stringlengths 122
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Well, as I'm sure everyone knows, being social primary doesn't necessarily equal being social. I like other people just fine, but lately I've been on a bit of a break when it comes to my..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"That's pretty crappy of her. Your sex life is definitely not her business. If I were you, I'd definitely talk to her about it."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Yeah, I had a lot longer to think about it. That said, I don't think you're Te, so if we operate under the assumptions in the OP, you're INFJ because nothing else makes sense. I'm not saying I..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Whether or not you actually are, your mom makes fun of you for being a virgin? Is this playful teasing?"
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Just stab in the dark here, I don't think that's Te under the hood. If this here is all I'm given to work with, I'd have to say INFJ. Compare your idea of 'logic' to mine: Logic is a series of..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Tentatively INTJ. Still reading. EDIT: So far, I am of the belief that you're most of the things you say you are. I appreciate the level of detail. EDIT: Also relatively certain you are Ni..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Refreshing self with reading about instinctual variants. God, I'm a hard social type."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"WOW! Useful thought you had there! Wanna know what my favorite part was? The fact that it ended..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I am both annoyed and intrigued by xxFPs. As far as I can tell, I dislike all J types in my normal life."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'm not of the mind that any enneatype/MBTI combination is impossible because cognition =/= the things that motivate us. That said, we can clearly observe many types being more common than others..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Very seriously toying with the idea of being 351. I can be pretty aggressive and controlling, but I have a massive 'holier than thou' streak once you get to know me with any depth (like more than 1-2..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Because I find in depth study of cognition more interesting. Included MBTI in my answer to illustrate how much I enjoyed socionics. Interpret the post as wholehearted agreement with what she was..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"No real argument here. I know what I am, and what I am is an asshole that is, for a second baring his teeth at the people that seemingly have a lot to say but refuse to address me beyond a single..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I would refer you to the OP. If you need a literal analysis, I'm happy to provide it. That said, I'm going to assume you're able to read and interpret symbolism, so I doubt you'll need that much help."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"And this was sort of my thought process. The initial post and how it connects the generally accepted view of the type 3 and what the type 3 is motivated by doesn't seem to be in need of explanation...."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I was, but it's 5am. I'll take what I can get."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I wanted to come up with something clever, but it's almost 5am. I would give you a lot of sex."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"So then why do you even bother asking if you've already made up your mind that you are an extravert, intuitive and feeling? If you've already decided you are these things and have evidently done the..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"INFP messaged me with a picture of herself before going to bed. Asked me to say goodnight to her. Asked me to say goodnight to her again. I did. I thought it was weird, secretly. I like..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Either way, you see my point. The actual rarity is skewed and makes a type seem rarer than it likely is in real contexts. I may have been the only one of my type in a class room in High School, but..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"WOW my math was off! I literally just said numbers. See how over glorified the type is? Even so, though. I saw around two-hundred people (REALLY rough estimate) between both of my jobs. It's..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Rarity in the context of the entire planet is somewhat silly. Even if we assume the greatest reports of our 'rarity', we (INTJ) encompass 1% of the planet, which sounds rare when you don't think..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"One could say that whatever the culmination of all of our actions are throughout our lives equal our potential. In this sense, everybody does, but as we all know, not everyone's potential is the..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I would agree, however, those that profess to know their type not stating anything about their type's motivations strike me as either not wanting to touch on them or not being able to. If they don't..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"That's another silly misconception. That approaching is logically is going to be the key to unlocking whatever it is you think you are entitled to. Nobody wants to be approached with BS..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"But guys... he REALLY wants to go on a super-duper-long-ass vacation. C'mon guys. His boss just doesn't listen or get it. He even approached him logically and everything."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Two months? I wouldn't be crazy about the idea. If you are really his best employee, then that's what may be cooking him. Who wants their most reliable asset gone for that long? ENTJ employer..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Lol. Its not like our views were unsolicited. What a victim."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I probably would have lost it too. His stonewalling was insignificant. He was being an idiot over semantics that didn't have any impact on anything. It's one thing to stone wall on critical shit, but..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I would have just taken the project and gave them something later."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"The court deposition wasn't a skit. That actually happened. It was a verbatim reenactment."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'll flirt a woman for a piece of candy at the grocery store. Of course. I use whatever I have at my disposal to get what I want in the most efficient manner possible. If that means flirting that..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Yes. In the comments she gave more info, then was shut down because she went from having a crush on her boss and wanted to know how to impress him, to her boss is married and she wasn't interested. I..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Callaendia are you the same INFP girl who was on the ENTJ Facebook forum with this similar question? I just have to ask because the times are so close together, and the scenario is so similar."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"11/25 I do not modify myself to suit others, however I do like the spotlight."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I think the easiest and most efficient approach is a tarp, jigsaw, and mulcher. But that's just my personal preference. Not all ENTJs are the same."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I once dumped a girl in college who I was having a 6 month romp with over making me late for class. She said I was petty for it."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"MBTIPC perfect. I don't like dealing with middle men either. You can talk directly to me. ;)"
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"The point is that when you are making a point of thinking critically but not thinking beyond common sense, you aren't using your brain. A little bit of effort now to have an understanding of the..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"That's just common sense No, that's just a value judgement backed by popular opinion from social stupidity/laziness. That's only doing what works instead of pushing harder and doing what is..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"When it comes to children, they either cry or climb all over me. There is never a gray area."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I don't drink, but when I drank: Beer: Hardcore ciders and sweet brown ales. Liquor: VODKA chased with cran or water. < my preferred drink Wine: Anything dark, dry and sweet. There are so..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do IA"
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"@Darth Alpha I would never claim it to be healthy either. Just in my best interest."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"On loyalty: I am loyal to the vision. I am loyal to those who share the vision. I am not into co-dependency in terms of the vision cannot be accomplished without others involved. I stay on course,..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Your answer was worth more time to entertain than the OP."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Hey @MsBossyPants are you down for a debate on Ayn Rand vs Marx? Maybe we should talk about our poor Fi? Oh I know- let's try to correlate testing ENTJ with being sociopathic. :laughing:"
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Hitler was no exception- this concept has, is and always will be a principle, tenet, and rule. Politics, ideology, religion, eating, shitting usual. And if it's not ,then there is nothing to..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Hitler thought he was doing great things. Stalin thought he was justified. These guys thought they were uncorrupt. They viewed any heretic to their dogmas as morally bankrupt, and so did many of..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Meh. There were plenty of evil people who did good things, and plenty of good people who got blood on their hands achieving and attaining higher goals. Bad situations that had good long term effects,..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"You would have to ask the OP. He is asking ambiguous questions. I would go with whatever is more efficient/effective vs what is perceived as good every time in the good vs evil dichotomy. It in my..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Good vs Bad =/= Good vs Evil One is an objective positive vs negative dichotomy, the other is a subjective interpretation of characteristics. NameUser So to be evil may be a better solution and..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I think they are for sure idiots, but I also think these people went out of their way to fuck their lives up. Did they expose themselves on the internet? Yes. Does this warrant or validate a reason..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I really REEEEEEAAALLLY hate rigidly PC thumb sucking nanny bitches. They remind me of five year olds who are trying too hard to gain their parents approval by taddling. These are the same people,..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I think people need to get some skin. Even if these people are wrong or racist. That's just a waste of time, energy, and resources. These people end up being the focus for being petty and overboard..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'm not trying to be condescending when I tell you- all those things you have mentioned people saying and have written off as all I have been met with are legit arguments. They don't need to be..."
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"The brevity of my posts is because you don't take much to refute. Just because you aren't acknowledging what people are saying doesn't mean they are saying nothing.'"
bot: ENTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Science is not perfect. No scientist claims that it is, or that scientific information will not be revised as we discover new things. Rational thinking has been very useful to our society...."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"INFP- Edgar Allen Poe was an INFP and he's in your siggy."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"People see the obvious Fi and are quick to put her as INFP. I agree that she has no Ne. I see her as an ISFP. Compare her to Haku (definite INFP). She is flat through most of Naruto.. but I don't..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I did not say it disproved God. I merely said that I found such methods disturbing. Although, it does bring up certain questions. God is in control of the universe, and the governments of the world,..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Surprisingly, I could not find a thread about this on perc even with Google. So, here you go. Watch Jesus Camp online - Watch Movies Online, Full Movies, Download I was disturbed watching this..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"A metaphysical gun (Hell) held to someone's head can be just as effective as an actual gun. Do you not find these methods disturbing? Watch Jesus Camp online - Watch Movies Online, Full Movies,..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Unstable is not the right word. We are usually pretty emotionally flat-lined. But, when we do have to deal with our own emotions we can be very bad at it. In high school my feelings of attraction..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Well, I went to someone's wedding and dipped everything in the chocolate fountain and ate it. I dipped the fruit, the fish, and even the Hershey's kisses. And I drank two little jars of honey they..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"That post you quoted was from two and a half years ago. Since then, I've come to a better explanation. INTPs may not be as externally certain as INTJs, but they are more certain internally. They..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"This is how I deal with the INFP I'm in a relationship with. I am often tempted to avoid hurting them even if it means fudging the truth, telling them only what they want to hear. If I do that, it..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Never heard of it till now. I watch a loooot of anime, but I get it from animedreaming.tv mostly; I am not a member of any anime board."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"The legs are nice, but her expression is all wrong. That is not her private sad face; I don't know what it is. See, I have her evil grin <B"
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Kokiri Connect. Becuase I couldn't rememeber how to spell Kokoro Connect so I let Google do it."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Inaba from Kokoro Connect. Because I relate to her and I enjoy looking at her (I have to look at my avatar alot)."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'd like to see someone react when they are told they have hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"She doesn't trust you or respect you. A break would be good to test if she will change. If she doesn't, you have to think about what will make you happy in the long term. Next time, establish ground..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I don't think any INTJ is not going to do this if they have a choice. Though, until I got the internet in my late teens I didn't explore many subjects I was interested in in depth. Of course, it..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"No, I don't smoke. I have an addictive personality, and I don't think I would be able to stop if I started."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Destroying his reputation by revealing what he has done could cause him to lose a lot of power... but if people knew things he had done, a certain person would kill him and end up in jail. There..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"People like people like themselves; this is the number 1 indicator of attraction. Seeing as most people are sensors it is not surprising that they do not care for my personality. Woman have..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"My best friend is an INTJ. We have so much in common even for two INTJs; she understands me better than anyone. It took a loooong time for us to become close. We put up a lot of barriers. I get..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I can tell you about a sociopath I know in real life. Not an INTJ, an ENTP or INTP. -Tells all his problems to people shortly after meeting them to attempt to gain their sympathy so they can be..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Light (at least in the beggning) and Lelouch did ultimately have good goals, even if their methods were evil. Lelouch did seem to feel remorse at times; a sociopath would never consider taking..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If tomorrow I tell the press that like a gang banger, will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up,..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"1. Code Geass 2. Steins; Gate (It was hardest to pick between this and Geass, but I think Geass just barely beats it. I will say it is very slow in the beginning, but everything that happens in..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Looking back at this post from 2.5 years ago... Emil, Asahina, and Hinata are actually ISFPs. Maybe Kimmimaro and Alphonse as well. I really don't know Li Xingke's type... its been awhile since I..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Focus on learning the system, and the details should fall into place as you go along. For example, learning C++, I read about how it worked, then wrote some programs and only bothered figuring out..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"glad you recognize my username. Yes, until you said INFJ (that type uses Fe/Ti). The four types that use (Fi&Te)/(Te&Fi) are in my previous post."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"INFP- Going out with one now. We don't understand each other in some ways (though understanding is a lot better than most type matches), but we challenge each other and help each other grow. We have..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Welcome. Now bring me some Pizza. Actually, that could happen to me after I'm done with my English degree XD"
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"You need to think about the reasons for what you want and about how realistic each of your goals are. Maybe one is more of a fantasy and one is actually worthwhile? That's what I would do anyway,..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"What my previous post said was: you seem like a dominant Fi. Do you do all this Ne thing or this FiNe thing. Put into terms that the OP understands. The 8 letters are intended to be shorthand for..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"You seem like an obvious I, F, and P. INFP is the strongest possibility. Possibly ISFP, though. How do you brainstorm? Do you overthink things?"
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Combining your anxiety and avoidance scores, you fall into the secure quadrant. Previous research on attachment styles indicates that secure people tend to have relatively enduring and..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I don't think you can simply reach into your mind anytime to tell if you love someone. Perhaps you have fantasized for a long time and expect a real relationship to be like that in some ways. But..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I don't think its impossible to doublethink, only impossible to remain in that state (which could explain why oceania fell after the end). The hard atheists I do not disagree with. Anyway,..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Cows are a religious subject (Hindu) XD If the denial of a religion is a religion, then most or all of us here are ascientologists, for example. Most everyone would have, what? at least thousands..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"By that definition anything could be defined as a religion by attaching the suffix -ism... and then the word religion loses its meaning. I would say that religion has both a precise and general..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"There are no practices required to be an atheist. All that is required is a disbelief in deities. Other than that, atheists can have widely different beliefs. It is too general a term to be called a..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"My guess is ENTP, though it is hard to say just from this. Have you studied up on cognitive functions? If not, learning how each works and identifying which ones you use would be very helpful."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I believe it has gone through too many human hands to be thought of wholly as the word of God (or to be followed unquestionably). Yes, most useful when thought of as a text by man about God. ..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Apparently, you need to pose as a gay guy to pick up women. But, seriously. Its 2012. You have a world of media at your fingertips. In a poll that appears to be from eHarmony (though it is..."
bot: INTJ |
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"We are playing a game called Mafia. We have to vote on who to kill for this round, who we think is part of the Mafia. Rob (names made up) says, kill Joe. I suggest killing Rob. Rob says, Don't..."
bot: INTJ |
Subsets and Splits