Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Tell him before he tells you. He'll understand, pissed but understanding. Then sooner or later he'll move pass it and cherish you as a friend and maybe secretly like you for the other thing." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"After watching that I am now glad there is such a thing as depression. Happily Depressed that is." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I like to say that we are free to a curtain extent. In the US we give up a fraction of our freedom but in return we get order and safety. However most of us give up more than we realize. Our freedom..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Why study when you know more than your instructor. Lately school is becoming more and more of a joke. Could it be that we're too efficient for our own good? Honestly I don't believe in the..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Simple, if this reality allows your assassin superpowers, therefore you must also have powers. If I had the power of immortality, then the person out to kill me can not and will not. On the off..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I do all the said things and people always think I have a motives. BUT I REALLY DO!!!!" bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"You either must not watch doctor who or you are just trolling me." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"You know what I really hate, PEARS. But my human side won't know that. And I don't want to wake up one day and find the taste of pears in my mouth....." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Yea, Asian parents. Can't live with them, can't live without their money. ; ] I recommend following Alx7's advice, If your father is an INTJ he will respect your independence." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Is that what's it called, I have a similar friend that does the same thing. They think and read about psychology, then believe what ever they thought is the absolute truth, even though you tell them..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I laughed really hard when I saw the dragon design on the scabbard because that is the same design on one of the wooden swords I have and that costed me about 13USD including shipping. But jokes..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Interesting point, but I just want to know is how do you(and you only) put value on something? Does it come from the usefulness of an item, the rarity of the material its made from, or time and..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I've already figured that much out, I can't really move forward unless I know for sure if what I want now is really what I desire. And that list of goals I have in life requires lots of money if I..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"So steel is significantly cheaper in china and what is suppose to be a piece of elegant art is made cheaply as well?" bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I could change, but it feel like I have wasted 6 months of my life plus I still don't know what I want to do. Perhaps you might have some advice for an uncertain person like me?" bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Perhaps I should have used another word instead of replica or mention if it were a real functional item in reality. Then again not much people know that there are many replicated items from fiction..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"don't you ever feel like you don't know what to do with your life and bit by bit you start to regret making such big plans and they're not quite what you hoped. FUCK WHY DID I HAVE TO PICK A CAREER..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I find that being depressed helps, it hurts but in the end you just don't care and your body goes into auto-pilot. so just zone out and only chime in when ever some important comes up. *WARNING..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"If you could buy a replica melee weapon form a game,show, book, or somewhere, what would it be? And what would a reasonable price you would pay for it. Edit: I would want Kirito's black..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"No I don't get emotional when I am drunk. A better answer would be I don't drink. What ever happen to someone when they are drunk is entirely up to them. TYPE has nothing to do with it." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I guess I got lucky and gone to a school that doesn't have letter nor number grades." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"You must be one of those lazy but smart people. Don't worry, you're not alone. And to answer your question; it is not because smart people do not have time to do homework, it is because the..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Or keep your distant and only help if they ask and really need the help." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Do what an intj does best, being lazy. eventually you won't even bother smoking because of laziness." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"one is killing for a purpose and the other mean there is no more." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Seems simple enough, too bad I can only 3 of the 4 things on that list. Ohh college life, is not the life for me. *A bit of sarcasm*" bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Yes I am overweight, trying to change that though. Anyone have any advice that might help with the process?" bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"If an INTJ want to find god, they should just look int the mirror." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I believe Dan E already answered the question. Ok, next question. What seems small but bigger on the inside?" bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I am going to with option D, leave it alone. I have a similar friend that does this and he goes to a very very good school may even be the best in the world. When vocation come he really want to..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Ah yes, I always wanted to listen to crickets... I think it would be an interesting phenomena, I imagine it would be like looking at the multiverse and behind each one is a group of INTJs is..." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Just wait till you have a more mature fi till you find/wait for love. and hey, when an intj loves someone, they really loves someone." bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I enjoy walking around in the dead of night, especially in the winter. Perhaps I just have an attraction to colder climates.'" bot: INTJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"'I'm not sure about a method for picking out INFJ musical artists, but I have another name to throw into the cauldron: Jon Crosby, singer songwriter for VAST. Additionally, he strikes me as 4w5 on..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"ThatOneWeirdGuy Are you refering to the OP, the video I posted, or both? You didn't specify." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Arclight There's really no need for this argument to have started up as it seems you've misunderstood the point I was trying to make. I only mentioned type % estimates in passing because I didn't..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I know you're being tongue and cheek, but i'll answer seriously anyways: As geekofalltrades mentioned, the sample sizes for determining type percentages are questionable. However, even if INFJ's..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Well, the kind of processes/events that are necessary for someone to undergo a dramatic change are usually of an intensely personal nature so I wouldn’t expect many people to post their stories on an..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"38738 How does it feel to have him in your camp bro? :tongue: Anyways, what is everyone's take on Zelda in Skyward Sword? Seems more like an extravert this time around. ENFP or ENFJ? ..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Sure, the internet has a four letter code: PORN. Kidding aside, I really don't think the entirety of the internet could be categorized by any kind of typology; it's just too diverse. Maybe some..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'd tell you not to envy us, but truth be told I've been known to envy you extraverts for having certain traits that I lack (seriously, you guys make conversations with strangers, and sometimes just..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I hope you've never used this as a pick-up line on a girl before..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"This is also one of my favorite movies! That said, it's been awhile since I've seen it in it's entirety, so take my typology guesses with a grain of salt. Balian - ISTP (His strict adherence to..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Oooh, Fate/Stay; one of favorites! I concur with your OST choice for 147 Swordsman of Mana. I had that one looped on youtube for the longest time, as it's my personal fave (which is saying a lot,..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"This should go without saying, but no offense is intended by any of these. It's all in good fun: ESTP..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"^ This (with the exception of enjoying sitcoms; I generally find them to be tacky :-P). Trust me, I'm about as introverted as they come, but also undoubtedly a SO dom. More specifically, being..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Glad to know I'm not the only one that picked up on some of his annoyances. People like to portray him as having immaculate patience, but seriously, in modern vernacular he'd be like OMFG, when is..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Prior to reading this response I was planning on going into detail regarding Jungian archetypes and whatnot, as well as encourage you to examine what is currently going on in your life in order to..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"This thread is becoming all kinds of awesome: Nerdy CoD talk - check INFJ Man-Love - check INTJ disturbed by INFJ Man-Love - check Classic INTJ shameless self-promotion - check (Pulls up..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'm chillin' in Antarctica... cuz that's just how I roll. (P.S. Anybody want to come visit me?)" bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"One word: YES :tongue: As for why, that can depend a lot on the situation and/or the persons involved. In a nutshell, it has to do with being really careful not to hurt other peoples feelings. ..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Well, seeing as how I live in SD, making it should be no problem. :happy: Count me in! (Just don't count on me wearing purple...)" bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Yup. Only an INFJ would be backwards enough to repeatedly run away from a palace full of treasures and concubines to contemplate the suffering of the world :crazy:" bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Yeah, I started analyzing philosophers by cognitive function preference after a discussion in my 'Modern Philosophy' class regarding the role of family background, temperament (in a general sense of..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"There's a really strong internet consensus that Plato was INFJ, and my own reading of him leaves little to no doubt of that in my mind. His Fe is most apparent in 'The Republic' when he compares the..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Probably the best way to get in touch with Se is to meditate. Of course, it isn't the meditation itself that is stimulating Se, but that doing so quiets down our overactive Ni enough that we can..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Damn, you beat me to it! :frustrating: Guess the only thing I have to add is that the INFJ condition of feeling misunderstood (though being Type 4 is probably a contributor too) and the general..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"ohTOMICho, this wisdom was bestowed upon me after some crazy antics of mine went down in another thread. I feel the time has come to pay it forward... ..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Hey man, I've kept an eye out on these folks, but I still haven't seen them typed (except for Spielberg, though some claim he reported himself to be ISFP, others say he's ENFP, so I dunno). Wish I..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Random results is right, but it was still helpful! It's funny, because I remember a thread from a long time ago about 'INFJ Mascots' and how I wished ours was a Phoenix instead of a dolphin; so I..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Good timing on this thread, cuz I was actually thinking of changing my avatar soon :shocked: I'm open to suggestions... (P.S. Aspera, your new 'avie' is awesome!)" bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Just gotta say, I love yall's nerdiness! I feel right at home in this thread :proud: Games: Zelda, Zelda, Zelda (I just love me some Zelda) Metroid Prime Trilogy Left 4 Dead (1 and 2) Halo..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Hey Karyssa :happy: Daveman is right, the numbers don't mean that much in the end; it's all about the cognitive functions: ..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"We most certainly can and do make great philosophers (especially those who have a well developed Ti). Ni is where it's at for seeing the big picture, then Fe channels our focus towards those..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Oh, is that what they call it these days? :tongue: And Nottie, I AM winning, but not without considerable detriment to my own sanity :crazy:" bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I don't know whether or not you're including me in the group of people whom you think implied SJ's blindly follow tradition. If so, then you misunderstood me and I feel I should clarify things a..." bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Too late, I'm already on a drug. It's called... Charlie Sheen!" bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Speaking of 'dirtius thougticus lobes,' didn't it sound like that dude was getting off to the double rainbow... or was that just me? :unsure:" bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Perhaps the better question is: how are we not weird? :dry: I say that in jest, however, there's a good deal of truth to it. If it were possible to boil down our uniqueness to just one source it...'" bot: INFJ
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Especially on websites that have become a haven for neo nazis, such as PerC." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'm such a nerd. I've been learning Dutch on Duolingo and I'm having so much fun :)" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Duolingo is the shit! Oh my god I love this XD" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I doubt it, but if they are real then I hope to hell that they're nothing like the Twilight vampires!" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I would agree that both are likely related to confidence levels. It makes sense to me that someone would be aggressive to overcompensate for a (sometimes perceived) shortcoming." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were extremely nationalist. I can't think of a more nationalist country nowadays than the DPRK. What separates your 'nationalism' from theirs?" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"You're not the only one, there are plenty of INFPs who are right wing conservatives/alt reich fascists here on PerC." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I did not feel like going to the gym this morning, but I went anyway and I had one of the best workouts anyway. If you don't feel like exercising, do it anyway. You'll be glad that you did." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I actually thought it was a brand of cologne when I first heard his name :laughing:" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Apparently they temp-banned a lot of people from those forums, so they're pretty dead as of late." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I've come to realize that I need to spend more time working on improving skills and learning new things. I'm usually so lazy just sitting around, watching Youtube and playing video games. I don't..." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"It felt like a good time to get a fresh new name and a bit of a profile makeover." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"All of the above. George Soros gave me a lot of money to not have kids and contribute to white genocide so that Muslim Arabs can move in and turn us into a caliphate." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'm part of it and I honestly have no idea what it's even about." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Since Shahada is gone, I see that you're trying to start your own personality cult to replace hers, am I right?" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Poly = Many Tics = Blood sucking parasites. You're welcome" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"You have a choice to fuck either of two men and you must choose one, but you can't have both or neither. They both look exactly the same (feel free to use your imagination here) with the only..." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Can you please change my name to: Zeta Neprok I'm tired of my old name. Thanks!" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Shahada was always nice to me, but I have to admit that I found it sort of confusing as to why. Her and I were always at odds about some very crucial issues." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"The stereotypes are ridiculous. Granted, I probably fit a lot of them, but my art skills are horrendous." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Always gotta love when people use MBTI to stroke their ego :rolleyes:" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'm going to say 'stupidity' but not because I think most people are stupid or anything like that. Do you know how many times nuclear war almost happened because of a computer glitch? The only..." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I somehow managed to get a coffee date this weekend. It's probably a miracle of some sort!" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'm pretty drunk, and the night hasn't even started yet :laughing:" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"The free market isn't free at all. In fact, it's extremely coercive and authoritarian." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"The reason why they are against the state is because the state is an institution that can be influenced by the public. Sometimes working class people will push for reforms, and they will be..." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"If anything, I feel more comfortable around women than I do around men." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I'm pretty stupid too. What's interesting is that I don't talk all that much, so a lot of people don't hear me say stupid shit so they think I'm smart. Suckers... :laughing:" bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Although I disagree with what he said about multiculturalism (assuming that I understood what he meant), everything else he said was right, and he made a lot of good points." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"I don't think he's right when he says that that's the end goal of multiculturalism. I would agree that it's the goal to remove white dominance in western society (and let's be honest, that's not a..." bot: ISFP
Human: Determine which type of MBTI person would post a comment like this on social media :"Of course, you are only allowed to have sex with white people otherwise you're an SJW liberal cuck!" bot: ISFP