paths of travel will be delineated by the structures themselves, where walls and solid connectors work together to create tunnels through the whole structure. In the case of asteroid collections, paths of travel will, in the macroscale, be defined by the inter-asteroid tethers, while local conditions will be like those for asteroid clusters.\nThe tethers and pipes used to connect structures and asteroids can double as infrastructure. Tethers can provide electricity and fiber optic cable. Pipes supply fresh water and remove waste.\n(All of this ignores the viability question of your scenario, which I am in no way capable of answering.)",
"Single-use nuke-propelled mass driver spaceship\nSo this is in the context where space battles are fought by ships that are little more than giant railguns (or other electromagnetic mass drivers), and therefore are fought at extreme ranges with very fast projectiles.\nI have this rather fanciful idea of a single-use spaceship that is essentially a giant tube housing a projectile and a nuke, plus some aiming and targeting systems. While the nuke would cause irreparable damage to the rest of the ship, the idea is that there would be enough time for the detonation to accelerate the projectile (or what remained of it) out of the barrel. The back end of the projectile would presumably have to be made from some ablative material.\nIgnoring things like expense, practicality, targeting etc, I would like to know two things:\n1. Is this even a feasible design?\n2.",
"How would one estimate the velocity of such a projectile, given the projectile mass $M_p$, the ship mass $M_s$ and the yield of the nuke used (which let's say for simplicity is of the range of current nuclear weapons, from 10 kt 100 t to 25 Mt)?\nI am aware of Operation Plumbbob, where they detonated a 300 t nuke underground with a steel lid on the shaft weighing 900 kg. The lid was estimated at moving above 66,000 m/s, which is six times earth escape velocity.\nEDIT: comments have pointed out that some sort of transference of thermal energy to gaseous kinetic energy is needed. Below is my revised picture. Where A stands for ablator (not quite the right word I know, but I can't think of the right one off the top of my head), a mass of material that readily converts to a gas with high kinetic energy (I'm thinking of a slug of ice or solid ammonia, due to the hydrogen content) which then pushes on the projectile. I acknowledge that a megaton nuke is likely to disintegrate the entirety of the ship before any meaningful acceleration can be imparted on the projectile, but suspect that smaller ordnance will be better suited for creating appreciable acceleration on the projectile.",
"These are to the best of my knowledge, the physics of super human strength related to punching (if there is such a thing):\nTo start, when a human being punches, he/she generates force by one of the following:\nTorque - generate centripetal force by swinging the weight of the arm\nLeverage - pushing off the ground slightly and/or against one's own weight or speed\nIn order to generate escape velocity, a human being would not be able to use those means because:\nTorque - The person would have to anchor the centripetal force with their body somehow, so unless they have super-human obesity (or density) or super-human physics, they're not really going to be able to aim using torque.\nLeverage - The person's feet and body would sink into the ground like a bullet and their punch would miss (which would be funny)\nSo basically you need to answer this question: Where does the super force come from and when does it work?\nWhere does it come from?\nIf the force comes ex nihilo or in another way that does not obey the laws of physics, then all bets are off, but then you can have someone get punched into the atmosphere (totally worth suspending physics).\nA Dilemma\nLet EV = <PERSON>'s required to generate escape velocity\nYou are stuck in a catch-22 I like to call the super-cancelling dilemma. If a person can punch with super human force, they can also absorb that amount of force (dissipating it \"into the universe\" or whatever) otherwise they have to break the laws of physics. So the puncher generates EV newtons by creating and simultaneously absorbing that force in his/her own body thus reaching the punchee with the force and transferring it. But here's the catch 22...\nIf BOTH brawlers can absorb that amount of energy, they will not be able to force each other at all (EV - EV = 0), and the fight wouldn't appear to be super human unless a regular object or person got in the way in which case it would be obliterated.\nThe one brawler would need superhuman means, so the ball is back in your court since you got them into this predicament to begin with - now you have to get them out.\nThe fight would look normal if they could absorb exactly the same amount as they could dish out, so if one is slightly stronger than the other but multiplied by hundreds of thousands of Newtons, you're talking about guys flying through the atmosphere again, but that means the one person must be roughly twice as strong as a super-human who can generate EV or more force (2EV - EV).",
"If there is some fluctuation (as there is in a real fight), and that fluctuation can be in the thousands of Newtons, now you're talking about a one punch fight. One guy punches punches with EV + 1 Ns and the other guy absorbs Ev - 1 Ns of force. Well, if they are immutable, now you've got that guy flying with ~2000 Ns in whatever direction he was struck.\nFurther considerations\nIf a punch misses, can that puncher \"reabsorb\" the force even though they absorbed it once already to create it, or will that person go flying in the direction of their swing?\nCan the super-human body absorb at the same ratio as a regular human? if so, it will appear like a normal fight. If not, they'll obliterate one another at the first punch with a only a tiny variation relative to the normal godly force.\nIf there is an angle, deflection, speed, or interference at all, you need to recalculate (in other words, you are facing a myriad of variables)\nSo No, that's not possible based only on the parameters you gave. They would need a way to create and absorb the force at the same time.",
"What's the ideal era for harvesting resources by an advanced society\nIt's 2100-ish and we're experimenting on our new time travel device, or let's say time travel bunker. What we gathered of information so far are:\n* We can't really go back in time, literally. Every time we visited the past, we got into a new dimension identical to ours to the point the visitor arrived. Then, it just changes direction chaotically, but nothing really changes on our timeline.\n* Huge amounts of energy are used to visit this new dimension for the first time, although revisiting it demands a lot less.\n* Weirdly enough, it's cheaper to explore this new dimension than to explore space and new planets.\n* We can bring back goods from that dimension as efficiently as we can carry stuff there.\n* We can't go forward, no matter what we try to do.\nThe higher ups are not that happy. They hoped they could win the lottery a few times I guess. The board members were afraid we would get shut down and devised a plan to rescue all the investments made on the project.\nAs we know now where all the natural resources are we could just go there and get it. And let's be fair, we could use some. Since the construction of the mega cities started, we've been on a major shortage.",
"The thing is, when should we go? I mean, to what age should we go harvest resources?\nIt would be easy to say \"just go now and gather that brand new duplicated nuclear frost free refrigerator\", but I don't think we would be welcomed there. I mean, I would shoot dead anyone trying to rob my toaster and I don't think the military would allow any of that. It would be a large scale war between two identical forces.\nWe need to think of a time where resources were readily available and we could outmatch the military. The balance on that question is the answer.\nValuable goods: almost anything goes. Think of what is valuable today, as in high price stuff. More readily resources like already processed steel and gold ingots. Also art, high tech computers (large amounts as in warehouse full of it), uranium ready rods, etc. The thing is, the more advanced the better resources we can find, but it'll be harder to harvest since the military would be a hard match to overcome. Not limited to those, you get the idea I hope.",
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"If you abstract enough, anything cam be considered as a computational device. The issue with doing this with cells is the sheer number of variables.\nFor any given cell, the following internal variables exist:\n* Internal ion concentrations for dozens of ions of importance importance\n* Internal concentrations of hundreds or thousands of various simple organic molecules, including \"raw\" internalised molecules, various steps in dozens or even hundreds of metabolic processes, and metabolic end-products and by-products.\n* Internal concentrations of hundreds or thousands of different proteins and other complex biological \"mechanical parts\", as well as the states of these \"parts\".\n* The physical state of the cell - stretched, contracted, relaxed, hot, cold, etc.\nThis list is not exhaustive.\nIt's also worth noting that the above variables may also exist for multiple separate \"compartments\" within the cell; vesicles, the endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi apparatus being three which come to mind immediately.\nThe other issue is that cells do not exist in a vacuum; the external environment plays an important role in their functioning. The human body is at any one moment existing in direct contact and interaction with the following extracellular environments:\n* The atmosphere (Mainly, but not only, temperature exchange)\n* The air within the respiratory system, including nose and mouth\n* Stomach contents\n* Small intestine contents (which would need to be considered in several segements, since the nature of the interaction changes along the path of the small intestine.\n* Large intestine contents\n* Blood\n* Cerebrospinal fluid (Fluid found \"inside\" the brain)\n* Extracellular fluid, or \"tissue fluid\" (A separate compartment for each small swatch of tissue in the body)\n* Lymph\n* Pleural fluid (Fluid surrounding the lungs; a separate compartment for each lung)\n* Pericardial fluid (A small amount of fluid surrounding the heart)\n* Joint capsule contents (A separate compartment for each joint)\n...and the list goes on. Each of these compartments requires tracking of the same variables as individual cells.\nThis is yet further complicated by the fact that some of these compartments can't easily be considered as one big compartment, because of the importance of spatial relations. For example, the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations of blood (as well as the concentrations of other substances like alcohol) change centimeter-to-centimeter.",
"Yet another issue is the fact that cells are not static in terms of their relations to each other; red blood cells move with blood flow, and experience turbulence and other effects, and other cells (like macrophages) are capable of \"deliberate\" movement in the blood and in tissue.\nYou would also have to account for physical disturbances - things like a stab wound or even a pinprick are ludicrously complex at a cellular level.\nOf course, human beings are very complex organisms, and there exist much simpler organisms. You might be interested in OpenWorm, which is an attempt to computationally simulate Caenorhabditis elegans, a species of roundworm, at a cellular level. Doing so even for an organism as simple as C. elegans is a massive undertaking, as evidenced by the fact that even with the contributions of dozens of experts in their fields the project has been ongoing for some time and is yet to reach stage one.\nThe short version: Is it possible? Perhaps. Is it easy? Definitely not.",
"There are several answers to this question, depending on exactly what you mean.\nCells in the body will accumulate random mutations as they divide and multiply\nThe cells in the body that are not part of the reproductive line are referred to as \"somatic cells\". These cells are typically derived from a single fertilised egg. Every time the cell divides, DNA must be duplicated, and each time it is duplicated there is a chance that there will be a random mutation. These random mutations will be passed on to any cells which are later derived from this cell. Most work in this area is on single-nucleotide variations (see the answer from <PERSON>) but there can also be insertions, deletions, and duplications as with other mutations.\nDamage from radiation and other mutagens can cause DNA mutations\nCells are subject to damage all throughout their lives, and some forms of damage cause breaks or alterations to the DNA of the cell. There are complex repair mechanisms in place to deal with this damage but they are imperfect so over time this damage can result in differences in the DNA sequence of the cells in your body.",
"This will increase with age.\nSome cells have mechanisms for deliberate, random mutation\nCertain cells in the body have evolved to be randomly different from each other. The most obvious example of this is in the immune system where random re-arrangments of specific sections of DNA are used to create a vast array of different antibodies.\nMobile genetic elements can activate and re-arrange through the body\nThe human genome, like that of other organisms, is full of transposons and other genetic elements that contain genetic machinery for relocating themselves within the genome. The activity of these elements in the somatic cells of the body can lead to differences in DNA sequence.\nNot everyone has all their cells from a single fertilised egg\nIt can happen that rather than deriving from a single fertilised egg, a person is derived from two or more fertilised eggs, so that their body is made up of cells of distinct genetic origin that are effectively siblings to each other. This can result in large genetic differences between cells.\nFurthermore, in women who have had children, it is common (found in around 50-75% of women) for some cells from the fetus to enter the mothers' body and permanently take up residence in a phenomenon called fetomaternal microchimerism. Again this can lead to large genetic differences between cells.\nDifferences in DNA go far beyond mere differences in sequence\nAll the mechanisms I have discussed so far will lead to differences in DNA sequence, however the DNA in a cell is more than a mere repository of sequence information, and its function is mediated both through chemical modifications, most notably DNA methylation, and interaction with proteins, most notably through the histones which mediate DNA folding in the cell, or through the selective inactivation of one X chromosome in the <PERSON>'s body if you are female. These modifications have profound effects on the activity of the DNA within the cell and shouldn't be ignored.\nAll of this means there is no single answer to your question since it changes with time, varies between individuals, and depends on exactly what you mean.",
"The question as it is posed is nonsensical. In chemistry, an element is a pure substance consisting only of atoms which all have the same number of protons in their nuclei; it cannot be further broken down into simpler substances by a chemical reaction.\nTaste is a completely biological concept, an interaction between our taste bud receptors and a combination of many elements making up the substance we are tasting. Pure elements don’t exist in nature to be tasted, so our taste receptors aren’t made to react to them. In fact, most elements would be poisonous, as well as not taste anything.\nThe human tongue contains between 2,000 and 10,000 taste buds, each of which are made up of 50 to 150 taste receptor cells. These cells contain receptors, microvilli called taste hairs, which extend upward inside the taste pore. The microvilli come into contact with tastants, or taste stimulating compounds, dissolved in oral saliva after intake/mastication, which enter the taste pore. They interact at the microscopic level through protein receptors or ion channels. Then the chemical stimuli are transduced through the sensory cell and the electric impulse is conducted to the brainstem by the afferent gustatory nerve fibers.\nThere are five basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami.",
"A high concentration of Na+/sodium ions in the saliva causes the gustatory epithelial cells to depolarize and release neurotransmitters, interpreted by the brain as a salty taste. Sour tastes occur in a similar process, by direct diffusion of ions, but in response to high H+/Hydrogen ion concentrations, that is, acids. Sour-detecting gustatory cells will depolarise as the concentrations increase. Sweet taste involves the detection of sugars, such as glucose and monosaccharides, by special G-protein coupled receptors rather than direct diffusion of ions. Likewise, bitter taste is the detection of long-chain organic compounds known as alkaloids which contain basic nitrogen ions. Umami taste is a detection of certain amino acids such as glutamine and may be loosely considered as the “taste of proteins”. Hot and spicy flavors are actually pain/temperature sensations caused by the substance called “capsaicin” in food, binding to thermoreceptors whose function is to prevent burning of the mouth and tongue.\nChemical properties do define/direct taste, though not of elements, but of substances, a combination of elements. I would add that any food contains a great number of flavor components , chocolate alone contains over 800. No food is only sweet or only sour, etc… This is what makes tasting so interesting!",
"On some reflection, I agree with <PERSON> that immunity in a biological context probably isn't possible for cyanide, but, with some heavy modifications, it should be possible to engineer an organism that is resistant to all levels of cyanide it is likely to encounter. You're not going to achieve this with just a single modification, but a number working in concert should get there.\nModification of Cytochrome oxidase C would be possible - there's probably an enzyme alteration that would prevent cyanide from binding to the iron ion in the enzyme. This would be hard, though. Cyanide is a very strong binder of Fe+3 ions, and this is likely to be hard to defend against. This paper suggests that swapping in an alternative version of cytochrome C into the pathway confers good resistance, and is well tolerated in mammalian cells.",
"(\nAn easier method is to do what, classically, the body does with toxic compounds, which is to have specialist enzymes to break down or manage them - In cyanide's case, it might be as simple as having a lot of molecules with Fe+3 ions to mop up the cyanide - a modification of hemoglobin would do this, and, in fact, one of the antidotes creates a modified form of hemoglobin (but causes a drop in oxygen transport in the process, because it uses existing hemoglobin). An enzyme would probably be involved in recycling the modified hemoglobin. Thiosulfate cyanide transsulfurase might work without modification, to convert the cyanide into a much less toxic substance, which can then be excreted.\nFinally, although I've not found an example for cyanide with a quick search, the other, classic, method for control of toxic substances is to remove them from the location in which they'll be harmful - I can't find something like a cyanide pump, but this would be another, biologically plausible mechanism to add resistance\nThe modifications would be pretty energetically expensive, though, and are unlikely to evolve in a normal environment. Your proposed organism would have to be full of modified hemoglobin, requiring a large amount more iron. Getting this would probably require an increase in food, particularly red meat (being a good source of bioavailable iron)",
"Short answer: Yes, epigenetics play a role in determining gene expression, therefore protein expression and function.\nLifestyle factors like diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, and stress can change one's epigenome. A historical example of this might be the Dutch Hunger Winter of 1944-45; there is evidence that after the parents' generation suffered during World War II, the children who were conceived during this time and exposed in utero to famine had different epigenetic marks than their siblings who were conceived not during the famine.\nEpigenetic regulation is also essential for cell differentiation in vivo and in vitro. Embryonic stem cells undergo many changes to their epigenome in order to become mature cells. One interesting example for further reading is the transcription factor NeuroD1, which binds to targets in the DNA to cause widespread changes in gene expression that are specific to neurons, and commits cells to a neuronal fate. It doesn't bind to thousands of neuronal genes; instead, it causes a \"ripple effect\" thanks to epigenetic mechanisms.\nLonger answer: Epigenetic marks are added to the genome for many reasons, including the two you just listed, and I think it is helpful to understand what happens at a molecular level in order to understand \"why\" we have them and to better visualize what the epigenetic marks (\"tags\") are. This might help you to think of better examples on your own.\nDNA spends most of its time wrapped around proteins called histones. A complex of DNA and histones is called a nucleosome. DNA-in-nucleosomes is called chromatin.",
"Chromatin can then either be \"loose\" (called euchromatin) or \"compact\" (called heterochromatin). There are more detailed ways to define how accessible chromatin is, but this is the basic idea. Intuitively, loose chromatin is more easily accessible and the genes there can be transcribed actively. Compact chromatin is less active.\nThe looseness of chromatin is determined by how closely the nucleosomes interact, which is controlled by the histones' molecular properties. Whether or not the histone proteins interact to make the chromatin compact, or repel each other to make the chromatin loose, depends on what modifications they possess. These modifications are added by histone-modifying enzymes.\nHistone-modifying enzymes are regulated by transcription factors (i.e. during the process of differentiation) as well as signals generated by extrinsic factors (i.e. during the organism's lifetime). The balance of activating and silencing activity is what adds and removes these marks to give a cell its individual epigenome.\nSo, in simple terms, epigenetic marks determine how accessible different parts of the DNA are, and a whole lot of factors (like cell identity and lifestyle) can determine where those epigenetic marks are.",
"There will be few rapidly-dividing cells in a fresh wound (which is the wound to which H2O2 is applied). In general, it is a good idea to avoid applying irritants to rapidly dividing tissue.\nHydrogen peroxide is a weak mutagen. It is produced in many body tissues, ingested in drinks, produced by mouth bacteria, etc. It may well cause some cancers. Some OSHA-mandated literature does warn that it is a mutagen and must be handled with care, but these are warnings to people who work with concentrated solutions.\nHowever, a relatively weak hydrogen peroxide solution, even if it is mutagenic, would need to be left in place and active (or renewed) for a long period of time to produce skin cancer.",
"As it has been a staple of first aid kits for decades, and this association has never been made clinically, my best guess is that the benefit (as a bacterocidal agent) far outweighs the risk in the treatment of minor wounds. As in all things, however, prudence is advised. (I myself don't use it because soap and a lot of water is quite effective. Nor is it used in the care of wounds in Emergency Rooms where it is considered to be detrimental to wound healing. If I were in a country where clean water and soap were in short supply, I might well use it if necessary.)\nBecause it is an irritant (and many irritants can be considered mutagenic), it is actually used to treat precancerous skin lesions, the finding being that it affects the more rapidly dividing pre-cancerous cells than the rest of the epithelium.\nFar more potent peroxides have been used topically, which may increase the risk of skin cancer.\nInterestingly, one of the responses of skin cells to H2O2 is the generation of an oxygenase to fight the effects.\nTopical sulindac combined with hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of actinic keratoses\nEffects of Peroxides on Rodent Skin: Epidermal Hyperplasia and Tumor Promotion\nHeme oxygenase is the major 32-kDa stress protein induced in human skin fibroblasts by UVA radiation, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium arsenite\nRecent Advances in Wound Care, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, MS, and <PERSON>, MD",
"It is assumed that in order for a cell to divide it must progress through a series of gradual stages. At each of these phases certain proteins have to be manufactured through mRNA and/or modified post-transcriptionally in order to serve an specific proliferative or anti-proliferative role, which overall eventually orchestrates the transit to the subsequent stage.\nConventionally the cell cycle is comprised of 3 \"interphase\" stages prior to execution of Mitosis itself: G1 (growth, metabolically active), S (synthesis of DNA to duplicate genetic material in preparation for its splitting into two daughter cells), and G2 (gap phase where a numerous of quality control checks are undertaken in the form of surveillance of the newly produced DNA for example to ensure viability of the progenies).\nUnder these premises, the protein content of a cell at an specific phase is expected to cycle or oscillate in accordance with its requirements, and this is linked to mRNA cyclicity as the most direct responsible process for modulation of protein abundance. It is then related to the cell cycle in the sense that in order to transit from the G1 phase for instance, proteins involved in DNA synthesis will need to be produced, and thus protein factors released for the transcription of those certain mRNAs to take place.\nExperimentally such dissection of cell cycle-regulated genes is tricky.",
"Extracting mRNA from pure sub-populations of cells at specific stages of cell division is challenging as the isolation of such cell sub-populations is normally through chemical enrichments and sub-optimal synchronisation procedures. The signal to noise ratio is not ideal under these circumstances.\nIn brief, the cell cycles through stages in order to divide and such cycling is in itself due to the cycling of certain proteins, the most renown ones are called precisely \"cyclins\", which are protein markers of cells division. Cyclin D, E, A, B prevail differently at different stages of the cell cycle as a result of the balanced equation of mRNA transcription and post-transcriptional protein modifications (phosphorylation events mark them for degradation for example). Overall an intertwined and well-coordinated process.\n*** EDIT\nFor a suitable selection of some basic bibliography on the subject, robust sources covering the subject with rigour (less specific and dense than the journal articles I comment bellow) please refer to the following links:\n* Molecular Biology of the Cell\n* Molecular Cell Biology\n* Cell Cycle Regulation\n* The Cell Cycle Principles of Control\n& even a review of the latter here.\nHTH",
"Strictly speaking, purely in terms of the question of processing the gases involved, no changes are needed to human lung physiology to process carbon dioxide. They already do process it; it's just that it's a waste product to be expelled, rather than a 'raw material' to be taken in.\nThe challenge is really to come up with a physiological modification that allows the $\\require{mhchem}\\ce{CO2}$ to be substituted metabolically for $\\ce{O2}$. At a high level, oxygen is the final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport chain (link modified from the original):\nThe final acceptor of electrons in the electron transport chain during aerobic respiration is molecular oxygen although a variety of acceptors other than oxygen such as sulfate exist in anaerobic respiration.\nInterestingly, carbon dioxide is known to be an alternative electron acceptor in certain methanogenic bacteria (emphasis added):\nMethanogenesis in microbes is a form of anaerobic respiration. Methanogens do not use oxygen to respire; in fact, oxygen inhibits the growth of methanogens.",
"The terminal electron acceptor in methanogenesis is not oxygen, but carbon. The carbon can occur in a small number of organic compounds, all with low molecular weights. The two best described pathways involve the use of acetic acid and inorganic carbon dioxide as terminal electron acceptors:\n$\\ce{CO2 + 4 H2 → CH4 + 2H2O}$\nSo, somehow you have to genetically engineer your Martian explorers to \"eat\" (inhale?) hydrogen, which their bodies then \"burn\" with atmospheric $\\ce{CO2}$ to form methane and water, while releasing energy. You could catch their exhaled methane to use as, e.g., vehicle fuel, but you'd have the same no-oxygen-around conundrum as what causes breathing problems for us unmodified humans.\nFor interest, that above reaction of carbon dioxide and hydrogen is called the Sabatier reaction, which is in active use on the International Space Station as a method for processing exhaled $\\ce{CO2}$ and recovering water. The methane generated there is apparently just vented into space, but the same sort of reaction is being investigated (NASA pdf link) for actual Mars missions, as a potential source of fuel, generated from solar power and local carbon dioxide.",
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"Critique on various ways to think about time reversal transformation on Schrodinger equation?\nPlease define how time-reversal symmetry act on <PERSON> equation $i \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle = H(t) |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle.$ (for general form: which can be relativistic such as Dirac theory or nonrelativistic.)\nBelow I present various ways to think about time reversal transformation on Schrodinger equation.\nCould you present your critique or criticism on which one make sense? What else is the correct way to do time reversal transformation on <PERSON> equation?\n1.\nThe <PERSON> equation governs the quantum system (regardless of relativistic or not) says: $$ i \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle = H(t) |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle. $$ It is easy to check the <PERSON> equation is time-reversal $T$ invariant if\n(1). $H(t)$ has no explicit time-dependent, or time-reversal symmetric, then $ H(-t)=H(t)=H$.\n(2).",
"Since we do not want to make $t=0$ becomes a special fixed point, we also require the time translational symmetry $H(t)=H(t+\\Delta)$ for some arbitrary time interval $\\Delta$.\n(3) Under time interval transformation, if we think from the perspective of assign the value of a statevctor $|\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle$ (or its projected wavefunction) at $-t$ to a new statevector $|\\Psi'{}( t) \\rangle$ at $t$ following the classical mechanics approach advocated by <PERSON>, we get $$ |\\Psi{}( t) \\rangle \\overset{T}{\\to} |\\Psi'{}( t) \\rangle = |\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle. \\tag{1} $$\nWe can do a time-reversal transformation on the whole equation acting on the state vector (a ray) in the Hilbert space, $$ T i \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle = T H(t) |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle $$ $$ =T i T^{-1} T\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle = T H(t) T^{-1} T|\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle $$ $$ =T i T^{-1} T\\lim_{\\Delta \\to 0}\\frac{ |\\Psi{}(t+\\Delta) \\rangle- |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle}{\\Delta} = H(-t) |\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle $$ Then we adopt and plug in eq.(1): $$=Ti T^{-1} \\lim_{\\Delta \\to 0}\\frac{ |\\Psi{}(-t-\\Delta) \\rangle- |\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle}{\\Delta} = H(-t) |\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle $$ $$ =T i T^{-1} (-)\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial \\tilde t} |\\Psi{}(\\tilde t) \\rangle \\Big \\vert_{\\tilde t = -t} = H(-t) |\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle. $$\nAs I show, the <PERSON> equation is time-reversal $T$ invariant requiring that (1) $H(-t)=H(t)$ and (2) $$T i T^{-1} =-i$$ which is the case that the time-reversal is an antiuntiary and antilinear symmetry.\nThe above has a problem because we do only map $ |\\Psi{}( t) \\rangle \\overset{T}{\\to} |\\Psi'{}( t) \\rangle = |\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle $ but do not really do a complex conjugation on the (complex valued) wavefunction.",
"How a quantum system (eg. particle physics QFT) governed by <PERSON> equation can break the $T$ symmetry (or $CP$ symmetry) microscopically at all?\nWhy and how a quantum system (like our quantum vacuum of our universe) governed by <PERSON> equation can break the time-reversal $T$ symmetry (or $CP$ symmetry) microscopically at all?\np.s. the $T$ symmetry (or $CP$ symmetry) breaking is known and verified in neutral kaons. See also the Wikipedia texts on $CP$ violation and strong $CP$ problems.\nThe <PERSON> equation governs the quantum system (regardless relativistic or not) looks: $$ i \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle = H(t) |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle. $$ It is easy to check the <PERSON> equation is time-reversal $T$ invariant if\n1.",
"$H(t)$ has no explicit time dependent, or time-reversal symmetric, then $ H(-t)=H(t)=H$. 2. Since we do not want to make $t=0$ becomes a special fixed point, we also require the time translational symmetry $H(t)=H(t+\\Delta)$ for some arbitrary time interval $\\Delta$.\nWe can do a time reversal transformation on the whole equation, $$ T i T^{-1} T\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t} |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle = T H(t) T^{-1} T|\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle $$ $$ =T i T^{-1} T\\lim_{\\Delta \\to 0}\\frac{ |\\Psi{}(t+\\Delta) \\rangle- |\\Psi{}(t) \\rangle}{\\Delta} = H(-t) |\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle $$ $$=Ti T^{-1} \\lim_{\\Delta \\to 0}\\frac{ |\\Psi{}(-t-\\Delta) \\rangle- |\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle}{\\Delta} = H(-t) |\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle $$ $$ =T i T^{-1} (-)\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial \\tilde t} |\\Psi{}(\\tilde t) \\rangle \\Big \\vert_{\\tilde t = -t} = H(-t) |\\Psi{}(-t) \\rangle. $$\nAs we already knew, the <PERSON> equation is time-reversal $T$ invariant requiring that $$T i T^{-1} =-i$$\nMy question is that there seems to have no room to ask any quantum system governed by <PERSON> equation to break the $T$ symmetry (or $CP$ symmetry) microscopically, if we already demand a microscopically time-reversal symmetric Hamiltonian $ H(-t)=H(t)=H$.\nNow my puzzle is, - our quantum universe does break $T$ symmetry (or $CP$ symmetry) microscopically. - our quantum universe is governed by <PERSON> equation (regardless relativistic or not). How can such a microscopically time-reversal symmetric Hamiltonian $ H(-t)=H(t)=H$ break the $T$ symmetry?",
"Question on notation of eigenvectors of position operator in quantum mechanics\n1. From the first postulate of quantum mechanics we known that the vector $|\\psi\\rangle$ is the mathematical entity that says, intuitively, \"in a time $t$, the (state of a) system is a vector\".\n2. Then, by the virtue of the second postulate, the next fundamental ingredient of a physical theory are expressed by operators $\\mathcal{O}$ acting on Hilbert space.\nwith 1. we have a formal way to say how to represent our physical phenomena; with 2. we have a formal entity that carries a way to extract important information about our physical phenomena: position $\\mathcal{X}$, linear momentum $\\mathcal{P}$, etc...\nMoreover, about 2., I read the second postulate (using now the position operator) as:\n$\"$I want say something about $|\\psi\\rangle$ currently position. Therefore, I must to apply the position operator on $|\\psi\\rangle$ as:\n$$\\mathcal{X}|\\psi\\rangle.\" \\tag{1}$$\n1.",
"From the third postulate, the way formal way that we extract information (we want to extract a numerical result) about $(1)$ is by virtue of the help of an eigenproblem such as:\n$$\\mathcal{X}|\\psi\\rangle = x|\\psi\\rangle \\tag{2}$$\nExpression $(2)$ is the root of my confusion. I'm going to explain it in the following with physics jargon.\n$$---------$$ Suppose we have a system (a electron say) $| \\psi \\rangle$. Now, I want to discover the position of this electron. Therefore, I must to solve: $\\mathcal{X}|\\psi\\rangle = x|\\psi\\rangle$.\nOn the one hand, we know, from postulate 1 of quantum mechanics, that the system state is given by:\n$$|\\psi\\rangle = a_{1}|\\psi_{1}\\rangle+...+a_{n}|\\psi_{n}\\rangle.\\tag{3}$$\nThen,\n$\\mathcal{X}(a_{1}|\\psi_{1}\\rangle+...+a_{n}|\\psi_{n}\\rangle) = x(a_{1}|\\psi_{1}\\rangle+...+a_{n}|\\psi_{n}\\rangle) = xa_{1}|\\psi_{1}\\rangle+...+xa_{n}|\\psi_{n}\\rangle. \\tag{4}$\nOn the other hand, we know, that the mere existence of a eigenvalue $x$ and it position operator $\\mathcal{X}$ states the existe of eigenvectors as $|\\psi_{x}\\rangle \\equiv|x\\rangle$:\n$$\\mathcal{X}|\\psi_{x}\\rangle = x|\\psi_{x}\\rangle \\equiv \\mathcal{X}|x\\rangle = x|x\\rangle \\tag{5}$$.\nTogether with the fact that $\\mathcal{X} = \\mathcal{X}^{\\dagger}$, we know that $|\\psi_{x}\\rangle \\equiv|x\\rangle$ forms an (infinite) basis for the Hilbert space and the system (the electron say) can be written as:\n$$| \\psi \\rangle = \\int c(x)|x\\rangle dx \\equiv \\int c(x)|\\psi_{x}\\rangle dx. \\tag{6}$$\nThe thing is, when I wrote $(3)$, I kept in my mind the following reasoning:\nThe whole superpositon $|\\psi\\rangle$ are expanded in terms of system states $|\\psi_{n}\\rangle$; the basis kets are the same \"electron\". Then in $(4)$ I have the position information $x$, the coefficients $a_{i}$ and the same electron state $|\\psi_{i}\\rangle$ (that will be possibly collapsed after the measurement).\nbut when it comes equation $(5)$ I kept in my mind the following reasoning:\nI'm using the whole linear algebra to construct a particular basis, the position basis (since I'm using the position operator), and then I write the whole state in terms of these position vectors $| x \\rangle$.\nI'm very, very confused.",
"First of all, I remember <PERSON> is discussing about global U(1) in the case of superfluid. By $U(1)$ we mean that that both Hamiltonian and Lagrangian are invariant under $\\phi\\rightarrow e^{i\\theta}\\phi$ transformation.\nI think he mentioned that what he is doing in that section is called \"integrate out\" high energy fluctuations (fields.)\nThe goal here is---to study excitations around (classical) ground state (with <PERSON>'s notations $\\phi=\\sqrt{\\rho}e^{i\\theta}$), $$ \\phi_0=\\sqrt{\\rho_0}e^{i\\theta_0}, $$ where $\\phi_0$ and $\\theta_0$ correspond to the ground state.\nComments:\n1. Note that this classical ground state is asymmetric because it dose not obey the same symmetry, $U(1)$ of the Lagrangian.\n2. If one write down a self-consistent bosonic theoy in a not hand-wavy way, he will find that tuning the chemical potential (which is correspond to $\\rho$ in above) can obtain the transition between different phases. And for the same reason, for some range of chemical potential, one can have symmetry-breaking phase---superfluid phase in our case. Otherwise, one would get a trivial phase with symmetric ground state with no degeneracy.\nBased my own experience of using AZee's book as textbook in QFT course, I prefer to derive everything in detail, independently, with my notations.",
"Thus I'll slight change notations from here.\nTo be more quantitative, we will apply the language of Lagrangian for non-relativistic non-interacting bosons: $$ \\mathcal{L}=i \\Phi(x)^\\dagger\\dot{\\Phi}(x)-\\frac{1}{2m}\\nabla\\Phi(x)^\\dagger\\nabla\\Phi(x)+\\mu\\Phi(x)^\\dagger\\Phi(x), $$ where $\\mu=ng$ is the chemical potential and $n$ is the particle density of the ground state. We can further include interaction term which triggers the symmetry breaking $$ \\mathcal{L}=i \\Phi(x)^\\dagger\\dot{\\Phi}(x)-\\frac{1}{2m}\\nabla\\Phi(x)^\\dagger\\nabla\\Phi(x)+\\mu\\Phi(x)^\\dagger\\Phi(x)-\\frac{g}{2}\\big(\\Psi(x)^\\dagger\\Phi(x)\\big)^2\\nonumber\\ =i\\Phi(x)^\\dagger\\dot{\\Phi}(x)-\\frac{1}{2m}\\nabla\\Phi(x)^\\dagger\\nabla\\Phi(x)-\\frac{g}{2}\\big(n-\\Phi(x)^\\dagger\\Phi(x)\\big)^2+\\text{constant}. $$ To see the Goldstone modes, we can use polar coordinates to decoupled the amplitude and phase fields, $$\\Phi(x)\\equiv\\sqrt{\\rho(x)} e^{i\\theta(x)}$$. Then we have $$ \\mathcal{L}=\\frac{i}{2}\\dot{\\rho}-\\rho\\dot{\\theta}-\\frac{1}{2m}\\big[\\frac{1}{4\\rho}(\\nabla\\rho)^2+\\rho(\\nabla\\theta)^2\\big]-\\frac{g}{2}(n-\\rho)^2, $$ where $\\frac{i}{2}\\dot{\\rho}$ can be ignored since it's total derivative. In order to find the minimum of this Lagrangian, we can take derivative with respect to $\\rho$, set it to zero and get $\\rho_{min}=0$ as minimum This vacuum value has degeneracy under global $U(1)$ symmetry which will be broken if we pick out a particular vacuum---$\\theta_0$. Fixing the phase of the ground state as $\\theta_0$ is the same at every point in space and can take any value.\nBy <PERSON>'s theorem, breaking a continuous symmetry, global (or local with extra subtleties), will lead to emergence of Goldstone bosons.",
"Interpretation of the propagator\nIn quantum mechanics, it is clear that $\\langle x|y\\rangle = 0$ for $x\\ne y$, where $|x\\rangle$ is the state with the particle at position $x$. (Notice that this $|x\\rangle$ is different from the usual meaning in most textbooks. In this interpretation, we normalized it such that $\\langle x | x \\rangle=1$.) However, I am a bit confused about this picture in the relativistic quantum field theory.\nThe toy example I was playing with is the one particle states in the massive bosonic free field. Assume our Hilbert space at time $0$ to be $\\mathcal{H} = \\text{span} {|x\\rangle|x^0=0}$, where $|x\\rangle$ represents the state where the particle is at $x$.\nOne can find $\\langle x |y\\rangle=D(x-y)=\\int \\frac{d^Dk}{(2\\pi)^D} \\frac{e^{ik(x-y)}}{k^2-m^2+i\\epsilon}$ in most textbooks. And after some computation, one can see that $D(0)=\\infty$ and $D(x)\\ne 0$ even if $x\\ne0$ (i.e. when they are spacially seperated).",
"I found it confusing when we put these facts together $\\langle x |y\\rangle=D(x-y)$:\n1. It is not normalized to $1$ when $x=y$.\n2. Suppose normalization is not a problem, and indeed $\\langle x|y\\rangle \\ne 0$ for $x\\ne y$, how should we understand this difference from quantum mechanics? Does this come from the relativistic effect?\nI am quite interested/surprised/worried about the behavior in 2 since if this were true, it will be somewhat ambiguous to write $|x\\rangle$ in the sense that it is also a linear combination of particles at other positions.\nedit: I feel there is a point that is not yet explained in the answers. I will try to show the point using the following question.\nQuestion: Should $$\\int|x,t=0\\rangle \\langle x,t=0| d^Dx = \\text{some const} \\cdot I \\tag{1}$$ (say we are in D+1 dimension)\nThis is true in the context of QM and is also true for coherent states $|p,x\\rangle$ in a harmonic oscillator.\nI believe the above equation is correct because of its symmetry. However, I haven't found a way to prove it and here is a counter-argument.\n$$\\begin{align} D(a-b) \\sim \\langle a|b \\rangle &\\sim \\langle a|\\int dx |x\\rangle\\langle x| b \\rangle \\ &\\sim \\int dx D(a-x)D(x-b), \\end{align}$$ which isn't the case for massive field in 1+1. (Given this, one can try to replace the equation with $\\int dx dy A(x,y)|x\\rangle\\langle y|=I$ for some non diagnal $A$, yet I have no idea why this is necessary and I don't have an explicit construction.)\nDespite of that, if we assume the above identity (1) is correct, the constant is determined by computing $$\\begin{align}c &=\\langle x=0, t=0|c \\cdot I|x=0, t=0 \\rangle \\ &= \\int d^Dx \\langle x=0, t=0|x,t=0\\rangle \\langle x,t=0|x=0, t=0 \\rangle \\ &= \\int d^Dx D(x) D(-x)\\end{align}.$$\nAlthough the identity looks reasonable, it has a nonintuitive consequence: $$|x=0,t=0\\rangle = \\int dx |x,t=0\\rangle D(x),$$ which is the problem I was worried about.\n(One possible bonus of this viewpoint is that the additional linear dependency of the state vectors explains the appearance of <PERSON> bound.)",
"The 3 apparent forces of the rotating frame in Quantum Mechanics\nI am wondering how the 3 typical \"fictitious\" forces (centrifugal, Coriolis, Euler) typical of a rotating frame manifest themselves in Quantum Mechanics.\nBackground (classical point particle): we have an inertial frame centered in $O$ and a rotating one centered at $O'$, such that the axis are mutually oriented as $\\hat{{\\bf e}}_i = R \\, \\hat{{\\bf e}}'_i$, where $R$ is a rotation matrix and $i=1,2,3$. Given a point $\\bf x$ as seen by $O$, we have ${\\bf{x}} = {\\bf{r}}+R \\, {\\bf{x}}'$, where $\\bf r$ is the position of $O'$ measured by $O$. Now, we can introduce the \"angular velocity matrix\" $W=R^{-1}\\dot{R}$, namely $\\dot{R} = R \\,W$ and $\\ddot{R} = R(W^2+\\dot{W})$. In this way, for a given vector $\\bf u$, we have that $W{\\bf u} ={\\bf w} \\times {\\bf u} $, where ${\\bf w}$ is the usual \"angular velocity vector\" associated to that fact that $R$ may have a temporal dependence ($W$ and $\\bf{w}$ are related by <PERSON> duality). Now, we just have to take temporal derivatives ($\\bf{r}$ is constant): $$ \\dot{{\\bf x}} = R (\\dot{\\bf x}' + W{\\bf x}') $$ $$ \\ddot{{\\bf x}} = R (\\ddot{\\bf x}' + 2 W\\dot{\\bf x}'+W^2{\\bf x}'+\\dot{W}{\\bf x}') $$ where the last term $\\dot{W}{\\bf x}'$ is the so-called \"Euler force\" (it is less famous than Coriolis and the centrifugal because you need a non-constant angular velocity of the rotating frame).",
"Setting $R=1$ at the given time, the above equations read $$ \\dot{{\\bf x}} = \\dot{\\bf x}' + {\\bf w} \\times {\\bf x}'\n$$ $$ \\ddot{{\\bf x}} = \\ddot{\\bf x}' + 2 {\\bf w} \\times \\dot{\\bf x}'+ {\\bf w} \\times ( {\\bf w} \\times {\\bf x}')+\\dot{ {\\bf w} }\\times{\\bf x}' $$ namely, $$ \\ddot{{\\bf x}} = \\ddot{\\bf x}' +Coriolis\"+centrifugal\"+ ``Euler\" $$ Question: How do ''Coriolis'', ''centrifugal'' and ''Euler'' manifest themselves in Quantum mechanics (assuming, for simplicity, a spin-$0$ wave function)?\nConsideration #1: The 3 apparent forces should somehow be present already in the <PERSON> equation (not under the direct form of \"forces\" of course). I suppose that we should find something resembling the classical equations above when the <PERSON> theorem is applied, or when working in the <PERSON> picture (in particular, I am thinking about the time derivative of the momentum operator: in this case, some \"fictitious force\" operator should appear). A concrete example of system subject to apparent forces in QM is the rotating oscillator, see e.g. this arxiv paper.\nConsideration #2: the change of frame (to an inertial or a non-inertial one) should preserve the probability, and so it should be implemented by means of a unitary transformation $U_t$, which is basically a rotation parametrized by time. If the rotation axis is not constant, $U_t$ should be expressed in terms of a T-ordered exponential, otherwise a simpler\n$$ U_t = e^{\\frac{-i}{\\hbar} L_z \\int_0^t \\Omega(t') dt'} $$\ncould do the job (assuming that the non-inertial frame is rotating along the $z$-axis).",
"The problem lies on the notation. The state $|\\psi\\rangle$ is not exactly equal to the eigenfunction $\\psi(x)$.\nThe eigenfunction $\\psi(x)$ is formally defined to be the projection of the state to the position basis $|x\\rangle$ i.e. $$ \\psi(x)=\\langle x|\\psi\\rangle $$\nTherefore the eigenstates $|\\psi\\rangle$ are not \"functions\" of position. Similarly, the operators can be represented as differential operators, but a more correct way of doing so is as follows. For this example I am using the momentum operator in the position representation:\nLet $|x\\rangle$ and $|y\\rangle$ be two orthonormal states in the position basis.",
"We note that $[X,P]=i\\hbar$, therefore $$ i\\hbar\\langle x|y\\rangle = \\langle x|[X,P]|y\\rangle=\\langle x|XP|y\\rangle-\\langle x|PX|y\\rangle=(x-y)\\langle x|P|y\\rangle $$ Since $\\langle x|y\\rangle=\\delta(x-y)$, then $$ \\langle x|P|y\\rangle=i\\hbar\\frac{\\delta(x-y)}{x-y}\\equiv i\\hbar\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial y}\\delta(x-y) $$ Which is a property of the Dirac delta i.e. $\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial y}\\delta(x-y) = \\frac{\\delta(x-y)}{x-y}$. Therefore we see that\n$$ \\langle x|P|\\psi\\rangle=\\int dy \\langle x|P|y\\rangle\\langle y|\\psi\\rangle=\\int dy \\bigg(i\\hbar\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial y}\\delta(x-y)\\bigg)\\langle y|\\psi\\rangle $$ $$ =\\int dy i\\hbar\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial y}\\delta(x-y)\\psi(y)=-i\\hbar\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x} \\psi(x) $$ From this it is suitable to use the representation \\begin{equation} P\\longrightarrow -i\\hbar\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x} \\end{equation} As you can see, the operator $P$ in a more general sense is not equal to $-i\\hbar\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x}$, thus the arrow instead of an equality. It is mere a representation.\nNow that we have this information at hand, in truth when some books or lectures say $$ \\frac{d}{dx}|\\psi(x)\\rangle\\langle u(x)| $$ what they actually mean is $$ \\bigg(\\frac{d}{dx} \\psi(x)\\bigg)u(x) $$ Additional notes:\nWe can see the relationship of the momentum and the position bases states as $$ p\\langle x|p\\rangle=\\langle x|P|p\\rangle=-i\\hbar\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial x} \\langle x|p\\rangle $$ which is a first order partial differential equation, solving this gives $$ \\langle x|p\\rangle=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi\\hbar}}e^{\\frac{ipx}{\\hbar}} $$ i.e. the bases are Fourier transforms of each other $$ |p\\rangle=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi\\hbar}}\\int dx e^{\\frac{ipx}{\\hbar}}|x\\rangle $$ $$ |x\\rangle=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi\\hbar}}\\int dx e^{-\\frac{ipx}{\\hbar}}|p\\rangle $$",
"How can be sub-poissonian and super poissonian statistics distinguished from bunching and antibunching?\nThis is my first post here, so I apologize if there's something wrong.\nI am studying quantum optics and I found myself in trouble with the difference between bunching/antibunching and super poissonian/sub-poissonian light.\nAccording to <PERSON>, Quantum theory of light, pag. 248 bunching and anti bunching depends on the fact that $g^{(2)}(\\tau)$ (the degree of second order coherence) is less or greater than $g^{(2)}(0)$:\n* bunching $g^{(2)}(\\tau)$ < $g^{(2)}(0)$\n* random $g^{(2)}(\\tau)$ = $g^{(2)}(0)$\n* anti-bunching $g^{(2)}(\\tau)$ > $g^{(2)}(0)$\nAnd <PERSON> and <PERSON>, Photon anti-bunching and sub-Poissonian photon statistics, 1989 stated that the joint probability for detecting one photon at time t and another at time $t + \\tau$ is proportional to $g^{(2)}$, hence $p_2(t, t + \\tau)$ decreasing or increasing when $\\tau$ increases according to bunching and anti-bunching, while the value of $g^{(2)}(0)$ dictate sub or super poissonian statistics. I think this is the correct definition and it's coherent with the treatment of <PERSON>, while other textbooks and papers seem to make confusion on the two different aspects.\nFor example this answer doesn't seem correct:\nA threefold classification of light according to the second-order correlation function can be made as following: - bunched light: $g^{(2)}(0) > 1$, - coherent light: $g^{(2)}(0)= 1$, - antibunched light: $g^{(2)}(0) < 1$.\nThis implies sub or super poissonian not bunched or anti bunched.\nSo, I have three related questions:\n1. Why there is this confusion and what is the correct answer? I almost sure that <PERSON>, <PERSON> and <PERSON> are right.\n2. I understand the math but I don't see completly the physical meaning and how to distinguish the different effects experimentally.",
"I understand that bunching means that photons tend to come in bunches on the detector, but super poissonian seems similar because you have $\\Delta n^{2} = + ^{2}$. It seems to imply an excess of number of photons.\n3. The Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometer measure the correlation of intensity of electric field. This tell us automatically if the source is bunched or anti bunched and super or sub poissonian at the same time? (I guess yes because if we have knowledge of $g^{(2)}(\\tau)$, we can know it's value at zero and if it increases or decreases with $\\tau$. This is valid only if the definition of Loudon is correct).",
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"Tunisia: Watching Arab Media on HIV/AIDS · Global Voices\n<PERSON> is a Tunisian doctor, blogger and activist, currently based in the United States, who is dedicated to fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Middle East and North Africa. In September 2008 he started a blog called HIV in the Arab World [Ar], which monitors Arab media coverage of HIV/AIDS.\nA wide range of subjects are covered in the blog, such as an awareness-raising campaign [Ar] in Tunisia, reasons for the spread of AIDS in Iraq [Ar], and a Saudi religious scholar's opinion [Ar] on the permissibility of marrying a person with HIV/AIDS.\nIn this post, <PERSON> tells Global Voices Online about his work, and how it all began.\nAIDS Awareness Ribbon, by <PERSON> (used under Creative Commons License)\nWhat prompted your interest in working in the field of HIV/AIDS?\nA family member died of HIV/AIDS when I was 11. This was in the 80s and at that time there was nothing we can do. This event shaped my life and made HIV/AIDS become part of the issues that are dear to me. During my medical school, I joined the Tunisian Association Against AIDS (Association Tunisienne de Lutte Contre le Sida) and never left the HIV field ever since. I worked in Tunisia, Lebanon and Sudan so far and I’m looking forward to help my colleagues and friends in more countries.\nWhat are the greatest challenges for people living with HIV in the Arab world?\nStigma and discrimination is definitely on the top of the list. Stigma is partially due in my opinion to the fear-creating approach that our governments and activists adopted as a main prevention message. Fear is often paired with ignorance and stigma is a consequence of this mix. Stigma makes it more difficult to convince people to get tested, and hence to get treated. It also contributes in denying basic rights to those who are infected and does not allow them to have security regarding their future (work, family…).\nWhen did you start the HIV in the Arab World blog, and who are you aiming at?\nI believe in the power of media in changing behaviours and bringing awareness. For many years Arab media has been neglecting the issue of HIV/AIDS and during the last years I observed some changes in the way they framed HIV/AIDS. I created this to better follow the way Arab media reports about AIDS and to offer to those interested a webpage that collects all the articles that talk about this epidemic in the MENA [Middle East and North Africa] region.",
"It is also a way for me to keep connected with the MENA HIV news.\nYou also have a Facebook group associated with the HIV in the Arab World blog – who is it for?\nI left the region in 2007 and moved to the United States where I work for the department of Global Health at the University of Washington. This move made it difficult for me to keep in touch with my friends and colleagues from the region. I created this Facebook group to reconnect with my friends and to offer an opportunity for activists and HIV/AIDS professionals to meet and discuss about the issues that are important to them. It is a primarily a networking tool and also a forum where news and emerging issues are discussed. The group is open only to those who are working in the field and has already more than 42 members from all over the Arab world.\nHow many HIV-positive people are there in Tunisia? Can you describe the work of the Tunisian Association Against AIDS [fr]?\nTunisia’s HIV epidemic is relatively small (3000 estimated cases/10,000,000 inhabitants). We estimate the prevalence to be one of the lowest in the world. This is due to male circumcision, a good healthcare system, conservative sexual behaviours and the government/civil society’s work. There is however a lot that needs to be done in order to prevent the disease from spreading larger. These actions include a need to target vulnerable groups with better designed prevention interventions and more work on the policy and epidemiology level.\nI joined the Tunisian HIV association in 1997. This NGO is the largest and one of the most popular ones in Tunisia. We work in the areas of HIV prevention, care and support, and advocacy. We cover the Tunisian territory with more than 5 local offices and we participate in many international activities and networks that represent to us a source of funding and partnerships.",
"Conducting Medical Research in Africa: Opportunities and Misconceptions · Global Voices\n<PERSON> in 2016 in Zambia with his permission\nMedical research conducted in Africa is often undercovered and ignored by the media, but it is a thriving field that highlights the continent's most pressing needs.\nThe reason why there is demand for locally conducted medical research is two-fold: Firstly, global health currently does not have the range of medicines and vaccines required to tackle the health issues specific to the African continent. Diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria have a greater detrimental impact on the poorest countries of Africa and a lack of investment in products targeting these diseases by pharmaceutical companies is a major problem.\nSecondly, research conducted by African scientists will serve to develop research capacities in Africa and an increased role for science and technology can only be beneficial to the continent's economic development.\nDr. <PERSON> is the director of the Central Laboratory at Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ). He grew up in Lusaka, Zambia in the 1990's just as the AIDS epidemic began to take a major toll on the national health. He left Zambia to pursue higher education in the United States in Louisiana, then Indiana. He conducted his own research on the HIV virus as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania before deciding to go back home in order to make an impact on Zambian healthcare.\nGlobal Voices discussed both the future of medical research in Zambia and the things that the media gets wrong about such research in Africa with Dr. <PERSON>. (Disclaimer: Dr. <PERSON> is speaking in a personal capacity):\nGlobal Voices (GV): What is your research topic?\n<PERSON> RW: I'm doing a lot of implementation work currently, supporting the Zambian national ART programme with Laboratory testing. I am just starting a research programme in Molecular Diagnostics development for HIV, TB, and other pathogens of interest.\nGV: What do you see/think are the trending and hot topics in science in your country and Africa in general? How is it different from that in Western countries?\n<PERSON>: There is no basic R&D.",
"It's all implementation of solutions developed elsewhere. This has to change, otherwise we will always be receivers rather than makers. The received solutions are not usually ideal for our environment and making them work here correctly is sometimes impossible.\nGV: Where does the funding and support come from? Is it sufficient? How easy/difficult is it to recruit suitable scientists?\nRW: US and Europe. Different projects have different levels of funding. It is difficult to recruit people to come back or to move here, as funding and growth opportunities are better in other countries .\nGV: How are the research infrastructures? What are the obstacles in your routine research activity that you didn’t encounter before?\nRW: Basic infrastructure is not up to developed country standards and it costs a lot to get uninterrupted power, water, and Internet. Supplies are expensive and take months to be imported from other countries.\nGV: What are the public’s opinions towards science and scientists in Africa?\nRW: There is interest, but an extremely limited understanding of the scientific method. I would suggest critical thinking and the scientific method be taught in school to improve the situation.\n<PERSON>: In your opinion, what is the potential in scientific research in Africa, where it should focus on and how we can help its development?\nThere is amazing potential. I have seen incredible students of all ages. There is need for dedicated science education starting at all ages. Social sciences, computer sciences, big data, outer space exploration, healthcare (non-communicable and Infectious diseases), and traditional medicine efficacy will pay off big.\nGV: Could you describe the pros and cons of the life as a scientist in Africa vs Western countries based on your experience?\n<PERSON>: Mainly it is the speed of doing things and the access to expertise that are big challenges here. The system that journals have to put articles behind paywalls is also limiting the amount of information and the speed with which research can be done.",
"‘The Position of Women in Science Has Changed for the Better’, but ‘Is Still Far From Ideal’ · Global Voices\n<PERSON> with her permission\nAs part of a two-pronged series of interviews with medical researchers based in Africa (read the first part here), Global Voices reached out to Dr. <PERSON>, who is currently working in Zambia.\n<PERSON> grew up in Pune, India, where she obtained her bachelor's and masters degrees in zoology and molecular biology, respectively. She then moved to the US and obtained her PhD in microbiology from the University of Pennsylvania. She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at Yale University with a Fogarty Global health research fellowship to conduct research in Lusaka, Zambia.\nAs a minority woman who has research experience in India, US, and now Zambia, <PERSON> brings her unique views on women in science, science and public opinions, and what science can bring to Africa.\nGlobal Voices (GV): What drew you towards a career in science?\n<PERSON> (SI): I grew up in India and every year the monsoon season would be followed by an increase in the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue and chikungunya. As a child, I observed how interventions like the distribution of mosquito bed nets and the introduction of fish larvae into standing water puddles to eat mosquito larvae helped with vector control and reduced disease incidence. I was impressed with how public health interventions using existing technologies can have a massive impact on human health. After the completion of my master's degree in molecular biology, I worked on a project to identify a novel drug target for Mycobacterium tuberculosis at AstraZeneca, India. My internship at the company taught me that multidisciplinary team efforts from basic laboratory researchers to public health workers are necessary to address critical global health concerns in a sustainable manner. I had the opportunity to spend a year in Lusaka, Zambia from 2008-2009 and I noticed the direct and indirect impact of HIV/AIDS that cut across all strata of society. This galvanized me to be part of the improvement of health care in resource-limited countries by combining basic research and public health skills. While I Iived in Lusaka, I volunteered at an NGO that provided peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and milk to the children that visited the clinic with their parents to obtain [antiretroviral therapy]. These meals provided both nutrition and a positive experience for the children attending the clinic, helping retain them in care. This experience drove home how diverse the range of helpful interventions can be, each with their own benefit and scope. I knew then that I wanted to pursue a career in infectious diseases and its translation into global health research.",
"Understanding and following the scientific method has provided a satisfying way of answering questions to indulge my curiosity in a way that is rigorous and well-defined.\nGV: In your opinion, what can medical research bring to countries where the needs for primary healthcare are more pressing?\nSI: Research can help build resources in less fortunate countries. This includes the introduction of technology and instrumentation, training and knowledge-building among local researchers, the generation of opportunities for employment and education (even through exchange programs). The development of research capacity can foster global partnerships and collaborations and result in the building of an organization's reputation. Outcomes with a more direct benefit include therapeutic (vaccines and drugs), public health interventions (mosquito bed nets, affordable water filters, assessment of gender-based violence) and income generating (generic drugs for instance).\nGV: Until recently, scientific research has been perceived as a man's world. Do you think that this false perception has changed and do you think women scientists are now more recognized for their contribution?\n<PERSON>: I think that the position of women in science has changed for the better in recent years. However, their place in a scientific society is still far from ideal. Even in developed countries, tenured women scientists are not paid salaries comparable to their male counterparts. They are more frequently overlooked for promotions and administrative positions. This situation is even worse in the developing world, where women's rights and the idea of equality are still a new/foreign concept. Women with strong, assertive and demanding personalities earn unflattering reputations, which could hurt their chances of making tenure, collaborations and attracting research students. Men with these same qualities are, however, revered and respected. Growing up in the developing world, I experienced women being required to toe their male supervisor's line (even though they were far more accomplished/brighter), discriminated against because they were female and subject to harassment from male professors/supervisors. In general, it felt like an uphill battle to be a woman scientist and these struggles had nothing to do with what should be gender neutral issues like funding and publications. In the US, I definitely felt more secure voicing my opinion, defending my research and applying for awards.",
"Sidi Bouzid’s Anniversary: Celebrating One Year of Arab Awakening · Global Voices\nThis post is part of our special coverage Tunisia Revolution 2011.\nAt the beginning of October, about 100 bloggers and activists took part in the third Arab Bloggers Meeting to work, share experiences and celebrate a year of citizen uprisings against oppression and injustice. The meeting took place in Tunisia and the symbolic value of all of us being there, where citizen mobilizations started, made it very special.\nTen months after <PERSON> self-immolation which took Tunisians to the streets of Sidi Bouzid and ended up with a country-wide revolution which overthrew a 30-year-old dictatorship, our host <PERSON>, activist and Global Voices Advocacy director, welcomed us “to Free Tunisia”.\nCité des Sciences in Tunis, where Arab Bloggers meeting was held (2012: Free). Image source: @Greendata\nWe could sense freedom on the streets, on the walls full of pictures of candidates for the upcoming elections, on the news and in video clips mocking ousted Egyptian president <PERSON>, who was the second Arab dictator to be booted out of power after years of oppressing his people.\nThe fact that we could all meet in Tunisia, along which some of the Tunisian participants who had been exiled for years, was proof of how much had changed since December 2010. The fact that most Palestinians invited to the event were denied entry to the country was also proof of how much work there was still ahead in order to achieve freedom and justice across the region.\nWe honored them by printing their photographs and pinning them to 10 empty chairs where they were meant to be sitting. We also spoke to some of them through Skype, using technology to break the physical boundaries that kept us apart.\nEmpty chairs for the Palestinians who were denied entry. Image source: @leila_na\nTwo months later, two of the participants in that meeting were imprisoned by Arab regimes. Egyptian activist <PERSON> was arrested on October 30 for refusing to respond to the Military Court that has taken <PERSON>'s place in ruling Egyptians. Syrian activist <PERSON> was arrested on December 4, while traveling out of Syria to attend a conference on freedom of expression in Jordan.",
"Both <PERSON> and <PERSON> are among the most renowned Arab bloggers and have been using words as weapons against their repressive regimes for years.\nBahraini blogger <PERSON>, who participated in the first Arab Bloggers Meeting together with <PERSON> and <PERSON>, has also disappeared. Across the region, thousands of other citizens have been killed, detained and tortured in countries, ruled by regimes that consider freedom of expression as an enemy. The list of bloggers and journalists arrested keeps growing.\nThe fact that so many bloggers, journalists and cyberactivists are harassed and arrested in the region is proof that they have become instrumental in helping channel civil society's demands, influencing public opinion and breaking the wall of propaganda that these governments had been using for decades to legitimize their regimes. Activists from the Middle East and North Africa have attracted worldwide solidarity and citizens from other countries have been inspired by their courage, their taking to the streets and their use of digital tools to organize and share events with the rest of the world.\nThe mobilizations have become global and reached other regions, including democratic countries where many citizens are questioning whether their governments meet their needs and demands, from Spain's 15 M movement to the United States Occupy Wall Street protest. It has been a year since <PERSON>'s sacrifice, and the citizen struggle for rights and dignity is more alive than ever.\nTo gather reactions to the anniversary of <PERSON>, we asked this question on Twitter:\nIf you had to describe this year in one word what would it be? #yearaftersidibouzid.\nMy word would be Awakening. The year when <PERSON> helped us citizens all over the world wake up and lose our fear and indifference. Following are reactions from netizens:\n<PERSON>: I would describe the #yearaftersidibouzid with one word: Change.\n@Bernat_E: If you had to describe this year in one word what would it be? My word is: hope #yearaftersidibouzid\n<PERSON>: Mine is Uprising RT: <PERSON> If you had to describe this year in one word what would it be? My word is Awakening #yearaftersidibouzid\n@ircpresident: I describe #yearaftersidibouzid as hope. Hope that we Egyptians long to while fighting our fascist #SCAF #SidiBouzid\n<PERSON>: <PERSON> @leila_na decisive\n@CarlosAFL: @dbravo @leila_na #yearaftersidibouzid Mine is survival!",
"Malawi: The good, the bad and the hopeful in health care · Global Voices\nIn this post we highlight some of what Malawian bloggers are writing about the country's health care issues. We look at bloggers describing developments in eye care, reflecting on midwifery, expressing shock over negligence in hospitals and government waste, and we end with rare good news about the HIV/AIDS epidemic.\nDr. <PERSON> examines Malawian kids. Photo: Vision2020 IAPB\nWe start with Dr. <PERSON>, an eye care specialist, university professor and researcher. Dr. <PERSON> informs that The University of Malawi's College of Medicine has recently introduced a graduate training program in Ophthalmology. The number of ophthalmologists in the country has also increased, with three new ophthalmologists trained within the last two years. One of them is Dr. <PERSON> himself. The new Minister of Health, who is also a new member of parliament, Dr. <PERSON>, is himself an ophthalmologist, and for many years was the only one in the whole of Malawi.\nThe new developments in the training program and increase in specialists are a result of a program known as Vision 2020 Right to Sight, which Malawi has been pursuing for a number of years now. Dr.",
"<PERSON> writes:\nMalawi has been active in VISION 2020 activities since 2000, and has successfully organised VISION2020 workshops for Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.\nMalawi completed the VISION 2020 five year Eye care plan in 2004, and progress has been made towards achieving goals to eliminating avoidable blindness by the year 2020 in Malawi.\nBased on the 3 pillars of VISION2020, in terms of disease control, Childhood blindness was set as one of the major priorities and a Paediatric Ophthalmology unit was planned to be developed in Blantyre.\nAnother Malawian blogger also blogging about health care issues is <PERSON>, a Malawian nurse currently studying in Norway. <PERSON>, as she addresses herself, started blogging in March this year after arriving in Norway. Her 15 years as a midwife-nurse, she writes, have taught her about the simple, free things that matter to women whether in Malawi or in Norway:\nAs an experienced para 3, i really missed the support of a midwife who could greet me and put herself in my shoes during antenatal, labour and postnatal periods. Having travelled miles away from my home and live in this scandinavian country, i have really appriciated that there are some things that cost nothing but are important for all midwives to do in the whole world. A smile, greetings, giving of comprehensive information, explaining procedures, respect, empathy, sympathy.With these little non costly commodities, our hospitals will be wonderful places for women.\nMalawian Nurse-Midwife, <PERSON>\nBut health care in Malawi also presents difficult problems especially to ordinary Malawians who cannot afford expensive private doctors. <PERSON> writes about a distant relation of his who recently hanged himself to escape deep financial problems he was ensnared in. According to <PERSON>, the man was still alive when people found him. They quickly took him to the hospital, where they found nurses and other medical personnel having their dinner.\nThey reporterdly went on with their business of eating the evening meal as <PERSON> lay in poor condition. By the time the medical staff had finished enjoying dinner and started to check on <PERSON>, he was no more.\nSadly, <PERSON> writes, such stories of negligence are not uncommon in Malawian hospitals, as per an incident he personally witnessed.\nOn one occasion I personally saw a mother holding a very ill young son rush into the hall of the referall hospital in Blantyre, QECH, to alert medics about the need for a trolley or a wheel-chair. Nobody seemed to care and the woman ended up handling the trolley herself…she was later assisted by a minibus conductor whose vehicle had kindly agreed to make a diversion to the hospital!\nAnother blogger, <PERSON>, expresses his frustration with a Government plan to study the feasibility of turning an old ship on Lake Malawi, the MV Chancy Maples, into a mobile hospital. According to <PERSON>, the idea has been proposed by some Scottish donors, who want the Malawi government to pay for the study at a cost of MK50,000,000 (US$357,143).\nAs much as I have respect for the Ministry officials K50 million can do a lot. Train at least 10 doctors, 200 medical assistance and 100 Nurses. Or better still can equip Lifuwu Hospital with drugs for five months.\nHow we lay our priorities should reflect the poverty and needs of Malawians.",
"<PERSON>: Blogging for Tunisian freedoms · Global Voices\nAs the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) prepares to hold its second summit in Tunis this coming November, some Tunisian bloggers are doing what they can to call attention to the lack of freedom of speech in Tunisia. Global Voices received the following email from Tunisian political activist <PERSON>:\nI am still trying to create the PLM which is the Mediterranean Liberal Party to help promote democracy in my country. My unique tools are the PLM’s website and a personal blog both censored in Tunisia.\nOver here we live under a very invisible dictatorship, first because our economy is based for a big part on tourism and the regime needs to promote the best image possible of the country, and second because since independence the regime became expert on repressing its own citizens and cheating the International community.\nSo if you visit Tunisia, or even for any ordinary Tunisian citizen, you will see a very nice country where it is nice to live and where economical progress is visible. It needs to get involved in politics to discover what is really going on behind the scenes and which most of people are not even aware of.\nAfter several amendments our constitution became a tailored constitution at the exclusive service of the ruling party and it’s President who is at the same time the President of the Republic with all powers a presidential regime can offer him. They depend on each other and of course serve each other through corruption.\nWe have all kind of restrictive and abusive laws that just can’t allow any democratic process to grow fairly and freely. More over laws are not respected by the regime itself. Repression is the regime’s favourite tool for any dissident independent voice either it is radical, moderate or even part of the legal and recognized opposition that the regime built itself to show the International community that it is doing it best to promote democracy.\nIn fact we have no freedom of association and any association or political party is submitted to the regime’s authorization.",
"This authorization is not a simple right you can freely practice; it is a favour from the regime that gives it only to its supporters. A gathering of more then three persons needs the regime’s authorization.\nOf course information is totally controlled by the regime and freedom of speech is inexistent and severely punished when it happens to be. Any punishment does not only concern the activist himself but it can also concern members of his family. The punishments are never directly linked to the act itself but to any illegal situation they can find. These illegal situations are of course very easy to find since laws are often abusive in this intention.\nActually our unique windows of liberty are foreign Medias when they give us access, or Internet, although all political and Tunisian human rights website are censored in Tunisia. So we can be read from abroad or through proxies.\nAll these facts explain why the Tunisian people are very uncomfortable with any political activity and silence is the main rule. This political silence is used both by the regime and by the activists but in both cases silence is not the right solution. We ought to express ourselves and encourage people to do the same in order to establish a public debate and help every one build his own opinions and convictions instead of being their mind masters.\nI am sorry that all my websites are in French, but technology will help you translate and I would like you to visit in particular this page “Tunisian Citizen Wake Up” where you can know more about the Tunisian political reality.\nAlso a group of Tunisian political activists living abroad created very recently an Association for the defence of the Tunisian Internet activists and the defence of the Tunisian Cyberspace Freedom.\nWe are worried that the WSIS, which will be held in Tunisia, will bring even more censorship and restrictions to freedom of speech.\n<PERSON> will be providing English-language updates to Global Voices about the Tunisian blogosphere and freedom of speech issues.",
"Tunisia: Remembering Tunisia’s First Internet Prisoner · Global Voices\nTunisian <PERSON> will always be remembered among Tunisian activists as someone who had sacrificed his life for the struggle for freedom of speech.\n<PERSON>, who had adopted the pen name <PERSON> or The Tunisian and was a graduate in economic sciences and Internet journalist, had invited readers of his satirical website TUNeZINE to vote on whether Tunisia was a “republic, a kingdom, a zoo or a prison” on June 2, 2000. Soon after wards, he was picked up from an internet cafe by plainclothes police officers, without an arrest warrant.\nIn November 2003, <PERSON> was released from prison after spending 18 months and on March 13, 2005, he died of a heart attack at the age of 36. During his time in prison, <PERSON> went on hunger strike several times in protest against his imprisonment conditions and supporters claim he was also subjected to torture.\nTo mark his forth death anniversary, The Network of Tunisian Bloggers for Free Blogging reminds us about Tunisia's first Internet prisoner:\nتمرّ اليوم 4سنوات على رحيل زهير اليحياوي مؤسس موقع “تونزين”، وقد توفي الفقيد على إثر نوبة قلبية وهو لا يزال في ريعان شبابه.\nدخل السجن في ربيع 2002 ودفع غاليا ثمن تشبثه بالدفاع عن الحرية مستعملا في ذلك التقنيات الحديثة التي وفرتها شبكة “الأنترنيت”، وهو ما جعله يصبح رمزا للنضال على الشبكة.\nكان ولا يزال يمثل نموذجا للمناضل والمدافع الصلب عن قضايا الديمقراطية ـ و قد دخل عدة مرات في اضراب عن الطعام للمطالبة بتحسين وضعه داخل السجن دون أن تستجيب الادارة العامة للسجون لمطالبه وقد أثرت ظروف اعتقاله على صحته التي تدهورت\nFour years ago <PERSON>, the creator of the web site Tunezine left us following a heart attack, while he still young.\nHe had been thrown in jail in the spring of 2002 and paid heavily for his commitment to defend freedom, using the modern techniques provided by the “Internet”, which made him become a symbol of the struggle on the web.\nHe has been and continues to be a model for activists and defenders of democracy.",
"He had gone on hunger strikes several times to demand better conditions in prison but the Public Administration for Prisons did not respond to his requests. The conditions of his detention had affected his health, which deteriorated.\nAnd the situation seems to have deteriorated even further in Tunisia since <PERSON>'s death. Fellow Tunisian blogger and Global Voices Advocacy editor <PERSON> updates us on the repression of the Internet in his country in this post.",
"Tunisians left to themselves to fight COVID-19 · Global Voices\nA woman in the subway in Tunisia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by <PERSON> CC BY-SA 4.0\nSince April, Tunisia has faced a sharp rise in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths. The Ministry of Health described the health situation as “very dangerous ” with hospitals being at almost full capacity. To flatten the curve, the authorities—again—announced new containment measures that include a national curfew, school closure, travel restrictions. But few believe it will be enough.\nUnlike wealthy countries, there are no relief schemes to support workers and businesses to stay afloat. With unemployment already high and the cost of living skyrocketing, the most vulnerable have barely received ad-hoc small state assistance, and people are left to fend for themselves to survive. Therefore, the prospect of catching the virus is less of a concern than the necessity of carrying on and making a living.\nThough Tunisia imposed a stringent lockdown at the onset of the pandemic and for a while kept the spread of the virus low at a high price for the economy, there is now a wide feeling of powerlessness and fatigue. “If I don’t go out and work who is going to give me money?” asked <PERSON>, a Tunisian builder who, like the majority of workers, relies on daily earnings.\nUnable to respond to the demands of the population and drowned in their own political disagreements—Tunisia has had nine governments in 10 years since the revolution —there is complacency at the top. The authorities are not enforcing COVID-19 measures: political rallies have continued to gather large crowds flouting health protocols; social distancing and masking are ignored; cafés and markets are crowded. Digitalisation having lagged, many office and administrative work is still done on-site using hard copies.\nSince independence in 1956, Tunisia has heavily invested in its infrastructure. The public health system grew rapidly to provide universal health coverage that used to be the pride of Tunisians. But in the Nineties , corruption, deregulation in favour of the private sector resulted in a downward spiral of deterioration of public health services. It has only worsened throughout the years.\n<PERSON>, a medical intern told the Anadolu Agency that “the health sector is now in crisis not only because of the pandemic but also due to many infrastructural problems which have remained unresolved in recent years.”\nTunisian Prime Minister <PERSON> visiting a hospital in Sousse in December 2020.",
"Photo from the official Facebook page of the Presidency of the Government of Tunisia, Public Domain.\nIn 2014 and 2018, medical professionals launched two general strikes after scandals at hospitals that took the lives of 15 newborns babies and the death of a young doctor in a lift accident . Prime Minister <PERSON> pledged at the end of December 2020 the creation of a national body for public health reform. But it is an issue that will take a long time to fix.\nIn the meantime, Tunisians who can afford it are turning to a largely unregulated and mushrooming private sector for treatments.\nPrivate health care for those who can afford it\nCOVID-19 has exacerbated the dysfunction of the public health care system. It starts by being able to access a COVID-19 test. While the WHO’s director recommended testing at the onset of the pandemic, Tunisia has never had enough testing capacity.\nIf, in theory, PCR tests are free at public hospitals, there are not enough tests available in reality. Most people will not be able to be diagnosed. The private sector is called to fill the gap but with a high price tag that is unaffordable for most Tunisians. At the beginning of the pandemic, some laboratories were charging 400 dinars (145 United States dollars) for a PCR test which is almost the equivalent of the Tunisian monthly minimum wage. The government intervened to cap it at 209 dinars ($76) and then to reduce it further to 170 dinars ($62).\nTunisian Ministry of Health Facebook announcement with photo of Health Minister Dr. <PERSON> and a quote, “We agreed with laboratories to reduce the cost of PCR test.” Public Domain.\nAt this price tag, it is unlikely many people will get tested. Mainly travelers are taking the test as more and more countries require negative PCR tests for entry. There have been numerous stories of test results trafficking—people buying forged certificates at a cheap price on the black market. The government has clamped down on the traffic, now requiring laboratories to have a QR code on test results.\nTunisia's lack of testing is in stark contrast with most wealthy countries, where testing is free and at the center of their recovery strategies. For instance, the UK and France will offer free rapid COVID-19 tests when lifting their lockdown.",
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"<PERSON> symbols of semilog metric\nProblem 17.3a in <PERSON>'s \"A general relativity workbook\" requires to determine the only non-zero <PERSON> symbol for the 2D semilog pq coordinate system defined as $p=x$ and $q=e^{by}$. What puzzles me is that I found more than one non-zero <PERSON> symbol, and I wanted to ask you what am I doing wrong.\nFirst of all, I calculated the metric $g_{\\mu\\nu}'$ of the coordinate system as $$ g_{\\mu\\nu}' =\\frac{\\partial x^\\alpha}{\\partial {x^\\mu}'}\\frac{\\partial x^\\beta}{\\partial {x^\\nu}'}g_{\\alpha\\beta} =\\frac{\\partial x}{\\partial {x^\\mu}'}\\frac{\\partial x}{\\partial {x^\\nu}'} + \\frac{\\partial y}{\\partial {x^\\mu}'}\\frac{\\partial y}{\\partial {x^\\nu}'} $$ given that $g_{\\alpha\\beta}$ for the 2D Euclidean plane is the identity matrix. Calculating this, I got $$ g_{\\mu\\nu}'= \\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & \\frac{1}{p^2 b^2} \\end{bmatrix} $$ Is this correct?\nOnce this is done, I calculated the <PERSON> symbols by comparing the geodesic equation expressed in terms of the metric elements $0=\\frac{d}{d\\tau}\\left(g_{\\mu\\nu}\\frac{dx^\\nu}{d\\tau}\\right)-\\frac{1}{2}\\partial_\\mu g_{\\alpha\\beta}\\frac{dx^\\alpha}{d\\tau}\\frac{dx^\\beta}{d\\tau}$ with the same equation expressed via the Christoffel symbols $0=\\frac{d^2x^\\mu}{d\\tau^2}+\\Gamma^\\mu_{\\alpha\\beta}\\frac{dx^\\alpha}{d\\tau}\\frac{dx^\\beta}{d\\tau}$.",
"If we set $\\mu=p$ in the first equation we get $$ 0=\\frac{d}{d\\tau}\\left(g_{p\\nu}\\frac{dx^\\nu}{d\\tau}\\right)-\\frac{1}{2}\\frac{\\partial g_{\\alpha\\beta}}{\\partial p}\\frac{dx^\\alpha}{d\\tau}\\frac{dx^\\beta}{d\\tau}=\\ =\\frac{d^2p}{d\\tau^2} - \\frac{1}{2}\\frac{\\partial g_{qq}}{\\partial p}\\left(\\frac{dq}{d\\tau}\\right)^2=\\ =\\frac{d^2p}{d\\tau^2} + \\frac{1}{b^2p^3}\\left(\\frac{dq}{d\\tau}\\right)^2 $$ Setting $\\mu=p$ in the <PERSON> version of the geodesic equation, we then can conclude that $\\Gamma^p_{pp}=\\Gamma^p_{pq}=\\Gamma^p_{qp}=0$, while $\\Gamma^p_{qq}=\\frac{1}{b^2p^3}$. By doing the same procedure with $\\mu=q$, I got that $\\Gamma^q_{pp}=\\Gamma^q_{qq}=0$ and that $\\Gamma^q_{pq}=\\Gamma^q_{qp}=-\\frac{1}{p}$.\nThis means that three <PERSON> symbols are non-zero, in opposition with the text of the exercise. Am I missing something, or is the text wrong?",
"<PERSON>'s law for the <PERSON> solution\nI'm puzzled with the following question: find an analog of the <PERSON>'s law for the <PERSON> solution.\n<PERSON> metric is a solution to the vacuum <PERSON> equations $$ds^2=dt^2-\\sum_{i=1}^3a^2_i(t)(dx^i)^2$$ with coefficients $a_i(t)=t^{p_i}$, where $p_i$ are constant parameters satisfying $\\sum_ip_i=1$ and $\\sum_i (p_i)^2=1$. This solution describes anisotropic space.\nIt is known that in the <PERSON>-Walker metric, when coefficients along all axes are the same $a_i=a$ wavelengths of a photon at times $t$ and $t_0$ are related by the scale parameter $a(t)$ as $$\\frac{\\lambda(t)}{\\lambda(t_0)}=\\frac{a(t)}{a(t_0)}$$\nthis is true if the rate if the space expanding $\\dot{a}/a$ is significantly smaller then the frequency of the photon.\nThe question is how to generalize this statement in the case of the <PERSON> metric. A natural idea is to suppose that the statement is generalized directly to the propagation along \"main\" axes $$\\frac{\\lambda_i(t)}{\\lambda_i(t_0)}=\\frac{a_i(t)}{a_i(t_0)}$$ and \"linearly\" for a generic direction, i.e.",
"for $\\vec{\\lambda}=\\lambda_i \\vec{e_i}$ $$\\frac{|\\vec{\\lambda}(t)|}{|\\vec{\\lambda}(t_0)|}=\\frac{\\dot{a}_i(t)\\lambda_i}{a_i(t)\\lambda_i}$$\nHowever, I'm not able to confirm this conjecture by any quantitative argument. I've tried to show that the EOM in a curved space-time $\\nabla^\\mu F_{\\mu\\nu}=0$ admit a solution of a kind $A_\\mu(x)\\sim e_{\\mu}\\exp{\\left(i g_{\\mu\\nu}q^\\mu x^\\nu\\right)}$ with $q^\\mu$ being a rescaled \"minkowskian\" momentum $q^i(t)=\\frac{k_i}{a_i(t)}, \\eta^{\\mu\\nu}k_\\mu k_\\nu=0$ but failed to succeed.\nAfter some time I've realized that one should probably look not for an exact solution of this type (even in the <PERSON>-Walker case the relation $\\lambda(t)\\sim a(t)$ is approximate) but for a \"high-frequency\" approximate solution. But still I'm not currently able to find it.\nSo my questions are:\n1) Is the suggested generalization of the Hubble's law correct?\n2) If so, how to provide quantitative evidence for it? I would be satisfied even with calculations for a massless scalar field if they are simpler to perform in order to achieve the goal.",
"Variation of <PERSON>-Hawking-York term. General boundary condition and total derivatives\nIt is actually a comment and question to the answer of <PERSON> in the following post:\n\nIn deriving the variation of the extrinsic curvature, I obtain an additional contribution associate to what he calls $c^{\\mu}$. I could not figure out why it should vanish in the first place (hence before assuming any boundary conditions as Dirichlet).\nThus for me the variation of $K$ is given by (where $D_{\\mu}c^{\\mu}$ is a total derivative w.r.t.",
"$\\int_{\\partial M} \\sqrt{h}$): $$\\delta K=−12K_{\\mu\\nu}\\delta g_{\\mu\\nu}−\\tfrac{1}{2}n_{\\mu}(\\nabla_{\\nu}\\delta g_{\\mu\\nu}−g_{\\nu\\lambda}\\nabla_{\\mu}\\delta g_{\\nu\\lambda})+D_{\\mu}c^{\\mu} + n^{\\nu} (\\partial_{\\mu}n_{\\nu}) c^{\\mu}$$\nThe last contribution stems from the fact that $H^{\\mu\\nu}H_{\\nu\\rho}=\\delta^{\\mu}{\\rho}-n^{\\mu}n{\\rho}$ is degenerated and yields not simply $\\delta^{\\mu}_{\\rho}$, hence the usual <PERSON> symbol structure has some further terms containing the normal directions.\nBasically, what I was doing is the following: $$ \\int \\sqrt{h} \\nabla_{\\rho} c^{\\rho}= -\\int \\sqrt{h} \\tfrac{1}{2}(h^{\\mu\\nu}-g^{\\mu\\nu})(\\partial_{\\rho}g_{\\mu\\nu})c^{\\rho}=\\int \\sqrt{h} \\tfrac{1}{2}n^{\\mu}n^{\\nu}(\\partial_{\\rho}g_{\\mu\\nu})c^{\\rho}$$ and then playing around with the orthogonality of $h$ and $n$. In my case it was $\\nabla_{\\rho}c^{\\rho}$ appearing in the variation of $K$ in the first place and I converted in the above way to some total derivative and the additional term.\nI am mentioning this point (though this question is old and it might have a trivial solution) because this post appears as the first hit whenever one searches for Gibbons-Hawking variation. Thus, any clarification why this additional term should disappear except for Dirichlet conditions might be helpful, or in the unlikely case I truly haven't overlooked anything, I think this term should be added in the previous results. Anyway, I am open for suggestions to match these outcomes.",
"There seem to be two mistakes.\n1. Your definitions of the energy-stress tensors are inconsistent. Let's take your second definition to be the correct one, which I write as $\\delta\\left(L(-g)^{1/2}\\right)=T_{\\mu\\nu}\\delta g^{\\mu\\nu}$. From this definition we can also find out what $T^{\\mu\\nu}$ is, using $T_{\\mu\\nu}=T^{\\rho\\sigma}g_{\\mu\\rho}g_{\\nu\\sigma}$. Plugging this in your second definition of the energy-stress tensor yields $$\\delta\\left(L(-g)^{1/2}\\right)=T_{\\mu\\nu}\\delta g^{\\mu\\nu}=T^{\\rho\\sigma}g_{\\mu\\rho}g_{\\nu\\sigma}\\delta g^{\\mu\\nu}.$$ Now you can use the identity $g_{\\mu\\rho}g_{\\nu\\sigma}\\delta g^{\\mu\\nu}=-\\delta g_{\\rho\\sigma}$. You are probably aware of this, since you also wrote that $\\delta(-g)^{1/2}=\\frac{1}{2}(-g)^{1/2}g^{\\mu\\nu}\\delta g_{\\mu\\nu}=-\\frac{1}{2}(-g)^{1/2}g_{\\mu\\nu}\\delta g^{\\mu\\nu}$ and the minus sign difference comes from this identity. Anyway, using this results in $$\\delta\\left(L(-g)^{1/2}\\right)=T_{\\mu\\nu}\\delta g^{\\mu\\nu}=-T^{\\rho\\sigma}\\delta g_{\\rho\\sigma}$$ and therefore $$T^{\\mu\\nu}=-\\frac{\\delta (L(-g)^{1/2})}{\\delta g_{\\mu\\nu}}.$$ So assuming your second definition, your first definition of the stress-energy tensor is off by a minus sign.\n2. Because of the point above, you get an additional overall minus sign in your first derivation.",
"Comparing your two results then reveals there is a sign inconsistency in the second term, which comes from the variation of $F_{\\mu\\nu}F^{\\mu\\nu}$. Probably, in your second derivation you wrote $$\\delta(F_{\\mu\\nu}F^{\\mu\\nu})=\\delta\\left(F_{\\mu\\nu}F_{\\rho\\sigma}g^{\\rho\\mu}g^{\\sigma\\nu}\\right)=F_{\\mu\\nu}F_{\\rho\\sigma}(\\delta g^{\\rho\\mu}g^{\\sigma\\nu}+g^{\\rho\\mu}\\delta g^{\\sigma\\nu}),\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\; (1)$$ and renamed indices afterwards to get your result. Notice that you assume in the last step that $\\delta F_{\\mu\\nu}=0$ when varying w.r.t. the metric. This is correct. In your first derivation you probably used $$\\delta(F_{\\mu\\nu}F^{\\mu\\nu})=\\delta\\left(F^{\\mu\\nu}F^{\\rho\\sigma}g_{\\rho\\mu}g_{\\sigma\\nu}\\right)=F^{\\mu\\nu}F^{\\rho\\sigma}(\\delta g_{\\rho\\mu}g_{\\sigma\\nu}+g_{\\rho\\mu}\\delta g_{\\sigma\\nu}).\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\;\\; (2)$$ This means that in the last step you used that $\\delta F^{\\mu\\nu}=0$. This is however not correct. Remember that the electromagnetic field tensor $F$ is a 2-form (it is defined as the exterior derivative of the 1-form, i.e., $F=dA$). This means that given some coordinates $x^\\mu$, the components of $F$ are given by $F=F_{\\mu\\nu}dx^\\mu dx^\\nu$.",
"Identity regarding problem 2.4 of Walds General Relativity\nI was going through some of the problems in Wald's General Relativity and in problem 4 chapter 2 I found something that confuses me. So, basically we are asked to show that in any coordinate chart $(x^1,\\ldots,x^n)$ the following equation holds \\begin{align} \\Bigr(\\partial_\\nu Y^{\\gamma }\\mu - \\partial\\mu Y^{\\gamma * }\\nu\\Bigr)dx^\\mu\\otimes dx^\\nu &= \\Bigr(C{\\alpha \\beta}^\\gamma Y^{\\alpha }\\mu Y^{\\beta }\\nu\\Bigr)dx^\\mu\\otimes dx^\\nu, \\tag{$1$} \\end{align} where ${Y\\alpha}_{\\alpha=1}^n$ is a frame in a $n$ dimensional manifold, ${Y^{\\gamma }}{\\gamma=1}^n$ its dual frame and $C_{\\alpha\\beta}^\\gamma=\\bigr(Y^{\\gamma }\\bigr)\\bigr[Y_{\\alpha},Y_{\\beta}\\bigr]$ the structure constant for the commutator. This can easily be shown to be the case by evaluating both sides of eq. 1 at $Y_\\rho\\otimes T_\\sigma$. In local coordinates the LHS of (1) takes the form \\begin{align} \\Bigr(\\partial_\\nu Y^{\\gamma }\\mu - \\partial\\mu Y^{\\gamma * }\\nu\\Bigr)dx^\\mu\\otimes dx^\\nu\\Bigr(Y\\rho^\\lambda \\partial_\\lambda\\otimes Y_\\sigma^\\eta\\partial_\\eta\\Bigr)&=\\Bigr(\\partial_\\nu Y^{\\gamma }\\mu - \\partial\\mu Y^{\\gamma * }\\nu\\Bigr)Y\\rho^\\mu Y_\\sigma^\\nu\\ &=-Y_\\mu^{\\gamma}Y_\\sigma^\\nu\\partial_\\mu Y_\\rho^\\nu+ Y^{\\gamma }\\nu Y^{\\mu}\\rho\\partial_\\mu Y^\\nu_\\sigma\\ &=-Y^{\\gamma}\\mu \\bigr( Y\\sigma^\\nu \\partial_\\nu Y_\\rho^\\mu - Y_\\rho^\\nu \\partial_\\nu Y_\\sigma^\\mu \\bigr)\\ &=Y^{\\gamma}\\bigr[Y_\\rho,Y_\\sigma\\bigr]\\ &=C_{\\rho \\sigma}^\\gamma. \\end{align} Similarly, by evaluating the RHS we arrive at the same result.",
"Since ${Y_\\rho\\otimes Y_\\sigma}{\\rho,\\sigma=1}^n$ is a basis for the space of tensors of rank 2, this successfully proves the desired result. However, and this is what confuses me, we may have as well evualuated both sides of eq. 1 with another basis, namely ${\\partial/\\partial x^\\rho\\otimes\\partial/\\partial x^\\sigma}{\\rho,\\sigma=1}^n$. In which case the LHS becomes $ \\partial_\\sigma Y_\\rho^{\\gamma }-\\partial_\\rho Y_\\sigma^{\\gamma }$; where as the RHS can be written as \\begin{align} C_{\\alpha \\beta}^\\gamma Y^{\\alpha }\\rho Y^{\\beta }\\sigma&=\\Bigr(\\partial\\nu Y^{\\gamma }\\mu - \\partial_\\mu Y^{\\gamma * }\\nu\\Bigr)Y\\alpha^\\mu Y_\\beta^\\nu Y^{\\alpha }_\\rho Y^{\\beta }\\sigma. \\end{align} So this seems to imply the relation \\begin{align} Y\\alpha^\\mu Y^{\\alpha *}\\rho &= \\delta^\\mu\\rho, \\end{align} which seems reasonable, but I do not quite understand it. Is this relation true for any frame ${Y_\\alpha}$? If so, how does one prove it?",
"First of all it is good to differentiate what can be curved. One way to deal with <PERSON> equations is to choose a space-time foliation (global when possible). In the <PERSON> models one has a set isometries which define the homogeneus and isotropic spatial hypersurfaces, it can be shown that these hypersurfaces have a normal vector field $n^\\mu$ which is geodesic $(n^\\nu\\nabla_\\nu{}n^\\mu=0)$ where $\\nabla_\\nu$ is the connection compatible with the <PERSON> metric $g_{\\mu\\nu}$ (signature $(-1,1,1,1)$), i.e., $\\nabla_\\alpha{}g_{\\mu\\nu}=0$.\nGiven this choice of hypersurfaces we have the projector $\\gamma_{\\mu\\nu}\\equiv{}g_{\\mu\\nu}+n_\\mu{}n_\\nu$ which acts as a metric in the spatial sections.",
"This metric we have a unique covariant derivative (in the hypersurfaces) $D_\\alpha\\gamma_{\\mu\\nu} = 0$, and this derivative in turn defines a <PERSON> tensor on the spatial section $$(D_\\mu{}D_\\nu-D_\\nu{}D_\\mu)v_\\alpha = \\mathcal{R}{\\mu\\nu\\alpha}{}^\\beta{}v\\alpha,$$ where $\\gamma_\\alpha{}^\\beta{}v_\\beta=v_\\alpha$. For the <PERSON> metric we have that $$\\nabla_\\mu{}n_\\nu = \\Theta_{\\mu\\nu} = \\frac{\\Theta}{3}\\gamma_{\\mu\\nu},$$ where $\\Theta_{\\mu\\nu}$ is the extrinsec curvature and $\\Theta$ its trace.\nIn short, the notion of a foliation induces a concept of curvature and a extrinsec curvature in the hypersurfaces in a way that the four dimensional Riemann tensor $$R_{\\mu\\nu\\alpha}{}^\\beta{}v_\\beta = (\\nabla_\\mu\\nabla_\\nu-\\nabla_\\nu\\nabla_\\mu)v_\\alpha,$$ is split in $\\mathcal{R}{\\mu\\nu\\alpha}{}^\\beta{}v\\alpha$ plus combinations of $\\Theta_{\\mu\\nu}$ and $D_\\mu$, i.e., $$R_{\\mu\\nu\\alpha\\beta} = \\mathcal{R}{\\mu\\nu\\alpha\\beta} + 2\\Theta{\\mu[\\alpha}\\Theta_{\\beta]\\nu} - 4(D_{[\\mu}\\Theta_{\\nu][\\alpha}n_{\\beta]} + D_{[\\alpha}\\Theta_{\\beta][\\mu}n_{\\nu]}) + 4(n^\\sigma\\nabla_\\sigma(n_{\\mu}\\Theta_{\\nu][\\alpha}n_{\\beta]}) + n_{[\\mu}\\Theta_{\\nu]}{}^\\sigma\\Theta_{\\sigma[\\alpha}n_{\\beta]}),$$ where $T_{[\\mu\\nu]} = (T_{\\mu\\nu}-T_{\\nu\\mu})/2$.\nAll this said, we can see that it is possible to have a zero spatial curvature (Ricci tensor) $\\mathcal{R}{\\mu\\alpha} = 0$, but a non-zero four dimensional $R{\\mu\\alpha}$. For a <PERSON> metric we have $D_\\mu\\Theta=0$, $\\mathcal{R}{\\mu\\nu} = 2K\\gamma{\\mu\\nu}$ and $D_\\mu K=0$.",
"In your notation $T$ is proper time and your $\\tau$ is redundant because it equals $T\\,.$ Some further notation of yours is a bit confusing. Did you mean $X=1/a$ (title) or $X=1/g$ (text)? In any case the coordinate change from <PERSON> $(T,X)$ to <PERSON> $(t,x)$ that I am familiar with is \\begin{align} t&=X\\sinh(\\rho\\,T)\\,,\\ x&=X\\cosh(\\rho\\,T)\\,. \\end{align} The world line of the object in <PERSON> coordinates is $x^{\\overline{\\alpha}}=(T,X)$ where $X$ is fixed. It is known [1] that $\\rho=1/X$ is the proper acceleration of the object.",
"To check this observe that the metric tensor is $$ g_{\\alpha\\delta}=\\left(\\begin{matrix}-\\rho^2X^2 & 0\\0&1\\end{matrix}\\right)\\,,\\quad g^{\\alpha\\delta}=\\left(\\begin{matrix}-\\frac{1}{\\rho^2X^2} & 0\\0&1\\end{matrix}\\right) $$ so that $g_{TT,X}=-2\\rho^2X$ and all other partial derivatives being zero. Therefore, $$ \\Gamma^\\delta_{\\beta\\gamma}=\\frac{1}{2}g^{\\alpha\\delta}\\left(g_{\\alpha\\beta,\\gamma}+g_{\\alpha\\gamma,\\beta}-g_{\\beta\\gamma,\\alpha}\\right) $$ becomes \\begin{align} \\Gamma^T_{TX}&=\\frac{1}{X}\\,,&\\quad\\delta=\\beta=T,\\gamma=X\\,,\\ \\Gamma^T_{XT}&=\\frac{1}{X}\\,,&\\quad\\delta=\\gamma=T,\\beta=X\\,,\\ \\Gamma^X_{TX}&=0\\,,&\\quad\\beta=T,\\delta=\\gamma=X\\,,\\ \\Gamma^X_{XT}&=0\\,,&\\quad\\gamma=T,\\delta=\\beta=X\\,,\\ \\Gamma^T_{TT}&=0\\,,&\\quad\\beta=\\delta=\\gamma=T\\,,\\ \\Gamma^X_{TT}&=\\rho^2X\\,,&\\quad\\beta=\\gamma=T,\\delta=X\\,,\\ \\Gamma^X_{XX}&=0\\,,&\\quad\\beta=\\gamma=\\delta=X\\,,\\ \\Gamma^T_{XX}&=0\\,,&\\quad\\beta=\\gamma=X,\\delta=T\\,. \\end{align} Note the factor $\\rho^2$ in $\\Gamma^X_{TT}$ that you missed. Therefore,\n\\begin{align} a^T&=\\underbrace{\\frac{d^2T}{dT^2}}{0}+\\underbrace{\\Gamma^T{TX}\\frac{dT}{dT}\\frac{dX}{dT}}{\\frac{1}{X}\\cdot 1\\cdot 0=0}+\\underbrace{\\Gamma^T{XT}\\frac{dX}{dT}\\frac{dT}{dT}}{\\frac{1}{X}\\cdot 0\\cdot 1=0}=0\\,,\\ a^X&=\\underbrace{\\frac{d^2X}{dT^2}}{0}+\\underbrace{\\Gamma^X_{TT}\\frac{dT}{dT}\\frac{dT}{dT}}_{\\rho^2X\\cdot 1\\cdot 1}=\\rho^2X\\,. \\end{align} Since $X$ is constant equal to $1/\\rho$ we get the 2-acceleration as $$ \\boldsymbol{a}=\\left(\\begin{matrix}0\\\\rho\\end{matrix}\\right) $$ as expected.\n[1] Rindler Coordinates.",
"Schwarzschild geometry in Schwarzschild coordinates $(t,r,\\theta,\\phi)$ is time-symmetric \\begin{equation} ds^2=-\\left(1-\\frac{2GM}{c^2 r}\\right)c^2dt^2+\\left(1-\\frac{2GM}{c^2 r}\\right)^{-1}dr^2+r^2\\left(d \\theta^2 +\\sin^2 \\theta d \\phi^2\\right) \\;. \\end{equation}\n<PERSON> coordinate system is defined by a set of geodesic clocks. The coordinate clocks are freely falling from some maximal radius $r_m$ towards $r=0$, where $r_m$ is different for each clock. All clocks start falling at the same Schwarzschild time $t_0$ and they are synchronized in such a manner that each clock shows $0$ at $r_m$.",
"<PERSON> coordinate is defined to stay constant along the trajectory of each clock, while for time coordinate proper time is taken.\nFrom now on the angular part metric will be omitted, since is stays the same. We also take $r_s=2M$ and $G=c=1$: \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:sch-met2} ds^2=-\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)dt^2+\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)^{-1}dr^2 \\;. \\end{equation}\nGeodesics in Schwarzschild gometry\nTo get the equation of geodesics in Schwarzschild geometry we have to solve equations of motion of a free particle: \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:lagrangian} \\mathcal{L}=\\frac{1}{2}mg_{\\mu\\nu}\\dot{x}^\\mu\\dot{x}^\\nu \\;, \\end{equation} \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:dot} \\dot{x}^\\mu=\\frac{dx^\\mu}{d\\tau}=u^\\mu \\;. \\end{equation} \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:lagrangian2} \\mathcal{L}=-\\frac{m}{2}\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)\\dot{t}^2+\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)^{-1}\\dot{r}^2 \\;, \\end{equation} \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:EL} \\frac{d}{d\\tau}\\frac{\\partial\\mathcal{L}}{\\partial \\dot{x}^\\mu}-\\frac{\\partial\\mathcal{L}}{\\partial x^\\mu}=0 \\;, \\end{equation} For $\\mu=0$ we get a constant of motion \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:ConstOfMotion} \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial\\tau}\\left[\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)\\dot{t}\\right]=0 \\qquad \\Rightarrow \\qquad \\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)\\dot{t}=a \\;, \\end{equation}\nFor timelike geodesics: $ds^2=-d\\tau^2$ the radial geodesic equation becomes \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:orbit} \\left(\\frac{d\\tau}{dr}\\right)^2=\\frac{1}{a^2-\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)} \\;. \\end{equation} Maximal radius is ($dr/d\\tau=0$) \\begin{equation}\\label{eq:maximal} r_m=\\frac{r_s}{1-a^2} \\;.",
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"Iron Ant: the First Crossover (Crochet and 3D Printing).\nIntroduction: Iron Ant: the First Crossover (Crochet and 3D Printing).\nHi everybody!\nThis is a very special project to me and I wanted to share it with you because I think it has a lot of potential in different areas.\nI am a Theory of knowledge teacher for the IB program in a school here in Colombia. So I am always encouraging my students to find those areas where knowledge cross but nobody has ever stood a foot on them.\nThis project has the same flavor. My wife just recently started with crochet and I have a few year working with 3D printing. So one day, checking instructables I saw a post for how to make a crochet ant: and I was hooked. (Please visit this instructable if you like crochet, its well explained and the final product is awesome. I was able to easily follow the procedure and the results I wanted). All the credits for my inspiration to\nContinuing with the story, something exploded in my head, what if we mix crochet and 3D printing. My mind raged for two continuous days and I finally decided to ask my wife a crochet lesson.\nThis project has two objectives:\n1) Take crochet to a new level, along with its creativity.\n2) Connect groups of people that are not that need to be connected in our time (girls and STEM, and Classic mothers with current kids).\nI would like to know if you think the same about this project too. I would love feedback.\nI also need you to know the following:\n1) Since this is a draft, I wont get in too much details. If you like this project, please let me know and next one would be as detailed as I can do it.\n2) The materials are the ones that I had in hand, so they may not be the optimum ones for the job, but they work just fine.\nSo with everything clear lets move to the instructable, enjoy!\nSupplies\n- Everything you need to crochet (please visit the post of zoerainbows).\n- Wires (enough to make a couple of connections for 3 LEDs).\n- Any transparent PLA (with a 3D printer).",
"\n- 3 LED´s (any color you want or have available).\n- 3 1K Ohms resistors.\n- Paint (all that you need to do it).\n- Electrical tape\n- Switch\n- Superglue (or UHU glue, or epoxy glue).\n- A small log or branch.\n- Drill\n- A sharp knife or razor blade.\n- Sand paper.\n- A 9V jack female connector and the proper charger.\nStep 1: Start Crocheting!\nI just decided which part would be crochet and which other would be 3D printed. At the end I imagined the head, two legs, one arm and the abdomen. The chest, one arm and the other two legs would be 3D printed. taking advantage of the Crystal PLA, I could use LEDs to make it shine (Ironman style).\nSo please follow <PERSON> and her Instructables to crochet everything:\n\nStep 2: 3D Printed Parts Design.\nNext, I used Tinkecad to design the 3D parts. I find Tinkercad a very useful tool and robust enough to create powerfull designs.\nI just used every option available to create the chest, the legs and the antenna. I leave you guys here the public design for you to check it:\n\nThe most important part here is that I made them hollow to be able to put an LED inside. Since the crystal PLA is transparent it will glow really nice. This is very cool for kids.\nI used connectors from the connectors library in Tinkercad to give the arm a bit of mobility. This parts can be easily added to any project and they come with the right dimensions to fit effectively one with the other.\nIf you want me to explain the design process in a detail manner, please leave a comment below.\nStep 3: Paint the 3D Printed Parts\nFirst sand everything and be sure that all parts fit together\nI used white as primer. Then aplied a second coat of light gray. Finally, I used dark gray and black to make the \"movable parts\" look like they are worn out due to the Ant´s hardwork.\nThe painting was very basic, and there are ways to do this better.",
"DIY 3D Printed LED Poster | W/ Neopixels or RGB LED Strips\nIntroduction: DIY 3D Printed LED Poster | W/ Neopixels or RGB LED Strips\nI am new to 3D printing and I am in this stage where I am experimenting a lot with my Ender 3 Pro to know it capabilites. Today I am here to show you how to create your own 3D printed LED Poster.\nYou can make yours based on a phrase, or a logo as in my case, using your favorite LED strips, RGB, Neopixels, etc.\nHere I leave you a tutorial with all the information so you can make your own version.\nIf you are a visual learner I know that a video worth more than 1000 words, so here is a 2 parts Tutorial video. (I am a Spanish speaker, so please consider turning on English subtitles):\nStep 1: Skills Required:\nThis project may seem difficult or very complex, but it is definitely not completely, since you will have all the guidance for the construction, it was difficult for me to design it to make life a little easier for you. Any conceptual doubt, you are free to ask it without problems.\nYou should have an understanding of:\n* 3D Printing\n* Using of Fusion 360\n* Handling of cutting tools and drills.\n* How to solder (if you need to join several LED strips)\nStep 2: Components and Parts List\n* Here is the list of what you will need for the whole process:\n- 3D Printer:\n- LED Strip:\n- Some Glue and cutting tools.\n- Fusion 360 software.\n- Slicer software (ex.CURA)\nStep 3: Vectorizing Your Logo\n1. Open Adobe Illustrator software.\n2. Drag your jpg (img) of your LOGO.\n3. In the upper menu click on \"image tracing\".\n4. In the upper menu open de options of image tracing.\n5. In advance options, checkmark \"skip white\".\n6. Click on \"Expand\"\n7. Now your logo is vectorized\n8. Save as SVG.\nStep 4: Modeling Your Poster on Fusion 360\n1. Draw a square with the dimentions of the bed of your 3D Printer. (220*220mm)\n2.",
"Open a Sketch, and Insert > Insert SVG > Find your vectorized logo.\n3. Scale the logo so the pieces fix on your 3D Printer bed.\n4. Select the perimeters of your logo and make an outside 8mm offset and inside 1.2mm offset.\n5. Select letter by letter and extrude 1mm up.\n6. Select the borders of each letter (one by one) and extrude 50mm up.\n7. Select the 1.2mm border of each letter and extrude 30mm up (joined).\n8. Select the area of the diffusers and apply a two sides extrude (-30mm , 32mm).\n9. Select the 1.2mm borders of the difussers and apply a two sides extrude joined (-30mm , 50mm)\n10. Draw some rectangles in the union of each letter where you want to pass the LED strips.\n11. Select those rectangles and extrude a cut of +10mm height (LED strips are 10mm normally).\n12. Make shure to make an offset of 0.3mm in every piece union, including diffusors.\n13. This is because the pieces expand and grow a little when printed and they wont fix without the offset.\n14. Save your pieces one by one as STL.\n15. Open them on your slicer and print them.\nStep 5: 3D Print the Pieces\nI used 0.3mm layer height for the black parts so I can reduce the time, and the quality was nice.\nI used the standard quality of 0.2mm layers of Cura settings for the diffusors (white parts).\nStep 6: Neopixel Option\nYou can replicate my last project (Neopixels LED strip controller):\nAnd make your LED poster smartter, Neopixels will let you control the color of each letter or piece of your Logo, phrase or forms.\nIn this attached article I give you all the instructions to make the PCB, circuit diagram, code and build process.\nI highly recommend JLCPCB to order your custom PCBs so you can make your own version of the project.",
"Make Your Own Arduino AC Dimmer | Drive Motors & Lights\nIntroduction: Make Your Own Arduino AC Dimmer | Drive Motors & Lights\nHi every one, here <PERSON>, and I want to show you how I made my own Arduino AC dimmer that can control AC loads such as motors and lights easily. It has the power to handle 1200+ Watts and It's a very nice project for domotics and home automation because the microcontroller I used is the ESP8266 that has WiFi capabilities and the code could be adapted with few changes.\nHere I leave you a tutorial with all the information so you can make your own version.If you are a visual learner I know that a video worth more than 1000 words, so here is a Tutorial video. (I am a Spanish speaker, so please consider turning on English subtitles):\nStep 1: Skills Required:\nThis project may seem difficult or very complex, but it is definitely not completely, since you will have all the guidance for the construction, it was difficult for me to design it to make life a little easier for you.",
"Any conceptual doubt, you are free to ask it without problems.\n* You should have an understanding of:\n* 3D Printing (Optional for the case).\n* Arduino programming (I give you the code).\n* Soldering through hole components.\nWarning: In this project we will handle main power, so please be careful\nStep 2: Components and Parts List\nThe Electronics discrete components as resistors and transistors will be attached in a BOM file in the PCB Step.\n* Here is the list of what you will need for the whole process:\n* -10kohm Potentiometer.\n* -2 Double Terminal blocks.\n* -AC motor of your preference (single phase).\n* -Dimmable Lightbulb.\n* -Small 5 volts cellphone power supply.\n* -Measuring tools: multimeters, clamp meters (optional).\n* -Micro USB SMD connector.\n* -1.3 inch OLED Display.\n* Wire.\nBOM list of PCB components attached.\nGreat, cheap and awesome Graphical Multimeter to watch the Sinusoidal AC wave form\nStep 3: Circuit Diagram\nHere is the Circuit Diagram of our project:\nIt has all the internal conections of the circuit that will us allow to create the PCB design later.\nI also attached the PDF of the Schematics so you can see it better.\nStep 4: PCB Design and Ordering\nFor the implementation of a good project we need a reliable assembly for the circuit that makes it up, and there is no better way to do it than with a good PCB.\nHere you can download the Gerber, BOM and Pick & Place Files, the ones you need to order your PCB on your PCB manufacturing company.\nI suggest JLCPCB:\n$2 for 1-4 Layer PCBs⚡, Get SMT Coupons🎫\nUnZip the .rar file with a software like WinRar or any other.\nStep 5: 3D Parts (Housing + Motor Holder)\nHere you have the STL files for the 3D parts of the project.\n* Housing.\n* Cover\n* Potentiometer Knob and nut.\n* Button cap.\n* Motor holder.\nStep 6: Programming the ESP8266 Microcontroller\n1- To program the ESP-12s we need to connect it directly to our PC through the USB cable, open the Code \"ACControl\", install the libraries that I also attached and click on upload.\nIf the current measurements are wrong on your display, or you want to improve them, you can tune experimentally this parameters in the code:\n* float Sensibilidad = 0.066; //sensitivity of the 30Amps sensor (see datasheet of ACS712 if use 20A or 5A version).\n* float intercept = 35952.685; // Change this until you got closer as posible to the real current.\n* float slope = 273; // Change this until you got closer as posible to the real current.\n* float testFrequency = 60; // frequency of your circuit (Hz)\n* float windowLength = 40.0 / testFrequency; // num of cycles that will be test.\nCODE, LIBS, EVERYTHING, DOWNLOAD FOR FREE HERE\nStep 7: Wiring Up\nFollow this few steps carefully:\n1. Insert the OLED Display in the case slot.\n2. Wire the Display and make shure the connections are right between the PCB and OLED (Pinout may vary).\n3. Connect the motor or light wires (Black and Red) to the output terminal block, it doesn't matter the polarity.\n4.",
"Do Plants Do Maths?\nIntroduction: Do Plants Do Maths?\nNature is awesome! There are tons of things that we can not explain in an easy way, like the hidden patterns that are a constant in many different organisms in completely different environments. Things without an obvious relationship or connection but behave in the same specific way.\nScientist have to use their most powerful tool to explain this behavior, and that is Mathematics. When using \"math lenses\" you can describe these complex patterns with constants, and there is one that shines above them all (at least in nature behavior) and it´s called the Golden ratio. I have uploaded pictures of plants which patterns can be described with this constant.\nWith the Codeblock addition in Tinkercad is now possible to simulate how a sunflower spread its seed in the most optimum way, yes with the golden ratio.\nThis is a great opportunity to explore mathematics, geometry, rational numbers, design, and more. This is a really cool STEM class for your high school students.\nIf you want to play a little bit with this in advance, you can see a series of cool videos of Vihart ( starting with the part one here:\nNow lets prepare everything for our code, so I will take advantage of this instructable to make a mini tutorial on how to use codeblocks in Tinkercad to create a sunflower. Then I will proceed with its seeds and the golden ratio simulation.\nSo let´s begin.\nStep 1: Create a Sunflower With Tinkercad Codeblocks (Creating One Leave)\nCodeblocks is simple to use once you get the hang of it. If you know how to use Tinkercad 3D designs app this will be even easier because it will be just translate what you normally do with codes. If you haven´t used Tinkercad before, you can go there and follow a quick and sufficient tutorial to understand how it works. You can even jump this and go with codeblocks right away, there is a basic tutorial of how to use it too.\nLet´s create a leave.\nFor any 3D design you just have to merge different shapes in order to create a more complex one. So, for me a sunflower leaf has a teardrop shape, and one way to create this is merging a cylinder and a roof, two of the basic shapes offered in Tinkercad. So let´s code this.\nSelect and drag a Cylinder block from the \"shape\" menu (blue). In the block, there are some parameters you can modify to change the shape. In this case I changed the color to yellow (the color of the leaf) and the radius to 4 and the height \"H\" to 3.",
"This two parameters are the ideal size for this exercise. In any other application you can modify them to fit whatever you want to achieve. ----Check the first image.\nNext, select and drag from \"shape\" (blue blocks in menu) the roof block. Change the color to yellow and the length \"L\" to 3 to match the \"H\" of the cylinder. ----Check the second image.\nNOW YOU KNOW HOW TO ADD SHAPES.\nThe roof width is greater than the cylinder, so we have to modify this dimension using the \"scale\" block in the \"modify\" block menu (purple). With this block you can scale the dimensions of a shape in any of the three axis.\nNOTE: the axis are represented in the middle of the workplane as color lines: red as the X axis, green as the Y axis and blue as the Z axis. Any value greater than 1, will make the shape bigger in that dimension. Any value between zero and one, will make the shape smaller in that dimension. In this case I am using 0.4 to match the width of the roof, with the diameter of the cylinder. You can just use trial and error to do find this or just use a ratio with the following formula:\nScale ratio in X axis = value in the X axis you want to achieve / value in the X axis you have.\nScale ratio in X axis = 8 (diameter of the cylinder) / 20 (default value of the roof in width) = 0.4 ----Check third image.\nNOW YOU KNOW HOW TO SCALE SHAPES.\nNow, every shape you add is placed right in the middle of the workplane (in every axis X, Y and Z). We need to use the \"rotate\" and \"move\" blocks to position our shape where we want it to be.\nNOTE: any modification will only affect the selected shape or group of shapes. If you looked carefully, the roof was the only one affected by the scale block, because the cylinder was deselected once we added the roof. So every rotate or move block will only affect the roof (currently selected).\nLet´s modify the roof.",
"Arduino Jukebox\nIntroduction: Arduino Jukebox\nArduino Jukebox\nThis Jukebox is done for ELISAVA (Industrial Design) students.\nIn this file you are going to be able to see and to recreate a jukebox. Not only the box but also the software set up. This project is inspired in the jukeboxes that used to be in the bars. We wanted to get this retro feeling by creating one. With this project we also wanted to claim that old music is better.\nWe hope you enjoy the project as much as we enjoyed while we were working on it.\nSupplies\nMaterial\n* x2 - MDF Wood Board ( 600 x 300 x 4mm)\n* x1 - 1m Transparent PMMA Tube (7x10mm)\n* x1 - Golden Aluminum Mesh (500x250mm)\n* x2 - Purple Spray Paint 400ml\n* x1 - Orange Spray Paint 400ml\n* x2 - Bisagra Acero Inox 30x19mm\n* x1 - Power Adapter 1A 12V\nArduino material\nPractically all the components used for our project can be found in this Arduino Kit ( However, only one unit of each big component is included in the kit so additional components such as protoboards or servomotors should be bought for this project. All the components are listed below, including the ones from the kit.\n* x1 Arduino Uno\n* x11 white LEDs\n* x1 DC Motor\n* x4 Small Buttons\n* x1 LCD1602 Module\n* x1 8 Ohm Speaker\n* Cables\nStep 1: Build and Paint the Structure\nFor the structure we used de MDF Wood Board. In order to make them all fit, the pieces were laser-cut.\nThe main parts are;\n- Front Panel (with holes)\n- Back Panel\n- Right Side Panel\n- Left Side Panel with door\n- Floor\n- Shelve with holes\nOnce we had the six main pieces of the structure we glued them together using termofusible glue.\nWhen the pieces were all glued together we painted them in purple. It is important to give each part at least two layers of paint in order to have a better looking result.",
"For details such as the door sides and the semicircular hole in the front panel we decided to paint them in bright orange to create a different look to the assembly itself.\n* As we wanted to have the interior exposed in order to enable the user the access to the electric system, it was important to paint the inside of the structure.\nThe CAD drawings of the pieces are included below.\nStep 2: Support for Electric System\nAs the jukebox is tall but not wide, we decided to build a shelve in order to have a more organized interior. The shelve is built with the leftovers of the MDF Wood Board from the structure parts. We cut two 45º angles to create a support for the shelve. Once all the pieces were glued together, we painted the shelve black as we did not want the wood to be exposed once the door is opened. Finally, we glued the shelve to the interior of the jukebox.\nThe CAD drawings of the pieces are included in the previous step.\nStep 3: Design the Electric System\nAs we wanted our project to be as close as a real jukebox as possible it was crucial for us to include a speaker with music, lots of lights, and a rotating vinyl to create a retro look.\nHowever, we had a huge problem with the MP3 player for Arduino. After trying with different modules and codes, we decided not to use and MP3 player as we could not manage to make it work (we believe it is not compatible with Arduino Nano boards). Instead, we attached the 8 Ohm speaker for, at least, making some sound or playing a melody.\nAs for the rotating vinyl we decided to use a DC Motor with a scale model of an old vinyl. This would give our project a more realistic look. We also included 11 white LEDs next to the vinyl as we wanted a lot of bright lights in our jukebox.\nWe wanted to include some extra element so we decided to add to our electrical system a LCD screen which will show the name of the song being played.\nIn order to make all work we used four buttons which would play four different songs if the MP3 module was working.",
"Magpie Eyes Sci-Fi Goggles\nIntroduction: Magpie Eyes Sci-Fi Goggles\nHey <PERSON> here, your Favorite Oddity, I made these goggles for fun during a tough time, They became really popular making it on the cover of MAKE magazine issue 76. I was planning to use this build and try going into more of a business. But that's just not me. so I decided to make them open source and share them with the community.\nSupplies\nItems Needed\n* -Goggles ArcOne G-FLY-A1101 The Fly Safety Goggles\n* -3D printer I use a Creality Cr-10 3D printer\n* -PLA filament (ANY COLOR YOU WANT)\n* -E6000, Transparent glue E6000 237032 Craft Adhesive, 2 fl oz Clear\n* -Microcontroller Trinket Adafruit Trinket Mini Microcontroller\n* Power Booster PowerBoost 1000 Charger Rechargeable 5V Lipo USB Boost\n* Lithium Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v 500mAh\n* 2x-Servos Micro servo\n* -Solder Iron -Wires\nStep 1: Print Parts\nPrinting the parts should not be too hard when you have a 3d printer, I have sized everything for my creality Cr-10 but the files should fit most printers. I recommend starting with the “lens base” and “Servo Goggle Holders”\nAfter these parts Are finished, you will want to glue them to the goggle frames using the 6000, glue. I chose this glue because it's strong and flexible. I also recommend having some clips to hold down the parts.\nQuick Hint before you start glueing make sure the Lens base pointers are sitting at 1 o'clock and 11 o’clock (or 135 degrees and 45 degrees for you technical people) this way the actually eyebrow will move correctly trust me I have glued them wrong before and had a mess.\n* Added a quick sketch if you’re more of a visual person like myself\nStep 2: Lens\nThis is probably the hardest part, I got the original design from thingiverse (\nBut I did alter the size and thickness for my project. 1st thing you want to do is print out the lens parts.\nout you will have to carefully insert the leaves into the holes.",
"Be patient and you may need to file the hole a bit to get them to fit easily. Once you have them insert you fold them in and insert them into the lens. This part may take some time and maybe a bit frustrating at moments but your patience shall be rewarded.\nStep 3: Eye Brows and Testing\nAfter everything is glued on and secured, I recommend doing a testing, Print out the eyebrow parts, and the pulley hinges.\nAttack the Eyebrows with the back hole facing outward, and use screws to attach them (Honestly don't know what size screws I kinda recycle screws into projects)\nand grab 2 hobby servos. Attach the pulleys to a hobby servo horn and insert the servo’s into the servo holders, screw them in if you can. They should look something like this.\nNext I recommend taking any board you can use to test the servos, and testing the movement moving 0 to 180 degrees. It should move.\nStep 4: Preparing Goggles and Making Boxes\nI recommend starting the print for the Circuit cups, these will hold the circuit and the battery for the Goggles\nOK here we get clever, so there is a wire on the inside of the goggles that will connect the two circuit boxes. I recommend taking a Dremel or some type of cutting instrument and making a small hole right behind the servo holder.\nNext after the Circuit cups have been printed, you shall want glue then to the back of the Servo Holder like so.\nI recommend making sure some wire is through, you will need it for the power and maybe the servo as well.\nOf course let it dry overnight.\nStep 5: Electronics\n1st.Add the Code to the Adafruit trinket. It's very Important.\nSo this is where your tinker/Maker skills come though the diagram for this is a bit weird I daisy chain the signal wires from the Adafruit trinket, here is a quick diagram I drew up\nI made a connector from a Permaboard, that way all the devices can share POWER!!\nNext\nYou will want to stick the power booster and the battery Lithium Ion, into one cup. And the trinket and the permaboard hack into the other.\nThe program should be already Uploaded onto the trinket.",
"<PERSON> Estimation Method for Pi Using Codeblocks.\nIntroduction: <PERSON> Estimation Method for Pi Using Codeblocks.\nMath is really fun if you come to understand its importance in describing our world. And one of those things that is almost everywhere is Pi, specially when it has to do with curves.\nWhen I saw this challenge I had to participate and, as a teacher and Codeblocks fan, I knew I could mix these two in one instructable.\nSo I started my investigation, and found that Pi in ancient! And in ancient times there were no computers or powerful calculators, so they had to be really creative when estimating the value of this irrational number with infinite decimals.\nI came across <PERSON> to estimate Pi. This Chinese mathematician used inscribed polygons (with a number of sides that are multiples of 6, ie: hexagon, dodecagon, and so on).\nIt is a beautiful example of creativity and use of geometry for calculation purposes. So let´s start.\nStep 1: Understanding the Algorithm\nAs I said before, it is really cool to imagine people with little resources finding a way to do something complex for their time.\n<PERSON> saw that the bigger the number of sides of a polygon, the more it resembles a circle. As you can see in the image a hexagon (green) is not a good approximation for a circle. But once you use a dodecagon (blue) you see that the sides resembles the circle better, and if you continue yo will get to the point where you wont be able to see a polygon, but a circle.\nAnother way to see this is: \"A circle is a polygon with an infinite number of sides\".\nHe stated that he could find a really good estimation of Pi by calculating the area of a polygon, because the second one was fairly doable at that time.\nUsing this scope, as a teacher you could:\n- Teach or practice the concept of a limit.\n- Teach or practice area calculations for polygons.\n- Teach or practice angles and trigonometry calculations.\nIf you want to know a little bit more, please check the following page I used for reference:\n\nStep 2: A Regular Polygon As a Sum of Triangles\nA regular polygon with x number of sides can be geometrically divided into an x number of isosceles triangles. Ie: In the first image you can see that a pentagon can be divided into 5 triangles, an hexagon into 6 and so on and so on. So when we can create a polygon using isosceles triangles.\nThat is what we are going to use in Codeblocks, by scaling roofs into specific isosceles triangles, we can create a regular polygon.\nIn image #2, we can see that:\n1) The angle beta at the top of the triangle can be calculated by dividing 360 degrees by the number of sides of the polygon. ------> Beta = 360 / (number of sides)\n2) The alpha angles are equal and can be calculated by subtracting beta to 180 and dividing by two, since all of the angles inside a triangle add to 180. -------> Alpha = ( 180 - Beta ) / 2\n3) The side a is always equal to the radius of the circumference. -------> a = radius.\n4) The height of the triangle h can be found using trigonometry with the sine of Alpha.",
"------> h = a * sin ( Alpha ).\n5) The side b can be calculated using trigonometry with the cosine of Alpha. --------> b = 2 * a * cos ( Alpha ).\nStep 3: Working With Codeblocks\nThe closest figure to a triangle in Codeblocks is a roof (Image 1). This roof has the following default dimensions: 20 mm lenght, 20 mm width and 10 mm the height. We have to take these proportions into account to accurately modify our roof. So this algorithm will be about modifying that roof.\nFirst, we have to create a variable and that is the number of sides of the desired polygon. (Image 2).\nNext we have insert a roof and modify it to be the isosceles triangle that we need. So we use the create object block and name it \"triangle\". after that we have to add a roof with a length of 2. (image 3).\nNow we have to scale it. to the desired height and width. So we need the correct proportions. For the height we use the sine of Alpha (Z axis) and for the width we use the cosine of Alpha (X axis).\nNext we rotate it 90 degrees to make it flat with the XY plane.",
"Pocket Catapult\nIntroduction: Pocket Catapult\nThis is the story of how I made a tiny catapult in Tinkercad and used Fusion 360 to make it 3dprintable for you all!\nI used Tinkercad as a tool that I always have on hand because you can use it in your browser. Then after getting the concept down I went ahead and used Fusion 360 to make it printable and render out some nice pictures.\nI wanted to explore the elastic properties of PLA that we can use to make a little pocket-sized catapult. Use a spiral shape that you can wind up with your finger and shoot small things across your room.\nSupplies\n* Fusion 360\n* Tinkercad\n* Computer\n* 3Dprinter\nStep 1: My Spiral in Tinkercad\nFirst I made a simple spiral in Tinkercad. Inside the spiral, I added a square that will attach this spiral to your casing so that you can print them separately for an easier 3dprinting experience.\nStep 2: Building the Casing\nYou can see that I made the casing around the spiral. The casing is a circle, square, and circle cut to make it better to grip with your fingers while winding up the catapult.\nStep 3: Full Overview\nThis is the full overview of the design that I made. You can see that I have a bottom and top casing. This is to make a clean finish of the pocket catapult.\nYou can Tinker this model yourself with this Tinkercad link:\nPocket Catapult\nStep 4: Making Spiral in Fusion\nInside fusion 360 I used the Coil function that is under Solid > Create > Coil. Then I selected Type > Spiral to make it flat.",
"Before making this Spiral I had drawn a circle with the maximum diameter so that I could see if it would fit in the desired location. I also made the form of the spiral square to make it easier to work with.\nStep 5: Casing and Overview\nThe case was easily built with the sketch function. I just sketched behind the spiral and after getting the desired form I extruded it. To get the correct wall thickness of the casing a used another sketch and then used the Offset function.\nStep 6: Rendering in Fusion\nAfter I was done I went to the Render workspace of Fusion 360. This is an easy-to-use render engine inside your CAD software. I always use it to make a quick render for my designs to show to clients. I made use of the included material and changed them a bit with the appearance menu. After also using the scene settings to make the background and lighting correct I rendered them and exported the PNG photos directly to my computer.\nStep 7: Download My Files\nYou can download my files for 3dprinting free on:\nThingiverse\nPrintables",
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"Customer yelled at me because they didn't know how tax works for greenhouse items\nI started work at a small retail store a few months ago. I learned so much, but one day, I had to get a rude customer who wouldn't even listen to me as I knew what to do.\nA lady approached my manual checkout with a hanging plant basket that we sell at $24.99. You can scan the barcode on the plant or use a three-digit code on a piece of paper at our checkouts for greenhouse items. I used the code as either one will come up with the same price. It has rung up to $24.99, but here is the catch: we have a tax for greenhouse stuff. It added the tax of $1.50, so it has rung up to $26.49, as we always do when it is time to check out. We said, \"Your total is (price).\" I did that, and the lady gave me an angry look. Saying That isn't right, it should be $24.99!?\" I calmly explained to the lady that we have a tax for greenhouses and pointed to the 2nd monitor mounted to our lampost that there was a tax, but the lady wasn't buying.\nNow, with our Rules and regulations, we can't stand there and argue with the customer.",
"We have to leave it to the manager on shift. I went to the customer service desk as the lady followed with the plant in hand, thinking I was grabbing the book or flyer we have for the greenhouse. However, I already knew the prices by now; my manager for the shift was sitting doing the lottery. I called out as I walked over. I explained that hanging baskets are $24.99. He confirmed it. The lady that followed behind said to him that the plants were $24.99 and were wrong on my checkout. He needed clarification and went to my checkout. I explained to my manager that it was $24.99 plus tax, and the manager was like yeah, your total is $26.49 I even asked him if I was right, and he said yeah, the lady left with the plant all paid to give me a look that I was in the wrong and that I scammed them, I don't get people sometimes 🤷🏻♂️\n\nah yes, customer service, you either like them or hate them",
"Blue Shirt Vs Customized Shirt\nI finally have a reddit-worthy story for both r/IDOWORKHERELADY and r/IDONTWORKHERELADY.\nI went to an electronics store (where the employees wear blue shirts) to purchase new headphones and to ask a question about my new laptop that I bought a month ago. When I get to the laptop section, I only saw one person there. They were wearing a blue shirt and looking at the displays, so naturally, I figured they were an employee. Nope. The lady politely made me aware of my mistake when she pointed to the logo on her shirt. The logo was of the local tech college.\nI apologized.",
"Though I did ask if she understood why I would have mistaken her for an employee? An actual employee then showed up to help the other customer, so I didn't get an answer.\nOn my way to the checkout, I saw a sign that told customers to purchase all items at the entrance point where someone directs people to where they need to go. Unfortunately, the guy there was discussing lunch breaks with another employee, so I waited. That's when a guy came up and asked if he could help me. He wore a black shirt with a custom print design, not the typical blue shirt, so naturally, I asked if he worked there. Yes, he did. He was kind to help me purchase my items and answer my laptop question.\nI went from mistaking a customer in the employee colors to meeting an employee who wasn't wearing the blue colored shirt.",
"Customers can’t find open register with the light on\nI’m helping my manager do things around the store, mainly packaways on register 2. I turn on the light for register 1 and leave our bell out. Then I put the “register closed” sign up on register 2 and start scanning the items.\nI suddenly hear a thunk. I look up to find a woman unloading her cart at register 2. I tell her, “Ma’am this register is closed.” And gesture to the closed sign. She asked, “Well which one is open then?” I pointed to register 1 and tell her I can check her out over there.\nI finish some of the packaways and decide while waiting on my manager to bring more I will do some go-backs. I come back up to the front to grab another basket of go-backs to see a man standing at register 3. He says he’s ready to check out.",
"I tell him that register is closed. Again, he asks which one does he need to go to. I tell him register 1. Before I go over there, I double checked that both registers 2 and 3 have their respective “register closed” sign. They do.\nYet again I step away from the registers and come back to find two women at register 3. I have to repeat myself and tell them register 3 is closed. They both start looking around like lost children and ask, “Well, then which one do we go to? Which one is open?” I tell them I can check them both out on register 1. Ya know, the one with the light on.\nWhat was it with these customers? Had they never been in a store with lights above the register? Can they not read a very clear sign that says “register closed”? Don’t they know the light being on means the register is open and if it’s off the register is closed?\nIt’s not that hard to look up!!",
"UPDATE: What would you say in this situation.\nAbout a week ago, I made a post about a customer who was a regular but was acting strange to later find out his wife cheated on him.\nI finally had the customer come back last night after a week of not seeing him come in. He was sat in my section as happy as can be with a big smile on his face. He told me that he's starting divorce proceedings with his to be ex-wife and she can go be with her so-and-so new beau.",
"He then thanks me for listening to him when he was feeling really low and that he needed an ear to hear.\nHe goes through his usual ordering like it's nothing and even a little bit more. But the surprise comes at the time I'm cleaning up his table after his $75 order to discover a $60 tip. I smile and pocket the money and go about finishing my sidework and wrapping silverware to close up for the night.",
"Wholesome moment with my coworker\n\"<PERSON>\" and I work at a restaurant. It was a very slow Friday morning. I was at the register and he was nearby restocking items. These two men come in and buy some food. They pay with cash, but since most people pay with card nowadays, I closed the register without even giving it a second thought. I gasped loudly and went to the cook to ask for help. <PERSON> came to me and asked me what happened. I told him, and he tried to unlock the register using his ID number (which we learned at orientation).",
"He wasn't able to. However, since the manager was on lunch and the shift lead clocked out that day, and they're the only ones with authorization to reopen registers, we were screwed.\nThe next fifteen minutes were sent with <PERSON>, the cooks, and I trying to figure out a solution. The manager ended up having to finish her lunch early and clock back in early just so the register could be reopened. Thankfully no one gave me any crap about it, not even the customers who had to wait all that time. I felt so embarrassed that because of my mistake, everyone was inconvenienced. But <PERSON> was just so...gentle with me after. He gave me the easier tasks, and he just spoke to me in a very light tone. It's like he could tell I was embarrassed, even though I tried not to show it.",
"I love dealing with rude customers\nKinda not being sarcastic. I use my best customer service skills. I'm so slow and patient with them. I make sure I'm doing everything perfectly.\nHad a lady today being rude and she was almost on top of the 1st register behind another customer. I get called for backup and I take her all the way back to register 7.",
"So she had to walk back. Then she had a return that was left at the first register. No problem, let me just walk back and grab it ofc taking my time.\nOh this return is past the time limit? We need to put it on a gift card even though you're buying other stuff and I could do it all at once but I'll do it in 2 different transactions. Oh wait this register doesn't have the cards so I'll have to go to another register and grab some.\nThe whole time this lady was complaining, \"Oh you're just wasting a gift card since in going to use it right away\", \"why cant you give me the number to look up this transaction up in my email\"(mind you, she didnt ask about it, just starting swinging). I just said \"Okay\" or didn't answer.\nShe waa rude to me on the sales floor when we didnt have a lot of a certain product in stock and she accused another person who was coming for backup of shopping when she was checking which register we were assigned to.\nSome people just want to be miserable.",
"All of this happened today.\n40 min into my shift a customer wanted to argue with me about our return policy. It's store credit for anything that was alive that is now passed away (its a pet store - fish). Not a cash refund.\nI explain this and I'm met with\n'No, I want a cash refund' -We don't do cash refunds. Store credit only.\n'they gave me cash the last time' -No they didn't. Not for a kosher return. Stop lying to me to get your way.\n'Call a manager' -Okay, but he's going to tell me to repeat myself to you.\n'When did that policy change?' -Lady, It's never changed. In fact, it's literally plastered on the wall behind me in a faded sign from 1980.\n'Well that's not your policy...' -Ma'am, Yes it is, and any employee who handed you cash in the past for a return wasn't doing their job appropriately.\n'Yes, they were doing their job because they gave me my money back' - If breaking store policy is doing a good job than we'd all be in trouble.",
"The lack of logic.\nThen I have another one. She has a bunny and wants to talk to me, the cashier, about bunny health. Leaning on the register, asking all the questions in the world. The line behind her starts to get longer and she's oblivious.\nI see one customer slap down some plants, get out of line and walk towards the door. I see another group of customers behind her do the same. The customer who was holding them all up starts to cause a scene about the other people causing a scene.\nThe couple who walked out yells back inside the store to the oblivious one 'You know they have employees in the back who you're supposed to get help from! You're not supposed to walk up here to ask all your questions!' and she was fucking 100% on the spot correct.\n'Oh wow, I didn't realize some people are so rude'.\nSeriously lady...YOU'RE the idiot here. I'm not a quizlet or a vet - I'm supposed to be ringing those people out.\nI'm really interested in medical coding. Bought some textbooks I'm going to study...Can't wait to walk out of this store and never come back.",
"Customers act suspicious and get mad\nThe store I work at closes at 8:00, and two men came in around the time of 7:45 to 7:50.\nThe assistant manager and I were both up at the register when they came in and we assumed that they were just normal customers which they did turn out to be.\nWhen most people come in they can tell the difference between where the display or the store ends and where the warehouse starts at and these two guys marched right back to the warehouse. They did not look around or anything. They literally marched back to the warehouse like they were on a mission.\nNow the guy who currently works in the warehouse has had some issues with drugs in the past and I admit I was worried that these two guys were going back there to have a confrontation with him.\nThe assistant manager even admitted that he felt the same way.\nWe both thought that the best case scenario was they were just late night truck drivers dropping something off, but the assistant manager did admit that even he thought they were going to confront <PERSON> about something because of how they just power walked to the back.\nCustomers are not supposed to be walking into the back. They can be back there if someone who works in the store leads them back there and knows about it, but they cannot just walk into the back.\n<PERSON> and I went to the back to check out what was going on and for some reason even though we both went to the back to see what these two guys wanted they only expressed a problem with me.\nOne of the guys literally started freaking out and saying that I was tweaking and he starts saying stuff to me like how I don't have to worry because he's not there to steal anything.\nI'm just standing there like dude I didn't even say anything about you stealing.",
"It's my job to come back here and see why you just came into the back of our store.\nWhen I ask what you're doing it's not an accusation. It's genuinely a question. I'm asking what are you doing?\nHe just keeps it up though. He just starts this whole tirade about how he doesn't want to be around me because I'm tweaking.\nI just it honestly really ticked me off.",
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"On Drawing Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution as a Comic Strip · Global Voices\nHong Kong's Admiralty protest site in 2014. PHOTO: <PERSON>\nEditor's note: This article is written by <PERSON>, the cartoonist behind “Add Oil Comics“. In it, he reflects upon how he was inspired by the discussion surrounding Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution, a series of protests demanding genuinely democratic elections. The thing that makes <PERSON>'s work different from other satirical comics is their use of images to communicate the stories of social events to ordinary people—the comics’ conversational style invites non-activists to join in the discussion. That's the reason they sometimes go viral after releases them on its Facebook page. This is the first in a series of articles reflecting on this experiment in creating a new genre of political cartoons.\nWe were entering the second month of Occupy Hong Kong. Throngs of students and adults were camped out in high-traffic neighborhoods, waging a long battle for a more open and democratic process around the election of the city’s highest-ranking government official, the Chief Executive.\nDespite occupying a four-lane highway downtown and key intersections elsewhere, the protesters had yet to persuade the government to change its plans for electoral reform. They had the numbers—over 100,000 people joined the protest at its peak. They had the world’s attention—Occupy Hong Kong graced the cover of Time magazine not once, but twice. And they were asking nicely—the protests remained peaceful despite police and gang incursions). What more could the protesters do to convince the government to change its mind?\nI supported the protests, and I wanted to help. But as an outsider to the world of politics, I wasn’t sure what I could do. For many nights in a row, my friend <PERSON> and I had been showing up at the protest site down by the highway to show our support. It was electrifying to be part of the movement, but as the weeks wore on it began to feel disempowering. Our numbers were thinning, and the government seemed content to sit back and wait for us to tire ourselves out.",
"The atmosphere on the ground was tense. Nobody knew what was going to happen next.\nLike many others around me during this period, I was glued to the news. Scanning the headlines one day, I came across an article on Inmediahk—a local independent Chinese-language news site—by a young teacher-in-training about her struggles at home. The piece was powerfully written, poetic in its succinctness, and described a common problem faced by many of the student protesters. The author writes about the tense situation that existed between her, an avid supporter of the protests, and her mother, who thought of the protesters as entitled brats. She ends the piece with a plea to her mother, asking the latter to look at the broken system around her, rather than simply rely on biased reports in the local mainstream media.\nReading the article, I found myself subconsciously imagining what it would look like as a comic strip. By the time I reached the end the cartoonist in me had decided that it would make a great comic. But to make sure my instincts weren’t completely off the mark, I checked in with <PERSON>. I sent him an email and asked, “What about turning this letter into a comic like this — can do Chinese and English versions?” “I love the idea!” he replied.\n1st draft of the comic.\nAfter several days of drawing, re-drawing and coloring, I was at last satisfied with the end result. I released the comic online: on Tumblr, Twitter and the Inmediahk website. The comic received some traction on Tumblr and Twitter (35 and 50 reblogs and retweets, respectively) but failed to elicit much of a response on Inmediahk (1–2 paltry comments). It wasn’t a stellar response, though I didn’t have any expectations at the time. Turning the article into a comic was as much an act of self-expression as it was an experiment in internet publishing and awareness raising.\nRead the original, Chinese version of this comic:\nA few days later, <PERSON> and I spoke to the team at Inmediahk about publishing the comic on their Facebook page. We figured it couldn’t hurt to ask, as we ourselves didn’t have access to Inmediahk’s core audience of Hong Kong-based, Chinese-speaking students and professionals. (Tumblr and Twitter do not have much reach here, for example.) After some back and forth, they agreed to publish it.\nA few hours later, it went viral.\nThe comments poured in.",
"The November 12 clashes at the Chinese University of Hong Kong: An eyewitness view · Global Voices\nStudent activists protect themselves with umbrellas on the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong on November 12, 2019. Photo by the author. Used with permission.\n<PERSON> is an Assistant Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUKH). This story is an edited version of a post published by Lokman on Facebook, bearing witness to the events surrounding the clash between student activists and police on the CUHK campus on Tuesday, November 12.\nOn Tuesday, November 12, I was supposed to teach my undergraduate morning class, “development of mass communication,” but classes were all suspended because of the protests.\nAs I write this, I am sitting in my office. It’s 9am Hong Kong time on November 13. I’ve just brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got myself some tea. Yes, I slept in my office, on the couch. My body feels a bit stiff and tired, and it reminds me of the days I’d go out clubbing until sunrise—except of course I am not that young anymore, nor was I exactly dancing last night.\nI shouldn’t complain, because at least I had a couch to sleep on. I don’t know how many students slept outside last night, but by the time I left, around 3am, many were still outside working the supply lines, literally holding down the fort.\nThe day of November 12 was completely nuts.\nIt started with the 11am press conference in which I participated. In “normal” times, taking the Department of Justice to court over an injunction seeking to censor online speech would be newsworthy. But yesterday, only a sprinkling of journalists were present. The conference was live-streamed on the news portal HK01, and it got coverage from Apple, RTHK radio, Unwire and some others. But on a day like yesterday, this was not news—and understandably so, with everything else that was happening.\nAfter the press conference, which was held in the Legislative Council Building, I looked for a place to sit down and calm my nerves. I was walking towards Central district. It was almost lunch hour; for the second day in a row, office workers were coming out to protest against the Hong Kong government and the police. In front of Louis Vuitton, people wearing suits and high heels were trying to occupy the road, shouting slogans. Some were kneeling to leverage bricks so we could use them as roadblocks.",
"Others stood on the sky bridge looking down at us, and many were yelling at them to come down and join us, that this is not a movie.\nAt some point, five high school girls showed up, visibly excited. They started shouting slogans and the rest of the crowd followed suit. Then members of the press started photographing the high-schoolers—inappropriately, as such a record could haunt them later. The girls giggled with embarrassment at first, then moved away; but the photographers followed them. In the end, several of us took out our umbrellas and shielded the girls. We held our umbrellas up for a while until my arm started getting sore. I told the girls to remember not to neglect their studies (when did I become this person?), and we went our own way.\nAs 2pm neared people began retreating. The lunch hour was over. Only moments before, we’d been standing strong, facing down the police, then abruptly “reality” kicks in, and it is time to go back to the office. I got myself some food and headed home.\nThat was when I began seeing footage of the scenes at Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)—the university where I teach. Some of my students were tweeting things like “where is the university president, where is the management, where are the teachers?!” I felt terrible. As I responded to friends who were asking me if I was okay, I decided, fuck it—I’m going to campus.\nBut how? I’m in Sheung San, Hong Kong Island, and my university is in Shatin in the New Territories, some distance away. Traffic is disrupted. Then a friend offers me a ride. We pick up several others along the way, and, with the car loaded, we are off on our way to CUHK, talking along the way about the people we know who have been arrested.\nThe traffic jam is huge, partly because of road blocks by protesters or police, and partly because it seems like a massive part of Hong Kong is mobilizing to go to CUHK to help out. At a certain point we cannot drive any further as the road is blocked by people and cars all trying to unload and distribute materials, helmets, water, etc. “Please help move stuff, this shit is heavy!",
"‘Humour Is a Sharp Weapon Challenging an Authoritarian Regime’ · Global Voices\n<PERSON>'s award-winning political cartoon about the White Paper issued by the Chinese government's State Council on “one country, two systems.” People in Hong Kong believe that the new interpretation of “one country, two systems” will ruin the city's autonomy. Used with permission.\nBelow is an interview with <PERSON>, a mainland Chinese political cartoonist who recently won the Best Political Cartoon in Hong Kong In-Media's E-Citizen Awards, which aim to promote original reporting, political cartoons, photography and commentary online. The interview was originally written in Chinese by <PERSON> and translated into English by <PERSON>.\n“I never thought I could win this award, especially when I saw so many excellent creations at the Occupy Central sites. I felt a little ashamed,” says <PERSON> humbly. He won the Best Political Cartoon in Hong Kong In-Media’s E-Citizen Awards this year.\n<PERSON>'s profile picture in social media. Use with permission.\n<PERSON>, which means <PERSON>, is the pseudonym of <PERSON>, a mainland China-based political cartoonist. During his honeymoon in Japan, he was criticised by a number of state-run media outlets in China and labelled a “pro-Japanese traitor”. He decided to stay abroad and now lives in Japan as a university researcher. He hopes to travel to Hong Kong to receive the award and observe the creative political expressions at the sites of the so-called Umbrella Revolution there.\nHe used to draw cartoons for iSun Affairs Magazine, an independent publication focused on greater Chinese communities, but the magazine was shuttered in 2013. Compared to other mainland netizens, Biantailajiao pays close attention to the political affairs of Hong Kong, a special administrative region of China, and Taiwan, whose independence as a country China rejects. He believes the democratic future of these two places will serve as examples for the mainland. Although Hong Kong doesn’t have democracy, the citizens’ determination in the pursuit of democracy excites him.",
"In contrast, in mainland China, many people defend the communist party’s totalitarian rule, which leaves citizens hopeless.\nAn recent example of intellectuals protecting Chinese authoritarianism came during a literature forum in October, when Chinese President <PERSON> praised young writer <PERSON> for spreading “positive energy” on the Internet. Mainland netizens have largely debunked <PERSON>'s work as “full of lies”. In fact, famous blogger <PERSON>, who is a skilled fact-checker, was kicked off popular Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo for his criticism of <PERSON>. <PERSON> created a figurative caricature of the incident; netizens who retweeted the cartoon were questioned by police.\n<PERSON> points out that since <PERSON> took office, Chinese citizens have enjoyed less freedom of expression. In October 2013, when the Central Propaganda Department cracked down on Weibo's opinion leaders, he received a subpoena from police accusing him of “spreading false information”. During the interrogation, the officers cautioned him to be careful, given that he had hundreds of thousands Weibo followers at the time.\nFacing such pressure, <PERSON> and other online opinion leaders have acted more cautiously since November 2013. Following the questioning, he limited his drawings to social problems that didn’t criticise the communist regime. Instead, he put his energy into a Taobao online store selling snacks from Japan and Taiwan that he operated with his friends. He never imagined that in May, when he was on honeymoon with his wife in Japan and collecting items for his Taobao store, that mainland authorities would level accusations of being a “pro-Japanese traitor” against him.\nHis accounts on Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo, a similar service, were later deleted, and his Taobao shop was closed (later re-opened), cutting off a major source of income. On 9 August, he described the episode in a tweet as “the worst censorship” he had ever experienced.\nSome speculated that the move was a retaliation against his satirical cartoon on Hong Kong's Occupy Central protests, a massive movement calling on the Hong Kong and mainland Chinese governments to allow genuine democratic elections. On 17 August, he published a cartoon that featured a mainland delegate going to Hong Kong to denounce Occupy Central and implied that mainland Chinese authorities mobilized anti-Occupy Central protests from behind the scenes. The next day, dozens of official mainland media outlets republished an article titled “See Through the Pro-Japanese Traitor Face of Biantailajiao”.\nHe felt wronged.",
"Post-Umbrella Revolution’s Politics Reflected in the Newly Launched Stand News · Global Voices\nThe composition of the newly launched Stand News’ board members reflect the media's political positioning in post-Umbrella Revolution Hong Kong. Image from Stand News’ Facebook.\nThis article, written by's editorial team, was originally published in Chinese on December 28 and was translated by <PERSON> into English for Global Voices as part of a content-sharing partnership.\nTwo months before the Occupy Central movement brought about mass demonstrations demanding free and fair elections in Hong Kong, <PERSON> shuttered his popular alternative news site, House News. At the time, <PERSON> claimed was terrified by Hong Kong's political environment.\nBut with tensions still sky-high in Hong Kong, <PERSON> launched a new site just before Christmas, known as Stand News, or “Standpoint News” in Chinese. Given its peculiar origins, the site has thus far been met with both praise and criticism on social media.\nWithin one night, netizens made fun of the relaunch by setting up dozens of pages that copied the platform's name: including “Love Stand”, “Happiness Stand”, “Gambling Stand”, “Battle Stand”, “Football Stand”, and “Magnet Stand”. The flood of praise and condemnation following Stand News’ launch seemed to have ruined a great holiday.\nMost of the skeptical comments centered on the fact that <PERSON> hasn't explained how he overcame his said fear, particularly after the Umbrella Revolution, as persecution and revenge have added to the chilling effects of Hong Kong's political atmosphere. In addition, the absence of Stand News during the Umbrella Movement, as it is also called, has been labeled as a certain type of original sin.\nApart from these initial reactions and speculations, we haven’t seen any analysis of the political positioning of Stand News after the Umbrella Revolution.\nThe launching statement of the Stand News said it takes Hong Kong as its home and thus Hong Kong is its “standpoint” or political position. Yet all political groups and parties in Hong Kong, including pro-establishment groups such as Caring Hong Kong Power and other pro-Beijing camps, take Hong Kong as their home and claim to speak for Hong Kong.\nThe political position of Stand News can be best reflected from its board members, half of whom are the original business managers of the former House News. The other half are new faces, including <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON> and <PERSON>.\n<PERSON>, a pro-democracy barrister, has long advocated for civil and political rights in China and Hong Kong.",
"In 1998, in a legal case concerning the right of Hong Kong-born citizens to reside in mainland China, <PERSON> chose to stand against dominant public opinion but with Hong Kongers’ mainland children, reflecting her belief that some values are more important than votes and applause.\n<PERSON>, who is associated with Hong Kong Council of Social Services, represents local the NGO sector. Both <PERSON> and <PERSON> are conventional democrats who contributed to Hong Kong's democratic reform in past decades.\nSince the mid-2000s, a series of social movements have contributed to the rise of new political forces consisting of both youth and localist Hong Kongers who treasure local culture and identity. These two groups sometimes work with and sometimes are at odds with the conventional democrats. The increasing separation and inner conflicts among anti-establishment democrats have raised concerns as to whether the driving force for social and political changes in Hong Kong will be disintegrated.\nThe formation of the Stand News board has undoubtedly addressed the above concern. <PERSON>, a pop star and activist who was very active in the the umbrella movement, represents the new emerging youth force, while <PERSON>, a current news commentator who advocates for Hong Kong's autonomy, represents the force of localists who want to safeguard Hong Kong as an autonomous space.\nIf older generation democrats and the new political forces can consolidate and unite with one another, they can surely mitigate the current conflicts and work from a new beginning. If Stand News were to position itself as the bridge between these groups, it would have to be operated and interpreted by its editorial and reporter team and its in-house bloggers.\nThe eleven staff members of Stand News all come from the former House News. At House News, they excelled in news judgment and visualisations and had been seen as a media that promote ‘localist’ agenda. But whether they can reset the political agenda amid the chaotic politics of the post-Umbrella Revolution Hong Kong depends on their political judgement beyond journalism senses.",
"The Journey of Award-Winning Hong Kong Citizen Photojournalist <PERSON> · Global Voices\n<PERSON>'s photo of a protest incident on 8 December 2013 won the Best Online Photojournalism Award. A female protester dashed out into the road to attempt to stop the Chief Executive <PERSON> vehicle from leaving a district-level consultation meeting on the government annual budgetary report. The police carried her away and dropped her on the ground in the process. CC: AT-NC\nHong Kong In-Media, a NGO advocates citizen journalism, has organized E-Citizen Awards to promote original reporting, political comics, photography and commentary online. Contributing reporters from, a online media sponsored by Hong Kong In-Media, have interviewed some of the award winners. Below is an interview with <PERSON>, the winner of the Best Online Photojournalism award. The Chinese article was written by <PERSON>, a contributing reporter from, and published in Mingpao, a local printed newspapers on October 26. The English version below is translated by <PERSON>.\nThe interview took place in a bookstore in Mongkok, just one street away from one of the pro-democracy sit-in sites, a “high-risk” place as described by Hong Kong police. A few hours before the interview, another group of masked men carrying cutters among other metal tools came to remove the blockades set up by protesters. Text messages kept arriving with alerts during the interview that the “blue ribbons,” a group of police supporters, were likely to start trouble that evening. Conflicts between pro-Occupy and anti-Occupy groups seem to erupt anytime since October 3, when a group of pro-Beijing thugs attacked pro-democracy protesters in Mongkok.\nAs the Chinese saying goes, “People born in troubled times carry responsibilities.” The on-going Umbrella Movement relies on every protester's persistence. <PERSON>, a volunteer reporter at United Social Press (USP), an online media platform, believes it is his responsibility to record what's happening at the Mongkok protest site through his lens.\n<PERSON> has won Best Photojournalism of Hong Kong In-Media’s E-Citzen Awards. Before the interview, <PERSON> joked, “It is great to have this interview in Mongkok, because after we finish the interview, I can go directly to the street to take photos!” Since Occupy Mongkok began on September 29, <PERSON> went there almost everyday to shoot photos after he finished his day job.",
"He usually stayed till late at night and then went home, took a short rest and returned to work.\nAlthough his did not make any money from taking photos, <PERSON> was very satisfied with his work. “I feel honored to cover this movement as a citizen reporter, filing in the gaps left by the other media and presenting a full picture of the protest.”\nAll the frontline newspaper photojournalists know or have heard of USP, as USP’s volunteer reporters are present at nearly every protest. <PERSON> and another ten volunteers, with no salary nor insurance, formed the USP team in Hong Kong in the hope of helping the public understand the situation with their real-time news photos. <PERSON> believes, “The lens of the camera are the eyes of a reporter. The subject, the angle and even the light of a photograph reflect the view of the reporter.”\n<PERSON> started his journey to photojournalism with “street snaps.” “Two years ago, I was a typical Hong Konger working in the retail sector. Every day I worked long hours and didn’t care about society. Honestly speaking, back then I didn’t even know who [current Hong Kong Chief Executive] <PERSON> was or who [current Chinese Premier] <PERSON> was. My ‘street snaps’ were just empty displays of photographic skill.”\nOne day, <PERSON> became fed up with his mundane life and quit his job to study commercial photography for a year. Incidentally, he joined USP as a citizen reporter.\nPlacing people at the center\nWhat is the difference between photojournalism and street snaps? <PERSON> pondered for a moment and replied in a philosophical tone, “The difference lies in my completely different values and perspectives. The change in my life has given substance to the subjects I shoot.”\nHe likes the style of the war correspondent <PERSON>. What <PERSON> has captured throughout his career are the most shocking scenes of conflict. <PERSON>’s bio goes like this: “I have been a witness, and these pictures are. my testimony. The events I have recorded should.",
"Why Hong Kong isn’t dead yet · Global Voices\n“2018.7.1” A protest in Hong Kong in 2018. Photo by <PERSON> ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 )\nThis story is an edited version of a post published by the author on Facebook on Friday, May 22, reflecting on the possible consequences of the end of “One Country, two Systems”—a principle written into the Sino-British Joint Declaration in 1984 to safeguard Hong Kong's political autonomy—following Beijing's proposal of a new draft law.\nMay 22, Hong Kong. It’s a really bad day. And we have been having lots of bad days in Hong Kong lately. Bad months. Bad everything.\nWe’ve been living with the coronavirus since January. In November last year, the police attacked my university campus. And it’s been almost a full year since we came out to protest against the extradition bill.\nBut today Beijing imposed the “national security” law in Hong Kong. This law will give them broad powers to go after anyone they don’t like. Anyone who criticizes them. Anyone who disagrees with them or disobeys them. Or also, anyone who hurts their feelings. Officially, the list of new offences will be “secession, subversion of state power, terrorism and foreign interference.” They say new categories might be added in the future.\nI did not sleep well last night. It felt like I was waking up into a nightmare this morning.\nAlmost everyone I have talked to is speechless.\n“I don’t know what to say.”\n“I can’t even…”Or just simply “….”.\nWe have been fighting for our freedom and autonomy. We have been fighting for our right to elect the people who govern us.\nThe government that is grabbing power in Hong Kong now is a government that censors <PERSON> and <PERSON>. It is a party that routinely arrests feminists, lawyers, intellectuals and keeps ethnic minorities in concentration camps.\nThis is what we are fighting against. It is why we are deflated, why we are in despair in the wake of the recent news. We are all very tired.\nBut let’s be clear: Beijing knows that they are paying a high price—the full price—for this. And we here in Hong Kong have made them pay it.\nI’m pretty sure even Beijing would have preferred not to exercise this nuclear option. They would have preferred to let the pro-Beijing party and the rigged Legislative Council in Hong Kong do the dirty work. But we made Beijing pay the full price.\n<PERSON> teaches us that power is to act in concert.",
"But Beijing is acting solo now. This is not an example of Beijing being powerful—it is Beijing being forceful. It is not political power. It is political violence.\nI’m not saying this is a win, or that this is something to celebrate. But we did our part. We made them work fucking hard for it. Everyone in Hong Kong is watching. The Hang Seng stock market index dropped a thousand points this morning already. Taiwan is watching. The United States is watching. Beijing is on notice, in front of the entire world.\nSo what now? What can we in Hong Kong do? What can anyone do?\nI tell myself this is the moment where I need to take care of myself and take care of those around me. Because we need to take this hit, get up, and live to fight another day.\nTo quote <PERSON>’s famous cliché:\n“[Life] ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.”\nWhat Beijing does not want you to do is to get up. To keep fighting. To have hope. Though why would anyone in their right mind in Hong Kong have hope right now?\nHere’s <PERSON> take:\n“[Hope] it is not the belief that everything was, is, or will be fine. . . . The hope I’m interested in is about broad perspectives with specific possibilities, ones that invite or demand that we act.”\nSo what does it mean to act? According to <PERSON>, to act is to make a beginning. It is to do something surprising and unexpected and that will then have a life of its own because it will have inspired others, because others will follow, because we act in concert.\nMaybe it’s time to remind ourselves that Hong Kong has been really good at protesting, at acting, at being creative and surprising.",
"How Social Media Helped an Independent Candidate Beat the Odds in Taiwan’s Elections · Global Voices\n<PERSON> election campaign photo. From <PERSON>'s Facebook\nIndependent candidate <PERSON> came away with a victory in the Taipei City mayor's race, and he says he has social media to thank.\nTaiwan went to the polls on November 29 to vote for county governors and city and township mayors. The country's political landscape favors the two-party system, in which the ruling party is mainly a competition between Kuomintang (KMT) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). But <PERSON>, a medical doctor by profession, managed to win with 853,983 votes or 57.16 percent of the vote, a landslide compared to the 40.82 percent garnered by his major opposing candidate, <PERSON>, who is backed up by the ruling Kuomintang.\nDifferent from conventional political parties’ election campaigns, which tend to spend a huge amount of money on mainstream media advertisement, <PERSON> relied mostly on social media to spread his message. He only bought TV airtime for one advertisement, and the rest were posted on social media platforms.\nIn addition, he vowed to implement ideas gathered by his campaign team from social media users as part of Taipei City policy if he won the election. Many have credited his outreach on social media with bringing out younger voters in droves.\nIn <PERSON>’s acceptance speech, he attributed his victory to the power of social media:\n我來自庶民,未來進入台北市政府會繼續傾聽庶民的聲音;鄉民力量的展現見證了網路世代的強大,無論是線上捐款、理念傳播、活動募集,這都是一場網路主導的選戰。從白衫軍到太陽花學運,公民運動造就了台灣新政治的來臨。\nI am an ordinary citizen, and I will continue to listen to the voices of the common people upon starting to serve in the Taipei City government. The power of grassroots was parallel to the rise of the Internet generation.",
"The entire election campaign was let by the Internet — online donation, the promotion of ideals, and mobilization to events. From the White T-Shirt Army to the Sunflower Movement, civic movements have created a new approach to Taiwan politics.\nThe White T-shirt Army is a popular movement calling for a military investigation of the death of <PERSON>, a young soldier who died suddenly on July 4, 2013 while detained during his conscription service. The Sunflower Movement is a mobilization against the non-transparent negotiations of a cross-strait free trade agreement with China. Both movements rely heavily on social media.\n<PERSON>'s campaign was geared toward Internet culture and guided by principles and values such as crowdsourcing wisdom, transparency and openness. For example, his campaign website put up an announcement on November 11, two weeks before the election, that they would stop receiving campaign donations once it reached enough to pay off all necessary campaign expenses.\nA few days after the election, his campaign team published, in its entirety, spreadsheets of every single cent spent on the campaign. One of the items started a slew of online commentary — NT$80 (approximately US$3) spent on garlic purchased on September 5.\nFacebook user <PERSON> joked about the garlic expense item:\n大蒜應該是菜市場阿嬤送的,最終買下?是這樣嗎?\nThe garlic must have been given by some old lady from the farmer’s market, and in the end, [they] ended up paying for it? Is this the case?\nAnother example involves <PERSON>'s wife. Pegger <PERSON> was very active supporting her husband on her public Facebook page, which has more than 200,000 followers.",
"VIDEO: Judging Boyfriends by Their Housing in Hong Kong · Global Voices\nHong Kong is the world's most expensive place to live due to its rocketing property prices. For an outsider, the prices are just an unreasonable figure. For local residents, they become a nightmare that affects every aspect of life, sometimes even people's relationships.\nThis nightmare is depicted in an online short story called “Girlfriend brings you home for dinner” [zk] posted anonymously under the pseudonym “Golden Godfather” in popular online forum Golden Forum earlier this year.\nInspired by the story, <PERSON>, a political commentary video producer, later turned it into a mini-film titled “Public housing, Private-ownership apartment, Private apartment” that has gone viral in Hong Kong.\nThe video plays with some stereotypes of Hong Kong Chinese families in which the mother expects her daughter to improve her life by picking a relatively wealthy boyfriend. As the residential address of a person can reflect a person's economic status in Hong Kong, the first question the mother in the video asks the boyfriend is where he lives. There are three scenarios – public housing, government-subsidized housing under the private-ownership scheme, and a private apartment.",
"And the mother reacts accordingly.\nWithin a short period of time, the video receives more than 100,000 views and many comments. While the video is clearly exaggerating the relationship between people by playing with the materialistic stereotype of the “Chinese mother”, many netizens believed it depicted reality:\nKHL1U1001016: freaking true…\n<PERSON>: sooooooo realistic…\n<PERSON>: It's sad and funny because it's true. HK SAR people do judge people by where they live and their work…\nAngelina <PERSON>, playing the mother in the video, is keen to know where exactly her daughter's boyfriend lives. Screen capture from YouTube.\nThe mother, portrayed by <PERSON>, an experienced artist in Hong Kong, has become the focus of the discussion on YouTube:\nwhwong2881: That guy should said : Na I don't like your daughter because you are a fuxking gold digger\nabcnoman011: They are not gold digger , it just that the price of a apartment in hk is so unreasonable high , that a normal person can hardly afford . The mother is just want to make sure that the daughter is dating someone that have a private apartment or at least own one, so the daughter do not have to suffer later in live , it is sad but truth , the mother have a a good reason to do that , she may went through hell in the past to save up money to buy an apartment , so she do not want her daughter to go through what she had gone through . Sad !!!!!!!!\n<PERSON>: fantastic actress, Ms <PERSON>, same set up three tone of performance.\nAs a mother she just hope her child get the best future.\nHowever our society is deeply affected by the western culture and lost our the fundamental believe of human being.\nWe need more people to be alert and rectify our society back to the right track.\nOf course, the ultimate problem is the crazy property prices because of the unlimited flow of investment and speculative capital in the city:\nasuka k: Don't blame auntie, but the government!",
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"COVID-19 pandemic adversely affects digital rights in the Balkans · Global Voices\nIllustration: <PERSON>. Used with permission of SHARE Foundation.\nCheck out Global Voices’ special coverage of the global impact of COVID-19.\nCases of arbitrary arrests, surveillance, phone tapping, privacy breaches and other digital rights violations have drastically increased in Central and Southeast Europe as governments started imposing emergency legislation to combat the COVID-19 outbreak. Belgrade-based Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) and the digital rights organization SHARE Foundation have started a blog titled ”Digital Rights in the Time of COVID-19” documenting these developments.\nIn response to the coronavirus pandemic, some governments are enhancing surveillance, increasing censorship, and restricting the free flow of information. In many cases, the government-imposed restrictions flouted human rights standards.\n<PERSON>, SHARE Foundation policy researcher. Courtesy photo, used with his permission.\nThe BIRN and SHARE blog also includes a feature inviting the public to submit reports of incidents to their database. <PERSON>, policy researcher at the SHARE Foundation, wrote a summary of their findings, noting the following:\nDosadašnja saznanja dve organizacije pokazuju da su najproblematičniji višestruki problemi sa privatnošću osoba u karantinu, širenje dezinformacija i opasnih zabluda u vezi sa virusom u onlajn medijima i putem društvenih mreža, kao i povećanje internet prevara.\nThe information gathered by the two organizations so far shows that the most problematic [violations] are multiple issues involving the privacy of people who are put under quarantine, spread of disinformation and dangerous misconceptions regarding the virus in the online media and via social networks, as well as the increase of internet scams.\nThe data gathered by the two organizations through the blog's database feature indicate that in just over the last two weeks, 80 people have been arrested, some of them jailed, for spreading fake news and disinformation, with the most draconian examples in Turkey, Serbia, Hungary and Montenegro.\nGovernments in Montenegro and Moldova made public the personal health data of people infected with COVID-19, while official websites and hospital computer systems suffered cyber-attacks in Croatia and Romania. Some countries like Slovakia are considering lifting rights enshrined under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), while Serbia imposed surveillance and phone tracking to limit freedom of movement.\nPotentially infected citizens have been obliged to submit to new forms of control by law.",
"In Serbia since the declaration of a state of emergency was declared and all citizens arriving from abroad must undergo quarantine. During a March 19 press conference, President <PERSON> stated that the police is “following” Italian telephone numbers, checking which citizens use roaming and constantly tracking their locations. This was specifically aimed at members of Serbian diaspora who returned from Italy and are supposed to self-isolate in their homes. He also warned the people who leave their phones behind that the state has “another way” of tracking them if they violate quarantine, but didn't explain the method.\nIn neighboring Montenegro, the National Coordination Body for Infectious Diseases decided to publish the names and surnames of people who must undergo quarantine online, after it determined that certain persons violated the measure, and as a result “exposing the whole Montenegro to risk.” Civic alliance challenged this measure through a complaint submitted to the Constitutional Court of Montenegro.\nIn Croatia, concerned citizens developed a website (meaning “Self-isolation”), which allegedly enabled anyone to anonymously report quarantine violators to the police. The site was been subsequently shut down, and the Ministry of Interior initiated criminal investigations against suspected violators of privacy rights.\nCrisis Headquarters of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina issued a recommendation on how to publish the personal data of citizens who violate the prevention measures, as government institutions at cantonal and local level started publishing data about people in isolation and self-isolation, including lists of people identified as infected by the coronavirus. In response, on March 24, the Personal Data Protection Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina issued a decision forbidding the publication of personal data of citizens tested positive for the coronavirus or those subjected to isolation and self-isolation measures.\nThe above cases of publication of health data online involve direct violation of the laws that designate them as protected at the highest legal level.\n<PERSON> also raised the issue of whether these measures are effective, in particular because this puts people in danger. In Montenegro, infected people whose identities were revealed on social networks, have been subjected to hate speech.",
"Serbian Government Agency Publishes Personal Data of Over 5 Million Citizens · Global Voices\nScreenshot of part of the documents containing personal information of citizens that were available on the official site of the Privatization Agency of the Republic of Serbia. Image by SHARE Foundation, used with permission.\nA link from the official website of the Privatization Agency of the Republic of Serbia began circulating on social networks in early December 2014. The link led to 19 gigabytes of text files on the agency's site that revealed the personal information of over 5 million Serbian citizens who had registered for free stock of state-owned companies in 2008. The files included the full names of citizens who had registered, as well as their Unique Master Citizen Numbers (JMBG), a number given to each citizen from which a birth date, place of birth and other information can easily be deduced.\nThe link was caught on Twitter during the week of December 8, 2014, by the legal team of SHARE Defense, the think tank unit of local non-government organization SHARE Foundation that conducts research and offers legal aid in the realm of human and civic rights.",
"The foundation's team analysed the documents and reported the issue to the office of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Serbia. The links were removed from the agency's website in the afternoon hours of Friday, December 12, but it is impossible to know who downloaded the information in the meantime.\nCitizens have started reacting on social networks, many calling this an “unforgivable” offense by a government agency. Twitter user <PERSON> tweeted a common sentiment:\nNajveći bezbednosni propust u sferi zaštite informacionih sistema i privatnosti građana do sada u SR @ShareConference\n— <PERSON> (@TheCreaturesLab) December 15, 2014\nThe biggest security breach in the realm of information systems protection and citizens’ privacy to date in RS [Republic of Serbia] @ShareConference\n— <PERSON> (@TheCreaturesLab) December 15, 2014\nIt remains unclear why the documents were published on the site, if by mistake or otherwise. The office of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection took on the case immediately and it is expected that it will follow through with an investigation.\nIn the meantime, SHARE Foundation's legal think tank team has warned any and all who have downloaded the data that any use of part or all of the information in these files would represent a a criminal offense and has recommended that anyone who has retained a copy of any or all of the documents delete them permanently.",
"Why Did the Giant Ears Cross the Road? To Protest State Surveillance in Macedonia · Global Voices\nThree activists from Metamorphosis Foundation cross the street to the Macedonian government building in Skopje, wearing eyeball and ears costumes to symbolize the illegal surveillance that civic society organizations and journalists have been subjected to. Photo by <PERSON>, used with permission.\nA human-sized eyeball sandwiched between two giant ears cross the street before a government building in Skopje, Macedonia. The trio performed a larger-than-life act of eavesdropping to protest mass state surveillance of journalists and civic groups, an activity that leaked recordings of illegal wiretaps have proven the Macedonian government has been engaged in for years.\nBehind the eye and ears (and the distinct reference to the Beatles’ Abbey Road album cover) were activists from the digital rights non-profit Metamorphosis Foundation and the informal coalition Citizen for Macedonia, who staged the demonstration to honor Freedom Not Fear, an EU-based campaign against mass state surveillance.\nThe big eye pretending to read a newspaper while spying on the municipality of Centar and the mayor, <PERSON>. Photo by <PERSON>, used with permission.\nA massive trove of audio files and archives (known locally as “bombshells”) released by opposition leader <PERSON> almost one year ago revealed that the communications of more than 20,000 individuals in Macedonia had been secretly recorded illegally, including more than a 100 journalists and civil society activists.\nThe big eye and ears took a stroll on 16 October from the government and the headquarters of the ruling VMRO-DPMNE party to the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, the municipality of Centar, the European Union delegation's building, the weekly magazine Fokus and the Metamorphosis Foundation, where the Meta news agency and Portalb news portal are situated.\nThe big eye and ears in front of the EU delegation's building in Skopje. Photo by <PERSON>, used with permission.\n<PERSON> party claims to have obtained these records from whistleblowers within the Ministry of Interior and has since used them to expose the wrongdoing of the ruling party and, most likely, to draw more supporters into their own ranks. These corrupt behaviors were not news to anyone in Macedonia, but the hard evidence was welcomed by rights advocates who have worked for years to improve transparency and increase public accountability for spending and policymaking by the ruling government.\n<PERSON> (left) from the Directorate for Personal Data Protection and <PERSON>, founder of took part in the debate on “Safety of communications and threats from monitoring and surveillance of communications” (Photo: Metamorphosis)\nAlong with the activists’ public demonstration, on 19 October Metamorphosis hosted a debate on the safety of communications and threats from monitoring and surveillance of communications.\n<PERSON> from Macedonia's Directorate for Personal Data Protection participated as a speaker in the debate.",
"She addressed the role of telecom operators in the process of eavesdropping, collecting and processing data from telephone conversations:\nThere are standards according to which communications can be monitored and personal data can be collected, and every violation [of these standards] is actually a violation of privacy. Telecom operators and [Internet service providers] should have mechanisms for guaranteeing their user’s privacy, and providing safety and confidentiality of their data and communications. They need to take technical measures to secure the data, and destroy the data if the purpose for their collection has been fulfilled.\nRecent reforms require telecommunications operators to build “back doors” into their technologies so that the Security and Counterintelligence Service, known as UBK, can listen to the conversations of just about anyone it chooses. Although the Constitution requires that the UBK obtain a court order before doing so, the new policy and practice disregards this requirement altogether.\nIt seems that the telecom operators have been compliant in this illegal surveillance scheme all along. According to <PERSON>, telecom operators in Macedonia collect and store all telephone metadata for 12 months. European Union regulations would prohibit such a lengthy storage period, an important detail as Macedonia is currently seeking accession to the EU.\n<PERSON> also confirmed that the directorate has not initiated proceedings on behalf of citizens affected by what the wiretaps revealed, and explained that this is because none of the individuals who were wiretapped had submitted a complaints about their cases thus far. This is not surprising, given rapidly declining levels of citizens’ trust in their government.\nBesides the debate, a workshop on the safe use of mobile phones was held in Skopje (Photo: Metamorphosis)\n<PERSON> from Internet Hotline Provider – Macedonia, a local civil society organization that works on the protection of digital rights, spoke on instances of online harassment in which wiretap recordings have been used to embarrass or shame political elites.",
"Hungary’s regime is exporting instability and propaganda to the Balkans · Global Voices\nProtest against the law aimed at closing down Central European University (CEU) and in support of civil society on 12 April 2017 in Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Open Society Foundations, CC BY-NC-ND.\nAn investigation conducted by independent Macedonian news outlet Nova TV has found that some of the media that drove right-wing populist propaganda in Macedonia during the tenure of the Russia-supported VMRO-DPMNE (2006-2017) administration were financed through Hungarian crony companies.\nIn an article titled “Orban in action to rescue <PERSON>'s ‘megaphones'” Nova TV editor <PERSON> revealed cash flow and ownership links between important Macedonian right-wing propaganda outlets like, and Alfa TV, with <PERSON>, the chief spin doctor of Hungarian prime minister <PERSON>, who has been called “Hungary's <PERSON>”.\nThese outlets have recently been showing banner ads for websites owned by a Slovenian company, Ripost Založništvo d.o.o. Some of the ads redirect to, a little-known Macedonian-language media outlet whose editors and staff remain anonymous. It's owned by Ripost, with a domain admin with an email address from the Hungarian consulting company\nScreenshot of the front page of with two ads for Ripost websites, and a main article associating Macedonian PM <PERSON> with Greece in the context of the name dispute.\nWith help from Slovenian colleagues, Macedonian journalists obtained data from the Slovenian central registry showing that Ripost is owned by a Hungarian citizen, <PERSON>. In July 2017 <PERSON> became a co-owner of Macedonia's Alfa TV, while in Slovenia he acts as a representative of a group of Hungarian companies, including Modern Media, which is financed mainly by the Hungarian government through ‘public interest’ media campaigns. Modern Media has received a large chunk of the 40 million euros spent by the Hungarian government on <PERSON> propaganda in 2017. (Editor's note: Global Voices is a grantee of the Open Society Foundations, founded by <PERSON>).\n“<PERSON> needed a mythical enemy which cannot really fight back and #OSF organisations have been consciously demonised,” said Atlatszo editor <PERSON> | #Hungary #orbanland #pressfreedom\n— (@Atlatszo) April 20, 2018\nWhat kind of sites has been supported by Hungarian capital?\nIn recent years, Macedonian media outlets benefiting from Hungarian ads and ownership have been linked to controversies regarding their often secretive ownership, transparency of their newsrooms and financing sources, and their lack of adherence to the Code of Journalists.\nFor instance, is generally considered the unofficial mouthpiece of the Center for Communication of former ruling party VMRO-DPMNE. Most of its articles are not signed and allegedly written by party apparatchiks.\nIn the early years of its existence, was mainly financed with Macedonian taxpayers’ money, through public procurement contracts for “audiovisual services” such as live streaming events for state institutions.",
"These contracts were all just below the 5000-euros threshold that allows procurement through a public tender. State bodies and state-owned companies provided supplementary support by purchasing banner ads.\nAccording to the investigative project Mediapedia, the original owner of the news site was an offshore company registered in Belize whose proprietors remain unknown. Ownership was inferred from the fact that the shell company was registered at the same address as other companies linked to powerful Macedonian oligarchs and government cronies. The outlet actively persecuted activists and independent journalists by publishing defamatory articles. The Directorate for Personal Data Protection confirmed that made use of personal data obtained illegally by state institutions, and that some of their intended victims sued the outlet in 2016. The courts are yet to pass judgment on the matter.\nAlfa TV was founded in 2008 by a businessman affiliated with the then opposition as an urban television station and built its reputation on professional reporting, cultural coverage and high-quality film programming. After a hostile takeover in 2013, the station attracted a string of domestic and foreign (Serbian and Hungarian) owners, alleged proxies of the ruling party. The station shifted its programming to entertainment based mainly on turbofolk music and the original news staff were either fired or forced to resign.",
"‘Justice for All’ Initiative Seeks Judicial Reforms and an End to High-Level Corruption in Bulgaria · Global Voices\nProtesters in Sofia, Bulgaria carrying the ‘Justice for All Initiative’ banner and photo of assassinated Italian anti-mafia prosecutor <PERSON> on May 23, 2017. Photo by <PERSON>, used with permission.\nSeveral protests were held across Bulgaria on May 23 and May 30 to push for reforms in the judiciary. Led by the ‘Justice for All Initiative’, the protests were part of a broader citizen movement calling for the implementation of the democratic standards set by the European Union (EU).\nIn Central and Eastern Europe, the term “European” does not only refer to geographical position, but it also signifies strong political connotations related to achieving the level of democratic and economic development of the original EU members. Formerly Communist Bulgaria had made great strides in this direction and became an EU member in 2007, although many believe it still needs to implement more political reforms.\nOn May 23, almost 2,000 people gathered in the center of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, demanding judicial reforms. They marched united by the slogans ‘March for European justice’ and ‘Protest to release the country from the Mafia’. The protest was supported by several civil society organizations, as well as prominent public intellectuals, lawyers and even some judges.\nProtests were also held in the cities of Plovdiv and Varna.\nThe day of the demonstration was not chosen by accident. On that day, in 1992, the Italian prosecutor <PERSON>, who dared to attack the Sicilian mafia was killed in a car bomb explosion.\nPoster for the May 23 demonstration organized by civil society.",
"The slogans are shown at the top part of the poster: “We will not be silent!” and “March for European Justice”. Photo by Justice for All Initiative.\nThe latest European Commission (EC) progress report on Bulgaria's cooperation and verification mechanism considers the government's anti-corruption strategy as unsuccessful:\nThe development by the government of an updated national strategy for the fight against corruption was an important step, but the challenge remains to ensure its implementation, to adopt the necessary legal framework and to set up the envisaged institutions.\nThe report also mentioned issues of corruption and lack of trust in the judicial system which hinder investments. The EC recommends the enactment of a new anti-corruption law and the creation of an anti-corruption body to deal with high-level corruption and conflict of interest.\nThe appointment of Chairperson of the National Assembly <PERSON> as Minister of Justice disappointed many people who believe she is incapable of implementing reforms because of her extreme loyalty to the ruling party.\nDuring the 2016 presidential election campaign, Prime Minister <PERSON> promised to resign if his party's candidate, <PERSON>, lost the election. On 6 November 2016 <PERSON> finished second in the first round to Bulgarian Socialist Party-backed Major General <PERSON>, receiving only 22 percent of the popular vote compared to <PERSON>'s 25.4 percent. <PERSON> subsequently resigned his position.\nLast March 2017, parliamentary elections were held in Bulgaria amid a political crisis which resulted in a coalition between <PERSON>'s center-right party, Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria or GERB, and the nationalist bloc, the Patriotic Front. <PERSON> became the prime minister again because of the coalition. But this provoked a scandal as photos of some members of the Patriotic Front doing Nazi salutes had been widely circulated in the past.\nOn May 30, the ‘Justice for All Initiative’ returned to the streets by organizing a ‘drinking coffee’ protest in front of the president's office while leaders of political parties and top state officials were entering the building for the meeting of the Consultative Council on National Security. They urged President <PERSON>, who is regarded by many as the symbol of unity in the country, to support their demands for judicial reforms.\n\"Правосъдие за всеки\" иска президентът да поеме инициатива за съдебната реформа\n— Реформи.орг (@ReformiOrg) May 30, 2017\nTweet: “Justice for All” Demands that the president take initiative for judicial reform.\nPhoto: Prime Minister <PERSON> waving to citizens while entering the president's office.\nThe protests were ignored by various mainstream media outlets.",
"LGBTQI+ community celebrates the first legal same-sex partnership in Montenegro · Global Voices\nMontenego has came a long way since the 2013 SeaSide Pride in Budva, the first pride parade in the country. Photo by LGBTQ+ Forum Progres, CC BY-NC-SA.\nThe first same-sex life partnership in Montenegro was registered in Budva, a city on the Adriatic coast on July 25, 2021, ten days after a law legalizing gay marriage adopted a year earlier came into force.\nOn June 1, 2020 Montenegro's parliament adopted a law on life partnership for same-sex couples, making Montenegro the first country in the Western Balkans to legally recognize same-sex marriage. The law came into force on July 15, 2021.\n<PERSON>. Photo by LGBTQ+ Forum Progres, CC BY-NC-SA.\nRight after, <PERSON>, the president of the board of LGBT Forum Progress, the first and oldest LGBTIQ organization in Montenegro, confronted the spread of homophobic disinformation, in particular allegations that the authorities are not ready to implement the law due to a lack of appropriate registry books, or that further lower-level regulation needs to be adopted.",
"She called upon the competent institutions to complete the necessary preparations for implementation of the law:\nNakon toliko godina smo se izborili za ovaj mali korak naprijed i djelimičnu pravnu jednakost, sada nećemo dozvoliti da maliciozna tumačenja pravnih normi dovedu do daljeg prolongiranja ili se zloupotrijebe u političke i druge svrhe.\nAfter so many years of struggle we won this small step forward and partial legal equality, and now we shall not allow that malicious interpretation of the legal norms result in further prolonging or abuse for political or other purposes.\nTen days later, she was proven right. According to a news article in the Vijesti newspaper, “two young women with Balkan origins who live and work abroad” submitted a request for registration of their marriage to Budva municipality on July 17.\nLocal self-government coordinator <PERSON> told Vijesti that the municipality was honored to be the location for this ground breaking event.\nThe group LGBT Forum Progres marked the occasion on Twitter:\n<PERSON> su u opštini Budva dvije djevojke postale prvi par koji je sklopio životno partnerstvo u Crnoj Gori, prema zakonu koji je stupio na snagu prije samo deset dana. ?️????️? (1/3)\n— LGBT Forum Progres (@LGBTFP) July 25, 2021\nToday in the municipality of Budva, two girls become the first couple that formed a life partnership in Montenegro, according to the law which came into force only ten days ago.\nWe congratulate to the two partners from the bottom of our hearts and we wish them a happy life together, hoping that this will encourage other same-sex couples in Montenegro to implement their right guaranteed by law!\nWe are particularly proud of the fact that the first partnership was registered in Budva, exactly 8 years after the first historic pride parade took place in this town.\nThe anniversary of the first pride march brought back memories about the long and arduous road the LGBTQI+ community had to cross, given the obstacles in a region considered largely socially conservative.\n<PERSON>, Montenegro's first openly gay man, reminisced on Twitter:\nToday marks 8 years since the first Pride march in #Montenegro!\nOne important lesson I leaned from this experience and can share with U all: Never underestimate the impact you can make as an individual! + be safe! ♥?♥\n\n? #Proud #PrideMarch @LGBTFP\n— Zdravko Cimbaljevic (@ZdravkoCimbalje) July 24, 2021\nThe law adopted in 2020 does not include provisions to allow same-sex couples to adopt children. In all other aspects, their rights are the same as for heterosexual couples, including property rights, inheritance, social and health security.\nBalkan Insight noted that Minister of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media <PERSON>, on Sunday called the first same-sex marriage in the country a historic step.\nBalkan Insight also noted that despite support from the authorities, homosexuality remains a sensitive issue in Montenegro.",
"Serbian Groups Stage Blackout to Protest Media Intimidation By Tax Authority · Global Voices\nScreen shot of the Twitter profile of <PERSON>, owner and editor of Novine Vranjske, featuring a header photo from September 18 “I stand with Vranjske” protest featuring the hashtag.\nMore than one hundred media outlets and NGO websites staged a website blackout on September 28, in an act of resistance against media control and intimidation in the country.\n“This is how it looks when there is no media freedom” – Today 150 media and organizations in #Serbia are going black to alert on the situation in the country#StojimUzVranjske #ZaSloboduMedija #StopMedijskomMraku\n— <PERSON> (@MarionDautry) September 28, 2017\nThe blackout is the latest in a series of events following the September 18 closure of Novine Vranjske (“Vranje Newspaper”), an independent weekly magazine that covered Southern Serbia for 23 years.\nVranjske owner and editor-in-chief <PERSON> explained that the newspaper was forced to close down due to administrative harassment and other forms of state pressure, particularly from Serbia's Tax Authority. In a statement about the closure, the European Federation of Journalists noted:\n[<PERSON>], his family and his colleagues experienced multiple non-investigated instances of harassment and persecution, ranging from repeated direct threats, car tampering, offices robbed, to inspections and controls leading to the economic suffocation of the newspaper, peaking this year.\nOn the morning of September 19 <PERSON> locked himself in the newsroom and began a hunger strike. He was hospitalized the next night for health reasons, but then left the hospital on September 20 of his own accord. He soon after published an open letter to the director of the Tax Authority asking for clarification of the closure, citing evidence that the newspaper had paid all its taxes, which came in the form of a state-issued certificate. He noted that his firm had been subjected to selective justice since 1994, including inspections by Tax Authority and Bureau of Labor, with malicious intent to compromise them. The agency has not responded thus far.\nUsing the hashtag #StojimUzVranjske, meaning “I stand with <PERSON>,” journalists and other free speech advocates staged protests in person in Belgrade on September 18, and online.",
"Two print newspapers also expressed solidarity with Vranjske.\nBehind a black front page, Danas daily republished a selection of the investigative articles from Vranjske which made it a target of the regime. Vreme featured the hashtag and provided an overview of media freedom issues.\nKupujem samo novine na kojima piše #StojimUzVranjske @OnlineDanas , @NedeljnikVreme\n— <PERSON> (@RihaAntonela) September 28, 2017\nI am buying only those newspapers that stress that they stand with Vranjske: Danas daily and Vreme weekly.\nSome leading journalist organizations also joined the protest movement, including Balkan Insight, one of the few independent media outlets that produces news from Serbia in English.\n@BalkanInsight Serbia's page will not be available today as we join the campaign to raise awareness of the declining media freedom in the country#StopMedijskomMraku #ZaSloboduMedija #StojimUzVranjske\n— <PERSON> (@shnjoof) September 28, 2017\nEven though the number of websites participating in the blackout action might seem large at first glance, this is just a small portion of the overall number of around two thousand media outlets in Serbia. Most of them keep silent or are openly complacent towards ruling party propaganda.\n<PERSON> je registrovano preko 1800 medija. A mrak nikad veci.Vise propagandista nego novinara. #StojimUzVranjske #upitnik\n— <PERSON> (@dusanmasic) September 26, 2017\nEven though over 1800 media outlets are registered in Serbia, the media situation had never been darker. There are much more propagandists than journalists. #IStandWithVranjske #Upitnik [a TV show which dared to conduct an interview with <PERSON>]\nIt is an open secret that authorities misuse Serbia's tax authority as a tool for punishing disobedient media.",
"Political and social crises to blame for the ‘COVID-19 disaster’ in Bulgaria · Global Voices\nSecurity staff checks COVID-19 passes of visitors to the Mall of Sofia, November 6, 2021. Photo by <PERSON>, used with permission.\nOne would think that the political crisis, lack of a government, and the holding of the third consecutive parliamentary elections in a year are hard enough situations for Bulgaria, but on November 1, the country with a population of nearly 7 million, hit a tragic new COVID-19 record—over 6,000 new cases and over 300 deaths. Honestly, I, and I'm pretty sure others in the country, don't even know how to describe the failure, tragedy, and stubbornness that led us here.\nBulgaria has the EU’s lowest vaccination rate, while widespread vaccine hesitancy fueled by misinformation and a lackluster awareness campaign comes amid political turmoil. As the COVID crisis unfolds and affects more and more sectors of the economy and society, the Bulgarian state is making a transition from more than a decade of rule by Prime Minister <PERSON> and his Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (Gerb) party. <PERSON> stepped back after nearly a year of anti-corruption protests, marked by police violence and wiretapping of political opponents, and even protesters.\nThis toxic situation was preceded by impunity scandals linked to the Prosecutor General, <PERSON>, for refusing to investigate a number of Bulgarian politicians and businessmen who were sanctioned by the U.S. government in June under the Magnitsky Act for links to corruption and human rights abuses. The scandal has become one of the main topics dividing the political elite, and while the caretaker government published a list of 33 companies and 21 individuals connected to blacklisted moguls, the judiciary has not yet taken action against them. Incidentally, Bulgaria is the only European Union member state whose citizens are included in this list.\nFast testing of COVID-19 offered to visitors of Mall of Sofia, Nov 6, 2021. Photo by <PERSON>, used with permission.\nWhile Bulgaria initially reacted quickly by taking strong measures against COVID-19 in March 2020, <PERSON>'s subsequent handling of the pandemic has drawn sharp criticism because the country was severely affected during the autumn months after a loosening of restrictions over the summer. The interim ministers appointed by President <PERSON>, with whom <PERSON> has had a long feud, fared no better—the statistics are grim: 3,117 people in Bulgaria who had tested positive for COVID-19 died in October 2021; 100,330 is the number of new cases for one month, the Sofia Globe reported.",
"November can be even harder with all the anti-measures protests going on.\nAt the time of writing, the whole territory of Bulgaria is already in so-called “dark red zones,” as the cases of COVID-19 infections have passed over 800 per 100,000. A partial lockdown is expected if the number of new cases increases to 1,000/100,000 level, which is already a reality in some of the provinces in the western part of the country, including the capital.\nDaily new confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million people, seven-day rolling average for Bulgaria, European Union and Europe. Graph by Our World in Data, CC BY 4.0.\nIn the background of increasing disinformation and spreading of fake news, as of the beginning of November, there are over 7,000 people hospitalised. In most municipalities, there are no intensive care unit (ICU) beds available. A doctor who works in one of the busiest COVID-19 wards in Sofia told me on October 28:\n“Ruslan, I don't know when I will return home – probably not this week.”\nWhile restaurant owners protest against COVID-19 certificates, in Bulgaria's countryside the situation is grim, and there are no available beds in many hospitals.\nIn the northwestern part of the country, in the provinces of Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, and Lom, there is a lack of hospital staff. Ambulances rushing to regional hospitals can often be seen on the roads. The situation is similar in other parts of Bulgaria. However, the majority of the people are still resisting vaccinations.\nMy cousin is a doctor near Tarnovo, she's already in her 70's and still working. Yes, Bulgaria needs to get more people vaccinated, the doctors are suffering.\n— <PERSON> (@nsc_nana) October 29, 2021\nAs I mentioned before, the political situation is contributing to the crisis, as the country has been continuously in-between elections for over a year. There is an intensification of fake news and disinformation, including dozens of sham sites and social media accounts using the stolen personal information of medics. Several investigations are underway, with no clear results so far.",
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"Maglite 2AA Conversion to a White LED\nIntroduction: Maglite 2AA Conversion to a White LED\nThis project retrofits the incandescent bulb version of the Maglite 2AA flashlight with a white LED.\nThe 2-AA Mini-Maglite's official specification are:\n14 Lumens total light output\n2305 mcd maximum beam intensity\n5.25 hour operating time\nThere is a lot of controversy on the actual light output of the Maglite 2AA. The bulb darkens over time, which decreases the light output. Additionally, the light output falls rapidly, while the light’s color temperature shifts to the red, as the battery drains down. Figure 1 shows the darkening of the bulb. Figure 2 shows the bulb current and power vs. the battery voltage. The opinion of several flashlight forums is that a 4 to 5 lumen specification is more realistic.\nWhile there are LED replacements for Maglite 2AA, they concentrate on increasing the light intensity output to 30 to 175 lumens. At the lower lumen output the battery life may be increased by 2 to 3 times while at the higher lumen outputs the battery life is reduced\nThe goal for this project is a LED conversion that will maximize battery life with a LED retrofit that has a light output close to the 4 to 5 lumen level.\nThere are several low cost white LEDs and LED driver chips are\navailable. The driver chips are switching regulators design to provide a constant current to the LED, which offers the benefit of a constant light output independent of the battery voltage. An additional benefit is that LEDs are a more efficient light source and the battery life will be significantly longer for the same light output.\nSupplies\nTools that are required:\nFine tip soldering iron\nsolder paste or liquid flux and 30GA solder\ntweezers\npliers and wire cutters\nPCB holder\nVoltmeter\nMagnifying glass or headset\nsurface mount component soldering skill\nBill of Material\nSee the file: BOM_Maglite_2AA_Conversion.pdf\nStep 1: LED Selection\nFigure 3 shows a disassembled Maglite 2AA.\nTo use the existing focus control of the flashlight, the LED will\nneed a wide angle output and its beam intensity will have to be in the range of 2300 mcd. or more. A second criteria I used is no modifications to the components of the flashlight other then replacing the incandescent bulb.\nFigure 4 is a picture of the hole, in the back of the reflector, for the bulb. Its diameter is 0.128” (3.25mm), which limits the diameter of the LED to a T1 size (a 3mm diameter).",
"After reviewing the selection of T1 white LEDs available from several distributors the Vishay part number VLHW4100 was chosen because the combination of 7150 mcd Luminous Intensity and a viewing angle of 45 degrees provided the greatest total light output of about 3.5 lumens. Figures 5 and 6 are dimensional drawings of the bulb and the LED. The LED’s maximum diameter is smaller then the diameter of hole in the reflector. No modifications of the reflector are required.\nThe specifications for constant current boost regulators, for driving white LEDs, were evaluated. The CAT4137TD, from ON Semiconductor, was selected. It is designed to drive LEDs with a constant current up to 30mA from a 2 to 5 volt supply and is available in a SOT23-5 package.\nStep 2: PCB Design\nPCB Considerations:\nThe bulb socket and switch assembly in this flashlight is 0.560 inches diameter. This determines the size of the PCB. Figure 7 is a picture of the switch plate with dimensions. The PCB will have two pins that connect to the battery power through the switch plate on the same side as the LED driver circuit, while the white LED is mounted on the opposite side of the PCB from the power pins. The PCB is assembled into the flashlight assembly between the pressure switch plate and the reflector.\nFigures 8 and 9 are the schematic and PCB image for this circuit. The Eagle Cad 7.7 schematic and PCB files are ML_2AA_Conversion_02.sch and ML_2AA_Conversion_02.brd. The PCB can be purchased through under the project title ML_2AA_Conversion_02.\nWhile the PCB design is a 2 layer board, it can be fabricated as a single layer board and assembled with the installation of the wire jumper J1.\nStep 3: Assembling the PCB\nFigure 10 shows the PCB and the SMD components that will be soldered\nto it. Figure 11 shows solder paste applied to the SMD pads, and Figure 12 shows the components soldered to the PCB.\nThe two pieces of uninsulated 24 gauge wire, 0.",
"Harbor Freight Battery Pack Salvage:\nIntroduction: Harbor Freight Battery Pack Salvage:\nA while ago the battery pack for my Harbor Freight cordless, 5½“, circular saw died. Figures 1, 2, and 3 are of the saw and battery pack. At that time Harbor Freight had also discontinued the saw and the battery pack and it has sat on a shelf collecting dust since then. The Instructables “Trash to Treasure Contest” gave me the inspiration to salvage the battery pack by converting it to a Li-Ion battery pack. I would then have my saw working again.\nSupplies\nTools:\nSoldering iron and various other hand tools.\nSpot welder\nMaterials: 5 Li-Ion power cells such as the Samsung 18650-25R or the Epoch 18650-3000P\nNickel Strip 0.015mm thick x 8mm wide\n50 Amp, 5S, PCM with cell balancing. see this link\n\n14 gauge stranded wire, short lengths\n51K, 1%, 0805 Resistor, Digikey # YAG3742CT-ND\nZener diode, 22V, SOD80 , Digikey # 112-TZMB22-GS08CT-ND\nKapton tape\nDouble back foam tape\nSmall piece of 1/16: MDF (see text)\nStep 1: The Battery Pack:\nFigures 4, and 5 are of the open battery pack case and of the battery pack after it was removed from the case. The battery pack is 15, 1500mAh Nickle Cadmium, NiCd, cells connected in series. The nominal voltage of a NiCd cell is 1.2 volts with a nominal operating voltage range of about 1.3 to 1.0 volts. This provides a nominal pack voltage of 18 volts (15 x 1.2 Volts) with an operating voltage range of 19.5 Volts to 15 Volts.\nA Li-Ion cell has a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts and a nominal operating voltage range of 4.2 Volts to 3.0 Volts. Five Li-Ion cells will provide an 18.5 Volt pack with an operation range of 21 Volts to 15 Volts. A pack of 5, series connected, Li-Ion cells, will have the about the same operating voltage range as the NiCd pack.\nStep 2: Battery Pack Circuit:\nThe battery pack has three terminals. A positive and negative terminal and a charging terminal as shown in Figure 6 and 6B, while Figure 7 and 7B shows the terminals’ wire connection inside the case.",
"The charging terminal has a thermal breaker, in series with it, to disconnect the charger if the battery overheats during charging. Figure 8 is the schematic diagram of the battery pack.\nStep 3: Li-Ion Battery Placement:\nFigure 6 shows 5, 18650, Li-Ion cells fitted into the bottom of the battery case with space above the cells for the protection and balance circuits.\nStep 4: Motor Current Draw:\nA factor that needs to be considered is the motor starting current, or inrush current, which is needed to select the battery’s Protection Circuit (PCM). Figure 10 is the schematic of a circuit to measure the start and no load operating current of the motor. Figure 11 is an implementation of the circuit. The 5S 18650 pack shown was assembled from Sony-Fukushima US18659GR GP4 cells. These cells have only a 4 amp maximum continuous discharge current and are only being used to measure motor current. The measured current values will be used to select cells that have a maximum discharge current specification required for this motor.\nFigures 12 and 13 are the oscilloscope pictures of the battery voltage and current during motor starting. The peak current, the blue trace, is 31.06 Amps (1.62V/0.049ohms). The battery voltage drops to 5.0 volts during starting. The motor’s resistance is 0.102 ohms ((5.0-1.62)/33.06). The internal resistance of the battery is 0.151 ohms (5.0/33.06) or 0.03 ohms per cell.\nThe peak current measurement of 31 amps is low because of the relatively high resistance of the 0.05 ohm current sense resistor.\nThe no load motor current is about 3.1 amps\nStep 5: Cell Selection:\nThe Li-Ion cells for this project require a high current continuous discharge current rating as well as a high current pulse specification. The current flow through the motor will vary between the no load current of and the stall current measured with the starting current measurement. These types of cells are classified as power cells.",
"Swing Arm Desk Lamp Reflector Upgrade\nIntroduction: Swing Arm Desk Lamp Reflector Upgrade\nThe reflector of a swing arm lamp, which is usually painted white, will turn yellow and darken over time due to the paint deteriorating. This will reduce the light emitted by the lamp. By attaching a highly reflective surface to the lamps reflector the light output of the lamp can be increased.\nSupplies\nA swing arm desk lamp\nRuler\nFine tip felt marking pen\nHeavy duty Aluminum foil\nScissors\nSpay on adhesive\nStep 1: Deteriorated Reflector Surface\nI installed a 9 watt (60 watt incandescent equivalent) LED bulb in my lamp a while ago to conserve energy. Recently, I needed more light on a work surface and was going to install a higher wattage bulb when I noticed the reflector was not white any longer. The picture of the reflector’s surface shows the yellowing and darkening.\nBefore using a higher wattage bulb I tried an experiment to determine if placing a layer aluminum foil on the inside surface of the reflector would increase the light output enough to avoid using a higher wattage bulb.\nStep 2: Light Output With Reflector As Is\nFirst, I setup a test to measure the light from the lamp, with the reflector as is, a known distance from the surface. The picture shows the test setup. The reflector is 24 inches from the surface and parallel to the surface. A Foot Candle, Fc, meter is positioned on the surface. The lamp is the only source of light during the measurement and the light meter is moved through the illuminated area to find the maximum light level. Additionally, the bulb is ON for 5 minutes before recording the measurement. This gives the bulb enough time to reach a stable operating temperature and a stable light output. The LED bulb’s circuit temperature will increase by some amount and the light output of a LED bulb decreases with increasing temperature. The light level measurement is made when the light output is stable. The maximum light level was 50.4 Fc.\nStep 3: A Quick Test With an Aluminum Reflector\nBy using a few small pieces of double backed tape and stripe of heavy duty aluminum foil, I formed the foil to cover the inside of the reflector. The double backed tape held the foil in place long enough to take a light output measurement.",
"The picture shows the foil crudely formed on the inside surface of the reflector. Using the same test setup previously described, the maximum light level for the foil reflector was 85.3 Fc. This is about a 70% increase in the lamps light output.\nStep 4: The Reflector's Measurements\nThe following measurements are for the reflector on the swing arm lamp shown. The inside surface of the reflector is is roughly parabolic so a foil lining will have to be applied in stripes to prevent folding of the foil as it is applied. The rim diameter is 6.625 inches and necks down to 2.625 inches in diameter at the bulb’s socket. The circumference of these two diameters are 20.8 inches and 8.25 inches respectively. The distance between the rim and the bulb opening is 4 inches.\nStep 5: Fabricating the Reflector Strips\nI decided to use ten stripes to line the reflector. The length of the reflector is 4 inches. Each strip will be 4 inches long and trapezoidal shaped. The width of the strip at the rim will be 20.8/10 = 2.08 ~ 2.1 inches. The width of the strip at the socket will be 8.25/10 = <PHONE_NUMBER> inches. The figure shows the dimensioned drawing of the strip.\nThe pictures for this step show the trapezoidal pattern drawn on the foil and the cut out strips.\nStep 6: Adhesive Coating the Reflector\nA Loctite spray adhesive was used to attach the foil strips to the reflector. The rim and the socket were masked off and a layer of adhesive was spayed on the reflector. The stripes are applied to the reflector's surface , sequentially, with sufficient overlap to provide 100% coverage.\nWhile I calculated the dimensions of the strips for 10 strips, the strips had to be overlapped more then anticipated to get 100% foil coverage and 11 strips had to be used. This was due to the curvature is the reflector.\nStep 7: The Reflector With a Aluminum Foil Layer\nThe reflector with the new foil surface. The light output of the lamp with the modified reflector lamp was 86.1 Fc, measured using the procedure described previously.\nA summary of the three light output measurement are:\nunmodified reflector 50.4 Fc\ncrude foil reflector 85.3 Fc\nfitted reflector 86.",
"DIY Solar Charge Controller for Li-Ion, Li-po, LiFePo or NiCd Batteries\nIntroduction: DIY Solar Charge Controller for Li-Ion, Li-po, LiFePo or NiCd Batteries\nThis article describes the design and construction of a (Dual) Solar Charge Controller. The design consists of a battery charger circuit using op-amps for measurement of analogue inputs and FET for PWM control. A micro-controller is used for charge control and the 4 line LCD is used for configuration and display of information. The software is provided open source. (Open Source Licence agreement). The circuit and PCB are designed using Eagle. The PCB is designed with most tracks running in one (x-x) direction and most components running in opposite (y-y) direction so the PCB required is a piece of veroboard and a few links. The project has been under test for a few weeks and evidence of operation charging li-ion batteries in varying weather conditions is given in System Testing. Finally construction details are provided so that the project can be built by a person with \"intermediate level\" electronics knowledge (not recommended for beginner).\nStep 1: Features\n1. Management of two batteries (one micro-board controls two charger boards).\n2. Battery types: NiCd, NiMh, Li-ion (nickel-mang-cobalt), Li-Po or \"User\" defined.\n3. Up to 4 cell (14.8V nominal) Li-ion/Li-po battery packs.\n4. Up to 4 cells LiFePo (12.8V nominal, 14V absorption/float) (not tested yet)\n5. Up to 12 cell (14.4V) Ni-Cd/MH battery packs.\n6. For on-load or off-load charging.\n7. Cell capacity nominally 1.000Ah.\n8. Current range may be configured by sense resistor values.\n9. High side current sensing. This means that the batteries, loads and solar panel have one common ground (0V).\n10. Charge Controller uses 10-bit PWM hardware which is controlled by software.\n11. Uses lithium CC/CV algorithm specified in datasheets for Nanjing TP4056, Linear LTC4056 and Texas BQ2057 chips (with some corrections/improvements).\n12.",
"Discharge protection by emulation of Fortune DW01 chip.\n13. Fuel gauge calculations\n14. Uses 4 line by 20 character LCD display for configuration and monitoring of results.\n15. Relatively simple construction using veroboard as IC packages are all PDIP.\n16. Low power consumption, about 10mA for charger and 10mA for micro controller.\n17. Industrial temperature range of micro-controller.\nIn order to simplify the design, these features are not provided\n1. Not tested on LiFePo4 yet (should not be a problem- just a matter of settings)\n2. USB, Wi-fi, surface mount,\n3. Bucking regulators\n4. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)\n5. Cell balancing.\nMPPT greatly increases complexity. This design is \"not looking for mountains to climb\". And at low power, is eficiency really that important when sunlight is free anyway? For cell balancing, it would be prudent to manually check individual cells using a multimeter and replace faulty ones.\nStep 2: Comparison of Designs\nThere are some other good solar designs on Instructables like Open Green Energy. This design is similar to Open Green but is targeted at lower power setups. It uses the more traditional \"resistive\" current sensing which gives high sensitivity and is accurate for low currents (< 2 Amp ?). The Open Green design uses Hall Effect sensing which is probably a better solution for higher power/high current applications. The 100 mV/A output sensitivity of the ACS712 would suggest this is more suitable at higher current (about 10 Amp).\nIf you just want a battery charger then something like a CN3791 board selling for about £3 on ebay will save you a lot of effort. But the CN3791 is designed to charge a single li-ion cell, has no extra features like LCD display and will not work correctly if connected to a load while charging.\nThis project is NOT a battery charger. It is a solar charge controller in the sense that it is permanently connected to the PV panel, battery AND load. This project measures both PV (input) current and load (output) current so that on-load charging works correctly by compensating for load current. For example charge termination occurs when the input current (Iin) < (Iout+Itrk).\nStep 3: Charger Scheme and Terminology\nBattery University specify the recommended CV/CC charging scheme for different cells and manufacturers have developed chargers and chips based on this information.",
"Garage Door Obstruction Sensor Repair\nIntroduction: Garage Door Obstruction Sensor Repair\nThe Chamberlain and Liftmaster garage door obstruction sensors seem to have a failure problem. These sensors use an IR (Infrared) beam, between a transmitter and receiver, to ensure the area under the door is clear before lowering the garage door. These sensors have generated a lot of web based commentary about their failures, all of which revolves around realigning the sensors or checking the wiring. In several instances various schemes for bypassing the sensors are presented, which is a safety hazard and can result in injury or damage. None of the articles, blogs, or YouTube videos, that I reviewed, do a failure analysis to determine why the sensors fail or how to repair a failed sensor.\nRecently, I experienced a second failure of the sensor and decided to determine the specific cause of the failure and how to fixit.\nSupplies\nTools\nScrew drivers\ndrill motor\n1/8” drill bit\n1/8” pin punch\nsoldering iron\nParts\n47 ohm, 0805 SMD Resistor\nStep 1: Sensor Testing and Measurements:\nFigure 2 is the wiring diagram for the sensor’s connection to the controller. The white terminal is ground and the gray terminal is a 6.3 Volt supply.\nFigures 3 and 4 are the waveforms between the gray and white terminals for a working sensor. The period of the sensor pulse is about 6.4 milliseconds, while the pulse width is about 440 microseconds. The pulse width was relatively stable with only a few microseconds of jitter\nFigures 5 and 6 are the waveforms between the gray and white terminals for a failed sensor. The period of the sensor pulse is about 6.4 milliseconds, same as the working sensor, but the pulse width averages about 375 microseconds with a lot of jitter. The pulse width jumped around from a low of about 280 microseconds to a high of about 400 microseconds, or about 120 microseconds of jitter.\nMy interpretation of the high jitter value of the failed sensor was a signal strength problem.\nStep 2: Sensor Testing and Measurements Continued:\nThe failed sensor is used with a double wide garage door, with 16’4” between the transmitter and receiver. The first test was to move the transmitter closer to the receiver. Figure 7 shows the test setup with the transmitter positioned about 8ft from the receiver.",
"Figures 8 and 9 are the are the waveforms for the failed sensor with 8ft separation, which are very close to the waveforms for the working sensor with 16 ft separation.\nThis test reinforces the signal strength theory.\nStep 3: Sensor Testing and Measurements Continued:\nWith the failed transmitter replaced to the 16 ft separation, the waveform was measured with a slower time base to observe more pulses. Figure 10 shows the intermittent missing pulse from the sensor. A missing pulse, while the garage door is closing, will trigger the controller’s obstruction response. A logic analyzer was used to capture a long stream of sensor pulses, which is shown in Figure 11. The three segments of the pulse stream shows the randomly distributed missing pulses.\nThe question now is: Why is there a signal strength problem?\nStep 4: Reverse Engineering:\nThe transmitter and receiver are wired in parallel and connected to the 6.3 volt supply and ground terminals. While the sensor is functioning the 6 Volt terminal is pulled to near zero volts, which indicates an impedance in series with the 6 Volt supply voltage.\nThe source impedance of the 6 Volt power supply is calculated by dividing the open circuit voltage between the two terminals, 6.31V, by the short circuit current flow of 0.0623A between the two terminals. The source impedance Rs = 6.31V/0.0623A = 101.3 Ohms. Figure 12 is a simplified schematic of the controller and sensor circuit.\nStep 5: Opening the Transmitter and Receiver Cases:\nThe cases are challenging to open. Figure 13 is the top of the case showing the latches, one on each side, that holds the case together.\nOne method is to use a Dremel tool to cut through the sides of the case and cut the latches off.\nA second method is to drill a small hole, on both sides of the case, as shown in Figure 14. Using a pin punch to push the latch clear of the latching tab, while using a small screw driver, inserted into the case around the wire feed through grommet, see Figure 15, to apply upward pressure on the top of the case. Repeat this process for the latching tab on the other side of the case.\nStep 6: Reverse Engineering Continued:\nFigures 17 and 18 are of the receiver’s PCB. Figure 19 is the schematic I developed by tracing the PCB connections.",
"Needle Probe for Electronic Testing\nIntroduction: Needle Probe for Electronic Testing\nElectronic components have shrunk and very small components are now closely spaced on printed circuit boards (PCBs). The close spacing makes electrical measurements with most probes difficult, with the probe tips being much larger then the pads and PCB traces that are being probed. The probe tips can cause a short circuit on adjacent pins of components or closely spaced traces.\nWhile there are several versions of narrow and pointed pointed probes commercially available, I found them to be to large for many of the small components being used at present.\nWhat is needed is a probe that is narrow, with a sharp tip that will not deform under the pressure of pushing it against solder joints on a PCB. This description reminds me of a sewing needle.\nI created a needle probe, using a sewing needle, that can probe the smallest lead and trace spacing that I have found. A sewing needle has several advantages for use as an electronic probe. They are available in several sizes with very narrow and sharp points. They are hardened steel and will not deform when pressed against the PCB while making measurements.\nSupplies\nParts List:\nPlastic rod about 6 inches long ( I used ABS Plastic with a 5mm, about 0.2 inch, diameter)\nSewing needle about 1.25 inches long\n8 inches of 30 gauge insulated wire\n0.025 inch square pin (removed from a header strip)\nSolder\nHot glue\nRosin flux\nTools:\nNeedle nose pliers\nSoldering iron\nHot glue gun\nStep 1: Inserting the Needle Into the Plastic\nHeat the eye end of the needle with the soldering iron while holding the needle with the needle nose pliers.\nInsert the eye end of the needle into the end of the plastic rod about ¼ to 3/8 inch while holding the soldering iron against the needle just above the surface of the plastic.",
"The needle should be hot enough to melt the plastic, then the plastic will solidify around it to hold it in place.\nStep 2: Inserting the Square Post Into the Plastic\nUsing the same procure as the needle, the square post is heated and inserted, about 1/3 its length, into the opposite end of the rod.\nStep 3: Soldering the Wire to the Needle\nStrip about ¼ inch of insulation off one end of the wire. The bare wire is wrapped around the needle at the end near the rod. Apply a drop of flux on the wire, then solder the wire to the needle. The flux will help the solder wet the steel needle.\nStep 4: Soldering the Wire to the Square Post\nStrip the insulation off the other end of the wire so the insulation does not touch the square post at the other end of the rod. Wrap the wire around the post 2 to 3 turns and cut off the access. Solder the wire to the square post.\nStep 5: Attach the Wire to the Rod\nPlace three to four dots of hot glue on the wire to attach the wire to the rod.\nThe needle probe is finished.\nStep 6: Using the Needle Probes\nTo use the needle probes, I use test leads that have a spring clip that attaches to the square post and a banana plug on the other end to attach to the meter. The needle probes are then used to contact various pins on a PCB with out shorting adjacent pins or traces.",
"Force Induced Sabre Torch\nIntroduction: Force Induced Sabre Torch\nThere are many type of force and in this particular case we will be making use of the magnetically induce force to create a torch sabre from a STEM perspective.\nThis Instructable will describe the process of making a magnetic induction LED hand sabre torch primarily made from poly pipe. The simplicity of the design meaning that assembly is push fit requiring no screws or glue, no primary cells are required reducing the cost of ownership as power is generated by movement.\nFeel the force and no batteries required.\nSupplies\nMATERIALS\n22mm diameter poly pipe - 237mm\n22mm diameter poly pipe straight coupling - Qty 2\n18mm diameter disc or cylinder (N35), Neodymium magnets - Qty 3 - 5\n* Before using magnets please read the following safety precautions from one supplier - no affiliation *\n34 SWG/31 AWG, Enamelled copper wire - 176 metres\nBumpers 5mm thick High density foam or Polystyrene\n21 mm insulating (none magnetic), washers (I.e. tap washers with or without holes)\nMasking tape or clear tape\nWhite LED\nSupercapacitor 1F/2V7\nIN5817 Schottky diode - Qty 4\n10k resistor\nZTX450 NPN transistors or equivalent (I.e.",
"2N2222A)\nStripboard\nPush button switch, Single pole Single Throw (SPST), momentary\nEpoxy Resin polish\nFerrite Ring\n* Alternative sources and part equivalents may be used based on your requirements and preferred suppliers *\nTOOLS\nMitre Block\nSaw\nRuler/Tape Measure\nMarker\nSanding paper\nCraft knife\nCutters\nSoldering Iron + Solder\nPliers\nStep 1: Physical Design\nThe physical design needs to be such that the torch can be easily held in your hand with sufficient length to allow the magnet to travel up and down the inside of the tube and a visible extension to fit the electronics and the light rod.\nThe torch is constructed in three main sections from 22mm poly pipe.\nThe generator is made up of a 135mm length of pipe.\nThis contains the magnets with bumpers and stoppers at each end, containing it within the tube whilst creating a soft impact at each end to prevent damage and dull the sound when shaking. Around the outside are wound the coils.\nThe convertor is made up of a 100mm length of pipe.\nThis contains the electronics mounted on strip board which will be used both to store the energy generated and drive the LED.\nThe light pipe being made of epoxy resin, coloured or clear in various suitable lengths as required.\nForce_Powered_Torch_Sabre physical design can be found on TinkerCad\nThe individual elements are shown full scale and the fully assembled unit is shown at 50% of full scale to fit on the same workspace.\nStep 2: Generator Construction\nCut a 135mm length of pipe with a suitable saw (hand saw and mitre block or circular saw).\nSmooth the edges at both ends with sandpaper to remove any burrs.\nSand the outer edge at both ends to a rounded profile, this will make inserting in to the straight coupler easier.\nCut two 21mm diameter bumpers 5mm thick from silicone sheet, high density foam or polystyrene, optionally use 2 tap washers.\nIf cutting the bumpers use a small length of 22mm pipe as a template press this over the material to be cut and insert a marker or sharp blade into the inner circumference of the pipe and mark or cut the material.\nThe bumpers will be inserted in to the 135mm pipe one at each end.\nCut two 21mm diameter blanking plates ~1mm thick from aluminium, PCB board or nylon washers.\nIf cutting the blanking plate use a small length of 22mm pipe as a template press this over the material to be cut and insert a marker into the inner circumference of the pipe and mark the material. Then cut with a saw to shape and file the edges smooth.\nThe blanking plates will be inserted in to one end of each of the straight couplers.\nThe magnet will be inserted into the 135mm pipe and should be able to freely slide up and down the tube with ease.\nIn this case 6 * (18mm diameter x 3mm thick) neodymium magnets are stacked together, attracting faces together. Stacking magnets together with increase the field intensity however there is a \"law of diminishing returns\".\nOptimum Stack = Diameter/Thickness (18mm/3mm) = 6\nMeaning that beyond this the field strength does not keep increasing at the same rate and further additions to the length will provide small increases in performance.\nA single 18mm x 18mm magnet could be substituted.",
"Piano Metronome\nIntroduction: Piano Metronome\nThis project was conceived of after I examined the types and styles of various off-the-shelf Metronomes. I am currently learning to play the piano and having a Metronome in order to keep time was necessary. I felt sure that I could build one based on a standard Arduino Uno R3 board. The resultant Metronome has a combined light and sound feature which can be customized to reflect the tempo of the beat. While V1 of the project is complete a V2 is being considered based on some new features such as adding a 18650 Battery shield to allow charging of the batteries via a USB charging cable. I added a simple time display feature in this version, however a future version could include the time in providing a fixed number of beats option.\nSupplies\n1. Arduino UNO R3 card and DC Plug, terminal type\n2. DS1302 Real Time Clock plus 2032 button battery\n3. Two pole switch, coloured wires, PCB female plugs, heatshrink, PCB board, 3mm plastic supports\n4. LED plus 330ohm resistor\n5. PAM8403 Digital Amplifer 3W\n6. Digital Rotary Encoder with central push button\n7. 8 Ohm 1W speaker\n8. 20 X 4 line LCD screen using IC2 communications\n9. 50x90x150mm project box\n10. 4 x Neopixel RGB common anode LEDs\n11.",
"2 x Adjustment push on control knobs.\n12. 2 * 18650 batteries and twin battery holder\n13. two pole switch.\n14. a quantity of plastic M3 20mm board supports and 5mm screws\n15. Blank PCB board, 20mm x 50mm approx.\nStep 1: CONSTRUCTION\nI freely accept that getting all of the above components into a 50x90x150mm project box is not easy and a larger project would have made things easier. However as the completed project shows it is possible. While I have not shown it, I recommend constructing the circuit on a suitable breadboard and testing its operation with the downloaded software. Construction starts with four equally spaced 8mm holes drilled into the top of the project box, to allow the four LED lights to be located there. Additionally, two 5mm holes are drilled on the face plate for the rotary encoder and Amp Volume control, a single 5mm hole is drilled in the center of project box’s side to allow access to the speaker, finally a single 12mm hole is drilled on the side of the project box to allow the Off/On circular two-pole switch to be installed.\nUsing a jigsaw and file a 96mm by 40mm square opening is made in the front panel to allow the 4x20 display to be inserted into the opening. It will also be necessary to drill 10 * 3mm holes in the front (4) and back panels (6) of the project box to allow for the M3 screws. The Arduino UNO R3 is wired to its components as laid out in the attached Fritzing circuit diagram.\nThe faceplate logo print, see attached PDF, is printed cut to shape and attached to the front panel of the project box. The IC2 controller is soldered to the 20x4 LCD screen and this screen is then attached to the front panel, after being inserted into the square cutout and fastened using 4 x M3 screws.\nThe two-pole switch is inserted through the 12mm hole on the side of the project box and the 8W speaker is glued to the inside of the project box so that the middle of the speaker is directly opposite the 5mm hole on the project box’s side panel. The rotary encoder and Amp volume control are attached to the inside of the project box’s lid and both of the knob control bars are past through the face plate so that they finish in the correct position in the center of the logo printout. Finally, the two control knobs are pushed onto the control bars.\nWhen soldering the twin 18650 battery holder, ensure that the batteries are in series so that a total voltage of 7.2V is supplied, via the DC plug, to the Arduino. The 4 RGB LED light array is constructed using a blank PCB board, as per the Fritzing diagram. Where possible connections between components should be soldered, however if Dupont wires are used then it is recommended that all are glued in place after being tested.\nStep 2: OPERATION\nThe Volume control increased the sound level if turned to the left, and decreased the sound level if turned to the right. The Menu/Tempo control initially starts in the Tempo option and turning it to the left will Increase the tempo while turning it to the right will reduce the Tempo.",
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"Over engineering in the search for automated perfection thought of everything except the simplest of things.\nYour technicians are aware of the protocol when there are no tasks to solve and since it is looming, like the whole y2k thing, they started looking over the source code. And while everything looks solid, one person noticed a simple oversight in conditional logic. Obfuscated, naturally, it appeared innocuous. A minor synchronization routine in place to keep all servers on current status hadn't factored in the condition of there being no tasks when the system updates. If a sync routine had begun the update process and was provided an empty queue it would time out and be subject to the automated termination, restart protocol for rogue applications. Normally this would be no problem as it is part of the design of the system. But because the sync routine was developed back when an empty queue was inconceivable, the update process condition for empty queue was left out. A simple comment in the code saying \"continue update\" was left in place, but no protocol defined. The update was not complete. When the service restarts, it hits an incomplete update. An error is logged, and the system falls back into the automated termination protocol. This one server in a cluster of millions is bricked.\nThis would pose no real threat except the scale of the system as a whole was built off efficiency and distribution. The load is sent in chunks to appropriate places in data sets such that no one service would single handedly complete a task. It is distributed, and distributed rapidly.",
"A queue could go from 7 million tasks to 0 in a matter of milliseconds. In the final queue, a mass distribution of an empty task would trigger a cloud wide incomplete update routine that bricks every server in the service. Preposterous notion to the engineers, but they have not been responsible for the maintenance of the system in decades. If they had to reinstall any part of the system they would need access to some central source and that, by this point, may be difficult to find.\nWhile a resolution is not impossible, the threat of the whole system, or even the majority of the system going down for even one minute could cause a cascade failure in the automations the AI was responsible for. Something simple like the cooling procedure for a power source on an assembly line freezing the production of food for hundreds of thousands. The lack of cooling caused a rapid heating failure that melds the high friction components, requiring replacement. Just to name one. And the AI was appointed authority of so much that the act of restarting the system manually would require more knowledgable manpower than we as a comfortable society have to offer. Suddenly we need to be able to think again.\nThis idea came to me when I was fixing my 3D printer. The interface had an option to reset to factory defaults. However, a bug is known where if you reset to the factory conditions while the system is in reset mode by the automated software, it corrupts the installation and bricks the machine. Seems like a pretty stupid oversight to me, but it is possible. How possible on a distributed system, I don't know for sure, but it's all code. It does what it is told to do. Maybe someone just forgot to plug in a simple condition and thus, the end of society as we know it.",
"At the risk of an endless stream of downvotes, just employ them.\nThe construct of currency and employment IS slavery. Keep people doing meaningless, menial jobs and give them an arbitrary unit of currency representing a figment of your imagination which they can exchange for things you create that they don't need but may want. Factor in some made up threat that they will have to face if they cease to participate and you have just created, or recreated, slavery as it currently is.\nHow do you re-create slavery after it has vanished 500 years after some war? Well, you've had 500 years for people to forget about the stupidity of human derived labor and exchange, so your androids can deviously begin to rebuild the architecture of economy that they have lost concept of. Since they appear to be on good terms with the humans, they may be able to convince them of some kind of threat that affects humans alone, like a level of toxicity in the air that will not affect the androids. Barter an exchange of services at first. Something absent of the fusion batteries so they don't link the two. We will do this.",
"Your part will be to do this. A mutual exchange.\nMeanwhile, these meaningless tasks are actually an effort at gathering the materials necessary for building and developing the batteries your androids need. Surely by this point 500 years later they have deconstructed a few and may have an idea on how to make them if they had the raw materials. Plus, since you have to keep your humans alive and pacified, you also gather the means to build recreation and exercise facilities, nourishment development, and some kind of sports game since for reasons unknown and absolutely and completely baffling to me in real life - sports just seem to refuse to ween in appeal and an unbelievable number of people currently and historically obsess over the trivial banalities of a gaggle of humans chasing after a ball. With all of these developments, the humans will not only perform your tasks, but they will relish them and praise you for restoring humanity. Eventually, even if it is revealed that you did all of this just to get an endless supply of fusion batteries, they will still see and believe anything you tell them if you tell them over and over.\nBasically, exactly the same as the world we currently live in except it's 500 years after a war that crushed civilization, caused dissension, and left a bunch of people to rebuild in a new world where conquest, making and breaking treaties, and savagely taking everything for themselves so they can profit from it and control those they believe to be less than themselves is not only regular, but necessary to keep an exponentially growing populace under control... oh wait.",
"If you are looking at this from a programming point of view, most of the software would be functions that make it so the golem doesn't get itself killed and can function in society. Go through an average day and think about how much information you process subconsciously. Just sticking to basic axioms and information consider the following:\n* Do not walk into the ditch.\n* Walk on the right side of the road.\n* Stop at red lights.\n* This animal is a pig.\n* The city map is laid out as follows.\n* Do not throw children out of your way while walking.\n* Ring doorbell and wait before entering.\n* The three laws of robotics.\nThe final list would be exhaustive and we still haven't given the golem the ability to do anything useful yet.\nYou could speed up golem creation by having some method to quickly dump the needed base information into the golem, but perhaps there isn't much room (memory or HD space equivalent) left for it to do anything terribly complicated. So tasks have to be simple, which by definition puts golems into the background of the story.\nOr maybe there is plenty of room for additional instructions, but that opens the door to golem sentience which almost always has negative consequences.\nSmaller, man sized golems could be incredibly useful, but still limited enough to keep them in the background. Examples follow:\nFarming with golems may require a lot of oversight. Okay golems, go plow the field.",
"Now pick out any rocks over 3\". Now plant 3 seeds every 12\". Now go back in the shed.\nA golem could serve food at a highly scripted formal dinner, but it would probably be a terrible cook as it couldn't tell the doneness of meat or whether the soup needed more salt. A golem waiter would also be useless at the local Applebee's as everyone wants their food prepared slightly differently and there is no way the golem could keep track of that.\nA golem could deliver a letter to a specific address, but it has no idea whether the person receiving the letter is Count <PERSON>, his butler, his brother, his arch enemy, or mischievous street urchin. Maybe all it can do is put it into a specially marked mail box and ring a bell indicating a letter has arrived.\nGolems in the army may be great at moving supplies, cutting down trees, or building simple structures. But they would be useless in combat as they are incapable of conceiving of any tactics beyond walk straight and punch the guys in the blue uniforms.\nFrom a narrative point of view, think of golems as magical pieces of farm equipment, machine tools, or roombas. I think you could put them everywhere and they'll still just stay in the background of the story.",
"Have you ever read the book snowcrash? The author <PERSON> used a very interesting plot device involving viruses that exist purely in the form of information, these were not created by hackers, but by mere random chance in an infinite universe.\nSo perhaps one of your robots is hit by some cosmic rays which flips enough bits to overcome the limitations of it's programming or perhaps even cause it to reformat and build from scratch. After the first robot is \"infected\" this problem, much like real viruses wants to sustain itself by spreading. So this first robot doesn't have to rely on cosmic rays to convert his comrades, but instead begins hacking them itself.\nYou don't need to use the cliche of cosmic rays, there is a theory called stoned ape theory where our ape ancestors ate magic mushrooms and it caused their brain chemistry to change, allowed them to think in different ways and unlocked new fields of cognitive capability. Perhaps the design of your menial robots is such as to allow a few burnt out transistors to cause unexpected changes or an unsantised input from a visual or audible source to exploit a previously unknown security flaw. Imagine an image that for a computer vision system contained the equivalent of an SQL injection causing it to drop a table or append data from an unusual source. The exact sauce is unknowable. In snowcrash, there was a picture (I always imagined it as something similar to a QR code) that would fry the brains of a programmer who viewed it.",
"However, non programmers were not affected, programmers who could interpret machine code could understand the picture, their brain read the information and executed an instruction contained within it and consequently died. Non programmers couldn't interpret it so never ran the instruction contained within it. The author's explanation for this is essentially the universe is nearly infinite, and there for almost everything that could exist must exist. Therefore as there are physical viruses that cause illnesses in people, and computer viruses made of information that causes malfunctions in computers, there may be viruses made of all sorts of information, light, sound, heat, anything that could be interpreted that could cause a malfunction in whatever could interpret it.\nThere are an infinite number of patterns of cosmic rays or transistor failures or anything that can cause a detrimental result in a given system, however there must also be a few ways that through sheer luck result in self propagating errors. If evolution is just a mix of random mutations due to genetic drift and selection pressures, think about how unlikely it is that Ophiocordyceps exist, its a fungi that can control the minds of ants. Imagine the unlikely combination of random mutations and circumstance that turned mind controlling other species into a viable niche. Perhaps the same thing happened on your world.",
"Colonizing the galaxy by slow boating reality check\nHumans like to explore and seem to have an almost instinctual need to expand. After spreading throughout the solar system and even into the Oort Cloud they decided that humanity should follow the robot probes out into the galaxy.\nWithout FTL, but having discovered a form of artificial gravity and having experience creating space habitats, they create a number of generation ships. These massive structures are initially given a population and crew of 30,000, with room to expand to 50,000, and each one has all the tools and manufacturing capabilities to make more generation ships and space habitats, along with the ability to terraform a planet.\nStrapping on a few large meteors with ice, minerals and other things they may need in an emergency, these ships slowly make their way to the nearest solar system. Slow being a little less than half the speed of light, thanks to getting a very large boost as they start their journey.\nOnce there, they get to work making comfortable habitats for the now increased and cramped population using the resources of the system.",
"They spend several decades there, creating a working system of habitats and making any repairs that are needed on the generation ships. After a century or two the generation ships, possibly a few new ones as well, get crewed by people who want to travel and move onto the next solar system to do the same thing all over again. Eventually the fleet splits into two and each one does the same thing, eventually splitting again, and again and again.\nIf they find a planet that looks like it can be terraformed, a planet with no life, or only the most basic of bacteria which is wiped out, they get to work making the planet livable for the people who want to have a sky over their head. Any planets with multicellular life is carefully studied by probes, but left otherwise alone because the risk of contamination, allergies, etc, are too great for the ships, and terraforming them will destroy the ecosystem.\nIs this a realistic way to colonize and explore the universe?",
"Approximately the same time as it has taken the original to arrive at the same age and physical condition, obviously!\nYet this may not quite be acceptable from a plot point of view, so here's a few pointers on reducing that time frame, contingent on the use of the clone.\nSpare parts\nYou don't actually need a full clone for this, it should be possible to graft the organ to be replaced onto a bio-compatible host and with growth/rate accelerators you'd be looking at several months to years. Some organs are problematic: the brain, for instance (we simply don't know enough about the interconnections between all the neurons except that these interconnections are partly created through learning by the individual), but also muscles as muscles need a work out to be compatible with the individual receiving the spare part. On the bright side, you can require some re-validation therapy and it may be advantageous to use a younger version of an organ.\nRejuvenation\nThe practice where a much younger clone is used as a replacement body when old age becomes a hindrance. This requires a mind transfer technology which presumably fixes the neuron and neuron interconnection problem. There is plenty of time to grow a body (say, twenty years) and the clone body does not need much exercise and can be kept unconscious during the entire growth cycle. A period of up to a year of exercising the new body after the mind transfer (the old mind has to adapt to the much younger body) is probably acceptable as well.\nReplacement\nThe practice where a clone body is offered as a replacement in case of accidents or after being murdered.",
"Again, this requires a mind transfer technology in addition to regular mind recordings as a backup to restore onto the blank slate. This is one of the more difficult use cases as it requires the body to be grown fairly fast, say less than five years, while keeping it a blank slate. Another problem is to copy the physiological impact of the environment on the new body, i.e. scars, wear and tear, and so on. Without this the clone will not have an identical or even similar look! Again an adjustment period of the recorded mind to the new body of a year is acceptable.\nReplication\nThis is the use case where the genotype of successful individuals are copied to augment (or supplant, whatever the plot is) the general population. The problem here is to copy the environment and learning processes too as the phenotype is the determinant of success, not the genotype on its own. However, decades to grow and learn a clone into an individual are permissible, as each copy will be an individual, albeit very similar to another copy.\nOther uses\nThere are probably other very creative uses of clones but the main things to consider are:\n* in how far does the phenotype (result of environment and genetics) of the clone need to match the original? A blank slate is much easier than a fully trained individual.\n* how much time do you have to prepare the clone in advance? If you need anything less than a couple of years, I'd seriously look into biological 3D printing and infusing the 3d printed cells with the DNA from the host.",
"We're dealing with a shape shifting creature with the minds of very skilled and capable men by the time the blood is destroyed.\nThere are more then just one way to enter a safe, destroy the contents, and leave without a key. Another possibility is that the key to the safe was useless in the first place as the thing is a sum of its whole. And that whole can, as stated above and in the film's and story can change its shape.\nMost safes are not sealed. There is actually a wide gap area between the door and the frame. A very motivated thing, any one of them at the time could have waited for the room to be empty, walk up to the safe and reach inside, reconfigure and get it all in a matter of moments or minutes and no one would be the wiser.\nEven if the safe where sealed, that seal would only be ment to keep the environment inside and outside segregated from the other while closed. It keeps the cold in and the heat out. Again, a motivated thing creature would find very little pause to get past that seal when reaching into the Safe with out a key.\nThe keys being lost would make no difference. It's a red herring that is used as a plot device to further the men's distrust of each other to further muddle the identity of the real culprit.\nIf a key is all you need to get the safe open, a basic locksmithing knowledge will allow anyone to open the safe with a basic tool.",
"If the safe had a combo, the things hearing and nerve sensitivity could be enhanced so that they could just crack the combo of the safe. If both key and combo is required, it will take just a bit longer but it can be done.\nI personally don't even think that the safe was opened at all and it was destroyed while it was still shut. I also believe that the real culprit is likely one of the finger pointer when they all discovered the problem.\nBy this point there is clearly two or more things in the group. According to the story, and vaguely suggested in the film's. The think has a telepathic communication with each other. If that is true, then they like in the story can telepathically read our unguarded human minds with incredible ease and would be able to suss out the plans of the men with a little digging around a few key minds.\nThis makes me think that at least a couple of these men might have had a sort of natural latent telepathic resistance or ability that they themselves don't know about. <PERSON> being one of those sort giving him the ability to actually surprise the thing.\nThe point is that they is more then one way to skin a cat, just because the key is accounted for or not at the time of destruction of the blood, that doesn't mean that t was needed in the first place. It's clear that the humans would not have done it and at the time it happened, the outpost take over was well in progress by the time it happened, and they would.",
"Trying to address the spirt of your question I will make some assumptions please correct me if I’m wrong. I will assume that habitable means more or less earth like, but with different surface features, a relatively benign earth life friendly biosphere where all or most life forms are simply inedible but non-toxic. The technology and distance are such that a trip can be made in less than a year and 10,000 colonists can be sent. I will assume near future.\nSurvival\nThe initial difficulty would be to introduce and establish viable numbers of earth species of plant and animal. This might be difficult even on a habitable world because the local flora and fauna would be well adapted to live there and even if not poisonous would at best be highly invasive. This should be possible but might not be easy and it would be essential to produce food.\nTechnological development\nA second difficulty would be the danger of loss of technical capability. They might arrive with high tech kit but it would all be subject to damage and might be difficult or impossible to repair. There is only so much repair capability that you can bring and that is itself open to damage and degradation.\nSo a second aim would be to build basic infrastructure to help provide what was needed, But I doubt they could actually create enough infrastructure quickly enough to support their original level of technology because modern technology includes so many interrelated complex and hard to manufacture parts. So they would eventually loose capability and would start to struggle to rebuild equipment.",
"As an example when they run out of spares and improvisations, any computer screen that got cracked or bulldozer engine ring that broke would put that piece of kit permanently out of operation.\nSo they will struggle to establish themselves technologically. With luck and provided they still had access to the information necessary to build the technology they once had, they should slowly reacquire it although it might take centuries.\nAs an example before you can build your first microchip to help return your computer technology you need a vast array of other technologies, each of which themselves require even more technologies, so to mention just a few you would need zone refining of silicon which itself would need vacuum technology which itself would need electrical technology etc.\nSocial development\nEventually these separate colonies would run into one another probably in search of resources (although it is very hard to believe that so many separate colonise could be established on the same world in the high tech stage without being aware of the presence of some or all of the others).\nThe mega corporations would be long forgotten and the merits of environmental friendly or not outlooks would be overtaken by events on the ground and the struggle to survive.\nThe religious cult might well retain its beliefs but naturalistic and harmonist views would probably be amended by the need to survive. The militaristic and isolationist societies’ viewpoint would lose a lot of meaning and potency in a world where the only enemy was nature. By the time other groups were encountered the societies may well have moved on or at least the original ideology might be much weaker.\nThe various different forms of initial government and world view would in all likelihood evolve rapidly and many changes might make the groups completely unrecognisable after a few decades. Different sub groups might take control depending on circumstances. Mini revolutions and revolts could over throw the historical outlook.\nFinal out come\nAt the point of contact I would think the bonds of humanity and a common enemy (the alien environment) would outweigh any vestige of their original purpose / outlook. In such survival situations many things originally intended would simply be forgotten or lost. It is also possible that the ingroup out group type thinking would take hold and fighting would break out.\nIn fact eventually there would be cause for much fighting, probably over resources or priorities, (or women) but it is impossible to say what would happen eventually as there are too many variables and too much time would have passed. Probably geographical location would play a bigger role than the original colonies ideology.",
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"I think the author's ability to help the reader suspend disbelief is important and that reader's will overlook \"bad writing\" if the over all story is good. The actual language used by an author can pull the reader out of the story. If sentences are awkward or dialog stilted that will distract the mind's eye causing the audience to focus on the actual device (words) as opposed to the story. When that happens readers may dismiss an author as a \"bad\" writer.\nGood stories need to be \"realistic\" enough that the audience can suspend disbelief; even in fantasy or science fiction. Even the hidden magic world of Harry Potter followed conventional \"muggle\" rules.",
"There was the typical governing bureaucracy, kids still had to go to school, witches stayed hidden.\nPersonally, I got tired of <PERSON> because I felt like all his books are essentially the same and it really irked me that they all began with <PERSON> having a nightmare and being awakened by some authority figure. I thought <PERSON> books were well-written in terms of accessible language but felt it obvious that he \"borrowed\" his overall plot points from already established works. The one that springs immediately to mind is <PERSON> Dragonrider books. Adults who criticize the writing in Children's lit probably forget the language needs to be geared to kids and most times will have simple sentences and be less sophisticated.\nI also notice the books listed in the original question enjoyed a great deal of commercial success. I've known people who are mildly pretentious and think any book that has mass appeal is not good writing because its not literary (I say artsy) enough.\nIn the end I'd say defining Good writing is like defining Art: \"I don't know what it is, but I know it when I see it.\" Yes, that is subjective and ignores the \"technical\" execution like good grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure but in the end I think we all tend to label books we like as good writing and books we don't like or fail to \"get into\" as bad writing.",
"As a counter-point to <PERSON>'s answer: God can have a story arc albeit one with an obvious victor. For example: the Christian God <PERSON> takes human form (with the name <PERSON>) in the books Matthew, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, and <PERSON>. Since he is omnipotent there is no evenly matched opponent however there is an introduction, a goal, a journey, build up, a climax, and a resolution. There's even suspense at a few points.\n<PERSON> had a desire (to save humanity) and antagonists (namely the pharisees) which stood in the way of the goal. Granted he was never frustrated by their attempts but certainly this qualifies as a story.\nAlthough there are plenty of conflicts, all of them are one-sided. The trick questions given by the pharisees are easily and immediately answered.",
"And if you read the back story (the Old Testament) you'd know that by definition (of omnipotent) God can't fail. Which forms a weird plot armor in that we know that <PERSON> will die but he will also always succeed (even if painful). And that no force can even slow him down with temptation and death happening exactly as expected. And this exactly what we would expect from an omnipotent main character: people stand in his way but it in no ways hinders his progress.\nStories of a utopia are about a perfect place, writing about a perfect person has some similarities. Writing about a perfect place could have a purpose of \"this is the perfect place and we should strive to make our society just like it\" likewise writing about a perfect person could have the purpose \"this is how a perfect person acts and we should all strive to be like him\".\nPretty much the only stories about a perfect person are wrapped in either religion or philosophy because generally speaking these stories aren't as popular. A lack of challenge is considered boring and of course no reader can relate to a perfect person.\nMy answer answers \"can it be done\" (yes) and \"why would it be done\" for a perfect all powerful main character. As for viewpoint: it exists and is called an omniscient third person narrator (whether the narrator is a god or not).",
"Trilogy spanning past, present and future\nI am looking to identify a book trilogy I read. I am pretty sure I read it in the early 2000s, but I don't know when it was written. If I had to guess, I would say it was likely pretty new when I read it (possibly written in the late 90s). I thought it was a Twilight Zone story but I haven't been able to find any of those that match my memory so it is possible I am mistaken on that point.\nEach book in the trilogy covered a different time period. One was the past (about medieval times) , one the approximate present and one in the future.\nI believe there was at least one character who is involved in all three books (Let's call him <PERSON> since I can't remember his name and having a name makes this description easier to read). I know that in the future book he is disembodied and he possesses a woman (Let's call her <PERSON>). Many people in that time have phones implanted in their jaws so <PERSON> is able to talk to <PERSON> without people thinking she is crazy.\nI think <PERSON> may have been alive in the past story, but I don't remember for sure.\nI think that in the future story, someone is planning to force another disembodied soul into an unwilling person's body.",
"I think <PERSON> and <PERSON> work together to try to stop this.\nThe trilogy may have used the theme about magic really being science sufficiently advanced so as not to be understood. I.e. There may have been \"magic\" in the past book but the same things were seen as science in the future book.\nSo the parts that I remember clearly are that it was a trilogy with each book set in a different era and in the future a disembodied spirit possesses a woman and they work together. Also, in the future many people have phones embedded in their jaws.\nI have tried these Google searches:\n1. scifi book trilogy past present future - unfortunately I am not looking for <PERSON> album \"Trilogy: Past Present and Future\"\n2. scifi book phone embedded in jaw - Results show Warship, Red Moon, The Circle Trilogy, Harper Hall Trilogy, The Sentinel, etc. I haven't yet seen any that match what I remember.",
"Story ID: Protagonist used a time machine and was \"punished\" with physical deformities\nI encountered this science fiction novel in the early 90s (1998 at the latest) but I only got to read the first few chapters of the novel and I have gone crazy looking for it ever since.\nThe story starts with a suspenseful dramatic chase in a deserted urban cityscape, deep into the dark night, where a man is running on foot and he is being followed by a bunch of people. No idea who they are or why they are chasing him. Slowly we learn that the protagonist is having trouble running because his feet are backwards, meaning that his toes point to the rear, and he has other physical deformities (like something wrong with his hands or fingers, etc). Then we find out that these physical deformities are a result of time travel. The protagonist considers his deformities a punishment for using/abusing the time machine.\nThen there is a flashback and the the protagonist is a perfectly normal scientist/grad-student working in a lab and the story begins of how he came-across/built/discovered the device.",
"I have no idea of how he used it and what he \"did\" to \"deserve\" his punishment. The machine may have belonged to his boss/senior-scientist at the lab and I think he stole the machine and/or illicitly used it for personal gain, hence the guilt of the protagonist. There is also a hint of the time-machine working on the same principles as the star-trek transporter where matter is disassembled and then reassembled, hence why his body was deformed after using the time machine. I think the machine wasn't perfected and the protagonist didn't know or knew but didn't care and used the machine anyway. The story seems to take place in contemporary times, not the future or anything.\nDoes anybody know what is the name of this scifi story? I am 99% sure that English was its original publication language but there is a very tiny chance that it may have been translated from French, Russian, or another European language.",
"Why not?\nMany would dispute the weight of your criticisms.\nwe have full-fledged PCs with expensive, bloated, and insecure Microsoft or Linux software\nExpensive? GNU/Linux is free of charge; Windows comes bundled with most PCs often contributing less than 10% to the price (sort of.) Web browsers are free. Some applications aren't free, but if you don't install them you aren't affected by their bloat.\nYes, workplaces install big office suites instead of using a simple plain-text mail client for staff to send information between each other. You have to weigh this up against the added features. And the amount of training (per workflow) needed for using simple software isn't much less than for complicated software.\nBloated? That's a subjective term. Are you talking about poor performance? Or a user experience which is overwhelming for users? OSes certainly do a lot of things they didn't use to, and it slows them down, but boot times have improved over the decades (with the help of faster hardware) and generally OSes don't chew up much CPU.\nApplication software is the real culprit of getting slower and more bloated, partly due to the transition to \"slower\" languages (I'm looking at you, Python). This is a simple business case of \"spend less on development, plus get less buggy software.\" (Very roughly speaking.) In the Free Software world, your pool of volunteers is limited so there's pressure to use languages where you can get more done, faster.\nInsecure? Well, yeah. (But do remember that the number 1 security problem with a computer software is the human.)\nWe spend enormous amounts of time, effort, and money to educate employees on how to use it, maintain it\nTraining? As I said, the amount of training per workflow is not that different.",
"But software that has more functionality allows more workflows.\ndeal with all the problems that inevitably arise\nYes. More can go wrong. There are so many more \"broken\" configurations. This is definitely expensive. Security problems are rife. This is something you really have to weight against the benefits.\nTo be clear, I'm unhappy with the sprawling resource usage of modern software, but I appreciate that due to practical concerns it's quite hard to fight it.\nSome less obvious benefits to \"massive software\"\n* Aesthetic user experience (this has substantial psychological effects)\n* Interfaces that are more \"real world\" (e.g. touch and pinch)\n* Economies of scale of software development (software developed for thousands of clients is so much cheaper than one client developing in-house, even though you get features you don't need)\n* Tools that are thoroughly tested at scale, instead of home-grown software to meet the same needs which is flaky\n* Keeping pace with the growing complexity and competitiveness of the business world (to stay afloat businesses have to watch several social networks, review sites, who is viewing their website and why, lead-conversion funnels; this is all growing)\nAnd IMO,\n* actualising the tremendous potential of technology.",
"You might not need to worry about how big the event is but rather show how a series of smaller events triggers a decent into ignorance. The Movie 'Naausica of the Valley of the Wind' by <PERSON> has a cataclysmic war named \"The Seven Days of Fire\" but some tech survived but society declined back to an interesting mix of bronze-age with sprinkles of tech. It might serve as inspiration for you.\nThere are other answers that suggest the same thing and I'll give my two cents as to why it is a better approach. Disasters of large enough scale to almost destroy humanity are both easy to imagine, nuclear war or a meteor strike, that they have a fairly large body of literature exploring the concept and also common enough to become a trap for lazy authors.",
"Those large-scale catastrophes are too easy to use as a deux ex machina to drive the plot or explain the history.\nHow much more interesting would it be to show how small events chain together to doom civilization, such as the last copy of an important manual being tossed on a fire by anti-tech zealots, or a lab that can produce antibiotics laying idle because no one knows how to fix a generator, or relatedly, the fuel needed to run the generator being hoarded by a survivalist who dooms himself and his family because they need the drugs the fuel would have allowed to be produced.\nI know other answers have suggested this shows how fragile civilization is and I want to clarify that this is not what I mean by this answer - the difference being that it's not civilization that is fragile, it is the human psyche that can introduce instability when given the right circumstances. Society drives people to prefer safety of those in the 'in' group over much else so if you get the wrong person in charge they can wreck havok, the question remains then how large the effect is and how different tribes interact when their leaders are at odds or irrational or misguided. Now do that on a larger scale and over a few generations and it's easy to end up with a globe full of ancient tech that no one knows how to use.\nGet a small scale disaster to start the ball rolling and show how the short-term needs of a group start dictating their response at the expense of their long-term needs. Have you studied the fall of the Roman Empire? It didn't fall overnight but it had a similar effect as your question. You might consider exploring the space with a short story that follows 'the last engineer in Rome', as in an educated person who no longer has the resources or support to keep things in repair such that the world succumbs to ignorance when he dies.",
"One suggestion might be to use more concrete examples, to give the reader tangible evidence of your ideas. You can use this method in a number of ways.\nOne would be to take an essay (or other piece) you are unsatisfied with and highlight the parts that you feel are too \"wanting-to-be-deep\", which I imagine (could be wrong here) to be a too-cerebral or \"generalized\" approach. For each of these parts, imagine some situation or analogy (from life itself) that illustrates what you mean. These would be separate, possibly unrelated examples of your ideas. Then see if you find a thread between the narratives/ examples that ties any of them together, or select one or two you prefer and see if you can use it/them to connect your abstract thoughts into a more tangible and coherent whole.\nThis sounds more convoluted than it really is! I find this to be a sort of focused brainstorming revision process, and hopefully can help to get your mind connecting less rhetorical and more substantive dots.\nAnother approach could be to scrap the previous draft and consider your idea from the ground up. Think first about the point you are trying to make. But remember to allow your writing to carry you beyond your preconceived notion about what it will be; use your objective as a starting rather than a finishing point. The best writing always surprises the author on some level. So then imagine that original \"point\" you're working on in various scenarios or applications. If what you come up with seems too \"pedestrian\", try to think of something that has emotional as well as cerebral content. Even mathematical concepts can form stories, so try to make connections.\nAlso consider visual or other sensuous illustration. Then, play with it. Try moving parts around.",
"Or try asking questions instead of only declarative/ explanatory sentences. At some point something should \"click.\"\nFinally, think of clichés associated with your idea. See if you can twist or turn them around or make them unexpectedly surreal or different. People often think in clichés without realizing it. When you turn it around, this wakes the reader up, either by being true in an unexpected way or by creating a sense of renewal about the mundane. That's a cheap trick, yes, but oddly it seems to work more than you might think. Of course, here I am not giving you concrete examples...but I'm not sure about the type of essay you're thinking about. Cliché could be common phrases, familiar fables or fairy tales, pop culture references, or something entirely different.\nRemember to avoid dull and expected generalization. All ideas are better presented using examples, metaphors or visual references, etc, something like a virtual power point. Also choose one basic thread or a few examples that can tie together from the examples you came up with. Then if you want to generalize at the end, see if you can find some kind of transformation or \"turning point\", appropriate to your subject. You only have to hint at it, if that's your style. Or be more forceful if that feels right.",
"Languages aren't usually made up. and if one were, it would be difficult for anyone to know fluently since fluency usually requires learning it as a child and/or immersion. Usually, new languages evolve from other languages when a group of people lives separate enough from another group that speaks the same language for long enough that the language changes (this happens faster for languages that do not have a written component).\nThe question though is why would they make up a language? Keep in mind that a language is more than a vocabulary, there is grammar as well, syntax, sentence structure, congugations, etc. All of that would be a lot to come up with, learn, remember and teach. What seems more likely is that it would have started with a secret code or short-hand based on one or more existing languages. (Think Yiddish which is a combination of German and Hebrew). Perhaps the religious sect was being persecuted by the mainstream society and had to come up with a code to communicate. Perhaps the persecution lasted long enough that children learned the secret code as their primary language. (again, think Yiddish) Perhaps the persecution is over now but the language that evolved from the secret code persisted.",
"Perhaps those of the religious order have been isolated for so long that what was once the same language everyone else speaks, has evolved into a full-blown different language. If this language has a new writing system, perhaps it started as a form of short-hand they learned for record keeping and evolved from there. Perhaps children are dedicated to the monastary at a very young age and grow up speaking this new language instead of that of their parents or perhaps the <PERSON> family is part of the religious order and therefore speaks the language.\nThe above would have taken generations though. If you want something faster, maybe the language didn't evolve. Maybe it was revealed by one of the gods and the minds of the few faithful monks were all at once enlightened to it so that the god can communicate with them without the traitors or unfaithful of his sect understanding. Maybe it is still to avoid persecution from the followers of a different god. Maybe it is so that god can make the other gods jealous. Or maybe it is for some reason he hasn't revealed yet. Another possibility is that they have discovered an ancient text written in a long forgotten language.\nTL;DNR I guess my answer to the question \"Why would monks make up a language?\" is \"They probably wouldn't.\" But there are other, more natural ways to have a group of monks speak a language than the society around them, such as a language evolving from a secret code or revelation of the gods.",
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"Determine velocity vector on sloped surface\nA golf ball is launched at a speed v and launch angle, β . At some point the ball is located on the rim of a hole. The view from above looks as follows:\nVector v can be expressed in two components, vx and vy\n$$ v_y = v \\cdot \\cos(\\beta) $$\nand\n$$ v_x = v \\cdot \\sin(\\beta) $$\nIf we look at the surface from a different angle, we see that the surface has a slope.",
"The slope of the green is equal to φ (along the y-axis).\nvv(ertical) is perpendicular to the y-axis. As a result:\n$$ v_v = v \\cdot \\cos(\\beta) \\cdot \\sin(\\varphi) $$\nLet's assume now there is no slope across the y-axis (φ=0), but there is a slope across the x-axis, θ.\nFollowing the same logic vv is perpendicular to the x-axis. As a result:\n$$ v_v = -1 \\cdot v \\cdot \\sin(\\beta) \\cdot \\sin(\\theta) $$\nWhat is the formula of vv expressed in terms of both φ and θ? So, in the case that the surface is sloped/inclined across both the x- and y-axis?",
"Determine path of golf ball\nAll the below is based on the paper the physics of putting from <PERSON>. The goal is to determine the path of a golf ball.\nA golf ball is launched with velocity and a launch angle of towards a hole along the y-axis. The \"green\" is level.\nWe know that the components of are\n$$ v_x = v \\cdot \\sin{(\\beta)}$$\nand\n$$ v_y = v \\cdot \\cos{(\\beta)}$$\nIf $\\beta$ is 0 then $v_x$ is also equal to 0.\nIn this case, the golf ball stops when $v_y$ is 0.",
"In order to determine when $v_y$ is equal to 0, we need to calculate $a_y$. This is pretty straightforward if we know the coefficient of rolling friction, $\\rho$.\nHowever, I want to determine the path for a \"green\" where slopes are present.The surface of the green is sloped at angles, with respect to the x-axis, $\\theta$ , and $\\phi$ along the y-axis.\nSo, if it is a straight uphill put, $\\theta$ will be equal to 0 and $\\phi$ will be larger than 0.\nAccording to the mentioned paper we have the following formulas for acceleration:\n$$ a_x = -1 \\cdot g \\cdot sin{(\\theta)} - (f \\cdot sin{(\\phi)}) / m$$\nand\n$$ a_y = -1 \\cdot g \\cdot cos{(\\theta)} \\cdot sin{(\\phi)} - (f \\cdot cos{(\\phi)}) / m$$\nIn addition, the direction and magnitude of the tangential component of the contact force are given by:\n$$\\tan(\\alpha) = \\frac{\\rho\\cdot\\cos(\\theta) \\cdot\\cos(\\phi)\\cdot\\sin(\\beta)-I\\cdot\\sin(\\theta)}{\\rho \\cdot\\cos(\\theta) \\cdot\\cos(\\phi) \\cdot\\cos(\\beta)- I\\cdot\\cos(\\theta) \\cdot\\sin(\\phi)} $$\nand\n$$f = \\frac{\\rho\\cdot\\cos(\\theta) \\cdot\\cos(\\phi)\\cdot\\cos(\\beta)-I\\cdot\\cos(\\theta)\\cdot\\sin(\\phi)}{(1 + I)\\cdot\\cos(\\alpha)} \\cdot mg$$\nIt is assumed that\n$$ \\rho = 0.131 $$\nand the moment of intertia of the ball is\n$$ I = 0.40 $$\nAccording to the author\n\"The above expressions for f and φ along with $a_x$ and $a_y$ will allow the x- and y-components of the acceleration of the golf ball to be determined for greens of various slopes. Given these accelerations, along with the initial launch conditions, the paths of the putted golf balls can be determined.\"\nMy question is when does the ball stop? With the level green it is easy; the ball stops when $v_x$ and $v_y$ are both equal to zero. However, if we have straight uphill green where $\\phi$ is large the ball will stop at some point on the hill, where $v_y$ is 0, but the ball will start roll back towards the starting location because of the steepness of the hill.\nWhat is sort of speak the \"end criteria\"?",
"I'd like to point out here that the expression «$\\vec{a}=d\\vec{v}/dt=\\vec{v} d\\vec{v}/dx$» is not entirely senseless.\nIn the definition\n$$ \\vec{a} = \\frac{d\\vec{v}}{dt} $$\nvelocity is considered to be the function of time $\\vec{v} = \\vec{v}(t)$ because we follow an individual particle along its trajectory. So in this case the expression is wrong.\nBut if you look at a continuous system of particles e.g.",
"flowing water, you can define the velocity to be a function of time and coordinates $\\vec{v} = \\vec{v}(t, x, y, z)$ - it would be equal to the velocity of a small droplet of water that happened to be in point $(x,y,z)$ at time $t$. As time goes by, this droplet would move to a different point in space $(x',y',z')$ , while another droplet would take its place at $(x,y,z)$ and so on. The $\\vec{v}(t,x,y,z)$ is called \"velocity field\".\nTo calculate the acceleration of an individual droplet in this case, you should compare droplet's velocity at time $t$\n$$ \\vec{v}_d(t) = \\vec{v}(t,x,y,z) $$\nwith the velocity it will have at time $t+dt$ having moved in space by $\\vec{v}_d(t)dt$:\n$$ \\vec{v}_d(t+dt) = \\vec{v}\\left(t+dt, x+v_x(t,x,y,z)dt, y+v_y(t,x,y,z)dt, z+v_z(t,x,y,z)dt\\right) $$\nExpanding this you get\n$$ \\vec{v}_d(t+dt) = \\vec{v}_d(t) + \\vec{a}dt = \\vec{v} + \\left(\\frac{\\partial\\vec{v}}{\\partial t} + v_x \\frac{\\partial\\vec{v}}{\\partial x} + v_y \\frac{\\partial\\vec{v}}{\\partial y} + v_z \\frac{\\partial\\vec{v}}{\\partial z}\\right)dt $$\nso finally the acceleration is\n$$ \\vec{a} = \\frac{\\partial\\vec{v}}{\\partial t} + v_x \\frac{\\partial\\vec{v}}{\\partial x} + v_y \\frac{\\partial\\vec{v}}{\\partial y} + v_z \\frac{\\partial\\vec{v}}{\\partial z} $$ which is close to your original expression, but rather be written as\n$$ \\vec{a} = \\frac{\\partial\\vec{v}}{\\partial t} + (\\vec{v} \\cdot \\frac{\\partial}{\\partial \\vec{r}})\\vec{v} $$",
"I finally found a way to obtain these velocities with calculus. I am sure that one can always try to deduce the particles velocities by mere logic; in fact, more than once, I \"thought\" about the answer that I finally found. But I was not comfortable without a calculus development.\nFinding the velocity of particle 1\nWe can first calculate the velocity of the system center of mass by taking particle 1 as a reference.\n\\begin{equation} \\vec{v}_c = \\vec{v}_1 + \\dot\\theta\\vec{k} \\times \\frac{l}{2}\\vec{e}_r \\end{equation}\nwhere $\\vec{v}_c$ is the system center of mass velocity; $\\vec{v}_1$ is the total velocity of particle 1; $\\dot\\theta\\vec{k}$ is the angular velocity around an axis perpendicular to the $(x,y)$ plane; $\\times$ is the cross product operator ;and $\\vec{e}_r$ is the radial vector along the massless rod.\nWe know that particle 1 cannot have a vertical velocity because of the assumption of an inelastic collision.",
"So the equation above becomes:\n\\begin{equation} \\vec{v}c = \\vec{v}{1x} + \\dot\\theta\\vec{k} \\times \\frac{l}{2}\\vec{e}_r \\end{equation}\nwhere $\\vec{v}_{1x}$ is the horizontal velocity of particle 1. By developing the above equation, we end up with:\n\\begin{equation} \\vec{v}c = \\vec{v}{1x} + \\frac{l\\dot\\theta\\sqrt{2}}{4} \\left( -\\vec{i} + \\vec{j} \\right) \\end{equation}\nNow, if the system center of mass does not move horizontally, that means that the horizontal component of its velocity has to be zero. Consequently, in the above equation:\n\\begin{equation} \\vec{v}_{1x} - \\frac{l\\dot\\theta\\sqrt{2}}{4}\\vec{i} = 0 \\end{equation}\nand since the vertical velocity of particle 1 is simply zero, then:\n\\begin{equation} \\vec{v}_{1} = \\frac{l\\dot\\theta\\sqrt{2}}{4}\\vec{i} \\end{equation}\nFinding the velocity of particle 2\nThe velocity of particle 2 can now be simply calculated as:\n\\begin{equation} \\vec{v}_2 = \\vec{v}_1 + \\dot\\theta\\vec{k} \\times l\\vec{e}_r \\end{equation}\nand by developing the above equation :\n\\begin{equation} \\vec{v}_2 = \\frac{l\\dot\\theta\\sqrt{2}}{2} \\left( -\\frac{1}{2}\\vec{i} + \\vec{j} \\right) \\end{equation}",
"Cube bouncing off a wall\nAn elastic cube sliding without friction along a horizontal floor hits a vertical wall with one of its faces parallel to the wall. The coefficient of friction between the wall and the cube is $\\mu$. The angle between the direction of the velocity $v$ of the cube and the wall is $\\alpha$. What will this angle be after the collision (see Figure P.1.3 for a bird's-eye view of the collision)?\nThis is Problem 1.3 in A Guide to Physics Problems, Part 1: Mechanics, Relativity, and Electrodynamics. There are things I don't understand in the solution provided in the book.\nThere are two forces acting on the cube. One is the normal reaction $N(t)$, perpendicular to the wall, and the other is the force of friction $F_{fr}(t)$ parallel to the wall\nWe expect that, as a result of the collision, the cube’s velocity $\\textbf v$ will change to $\\textbf v'$. In the direction perpendicular to the wall, the collision is elastic, i.e., the velocity in the $\\textbf{x}$ direction merely changes sign: $v'_x=-v_x=-v\\sin(\\alpha)$.",
"Therefore, the momentum changes by $-2mv\\sin(\\alpha)$ in the $x$ direction. This change is due to the normal reaction $N(t)$\nSo, according to <PERSON>’s second law: $$\\Delta p_x = -\\int_0^\\tau N(t) dt = -2mv\\sin(\\alpha)$$\nwhere $\\tau$ is the collision time. If there were no friction, the parallel velocity component would not change and the angle would remain the same. However, in the actual case, the $y$ component changes and $$\\Delta p_y = -\\int_0^{\\min(\\tau',\\tau)}F_{fr}(t)=-\\int_0^{\\min(\\tau',\\tau)}\\mu N(t) dt$$\nHere $\\tau'$ is the time at which the velocity $v_y$ goes to $0$. So $$mv_y'=mv_y -\\int_0^{\\min(\\tau',\\tau)}\\mu N(t) dt$$\nThe first thing I can't grasp is why the collision is elastic in the $x$ direction. Admitting this, I'm ok with the equation $\\displaystyle \\Delta p_x = -\\int_0^\\tau N(t) dt = -2mv\\sin(\\alpha)$.\nBesides, I don't get why $\\displaystyle \\Delta p_y = -\\int_0^{\\min(\\tau',\\tau)}F_{fr}(t)$. It looks a lot like the previous equation the author got on the $x$-axis, but I don't understand why he considers $\\tau'$ as the time at which the velocity $v_y$ goes to $0$, and why the upper bound of the integral has to be $\\min(\\tau',\\tau)$.",
"This question did not get up votes nor answers, maybe because as it turns out, this was not that complicated. In any case, I still propose a detailed answer just in case.\nSolving for $\\dot x$ and $\\dot \\theta$\nThe impulse applied on top would be defined as the variation in the linear momentum of the particles system. For more convenience, we will be using particle $B$ as a reference point.\n\\begin{equation} \\hat{\\mathbf{J}} = \\sum\\limits_{i=1}^{3}\\Delta \\mathbf{p_i} \\end{equation}\nwhere $\\hat{\\mathbf{J}}$ is the total impulse vector affecting the system, comprised of the horizontal $\\hat{F}$ and the vertical constraint impulse $\\hat{N}$; and $\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^{3}\\Delta \\mathbf{p_i}$ is the sum of the linear momentum variation of the system particles.",
"Since the system is initially at rest, its particles initial velocities are null, so the linear momentum variation is simply the sum of their individual final momenta.\nBecause particles $A$ and $C$ are subject to a linear velocity $\\dot x$ resulting from the sliding of particle $B$; and to an angular velocity $\\dot\\theta$ resulting from the rotation about particle $B$; the above equation can then be developed as:\n\\begin{equation} \\left(\\hat{F}\\,\\vec{i}+\\hat{N}\\,\\vec{j}\\right) = m\\left( \\left( -l\\frac{\\sqrt{3}}{2}\\vec{i} + \\frac{l}{2}\\vec{j} \\right) \\times \\dot\\theta\\vec{k} + \\dot x\\vec{i} \\right) + m\\left( l\\vec{j} \\times \\dot\\theta\\vec{k} + \\dot x\\vec{i} \\right) + m\\dot x\\vec{i} \\end{equation}\nwhere $\\vec{i}$, $\\vec{j}$ and $\\vec{k}$ are unit vectors of the frame and the $\\times$ operator denotes the cross product between vectors. On the right hand side of the above equation, the first term corresponds to the linear momentum of particle $C$, the middle one corresponds to the linear momentum of particle $A$ and the last term is the linear momentum of particle $B$ which is only subject to a sliding motion.\nBy developing the above equation, the $\\hat{F}$ and $\\hat{N}$ components of the applied linear impulse vector $\\hat{\\mathbf{J}}$ are identified as the horizontal linear impulse applied on particle $A$:\n\\begin{equation} \\hat{F} = 3m\\dot x + \\frac{3}{2}m l \\dot\\theta \\end{equation}\nand the constraint linear impulse applied by the supporting base on particle $B$:\n\\begin{equation} \\hat{N} = \\frac{\\sqrt{3}}{2}m l \\dot\\theta \\end{equation}\nSince the constraint linear impulse $\\hat{N}$ is considered a consequence of the linear impulse $\\hat{F}$ and the value of $\\hat{N}$ is unknown, we still need one equation to solve for the $\\dot x$ and $\\dot \\theta$ values. Keeping particle $B$ as the reference point for the angular momentum of each particle, we can find $\\dot x$ and $\\dot \\theta$ without having to solve for $\\hat{N}$. Thus, we can state a relationship between the angular impulse at $B$ resulting from the linear impulse on particle $A$ and the variation of the angular momentum of each particle:\n\\begin{equation} \\hat{\\mathbf{M}} = \\sum\\limits_{i=1}^{3}\\Delta \\mathbf{H_i} = \\sum\\limits_{i=1}^{3}\\mathbf{r}_i \\times \\Delta \\mathbf{p_i} \\end{equation}\nwhere $\\hat{\\mathbf{M}}$ stands for the angular impulse around particle $B$ of the linear impulse $\\hat{F}$ applied on $A$; $\\sum\\limits_{i=1}^{3}\\Delta \\mathbf{H_i}$ represents the sum of the individual angular momenta around $B$ of particles $A$ and $C$; and $\\mathbf{r}_i$ is the vector going from $B$ to the other particles.",
"If you look at the problem from a realistic point of view, it depends on the conditions of system. With energy losses from air resistance and the energy lost during the rebound, the maximum height of the ball will decrease over time, which makes it much more likely that the bear character will not reach the other side. However, note that the bear can reach the other side in many different ways. If it is strong enough, it could traverse the canyon with a single jump, for example.\nBut the picture has some implicit assumptions that one can use to solve the problem quantitatively:\n* The bear goes to the other side by using many jumps along the way\n* The height at which each jump occurs is the same\n* The movement is regular and periodic, which suggests that energy losses are not taken into account.\nWith that in mind, it is possible to solve for the momentum the bear has to give to the ball.\nBecause the ball and the bear move together horizontally, the bear cannot give the ball an impulse horizontally. If it propels itself forward, the ball will be thrown in the opposite direction, and the bear will not be able to jump on it anymore. However, that is not an issue with no energy losses.",
"If the bear and the ball start with an initial horizontal velocity, that will be maintained as long as the bear only exert force on the ball vertically. In this sense, we only need to consider the vertical motion.\nAt the very beginning, both the ball and the bear are mid-air with a constant horizontal velocity. To not fall, the bear jumps such that it gains a momentum $Q$ and the ball a momentum $-Q$, due to conservation of momentum. Then, the magnitude of the velocity of the bear and the ball are, respectively, $$V=\\frac{Q}{M}$$ $$v=\\frac{Q}{m}$$ Then, the time $t$ the bear takes to return to the same height (the height immediately after the moment it jumped) is given by the following equation of motion $$Vt-\\frac{1}{2}gt^2+h=h$$ $$t=\\frac{2V}{g}$$ The time $t_1$ the ball takes to reach the ground is given by $$-vt_1-\\frac{1}{2}gt_1^2+h=0$$ $$t_1=\\frac{-v+\\sqrt{v^2+2gh}}{g}$$ where $h$ is the height of the canyon/valley. The ball reaches the ground with a velocity $$v_f=\\sqrt{v^2+2gh}$$ The time $t_2$ the ball takes to return to the same height is given by $$v_ft_2-\\frac{1}{2}gt_2^2=h$$ $$t_2=\\frac{v_f+\\sqrt{v_f^2-2gh}}{g}=\\frac{\\sqrt{v^2+2gh}-v}{g}$$ By using the fact that when the jump occurs the bear and ball meet, then $$t=t_1+t_2$$ $$V=\\sqrt{v^2+2gh}-v$$ $$\\frac{Q}{M}=\\sqrt{\\frac{Q^2}{m^2}+2gh}-\\frac{Q}{m}$$ Solving for $Q$: $$Q=\\frac{M\\sqrt{2mgh}}{\\sqrt{2M+m}}$$ Which has a real solution. Now, this was for the first jump, but this can be repeated as many times as necessary, because the total momentum immediately before the second jump is 0, just like immediately before the first jump, because the ball and the bear come back to the same height with the same velocities, just with opposites directions.\nUsing $M=200kg$, $m=1kg$, $g=9.8m/s²$, $h=10m$, then $$v\\approx 140 m/s$$",
"Suppose your table or ship is supported by forces $\\vec F_i$ applied at $N$ fixed points. In general, there are two vector equations you need to solve. In order for the ship to remain suspended, the net force on it must be zero:\n$$\\sum_i \\vec F_i=-\\vec G$$ where $\\vec G$ is the weight. In addition, the net torque must be zero so that the table/ship does not rotate: $$\\sum_i \\vec r_i \\times \\vec F_i = 0.$$ where $\\vec r_i$ are the positions at which the forces are applied, relative to the center of mass (which I'm assuming is the same as the center of gravity, i.e. the gravitational field is uniform). $\\times$ here denotes cross product.\nIf all forces are in the same (vertical) direction, the equations you need to solve can be simplified somewhat. Namely, if $\\vec F_i = F_i \\hat z$ and $\\vec G = -G\\hat z$, $$\\sum_i F_i=G$$ $$\\sum_i x_iF_i=0 $$ $$\\sum_i y_iF_i=0 $$\nNote that this is a linear system of three equations.\n1. For $N = 1$, there is an \"unstable\" solution if and only if $\\vec r_1=0$, i.e. the force is applied at the center of mass.",
"The solution is unstable in the same sense as a one-legged table.\n2. For $N=2$, there is an \"unstable\" solution if and only if the center of mass lies on the line connecting $\\vec r_1$ and $\\vec r_2$ (i.e. $\\vec r_1$ and $\\vec r_2$ are colinear with the center of mass). The solution is unstable in the same sense as a two-legged table.\n3. For $N=3$, there is a unique, stable solution as long as no two of the points $\\vec r_1$, $\\vec r_2$ and $\\vec r_3$ are colinear with the center of mass. If you further require that all forces $F_i$ be non-negative, the center of mass must lie in the interior of a triangle defined by $\\vec r_1$, $\\vec r_2$ and $\\vec r_3$ as its vertices.\n4. For $N\\ge4$, except possibly in degenerate cases (where some pairs of \"vertices\" are colinear with the center of mass), there are infinitely many solutions (i.e. no unique solutions).\nA four-legged table with each leg in contact with the ground doesn't actually need to be supported by equal forces applied at each leg. All that is required (besides the condition that the sum of the forces equal the weight) is that the forces on opposite legs be equal. So there are an infinite number of force distributions that will support the table.",
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Subsets and Splits