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Shanghai Tourist Attractions offer our students plenty to explore besides the work in the Shanghai East Hospital. Shanghai, now one of China’s biggest and economically most influential cities, was for a large part of its 2,000 year-old history a small and insignificant fisher-village. Shanghai’s evolution to one of the worlds’s most modern and sophisticated cities in present days was not sparked until the British opened a concession following the first Opium War in 1842. Soon thereafter, other countries – like France, the USA and Japan – followed suit and opened up their own concessions. From that point onwards, Shanghai soon grew in importance as a major economical center and trading port and is currently China’s second largest city with a population of about 18 million. At present, Shanghai’s quickly growing poulation can be viewed as the economic capital of mainland China with a growing percentage of Chinas in- and export business passing through. The extremely internationalized metropole is also often referred to as the ‘NewYork’ of the East and one can indeed hear a multitude of spoken languages from all corners of the world in its busy streets. Due to massive reconstruction and constant economic development and renewal, the ‘older’ parts of Shanghai with its charming and even romantic, but poor and unrenovated building structure is still disappearing fast – making way to super-scyscrapers and steel-and-glass architecture. The Bund consists of a promenade of nineteenth century colonial buildings and is considered one of Shanghai’s most scenic spots. With its many upscale shopping venues and bars, The Bund attracts many tourists and locals alike. Originally the name “The Bund” – derived from the word “embankment” – was given to the British settlement area which was given to them in 1842 following the Treaty of Nanjing after the Opium War. The Bund soon emerged as Shanghai’s richest and most prosperous part by the beginning of the 20th century and became also known as the “Wall Street of Asia”. The Bund spans about one mile on the western bank of the Huang-Pu river and is probably one of Shanghai’s most well known and most visited of all Shanghai Tourist Attractions and the most popular sightseeing spot besides the old city. The multitude of historical buildings, many of which had once been counted towards the tallest buildings in the world at some point, create an atmosphere of elegance and put the visitor instantly in touch with the history of Shanghai. This unique architecture is nowadays not only housing business and banking branches, but one can find a multitude of quite famous, but often pricy, bars and clubs on the upper stories and terraces overlooking the Bund. The Bund is worth a visit at day and night. The view of Pudong on the other side of the river can be breathtaking. People Square park is found at the site of the former colonial horse racing track and is home to a number of Shanghai’s government buildings, museums and concert halls. Amongst them are the Shanghai Art Museum – occupying the old Racecourse Clubhouse – the Shanghai City Hall, the Shanghai Grand Theatre, the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, and last but not least the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art. The huge square is surrounded by many key landmark buildings, such as the Shimao International Plaza, Tomorrow Square and Raffle’s Square. The skyscrapers do not count to the tallest buildings in Shanghai, which are located in the borrough of PuDong, but still offer an impressive sight during the day and, more importantly, one of the most fabulous nocturnal scenery with their myriad of lights. The People Square Subway Station under the park is one of the busiest subway crossings in the world as most major subway lines of Shanghai meet here. The station has to handle an excess of 700,000 passengers daily. The gigantic underground system of halls and large tunnels below the park spans over the entire area and features many shopping and market areas for the hurried passer-by’s or tourists looking for souvenirs. A visit of People’s Square should reserve some extra time to visit the many museums, explore the surrounding shopping malls, take a comfortable rest within the park, and finally to check out the underground network of touristy markets for a finish. Old City & Yu Garden The old city is the center around which modern Shanghai has grown and even nowadays the cities historical heart. This part of the city draws the most visitors of all of the Shanghai Tourist Attractions. The old city is believed to be established by the Song Dynasty (1127 – 1279) and occupied a circular walled-in space at the western bank of the HuangPu River. The major part of the old city consists of a large tourist-bazaar containing small shops, restaurants, temples, and much activity. In its center lies a small lake spanned by a zig-zagged bridge (Bridge of the Nine Turnings / Jiuqu Quiao – the reason for the serpentines lies in the belief that evil spirits can only move in straight lines). Immediately neighboring the lake, lies Yu Garden, which is worth visiting. The relatively small garden (only about 5 acres big) offers 30 pavillions surrounded by carefully planned landscape-designs of the Ming and Quing dynasties. The landscapes are made of small lakes, rivers, bridges, mountains, corridors, and walls. If you visit Yu Garden, it is best to see it very early in the day to get an impresiion of the intriguing beauty of the architectural quite interesting park with its many views and secluded hideouts. If you visit at opening time already you will avoid the masses of tourists, who flock in towards the afternoons when the waiting lines are quite long and Yu Garden is filled with many hundred visitors. Xintiandi lies in the heart of Shanghai and is a gem of Shanghainese architecture. This small area – nowadays mainly offering restaurants, bars, small boutiques, and galleries – came into existence by a project to conserve the unique architecture of an old and run down quarter of Shanghai. Here you can still see the old Shikumen architecture style with its many winding alleys – almost all Shikumen buildings in Shanghai had to yield to the contruction of modern steel and glass buildings over the past decade and if you still find some of the old quarters standing, they are usually in quite bad condition and have not been renovated at all. The small building complex is a great location to glimpse a view of how Shanghai has looked before the building boom has started and thus also home of the Museum for Shanghainese Architecture. The museum is, by the way, in the very same building, in which China’s Communist Party held its first congress back in 1921. Xintiandi is nowadays mainly known for its vibrant – and western style – bar scene and nightlife. However, most stores and bars in Xintiandi are quite pricy and you will meet almost exclusively tourists and Expats around. Some of the beautiques within the complex do offer intersting fashion and clothing worth checking out. Nanjing-Dong-Lu, as it is called in Chinese, is Shanghai’s presumably most well known shopping street and spans over approximately 3.4-miles in length. The eastern part of the street – from the Bund to People’s Square – is a pedestrian area with many restaurants and shops, which offer very radiant scenery at night due to the myriad of colorful neon signs. The western part of the street – from People Square to Jing’an Temple – is well known for its luxury shopping possibilities and draws many fashion-seeking buyers and designers looking for the newest trends alike. Even though many new buildings displaying glass and steal architecture have already been constructed in this area, the faded charm of the former colonial French Concession can still be felt when passing the surviving buildings from the 1920’s with their nicely kept gardens and balconies. If your looking for the must see Shanghai Tourist Attractions, a visit of the pedestrian street in the eastern pedestrian street after dusk will be sure to provide a lasting memory for all visitors of Shanghai. Especially when visiting later in the day, it is a good advise to to protect your belongings against the occasional pick-pockets, who are seen around the pedestrian area – especially if the street is getting crowded. As a visitor, one also needs to watch out for the frequently attemted scams, as for example Chinese persons, who pretend to want to talk to you in order to practice their English often suggest to visit a seemingly random tea-house or restaurant which will present you with an unjustified large bill to pay at the end!! There are various other scams occasionally, so please be cautious. Pudong – the newest of Shanghai’s boroughs displays what China is striving for in the future. No borrough has more to show when it comes to modern Shanghai Tourist Attractions. With its three dominating highrise buildings – the Oriental Pearl Tower, the Jin Mao Tower, and the Shanghai World Financial Center – it is visible from many sites of Shanghai. The smallest of these buildings, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower rises 468 meters above ground. The Jin Mao Tower, currently the worlds 10th highest building rises with its 88 stories of unique architecture 420.5 meters into the sky and is surpassed by the immense Shanghai World Financial Center, which counts 101 floors and rises to a height of 492 meters – Currently the Shanghai World Financial Center is the third highest building worldwide. The newest of the three scyscrapers is the ‘Shanghai Tower’ – this building has been opening in 2016 and counts a dazzling 128 floors with a height of 632 meters – making it the highest building in Shanghai and the world’s second highest building (The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is currently ranking number one). Pudong is also home of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (which is right across the Street of the Shanghai East Hospital) the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, the Science and Technology Museum, the Superbrand Mall, the Oriental Arts Center and many other tourist attractions. The Shanghai East Hospital is located in Pudong as well and all of the mentioned attractions are easily reachable by foot from the Shanghai East Hospital. The HuangPu River offers a spectacular view of both, the old, and the new Shanghai. During the round trip you can enjoy the entire length of the enigmatic Bund on one side, and the futuristic skyline of Pudong on the other. The cruise then continuous on downstream and leads under the impressive YangPu Bridge. During the cruise, you can also observe the lively ship-traffic, consisting mainly of large barges, up close. The river cruise leaves its harbor daily. It is recommended to take advantage of the night cruise in order to observe the splendid lights of Pudong and of The Bund. Current information about the times and fares can be found here.
Why is hope so important in life? What does hope really mean? Self-help author Mark Manson explores the importance of hope in his book Everything Is F*cked, defining it as the belief that we can progress towards something valuable and create a better future. He also explores how hope can empower us to cope with the pain of existence. Read on to learn why hope is so important, based on Manson’s exploration of its true meaning. Why Is Hope So Important? According to self-help author Mark Manson, society is experiencing an epidemic of hopelessness: People no longer feel like they can help create a better future. Why is hope so important? To explain, Manson wrote Everything Is F*cked, which clarifies exactly what he means by “hope.” He describes how it functions in our lives and what happens when we live without it. What Does It Really Mean to Be Hopeful? So what exactly is hope and why is it so important? According to Manson, hope can be defined as the belief that you have the ability to progress toward something valuable and create a more pleasant future. Additionally, he asserts that you need other people to recognize that what you do matters to sustain hope—social validation is a core psychological need. The reason why hope is so important comes from our need to feel hope because we understand we’re mortal, according to Manson. If you zoom out in time long enough, you and everyone whose life you’ve ever influenced will eventually die, and nothing you do can change that. This is an inherently depressing thought. For this reason, to feel motivated to do anything, we need hope. Hope empowers us to cope with the inherent pain of existence. If we believe that we’re successfully creating a more pleasant future for ourselves and those around us, we’ll feel fulfilled, even if life at the moment is unpleasant. As long as we believe pleasure is coming later, working toward that pleasure provides a deeper satisfaction that transcends pain now—we feel good about what we’re doing even if it doesn’t feel good in itself. In this way, hope gives us the ability to delay gratification: to trade pain now for greater pleasure down the road, and to feel satisfied while doing it. For an example of why hope is so important for delaying gratification, say a logging company is planning to cut down the beloved woods near your neighborhood. Driven by the hope that you can stop them, you spend countless, tiring hours contacting local politicians and recruiting others to join your cause. You’re trading the pain of these exhausting efforts now for the promise of a future where the woods remain. Those hours spent fighting the logging company don’t feel good in themselves, but you find this overall pursuit toward a better future fulfilling. Meaningful causes like this are the primary way we find satisfaction in an inherently painful world. You Can Find Empowering Hope and Meaning Anywhere In his discussion of hope and why it’s so important in our lives, Manson was possibly inspired by Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, which echoes these ideas closely (Manson lists it among the best books of all time to help you understand life). Frankl was a Jewish-Austrian psychiatrist who spent three years imprisoned in concentration camps during World War II, and this experience informed his theories about the role of hope in human psychology. Like Manson, Frankl argues that we need hope to cope with the inherent pain of existence and feel satisfied when we’d normally be suffering. He takes this idea further, noting that a sense of hope even improves physical health. In the concentration camps, Frankl noted that prisoners with goals to work toward (for example, to see their families again) were much more likely to survive than those who felt like their lives were over. Frankl’s definition of hope overlaps with Manson’s somewhat—they agree that it’s the feeling that we’re improving the life we’ll have in the future. However, there are some differences between their definitions: While Manson argues that to have hope, we need other people to recognize the value of our actions, Frankl doesn’t put limits like this on hope. Unlike Manson, Frankl explores the possibility that anything in our lives can be a source of hope, even if there’s no one around to validate it or if it’s irrational to think so. For instance, Frankl recommends considering that our actions may have a greater purpose that’s too complex for us to comprehend—faith in this idea can be a source of comfort. Frankl’s unconditional belief that everything can be meaningful even extends to death itself. Rather than viewing death as the painful truth that forces us to find meaning, as Manson does, Frankl views it as a source of meaning in itself. By giving us a time limit, death motivates us to take meaningful action during our lives. Without it, we wouldn’t do anything valuable with our lives—thus, we can view death as something to be grateful for, rather than something to fear. | ———End of Preview——— Like what you just read? Read the rest of the world's best book summary and analysis of Mark Manson's "Everything Is F*cked" at Shortform. Here's what you'll find in our full Everything Is F*cked summary: - How the hopelessness epidemic is affecting society - Why you must abandon hope in order to live a fulfilling life - How to practice a life without hope and instead, find meaning
Betony is also known as wood betony and is native to Europe as well as parts of Asia and Africa. The herb belongs to the mint family. The Ancient Egyptians used betony and according to their superstition, betony had magical properties that enabled it to protect people from evil. Betony was also used in Ancient Rome. Antonius Musa was Augustus Caesar’s physician and he believed that consuming betony prevented liver diseases. He named a total of 47 diseases that he believed could be cured with the herb. Anglo-Saxons shared the Ancient Egyptian belief that Betony could ward off evil and it was common for them to wear amulets containing it. Betony is one of the plants in the gardens of Charlemagne and it was also a common plant in the gardens of monasteries and apothecaries during the Middle Ages. It was prescribed for everything from nervous disorders to urinary tract issues. John Gerard lived mostly during the 16th century. According to his book titled The Herbal or General History of Plants, betony has many medicinal applications including as a hangover cure and as a pain-killer. Gerard believed that it was useful for treating headaches and cramps. The 17th-century Herbalist Nicholas Culpeper believed that betony could treat jaundice, convulsions, and gout. The herb had a good reputation in North America as well and was praised by John Sauer who claimed that it could cure any illness brought on by cold. Historians are not sure about betony’s etymology. The herb may get its name from ancient Spanish herders called Vettones or from the word bewton used by the Celts to indicate that the herb was good for the head. Today, betony is largely unpopular among practitioners of herbal medicine but some herbalists do still use it for treating a few conditions. A betony tincture may be used to treat diarrhea, for example. The herb is still praised in Spanish and Italian folk sayings. Betony flavor profile Betony tastes almost exactly like Camellia sinensis (black tea) because it contains tannins just like Camellia sinensis. It has a similar woody, almost chocolatey flavor profile with a hint of astringency. Health benefits of betony Betony has benefits such as the fact that it has no caffeine but tastes a lot like black tea, making it an excellent alternative if you are trying to avoid caffeine. Beyond that, it contains important compounds such as: - Glycosides: The glycosides in betony may help to regulate blood pressure. - Rosmarinic acid: The antioxidant benefits of rosmarinic acid are said to be stronger than those from vitamin E. Use betony to treat or prevent health problems like these below: - Flatulence: Betony has carminative properties, which means that you can use it to relieve bloating and other symptoms of intestinal gas. - High blood pressure symptoms: Betony can lower blood pressure, which means that it may be useful for treating headaches and other high blood pressure symptoms. - Inflammation: The antioxidant benefits of betony make it effective at relieving inflammation and diseases that result from it. The effects on blood pressure can be significant enough that you should use betony with caution. Use this herb only under an experienced herbalist’s guidance. Betony is commonly consumed as a tea or in tincture form. Make a tea exactly as you would loose-leaf black tea. Add a teaspoon to a cup of hot water and let it steep for five minutes.
Spiders are a type of arachnid that are related to other arthropods like mites, ticks, and scorpions. Spiders help to control nuisance insect populations; they are predators that feed on other living things. These eight-legged hunters are helpful when living outside away from people, but when they choose our yards and homes to inhabit, they become unwanted pests. Depending on the species, spiders can be dangerous. All spiders have venom that they use to paralyze their prey, but only a handful have venom that is strong enough to create health problems in people. Spiders are mainly nuisance pests that invade our homes and properties. They are difficult to control, and often startle us by appearing where we least expect them to. When it comes to spiders, all you need to know is one thing: wherever there are insects, there will be spiders. Because spiders feed on insects, properties with lots of vegetation, garden areas, compost, tall grass, or shrubs that often attract hungry insects, will also attract hungry spiders. Having a problem in your home or yard with spiders is usually a sign that you have other pest problems as well. Spiders live most of their time outside in many different locations. These include our yards and our homes or outbuildings. Common spots where spiders hide include trees, dense vegetation, woodpiles, under fallen trees, behind window shutters, behind wood shingles, under roof eaves, and in doorways. Spiders usually only move into homes and other buildings when they follow their prey inside or to find a safe place to lay their eggs. Once inside, as long as there are insects to eat, they will stay. Get rid of spiders from your Central New York property with the help of local, experienced professionals. At Sweeney’s Pest Elimination, we have been protecting people and properties from our area’s most common pests for over 20 years. If you are experiencing problems with spiders, our professionals will take care of the problem and put into place the services needed to stop them from returning. To learn more about our residential or commercial pest control solutions in Ithaca and eliminate spiders from your Ithaca property, contact us at Sweeney’s Pest Elimination today! In addition to our professional spider control services, avoid future problems with spiders by putting into place the following prevention tips:
What is metabolism? Metabolism, also known as metabolism, is the process by which the body converts food and drink into energy. Metabolism is a complex chemical process in which calories from your food are combined with oxygen to produce the energy your body needs. Our metabolism system is also responsible for transporting useful substances through the blood to various parts of the body, while disposing of waste materials through the digestive system, kidneys, or sweat glands. Metabolism is divided into two main processes: catabolism and anabolism. What is catabolism? The breaking-down part of metabolism is called catabolism, where molecules are broken down to produce energy and other components needed for the body's functions. During catabolism, the body breaks down nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, to release energy. What is anabolism? The building-up part of metabolism, anabolism, is the process where simple substances are transformed into complex molecules like fats and proteins. Protein synthesis is an example of an anabolic process where amino acids are used to build protein molecules. How exercise affects metabolism Exercise has a direct impact on metabolism by increasing the body's energy expenditure. When we exercise, we burn calories and, therefore, increase our metabolism. There are several ways in which exercise affects metabolism: Increased muscle massPhysical exercise, especially strength training, contributes to increased muscle mass and improved body composition. Muscles burn more energy than fat, even at rest. By increasing our muscle mass, we increase our basal metabolic rate, which means the energy our body consumes at rest. This means we burn more calories even when we are not exercising. Improved oxygen uptake capacityRegular cardiovascular exercise, such as running, cycling, or swimming, enhances the body's ability to use oxygen to produce energy. The more efficiently the body can use oxygen, the more energy it can produce, thereby increasing metabolism. Afterburn effectAnother benefit of exercise is the so-called afterburn effect. After exercise, the body continues to burn extra calories for a certain period. This is because the body needs to recover and replenish its energy stores after exercise. The more intense the exercise, the longer the afterburn effect, and thus the increased metabolism. Improved insulin sensitivityRegular exercise can improve the body's insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone responsible for transporting glucose from the blood into the cells, where it is used as energy. When the body becomes more insulin-sensitive, it can use glucose more effectively, thus regulating blood sugar levels more efficiently. Hormonal regulationExercise also affects the hormonal balance in the body, which, in turn, can influence metabolism. Physical activity can increase the production of hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone, which contribute to increased muscle mass and improved metabolism. Additionally, exercise can reduce the production of stress hormones like cortisol, which can have a positive effect on metabolism. Improved sleep qualityExercise has been shown to improve sleep quality and contribute to a more regular sleep pattern. Good sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism. Sleep plays a vital role in hormone regulation and recovery, which in turn affects metabolism. 5 tips for increasing metabolism during exercise Now that we understand how exercise affects metabolism, it is essential to know how we can optimize our training for the best results. Here are some practical tips: - Combine cardiovascular and strength training To maximize the metabolism effect of exercise, it's good to combine both cardiovascular and strength training in your workout routine. Cardiovascular training improves oxygen uptake capacity and burns calories during the workout, while strength training builds muscle mass and increases basal metabolism. - Try high-intensity interval training (HIIT) High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a training method where you alternate between intense exercises and rest. By combining short periods of maximum effort with recovery periods, you can achieve high calorie burn and increase metabolism both during and after exercise. - Exercise regularly To achieve long-term results, it is essential to exercise regularly. Both cardiovascular and strength training should be included in your workout routine to maintain a healthy metabolism. Aim to exercise at least 150 minutes per week, or 30 minutes a day, for the best results. - Rest and recovery Recovery is just as important as exercise when it comes to optimizing metabolism. The body needs time to recover and repair muscles after exercise. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night and allow yourself sufficient recovery days between workout sessions. - Monitor your internal health To optimize your metabolism and overall health, it can be valuable to regularly check your health markers through a blood test and health checkup. A blood test can provide essential information about your health levels and markers that affect metabolism. By knowing these markers, you can take control of your health and take action as needed. Regular health checkups during exercise A blood test can analyze parameters such as oxygen uptake capacity, cardiovascular health, blood sugar, blood lipids, hormonal balance, and much more. By gaining insight into your health markers, you can identify any imbalances or risk factors and take action to improve your metabolism and overall health. Elite athletes and top-level athletes have long used blood analysis to optimize both their health and training for peak performance. A crucial factor that helps them achieve this is regular health checkups. By conducting blood tests, they can analyze various parameters that provide valuable information about their body functions, dietary habits, and physical capabilities. By using scientific health data and insights, we have the prerequisites to tailor everything from training programs to dietary habits to reach our full potential. At the same time, a health checkup gives you insights to take responsibility for your physical condition and prevent potential health problems, which can contribute to successful physical development.
What is kidney failure? Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys can no longer perform their normal filtering function, leading to a buildup of waste products in the body. There are two main types of kidney failure: - Acute kidney failure: A sudden loss of kidney function that can occur within days or weeks. It can be caused by injury, infection, or blockage in the urinary tract, and it is often a condition that can recover if treated early. - Chronic kidney failure: Kidney function gradually deteriorates over time, and kidney failure develops slowly, often as a result of long-term diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or chronic kidney diseases. Common symptoms of kidney failure The onset of symptoms of kidney failure can vary depending on whether it is acute or chronic. Here are some common symptoms: - Fatigue and general weakness due to the accumulation of waste products and a reduced ability to produce red blood cells. - Swelling in the legs, feet, and ankles caused by fluid retention. - Foamy urine, which may indicate the presence of protein that the body cannot filter out properly. - Dull ache or pain in the lower back or sides, sometimes interpreted as "pain in the kidneys." - Changes in urination patterns, such as decreased urine output, darker urine, or the need to urinate more frequently, especially at night. - Loss of appetite and nausea, which can lead to unintentional weight loss. - Difficulty concentrating and mental sluggishness due to imbalances in electrolytes and toxins affecting the brain. Symptoms of kidney failure in women Kidney failure can affect women differently than men. In addition to common symptoms, women may also experience: - Decreased sex drive and changes in the menstrual cycle due to hormonal imbalances. - Difficulty becoming pregnant, as the kidneys are central to maintaining hormonal balance in the body. Kidney failure and alcohol Alcohol abuse is a potential risk factor for developing kidney failure. Alcohol can cause dehydration and increase blood pressure, which over time can damage the kidneys. In people who already have reduced kidney function, alcohol can worsen symptoms and contribute to faster deterioration of the kidneys. Why does kidney failure occur? Kidney failure can be caused by a variety of factors; here are a few of them: - Diabetes: High blood sugar levels can damage the small blood vessels in the kidneys, affecting their filtering ability. - High blood pressure: Prolonged high blood pressure can strain the kidneys and damage their function. - Infections or blockages in the urinary tract can lead to acute kidney failure if not treated in time. - Medications such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can also contribute to kidney damage when taken in high doses over a long period. How is kidney failure treated? Depending on the severity and underlying cause, kidney failure is treated with various options: - Medications to control blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and relieve symptoms like swelling. - Dialysis, a treatment where a machine performs the kidneys' filtering function, may be necessary in severe kidney failure. - Kidney transplantation can be an option for people with chronic kidney failure when other treatments are not effective. How long can one live with kidney failure? The prognosis for people with kidney failure depends on the degree of kidney damage and how early the condition is treated. With early diagnosis and proper treatment, many can live a relatively normal life, even if they have to adjust their lifestyle. People undergoing dialysis or kidney transplantation can live for many years, although chronic kidney failure entails significant lifestyle changes. Early identification of symptoms and seeking medical care are crucial to prevent serious complications. If you experience symptoms of kidney failure, it is important to consult a doctor for evaluation and treatment. A good way to gain insight into your kidney function is to take a blood test that measures important kidney markers such as eGFR (cystatin C) and creatinine. Learn more about these markers in our kidney function test, Kidney Check.
By Dana Drugmand Plans for an expanded footprint of US fossil fuel-derived chemical production facilities would unleash millions of tons of heat-trapping emissions that could undermine efforts to confront the climate crisis, according to a report issued Tuesday. The analysis by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) determined that 70 projects in various stages of development would create total annual emissions exceeding that of US commercial aviation, and on par with the annual emissions of 39 coal plants. “The planned petrochemicals buildout in the United States is a profound threat to the climate,” the CIEL report warns. “If built, these petrochemical facilities will generate huge greenhouse gas emissions and lock in fossil fuel production for decades.” The petrochemical sector in the US already emits about 335 million metric tons of CO2-equivalent pollution annually – more than the annual emissions of entire countries like Spain – and the planned expansion is estimated to add at least another 153.8 MMT of annual emissions, the analysis finds. As the new report explains, the petrochemical sector is a growing yet underrecognized source of climate pollution, set for rapid expansion as fossil fuel usage in the energy sector starts to wane. The International Energy Agency projects that petrochemicals will be the biggest driver of global oil demand, accounting for nearly half of the demand growth through 2050. American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM), the chief US trade association for the petrochemical industry, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. AFPM says on its website that it “supports the aspiration of the Paris Accord to address climate change through global cooperation and greenhouse gas emissions reductions” and that greenhouse gas emissions from the fuel and petrochemical industries are subject to federal and state regulations.
Free and fair elections just don't happen. As citizens it is our responsibility and duty to insure that we have an open and transparent voting process free from corruption and outside influences. Here are some tools for use to keep our election processes honest. The United States Constitution provides that the state legislatures establish the laws used to conduct elections in that state. In Tennessee these laws are contained in Title 2 of the Tennessee Code, Annotated. Many groups are working to insure we maintain free, fair and transparent elections. Your help is needed.
USGS Ecosystem Research The U.S. Geological Survey is the science research agency for the U.S. Department of the Interior. We conduct research on the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods around the country. We also monitor the water, energy, minerals and other natural resources we rely on; the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change. We depend on energetic, creative and dedicated teams of scientists to brave the outdoor elements and the constantly changing analytical challenges that must be overcome to properly interpret changes in complex environments. For more information about USGS research and how you can get involved, visit the links below.
- Vilonia School District - Program Overview The Vilonia School District offers a program in grades kindergarten through twelve for those students who have been identified as having needs above and beyond what the curriculum in the regular classroom offers. The major goal of the school district is to respond to the unique needs and characteristics of these particular students. Support from the administration, parents, and community contributes to successfully reaching this goal. From kindergarten through second grade, at both the Primary and Elementary campuses, students receive forty minutes of whole group enrichment with the gifted and talented specialists. In these classes, the focus is on the Primary Education Thinking Skills Curriculum, often referred to as P.E.T.S. The specialists will also incorporate some STEM-based problem-solving activities and teacher-created lessons throughout the year. The enrichment classes help us gather important information that will be used in the future to identify students who have a need for services in the pull-out GT classrooms, often referred to as GT resource rooms. Grades three through six are taught in pull-out or resource classes for a minimum of 150 minutes per week. The schedules vary significantly depending on which grade and/or campus the students attend. In the pull-out classes, the focus is on problem- solving activities and higher order thinking exercises. We incorporate creativity and the use of technology into our lessons frequently. There will be units of study offered in the GT setting that are different in content, process, and product from what they are exposed to in the regular classroom. Ms. Eubanks is the specialist for 4th and 6th grade and Ms. Bagwell provides services for the 5th grade students at FMIS. Ms. Eubanks teaches the 3rd grade resource room at the Elementary and Mrs. Millsap teaches the 3rd grade resource room at VPS. All 7th-12th grade students are currently served in our district through a combination of advanced (formerly called pre-AP), accelerated, AP, and concurrent college courses. It is recommended to all GT students that they enroll in one or more of these classes as this is their way of receiving GT services. Parents are encouraged to have meaningful conversations with their children each year as they plan out their schedules and help students choose the type of classes that are best suited for their individual needs. If you need assistance in this process or have questions about what is best for your child, please reach out to Mrs. Millsap about your concerns. Students are given numerous opportunities for competitions throughout the year, such as Spelling Bee, Quiz Bowl, and Chess tournaments. Students are also given the opportunity to participate in Beta Club, field trips, and Writers in the Schools.
The automotive industry extensively uses aluminum sheets due to their lightweight and strength. Here are some examples of how the automotive industry uses aluminum sheets: 1.Body Panels – Aluminum sheets manufacture body panels such as hoods, doors, fenders, and trunk lids. The use of aluminum sheets in body panels reduces the vehicle’s weight, improving fuel efficiency. 2.Wheels – Aluminum sheets commonly manufacture wheels due to their lightweight and durability. They provide a sleek appearance that enhances the vehicle’s overall performance. 3.Engine Components – Aluminum sheets manufacture engine components such as cylinder heads, engine blocks, and transmission cases. The use of aluminum in engine components enhances fuel efficiency and reduces emissions. 4.Suspension Components – Aluminum sheets manufacture suspension components such as control arms, knuckles, and spindles. The use of aluminum in suspension components improves the vehicle’s handling and stability. 5.Heat Shields – Aluminum sheets manufacture heat shields to protect the vehicle’s components from high temperatures. Heat shields are in various parts of the vehicle, including the exhaust system, transmission, and engine components. In conclusion, due to their lightweight, strength, and durability, aluminum sheets are extensively used in the automotive industry. As the automotive industry continues to prioritize fuel efficiency and emissions reductions, we can expect to see even more applications of aluminium sheets in the future.
The working principle of DC motor can be stated as follows: When a current-carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a force. In the case of a DC motor, the magnetic field is produced by the field winding. And the armature winding is connected to the external supply voltage hence it plays the role of a current-carrying conductor placed in the magnetic field. Therefore a force is exerted on the armature placed in the magnetic field, it starts rotating. The direction of rotation of the DC motor can be determined by Fleming’s left-hand rule. Working Principle of DC Motor When a DC motor is switched on, a direct current flows through the armature conductors and field windings. This flow of current produces an armature field and pole field. Now, there are two magnetic fields in the air gap between field shoes and armature. These two fields react with each other to rotate the armature. The commutator reverses the direction of the flow of the armature current at regular intervals so that the armature field is always repelled by the pole field. Since the armature is continuously repelled by the field poles, it keeps rotating the armature in the same direction. Working Principle of DC Motor – Illustratation To illustrate the working principle of DC motor, consider Figure 1, which shows a simplified arrangement of two brushes and a two-piece commutator. The leads of the rotor coil, which are situated between a magnetic field, are attached to the commutator. A brush-type DC motor develops a torque (and hence rotation of the rotor) when a current flows in the rotor coils through the magnetic field created by the stator. The torque is the result of the two equal but opposite forces acting on the sides of the coil. The force is given by Lorentz’s law which states that when a conductor carries a current through a magnetic field, a force acts on the conductor and is given as the vector cross product of the current and the magnetic field, or mathematically: F = I x B Where I is the current vector and B is the magnetic field vector. For the current arrangement shown in Figure 1, these forces will cause the coil to rotate clockwise as seen from the brush end. Without the use of a commutator to maintain the direction of the current, the torque direction will reverse the moment the coil passes through the vertical plane (called the commutation plane), producing no useful motion. Using a two-piece commutator, the resulting torque will not be smooth and will exhibit the ripple shown in Figure 2(a). Note that the torque is maximum when the coil is horizontal because, at this position, the moment arm distance between the forces acting on the coil is maximum. Similarly, the torque is zero when the coil is in the commutation plane because the moment arm distance is zero. In general, the torque is a function of the sine of the angle between the magnetic field direction and the vector normal to the plane of the coil, which is 90° for the coil position shown in Figure 1. If we had used a six-piece commutator (and also three coils, one for each commutator pair) instead of using a two-piece commutator, the torque would be smoother (Figure 2(b)) since the torque at any point in time is the sum of all the torques in all the coils. If the stator magnetic field could be made radial, then the ripple is eliminated since the angle will always be 90°. To improve the torque characteristics, commercial motors have a commutator that is split into 50 or more segments. Note that the mechanical contact between the brushes and the commutator leads to the wear of these components as well as the formation of arcs which require these components to be serviced periodically. Counter Electromotive Force (CEMF) in DC Motor As the armature rotates in a DC motor, the armature coils cut the magnetic field of the stator and induce a voltage, or electromotive force (EMF), in these coils. This occurs in a motor as a by-product of motor rotation and is sometimes referred to as the generator action of a motor. Because this induced voltage opposes the applied terminal voltage, it is called counter electromotive force, or CEMF. Counter EMF (sometimes referred to as back EMF) is a form of resistance that opposes and limits the flow of armature current, as illustrated in Figure 3. The overall effect of the CEMF is that this voltage will be subtracted from the terminal voltage of the motor so that the armature motor winding will see a smaller voltage potential. Counter EMF is equal to the applied voltage minus the armature circuit IARA drop. The armature current, according to Ohm’s law, is equal to: IA = (VMTR – CEMF) ÷ RA Where IA = armature current, VMTR = motor terminal voltage, CEMF = counter electromotive force, RA = armature-circuit resistance. Counter EMF is directly proportional to the speed of the armature and the field strength. That is, the counter EMF increases or decreases if the speed is increased or decreased, respectively. The same is true if the field strength is increased or decreased. At the moment a motor starts, the armature is not rotating, so there is no CEMF generated in the armature. Full line voltage is applied across the armature, and it draws a relatively large amount of current. At this point, the only factor limiting current through the armature is the relatively low resistance of the windings. As the motor picks up speed, a counter electromotive force is generated in the armature, which opposes the applied terminal voltage and quickly reduces the amount of armature current. When a motor reaches its full no-load speed, it is designed to be generating a CEMF nearly equal to the applied line voltage. Only enough current can flow to maintain this speed. Significance of CEMF in DC Motor When no load is applied to the motor, very small torque is required by it, which is necessary to overcome the friction and windage losses. Hence motor draws a very small armature current. Therefore, the difference between applied voltage and CEMF is very small. But when we start loading the motor, this decreases the speed of the armature. This results in a fall in CEMF. This reduced CEMF causes a larger current to flow through the armature winding and a larger current produces increased driving torque. Thus, the motor produces larger driving torque as it slows down. So motor will start running at the speed at which the armature current is just sufficient to produce the required torque by the load. On the other hand, when the load on the motor is reduced, the speed of the armature increases due to excess driving torque. This increases the CEMF which results in decreased armature current. In this way CEMF in a DC motor regulates the flow of armature current according to the load requirement automatically. Armature Reaction in DC Motors The magnetic field produced by current flow through the armature conductors distorts and weakens the flux coming from the main field poles. This distortion and field weakening of the stator field of the motor is known as the armature reaction. Figure 4 shows the position of the neutral plane under no-load and loaded motor operating conditions. As segment after segment of the rotating commutator passes under a brush, the brush short-circuits coil after coil in the armature. Note that armature coils A and B are positioned relative to the brushes so that at the instant each is short-circuited, it is moving parallel to the main field so that there is no voltage induced in them at this point. When operating under loaded conditions, due to armature reaction, the neutral plane is shifted backward, opposing the direction of rotation. As a result armature reaction affects motor operation by: - Shifting the neutral plane in a direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the armature. - Reducing motor torque as a result of the weakening of the magnetic field. - Arcing at the brushes due to short-circuiting of the voltage being induced in the coils undergoing commutation. - When the load on the motor fluctuates, the neutral plane shifts back and forth between no-load and full-load positions. For small DC motors, the brushes are set in an intermediate position to produce acceptable commutation at all loads. In larger DC motors, interpoles (also called commutating poles) are placed between the main field poles, as illustrated in Figure 5, to minimize the effects of armature reaction. These narrow poles have a few turns of larger-gauge wire connected in series with the armature. The strength of the interpole field varies with the armature current. The magnetic field generated by the interpoles is designed to be equal to and opposite that produced by the armature reaction for all values of load current and improves commutation. Thanks for reading about “working principle of DC motor”.
You will be surprised how easy and affordable green energy is; there are many different things you can do. This article's purpose is to show you the things you need to know to start getting the benefits of green energy where you live today. Lower the heating costs of your water, hot tubs and pools by changing over to a heating system that is run by solar power. Solar water heaters are much more energy efficient than electric or gas-driven water heating systems. Solar systems use the sun's energy to stabilize water temperature. Some of these upgrades, while more expensive up-front, may qualify for green energy tax deductions. Do your best to keep your windows shaded from any sunlight. Using curtains or blinds is a good way to block unwanted sunlight. These actions will reduce the air conditioning usage during the hot summer months, and yet your home will still remain cooler. You will save energy and money as well. Do your best to consume the least amount of energy possible in your home. Do things like unplug any electronic device that you aren't using that may still be plugged into an outlet. Whether you are charging your device or not, chargers for laptops, mp3 players, cellphones and other electronics keep drawing electrical power as long as they stay plugged in. Are you a farm owner? Companies are actually looking for space to put wind turbines in, and a small part of your property can be used as one of those spots. You could take advantage of the energy offered and the space requirements are minimal. Think about getting solar heaters to heat up your water at home. If you live in a sunny climate, you can use a solar water heater year-round. You should still retain traditional water heaters for backup when the sun doesn't show, or if you use a lot of heated water. Rather than using a dryer, dry your clothes outside, as long as the weather permits. The sun will make your clothing smell great. They will smell a lot fresher than being dried in the drier. You will also have lower utility bills. Don't run your dishwasher if it is less than totally full. An equal amount of water and energy is used, whether it is full or not. When you do operate your dishwasher, be sure to make use of the energy-saving feature, which air-dries your dishes. When a home has stormed windows and doors, air flows better. Storm windows and storm doors reduce the amount of cold air entering the home in the form of drafts. Homes equipped with storm windows and doors can see an increase in energy efficiency of up to 45 percent. One of the best ways to go green and cut energy costs is by dressing more warmly. A thin sweater will provide you with two degrees of additional heat, while a heavier item will add four. The more layers you wear at home, the less energy you will need to use heating your house. One way to participate in the green energy movement is buying products that are specifically designed to save energy. Ecologically friendly windows and doors can minimize the energy you need to operate your home efficiently. Your heat and cooling costs can drop dramatically by using these products. If you are on the fence about whether to invest money in green energy for your home, have your existing equipment examined by professional plumbers or HVAC experts. They can advise you about how much inefficient appliances cause you to lose financially, and they can estimate the price of upgrading or simply replacing your old systems. There is no reason you shouldn't be able to use the tips from this article since they are so easy to do. Taking the time to green your energy will give you peace of mind, so make the changes today to enjoy the rewards, tomorrow!
In the 21st century economics, it is crucial for an economy to gain control over factors like poverty and inequality. For a nation to tackle these adversities, development economics plays its part contributing to the sustainable development of that nation. Broadly, it is a discipline of economics elucidating you with financial, economic, and social development occurring in an economy. This subject holds a strong significance in your academic curriculum as it educates you with the economic conditions of your nation. Also, it prepares you for the upcoming economic challenges possessing a threat to an economy allowing you to make better economic decisions. What Is Development Economics? Development Economics is a rapidly growing discipline of economics tackling more significant challenges faced by an economy including unemployment, poverty, inequality, etc. These factors are the biggest threat to any nation capable of hitting its economy and resulting in catastrophic outcomes. The benefits of this subject are mostly enjoyed by the developing nations as development economics contribute to its prosperous growth. Being a vast discipline of economics, it estimates the extent of maximum population growth of an economy. The subject influences the development of an economy by evaluating the population growth and taking the necessary steps to control it. The study also comprises of international business and globalization with an objective of sustainable development and minimizing the threats. It enlights you with the impact of catastrophes on an economy and human development and taking appropriate measures to prevent it. Therefore, development economics is a fascinating subject highlighting the challenges faced by the economies of different regions globally. What Are the Differences Between Development Economics and Economic Development? A field of economics studying the development of an economy. A physical process adopted by an economy to boost the production of goods contributing to its sustainability. It analyzes all the parameters of development including economic, political, administrative, and social dimensions. It deals only in economic factors like boosting the national economy through increased productivity. It emphasizes the application of economic theory, and especially, the discipline of econometrics. It highlights the application of general theories of development like agriculture and industrial sector. How Can I Select a Ph.D. Dissertation Title for Development Economics? Shortlisting a Ph.D. dissertation title for development economics plays a vital role in deciding the fate of your academic career. So, understanding the significance of coming up with a compelling dissertation title can end up to be pretty stressful. 6 Key Points to Help You Make Better Decisions - Area of interest: You need to ensure that the project you have shortlisted lies at the center of your area of interest. As you cannot predict the time required to write an effective dissertation paper; a topic out of your curiosity can lead you to boredom. Notably, a Ph.D. dissertation demands an ample of time to write an excellent paper. So, it becomes imperative for you to choose a project defining your area of interest to eliminate the possibilities of boredom. - Admire the work of your classmates: If you are not confident enough regarding the title of your dissertation, then you can take a look at previous students projects. You can access your university library to study former student's projects and help yourself with improvised ideas. Also, you should always keep in mind that copying other student's idea is not acceptable anywhere, and should be used as an inspiration. If someone has written on a topic of your interest, you can approach them warmly to pick their ideas. With the shyness gone, you will find it convenient to contact previous students and admire an excellent piece of writing. - Note down suggestions of your teachers: To get a clear picture of the topic and add to your box of ideas; you can always approach someone with expertise in the subject. Your lecturer or professor is the perfect professional who can guide you through all the turns of your subject. It is considered a better practice as it saves you from the embarrassment of later failure. You should maintain regular contact with your professor and share ideas continuously to maximize your input and deliver top-notch writing. - Go for something more realistic: Most of the students choose prevalent topics which are repeatedly done by thousands of students. It degrades the importance of that topic and creates a sense of boredom among the professors. So, the wise decision would be to choose a practical topic with relative significance and a less familiar topic chosen by every student. There is an extensive list of topics available for you to choose from and deliver a dissertation beyond the level of excellence. - Be concise with your topic: It is crucial for you to choose a research topic with a focus on a specific subject. To submit a dissertation like that you need to possess a decent knowledge of the subject you are writing on. You need to be quite distinct while writing on your subject to submit an adequate paper. Thus, choosing a concise topic helps you to convey your thoughts more accurately. - Interdisciplinary topic: While studying economics, you can also learn other academic subjects as a part of your research project. You can study disciplines of history, sociology, business, politics, etc. and enjoy the benefits of real knowledge achieving academic success. This allows you to explore other disciplines of academics and learning methods helping you to identify your area of interest. Thousands of students follow this method to develop a unique and memorable project genuinely based on the subject of economics. What Are the Characteristics of Development Economics? 9 Characteristics of Development Economics - Per Capita Income: It is imperative to monitor the gross national per capita income of an economy to calculate the progressions made annually. The per capita income of an economy is calculated by dividing the economic output of a nation by its overall population. In small economies, the primary source of influence is a group of wealthy individuals supporting the economy. - Social well-being: It provides the citizens of an economy with advanced healthcare facilities increasing their average life expectancy and mortality rates. - Education: It is crucial for the development of an economy as it helps the youth of a nation to acquire the required knowledge. An educated youth understands the situation and demand of an economy more precisely and contributes to the sustainability of a country. - Industrial revolution: Industries holds a strong significance in the development of an economy due to its abundant production sites. Therefore, the fact cannot be denied that industrialization is the biggest reason for the development of an economy. - Employed economy: Employment is a nation's primary source of development gaining most of the attraction from travel, food, software, and business services. These services play a significant role in boosting the economic output of the developed nations. - Knowledge: A decent understanding of the subject contributes to the development of procedures and designs required for the sustainability of the economy. Knowledge is a power that comes without any limitation; the only limitation is your imagination. It allows you to boost the output by an advertising campaign displaying the authenticity of the brand. So, the highly developed nations of the world depend on this method to secure their place and increase the output. - Infrastructure: Infrastructures are the result of the economic growth achieved by an economy. It contributes to the promotion of a nation making it more productive, efficient, stable and attracting foreign investments. Infrastructure can either be soft infrastructures like public institutions or hard infrastructures like bridges. Therefore, it is the main advantage that a developed economy has over developing nations. - Economic consistency: Another crucial factor for the sustainability of an economy is political and social firmness. To ensure consistency, it is imperative for the government of a nation to secure its people under economic securities. It includes providing the people of an economy with physical and information security. So, securities like public healthcare and pension system safeguard people providing them with the opportunity to evolve continuously. - Standard of living: It is an essential characteristic of economics as it reflects the wealthiness of a nation. The quality of life determines the nature of an economy as it highlights factors like education, food, infrastructure, etc. Moreover, it evaluates the birth rate and life expectancy of the people depending on multiple studies and numerous surveys. Is Development Economics and Applied Economics the Same Field of Study? As we have discussed earlier, development economics is the branch of economics contributing to minimizing the threats on an economy. These threats are possessed by factors like unemployment, poverty, inequality, etc. working together to weaken the walls of an economy. So, development economics possess a broad scope to strengthen the social, political, and economic situations of a low-income nation. Applied economics can be identified as a branch of development economics using the concepts of economic theory and econometrics. It is used in such a way that it benefits the population of an economy contributing to its sustainability. The use of applied economics can be observed in planning for a financial year to secure the future of an economy. Thus, it can be said that applied economics is an integral part of development economics contributing to a sustainable environment. Impeccable Services Of Myassignmenthelp.Com Benefitting Students The fact cannot be denied that economics is a vast subject with numerous disciplines each focusing on specific issues. So, the extensive use of the subject has undoubtedly contributed to the increasing stress of academics on the students. How often do you feel agitated when it comes to writing an assignment? Quite often, right? The rigorous academic schedule and stringent deadlines have exposed the students to heavy stress at their early ages. Well, nothing can compel you now to take the pain of submitting a top-notch assignment under the pressure of tight deadlines. is the service that can help you find an exit from your adversities by providing you with an unmatched assignment. As it comes to development economics, our experts hold vast knowledge of the subject and guarantee you an excellent assignment. 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The Korean Association of the Islamic Studies(KAIS) was established by a group of eminent scholars who recognized the necessity to examine Islam and the Islamic world through a distinct lens, one that transcends the Western perspective. Their objective was to develop a new methodology for the study of Islamic studies and the understanding of Islamic cultures, employing an in-depth approach. The 20th century saw a significant improvement in the quality of life through the advancement of science and technology. The 21st century will be the century of culture, in which various cultural exchanges and contacts will become more vigorous and enrich our lives. In 1993, following the conclusion of the Cold War, American political scientist Samuel Huntington posited the inevitability of a ‘clash of civilizations’ between Islamic and Western civilizations in the 21st century, while concurrently predicting the trajectory of world history. In response, German international relations scholar Harald Müller highlighted the fallacy and inaccuracy of the religion-centric ‘clash of civilizations’ and proposed the ‘coexistence of civilizations’ as an alternative, advocating for the peaceful coexistence of civilizations. Furthermore, Iranian President Ahmadinejad made an unanticipated visit to the Vatican in Rome, during which he asserted that Islam is a religion of reconciliation, forgiveness, compromise, harmony, and peace. He also called for a “theory of civilizational reconciliation” that proposes dialogue between religions and civilizations rather than confrontation between religions and civilizations. It is imperative that we rethink the Islamic world. The number of Muslims worldwide has reached over two billion, with 55 countries currently classified as Islamic states. These countries are distributed across the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, representing a zone of comparative advantage for us in politics, diplomacy, trade, culture, and more than any other region of the world. Many people in our society still consider the Islamic world to be limited to the Middle East and Arab countries. However, there are over 500 million Muslims living in Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, which are geographically close to us. The KAIS aims to provide a perspective that allows us to understand the Islamic world and countries that form the center of the Third World from our perspective, and to provide in-depth and practical research to our society. The world is currently moving towards coexistence by recognizing the pluralism of religions. In the era of new millennium, the researchers of the KAIS will strive to provide Korean academia and society with a proper understanding of the culture of the Islamic world by approaching Islam as a cultural system rather than a religious system.
The Role of Poetry in Modern Society: Why It Sti Dr. A. Vijayanand, Faculty Arts & Humanities Poetry is not just a relic of the past; it still holds significance in today’s society. Despite the fast-paced nature of the modern world, poetry remains a powerful tool for conveying emotions, fostering empathy, and encouraging reflection. Through its use of imagery and metaphor, poetry provides a unique perspective on the human experience, offering readers a moment of connection and contemplation in a world filled with noise and chaos. Poetry remains significant in today’s world as it promotes empathy, understanding, and compassion. By delving into various viewpoints and life experiences, poetry enables readers to go beyond their own lives and relate to the emotions and challenges of others. This capacity to foster empathy is crucial in our interconnected society, where collective empathy is needed to address global problems. Poetry continues to hold significance in modern society due to its ability to act as a potent instrument for social commentary and activism. Throughout history, poets have utilized their art to question established norms, push for transformation, and give a voice to marginalized groups. Whether during the civil rights movement or in current social justice movements, poetry has played a pivotal role in motivating people to take action and fostering unity among individuals. Poetry remains relevant in today’s society due to its ability to provide comfort, emotional release, and a platform for self-expression. Through writing, reading, or performing poetry, individuals can find solace and process their emotions effectively. In a world where mental health is a concern, poetry serves as a valuable tool for introspection and understanding one’s innermost thoughts and feelings. Poetry continues to hold importance in today’s world, displaying its resilience and relevance in evolving times. Through the rise of digital platforms and social media, poetry has expanded its reach through online forums and live shows. The popularity of poetry slams, open mic nights, and poetry festivals has made this art form more accessible and inclusive, bridging gaps and connecting with a broader audience. In summary, the importance of poetry in today’s world is undeniable. Rather than becoming obsolete, poetry continues to inspire, challenge, and unite us in meaningful ways. In a world filled with uncertainty, poetry serves as a source of hope, reminding us of our common humanity and the enduring power of language to connect us. As long as there are stories to be told and emotions to be expressed, poetry will remain relevant, displaying the resilience of human creativity and expression. Kalinga Plus is an initiative by Kalinga University, Raipur. The main objective of this to disseminate knowledge and guide students & working professionals. This platform will guide pre – post university level students. Pre University Level – IX –XII grade students when they decide streams and choose their career Post University level – when A student joins corporate & needs to handle the workplace challenges effectively. We are hopeful that you will find lot of knowledgeable & interesting information here.
This paper explores the nexus between sustainable business models, education and technology, addressing pressing challenges in economic, social, and environmental spheres. On one hand, education is identified as a key tool for fostering sustainability principles and essential skills for future managers; on the other, businesses, particularly through sustainable business models (SBMs) and evolving digital platforms, play a pivotal role in advancing sustainability goals. The research answer to the need for sustainable development examining the potential of educational business games, blending entertainment and education to engage the 'gamer generation' actively. Considering the growing literature upon sustainable entrepreneurship and business models, the objective of the paper is to implement a digital business game for sustainability education designed to teach high school students how to implement an entrepreneurial activity through a sustainable business model. This study contributes to understanding sustainable business practices and innovative educational approaches, aligning with the global imperative for a sustainable future. In the end of the manuscript some prelaminar result of the game testing phase are presented. 2024, Proceedings ICSIT, International Conference on Society and Information Technologies, Pages 139-145 (volume: 2024-) Sustainable business model in practice: a digital business game training for high school students (04b Atto di convegno in volume) Fontanella S., Fraccascia L., Nonino F., Scarnicchia A. Gruppo di ricerca: Industrial Organization and Management
CNC stand for Computer Numerical Control, and refers specifically to the computer control of machine tools. The main purpose of CNC Milling Machines is to repeatedly manufacture complex parts in metal as well as other materials, using a specially coded program. This specially coded program that is used by CNC Milling machines is written in a notation called G-code. G-codes represent specific CNC Milling functions in alphanumeric format. CNC Milling was developed in the late 1940's and early 1950's by the MIT Servomechanism Laboratory. 1. About CNC - Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Milling is the most common form of CNC - CNC mills can perform the functions of drilling and often turning - CNC Milling machines are classified according to the number of axes that they possess - Axes are labeled as x and y for horizontal movement, and z for vertical movement - The evolution of CNC milling machines drastically changed the manufacturing industry - Curves are as easy to cut as straight lines, complex 3-D structures are relatively easy to produce, and the number of machining steps that required human action is way down. 2. The Fabrication Process With the use of CNC milling machine the fabrication process of the materials have been trimmed down to just a couple of steps. CNC Milling machines now days are driven directly from computer softwares crated by CAD software packages. With the use CNC Milling machines the assembly of parts can go from brief designs without any intermediate paper drawing works being required. In one sense, with the use of CNC milling machines industrials tasks are done must easier and much faster and the production cost of the company is also lessening out. CNC machines may be said to represent special industrial robot systems, as they are programmable to perform any kind of machining operation, within certain physical limits, like other robotic systems. 3. Buying Tips Before buying a CNC milling machine it is a must that you should have knowledge about the CNC milling machines basic parts. A CNC milling machine is basically composed of a Safety shield that is usually a clear plastic cover that cover and protects the cutting area. The Tool bit, this part of the CNC milling machines is the one that do the cutting. Spindle Shaft, is the part that holds the tool bit. Spindle Motor, is the part of the CNC milling machine that drives the cutter. The Vertical Column, the part that holds the spindle and all of its part. The Cross Side, a moveable support where the work piece is being cut. The axis motors, which moves the cross side into different axis and the Controller box. When purchasing your milling machine make sure to check that you have all of this part intact on your CNC milling machine, for if one of this parts is not there it will not surely work or will produce an undesirable end product. Also see to it to check out for safety features, never buy a CNC milling machine without an emergency stop button, this button automatically stops machining when it is pressed. Human, hardware or software errors could mean big losses if the CNC cannot be stopped quickly enough to correct the problem. Also check out the control panel part, it is advisable to buy one with a big control guide sticker so you can clearly see it. Also check out the screws and tools with long overhangs and adapters, be more observant about cracks and breaks on this CNC milling tools. Make sure that the plastic shield that you are purchasing with your CNC milling machine is made up of high impact polycarbonate plastic. An insert break loose from a 35 mm diameter CNC milling cutter at a spindle speed of 45,000 rpm will be thrown out at a speed of 90 meters per second - equivalent to a bullet that is being shot out of a pistol!. For more great cnc milling machine related articles and resources check out
My brother by his tractor | Many dairies recycle water several times before it leaves the farm. Fresh cold water is used in the plate cooler to chill the milk before it reaches the bulk tank (large refrigerator for the milk on the farm). The water and milk never come into contact due to the pipes. Water is reused to flush (wash) alleys in the barns and other places too. Every dairy is different and each one has a system in place for handling manure. Some use a flush system, which uses a stream of water to flush the manure into a place (we called it a flush box, but I'm sure there are other names too) where it is then transported to the manure separator where it is separated into solids and liquids. Others have a automatic scraper that pushes manure into the same place as the flush system. Ours wasn't as fancy. We used the loader with 1/4 of a tire on it (imagine a large tire cut in half horizontally, then cut in half vertically) to push the manure into the flush box where it was then transported to the manure separator. There are more types, but those are just a few examples. Some dairies even have a methane digester, which converts cow manure into electricity. One of our hay fields | Farmers are also careful not to spread manure into any streams or water ways and are careful with any field applications to avoid run off. Usually there is a buffer around the water way to reduce any run off. I'm not the expert on cropping and this is definitely something my brother could tell you a lot more about. Why is it important to farmers to care for the environment? - So the next generation has the same opportunity to farm the land - We live on the land too and don't want our environment polluted and/or ruined - To preserve natural resources - Our livelihood depends on it - It's the right thing to do Happy Earth Day! Be sure to thank a farmer for doing their part to keep the environment in good health. Cheers!
The Evolution of the Internet in Argentina In Argentina, the TGI Argentina studies have been conducted since 1999. Within the TGI Argentina studies, the same series of questions have been asked about Intenet usage throughout this time. This gives an accurate portrayal of the evolution of the Internet in Argentina. There are many ways to define who the Internet users are. A question such as "Are you an Internet user?" may be confusing, as there is no time frame involved. So an objectively clear question would be something "Have you used the Internet in the last 30 days?" The numbers for the last five years are shown in the chart below. (source: TGI Argentina) The more interesting data are about how Internet has qualitatively changed over time. The next chart shows the major activities among the Internet users. The most popular activity on the Internet is email applications, followed by chat room visits. The Internet is an application with network externality, which is defined as follows: "Network effects arise when a good is more valuable to a user the more users adopt the same good or compatible ones. Economists refer to this phenomenon as a network externality because when additional consumers join the network of current consumers they have a beneficial "external" impact on the consumers who are already part of the network." This is interesting as a social phenomenon, but unfortunately it probably does not pay for itself, especially since most people expect email and chat room applications to be free. The income to sustain the Internet will have to come from e-commerce. But, from the chart, this is not growing at the pace seen for other applications, with a dip after the financial crisis that exploded at the start of 2002. (posted by Roland Soong, 11/5/2003) (Return to Zona Latina's Home Page)
An advanced neural network with multiple layers of processing units. Each layer is designed to analyze and interpret different aspects of complex data. DeepNet identifies and learns from data patterns. Predicts trust rankings based on user interactions and other user-reward / voluntarily supplied data. AN Social Graph Establish and model social connections and relationships between users. The Social graph is used to identify, track, and establish unique user relations across the network. Internally these relations are represented by Bipartite indirect graphs of user-to-user relations and stored in Graph Database. Graphs are tracked and analyzed by Neural Networks and Classical Graph algorithms. AN Post Interact Represent user-to-post interactions (shares, comments, etc.) on a mobile Social App. AN User Data Includes user-reward / voluntarily supplied profile information about user skills, interests, and expertise levels amongst other things.
The Department of African American Studies at Princeton University provides an exciting and innovative model for teaching and research about African-descended people, with a central focus on their experiences in the United States. We embody this mission in a curriculum that reflects the complex interplay between the political, economic, and cultural forces that shape our understanding of the historic achievements and struggles of African-descended people in this country and around the world. The History of AAS at Princeton University Before we can unwrap the History and desire for African American Studies at Princeton, we must first trace the journey of African Americans at Princeton University. In early 20th century, correspondence between a Princeton University administrator and W.E.B. Du Bois, the administrator wrote: "We have never had any colored students here, though there is nothing in the University statutes to prevent their admission. It is possible, however, in our proximity to the South and the large number of Southern students here, that Negro students would find Princeton less comfortable than some other institutions." Unsurprisingly, African American students in the 1930's and 1940's who attempted to earn an education at Princeton University found varying levels of success. In 1955, Professor Charles T. Davis joined the faculty of Princeton as an Assistant Professor of English, becoming the first Black Professor. This marked the beginning of a shift at Princeton University and the intellectual contributions of African Americans on campus. President Robert Goheen's presidency, spanning from 1956 to 1972, would usher in an even greater amount of racial diversity among the student body, faculty, and staff, but it still would be years before the intellectual contributions of African American people were taught or studied at Princeton. In 1962 a "Race Relations Conference", organized by the Roger Williams Strauss Council on Human Relations, welcomed professors and novelists to present papers on the historical, political, psychological, and cultural aspects of Black life in America since World War II. The 24 participants, including Ralph Ellison, Benjamin Quarles, Donald Matthews, and Thomas Pettigrew, discussed a plan for the next two years of studying African American Culture and Life. The efforts that followed at Princeton looked more towards increasing participation of Black people as students, staff, and faculty than engaging directly with African American Studies. In 1967, Princeton President Goheen welcomed a conference, "The Future of the Negro Undergraduate," which attracted undergraduate students from across the country. Unfortunately, without African American intellectual thought at the core, the conference topics (such as "barriers for the ghetto dweller") and other proposals simply mimicked political talking points of the day instead of newer advancements in Black Studies. A faculty steering committee was established on the heels of the "Future of the Negro Undergraduate" conference, and a subsequent report was released at the end of July 1969. The Baumol Report recommended establishing a program of research and teaching in Afro-American culture be given the highest priority, noting "Though the program will be open to all students, one of its advantages will be to make this campus more hospitable for the Black students who are arriving in increasing numbers". Princeton's African American Studies Program was among dozens of Black studies programs established in United States colleges and universities in 1969. By the end of the 1970-71 academic year, the Program had a total of twenty-eight certificate students and six graduate certificate students. In 1973-1974, the Program recruited Professor Howard Taylor from Syracuse University to bring new life to the five-year-old Program, which had four directors in four years. In the 1980s, with the stellar appointments of John Jemmott, Toni Morrison, Cornel West, and Nell Painter, the Program took on a new life. Professor Painter and Morrison were the first female African American faculty and among the first of any women to teach at Princeton. In 2005, President Shirley Tilghman convened an Ad Hoc Committee to reflect on the future of African American Studies at Princeton. The committee was chaired by Professor Kwame Anthony Appiah. Drawing on the recommendations of a 1987 Self-Study, Professor Nell Painter's recommendations, and Professor Valerie Smith's stewardship, the committee recommended in 2006 the formation of the Center for African American Studies with Professor Smith as founding director, and the Center moved from Dickinson Hall to its new home, Stanhope Hall. The Center established many signature offerings and events that helped achieve a high profile that continues to this day. A faculty-graduate seminar started, an Advisory Council was established, and many key lecture events like the Toni Morrison Lecture Series, the James Baldwin Lecture, and the Reflections on African American Studies Lecture began. A strong core faculty emerged in these years, and sole appointments in African American Studies began. In 2009, Eddie S. Glaude Jr. was appointed chair. In the summer of 2015 under the leadership of our current chair Eddie Glaude, the University Board of Trustees voted to create a new department for African American Studies. With the status of department, undergraduate students gained the option to concentrate in African American Studies. The graduates in the Class of 2018, a cohort of 10 students, are the first group of students to make this particular history. From that class (through 2020), 22 students have concentrated in AAS. In fact, from 1972 - 2020, 1,121 students have graduated with certificates in AAS. With the six fully appointed and eight jointly appointed faculty members, along with the historic move to Morrison Hall in Fall 2021, the Legacy of African American Studies at Princeton University continues to grow.
OCD Psychiatrists and Treatments Corona & Orange County, CA Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition where people get caught in a cycle of unwanted thoughts and compulsive behaviors that affect daily life. OCD is a chronic mental health condition that affects people of all ages. At Allied Healers, our providers provide comprehensive mental health care for patients struggling to manage their OCD. To get help, call the office or schedule an appointment online today. Telehealth visits are also available. OCD Q & A OCD is a long-term mental health disorder. People with OCD have uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessive) that cause anxiety. This anxiety triggers a behavior (compulsive) they feel the need to repeat over and over again to release the thoughts and anxiety. Though it’s not uncommon to have obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors from time to time, if you have OCD these thoughts and behaviors are severe and disruptive to daily life. Symptoms of OCD may include obsessions, compulsions, or both. Obsessive symptoms Obsessive symptoms are recurring thoughts, images, or urges that trigger anxiety or cause feelings of disgust. Though people with OCD may recognize that their obsessions are excessive, their distress prevents them from handling the obsession logically. You may try to ignore the obsessive thought or distract yourself with other activities. Or, you may engage in compulsive behaviors to ease the anxiety and distress caused by your obsessive symptoms. Fear of germs and the need for order are examples of obsessive symptoms. Compulsive symptoms Compulsive symptoms are repetitive behaviors or acts a person with OCD feels the need to do to ease their anxiety or distress, or to prevent the obsessive thought altogether. These compulsive responses to the obsessive thoughts may also be excessive. Excessive hand washing and the constant need to rearrange items are examples of compulsive behaviors. Though there’s nothing wrong with thoroughly washing your hands or arranging items to make them neat, with OCD these behaviors consume many hours of the day. OCD affects children, teens, and adults. Researchers are still learning about what causes OCD, but they’ve identified risk factors, including genetics and environmental factors such as childhood trauma. Abnormalities in brain structure and function may also play a role in the development of OCD. However, more research is needed to better understand the connection between brain structure and OCD. The team at Allied Healers in Corona, California customizes your OCD treatment plan to best meet your needs. Treatment for OCD may include medication, therapy, or both. They can adjust your plan as needed to help you gain control over your OCD symptoms and improve your quality of life. OCD is a serious mental health condition that can interfere with daily living. To get help for your OCD, call Allied Healers or schedule an appointment online today.
One of Molière’s most stinging satires, Tartuffe unmasks the true motives of those religious impostors who have plagued and manipulated people throughout the ages. Masquerading as a pious zealot, Tartuffe bullies his way into a contented household, disguising his own predatory sexual appetites under a mask of righteousness. As a Presidential year approaches in which the separation of Church and State is once again being questioned, Molière’s vision of religious hypocrisy and constraint in the time of Louis XIV seems remarkably relevant—and just as hilarious! Tartuffe, an odious hypocrite whose apparent piety has ingratiated him with the credulous Orgon and his mother Mme. Pernelle, has been taken into Orgon’s home. Both Orgon and his mother believe that Tartuffe’s pious example will be good for the other members of the family. But everyone else in the family, including even the outspoken servant Dorine, is perceptive enough to see through the impostor. Despite the protestations of his sensible brother-in-law Cleante and his son Damis, Orgon determines that his daughter Mariane, who is in love with a young man named Valere, shall marry Tartuffe. When Orgon’s wife Elmire seeks out Tartuffe to beg him to refuse Mariane’s hand, he attempts to seduce her. Damis, who has over heard, denounces the impostor, but Orgon reads by banishing his son rather than his guest and by signing over his entire property to Tartuffe. Realizing the futility of reasoning with either Tartuffe or her husband, Elmire devises a way to expose the hypocrite to Orgon. She persuades Orgon to conceal himself under a table while she speaks to Tartuffe, and her husband is thus a witness to the impostor’s advances to her. Orgon’s eyes are opened a little too late, for he has already assigned all he owns to Tartuffe. When Tartuffe realizes his hypocrisy has been discovered, he promptly turns the family out of the house. Then by reporting to the authorities that Orgon possesses a strongbox containing the papers of an exiled friend, Tartuffe contrives to have his former host arrested. But by order of the King, the arresting officer apprehends Tartuffe instead, and the impostor is hauled off to prison for his treacherous behavior toward his well-meaning if too credulous host. The play ends as Damis is reconciled with his father and the wedding of Mariane and Valere is announced. Photos & Videos Madame Pernelle, Orgon’s mother | Georgine Hall | Orgon, Elmire’s husband | Thomas Derrah | Elmire, Orgon’s wife | Yanna McIntosh | Damis, Orgon’s Son & Elmire’s Stepson | Nathaniel DeWolf | Mariane, Orgon’s daughter & Elmire’s stepdaughter, in love with Valere | Jessalyn Gilsig | Valere, in love with Mariane | Scott Ripley | Cleante, Orgon’s brother-in-law | Will LeBow | Tarfuffe, a religious hypocrite | Alvin Epstein | Dorine, lady’s maid to Mariane | Francine Torres | Monsieur Loyal, a bailiff | Remo Airaldi | A Police Officer | Anthony Cistaro | Flipote, maid to Madame Pernelle | Michelle Dahmer | Laurent, a servant | Kevin Bergen | set design by | Robert Israel | costumes by | Catherine Zuber | lighting by | Mimi Jordan Sherin | sound by | Christopher Walker |
When it comes to discussing sensitive topics such as death and the handling of deceased bodies, it’s essential to approach it with care and respect. The question of how long a body can be refrigerated is relevant in various fields, including forensics, mortuary science, and even for families who must navigate the logistics of loss. This article delves into the details surrounding body refrigeration, the factors affecting decomposition, and best practices in handling the deceased. The Science Behind Body Decomposition Understanding the effect of refrigeration on a deceased body requires knowledge of the biological processes of decomposition. After death, the body undergoes several biochemical changes, leading to its breakdown. Stages of Decomposition The decomposition process can be understood through a series of stages: - Autolysis: Immediately after death, cells start to break down due to the lack of oxygen and the body’s own enzymes. - Putrefaction: This stage is marked by the growth of bacteria and the production of gases, resulting in discoloration and odor. Factors Influencing Decomposition Several factors can influence the rate of decomposition: - Temperature: Higher temperatures accelerate decomposition, while lower temperatures slow it down. - Humidity: Moisture can speed up the growth of bacteria, contributing to faster decomposition. Refrigeration as a Preservation Method Refrigeration is commonly employed in mortuaries and hospitals to delay the decomposition of a body. It effectively slows down the metabolic processes that lead to decay. But how does this work? Optimal Refrigeration Conditions The ideal temperature for refrigerating a deceased body is typically between 34°F and 38°F (1°C to 3°C). This range prevents the growth of bacteria and slows down the rate of decomposition significantly. Why Is Refrigeration Used? Refrigeration is vital for several reasons: - Delay Decomposition: It extends the time available for preparation for burial or cremation. - Enable Autopsies: It preserves the condition of the body for forensic examinations. - Family Time: It provides relatives the opportunity to make arrangements, thus allowing them time to grieve. Duration Bodies Can Be Refrigerated The duration a body can be refrigerated depends on various factors such as the environmental conditions, the state of the body at death, and intended proceedings following death. General Guidelines for Refrigeration While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, here are some general guidelines: Condition | Refrigeration Duration | Freshly Deceased | Up to 7 Days | With Embalming | Up to Several Weeks | Autopsied Bodies | Up to 5 Days | Freshly Deceased: If a body is refrigerated immediately after death, it can be preserved for up to a week under the right conditions. With Embalming: Embalming involves treating the body with chemicals that significantly slow down decomposition, allowing for longer refrigeration times—potentially several weeks. Autopsied Bodies: Following an autopsy, bodies can be refrigerated for several days, but the time frame is often shorter depending on the condition. Legal and Ethical Considerations Understanding how long a body can be refrigerated goes beyond practicalities; it also raises ethical and legal concerns. Proper procedures must be followed to ensure respect for the deceased and their families. Regulations Surrounding Body Handling Different jurisdictions have specific regulations regarding the refrigeration and handling of deceased bodies. Generally, these regulations ensure that: - Bodies are treated with dignity - Legal paperwork for death is properly filed - Families are notified about the condition and care of the deceased Ethical Practices in Mortuary Care Mortuary professionals adhere to ethical standards that require them to provide: - Respect for the deceased - Clear communication with the family - Adherence to all legal guidelines concerning body handling The Role of Embalming in Body Preservation While refrigeration is a temporary solution, embalming serves as a more permanent method of preservation. It involves a chemical process that can significantly prolong the display or storage life of a body. Embalming Process Explained - Disinfecting the Body: The first step involves thoroughly cleaning the body to reduce the risk of infection. - Draining Fluids: Blood and other bodily fluids are drained and replaced with embalming fluid. - Sewing and Cosmetic Touch-Ups: Finally, any openings are sewn up, and cosmetic enhancements may be used to enhance the appearance of the deceased. Benefits of Embalming - Extended Display Time: Families can view the deceased for extended periods. - Reduced Decomposition Risk: Chemicals used in embalming slow down the natural decomposition process. - Improved Appearance: The body can be made to look presentable for wakes or funerals. Understanding Different Refrigeration Techniques Refrigeration technologies can vary, and understanding these differences can illuminate how they affect body preservation. Types of Refrigeration Units Used in Mortuaries Refrigerated Morgue Cabinets: These cabinets are specifically designed for body storage, featuring temperature controls and compartments. Transport Refrigeration: Special vehicles equipped with refrigeration units ensure safe transport of the deceased while maintaining appropriate temperatures. The Importance of Professional Care Engaging with a professional mortuary service is not only prudent but an essential step in ensuring respectable handling and storage of a deceased body. Benefits of Professional Mortuary Services - Expert Care: Trained professionals know how to handle unique situations, from autopsies to preparing for open-casket viewings. - Legal Compliance: They ensure that all legal requirements are met and that no violations occur. - Guided Support for Families: Professionals provide an emotional support system during a challenging time. In summary, understanding how long a body can be refrigerated is critical for many grieving families and professionals involved in after-death care. While the average refrigeration lifespan ranges from days to weeks depending on various factors, adhering to proper procedures ensures the respectful handling of the deceased. The use of refrigeration, especially when combined with embalming, significantly delays decomposition, allowing time for families to plan and mourn their loved ones. Ultimately, whether through direct care or professional assistance, ensuring the dignity and respect of the deceased is of utmost importance. How long can a body be refrigerated after death? The general guideline for how long a body can be refrigerated after death is typically up to 24 to 48 hours, depending on the specific circumstances. Refrigeration slows down the decomposition process significantly but does not stop it entirely. Factors such as the ambient temperature of the refrigerator, the condition of the body, and the time elapsed since death all play a critical role in determining the total allowable time. In medical and legal terms, a body is most often refrigerated to preserve it for identification, autopsies, or other legal processes. During this time, mortuaries and hospitals will usually monitor the temperature and condition of the body carefully to ensure it remains suitable for viewing or examination. It’s important to handle and manage the body with the utmost care during this period. What happens to a body in a refrigerator? When a body is placed in a refrigerator, the cooler temperatures help slow down the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms responsible for decomposition. The refrigeration process limits the onset of rigor mortis and puts a hold on the breakdown of tissues, which can provide a longer window for family members to make arrangements or for professionals to conduct necessary investigations. However, while refrigeration does delay decomposition, it is not a permanent solution. After a certain time, especially beyond 48 hours, even refrigerated bodies can begin to show signs of decay, including discoloration and odor. Thus, it’s important for funeral homes and authorities to act promptly when dealing with deceased individuals to ensure dignified handling. Can a body be frozen instead of refrigerated? Freezing a body is possible and sometimes done in specific situations, although it is less common than refrigeration. When a body is frozen, it can potentially be preserved for an extended period, as freezing effectively halts all metabolic and biochemical processes. However, this method can cause significant damage to the body’s tissues due to ice crystal formation. Frozen bodies must be handled carefully when thawing is necessary, as improper thawing can lead to further complications. In forensic cases or in situations where long-term preservation is required, freezing may be considered and can offer some advantages, but it is important to note that it is not the standard practice for most funeral services. What is the difference between refrigeration and embalming? Refrigeration and embalming serve two different purposes when it comes to the care of deceased individuals. Refrigeration is a temporary measure designed to slow down decomposition and preserve the body for a short period, allowing time for arrangements or investigations. It preserves the body in its natural state until the funeral or further actions can take place. Embalming, on the other hand, is a process that involves the use of chemicals to temporarily delay decomposition for a longer period. The process not only preserves the body but also gives it a more lifelike appearance for viewing at funerals. Embalming can significantly extend the time a body can be kept without decomposition, often allowing for several days or even weeks of preservation before necessary burial or cremation. What factors influence how long a body can be refrigerated? Several factors influence how long a body can be refrigerated effectively. The temperature of the refrigerator is crucial; ideally, it should be maintained between 34 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure the best preservation conditions. The overall condition of the body at the time of death, such as existing health issues or the presence of infection, can also impact the decomposition rate. Additionally, environmental factors such as humidity levels and air circulation can affect the preservation process. Bodies that have been embalmed may last longer in refrigeration as the embalming chemicals slow decomposition. Each case should be assessed individually, and professionals must take appropriate measures based on their specific circumstances. Is it possible to view a body after refrigeration? Yes, it is possible to view a body after it has been refrigerated. Many funeral homes and mortuaries are equipped to handle refrigerated bodies, and they often allow for viewing during the period the body is preserved. If the refrigeration process has been properly managed, the body can still appear presentable for family and friends to pay their respects. However, it’s essential for the funeral professionals to assess the body prior to viewing to ensure that it is in an appropriate condition. During this timeframe, the professionals can use cosmetic techniques if needed, to help maintain a respectful visual appearance. Viewing may be limited based on the time elapsed since death and the condition of the body.
How Air Conditioning Affects Health: Myths and Reality In the hot summer of Cascais, many turn to air conditioning installations in Cascais for comfort in their homes and workplaces. However, there are many myths about the effects of air conditioning on health. Do they really harm our well-being, or are there more benefits than we imagine? Let's debunk these myths and reveal the reality behind air conditioning use. Myth 1: Air conditioning causes colds It's common to hear that air conditioning is responsible for colds and flu. But the truth is that it does not generate viruses. The problem lies in poor maintenance. Dirty filters and poorly maintained units can accumulate dust and mold, which are harmful to health. Therefore, regular maintenance is essential. By keeping the system clean, you can enjoy the coolness without worries. Myth 2: Air conditioning dries out the air and skin Many people believe that air conditioning excessively dries out the air, causing discomfort to the skin and respiratory tract. While it is true that there can be a reduction in humidity, this can be controlled. Using humidifiers or indoor plants helps balance the environment. Additionally, drinking plenty of water is an effective way to stay hydrated. Real benefits of air conditioning In addition to providing relief from the heat, air conditioning offers several real health benefits. Climatized environments help reduce the risk of heat-related illnesses, such as heatstroke. They are also effective for people with allergies, as air filters can remove pollutants and allergens from the air. In Cascais, buying air conditioning with installation in Cascais is an investment in your comfort and health. Tips to maximize benefits To make the most of your air conditioning, some practices are essential: - Regular maintenance: Clean or replace filters as recommended by the manufacturer. - Hydration: Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. - Conscious use: Avoid very low temperatures. A pleasant environment is one that does not differ much from the outside temperature. Preventing health problems Even knowing the benefits, it is important to use air conditioning responsibly. Setting the temperature to moderate levels and ensuring good ventilation can prevent many problems. In work environments, regular breaks outdoors help balance exposure to air conditioning. Conclusion: The truth about air conditioning Myths about air conditioning can create doubts and fears, but the reality shows that, when used properly, it is an ally of comfort and health. Ensuring proper installation and maintenance is the key to enjoying the benefits without facing the supposed harms. In Cascais, the price of air conditioning installation in Cascais varies, but the investment in a comfortable and healthy environment is worth every penny.
Ice is water frozen into a solid state. Depending on the presence of impurities such as particles of soil or bubbles of air, it can appear transparent or a more or less opaque bluish-white color. In the Solar System, ice is abundant and occurs naturally from as close to the Sun as Mercury to as far away as the Oort cloud objects. Beyond the Solar System, it occurs as interstellar ice. It is abundant onEarth's surface – particularly in the polar regions and above the snow line – and, as a common form of precipitation and deposition, plays a key role in Earth's water cycle and climate. It falls as snowflakes and hail or occurs as frost, icicles or ice spikes. Ice molecules can exhibit up to sixteen different phases (packing geometries) that depend on temperature and pressure. When water is cooled rapidly (quenching), up to three different types of amorphous icecan form depending on the history of its pressure and temperature. When cooled slowly correlated proton tunneling occurs below 20 K giving rise to macroscopic quantum phenomena. Virtually all the ice on Earth's surface and in its atmosphere is of a hexagonal crystalline structure denoted as ice Ih (spoken as "ice one h") with minute traces of cubic ice denoted as ice Ic. The most common phase transition to ice Ih occurs when liquid water is cooled below 0°C (273.15K, 32°F) at standard atmospheric pressure. It may also be deposited directly by water vapor, as happens in the formation of frost. The transition from ice to water is melting and from ice directly to water vapor is sublimation. Ice is used in a variety of ways, including cooling, winter sports and ice sculpture.
Bible Translation Bahai: The relationship between the Bible and the Bahá’í Faith is a subject of rich exploration. While the Bible serves as the foundational text for many Christians, the Bahá’í teachings also acknowledge its spiritual significance. In this article, we delve into various aspects of Bible translations through a Bahá’í lens, exploring how different translations align with the principles and teachings of the Bahá’í Faith. Bahá’í Perspective on Bible Translations The Bahá’í Faith views the Bible as an essential spiritual text that holds divine wisdom. However, the accuracy and interpretation of its many translations often raise questions. Bahá’ís generally appreciate efforts to translate the Bible into accessible languages, but they also consider the importance of understanding scripture within its original context and intent. How Bahá’ís View Different Bible Translations Different Bible translations, such as the King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), and others, bring unique perspectives to biblical texts. Bahá’ís do not endorse a specific translation but encourage individuals to study various versions to gain a deeper understanding of Christian scripture. Comparative analysis of Bible translations often aligns with the Bahá’í emphasis on independent investigation of truth. Comparing Bible Translations in Bahá’í Studies In Bahá’í-inspired studies, exploring multiple translations of the Bible can provide a broader context for understanding key teachings. For instance, examining Bible prophecies through different translations reveals nuances that may resonate with Bahá’í interpretations, such as those related to the coming of divine messengers. Interfaith Dialogue and Bible Translations Bible translations play a significant role in interfaith dialogue. For Bahá’ís, the Bible is a bridge to fostering mutual respect and understanding with Christians. Discussing different translations helps uncover shared spiritual values and allows for meaningful conversations about scripture and faith. The Bible in Bahá’í Spiritual Practices While the Bahá’í Faith has its own scriptures, such as the writings of Bahá’u’lláh, the Bible remains a valuable resource for spiritual reflection. Bahá’ís often study the Bible alongside their own texts, appreciating its historical and prophetic significance. Key passages, like those from the New Testament, are frequently explored within Bahá’í study groups. Bible Translation Bahai: Bible translations are a profound subject of study for Bahá’ís and others interested in spiritual exploration. By examining the Bible’s many versions, one can gain insights that enhance understanding of both Christian and Bahá’í teachings. Through respectful dialogue and study, these sacred texts serve as pathways to greater spiritual unity and enlightenment.
If you or a loved one have ever experienced a sudden change in behavior or a decrease in attention to detail, it could be related to delirium. Delirium is an acute disorder that may cause you to be confused or unaware of your surroundings. It’s often caused by a pre-existing illness, injury or surgery, and once the condition is treated, delirium may go away. It can be fatal, though, and is commonly misdiagnosed as depression or dementia without a proper medical evaluation. Delirium can accelerate cognitive decline or worsen mental impairments, especially in older adults with dementia. Cognitive decline of delirium after six months can lead to: - Mild to major neurocognitive disorder - A decrease in mental function - A loss of the ability to perform daily activities What are Types and Causes of Delirium The severity of symptoms looks different for everyone and may not be easy to recognize or could be mistaken for another condition. “Delirium is a disturbance that develops over a short period of time usually hours to a few days,” said Dr. Thomas Morrione, a geriatrician and medical director at New England Rehabilitation Hospital of Portland, a joint venture of Maine Medical Center and Encompass Health. “It represents a change from baseline attention and awareness and tends to fluctuate in severity during the course of the day.” - Hyperactive delirium. The feeling of restlessness and agitation and being more alert than usual. Individuals may experience wandering and increased movement. - Hypoactive delirium. Individuals experience low energy and are drowsy and inactive. Symptoms include decreased physical activity, mood changes, delusions and hallucinations. - Mixed delirium. A combination of hyperactive and hypoactive delirium. Individuals may switch back and forth between the symptoms. Health conditions that can cause an onset of delirium include: - Ongoing infection - Sleep Deprivation - ICU admissions How to Recognize Signs and Symptoms of Delirium As a caregiver, recognizing the symptoms of this disorder can help prevent further mental decline in your loved one. The most common signs of delirium: - Changes in sleep routine - Lack of activity - Easily annoyed and agitated - Having trouble focusing on a task - Mood changes - The inability to recall recent events How to Advocate for your Loved Ones If you notice your loved one has similar symptoms, tell a healthcare provider immediately. Try to recall the time period in which you noticed the symptoms and provide any details of their medical history. The care team will respond with the proper medical advice and perform accurate testing and evaluations. Helping a loved one recover from delirium can be challenging, but it can be done with adequate resources and support. Support your loved one in their recovery by: - Providing a safe and familiar environment - Adopting a sleep schedule by getting up and going to bed at the same time each day - Using positive language - Encouraging movement, if recommended by a healthcare professional The content of this site is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical conditions or treatments.
Indiana’s history is rich with inventors and pioneers. Philo T. Farnsworth, who lived in Fort Wayne for over a decade, invented the television and designed an early model of a fusion reactor. Elwood Haynes, Kokomo native and scientific prodigy, designed and assembled one of the first horseless carriages in the United States. Another Hoosier whose scientific mind for innovation proved indispensable to the nation was Jasper Sherman Bilby. His steel surveying tower radically reshaped the accuracy of map making and left a permanent mark on the way we view the United States. Jasper Sherman Bilby (known as “J.S.”) was born in Rush County, Indiana on July 16, 1864 to Jasper N. Bilby and Margaret E. (Hazard) Bilby. Bilby’s early life has a rather tragic side; his father committed suicide in 1877 after being arrested for the sexual assault of one of his daughters. This hardship forced Bilby to leave school and to work on the family farm for a number of years in Fayette County to support his widowed mother. After his marriage to Luella Cox in 1891, Bilby moved to Ripley County as early as 1893, according to Ripley County deed index books. Bilby joined the United States Coast & Geodetic Survey in September of 1884. Congress established this agency, originally called the United States Survey of the Coast, on February 10, 1807. Initially under the purview of the Treasury Department, the survey was reorganized under the US Department of Commerce in 1878 and renamed the United States Coast & Geodetic Survey (US C&GS). Today, it is under the umbrella of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and called the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). Geodetic surveying is the geographical analysis of an area of land or bodies of water, accounting for the shape and curvature of the Earth. According to the NGS official website, the National Geodetic Survey, from its inception in 1807, has ensured accurate data for government and commercial purposes, such as “mapping and charting, navigation, flood risk determination, transportation, [and] land use and ecosystem management.” Additionally, the National Geodetic Survey’s work provides “authoritative spatial data, models, and tools [that] are vital for the protection and management of natural and manmade resources and support the economic prosperity and environmental health of the Nation.” Bilby conducted his first survey work in Illinois along the 39th parallel. According to surveyor Raymond Stanton Patton, the 39th parallel was a line of latitude that spanned from Cape May, New Jersey to Point Area, California, and was the “first great piece of geodetic work accomplished by the Survey….” His official position within the US C&GS for most of his career was that of “signalman.” A signalman uses flags or signal lights to indicate points within a geometric calculation between two survey points, usually between a point on shore and a point within a body of water. This practice ensures that those making the calculations on shore accurately represent the point in water. Bilby traveled 511,400 miles during his 53 years in the US C&GS, from Illinois to California, according to his career field reports. Newspapers throughout the country recorded his cross-country traveling for the US C&GS, notably his work in states like Louisiana and Texas. Department of Commerce publications also chronicle his time in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Georgia, detailing his work in specific counties. In 1920, Bilby and his team surveyed the majority of Wisconsin and Illinois, providing exact coordinates for most regions adjacent to water. In these surveys, Bilby used the Traverse method of surveying, which is less accurate but quicker to calculate than Triangulation. (The traverse method uses pointed lines for measurements while triangulation uses angular measurements based on triangles.) Bilby and his team completed surveys within the Rio Grande valley in 1917, specifically from Harlington to Dryden. His efforts in the eastern area of the Rio Grande ensured more accurate measurements, adding to the US C&GS’s triangulation of the American west. A 1926 article published in Popular Mechanics provides some of Bilby’s own words about his job, especially its difficulty before his invention and some personal stories. One of Bilby’s tasks within the US C&GS was reconnaissance, which is the practice of marking triangulation stations before the main survey party arrives. This cuts down on their work and ensures accuracy in their measurements. He told the magazine about the harsh weather and loneliness that often accompanies a surveyor’s life: Especially…when the wind is howling through the trees, and the rain is pattering down on the tent, and you know there’s little change of anyone dropping by. Nevertheless, he enjoyed his work and appreciated how radio was improving the public’s knowledge of the work of the US C&GS. Bilby notes: Radio has made the coast and geodetic survey known more than it used to be. A few years ago people were always asking what the name meant, but now I often find they know us pretty well, from talks they’ve heard on the air. One lecture on mountain building which was broadcast from Washington was the means of getting me a fine dinner. I had stopped at a farmhouse to make inquiries and the farmer noticed my ‘geodetic’ tag. He mentioned this talk he’d heard, and when I said it must have been given by the chief of my division, Major Bowie, he became so interested that he made me stay to dinner and answer his questions. However, that wasn’t unwelcome after eating my own cooking for so long. This story was published a year before the first usage of the Bilby Steel Tower, when wooden towers were still standard equipment. His early years as a geodetic surveyor, particularly his negative experiences with wooden survey towers, would influence his greatest contribution to the field: the invention of the Bilby Steel Tower. Bilby’s influential invention, the Bilby Steel Tower, will be covered in Part II.
Website authentication checks if users are who they say they are. It ensures people using a site’s system or service are real. There are several ways to provide authentication, and this article explains all of them. Spot abnormal user behaviors and iron out the bugs early with OpenReplay. Dive into session replays and reinforce your front-end against vulnerabilities that hackers search for. Discover how at Websites storing sensitive information like social media profiles, bank accounts, or health records need authentication. Protecting sensitive data and keeping user’s trust in websites matters a lot. It guards financial details, personal information, and other valuables from people who shouldn’t have access. Authentication ensures permitted users can do certain things and keeps user data safe from unwanted access. (Authentication differs from authorization, which decides what an already authenticated user can do on the site. ) If authentication is weak or gets hacked, it can lead to losing money, hurting reputation, and leaking data. Types of Authentication Websites have many ways to check if users are who they say they are. Each method has its pros and cons. Some common ways to verify users include password-based authentication, multi-factor authentication, biometric authentication, token-based authentication, and certificates-based authentication. The following are the types or methods of website authentication. When using password-based authentication, users must provide login information, which includes their username and password, for identity verification. Once they are provided, the login details are verified using those stored in the system’s database, and access is granted only if they match. With password-based authentication, users have complete control over their passwords and may reset or modify them whenever they like. Users now have the freedom to handle their passwords in any way they see suitable. It is easy and extensively used but may be hacked if passwords are weak or overused. Suggesting strong passwords and hashing them before storing them are excellent practices. Password-based authentication is easy to use and understand, making it suitable for basic applications where security is not a main issue. However, it is prone to attacks like credential stuffing, brute force, and phishing. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a simple but efficient security authentication method. It provides an extra degree of account security in addition to a username and password and improves security by demanding several types of verification.MFA offers an extra degree of protection by requiring a verification other than a password. This verification usually involves factors like a security question, a one-time password(OTP) or code, a fingerprint scan, or facial recognition. MFA involves giving access based on these various factors, which reduces the dangers of compromised passwords and illegal access. Biometric authentication confirms a person’s identity and grants access to secure systems using their unique physical features. It relies on distinctive biological traits. Face scanning, DNA analysis, eye scans, voice recognition, and fingerprinting are common ways to identify people. Although it appears secure and easy to use, it presents privacy concerns and requires serious biometric data management to prevent exploitation. It provides strong security without requiring specialist hardware. Token-based authentication is a method for generating encrypted security tokens. This method involves a temporary code, or token, generated on the user’s device and sent by email or SMS. The token provides a secure means of accessing an account and is only meant to be used temporarily. Individuals can generate a unique encrypted authentication token by validating their identity on websites. After successfully logging in, users will obtain a token (such as JSON Web Token). After that, this token may be used to gain access to protected resources without having to submit credentials again. Digital certificates, which are electronic documents, can validate data in certificate-based authentication. Like an electronic passport, a digital certificate certifies private ownership and provides identifying information. It is commonly implemented in the TLS and SSL protocols to provide secure communication and mutual authentication between servers and websites. Although certificates ensure a high degree of security, they must also be appropriately maintained to address concerns such as certification expiry. Authentication Protocols and Standards These protocols define how websites and other systems communicate during the authentication process. OAuth 2.0 allows websites or applications to use resources from other web sources for users without needing their passwords. It is about giving permission, but people often use it with OpenID Connect to prove who someone is. Applications can get to what you say they can because OAuth 2.0 has a way to set limits on what they are allowed to do. This protocol impacts how applications share information and keeps user’s login details safe. It is causing a revolution in how we think about online security and data sharing. OAuth 2.0 gives users more control over their online accounts and helps to keep their information private. It is a big deal for developers, making building applications that work with other services easier. The way OAuth 2.0 handles permissions is pretty smart, letting users decide what each app can see or do. This means you don’t have to worry so much about apps getting too much access to your data. The OAuth 2.0 operates with a structure that includes: - The Resource owner: it permits applications to access their data. - The client (application) wants access to data. - The Authorization server issues access tokens to the client upon successful authentication and authorization by the resource owner. - The Resource server hosts the protected resources and accepts and responds to protected resource requests using access tokens. The client refers the resource owner to the authorization server, where they can request authorization. If the resource owner authorizes, the authorization server issues an authorization grant to the client. Using the authorization grant, the client queries the authorization server for an access token. The authorization server provides an access token when the client’s identification is verified. The access token allows the client to submit requests for protected resources to the resource server. OAuth 2.0 does not define a format for access tokens. However, the JSON Web Token (JWT) format is commonly utilized in specific contexts. Token issuers can, therefore, integrate data directly into the token. Furthermore, for security reasons, access tokens may expire. In OpenID Connect, the client app asks the OpenID Connect Provider (OP) to check who the user is. The OP makes the user log in to prove their identity. The OP gives the client an authorization code when the user logs in. The client trades this code for an ID token and maybe an access token at the OP’s token endpoint. The OP creates an ID token, which is a JSON Web Token (JWT) with user info, and sometimes an access token too. The access token lets the client get more user details from the OP’s UserInfo endpoint. How is OpenID Connect different from OAuth 2.0? OpenID sends users to the provider for checking before sending them back. In OAuth 2.0, the client, resource server, and authorization server swap tokens. Users don’t get redirected anywhere. The Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) standard enables an identity provider(IdP) to verify users and then transmit an authentication token to another application known as a service provider. It is an Extensible Markup Language(XML)-based standard for sharing authentication information between security systems. SAML is generally used to enable single sign-on (SSO) on a web browser. The user experience goal for SSO is to allow a user to authenticate once and access independently secured systems without having to resubmit credentials. In SAML, the user tries to access a service offered by the service provider. After authentication, the service provider connects the user to the identity provider. The identity provider commonly uses an online login process to verify the user’s identification. It creates a SAML assertion that includes the user’s identity and other information. The SAML assertion is sent to the provider using the user’s browser. When a user seeks access to a service, the service provider verifies the SAML assertion. The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an open protocol that sets industry standards for reaching and handling spread-out directory information services through an IP network. LDAP extracts information from Active Directory using a simple string-based query. LDAP can store and extract items from Active Directory, such as users and passwords, and communicate that data over a network. In LDAP, the client connects to the server and begins a bind process by entering credentials (username and password). The server searches the directory for a user entry matching the provided credentials. The server compares the credentials to the information saved. The authorization grant allows the client to get an access token from the authorization server. It authenticates the client and provides an access token. The client requests protected resources from the resource server using the access token. The format of access tokens is not specified by OAuth 2.0. In some applications, the JSON Web Token (JWT) format is frequently used. This enables token issuers to incorporate data within the token itself. Access Tokens may also have an expiration date for security purposes. Implementing Authentication in Websites Below are various ways of implementing authentication on websites. Choosing the Right Authentication Method Several factors need to be considered when choosing a website’s authentication method, which is crucial for ensuring both user experience and security. User Experience: It is crucial to strike a balance between security and convenience. Complex authentication methods may frustrate users and lead to abandonment. - Security Requirements: Consider the application’s security needs. While simple apps may use password-based authentication, high-security contexts (like finance or healthcare) may require multi-factor or biometric authentication. - Scalability: Ensure the chosen authentication system can handle future user growth. - Cost: Evaluate infrastructure, license fees, and setup/maintenance costs. - Compliance: Confirm that the authentication mechanism meets relevant regulatory standards. Setting Up Authentication Frontend and backend integration are essential for safe and smooth authentication deployment on websites. Frontend Integration: Design user-friendly registration and login forms and check if they are functional on mobile devices. Users benefit when the inputs on their devices are checked. These inputs must also be double-checked on servers for safety reasons. This makes things better for everyone. HTTPS keeps data safe as it moves from users to servers. It stops intruders from taking passwords and private information. Implement session management using tokens or cookies. Configure the HttpOnly and Secure settings to prevent client-side script access. Ensure that cookies are transmitted only over secure connections. Store tokens securely (preferably in sessionStorage ), and apply relevant security measures to protect tokens. - Backend Integration: Before storing passwords in a database, ensure they are hashed using a secure algorithm such as bcrypt, Argon2, or Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2(PBKDF2). Avoid saving passwords in plain text, and always use secure authentication protocols such as SAML, OpenID Connect, and OAuth 2.0. These protocols provide standard methods for handling authorization and authentication. Role-based access control should be used to restrict permissions and ensure that users may only access resources that they are authorized to access. Leakage of confidential data should be prevented by implementing secure error handling. Instead of sending detailed error alerts to users, log this information on the server for debugging. Keep track of all authentication-related activity, such as unsuccessful attempts, password changes, and logins. This aids forensic investigation in the case of a security breach and helps to monitor for unusual activities. Security Best Practices Strong security best practices must be implemented to ensure that website authentication systems are safe against numerous threats and unauthorized access. - Protecting Authentication Data: To secure authentication data, safe hashing algorithms like bcrypt, Argon2, or PBKDF, strong encryption techniques like AES-256, and safe token storage for token-based authentication systems like JSON Web Token (JWT) can be used. These techniques help ensure that data cannot be interpreted, even if intercepted. - Mitigating Common Attacks: Implement rate-limiting and account-lockout measures to guard against attacks, teach users how to identify phishing, and give permission for multi-factor authentication solutions to improve user security. - Secure Session Management: Ensure inactive sessions are terminated promptly to minimize the window for session hijacking. Set reasonable session termination times. To enhance cookie security, limit cross-site requests, prevent client-side script access to cookies, and invalidate tokens upon user logout or after a specified duration to prevent compromised or outdated tokens from being reused. - Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA enhances security by combining user knowledge, possessions, and identity. Risk-based or adaptive authentication adjusts based on factors like device, location, and user behavior. - Regular Security Audits and Testing: Conduct frequent penetration testing and security audits. Proactively identify and address authentication system issues. Detect and correct security flaws. Examine procedures, guidelines, and configurations for potential vulnerabilities, including third-party dependencies. Authentication and User Experience Authentication and user experience can function by finding the balance between security and usability, as well as adaptive authentication. Balancing Security and Usability To reduce security concerns, increase user satisfaction, and create safe authentication systems, a balance must be struck between a user-friendly interface and rigid security against unauthorized access. Below are some strategies for balancing security and usability. - Multi-Factor Authentication(MFA): MFA provides a significant degree of security by requiring two distinct types of authentication. A variety of MFA options (like SMS, authentication apps, and biometrics) should be provided to allow users to choose their preferred method. - Password Policies: Create tight password requirements that require regular changes and complexity. Utilize password managers and guide how to build strong passwords to assist users in complying with password policies. Provide users who have forgotten their passwords with recovery options such as email or phone number verification. - Single Sign-on(SSO): SSO increases security by centralizing authentication and reducing the number of credentials that users need to remember. SSO improves the user experience by simplifying the login process and allowing users to access many apps with a single set of credentials. Adaptive authentication modifies security protocols in response to user behavior and levels of risk (like requesting extra authentication while logging in from several devices or locations). By adding extra security measures only when needed, this approach improves security while ensuring a seamless user experience under typical circumstances. Adaptive authentication assesses the risk of an authentication attempt based on some factors: - User Behavior: This involves tracking common IP addresses, frequently used devices, and login times. - Location: This involves geographically detecting the user’s attempted login location. - Device: recognizing the device used to log in, as well as information on its security level and compatibility with prior sessions. - Network: Comparing the public Wi-Fi network to well-known business networks to evaluate the network in use. Based on these characteristics, the system decides whether to seek further user authentication processes or provide access without difficulties. Implementation of Adaptive authentication involves: - Risk-based authentication flow: biometric verification or a password should be used to make logging in as easy as can be for routine activities and low-risk conditions. When dealing with unusual activity or high-risk conditions, ask users for further verification using one-time passcodes, SMS codes, or security questions. - Integration with the current system: technologies that analyze user activity and spot trends should be used to set specific baseline behaviors. The requirement for frequent re-authentication can be minimized by using device fingerprinting techniques to identify and verify reliable devices. Utilise geolocation and IP monitoring to identify sporadic login attempts from odd places. Some benefits of Adaptive authentication include: - Enhanced security: Adaptive authentication can accurately assess the risk of each login attempt by considering a range of factors, and it can only apply more severe security measures when necessary. It aids in the prevention of phishing, account takeover, and credential stuffing by requiring further verification for suspicious activities. - Improved user experience: users have a smooth login process with few interruptions for further verification phases under regular circumstances. Authentication requirements vary based on each user’s specific behaviors, providing a more personalized security experience. Authentication is vital for internet security, protecting valuable information, and ensuring user trust. Web developers can use various kinds of protocols and techniques to create secure, user-friendly authentication systems. For website authentication, an in-depth understanding and use of the described protocols, standards, and best practices are required. By correctly integrating appropriate options, choosing them with care, and striking a balance between security and convenience, organizations may protect their applications and data without compromising user experience. To provide adequate security in the digital future, it will be essential to keep up with trends and practices in authentication as technology develops. Secure Your Front-End: Detect, Fix, and Fortify Spot abnormal user behaviors and iron out the bugs early with OpenReplay. Dive into session replays and reinforce your front-end against vulnerabilities that hackers search for.
Learn more about one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. Siamese cats are best known for their elegant and distinctive appearance. Although many Siamese cats are silver-gray with blue eyes, the coats of these cute kittens can be orange, brown, cream, and even blue or purple, among other coat variations. However, there is much more to Siamese cats than their mysteriously beautiful appearance. Here are 13 fascinating facts about the Siamese cat. 1- They have some bizarre physical characteristics For a long time, many Siamese cats have had narrowed eyes and a crooked, twisted tail. Although these traits were undoubtedly the result of some genetic factor, many legends offered alternative explanations for the interesting appearance of Siamese cats. According to legend, a group of Siamese cats had the task of protecting a golden royal chalice. As they performed their duty, the cats stared at the chalice with such intensity that their eyes squinted. And because they wrapped their tails around the calyx for added security, their tails became permanently bent. Even today there are Siamese cats with cross-eyed and crooked tails, but this is no longer so common. These traits have been deemed “undesirable” by cat lovers and have been bred into intentionally. Let’s say that cats only perform their guarding duties! 2- they are movie stars Oldies but goodies, like “The Amazing Journey”, “The Lady and the Tramp” and “That Bad Cat”! played Siamese cats. In fact, the entire plot of That Darn Cat! It centers on a Siam named DC (or Darn Cat) who helps prevent a kidnapping. While DC’s That Darn Cat! Two real Siamese cats helped prevent a fictitious kidnapping and helped thwart espionage in 1960. When two Siamese kittens living in the Dutch Embassy in Moscow, Russia started scratching a wall, their owner suspected they were reacting to a sound that the human ear could not perceive. He was right: 30 Small Microphones were discovered behind the wall. 3- they are very trainable Yes, it is possible to train a cat. Siamese cats are intelligent, active, and curious, making them excellent candidates for training. You can even teach them via Clicker to perform various tricks or fetch toys, another way to strengthen the bond with your cat. 4- The long-haired Siamese is a separate breed If your Siamese cat has long hair, it is called a Balinese cat. This breed arose as a result of a genetic mutation in purebred Siamese cats, which resulted in the cats having long hair instead of the usual short hair. 5- their fur can have a wide range of colors The coat of Siamese cats can boast an incredible variety of colors – and these colors are determined not only by genetics. A cat’s coat color is determined by different sets of genes, and its coat patterns are determined by modifier genes. Siamese cats have a special modifier gene that inhibits the development of pigment in the fur, which leads to albinism. But thanks to the magic of science, the albinism modifier gene can only affect the cat’s coat from a certain temperature – more precisely, between 100 and 102.5 degrees. Once a Siamese cat’s body temperature drops below about 100 degrees — or the cat is in a colder environment — its genes for coat color turn back on and transfer pigments into its fur. Because a cat’s body is cooler around the nose, ears, paws, and tail, pigment settles there more often in Siamese cats. Most Siamese cats are born completely white and develop their markings in the weeks following birth. Why? Because The uterus is very hot and prevents the cat’s color gene from entering its fur. After birth and when exposed to a cooler atmosphere for a few weeks, Siamese kittens begin to develop pigment on their face, tail, and paws. 6 – they are extremely talkative If you have a Siamese cat (or have spent time with a Siamese cat), you know that they are extremely talkative. Siamese cats express their opinions about their food, the observations they make through the window, and pretty much everything they encounter during the day and night. 7- you lived in the White House Although Siamese cats have been domesticated in Asia for centuries, they didn’t appear in the United States until the late 19th century. One of the first known owners of a Siamese cat was the wife of US President Rutherford B. Her Siamese cat named Siam was a gift from an American diplomat serving in Thailand. President Carter’s daughter had a Siamese woman named Misty Malarchic. 8- they are one of the oldest cat breeds Although no one is sure when Siamese cats were first bred and domesticated, it is widely believed that they originated in Thailand around the 14th century, when they first appeared in a Thai manuscript. This would make them one of the oldest cat breeds in the world. 9- they are appreciated by the royals Hundreds of years ago, Siamese cats were prized by royal families in Thailand for their distinctive, unusual, and beautiful appearance. Members of these royal families believed that a Siamese cat would receive his soul after his death and that the cat would spend the rest of its long life in a temple and be pampered by monks and priests. 10- They’ve Been Used to Create Other Breeds Many cats look like Siamese cats, but they are technically different breeds, including the Himalayan, Burmese, and Tonkinese cats. 11- Siamese cats are very social. Siamese cats can form a very close bond with their humans. This people-loving breed can have a strong interest in everything that people do in their homes and follows its colleagues wherever they go. In contrast, the close bond of the cuddly Siamese Cat leads to depression when he spends too much time alone. 12- Siamese cats are curious and smart felines. Siamese cats are extremely curious and intelligent and train well. They can be taught to play fetch, high-five, and even walk on a leash. They also provide their own entertainment by taking care of things around the house, exploring cupboards, and turning on taps. They are certainly not a boring breed! 13 – you are the talkative cat. If a Siamese cat wants something, he isn’t shy about telling you. This breed is extremely vocal and boldly expresses its needs with a loud, deep cry known as a “Meezer.” Are Siamese cats smart? The Siamese Cat is not only beautiful but also very intelligent. He can be taught to walk on a leash. However, this intelligence does not mean that she can be taught to do anything you want. Like most other highly intelligent breeds, the Siamese Cat has its own desires. Do Siamese cats like to be held? Siamese cats are very vocal and often meow to “talk” to their owners. They are very social cats and love to interact with people, but they can also be independent and may not always want to be held or cuddled. Why are Siamese cats so special? They are incredibly intelligent, affectionate, and stubborn and are considered the extroverts of the feline world. The Siamese cat tends to become strongly attached to a person and is often very vocal with a loud, deep voice (known as a “Meezer”). It’s essentially a “Marmite” cat that appeals to a very specific type of person! Do all Siamese have blue eyes? Do all Siamese cats have blue eyes? If so, why do they turn around … Yes, all Siamese cats have blue eyes and dark spots with lighter bodies. The two features, the color spot pattern, and blue eyes are part of the same mutation, a type of temperature-sensitive albinism in which melanin can only develop in areas of cooler skin (tail, feet, ears, nose). Is a Siamese cat expensive? In contrast, purchasing a Siamese cat from a reputable breeder can cost anywhere from $500 to $2,800, depending on factors such as the breeder’s lineage and reputation. Regardless of which path you choose, the investment is justified by the loving companionship and unique charm that a cat brings. Can Siamese be left alone? However, some people dislike them due to their vocal nature and loud behavior. If you prefer a quiet cat breed, the Siamese cat may not be for you. These cats crave constant interaction and human companionship. If left alone for long periods of time, they tend to develop depression. What do Siamese cats eat? A combination of wet and dry food made from high-quality, natural ingredients works well for your Siamese cat. These cats are known to have sensitive stomachs. Therefore, choosing a food specifically for cats with a sensitive digestive system can be an excellent choice.
A Guide to Reducing Your Digital Carbon Footprint Finding new ways to reduce your digital carbon footprint is key to lowering your day-to-day contribution to climate change. Collectively, our daily digital habits play a huge part in increasing carbon emissions, though understanding their sources makes it easy to limit in the future. The carbon footprint of our digital lives is an overlooked topic when it comes to energy and carbon efficiency, despite a whole chain of emissions associated with each digital activity. Every click, tap and scroll online, question searched, file shared, message sent, and photo saved uses servers in data centres and your device to receive the data. By cutting carbon at home and work with simple adjustments to our digital habits, we can help speed up the transition to lower-emission societies. 3. Switch to Climate Positive Broadband that reduces your CO2 monthly Reduce your carbon footprint every month with climate-positive Broadband from Your Co-op. Every year, your carbon footprint can be reduced by 120kg, as each month your broadband will be sending funding to our partners Ecologi, who action carbon reduction projects around the world. While you're enjoying reliably fast speeds at home, your simple switch is also helping to mitigate climate change.
While we can’t quite facilitate time travel, visiting Pompeii is just about as close as you can get. Offering tours from Rome to Pompeii, we can help you walk in the footsteps of the people who lived there before the volcano erupted and froze the city in time. Before the eruption Pompeii was under Roman rule at the time of the eruption - day to day life there was similar to other Roman cities, and Pompeii was a busy town filled with its local citizens as well as Rome’s upper class, who visited on a regular basis as a holiday from their own lives and responsibilities. With a 20,000-seat arena, brothels, shop and factories, Pompeii had a lot to offer. Elaborate houses and villas were dotted around the town, and while many had no running water this didn’t matter, public fountains and bathing houses became somewhere to socialize as well as providing clean drinking water or somewhere to wash. There was a marketplace, taverns, cafés and plenty of space to sit and relax after a hard day of work. Life was relatively simple in Pompeii. Tours to Pompeii from Rome will show you what’s left in the fascinating city frozen in time. Our expert guides will tell you about the people who lived there. They woke with the sun and worked in the shops and the fields throughout the morning after a breakfast of bread and cheese - at midday it was time to relax, heading to a gladiator exhibition at the arena or just sitting down in the sun. They ate bread, fish, cake and fruit for lunch before heading to the public baths of an afternoon. As mentioned, these baths were not only for bathing, they were a place to socialize and have fun, as well as a meeting place to discuss business and politics. They were inexpensive, and anyone could use them: the rich and the poor sat alongside each other in the baths. As the evening fell, the people of Pompeii would eat a dinner of eggs and olives, as well as some meat, fish or cake if they could get their hands on it. Bed time was generally just after sunset, though residents were known to socialize at night time too. What can you see at Pompeii now? The eruption truly did freeze this maritime city in time. Much of it is perfectly preserved, having been buried under layers of ash, pumice and other materials. The surviving residents of Pompeii fled to nearby villages, towns and cities taking with them whatever they could carry; jewelry, lamps, coins and clothing. They won’t have traveled far, but what happened was truly devastating to the people who called this city home. When Pompeii was rediscovered in the 16th century, archaeologists marveled at what they found. It remains to this day one of the most well-preserved examples of ancient Roman architecture and culture. There is so much you can see on a Pompeii tour from Rome - step back in time with us and explore the following… Temple of Apollo Built in 120 BC, the temple was dedicated to the Greek and Roman god of Apollo. Located in the Forum and facing the northern side of Pompeii, this temple was the town’s most important religious building. With mosaics, basins, statues and columns, the Temple of Apollo is an iconic site in Pompeii. In their day to day life, the people of Pompeii would worship here and there is a small room where the temple caretakers are thought to have lived. Amphitheater of Pompeii Amphitheaters are synonymous with Roman history, and there are fantastic examples all around Italy and other areas of Europe such as Spain and England. The Amphitheater of Pompeii is the oldest surviving amphitheater, and Pompeii’s citizens would go there to enjoy gladiator combats as well as watching executions and animal slayings. This particular amphitheater seated at least 20,000 people! House of the Faun While Pompeii is completely full of Roman ruins, the House of the Faun is the largest house in the city. It was built during the 2nd century and is one of the best reflections of Roman republic luxury. The house was a private residence, and it is likely that a rich citizen of Pompeii lived here. There was a lot of decor, particularly mosaics as well as a statue called The Dancing Faun, found during excavation. Other Pompeii residences There are plenty of other houses that you can see when you tour Pompeii from Rome. It is fascinating gaining insight into where Roman people lived in this town, and how they spent their days. There is the House of the Surgeon, the House of Loreius Tiburtinus, the House of Vetti and the House of the Tragic Poet. They are all different sizes, some with gardens, artworks and mosaics too. Wandering around the ruins of these houses is truly like stepping back in time and walking the footsteps of the people who lived in Pompeii before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Pompeii’s thermal baths As mentioned, the public bath houses were a place to bathe and socialize. They were divided into two sections - one for men, and one for women. Each section had four different rooms: a changing room, a cold bath room, a tepid bath room and finally a hot bath room. There were latrines (toilets) and gymnasiums too, and the baths were an incredibly important part of day to day life in Pompeii. There is so much to see in Pompeii - it is such a well-preserved example of a Roman town, with so many archaeological ruins to explore. If you want a chance to turn the clocks back and see what life was really like during the rule of the Roman empire, then look no further than Pompeii. With our day trips and tours to Pompeii from Rome you can see it all as well as skipping the lines, so there’s no waiting around and losing valuable exploration time!
Author and historian Teri Chettiar delves into the fascinating story of how state-supported mental health initiatives in post-World War II Britain led to the conflating of individual emotional wellbeing with inclusive democracy. This paradigm shift, which took place during a crucial period in modern British psychiatric and cultural history, not only elevated emotional intimacy to a politically valued and personally desired state but also had far-reaching consequences for individuals, families, and society as a whole. Chettiar’s narrative highlights the surprising alliances between British mental health professionals and social reformers, who sought to address the Cold War crisis in political and moral values. This collaboration promoted nuclear families and monogamous marriage relationships as the bedrock of individual and political stability, leading to unprecedented political recognition for marginalized citizens on the basis of emotional health. However, this model of emotional health also sparked resistance and backlash from communities that felt excluded from its vision of idealized intimacy, including women, queer individuals, and adolescents. These marginalized groups would go on to inspire a new generation of activists who would challenge the state agenda, demanding recognition and equal rights. Through exhaustive archival research, The Intimate State provides a nuanced exploration of the rise of a modern psychiatric view of the importance of intimate relationships and its lasting impact on identity politics and social equality. This book is a must-read for scholars, historians, and anyone interested in the complex and multifaceted relationship between mental health, intimacy, and politics. Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication Date: December 20, 2022 Fermentum tempor cubilia risus tellus massa dis consectetur dolor.
Sporting events have long reflected the economic, social and political realities of the era By Tim Lowry You can hardly name a sport that isn’t played at some time or some place across the State of South Carolina. In fact, some sources even note the real-life Quidditch World Cup from the fictional Harry Potter series being hosted in North Myrtle Beach. This fantastical field sport played by people pretending to fly on broomsticks may be the result of folks having too much time on their hands. However, the history of sporting events in the South Carolina Lowcountry largely parallels the history of the leisureclass, and in a heartbreaking case, racial segregation. Early settlers spent all their daylight hours clearing land, building homes, planting crops, and hunting wild game. Consequently, if precious time was devoted to friendly competition between neighbors, the activities usually promoted frontier skills necessary for survival: shooting tournaments, axe throwing competitions, foot races, wrestling matches and the like. The harsh environment also gave opportunity for more brutal contests such as bear baiting, cock fighting and goose stretching. Eventually, these “blood sports” were thought of as barbaric and uncivilized and largely abandoned for more genteel and fashionable entertainments, particularly among the elite planter’s class. The great wealth accumulated by the land barons of the Lowcountry allowed gentlemen to engage in the rich man’s sport of breeding racehorses and sponsoring competitions that brought enthusiastic participants from across the American South. The first record of a horse race in Charleston dates to 1734. The contest was held on a temporary course with the prize of a new saddle and bridle offered to the winner. Also in that year, prominent businessmen formed the South Carolina Jockey Club, the first organization of its kind in America. Eventually, the New Market Race Course, named after the famous track in England, was constructed just outside the city proper near modern day Line Street. Prizes of gold and silver were offered in annual contests that continued to be popular until the Revolutionary War. The war years caused a lull in racing activity, but after the British occupation, Charleston entered its “golden age,” and the tradition of horse racing was quickly revived. In 1791, a one-mile track known as the Washington Race Course was laid out on property near the Ashley River. This track is now incorporated in the driveway that encircles Hampton Park. Racing Week was typically held in February and served as the pinnacle of Charleston’s social season. Schools dismissed classes, court was adjourned, church services were suspended and commerce nearly came to a halt as the entire town was engaged with parties, balls, receptions, award ceremonies and thoroughbred auctions. Racing Week came to be known as “the carnival of the state.” However, the loss of many fine horses during the Civil War, coupled with the economic depression following the collapse of the plantation system, had a devastating effect on the tradition of horse racing in the South Carolina Lowcountry. In fact, the race course was used as a prison camp during the war years and the inner field turned into a burial ground for over 250 Union soldiers that died there. After the graves were relocated, a feeble attempt was made to revive Charleston’s famous Race Week, but the South Carolina Jockey Club eventually disbanded. Baseball Boom and the Cannon Street YMCA Following the Civil War, industrialization and mechanization freed many workers from hours of toil in fields and factories. For the first time in American history, leisurely pursuits were not the exclusive privilege of the socially elite and uber wealthy. Here in the South Carolina Lowcountry, horse racing was on its way out and baseball was coming in. Southerners were introduced to the sport that was destined to become America’s pastime by Yankee soldiers. In fact, Charleston fielded a team that played against Union occupational forces during Reconstruction. Baseball quickly grew in popularity, so much so that in 1878 a match between the “Carolinas” and the “Palmettoes” was interrupted by a large crowd of spectators spilling onto the playing field. Before the turn of the century, professional teams were formed and quickly followed with leagues sponsored at every level including cities, mill villages, college athletic clubs and the Little League for boys and youth. The game of baseball seemed to be a metaphor for the American ideal. Single players contributing their individual efforts to support the cause of the team was a sportsman’s expression of E Pluribus Unum—out of many, one. However, talented African-American players were segregated into their own Negro Leagues. Consequently, the metaphor was flawed. America had a pastime for most, but not for all. Larry Doby, a native of Camden, South Carolina would follow Jackie Robinson as the second black American to enter major league baseball, but it was a group of Charleston kids that would play an important role in breaking the color barrier for boys and youth in the national Little League organization. The Cannon Street YMCA from Charleston fielded an all-star team to compete in the 1955 Little League season, but white teams refused to play against them. Even though league officials directed rival teams to play, one white team after another chose to forfeit rather than play against the Black youth. The Cannon Street team attended the 1955 Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania as spectators only, because officials determined that they could not advance in the rankings by default. The crowd of spectators supported the boys by chanting “Let them play!” The situation brought national attention to the injustice of “separate but equal” sports and served as a major factor in the eventual desegregation of baseball at all levels. In 2002, the team returned to Williamsport, Pennsylvania where Little League officials declared them as the “1955 South Carolina State Champions.” The history of horse racing and baseball (and maybe Quidditch, too) are examples of the many ways that sports reflect the economic, societal and political realities of a particular time and place. With that in mind, the next time you toss a ball, swing a bat, or mount a broomstick remember that it’s not just a game—sports reflect life. ϒ Storyteller Tim Lowry is a Southern raconteur from Summerville. Learn more at
You’ve probably had at least one ear infection in your life. In fact, a 2006 study on ear infections found that almost 9 million children and teens in the United States contracted an ear infection that year. Ear infections are more common in children than adults and are among the main reasons families visit a healthcare professional. Approximately 75% of children will contract at least one ear infection before the age of three years old. Children are more prone to ear infections than adults because their horizontal eustachian tubes (the tube that connects our ears, nose, and throat) are shorter and narrower. This means it’s easier for viruses to find their way in and easier for the tube to get blocked. Luckily ear infections in children are usually very minor. Adults can get ear infections too, and these are often minor but can sometimes lead to something more serious. So what causes an ear infection, what are the symptoms, and how can you treat an ear infection? Read on to learn all about ear infections. What is an Ear Infection? An ear infection happens when a viral or bacterial infection occurs in the ear. Ear infections, called otitis media in the medical community, can cause pain, inflammation, and fluid buildup. These infections are often painful because the inflammation and fluid buildup causes pressure on the eardrum. Ear infections are categorized by the three parts of the ear: - Outer ear infection - Middle ear infection - Inner ear infection These three types of ear infections have different causes and symptoms. Outer Ear Infection The outer ear extends from your eardrum to the outside of your head. In adults, the symptoms are simple. They usually experience ear pain and pressure, fluid in the ear, and reduced hearing. Other outer ear infection symptoms include: - Itchiness around ear - Pain and tenderness in the ear - Red and swollen appearance - Fussiness in young infants Outer ear infections are usually very minor and often resolve naturally, but occasionally they need to be treated with antibiotics. Middle Ear Infection The middle ear is the area right behind your eardrum. Middle ear infections are the most common and often happen when fluid gets trapped behind the eardrum. This causes the eardrum to bulge and infection to occur. Symptoms of a middle ear infection include: - Pain or discomfort - A feeling of fullness in the ear - Fluid drainage from the affected ear - Difficulty hearing Most people will experience a middle ear infection at least once in their life. These infections are usually nothing to worry about, but it’s always a good idea to visit a medical professional to determine if antibiotics are needed. Inner Ear Infection The inner ear is behind our eardrum, located between the middle ear and the internal auditory canal. An inner ear infection is usually not a true infection. Often, symptoms presenting as an inner ear infection are actually a case of inflammation in the area of our ears responsible for balance and hearing. Less commonly, an inner ear infection is a real infection. Symptoms of an inner ear infection include: - Problems with balance - Hearing loss - Vomiting and diarrhea (more common in infants) Inner ear infections are the least common, and they can become serious. Inner ear infections should always be examined by a medical professional. What Causes an Ear Infection Ear infections typically begin with a cold, flu, or allergic reaction, which increases mucus in the sinuses. The sinuses are connected to our ears and throat by the eustachian tube. When you have nasal congestion from a cold that begins to clear, your eustachian tubes allow the mucus to drain. Eustachian tubes are small in size and run from each ear directly to the back of the throat. When the eustachian tubes get blocked or swollen with mucus, an ear infection occurs. This can also inflame the nasal passages and throat. While colds, flu, and allergies are the most common cause of eustachian tube blockages, they can also be caused by infected or swollen adenoids and air pressure changes. High Risks for Ear Infections As discussed earlier, infants and young children have short and narrow eustachian tubes, which puts them at higher risk for ear infections. Some adults have very narrow eustachian tubes or tubes that have not developed a slope. These adults are also at a higher risk for eustachian tube blockages. If you experience seasonal allergies, you may also develop ear infections from nasal congestion and sinus blockages. Lifestyle habits like smoking can increase the likelihood of eustachian tube blockages and increase the risk of ear infections. Ear Infection Diagnosis Although ear infections are usually minor, it’s always a good idea to seek a medical professional’s advice. After asking questions about your symptoms, a medical professional will examine your ear with an instrument called an otoscope. Otoscopes have a magnifying lens and light, which helps take a detailed look at your ear and your eardrum. Your medical professional may choose to use a pneumatic otoscope that emits a puff of air in the ear. This puff of air causes the eardrum to react and helps your medical professional make their diagnosis. If the eardrum moves easily, it means you don’t have a middle ear infection, at least not a serious one. When the eardrum barely moves, it shows that there is fluid pressing against it from the inside. Your medical professional can also do a simple hearing test to identify an ear infection, especially if one of the symptoms is hearing loss. In more severe cases of ear infections, or if the symptoms are unusual, your medical professional may use a medical test called tympanometry. Tympanometry is another test done to diagnose and evaluate ear infections. These tests can discover: - Redness, air bubbles, or pus-like drainage in the middle ear - Damage in the eardrum - Swollen or collapsed eardrum In severe cases, your medical professional may take fluid samples from your ear to examine if the fluids contain antibiotic-resistant bacteria. However, this is very rare. Treating an Ear Infection In minor cases of ear infections, the body’s immune system can fight the infectious bacteria without the help of antibiotics. In some cases where the infection has progressed, or if you are experiencing a lot of pain and discomfort, your medical professional will prescribe antibiotics such as amoxicillin. If you are prescribed antibiotics, you must complete the entire course of antibiotics, even if you start feeling better before finishing with the allotted doses. In rare and severe cases of ear infections where antibiotics aren’t effective, your medical professional may recommend surgery. If you have many ear infections over a short period, your medical professional may recommend placing a tube in your affected ear to allow fluid to drain out more easily. What Happens if an Ear Infection is Left Untreated? While many ear infections resolve on their own, some cases do not, and it can be dangerous to leave these untreated. If your ear infection symptoms don’t improve or get worse, you should immediately schedule an appointment with a medical professional. When severe ear infections are left untreated, they can cause hearing loss and ruptured eardrums. In extreme cases, an ear infection can lead to meningitis or neurological issues if left untreated. If you or a loved one has an ear infection, there’s no reason to stress. If you seek medical help, ear infections are only minor discomforts that usually go away quickly. Think You Have an Ear Infection? If you’re concerned you have an ear infection, book an appointment with a medical professional at CityHealth Urgent Care today. We have locations in San Leandro and Oakland ready to help you get better. If you think you have an ear infection but are experiencing only minor discomfort, you may be able to book a virtual visit to discuss your symptoms with a medical professional. A virtual appointment can help determine if you need an in-person appointment based on your symptoms.
Vaginal infections are certainly among the most common gynecological problems. They can occur for a number of reasons: Immunity drops due to some illness or stress Foods that contain too many refined carbohydrates (eg sweets and white flour products) Excessive use of intimate care products Frequent swimming in the pool Multi-day use of tampons Vaginal infections can be the result of antibiotic therapy and are common in pregnancy In the mentioned cases, the natural acidity (pH) of the vagina changes and the number of good, protective bacteria decreases, which enables the reproduction of harmful microbes. The most common causes of vaginal infections are fungi, bacteria and the unicellular organism Trichomonas vaginalis. Fungal and bacterial vaginal infections are equally very common, but bacterial are more dangerous. Fungal infections are most often caused by the fungus Candida albicans, which is otherwise a common resident of the human body and does not cause discomfort if present in small numbers. Candida will not cause vaginal infections if the vagina has a balanced flora, ie if it is dominated by good bacteria that produce lactic acid and maintain a normal pH (acidity) of the vagina around 4.5. If the possibility of excessive proliferation of Candida albicans is provided, the typical symptom of itching (vaginal pruritus) occurs. How to treat a fungal infection? Fungal infection should be treated to reduce the amount of fungus, reduced to a normal amount. The second step is the restoration of the vaginal flora. Fungal and bacterial vaginal infections are equally common, but bacterial ones are more dangerous. How to treat a bacterial infection? Bacterial infections often have no pronounced symptoms, so women are not aware that they have an infection. They are mostly detected by tests such as cervical swabs and a pap test. That is why it is very important to go for regular gynecological check-ups and try to live a healthy life, which certainly means eating a diet with as many natural and as few industrially processed (refined) foods as possible. Vagitories with tea tree oil from Cydonia phytopharmaceuticals are used for the treatment of bacterial, fungal and viral microorganisms. Vagitories with Australian tea tree oil are intended for vaginal hygiene. They alleviate / eliminate vaginal pruritus (rash / itching), which is most often caused by the invasion of microorganisms. The product contains tea tree essential oil which is known for its effectiveness in cases of vaginal candidiasis, trichomoniasis and bacterial vaginosis. Numerous studies show antimicrobial activity on the causes of such diseases * Method of application: Separate the 2 plastic strips of the vagitoria wrapper at the indicated location. Take out the vagitoria and throw away the empty vagitorium sheath. For adults only. Introduce one vagitoria 2 times a day (morning and evening) deep into the vagina, for a minimum of 7 days. Packaging: 6 vagitoria x 3 g 1 vagitoria contains 200 mg of essential oil of Australian tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia, Myrtaceae)
Lessons From the Longest Study on Happiness We are all searching for happiness. • But how do we achieve it? • What are its greatest determinants? The Harvard Study of Adult Development may be the most comprehensive study ever conducted, as it followed its participants for their entire adult lives. – The study was started in Boston in 1938 and has already covered three generations: grandparents, parents, and children, who are now considered ”baby boomers.” – It analyzed more than 2000 people throughout 85 years of longitudinal study, the longest study of happiness. In January, Robert Waldinger, MD, the current director of this incredible study, published the book The Good Life: Lessons From the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness, co-authored with the study’s associate director, Marc Schulz, PhD. By following this large population for more than eight decades, the study uncovered the factors most correlated with well-being and happiness. Here, I have summarized some of the authors’ main concepts. Most Important Factors The study’s happiest participants had two major factors in common throughout its 85 years: taking care of their health and building loving relationships with others. It seems obvious that being in good health is essential to live well. – However, to some surprise, researchers determined that good relationships were the most significant predictor of health and happiness during aging. Other authors have confirmed this finding, and research has sought to analyze the physiological mechanisms associated with this benefit. Professional Success Insufficient Professional success on its own does not guarantee happiness, even though it may be gratifying. – The study revealed that those who were happiest were not isolated. – In fact, the happiest people valued and fostered relationships. – Levels of education and cultural awareness, which tend to be higher among those with higher salaries, were also important factors for adopting healthy habits (promoted more often as of the 1960s) and for better access to healthcare. Loneliness is increasingly common and creates challenges when dealing with stressful situations. – It is essential to have someone with whom we can vent. Therefore, Waldinger recommends assessing how to foster, strengthen, and broaden relationships. – He calls this maintaining social connections and, just as with physical fitness, it also requires constant practice. Friendships and relationships need regular commitment to keep them from fizzling out. – A simple telephone call can help. – Participating in activities that bring joy and encourage camaraderie, such as sports, hobbies, and volunteer work, may broaden the relationship network. Happiness Not Constant Social media almost always shows the positive side of people’s lives and suggests that everyone lives worry-free. – However, the truth is that no one’s life is free of difficulties and challenges. Social skills contribute to resilience. It is never too late for a turnaround and for people to change their lives through new relationships and experiences. Those who think they know everything about life are very mistaken. – The study showed that good things happened to those who had given up on changing their situation, and good news appeared when they least expected it. This study highlights the importance of having social skills and always cultivating our relationships to help us become healthier, overcome challenging moments, and achieve the happiness that we all desire. We finally have robust evidence-based data to use when speaking on happiness. www red DiabetologNytt The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness Hardcover. January 10, 2023 $14.99 Read with Our Free App What makes for a happy life, a fulfilling life? A good life? In their “captivating” (The Wall Street Journal) book, the directors of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest scientific study of happiness ever conducted, show that the answer to these questions may be closer than you realize. What makes a life fulfilling and meaningful? The simple but surprising answer is: relationships. – The stronger our relationships, the more likely we are to live happy, satisfying, and healthier lives. – In fact, the Harvard Study of Adult Development reveals that the strength of our connections with others can predict the health of both our bodies and our brains as we go through life. The invaluable insights in this book emerge from the revealing personal stories of hundreds of participants in the Harvard Study as they were followed year after year for their entire adult lives, and this wisdom was bolstered by research findings from many other studies. – Relationships in all their forms—friendships, romantic partnerships, families, coworkers, tennis partners, book club members, Bible study groups—all contribute to a happier, healthier life. – And as The Good Life shows us, it’s never too late to strengthen the relationships you already have, and never too late to build new ones. The Good Life provides examples of how to do this. Dr. Waldinger’s TED Talk about the Harvard Study, “What Makes a Good Life,” has been viewed more than 42 million times • and is one of the ten most-watched TED talks ever. The Good Lifehas been praised by bestselling authors Jay Shetty “an empowering quest towards our greatest need: meaningful human connection”), Angela Duckworth (“In a crowded field of life advice…Schulz and Waldinger stand apart”), and happiness expert Laurie Santos (“Waldinger and Schulz are world experts on the counterintuitive things that make life meaningful”). With “insightful [and] interesting” (Daniel Gilbert, New York Times bestselling author of Stumbling on Happiness) life stories, The Good Life shows us how we can make our lives happier and more meaningful through our connections to others.
There were 35 ATSIC Regional Councils across Australia. Councillors were elected every three years, with the last election being held in October 2002. The elected Regional Councils met at least four times a year. Under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Act 2005 (Cth), ATSIC was abolished and the Regional Councils were to cease operation on 30 June 2005. Each Regional Council had powers and functions under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989 (Cth), including: · to make decisions on funding for the social, cultural and economic advancement of Indigenous people living in the region; · to formulate, and revise from time to time, a regional plan for improving the economic, social and cultural status of Indigenous residents of the region; · to assist, advise and cooperate with the Commission, the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA), other Commonwealth bodies and state, territory and local government bodies in the implementation of the regional plan; · to receive, and pass on to the Commission and the TSRA, the views of Indigenous people about the activities in the region of the Commission, the TSRA, other Commonwealth bodies and state, territory and local government bodies, and · to represent Indigenous residents of the region and act as an advocate of their interests. |
Wet dust collectors, also known as wet scrubbers, remove particulates from the air by mixing water and air at high speed. This humidification process encapsulates larger particles in water droplets, and agglomerates smaller dust particles, increasing the bulk of the dust particles. This makes collection of the dust particulate easier. The cleaned air passes usually passes through a demisting filter to remove water vapor from the air. The solid materials taken from the air settle at the bottom of the tank and are removed by various methods. Wet scrubbers are particularly effective for removing combustible metal dust through wet collection. Industrial Air Filtration, Inc. | | Product Category | Dust Collectors and Dust Collector Filters | Product Name | Wet Dust Scrubbers | Collector Type | Stationary Unit |
The lottery is a game of chance where people can win a large amount of money. It is usually run by state governments. Lotteries have been around for centuries. The Bible records that Moses divided the land by lot and Roman emperors used lotteries to give away property and slaves. Lotteries have been around for centuries and are a popular way to raise money. They are also used by governments to help fund public projects. The lottery is a type of gambling in which numbers are drawn at random and prizes are awarded to the winners. It can be a fun way to win cash or other prizes, and can even be a great way to support a good cause. In the past, lotteries were common in Europe. They were held to raise funds for town fortifications, poor people, and other public projects. One of the earliest recorded lotteries in Europe was held in L’Ecluse, Belgium, in 1445. The widow of the Flemish painter Jan Van Eyck held a lottery to dispose of his paintings. It was a popular way to raise money for the community and was hailed as a painless form of taxation. Odds of winning The odds of winning the lottery are slim to none, but that doesn’t stop people from buying tickets. While you’ll find that the chances of winning are small, there are a few tricks of the trade that will increase your odds. One such tip is to play the big jackpot games on a regular basis. In addition, rethinking your game strategy could have you on your way to a newfound wealth. The best part is that you don’t have to go broke in the process. It’s even possible to win the jackpot on a limited budget! The following tips can help you score a big payout in no time. The most important tip is to be smart when playing your favorite lottery games. Then, you can focus on maximizing your chances of winning. Taxes on winnings Lotteries are a popular way to raise money for good causes. Often, lottery proceeds will be used for things like education, park services, and funds for veterans and seniors. In the United States, lottery winnings are considered taxable income. They are subject to federal and state income taxes. However, it’s important to note that some states don’t tax lottery winnings at all, while others will withhold taxes until the prize is claimed. To find out if your state taxes lottery winnings, check the map below. Regardless of your preferred method of payout, it’s important to calculate your taxes correctly so you don’t get caught up in a red tape maze later on. Use our lottery calculator to estimate the taxes you’ll be paying on your win and how much you can keep for yourself. Then, when it comes time to file your taxes, turn to TurboTax for a fast, simple and accurate way to report your winnings. While some governments ban lottery gambling altogether, others endorse it and regulate it. Governments also use lottery revenue to fund public education and other programs. Lotteries are a form of gambling that involves buying tickets in exchange for prizes. These prizes may include cash or goods. Typically, these prizes are selected by a random number generator. The numbers are derived from a series of rolls, usually in a dice-like device. In addition to cash, prizes can also be items like cars, jewelry, and computers. Some governments even donate a percentage of lottery profits to charities. To be legal, a lottery must have three key elements. It must have a prize, chance, and consideration. If any of these elements are missing, the lottery is illegal.
Evaluating Conditions Contributing to Freshwater and Atmospheric Microplastic Inputs into Narragansett Bay Professor Lillian Jeznach Microplastics pollution is a widespread and growing concern for the entire world, especially for Rhode Island due to the high urban land cover and the importance of surrounding marine life to the local economy. This study aims to look at how different conditions affect the freshwater concentrations and atmospheric fluxes of different types of microplastics to the Narragansett Bay. A custom designed atmospheric microplastic deposition collector installed on campus and used to measure atmospheric microplastic fallout. Freshwater samples were collected at different sites along three major rivers in Rhode Island. The river samples were digested using potassium hydroxide since they contained greater concentrations of organic matter than the atmospheric samples. All samples were stained with nile red. The stained samples fluoresce under a blue light, which allowed for easier microplastic counting and identification under the microscope. Blank samples were collected and analyzed for all freshwater and atmospheric samples. Data was analyzed to understand conditions contributing to increases or decreases in microplastic freshwater concentrations and atmospheric fluxes. Atmospheric microplastic fluxes were analyzed with respect to wind speed. For freshwater samples, microplastic concentrations were compared at different locations along the river relative to wastewater treatment plants and their proximity to urban/rural locations. Based on the analysis, the majority of microplastic particles in both the atmospheric and freshwater samples were fibers then fragments. In addition, greater atmospheric fluxes were measured at lower wind speeds. Data thus far do not indicate significantly greater microplastic concentrations downstream of wastewater treatment plants. This project is part of a larger long-term microplastic sampling campaign involving undergraduate researchers to develop a database of freshwater and atmospheric microplastic data. This research will help to better understand microplastic distributions across the state which is needed in order to develop effective solutions and technology to combat the abundance of microplastics that are a growing global and local issue. Fennell, Ally; Zmich, Kate; Membrino, Ella; and Jeznach, Lillian C., "Evaluating Conditions Contributing to Freshwater and Atmospheric Microplastic Inputs into Narragansett Bay" (2024). Student Research Symposium. 18.
How Does Your Body Change After Gallbladder Removal The gallbladder is a body organ that stores around 50 ml of bile that functions to digest fat in the body. When you consume high-fat food, the bile works so hard to digest it. Also, it can lead to the presence of gallstones due to the hardened bile. When someone is suffering from severe gallstones, they need a surgery called cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal). So, what happens when your body no longer has a gallbladder and how does your body change after gallbladder removal? In this article, we will tell you facts about gallbladder removal or cholecystectomy. 5 Facts You Need to Know About Cholecystectomy 1. What is Cholecystectomy? Cholecystectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a gallbladder. This surgical procedure is performed when there is a reformation of gallstones in the gallbladder wall that: - Causes some symptoms, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and digestive issues. - Causes complications, including infection. 2. Why is Cholecystectomy Necessary? Your doctor may recommend cholecystectomy when you suffer from symptomatic gallstones. They will also probably recommend it when your gallstones cause pain, infection, or obstruction. This surgical procedure is highly recommended if you have gallstones reformation or severe symptom, such as: - Nausea or vomiting. - Indigestion or bloating. - Pain in the back or right shoulder. - Abdominal pain that is usually below the ribs or in the upper centre of the stomach. If gallstones are not immediately treated, they can cause these following complications: - Infection in the gallbladder. - Bile duct infection, which is a blockage of the bile duct that causes pain, fever, and jaundice. - Pancreas inflammation (pancreatitis). 3. What Does Cholecystectomy Do to Your Body? Those who have had gallbladder removal said that there are many changes in their digestive systems. The function of the gallbladder is to store bile. When it is not there in the body, fluid from the liver will be directly transported to the small intestines. This will cause diarrhea because the liver and small intestines are still not used to the process. This condition is known as the post cholecystectomy syndrome. Gallbladder removal actually cannot 100 percent remove gallstones. This is why it is important to have a healthy diet habit, especially for those who suffer from gallstones or just had any surgical procedures related to bile. 4. Does Your Body Can Function Just Like Usual Without Gallbladder? With a gallbladder, bile flows directly to the small intestines. This can stimulate the intestines and 50% patients still can experience free movement. These symptoms typically will last for 3 months to 6 months. If this happens, it is important to maintain a low-fat dietary habit to help the free movement. Patients will be back to normal 3 months to 6 months after the surgery. 5. Is Your Life Expectancy Affected? Cholecystectomy won’t shorten your life expectancy. This surgical procedure probably increases your life expectancy because you are forced to live healthily after the surgery. You are required to consume healthy food to avoid any symptoms and conditions post-surgery. Those are the facts about gallbladder removal or cholecystectomy and how does your body change after gallbladder removal. The key is to consume low-fat food to maintain health after the surgery. Consult with your doctor to get more recommendation.
Current scientific advice indicates the key design requirement for the safety of all humanity’s infrastructure and the wellbeing and sustainability of natural ecosystems and species is an 80% reduction of fossil fuel production within two decades. To meet social & economic needs while phasing out this energy source, we will need to consider the consequential issues of a sustained decline in energy supply and material consumption in all sectors of the economy. We suggest a three-pronged approach is used, supported by documentation defining appropriate design outcomes & methodologies: - Building Code minimums - as per the currently proposed approach, including simplified methods. - Building Code Acceptable Solutions, Verification Methods and Alternative Solutions, giving guidance on optional better practice. - Government building procurement done as a sustainable building programme that is able to address all phases of the design, materials supply, construction and operation process.
During our conversation, Dr. Goodarzi discusses the steps that need to be taken to lessen the risk of radon exposure, the greater need for collaboration between countries and technical communities to ensure that radon exposure is tackled on a global basis and why projects like Evict Radon are essential if we are to eradicate radon as a health issue. In brief, could you please describe what you consider to be the main challenges for fighting radon and its consequent impact on human health? In many parts of the world, radon exposure in buildings is a worsening problem due to the evolving nature of our built environment. Lung cancer is the highest lethality cancer type known, and rates continue to rise in non-smokers for reasons that are still not clear. So, three of the most important challenges right now are (i) finding out exactly HOW our human-made environment influences our radon exposure, (ii) then WHAT we can do to reduce radon exposure and (iii) develop a clear, molecular-level understanding of WHY the radiation from radon gives rise to cancer. (If you agree) could you please explain and elaborate on why radon exposure issue is a global issue? And how can global cooperation can help alleviate the problem? Radon is essentially everywhere where humans have built cities on Earth, the main question is how much is entering and being concentrated within a given type of building. Different countries have different radon problems, but most can learn from one another about what works (and does not work) in terms of radon exposure awareness, testing, prevention and mitigation. Successes need to be shared to more quickly reduce radon in countries just recently coming to grips with their radon problem, whilst failures are equally important to learn from, so they are not repeated. In many parts of the world, the knowledge about radon is low. Why do you think there’s a shortage of knowledge and awareness about radon? Simply put, it takes time and a great deal of resources to raise radon awareness from ‘nothing’. Some countries started this process back in the 1980’s, when the connection between radon in homes and lung cancer was first realized. Naturally, those areas now enjoy a much greater level of awareness versus those that did not start the process of educating their populations until much later. As different parts of the world realize the scale of their radon problem, they slowly put resources in terms of funds and human activity into tackling the problem. Given that radon itself is literally invisible, such awareness campaigns require finesse and careful tailoring to cater the message to specific audiences and cultures. What works for one culture or demographic does not necessarily work for another, and so there is no ‘magic bullet’ for radon awareness, but rather the need for a great deal of hard work from a lot of smart and caring people. Could you tell us a bit about the Canadian “Evict Radon” campaign? Why is it important and what are the results so far? Evict Radon emerged from the work of enthusiastic biologists in the Canadian province of Alberta back in 2013, slowly evolving from a local radon testing campaign into a national non-profit program that uses the latest in research from across disciplines (biology, architecture, geoscience, psychology, population health and more) to defeat the radon problem. Evict Radon has revolutionized radon awareness in Canada, using a citizen science approach to encourage Canadians to test their homes for radon, while at the same time contributing their data to cancer prevention research efforts in the public domain. It has been an enormous success, with multiple peer-reviewed studies being released and underway – as well as getting 16,000 Canadians radon tested in approximately 4-5 years. Some of our key findings so far include the scale of radon exposure in the Canadian Prairies – the second highest on Earth – and the observation that newer North American homes contain substantially higher and still worsening radon levels compared to older homes. We are also in the process of discovering the ‘formula’ for a high versus low radon property, which will be very important to ensure that new homes no longer contain high radon. Radonova has been measuring and analyzing radon for a long time and they are involved in the Evict Radon campaign. What is your impression of its radon detectors and expertise? We carefully surveyed different testing options at the outset of our study, and ultimately decided to go with Radonova for three reasons. First, their devices are the only ISO certified devices available – meaning the validity of the radon data obtained from such devices is recognized internationally as they are rigorously tested on a regular basis by independent third parties. Second, they offered the highest possible data security and online infrastructure we could find. Finally, their quality control process met our exacting standards in terms of accuracy, precision and scientific rigor. How much can we achieve when it comes to fighting radon? I firmly believe that we will get to a state where radon, as a source of lung cancer, is a rarity or even a memory. This will take time, but it has been done for other toxic compounds and pollutants. Given that radon can be so easily tested for and, if high, removed from a property, there is no reason why it should continue to take the lives of thousands upon thousands of people each year. About Dr. Goodarzi Dr. Goodarzi is the Canada Research Chair for Radiation Exposure Disease. He obtained his PhD from University of Calgary in 2005 and trained as a post-doctoral scholar at the Genome Damage and Stability Centre at the University of Sussex (UK) until 2010. In 2011, he opened his own laboratory at the University of Calgary’s School of Medicine. In 2015, he was named one of Calgary’s Top 40 Under 40; in 2016, he was made a University of Calgary “Peak Scholar” for innovation in radon gas and lung cancer knowledge engagement; in 2018, he was selected as a TEDx speaker and, in 2019, received one of the School of Medicine’s Education Awards for innovation in graduate training. Dr. Goodarzi is the founder and leader of Evict Radon, a new Canadian non-profit organization whose goal is to solve Canada’s substantial and worsening radon-gas exposure problem through interdisciplinary research for the benefit of all Canadians. Dr. Goodarzi profile, University of Calgary: “Radon in our Homes: The Science Behind the Danger”, Dr. Aaron Goodarzi, TEDx Talk:
Written by Tracy Shirvill Being a counsellor who talks a lot about self-care, I was pleased to learn about International Self-Care Day. July 24 has been chosen to bring attention to the importance of self-care. People around the world are encouraged to prioritise self-care as a part of their everyday routine. The World Health Organisation defines self-care as, “…the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, preventable disease, and maintain health and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health-care provider”. The Pillars of Self-Care The International Self-Care Foundation created the 7 Pillars of Self Care. These pillars are: Each of these pillars provides a framework for people to choose what they need to know or do to improve their health. This can be especially helpful for people who live with chronic illnesses. For example, if you live with anxiety we could use the pillars to create an action plan. - Pillar 1 – learn about the causes of anxiety, how anxiety presents, and the evidence-based treatment options available. - Pillar 2 – learn relaxation techniques and engage with a counsellor. - Pillar 3 – find movement options which help to reduce anxiety. - Pillar 4 – identify and avoid any foods which may increase anxiety symptoms. - Pillar 5 – set boundaries which promote your mental health. - Pillar 6 – recognise how anxiety affects your hygiene practices. - Pillar 7 – consult with medical professionals to explore treatment options including medication. By placing one action into each pillar you can find ways to improve your health without becoming overwhelmed. You’re Not Alone What is clear to me in these pillars is that self-care is a team effort. Despite the name we give it, it’s not your sole responsibility, but it does center your agency. The Australian Self-Care Alliance has published their Self-care Charter showing how self-care extends from the individual all the way out to government policy, research, and service providers. You can download a copy of the Charter from the Australian Self-Care Alliance here. If you are interested in creating an action plan but don’t want to do it alone, contact me to find out how counselling can support you.
Are you Preparing for Interview in Electronics? Don’t be stressed, take our PN Junction Diode Course and prepare yourself for your Interview We know that PN junction diode is the most basic form of semiconductor device and its technology forms the basis of many other semiconductor devices. PN Junction diode is a basic component in electronics, so it is necessary for every students that he learn the Basic Concept of PN Junction Diode. In this Course You Will Learn the fundamentals of PN Junction Diodes and take the first leap to the world of Electronics. This Course will Covers following topics: Why PN Junction Diode is so Important in Electronics ? PN Junction diode Structure Forward Biasing & Reverse Biasing of PN Junction diode PN-diode: current components under different biasing I-V characteristics of PN Junction Diode Load Line Analysis for a PN Junction diode Important terms used for a PN Junction diode What is the Importance of PN Junction Diode ? After resistor, capacitor and Inductor one of the most widely used electronic components is the PN junction diode. The PN junction diode is the basic semiconductor Component. It is used for many forms of rectification for current levels both large and small, as well as high and low voltage levels, and this semiconductor device finds many uses in all manner of electronic circuit designs. The PN junction has the very useful property that electrons are only able to flow in one direction. As current consists of a flow of electrons, this means that current is allowed to flow only in one direction across the structure, but it is stopped from flowing in the other direction across the junction. PN junction diodes can be obtained in a number of semiconductor materials – the earliest diodes tended to be made from germanium, but most of them today are silicon diodes. In This Course we explain every topic in Simple and Easy Way, Definitely You Enjoy this Course. Sign up now and take this Course. Let’s get started. If the coupon is not opening, disable Adblock, or try another browser.
Earlier this week the Library of Congress Twitter account posted a link to the LOC’s reference page about the deterioration of paper. From that page I stumbled into the library’s Collections Care reference pages. Those pages are full of information about how to care for and preserve a variety of physical media including newspapers and comic books. The Collections Care reference pages are full of great information, but they were definitely not created with middle school or high school students in mind. The font is small, the text is crowded, and their is not anything interactive on the pages. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t value in those pages for middle school and high school students. Applications for Education The value that I find in the LOC’s Collections Care pages is ideas for student video projects. In particular, I think that students who enjoy comic books would enjoy producing a video about how to care for and preserve comic books. Another section of the Collections Care page is about preserving photographs, that’s another topic that some students would enjoy producing a video about. Videos on those topics are a good fit for publication on Next Vista for Learning. If you’re interested in learning how to create and complete classroom video projects, I’m launching a new course for you in May. The Complete Guide to Classroom Video Projects will be available on May 7th.
What is hepatitis? Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that happens due to the expansion of the tissues in the body. This expansion can hamper the functioning of your liver. Hepatitis can happen either for a shorter period of time or longer duration. However, there are a few types of hepatitis that cause harmful after effects. How is it spread? Hepatitis A is generally spread when an individual ingests fecal matter even if they ingest in the microscopic amounts. You can likewise get hepatitis E by eating half-cooked pork, deer, or shellfish. Hepatitis B is usually spread when the blood, semen, or various body fluids of the infected person enters your body. It can even be transmitted from birth to an infected mother, sex with an infected person, or even sharing personal equipment of the infected person. Hepatitis C is spread when blood from an infected person even in the microscopic amounts enters the body. Hepatitis D spread through contact with the blood of somebody who has the infection. Hepatitis B and D may likewise spread through contact with other body fluids as well. What are the symptoms of hepatitis? Many people won’t even show the symptoms of hepatitis and aren’t aware about the infection. If a person has an acute infection, it might appear within 2 weeks to 6 months of the infection. The symptoms of chronic viral hepatitis can even take decades to develop. The person may face: - Loss of craving - Stomach pain - Dull pee What are the medicines for hepatitis? Therapy for hepatitis relies upon which type of hepatitis you have and whether it is acute or chronic. Acute hepatitis frequently disappears without any intervention of medicines. To feel far improved, you may simply have to rest and get an adequate number of liquids. However, sometimes, it can even escalate in making someone hospitalized. In chronic case of Hepatitis, there are some therapies that might incorporate a medical procedure and other operations. Individuals who have alcoholic hepatitis need to quit drinking. Assuming your persistent hepatitis prompts liver disappointment or liver disease, you might require a liver transplant. What are the best places to get treatment of Hepatitis infection? If you are looking for the best liver specialist to cure Hepatitis infection, you can visit Girn Hospital, the best liver treatment hospital in Punjab. Consult the doctor to know more about the process of liver infection treatment.
Turbine oil is produced from refined crude oil distillates and is used as a lubricant in bearings and gears of hydro and gas turbine assemblies. It also serves in various industrial equipment. High quality product oxidizes slowly, does not form sludge and is resistant to corrosion formation. To improve the quality, additives are mixed into the refined oil: - depressants (to lower the pumping temperature and improve flow rates at lower temperatures); - viscosity (to increase oil viscosity). If the oil does become contaminated during operation, it can be restored using special equipment. Using contaminated material is not recommended, since it can cause serious damage to turbine parts and damage the shaft regulation system. Poor quality oil reduces turbine operation efficiency in 20-25% of cases. Turbine Oil Purification Methods Among the physical and chemical methods of turbine oil purifier, filtration and centrifuging are considered the most efficient. Centrifuging is the separation of non-homogeneous mixtures into fractions by centrifugal forces. The amount of impurities after such processing does not exceed 0.005 % by weight, while moisture content is reduced to 0.6 %. Turbine oil filtration is the process of removing particulate matter from used oil by passing the oil through meshes and porous media. Filters are commonly made of metal, plastic, paper, fabric, ceramics etc. Filtering Turbine Oil with GlobeCore Equipment GlobeCore units are designed to purify and filter transformer, industrial, turbine and other types of oil. The CMM-4T unit is designed specifically for turbine oil filtration. The unit filters the oil and processes it under vacuum. Processed oil is taken by the input pump through the coarse filter into the vacuum chamber, after which it passes into the vacuum chamber, where the partial pressure of moisture drops and the moisture evaporates. The oil passes through a fine filter and is pumped out of the unit. The CMM-4T has the capacity to process 4 m3/hour, achieving the following specifications: - Moisture content – less than 10 ppm; - Filtration – 5 micron; - Particulate matter content – below 10 ppm; - Oil ISO 4406 purity class – -/14/12. This unit can process turbine oil with viscosity below 280 mm2/sec at 50oC. Turbine Oil Application and Purifation Turbine oil is a lubrication and cooling material commonly used in turbine assemblies, turbine compressors, steam and gas turbines. The oil can be of mineral or synthetic origin. The main quality parameters of turbine oil are: - Viscosity corresponding to operation temperature; - Resistance to oxidation; - Demulsifying and water resistance; - Long service life; - Resistance to foam formation. During long term operation, the metal parts and components of turbine equipment are influenced by air, water and high temperature. Oxidized turbine oil gradually changes color from red to black and develops an unpleasant odor. Sludge forms in the oil, acidity grows, along with corrosion, foaming and formation of emulsions. The lubricant becomes unusable. Turbine oil purifier There are many ways to purify contaminated turbine oil, but the most efficient ones are centrifugal, filtration and adsorption processes. The first method is based on the action of centrifugal forces to separate water and other impurities from the substance. Filtration involves separation of impurities not soluble in oil when the oil passes through filters. Paper, cardboard, fabric, felt etc are commonly used as filtration media. Combined turbine oil purifier often involves press-filter and centrifuge processing. The third common method is adsorption. Adsorbents capture and hold low molecular and organic acids as well as other impurities from the oil. GlobeCore turbine oil purifier Used turbine oil can be purified using special equipment. GlobeCore manufactures the CMM-4T unit for heating and filtration of turbine oil. СММ-4Т is equipped with oil input and output pump, a vacuum chamber, a vacuum pump, coarse and fine filters and a control cabinet. The unit is installed in a container on a trailer. It is compact and mobile; the unit can be towed to the turbine by automobile. Turbine oil purifier in the GlobeCore unit is performed with vacuum treatment for higher degree of purification. Beside particulate matter, the process removes solved water and gases from the oil. The equipment operates at the rate of 4 m³/hour with materials with viscosity below 280 cSt at 50 0C.
In today’s world, it’s difficult to imagine anything being built without metal fasteners. Rivets are ubiquitous in both the construction and automotive industries, and they play an essential role in holding things together. However, rivets come with a cost—they are often expensive to produce, and they can be difficult to install. That’s where sheet metal fasteners come in. Sheet metal fasteners are made from thin sheets of metal that are bent into shape and then welded together. They have many advantages over rivets, including their ease of production and their low cost. If you want to build something with metal fasteners, or you just need to replace a few rivets on your project, check out our selection of sheet metal fasteners rivets. We’re sure you’ll find what you’re looking for! What are fasteners and rivets? Rivets are metal fasteners used to join sheet metal. They have a round head with a hexagonal shaft and are screwed into place using a screwdriver. Rivets come in different sizes and can be made from a variety of metals. Types of fasteners and rivets There are many types of fasteners and rivets that can be used when repairing or constructing sheet metal. The most common fasteners are screws, bolts, and nails. Rivets can also be used to join sheets of metal together. How do fasteners and rivets work? There are basically two types of fasteners and rivets: needle-and-thread fasteners and machine screws. Fasteners used with needles and threads are inserted through the holes in one piece of metal and pulled tight, while machine screws use a screwdriver to tighten the head against the housing. Rivets are either self-tapping or driven. Self-tapping rivets use a sharpened point on the end of the rivet that latches onto a hole in one piece of metal, while driven rivets use anvils or hammers to drive their heads into place. Fastener types and uses There are a variety of fasteners that can be used in sheet metal construction. Rivets are a common type of fastener, and they come in a variety of sizes and configurations to fit a variety of applications. Fasteners can also be categorized by their use: shear rivets, torsion rivets, and clinching rivets. Shear rivets are used to join two pieces of metal together. They have a long shank that is inserted into the first piece of metal and then twisted around until it pops out the other side. Shear rivets are most commonly used in aircraft construction because they’re strong and resistant to corrosion. Torsion rivets are similar to shear rivets except that they use torque instead of twist to hold the two pieces together. Torsion rivets are most commonly used in industrial applications because they’re not as susceptible to corrosion as shear rivets and they hold up better under heavy loads. Clinching rivets are designed for use in areas where extreme strength is required, such as when connecting two poles together during construction. Clinching rivets have a pointed end that is inserted into the first piece of metal and then hammered until it makes contact with the second piece of metal. The pointed end then forms a tight seal with the second piece, preventing it from moving. Rivet types and uses There are many types of rivets, but the most common are sheet metal fasteners rivets. Sheet metal fasteners and rivets are used to join pieces of metal together. They can be made of different materials, and come in various sizes. Sheet metal fastener rivets are usually made from a strong alloy, like steel or aluminum. They have a head on one end, and a tail on the other. The head is designed to go into the piece of metal you’re joining, while the tail is designed to hold it together. Sheet metal fastener rivets come in many different shapes and sizes. Most common are round heads and hexagon heads. There are also square heads, V-heads, and butterfly heads. Different types of sheet metal fastener rivets have different uses. Round-head sheet metal fastener rivets are most commonly used for attaching pieces of wood together. They’re strong enough to hold the wood together, but they don’t damage it too much when they’re put in place. Hexagon head sheet metal fastener rivets are usually used for attaching panels together in car manufacturing plants. They hold the panels together very well, without damaging them. V-head sheet metal fastener rivets are often used for attaching plates together in aircraft manufacturing plants. Types of sheet metal fasteners and rivets Types of sheet metal fasteners and rivets: - There are many types of sheet metal fasteners and rivets, each with its own benefits. Here are the most common types: - Bolts: Bolts are the most basic type of fastener, used to attach pieces of sheet metal together. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, and even wood. - Nuts: Nuts are similar to bolts, but they have a screw-like head that makes them easier to install. They’re often used in conjunction with bolts to create an adjustable joint. - Rivets: Rivets are specially designed bolts that push through the surface of two pieces of sheet metal and hold them together. They’re often used in areas where strength is crucial (like around a window or door), and they’re generally easier to install than bolts or nuts. Uses for sheet metal fasteners and rivets One of the most common uses for sheet metal fasteners and rivets is in the construction of metal surfaces. They can be used to connect pieces of metal together or to hold them in place while they are being welded or cut. Sheet metal rivets are specifically designed for use in steel and other metals. They have a head that is made out of a hard, durable alloy, and a tail that is made from a softer material. When the two parts are put together, the harder head impact forces the softer tail against the mating surface, creating a secure connection. Sheet metal screws also have heads and tails, but they are made from plastic. The heads are threaded on one end, and the tails have been flattened so that they can be drilled easily. The screwdriver is then used to drill through both heads and tails at once, creating a hole through which the bolt can be threaded. More Post Visit. We hope that our guide has shown you just how versatile and helpful sheet metal fasteners and rivets can be. Whether you are looking to repair a garment or build something new, these tools are an essential part of your toolkit. We have emphasized the importance of using the right fastener for the job, so make sure to read through our guidelines carefully before making any purchases. And if you need help finding the right fastener for your application, don’t hesitate to contact one of our experts! iNet Computers is a leading technology company that specializes in providing high-quality laptop chargers for a wide range of laptop models. Our laptop chargers are designed to meet the highest industry standards and are rigorously tested to ensure optimal performance and reliability. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and a focus on innovation, iNet Computers has established itself as a trusted source for laptop chargers that are both affordable and dependable. Whether you need a replacement charger for your current laptop or are looking to upgrade your charging capabilities, iNet Computers has the expertise and resources to meet your needs.
About this subject Fees | Look up fees | While First Nations people have been resisting and fighting for transformative change of Australian carceral systems for decades, in 2020 these demands were given renewed attention following the state-sanctioned killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor in the United States. Engaging with interdisciplinary material that provides critical perspectives on systems of imprisonment, surveillance and policing, this subject offers students an introduction to carceral abolition. In doing so we examine contemporary debates surrounding approaches to reforming Australia’s carceral systems, and consider grassroots social movements, which build pressure for change and advocate for alternative non-carceral responses to harm and violence. Grounded in materials that centre First Nations sovereignty and abolitionist praxis, this subject will introduce students to several guest speakers who are doing abolitionist work in the community. Intended learning outcomes On completion of this subject, students should be able to: - Develop an understanding and awareness of carceral abolition and its relationship to First Nations sovereignty - Develop a nuanced understanding of key theoretical issues involved in carceral abolition and become familiar with several abolitionist projects currently operating in the community - Identify and analyse contemporary debates surrounding carceral reform, and gain a nuanced understanding of the relationship between reform and abolition - Critically engage in informed and reasonable discussion of ideas and issues, including those involving sensitivities, which relate to carceral abolition and alternative non-carceral responses to harm and violence. Students who successfully complete this subject should: - Develop an understanding of relevant critical theories and methods - Develop greater capacity for critical self-reflection based on an understanding between ethics and place - Have the ability to work effectively individually and collectively - Have the ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and comprehensively - Produce high quality written material that encompasses the complexities and sensitivities of carceral abolition on Indigenous land. Last updated: 8 November 2024
National Fish & Chip Day – 6 June Rich, delicious, flavourful, and utterly satisfying is the best way to describe fish and chips! Fish and Chip Day commemorates this national meal of the working class throughout the United Kingdom and beyond. And while its roots may lay on Britannia’s foggy shores, there are few places in the world that this comfort food hasn’t found its way to. History of Fish and Chip Day No one knows precisely where or when fish and chips came together. Chips had arrived in Britain from France in the eighteenth century and were known as Pommes Frites. The first mention of chips was in 1854 when a leading chef included “thin cut potatoes cooked in oil” in his recipe book, Shilling Cookery. Around this time, fish warehouses sold fried fish and bread, with mention of this in Charles Dickens’ novel Oliver Twist published in 1830. The British Government safeguarded the supply of fish and chips during the First World War and the Second World War and it was one of the few foods in the UK not subject to rationing during the wars so helped feed the masses. In the late 1800s, trawl fishing became a major part of the economic industry in the North Sea. This resulted in the growing availability of fresh fish in areas further inland in the British Isles, especially within the cities. This cheap, very filling and highly caloric food created an excellent foundation for a working class that held incredibly physically demanding jobs throughout the late 19th century. Thus it was that “Chippers” started cropping up all over major population centres, the vendors that served the fish and chips to the people on the street. A great fish and chips are only as good as its ingredients. The U.K.’s favourite fish is still cod and accounts for more than half of the total consumption. Haddock is the second favourite, and there are regional variations include whiting in Northern Ireland and some parts of Scotland, as well as skate and huss in the south of England. When it comes to the chip, a floury potato is best—waxy potatoes can often result in greasy chips. The best varieties are King Edward, Maris Piper, and Sante. A thick-cut potato absorbs less oil than a thin cut, so the chunkier chips are the healthier ones. Fish and Chip Day is just the time to celebrate this delicious meal so either head out to your local chippie or how about trying out our recipe suggestions! The Ultimate Fish & Chips Prep time: 25 mins Cook time: 40 mins A lighter, healthier twist on a British classic. Easy Mushy Peas Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 30 mins Enjoy comfort food at its best with homemade mushy peas. Their subtle mint and lemon flavour mean they’re perfect with fish and chips. The Best Tartare Sauce Prep time: 10 mins This easy homemade tartare sauce is better than anything you can buy at the store. It’s extra creamy and perfect for serving next to your favourite seafood dishes. Homemade Curry Sauce for Chips Prep time: 5 mins Cook time: 10 mins This homemade takeaway Chinese curry sauce – chip shop style on fat chips is so so good. Thick, gloopy with no added nasties. Cheats Scampi with Chunky Chips Prep time: 15 mins Cook time: 45 mins A classic favourite that’s satisfying and surprisingly healthy! Asian-style Fish and Chips Prep time: 20 mins Cook time: 35 mins Fancy a slightly more daring fish supper? Give your Friday night fish and chips an Asian twist with tempura-battered cod and a spicy wasabi tartare sauce.
Education, often regarded as the cornerstone of progress, is a dynamic force that shapes individuals, societies, and the world at large. It transcends the confines of classrooms and textbooks, acting as a catalyst for personal development, societal cohesion, and global advancement. In this article, we delve into the multifaceted impact of acim, exploring its transformative power in fostering critical thinking, promoting inclusivity, and paving the way for a brighter future. Empowering through Knowledge: Education is the vehicle through which knowledge is disseminated, empowering individuals with the tools to understand and navigate the complexities of the world. Beyond the transfer of information, it cultivates critical thinking skills, encouraging individuals to question, analyze, and synthesize ideas. In doing so, education not only imparts facts but also instills a lifelong love for learning. Moreover, education is a powerful equalizer, providing opportunities for personal growth and development irrespective of background or socio-economic status. The acquisition of knowledge becomes a pathway to empowerment, enabling individuals to break free from the shackles of ignorance and pursue their aspirations. Inclusive Education for All: Inclusive education lies at the heart of creating a just and equitable society. By ensuring that education is accessible to all, regardless of gender, race, or socio-economic background, societies foster diversity and dismantle barriers to progress. Inclusive education not only benefits individuals but contributes to the richness and resilience of communities. As technology continues to evolve, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of inclusive and accessible education. Digital platforms and online resources have the potential to bring education to even the most remote corners of the globe, bridging gaps and democratizing access to knowledge.
When you’re stressed, a high-calorie snack may seem like a comforting go-to. But this combination has an unhealthy downside. According to Sydney scientists, stress combined with calorie-dense ‘comfort’ food creates changes in the brain that drive more eating, boost cravings for sweet, highly palatable food and lead to excess weight gain. A team from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research found that stress overrode the brain’s natural response to satiety, leading to non-stop reward signals that promote eating more highly palatable food. This occurred in a part of the brain called the lateral habenula, which when activated usually dampens these reward signals. “Our findings reveal stress can override a natural brain response that diminishes the pleasure gained from eating — meaning the brain is continuously rewarded to eat,” says Professor Herzog, senior author of the study and Visiting Scientist at the Garvan Institute. “We showed that chronic stress, combined with a high-calorie diet, can drive more and more food intake as well as a preference for sweet, highly palatable food, thereby promoting weight gain and obesity. This research highlights how crucial a healthy diet is during times of stress.” The research was published in the journal Neuron. From stressed brain to weight gain While some people eat less during times of stress, most will eat more than usual and choose calorie-rich options high in sugar and fat. To understand what drives these eating habits, the team investigated in mouse models how different areas in the brain responded to chronic stress under various diets. “We discovered that an area known as the lateral habenula, which is normally involved in switching off the brain’s reward response, was active in mice on a short-term, high-fat diet to protect the animal from overeating. However, when mice were chronically stressed, this part of the brain remained silent — allowing the reward signals to stay active and encourage feeding for pleasure, no longer responding to satiety regulatory signals,” explains first author Dr Kenny Chi Kin Ip from the Garvan Institute. “We found that stressed mice on a high-fat diet gained twice as much weight as mice on the same diet that were not stressed.” The researchers discovered that at the centre of the weight gain was the molecule NPY, which the brain produces naturally in response to stress. When the researchers blocked NPY from activating brain cells in the lateral habenula in stressed mice on a high-fat diet, the mice consumed less comfort food, resulting in less weight gain. Driving comfort eating The researchers next performed a ‘sucralose preference test’ — allowing mice to choose to drink either water or water that had been artificially sweetened. “Stressed mice on a high-fat diet consumed three times more sucralose than mice that were on a high-fat diet alone, suggesting that stress not only activates more reward when eating but specifically drives a craving for sweet, palatable food,” says Professor Herzog. “Crucially, we did not see this preference for sweetened water in stressed mice that were on a regular diet.” Stress overrides healthy energy balance “In stressful situations it’s easy to use a lot of energy and the feeling of reward can calm you down — this is when a boost of energy through food is useful. But when experienced over long periods of time, stress appears to change the equation, driving eating that is bad for the body long term,” says Professor Herzog. The researchers say their findings identify stress as a critical regulator of eating habits that can override the brain’s natural ability to balance energy needs. “This research emphasises just how much stress can compromise a healthy energy metabolism,” says Professor Herzog. “It’s a reminder to avoid a stressful lifestyle, and crucially — if you are dealing with long-term stress — try to eat a healthy diet and lock away the junk food.”
Investigating drug abuse and their effects on learning process: a case study of Kathiani Division secondary schools, Machakos District, Kenya Kampala International University; College of Education Open and Distance Learning There has been great concern on the rising levels of drug abuse in secondary schools. For this reason the objective of this study was to find out the types, sources, effects of drug abuse, reasons and remedies to drug abuse in secondary schools. In this case the study was guided by the following research questions:- 1. What types of drugs are commonly abused by students in our secondary schools? ii. Why do students abuse drugs? iii. Where do the drugs of abuse come from? Iv. How do these drugs affect the students' learning process? v. How can we eliminate drug abuse in our secondary schools? Therefore the main objectives of this research were to investigate the type of drugs abused by students in schools, investigate the effects of drug abuse on learning process, identify the sources of drugs, as well as finding out the methods mostly used to curb drug abuse in secondary schools of the division. The researcher used questionnaires to collect data. He supplied the questionnaires to the head teachers, teachers, and students. He also used face to face interviews with the same groups of people. The head teachers, deputy head teachers, and teachers also provided him with any necessary records he required for reference. From this work he found out that the most commonly abused drug in secondary schools of the division, are tobacco, miraa (khut), alcohol, and bhang in that order. The sources of these drugs were found to be drug peddlers, fellow students, school workers, and to a very small extent by teachers. The drugs have effects such as poor performance in learning process, poor health including insanity and death, increased rate of school dropout, and indiscipline. The researcher found out that students abuse drugs due to cultural influence, peer pressure, stress and frustrations, easy accessibility to drugs, ignorance, curiosity, breakdown of family units, laxity in the learning institutions, and mass media. The methods used to curb drug abuse in the schools were found to be guidance and counseling, suspension of victims, expulsion, and parents' involvement. A research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of a Bachelor’s Degree in Science Education of Kampala International University. Investigating drug abuse, Learning process, Secondary schools, Machakos District, Kenya
Face Masks Through The Covid One of probably the most frequently talked about, but misinterpreted, papers evaluating fabric masks as PPE for well being care staff is one from MacIntyre et al. . The Usher Institute incorporated laboratory as well as epidemiological evidence of their evaluate , discovering that “selfmade masks worn by sick individuals can reduce virus transmission by mitigating aerosol dispersal. It found that, in observational research, the proof in favor of wearing face masks was stronger. Globally, well being authorities have followed different trajectories in suggestions around the use of face masks by the public. In China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea, face masks have been utilized from the start of the pandemic . - Overall, population-degree research of the impact of carrying masks recommend that mask use might have been an necessary driver of variations in SARS-CoV-2 outcomes in different regions. - If you must be in close contact with someone not sporting a mask, a face shield or other type of eye protection might present some additional safety from virus transmission. - Thank you for your interest in spreading the word on PNAS. - These (one-sided) P values are adjusted for the pretreatment match quality . Now there is no longer a shortage of excessive-high quality masks for such critical staff. Although masks of safety stage FFP1 are nonetheless higher than surgical masks, they do not offer the specified safety against viruses. They are supposed for carpenters, for instance, who work at band saws with vacuum-extraction methods. Builders may put on them to catch the coarser dust that vacuum cleaners are unable to. Bricklayers can put them on earlier than mixing cement with trowels, kicking up some dust. Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, many nations in the world have introduced mask mandates in public areas, on local transport and in stores. Provide Chain Administration Of N95 Respirators And Surgical Masks However, when the police fireplace tear gasoline grenades that spray an aerosol, solely FFP3 filters can provide some safety. To forestall the tear gas from moving into the eyes, airtight protecting goggles are absolutely needed. If you have been typing on the pc keyboard all morning at the office after which go to lunch without washing your palms first, you take a considerable risk. When the surgical mask was covered with a larger material masks, 82% of particles had been blocked. When each the source and recipient wore masks, eighty four% of particles have been blocked. The number elevated to more than ninety five% when each events have been both double masked or used the knot and tuck technique. A material face mask is worn over the mouth and nostril and manufactured from commonly out there textiles. Masks differ broadly in effectiveness, depending on material, fit and seal, number of layers, and other elements. Proof For Effectiveness Of Masks Although they’re usually less efficient than medical-grade masks, many health authorities suggest their use by the general public when medical-grade masks are in brief supply, as a low-value and reusable choice. Unlike disposable masks, there aren’t any required standards for fabric masks. The use of face masks has been beneficial by well being professionals and political authorities to reduce the risk of contagion. About ninety five% of the world’s population reside in international locations that suggest or mandate the use of masks in public in the course of the pandemic.
The first step in betting on a horse race is understanding the sport itself. The sport’s origins, classes, and betting systems are discussed in this article. After that, you can move on to selecting the horse that fits your betting strategy. In this article, you’ll learn more about horse racing’s history. Despite the numerous rules, horse racing remains one of the most popular forms of betting. But before you can get started betting, it’s important to understand what makes a horse race so popular and profitable. Describes the sport Using the horse race metaphor is common in politics. In particular, the metaphor is useful to compare the performance of presidential candidates. It provides a clear metaphor that everyman can understand and heightens the sense of urgency. The phrase “bull’s eye” is especially appropriate in the United States, where the presidential race is held on a daily basis. But the horse race metaphor does more than compare the performance of presidential candidates. It also provides an accurate description of the race, including the winner’s position. The origins of horse racing are not well understood. The practice is widespread and was practiced by many civilizations, including the Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans. Horse racing is believed to have evolved through the centuries, with the modern sport beginning in the 12th century with equestrian competitions in medieval England. During the reign of Richard the Lionheart, horses for sale were ridden in competitions to show their speed to prospective buyers. The first purse was offered, and knights would race three-mile races. One important piece of Thoroughbred racing information is class. It can affect the winner or place depending on a number of factors including the distance, jockey, trainer, and pedigree. However, it is important to understand that class is not the end all be all of horse racing betting. If you’re looking to place your bets on a horse, class can be used to help determine how much weight to give to a particular horse. If you want to increase your profits and win more money, use a betting system for horse race. You can even use a dutching strategy. This strategy involves betting against one horse while backing another. Moreover, you can use the odds calculator provided by certain betting services to figure out the best stake for each wager. If you are a beginner in betting, you can learn more about it by watching videos of professionals in sports gambling. The Rules of Horse Race are a set of regulations which regulate the race and ensure that the winner crosses the finish line first. There are some exceptions to these rules, though, including dead heat races, in which the stewards decide who wins. If the horse that crosses the finish line first wins, the other horses get sips for the rest of the race. But regardless of these rules, horse races are a fun game to play and don’t require an explanation of the rules. Symbolism in a horse race comes in many forms. You can look at the race shapes to identify horses with early speed, or look at race figures for a horse that showed early speed and is currently well off the lead. The symbols are based on a horse’s pre-race and post-race assessment and will match the horses shown in the race. Listed below are some examples of race shapes, as well as specific notations that can help you decide which horse to back. There are several different categories of horse races. Group one is for horses up to two years of age. The groupings are based on official ratings. The top three levels of handicap are “Group A” and “Group B,” while the lower categories are based on the ratings of runners permitted to participate. The criteria for grouping horses also differ by age and sex. The goal of horse race classifications is to create an even playing field for horses of different natural abilities. Rules of the sport The rules of a horse race include several different types of rules. Each type is determined by the association and has its own specificities. For example, in a standard race, a horse must finish within twenty minutes of the start. However, in many other types of races, the horse must finish in less than that time. Those that are timed to start on time must be saddled in the paddock at least twenty minutes before the race begins.
Discharges into the Kalamazoo River from some historic paper industry recycling processes created very serious contamination problems prior to the 1970s. The primary contaminant is a class of synthetic industrial compounds called polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs, for short, a hazardous substance and probable human carcinogen. PCBs were introduced to Portage Creek and the Kalamazoo River through disposal of PCB-contaminated paper residuals and associated drainage. The disposal areas (now often referred to as landfills) are situated on the river banks and contain millions of cubic yards of PCB-contaminated waste. The contaminated sediments were largely deposited in Kalamazoo River impoundment areas downstream of source areas (e.g., Plainwell Dam, Otesgo City and Township Dams, Trowbridge Dam, and Calkins [Lake Allegan Dam]). The contaminated area includes three miles of Portage Creek from Cork Street just above Bryant Mill Pond in the city of Kalamazoo, to its mouth at the Kalamazoo River, and from Morrow Dam on the Kalamazoo River for 80 miles downstream to Lake Michigan. PCB discharges have been essentially eliminated because of a ban on their production and other regulatory point source controls, but large amounts of uncontrolled contaminants are still present in and near portions of the river channel in the lower Kalamazoo River valley floodplain. It has been estimated that the river sediments contain more than 120,000 pounds of PCBs within millions of cubic yards of contaminated sediment, soils, and paper residuals. This site is being addressed through federal, state, and responsible parties’ actions. PCBs in the river system and in river sediments can “biomagnify” in the food web. Fish, being several links up the food chain, may have high concentrations of contaminants in their bodies. Older fish often have the highest concentrations. Humans are exposed to PCBs by eating contaminated fish and wildlife. Federal and state fish consumption guidelines establish an action level of 2 mg/kg total PCBs in edible portions of fish tissue. PCB concentrations in fillets of many species of fish from Portage Creek and the Kalamazoo River typically exceed this threshold. The Michigan Department of Community Health has issued fish consumption advisories for the Kalamazoo River and Portage Creek for many years and maintains a fish consumption guidebook. Many people question whether touching the river sediments or incidental swallowing of small amounts of water (for example, during wading, swimming, or falling out of a canoe) can cause health concerns. PCBs in the river are almost entirely bound to sediment and soil particles, and are not usually present at levels of concern in the water unless contaminated sediments have been disturbed and suspended in the water. Therefore, PCB concentrations in surface waters generally do not exceed levels at which increased health risks would be incurred. [Read more and view the investigation report completed by the Michigan Department of Community Health and the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry; Aiello 2006]. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act – otherwise known as CERCLA or Superfund – provides a Federal “Superfund” to clean up uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous-waste sites as well as accidents, spills, and other emergency releases of pollutants and contaminants into the environment. Through CERCLA, EPA was given power to seek out those parties responsible for any release and assure their cooperation in the cleanup. Through various enforcement tools, EPA obtains private party cleanup through orders, consent decrees, and other small party settlements. EPA also recovers costs from financially viable individuals and companies once a response action has been completed. In June, 1990 the Michigan Department of Natural Resources notified three potentially responsible parties (PRPs), Allied Paper, Inc. (Millennium Holdings, LLC), the Georgia-Pacific Corporation, and Simpson Plainwell Paper Company (now Weyerhaeuser), of their intent to spend public funds to conduct a remedial investigation/feasibility study. In August 1990, the Allied Paper, Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River site was included on the National Priorities List, commonly known as Superfund. MDEQ was designated as the lead agency at that time. The Allied Paper, Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund site includes five disposal areas, five paper mill properties, an approximately 80-mile stretch of the Kalamazoo River from the Morrow Lake dam to Lake Michigan, and a three-mile stretch of Portage Creek. At this time, the site is divided into five cleanup projects known as operable units (OUs): - OU #1 – Allied Paper Property/Bryant Mill Pond Area - OU #2 – Willow Boulevard and A-Site Landfill - OU #3 – Kings Highway Landfill - OU #4 – 12th Street Landfill - OU #5 – Portage Creek and Kalamazoo River sediments (sub-delineated into seven “areas”) EPA’s cleanup approach for the Kalamazoo River is to first eliminate ongoing sources of PCBs to the river, which includes the exposed paper wastes along the river banks and flood plain soils (or impoundments), and then address in-stream sediments. The exposed paper wastes are particularly abundant behind State-owned and privately-owned dams along the river, where the formerly impounded areas allowed sediment to accumulate (these dams are taken down to their sills now). Before evaluating cleanup options for in-stream sediments, EPA will investigate upstream sources of PCBs and evaluate the existing landfill OUs and paper mill properties to ensure they are not a source of PCBs to the river. Generally, EPA’s cleanup will begin upstream and work downstream on a reach-by-reach and dam-to-dam basis. Several cleanup actions have occurred or are in process at source areas on or near the banks of Portage Creek and the Kalamazoo River. Read more about the EPA Cleanup status. In a bankruptcy court settlement in 2010, the company that was holding the Allied Paper properties and liabilities, Millennium Holdings, Inc., was dissolved when its parent company, Lyondell/Basell went through Chapter 11 bankruptcy, ultimately emerging and continuing global operations. Financial liabilities were settled for the Allied Landfill property and cleanup obligations downstream of the Allied Site for approximately 10 percent of what Federal agencies estimated (according to court documents) was required for full river valley cleanup. Under the settlement the U.S. EPA has received about $103 million total for cleanup of the Allied Paper/Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site. A custodial trust was established to take ownership and possession of environmentally contaminated properties owned by Lyondell or its affiliates. One of these properties is the Allied Paper Mill. Approximately $50 million of the trust funds will be dedicated to the cleanup of the Allied Paper Mill. Additionally, the settlement requires Lyondell to pay approximately $49.5 million to resolve liabilities at the Allied Paper/Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site. The United States will also receive approximately $3.2 million in payout on its allowed general unsecured claim against Lyondell/Millennium for the Allied Paper/Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site. The agreement relieves Lyondell/Millennium from any future financial responsibility at the Allied Superfund site. Explore the various ways to support the Kalamazoo River Watershed Council today!
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a large magnet and radio waves to look at organs and structures inside your body. Health care professionals use MRI scans to diagnose a variety of conditions, from torn ligaments to tumors. MRIs are very useful for examining the brain and spinal cord. - Cerebral & carotid angiography - Mr spectroscopy - Renal angiography - Mrcp, and others…
Included on this page are lists of databases and books available on the Jerry Falwell Library website as well as reliable sources on the internet. The Music Index is a comprehensive guide to music periodical literature. Coverage spans from 1973 to the present and contains data from over 850 music periodicals from over 40 countries. Organized by geographic region, database contains written and audio introduction to the music of the world. Citations, abstracts, and subject indexing for music-related articles published in journals and conference proceedings, covering all levels from classical to popular music, from ethnomusicology to music therapy, from elementary music education to advanced music theory (Updated monthly) A comprehensive online resource for the study of human culture, behavior and society around the world. Contains over 1,300 hours of streaming video. Delivers the sounds of all regions from every continent. Examples include: Balkanic jazz, African film, Bollywood, Arab swing and jazz, and other genres such as traditional music - Indian classical, fado, flamenco, klezmer, zydeco, gospel, gagaku, and more. A virtual encyclopedia of the world's musical and aural traditions. An index of major religious and theology journals, essays, and book reviews. Covers Biblical studies, church history, church music, and religious perspectives on social issues. Indexes 140 Christian magazines and journals, with strong emphasis on evangelical perspectives. Addresses a broad range of topics, hymnology and worship music. Covers mid-1970s to the present. Provides full text electronic access to back issues of over 1,000 core journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Video Tutorial Full text journal articles covering the social sciences, humanities, general science, multi-cultural studies, education, and much more. Updated on a daily basis. Information about countries with the ability to break down by more specific areas of interest. Provides basic information about countries including economy, geography, government, people. and culture. Physical books, E-books and various video materials can be found in the JFL collection. On the main library page: 1. Use the Advanced Search option and enter terms for your subject. 2. Begin your search using the name of the country of interest. In the second box add the term Music. 3. You can further limit your search using the name of a particular people group or aspect of culture. If you need more boxes for search terms, click on the + sign at the end of the boxes. 4. Limit the search by type of material: ex: Under Content Type select whether you want Book / eBook, DVD, Journal Article, etc.. If you are an online student, print materials can be sent to you through our Inter Library Loan department. E-books and streaming videos can be read or watched online. There are a number of specific databases that give access to E-book titles in addition to those found in the JFL catalog. Links to these titles will appear in the results page of your search. Begin with the name of the country and/or people group you are studying. For your second term use the word "music." Additional search terms can be found in the titles and in the subject terms assigned to the material that you find. Global Music Archive is a multi-media reference archive and resource center for traditional and popular song, music, and dance of Africa and the Americas. Google Scholar offers a way to search for scholarly articles outside of the JFL collection. The web address is: You will find some references to articles from Liberty's databases, but many more from other sources. If you find an article here that you like and it is not available in full text, you can request it through JFL's Interlibrary Loan. This is a global, interdisciplinary network of individuals and institutions engaged in the study of music across all cultural contexts and historical periods. WorldCat is an index to the collections of libraries all over the country. it's address is .Worldcat allows you to check for a book's availability within your own zip code.
Fort Denison Lighthouse Those lucky enough to commute to work by ferry from Manly each day would have passed it countless times but few might realise that Fort Denison was the last Martello tower built in the British Empire and the only one built in Australia. The 140 or so Martello towers built by the British during the first half of the 19th century were inspired by a circular fortress built by the Genoese on the island of Corsica in 1565. The fortress built by the Genoese on Torra di Mortella was attacked by two British warships in 1794 but the 106 guns aboard the two warships were not enough to win the day and the fort was only captured by land-based forces. So impressed were the British by the effectiveness of the fortress at Torra di Mortella that they copied the design and used it to build more than 140 like it around the world. They were usually for coastal defence, although the British misspelt Mortella, which became Martello. The French and the Americans also copied the Martello design for coastal fortresses. Unfortunately, some of the Martello towers built by the British have not survived the passage of time but Fort Denison is one of many exceptions and remains in good repair. continued below … © All images are copyright of their respective photographers and are not to be used without permission. Title | Address | Description | Robertsons Point | Athol Wharf Rd, Cremorne Point NSW 2088, Australia | Robertsons Point | Bradleys Head | New South Wales, Australia | Bradleys Head | Fort Denison | 1d Mrs Macquaries Rd, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia | Fort Denison | continued from above … Fort Denison is one of eight remaining islands in Sydney Harbour out of the 13 that existed in 1788, five of the original islands having been connected to the mainland over the years. When the First Fleet arrived in Sydney in January 1788, what is now called Fort Denison was a small, rocky outcrop about 22m tall that the Aborigines called Mattewai, Mattenwaya or Huddawahnyuh but which the new arrivals called Rock Island. It was not long before the island came to be known as Pinchgut, although it is not known if the reasoning behind the new name stemmed from its role as a place of isolated punishment for convicts or as a nautical term indicating its position in the middle of a narrow part of the harbour. As such, the island was always a nuisance to shipping, especially at night, and a number of ships ran aground on it over the years, although it does not appear to have led to the sinking of any vessel. As the colony of Sydney grew, so too did the importance of defending it from foreign incursion, a point that was highlighted one night in 1839 when two American sloops and five smaller warships entered the harbour unheralded. The American commander said he could have set fire to all the ships on the harbour and reduced much of the town to ashes had Britain and America been at war. In 1841 work was begun to level Pinchgut and convert it to a fortification. But the work was slowed by a lack of money and it was not until 1855 that work recommenced, due in part to the fact Britain was now at war with Russia, although the governor at the time, Sir William Denison, wrote to a friend that it was not the Russians but “our friends the French and our relations the Americans” that concerned him the most Sir William, who had been an officer in the Royal Engineers, wanted the fort completed and obtained permission from the Home Authorities to resume work on the understanding that the colony would pay the cost. Once the island had been levelled, 8000 tons of good-quality sandstone was quarried at Kurraba Point and lightered to the island. The walls of the Martello tower are between 3.35m and 3.65m thick at the base and 2.74m at the top. The fort was officially opened in 1857. The cost of building the Martello tower and the barracks and installing three 8-inch guns in the tower, two 10-inch guns – including one on top of the tower and one at the other end of the island – and twelve 32-pounders was more than £50,000. Only after it was completed was it named Fort Denison, although many people continued to call the island Pinchgut for many years. The guns have never been fired in anger and the fort was out of date by the time it was completed. But the island continued to be a nuisance to shipping. At least two ships, the Williams and the Kiama, ran aground there in 1857. Like any good fortification, Fort Denison has its own water supply in the form of a well that was constructed on the island. It is 85m long, 4.3m wide and 4.3m deep and can hold nearly 50,000 litres. In 1906 the time gun at Dawes Point was moved to Fort Denison, where it was fired daily at 1pm to coincide with the fall of the time ball at Sydney Observatory, until World War II before recommencing in 1986. In 1913 a lighthouse beacon, called Fort Denison Light, replaced the 10-inch gun on the roof of the tower. After the Sydney Harbour Trust was created in 1901 it was handed control of Fort Denison, and when the Sydney Harbour Trust and the Navigation Department were merged in 1936 to form the Maritime Services Board, it took control. In 1992, control of Fort Denison was handed to the National Parks and Wildlife Service. But while many commuters would know little of the history of Fort Denison and the Martello tower, many know it is the location of Sydney’s tide gauge. But few would know the centre of the tower marks one end of what is called the measured mile, the other end being the column in the water just off Bradleys Head. The distance between the two is precisely one nautical mile (1.85km) and the measure was used for speed trials for newly-built boats from 1875 to 1912. Fort Denison is open for tours and functions. Phone 9361 5208 or visit John Morcombe, Manly Daily September 18, 2015 1:53pm We need your help in compiling a list of keepers for this lighthouse. If you have any information then send it to Please include this lighthouse’s name, the keepers full name and what years they were keepers. Also include the same information for any other lights they were on. First Exhibited | | Permanent Tower | | Current Tower | | Status | | Location | Lat. 33°51'17.74"S Long. 151°13'32.38"E | Original Optic | | Current Optic | | Automated | | Demanned | | Construction | | Height | | Elevation | | Range | | Character | | Intensity | | Light Source | | Power Source | | Operator | | Custodian | | NB: Information is historical data and is not for navigational purposes.
20+ Years Experience Specialist Luxury Rehabilitation Supporting Your Mother: Helping a Depressed Parent Depression is a common mental health condition that can have a significant impact on an individual’s life, including their ability to function and carry out daily activities. It is important to have a clear understanding of depression to effectively support a depressed parent. What is Depression? Depression is more than just feeling sad or down temporarily. It is a persistent and prolonged feeling of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities. It can affect a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior, causing significant distress and impairing their daily functioning. Common Symptoms of Depression Recognizing the symptoms of depression is crucial in identifying if your mother is experiencing it. Common symptoms include persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, and thoughts of self-harm or suicide. Causes of Depression Depression can be caused by various factors, including biological, genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. It is essential to understand that depression is not a result of personal weakness or a character flaw. Impact of Depression on Parenting Depression can significantly impact a parent’s ability to take care of themselves and their children. It can affect their emotional availability, their ability to provide a nurturing and supportive environment, and their engagement in day-to-day parenting responsibilities. Recognizing Depression in Your Mother Being able to recognize the signs and red flags of depression in your mother is crucial in providing timely support and intervention. Look out for changes in her mood, behaviour, and daily functioning. Signs and Red Flags Pay attention to signs such as withdrawal from social activities, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, negative self-talk, increased irritability, and expressing feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness. Communication and Listening Open and honest communication is essential when supporting a depressed parent. Listen to your mother without judgment and provide a safe space for her to express her emotions. Encourage communication and let her know that you are there to support her. In the following sections, learn how to support your depressed mother by offering emotional support, encouraging professional help, and assisting with daily activities. We will explore the importance of self-care for yourself as a caregiver and provide resources that can offer further help and support. Understanding depression is crucial when supporting a parent who is experiencing depression. Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities. It can affect individuals of all ages and its severity can vary. Symptoms may include changes in appetite, disruptions in sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating. It is important to remember that depression is not a sign of weakness or a choice, but rather a medical condition that requires proper treatment and support. By educating yourself about depression, you can better understand and provide the necessary support for your parent. Depression is a mental health condition characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, and poor concentration. It affects how one feels, thinks, and behaves, and can have a significant impact on daily life. Depression is not simply feeling down or having a bad day, but rather a prolonged and intense state of sadness that can interfere with functioning. It is important to seek professional help and support for those experiencing depression. Understanding depression is essential in order to recognize its symptoms, offer support, and promote overall well-being. Common symptoms of depression can vary from person to person, but there are some common indicators to look out for. These include persistent feelings of sadness or emptiness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, changes in appetite or weight, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. It is important to note that experiencing one or more of these symptoms does not automatically mean someone has depression, but if these symptoms persist for an extended period of time, it may be wise to seek professional help. The causes of depression are complex and can vary from person to person. There is no single cause of depression, but several factors can contribute to its development. Common causes include a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Genetics can increase the risk of developing depression. Chemical imbalances in the brain, such as a shortage of serotonin, can also contribute. Stressful life events, trauma, chronic illnesses, and certain medications can trigger or worsen depressive symptoms. Understanding the potential causes can help individuals and their loved ones seek appropriate support and treatment. Depression can have a significant impact on parenting, affecting both the parent and child. It can result in reduced emotional availability and responsiveness, challenges in providing consistent care, and hindered parent-child bonding. Parents with depression may also face difficulties in managing their own emotions, leading to increased conflict within the family and negative effects on the child’s emotional well-being. To address these issues, it is crucial for parents with depression to seek support and treatment. This can help improve their mental health and enable them to create a nurturing and stable environment for their children. Let’s dive into the signs and red flags to watch out for when recognizing depression in your mother, as well as explore effective communication and listening techniques to support her through this challenging time. Recognising signs and red flags is crucial in identifying depression in your mother. Here are some key indicators to look out for: By observing these signs and red flags, you can take steps to support your mother and encourage her to seek professional help. When supporting a depressed mother, effective communication and active listening are essential. Here are some tips for effective communication and listening: Remember, effective communication and listening can help strengthen your relationship and provide emotional support during this challenging time. When it comes to supporting a depressed parent, providing the right kind of support can make a significant difference. In this section, we will discuss the different ways you can support your depressed mother. From offering emotional support and encouraging her to seek professional help, to assisting with daily activities, we will explore the avenues that can help her navigate through this challenging time. Let’s explore the strategies that can have a positive impact on your mother’s well-being. Offering emotional support to a depressed mother is essential for her well-being. Remember, your support can make a significant difference in her journey towards healing. Encouraging professional help is essential when supporting a depressed mother. It is important to recognise that depression is a significant mental health condition that necessitates expert guidance. Offer gentle encouragement to encourage your mother to seek help from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or psychiatrist. Let her know that professional support can provide invaluable tools and strategies for effectively managing depression. Remember to approach the conversation with empathy and understanding, emphasising that seeking help is a sign of strength. It is a fact that seeking professional help significantly improves the chances of recovery for individuals with depression. Assisting a depressed mother with daily activities can greatly benefit her well-being. Here are some steps to provide the support she needs: By assisting with these daily activities, you can make a positive impact on your mother’s well-being and overall quality of life. Supporting Your Mother: Helping a Depressed Parent As a caregiver for a depressed parent, it is important to prioritize your own self-care. This section will discuss the importance of looking after yourself in order to effectively support your mother. We will explore the significance of setting boundaries and seeking the necessary support. These insights will help you navigate the challenges of caregiving while ensuring your own well-being. By practicing self-care, you can better fulfil your role as a caregiver and maintain your own mental and emotional health. Taking care of yourself is crucial when supporting a depressed parent. Here are some ways to prioritize self-care: By practising self-care, you can maintain your own mental and physical health while being a supportive caregiver for your depressed parent. Setting boundaries is essential when supporting a depressed parent. Here are some strategies to consider: 1. Clearly communicate your needs: Express your limits and expectations to ensure your own well-being. 2. Prioritise self-care: Set aside time for yourself and engage in activities that recharge and rejuvenate you. 3. Establish emotional boundaries: Avoid becoming too emotionally invested in your parent’s struggles. Maintain a healthy emotional separation. 4. Be selective with responsibilities: Delegate tasks and responsibilities to prevent feeling overwhelmed. 5. Seek support: Reach out to friends, family or support groups to share your experiences and seek advice. Remember, setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy caregiver-parent relationship. Seeking support is essential when dealing with a depressed parent. It is important to recognise that you do not have to go through this alone. There are various resources available that can provide guidance and assistance. Mental health helplines offer a confidential space to discuss your concerns and receive professional advice. Social support networks, such as support groups or online communities, can connect you with others who are going through similar experiences. Remember, seeking support not only benefits your parent but also takes care of your emotional well-being. It is okay to reach out and ask for help. Sarah felt overwhelmed when her mother was diagnosed with depression. She did not know what to do or where to turn. After seeking support from a mental health helpline, she was able to gain valuable insights and coping strategies. Connecting with others in a support group also helped her realise that she was not alone in this journey. With the support she received, Sarah was able to offer her mother the love and care she needed while taking care of herself as well. If you are looking for additional support in helping a depressed parent, this section provides a list of resources that can offer guidance and assistance. From mental health helplines to social support networks, we will provide you with information on where to seek help. Rest assured, you are not alone in this journey as these resources are available to offer support. Provide a valuable resource for individuals seeking mental health support. These helplines offer a confidential and accessible platform for guidance, assistance, and emotional support. Here are some ways in which mental health helplines can be helpful: Remember, mental health helplines are there to support individuals who may be struggling. Do not hesitate to reach out and seek the help you need. Social support networks play a crucial role in assisting individuals dealing with depression, including caregivers who support their depressed parents. Here are some ways in which social support networks can be beneficial: By establishing a robust social support network, caregivers can find the understanding and guidance they require to support their depressed parents. You can support your mother by familiarizing yourself with the symptoms of depression, such as disengagement from activities, feelings of sadness and hopelessness, changes in weight and sleep patterns, and increased alcohol or drug use. Approach the topic with care and concern, expressing your worry for her well-being. Encourage her to seek therapy, which can help reframe negative thought patterns, identify triggers, and practice coping skills. Engaging in family therapy can also be beneficial for the entire family when a parent is struggling with depression. Spend quality time with your mother, engaging in activities she enjoys, and offer emotional support. Yes, there are specific mental health services available for parents and carers. These services can provide support and guidance for those who may be struggling with their mental health while taking care of their children or other dependents. It is important to reach out to these services for assistance and resources if you are in need. If you suspect your mother may be dealing with PTSD, it is important to encourage her to seek therapy and counseling services. PTSD can greatly impact a person’s mental health and daily life. Talking therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can be effective in treating PTSD by helping individuals work through traumatic experiences and develop coping strategies. Yes, there are preventative measures your mother can take to support her mental health. These include seeking therapy or counseling services to address any underlying issues, practicing self-care and stress management techniques, maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and building a support network of friends and family who can provide emotional support. It is important to prioritize mental health and seek help when needed. The availability and access to local mental health services may vary depending on your location. It is recommended to use resources such as the Hub of Hope, managed by Chasing the Stigma, to find mental health charities and organizations in your area that offer support and services for individuals struggling with mental health issues. Additionally, you can consult your GP or directly contact the local talking therapies service for information and assistance. In case of an emergency or if your mother is in immediate danger, it is important to call 999 or go to A&E right away. These emergency services are equipped to handle urgent situations and can provide the necessary help and support. If you need urgent help for your mother’s mental health but it is not an emergency, you can seek assistance from NHS 111 online or by calling 111 for advice and guidance. We Aim To Reply To All Enquiries With-in 24-Hours
Charles Simonds first created his Dwellings in the early 1970s as tiny, impermanent constructions in the crevices and vacant lots of New York neighborhoods, and later developed them into semipermanent works situated in museums. Constructed from miniature bricks cut from flat sheets of clay and assembled with tweezers, the Dwellings resemble the archaeological remains of indigenous communities of the American Southwest, such as the cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde, and are imagined as architectural environments for fictional civilizations of “Little People” who roam the streets of neighborhoods in cities throughout the world. Each Dwelling encapsulates a different time and place in the history of the people, who are always absent from the structures, and marks their migration over time. Some are ruins; some are ruins in the process of rehabitation; and some are more recent settlements. The Dwellings are made with unfired clay and therefore impermanent, left to the vagaries of life around them. At the Museum of Arts and Design, Simonds’ Dwelling occupies a discreet corner of the lobby, visible from the exterior, northwest corner of the building at the junction of Columbus Circle and Broadway. The artist’s works are often in dialogue with one another, and the counterpart to this piece (since removed) was once found across the street in a window at 1790 Broadway. By placing clusters of these installations in visual proximity, Simonds slyly reminds viewers to look beyond museum walls. Dwelling was installed as part of the exhibition Otherworldly: Optical Delusions and Small Realities in 2011.
Whilst you’re consuming all that chocolate, take a moment to stop and think about what the eggs actually mean. We have eggs, chicks and rabbits at Easter to represent new life. How does new life occur in the ocean though? Most fish species spawn eggs that are fertilised externally, typically with the male releasing sperm into the water after the female releases her eggs. You may also be familiar with annual coral spawning events that occur around the world. Similar to the Easter calendar, the timing of the coral spawning is linked to the lunar cycle. To coincide with the moon’s phases, the coral spawn at Ningaloo in the north west of the state, occurs approximately 7-10 days after the full moon in March and April. Coral spawning is linked to the lunar cycle. Many organisms in the ocean reproduce externally, meaning they release either sperm or eggs (or both in the case of hermaphrodites) into the water. Animals that reproduce in this way release large numbers of eggs and sperm to ensure that some survive. Other animals, such as some sharks and rays, reproduce via internal fertilisation and bear live young. These animals produce fewer offspring, however, have a greater chance of survival. Use our Seacrets to Sex and Survival poster to find out more about how a range of marine animals reproduce, including sea horses, crustaceans and damselfish! Investigate the methods these animals use to ensure survival of their species, and what challenges do they face? Which animals use external fertilisation, and which use the internal method? Do sharks lay eggs, or give birth to live young? How do you attract a mate if you are a dhufish? Who gets the job of looking after the babies in the seahorse family?
In response to the tragic story from Arizona, where a young girl suffered severe complications from a group A streptococcus infection, it is crucial to understand the seriousness of what is often perceived as a common and manageable illness. Our concierge doctors want to remind you of the importance of timely medical intervention and the potential severity of strep throat, especially in atypical, severe cases. Understanding Strep Throat and Its Impact: Strep throat, caused by the bacterium group A streptococcus, is primarily known for symptoms like sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. While most cases are mild and effectively treated with antibiotics, the condition can lead to severe complications if not addressed promptly. A Heartbreaking Case from Arizona: The case of a 7-year-old girl in Arizona underscores the potentially devastating outcomes of a severe strep A infection. Despite what began as typical symptoms, her condition rapidly escalated, leading to multiple amputations. This extreme situation highlights the critical need for awareness and vigilance among parents and caregivers. The Risks of Untreated Strep Infections: When untreated, strep throat can cause significant harm beyond the initial symptoms, affecting the kidneys, heart, and other vital organs. It emphasizes the necessity of early diagnosis and treatment to prevent such dire consequences. Preventative Measures and Awareness: The highly contagious nature of strep throat calls for informed preventative strategies to mitigate its spread, especially among vulnerable populations. Recognizing symptoms early and seeking prompt medical advice are key steps in preventing severe outcomes. Community and Healthcare Provider Roles: Healthcare providers in Jupiter, Florida, and elsewhere play a pivotal role in educating the community, identifying strep throat cases early, and providing effective treatment. They also have the responsibility to communicate the potential risks associated with delayed care. Takeaways for Jupiter, Florida, Residents: Residents should be attentive to the symptoms of strep throat, particularly in children, and seek medical advice promptly. The healthcare community in Jupiter should continue to emphasize the importance of early intervention and educate parents on the signs to watch for, reinforcing that while rare, severe complications can occur. In conclusion, the heartbreaking story from Arizona is a call to action for increased awareness and proactive healthcare engagement. By understanding the risks and maintaining vigilance against strep throat, communities like Jupiter can better protect their residents and prevent tragic outcomes.
The flowering period of glycinias, those lilac or violet climbing flowers arranged in bunches, is starting now. The scientific name, Wisteria, is in honor of the anthropologist Kaspar Wistar. Germans know the flower as Blauregen”, meaning “blue rain” while Chinese use to call it “Zi Teng”, it says, “blue lives”. The first Wisterias arrived in Europe in 1816, through the English captain Welbank, who found them out in the month of May having dinner together with a rich trader from Guangzhou, under a pergola, covered with flowering wisterias. According to a local legend from Piedmont, in Italy, a young girl called Wisteria was feeling self-conscious owing her physical aspect, which considered it as unpleasant. One day, she felt so desperate that she burst into tears in the middle the meadows, when suddenly; those tears became wonderful flowering wisterias. Therefore, those flowers are an inspiration for all kind of sensations, legends and landscape designs, like the spectacular K Gardens.
It is regrettable that we [Africans] tend to absorb the identity of others, without consolidating our own African frame of reference derived from our cultural heritage. The African Heritage Programme encompasses all learning about African people and their heritage, with the aim of increasing attention and reflection on the imperative of situating ‘Africanness’ at the center of sustainable social, economic and political development in Africa. This understanding will be used to shape the nature of development programmes and lead to better results relative to those achieved to date. It is our belief that a better understanding of ’Africanness’ and a deeper appreciation of African heritage, can be achieved through focused research and rigorous analyses. The overall aim of this information gathering would be to gain a more holistic and inclusive comprehension of “Africanness” and what it intrinsically means to all Africans whose beliefs and value systems are rooted in their identity of “Africanness”. Using this as a guiding point, it is our hope that this we believe that this understanding will shape the nature of development programmes, lead to better results relative to those achieved to date. KEY ELEMENTS FOR CONSIDERATION WITHIN THE AFRICAN HERITAGE PROGRAMME INCLUDE: - the mapping of common identities in Africa; - analyses of distinguishing characteristics between cultures and regions; - and analyses of knowledge and value systems, institutions customs and governance. The research and analysis being undertaken as part of the African Heritage Programme’s knowledge assessment will also identify and consolidate principles/identifiers across various thematic areas of ‘Africanness’ or African identity. Some of the African Heritage thematic areas being considered to bring out identifiers/principles of ‘Africanness’ include: governance, leadership, family and marriage, technology, teaching and learning, food and nutrition, health and medicine as well as relations (interpersonal, between or among communities and the natural environment) pivoted in the richness of the African indigenous knowledge systems and practices. MINDS will then use this body of knowledge as a filter to test the extent to which development interventions have either used or omitted to use “Africanness” as a foundation.
Have you ever wondered what your insides are made of? Not just the major systems and organs and fluids, but the constituent amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and the other under emphasized aspects of our construction. There is a certain ideal balance that our body can achieve if given the right environment, fuel, and circumstances. The question is, how close to that balance is your body in particular? Is an imbalance causing your unusual symptoms or contributing to your chronic illness? Is your illness both caused by and exacerbating serious deficiencies? How is it possible to know? Our Calgary naturopathic doctors utilize nutritional profiles that evaluate five key areas of your body: metabolic function, amino acids, essential fatty acids, element analysis, and oxidative stress. Metabolism is, in essence, the chemical process of turning fuel (food) into usable energy. The analysis checks different acids that play important roles in chemical reactions for digestion, cell function, neurotransmitters, and the optimum usage of vitamins and minerals. By testing these acids it is possible to get a snap shot of whether your body is deficient in certain areas and not able to keep up with metabolic demand, or if demand is too high to begin with. Either of those scenarios could cause problems now or later. In the case of deficiency, you may experience muscle and joint pain, fatigue, mood problems, or digestive upset. Amino acids are the raw ingredients of protein, which are used in virtually every function in your body. Amino acids are divided into essential, which your body cannot create on its own, and non-essential, which your body can create as long as it has the right environment and tools to do so. Deficiency can lead to serious problems, such as learning disabilities, immune and neurological dysfunction, extraordinary fatigue, and consequential deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Fatty acids line cell membranes and control the movement of substances into and out of those cells. As with amino acids, the problems caused by deficiency of fatty acids cannot be overstated: mood issues, inflammatory disease, joint and muscle disorders, cardiovascular disease, and skin problems. Elemental analysis looks at the mineral content within your cells, which provides information not only about the level of important minerals, but also toxic ones. Imbalances in this area can cause a huge array of problems, from hair loss to headaches, depression, memory loss, fibromyalgia, and on and on depending on the imbalance and mineral in question. Oxygen is one of the key ingredients for life, and is also one of the key agents of growing up and growing old. Oxidative stress — highly reactive molecules that cause damage to our bodies if not removed — is one of the most common daily assaults on human beings, and can lead to skin and immune troubles, heart disease, neurological disease, various sensitivities, and many other problems, big and small. Diagnostic tests used at the Nardella Clinic in Calgary look at oxidants versus antioxidants, comparing supply and demand. Schedule Lab Test Consult Please fill out the form below to begin the lab testing consultation process. We will be in touch with you right away to finalize your information.
At NCBSE, we truly acknowledge the fact that each child is a unique individual and must be nurtured and encouraged to develop and reach his/her full potential. Our goals in the teaching- learning process are definitely value based and also focus primarily on the needs, interests, strengths and developmental levels of children in our care. We see learning as a process of active exploration and questioning and strive to strike the right balance between structured and unstructured, teacher directed and self chosen, group and individual, indoor and outdoor, noisy and quiet and active and passive activities. Our carefully designed competency and skill based programme provides a wide range of experiences and materials to foster and enhance physical, motor, social, emotional, aesthetic and intellectual development it allows ample time and opportunity for one on one contact with the teacher. We strongly believe in emphasizing the thinking process, concept based learning in children. To achieve this objective, we use the Project Method which is multidisciplinary and integrated in nature. The science corner is an integral part of every classroom. Children are encouraged to ask questions, seek information, clarify, discuss, experiment and share about the things they observe around them. A positive, relaxed and happy atmosphere in school coupled with the provision of a rich variety of experiences such as creative drama, story telling, creative activities, sand, block and water play, a specially designed doll's house, gardening and field trips promotes development in a meaningful and well rounded manner. Our teachers are our strength. As 'facilitators' in the teaching-learning process they are engaged in professional development at regular intervals through out the academic year.
A visit to the Upernavik museum brought us to ‘Edvard’ a young Greenlandic and the local museum curator. Embracing the opportunity to practice his English he enthusiastically spent time sharing the historic art and past of the community and his experiences as a young adult growing up in a Greenland that is shifting from one set of cultural norms to another. The first building of the museum is dedicated to traditional Greenlandic art. An entire room is filled with the creatures of Greenlandic mythology dating back to well before the Danish arrived in the land. The focus of the art revolves around the challenge of the life of a hunter: Ingnerssuit the underground spirits who weep with the springtime cracking of the ice which ends the winter hunt season; Imap Ukua, mother of the sea who must right the evil deeds of all mankind by releasing the seals that have become bound, thus enabling the hunters’ success; Anguit the spirit and looks like a seal who guides the success of the hunt. The second building is filled with skins, boats and the tools of the hunt. Seals dominate the display but a walrus and narwal are also on exhibit. The life of a hunter is hard, it is a test of strength, seal against man. Edvard explains that one will lose and it is sometimes the hunter. A choice must be made whether to release the catch or be pulled to their death. It takes physical strength, understanding of the situation and conditions and the ability to judge when to continue and when to let go of the hunt. A hunter is a respected member of the community, there is much to know in being a good hunter. Here Edvard begins to talk of his own father, born a hunter. For many years he supported his family hunting seal, polar bear and whale. Both Menke & Narwal (monodon monoceros – meaning one horn one tooth) were part of his catches over the years. He loved the life of a hunter and Edvard, his son, was anxious to join in his trips, asking as a young son if he too could go. His father was careful in sharing this hunting life with his son, seeing that change was coming and that the life of a hunter was no longer going to be a way for many of the people. He did not want Edvard to join him in hunting for fear he would like it too much, for he knew that Edvard was born with a hunter’s spirit just as he was himself. He wanted his son to be free to have a different life. By 2000 Edward’s father’s love for hunting could not continue to sustain their family. The ice season had shortened, and the changes in the ice meant that he could hunt for only 5 or 6 months, not enough to support his family. For musk ox there was a lottery designed to ensure that not too many were taken, while offering a protection for the animal it caused problems for the hunters who depended on their meat and skins. Hunters today must also be fishermen taking advantage of the open water where the ice once filled the bay. That is a hard life. Edvard’s father now drives a truck in the town hunting only as a hobby, able to join a friend who continues to fish and hunt for a livelihood. The knowledge of where the prey will be, the water depths and currents, all the pieces that are essential to a successful hunter are still valued, but the changed conditions means there is not the ability to support all who once hunted. The changes in the ice are having a direct impact on the Greenlandic people. Perhaps we should turn to the Greenlandic mythological spirits and ask for their help. Where are Anguit and Imap Ukua? Are the Ingerssuit weeping so loudly the other gods can not hear? Project Information: Dave Porter and Margie Turrin are in northwest Greenland working with local community members to collect water column temperature profiles. The Leveraging Local Knowledge project will work with members of local Greenlandic communities to collect water measurements in the fjords. This will assist in determining if warming Atlantic Ocean water is circulating up through Baffin Bay where it enters the fjords to lap against the frozen glacier footholds, causing them to loosen their hold on the rock below. Alison Glacier (74.37N and 56.08W) is selected as the project focus. Emptying into Melville Bay to the east of Kullorsuaq Island and has been undergoing dramatic change over the last decade. The project is funded by the Lamont Climate Center with support from the NASA Interdisciplinary Program and logistical support from NSF.
“How To Start Welding? Welding is a beneficial skill that can be used for various applications. Whether you’re looking to make repairs on your vehicle, create custom pieces for art projects, or want to get into welding as a hobby, learning how to weld is both challenging and rewarding. The most essential tool for welding is the welder itself, which will vary depending on what types of welding you plan on doing. A MIG or TIG welder may be all you need if you plan on doing basic stick welding. However, if you plan on doing more advanced welding techniques, such as aluminum or stainless steel, you may need to invest in a more specialized welder. To get started with welding, there are a few tools, materials, and safety precautions you’ll need to consider. What are the four things you need before start welding? Before welding, you need the following: - A welder - Safety gear (gloves, helmet, and protective clothing) - The right welding rod for the metal being welded - A workspace free from any flammable object What welding is easiest to learn? How to Start Welding? MIG (Metal Inert Gas) welding is generally considered the easiest to learn, as it’s relatively simple and requires minimal equipment. MIG welding is also well-suited for various materials, including steel, aluminum, and stainless steel. A beginner welder can quickly become proficient in this technique with practice. Stick welding is another popular option for those just starting, though it can be more challenging to master. It’s best suited for thick metals and produces less slag than MIG welding. TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding is a bit more challenging, but it offers greater precision and control for welds that require a high level of detail. It’s generally used on thinner metals, such as aluminum and stainless steel. No matter which type of welding you choose to learn, How To Start Welding? practicing proper safety measures is essential. Good luck! Are there any certifications available for welders? Several certifications are available for welders to demonstrate their expertise in the field. In the United States, the American Welding Society (AWS) offers certificates such as Certified Welder (CW), Senior Certified Welder (SCW), and Master Certified Welder (MCW). Each certification covers various welding techniques and materials. Additionally, some countries have welding certifications that are recognized worldwide. For example, EN 287-1 is a widely recognized welding certification in Europe. How To Start Welding? Welder Certifications are essential in displaying a mastery of the welding field that can increase job opportunities. With one, you can showcase your expertise and knowledge, putting yourself at an advantage when finding employment. Certifications are crucial because they demonstrate knowledge and understanding of welding, which can result in greater employment possibilities. For those just getting started, Start Welding introductory classes are available that cover safety precautions, materials handling, equipment selection, setup and operation, and welding techniques. Taking a class is a great way to learn the welding basics and get certified. No matter what level of expertise a welder may have, it is essential always to take safety precautions when Start Welding to ensure a safe working environment. Following the proper safety rules and regulations is vital to achieving success in the welding industry. By following these safety tips, Start Welding welders can help ensure they stay safe while welding and make their projects look great! Good luck and happy welding! What is the most essential safety measure for welding? The most essential safety measure when you going to Start Welding, welding is ensuring you have the right protective gear, such as a welding helmet, gloves, and fire-resistant clothing. The welding helmet protects from the UV rays emitted during the process, while the gloves and clothing protect you from sparks and other debris that can be produced. Before Start Welding your project, ensure your workspace is clear of all flammable materials. Additionally, keeping an appropriate distance between the rod and the material being welded is essential to ensure a strong weld. Finally, it’s important always to follow directions for your welding equipment and be aware of any potential hazards that could occur! What is the investment to launch my welding journey? The cost of going to Start Welding will depend on the type of welder you need and the materials you plan to use. A basic MIG or TIG welder can be purchased for about $200-$500, while more specialized welders may cost upwards of $2,000. Additionally, welding rods, safety gear, and other materials can vary in cost depending on the type and size of the material. To ensure you get the most bang for your buck, it’s wise to research and compare prices before committing to any purchases. What types of projects can you do with welding? Start Welding, Welding is a precious and versatile talent that can be utilized for many projects. Joint welding projects include building car parts, creating custom artwork, repairing broken tools and equipment, fabricating furniture, and making sculptures. Finely honed skills and the right tools make welding a great way to tackle any DIY project! What are some safety tips for welding? When it comes to Start Welding, safety should always come first. Before beginning any welding project, make sure to set up your workspace in an area that’s free from any flammable objects. Wear protective gear such as gloves and a helmet at all times, and constantly adjust the amperage of your welder to the recommended level for your material. Make sure to keep a safe distance between yourself and the materials you’re welding, and always be aware of your surroundings. Adopting these precautionary measures will guarantee that you remain secure while welding. Is there any specific type of welder for different metals? Yes, depending on the type of metal being welded, when you Start Welding you may need a specialized welder.TIG welders are extraordinarily versatile and can be used for fusing many different materials, such as aluminum, stainless steel, and other thin metals requiring precision.MIG welders are often used for welding mild steel or other thicker metals. Stick welders are great for larger projects that need much power, while oxy-acetylene torches can heat metals faster than any other type of welder. What equipment is required for welding? The essential equipment required for Start Welding includes a welder, safety gear (gloves, helmet, and protective clothing), the correct welding rod for the metal being welded, and a workspace free from any flammable objects. You may also need clamps to help hold your materials in place while welding. If you’re using a welder that requires electricity, ensure access to an outlet and the proper extension cord when all the necessary elements are accounted for, and you will be prepared to Start Welding! What is the best way to practice welding? The best way to practice Start Welding is by doing simple projects with scrap metal. Start with a basic welding technique such as MIG or TIG and practice your welds on scrap metal to gain confidence and become familiar with the process. You can try more complicated projects, such as creating custom artwork or repairing broken tools, as you get better. Remember, safety comes first! Make sure to wear all necessary protective gear whenever you Start Welding practices. What is the starting salary for a welder? An entry-level welder typically earns an annual salary of approximately $25,000.This amount can vary greatly depending on the type of projects you are working on and your experience level. With more experience in welding, you can earn higher salaries or even find employment with welding companies that offer competitive wages. What are the three skills you need for welding? The three skills you need for Start Welding are precision, safety, and knowledge. To ensure the success of any welding project, accuracy is vital. However, safety should be your number one priority; always equip yourself with protective gear before beginning a welding job. Finally, knowledge of the different types of welders, safety regulations, and material properties will help ensure that you get the best results from your welding projects. What are the five five welding essentials? The five welding essentials are - safety gear, - a welding helmet, - the correct type of welder, - the suitable welding rods for your project, and - a workspace free from flammable objects. You may also need clamps to help hold your materials in place while welding and access to an electric outlet or extension cords if you’re using a welder that requires electricity. When Welding, the most crucial safety rule to remember is always to wear protective gear and ensure you work in a well-ventilated area. To ensure your safety, you must wear the appropriate protective gear while welding, which includes gloves and a helmet. Additionally, you should ensure your workspace is free from flammable objects, keep a safe distance from your materials, and always be aware of your surroundings. Utilize these safety precautions to ensure your welding experience is safe and pleasant. Can I teach myself welding? You can teach yourself TIG welding. How To Start Welding? with the right resources, practice, and determination. Before welding, you need a welder, safety gear, filler material, and a workpiece to weld on. The expense of launching your welding journey is contingent on the kind of welder you pick. Generally speaking, MIG or TIG welders are the most common, typically ranging from around $200 to $1000. Equipment required for start welding includes a welder, safety gear (gloves, helmet, and protective clothing), filler material, electrodes or wire, clamps/vices to hold the workpiece in place, and a gas cylinder of shielding gas if using MIG welding or TIG welding. Always ensure sufficient air circulation when welding to protect yourself from inhaling harmful toxins. The three skills needed for welding are reading and interpreting drawings, geometry, and basic math; knowledge of materials; and an understanding of electricity/electronics. The five essentials for welding include a clean surface, good fit-up, the correct welding technique, proper electrodes and filler material, and a clean workspace. Learning how to weld takes time and practice, but you can become an expert welder with dedication! With the right equipment, preparation, and safety precautions, you can do various welding projects, including making custom artwork, repairing broken tools, and creating structures. Good luck, and have fun! Welding is an exciting and rewarding skill with many potential applications in industrial and artistic projects. To become a successful welder, you need precision, safety, knowledge of welding techniques and materials, the right equipment, and practice. Following these guidelines and using the proper protective gear will help ensure your security while also allowing you to create beautiful, unique pieces. With steadfast commitment and tireless effort, you can master welding in weeks! Is welding an easy career? Welding is a tough job that requires skill and patience and is not for those looking for something easy and cushy. However, there are many advantages to welding and a host of benefits available that make welding a preferred profession over other trades for many. What are the disadvantages of welding? - It is hazardous when performed under the safety and security guidelines. - It is a difficult task to dismantle the joined material through welding. - Requires skilled labor and electric supply Which welding is most in demand? Oil, gas, water, and other pipelines provide the lifeblood of our infrastructure. Pipe welders will always be in high demand as long as the need for fuel and other resources is high. Many pipe welders work on oil rigs and refineries. These facilities comprise the majority of the oil and gas industry.
There are many tools a UX designer can use to empathize with users. Interviewing users is essential to understanding users’ perspectives and learning about their pain points, but that’s only the beginning of the UX research process. In this reading, you’ll learn about one of the many other tools designers can use to identify user needs: empathy maps. As the previous video mentioned, you can create empathy maps for your projects. However, because empathy maps are one of many different tools designers use, they are optional for this part of the course. You are not required to submit any empathy maps for the upcoming CoffeeHouse or portfolio projects. Remember, empathy maps are easily understood charts that explain what UX designers have learned about a particular type of user. Empathy maps can help break down each interview into digestible pieces of information. Empathy mapping in action Imagine your company is building a new app for scheduling dog walkers. The purpose of the app is to match qualified dog walkers with customers who need help caring for their dogs, similar to a ride-sharing or home-sharing app. You’re on the UX team, and your team is in the early stages of designing the app and understanding user pain points. A colleague has already interviewed dog owners and professional dog walkers who are expected to use the app regularly. It’s now your responsibility to summarize each interview using empathy maps. For this example, we’ll go through the steps to create an empathy map from an interview transcript. However, these same steps apply when creating an empathy map from an audio recording or interview notes. This is an example of an interview transcript with Makayla, a fourth-grade teacher with two dogs. You can read the entire transcript below, or you can reference the exemplar document below in a separate window to follow along as you complete the rest of the reading. To view Makayla’s interview transcript externally, you can find it below: Name: Makayla Scott Situation: Makayla is a 45-year-old, female-identifying teacher who lives in Houston, Texas. She has two dogs. Makayla has a demanding job as a fourth grade teacher. She also volunteers as a volleyball coach after school. Makayla’s partner works full-time as a pediatric surgeon and regularly switches between working the night-shift and the day-shift at a local hospital. [UX Researcher] Can you describe your current work situation and how you take care of your dogs? [Makayla] I work as a teacher, and I coach volleyball after school, so my puppers Reggie and Snowball are often left home alone for long periods of time. My partner works on-call in a hospital, which often means 12-hour day or night shifts. When our schedules overlap, we definitely need help walking Reggie and Snowball. [UXR] What challenges do you face managing the care of your dogs? How does this make you feel? [Makayla] I love my dogs! They have so much energy. If it was up to them, they’d go on five walks a day! But, with our schedules, it’s hard to take them out as much as we’d like. I can manage taking them out first thing in the morning and again in the evening. Sometimes, I pay my next door neighbor’s 17-year-old son to walk them. But, the real issue comes from our travel schedule. My partner and I like to take a lot of trips, and we can’t always take our pets with us. Planning our trips would be much easier if we could book a dog walker. Our neighbor’s son is graduating this year, and his schedule is becoming inconsistent. I can’t rely on him at the last minute, and I worry that he doesn’t really have the right experience for when I’m on longer trips. I mean, sure, a 17-year-old kid is fine for daily walks. But what if he takes the dogs for a weekend and Snowball gets sick? How will he know what to do, or if he should call me? It definitely makes me worry, but I can’t spend the money on a doggy daycare. There are also a lot of places I can’t bring Reggie, who is a much bigger dog than Snowball. He’s not hypoallergenic like Snowball is. And, because he’s so big, even bringing him on road trips can be a struggle. We just moved to Houston last year, and there aren’t many people we can ask for help. I’ve considered putting up an ad online, but I’m not sure how I would know who’s safe to allow in my home or who’s good with dogs. [UXR] Is there any way in which you feel these challenges could be resolved? [Makayla] I’d love to find a dog walker that I could prescreen and learn more about. And I’d love a way to book someone consistently. Maybe someone who can do weekends regularly and can commit to specific times while I’m working. Ideally, I could schedule dog sitting days in advance. I just need a consistent dog walker that I can screen to make sure they’re safe and good with animals! I’m willing to pay a little more to get something like this instead of constantly requesting help from my neighbor. Creating an empathy map Now that you’ve had a chance to review Makayla’s interview transcript, let’s break down the steps for creating an empathy map. As a reminder, here’s what an empathy map includes: You can fill out this empathy map with a handful of steps. Step 1: Add the user’s name. Include the name of the person interviewed in your empathy map. Having a name attached to it will help if you ever need to look back at the original transcript or research, and it’ll distinguish this map from other maps you create. Step 2: The “SAYS” square. Use verbatim quotes from the interview. In other words, write down exactly what the person said; don’t summarize it in your own words. If you summarize a quote, you might accidentally interpret the user’s meaning incorrectly. It’s also helpful to try to capture themes in the interview that relate to the product you’re researching. For example, if the user restates the same problem several times during the interview, then it’s probably a major pain point. Pay special attention to challenges your user states, and record any desired benefits or expectations they mention. Step 3: The “THINKS” square. Here, you can summarize the thoughts expressed by the user. Add feelings the user conveyed through body language, tone, or other noticeable indicators, even if they didn’t verbally express them to you. You can make inferences for some of these feelings, but you have to be careful not to make assumptions about the user. For example, Makayla expressed concern about her neighbor’s teenage son and mentioned his age and qualifications. An assumption is that Makayla wants an adult dog walker. An inference is that she wants a dog walker with a car and a driver’s license who can take the dog to the emergency vet. You can always ask your user for clarification on their body language if you find any contradictions. Step 4: The “DOES” square. Makayla gave us quite a bit of detail on steps and actions she takes to overcome the dog-walking challenges she faces. All those actions can go in the “DOES” square. Step 5: The “FEELS” square. List the feelings the user expresses. The notes you include may overlap with some of what you listed in the “THINKS” square. That’s okay! This process is meant to be a thorough documentation of your observations. If you’re the person performing the interview, you might notice signs of feelings like anger, frustration, excitement, and others. If the user doesn’t explicitly mention any feelings during the interview, you can probe for feelings with the question: “How does this make you feel?” Empathy map example for Makayla Now that you’ve reviewed the interview transcript and the steps for creating an empathy map, let’s use our template to take action! Here’s an empathy map for Makayla: - “I’m not sure how I would know who’s safe to allow in my home or who’s good with dogs.” - “I’d love to find a dog walker that I could prescreen.” - “I’d love a way to book someone consistently.” - “Ideally, I could schedule dog-sitting days in advance.” - “…there aren’t many people we can ask for help” - “I’m willing to pay a little more to get…this” - Wants to book recurring dog walkers - Would like to prescreen dog walkers - Would like to find dog walkers in advance - Dog walking is expensive - Would like a dog walker who has experience with animals - Doesn’t know enough people to ask them to walk her dogs - Wants a more consistent dog walker - Works a full-time job as a teacher - Walks her dogs first thing in the morning and evening - Pays her neighbor, a 17-year-old high school student, to walk the dogs - Guilty when she can’t take her dogs for walks - Sad she can’t spend more time with her dogs - Sad she can’t take her dogs on vacation - Worried about finding a consistent, dedicated dog walker that can commit to her schedule - Worried about her larger dog’s needs - Worried about her current dog walker’s ability to manage a potential sudden illness in her dog This empathy map breaks down all the points that your team will need to determine how your app can meet Makayla’s needs. The real challenge starts when you lay out the empathy maps from all of your user interviews and figure out how each of your potential users’ needs overlap. Types of empathy maps It’s important to understand that there are two types of empathy maps: one-user empathy maps and aggregated empathy maps (also known as “multiple-user empathy maps”). One-user empathy maps are created by taking the data from one user’s interview and turning it into an empathy map, like the example earlier in this reading. This approach helps designers distill a single user’s thoughts, feelings, and traits into a format that’s easier to gather data from. The other kind of empathy map, an aggregated empathy map, represents a group of users who share similar thoughts, opinions, or qualities. Aggregated empathy maps are created by creating multiple one-user empathy maps, then combining the maps where users expressed similar things into a new empathy map. This helps designers identify segments, or groups of people with similar tendencies, who will use the product. The insights in aggregated empathy maps allow designers to identify themes, which helps them better empathize with the groups they are designing for. To learn more about the different kinds of empathy maps, check out this article on empathy mapping from the Nielsen Norman Group. You’re beginning to understand what it means to empathize with your users. Each time you interact with a potential user, you get a little closer to understanding their perspectives and pain points. Good luck! Sources: Google UX Design Professional Certificate Coursera | Start the UX Design Process: Empathize, Define, and Ideat
Organizational structure is how activities in a firm are conducted. These tasks might include the supervision of employees and the allocation of responsibilities. The organizational structure is there to direct these activities towards the goals of the organizations. An ineffective organizational structure will result in the organization facing challenges like the inability to realize profit and loss of employee productivity. If this is the case, then there is a need to restructure the goals of the organization, and this process is known as organizational restructuring. To perform a proper organizational restructuring, there are some elements that the managers of the said organizational have to follow. These elements guide the managers on the areas that need changes and those that do not. Elements of Organizational Restructuring The first element that the managers will look at when conducting an organizational restructure is departmentalization. Departmentalization is the process of an organization grouping different individuals that do the same thing together. For example, people that are concerned with finances and accounting are in the finance department. When conducting a restructuring of an organization, managers have to consider that departments are important if the organization is to perform optimally. The managers have to restructure the organization in such a way that these departments will still be able to perform at their peak and not be affected by the changes. In the restructuring process, the managers might opt to consolidate departments that will produce better results when grouped (Arham et al., 2018). For example, grouping the finance and sales department in a restructuring process might be the way to go as the two perform almost identical functions in an organization. To effectively analyze the nature of the departmentalization of organizations, the managers can interview the needs of the different departments and employees, and what they would want to see in the new changes. This will allow the managers to be able to create changes that cater to the needs of the departments and the employees, and thus achieve the best results (Geschwind, 2019). Communication channels are also another essential element to consider during organizational restructuring. Effective communication in organizations stem from communications from employees to the management and employees with one another. Effective communication is also vital between departments for the smooth workflow and exchange of information. Communication channels should not be disrupted during these reconstruction channels. Disrupting communication channels, especially between two vital departments, can cause a lot of problems for the organization. For example, during an organizational restructuring, an attempt to improve the working of a department, the communication channels might be changed. This change might result in communications being ambiguous and uncertain. To have changes to the organization without having negative connotations the managers have to conduct an extensive analysis of the channels of communication and how they work. After finding this out, they should then set the restructuring procedure in such a way that it complements and improves the already existing communication structure. As a result, organizations will have an overall better communication structure (Ugboro, 2016). Consultation with employees is vital to ensure that the communication channels are improved. It is also important to note that the communication that the organization should aim to make better is not communication from the management to the employees only, but also communication from the employees to the management. The latter form of communication is vital as it gives the management feedback on what is happening in the company. Employees are also another important element that the management has to consider when making the changes to the organizational structure that it plans on doing. Employees are the backbone of the success or failure of any organization. The employees are the ones that do all the functions in the company, and as such, they are an important part of the restructuring process that should not be overlooked. Employees in any organization have different goals, demeanors, habits, and beliefs. These differences between the employees will result in a mixed reception of the changes the organization is aiming to make. However, it is important to note that it is human nature to oppose change, and there might be a greater percentage of individual employees that will be opposed to the changes as compared to those that will be enthusiastic for them. The organization's management should realize that for the new changes to take effect and propel the organization to a greater height, the involvement of employees is integral. It is important to note that not all employees will agree with the changes, and as such, the company should ensure that a majority of the employees are on their side. Even after the changes have been made, it is important to keep tabs on the employees and collect their feedback on how the changes are affecting their ability to do work effectively. Taking employee feedback once the organizational restructuring has happened is important as it shows the company the effects that the changes have had. If the effects have been negative, the company can put in place effective changes to mitigate the negative impacts of the changes. Another element that affects organizational restructuring is the external business environment. The external business environment is the factor that affects the business that is beyond the control of the organization. These factors include competitors, suppliers, government policies, and unions. These factors have a great impact on what the business can and cannot do (Fleming, 2017). Therefore, when conducting an organizational restructuring, the managers of the company must consult on the factors in the external environment that might affect these changes. For example, an organization might want to reduce its costs by limiting the amount it spends on treating its waste. However, this is not possible as there are government policies that make it a criminal offense for companies to discharge untreated waste into the environment. The organizational structure of competitors is another factor that affects the ability of the company to change the organizational structure. Any organization aims to have the upper hand on its competitors, and thus, the company can position its changes to the organizational structure concerning this. The chain of command in an organization is also another element that the company has to consider when conducting an organizational restructuring. Chain of command is the line of power in an organization that is often drawn from the top level to its lower levels. This chain of command shows who is answerable to whom and what responsibility and individuals have. The chain of command is important as it shows people their role in the company and their level of authority. For example, a senior manager has more authority and responsibility in a company and is thus higher in the chain of command than a regular employee. When conducting an organizational restructuring, it is important to note that these chains of command serve an important role in making the operations in the organization straight forward and with as little ambiguity as possible. It is through the presence of this chain of command that employees know who to approach when they want to report something. Therefore, it is vital that the organizational restructuring maintains the existing organizational chain of commands. However, if there are changes that are made to the structure of the chain of command, it should be clearly stated to the employees so that they know the change in the chain of command (Benos, Kalogeras, Verhees, Sergaki, & Pennings, 2016). Work specialization is also another element that organizational restructuring has to account for within its mandate. Work specialization is the degree to which a company divides jobs into individual tasks to be handled by separate employees. For example, instead of the production of a product to have one person that makes it all, the production is broken apart between different people that are specialized in different areas of production. Many companies use this concept of division of labor as it provides the best return on investment. Because of the division of labor, many employees are experienced with only one part of the production process (Sarna & Tyagi, 2017). During an organizational restructuring, it is important that the company puts this into consideration and uses the experience that certain employees have got throughout their careers. Without ensuring that the talents and experiences of these employees are put to proper use, the company would be effectively throwing away the talents and experiences that the employees have. Furthermore, as stated above, many people do not like changes. When an employee is moved from an area that they are already used to, they will often dislike the change, and thus their productivity will go down. This is especially the case with people that do highly specialized jobs. Organizational restructuring is important in ensuring that the organizational structure that the company uses is still relevant to the current date and that its competitors do not have the upper hand. However, there are several elements that the company has to consider when creating these organizational restructuring programmers. These elements dictate whether the restructuring process will be successful or not. These elements include the chain of command, the employees, and their willingness to change, the factors in the external business environment, work specialization, communication channels, and structures and departmentalization. These different elements are important in the success of organizational restructuring, and if effectively taken into consideration, the restructuring is bound to succeed. Arham, A. F., Norizan, N. S., Khairuman, A., Hasim, M., Darson, M. D., & Faizal, N. S. (2018). Organizational Restructuring: Lesson Learned From Tourism Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(8). doi:10.6007/ijarbss/v8-i8/4431 Benos, T., Kalogeras, N., Verhees, F. J., Sergaki, P., & Pennings, J. M. (2016). Cooperatives' organizational restructuring, strategic attributes, and performance: The case of agribusiness cooperatives in Greece. Agribusiness, 32(1), 127-150. Fleming, E. M. (2017). Effects of Organizational Learning Environment on Employees' Motivation to Use Performance-Oriented e-Learning. E-Learning in the Workplace, 161-180. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-64532-2_14 Geschwind, L. (2019). Legitimizing Change in Higher Education: Exploring the Rationales Behind Major Organizational Restructuring. Higher Education Policy, 32(3), 381-395. doi:10.1057/s41307-018-0088-6 Brendah, M. M. (2017). Mobile Banking Strategy and Firm Performance: A Case of Kenya Commercial Bank Limited, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 6(10). doi:10.24940/ijird/2017/v6/i10/oct17072 Kajamaa, A. M., & Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P. (2019, July). Innovativeness and Efficiency in Hospital Restructuring: The Role of Organizational Arrangements. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, p. 16706). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. Manne, G., & Stout, K. (2017). A Brief Assessment of the Procompetitive Effects of Organizational Restructuring in the Ag-Biotech Industry. SSRN Elec... Cite this page Organizational Structure: Benefits and Challenges - Research Paper. (2023, Feb 27). 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- Explain the role of Chromium in the body. The functioning of chromium in the body is less understood than that of most other minerals. It enhances the actions of insulin so plays a role in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. Currently, the results of scientific studies evaluating the usefulness of chromium supplementation in preventing and treating Type 2 diabetes are largely inconclusive.1 More research is needed to better determine if chromium is helpful in treating certain chronic diseases and, if so, at what doses. Dietary sources of chromium include nuts, whole grains, and yeast. The recommended intake for chromium is 35 mcg per day for adult males and 25 mcg per day for adult females. There is insufficient evidence to establish a UL for chromium. 1 Costello RB, Dwyer JT, Bailey RL. Chromium supplements for glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: limited evidence of effectiveness. Nutr Rev. 2016;74(7):455–468. DOI:10.1093/nutrit/nuw011. Accessed May 30, 2019. University of Hawai’i at Mānoa Food Science and Human Nutrition Program: Allison Calabrese, Cheryl Gibby, Billy Meinke, Marie Kainoa Fialkowski Revilla, and Alan Titchenal
As a public health nonprofit agency working in many diverse communities, we aim to help mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 virus, which has hit under-resourced communities the most. A focus on prevention not only makes good sense, but in the case of vaccination, saves lives. Data show not only higher COVID-19 impacts in communities of color but also, after the first vaccines became available in the U.S., we clearly saw the highest hospitalizations and deaths in states, counties and communities with the lowest vaccination rates. The delta variant is roughly twice as contagious as the initial strain of COVID-19 and has a much higher viral load. As COVID-19 cases rise across the country, pediatric cases are rising alongside adult cases. Here are the facts about COVID-19. We believe in collective responsibility and collective impact. These values are crucial to community health, now more than ever, as the pandemic continues. We can all prevent even more sickness, death and longer-term health disparities by advocating for vaccination. The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones is to get vaccinated, which will reduce your own risk and help protect your community against the chance that the coronavirus will mutate into dangerous variants. Anyone can now text their ZIP code to GETVAX (438829) in English or VACUNA (822862) in Spanish to get the contact information of three locations near them with available vaccines.
What's the difference between Shirt and T-shirt? What’s the difference between Shirt and Tshirt? Tshirts and shirts are two different terms often used interchangeably, but what is the difference between a shirt and a T-shirt? A shirt can be a short-sleeved or long-sleeved garment for the upper body. T-shirts for men are usually made of cotton and have shorter sleeves than a shirt. Shirts come in many different styles, colours, patterns, and fabrics, while T-shirts typically only come in one style with no pattern options. What’s The Difference Between Shirt And T-shirt? With shirts for men, you can choose the type of fabric (cotton vs polyester), style (long-sleeved shirt or short-sleeve shirts), colour, and pattern. You also have a lot more options with shirts than t-shirts in terms of how they fit on your body because shirts typically come with two parts that are sewn together. A T-shirt is a short-sleeved shirt, typically made of cotton or polyester and sometimes fleece, with no pockets on the front that usually has a design printed onto it using various types of ink methods such as screen printing or sublimation. T-shirts are often worn by professionals for work as nurses because they are seamless and can easily be washed. How Can You Style Your Shirts and T-shirts? This is a question for both shirts and t-shirts. When you are looking to style your shirts and/or t-shirts, there are two key elements that should be considered: fabric weight and color palette. If you want something more on the lightweight side, consider cotton or linen as they can breathe well enough in the warmer months. If you are looking for a more rugged feel and want to make your shirts or t-shirts last longer, then consider wool shirts or T-shirts that have been treated with special finishes like “water repellent” treatments. These fabrics can also breathe well in the warmer months when used on shirts and could be worn as outerwear. The difference between shirts and T-shirts is that shirts are typically dressier than casual t-shirts. A shirt can be worn for any occasion, while a t-shirt generally only works well in informal settings. When deciding what to wear in the morning, it’s usually best to go with a shirt versus an undershirt or tank top. The Somewhat Sinister And Rebellious History Behind Your Striped Shirt In my third year of college, I was in a costume class where we studied the play Something Wicked This Way Comes, a dark fantasy about three teenage boys and an exciting traveling circus-turned nightmare. My classmates and I were assigned to work on individual theoretical designs for each of the main characters. I was attempting the design for one of the circus leaders, and discussing a creative block with my professor. She suggested I borrow her copy of a book that she thought would be ‘very interesting to me.’ The title alone was enough to spark my imagination immediately, though the contents are even more captivating. While it would have been nice to have the renderings included in this article I’m almost grateful that I lost them a couple years ago so that I could save myself from public humiliation now—there’s a reason I’m writing now instead of designing. Nevertheless, that experience was the beginning of my true fascination with the pattern which has often been associated with joy on the surface, though reveals eerie truths when you look closer. Stripes are one of the first examples of woven textiles which continue to be seen in the fashion industry throughout history. While today you might consider stripes to be an endlessly classic style—patriotic, even—the design has origins which are less than favorable. In the middle ages, striped clothing began to be a sign of an outcast or someone who needed to be contained: “Servants and court jesters wore striped cloth; so did prostitutes, madmen, and criminals, not voluntarily but by official orders. The bold, broad, contrasting stripes of their garments seemed to stand for neither-this-nor-that, ambivalence, ambiguity, and a realm of unclear and violated boundaries.” This bold pattern is hard to ignore and therefore used to be linked to individuals who did not want to play by social rules. As history has taught us, time and time again, society becomes incredibly fearful of those who reject the conventional so this aversion to stripes only grew into the 13th century, when Europe’s sumptuary laws made it a legal obligation for certain types of citizens to wear the style. The deeper you dive into the study of stripes, the more fitting the pattern seems to be for a play featuring circus characters as Something Wicked This Way Comes. John Major explains that a clown or circus member is “a figure whose humor derives from his license to transgress the boundaries of orderly society.” Stripes can be jarring, perfect for characters whose grins are menacing and intentions sinister. While stripes never truly lost their connection to deviance, by the 18th century the design became a much more ordinary part of fashion in Western cultures.
The details of a breeding season have been investigated and described for many bird species and groups of species, but rarely for an entire breeding community.The collection of such data is the only way of quantifying the number of birds a habitat can support, how many fledglings it can produce, and the avian diversity that can exist in the habitat.Without these quantitative and qualitative measures, the significance of particular habitats for avian conservation is difficult to assess.We have accumulated comprehensive data on a breeding bird community on a 10 ha site for eight seasons, which has enabled us to condense the many aspects of breeding into an 'average' breeding season.The breeding community consisted of 44 species, which used all of the site for nesting. Some species bred each season, while others bred as infrequently as once in the eight seasons. Nesting occurred between the beginning of August and the end of January, different species showed markedly different starting and finishing times, and there were different temporal patterns of breeding within the breeding periods of the different species.The number of pairs that bred on the site varied each season, a pattern that we have previously shown to be related to the value of the Southern Oscillation Index before the start of the season. Nest success rates varied considerably between species, but the overall success rate on the site was approximately 50%.We estimate that the spotted gum forest habitat on the south-east coast of Australia (1200 km2) produces approximately 1.5 million fledglings each season.
In the evolving landscape of mental health support, digital art therapy has emerged as a promising tool. It’s an innovative practice blending the therapeutic power of art with contemporary digital technology, making it accessible to people in remote areas. By harnessing the power of the media arts, therapists can reach out to remote clients, providing them with a therapeutic experience that transcends the traditional confines of a therapy room. Art therapy hinges on the principle that creative expression can foster healing and mental well-being. Traditional art therapy has been around for decades, primarily conducted in face-to-face sessions where therapists guide clients in expressing their emotions through art-making. The advent of digital technology, however, has taken this practice to a whole new level. Digital art therapy allows participants to create art using digital tools and platforms. Through it, therapists can administer therapeutic sessions online, making it accessible for clients residing in remote areas. The whole practice has been redefined by technology, and the use of digital media arts such as painting apps, photo manipulation programs, and digital drawing tools has revolutionized the way therapy is practiced and experienced by clients. For therapists, making the shift to digital platforms requires a degree of familiarity with the technology involved. Clients, on the other hand, may find digital tools easier to use compared to traditional art materials. They can play around with colors, shapes, and effects, without the fear of making irreversible mistakes. The flexibility and versatility of digital art tools can make the therapeutic process more enjoyable and less intimidating for clients. In a typical digital art therapy session, therapists guide their clients in creating digital artwork. They may encourage them to draw or paint what they’re feeling, or ask them to create a digital collage that represents a significant experience. The process of creating the artwork, coupled with the therapist’s guidance, can help clients explore their emotions and express them in ways they might not have been able to verbalize. A study on the impact of digital art therapy on mental health revealed that participants felt more at ease expressing their emotions through digital art. The anonymity that online sessions provide made them feel safer and more comfortable in opening up about their feelings. They also appreciated the flexibility of online sessions, as they could engage in therapy at a time and place that was most convenient for them. Digital art therapy can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The act of creating art can be a form of release, allowing individuals to externalize their feelings and gain better control over their emotional state. The digital platform also makes it easier for therapists to monitor their clients’ progress, as they have a visual record of their clients’ therapeutic journey. The application of digital art therapy in remote populations is a testament to the far-reaching potential of this innovative practice. By leveraging technology, therapists can reach out to clients who might otherwise have limited access to mental health support. Whether it’s a remote community in the mountains, or a busy individual unable to make the time for face-to-face therapy, digital art therapy offers a viable solution. In the end, the goal of digital art therapy, like any form of therapy, is to improve the mental health of its clients. Through the use of digital tools and online platforms, art therapy is made more accessible, efficient, and engaging, thus expanding its reach and amplifying its impact. As we continue to navigate the digital age, we can expect to see more innovative approaches to mental health support, with digital art therapy leading the way. As the world continues to become more digitally inclined, the power of digital art therapy is steadily becoming more apparent. This form of therapy has proven to be especially beneficial to remote populations who may have limited access to traditional forms of mental health support. The integration of digital technology has made it possible for art therapists to conduct sessions with clients from any location, opening a new and accessible window to therapeutic support. The use of digital media in art therapy practice has significantly expanded its reach. With easy-to-use applications and platforms, therapists can now conduct sessions with remote populations, who previously might have had little to no access to such services. These innovative platforms enable therapists to conduct live sessions, provide prompts for art making, and offer immediate feedback to their clients. Digital art therapy extends the accessibility of therapeutic services, making it possible for people to engage in therapy sessions from the comfort of their own home or any other suitable environment. This greatly reduces the barriers to seeking help, especially for individuals residing in remote areas. Furthermore, the open separate window for online art creation adds a layer of convenience and flexibility, accommodating clients irrespective of their geographical location or schedule. The effectiveness of digital art therapy rests on its ability to utilize the therapeutic potential of digital art making. The process of creating art online, guided by a professional art therapist, allows individuals to explore and express their emotions in a safe and supportive environment. The anonymity offered by online sessions can also reduce the fear of judgement, encouraging more open and authentic expressions of feelings. Digital art therapy represents a promising practice in the field of mental health support. The innovative blend of art and digital technology offers a versatile and convenient therapeutic tool, especially for remote populations. As we continue to embrace the digital age, it is anticipated that the use of digital media in therapy will continue to grow and evolve. A key advantage of digital art therapy is its ability to cater to the unique needs and circumstances of each client. By offering a platform that is accessible, flexible, and engaging, this form of therapy can support a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The future of digital art therapy looks promising. As more art therapists embrace technology and expand their practices to include digital media, this form of therapy is set to become even more accessible and widespread. It will continue to play a significant role in supporting mental health, particularly in remote populations, marking a new chapter in the field of therapeutic support. Although digital art therapy cannot completely replace traditional therapy practices, it certainly offers a complementary approach that can enhance the therapeutic experience. As we move forward, it is crucial to continue exploring and refining the practices and techniques involved in digital art therapy. This will ensure that the therapy remains effective, engaging, and beneficial for all clients, regardless of their location or circumstances. The exciting intersection of art and technology in digital art therapy signals a bright and innovative future for mental health support.
Caffeine is a stimulant found in many popular beverages such as coffee, tea, and energy drinks. It is known to affect many bodily functions, including sleep, digestion, and mood. But can caffeine also have an impact on your menstrual cycle? The answer is yes, it can. The menstrual cycle is controlled by the fluctuation of hormones in the body, particularly estrogen and progesterone. Caffeine can interfere with the balance of these hormones, leading to changes in the length and severity of your period. Here are some ways caffeine can affect your menstrual cycle. Some studies have shown that women who consume high amounts of caffeine may experience a shorter menstrual cycle. This is because caffeine can affect the production of estrogen, which is necessary for the growth and development of the uterine lining. If the lining does not have enough time to develop properly, it can result in a shorter period. Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, which means it can cause blood vessels to narrow. This can lead to decreased blood flow to the uterus, resulting in more painful cramps. Worsened PMS symptoms Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms can be worsened by caffeine consumption. This is because caffeine can interfere with the production of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that helps regulate mood. Caffeine is a known stimulant that can interfere with sleep. Lack of sleep can disrupt the delicate balance of hormones in the body, leading to irregular periods or other menstrual issues. While some studies have shown that moderate caffeine consumption (less than 200mg per day) does not have a significant impact on menstrual cycles, it is important to be mindful of your caffeine intake and how it affects your body. If you experience menstrual irregularities or other issues related to your cycle, consider reducing your caffeine intake or speaking with your healthcare provider.
The lottery is a form of gambling in which numbers are drawn at random for a prize. While some governments outlaw it, others endorse it and organize state or national lotteries. The lottery is a popular way to raise money for many different causes and projects, but it can also be risky. The casting of lots for material gain has a long history in human culture, and the lottery is a modern version of this practice. Although some people play the lottery for fun, most do so with the hope of winning a substantial sum of money. Some believe that the lottery is their only chance to change their lives for the better, and they play with the understanding that the odds are against them. In the United States, all state-run lotteries are legal monopolies that prohibit other commercial enterprises from competing with them. The profits from the lotteries are used to fund government programs. The majority of adults in the country live in states that have lotteries, and the number of people who play is growing. The success of a lottery depends on its ability to attract bettors and generate revenue. To this end, the organization must have a mechanism for recording bettors’ identities and the amounts they stake, and for pooling their money to create a single pool of numbers for selection in the drawing. In addition, it is important to limit the number of numbers chosen by a bettor. Richard Lustig, a lottery winner who has written several books on the subject, advises players to avoid picking numbers that are close together or that have sentimental value like their birthdays. He suggests instead choosing a wide range of numbers from the available pool, as this will make it harder for other bettors to pick the same sequence.
The Simple Pleasure and Potential Health Benefits of one of the World’s Favorite Beverages Long before tea became a staple in every teapot in Europe or caused a ruckus in Boston Harbor, tea was that national drink of China and India, potentially dating at least as far back as the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD). The Dutch–and later the British East India Company–brought tea to Europe during the early 1600s. Today, more people reach for tea for their daily shot of caffeine, with Millennials consuming more tea than any other age group. This is unsurprising considering the recent research suggesting that tea’s benefits could include protection against some cancers, lower cholesterol levels and a decreased risk of stroke. Tea is naturally low in caffeine; it has about 40 milligrams of caffeine compared to the 95 milligrams in coffee. Tea has no fat, sugar or sodium. It has no calories. What tea offers, and coffee does not, is polyphenols, including flavanoids. The more processed the tea leaves are, usually the lower the polyphenol content. The oxidized or fermented, black and oolong teas possess lower concentrations of polyphenols than does green tea. “Tea contains flavonoids, naturally occurring compounds that are believed to have antioxidant properties. Tea flavonoids often provide bioactive compounds that help to neutralize free radicals, which scientists believe, over time, damage elements in the body, such as genetic material and lipids, and contribute to chronic disease,” states the Tea Association of the USA. The most powerful of flavonoids, ECGC, is purported to guard against free radicals thought to contribute to clogged arteries, heart disease and cancer. As a bonus, all green, black, oolong, and white teas contain caffeine and theanine, compounds that act on the brain and, for some people, heighten clarity and alertness. “Every day, new findings from the international scientific community lend credibility to tea’s healthy properties…Recent research suggests that tea and tea flavonoids may play important roles in various areas of health and may operate through a number of different mechanisms still being explored,” the Tea Association of the USA says. How Tea Happens Whether you choose green or black, loose leaf or tea bag, with the exception of herbal “tea,” which is not really tea at all, all tea–Black, Green, Oolong, Dark and White—comes from the same evergreen plant called Camellia sinensis. The differences among the teas depend upon their processing and oxidation levels. After growers harvest the leaves and they begin to dry and roll, natural chemical reactions occur that change the tea’s taste and color and distinguish one from the next. Green & White teas do not oxidize post-harvesting. Oolong tea is midway between Black and Green teas in strength and color. Herbal beverages such as rosehips and chamomile, while often called “tea,” do not contain Camellia sinensis, or the compounds for which tea receives acclaim. The processing and benefits of these beverages varies widely, depending upon the herbs used. Where Tea Grows Most of the world’s tea grows approximately 3,000-7,000 feet above sea level in the mountainous regions of the world where the soil is acidic and rich in minerals. Argentina, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Taiwan are the world leaders in tea production. - Tea is the most consumed drink in the world after water - Americans consumed 3.6 billion gallons of tea in 2014 - The United States imported nearly 285 million pounds of tea in 2014 - Green tea is loaded with antioxidants that may burn fat, reduce risk of neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s, improve cholesterol levels, and block the growth of certain cancer cells. - Black tea has the highest caffeine content and is the basis for most flavored teas - White tea is uncured, unfermented and less processed than green, black or oolong varieties, however, some studies have shown it has greater anti-cancer properties - Oolong tea is less fermented than black tea but shares many of its characteristics Steep the Best Cup The Tea Association of USA recommends you follow “the Four Golden Rules for a delicious cup of hot tea: (1) use a teapot, (2) bring fresh, cold tap water to a full boil (Note: If your water is heavily chlorinated or contains other objectionable odors, filter before boiling for best tasting tea); (3) use one teaspoon or one tea bag per cup; (4) pour boiling water over tea and brew by the clock 3 to 5 minutes and serve!” For green tea, boil the water and allow it to sit for about 10 minutes before pouring over the tealeaves and allowing them to steep for one minute. For white teas, the general rule is that the larger the blooms, the lower the water temperature should be so that you do not scorch the teas leaves. White teas prefer a water temperature between 180-190 degrees. When you desire an afternoon pick-me-up, skip the coffee shop and brew yourself a cup of tea. Your brain will enjoy the boost, while your body reaps the potential health benefits.
Thrissur is one of the fourteen districts of Kerala in southwest India. It is the second largest city in Kerala and 20th largest city in India. At the center of the city is a temple, the Vadakkumnathan temple which has Lord Siva as its presiding deity. It is known as the cultural capital of Kerala because of the city's association with history, culture and archaeological remains. Thrissur was once the capital of the Kingdom of Cochin. It is located 300 kilometers (186 mi) towards north-west of the state capital Thiruvananthapuram. It is famous for Thrissur Pooram which is a temple festival. Thrissur is also known as the “cultural capital of Kerala” as its well known for its cultural, spiritual and religious learnings throughout history.
After about age 40, the prostate begins to grow in just about every male. This usually results in reduced flow urine flow. Sometimes an enlarged prostate is a sign of cancer, but usually the result is a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia. Most doctors refer to an enlarged prostate simply as BPH. In some men, an enlarged prostate does not cause urinary problems—probably because their urethra is wider than average, or because the gland tends to enlarge outward. In most men, however, as an enlarged prostate develops, the prostate presses against the neck of the bladder or urethra, squeezing the pipe shut, like stepping on a garden hose. This pressure can make it difficult to urinate and results in a variety of symptoms. Please click here and read today’s article for more information about prostate health.
Elon Musk’s social media platform, X (formerly known as Twitter), recently won a significant legal battle. The company successfully appealed to block portions of California’s content moderation law. This ruling has sparked debates about free speech, the role of social media platforms, and government regulation. Let’s dive into the details of the case, the implications for online content, and what this could mean for the future of free expression on digital platforms. What is the California Content Moderation Law? California’s content moderation law, often called the California Transparency in Content Moderation Act, was designed to impose strict guidelines on how social media platforms handle and moderate content. It sought to require platforms to be more transparent about how they decide what content stays up and what gets removed, especially regarding hate speech, disinformation, or politically sensitive content. The Purpose Behind the Law This law’s primary goal was to combat the spread of harmful content such as misinformation, harassment, and hate speech. By requiring platforms to provide detailed reports on their moderation decisions, the law hoped to bring more transparency to the way online platforms regulate user-generated content. The Argument for Transparency Proponents of the law argued that social media platforms wield immense power over public discourse. By demanding transparency in content moderation, these platforms would be held accountable for their actions, which could prevent them from silencing voices or suppressing content for political or financial reasons. Why Did Elon Musk’s X Oppose the Law? X, under Elon Musk’s leadership, opposed the law because it violates free speech. The platform has argued that the government should not have a say in how private companies choose to moderate content on their platforms. Free Speech Concerns Musk has long been an advocate for free speech on X, often suggesting that the platform should have minimal intervention in how users express themselves. This legal appeal was a direct challenge to the notion that the government can dictate what content is moderated and how. The Influence of Social Media on Public Conversation Social media platforms have become modern-day public squares where ideas and information flow freely. Musk’s argument leans heavily on the idea that allowing the government to regulate speech on these platforms could lead to censorship and a chilling effect on free expression. The Court’s Decision in Favor of X The court ruled in favor of X, agreeing that portions of the California law infringed upon the platform’s right to manage its content as it sees fit. The court highlighted that while transparency is important, government overreach into content moderation decisions could set a dangerous precedent. The Impact of This Ruling on Other Social Media Platforms This ruling doesn’t just affect X; it sets a precedent for other social media companies like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. These platforms now have a legal case to refer to if they wish to push back against similar regulations in the future. How Will Platforms Adapt? With this ruling, platforms might now be emboldened to resist further government intervention. However, it remains to be seen how they will balance the need for transparency and accountability with their right to moderate content without government interference. Potential Legal Battles Ahead Other states may attempt to implement similar laws, leading to a cascade of legal challenges across the United States. Social media platforms are likely to use this ruling as a cornerstone in their defense against such regulations. Implications for Content Creators and Users For content creators and everyday users of social media, this ruling could have far-reaching implications. It raises questions about how much control platforms should have over the content they host and whether users can trust these platforms to regulate content fairly. Freedom of Expression vs. Harmful Content One of the key debates this ruling brings to light is the balance between allowing free speech and preventing the spread of harmful content. While free speech advocates celebrate the decision, others worry that it could allow platforms to turn a blind eye to harassment or hate speech. Will This Lead to More Misinformation? Critics of the ruling argue that without stricter regulations, misinformation could continue to spread unchecked on platforms like X. This could make it harder for users to discern between factual and misleading content, ultimately eroding trust in online discourse. A Future Without Government Regulation? The ruling begs the question: Will social media platforms ever face meaningful regulation? With this legal victory, platforms like X may feel more empowered to resist future attempts at government oversight. The Need for Industry Self-Regulation Some experts argue that the best way forward is for the industry to develop its self-regulatory practices. By setting their standards for transparency and accountability, social media platforms could avoid government intervention while still maintaining user trust. The Global Perspective It’s important to note that other countries, such as those in the European Union, have enacted stricter regulations on content moderation. How this U.S. ruling will affect global platforms operating under different legal systems remains to be seen. A Landmark Case with Lasting Implications Elon Musk’s X winning its appeal to block parts of California’s content moderation law is a landmark case in the ongoing debate over free speech and government regulation. While proponents of free speech hail the ruling as a victory, critics fear it could lead to an increase in harmful content online. The balance between transparency, free expression, and public safety will continue to be a contentious issue as digital platforms play an increasingly central role in shaping public discourse. Click here to read more articles:
Department of Biomedical Engineering Chemical Insights Research Institute of Underwriters Laboratories Over many years, the MIT SRP team has cultivated strong relationships with communities through trust and mutually shared goals. These relationships are an important part of the MIT SRP’s ongoing and proposed work to find solutions to reduce hazardous substances in the environment, such as N-nitrosamines in drinking water. In drinking water cases, the SRP’s involvement illustrates a multifaceted problem-solving and communication approach for protecting public health, working closely with impacted populations including both adults and children. To further these relationships and to proactively address community needs, the Community Engagement Core is guided by two primary objectives. First, the CEC has broad educational goals – including teaching and inspiring the next generation of researchers and scientists. By coordinating with the SRP Projects, the CEC continues to create innovative, hands-on learning experiences that teach key concepts of biology and environmental health using easy-to-understand and engaging models. For example, by creating a system where different color LEGO™ bricks represent different atoms, youth can more easily learn about the constituents of air in the “Understanding Air” curriculum. In addition, Dr. Kathy Vandiver has created numerous tactile learning kits made from unique injection-molded parts. In particular, these are useful for teaching fundamental concepts related to protein structure (an aspect that is not readily available through other sources) as well as about how DNA is replicated and codes for RNA. Through the CEC, Dr. Kathy Vandiver provides teachers with models and a curriculum based on the use of the MIT Edgerton Center DNA and Protein Sets to illustrate gene and environment interactions and to explain health outcomes. (note that BLUE= make into links for clicking on.) Another fundamental concept is how genes code for proteins that affect disease susceptibility. This is particularly relevant in the context of environmental justice. Taken together, the unique tools and curriculum developed in-house is having a significant and broad impact on how instructors convey fundamental concepts of biology. Beneficiaries span the US and include international locations. The CEC is responsible for building trusted partnerships with impacted communities through mutual knowledge sharing, recognizing that community members’ knowledge about people, places, and historical context can be highly valuable. Additionally, the CEC’s efforts in community outreach provide SRP researchers with field-work opportunities. For example, community members in Wilmington, MA and in Sipayik, Maine have assisted researchers in collecting water samples from their water systems. As one example, Dr. Kathy Vandiver and Dr. Harry Hemond worked together with two master’s students to sample water from homes. Remarkably, ~30% of the population participated in the study, including indigenous people. This successful Citizen Science project led to many benefits, including guidance on how to reduce the lead levels that are consumed in people’s homes.
96 pages • 3 hours read Walter IsaacsonA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. Before You Read Beta Symbols & Motifs In July 2019, Victoria Gray became the first person to be treated with a CRISPR gene-editing tool. Gray suffered from sickle-cell anemia, which is caused by a mutation in a single letter of the 3 billion base pairs that comprise a person’s DNA. The sickle-cell mutation affects the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin protein of red blood cells (RBCs). The mutated hemoglobin causes RBCs to be long and twisted rather than round and smooth, clumping together into a sickle shape. The clumped cells struggle to travel through blood vessels, depriving vital organs of life-giving oxygen, leading to severe pain and reduced lifespan. Doctors affiliated with Charpentier’s CRISPR Therapeutics extracted stem cells from Gray’s blood-rich bone marrow and edited them with CRISPR to activate a gene that produces a type of blood cell generally made only during the fetal stage of life. The edited cells were injected back into Gray’s blood, and by June 2020, tests showed 81% of her bone marrow cells were producing the good hemoglobin. The procedure gave Gray a new lease of life and showcased CRISPR’s potential in treating communities that are historically underserved by the medical community. In the United States, most sickle-cell anemia patients, like Gray, are Black. Get access to this full Study Guide and much more! However, to fully utilize CRISPR’s equalizing potential, the technology has to be affordable, a project Doudna embarked upon. By Walter Isaacson Health & Medicine New York Times Best Sellers Science & Nature SuperSummary New Releases SuperSummary Staff Picks Teams & Gangs
By Julianne Mosher A new initiative has been passed at the elementary schools within the Comsewogue School District, giving the buildings new solar panel technology and plans to save the district thousands of dollars. “I’m so excited. … It’s a good project for everyone,” said Susan Casali, assistant superintendent for business. “It’s a win-win for the environment, taxpayers and the district.” The bidding process was a long one, and after much deliberation, Massachusetts-based energy company Noresco was selected in May 2017. The company then worked to complete a two-year energy efficiency upgrade project in the Clinton Avenue Elementary School that was finished this past month. These upgrades, which included installing 477 kW of photovoltaic solar arrays on the roof of the elementary school, is expected to provide Comsewogue more than $1.9 million in energy savings over the next 18 years and will reduce carbon emissions equivalent to removing 435 cars from the road. “It’s really cost saving, as well as being impactful to the environment,” Casali said. “It will pay itself off in six years.” The production of the solar panels is estimated at 572,879 kWh during the first year, which is nearly two times the school’s annual consumption. During the 2016–2017 school year, energy use was 307,440 kWh. Noresco’s project management, SUNation Solar Systems, installed the solar photovoltaic arrays on the roof of the 67,000-square-foot elementary school. The new energy source is expected to save the district approximately $90,000 a year in energy costs during the first year alone. Right now, the excess power at Clinton will generate enough for Boyle Road Elementary School. “Since we’re a school district we can’t sell the power back to the plant, but we can reuse it for other buildings,” Casali said. She said that the district is planning its next solar panel for Terryville Road Elementary School next summer.
Collins Standard Digital Bus, abbreviated as CSDB, is a key component in the field of aviation. It is a widely used communication protocol that enables the exchange of data between various avionics systems on an aircraft. The CSDB plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and safety of aviation operations. In this article, we will delve deeper into the workings and significance of the Collins Standard Digital Bus in aviation. Collins Standard Digital Bus (CSDB) The Collins Standard Digital Bus, often referred to as CSDB, is a communication standard developed by Collins Aerospace (formerly Rockwell Collins) for use in avionics systems. It provides a means of transmitting data between different avionics components, such as flight control systems, navigation systems, communication systems, and more. The CSDB operates on a high-speed digital network, enabling the exchange of information at a rapid pace. This allows for efficient and real-time data communication, which is vital in the complex operational environment of an aircraft. The CSDB follows the ARINC 429 protocol, which specifies the electrical and data characteristics for data bus avionics systems. It defines a standardized structure for transmitting and receiving data packets, ensuring compatibility and interoperability between different avionics components. One of the key advantages of the Collins Standard Digital Bus is its flexibility. The CSDB supports multiple data types, including analog, discrete, and digital signals, allowing for the seamless integration of various avionics subsystems. This versatility makes it a preferred choice for modern aircraft systems. Significance of Collins Standard Digital Bus in Aviation The Collins Standard Digital Bus plays a critical role in enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and safety of aviation operations. Let’s explore some of the key aspects that highlight the significance of the CSDB in aviation: 1. Streamlined Data Communication The CSDB facilitates streamlined data communication between various avionics systems. It allows for the efficient exchange of information, enabling different aircraft subsystems to work together seamlessly. By using a standardized communication protocol, the CSDB ensures that data is transmitted accurately and reliably, reducing the risk of errors or miscommunication. For example, the CSDB enables the flight control system to communicate with the navigation system, ensuring that accurate position and flight path information is provided to the autopilot. This real-time data exchange enhances the responsiveness and precision of the aircraft’s flight control system, contributing to safer and more efficient flights. 2. Improved Fault Detection and Diagnostic Capabilities The Collins Standard Digital Bus also enhances fault detection and diagnostic capabilities in aviation systems. By continuously monitoring the data exchange between avionics components, the CSDB can identify abnormalities or anomalies in the transmitted data. This enables timely detection of potential faults or malfunctions, allowing maintenance crews to take proactive measures. For instance, if the CSDB detects inconsistent or erroneous data from a particular avionics system, it can trigger an alert or warning, indicating the need for further investigation. This proactive approach to fault detection helps prevent potential safety hazards and reduces unscheduled maintenance actions. 3. Increased System Integration and Modularity The Collins Standard Digital Bus enables increased system integration and modularity in aircraft avionics. It provides a standardized communication platform, allowing avionics manufacturers to develop compatible components that can be easily integrated into existing systems. With the CSDB, airlines and aircraft operators have the flexibility to update or upgrade specific avionics subsystems without major modifications to the entire system. This modularity reduces downtime and costs associated with system upgrades, making it easier for airlines to adopt new technologies and meet evolving regulatory requirements. Furthermore, the use of a standardized bus architecture simplifies the certification process for avionics components. Manufacturers can demonstrate compliance with regulatory standards by ensuring their products adhere to the CSDB protocol, streamlining the certification process and accelerating the development and deployment of new avionics systems. The Collins Standard Digital Bus (CSDB) is a vital communication standard in aviation. Its role in enabling efficient data exchange between avionics systems cannot be overstated. The CSDB enhances the efficiency, reliability, and safety of aviation operations, ensuring seamless communication between critical aircraft subsystems. By following the ARINC 429 protocol and providing a standardized platform for data transmission, the CSDB enables streamlined communication, improved fault detection, and increased system integration and modularity. Its flexibility and versatility make it a widely adopted communication standard in modern aircraft systems.
In the world of aviation, precision and accuracy are key. Pilots rely on a multitude of instruments, systems, and calculations to navigate through the skies safely. One essential term in aviation that aids in navigation is “crosstrack,” often abbreviated as XTK. Crosstrack is a crucial concept that ensures the aircraft stays on the desired flight path and minimizes the risk of deviations. Crosstrack: Understanding the Basics Crosstrack refers to the perpendicular distance between an aircraft’s current position and its intended flight path. It is essentially the sideways deviation from the desired route. Pilots rely on navigation systems to calculate the crosstrack value, which helps to determine whether the aircraft is on track or needs to make adjustments. Crosstrack plays a vital role in aviation by assisting pilots in establishing the accuracy of their navigation systems and making appropriate course corrections. Let’s explore a few ways in which crosstrack is used in aviation: 1. Course Monitoring: As an aircraft follows its plotted course, the onboard navigation system continuously calculates the crosstrack. By comparing the aircraft’s actual position with the desired flight path, pilots can determine if any deviations have occurred. This enables them to take corrective actions promptly, ensuring that the aircraft remains on track. 2. Tracking Fixes: Navigational fixes are predetermined waypoints along a flight route that help guide the aircraft to its destination. Crosstrack measurements are used to ensure that the aircraft remains on the recommended path towards these fixes. By monitoring the crosstrack value, pilots can make necessary adjustments, such as altering the heading or using navigational aids, to maintain the desired course. 3. Waypoint Navigation: Waypoints are specific geographic coordinates that help define a flight path. Crosstrack calculations help determine how far off the aircraft’s position is from each designated waypoint. By comparing the crosstrack distance with predefined tolerances, pilots can stay on track and navigate with precision, ensuring a safe and efficient journey. The Importance of Accurate Crosstrack Calculations Accurate crosstrack calculations are vital for maintaining the safety and efficiency of an aircraft’s flight. Incorrect crosstrack assessments can lead to deviations from the intended path and potential safety hazards. By understanding the importance of precise crosstrack calculations, pilots can take appropriate measures to avoid such situations. 1. Flight Safety: Crosstrack plays a significant role in ensuring the safety of the aircraft and its occupants. By continuously monitoring the crosstrack value, pilots can immediately identify any deviations from the intended flight path. This allows them to take corrective actions promptly, mitigating risks associated with potential conflicts with other aircraft, obstacles, or restricted airspace. 2. Efficient Fuel Consumption: Accurate crosstrack calculations also help with fuel efficiency. By maintaining precise navigation and minimizing deviations, pilots can optimize the aircraft’s flight path, reducing unnecessary fuel consumption. This not only benefits the environment but also helps airlines save on fuel costs, contributing to improved operational efficiency. 3. Time Management: Ensuring accurate crosstrack calculations aids in on-time performance. By staying on the desired course, pilots can avoid unnecessary diversions or delays. This is particularly important for commercial aviation, where adhering to flight schedules is crucial. Accurate crosstrack monitoring and corrections help airlines maintain efficient operations and provide a reliable travel experience for passengers. Crosstrack, often abbreviated as XTK, is a critical term in the aviation industry. It represents the lateral distance between the aircraft’s current position and its intended flight path. By continually monitoring the crosstrack value, pilots can ensure that the aircraft remains on track to its destination. Whether it’s course monitoring, tracking fixes, or waypoint navigation, crosstrack calculations are integral to aviation navigation. Accurate crosstrack assessments contribute to flight safety, fuel efficiency, and on-time performance. By understanding the significance of crosstrack in aviation, pilots can navigate the skies with precision and confidence.
Unveiling the Intricacies: Deciphering iPhone 11 Pricing Overview of Mobile Technology Mobile technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and conduct business. The introduction of smartphones like the iPhone 11 has not only redefined personal technology but also reshaped economies and industries worldwide. In this section, we will delve into the intricate details of iPhone 11 pricing, examining the various factors that influence its cost and define its value proposition for consumers. Production Expenses and Components One of the critical elements that determine the pricing of the iPhone 11 is the cost of production. From sourcing raw materials to assembling components, Apple incurs substantial expenses in manufacturing this flagship device. We will dissect the production process of the iPhone 11, shedding light on the nuances of cost allocation and supply chain management. Understanding these intricacies is essential to grasp the underlying economics of pricing. Market Positioning and Strategy Apart from production costs, Apple's strategic decisions in market positioning significantly impact the pricing of the iPhone 11. By analyzing Apple's market segmentation, target audience, and competitive landscape, we can unravel the rationale behind the pricing strategy employed for this premium device. Examining consumer preferences and industry trends will offer insights into how Apple strives to maintain its competitive edge. Behind the Scenes Insights from Apple's Leadership To gain a holistic view of iPhone 11 pricing, we will explore insights gleaned from interviews with key figures within Apple's leadership. Understanding the perspectives of decision-makers behind the iPhone 11's pricing model provides valuable context on the company's overarching goals and vision. By delving into these interviews, we can uncover the strategic thinking driving Apple's pricing strategies. Supply Chain Dynamics An often-overlooked aspect of pricing is the intricate web of the supply chain that sustains Apple's product ecosystem. From component manufacturers to logistics partners, each player in the supply chain influences the final cost of the iPhone 11. By unraveling these supply chain dynamics, we can elucidate the interconnected relationships that impact pricing decisions and product availability. Reviews and Recommendations Critic and User Perspectives Finally, we will delve into critic reviews, user feedback, and industry insights to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the iPhone 11's value proposition. By aggregating critics' ratings, user reviews, and expert commentary, we aim to offer readers a nuanced perspective on the device's performance, features, and overall satisfaction. From highlighting its strengths to acknowledging areas for improvement, our review section will guide consumers in making informed decisions about the iPhone 11. In the realm of high-end technology, few devices garner as much attention and intrigue as the iPhone 11. Apple's flagship smartphone has become a symbol of innovation and sophistication in the ever-evolving landscape of mobile devices. Understanding the pricing dynamics of the iPhone 11 offers a unique insight into the intersection of consumer demand, market competition, and brand value. This article embarks on a detailed exploration of what drives the pricing strategies of one of the most iconic smartphones in the market today. Overview of iPhone The iPhone 11's journey traces back to Apple's relentless pursuit of perfection in smartphone design and functionality. Through a series of iterations and technological advancements, Apple has refined the iPhone lineup to embody elegance and efficiency. The introduction of the iPhone 11 marked a significant milestone in Apple's legacy, integrating cutting-edge features with a sleek aesthetic. Its seamless blend of hardware and software exemplifies Apple's commitment to delivering a premium user experience. At the core of the iPhone 11 lie a host of features that set it apart from its predecessors. From the powerful A13 Bionic chip to the innovative dual-camera system, each component of the iPhone 11 is meticulously crafted to enhance performance and usability. The device's exceptional battery life, stunning display, and robust build quality underscore Apple's dedication to exceeding customer expectations. With a focus on user-friendly design and seamless integration, the iPhone 11 stands out as a testament to Apple's product engineering prowess. Apple's meticulous market positioning strategy has solidified the iPhone 11's status as a premium smartphone. By emphasizing exclusivity, quality, and innovation, Apple has curated a distinct brand image that resonates with discerning consumers. The iPhone 11's strategic pricing aligns with its positioning in the market, reinforcing its association with luxury and sophistication. Through targeted marketing campaigns and strategic partnerships, Apple has reinforced the iPhone 11's appeal to a global audience. Relevance of Pricing Analysis Understanding consumer behavior is crucial in deciphering the factors that influence the pricing of the iPhone 11. Consumers' perceptions, preferences, and purchasing patterns play a pivotal role in shaping Apple's pricing strategies. By analyzing consumer behavior, Apple can determine the perceived value of the iPhone 11 and adjust pricing accordingly to maximize market penetration. The competitive landscape in the smartphone industry directly impacts Apple's pricing decisions for the iPhone 11. Rival companies' strategies, product offerings, and market share influence how Apple positions its flagship device in relation to competitors. By assessing the competitive landscape, Apple can fine-tune its pricing strategy to maintain a competitive edge while sustaining profitability. The economic environment, including factors like production costs, currency fluctuations, and global market trends, has a substantial impact on the pricing of the iPhone 11. Apple's pricing decisions must navigate economic complexities to ensure profitability and market viability. By evaluating the economic landscape, Apple can adapt its pricing strategy to remain resilient amidst dynamic market forces. The cornerstone of understanding the pricing dynamics of the iPhone 11 lies in dissecting its cost components. By scrutinizing the manufacturing and distribution expenses, one gains a profound insight into the intricate web of factors influencing the final pricing strategy. Delving deep into the realm of cost components unveils the underlying economic principles that govern the pricing structure, shedding light on the rationale behind Apple's strategic decisions. In the realm of manufacturing costs for the iPhone 11, materials play a pivotal role in shaping the end product. The selection of materials dictates not only the quality of the device but also its production costs. Apple's inclination towards top-tier materials reflects its commitment to delivering premium products. Despite the higher costs associated with superior materials, Apple justifies this choice through enhanced durability and aesthetic appeal, resonating with consumers seeking a blend of luxury and functionality. Labor stands as another crucial component in the manufacturing costs of the iPhone 11. Skilled labor plays a significant role in ensuring precision during production, contributing to the exceptional quality for which Apple products are renowned. The meticulous attention to detail and craftsmanship inherent in Apple's workforce underpins the brand's reputation for excellence. However, the reliance on skilled labor also escalates production expenses, a trade-off Apple navigates to maintain its reputation for uncompromising quality. Research and Development (R&D) expenses form a substantial part of the manufacturing costs for the iPhone 11. Apple's relentless pursuit of innovation drives significant investments in R&D, fueling technological advancements and product enhancements. The expenditure on R&D signifies Apple's commitment to pushing the boundaries of technological possibilities, a strategic move to differentiate itself in a competitive market. While heavy R&D spending elevates production costs, it reinforces Apple's position as a trailblazer in the tech industry. Distribution expenses for the iPhone 11 encompass various facets, with shipping playing a pivotal role in the logistical chain. Efficient shipping practices ensure timely delivery of products to global markets, minimizing delays and enhancing customer satisfaction. Apple's strategic shipping processes optimize operational efficiency, reducing overall distribution costs. However, fluctuations in shipping rates and geopolitical factors pose challenges that demand agile solutions to maintain cost-effectiveness. Warehouse management forms a critical component of distribution expenses for the iPhone 11. Effective warehousing practices streamline inventory management, ensuring optimal stock levels to meet consumer demands. Apple's robust warehousing strategies prioritize stock rotation and storage optimization, mitigating excess inventory costs. Nonetheless, securing adequate warehousing facilities in prime locations incurs additional expenses, necessitating a balanced approach to cost management. Retail margins play a pivotal role in determining the final retail price of the iPhone 11. The markup applied at retail outlets influences consumer perception of value, shaping purchase decisions. Apple strategically leverages its brand equity to command premium retail margins, positioning the iPhone 11 as a symbol of status and luxury. While higher retail margins contribute to revenue streams, balancing profitability with competitive pricing strategies remains imperative to cater to diverse consumer segments. Understanding the pivotal role of Price Determinants is crucial within the context of exploring the pricing strategies of the iPhone 11. Price Determinants exert significant influence on consumer behavior, market competitiveness, and the overall economic positioning of Apple's flagship device. By delving deep into the intricate web of Demand-Supply Dynamics and Brand Value, one can decipher the rationale behind Apple's pricing strategies. Recognizing the nuanced interplay of market trends, seasonal variations, and global factors facilitates a holistic comprehension of the forces steering the pricing mechanism of the iPhone 11. Market Trends serve as a compass guiding Apple in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of consumer electronics. Understanding the pulse of market trends enables Apple to align its pricing strategy with changing consumer preferences, technological advancements, and industry innovations. By embracing market trends, Apple ensures its pricing remains agile, adaptable, and responsive to dynamic market conditions. Seasonal Variations play a pivotal role in shaping the demand-supply equilibrium for the iPhone 11. Recognizing the seasonal fluctuations in consumer purchasing behaviors, Apple strategically adjusts its pricing to leverage demand surges during peak seasons while maintaining competitive pricing structures during off-peak periods. Embracing seasonal variations optimizes Apple's revenue streams and enhances consumer engagement throughout the year. Global Factors exert a profound impact on Apple's pricing strategies for the iPhone 11 on a global scale. From exchange rate fluctuations to geopolitical dynamics, global factors influence production costs, market positioning, and consumer purchasing power. By factoring in global considerations, Apple fine-tunes its pricing to resonate with diverse international markets, ensuring competitive pricing that aligns with varying economic landscapes. Apple's Brand Equity Apple's Brand Equity stands as a cornerstone of its pricing strategy for the iPhone 11. The illustrious brand legacy cultivated by Apple over the years embodies trust, innovation, and premium quality in the eyes of consumers. Leveraging Apple's unparalleled brand equity allows the company to command premium prices, instill brand loyalty, and uphold a superior market positioning amidst competitors. Perceived Value embodies the intangible essence that shapes consumer perceptions of the iPhone 11's worth beyond its material components. The intrinsic value associated with Apple's product design, user experience, and brand prestige influences consumer willingness to pay premium prices for the iPhone 11. By enhancing perceived value through continuous innovation and experiential marketing, Apple sustains its pricing power and consumer resonance in the market. Premium Positioning underscores Apple's strategic positioning of the iPhone 11 as a premium, aspirational product within the smartphone industry. By positioning the iPhone 11 as a symbol of luxury, innovation, and exclusivity, Apple cultivates a niche market segment willing to pay premium prices for exceptional quality and status symbol. Embracing premium positioning allows Apple to differentiate its product offering, command pricing authority, and solidify its coveted status in the competitive smartphone landscape. Competitive Analysis plays a pivotal role in this article by offering valuable insights into the pricing strategies of key players in the mobile industry. Understanding the competitive landscape is crucial for deciphering the factors influencing iPhone 11 pricing decisions. By dissecting the strategies adopted by rivals, such as Samsung, Huawei, and Google, we can unravel industry trends, consumer preferences, and market dynamics that impact Apple's pricing decisions profoundly. Rivals' Pricing Strategies Samsung, a formidable competitor in the smartphone market, presents a robust pricing strategy that caters to a wide range of consumer segments. The brand's diverse product portfolio and consistent innovation serve as significant drivers for its competitive positioning. Samsung's focus on offering cutting-edge technology at competitive prices makes it a compelling choice for consumers seeking value and performance. However, the brand faces challenges in brand loyalty compared to Apple, affecting its ability to command premium pricing. Huawei, known for its technological prowess and innovative offerings, adopts a competitive pricing strategy that emphasizes quality and affordability. The brand's strong emphasis on camera technology and AI integration sets it apart in the market. Huawei's ability to blend advanced features with competitive pricing makes it a popular choice among consumers looking for high-end specifications at a reasonable cost. Despite these advantages, Huawei faces hurdles in brand perception in some markets, impacting its pricing flexibility and market positioning. Google, with its Pixel lineup, focuses on delivering a pure Android experience coupled with top-notch camera capabilities. The brand's pricing strategy is geared towards offering premium features at a competitive price point, appealing to consumers seeking high-quality hardware and seamless software integration. Google's emphasis on artificial intelligence and machine learning further strengthens its product offerings. However, the brand's limited global availability compared to industry giants like Apple and Samsung poses challenges in market reach and brand recognition, influencing its pricing strategy. Market Share Impact Sales performance directly influences a company's market share and revenue generation. By analyzing sales data, companies can gain insights into consumer preferences, demand trends, and competitive dynamics. Understanding sales performance enables companies to refine their pricing strategies, product offerings, and marketing initiatives to drive growth and maintain market relevance. Consumer preferences play a pivotal role in shaping market dynamics and product positioning. By identifying and catering to customer preferences, companies can enhance brand loyalty, increase customer satisfaction, and drive sales growth. Analyzing customer preferences allows companies to tailor pricing strategies, product features, and marketing campaigns to align with consumer needs and expectations. Market segmentation involves dividing consumers into distinct groups based on demographics, behavior, or psychographics. By segmenting the market, companies can target specific customer segments with tailored products and pricing strategies. Understanding market segmentation enables companies to optimize resource allocation, maximize customer reach, and enhance competitive advantage by addressing the unique needs of different consumer groups. In delving into the complexities of the iPhone 11 pricing, the Consumer Perspective emerges as a crucial focal point. Understanding how consumers perceive the pricing of this flagship device is essential to grasp the dynamics of demand and market positioning. Various elements shape consumer behavior towards the iPhone 11, including income levels, product perception, and alternatives in the market. By analyzing consumer perspectives, we can gain valuable insights into how pricing strategies impact purchasing decisions and brand loyalty. Income levels play a significant role in the consumer perspective towards the iPhone 11 pricing. The affordability of this device for individuals across different income brackets influences its market penetration and demand. Understanding the impact of income levels on consumer choices allows companies to tailor pricing strategies to target specific income segments effectively. By addressing the needs and preferences of varying income groups, businesses can enhance their market competitiveness and appeal to a broader customer base. Product perception is another critical aspect of price sensitivity for the iPhone 11. Consumers' perceptions of the device's value, quality, and brand image directly affect their willingness to pay a premium price. Communicating the unique features and benefits of the iPhone 11 effectively can shape how it is perceived in the market, influencing price sensitivity and consumer behavior. By strategically managing product perception, companies can create a distinct competitive advantage and justify pricing decisions. When analyzing price sensitivity, considering alternatives available to consumers is paramount. Competing products, such as Android devices or previous iPhone models, serve as alternatives that impact the perceived value of the iPhone 11. Understanding how these alternatives influence consumer choices and pricing perceptions is vital for positioning the iPhone 11 effectively in the market. By differentiating the iPhone 11 from its alternatives, companies can justify its price point and showcase its unique value proposition. Purchase Decision Factors Features vs. Price The interplay between features and price is a critical factor in consumers' purchase decisions regarding the iPhone 11. Balancing the device's features with its price point determines its perceived value and attractiveness to potential buyers. Communicating the benefits of features relative to the price enables consumers to make informed decisions based on their preferences and budget constraints. By highlighting the value proposition of the iPhone 11's features in relation to its price, companies can influence consumer choices and drive sales. Brand loyalty significantly influences purchase decisions for the iPhone 11. Apple's strong brand equity and reputation for innovation instill trust and confidence in existing customers, resulting in repeat purchases and brand loyalty. Leveraging brand loyalty as a purchase decision factor allows companies to retain customers, strengthen brand relationships, and mitigate price sensitivity. By fostering brand loyalty through consistent quality and customer experience, businesses can create a loyal customer base that sustains long-term success. Reviews & Recommendations Consumer reviews and recommendations play a pivotal role in shaping purchase decisions for the iPhone 11. Positive reviews and word-of-mouth endorsements build credibility and trust among potential buyers, influencing their perceptions and willingness to invest in the device. Incorporating reviews and recommendations as part of the marketing strategy enhances the device's perceived value and authenticity, driving purchase intent and customer satisfaction. By leveraging positive feedback and recommendations, companies can cultivate a positive brand image and attract new customers seeking reliable insights into the iPhone 11's performance. The anticipation of future trends and developments plays a crucial role in understanding the pricing dynamics of the iPhone 11. Looking ahead allows us to foresee potential shifts in consumer preferences, technological advancements, and market conditions. By analyzing the trajectory of the industry, we can better prepare for upcoming challenges and opportunities. The future outlook section aims to provide insightful forecasts that will aid decision-makers in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of smartphone pricing. Trends and Innovations Technological advancements are at the core of the iPhone 11's pricing strategy. The relentless pursuit of innovation by Apple has led to cutting-edge features that set it apart from its competitors. From the sophisticated camera capabilities to the advanced processing power, each technical leap contributes to the device's overall value proposition. Consumers are drawn to these innovative features, enhancing Apple's competitive edge in the market. The market evolution of smartphones, including the iPhone 11, showcases the progressive nature of consumer preferences and demands. As users seek more functionality and convenience from their devices, manufacturers must adapt to these changing trends. Market evolution drives the continual refinement of product offerings, leading to improved user experiences and increased value for customers. Price adaptations are a strategic response to market fluctuations and consumer behavior patterns. Flexibility in pricing enables companies like Apple to respond swiftly to competitive pressures and customer expectations. By understanding the intricacies of price adaptations, businesses can calibrate their pricing strategies to maximize profitability while maintaining customer loyalty. Forecasted Pricing Strategies Forecasted pricing strategies offer insight into the potential pricing landscape for the iPhone 11. By analyzing market trends and competitor movements, companies can develop robust pricing models that align with consumer perceptions of value. Forecasting pricing strategies enables organizations to stay ahead of the curve and adapt quickly to market shifts. Consumer Behavior Shifts Consumer behavior shifts impact the pricing strategies of products like the iPhone 11. Understanding how consumers react to market stimuli and product changes can inform pricing decisions. By monitoring shifts in consumer behavior, companies can refine their pricing tactics to capitalize on emerging trends and preferences. Regulatory impacts on the smartphone industry, including the iPhone 11, can create both challenges and opportunities. Compliance with regulations not only ensures legal adherence but also influences pricing structures and marketing approaches. By assessing the regulatory landscape, companies can proactively address potential impacts on pricing and adjust their strategies accordingly.
Coastal artillery and coastal defense have played a pivotal role in safeguarding nations against maritime threats. This intricate interplay of military strategy and technology has evolved significantly, reflecting the dynamic nature of warfare over centuries. Understanding the historical evolution and strategic importance of coastal artillery is essential for comprehending modern defense systems. As a vital component of national security, it continues to adapt to emerging threats in a complex geopolitical landscape. The Evolution of Coastal Artillery Coastal artillery has undergone significant transformation from its inception in the medieval period to the modern military landscape. Initially, coastal defense relied on rudimentary fortifications and cannons, with structures such as stone castles serving as strategic points for repelling naval attacks. Over time, advancements in gunpowder technology led to the development of larger, more powerful artillery pieces capable of engaging naval vessels from greater distances. The 19th century marked a pivotal moment as nations began investing heavily in coastal artillery, leading to the construction of elaborate fortifications equipped with rifled cannons. These innovations allowed for increased accuracy and range, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of coastal defense systems. As naval technology progressed, so did the need for improved coastal artillery, culminating in the establishment of powerful coastal batteries designed to protect critical harbors and maritime choke points. In the 20th century, the advent of naval aviation and missile technology necessitated further evolution in coastal artillery. Modern systems incorporate a combination of traditional artillery and advanced technologies, such as guided missiles and automated targeting systems. This adaptability underscores the enduring role of coastal artillery and coastal defense in safeguarding national interests against an array of maritime threats. Key Components of Coastal Defense Systems Coastal defense systems encompass a variety of key components designed to protect maritime borders from threats. Fundamental elements include artillery installations, surveillance systems, and logistical support, each working in concert to ensure effective coastal defense. Artillery installations serve as the backbone of these systems, consisting of coastal guns and missile platforms strategically positioned to engage enemy vessels. These systems are often complemented by sophisticated surveillance technologies, such as radar and sonar, which provide early warning of incoming threats. Logistical support structures, including fuel depots and maintenance facilities, are crucial for sustaining operations. Additionally, command and control centers coordinate the efforts of personnel, ensuring that responses to threats are timely and efficient. Training facilities and personnel also play a significant role. Skilled operatives are essential for maintaining the readiness of coastal artillery and coastal defense systems, enabling nations to effectively safeguard their maritime interests in an evolving conflict landscape. The Role of Coastal Artillery in Warfare Coastal artillery refers to the artillery systems deployed specifically for defending coastlines against naval threats. This strategic armament plays a pivotal role in coastal defense, acting as a formidable deterrent to potential adversaries. By targeting enemy vessels approaching coastal areas, coastal artillery effectively safeguards critical maritime interests. The strategic importance of coastal artillery extends beyond mere defense; it shapes the operational landscape. Its positioning can influence naval battles by denying hostile forces access to vital waterways. Effective deployment ensures that enemy ships face significant risks, thereby maintaining a country’s territorial integrity and maritime sovereignty. Defensive capabilities of coastal artillery include long-range targeting and precision fire. These features allow for a rapid response to threats, ensuring that coastal areas remain secure. Historical instances demonstrate its impact, exemplifying how coastal artillery can alter the course of warfare by thwarting opposing naval operations. Case studies of successful engagements highlight the effectiveness of coastal artillery in repelling invasions. Historical battles showcase its ability to shift the tide of conflicts, underscoring its continued relevance in modern coastal defense strategies. Coastal artillery refers to the fortifications and armed forces positioned along coastlines, aimed at defending a nation’s territorial waters. Its strategic importance stems from the vital role it plays in protecting economic interests, military assets, and the broader national security agenda. The threats faced by coastal regions necessitate robust defense mechanisms to deter potential aggressors. Key strategic elements include: - Protection of maritime trade routes. - Prevention of enemy landings and assaults. - Assurance of safe passage for navy and commercial vessels. The effectiveness of coastal artillery in modern warfare reinforces its role in regional stability. Capable of delivering powerful defensive strikes, these systems not only safeguard local population centers but also establish deterrence against hostile actions. Therefore, the integration of coastal artillery into broader defense strategies is paramount for maintaining a nation’s sovereignty and security. Coastal artillery’s defensive capabilities are designed to protect vital coastal areas from naval threats. These systems are integrated into a broader coastal defense strategy, focusing on deterring attacks, minimizing damage, and ensuring maritime security. Key features of these capabilities include: - Long-range firepower: Advanced artillery can target enemy ships at significant distances, rendering them vulnerable before they approach shorelines. - Rapid response: Coastal artillery units are typically stationed strategically to enable quick mobilization against incoming threats. - Coordination with other defense systems: Integration with radar and missile systems enhances situational awareness and improves response efficiency. These elements collectively exemplify how coastal artillery forms a defensive shield, ensuring that nations can protect their coastlines against various threats, including hostile naval forces and amphibious assaults. The effectiveness of coastal artillery in preserving national security underscores its enduring relevance in modern defense strategies. Case Studies of Successful Engagements Coastal artillery has served as a critical component in numerous successful military engagements throughout history. These instances highlight the effectiveness of coastal defense strategies, showcasing how well-planned artillery placements can deter or thwart enemy advancements. The Battle of Scarborough in 1914 demonstrated coastal artillery’s impact on maritime threats. British coastal guns effectively targeted German naval forces, showcasing the importance of strategic positioning and readiness in coastal defense. During the Siege of Malta from 1940 to 1943, coastal artillery played a vital role in thwarting Axis forces. The Maltese islands utilized their artillery effectively against bombers and naval units, illustrating the benefits of integrating coastal artillery into broader defense tactics. The Battle of Inchon in 1950 further emphasizes the significance of coastal artillery. Allied forces used artillery to secure beachheads, allowing for successful amphibious operations that shifted the course of the Korean War. Each scenario highlights how coastal artillery and coastal defense continue to shape military strategies, emphasizing their enduring relevance in modern warfare. Types of Coastal Artillery Coastal artillery encompasses various types of armaments designed specifically for defense against naval threats. This category primarily includes heavy guns, mortars, and missile systems, each serving a unique function in coastal defense operations. The most traditional form of coastal artillery is the coastal gun, typically mounted on land or coastal installations to engage enemy ships. These guns vary in caliber, with larger artillery capable of delivering significant firepower to deter naval incursions. Mortars are another vital component of coastal artillery, providing high-angle fire capabilities. Their design enables them to launch explosive projectiles over obstacles, making them effective against enemy vessels positioned close to shore. Missile systems, such as anti-ship missiles, represent modern advancements in coastal artillery. These guided missiles enhance precision and lethality against naval targets, allowing for effective coastal defense in the face of evolving maritime threats. Modern Coastal Defense Strategies Modern coastal defense strategies integrate advanced technologies and a multi-layered approach to counter contemporary threats. These strategies prioritize collaboration between different branches of military and national defense, ensuring a cohesive response to potential incursions. Integrated defense systems play a pivotal role in modern coastal defense. These systems utilize a combination of radar, surveillance, and artillery platforms, creating a robust network capable of detecting and responding to enemy threats in real-time. Such coordination enhances operational efficiency and effectiveness. Counteracting new threats requires adaptability in tactics and technologies. Nations are increasingly focused on addressing challenges posed by asymmetrical warfare, including drone attacks and naval incursions from non-state actors. Continuous innovation is essential for maintaining strategic superiority in coastal defense. The utilization of unmanned systems, such as drones and underwater vehicles, represents a significant advancement in coastal artillery capabilities. These systems provide valuable reconnaissance and operational support while reducing risk to personnel, thereby enhancing the overall efficacy of coastal defense initiatives. Integrated Defense Systems Integrated defense systems represent a comprehensive approach to coastal artillery and coastal defense, coordinating various defense measures. These systems combine traditional artillery, missile systems, radar, reconnaissance, and surveillance assets to form a cohesive defense network. Key components of integrated defense systems include: - Long-range and short-range artillery - Surface-to-air missile systems - Advanced radar and detection capabilities - Unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles The primary goal is to enhance situational awareness and response capabilities against diverse threats, ranging from naval incursions to aerial attacks. By integrating various military assets, coastal defense forces can respond swiftly to evolving scenarios, maintaining the security of vital coastal regions. Effective communication among all elements of the integrated defense system is imperative. In addition, training personnel on these integrated systems ensures optimal performance, enhancing the overall efficacy of coastal artillery and coastal defense strategies. The result is a robust defense posture that can adapt to contemporary challenges. Counteracting New Threats In response to evolving threats, coastal artillery and coastal defense systems are adapting to a variety of challenges posed by modern warfare. The rise of advanced technologies such as guided missiles, drones, and cyber capabilities necessitates a reevaluation of traditional coastal defense strategies. To counteract new threats, integrated defense systems that combine land, sea, and air assets are increasingly essential. These systems enable rapid detection and engagement of hostile forces before they can penetrate coastal defenses, ensuring a layered security approach. Moreover, unmanned systems have emerged as critical components in surveilling and defending coastlines. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned surface vessels (USVs) augment human operability by providing real-time intelligence and reconnaissance. These technologies enhance situational awareness, allowing for timely responses to emerging threats. Additionally, cyber defense measures are becoming integral in protecting coastal artillery command and control systems. Preventing digital intrusions ensures the reliability of defense mechanisms, allowing coastal artillery units to operate effectively against both physical and cyber threats. Utilization of Unmanned Systems The advent of unmanned systems has significantly enhanced the capabilities of coastal artillery and coastal defense. These systems include drones, unmanned surface vessels, and underwater vehicles, specifically designed for reconnaissance, targeting, and even offensive operations. Their integration allows for real-time data and situational awareness, which are vital for strategic decision-making. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) offer the ability to survey vast coastal areas without risking personnel. They can identify potential threats and relay crucial information to command centers, enabling quick response actions. By improving visibility over maritime operations, UAVs play a pivotal role in coastal defense management. Unmanned surface and underwater vehicles are utilized for mine detection and elimination, reconnaissance, and communication relay. These systems reduce the risk to human life while performing high-stakes missions, making them indispensable in modern warfare. Their deployment allows for a layered defense strategy, enhancing both offensive and defensive coastal capabilities. As threats evolve, the utilization of unmanned systems reflects a shift toward more sophisticated coastal defense strategies. This transformation underscores the necessity for continual technological advancements in coastal artillery, ensuring effective deterrence against contemporary maritime threats. The Geography of Coastal Defense Geography significantly influences coastal defense strategies, determining how nations position their coastal artillery and defense installations. Coastal features such as bays, cliffs, and estuaries can create natural advantages or vulnerabilities, shaping tactical decisions in both historical and modern contexts. The alignment of coastlines plays a crucial role in coastal artillery deployments. Enclosed bays can provide sheltered environments for naval vessels and artillery, while open coastlines may necessitate more extensive defense systems to counter maritime threats. Each geographical feature presents unique challenges and opportunities for effective coastal defense. Furthermore, the proximity to strategic waterways impacts nations’ coastal defense priorities. For instance, busy shipping lanes require heightened security measures, prompting investments in advanced coastal artillery that can deter potential naval incursions. Understanding these geographical elements is vital for developing comprehensive coastal defense strategies. In summary, the geography of coastal defense is integral to shaping artillery roles and tactical planning. This geographical awareness ensures that coastal artillery and coastal defense systems remain effective in safeguarding a nation’s interests against evolving threats. Coastal Artillery Training and Personnel Coastal artillery training and personnel are fundamental elements for ensuring effective coastal defense. Training programs focus on various aspects, such as weapon systems, operational tactics, and strategic defense mechanisms. Personnel involved in coastal artillery must possess a high level of technical skill and situational awareness. Recruitment processes prioritize individuals with strong analytical skills and the ability to work under pressure. Training typically includes: - Hands-on experience with artillery systems. - Simulated combat scenarios to enhance decision-making skills. - Navigation and maintenance of coastal defense equipment. Continuous education is critical to adapting to new technologies and evolving threats. Regular exercises and refresher courses are conducted to maintain proficiency and readiness for any military engagement. Furthermore, teamwork and communication are emphasized throughout training. Coordinated efforts among personnel ensure that coastal artillery functions effectively as part of integrated defense systems. Such preparation underpins the role of coastal artillery in safeguarding national interests and maintaining maritime security. Case Studies: Historic Coastal Defense Battles Throughout history, several coastal defense battles have highlighted the strategic role of coastal artillery in military engagements. One significant example is the Battle of Scarborough in 1914, where British coastal defenses successfully repelled the German naval bombardment, demonstrating the effectiveness of artillery in protecting coastal territories. The Siege of Malta from 1940 to 1943 further accentuated the importance of coastal artillery. Maltese defenses, bolstered by heavy artillery, defended against relentless attacks from Axis forces, showcasing how coastal artillery can turn the tide in prolonged conflicts. The strategic positioning of these defenses allowed for effective counterattacks. Another noteworthy instance is the Battle of Inchon in 1950. Here, the successful amphibious landing by United Nations forces was facilitated by well-coordinated coastal artillery fire. This operation illustrated the dual role of coastal artillery, serving not only as a defensive mechanism but also supporting offensive strategies during naval operations. These historic battles underscore how coastal artillery and coastal defense systems can alter the course of military engagements, shaping both regional stability and the broader strategic landscape. The Battle of Scarborough (1914) The Battle of Scarborough in December 1914 marked a significant encounter during World War I, concentrating specifically on the coastal artillery’s strategic role in coastal defense. This battle involved German naval forces targeting British coastal towns, demonstrating the vulnerabilities of coastal defenses amidst maritime conflict. German ships bombarded Scarborough, Whitby, and Hartlepool, inflicting civilian casualties and destruction. The attack revealed the critical need for robust coastal artillery systems capable of repelling naval threats, emphasizing their significance in safeguarding strategic locations and civilian populations. Key factors during the engagement included: - The effectiveness of German artillery and naval tactics. - The insufficient preparedness of British coastal defenses. - The lasting impact of this attack on British naval strategy. This confrontation underscored the importance of enhancing coastal defense mechanisms, illustrating how coastal artillery serves both a deterrent and a protective function in warfare. The lessons learned from Scarborough’s defense shaped future coastal strategies and military engagements. The Siege of Malta (1940-1943) During the Siege of Malta from 1940 to 1943, the island became a focal point for both Allied and Axis powers. Its strategic location in the Mediterranean made it crucial for controlling maritime routes. The sustained bombardment highlighted the significance of coastal artillery in maintaining defense against extensive aerial and naval attacks. British forces utilized various coastal defense systems, which included formidable artillery positioned to repel Axis assaults. The intense attacks decimated infrastructure but showcased the resilience of maltese personnel and equipment in implementing effective coastal defense strategies. The siege saw relentless aerial bombardments aimed at crippling the island’s defenses. The successful defense of Malta marked a turning point in the Mediterranean theater of World War II. Coastal artillery played an integral role in thwarting numerous attempts by Axis forces to seize the island. Through strategic utilization of local resources and personnel trained in coastal defense tactics, Malta endured and ultimately emerged victorious. The Battle of Inchon (1950) The Battle of Inchon in September 1950 represented a pivotal moment in the Korean War, showcasing the significance of coastal artillery and coastal defense strategies. The United Nations forces, led by General Douglas MacArthur, undertook an audacious amphibious operation aimed at recapturing Seoul and turning the tides of the conflict. The operation leveraged Inchon’s unique geography, characterized by extreme tidal changes, allowing for a surprise landing. Coastal artillery played a crucial role in neutralizing North Korean defenses, enabling a successful beachhead establishment. The strategic importance of effective coastal defense systems was underscored as the UN forces quickly progressed inland. Coastal artillery units targeted enemy positions, facilitating troop movements and disrupting supply lines. This demonstration of coordinated efforts between land, sea, and air forces emphasized the effectiveness of integrated defense strategies in modern warfare. The Battle of Inchon serves as a case study illustrating how coastal artillery and coastal defense can decisively impact the outcomes of military engagements. The Future of Coastal Artillery As global military dynamics evolve, coastal artillery will continue to adapt to new technological advancements and emerging threats. The integration of artificial intelligence, advanced sensor systems, and precision-guided munitions will enhance the effectiveness of coastal defense, facilitating quick responses to maritime incursions. The future will likely see a shift toward networked coastal defense systems, where coastal artillery units operate in conjunction with naval and aerial forces. This integrated approach will provide a more robust defense framework, leveraging real-time data sharing to optimize operational readiness. Furthermore, unmanned systems are set to play a prominent role in coastal defense. Drones and autonomous surface vessels can execute reconnaissance missions while also delivering precise strikes, enabling coastal artillery to engage threats more effectively without exposing personnel to danger. Ultimately, as coastal threats diversify, the role of coastal artillery will remain vital in safeguarding territorial waters, ensuring that nations can adapt to and counteract emerging challenges in maritime security. This evolution will highlight the significance of coastal artillery and coastal defense in contemporary military strategy. The Importance of Coastal Artillery and Coastal Defense Today Coastal artillery and coastal defense remain vital in contemporary military strategy, particularly as geopolitical tensions escalate and maritime threats evolve. Effective coastal defense systems protect sovereign territory and deter potential aggressors from exploiting vulnerabilities in coastal regions. The technological advancements in coastal artillery, including precision-guided munitions and automated fire control systems, enhance their lethality and responsiveness. These innovations ensure that coastal defense systems can address emerging threats from modern naval warfare effectively. Moreover, the changing nature of conflicts necessitates a reevaluation of coastal defense strategies. As asymmetric warfare tactics become more prevalent, the importance of integrated coastal artillery within broader defense frameworks, including air and naval assets, cannot be overstated. In summary, the significance of coastal artillery and coastal defense today is underscored by their role in safeguarding national interests and maintaining regional stability. Continuous investment in these systems is imperative to address both current and future challenges. The significance of Coastal Artillery and Coastal Defense remains paramount in safeguarding national interests against emerging maritime threats. A robust defense system not only deters adversaries but also ensures the protection of vital maritime routes. As coastal environments evolve and new challenges arise, continuous advancements in technology and strategy will shape the future of coastal defenses. The integration of innovative systems and training prepares forces to meet the complexities of modern warfare effectively.
Grief and loss are experiences we will inevitably all encounter; and now the state of New Jersey is trying to ensure that more young people are prepared for it. On Jan. 4, N.J. Gov. Phil Murphy signed into law bipartisan legislation requiring the state’s public schools to incorporate instruction on grief into health and physical education classes for students in grades eight to 12. “Grief can be a debilitating experience that lasts a lifetime when not addressed properly,” Murphy said. “It is my hope that prioritizing the teaching of grief and loss in schools will provide students with the tools and resources they need to cope with the challenges of life.” Why teaching teens about grief matters According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, about 90% of children experience the death of a close friend or family member during their childhood. That’s why Dr. David Schonfeld, director of the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, tells Yahoo Life that instruction on grief should start even earlier — but eighth grade is “better late than never.” “I'm not necessarily suggesting it has to be a formal curriculum in kindergarten,” he says. “But if there is open conversation and discussion, kids learn it's OK to have feelings that are strong when someone dies, and they figure out what they can do — both to help themselves and help others.” What does instruction on grief for teens look like? Children begin to understand the concept of death and its finality and irreversibility between the ages of five and seven, on average. In kindergarten, developing that knowledge can look more informal, like talking about it when the class goldfish dies, or seeing a dead bird at the park. But by the time students enter eighth grade, Schonfeld says their understanding of death is roughly equivalent to that of an adult, and instruction on grief can be more sophisticated. In New Jersey, public schools will be required to instruct students on physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms of grief, as well as coping techniques for grief and loss. Lindsay Schambach, the executive director of the group Imagine, a Center for Coping with Loss, told WHYY that her organization and others will be working with the N.J. Department of Education to develop a program. While therapy wouldn’t be introduced in health classes, she said it would include a review of “the most up-to-date information as it exists on grief, what is loss, what is grief, what are healthy coping mechanisms that exist, and then across the state we also believe it’s really important to teach children how best to support others who are grieving.” Though Schonfeld isn’t involved in the New Jersey program, he said instruction on grief for teens also involves teaching that you can experience grief not just from the death of a loved one, but from other types of loss too. “When you're helping someone cope with grief, you're helping them deal with the absence of something that's important in their lives,” he explains. He adds: “If you think about, in the pandemic, people experienced a lot of distress, and I kept hearing people talk about it as trauma. But most of it wasn't trauma; most of it was actually grief.” How you can help a teen who’s grieving Schonfeld has a few tips for parents and caregivers on how they can help teens dealing with grief or loss. Don’t minimize their grief. “I tell people that if it begins with 'at least,' it's probably something to reconsider,” Schonfeld says. “'At least he's not in pain,' or 'I know your mother died, but at least you still have a dad' — all of these are ways that we try and minimize the distress that people express because we don't like to see it.” Don’t focus on personal loss experiences. “A lot of times people go right to, 'This is what I went through,' or 'I understand what you're going through,’” Schonfeld says. “I usually tell people, particularly if they're not a family member or close friend, don't focus on your personal loss experiences. Focus on the child, what they're feeling, what they're going through, what is working for them, what is not working for them.” Normalize talking about uncomfortable topics. “Talk about topics that are important, even if they're uncomfortable,” Schonfeld says. “If we can talk about death in eighth grade, it's a step in the right direction. It's something that's going to happen to every individual, and they're going to be grieving at some point.” How teens can help others experiencing grief New Jersey Assemblyman Reginald Atkins also indicated that the state’s public school instruction on grief will involve teaching teens how to help others grappling with grief or loss. “Far too often, people don’t know what to say to someone who is grieving or how to support a friend or loved one who has suffered a loss,” he said. “Now, thanks to [bill] A-5015, students will receive the instructional tools and grief support they need to comfort their family and friends through difficult periods.” Here’s how Schonfeld says teens can help fellow classmates and others experiencing grief. Invite them to share how they’re feeling with you — but only when they’re ready. “If you go up to them in the hallway before they walk into class and say, 'How are you doing since your mother died,' they may not want to talk about it at that time,” Schonfeld says. “But let them know that you're aware it happened, and you're sorry that they had to go through that and that you're there if they would like to talk at some point.” Offer practical help. Schonfeld suggests offering to provide some concrete support. “Offer practical help, like, 'I know you missed several days of school when your mother was in the hospital. I've prepared some notes I can share with you, if that will be helpful.' Or, 'I imagine it might be difficult at times for you to pay attention in class or study. So I'd be happy to study with you when that works for you.'"
Simple, the properties of Grandma Like A Mom Only Without The Rules Shirt buttered toast dictate not that the toast must land butter side, but that the toast must not land on the unbuttered side. Therefore, double sided buttered toast falls like normal, as there is no repulsion force from the unbuttered side present. And thus the cat’s obsession with gravity began. Spreading throughout the species as they began knocking items off shelves in an effort to prove things do indeed float under certain circumstances. I have a question. Is simulating 0 g in a plane the same as 0 gravity in space? Don’t they achieve this by going into free fall? Grandma Like A Mom Only Without The Rules Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie There is still gravity in space. Astronauts not outside of earth’s sphere of Grandma Like A Mom Only Without The Rules Shirt influence. The International Space Station is only 400 km up. At that point earth’s gravity is still something like 90% of what it is here on the surface. If the ISS were in a fixed location above the earth, astronauts would feel almost as much gravity as here on the surface. But the ISS is not in a fixed location. It’s moving in an orbit around the earth. Falling in an orbit around the earth. The reason astronauts don’t feel gravity is that they are free falling. They are free falling around the earth. Which is what ‘being in orbit’ is.
Do you think that modern technology can tease 200 horsepower out of 57 cubic inches of displacement? Wow, how fast would it have to turn and could you do it on standard fuel and would it pollute? Almost 200 years, around 1820 it was done… by a Scottish minister named Robert Stirling. You may have heard of man and engine but to fully appreciate both read on. The Stirling engine is not an internal combustion engine… it is an external combustion (think heat) engine. Here is what Sam Julty had to say about the Stirling in 1974… long before there was the fuel and pollution problems of today. “Unlike the Otto-cycle engine found in todays cars, the Stirling engine thrives on external combustion. That is, consumption of fuel takes place outside the combustion chamber where the power impulses are born. Thus when a constant fire is going at a steady rate, pollutants are already drastically reduced. The engine is noiseless and vibration free. It has no carburetor since fuel is fed to a separate firebox. It has no valves since fuel is neither introduced nor removed from the piston area. It has no flywheel since the engine has two crankshafts, which are turned by movement of the pistons. It has no muffler since combustion is silent and it occurs in a separate chamber. The principle behind the Stirling engine involves the use of expanded and contracted gas working on the pistons. The gas may be steam or vapors from some exotic element. Each cylinder has two pistons, one above the other. Each cylinder has a small pipe, which runs from the top end of the cylinder to a point below the upper piston. When the lower piston, called the power piston, just completes a power stroke, it is in its lowest position in the cylinder. The upper piston, called the displacer, is in its highest position in the cylinder. The gap between the two pistons is a fixed volume of gas, which is at a fairly low temperature. As the power piston starts to move upward, some of the gas is forced into the small tube and is piped to the head of the displacer. There, the gas is headed and in expanding, forces the displacer downwards. This forces more gas to the top of the displacer where it is headed and expanded. At a certain point, the displacer blocks off the passageway to the small pipe, and whatever gas exists between the displacer and the power piston is trapped. As the displacer is forced further downward by the expanding gas, it pushes the power piston down to turn the crankshafts. The cycle then repeats. Note: There are no explosions driving the pistons. Rather there is merely a fixed volume of gas, which is heated and cooled. A 4 cylinder Stirling engine CAN produce 200 horsepower from 57 cubic inches.” Wow again. BUT, you say, But is this really a steam engine? Not necessarily. Steam probably in 1820… but today we can get heat pretty quickly and efficiently from a variety of sources: atomic, chemical or electrical. I wonder who will be first to put a Stirling performer in their product? GM could use a boost.
Planting that Tree Planting a tree seems a pretty straightforward enterprise. Well it is, but here are a few tips that can help you do it perfectly: 1. Location, location, location. Very few trees will do well in wet muck, atop ledge (close to surface stone), or in a cold hollow. The ideal position is on a slight hillside so cool air can run past your planting- it must have an outflow. Hillside also means water drainage. Spring flooding is usually ok, but should drain by the time growth begins in earnest or root death will ensue. Drain tile or trenching can help with water issues, and clearing air outflow by taking down trees and such can remedy that issue. Extremely dense hardpan soils and shallow ledge, however, cannot be corrected without excavation or blasting. The good news is there is usually a good spot to be had in close proximity, the subterranean world is often just as varied as the world on top. Aspect (think compass direction) isn’t as important, unless you are trying to influence blossom timing (i.e.- delaying early bloomers) or heating (ie- ripening grapes). Despite all these words, we all have to deal with the land we have and do the best with what we’ve got. 2. Soils. Look up any species and its soil preferences and you’ll find it would like a nice bed of something like “sandy loam”, or “rich loam” or some-such. So, if you are one of the 1% of folks on this planet with this underfoot, you are in perfect shape. For the rest of us, we will have to make due. Any, and I mean any, soil can be made to grow food. Whether the amending process makes practical sense is entirely up to you to decide.( Look deeper at soil improvement coaching in the Research section of the website. Most important is to find spots in your landscape that will require the least labor and cost, bearing in mind a diversity of soil types may simply mean finding the right species for each area. 3. Dig the hole. A good shovel is all you really need, but a mattock/grubbing hoe will make short work of heavy sods and stubborn tree roots. Loosen the soil, then shovel it. It will prove easier and will also break the debris up so you can use it for backfill. Make the hole big enough to accommodate roots without bending them, but don’t overdo it. An overly expansive hole means a soft and fluffy perimeter, which can lead to poor anchorage. You want the tree to anchor its roots in firm soil in the near future. 4. Amendments. Here too you want not to overdo things. Compost (which does not mean un-composted manures) is always a good start, especially on soils low in organic matter. Phosphorus in the planting hole is also important as it is important for root development, does not move as easily through the soil in topdressings, and normally takes time to be made available to plants. General fertilizers are ok in the hole but often not advantageous. Anything containing nitrogen should be used only in plantings made before mid-summer or winter injury from succulent growth is likely. Furthermore, most nitrogen sources will produce injury to roots with direct contact. 5. Check over the tree. After removing the tree from the bag, pot or wrapping, check for roots that are injured or are that were circling and distorted. Spring or earlier summer planted trees will deal with root pruning and general root manipulation (i.e.- tugging, unwrapping and root ball loosening) better than late season planting. In this case prune away dead or decaying roots, and allow for distorted roots to be directed once in the hole. Fall planted trees, however will be less stressed if left alone. These should have their root ball left intact and unpruned or manipulated if the root system appears healthy. 6. Set the tree. A few spades of soft backfill and some of the amendments should go in the hole first, followed by the tree in question. Nestle the tree in and continue filling the hole with the loosened backfill, etc. , while making sure the roots have good soil contact by periodically tamping. When the hole is filled, give it a good long drink. A 3-5 foot tree would like a 5 gallon pail. After the water settles, stamp the soil down well. If you are in a dry area, or have very sandy soil, a slight depression will help collect more water on rainy days. Firming the soil makes sure that there is good soil to root contact, and prevents large air pockets from drying roots out. 7. Stake it. Trees on standard rootstocks usually only need the support for the first year or two. Metal stakes go in easiest, but can be 3 times the price of a good ol’ cedar, oak or locust post. Large diameter wood posts are also far more sturdy. Two posts and support wires are often used. (Run the rope or wire through a piece of garden hose where it touches the tree, or use fabric to prevent rubbing damage). We normally use a single post, but you should pound the post into the hole (for close proximity to the trunk). If you attempt the single post after planting you are likely to smash it into your nicely planted tree roots. With either method, the tree should be tied loosely enough to allow it to sway and develop some trunk strength. 8. Place your trunk guard. A tree without a guard on the trunk will become a rodent’s next meal. Conceivable anything a mouse or vole can’t chew through will fit the bill. Hardware cloth is high on the list for toughness and longevity, and although pricier than screen it is cheaper in the long run. Metal window screen is fine, but some rust quickly and its can be absorbed into the growing trunk if it is wrapped tightly. Mesh plastic guards work ok, but plastics photodegrade eventually, and are less likely to be available at the local store. We do not advise the use of the common white spiral guards for several reasons. Firstly, they will quickly shatter under the influence of weather or string trimmer. Secondly, they take special skill to get the guard tight enough to keep critters out- which incidentally is their purpose. Finally, there have been a fair amount of reports of (and our experience with) trunk glazing, winter damage, and burr knots. Ideally a guard would be placed as a closed cylinder around the trunk without touching. It’ll go from soil level (or a bit deeper) and upward as high as it will go. A foot or so is often enough to deter voles and mice, but the higher the better, especially in colder areas since these little guys sometimes run atop the snow and nibble from the new heights. That said, most rodents will crawl lower, at the soil/snow interface and chew below. 9. Further protection. Those of you who live in areas with deer or moose pressure will need to protect new trees from heavy browsing and racking damage. If you have the ability to do so, a strong 8 or 9 foot fence is the best. It should be strong enough to take an animal that size trying to crash into it either accidentally or on purpose. Woven or welded metal fences are nice, 12 gauge or better. The plastic deer fences I have observed are nearly worthless. There may be some better ones out there but I have seen many torn to pieces the first season. The actual fence can be as low as 4 feet, provided you apply a continuous line of wire above it every foot or less so the animal cannot jump over. This too needs to be of sufficient gauge to withstand a leaping creature, 12 gauge being about the minimum, and wound (cables) are often better. For those on a budget that have only the occasion tree, a little corral of 4 posts and a 5’ tall fence will probably do just fine. Our original small planting used just that, and we never had any trouble. The corral should be too small a space for them to jump in, and too wide for them to reach the branches with their naughty little teeth. Do the best you can. Browsing will not kill it, but it is not what your young tree wants either. Smaller unit fencing like this also keeps out the bunnies which can also damage trees. We have heavy pressure of snowshoe hare here for instance, and cute as they are can do a real number on lower branches. 10. Keep it clear. A circular area about a foot in diameter should remain clear of clutter. This means organic mulches, weeds, and especially sod (aka perennial grasses). This means a clean cultivated area, or better yet a 2-3 inch layer of stone (¼ to 1 inch diameter). The cleared area allows the trunk to remain dryer and healthier. It also prevents any unnecessary competition in a tree’s young years. Organic mulches, like hay or wood chips will allow rodents a nest right up and cozy to the trunk, which we do not want. Also, these types of mulches are in the act of decaying, and that can be detrimental when in such close proximity to the bark. The benefits of the stone mulch are that it suppresses competing growth in the area while keeping the soil moist. It can also help to anchor the bottom portion of our tree guard. Stone mulch in cold areas will become a concrete like mass come winter and impenetrable to digging critters like voles. A clear area about the trunk will also make for a clean path of sight when looking for damage and insect or disease issues. Apple tree borer activity, for instance, is easily spotted. 11. Maintain mulch around your new tree. What this constitutes is a ring of material beginning from the outer edge of your stone mulch/soil circle and extending at least to the dripline (to where the branches extend). The contents of your mulch will depend on what you have access to. Deciduous trees like fruit bearers will appreciate hardwood tree debris like bark and chips, the older the better. (See other Research entries on the website) Hay, straw, compost, and anything else that will rot are good choices. Several inches thick is a nice start, but don’t be too stingy, all this will become beautiful compost as we lay more mulch down year upon year. Mulching will moderate soil temperature swings, preserve soil moisture and feed our tree in a healthy, gradual fashion. It will also help to suppress excess sod and weed growth which could compete with the tree for water and nutrients. A mulch can look can look as tidy as a golf course or as messy as my son’s room, but it will all lead to the same purpose. We like to lay a fresh coat of hay beneath the trees just before harvest, which allows the fruits to fall into this “pillow” and keep them from bruising. Also makes the perfect recline to munch a crispy apple on. 12. Visiting. Like grandma, your tree will be happy if you visit frequently, and be a bit scornful if neglected. Mulching, for instance will insure against the average drought, but be wise enough to water it if times between rains starts to stretch. A 5 gallon pail once a week isn’t too much trouble and can make a big difference to a young tree. A regular program of observation, nutrition and care will be ongoing, but it really isn’t too terribly difficult. What is important is that you notice if your tree needs a hand. There is an old saying that the best fertilizer is a farmer’s footprints… and it is about the best advice this farmer can give you.
Ladakh – Himalayan Blue Poppy Common Name: Himalayan Blue Poppy Scientific Name: Meconopsis aculeata Description: This species of Meconopsis, which has blue flowers, is prickly and only found in a few places in Pakistan and India, specifically in the western Himalayas. Uses: In Ladakh, it is also referred to as Bhoti ‘Tsersnon’. It is employed in the traditional medical system of Sowa-Rigpa (sometimes called the Amchi system) along with Juniperus polycarpos, popularly known as Bhoti ‘Shukpa’. The species is highly prized for its therapeutic properties, and as a result, over-collection of the plant has put strain on wild populations.
ADC Data Capture to DDR Memory Storing data into PL-DDR4 memory can be advantageous because of the large amount of space available to read and write to. A total of 4 gigabytes is available to access from the FPGA. The HDL Coder™ reference designs provide a means for your IP design to connect to this memory interface by using AXI4-Master. AXI4-Master requires state-machine logic to perform reading and writing using multiple control signal lines. State-machine logic in the IP design helps coordinate this transfer by issuing commands originating from MATLAB® as AXI4 register writes. These register writes command the state machine to be configured in different modes. For this data capture example, these modes are broken down into two main operations. The first arrow (labeled 1) in the first figure shows a data path connecting the ADC input stream directly into AXI4-Master to write to the memory interface generator (MIG). From MATLAB, an AXI4 register is written to the state machine to issue a command that data is ready to be written. The state machine then waits for acknowledgement from the DDR4 slave device that it is ready to accept samples. Afterward, data can flow through to the MIG. Because there is a bit of wait time on issuing burst write commands, a back pressure first in, first out (FIFO) is used to help temporarily store data during these periods. In some cases, the amount of back pressure experienced can exceed the FIFO, causing data to be lost. This example inserts several registers to help determine if this situation arises. Typically, this issue happens if the requested data capture size is large enough to induce enough back pressure events to exceed the FIFO capacity. Constant writing to DDR4 memory can be sustained to only a certain frame length before back pressure occurs. Increasing the length of the FIFO can help alleviate this issue at the cost of more FPGA resources. This figure shows the section of the model that is responsible for writing to the digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The second arrow (labeled 2) in the first figure shows the data path of reading from DDR4 memory and returning the frame back to MATLAB or Simulink® over the Ethernet network. Similar to the data path labeled 1, the data path labeled 2 is also controlled with a state machine that is adjustable with AXI4 registers. For each read command issued, an offset address is used to specify which spot in PL-DDR4 memory to read from. This figure shows the read controller logic. ADC Data Capture to DDR Memory Vivado® Design Suite with a supported version listed in Supported EDA Tools and Hardware Xilinx® Zynq® UltraScale+™ ZCU111 or ZCU216 evaluation kit Open the example project and copy the example files to a temporary folder. 1. Navigate to the example source folder by entering these commands at the MATLAB command prompt. example_root = (hdlcoder_rfsoc_examples_root) cd (example_root) 2. Copy all of the example files in the DDR4_ADCCapture folder to a temporary folder. Simulate PL-DDR4 ADC Capture Model To examine how these operations take place, open the model rfsocADCDDR4Capture.slx and simulate the design. By default, the simulation uses the debugCaptureSimMode set to 1. With this mode, the capture logic captures counter data instead of ADC data. The goal is to validate that the counter data written to PL-DDR4 memory is the same data read out when issuing a read command later. The other input AXI4 registers specify the amount of data to capture (ADC_CaptureSize ), the amount of data to write back to the DMA AXI4-Stream per read (DDR4_Rd_FrameLen ), and the offset address of where to read from in PL-DDR4 memory (DDR4_ReadAddress The model stops simulating at the end of the last sample of the frame of data that is sent over the DMA. Afterward, validate that the data written into PL-DDR4 memory is the same as the data that was read out by running the MATLAB script simValidateADCDDR4Capture.m The counter value matches expectations when read out of the DDR4 memory and accessed via the AXI4-Stream DMA. Next, disable debug mode and configure the simulation to capture ADC data instead. Open the script rfsocADCDDR4CaptureInit.m , and then set debugCaptureSimMode . Rerun the simulation, and then plot the data by running the script simValidateADCDDR4Capture.m Generate HDL and Synthesize Bitstream Open the model rfsocADCDDR4Capture.slx , and then right-click the ADC_DDR4_Data_Capture subsystem. Select HDL Code, then click HDL Workflow Advisor. In step 1.1 of the HDL Workflow Advisor, select Target platform as Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ RFSoC ZCU111 Evaluation Kit or Xilinx Zynq Ultrascale+ RFSoC ZCU216 Evaluation Kit In step 1.2, select Reference design as Real ADC/DAC Interface with PL-DDR4 Before proceeding to the next step, set these reference design parameters to the indicated values. AXI4-Stream DMA data width to ADC sampling rate (MHz) to ADC decimation mode (xN) to ADC samples per clock cycle to ADC mixer type to DAC sampling rate (MHz) to DAC interpolation mode (xN) to DAC samples per clock cycle to DAC mixer type to ADC/DAC NCO mixer LO (GHz) to Enable multi-tile sync to If you are using a ZCU216 board, additionally set the DAC DUC mode parameter to Full DUC Nyquist (0-Fs/2) Initiate the bitstream compilation. After the compilation is complete, use a programming script to program the FPGA bit file. Collect Captured PL-DDR4 ADC Data After you create and program the FPGA bit file onto the board, you can capture data. In this capture scenario, the goal is to capture 4 million data points of ADC samples. Because the design is operating at four samples per clock, the data width of each data point written to DDR4 memory is 64 bits. Each data point has an 8 byte offset. To retrieve the samples, use the shared-memory FPGA I/O API over a TCP/IP connection. The script performs these steps. Initiate a data capture and store 4 million samples into DDR4 memory. Check to see if samples were dropped in the data collection due to back pressure. Use shared memory to directly read samples from DDR4 memory from ARM®-Linux® and transfer samples back to MATLAB. This plot shows the first 4000 samples when the capture loop execution finishes. In this example, a capture size of 4 million is possible. Increasing the capture size can yield results where data is missing. For instance, setting the capture length to 8 million (by changing the frame size to 2e6 rather than 1e6). % %% Parameters % DebugMode = 0; % incrScale = 2^14/512e6; % Used to adjust NCO frequency % Fs = 512e6; % CaptureSize = 2e6; % Total amount of four-vector contigious samples to store in PL-DDR4 % DDR4_ReadLen = 100e3; % Amount of four-vector samples to retrieve per read from PL-DDR4 Run this script again. From these 8 million samples captured, 6329 four-vector samples were dropped, (that is, 25,316 ADC samples are missing). In plots of the captures, a missing sample is displayed as a discontinuity, which you can view by using the zoom feature of the plots. The spectrum might not look as severely affected because many samples exist in the frame, but this many samples can still cause issues depending on your end applications. Choosing a back-pressure FIFO depth that is optimal to your design specifications is one workaround to help mitigate missing samples. For more details on where to change this FIFO depth, see this part of the model: rfsocADCDDR4Capture/ADC_DDR4_Data_Capture/DDR_Capture_Logic/DataCaptureLogic
Are alligators present in the Mississippi river in Arkansas? The answer is an unequivocal yes. The American alligator, a large crocodilian reptile, is native to the southeastern U.S., including Arkansas, and is found in the Mississippi River. The robust alligator population in the Mighty Mississippi allows people a unique view of alligators in their natural environment. But what is their impact on the river and the local area? Alligators, like other reptiles, possess a keen sense of smell and ears that hear underwater. They prefer shallow water and marshy land in order to bask in the sun and look for food. Alligators evidently play a significant role in the hydrology of the Mississippi River as they promote and maintain healthy wetlands, filter out sediment and support biodiversity. They are also integral to the tourism industry of the region. An extensive survey conducted by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and the US Fish and Wildlife Service in 2018 revealed that the alligator population in the Mississippi River near the Arkansas-Louisiana border and the northern part of the Delta region exceeds 600 adult alligators, a healthy population compared to other alligator habitats. But alligators are known to be dangerous predators, and the presence of alligators may lead to human-alligator conflict.Humans can unintentionally harm alligators and their eggs, while alligators can also attack any person that comes within the range of their broad territory. Human-alligator conflicts are common in the contiguous states surrounding the Mississippi River, with cases being reported in Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi. To mitigate human-alligator conflict, experts suggest implementing adequate protection and education measures to reduce the chances of humans coming into contact with alligators. Such protection measures could include the installation of proper barriers, fences, and other physical barriers; refraining from feeding of alligators; and signs to alert people to the presence of alligators. Education campaigns should inform people how to respond if they encounter an alligator and how to protect themselves. The presence of alligators has done much to restore the image of the region. They have added an exciting allure that not only attracts tourists but has also made locals proud to share their Mississippi River experiences with others. Today, Mississippi River tours are incorporating educational information and lessons on alligators, highlighting their importance as a native species and the role they play in the greater environment. Economic Impact of Alligators The Mississippi river alligators not only play an important ecological role, but also provide a considerable economic boost to the local economy. The alligators attraction draws thousands of tourists every year, who come for the chance to spot an alligator in its native habitat. The alligator sightings, primarily in the delta region, also serve as fodder for the blossoming ecotourism industry in the area, with eco-guides offering paddling tours, airboat rides and more. In addition to drawing in visitors, the American alligator is also an important source of leather products, clothing and similar items. Alligator meat is also used for human consumption in some areas. Alligators, both wild and farm-raised, are legally harvested for their leather and meat in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, bringing an economic boost to local communities. This brings us to the question of sustainability. The alligator population in Arkansas and other adjoining states have to be closely monitored by the authorities to make sure there is no overexploitation or poaching. There must also be adequate measures to make sure that the privacy of these majestic creatures is not compromised when coming across human settlements. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has put several measures in place to protect these reptiles from an unsustainable population in the area. Local law enforcement are given extensive training to respond to any kind of alligator or crocodile incursions. Further, the officials work with local communities and have regular public engagement events to educate the general population about alligators and to create awareness on the regulations that protect the population preservation. Conservation Status of Alligators The American Alligator population in the wild has seen a surge in numbers over the years due to various initiatives aimed at protecting the population. In 1967, they were added to the endangered species list, and in 1987, they were taken off the list due to the successful conservation efforts. They are currently listed as a species of least concern by the IUCN. However, the alligator population is still vulnerable and vulnerable to threats related to habitat loss, pollution, poaching and over-harvesting for food, leather, and other products. State and federal laws prohibit collecting or killing of alligators in the wild. Despite, this, regulations on hunting, trapping and trading of alligators are not universally enforced throughout the United States, and are particularly weak in some states. Local wildlife conservationists and alligator experts urge for greater enforcement of existing regulations for the preservation of alligator populations in the Mississippi River. They suggest that proper management plans should be established to take into account the social and economic implications of alligator populations, while at the same time ensuring their sustained population growth and a balanced ecosystem. Alligators are hunters, so they are not prone to grazing like some other animals. This makes them ideal apex predators, having an important role in regulating the populations of their prey, such as fish and birds. As the alligator population is stabilizing and thriving in the Mississippi river, the area is currently seeing an increase in bird and fish populations. This increase in the food supply further helps maintain their population in the area. Alligators are also excellent indicators of the health of the local environment. As they are very sensitive to changes in water quality, their presence serves as an indication that the local water sources are not polluted and are in a state of equilibrium. As the area around the Mississippi River is mostly agricultural, keeping their ecosystem in balance is critical to mitigate against flash floods and other disasters. Awareness of alligators and other crocodilian species is one of the important steps in their protection and conservation. Public education and outreach programs can benefit both the animals and local communities, by informing and engaging the public in the issue of alligator conservation, and how to practice safe interaction when in their presence. The local authorities and the conservation organizations, such as the Arkansas Alligator Conservation Program, are actively involved in such education. They focus on educating the public about the different species and the environment in which they live, the regulations that protect the population, and how to stay safe when venturing into their habitat. Such initiatives can help to create a deeper appreciation of the animal, and create an opportunity for stakeholders to take part in their conservation. Regulations are important, but they have their limitations. To protect the alligators and their habitat in the Mississippi River, alternative solutions should also be explored. The local population can come together and take initiative to identify any threats to the ecosystem, such as illegal hunting, pollution or other activities that can harm the species. Educating the community on the importance of the conservation of alligators and other native species can also help raise awareness and encourage citizens to participate in activities that can help them. Engaging the local community through conservation projects and initiatives, such as habitat restoration, can also make a big difference in the conservation of these animals. Finally, it is important that both the local and international stakeholders are involved in the conservation efforts, advocating for the protection of these animals and their habitat. All stakeholders should work together to find solutions that can benefit both the environment and local communities.