Concerns About Dataset Quality

by miroslavjaros - opened


I am quite new to AI, but I believe this could be an issue with the training data. As you can see in the picture, I took one image from the dataset, and it states that the dominant colors are blue and green. Is there something I am missing? Look at the picture; it's obviously not true.

Thanks for your explanation.

Screenshot from 2024-05-19 12-37-40.png

Hi @miroslavjaros
That is a great observation.
The underlying problem you are pointing at here is the limitations of the code instruct model.
More precisely: to create these webpages, we prompted an LLM to generate "ideas" of website (the 3rd column in the screenshot), and use these ideas to prompt a code llm to generate HTML code (the 2nd column in the screenshot) which renders into the screenshot-ed webpage (1st column).
This is a failure from the code llm to follow the instructions given in the "idea".

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