1 value
1 value
def titleize(word) # negative lookbehind doesn't work in Firefox / Safari # humanize(underscore(word)).gsub(/\b(?<!['’`])[a-z]/) { |match| match.capitalize } humanized = humanize(underscore(word)) humanized.reverse.gsub(/[a-z](?!['’`])\b/) { |match| match.capitalize }.reverse end
Capitalizes all the words and replaces some characters in the string to create a nicer looking title. +titleize+ is meant for creating pretty output. It is not used in the Rails internals. +titleize+ is also aliased as +titlecase+. titleize('man from the boondocks') # => "Man From The Boondocks" titleize('x-men: the last stand') # => "X Men: The Last Stand" titleize('TheManWithoutAPast') # => "The Man Without A Past" titleize('raiders_of_the_lost_ark') # => "Raiders Of The Lost Ark"
module Inflector extend self # Returns the plural form of the word in the string. # # If passed an optional +locale+ parameter, the word will be # pluralized using rules defined for that language. By default, # this parameter is set to <tt>:en</tt>. # # pluralize('post') # => "posts" # pluralize('octopus') # => "octopi" # pluralize('sheep') # => "sheep" # pluralize('words') # => "words" # pluralize('CamelOctopus') # => "CamelOctopi" # pluralize('ley', :es) # => "leyes" def pluralize(word, locale = :en) apply_inflections(word, inflections(locale).plurals) end # The reverse of #pluralize, returns the singular form of a word in a # string. # # If passed an optional +locale+ parameter, the word will be # singularized using rules defined for that language. By default, # this parameter is set to <tt>:en</tt>. # # singularize('posts') # => "post" # singularize('octopi') # => "octopus" # singularize('sheep') # => "sheep" # singularize('word') # => "word" # singularize('CamelOctopi') # => "CamelOctopus" # singularize('leyes', :es) # => "ley" def singularize(word, locale = :en) apply_inflections(word, inflections(locale).singulars) end # Converts strings to UpperCamelCase. # If the +uppercase_first_letter+ parameter is set to false, then produces # lowerCamelCase. # # Also converts '/' to '::' which is useful for converting # paths to namespaces. # # camelize('active_model') # => "ActiveModel" # camelize('active_model', false) # => "activeModel" # camelize('active_model/errors') # => "ActiveModel::Errors" # camelize('active_model/errors', false) # => "activeModel::Errors" # # As a rule of thumb you can think of +camelize+ as the inverse of # #underscore, though there are cases where that does not hold: # # camelize(underscore('SSLError')) # => "SslError" def camelize(term, uppercase_first_letter = true) string = term.to_s if uppercase_first_letter string = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/) { |match| inflections.acronyms[match] || match.capitalize } else string = string.sub(/^(?:#{inflections.acronym_regex}(?=\b|[A-Z_])|\w)/) { |match| match.downcase } end string.gsub!(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d]*)/i) { "#{$1}#{inflections.acronyms[$2] || $2.capitalize}" } string.gsub!('/'.freeze, '::'.freeze) string end # Makes an underscored, lowercase form from the expression in the string. # # Changes '::' to '/' to convert namespaces to paths. # # underscore('ActiveModel') # => "active_model" # underscore('ActiveModel::Errors') # => "active_model/errors" # # As a rule of thumb you can think of +underscore+ as the inverse of # #camelize, though there are cases where that does not hold: # # camelize(underscore('SSLError')) # => "SslError" def underscore(camel_cased_word) return camel_cased_word unless camel_cased_word =~ /[A-Z-]|::/ word = camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub('::'.freeze, '/'.freeze) word.gsub!(/(?:(?<=([A-Za-z\d]))|\b)(#{inflections.acronym_regex})(?=\b|[^a-z])/) { "#{$1 && '_'.freeze }#{$2.downcase}" } word.gsub!(/([A-Z\d]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2'.freeze) word.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2'.freeze)!("-".freeze, "_".freeze) word.downcase! word end # Tweaks an attribute name for display to end users. # # Specifically, performs these transformations: # # * Applies human inflection rules to the argument. # * Deletes leading underscores, if any. # * Removes a "_id" suffix if present. # * Replaces underscores with spaces, if any. # * Downcases all words except acronyms. # * Capitalizes the first word. # # The capitalization of the first word can be turned off by setting the # +:capitalize+ option to false (default is true). # # humanize('employee_salary') # => "Employee salary" # humanize('author_id') # => "Author" # humanize('author_id', capitalize: false) # => "author" # humanize('_id') # => "Id" # # If "SSL" was defined to be an acronym: # # humanize('ssl_error') # => "SSL error" # def humanize(lower_case_and_underscored_word, options = {}) result = lower_case_and_underscored_word.to_s.dup # no humans attr exists on inflections, need to port that over # opal - string mutation inflections.humans.each { |(rule, replacement)| break if (result = result.sub(rule, replacement)) } # opal - \A and \z not supported #result = result.sub(/\A_+/, ''.freeze) result = result.sub(/^_+/, ''.freeze) #result = result.sub(/_id\z/, ''.freeze) result = result.sub(/_id$/, ''.freeze) result ='_'.freeze, ' '.freeze) result = result.gsub(/([a-z\d]*)/i) do |match| "#{inflections.acronyms[match] || match.downcase}" end if options.fetch(:capitalize, true) #result = result.sub(/\A\w/) { |match| match.upcase } result = result.sub(/^\w/) { |match| match.upcase } end result end # Capitalizes all the words and replaces some characters in the string to # create a nicer looking title. +titleize+ is meant for creating pretty # output. It is not used in the Rails internals. # # +titleize+ is also aliased as +titlecase+. # # titleize('man from the boondocks') # => "Man From The Boondocks" # titleize('x-men: the last stand') # => "X Men: The Last Stand" # titleize('TheManWithoutAPast') # => "The Man Without A Past" # titleize('raiders_of_the_lost_ark') # => "Raiders Of The Lost Ark" # Creates the name of a table like Rails does for models to table names. # This method uses the #pluralize method on the last word in the string. # # tableize('RawScaledScorer') # => "raw_scaled_scorers" # tableize('ham_and_egg') # => "ham_and_eggs" # tableize('fancyCategory') # => "fancy_categories" def tableize(class_name) pluralize(underscore(class_name)) end # Creates a class name from a plural table name like Rails does for table # names to models. Note that this returns a string and not a Class (To # convert to an actual class follow +classify+ with #constantize). # # classify('ham_and_eggs') # => "HamAndEgg" # classify('posts') # => "Post" # # Singular names are not handled correctly: # # classify('calculus') # => "Calculu" def classify(table_name) # strip out any leading schema name camelize(singularize(table_name.to_s.sub(/.*\./, ''.freeze))) end # Replaces underscores with dashes in the string. # # dasherize('puni_puni') # => "puni-puni" def dasherize(underscored_word)'_'.freeze, '-'.freeze) end # Removes the module part from the expression in the string. # # demodulize('ActiveRecord::CoreExtensions::String::Inflections') # => "Inflections" # demodulize('Inflections') # => "Inflections" # demodulize('::Inflections') # => "Inflections" # demodulize('') # => "" # # See also #deconstantize. def demodulize(path) path = path.to_s if i = path.rindex('::') path[(i+2)..-1] else path end end # Removes the rightmost segment from the constant expression in the string. # # deconstantize('Net::HTTP') # => "Net" # deconstantize('::Net::HTTP') # => "::Net" # deconstantize('String') # => "" # deconstantize('::String') # => "" # deconstantize('') # => "" # # See also #demodulize. def deconstantize(path) path.to_s[0, path.rindex('::') || 0] # implementation based on the one in facets' Module#spacename end # Creates a foreign key name from a class name. # +separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore+ sets whether # the method should put '_' between the name and 'id'. # # foreign_key('Message') # => "message_id" # foreign_key('Message', false) # => "messageid" # foreign_key('Admin::Post') # => "post_id" def foreign_key(class_name, separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore = true) underscore(demodulize(class_name)) + (separate_class_name_and_id_with_underscore ? "_id" : "id") end # Tries to find a constant with the name specified in the argument string. # # 'Module'.constantize # => Module # 'Foo::Bar'.constantize # => Foo::Bar # # The name is assumed to be the one of a top-level constant, no matter # whether it starts with "::" or not. No lexical context is taken into # account: # # C = 'outside' # module M # C = 'inside' # C # => 'inside' # 'C'.constantize # => 'outside', same as ::C # end # # NameError is raised when the name is not in CamelCase or the constant is # unknown. def constantize(camel_cased_word) names = camel_cased_word.split('::'.freeze) # Trigger a built-in NameError exception including the ill-formed constant in the message. Object.const_get(camel_cased_word) if names.empty? # Remove the first blank element in case of '::ClassName' notation. names.shift if names.size > 1 && names.first.empty? names.inject(Object) do |constant, name| if constant == Object constant.const_get(name) else candidate = constant.const_get(name) next candidate if constant.const_defined?(name, false) next candidate unless Object.const_defined?(name) # Go down the ancestors to check if it is owned directly. The check # stops when we reach Object or the end of ancestors tree. constant = constant.ancestors.inject do |const, ancestor| break const if ancestor == Object break ancestor if ancestor.const_defined?(name, false) const end # owner is in Object, so raise constant.const_get(name, false) end end end # Tries to find a constant with the name specified in the argument string. # # safe_constantize('Module') # => Module # safe_constantize('Foo::Bar') # => Foo::Bar # # The name is assumed to be the one of a top-level constant, no matter # whether it starts with "::" or not. No lexical context is taken into # account: # # C = 'outside' # module M # C = 'inside' # C # => 'inside' # safe_constantize('C') # => 'outside', same as ::C # end # # +nil+ is returned when the name is not in CamelCase or the constant (or # part of it) is unknown. # # safe_constantize('blargle') # => nil # safe_constantize('UnknownModule') # => nil # safe_constantize('UnknownModule::Foo::Bar') # => nil def safe_constantize(camel_cased_word) constantize(camel_cased_word) rescue NameError => e raise if && !(camel_cased_word.to_s.split("::").include?( || == camel_cased_word.to_s) rescue ArgumentError => e raise unless e.message =~ /not missing constant #{const_regexp(camel_cased_word)}\!$/ end # Returns the suffix that should be added to a number to denote the position # in an ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. # # ordinal(1) # => "st" # ordinal(2) # => "nd" # ordinal(1002) # => "nd" # ordinal(1003) # => "rd" # ordinal(-11) # => "th" # ordinal(-1021) # => "st" def ordinal(number) abs_number = number.to_i.abs if (11..13).include?(abs_number % 100) "th" else case abs_number % 10 when 1; "st" when 2; "nd" when 3; "rd" else "th" end end end # Turns a number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an # ordered sequence such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. # # ordinalize(1) # => "1st" # ordinalize(2) # => "2nd" # ordinalize(1002) # => "1002nd" # ordinalize(1003) # => "1003rd" # ordinalize(-11) # => "-11th" # ordinalize(-1021) # => "-1021st" def ordinalize(number) "#{number}#{ordinal(number)}" end private # Mounts a regular expression, returned as a string to ease interpolation, # that will match part by part the given constant. # # const_regexp("Foo::Bar::Baz") # => "Foo(::Bar(::Baz)?)?" # const_regexp("::") # => "::" def const_regexp(camel_cased_word) #:nodoc: parts = camel_cased_word.split("::".freeze) return Regexp.escape(camel_cased_word) if parts.blank? last = parts.pop parts.reverse.inject(last) do |acc, part| part.empty? ? acc : "#{part}(::#{acc})?" end end # Applies inflection rules for +singularize+ and +pluralize+. # # apply_inflections('post', inflections.plurals) # => "posts" # apply_inflections('posts', inflections.singulars) # => "post" def apply_inflections(word, rules) result = word.to_s.dup if word.empty? || inflections.uncountables.uncountable?(result) result else rules.each { |(rule, replacement)| break if result.sub!(rule, replacement) } result end end end
def followers(team_name) response = get_request("/2.0/teams/#{team_name.to_s}/followers") return response["values"] unless block_given? response["values"].each { |el| yield el } end
List followers of the provided team = Examples bitbucket = :oauth_token => '...', :oauth_secret => '...' bitbucket.teams.followers(:team_name_here) bitbucket.teams.followers(:team_name_here) { |follower| ... }
class Teams < API extend AutoloadHelper def initialize(options = { }) super(options) end # List teams for the authenticated user where the user has the provided role # Roles are :admin, :contributor, :member # # = Examples # bitbucket = :oauth_token => '...', :oauth_secret => '...' # bitbucket.teams.list(:admin) # bitbucket.teams.list('member') # bitbucket.teams.list(:contributor) { |team| ... } def list(user_role) response = get_request("/2.0/teams/?role=#{user_role.to_s}") return response["values"] unless block_given? response["values"].each { |el| yield el } end alias :all :list # Return the profile for the provided team # # = Example # bitbucket = :oauth_token => '...', :oauth_secret => '...' # bitbucket.teams.profile(:team_name_here) def profile(team_name) get_request("/2.0/teams/#{team_name.to_s}") end # List members of the provided team # # = Examples # bitbucket = :oauth_token => '...', :oauth_secret => '...' # bitbucket.teams.members(:team_name_here) # bitbucket.teams.members(:team_name_here) { |member| ... } def members(team_name) response = get_request("/2.0/teams/#{team_name.to_s}/members") return response["values"] unless block_given? response["values"].each { |el| yield el } end # List followers of the provided team # # = Examples # bitbucket = :oauth_token => '...', :oauth_secret => '...' # bitbucket.teams.followers(:team_name_here) # bitbucket.teams.followers(:team_name_here) { |follower| ... } # List accounts following the provided team # # = Examples # bitbucket = :oauth_token => '...', :oauth_secret => '...' # bitbucket.teams.following(:team_name_here) # bitbucket.teams.following(:team_name_here) { |followee| ... } def following(team_name) response = get_request("/2.0/teams/#{team_name.to_s}/following") return response["values"] unless block_given? response["values"].each { |el| yield el } end # List repos for provided team # Private repos will only be returned if the user is authorized to view them # # = Examples # bitbucket = :oauth_token => '...', :oauth_secret => '...' # bitbucket.teams.repos(:team_name_here) # bitbucket.teams.repos(:team_name_here) { |repo| ... } def repos(team_name) response = get_request("/2.0/repositories/#{team_name.to_s}") return response["values"] unless block_given? response["values"].each { |el| yield el } end alias :repositories :repos end # Team
def filter_new_members(cls) members = cls.all_local_members.find_all do |m| visible?(m) && (m[:new] || new_params?(m)) end members = discard_accessors(members) members.sort! {|a, b| a[:name] <=> b[:name] } end
Returns all members of a class that have been marked as new, or have parameters marked as new.
class News # Creates News object from relations data when --import option # specified. def self.create(relations, doc_formatter, opts) if opts.import.length > 0, doc_formatter) else => "") end end # Generates list of new classes & members in this version. def initialize(relations, doc_formatter) @doc_formatter = doc_formatter @columns = @new_items = filter_new_items(relations) end # Returns the HTML def to_html(style="") return [ "<div id='news-content' style='#{style}'>", "<div class='section'>", "<h1>New in this version</h1>", render_news(@new_items), "<div style='clear:both'></div>", "</div>", "</div>", ].flatten.join("\n") end private def filter_new_items(relations) classes = [] new_items = [] relations.each do |cls| if !cls[:private] if cls[:new] classes << cls else members = filter_new_members(cls) if members.length > 0 new_items << {:name => cls[:name], :members => members} end end end end new_items.sort! {|a, b| a[:name] <=> b[:name] } # Place the new classes section at the beginning if classes.length > 0 new_items.unshift({:name => "New classes", :members => classes}) end new_items end # Returns all members of a class that have been marked as new, or # have parameters marked as new. def visible?(member) !member[:private] && !member[:hide] end def new_params?(member) Array(member[:params]).any? {|p| p[:new] } end def discard_accessors(members) accessors = {} members.find_all {|m| m[:accessor] }.each do |cfg| accessors["set" + upcase_first(cfg[:name])] = true accessors["get" + upcase_first(cfg[:name])] = true accessors[cfg[:name].downcase + "change"] = true if cfg[:evented] end members.reject {|m| accessors[m[:name]] } end def upcase_first(str) str[0,1].upcase + str[1..-1] end def render_news(new_items) if new_items.length > 0 render_columns(new_items) else "<h3>Nothing new.</h3>" end end def render_columns(new_items) align = ["left-column", "middle-column", "right-column"] i = -1 return @columns.split(new_items, 3).map do |col| i += 1 [ "<div class='#{align[i]}'>", render_col(col), "</div>", ] end end def render_col(col) return do |item| [ "<h3>#{item[:name]}</h3>", "<ul class='links'>", item[:members].map {|m| "<li>" + link(m) + "</li>" }, "</ul>", ] end end def link(m) if m[:tagname] == :class[:name], nil, m[:name]) else[:owner], m[:name], m[:name], m[:tagname], m[:static]) + params_note(m) end end def params_note(m) if !m[:new] && new_params?(m) " <small>+parameters</small>" else "" end end end
def load_config(config_file) if dir_exists? begin config_file = File.join(config_dir, "#{config_file}.yml") config = YAML::load( rescue StandardError => e raise FileAccessError, e.message end else raise ConfigDirMissingError, 'Config dir missing. Run init command' end end
Loads a YAML configuration file.
class Config CONFIG_DIR = '.elasticrawl' DATABASE_FILE = 'elasticrawl.sqlite3' TEMPLATES_DIR = '../../templates' TEMPLATE_FILES = ['aws.yml', 'cluster.yml', 'jobs.yml'] attr_reader :access_key_id attr_reader :secret_access_key # Sets the AWS access credentials needed for the S3 and EMR API calls. def initialize(access_key_id = nil, secret_access_key = nil) # Credentials have been provided to the init command. @access_key_id = access_key_id @secret_access_key = secret_access_key # If credentials are not set then check if they are available in aws.yml. if dir_exists? config = load_config('aws') key = config['access_key_id'] secret = config['secret_access_key'] @access_key_id ||= key unless key == 'ACCESS_KEY_ID' @secret_access_key ||= secret unless secret == 'SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' end # If credentials are still not set then check AWS environment variables. @access_key_id ||= ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] @secret_access_key ||= ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] # Set AWS credentials for use when accessing the S3 API. AWS.config(:access_key_id => @access_key_id, :secret_access_key => @secret_access_key) end # Returns the location of the config directory. def config_dir File.join(Dir.home, CONFIG_DIR) end # Checks if the configuration directory exists. def dir_exists? Dir.exists?(config_dir) end # Loads a YAML configuration file. # Loads the sqlite database. If no database exists it will be created # and the database migrations will be run. def load_database if dir_exists? config = { 'adapter' => 'sqlite3', 'database' => File.join(config_dir, DATABASE_FILE), 'pool' => 5, 'timeout' => 5000 } begin ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(config) ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrate(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), \ '../../db/migrate'), ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].to_i : nil ) rescue StandardError => e raise DatabaseAccessError, e.message end else raise ConfigDirMissingError, 'Config dir missing. Run init command' end end # Checks if a S3 bucket name is in use. def bucket_exists?(bucket_name) begin s3 = s3.buckets[bucket_name].exists? rescue AWS::S3::Errors::SignatureDoesNotMatch => e raise AWSCredentialsInvalidError, 'AWS access credentials are invalid' rescue AWS::Errors::Base => s3e raise, s3e.message end end # Creates the S3 bucket and config directory. Deploys the config templates # and creates the sqlite database. def create(bucket_name) create_bucket(bucket_name) deploy_templates(bucket_name) load_database status_message(bucket_name, 'created') end # Deletes the S3 bucket and config directory. def delete bucket_name = load_config('jobs')['s3_bucket_name'] delete_bucket(bucket_name) delete_config_dir status_message(bucket_name, 'deleted') end # Displayed by destroy command to confirm deletion. def delete_warning bucket_name = load_config('jobs')['s3_bucket_name'] message = ['WARNING:'] message << "Bucket s3://#{bucket_name} and its data will be deleted" message << "Config dir #{config_dir} will be deleted" message.join("\n") end # Displayed by init command. def access_key_prompt prompt = "Enter AWS Access Key ID:" prompt += " [#{@access_key_id}]" if @access_key_id.present? prompt end # Displayed by init command. def secret_key_prompt prompt = "Enter AWS Secret Access Key:" prompt += " [#{@secret_access_key}]" if @secret_access_key.present? prompt end private # Creates a bucket using the S3 API. def create_bucket(bucket_name) begin s3 = s3.buckets.create(bucket_name) rescue AWS::Errors::Base => s3e raise, s3e.message end end # Deletes a bucket and its contents using the S3 API. def delete_bucket(bucket_name) begin s3 = bucket = s3.buckets[bucket_name] bucket.delete! rescue AWS::Errors::Base => s3e raise, s3e.message end end # Creates config directory and copies config templates into it. # Saves S3 bucket name to jobs.yml and AWS credentials to aws.yml. def deploy_templates(bucket_name) begin Dir.mkdir(config_dir, 0755) if dir_exists? == false TEMPLATE_FILES.each do |template_file| FileUtils.cp(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), TEMPLATES_DIR, template_file), File.join(config_dir, template_file)) end save_config('jobs', { 'BUCKET_NAME' => bucket_name }) save_aws_config rescue StandardError => e raise FileAccessError, e.message end end # Saves AWS access credentials to aws.yml unless they are configured as # environment variables. def save_aws_config env_key = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] env_secret = ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] creds = {} creds['ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = @access_key_id unless @access_key_id == env_key creds['SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = @secret_access_key \ unless @secret_access_key == env_secret save_config('aws', creds) end # Saves config values by overwriting placeholder values in template. def save_config(template, params) config_file = File.join(config_dir, "#{template}.yml") config = { |key, value| config = config.gsub(key, value) }, 'w') { |file| file.write(config) } end # Deletes the config directory including its contents. def delete_config_dir begin FileUtils.rm_r(config_dir) if dir_exists? rescue StandardError => e raise FileAccessError, e.message end end # Notifies user of results of init or destroy commands. def status_message(bucket_name, state) message = ['', "Bucket s3://#{bucket_name} #{state}"] message << "Config dir #{config_dir} #{state}" state = 'complete' if state == 'created' message << "Config #{state}" message.join("\n") end end
def watcher_delegate(proxy_var) %w{attach attached? detach enable disable}.each do |method| module_eval <<-EOD def #{method}(*args) if defined? #{proxy_var} and #{proxy_var} #{proxy_var}.#{method}(*args) return self end super end EOD end end
Use an alternate watcher with the attach/detach/enable/disable methods if it is presently assigned. This is useful if you are waiting for an event to occur before the current watcher can be used in earnest, such as making an outgoing TCP connection.
module Meta # Use an alternate watcher with the attach/detach/enable/disable methods # if it is presently assigned. This is useful if you are waiting for # an event to occur before the current watcher can be used in earnest, # such as making an outgoing TCP connection. # Define callbacks whose behavior can be changed on-the-fly per instance. # This is done by giving a block to the callback method, which is captured # as a proc and stored for later. If the method is called without a block, # the stored block is executed if present, otherwise it's a noop. def event_callback(*methods) methods.each do |method| module_eval <<-EOD remove_method "#{method}" def #{method}(*args, &block) if block @#{method}_callback = block return end if defined? @#{method}_callback and @#{method}_callback @#{method}*args) end end EOD end end end
def decide @site = current_account.sites.find_or_initialize_by_url(checkid_request.trust_root) @site.persona = current_account.personas.find(params[:persona_id] || :first) if sreg_request || ax_store_request || ax_fetch_request end
Displays the decision page on that the user can confirm the request and choose which data should be transfered to the relying party.
class ServerController < BaseController # CSRF-protection must be skipped, because incoming # OpenID requests lack an authenticity token skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token # Error handling rescue_from OpenID::Server::ProtocolError, :with => :render_openid_error # Actions other than index require a logged in user before_filter :login_required, :except => [:index, :cancel, :seatbelt_config, :seatbelt_login_state] before_filter :ensure_valid_checkid_request, :except => [:index, :cancel, :seatbelt_config, :seatbelt_login_state] after_filter :clear_checkid_request, :only => [:cancel, :complete] # These methods are used to display information about the request to the user helper_method :sreg_request, :ax_fetch_request, :ax_store_request # This is the server endpoint which handles all incoming OpenID requests. # Associate and CheckAuth requests are answered directly - functionality # therefor is provided by the ruby-openid gem. Handling of CheckId requests # dependents on the users login state (see handle_checkid_request). # Yadis requests return information about this endpoint. def index clear_checkid_request respond_to do |format| format.html do if openid_request.is_a?(OpenID::Server::CheckIDRequest) handle_checkid_request elsif openid_request handle_non_checkid_request else render :text => t(:this_is_openid_not_a_human_ressource) end end format.xrds end end # This action decides how to process the current request and serves as # dispatcher and re-entry in case the request could not be processed # directly (for instance if the user had to log in first). # When the user has already trusted the relying party, the request will # be answered based on the users release policy. If the request is immediate # (relying party wants no user interaction, used e.g. for ajax requests) # the request can only be answered if no further information (like simple # registration data) is requested. Otherwise the user will be redirected # to the decision page. def proceed identity = identifier(current_account) if @site = current_account.sites.find_by_url(checkid_request.trust_root) resp = checkid_request.answer(true, nil, identity) resp = add_sreg(resp, @site.sreg_properties) if sreg_request resp = add_ax(resp, @site.ax_properties) if ax_fetch_request resp = add_pape(resp, auth_policies, auth_level, auth_time) render_response(resp) elsif checkid_request.immediate && (sreg_request || ax_store_request || ax_fetch_request) render_response(checkid_request.answer(false)) elsif checkid_request.immediate render_response(checkid_request.answer(true, nil, identity)) else redirect_to decide_path end end # Displays the decision page on that the user can confirm the request and # choose which data should be transfered to the relying party. # This action is called by submitting the decision form, the information entered by # the user is used to answer the request. If the user decides to always trust the # relying party, a new site according to the release policies the will be created. def complete if params[:cancel] cancel else resp = checkid_request.answer(true, nil, identifier(current_account)) if params[:always] @site = current_account.sites.find_or_create_by_persona_id_and_url(params[:site][:persona_id], params[:site][:url]) @site.update_attributes(params[:site]) elsif sreg_request || ax_fetch_request @site = current_account.sites.find_or_initialize_by_persona_id_and_url(params[:site][:persona_id], params[:site][:url]) @site.attributes = params[:site] elsif ax_store_request @site = current_account.sites.find_or_initialize_by_persona_id_and_url(params[:site][:persona_id], params[:site][:url]) not_supported, not_accepted, accepted = [], [], [] do |type_uri, values| if property = Persona.attribute_name_for_type_uri(type_uri) store_attribute = params[:site][:ax_store][property.to_sym] if store_attribute && !store_attribute[:value].blank? @site.persona.update_attribute(property, values.first) accepted << type_uri else not_accepted << type_uri end else not_supported << type_uri end end ax_store_response = (accepted.count > 0) ? :, "None of the attributes were accepted.") resp.add_extension(ax_store_response) end resp = add_pape(resp, auth_policies, auth_level, auth_time) resp = add_sreg(resp, @site.sreg_properties) if sreg_request && @site.sreg_properties resp = add_ax(resp, @site.ax_properties) if ax_fetch_request && @site.ax_properties render_response(resp) end end # Cancels the current OpenID request def cancel redirect_to checkid_request.cancel_url end protected # Decides how to process an incoming checkid request. If the user is # already logged in he will be forwarded to the proceed action. If # the user is not logged in and the request is immediate, the request # cannot be answered successfully. In case the user is not logged in, # the request will be stored and the user is asked to log in. def handle_checkid_request if allow_verification? save_checkid_request redirect_to proceed_path elsif openid_request.immediate render_response(openid_request.answer(false)) else reset_session request = save_checkid_request session[:return_to] = proceed_path redirect_to( request.from_trusted_domain? ? login_path : safe_login_path ) end end # Stores the current OpenID request. # Returns the OpenIdRequest def save_checkid_request clear_checkid_request request = OpenIdRequest.create!(:parameters => openid_params) session[:request_token] = request.token request end # Deletes the old request when a new one comes in. def clear_checkid_request unless session[:request_token].blank? OpenIdRequest.destroy_all :token => session[:request_token] session[:request_token] = nil end end # Use this as before_filter for every CheckID request based action. # Loads the current openid request and cancels if none can be found. # The user has to log in, if he has not verified his ownership of # the identifier, yet. def ensure_valid_checkid_request self.openid_request = checkid_request if !openid_request.is_a?(OpenID::Server::CheckIDRequest) redirect_to root_path, :alert => t(:identity_verification_request_invalid) elsif !allow_verification? flash[:notice] = logged_in? && !pape_requirements_met?(auth_time) ? t(:service_provider_requires_reauthentication_last_login_too_long_ago) : t(:login_to_verify_identity) session[:return_to] = proceed_path redirect_to login_path end end # The user must be logged in, he must be the owner of the claimed identifier # and the PAPE requirements must be met if applicable. def allow_verification? logged_in? && correct_identifier? && pape_requirements_met?(auth_time) end # Is the user allowed to verify the claimed identifier? The user # must be logged in, so that we know his identifier or the identifier # has to be selected by the server (id_select). def correct_identifier? (openid_request.identity == identifier(current_account) || openid_request.id_select) end # Clears the stored request and answers def render_response(resp) clear_checkid_request render_openid_response(resp) end # Transforms the parameters from the form to valid AX response values def transform_ax_data(parameters) data = {} parameters.each_pair do |key, details| if details['value'] data["type.#{key}"] = details['type'] data["value.#{key}"] = details['value'] end end data end # Renders the exception message as text output def render_openid_error(exception) error = case exception when OpenID::Server::MalformedTrustRoot then "Malformed trust root '#{exception.to_s}'" else exception.to_s end render :text => h("Invalid OpenID request: #{error}"), :status => 500 end private # The NIST Assurance Level, see: # def auth_level if Masq::Engine.config.masq['use_ssl'] current_account.last_authenticated_with_yubikey? ? 3 : 2 else 0 end end def auth_time current_account.last_authenticated_at end def auth_policies current_account.last_authenticated_with_yubikey? ? [OpenID::PAPE::AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR, OpenID::PAPE::AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT] : [] end end
def def_api(function, params, returns, options={}, &define_block) name, aliases = generate_names(function, options) boolean = options[:boolean] zeronil = options[:zeronil] proto = params.respond_to?(:join) ? params.join : params # Convert params into prototype string api =, proto.upcase, returns.upcase, options[:dll] || DEFAULT_DLL) define_method(function) {|*args|*args)} # define CamelCase method wrapper for api call define_method(name) do |*args, &runtime_block| # define snake_case method with enhanced api return api if args == [:api] return define_block[api, *args, &runtime_block] if define_block WinGui.enforce_count(args, proto) result =*args) result = runtime_block[result] if runtime_block return result != 0 if boolean # Boolean function returns true/false instead of nonzero/zero return nil if zeronil && result == 0 # Zeronil function returns nil instead of zero result end aliases.each {|ali| alias_method ali, name } # define aliases end
Defines new method wrappers for Windows API function call: - Defines method with original (CamelCase) API function name and original signature (matches MSDN description) - Defines method with snake_case name (converted from CamelCase function name) with enhanced API signature When the defined wrapper method is called, it checks the argument count, executes underlying API function call and (optionally) transforms the result before returning it. If block is attached to method invocation, raw result is yielded to this block before final transformations - Defines aliases for enhanced method with more Rubyesque names for getters, setters and tests: GetWindowText -> window_test, SetWindowText -> window_text=, IsZoomed -> zoomed? You may modify default behavior of defined method by providing optional &define_block to def_api. If you do so, instead of directly calling API function, defined method just yields callable api object, arguments and (optional) runtime block to your &define_block and returns result coming out of it. So, &define_block should define all the behavior of defined method. You can use define_block to: - Change original signature of API function, provide argument defaults, check argument types - Pack arguments into strings for [in] or [in/out] parameters that expect a pointer - Allocate string buffers for pointers required by API functions [out] parameters - Unpack [out] and [in/out] parameters returned as pointers - Explicitly return results of API call that are returned in [out] and [in/out] parameters - Convert attached runtime blocks into callback functions and stuff them into [in] callback parameters Accepts following options: :dll:: Use this dll instead of default 'user32' :rename:: Use this name instead of standard (conventional) function name :alias(es):: Provides additional alias(es) for defined method :boolean:: Forces method to return true/false instead of nonzero/zero :zeronil:: Forces method to return nil if function result is zero
module DefApi # DLL to use with API decarations by default ('user32') DEFAULT_DLL = 'user32' ## # Defines new method wrappers for Windows API function call: # - Defines method with original (CamelCase) API function name and original signature (matches MSDN description) # - Defines method with snake_case name (converted from CamelCase function name) with enhanced API signature # When the defined wrapper method is called, it checks the argument count, executes underlying API # function call and (optionally) transforms the result before returning it. If block is attached to # method invocation, raw result is yielded to this block before final transformations # - Defines aliases for enhanced method with more Rubyesque names for getters, setters and tests: # GetWindowText -> window_test, SetWindowText -> window_text=, IsZoomed -> zoomed? # # You may modify default behavior of defined method by providing optional &define_block to def_api. # If you do so, instead of directly calling API function, defined method just yields callable api # object, arguments and (optional) runtime block to your &define_block and returns result coming out of it. # So, &define_block should define all the behavior of defined method. You can use define_block to: # - Change original signature of API function, provide argument defaults, check argument types # - Pack arguments into strings for [in] or [in/out] parameters that expect a pointer # - Allocate string buffers for pointers required by API functions [out] parameters # - Unpack [out] and [in/out] parameters returned as pointers # - Explicitly return results of API call that are returned in [out] and [in/out] parameters # - Convert attached runtime blocks into callback functions and stuff them into [in] callback parameters # # Accepts following options: # :dll:: Use this dll instead of default 'user32' # :rename:: Use this name instead of standard (conventional) function name # :alias(es):: Provides additional alias(es) for defined method # :boolean:: Forces method to return true/false instead of nonzero/zero # :zeronil:: Forces method to return nil if function result is zero # # Generates name and aliases for defined method based on function name, # sets boolean flag for test functions (Is...) # def generate_names(function, options) aliases = ([options[:alias]] + [options[:aliases]]).flatten.compact name = options[:rename] || function.snake_case case name when /^is_/ aliases << name.sub(/^is_/, '') + '?' options[:boolean] = true when /^set_/ aliases << name.sub(/^set_/, '')+ '=' when /^get_/ aliases << name.sub(/^get_/, '') end [name, aliases] end # Ensures that args count is equal to params count plus diff # def enforce_count(args, params, diff = 0) num_args = args.size num_params = params == 'V' ? 0 : params.size + diff if num_args != num_params raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of parameters: expected #{num_params}, got #{num_args}" end end # Converts block into API::Callback object that can be used as API callback argument # def callback(params, returns, &block), returns, &block) end private # Helper methods: # # Returns FFI string buffer - used to supply string pointer reference to API functions # # # def buffer(size = 1024, char = "\x00") # FFI.MemoryPointer.from_string(char * size) # end # Returns array of given args if none of them is zero, # if any arg is zero, returns array of nils # def nonzero_array(*args) args.any?{|arg| arg == 0 } ?{||nil} : args end # Procedure that returns (possibly encoded) string as a result of api function call # or nil if zero characters was returned by api call # def return_string( encode = nil ) lambda do |api, *args| WinGui.enforce_count( args, api.prototype, -2) args += [string = buffer, string.length] num_chars =*args) return nil if num_chars == 0 string = string.force_encoding('utf-16LE').encode(encode) if encode string.rstrip end end # Procedure that calls api function expecting a callback. If runtime block is given # it is converted into actual callback, otherwise procedure returns an array of all # handles pushed into callback by api enumeration # def return_enum lambda do |api, *args, &block| WinGui.enforce_count( args, api.prototype, -1) handles = [] cb = if block callback('LP', 'I', &block) else callback('LP', 'I') do |handle, message| handles << handle true end end args[api.prototype.find_index('K'), 0] = cb # Insert callback into appropriate place of args Array *args handles end end # Procedure that calls (DdeInitialize) function expecting a DdeCallback. Runtime block is converted # into Dde callback and registered with DdeInitialize. Returns DDE init status and DDE instance id. # # TODO: Pushed into this module since RubyMine (wrongly) reports error on lambda args # def return_id_status lambda do |api, id=0, cmd, &block| raise ArgumentError, 'No callback block' unless block callback = callback 'IIPPPPPP', 'L', &block status = = [id].pack('L'), callback, cmd, 0) id = status == 0 ? id.unpack('L').first : nil [id, status] end end end
def parse_query s query = {} subs ="custom-search", :subs => s) || s begin subs = SearchManager.expand subs rescue SearchManager::ExpansionError => e raise ParseError, e.message end subs = subs.gsub(/\b(to|from):(\S+)\b/) do field, value = $1, $2 email_field, name_field = %w(email name).map { |x| "#{field}_#{x}" } if(p = ContactManager.contact_for(value)) "#{email_field}:#{}" elsif value == "me" '(' + { |e| "#{email_field}:#{e}" }.join(' OR ') + ')' else "(#{email_field}:#{value} OR #{name_field}:#{value})" end end ## gmail style "is" operator subs = subs.gsub(/\b(is|has):(\S+)\b/) do field, label = $1, $2 case label when "read" "-label:unread" when "spam" query[:load_spam] = true "label:spam" when "deleted" query[:load_deleted] = true "label:deleted" else "label:#{$2}" end end ## labels are stored lower-case in the index subs = subs.gsub(/\blabel:(\S+)\b/) do label = $1 "label:#{label.downcase}" end ## if we see a label:deleted or a label:spam term anywhere in the query ## string, we set the extra load_spam or load_deleted options to true. ## bizarre? well, because the query allows arbitrary parenthesized boolean ## expressions, without fully parsing the query, we can't tell whether ## the user is explicitly directing us to search spam messages or not. ## e.g. if the string is -(-(-(-(-label:spam)))), does the user want to ## search spam messages or not? ## ## so, we rely on the fact that turning these extra options ON turns OFF ## the adding of "-label:deleted" or "-label:spam" terms at the very ## final stage of query processing. if the user wants to search spam ## messages, not adding that is the right thing; if he doesn't want to ## search spam messages, then not adding it won't have any effect. query[:load_spam] = true if subs =~ /\blabel:spam\b/ query[:load_deleted] = true if subs =~ /\blabel:deleted\b/ query[:load_killed] = true if subs =~ /\blabel:killed\b/ ## gmail style attachments "filename" and "filetype" searches subs = subs.gsub(/\b(filename|filetype):(\((.+?)\)\B|(\S+)\b)/) do field, name = $1, ($3 || $4) case field when "filename" debug "filename: translated #{field}:#{name} to attachment:\"#{name.downcase}\"" "attachment:\"#{name.downcase}\"" when "filetype" debug "filetype: translated #{field}:#{name} to attachment_extension:#{name.downcase}" "attachment_extension:#{name.downcase}" end end lastdate = 2<<32 - 1 firstdate = 0 subs = subs.gsub(/\b(before|on|in|during|after):(\((.+?)\)\B|(\S+)\b)/) do field, datestr = $1, ($3 || $4) realdate = Chronic.parse datestr, :guess => false, :context => :past if realdate case field when "after" debug "chronic: translated #{field}:#{datestr} to #{realdate.end}" "date:#{realdate.end.to_i}..#{lastdate}" when "before" debug "chronic: translated #{field}:#{datestr} to #{realdate.begin}" "date:#{firstdate}..#{realdate.end.to_i}" else debug "chronic: translated #{field}:#{datestr} to #{realdate}" "date:#{realdate.begin.to_i}..#{realdate.end.to_i}" end else raise ParseError, "can't understand date #{datestr.inspect}" end end ## limit:42 restrict the search to 42 results subs = subs.gsub(/\blimit:(\S+)\b/) do lim = $1 if lim =~ /^\d+$/ query[:limit] = lim.to_i '' else raise ParseError, "non-numeric limit #{lim.inspect}" end end debug "translated query: #{subs.inspect}" qp = qp.database = @xapian qp.stemmer =$config[:stem_language]) qp.stemming_strategy = Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME qp.default_op = Xapian::Query::OP_AND valuerangeprocessor =, 'date:', true) qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(valuerangeprocessor) NORMAL_PREFIX.each { |k,info| info[:prefix].each { |v| qp.add_prefix k, v } } BOOLEAN_PREFIX.each { |k,info| info[:prefix].each { |v| qp.add_boolean_prefix k, v, info[:exclusive] } } begin xapian_query = qp.parse_query(subs, Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE | Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN | Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE | Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD) rescue RuntimeError => e raise ParseError, "xapian query parser error: #{e}" end debug "parsed xapian query: #{Util::Query.describe(xapian_query, subs)}" if xapian_query.nil? or xapian_query.empty? raise ParseError, "couldn't parse \"#{s}\" as xapian query " \ "(special characters aren't indexed)" end query[:qobj] = xapian_query query[:text] = s query end
parse a query string from the user. returns a query object that can be passed to any index method with a 'query' argument. raises a ParseError if something went wrong.
class Index include InteractiveLock INDEX_VERSION = '4' ## dates are converted to integers for xapian, and are used for document ids, ## so we must ensure they're reasonably valid. this typically only affect ## spam. MIN_DATE = 0 MAX_DATE =**31-1) HookManager.register "custom-search", <<EOS Executes before a string search is applied to the index, returning a new search string. Variables: subs: The string being searched. EOS class LockError < StandardError def initialize h @h = h end def method_missing m; @h[m.to_s] end end include Redwood::Singleton def initialize dir=BASE_DIR @dir = dir FileUtils.mkdir_p @dir @lock = lockfile, :retries => 0, :max_age => nil @sync_worker = nil @sync_queue = @index_mutex = end def lockfile; File.join @dir, "lock" end def lock debug "locking #{lockfile}..." begin @lock.lock rescue Lockfile::MaxTriesLockError raise LockError, @lock.lockinfo_on_disk end end def start_lock_update_thread @lock_update_thread = Redwood::reporting_thread("lock update") do while true sleep 30 @lock.touch_yourself end end end def stop_lock_update_thread @lock_update_thread.kill if @lock_update_thread @lock_update_thread = nil end def unlock if @lock && @lock.locked? debug "unlocking #{lockfile}..." @lock.unlock end end def load failsafe=false SourceManager.load_sources load_index failsafe end def save debug "saving index and sources..." FileUtils.mkdir_p @dir unless File.exist? @dir SourceManager.save_sources save_index end def get_xapian @xapian end def load_index failsafe=false path = File.join(@dir, 'xapian') if File.exist? path @xapian =, Xapian::DB_OPEN) db_version = @xapian.get_metadata 'version' db_version = '0' if db_version.empty? if false info "Upgrading index format #{db_version} to #{INDEX_VERSION}" @xapian.set_metadata 'version', INDEX_VERSION elsif db_version != INDEX_VERSION fail "This Sup version expects a v#{INDEX_VERSION} index, but you have an existing v#{db_version} index. Please run sup-dump to save your labels, move #{path} out of the way, and run sup-sync --restore." end else @xapian =, Xapian::DB_CREATE) @xapian.set_metadata 'version', INDEX_VERSION @xapian.set_metadata 'rescue-version', '0' end @enquire = @xapian @enquire.weighting_scheme = @enquire.docid_order = Xapian::Enquire::ASCENDING end def add_message m; sync_message m, true end def update_message m; sync_message m, true end def update_message_state m; sync_message m[0], false, m[1] end def save_index info "Flushing Xapian updates to disk. This may take a while..." @xapian.flush end def contains_id? id synchronize { find_docid(id) && true } end def contains? m; contains_id? end def size synchronize { @xapian.doccount } end def empty?; size == 0 end ## Yields a message-id and message-building lambda for each ## message that matches the given query, in descending date order. ## You should probably not call this on a block that doesn't break ## rather quickly because the results can be very large. def each_id_by_date query={} each_id(query) { |id| yield id, lambda { build_message id } } end ## Return the number of matches for query in the index def num_results_for query={} xapian_query = build_xapian_query query matchset = run_query xapian_query, 0, 0, 100 matchset.matches_estimated end ## check if a message is part of a killed thread ## (warning: duplicates code below) ## NOTE: We can be more efficient if we assume every ## killed message that hasn't been initially added ## to the indexi s this way def message_joining_killed? m return false unless doc = find_doc( queue = doc.value(THREAD_VALUENO).split(',') seen_threads = seen_messages = [] while not queue.empty? thread_id = queue.pop next if seen_threads.member? thread_id return true if thread_killed?(thread_id) seen_threads << thread_id docs = term_docids(mkterm(:thread, thread_id)).map { |x| @xapian.document x } docs.each do |doc| msgid = doc.value MSGID_VALUENO next if seen_messages.member? msgid seen_messages << msgid queue.concat doc.value(THREAD_VALUENO).split(',') end end false end ## yield all messages in the thread containing 'm' by repeatedly ## querying the index. yields pairs of message ids and ## message-building lambdas, so that building an unwanted message ## can be skipped in the block if desired. ## ## only two options, :limit and :skip_killed. if :skip_killed is ## true, stops loading any thread if a message with a :killed flag ## is found. def each_message_in_thread_for m, opts={} # TODO thread by subject return unless doc = find_doc( queue = doc.value(THREAD_VALUENO).split(',') msgids = [] seen_threads = seen_messages = [] while not queue.empty? thread_id = queue.pop next if seen_threads.member? thread_id return false if opts[:skip_killed] && thread_killed?(thread_id) seen_threads << thread_id docs = term_docids(mkterm(:thread, thread_id)).map { |x| @xapian.document x } docs.each do |doc| msgid = doc.value MSGID_VALUENO next if seen_messages.member? msgid msgids << msgid seen_messages << msgid queue.concat doc.value(THREAD_VALUENO).split(',') end end msgids.each { |id| yield id, lambda { build_message id } } true end ## Load message with the given message-id from the index def build_message id entry = synchronize { get_entry id } return unless entry locations = entry[:locations].map do |source_id,source_info| source = SourceManager[source_id] raise "invalid source #{source_id}" unless source source, source_info end m = :locations => locations, :labels => entry[:labels], :snippet => entry[:snippet] # Try to find person from contacts before falling back to # generating it from the address. mk_person = lambda { |x| Person.from_name_and_email(*x.reverse!) } entry[:from] = mk_person[entry[:from]] entry[:to].map!(&mk_person) entry[:cc].map!(&mk_person) entry[:bcc].map!(&mk_person) m.load_from_index! entry m end ## Delete message with the given message-id from the index def delete id synchronize { @xapian.delete_document mkterm(:msgid, id) } end ## Given an array of email addresses, return an array of Person objects that ## have sent mail to or received mail from any of the given addresses. def load_contacts email_addresses, opts={} contacts = num = opts[:num] || 20 each_id_by_date :participants => email_addresses do |id,b| break if contacts.size >= num m = ([m.from] { |p| contacts << [,] } end contacts.to_a.compact[0...num].map { |n,e| Person.from_name_and_email n, e } end ## Yield each message-id matching query EACH_ID_PAGE = 100 def each_id query={}, ignore_neg_terms = true offset = 0 page = EACH_ID_PAGE xapian_query = build_xapian_query query, ignore_neg_terms while true ids = run_query_ids xapian_query, offset, (offset+page) ids.each { |id| yield id } break if ids.size < page offset += page end end ## Yield each message matching query ## The ignore_neg_terms parameter is used to display result even if ## it contains "forbidden" labels such as :deleted, it is used in ## Poll#poll_from when we need to get the location of a message that ## may contain these labels def each_message query={}, ignore_neg_terms = true, &b each_id query, ignore_neg_terms do |id| yield build_message(id) end end # Search messages. Returns an Enumerator. def find_messages query_expr enum_for :each_message, parse_query(query_expr) end # wrap all future changes inside a transaction so they're done atomically def begin_transaction synchronize { @xapian.begin_transaction } end # complete the transaction and write all previous changes to disk def commit_transaction synchronize { @xapian.commit_transaction } end # abort the transaction and revert all changes made since begin_transaction def cancel_transaction synchronize { @xapian.cancel_transaction } end ## xapian-compact takes too long, so this is a no-op ## until we think of something better def optimize end ## Return the id source of the source the message with the given message-id ## was synced from def source_for_id id synchronize { get_entry(id)[:source_id] } end ## Yields each term in the index that starts with prefix def each_prefixed_term prefix term = @xapian._dangerous_allterms_begin prefix lastTerm = @xapian._dangerous_allterms_end prefix until term.equals lastTerm yield term.term end nil end ## Yields (in lexicographical order) the source infos of all locations from ## the given source with the given source_info prefix def each_source_info source_id, prefix='', &b p = mkterm :location, source_id, prefix each_prefixed_term p do |x| yield prefix + x[p.length..-1] end end class ParseError < StandardError; end # Stemmed NORMAL_PREFIX = { 'subject' => {:prefix => 'S', :exclusive => false}, 'body' => {:prefix => 'B', :exclusive => false}, 'from_name' => {:prefix => 'FN', :exclusive => false}, 'to_name' => {:prefix => 'TN', :exclusive => false}, 'name' => {:prefix => %w(FN TN), :exclusive => false}, 'attachment' => {:prefix => 'A', :exclusive => false}, 'email_text' => {:prefix => 'E', :exclusive => false}, '' => {:prefix => %w(S B FN TN A E), :exclusive => false}, } # Unstemmed BOOLEAN_PREFIX = { 'type' => {:prefix => 'K', :exclusive => true}, 'from_email' => {:prefix => 'FE', :exclusive => false}, 'to_email' => {:prefix => 'TE', :exclusive => false}, 'email' => {:prefix => %w(FE TE), :exclusive => false}, 'date' => {:prefix => 'D', :exclusive => true}, 'label' => {:prefix => 'L', :exclusive => false}, 'source_id' => {:prefix => 'I', :exclusive => true}, 'attachment_extension' => {:prefix => 'O', :exclusive => false}, 'msgid' => {:prefix => 'Q', :exclusive => true}, 'id' => {:prefix => 'Q', :exclusive => true}, 'thread' => {:prefix => 'H', :exclusive => false}, 'ref' => {:prefix => 'R', :exclusive => false}, 'location' => {:prefix => 'J', :exclusive => false}, } PREFIX = NORMAL_PREFIX.merge BOOLEAN_PREFIX COMPL_OPERATORS = %w[AND OR NOT] COMPL_PREFIXES = ( %w[ from to is has label filename filetypem before on in during after limit ] + NORMAL_PREFIX.keys + BOOLEAN_PREFIX.keys ).map{|p|"#{p}:"} + COMPL_OPERATORS ## parse a query string from the user. returns a query object ## that can be passed to any index method with a 'query' ## argument. ## ## raises a ParseError if something went wrong. def save_message m, sync_back = true if @sync_worker @sync_queue << [m, sync_back] else update_message_state [m, sync_back] end m.clear_dirty end def save_thread t, sync_back = true t.each_dirty_message do |m| save_message m, sync_back end end def start_sync_worker @sync_worker = Redwood::reporting_thread('index sync') { run_sync_worker } end def stop_sync_worker return unless worker = @sync_worker @sync_worker = nil @sync_queue << :die worker.join end def run_sync_worker while m = @sync_queue.deq return if m == :die update_message_state m # Necessary to keep Xapian calls from lagging the UI too much. sleep 0.03 end end private MSGID_VALUENO = 0 THREAD_VALUENO = 1 DATE_VALUENO = 2 MAX_TERM_LENGTH = 245 # Xapian can very efficiently sort in ascending docid order. Sup always wants # to sort by descending date, so this method maps between them. In order to # handle multiple messages per second, we use a logistic curve centered # around MIDDLE_DATE so that the slope (docid/s) is greatest in this time # period. A docid collision is not an error - the code will pick the next # smallest unused one. DOCID_SCALE = 2.0**32 TIME_SCALE = 2.0**27 MIDDLE_DATE = def assign_docid m, truncated_date t = (truncated_date.to_i - MIDDLE_DATE.to_i).to_f docid = (DOCID_SCALE - DOCID_SCALE/(Math::E**(-(t/TIME_SCALE)) + 1)).to_i while docid > 0 and docid_exists? docid docid -= 1 end docid > 0 ? docid : nil end # XXX is there a better way? def docid_exists? docid begin @xapian.doclength docid true rescue RuntimeError #Xapian::DocNotFoundError raise unless $!.message =~ /DocNotFoundError/ false end end def term_docids term @xapian.postlist(term).map { |x| x.docid } end def find_docid id docids = term_docids(mkterm(:msgid,id)) fail unless docids.size <= 1 docids.first end def find_doc id return unless docid = find_docid(id) @xapian.document docid end def get_id docid return unless doc = @xapian.document(docid) doc.value MSGID_VALUENO end def get_entry id return unless doc = find_doc(id) doc.entry end def thread_killed? thread_id not run_query(, mkterm(:thread, thread_id), mkterm(:label, :Killed)), 0, 1).empty? end def synchronize &b @index_mutex.synchronize &b end def run_query xapian_query, offset, limit, checkatleast=0 synchronize do @enquire.query = xapian_query @enquire.mset(offset, limit-offset, checkatleast) end end def run_query_ids xapian_query, offset, limit matchset = run_query xapian_query, offset, limit { |r| r.document.value MSGID_VALUENO } end Q = Xapian::Query def build_xapian_query opts, ignore_neg_terms = true labels = ([opts[:label]] + (opts[:labels] || [])).compact neglabels = [:spam, :deleted, :killed].reject { |l| (labels.include? l) || opts.member?("load_#{l}".intern) } pos_terms, neg_terms = [], [] pos_terms << mkterm(:type, 'mail') pos_terms.concat( { |l| mkterm(:label,l) }) pos_terms << opts[:qobj] if opts[:qobj] pos_terms << mkterm(:source_id, opts[:source_id]) if opts[:source_id] pos_terms << mkterm(:location, *opts[:location]) if opts[:location] if opts[:participants] participant_terms = opts[:participants].map { |p| [:from,:to].map { |d| mkterm(:email, d, (Redwood::Person === p) ? : p) } }.flatten pos_terms <<, participant_terms) end neg_terms.concat( { |l| mkterm(:label,l) }) if ignore_neg_terms pos_query =, pos_terms) neg_query =, neg_terms) if neg_query.empty? pos_query else, [pos_query, neg_query]) end end def sync_message m, overwrite, sync_back = true ## TODO: we should not save the message if the sync_back failed ## since it would overwrite the location field m.sync_back if sync_back doc = synchronize { find_doc( } existed = doc != nil doc ||= do_index_static = overwrite || !existed old_entry = !do_index_static && doc.entry snippet = do_index_static ? m.snippet : old_entry[:snippet] entry = { :message_id =>, :locations => { |x| [,] }, :date => truncate_date(, :snippet => snippet, :labels => m.labels.to_a, :from => [,], :to => { |p| [,] }, :cc => { |p| [,] }, :bcc => { |p| [,] }, :subject => m.subj, :refs => m.refs.to_a, :replytos => m.replytos.to_a, } if do_index_static doc.clear_terms doc.clear_values index_message_static m, doc, entry end index_message_locations doc, entry, old_entry index_message_threading doc, entry, old_entry index_message_labels doc, entry[:labels], (do_index_static ? [] : old_entry[:labels]) doc.entry = entry synchronize do unless docid = existed ? doc.docid : assign_docid(m, truncate_date( # Could be triggered by spam warn "docid underflow, dropping #{}" return end @xapian.replace_document docid, doc end m.labels.each { |l| LabelManager << l } true end ## Index content that can't be changed by the user def index_message_static m, doc, entry # Person names are indexed with several prefixes person_termer = lambda do |d| lambda do |p| doc.index_text, PREFIX["#{d}_name"][:prefix] if doc.index_text, PREFIX['email_text'][:prefix] doc.add_term mkterm(:email, d, end end person_termer[:from][m.from] if m.from ([:to])) # Full text search content subject_text = m.indexable_subject body_text = m.indexable_body doc.index_text subject_text, PREFIX['subject'][:prefix] doc.index_text body_text, PREFIX['body'][:prefix] m.attachments.each { |a| doc.index_text a, PREFIX['attachment'][:prefix] } # Miscellaneous terms doc.add_term mkterm(:date, if doc.add_term mkterm(:type, 'mail') doc.add_term mkterm(:msgid, m.attachments.each do |a| a =~ /\.(\w+)$/ or next doc.add_term mkterm(:attachment_extension, $1) end # Date value for range queries date_value = begin Xapian.sortable_serialise rescue TypeError Xapian.sortable_serialise 0 end doc.add_value MSGID_VALUENO, doc.add_value DATE_VALUENO, date_value end def index_message_locations doc, entry, old_entry old_entry[:locations].map { |x| x[0] }.uniq.each { |x| doc.remove_term mkterm(:source_id, x) } if old_entry entry[:locations].map { |x| x[0] }.uniq.each { |x| doc.add_term mkterm(:source_id, x) } old_entry[:locations].each { |x| (doc.remove_term mkterm(:location, *x) rescue nil) } if old_entry entry[:locations].each { |x| doc.add_term mkterm(:location, *x) } end def index_message_labels doc, new_labels, old_labels return if new_labels == old_labels added = new_labels.to_a - old_labels.to_a removed = old_labels.to_a - new_labels.to_a added.each { |t| doc.add_term mkterm(:label,t) } removed.each { |t| doc.remove_term mkterm(:label,t) } end ## Assign a set of thread ids to the document. This is a hybrid of the runtime ## search done by the Ferret index and the index-time union done by previous ## versions of the Xapian index. We first find the thread ids of all messages ## with a reference to or from us. If that set is empty, we use our own ## message id. Otherwise, we use all the thread ids we previously found. In ## the common case there's only one member in that set, but if we're the ## missing link between multiple previously unrelated threads we can have ## more. XapianIndex#each_message_in_thread_for follows the thread ids when ## searching so the user sees a single unified thread. def index_message_threading doc, entry, old_entry return if old_entry && (entry[:refs] == old_entry[:refs]) && (entry[:replytos] == old_entry[:replytos]) children = term_docids(mkterm(:ref, entry[:message_id])).map { |docid| @xapian.document docid } parent_ids = entry[:refs] + entry[:replytos] parents = { |id| find_doc id }.compact thread_members = { [] } (children + parents).each do |doc2| thread_ids = doc2.value(THREAD_VALUENO).split ',' thread_ids.each { |thread_id| thread_members[thread_id] << doc2 } end thread_ids = thread_members.empty? ? [entry[:message_id]] : thread_members.keys thread_ids.each { |thread_id| doc.add_term mkterm(:thread, thread_id) } parent_ids.each { |ref| doc.add_term mkterm(:ref, ref) } doc.add_value THREAD_VALUENO, (thread_ids * ',') end def truncate_date date if date < MIN_DATE debug "warning: adjusting too-low date #{date} for indexing" MIN_DATE elsif date > MAX_DATE debug "warning: adjusting too-high date #{date} for indexing" MAX_DATE else date end end # Construct a Xapian term def mkterm type, *args case type when :label PREFIX['label'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase when :type PREFIX['type'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase when :date PREFIX['date'][:prefix] + args[0].getutc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") when :email case args[0] when :from then PREFIX['from_email'][:prefix] when :to then PREFIX['to_email'][:prefix] else raise "Invalid email term type #{args[0]}" end + args[1].to_s.downcase when :source_id PREFIX['source_id'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase when :location PREFIX['location'][:prefix] + [args[0]].pack('n') + args[1].to_s when :attachment_extension PREFIX['attachment_extension'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase when :msgid, :ref, :thread PREFIX[type.to_s][:prefix] + args[0][0...(MAX_TERM_LENGTH-1)] else raise "Invalid term type #{type}" end end end
def method_missing(meth_id, *args, &block) if @scene @images[@scene].send(meth_id, *args, &block) else super end rescue NoMethodError Kernel.raise NoMethodError, "undefined method `#{meth_id.id2name}' for #{self.class}" rescue Exception $ERROR_POSITION.delete_if { |s| /:in `send'$/.match(s) || /:in `method_missing'$/.match(s) } Kernel.raise end
The ImageList class supports the Magick::Image class methods by simply sending the method to the current image. If the method isn't explicitly supported, send it to the current image in the array. If there are no images, send it up the line. Catch a NameError and emit a useful message.
class ImageList include Comparable include Enumerable attr_reader :scene private def get_current @images[@scene].__id__ rescue StandardError nil end protected def is_an_image(obj) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Magick::Image required (#{obj.class} given)" unless obj.is_a? Magick::Image true end # Ensure array is always an array of Magick::Image objects def is_an_image_array(ary) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Magick::ImageList or array of Magick::Images required (#{ary.class} given)" unless ary.respond_to? :each ary.each { |obj| is_an_image obj } true end # Find old current image, update scene number # current is the id of the old current image. def set_current(current) if self.scene = nil return # Don't bother looking for current image elsif scene.nil? || scene >= length self.scene = length - 1 return elsif !current.nil? # Find last instance of "current" in the list. # If "current" isn't in the list, set current to last image. self.scene = length - 1 each_with_index do |f, i| self.scene = i if f.__id__ == current end return end self.scene = length - 1 end public # Allow scene to be set to nil def scene=(n) if n.nil? Kernel.raise IndexError, 'scene number out of bounds' unless @scene = nil return @scene elsif Kernel.raise IndexError, 'scene number out of bounds' end n = Integer(n) Kernel.raise IndexError, 'scene number out of bounds' if n < 0 || n > length - 1 @scene = n @scene end # All the binary operators work the same way. # 'other' should be either an ImageList or an Array %w[& + - |].each do |op| module_eval <<-END_BINOPS def #{op}(other) ilist = begin a = other #{op} @images rescue TypeError Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Magick::ImageList expected, got " + other.class.to_s end current = get_current() a.each do |image| is_an_image image ilist << image end ilist.set_current current return ilist end END_BINOPS end def *(other) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Integer required (#{other.class} given)" unless other.is_a? Integer current = get_current ilist = (@images * other).each { |image| ilist << image } ilist.set_current current ilist end def <<(obj) is_an_image obj @images << obj @scene = @images.length - 1 self end # Compare ImageLists # Compare each image in turn until the result of a comparison # is not 0. If all comparisons return 0, then # return if A.scene != B.scene # return A.length <=> B.length def <=>(other) Kernel.raise TypeError, "#{self.class} required (#{other.class} given)" unless other.is_a? self.class size = [length, other.length].min size.times do |x| r = self[x] <=> other[x] return r unless end return 0 if @scene.nil? && other.scene.nil? Kernel.raise TypeError, "cannot convert nil into #{other.scene.class}" if @scene.nil? && !other.scene.nil? Kernel.raise TypeError, "cannot convert nil into #{scene.class}" if !@scene.nil? && other.scene.nil? r = scene <=> other.scene return r unless length <=> other.length end def [](*args) a = @images[*args] if a.respond_to?(:each) ilist = a.each { |image| ilist << image } a = ilist end a end def []=(*args) obj = @images.[]=(*args) if obj && obj.respond_to?(:each) is_an_image_array(obj) set_current obj.last.__id__ elsif obj is_an_image(obj) set_current obj.__id__ else set_current nil end obj end %i[at each each_index empty? fetch first hash include? index length rindex sort!].each do |mth| module_eval <<-END_SIMPLE_DELEGATES def #{mth}(*args, &block) @images.#{mth}(*args, &block) end END_SIMPLE_DELEGATES end alias size length # Array#nitems is not available in 1.9 if Array.instance_methods.include?('nitems') def nitems @images.nitems end end def clear @scene = nil @images.clear end def clone ditto = dup ditto.freeze if frozen? ditto end # override Enumerable#collect def collect(&block) current = get_current a = @images.collect(&block) ilist = a.each { |image| ilist << image } ilist.set_current current ilist end def collect!(&block) @images.collect!(&block) is_an_image_array @images self end # Make a deep copy def copy ditto = @images.each { |f| ditto << f.copy } ditto.scene = @scene ditto.taint if tainted? ditto end # Return the current image def cur_image Kernel.raise IndexError, 'no images in this list' unless @scene @images[@scene] end # ImageList#map took over the "map" name. Use alternatives. alias __map__ collect alias map! collect! alias __map__! collect! # ImageMagic used affinity in 6.4.3, switch to remap in 6.4.4. alias affinity remap def compact current = get_current ilist = a = @images.compact a.each { |image| ilist << image } ilist.set_current current ilist end def compact! current = get_current a = @images.compact! # returns nil if no changes were made set_current current a.nil? ? nil : self end def concat(other) is_an_image_array other other.each { |image| @images << image } @scene = length - 1 self end # Set same delay for all images def delay=(d) raise ArgumentError, 'delay must be greater than or equal to 0' if Integer(d) < 0 @images.each { |f| f.delay = Integer(d) } end def delete(obj, &block) is_an_image obj current = get_current a = @images.delete(obj, &block) set_current current a end def delete_at(ndx) current = get_current a = @images.delete_at(ndx) set_current current a end def delete_if(&block) current = get_current @images.delete_if(&block) set_current current self end def dup ditto = @images.each { |img| ditto << img } ditto.scene = @scene ditto.taint if tainted? ditto end def eql?(other) is_an_image_array other eql = other.eql?(@images) begin # "other" is another ImageList eql &&= @scene == other.scene rescue NoMethodError # "other" is a plain Array end eql end def fill(*args, &block) is_an_image args[0] unless block_given? current = get_current @images.fill(*args, &block) is_an_image_array self set_current current self end # Override Enumerable's find_all def find_all(&block) current = get_current a = @images.find_all(&block) ilist = a.each { |image| ilist << image } ilist.set_current current ilist end alias select find_all def from_blob(*blobs, &block) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, 'no blobs given' if blobs.each do |b| Magick::Image.from_blob(b, &block).each { |n| @images << n } end @scene = length - 1 self end # Initialize new instances def initialize(*filenames, &block) @images = [] @scene = nil filenames.each do |f|, &block).each { |n| @images << n } end if length > 0 @scene = length - 1 # last image in array end self end def insert(index, *args) args.each { |image| is_an_image image } current = get_current @images.insert(index, *args) set_current current self end # Call inspect for all the images def inspect img = [] @images.each { |image| img << image.inspect } img = '[' + img.join(",\n") + "]\nscene=#{@scene}" end # Set the number of iterations of an animated GIF def iterations=(n) n = Integer(n) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, 'iterations must be between 0 and 65535' if n < 0 || n > 65_535 @images.each { |f| f.iterations = n } self end def last(*args) if a = @images.last else a = @images.last(*args) ilist = a.each { |img| ilist << img } @scene = a.length - 1 a = ilist end a end # Custom marshal/unmarshal for Ruby 1.8. def marshal_dump ary = [@scene] @images.each { |i| ary << Marshal.dump(i) } ary end def marshal_load(ary) @scene = ary.shift @images = [] ary.each { |a| @images << Marshal.load(a) } end # The ImageList class supports the Magick::Image class methods by simply sending # the method to the current image. If the method isn't explicitly supported, # send it to the current image in the array. If there are no images, send # it up the line. Catch a NameError and emit a useful message. # Create a new image and add it to the end def new_image(cols, rows, *fill, &info_blk) self <<, rows, *fill, &info_blk) end def partition(&block) a = @images.partition(&block) t = a[0].each { |img| t << img } t.set_current nil f = a[1].each { |img| f << img } f.set_current nil [t, f] end # Ping files and concatenate the new images def ping(*files, &block) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, 'no files given' if files.each do |f|, &block).each { |n| @images << n } end @scene = length - 1 self end def pop current = get_current a = @images.pop # can return nil set_current current a end def push(*objs) objs.each do |image| is_an_image image @images << image end @scene = length - 1 self end # Read files and concatenate the new images def read(*files, &block) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, 'no files given' if files.each do |f|, &block).each { |n| @images << n } end @scene = length - 1 self end # override Enumerable's reject def reject(&block) current = get_current ilist = a = @images.reject(&block) a.each { |image| ilist << image } ilist.set_current current ilist end def reject!(&block) current = get_current a = @images.reject!(&block) @images = a unless a.nil? set_current current a.nil? ? nil : self end def replace(other) is_an_image_array other current = get_current @images.clear other.each { |image| @images << image } @scene = ? nil : 0 set_current current self end # Ensure respond_to? answers correctly when we are delegating to Image alias __respond_to__? respond_to? def respond_to?(meth_id, priv = false) return true if __respond_to__?(meth_id, priv) if @scene @images[@scene].respond_to?(meth_id, priv) else super end end def reverse current = get_current a = @images.reverse_each { |image| a << image } a.set_current current a end def reverse! current = get_current @images.reverse! set_current current self end def reverse_each @images.reverse_each { |image| yield(image) } self end def shift current = get_current a = @images.shift set_current current a end def slice(*args) slice = @images.slice(*args) if slice ilist = if slice.respond_to?(:each) slice.each { |image| ilist << image } else ilist << slice end else ilist = nil end ilist end def slice!(*args) current = get_current a = @images.slice!(*args) set_current current a end def ticks_per_second=(t) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, 'ticks_per_second must be greater than or equal to 0' if Integer(t) < 0 @images.each { |f| f.ticks_per_second = Integer(t) } end def to_a a = [] @images.each { |image| a << image } a end def uniq current = get_current a = @images.uniq.each { |image| a << image } a.set_current current a end def uniq!(*_args) current = get_current a = @images.uniq! set_current current a.nil? ? nil : self end # @scene -> new object def unshift(obj) is_an_image obj @images.unshift(obj) @scene = 0 self end def values_at(*args) a = @images.values_at(*args) a = @images.values_at(*args).each { |image| a << image } a.scene = a.length - 1 a end alias indexes values_at alias indices values_at end # Magick::ImageList
def tags_with_options(packages, options) {|package| yield package } {|package| stylesheet_link_tag package, options }.join("\n") end
Generate the stylesheet tags for a batch of packages, with options, by yielding each package to a block.
module Helper DATA_URI_START = "<!--[if (!IE)|(gte IE 8)]><!-->" unless defined?(DATA_URI_START) DATA_URI_END = "<!--<![endif]-->" unless defined?(DATA_URI_END) MHTML_START = "<!--[if lte IE 7]>" unless defined?(MHTML_START) MHTML_END = "<![endif]-->" unless defined?(MHTML_END) # If embed_assets is turned on, writes out links to the Data-URI and MHTML # versions of the stylesheet package, otherwise the package is regular # compressed CSS, and in development the stylesheet URLs are passed verbatim. def include_stylesheets(*packages) options = packages.extract_options! return html_safe(individual_stylesheets(packages, options)) unless should_package? disabled = (options.delete(:embed_assets) == false) || (options.delete(:embed_images) == false) return html_safe(packaged_stylesheets(packages, options)) if disabled || !Jammit.embed_assets return html_safe(embedded_image_stylesheets(packages, options)) end # Writes out the URL to the bundled and compressed javascript package, # except in development, where it references the individual scripts. def include_javascripts(*packages) options = packages.extract_options! options.merge!(:extname=>false) html_safe {|pack| should_package? ? Jammit.asset_url(pack, :js) : Jammit.packager.individual_urls(pack.to_sym, :js) } {|pack| "<script src=\"#{pack}\"></script>" }.join("\n") end # Writes out the URL to the concatenated and compiled JST file -- we always # have to pre-process it, even in development. def include_templates(*packages) raise DeprecationError, "Jammit 0.5+ no longer supports separate packages for templates.\nYou can include your JST alongside your JS, and use include_javascripts." end private def should_package? Jammit.package_assets && !(Jammit.allow_debugging && params[:debug_assets]) end def html_safe(string) string.respond_to?(:html_safe) ? string.html_safe : string end # HTML tags, in order, for all of the individual stylesheets. def individual_stylesheets(packages, options) tags_with_options(packages, options) {|p| Jammit.packager.individual_urls(p.to_sym, :css) } end # HTML tags for the stylesheet packages. def packaged_stylesheets(packages, options) tags_with_options(packages, options) {|p| Jammit.asset_url(p, :css) } end # HTML tags for the 'datauri', and 'mhtml' versions of the packaged # stylesheets, using conditional comments to load the correct variant. def embedded_image_stylesheets(packages, options) datauri_tags = tags_with_options(packages, options) {|p| Jammit.asset_url(p, :css, :datauri) } ie_tags = Jammit.mhtml_enabled ? tags_with_options(packages, options) {|p| Jammit.asset_url(p, :css, :mhtml) } : packaged_stylesheets(packages, options) [DATA_URI_START, datauri_tags, DATA_URI_END, MHTML_START, ie_tags, MHTML_END].join("\n") end # Generate the stylesheet tags for a batch of packages, with options, by # yielding each package to a block. end
def method_missing(*args, &block) Thread.pass until defined?(@result) case @result when Exception def self.method_missing(*args, &block); raise @result; end else def self.method_missing(*args, &block); @result.send(*args, &block); end end self.method_missing(*args, &block) end
Allows the job to behave as the return value of the block. Accessing any method on the job will cause code to block until the job is completed.
class Job instance_methods.each { |meth| undef_method(meth) unless %w(__send__ __id__ object_id inspect).include?(meth.to_s) } # Creates a job and schedules it by calling {Coordinator#schedule}. # # @param [List] *args The list of arguments to pass to the given block # @param [Proc] &block The block to be executed def initialize(*args, &block) @args = args @block = block Coordinator.schedule(self) end # Execute the job. # # This is called by the worker the job gets assigned to. # @return [nil] def __execute__ @result = @block[*@args] rescue Exception => e @result = e ensure # Prevent multiple executions def self.__execute__; nil; end end # Allows the job to behave as the return value of the block. # # Accessing any method on the job will cause code to block # until the job is completed. end
def future_run_times future_run_times = existing_run_times.dup last_run_time = future_run_times.last || at - frequency last_run_time = last_run_time.in_time_zone(time_zone) # Ensure there are at least two future jobs scheduled and that the queue ahead time is filled while future_run_times.length < 2 || minutes_queued_ahead(last_run_time) < queue_ahead last_run_time = frequency.from_now(last_run_time) # The hour may not match because of a shift caused by DST in previous run times, # so we need to ensure that the hour matches the specified hour if given. last_run_time = last_run_time.change(hour: at.hour, min: at.min) if at.hour? future_run_times << last_run_time end future_run_times end
Returns an array Time objects for future run times based on the current time and the given minutes to look ahead. @return [Array<Time>] rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
class Task attr_reader :job_class, :params DEFAULT_QUEUE_AHEAD_MINUTES = 360 # Initializes a task by parsing the params so the task can be queued in the future. # @param params [Hash] # @option params [String] :class The class of the Active Job or Sidekiq Worker # @option params [String] :every How frequently the job will be performed # @option params [String] :at The starting time for the interval # @option params [String] :expires_after The interval used to determine how late the job is allowed to run # @option params [Integer] :queue_ahead The number of minutes that jobs should be queued in the future # @option params [String] :task_name The name of the task as defined in the YAML config # @option params [String] :tz The time zone to use when parsing the `at` option def initialize(params) validate_params!(params) @params = params end # The task's first run time as a Time-like object. # @return [SimpleScheduler::At] def at @at ||=[:at], time_zone) end # The time between the scheduled and actual run time that should cause the job not to run. # @return [String] def expires_after @params[:expires_after] end # Returns an array of existing jobs matching the job class of the task. # @return [Array<Sidekiq::SortedEntry>] def existing_jobs @existing_jobs ||= do |job| next unless job.display_class == "SimpleScheduler::FutureJob" task_params = job.display_args[0].symbolize_keys task_params[:class] == job_class_name && task_params[:name] == name end.to_a end # Returns an array of existing future run times that have already been scheduled. # @return [Array<Time>] def existing_run_times @existing_run_times ||= end # How often the job will be run. # @return [ActiveSupport::Duration] def frequency @frequency ||= parse_frequency(@params[:every]) end # Returns an array Time objects for future run times based on # the current time and the given minutes to look ahead. # @return [Array<Time>] # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # The class name of the job or worker. # @return [String] def job_class_name @params[:class] end # The name of the task as defined in the YAML config. # @return [String] def name @params[:name] end # The number of minutes that jobs should be queued in the future. # @return [Integer] def queue_ahead @queue_ahead ||= @params[:queue_ahead] || DEFAULT_QUEUE_AHEAD_MINUTES end # The time zone to use when parsing the `at` option. # @return [ActiveSupport::TimeZone] def time_zone @time_zone ||= params[:tz] ?[:tz]) : end # Loads the scheduled jobs from Sidekiq once to avoid loading from # Redis for each task when looking up existing scheduled jobs. # @return [Sidekiq::ScheduledSet] def self.scheduled_set @scheduled_set ||= end private def minutes_queued_ahead(last_run_time) (last_run_time - / 60 end def parse_frequency(every_string) split_duration = every_string.split(".") frequency = split_duration[0].to_i frequency_units = split_duration[1] frequency.send(frequency_units) end def validate_params!(params) raise ArgumentError, "Missing param `class` specifying the class of the job to run." unless params.key?(:class) raise ArgumentError, "Missing param `every` specifying how often the job should run." unless params.key?(:every) @job_class = params[:class].constantize params[:name] ||= params[:class] end end
def start @mutex.synchronize do return if started? @status = STARTED thread = do begin while started? unless @channels.empty? poll @stats.success += 1 @stats.failed = 0 end sleep interval end rescue StandardError => e @stats.failed += 1 warn("#{e.class} #{e.message}: #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") sleep interval retry ensure stop end end thread.abort_on_exception = true end self end
@param base_url [String] Base URL of the message_bus server to connect to @param enable_long_polling [Boolean] Enable long polling @param enable_chunked_encoding [Boolean] Enable chunk encoding @param min_poll_interval [Float, Integer] Min poll interval when long polling in seconds @param max_poll_interval [Float, Integer] Max poll interval when long polling in seconds. When requests fail, the client will backoff and this is the upper limit. @param background_callback_interval [Float, Integer] Interval to poll when when polling in seconds. @param headers [Hash] extra HTTP headers to be set on the polling requests. @return [Object] Instance of MessageBus::HTTPClient Starts a background thread that polls the message bus endpoint for the given base_url. Intervals for long polling can be configured via min_poll_interval and max_poll_interval. Intervals for polling can be configured via background_callback_interval. @return [Object] Instance of MessageBus::HTTPClient
class HTTPClient class InvalidChannel < StandardError; end class MissingBlock < StandardError; end attr_reader :channels, :stats attr_accessor :enable_long_polling, :status, :enable_chunked_encoding, :min_poll_interval, :max_poll_interval, :background_callback_interval CHUNK_SEPARATOR = "\r\n|\r\n".freeze private_constant :CHUNK_SEPARATOR STATUS_CHANNEL = "/__status".freeze private_constant :STATUS_CHANNEL STOPPED = 0 STARTED = 1 Stats =, :success) private_constant :Stats # @param base_url [String] Base URL of the message_bus server to connect to # @param enable_long_polling [Boolean] Enable long polling # @param enable_chunked_encoding [Boolean] Enable chunk encoding # @param min_poll_interval [Float, Integer] Min poll interval when long polling in seconds # @param max_poll_interval [Float, Integer] Max poll interval when long polling in seconds. # When requests fail, the client will backoff and this is the upper limit. # @param background_callback_interval [Float, Integer] Interval to poll when # when polling in seconds. # @param headers [Hash] extra HTTP headers to be set on the polling requests. # # @return [Object] Instance of MessageBus::HTTPClient def initialize(base_url, enable_long_polling: true, enable_chunked_encoding: true, min_poll_interval: 0.1, max_poll_interval: 180, background_callback_interval: 60, headers: {}) @uri = URI(base_url) @enable_long_polling = enable_long_polling @enable_chunked_encoding = enable_chunked_encoding @min_poll_interval = min_poll_interval @max_poll_interval = max_poll_interval @background_callback_interval = background_callback_interval @headers = headers @client_id = SecureRandom.hex @channels = {} @status = STOPPED @mutex = @stats =, 0) end # Starts a background thread that polls the message bus endpoint # for the given base_url. # # Intervals for long polling can be configured via min_poll_interval and # max_poll_interval. # # Intervals for polling can be configured via background_callback_interval. # # @return [Object] Instance of MessageBus::HTTPClient # Stops the client from polling the message bus endpoint. # # @return [Integer] the current status of the client def stop @status = STOPPED end # Subscribes to a channel which executes the given callback when a message # is published to the channel # # @example Subscribing to a channel for message # client ='') # # client.subscribe("/test") do |payload, _message_id, _global_id| # puts payload # end # # A last_message_id may be provided. # * -1 will subscribe to all new messages # * -2 will recieve last message + all new messages # * -3 will recieve last 2 message + all new messages # # @example Subscribing to a channel with `last_message_id` # client.subscribe("/test", last_message_id: -2) do |payload| # puts payload # end # # @param channel [String] channel to listen for messages on # @param last_message_id [Integer] last message id to start polling on. # # @yield [data, message_id, global_id] # callback to be executed whenever a message is received # # @yieldparam data [Hash] data payload of the message received on the channel # @yieldparam message_id [Integer] id of the message in the channel # @yieldparam global_id [Integer] id of the message in the global backlog # @yieldreturn [void] # # @return [Integer] the current status of the client def subscribe(channel, last_message_id: nil, &callback) raise InvalidChannel unless channel.to_s.start_with?("/") raise MissingBlock unless block_given? last_message_id = -1 if last_message_id && !last_message_id.is_a?(Integer) @channels[channel] ||= channel = @channels[channel] channel.last_message_id = last_message_id if last_message_id channel.callbacks.push(callback) start if stopped? end # unsubscribes from a channel # # @example Unsubscribing from a channel # client ='') # callback = -> { |payload| puts payload } # client.subscribe("/test", &callback) # client.unsubscribe("/test") # # If a callback is given, only the specific callback will be unsubscribed. # # @example Unsubscribing a callback from a channel # client.unsubscribe("/test", &callback) # # When the client does not have any channels left, it will stop polling and # waits until a new subscription is started. # # @param channel [String] channel to unsubscribe # @yield [data, global_id, message_id] specific callback to unsubscribe # # @return [Integer] the current status of the client def unsubscribe(channel, &callback) if callback @channels[channel].callbacks.delete(callback) remove_channel(channel) if @channels[channel].callbacks.empty? else remove_channel(channel) end stop if @channels.empty? @status end private def stopped? @status == STOPPED end def started? @status == STARTED end def remove_channel(channel) @channels.delete(channel) end def interval if @enable_long_polling if (failed_count = @stats.failed) > 2 (@min_poll_interval * 2**failed_count).clamp( @min_poll_interval, @max_poll_interval ) else @min_poll_interval end else @background_callback_interval end end def poll http =, @uri.port) http.use_ssl = true if @uri.scheme == 'https' request =, headers) request.body = poll_payload if @enable_long_polling buffer = '' http.request(request) do |response| response.read_body do |chunk| unless chunk.empty? buffer << chunk process_buffer(buffer) end end end else response = http.request(request) notify_channels(JSON.parse(response.body)) end end def is_chunked? !headers["Dont-Chunk"] end def process_buffer(buffer) index = buffer.index(CHUNK_SEPARATOR) if is_chunked? return unless index messages = buffer[0..(index - 1)] buffer.slice!("#{messages}#{CHUNK_SEPARATOR}") else messages = buffer[0..-1] buffer.slice!(messages) end notify_channels(JSON.parse(messages)) end def notify_channels(messages) messages.each do |message| current_channel = message['channel'] if current_channel == STATUS_CHANNEL message["data"].each do |channel_name, last_message_id| if (channel = @channels[channel_name]) channel.last_message_id = last_message_id end end else @channels.each do |channel_name, channel| next unless channel_name == current_channel channel.last_message_id = message['message_id'] channel.callbacks.each do |callback| message['data'], channel.last_message_id, message['global_id'] ) end end end end end def poll_payload payload = {} @channels.each do |channel_name, channel| payload[channel_name] = channel.last_message_id end payload.to_json end def request_path "/message-bus/#{@client_id}/poll" end def headers headers = {} headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' headers['X-Silence-logger'] = 'true' if !@enable_long_polling || !@enable_chunked_encoding headers['Dont-Chunk'] = 'true' end headers.merge!(@headers) end end
def get(user_name, repo_name, component_id, params={}) _update_user_repo_params(user_name, repo_name) _validate_user_repo_params(user, repo) unless user? && repo? _validate_presence_of component_id normalize! params get_request("/1.0/repositories/#{user}/#{repo.downcase}/issues/components/#{component_id}", params) end
Get a single component = Examples bitbucket = bitbucket.issues.components.find 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'component-id'
class Issues::Components < API VALID_COMPONENT_INPUTS = %w[ name ].freeze # Creates new Issues::Components API def initialize(options = {}) super(options) end # List all components for a repository # # = Examples # bitbucket = :user => 'user-name', :repo => 'repo-name' # bitbucket.issues.components.list # bitbucket.issues.components.list { |component| ... } # def list(user_name, repo_name, params={}) _update_user_repo_params(user_name, repo_name) _validate_user_repo_params(user, repo) unless user? && repo? normalize! params response = get_request("/1.0/repositories/#{user}/#{repo.downcase}/issues/components", params) return response unless block_given? response.each { |el| yield el } end alias :all :list # Get a single component # # = Examples # bitbucket = # bitbucket.issues.components.find 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'component-id' # alias :find :get # Create a component # # = Inputs # <tt>:name</tt> - Required string # # = Examples # bitbucket = :user => 'user-name', :repo => 'repo-name' # bitbucket.issues.components.create :name => 'API' # def create(user_name, repo_name, params={}) _update_user_repo_params(user_name, repo_name) _validate_user_repo_params(user, repo) unless user? && repo? normalize! params filter! VALID_COMPONENT_INPUTS, params assert_required_keys(VALID_COMPONENT_INPUTS, params) post_request("/1.0/repositories/#{user}/#{repo.downcase}/issues/components", params) end # Update a component # # = Inputs # <tt>:name</tt> - Required string # # = Examples # @bitbucket = # @bitbucket.issues.components.update 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'component-id', # :name => 'API' # def update(user_name, repo_name, component_id, params={}) _update_user_repo_params(user_name, repo_name) _validate_user_repo_params(user, repo) unless user? && repo? _validate_presence_of component_id normalize! params filter! VALID_COMPONENT_INPUTS, params assert_required_keys(VALID_COMPONENT_INPUTS, params) put_request("/1.0/repositories/#{user}/#{repo.downcase}/issues/components/#{component_id}", params) end alias :edit :update # Delete a component # # = Examples # bitbucket = # bitbucket.issues.components.delete 'user-name', 'repo-name', 'component-id' # def delete(user_name, repo_name, component_id, params={}) _update_user_repo_params(user_name, repo_name) _validate_user_repo_params(user, repo) unless user? && repo? _validate_presence_of component_id normalize! params delete_request("/1.0/repositories/#{user}/#{repo.downcase}/issues/components/#{component_id}", params) end end # Issues::Components
def add_trial(trial) RRRSpec.redis.rpush(RRRSpec.make_key(key, 'trial'), trial.key) end
Public: Add a trial of the task.
class Task attr_reader :key def initialize(task_key) @key = task_key end def self.create(taskset, estimate_sec, spec_file) task_key = RRRSpec.make_key(taskset.key, 'task', spec_file) RRRSpec.redis.hmset( task_key, 'taskset', taskset.key, 'estimate_sec', estimate_sec, 'spec_file', spec_file ) return new(task_key) end def ==(other) @key == other.key end # ========================================================================== # Property # Public: Estimate time to finishe the task. # # Returns seconds or nil if there is no estimation def estimate_sec v = RRRSpec.redis.hget(key, 'estimate_sec') v.present? ? v.to_i : nil end # Public: Spec file to run. # # Returns a path to the spec def spec_file RRRSpec.redis.hget(key, 'spec_file') end # Public: Included taskset # # Returns a Taskset def taskset, 'taskset')) end # ========================================================================== # Trial # Public: Returns the trials of the task. # The return value should be sorted in the order added. # # Returns an array of the Trials def trials RRRSpec.redis.lrange(RRRSpec.make_key(key, 'trial'), 0, -1).map do |key| end end # Public: Add a trial of the task. # ========================================================================== # Status # Public: Current status # # Returns either nil, "running", "passed", "pending" or "failed" def status RRRSpec.redis.hget(key, 'status') end # Public: Update the status. It should be one of: # [nil, "running", "passed", "pending", "failed"] def update_status(status) if status.present? RRRSpec.redis.hset(key, 'status', status) else RRRSpec.redis.hdel(key, 'status') end end # ========================================================================== # Serialize def to_h h = RRRSpec.redis.hgetall(key) h['key'] = key h['trials'] = { |trial| { 'key' => trial.key } } h['taskset'] = { 'key' => h['taskset'] } RRRSpec.convert_if_present(h, 'estimate_sec') { |v| v.to_i } h end def to_json(options=nil) to_h.to_json(options) end # ========================================================================== # Persistence def expire(sec) trials.each { |trial| trial.expire(sec) } RRRSpec.redis.expire(key, sec) RRRSpec.redis.expire(RRRSpec.make_key(key, 'trial'), sec) end end
def xaml_config require_relative File.join('objects', 'config_file') file = detect_file(config.file) "\t" + I18n.t('config.loaded_from_file', file: file) file end
Loads xaml config @return [::Impressbox::Objects::ConfigFile]
class Provisioner < Vagrant.plugin('2', :provisioner) # Stores loaded ConfigFile instance # #@return [::Impressbox::Objects::ConfigFile,nil] @@__loaded_config = nil # Object with loaded config from file # #@return [::Impressbox::Objects::ConfigFile,nil] def self.loaded_config @@__loaded_config end # Cleanup operations def cleanup end # Do configuration operations # #@param root_config [Object] Current Vagrantfile configuration instance def configure(root_config) @@__loaded_config = xaml_config run_primaty_configuration root_config end # Do provision tasks def provision mass_loader('provision').each do |configurator| next unless configurator.can_be_configured?(@machine, @@__loaded_config) configurator.description if configurator.description configurator.configure @machine, @@__loaded_config end end private # Runs primary configuration # #@param root_config [Object] Root Vagrant config def run_primaty_configuration(root_config) old_root = root_config.dup old_loaded = @@__loaded_config.dup mass_loader('primary').each do |configurator| next unless configurator.can_be_configured?(old_root, old_loaded) configurator.description if configurator.description configurator.configure root_config, old_loaded end end # Gets preconfigured MassFileLoader instance # #@param type [String] Files type # #@return [::Impressbox::Objects::MassFileLoader] def mass_loader(type) namespace = 'Impressbox::Configurators::' + ucfirst(type) path = File.join('..', 'configurators', type) namespace, path end # Makes first latter of tsuplied world in uppercase # #@param str [String] String to do what needed to do # #@return [String] def ucfirst(str) str[0] = str[0, 1].upcase str end # Loads xaml config # #@return [::Impressbox::Objects::ConfigFile] # Try to detect config.yaml file # #@param file [String] Tries file and if not returns default file # #@return [String] def detect_file(file) return file if File.exist?(file) 'config.yaml' end end
def request_response(method, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline: nil, return_op: false, parent: nil, credentials: nil, metadata: {}) c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline: deadline, parent: parent, credentials: credentials) interception_context = @interceptors.build_context intercept_args = { method: method, request: req, call: c.interceptable, metadata: metadata } if return_op # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute as a # new method for this instance that invokes #request_response. c.merge_metadata_to_send(metadata) op = c.operation op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do interception_context.intercept!(:request_response, intercept_args) do c.request_response(req, metadata: metadata) end end op else interception_context.intercept!(:request_response, intercept_args) do c.request_response(req, metadata: metadata) end end end
Creates a new ClientStub. Minimally, a stub is created with the just the host of the gRPC service it wishes to access, e.g., my_stub =, :this_channel_is_insecure) If a channel_override argument is passed, it will be used as the underlying channel. Otherwise, the channel_args argument will be used to construct a new underlying channel. There are some specific keyword args that are not used to configure the channel: - :channel_override when present, this must be a pre-created GRPC::Core::Channel. If it's present the host and arbitrary keyword arg areignored, and the RPC connection uses this channel. - :timeout when present, this is the default timeout used for calls @param host [String] the host the stub connects to @param creds [Core::ChannelCredentials|Symbol] the channel credentials, or :this_channel_is_insecure, which explicitly indicates that the client should be created with an insecure connection. Note: this argument is ignored if the channel_override argument is provided. @param channel_override [Core::Channel] a pre-created channel @param timeout [Number] the default timeout to use in requests @param propagate_mask [Number] A bitwise combination of flags in GRPC::Core::PropagateMasks. Indicates how data should be propagated from parent server calls to child client calls if this client is being used within a gRPC server. @param channel_args [Hash] the channel arguments. Note: this argument is ignored if the channel_override argument is provided. @param interceptors [Array<GRPC::ClientInterceptor>] An array of GRPC::ClientInterceptor objects that will be used for intercepting calls before they are executed Interceptors are an EXPERIMENTAL API. request_response sends a request to a GRPC server, and returns the response. == Flow Control == This is a blocking call. * it does not return until a response is received. * the requests is sent only when GRPC core's flow control allows it to be sent. == Errors == An RuntimeError is raised if * the server responds with a non-OK status * the deadline is exceeded == Return Value == If return_op is false, the call returns the response If return_op is true, the call returns an Operation, calling execute on the Operation returns the response. @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server @param req [Object] the request sent to the server @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses @param deadline [Time] (optional) the time the request should complete @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true @param parent [Core::Call] a prior call whose reserved metadata will be propagated by this one. @param credentials [Core::CallCredentials] credentials to use when making the call @param metadata [Hash] metadata to be sent to the server @return [Object] the response received from the server
class ClientStub include Core::StatusCodes include Core::TimeConsts # Default timeout is infinity. DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = INFINITE_FUTURE # setup_channel is used by #initialize to constuct a channel from its # arguments. def self.setup_channel(alt_chan, host, creds, channel_args = {}) unless alt_chan.nil? fail(TypeError, '!Channel') unless alt_chan.is_a?(Core::Channel) return alt_chan end if channel_args['grpc.primary_user_agent'].nil? channel_args['grpc.primary_user_agent'] = '' else channel_args['grpc.primary_user_agent'] += ' ' end channel_args['grpc.primary_user_agent'] += "grpc-ruby/#{VERSION}" unless creds.is_a?(Core::ChannelCredentials) || creds.is_a?(Symbol) fail(TypeError, '!ChannelCredentials or Symbol') end, channel_args, creds) end # Allows users of the stub to modify the propagate mask. # # This is an advanced feature for use when making calls to another gRPC # server whilst running in the handler of an existing one. attr_writer :propagate_mask # Creates a new ClientStub. # # Minimally, a stub is created with the just the host of the gRPC service # it wishes to access, e.g., # # my_stub =, # :this_channel_is_insecure) # # If a channel_override argument is passed, it will be used as the # underlying channel. Otherwise, the channel_args argument will be used # to construct a new underlying channel. # # There are some specific keyword args that are not used to configure the # channel: # # - :channel_override # when present, this must be a pre-created GRPC::Core::Channel. If it's # present the host and arbitrary keyword arg areignored, and the RPC # connection uses this channel. # # - :timeout # when present, this is the default timeout used for calls # # @param host [String] the host the stub connects to # @param creds [Core::ChannelCredentials|Symbol] the channel credentials, or # :this_channel_is_insecure, which explicitly indicates that the client # should be created with an insecure connection. Note: this argument is # ignored if the channel_override argument is provided. # @param channel_override [Core::Channel] a pre-created channel # @param timeout [Number] the default timeout to use in requests # @param propagate_mask [Number] A bitwise combination of flags in # GRPC::Core::PropagateMasks. Indicates how data should be propagated # from parent server calls to child client calls if this client is being # used within a gRPC server. # @param channel_args [Hash] the channel arguments. Note: this argument is # ignored if the channel_override argument is provided. # @param interceptors [Array<GRPC::ClientInterceptor>] An array of # GRPC::ClientInterceptor objects that will be used for # intercepting calls before they are executed # Interceptors are an EXPERIMENTAL API. def initialize(host, creds, channel_override: nil, timeout: nil, propagate_mask: nil, channel_args: {}, interceptors: []) @ch = ClientStub.setup_channel(channel_override, host, creds, channel_args) alt_host = channel_args[Core::Channel::SSL_TARGET] @host = alt_host.nil? ? host : alt_host @propagate_mask = propagate_mask @timeout = timeout.nil? ? DEFAULT_TIMEOUT : timeout @interceptors = end # request_response sends a request to a GRPC server, and returns the # response. # # == Flow Control == # This is a blocking call. # # * it does not return until a response is received. # # * the requests is sent only when GRPC core's flow control allows it to # be sent. # # == Errors == # An RuntimeError is raised if # # * the server responds with a non-OK status # # * the deadline is exceeded # # == Return Value == # # If return_op is false, the call returns the response # # If return_op is true, the call returns an Operation, calling execute # on the Operation returns the response. # # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses # @param deadline [Time] (optional) the time the request should complete # @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true # @param parent [Core::Call] a prior call whose reserved metadata # will be propagated by this one. # @param credentials [Core::CallCredentials] credentials to use when making # the call # @param metadata [Hash] metadata to be sent to the server # @return [Object] the response received from the server # client_streamer sends a stream of requests to a GRPC server, and # returns a single response. # # requests provides an 'iterable' of Requests. I.e. it follows Ruby's # #each enumeration protocol. In the simplest case, requests will be an # array of marshallable objects; in typical case it will be an Enumerable # that allows dynamic construction of the marshallable objects. # # == Flow Control == # This is a blocking call. # # * it does not return until a response is received. # # * each requests is sent only when GRPC core's flow control allows it to # be sent. # # == Errors == # An RuntimeError is raised if # # * the server responds with a non-OK status # # * the deadline is exceeded # # == Return Value == # # If return_op is false, the call consumes the requests and returns # the response. # # If return_op is true, the call returns the response. # # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses # @param deadline [Time] (optional) the time the request should complete # @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true # @param parent [Core::Call] a prior call whose reserved metadata # will be propagated by this one. # @param credentials [Core::CallCredentials] credentials to use when making # the call # @param metadata [Hash] metadata to be sent to the server # @return [Object|Operation] the response received from the server def client_streamer(method, requests, marshal, unmarshal, deadline: nil, return_op: false, parent: nil, credentials: nil, metadata: {}) c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline: deadline, parent: parent, credentials: credentials) interception_context = @interceptors.build_context intercept_args = { method: method, requests: requests, call: c.interceptable, metadata: metadata } if return_op # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute as a # new method for this instance that invokes #client_streamer. c.merge_metadata_to_send(metadata) op = c.operation op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do interception_context.intercept!(:client_streamer, intercept_args) do c.client_streamer(requests) end end op else interception_context.intercept!(:client_streamer, intercept_args) do c.client_streamer(requests, metadata: metadata) end end end # server_streamer sends one request to the GRPC server, which yields a # stream of responses. # # responses provides an enumerator over the streamed responses, i.e. it # follows Ruby's #each iteration protocol. The enumerator blocks while # waiting for each response, stops when the server signals that no # further responses will be supplied. If the implicit block is provided, # it is executed with each response as the argument and no result is # returned. # # == Flow Control == # This is a blocking call. # # * the request is sent only when GRPC core's flow control allows it to # be sent. # # * the request will not complete until the server sends the final # response followed by a status message. # # == Errors == # An RuntimeError is raised if # # * the server responds with a non-OK status when any response is # * retrieved # # * the deadline is exceeded # # == Return Value == # # if the return_op is false, the return value is an Enumerator of the # results, unless a block is provided, in which case the block is # executed with each response. # # if return_op is true, the function returns an Operation whose #execute # method runs server streamer call. Again, Operation#execute either # calls the given block with each response or returns an Enumerator of the # responses. # # == Keyword Args == # # Unspecified keyword arguments are treated as metadata to be sent to the # server. # # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server # @param req [Object] the request sent to the server # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses # @param deadline [Time] (optional) the time the request should complete # @param return_op [true|false]return an Operation if true # @param parent [Core::Call] a prior call whose reserved metadata # will be propagated by this one. # @param credentials [Core::CallCredentials] credentials to use when making # the call # @param metadata [Hash] metadata to be sent to the server # @param blk [Block] when provided, is executed for each response # @return [Enumerator|Operation|nil] as discussed above def server_streamer(method, req, marshal, unmarshal, deadline: nil, return_op: false, parent: nil, credentials: nil, metadata: {}, &blk) c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline: deadline, parent: parent, credentials: credentials) interception_context = @interceptors.build_context intercept_args = { method: method, request: req, call: c.interceptable, metadata: metadata } if return_op # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute # as a new method for this instance that invokes #server_streamer c.merge_metadata_to_send(metadata) op = c.operation op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do interception_context.intercept!(:server_streamer, intercept_args) do c.server_streamer(req, &blk) end end op else interception_context.intercept!(:server_streamer, intercept_args) do c.server_streamer(req, metadata: metadata, &blk) end end end # bidi_streamer sends a stream of requests to the GRPC server, and yields # a stream of responses. # # This method takes an Enumerable of requests, and returns and enumerable # of responses. # # == requests == # # requests provides an 'iterable' of Requests. I.e. it follows Ruby's # #each enumeration protocol. In the simplest case, requests will be an # array of marshallable objects; in typical case it will be an # Enumerable that allows dynamic construction of the marshallable # objects. # # == responses == # # This is an enumerator of responses. I.e, its #next method blocks # waiting for the next response. Also, if at any point the block needs # to consume all the remaining responses, this can be done using #each or # #collect. Calling #each or #collect should only be done if # the_call#writes_done has been called, otherwise the block will loop # forever. # # == Flow Control == # This is a blocking call. # # * the call completes when the next call to provided block returns # false # # * the execution block parameters are two objects for sending and # receiving responses, each of which blocks waiting for flow control. # E.g, calles to bidi_call#remote_send will wait until flow control # allows another write before returning; and obviously calls to # responses#next block until the next response is available. # # == Termination == # # As well as sending and receiving messages, the block passed to the # function is also responsible for: # # * calling bidi_call#writes_done to indicate no further reqs will be # sent. # # * returning false if once the bidi stream is functionally completed. # # Note that response#next will indicate that there are no further # responses by throwing StopIteration, but can only happen either # if bidi_call#writes_done is called. # # To properly terminate the RPC, the responses should be completely iterated # through; one way to do this is to loop on responses#next until no further # responses are available. # # == Errors == # An RuntimeError is raised if # # * the server responds with a non-OK status when any response is # * retrieved # # * the deadline is exceeded # # # == Return Value == # # if the return_op is false, the return value is an Enumerator of the # results, unless a block is provided, in which case the block is # executed with each response. # # if return_op is true, the function returns an Operation whose #execute # method runs the Bidi call. Again, Operation#execute either calls a # given block with each response or returns an Enumerator of the # responses. # # @param method [String] the RPC method to call on the GRPC server # @param requests [Object] an Enumerable of requests to send # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses # @param deadline [Time] (optional) the time the request should complete # @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true # @param parent [Core::Call] a prior call whose reserved metadata # will be propagated by this one. # @param credentials [Core::CallCredentials] credentials to use when making # the call # @param metadata [Hash] metadata to be sent to the server # @param blk [Block] when provided, is executed for each response # @return [Enumerator|nil|Operation] as discussed above def bidi_streamer(method, requests, marshal, unmarshal, deadline: nil, return_op: false, parent: nil, credentials: nil, metadata: {}, &blk) c = new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline: deadline, parent: parent, credentials: credentials) interception_context = @interceptors.build_context intercept_args = { method: method, requests: requests, call: c.interceptable, metadata: metadata } if return_op # return the operation view of the active_call; define #execute # as a new method for this instance that invokes #bidi_streamer c.merge_metadata_to_send(metadata) op = c.operation op.define_singleton_method(:execute) do interception_context.intercept!(:bidi_streamer, intercept_args) do c.bidi_streamer(requests, &blk) end end op else interception_context.intercept!(:bidi_streamer, intercept_args) do c.bidi_streamer(requests, metadata: metadata, &blk) end end end private # Creates a new active stub # # @param method [string] the method being called. # @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests # @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses # @param parent [Grpc::Call] a parent call, available when calls are # made from server # @param credentials [Core::CallCredentials] credentials to use when making # the call def new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal, deadline: nil, parent: nil, credentials: nil) deadline = from_relative_time(@timeout) if deadline.nil? # Provide each new client call with its own completion queue call = @ch.create_call(parent, # parent call @propagate_mask, # propagation options method, nil, # host use nil, deadline) call.set_credentials! credentials unless credentials.nil?, marshal, unmarshal, deadline, started: false) end end
def save_as(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path), 'contents.xcworkspacedata'), 'w') do |out| out << to_s end end
Saves the workspace at the given `xcworkspace` path. @param [String] path the path where to save the project. @return [void]
class Workspace # @return [REXML::Document] the parsed XML model for the workspace contents attr_reader :document # @return [Hash<String => String>] a mapping from scheme name to project full path # containing the scheme attr_reader :schemes # @return [Array<FileReference>] the paths of the projects contained in the # workspace. # def file_references return [] unless @document @document.get_elements('/Workspace//FileRef').map do |node| FileReference.from_node(node) end end # @return [Array<GroupReference>] the groups contained in the workspace # def group_references return [] unless @document @document.get_elements('/Workspace//Group').map do |node| GroupReference.from_node(node) end end # @param [REXML::Document] document @see document # @param [Array<FileReference>] file_references additional projects to add # # @note The document parameter is passed to the << operator if it is not a # valid REXML::Document. It is optional, but may also be passed as nil # def initialize(document, *file_references) @schemes = {} if document.nil? @document ='')) elsif document.is_a?(REXML::Document) @document = document else @document ='')) self << document end file_references.each { |ref| self << ref } end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Returns a workspace generated by reading the contents of the given path. # # @param [String] path # the path of the `xcworkspace` file. # # @return [Workspace] the generated workspace. # def self.new_from_xcworkspace(path) from_s(, 'contents.xcworkspacedata')), File.expand_path(path)) rescue Errno::ENOENT new(nil) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Returns a workspace generated by reading the contents of the given # XML representation. # # @param [String] xml # the XML representation of the workspace. # # @return [Workspace] the generated workspace. # def self.from_s(xml, workspace_path = '') document = instance = new(document) instance.load_schemes(workspace_path) instance end # Adds a new path to the list of the of projects contained in the # workspace. # @param [String, Xcodeproj::Workspace::FileReference] path_or_reference # A string or Xcode::Workspace::FileReference containing a path to an Xcode project # # @raise [ArgumentError] Raised if the input is neither a String nor a FileReference # # @return [void] # def <<(path_or_reference) return unless @document && @document.respond_to?(:root) case path_or_reference when String project_file_reference = when Xcodeproj::Workspace::FileReference project_file_reference = path_or_reference projpath = nil else raise ArgumentError, "Input to the << operator must be a file path or FileReference, got #{path_or_reference.inspect}" end @document.root.add_element(project_file_reference.to_node) load_schemes_from_project File.expand_path(projpath || project_file_reference.path) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Adds a new group container to the workspace # workspace. # # @param [String] name The name of the group # # @yield [Xcodeproj::Workspace::GroupReference, REXML::Element] # Yields the GroupReference and underlying XML element for mutation # # @return [Xcodeproj::Workspace::GroupReference] The added group reference # def add_group(name) return nil unless @document group = elem = @document.root.add_element(group.to_node) yield group, elem if block_given? group end # Checks if the workspace contains the project with the given file # reference. # # @param [FileReference] file_reference # The file_reference to the project. # # @return [Boolean] whether the project is contained in the workspace. # def include?(file_reference) file_references.include?(file_reference) end # @return [String] the XML representation of the workspace. # def to_s contents = '' stack = [] @document.root.each_recursive do |elem| until stack.empty? last = stack.last break if last == elem.parent contents += xcworkspace_element_end_xml(stack.length, last) stack.pop end stack << elem contents += xcworkspace_element_start_xml(stack.length, elem) end until stack.empty? contents += xcworkspace_element_end_xml(stack.length, stack.last) stack.pop end root_xml(contents) end # Saves the workspace at the given `xcworkspace` path. # # @param [String] path # the path where to save the project. # # @return [void] # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Load all schemes from all projects in workspace or in the workspace container itself # # @param [String] workspace_dir_path # path of workspaces dir # # @return [void] # def load_schemes(workspace_dir_path) # Normalizes path to directory of workspace needed for file_reference.absolute_path workspaces_dir = workspace_dir_path if File.extname(workspace_dir_path) == '.xcworkspace' workspaces_dir = File.expand_path('..', workspaces_dir) end file_references.each do |file_reference| project_full_path = file_reference.absolute_path(workspaces_dir) load_schemes_from_project(project_full_path) end # Load schemes that are in the workspace container. workspace_abs_path = File.absolute_path(workspace_dir_path) Dir[File.join(workspace_dir_path, 'xcshareddata', 'xcschemes', '*.xcscheme')].each do |scheme| scheme_name = File.basename(scheme, '.xcscheme') @schemes[scheme_name] = workspace_abs_path end end private # Load all schemes from project # # @param [String] project_full_path # project full path # # @return [void] # def load_schemes_from_project(project_full_path) schemes = Xcodeproj::Project.schemes project_full_path schemes.each do |scheme_name| @schemes[scheme_name] = project_full_path end end # @return [String] The template of the workspace XML as formated by Xcode. # # @param [String] contents The XML contents of the workspace. # def root_xml(contents) <<-DOC <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Workspace version = "1.0"> #{contents.rstrip} </Workspace> DOC end # # @param [Integer] depth The depth of the element in the tree # @param [REXML::Document::Element] elem The XML element to format. # # @return [String] The Xcode-specific XML formatting of an element start # def xcworkspace_element_start_xml(depth, elem) attributes = case when 'Group' %w(location name) when 'FileRef' %w(location) end contents = "<#{}" indent = ' ' * depth attributes.each { |name| contents += "\n #{name} = \"#{elem.attribute(name)}\"" } contents.split("\n").map { |line| "#{indent}#{line}" }.join("\n") + ">\n" end # # @param [Integer] depth The depth of the element in the tree # @param [REXML::Document::Element] elem The XML element to format. # # @return [String] The Xcode-specific XML formatting of an element end # def xcworkspace_element_end_xml(depth, elem) "#{' ' * depth}</#{}>\n" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# end

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