seemed like recognition emotional state like wanted quiet scares me claims trying help comfort me really trouble believing that second time something like happened first time arguing getting really heated
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "seemed like recognition emotional state like wanted quiet scares me claims trying help comfort me really trouble believing that second time something like happened first time arguing getting really heated" ]
Me pareció reconocimiento estado emocional como quería tranquilo me asusta me afirma tratando de ayudar a consolarme realmente problemas creer que la segunda vez algo como algo pasó la primera vez discutiendo conseguir realmente caliente
simpsons predict future world us becoming dumb copying script cartoon im middle east way better us countrys government breaking apart joke sad truth
[ "simpsons predict future world us becoming dumb copying script cartoon im middle east way better us countrys government breaking apart joke sad truth" ]
simpsons predicen el futuro mundo nos estamos convirtiendo en tonto copiando guión dibujos animados im Medio Oriente manera mejor nosotros países gobierno romper aparte broma triste verdad
xanaxis painful die xanax
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "xanaxis painful die xanax" ]
xanaxis dolor morir xanax
cute girl litteraly bedroom way looks swear im going die knife bit annoying though
[ "cute girl litteraly bedroom way looks swear im going die knife bit annoying though" ]
linda chica camadaly dormitorio manera se ve juro que voy a morir cuchillo poco molesto aunque
life would much easier thinkthis going mess idk else post this format fucked up apologise sometimes cant stop thinking reasons id better dead im barely human cant function like everyone else can im constantly reminded every shitty thing life matter go do ill never able forget this vivid memories every little thing ive fucked up cant get life without self harm thing point boyfriend theres almost nothing life makes happy anymore amp fucking sucks ive tried talk quitting said something want to thats beside point like idk feel lost im trying find something make stop thinking forever amp redflag answer course get temporary release cutting enough amp never be plus ruining life would much easier kill go shit want feel think even exist ill always reminded past experiences like long period sexual abuse amp rape abusive father amp fucked family even live long enough move ill plagued issues rest life get like boyfriend says things like think future itll get better think will things never get better makes happy really enough keep alive next couple years im stuck fucking house know im even writing this im much coward actually end it came pretty fucking close couple months ago course it wish wouldve succeeded
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life would much easier thinkthis going mess idk else post this format fucked up apologise sometimes cant stop thinking reasons id better deadim barely human cant function like everyone else can im constantly reminded every shitty thing life matter go do ill never able forget this vivid memories every little thing ive fucked up cant get life without self harm thing point boyfriend theres almost nothing life makes happy anymore amp fucking sucks ive tried talk quitting said something want to thats beside point like idk feel lost im trying find something make stop thinking forever amp redflag answer course get temporary release cutting enough amp never be plus ruining life would much easier kill go shit want feel think even exist ill always reminded past experiences like long period sexual abuse amp rape abusive father amp fucked family even live long enough move ill plagued issues rest life get like boyfriend says things like think future itll get better think will things never get better makes happy really enough keep alive next couple years im stuck fucking house know", "im even writing this im much coward actually end it came pretty fucking close couple months ago course it wish wouldve succeeded" ]
La vida sería mucho más fácil pensar que este lío va idk otra cosa post este formato jodido disculparse a veces no puedo dejar de pensar razones id mejor deadim apenas humano cant función como todos los demás puede constantemente recordar cada mierda materia de la vida va hacer mal nunca puede olvidar estos recuerdos vívidos cada pequeña cosa ive ive up get life sin auto daño punto novio hay casi nada la vida hace feliz más amp mierda chupa ive probado hablar dejar de decir algo quiere eso aparte de punto como idk se siente perdido im tratar de encontrar algo hacer dejar de pensar para siempre amp redflag respuesta curso obtener libertad temporal cortar suficiente amp nunca más arruinar la vida sería mucho más fácil matar mierda querer pensar incluso existir enfermo siempre recordar experiencias pasadas como largo período abuso sexual amp violación abusivo padre amp follada familia incluso vivir lo suficiente movimiento enfermo problemas plagados descanso vida llegar como novio dice cosas como pensar futuro que va a ser mejor pensar las cosas hará feliz realmente lo suficiente mantener vivo el próximo par de años im pegada puta casa saber
normally happiness others responsibility want commit redflag is whywhy happiness others responsibility sudden want kill myself happiness responsibility
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "normally happiness others responsibility want commit redflag is whywhy happiness others responsibility sudden want kill myself happiness responsibility" ]
normalmente felicidad otros responsabilidades quieren cometer bandera roja es por qué felicidad otros responsabilidades de repente quieren matarme a mí mismo felicidad responsabilidad
guys sometimes get panic attacks start thinking future currently work hours day days week earn hour help parents rent pay services keep rest myself spend bit stupid stuff much spend free time watching anime reading manga buying manga playing games friends really enjoy that thing is whenever think ill life start panicking heart goes ballistic want study anything specific want work specific field thing ive got sort figured may interested serving one branches military future want good stable income afford stupid stuff housing myself nice car day buy house knowing life makes seem hard obtain parents want study ged also want keep working help pay rent feel completely lost always find going back playstation laptop forget worries seems like cycle end
[ "guys sometimes get panic attacks start thinking future currently work hours day days week earn hour help parents rent pay services keep rest myself spend bit stupid stuff much spend free time watching anime reading manga buying manga playing games friends really enjoy that thing is whenever think ill life start panicking heart goes ballistic want study anything specific want work specific field thing ive got sort figured may interested serving one branches military future want good stable income afford stupid stuff housing myself nice car day buy house knowing life makes seem hard obtain parents want study ged also want keep working help pay rent feel completely lost always find going back playstation laptop forget worries seems like cycle end" ]
chicos a veces tienen ataques de pánico comienzan a pensar futuro actualmente trabajo horas día días semana ganar hora ayudar a los padres alquiler pagar servicios mantener el descanso pasar poco estúpido cosas mucho pasar tiempo libre ver anime leer manga comprar manga jugar juegos amigos realmente disfrutar de esa cosa es cada vez que piensan mal empezar la vida pánico corazón va balística quiere estudiar cualquier cosa específica trabajo específico campo cosa ive conseguido tipo figurado puede interesar servir una rama futuro militar quieren buena renta estable coste estúpida cosas alojamiento yo mismo buen coche día comprar casa conocer la vida parece difícil obtener padres quieren estudiar Ged también quieren seguir trabajando ayuda pagar alquiler se siente completamente perdido siempre encontrar volver estación de juegos portátil olvidar preocupaciones parece como ciclo final
im expendablefor stranger im easily replaceable anyone thats obvious guy match ive talking online week im easily replaceable online friends im easily replaceable friend real life definitely know im easily replaceable talk years found depression act like got better even talks me extended family im easily replaceable barely even know me think im dirty sinner anyway would give shit disappeared immediate family im replaceable would get death im sure would theyre resilient would whole load minds worry wasting money anymore wasting opportunities nice enough give anymore starving street anymore waste resources im festering wound someones leg need get cut off stop existing society better without me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im expendablefor stranger im easily replaceable anyone thats obvious guy match ive talking online week im easily replaceable online friendsim easily replaceable friend real life definitely know im easily replaceable talk years found depression act like got better even talks me extended familyim easily replaceable barely even know me think im dirty sinner anyway would give shit disappeared immediate familyim replaceable would get death im sure would theyre resilient would whole load minds worry wasting money anymore wasting opportunities nice enough give anymore starving street anymore waste resources im festering wound someones leg need get cut off stop existing society better without me" ]
Im prescindiblepara extraño im fácilmente reemplazable cualquier persona que es obvio hombre partido ive hablar online semana im fácilmente reemplazable en línea amigosim fácilmente reemplazable amigo vida real definitivamente sé im fácilmente reemplazable hablar años encontrado mejor acción depresión incluso me habla extensa familiaim fácilmente reemplazable apenas me creo pecador sucio de todos modos daría mierda desaparecido inmediata familiaim reemplazable conseguiría la muerte estoy seguro de que son resilientes toda la carga mentes preocuparse desperdicio de dinero ya desperdiciar oportunidades más agradable dar más calle hambrienta más recursos residuos herida alguien pierna necesita ser cortado para detener sociedad existente mejor sin mí
guys google yankee boogle it end atf watchlist also definitely d printable device convert standard semi auto ar full auto
[ "guys google yankee boogle it end atf watchlist also definitely d printable device convert standard semi auto ar full auto" ]
chicos google yankee boogle lo final atf lista de vigilancia también definitivamente d dispositivo imprimible convertir estándar semi auto ar completo auto
thing left gone continuedeven fucking better girlfriends laughs saying gonna kill myself one person still needed moment getting angry saying wanted to said gonna kill fucking laughed said bullshitting im fucking overdosing dont care anymore honestly theres point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thing left gone continuedeven fucking better girlfriends laughs saying gonna kill myself one person still needed moment getting angry saying wanted to said gonna kill fucking laughed said bullshitting im fucking overdosing dont care anymore honestly theres point" ]
thing left got continuedeven jodidamente mejores novias ríen diciendo que me voy a matar una persona todavía necesitaba un momento de enfado diciendo que quería decir que iba a matar jodidamente rió dijo mierda im mierda sobredosificación no importa más honestamente Theres punto
apart family fucking depressingi dont fucking understand dogshit parentsevery sunday keep bringing church knowing hate going plus dad doesnt even listen goddamn messages pastor literally points exact bullshit hes wrongthe pastor talks letting children date non christians sister talks children moving away church parents fault sister doesnt give fuck shows doesnt even fucking listenso drive hour back every week waste hours sunday every week lung cancer ass doesnt even behave like christian mom saves kindness love complete strangers gives fucks mea stranger bringing bike lift quick press lift button keep lift open even though theres fucking sensors already keep door openher thoughts filled childrens safety complete fucking strangers well minewhen tell dont want go church shes like oh thats problem tell dad yourselffuck sake dont enough authority say fuck dont wanna go church really hope dads lung cancer takes life soon cant fucking take shit anymore depression made caused dont give fuckeverybody youre willing actually care child dont fucking breed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "apart family fucking depressingi dont fucking understand dogshit parentsevery sunday keep bringing church knowing hate going plus dad doesnt even listen goddamn messages pastor literally points exact bullshit hes wrongthe pastor talks letting children date non christians sister talks children moving away church parents fault sister doesnt give fuck shows doesnt even fucking listenso drive hour back every week waste hours sunday every week lung cancer ass doesnt even behave like christian mom saves kindness love complete strangers gives fucks mea stranger bringing bike lift quick press lift button keep lift open even though theres fucking sensors already keep door openher thoughts filled childrens safety complete fucking strangers well minewhen tell dont want go church sheslikeoh thats problem tell dad yourselffuck sake dont enough authority say fuck dont wanna go church really hope dads lung cancer takes life soon cant fucking take shit anymore depression made caused dont give fuckeverybody youre willing actually care child dont fucking breed" ]
No entiendo a los perros mierda padres todos los domingos siguen trayendo la iglesia sabiendo odio ir y papá ni siquiera escucha malditos mensajes pastor literalmente puntos exacta mierda hes erra el pastor habla dejando niños salir no cristianos hermana habla niños mudarse fuera iglesia padres culpa hermana no da mierda shows ni siquiera puta escuchaso coche vuelta hora cada semana desperdicio horas domingo cada semana pulmón culo ni siquiera se comporta como cristiano madre salva bondad amor completo extraños me da mea un extraño trayendo bicicleta ascensor rápido ascensor botón mantener abierto ascensor aunque hay malditos sensores ya mantener la puerta abierta sus pensamientos llenan la puerta seguridad niños completos malditos extraños bien cuando decir no quiero ir iglesia sheslikeoh ques problema decirle papá mierda sake no lo suficiente autoridad decir mierda no quiero ir iglesia realmente espera papás cáncer de pulmón toma la vida pronto no puede coger mierda más depresión hecho causar mierda cada uno usted está dispuesto realmente cuidado niño no mierda crianza
anybody vent too idk cant find anywhere else
[ "anybody vent too idk cant find anywhere else" ]
Si alguien se desahoga demasiado idk no puede encontrar en ningún otro lugar.
truly great movie loved dennis quaid entire baseball team jay hernandez also likable actor enjoyable watch chemistry team got things together spectacular goes show accomplish minds unite one one goal team came back brink multiple losing seasons winning everything love movies like really inspirationalbr br on top that dennis quaids character getting place major leagues cant anything root guy seems like someone supposed something going that things happen fall place makes everything clickbr br based true story film really make think fact nothing impossible
[ "truly great movie loved dennis quaid entire baseball team jay hernandez also likable actor enjoyable watch chemistry team got things together spectacular goes show accomplish minds unite one one goal team came back brink multiple losing seasons winning everything love movies like really inspirationalbr br on top that dennis quaids character getting place major leagues cant anything root guy seems like someone supposed something going that things happen fall place makes everything clickbr br based true story film really make think fact nothing impossible" ]
Realmente gran película amó Dennis quaid equipo de béisbol entero jay hernandez también agradable actor agradable equipo de química reloj consiguió cosas espectaculares va mostrar lograr mentes une un equipo de un objetivo volvió al borde de múltiples temporadas perdedoras ganar todo amor películas como realmente inspiración br br que Dennis quaids personaje conseguir lugar grandes ligas no puede nada raíz chico parece como alguien supone que algo va que las cosas suceden caída lugar hace todo clicbr br basado en la verdadera historia película realmente hacer pensar hecho nada imposible
want sea want drown peoplemy friend suicidal exhausting yes needs help support always expects get it talk parents get therapist call fucking hotline dump every fucking time really friends whod listen im starting understand why care cant deal practically week burning out even supposed tell him everything complains true yes one likes one cares whether live die exception people maybe yes fat ugly yes unable keep even stupid min wage job yes failing school yes life pointless meaningless theres nothing that sends pics gun tells brain going wall makes feel like hostage helpless afraid leave wants talk listen broken record story night till am hes drunk enough pass out sleep hours afford it hes unemployed give fuck school i hand wake function well hours sleep all think im reaching point soon burnt out tired sleepdeprived enough tell go it almost convinced would best option him anything improve situation change anything makes depressed cant care anymore chipping away remains sanity
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want sea want drown peoplemy friend suicidal exhausting yes needs help support always expects get it talk parents get therapist call fucking hotline dump every fucking time really friends whod listen im starting understand why care cant deal practically week burning out even supposed tell him everything complains true yes one likes one cares whether live die exception peoplemaybe yes fat uglyyes unable keep even stupid min wage jobyes failing schoolyes life pointless meaningless theres nothing that sends pics gun tells brain going wall makes feel like hostage helpless afraid leave wants talk listen broken record story night till am hes drunk enough pass out sleep hours afford it hes unemployed give fuck school i hand wake function well hours sleep all think im reaching point soon burnt out tired sleepdeprived enough tell go it almost convinced would best option him anything improve situation change anything makes depressed cant care anymore chipping away remains sanity" ]
Quiero mar quiero ahogar gente mi amigo suicida agotador sí necesita ayuda apoyo siempre espera conseguirlo hablar padres conseguir terapeuta llamar puto line verte cada puta vez amigos realmente escucharme entender por qué cuidado no puede tratar prácticamente semana quemarse incluso supuesto decirle todo se queja verdad sí le gusta uno se preocupa si vivo morir excepción personas tal vez sí gordo feayes incapaz de mantener incluso estúpido min salario trabajoyes fracaso escuelasí vida sin sentido nada que envía fotos pistola le dice al cerebro pared hace sentir como rehén indefenso dejar quiere hablar escucha historia récord roto noche hasta que estoy borracho lo suficiente pasar horas de sueño permitirse que él está desempleado dar mierda escuela i mano despertar función bien sueño horas todos piensan im llegar a punto cansado sueñodeprivado lo suficiente decir casi convencido sería mejor opción cualquier cosa mejora situación cambio cualquier cosa hace depresión no puede cuidar más lejos sigue siendo sanity
anyone join militaryhello fellow redditters depressed lost meaning life joined thought joining military ive looking option time trying enlist snags think might good dedicate something greater focus lifestyle time able travel outside home state try new things meet new people also benefits bad perhaps military life fill renewed purpose ive heard stories however people joining pretty miserable even redflags anyone experience could share airforce way pretty well asvabs need retake them maybe even better time around looking position cyber systems space command
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone join militaryhello fellow redditters depressed lost meaning life joined thought joining military ive looking option time trying enlist snags think might good dedicate something greater focus lifestyle time able travel outside home state try new things meet new people also benefits bad perhaps military life fill renewed purpose ive heard stories however people joining pretty miserable even redflags anyone experience could share airforce way pretty well asvabs need retake them maybe even better time around looking position cyber systems space command" ]
alguien se une militarhello compañeros redditters deprimidos perdido significado vida se unió pensamiento unirse militar ive looking opción tiempo tratando de alistarse snags creo que podría bien dedicar algo mayor enfoque estilo de vida tiempo capaz de viajar fuera de casa estado intentar nuevas cosas conocer gente nueva también beneficios malo tal vez vida militar llenar renovado propósito i i historias oídas sin embargo la gente que se une bastante miserable incluso banderas rojas cualquiera experiencia podría compartir fuerzas aéreas manera bastante bien asvabs necesitan volver a tomar tal vez incluso mejor tiempo alrededor de buscar posición cibersistemas espacio comando
lactose intolerant would tolerate it quite simple actually even simne could it built different needs special lactose tolerant
[ "lactose intolerant would tolerate it quite simple actually even simne could it built different needs special lactose tolerant" ]
Intolerante a la lactosa lo toleraría bastante simple en realidad incluso simne podría construir diferentes necesidades especiales tolerantes a la lactosa
desperately need job mom pretty much it hey record im rapper take rap shit serious fuck like im willing put time effort money shit problem money guys aware turning months job working twice week making like paycheck mom hardly let work anymore shifts frankly shes lazy mean could drive myself finished driving classes wont let take road test practice hardly takes practice shes protective fuck doesnt want driving back whole job thing old job went corona reopened like months ago never called back chances probably wont hardly making money anyway tried talking mom it made bunch excuses virus dangerous know plenty jobs really good safe health regulations place dont want constantly leave house wouldnt issue let drive already give dollars month thats nearly enough need actually accomplish shit plus dont want use money want get early start career always makes shit difficult stems fact shes protective fuck wants stay inside time im turning months fucks sake know purpose place world know want do let geez
[ "desperately need job mom pretty muchit hey record im rapper take rap shit serious fuck like im willing put time effort money shit problem money guys aware turning months job working twice week making like paycheck mom hardly let work anymore shifts frankly shes lazy mean could drive myself finished driving classes wont let take road test practice hardly takes practice shes protective fuck doesnt want driving back whole job thing old job went corona reopened like months ago never called back chances probably wont hardly making money anyway tried talking mom it made bunch excuses virus dangerous know plenty jobs really good safe health regulations place dont want constantly leave house wouldnt issue let drive already give dollars month thats nearly enough need actually accomplish shit plus dont want use money want get early start career always makes shit difficult stems fact shes protective fuck wants stay inside time im turning monthsfucks sake know purpose place world know want do let geez" ]
Desesperadamente necesitan trabajo mamá bastante ey record im rapero tomar rap mierda serio mierda como im dispuesto poner tiempo esfuerzo dinero mierda problema dinero chicos conscientes turnos meses trabajo dos semanas trabajo hacer como cheque de pago mamá casi no dejar trabajar más turnos francamente ella vaga medio podría conducir a mí mismo terminado conducir clases no deja tomar práctica de pruebas de carretera apenas toma práctica ellas protección mierda no quiere conducir de vuelta todo trabajo cosa viejo trabajo fue corona reabrió como hace meses nunca llamó oportunidades probablemente no va a hacer dinero de todos modos intentó hablar mamá hizo montón excusas virus peligroso saber muchos trabajos realmente buena seguro regulaciones de salud lugar no quieren constantemente dejar casa no problema dejar conducir ya dar dólares ya mes que casi lo suficiente necesidad realmente lograr mierda más no quiero usar dinero quieren empezar temprano carrera siempre hace mierda difícil talcos hecho ellas protección mierda quiere quedarse dentro tiempo im turnos mesesfullidos sake saber propósito lugar mundo quieren hacer Geez
hey im bored alone stream playing gta v talk chat please httpswwwtwitchtvkyobi_gaminghttpswwwtwitchtvkyobi_gaming
[ "hey im bored alone stream playing gta v talkchat please httpswwwtwitchtvkyobi_gaminghttpswwwtwitchtvkyobi_gaming" ]
Hey i aburrido sola corriente jugando gta v talkchat por favor httpswwwtwitchtvkyobi_gaminghttpswwwtwitchtvkyobi_gaming
knew would totally fucking itbut dont god fucking damn it maybe jump front train tomorrow itll going slow anything probably wont fucking fuck fuck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "knew would totally fucking itbut dont godfucking damn it maybe jump front train tomorrow itll going slow anything probably wont fucking fuck fuck" ]
Sabía que lo jodería, pero no lo jodiste, maldita sea, tal vez salte el tren del frente mañana va a ir lento cualquier cosa probablemente no va a joder mierda mierda
jump dayi stood top bridge climb jump friend goes dont dint want framed murder fill paper work seeing wow thanks dont jump need friend need dont stay popular
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "jump dayi stood top bridge climb jump friend goes dont dint want framed murder fill paper work seeing wow thanks dont jump need friend need dont stay popular" ]
salto dayi parado puente superior escalar salto amigo va dont dint quiere enmarcado asesinato llenar papel trabajo ver wow gracias no saltar necesidad amigo necesidad no permanecer popular
filthy motherfuckers failed one god damn job hadyou absolute fucking mongoloids shadow banned guy instead offering help im sure subreddit helping people making lives worse go suck shotgun barrel see feels driven point go get shadow banned subreddit designed help people see feels access anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "filthy motherfuckers failed one god damn job hadyou absolute fucking mongoloids shadow banned guy instead offering help im sure subreddit helping people making lives worse go suck shotgun barrel see feels driven point go get shadow banned subreddit designed help people see feels access anymore" ]
sucios hijos de puta fallaron en un maldito trabajo te tenían absolutamente jodidos mongoloides sombra prohibido chico en lugar de ofrecer ayuda estoy seguro subreddit ayudar a la gente a hacer las vidas peor ir chupar escopeta barril ver siente punto impulsado ir conseguir sombra prohibido subreddit diseñado ayudar a la gente a ver se siente acceso más
people care thats okeveryone thinks theyre bad guy one question everyone bad guy world fucked good like telephone gamechinese whisper someones lying say treat others would want treated the golden rule say bullshit treat others treated you many people treated like shit sure fuck want treated like that its kinda funny true people care responsibilities understand that well responsible ourselves question shown care well mental state left deal suffering because choice responsibility care theirs responsible ourselves reason show care shown any thoughts hours sleep always get philosophical sleep way looking world proof action religious theres bible verse faith without works dead james sums see world hope feel better get well soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "people care thats okeveryone thinks theyre bad guy one question everyone bad guy world fucked good like telephone gamechinese whisper someones lying say treat others would want treated the golden rule say bullshit treat others treated you many people treated like shit sure fuck want treated like that its kinda funny true people care responsibilities understand that well responsible ourselves question shown carewell mental state left deal suffering because choice responsibility care theirs responsible ourselves reason show care shown any thoughts hours sleep always get philosophical sleep way looking world proof action religious theres bible verse faith without works dead james sums see world hope feel better get well soon" ]
a la gente le importa que está bien todo el mundo piensa que son malos chico una pregunta todo el mundo chico malo follado bueno como teléfono gamechinese susurrar a alguien mentir decir tratar a los demás tratar la regla de oro decir mierda tratar a los demás tratar a muchos tratados como mierda seguro mierda querer tratado como que su tipo de divertido personas verdaderas cuidado responsabilidades entender que bien responsable nosotros mismos pregunta demostrado cuidado bien estado mental izquierda trato sufrimiento porque elección responsabilidad cuidar a sus responsables nosotros mismos razón mostrar cuidado demostrado cualquier pensamiento horas sueño obtener filosofía manera de buscar la prueba de mundo acción religiosa Theres biblia verso fe sin obras muertos james sumas ver mundo esperanza sentirse mejor pronto
ever stop hating getting helpmods let know proper sub ill best girlfriend years told suicidal last night said tonight would night really know point talking hours phone texted sister gf still lives parents gf taken hospital upset me understand hold anything her blaming stuff control berating every time ive tried talking today im trustworthy anymore according her would lying said hurt lot now trying look bright side taken care family never big fan seem see better light apologise word soup im trouble focusing right now thank reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ever stop hating getting helpmods let know proper sub ill best girlfriend years told suicidal last night said tonight would night really know point talking hours phone texted sister gf still lives parents gf taken hospital upset me understand hold anything her blaming stuff control berating every time ive tried talking today im trustworthy anymore according her would lying said hurt lot now trying look bright side taken care family never big fan seem see better light apologise word soupim trouble focusing right now thank reading" ]
Nunca dejar de odiar conseguir helpmods dejar saber adecuado sub enfermo mejor novia años dijo suicida anoche dijo esta noche realmente sabe punto horas de conversación teléfono mensaje de texto hermana gf todavía vive padres gf llevado hospital me molesta entender mantener cualquier cosa que culpa control de las cosas reprender cada vez que se trató de hablar hoy de acuerdo a su mentira dijo mucho dolor ahora tratando de mirar lado bueno cuidado familia nunca gran fan parece ver mejor luz pedir disculpas palabra soupim problemas de concentración en este momento gracias lectura
im fucking failureeveryone leaves me always have either leave themselves someone else makes them everybody see im worst possible fucking thing ever live hate much literally cannot express it amount words actions ever come close much hate myself need die would generally improve life everybody around me guess anyone else im inconveniencing taking oxygen id write letter asking organs donated theyd probably kill someone know heart black fucking dead try kind people fucking kick ledge lose grip spiral mentally unstable im worth anything im fucking peice shit would shoot think live long enough someone else me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im fucking failureeveryone leaves me always have either leave themselves someone else makes them everybody see im worst possible fucking thing ever live hate much literally cannot express it amount words actions ever come close much hate myself need die would generally improve life everybody around me guess anyone else im inconveniencing taking oxygen id write letter asking organs donated theyd probably kill someone know heart black fucking dead try kind people fucking kick ledge lose grip spiral mentally unstable im worth anything im fucking peice shit would shoot think live long enough someone elseme" ]
Todo el mundo me deja siempre o se dejan a sí mismos alguien más les hace ver a todos lo peor posible mierda nunca vivir odio mucho literalmente no puede expresar la cantidad de palabras acciones nunca se acercan mucho odio me necesitan morir generalmente mejorar la vida todo el mundo a mi alrededor supongo que cualquier otra persona im inconveniencia tomar oxígeno id escribir carta pidiendo órganos donados probablemente matarían a alguien saber corazón negro maldito muerto tratar de gente amable patada repisa perder agarre espiral mental inestable im vale cualquier cosa im mierda me dispararía pensar vivir suficiente tiempo alguien otra persona
got redflag ocd depression lots different meds feel awful still tied mind knots trying self protect cannot untie them feel like want give really much take cannot get brain unscramble feel like losing touch reality
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "got redflag ocd depression lots different meds feel awful still tied mind knots trying self protect cannot untie them feel like want give really much take cannot get brain unscramble feel like losing touch reality" ]
tiene rojo bandera ocd depresión lotes diferentes medicamentos se sienten horrible todavía atado nudos de la mente tratando de autoprotección no pueden desatar la sensación de querer dar realmente mucho tomar no puede conseguir cerebro desenredar sensación de perder tacto realidad
downvote post wanna know many downvotes get please filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "downvote post wanna know many downvotes get please filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
downvote post quiere saber muchos downvotes obtener relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
testing post reddits accting rn im tryna see rteenagers
[ "testing post reddits accting rn im tryna see rteenagers" ]
pruebas post reddits acting rn im tryna ver rteenagers
biased muppet fan love treasure island christmas carol great muppet caper muppet movie absolutely deserves best them enormously entertaining thanks snappy script jerry juhl film looks lovely beautifully staged musical numbers speaking songs really liked them sure best song score muppet franchise nice listen to especially never before never one favourite muppet songs along first time happens professional pirate muppets usual fantastic particularly always delightful miss piggy chemistry kermit fozzie great brilliant human cast bob hope orson welles madeleine kahnthe wonderful actress brought us hilarious movies like whats doc blazing saddles clue cloris leachman steve martin richard pryor made memorable guest appearances careful overshadow muppets fantastic film bethany cox
[ "biased muppet fan love treasure island christmas carol great muppet caper muppet movie absolutely deserves best them enormously entertaining thanks snappy script jerry juhl film looks lovely beautifully staged musical numbers speaking songs really liked them sure best song score muppet franchise nice listen to especially never before never one favourite muppet songs along first time happens professional pirate muppets usual fantastic particularly always delightful miss piggy chemistry kermit fozzie great brilliant human cast bob hope orson welles madeleine kahnthe wonderful actress brought us hilarious movies like whats doc blazing saddles clue cloris leachman steve martin richard pryor made memorable guest appearances careful overshadow muppetsfantastic film bethany cox" ]
Sesgada muppet fan amor tesoro isla Navidad villancico gran muppet alcaparra muppet película absolutamente merece lo mejor de ellos enormemente entretenido gracias snappy guión jerry juhl película se ve encantadora bellamente escenificado números musicales que hablan canciones realmente les gustó seguro mejor canción partitura muppet franquicia agradable escuchar especialmente nunca antes nunca una canción favorita muppet a lo largo de la primera vez pasa muppets piratas profesionales habituales fantásticos especialmente siempre encantadora señorita cerdito química kermit fozzie gran brillante humano elenco bob esperanza oson bienes madeleine kahn la actriz maravillosa nos trajo películas hilarantes como lo que doc ardiente sillas pista cloris leachman steve martin richard pryor hecho memorables apariciones invitados cuidado overshadow muppetsfantastic film bethany cox
im sick itid like say ive dealing lot car accident two midterms taking credit hours courses summer trying expand nothingness social life im looking friends necessarily mean friends cool stuff im much interested something intimate if immodest someone sex with someone try sexual fantasies with im going lie you sex part mandatory thing me appreciate everything else im majorly affected anniversaries going dates weekly wants thats cool sex reasonable time weeks right now nobody seems like hookups wouldnt bad seems put incel land niceguy land god dont ever want compared that im serious say sex could say stay friends benefits would perfectly fine that ive flipped them always acted like big deal said no ive worked courage talk many times isnt girl interested girl date black guys stood prom college girl looking relationship thought college like sex mania something girl gay happy days ago brother told girls thought cute wanted set something up gave number give them would text ghost me well im getting tired shit pardon language dont want around see history repeat itself vital part development celibacy sacrifice willing make life money hookers premium porn connections hookups hate bars clubs entire lifestyle general one thing cant stand seeing right relationships again im getting little heavy worded here fuck every single person relationship shows fucking time dont want see that well anyways thats it want feel way anymore long im alive im gonna feel way so
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im sick itid like say ive dealing lot car accident two midterms taking credit hours courses summer trying expand nothingness social life im looking friends necessarily mean friends cool stuffim much interested something intimate if immodest someone sex with someone try sexual fantasies with im going lie you sex partmandatory thing me appreciate everything else im majorly affected anniversaries going dates weekly wants thats cool sex reasonable time weeks right now nobody seems like hookups wouldnt bad seems put incel land niceguy land god dont ever want compared that im serious say sex could say stay friends benefits would perfectly fine that ive flipped them always acted like big deal said no ive worked courage talk many times isnt girl interested girl date black guys stood prom college girl looking relationship thought college like sex mania something girl gay happy days ago brother told girls thought cute wanted set something up gave number give them would text ghost me", "well im getting tired shit pardon language dont want around see history repeat itself vital part development celibacy sacrifice willing make life money hookers premium porn connections hookups hate bars clubs entire lifestyle general one thing cant stand seeing right relationships again im getting little heavy worded here fuck every single person relationship shows fucking time dont want see that well anyways thatsit want feel way anymore longim alive im gonna feel way so" ]
Im enferme itid como decir iv trading lot accidente de coche dos mitades tomando cursos de crédito verano tratando de ampliar nada vida social im buscando amigos necesariamente significa amigos cool stuffim mucho interesado algo íntimo si alguien inmodest sexo con alguien intentar fantasías sexuales con im va mentira sexo cosa partendatoria me apreciar todo lo demás im principalmente afectados aniversarios ir semana quiere que el sexo fresco tiempo razonable semanas en este momento nadie parece como enganches no sería malo parece poner incel tierra niceguy tierra dios nunca quiero comparado que im serio decir sexo podría decir permanecer amigos beneficios perfectamente bien que ive les volteó siempre actuó como gran cosa dicho no trabajaron coraje charla muchas veces esnt chica interesada chica chica cita negro se paró baile chica buscando relación pensamiento universidad como sexo chica gay feliz días atrás hermano dijo chicas pensamiento lindo quería establecer algo dio número les texto fantasma
hate whenyoure looking painless methods kill yourself google shows bunch sites telling it assure you looking for
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hate whenyoure looking painless methods kill yourself google shows bunch sites telling it assure you looking for" ]
odio cuando estás buscando métodos indoloros te matas a ti mismo google muestra un montón de sitios diciendo que asegurar que buscas
usa turing s germany people burning bibles people always talk crap christians back germany people started killing jews honestly whats next us blm protesters terrorizing usa im ending police brutality equality going way far needs end this christians republicans christians homophobic racist white pls stop hating christians sadly bad christians use god excuse hate people hurting religion good people
[ "usa turing s germany people burning bibles people always talk crap christians back germany people started killing jews honestly whats next us blm protesters terrorizing usa im ending police brutality equality going way far needs end this christians republicans christians homophobic racist white pls stop hating christians sadly bad christians use god excuse hate people hurting religion good people" ]
usa turing s germany gente quema biblias gente siempre hablan mierda cristianos detrás germany gente comenzó a matar judíos honestamente lo que viene nosotros blm manifestantes aterrorizando usa im fin policía brutalidad igualdad va lejos necesidades fin cristianos republicanos cristianos homofóbicos racistas pls blancos dejar de odiar cristianos tristemente malos cristianos uso dios excusa odio gente daño religión buena gente
hate birthday year time feel like wasted another year life accomplishing nothing bday dont dare say ting
[ "hate birthday year time feel like wasted another year life accomplishing nothing bday dont dare say ting" ]
odio año de cumpleaños tiempo se siente como perdido otro año de vida lograr nada bday no se atreven a decir ting
requirements girlfriend doing bc saw someone else it female nice treat respect and same nothing else really matters
[ "requirements girlfriend doing bc saw someone else it female nice treat respect and same nothing else really matters" ]
requisitos novia haciendo bc vio a alguien más que la mujer agradable tratar el respeto y lo mismo nada más realmente importa
finally agree iphone terrible apple respect customers proved expecting everyone buy chargers headphones separately even lower phone price
[ "finally agree iphone terrible apple respect customers proved expecting everyone buy chargers headphones separately even lower phone price" ]
finalmente estoy de acuerdo iphone terrible Apple respeto clientes demostrado esperando que todos compran cargadores de auriculares por separado incluso menor precio del teléfono
yeah man feels aint good right worrying college school life jeez enough make heart drop try think slip every while isnt pretty does though
[ "yeah man feels aint good right worrying college school life jeez enough make heart drop try think slip every while isnt pretty does though" ]
Sí, el hombre se siente bien preocupado por la vida de la escuela universitaria suficiente hacer que la gota de corazón tratar de deslizar cada vez que no lo hace bastante aunque
im intelligent got condoms put dildo clean poop filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "im intelligent got condoms put dildo clean poop filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
Im inteligente consiguió condones poner consolador relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
cant take morefemale severe ptsd emotional issues live isolated area one trust guy issues hes mentally abusive future would want
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant take morefemale severe ptsd emotional issues live isolated area one trust guy issues hes mentally abusive future would want" ]
No puedo tomar más mujeres severos problemas emocionales PTSD vivir área aislada un chico de confianza problemas que el futuro mentalmente abusivo querría
bro friend pranked friend dying basically theres friends like offline months like said oh friend died everyones like rip username im thinking sort joke im like wait username died one like yeah bro died cancer n stuff friend like they died u didnt find out cap cap cap im blaming like i got proof say what proof show me send ss fake ass cnn article girl dying cancer like get pranked xd xd xd xdxd fucking hate now blocked rn aint gonna hear long ass time tbh
[ "bro friend pranked friend dying basically theres friends like offline months like saidoh friend died everyones like rip username im thinking sort joke im like wait username died one like yeah bro died cancer n stuff friend like they died u didnt find out cap cap cap im blaming like i got proof say what proof show me send ss fake ass cnn article girl dying cancer like get prankedxdxd xdxdxd fucking hate now blocked rn aint gonna hear long ass time tbh" ]
amigo bro bromeado amigo morir básicamente Theres amigos como meses fuera de línea como sayoh amigo murió todos como rip nombre de usuario im pensar tipo broma im como espera nombre de usuario murió uno como yeh hermano murió cáncer n cosas amigo como murieron u no se encontró cap cap im culpa como tengo pruebas decir qué prueba mostrarme enviar ss falso culo cnn artículo chica morir cáncer como conseguir bromeedxdxd xdxdxd puto odio ahora bloqueado rn aint va a escuchar largo tiempo culo tbh
organization american states essentially become eu open borders free trade among every country american continent
[ "organization american states essentially become eu open borders free trade among every country american continent" ]
organización Estados americanos esencialmente se convierten en eu fronteras abiertas libre comercio entre todos los países continente americano
tired sick suicidal cant deal itwell ive put almost years feel like ive made good faith effort get better avail im tired dealing this brain damage previous attempt probably shaved good points iq left impaired executive functioning seemingly permanent three years now brain fog hate job dead end job stressful low paying boringbest all requires constant travel really nightmare dread waking morning broke girl alienated friends usual deal pressures putting where relationship going do future together etc desire interact anyone putting time work mostly sleep listlessly watch tv weekends real kicker endogenous depression most likely incurable ive always depressed cant really recall time depressed seriously doubting get better ive therapy since so coming nine years now enormous waste time energy countless medications medication helps ive found test enanthate cruise this run cycles weeks duration every year since helps marginally currently running anything right now though since hitting feel like im borrowed time anyway since mom checked age want end swear ive done everything right nothing helps life going get bearable would done now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired sick suicidal cant deal itwell ive put almost years feel like ive made good faith effort get better availim tired dealing this brain damage previous attempt probably shaved good points iq left impaired executive functioning seemingly permanent three years now brain fog hate job dead end job stressful low paying boringbest all requires constant travel really nightmare dread waking morning broke girl alienated friends usual deal pressures putting where relationship going do future together etc desire interact anyone putting time work mostly sleep listlessly watch tv weekends real kicker endogenous depression most likely incurable ive always depressed cant really recall time depressed seriously doubting get better ive therapy since so coming nine years now enormous waste time energy countless medications medication helps ive found test enanthate cruise this run cycles weeks duration every year since helps marginally currently running anything right now though since hitting feel like im borrowed time anyway since mom checked age want end swear ive done everything right nothing helps life going get bearable would done now" ]
Enfermo enfermo suicida no se puede hacer nada bueno ive itwell pone casi años se siente como ive hecho buena fe esfuerzo conseguir mejor disponibilidad cansado tratar este daño cerebral intento anterior probablemente afeitado buenos puntos iq izquierda deficiente funcionamiento ejecutivo aparentemente permanente tres años ahora cerebro niebla odio trabajo callejón sin salida trabajo estresante bajo pago aburridobest todo requiere viaje constante pesadilla terror despertar mañana quebrada chica amigos habituales trato presiones poner donde la relación va a hacer futuro juntos etc deseo interactuar cualquiera poniendo tiempo trabajo en su mayoría sueño sin problemas ver tv real kicker depresión endógena lo más probable incurable ive siempre deprimido realmente no puedo recordar el tiempo deprimido seriamente dudando conseguir mejor terapia ive desde que viene nueve años ahora enorme pérdida de tiempo energía innumerables medicamentos ayuda a encontrar pruebas enanthate crucero esta carrera ciclos semanas duración cada año ya que ayuda marginalmente actual ejecutar cualquier cosa ahora aunque desde golpear se siente como im tiempo prestado de todos modos desde mamá comprobar la edad quieren final jurar que todo lo correcto nada ayuda a la vida va a ser soportable haría ahora
im ok im ok im ok im okjust went round house taking eything downing bottle wine idek tok except mg propranolo whats point trying reach tell go hom eand die floor wan dont hope
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im ok im ok imokim okjust went round house taking eything downing bottle wine idek tok except mg propranolo whats point trying reach tell go hom eand die floor wan dont hope" ]
im ok im ok imokim ok acaba de dar la vuelta a casa tomando eything derribando botella de vino idek tok excepto mg propranolo ¿Cuál es el punto de tratar de llegar decir ir a casa y morir piso de wan no esperanza
guys favouritememorable quotes quotes lyrics sayings kind thing
[ "guys favouritememorable quotes quotes lyrics sayings kind thing" ]
Los chicos predilectos citas memorables cita letras diciendo cosas amables
hip hop rendition mos def performance according films musical creditsit incredible piece savage consciousness slams violence heart snap anyone tell someplace song live wire snap mos def the ground truth undeniable duty see americans might support mission embrace soul caught inside savage miscalculation purposethey take haunting many us sit back angrybr br live wire snap mos def foundbr br desperate find br br medically unable serve
[ "hip hop rendition mos def performance according films musical creditsit incredible piece savage consciousness slams violence heart snap anyone tell someplace song live wire snap mos def the ground truth undeniable duty see americans might support mission embrace soul caught inside savage miscalculation purposethey take haunting many us sit back angrybr br live wire snap mos def foundbr br desperate find br br medically unable serve" ]
hip hop interpretación mus def rendimiento según películas musical creditsit increíble pieza salvaje conciencia slams violencia corazón chasque cualquier persona decir en algún lugar canción en vivo cable snap mus def la tierra verdad innegable deber ver estadounidenses podrían apoyar misión abrazar alma atrapado dentro salvaje propósito de cálculo que toman acosar a muchos nos sentaron enojadobr br vivo cable snap mus def foundbr br desesperado encontrar br br médicamente incapaz servir
recover sanitywell ive lately struggling random sanitycordure loss driving crazy used dissociative identity disorder treated got integrated for anyone know imagine disorder fragmentates someones head different people control someones body without even aware since got integrated parts fused complete again happened like half year ago lately random sanity loss breaking mind feel sad cant move bed reduced amount food eat due loss appetite know break pieces again parts might complot possibly kill well actually know alive something good anymore grades going care much like used do got way restore sanity something like that know talking psychologist could help lot ive told mother twice already care enough might even think due age btw struggled years apparently got fixed seems like coming back possibly proper traitment tried deal it entirely myself right now im bed study exams coming week hard even think something remain bed listening music
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "recover sanitywell ive lately struggling random sanitycordure loss driving crazy used dissociative identity disorder treated got integrated for anyone know imagine disorder fragmentates someones head different people control someones body without even aware since got integrated parts fused complete again happened like half year ago lately random sanity loss breaking mind feel sad cant move bed reduced amount food eat due loss appetite know break pieces again parts might complot possibly kill well actually know alive something good anymore grades going care much like used do got way restore sanity something like that know talking psychologist could help lot ive told mother twice already care enough might even think due age btw struggled years apparently got fixed seems like coming back possibly proper traitment tried deal it entirely myself right now im bed study exams coming week hard even think something remain bed listening music" ]
Recover sanitywell ive recientemente luchando sanitycordure pérdida conducción loco usado trastorno de identidad disociativa tratado se integró para cualquier persona sabe el trastorno fragmenta a alguien cabeza personas diferentes control de alguien cuerpo sin siquiera darse cuenta desde que consiguió partes integradas fusionado completo otra vez sucedió como hace medio año hace últimamente pérdida de cordura aleatoria romper la mente se siente triste cant mover la cama cantidad reducida comida debido a pérdida apetito saber pedazos de roturas de nuevo partes podrían complot posiblemente matar bien saber vivo algo bueno más grados va cuidado mucho como se usa tienen manera restaurar la cordura algo como que saber psicólogo hablar podría ayudar mucho ive le dijo a madre ya lo suficiente podría incluso pensar que debido edad btw años luchados parece arreglado parece como volver posiblemente traitment tratado enteramente yo mismo ahora im cama exámenes de estudio que viene semana duro incluso pensar que algo permanece cama escuchar música
homeless awful bad tiny bit hope crushedim staying homeless shelter provide meals use computer talk post stuff like this although im lurker anyway years ago rough time talked someone site stopped left reddit came back talk couple years embarrassed eaten week im trying sell steam account working all get funds eat asked favor thisperson couple bucks get food said sure reply did said stalking them help me idea came last message sure help hope humanity ruined hope general swallow pride thing loathe ask help shit face talk killing here cant go food banks right id soup kitchens close lose place sleep indoors travel back due time distance cant afford eat friends family one all last bit hope shredded whats point living im going starve death go hang right fucking now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "homeless awful bad tiny bit hope crushedim staying homeless shelter provide meals use computer talk post stuff like this although im lurker anyway years ago rough time talked someone site stopped left reddit came back talk couple years embarrassed eaten week im trying sell steam account working all get funds eat asked favor thisperson couple bucks get food said sure reply did said stalking them help me idea came last message sure help hope humanity ruined hope general swallow pride thing loathe ask help shit face talk killing here cant go food banksright id soup kitchens close lose place sleep indoors travel back due time distance cant afford eat friends family one all last bit hope shredded whats point living im going starve death go hang right fucking now" ]
sin techo horrible mal poco esperanza machacadaim quedarse sin hogar refugio proporcionar comidas uso computadora talk post cosas como esto aunque im lurker de todos modos años hace tiempo duro habló alguien sitio paró izquierda reddit volvió hablar un par de años avergonzado comida semana Im tratando de vender cuenta de vapor trabajar todos conseguir fondos comer pedir favor esta persona pareja dólares conseguir comida dijo respuesta seguro dijo acosar les ayuda idea vino último mensaje seguro ayuda esperanza la humanidad arruinada esperanza general tragar orgullo cosa de odio pedir ayuda mierda cara hablar matar aquí no puede ir bancos de alimentos derecho id sopa cocinas cerca perder lugar dormir en interiores viaje de vuelta debido distancia tiempo no puede permitirse comer amigos familia uno último poco esperanza triturado lo que es el punto de vida im ir morir de hambre ir colgar ahora mismo mierda
know feeling get frantically look something lost panickly search entire house realize hand entire time im stupid know
[ "know feeling get frantically look something lost panickly search entire house realize hand entire time im stupid know" ]
saber sentir conseguir frenéticamente mirar algo perdido en pánico buscar toda la casa darse cuenta mano todo el tiempo im estúpido saber
stressed work work dairy queen boss laying people getting enough business cause winter im worried im gonna get laid cause bills pay dont know im gonna
[ "stressed work work dairy queen boss laying people getting enough business cause winter im worried im gonna get laid cause bills pay dont know im gonna" ]
trabajo estresado trabajo lechera reina jefe que pone a la gente conseguir suficiente negocio causa invierno im preocupado im va a tener sexo causa pagar cuentas no sé que voy a
pushed friend slide see happens floor made concrete great idea park fell face first broke nose lol blamed kid nothing bad happened
[ "pushed friend slide see happens floor made concrete great idea park fell face first broke nose lol blamed kid nothing bad happened" ]
empujado amigo diapositiva ver sucede piso hecho hormigón gran idea parque caída cara primera roto nariz lol culpa niño nada malo pasó
action horror scifi exploitation director fred olen ray shows talent director character actor william smith one best toughbad guys industry treats viewer best acting performance career randy travis gives best lee van cleef impression hes bad film smith travis make movie rest cast none really stand out ray great job directing flick smith travis good id give b western scale one tenten best seven
[ "action horror scifi exploitation director fred olen ray shows talent director character actor william smith one best toughbad guys industry treats viewer best acting performance career randy travis gives best lee van cleef impression hes bad film smith travis make movie rest cast none really stand out ray great job directing flick smith travis good id give b western scale one tenten best seven" ]
acción horror scifi explotación director fred olen ray muestra talento director personaje actor william herre uno mejor durobad chicos industria trata al espectador mejor actuación actuación carrera randy travis da mejor lee van cleef impresión hes mala película herre smith travis hacer película resto reparto ninguno realmente destacar raya gran trabajo dirección flick herre smith travis buena id dar b western escala uno diezten mejor siete
beautiful filmjohn garfields character distant relative les miserabless jean valjean detective rains recalls victor hugos javertthe ruthless arm lawbr br like many films noirsthe city epitomizes evil whereas country nature represents sanctuaryredemptionand second chance whose life seems forever doomedbut even luminous daylightdanger may appear suddenlyas excellent scene reservoir showsjohn garfield an actor whoas leonard maltin points outshould rediscoveredive never disappointed films except supporting part gentlemans agreement faultgives heartfelt sensitive performance audience sides soon unjustly accused the first sequence shows rather unkind hypocrite personbut trials redeem feel last scenes detective rainscolorful characters grandma kids add lot joie de vivre necessary humor also present strip poker game dead end brats fleece rich kidbr br i recommend movie
[ "beautiful filmjohn garfields character distant relative les miserabless jean valjean detective rains recalls victor hugos javertthe ruthless arm lawbr br like many films noirsthe city epitomizes evil whereas country nature represents sanctuaryredemptionand second chance whose life seems forever doomedbut even luminous daylightdanger may appear suddenlyas excellent scene reservoir showsjohn garfield an actor whoas leonard maltin points outshould rediscoveredive never disappointed films except supporting part gentlemans agreement faultgives heartfelt sensitive performance audience sides soon unjustly accused the first sequence showsrather unkind hypocrite personbut trials redeem feel last scenes detective rainscolorful characters grandma kids add lot joie de vivre necessary humor also present strip poker game dead end brats fleecerich kidbr br i recommend movie" ]
hermosa películajohn garfields personaje distante relativo les miserables Jean Valjean detective lluvia recuerda vencedor abrazos javertthe despiadado brazo leybr br como muchas películas noirsla ciudad epitomiza mal mientras que la naturaleza país representa santuarioredención y segunda oportunidad cuya vida parece para siempre condenado, pero incluso luminoso daydanger puede aparecer de repente como muestra excelente escena depósitojohn Garfield un actor que como Leonard Maltin señala debe redescubrir películas nunca decepcionados excepto apoyar parte caballeros acuerdo fallas sentidas sensibles público público pronto injustamente acusado la primera secuencia muestra más hipócrita persona poco amable pero los ensayos redimidos sentir las últimas escenas detective lluvia colorido personajes abuela niños añadir mucho joie de vivir necesario humor también presente strip s juego de póquer rulcerich kildbr br i recomendar película
want get help dont want make things worsetw trauma abuse neglect sh etc first part context feel free skip may important parts so living mom roommatewho obviously lot closer roommate loved torment me brainwashed manipulated mom believing would destroy life would tell he her daughter could live happily picture convinced im useless great job left alone home entire summer returning brief hour drop necessities returning back him point drop food literally nothing eat survived water tea moved month that september really big fight broke thats first time ever told considering redflag called police hospitalized discharged went live aunt months later went live friend februaryish back mom roommate time leading hospitalized another times constant torment lots isolation relapsed old habits staying night sleeping day could avoid see himor her matter started self harming suicidal ideation got worse around everything horrible one night may three us really bad fight dont remember events leading it remember put chokehold kicked shoved onto tile floor head hitting first called police restraining order placed cps got involved thats found abuse neglect moms side removed care placed one aunts barely month hospitalized aunt thought mustve devils son self harming suicidal that went live dads best friendmy exstepmotherfor sake simplicity ill call anne here alright heres now ive annes care since june things gone relatively well ive still dealing depression anxiety suicidal ideation sh whole time felt comfortable opening while last time attempted redflag told pissed called selfish stupid ungrateful etc yelled time let go sleep felt like shit felt worse ever since relationship damaged im scared opening every time since ive told things im bothered ends lecture fight argument lately ive feeling lot suicidal usual much hard even think life without wanting stop existing gotten really bad know need tell someone im scared breaking point finds im still suicidal even tell her shell find im hospitalized someone tells it know exactly would happen likely pictures mind could say im much kick like everyone else could completely revoke privacy have andor trust would damaged ruined bond may had first outcome happens ill completely lost know ill living next two would really stressful deal helpful either way wish could tell whats happening wish would respond way would end well everyone id fine take hospital fact think would best issue worked past probably let happen reason worked past take seriously accept help getting feel like im contradicting making everything much worse wish like that feel really stuck right know go here help appreciated im sorry long post delete allowed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want get help dont want make things worsetw trauma abuse neglect sh etc first part context feel free skip may important parts so living mom roommatewho obviously lot closer roommate loved torment me brainwashed manipulated mom believing would destroy life would tell he her daughter could live happily picture convinced im useless great job left alone home entire summer returning brief hour drop necessities returning back him point drop food literally nothing eat survived water tea moved month that september really big fight broke thats first time ever told considering redflagcalled police hospitalized discharged went live aunt months later went live friend februaryish back mom roommate time leading hospitalized another times constant torment lots isolation relapsed old habits staying night sleeping day could avoid see himor her matter started self harming suicidal ideation got worse around everything horrible one night may three us really bad fight dont remember events leading it remember put chokehold", "kicked shoved onto tile floor head hitting first called police restraining order placed cps got involved thats found abuse neglect moms side removed care placed one aunts barely month hospitalized aunt thought mustve devils son self harming suicidal that went live dads best friendmy exstepmotherfor sake simplicity ill call anne here", "alright heres now ive annes care since june things gone relatively well ive still dealing depression anxiety suicidal ideation sh whole time felt comfortable opening while last time attempted redflag told pissed called selfish stupid ungrateful etc yelled time let go sleep felt like shit felt worse ever since relationship damaged im scared opening every time since ive told things im bothered ends lecture fight argument lately ive feeling lot suicidal usual much hard even think life without wanting stop existing gotten really bad know need tell someone im scared breaking point finds im still suicidal even tell her shell find im hospitalized someone tells it know exactly would happen likely pictures mind could say im much kick like everyone else could completely revoke privacy have andor trust would damaged ruined bond may had first outcome happens ill completely lost know ill living next two would really stressful deal helpful either way wish could tell whats happening wish would respond way would end well everyone id fine take hospital fact think would best issue worked past probably let happen reason worked past take seriously accept help getting feel like im contradicting making everything much worse wish like that feel really stuck right know go here help appreciated im sorry long post delete allowed" ]
Quiero conseguir ayuda no quiero hacer las cosas peor que trauma abuso negligencia sh etc primera parte contexto se siente libre saltar partes importantes tan vivo mamá compañero de cuarto que obviamente mucho más compañero de cuarto amaba tormento me lavado de cerebro mamá manipulada creer que destruir la vida le diría que su hija podría vivir feliz foto convencido im inútil gran trabajo dejado solo casa todo verano volver breve hora gota necesidades volver a él punto gota comida literalmente nada comer agua se movió mes que septiembre realmente gran lucha se rompió que la primera vez que se dijo considerando rojo Flag llamada policía hospitalizada dado de alta fue vivo tía meses después se fue en vivo amigo februario volver compañero de cuarto tiempo llevar hospitalizado otros tiempos tormento constante lotes aislamiento viejos hábitos que permanecen noche dormir día podría evitar ver él o su asunto comenzó auto daño idea suicida se puso peor alrededor de todo horrible una noche puede tres nosotros realmente mala lucha no recuerdo eventos que le llevaron a cabo estrangulamiento
gf contemplating redflag know doive girl almost months sweetest kindest considerate person ive ever met family mess parents divorced father inconsiderate asshole mother narcissistic bitch mother forces everything her including taking care adopted sister age like baby father kicked long ago hated new family feel like wanted belongs place constantly daily fights parents found out last week cries sleep most nights think means every night found couple days ago nightmares want sleep it along sleeps little wakes several times night hinted redflag before met told cut thought redflag see parents would even care never noticed cuts did never mentioned it past couple texts thats sent me tells wants give up given up ive tried give support im professional needs help phone night said wanted help family cant afford it parents freelance dad seems money relationship probably willing spend it help girl feels guilty receiving help went psychiatrist before says one thing parents use guilt trip her im fucking worried know please help me know much longer take this forgot mention living beijing expats unfamiliar most
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "gf contemplating redflag know doive girl almost months sweetest kindest considerate person ive ever met family mess parents divorced father inconsiderate asshole mother narcissistic bitch mother forces everything her including taking care adopted sister age like baby father kicked long ago hated new family feel like wanted belongs place constantly daily fights parents found out last week cries sleep most nights think means every night found couple days ago nightmares want sleep it along sleeps little wakes several times night hinted redflag before met told cut thought redflag see parents would even care never noticed cuts did never mentioned it past couple texts thats sent me tells wants give up given up ive tried give support im professional needs help phone night said wanted help family cant afford it parents freelance dad seems money relationship probably willing spend it help girl feels guilty receiving help went psychiatrist before says one thing parents use guilt trip herim fucking worried know please help me know much longer take this forgot mention living beijing expats unfamiliar most" ]
gf contemplation redflag know doive girl casi meses más dulce amable persona más amable ive have meet family small padres divorciado padre desconsiderado culo madre perra narcisista madre fuerzas todo lo que ella incluyendo tener cuidado adoptado edad hermana como bebé padre pateado hace mucho tiempo odiado nueva familia se siente como se desea lugar constantemente peleas diarias padres descubrió la semana pasada llantos dormir la mayoría de las noches piensa medios cada noche encontrado hace un par de días pesadillas quieren dormir a lo largo de sueño poco veladas varias veces por la noche insinuado redflag antes de reunirse dijo corte pensamiento Redflag ver padres incluso cuidado cortes nunca se dio cuenta nunca lo mencionó pasado par de textos que me envió me dice quiere renunciar ive drive drive drive drive drive needs help drew night would heated heavy needs heavy heavy hearing during heavy hearing heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy held beijing heardold beijing expats notizens
sorry botheri saw many people posting realized posting probably task choice seeing im already writing might well finish cry help im posting note plan overdosing want people finding note untill already late need couple hours itll over please understand want this ive tried realized ill keep trying untill physically cant so heres note one many drafted notes final official note hey everyone read clicked link posted know late im somewhere able find ive already ingested fatal amount meds know itll hard im sorry already cut communication months hard people whove stuck time id like thank you asked better friends im sorry friendship end like this anyone asked life im sorry lying im sorry saying i could worse brushing question simple good hbu im sorry mom dad shay know haunt years please know im better place anyone ive ever pleasure meeting remember follow dreams forgive always know cliche heck thats honestly best advice think moment people ive hurt sorry hope able forgive me know are im tired hurting im tired hurt want breathe feel love cry feel life beautiful life curse were stuck with depends cope know choice love guys bye ps checking replying comments already made clear posting note
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sorry botheri saw many people posting realized posting probably task choice seeing im already writing might well finish cry help im posting note plan overdosing want people finding note untill already late need couple hours itll over please understand want this ive tried realized ill keep trying untill physically cant so heres note one many drafted notes final official notehey everyone read clicked link posted know late im somewhere able find ive already ingested fatal amount meds know itll hardim sorry already cut communication months hard people whove stuck time id like thank you asked better friendsim sorry friendship end like this anyone asked life im sorry lying im sorry saying i could worse brushing questionsimple good hbuim sorrymom dad shay know haunt years please know im better place anyone ive ever pleasure meeting remember follow dreams forgive always know cliche heck thatshonestly best advice think moment people ive hurt sorry hope able forgive me know are im tired hurting im tired hurt want breathe feel love cry feel life beautiful life curse were stuck with depends cope knowchoice love guys bye ps checking replying comments already made clear posting note" ]
Lo siento molli vio mucha gente publicación realizado probablemente la elección de la tarea ver im ya escribir bien podría terminar llorar ayuda im publicar plan de notas sobredosificación quieren gente encontrar nota hasta que ya tarde necesidad par de horas itll por favor entender quieren este ive probado realed mal seguir intentando hasta que físicamente cant así que heres nota una muchas notas redactadas final nota oficialhey todo el mundo leer cliced enlace publicado saber tarde im en algún lugar capaz encontrar ive ya ingerido cantidad fatal meds saber itll hardim lo siento ya cortado comunicación meses personas duras que se han atascado tiempo id como gracias pidió mejores amigosim lo siento amistad final como esto nadie pidió vida im lo siento mentir im lo siento decir que podría peor cepillar preguntasimple buena hbuim lo siento papá shay saber años por favor saben mejor lugar cualquier persona en vida siempre placer reunión recordar seguir sueños perdonar siempre saber cliché heck thatshonestly mejor consejo pensar momento personas ive hird lo siento esperanza capaz de saber son Im cansado highing im cansado querer respirar amor llorar sentir vida hermosa maldición estaban atascados con depende de copearse sabe
whats psychology redflagi thought necessary asking here since may useful understanding considering it far think is believe brain cannot distinguish reality vs fantasy were talking evolutionary point humans species commit redflag reason commit redflag believe solution ending pain brain thinks redflag solution help survive better reality opposite think happiness choice otherwise would happy think people depressed genetically wired brains stimulated much like adhd person is perhaps evolutionary trait think modern society made difficult depressed people since society caters average person way depression im trying understand better thought giving ideas depression way get better understanding think understanding important trait world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whats psychology redflagi thought necessary asking here since may useful understanding considering it far think is believe brain cannot distinguish reality vs fantasy were talking evolutionary point humans species commit redflag reason commit redflag believe solution ending pain brain thinks redflag solution help survive better reality opposite think happiness choice otherwise would happy think people depressed genetically wired brains stimulated much like adhd person is perhaps evolutionary trait think modern society made difficult depressed people since society caters average person way depression im trying understand better thought giving ideas depression way get better understanding think understanding important trait world" ]
lo que la psicología Redflagi pensó necesario preguntar aquí, ya que puede ser útil comprensión considerando que lejos pensar es creer que el cerebro no puede distinguir la realidad versus fantasía estaban hablando punto evolutivo las especies humanos cometen razón Redflag cometer Redflag creer solución final dolor cerebro piensa redflag solución ayuda a sobrevivir mejor realidad opuesta pensar felicidad elección de otro modo feliz pensar personas deprimidos cerebros genéticamente cableados estimulado mucho como adhd persona es tal vez el rasgo evolutivo piensa sociedad moderna hizo difícil personas deprimidas puesto que la sociedad atiende a la persona media manera depresión im tratar de entender mejor pensamiento dando ideas depresión manera obtener mejor comprensión pensar entender mundo rasgo importante
cant keep living like foreverive miserable long time every time think things get better never end feeling even worse cant even things enjoy anymore moments actually fun become ruined get home remember im still alone happiness illusion cant keep going this one seems care feel all keep thwarted every turn try kill myself none people want anything help situation get say anything control life get choose whether born im trapped miserable existence cant anything about completely ridiculous im okay this im okay anything never want be want small things make happy want taken away would rather die terms old die alone one close me refuse let future
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant keep living like foreverive miserable long time every time think things get better never end feeling even worse cant even things enjoy anymore moments actually fun become ruined get home remember im still alone happiness illusion cant keep going this one seems care feel all keep thwarted every turn try kill myself none people want anything help situation get say anything control life get choose whether born im trapped miserable existence cant anything about completely ridiculous imokaythisim okayanything never want be want small things make happy want taken away would rather die terms old die alone one close merefuselet future" ]
No puedo seguir viviendo como para siempre miserable mucho tiempo cada vez que pienso que las cosas se ponen mejor nunca terminan sintiéndose peor ni siquiera las cosas disfrutan más momentos realmente divertidos se arruinan llegar a casa recordar todavía solo felicidad ilusión no puedo seguir adelante este uno parece cuidado sentir que todos se mantienen frustrados cada vez que intento suicidarme nadie quiere nada ayuda situación conseguir decir cualquier cosa control vida conseguir elegir si nacido im atrapado existencia miserable no puede nada sobre completamente ridículo imoky esto está bien cualquier cosa nunca quiere ser querer cosas pequeñas hacer feliz querer quitarse preferiría morir términos viejo morir solo uno cerca me rechazarle futuro
feel like need go impatient againbut really dont want to desire cut getting bad cut year half every day urge gets worse urge gets worse life seems pointless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like need go impatient againbut really dont want to desire cut getting bad cut year half every day urge gets worse urge gets worse life seems pointless" ]
Siento como si necesita ir impaciente otra vez pero realmente no quiero deseo corte conseguir mal corte año medio día urgencia se pone peor urgencia se pone peor vida parece inútil
opinion one barbara stanwycks best performances one handful actors now could say single look entire page dialogue lucky enough see original uncensored movie extra minutes additional footage bad movie short lily young woman barely holding together working father illegal speakeasy link anything good friend chico played wonderfully theresa harris though chico african american and white woman best friends black woman back s controversial subject matter movie lily not special bond sexual women stuck shoved situation beyond control lilys father dies know do told power get get wants yes immoral thats entire point movie they go ruin last minutes so last minutes movie superb film worth watching lesson movie still valid today back then im sure years now women awful lily order get wants works men take note
[ "opinion one barbara stanwycks best performances one handful actors now could say single look entire page dialogue lucky enough see original uncensored movie extra minutes additional footage bad movie short lily young woman barely holding together working father illegal speakeasy link anything good friend chico played wonderfully theresa harris though chico african american and white woman best friends black woman back s controversial subject matter movie lily not special bond sexual women stuck shoved situation beyond control lilys father dies know do told power get get wants yes immoral thats entire point movie they go ruin last minutes so last minutes movie superb film worth watching lesson movie still valid today back then im sure years now women awful lily order get wants works men take note" ]
opinión una barbara stanwycks mejores actuaciones un puñado de actores ahora podría decir solo mirar diálogo página entera bastante suerte ver película original sin censura minutos extras filmación adicional mala película corto lily joven mujer apenas manteniendo juntos trabajo padre ilegal parlante enlace nada buen amigo chico jugó maravillosamente theresa harris aunque chica africana americana y blanca mejores amigos negro mujer espalda s controversial tema materia película lily no especial vínculo sexual mujeres atascadas situación empujada más allá de control lilys padre muere saber le dijo al poder conseguir quiere sí inmorales que toda la película de punto van a arruinar los últimos minutos así que las últimas minutos película magnífica película vale la pena ver película lección todavía válida hoy en ese entonces im seguro años ahora mujeres horrible lily orden conseguir quiere obras hombres tomar nota
feel like isnt enough posts posting k people online carrying sub hard man
[ "feel like isnt enough posts posting k people online carrying sub hard man" ]
Se siente como no es suficiente postes publicar k personas en línea cargando hombre duro sub
already done waiting works mg diazepam mg alprazolam xanax heineken sick people manipulating me even got kicked lab initially caused alienating me cleaned lab others stuff sentiment even answer phone calls read messages fucking moneylaundering piece shits tried ignore that this done trusted doign financial necessity trusted humane side one fucking cares fuck em die ill die wake liike hours going stop chasing get fancy phds taken away locked up ill see taken away ill make see me live attempt im done im done naive im done trusting people nice me spilled heart person fucking ignores me bitch im done thanks guys reddit reply comments friendish messages get days literally zero friends contact list consists family thats it im done im done trusting im done bullied
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "already done waiting works mg diazepam mg alprazolam xanax heineken sick people manipulating me even got kicked lab initially caused alienating me cleaned lab others stuff sentiment even answer phone calls read messages fucking moneylaundering piece shits tried ignore that this done trusted doign financial necessity trusted humane side one fucking cares fuck em die ill die wake liike hours going stop chasing get fancy phds taken away locked up ill see taken away ill make see me live attempt im done im done naiveim done trusting people nice me spilled heart person fucking ignores me bitch im done thanks guys reddit reply comments friendish messages get days literally zero friends contact list consists family thats it im done im done trusting im done bullied" ]
ya hecho trabajos de espera mg diazepam mg alprazolam xanax heineken personas enfermas manipulando incluso me dieron patadas laboratorio inicialmente causado alienación me limpio laboratorio otras cosas sentimiento incluso respuesta llamadas telefónicas leer mensajes mierda lavado de dinero pieza mierdas intentado ignorar que este hecho doign financiera necesidad confiable lado humano confianza mierda em morir mal morir liike horas va a dejar de perseguir conseguir phds elegantes llevado encerrados mal ver llevado mal hacer ver en vivo intento im hecho ingenuanim hecho confiar en la gente agradable me derramado persona corazón mierda ignora me perra im hecho gracias chicos reddit respuesta comentarios mensajes amigos conseguir días literalmente cero amigos lista de contactos consiste familia que im hecho im hecho confiar en im hecho intimidado
might total idiot exactly pogger filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "might total idiot exactly pogger filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
puede total idiota relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
tried boba tea really random tried boba tea hate texture tapioca balls remind fish eyes making physically ill anyone tell purpose appeal are
[ "tried boba tea really random tried boba tea hate texture tapioca balls remind fish eyes making physically ill anyone tell purpose appeal are" ]
probado té de boba realmente al azar probado té de boba odio textura tapioca bolas recordar ojos de pescado haciendo físicamente enfermo cualquiera decir apelación propósito son
painless redflag methodsstraight point please otherwise comment
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "painless redflag methodsstraight point please otherwise comment" ]
sin dolor Redflag methodsstraight point por favor comentar lo contrario
want blow brians outgoodbye world im gonna kill myself sweet rest come
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want blow brians outgoodbye world im gonna kill myself sweet rest come" ]
Quiero a Brians soplados fuera del mundo im me voy a matar dulce descanso venid
wanna marry season ahsoka tano ngl shes pwetty
[ "wanna marry season ahsoka tanonglshes pwetty" ]
quiere casarse temporada ahsoka tanonglshes pwetty
im f super delicate annoying im barely lbs get hurt wicked easily delicate am everyone cheer team injuries angel boyfriend constantly help comfort get hurt feel bad happens much
[ "im f super delicate annoyingim barely lbs get hurt wicked easily delicate am everyone cheer team injuries angel boyfriend constantly help comfort get hurt feel bad happens much" ]
im f super delicado molestos apenas libras se hacen daño malvado fácilmente delicado am todo el mundo equipo de porrista lesiones ángel novio constantemente ayuda a la comodidad conseguir herido se siente mal pasa mucho
noticed recently sleeping problems might reason first thought something physical lack iron blood something never thought would something deep post isnt especially discussions really wanted post story course comment would love discuss stuff guys thank reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "noticed recently sleeping problems might reason first thought something physical lack iron blood something never thought would something deep post isnt especially discussions really wanted post story course comment would love discuss stuff guys thank reading" ]
note recientemente problemas para dormir podría razón primero pensó que algo físico falta sangre de hierro algo nunca pensó que algo profundo post ist especialmente discusiones realmente quería post historia curso comentario le encantaría discutir cosas chicos gracias lectura
need adviceneed help keep getting fleeting suicidal thoughts almost everyday basis now reason havent gone itatleast tell myself imagine toll would take parents gotten little worse late honestly dont know life ever since grade school mentality ok lets get kill peacefully knowing didnt became flustered gave up years thinking like genuinely dont know life didnt plan
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need adviceneed help keep getting fleeting suicidal thoughts almost everyday basis now reason havent gone itatleast tell myself imagine toll would take parents gotten little worse late honestly dont know life ever since grade school mentality ok lets get kill peacefully knowing didnt became flustered gave up years thinking like genuinely dont know life didnt plan" ]
Necesito consejo necesito ayuda seguir teniendo pensamientos suicidas fugaces casi todos los días base ahora razón no ha ido al menos me digo imaginar que el peaje llevaría a los padres poco peor tarde honestamente no sé la vida desde la mentalidad de la escuela primaria ok permite conseguir matar pacíficamente sabiendo que no se puso nervioso dio para arriba años pensando como genuinamente no sé la vida no planeó
sort redflag hotline texting for australiansi need someone unload problems on talking gives anxiety
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sort redflag hotline texting for australiansi need someone unload problems on talking gives anxiety" ]
ordenar redflag línea directa de mensajes de texto para australiani necesita alguien descargar problemas al hablar da ansiedad
th day reddit account ive reddit two years now various accounts th day account remember made wasnt great place im posting kinda reminder myself now im happy still yes thats cool thanks make reddit enjoyable place
[ "th day reddit account ive reddit two years now various accounts th day account remember made wasnt great place im posting kinda reminder myself nowim happy still yes thats cool thanks make reddit enjoyable place" ]
th day reddit cuenta ive reddit dos años ahora varias cuentas th day cuenta recordar hecho no era un gran lugar im publicar un poco de recuerdo a mí mismo nowim feliz todavía sí que es genial gracias hacer reddit lugar agradable
im finally emotionally better place im still want stay still may commit redflag please read understandi work restaurant industry graphic designer wasnt able get recent samples work poo hit rotating oscillator im sure restaurant business isnt going rebound fast everyone thinks many people think going go away things go back normal im sure think damage done im sure future there even things bounce back im sure ill getting call come back severe emotional issues adhd bipolar asd couple facebookinstigram posts mentiong needing samples work may screwed that ive idea wanted samples get work side goes on im told make look like im coming back ive since deleted them im scared ill end shelving groceries walmart heb kroger homeless mean medication id making minimum wage thats enough money eat cheap maybe pay bill id still sleeping street medication mentally ive preparing fact may walk everything own live street medication help id rather die go back im mentally prepared to want it push comes shove will living dead treatment actually feelings now im going back ever thank reading edited punctuation
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im finally emotionally better place im still want stay still may commit redflag please read understandi work restaurant industry graphic designer wasnt able get recent samples work poo hit rotating oscillator im sure restaurant business isnt going rebound fast everyone thinks many people think going go away things go back normal im sure think damage done im sure future there even things bounce back im sure ill getting call come back severe emotional issues adhd bipolar asd couple facebookinstigram posts mentiong needing samples work may screwed that ive idea wanted samples get work side goes on im told make look like im coming back ive since deleted them im scared ill end shelving groceries walmart heb kroger homeless mean medication id making minimum wage thats enough money eat cheap maybe pay bill id still sleeping street medication mentally ive preparing fact may walk everything own live street medication help id rather die go back im mentally prepared to want it push comes shove will living dead treatment actually feelings now im going back ever thank reading edited punctuation" ]
Im finalmente emocionalmente mejor lugar im todavía quiero quedarse todavía puede cometer redflag por favor leer entender trabajo restaurante industria diseñador gráfico no era capaz conseguir muestras recientes trabajo poo hit oscilador im seguro restaurante negocio ist going rebote rápido todo el mundo piensa que mucha gente piensa que va a desaparecer cosas volver normal im seguro pensar daño hecho im seguro futuro incluso las cosas rebotan im seguro mal recibir llamada volver graves problemas emocionales adhd bipolar asd pareja facebookinstigram posts mencionando necesidad de muestras trabajo puede joder que ive idea quería muestras conseguir trabajo lado va en im le dijo hacer parecer im volver en ive desde eliminados im asustado mal extremo estanterías tiendas Walmart heb kroger sin hogar significa medicación id hacer salario mínimo que el dinero suficiente comer barato tal vez pagar factura id todavía dormir calle medicamentos mentalmente ive hecho preparación puede caminar todo lo propio vivo calle medicamento ayudar id más bien morir volver im mentalmente preparado para querer empujar viene empuje va a vivir tratamiento muerto en realidad sentimientos im volver siempre gracias lectura editado punctuation
el chavo del like chavo something stupid quiqo ramon tries stop them doa florinda blames ramon hits him ramon gets mad hits el chavo repet times
[ "el chavo del like chavo something stupid quiqo ramon tries stop them doa florinda blames ramon hits him ramon gets mad hits el chavo repet times" ]
El chavo del como chavo algo estúpido quiqo ramon intenta detenerlos doa florinda culpa a Ramon le golpea ramon consigue loco golpea el chavo repet times
every post see always start hate feel feel see youim done life past week ive planned many times ive stood edge beautiful cliff id love fly really strong urge jump kid dreams jumping getting seconds falling think life die theres turning back even wanted save change mind cant couldnt think better way go ive wanted whole life since dreams started happening cliff edge dont get close really jump ready yet first dreams kid jumped roof house im sure didnt hurt felt good reason dont see living past age im convinced eventually im sure anyone else fantasy jump high places please let know fantasys redflag let know might sound like weird cunt yeah thats friends work drink much days lot problems cant fix haha pretty chill overdosing wasnt fun thought wanted mix try something new work cant fuck matter much fuck things
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "every post see always start hate feel feel see youim done life past week ive planned many times ive stood edge beautiful cliff id love fly really strong urge jump kid dreams jumping getting seconds falling think life die theres turning back even wanted save change mind cant couldnt think better way go ive wanted whole life since dreams started happening cliff edge dont get close really jump ready yet first dreams kid jumped roof houseim sure didnt hurt felt good reason dont see living past age im convinced eventually im sure anyone else fantasy jump high places please let know fantasys redflag let know might sound like weird cuntyeahthats friends work drink much days lot problems cant fix haha pretty chill overdosing wasnt fun thought wanted mix try something new work cant fuck matter much fuck things" ]
cada post ver siempre empezar odio sentir ver youim hecho vida semana pasada ive planeado muchas veces ive standed borde hermoso acantilado id amor volar muy fuerte impulso salto niño sueños saltar segundos caer pensar vida morir theres volver incluso querido salvar cambio de mente no podía pensar mejor manera de ir ive quería vida entera desde sueños comenzaron a suceder acantilado borde no se acercan realmente salto listo sin embargo primeros sueños chico salto techo houseim seguro que no se sintió mal buena razón no ver vivir más allá de la edad im convencido finalmente estoy seguro de que cualquier otra fantasía saltar lugares altos por favor dejar saber fantasías bandera roja dejar saber podría sonar como raro coñoyeahque los amigos trabajan beber mucho días muchos problemas no se puede arreglar jaja bastante frío excesos no fue divertido pensamiento quería mezcla probar algo nuevo trabajo no puede follar mucho mierda cosas
guys think karma real filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "guys think karma real filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
los chicos piensan karma relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
thought checking hospital would help nothing put horrid medication gave horrifying reaction stop taking week going go school semester unfortunately able afford payment classes tomorrow clean money job skill future slave wishing could die everyday angry demotivated piece snot oozing way walls room towards rock bottom wish could find way make money music unfortunately nigh impossible practically anyone another dream fucked disgusting planet live on going research finally get actual help ending pointless miserable existence point seems help stand gain anymore life everything try meaningless everything put effort fails every passion fades away every love share torn apart sick rollercoaster sick losing time this gone finding easiest reliable painless way can out fuck shit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thought checking hospital would help nothing put horrid medication gave horrifying reaction stop taking week going go school semester unfortunately able afford payment classes tomorrow clean money job skill future slave wishing could die everyday angry demotivated piece snot oozing way walls room towards rock bottom wish could find way make money music unfortunately nigh impossible practically anyone another dream fucked disgusting planet live on going research finally get actual help ending pointless miserable existence point seems help stand gain anymore life everything try meaningless everything put effort fails every passion fades away every love share torn apart sick rollercoaster sick losing time this gone finding easiest reliable painless way can out fuck shit" ]
pensamiento chequeando hospital ayudaría nada poner horripilante medicación dio reacción horripilante dejar de tomar semana ir a la escuela semestre desafortunadamente capaz de pagar clases de pago mañana dinero limpio trabajo habilidad futuro esclavo desear podría morir todos los días enojado pieza desmotivado mocoso manera paredes habitación hacia rock abajo deseo podría encontrar manera hacer dinero música desafortunadamente casi imposible prácticamente cualquier otro sueño follada planeta vivo en la investigación finalmente conseguir ayuda real terminar sin sentido miserable punto de existencia parece ayudar a ganar más vida todo intento sin sentido todo poner esfuerzo falla cada pasión se desvanece cada parte de amor desgarrado enfermo montaña rusa enfermo perder el tiempo este ido encontrar fácil manera confiable indoloro puede salir mierda
remember kids want age flair click three dots top right corner screen press change user flair
[ "remember kids want age flair click three dots top right corner screen press change user flair" ]
Recuerde que los niños quieren el estilo de edad haga clic en tres puntos en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla de la esquina pulse cambiar el estilo de usuario
block cant see shit piss u blocked
[ "block cant see shit piss u blocked" ]
bloque no puede ver mierda orina u bloqueado
depressed random pointsthis night normally skyping friends talking working homework listening music usual stuff teen does minutes later fighting back tears wanting cut wondering much itll hurt wondering friends get confused ive made many mistakes life wondering normal thing go random intervals happened school eating lunch talking friends know wish emotions would normal
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "depressed random pointsthis night normally skyping friends talking working homework listening music usual stuff teen does minutes later fighting back tears wanting cut wondering much itll hurt wondering friends get confused ive made many mistakes life wondering normal thing go random intervals happened school eating lunch talking friends know wish emotions would normal" ]
Deprimidos puntos al azar esta noche normalmente skyping amigos hablando de trabajo tarea escuchar música cosas habituales adolescente hace minutos más tarde luchar contra las lágrimas que quieren cortarse preguntándose mucho dolerá preguntar amigos se confunden ive ha cometido muchos errores la vida preguntándose lo normal ir intervalos aleatorios pasó escuela comer hablar amigos saben deseo emociones normal
god helps still strugglingone day suffering end hope enter gods kingdom till day pray accept jesus savior
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "god helps still strugglingone day suffering end hope enter gods kingdom till day pray accept jesus savior" ]
Dios ayuda a seguir luchando un día de sufrimiento fin de la esperanza entrar en los dioses reino hasta el día de oración aceptar Jesús salvador
best poison around house actually kill you dont want anything painful thats want doi dont know start tell think best household poisonous item or better way maybe
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "best poison around house actually kill you dont want anything painful thats want doi dont know start tell think best household poisonous item or better way maybe" ]
mejor veneno alrededor de la casa en realidad matar no quiero nada doloroso que los que quieren doi no saben empezar a decir pensar mejor artículo venenoso de la casa o mejor manera tal vez
smh want sinp post cant someone simp
[ "smh want sinp post cant someone simp" ]
smh quiere sinp post cant alguien simp
wanting kill since th grade im scared please listen know anymore im last straw everything im going give fair bit background bear me assume lot people felt way felt hopeless sick feel way time ive gotten used it ive gone crying trying hurt th grade able keep lid very well school im happy all unless im best friend also boyfriend im apparently supposed like better relationship hit quite potholes one gave time opportunity enjoy things took granted sister says look back this ashamed break push head feel horrible someone makes happy feel better guess bottom line nothing makes truly happy nothing lasts always ends devastation every happy moment go away im strong enough deal pain everything anything life ive told im smart young attractive care want live it hurt bad know much pain later on wish could give life someone would appreciate it make good use it every choice take going consequences im tired dealing seeing everyone family try hard happiness fail cant spend time them feel sick want live anymore im exhausted much would love someone hug tell going alright cant accept it cry everyday losing virginity alone family torn apart cant get bed im dead set killing soon things get worse better suppose second thoughts im posting this since im seeking consolation instead immediately want way hurt family friends love much understand help im sorry wasted time nonsense im young enjoying can want to me look back memories im actually happy content hurt want happy memories ripped away feel alone edit im feeling much worse cant stop feelings all everything fault cant deal increasing guilt feel sick want die feel horrible cant handle it regret much cant breath want die bad every happy memory deserve want kill right now know how im scared
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanting kill since th grade im scared please listen know anymoreim last straw everything im going give fair bit background bear me assume lot people felt way felt hopeless sick feel way time ive gotten used it ive gone crying trying hurt th grade able keep lid very well schoolim happy all unless im best friend also boyfriend im apparently supposed like better relationship hit quite potholes one gave time opportunity enjoy things took granted sister says look back this ashamed break push head feel horrible someone makes happy feel better guess bottom line nothing makes truly happy nothing lasts always ends devastation every happy moment go away im strong enough deal pain everything anything life ive told im smart young attractive care want live it hurt bad know much pain later on wish could give life someone would appreciate it make good use itevery choice take going consequences im tired dealing seeing everyone family try hard happiness fail cant spend time them feel sick want live", "anymore im exhausted much would love someone hug tell going alright cant accept it cry everyday losing virginity alone family torn apart cant get bed im dead set killing soon things get worse better suppose second thoughts im posting this since im seeking consolation instead immediately want way hurt family friends love much understand help im sorry wasted timenonsense im young enjoying can want to me look back memoriesim actually happy content hurt want happy memories ripped away feel alone edit im feeling much worse cant stop feelings all everything fault cant deal increasing guilt feel sick want die feel horrible cant handle it regret much cant breath want die badevery happy memory deserve want kill right now know how im scared" ]
Queriendo matar ya que el grado im asustado por favor escuchar saber másim última paja todo im va a dar un poco de fondo oso me asumen mucha gente se sentía desesperanza enfermo sentir cómo el tiempo se hizo uso ive ido llorando tratando de lastimarse th grado capaz mantener la tapa muy bien schoolim feliz todos a menos que im mejor amigo también novio im aparentemente supone que mejor relación golpeó bastante baches uno dio oportunidad disfrutar de las cosas se dio cuenta hermana dice mirar atrás esta vergüenza romper empujar cabeza se siente horrible alguien se siente mejor adivinar conclusión nada hace realmente feliz nada dura siempre termina devastación cada momento feliz se va Im fuerte trato dolor todo lo que la vida le dijo im inteligente joven cuidado atractivo quiere vivir mal saber mucho dolor más tarde en deseo podría dar vida alguien apreciaría hacer buen uso de ella cada elección tomar consecuencias im cansado ver a todos los familiares tratar duro felicidad no pueden pasar tiempo ellos se sienten enfermos quieren vivir
hail mary pass ironicallythe church says mortal sin know selfish act living suffering fear shame years now selftalked near insanity ive kept goingtryinghoping hope deferred makes heart grow sick red said hope dangerous thing hope drive man insane utterly failed life lot fault lot isnt thinking going infection would hide act suddenly leaving seeking medical help would be least odd would hurt mother know even think redflag would torture wondering issue me waking every day loss questions would cruelty yet another seemingly endless list misdeeds im nearly famous for know im seriously considering scares yet continue plan would leave home seek infection return course protect family would find location fill gas tank etc first minimize transmission would isolate somewhere for im guessing good month isolate hotelmotel think could afford long night not even thinking food airbnb might rentable place month right doubt it money still issue would put others danger even though actively isolate obviously shelters centers etc camping maybe like read sorry novel
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hail mary pass ironicallythe church says mortal sin know selfish act living suffering fear shame years now selftalked near insanity ive kept goingtryinghoping hope deferred makes heart grow sick red said hope dangerous thing hope drive man insane utterly failed life lot fault lot isnt thinking going infection would hide act suddenly leaving seeking medical help would be least odd would hurt mother know even think redflag would torture wondering issue me waking every day loss questions would cruelty yet another seemingly endless list misdeeds im nearly famous for know im seriously considering scares yet continue plan would leave home seek infection return course protect family would find location fill gas tank etc first minimize transmission would isolate somewhere for im guessing good month isolate hotelmotel think could afford long night not even thinking food airbnb might rentable place month right doubt it money still issue would put others danger even though actively isolate obviously shelters centers etc camping maybe like read sorry novel" ]
Ave María pasa irónicamente la iglesia dice pecado mortal sabe acto egoísta vida sufrimiento miedo vergüenza años ahora se habla a sí mismo cerca de locura iive gointing esperanza diferida hace corazón crece enfermo rojo dijo esperanza cosa peligrosa esperanza conducir hombre loco completamente fracasado vida lote falla no es pensar ir acto de infección se esconde de repente dejar en busca de ayuda médica sería menos extraño haría daño madre incluso pensar Redflag tortura se preguntaría cuestión de despertarme todos los días pérdida preguntas crueldad otra lista aparentemente sin fin fechorías im casi famoso para saber Im seriamente considerando miedos sin embargo continuar el plan de salir de casa buscar infección volver curso proteger familia encontraría ubicación llenar tanque de gas etc primero minimizar la transmisión se aislaría en algún lugar para adivinar buen mes aislamiento hotelmotel pensar podría permitirse larga noche ni siquiera pensar alimentos airbnb lugar derecho duda que el dinero todavía problema pondría a otros peligro aunque activamente aislamiento centros de refugios etc camping tal vez como leer lo siento novela
superb prime suspect series reaches part four loss momentum all considerable achievement prime suspect iv lost child solid supporting cast take granted british dramas course beautiful helen mirren easily dominates eyes never leave onscreenbr br the search lost child title leads superintendent jane tennisons cid team prime suspect turns convicted pedophile living single mother two young daughters insight given workings mind one emotional highlights miniseries may strong many stomachsbr br the action sequences brilliantly handled handheld camera thrusting us right middle excitement theres gripping tension climactic siegebr br altogether another magnificent police procedural drama
[ "superb prime suspect series reaches part four loss momentum all considerable achievement prime suspect iv lost child solid supporting cast take granted british dramas course beautiful helen mirren easily dominates eyes never leave onscreenbr br the search lost child title leads superintendent jane tennisons cid team prime suspect turns convicted pedophile living single mother two young daughters insight given workings mind one emotional highlights miniseries may strong many stomachsbr br the action sequences brilliantly handled handheld camera thrusting us right middle excitement theres gripping tension climactic siegebr br altogether another magnificent police procedural drama" ]
excelente serie de sospechosos principales llega a la parte cuatro impulso de pérdida todos los logros considerables primer sospechoso iv niño perdido sólido apoyo elenco dar por sentado dramas británicos curso hermoso helen mirren fácilmente domina los ojos nunca salir en pantalla br la búsqueda perdido título niño leads superintendente jane tennisons cid equipo principal sospechoso se convierte condenado pedófilo vida madre soltera dos hijas jóvenes perspicacia dado funcionamiento una emocional realce miniserie puede fortalecer muchos estómagos br br las secuencias de acción brillantemente manejada cámara de mano empujando a la derecha emoción media teres agarre tensión climatic siatur br en conjunto otro magnífico drama de procedimiento policial
slys best action film superbly enjoyable movie interesting characters solid performances renny harlins direction stylishly assured stallone rarely interesting action films certainly looks part terms action scenes one best action films year one thrilling enjoyable s definite genre classic stallone fan one look back fond memories plenty superb action sly prime action man form action lovers appreciate film hallmarks make good aciton film film looks great great support janine turner michael rooker john lithgow
[ "slys best action film superbly enjoyable movie interesting characters solid performances renny harlins direction stylishly assured stallone rarely interesting action films certainly looks part terms action scenes one best action films year one thrilling enjoyable s definite genre classic stallone fan one look back fond memories plenty superb action sly prime action man form action lovers appreciate film hallmarks make good aciton film film looks great great support janine turner michael rooker john lithgow" ]
slys mejor película de acción excelentemente agradable película interesantes personajes sólidos actuaciones renny harlins dirección elegantemente asegurado statone rara vez interesante películas de acción parece parte términos de acción escenas de acción una mejor película de acción año uno emocionante agradable s género definido clásico fan statone uno mira atrás memorias aficionadas un montón de acción excelente sly prime acción hombre forma acción amantes apreciar los sellos de cine hacer buen cine aciton se ve gran apoyo janine tunner michael rooker john lithgow
michael kallio gives strong convincing performance eric seaver troubled young man horribly mistreated little boy monstrous abusive alcoholic stepfather barry a genuinely frightening portrayal gunnar hansen eric compassionate fianc sweetly played lovely tracee newberry job transcribing autopsy reports local morgue haunted bleak past egged bald beaming jack demon a truly creepy michael robert brandon sent edge recent death mother eric goes deep end embarks brutal killing spree capably directed kallio who also wrote tight astute script uniformly fine acting sound noname cast jeff steiger especially good erics wannabe helpful guardian angel michael rather rough overall polished cinematography george lieber believable truetolife characters jolting outbursts raw shocking unflinchingly ferocious violence moody spooky score dan kolton uncompromisingly downbeat ending grungy detroit michigan locations grimly serious tone taut gripping narrative stays steady track throughout extremely potent gritty psychological horror thriller makes often absorbing disturbing viewing real sleeper
[ "michael kallio gives strong convincing performance eric seaver troubled young man horribly mistreated little boy monstrous abusive alcoholic stepfather barry a genuinely frightening portrayal gunnar hansen eric compassionate fianc sweetly played lovely tracee newberry job transcribing autopsy reports local morgue haunted bleak past egged bald beaming jack demon a truly creepy michael robert brandon sent edge recent death mother eric goes deep end embarks brutal killing spree capably directed kallio who also wrote tight astute script uniformly fine acting sound noname cast jeff steiger especially good erics wannabe helpful guardian angel michael rather rough overall polished cinematography george lieber believable truetolife characters jolting outbursts raw shocking unflinchingly ferocious violence moody spooky score dan kolton uncompromisingly downbeat ending grungy detroit michigan locations grimly serious tone taut gripping narrative stays steady track throughout extremely potent gritty psychological horror thriller makes often absorbing disturbing viewing real sleeper" ]
michael kallio da un fuerte rendimiento convincente eric seaver joven con problemas horriblemente maltratado pequeño niño monstruoso abusador padrastro alcohólico barry una imagen verdaderamente aterradora gunnar hansen eric fianc compasivo dulcemente interpretado hermoso trascripción trascripción autopsia informes morgue local embrujado pasado sombría egged calvo beaming jack demonio un verdaderamente espeluznante michael robert brandon enviado borde reciente muerte madre eric va profundo extremo brutal matanza spree capabilly dirigido kallio que también escribió apretado guión agudo uniformemente fino actuación sonido noname cast jeff steiger especialmente bueno erics quieren ser protectores ángel michael bastante duro pulido cinematografía george lieber believeable personajes de verdad a la vida jolting bursts crudo chocante sin flinchingly feroces violencia temible nota espeluznante dan kolton incompromely beast final grungy detroit michigan locations
saw film entry santa fe film festival heavy film depiction completely dysfunctional family taken another level extreme might left depressed extreme funny sight gags dialogue along way lightened films overall tone relatively uplifting ending gave hope affected initial tragedy still walk theatre ready go fun party film stayed several daysbr br brought back memories ordinary people humor mixed tragedy thought acting excellent especially sigourney weaver emile hirsh character dealt tragedy times sad selfdefeating also times hilarious clever dialogue situations
[ "saw film entry santa fe film festival heavy film depiction completely dysfunctional family taken another level extreme might left depressed extreme funny sight gags dialogue along way lightened films overall tone relatively uplifting ending gave hope affected initial tragedy still walk theatre ready go fun party film stayed several daysbr br brought back memories ordinary people humor mixed tragedy thought acting excellent especially sigourney weaver emile hirsh character dealt tragedy times sad selfdefeating also times hilarious clever dialogue situations" ]
ver película entrada santa fe cine festival pesada película representación completamente disfuncional familia tomada otro nivel extremo podría dejar deprimido extremo divertido visión gags diálogo a lo largo de camino películas aligeradas tono general relativamente edificante final dio esperanza afectada tragedia inicial todavía caminar teatro listo ir diversión fiesta película se quedó varios díasbr br trajo recuerdos gente ordinaria humor mixta tragedia pensamiento actuación excelente especialmente sigourney tejedor emile hirsh personaje tratado tragedia tiempos triste autodefender también veces hilarante inteligente situaciones de diálogo
thought life changed years still tired sad growing fast working everyday job hate trying find motivation nothing gotten truly feel great worth it always wanted start dating someone scared worth time make things difficult parents always ridiculing good enough hurts even more gotten low started cutting feel like need punish absolute fool human thing stopping putting bullet skull religious values covid opened new world showed could work every day even make close amount money people unemployment sit home asses day feel like one factor life redflag it wish could enjoyed younger years more grown hellish schedule people could care less size turds shorter average man women weak always looked upon man work looked said smile more told nothing smile about back self harming
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thought life changed years still tired sad growing fast working everyday job hate trying find motivation nothing gotten truly feel great worth it always wanted start dating someone scared worth time make things difficult parents always ridiculing good enough hurts even more gotten low started cutting feel like need punish absolute fool human thing stopping putting bullet skull religious values covid opened new world showed could work every day even make close amount money people unemployment sit home asses day feel like one factor life redflag it wish could enjoyed younger years more grown hellish schedule people could care less size turds shorter average man women weak always looked upon man work looked said smile more told nothing smile about back self harming" ]
pensamiento vida cambio años todavía cansado triste crecimiento rápido trabajo diario odio tratar de encontrar motivación nada se sintió realmente gran valor siempre quería empezar a salir con alguien asustado vale la pena tiempo hacer las cosas difíciles padres siempre ridiculizar lo suficientemente bien dolor incluso más baja comenzó a cortar se siente como necesidad castigar absoluto tonto humano dejar de poner bala cráneo valores religiosos covid abierto nuevo mundo demostrado podría trabajar cada día incluso hacer una cantidad cercana dinero personas desempleo sentarse en casa culos día sentir como un factor vida bandera roja que desea podría disfrutar más jóvenes años más crecido horario infernal a la gente le importa menos tamaño caca hombre medio mujeres débiles siempre mirado hombre trabajo mirada dijo sonrisa más dijo sonrisa sonrisa sobre espalda auto daño
tis night christmas or christmas people side god forsaken earth merry christmas whatever celebrate happy new year everyone
[ "tis night christmas or christmas people side god forsaken earth merry christmas whatever celebrate happy new year everyone" ]
Noche de Navidad o Navidad gente lado dios abandonado tierra feliz Navidad lo que sea celebrar feliz año nuevo todos
need serious help im really science everything learning everything works overwhelming urge kms see happens death anything death hard control dam
[ "need serious help im really science everything learning everything works overwhelming urge kms see happens death anything death hard control dam" ]
Necesito ayuda seria en realidad ciencia todo el aprendizaje todo funciona impulso abrumador kms ver la muerte pasa cualquier cosa muerte represa de control duro
deserve every single thing happenedand doesnt even make sad even disguisted shit am literally dont want skin hate person am
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "deserve every single thing happenedand doesnt even make sad even disguisted shit am literally dont want skin hate person am" ]
merece cada cosa sucedida y ni siquiera hace triste ni siquiera la mierda diseminada soy literalmente no quiero piel odio persona soy
victimdo go gentle thy good night rage rage dying light
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "victimdo go gentle thy good night rage rage dying light" ]
victimdo ir suave tu buena noche rabia rabia moribundo luz
suicidal kidthis kind long story really need help please read ok friend lives hour away younger brother play playstation together sometimes friends play us sort look ive always good kids kind went along it upper middle class white kids recently got drug use use drugs always kept good handle it really well school get scholarships figured going drugs since parents might well give advice make sure get killed went would tell stuff would give safety advice one particular always way overdid it seeking harder drugs really quickly things like getting drunk hed puke pass out started trust opened personal stuff would never tell anyone else andrew kid im worried told dad beats him asked severity told hits sometimes seemed rare minor occurrence told thought could work out proceeded caution weeks later told found dad addicted pain pills things totally derailed started getting trouble parents more would always phone ps taken away would sneak back days ago got drug tested parents failed marijuana next days would snap time say fuck you nowhere finally told dad attempted redflag days ago upset son getting drug use too told really depressed gonna drink tell passed out begged agreed sneak onto ps talk first talked stuff trying take mind seemed fake like ignoring serious problem asked questions like home said no asked visited dad said want to asked mom said whole thing said talked two days completely grounded cant anything basically sitting environment getting depressed cant anything take mind it started drinking anyway got really sad would leave mic every couple minutes gone explanation got completely texting started talking wanting kill saying noone would even miss him talked promised come visit tomorrow big never actually met long back onto depression point living longer stopped answering completely seconds calling cops giving address finally responded talked little longer seemed little better told needs think hed see tomorrow point idk fuck do parents trust much drug use lie im going drive like hour away idk hell im supposed say avoid topic seem open supportive cool normal recommend something professional family could really use advise right thank all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal kidthis kind long story really need help please read ok friend lives hour away younger brother play playstation together sometimes friends play us sort look ive always good kids kind went along it upper middle class white kids recently got drug use use drugs always kept good handle it really wellschool get scholarships figured going drugs since parents might well give advice make sure get killed went would tell stuff would give safety advice one particular always way overdid it seeking harder drugs really quickly things like getting drunk hed puke pass out started trust opened personal stuff would never tell anyone else andrew kid", "im worried told dad beats him asked severity told hits sometimes seemed rare minor occurrence told thought could work out proceeded caution weeks later told found dad addicted pain pills things totally derailed started getting trouble parents more would always phone ps taken away would sneak back days ago got drug tested parents failed marijuana next days would snap time say fuck you nowhere finally told dad attempted redflag days ago upset son getting drug use too told really depressed gonna drink tell passed out begged agreed sneak onto ps talk first talked stuff trying take mind seemed fake like ignoring serious problem asked questions like home said no asked visited dad said want to asked mom said whole thing said talked two days completely grounded cant anything basically sitting environment getting depressed cant anything take mind it started drinking anyway got really sad would leave mic every couple minutes gone explanation got completely texting started talking wanting kill saying noone would even miss him talked promised come visit tomorrow big never actually met long back onto depression point living longer stopped answering completely seconds calling cops giving address finally responded talked little longer seemed little better told needs think hed see tomorrow point idk fuck do parents trust much drug use lie im going drive like hour away", "idk hell im supposed say avoid topic seem open supportive cool normal recommend something professional family could really use advise right thank all" ]
chico suicida este tipo larga historia realmente necesita ayuda por favor leer ok amigo vive hora de distancia hermano menor jugar playstation juntos a veces amigos nos juegan tipo mirada siempre buenos niños tipo fueron a lo largo de la clase media alta niños blancos recientemente consiguieron drogas consumo drogas siempre se mantuvo bien manejar realmente bien escuela conseguir becas se supone que van drogas ya los padres bien dar consejos asegurarse de que se matan iban cosas dirían cosas de seguridad una manera siempre exagerado buscar drogas más duras realmente rápidamente cosas como emborracharse hed voke pase hacia fuera comenzó confianza abierto cosas personales nunca le diría a nadie más Andrew niño
manifesting keep hearing seeing cant figure means
[ "manifesting keep hearing seeing cant figure means" ]
manifestarse sigue escuchando ver la figura del cant significa
keep pushing back datei set date year lot family stuff happened used excuse push back month month reset date next year time put many things place lasts fluctuate worrying make sorted everything worrying find reason delay again sometimes need die strong barely breathe holding just tired need die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "keep pushing back datei set date year lot family stuff happened used excuse push back month month reset date next year time put many things place lasts fluctuate worrying make sorted everything worrying find reason delay again sometimes need die strong barely breathe holding just tired need die" ]
seguir empujando hacia atrás fechai fecha fijado año lote cosas de la familia ha pasado usado excusa empujar hacia atrás mes mes reset fecha el próximo año tiempo poner muchas cosas lugar dura fluctuar preocupación hacer ordenado todo preocupante encontrar razón retardo a veces necesita morir fuerte apenas respirar sosteniendo sólo cansado necesidad morir
well ididnt ask get made ididnt ask torn apartand put back together andturned somelittlemonster sucker pain
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "well ididnt ask get made ididnt ask torn apartand put back together andturned somelittlemonster sucker pain" ]
Bueno, no pedí que me hicieran pedir que me despedazaran y volvieran a juntar y volvieran un poco de dolor de monstruito.
get comforting words please im sorry dont feel good right
[ "get comforting words please im sorry dont feel good right" ]
obtener palabras reconfortantes por favor lo siento no se siente bien
oh wish ampxb processing img umrrvume
[ "oh wish ampxb processing img umrrvume" ]
oh deseo ampxb procesamiento img umrrvume
see hype manifesting things experiences oneself thought would interesting manifest death experience manifestation works things would work dying too would perfect especially got die way choose to well random thought one people want death look like accident options gruesome likely fail end vegetative statei know people manifest things suicidal would interesting find out manifest death
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "see hype manifesting things experiences oneself thought would interesting manifest death experience manifestation works things would work dying too would perfect especially got die way choose to well random thought one people want death look like accident options gruesome likely fail end vegetative statei know people manifest things suicidal would interesting find out manifest death" ]
ver bombo manifestar cosas experiencias uno mismo pensó que sería interesante manifestar la muerte experiencia manifestación obras las cosas trabajarían morir también perfecto especialmente conseguir morir manera elegir bien al azar pensamiento una gente quiere la muerte parece opciones de accidente horripilante probable fracaso final estado vegetativo saber la gente manifiesta cosas suicida sería interesante descubrir la muerte manifiesta
someone help courage kill myselfi feel trapped want hurt family friends girlfriend cant shit anymore im tired pain ive got pills alcohol someone please tell okay want die want suffer anymore tell okay see future myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "someone help courage kill myselfi feel trapped want hurt family friends girlfriend cant shit anymore im tired pain ive got pills alcohol someone please tell okay want die want suffer anymore tell okay see future myself" ]
alguien ayuda valor me mata me siento atrapado quiero lastimado amigos de la familia novia no puede mierda más i cansado dolor i tengo pastillas alcohol alguien por favor decir ok quiero morir quiero sufrir más decir ok ver futuro yo mismo
gained back weight lost lol might time sleep lil ole pass
[ "gained back weight lost lol might time sleep lil ole pass" ]
aumento de peso perdido lol podría pasar el tiempo de sueño lil ole pass