My monitor is broken
Anyone knows what's the price range if I repair this? Also.. it would be great if anyone could suggest a good shop to repair it in Ampang. I'll appreciate the help 🙇🏻
[ [ "Not worth it to repair as that is full damage to the lcd panel and requires complete replacement - almost the same cost of a new monitor.", "Yeah. Since the end of the CRT television, monitors/screens are usually made for replacing.", "Damn.. that sucks, thanks for the info..." ] ]
MP: Store sufficient water before Jan 10
GEORGE TOWN: Consumers in the state should store enough water to help them get through the impending four-day water cut from Jan 10, says an MP. “I advise those affected to store water early and buy mineral water as a precautionary measure,” said Tanjong MP Lim Hui Ying. “Those who need help can always reach out to us,” said the Deputy Finance Minister after handing over water tanks to Pengkalan Kota assemblyman Wong Yuee Harng in Lintang Macallum 2. Water supply for most of Penang, both on the island and mainland, will be cut from Jan 10 to 14, while many other areas will have low water pressure.
Malay Racism by local Chinese
Edit : those comments he made it sounds like a low key jokes. Since it’s repetitive and explicitly mentioned Islam Malay race, I don’t find it funny. Futhermore, at the beginning of the trip we almost got into an accident because of his distraction using his phone. i recently hired a private driver from Ipoh to Cameron Highlands (booked a month ahead) to show my foreign friends around CH. Note : I don’t drive, that’s why I hired a driver. Upon picking up he did mentioned to my foreign friend about the boycott of Starbucks, etc and how some states are very strict religious (Kelantan, Kedah). I was like oookay but brushed it off. While in the car, he made another comment about some attractions in CH where mostly are “Islam Malays like you lah” (his exact words) dressed up nicely and take photos. Again, I brushed it off cos yeah it’s true and didn’t think much of it. I just thought ok his kind of jokes lah. Later on during the drive, he made some other comments which unfortunately I don’t remember anymore, but it started to made me uncomfortable. I did mentioned later on to my foreign friends about it. They don’t really understand or gets what the driver said because of his slang. Some of the remarks was when one car at a junction try to selit driving into the lane, he said “this Malay ahh, I will not give a chance in my lane”. “Best time to visit CH is during puasa month where all Malays is fasting. No jam”. “All this Malays lah that go out, we Chinese don’t go out cos we don’t like jam”.. well, I saw a bunch of Chinese too. Mostly family with kids. When we passed by one of the tea plantation, there were so many cars parked at the road side. He made another comment “see, this all Islam Malay people like you lah”. One of my foreign friend asked “what did you said” and he ignored him. When we were looking for a parking lot, one Malay couple was about to leave. I said “thank god to this Malay we got a parking spot in front of the plantation”. Not sure he heard me or not. I looked up his Facebook page, all of his customers are foreigners and Chinese. Imagine, what kind of things he said to these people.. He shouldn’t have accept my trip when he knew well in advance I am a Malay. I have never ever experience such a racism in my life, let alone in my own country. I have Chinese, indian, all kind of races friends and we got along well.
[ [ "As a former grab driver, many hired drivers didn’t land in that profession due to their intellectual prowess.", "lmao... i agree with you. just read any mandarin version grab driver fb group. they amount of hate and vitriol they have toward grab and the customers is insane. i saw one post not long ago scolding people for giving rm2 tip.", "What? Grab drivers expect people pay tip now?" ], [ "Leave an honest review", "Was thinking the same. Will do some time..", "Should just give him the middle finger before you leave.", "I’m too baikkk 😅 when he dropped us off, he said thank you great trip. It was silent from all of us 😂", "Lol I'm getting downvoted for telling people to give their middle fingers to racists. Such is the Reddit community.", "i'd be happy too, got paid driving, not getting yelled at for risking customer's lives in car, talking a whole ton of brainless shits due to being so overconfidently smart and yet not a word of disapproval and lastly, felt like an emperor doing the peasants a service.\nlast last, kena viral pun xde video kah gambar kah... flex on \"kita diam ja dia macam syok ja.. dalam minda dan hati \"die tu bodoe\" tapi yg bodoe tu tak rasa langsung.. relek ja.. syok ja.\nLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOL\nHAHAHAHAHAHA\n>Insert age\n>insert fun fun\n:26555:" ], [ "You were unlucky to have met such a driver. I hope you take action and report/leave a review to him. It's not Okay to take racism straight to the face like this.", "It's good if he/she does reveal the name or even better if there is a video because I don't want this to be a rage bait post.", "It was indeed. I will definitely will a review on his Facebook page", "", "You and I both know what I meant la, don't nitpick on gammer or sentence like that la comeon", "Sounds more like a you issue ngl, what the comment you're replying to seems very clear in intention.\nObviously all racism is bad, but when it's straight to the face it definitely affects you more, so it's worse to experience/encounter day to day" ], [ "So many comments here are just ridiculous.\nFirst things first, racism is never justified. It is pure discrimination, plain and simple. What that driver did, is sadly, a rather common occurrence and I am always disgusted by it. You could argue he was \"joking\" but based on OP, it has clearly went past any benefit of the doubt for it to be a \"joke\".\nHalf the comments here trying to justify the racism with things that mainly boil down to. -paraphrasing A) There's institutionalised racism in the other way. B) Nons have no special right\nIt makes the anger / negative attitude UNDERSTANDABLE, but not JUSTIFIED. Just like how we can understand a fear of small spaces (claustrophobia), but often not justifiable.\nHalf of the comments here stating things like 'now you understand how the nons feel.' Not to discredit your personal experience, I'm sure you have your reason to say that, and it might be your own personal experience, but saying that is akin to saying 'now you know how I feel' to a covid patient after recovering from covid. How is saying that helping anyone or beneficial? You didn't choose to be the target of racism, nor did OP.\nThe other thing I noted is that quite a few Malay commented how they used to be vocal about abolishing bumi rights and so on, but have stopped because they don't see a point in doing so anymore because it's a dammed if you do, damned if you don't situation. This just proves 2 wrongs don't make a right. The civil rights movement with MLK would not gain any success if it did not gain the support of the president of that time, a white man supporting a black man. Our common enemy are the racist. The supremacist. Not based on what we put under 'kaum' when we fill in our own personal information. How are we going to move forward to true equality when we keep showing each other hostility?", "The common malay are just as powerless about these policies. I'm not an employer or a landlord or a politician. All I can do to help is shut down racist comments made from my family and friends. To quote Satrapi \"The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me\"", "Absolutely agree, however I'm of the opinion that if the \"common Malay\" is not rallying against obvious racist policies, there's even less incentive for those in power to do anything about it.\nSo what you're doing in shuting down racist comments is already enough and should be applauded for that. Keep that up and maybe some day, some one who actually has power decides the status quo needs to be changed. Small steps can lead to big changes.\nAbsolutely agree with your quote about the difference between us and government. That's why we should all come together.", "Racism is racism dude, stop justifying racism. You can't justify racism by one race is because of this or that. That's total bullshit.", "What you are seeing here is just people thoughts and facts, I don’t think most of them are justifying the racism including myself.\nA lot Malaysian who are here are more exposed to western values and modern acceptable norms. Especially the woke culture.\nMalaysia is in a very different place and time compared to the west.\nOur affirmative action isn’t comparable to others countries but make no mistake, discrimination is discrimination and it will create the same problem as those that are oppressed, no matter in lighter or heavier forms. What the OP experienced and others that commented here is the result of the affirmative action.\nThe country will never really heals unless people start talking instead of pointing fingers", "I agree, people can express their thoughts, negative or otherwise. Facts are facts and nothing can change it. The reason why I say there seems to be a hint of justification of racism is based on context and usage of these facts by certain comments.\nParaphrasing and shorten from below comments -\nA: He is racist. All the talk about Malay supremacy, come to penang and you will hear talks of Chinese Supremacy. Same bullshit, applies to both. -> (Anectodal evidence, expressing thoughts, but generally in agreement that the driver is racist and therefore bad.)\nB: Chinese have special rights that malay are currently enjoying? -> (Trying to justify/reason that one party is more/less wrong to be racist due to the existence of \"special rights\" ; Usage of facts, the existence of special rights to try and justify racism.)\nC: We do, its called economic power. But the affirmative action policy is rotten and only benefits the politician instead of the bumiputera. -> (Went the opposite direction and used a common talking point of racist to justify certain racist policies)\nI agree with you as well, in regards to what OP experienced is the result of affirmative action, as well as how the country will never really heal until we stop pointing finger. But evidently, there are so many finger pointing here despite how \"a lot of malaysian here are more exposed to modern acceptable norms\". Hence my expression of dissapointment that there are quite a number of finger pointing going on here.", "If you asked me, it's better to stop reading these kind of post and just enjoy your weekend if op him/herself can't provide any proof to what they post because it is possible he/she is just rage baiting people.", "Now that you mentioned 'rage baiting', I do have to ask. I often see people suspect similar posts for rage baiting, is it a common enough occurence to warrant such a suspicion?\nSide note: OP's story seems believable enough to me, and I've seen it happen before myself. (That doesn't neccesarily mean this post is genuine). But IMO, I am much more dissapointed in the comments if anything, the post itself 'appears' genuine to me.", "Right? I'm chinese and I've seen cina uncles like OP's driver. Its believable to me.", "It's hard for me to say how common it is but I have seen post that's down right questionable. This is why as a rule of thumb always believe these kind of story with mountain of salt or even better don't believe at all since it's op that made this claim and it's up to them to show proof because the person just have to be a good storyteller to make it seem believable.", "Fair enough, I agree with you.\nPersonally, I was just expressing my disdain for a huge part of the comment section whether the OP's claim is true or not.\nHope you have a great weekend ahead!", "Lol if it's racism by Malay it will be raining upvotes but when it's racism by Chinese to Malay suddenly it's a false flag op?\nThis is like saying black Americans can't be racists." ], [ "I'm non but I can imagine being in your place and already felt disgusted by the driver's behaviour. Also felt a secondary embarassment for your friend.", "Thanks for your understanding. Like I said, I have never experienced such thing, neither oversea nor Malaysia. I also felt embarrassed to my friend and one of them wanted to say “enough with the Malay comments” if the driver say more about it." ], [ "There are racist in every race.", "True. But the hypocrisy by the Chinese is what that is pissing people off.\nMalays are very honest about their racism and despite institutional racism I’ve never experienced racism personally from Malays (I’m Indian).\nMeanwhile the Chinese act like oppressed minority and treat other minorities like rubbish. I went to SJKC and trust me, you’ll know what the Chinese really think of you if you can understand the vile things they say behind your back.", "As an ethnic Chinese, I have to agree with your last sentence.", "Best part is they'll just say it even though you didn't do anything to/Interact with them, like say if you enter a lift or the same cable car or just minding your damn business queuing up for the train", "Thank you. They’re the type who will use phrases like Satu Malaysia when it benefits them, but when it doesn’t they will be racist as hell.", "I'm not Chinese I'm Malaysian?", "racism in any form is bad lol", "And generalizing like this is not racist? And your source is literally: Trust me bro.", "I think Indians would be well attuned to the nuances of racism on account of the Malaysian situation.", "He’s just talking about his experience tho…. Why are u mad?? Instead u should take it as a lesson to not being one of them racist people lol", "stop invalidating people’s experience" ], [ "I'm chinese and I've seen cina uncles and aunties like this. This behaviour needs to go. I love tearing down all the bs logic in racist conversations. This one is FULL of it.\nIf you don't like Malay, why you take Malay client?\nAlso saying that 'Malays jam the road'..... bruh. They're here for a HOLIDAY, not tearing the place up etc. What you don't want their money is it?\nThese people just don't want Malays around. Whats worse is they won't acknowledge their racism." ], [ "You can find them here too, lurking always ready to jump in and unleash their closeted racism on certain topics and comments :29091::29091::29091::29091:", "Agreed, sometimes this subreddit Chinese (I am Chinese myself) is too aggressive in seeking out racism and kiasu, ends up being racist themselves", "I kena attacked many times already by them.", "Yeah perhaps because the ground was never equal to begin with , and the privileged keep asking for more ground", "Nothing worse than having to skirt around issues that would label one a race traitor. There are those who are happy to coexist together and forge ahead, and those who don't." ], [ "That driver might be one of the monyets here lol", "True, if there was a bingo card for typical r/malaysia redditor comments, he would have gotten bingo twice" ], [ "It's just a fact that there are hella lot of racist people in the country, regardless of their race. It's the inevitable outcome of using race as the determining paradigm for policies, politics etc from the formation of the country until now. People are shaped by their lived realities -- doesn't excuse their behavior but does at least help us understand.", "Not an excuse .. he’s a racist.", "Agree. He is racist. All those blab aboutMalay supremacy, just come to Penang and hear those Penang Lang talk about Chinese Supremacy there in Penang. Same all bullshit. It apply to both.", "Pretty much. Don't see it going anywhere anytime soon. Just have to accept Malaysia look nice on the outside only, multi culture this that. In the inside, we have people like this.", "Chinese have privileged special right and special pass malay are currently enjoying?", "We do, it’s called economic power. But the affirmative action policy is corrupt at its core as well, instead of helping the bumiputera it only serves to benefit the politicians", "Does it provided free by the government? Also any chinese that isn't poor = stole land and resources from malay forefather since british era for these kind of group , its their coded response when you try to say chinese economics in here , its not a plus and don't use it.", "Chinese help chinese, that means we had rich colonial era chinese hand down their knowledge and resources to other chinese. Notice how chinese SRJKC are generally bigger and better funded? Some employers are also quite racist, or just rather speak Chinese than speak other languages, so you see Chinese SME mostly filled with other Chinese. Education and resources trickle down from the colonial forefathers. Plus we work hard and we have a culture of prioritizing material wealth (Ang Pau, 8888, Fatt Fatt, Gong Xi Ni, Toto Magnum 4D, Genting).\nAll these combined have put Chinese in another tier economically compared to the rest. It will take time to equalise. But bumi special rights is making you racist, and because you are racist, you make them hate us and label us “racist Chinese”.\nThis is why I say bumi special rights only benefit politicians. Because it makes people like you racist against Malays, and it enforces the dislike that Malays have against the Chinese. It was just a bandage solution to prevent more killings.", "Yeah for the top 1% big crocs maybe ,and nobody is stopping them learning chinese , it has nothing to do with the average joe of lower or middle income regular people , but instead of hating them big crocs they decide to label chinese= rich and hate all the chinese instead\nDon't forget this is a place where a \"melayu malas\" gets you in jail while cina babi pendatang penjajah penipu gets your a fuck tons of likes.", "Nobody is stopping the employer from learning Malay either, they just chose not to.\nI agree there are many poor Chinese as well, and this has affected them just because of their race.\nDo you not realise that bumi rights have made both Chinese and Malay racist against each other? How can you not realise that? How can you blame them but not the 1% big crocs that implemented this policy in the first place? Why are you so hypocritical and not realise you are doing the same thing and label malay = racists and hate all of the Malays?", "You seem to suggest Chinese are somehow racist against Malays because of bumi laws. This is the biggest rubbish I’ve heard in my life.\nExplain why Chinese treat Indians like garbage then. Shouldn’t Chinese people sympathise with Indians for being a fellow minority and treat them like allies? Reality is Chinese people treat Indians like dirt beneath their shoes. I’m Indian and I can safely say despite bumiputera laws, Malays have treated me better than Chinese by far. Go and ask any Indian people or other minorities from east Malaysia and they’ll say the same.\nChinese people are simply racist because they think they’re superior. They can’t even be bothered to learn BM because they think it’s beneath them.", "You seems to agree with the policy in the first place by saying chinese also have the privileged rights by dominating the economics imply we are equal and suddenly claim i hate all malay , i don't, but i can't blame people for being racist when one privileged side can get away scot free with being racist and other side goes to jail", "This applies to the malays too bro. Your average Malay may be tricked when told the Chinese took his money but in truth it was taken by the elite malays who send their kids overseas and vacay there every few months.\nI keep saying it's a class war not a race war but we are all too blinder by our resentment of the other races.", "Yes. It is call over sympathy. Malay are too soft hearted. These are the specialities that have been benefits for some time.", "That sounds like a privilage both parties enjoy", "https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Boi7KNsUTT4aEfqCYkWgxeM5LKExgsVz7J2Fpuvfe3EHSu89nEueenW7TsSwwSKol&id=100002268614992&mibextid=Nif5oz\nNothing looks too softhearted for me , i guess you're the gosok parang type , pls do it asap.", "Not the gosok parang type. The constitution is a social contract, breach it off means an act of war. It is better every one keep quit and just act according to the social contract. One less thing to worry about and let PMX do well in his Primeship", "The constitution is a social contract, breach it off means an act of war.\nThe constitution can be ammended, it's not something set in stone", "Something that we can Agree. We should change it. A nation needs to have only one strong identity. A one country rules by one government and one ruler.", "A nation needs to have only one strong identity. A one country rules by one government and one ruler.\nUhmm....", "You literally said its over sympathy for letting minorities have what they having rn , that means you think they shouldn't have any rights at all while they already a second class citizen. PMX who? The guy who literally just have the K-word pass?\nIm voting for pas next elections.", "Somehow it's all crickets among the toons who voted him in. He's only gonna get worse, this is just the cinematic trailer\nPas can easily win if they just stop saying idiotic things. These guys are practically handing it over to pn with their mismanagement but I guess it's a race to the bottom in Malaysia all day everyday since 2008", "Pas literally gain more vote by saying stupid thing , sembelih all kafir , x suruh cina potong lanjiao even humiliated sultan yet it becomes the reason wins the biggest, we are on a high speed lane of right with no return and anyone that doesn't think so is delusional.", "Far right and far left are both bad. How can be stable if the government itself wobble from left to right and vice versa.", "Owh. A PAS supporter. No wonder", "Just to bring everything down faster.", "I do think that is not an excuse to justify the racism displayed by the drivers. It is more like a sad reality on why this happens and how is this still happening. It is not going away any time soon, all race will come to face this problem.", "How exactly does fighting fire with fire solve the problem?" ], [ "Speaking of racism, If we do something which is the right thing, are we considered racist too ? A few time I experience people called racist for wanting to do the right thing as racism is kinda subjective too. Not to say the driver here is not racist.\nFor example (I don't mean to generalize certain race, just example where doing the right thing can be viewed as 'racism' by certain people):\nI want only poor bumis to be helped, rich bumi should not get any help anymore and all the resources should be focused to help poor bumi -- I am called a racist for some reason even I didn't say the resources go and help non-bumi.\nThere is a time where my department is like 90% from a single race, I approve new people to department based on a standard test. Some people are uncomfortable with my department being majority a single race and asked me to \"lower\" acceptance score to increase the diversity of my department -- Somehow I am the racist one. Dude, my department already at full capacity and hiring people who didn't fit the skill needed will doom my department.\nThe most frustrating incident where I am called racist by BOTH side during one time I need to handle a promotional material for my club.\nI have a BM version of our Christmas promotion, It's just something like \"Selamat Hari Krismas, semoga kamu begembira dengan promosi kami\". Some people complain that I am not sensitive and racist , aske me to not use BM because it might make the event seems to be Islamic event and might confuse people. (Since when BM = Islam) ?\nThen I just do the materials in English, Tamil, and Chinse. THE SAME PEOPLE say I am racist again for not having BM, saying I see BM not important and thus not using it. I reply when I use BM you all said I am racist, I no use BM you all said I am racist again, what dafak you want me to do ? They keep quiet and left the club, I'm done lmao.", "The only comment I feel worth replying because I can feel your frustration as a marketer - tired of the vile shit from the others from both sides of the coin.\nJust a thought: don't you think maybe they were just setting you up for failure, maybe they wanted you out anyway? You know la, office politics.\nMy question is, did you check first if BM is required? I understand sometimes you need BM in everything although I think the current climate might make BM for Christmas a contentious issue. You could maybe table your opinion first and see what they decide before execution? I'm not sure what industry you're in but I'd fuck it all and just do English alone. My excuse is if cannot read English then you're probably not the target audience." ], [ "You are unlucky to have met the typical racist Chinese. Apologies on their behalf, mate.\nThose are the type of people who look down on other races just because they were born Chinese. It is like auto pandai, kaya compared to other races; other races are beneath them.\nWhen you try to fight back, they will play victim.\nUnfortunately, most of these racists are those in the B40, M40 categories. Ironic, isn’t it?" ], [ "I mean, the part about puasa month being the best month to go out without large crowds or traffic is true 😂", "I actually felt the same, this one point is just a matter of fact. It's the same as saying CNY/Raya is the best time to be in Klang Valley, no large crowd.", "it appears to be an insult to OP.", "I mean, that line, if standalone, is just an observation. I've sat with Malay grab drivers 'jam teruk sebab CNY'. Just an obsevation. But the whole conversation with OP is pretty racist.", "im going to cameron during puasa then. lel" ], [ "A lot of Chinese people are just as racist. Difference is just that they're not backed by the government so they had to do it in a more clandestine manner", "The fact that indians would prefer to be friends with malays more (even with all the insitutionalized racism) over the \"not racist people\" , tells you all you need to know about how racists these people are.\nMalays are racists to other races because of power. Give them that and they'd shut up.\nThese \"not racist people\" are racists purely because they hate you\nMalays say shit like \"they want to steal our country\" or \"kafir cabar islam\"\nThey say shit like \"backwards 10anak pedos\" or \"apunene will kidnap you\"", "Exactly. Everyone should really learn mandarin and Hokkien and go to Penang for a weekend to listen in on what they say behind your back when they assume you don't understand. They're just unnecessarily mean and vicious even if they don't know you from Adam. Just walk around queensbay mall, get into a lift, or browse some mid tier shops (~300-400 dollar shoes/clothes).", "Can confirm. As an Indian, bumi laws and institutional racism aside, I’ve never experienced personal racism from Malays.\nThe Chinese have treated me like rubbish my entire like (I went to SJKC). You cannot imagine the nasty things they say behind your back when they think you don’t understand their language.", "GG if you're one of the dark ones it's either \"Kuli\" (more to central Malaysia) or apunene all the way.\nLittle shits of all ages thank you for your service by scaring them to submission (if you don't eat/finish homework/behave yourself apuneneh catch you)\nInb4 anyone says it's a global Chinese thing, it's not - have worked in china n the people are really nice. Some villagers may stare, take pictures and kids touch you and stuff cuz they haven't seen non-Hans in real life - it's the same effect when orientals go to India/pakistan in the deep rural areas or even places like old Delhi.\nThat said, there is still racism from pedalaman, kampung types if you're in SRK by your classmates (bile nk masuk isle, sembah patung masuk neraka, kling balik India) but you don't get random unprovoked statements like this uncle.", "I was called uncle ta pien (correct my spelling please) by one of my wife’s friends kids. I know what that means, (wife is Chinese) and the fact that I’m brown skinned triggered the kid to say that, only goes to show what their parents teach them regarding people of colour.\nTo be a bit petty, their dads are more tanned than I am. In the words of the great Michael Jordan, fuck them kids.", "Anecdotal evidence at its finest... lol \"personal racism\"", "are you trying to invalidate other's personal experience?", "I've been mocked by Malay as Cina Babi + threatened for another 513, yet you dont see me crying about Malay being taliban/terrorist, while this fella think all Chinese are racist in order to justify his own racism. Lol yeah anecdotal evidence at it's finest", "yet you dont see me crying about Malay\nbut less intelligent\nthe only normal Indonesians are probably the ethnic Chinese(Tionghoa), Balinese Hindus and Christian", "fanfanye back at it again lmao", "Imagine there is some form of racism backed by the government /s" ], [ "Malaysian Chinese are some of the most racist folks I have come across, with the Penang variety especially toxic.", "Penang kias are the worst. They really believe in their own hype." ], [ "Poor guy probably doesn't have any Malay friends.", "By whose fault if not his own. A grown man can think.", "Probably got rejected by a gyatt Malay awek" ], [ "The amount of excuses people make here for being racist just because he is Chinese, this sub is just full of hypocrite Chinese racists", "I grew up online (Gen Z) as a Malay and I've always been vocal IRL and online about abolishing bumi rights, affirmative actions, and fighting against racism etc.\nBut now that we have Ktads from LYN pouring in and other average Malaysians trolling this sub I realized that it's just an issue not worth caring about because I see how they are. I've been attacked many times simply because of my username. Abu Nawas is not even my name, he was a philosopher.\nBe pro-equality, still have Chinese people being racist at you.\nBe pro-bumi, same shit.\nWhy bother?\nEDIT: I talk about online experiences because it's something we all can relate to but I myself have also experienced a lot of real-life racism from Chinese people.", "Unfortunately it will take some time for newer generations to change the status quo. I feel sad for my racist friends and family. The bumi policy isn’t helping assimilation at all, and PAS/DAP politicians also keep making the racial divide even larger to serve their own interests. Reading the comments in this sub has brought to light the true situation on the ground now about racism in Malaysia, it doesn’t seem like we are truly that united, everything just on the surface for show only. We actually have a lot of work to do.", "Just try and say Pas/dap are two sides of the same coin and watch yourself being downvoted by the ultra red beans", "agree lah. I used to preach about abolishing bumi rights and shit but I realize whats the point anymore? will abolishing bumi rights make all malaysian learn malay? Will ablolishing bumi rights make cultural assimilation a thing?\njust like you said why bother anymore.", "pls la. special bumi rights should be abolished because it helps the malays - yeah that's right, how's that for an out of the box take.\ndon't do it because you want to do virtue signalling", "Again, as I said, I don't bother about bumi rights anymore. I never benefitted from it anyway. People crack it up to be something bigger, while in reality, it's not life-changing.", "They don’t need to be abolished or bulldozed. They just need to be quietly died down.", "Chinese are not just racist in Malaysia, unfortunately.", "They even have a lot of in-fighting. North vs. South. Taiwan vs. Mainland. Diasporas vs. Mainlanders. Etc.", "Yeah they also have Sunni vs Shia, Indonesia vs Malaysia", "If you're trying to bait me, I am a Malay who's not a Muslim and I am part-Indonesian.\nIn my opinion, most people are awful regardless of creed.", "Well at least have some nuance then instead of generalising that Chinese as a people have a lot of infighting 🤷‍♂️ you want unity? Don’t la throw fire on hate 🤦‍♂️\nBtw bro, how are you a non muslim Malay in Malaysia? I’m curious, did you go through official channels or just senyap senyap don’t practice? Any backlash? I asking coz my friend married into muslim", "What does unity look like? The USSR? Pol Pot's regime? Marxism? It doesn't exist and it never will. Me making a comment about Chinese in-fighting doesn't mean that I don't think the same about Africans or Arabs or even Europeans.\nI am non-Muslim because I decided to be non-Muslim. Who cares what my documents say? If I leave Malaysia, it will stop being relevant anyway.\nYes there is backlash, by baboons who never think for themselves.", "Unity looks like Sabah", "You mean poverty.", "Bro just said Kota Kinabalu = poverty 💀", "So is this generalisation? How all muslim are terrorist sounds to you?", "hilarious", "They will track you down and behead you, watch out. Sleep in fear tonight.", "oh no ahhhhh takut", "Now that's an actually racist take lmao. What race does not have racists? Just discuss the issue la, racism = wrong, no matter the context or race. Why gotta spew ur closeted racism here? Gtfo you're as much of a problem as the driver if you're a racist" ], [ "As a chinese I feel uncomfortable and cringed by reading the dialogues from him ._. Unfortunately after years of modern education we still have those kinds of people here, being racist towards other ethnicity in the roots of their minds. Hopefully you won't encounter this kind of person in the future.", "Thank you for your understanding. I lived in Austria for 13 years, I have never experienced racism. Until few days ago, in my own country. I also hope that I don’t have to encounter this again. Thank you!", "Hi, if you don't mind what kind of job did you do while in Austria? I am interested in emigrating to europe\nBut I am just a fresh grad tho" ], [ "Nothing uncommon. Those racist people whether its Chinese, Malay or any other races are the reason why national unity are as bad as now.\nBetter let them be. Because these kind of people are living under a rock. Living in different world" ], [ "Unfortunately, racism still happened in Malaysia and it's not only by specific races." ], [ "Should leave a comment or review on his fb account." ], [ "This is probably where the sentence \"kamu balik china lah\" would be justified cuz since he hate malays so much and thinks all chinese are oh so good then pindah to china lor\nIm saying this as a chinese ok,we all are born here so the most basic mindset is to just idk not hate each other because of race ok? :26558::26558:" ], [ "Racism in Malaysia has always been rampant. Before it was mostly locals on foreigners; now finally it’s becoming prevalent among the locals themselves.\nBack in 2011, I was literally told by an aged Chinese man “I don’t talk to your kind, get lost”when me and my friend simply asked for directions to Pavilion in KL. One of the many examples. Outright racism that I have faced in Malaysia in my first 3 months, I haven’t faced that in 3 years in Australia (a supposedly racist nation)\nA slippery slope, my friends." ], [ "Haih. I've been around long enough to see this sort of racism from all races.\nThe only difference is how openly racist he is to you in front of your face. Usually talk bad behind, this one talk bad in front asking for a bad review." ], [ "When we were looking for a parking lot, one Malay couple was about to leave. I said “thank god to this Malay we got a parking spot in front of the plantation”. Not sure he heard me or not.\nLmao this is a good comeback (imo)\nAnyways, OP, I really hope you reported this guy and also criticize him kaw kaw in your review.", "One of my friend said good I said that 😂\nYes I will some time write a review on his Facebook page" ], [ "I had this Indian lady who mistakenly thought my worker had given her the wrong change. It was the correct one.\nBut the interaction is somewhere along “Inilah orang Islam…” right to her face." ], [ "We’re Malaysians. We’re racist to each other.", "Sadly.." ], [ "TIL there are racist people in Malaysia /s" ], [ "In this community only Malay racist other race no racist /s", "Versa to you bolehlanders , privileged and government backed majority vs suppressed discrimination minorities was being asked to give up more rights", "The only people that actually benefit from the bumi right is the people on top of the hierarchy pyramid. Ie elites.", "but you posted on bolehland. Are you not one of them too?", "Shhh ,hydra dominatus." ], [ "Tipu ni cina mana ada racist. Melayu je yang racist" ], [ "Somwthing off topic, if you are to post this in bolehland, i wonder what will be the replies like.", "The exact same replies as the comments in this post i would bet, just with different race." ], [ "This is what happens when you live in your own bubble and not befriending people from other backgrounds. Ignorance breeds hate.\nMost Malaysian aspire the same. To have an honest living and practice our own things.", "Did you not read that OP has…foreign friends and local non-malay friends?", "I am referring to the racist uncle, iant it obvious?", "Nope, not to me. Using the word “you” breeds my assumption that you are referring to OP as obviously you don’t have direct contact with the driver, unless he is your dad or something.\nAnd the uncle is a driver by trade. We can assume he met people from different backgrounds so excuse my misunderstanding", "Exactly. Don't use the word \"you\" unless the person is being addressed directly. Use third person pronouns instead." ], [ "Sounds like the average /r/Malaysia redditor OP." ], [ "I’m a Singaporean Muslim (non Malay). I feel like Malaysian Chinese who don’t ’make it’ in life have a chip on their shoulder against Malays and Muslim in Malaysia. I was in Penang (not going back, too boring) and the Chinese drivers can’t seem to wait to let you know how they feel about Malays in their country." ], [ "All this Malays lah that go out, we Chinese don’t go out cos we don’t like jam\nnah bro, this one isn't true. As a Chinese, I can confirm most chinese also like to stuck in traffic jam esp. during holiday. Chinese are the most kiasu one. Everyone goes outing during holiday, chinese x boleh tahan also want to go out.", "I also disagree with his opinion. I was like “banyak je chinese. Even Indians”. It was during school break after Xmas. Of course there’s huge traffic from all kinds of races. Even from Singapore." ], [ "I just hope this story didn’t get into FB & Twitter. I’m tired reading racist posts here and there all the time." ], [ "CASE-1:I booked grab and I was waiting for 15min approx, then a Chinese lady driver came , as soon as she noticed I'm a foreigner she ran away with her car 😂, that time me and my friend laughed so hard.\nCASE-2: I share my apartment with a local Chinese gentleman aged nearly 40-45. in this apartment the rule is that everyone should keep the common area silent after 10 at night. so me and my friend take our dinner at 9-10 usually. but this china guy sometimes got mad, shout, throws tables Infront of us and says that why we eat at 9, we should take our meal at 7😂😂. also he implies rules that we even cannot do an egg fry after 7 at night. already informed the management team but that didn't work unfortunately, after contact maybe I can change my apartment.", "Bruhhh… that grab situation happened to me last week in Penang. He was Chinese uncle. Waited almost 10 mins and he was secs away to fetch me and two foreign friends, he cancelled… drove passed us too 💀" ], [ "Now i know how that one guy from America said malay ppl kil Christians and destroy churches came from 😂 must be from his visit to Malaysia when hearing things from this kind of unker" ], [ "Bruh... that's just fucked up. I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I seriously, honestly wish I was in that car with you so I could just lay it back on the dude. Nobody should be allowed to be that rude and racist and be allowed to walk away unscathed.", "Thanks bruh.\nFurthermore, we told to him cut the trip short cos we were tired but mocking us “you young people why tired. Look at those backpackers carrying huge bags not tired”. Side note: we are half the age of the backpackers. He should be happy to cut the trip short and still we pay full price. My foreign friend said it’s exhausting to discuss something with him.", "Is he a Chinese uncle?", "He is indeed a Chinese uncle.. I had Chinese uncles as my grab drivers in Penang. Some of them, we had a really good conversation." ], [ "Give him negative 5 stars if you could. Elaborate the situation briefly in the reviews. Fuck racism." ], [ "He is a redditor." ], [ "Report that guy, just a shameful act of racism. On Chinese social media and press, Malay on Chinese is so frequently reported and the comments are like \"oh we are bullied for being a unique small minority\",but I actually also felt that Chinese on Malay is also frequent in the form of stereotypes, just that Chinese people is known to keep their feelings to themselves and being clever about it. Seriously, if we were to achieve actual unity, this has to change." ], [ "Hey OP, wait until you learned how badly racist some Chinese are against Indian people." ], [ "Man this guy was disturbingly comfortable with his racism.... Makes me wonder how much worse he is behind closed doors.\nFwiw, OP, this is an unfortunate reality for a lot of people where some assholes are just very comfortable with being a racist piece of shit to your face. But from experience, they very quickly back down or shut their mouths the minute you call them out on it. Most of us are just too polite in these situations, so its likely they haven't experienced anyone actually telling them off for their racist behaviour." ], [ "come to penang lah, they even call you huana (barbaric people) in normal daily conversation and nothing racist about that to them.", "Huana literally means malay people", "Huana just means Malay", "I grew up in Ipoh and they called white people \"gwai lou\". It's devil or something.", "That's Cantonese. Chinese people in Ipoh are mostly Cantonese and Hakkas. Gwei Lou is transliterated as \"ghost fella\" because they are white as ghosts. I'd imagine some white guy in the past exaggerated the explanation to his fellow white people by using \"devil\" to sound more sensational (and maybe cool) and it caught on.\nFun fact for you, the uncommon opposite version which non-Chinese probably don't know is \"hak gwai\" which literally means \"black ghost\", used to describe Africans. It technically does not apply to Indians, if you hear someone say that then they're not just racist but categorically stupid in his attempt at racism.", "I see. Thanks for explaining!", "I hear hak gwai and hak chai used against Indians all the time. It’s not uncommon.", "if you hear someone say that then they're not just racist but categorically stupid in his attempt at racism\nThe original meaning was meant for Africans. As I said, racist just gonna be racist.", "Huana is literally how hokkien people call malay and there is no degratory in it.", "Teochew people also, afaik there's no alternative word because that's the only word my grandma was taught growing up.", "'then the K word is how melakans call indians , theres no degratory meaning in it '\nSee how that sounds ? Huana is still an ethnic slur with deeper meaning in other places such as the philipines or taiwan", "Yeah but we are not taiwan or philipines , the other is not goverment backed , we don't purposely say it to degrate people , simply because there is no other word in hokkien to call malay people or widely know yet , you can launch a cancel culture on them , but cancelling is a west liberal thing you might want to avoid it", "What about calling them Malay or Melayu instead though?\nI'll be like me calling my dad Keling because I grew up with the word and for some insane reason, never hearing the word Tamil in my life.", "There no such word exist in hokkien yet , and educating language outside of main mandarin dialect in sjkc is illegal the teacher will cane you for even speaking one hokkien word , hokkien education is non existence how do you expect people to change, launch a cancel culture then , but then there will be people purposely use it for degratory because yall just put a degratory meaning in it by trying to cancel it.", "So you want to invent a new word? Good luck with that.", "That’s literally how language evolve. You think we’ve always had the word “basikal” ??", "I live in Penang (till mid Jan 2024 before going back to Austria). And I have many Chinese grab drivers. Never a problem. I remember I had a really good conversations with some of the Chinese drivers." ], [ "ni mesti jenis suka hon x penyabar" ], [ "Hey, maybe you'd meet the uncle again during the next r/Malaysia meet up session. Now got common topic." ], [ "Now you meet one, as an ethnicity cina guy, next time you heard some racist remarks from them, just talk in Mandarin or Hokien or Cantonese i understand Chinese, you will be surprised by their face changes XP" ], [ "What country do you think you're in? Communities actively generalise each other or get opinions on each other through Tik Tok / political parties" ], [ "My last Grab ride back from the airport was in a Malay fella's car — had a good chat about stuff that the whole 45 minutes felt like 15 minutes.\nIf anything my long term (10+ years) hired car guy is a Malay fella as well we get quite candid about such conversations as well, dude had done nothing but be on time and a good conversationalist. We spoke relatively 'controversial' subjects because we were both each other's soundboard on things like this.\nAs some has mentioned here you got unlucky." ], [ "Sounds like your typical racist Chinese unkerr" ], [ "REVEAL THE NAME", "And you will just believe this post by an anonymous poster? Without any evidence of such incident?", "Pls reread what I type because I want proof and not another rage bait post.", "Sry replied to the wrong comment", "Apology accepted", "Yup, need some proof. If not it’s just flaming and look at the commenters going wild.", "Yupe and people are typing alot of colourful comments when there's no proof from op side." ], [ "Racism is everywhere if you see it.\nIt’s a pity that he chose to live his life around it.\nI can’t blame him and I won’t condone this kind of behaviour, we live in a country that has institutions and open racism to the non and what you experienced is daily life of the non more or less.\nI hope we can one day break from this vicious cycle of hatred." ], [ "You should have asked him to stop or call him out when he says anything racist. Usually people who are racist out in the open have either a lack of shame or they are really lowly educated." ], [ "just drive motor lah kalau tak nak jam only OL je i see naik moto senang" ], [ "He could be the next makcik kemboja, if only you record then let the authorities handle him." ], [ "wtf\nthose r rookie number,tell unker he got to pump more\nu sure he blue ic msian" ], [ "Smlj joke he does. Don't bother about an idiot like him. Educate him like a little kid next time if you have d chance. What an ass" ], [ "I’m a foreigner and live with Chinese family. Sadly racism is a thing towards Malay…" ], [ "Thx to our great government that been playing racism cards n promote \"bumi rights\" which rose unfairness n equally questions in the sunlights.\nPlus they purposely brainwashing people to be racism , so we keep fighting between ourselves while the politicians sitting on top enjoying our ripped off taxes money n corruption.\nBe awake people, be clarity of mind, knowing what causes all these n walk yourself away from this.\nEdit: typo correction" ], [ "Racism is not unique to any race. It is more prevalent among the uneducated. So a boomer driver? Not surprised.", "Even among the educated ones. Seen plenty of them here in Reddit." ], [ "It's unfortunate you end up with this moron. Even the worst racist I know is professional if he was paid for a service." ], [ "The worse part is they called it \"free speech\". Racism in Reddit is also getting bad by the day." ], [ "your mistake was you did not shut him down when he first started talking shit. you should have told him that you are not paying him to talk, but drive. you allowed him to continue and he took that as you agreeing with what he said and so he pushed his limits and went on further. as the employer, you should have done that. you are accountable for the experience that your foreign friends are having." ], [ "Welcome to the experience of every other non Malay in Malaysia." ], [ "The irony being a post about a racist Chinese driver while the comments are being racist against Chinese in particular.\nLet's just make this clear as day, the driver is racist, period. more than likely uncle type who don't know when to keep their mouth shut. Met a few of them but they mostly talks about business even though I have no interest\nHowever whether a person is racist or not does not depend on race, is the individual, if you disagree then you are a racist. Chinese, Indians, Malays and every single race all have their bad apples and just leave it at that." ], [ "Funny how Malay keep saying don’t paint them with one brush then proceed to paint all Chinese with one brush lol", "they literally said that this Grab driver was the first time they had experienced such racism, and that they had lots of Chinese and Indian friends who were perfectly alright\nIronically you're the one saying \"Malays keep saying\" as if they're all one monolithic group", "Actually there are a lot of Chinese who are racist and I say that as a Chinese person myself. The in-your-face racists like that driver are rare though.", "Now put a mirror on your comment. Replace race \"x\" and put race \"y\" in the same spot. Doesn't make sense right? Because it's still same thing." ], [ "finally understand how minority feel in this country?", "yala cina cannot be rasis only malay only", "More like privileged goverment backed majority prohibited a supressed discriminated minorities to talk back while they can freely do so without consequences", "prohibited a supressed discriminated minorities to talk back? what minorities cannot talk balk ke? tak paham le", "Blh , tapi masuk lokap", "Calling minority balik tongsan and K word no issue. The cambodian merchant saying M word (lazy) police involved KEK.", "Ask minorities like indians who are more racist to them, the “government backed majority” malays or the fella minorities chinese\nSee what you come up with for the results and lets us know", "Nobody going to jail by saying indian malas ,your pmx even got himself a k-word pass , privileged ones.", "Why MY pmx? Youre not gonna claim youre malaysian now? Why bother posting on this subreddit if you cant even pretend youre a malaysian?", "Well i didn't vote for him plus given your comment i bet you're one of those call us pendatang anyway, does it matter?", "Did i ever even imply that? Lmfao. Is it just like your lifestyle to feel victimised in any sort of discussion because you cant handle that you are wrong?\nJust because you didnt vote for PMx doesnt mean that he’s not your prime minister. Every Malaysians had to go through 50+ years of BN, are you going to say that all the previous PMs werent your prime minister too? Do you really think people were proud to call the BN PMs their PM even with all the corruption back then? Or are you really happy calling Najib your PM but not PMX lol?\nLoser malaysian mentality thinking, only wants to claim to care about Malaysia but never wants to admit anything that is part of Malaysia and then complain when nothing changes", "Perhaps you should to get your brethen to admit cina are malaysian first", "Why my brethen? How come you dont wanna claim those people to be a part of your brethen too? Somehow youre making it like i’m the one who has the division mindset when youre the one who cant stop thinking that me and you arent from the sane group lol\nYour internalised us vs them is so chronic man start having friends irl" ], [ "Been subject to racism from a very young age so nothing new here (you are fortunate to be so shielded). Cina babi, balik Cina and even school teacher saying ‘mata sudah sepit lagi mahu mengantuk’ - accepted this since very young and already numb to it." ], [ "ill say ,just go back to main land", "Don't fight racism with more racism", "Nah, they need a taste of their own medicine - they know what they're doing is wrong, and if they didn't, now they'll know how it feels\nPrimitive idiots need primitive lessons. Start at the bottom of the pyramid then work yourself up", "Who are these 'they'? You are speaking of? OP posted 1 racist guy who happens to be Chinese. You are going to blame the whole race because of 1 person?\nYour moral high ground 'so high'", "\"They\" refers to the individual racists. If someone pokes your eye they should be ok with their eyes being poked out", "Luckily, for the rest of us, we have the justice system. You go ahead and poke people's eyes then, will read about you in the headlines", "Well, maybe u should go back to Indonesia?", "What is this logic? Not ALL Malays are from Indonesia.\n???" ], [ "Blame it on the individual, his up bringing has led him to this path as fate we would have called it. Just let it be. Racism a worldwide problem, since the dawn of men." ], [ "Op, there are many ppl like this who are tin kosong. This is oral diarrhoea from orang tak educated. They open their mouth and talk shit cause they are looking for conflict. I can gurantee this type of bodoh are the ones that go home to the wife and kids and talk shit in the family too. Believe me, I’m sure his children don’t see this man as father of the year, unless his kids are also bengap like him. He was really overstepping talking to you and your foreign friends like this- not professional at all. You need to proactive next time. When you paid for a service and things are making you feel uncomfortable- you need to speak up. This man so anti Malay this and that- he still take the Malay money right? So he can stfu. When ppl go off topic, ‘hello sir, please end this type of conversation, I don’t pay for this political talk’. Be firm, but polite. If more ppl can speak up against idiots talking shit in the streets- this world would be a better place." ], [ "We the government, teachers and parents should educate the school students about race equality and racism." ], [ "He's an idiot, and obsessed with Malays.\n\"thank god to this Malay we got a parking spot in front of the plantation” isn't racist, but why even need to mention the race unless he's obsessed with them?\\\nThere was a bunch of racist things tho" ], [ "Alhamdulillah, I saw the comments here and I will keep them in mind the next time I vote.", "Vote based on proposed policies not some salty comments on a reddit thread lol", "Thats not gonna be good for ph with all those new tax coming in and impending subsidy cut.", "New luxury tax and targeted subsidy if I'm not mistaken, bad for rich tycoons but good for common folks no?", "All kena, rich t20 luxury tax, increased income tax,\nm40 below rm500 online purchasing tax, increased electricity tariff, no fuel subsidy\nB40=Win with increased br1m, fuel subsidy.\n2024 gonna be a smashing year.. no wonder Chinese says 4 is suwey.", "b40 definitely kena also.. business owned by M40 and T20.. if these people are hit, the goods that B40 buy is gonna get hit too.", "You got me at the last part 😂 take my upvote", "So you just gonna believe some random reddit post.", "Who cares who you vote, go ahead hahahahahahah" ], [ "Looks like you’ve just found CCP supporter." ], [ "this uncle is probably those shit stain ccp supporters who call china their mother country too." ], [ "Sorry u have to go through that, us Chinese don't claim him", "Thank you bro 🙌🏽" ], [ "Race baiting this sub is hilariously easy.\nWho cares what some random cab driver thinks? Leave a review and move on. Also, you're a paying customer, tell the dude to stfu and put on some T.Swift.", "The whole journey OP couldn't say a word, but can come to reddit and say a lot lol. How about grow a pair and tell the taxi driver to shut it as a paying customer, berani kat leddit aje.", "said by the person who has been very vocal talking shit about B40s for the past few years\nWhy only berani on reddit" ], [ "wow...not even election season and still got race-baiting propaganda....what's going on?" ], [ "Try to put yourself in his shoes on why he came to such politically incorrect behavior.\nLet's put it this way, the minorities also experiencing daily institutionalized racism that the majority thinks is fully justified. I personally experienced that a Nasi Lemak stall owner refused/or gave priority to her own kind while everyone is on the queue to place order, it was obvious that when it finally reach my turn she instead serving the next person in-line, I walked away, I don't know if it will be safe to eat.\nThat's how your elected Government wants it.\nEdit: I love my Malay and Indian friends, but that's how the institutionalized racism runs things here. Also, your skin complexion will determine who you are and your voting option, PAS, Bersatu, UMNO, MIC, MCA, Pejuang all require a specific type of skin color, there are a few others options, but for another topic." ], [ "feels great on the receiving end huh? I'm sorry that you had to experience racism, the driver's behavior is inexcusable, but not out of the ordinary as a Malaysian, so... shake it off, I guess? like so many nons and minorities in the country", "Thanks, OP feels better now. /s" ], [ "We found the private driver y'all!", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech.\nThis is an official warning to stop fanning racial flames on this thread, or a ban will be imposed.", "People like you hurt non-racist Malays. Wow.", "So u just paint everyone with one brush ? In your mind all malays are racist hence all Malay deserves to be treated that way ?" ], [ "You ain't a racist if you are Chinese.\nEdit: calm down guys not all Chinese ok. Only some." ], [ "Hohoho don’t worry. Institutionalised racism still in place. Ketuanan still rules.", "It’s so funny that the word ketuanan has been mentioned by no one in daily conversations. Not even the Malays themselves.\nMeanwhile Cina ledditors lol.", "Just because you didn’t hear it mentioned doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.", "It does exist. I was merely pointing out where or by whom the word was most used." ], [ "Here we go again. Another race bait post. 🙄" ], [ "Racism is institutionalised, what can you do? Article 153 already proves inequality between people being okay in this country.\nYou lot like to remind us we are pendatangs and we need to go back where we come from, you leech from our hardwork, you don't appreciate us, and you slowly encroach and erode our rights slowly. You want us to not be racist?\nI feel bad for you but I don't feel surprised tbh, I can also name situations where I get abused too. But I don't make a big post here whining about something we see every 5 years.\nIn conclusion, you can't change something that's already acceptable here.", "Fucking based perspective but it's also regarded AF. By this reasoning we shouldn't try to progress but just lie down and accept it because it's here to stay? I see you have the courage to make a based take but no balls nor willingness to fight for change. Woe is us apparently.", "I see you have the courage to make a based take but no balls nor willingness to fight for change.\nLol I was one of those who marched on the streets and joined rallies for Bersih, I have friends who marched to the polling centres to become barricades to prevent them from tampering the ballots. I've argued with people and even my own family members, convincing them changw is required, I've done my part since long ago. So you don't get to tell me about fighting for change.", "Okay so then you make no sense with your statement. You went to the rallies and fought on the streets and here you are telling people essentially it is what it is? Are you just making based statements without thinking?", "here you are telling people essentially it is what it is?\nWell I'm telling you after fighting for change during my younger days, nothing has changed. Same shit, different packaging.\nIf we are sincere in eradication of social issues, it takes time and institutional enforcement with willpower to change things. And I can tell you as long as we have the same bunch of ppl ruling and wanting to maintain the status quo, it will never change.\nSo yeah, I think I wasted time doing what I did. Been there done that. I wished I got myself rich and left the country.", "Ah okay so because your experience has changed you have devalued your so called \"effort\", and what you did in the past is meaningless as you have changed your perspective to \"it will never change\". So there's no point in telling me I can't judge your balls, because you've already lost them in your journey to writing this back and forth. Either way it's a base statement but regarded reasoning. I see why you think the country won't change. Have a good day.", "Ah okay so because your experience has changed you have devalued your so called \"effort\", and what you did in the past is meaningless as you have changed your perspective to \"it will never change\".\nThings won't change because it takes more than just changing politicians and parties to fix the problem. We've changed several governments since 2018, tell me what had truly changed apart from pushing people further to the extremes of the political spectrum? Are we much closer to a better country now than before? No we aren't. The fact that there's still idiots trying to make moves to wrest back power is proof that it doesn't matter how people vote, they don't fucking respect your vote. All they care about is lining their pockets with money.\nSo there's no point in telling me I can't judge your balls, because you've already lost them in your journey to writing this back and forth.\nYou don't get to judge me because you're don't know me, heck I'm pretty sure I've done far more than you for the country than you ever did. Who do you think you are? You're a nobody, just a pathetic little prat who thinks he's someone who can make a splash lol. You'll realise it soon enough and I'm just going to say:\nI told you so." ], [ "man you know, you sound like a well to do guy, and im not defending him but this fella is a driver helpless has to work his ass off to survive watching prices go up and up and up all the time while making basically less and less because of price gouging and rideshare apps\nmalaysia is full of racism, all against all, if you wanna single this chinese out for hating malays i also think you're being a bit naive or over indignant, basically people are dissatisfied with the government and taking it out on each other\nbe a bigger person and think compassionately instead of showing how disillusioned this guy is to the entire reddit" ], [ "You seriously comparing how black Americans being treated in the US to how non bumi being treated in malaysia ?\nWhat ?!!! How ?!!!!\nAs per you mention, Chinese owned business is the core of Malaysian economy. How can a group of people that have these kind of success still thinks that thy are being treated worst that blacks American in America where they have been systematically put in poverty and at one point slaves by the American whites ?\nThis is why I hate people like you ! Yes here there’s racism in Malaysia. no one can deny it but for you to belittle the hardship of black Americans it’s craaazyyyy to me !!! Nuts !", "Yes, non bumis are openly discriminated in Malaysia and that is an ugly fact. From Education to Businessses. It's not a country based on meritocracy. Listen, I know of non bumis with Straight As and denied entries to do medicine in local Unis but for Bumis, they could get in with lesser grades. Government scholarships given to Bumis with lesser grades than Non Bumis ( straight As) despite the non bumis parents being hawkers... wtf.\nI dont think I said anything to belittle the hardship of black Americans. Black Americans do have a louder voice in the US than the Chinese in Malaysia. Blacks face hardships due to their own work and home culture and attitudes. So u r jumping to wrong conclusions.\nI don't have data to prove that Chinese owned companies are the core of the Malaysian economy today considering many Bumi enterprises are also very large but the Chinese entrepreneurs in 70s to 90s did help build the economy. Unfortunately the Malaysian Govt does not want to give credit to them.they are constantly told to thank the Malays?? Pfft...for what? Only in Malaysia do u have Malay dominated politicians openly threatening another race. Do u think the white Americans can say \"black ppl, don't test our patience with u??\" . Even South Africa does not behave like Malaysia..pls go get ur facts right.\nMalaysia is a sad state with a divisive Govt for the past 30 yrs. A truly none progressive mindset, esp the politics and Govt.\nMalaysia would be a far more progressive country if the government stopped it's racial politics. A country so rich in natural resources but poorly developed local talent due to racial politics and discrimination is the cause of Malaysia's poor economy and quality of life. The problem is u have this small elite group of Malays who wants control of the Malays to win elections. I don't have the data but only a small elite group of Malays are reaping the rewards but more than 60pct of them are struggling financially. This is just general observation.\nIt will take generations to reverse this sick racism in Malaysia.", "As a Malay who is pro abolishing bumi rights, I don’t feel welcome in this fight for equality in malaysia if on the other side are people like you who painted every Malays with the same brush.\nThe simple fact is, you need Malays on your team to win the equality fight in malaysia . This will never happen when we see what kind of sick opinion the people that want to fight for “equality” have on malays in general.\nTepuk dada, Tanya selera.. you wanna fight against racism, then don’t be racist first …\nAnd for your simpleton mind let me tell you this, Black Americans may have a louder voice now, but most of them are still in poverty. Look at facts, get off the internet. Compare the household income of Chinese Malaysian and black Americans in the context of each country’s demographic la.", "I agree with u. All races should work together and push the entire nation forward. It's frustrating for non bumis to be constantly told they don't belong to Malaysia when all they know is about Malaysia. Racism is toxic and will never go away but the government should not openly use it as a tool to win votes and constantly poison the minds of Bumis that Chinese are a threat to the Bumis existence. The Chinese are not interested in taking any privileges from the Malays. They just want to earn a decent living for their families. The Govt should stop sowing hate into the minds of Malays that Chinese are a threat..it just builds this distrust amongst races. I agree that not all Malays are racist but many view non bumis as trying to take things away from them.\nIt's just disheartening to see a country with so much resources and talent to be in this state.", "If I'm malay why would I ever want it to change. I'm a privalaged race. My local politicians and religious leaders remind me everyday that I'm the superior race and everyone else is beneath me. I get free handouts in terms of welfare and bumi discounts. If I get an income of only 3k rm I am very contented. I daily look at religious and propaganda tiktok and FB telling me all the bad things other races are trying to sabotage us and they will be our downfall. While at the same time coming into major liberal cities looking for work under Chinese bosses and do gigs treating it as a full time job. Also under the management of other races. Then have to also rent from nons as well but quietly curse them inside of being a non halal abode.\nI do not ever see this nation progressing ever in the next coming century even. We are only a step or crisis away from regressing into a total taliban like Islamic state. Don't have to look far. ACEH is a good example. If tht ever comes to happen. Malaysia is gone. Malay conservatives won. All nons would desert Malaysia in droves and any hope of Malaysia ever developing into a 1st world state is gone while other aswan countries overtake us and our main import then will be security guards and maids.", "Haha this guy is the supreme ultra malay tuan tanah, no use arguing with him", "The Chinese are treated far worse than the blacks in the US\nExcuse you? Call us woke for knowing of their slavery and in 2023, blacks still get SHOT, LYNCHED for existing. It feels good to be in control by putting another race down, doesn't it? We're not the ones being randomly stopped by the street for 'spot checks' or followed around in stores as if we're stealing.\nNo one is ignoring your first paragraph, but you really sound like an All Lives Matter apologist. \"I hate everyone equally!\"", "That's coz blacks have a higher risk of killing others due to their historical crime track record..it's unfortunate but black youths have given themselves that reputation. The police see them as high risk so they get shot. I disagree with the way the police behave but the US is actually a pretty messed up ctry now. That is the sad fact. A bunch of hypocrites and corrupted Democrats and Reps. China will overtake the US.", "Bruh this man is purely a racist fella why is he not banned here, mods need to put a warning on his username tbh idk if he’s super racist or super dumb", "\"The Chinese are treated far worse than the blacks in the US\"\n\"As a Malay, most will feel supreme over other races..\"\nI know you are racist, but perhaps try to get out of your bubble sometimes and interact with people?\nReading your comment makes me shiver, to think there are still hardcore racist like this as Malaysians.", "Bro, in what way are Chinese Malaysians treated far worse than blacks in the US?", "This clown hasn't heard of apunenehs apparently", "Go learn history bro", "Bro, u have Malay politicians openly tell the Chinese to go back to China. Which part of Malaysia do u live in? Do u have the US government tell the blacks to go back to Africa because America.is for whites? Do u hear the American government threaten the Blacks that they were not welcome in the US altho they were born there? Duh. .I know my facts and lived thru racism there..so don't tell me bs bro. I m just stating the truth in Malaysia for the Chinese..if u can't handle it,.so be it.\nRacism in any country is bad but the sad truth is no one hides in Malaysia." ], [ "Generally the older generations can be very racist, they're mostly the product of their time and don't think being racist is a big deal. For Gen Z onwards there's absolutely no reason to be racist piece of shit. These people mostly just wanna be edgy or going all out to be an asshole because it's cool. Otherwise, they are people who grew up in an echo chamber and never go out their comfort zone when socialize. And I'm speaking of people of all skin colors." ], [ "That is messed up. Probably weren't even aware his words reek racism." ], [ "This is why bumi rights are created", "Do we kill them with kindness instead?" ], [ "Is he a boomer generation?\nIMO, quite common among this generation.", "Yes.." ], [ "He is racist and weak that why he only focus on the disadvantage in life. Life condition him to be that way. But guess what even if he born as malay he will find some other negative on Chinese and other races also.\nCan't help him but to pity him.\nWe should all be equally treated and look for the positive side of the world." ], [ "This type is typical uncle lah, but this one so atrocious in his racism. Malay ex muslim here, I think people that hate Malays and Islam have a history of hatred and bigotry themselves and perhaps even a superiority complex. I personally forgive those who have wronged me, even if I’m denied my rights to leave the religion I have no hatred for you guys. I want to live my own life too. I think more people should be tolerant and empathetic to each other, you and me Indian or Chinese we are no different except than the classes and caste that the racist society has laid down upon us. I’m not blaming all Malays here, I know there are many Malays that disagree with racism and special privileges. Malays that are secretly no longer faithful. Malays that are humanistic but also still believe in a higher power. I have no problem with humans preserving their humanity and sympathy for others. Please ppl, what our country need for change is for us to try and relate. See what’s it’s like to be in other people’s shoes." ], [ "He's wrong to make those comments. But I heard that Malaysian racism was fundamentally perpetrated by the unfair policies from the government. Malay people got all the benefits based on their race. If this doesn't change there's no way to deal with racism." ], [ "Dude. We are all racist to some degree.\nJust unlucky you met uncle who could keep quiet..\nDid you tell him directly you're uncomfortable and for him to just be quiet?" ], [ "As a Malay, I wonder what Chinese who regularly engage with the foreigners or expats tell them about Malays and Malaysia in general. I studied in Europe and I was once asked by my Eurpoean classmate whether it's true in Malaysia everyone is prohibited from drinking becayse Islam dictates us. I was like, \"everyone? you sure?\". Sigh. FYI, we have Malaysian Chinese in the class too, so I kinda sus thats where they got the wrong info from. Again, not all Chinese. Chinese are like Kelantanese, well organised and unionised people, but their unity kinda annoy people around them.", "Maybe Islam is the one who make a bad name to Malaysia?", "As for the case of drinking, only the Muslims are prohibited tho. Not everyone. Non muslims rights to their lifestyle is duly protected.", "but majority of the population doesn't want Malaysia to be promoted that way...They'll rather let Malaysia to be known as the Mecca of the east or something and Islam doesn't have good reputations among western Europeans", "I'm currently studying in Europe and whenever someone ask if they should go to Malaysia, I tell them just go there for the food and nature" ], [ "i love malays", "i only got malay friends tho, maybe they can find me a cupboard to live in... like anne frank", "Not in this economy bruh ain't feeding another mouth.", "i love how this post is some chinese dude being racist to malay, then u malay dudes are doing the same where the love bro? one malaysia", "I am an equal opportunity hater. I am Malay, I hate Malays, and I hate other races also.", "I am an equal opportunity liker. I like everyone", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech. Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy.\nDefinition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.\nBasic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute.\nSome categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin.\nSlurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans.\nExample: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims).\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks." ], [ "Maybe you are not a racist, but most of the people around you are." ], [ "Deep down we are all racist." ], [ "After reading the post and comments I want to preface again how important this is every race has racists residing in them and they all come in different ways to be racists so yes sure Chinese racists can be this and Malay racists can be that still doesnt excuse racism as a whole.\nOk we got that out the way then my opinion in this incident is that these type of people should be reviewed and viraled online publically for any racists to finally change their views and learn from it.\nHowever I also want to say that just because this Chinese guy did this doesnt mean every Chinese person are like this. Because what he did or say the first few times are fine like \"Malays frequent this place\" or \"starbucks boycotting\" what ISNT OK is that he just flats out says something he doesnt like about Malays and say \"Malays like you lah\" really shows how little he has communicated or formed any deep friendships with any Malays in his time on a country literally named \"Malay\"sia." ], [ "Lol cina kena racism everyday never see we bark also. U go mamak as a cina see u kena or not..for us it is business as usual duh" ], [ "based uncle", "Bruhh 💀" ], [ "Racist betul . Really unacceptable. Leave an honest feedback on this driver please" ], [ "Literally nothing he said was racist against Malay, you are too sensitive bro and need a thicker skin" ], [ "Damn so many racists here in these comments. Btw if u wanna race, lets do rally. More challenging 🔥" ], [ "Use your special privilege to ask him back tongsan, chinese are minority am i right." ], [ "Adoiii do we live in your head rent free or what? 🤣" ], [ "Wait.. the op post getting down votes😂" ], [ "Two sides of the same coin unfortunately" ], [ "1st time?" ], [ "I guess certain race mod tak tahan makan cili" ], [ "I would have confronted him in the face. It’s offensive to have this kind of racism thrown at your face.\nYou let it pass and he will never learn, the next customer will suffer." ], [ "Review, \"thank you but please shut up next time, I need a driver not a storyteller\"" ], [ "pay no mind to it\nIt's a fact that stupid, racist, sexist, and selfish-aholes exist. We either act as a responsible member of society to do something about it, or just pay no mind to it if we can't do anything. Not worth thinking about them" ], [ "well, now you probably know why he isnt doing other work...a person of such EQ couldnt possibly be in any team based jobs" ], [ "Thats why he become a grab driver and not working elsewhere that need more intellects" ], [ "Just post out his phone number and personal details, he will receive the warning soon" ], [ "Woah, if we’re behaving this way here, I can only image the true extent of the racial sentiment outside of the Reddit bubble which should be the paragon of progressivism.\nThe future outlook of this country grows gloomier by the day. To be honest, I think we deserve it." ], [ "pancing jgn x pancing... kasi kelentong.. crowd mentality, sheep mentalty, human saikology.. kasi ja... hantam ha ha ha ha... ada chance.. baru natang beruk" ], [ "As a grab driver, It's not that rare lol. I've heard so many remarks made by these dinasours. But I'm actually more hopeful with new gen chinese. They're more open minded, sincere and polite imo. Lots can actually converse well in malay." ], [ "Tbh there isn't any racism undertones, but there are remarks made along the lines of racial stereotyping i can understand why OP feels uncomfortable, don't think it's necessary to do anything beyond brushing it off" ], [ "there is a reason why it becomes like this." ], [ "Plenty of those racist in this sub. You're wasting your time posting here." ], [ "Sorry you went through that. I experienced horrific racism myself - a foreigner who was there because Malaysian friends requested that I come, and signed me up to do something meaningful there.\nThis driver was very rude to me and then asked for 5 stars at the end of the journey. Since I apologetically refused, he became extremely verbally abusive, told me to go back to my country, telling me I expect unreasonable things from Malay people - that he is not rude, he is Malay - and that people from where I “am from” will go burn in hell because we are disgusting. I’m also not actually from the region of the world that he assumed me to be from - most Malaysians love to visit my home country en masse, so it was a fair enough exchange for me to be there.\nI would have preferred your driver to be honest, but evidently, it comes from all groups." ] ]
The origin of Anwar’s beef with Tun Daim
[ [ "I doubt Mahathir was forced by anyone.\nHe's not the kind to be forced if he doesn't wanna do anything" ], [ "The only thing good about Daim is the chocolate.", "Please don't remind me. I wanna eat them now :26557:", "That’s a Swedish company right?" ], [ "Why this look like fan made You tube video but got that actor that cheat on his wife?", "This is actually from the movie Anwar: The Untold Story" ], [ "Come on man. Do you guys actually believe this?", "Meanwhile present DSAI on Zahid :\nI guess lesson learnt from the past.", "" ], [ ":26554: RPK said that anwar cronys is under tun daim too same goes to atok.." ] ]
Somalian Tiktok Influencer Safiah21 Disturbing People In Starbuck Malaysia
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "Let people drink and eat what they want :26563:\nAlso me: Eww Starbucks people and their glorified overpriced sugary water :26556:" ], [ "What about those workers earning a living there?", "Doesn't affect her, so fuck them", "Honest living at that 🥲", "who cares, let's people here don't have a job, die cannot eat, all their family members need to be neglected,as long as idk somehow saving Palestine by doing that?" ], [ "So we got a Johnny Somali case here?", "apparently it's funny to harass people in public" ], [ "I hope she will deported out of this country for being stupid", "lol i expect the majority of the population here will treat her as queen while blaming the Cina for drinking in Starbucks.", "Funny how they told me as a non-Muslim that supporting Palestine is not for religion but humanitarian cause\nMy University had a \"Walk for peace\" campaign in honor of Palestine\nMy simple question, if this is for humanitarian causes, why was there no public outrage for the Ukrainians when Russia invaded? Why didn't they storm to the Russian embassy and cast them out?\nSimple answer: It IS about religion lol", "heck, there's even some malaysian teenagers on social media who supports Russia for their actions", "Support Russia, and then support Palestine later on. Lmao.", "I even approached one of them and they said they support Russia because \"Ukraine was under Russia during the soviet times\", like that doesn't make sense at all lmao. that doesn't justify anything", "That's a major facepalm.", "Simple answer: It IS about religion lol\nnote: only the religion when practiced by Arabs\nThere's a genocide happening to Uyghurs in China but none of the muslims here seem to kick up a fuss about it.", "Tbh, rohingyas in myanmar and people in darfur sudan are muslims too and they are prosecuted badly but no one goes and protest for them either.\nFunnily enough, rohingyas arrived in aceh indonesia but they are strongly rejected by the locals there just a few days ago, even the students went out and protested about them.", "Dont get started on some of the bs rohingyas have done here as well.", "I've read many Indonesians say that Rohingya refugees tend to behave terribly there, which is why they cant stand them any longer", "Why blame the cina for drinking starbuck?", "pendatang/kafir harbi/DAP/Komunis/Sepupu Chin Peng pick your tagline here", "Who hurt u so bad bro?", "The average intelligence of the majorities", "Feel bad for you bro. Biasalah tak semua manusia tu baik hati.", "Lol xpayah cover bro, cuba korang baca komen kat TikTok tu, byk je member kau maki orang Cina sbb shorts tu ade \"muka sepet\"... dont expect much when most Malaysian are blinded with pemujaan yg zalim", "byk je member kau\nThere's no need for generalization, every race has their own bunch of assholes.", "Sorry bro. Aku tak ada tiktok. So selepas kau tersakiti, apa kau buat utk ubati hati kau?" ], [ "Cringe behaviour, time to buy starbucks tmr" ], [ "Saw what somalis and pakistanis ( local and diaspora )wrote before abt malaysian minorities on twitter. Most of it are N*zi vibes and let say, not good." ], [ "I saw the original video and damn everyone was supportive. What's the world becoming to ><", "ohhh jgn memain dengan tiktok, the place where people easily influenced mcm kerbau kena tarik hidung" ], [ "I fking hate people like this. Let people do what they want as long it doesn't affect others.\nYou people need to take a chill pill." ], [ "The Tiktoker hates Starbucks for it's involvement with Politics\nI hate Starbucks just because it's Starbucks", "The Tiktoker hates Starbucks for it's involvement with Politics\nThey hate Starbucks because it's the trend to hate on starbucks. They are clout chasing no talent vultures.", "Eh I wouldn't strawman the influencer too much , maybe she does have good intentions , but I find them annoying" ], [ "Go back to Somali and eat shit. Reminds me of another Somalian Tiktoker that have been arrested by Japanese authority due to a long list of criminal acts he committed and live stream them when visiting Japan, the news say the sheer amount of evidence from his own videos is enough to put him under detention for years and investigation if the authority itemizes the crime individually before the trial even start." ], [ "Not all Tourists are idiots people think they're because of people like these" ], [ "Look at me, this is my Starbucks now" ], [ "r/imthemainchatacter" ], [ "More unemployed behaviour." ], [ "If I'm a foreigner of a country I would never do such stuff. Even in the US with free speech foreigners can get deported if they participate in a protest. She should go protest in her own country if she believes in a \"genocide\"", "That's not true" ], [ "If I went in without intending to buy shit, that call out wouldve made me buy a drink and some for my officemates\nI support Palestine but this kind of activism makes me frustrated." ], [ "Think I will order Starbuck。" ], [ "What an idiot. There is ZERO Starbucks presence in Israel." ], [ "So we have our version of “Pizzagate” now?! :26563:\nJust leave people alone…" ], [ "Starbucks drinks are shit.\nRegardless whether Pro-Palestine or not, this \"boycott\" has made me realise how much money we send to Western countries for no good reason.\nIf it's gonna be shitty sugar drinks, we might as well buy it from local brands like Zus, Gigi, Richiamo or whatever. Same shit but at least the money stays in the country.", "Hey hey, they started boycotting Zus for sounding like a Greek God too" ], [ "she shd do it in Singapore. Then she will learn what is respect." ], [ "Alamak! What if somebody shouted Hamas are terrorists at her? 😂", "Cyberbullying using her minions on tiktok." ], [ "I'm not hating Starbucks at all, at least not now with the buy 1 free 1 until Monday. After Monday, that's another story for next year." ], [ "I believe they did the same in Istanbul and it was cringey af." ] ]
'Damage to Sungai Golok embankment possible act of sabotage'
ASNB, worth it or not?
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Genuine question from me (19F), I’ve been thinking about different ways to save up my money/investing. I thought gold would be a safe option but they’re not something I can buy while I’m still a student working part time. I don’t want to take the risk of stock market so while I was scrolling through twitter, I found out about ASNB and I thought that it would be a great option for me until I told my mom about it in which she responded with a “no” but when asked why, she didn’t say a thing. So does ASNB worth it? Is it a safe option to invest my money in? It’ll be great if anyone could also tell their whole experience with it.
[ [ "Investing in ASB is a no brainer for beginner. It's easy to invest, easy to withdraw, and higher return than FD." ] ]
Malaysia's Pride! Young Malaysian Eco-champion Calls For Global Climate Action By Reflecting On Local Flood Disasters At The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28)
[ "Environment" ]
[ [ "I am happy more young people who are concerned and involved are recognised by the minister. I am sure this is not a PR stunt by NN. These young people must not just talk and blow hot air but go down to the grown to survey the actual flood areas and recommend what can be done for the causes and effects." ] ]
Originally Malaysian food?
We're a melting pot of cultures, so nearly all of our food is from elsewhere. Rendang is from Indonesia, laksa is from Thailand, even our bak kut teh is southern Chinese. Yee Sang is either Malaysian or Singaporean but no one can definitively say which of the two. I'm not sure if kolok mee is a Malaysian-only dish, or is it brought from china. At least Singapore got chilli crab. Nasi lemak gua. Uniquely Malaysian 😂 EDIT: Thank you for the list. I don't think less of Malaysian food just because our food is pinjam ke original ke apa. Its still good. just curious.
[ [ "Rendang is from Indonesia, laksa is from Thailand, even our bak kut teh is southern Chinese.\nIt's new year eve, people are allowed to get high all day.", "You have the green light now go 😂" ], [ "Nasi Goreng USA and Chicken Chop comes to my mind, oh and Budu lol", "Can’t say budu much, it can originate from thailand cause they have a similar fermented fish sauce called pla-ra and taste is similar to budu oops" ], [ "Nasi lemak is more Malay-cuisine food rather than Malaysian. There are a lot of Malays in Indonesia, especially in Riau and Sumatra who has also been eating nasi lemak for centuries.", "I thought Indonesia is Nasi Uduk? It's still santan based rice, but the spices used is different and the sides is also different.", "I agree. While a lot of people like to say that nasi uduk is Indonesia's nasi lemak, the two dishes are distinctly different. The spice blend and condiments are different, resulting in each having its own unique aroma and taste." ], [ "Bak kut teh is invented in Malaysia. So is pan mee - especially chili pan mee." ], [ "yee sang was invented by anthony loke father:29091:" ], [ "Cambodia and Thailand have their version of nasi lemak but without sambal.\nKolo mee is just a variation of wanton mee.\nNasi talipot in Sabah and Nasi Kerabu?\nBKT is original Klang Crusine. Hokkien mee (big noodle in black caramel sauce) is original Malaysian no?\nHow is laksa Thai? I thought it was uniquely Malaysian." ], [ "Malaysian western food, chicken chop is invented in Malaysia.\nIn fact, you can't find chicken chop in western countries" ], [ "Its crazy how Chicken Chop is the only modern day food from Malaysia that I known originated here (Plus we all first thought it was a western food right?)" ], [ "Geez where the heck is your homework from? By your logic, all food is from Africa because all humans are from Africa. The techniques, knowhow and philosophy are always from elsewhere but the resulting product and dish due to difference in produce, weather, influence and geography, is what makes them local and in this case, Malaysian.\nRendang: Yes more Indonesian than Malaysian but Rendang Tok is renowned from Perak. Typically Malaysian rendang is a lot less dry than Indonesian rendang.\nLaksa: Please enlighten me on what the Thai so called 'origin of laksa' is called? Similar to which one? Penang's tamarind asam laksa? Sarawak prawn and egg laksa? Melaka's coconut nyonya laksa? Yeah I don't think so.\nBak kut teh: Even if there is a precursor in southern China (the CCP may well have fabricated one just like they did for Yang Zhou fried rice, which is from HK), is it as significant to the people there as it is to the people in Klang? If you travel to the West and find BKT, will it be more similar to the Klang variant or Chinese variant? If it's the Klang variant then Malaysia will claim that, thank you very much.\nKolo mee: The style of dish is essentially Hakka mee and common everywhere, but the unique curly noodles (in contrast to Kampua mee) are locally manufactured and the red variant with char siu sauce is definitely local.\nFinally, to answer your question, here are some dishes off the top of my head:\nNasi lemak\nBak kut teh\nKL Hokkien char mee\nChicken chop\nChilli pan mee\nSalai masak lemak\nPongteh\nNyonya laksa\nAsam pedas\nLontong kering\nPatin tempoyak\nNasi kukus\nNasi dagang\nNasi kerabu\nLaksam\nKai si hor fun\nAsam laksa\nNasi kandar\nPasembur\nChar kuey teow\nPenang Hokkien prawn mee\nNasi daging air asam\nBihun sup daging\nTuaran mee\nPinasakan\nKolo mee\nSarawak laksa\nManok pansuh", "Hmm curious, what is you source to say Yang Zhou fried rice came from Hongkong, and not Yang Zhou, China?", "Ask and you shall receive. https://youtu.be/J3ahehPxJHE?si=gLVn_3xab-MiRa2N", "Huh.. that 1 minute video provided no proof whatsoever. It just claimed \"just go online and you will know that both (Yangzhao fried rice and Hokkien Fried rice), are Yue 粤 dishes\".\nAnd HongKong does not own Yue, culture. Guangdong is also Yue, and on the mainland.\nNot even talking about the political status of the current HongKong, if it was created before British colonisation, wouldn't it still be counted as from China?", "Ooh wow I feel your butthurt. Proof? It’s more than enough of an argument to persuade me, because it’s just food buddy. It’s not like killing citizens for protesting.", "Wow.. saying it is HK is an 'argument' for you.\nI was curious because the name LITERALLY says Yang Zhou fried rice.\nSure thing mate.. Oh by the way, paper, compass gun powder were all invented in HK too. It was invented in mainland China initially, but after a crackdown on protesters, the inventor magically changed to HK.\nOh and by the way Isaac Newton became Malaysian, since GB invaded and killed so many Indians, but is now also HK after May 13 incident.\n:).", "I was curious because the name LITERALLY says Yang Zhou fried rice.\nHokkien mee (be it KL, Singapore, or Penang) is not from Fujian. Ragu Genovese is made in Naples instead of Genoa. Baked Alaska is from New York City.\nConsider your curiosity quenched.", "Ohhh.... I will take those at face value.\nIn any case no proof that YangZhou Fried rice is from HK though, so I am going to disregard what you said and follow the general consensus that it was created by a magistrate of Yangzhou.", "Even if I give you the benefit of the doubt that it was created in Yangzhou, the argument that one would stir-fry sea cucumbers and scallops with fried rice, let alone have that popularised to the masses, is far-fetched. And there's no doubt the dish is popular. I'm just far more interested in the popularised version of the dish which I believe means more to the Cantonese and overseas Chinese, than the 'notarised' version does to the good people of Yangzhou.\nIt just sounds far more likely to me that it's an effort from the Chinese to compensate for their self-eroded traditions with a conveniently-named dish." ], [ "Dey Laksa is Perlisian lah. We made it first.", "Thailand used to control Perlis before they had to cede it to the British.", "Yes. We have unique identity. Not to Malaysian not too Thai" ], [ "I suggest you check out ikanmas.in for the origin stories of many Malaysian food. A lot of the iconic food we have today is the result of migrants recreating their hometown's food using locally available ingredients, and made for the local palate e.g. kek lapis, roti canai, pulut mangga, ipoh sar hor fun\nSometimes our version is superior to its original counterpart due to the intermingling of local cultures e.g. curry chee cheong fun, nyonya kuih, kam heong crab etc.\nAso in regards to rendang, it is the creation of Minangkabau people, but it is also created specifically for their frequent travels between Indonesia and Malaysia. So Malaysia played a part in its creation story." ], [ "There are no \"original\" Malaysian food. Malaysian cuisine is a mixture of regional cuisines, either from the \"Malay world\", China, India and the Middle East. Everything from roti canai (India), nasi lemak (regional), CKT (southern China), laksa (regional), satay (Indonesia), rojak (Indonesia) etc.", "We are the poster child of liminal countries. Traders, preachers, explorers, migrants all came from somewhere else, stay here awhile, and will be moving onto someplace else later." ], [ "BKT & Laksa is local, there are influences but its unique to the region\npan mee and its similar variants are quite unique to us.\nthere are quite a few more really, soong beef noodles, hokkien mee etcetc\ngoing by your logic no dish belongs anywhere, som tam would be laotian" ], [ "Laksa sarawak Nasi kerabu" ], [ "OP got his facts from a kopitiam conversation" ], [ "Ayam golek, Ayam masak merah, Ayam Titanium" ], [ "Asking what is originally malaysian food is like asking for original american foods\nIt's ridiculous, since this nation is built off different cultures interacting with each other." ], [ "i don't know how much indonesian or derive from other nation can it be, but umbut masak lemak putih sounds and taste pretty traditional malay for me. also have you ever heard of ikan pekasam? paling-paling busuk nasi dagang pernah makan tak?\nOP really needs to touch grass further than his backyard" ], [ "Pisang goreng cheese viral. Also no such thing as food that originates from Singapore." ], [ "Ayam percik, nasi kerabu, nasi dagang, nasi ulam, peknga" ], [ "there's no originality when it comes to food, if you dig deep enough, everyone copied something." ] ]
Internet Subscription Tax Relief
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Does anyone here knows if it's legal to claim the tax relief RM2500 Lifestyle category for Internet Subscription? This is the new CelcomDigi plan, would you be able to claim for it or not if I subscribe the plan? Anyone here accountant or tax agent? Haha. Comments and replies are greatly appreciated.
MET MALAYSIA - Laporan Cuaca 1 Januari 2024 (pagi)
[ "Environment" ]
Towards 2024: What Malaysians want
Price Hiking
I'm often shocked when supposedly 'premium' establishments significantly raise their prices. The prices at Genting during the middle of this year were exorbitant, with even a bottle of Dasani going from RM1-2 to RM8-10. I understand it’s ’Genting’ but bruh hahaha it’s just crazy. Similarly, my recent visit to Changkat revealed astonishing entrance fees to clubs and inflated prices for liquor and even water at RM5 per glass (mind blown). I question whether these places applied for a special premium license to justify their such steep price hikes. Is there such thing? Sometimes I notice their signboard and it shows ‘premium’. All in all, crazy shyt man!
[ [ "The rental and tax is illogical as well. They just pass it to customer." ], [ "Free market bro. We don't buy, they will feel it and reduce price." ], [ "The name already premium. If you find it expensive, it means your wallet isn't premium deep. You're not the targeted customer, but more of window shopper", "In that case, I’m gonna open a hawker stall, name it premium chicken rice, and charge RM20 for a plate of chicken rice because I can and because I have premium on the name.", "Yes you can, but better hope no non-premium customers come expecting cheap prices and then complain on socmed because it's premium priced.", "This needed to be shared on social media, man. It's reaching absurd levels. It exemplifies how one can exploit their establishments to the extent of charging RM5-8 for a glass of water." ], [ "Singaporeans are their target market. Not locals.", "How amusing! The bouncer at the club entrance in Changkat actually asked if I was from Singapore, of all things." ], [ "Just don't buy them. See if they can stay in business with that ridiculous price they charge" ], [ "You need to remember, they’re paying exorbitant rental fees. Do you expect them to charge at Rm 2 and yet be able to afford 10s of thousand rental ?", "Aside from all the rental bs, logically, paying 10 bucks for a mineral water, don’t you think it’s crazy? Haha" ] ]
PDRM Court Summons For Driving with an Expired License
Hi. My dumb ass forgot to renew my license when it expired in March of this year. Kena caught at roadblock, issued a summons form with no amount. Just a magistrate court date for February. I know, I’m stupid. I have already applied and paid for a renewed license via MyEg. The question is do I have to attend court and pay? Or can this kind of summon be paid online? I work far away from where the court summon is issues so it would be a multiple day leave to travel. Alternatively, how can one check and double confirm the timing/date/location of the summons so I ensure I don’t miss it? I’m not looking to appeal should I attend, just want to pay for this expensive mistake and hopefully not get my license suspended. Hopefully as someone with a clean record and first time offence, the judge will grant leniency. Any advice for me?
[ [ "The question is do I have to attend court and pay?\nIf a magistrate summons you, you better show up.", "Agreed. OP, just show up during court, make a statement that you are wrong in this situation and try to make an appeal for the fines given by the judge. Prepare to bring some cash as well." ], [ "Better attend. If lucky, may be offered discount" ], [ "Straight to jail" ], [ "Dude, chill. You can usually settle the fine online. Check the PDRM website or call them to confirm. Save yourself from court drama, and next time, set a reminder for that license renewal." ] ]
Crows / Pigeons overpopulation
any of you being pissed with the literal shit of crows and pigeons in your residential or work area? has anyone wrote in to wildlife department or any authorities to solve this issue
[ [ "You take their land, habitat and trees and then get angry when they shit.. what they are supposed to do? Use the toilet? The minor inconvenience of shitting is enough for you to kill and take a life?", "Exactly. Do we have any forest left for animals to live in? Our royals will strip and sell every last tree and parcel of land for profit and these poorfags will be raging against dogs and crows for shitting on their 15 year old c1bai axia that they paid rm40k for because we need to protect daihatsu and Geely from open market competition.\nGo kill a bunch of harmless animals to get over your pathetic miserable lives." ], [ "Councils tend to shoot the crows now and then.\nNever heard of anything being done against the pigeons though - in fact more often than not I see people feed them.", "Some believe more pigeons at your shop = more wealth." ], [ "Bangsar need to sort out this problem. Last time went for mamak and park near the mall area there my car literally covered in bird poo. Will think the second time when going to bangsar again." ], [ "Yeah, those winged poop machines can be a real headache. Some folks write complaints, but it's like telling pigeons to follow traffic rules – good luck. Maybe invest in an umbrella hat?" ] ]
Can someone explain to me what is this "planta" and "sabun lux" thing on Twitter attacking PMX?
I see some X users like https://twitter.com/Salim_Iskandar aka Parpukarri kept talking about some Planta and sabun Lux thingy. They were also some long-ass videos which I did not bother to watch. He thinks it'd be the downfall of the Madani govt (yawn). I am just curious what is the context. Can someone do a TL; DR?
[ [ "Drop the soap = ass raping in jail\nPlanta = lube for anal sex", "To be fair, planta is way cheaper than lube." ], [ "It's just an evolution of the peliwat insult\nUsing sabun and Planta to licinkan the butthole\nBasically it's \"terpaling Islam\" having buttsex in their head, rent-free", "You don't really want to understand the mindset of walauns tbh, they have no brain capacity\nPH fans spin around like a washing machine, Walauns just stand in one place spewing sewer shit", "I would still prefer to bring back the court to reverse its judgement on PMX. All he has is a pardon from ex-Agong which really means the conviction still holds. This is why he can still be called a peliwat. I also don’t think a 70 year old can rape a 20+ year old. But you can’t argue with that when the judgement is still valid on paper.", "First one I can somewhat believe, as there are many closet gay out there.\nBut then he kena same charge same way at height of his political career, again. I mean dude, even the blind can see what's up.", "The fact that saiful changed his statement from rape to consensual after being told it's unlikely for a 68 year old man to rape a 20 year old , cements its bullshittery to me.", "Ummmm didn't the royal pardon voided the whole case itself?", "A pardon means he is a free man and does not need to undergo his sentence.\nHis conviction still stands.", "I’m not sure exactly. But pardon means forgiveness which inadvertently also means Agong forgave him as “peliwat”. Which is why many who wants to attack him can still use this against him especially when they have no more bullets against him.", "Please dont mock walaun.. Low iq is considered OKU and we dont mock OKU", "I get the gay references. But I think it's in context to an interview he did with a former inmate of Sg Buloh who was also incarcerated at the same time with Anwar." ], [ "PN meme game is weak. Its not even funny and the common folks don't even get the reference unless its explained. Anyone remember kakistokrasi?" ], [ "I cant believe you still listening to parpukari...." ], [ "The guy claimed it was a normal accurance in prison to have gay sex orgy. They use planta and soaps as lubricants. And the guy claimed anwar on some occasions joined those orgies.\nBut for me, its just too farfetched. I dont think its true." ] ]
Spent the last evening of the year at Teluk Batik
[ "ITAP" ]
[ [ "been there. looks good." ] ]
TRX Exchange New Year Fire Work
Deputy education minister says use of face mask encouraged at schools to curb spread of Covid-19
[ "COVID-19" ]
Malaysians usher in New Year 2024 with religious activities, family outings
[ "Culture" ]
[ [ "\"... with religious activities...\"\n💀" ] ]
Public Transport in KL
I've been browsing threads here for quite some time, and it's interesting to note the varying opinions about the public transport system in KL. Many mention that KL is not very public transport-friendly and that having a car is essential for day-to-day life. I'm curious to hear more about your experiences. Have you personally taken the LRT, MRT, Bus, or ETS in KL? What were your thoughts and observations? Do you find public transportation convenient and reliable, or do you agree that having a car is necessary? How do you benchmark as a public transport-friendly city?
[ [ "It is improving.\nPrior to moving overseas, my commute was completely by walking and by LRT (and I have friends who do that too) and going around in KL solely by public is very much possible. Any public transport system is time consuming when compared to driving, but the daily/monthly passes for citizens make it very much worth the hassle for me. I expect things will improve more once LRT3 and the MRT Circle Line are built, enhancing connectivity between lines.\nThey have a lot still to improve with respect to to bus lines and pedestrian walkability. Frequency wise, they are doing quite good even though Malaysians have unrealistic expectations of LRT operating at a 2-min frequency.\nTo compare it with capital cities of developed countries, we are still lagging behind but when looking at other developing/historically exploited countries, we are doing quite well.\nThe country I am currently living in, Japan, has some quirks too. People always talk about how good the public transportation in Japan, but once you get out of Tokyo and Osaka things start to go down. Some cities still require cars to get around properly, and with the whole population decline thing, rural train lines are actually going off one by one as they lack the ridership.\nWhat Malaysia needs to improve now, is the public transportation in cities besides KL and Penang. Kota Bharu, Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan, Alor Setar, Ipoh, Melaka, JB and Kuching all deserve a good system. It may not be full-on train lines, when a good bus system can actually do the job really well.", "Kuching desperately needs a good bus system. But no, for some reason they need a flagpole and that overdesigned Sungai Bintangor bridge.", "And they decided it is better to run a long-ass beta \"lab rat\" program to run some fake Autonomous Bus, and pump in a tons of money to have it powered by hydrogen." ], [ "The further you go into the CBD, the better it generally is. Generally, the trains are pretty great. They’re frequent enough (could be better) and they are clean and efficient. The KTM is not meant to be rapid transit, so that is why it isn’t frequent. It’s commuter rail.\nThe ETS is meant for inter-city travel throughout the north. I have never taken it before so I can’t say much about it.\nCertain journeys are convenient by train. Sunway Velocity, The Exchange, IKEA/MyTown, and Pavilion BB are on the same corridor. If you live in the city then sure you may not need a car, but even that is stretching it.\nThe problem lies in the buses and the overall city planning.\nKL has too little buses for a city its size. Despite numerous bus lanes, no driver has ever respected it, based on my experiences. The bus lanes are also limited to the inner city areas, and the outer suburbs (arguably areas that are most needing of bus services) do not have bus lanes whatsoever. Bus stops are not that well maintained. There are some nice ones with shelter, but a lot are just a pole. In Malaysia’s hot and humid weather, it is so much more important that we have shelter. There isn’t also much information on the bus stops. A lot have just nothing but a QR code to scan. A screen showing arrival times and routes would be nice. The stops also don’t have much organisation, like codes or specific names. I’d recommend a book called Better Buses, Better Cities to learn more about optimising public buses\nSo, the low number of buses, lack of respect for bus infrastructure and unprofessionalism causes low frequency and reliability.\nMalaysia is stuck deep in car-centricism. Transit-oriented development has been neglected. Most Malaysians are “hard-wired” to want to drive cars, as cars (especially expensive cars) are seen as a status symbol. So, public transport has been regarded as “lower”. This has caused development to prioritise driving instead of transit and walkability. As a result, even if the trains itself or buses are good, getting to them will be a huge problem, hence the first and last mile problem. There are a lot of other aspects to this problem that I won’t cover in the interest of time.\nIn conclusion, I would say that KL public transport is good only if you only go to certain places. Out of these limited places, either just drive or wait 45+ minutes for a bus that may not even come. And even then, driving in KL is a nightmare." ], [ "I use the public transport in KL often and have used the ones in London (almost a year there), Tokyo, Beijing (almost a year there too), HK, Singapore and Shanghai.\nFor KL, It's ok, but can be better. On a scale of 1-5 it is a 3.5.\nIt's definitely modern and good but there lots of room for improvement.\nMaintenance - of the station facilities and the train itself. How many times have you seen screens not work or lights at the station not light up or escalator rosak? Don't even mention our bus stops some are just a physical pole by the road.\nFirst and last mile - to use the MRT/LRT people need to get to the stations. In most cities mentioned above either they have bus, shared bicycles or walkable/sheltered paths. Here lots of these paths are half gone or taken up by cars whose owner think that pedestrian walkways are free real estate. Otherwise the user has to share walking path with cars on the dangerous roads or worst- highways. Creating a less car centric and more pedestrian friendly urban design can really make people want to use the public transport more but they requires effort and cooperation with the city councils.\nReliability - I mean, no public transport system is perfect. Delays or malfunctioning trains occur in other places too but the frequency of it occuring in KL is too high for a relatively new system.\nEven the ticketing machines at stations sometimes rosak. The speed at the gate opens is also slow compared SG, Tokyo or HK (they use FeliCa NFC system), even though it's a few hundred millisecond, the perceived difference is there.\nFrequency - the train frequency is considered low even during rush hour if compared to most other nations. Also for some reason Prasana thought 4 car length was enough to transport ppl in KL when many countries use 6.\nOperating hour - not much complain but would be cool if they open from 5 to 1 daily for those super early workers or super OT employees or partygoers, not just events. Cadangan only.\nSafety/commuter civics - in SG they had volunteers in MRT to make sure idiots don't do stupid things. In China there are police officers doing bag check at every entrance and on the platform to ensure safety. In KL, the polis bantuan are sometimes there but sometimes not. Look at the women coach, no one enforce. Have ppl in the train and on the platform to keep watch.\nAll in all, it's there but not quite yet. Really hoping they complete the circle line asap. Even simple things like human centric design such as having the MRT arrival TV at the entrances (so commuters can decide to stroll or parkour up to the platform) can help make the journey better." ], [ "It's improving. The last mile is where the problem is. I need to drive 3km from my apartment to LRT or KTM. I guess stay anywhere 500m away from station will solve the problem but not everyone is so rich." ], [ "its ok, not good not terrible\nKL is quite public transport friendly, buses are terrible; greater kl is not that friendly\na huge part of why its a problem is cause our city planning is trash, people are stupid, and locals go holiday compare KL to Tokyo Greenline." ], [ "It's only good when you live somewhere with direct link to mrt/lrt Station and your destination is also direct link to any mrt/lrt station. Otherwise, a car is still very necessary unless you want to risk your life every few minutes trying to cross the road with no pedestrian crossing/lights" ], [ "If you want to go to KLCC, forget about Persiaran KLCC station on the MRT Line 2. That will have you walking 10 min under the sun compared to LRT’s direct connection to the mall.\nThis is one example of poor last mile connectivity. Not to mention most of Line 2’s stops take you to places with lower footfall where ppl are better off driving anyway (eg: Equine Park, Jinjang, Kepong)" ], [ "lrt, mrt, good. monorail, mid. bus, horrible. ktm, deceased. (hopefully they will increase the frequency after track repairs)" ], [ "Not sure about KL in entirety but at least KLCC has amazing public transport, including mrt and lrt. But monorail can have higher frequency though" ], [ "A car is still essential. Outside of KLCC & Bukit Bintang area, train stations are quite far from each other, and we have poor infrastructure for pedestrians to navigate between them. LRT and MRT frequency is good for me. Bus IMO has the chicken and egg problem... people avoid it because of low frequency & still get stuck in traffic anyway, so we have less bus and bus lanes because of the lack of ridership.\nAt least things are getting better. It's unfortunate Ampang Park LRT doesn't directly connect to MRT, what a wasted opportunity. I haven't been to TRX yet though, looks neat." ], [ "I ride trains and buses to certain places including workplace. To get to the stations and stops, I have to walk under the sun and along busy street which makes it inconvenient and loud. I'm not complaining about the distance (10-15 minute walk) though as it's good for me to move around. The bus arrival time is almost always reliable with the help of Moovit app.\nConsidering where I live in is a concentrated residential area, I wish there are more locals taking public transport. Never seen the bus half full and most of the time, the passengers are foreigners. The route I am taking, there are at least 3 different bus lines and I have tried all of them. That shows how the bus facility is under appreciated." ] ]
happy new year everyone! ada yang renew license single tahun 2024 ni? kita geng hehe. #forfun
Want To Visit Malaysia This Year. What's The Cycling Like? 🚴
Hello. How's the cycling infrastructure? I'd be visiting Kuala Lumpur first of course, so I was wondering what it's like to get around by bike. I want to do at least one cycling tour so recommendations on companies are fine too.
[ [ "KL and Malaysia as a whole isn't very cycling friendly, you can watch this Danish vlogger who has lived in Malaysia for 10+ years, he has been filming himself cycling in Klang Valley area, by watching his video you can get a general sense of how KL/Malaysia cycling infrastructure looks like\nhttps://youtube.com/@mysustainablefuture", "wow this guy is determined 😅", "that's disappointing to hear. just got the bug to consider cycle touring Malaysia---guess i should refocus to Taiwan. That's too bad. I think the food and maybe people more friendly in Malaysia." ], [ "Our city is not really cyclist friendly, it's actually quite dangerous to ride around if you're not familiar with the road." ], [ "horrible, it's basically a try not to die situation here. all we have are just painted bicycle gutters. most of the time, motorcyclists use the cycling lanes" ], [ "None." ], [ "KL's got some decent cycling paths, especially around parks like KLCC and Taman Botani. For a cycling tour, check out \"Bike with Elena.\" Just watch out for the traffic – it's like playing Frogger on two wheels. 🚴‍♂️" ], [ "I like to cycle around the city, not for commuting but leisure sightseeing. I will plan my route and avoid big highway whenever necessary.\nI ride around with a foldable, so I could just bring it into the trains and subway if I wanted go further without risking my life cycling on the highway.\nOn the weekend however, many cyclist can be seen cycling along the highway in the morning before the traffics picks up. I'm just not into those sort of cycling." ] ]
Should we overhaul the driver’s education system?
[ "Education" ]
I can’t help but feel that our driver’s education system is flawed. Looking at the average Malaysian driver’s mentality and mindset, I believe that it is holding us back from our society’s potential. Would it be better if licensing in Malaysia were more similar to the processes in Europe?
[ [ "These mfs have no idea how roundabouts work. First 10 lessons going around roundabouts.", "I kid you not, when I attended driver's school, neither the lessons nor the exams covered roundabouts. The \"left lane to exit 1 and 2, right lane for exit 3 and so on\" thing was discovered by me on the internet only recently.", "Its in the book and syllabus, you guys need to study that to pass the exam right?", "My undang \"teacher\" was thirty minutes late to the class. He never covered that topic, nor did any related questions came up in the exam (by some chance idk). My mother, who also taught me how to drive, also seemed oblivious of that law. When it comes to roundabouts, her solution is \"just don't drive parallel to others, they might need to change lanes\".\nNevertheless, I live in a small town (Ipoh) and traffic isn't too heavy, so you can agak2 your way through roundabouts. Things only changed when I came to KL.", "Man, that kinda explains why people are so clueless around roundabouts in the klang valley. Sabah they quite pro, maybe better training.", "Because in Sabah if you suck at roundabouts you probably will get hit by Hilux\nI travel to Sabah frequently for work and I had to git gud at learning how to drive in Sabah.\nDriving in WM is ezpz just gotta watch out for the J/P/D plates, or a random Myvi going the speed of sound", "I don't recall having a \"undang\" teacher 😅 Thought it was just a booklet to memorize", "Agreed. Trying to use a roundabout will give me a heart attack especially here in JB.", "Roundabouts are second nature for me.\nI live in Shah Alam." ], [ "The problem is they don't care, not they don't know", "Should give them real consequences then. The duit kopi has got to stop and real enforcement should be carried out responsibility. This whole situation is a chicken and egg problem.", "Well it's easier to migrate to a country that has strict rule of law than to hope to change this lek lu cincai country from top to bottom", "Duit kopi has to stop? Bro, even Santa will ask what colour you want your dragon to be." ], [ "No need.\nWe just need enforcement.", "Enforcement more on lane hogger, blur driver and phone use.", "You will need education on enforcement, and corruption too.", "Yea this. We got a handbook of rules (not sure now, I'm old). Everything from round abouts, lane-merging and T-junctions were all there. Though the emphasis at the time was a lot on passing and memorising the steps to do so, like everything other educational thing in this country." ], [ "Lesen very expensive overhaul that first" ], [ "Oh it definitely is flawed. Duit kopi settles everything. Theory just covers maybe 20% of what you actually need to know. And fuck me how are people still clueless about using roundabouts? It’s as if once we enter one, all rules don’t apply." ], [ "The problem is not in the teaching but the attitude and the enforcement. Just take a look at the highly educated nations with high HDI such as Singapore — as soon as they cross the border the whole civilised mindset is put on pause." ], [ "I personally do feel that the driving syllabus should be more technical covering basic defensive driving techniques. There should also be like an annual/bi annual rechecks (?) or recertifications for senior citizens after they passed a certain age to certify that they are still fit for driving especially in terms of vision and hearing capabilities" ], [ "Yes.\nWhen I took my lessons they didn't even teach you how to physically change a tire. I wanted to but the instructor was like 'tak payah lah' which is absurd because knowing how to change a tire in theory doesn't translate to being actually able to change a tire. So many corners cut.\nAlso the bribes. So shit.", "I agree. Most of my driving skills and mentality comes from those driving school youtube channels. My instructor prepared me for passing the exam and maybe a bit of knowledge about Malaysian roads. So far, I’ve been teaching myself “real driving skills” ever since getting my Ps." ], [ "Strict enforcement and punishment. Like ccp. Got saman? Cannot renew license. Each saman will deduct point. After reaching 0, gantung license.\nActually we do have that, but biasa ya bayar duit kopi boleh settle. So in the end, ketamakan is the main cause." ], [ "For me, need ongoing strict enforcement. This may very likely be unpopular, but the gov needs to stand their ground on this 1 instead of worry too much on what people say in twitter.", "I’ve got an idea. Why do we even announce speed cameras? Shouldn’t they be kept hidden as to their location? If we know where the cameras are, nobody will actually follow the speed limit outside of the zones.", "This actually started when AES introduced. Many people questioned the legality of speed traps. If im not mistaken, the findings were, need to inform road users there are speed traps in the area." ], [ "In addition to this, the way roads are designed is plain stupid. Road markings are often not up to date, and the roads themselves are not well maintained. Highways should also be designed properly. I remember trying to enter a highway only for there to be a fucking wall on the on-ramp." ], [ "This was an actual quote from my driving teacher: \"Malaysian driving test is the easiest to pass and easiest to die.\"", "Very accurate" ], [ "I took Singapore's Basic Theory Test (same as our Undang) during my licence conversion. Their Undang has one important thing that ours didn't teach --- what to do when your car skids.\nThey also have two theory tests before the practical, first is this Basic Theory Test, then they have a Final Theory Test" ], [ "I think rather than education being the main problem, the attitude of drivers are the issue, like I bet there's 3 people here that will say \"I don't care how gila I drive my car, if my car can drive 200km/h, I will drive 200km/h in taman area.\"" ], [ "No one knows how to use roundabouts in JB (Speaking from a citizen from Kluang - we have 5 roundabouts and most of us are born to be expert in it xDD). So it actually depends on where do you from and how does the driver behaves in there." ], [ "Wholeheartedly agree. Ill be marked misogynistic but get fucked, some bitches doesnt know how to drive. Hogging fast lane going 30kmph while playing phone, IN THE HIGHWAY. They dont even watch right or left they just fucking move masa tukar simpang. Almost died twice this month.\nMen does shit like this too, but its just more common among women, or at least where im from. And its tiring sia tukar lane pun x bagi signal. Belajar apa masa lesen ntah." ] ]
Business licence question
Hi all, wishing you all happy and prosperous new year 🎊. I own a barbershop (rental shop) , its a studio type so have large space still available. Note : Business licence is still in-progress being approved , applying through a runner. I want to ask , can i use the vacant space for setup other small business? I'm thinking of setting up a billiard table, and charging RMxx/hour to use it. So my question is if I got licence for Barber services , can I still do this 'other business ' in the same shop? Legally there would be ay issues? Thanking in advance.
[ [ "the fastest way to have the city council up your ass is to run an unlicensed billiards hall.", "So its illegal then...got it. Thanks for info👍", "there's plenty of \"illegal\" stuff you can do outside your license, like selling sundries or whatever, and no one will care. particularly billiards is dangerous.", "I see.." ] ]
Traffic on PLUS highway
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hi there, I visit Malaysia every once in a while and I don't drive here as much, however when I travel towards JB using PLUS highway, the traffic will come to a standstill and when we drive past, there was nothing stopping the traffic. Is there a reason why is this happening? Cheers Edit: This happens during off festive seasons, and I could imagine the worst during festive seasons.
[ [ "Hills and vehicles with no power 😂\nThere's always a buildup of traffic near the Nilai turn off. My theory it's various small cars and lorries slowing down as they climb the hill.\nAlso the dumbasses that tailgate & have to brake. Causing a chain reaction to happen behind them", "Yeah tailgaters are so dumb. I try to be a good driver and maintain some distance, an idiot always tries to slip in front of me. Another group are people who totally black out their windows, so i can't see past the car right in front of me." ], [ "The traffic will come to a standstill and when we drive past, there was nothing stopping the traffic\nWatch this video that explains how traffic builds up." ], [ "It’s because people who are slow don’t let ppl who want go fast go through, then a pileup occurs when the front brakes. Seriously Malaysians don’t understand what the right lane is for instead just sitting there going the speed limit…", "The number of times I've seen the left lane completely empty while the middle and right lanes are moving slow is baffling to me. It's like people are allergic to the left lane. I don't understand." ], [ "1) Theres some areas 3 lanes become 2.\n2) Certain exits and entry are kind of busy like ayer keroh. So, some cars from right lane last minute cut through to exit the highway, and some cars that just entered the highway not yet pickup speed straight enter right lane.\n3) the above also happens at busy r&r.\nWhen theres not many cars it wont create traffic jem, but when 10-20 cars do it in a short time frame, that creates the traffic jem." ], [ "Ah, the PLUS highway dance – comes to a standstill for no apparent reason. It's like Malaysian traffic has a secret flash mob agenda. Maybe the traffic jam is just practicing its festive season routine even when it's not festive. Cheers to the mystery of PLUS!" ] ]
PM hopes 2024 will bring more positive changes to the country
[ [ "Yea sure /s\nSST, LVG tax, petrol subsidy reduced" ], [ "I also hope 2024 will bring more positive change to the country by hoping there will be some reform by current government." ], [ "Good luck, Madanon." ], [ "Hopefully 2024 brings 1 SGD = 4 MYR" ], [ "Susahkan rakyat saje" ] ]
BMF Scandal
[ "History" ]
Yooooooo just found out that back in the 80s we got this big scandal regarding BMF and loans to Hong Kong. And the leading man behind this scandal was a Malaysian / Singaporean / PRC by the name George Tan. I only know about it thru this movie Golden Finger, it doesnt portray the scandal fully but a bit of hints here and there and how they mentioned “Timurlaysia” got me curious. You guys should watch it!
[ [ "The lesson is a public listed company backed by multiple reputable banks can be a scam/ hoax too." ], [ "Just watched it and yes, BMF was also the first thing that came to my mind when “bank persekutuan” and “Timurlaysia” were mentioned" ], [ "Haha yes.. good way to learn of past saga before 1mdb scandal. Your parents may heard of this as well." ], [ "is this movie in cantonese or Mandarin in malaysia?", "Cantonese, nei hiu kwang tung wa mou?" ], [ "I watched boy and the heron instead, quite regret it honestly", "Not good meh?" ], [ "gonna look it up. thanks!\nedit: quite good reviews at Rotten. interesting!", "Ohh its actually The Goldfinger not Golden Finger 😅", "Like the James Bond film?" ], [ "It’s always Mahathir….\nhttps://www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2017/01/24/declassified-cia-documents-suggest-dr-ms-links-to-bmf-scandal/1299821" ], [ "lol bn apologists gonna have a tough time defending their lords again and again and again..\n1mdb, bmf...what next ? Perwaja? or the forex loses we faced?\nonly one thing ties it up altogether, umno..." ], [ "will watch definitely!" ], [ "I thought for a moment that they were remaking the Bond film" ], [ "Wow, I only knew about IMF, which corruption scandal tied back to our current PM." ], [ "Imagine this movie getting banned here lmao" ], [ "Probably where Jho Low/ Ah Jib gor got his inspiration" ] ]
Found this interesting hotair balloon place at KL
[ "Entertainment" ]
Found this interesting new attraction at Sg Besi called KL Base. Basically it was the old airport with runway visible from the roadside. Turn in from Siu siu Restaurant through a long private road till middle part. Alson had Foodtruck Park (called KL Flyzone) , Inflatable Park and other event-based activities. Understood they have some plans and projects to turn it into new exciting hangouts.. Found their site called klflyzone.com.. Looks like they need more publicity.
Funfact: Kuching Airport Starbucks
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
You guys probably know, but a quick Funfact, that if you happened to be outside of Starbucks at upstairs I think you do a little planespotting there, but it just covers up a little bit of view.
[ [ "The view is horrible though. The old airport before reno had better ones.", "That's I say about covers A little bit of view" ] ]
Dataran Merdeka, few mins past midnight 1/1/2024
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "No fireworks at Mardeka too?? I was at KLCC, they just had fountains and the tower had a lightshow for 50 seconds maybe.", "There's was an official announcement from KLCC a few days ago saying they will not have any fireworks display.", "Went there last night too at klcc, whoever sold those horns… you need to get your noggin bonked" ] ]
2024 Year New Happy
[ "Meme Monday" ]
[ [ "For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ] ]
We have huge fanbase, communities here are well growth as well. But still we did not being included in Steam sorting system. But clap to you all the dedicated gamers who has been good since day-1 gaming, we are still one of the best amongst SEA country according to ExoPhase
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "just like Square Enix think we poor, what else is new?" ] ]
From TRX. Welcome 2024
[ "Entertainment" ]
Instagram: @yong.chuannnnn
Random abandoned building i found in Alor setar kedah around 2017
[ [ "Backroom, local version." ], [ "Looks rather clean for an abandoned building" ], [ "looks a bit like those scene in movie, with someone locked up at the other side." ], [ "OP toggle collision off, got into the backrooms 2017" ], [ "Definitely backroom vibes there….." ], [ "looks like it would make a sweet bachelors pad, industrial decor style" ], [ "I don't think abandoned building would be that clean tho.\nI went to my company old vacant building before and all the wire had been ripped out and became habitat of drug addict. All the glasses broken, walls filled with graffiti, full of trash and couple of needles on the floor. I even found an owl in the building top floor lmao." ] ]
Happy New Year my fellow Malaysian peeps 🎊🎉🎇
Fireworks go boom boom pow
[ [ "And to you have a prosperous new year" ] ]
This Malaysian restaurant has had enough
Technology literacy in Malaysia
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
Just watched a few tik toks in Malay promoting cheap "gaming" laptops and oh my god the gullibility of the people in the comments actually made me mad. And the sad thing is that Malay speaking content creators take advantage of these people and either shill shitty product for exorbitant prices or outright scam their audience. So what do yall think?
[ [ "Not just the Malay speaking audience, its every single society segment.\nThem young ones didn't have to troubleshoot their tech as often as millennials have to back in the day. If you never have to meddle to get things going, you won't have any incentive to learn more deeply than just using the thing.", "True. I used to think Gen Z would be better at tech so when I found the opposite, I thought it was weird until I read a similar comment like yours.\nA lot of the tech we have today is very streamlined compared to the late 90s to early 00s. They don’t grow up tinkering a PC because a phone or tablet already fulfil their needs. Wifi routers now come with apps that make set up a breeze. Pirated stuff was rampant that we learned how to detect dangerous sites and deal with malware. Printers still suck, but we have less and less reasons to even print something in the first place.\nApart from PC gamers, I could now see why Gen Z is less tech literate. It’s not their fault.", "You miss a huge point. Most of tech is now becoming less open. Everything is pretty much solder in and can't be changed. Only pc remain customizable. In the future even car knowledge is going down", "yes, which is why we need to have a right to repair thingy going on like what people are fighting for in the USA", "True. I'm GenZ but my first phone was a 5 year old Redmi 2 that crashed all the time. Troubleshooting all of the endless issues made me interested in tech and knowledgeable about the intricacies of android like different runtimes. Eventually I picked up coding in form 3 and pretty much self learnt python and some C++.", "I agreed, I helping someone with a Computer Science degree, asked him to reseat his RAM.\nHe said he don't know how to open his PC case, and don't know how remove RAM...", "TIL CS student learns how to build a PC", "OMG. He will not survive..", "To be fair it’s software and not hardware specialisations.", "yeah! there is now entire generation that dont know how to use a game controller!", "More likely don't know how to use a physical keyboard without auto correct than controller.", "You... Did you watch Thor? That story threw cold water on me. Man, next gen gamers be wild.", "I have never touched a Nintendo switch ever in my life, of course I'm not going to know how to use that specific game controller", "i mean there kids now literally pushing aside controllers trying to press the screen as if its touchscreen.", "well then that's an entire issue", "True that. My first PC was supposed to be fully spec-ed to the teeth, and my dad paid an arm and leg for that. Turn out the shop conned us and gave us shitty parts. Gotta work and fix it so often that I learnt how to put together a PC pre-internet times" ], [ "its the case of anak nak gaming laptop but bapak bukan gamer. so bapak pun beli saja since it says gaming laptop. well idk what spec are we looking at but im pretty sure the newer gen stuff can be used for \"budget gaming\"", "half of my friends tak tau boleh upgrade RAM and think 8gb is the maximum..\non a 3060 laptop...", "oh man i used to game with intel intergrated graphics XD", "Integrated graphic are getting good and more efficient lately", "Speaking of which! Some of them ironically didnt know that they ran some games with integrated graphics but they didnt know.\nall they say is \"bapak ah game tgh lah sial\"", "Yo but amd intefrated graohics is freaking awesome tho. Got an old amd cpu with it for like Rm99 and it can run gta 5 high setting like a boss", "Yeah, I have a Ryzen 5600h with an integrated graphics card and it runs pretty well on 2010s games. Don't expect the same performance in modern games though.", "wtf really?", "the APU of Amd back then is really good for super budget setup,it still is good with the ryzen architecture", "And it’s what Steam deck based on also", "I game on an MX 130 lol. In 2023.", "Here I am stressing about putting 4 stick into my mobo n if the XPM would be disabled. While simultaneously fussing about the ram timing.\nwtfisitsocomplicatedsigh", "nahh itll always folo the slowest one. just keep it simple n use same model/brand/series for all the slots.", "I bought hyperx Fury just before covid as stock is running out. Its more expensive compared to like silicon power, so was checking out if can mix n match.\nIn fact, the seller only had rgb in stock precovid, so my case only the ram is lit fabulously lol. Damm sesat look.", "ignorance is bliss i guess\nthe problem is before they find out they planned to buy a new laptop.. or a prebuilt", "Some laptops can swap RAM nowadays tho, so I'd still blame it on those users for not educating themselves.", "The worst part is i once called them out but they say \" we're not rich like you\" but spend money on games thrice that amount.", "it really depends on the laptop model though, most laptop allow upgrade but there are some that are ass enough to have their RAM soldered onto it and non-upgradable", "I dont disagree. but they bought specifically gaming laptops that are gimped with 8gb ram with an empty slot. but they dunno anything about it", "Yeah you are right but these tiktok scammers are not selling new gen stuff, they are selling laptop 1 malaysia level chromebook from 2010's and advertise them as gaming laptops.", "owwh if thats the case we can flag that to tik tok as false advertizing. maybe go even better send to KPDN(idk what they can do rn really) XD", "Nah cuz \"gaming laptop\" is a really broad term. A laptop can be considered a gaming laptop even though it can only run minesweerper so that's an unfortunate loophole", "yeah thats quite a loophole.", "I don’t think that would fly as “gaming” laptop. You would have to be a gigantic idiot with zero knowledge on what modern gaming is to fall for such a claim.", "Except the people who are selling those stuff are not telling what generation CPU it is. I saw several ads telling 8th generation i7 below with no dedicated GPU \"gaming\" laptop" ], [ "I don't use TikTok but based on the stuff creators are promoting on YouTube it's pretty bad everywhere\nbomb power supplies\noverpriced trash\netc etc", "Yep same on tiktok but I think it's even worse. Promoting literal e-waste with that annoying ass voice and smug accent" ], [ "i5 i5 bagus bagus, turns out it is gen 1 i5? and the wow 16gb ddr3 ram? lol", "No shit I saw a vid saying that acer nitro 5 has 84 gb of ram lmao. I immediately called out their bullshit" ], [ "As a millennial myself with a computer engineering background, I started to avoid answering computer illiterate person about why their laptop/PC/smartphone is too slow for gaming. I'll just tell them to go and buy the most expensive device they can afford. If the games is still lagging, that's mean you are just too poor to afford a gaming device.", "That's a very nice and simple way to put it. I'll be using your answer as well but of course without the mention of poor part hahaha", "then they go buy macbook XD" ], [ "Not just Malays la. I was actually quite surprised as well. I thought in this age these new gen would be somewhat literate regarding tech. Boy was I wrong. Type keyboard guna dua jari telunjuk. Words & excel x payah cerita la. I mean. Don't they teach all these in school? I remember started to learn all this in primary school. Sudah abolished ka?", "No, it is never abolished, its just idiots being idiots" ], [ "A lot of people don't know how to google. I think half of our problem can be solved easily if people know how to use their phone effectively lol. Heck I think significant of my time can be reduced if my clients know how to use the internet and not just social media smh\nI own a printing store so I deal with a lot of printing stuff and I'd say 80% of my customer don't even know how to send thing through whatsapp. Also the amount of people who SCREENSHOT THE IMAGES FROM THEIR GALLERY AND SEND IT TO ME instead of just sending that goddamn original images is so damn high then they got pissed when the img is so blur", "Googling the right thing is definitely a whole separate skill. There should be a whole free course on how to properly use Google", "Well I agree, googling the right thing (niche thing I suppose) def need skill. But googling in general shouldn't be too hard like what do you mean you don't know how to find \"contoh surat rasmi buka akaun bank\" 😭", "You're right about that ain't gonna lie. There's even ChatGPT now to make it easier although giving the right prompts itself is also another whole separate skill 😭😭 Not a W situation at all hahaha", "Googling isn't hard, it just not the default behaviour anymore. I've noticed that more and more people prefer to be fed information rather than seeking it out themselves.\nIt's not that Googling is hard, it's just it doesn't even cross their minds to do it." ], [ "I have a computer store and I was surprised that many customers came to me asking if Chromebook available. Most just look at price rather than spec😓", "Yeah but you gotta take their budget into consideration. A lot of people can't afford a 1000+ laptop for work ya know", "welllllll its like that for many things really ahahaha malaysian right? ahahahaha. me imma spec person. but price.... well price is price ahahahaha gotta lower my expectations XD", "Or stock the actual decent Chromebook from Joi, Acer, Asus, etc instead of out of support Chromebook from years ago." ], [ "Hey there, currently in the United States. The same thing can be said for more \"rural\" areas, advertisement targets lower-income and technology-illiterate individuals. even worse is the credit payment plan, since America loves credit. A cheap 300-dollar laptop can cost 1000 with interest." ], [ "Yeah especially when they say chromebook is good. like bruh no🤦‍♂️get a refurbished laptop instead its far better", "Nothing wrongs with Chromebook if all the user need to do is browse facebook or watch youtube and some light typing on googles docs.\nVery good battery life and relatively secure." ], [ "Scrolled very long in Malay gaming scene and out of the many videos I only saw two honest creators smh.", "Please share who the two honest content creators are, they definitely need more love from us." ], [ "r u sure they dunno bout the specs\nim more astonished of the prices", "Yep. Saw one claimed acer nitro 5 has 84 gb of ram lmao", "84GB of RAM??? Gahdamn bro they tryna do server stuff for NASA bro", "plot twist: 84GB DDR ram." ], [ "GAMING PC MURAH BOLEH MAIN PUBG , DOTA2.\nSPEC : 2nd Gen i5 + GT730.\nTechnically can play PUBG and Dota 2 at 14fps at 720p..", "Then they sell it for 2000 lol", "14 fps?? 💀💀😭😭", "dota 2 maybe not, since when my friend forced me to play dota 2, with my current Minecraft server PC(i3 4170 GT720) I can run DOTA 2 at 120fps", "Benda ni boleh buatkan orang kena gelak kaw-kaw dah...", "Im surprised they still even have those in stock" ], [ "Thats why Malaysia is syurga scammer.", "a prc supplier once admitted as much to me" ], [ "I am guilty. I have zero knowledge of computers.", "That's what google is for my dude. Just search up linus laptop buying guide and learn from there. Oh and avoid the malay speaking side at all cost cuz most of them are shills", "Go to buildapc before buying anything!" ], [ "Those are mostly kampung people who are less likely to be technologically literate.", "Yeah I know. Really sad to see tbh cuz they are getting scammed hard" ], [ "It's norm wait till you join pc group and just to watch drama unfold." ], [ "If anyone here is looking for a gaming laptop and can at least understand English, I recommend this youtuber called Jarrod's Tech. He helped me in my decision to get my gaming laptop and so far I'm very happy with my purchase.", "or go to places like r/laptops", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/laptops using the top posts of the year!\n#1: Got drunk and puked on my Lenovo Ideapad gaming 3, is there any way to clean under the keys or could any professionals do it? | 371 comments\n#2: i added an extra heatsink to this poor laptop. | 148 comments\n#3: Is this bad | 162 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub" ], [ "can you share those tiktok acc? would love to expose them", "Search up gaming laptop on tiktok and you'll find plenty" ], [ "Can play Dota2, cannot play Minecraft" ], [ "Business opportunities selling refurbished business or office laptop that just decommissioned." ], [ "People nowadays do not bother to Google and do any basic research before buying anything. Surprisingly from my circle of friends this goes the same with degree graduates." ], [ "I know a ton of people that put their Wifi router in a cabinet somewhere, or behind their TV, and yet blame TM for shitty connections." ], [ "Honestly, I myself had lost track of todays gaming tech. I was a gamer back in the days, and my knowledge in pc can be considered advanced. But nowadays, im totally lost. In terms of OS and softwares, I am still up to date a bit, but in terms of hardware.... nope. My knowledge are more towards phones now.\nWhen buying a pc or laptop, i just find my friend who is knowledgeable in this, tell him what i want to do, my budget, and then he will list down the specs that meets my needs.\nI dont even remember the graphic card used for my son pc. Hahahaha" ], [ "Malaysian in a nutshell:\n\"Oh they have a lot of following so everything they say must be true!\"\n\"HOLY SHIT MURAH GILA!\" *proceeds to buy without even look at the products components\nKesah lak murah ke tak, asalkan ada perkataan \"gaming\". Same thing \"gaming\" chairs. For god sakes most of them aren't even good for your back." ], [ "We are NOT yet a first world country and many people in Mlysia are not ICT expert,please be real", "Yeah I know. But at the very least they have the knowledge of googling what this and that is. Instead, they just blindly believe what this random person on the internet is saying", "Maybe they are dumb, truly dumb" ], [ "There's a seafood/durian Chinese guy who's selling used Chromebooks as \"Gaming laptop\". So it's not a racial thing. Generally, many tech illiterate people are in the country." ], [ "I don’t play games. So I just buy a M3 MacBook Pro and upgraded the ram to 16GB." ], [ "As a millennial, I see a profit opportunity. If that's what the consumer wants, its what the market will provide.", "Sounds like market ripe for disruption for people who can tell the truth. Whether the good pc is affordable or not i dont know lah.", "good acceptable spec for me usually will range 2K+. anything below is just for school/office work n presentations n maybe for online/retail shops. doing those office stuff." ], [ "Another thing people often overlook in laptop specs is GPU wattage. There's a reason why some laptops are cheaper than their counterparts (+quality).", "I made that mistake with my previous gaming laptop. I got a Dell G3 the cheap one with GTX 1650. I didn't know the TGP was pretty low at the time. The i5-9300h was also probably bottlenecking my laptop. It was a rookie mistake. Now I moved over to the Lenovo LOQ series with my GPU having 115W TGP. No regrets." ], [ "What are their specs?", "Intel celeron should tell you everything. The other one i saw was a chromebook that can't even run the os properly", "💀\nAnd they are passing them off as gaming laptops? That's a scam.", "celeron? lol wtf", "Celeron should be banned" ], [ "most people are not interested in learning stuff outside their interest, like food folks will be ignorant to what they eat.\nit is just for some of us, interest had to be learnt the hard way when we were growing up." ], [ "I think the people who usually fall for all this stuff usually dont have the time to actually do research on the matter (too many other commitments), or they are just too trusting especially when its a source they are comfortable with (influencer, friend, uncle etc) or they are just dumb MFs. Its not just a malay thing, its a people thing." ], [ "I don't think it's just technology literacy. That might be one of the key component. But I think it strikes deeper into media literacy. Identifying scams in media, be it audio or visual or both is a general skill, the reason one would believe in conspiracy theories spread through WhatsApp is the same reason people will fall for scams like these.\nIf you have strong media literacy, you would not be as easily preyed upon by these scummy business tactic. (not impossible, just harder, and avoid the drunning kruger effect)" ], [ "I know basic computering but nothing fancy. But even as me whose not really a tech guy can see this scam is just, haih, theyre using gullible people, parents especially.\nThough, id say good for them. My parents doesnt buy me shits that easily when i was a kid, even phones are second hands that able to use basic smartphone stuff. Gotta learn the hard way id say" ], [ "It’s the consumer culture here in Malaysia. Tech is sold at less than reputable stores and there’s only one big box store and they rip you off.\nCompared to say Best Buy in the U.S., video cards, CPUs, pre made PCs are all clearly displayed and the consumer is informed.\nMalaysia doesn’t have good consumer protection laws and the general mentality is if you get ripped off then it’s your fault." ], [ "I'd say it's an intersectionality of several factors.\nMalaysians are generally penny-wise and pound-foolish. That's how so many are so easily duped into voting for the wrong parties, selecting the wrong leaders, making ill-advised spending, etc etc.\nNext, its technology literacy. For one thing, I noticed many in the malaysian population are, and might never be for the next 5 years, not ready for AI. By the time AI really runs in this country's economy and industry in full force, many might be losing their jobs. Of course, politicians might wanna prevent that from happening to save jobs, but that might just drag us further behind---as if we're not lagging already---in terms of output and production.\nthird, orang kite mentality. I've seen Malays scamming fellow malays into get rich quick schemes, saving plans, and even bogus Nabi relics exhibition. Looking at Hadi Awang is enough, another well known snake oil salesman. A lot of Malays are willing to trust a stranger just because he or she is from the same race instead of using critical thinking and analytical skills to discern truths for themselves" ], [ "I have no idea how to see how good they are. But I always ask for the specifications and compare it in game requirements test to see if can play or not.\nAlways check in game requirement test before buying." ], [ "Probably because people using certain languages usually wouldn't look at the details of those products in other languages due to lacking competency to read and understand long passage plus jargon, so these content creators took this advantage. For example, I used both Italian and Jap to search for best pc 2023, but the recommended vids to watch lesser in Italian which almost all contents come from the same creator (and you never know whether it's accurate without comparison). This can form information cocoons when ppl are unable or fewer to actively search for contents in other languages. And information cocoons are almost every part of society makes wealth from.\n<image>\nBtw I think only Eng and ch can direct more comprehensive search results...other languages..no." ], [ "genuine question from a tech illiterate:\nwhat do y'all think of those custom-built laptops like Illegear, Aftershock, Level51 etc.? Are they worth the price?", "No" ], [ "As someone who manages the IT of my department any pc/laptop with gen 8 and below is not worth it. Obviously these content scammers don’t know what they are talking about. Even in Shoppee there are seller selling gen 6 for more than rm1k" ] ]
What date is today ah?
[ "Meme Monday" ]
[ [ "For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Not sure of the format. but i geddit :29091:" ], [ "Can't wait till 3A/3April/2023A" ], [ "Peterrr helppp i dont get ittt", "Chinese word for 4 is bad luck.", "Wasnt it death?", "It is, that's why is bad luck or bad omen", "Thanks", "It is death, that'd be why in chinese hotel you will not find level 4, there are only level 3 and 3A for the 4th floor" ], [ "Drake Hotline Bling Meme", "*starts playing the Arabic remix" ], [ "Was wondering what does it mean... lampi betul hahahaha. Happy new year everyone!" ], [ "32/12/2023" ], [ "4/4/2024...", "3A/3A/2023A" ], [ "2024 babyyyy, hasta la muerte" ], [ "I hope by 203A3A, I have a kid who's finished high school with flying colors.... but I'm getting waaay ahead of myself\nAnyway, Selamat Tahun Baru, semua❤️" ], [ "curious, did the same meme ran for 2013A?" ], [ "2023A is the lawak tandas of this year NYE celebration", "it's funny" ], [ "2023 called and asked for the joke back.\nGuys, it's already stale, 4 isn't something we Chinese get fussed that much lah, 3A or 4 is just a preference. We deal with it instead of protesting and screaming agenda Yahudi.", "Haha cina scare 4:26561:", "Haha Yahudi coming to take your rights. /s", "I thought it wasn't a big deal as well until people started having level 3A and 13A in buildings. That much work is a big deal.", "You know I've seen a big tauke demand they paint a wall red because he wanted it despite ruining the facade?", "what's your point?", "Things like these are usually the decision from one fella. Tauke no like, so change.\nBut most of us can deal with it, the reason why they put 3A is because they want to make sure the 4th floor sells out. That's all.", "so people might not buy if the floor was labeled as 4th?" ], [ "lol. Happy New Year, Happy 2024 ! Let's Go !!!" ], [ "I remember joking that i will respond to a scene with a 444 patch on my arm, lets just say I got the desired reaction form my cina friends" ], [ "I gotta say, being afraid of puns is pretty much a solid reason to never judge others' beliefs." ] ]
BDS: McDonald's Malaysia has no grounds for lawsuit over boycott campaign
[ [ "Earlier discussion\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18u3h2q/gerbang_alaf_restaurants_has_requested_bds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3" ], [ "As much as I think this one is misguided, boycott is a form of free speech. Letting corporations successfully sued will set dangerous precedent.", "Boycott is fine\nTelling people \"Ini company yang menyokong Israel\" (while being factually wrong) is not.\nIn an Ideal world, courts should be saying \"okay to boycott, but if you claim something , you have to prove it\"", "The problem is that it wasn’t factually wrong.\nMcDonald’s Israel was funding the Israeli efforts by providing soldiers with food and money.\nThe issue is also American support as McDonalds US has some endorsement of Israeli activities or items which gets money funded via McDonald’s Malaysia royalties.", "4 different companies\nAlonyal ltd\nGerbang Alaf\nLionhorn Pte\nMcdonald corps\nPlease provide proof on how Gerbang Alaf money has made it's way into Alonyal ltd money\nThe issue is also American support as McDonalds US has some endorsement of Israeli activities or items which gets money funded via McDonald’s Malaysia royalties.\nYou're also free to provide proof", "Well, whoever made claims and getting sued should show their card first- BDS should show how Gerbang Alaf is funding Alonyal and how Alonyal is funding the Jewish state.\nSince Gerbang is suing, BDS should come up with evidence or they are all talks no substances", "What are you on about? I am talking about McDonald’s Israel not McDonald’s Malaysia whose royalties etc are paid to the US branch.", "Maksudnya you have no idea\nCool, thanks for confirming my initial beliefs about you", "What are you on about lmao?, I am talking about McDonald’s israel you know a regional office.\nMcDonald’s Malaysia isn’t involved in providing funds etc to Israel neither is McDonald’s US, it is McDonald’s Israel a body independent of McDonalds US.\nPeople are boycotting McDonald’s due to its perceived help with McDonald’s Israel and the fact the money is taxable to the US government fuelling potential decision in its aid to Israel.", "Freedom of speech doesn't = Freedom from consequences.\nI.e. if its defamatory.\nI'm free to say KFC is shit, that's a personal opinion and FOS.\nBut if I say KFC pays for terrorism via erotica staring their chicken, that's defamatory, and I'll be libel for it.\nPlease don't sue me KFC.", "I agree and I learnt this in my short law lesson in class for media. Freedom of speech doesn't equal to freedom from consequences when it's defamatory. Even if your claim is true and it's the truth, as long as the affected party is able to provide evidence that due to what you said affected their reputation and etc, it's defamation.", "Problem is that McDonald’s did help Israeli int the form of its regional offices and historical issues.", "Good. Then BDS has nothing to be afraid about then.\nCan seek punitive damage too.\nAnyhow I doubt this is the only thing BDS has said about for McD to start this ball rolling.", "You are correct, but I don’t get why you can’t understand when it’s the same context?\nMcDonalds Israel and some other McDonald’s - Helps Israel\nCorrect in inferring that McDonald’s in someway is supporting Israel thus a reason to boycott\nMcDonalds Malaysia - donates to Gaza\nCan be inferred that McDonald’s Malaysia in someway isn’t supporting Israel thus shouldn’t be a reason to boycott\nSo when someone (ie BDS Malaysia) make a blanket statement that we should boycott McDonald’s in Malaysia because they support Israel can be a ground of Libel. Thus them suing can be a reasonable protest to that statement.", "I am aware of that contextual however it should be asserted it is the comes down to long historical issues with McDonald’s US as well as how the cooperate body while not intending too failed to place restriction on the assistance and help towards armed forces of any nation.\nAs for Starbucks it came down to them sueing a union for Starbucks employee on their pro Palestinian statement by the US branch leading to massive boycotts and eventually Starbucks conceded.\nI am sure the people who initiated the lawsuits have probably had their careers dumped by the cooperation for the media backlash and sales drop as a whole.\nBoycotts them giving a million dollars to say they care about Palestinians could of been seen as a token offering as it took a while for the action to come out and the explanation of their issues with Israeli counterpart all leading to further leading to consumer mistrust.\nMcDonald’s has pretty shot themselves in the foot with this lawsuit as well as this is another PR disaster.\nThey will go the way Starbucks went.", "McDonald’s Malaysia are owned by the Saudis, so why no boycott other Saudis product? Again it is acceptable to boycott McDonald’s. There are no harm to it. But if you make a written statement in someway saying that McDonald’s Malaysia is supporting the Israel. They are justified in the legal action. I’m not arguing on the ethicality of it. All your reasoning are based on the ethics. Which is a different topics from what McDonald’s Malaysia is doing.\nA hungry person stole an apple a singular apple from a multibillion corporation. It is still wrong by the law but from the ethic to let him go is not wrong. But does the corporation has a legal stand to ask for compensation on the apple? Yes.", "What makes you think I don’t boycott Saudi goods as well? It’s well known the majority of the Islamic community hates the saudi government. Yemen deserved didn’t deserve what happened to it and continues ti happen to it.\nMany Muslims do boycott goods related to Saudi Arabia with exemptions made for religious aspects.", "I’m not saying you. This is not about you. This is about McDonalds Malaysia and BDS Malaysia. It’s not about the ethics. From what is given here from both sides. BDS Malaysia is in the wrong unless they provide evidence. If the evidence is\nMcDonald’s give money to Israel, thus McDonald’s is supporting Israel\nis true. Then why\nMcDonald’s Malaysia give money to Gaza, thus McDonald’s Malaysia is supporting Gaza\nis not?", "I can agree with that, I am asserting the issue is with people originally commenting McDonald’s was not doing it rather than specifying the issue about regional bodies etc.\nAlso this would be a bad PR move for McDonald’s Malaysia as a whole as it will further antagonise the community - this is not a justification against for their justified action but rather just an opinion.\nI don’t know enough about BDS McDonald’s Malaysia particular statements.\nIn Australia BDS is about reducing the funds sent to the US in a visible and semi impactful manner.\nSimilarly to BDS America.", "Making comments only from the title without reading the artical or understanding the situation is a dangerous precedent.\nMcD is suing them for defamation, the spread of false information. Not for the boycott/freedom of speech.\nFor example, If I call you a pedo and as the result you receive tons of hate comments online, live harassment and negativity impact your live. You have the right to sue me for defamation.\nAlso before the company sue someone they normally ask the person/organization/company to withdraw the statement they found wrong publicly. Chances are they refuse to say they were wrong and made a mistake. So McD is suing them.", "Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence.\nBoycott is fine, and cannot be stopped. But if someone starts lying (or claims unproven allegations), then they're potentially in trouble - libel and slander laws exist for a reason.", "BDS: Freedom of speech\nMcDonald: Freedom to sue", "Boycott is part of democracy. It's another form of voting, albeit with your wallet.", "What if the boycott is based on false information? That just becomes libel or slander at that point", "It isn’t false the issue. The issue is well known that Israel McDonald’s a regional office was involved in the findings. While local cooperations in Malaysia fund the US side of things which has had a role in McDonald’s Israel establishment and historical issues.", "Again it’s McDonald’s as a whole and McDonald’s as an entity. Terrorist organization bombing people claiming they’re Muslim (Islam). Thus that mean Muslim here in Malaysia are terrorist by association? It doesn’t. The (supposed) Islamic Terrorist is different Muslim from the Malaysian Muslim. So people can make a blanket statement that islam is a terrorist religion, it is in someway a freedom of speech, but if they write that Anon Bin Anon is an Islamic terrorist (by association) then it is libel and some other action to Anon can be also construed as a Hate Crime.", "(1) McDonald’s Israel does have the flexibility to do as it deemed but it was also due to the global body not enforcing laws and regulation as many cooperation do so.\n(2) The boycott argument is that the money is sent to America which funds the American war efforts. Reducing the amount sent and business impacts will lead to a weaker US push.\n(3) the Boycott of American products has already began impact US policy.\n(4)The argument against a cooperation and individuals are different. organisations are led in whole by a small set of influential business decision markers which is not the same of individuals or groups beyond the control the other individuals within the same structure.\n(5) I do not boycott McDonald’s because of the action of McDonald’s Israel but rather the action of the government it funds.Reduction of consumption in whole or part is better than none.", "I think the Streisand effect will make some people boycott them even longer now" ], [ "It will be tough for Gerbang Alaf to win this, because McD brand is not owned by Gerbang Alaf, they are just a franchisee.\nBDS can argue that they are targetting McD globally, and its not a defamation per se specifically to Gerbang Alaf's McD.\nBased on that, Gerbang Alaf need to provide a prima facie or proof that BDS is out to get them specifically.\nWill be a long battle at the court, Palestine dah wiped out from the map pun belum tentu settle. (unless both parties decide to settle outside of the court)" ], [ "Umm what the fuck is this I thought boycott doesn't work" ], [ "In the same line of thinking...\nIsrael uses equipment made by Boeing and Airbus for their military. So if you sit in the airlines that use Boeing and Airbus planes... you're also contributing to those company. So don't fly anywhere okay... don't fly to go for prayers... don't fly go holiday... Just sit at home. Thankfully Intel and AMD didn't come and support Israel... Wanna see what kinda boycott these jokers come up with. That would have been good. Keep them off the bloody internet.\nWanna help Palastine...do something that matters.", "In the same line of thinking...\nIsraelis breathe air. You are also breathing the same air as them. Don't breathe air then. Lets see if they can do that. I hope they do that." ], [ "You know at the end the Malays will just come back and McD will do a massive marketing to lure them. The same people who boycott won’t be doing it long." ], [ "Good job Mekdi!" ], [ "I'm going to protest American companies to show I'm against genecide. The first thing I'll do is post about it on American owned social networks using my iphone 😂😂😂", "That's called using their tools against them.", "American social media not really it’s owned paritialy by non-US cooperation.\nThe IPhone uses parts made by Arabs etc.\nIt’s a nuance thing.\nThe reality is you’re overthinking what the boycott is, it was always aimed at reducing the consumption of goods or services in products deemed optional.\nNot all cooperations work with Israel so not all cooperations are boycotted.\nThe ones that do, also would be analysis on their importance to the individual etc.\nThe majority of boycotted products are products replaceable en-mass.", "McDonald's, KFC and Starbucks, etc also have asian made or non American made parts used for their everyday operations. They also import a lot of foreign ingredients and hire a lot of non-american, and yes Muslim workers.\nAlso iphones are replaceable as are American owned social media networks.", "I am well aware. I think you’re not realising the point of a boycott, it’s to reduce the sales directly to the end seller which in short the objective of reducing the consumption.\nThe majority of the goods boycotted are basically: replaceable. Will it impact other industries sure, that’s why it puts more pressure on the cooperations.", "The point of the boycott is to not support certain american companies because they \"support\" genecide. But other companies that \"support\" genecide no need to boycott because it would be too inconvenient for the said boycotters. I'm sorry not trying to be rude, but it just seems so ironic and hilarious to me.", "To be fair you couldn’t spell genocide.\nThat aside, it achieves the aim set in motion and it is your lack of ability to think which leads to the perceived irony.", "You don't need to spell words correctly to have rational thoughts. Those who like to point out spelling mistakes usually do so because they have nothing left to say in the argument.", "I gave an argument. You failed to read or understand the point of it.\nReduction in consumption of goods that fund a government that engages in the crimes against the victim nation etc." ], [ "So if I say, \"don't eat McDonald's food, it's unhealthy and expensive\", no one bats an eye.\nBut if I say, \"don't eat McDonald's food, it's funding the Israeli government\", that's grounds for a lawsuit? What are we, Americans?", "Because the former is factually based, while the latter is not (or at the very least, not provably factual regarding McD Malaysia).\nThis is actually a strange situation - if the boycott campaign was ineffective, Gerbang Alaf would've likely ignored it, and the fact that BDS Malaysia was making... questionable claims would've been quietly ignored. That they're not is indicative that it's had some impact beyond just their reputation, and as such Gerbang Alaf is taking serious action to point out that the claims by BDS Malaysia are unsubstantiated.\nI expect that this is just the first in a multi-pronged response by them, let's see how it goes.", "Because the former is factually based, while the latter is not\nNot really sure about that, though. I mean, when you consider the stuff the mamak and kopi tiam places offer, McD's aren't that bad. Hell, I would argue (if someone would bother to pay me lol) that because of the higher premium price of McD's, you're less likely to overeat a McD cheese burger than a super oily koay teow goreng with teh tarik.\nBut when I think about it some more, I think I kinda agree with Gerbang Alaf. McDonald's is headquartered in the US, not Israel. Plus there's also the RM1 million contribution made by McD Malaysia.\nI understand the reasoning of the BDS movement, but in this particular case they boycotters picked the wrong target.", "I mean, when you consider the stuff the mamak and kopi tiam places offer, McD's aren't that bad.\nDing ding ding. That's why you don't make specificclaims unless you damn kau certain. Saying McDonald's is unhealthy is generally supported by facts, but if you start making specific claims - ie, McDonald's is the unhealthiest food in Malaysia - then you're in trouble.\nBDS Malaysia seems to have alleged that McDonald's Malaysia was either supportive or funding Israel, and that's the kind of specifity that you need to watch out for - they could've stopped at something more moderate (ie McDonald's should do more to help Palestinians) but they didn't, and are know paying a price for that.", "Not quite, some instagrammers listed examples and reason why mcd is not healthy and is not hazard and got sued and we know the drill later.\nYes they sue, just not in this big media coverage but they will sue", "Can you share the examples? I suspect that these guys made the mistake of trying to be specific, and as said elsewhere, that can screw you over if you cannot prove it.", "This is the right way to get people to lose weight" ], [ "Why doesn’t anyone boycott facebook? Iirc mark zuckerburg has Jewish blood or follows Jewish tradition in many instances." ], [ "Only on r/malaysia i see people going hard defending mcd", "I have been boycotting McDonalds months ago (I have no money)", "Me boycotting mcd bcs i dont have money but just went there yesterday to redeem my free double cheeseburger lol", "only on r/malaysia I can see this stupid comment.", "Gotta use waze/fb/instagram/apple product i guess" ], [ "BDSMalaysia" ], [ "McD Malaysia should do what Russia done, rebrand to different name , Russia McD replacement still use same supplier as original McD, same menu just rename etc" ], [ "All BDS is asking McDonald's Malaysia is to openly condemn the Israeli genocidal policies and publicly state its support for the Palestinian people. I tried to look it up and McDonald's Malaysia has not been able to release that particular press statement.\nThey can't even do that while being able to make other statements tiptoeing around it.\nhttps://bdsmalaysia.com/2023/10/15/press-statement-by-bds-malaysia-in-response-to-the-statement-by-mcdonalds-malaysia/\nLet me be clear - I hadn't boycotted them because I agreed (past tense) that their entity was different than the rest of McDonald's corp.\nHowever, this legal attack on BDS (which consequently might damage BDS effort on companies that do directly support Israel) and the fact that they have hesitated to openly condemn Israel, are sending a hint that they are not that independent after all.\nBoycott on." ] ]
Enjoy getting your "Rail Rewards."
[ "Meme Monday" ]
"The term "getting railed" is a colloquialism or slang phrase that is often used to describe (ahem-ahem) activity in which one person is engaged in vigorous or intense sexual intercourse, particularly involving penetration." (Quora; 29 Jul 2021)
[ [ "For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "This says more about you than the ad.", "I second this.", "I can't argue with this :26554:" ], [ "<image>", "rail.. my.... life?", "" ], [ "Being railed is rewarding" ], [ "I too, enjoy getting railed as a reward 😆" ] ]
Lobak PPR tenants have amassed RM1mil in rental arrears, says rep
[ "Culture" ]
Chew Seh Yong says some tenants have not paid a sen in nearly 20 years.
[ [ "The Seremban City Council has said it will seal units and tear up agreements with residents who refuse to pay.\ncity council will not gonna do this lmao. they never done anything in 20 years they wont do something new now:26554:", "If they do, it will be a political suicide lmao.", "Lol so true" ], [ "No action taken so don't need to pay lor similar to ptptn loans and iwk bill" ], [ "Hire the service of Abang-abang Ah Long, let them keep 25% of the collection. The problem will be solved in a short period of time. Hahaha...." ], [ "Give more subsidy to b40 , only choice" ], [ "Start clamping the cars. Only unclamped after dues are sufficiently paid." ], [ "It will be waived" ], [ "Damn, 20 years?" ] ]
Which Jalan/ area can easily be made more walkable?
Are there any areas, where you think cars should totally be banned, and the area should solely allow pedestrians only? I’ll start: Jonker street Melaka.
[ [ "Old town Ipoh" ] ]
The “Not your typical Ah Fook” workshop
Located in Seapark, PJ. I’m fascinated this workshop has been a regular spot for luxury sports car repair and maintenance. By chance, you could sometimes find a Ferrari or Lamborghini at the repair bay. Although the workshop exterior looks old and ordinary they are well known by folks around here for ages. Has anyone had experience visiting this workshop for a repair? What’s your feedback about this place. P.s. Both cars look like an Aston Martin. Correct me if I'm wrong. There are also 1-2 “abandoned” Bently parked outside last time but I believe they have been removed ever since the condo development (Ruby Seapark) in front.
[ [ "both cars look like an Aston Martin\nActually left is an Aston Martin, specifically the DBS. Right is a 3rd gen Bentley Continental GT. I get your confusion.\nSome workshops are like this though not everyday. I know a guy who sends his Aston all the way to Sungai Buloh just because he knew the shop owner since he was in Naza then Aston Martin KL so he knows his way around the car.", "The first pic clearly shows the difference.", "Correct. If you’re into cars, then clearly you can tell the difference between an Aston and a Bentley. I’m just pointing out to those who can’t. Considering the 3rd gen Continental is drastically different than the prev gens and Bentley took the Aston Martin DB9 and draw it on a tracing paper to design the 3rd gen Continental." ], [ "I'm quite fascinated on how these workshops can get the proper mechanics and possibly even tools to service these vehicles.", "The Best Ever Tool, The Technician.", "Sometimes workshops like this are family owned and passed down to generations. I know this one Wak in JB who worked for Cycle & Carriage in Germany and specialises in bodywork and paint before returning to Malaysia and opening up a shop here. His workshop doesn't look fancy but man, his workmanship is absolutely amazing.\nUnfortunately he moved his shop away from JB to Pontian due to his sick mother. But if there’s any major repairs and restoration, I'm definitely sending my car to him.", "For the most part it's not very different from most cars.\nThe main difference is that these cars sometimes have software that require specialty reader to do their service.", "Have you not watched Mat Armstrong on YouTube?" ], [ "Looks can be deceiving. Shop might look run-down, but the technician/mechanic inside is better than the atas workshops or even service centers that charge you twice the price for mediocre workmanship. I've experienced this before." ], [ "And in the shop row behind it you have the best duck rice", "From Penang. Picked up an M3 in KL. Stopped by for the best duck in Sunrise and happened to park here. First thought was.... Damn, this must be some fantastic workshop !! Look at all these cars!!!", "M3 ?!!Damn that's one hell of a car,M3 G80 i assume?or maybe m3 e92?", "Model 3?" ], [ "You send your luxury car to this workshop so the mechanic won't fook up your car." ], [ "There's a workshop along Jalan Kuchai Lama that looks like absolutely run down, but is one of the official certified Porsche service center in Malaysia." ], [ "Sometimes it’s all about the r/kereta workshop familiarity. Yes workshop should have clean garage. But a rundown looking workshop isn’t that bad too" ], [ "Most of these Ah Fooks worked at luxury car service centres before opening up their own. The clients who have known and trusted them from the original svc centres would \"support\" them by taking their cars to the new workshops. What more, they can get parts at cheaper prices as well, let alone labour charges." ], [ "Also dumping ground for cars that people send to fix but no money to pay for the repairs" ], [ "It's Seapark, part of old PJ. It's not really surprising, many residents there's are old money rich.\nJust swing by to Kampung Tunku beside it and you'll understand. It's called Kampung Tunku because of the many Tan Sri's and Tunkus who live / lived there." ], [ "Ah fook might be a bloody good mechanic, or better than those at the authorised service centre. If so, I 'd like to buy this Ah fook a beer." ], [ "that workshop always have sick cars, there was a 997 gt3 once when i ate at the food court behind it" ], [ "The shop beside used to be dai chow restaurant thong kee(not the cafe) 20 years ago. The best sweet sour pork ever. Sad they closed" ], [ "I get my RS4 and S6 sedan serviced in a workshop near Assunta hospital/Campbell's factory\nPlace looks just like this picture\nThey at least didn't try to swap out stuff like parking sensors and my sports differential, steal my air compressor and coin purse; unlike Audi \"Damansara\" (near Ikea) and Glenmarie, whilst my car was still under warranty\nEff those guys\nEdit: the neighbor is a paint shop, and has some of the best lauk in PJ at their cafeteria" ], [ "Why nobody mention about the opposite building(Use to be\"Ruby Theatre\")?. And as now I'm a middle age man, I realized the road is sure getting smaller around Sea Park." ], [ "Was at this same spot last month and spotted an Aston Martin\n<image>" ], [ "I’m fascinated how people find this fascinating.", "think it's more from the contrast between the luxury cars and the run down state of the mechanic workshop", "What are you expecting? Welcome to Malaysia", "typical kopitiam reply. nothing to add, only snark and edge lord comment.", "Oh my god you are so cool being edge lord in a online forum, can i suck your dick already?", "Wut?", "You sound quite experienced at that", "People who need to get out the house more often", "Look it’s a car, let’s take a photo (in Homer Simpson’s voice)" ], [ ":26555:" ], [ "Reminds me of the time we and a friend were driving down to beranang and passed by semenyih (the road with a ton of car repair shops). My friend mentioned how old one and run down of the work shops looked and looking further inside there were 2 R33s in there. Kind of gave that old school workshop vibe where looks were just bare necessities." ], [ "There's a saying, sometimes the best mechanics is the \"pomen bawah pokok\"." ], [ "This workshop is always full of luxury cars!" ], [ "Talked to the owner before they only work on luxury cars, normal cars they won't bother" ], [ "anyone has good recommended workshop for Audi?" ], [ "Some mechanics had experience in official service center, then quit to run his own service shop" ] ]
It’s started, Happy New Year everyone
[ [ "Fuck lah KNN give me back GST!!!! Stress max seeing getting taxed here and there", "I'll grab popcorn when Madanon reintroduces GST while demonizing bossku and Formula boy grabs his bald head saying it's a good thing under Madanon :26554::26554::26554:", "Anything as long as I’m not paying 10% for imported stuff since it’s GST. Inb4 10% GST", "10% GST? That puts us inline with our neighbours.\nThailand has a 10% VAT, Indonesia has 11%. Singapore has theirs set at 8%. Meanwhile we have to pay several different taxes because (frankly) scrapping GST is a rather boneheaded populist move.\nMeanwhile, ours was set at 6% and tu pun dah bising.", "Singapore GST now 9% already", "Oh it just happened apparently, takes effect today. Wiki hasn't been updated yet.", "exactly 😂", "Yeah seeing how others are now at 10+/-,\nNot surprised if GST is reintroduced but at 10% lmao", "I saw a tony pua podcast saying 6% is regressive since the cost for small owners to collect the tax is close to the tax collected, it should be more than 6% to be sustainable, but our salary cant cope with that.. And the work for checking and refund process to business owners is extremely demanding and cant be process fast enough. The sudden stop and six month tax free also destroy the government finance.\nShould just suck it up and stay with it but deep inside i think he knows it is a must for populist move." ], [ "Kind of hard to know what is the rate. Shopee doesnt display it. Or is it the displayed price readily inflated by the lvg tax.", "10%", "Yeah just check and the displayed price of all oversea item is already added with the 10% tax.", "is that really how is works? i was fiddling around in shopee last night too and couldnt understand why the LVG amount wasnt displayed even for overseas items at checkout\nnow it makes sense why the listed prices are not rounded off. would still be nice if they could give a breakdown though", "The other day bought a motherboard for rm69, today I checked the price rm75.9, the tax is added to the product in homepage alr", "i just checked out some kpop albums too. prices were RM9X.XX a day or two ago, now its all RM1XX.XX lmao", "If I knew this would happen would have bought all the things I needed earlier :(", "Same. I knew the tax was coming but didn't expect it to be this bad, thought it was a select few things and they will only list the tax at checkout rather than listing it outright everywhere.\nKinda sucks cause there's quite alot of things that can only be obtained from overseas, not to say there's a local alternative to it (like my kpop albums sigh)" ], [ "Its doesn't matter what kind tax\nOur business man\nGst? Fuck yes , raise price!\nSst ? Fuck yes , raise price!\nLower tax? Fuck yes , raise price!\nCost lowered? SORRY I CAN'T READ" ], [ "ABC, GST." ], [ "Is there product list on low value goods? Or how is it defined?", "Basically anything purchased online from overseas RM500 and below per item (not per order) excluding tobacco, liquour, and/or cigarettes. There are other conditions you can read up on sites like this", "Even from china? Because usually china item the cheapest", "Non low value goods already have tax. Basically everything is taxed, no more exceptions." ], [ "The thing is, this tax affect local sellers too. All my cart items just got the prices raised for no reason. Local sellers will also raise their price arguably because they bought their items from overseas.", "If items are imported and sold, they would already be taxed 10% duty and SST. I don’t know which idiot seller would only import 2 items and keep it “low valued” just to save a few bucks. Nothing should be changed.\nWhat you’re seeing are sellers just increasing price and blame it on LVG because consumers like you are ignorant to how LVG works.", "I don’t know which idiot seller would only import 2 items and keep it “low valued” just to save a few bucks.\nThe tax are calculated based on unit price, not bulk price. Even if you buy 6 unit of Rm100 item you’ll still be taxed 10% for each item.", "Doesn’t matter.\nNo supplier in this world will give you a deal without a sizeable MOQ to begin with.", "10% of RM100 * 6 is the same as 10% of RM600 tho", "Domino effect ….. when gov implemented something that does really go on check …. you see seller rubbing their bird hand together and said it is time for profit …..", "Wrong reason. Its because they no longer need to compete with lower oversea price, and because there is no need to offer needless discount, just raise the price match. Consumer would pick local anyway for faster shipping." ], [ "" ], [ "I checked, i think even though shopee states that, but I think their system has yet been updated which shop need to be taxed. From what I understand, only shops with 500k sales, not sure anually or monthly that is taxed. Small shops are not affected.\nSo, in theory, only big official stores are affected. But I had checked like huawei official store, price of its product remains the same. Even at checkout, no tax is added.\nLazada also same.\nSo, I think in the mean time, the taxes are not yet applied in shopee and also lazada.\nOr they count 500k sales annually in that specific platform only then applicable to be taxed. Maybe Huawei official store dont reach that amount, so not taxed. I only track a few stores but all that i tracked are not taxed. If anyone have tracked some other products from other big stores that may have 500k above sales can try check. 🤔", "Nope i checked and all the small shops oversea items also have pre applied 10%, what you see price already included with the tax. The 500k sales means they SHOULD register with LHDN for this tax(not sure for what), but regardless of sales, their item will still get tax. I saved a lot of china items before and the raised price fits the 10% amount.", "Not just LHDN, Kastam Malaysia too.. companies gotta register with Kastam", "Thank you yeah i actually meant the customs", "Big official stores like the ones you mentioned already have their items taxed since day 1. Moreover they are more than the LVG threshold of RM500.\nNothing changes for big stores, only small store peddler would get a price hike." ], [ "Shoot. Forgot about this." ], [ "Thank you madanon", "Need madanon version of this gif" ], [ "Sonofabitch" ], [ "How much %?", "Holy hell", "New tax just dropped.", "Actual audit", "10% below 500, 30% above 500, that 30% not mention because its old rate and thus can use excuse \"we only add 10% tax on item below 500 to protect local brick and mortar traders\":26554:" ], [ "Ah AliExpress has put on the 10% tax too 😭" ], [ "Looking at the comments, I feel a little relief after binging overseas items last night at the very last minute\nMeanwhile, I am targeting a cheap laptop from a local seller, which I saw suddenly today jacked up price more than 20% than yesterday, like WTF?", "I did just that but couldn’t finish buying everything 🤣🤣🤣" ], [ "Tax the poor eh, we should start uprising" ], [ "What website is that ?", "Shopee" ], [ "Man,there goes my hope of buying a new phone.", "A new phone is not a low value good below rm 500", "Unless the new phone is under RM500, it doesn't count." ], [ "How much?" ], [ "So what are defined as LVGs? Do they provide that information to us or are we supposed to do our own homework?" ], [ "How is all this going to affect my gunpla shopping?" ], [ "this is for the item from outside only right? pls be right" ], [ "Can explain? What it is?" ] ]
Just now at kelana jaya
Anyone know what's this
[ [ "<image>\nsome fire near nxp", "Ohw I thought someone having early new year celebrations", "just fire, no work…", "badum~", "New years Bon fire ….. semangat satu Malaysia", "You took that picture yourself? Those buildings kinda look like the PPR near Sunway Setia Jaya", "yeah" ], [ "Yes we get it. You vape.", "Bro has the mouth of a sperm whale", "Dude be flexing his vape skill fr fr" ], [ "gender reveal, malay version", "Pronouns are Black?", "Nig/ga", "congratulations it's a fire!", "Chinese version would be white smoke from incense sticks?", "Sunat, yes?" ], [ "Thought it was some dude practising smoking/puffing tricks.", "Have to say that's a mighty impressive smoke ring!", "Someone is vaping, fire hazard style" ], [ "It's that blue caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland" ], [ "Red indians smoke signal", "Translation: send nudes", "No, send dudes... bro in a fight" ], [ "M. A. K. K. O. H. I. J. A. U.\n... I don't get the code." ], [ "Admiral Kuznetsov" ], [ "Snoop Dogg spotted" ], [ "Its a Native American smoke signal." ], [ "Looks like a transformer explosion smoke? Probably from a tnb power distribution." ], [ "<image>" ], [ "Looks like a transformer explosion?" ], [ "That's a save point. Dont disturb the game's character please" ], [ "OP can cross post to r/BeAmazed" ], [ "sekolah menengah bathroom:" ], [ "Seems like they haven't chosen a new Pope yet" ], [ "Hembusan naga yang sebenar" ], [ "something exploded" ], [ "High skilled Vaper" ], [ "" ], [ "Smoke signal" ], [ "A Barrier is forming... Is this another Shibuya???" ], [ "Kelana jaya incident" ], [ "just passed it. smoke getting bigger and darker." ], [ "U F O" ], [ "VAPE NATION" ], [ "Giant Vape" ], [ "Is that a prison?" ], [ "A rift in space and time" ], [ "I asked for fireworks on NYE… not a literally fire…" ], [ ":26554:" ], [ "A Garganta." ], [ "awal main recall\"" ], [ "Bro flexing with his vaype" ], [ "KL fire, penang fire." ], [ "Sorry i was vaping m(_ _)m" ], [ "A UFO but in smoke" ], [ "Someone finish their phone credit, need use smoke signal" ], [ "jokes aside. ives seen a few videos like this not in Malaysia. can anyone explain what causes this phenom?" ], [ "Attack of the titan. Smoking pot." ], [ "I saw that too from Bangsar South" ], [ "Sending signals...." ], [ "monster vape" ], [ "vape naish y'all" ], [ "A new pope has been elected." ], [ "Holy fire" ], [ "Didn't know we had American Indians here." ], [ "Transformer letting out all the magic smoke." ], [ "someone vaping laa" ], [ "Damn his vaping is so damn good that bro can exhale a smoke signal." ], [ "Actually passed by this, it was a fire at one of the factories." ], [ "The world is coming to an end as we know it" ], [ "Nah it’s just Homelander grappling with some kind of stomach issue." ] ]
Kapten Malaysia from 1980s
[ "Mildly interesting" ]
[ [ "Heh\nColek" ], [ "Is 70 sen considered cheap back then?\nThere’s a siri komik nasional?", "my mom say yes" ], [ "" ], [ "Wow, didn't know that we had a Captain Malaysia haha" ], [ "I love how the title have nothing to do with the picture" ], [ "Why is the coverpage showing a lady in baju ketat yg tak senonoh??? Must ban the komik before our innocent remaja get their hands on this komik. 😉😉Rosak minda diorang, tau? 😉" ], [ "Ibrahim Hamid was most definitely tweaking when he made this." ], [ "I've heard of Captain Boleh but not Captain Malaysia." ], [ ">Saya percaya Allah itu satu dan dan tiada Tuhan melainkan dia\n>Aku tak suka pembuli, tak kisah dari mana\n>Mu kecek molek sikit\n>Dia member aku" ] ]
Making mistakes in the new year? Ernest Ng has gotchu back
[ "Meme Monday" ]
[ [ "For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Sos" ], [ "Aiyyaaaa why u gotta speak like uncle roger la and put your manglish in written format haiiyAaaa", "" ] ]
Happy new (tax) year everyone.
[ "Meme Monday" ]
[ [ "For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "baik kasi balik 6% gst", "Anwar will add the 6% on top of the current sst and lvg" ], [ "so is it LGV or LVG? lol", "Low Value Goods", "yeah LVG makes more sense, i am just picking on the spelling mistake in the picture lol", "The Customs Department uses LVG, so it’s probably that." ], [ "It mentions that items \"brought\" into malaysia, so if its merchants who dropship from outside of malaysia, they get taxed, but products who locally ship within malaysia are exempt from the 10% tax?", "Yeah, pretty much that. The rule is just extension to the current import tax for purchases from overseas, just with items under RM500 included now.", "So as long as the online merchant's I buy from ship within Malaysia, I won't get penalized with the 10% tax id it's below rm 500." ], [ "I find it kinda weird when it's being \"demonized\" as increasing the cost, not being considerate of the B40s etc etc. But, the fact is just that they're removing the threshold exemption on import duty for goods below RM500.\nBuy from a local producer/distributor, done. I guess now importers would do things in bulk, which may be a good thing since buying in bulk would usually give you bulk discount. But, this could also give a reason for sellers to up the price for the \"risk premium\" too.\nI guess, bad marketing?", "Its because generally sellers will raise price instead.\nIf you locally price your item at RM3 and foreign equivalent items went from RM3.50 to RM 3.85, you know the market can bear a RM0.50 difference, so you will raise your price to RM3.35. Still 50 sens lower. Your net profit may literally double from this.\nNot everyone will do it... But generally this will happen or atleast is perceived to happen.", "correct me i am wrong but isn't the main reason people buy foreign equivalent items because it's more cheaper? Wouldn't saying foreign equivalent items went from RM2.50 to RM 3.10 would be more accurate as the purpose is to give local supplier the advantage. But if local supplier took the opportunity to raise it to rm 3.30-3.50 instead just seem counterproductive." ], [ "How can they find out if you buy from overseas ?" ], [ "Tax is for the benefits of the country. Don't complain. Expect less potholes/religious agendas/racism this year /s", "Yes, Tax helps to benefit the country... IF AND ONLY IF they are actually used for the country.", "affordable education/health services ?" ], [ "Got problem?" ], [ "Inilah Malaysia Madani. Rakyat susah", "Ini untuk barang import.", "Yeap kita tak perlu risau, pada tahun 2379 kelak Malaysia akan menjadi hab penghalisan and pemprosesan barangan terutama di dunia. Kita tidak perlu lagi bergantung dengan barangan dari negara luar. Wawasan Madanon 2420 :29091::29091::29091:" ], [ "Please don't complain guys, you'll see how reforms will benefit us in the long run. Give or take 70-80 years. By then our currency will be higher than SGD (Singapura sudah tenggelam bawah laut) :26554::26554::26554:\nYay, let us pay more taxes :29091::29091::29091::29091:" ], [ "So you made 41k in sale this month then?" ], [ "Does it get charged upon payment check out? Anyone know how it is implemented?", "From the items in my cart that I remember, the 10% is already added to the displayed price. This is true for both Lazada and Shopee. A lot of them are more than 10% too ;_;" ] ]
RPK: Money can’t buy lawyers so Tun M, Daim and Muhyiddin may have to fight their battle without legal assistance
[ [ "This old man still making up random stories? He used to be an Anwar d1ckrider during the reformasi days." ], [ "Isnt it mahathir who challenge anwar to get him?\nHe is just answering the challenge, isn’t he?" ], [ "\"Attorney-General (AG) has advised the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) that the manner in which action was taken against Daim and Dr Mahathir is both unlawful and went against the Federal Constitution. “But they (MACC and PDRM) have been instructed by Anwar (Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) that action has to be taken against the trio by hook or by crook,” Police and MACC used as political tools to silence political opponents/enemies?? 😆", "You missed the most important part in your quote above:\nInterestingly, the Manchester, UK-based RPK claimed that the Attorney-General (AG) has advised the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) that the manner in which action was taken against Daim and Dr Mahathir is both unlawful and went against the Federal Constitution.\n“But they (MACC and PDRM) have been instructed by Anwar (Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim) that action has to be taken against the trio by hook or by crook,” asserted RPK.\nJust a reminder also that RPK is the very definition of yellow journalism, and that the article is entirely comprised of unsupported claims and allegations by him.", "RPK already completely lost his credibility since 1MDB days. We can just treat his words as total crap." ] ]
Report: MACC to summon ex-PM, principal private secretary this week for questioning
[ [ "Jeng Jeng Jeng ! ex- PM duringcovid-19 from east coast. Ismail Sabri 🤣 So PMX continues vendetta against all those against him 😁" ] ]
How do i start a hobby/model kit/TCG shop?
Just considering an option if my company bites the dust in the future. It lost a lot of revenue last year. I am also aware it might not be the most lucritive of businesses but i am curious none the less. What people do i contact for supplies? Will i need permits? Are there other things i'll need get?
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 01 January 2024
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: 2024 resolution: Walking away from my bank account I’m getting rid of all the negative things in my life
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Why is malaysia’s reddit so dead?" ], [ "Hey quick question, my trans girlfriend is coming to visit me in Australia, and is doing a layover at KLIA. She's got the right gender markers on her passport and looks amazing, but she's worried about being harassed by security. She'll only really be there for 6 hours and won't do much apart from use the toilets and maybe shower.\nCould anyone give reassuring advice?\nI wanted to make this an actual post but it got deleted by mods." ], [ "Great start for the new year.\nMy selipar just got stolen at the self service laundry." ], [ "My new year's wish this 2024 is to get 30 followers on twitter, even if i rarely post my own tweets, mostly just retweets and likes, i would still be grateful for that." ], [ "I want to gift my sis with a cheap espresso machine with frothing wand under RM200 just for her to play around before dropping big bucks for a legit one. Can anyone suggest some brands on shopee/lazada?", "Gemilai CRM2008" ], [ "Got a call from Digi cos I wanna switch to Maxis. Current plan with them is Rm40 no 5G and 30GB data. Maxis Rm79 160GB data with 5G and very stable at my area.\nAfter trying to convince me and failed, they just hang up the call without saying anything. So that's how telcos are when you terminate them?\nAnyways, Happy New Years nyets! Hope 2024 will treat all of us with more kindness." ], [ "Happy new year" ], [ "Welcome to 2024!\nThe year which will produce a large increase in motorcyclists on the road.\nWonders of expensive petrol" ], [ "This year my resolution is to stop buying gunpla\nCoz I'm gonna dive into miniature hobby after I clear my current backlog", "MG Narrtive ver ka tho" ], [ "Happy 2024 nyets!" ], [ "Combed my hair to see more gray hair. Alhamdulillah.\nI am surprised I made it to this age, to be honest. Never thought I'd live past 20 when I was in my teens.\nDeath is coming for us all, whether we like it or not. It's not a rare tragedy that will only come for the unfortunate.\nIdeally, I want to die in my 90s as a cult commune founder, after living a long healthy life, and successfully breeding a few generations of my own ubermensch. But if I die in the near future as plain Jane (plain Joyah?) who never accomplished much and peaked in primary school, that's okay too.", "forever 17\nI'd live past 20\n🤔", "My age exists in a wave function, not a linear function." ], [ "just asking is how to apply driving license in Malaysia if I already have obtain a driver's license in another country.", "https://www.paulhypepage.my/foreign-driving-license-conversion-in-malaysia/#toc_Converting_Your_Foreign_Driving_License_in_Malaysia" ] ]
AKB48 announces a new sister idol group based in Malaysia, KLP48
[ "Entertainment" ]
[ [ "YOASOBI announces new sister group in Malaysia: YOUSOHAI", "YOABABI works too" ], [ "They knew our \"Mak kau hijau!\" meme." ], [ "Counting down until PAS and the fun police come frothing at the mouth with pitchforks\nMark my words", "\"This promotes fun and therefore is bad.\" -PAS", "\"Girl exposed skin bad!\"\nBut\nquietly masturbating furiously" ], [ "BNK 48 & JKT 48: Welcome." ], [ "Potential Lyrics:\n[Chorus]\nSohai Cibai Pukimak\nAnjing Lanjiao Putang ina mo\nBobo Babi Mak kau hijao\nBangsat Duma Ka ni na\n-edit\nReference.", "Now then, this is poetry.", "" ], [ "Wow, malaysia variety of group48. interesting" ], [ "They have sister groups overseas?" ], [ "What languages they sing ?", "Japanese in the Sohai Dialect" ], [ "KLP48 is gonna be a hit in malaysia\nIts business of \"scouting the prettiest talentless girls you can ever hope to find\" fits very well with the local industry" ] ]
High-profile court cases to look out for in 2024
[ [ "I thought the stalker case would be critical since he is the first person to be charged under the law, but no, it was just a byline under the Paul Yong rape case.\nThe stalker trial will set a precedent for subsequent stalkers in Malaysia. Too low a punishment and it fails to be a deterrent." ], [ "Very good read actually, thank you for sharing OP!" ] ]
Four new deaths, 50% surge in Covid-19 variant infections in S’wak
[ "COVID-19" ]
[ [ "Mask up, people." ] ]
9 Malaysian business & industry trends we predict will take off in 2024
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread for 01 January 2024
[ "Geopolitical Megathread" ]
r/Malaysia geopolitics containment megathread This thread is for all news and discussion on Malaysian geopolitics - primarily the current Israel-Palestine conflict. Please post links and discussion posts as root level comments below! Ground rules: To keep things civil, personal attacks, flaming and/or bigotry will result in a ban. Also, throwaways are not welcome: you must be >3 months old and have >30 karma to participate. Rationale: Why we have set this up This thread is sorted by New, and will be refreshed every day!
happy new year
bottom text
[ [ "Happy 2023A" ], [ "Happy new year, hope it will be better but be ready for worse" ] ]
New Year’s Eve plan?
Let’s talk about how y’all spending NY eve. I used to love celebrating it in another country pre-pandemic. And now, I’m just gonna Netflix and chill 🥹
[ [ "" ], [ "Us lonely people stay at home with our best friend, computer", "Alone but not lonely! 😆 pretty sure some of us also have chosen to stay home", "Same here OP! Ordered in some food and gonna find a good flick to watch ☺️", "Nice! I’ve been on Netflix documentaries marathon since afternoon 😂" ], [ "Imagine myself outside with a bunch of friends counting down…..\nI’m just at home with my dog watching some tv shows. No GF no besties to spend it with.", "Spending it with yer dog also very nice ah!", "Thank you :D! Happy New Year and may 2024 be a wickedly awesome year for you my friend.\nI hope 2024 turns out to be better than 2023 for me personally." ], [ "Finishing Red Dead Redemption 2", "Good luck champ. Best game for me" ], [ "Going to gym to be the first person who bench 100kg in 2024.", "TeamNoSleep" ], [ "Making my newborn baby sleep and hope he does not woke up due to fireworks lol", "Aw haha! Funny my friend says shes gonna stay home too so that her cats wouldn’t freak out bcuz of the fireworks 🥹" ], [ "I'm literally in front of my computer reading manga while scrolling on Reddit. Maybe I'll do some diamond painting later" ], [ "Game, work tomorrow.", "Are you in the retail or service industry? 😊", "Retail" ], [ "Bro, I need to submit FYP before 12am. 😔. Guess I just pretend to enjoy doing my Final year project only lor", "Broooo so last min ah u haha!" ], [ "Shooting the fireworks... By myself.", "Broooo", "Shot the fireworks... By myself." ], [ "I'm actually so bored I started working lmao.", "😭😭😭 anything but work" ], [ "plan?" ], [ "Sleep at home" ], [ "You mean you netflix and chill or you NETFLIX AND CHILL?", "In literal sense only 😝" ], [ "Sleep. Tomorrow still had to work bro:26559:", "😿brooo" ], [ "netflix, wandering inside my own head and just live another day like the usual", "It really is just another day ☺️", "i’d like to believe that new year is just a state of mind, you can have new year everyday as long as you keep that mindset because after all we’re our own universe" ], [ "Wish all of you a prosperous and happy new year 2024. That's my plan." ], [ "Just outside of my house with stray cats while watching people playing fireworks and also playing Mobile Legends." ], [ "watched Pendatang movie with burger ayam double cheese special at home. syok apaaa" ], [ "Sitting on my bed. Came to my room 2023. Leaving for 2024" ], [ "Gonna stay at home, reflect on some life lessons learnt in 2023 and hopefully not make the same mistakes on 2024. Then keep my cats company so they don’t get scared by the fireworks.\nHappy new year everyone 😊" ], [ "sleep" ], [ "PLAY BALDUR GATE 3" ], [ "Booked an Airbnb near TRX, chill with some friends" ], [ "Open up Animal Crossing New Horizons, docked it on the TV, celebrate the New Year's Eve with my wife (who is playing the game too), and those animal villagers that I have." ], [ "Netflix and chill because im so done with people" ], [ "Play lethal company\nFUN" ], [ "Gonna sleep through it cause 1/1 is not a holiday in Johor 😆", "Say what?", "Yup, not all states have 1/1 as public holiday.", "🥹" ], [ "I thought the fire works were cancelled because of Gayyyzaaaa." ], [ "All NYE events were cancelled for solidarity with Palestine and flood victims.", "Not true. There are countdown concerts at TRX & Sunway Velocity 🙃🙂", "Waiting for comments commenting about the countdown concerts being insensitive", "This is why I’m in Bangkok watching scantily clad girls prance about on stage while waiting for fireworks.", "Happy for you", "If only Malaysia would dedicate Langkawi to scantily clad dancing girls. 😂" ], [ "work", "💪🏽" ], [ "Trying to finish a book.", "That’s nice, I could only manage 1-2 pages before i pass out 😂" ], [ "nice great view directly at KL center in my room, thats good enough for fireworks this year, usually go out with friends but not this year, bit lazy", "Nice! I’m very very lazy too lol" ], [ "Need plan?" ], [ "Dinner at The Traveling Duck then Goldfinger movie. With family & partner. Just nice.", "Niceeee!" ], [ "I'm old. I plan on being asleep by 10pm.", "I would want to sleep earlier if i can lol" ], [ "Working till 11pm and tidur. Never celebrate this.", "I like the idea that New Year gives a sense of fresh beginning 😊That said, I prefer to ‘celebrate’ Jan 1st." ], [ "I'm sitting on the couch and questioning my whole year of 2023. Kinda anxious to start my new year.", "Treat it as a great opportunity to start things anew and with hope 😊" ], [ "As I get older, staying at home is the best.", "Word." ], [ "My post Covid joint pain and lethargy ensures I don't go anywhere", "Ahhh, hope u feel better soon!" ], [ "Netflix and karaoke at home with the fam", "Karaoke, that’s cute! Haha" ], [ "Cry myself to sleep", "Nooooo 😭" ], [ "Comforting all my dogs and cats coz fireworks 😭", "😭😭😭😭" ], [ "Celebrating NY in game." ], [ "Watch anime, play games, jerk off, etc. Same old same old." ], [ "I kena covid for 3 times, 2 times on end of december and I'm quarantine in my room now. I wish I got to celebrate new year eve outside next year.", "Aw, you will be by end of next year! Speedy recovery to you!" ], [ "As someone live and work in JB “you guys celebrate New Year’s Eve?”", "Honestly didn’t know that 😕" ], [ "Cutie coming over to Netflix and chill ^", "🥳" ], [ "Usually house parties. This year decided to go to Langkawi - randomly", "I like this random plan heh" ], [ "stay at home, watch letsplay horror vids on youtube. i just don't want to get into an accident and die while celebrating new years lol", "Brooo 🥲😂", "it's true haha. there's bound to be accidents and deaths this new year!" ], [ "McD & YouTube for me" ], [ "When young, go out watch fireworks with my dog. Now that he has passed away, i just stay home lay in bed and checkout on shopee at midnight to save rm5" ], [ "Reading a book and then stuffing 12 grapes in my mouth before 12.01am then back to reading my book." ], [ "Alone, gaming, sleep" ], [ "Apply kerja 😢", "Hey Happy New Year and all the best to you! I will also have to start applying haha" ], [ "I was celebrating with my vtuber waifus. The hololive event was amazing." ], [ "Need to be giga Chad to the gym\nIs what my resolution every years" ], [ "Watching firewoks from home" ], [ "Nothing, more playing games, drink some cocoa\nPlanning to doodle some more OC stuff" ], [ "Well I was sad to hear KLCC wouldn't have a fireworks show so would've gone there. Still enough fireworks are the house :D" ], [ "i stayed at home and play state of decay 2" ], [ "Finished Hogwarts Legacy.\nI feel more satisfaction than go out count down and stuck at Highway for more than 1 hour" ] ]
International student coming to malaysia soon. Is MSU university any good(business foundation/finance).
As the title suggests i'll be an international(from sudan) student soon in KL. I was wondering if MSU was a good college since i dont find many people talking about it or should i find other options??? Also any tips for an international student would be amazing. I speak arabic as my first language and pretty fluent in english.
[ [ "No, not really. I have only heard bad things from my friends." ] ]
Penang to give priority to mega projects in 2024
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
Chief minister Chow Kon Yeow is confident Silicon Island will replicate the success of the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone, which brought economic renewal to Penang 50 years ago.
Happy 2024 Nyets! 🥳
[ "Culture" ]
If we work in non government sector, will PADU system detect our salary?
[ [ "From what i understand from this. You are supposed to update it. So probably no", "Good 😂😂😂😂 I doesn't gov get our personal info 😂", "Gov don't know your name? XD", "Unless you never pay taxes, the government already know you income anyway." ], [ "I heard it will IF you have filed your incum tax. So when i check it out on Jan 2 I expect to see all my details - up to and including my Covid jabs.\nOf course, if it doesn't crash 1st :26554:", "I think it will not crash as it's didn't give you any money to update,😂😂😂😂😂" ], [ "Reject this PADU aka Digital ID dictator bullshit.\nIt is as if the only solution to fuel subsidy is to give up our privacy and get the people of Malaysia further segmented, first by race, now by income.\nHow are they going to further divide us? They can use PADU as a SSO for webservices, and rat out who are critical of them online.\nAnd boom you lose all sort of subsidies.", "Yes, I think I don't want to update the info. This is terrible", "Sadly many monyet in this sub has Govern-Me-Harder mentality." ], [ "You don't pay income tax or have EPF?", "😂😂😂😂😂 terrible 😔" ], [ "https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/amp/category/nation/2022/11/08/invoke-staff-will-get-shares-when-company-is-listed-says-rafizi/" ] ]
PAS lists out DAP’s top 10 “venomous narrative” throughout 2023
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "Summoning the GOAT /u/jwteoh ...", "jwteoh! jwteoh! jwteoh!", "lmao, new year new me, imma pass the torch to you guys, please save it so you can copy paste it next time." ], [ "PAS ending the year/ starting the new year by introducing 10 fitnahs.", "It's cool how you started and ended your sentence with the same word." ], [ "Anything PAS" ], [ "Below is a chronological list of some of DAP’s domineering struggles throughout 2023 which would have ‘cross swords’ with PAS so to speak:\nThe then DAP Selangor state EXCO Datuk Teng Chang Kim behaved barbarically by linking liquor issue to prayers (January 2023).\nThe then Penang deputy chief minister II Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy questioned the dominance of the Malays in the public service (February 2023).\nFormer DAP publicity secretary Tony Pua claimed that Malaysia no longer needs Malay political parties (June 2023).\nDAP tried to fan racial sentiment by politicising the Kota Bahru Municipal Council’s compound on a boutique owner whose staff was fined for wearing shorts in the latter’s business premises (June 2023).\nDAP chairman Lim Guan Eng made a 3R (race, religion and royalty) slanderous speech claiming a ‘green wave’ will destroy Chinese temples and that non-Muslims will face various sanctions if PAS were to win the Penang state election (July 2023).\nDAP Ipoh Timor MP Howard Lee Chuan How committed misinterpretation of Quranic verses by urging Muslims to support the unity government (September 2023).\nDAP vice-chairman Nga Kor Ming condemned the costumes of Hamas fighters that were worn by school pupils in conjunction with the Palestinian Solidarity Week while urging the relevant authorities to take action (October 2023).\nDAP veteran leader Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang displays his chauvinist attitude by raising the issue of the Federal Constitution allowing non-Malays to be a Malaysian Prime Minister (November 2023).\nDAP Federal Territory chairman Tan Kok Wai pushing for the unity government to conduct local authority elections in Kuala Lumpur (December 2023).\nDAP Beruas MP Ngeh Koo Ham proposed the appointment of non-Muslims to sit in the special committee formed by the Federal Government to study the Syariah law (December 2023)." ], [ "Couple months later, \"Gong Xi Fa Cai\" wishes from PAS." ], [ "This is no longer Parti Islam. Should rename as Parti Melayu Sr-Malaysia, PMS." ], [ "who have neglected their Islamic values and would even consider their fellow Malays to be racist for defending the Malay race or Islam\nYes, all these are very islamic and not racist in nature, Zurk Ahmad must have his head so far up Hadi's ass\nHadi: Other races are challenging Muslim's political power: https://www.nst.com.my/news/politics/2023/08/939467/voting-mandatory-if-other-races-are-challenging-muslims-political-power\nHadi: Non-Muslims must be grateful for ‘being given a place’ here, should just let Malays continue leading country: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/06/07/hadi-non-muslims-must-be-grateful-for-being-given-a-place-here-should-just-let-malays-continue-leading-country/73042\nHadi: Only Islam can rule, others must be 'pak turut': https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/357628\nPAS politicians insinuated that their rivals are the enemies of Allah: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2023/06/27/pas-man-says-sorry-after-calling-on-allah-to-defend-kedah-from-enemies-video/76640\nMuhyiddin claimed Christians of being in cahoots with a group of Jews to “Christianise” Malaysia: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/11/19/muhyiddin-in-hot-water\nDr. M: Parties led by non-Malays are 'parti pendatang': https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/09/04/dr-m-calls-parties-led-by-non-malays-039parti-pendatang039\nNon muslim woman fined for wearing shorts in Kelantan: https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/non-muslim-malaysian-woman-fined-for-wearing-shorts-in-kelantan\nNon muslim unisex salon ban + closure: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2022/12/856735/terengganu-govt-enforce-unisex-hair-salon-ban-warns-offenders-fines\nNon muslims are the root of corruption https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2022/08/20/pas-hadi-claims-non-muslims-non-bumiputera-make-up-the-bulk-of-roots-of-corruption/\nPAS/Zul Zuhaimy: Mahu sembelih orang bukan Islam: https://www.utusan.com.my/nasional/2022/11/mahu-sembelih-orang-bukan-islam-zul-huzaimy-mohon-maaf/\nPN: May 13 rhetoric election propaganda: https://www.thevibes.com/articles/news/78211/netizens-raise-alarm-over-may-13-hate-content-posted-on-tiktok\nHadi: Malaysia has to be ruled by muslims: https://buletinonlines.net/v7/index.php/malaysia-mesti-dipimpin-oleh-melayu-islam/\nSanusi demolished colonial era legally built Hindu temples and label critics 'drunk on toddy': https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2020/12/03/lfl-slams-kedah-mbs-heavy-handed-defence-of-temple-demolition/ https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/553910\nPAS: Nurse's clothing too tight: https://www.malaysiadateline.com/dakwa-pakaian-nurse-ketat-mp-pas-kena-sekolah-dengan-presiden-persatuan-jururawat/\nPAS: No concerts because they promote hedonism: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/08/25/pas-urges-govt-to-cancel-all-upcoming-foreign-artist-concerts\nPN: The Malay Proclamation: https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/2023/05/1096600/proklamasi-orang-melayu-kini-dapat-sokongan-pemimpin-pas-bersatu-dan\nAmar (PAS): Not having tap water is not a big deal. Villagers know how to dig their own wells: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/08/08/kelantan-villagers-know-how-to-dig-their-own-wells-says-amar/\nNik Abduh (PAS): Citizens should pray instead of requesting/begging for help: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2021/06/29/pas-mp-dismisses-white-flag-campaign-says-better-to-pray/\nPS: Omitted a few non 3R articles.", "Next time any PAS BS: u/jwteoh i choose you!" ], [ "And how many \"venomous narrative\" has PAS said throughout 2023?\nNurses' uniform\n\"Sepupu Lim Kuan Yew\"\nCalling non-muslim voters as ingrate\nJust off the top of my head." ], [ "Lame" ], [ "" ], [ "Attacking DAP makes no sense because DAP is not fighting with PAS in election" ], [ "Top 10 like the most minor stuff lol. Where is PAS list for this year", "I'll be watching, no worries" ], [ "Case of the pot calling the kettle black" ] ]
New Year
Happy New Year To all That's here. May you year be properous . Take care
Question about trains in Malaysia
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hello everyone it‘s my first time as a tourist in Malaysia, what a beautiful country! I‘m travelling with the wife and my cousin and his wife also. I have a question about trains: I booked a train from Ipoh to KL and it says „Platinum“ on the booking page. I also wanted to book a train from Penang to Ipoh but all the seats were booked already. Question is, is „Platinum“ a passenger class or is it a term for the whole train? I would really like to go to Ipoh by train. So is there a standard class that I can always just walk in or only reserved seats with „Platinum“? Is Grab a viable option if there are no trains available? Do the drivers even go so far? We want to have a quick way because we don‘t want to spent much time in transportation. We are 4 persons. Appreciate any help of you guys! And sorry if this question was answered before.
[ [ "Let me answer as a frequent ETS traveller. Because the other doesn't seem accurate in information. The Platinum class is actually the whole train, the class just means how many stops the train will go.\nPlatinum is the one with the least stops, which is the most \"express\". Gold will stop at more stations, with Silver stopping at the most. Platinum trains also have first class seats, at extra cost from standard Platinum, which are bigger with staff serving food (food is not free I think, never tried it). Gold trains don't have class separation in seats.\nFor Penang, there's only 1 Gold train a day and as you guessed for it being cheaper it is always full. Usually you'll need to book 2 weeks in advance. Platinum is usually possible to get tickets 1 - 2 days before or even on the same day except during peak travel seasons.\nI have never seen Silver trains, maybe they only exist on other lines or to other destinations.", "ETS Silver only exist on Ipoh-KL section, hence why you haven't seen it" ], [ "Platinum is a class, you could walk in and ask but that depends on luck (often booked)", "Thank you!" ], [ "There are Silver, Gold and Platinum with Platinum being the most expensive. It's a class term.\nYou can reserve all 3 types online, but if you only see Platinum, I'm guessing the other 2 types are sold out or just not available. What you see on the website should be more or less the same as tickets available at the counter.\nAs for Grab, it depends on your luck. What about taking buses to Ipoh?", "We looked up the busses but they did not fit in our schedule that well. Thank you so much for explaining!", "Please dodge the buses unless you're really tight on cash they're a horror with scheduling and breakdowns", "We will dodge them, budget is not the issue, we just all like trains very much. We‘ll try our luck at the train station and otherwise get a grab/teksi", "Alright safe travels!!" ], [ "If you're gonna take a train from Penang, go to Penang Sentral at Butterworth. Take a KTM Komuter train from there all the way to Ipoh since it's the final stop for the train. No booking required just like you're taking a commuter type of train. I suggest you to download the KTMB Mobile app from the app store so you can check the train schedule from there." ], [ "From what I understand the main difference between platinum and gold is the train is pretty much direct to ipoh with almost no stops whereas gold has some stops in between.", "There's actually 7 stops on ETS Platinum between Ipoh and KL - Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Kampar, Tg Malim, Sg Buloh, KL (Old Station), KL Sentral" ] ]
Smoke earlier today first time seeing this
Saw this earlier today from my condo and was damn shocked. Heard it was a transformer explosion or sorts
[ [ "Barbecue" ], [ "So….no pope yet… /s" ] ]
Yeahh! 12:00am rn. Happy new year, 新年快乐, Selamat Tahun Baru.
[ "Wholesome" ]
[ [ "Woih cina, happy 2023A /s" ] ]
Malaysia Government has been caught using AI art and ChatGPT to develop the PADU website 😂😂😂
In response to this, they have removed the countdown timer this afternoon 😂
[ [ "There's nothing wrong tbh, just a landing page", "Could've used official government illustrations/graphics or commissioned an artist to draw up the landing page instead of using AI. Plus there's graphic designers that work in almost every Bahagian Korporat of ministries – use them", "And what make you so sure that it wasn’t the graphic designers that work in almost every bahagian korporat of ministries that used AI for the art?", "Ikr, random uncle at ministry couldnt come up with good ai art, still need an artist to prompt, filter, choose, pick, edit a good art.", "it's a bit like the IT \"what do we even pay you for\" meme.", "Good point if not what's the purpose of cramming so many offspring in the govt. flats so that they can work in the civil service.", "Ive realised that lots of Immigration department staff uses Gmail as well. Over here in Australia, they have their own email domains. Really odd.", "Well if the contractor gets paid….\nSee where I’m going here?", "If even the landing site is done in this manner, I wouldn't be surprised the rest of the codes behind PADU, aka our National Digital ID are mostly templates provided from another company of a foreign country.\nBe mindful that the rest of the world are also currently developing \"their own\" Digital ID for their country, and it will most likely be linked together among nations mainly for CBDC. Here's a map from Atlantic Council.\n<image>\nRafizi boasted PADU is 100% in-house, but is it really true? If they just use some template provided by some foreign entity, it will be even worst than just data leak to scammers, it would be a national security issue.\nIt will be easy for some foreign entity to use that data to inject specific messages to their target demographic to instigate mass protest, topple government etc.\nAnd CBDC will have its own host of issue as mentioned in this article by FMT.", "That is an opinion piece from a writer that isn’t very economically inclined, nor has any public policy experience. His other rather wonky articles (I recall one on promoting crypto iirc) show this.\nIt would be extremely stupid for backend codes to be pulled from a third country - if you look at how other similar national infrastructure has been set up - such as payments/ RPP/ RENTAS etc, you will find that these systems are usually built in house by govt or quasi-govt utilities (bc of liability issues or statutory limitations). It is more likely than not that this template will be followed, and I would be more surprised if codes were indeed copied from third countries.", "His other rather wonky articles (I recall one on promoting crypto iirc) show this.\nsurprise surprise cryptobro hates CBDC.", "PADU is not MyDID though it will use the latter.", "our current politicians are basically WEF puppets. They are trying to turn our country into a surveillance state like China.", "I would think the monyets in this sub will be able to figure this out by now, and think of the ways PADU can be weaponised against the people.\nYou and I are the minority, but in Facebook we have more people calling out on the totalitarian aspect of PADU." ], [ "The art might be created using AI but there's no indication in the screenshot that it's made with chatGPT. Who knows if they write it themselves or copied the code somewhere.\nBut the code is quite awful:\nvar everywhere\ninnerHTML for containing numbers+string is also bad. The numbers should've been converted to string before concatenated.\nFor clarification, i don't blame them if their boss ask for a countdown timer script at the last minute.", "nothing wrong with using var. Not every browser is ES6 compliant.\ngomen websites should cater to as much people as possible.", "ES6 is 8 years old now.\nlet is widely available in major browsers: https://caniuse.com/let\nFor really old browsers we can use polyfill.", "Don't underestimate the amount of boomers still using IE. There's a reason why even Singapore government websites still support that browser.\nand polyfills cannot magically convert let/const to var. What you're looking for is a transpiler. And even if they are using a transpiler, the end result would look like what we're looking at here now." ], [ "More context please?\nUhh, what's exactly wrong with the countdown timer? and so what if it is by ChatGPT?\nWhy reinvent the wheel when we developers source common algorithms from StackOverflow/ChatGPT and improve our productivity?", "Ya. More context like how much did they pay for this.", "There's nothing wrong with using ChatGPT, but directly copying and pasting content from ChatGPT without reviewing and editing, they even include original comments, indicates a lack of prior programming knowledge or skills. Remember, first impression is important.\nMoreover, this website will handle highly sensitive citizen data such as ID numbers, names, addresses, etc. How can we ensure the rest of the site will be able to store these information securely? :26554:", "Nothing wrong with their code comments. Simple & straight to the point.", "Imagine removing code comments just because u dont want it to look like chatgpt code and come back later having no clue wtf code is doing 💀", "imagining reviewing code without comments", "but directly copying and pasting content from ChatGPT without reviewing and editing, they even include original comments, indicates a lack of prior programming knowledge or skills\nDoesn't even matter mate. It's a countdown timer, it's not a critical module. They can rip off from any source as long as it works.\nRemember, first impression is important.\nNo, the front end UI/UX is the one that's important and not the F12 inspect element. No common user will ever care about code comments. Seriously.\nMoreover, this website will handle highly sensitive citizen data such as ID numbers, names, addresses, etc. How can we ensure the rest of the site will be able to store these information securely?\nJust because some countdown timer in the front end got \"exposed\" to be amateurish doesn't mean it'll pose a security issue. Until there's actual proof that these mentioned critical modules that handles personal/financial data are developed by copy pasting ChatGPT codes, we'll cross the bridge when we get there.\nSource: I'm a Systems Architect/Programmer and I definitely know what I'm talking about.", "I agree with you boss.\nPeople like this contribute nothing.", "That’s what I thought. There’s nothing actually wrong using a freely available tool to code a simple module. I can’t even see the problem with the countdown timer lolz", "Do you still shit on wikipedia for \"not having authentic\" sources?", "Brother it’s a countdown timer, even I used gpt for it just due to laziness", "They prefer to have a human counting them down, they will then call it great job for the hard work", "That's why you have code review/VAPT. If you copy problematic code, a reviewer should flag it out before it's approved and merged to master" ], [ "I did my internship in a software development company few months ago and developers had start using ChatGPT to assist them in coding but mostly for inspection and finding out mistakes", "pretty much faster than googling but need doublecheck .. can't simply c&p .. the purist said : \"we need create our own code\" .. I say total bs. how much time waste just create a fully function website also debugging. my company already turn to GitHub copilot for faster man-days. more time on developer to do other thing tho", "This lol.\nAin’t being a smart and good programmer all about finding the fastest ways to finish the task lol. Writing code from scratch is great if you got the talent and skill but it’s even better if you have the talent to know what to copy paste and know that it will work and save lots of time etc.", "if you are beginner, yeah you need to write from scratch bcs you need to understand what the functions do .. i even force my new junior not rely on chatgpt.. in the long way you need to be efficient with your time.. i didn't have whole day to write a code.. i got another stuff to do .. like browsing reddit /s .. having copilot can make my day more efficient." ], [ "Most programmers have been using it now, otherwise how to get future jobs requiring 2 years min experience in AI tools??\nMore important is whether this system, processes, integrations and gov policies can work well to achieve its intended outcomes." ], [ "It's normal to use github copilot to develop websites or do any sorts of programming nowadays." ], [ "Are you a programmer or developer? Because majority of developers nowadays do use ChatGPT to assist in code writing.\nYou're a making a sensational post out of fucking nothing especially on a non-critical trivial module/feature of the site.\nI know this because I recently did the same for my Java Assignment as a ICT Diploma Holder.", "As a software developer currently working in the industry, I would be genuinely surprised if any big companies do not have code assist software for the software engineers.", "My developers are actively encouraged to use it. If they’re not, then they are not being fully productive.", "i work for a bank and we don't use it for security reasons.\ngomens should have the same concerns as well.", "You're a making a sensational post out of fucking nothing especially on a non-critical trivial module/feature of the site.\nBecause empty cans make the most noise." ], [ "whats wrong using AI that will definitely replace something in the future.... better start now than being left behind later.... only criticism, plz do QC." ], [ "?????? there is nothing wrong here.\ntf are people bitching about", "twittard and maybe OP wantes gov to hire 'local' graphic designer.\napalah, use AI pun salah", "Anti-AI art sentiments leaching into other uses of AI. Now anything remotely AI is bad. Code with AI? You're now in the same category as AI art. 🤦" ], [ "Bro really expects the government to create the countdown algorithm within their own language that runs on their own engine that built within their own specialized browser" ], [ "Looks like a countdown timer code. Theres absolutely zero issue with using ChatGPT code. If it works properly, then its good. Your point for this post?" ], [ "Bro, stop inventing new wheels; just use tools that have already been developed.\nI don't see any issue here.", "They are a couple issues: a lot of art generation ai programs have been caught illegally using thousands of artist art as datasets and at time generates the actual image made by the original artist themselves.\nMidjourney for example is facing massive lawsuits for illegally using data sets without permission en masses.", "This is a problem the companies developing the Gen AI tools need to be transparent about and deal with. As a user, there is nothing wrong using it. If you are planning to hold your ethical ground, it only positions yourself in a more vulnerable position compared to others who chose to use it (ie more efficient workflow at a cheaper price)." ], [ "as someone who currently learning to code, I leave so many comments in my code because if I want to debug, refresh my memory on wtf I am doing before, or help co-workers/future employees understand it. nothing wrong with that, it's just good practice. I feel like this is also like standard thing to do. also for this kind of stuff just use dateFns" ], [ "efficient." ], [ "Chatgpt please write Rancangan Malaysia ke-13 💀💀💀", "Bina kereta terbang Malaysia", "Please correct grammar mistakes in our Perlembagaan 👽", "ChatGPT : shit not even i can fix your country" ], [ "Menjimatkan perbelanjaan negara. Respek kerajaan madani" ], [ "Work smart. Not hard." ], [ "There is nothing wrong with using available resources" ], [ "They seriously on vanilla JS?", "I made a meme of you.\n<image>\nDisclaimer: I have a computer science degree but know nothing about web development or programming.", "Nooo, i i need overbloated js framework to make a simple countdown", "They seriously on vanilla JS\nSubcon > subcon > subcon > some poor intern", "Govt say PADU is developed in-house. No contractors.", "Damn, now that's new.", "Thats how they manage to do it in 6 months", "they claimed this one fully penjawat awams work", "Then ChatGPT", "well vanilla JS is the best tool for this simple landing page", "Correct, sometimes simple problems just need simple tools.", "TIL", "Vanilla JS is best and timeless when done right.", "Tbf that's only true after ES5 became mainstream.\nPrior to that jQuery is the GOAT.", "What’s wrong with vanilla js? What would you have used?", "could be a transpiler, we'll never know." ], [ "whats PADU website about? as in what form of financial management specifically?", "Digital ID" ], [ "AI is a tool, nothing wrong from using it." ], [ "I don't necessarily think that the comments in the code is an proof of code generation software but rather a possibility. The engineer might just have the habit to comment their code, although I think this comment is Abit unnecessary since it's very obvious what the code is doing to other engineers." ], [ "For programmer doenst matter chatgpt or what. We all copy paste from stackoverflow anyways" ], [ "There was no AI in the JavaScript code. Y’all be tricking non devs. Lol" ], [ "This is one of the \"I am tech savvy and know some coding knowledge but not professional enough but I still judge like I know what I am talking about\" ey?" ], [ "See what they paid the contractor lah. They want to pay less and save money, then the contractor don't do custom work." ], [ "just another day in twitterjaya\nterpaling cari something for engagement\ni mean your web development project already using framework, youre insane to built from scratch with the limited resources and time at your disposal. might as well use AI to optimise whats necessary. people bayar you janji site function.\nnot limited to comp science. graphic designers already experimenting with text to image tools." ], [ "AI is meant to improve productivity. What’s wrong with that? As long as the content within is vetted and accurate to their message/ purpose." ], [ "Copying and pasting codes from Stackoverflow. Okay.\nCopying and pasting codes from ChatGPT that trains a lot of it's stuff from Stackoverflow. Nooooo.\nSeriously dude, apart from the AI generated images, there seems to be nothing wrong with the code. And if the comments actually helps any programmer going through the codes later, then what is the issue here? So yeah, the comments looks generated, so what?\nA lot of companies do provide their developers to Copilot and other AI tool nowadays. It's mainly used for starting and you still have to refine, a lot, and test, a lot." ], [ "Does anyone not use AI at work nowadays? If I see someone doing it old school I think twice about promoting them, they probably can't adapt to the present era." ], [ "What's wrong with using AI Art here? It's just simple landing page background which can be some generic Malaysia themed picture. In my opinion it is in situations like this where AI art should be used." ], [ "Bro act like using GPT is a crime in programming like bruh ppl been using it for a while now. It's a matter of how you utilize it I bet most ppl don't just prompt \"Please write me a code for gov website\" then c&p and hope for the best." ], [ "Seeing the lowest common denominators here thinking there’s nothing wrong with AI art really demonstrates the lack of comprehension on the matter, and in worst cases, a lack of empathy and appreciation for the arts and artists, both local and abroad. Fuckin shame on the lot of you lah. Cibai betul.", "is the art used stolen? if no, why does it matter?", "Gen AI art by definition is stolen art because even its initial dataset relies on scraped content from all across the internet, including art made by artists local and abroad who have not given their consent to have their work used as such and not given any share of profits or royalties. If that doesn’t bother you, keep in mind that LAION, one of the primary datasets used by things like Midjourney, have deadass been found to use child abuse photos in their training\nhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/12/20/ai-child-pornography-abuse-photos-laion/", "Your initial argument is not strong (put aside the child porn aspect). All art is additive and incremental. If you were to get a human artist to draw the skyline of Malaysia I doubt they are going to come up with a totally unique art style that has never been done before. So what's the difference between an AI doing it and a human artist? You aren't gonna question the human artist about what sources he has pulled from are you?", "Seeth harder" ], [ "Haha…Ez money for the kabel IT company", "Who's gonna tell him?" ], [ "That stupid looking ai generated background. these fucks got paid to use ai. probably img2img real art too. Dumbass probably copy pasted prompts too. Are we out of real artist in this country? Why go with AI? I think any fresh graduate can do better. You don't even have to pay them much.\n<image>", "We already have local artists who practically specialise in making paintings like these like Loka Made, and yet wanna use AI art like the lazy fat fucks that they are. Did they even notice the broken-up flag on the left? Normies are normies lah but holy fuck blind also can see the mistakes, artifacting and all around weaponized retardation slathered across this drivel. Absolutely fucking embarrassing.", "", "You know the government is lazy when they don't even bother to draw their own flag correctly", "Kan? Like bro, it’s the first thing that caught my eye cos it looks like a ripped-up flag. And they want that on a gov website??", "This AI generated is quite ok\nI disagree. And you want an actual artist who can produce 100x better quality to touch up some AI generated image? It will take more effort to fix it than to create it from scratch.", "What I meant was artist can refer to AI (but better don’t la) and redraw the whole thing to enhance and correct the small small mistakes. Still I’m agree your point that just don’t malas and draw it by human, especially government have more resources than we do and they should be an example to promote Malaysian style creative talent work. 🇲🇾\nIf I might wrong, I am truly apologize to you.", "This is so true... There are so many talented artists in MY and they decided to use AI", "Where the hell did the promptard brigade come from to downvote you to hell on this, and what are they implying? That local artists and talents are not worth paying for an official piece of art representing the country and its people? People wanna complain about brain drain, then don’t wanna acknowledge local talent being hired and paid for fair work. Fuck off lah." ], [ "the same website that we will collectively use to update our financial data was developed by chat gpt?:26554:", "This makes you think twice about giving your data to the government." ], [ "nothing wrong tbh. as long as they just didn't copy paste directly...its all good." ], [ "What's wrong with using AI? Is it working as intended?" ], [ "Yes sure why not" ], [ "More AI cringe" ], [ "This is normal. Just a skeleton block of code" ], [ "As an artist, i love knowing my country barely cares about us enough to hire an actual human /s" ], [ "Uhhh how is this a problem???" ], [ "I have NO idea what I'm looking at. But kudos, I suppose? XDDD" ], [ "Wow, the replies in reddit and twitter are both so different it amuses me.", "what's on twitter?" ], [ "So? Before ChatGPT a lot of programmers just copy and paste code from Stackoverflow lol." ], [ "Nothing wrong or is it wrong? 🤔 It’s a widely available tool so just use it. I’m kinda happy in knowing inside the government some people are still reliable and competent hahaha. Not all just makan gaji buta" ], [ "Senang dan cepat oi" ], [ "Kementerian apa?" ] ]
/r/malaysia daily random discussion and quick questions thread for 02 January 2024
This is r/malaysia's official daily random discussion and quick questions thread. Don't be shy! Share your joys, frustrations, random thoughts and questions. Anything and everything is welcome. Apa tanda si pinang kelat, Bila dimakan terasa malan, Apa tanda orang beradat, Bila Monyets berdebat dengan sopan. Dad joke: When's the worst time to have a heart attack? During a game of charades.
[ [ "Minor announcements:\nmonyet.cc: Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! (why?)\nSPM Megathread: Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more!\nMental health wiki: A list of mental health services in Malaysia\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "Sitting here at the car service centre and waiting for my car to be serviced, I started contemplating my life. Every major decision that I have made that leads to where I am right now,\nI wonder what I will become if I make a different choice. The 'what if' question keeps lingering in my mind, compels me to imagine what kind of life the 'other' me are living in if he chooses the other choice. What kind of job is he doing? Did he get married early? Where will he be living right now should he decide to get adventurous? Most importantly will he be more happy with his life?\nWhile typing these message , I reach out to the free kopi that I got from the counter. It tastes bitter as hell..." ], [ "Went to Genting the week before new year. Should've just made it a day trip or something but my sister booked two nights. I thought maybe it was an opportunity to check out Skyworlds even if I had to deal with a terrible crowd, but instead it was a terrible fog and rain. Didn't bother going Skyworlds cause most of the rides probably not operating in that kind of weather.\nSkytropolis and Sky Avenue were kinda boring and depressing, not too different from going to any other mall. Found an arcade after wandering around all the way to Genting Grand, but it was pretty lousy. I really miss the old indoor theme park of the 90s genting. I really wonder where all those old arcade machines ended up. Some collector's place? Distributed to random ass malls? In some landfill? I remember finding a Star Gladiators sequel back then. Also all those old lightgun games and stupid ticket earning games. But well, arcades have been on a decline for a while already, even when I was in Tokyo in November the arcade places didn't seem that happening.", "genting arcade is not as good as they used to be. they are more like an afterthought, as those ring tossing and dart throwing and duck scooping games are much more lucretive. too bad the vr park closed down. the remaining vr attraction sucks. skytropolis is fine enough for kids. personally im mroe interested with attractions in ripley's believe it or not. havent give those a try." ], [ "Anyone able to register PADU ? Been trying for the past 1hr :26563:.", "No. I'm stuck at OTP.", "Same 😂", "are u using celcom?" ], [ "I recovered last month for flu and cough for the year end only to start my first day at work with fever and a runny nose 🥲" ], [ "Starting with a problem at works, such a nice way to start new year" ], [ "Trying to register PADU but didn't receive the OTP on time. haiya. Have been trying since 2pm" ], [ "Wow Tuesday noon in DT and only 69 comments (ayyyy)\nIs this a DT specific thing, a sub specific thing or a reddit specific thing? Back when I was more active here we would have hit the three figure mark by now.", "It's a DT specific thing. Why?\nBecause Reddit decided yet again to make unnecessary changes a year ago, which resulted in pinned posts being automatically collapsed within a community after a redditor made two visits to that community. Needless to say, this massively affects the visibility of pinned post.\nOur traffic stats show that the number of subscribers/visitors have returned to pre 3rd party app debacle.", "I think the numbers went down a lot ever since the 3rd party thing came about from reddit. Which is a shame, back during covid it would have easily been three figures like you said", "At one point we were consistently hitting 800 comments during MCO. A shame indeed.\nhardly recognise all the names here except for the resident one or two.", "Quick, share ketiak pic to garner attention.", "After u became inactive, DT no longer meriah huhu" ], [ "I'm going to try watching Pride and Prejudice later today after being... influenced. Should I go for the modern one with keira knightley or the older one with colin firth?", "1995 BBC version with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle! This is hands down the best adaptation of P&P." ], [ "Can I opt out of padu? I'm b40 and I don't trust this government (under any party) with my data. Since as long as I can remember, data leaks happen every year and they haven't done a thing about it.", "actually me too, no confidence on goverment's competency to safeguard my data regardless of who's at the helm, I'll delay register until absolutely necessary" ], [ "Anyone travelled to Japan recently? Any idea of costs of travel recently? Thinking of bringing the kids in 2024, thinking whether 30-40k enough for a family of 4 for about 7-10 days" ], [ "Got invited to an indian colleague’s wedding this march! This is my first and would like to know how much is usually the ‘ang pow’ money for the newly weds? TIA!" ], [ "New job confirmed I'd be working there but only gives offer letter after I start working there. While still having my current job.", "A bit sus but not out of the ordinary. My first job was like that, I only received the offer letter on the first day.\n2nd company onwards, I received the offer letter before joining.", "no offer letter no job.", "Big sus there. Should get official offer letter well before starting your new job" ], [ "I found a ring in his bedroom. I was not snooping. Nope. The ring was not his size.\nI talked about our impending separation and that upset him. Instead of going to sleep like a normal person, he held me in his arms in the dark. When I woke up in the morning, he resumed the conversation and confronted me, asking why I believe I have to let him go. Apparently he didn't sleep at all and was just rumminating over my words.\nI said I wouldn't and just left the apartment.\nKinda confused but I have an exam tomorrow so it's a good excuse to not dwell on this." ], [ "if there is an MCU superhero power i would want it would be ant man\ni can buy a small condo and feel like i own a bangaloo", "really? not ironman? rich af? not doctor strange? ability to turn back time, open portal, or like, scarlet witch? literally create alternate realities?", "I'd like time-freezing powers please." ], [ "<image>\nWhat does this mean guys ? Its RHB Now and i want to bank-in money", "Repeat monthly payment on set date.", "It means do you want to set up that particular payment as monthly payment;\nevery month same day transfer same amount to that particular account", "So its more like credit card installment but with flexible date?\nSo in case, i should check daily recurring then? But the date to end it max 3 days, cant set it to the same day i make payment.", "err, that's too much information to rely on random reddit user.\nI don't know too much about the details of your payment, so I'll refrain from commenting further. Much better if you actually ask someone you know offline or the bank's office." ], [ "Hey guys, just a quick one. My sister recently lost her Myve's spare key. It's the NFC type one. Is it possible to just clone the original key and keep it for spare key because an original replacement would cost Rm900. Thxx for the help", "You need to report the lost key or if your car ever gets stolen your insurance can dismiss your case.", "Thxx for the advice. Will get her to make the police report ASAP" ], [ "I find it funny I spend more time on Reddit at work on weekdays compared to when I'm at home or over the weekends.", "You should also berak on work, so you are paid to berak.:26554:", "The wise man poop on company time", "boss make a dollar i make a dime\nThat's why I browse reddit on company time", "isnt that the only time we are allowed to reddit??", "Same" ], [ "Can Waze fail to detect AES and alert you beforehand? I noticed while driving southbound on the NSE, passing by several AES locations, that some didn't appear in the app. Could it be that the AES units were offline?\nPreviously, the app would typically display AES locations a few kilometers before reaching them, providing an alert. However, it seems that this feature hasn't been working as reliably lately.", "much easier to pay attention to the yellow AES sign on the highway, the camera is setup after the third yellow AES sign", "Are these new AES location? Waze might not have been udpated yet.\nI still find roughly memorizing the AES location is better than relying on Waze. Also there are those large yellow \"Zon Operasi Kamera\" signboards 3 times before the actual camera.", "yep this. also the green signs for Zon Operasi Kamera are old AES that are no longer in use." ], [ "What time is the PADU launching?", "12.30 - 1pm\nhttps://twitter.com/EkonomiMalaysia/status/1741833916720500747\nhttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/GCw53RybkAAqt64?format=jpg&name=large\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24BphCOdC7M", "Thanks!" ], [ "prime minister controlled by shamans\nopposition leader get stabbed in the neck\nman politic at what we thought a first world country was wild", "prime minister controlled by shamans\nkorea is like kdrama max" ], [ "Jan 2nd and i already broke my ny resolution -.-", "What was it 😂", "No kepoh… but I’m a curious cat 😔", "Is the kepoh worth it though?", "Not even… double regretti spaghetti 😔", "Very much a friend's episode where Chandler traded Ross's taco story for a shitty one 😂", "ross’s taco story\nshitty\nWas that intentional 😂", ":pika-haha:" ], [ "I think we should go Thorium guys\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U434Sy9BGf8" ], [ "Selipar Adidas kena rembat semalam. Now just wear Asadi. Sad.", "Never spend more than rm20 for slippers.", "even asadi cost more than rm20 now" ], [ "2024 is the year I turn 30.\nTook stock of my life, and I think I'm doing okay. I have a job I love (though extremely difficult at times), been happily married for coming up to 6 years, and we're doing okay financially. Some aspects can be improved upon, but it is what it is." ], [ "Need help with my monitor please😭\n<image>\nAs you can see in the picture, when I scroll down and up, the white invincible thing is gone, but after a while it's back especially when I am watching videos. It's really affecting my watching experience. Does anyone know how to solve this issue or have the same problem as me?", "Check your settings if you have some sort of auto brightness / emulated HDR on ..\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fCH1bxS0wg&ab_channel=Britec09\nIt could also be settings on the monitor itself.", "From /r/monitors\n<image>", "Here's a sneak peek of /r/Monitors using the top posts of the year!\n#1: Once you go OLED, you never go back. | 303 comments\n#2: RTINGS issues statement on Dough Spectrum QHD 280hz | 91 comments\n#3: Decisions were made... | 35 comments\nI'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact | Info | Opt-out | GitHub" ], [ "I swear, my arms are more vascular irl. Somehow taking the picture kinda \"smooths\" it out.\nFirst working day of the year and I already woke up late for work lol." ], [ "Is walking path from Hang Tuah station to Merdeka MRT sheltered?", "It used to be partially sheltered - there was coverings along Jalan Hang Jebat for pedestrians but it wasn't all the way.\nI'm not sure about the situation now with the construction of the Merdeka 118 tower.", "pretty sure it's not. plaza rakyat to merdeka is tho" ], [ "So it's 2nd Jan and I'm curious about PADU\n..... and the website doesn't load lol", "Sorry but what’s the PADU about? Just saw some tweets but still isn’t very clear what’s it about", "Data centralisation for a better targeted subsidy", "The portal will only be brought online after the launch ceremony this afternoon.", "Would we even be able to access the website as there would be a lot of people trying to register?", "That would probably be a seperate issue. Personally, I’d wait till tonight/this weekend to check out the system. There’s no particular rush to update at this point of time." ], [ "Anyone know how to handle bedbugs? I want to seek professional help, but everyone in my house is refusing to face the reality of it My father refuse to seek professional and instead spray paint thinner and pesticides on every surface imaginable, including table and bed. My mother refused to even entertain the idea of bedbugs and just complaints of my father complaint.", "Diatomaceous earth - 100% guaranteed will work. Some bedbugs have built up resistance against pesticides so that will not work.", "This lol, My apartment was covered in DE for a month. You want to use the nuclear option, you have to commit.\nNo bed bugs anymore.", "DIY bedbug spray using natural ingredients is less hazardous and smells nicer.\nSpread out a smelly blanket over the bed and put flypaper traps under it.\nSeal the mattress inside an airtight mattress protector for 1 month+, then all you need to deal with are the bedbugs hiding in the bed frames and pillows.\nMove the bed away from the walls or furniture. If it has legs, use this. Replace baby powder with diatomaceous earth.\nI got rid of my bedbug problem the hard way; catching one bug at a time whenever I feel a bite.", "Thanks for the tips, but I need to deal with my narcissistic father who think his chemical can solve everything and my mother who actively want to keep the bedbugs first.", "Btw, my mother got bitten by bedbugs too but she say she rather keep them than doing anything if it causes suffering to my father. I'm not gonna see the bug gone soon" ], [ "Sometimes I am pissed off at the fact that I am sane and sound when I am not manic. I am sane, and I remember the insane and dysfunctional shit I did. Which brings me shame and guilt. 😬 Yay. 😬 How fun. 😬\nAh, every person has a burden in their life or something. At least I'm not being bombed by missiles and snipers. I'm just a crazy person in a stable country. 😁", "It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me,\nEverybody agrees, everybody agreesssss 🐍🐍🐍", "Why do I have a conscience. It's not fun having a conscience.\nWhy can't I commit to being a crazy clown full-time." ] ]
Needs further investigation
Today i spotted a female beggar around KLCC with her child. Shocked bc i saw her sit her kid upright then push him back down repeatedly in a way that may or may not cause brain damage. Or they could be just playing, i can't tell but it certainly is a little suspicious. If any of you see her around, then probably pay some attention so we can figure out if the authorities should get involved.
[ [ "Look I am a cold hearted mf who won't give a single cent to even charity BUT\nSmartphones aren't that rare or hard to come by, but then again I know their prolly leeches who use other kindness to live off of and looks kinda high spec phone for \" beggers\"." ], [ "Used to have so many of these purportedly Rohingya beggars around Ampang Point area but lately their numbers have declined quite significantly. Then just as I thought at long last the problem has been tackled professionally by the authorities they suddenly resurface in numbers in and around KLCC. Saw a bunch of their kids begging from one cafe to another inside the mall last Saturday.", "there are many of them on roads near traffic lights too. kids are walking in the middle of the road with no spacial awareness and knock your window when the light turns red" ], [ "thats why I never give them a single cent ever" ], [ "She is texting their group \"harini manyakk buley itu malaysia punya orang sanad sanad baik kasi itu wang, ayuh lipak cafe itu petang aaa\"" ], [ "she got a smartphone...wow", "A phone is ubiquitous and necessary. That’s not the issue here", "It is an issue, there are cheap phones like what old people still use. The one she use looks new one probably bought using the donation money", "Theres a super cheap touch screen newer looking smart phones too" ], [ "Not Malaysian. And to think our border patrol is SOOOOO weak of taking care our border. No forward thinking or continuous improvement." ], [ "Dude, most phones these days are smart phones.. whats the problem?", "Read the description it aint about the phone." ], [ "She has an iPhone 15 pro", "I doubt that. Curved screen, should be an Android." ], [ "a black person? this is typical MO. children are used to raise pity & they blatantly deceive peeps (e.g. lipat tangan, balut/ bandage tapi expose siku, supaya nampak macam disabled). best to report em 💯 idk the right channels though", "Maybe I should go to KLCC to beg while recovering from a broken wrist :26557:", "you can try 😂 malaysians are very kind. now im reminded of that pissed restaurant in jb", "Oh yeah that one, that particular one has had enough", "We sure are. Went to the bank to withdraw some cash and with my busted right hand I had a hard time getting the card out getting the money into my wallet and etc. They asked if I needed help with concerned faces. I was grateful but also livid that they saw me as an OKU :26557:\nMalaysians are so kind and helpful :29091:" ], [ "Leave her alone man" ], [ "Reminds me of that time i was told these beggars organised and has targeted spots around kl" ], [ "Some people even here are the reason why there's syndicate deploying beggars. Minimal effort for sympathy to get people to open their wallet. They could beg while carrying a gucci bag and still get money." ], [ "Are these rohinya beggars?" ], [ "yall can we stop talking abt the phone. actually im more concerned abt the child so if there's rly abuse going on i'm considering calling cps fr" ] ]
Experts say Bumiputeras moving away from traditional professions | The Malaysian Insight
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "What is traditional proffesion?\nBuruh, nelayan dan juga petani?", "Why did I immediately sing this instead of recite this. 😅", "You probably teringat Jonny Sins too.", "I thought is gov servant", "Gaya hidup kini dah berubah,", "Anak-anak terasuh mindanya", "Lahir generasi tiktok influencer~", "Alam siber teknologi terkini!" ], [ "TL;DR social media influencers because they make more money faster.\nedit: ‘traditional professions’ in this article refer to the Asian patents’ trifecta of Doctor, Engineer and Architect.", "Can't blame them we are not being paid enough, a lot below market rate." ], [ "Make more money good. Tax going up, subsidy cut, if not how?" ], [ "I have too many questions about the assumptions and baseline to make a fair judgment so I'm not even going to try." ], [ "The melayu paradox : only 30% bumi in accounts , bad.. 90% bumi in medical = good" ], [ "I mean what's wrong with choosing high income \"jobs\" ? I think people are mostly interested by the freedom that these job provide imo because its technically like a business which makes sense why it produce lotsa income" ], [ "Yeah because your boss gives you rm20 expect you to live a year with it ,maybe some leftover for next year aswell" ], [ "“Career imbalance will contribute to economic imbalance issues. We need to ensure that the gap between ethnic groups cannot be too wide because when a particular career is monopolised by one ethnic group, unity issues will arise,” he told Bernama.\n“Career imbalance will contribute to economic imbalance issues. We need to ensure that the gap between ethnic groups cannot be too wide because when a particular career is monopolised by one ethnic group, a certain political party will use it as a weapon to marginalise that ethnic group to its advantage.\"\nFTFY." ] ]
PADU would be available to update starting 2 January 2024.
[ [ "No thank you, I don't want to support them turning the country into surveillance state." ] ]
Is it a good idea to use the public toilet as an emergency shower?
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Edit: landlord just advised water will come back soon. Thanks everyone! I'm traveling in KL but my hotel building has no water access for some reason. I also couldn't find any gym nearby. But there's a shopping mall so I thought maybe I could use the water tap in the toilet cube as an option? I hope this won't cause trouble for the cleaner. The toilet area seems to be properly waterproofed with floor waste so I hope it's OK?
[ [ "Don't use the shopping mall toilet please. There are some R&R places along the highways that have shower cubicle. Use that.", "yeap those are meant for long haul truckers and such so please use those" ], [ "Get another hotel. I’ve never heard of a hotel with no water and public toilet is not made for public showering. Just a bad idea" ], [ "Go to nearby RnR, they have showers there. Also, ask for refund and change hotel." ], [ "Some surau and Mosque do have shower with them. Not all though, but big Mosque will always have as far as I remember." ], [ "Change hotels" ], [ "You sound like you’re asking because you’re a considerate person.\nJust push as much water as you can down the drain and tell the cleaner so. Or wipe it dry with a lot of tissue papers.\nOther people do worse so you’re ahead if you take the necessary considerate steps." ], [ "If youre in Kampung Baru area. There’s a gym near Hospital Kuala Lumpur. It’s called as Body Hack. No need to enter the gym but there IS a toilet/shower room in there that you can use" ], [ "Lmao lmao lmao\nPpl done this since 2000s" ], [ "Most badminton courts and community halls have shower available." ], [ "What kind of a hotel where there’s no water access? Usually there’s a backup" ], [ "RnR or mosque would be a better option. If truly desperate i think its fine for a quick shower but do explain to the cleaner." ], [ "OP are you using an Airbnb?", "Yes I am" ] ]
Occupational therapy in Johor
[ "Education" ]
Hi everyone, does anyone know any good occupational therapy centres in Johor Bahru? There are a few kids I know that can’t read even at the age of 10-11. At this rate, they’ll end up illiterate as adults even though they’re attending international schools. Thanks in advance!
MP compares Nurul Izzah to Benazir Bhutto, proposes she leads PKR in GE16
[ "Politics" ]
Hassan Karim says the party vice-president is ‘prime minister material’.
[ [ "Yes. Benazir Bhutto Pak Hang", "Lol.. bhutto jokes I have been waiting for..." ], [ "Not sure if he was being a sycophant or sarcastic here. Surely, Anwar and Izzah aren't as bad as Zulfikar-Benazir or Sukarno-Megawati yeah?\nShould've given a more valid comparison smh", "like who, Yingluck Shinawatra? /s" ], [ "Nepo baby who singlehandedly lost the seat her family felt they had a divine right to is somehow being touted as a PM candidate. Meme levels of political commentary lol.", "You know what's funny about that is she's still acting like the MP at Permatang Pauh simply because a lot of people there asking for her help because they don't know where the PN MP's office lol.\nThere was a case earlier this year that she helped getting some new bikes for a group of neighbours where their bikes had been burned.\nThe PN MP came and offered a prayer.\nA prayer.", "PN would say the prayers worked then. They got their bikes. Mission accomplished!", "To them, that was the best thing they could have given to their malay voters.", "Résumé [1]:\nAhli Parlimen Permatang Pauh\nCEO Yayasan Darul Hadis Al Filfilaniyyah\nBekas Eksekutif Zakat Pulau Pinang\nPendakwah\nExco Dewan Pemuda Pas Negeri Pulau Pinang\nExco Dewan Pemuda Pas Kawasan Permatang Pauh\nAhli Jawatankuasa Lajnah Keahlian Ulamak Pelapis\nPenasihat Majlis Ilmu Pulau Pinang\nPenasihat Sekolah Rendah Intergrasi Teras Islam (SRITI) Darul Hadis\nAhli Lembaga Pengarah Maahad Tahfiz Kejai\nChildren [2]:\n11\n[1] https://pru.sinarharian.com.my/calon/5097/muhammad-fawwaz-mohamad-jan\n[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Fawwaz_Mohamad_Jan\nTrivia: he is age 40, which means he has been actively building his family in the last 10 years.", "last time i mentioned nurul izzah as YB who didnt do they job i got downvoted to hell.", "dah kalah baru nak promote buat kerja supaya fans boleh justify lmao:26554:", "...and yet they still voted for PN in the state elections.", "It means that MP is actually doing a good job. No propaganda.", "An effective MP is one who both walks the talk and talks the walk. Need to do both.", "They prefer someone boleh baca doa hahaha", "Any proof or source for this? Because this is what joceline tan have to say about the PN’s assemblyman in permatang pauh constituency.\n“That was until he was called out by Seberang Jaya assemblyman Izhar Shah Arif Shah, a first-time assemblyman who has shown that voters made the right decision in choosing him.\nThe Bersatu Youth Chief in Permatang Pauh has set up a hotline and crisis management centre involving the residents associations, mosque/surau groups and the Village Development and Security Commission to help monitor and manage the impending water cut.\nHe is also trying to rent two private sector water tankers as a backup to the state tankers.\n“The Hindus in my constituency will be celebrating Ponggal on Jan 15. I want to make sure they have water to clean their house and prepare for their new year.\n“I also want to propose that the water tankers be equipped with GPS tracking so that their schedule and location can be shared for residents to know when to start waiting. It is pitiful to see long lines of people waiting in the night for the tankers,” said Izhar Shah.\nWater, said Izhar Shah, is a security issue and more measures need to be put in place.”", "I mean..\nThose are two different people\nOne is a celebrity preacher\nThe other is actually a son of an ex-ADUN from that same place.", "Two different people lah", "Excellent job she start doing grassroots work after losing. During her MP days, busy ceramah here fireside chat there. And tbh, this supposed PM candidate, where do I find her views on the economy? Policy recommendations? Where does she stand on possible reintroduction of GST? Views on M'sia-China relations?", "She and her team at Permatang Pauh is always at work. Lagi2 during her days as MP.\nThat's why till now people still comes at her khidmat masyarakat office and asks for help. Rakyat nak cari MP Fawwaz pun office tak tau kat mana, klu jumpa pun dia tak boleh buat apa2 lol.\nAlso why you're mad? PKR never tauted her as PM candidate. The timbalan is Rafizi. The next in line would be him not Izzah.", "Who said I'm mad lol. I'm more amused at the analyst who made this claim. And also not very impressed w NI generally. No doubt she very nice, likeable, but seems to have minimal substance" ], [ "I don't think Izzah wants people to compare her to the politician who was assassinated by the Islamist." ], [ "I actually think nurul is the 1 running mof right now. Anwar just sign off whatver nurul gives him.\nI believe nurul was actually the 1 anwar wants to be minister of finance. But he knows full well it wont go well politically. So, he just puts himself as mof, but the one actually running it in the shadows is nurul.", "Don’t mind you shitting on politicians but what is your source? If no source then you 2x5 saja with whatever PAS is spewing", "Which part of \"I think\" do you not understand?", "Your ‘I think’ might be valuable to conspiracy theorists but having discussions based on facts would be more helpful in understanding the situation better.", "Wrll, she is part of the special advisory body in mof which would \"advise\" the minister on mof matters.", "She's there for the salary/allowances.\nIn all the years she has been active, I haven't heard her speak on policy. Let alone financial policy. So no, I don't think she is capable of running MOF. If she is running MOF we are fucked.\nShe is good at making promises about Radiohead though. Zero follow through.", "I dont think so. If thats the case, she should just remain as anwar's economic advisor.\nOfficially, she joined the advisory board due to the invitation of Hassan Marican, officially the head of the board. But lets be real here, go google who are the board members. They are all prominent figures in the business world. Theres really no reason for marican to invite nurul who is just a former MP.\nIm sure anwar puts her there for a reason.", "Yes. There is no reason for her to be invited. Anwar put her there because she is his daughter.", "i would say something like: \"she was there so she dont fall to irrelevancy due to the seat she lost\"\nsaying she just there for the paycheck is kindda sad:26554:", "She doesn't have a job outside being an MP", "Your assumption is completely inaccurate.", "I actually think nurul is the 1 running mof right now. Anwar just sign off whatver nurul gives him.\nHuh, yet radiohead concert still looks to be even further away /s", "Anwar had been wanting to be the Prime Minister for 24 years. And decades before that, he was piecing together his reform ideas since his student activist days. He’s not a lame-duck or a puppet minister.\nIf you’ve watched any of his speeches, there would be pregnant pauses and some mumbling because he was still putting together his thoughts into words while he was speaking or thinking of a better word to use. Anwar isn’t like some past Prime Ministers that just recited the text written for them word by word. If Anwar is very hands-on with something minor as his speeches, do you think he will let other people do the major decisions on his behalf?\nYou’re overestimating the Advisory Committee to the Finance Minister’s (ACFIN) powers, the committee that Izzah serves as its co-head secretariat. ACFIN is basically a body that does research and gives recommendations on strategic changes to fiscal policies and the Treasury, like a consulting firm. And ultimately, Anwar makes the decision on whether to implement the recommendations. Without giving more details, I can tell you that not everything that ACFIN had advised the MoF to do was approved by Anwar.\n(Bonus) I didn’t want to point out earlier the fallacy in your prior conspiracy theory that it was the DAP that is running the government, but I really have to call you out because you have this insistence that Anwar is a puppet minister. You said the DAP was in control, yet you said it sent its lower-ranked politicians to make noise in public about things the DAP didn’t get. So, if the DAP was running the government, why isn’t it getting to do whatever it wants?\nI really hope that you can start to accept other people’s arguments and explanations whenever you make wild assumptions online. The purpose of a discourse is to learn from each other, not to turn it into an ego-stroking contest and a chance to spread falsehoods.", "1) sorry, cant accept this argument as its more of words from a blind supporter. Im sure as many can agree with me, anwar has no idea where to bring this country. Those past 2 decades are only him wanting to be PM. Theres no reform idea.\n2) actually, anwar had used to just talking whatever he wants, wether its truth or even lies. As shown in his early days as PM, there were some instances that what he said does not go well with the facts. As an opposition this can be just overlooked, but as a PM, there will be peoples double checking whatever he says. And at times what he says backfired on him. I believe he learned that mistake so now he has to be careful with what he says.\n3) people who works in the gov or even have dealt with government, would know, influence can overcome position. Yes, anwar will be the 1 that approves things, but if he trusts his daughter, he would just accept whatever nurul says. Anwar is holding the PM position and already have lots on his plate as is. You think he got time to go through things that happen in mof? Thats why he needs someone he trusts there.\n4) I wouldnt say anwar is a puppet minister. But I see him as someone that would do anything to stay in power.", "", "Ah, no wonder that number 1 statement has a strong blind supporter vibe. Hahaha.\nAnd you actually expect me to believe what you say?", "Suka hati kau lah nak percaya apa-apa. Tak affect pun kerja aku.", "You do know your job depends entirely on peoples perception of your boss right?", "Kalau orang degil macam kau taknak percaya pape pun, kitorang buat pape pun takde guna. Kalau kau cybertrooper lagi takde masa aku nak layan kau.", "Then dont entertain me. No one is forcing you. I gave my opinion, and it got you triggered.\nIm not the problem here bro.", "I’m not triggered. I was trying to make a clarification on your conspiracy theories. I already said I was done, and then you challenged me saying I didn’t do my job well." ], [ "Ale uto..." ] ]
Malaysia set to lose 2.3m hectares due to deforestation
[ "Environment" ]
We really should be more hyping the fact that our National team is about to play in a major international tournament in a few days
[ "Sports" ]
Regardless of what your opinion is on our National team’s quality and how well they’ll do in the tournament, we need to go all out and support them. If not, who will??
[ [ "Back when DUNHILL used to sponsor Selangor, there were match schedules EVERYWHERE at all the mamak and kopitiam selling cigarettes\nDUNHILL used to plonk M-League on local TV all the time, with lots of adverts in the newspapers, local magazines and tv1\nThese new sponsors don't do squat\nEvery single time Malaysia attempts to bypass mediocrity, they just revel in the moment instead of planning for the future\nWe had the BEST F1 back in the 90s, with hotels, bars, clubs all chiming in. You had F1 cars in hotels, clubs. F1 drivers partying in KL. Merchandise sold in Bukit Bintang. But towards the latter years, no one bothered to promote anything" ], [ "This is the second Asian Cup after expanding to 24 teams from 16 teams, with 6 groups of 4.\nTop 2 of each group will progress to the Round of 16.\nThe best 4 3rd-place teams will also join the 12 teams above.\nMalaysia is in the same group as Jordan, Bahrain and South Korea. We play those 3 in that order.\nCan basically forget about getting anything from South Korea, just hope Son Heung-min don't score more than 1. Though our coach Kim Pan-gon (KPG) used to be youth coach for South Korea himself, so that might count for something.\nUnder KPG our FIFA ranking has actually gone up due to us qualifying for the Asian Cup for the first time since 1980 (2007 doesn't count since we were joint hosts).\nFor a football minnow nation like us, we should be aiming for at least 1 of these 3 objectives:\nScore at least 1 goal overall. And if we are to lose, try not to concede more than 3 goals per match.\nGet at least 1 point (i.e. 1 draw, even a 0-0 counts towards that. We got 0pts in 2007)\nTry to finish 3rd and hope we're good enough as one of the 4 best 3rd-place teams, to give us another match in the knockout rounds (though nobody dare to hope for more afterwards)\nWill probably catch the highlights for the matches (if we don't get thrashed too badly), but as others have said, this isn't exactly the WC, and many of us are still more interested in higher quality competitions like the English Premier League and UEFA Champions League.\nIt will take Malaysia progressing from the group stage in order to heighten awareness for this tournament." ], [ "because the result will speak for themselves. keep winning and the hype will come naturally. sabah football team did just that.", "Sabah has been really impressive last year, especially in AFC Cup. Hope they remain as title (or more realistically 2nd place) challengers for the next few seasons", "Yeah I followed Cheah Liek Khou closely before the recent Paralympics and his noteriety was niche right until his performance in that badminton match. Soon enough I saw him racking a SHIT ton of supporters and followers overnight after he won." ], [ "Just air it on RTM for free like the ol day", "sekarang dah takde kat rtm ke?", "most of the time arena took the airing right" ], [ "Yeah we should. Asian Cup is the highest achievable spot for us imo." ], [ "FAM macam biasa la. Patut ada tournament jersey, but they’ll be using the same old one. Cam bangang.", "man fuck nike we really should use local brand like thailand", "Fam just dont care" ], [ "tbh as a football fan, I can't wait!! I'll go crazy if Arif Aiman blazes past Kim Min-jae and the Korean defense.\nI just don't have the funds to fly to Qatar......", "blazes past Kim Min-jae and the Korean defense\nand then the ball trickles out for a goal-kick, because our players' ball control suck.\nStill cannot forget one such incident so many years ago, where our senior players play like school kicks, with flying kicks when challenging for 50-50 waist high balls.\nWe look amateurish because we were all brought up on a diet of Premier League, La Liga, etc." ], [ "ill be blunt\n- winning the tournament doesn't book a slot to world cup\n- the match where HM beat kyrgyzstan was for wc qualification round, hence the louder noise\n- even without malaysia participation, do you watch Asian Cup?\ncomparing with world cup hype is like between apple and oranges. euro or copa america would make much sense, as its the same level of major competition within region.\nthat said, i believe the squad will do its best to gain as much international experience as they can. real test is on the WC quals which involves 4-5 phases depending on achievements. although you can say Asian Cup would be a testament on the actual level of our national team." ], [ "Don’t have much expectation for them. But go go Harimau Malaya❤️" ], [ "Me, not a football fan, I don't get the excitement, but would be happy to sit down and watch our boys play, anytime." ], [ "Tournament tak start lagi nak hype apa. Dekat seminggu nanti baru la start borak", "I mean the tournament is just two weeks away and its the first time malaysia is playing the tournament after around 40 years so yeah we should be excited as hell. Dalam thread tu sendiri ada cakap asian cup ni macam euro or copa america so betul juga post tu.", "Takde content lagi kot nak sembang. Boleh sembang pun prediction siapa lepas grp stage, formation apa nak main. Nanti lepas arif aiman kitai kim min jae atau dion cools parap heung min son baru aa rancak borak", "Tak perlukan sangat pun ‘content’ probably just more ads here and there pasal national team kita dah memadai. Mana ada nampak ads pasal asian cup ni dekat mana mana. Mamak pun tak gantung poster. Lagi lagi for those yang tak follow closely mana nak kenal players kita sekarang. Takut ada yang ingat fakri saarani masih main je", "Betul juga tu. Tv mmg tak byk iklan tapi kalau podcast local bola byk dah start sembang sejak disember rasanya. Org yg tgk bola je yg tau rasanya", "Ya tu maksud saya boss. Kalau memang yang follow bola memang dah tahu tapi no general ads macam billboard tepi jalan for example. Orang follow bola shouldnt be the target audience" ], [ "Tengok JDT penuh stadium, tengok Piala Asia? it is more emptier than Times Square's malls LOL." ], [ "We really should be more hyping...\nNah.. zero hype for me. Don't even watch world cup or any football league.", "Then youre not the target audience la der" ], [ "We should just focus on sports we're good at like Badminton, Hockey and Takraw. Be like Indian and Pakistan, they focus more on crickets than football.\nMalaysian football is a waste of investment. No big European club will pay Malaysian club millions for our players", "a \"waste of investment\" is always a sustained commitment away from being a gold mine.\nLook at JDT, the most dominant team in Malaysia; I don't really like the team that much because they seem to always win, but kudos to TMJ - the sustained commitment he made towards that team, means that:\nthey go out of their way to build world-class facilities (e.g. new stadium and modern training centre) for the players,\nthey hire well-known proven coaches from overseas (e.g. Esteban Solari who was assistant coach for Argentina youth national team),\nthey bring in well-known high quality foreign players (e.g. Mauricio, Forestieri - they have played actively in Top 5 European leagues before coming to JDT)\nthey naturalize foreign players who come here to play long term (e.g. Sumareh),\nthey recruit good players with Malaysian ties to come play for club and country (e.g. Corbin-Ong),\nand build strategic partnerships with European teams (Dortmund) to further improve their team.\nIn the end, both the club and the national team improve tremendously as a result of good players, coaches, facilities and methodologies, and other teams are inspired to follow suit and play catch-up with JDT, who are praised as pioneers and visionaries.\nNow JDT is highly regarded as one of the best teams in Southeast Asia, and have enjoyed great success in local and regional competitions.\nAs for the million dollar player thing, thanks to these investments in coaching and training, JDT has uncovered many great talent from within the country, most notably Arif Aiman who is gaining attention from big Asian clubs in Japan, Korea...... etc due to his performances in regional competitions.\nSo why not make that commitment? Don't avoid it because no one has ever done it before and you're scared of failing, do it to show them how they can do it themselves.", "All the effort just to be the #130 team in the world? Why be number 130th in football when we can be top 10 in hockey, badminton, takraw or other sports we actually good at? We shouldn't overspend on football development but let it progress naturally", "We are #130 but we are punching well above our weight class at times. Compared to where we were a few years ago being 160th and below, this is a massive improvement.\nfor me \"natural progress\" is basically another term for \"leaving it to rot\". Modern sports is about the money; without substantial, long-term investment and dedication, you cannot expect huge improvements like what we saw with the national team.", "Even with the wealth that the Saudis have, they'll never be as good as other poorer nation like Morocco, Algiers and Senegal. We lose financially against richer nation. We also lose talent wise against poorer nations. The best solution is to let the sports grow naturally. If it were meant to rot, so be it.", "Look at Japan, their national football team is going nowhere before 1990. But they succeeded due to good spending, proper planning. Football in Malaysia is still on entry level. More money have to spend for the development. We as fans could contribute by supporting local football teams first. (Entered three games last season for Liga Super)", "So this is just what you wanna learn from Soviet Union or China? They get lots of medals from sports that are not popular in the world. It’s ridiculous when we think of overspending on certain sports. Let’s be honest football is no 1 sports in the world and the popularity of it is simply overwhelming.\nWell for me sports is not medal oriented but more on the cultural side. We should promote more badminton, hockey and takraw. But look at the fan base, pretty sure football and badminton are top tier in Malaysia.", "Even without Johor big expenditure, football would still remain popular or number 1 sports in Malaysia.", "One of the most popular, if not THE most popular and competitive internationally, we were riddled with incompetency and corruption. Our youth were actually world class level but can't transition into senior due to mismanagement (You can check their accomplishment). We were stagnant and deteriorating, we were at #178 in the ranking and we push through and get our shit together to climb up to #130 in the world, winning majority of our match last year against county that is higher ranked than us and as much as I am neutral towards JDT, goddamn they know how to run a football team, becoming a standard, role model and blueprint for our local football team.\nAny analyst would see that we are in an upward trajectory and its just so happen to correlate when our local football quality go up, players fees were settled, corruption were lessen, money were invested, JDT became the shining example of a football club in the whole ASEAN and you want us to stop? Correlation is not causation but what? Coincidences? Japan became a powerhouse in Asia and even surprise Europe due to its 100-Year plan and that's them, Japan and you don't want us to at least have some plan?\nGo \"naturally\"? I guess if the river is full of shit and garbage, might as well let it resolve itself naturally rather than provide awareness campaign, gov funding and action to clean it, community and youth support, proper education and proper maintenance. How people like you actually vote and think how the real world works? Pray and hope for miracles? Just because its not your priority alone, its not in everyone interest? Its all about you? How about others? The majority? Go the easy way out? Back down at the slightest of inconvenience? Just because we can't be the best in the world we should not try? You prefer inaction rather than action? How do you vote? How do you live? How do you dream? How do you achieve something in your life?", "How people like you actually vote and think how the real world works? Pray and hope for miracles? Just because its not your priority alone, its not in everyone interest? Its all about you? How about others? The majority? Go the easy way out? Back down at the slightest of inconvenience? Just because we can't be the best in the world we should not try? You prefer inaction rather than action? How do you vote? How do you live? How do you dream? How do you achieve something in your life?\nI don't vote for FAM in General Election.", ":26563:", "I feel like TMJ’s investment is short sighted. If I have the money he had, I would’ve invested in the Super League as a whole, not just one team. Make the Super League more competitive throughout. Built world-class facilities for all the teams, make all teams able to compete. Once the league is recognized as a good league, the money and players will naturally come in. Investing all in JDT feels like playing FM with unlimited money mod. Sure, you get to build the best team and win all the trophies, but thats it. Roman Abromovich can get away with it because EPL is already an established league, the Malaysian Super League isn’t." ], [ "This year's edition is gonna be great. Many Asian teams play exciting footy" ], [ "I don't watch football for quite some time. I'm also not aware who the twitter poster is.\nBtw, are they still hiring foreigners to play for the local team?", "The vast majority of the \"foreigners\" in the local team are born from Chinese mothers and foreign fathers", "Are you sure \"vast majority\" is the right term? Sure some maybe came from the parent you described, but I wouldn't say the majority. I've seen literal caucasian or African european descent play for our local team before.", "You can look lol\nEven the whitiest white or the blackest black in that team claims they have a chinese/sarawakian mother\nOf course la, can claim anything.. but since no proof, who knows", "Lol what. Not gonna spend time to verify their claim." ], [ "Unpopular take, I care more about Sabah FC than Malaysia National Team, I more passionate about Sabah beat JDT for once which is never than Sabah compete against other foreign club or Malaysia Team win anything. I don't hate my country tho, I just care more about my state club." ], [ "What do you expect? Duit untuk marketing sudah dimakan. You want to market this, do it yourself la. Post here, post on other social media. As usual, rakyat have to do the job for the gov instead of the other way round." ], [ "Nowadays it seems There'd be more support if it was the Palestine national team." ] ]
PADU: Who is responsible to protect your personal data?
[ [ "Reject Digital ID" ], [ "When asked about the cost of development, Rafizi said there are two parts to it. He said the manpower cost is “free” because it is built by civil servants who have spent the last 7 months developing it on top of their existing tasks\nNow i think this system is 100% fail project. Not only the deadline is short, but they also don't have dedicated team for it. Developing a new app on top of their existing task? Are they working overnight?" ] ]
Restore Labuan’s full duty-free status, Putrajaya told
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
The Labuan Chinese Chamber of Commerce says the island needs to boost its facilities to woo visitors.
Malaysian Hindu community perception of Cultured Meat
[ "Food" ]
Hello i’m an undergraduate student, i plan for my research project to be centred around the Malaysian Hindu community’s perception and acceptance of cultured meat. And if i were to do a survey what is the appropriate channel or place i should be spreading my survey to ensure a good amount of participants to represent a good portion of the population 🥹🥹 please help guide me thanks a bunch xx
[ [ "", "Well im doing this research to study the acceptance of cultured meat in malaysia before bringing in cultured meat into the malaysian market. Since religion is a big part of malaysia i decided to study both the muslim and hindu community’s views but i already have the muslim part covered for the survey. Right now im trying to find the best way to get my survey to reach a good amount of audience and hopefully get enough data for my research. I specifically want it to be tied to religion.", "Thank u for responding!" ], [ "I don't believe we are opposed to consuming cultured meat. A lot of us do eat mock meat made of soy and stuff so I'd say cultured meat would probably be perceived similarly and accepted by the hindus.", "Thank you for responding ! Do u know any places or forums i can spread my survey once im done finalising it to get a good amount of hindu participants? Or should i post here aswell?", "No clue bro, sorry", "Most hindus, won’t mind. Many do consume beef and chicken readily. The ones you have to ask are the “vegetarian Hindus”. And they will not consume it because it’s meat. Most likely.", "Vegetarian Hindus do consume meat made from soy beans. Vegans are a different story though." ], [ "What’s cultured meat?", "Cultured meat is basically lab-grown meat. Instead of raising and slaughtering animals, scientists use cells from animals to grow muscle tissue in a controlled environment. It's a more sustainable and ethical way to produce meat without the need for traditional farming.", "Really? It’s a thing already? I tot it was still sci-fi and it was very expensive to produce , not to mention, that it becomes a soft blob because , of the atrophy, and unable to mimic the density produced by muscle fibrils?" ], [ "I'm a Hindu and I don't oppose cultured meat consumption." ] ]
MGNews: Lebih 100 PATI Dicekup Dalam Operasi Di Brickfields
[ [ "Looks like the authorities are going to run more ops in the near future." ] ]
Visa Agent Recommendation
Hi all, I'd like to ask if anyone have any recommendations for visa agent or visa agencies that I can engage with regarding moving my partner, whose currently residing in Canada, to Malaysia where I am living as a citizen. Her situation in Canada isn't looking good, so we're trying our best to move her here as soon as possible. We've done our own research into things and have a general idea of what are the steps we need to take, starting with the Long Term Social Visit pass, however, there are still a lot of details that we've yet to properly understand. Thus, rather than fumbling around, I was thinking of getting professional help. If anyone knows of some places we could go for, please let me know! You can leave a comment or shoot me a DM anytime. Thank you all!
[ [ "Spouse visa?", "Yes. That is what we're thinking of.", "Google search for Malaysia expect groups/ fb groups. I think higher chance to get answer there.", "Has your marriage been registered with JPN, Malaysia and if so is the registration more than 6 months old ? This is the 1st step to applying for a long term spouse visa(LTSV). If your marriage has been registered with JPN, Malaysia for more than 6 months than upon entering Malaysia you can apply for a LTSV straight away. If not ,then you have to have your marriage registered with JPN first . Then after the marriage has been duly registered (you will be issued with a marriage Cert) , only after 6 months from the date of registration can the application for LTSV be submitted . If your situation falls into the 2nd category then you have to consider that when your spouse enter Malaysia , she will be permitted to remain for 90 days (I’m assuming she holds a Canadian passport - do check her maximum stay period). This presents some problems which can be resolved in the following manner :- 2-3 days before the 90 days permit is up , go to the Immigration Dept and apply for an extension (they only 1 extension only) of 30 days . Towards the end of the extension period, leave the country for somewhere for a 7-10 days holiday and after this re-enter Malaysia and she gets another 90days stay . At this point , by the end of this new period of 90 days , she would have altogether , 90+30+7+90 = 227 days to remain in Malaysia which is enough to meet the 6 months after marriage registration before can submit application for LTSV. Upon submission , the result of the application will be given within 30 “working days”. In the above , you have to make sure that her return air ticket (bought initially when coming to Malaysia) must be able to cater for her need to change her return date to the country of origin .\nI will stop here for you to digest the above information. I have not touched on the requirements and the supporting documents to accompany your LTSV application.\nIt’s better for you to know which of the above 2 routes you have to take , can apply straight away or wait .\nWhen you are ready for the nest stage , you can DM me and I will take you through the necessary steps . I can only offer guidance , I’m not in this type of business and what advice and suggestions if you need them are absolutely free of charge .", "Thank you for all the information provided! I will read through and understand this with my partner. Thank you for taking the time to write all these, I appreciate it very much!", "You are welcome , I hope I’m able to lower your level of anxieties in your planning to apply for a LTSV , it’s daunting as the guidelines can be ambiguous. Good luck with your planning.", "Important Correction :- Man (Malaysian) sponsoring wife for LTSV doesn’t have to wait 6 months after registering marriage with JPN , can apply immediately. If it’s woman sponsoring husband then the 6 months rule apply. Sorry for the question. However , the issue is still whether your marriage has been registered in Malaysia. Be prepared to pay a fine if it hasn’t been registered." ] ]
Do you all think that these bullshit property agents and nonsense Airbnb management team contribute to the fall in property prices?
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "fall in property prices?:26554:", "Correction: not price, but value", "What is value if not market price", "Value is whatever the seller think it is. Market price is what the actual price PAID for it.\nFor example, a house owner think his house is value at RM 1 million / rent should be rm 8k per month. But no buyer/taker. House sit empty until bank foreclosure.", "I see where you’re coming from, but realistically value ought to be marked-to-market to the market price … unless the owner is actually living in the house and has an opportunity cost of moving that is greater than the market price, for example the house may be sold at 800k, but the cost of moving out/ new house renovation/ settling in etc. has a personal utility worth 200k to the owner, then the owner’s value can differ reasonably from the market’s value. Otherwise I think it’s quite delulu for an owner to have a “value” in their mind that is not the market value, if they are not staying in/ actively using that piece of real estate.", "People are not always realistic or reasonable.", "I ain't complaining if property price fell, young people these days need to be able to afford a place to live" ], [ "I genuinely hope property prices fall much, much more. Right now it is still very expensive in klang valley.", "Unlikely to see major fall in landed housing but the prices have been stagnant for years. You would've made more in fd compared to whatever capital appreciation + rental you gained", "Compared to where? Timor Leste? Compare our property price index vs avg monthly income (property affordability index) Malaysia is still considered very cheap. But if you look at MK or KLCC area then it skews the bell curve", "Very cheap compared to our local salaries?\nYou're nuts", "Honestly he's not entirely wrong. If you compare to other similarly developed city (e.g. Bangkok) we have much better ratio. I was still able to find 450k 718ft condo in PJ area pre-covid.", "Very cheap? It's either too far that it's a freaking time expense or consumes more than minimum wages salary. And I'm considered a Malaysian M40, or Selangor B40." ], [ "Over supply and low demand causes values to drop. Prices artificially increased because agents kept pushing the prices up to increase their commissions. Now the market is correcting itself." ], [ "Translation: RM8000+ of pocket money every month for an influencer property in central bukit bintang", "Pocket money…… sugar baby izit :26562:", "That girl shakes her ass and gets 40k per post" ], [ "AirBnB actually is bad for local businesses. Businesses such as restaurant, laundry shops, bakery and grocery shops rely heavily on citizens live surroundings.\nKuala Lumpur is a good example for this, AirBnB condos obviously mainly for tourists to staying in. While you think: it’s good cause at least got tourists stay in and contribute to Malaysia economy, yes it is but local businesses are closing down because there are no citizen needs, instead there are more and more souvenir shops, fast foods and etc.\nAlso, the property pricing too. For example in KL, without affordability for majority of citizens, the house will eventually owned by the rich/ the one who can afford. Those people will rent it out as AirBnB to earn profit. This also cause ur an decentralization and people will choose to live in far away from where they work, and stuck in traffic for hours everyday.\nAlso, it heavily affects the hotel industry. AirBnB is cheaper option, so tourist will choose it. Hotel are designated for tourists, and condo are for citizens to live in. Imagine what if one hotel had shut down, how many employees would be affected?\nFuck AirBnb and go to live in hotel room.", "Honestly building a property just for Airbnb purposes is plain stupid and greedy. I previously stayed in one by Exsim and it was horrible. The property literally got into a pretty bad condition after a year of opening (pest, mold, non existent management). Many of the Airbnb guests are not that civilized and the “housekeeping team” they hire barely know what cleaning is about.", "Government have the power to restrict or limit the AirBnB operations in Malaysia. Nga Kor Ming really just try hard looking at clean toilet but ignore the housing issues. There is a condo built entirely for AirBnB??? The housekeeping team also overwork la, not well organized also and less salary.\nStill the AirBnB issues are still not demanding enough for a tiny attention tho (even politicians are likely to have rented their 20th or 30th property with AirBnB also), since it’s unreachable for citizens everyday life but it can deep rooted affect the community and the city.\nWhen it comes to benefit of politicians, citizens suffer.", "States have power to regulate it themselves.\nSee penang", "depending on the amount of people, airbnb is cheaper if you have super large groups. But for solo/duo travellers, a 2-3 star hotel is cheaper. Nowadays abnb is priced like 4-5 star hotels but without the 4 star services", "For us an airbnb is still cheaper than a hotel for a 2 person 1 week trip. The convenience of a kitchen to cook bfast (i cant eat out for bfast every morning, its gross) and a washing machine so we dont need to carry too many clothes is great.\nI rather pay for a 2br airbnb @RM250 than a 1r hotel for RM150.\nThe airbnb management companies tho are fucking ridiculous. So many just leave it all to cleaning staff to manage. The admin team is never present in the building.\nGovt need to step in and regulate. Should always have an overnight team contactable. Should have a government agency to be able to send in formal complaints and concerns. Etc etc" ], [ "oh this must be referring to the Exsim project Branniganz Suites beside sungai wang. The land is super prime, I believe it's around rm2000/sqft", "Oh it’s from Exsim? Oh then the whole building is going to be an Airbnb place. Avoid this at all cost.", "Yeaaa definitely abnb/shortterm/rentals. Tbh the room sizes are too small(495sqft - 678sqft) to be suitable for family stay, so it'd be obvious that it's geared towards tourist and renting" ], [ "8k+ allowance whaaat", "Contact this lady if interested", "Typically set up as buy this property under our management (monthly installment RMx000) rental income (monthly RMy000) you get the 'allowance' which is the difference + service charge. Oh, and you are 'allowed' to stay free for some number of days per year, like 10-20 days.\nDo people actually buy these apartments from these service apartment companies because i get a new iklan so often." ], [ "probably wont fall unless management fees go up or some ownership tax comes to being\na lot of boomers just holding on to their dear depreciations lol", "You can learn more about Georgism, which suggests implementing of Land Value Tax (single tax)based on the idea that taxing according to land value ensures every citizen equally benefits from its appreciation.\nIt combat inequality, as it tax more whoever own land, but based on the value. This tax then benefit all of people. Sounds good right? Politicians own a lot of land so…🤨", "We do have some form of that actually,\nits less so the policy, more so that all policies have pain and malaysians dont like pain." ], [ "I think they cause the value to go up. Cause when you join them then you will be looking for property which increase demand.", "Then what’s the reason behind Tropicana selling W hotel for a lower expected value?" ], [ "i think it is the opposite. They contribute to the property speculation and hence higher prices that what the average median income group could afford." ] ]
The two new podcast episode by Ong Kian Ming and Tony Pua is interesting to listen to, would recommend more people to check it out.
[ "Meme Monday" ]
[ [ "For Malaysian memes every day of the week, please check out c/memeeveryday at our sister community monyet.cc! (why?)\nI am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns." ], [ "I kena con by TS.\nThe Are We Ok? Podcast is primarily between Ong Kian Ming and the Mr Money TV guy, Peter Yong. Tony is just in the two last episodes.\nIn any case, AWO's reach would be limited by its English and DAP fans circle. KS still has the way bigger reach for using BM. DAP if you want to outreach, use BM more.\nSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6JzzwMmT2fl51wK4pgfqGH?si=6105e3ede27e4e8a" ], [ "Genuine question,\nWho are these people, and why should I listen to what they have to say?", "The botak on the left is Former bangi MPs Ong Kian Ming ( you may have seen him appear on Keluar sekejap and other podcast) , the one on the right is former Damansara/petaling Jaya MP Tony Pua.\nBoth prominent Malaysian politicians who have garnered considerable attention for their outspokenness and expertise in specific areas. Tony Pua is probably lesser known and unpopular for suggesting PH to give conditional partnership with muhyiddin at the time when muhyiddin was losing his power ( He go into more detail about the rationality of his opinion). In the past, he was very well known for being able to make 1MDB crisis digestible for people who are unfamiliar with the issue and it's seriousness.\nBoth are technocrats in their own right and have the experience and qualification behind their backs. So listening to them talk about politicies is often very interesting.", "ong kian ming is ex-mp who is more invested in urban based need and policies\ntony pua is DAP's Rafizi (formulas):26554:", "Maybe because that's how politics works?" ], [ "Here are the links\nEpisode 3, talks about why GST Wont Work, the recovery1MDB’s Money, Petrol Subsidy, the jawi issues\nEpisode 4, talks about what happen during sheraton Move, working with Tun M, Removing Toll discussion, the Flaws of Manifesto", "sum it up for us", "Not really sure why my comment is getting downvoted.\nI did summarize what was mentioned in each episodes, There is a shorter video version if you all interested. (Episode 3, episode 4)", "sum it up for us\nOK, here goes. Blah blah blah *yawn* blah blah blah." ], [ "Why would you post as a meme? I thought you were trolling", "Because, it just so happen to be meme monday so I thought this might promote the podcast. Guess my bad" ] ]
How is a mini ironing board from Mr.DIY so expensive?
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
A week ago I went to purchase an ironing board for myself and got a mini foldable one (thinking that it would be cheaper than the standard size). Caught me off guard after knowing the price that is RM55.. 🤦 I could have withdrawed myself from purchasing it but dumb of me for not asking the price beforehand. Now I'm feeling regretful and tak puas..sigh has anyone experience like this? it's hard to move on y'all. (When your budget is limited)🫠
[ [ "Why did you buy the mini ironing board, just get he big one next time so you can put your laundry and procrastinate about ironing them like all of us. /s\nYou are experiencing buyers remorse, welp it will teach you to be a more frugal/smart shopper for the next time.\nIdk if MR DIY got any return policy any other nyeets can share will be great.", "Yeh a 7 day return policy. But I have refrained from it cuz this Mr DIY branch quite far one 😭😭 (feels ma fan since I'm relying on public transport)\nI shouldn't even purchase anything far from where I'm living in the first place. 🫥 I sort of blindly bought the item and now I'm facing the consequences. Welp, it is what it is.. Thanks tho", "OP. you cannot return. You can only exchange. DIY is celaka like that." ], [ "There's price stated on the shelf. Please check the price first before buying anything. Also some Mr.DIY shop has price checker scanner. Go find it and use it.", "There weren't price stated on the shelf. And yeah the price scanner thing yo 😭 it slipped my mind. Thanks" ], [ "How much for the standard size?" ], [ "just use piled up dry towel like me. saves a ton of $" ] ]
Retail Banking Career Path
Hi, I am a recent Bachelor of Accounting and Finance graduate and recently got an offer for a (basically sales position) in personal/retail banking. Essentially my job is to provide advisory services for the bank's products. I am open to learning more about how the frontline roles of a bank functions but I generally gravitate towards less sales client facing roles (just personal preference). I am wondering what the future holds if I choose to accept the offer and where are the places I should aim to end up in? Or how likely is it for me to move into my more preferable analyst/wholesale banking roles if I enter this job? Thanks!
[ [ "personal retail? very competitive, high sales, high turnover job" ], [ "For a start you are in the right industry so that’s 50% of your aspirations being met. The other 50% , you have to believe in yourself and be confident that you can work towards and secure your preferred position ." ], [ "Not many can stand that kind of job. It is a sales job. And like someone here said -- the turnover is very high.\nAnd at the end of that job, you will find you've not learnt anything except pandering to the whims of your leads and clients.\nUnless you're saying that you hate accounting, I'd go with a job that pays you shit, but you learn useful information about how businesses are run, work stupid hours (sometimes). There are LOTS of smaller accounting firm looking for people to do this work.\nQuestion is : why did you opt for an accounting & finance degree if you hated the accounting profession?" ], [ "Its one notch higher than an Insurance agent job. Not everyone but the trully street smart and thickskinned kind can do well there." ], [ "Assuming you are successful in the sales part.. I doubt you want to go back office anymore.\nHonestly for me, just try for 4-5months and see how sales is .." ] ]
“Anyone suggesting that the government is dominated by DAP must produce proof”
[ "Politics" ]
[ [ "DAP got 4 minister posts with the most heavyweight being transport minister. Already get sidelined until cannot sideline and still DAP dominating government.\nI think Malaysia wants to be 99.9% Malays and 0.01% non Malays then happy.", "I believe if there is only 1 non Malay and that one non Malay is living at the peak of Mount Kinabalu living as a nomad and never interact with civilization at all....will be blamed.", "True. According to these people, only at 99.99% is where Malay majority is achieved, anything less is a big NO", "At the rate is going, PH is just BN 2.0 and DAP is just another MCA. All the promises forgotten and its back to Malay first policies.", "There is no political points to be earned by pandering to non-Malay needs, its not like nons will vote for PAS... Now it is just a tussle for the support of conservative Malays, which results in PH=BN2.0", "If pandering to Malay win votes, PH would not have won election. Seems like short term memory forget already.", "But...PH didn't win the election? That's the whole point of the Unity Govt if PH won the election BN wouldn't even be in the picture.", "Yg x disukai dap, bukan non-malay semata2", "Hello you forget LGE sis got deputy finance minister???", "I am talking about minister post not deputy minister. And Finance is controlled by Anwar, FM 2 and Deputy FM just placeholder to divert heat from him holding dual portfolios.", "So you purposely not mentioning dap got deputy seat?", "My reply not clear enough or you can't read English?", "Think the point is that dep isn’t as important/ meaningful/ impactful as a full minister seat … relating back to the post it’s a dep cannot override a minister, therefore doesn’t really lead to “dominance” of a government/ policy direction", "Yala. DAP is also given the freedom to buka office in Malaysia. I think we need to limit them. /s", "Literally putting arts grad in deputy finance minister post and they won't admit it's nepotism 🤭", "If Nurul Izzah can be financial advisor to Anwar, LGE's sister can be DFM.\nAnwar's requirement for financial experts very low and in Malaysia anyone can be minister. Look at the other minister post see how many clowns inside.", "If we want to compare then, will Hui Ying resign from the post within 1 month like izzah did?\nI cannot fathom the logic of using the \"see all this other nepotism\" argument while also denying Hui Ying is a nepotism appointment 🤭", "Finance and economics is arts stream subject though. And LGE has no position in the cabinet. Even Ramkarpal stepped down from cabinet when Gobind stepped in.\nBut yeah I admit definitely a hint of nepotism here considering the sister is quite new to politics in general, unlike Ramkarpal and Gobind.", "Gotta be honest, if I'm LHY and have an actual related degree, I'd be putting it out right now instead of having daily insults about her having Arts Degree.\nThe fact that she hasn't... Makes me doubt very much it is a Bachelor of Arts in finance/economy etc" ], [ "How do you produce proof there's no boogieman hiding inside your closet waiting to turn your son gay?", "If John Wick is in your closet, better make sure your son keeps his pencils stashed away.", "Is he going to sharpen his pencil in my sons hole?", "\"I once saw him kill 3 men in a bar. With a pencil.\"" ], [ "There's no need for proof. People want to be brainwashed." ], [ "Haha. People in malaysia talk crap first and prove them wrong later.\nYou can never disprove an unfalsifiable claim." ], [ "Proof? You're thinking people suggesting these are doing it in good faith. How gullible.", "He knows they are full of it that's why he's asking for proof to call their bluff. The reddit equivalent is to ask someone for sources to back their claim on a topic" ], [ "PN do not need prove. They just need an easy excuse to blame non Malays and can claim Malays are not united." ], [ "" ], [ "Y'all here (so far from what I have read) being a little blinkered, if you don't mind me rebuking as mildly and as respectfully as I can.\nDAP is rich, to put things simply. And our government, who we all know is corrupt from the pak cik nasi lemak tepi jalan up til the Deputy Inspector of the Polis, need money. DAP pulls the strings, not a lot, but not insignificant either. What's holding them cinaks (I am chinese myself so I am authorized) back? The policy and amendments and bumiputera laws in check.\nDAP cable banyak, bros and sis. They are a vital consideration in election fundings, government spendings, resources, etc. Somemore you add the fact that >90% of working chinese in Malaysia stands behind DAP and only DAP.\nSource: bros that have seen behind the scenes abit", "I am not sure what you are getting at.\nAre you saying that bumiputra laws are needed to keep the Chinese (non bumi) in check from taking over? Isn't that just plain discrimination and racism? Are we not against these kind of policies?\nPlus by having these policies we completely exclude certain capable people purely based on their ethnicity.\nThe reason why DAP is supported by Chinese is simply because every other major party is championing for the Malays. It is always Malay 1st. I am not supporting some party that treats me like I'm second class.\nLet's be clear. Nobody joins politics out of the goodness of their hearts. This field attracts power hungry and money hungry individuals. The really capable ones and have good intensions are very rare.", "I'd rather Chinese take over than Malays honestly. Look how well Chinese ethnic rule has been to Singapore." ], [ "Aha but who is pulling the puppet strings ?" ], [ "Statemenrs like wanting a non-Muslim panel in syariah court is funnily enough brought up from a DAP rep isnt it? and you are wondering why the malays have their suspicions.", "Petak DAP is somewhat rotten. The Nga/Ngeh team is toxic.", "I dont get what their gameplan is all about, are they trying to push an already slim malay support and get the urban malays to the right wing?", "Their gameplan is not the same as federal level, which is trying to be as inclusive as possible. I think the Nga/Ngeh main support base are ethnic Chinese who are permanently suspicious of Malays in general/just plain racist. That's why this faction still supports agents like Superman Hew. I don't think their support is strong outside of Perak (their contemporary Ronnie Liu in Selangor is finished politically) but they are still a significant if small faction within DAP.\nThis faction is the extremist section of DAP.", "Makes sense, just like some pas rep talking shit from time to time" ], [ "Orang tua please shut up! Chinese situation in Malaysia already on the edge and you still want to push us further?? What about you make The Noble Group angry and provoke more hatred towards Chinese later?! Want Armenian-styled BBQ in Malaysia?!", "If defending allegations make them angry, then really no hope la.", "Last time Chinese PM talk really find trouble for Chinese, adding more fuel for PAS, please retire and shut up, let Anthony handle this stuff please", "Thanks for proving my point. I think if Malaysian Chinese breath also someone can get offended. Really no hope dy.", "I think if DAP keep quiet also will be an issue.\n\"Kenapa DAP tak cakap apa-apa ? Ini bukti DAP tak kisah tentang Malaysia\".", "Ini bukti DAP berdosa", "Malaysia memang no hope. Just plan your Brexit.", "Hoping for the best. Less problem for Malaysia." ], [ "this is why DAP need to put some Malays in their party like 30% of the members.\nIt is true that Racist will always find any excuse to blame, but at least DAP should at least make some effort to NOT let them easily blame DAP." ], [ "Cina is strong like Saiyans. A baby Saiyans is strong enough to destroy a planet.\nSo it must be true...\nInb4 DAP is not Cina" ] ]
Mercedes-Benz EQB EV burns down while charging at dealer in Johor
[ "Science/ Technology" ]
[ [ "BOMBA:", "I feel bad for bomba dudes since EV fires are harder to control than internal combustion engine vehicles", "It’s impossible to control. I understand US fire dept build a special pool to submerge the flaming EV in it to put out fire.", "I feel bad for tax payers since all this stuff ends up costing the public." ], [ "Well at least it'll make insurance claim a lot easier.", "Most insurance companies have TNC for EV that is 2x longer than Tesla's own TNC which is itself tiny font long novel. Most people don't realize they're not protected. There's lots of restrictions on use of compatible 3rd party equipment and such. Can't blame them since they know their products are fragile. That's why Tesla only warranties their battery for 160km or 7 years whichever comes first. Don't really get why people think EV will save the environment. More likely in a few years we'll start to see how much EV battery dumping is going to bad for the environment." ], [ "EV is on fire….. Ahhahahqhqhha" ] ]
Need help to ID tortoise
Hi gang. Found this tortoise wandering the roadside. It is fortunate it did not get run over. Could someone assist to ID this species?
[ [ "Malayan box turtle (Cuora amboinensis), the most common native turtle species we have here. And despite its tortoise-like appearance it is quite aquatic, spending quite a lot of time in the water. Despite being an adaptable species it is actually Endangered due to overcollection for wildlife trade." ], [ "Found this guy outside wandering next to the roadside. Luckily it was at night where less traffic. Anyone know the species?" ], [ "ikan kelisa", "Maybe Kancil or Kembara or Kenari or Rusa?", "ikan sepet eh silap sepat" ] ]
Transport minister says Malaysians can start renewing driver’s licence via MyJPJ app from Feb 1
[ [ "Myeg:", "MYEG honestly deserves to get fucked. I helped my father renew the MAID permit last year. Did it almost 2 months before due date. Waited 1 month no updates, as the date got close I called them and asked them what is going on.\nNo explanation, no nothing, they just suddenly sent me a an email asking me to fill in info.\nI called them and waited 20 minutes for someone to pick up and when they did I onlyh finally found out that they had been having problems trying to get the permit done and because I mesasged them as I am in a hurry.. they are going to go to the immigration center and do it for me (like they are doing me a favor).\nI told them the issue is you guys should have informed me way ahead that this was an issue and not wait till I call 2 weeks before my maid's work permit is due to expire. ONe thing I really hate talking to the CS in Malaysia, is that it is very hard to get it into their head why they are wrong. I wrote a few emails threatening to report them to consumer bureau as they are taking money and providing a service before someone called me and explained to me and apologized.", "Same thing but the security guard also. Want to take what driving license when entering building?", "illegal to take lah, can show them write number only." ], [ "wtf i just went to jpj today.", "And you got yours done.\nIt's ok la dude, next time.", "February 1 bro" ], [ "This is what happens when you have a COMPETENT minister in charge." ], [ "that app is toilet paper!" ], [ "Eh I use myeg je. Appear in the app also" ], [ "No eyesight test in Msia ?" ], [ "HIDUP LOKE!!!! seriously why I think he is the only minister who worked hard to ease our life?" ], [ "I had been renewing my license through mysikap. I think they just transfer that feature to myjpj. Maybe many people didnt know can renew at mysikap. No service fee also." ] ]
Traveling to Malaysia
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hello malaysian people. I am going to be visiting your lovely country in late february from an (probably) unknown country, Estonia(northern europe) with my family, 2 adults, 3 children ages 5 to 17. We are starting to put together a plan on what to do, we have 13 days. Right now, the plan is to fly to Kuala Lumpur, and explore the city for a few days. After that, it’s pretty open, but i think we wanna stay at 2 other places. Right now, we are thinking: 1)somewhere in Penang 2) somewhere in Langkawi 3) Ko Li Pe/ Koh Lipe (let me know which is right) islands that i’m aware are part of Thailand. We can pick 2 or it will get too fast-paced as we only have 13 days. Please give me advice what do you think we should do, any advice? What places we should visit or what to do. I will do more research but as people write in Estonia’s subreddit as well to get travel advice and they get very good insider information from there, i thought to myself maybe the Malaysian community is as nice as well and will help us out. Thank you in advance and give me all your advice and tips&tricks. Can’t wait to visit!
[ [ "If the option is between Langkawi and Koh Lipe, I’d assume the goal are the beaches. If so, skip Langkawi and head straight to Koh Lipe.", "skip langkawi unless you want a quiet place. there is nothing much to do there other than chill.", "Agreed. My langkawi vacation was the bomb due that i did absolutely nothing on the vacation. Just smartphone & weather.", "If you love nature get island hopping trips and the mangrove tour in Langkawi" ], [ "Some nice places I like that are not usually part of common itineraries.\nIn KL, visit the TTDI Park. It has a playground and lots of monkeys and a few monitor lizards. You and your kids may enjoy it.\nIn Penang, visit the Escape Penang theme park. It has the longest water slide in the world. I also like to visit the Balik Pulai region. There is the Balik Pulau paddy field and the town itself which has a different feel than Penang's Georgetown.\nFor Langkawi, there's not really any secret. All the nice and hidden spots are usually well covered in online itineraries. For me personally, I like the Tanjung Rhu resort as there is a sandbar that is revealed in low tide which can let you walk out quite far into the sea.\nThe beaches and water in Koh Lipe are far more beautiful than Langkawi, so perhaps just head straight there.\nOther tips\nUse the app Grab for ridesharing and deliveries if you are not renting a car.\nWhile a lot of people speak and understand English, make sure to speak in simple sentences. Instead of saying \"I would like a Coke please\" say \"Coke. One.\"", "Thank you! The theme park looks fun as hell. Do you reccomend renting a car for Penang? The distances from Georgetown to the theme park&Balik Pulai are about 25km..or could we do with public transportation.. i guess it depends how expensive it is to rent a car?\nAlso now that i’ve been thinking, i think KL and Penang are a must. Haven’t yet to research what it is there to do in Langkawi, but i think the plan to skip it and go straight to Koh Lipe is viable. If we were to do Koh Lipe, would you rather skip Penang or Langkawi?", "Not the commenter, but I would skip Langkawi for Penang easily. Car rental for 5 pax you can budget about RM 350-450 for decent sedan or SUV.", "Would recommend chenang beach in Langkawi for souvenirs shopping.", "Also on language- no harm in collecting a few phrases from a Bahasa Malaysia phrasebook or website. Conversational Malay is quite straight forward- there’s a reason it was the lingua franca in the region for centuries. Numbers, one-word basic questions, and polite phrases like thank you, will get you a long way." ], [ "Make sure to fill out the digital arrival card 3 days before arrival. https://imigresen-online.imi.gov.my/mdac/main", "thanks will do" ], [ "first timer, do the tourist route\nunless you want to spend for private beaches skip langkawi, its a slow island and more so these days.\nmelacca is another common choice" ], [ "If it’s within your budget both in time and money wise, consider Sabah. Get on the river cruise to see the monkeys and fireflies native to the jungles of Borneo.\nIf you like islands, check out Mantanani and consider Semporna." ], [ "Will say just skip Koh Lipe and do another Thailand trip next time.\nKL to Penang, then Langkawi and end up KL for flight back home seems sensible.\nKuala Lumpur, 3 days. Stay near to KLCC. Explore the hustle and bustle of a city. Go to malls, central market, do a little shopping, try local food and enjoy the man-made attractions. It's a city, pretty much the same everywhere around the world.\nPenang, 5 days. Stay in Georgetown and enjoy the old colonial era charm. Attractions should be within walkable / bikeable distance. Take Grab (hired car) for daytrips to Penang Hill & Botanical Garden (same area) or to beaches in Tanjung Bungah / Batu Feringghi or even further to Teluk Bahang, National Park for more hike and beaches. Penang is well known to be a foodie city. Be sure to sample some of their best cuisine.\nLangkawi, 5 days. Langkawi is a big island and accessibility is poor. Getting a rented car is a must. Unless you plan to hole up in one of the many resorts there. I can't suggest which is the best area to stay. Luxury resorts are located just northwest of Langkawi airport. Cenang used to be good (and probably still is?) and have many affordable options. Kuah is a bustling town, nothing much but even cheaper hotels.\nThere is no airport in Koh Lipe, that means half day of travelling to somewhere just to take a flight. Langkawi has daily flights to Kuala Lumpur or Singapore for flight back home.\nSelamat Datang and enjoy your stay here.", "Yeah i think that’s the best plan. It’s just my mom said Koh Lipe is one of her dream destinations but looking at it it’s very small so there’s nothing else to really do other than enjoy the world-class beaches and what comes with it. And as we don’t have much time i think the half day traveling with ferry and immigrations checks because of border crossing is probably food reason to leave it for another trip. It’s just the paradise islands are kind of her thing.\nSince you seem very knowledgable do you mind giving me a quick insight about the prices? I know they can vary a hell of a lot, but generally in my capital Tallinn, in a normal not anything special restaurant the prices vary in the range of 12-18 euros per meal. So that’s 60 to 90 ringgit. I imagine Kuala Lumpur is more expensive than Penang and Langkawi but could you give some ranges for prices over there? To just grab lunch or have a but of a nicer dinner somewhere?\nAlso about what does it cost to hire the Grab in Penang? Is it like a taxi for a one way cost or is it hired for a full day?\nLangkawi car rental i’ll look up.\nThanks for the help brother", "Koh Lipe is only 90 minutes away from Langkawi. I think it's perfectly doable. You have 13 days. I think just go there. Immigration wouldn't take that long.\nI don't think you need to spend 5 days for each place. Maybe 3 days in KL, 3 days in Penang, the rest in Langkawi/Koh Lipe.\nFood is fairly cheap in Malaysia. Decent meal would cost RM20-30. This is like if you go to restaurants each time.\nUse grab to go everywhere. It's like Uber. But if you wanna go at your own pace, then maybe rent a car is better. There are plenty of car rentals at the airport.\nHave you thought about exploring East Malaysia, specifically Sabah? It's only 2.5 hours flight from KL.\nIslands in sabah are so beautiful, IMO better than Thai islands. Check out islands in Tawau like Boheydulang, Mabul, Mataking, Sipadan.\nHeck the islands near the state capital, Kota Kinabalu like Sapi, Mantanani, Manukan are also so beautiful. Corals everywhere. I can't find corals in Thai islands near Krabi/Phuket.", "Eating out varies in cost. Kuala Lumpur city centre or George Town, Penang will set you back RM 50 - 80 per person for a nice meal in a proper restaurant, without alcohol. Unfortunately, most of the cost comes from alcohol. Even a shitty house pour wine will set you back at ~RM30 / €6.00. A nice bottle will set you back ~RM200 / €40.00.\nIn Kuala Lumpur or Penang, just do one way trips using Grab. You can even do Grab Food to your hotel, to save you time. If you are staying in city centre, would just suggest not to travel via cars during peak hours, just use metro.\nLangkawi is the reverse. Food expensive (same as Kuala Lumpur), alcohol is cheap. Langkawi is a tax-free island.\nIf your stomach can handle it and you have a local to show you around, street food can be cheap and good. Best street food can be found in Penang." ], [ "Malacca and Penang would be good of you are into history.\nLangkawi is a good beach island with a feel of village/kampung. You should try it and go to restaurant cili kampung.\nAlso what do Estonian think of Dilbert cartoon?", "haha i think Dilbert isn’t that popular in Estonia, so i don’t think anything of it.\nDo you mean history in terms there are many historical sights to see? I mean we are a family with different interest, my little siblings wish to sit at a hotel by the pool or beach all day but the older ones like to see cool historical sights, see beatiful nature etc and be more active. Is it possible to do these half-half days in Penang as well where you explore Georgetown for half a day for example and the other half go to a beach? Ik it’s complicated buy there basically needs to be a balance at all times or there will be crying kids or unsatisfied and bored adults", "Penang has some historical sites, but the more popular historical site would be in Malacca (Melaka).\nClose to Penang you can also visit Ipoh (should be on route from Kuala Lumpur-Penang)\nNature-wise, you can head to Taman Negara (National Park), but its on the southern side of Peninsular Malaysia.\nNot sure if the islands are back open during February, but look up Perhentian Islands, or Redang Island if youre interested in the beach.\nFebruary 10th is Chinese New Year (a.k.a lunar new year), so the traffic will be heavier than usual. However, you'll be able to see different kind of decorations, and festivals everywhere in Malaysia." ], [ "Penang > Langkawi. More to see, more to eat, culturally explosive for the senses. Skip langkawi if its your 1st time to Malaysia, especially if u are going to koh lipe (better beach, better water)" ], [ "February? Come back in march\nFebruary a lot people celebrating chinese new year", "We arrive on 23th of february, should be fine by then?", "27th onwards, by that time not too many people so u can enjoy more" ], [ "Hi Op! Here’s a Happy 2024 to you!\nI’ve been to Tallinn as part of my honeymoon in 2019 and I loved it! Hope you have an equally good trip here\nJust 2 things to note and a few questions.\nNote, it will be hot here by end Feb, I know it’s still fairly cold in Estonia at the time so do prepare for a 50% or more jump in temperature also, do expect mosquitoes and other bugs to be abundant. Of course shopping centres/ malls will be largely big free but other wise do expect insects\nA few questions, what does your family enjoy ?\nNature ? Sights ? Do you plan to do road trips and drive around ? There are some fairly interesting smaller towns to visit (Sitiawan, Ipoh) if you are driving. Or do you plan to stick to the bigger cities and use public transport?\nFood ? How’s your food palate? One advantage of Malaysia is you can find fairly authentic samples of neighbouring foods here (Thai, Indonesian, Viet etc)\nExperiences ? Shows, tours etc ?" ], [ "I'd say for beaches, skip Langkawi. There's little to do there. If you're into diving we have loads of great places for diving too.\nPenang is a must!\nI hope you enjoy KL, pay Petaling Street and Pasar Seni a visit for sure :)" ], [ "I’d spend the 13 days in northern and southern parts of Thailand, completely skip Malaysia.", "☠️☠️☠️😅🤣" ], [ "A few other people are weighing in on Langkawi vs Koh Lipe and prices and such, so I’ll just stick to tourist spots in KL\nKLCC is generally a must-see. There are guided tours up the Petronas twin towers as well, which can be good fun for a family. Alternatively, you can explore eating in the one of the restaurants up the towers- only Marini’s on 57 is open at the moment, I think (open only for dinner) which is a high-end steakhouse but with a beautiful view of the city.\nPavilion KL is another shopping mall - KL is rife with them, but it’s a nice one.\nI would check out the National Craft Complex, which isn’t far from KLCC. There are huts featuring different local crafts that you and your family could participate in, eg Batik painting, pottery.\nNear Merdeka Square, there are some good parks- The KL Bird Park and Butterfly Park are both worth a visit. The Islamic Arts Museum is there too, which in my opinion, is better worth a visit than the National Museum. Merdeka Square itself is very pretty, historic, and a good picture location. If you dedicate a day in this are you could probably hit up several in the same locale.\nOther fun places to visit for shopping and the experience are Central Market, Brickfields (aka Little India), Petaling Street, Masjid India. Just be aware that if shopping, a lot of these places expect haggling as a matter of course- no need to go overboard, but unless it’s explicitly stated on a sign somewhere “no haggling, fixed price”, no harm in asking for a better price/bulk discount.\nHopr you and your family have fun! Keep an ear out for drumming- you land during the tail end of the CNY Festive period (ends 25th Feb) so you may still catch a lion dance or two if you’re speedy and run towards the source of the noise." ], [ "Estonians are fun people! I know a few myself 😁😁\nIf you’re planning to visit during the middleish of Feb, expect some festivals due to Chinese New Year (starts 10 Feb). Don’t forget to get some digestive pills since the food here is not exactly clean if you want to try street foods. Also, don’t drink the tap water. Tap water is not clean here and always make sure to have mineral/boiled/filtered water.\nIn KL, hit up the aquarium in KLCC for some family time, shopping in Pavilion for luxury goods and you can even visit and hit up some bars for drinks at night. Alcohol is wayy more expensive here compared to Estonia though so be mindful of that.\nYou can visit Chinatown (Petaling Street) to walk around but make sure to keep your valuables safe like your jewellery and such.\nI would say for Penang, you can visit the Escape Park for some thrill and fun with your family. Also, you can go over to the “Armenian Street” for some light shopping or souvenirs, Georgetown and even go for an ATV ride." ], [ "February huh? I you can delay a bit until March, then it’s Ramadhan (starts 12 March). You’ll have a chance to experience Ramadhan Bazaar.\nIf you can’t then the other reply have a good itinerary for you.\n3 days in KL\n5 days in Penang\nThe rest in Koh Lipe." ], [ "Get your vaccine shots in order and prepare deterrent against mosquitoes, there's a lot of way to get sick in Malaysia especially for people who aren't used to the climate\nALWAYS carry a water bottle with you or be ready to buy water always" ], [ "A lot of people have suggested good places to go. I'd like to add a bit to that:\nWhen in Penang especially, try Nasi Kandar (its rice with mix curry, plus chicken/fish/lamb. My fav restaurants in Penang wld be Hameediyah or Deen Maju). Nasi Kandar is served usually at a type of restaurant we call 'mamak' shops. Usually its 24hrs, staffed with predominantly Indian staff (Mamak is our term for Indian Muslims).\nAt restaurants esp local ones, don't call waiters/waitress 'Excuse Me'. Instead use Abang (older brother), Kakak (older sis), Adik (younger sibling) and if you're at mamak can call them anney (bro in law). Can also use boss. They will like that a lot and you may get better service haha!" ], [ "One of my favorite memories from when I visited langkawi was taking a small boat out to the caves and going through the caves, and also the cable car. However , this was more than 10 years ago" ], [ "I’d give Langkawi a miss and maybe head to Pulai Tioman, lovely beaches, clear water and a great experience." ] ]
Tony Pua’s take on learning Jawi in school
[ [ "Khat issue was probably DAP’s worst managed PR crisis. Got called both race traitors and anti-Malay throughout the whole thing while MCA, Dong Zong, and Mandarin newspapers just continued fanning the fire\nDAP had its share of gaffes in 2023 but, credit to Anthony, are all better managed than that.", "I always tell people that MCA was behind all this- and got the Mandarin papers & Dong Zong to be in cahoots with them. They made hell load of noise during PH1.0 rule.\nProof? After the Sheraton Move, all the noise from MCA stopped. DZ said that the matter has \"been settled internally\". UMNO, PAS & Bersatu (kononnya terpaling Melayu Islam) pun didn't bother to put it back in the textbooks.\nSo the terpaling Cina MCA and terpaling Meu UMNO & PAS played mind games with us just to sabotage DAP and PH. Incredible political chess move by them. Damn bloody smart.", "I can’t stand with Dong Zong. Look at the textbook of UEC, bunch of outdated materials.\nWe could expect this as MCA need to get the attention from DAP. They need to do that for survival. Plus LGE fumes with the TARUC fund.\nLuckily LGE is no longer Sec general for DAP. He really should retire after his pathetic performance in Ministry of Finance. But look at current politics in Penang, CKW is really got attacked by him and his fellow.", "LGE fumes with the TARUC fund.\nTbh, what LGE propose was actually right, by right a educational institution should not be control by a political party. He say time and time again, that the intention was the allocated fund will be managed by the University board of trustee rather than MCA board.\nIn the end, the fund was still given regardless no? But the narrative that Guan Eng did not give money to TARUMT still persist to this day.", "Can we say that MCA's main support base are Chinese chauvinists and traditionalists contrary to what people think are DAP's support base", "Yeah but I think both have chauvinists and traditionalist Chinese. Just that the English-speaking base which once dominated MCA in the early 3-4 decades shrunk so much it became very small. Early MCA leaders like Tan Cheng Lock, Tan Siew Sin etc were all British educated and English speaking." ], [ "I dont know if this in an unpopular opinion or not but honestly, the whole Jawi fiasco and the people who are against it is so stupid. Jawi is just a writing form just like Latin and Kanji. My dad took some Jawi lessons at school and we're still Indian Hindus cause me and my family aren't insecure to our religion. I personally had some of my Malay friends thought me and my friends to write Jawi as a past time and we in return teach them Tamil and Chinese scriptures. There's nothing wrong learning Jawi as it is just another way to write Malay and it has nothing to do with religion. However, that being said, I feel our education system should focus on bigger issues such as the use AI in homework and projects, the lack of students entering science stream, the outdated exam formats we have and many more.", "As a non-Muslim bumiputera (who has a casual interest in learning languages) I feel the same way too.\nI think the reason why so many people were against it was largely due to misunderstanding and ignorance of what Jawi actually is, and its value as part of not only Malaysian but Nusantara heritage. A lot of people think that Jawi = Arabic language/Islam/etc, but it is in fact just the Malay language written in a modified Arabic script. It's just like writing Malay in other scripts, e.g. katakana or hangul.\nThe more important question is how the syllabus should be handled. This should be made clear to everyone, especially those who are less familiar with what Jawi really is.", "The 1967 National Language Act really messed up the institution of Jawi. Before 1967, a lot of Malay documents and press are written in Jawi. My grandaunt's wedding invitation from 1958 was also written in Jawi. If you ask who made Jawi irrelevent, blame it on the government of that time.", "However, that being said, I feel our education system should focus on bigger issues such as the use AI in homework and projects, the lack of students entering science stream, the outdated exam formats we have and many more.\nExactly", "...There's nothing wrong learning Jawi...\n...I feel our education system should focus on bigger issues...\nYou think the issue is stupid but you've basically surmised why people don't see the point of adding it to our education system.\nThe only benefit this'll have is for nons to (somehow) become more buddy buddy with the Muslims; go find another way to achieve that mate.", "I almost never used cursive writing. Was I forced to do it? Yes. Do I hate that I was forced to do it? Not really. Do you also think extracurricular activities are a waste of time? Jawi is a significant part of our nation's history whether people like it or not.", "Wait exams format are outdated? I dont agree. Its just a small aspect of exams but I think KBAT/HOTS question is one of the best exam system out there. The fact that there is no right or wrong answer, and it gives you the most point.", "Maybe I should've worded it correctly. What I meant to say is that our education system is only exam focus and not concentrating on other areas like practical educations as well as teachers teaching students how to answer the paper instead of learning something at school. I have already forgotten certain things I learned in SPM already.", "Why the fuck should we learn something that is not beneficial when we have our fair share of useless subjects in school already. Teach students what they need to know instead of this nonsense.", "If they make it as an optional class or after school event, it might be a better solution.\nLike after school 1 hour to learn basic Jawi, all race from all religion can join.\nI as a non-Muslim and non-Malay will join the class lol.", "It's fun, pretty, part of the nation's heritage and can help with picking up Arabic. If you had to optimise what kids learn in school, probably can remove art, music (lower median salary) or kemahiran hidup (can hire/buy services) or history (they're not living in the past!).\nLest we forget it's for them to become more well-rounded humans, not just productive cogs.", "Why do you think that 3 pages of jawi can apparently teach you the point where you can fluently write Jawi. It's essentially just \"btw those jawi word in our bank notes meant this and that\" THATS IT. It's not an entire chapter dedicated to forcing to be fluent in learning the language.", "The reason to learn it is mostly because it's still being used. Not all malays are fluent in reading jawi either. The main point to learn is to at least have a basic knowledge to read it. I also don't think there are such things as useless knowledge. Learning jawi for me is just like learning idiom or pantun or formal writing format or art or kawad kaki. Not everyone really uses all the knowledge that we learn at school but it will be useful at some point either directly or indirectly. I also don't think it's that difficult, put 1 chapter about introduction and basics of jawi in buku teks BM darjah 5 and settle. Move on and forget about it.", "Can't reply to the other comment but jawi is obsolete and has been replaced by rumi. At best, it's basically like calligraphy so I don't see the point of it. To learn a language, you need consistent use of it. Learning it simply from the textbook is not going to work. I remember back then they had sign language in the BM textbook and nobody can remember them after a month because it's not used again.", "Jawi is not a language.", "Jawi is not obsolete. It is still being used in certain official documents. Legal documents written in Jawi are valid for usage in official matters without having to be translated or transliterated.", "Saying that a writing system of a national language that is in a significant part of Malaysia's history and still used today as \"nonsense\" is exactly why some rural Malays have distrust against a particular group of people", "Agree 100%. Politicians only need local or 3R issue to goreng. Main reasons they dont mingle with outside world to know how backward we are.", "this 10000%" ], [ "there are a lot of invested parties in malaysia, nons and malays alike whose goal is to keep people separated.", "Pecah dan perintah, the only people benefited are the one up there, while the others fighting with each other like a moron.", "tag MCA", "MCA whole purpose is to have Chinese dependant on them to solve issues that should be systematically resolved, but that would render their whole existence moot.", "Better to keep it separated if people equal unity with cultural genocide.\nMaking the whole population Muslim is not unity.", "Found the Chinese uncle", "And you thought that is an insult.\nWhat a pity creature.", "Oblivious Chinese uncle, even better.\n*pitiful creature. FTFY" ], [ "It was definitely a period that shows irrationality among PH voterbase is not that different with the irrationality within other coalitions voterbase.\nThe same way we laugh at certain groups of people thinking a simple \"Merry Christmas\" can christianized them. We ourself thought that somehow 3 pages that just mentioned what those little jawi word in our bank notes, jata negara etc meant in textbook could \"islamized\" us.\nThe issue should have been discuss from a standpoint that if the 3 pages could serves as an entryhole to future extremist implementing even more than just 3 pages. But instead irrationality takes hold and this simple issue got enlarged ridiculously.\nedit 1: u/UsernameGenerik , not sure if its your video, but it should have also included the later 30sec that talk about the magical dissappearance of the issue suddenly when XX move happen. The ones pouring the fire over and over magically disappeared.\nHere at 1:19:36 if you all interested to continue watching" ], [ "There is no issue learning JAWI, as long the government can guaranteed Jawi is not linked to Islam and there is no restriction on JAWI usage.\nLike if I want to translate the entire Bible, Torah, or other religion holy book to Jawi, there should be no issue.\nOr if I want to put Jawi in non-Halal stuff like beer and BKT, there should be no issue.\nOr If I want create a banner in Christmas in Jawi should be no issue.", "Imo, the missing voices after she raton move is mainly due to increased awareness and knowledge of what jawi/khat is. I'm not sure about you but I definately learned more about those through other people than dap. So in the end I think there are less people making noice about that issue when they realised that it is not going to impact them as negatively as they initially thought.", "Kinda agree actually.\nThe reason to learn it is mostly because it's still being used. Not all malays are fluent in reading jawi either but the main point to learn is to at least have a basic knowledge to read it. I also don't think there are such things as useless knowledge. Learning jawi for me is just like learning idiom or pantun or formal writing format or art or kawad kaki. Not everyone really uses all the knowledge that we learn at school but it will be useful at some point either directly or indirectly. I also don't think it's that difficult, put 1 chapter about the introduction and basics of jawi in buku teks BM darjah 5 and settle. Move on and forget about it.", "as long the government can guaranteed Jawi is not linked to Islam and there is no restriction on JAWI usage.\nJust shows how ignorant you are.", "I know Jawi is not related to Islam , but a guarantee from the government that Jawi is not Islamic and there will be no restriction on Jawi usage (e.g. If English can be used, Jawi also can) will stop all the confusion and help promote the writing style.", "Jawi = Bahasa Melayu. 3 muka surat untuk pengenalan. Dah banyak kali kerajaan terangkan dekat orang awam. Ahli Parlimen DAP pun dah terangkan secara rasional. Pembelajaran jawi tak bersamaan pembelajaran islam. Macam Tony Pua cakap apa masalah dia? Komuniti Cina dan India tak faham bahasa Melayu ke?", "Thus, I can use Jawi in non-Islamic context without any issue right ?", "Like what promoting beer? Pork shop? Have you been to Kelantan, Terrenganu and Brunei?", "Ya basically can be used for everything.\nGlad to hear there are no issue at those places =)", "Subtle very subtle…", "Don't really get what you mean.", "This just further evidence how ignorant you are. Jawi is not even Muslimc stuff for god sake lol. You cannot even read the holy book Quran with it. Muslim people in other country will not understand it. Now read this - Jawi is just a way to write words in BM but using different character.. instead of roman characters they are using characters inspired by arabic… like how people in this country does before British came and change it to Roman. It just part of the country history.", "There are many people confused weather Jawi is Islamic or not, and thus like I said, a official government statement saying Jawi is not Islamic should settle it.", "Might as well just say DAP controls Melayu /s", "Alteady explain rationally. People like you tend to be ignorant. Masuk kanan keluar kiri." ], [ "Chinese here. I do think learning it is great. Heck, to learn new stuff is always welcomed. But, it's better for education to focus more on improving what we have, not to let us lag behind other countries year after year. The addition of Jawi is nice, even better if the actual improvement is focused for our overall system.\nEdit : https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/12/06/drop-in-pisa-scores-worldwide\nLink showing our lag in the education matter. It's bad. We've fallen each year since 2016 if you look deeper into the thing.", "I think it's great to learn new language but if the education system is failing then it pretty much like adding fuel into fire.", "It needs an overhaul. The system failed cause they tune down the difficulty year after year to accommodate the scores. eg; how many pass the exams per year. We are now ranked way below average worldwide. We are on average 3 years behind in comparison to Singapore. Meaning budak sekolah kita dajah 4 sama dengan dajah 1 di Singapore. Malu tak? Don't need to be like Singapore cause they are really kinda nuts, but at least we need it to be better to not lead to the situation now. A 3 year gap is a jaw dropping situation.", "And also it quite surprising that even Vietnam managed to beat us hell even ukraine a country in middle of a war can still perform better than us.", "They put effort into it. Not Nampak budak gagal, kita buatkan senang supaya nampak cantik. Tapi minta ku ajar betul betul tu susah sangat. Ubah score kan senang je.\nTo hit their quota to look good, they did this. Vietnam and Ukraine education have the foresight to look further ahead. We Malaysians are labeled as dumb kids. Ehh ace student from Malaysia? Pfft, must be a joke.\nThe statistics show. So now if you get a degree, it's normal to get out done by others from other countries applying for the same job. Or to say, entering higher education schools like masters or whatnot. And your salary will definitely be lower too, cause you're labeled as meh.", "except its not a language. just a different writing system. i can read it better than most people but its only been \"useful\" when this subreddit has those posts about ads from the 90s talking about guinness beer being advertised in Jawi", "Yupe, you are correct. I should have known better.", "Jawi is just letters, its not a language. You wont understand arabic, you wont learn Islam.\nI think you probably can learn it a month or so. I don't know the correct term, but jawi is just like katakana, meaning it doesnt have vowels accept maybe for \"A\" and \"I\"\nMy point, the fear of jawi was from the lack or understanding, due to PH failure to properly explain / market it. Its just fancy latters so we seem I dont think it will effect our PISA or whatever.", "Its PH total failure because not only MCA and Dong Zong purposely misrepresent the problem, but the newspaper editors are also writing sensational \"history\" lessons on the language as well.", "Saya cina share the same views. No issue on Jawi. Just another language. Should make it as available as bahasa cina and bahasa tamil", "Not exactly new language. Its another form of writing for Bahasa Malaysia. Kinda like Romanise hanyu pinyin and hanzi. So learning it should be under BM class rather than under Islamic religious class.", "Some dude argued with me last time saying studying how the history of this language comes to be is a waste of time and should focus on learning the language instead.", "As many mentioned here, Jawi is a form of script/writing, not a new language. It's like arabic but with some additional letters to support Malay language. I guess PH failed big time when they can't even explain that to the masses.", "But jawi can unite us like captain america in the avengers end game movie and everything will eventually become fine after that \\s", "The reason to learn it is mostly because it's still being used. Not all malays are fluent in reading jawi either but the main point to learn is to at least have a basic knowledge to read it. I also don't think there are such things as useless knowledge. Learning jawi for me is just like learning idiom or pantun or formal writing format or art or kawad kaki. Not everyone really uses all the knowledge that we learn at school but it will be useful at some point either directly or indirectly. I also don't think it's that difficult, put 1 chapter about the introduction and basics of jawi in buku teks BM darjah 5 and settle. Move on and forget about it." ], [ "I will tell that uncle don't worry I learn english and I don't turn myself into believing Jesus.", "Jesus is Jewish but I get your point" ], [ "wow tony pua sums up the issue from Malay's perspective really well. learning jawi is learning malay language, it doesn't have anything to do with Arabic language or Muslim at all.", "Why should we waste our time to learn something useless is my issue on it", "Move on and forget about it\nThere you go, what's the point then... I ain't going to use it in my day to day life.", "It is part of Bahasa Melayu, which is our national language. It is still used in many official documents, display, logos, etc. Saying it is useless is like saying Malay language is useless. Which is okay if you are not Malaysia citizen....", "Language and written script is heavily intertwined with culture and the history of the people that uses it. Losing the ability to understand and read the Jawi script means abandoning a majority of our history that was written in Jawi, which is a lot. Couple that with Malaysians piss poor regard and care to properly catalogue and accept their own history means the death of our identity as Malaysian.\nCalling it useless learn is mighty ignorant and single-minded.", "", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks", "In that case just park it under BM subject. We don't need another subject just for Jawi.", "It is planned to be part of BM subject in the first place. A small topic in fact, as intro to the script.", "Jawi is in BM textbook… not another subject…" ], [ "\"If my son goes to school and come back a muslim\" I- what 😭😭😭" ], [ "They would give every stick and stone they found to show us they are racist without telling us they are racist.", "Most Chinese Malaysian and Indian Malaysian are conservative in nature." ], [ "You’re not a true non-muslim if mere jawi could falter your faith", "You are also not a true Muslim if mere jawi could falter your faith or confuse you.\nhttps://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2019/08/22/pas-mp-backs-call-to-ban-jawi-script-on-products-by-non-muslims/1783204", "I will assume you’re not aware of the issue underlying this statement, so let me share. The reason why some Muslims are cynical of non-Muslim businesses using Jawi on their products, mainly food, is because it tries to give an impression that the product is Islamic or Halal when in some cases, it may not be.\nYou will see this in some food products in stores where there’s a Halal logo but looks sketchy, and when you look it up on Jakim’s website, turns out they don’t have Halal certification but used Jawi or such design tricks to reel in Muslim consumers. That’s deceptive, especially if you consider how crucial Halal is to Muslim consumers.\nEducate yourself, or at least be more sensitive to why there are actual logical reasons behind certain statements or actions.", "Based on what you said, the value of Jawi is reduced if we cannot used it at certain place and this will discourage people from actually learning Jawi.\nI assume when you said deceptive part is when people put halal logo when their product is not halal ? I agreed with you , it's illegal and government should take action.\nHowever if I am a non Muslim and my product have halal cert, I should be allowed to put Jawi in my product alongside with the official halal logo.\nOr\nIf my product is non-halal, I should be able to put Jawi in my product without any kind of statement or logo saying it's halal.", "I never implied anything of sort of it being reduced? Don’t put words in my mouth. I said that there are valid concerns about it being used deceptively. If your company applied and received a Halal certification, there is no problem.\nHere’s the distinction: But if you don’t have a Halal certification and intently use Jawi as a way to draw in Muslim customers (assuming the non Muslim population doesn’t read nor understand Jawi given current context), then aren’t you just being deceptive?\nDon’t set up a straw man argument, bro.", "Since Jawi is not related to Islam, there is no issue right ? It may promote usage of Jawi among non-Muslim as well if one of their favorite product is in Jawi. We need to start somewhere right ?", "You just sum up why people are against jawi because of craziness like this. Is it a religious language or not?\nHow can jawi trick Muslims to eat non halal food when it's just a language?", "The only thing urban folks have faith in is money.", "You havr my vote.🤣 Cerita ebiet liew pg sabah uslam kan org kampung, tak lama lepas tu masing² murtad.. So many trigered in both situation while the main objective for both party is money.. (donation )", "You forgot to add on power", "Not true", "The irony. This reddit always lambasted Malay muslim community’s ignorance but when it comes to their own race/kind tutup mata pekak telinga." ], [ "Theoretically, jawi (a.k.a. arabic letters) is not islam, but jawi came to this land together with islam. there is a symbiotic relationship between jawi and islam.\nof course, many will say that jawi is intrinsically 'malay culture'...but what is 'malay culture'? For the past 70 years, the status quo and the government has purposely intertwined malay culture and islamic culture, so much so that only an expert in history can properly distinguished between malay culture and islamic culture....heck, even in this country, a malay is legally defined as someone who is a muslim.\nso, why is it surprising that non-muslims in this country, particularly those younger than 50 years old, see jawi as part of islam or an 'islamic thing'? why is it surprising to see non-muslims get anxious when the government that was supposed to promote ALL cultures suddenly push this 'islamic thing' , when almost nobody was asking for it?\nTony Pua get laugh all he wants but i am sure he is well aware of the decades of indoctrination that has been happening in this country to cause huge distrust between muslims vs non-muslims ...and malays vs non-malays" ], [ "The problem is you made it a national syllabus, and jawi is not something only the minorities know. The majority knows what it is.\nYou made it in your manifesto to preserve the cultures and languages of the minorities. Why did you not do that? Where is the recognition for uec? Where is your effort to preserve vernacular schools?\nEven the Sarawak gov was doing better than you. Why would you give blow jobs to the most racist people when they refuse that?", "The problem is you made it a national syllabus, and jawi is not something only the minorities know. The majority knows what it is.\nIt's three page of Jawi that essentially say what those jawi words in your bank notes mean, I do not believe you can teach someone to be proficient at basic Jawi and test them in exams with just 3 pages. I do not believe having a simple \" hey this is what the jawi on your bank notes mean\" = give blow jobs to the most racist people.\nCould it be used as entry hole to expand in future? Maybe, that should be the point to discuss not the fucking apparently 3 pages of jawi can islamized us somehow the same way saying merry christmas will christianize someone.\nYou made it in your manifesto to preserve the cultures and languages of the minorities. Why did you not do that? Where is the recognition for uec? Where is your effort to preserve vernacular schools?\nAs much as I think UEC should be recognized, you seriously want it to be introduced in a time where there are open demonstration against ICERD and reminder that PH was in government for only 22 months and within those 22 month there is even a certain Atuk inside. Vernacular schools still exists even to this day, what are you on about.", "Other than mere accusation, you decide to make no argument here. Get out.", "No problem I dont like here I get out. You? You dont like why you do not get out?", "I feel perfectly fine here. Did I say I do not like it here?\nBlocked because too chicken to use main account. Pui", "Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of reddiquette, specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect:\nDon’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.\nDon't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged.\nDon’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.\nPlease treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks." ], [ "I think the timing to introduce this is at a really wrong timing where people prioritize livelihood, future of their kids (improve existing education system, reduce burden of the educators and student, by removing the unnecessary not ADDing it) and most important stability of the government (not even 1 year at that time?)\nwhats the point of introducing this? whats the point of learning it? will it help / increase workforce efficiency or competitiveness?\nyou can do this when our country is good enough you know, nothing good to do, ok go ahead but optional.:29091::29091:\nsorry, for bad english. my point is still on the timing / unnecessary to introduce to our future generation." ], [ "2018 PH gov biggest weakness is their PR. Absolutely horrendous. The Jawi issues and the black shoes issues shouldn’t get as big as it got but they failed to communicate to the people.", "Agree 💯. And also adding to this, there is two team in pkr which also lead to langkah sheraton. Geramnya aku bila ingat. Penat tau bersorak, berdiri sampai ke malam kat pintu istana masa tu." ], [ "As a Chinese Malaysian,\nuntil our community can deal with our collective ego and accept that being more \"Malaysian\" doesn't make us any less \"Chinese\", we're gonna have to deal with shitty, corrupt politicians (à la the MCA) who are more interested in exploiting our identity crisis for personal gain.\nI would much rather be a Malaysian Chinese person than a Chinese Malaysian person, personally.", "The whole point of jawi is to encourage people to speak bm and preserve it. Not to convert. Wholly agreed with your last point. Cheers" ], [ "Are we going to pretend most of us didn’t take some form of pendidikan moral or read and analyse some atrocious garbage that the government determined was literature but was actually Grade A garbage?\nThe education system is not and never will be a zero sum process. You wanna introduce Jawi, then do it but don’t be condescending and insulting in the process by literally have falling PISA scores year on year while being upset over the lack of basic Jawi. At some level, you or anyone else in Malaysia still have to live a fulfilling life and learning Jawi at an elementary(or even advanced) level isn’t going to be more useful that outright improving school programs for science and professions streams.\nTony Pua knows this and still has the entitled attitude to say he’s got regrets.", "whole bunch of words, and I still understand your point." ], [ "If its just another form of writing malay, and not some ploy to push islam onto everyone then i see no reason why not.\nBut imo, why the fuck do we need to learn a harder form of malay when rumi is literally better and easily understood?\nLets no end up with a situation like japan where those poor students need to learn THREE alphabets." ], [ "The internet crowd can argue on the lack of utility but the people on the streets opposed this based on racial-religious lines and ignorance. You can't defend that." ], [ "I personally have no problem with Jawi being part of our education system. But I would rather learn real arabic than jawi. It's more useful in the real world." ], [ "where is this from?", "Ong Kian Ming’s new podcast. Link" ], [ "What the name of this podcast.", "Are We OK?" ], [ "Stay salty about it, Pony Tua. You were never able to perform like Anthony and Gobind anyway." ], [ "Jawi calligraphy first became an issue in July when the government said it would introduce khat lessons in all Malaysian schools, including “vernacular” schools where lessons are taught in Tamil or Mandarin.\nAlthough the government later reversed the decision, the proposed change provoked complaints about the “Islamisation” of education in the Muslim-majority country where identity politics often shape policy.\nSeni khat merupakan seni yang amat disanjungi di antara seni-seni Islam yang lain kerana ia merupakan salah satu cara utama mengekalkan keaslian kandungan ayat-ayat suci al-Qur'an selain melalui hafalan para huffaz (penghafal Al-Quran). https://ms.m.wikipedia.org › wiki Seni khat Islam - Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas\nSo, seems to be the government manage to blur the line after they failed with backlash in trying to introduce khat into vernacular curriculum. From the already lack of trust in the government after all those ketuanan from bn, chinese do felt being sold by the representative in ph when this kind of things happen. Boiling the frog tactic? Who knows?", "What is the issue of teaching jawi in vernacular schools ? It is part of Bahasa Melayu, which is our national language. It is not a separate subject, and there is no religious teaching or anything within it also.", "The issue has fuelled tension among educationists, school officials and the public after the government announced a plan to introduce jawi script at the basic level for Primary Four vernacular school pupils beginning next year.\nHowever, originally the Ministry of Education (MoE) had intended to introduce the khat (jawi calligraphy) however vehemently objected by various education groups.\nDong Zong secretary-general Ng Chai Heng explained that minority communities have no issues of learning the jawi scripture as it had already been introduced within history lessons within a multicultural context.\nHowever, Ng explained that the introduction of khat, which is stated in school history books is one of the representations of Islam, has drawn fear from parents of Islamisation within the classrooms.\nfrom malay mail article\nThere is a misunderstanding happening, which as cina, I do had the misunderstand of jawi and arabic as in those text used in quran once.\nWith these misunderstood in mind, having a first intro to jawi was like opening to islamization, today 3pages of jawi, tomorrow intro to mengaji, future pendidikan islam will be made compulsory.\nedited: based on my personal experience with malaysia education, I had reason to believe it might happened.\nBack when I learn spm sejarah, I recall of a few chapter about tamadun islam and how the prophet are great, story of its doing etc.\nalso the story of palembang prince become melacca king, many paragraph on how malacca flourish, and suddenly collapse when portugis came. The collapse part only had really few sentences covering. Only when I grew up, I learned the empty part left out in sejarah for obvious reason, how the sultan treated the foreign trader which lead to rebellion etc.", "So basically give them an inch and they will take a mile" ], [ "People were afraid it’s opening floodgates and the slow start of Islamisation that’s already increasing in prevalence in this country. Apart from that, I don’t think anyone else has a problem with it" ], [ "There's really no issue with learning jawi, but what was the reason behind the idea? Is it to teach students something new or start islamifying schools? If it was the former then it wouldn't be a problem, but everyone knows its the latter.\nWhy not focus on improving what we already have? Many students in rural areas are really struggling esp with English and stem subjects. Adding a new subject isn't going to do anything for anyone. Hopefully moe wakes up and improves the whole education system as a whole.", "I also don't think there are such things as useless knowledge.\nThat's true! Having an introduction to jawi in a chapter is not a problem and can even give students something new to learn. To me it's only a problem when they're forcing us to learn jawi as it's own independent subject.", "Then why learn mandarin ? Try to chinafying people or what ?", "It's for the sake of preserving the Chinese culture and the practicality of getting more desirable in the job market. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.", "No one is forcing students to learn mandarin, mandarin is only taught in SJKC and as an elective subject, same with Tamil and other languages (elective subjects in sec school like Japanese German etc)" ], [ "I always support this 2 guys. No matter what other say about this 2 guy. Tony he really work and serve people under his consistency which i personally witness. 👍🏻" ], [ "Malaysian Chinese is really conservative. Look at the community’s comment, they won’t accept it by stating as ‘brainwashed’. What to do when majority of them against it? Political party is just representing the voice of their voters." ], [ "Funny seeing when the cinas kutuk meleis takut salib etc but they themselves are the same prejudice when it comes to jawi lmao" ], [ "If the main reason is to promote unity, isn't it better for bumi to learn other non's language instead of jawi?", "No one said the main reason is unity - it's a Malaysian heritage.", "if that's the case isn't Mandarin and Tamil part of Malaysin heritage too?", "Jawi script came first, if you really have to compare. And again, Jawi is a script, not a different language.", "Brahmi (and variants) came first.", "https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/GvKJCZ8eQN", "Why should this become a competition of who came first if we're celebrating diversity?", "It's not who is first as if it's a competition - it's what was used for a better part of Malaysian history. That was the point if you missed it." ], [ "Glad they spoke about this. Truly, the jawi debacle was the moment I became apathetic towards the PH government. The petty and arrogant rejection shown towards a harmless piece of Malay culture had validated the words of my PAS and UMNO supporting friends that I was \"anjing DAP\" for voting PH." ], [ "I don't understand why Jawi is linked to Islam is a problem. Like, yes Jawi is a product of Islam blending in to fit the people of Nusantara but its\nJUST A WRITING SYSTEM.\nSure, Jawi nowadays are mostly found in religious education books but back in the past Jawi is the standard writing system. Jawi is NOT a liturgical alphabet reserved only for religious purposes. Newspapers to code of law to ad signboards all uses Jawi as the main medium for Malay language. Had the colonialization never came and Za'ba never revolutionized Malay roman spelling, I'm sure Malaysia right now uses a Malay Jawi system. Plus, Malay isn't a\nAlso the idea of your children converting to Islam because of learning and using Jawi is absurd. It's like saying learning Aksara Jawa for Javanese or Baybayin for Tagalog will convert you to Hindu-Buddhism.\nThis whole issue is just people fearing of being open minded. This is a stupid issue" ], [ "Ugh no thanks. Jawi can stay in the past, just use romawi. Hated jawi in school, it might also be the reason why I hate Arabic language class.", "You mean rumi?", "I guess" ], [ "Pointless in learning a language if it is not use much in the real world other than in Islam. Hence why people protest. Bether to go learn Japanese or Korean that many companies would want to hire later in the future.", "This just further evidence how ignorant you are. Jawi is not even Muslimc or Islamic stuff for god sake lol. You cannot even read the holy book Quran with it. Muslim people in other country will not understand it. Now read this - Jawi is just a way to write words in BM but using different character.. instead of roman characters they are using characters inspired by arabic… like how people in this country does before British came and change it to Roman. It just part of the country history.", "Ok apologies didn't know it's different than the Quran text. Still my argument is valid in terms of utility in the job market.", "Pointless in learning a language if it is not use much in the real world other than in Islam. Hence why people protest.\nBut people aren't protesting due to the lack of utility. Hence your point is moot.", "I'm working in MNCs now where ppl who know japanese with the same job get extra allowance of RM1000.. Korean should be around there too. Due to me knowing mandarin I got extra allowance of RM400 supporting China in some finance related job. Hence why I'm saying this. Tell me a job where knowing Jawi gets you paid like this?\nPeople say the human mind is limitless. I believe there's always a limit somewhere. Kids already burdened by so many subjects in school no need to pressure them by adding another language with little benefits.", "https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/YHKhiYqffA\nPlus, Jawi is just a script, more supplementary like 0.5 hr a week for maybe 1-3 years, rather than a whole subject by itself.\nAn acquaintance is making good money designing boards with Jawi calligraphy. But both his and your examples are more of the exception than the norm." ], [ "I had to take Jawi when I was in school. The problem was there was no explanation what is Jawi or why we are learning it. It looked like Arabic and sounded like Arabic so the perception was that we were being brain washed.", "Yup learnt it, passed tests on it and promptly forgot it.", "Yup. And now i still struggle reading it." ], [ "I still stand firmly where I stood. NO JAWI!" ], [ "Your core supporters dont want anything that have any, even the smallest thing that is linked to islam. They want to push it away as far as possible.", "Makes sense if you ask the person queuing behind you move away a few steps after rubbing his penis on your pants for decades once you find some room, right?", "You are gaslighting.\nIt started out as khat ie Islamic calligraphy, caused a shitstorm then changed to jawi ie malay in Arabic script.\nEnd of the day Mahathir played both sides as he knew he would rile up 'us vs them' to discredit DAP.\nPut yourself on the other side, will you for the sake of unity allow your child to recite the catechism or sutra just one paragraph aja bukan banyak", "\"No cross in my neighborhood but I want your kids to embrace Islam\" /s", "Correct.", "It's always the majority forcing the non to comply without even consulting our opinion. The problem isnt with learning jawi, but it was forced upon us without even bother to ask for our opinion. Not a single discussion was held.\nIf encouraging unity is the main reason behind pushing this, why not the majority take up learning the non's language instead? Be it mandarin or tamil, it will goes a much longer way of promoting unity and interaction between races instead of this jawi that's pratically useless irl", "DAP was supposed to represent you guys. And based on what tony said, they had no problem with it. And the deputy education at that time was from DAP.", "So am I in principle, I have no problem with learning jawi. I have problem with the circumstances that lead this to happen.\nSo you have no problem with majority praticing the \"tyranny of majority\" and forcing whatever they see fit without consulting the minority?", "Im actually the type that respects the will of the majority. Depends on the situation, I may voice out my view and try to convince others, but if the majority doesnt accept it, then thats that. No hard feelings.\nI dont expect people to follow whatever i say or give whatever i want. And bitch around when people dont accept what i say.\nActually, in all honesty, im actually like that at 1 point in my life. Everything is me me me. But as time goes, I see it more of me being childish." ], [ "I say no to Jawi in school. Better use the time wasted on jawi to learn more rumi BM.\nRegardless, this is an excellent episode that goes into details of policies" ], [ "Of course there is no issue in the introduction of learning Jawi. The issue is when to introduce. You expect the society to suddenly accept Jawi? It is like introducing EVs right now, and how our society reacts? F-ing FUD.\nThe pace is important. Take it gradually. Before you decide to launch it from your own perspective. \"Oh they are just gonna be fine\" instead the mindset should be \"what if they are not fine?\" That \"what if\" is gonna cause you everything", "It's 3 pages in the BM textbook. I teach it to my 90% Christian students. They definitely were fine with it. They started trying to read jawi writing in banknotes and what not. It was definitely an overreaction.\nAll this armchair internet opinions about taking it step by step looks pretty funny tbh. How much more gradually can you go?", "What your \"definitely fine with it\" represent the best my above context - you present to a group of people, they are okay with does not mean others is okay as well. Most of our society (or voters) is B40 which is simple minded people, they don't learn progressively, they live in comfort zone, they are happy if they can live day-to-day - and this is applied to all races.\nInstead of lunging directly into the syllabus, why not start with Jawi curriculum like what they had in university? At the same time, hire some Chinese or Indian influencer (B40 loves influencer anyway) to do some prep talk --- about how interesting Jawi can be. Do something indirectly before launching it officially (direct). And f the PR they had -- mentioning vernacular school -- just make it general term - vernacular school, why let the people felt that it was targeted to them purposedly?\nJust to add on: People will only starts to learn if they feeling the necessary. Why not adding bit by bit of Jawi into government official context? Starts with things that physically can be seen (door, poster, wall, website etc) with translation of BM together, give the familiarity to those unfamiliars first instead shove it down directly to the throat." ], [ "Dude, I tried learning SO hard every fucking class, but every attempt was scuttled by those Malay boys playing up during the lessons (you could tell even the imam wanted to strangle them). Talk about an own goal 🤦‍♂️ - you accuse people of not appreciating your budaya, but then you sabotage the lesson.\nAll these years later, all I have is a shitty Aliph, B'aa, T'aa..." ], [ "Idk why people are against learning. I would love to take it as a casual subject and would love it if no exams will be needed or assessment is done in a \"pbs\" manner. In my eyes it's same as learning Japanese or french. ps: Im an Indian dude who went to tamil vernacular school Plus imagine the bragging rights to say I know another something extra lol", "Thumbs up" ], [ "saya dari sekolah cina pun sokong. Its just writing lol." ], [ "Let student made the choices of languages they want to learn... no need to enforce." ], [ "Maybe it's time that Malaysia brings in overseas talent from progressive Muslim countries (Palestinians/Lebanese/Syrians, including from the \"stan\" countries from the former Soviet Union) who are more culturally attuned to the Malaysian culture and who can help grow the Malaysian economy/society with entrepreneurship and hard work. Malaysia has great potential and it's time to change the tune.\nTired of the antics from the \"Middle Kingdom\" escapees who refuse to integrate/assimilate and insist that without them, the Malaysian economy will tank. Their casual racism, anti-social behaviour, entitlement, superiority complex, etc, rankles all.\nLet their brain drain continue. Replace them with them with better DNA from abroad.", "Louder." ], [ "I'm not well verse in this topic so feel free to bash away\nFew page of jawi/khat introduction is fine, imo. My problem with it is: why? Instead of jawi/khat, why not include bahasa pasar or even kelate slang? Isnt that a better way to increase unity between races, according to the bahasa purist nationalist? Why add jawi into the mix?\nIs jawi/khat malay culture, or malaysia culture? If we admit that jawi is malaysia culture, will it be used on the non, that we are not malaysian enough for not being good in jawi/khat, like how bm is weaponised?\nCan dap proof that said decision was not a move to buy malay votes? Can dap proof that they are not politicking education? Was that agenda always in their country development plan even during their time as opposition?\nYes I despise dz and cinapek that exxagerate the influence of jawi/khat onto the non's culture. They are naive and ill informed, big part of the blame goes to you guys who didn't communicate beforehand. Still, Them being a dick doesn't mean that this decision is not an opportunist decision to cement their position within the malay community. You like the so much, you go kiss their ass lo. Why blame us pula? Use knee as brain also can foresee the reaction your core voters will give lah. We are not obliged to give you undying support. Sorry we are not pas voters.", "Everyday I am convinced that multiculturalism is more a liability than advantage. Every subject no matter how small and non-issue would always go back to the question of race and religion.", "That's because multiculturalism is seen as liability by the government. The public doesn't trust the government's effort in promoting multiculturalism anymore, when the only culture that they have keep pushing onto us are malay culture only. The constant effort in \"malayfication\" and emphasiz ING on malay's right is total opposite of what multiculturalism is.", "Brings back to my point how big a liability multiculturalism is. A move by a government to integrate a minority into larger society will always sees as “malayfication” and whatnot. And a move by a government to promote non native and foreign cultures will always filled with skeptisicm by majority. Then why should we hang on to this so called “multiculturalism”?", "Multiculturalism works if the system is fair and actually promotes it. So instead of saying multiculturalism is a liability, I'd say a government tht pretends is the liability. Multiculturalism is to have a common identity for all races (malaysian) instead of focusing on a group identity (malay). Indonesia is such country. What malaysia is doing, is what ccp is doing to Tibet and Hong Kong.", "First of all what common identity do we all have?\nSecond, your examples of saying Malaysia’s policy on minority is as bad as ccp shows your lack of depth of global politics and misconstrued idea of ccp repressive communism with china characteristic policy. Bear in mind the word halal is not allowed on shops in mainland china due to the ccp stands on arabic words as not “chinese”. This is akin to Malaysia gov prohibits any chinese character not being displayed on any shops. Last time I checked in every mall in Malaysia the usage of chinese is freely use in every bloody shop.\nThirdly, comparing malaysia’s mere effort to make chinese and indians into bangsa malaysia to indonesia bangsa indonesia is overwhelmingly ridiculous. There was no common identity amongst the indonesians except bahasa indonesia and bhineka tunggal ika. A collective effort from all natives indonesians from acheh to papua to cultivate a common identity by the bases of bahasa due to how significant it can be in nation building. Chinese Malaysian and indians Malaysian cant even put an effort let alone participate in the usage of bahasa malaysia in every day use.\nAs a matter of fact malaysian gov has been too lenient to Chinese Malaysian and indian Malaysian than any country in this world.", "Malaysia should be the common identity, not MALAYsia.\nI'm not saying ccp is eroding minority's right. I'm saying ccp's sinicization effort on it's districts, such as replacing traditional mandarin with simplified mandarin in china. Their attempt to replace local culture with their own, in the name of assimilation, is exactly what the government is doing to the non malay in malaysia. Assimilation is exact opposite of multiculturalism, and we know multiculturalism works because indonesia is one such country: everyone embrace an identity that isn't bias toward a specific majority.\nThis is akin to Malaysia gov prohibits any chinese character not being displayed on any shops.\nThis is akin to Malaysia government who take priority of their own culture over others. No?\nAre malaysia government trying to mould non malay into malaysia, or into malay?\nI guess in the end it all comes down with what malaysia identity is to you. Is it MALAYSIA, os is it MALAYsia.", "Not answering my question. Let me answer for you. We dont. We practice different cultures and religion. Speak almost unintelligible language. I dont see the need for the natives to accomomate to your community. So does your community towards mine.\nAgain you are showing your lack of knowledge in global politics. ccp gov’s move to change to simplified chinese is to increase literacy amongst chinese citizens albeit it is rather a political move by mzd. I dont think comparing malaysia vis a vis china as a political framework analysis is the right comparison here. China has been an empire(and currently is)throughout its history and never been fully subjugated by western powers (fully debatable on 100 years of humiliation) but nonetheless a country like fiji, mauritius and other african countries like sierra leone zambia malawi should be a comparable analysis.\nYour point on indonesia just solidifies my argument on multiculturalism is more of a liability and you have been playing around the grey area of integration and assimilation. It is pointless to illuminate either one since your definition of multiculturalism is flawed. Pointing out on indonesian nationalism whilst adamant on Malaysia version “multiculturalism” as repressive since it promotes Malay culture as a unifying factor is counterproductive to your argument on indonesia grounds. This Shows that you observe only through a single lens wile expousing the Malays should give way to accomodate more to foreign culture. The irony.\nIt is and always will be MALAYsia. No more accommodating and give way to foreign cultures like we did and suffered from western powers before. I strongly believe the ordinary natives of Malaysia will take the helm from every aspect of our nation life from economics to politics.", "I did answered your question. Its just that the answer is not what you are looking for, that's why you dont recognise it as my answer.\nMalaysia should be and can be a common identity for all races who resides in Malaysia, similar with how Indonesian did it. Malaysia should represent geological identity (Malaya peninsular + Sabah sarawak, which is the correct interpreteation) and shouldnt represent cultural identity (MALAYsia as in land of the Malays, which is the nationalist's interpretation). This is why Jawi/khat, which is a malay heritage, shouldnt be tie with Malaysia culture as a whole and force it upon everyone else. one dont have to be malay to be a malaysian, is all i'm trying to say. should we learn more about our brothers? of course. should it be classified as malaysia culture, as you have done right now? no. malay culture is just part of malaysia culture, not the other way around. that is why I have responded with this comment previously : \"Malaysia should be the common identity, not MALAYsia.\"\nI have no idea how you cannot see that ccp trying to replace traditional character + cantonese in hongkong (an established culture in hongkong) with simplified character + mandarin is not a move of assimilation. ccp is trying to assimilate hongkies into more mainland chinese like, isnt that a fact? china is an empire, so does malaysia. i dont understand why we cannot use ccp as an example to show how assimilation simply means overlapping one's culture onto another.\nIndonesian didn't assimilate. they all integrated as indonesian. Malaysia on the other hand, has never stopped trying to assimilate non malay as malay simply because they think that the land and country is theirs. the difference here is that all races in indonesian thinks that they belong, while in malaysia only 1 race thinks that they belong, and other are guests who should be more like them if they wish to stay. There are no grey area, only your inability to acknowledge the clear differences.\n> Pointing out on indonesian nationalism whilst adamant on Malaysia version “multiculturalism” as repressive since it promotes Malay culture as a unifying factor\nim not sure what you are trying to say. I've said that malaysia should focus on multiculturalism and should move away from focusing on 1 race's culture. What we are doing now, is not \"multiculturalism\", it's assimilation. that is totally opposite of what indonesian is, which is why i have used it to highlight the problem with malaysia's assimilation policies. I have not once asked malays to embrace foreign culture. I have been saying that all races should embrace their own culture, but not impose those onto other races forcefully.\nThe irony here is how you think malay shouldnt embrace foreign culture, while totally ok with other culture to embrace malay culture.\n> It is and always will be MALAYsia\nTell that to the sabahan sarawakian. MALAYsia is a stupid concept that alienate every race other than the malays, including aborigines resides in Malaya peninsular and borneo. MALAYA federation is malay's, i can give you that. but MALAYSIA is not malay's. its a federation of states that consist of malay and non malay owned lands. it has nothing to do with foreign or local power.", "Your last sentence pretty much sums up why most Sarawakian and now more Sabahan are quite wary of the malays." ], [ "I think the issue with this is that there is a bunch of problems waiting to be addressed. Ppl has unusually high expectations on PH but PH has addressed nothing except for trivial matters, such as this. This is still the case with this term of PH. Years after years and same story 'UMNO aldy 60 yrs why can't give PH few more years.' This is not a competition to see who is more incompetent." ], [ "Tony Pua and Ong Kian Ming are your typical Oxbridge smug self serving asshats. And yes I've met a bunch of them. These people think they are superior and everyone are just dumb little chess pieces to be manipulated." ], [ "This whole thread just shows how racist and close-minded are some Chinese Malaysian and Indian Malaysians are." ], [ "Hello, friends. It's not only Malays who use Jawi. The Cham minority in Vietnam and Cambodia also use Jawi, which includes some additional letters, such as Pa etc... I can confirm that if you know Jawi, you'll likely understand Arabic letters as well (good benefit right. Ya habibi). Using Jawi doesn't necessarily mean you must be Muslim. Historically, successful kingdoms like Ayutthaya and Champa used Jawi too. If minority groups in Arab countries, including Jews, can speak and write Arabic, then why can't politically influential minorities do the same? Take example of a famous youtuber Xiaomanyc, who is from the USA, speaking Chinese and earning considerable respect from locals for preserving their language. Similarly, if you embrace Malay language, Jawi and their culture, the Malay people will respect you as well. But hey the arrogant keep coming ..." ], [ "Oh dia ni yg kalah fitnah dulu tu kan? Yang kena bayar RM350,000 tu" ], [ "And how many Chinese manufacturers are putting jawi on the product labels? Hypocrites.." ], [ "\"if my son goes to school and come back as muslim\"\nLOL cam bodo.\nsame vibe as \"tengok salib tak boleh mengucap\"\ndua2 bodo mudah keliru geng.", "https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2019/07/27/subtle-religious-conversion-of-orang-asli-children-still-going-on-in-school/1775255" ], [ "Heh, what to do. Everyone should have a voice, right?" ], [ "How about rukun negara? Imo the cultural significance of Jawi, e.g. Learning about what's written on your bank notes mean much more than. \"kepercayaan kepada tuhan\"" ], [ "I mean, Jawi is pretty much cursive Malay. I fail to see the problem learning it." ], [ "Jawi is just another writing form etched within our country's history without any religious undertone\nThat said, I personally haven't met people that could write in it, it does seem interesting though" ], [ "I can read jawi but can't write. I always get F during school." ], [ "Bro just flexing his rm50 smh /j" ], [ "10/10 campaigning. Blame your supporter." ], [ "Full podcast\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE_3tV2v71E" ], [ "Sauce?" ], [ "Its honestly so stupid. The reaction by everyone is one of the worst I seen.\nI got so many comments by my chinese colleagues why need to learn jawi, its too hard and trying to turn malaysia into arab state. No reason for them to learn. Tried my best to inform its one of the easiest alphabet to learn cause it almost mirror latin alphabet as in u just need to connect the alphabet to form a sound. Not to mention its not really learning but just informing as it was just 1 page.\nI also got comments from my malay colleagues they felt chinese don't want to try to understand them and their culture despite us coexisting. It really deepen the divide between majority and chinese bubble." ] ]
PADU online portal. Expected to open 12am 2hb Jan 2024. I will attempt to login (if it doesn't hang). URL below.
[ "Economy & Finance" ]
[ [ "The middle class will sweat because they do not know what they will lose after disclosure . 😅", "Suddenly taxed af. So better check so govt don't Oops and make a mistake :26559:", "You just exceeded our cutoff limit for petrol subsidy by rm200. You have to pay full price from next month.", "You joke but it happened to my mom. It was her first experience filing tax relief on her own after my father suffered from stroke and had to take long sabbatical leave from work.\nDue to my father long keave, she accidently check my father as unemployed which grants tax relief of RM4000. Thing is Inland Revenue double checked the info with my dad's account and found that he is still employed. So my mom didn't receive the RM4000 relief and still pay the actual amount of income tax.\nThat was in 2019\nThis year, a letter from Inland revenue came demanding almost RM2000 from her in additional tax from that one misclick years ago.\nSo please verify data with PADU or other gov agencies to be correct else you'll pay the price", "More like: Fuel getting expensive? Why not convert to EV? We have rebates, no road tax fee for first year boa bla bla. Oh btw we're increasing the electricity tariff. Majulah bersama Madani 🫶🏻❤️", "200k ev ☠️", "There are cheaper EVs. But yes cheapest is probably RM110K" ], [ "they still dont change the ai background only blur it a bit so people dont notice lmao:26554:" ], [ "What is PADU (from Soyacincau.com) .\nThe objective of PADU is to combine all the data from various government agencies into a single database. Through PADU, the government believe that it will be able to get a clearer picture of the household income in Malaysia which would then enable it to distribute subsidies more effectively as well as establish better policies in the future.\nWhen users log into PADU, they will see more than 270 data fields in the system. In addition to personal information such as full name, MyKad number, and age, you will also be able to see information regarding dependents, income, vehicles, and many more.\nIn other words, you don’t have to input information into the system from scratch. All in all, what PADU needs for you is to verify and update the information that it has gathered from other agencies although do note that you only have up until 31 March 2024 to do this.", "Says combine data from various gov agencies. So why do we need to key in details manually? Im sure all the data they need can get at str, lhdn, epf, jpn, kastam, immigration and so on.", "From what I've read before in another article, you don't really need to key in any info unless your info in the database pulled from various agencies are outdated." ], [ "data are secure ?", "Probably not" ], [ "Centralized data that will be the focal point of attack by hackers? Sign me up!" ], [ "Still not open :29091: Malaysia Boleh!" ], [ "What the hell is this anyway" ], [ "Headed by Rafizi, made by civil servants, combining data from multiple agencies..\nYeah, I'm gonna stand back and watch the inevitable explosions first." ], [ "Cybersecurity is kil" ] ]
Seluang Sarawak, Rasbora sarawakensis
[ "Environment" ]
Ikan kecil (5-6 cm) yg di Malaysia hanya ada di selatan Sarawak, seperti Kuching dan Bau. Mempunyai jalur biru yg memberi nama BI dia “blue-line Rasbora”. Tidak ada nilai komersial dalam negara. Seperti seluang lain, ia insektivor dan suka berenang ramai-ramai
[ [ "Really neat spotlight on a local fish. Seems like a neat schooling fish to keep in a planted tank. Despite not being as eye catching as the more popular chilies they still look neat", "I think they are one of the most colourful true Rasbora species in Malaysia.\nMost are silvery like Rasbora myersi and Rasbora vulgaris. And some have no photographs due to rarity so I don’t know about those" ] ]
Police Checkpoint along Jalan Ampang in Kuala Lumpur. 1950s
[ [ "road sure are greener in the past /j" ] ]
Visiting Malaysia during Ramadan?
[ "Tourism & Travel" ]
Hello Me and two friends are looking at a trip to Malaysia during Ramadan, and we are non muslims, not interested in anything with ramadan. We are interested in having a good time, scuba diving, enjoying the beaches, nature and wildlife, and of course also to enjoy a beer in the evening and perhaps a party or two. We are 30 yr olds. How will Ramadan affect our trip? Will Hostels be empty? Will bars and restaurants be closed? Will activities be restricted? Any insight would be greatly appreciated, before we evaluate if we go forward with this. Thank you
[ [ "Hello! Eateries & bars will be open during Ramadan so no worries there. I don’t think hostels are ever empty and no, activities won’t be restricted whatsoever!" ], [ "Probably the best time to visit as well. During day time restaurants, malls and tourist attractions are definitely less pack than usual" ], [ "Will Hostels be empty? Will bars and restaurants be closed?\n> In the city? never. You might want to check on hotel prices as it might be cheap for you. Hostel can be hit and miss at times.\nscuba diving, enjoying the beaches, nature and wildlife\n> Rural areas tends to be Muslim majority. Some areas still have non-muslim resident so there is a possibility you can find Chinese eateries but they follow specific opening hours. In towns you should be able to easily find KFC/ McDonalds as last resort - in general food options should be there in towns. It really depends where you have this activities. You better check in advance if the operators are fasting.", "If you're going diving, I suggest staying at Legend on Redang Island. There's a non-halal restaurant about 200m down the beach." ], [ "As a muslim, I think this is the best time for you to come. Lots of muslim are busy doing ramadhan things n prepare for eid, so u have less crowd at your intended place to go, eg camping site." ], [ "Plenty of places still open, its not as bad as the Middle East where its legit trickier to find open restaurants during fasting hours - Malaysia has a larger number of non-muslims (30%+) so establishments run by non muslims are still operating as usual. That or happy eating fast food." ], [ "In the major urban/tourist areas you won’t have a problem, if you venture out into the more rural areas, you might find some places that are closed. Malaysia made up of more than just Muslims, so there are plenty of non-Muslims who don’t celebrate Ramadan and non-Muslim restaurant owners. Best places to find scuba diving is on the east coast (Perhentian Islands, Redang, etc) or east Borneo." ], [ "Definitely business as usual in ramadan. For scuba diving and nature activities maybe consider going to Sabah and Sarawak since they have larger proportions of non-muslims therefore the tourist activities would less likely to be affected" ], [ "muslim restaurants can be closed and popular break fast places (KFC) can be full after 5pm\nyou have ramadan markets, but careful with them if the food looks old , dont bother" ], [ "On diving, most dive resorts will have food provided as usual, but do check on dive site quality during you planned visit as the Vis will vary with the season" ], [ "Great time to visit actually" ], [ "There's definitely less crowds during ramadan except when muslims break their fast (around 6-7 pm) which you will likely see muslim restaurants packed to the brim. Some muslim based restaurants might be open a bit later than usual though but everything else shoul be operating as normal." ], [ "No, no, and no. Just expect to travel as usual. But if you intended to try some Malay food, perhaps you have to wait till around 4pm+" ], [ "I actually have a question regarding this too.\nwill they assume you're Muslim if you have tanned skin? how can you avoid being accused of not fasting? just avoid eating out straight up?" ] ]
Grow your own vegetables, CAP tell M’sians as market prices shoot up
[ "Food" ]
[ [ "Dia ingat semua orang kaya, got landed house to plant things?", "If you born 30 years earlier, can buy a landed house with fresh grad salary. In that era, almost everyone got a landed house lol.", "There's actually loads of veggies that you don't need landed property to plant.\nA small pot is enough to grow a chilli plant.\nYou can grow taugeh in a patch of wet tissue paper and a sieve.\nThe issue isn't space. The issue is time. Nobody has time to put the work into planting, taking care and harvesting these plants.\nB40 chaps work multiple jobs to put food on the table.\nM40 people work late hours in their singular job and get caught in traffic.", "Space is still a problem. Sure its easy to grow taugeh - but unless you want to die of malnutrition/starvation, you need to grow a lot of taugeh if its your only source of veggies. Especially if you're feeding more than 1 mouth.\nAnd veggies aren't even the most expensive part of the dinner table. Is he going to suggest that people living in condos start raising chickens, too?\nThese people are so out of touch that I don't even. Might as well ask why people don't just eat cake if they can't afford roti.", "Know about hydroponics?", "Do you know not all apartments or condo got balcony?", "Do you know about indoor growing?" ], [ "CAP is a mum and pop fearmongering company. They used to come up with the HIDDEN DANGERS OF MICROWAVES and other books like that." ], [ "Is this a blatant show off?" ], [ "That's just stupid.\nMeanwhile, there is 103,563 hectares of abandoned or idle farmland around the country ..", "Got owner, even if abandoned or idle also nothing we can do about it. Otherwise we can solve homelessness with all the abandoned or idle houses.", "Quite a portion of government land or glc owned are also abandoned.", "So?" ], [ "These old boomers never change. Grow on vege la, rare own chicken la, rare own fish la, grow on rice la, bila going to say extract own petrol when subsidi remove? Bangang betul!", "Or or or if don't have money go rob bank" ], [ "This guy has forgotten economies of scale exists. It's not worth the effort to spend time and money to grow small quantity of food when one can just work an extra hour or two and buy more." ], [ "What's the point of consumer association if they can't do jack shit and ask people to solve their own problems?\nLike that clown Rafizi asking us to eat fish if chicken expensive.", "kalau harga sayur tu dah mahal sangat, jangan makan sayur", "Kalau itu duit jadi kecil, print la itu duit besar sikit.", "To be fair,ini Mat Jargon yang suggest, bukan Piji", "Yala duit helicopter" ], [ "<image>" ], [ "With what land?" ], [ "Up next : \"Print your own money, CAP tells Malaysians as more people are unemployed\"", "Darn good idea. You should develop this idea further. Maybe even get crowd-finding to seed you money to get started." ], [ "Imagine people begin to grow own stuff and petani income dropped...\nThen suddenly need permit to grow stuff.." ], [ "vegetable price actually quite ok, it is eating outside that hurt.\nif you eat 2 less meal outside, may be can buy whole week of vege already.", "At certain times no, the price is not ok. There was this 1 time, I buy sawi just enough for 2 people, rm5. Thats ridiculous. These past few month the price is ok, like rm2 like that. Now will probably shoot up again.\nNot to mention onion price also high now. The cheapest i found was rm5/kilo." ], [ "Stop being poor, that's what they are saying." ], [ "Want pork then rear own pig? Want beef rear cow? Want mutton rear goat?" ], [ "They think people that complain about inflation just sit at home twiddling their thumbs isn’t it ? Not that I don’t know anyone doing just that , but they are the minority" ], [ "Wait, I don't eat veggies. I only eat pork. Can I rear these little porcine fellows, too, on my balcony?" ] ]