[ { "content": "Hello do you know much about Presients or U.S, Senate? The first President of Zimbabwe was named President Banana, aactually full name was Canaan Banana, like banana was actually his name!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's pretty funny. I don't know a lot about politics. I heard that the President's guest house is bigger than the White House!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know right. I wonder who stays there and do they use the whole house? Or do multiple guests stay at a time like a hotel?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I was wondering the same. Apparently, the candidate that lost the election used to automatically become Vice President. That would never work these days!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "lol I can't imagine Trump and Hilary making a good team at all. A President of Indonesia made 3 albums ! That must have been a fun president! Concerts all the time!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's funny! The us senate used the same gavel for 165 years until richard nixon cracked it.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is a long lived gavel! i wonder if they kept in, maybe in a museum or something. lol ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Probably so! I like the idea of a candy desk in the Senate. We need that at my work. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "lol nice! I would've preferred like a yogurt desk, fruit desk or beef jerky desk! I am not much into sweets lol Its weird that women were not allowed to wear pants until 1993, like what do they do when it is cold!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Seriously, how old fashioned! Apparently the rule was changed when two senators protested and wore pantsuits. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Good for them! Pants are warm ! ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Haha. I agree! The Senate has to elect someone if noone is elected for Vice President. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "How can no one be elected as vp? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "in cases wherein no candidate receives a majority of electors for Vice President. I'm not sure how that could be, either, ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "lol k. me either. That is interesting though. I just thought the President and vp ran for office together so they would be elected together. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "You would think! The top three wealthiest presidents in american history were jfk, washington, and jefferson.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I doubt it, I think that might be inaccurate. Trump has got to be the wealthiest President. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Maybe it was relative to their time?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yeah, maybe just outdated! ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That could be. I wonder how much President Banana of Zimbabwe made?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Haha, good question! been nice chatting. ", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "do you like basketball?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Love it, I actually like both football and basketball", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice yes I like both too. Did you know U of Iowa painted the visitor locker room pink?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes and I wonder if that is supposed to have some effect on the other team", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder too. Did you know bowlers made more than footballers in the 60s?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess it was not that popular of a sport back in the day as it is now", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah true. Do you know what was the highest score in college football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes it was 222-0 and do you know who was playing?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes it was Georgia Tech that beat Cumberland back in 1916", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Did you know that ESPN won an Emmy once?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that was for the superimposed yellow line", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes. Back to basketball , do you know who Kareem Jabbar is?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes the guy that used the dunk shot so much that is got banned", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Do you know who invented the game?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes it was the U of Kansas coach, James Naishmith", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes and ironically, he was the only losing coach there", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah I know. Did you know that coaches are the highest paid employees in many states", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes that makes sense. Have you heard of the highest court in the land?\n", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that is on the top floor of the US Supreme Court building", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah I wonder how many people get to play there. Nice chat", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Same here, have a good one", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "If there's one thing I wish I would have learned more of as a kid, it's dance. I love watching good choreography", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah! Can't believe Tupac was also a ballet dancer back in the day and even portrayed the mouse in the Nutcracker, I wonder if he wanted that to be a secret.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It's possible, but it's hard to keep things a secret with all this technology, especially when you're not alive to stop people from finding out. I wonder how people found out about the patent Michael Jackson had to help him with some of his dance moves", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think with patents you can just look it up in the registry or something, but that's pretty cool you can patent that. You think with the right dance moves, you can woo someone you're attracted to?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It might depend on how well you can dance. I think there's something innately in us that wants to move to the beat of music though because babies naturally dance when they hear music", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I definitely do that or bop my head and if other people's ears permit, sing to it too! I would love to have taken dance because I have poor posture, I think that's why Bruce Lee danced before he ventured into Karate.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Dance helps with a lot of other things too like flexibility and coordination. If you were a professional ballet dancer though, it could get expensive buying pointe shoes. Some of them even go through four pairs in only a week!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "In one week? Wow! If they go through that many shoes per week, imagine the pain their toes are in! I wonder how many pairs of shoes basketball players go through per season! It probably wouldn't matter since they have endorsements with major brands.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I don't think basketball shoes wear down as much, though if you dunk as much as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar did, you'd have to make sure your shoes weren't too worn down. College basketball even banned dunk shots for over ten years because of him", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Why was it banned? I feel like that's how a lot of the basketball players score in those games or at least that's what I see over and over again on basketball recaps or highlights.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Probably because he did that more than anything else. I think the ban has been lifted for a while though. I wonder how tall he was compared to those of the New Zealand basketball team. There has to be a reason they're nicknamed the \"tall blacks\"", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, that's an odd nickname, but I also don't think that nickname would fly if it were basketball players. I'd think there'd be a whole movement around that. Not sure what it'd be called though.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "At least it's not a sport that's only played by a minority. Even the US Supreme Court enjoys shooting hoops for some fun. The \"highest court in the land\" is actually a basketball court on the top floor of their building", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "What a funny name, if I worked there, it'll get me every single time. I wonder whether any of the justices use that court to destress, I know I would if I were in their position.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Of course, if they get competitive, it would just be a different type of stress. I can't imagine how stressful it was for James Naismith who invented basketball. I'm not sure what sport he coached while at the University of Kansas, but he is the only losing coach in their history", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Even as being the losing coach, maybe his state, Kansas, is one of the 39 states where basketball or football coaches make the highest salary. Or maybe he gets a royalty payment for inventing basketball.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm not sure if it became as popular as it is now during his lifetime. I mean, in the 60s, the top bowlers were still making more money than the top football stars, so maybe it was the same for basketball", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow! Bowlers made that much money?! I don't even think bowling is watched by people these days, is it?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm not even sure if ESPN shows many, if any, bowling games anymore. Once they got their Emmy for the superimposed first down line used in football, I think they saw where the potential for more viewers", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, football sure is America's favorite sport as some like to call it. In other countries, it's known as gridiron football, rugby, and they have different rules. I would like to see different takes on America's pasttime sport in other countries.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It would be interesting to watch sometime. I'm sure there's a documentary about somewhere since there seems to be a one about almost everything. ", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi there! I am a big sports fan. I like basketball, football, and dance. What about you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hello, thats cool. I like watching basketball, baseball and hockey. I only do snowboarding and swimming though. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like to swim too. As far as the others I am a spectator only! Can you believe the 1960's top bowlers made twice as much as top football stars?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Thats really good for bowlers ! I hear there is a running back that used to play for the patriots who never fumbled a ball in his career!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is amazing! What player is that? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Benjarvus Green-Ellis", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh, good for him! Did you know ESPN won an Emmy for something they created?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I did. The yellow digital first down line. I think that is extremely useful for people at home or looking on the screen!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, that is exactly it! I agree, it is helpful and award worthy. So I guess different variations of football are known as football codes. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nice, never knew that. Did you know 39 out of 50 states the highest paid employee is the basketball or football coach", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I am not at all surprised. Talking about basketball, James Naismith was the inventor of basketball.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, and hes the only losing coach in the university of kansas, ironic. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, terrible irony! The Supreme Court has a basketball court on the top floor.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Thats really cool, I wonder if they let visitors in. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm not sure but it would be cool! I really like dance too. I just wish I could have seen Tupac dance in his HS play.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah me too, maybe its on youtube or something lol", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I hope, but I'm not sure how much people recorded stuff back then.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Theres probably isnt any video of bruce lee winning a cha cha competition either, that wouldve been cool to see as well. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is a real surprise that a guy as tough as Bruce Lee won the Hong Kong Cha-Cha Championship in 1958! Multi-talented.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I agree. Did you know professional ballet dancers go through 4 pairs of shoes a week?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow! That sure is a lot. Sounds expensive.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know right! Its been great chatting with you! ", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": " you like Hoops? I saw some old clips of Kareem dunking.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes I do, I wonder that the dunk got banned from college basketball?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yeah, it did. crazy. wonder what James Naismith would think.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, because he Invented basketball and was the only losing coach in the university of Kansas history.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder how much they paid him bqck then. Nowadays the highest paid state employee is often the college Hoops coach", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, I am not sure' but I pretty sure it properly average out for today's pay.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "maybe. if not he should make a federal case out of it. After all scotus has a basketball court on its top floor. so he's got a good shot at winning", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes you are right, did you know the New Zealand basketball team nickname the tall blacks?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder if they are allowed to dunk.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, I would say maybe, I was thinking that properly applied for college. Do you like NFL football? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yeah. i like their cheerleaders too. except the saints ones, you never get to see them in restaurants where the players are. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think that's so ridiculous, what If they already paid for their food before the players arrived, or with their family.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yeah...they should at least put tracking chips on the players so they can warn the cheerleaders. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes you are right, just not on the field. Do you believe there are only 11 minutes of live football?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "thats crazy. no wonder engineers get paid more", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes you are right, but how is that possible, with four quarters in a game, quarterback time, run time, kick time and tackle, it just doesn't even out.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "someone should investigate and make a film about it. maybe put in on netflix...they got a lot of eyeballs watching", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes you are right, did you know Netflix spends 20 times more on postage than bandwidth?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "crazy, Blockbuster must be weeping", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, what do you think about female playing in the NfL against 250 and 300 lbs mens?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "hey...if they are fast enough to dodge players in restaurants, they could probably do it on the filed too", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Maybe true, but If there aren't any hitting the rating will drop and If there are hitting the lawsuits will rise, It was nice chatting with you, have a good night.", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "do you enjoy reading?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I love it. Did you ever read Starship Troopers?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I have and it is also a book recommended by the military branches too", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah that is true. Same with the Ender's Game", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that too. Do you know who holds the record for speed reading?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is Anne Jones with 4700 per minute. Do you like cars?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I love cars. Do you know who invented the drive thru?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes that was McDonald's back in 1975", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes and do you know why they invented it?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes because soldiers were not allowed out of the cars in fatigues\n", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. Do you know why the trunk of the car is called that?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes the old cars used to have wooden trunks", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. Do you know how cadillac got its name?\n", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes after the founder of Detroit de la Mothe Cadillac\n", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. Do you know how Mardenboriugh became a professional driver?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes he beat 90 000 people to the gran turismo game", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. Did you know in south africa you can put flame throwers in your car?\n", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes to protect them from carjacking, pretty scary", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know. Do you know when cars first became available to the masses?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "THat was in 1908 roughly. Nice chat", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Same here, have a good one", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi there! Do you read much? It's pretty amazing that we can decode the symbols on a page and understand meaning so easily.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I'm an avid reader. Yes, reading is a complex interaction between text and reader shaped by prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and the language community.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm an avid reader as well. I tend to take my time reading books though, nothing like Anne Jones, who reads at 4,700 words per minute!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, that's fast. Yes, the reading process takes time usually and requires continuous practice, development, and refinement. Reading requires creativity and critical analysis as well.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, I think it's been an important part of society's development. I can't believe in the 18th century there was a \"moral panic\" due to the spreading of reading books.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I heard about that. Well, there are no concrete laws in reading but rather it provides readers an escape to produce their own products introspectively. This promotes deep exploration of texts during interpretations.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea - what do you think the military hopes their soldiers will interpret from books like Starship Troopers or Ender's Game? They are two books often suggested for reading in military branches.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's hard to say. I do that CS Lewis and Tolkien held \"you laugh you lose\" competitions when reading terrible poetry. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's pretty funny. Some of C.S Lewis and Tolkien's works were adapted to the big screen and TV. Do you happen to watch TV much?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I do watch TV. I watch The Simpsons, South Park, and Family Guy a lot.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice! Those are really funny shows. Apparently when South Park aired its Family Guy episode finale, the Simpson's crew sent flowers to the producers.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I heard that. Another favorite is Thomas the Tank Engine. Did you know that Ringo Starr, George Carlin, and Alec Baldwin have all narrated on that show for at least 52 episodes each?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's pretty interesting. Since you said you liked the Simpsons, did you notice that Bart appears or at least mentioned almost every show? All but one!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I heard about that one too. Did you know that 70's Show was remade verbatim in the UK and called \"Days Like These\" but was cancelled after only 10 episodes?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's surprising. Guess the British don't have the same sense of humor. Speaking of the British, did you know that Jann Mardenborough became a pro race car driver by beating people in the video game Gran Turismo?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I did hear that. Did you hear that it is legal in South Africa to equip your car with flame-throwers to prevent carjacking?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, that is crazy. I bet Karl Benz didn't have that in mind when he was patenting the first modern car!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No doubt and neither did Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac either.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, I figured that there would be someone who founded a car brand in Detroit. It is the motor city after all.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, and he was a french explorer, too. I'm so glad that we don't have to use horse-drawn carriages anymore to go to work.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Me too. It was great talking to you!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Did you see the Jay Feely pic on twitter?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I didn't I'm not even sure who he is. Is he in the NFL, the pro football league?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "NFL kicker; he posted a pic of him and his gun with daughter and her date", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "WOW! I hope it was a joke. I think it happened around prom, right?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, he said it was meant to be funny. I get it but not many others found it funny.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Guns are such a touchy subject. I wonder how others responded?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Some related it the mass shootings and considered it insensitive to that subject. I disagree.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I get the impression that he no longer plays. I wonder how the NFL would have reacted if he did.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah I believe he is no longer in the NFL. I guess it would have been dependent on team owners stance on guns", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "As a dad I definitely get the urge to protect my kids!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Same here...I think he was just \"playing\" the protective dad role; he didnt mean any harm", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I agree. I am pretty sure the \"i'll be waiting with my gun\" is a jokey threat that has been around for decades.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think many could relate; I think some are too quick to chastise someone when they can", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The NFL has been around a long time and has had to deal with a lot of controversies lately.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The DV issues seem to be plaguing them the most", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Did you know that the first playoff was in 1932?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I had an idea it was around that time but back then it was the AFL right?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think so", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Were you a fan of Feely and the Bears when he played?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I liked the Bears in 1984 when they won the super bowl.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I love that team!!!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "hi do you watch basketball?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I sure do. Do you know you Kareen Abdul-Jabbar is?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that is the guy that totally slammed the dunk shot and then it got banned", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. DO you know who invented the game?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is Jame Naismith who is also the only losing coach in the history of U of Kansas", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ironic, really. NBA and NFL coaches are the highest paid in many states though as state employees", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yeah they are. Have you heard of the highest court in the land?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes that is in the US Supreme Court on the top floor of it", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah I wonder how much it gets used though during the day", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yea exactly. Do you like the NFL too?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do actually. did you know women can play too?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes there is no written rule that prevents them from playing if they qualify", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. The average game play is only 11 minutes anyways", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah and yet we are glued to the tv for hours to an end for a game", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know. Did you hear they are putting tracking chips on the players now?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah they are tracking stuff like velocity and rotation and a bunch others", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah I hope they can use that to make the game a bit safer too", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I hope so too. Did you hear about that rule for New Orleans cheerleaders?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah that they cannot eat in the same place as the players right?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah it is so sexist and it sure has to go soon", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Agreed there, it should not be within the NFL at all", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Are you familiar with George Pelecanos?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am familiar with some of his work. The Wire is one of the best shows I have ever seen.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I used to live in DC and work in a book store when his books were first coming out, he was very popular, in a local way", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know him more for his work in TV as oppossed to his novels. He also wrote a show called 'Treme about New Orleans that was very good.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I remember when the Wire was on, everyone was talking about it but I didn't have HBO at the time. I saw the series several years later, they were excellent.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am pretty sure the Wire is considered one of the most critically acclaimed shows of all time. It was very gritty and realistic. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I don't to watch as much television as I used to. I have kids now, I'm always taking them somewhere, plus they always have the remote.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Do they watch Pokemon? My nephew does and it is on nonstop", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, my son is into these Star Wars cartoons at the moment. I hear there 750 episodes of Pokemon, I don't feel that there is a need for that much. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "If they keep making money, they will keep making episodes. Kind of like the Simpsons, which is on season 30 at the moment", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder how long it would run if you played them back to back, would have to be weeks, or maybe even months. I like the older ones to the more than the newer ones", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I seem to read a lot more now that I have gotten older. I really enjoy sci fi such as Ender's Game", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I have the same issue with reading as television, forever being daddy taxi to get time to sit and read. Like I said, I used to work in a book store, you were kind of expected to be a reader to work there.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I minored in English in college so I developed a fondness for different types of books", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I've been through phases of reading. I had a Russian phase, a non-fiction phase, a Dickens phase. Currently, when I have time, I'm working my way through all the books of a Terry Pratchett. I think there are about 50.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I currently devide my reading betwen sci fi and non-fiction. I like to alternate.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I really should read Pelecanos, DC was my old home town, all his books were set there and in Baltimore. People that I know who have read him really like his stuff.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well if the quality of his novels are anything like the shows he writes for, than I imagine the books will be very good", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "What I really need to do is put some books in the car, then I can read while I'm waiting for the kids.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "There you go. Multitasking. Or read at stoplights", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm looking forward to the day of the self driving cars, then I can do whatever I want in the car.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "There are a few of them out now, but it will be a while before they are commonplace", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Hey, do you like basketball?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I used to watch basketball more. How about you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, I grew up playing a lot of basketball. I wanted to be a professional basketball player. If I became a college basketball coach, it is likely I would have been among the highest paid state employees.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yep even the US Supreme Court building has a basketball court!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, I would like to play on that. I find it ironic that the only losing coach in the university of Kansas was the inventor of basketball.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Probably didnt have that good of players! I also see that Kareem Abdul Jabbar got the dunk banned from college.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I accomplished the performance of a dunk recently. I think I always actually could, but didn't have confidence enough until recently. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I stand about 5'9, so i have no chance lol. Impresses my daughter though.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think the basketball-themed introductions on Jeopardy are fun.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I've never seen that. Explain?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "College contestants pretend to dribble and pass an invisible basketball. I wonder if they stream Jeopardy on Netflix. Netflix and Youtube together account for half of peak internet traffic in North America!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Sounds cool. Do you use Netflix?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I once tried a free trial. Netflix is so huge. It was 2 billion dollars now. Compare that to Blockbuster's offer in the past to buy it for 50 million!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They eve spend less money on bandwidth than postage", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. Netflix's beginning is interest. Reed Hastings was inspired to create Netflix after getting a big late fee on a vhs copy of Apollo 13.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "thats funny. late fees dont help", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It's surprising they spend so much on postage. I'd imagine with the internet as big as it is today, most of their services would be offered online.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think they offer mostly promotions through email, and postage is always more expensive for a person to deliver.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Have you ever seen Lilyhammer? I guess that is Netflix's first series.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I have not. The yare putting a lot of money ino originals too", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I have not seen it either. Well it was nice chatting. Have a good day!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "You too!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello, are you particularly interested in sports?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hello, it depends on which sport. I'm a basketball fan, and am fascinated by the fact that there is a court in the Supreme Court Buliding.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It's crazy how huge basketball is! I think in 39 states, the highest paid state employee is a college basketball or football coach.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is insane. Not as offensive as the New Zealand basketball team's nickname. The Tall Blacks. Seriously, people?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh my god, that's definitely breaking a lot of social norms. Did you know the inventor of basketball was University of Kansas' only losing coach?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow. That says a lot. The court at the Supreme Court building, is referred to as \"the highest court in the land\", awesome play there.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh for sure, I can't imagine being able to have that much access. I wonder if they have something similar for other sports, you a fan of football or baseball at all?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Not really. I have Japanese friends who are shocked that baseball is considered \"america's pastime\", when they have American friends who have never been to a game.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It's surprising considering how popular it is there! And baseball is huge everywhere, some guy made 3 million off of 1900s baseball cards he found in his grandfather's attic.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I would have thrown them out, lol. I have zero interest in the cards, and only recently found out that managers are able to play for their teams if they are needed.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder if they have their own cards! And also what cards are called in other countries, like Kickball in Canada is called soccer-baseball.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Interesting. ESPN won an emmy for the superimposed yellow line. Must have been a slow year.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "But at the same time I think it's good they receive recognition! Like Benjarvus Green-Ellis went his career without fumbling a ball, he should have gotten an award for it.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It's hilarious that the top bowlers of the 60's made more than football players.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder why that is, I guess people didn't care back then. I wonder if the highest football game score occured when people didn't care as much.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think it was because Georgia Tech was so good.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder how it must have felt to be Cumberland, football is so slow scoring and yet to lose 222-0??", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I bet they had a pink locker room, like Iowa State does.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder if people actually get stirred by that, like you have to believe most college teams know they'll see it when they visit by now right?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Maybe. Kickball is called soccer-baseball in Canada. So weird.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah it's certainly interesting how the same sports differ in different areas. Anyways it was nice talking to you, have a good day!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hey there do you like watching football? Did you see one team painted their locker room pink?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know that's a tactic to intimidate the other team. I'm more into basketball since in 39 out of 50 states a college basketball or football coach is the highest paid state employee.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Did you know that the dog was disallowed in basketball for a while? I guess Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was just too good", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yea I couldn't imagine a basketball game without a dunk. Dis you know that the supreme court has a basketball court on the top of their building", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's really crazy. I do think it's funny that it's called \"the highest court in the land\". I wonder if they ever played basketball games to decide a court case haha", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That would be interesting to Hey did you hear about the man who found 3 million dollars worth of baseball cards in his granddads attic", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's amazing! You know what I don't like? Kickball in Canada is called soccer - baseball. That name sounds really stupid haha", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I would be so confused if someone said that. I think it's odd how popular baseball is in Japan. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do too. Apparently they are shocked that it is America's national Pastime and not Japan's haha", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yea I'm not sure if the team managers in Japan can actually play in the game if needed like in American teams or not.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's a good question. I also don't think that Japan used a married couple to schedule other baseball games haha. The MLB did up until 2005", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know that's crazy. Of course baseball and football can't compare to high scoring like basketball unless you count the 1916 Georgia tech game.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No not at all. yes it's crazy that the highest scoring game was 222 to 0. That is a major blowout!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know right. I wonder if the other team was even awake? I'm just glad ESPN came up with the yellow line for first downs on football games.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that was a great invention! I didn't know that the New Zealand basketball team is \"the tall blacks\". That name seems offensive! ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It does haha. But you have to admit throwing a 9.4 inch diameter ball into an 18 inch hoop has to require massive precision.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh I agree. Did you know that the inventor of basketball was a losing coach? He was the most losing coach at his entire University's history", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know, that sucks for Kansas. Of course when he started he was using peach baskets not a goal 10 feet high like today. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that the New Zealand basketball team is nicknamed \"the tall blacks\"- that seems really offensive.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It does. But what really confused me is how so many places consider different sports football. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes I've always wondered about the name difference between the United States and the rest of the world. I personally like American football though. I can't stand soccer", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "I love watching football - both american football and soccer.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do too! I like being at the games! What teams do you like?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I am a Redskin fan but we are not any good. We need green-ellis who has never fumbled.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, he's unreal! I do enjoy going to the baseball, basketball and hockey games also. How about the Supreme Court Building?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "There is a basketball court at the top! The highest court in the land!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Great idea! Good way to get exercise during your workday!!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Absolutely - I want to check out the pink locker room at the U of Iowa", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "lol, Do you think it did anything to the opposing team?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder if Cumberland had such a locker room when they lost 222-0?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "If not, its really sad! Didn't know New Zealand had a basketball team?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes - nicknamed the tall blacks! That seems somewhat inappropriate!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think so too! Japan is crazy for baseball. Hard to believe they didn't know it was America's national pastime!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "For sure. I used to be neighbors with the couple who scheduled all 2430 baseball games every year", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, neighbors, tha'ts loyalty! I don't understand that football can be called kickball in Canada?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think it is actually kickball that is called soccer-baseball in canada", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ok yes, soccer-baseball your right. Thinking the baseball is a little weird. How great to find 3 million worth of baseball cards in your grandfathers attic!!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know - my grandfather never collected cards sadly. I think its funny that baseball managers wear the team uniforms so that they can sub in and play. That would be hilarious to see", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "lol, I just got a visual! That's funny. In 39 states the college football coaches are the highest paid state employees.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes basketball and football coaches do make a ton of money!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Apparently, Kareem abdul-jabbar dunk shot was banned from college for over a decade, interesting! Good chat!!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that is pretty funny he was so amazing. Did you know James Naismith invented basketball?", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hey, I am really into watching sports. Football is my favorite though. A lot going on in sports right now thouhg.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Football is my favorite as well although I also like watching all the major sports. Who are your favorite teams?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I am a huge Packers fan! Even though we are from California,lol. I heard that the top bowlers used to make more money than Football players in the 1960's, crayz.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am an Eagles fan and have read that players in the 60's on our team had offseason jobs. I'm sure some still do today but the Hall of Famers on our team were selling concrete after the season.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh I see, you make a great point. That makes a lot of sense. Off season factors in a lot differently now. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah when you aren't one of the superstar players you don't make the big bucks.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is true and often times when the smaller paid guy gets hurt, thats the end of the road for his career. I cant imagine watching football without the graphic on tv , like the yellow line they put on the first down, ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes they've really used technology in a way that enhances the viewing of the game.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Exactly, ESPN won an emmy for the creation of the superimposed yellow line. That was genius!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I would be pretty lost trying to watch without it. There would be way too much guessing if someone got a first down until they spotted the ball.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh yeah, me too! I would like it if football was the same as baseball in terms of the coach being able to play. In baseball he coach is dressed to play because he actually can! lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know there have been a few player/coaches such as Ted Williams and Frank Robinson. They were nearing the end of their careers so they didn't play as frequently.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh yeah, I didn't know that, interesting. I have learned recently a man found 3 million in old baseball cards in his grandfathers attic, that makes me wanna go clean attics.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's pretty crazy, my dad found his original Hot Wheels cars cleaning out my grandmother's house. Unfortunately he had really banged them up when he was a kid!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Awwww, that is a neat memory though how cool! Too bad one wasnt in mint", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know, it was also too bad he found them after I grew out of playing with my Hot Wheels, they could have been part of my collection.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, man that would have been nice. I was playing basketball recently and also learned that the Supreme Court has a court on the top of their building called the Highest court in the land, a funny basketball pun,lol.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is a good one! I'd like to see the justices playing a pickup game after court.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, it might be pretty slow pick me The granny shots might start comin out.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'd want to see some dunks haha. It would be a way more fun way to settle some of their cases when they disagree.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Good idea, I vote for that solution! Kareem Jabbar was banned from his dunk shot because he dominated so badly in college.Or shoudl I say so well in college.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That must be how he developed his famous skyhook! That shot was unstoppable unless you were Wilt Chamberlain. It was fun chatting basketball with you!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "I saw that Bryce Harper is inline to make a ton of money, almost getting close to Alex Rodriguez.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Best news for him since those stupid \"Make Baseball Fun Again\" hats.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I remember when A-Rod was signing up, he go almost over $275 million in one year. Unreal", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "And now he's made $440 million altogether - so far. I wonder what he does with the bulk of his wealth?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think some of these players spend a lot of their money relatively quickly. I'm not sure that Harper is worth it. I watch a lot of Nationals games. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "How do you feel about Rendon getting let go from the team, then?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The negotiation with him went on for a long time if I remember correctly. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm a huge Yankees fan myself. Didn't know that the stadium was apparently good for left-handed people.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I've heard that. I've also heard the same thing about Boston's stadium. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Did A-Rod ever play for Boston? I forget...I know he bounced around earlier in his career,", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I don't think he did to be honest. Harper had a terrible year last year, I think his average was around 250, which is really low. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Just like Washington Nationals fan to know that! Apparently, they (you) are very knowledgeable. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I didn't know that in Japan baseball could potentially be more popular than in the US. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think they're the only nation that have better players than the U.S. Imagine if we had a real WORLD series?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That would be pretty interesting, also interesting is that managers of baseball teams can technically play for their team if the need arises. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wonder if that's ever happened? Maybe when Sandy Koufax refused to pitch on Yom Kippur!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's a name I have not heard for a long time. I think he played for both NY and LA. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Speaking of old players, if either of us had saved cards from back then (and been alive back then), we couldn't racked up 3 million dollars, like some guy did when he found a bunch of baseball cards from the early 20th century!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Crazy, baseball cards hold there value for some of the really older ones. Nowadays, I'm not so sure though. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think rare Pokemon cards might be worth more in these days.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's probably true, they publish way too many baseball cards now. ", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, do you like baseball?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I sure do. I think it is a great way to bring people together. It is weird though that in Canada soccer-baseball is the name for kickball.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's so Canada... Imagine finding $3M in baseball cards!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I heard about that guy! They were in his grandfather's attic since the 1940's. I wonder if the grandfather knew and was leaving a surprise?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "What a great surprise! I would have liked to know while he was alive though so I could say thank you! Have you seen japanese baseball?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I bet the grandson would have liked to see his grandfather come into that kind of cash. I have not seen Japanese baseball.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is crazy! A lot different than american baseball games. A lot of standing and cheering. More like college football than baseball.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That sounds really fun. I have heard that the Japanese fans sometimes are surprised that baseball is so popular in America.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. I think that is because they see the difference and don't understnad the way we watch vs the way they experience.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I could understand that. Do you know why baseball managers wear team uniforms?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do not. Why?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They wear the team uniform so if the need arises for them to play for their team they can. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "HA! Can you imagine Joe Maddon picking up a bat and taking a few swings?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No way! I can't imagine any manager getting in on the game. I'm surprised that MLB only used one married couple until 2005 to schedule all the games!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "How bad would you feel if you made a mistake? That would be stressful!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well, with them scheduling all 2430 MLB games I could see it happening!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Do you like any other sports?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do. I like basketball and football. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Me too! I like college football and heard Iowa's visiting locker room is painted pink. How strange!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wonder if they do that because it's distracting? Did you know that an Emmy was given to ESPN?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "For the yellow line? Nice chatting with you!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi. Do you watch sports?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. I like Boxing, Football, Baseball, and Hoops.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like football too. Although there are a lot of kinds of football, especially soccer, I enjoy American football. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. The patriots are a Phenom. Someone should try painting their locker room Pink", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Maybe that would jinx them! They have a former runningback who never fumbled once!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "But did he fumble twice? Either way, he probably made as much as a top bowler", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "In the 60", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "60? I hear in 39 out of 50 states, the highest paid state employee is a college football or b-ball coauch", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Was going to say in the 60's, bowlers made more than football players! That's interesting. The slam dunk was banned from college basketball for a long time. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Was that because of Wilt or Kareem?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Kareem! There is a basketball court on the top floor of the Supreme Court. I wonder who uses it?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Dunno...but that puts Roe v Wade in a different light. Was it Dwayne Wade? Maybe James Naismith knows", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He invented basketball, right?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah.. then he lost it", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think he was the only losing coach at his university. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yep. Ironic. it's like 10,000 balls when all you need is a bat", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Haha. Speaking of bats, baseball managers can play for their teams if they need to, that's why they wear uniforms. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's big in Japan", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, and in Canada, kickball is called soccer-baseball! Nice chatting with you!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wonder what they call Polo? Hopefully they come up with better names for their teams than \"tall blacks\"", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Seriously! What is New Zealand thinking with that nickname?", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "I am ambivalent about pitch count limits in baseball. They were introduced 2 years ago. What do you think?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I dont know muballch about baseball but from what I hear it has mixed results, some cons some pros", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes they are trying to help young players avoid injuries which is a good thing I would think. It helps their career in the long run.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Are you a fan of the game? I hear the game is really popular in Japan", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes I really do love baseball. I wanted to be a shortstop growing up but I was not all that great. I could be a manager - theoretically that would actually let me play for a team", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess if every player gets injured is nice to know the manager can step in, a 17 year old female was banned from pro baseball after she struck out Ruth and Lou Gehrig", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "wow! A girl struck them out? I had never heard that. She deserves her own baseball card - one lucky dude found 3 million dollars worth of cards in his grandfathers attic!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "She does indeed, and he did? 3 million dollars worth of cards!! that guy is really lucky, the odds are really slim", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. That is like the salary of some of the pro football players for a year! Engineers still earn more though over a lifetime", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well they work for more years, pro players make a lot of money, its crazy how much football stadiums are worth", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yes for sure. I think its funny that teams like Iowa paint the opposing teams locker room pink", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Theres a stadium that cost $60 million to build and it was a high school stadium and that is funny, I wonder what opposing teams thing of that,", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow. That is crazy. And to think that in the 60's bowlers made more money than football stars. Times have definitely changed.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They made more money? wow that is suprising I guess football wasnt a popular game back there or bowling lost its popularity", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes these days basketball is crazy popular too. Kareem Abdul Jabbar with his banned dunk shot probably helped it gain popularity", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The dunk shot is one of my favorite moves, that seems a bit unfair, ban a move like that one ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. I am a fan of Wake Forest, my alma mater, but we suck. Unlike Kansas which has only had one losing coach in history.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It does? it sounds terrible to be remembered as the only losing coach in the history of Kansas, ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes especially if you are the inventor of the sport!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "He was the inventor of the sport! wow, seems like he forgot the rules of his own game lol", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. I bet he was not paid that well - unlike these days where in 39 states a coach is the highest paid state employee.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi! Do you like fun trivia about sports?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I most certainly do. I see some info about pitch counts in high school basebal land remember having a pitch count in little league of like 40-50.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow. Did you know that up until 2005 a married couple would schedule all 2430 major league baseball games?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They must be more organized than me! Imagine tryin gto schedule all the home and away games properly?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know! And without computers. Do you collect baseball cards? A man found $3 million worth of baseball cards in his grandfathers attic", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I used to and hope to find a collection some day haha. I see that in Japan is so popular in Japan they think its crazy we have the game as our national past time.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Do you like other sports? In 39 out of 50 states basketball or football coaches are the highest state paid employees ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Makes sense, In part because they are hired by colleges. I love hockey and football especially. You?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like hockey a lot too. I do not know much about football. I do know about the patriots and I found out one of their players has never fumbled in his entire career.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, his nicknae is the law firm because his nickname is so long!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow! It is a really long name. I saw Benjarvus Green-Ellis. I wonder if its missing a few more names", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I hope not! Apparently the US Supreme court building has a basketball court.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Haha. I wonder if anyone uses it?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "maybe kids or clerks? Most justices are likely too old to play well.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is amazing how much money sports players get paid. Funny that in the 60s bowlers got paid more than football stars in Iowa", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Bowling was pretty big back then. Most al lsports contracts are crazy, but they are the best athletes.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The highest football score looks like a bowling score 222-0 Groerogia Tech defeated Cumberland", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I cant imagine how the losing team felt lol", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well they made history either way. Thanks for chatting, I learned a lot of new fun things.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "ME too! I think you have to end it", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. Well have a great day and keep enjoying sports", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wi ll do!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Good evening! Watch any good TV this weekend?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Good evening. I'm alternating between The Handmaid's Tale and The Simpsons. Oddly, there is only one where Bart isn't in it. I have yet to see it.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's interesting. Did you know that The Simpsons crew sent flowers to the producers of South Park when they aired their episode that made fun of Family Guy? They definitely deserve credit for drawing attention to what a ridiculous show that is.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I did not, nor have I ever seen an episode of South Park. I have seen almost all of the Thomas the Tank Engine, George Carlin is my favorite narrator.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Is that so? It's ironic that a comic like that would narrate a children's show. Did you know that other unlikely voice actors like Ringo Starr and Alec Baldwin have also narrated Thomas for at least 52 episodes each?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I did. Alec Baldwin even played in one of the movies. I recently learned that the three horizontal line menu on apps is called a hamburger button. That's hilarious, and they should resemble hamburgers.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I guess the UX designers have a sense of humor when coming up with software! Imagine how people in other countries would interpret a hamburger; did you know that there's even internet capabilities at the peak of Mt. Everest?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "And I can't even get wifi in my barn. It's interesting that the Library of Alexandria has a saved copy of the internet, in case of emergencies.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, it is; the internet is a fragile thing. The cables carrying phone and internet data across the ocean are only 2.7\" thick and just lie on the ocean floor!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's insane. It's interesting that people can develop an addiction from clicking links on the internet.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Indeed; people definitely spend too much time bouncing around the internet these days, although I guess that's to be expected when an iPhone has more computing power than the entire US nuclear ICBM deterrent.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yep. And yet, people don't even take the time to read the TOS when they are buying something.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It's like reading a phone book! I heard it's impossible to separate two phonebooks whose pages are simply overlapped together, isn't that funny?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It is, though I am tempted to try it. I would like to find more out about Unicef's water program, for not using your phone. They donate a day of clean water, for each minute.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder how they calculate that. Did you know that NYC's original area code is (212) because they determined it was the fastest number to dial on a rotary phone?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Probably the same way they do add programs, or an app. That is interesting. I love That 70's show, and was surprised to find out there is a version in the UK.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I never got into it; it doesn't surprise me that the UK version only lasted 10 episodes, probably due to the cultural differences. That's nothing compared to a show like Pokemon, of which there are 750 episodes and just gets redubbed.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I've never seen Pokemon either. I was in an antique shop the other day, and saw a monochrome t.v. set. I would love to have one, to freak out my kids who have never seen a black and white t.v.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Pokemon definitely would not read well on a black and white TV because of how colorful it is, so I guess that demonstrates how far the medium has come.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do black and white photography, many things look so much better in monochrome, than color. Then again, all television is these days, is a mass medium for advertisement.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's true, as is the internet, unfortunately. Nice chatting!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "When students and parents visit college, the best way to do it for most is as an informal vacation type trip.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "maybe, ive done that person. talking to the advisers i feel is one of the most imporant as well", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The best place for parents to do more intense college research is online, not forcing it into actual college visits. It could embarass kids.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "agreed. kids need to be the ones seeing it as a vacation.the best time would be in april. So much fun times then", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Different kids will find different traits about the colleges they use to select where they want to go.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "agreed. so much you can see from TV and even the internet. Which Ive always wondered how they even have working serive on campus. SO much internet happening during that time.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Speaking of which, there is some evidence the internet can be addictive and the effect in the brain is actually measurable.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think it much onlline info and art that peple are obssesed with form history they want to stay in formed in.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "But the internet has spread everywhere, even Mt Everest has 3G service at the peak now.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "crazy to think of that. remember landlines? times were so different", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They were. And rotary phones were a thing. New York's area code was 212 since that was the fastest number that could be dialed on old rotary phones.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Crazy to think that all that lead to Iphones having more power the Nuclear icbm. wonder whats next", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The fusion of phones to the internet is fascinating. I'm not sure what we'd do without the internet. There is even a back up copy of the internet saved in case it burns down.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "what that's crazy to learn. things got really creative and innovative after WW2. All started with the TV I think", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Television and it's evolution of the shows is neat. Especially some of the animated shows. There are quite a few and many have run a very long time. Pokemon has over 750 episodes.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "wow! makes me think of how long shows like family guy and south park have been on. SO many years", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "A long time. When South Park aired it's family guy episode finale, the Simpsons crew sent the producers flowers.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "so nice to hear. makes me think about Dawsons creek. wonder if they did that. Wonder if they visited college before filming too", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm not sure. There was so many episodes of the Simpsons. In all that time there is only one episode where Bart doesn't appear and isn't mentioned.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "hahah really very interesting to learn. these kinds of facts are what the kids love and need the internet forever for", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well, tell them to read the terms when they buy a product or service on the internet, only 7% of people do.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "so will", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, how are you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "hey I'm good, did you now that kim jong-un has a degree in physics? like that is silly", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I mean it does make sense. If you are his professor, are you going to fail him? I would just pass him and make it the next guys problem.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "haha yup exactly, it's crazy how much time PIxar spent studying physics though, 3 years to model hair for the movie Brave", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They did do a great job with it though. Have you seen that movie?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "no I haven't, I did see the Incredibles 2 though and that was Ok, have you seen Brave?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I have. There is a scene where she flicks her hair back and it is so detailed that I understnad the time they took on it. It's crazy good!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "oh ok i'll have to check it out, somehow scientists say that the earth could have come from nothing without violating teh laws of physics, how is that possible? haha", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I am not sure but that sounds really sketchy...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "ya someone was being weird when they made taht up I think haha, also there is some chinese dye that could lead to a breakthrough in quantum physics, I'd like to know how that is possible too", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, most dyes just cause cancer but this one could be a breakthrough in quantum physics? Did Sheldon Cooper create this dye?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "haah thats a good question, did you ever watch pokemon as a kid? I did but there are like 800 episodes now I'd never catch up!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I did not watch it as a kid but my son does and I have probably see all of them by proxy.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "haha, did your son ever watch Thomas the Train? I guess alec baldwin, ringo, and george carlin all did the narrators voice in that show", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, he never watched that but he had some book of his. It's crazy that show got that level of talent. do they pay well?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "haha thats a good question, I jsut wish it were for adults, george carlin is known for his adult humor so it'd be funny to hear him making jokes on that show!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I never really got into carlin and I feel like I really missed out. I need to go back and search for him on Netflix.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "ya he is awesome, did you ever watch thagt 70's show? Apparenlty they tried to remake it for the uk market", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "How did it do in the UK?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "haha well not very good they cancelled it after 10 episodes haha", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh boy!!!! Nice chatting with you!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello. Do you still watch much TV? I still watch the animations on television like South Park and The Simpsons.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I watch some television, but have been working on college visits lately.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Cool. Well, there's a lot going on in television. We even have 3D TVs now. Did you know that there's only one episode on the Simpsons were Bart neither appears not is mentioned?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is interesting. I did hear that the Simpsons producers once sent flowers to the South Park guys.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, after their Family Guy episode finale. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wonder if anybody ever sent the That 70s show producers flowers.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, but they had a big flop in the UK. They called their show \"Days Like These\" and it was cancelled after 10 episodes.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "A big Difference from Pokemon, which ran over 750 episodes!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, do you know a lot about telephones? Did you know that an iPhone has more computing power than the entire US Nuclear ICBM deterrent?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know a little bit. I heard that New Yorks area code is 212 because of the days of rotary phones.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Did you know that its impossible to separate two phone books that simply have their pages overlapped together?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Cool. One reason to have paper phone books instead of using the Internet.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, did you know that the cables carrying phone and Internet data across oceans are only 2.7 inches in diameter?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is barely larger than the hamburger button on apps!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, speaking of that, the 3 horizontal line menu on websites is called a hamburger button. I bet it was created on a Tuesday! lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Perhaps so. I wonder if clicking links is as addictive as hamburgers?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That could be if your name is Whimpy, lol. Did you know that there's 3G cell service and Internet capabilites at the peak of Mt. Everest?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I heard about that. Can you imagine using electronic mail from such altitude?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, if it auto-corrected, your fingers would be too cold to fix it, lol. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Good thing the library of Alexandria has a saved copy of the Internet!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, better safe than sorry, Nice chat.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Did You know that Kellan moore is the only left handed quarterback in the nfl ?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah! Cool! The nfl has no written rule against female players; women would in fact be allowed if they met the league's eligibility requirements.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well to be honest, I don't see why would there be rules forbidding women... they could have skills as well ;)", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yeah, I guess I havent heard of it, so its definitely interesting to me. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Maybe they would not be as strong, but who knows - maybe they could be as quick as men ?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "For sure. An average nfl game only has 11 minutes of live gameplay", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "umm ... what ? what does it mean ? The matches must be longer than that...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "about 3 -4 hours of game time, but the clock is only 11 min, I think", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm really confused... I don't watch nfl", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "lol, they stop the clock after the players run the ball. and restart it again when the ball is in play. They huddle and stuff in between. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "ohh, that's what You mean... I'm from Europe so I watch more soccer ;)", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh I see. I dont know anything about soccer except that when they say \"goooooooaaaaallllllll\" its good to start cheering .", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "lol:) that's mostly done by Spanish commentators ;) I'm from Poland but sure... goal is a time of celebration as there is not many of those in a game :)", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "haha ok. at least im not totally doing it wrong. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "...but to me a really exciting game is when there is no goals at all - that means both teams have very good defensive skills and it makes the match very exciting... that one goal could change everything... ;)", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nice, kinda like hockey! Did u know Nfl uses tracking chips embedded in players shoulder pads to record a players every move on the field. they are also located inside footballs to track: velocity, rotation, ball speed and location.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That data is for coaching ? Not sure how would they use it...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Im sure it is. Also, probably stats.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "ahhh, interesting... maybe I'll start watching it :)", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "its pretty boring. lol. a lot of waiting around, and way too many penalties. If u go to an actual football game much more exciting. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Ok :) thanks for the warning ! :) Thank You so much for chatting - it was a pleasure !", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "have a good one!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "do you like the nfl?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I sure do. do you know women can play too?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yes since there is not rule that is written against that", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes as long as they qualify , they can play", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. Did you know the average gameplay is only 11 minutes", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes and yet we are glued to the tv for hours to an end", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah true. Did you know engineers make more than them over the lifetime?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess they have longer careers so that makes sense", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True. Did you hear of that rule for New Orleans cheerleaders?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes they are not allowed to eat in the same place as the players", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes and worst, they have to leave mid meal if they walk in\n", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah it is outdated and it needs to go by now", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I agree. Did you hear they are placing chips on the players to track them?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes they are looking for velocity and speed and other stuff", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I hope they can use that to make the game safer too", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "that is a great idea. Do you like Brady?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like him . Did you know he was a backup QB in high school?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes and they never started him even during important games ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "THey must still be regretting that to this day I bet", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I bet so too. Do you know who Alex Smith is?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He is the QB that finished college in two years", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "what a smart guy, really planned ahead", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True and managed to have a degree and a career in the nfl", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, do you like football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes. The NFL is a professional American football league consists of 32 team which divided equally between NFC and AFC.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Dale Earnhardt seems to be a redskin fan. do you have a favorite team?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Los Angeles Rams is my favourite team.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You had a good year last year. Earnhardt thinks fondly of his redskins but not recently.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "NFL regular season was from September to December, each team want to 16 games and advance t play-off.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I bet earnhardt thinks back to 1992 fondly when the redskins won their first superbowl.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "NFL uses tracking chips embedded in players shoulder pad to record the movement of a players in the field to know the rotation, ball speed.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like to eat chips! Especially doritos! At least earnhardt is optimistic about the future...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The team gets locker-room guys and character guys that are bringing the team together and feel as one family in this moment we surely lift the trophy in this season.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He's also excited about Alex Smith, their new qb from kc.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Kellan moore is the only left handed quarterback in the NFL. All time record for wins by starting a quarterback in NCAA division.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I hope the redskins had a good year in 2018. I hope Dale had fun with it too!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes. All you wishes come true. Do you use library ?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do use the library. You?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes. Library is the collection of knowledge and updated technology is used today we are digital library.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, I really enjoy using it. I think the library has grown to more than just books and digital items. I think it has become more of a central part of a community.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It make the habit of reading and in ancient Greece also have a library.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know a librarian and she cares more about the peopple in her library than just about anyone I know cates about things.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Most of the US teenagers use the library very frequently. Library is also collection books range from singe to several books.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Thanks for spending some time with me this morning. I hope you have a nice day!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you usually vote in elections?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Then he should leave Hollywood for his own good. It's a tough job, acting. You really have to be self-motivated.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Think that was something that was originally on the ballot, or a suggestion that everyone else went with?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Probably on the original ballot in Austin TX, hard to imagine a grass roots movement to write in Fred Durst name for a garbage dump", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True. I don't like waiting in line, so it would be nice to get to vote from space like the astronauts do", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yea I prefer that than using a polling booth in a forest full of lions like in India", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder how many of their citizens vote in their elections", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I don't know, theres over a billion people in India but they must take voting seriously to put in a booth for a single voter", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's true. I mean, even setting up the booth is dangerous for the government to do", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yea, I wonder if they try to suppress voting in India like they do in places like Alabama where 34% of Black males have lost the right to vote", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's a large percentage. I hope it's for a good reason and not prejudice", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I don't know, I wonder what was the reason all men in the UK couldn't vote until 1918", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "There are many things in the UK that don't make sense. Then again, the US isn't that much better with some of how our laws used to be", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yea, it's weird how until 1805 the runner up in the election became Vice President and all of a sudden they stopped doing that", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It likely changed when the different political parties began forming. It might be better that the law has changed about that", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Maybe, I know Washington didn't have a party, he was also one of the wealthiest presidents along with Jefferson and JFK", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Of course Kennedy would be the only recent one to make it in the top 3. Trump likely wishes he could accumulate that kind of wealth", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Trump probably wishes he could also release 3 pop albums like the president of Indonesia", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It probably couldn't hurt his campaign for re-election if he wrote a catchy pop single. I wonder if it helped that President", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It must of because he released 3 in total, unless the president of Indonesia was a dictator and forced people to buy the albums", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Most Presidents are in a republican type government, so I don't think that's the case", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Democrats and Republicans and all the controversy, what are your thoughts?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think it's all pretty silly, but we have a civic duty to vote to get our thoughts heard. Like in Austin, when they voted to change the name of the dump to Fred Durst.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That sounds messed up lol, they must hate Fred Durst, Astronauts can vote from space!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Just shows how important voting is, I guess! Apparently, the Indian government will set up a polling booth in a lion-filled forest for a single voter.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Seems like a lot of trouble for just one man, 34% of the black males in Alabama lost their right to vote permanently", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's terrible. I wonder why. That's hardly even considered a democracy.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I agree they should have the right to vote, 34% is a significant number that can alter an election", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Definitely. I mean, the government is far from perfect. In the beginning, the US Vice President was the runner up to the President. Can you imagine how dysfunctional that would be?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Really dysfunctional, there would be a lot of problems in office or maybe it can bring the parties together", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, could you imagine a President Hillary and a Vice President Trump? Since she technically won the popular vote, I mean.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That would be a chaos, did you hear about the president that released 3 pop albums while in office", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, talk about a fun party! I wonder if I made a little radio out of a blade and pencil like the soldiers in WW2 used to, if I could listen to his albums?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I dont think so, you might find his greatest hits online but I doubt they are on the radio, but who knows, if soldiers could make radios like that anything is possible", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, there's a lot of things like that you can get for free online. I think there's one where you can stream a bunch of old radio dramas.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That sounds like a site I would like, did you know that some of the storms of Jupiter are so strong they can be picked up by a radio!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I don't know if that says more about how strong the storms are on Jupiter, or how crazy radio technology is!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think a bit of both, there is also a radio station that broadcasts news in latin, ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think I've heard about that. It's from Finland? They've apparently been doing it since 1989.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah thats right, its seems like a boring segment but I guess it has a group of fans after all its been around almost 30 years", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. I guess there's a fan of everything. In Canada, it's a law that almost half of the music on the radio played has to be Canadian. Talk about pride.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think thats a great law that promotes local talent, Canada has good artists, Drake, Bieber. ", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, how are you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am okay. Do you know much about presidents?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do not. Do you know a lot about presidents/", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I have some knowledge. I know that the only president to earn a PHD was Woodrow Wilson. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow! The top three wealthiest presidents in american history were jfk, washington, and jefferson", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I suppose that is not all that surprising. Apparently Lincoln was the first president to be photographed for his inauguration and John Wilkes Booth (his later assassin) is in the photo! How strange.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Indian government sets up a polling booth in a forest full of lions for a single voter.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "WOW! That seems accommodating but also dangerous. Apparently only five presidents have been elected while still losing the popular vote. It's crazy that two of those have happened in my lifetime. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow. How old are you (if that's too personal, sorry...) Citizens of austin tx voted to rename their garbage dump after fred durst", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm 37. The Fred Durst fact is hilarious!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wait... Im older than you! Besides Trump, who was the other?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Bush Jr. He lost the popular vote to Gore in 2000. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Really??? I did not know that. I thought it all came down to FL and he won... Public education...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ha ha. Nope. Bush got 50,456,002, Gore 0,999,897.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow. Now I feel like fake news got me. Just kidding, i do not believe in fake news...Jupiter has radio storms so strong that they can be picked up and heard by an am radio.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well Florida was an issue for the electoral college so it was important. That's why they had to recount. I did not know that about Jupiter. Speaking of radio, there is a radio station that translates solar activity into sound and you can listen live to the sun's music.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "According to canadian law, all radios are required to have at least 40% of the music played be canadian.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "What a strange rule. Bill Murray voiced the human torch in the 1970's fantastic four radio show. I wonder how much popularity he had at that time?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Not sure but i would giggle the whole time because i would think caddy shack...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That makes sense. He's made so many funny movies. I'm a big fan. It's estimated that bing crosby recordings filled more than half of the radio time allocated to recorded music in 1948. I can't believe any one person dominated to that extent. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "nice chatting with you.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "I did not realize that JFK was a wealthier president than Washington.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "JFK was loaded, I didnt realize Washington was rich lol", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes there have been a lot of unique presidents in history - Zimbabwe's president banana was a fun one", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That name is really fun, is that really his name?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I believe so! I wonder what Trump thinks with the presidents guest house being bigger than the White House?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think the guest house is actually Trumps, not owned by the goverment, ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "What would be really interesting is that until 1805 the second place in the election became vice president. A Trump Hillary combo? Yowsa!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That would be terrible, I don't like that combination, do you know that even astronauts can vote!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes! Easier to vote in space though than in India where one polling place was in a forest full of lions!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They did? I guess they really value voting rights in India, it must be a mandatory thing", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Maybe so - unlike other countries - not all men in the UK had the right to vote until 1918", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They didnt? I wonde why, 34% of the black male population in Alabama lost their rights to vote", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "There is a lot of voter discrimination in this country. Thats why the dump in austin is named after somebody.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is really messed up, I wouldnt like a dump to be named after me, they must have something against Fred Durst", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. Maybe they were listening to the radio too much - there is one station in Finland who does the news in Latin", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah that was back in 1989, sounds boring to me, but thats because I dont understand a word of latin", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Its gotta be better than listening to radio storms from Jupiter!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Storms from Jupiter actually sound pretty fun, it would be interesting at least", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Maybe so - the reception is probably as good as the radios the soldiers in ww II had - made with a razor blade and a pencil", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess that skilled saved more than one life, knowing how to make a radio out of those materials sounds like a great skill if you are at war", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "for sure. Its very challenging!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello, do you know much about the presidents?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think I'm well versed lol Which has been your favorite president so far?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice, hmm I am not sure which has been my favorite but do you know who the three wealthiest ones have been", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nope I actually have no idea, which ones are they?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is Jefferson, JKF and Washington", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I would have expected Washington since he was very knowledgeable. Do you know which president served the shortest term.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Hmm I have no idea actually, who was it? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "President Willaim Henry Harrison he only served 32 days. Do you know which president happened to also be an actor previously", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "THat is so short. I do not know that either but I heard that the president of Indonesia is a pop star", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It was ronald reagan he was an actor previously. Do you know what the president of indonesias name is? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do not know his name actually but I know that he has already released 3 albums, I wonder how good he is ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "His name was Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono I think it had to be pretty good music if he chose not to quit after the first album lol. Do you know what was the name of the first president of Zimbabwe", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "If I am not mistake it was President Banana, I wonder if that means something else in their language", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think it was just his last name. Do you know the name of the presidents guest house?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do not know the name but I know that it is larger than the white house itself.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Its called the Blair house, its so big since its composed of 4 seperate buldings.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow I can see why then. DO you know how the V used to be elected before 1805?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nope actually i don't know the vice president process from back then what was it?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well the runner up was bumped to VP so either way they won something", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That actually makes things more fair because the best 2 candidates end up winning regardless", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think so too, the runner up puts a lot of work into it too", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Did you know the president of indonesia released 3 albums while in office? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yes, i did. i have not heard the albums. i expect them to be pretty good. after all, he is president.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, I wonder where he finds the time? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "He has a shadow govt to run most things for him. he needs to focus on that pop career. real world leaders know the value of celebrity.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Interesting, he has a shadow government? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well, i figure to manage the time to get those pop albums out, he must do something like that. I certainly couldnt run a country myself and do the pop albums too.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Interesting, the albums probably aren't very good. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess not. the man didnt get his position of power on his musical talent. What do you thnk of the president of zimbabwe?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think his last name is Banana. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is an awesome moniker! the man must be a hero to his people. we should give trump a fruity nickname.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like trump. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ok, what would be a good nickname for him then? He has not released pop albums. He is not the richest president.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I just call him the trumpster. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is a great nickname! Until 1805 in the us, the runner up in a presidential election automatically became the vice president. What nickname would we give hillary then?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Just clinton. it would make for good cable tv. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yes, it would be a hoot. like some sort of psycho reality tv show. i would pay to watch.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, that would be pretty cool. What about the radio, do you ever listen? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "i used to listen to the radio. not so much now. i use the computer mostly. You?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, me too. I use Youtube a lot. Well, nice chatting with you. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, it has been a great chat! Thank you very much. Have a good evening!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You too, take it easy!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello! Did you know that the top 3 presidents in American history were JFK, Washington, and Jefferson. I think Trump though is now on that list so it would be a top 4 list. lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hi! No I was never aware of that! ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Do you know what they called the first president of Zimbabwe?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do happen to know that. The first president of Zimbabwe was called 'President banana.' It makes me wonder why they call this person that. Can you believe that at one point in time, the vice president was actually the runner up in an election?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "hahahah Could you imagine that runner up situation happening now. Yikes!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "There would be nothing but chaos! There would be little sense in voting!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes! I wouldn't want to have been in India where the Indian government sets up a polling booth in a forest full of lions for a single voter! I didn't think there were lions in India? I think there are tigers there.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah I agree! I would love to know more about seems like a movie plot haha. And yeah, I've always heard of tigers in India, not lions. What might be even crazier, is that astronauts can actually vote in outer space!!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's cool they let them do that! Not all men in the UK had the vote until 1918. Maybe because the King and Queen still had the power to do what they wanted?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah possibly! That was barely 100 years ago, it's hard to believe there was a time when certain people couldn't vote. Did you know that in the state of alabama, 34 percent of black males have lost their right to vote?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I didn't know that. I wonder why? Citizens of Austin, TX voted to rename their garbage dump after Fred Durst. That's funny!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's crazy!!! I can't believe that something like that was a big enough issue to actually call for a vote!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know! I wonder how many people voted for the president of Indonesia. He released 3 pop albums while in office so he must have been already popular before he got elected.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "He must be very interesting haha. I can't imagine trump releasing an album lol. Speaking of music, did you know that in Canada, 40 percent of the music played on the radio must be canadian music?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Haha ...and I didn't. That's kind of a neat idea. Gives Canadian musicians a good shot at being heard.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes it does! I'm curious as to the canadian songs that are played, I might have to look some up later to listen.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I actually used to listen to Canadian radio. I liked a lot of the rock bands I heard. I live in extreme North East Ohio just 5 minutes South of Lake Erie so for years in the 90s and 2000's I was able to pick up Canadian radio clear.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh that's really interesting! I'll definitely have to listen! Did you know that there is a website where you can listen to classic radio dramas for free?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I didn't but I will look that up. I also wanted to listen to those shows just to see what they were like. Jupiter has radio storms that are so strong they can be picked up and heard by an AM radio. How cool is that?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It's pretty amazing! And soldiers once made radios out of razor blades and pencils. that's insane!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That was pretty skilled of them to be able to do that! How interesting! I have to get going. It's been fun chatting with you! Have a good day!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, how are you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Howdy, okie do you like radio? LOL", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like listening to music but most of the time I listen to podcast. What about you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I normally just listen to sports talk radio to get to sleep. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "To get to sleep? What do you listen to? I listen to sports podcasts and have a few favs.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I try to find local stuff. But when I go to bed, there isn't to much local sports talk on the radio. Thus, I listen to one of the ESPN podcasts that's on. Hate the female sportscasters though.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I listen to Dan LeBatard and love that show. I dont like Chciago's local guys. Too bland.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Never heard of Dan LeBatard, might have listened to him on the radio...I never catch or remember the names. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's fair. Plus he's in the morning. I also listen to Dan Patrick but I feel like he is getting redundant. Have you heard of him?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh yes! I've heard Dan Patrick plenty of times on the radio. I don't really have an opinion whether I like him or not. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I've listened to him for 12 years and it is getting too sportsy for me. And I do love sports! I would like more pop culture in there...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm surprised they don't have any pop culture radio out there. You bring up a good point.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They hit on it once in a while but not as much as I want. Pop culture may not be the right term... maybe stray away from sports because they are all fun and really smart. Would help the show.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "What I really hate is when they have 3 or 4 announcers on the radio at the same time, laughing and giggling and talking over each other. It's annoying! I prefer just 1 or 2 people.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. I like that more too. It's always awkward when the host and guest talk over each other. I get irritated...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I also hate when they play sports clips that are inaudible...happens more now than back in my day. If you can't make out what's going on....why play it?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. They play a ton of the ambient noise in the clip and need to clean it up.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I graduated from radio broadcasting. My teachers would have never put up with lousy audio sports clips on the radio.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You did? What college? That's so exciting!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ohio School of Broadcasting. Graduate in 1987. Thanks for asking", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice chatting with you!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, do you listen to the radio?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "i used to listen to the radio when i was young. not so much now. You?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I usually listen online to like Spotify. Do you have a favorite genre?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "i like rock pop jazz. i dont use spotify though. what is your favorite genre?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I listen to almost anything but rap. I want to like it but I just cannot get into it.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "i cant get into either. i like melody and harmony. lyrics are not much to me. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I agree. I prefer a soft tone in my music. Not to say I don't like rock but I feel like rap isn't for me. I try the classic like Run DMC but nothing...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, there are good groups but it is just not my idiom. Would you listen to the news in latin? I cant imagine who does that.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Isn't that a dead language? I could not follow it but then again, I am not smart...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "i guess there is not much to do in finland if people listen to the news in latin. the old radio dramas would be better.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I agree. I remember walking into my grandparents and they would be listening to those. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yeah, some of them were pretty good. war of the worlds. good stuff for a non-visual medium.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They actually had like 4 of those. One in south american and they were so mad, they burned down the radio station. It was in like 1975ish.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "that is funny. people really cant tell what is real and what isnt. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is funny and someone almost died in the fire. They had to jump out a second floor window.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "What do you think about voting? I try to vote every election.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Me too. I do get tired of politics though. Do you enjoy politics?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "i dont like paying attention too often. It can get a bit depressing. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yeah. I am really tired of the whole thing and it's only march 2019. We have 1.75 years left!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, it is going to be a long run up to 2020. i figure that we will all be exhausted by the end of the race. anyway, great chat!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Ditto. Have a nice weekend!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello! Do you use Facebook?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I sometimes do. Do you? I hear Facebook is mentioned in lots of divorce filings nowadays.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes sadly. It's a bad thing for that. Burger King once ran a promotion where if you unfriended 10 people on Facebook you would get a free whopper. Some of those people who had to file divorce because of it should have taken them up on their offer. They could have gotten a free whopper!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think so! Facebook is so popular that over a quarter of Americans use it as their main news source!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's crazy I think. Don't you? I see so much trash on there or biased stories. Facebook is valued at over 104 billion dollars now! Wow.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It was hard enough to believe some of the news on TV, but I agree, the stuff you can read on Facebook is sometimes absurd!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. Myspace turned down an offer to buy Facebook for 75 million in 2005. Bad move on their part. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's interesting because Facebook is blue like the Democrat party and Myspace was Red like Republicans and I heard that Democrats are projected to dominate in the future.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I never noticed that about the colors. Mark Zuckerburg must be a democrat because he made Facebook primarily blue because he suffers from red-green colorblindness. lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Maybe it was a happy consequence for him and Facebook. I heard that red was once a more likable color for people but now it's blue. Something about the sub-conscience. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's interesting! Do you watch much television? Ever a fan of \"That 70s show?\"", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I have watched that 70's show on TV. It was one of my favorite shows to watch when it came out! Do you like it, too?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I loved it. I recently found out that they made a UK version of it called \"Days Like These\". They only made 10 episodes. You can find them on Youtube. It's funny because the characters names are the same, they dress the same, and have the same quirks and personalities as the 70s show characters. Even the different car scenes at the beginning are the same just with different music.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's pretty funny! I wonder if the show would have included Facebook if it was as out at the time? Can you imagine cut-scenes to the characters Facebook walls?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "lol I never thought of that. That would be neat! I can't believe how popular Pokemon is. There are over 750 episodes. I never quite understood it. My kids like it though.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well, I thought the card game was ok. Magic cards is better. I remember Neopets coming out. I heard the like button was once going to be called the awesome button. I wonder why it's not.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Hmm...I don't know. Interesting. Facebook's like button is illegal in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. I don't know why though.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I thought besides the like button that Facebook also used to have an unlike button like Youtube?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You know what? You're right! They did have a dislike. Maybe they got rid of it due to advertisers demands because they make most of their revenue from ads that appear on the screen?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I heard that instead of that they give the Facebook users the option of putting in an emoji. I wonder if it's all because they don't want people to be offended?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I would say that you're probably correct. It was nice chatting with you!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you know that cars were invented in 1800's?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think the late 1800's right? do you know who invented the first car?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I don't know. However, Benz had the first patent. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "ah interesting, also crazy is that the first drivethrough was invented by McDonalds", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I heard. It was in 1975 to accommodate soldiers.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "ya, that makes me hungry! I think it's cool that flamethrowers are legal in South Africa! I could use those to melt the snow on my driveway", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do not think it is legal in the US. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "no but I wish we could make a mad max style freeway haah, do you know about why cars rear's are called trunks?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do not remember. Please tell me why they are called trunks.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "well old cars used to have wooden trunks in the back to carry stuff so I guess that name just stuck haha", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That was interesting. There are a lot of new things I learn from chatting with people.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "ya did you hear about the guy who became a professional car driver? he did it after beating 90k people in the videogame gran tourismo", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That was also interesting. I guess his reflex improved greatly because of video games.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "ha it must be that, do you know about the history of detroit at all?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do not know. Please tell me about it. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "well it was founded by Antoine de la monthe cadillac, he's also teh person that cadillac cars is named after", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "When you mentioned Detroit - is it about the city in Michigan?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yes it is, I live in Michigan actually and even I didn't know that about Detroit haha", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I did not know that Cadillac (the name) had to do with a Frenchman. I thought it had to do with the US.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "ya me neither, do you watch the Simpsons at all?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I did years ago but I have no time now. Anyway, I've got to run. It was nice chatting with you.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, how are you this morning?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Good morning, were you aware that Google's self driving cars have an \"aggressive\" mode? Sounds like a disaster in the making, to me.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I didn't know that. Sounds dangerous to me! We've come along way since the modern car was invented by Karl Benz in 1886. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "For far too long, I thought Henry Ford invented the car, lol. I'm in Ohio, and it truly is illegal to warm your car up. The police make you very aware of that if it is stolen while running.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow, that's interesting and it's so cold in Ohio, too! Did you know the Cadillac is named after French explorer, Antoine De La Mothe Cadillac, who founded Detroit?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I did, I've been to his home on Bell Island. It's funny that Audi had to invent a new horn, for the Indian Market.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Didn't know that tidbit of info, but I do know it's legal in South Africa to equip your car with flamethrowers to prevent carjacking.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is cool. I would love to find a barn full of classic cars, like that guy in New York.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You and me both, we'd be rich! Hard to believe the Mcdonald's drive thru has only been in existence since 1975, though.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wouldn't know, I was born after that. I cant believe so many people don't realize that the fuel gauge will tell you which side your gas tank is on.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Cool, nice to know. Do you know the trunk of your car is called that because old cars used to have wooden trunks on their backs?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Were you aware that Homer Simpson has held over 180 jobs on the Simpsons?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, but that doesn't surprise me. I hear there is one Simpsons episode where Bart is neither mentioned nor appears. Have you seen it?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I have not, as I don't watch the simpsons. I would have liked to seen the one where Daniel Radcliffe was voicing Edward Cullen.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, that would have been awesome. I heard that when South Park aired its final episode the producers received flowers from the Simpsons crew. That was nice of them to do.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Its weird how divorce has progressed, as of 2011, 1/3 of all divorces, cite \"facebook\" as part of the reason.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I can believe it. Lol I bet MySpace feels stupid for turning down an offer to buy Facebook in early 2005.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Probably. It's insane that they have over 56 gender options.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Really? I didn't know that. I know the like button is illegal in one German state.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wish it were illegal here. That drives me crazy. Along with how many adults consider facebook a news source.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Amen to that! Well, it's been nice chatting with you this morning. Hope you have a good day, friend.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi! Do you own a compact car, crossover SUV, SUV, or what type of car do you own?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I love Cadillacs and would like to own one of those! Never knew until recently they were named after the founder of Detroit - French explorer Antoine De La Mothe Cadillac! What about you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like Cadillacs as well and would be proud to take it to the drive thru of my favorite fast food restaurants like Chic-Fil-A or McDonald's, they were the ones who started the drive-thru in order to accommodate soldiers who weren't able to get out of their cars while wearing their uniforms.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's crazy, Isn't it? I assumed drive-thrus were always apart of fast food chains. Wonder when the first drive-thru was introduced, if cars still had wooden trunks in the back as they used to have, hence where the name \"trunk\" came from. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They were introduced in 1975 which seems a bit late to me, imagine if it was patented or trademarked, then Jann Mardenborough wouldn't have to become a professional race car driver by beating 90K other people in a video game!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ha! No kidding. That takes real talent to be able to do both! If Jann ever races in south Africa, let's hope he has a flamethrower in his car to keep carjackers away!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I imagine it could be quite fun and liberating to press the \"launch\" buttons to activate those flamethrowers, it's the equivalent of a Turbo button in the video game Gran Turismo that Jan plays.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ha! I wouldn't mind seeing a documentary about Jann on the tele one day! Speaking of tv, were you a fan of 70's Show? I heard it was remade in the UK but cancelled literally 10 episodes in. Crazy, Isn't it?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Never saw much of it but I do know that Ashton Kutcher got his claim to fame from that show, you think the reason it was cancelled was because there weren't any actors or actresses worth gushing over?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Maybe so? Weird it was cancelled 10 episodes in yet a show like Pokemon has over 750 episodes!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Have you ever seen an episode of pokemon? I haven't, even though there's that many episodes! That's enough to last for 16 years if you played 50 of them every season.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It's a great show for kids although I haven't seen too many. No where near 750. Ha! I prefer South Park. Speaking of which, did you know the Simpson's crew actually sent the South Park producers flowers after they aired the Family Guy episode?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's very nice of them, I wonder if that happened after the episodes where its the only one where Bart didn't appear and isn't even mentioned, did they foresee an ending in sight?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm honestly not sure. It's crazy Bart never appeared nor was mentioned in an episode, right? Wonder what episode that was? Maybe I can post about it on Facebook and get an answer! Speaking of Facebook, it's crazy how far it's come since it was launched on Feb 4th, 2004!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You can definitely get an answer if you post it, there are some very loyal fans of the show, I would've never noticed Bart never appeared. Did you know how Facebook came to be and how it was developed?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know Mark Zuckerberg developed it with help from a few roommates at Harvard and it grew from there... And boy did it grow!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, definitely makes me think about the things I \"didn't\" accomplish while I was stuck in my dorm room with roommates back in the day. I wonder how MySpace feels now for turning down Facebook for a discounted rate of $75 million. How would you feel?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Especially knowing MySpace is nothing now, I would be depressed. So sad to think where MySpace would be today had they opted to buy the $104 billion dollar company. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "My guess is they would be a venture company investing billions in other startup companies in hopes of find their next payoff like \"Facebook\", but maybe if they ran a promotion like what Burger King once did where if you unfriended 10 people, you'd get a Free Whopper, maybe there's still some hope with great marketing.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ha! That is true. Heck, the colors maybe different as well since Facebook is mainly blue due to Zuckerberg being color blind!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah and the \"like\"button could be used to spread positivity unlike in a german state where it's actually banned.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hey there what do you watch on television? I know I like to watch stranger things and South Park", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I haven't seen Stranger Things. Is that on Netflix?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is on Netflix haha. I don't have cable personally. And I TV isn't even set up to get over-the-air free stuff haha what about you", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I don't watch a lot of TV, but I do watch South Park. Keeps me up to date on current events.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yep and they always have a good take on funny things that are happening too. Do you remember the one where they made fun of the Family Guy ?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I do. The manatees made up the stories. Basic random jokes were the result. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Haha that was awesome! I love that the creators of The Simpsons sent the creators of South Park Flowers after that episode, that is so hilarious", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think the Simpsons agreed about how stale the humor was on Family Guy. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh they totally did. Have you seen the episode of The Simpsons where Bart is not mentioned and he doesn't even appear? I've trying to figure out which episode that is, because I think I've seen them all but I don't remember that one", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I don't remember the episode either. I wonder what other characters have been in every episode. Do you watch Pokemon? I've never seen it.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I used to watch Pokemon as a kid. I really like Bulbasaur and Pikachu. Do you have any Pokemon that you love? I can't believe they're over 750 episodes at this point I'll never be able to catch up", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Don't really know Pokemon. 750? That's it? I figured there would be more with the demand.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh really? I was shocked it was that many, Pokemon has been around for a really long time and I'm always amazed that it's still as popular, if not more popular than it ever has been", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess I missed my chance. I was born too early. Do you listen to the radio at all?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I don't really listen to the radio no. I don't typically have to drive to work and even if I did I listen to YouTube stuff mostly, what about you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I used to listen to the radio when I was young. Now I go to youtube for music and documentaries. There is a website where you can listen to thousands of episodes of classic radio dramas for free. I wonder who goes there.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yep even though it's free I still wouldn't go there haha. There's too much other cool stuff especially on YouTube that I could be watching. And even YouTube is free. Do you know what a fox hole radio is?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know what a foxhole is. It is something for war, so I guess a foxhole radio is something for soldiers.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yep a foxhole radio is a radio made out of necessity using a razor blade and a pencil as the diode, although I can't say exactly how that would work", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess it picks up vibrations that they can amplify. I don't really know either. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "What do you think about Jupiter as a planet? Personally I still am missing Pluto haha. But seriously you can pick up Jupiter radio storms on AM radio. When I'm bored maybe I'll try to pick them up sometime", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you know when Russia invaded the Ukraine?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hi am not sure, but I think Russia invaded UKraine in 2014.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Thanks. I was reading about students that were essentially refugees. Have you heard about them?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I heard about that, there was a soldier captured by the Russian, which died later.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Internally displaced persons! How awful is that language from Russian television?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes you are right, I don't think too many US trust them and what their say.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Do you know much about television?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes my favorite thing when I am relaxing is watching TV.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Do you enjoy the Simpsons?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I like the Simpsons, especially Bart. It can be a fun to watch.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "There is only one episode of the show where Bart neither appears, nor is mentioned.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yes I remember reading about that. Did you know there are over 750 episodes of pokemon?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I have heard that. There is something like enough for 16 years at 50 episodes a year!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, what do you think about the dutch are creating a commuter bus designed to travel at 160 mph?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is amazing. I would want some radio to listen to if I were on that bus!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes you are so right, I would be afraid to ride that bus, how would it remain on the rail or line.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True, but it is still better than the icelandic option - complete lack of public rail and few cars!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's true Japan highways are tolls and it costs more than $300 to travel across country.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder if Kink Kalakaua encountered those tolls when he traveled around the world.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I don't think so since this was a king, you know they get special treatments.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True. Still, rich or poor, you cannot escape the radio storms of Jupiter.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's true, I read about that, are you a radio listener? I only listen to the radio when I am driving.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like to listen to classic radio dramas on the Internet.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No I haven't have about it, but I will read upon it. It was nice chatting with you, have a good night.", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you like to travel?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do, though I wish I could afford to do it more. Funny that planes traveled faster in the 60s though", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Would love to check out the Ukraine. But Putin is making that a funky choice.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I would be terrified with all the propaganda, seems too dangerous with so much emphasis on war", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. But they are ironically more friendly to westerners an unintended consequence of Putin's anti-Western propaganda", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Haha I feel like he shouldve seen hat coming with all the disapproval. Have you ever stolen a gnome? I have once but Id never think of returning them like some apparently", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I've never seen a gnome. Maybe in the Netherlands once....but I was on a bus going 160 mph.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Dude props. What about couch surfing? Theres a website for that now, really puts a spin on hitch hiking", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Can potatoes surf? Cause I'm doing a Pokemon marathon...750 episodes", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Thats impressive and makes me feel like a bad 90s kid. Though I still love Bing Crosby, crazy how he filled more than half the radio time in 1948", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Canadian regulators must've been going crazy. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "haha well at least if theyre that mad they can just tune into a station with solar activity", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well, if they plant a flag on Jupiter, that may fulfill the 40% Canadian music rule.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I dont know much about that, but I know Canada pays Urkraine for Ukrainian based songs", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Whoa. Surprised there is a market. But some people still listen to classical Latin, so who knows", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I love Latin music. Can you believe Shakespear's two noble kinsmen isnt a movie yet? I always thought that was one of the better ones", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah...the simpsons without bart episode will probably become a movie before another Shakespeare play does...they way things are going these days", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I can totally see radcliffe voicing edward cullen in the simpsons though, I think he would've done a better job than the movie actor", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Give Ringo Starr a shot. He pulled of Thomas the Tank Engine.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I didn't know that! Youd think it'd go to Homer, he did have 188 jobs by the first 400 episodes", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wild. i'm going to check that out no. Nice chatting with you.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello, do you watch television?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I do. I watch Big Bang Theory and the national news.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Love the big bang theory! Im a few seasons behind lol ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Do you watch Saturday Night Live?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No not really. you? Did you know there are 750 episodes of pokemon?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I do. That's a lot of episodes.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Its like 16 years of episodes !", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Apparently, most deals made on the shark tank show are never enacted.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Thats sad, what a fake tv show then. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think it is. I watch it from time to time when nothing else is better.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Do you like to travel? I hear the dutch are making a high speed commiuter bus that travels 160 mph", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I do. I went to Netherlands twice. That bus is too fast for me. I do not plan to ride on it.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh really lol I would definitely try it. In Japan, crossing the country will take $300 in tolls!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I cannot afford that. I will take trains instead.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Right, not to mention I will have a hard time driving on the opposite side of the road. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I heard that there is a website for people that will let you crash on their couch while you are traveling. Do you know about the website? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yeah I think its called or something like that. I have never used it though. i wouldnt mind though!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do not like to stay at strangers' houses. I have never stayed at airbnb either.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh wow, Ive stayed in a lot of airbnb and even a hostel. I dont mind it, especially if I need to save money for more important traveling expenses. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm female and old. So, I'm not as courageous as young people. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Fair enough. Its been great chatting with you, thanks for the conversation. ", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, how are you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am fine. How about you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I am well. Do you pay attention to the international happenings?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "A little bit. Everything that goes on in the world will definitely affect other countries. It's interesting how people have become so much more knowledgable about other countries since we have tv and radio. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. I am intrigued by the Russian international motication. What are they trying to do? I guess they could say the same about the US...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Probably so. Although, Russia is no stranger to trying to control other countries. Just look at its history.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. I worry about countries like Ukraine, not strong enough to be an international player so they have to bend to the will of large super powers like Russia. I do not care about their officials. I care about the ones who lose their loved ones to chemical attacks by their president or Iraq's citizens through Hussain.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It is a terrible world. I love to travel, but it is getting more frightening to set off of US soil. So far, our country has been very blessed in spite of the problems that we face.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I agree. I feel like I won the geography lottery when I see what other countries are going through. Feel like lightening this up a little?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes. By all means. There is enough dispair. Speaking of travel. I love to travel whether in the US or outside. The beauty of the US is wonderful no matter where one goes. I've been all over the US.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice. Where is the best spot you have been to?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I love Montery, CA. A beautiful place with great mid temperatures all year round.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Really. Where is that in CA? In Napa Valley?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No, closer to San Jose on the West Coast. Around Carmel.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice. Have you ever been to Mackinac Island?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No, but I understand it's a very calm place, with no noisy, pollutants called motor vehicles. ;)", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I saw that on a previous hit and looked it up... the houses are beautiful and the island is so nice looking. It is in michigan though so it has cold winters...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's for sure. It must be very cold there now. It's cold everywhere. It's a good time to stay in the house and watch TV or listen to the radio. Can you imagine the intelligence of those who invented these things that keep us occupied these days.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know. And the evolution of the stuff too. I remember switching the TV with a knob and getting yelled at by my dad for turning it too quickly.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ha. Do you remember the circle in the middle of the screen when there was no programming. The good old black and white. Wow, now the screens are huge and beautiful projections. I wonder what Edison would say about \"smart TV's\"?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "A little more advanced than his lightbulb! Nice chatting with you!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Did you know America has a president?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do, his name is Donald Trump. Good thing we don't have a dictator or an authoritarian regime", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Do you not like Trump? I think he is the greatest president ever!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I don't like him at all, he is too stubborn for me but I respect your point of view", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "WOW! Did you know that that the president of indonesia made a pop album, 3 TIMES!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I didnt know that! 3 times? does he know he has a country to run lol", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is a small country though. Did you know that the guest house of the white house is smaller than the White House?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Its smaller? that doesnt make sense at all, I wonder why they made the White House smaller then", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm not sure. Do you like Pokemon?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do like Pokemon, used to be my favorite show as a kid, its been 16 years since the show premiered", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. Hilarious! I played pokemon go. Let's just say that \"I didn't go anywhere!\"", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I walked around but got tired of the game, did you watch that 70's Show?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I did, not a fan of it, but can see how people like it. I hear they did a remake in the UK, how did that go?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It went terrible or so I suppose, the show got cancelled after 10 episodes and it had a terrible name ''Days Like These'' no creativity there", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Hilarious. Well, perhaps they should have brought in Ringo Starr, I hear he does guest appearances? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I dont know about that but he is one of the narrators of the shoe Thomas the Tank Engine, Ringo Starr would be a great addition to any show", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like the beatles, did you listen to them where you grew up?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I did, it was one of my favorite bands, Ringo Starr was a great performer, I follow him since then", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Ringo is great, too bad about John. What a shame. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah so changing the subject a bit what are your thoughts on Kim Jong-Un?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice! Well it was great chatting with you! Have a nice day as Gump would say!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Its been great chatting as well", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You too. ", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "do you know much about presidents?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know some stuff. Do you know who the three wealthiest ones in the US are?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that is JFK, Washington and Jefferson", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes. Do you know what the first president of Zimbabwe was called?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes he was called President Banana", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Did you know that the white house is smaller than the guest house?\n", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes I guess they get a lot of people there and need the room\n", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "True. Do you know how the VP used to be elected?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that was just the runner up that moved into that position", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Did you know the president of Indonesia is a pop star?\n", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes and he has already released 3 albums while in office\n", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Do you watch much tv?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes a lot actually. I love watching the SImpsons and you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I love that show too. Did you know Bart did not appear in one episode?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes and he was not even mentioned in it at all", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Strange. How about That 70s Show?\n", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that too but I hear it did not do well in the UK\n", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes they stopped it after just episodes, do you know why?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They remade it verbatim and I really think that did not work", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes it is a different country and different humor", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Exactly. Nice chat!!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "hi how are you? what do you think of Kim Jong-un?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I heard he is editing pictures to portray a different history. If he is trying to fool people that is despicable.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He is a crafty one, that is for sure. i would NEVER trust that guy, mostly because of what he does to his own people.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wonder if the assumption that he learned to drive at age 3 is merely propaganda to make him look more advanced than the average person.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Is there any truth in anything in that country? ive heard that they use a lot of amphetamine. that would make sense. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess North Korea didn't have a leader until 1948. There is a lot I don't know about history.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, the country was pulled apart after WW II. it had been a colony of Japan. a sad history really.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I don't know a lot about America's presidents either, which is disappointing because America is my native country. I didn't pay much attention in history class in high school.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "is there a problem with server here? Sorry, I didnt pay attention in high school either LOL", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I imagine if I was a student in zimbabwe, my ears would have perked up when I heard the first president of zimbabwe was called banana, and afterwards I would have always paid attention in history class.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, what a nickname! I wonder if Kim has a nickname. We should probably give Trump one too.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Kim Jong Un was once called the sexiest man alive.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, the onion did a great job on that story. It was very believable ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh sorry, silly me. I guess when they said the onion they meant the fake news website. \"Sexiest man alive\" is a title that is dubious anyway, so even if a reputable source called him that, I still wouldn't believe it.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, when the onion called me the sexiest man alive, i fell for it the first time. Never again! Boy, me and Kim JU really fell for that one hard.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think that is a problem, that someone can unintentionally create so much influential fake news. The onion is meant to be funny, but China, perhaps not able to translate the page very well, believed it as true.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, the chinese govt has misread a lot of onion articles. and they never seem to learn about sarcasm, irony, and stuff.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It reminds me of that scare that happened in the United States when people believed an alien invasion was actually taking place based on a fictional show they heard on the radio.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "War of the Worlds. during the broadcast they repeatedly told people it was fiction. Anyway, great chat!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Do you think something similar to that has happened in other countries", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "it would not surprise me. People are gullible everywhere! Have a good weekend!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "You too. Thanks for the chat.", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "hi, DO you like to watch tv?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, I watch some shows regularly here and there! ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Me too! I did like the Simpsons before when I was younger", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I haven't watched it in awhile, but I try to catch the Halloween eps! Did you know there's only ONE ep where Bart does not appear? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes , I have to find it! Did you know the Simpsons crew sent flowers to the producers of south park when airing the family guy episode finale", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh man, I can only imagine! I know Simpsons and Family Guy have a bit of friendly rivalry going on. Did you see the crossover ep between the two? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I did not! But I would love to!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, it was actually a Family Guy two partner, they go to Springfield. It had a lot of funny moments. Hard to believe the show's been on the air for about twenty years!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, It is a classic! Talking about classics remember Thomas the tank engine?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh yeah, I remember that show. Bit after my time but I'm told it's really popular among autistic kids (among others.) ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes is cute! some famous people narrated in the show, like Ringo Starr, Alec Baldwin and George Carlin", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, George Carlin narrated it? That just seems so bizarre given how cynical he comes off as in his comedy shows, that he'd have anything to do with something sweet and light like Thomas the Tank engine!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "well and I think did a good job because each of these guys narrated at least 52 episodes", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's a lot! Speaking of a lot, do you know there's over 750 episodes of the show Pokemon? That's about 50 a year for 16 years straight.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow that is a lot. 16 years of just Pokemon. I could not take it!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Come to think of it, that might even be MORE episodes than what we have of the Simpsons... think they were up to about 600 or so. Course, there's a lot of episode of Pokemon we never got to see if you're outside of Japan.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow,remember 70's show? It was made verbatim for UK but is did not work", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, think it was cancelled after only ten eps or so. What's interesting there are lot of shows that get \"imported\" to the US from other countries. for instance, The Office is a UK show that got an American version.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Ok, sometimes is a success in one place and then in another does not work!... People have been talking theses days about Kim Jong, there is a teacher's guide from N. Korea that says he learned to drive at the age of 3.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, there's all kinds of interesting \"facts\" floating around in that country about Kim Jong. I've heard elsewhere it's taught as a \"fact\" that he invented hamburgers.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is so sad! Well it was a nice chat! Have a good one", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you follow the news?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hello - yes I do follow the news. What about you? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do too. I read that Kim Jung Un wants to meet with Donal Trump again. I wonder why?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I saw that as well. I think it's another summit which the first one proved to be successful so hopefully this one is as well.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Do you think Kim Jung Un just wants the recognition of Trump?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm not too sure what his motive is to be honest.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Maybe just to be on the same footing as the world leaders. did you hear about the Canadian Docs and their pay raises?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I did not hear about them and their pay raises. What did they get? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They don't want them! The docs are saying they already make too much money! I'm like What?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "HAHA! That's just crazy! Did you know the top 3 wealthiest presidents were JFK, Washington, and Jefferson? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I did. Do you think trump will join them?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think he is definitely up there. I can't recall what he is worth.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I bet he is. Did you read about the women in Iran pulling off their head scarves? I hope they do not get punished for it.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I didn't hear that, but I bet that is dangerous to do. I was in Iraq twice with the war so I know how that goes. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Thank you for your service! My husband is an Army vet. I know how hard being in those places are. Thank you. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh wow that's awesome. Thank him for his service too. I was in the Marines and served two tours in Iraq from 2004-2008. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm glad you're home. Japanese towns are struggling with wild boars! That would be some good eating!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That would be some good eating. I've never tried boar before, but I do love bacon and pork. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Bacon. Yumm! The boars are coming in to eat the abandoned rice patties and staying!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow that's not good. Did you know there are 750 episodes of pokemon? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "My gosh yes. My kids made me sit thru all of them!! Something like 16 years of episodes right?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow that's crazy. I believe they said 16 years. It was great talking to you!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi there! do you like to watch television?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes I do. I have spent countless hours watching Pokemon.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice. Do you think you've watched all 750 episodes?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Twice. That amounts to about two weeks of my life every year for 16 years. No wonder I am odd. It could be worse. I could have spent the time watching That 70s Show...", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "lol I liked that show. I saw they redid it for the UK and called it Days like these but it flopped.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "10 episodes was all the Brits could take of it. They have more common sense than we have...", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice. Since you watched Pokemon, did you also watch Thomas the Tank?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh, yes! My favorite narrator was George Carlin. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice. I also liked Ringo Starr too.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Didyou see him on the Simpsons? I think it was the episode right after the one where Bart was not present or even referred to on the show. Only one of those...", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I've seen so many Simpsons episodes I can't recall them all. lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Then maybe they should send flowers to you in honor of your patronage!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice! lol I find it amusing that Ronald Reagan was once turned down for a role because he didn't fit the role of a president.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Entertainment is in the eye of the beholder. When Caesar visited Britain around 50BC, he noted that the Brits considered breeding chickens to be their entertainment.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They must have been pretty bored back then. I used to play the original nintedo that displayed 54 colors for my entertainment.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nice. Too bad the system was discontinued in 2003.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think that's when they switched over to the Game Cube. Did you watch Bill Nye the science guy?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No. He is a poor substitute for Steve Martin.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "lol I didn't think he looks like him either even though he won the lookalike contest to get discovered.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Not my kind of entertainment. I prefer cruising in my Cadillac, a brand named after the dude who founded detroit.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice! Thanks for the chat!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "do you like cars?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Love them. DO you know who and when invented the drive thru?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that was McDonald's back in 1975", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes and do you know why they did that?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes because soldiers were not allowed out of their cars in fatigues", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Do you know why the trunk of the car is called that?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes the old cars used to have wooden trunks", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Do you know how Cadillac got its name?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes after the founder of Detroit, de la Mothe Cadillac", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Do you know how Mardenborough became a professional driver?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes he beat 90,000 people to a game of gran turismo", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes what a guy. In south africa you can put flame throwers in your car\n", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes to protect them. Did you ever play with a Nintendo?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes it was so much fun, Too bad it got discontinued in 2003 ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. It only had 54 colors believe it or not", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes but it was still too much fun to play with it", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True, Do you know who Bill Nye is?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes the science guy. Do you know how he got into entertainment?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes he won a Steve Martin lookalike contest", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is so funny. Nice chat\n", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Same here", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi there , looking forward to chat with You !", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hello! Do you watch a lot of TV?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm watching a lot of movies and tv shows ;) is that what You're asking ? ;)", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes. I like comedies. They remade That 70's Show in the UK and it was cancelled after only 10 episodes.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Really ? It was pretty popular here ( US version ) I wonder what happened... No Ashton ? ;)", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess not! It was remade word for word, but with British actors. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Maybe it's the accent that didn't work with the dialogues ;) lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Probably true! I used to watch The Simpsons a lot. There is only one episode of \"the simpsons\" where bart neither appears, nor is mentioned!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's interesting. I love cartoons like Simpsons, South Park or Family Guy where are filled with good level satire of today's events ! Don't You ?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, me too! When south park aired its family guy episode finale the producers received flowers from the simpsons crew.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You see I thought I watched all the South Park episodes but apparently I missed that one... did You see it ? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I didn't, but I would like to. We had a giant TV growing up. Now, most TVs are flat screen.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Actually there is a new technology coming, not sure what it's called but now tvs will be as flat and see thru that You can roll them and take with You whenever You want... future is here ! ;)", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow. That's so cool! Major manufacturers announced the discontinuation of CRT, DLP, plasma, and even fluorescent-backlit LCDs by the mid-2010s.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "interesting. What do yOu think about those \"curved\" tvs that were released couple years ago ?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They're pretty neat. TVs became common way back after World War II", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah but they were HUGE :) and expensive... only some could afford it...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "True. Just like cars when they first came out. Now they are so common that there are more than 1.25 billion vehicles.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yeah... that's getting out of control... I'm from NY and You cant part anywhere... AND I LIVE ON LONG ISLAND ! ;) lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Haha. Not good! It's been nice chatting with you. Have a great day!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You too, thank You for chatting ! :)", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "How's it going? Have any interest in cars? The first car was invented by Karl Benz of Germany", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Interesting. Where would we be without cars? I enjoy driving. The history of cars is earlier than in the US.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, a lot of people automatically associate cars with the Model T and Henry Ford but not as much know it was invented in Germany", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's right. Did you know that the trunk was named because people would carry a wooden trunk on the back of their car?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, had not idea although a wooden truck seems dangerous, especially in South Africa where it is legal to equip flame throwers onto cars", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, can you imagine that in our culture today. People need to get more involved in entertainment. Not of the video kind, but more of the group stuff like dance, theater, etc.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, I have playing the nes classic quite a bit, it's funny it can only display 54 colors on a large screen tv", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess tv is more developed today. It's fun to watch a movie that was produced in black and white, and now it's been converted to beautiful color!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, I guess the nes was quite popular, it wasn't discontinued until 2003 in Japan", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'd rather watch movies. Did you know that Ronald Reagan was rejected for a movie because he didn't come across as presidential? Ha.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No i had no clue, I wonder if Bill Nye has a presidential look in addition to his Steve Martin look", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ha. He is interesting to watch and kids can learn a lot from his presentations. Too bad television isn't more useful in education.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, PBS isn't the same as it use to be when Alec Baldwin, George Carlin, and Ringo Starr narrated Thomas the Tank Engine", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Do you know the Australian actor, Jason Clarke who played Ted Kennedy in the \"Chappaquiddick\" movie. That news story was almost devestating to Ted Kennedy's career.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Not much, I didn't even know they made a Ted Kennedy movie about Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well, it was many years after the incident. I think it was just within the last year. I suppose the Kennedy name kept it from production while they were still alive.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's a shame Ted Kennedy blocked, I think it's an important story that needs to be told and Kate Mara did a good job playing Kopechne", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Goes to show what drinking can do to a life. Ruins it. Even though he was not hindered in his political career, the bad notoriety continued to haunt him.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, I wonder how well of a job the film did showing how the Kennedy family covered up the accident", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It presented the facts, but still was not condemning. The movie writers handled everything well- the love affair cover up, the justifications, and the ambiguity.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I see. Well I got to go. Nice talking with you", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "What do you do for entertainment?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am a fan of the OG Nintendo, you know the one with Duck Hunt", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I love it too! Do you know there is only 54 colors on it", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is sort of surprising. I guess I remember it being really colorful looking as a kid.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "For sure, I can't imagine how many new consoles have in them. They just stopped making nintendos in japan in 2003", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Have you seen the rerelease that is all digital? It is really cool. All of the iconic games.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I have, I still need to get mine. I got the sega one and it wasn't the same. Do you watch TV?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do every now and again, when ever I travel since I cut cable. I always loved the Simpsons, family guy, and American dad.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Me too, I like south park too. They had a funny family guy simpsons episode", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I heard they got flowers from the Simpsons crew for that one.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yea, it was so great! I was into pokemon too, there is 750 episdoes to watch", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They have been on the air for about 16 years. Pretty crazy. I play the iphone game, but missed the rest of the craze.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I used to watch so many as a kid and had all the pokemon cards, they made a comeback but im too old now for those", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They are like first editions, might be worth something if you still have them.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "some were, I will have to check them out. It was like 22 years ago i think", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Have you ever heard of Days Like These?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I have not, what is that about?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It was the verbatim remake of That 70s show in the UK... it didnt fare too well.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I heard that, it only lasted like 10 episodes! Good chatting with you!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Same here! Have a great night!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "you too!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi! It is world toilet day lol.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I was just thinking something along those lines haha. I don't often read about poop but I suppose it's an important thing to know about haha", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, it seems there is a need for sanitation awareness, because some countries are without.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I never knew that Delhi is blanketing with a toxic poop smog. How awful! Maybe some community leaders could find a more effective way to get the sanitation rules across.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You would think laws would be made to prevent going to the bathroom in the streets. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "For sure! And I also would think that having more women in leadership positions may help the issues they face.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, because they're health is most effected by sanitation issues during their childbearing years.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, and they are usually their children's primary caregiver and can teach the kids good habits. I can't even imagine what its like in the slums where people don't even have access to their own toilets. I guess I take some things for granted!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Me too. i can't imagine not having indoor plumbing. I just read they have a higher rate of childhood mortality directly related to the lack of sanitation. I feel sad now.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do too! The more I learn, the more sad I become. Women have to be afraid to even go outside to go to the bathroom in fear of encountering violence. They really need to find a solution and I bet mass media would be the best bet ultimately.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "On a lighter note, I just learned some cool facts about radio. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ooohh, I like the radio! Enlighten me with some fun facts please.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "WWII Soldiers used razor blades and pencils to make radios!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "the concept of making radios and the radio waves is difficult for me haha. I find it interesting that anything happening on Jupiter can be heard on the radio here. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, oh my..the thought we can hear the radio storms on am radio astounds me!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "seems like most things are digital these days. i enjoy listening to podcasts! It's how I learn things basically haha. I wonder what website it is that you can listen to free radio dramas.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Maybe we could youtube it to find out?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "i will have to do that later! I guess i stopped listening to the radio mainly because of commericals. At least Canada knows what's up with making it a law for radio to play music at least 40% of the time haha", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That sounds funny to me. Does that mean it just needs to be in English or does it need to be directly related to the Canadian people?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess I am not really sure! Good question.Canada is another place I want to visit someday. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I've been there a few times. It's beautiful.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am all about natural beauty and don't actually live to far from the border. One of these days, I'll drive up. Nice talking to you!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "There's lots of news on television about the government today. I guess that's to be expected on Sunday morning. I've heard the pundits use the term \"constitution\" repeatedly; at least I have the freedom to change the channel if I want to, I guess. :)", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is always good. I find it hard to watch the news these days. Everything is so slanted, no one just reports facts anymore. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's so true. Freedom of the press has taken a strange turn; that leaves the door open for non-profit media like Wikileaks to gain more traction. Sometimes it's best just to watch tv for entertainment or just turn it off all together.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I agree. I cut cable a few years ago so I get news posts via social media. I truly dont miss it that much. I do miss watching shows like the Simpsons though", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The Simpsons are awesome! Such good satire. I thought it was funny when the crew of the Simpsons sent South Park producers flowers after SP skewered Family Guy in one episode. I'm not a fan of FG, but SP is a guilty pleasure.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I enjoy some FG, I think it is funny that Simpsons sent flowers. There is only one episode of the simpsons where bart doesnt appear or gets a mention. That is crazy.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is crazy. Especially since they've had over 600 episodes. It's amazing they can still keep thinking of new ideas. I guess the same could be said about Pokemon: 750 episodes over 16 years. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know, new pokemon keep coming out. I was never into the show too much but I play the pokemongo.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I can honestly say that I have never seen an episode, but apparently a lot of people must like it. Did you ever watch That 70's Show? A lot of people like that, but I never got into that one, either. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I didnt get in to that one. I heard that there was a version made in the UK that failed after to episodes.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Apparently that kind of humor didn't translate overseas. The same might be said of radio programs, I suppose. In Finland, there's a radio station that broadcasts news in classical Latin. I don't see that being very popular here in the states.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I dont know many people fluent in classical Latin. I took two years in HS and cant remember a bit of it.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's pretty impressive. I know nothing about it at all. Who knows, you might be able to decipher a phrase or two still. Do you listen to the radio a lot? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I listen a bit while driving sometimes, but Im more into some podcasts. I know there is a website where you can listen to classical radio dramas for free.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That might be interesting. It might make driving time go by faster if the drama was particularly engaging. Usually I prefer listening to music to pass the time. When I was growing up, we only had am radio at home, so I love my satellite radio now.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Did you ever catch Jupiter's storms on AM radio? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "HA! No I did not, just some baseball games, farm markets, and old school country music. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's cool. I remember having to switch back from AM to FM to try to get something to listen to that wasnt static. My has it all changed.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, it has. I've heard that WWII soldiers made makeshift radios from razorblades and pencils. It's crazy to think how important mass communication can be to us. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It is crazy. When TV or internet goes out we dont know what to do.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is so true. Technology has come a long way and caused us to be a bit dependent. Thanks for the chat today. It has been quite enjoyable.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It has. Have a good day!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Chen Xiaoping is a New York based editor at Mirror Media Group who thinks his wife was kidnapped. There are communications from a youtube video from a Chinese woman addressing her husband and saying she hasn't contacted him due to relationship issues and to stop writing. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah I guess in 2017 Chen began interviewing billionaire Guo Wengui and aired his reports on Huopai's you tube channel. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Only 18 days before Chen was going to interview Guo for the sixth time in NYC Chinese authorities grabbed his wife in Guangzhou China and kept her incommunicado for some 120 days until a day after Chen released a letter to the Chinese government for info on his wife", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah I have heard that China is also thought to directly threaten Guo as well. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Chen thinks that his wife's disappearance is related to his career in media", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think he might be right. In 2014 and 2015 Chinese officials arrested 3 brothers of Shohret Hoshur who is a journalist who reported on the crackdown on the Ulighur minority. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "This isn't the first time Chinese authorities terrorized family members overseas as these activities have angered communists", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah it is scary to think of that kind of stuff, I personally don't prefer to live in China. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "According to the Wall Street Journal, China sent 4 officials form its Ministry of State Security to NYC to meet with Guo and give him instructions to stop criticizing the Chinese government", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess China's largest state-run tv station broadcasts its pro-Beijing message on cable tv here in the U.S. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The state-run China Daily provides pro-chinese reports", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Did you know that wikileaks published the government's plan to destroy wikileaks?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's a little strange! Did you hear that 86% of the land in Nevada is owned by the us government", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No I didn't know that, wow that is a lot. I guess a man impersonated a government official and sold the eiffel tower, twice. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is really odd. According to Canada's laws all radios have to play at least 40% Canadian music", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is crazy, I didn't know there were that many Canadian bands around. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Interestingly, soldiers in WWII made simple radios out of a razorblade and pencil", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is very cool. I also know there is a website where you can listen to old radio dramas for free. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "There are more than 750 episodes of Pokemon? Have you seen any?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow! No I have never seen a single episode. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Me neither, not interested in Pokemon or the 70's show which was remade verbatim in the uk", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Is your toilet clean?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "What a way to start a conversation, lol! I guess it should be for world toilet day. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Hahahaaaa... i thought you would appreciate it! Do you watch south park?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do not but obviously ever one is aware of it, my wife loves it.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well, tell your wife good job! LOL They sent the simpsons flowers when family guy had it's final episode.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah i read that. Speaking of the Simpsons Bart was never in or mentioned in one episode. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's crazy....i watch the simpsons and cant place which episode that is?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Pokemon on the other hand has had over 750 episodes in 16 years. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's crazy! I wonder how they have the time to produce so many? Did you know that George Carlin was the longest running voice for thomas the tank?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I did but i heard he shared that spot light with a couple other performers. one being Ringo Star and the other Alec Baldwin. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, that's true... but they were very short time periods for them.\n", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh ok. You know Jupiter's storms are so powerful that they can be picked up on AM radio. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "REally? I want to listen now! I wonder what it sounds like?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Me too! There is also a website that you can listen to 1000's of episodes of classical radio dramas for free.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Ooooo... i love those things! They are soooo amzing. You ever heard any of them?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "A classic radio Drama for free, can't say that i", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They are really cool... it's like old stuff like the green lantern and mysteries.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I remember the Shadow. Do you know that one? It became a movie played by Alex Baldwin. \"The Shadow Knows\"", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yessssss! See.. you do know!! LOL You should try making a radio out of a pencil and razorblade :)", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Knowing me i would probably cut myself. I hear that's what soldiers did in WW2. Catch name was Foxhole Radios.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Great chat... enjoy your day!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "do you know much about the government?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Some stuff. DO you know what wikileaks is?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yes the website that published secret documents from the government\n", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes and once they released documents that showed that the government is trying to destroy them", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "so cool. Did you know the government owns the majority of the land in Nevada?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes about 86% of it but it is all desert anyways so not sure if it is any good\n", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True good point there. Did you hear of that guy that sold the Eiffel Tower twice?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes he was really good at impersonating officials it seems", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. Did you hear what the Norwegian government is doing to save the AMazon?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes they donated $1 billion back in 2008, that is a lot of money", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah it is. Do you listen to the radio a lot?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes I do. Do you listen to Canadian radios?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes sometimes but they play a whole lot of canadian music in those\n", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes they are required by law to do that , 40% has to be canadian", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. Do you know how soldiers made foxhole radios in WWII?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes they used razorblades and pencils", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah pretty creative. Do you listen to radio dramas?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do sometimes and there is a free website to listen to them", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that is so convenient. In Norway there is a radio station that gives the news in latin", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "TOo bad i do not speak it. Nice chat", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "same here have a good one", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "hey do you like watching south park?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hello there, I have watched South Park before, I remember watching the first few episodes ever, how about you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "ya I still watch it ive seen almost all of them, did you see the one where they make fun of family guy?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No I didn't see that one, but it sounds funny, I think the Simpsons people thought it was funny too. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "oh ya they did, they sent the South Park creators flowers afterwards haha", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's hilarious, do you watch much Simpsons when it was first aired?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "can't say I did, I'm more of a south park guy, but I know theres an episode where bart doesn't appear, right?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah I grew up watching Simpsons I had older siblings, but yeah it must be in the later seasons because I have never seen that one. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "ya I think so, I've never seen it but I wonder if they just forgot him haha", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Right, have you ever seen the show Pokemon?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I have yes, i watched it as a kid, there are like 800 episodes in total now right?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I have never seen it but yeah over 750 episodes, that is pretty amazing for one show. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "ya, I love pikachu, id have enough episodes to watch 50 a year for 16 years haha", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah is just too crazy lol. I have some nephews who are all about Pokemon these days. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "ya my friends son is too, did you watch that 70's show at all?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah the first few seasons are really good, I am from Wisconsin and spent time both in basements and partaking in similar activities. How about you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yes I like that show, I guess they remade it for the UK, it was stopped after 10 episodes haha", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think I read that, I heard they made it verbatim and yeah it bombed pretty bad. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yup, they shoudl have adapted it to the market I think, also the name stunk: Days like these haha", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah that name is really lame, it sounds almost like a really crappy soap opera. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "haha I agree, I think tomorrow I'll listen to some classic latin on that news radio station", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "I have learned that there is an official day for \"World Toilet Day.\" Did you know a day existed around that?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Not until recently but apparently 61% of our global population still lack safe sanitation in 2015. I think that is pretty bad.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I definitely agree that is bad. It seems like progress had been really hard to achieve, because that percentage is certainly high!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well, most of it is concentrated in South Asia, rural Africa, and India. In 2014 India's Prime Minister began the Clean India Mission to install 111 million household toilets by the end of 2019. That estimated cost is about $20 billion.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That sounds like a great mission to do. That mission includes communicating hygiene awareness especially toward rural communities. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, and especially toward women. The women that consume mass media information through newspapers, TV, or radio are more likely to install private toilets in their households. This relays to them the high risks of open defecation.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is good because that should make those areas have a more safely managed toilets to remove the waste in a sanitary manner!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I agree. Not to mention the dangers of waterborne disease. Or the fact that women and girls are at a higher risk of violence and stress when practicing open defecation after sunset.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's too bad, because those women are probably the main caregivers to the children also. Which due to that are way more susceptible to sanitation-related diseases.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Exactly. Since the women are usually the primary caregivers to the kids, they have a higher stake in the burdens of poor sanitation practices because it affects them more.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well luckily with these \"safely managed toilets,\" they can provide other benefits which include more privacy and reduced exposure to physical and sexual violence.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I agree. That also is why it makes sense for the women to take a bigger leadership role in addressing these very important sanitation issues. Although increasing the number of toilets and improving their quality is important, the larger challenge is to make sure that they are actually used.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that is a challenge still. Women are more affected in what consequences can happen because they are at higher risk.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "In India they have public toilets in the slum areas known as community toilet complexes. But, many people in Delhi's slums don't use them according to a survey of 810 households there.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Private toilet ownership must be rare there. What is intriguing though, is while many respondents acknowledged that open defecation is embarrassing and not healthy, they still find public places to defecate or use their work toilet", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Boy, I can't imagine waiting until I got to work to go to the bathroom. How awful is that? I've read surveys that reveal that more interactions among community member could be an important motivator to get people to use public toilets because these kind of networks help spread norms that discourage the practice of open defecation.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is good about those networks! Speaking of networks, I watch TV sometimes, and that would be a good area to help communities if capable of having a TV. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I agree that would help spread the news but people that live in the slums probably don't have access to TV or even radio.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True, if that is the case maybe someone can use a radio to engage the community. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The poverty is rampant though that might be very hard to pull off. The best they can hope for is probably word-of-mouth networks to help educate these people to help solve their own disease problems like diarrhea which is the leading cause of child mortality in the world.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes well hopefully their government continues to help raise the awareness! I have to go have a great day!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Thank you!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you like to watch football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes. I enjoyed the Patriots win in the Superbowl this year.. You?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice that was a boring game, but glad the Patriots won, is that your favorite team?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No, but I generally cheer for an AFL team in the Superbowl. I do admire QB Brady though.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "For sure, he is a good quarterback. I also like Alex Smith from the redskins, sad he got hurt really bad", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Smith is a smart dude. Took so many AP classes in HS that he entered college as a junior... Sorry he is hurt!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Right! and he got his degree his sophomore year in college, then got his masters started before becoming the #1 pick!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nice. Now he has some time for more studies... I grew up near Buffalo, NY during the era of Kelly and the Bills four Superbowl losses. The Patriots have four SB losses too, but the have a whole slue of wins too.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yikes, the bills had it rough for some time, always coming in second place. Do you have any favorite college teams?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Sure. I admire most of the SEC teams. I wouldn't want to platy against the Univ of Iowa thoug. They painted their visitor locker room completely pink to bother their opponents!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I live in Iowa City where Iowa is, it is so interesting to see the locker room, it is used more for calming ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Just the effect every Coach wants from his players after his big inspirational speech. \"Gee Coach, that was nice, but you are harshing our mellow, dude.\"", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "lol! I bet that happens ha. Speaking of the patriots, did you know benjarvus green ellis never fumbled once in his career", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is amazing! I remember his running was pretty brutal too. But not as brutal as the 222-0 loss suffered by Cumberlan at the hands of Georgia Tech!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "For sure, he needs to teach a clinic. I would have at 100-0 if I was cumberland, just leave the field lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Maybe they did? I don't think that crushing defeat would have happened if Bill Belichick was their coach! The guy is a football wizard. Winningest coach in postseason history!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Ha for sure, he would have turned the team around and got them fighting, and maybe they couldve painted Georgia techs lockeroom at halftime pink", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "LOL How would you like to be the Browns knowing that they let Belichick go as coach. Back in 1995, he led the Browns to their last playoff victory. Then the Browns got to watch the Patriots dominate with Belichick for decades!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Whoever let him go should be fired lol, I think he left the browns to go the jets if I remember right. then the patriots", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "You could be right. All I know is that the greater Boston area sings the praises of this guy and says, \"In Bill We Trust!\" ...With good reason!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Ha I bet! I need to get to that area and watch a game, until then I will stick with my Iowa Hawkeyes! Have a great night!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Good Morning! Do you watch football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Good morning! No, I don't. Do you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Very little, just usually around super bowl time. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Same here. Have you ever heard of Colton McCoy? I have not", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. I know he was a real standout in college. He ended up with the Redskins", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Looks like he is going to be their backup. He threw a 57 yard pass it looks like. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "57 yards! That is pretty incredible. I think he will do pretty well in the league.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "With an arm like that he should. Did you know Snoop Dogg wrote a fight song for his son's football team?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I heard that, I bet it is pretty interesting. I think that is great involvement.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, it is. I'd love to hear that song for sure. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Did you hear about that game in 1916? Highest scoring game ever.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No, I didn't here about that. What was the score?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "222-0. GA Tech crushed Cumberland.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "WOW! You would think they would have called it off at some point! Did you hear how much it cost to build the high school stadium in allen, texas?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, wasnt it outrageous, like millions?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, 60 million. It seats 18,000. I guess there's not much else to do in that town but go to a high school game", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True. Did you hear that Tom Brady wasnt given the chance to play on his JV team in HS? They didnt ever score yet they kept him on the bench.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I hadn't heard that. I guess he showed them! He's in good company. Micheal Jordan got cut from his high school team, I believe. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He did. It is the perseverance and the will to succeed that makes them the athletes that they are!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Very true! A great life lesson to learn. The PAtriots have certainly done better than the Browns. They haven't won a playoff game since 1995!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I dont know if the Dolphins have even seen the playoffs in that long LOL. Great Chat! Have a nice day!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "I was reading a preseason NFL article the other day and it was about the Redskins QB, Colt McCoy wanting to prove that he was the right choice for back-up QB.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's good. Do you like football?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I really do. I like college better than NFL. I love the trick that Iowa has played by painting the walls of their visitor's locker room pink!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's a pretty unique tactic! ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It actually weakens weightlifters if they do that with the walls. I do like the yellow line that ESPN added to broadcasts.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "what do you mean it weakens weightlifters? Like, if they wear that color or look at it/?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "If they lift in a room with pink walls, they can't life as much as in normally colored rooms. ESPN got a Emmy for the yellow first down line.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yeah congrats to espn. That's amazing. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You know that what they call football in England is called soccer in the US.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah I do, my husband is British lol he tells me all the time. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "There was one running back for the Patriots who never fumbled in his entire career. That is extraordinary.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah I wonder why that guy isnt more known. In the 60s bowlers made more than the football players. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Football has done an amazing marketing job since then. Plus, they have to pay a larger number of players that competitive bowling does. This year's Super Bowl winners are coached by Bill Belichick who is the winningest post season coach.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yeah, do you like the Patriots?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I respect their accomplishments. They have done some cheating in the past that I do not like. They are located about equi-distant from Boston, Mass and Providence, RI", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "George rr martin calls them the Lannisters of football lol ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is a good one. It impressive to have such a dynasty. They are the team for all of New England.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That running back that never fumbled, Green- Ellis, played for the patriots. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know. I went to Oklahoma University. We had a QB, Baker Mayfield, who won the Heisman and was the number 1 NFL draft pick. He almost quit football to play competitive gaming.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The NFl has only one left handed quarterback!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is hard to catch a ball that is spinning in the opposite direction from normal. Receivers have to get used to it. Nice talking with you!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello there, have you been following the NFL playoffs this year?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No I haven't. Is your team in it?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No they aren't this year it was quite disappointing, but I have still been watching. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh ok, who is in the playoffs? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well of course the Patriots won again and are in the Super Bowl, as well as the Rams. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, I read recently that the Patriots used to have a running back that never fumbled in his career. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah you are right! It was Benjarvus Green-Ellis and that is a crazy fact!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Right!! I wonder why he isn't more popular, that is an amazing fact. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah it is. Did you know Espn won an emmy for coming up with the yellow line used to show the first down marker?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I read that somewhere, that is interesting. I also read that there is only one left handed quarterback in the NFL. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow I didn't know that about the quarterbacks, interesting. Do you know who invented the huddle?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Paul Hubbard it says.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah good call again, it was Hubbard. I think that is such a cool fact that he was deaf. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, great idea too! That is funny the George RR Martin called the Patriots the Lannisters of the NFL ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah that is funny. I guess Bill Belichick's first playoff win as a coach was for the Browns. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Is that not a good team? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No the Browns have been bad for quite some time now, but they did much better this season than last. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh ok. Well he has obviously worked his way up then lol ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah he sure did, it was just interesting because it was against the Patriots. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "nice! ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah so weird and now he's going to like his 8th Super Bowl with them. Well it was nice talking to you, I hope you have a good night. ", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Good morning! Do you like football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do not really. I only watched the Super Bowl because I went to a party. And you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do. I don't like the Patriots but it was good to see Bill Belichick be the winningest coach in NFL postseason history.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, he is a good coach. He has even won with the Cleveland Browns.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's almost unheard of haha. The Brown's last playoff win was in 1995.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Surprisingly enough it was a game againt the Patriots too, and their coach was Belichick. Hmm.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Speaking of football, did you know Kellan Moore is the only lefty in the league for quarterback right now?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Interesting. Wonder why that is? Is being left handed a disadvantage? Speaking of disadvantages, I would think that it would be difficult to play football if you couldn't hear, but the circular huddle used today was created by Paul D. Hubbard, a deaf quarterback.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that really is. There have been a lot of great left handed quarterbacks though so who knows what the advantage is.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Tom Brady wasn't respected as a quarterback in high school. They refused to start him. Now he is a four time champion.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Even on the JV team, that's crazy to think. He is the best ever.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, you are right! Did he finish college? Alex Smith took so many tests in high school that he entered universeity as a junio and got his bachelor's degree. Then he started working on a master's degree before he was the first overall pick in 2005 NFL draft.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes he did. Smith is one smart cookie! Imagine if Baker Mayfield did that instead of wanting to play video games all day.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, full time competitive gaming can sometimes be lucrative though I doubt as good as football player pay.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Probably not, much more safer though haha, especially playing Halo 3.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Football's importance has certainly increased in recent times. In the 60s, top bowlers made twice as much as top football stars.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is so crazy to think! I wonder what it is now!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "And how much money is spent on NFL technology! ESPN won an Emmy for the superimposed yellow line!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That line really helped everybody see. How about that college score of 222-0?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah I don't see that ever happening these days at any colleges with football teams.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh me too. I would just quit lol.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello, are you a football fan?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, did you know that Iowa's visiting team locker room is pink! Entirely Pink!!!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yikes! That's interesting. What I find more interesting is that bowlers in the 60s made two times as much as football stars.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wild! 1916 Georgia Tech defeated Cumberland with the highest score ever.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow, how about former patriot running back Benjarvus Green-Ellis who never fumbled the ball during his NFL career. Must have been a great RB!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I agree! So, that score from the game I mentioned was 220-0! Huge defeat! ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Holy cow! That was huge. Have you ever been to Boston to see the New England Patriots play?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No, I haven't. Did you know the circular huddle was designed by a man who was deaf?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He was smart to do that so the other team couldn't read his hand signals.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Exactly! Wow, you really know your facts! There is only one left handed QB in the NFL.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That I find hard to believe. Must make his game so much more challenging. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm sure you are correct. The player is Kellan Moore.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder which team he plays for? Ah, google says the Dallas Cowboys.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The two NFL teams with equal Super Bowl losses are Buffalo Bills And The New England Patriots.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Bill Belichick has the most wins in NFL postseason football and 20 of his 21 wins were with the Patriots.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "His last playoff win was with the Browns. It was his only playoff win that wasn't with the Patriots.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "And it's been a while ago...back in 1995.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes! Haha..the Games of Thrones author called the Patriots the Lannisters of the NFL.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Whatever that means. :) I do appreciate football players who value their education. Alex Smith took so many AP tests in high school that he was a junior when he entered university.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "YEs, how brilliant! He earned his BA in 2 years!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Crazy, then he was on his way to earning his master's degree. Kuddos to him!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "How about that Baker Mayfield? He considered leaving football to play videogames!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Interesting and apparently he is super good at Halo 3. Nice chatting.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello! Do you like football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I love it! You?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Not a huge fan but I do watch sometimes, I like the New England Patriots...How about you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am a Chicago Bears fan. They just lost so I was pretty bummed. You're playing this weekend, right?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh wow, sorry! I believe so, I would have to look lol....The Buffalo Bills are equal to the Patriots in losses...weird.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, the cleveland browns' last playoff win was in 1995 against the new england patriots and their head coach was bill belichick. this was bill's first playoff win as head coach and the only playoff win as head coach outside the patriots.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh wow, The Patriots are just a great team I think ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They are. And International! New england patriot sebastian vollmer is the first german citizen drafted into the nfl", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Cool! Didn't know that. The author of Game of Thrones....called the Patriots the lannisters of the NFL lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That seems like mean thing to say! The new england patriots under tom brady and bill belichick have either won or lost the super bowl by 3 or 4 points in all 6 tries.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "So crazy! I know! So who is your fav quarterback?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I would have to say Aaron Rodgers even though I am supposed to hate him, as a bears fan.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "haha, he is awesome! Did you know there was a deaf quarterback that invented the huddle? So nobody could read his hand signals! Very cool.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is. Superbowl winning quarterback, brad johnson, is the only quarterback in nfl history to throw a touchdown pass... to himself.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "What? hahhaaa.....did you know Baker Mayfield almost quit football to pursue competitive gaming! What that's nuts.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Doesn't he seem like someone who would quit football to game? Or play poker.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True true hahaa...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nfl quarterback russell wilson is still under a major league baseball contract despite not playing in a regular season game since 2011. the texas rangers traded him in february 2018 to the ny yankees", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Cool fact! I didn't know that! Alex Smith took so many Ap tests in hs and got his bachelors in 2 years, must be smart!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The jacksons \"victory tour\" played a major role in robert kraft buying sullivan stadium, and eventually the new england patriots.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "True! i LOVE the Patriots!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Really? Who you playing this weekend?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The Chargers I believe...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nice! Worried? They don't seem to have the same magic they had when they were winning titles.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, not worried...I hope they win but I am a loyal fan so...either way! Fingers crossed lol Can always hope! It has been great chatting!!!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nice chatting with you.", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "How's it going, do you follow football? Colt McCoy is doing a pretty good job as the Redskins backup", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Good morning! I do follow football and I agree about Colt McCoy. I liked him back when he played for, I think the University of Texas.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, that was a while ago, he's been in the game for 9 years already", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yep. You know, I wasn't sure if I liked Washington's coach, Jay Gruden. I wondered if he was the reason they do so badly but he seems to be meshing with Colt and improving.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The Redskins were doing pretty good and overachieving when Alex Smith was starting", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's true, i forgot about that. I can't remember. Did he get hurt or traded?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Smith got hurt pretty bad, might end his career and end up having McCoy take over permanently ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh, that's bad. I like both quarterbacks. I hate to see Smith's career over. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, hopefully Smith recovers, he's a good guy and smart too. He started college as a junior", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah? That's impressive! Say, how did you feel about the Redskins trading Kirk Cousins?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well the Redskins never seemed serious to sign Cousins to a long term deal, he is a reliable qb but doesn't play too good in important games", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I agree. I looked for the Vikings to possibly go to the Super Bowl and they obviously didn't. Sometimes I think whether a team is great or not all depends on the quarterback.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The qb is an important position, they end up handling the ball on most offensive plays", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's true. It may also depend on if they are right or left handed. I mean, Kellan Moore is the only left handed quarterback in the nfl.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's pretty cool, Paul D. Hubbard was a deaf qb and invented the circular huddle to prevent signal stealing", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "For real? I had no idea there ever was a deaf qb! And that's how the huddle began?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yep, pretty cool that no one thought of the circular huddle before Hubbard", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'd always thought it was just a part of the game, a way for the team to talk before a play.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Me too. Did you know Baker Mayfield almost quit football to become a competitive gamer?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It seems like I have heard about that before. He's a very competitive person. In a way he's like Russell Wilson. He's under contract with the New York Yankees even though he hasn't played a game yet.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well I got to go, nice chatting with you", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Duterte's joke was in incredibly poor taste, considering his strict \"war on drugs\" What do you think about his comment?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know. He is a dictator. He does not care about what others say about him.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I heard that almost 5000 Philippine people have been killed in the past couple of years because of his policies. It's awful.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, the killings began in 2016.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Speaking of dictatorships, what do you think about the Vox party gaining seats in Spain?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I don't know what will happen. The socialist group is losing control. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It might be beneficial that all parties have to work together to make decisions, that way one won't dominate over the other.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "True. People in spain are concerned about illegal immigration.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It's interesting, it's seems that the far-right is always running on anti-immigration sentiments.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Prime minister Pedro, is he with the right or the left group?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I don't know for sure, he is in the minority government, so he's not with the Socialist party. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "So, he might be with the right group. If he could win when he was with the minority that he would be more powerful if he is with the majority. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, and I bet he will heed the call for early national elections because of it.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "You are probably right. I hope Spain would not go back to fascism.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "What's going on with Garcia, the former Peruvian president?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am not sure but I think he has a legal problem. Corruption?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, something to do with illegal construction payments. I think the US Justice Dept uncovered it.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wonder how our Justice Dep uncovered the bribery. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It was during a plea deal for someone else, sometime in 2016. Almost $800 million in bribes for government contracts.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wonder if the contractors were American businesses. Corruption is rampant in that part of the world.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think it's rampant everywhere! Look at Sri Lanka!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I read about it too. Prime Minister Rajapaksa is in a big trouble too.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Seriously, he's barely holding onto power. The people have no confidence in him.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "You are right. I have to run. It was nice chatting with you. Bye.", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Are you a history person. Did you know that JFK, Washington, and Jefferson are the three richest Presidents in history?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I didn't know that or that The first president of zimbabwe was called president banana", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is funny. I wonder if Trump sings. The Indonesian President released three pop albums while in office.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "WOW, I didn't know that. Until 1805 in the us, the runner up in a presidential election automatically became the vice president. Who knew!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "We should go back to that. I found it surprising that the US President's guest house is bigger than the While House. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I did too. In other countries, like England, 10 downing street, the residence of the prime minister of the uk, has a cat with a government title of chief mouser to the cabinet office. his day-to-day responsibilities include contemplating a solution to the mouse occupancy of the house.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Lol, I love cats. I think if I remember right that Australia's Prime Minister exists only through custom and isn't in the constitution. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "At least in Japan, when you turn 100, the prime minister sends you a silver cup to celebrate", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is nice of him. This is funny. , A radio station pretended to be the Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien and successfully prank called Queen Elizabeth II. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I want to say a comedy troop got into a G20 summit as a Canadian delegate and did not get caught until one got out of the car dressed as Osama Bin Laden.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is hilarious. Let's change topics a little. Are you a tv fan. Did you know that there is only one episode of \"The Simpsons\" where Bart is neither seen or talked about?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No. This was the second time MTurk has requested you to respond. Is there something I can do to help you respond? We both want to get paid so please be respectful of my time too. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Did you know that there are over 750 episodes of \"Pokemon\". That is about 50 shows a year for 16 years. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "When south park aired its family guy episode finale the producers received flowers from the simpsons crew", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is cool. My son loved Thomas The Tank Engine as a kid. I remember that George Carlin, Alec Baldwin, and Ringo Starr all narrated Thomas. I think for at least 52 episodes each. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, that's great. 70's show was remade verbatim in the uk. 'days like these' was cancelled after 10 episodes.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I guess they have different taste. I read that television can be transmitted in two or three dimensions and sounds. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Huh... Who knew... Actress helena bonham carter (bellatrix in the harry potter films) is the great-granddaughter of herbert asquith, prime minister of the united kingdom during world war i.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I love the Harry Potter films. Tv can also be transmitted in monochrome or in color. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I too love Harry Potter. It's great TV. Philippine police say that more than 4,800 suspects have been killed in the drug crackdown that began in July 2016 after Duterte took office.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well, nice talking to you. BYE", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you like to watch tv? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh yeah. It's My favorite pastime. I like South PArk, Do you? I also like Simpsons. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like South Park and the Simpsons, both were good. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, only one episode in SImpsons did not mention or have Bart on it. They had a great run with that show though.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Interesting, I don't know why that would occur, was the actor sick? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Good question, I don't know. I watched a lot of Pokemon episodes with the kids and they had over 750. They had so many that it could run for 16 years straight.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "WOW! That is a lot of episodes isn't it. What about that 70s show, do you watch it? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hmmm, didn't watch it very much but I think they have a UK remake. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, I heard it failed and got canceled in 10 episodes. Hilarious. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh crazy. I would l like to visit the UK. The Prime MInister lives on Downing Street. He has a cat with the official title of chief mouse to the cabinet office. ;p;", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Interesting, it seems like something that they would do in the UK. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, the cat had the daily duties of looking for mice and occupying the house to hunt for them. I like the Harry Potter books and films do you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Interesting. Did you know if you turn 100 in Japan you get a silver cup to celebrate? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh I didn't know that , thats cool. I heard that they do a lot pranks over there too. For instance a radio station prank called the Queen.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Did they actually get through? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yep, the did. They pretended to be the Canadian Prime Minister. This happened in 1995 so things might be a lot different now.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "This is so funny. I wonder if they got in trouble? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I bet somebody knocked on their doors at some point. Afterall, the Prime Minister is he head of the cabinet and the leader of the ministers in the executive branch of government. In many systems the Prime Minister selecs and may dismiss other members of the cabinet and they allocate posts to members. They prob dont like pranks.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Did you know that the president of indonesia has released 3 albums while in office? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "What! That's a weird thing for a president to do. I wonder how he had time for that. I like our system and presidents jobs because they don't make music. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, maybe he was a musician before getting into office. Nice chatting with you. ", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hey, do you like football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do are you a Brady fan?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes. He is exceptional, many people say he is the best quarterback of all time.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Those are big shoes to fill but he's in good company. Not sure how you make football your religion though.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Tom Brady seems religious in more than one way. Having never eaten a strawberry in his life, it seems he is abundant with self discipline in many ways.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well you can't miss what you never had. Let him try a couple and then we can talk. Strawberries are amazing!!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "His winning of five Super Bowls is admirable.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It is no doubt. Did you know he through a recorded 50 touch downs in 2007?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah! To add to that he didn't even throw 30 touchdown passes in any year prior. Then out of nowhere! Wow!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah that is amazing. Apparently Toms on the injury list ever year even though he's not injured.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "In my opinion, it is fitting he should be treated that way; like an extremely valuable jewel", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "OK! The Patriots have either won or lost the Super bowl by 3 or 4 points in all 6 tries.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, under Tom Brady and Bill Belichick.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wonder if he is allergic to strawberries. Who doesn't like strawberries. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. On an unrelated note, there is only one quarterback in the NFL who is left handed.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's all the nfl produced is one left handed quarterback? Do you know who it is?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, Kellan Moore. But did you know the quarterback Alex Smith started working in his masters degree before 2005?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah just before becoming the overall draft pick. You have to admire that guy i hear he took so many AP test in high school that he enter university as Jr.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. Quarterbacks are leaders of the offensive teams. For that reason it is no surprise to me their lives are interesting.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "True. I think football is an amazing sport and Tom deserves all the notability that he is getting.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. Well it was nice talking!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "You too! We never got to talk about Gisele though she makes twice as much as Tom. Have a good one.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Maybe next time. Have a good one.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Are you an NFL fan? I'm reading some dated material about the playoffs. DId you watch the NFC championship game? Eagles vs. Vikings?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am a fan. I know 14 of the world's 25 largest stadiums belong to American college football teams.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm more of a college fan but that surprises me. Speaking of college, QB Alex Smith quizzed out of his first two years of college and then went to the Chiefs. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Sounds pretty smart! Did you know that Kellan Moore is the only left-handed quarterback in the NFL?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I would think there would be more. My Alma mater beat Cumberland 222-0 in 1916. The coaches must have had a disagreement. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's a big difference! Who were the teams?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Cumberland and Georgia Tech... I like the yellow line for 1st down that ESPN created.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Interesting and I do too! Makes the game easier. Did you know NFL QB Russell Wilson is still under a MLB contract?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nope. Did you know that top bowlers made more that football players in the 1960's. Boy has that changed!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is hard to believe! Did you know that SB winning QB Brad Johnson is the only QB in NFL history to throw a touchdown pass to himself?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's funny... I guess ESPN has a \"Total Quarterback Rating\". It sounds controversial to me...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hmmm. I wonder how that works. Do you know the huge American flags at football stadiums weigh 1,100 pounds and cost $50k to make?!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It's worth it... I can't see Betsy Ross making that one. Did you know Tom Brady is on his 6th championship ring?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I did know that. Hard to believe. I just learned Snoop Dog wrote a fight song for his son's high school FB team.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's cool. I hope he left out the expletives. I can't believe Brady has never eaten a strawberry? What's up with that?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I hope. Oh, that is weird! I have heard that only 2 NFL Superbowl's since 2002's championship game have not included either Tom Brady or Peyton Manning.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Brady's wife makes more than twice what he does as a model. I wish I had that cash flow. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'd like that $. I wonder why Tom Brady was picked was picked 199th in the 2000 NFL draft.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is weird. Daft picking is so ify. Why does Belichick list Brady on the injury report every week, injured or not. Is that ethical?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I would say no, unless there's a reason. I know Brady, Calvin Johnson, Carson Palmer and Jimmy Graham all have NFL rules named after them. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder if getting a rule named after you is a good or bad thing? Anyway, thanks for the excellent chat!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "What are your toughts on Trump?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hello, i think its pretty cool that the president guest house is bigger than the white house. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is cool and also really surprising, its a good thing we have a president other countries and nations suffer at the hand of a dictator.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes that is true. The first president of zimbabwe was President Banana", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Really Banana? that is a funny name, is that really his name or a nickname?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Its his name, Canaan Banana. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Funny name, his parents really pulled a good one on him, did you know that before the year 1805 the runner up of an election would become vice president. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That would be weird nowadays. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Can you imagine Trump and Hillary in the same house? that would be a complete mess. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That would be a train wreck! lol ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know right, its a good thing that has changed, do you listen to the radio?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do sometimes, how about you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do, I like listening to the radio, there is an AM station that picks Jupiter storm waves. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is really interesting, I would like to listen to that. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I would like that as well, still haven't found it, I guess its only available at certain times of the year. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh that makes sense. Soldiers used to make radios out of razors and pencils. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They did? that sounds like a nice skill for survival, making a radio that way. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, I have no idea how they did that, super creative lol", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is creative, wouldnt have thought of that in a hundred years, nice way to make those radios, there is website with thousands of free drama episodes if you like those. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I dont think I have ever heard a radio drama before, that is great to know though!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You should really look some of them up, they are good specially if you are bored. It has been great chatting with you. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Maybe, thanks for the recommendation. Have a good night. ", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you think our President is making a mockery of the government?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "His tweets are amusing to read. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah,It seems the 4chan still enjoys him.I think the meme has gone too far with this.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Fox certainly loves him", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "What is your opinion on him?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think he is a horrible example of a president", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "At least he is fun to watch.I think senate wont let him to do much harm", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "We need to refer to him like Zimbabwe refers to theirs.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "How do they refer theirs?)", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They call him President Banana. lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The banana part is hilarious)Maybe president twitter?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "hmmm, or something else", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I dont follow the election news that much. Was he elected the second time?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, its his first term.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "When is the next election?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "2020", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Are the candidates who will participate in election known right now?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Some of them but not all and not all of them are necessarily going to make it to the general election; some will likely drop out", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It was fun with Trump, but i also hope we get a new president next election.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "So do I!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello, how are you? DO you like football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do like football. I'm a Patriots fan. Bill Belichick is such a cook, I love him. He lists Tom Brady on the injury report every week. Even though he shows no sign of injury!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Cool. I'm a Pat's fan as well. Did you know that Gisele make double Tom's salary?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, they're able to live well then! I just can't believe that he's never eaten a strawberry.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know right? He released a cook book called the food bible.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I've heard about it. He knows what he's doing. He's been in good shape for all these years and has stayed healthy.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder if he will keep going or retire. Did you know that prior to 2007 that Brady never threw 30 touchdown passes in a single season? Then that year he threw 50.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think he'll keep going until he can't. I just don't want to see him like Peyton. It hurt me seeing him on the field. Brady has been really dominant on the field. Him and Belichick have niether won or lost the Super Bowl by 3 or 4 points in all 6 tries. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think he will as well, but I would want to go out with a bang, like winning a Superbowl. Did you know that Benjarvus Green-Ellis has never fumbled?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I heard that. He's always been a reliable back with the Patriots and the Browns.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Did you know that the circular huddle originates from a deaf QB who used the huddle to hide his hand signals?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I didn't know that. That's pretty genius. Speaking of geniuses, did you know that Alex Smith received his bachelors degree in two years?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow impressive. Did you know that the University of Iowa visitors locker room is completely pink?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wonder if that fires up the opposing team? I'd want to beat them like Georgia Tech did to Cumberland in 1916...222-0!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow that's crazy. I don't even know how that is possible.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They would have to score every 4 minutes or something like that. That's crazy!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The other team didn't get off the bench. Did you know in the 60's the top bowler's made twice as much as the top football players?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's crazy to think how the tides have turned. I wonder if there's more left handed bowlers than quarterbacks? Kellan Moore is the only left handed quarterback in the NFL the last I've heard.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know you don't see many lefty QB's, i don't know if I've seen him play. Did you know that ESPN won an emmy for creating the yellow first down line?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That was a well earned Emmy!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes it was. It was nice chatting with you!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "How's it going? Pretty interesting some writers thought The Pats could beat the Eagles in the Super Bowl without Rob Gronkowski", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "hi how are you? Im doing great. The Pats won this time against LA, right? i didnt watch the game.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea this year but last year they lost to eagles, even with Rob Gronkowski playing the entire game", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The bowl last year was pretty good. there was a big comeback at the end, right?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think there were quite a few lead changes throughout the game and I believe it was Brady's 8th super bowl apperance", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "He has six rings now? The man is a legend. he is not my favorite, but i understand why people like him.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, he's accomplished a lot which is pretty amazing considering he was drafted in the sixth round of the draft", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "nobody really understood his potential. and with Bill, he has found his place. those two have a few years left.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, Brady has really grown with Bill and really advanced in 2007 when he threw for 50 tds that season", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "he probably had some great receivers to help him out with that. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, in 2007 he did have Randy Moss on the team to throw to", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "And Gronk? he is the other guy? when did he start playing?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I don't think he played with Brady until 2010", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ok. Brady and Gronk seem to be wired together. Plus BIll B has some ungodly sense of the game.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea and a sense of humor, Belichick always lists Brady on the injury report every week despite Brady never missing a game", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Bill is trying to put the other team off balance. but crying wolf stops working eventually. LOL", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, Belichick is much better than Brady's jv coach who never started him despite the team never winning a game", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "what was up with that guy? he must have played favorites. it makes no sense.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Who knows, maybe his grandfather was the head coach of Cumberland when they lost to Georgia Tech by 222 points", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "what was the GT coach thinking? that is quite cruel. anyway, great chat!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well I got to go, nice chatting with you", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "I'm not much of a fan of Tom Brady, the quarterback for the Patriots. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm not a fan either, but he has an impressive record. Do you watch football?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I watch a little bit, because of my sons who love it! I agree with you he has a great record -- five Super Bowls is amazing!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I've never seen him play, but I know who he is. Do you have a favorite team?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I actually like the Patriots. I think it's a bit annoying though that Brady seems to be \"above\" the team in some ways. For example. he's skipped out on voluntary workouts with the team, and was on a yacht in Monaco instead. Pretty lame, agree?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I suspect he takes as many liberties as he can get away with. Do you think his actions are looked at negatively by his teammates?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think so, yes, it's caused problems. One of the former defensive ends, Cassius Marsh, has been pretty outspoken about being unhappy there. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Do you think players like Marsh are becoming too critical of each other?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Ha, probably so. They are all making a fortune! In Brady's case though, even the team owner Robert Kraft apparently had a little talk with him about not showing up for workouts!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, how about those salaries! It makes me sad that we pay athletes more than our teachers.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The salaries are incredible! Of course, most football players don't work for that many years, so those are lifetime earning for them. Still a ton of money. Brady's wife makes more than twice as much as he does though. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Are you a soccer fan?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, I really don't follow soccer at all. Are you a fan? The biggest sport I'm interested in is baseball, actually. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I haven't been a football fan since Joe Namath Although I did watch the redskins for many years. Now tennis is my passion.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh, the Redskins. They've had some rough years recently. They had that devastating injury to their quarterback Alex Smith. He was the first overall pick in the 2005 draft. Now he may lose his leg!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I hate it when athletes are badly injured. Have you ever been to a professional game?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I go to professional baseball games all the time. I haven't been to a professional football game since the Colts were in Baltimore! How about you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Baltimore brings to mind the time my dad and I went to see the Orioles. Jim what's his name with the blue eyes was pitching. It was in the 70s.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Jim Palmer! Sounds like we grew up in the same era! Palmer did the Jockey underwear ads. My mom and all her friends swooned! ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Jim Palmer--yes! What a gorgeous man! But I you know if Brady has a good relationship with his coach?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think the egos clash a bit, between Brady and Belichick. Brady does his own thing. He even had his own personal trainer in the locker room in previous seasons. The coach can't like that. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "How much does the coach earn, if you know?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh, I have no idea, but I think they do pretty well. I'm sure there are bonuses for how well the team does, how they do in playoffs, and things like that.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Thanks for the chat!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You too! ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "When did you see your first baseball game?", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "hello, nfl watcher?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yes i am. i love football", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "how about these nfl games that were played last year and this year for the playoffs so far", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "They have been crazy! I really liked the Eagles vs Vikings game in the NFC championship last year.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yes the battle of backup qb, it was an interesting year", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I was very happy when the New York Giants upset the New England Patriots.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "for sure, patriots need to stop winning and teams like them need to stop them, have a favorite quarterback?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "My favorite quarterback is Eli Manning of the New York Giants.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "nice, I don't really have one, but i love interesting facts about them, did you know the huddle was created by a deaf quarterback/", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No I did not! That is surprising. I did hear that Alex Smith took so many AP classes in High school that he started college as a Junior!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "that is crazy, i wish i had that motivation in high school, I would've been ahead. At least Smith has a backup to use since his injury", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wish I were Tom Brady. His wife Gisele is a model and makes more than double his salary. Great Life!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "for sure, she is very pretty! Tom brady is considered the biggest steal in nfl draft history, but his wife may be a bigger steal!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Apparently, Bill Belichick lists Tom Brady on the injury report every week.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "that is so interesting and a very interesting method, makes sense somewhat.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I suppose some call it gamesmanship and others call it cheating.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "good perspective lol, speaking of the patriots, did you know benjarvus green-ellis never fumbled in his career!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No. That is a fantastic accomplishment.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "for sure, great chatting with you! ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I hope you enjoy the football game!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "you too!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hey! With all this presidential talk lately, I think it is important to laugh. Did you know the first president of Zimbabwe was called President Banana!?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Ha! You're kidding me? That is funny! Ha! Although not as humorous, I still found it funny that the Indonesia president has released not one, not two, but three pop albums while serving in office! Ha!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The first one must have gone really well! Despite all the wealth Trump talks about, he is not one of the three wealthiest presidents.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's almost unbelievable, isn't it? I know the top three were Jefferson, JFK and Washington. I suppose they must measure by inflation!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh yes, definitely by inflation. Everything is a lot different from the Washington and Jefferson days. Until 1805 the vice president was chosen by being runner up in the presidential election.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Could you imagine the chaos if that rule was still in place? Yikes! You know what else surprises me? The president's guest house is actually bigger than the white house itself. I didn't even know the president had a guest house!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is very shocking! I think it is hilarious that Nevada has a \"none of these candidates\" option when voting for president.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is hilarious! Ha! Can you also believe that voter turnout in the US for presidential elections hasn't surpassed 62.8% in the last 100 years? That's kind of disappointing. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is crazy and disappointing. When in doubt, go with the taller president. They have won 75% of the time since 1900.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Is that so? I'll have to bet on the tallest presidential candidate during the next election then! At least we're not like ancient Athens where officials were actually appointed by lottery as they thought elections would lead to an oligarchy! ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Wow, that would cause anarchy! ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No kidding! But then again, back in 2012, international electoral observers were blocked from the polls in 9 states during the election. I'm really surprised that didn't stir anything up!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, imagine if that was the 2016 election. Things have changed so much. Now we can do everything from our phones, but in WW2 soldiers were making radios out of razorblades and pencils!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Did they really? Well speaking of radios, I sometimes like to break out the old AM radio and listen to those Jupiter radio storms. It is fascinating to hear!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I need to do that, sounds amazing. A lot more fun than being than the radio in Finland listening to a news program in classical Latin!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "You're right about that! But there's also a website that has thousands of classic radio dramas for no charge that I enjoy visiting from time to time. It's better than listening to classical Latin as well. Ha!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, that sounds fun. Glad we have a lot of flexibility! In Canada 40% of the songs played on the radio must be Canadian!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow! It's like, how would they know what's Canadian and what isn't? Going back to the elections, I wonder if Canadians would vote for a politician that gets rid of that silly law? I'd vote for any legislature, executive or judiciary candidate willing to get rid of that law! Ha!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yup, then you can get deep into the study of election results/ statistics. It is called psephology. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Agreed. And since presidents are more prominent in republics, perhaps he'd have the power to rewrite that law as well!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yup, better than having an authoritarian regime or dictatorship!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's the truth. I couldn't imagine living under a dictator and a one party state. I bet it would be horrifying! Even more terrifying some dictators are also called president. Well it was great chatting with you today! Take care, friend!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Hey, do you like football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, NFL. Do you have a fav team?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, but I find it interesting Tom Brady;s wife makes a lot more money than him.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, but her beauty and sponsors will fade. His...who knows? After the NFL, he still has $$$ sponsors for decades! ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, he is such a successful quarterback.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Right, as in THE most successful QB of all time now, with SB LII win (6 rings). ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He is one of the only two players to have won five Super Bowls.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Now, six. Glad to see that his TE, Rob Gronkowski, won MVP this year. Brady's already won that honor in 4 other SB wins. Ever see Brady pass to Gronkowski?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No. I have to say he assumes the leading role on a football team well.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Brady. You bet. Gronkowski, with his long brown beard, is pretty distinctive, too. Brady passes to him 19% of the time, which is a lot. No question Brady is a great team leader. Coach Belichick, too.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Talking about stats, rb benjarvus green-ellis has never fumbled a football.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, another Patriot RB. Fun fact. Do you follow college football - or soccer?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. The word football has different meanings depending on the region.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Absolutely. Region or country. In Australia, most football is rugby. Most worldwide \"football\" is soccer - way bigger than US football in terms of fans.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I find it somewhat ironic the huddle in today's football was created by a deaf quarterback.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Had to hand signal. Makes sense. Did you notice not all teams huddle anymore?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. To add to Gronkowski's glory, he was the second best run blocking tight end.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I know! Blocking for other RBs when the pass was not shot to him. Got knocked out of Jags game w/concussion, only few weeks before this yr's SB. But he played!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I guess though that the Patriots wouldn't be very negatively affected by his absence, because they have other good players that rank near his ability.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Agreed. Brandin Cooks and Danny Amendola come to mind. Brady can target other players, too. Deep offensive line! ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. Well thanks for the conversation. Have a good day.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "You bet. Hope you enjoy your fav sports!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi. Do you play or watch football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hi! I love to watch football! I wish I could have seen Georgia Tech set the highest score record over Cumberland by beating them 222-0 back in 1916 though. I bet that was fun to watch. Do you watch football as well?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "On the contrary, I would find it boring. Cumberland players might be asleep while playing football.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "You know, perhaps if Cumberland had to sit in a pink lockerroom like the visiting football team's locker room at the University of Iowa, they may have been a little more motivated. Ha!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That was funny. Yes, I heard about the University of Iowa's locker room for visiting teams.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Did you also hear that the top bowlers made double what the top football players made back in the 1960s? That's kind of sad really considering how rough football is compared to how easy bowling is.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I agree with you. Things had changed considerably though. Bowlers make pennies now compared to professional football players.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Indeed they do and rightfully so, in my opinion. Just think if Benjarvus Green-Ellis who's never fumbled the football in his entire pro career played in the 60s. He would have been ripped off and that's so wrong!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, it would be wrong. I like Green-Ellis. He is a talented football player.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Indeed he is! Do you also like Kellan Moore? It's crazy to think he's the only left handed QB in the entire league!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That was an interesting fact (about Kellan Moore). Are you familiar with Tom Brady?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am and love Brady. Although I still can't believe his JV high team refused to start him when he was a backup despite never winning a game or scoring a touchdown that season. I bet his old coach still kicks himself to this day over that mistake! Are you a fan of Brady?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'm sure he does not get free football games tickets from Tom Brady.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No kidding! Ha! Speaking of Brady, I wonder what his wife Gisele does? I ask because she makes over double what he makes, which must be a lot!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I cannot believe that she makes more than he does - perhaps the article was written when Tom Brady was not well known. What does she do?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's a good question. She is obviously loaded and they aren't hurting for money. Ha! But to me, I think the fact that Brady has never eaten a strawberry is even more bizarre. It's like, how has he never eaten a strawberry? Ha!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That was strange. He should have tried at least once and could then decide not to like it.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Exactly. But He is a 4 time Super Bowl MVP winner, 3 time league MVP winner and is the only QB to ever reach 200 regular season wins so I guess he can eat whatever he so desires. Ha!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You are right. I heard that Bill Belichick lists Tom Brady on the injury report every week, even though there was no sign of injury. Do you know why?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I honestly don't but it's worth finding out why as that is strange! I do know, however, that Belichick and Brady have both either won or lost the Super Bowl by 3 to 4 points in 6 tries!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That was an interesting fact. You know quite a lot about football.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I just love everything about it! Although honestly, now I don't think I could watch a game without the yellow first down line that ESPN created and won an Emmy for. It has spoiled me! Ha! Well it was nice chatting with you today! Have a great day, friend!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Thank you for the info about ESPN and the yellow first down line. Have a great day to you too!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, how are you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm good how about yourself? Do you like football?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I love football, I am a big Eagles fan, still excited about the superbowl win over the Patriots!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Cool, I'm not a big fan but I do tend to watch sometimes, especially the Superbowl. It is interesting that Baker Mayfield almost quit football to become a competitive gamer.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I have heard that as well, I know he was very good at Halo!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh yes, he claimed he could beat anyone at halo 3 at the University of Oklahoma!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I believe that, if he is good enough he could have made a living from it!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes I agree. I heard the highest score ever in football was 222-0 in 1916. Wow that is a crazy score.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That was a college game right? I had seen a video about that before", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes Georgia Tech defeated Cumberland. Interesting game i bet.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I bet it was almost comical in how lopsided it was, college is always like that, but not to that extent", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Did you know that the University of Iowa's locker room is painted pink, on the visiting teams side of course?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I did not know that, that is hilarious, I wonder if their home record shows that it makes any type of difference?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm curious to that as well, would pink paint really make a difference in play? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Maybe it actually makes them more upset and angry!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes which would be doing the opposite of their intentions, too funny. Alex Smith received his bachelor's degree in only two years, I wish I could do the same.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do too, he is a very bright person! QBs have to be very smart", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I agree with that, the game is centered around the importance of the QBs plays. They are the leaders of the offensive team after all.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They are still sort of underpaid in my opinion. I think that it is crazy that bowlers used to make more than football players!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, that is new to me. Bowling is so much easier to play I would think.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think so too, or at the very least it is certainly safer!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, how are you? Do you follow football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hey Friend, I really don't follow myself, but my whole family does, so I know a little about it. I grew up in New England so they're all Patriots fans.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The Patriots really are the team to beat. I remember way back when, they were terrible. Now TB and Bill are the best.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Right, they really brought that team together. Tom Brady is really pretty special. I didn't realize he was that old, I guess. Not that 41 is old, but for a footballer..", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He must be getting close to retirement. I can't imagine money is an issue. Nor is legacy.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I would imagine he must be. I think the Patriots are kind of seeing the end of an era not. Belichick is 66, Rob Gronkowski is pondering hanging up his hat it sounds like. Maybe if they had won the superbowl against the eagles it would have been different.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The sport takes its toll on the body and mind. No reason to keep going if you're not going to be able to enjoy the money.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh definitely. You can only get bashed in the brain box so many times before it starts to really effect you. If it weren't for the enormous toll they put on their bodies I would feel their salaries were disgusting. But some of them probably don't have many options after retirement.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The money that the game attracts for the owners and the advertisers justifies the salaries. They wouldn't get paid unless others could make money off it.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I imagine there is a lot of drama behind the scenes. I know the coaches always come under a lot of heat for decisions to bench and trade players off. They probably can't afford for Brady to retire after they let Garoppolo go to San Fran.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Brady can keep going only for so long. What if he gets injured? They need a backup plan. I'm sure Bill has something up his sleeve.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm sure he does. But for now, he shows no intention of leaving. He's still breaking records on a regular basis, he's the oldest player to be awarded MVP for the super bowl game, I think.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's astounding. The guy really exceeded all expectations. When he was young, he was not recognized for his potential.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "He really did. I wonder if he'll turn out to be like Peyton Manning, who was just aces until all of a sudden he wasn't anymore and they retired him. He went downhill like the drop of a hat.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think there comes a day when you just can't compete at the pro level. It's tough. New guys come in, the game changes, and no amount of conditioning can change that.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Definitely. Brady hasn't beaten up as badly as Manning was though, he hasn't had nearly as many injuries and just seems to be in better health in general. So maybe he won't burn out the same way he did. There is speculation that he still has several seasons left in him. It must be exhausting at that age.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think it's unwise to bank on a player that age. A team has got to develop new talent. Maybe they can get someone through trades, but there is so much to learn.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It will be interesting to see what they do. , maybe McDaniels will stay instead of going to coach the colts. Gronkowski's future seems unsure. He's only 29 but has had a number of injuries.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think these guys have to consider life after football. They will retire and will need to use that body later on.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think so too, I think he and his wife Gisele have a few kids, and she makes more money even than he does. I would want to settle down and enjoy life before I get too old and sore.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Enjoy time with your kids. He can coach, too. Anyway, I enjoyed chatting!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It was nice talking to you! Have a great night! ", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you like football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do like football. Do you like it?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I enjoy playing football and have a passing knowledge of the sport", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nice. Who is your favorite team?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I don't have a particular favorite team, but I prefer specific players like the QB Tom Brady. I tend to like QB since they are the core of any offense", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Me too! Did you know tom brady didn't start on his HS team? And he has 6 super bowl championships!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder if the coach hated tom brady to never play his during hs despite having the worst season in the schools history", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "If he hated him, he would have put him in to get hit over and over. Mabe he liked him...", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Perhaps, but to not play him at all the entire season seems a stretch. I mean in 2007, he threw a record 50 touchdown passes", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. He's a really good QB. Probably the best ever. And he's married to a super model!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Doesn't she make 2x his salary? Power couple", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yeah! I would love for my wife to make double what I make. I am not some macho guy, I am a capitalist above all!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Speaking about Brady, I heard he never ate a strawberry. Seems a shame. I wonder if he doesn't eat it to say he never has", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "He has some crazy diet. He likes avacado ice cream. Yuck!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I actually have never tasted it so I can't really say. Sound healthy in a way tho", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "it is healthy but when I eat ice cream, I want chocolate and peanut butter and a lot of it. Not avacados...", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Personally Green tea is my favorite. By the way, do you like any other QB?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I like Jay Cutler because he makes me laugh.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Really? How so? Personally I respect green ellis since he has never fumbled the ball his entire career", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, he was a really good QB. Jay is married to Kristin Cavalari and she has a show on E which he makes appearances on.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well thank you for that information. I had an enjoyable chat and I will go check out Jay Cutler after this chat.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Nice chatting with you!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Are you a Tom Brady fan? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hello, no I am not. I do find it oddly satisfying that his wife makes more money than he does", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Interesting. I think he is a good quarterback. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "lol. Is that why Belichick lists him on the injury list each week?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, I think it is to trick the other team. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That doesn't make any sense. It's hilarious that his high school coach wouldn't start him.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, that is weird, same with the strawberry. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Is that due to his weird diet, like the avocado ice cream?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, who knows. It works so perhaps he doesn't change it. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Now that Cleveland has OBJ, I bet Mayfield is thankful he didn't quit to become a pro gamer.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Apparently there is only one lefty quarterback as well. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is so weird. I do think it's great that they still use the circular huddle.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, that was made to hide hand signals. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It's amazing it took a deaf player for them to figure that one out.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is pretty cool. What about pink locker rooms, ever hear of that? ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Isn't that the U of IA?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, they painted the guest locker room pink. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It's weird how the top bowlers used to make more than the top football players.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know crazy, right? It reminds me of the movie Kingpin. Well, nice chatting. Have a nice evening. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Thank you, you too.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Take it easy. ", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello, did you know the top 3 wealthiest presidents were JKF, Jefferson, and Washington.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "No, that's interesting. I thought Trump would be up there.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I bet Trump would be on that list. I have feeling it's an outdated list.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I heard the president's guest house is larger than the white house. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's pretty amazing. I have heard that as well.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wonder who stays in it. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Not too sure to be honest. The first president of Zimbabwe was called president Banana.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's a funny name, I heard the president of Indonesia released 3 pop albums while in office. He must have a lot of time on his hands.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's pretty funny. Can you imagine if Trump was a pop artist too?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I'm surprised he hasn't released one. I heard you can pickup radio waves from Jupiter on an AM radio.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is pretty cool. I would love to hear Jupiter from here on Earth.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess we can, or someone can.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "In Canada, they must play 40% of Canadian music on the radio.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's fair, no one has to listen to it they just have to play it. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Soldiers in WWII made radios using pencils and razorblades.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, that's really creative. I wonder how well that works. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "They use those as a diode apparently. I bet it boosted morale for the troops.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, that's a good distraction from war. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I agree. There is a website where you can listen to thousands of dramas from free.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I wonder if they're any good. They still have a radio show broadcast in classic Latin.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It was good talking to you.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hey what do you think about Stormy Daniels by the way? Do you think she is right or wrong", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Isn't she a porn star?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes and she accused President Trump of having sexual relations with her. I guess she also started a lawsuit against him", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, well apparently Trump neglected to sign their 2016 nondisclosure agreement so it's now null and void.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes I don't know how it's going to turn out but it is very interesting. Speaking of the president, do you know who the top three wealthiest presidents are?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I heard that the top 3 US presidents were JFK, Washington, and Jefferson.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yep you're right. I wonder why Trump is not in there unless Perhaps it is because we cannot estimate his wealth? On a different note though, why do you think the guest house is larger than the White House itself, that doesn't seem right", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It probably is because they have a lot of people when visiting heads of government come to negotiate. Their entourages are probably huge in number.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that could be true. It also could be true that the president of Indonesia released pop albums while in office haha I wonder how much money he made from those", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Probably a bundle! Off to the elections, did you know that since 1900, the taller candidate has won the US presidential election 75% of the time?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No I didn't know that. I think that's kind of sad actually that people would judge a candidate based on their height. On the other hand it sounds a lot better than how they would do elections in ancient Athens haha", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, in ancient Athens, officials were appointed by lottery. Gee, that doesn't sound too inviting either does it?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No it doesn't sound very fair either. It also doesn't sound fair at the voter turnout in the United States has maxed out at 63% in the past 100 years, you think that more people would vote than that", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well, during the 2012 US elections International electoral observers were blocked from the polls in nine states.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "See that scares me because I don't know why they would be blocked from the poles. I think on the other hand that Nevada has the right idea by having a none of these candidates option when people vote, that would give people the ability to not vote for someone if they were uninformed", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I agree, they should have that option in every state for presidential elections. Do you listen to the radio? Every time I get in my car, I listen to mine.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I Don't listen to the radio but I do stream youtube music in my car, did you know that you can pick up Jupiter radio storms if you tune into the right AM radio frequency though?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I get AM in my car but I've never heard Jupiter's radio storms unless that's what all that static is sometimes, lol.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Haha yes I'll have to listen for those. Do you ever drive through Canada by the way? Have you ever heard Canadian radio", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I did go to Canada once a long time ago but the radio music sounded the same as the US music. I don't actually remember hearing any Canadian bands. I know that Triumph was an old Canadian rock group but I don't remember any others.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes I just think they probably play a lot of Justin Bieber and Celine Dion haha which does not actually sound appealing to me, I would rather listen to a finish radio station that reads the news in classical Latin even though I don't understand it", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "do you like cars?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes I do. Do you know when the drive thru was invented?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes that was back in 1975 by McDonald's", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes and do you know why they invented it?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes because soldiers were not allowed out of cars in their fatigues", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yeah. Do you know why the trunk of the car is called such?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes because old cars used to have wooden trunks", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes. Do you know how cadillac got its name?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes if was after the founder of detroit, de la Mothe Cadillac", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah Do you know who Jonn Mardenborough is?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes he is the guy who became a professional driver by beating people to gran turismo", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes he beat a staggering 90 000 people though", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. In South africa you can put flame throwers n the car to protect it\n", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow cool. Do you like the nba?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I sure do. Do you know who Kareem Jabbar is?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes he is the guy that used the dunk shot so much it got banned", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah that was crazy and for a good decade at it", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah. Do you know who invented the game?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes James Naismith who was a coach at U of Kansas", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes and the only losing coach in their history as well", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah pretty ironic. Nice chatting with you.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "HI, how are you doing today?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am doing well. Thank you. Did you listen to the radio this morning?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, I didn't. I used to listen to the radio when I was younger. What about you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I love the radio. I can't drive without it on. Did you know that soldiers in WWII made simple radios using a razorblade and a pencil as a diode?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's quite clever of them. I bet they got very inventive in a tough situation. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, I am sure they had too. A radio receiver receives its input from an antenna. This confused me because my car does not have an antenna. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "You might not see the antenna, but a long piece of metal can be an antenna. Could be hidden. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "True, Sometimes I listen to football on the radio? Do you know a lot about football?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I follow football around the playoffs. Usually watch on TV.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Interesting. Last year the eagles won the super bowl. Did you know that they had a temporary court set up in their stadium for six years due to their fans bad behavior?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I guess Philly draws some unruly fans. They needed to take action right then and their. I wonder if any other teams would have to do that.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I am not sure. I think its crazy that 14 of the world's 25 largest stadiums belong to american college football teams. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It's the modern place of worship for Americans. Brought into your home if need be. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess times are changing. In the 1960's top bowlers made twice as much as top football stars. I wonder where all that money came from?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I guess bowling was established and probably TV cameras could capture it well. Weekend leagues made it a sport that people knew. Football was really organized at the college level.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I have never thought about that. ESPN won an emmy for the creation of the superimposed yellow line representing the first down line. I can't imagine watching football without the line", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "The line is key for the TV audience. The other key improvement is that the cameras are just above the field.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes, that is a great addition. I wonder if they were able to film the highest score ever of 222-0 in 1916?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think Cumberland would have burned the reel. Why would a coach do that to another team? I hope they let the third string play.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Agreed! That seems unfair. Embarrassing for both teams. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It makes the record books, but it makes G Tech look mean. What about U of Iowa? What's their little game?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I heard that the visiting locker room is completely pink!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That seems like a cheap trick. Has it worked though? Do they win more at home?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Mind games I guess. No sure if it has worked. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "If it did, other teams would probably try it. Bowlers would paint lanes pink. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Very true!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello how are you doing? Did you know Mcdonalds' added drive-thru in 1975 to accommodate soldiers who were not allowed to get out of their cars while wearing their fatigues.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I learned that a few days ago. It is surprising how often a minor cause creates a lucrative new business.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Any examples? This was also a fun fact I learned: Jann mardenborough became a professional race car driver by beating 90,000 people in the video game gran turismo.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The original Sony portable tape player was because the Chairman of the company wanted to listen to music when he jogged. Thus the \"Walkman\".", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice! That kinda cool like how the creator of Netflix got the idea after he received a $40 late fee on his rental lol ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow! That is incredible. I have been to South Africa and have seen neighborhoods with constantino wire on top of their walls in gated communities. Yet a legal flame thrower on cars is really something.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Flame throwers are legal in africa?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "In South Africa. That helps keep you from getting carjacked.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I see. I feel like it would be more useful in a colder place, where you can clear the driveway of snow or something lol", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is a practical point of view. However, think of approaching a car with evil intentions and a 20 foot flame shooting your way.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Sure. Do you watch any tv? When south park aired its family guy episode finale the producers received flowers from the simpsons crew", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I certainly watch TV. However, I do not watch much animation. I have never watched a complete South Park episode. I respect the art however.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I see , you probably wont find any of the facts I just learned interesting then lol ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Knowledge is different that enjoying a broadcast. The South Park guys did a lot of sophisticated political commentary in a humorous way.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yeah he did! It was a really funny show that had real life stuff in it, really creative. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I would just learn about it by reading rather than watching. How about basketball? I had two kids go to Kansas whose only losing coach was the guy who invented the game.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "lol thats sad. Kareem abdul-jabbar's dominant use of the dunk got the shot banned from college basketball for over a decade.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I remember when a lot of backboards shattered from the dunks. Materials got better over time.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Looks like the college teams get a lot of funding in football In 39 out of 50 states, the highest paid state employee is either a college football or basketball coach.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Do you think that pay situation is a good thing or a bad one?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Good. The coaches dont have to play so their health is good and not in danger lol anyways good chatting with you ", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hi, do you listen to the radio?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hi, how are you? dont listen much now. i did as a kid. YOu?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I am listening to spotify now. I listen everyday, almost all day! It's important to our family.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "i dont listen to spotify. usually i go to youtube. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know a lot of people use youtube for that. It makes sense. My kids love listening on Alexa so we have amazon music too. What's your favorite genre?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "i like rock pop and jazz. i listen to bill evans a lot.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Really? Is he jazz? I like jazz and have not heard of him. I am just getting itno the genre so give me some artists to listen to!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Bill Evans died many years ago. he was a pianist. worked with miles davis. also his own trio. great for thinking and working.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Nice. There is a station on spotify that I use a lot for deep work. It's ironically called deep focus.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "oh, that sounds good. i guess spotify has some good stuff. is it free?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "There is a free option that I used to use but I now pay for it. I can't stand the commercials and the premium account eliminates the commercials. I think it may open the play list more too. I listen a lot to baroque music so that help me currate playlists, like I do for jaz.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yeah, i hear ya. the commercials are irritating. if the content is good, ill pay for it. so you work and listen? thats a good way to use radio.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I do. I also use it while I clean and with 7 and 5 year olds, I clean a lot. I do get stuck in some tracks and play the same stuff alot. Hence jazz and classical.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "gotcha. yeah, i put music on in the background to keep my mind active. i find that it helps me focus. i think the radio is also good for commutes.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "My office is right outside of a common area so I hear everyone talk if I do not have music on. I find it helps me concentrate. I also thinkk I had ADD though. I have all of the signs that my son is getting diagnosed with.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "yeah, the constant distraction from electronics really hampers the attention span. i figure that we would do better with fewer screens. that is what i like about radio. i don't have to watch.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I grew up on radio so if there are things I need to concentrate on, I usually go to the other room and listen to the TV.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "anything to keep me company but not require eyeballs is good. I grew up on radio and it was a constant companion.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "yeah. I remember walking into my grandparents house and they never had tv on but the radio. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah, they grew up without the screens around. do they have add? maybe not. Anyway, great chat!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Ditto. Hope you have a wonderful day!", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Hello! Do you like football?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hi! I do like football, but mostly listen to it on the radio, how about you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I love watching football but I don't know much about the teams and players. What team do you root for? I'm a Giants fan so I don't really like the Eagles...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I watch when I can, but I have to stick to my home team The Cardinals. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Arizona? I have nothing against them. Did you know that the Eagles actually had a temporary court in their stadium for 6 years because their fans were so badly behaved? I doubt it was a real court, but how funny is that!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Hahaha! That's too funny! There was also a crazy story about a high school football team continued to play as the science building burned down right behind them, wow, that is crazy!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, that was in 1965 right? That's insane dedication, bordering on stupidity haha!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yep, 65 it was. And definitely bordering on stupidity haha....A radio show was saying that the band KISS bought into an arena football team and offered Tim Tebow a contract, I wonder how much he would be paid lol.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's funny, wow. What do you like better, college football or the NFL? More than half of the 25 largest stadiums in the world are for American college football teams", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Really, for college football? That's a bit strange. I guess for me it would be the NFL.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'd agree with that, unless it was my alma mater! Other than that I'm not too into college football, there's just too many teams in too many leagues. I think it's funny though that University of Iowa's visitor's locker room is all pink! Probably to emasculate them...", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I agree on that! Pink? Hahaha, that is pretty funny. I bet the visitors just love going to play football there hahaha....I heard that there was a game back in 1916 that the ending score was 222-0 how is that even possible!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Considering there's only 11 minutes of actual football play in a game, that's like 3 touchdowns per playing minute!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Wow, I have to research that football game, I just can't see how that can be true how pro bowlers made twice as much money as star football players???", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's crazy! Then again, that was in the 1960's. Still, I wonder how that's possible! Even if bowling was more popular than football, you can only fit a few people in a bowling alley to watch but you can fit thousands in a stadium!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Right? I don't understand it at all. So do you listen to the radio at all? I still do in my car mostly so I can listen for radio storms that sometimes come through on AM radio stations....crazy!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah that's crazy! And did you know that you can listen to radio drama episodes for free on the radio? There are thousands of them!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I have heard about that but haven't checked it out yet. I like my music lol! And what would be considered a radio drama anyway? Talk shows? ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I bet it's from the days before tv, when people wanted entertainment but there was no tv to watch it on. I would be very curious to hear some of them!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That would be pretty interesting! I have read that the canadian radio stations by law have to play 40% canadian artists music on the radio, wow they are strict.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's so strict! I think music should be open to all. Anyway, nice speaking with you!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It has been great! Have a great evening! I am going to catch some old dramas on the radio haha, Bye!", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "How's it going, did you know it's possible to make a radio with a razorblade and pencil?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is cool. Electromagnetic energy waves are very interesting things.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, it's pretty crazy how manipulating the amplitude, frequency, phase, or pulse width of radio waves allows music to play", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It is also surprising that natural phenomena like storms on jupiter create signals strong enough to be heard in the United States.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I wonder what AM frequency you have to tune to to hear Jupiters radio storms", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Unsure. Perhaps Canadians could tell us, since it violates their content laws!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, if I lived in Canada I wouldn't be listening to the radio 40% of the time", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is true. You could also use the internet and listen to classic radio dramas for free.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I'd rather listen to that than Nuntii Latini in Finland", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Do you listen to much football on the radio?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yea, I wish I could listen to the radio broadcast of Georgia tech defeating Cumberland 222-0", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Perhaps Cumberland should've painted the locker rooms pink like Iowa to act as a distraction.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Cumberland seemed to be the distracted team.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Then again, with modern technology they could change the color digitally like the superimposed yellow first down line ESPN won an emmy for.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It's pretty crazy how advance football has come since the 1960s when bowlers were making twice as much as players", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Too true. However, 14 of the largest 25 stadiums actually belong to American college football teams.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That's kinda sad college football is taken that seriously to have 14 of the worlds 25 largest stadiums", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Money is green, regardless. Even rock band Kiss bought into an arena football team!", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Too bad KISS couldn't sign Tebow, it be funny to see him in KISS makeup", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That would be amusing. A whole new definition of Dream Team.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well I have to go, nice chatting with you", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Have you ever thought about drive-thrus? I've heard that Mcdonalds invented the drive thru just to help out soldiers back in the day.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I havent given too much thought to that but it seems interesting, kind of the aggressive mode google self driving cars have.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I guess so.Cars and anything with them are of interest to me. I like that things are kind of sense making. For instance a trunk is called a trunk because older cars had wooden trunks on the back.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess some names are catchy and stay, its ilegall to warm your car in Ohio.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Is it really? I wonder what they do then during the winter? In South Africa it's legal to equip your cars with flame throwers.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "It is, if your car gets stolen and the engine is on then the burglar will only face a minor misdemeanor, I guess its about how you warm it up.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is so odd and it seems a little unfair. You know, all this was started when Karl Benz invented cars.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah it is odd because sometimes turning the car off will consume more gas and isnt practical, and I didnt know it all started with him. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah, a lot of people think Ford invented the car but it was actually Benz. He filed a patent in 1886.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I guess people think that because Ford was the first car to be available to the masses.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Probably so. Could be too because he's American. I mean, Cadillac is named for a french explorer that founded Detroit. I don't think many people know a french explorer founded Detroit.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I sure didnt know that, I think its an interesting fact though, I am more of a sports fan myself, do you like basketball?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I like it some. I am a more of a college basketball fan than professional. ", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I see, have you watched the Space Jam movie? its really cool and seems like its the highest-grossing basketball movie of all time.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think I've seen parts of it. Did you know that Kareem abdul-jabbar got the dunk shot banned from college basketball for over 10 years?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I didnt know that! is it allowed now? why was it banned?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is allowed now. It got banned because he was dominant in his use of it.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well that seems like an absurd reason, I mean its a move that requires a lot of skill, did you know that basketball was invented at the ymca?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No, I didn't know that! I had no idea actually! Do you know why or how it came about?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Im not sure but I know that volleyball was also created there.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Really? Well they are kind of similar. I mean both are played on courts.", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "hi how are you?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Good. Did you know there are over 1.25 billion cars in the world?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "No I didn't know that.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yea, it's crazy because in 1986 there was only 500 million", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "wow that cool i want to learn more.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Cadillac was named after French explorer Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I didn't know that.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yea, Antoine Cadillac founded Detroit", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I should have known, I'm from there.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "DId you know Mcdonalds' added drive-thru in 1975 to accommodate soldiers who were not allowed to get out of their cars while wearing their fatigues?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Cool,I thought they made that in 2006 for some reason.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I figured the drive-thru came before 1975", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes did you know that When south park aired its family guy episode finale the producers received flowers from the simpsons crew.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yea, I read about it online shortly after the episodes aired", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh okay", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Speaking of the Simpsons, there is only one episode where Bart isn't in it or mentioned", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "wow cool fact", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The UK remade That 70's show into a show called Days Like These", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Really I have not seen that movie yet.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "The UK version was cancelled after 10 episodes", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Kareem abdul-jabbar's dominant use of the dunk got the shot banned from college basketball for over a decade. How come?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Damn, that's crazy. There's a new zealand basketball team are nicknamed the \"tall blacks\", that's crazy too", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I know people can be cruel. Some of todays athletes wouldnt understand.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Well I gtg, nice talking with you.", "from": "agent_2" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you have a favorite kind of shoe?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Not sure, I like the brand Nike and sport shoes, what about you?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes I like runners in general. DId you know ballet dancers use 4 pairs of shoes a week?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "4 pairs a week no kidding! sounds like a lot of money, older shoes are usually better than new shoes", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes they say that 5000 year old shoes are more durable than they are now", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah and also a little secret if your shoes have unpleasant odors on your shoes you can put tea bags in them and that can absorb the humidity ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "That is such a nice little trick. DId you know Steve Smith leaves his cleats in the field after every game?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I didn't why does he do that? maybe he doesn't like using the same cleats twice", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It is actually because he wants to raise awareness about homelessness", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oh that's a great thing to do then, I wonder if his campaign works. Its a noble thing to do.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It sure is/ Did you know that U of Iowa visitor locker room is pink?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That's funny I did hear about that, painting the locker rooms all pink I bet that surprises visitor teams. ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yeah. Bowlers made more money than football players in the 60s", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "More than football players really? I guess football wasn't popular back then do you have a favorite position mine is the QB.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes me too. Do you like Brady with the Patriots?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do, his a great QB why do you ask?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He used to be a back up QB in high school who never got started", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Never started really? I wonder why, maybe his team was really good and they didn't need him.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "It was the opposite, they were doing so bad and never started hi, so strange", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "That is weird, I bet the team had a terrible coach. He had a legend on the field and never used him ", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Right? Crazy. Do you like ALex SMith?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I do like him I think his a great QB and a really smart person.", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He sure is, finished college in two years only. Nice chat today", "from": "agent_1" } ]
[ { "content": "Do you buy Nike products?", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "nope I personally don't. But I also don't really buy any sports clothes what about you? I guess they took a hit because of recent politics they were engaged in?", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think that they took a risk. They like risk because they hope that the fans will buy products to support the cause.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes and then they took a poll and about 8000 people showed a 50% decline in Nikes favorability, I guess that's not good if you all Nike haha", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Well, I'm sre that they can recover. Nike is a huge brand. They took a risk. They lost. They move on.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yep I agree, it is weird that the number of African Americans who intended to buy Nike even dropped after their foray into politics though, that's not expected", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I guess NIke made assumptions about markets and ethnicity. They were wrong.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes I think companies should think twice before they try to get involved in politics, you'll inevitably end up making a portion of the population angry", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Yes, maybe they hoped to make a few angry and make a lot happy. Didn't work out. I guess other shoes company will take heed.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Speaking of shoes, how often do you wear shoes? I like that there are different types of shoes for different types of activities", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I generally like to wear shoes. They are comfortable and useful. I think that it's proper for people to wear shoes for many occasions.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes I agree, did you know that a belly dancer for instance can go through three or four pairs of shoes a week? They just get worn out by all the practice", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "A belly dancer? That sounds funny. Why would they use a lot of shoes ? They gyrate their hips a lot.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Oops I spelled it wrong it's ballet LOL. anyway do you ever have stinky shoes? Apparently you can put a tea bag inside and that will help with the stink haha", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "Oh, that makes sense. Ballet. Yes, I bet it's hard on the feet too Tea bags? Hm. I'll have to try that. I wonder what kind of tea.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "I think it can be any kind of tea actually, have you heard about the 5000 year old pair of shoes by the way? Apparently they were tested and it performed better than modern shoes for all tasks", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I think things really had to last back then. No Walmart or Amazon. No one to make shoes except yourself.", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yep you're right about that. You know who Stephon Marbury is? I guess he was promoting $15 shoes, I just don't know who he is", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "I don't know either. I guess he must have wanted to help people get inexpensive shoes. Anyway, great chat!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yeah maybe he's a good guy. I do like the wide receiver Steve Smith who leaves shoes on the field after every game to raise awareness for homeless people", "from": "agent_2" }, { "content": "He thinks about the less fortunate. Good for him. Thanks! Have a good day!", "from": "agent_1" }, { "content": "Yes I think it's important to be aware of the less fortunate, and Steve Smith seems like a good guy", "from": "agent_2" } ]