stringlengths 5
| owner
stringlengths 2
| repo_id
int64 1.49M
| is_fork
bool 2
classes | languages_distribution
stringlengths 16
⌀ | content
stringlengths 446
| issues
float64 0
| main_language
stringclasses 37
values | forks
int64 0
| stars
int64 0
| commit_sha
stringlengths 40
| size
int64 446
| name
stringlengths 2
| license
stringclasses 15
values |
day-08/src/main/kotlin/SevenSegmentSearch.kt | diogomr | 433,940,168 | false | {"Kotlin": 92651} | fun main() {
println("Part One Solution: ${partOne()}")
println("Part Two Solution: ${partTwo()}")
private const val DELIMITER = " | "
private const val SPACE = " "
private fun partOne(): Int {
return readInputLines()
.flatMap {
.count {
val length = it.length
length == 2 || length == 3 || length == 4 || length == 7
private fun partTwo(): Int {
return readInputLines().sumOf {
val (left, right) = it.split(DELIMITER)
val patterns = left.split(SPACE)
val one = patterns.find { p -> p.length == 2 }!!
val six = patterns.find { p -> p.length == 6 && !getIntersection(p, one).equalsIgnoreOrder(one) }!!
val rightBottomSegment = getIntersection(one, six)
val three = patterns.find { p -> p.length == 5 && getIntersection(p, one).equalsIgnoreOrder(one) }!!
val five = patterns.find { p ->
p.length == 5 && p != three && getIntersection(p, rightBottomSegment) == rightBottomSegment
val two = patterns.find { p -> p.length == 5 && p != three && p != five }!!
val rightTopSegment = getIntersection(two, one)
val eight = patterns.find { p -> p.length == 7 }!!
val nine = patterns.find { p -> p.length == 6 && getIntersection(p, three).equalsIgnoreOrder(three) }!!
val bottomLeftSegment = getNonIntersecting(eight, nine)
val displays = right.split(SPACE) { display ->
display = display,
rightTop = rightTopSegment,
rightBottom = rightBottomSegment,
bottomLeft = bottomLeftSegment
fun getDigit(display: String, rightTop: String, rightBottom: String, bottomLeft: String): Int {
return when (display.length) {
2 -> 1
3 -> 7
4 -> 4
5 -> if (!display.contains(rightBottom)) 2 else if (display.contains(rightTop)) 3 else 5
6 -> if (!display.contains(rightTop)) 6 else if (display.contains(bottomLeft)) 0 else 9
7 -> 8
else -> throw RuntimeException("Impossible state")
fun String.equalsIgnoreOrder(other: String): Boolean {
return this.toSortedSet() == other.toSortedSet()
fun getIntersection(first: String, second: String): String {
return first.toSortedSet()
fun getNonIntersecting(first: String, second: String): String {
val intersection = getIntersection(first, second)
val toReturn = (first + second).toSortedSet().toMutableList()
return toReturn.joinToString("")
private fun readInputLines(): List<String> {
return {}"input.txt")!!
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 17af21b269739e04480cc2595f706254bc455008 | 2,991 | aoc-2021 | MIT License |
src/Day04.kt | marciprete | 574,547,125 | false | {"Kotlin": 13734} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input
.map {
val split = it.trim().split(",")
Pair(split.get(0).toRange(), split.get(1).toRange())
}.count { it }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input
.map {
val split = it.trim().split(",")
Pair(split.get(0).split("-").map { it.toInt() },
split.get(1).split("-").map { it.toInt() })
.map {
when {
it.first.get(0) == it.second.get(0) -> true
it.first.get(0) > it.second.get(0) -> it.first.get(0) <= it.second.get(1)
it.first.get(0) < it.second.get(0) -> it.first.get(1) >= it.second.get(0)
else -> false
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day04_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 2)
check(part2(testInput) == 4)
val input = readInput("Day04")
private fun <A, B> Pair<List<A>, List<B>>.inEachOther(): Boolean {
val pair = (this.toList().sortedBy { it.size })
return pair.get(1).containsAll(pair.get(0))
private fun String.toRange(): List<Int> {
val edges = this.split("-")
return IntRange(edges.get(0).toInt(), edges.get(1).toInt()).toList()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6345abc8f2c90d9bd1f5f82072af678e3f80e486 | 1,530 | Kotlin-AoC-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | jorgecastrejon | 573,097,701 | false | {"Kotlin": 33669} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = { line -> line.split("").filter(String::isNotBlank).map(String::toInt) }
val visibleTrees = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (y in trees.indices) {
val row = trees[y]
for (x in row.indices) {
if (x == 0 || x == row.lastIndex || y == 0 || y == trees.lastIndex || isVisible(trees, x, y)) {
return visibleTrees.count()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = { line -> line.split("").filter(String::isNotBlank).map(String::toInt) }
var max = 0
for (y in trees.indices) {
val row = trees[y]
for (x in row.indices) {
max = calculateScore(trees, x, y).takeIf { it > max } ?: max
return max
val input = readInput("Day08")
private fun isVisible(trees: List<List<Int>>, x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
val row = trees[y]
val height = row[x]
val above = (0 until y).all { trees[it][x] < height }
val below = (y + 1 until trees.size).all { trees[it][x] < height }
val left = (0 until x).all { trees[y][it] < height }
val right = (x + 1 until row.size).all { trees[y][it] < height }
return above || below || left || right
private fun calculateScore(trees: List<List<Int>>, x: Int, y: Int): Int {
if (x == 0 || x == trees[y].lastIndex || y == 0 || y == trees.lastIndex) return 0
val row = trees[y]
val height = row[x]
val above = (y - 1 downTo 0).takeWhile { it > 0 && trees[it][x] < height }.count() + 1
val below = (y + 1 until trees.size).takeWhile { it < trees.lastIndex && trees[it][x] < height }.count() + 1
val left = (x - 1 downTo 0).takeWhile { it > 0 && trees[y][it] < height }.count() + 1
val right = (x + 1 until row.size).takeWhile { it < row.lastIndex && trees[y][it] < height }.count() + 1
return above * below * left * right
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d83b6cea997bd18956141fa10e9188a82c138035 | 2,121 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | asm0dey | 572,860,747 | false | {"Kotlin": 61384} | import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
fun main() {
fun IntRange.intersects(other: IntRange) = (first <= other.first && last in other.first..other.last) ||
(last <= other.last && first in other.last..other.first) ||
(first <= other.first && last >= other.last) ||
(last <= other.last && first >= other.first)
fun IntRange.removePoint(point: Int): Sequence<IntRange> =
when {
point !in first..last -> sequenceOf(this)
first == last -> sequenceOf()
first == point -> sequenceOf(first + 1..last)
last == point -> sequenceOf(first until last)
else -> sequenceOf(first until point, point + 1..last)
fun freeRanges(
row: Int,
read: List<Pair<Point15, Point15>>,
): Sequence<IntRange> {
return read
.map { (beacon, sensor) ->
val dist = sensor.manhattanDistanceTo(beacon)
val rowDiff = abs(row - sensor.y)
val onTheLine = dist * 2 + 1 - 2 * rowDiff
Pair(sensor.x, onTheLine)
.filterNot { it.second <= 0 }
.map { (center, size) ->
val dx = size / 2
(center - dx)..(center + dx)
.sortedBy { it.first }
.fold(sequenceOf()) { curList: Sequence<IntRange>, nextRange ->
val candidates = curList.toHashSet()
val result = curList.toHashSet()
if (result.none { it.intersects(nextRange) }) return@fold curList + listOf(nextRange)
var next = candidates.find { it.intersects(nextRange) }
while (next!=null) {
result.add(min(next.first, nextRange.first)..max(next.last, nextRange.last))
next = candidates.find { it.intersects(nextRange) }
return@fold result.asSequence()
fun inputToData(input: List<String>) = input
.map { Regex("-?\\d+").findAll(it).map { it.value.toInt() }.toList() }
.filterNot { it.isEmpty() }
.map { (a, b, c, d) -> Point15(c, d) to Point15(a, b) }
fun part1(input: List<String>, row: Int): Int {
val beaconsToSensors = inputToData(input)
val freeRanges = freeRanges(row, beaconsToSensors)
return freeRanges
.flatMap { range ->
.map(Pair<Point15, Point15>::first)
.filter { it.y == row }
.takeIf(Sequence<IntRange>::any) ?: sequenceOf(range)
.map { it.also(::println) }
.sumOf { it.last - it.first + 1 }
fun part2(input: List<String>, row: Int): Long {
val read = inputToData(input)
return (0..row)
.map { curRow ->
val rangeList = freeRanges(curRow, read).toList()
if (rangeList.size > 1) {
val x = rangeList[0].last + 1
return@map x.toLong() * 4000000 + curRow
} else return@map 0
.first { it != 0L }
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000))
println(part2(input, 4000000))
data class Point15(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
fun manhattanDistanceTo(other: Point15) = abs(x - other.x) + abs(y - other.y)
} | 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f49aea1755c8b2d479d730d9653603421c355b60 | 3,888 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/com/ncorti/aoc2023/Day23.kt | cortinico | 723,409,155 | false | {"Kotlin": 76642} | package com.ncorti.aoc2023
fun main() {
fun parseInput(): Array<CharArray> {
return getInputAsText("23") {
split("\n").filter(String::isNotBlank).map { it.toCharArray() }
val neighbours = listOf(-1 to 0, 1 to 0, 0 to -1, 0 to 1)
fun computeMaxPath(map: Array<CharArray>, x: Int, y: Int, fromX: Int, fromY: Int, count: Int, seen: String): Int {
if (x == map.size - 1 && y == map[0].size - 2) {
return count
val next = { (dx, dy) ->
x + dx to y + dy
}.filter { it ->
it.first in map.indices && it.second in map[0].indices && (it != fromX to fromY) && map[it.first][it.second] != '#'
}.filter {
"#${it.first}-${it.second}#" !in seen
}.filter { (nx, ny) ->
if (nx == x + 1 && map[nx][ny] == '^') {
} else if (nx == x - 1 && map[nx][ny] == 'v') {
} else if (ny == y + 1 && map[nx][ny] == '<') {
} else if (ny == y - 1 && map[nx][ny] == '>') {
} else {
return if (next.isEmpty()) {
} else {
next.maxOf { (nx, ny) ->
computeMaxPath(map, nx, ny, x, y, count + 1, "$seen,#$nx-$ny#")
fun findConjunctions(map: Array<CharArray>): MutableMap<Pair<Int, Int>, MutableList<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>> {
val result = mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, MutableList<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>>()
for (i in 1..<map.lastIndex) {
for (j in 1..<map[i].lastIndex) {
val hashCount = neighbours.count { (di, dj) ->
map[i + di][j + dj] == '#'
if (map[i][j] == '.' && (hashCount == 1 || hashCount == 0)) {
result[i to j] = mutableListOf()
return result
fun computeConjunctionGraph(
map: Array<CharArray>, conjunctions: MutableMap<Pair<Int, Int>, MutableList<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>>
) {
conjunctions.forEach { (start, list) ->
val seen = mutableSetOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
val queue = mutableListOf<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>()
neighbours.forEach { (dx, dy) ->
if (start.first + dx in map.indices && start.second + dy in map[0].indices && map[start.first + dx][start.second + dy] != '#') {
queue.add(Triple(start.first + dx, start.second + dy, 1))
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val (x, y, dist) = queue.removeAt(0)
seen.add(x to y)
if (x to y in conjunctions && x to y != start) {
list.add(Triple(x, y, dist))
} else {
neighbours.forEach { (dx, dy) ->
if (map[x + dx][y + dy] != '#' && x + dx to x + dy != start && (x + dx to y + dy !in seen)) {
queue.add(Triple(x + dx, y + dy, dist + 1))
class Status(val point: Pair<Int, Int>, val dist: Int, val seen: Set<Pair<Int, Int>>)
fun computeLongestPath(
conjunctions: MutableMap<Pair<Int, Int>, MutableList<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>>,
start: Pair<Int, Int>,
end: Pair<Int, Int>
): Int {
var max = 0
val queue = mutableListOf(Status(start, 0, setOf(start)))
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = queue.removeLast()
val (x, y) = current.point
val dist = current.dist
val seen = current.seen.toMutableSet().toSet()
val next = conjunctions[x to y]!!
next.forEach { (nx, ny, ndist) ->
if (nx to ny == end) {
if (dist + ndist > max) {
max = dist + ndist
} else if (nx to ny !in seen) {
queue.add(Status(nx to ny, dist + ndist, seen + (nx to ny)))
return max
fun part1(): Int {
val map = parseInput()
return computeMaxPath(map, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, "#0-1#")
fun part2(): Int {
val map = parseInput()
val conjunctions = findConjunctions(map)
conjunctions[0 to 1] = mutableListOf()
conjunctions[map.size - 1 to map[0].size - 2] = mutableListOf()
computeConjunctionGraph(map, conjunctions)
return computeLongestPath(conjunctions, 0 to 1, map.size - 1 to map[0].size - 2)
| 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 84e06f0cb0350a1eed17317a762359e9c9543ae5 | 4,825 | adventofcode-2023 | MIT License |
src/Day03.kt | martintomac | 726,272,603 | false | {"Kotlin": 19489} | fun main() {
fun extractSymbols(line: String) = "([^0-9.])".toRegex()
.map { match -> match.value to match.range.first }
fun extractNumbers(line: String) = "(\\d+)".toRegex().findAll(line)
.map { match -> match.value.toInt() to match.range }
fun Int.toRange() = this..this
fun IntRange.expand(left: Int, right: Int) = (first - left)..(last + right)
fun Map<Int, List<Pair<Int, IntRange>>>.findNeighborNumbers(
symPoint: Pair<Int, Int>
): List<Pair<Int, IntRange>> {
val lineNum = symPoint.first
val symLocation = symPoint.second
return symLocation.toRange().expand(1, 1)
.flatMap { neighborLocation ->
lineNum.toRange().expand(1, 1)
.flatMap { this[it]?.filter { (_, range) -> neighborLocation in range }.orEmpty() }
fun sumOfSerialNumbers(lines: List<String>): Int {
val lineToNumbers = lines.mapIndexed { lineNum, line -> lineNum to extractNumbers(line) }
return lines
.mapIndexed { lineNum, line ->
val symbols = extractSymbols(line)
symbols.flatMap { (_, symLocation) ->
lineToNumbers.findNeighborNumbers(lineNum to symLocation)
.sumOf { it.first }
fun sumOfGearRatios(lines: List<String>): Int {
val lineToNumbers = lines.mapIndexed { lineNum, line -> lineNum to extractNumbers(line) }
return lines
.mapIndexed { lineNum, line ->
val multiplySymbols = extractSymbols(line).filter { (value, _) -> value == "*" }
multiplySymbols.mapNotNull { (_, mulLocation) ->
val operands = lineToNumbers.findNeighborNumbers(lineNum to mulLocation)
when {
operands.size < 2 -> null
operands.size == 2 -> operands[0].first * operands[1].first
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Cartesian product not supported")
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day03_test")
val input = readInput("Day03")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | dc97b23f8461ceb9eb5a53d33986fb1e26469964 | 2,638 | advent-of-code-2023 | Apache License 2.0 |
2021/kotlin/src/main/kotlin/nl/sanderp/aoc/aoc2021/day08/Day08.kt | sanderploegsma | 224,286,922 | false | {"C#": 233770, "Kotlin": 126791, "F#": 110333, "Go": 70654, "Python": 64250, "Scala": 11381, "Swift": 5153, "Elixir": 2770, "Jinja": 1263, "Ruby": 1171} | package nl.sanderp.aoc.aoc2021.day08
import nl.sanderp.aoc.common.measureDuration
import nl.sanderp.aoc.common.prettyPrint
import nl.sanderp.aoc.common.readResource
data class Entry(val pattern: List<String>, val values: List<String>)
fun main() {
val input = readResource("Day08.txt").lines().map { line ->
val (patterns, values) = line.split(" | ").map { it.split(" ") }
Entry(patterns, values)
val (answer1, duration1) = measureDuration<Int> { partOne(input) }
println("Part one: $answer1 (took ${duration1.prettyPrint()})")
val (answer2, duration2) = measureDuration<Int> { partTwo(input) }
println("Part two: $answer2 (took ${duration2.prettyPrint()})")
private fun solve(entry: Entry): Int {
val mapping = mutableMapOf(
1 to entry.pattern.first { it.length == 2 },
4 to entry.pattern.first { it.length == 4 },
7 to entry.pattern.first { it.length == 3 },
8 to entry.pattern.first { it.length == 7 },
mapping[9] = entry.pattern.first { it.length == 6 && it.containsCharsOf(mapping[4]!!) }
mapping[6] = entry.pattern.first { it.length == 6 && !it.containsCharsOf(mapping[1]!!) }
mapping[0] = entry.pattern.first { it.length == 6 && !mapping.containsValue(it) }
mapping[3] = entry.pattern.first { it.length == 5 && it.containsCharsOf(mapping[1]!!) }
mapping[5] = entry.pattern.first { it.length == 5 && (it + mapping[1]!!).hasSameCharsAs(mapping[9]!!) }
mapping[2] = entry.pattern.first { !mapping.containsValue(it) }
return { x -> mapping.filterValues { it.hasSameCharsAs(x) }.keys.first() }.joinToString("").toInt()
private fun partOne(entries: List<Entry>) = entries.sumOf { entry ->
entry.values.count { it.length == 2 || it.length == 3 || it.length == 4 || it.length == 7 }
private fun partTwo(entries: List<Entry>) = entries.sumOf { solve(it) }
private fun String.hasSameCharsAs(other: String) = this.containsCharsOf(other) && other.containsCharsOf(this)
private fun String.containsCharsOf(other: String) = other.all { this.contains(it) }
| 0 | C# | 0 | 6 | 8e96dff21c23f08dcf665c68e9f3e60db821c1e5 | 2,098 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | romainbsl | 572,718,344 | false | {"Kotlin": 17019} | fun main() {
fun initForest(input: List<String>): Forest {
val width = input.first().count()
val height = input.count()
val grid = input.foldIndexed(Array(height) { Tree.emptyArray(width) }) { rowId, forest, row ->
forest.apply {
this[rowId] = row.foldIndexed(Tree.emptyArray(width)) { colId, treeLine, tree ->
treeLine.apply {
this[colId] = Tree(tree.digitToInt(), colId == 1 || rowId == 1)
return Forest(width, height, grid)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (width, height, grid) = initForest(input)
return grid.mapIndexed { rowIndex, row ->
row.mapIndexed { colIndex, tree ->
val colValues = { it[colIndex] }
val isOnEdge = rowIndex == 0 ||
colIndex == 0 ||
rowIndex == height - 1 ||
colIndex == width - 1
val isVisibleFromTop = colValues.take(rowIndex).all { it < tree }
val isVisibleFromRight = row.drop(colIndex + 1).all { it < tree }
val isVisibleFromBottom = colValues.drop(rowIndex + 1).all { it < tree }
val isVisibleFromLeft = row.take(colIndex).all { it < tree }
isVisible = isOnEdge ||
isVisibleFromTop ||
isVisibleFromRight ||
isVisibleFromBottom ||
}.sumOf { row ->
row.count { it.isVisible }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val (_, _, grid) = initForest(input)
return grid.mapIndexed { rowIndex, row ->
row.mapIndexed { colIndex, tree ->
val colValues = { it[colIndex] }
fun List<Tree>.takeVisible() = takeUntil { it >= tree }
val topVisibleTrees = colValues
val rightVisibleTrees = row
.drop(colIndex + 1).takeVisible()
val bottomVisibleTrees = colValues
.drop(rowIndex + 1).takeVisible()
val leftVisibleTrees = row
topVisibleTrees.size *
rightVisibleTrees.size *
bottomVisibleTrees.size *
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
check(part1(input) == 1779)
check(part2(input) == 172224)
data class Forest(val width: Int, val height: Int, val grid: Array<Array<Tree>>)
data class Tree(val height: Int, val isVisible: Boolean = false) : Comparable<Tree> {
override fun compareTo(other: Tree) = this.height.compareTo(other.height)
companion object {
fun emptyArray(size: Int) = Array<Tree>(size) { Tree(-1) }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b72036968769fc67c222a66b97a11abfd610f6ce | 3,282 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
y2022/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2022/Day16.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2022
object Day16 : AdventSolution(2022, 16, "Proboscidea Volcanium") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String): Int {
val valves = parse(input)
val interestingValves = valves.filter { it.rate > 0 || == "AA" }.associate { to it.rate }
val distances = distances(interestingValves.keys, valves.associate { to it.neighbors })
return solvePartial(interestingValves, distances, 30)
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String): Int {
val valves = parse(input)
val interestingValves = valves.filter { it.rate > 0 || == "AA" }.associate { to it.rate }
val distances = distances(interestingValves.keys, valves.associate { to it.neighbors })
val excluded = setOf(interestingValves.keys.first { it != "AA" }, "AA")
val ps = interestingValves.keys.filter { it !in excluded }.powerset()
return ps.maxOf { toInclude ->
val humanSet = interestingValves.filterKeys { it in toInclude + "AA" }
val elephantSet = interestingValves.filterKeys { it !in toInclude }
solvePartial(humanSet, distances, 26) + solvePartial(elephantSet, distances, 26)
private fun solvePartial(
interestingValves: Map<String, Int>,
distances: Map<String, Map<String, Int>>,
bound: Int
): Int {
val partials = List(bound) { mutableSetOf<Partial>() }
partials[0] += Partial(setOf("AA"), "AA", 0)
for (t in partials.indices) {
val scoreToBeat = partials.drop(t).maxOfOrNull { it.maxOfOrNull { it.score } ?: 0 } ?: 0
for (old in partials[t]) {
//prune if we can never catch up
//heuristic: we open the best valve every 2 minutes (minimum distance is 2)
val maximalRate = interestingValves
.filterKeys { it !in old.opened }
.scan(0, Int::plus)
.take((bound - t) / 2)
if (old.score + maximalRate <= scoreToBeat) continue
for ((goal, rate) in interestingValves) {
if (goal in old.opened) continue
val time = distances.getValue(old.position).getValue(goal) + 1
if (t + time >= bound) continue
partials[t + time] += Partial(
opened = old.opened + goal,
position = goal,
score = old.score + (bound - (t + time)) * rate
return partials.flatten().maxOf { it.score }
data class Partial(val opened: Set<String>, val position: String, val score: Int)
private fun parse(input: String): List<Valve> = input.lines().map { line ->
name = line.substringAfter("Valve ").substringBefore(" "),
rate = line.substringAfter("rate=").substringBefore(";").toInt(),
neighbors = line.substringAfter(" to valve").substringAfter(" ").split(", ")
private fun distances(
interestingValves: Set<String>,
links: Map<String, List<String>>
): Map<String, Map<String, Int>> {
fun bfs(start: String, reachableNeighbors: (String) -> Iterable<String>): List<Set<String>> =
generateSequence(Pair(setOf(start), setOf(start))) { (frontier, visited) ->
val unexploredNeighbors = frontier.flatMap(reachableNeighbors).toSet() - visited
Pair(unexploredNeighbors, visited + unexploredNeighbors)
.takeWhile { (frontier, _) -> frontier.isNotEmpty() }
.map { it.first }
return interestingValves.associateWith { start ->
bfs(start) { str -> links[str].orEmpty() }.map { it.filter { it in interestingValves } }
.flatMapIndexed { index, ends ->
ends.filter { it != start && it != "AA" }.map { it to index }
private data class Valve(val name: String, val rate: Int, val neighbors: List<String>)
private fun List<String>.powerset(): List<List<String>> {
return if (this.isEmpty()) listOf(listOf())
else listOf(listOf(), take(1)).flatMap { strings: List<String> ->
drop(1).powerset().map { it + strings }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 4,470 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | palex65 | 572,937,600 | false | {"Kotlin": 68582} |
fun <R> List<String>.mapEachCharIndexed(transform: (row: Int, col: Int, char: Char)->R ): List<R> {
val res = mutableListOf<R>()
for(row in indices) {
val line = get(row)
for (col in line.indices)
res.add(transform(row, col, line[col]))
return res
private fun part1(grid: List<String>) =
grid.mapEachCharIndexed { row, col, tree ->
row == 0 || col == 0 || row == grid.lastIndex || col == grid.first().lastIndex || // around
(col + 1..grid[row].lastIndex).all { grid[row][it] < tree } || // right
(col - 1 downTo 0).all { grid[row][it] < tree } || // left
(row + 1..grid.lastIndex).all { grid[it][col] < tree } || // down
(row - 1 downTo 0).all { grid[it][col] < tree } // up
}.count { it }
private fun List<String>.scenicScore(l: Int, c: Int, height: Char): Int {
if (l==0 || c==0 || l==lastIndex || c==first().lastIndex)
return 0
fun IntProgression.countWhile( getter: (Int)->Char ): Int {
var counter = 0
for (i in this)
if (getter(i)<height) counter++
else { counter++; break }
return counter
val right = (c + 1..this[l].lastIndex).countWhile { this[l][it] }
val left = (c - 1 downTo 0).countWhile { this[l][it] }
val down = (l + 1..lastIndex).countWhile { this[it][c] }
val up = (l - 1 downTo 0).countWhile { this[it][c] }
return right * left * down * up
private fun part2(grid: List<String>) =
grid.mapEachCharIndexed { row, col, tree -> grid.scenicScore(row,col,tree) }.max()
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
println(part1(input)) // 1820
println(part2(input)) // 385112
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 2 | 35771fa36a8be9862f050496dba9ae89bea427c5 | 1,930 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | l8nite | 573,298,097 | false | {"Kotlin": 105683} | fun main() {
fun forest(input: List<String>) = { r -> { it.digitToInt() } }
fun trees(forest: List<List<Int>>) = forest.flatMapIndexed { y, r -> r.mapIndexed { x, h -> Triple(x, y, h) } }
// the 4 top-level sequences the 4 directions we can travel (left, right, up, down), the inner sequence is the
// height of each tree in that direction from the current point to the edge
fun lineOfSight(forest: List<List<Int>>, x: Int, y: Int) = listOf(
listOf((x - 1 downTo 0), (x + 1 until forest[y].size)).map { { x -> x to y } },
listOf((y - 1 downTo 0), (y + 1 until forest.size)).map { { y -> x to y } }
).flatten().map { { (x, y) -> forest[y][x] } }
fun viewingDistance(los: List<Int>, height: Int) = los.indexOfFirst { it >= height }.let {
if (it == -1) los.size else it + 1 // -1 means we hit the edge, otherwise add 1 to index for the distance
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val forest = forest(input)
return trees(forest).count { (x, y, h) ->
lineOfSight(forest, x, y).any { it.all { th -> th < h } }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val forest = forest(input)
return trees(forest).maxOf { (x, y, h) ->
lineOfSight(forest, x, y).map { viewingDistance(it, h)}.reduce(Int::times)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f74331778fdd5a563ee43cf7fff042e69de72272 | 1,659 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/com/github/ferinagy/adventOfCode/aoc2023/2023-05.kt | ferinagy | 432,170,488 | false | {"Kotlin": 787586} | package com.github.ferinagy.adventOfCode.aoc2023
import com.github.ferinagy.adventOfCode.println
import com.github.ferinagy.adventOfCode.readInputText
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
fun main() {
val input1 = readInputText(2023, "05-input")
val test1 = readInputText(2023, "05-test1")
private fun part1(input: String): Long {
val blocks = input.split("\n\n")
val seeds = blocks[0].substring("seeds: ".length).split(" ").map { it.toLong() }
val maps = blocks.drop(1).map { it.parseMapping() }
val locations = { seed ->
maps.fold(seed) { acc: Long, mappings: List<Mapping> -> transform(acc, mappings) }
return locations.min()
private fun part2(input: String): Long {
val blocks = input.split("\n\n")
val seedsRanges = blocks[0].substring("seeds: ".length).split(" ").chunked(2).map {
val start = it[0].toLong()
val length = it[1].toLong()
start..< start + length
val maps = blocks.drop(1).map { it.parseMapping() }
val ranges = maps.fold(seedsRanges) { ranges, mappings ->
ranges.flatMap { transform(it, mappings) }.sortedBy { it.first }.consolidate()
return ranges.minOf { it.first }
private fun String.parseMapping() = lines()
.map {
val values = it.split(" ").map(String::toLong)
Mapping(values[0], values[1]..<values[1] + values[2])
.sortedBy { it.sourceRange.first }
private fun transform(value: Long, mappings: List<Mapping>): Long {
val mapping = mappings.find { value in it.sourceRange } ?: return value
return mapping.destination + value - mapping.sourceRange.first
private fun transform(range: LongRange, mappings: List<Mapping>): List<LongRange> = buildList {
var mapIndex = mappings.indexOfFirst { !it.sourceRange.intersect(range).isEmpty() }
if (mapIndex == -1) {
this += range
var pos = range.first
while (mapIndex < mappings.size && pos <= range.last) {
val intersect = (pos ..range.last).intersect(mappings[mapIndex].sourceRange)
if (!intersect.isEmpty()) {
if (pos < intersect.first) {
this += pos ..< intersect.first
val diff = mappings[mapIndex].destination - mappings[mapIndex].sourceRange.first
this += intersect.first + diff .. intersect.last + diff
pos = intersect.last + 1
} else {
this += pos ..range.last
pos = range.last + 1
private fun LongRange.intersect(other: LongRange) = max(first, other.first) .. min(last, other.last)
private fun List<LongRange>.consolidate() = buildList<LongRange> {
this@consolidate.forEach { range ->
val prev = lastOrNull()
this += if (prev == null || prev.last + 1 != range.first) {
} else {
private data class Mapping(val destination: Long, val sourceRange: LongRange)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f4890c25841c78784b308db0c814d88cf2de384b | 3,252 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/year2021/day13/Day13.kt | fadi426 | 433,496,346 | false | {"Kotlin": 44622} | package year2021.day01.day13
import util.assertTrue
import util.model.Counter
import util.read2021DayInput
import java.awt.Point
fun main() {
fun task1(input: List<String>): Int {
val foldInstructions = input.filter { it.contains("fold along") }
val board = foldRecursively(Cave(input).board, foldInstructions, Counter(), 1)
return board.sumOf { it.count { it == "#" } }
fun task2(input: List<String>): Int {
val foldInstructions = input.filter { it.contains("fold along") }
val board = foldRecursively(Cave(input).board, foldInstructions, Counter(), foldInstructions.size)
board.forEach { println(it) }
return board.sumOf { it.count { it == "#" } }
val input = read2021DayInput("Day13")
assertTrue(task1(input) == 720)
assertTrue(task2(input) == 104)
class Cave(val input: List<String>) {
private val points =
input.filter { it.contains(",") }.map { it.split(",") }.map { Point(it[0].toInt(), it[1].toInt()) }
val board =
MutableList(points.maxByOrNull { it.y }!!.y + 1) {
MutableList(points.maxByOrNull { it.x }!!.x + 1) { "." }
init {
points.forEach {
board[it.y][it.x] = "#"
fun combineBoards(boards: Pair<List<List<String>>, List<List<String>>>): List<List<String>> {
val combinedList = mutableListOf<MutableList<String>>()
combinedList.addAll(boards.first.toMutableList().map { it.toMutableList() })
for (y in boards.second.indices) {
for (x in boards.second[y].indices) {
if (boards.second[y][x] == "#") combinedList[y][x] = "#"
return combinedList
fun foldRecursively(
board: List<List<String>>,
foldInstructions: List<String>,
counter: Counter,
foldLimit: Int
): List<List<String>> {
if (foldInstructions.isEmpty() || counter.i > foldLimit - 1)
return board
val newFoldInstructions = foldInstructions.takeLast(foldInstructions.size - 1)
return foldRecursively(fold(board, foldInstructions.first()), newFoldInstructions, counter, foldLimit)
fun fold(board: List<List<String>>, foldInstruction: String): List<List<String>> {
val foldLine = foldInstruction.split("=")[1].toInt()
return if (foldInstruction.contains("y")) foldY(board, foldLine)
else foldX(board, foldLine)
fun foldY(board: List<List<String>>, foldLine: Int): List<List<String>> {
return combineBoards(Pair(board.take(foldLine), board.takeLast(foldLine).reversed()))
fun foldX(board: List<List<String>>, foldLine: Int): List<List<String>> {
return combineBoards(Pair( { it.take(foldLine) }, { it.takeLast(foldLine).reversed() }))
fun filterFold(input: List<String>, searchString: String): Int {
return input.first { it.contains(searchString) }.split("=")[1].toInt()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | acf8b6db03edd5ff72ee8cbde0372113824833b6 | 2,887 | advent-of-code-kotlin-template | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | davidkna | 572,439,882 | false | {"Kotlin": 79526} | import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
fun manhattanDistance(a: Pair<Long, Long>, b: Pair<Long, Long>): Long {
return abs(a.first - b.first) + abs(a.second - b.second)
class Station(val pos: Pair<Long, Long>, val closestRadio: Pair<Long, Long>) {
val distance = manhattanDistance(this.pos, this.closestRadio)
fun parseInput(input: List<String>): List<Station> {
val regex = Regex("Sensor at x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+): closest beacon is at x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+)")
return { line ->
val (x0, y0, x1, y1) = regex.matchEntire(line)!!.destructured
Station(Pair(x0.toLong(), y0.toLong()), Pair(x1.toLong(), y1.toLong()))
}.sortedBy { it.pos.first }
fun coveredInLine(stations: List<Station>, y: Long): List<LongProgression> {
var covered = mutableListOf<LongProgression>()
.forEach { station ->
val closestDistanceToLine = manhattanDistance(station.pos, Pair(station.pos.first, y))
val distanceToClosestRadio = station.distance
if (closestDistanceToLine > distanceToClosestRadio) {
val radius = abs(closestDistanceToLine - station.distance)
covered.add(station.pos.first - radius..station.pos.first + radius)
covered = covered.sortedBy { it.first }.toMutableList()
var i = 0
while (i < covered.size - 1) {
if (covered[i].last >= covered[i + 1].first) {
covered[i] = covered[i].first..max(covered[i].last, covered[i + 1].last)
covered.removeAt(i + 1)
} else {
return covered.toList()
fun part1(input: List<String>, targetY: Long): Long {
val stations = parseInput(input)
val covered = coveredInLine(stations, targetY)
val containsRadioCnt = stations
.map { it.closestRadio.second }
.filter { it == targetY }
return covered.sumOf { it.count().toLong() } - containsRadioCnt
fun part2(input: List<String>, size: Long): Long {
val stations = parseInput(input)
val blocked =
for (y in 0..size) {
val covered = coveredInLine(stations, y)
.filter { it.last >= 0 && it.first <= size }
for ((a, b) in covered.windowed(2)) {
for (x in a.last + 1 until b.first) {
if (Pair(x, y) !in blocked) {
return x * 4000000 + y
throw Exception("No solution found")
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26L)
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000))
println(part2(input, 4000000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ccd666cc12312537fec6e0c7ca904f5d9ebf75a3 | 3,089 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2023/day25/Day25.kt | lukaslebo | 573,423,392 | false | {"Kotlin": 222221} | package year2023.day25
import check
import readInput
import util.aStar
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("2023", "Day25_test")
check(part1(testInput), 54)
val input = readInput("2023", "Day25")
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val graph = input.parseGraph()
val vertices = graph.distinctVertices()
fun String.getNeighboursWithCostIgnoring(ignore: Set<Pair<String, String>>) = graph.getValue(this)
.filter { it to this !in ignore && this to it !in ignore }
.mapTo(mutableSetOf()) { it to 1 }
fun Pair<String, String>.findPathAroundIgnoring(ignore: Set<Pair<String, String>>) = aStar(
from = first,
goal = { it == second },
neighboursWithCost = { getNeighboursWithCostIgnoring(ignore) },
for (vertexA in vertices) {
val ignoreA = setOf(vertexA)
val verticesOnPathA = vertexA.findPathAroundIgnoring(ignoreA)?.zipWithNext() ?: continue
for (vertexB in verticesOnPathA) {
val ignoreAB = setOf(vertexA, vertexB)
val verticesOnPathB = vertexB.findPathAroundIgnoring(ignoreAB)?.zipWithNext() ?: continue
for (vertexC in verticesOnPathB) {
val ignoreABC = setOf(vertexA, vertexB, vertexC)
val foundPath = vertexC.findPathAroundIgnoring(ignoreABC) != null
if (!foundPath) {
val part1 = graph.fill(vertexA.first, ignoreABC)
val part2 = graph.fill(vertexA.second, ignoreABC)
if (part1.intersect(part2).isEmpty() && (part1 + part2) == graph.keys) {
println("${part1.size} * ${part2.size} = ${part1.size * part2.size}")
return part1.size * part2.size
error("unable to find solution")
private fun List<String>.parseGraph(): Map<String, Set<String>> {
val vertices = flatMap { line ->
val nodes = line.split(": ", " ")
val from = nodes.first()
val destinations = nodes.drop(1) { from to it }
val graph = mutableMapOf<String, MutableSet<String>>()
for (vertex in vertices) {
graph.getOrPut(vertex.first) { mutableSetOf() } += vertex.second
graph.getOrPut(vertex.second) { mutableSetOf() } += vertex.first
return graph
private fun Map<String, Set<String>>.distinctVertices(): List<Pair<String, String>> {
val vertices = mutableSetOf<Pair<String, String>>()
forEach { (from, destinations) ->
destinations.forEach { to ->
vertices += from to to
return vertices.distinctBy { setOf(it.first, it.second) }
private fun Map<String, Set<String>>.fill(from: String, ignoring: Set<Pair<String, String>>): Set<String> {
val visited = mutableSetOf(from)
val stack = ArrayDeque<String>()
stack += from
while (stack.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = stack.removeFirst()
val adjacent = getValue(current)
.filter { current to it !in ignoring && it to current !in ignoring && it !in visited }
visited += adjacent
stack += adjacent
return visited
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f3cc3e935bfb49b6e121713dd558e11824b9465b | 3,249 | AdventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
2015/15/kotlin/a.kt | shrivatsas | 583,681,989 | false | {"Kotlin": 17998, "Python": 9402, "Racket": 4669, "Clojure": 2953} | import
import kotlin.math.max
data class Ingredient(val name: String, val capacity: Int, val durability: Int, val flavor: Int, val texture: Int, val calories: Int)
fun main() {
val lines: List<String> = File("../15.input").useLines { it.toList() }
// Sugar: capacity 3, durability 0, flavor 0, texture -3, calories 2
val regex = Regex("""(\w+): capacity (-?\d+), durability (-?\d+), flavor (-?\d+), texture (-?\d+), calories (-?\d+)""")
val ingredients = { line ->
val (name, capacity, durability, flavor, texture, calories) = regex.matchEntire(line)!!.destructured
Ingredient(name, capacity.toInt(), durability.toInt(), flavor.toInt(), texture.toInt(), calories.toInt())
var max_score = 0
for (i in 0..100) {
for (j in 0..100 - i) {
for (k in 0..100 - i - j) {
val l = 100 - i - j - k
max_score = max(mapCalculateScore(ingredients, listOf(i, j, k, l)), max_score)
// max_score = max(itCalculateScore(ingredients, i, j, k, l), max_score)
// a solution that uses a loop to make it more
fun itCalculateScore(ingredients: List<Ingredient>, i: Int, j: Int, k: Int, l: Int): Int {
val capacity = i * ingredients[0].capacity + j * ingredients[1].capacity + k * ingredients[2].capacity + l * ingredients[3].capacity
val durability = i * ingredients[0].durability + j * ingredients[1].durability + k * ingredients[2].durability + l * ingredients[3].durability
val flavor = i * ingredients[0].flavor + j * ingredients[1].flavor + k * ingredients[2].flavor + l * ingredients[3].flavor
val texture = i * ingredients[0].texture + j * ingredients[1].texture + k * ingredients[2].texture + l * ingredients[3].texture
if (capacity > 0 && durability > 0 && flavor > 0 && texture > 0) {
return capacity * durability * flavor * texture
return 0
// an alternative solution that uses a more functional style
fun mapCalculateScore(ingredients: List<Ingredient>, amounts: List<Int>): Int {
val capacity = { (amount, ingredient) -> amount * ingredient.capacity }.sum()
val durability = { (amount, ingredient) -> amount * ingredient.durability }.sum()
val flavor = { (amount, ingredient) -> amount * ingredient.flavor }.sum()
val texture = { (amount, ingredient) -> amount * ingredient.texture }.sum()
return max(0, capacity) * max(0, durability) * max(0, flavor) * max(0, texture)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 529a72ff55f1d90af97f8e83b6c93a05afccb44c | 2,538 | AoC | MIT License |
src/Day15.kt | buczebar | 572,864,830 | false | {"Kotlin": 39213} | import kotlin.math.abs
private fun parseInput(name: String) =
readInput(name).map { line ->
line.split(":").map { it.getAllInts().pair() }
}.map { (sensorXY, beaconXY) -> Sensor(sensorXY, beaconXY) }
fun main() {
fun Position.tuningFrequency() = 4000000L * x + y
fun coverageRangesForY(y: Int, sensors: List<Sensor>, valueRange: IntRange): List<IntRange> {
val ranges = mutableListOf<IntRange>()
sensors.forEach { sensor ->
val distanceToY = abs(sensor.y - y)
val radiusForY = (sensor.distanceToClosestBeacon - distanceToY).coerceAtLeast(0)
if (radiusForY > 0) {
ranges.add(((sensor.x - radiusForY)..(sensor.x + radiusForY)).limitValuesInRange(valueRange))
return ranges
fun part1(sensors: List<Sensor>, y: Int): Int {
val xPositionsWithSensorsOrBeacons = sensors
.flatMap { listOf(it.position, it.closestBeacon) }
.filter { it.y == y }
.map { it.x }
val valueRange = { it.closestBeacon.x }.valueRange()
val xPositionsWithoutBeacon = coverageRangesForY(y, sensors, valueRange)
.flatMap { it.toList() }
return xPositionsWithoutBeacon.size
fun part2(sensors: List<Sensor>, valueRange: IntRange): Long {
valueRange.forEach { y ->
val coverageRanges = coverageRangesForY(y, sensors, valueRange).sortedBy { it.first }
var rightBoundary = coverageRanges.first().last
for (i in 1 until coverageRanges.size) {
val range = coverageRanges[i]
if (rightBoundary < range.first) {
return Position(rightBoundary + 1, y).tuningFrequency()
rightBoundary = range.last.coerceAtLeast(rightBoundary)
return 0L
val testInput = parseInput("Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput, 0..20) == 56000011L)
val input = parseInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000))
println(part2(input, 0..4000000))
private data class Sensor(val position: Position, val closestBeacon: Position) {
val x: Int
get() = position.x
val y: Int
get() = position.y
val distanceToClosestBeacon: Int
get() = position.manhattanDistanceTo(closestBeacon)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cdb6fe3996ab8216e7a005e766490a2181cd4101 | 2,504 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day03.kt | AlexeyVD | 575,495,640 | false | {"Kotlin": 11056} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.sumOf { getPrioritiesSum(it) }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.chunked(3).sumOf { getBadgeItemPriority(it) }
val testInput = readInput("Day03_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 157)
check(part2(testInput) == 70)
val input = readInput("Day03")
val priorities: HashMap<String, Int> = HashMap()
private fun initPriorities() {
var current = 'a'
var priority = 1
while (current <= 'z') {
priorities[current.toString()] = priority
priorities[current.uppercase()] = priority + 26
private fun getPriority(value: Char): Int {
return priorities[value.toString()] ?: 0
fun getPrioritiesSum(value: String): Int {
if (value.isBlank()) return 0
val res = HashMap<Char, Int>()
val mid = value.length / 2
var num = 0
value.toCharArray().forEach {
when {
num < mid -> res[it] = 1
else -> if (res.contains(it)) res[it] = 2
return res.sumByPriority { it == 2 }
fun getBadgeItemPriority(values: List<String>): Int {
val res = HashMap<Char, Int>() { it.toCharArray().toSet() }
.forEach { chars ->
chars.forEach {
res[it] = (res[it] ?: 0) + 1
return res.sumByPriority { it == values.size }
fun Map<Char, Int>.sumByPriority(valuesPredicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {
return filterValues { valuesPredicate.invoke(it) }.keys.sumOf { getPriority(it) }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ec217d9771baaef76fa75c4ce7cbb67c728014c0 | 1,704 | advent-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | RusticFlare | 574,508,778 | false | {"Kotlin": 78496} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val forestHeights = { { tree -> tree.digitToInt() } }
return forestHeights.withIndex().drop(1).dropLast(1).sumOf { (row, rowTreesHeights) ->
rowTreesHeights.withIndex().drop(1).dropLast(1).count { (column, treeHeight) ->
val columnTreesHeights = { it[column] }
rowTreesHeights.drop(column + 1),
columnTreesHeights.drop(row + 1),
).any { treeHeights -> treeHeights.all { it < treeHeight } }
} + ((forestHeights.size + forestHeights.size - 2) * 2)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val forrestHeights = { { tree -> tree.digitToInt() } }
return forrestHeights.withIndex().drop(1).dropLast(1).maxOf { (row, rowTreesHeights) ->
rowTreesHeights.withIndex().drop(1).dropLast(1).maxOf { (column, treeHeight) ->
val columnTreesHeights = { it[column] }
rowTreesHeights.drop(column + 1),
columnTreesHeights.drop(row + 1),
).map { treeHeights ->
.takeWhile { it < treeHeight }
.let { if (it < treeHeights.size) it + 1 else it }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readLines("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readLines("Day08")
check(part1(input) == 1825)
check(part2(input) == 235200)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 10df3955c4008261737f02a041fdd357756aa37f | 2,067 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day08/Day08.kt | EndzeitBegins | 573,569,126 | false | {"Kotlin": 111428} | package day08
import readInput
import readTestInput
private data class Tree(
val x: Int,
val y: Int,
val height: Int,
private fun List<String>.parse(): List<List<Tree>> {
return this.mapIndexed { y, row ->
row.mapIndexed { x, cell ->
Tree(x = x, y = y, height = cell.digitToInt())
private fun List<Tree>.filterIsVisible(): List<Tree> {
var maxHeight = -1
return this.filter { tree ->
if (tree.height > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = tree.height
} else false
private fun List<Tree>.countVisibleFrom(baseTree: Tree): Int =
(indexOfFirst { tree -> tree.height >= baseTree.height }.takeUnless { it < 0 } ?: lastIndex) + 1
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val treeRows = input.parse()
val treeColumns = List(treeRows.size) { column ->
treeRows[column] { row ->
val visibleRowTrees =
treeRows.flatMap { treeRow -> treeRow.filterIsVisible() + treeRow.asReversed().filterIsVisible() }
val visibleColumnTrees =
treeColumns.flatMap { column -> column.filterIsVisible() + column.asReversed().filterIsVisible() }
val visibleTrees = (visibleRowTrees + visibleColumnTrees).toSet()
return visibleTrees.size
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val treeRows = input.parse()
val treeColumns = List(treeRows.size) { column ->
treeRows[column] { row ->
val highestScenicScore = treeRows.indices.maxOf { x ->
treeColumns.indices.maxOf { y ->
val baseTree = treeColumns[x][y]
val treesToTheLeft = treeRows[y].take(x).asReversed()
val treesToTheRight = treeRows[y].drop(x + 1)
val treesAbove = treeColumns[x].take(y).asReversed()
val treesBelow = treeColumns[x].drop(y + 1)
val viewLeft = treesToTheLeft.countVisibleFrom(baseTree)
val viewRight = treesToTheRight.countVisibleFrom(baseTree)
val viewAbove = treesAbove.countVisibleFrom(baseTree)
val viewBelow = treesBelow.countVisibleFrom(baseTree)
viewLeft * viewRight * viewAbove * viewBelow
return highestScenicScore
fun main() {
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readTestInput("Day08")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ebebdf13cfe58ae3e01c52686f2a715ace069dab | 2,632 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | iProdigy | 572,297,795 | false | {"Kotlin": 33616} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (start, end, map) = parse(input)
return findShortest(start, end, map, heuristic = Point2D::manhattanDist)!!.size - 1
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = { it.toCharArray() }.toTypedArray()
val end = { it.indexOf('E') }.withIndex().first { it.value >= 0 }.let { it.index to it.value }
return breadthFirstSearch(end, { normalize(grid[it.first][it.second]) == 'a' }) {
it.neighbors(maxX = grid.size, maxY = grid[0].size)
.filter { from -> isConnected(from, it, grid) }
}!!.size - 1
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 31)
check(part2(testInput) == 29)
val input = readInput("Day12")
println(part1(input)) // 394
println(part2(input)) // 388
private fun parse(input: List<String>): Triple<Point2D, Point2D, Map<Point2D, Collection<Point2D>>> {
val grid: Array<CharArray> = { it.toCharArray() }.toTypedArray()
val map: MutableMap<Point2D, Collection<Point2D>> = hashMapOf()
var start: Point2D? = null
var end: Point2D? = null
for (i in grid.indices) {
val row = grid[i]
for (j in row.indices) {
val value = row[j]
val max = normalize(value) + 1
val point = i to j
if (start == null && value == 'S') {
start = point
} else if (end == null && value == 'E') {
end = point
val candidates = point.neighbors(maxX = grid.size, maxY = row.size).filter { isConnected(point, it, grid, max) }
map[point] = candidates
return Triple(start!!, end!!, map)
private fun isConnected(from: Point2D, to: Point2D, grid: Array<CharArray>, max: Char = normalize(grid[from.first][from.second]) + 1) =
normalize(grid[to.first][to.second]) <= max
private fun normalize(it: Char) = if (it == 'S') 'a' else if (it == 'E') 'z' else it
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 784fc926735fc01f4cf18d2ec105956c50a0d663 | 2,125 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/y2023/Day7.kt | juschmitt | 725,529,913 | false | {"Kotlin": 18866} | package y2023
import utils.Day
class Day7 : Day(7, 2023, false) {
override fun partOne(): Any {
return inputList
.map {
val (hand, bid) = it.split(" ")
hand to bid
.mapIndexed { index, (_, bid) -> (index + 1) * bid.toInt() }
override fun partTwo(): Any {
return inputList
.map {
val (hand, bid) = it.split(" ")
hand to bid
.mapIndexed { index, (_, bid) -> (index + 1) * bid.toInt() }
private class JokerRuleCardComparator : CardComparator() {
override fun Map<Char, Int>.mapOccurrencesToStrength(): Int {
val j = getOrDefault('J', 0)
if (j == 5) return 6
val max = filterNot { it.key == 'J' }.values.max()
val min = filterNot { it.key == 'J' }.values.min()
val count = values.count { it == 2 }
return when {
max + j == 5 -> 6
max + j == 4 -> 5
max + j == 3 && min == 2 -> 4
max == 3 && min + j == 2 -> 4
max + j == 3 -> 3
max + j == 2 && count == 2 -> 2
max == 2 && count + j == 2 -> 2
max + j == 2 -> 1
max + j == 1 -> 0
else -> -1
override fun Char.cardToValue(): Int = when {
this == 'A' -> 14
this == 'K' -> 13
this == 'Q' -> 12
this == 'J' -> 0
this == 'T' -> 10
isDigit() -> digitToInt()
else -> -1
private class RegularCardComparator : CardComparator() {
override fun Map<Char, Int>.mapOccurrencesToStrength(): Int = when {
values.max() == 5 -> 6
values.max() == 4 -> 5
values.max() == 3 && values.min() == 2 -> 4
values.max() == 3 -> 3
values.max() == 2 && values.count { it == 2 } == 2 -> 2
values.max() == 2 -> 1
values.max() == 1 -> 0
else -> -1
override fun Char.cardToValue(): Int = when {
this == 'A' -> 14
this == 'K' -> 13
this == 'Q' -> 12
this == 'J' -> 11
this == 'T' -> 10
isDigit() -> digitToInt()
else -> -1
private abstract class CardComparator : Comparator<Pair<String, String>> {
override fun compare(o1: Pair<String, String>?, o2: Pair<String, String>?): Int {
return when {
o1 == null -> -1
o2 == null -> 1
else -> compare(o1.first, o2.first)
private fun compare(o1: String, o2: String): Int {
val strengthHand1 = mapCharOccurrences(o1).mapOccurrencesToStrength()
val strengthHand2 = mapCharOccurrences(o2).mapOccurrencesToStrength()
val strengthByType = strengthHand1 - strengthHand2
if (strengthByType != 0) return strengthByType
.forEach { (a, b) ->
val comparison = a.cardToValue() - b.cardToValue()
if (comparison != 0) return comparison
return 0
private fun mapCharOccurrences(s: String): Map<Char, Int> = s.fold(mutableMapOf()) { map, char ->
map.merge(char, 1, Int::plus)
abstract fun Map<Char, Int>.mapOccurrencesToStrength(): Int
abstract fun Char.cardToValue(): Int
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b1db7b8e9f1037d4c16e6b733145da7ad807b40a | 3,440 | adventofcode | MIT License |
2k23/aoc2k23/src/main/kotlin/22.kt | papey | 225,420,936 | false | {"Rust": 88237, "Kotlin": 63321, "Elixir": 54197, "Crystal": 47654, "Go": 44755, "Ruby": 24620, "Python": 23868, "TypeScript": 5612, "Scheme": 117} | package d22
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
fun main() {
println("Part 1: ${part1(read("22.txt"))}")
println("Part 2: ${part2(read("22.txt"))}")
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val bricks = { Brick(it) }.toMutableList()
val (supports, supportedBy) = stabilize(bricks)
return bricks.filterIndexed { index, _ -> supports[index]!!.all { supportedBy[it]!!.size > 1 } }.size
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val bricks = { Brick(it) }.toMutableList()
val (supports, supportedBy) = stabilize(bricks)
return bricks.foldIndexed(0) { index, acc, _ ->
val queue = ArrayDeque(supports[index]!!.filter { supportedBy[it]!!.size == 1 })
val falling = mutableSetOf<Int>()
queue.forEach { falling.add(it) }
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = queue.removeFirst()
supports[current]!!.minus(falling).filter { supportedBy[it]!!.all { element -> element in falling } }
.forEach {
acc + falling.size - 1
fun stabilize(bricks: MutableList<Brick>): Pair<Map<Int, MutableSet<Int>>, Map<Int, MutableSet<Int>>> {
bricks.sortBy { it.start.z }
bricks.forEachIndexed { index, brick ->
var max = 1
bricks.subList(0, index).forEach { lowerBricks ->
if (brick.overlaps(lowerBricks)) {
max = max(max, lowerBricks.end.z + 1)
brick.end.z -= brick.start.z - max
brick.start.z = max
bricks.sortBy { it.start.z }
val supports = (0..<bricks.size).associateWith { mutableSetOf<Int>() }
val supportedBy = (0..<bricks.size).associateWith { mutableSetOf<Int>() }
bricks.forEachIndexed { upperIndex, upperBrick ->
bricks.forEachIndexed { lowerIndex, lowerBrick ->
if (upperBrick.overlaps(lowerBrick) && upperBrick.start.z == lowerBrick.end.z + 1) {
return supports to supportedBy
class Brick(input: String) {
val start: Point
val end: Point
init {
val (rawStart, rawEnd) = input.split("~")
val startCoord = rawStart.split(",").map { it.toInt() }
start = Point(startCoord[0], startCoord[1], startCoord[2])
val endCoord = rawEnd.split(",").map { it.toInt() }
end = Point(endCoord[0], endCoord[1], endCoord[2])
fun overlaps(other: Brick): Boolean =
max(start.x, other.start.x) <= min(end.x, other.end.x) && max(start.y, other.start.y) <= min(end.y, other.end.y)
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int, var z: Int)
| 0 | Rust | 0 | 3 | cb0ea2fc043ebef75aff6795bf6ce8a350a21aa5 | 2,868 | aoc | The Unlicense |
src/Day15.kt | anisch | 573,147,806 | false | {"Kotlin": 38951} | import kotlin.math.abs
private fun getPositions(input: List<String>) = input
.map { line ->
val (s, b) = line.split(": ")
val (xs, ys) = s.removeRange(0..9).split(",")
val (xb, yb) = b.removeRange(0..20).split(",")
val vecS = Vec(
val vecB = Vec(
Pair(vecS, vecB)
private fun getRanges(positions: List<Pair<Vec, Vec>>, row: Int): List<IntRange> = positions
.mapNotNull { (s, b) ->
val distance = abs(s.x - b.x) + abs(s.y - b.y)
val yRange = s.y - distance..s.y + distance
if (row in yRange) {
val yd = abs(s.y - row)
val range = (distance - yd)
s.x - range..s.x + range
} else null
.sortedBy { it.first }
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>, row: Int): Int {
val positions = getPositions(input)
val ranges = getRanges(positions, row)
.reduce { acc, intRange ->
val start =
if (intRange.first < acc.first) intRange.first
else acc.first
val end =
if (intRange.last > acc.last) intRange.last
else acc.last
val nothing = ranges.count()
val beacons = positions
.filter { (_, b) -> b.y == row && b.x in ranges }
.map { it.second }
return nothing - beacons
fun part2(input: List<String>, rows: Int): Long {
val positions = getPositions(input)
var vec = Vec(0, 0)
for (row in 0..rows) {
val ranges = getRanges(positions, row)
var col: Int? = null
var lastX = ranges.first().last
for (idx in 1 until ranges.size) {
if (lastX + 1 < ranges[idx].first) {
col = lastX + 1
} else {
lastX =
if (lastX >= ranges[idx].last) lastX
else ranges[idx].last
if (col != null) {
vec = Vec(col, row)
return vec.x.toLong() * 4_000_000L + vec.y.toLong()
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
val input = readInput("Day15")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
println(part1(input, 2_000_000))
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56_000_011L)
println(part2(input, 4_000_000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4f45d264d578661957800cb01d63b6c7c00f97b1 | 2,883 | Advent-of-Code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day14/Day14.kt | maxmil | 578,287,889 | false | {"Kotlin": 32792} | package day14
import println
import readInput
fun String.parseInput() =
readInput(this).let { lines ->
lines.slice(2 until lines.size).associate { line -> line.split(" -> ").let { Pair(it[0], it[1]) } }
fun Map<String, String>.step(initial: String): String {
var formula = initial.take(1)
for (i in 1 until initial.length) {
val next = initial[i]
formula += this["${formula.last()}$next"]!! + next
return formula
fun part1(initial: String, rules: Map<String, String>): Int {
val formula = (1..10).fold(initial) { acc, _ -> rules.step(acc) }
val counts = formula.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
return counts.values.max() - counts.values.min()
fun part2(initial: String, rules: Map<String, String>): Long {
val initialPairs = rules.mapValues { e -> initial.windowed(2).filter { it == e.key }.size.toLong() }
val pairsAfterSteps = (1..40).fold(initialPairs) { pairs, _ ->
pairs.entries.fold(mutableMapOf()) { transformed, it ->
val inserted = rules[it.key]!!
transformed.compute(it.key.first() + inserted) { _, value -> (value ?: 0) + it.value }
transformed.compute(inserted + it.key.last()) { _, value -> (value ?: 0) + it.value }
val counts =
pairsAfterSteps.entries.flatMap { e -> listOf(Pair(e.key.first(), e.value), Pair(e.key.last(), e.value)) }
.groupingBy { it.first }.aggregate { _, acc: Long?, element, _ -> (acc ?: 0) + element.second }
.mapValues { if (it.key == initial.first() || it.key == initial.last()) it.value + 1 else it.value }
.mapValues { it.value / 2 }
return counts.values.max() - counts.values.min()
fun main() {
val testInput = "day14/input_test".parseInput()
check(part1(testInput.first, testInput.second) == 1588)
check(part2(testInput.first, testInput.second) == 2188189693529L)
val input = "day14/input".parseInput()
part1(input.first, input.second).println()
part2(input.first, input.second).println()
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 246353788b1259ba11321d2b8079c044af2e211a | 2,127 | advent-of-code-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day08/Day08.kt | Volifter | 572,720,551 | false | {"Kotlin": 65483} | package day08
import utils.*
data class Tree(val height: Int, var score: Int = 0)
fun readMap(input: List<String>): List<List<Tree>> = { line -> { c ->
fun <T> getClockwiseRotation(mtx: List<List<T>>): List<List<T>> =
mtx[0] { x -> { y ->
mtx[mtx.lastIndex - y][x]
fun setTreeVisibilityScores(map: List<List<Tree>>) {
val rotations = (0..2).scan(map) { mtx, _ -> getClockwiseRotation(mtx) }
rotations.forEach { rows ->
rows.forEach { row ->
row.fold(-1) { max, tree ->
if (tree.height > max)
maxOf(max, tree.height)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int =
.also { setTreeVisibilityScores(it) }
.count { tree -> tree.score > 0 }
fun getTreeScenicScore(map: List<List<Tree>>, x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val currentHeight = map[y][x].height
val directions = listOf(
(x +[0].lastIndex).map { map[y][it].height },
(x - 1 downTo 0).map { map[y][it].height },
(y + { map[it][x].height },
(y - 1 downTo 0).map { map[it][x].height }
return directions
.map { dir ->
(dir.indexOfFirst { it >= currentHeight } + 1)
.takeIf { it != 0 }
?: dir.size
fun setTreeScenicScores(map: List<List<Tree>>) =
map.forEachIndexed { y, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { x, tree ->
tree.score = getTreeScenicScore(map, x, y)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int =
.also { setTreeScenicScores(it) }
.maxOf { it.score }
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
expect(part1(testInput), 21)
expect(part2(testInput), 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | c2c386844c09087c3eac4b66ee675d0a95bc8ccc | 2,093 | AOC-2022-Kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day15/d15_1.kt | svorcmar | 720,683,913 | false | {"Kotlin": 49110} | fun main() {
val input = ""
val ingredients = input.lines().map { parseIngredient(it) }.associateBy { }
println(forAllCombinations(ingredients, 100) { { (k, v) -> listOf(
ingredients[k]!!.capacity * v,
ingredients[k]!!.durability * v,
ingredients[k]!!.flavor * v,
ingredients[k]!!.texture * v)
}.fold(listOf(0, 0, 0, 0)) { acc, list -> { a, b -> a + b } }
.map { if (it < 0) 0 else it }
data class Ingredient(val name: String, val capacity: Int, val durability: Int, val flavor: Int, val texture: Int)
fun parseIngredient(s: String): Ingredient =
s.split(" ").let { Ingredient(it[0].dropLast(1),
it[8].dropLast(1).toInt()) }
fun <T> forAllCombinations(ingredients: Map<String, Ingredient>, n: Int, f: (Map<String, Int>) -> T): Sequence<T> {
val names = ingredients.keys.toList()
val arr = Array(names.size) { 0 }
return forAllCombinationsRec(0, n, 0, arr, names, f)
fun <T> forAllCombinationsRec(step: Int, stepCount: Int, currIdx: Int,
arr: Array<Int>, names: List<String>,
f: (Map<String, Int>) -> T): Sequence<T> = sequence {
if (step == stepCount) {
yield(f(arr.mapIndexed {i, cnt -> names[i] to cnt }.toMap()))
} else {
if (currIdx < arr.size - 1) {
arr[currIdx + 1]++
yieldAll(forAllCombinationsRec(step + 1, stepCount, currIdx + 1, arr, names, f))
arr[currIdx + 1]--
yieldAll(forAllCombinationsRec(step + 1, stepCount, currIdx, arr, names, f))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cb097b59295b2ec76cc0845ee6674f1683c3c91f | 1,836 | aoc2015 | MIT License |
src/Day15.kt | fercarcedo | 573,142,185 | false | {"Kotlin": 60181} | import kotlin.math.abs
private val LINE_REGEX = "Sensor\\s+at\\s+x=(?<sensorX>-?\\d+),\\s+y=(?<sensorY>-?\\d+):\\s+closest\\s+beacon\\s+is\\s+at\\s+x=(?<beaconX>-?\\d+),\\s+y=(?<beaconY>-?\\d+)".toRegex()
private const val TUNING_FACTOR_X = 4000000L
data class Sensor(
val position: Pair<Int, Int>,
val closestBeacon: Pair<Int, Int>
data class Range(
val start: Int,
val end: Int
fun main() {
fun parseSensors(input: List<String>) = {
val matchResult = LINE_REGEX.matchEntire(it)!!
matchResult.groups["sensorX"]!!.value.toInt() to matchResult.groups["sensorY"]!!.value.toInt(),
matchResult.groups["beaconX"]!!.value.toInt() to matchResult.groups["beaconY"]!!.value.toInt()
fun combineRanges(ranges: Set<Range>): Set<Range> {
if (ranges.isEmpty() || ranges.size == 1) {
return ranges
val sortedRanges = ranges.sortedBy { it.start }
var currentStart = sortedRanges[0].start
var currentEnd = sortedRanges[0].end
val result = mutableSetOf<Range>()
for (i in 1 until sortedRanges.size) {
val range = sortedRanges[i]
if (range.start <= currentEnd + 1) {
if (range.end > currentEnd) {
currentEnd = range.end
} else {
result.add(Range(currentStart, currentEnd))
currentStart = range.start
currentEnd = range.end
result.add(Range(currentStart, currentEnd))
return result
fun manhattanDistance(first: Pair<Int, Int>, second: Pair<Int, Int>): Int =
abs(first.first - second.first) + abs(first.second - second.second)
fun getCoverageRanges(y: Int, sensors: List<Sensor>, maxPos: Int? = null): Set<Range> {
val ranges = mutableSetOf<Range>()
for (sensor in sensors) {
val distance = manhattanDistance(sensor.position, sensor.closestBeacon)
val leftPoint = sensor.position.first - distance to sensor.position.second
val rightPoint = sensor.position.first + distance to sensor.position.second
val topPoint = sensor.position.first to sensor.position.second - distance
val bottomPoint = sensor.position.first to sensor.position.second + distance
if ((y >= topPoint.second && y <= sensor.position.second) ||
(y >= sensor.position.second && y <= bottomPoint.second)) {
val difference = abs(sensor.position.second - y)
maxPos?.let {
ranges.add(Range(maxOf(leftPoint.first + difference, 0), minOf(rightPoint.first - difference, it)))
} ?: ranges.add(Range(leftPoint.first + difference, rightPoint.first - difference))
return combineRanges(ranges)
fun part1(input: List<String>, y: Int): Int {
val sensors = parseSensors(input)
val combinedRanges = getCoverageRanges(y, sensors)
val sensorsAndBeaconsInY = sensors.flatMap { listOf(it.position, it.closestBeacon) }
.filter { it.second == y }
val sumRangesSize = combinedRanges.sumOf { it.end - it.start + 1 }
val numSensorsAndBeaconsInRanges = combinedRanges.count { range ->
sensorsAndBeaconsInY.any { point -> point.first >= range.start && point.first <= range.end }
return sumRangesSize - numSensorsAndBeaconsInRanges
fun part2(input: List<String>, maxPos: Int): Long {
val sensors = parseSensors(input)
for (y in 0..maxPos) {
val combinedRanges = getCoverageRanges(y, sensors, maxPos)
if (combinedRanges.size > 1) {
val rangeX = combinedRanges.windowed(2).first { it[1].start > it[0].end + 1 }[0].end + 1
return rangeX * TUNING_FACTOR_X + y
return -1L
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000)) // 5838453
println(part2(input, 4000000)) // 12413999391794
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e34bc66389cd8f261ef4f1e2b7f7b664fa13f778 | 4,269 | Advent-of-Code-2022-Kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day8.kt | Ostkontentitan | 434,500,914 | false | {"Kotlin": 73563} | fun puzzleDayEightPartOne() {
val inputs = readInput(8)
val structured = structureInputs(inputs)
val count = structured.countOneFourSevenEight()
println("Count of 1,4,7,8 -> $count")
fun puzzleDayEightPartTwo() {
val inputs = readInput(8)
val structured = structureInputs(inputs)
val sum = structured.sumOf { pairsList ->
val codes = decode(pairsList.first) {
codes[it.toSet()] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Could not find: $it in decoded set. ")
}.joinToString(separator = "").toInt()
println("Sum of all outputs -> $sum")
fun List<Pair<List<String>, List<String>>>.countOneFourSevenEight() = flatMap {
}.count { ONE_FOUR_SEVEN_EIGHT_LENGTHS.contains(it.length) }
fun structureInputs(inputs: List<String>): List<Pair<List<String>, List<String>>> = { input ->
val split = input.split(" | ")
split[0].trim().split(" ") to split[1].trim().split(" ")
fun decode(codes: List<String>): Map<Set<Char>, Int> {
val sortedSets = codes.sortedBy { it.length }.map { it.toSet() }
val codeOne = sortedSets[0]
val codeSeven = sortedSets[1]
val codeFour = sortedSets[2]
val codeEight = sortedSets.last()
val charsByCount = sortedSets.joinToString().toList().groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
val segmentF = charsByCount.filter { it.value == 9 }.map { it.key }.first()
val codeTwo = sortedSets.first { !it.contains(segmentF) }
val segmentC = codeOne.toSet().intersect(codeTwo.toSet()).first()
val fiveAndSix = sortedSets.filter { !it.contains(segmentC) }.sortedBy { it.size }
val codeFive = fiveAndSix.first()
val codeSix = fiveAndSix.last()
val segmentE = (codeSix.toSet() - codeFive.toSet()).first()
val codeNine = codeEight - segmentE
val codeZero = sortedSets.first { it.size == 6 && it != codeNine && it != codeSix }
val codeThree = sortedSets.first { it.size == 5 && it != codeTwo && it != codeFive }
return mapOf(
codeZero.toSet() to 0,
codeOne.toSet() to 1,
codeTwo.toSet() to 2,
codeThree.toSet() to 3,
codeFour.toSet() to 4,
codeFive.toSet() to 5,
codeSix.toSet() to 6,
codeSeven.toSet() to 7,
codeEight.toSet() to 8,
codeNine.toSet() to 9
private val ONE_FOUR_SEVEN_EIGHT_LENGTHS = setOf(2, 3, 4, 7)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e0e5022238747e4b934cac0f6235b92831ca8ac7 | 2,397 | advent-of-kotlin-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | paulgrugnale | 573,105,050 | false | {"Kotlin": 6378} | import Position.Companion.manhattanDistance
import java.lang.Integer.max
import java.lang.Integer.min
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
fun positionsWithoutBeaconForRow(input: List<Position>, row: Int): List<IntRange> {
val sensorsAffectingRow = input.filter {
abs(it.sensorY - row) <= it.manhattanDistance()
val xRanges = {
val (xMin, xMax) = funMath(it.sensorX, it.sensorY, row, it.manhattanDistance())
Pair(xMin, xMax)
}.sortedBy { it.first }
return xRanges.fold(mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()) { acc, item ->
if (acc.isEmpty() || acc.last().second < item.first) {
} else {
val last = acc.removeLast()
acc.add(Pair(min(item.first, last.first), max(item.second, last.second)))
}.map { IntRange(it.first, it.second) }
fun part1(input: List<Position>, row: Int): Int {
val sensorsAffectingRow = input.filter {
abs(it.sensorY - row) <= it.manhattanDistance()
val rangesWithoutBeacon = positionsWithoutBeaconForRow(input, row)
val beaconsInRow = sensorsAffectingRow.filter {it.beaconY == row }.map { it.beaconX }.distinct()
.count { beacon -> { beacon in it }.any { it }
return rangesWithoutBeacon.sumOf { it.count() } - beaconsInRow
fun part2(input: List<Position>, validRange: IntRange): Long {
var emptyX = -1
val answerY = validRange.asSequence().find { row ->
val rangesWithoutBeacon = positionsWithoutBeaconForRow(input, row)
val beaconsInRow = input.filter { it.beaconY == row}.map { it.beaconX } {range ->
if ((range.first - 1) in validRange && (range.first - 1) !in beaconsInRow) {
emptyX = range.first - 1
} else {
}.any { it }
println("row found at y=$answerY with empty X space at x=$emptyX")
return emptyX * 4000000L + answerY!!
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
//val input = readInput("Day15_test")
val input = readInput("Day15")
val regex = Regex("x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+)")
val coordinates = {
val matchResults = regex.findAll(it).toList()
println("part 1 solution: ${part1(coordinates, 2000000)}")
println("part 2 solution: ${part2(coordinates, 0..4000000)}")
// println("part 1 solution: ${part1(coordinates, 10)}")
// println("part 2 solution: ${part2(coordinates, 0..20)}")
data class Position(
val sensorX: Int,
val sensorY: Int,
val beaconX: Int,
val beaconY: Int
) {
companion object {
fun Position.manhattanDistance() = getManhattanDistance(sensorX, sensorY, beaconX, beaconY)
private fun getManhattanDistance(x1:Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int) =
abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)
private fun funMath(sensorX: Int, sensorY: Int, givenY: Int, maxDistance: Int): Pair<Int, Int>{
val yDifference = abs(sensorY - givenY)
val rhs = maxDistance - yDifference
val xGreaterEqualThan = (rhs - sensorX) * -1
val xLessEqualThan = (-rhs - sensorX) * -1
return xGreaterEqualThan to xLessEqualThan
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e62edc817a8b75e401d6c8a0a66243d009c31fbd | 3,733 | advent2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/y2022/Day08.kt | gaetjen | 572,857,330 | false | {"Kotlin": 325874, "Mermaid": 571} | package y2022
import util.getCol
import util.getRow
import util.readInput
import util.split
object Day08 {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val heightGrid = input.mapIndexed { rowIdx, row ->
row.mapIndexed { colIdx, h -> Tree(h, rowIdx, colIdx) }
return heightGrid
.count {
isVisible(it, heightGrid)
private fun isVisible(tree: Tree, grid: List<List<Tree>>): Boolean {
return isVisible(tree.row, getCol(grid, tree.col)) || isVisible(tree.col, getRow(grid, tree.row))
private fun isVisible(idx: Int, line: List<Tree>): Boolean {
return line.split { it == line[idx] }
.map { partLine -> partLine.all { it.height < line[idx].height } }
.any { it }
class Tree(height: Char, val row: Int, val col: Int) {
val height = height.digitToInt()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val heightGrid = input.mapIndexed { rowIdx, row ->
row.mapIndexed { colIdx, h -> Tree(h, rowIdx, colIdx) }
return heightGrid
.maxOf { scenicScore(it, heightGrid) }
private fun scenicScore(tree: Tree, grid: List<List<Tree>>): Int {
return scenicScore(tree.row, getCol(grid, tree.col)) * scenicScore(tree.col, getRow(grid, tree.row))
private fun scenicScore(idx: Int, line: List<Tree>): Int {
val treeHeight = line[idx].height
val (before, after) = line.split { it == line[idx] }
return viewDistance(before.reversed(), treeHeight) * viewDistance(after, treeHeight)
private fun viewDistance(trees: List<Tree>, treeHeight: Int): Int {
val visible = trees.takeWhile { it.height < treeHeight }.count()
val extraTree = if (trees.drop(visible).firstOrNull()?.height == treeHeight) 1 else 0
return visible + extraTree
fun main() {
val testInput = """
println("all of empty: " + listOf<Boolean>().all { true })
val input = readInput("resources/2022/day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d0b9b5e16cf50025bd9c1ea1df02a308ac1cb66a | 2,327 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/com/kingsleyadio/adventofcode/y2021/day09/Solution.kt | kingsleyadio | 435,430,807 | false | {"Kotlin": 134666, "JavaScript": 5423} | package com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.y2021.day09
import com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.util.readInput
fun part1(input: List<List<Int>>): Int {
var result = 0
for (i in input.indices) {
val inner = input[i]
for (j in inner.indices) {
val current = inner[j]
val adjacents = adjacentPoints(i, j, input).map { (y, x) -> input[y][x] }
if (adjacents.all { it > current }) result += current + 1
return result
fun part2(input: List<List<Int>>): Int {
fun expanse(y: Int, x: Int): Int {
fun evaluate(y: Int, x: Int, lookup: MutableSet<String>): Int {
val value = input[y][x]
return 1 + adjacentPoints(y, x, input)
.filter { (newY, newX) -> input[newY][newX] in value+1..8 }
.filterNot { (newY, newX) -> "$newY#$newX" in lookup }
.sumOf { (newY, newX) -> evaluate(newY, newX, lookup) }
return evaluate(y, x, hashSetOf())
val basins = arrayListOf<Int>()
for (i in input.indices) {
val inner = input[i]
for (j in inner.indices) {
val current = inner[j]
val adjacents = adjacentPoints(i, j, input).map { (y, x) -> input[y][x] }
if (adjacents.all { it > current }) basins.add(expanse(i, j))
return basins.sorted().takeLast(3).fold(1) { acc, n -> acc * n }
fun adjacentPoints(y: Int, x: Int, input: List<List<Int>>): List<IntArray> {
return buildList {
if (y > 0) add(intArrayOf(y - 1, x))
if (x < input[0].lastIndex) add(intArrayOf(y, x + 1))
if (y < input.lastIndex) add(intArrayOf(y + 1, x))
if (x > 0) add(intArrayOf(y, x - 1))
fun main() {
val input = readInput(2021, 9).useLines { lines -> { line -> line.toCharArray().map { it.digitToInt() } }.toList()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 9abda490a7b4e3d9e6113a0d99d4695fcfb36422 | 2,010 | adventofcode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day11.kt | jimmymorales | 572,156,554 | false | {"Kotlin": 33914} | fun main() {
fun List<String>.parseMonkeys() = map { section ->
val lines = section.split('\n')
val index = lines[0].split(' ')[1].dropLast(1).toInt()
val items = lines[1].trim().split(' ').drop(2).map { it.removeSuffix(",").toLong() }.toMutableList()
val condition: (Long) -> Long = lines[2].trim().split(' ').takeLast(2).let { (op, value) ->
if (op == "*") ({
it * if (value == "old") it else value.toLong()
}) else ({
it + if (value == "old") it else value.toLong()
val divisibleBy = lines[3].trim().split(' ').last().toLong()
val testTrue = lines[4].trim().split(' ').last().toInt()
val testFalse = lines[5].trim().split(' ').last().toInt()
Monkey(index, items, condition, divisibleBy, testTrue, testFalse)
fun List<Monkey>.calculateInspections(rounds: Int, worryReducer: (Long) -> Long): LongArray {
val inspections = LongArray(size) { 0 }
repeat(rounds) {
forEach { monkey ->
monkey.items.forEach { item ->
val new = worryReducer(monkey.operation(item))
if (new % monkey.divisibleBy == 0L) {
} else {
inspections[monkey.index] = inspections[monkey.index] + monkey.items.size
return inspections
fun part1(input: List<String>): Long {
return input.parseMonkeys()
.calculateInspections(rounds = 20) { it / 3 }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val monkeys = input.parseMonkeys()
val lcm =
return input.parseMonkeys()
.calculateInspections(rounds = 10_000) { it % lcm }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readLinesSplitedbyEmptyLine("Day11_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 10605L)
val input = readLinesSplitedbyEmptyLine("Day11")
// part 2
check(part2(testInput) == 2713310158)
private data class Monkey(
val index: Int,
val items: MutableList<Long>,
val operation: (Long) -> Long,
val divisibleBy: Long,
val testTrue: Int,
val testFalse: Int,
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fb72806e163055c2a562702d10a19028cab43188 | 2,721 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day09.kt | cypressious | 572,916,585 | false | {"Kotlin": 40281} | fun main() {
fun parse(input: List<String>) = { it.toCharArray().map { c -> c.toString().toInt() } }
fun isLowPoint(map: List<List<Int>>, y: Int, x: Int): Boolean {
val value = map[y][x]
if (y > 0 && map[y - 1][x] <= value) return false
if (y < map.lastIndex && map[y + 1][x] <= value) return false
if (x > 0 && map[y][x - 1] <= value) return false
if (x < map[y].lastIndex && map[y][x + 1] <= value) return false
return true
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = parse(input)
var sum = 0
for (y in map.indices) {
for (x in map[y].indices) {
if (isLowPoint(map, y, x)) sum += 1 + map[y][x]
return sum
fun computeBasin(map: List<List<Int>>, lowY: Int, lowX: Int): MutableList<Pair<Int, Int>> {
val toVisit = mutableListOf(lowY to lowX)
val visited = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
fun shouldAdd(pair: Pair<Int, Int>) = map[pair.first][pair.second] != 9 && pair !in visited && pair !in toVisit
while (toVisit.isNotEmpty()) {
val coordinate = toVisit.removeLast().also(visited::add)
val (y, x) = coordinate
(y - 1 to x).takeIf { it.first in map.indices && shouldAdd(it) }?.let(toVisit::add)
(y + 1 to x).takeIf { it.first in map.indices && shouldAdd(it) }?.let(toVisit::add)
(y to x - 1).takeIf { it.second in map[it.first].indices && shouldAdd(it) }?.let(toVisit::add)
(y to x + 1).takeIf { it.second in map[it.first].indices && shouldAdd(it) }?.let(toVisit::add)
return visited
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = parse(input)
val basins = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (y in map.indices) {
for (x in map[y].indices) {
if (isLowPoint(map, y, x)) {
basins += computeBasin(map, y, x).size
return basins.take(3).reduce(Int::times)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day09_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
check(part2(testInput) == 1134)
val input = readInput("Day09")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 169fb9307a34b56c39578e3ee2cca038802bc046 | 2,408 | AdventOfCode2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
y2023/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2023/Day19.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2023
fun main() {
object Day19 : AdventSolution(2023, 19, "Aplenty") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String): Int {
val (workflows, parts) = parse(input)
val flows = workflows.associateBy { }
return parts.filter { it.acceptedBy(flows) }.sumOf(Part::value)
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String): Long {
val workflows = parse(input).first.associateBy { }
val initial = PartRange(Part("xmas".map { it to 1 }.toMap()), Part("xmas".map { it to 4001 }.toMap()))
val incomplete = mutableListOf<Pair<PartRange, Evaluation>>(initial to Evaluation.DecideByWorkflow("in"))
val accepted = mutableListOf<PartRange>()
while (incomplete.isNotEmpty()) {
val (currentRange, currentTarget) = incomplete.removeLast()
when (currentTarget) {
is Evaluation.DecideByWorkflow -> {
incomplete += workflows.getValue(
Evaluation.Accepted -> accepted += currentRange
Evaluation.Rejected -> continue
return accepted.sumOf(PartRange::countPartsWithinRange)
private fun parse(input: String): Pair<List<Workflow>, List<Part>> {
fun parsePart(input: String): Part {
val values = """(\d+)""".toRegex().findAll(input).map { it.value.toInt() }.toList()
return "xmas".asIterable().zip(values).toMap().let (::Part)
fun parseTarget(input: String) = when (input) {
"A" -> Evaluation.Accepted
"R" -> Evaluation.Rejected
else -> Evaluation.DecideByWorkflow(input)
fun parseWorkflow(input: String): Workflow {
val name = input.substringBefore("{")
val flows = input.substringAfter("{").dropLast(1).split(",")
val default = flows.last().let(::parseTarget)
val comparisons = flows.dropLast(1).map {
val property = it.first()
val lessThan = it[1] == '<'
val amount = it.substring(2).substringBefore(":").toInt()
val target = it.substringAfter(":").let(::parseTarget)
Comparison(property, lessThan, amount, target)
return Workflow(name, comparisons, default)
val (workflows, parts) = input.split("\n\n")
return workflows.lines().map { parseWorkflow(it) } to parts.lines().map { parsePart(it) }
private data class Workflow(val name: String, val steps: List<Comparison>, val default: Evaluation) {
fun evaluatePartRange(part: Part): Evaluation = steps.firstNotNullOfOrNull { it.eval(part) } ?: default
fun evaluatePartRange(partRange: PartRange): List<Pair<PartRange, Evaluation>> {
val resolved = mutableListOf<Pair<PartRange, Evaluation>>()
val remainder = steps.fold(partRange) { range, comparison ->
val (res, rem) = comparison.eval(range)
resolved += res
return resolved + (remainder to default)
private data class Comparison(val property: Char, val lessThan: Boolean, val v: Int, val evaluation: Evaluation) {
fun eval(part: Part): Evaluation? {
return if (lessThan && part[property] < v) evaluation
else if (!lessThan && part[property] > v) evaluation
else null
fun eval(range: PartRange): Pair<Pair<PartRange, Evaluation>, PartRange> =
if (lessThan) {
val (low, high) = range.partition(property, v)
Pair(low to evaluation, high)
} else {
val (low, high) = range.partition(property, v + 1)
Pair(high to evaluation, low)
private sealed class Evaluation {
data object Accepted : Evaluation()
data object Rejected : Evaluation()
data class DecideByWorkflow(val name: String) : Evaluation()
private data class Part(private val props:Map<Char,Int>) {
fun copyWith(property: Char, value: Int) = Part(props + (property to value))
operator fun get(property: Char) = props.getValue(property)
fun value() = props.values.sum()
fun area() = props.values.fold(1L,Long::times)
operator fun minus(o:Part) = Part(o.props.mapValues { (p,v)-> v - this[p] })
fun acceptedBy(workflows: Map<String, Workflow>): Boolean = generateSequence<Evaluation>(Evaluation.DecideByWorkflow("in")) {
(it as? Evaluation.DecideByWorkflow)?.name?.let(workflows::get)?.evaluatePartRange(this)
}.last() == Evaluation.Accepted
private data class PartRange(val start: Part, val endExclusive: Part) {
fun partition(property: Char, startOfHigh: Int): Pair<PartRange, PartRange> {
val lower = copy(endExclusive = endExclusive.copyWith(property, startOfHigh))
val higher = copy(start = start.copyWith(property, startOfHigh))
return lower to higher
fun countPartsWithinRange() = (endExclusive - start).area()
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 5,029 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | rweekers | 573,305,041 | false | {"Kotlin": 38747} | fun main() {
fun part1(trees: List<List<Int>>): Int {
return trees.indices
.flatMap { y ->
.map { x -> trees.isVisible(x, y) }
}.count { it }
fun part2(trees: List<List<Int>>): Int {
return trees.indices
.flatMap { y ->
.map { x ->
trees.visibleTreesFrom(x, y)
.map { it.takeUntil { height -> height < trees[y][x] } }
.map { it.size }
.reduce { acc, i -> acc.times(i) }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
val testTrees: List<List<Int>> = { y -> testInput.first() { x -> testInput[y][x].digitToInt() } }
check(part1(testTrees) == 21)
check(part2(testTrees) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
val trees: List<List<Int>> = { y -> input.first() { x -> input[y][x].digitToInt() } }
private fun List<List<Int>>.visibleTreesFrom(x: Int, y: Int): List<List<Int>> {
val height = this.size
val width = this.first().size
return listOf(
(y - 1 downTo 0).map { this[it][x] },
(x + 1 until width).map { this[y][it] },
(y + 1 until height).map { this[it][x] },
(x - 1 downTo 0).map { this[y][it] }
private fun List<List<Int>>.isVisible(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
return this.visibleTreesFrom(x, y).any { treeRow ->
treeRow.all { it < this[y][x] }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 276eae0afbc4fd9da596466e06866ae8a66c1807 | 1,782 | adventofcode-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
app/src/main/kotlin/day09/Day09.kt | KingOfDog | 433,706,881 | false | {"Kotlin": 76907} | package day09
import common.InputRepo
import common.readSessionCookie
import common.solve
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val day = 9
val input = InputRepo(args.readSessionCookie()).get(day = day)
solve(day, input, ::solveDay09Part1, ::solveDay09Part2)
fun solveDay09Part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val heights = { row -> row.toCharArray().map { it.digitToInt() } }
val width = heights[0].size
val height = heights.size
val lowPoints = mutableListOf<Int>()
heights.forEachIndexed { y, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { x, point ->
val surroundingPoints = listOf(0 to 1, 0 to -1, -1 to 0, 1 to 0)
.map { x + it.first to y + it.second }
.filterNot { it.first < 0 || it.second < 0 || it.first >= width || it.second >= height }
.map { heights[it.second][it.first] }
if (surroundingPoints.none { it <= point }) {
return lowPoints.sumOf { it + 1 }
fun solveDay09Part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val heights = { row -> row.toCharArray().map { it.digitToInt() } }
val width = heights[0].size
val height = heights.size
val points = heights.mapIndexed { y, row -> row.mapIndexed { x, _ -> Point(x, y) } }.flatten()
val availablePoints = points.toMutableList()
val usedPoints = mutableListOf<Point>()
val basins = points.asSequence()
.filterNot { heights[it.y][it.x] == 9 }
.filter { availablePoints.contains(it) }
.map {
heights.findBasin(it, width, height, usedPoints).also { points ->
println("Completed step for $it and found $points")
return { it.size }.sortedDescending().subList(0, 3).reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)
fun List<List<Int>>.findBasin(
point: Point,
width: Int,
height: Int,
alreadyVisited: List<Point> = emptyList()
): List<Point> {
if (this[point.y][point.x] == 9) {
return emptyList()
val neighbors = point.getNeighbors(width, height).filterNot { alreadyVisited.contains(it) }
val visited = alreadyVisited + neighbors + listOf(point)
val neighborBasins = mutableSetOf<Point>()
for (neighbor in neighbors) {
val basin = this.findBasin(neighbor, width, height, visited + neighborBasins)
return neighborBasins.toList() + listOf(point)
fun Point.getNeighbors(width: Int, height: Int): List<Point> {
return listOf(0 to 1, 0 to -1, -1 to 0, 1 to 0)
.map { Point(x + it.first, y + it.second) }
.filterNot { it.x < 0 || it.y < 0 || it.x >= width || it.y >= height }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 576e5599ada224e5cf21ccf20757673ca6f8310a | 2,881 | advent-of-code-kt | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day12.kt | dmstocking | 575,012,721 | false | {"Kotlin": 40350} | // Cheat the package to get true isolation between source files
package day12
import readInput
import java.util.PriorityQueue
import kotlin.math.abs
data class Position(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
var cost = 0
fun up(): Position = copy(y = y - 1)
fun down(): Position = copy(y = y + 1)
fun right(): Position = copy(x = x + 1)
fun left(): Position = copy(x = x - 1)
fun distance(other: Position) = abs(x - other.x) + abs(y - other.y)
data class Map(val start: Position, val end: Position, val data: List<List<Int>>) {
fun shortestPath(start: Position): List<Position>? {
val queue = PriorityQueue<Position> { a, b -> (a.distance(end) + a.cost).compareTo(b.distance(end) + b.cost) }
var at = start
val closed = mutableSetOf<Position>()
val cameFrom = mutableMapOf<Position, Position>()
val cost = mutableMapOf<Position, Int>()
while (at != end) {
if (queue.size == 0) {
return null
at = queue.remove()
listOf(at.up(), at.down(), at.right(), at.left())
.filter { it.y in data.indices && it.x in data.first().indices }
.filter { data[it.y][it.x] - data[at.y][at.x] <= 1 }
.filter { it !in closed }
.forEach {
val oldCost = cost[it]
val newCost = (cost[at] ?: 0) + 1
if (oldCost == null || newCost < oldCost) {
it.cost = newCost
cost[it] = newCost
cameFrom[it] = at
return generateSequence {
val next = cameFrom[at]
next?.let { at = next }
companion object {
fun parse(input: List<String>): Map {
var start: Position? = null
var end: Position? = null
val data = input.mapIndexed { y, line ->
line.mapIndexed { x, c ->
val char = when (c) {
'S' -> {
start = Position(x, y)
'E' -> {
end = Position(x, y)
else -> c
char.code - 'a'.code
return Map(start!!, end!!, data)
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = Map.parse(input)
return map.shortestPath(map.start)?.size ?: -1
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val map = Map.parse(input)
return map
.flatMapIndexed { y, line -> line.mapIndexed { x, elevation -> Position(x, y) to elevation }}
.filter { (_, elevation) -> elevation == 0 }
.map { (position, _) -> map.shortestPath(position)?.size ?: Int.MAX_VALUE }
.minOf { it }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day12_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 31)
val input = readInput("Day12")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e49d9247340037e4e70f55b0c201b3a39edd0a0f | 3,528 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/advent/y2018/day6.kt | IgorPerikov | 134,053,571 | false | {"Kotlin": 29606} | package advent.y2018
import misc.readAdventInput
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val points = parsePoints()
private fun getSizeOfSafeRegion(points: Set<Point>): Int {
var result = 0
val maxX = { it.x }.max()!!
val maxY = { it.y }.max()!!
for (row in 0..maxY) {
for (column in 0..maxX) {
if (calcDistancesToAllPoints(row, column, points) < 10000) {
return result
private fun calcDistancesToAllPoints(row: Int, column: Int, points: Set<Point>): Int {
return { point -> manhattanDistance(column, row, point.x, point.y) }.sum()
private fun getSizeOfBiggestLimitedArea(points: Set<Point>): Int {
val grid = generateGrid(points)
grid.forEachIndexed { rowNumber, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { column, _ ->
val closestPoint = findClosestPoint(rowNumber, column, points)
if (closestPoint != null) {
grid[rowNumber][column] = closestPoint
return removeInfiniteAreas(grid, { })
.map { pointName -> countPointEntries(grid, pointName) }
private fun findClosestPoint(row: Int, column: Int, points: Set<Point>): Int? {
val distances = points
.map { point -> Pair(manhattanDistance(point.x, point.y, column, row), }
.sortedBy { it.first }
if (distances[0].first == distances[1].first) {
return null
} else {
return distances[0].second
private fun removeInfiniteAreas(grid: Array<IntArray>, pointNames: List<Int>): Set<Int> {
val resultPoints = HashSet(pointNames)
for (i in 0 until grid.size) {
resultPoints.remove(grid[i][grid[0].size - 1])
for (i in 0 until grid[0].size) {
resultPoints.remove(grid[grid.size - 1][i])
return resultPoints
private fun countPointEntries(grid: Array<IntArray>, pointName: Int): Int {
return grid.iterator()
.flatMap { it.asSequence() }
.count { it == pointName }
private fun parsePoints(): Set<Point> {
var i = 1
return readAdventInput(6, 2018)
.map {
val coordinates = it.split(", ")
Point(coordinates[0].toInt(), coordinates[1].toInt(), i++)
private fun generateGrid(points: Set<Point>): Array<IntArray> {
val maxX = { it.x }.max()!!
val maxY = { it.y }.max()!!
return Array(maxY) { IntArray(maxX) { 0 } }
private fun manhattanDistance(x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int) = Math.abs(x1 - x2) + Math.abs(y1 - y2)
private data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int, val name: Int)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b30cf179f7b7ae534ee55d432b13859b77bbc4b7 | 2,916 | kotlin-solutions | MIT License |
app/src/main/kotlin/com/jamjaws/adventofcode/xxiii/day/Day11.kt | JamJaws | 725,792,497 | false | {"Kotlin": 30656} | package
import com.jamjaws.adventofcode.xxiii.readInput
import kotlin.math.abs
class Day11 {
fun part1(text: List<String>): Long {
val expandingRows = text.getExpansionRowIndexes()
val expandingColumns = text.transpose().getExpansionRowIndexes()
val galaxyCombinations = text.getGalaxies().combinations().toList()
return galaxyCombinations.sumOf { (a, b) -> getGalaxyPathLength(a, b, expandingColumns, expandingRows) }
fun part2(text: List<String>): Long {
val rows = text.getExpansionRowIndexes()
val columns = text.transpose().getExpansionRowIndexes()
val galaxyCombinations = text.getGalaxies().combinations().toList()
return galaxyCombinations.sumOf { (a, b) -> getGalaxyPathLength(a, b, columns, rows, 1000000) }
private fun List<String>.getExpansionRowIndexes() =
mapIndexedNotNull { index, line -> line.takeIf { it.all('.'::equals) }?.let { index } }
private fun List<String>.transpose(): List<String> =
first() { x -> { y -> this[y][x] } }.map(List<Char>::toCharArray).map(::String)
private fun List<String>.getGalaxies() =
flatMapIndexed { y: Int, line: String ->
line.mapIndexedNotNull { x, char -> char.takeIf('#'::equals)?.let { Galaxy(1, x, y) } }
}.mapIndexed { index, pair -> pair.copy(id = index + 1) }
private fun <T> List<T>.combinations() =
.flatMapIndexed { index: Int, a: T ->
drop(index + 1).map { b -> a to b }
private fun getGalaxyPathLength(
galaxy1: Galaxy,
galaxy2: Galaxy,
columns: List<Int>,
rows: List<Int>,
expansionMultiplier: Long = 2L,
): Long {
val expandedX = (minOf(galaxy1.x, galaxy2.x)..maxOf(galaxy1.x, galaxy2.x))
.count { it in columns }
val expandedY = (minOf(galaxy1.y, galaxy2.y)..maxOf(galaxy1.y, galaxy2.y))
.count { it in rows }
val xDiff = abs(galaxy1.x - galaxy2.x).toLong()
val yDiff = abs(galaxy1.y - galaxy2.y).toLong()
return xDiff + yDiff + expandedX + expandedY
data class Galaxy(val id: Int, val x: Int, val y: Int)
fun main() {
val answer1 = Day11().part1(readInput("Day11"))
val answer2 = Day11().part2(readInput("Day11"))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | e2683305d762e3d96500d7268e617891fa397e9b | 2,575 | advent-of-code-2023 | MIT License |
src/y2023/Day22.kt | gaetjen | 572,857,330 | false | {"Kotlin": 325874, "Mermaid": 571} | package y2023
import util.readInput
import util.timingStatistics
object Day22 {
data class Brick(
val xRange: IntRange,
val yRange: IntRange,
val zRange: IntRange
) {
fun xyOverlap(other: Brick): Boolean {
return xRange.intersects(other.xRange) && yRange.intersects(other.yRange)
fun IntRange.intersects(other: IntRange): Boolean {
return (first in other || last in other || other.first in this || other.last in this)
private fun parse(input: List<String>): List<Brick> {
return { line ->
val (starts, ends) = line.split('~').map { raw -> raw.split(',').map { it.toInt() } }
}.sortedBy { it.zRange.first }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val bricks = parse(input)
val fallenBricks = fallenBricks(bricks)
val brickLookupBottom = fallenBricks.groupBy { it.zRange.first }
val brickLookupTop = fallenBricks.groupBy { it.zRange.last }
val disintegratable = fallenBricks.filter { brick ->
val above = (brickLookupBottom[brick.zRange.last + 1] ?: emptyList()).filter { it.xyOverlap(brick) }
if (above.isEmpty()) {
} else {
above.all { aboveBrick ->
val below = (brickLookupTop[aboveBrick.zRange.first - 1] ?: emptyList())
.filter { it.xyOverlap(aboveBrick) }
below.size >= 2
return disintegratable.size
private fun fallenBricks(bricks: List<Brick>): MutableList<Brick> {
val fallenBricks = mutableListOf<Brick>()
bricks.forEach { brick ->
val z = fallenBricks.filter { brick.xyOverlap(it) }.maxOfOrNull { it.zRange.last } ?: 0
z + 1..(z + 1 + brick.zRange.last - brick.zRange.first)
return fallenBricks
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val bricks = parse(input)
val fallenBricks = fallenBricks(bricks)
val brickLookupBottom = fallenBricks.groupBy { it.zRange.first }
val brickLookupTop = fallenBricks.groupBy { it.zRange.last }
return fallenBricks.sumOf { brick ->
val allToFall = mutableSetOf<Brick>()
var top = listOf(brick)
while (top.isNotEmpty()) {
top = top.flatMap { current ->
val supportedByCurrent = (brickLookupBottom[current.zRange.last + 1] ?: emptyList())
.filter { it.xyOverlap(current) }
supportedByCurrent.filter { above ->
val supportingAbove = (brickLookupTop[above.zRange.first - 1] ?: emptyList())
.filter { it.xyOverlap(above) }
check(supportingAbove.isNotEmpty()) { "No support for $above" }
supportingAbove.all { it in allToFall || it in top }
fun main() {
val testInput = """
val input = readInput(2023, 22)
println("Part 1 result: ${Day22.part1(input)}")
println("Part 2 result: ${Day22.part2(input)}")
timingStatistics { Day22.part1(input) }
timingStatistics { Day22.part2(input) }
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d0b9b5e16cf50025bd9c1ea1df02a308ac1cb66a | 4,004 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day02.kt | djleeds | 572,720,298 | false | {"Kotlin": 43505} | private enum class Outcome(val score: Int) {
WIN(6), DRAW(3), LOSE(0);
fun inverted(): Outcome = when (this) {
private sealed class Shape(val score: Int) {
object Rock : Shape(1)
object Paper : Shape(2)
object Scissors : Shape(3)
fun evaluate(other: Shape): Outcome = when {
this == other -> Outcome.DRAW
this == Rock && other == Scissors -> Outcome.WIN
this == Scissors && other == Paper -> Outcome.WIN
this == Paper && other == Rock -> Outcome.WIN
else -> Outcome.LOSE
private operator fun <T1, T2> List<T1>.times(other: List<T2>): List<Pair<T1, T2>> =
buildList { this@times.forEach { left -> other.forEach { right -> add(left to right) } } }
private object Lookup {
private val scenarios = buildList {
val shapes = listOf(Shape.Rock, Shape.Paper, Shape.Scissors)
(shapes * shapes).forEach { (shape1, shape2) -> add(Round(shape1, shape2)) }
fun find(shape1: Shape, shape2: Shape): Round =
scenarios.single { it.shape1 == shape1 && it.shape2 == shape2 }
fun find(shape1: Shape, outcome: Outcome): Round =
scenarios.single { it.shape1 == shape1 && it.result.outcome2 == outcome }
private fun shapeFromCode(code: String) = when (code) {
"A", "X" -> Shape.Rock
"B", "Y" -> Shape.Paper
"C", "Z" -> Shape.Scissors
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
private fun outcomeFromCode(code: String) = when (code) {
"X" -> Outcome.LOSE
"Y" -> Outcome.DRAW
"Z" -> Outcome.WIN
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
private data class Tournament(val rounds: List<Round>) {
val totalScore2 = rounds.sumOf { it.shape2.score + it.result.outcome2.score }
private data class Round(val shape1: Shape, val shape2: Shape) {
val result: Result = shape1.evaluate(shape2).let { outcome1 -> Result(outcome1, outcome1.inverted()) }
private data class Result(val outcome1: Outcome, val outcome2: Outcome)
fun main() {
fun parse(input: List<String>, transform: (String, String) -> Round): Tournament =
.map { it.split(" ") }
.map { transform(it[0], it[1]) }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int =
parse(input) { code1, code2 -> Lookup.find(shapeFromCode(code1), shapeFromCode(code2)) }.totalScore2
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int =
parse(input) { code1, code2 -> Lookup.find(shapeFromCode(code1), outcomeFromCode(code2)) }.totalScore2
val testInput = readInput("Day02_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
val input = readInput("Day02")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 4 | 98946a517c5ab8cbb337439565f9eb35e0ce1c72 | 2,792 | advent-of-code-in-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day07.kt | bin-wang | 572,801,360 | false | {"Kotlin": 19395} | object Day07 {
data class File(val name: String, val size: Int)
class Directory(val name: String, val parent: Directory?) {
var dirs: List<Directory> = listOf()
var files: List<File> = listOf()
val size: Int by lazy {
files.sumOf { it.size } + dirs.sumOf { it.size }
fun traverse(): List<Directory> {
return listOf(this) + dirs.flatMap { it.traverse() }
sealed interface Command {
companion object {
fun from(input: String): Command {
val tokens = input.split(' ').filter(String::isNotBlank)
return when (tokens[0]) {
"cd" -> CD(directoryName = tokens[1])
"ls" -> LS
else -> error("Unable to parse command")
data class CD(val directoryName: String) : Command
object LS : Command
const val total = 70000000
const val needed = 30000000
fun main() {
fun parseInputAsFilesystemTree(input: String): Day07.Directory {
val snippets = input.split("$").filter(String::isNotBlank).map { it.trim().lines() }
val root = Day07.Directory("/", parent = null)
var currentDir = root
snippets.forEach { s ->
when (val command = Day07.Command.from(s.first())) {
Day07.LS -> {
val (dirTokens, fileTokens) = s.drop(1).partition { it.startsWith("dir") }
currentDir.dirs = {
val (_, dirName) = it.split(' ')
Day07.Directory(dirName, parent = currentDir)
currentDir.files = {
val (size, fileName) = it.split(' ')
Day07.File(fileName, size.toInt())
is Day07.CD -> {
currentDir = when (command.directoryName) {
"/" -> root
".." -> currentDir.parent!!
else -> currentDir.dirs.first { == command.directoryName }
return root
fun part1(root: Day07.Directory) =
root.traverse().mapNotNull { directory -> directory.size.takeIf { it <= 100000 } }.sum()
fun part2(root: Day07.Directory): Int {
val free = - root.size
val toFree = Day07.needed - free
return root.traverse().mapNotNull { directory -> directory.size.takeIf { it >= toFree } }.min()
val testInput = readInputAsString("Day07_test")
val testRoot = parseInputAsFilesystemTree(testInput)
check(part1(testRoot) == 95437)
check(part2(testRoot) == 24933642)
val input = readInputAsString("Day07")
val root = parseInputAsFilesystemTree(input)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | dca2c4915594a4b4ca2791843b53b71fd068fe28 | 2,993 | aoc22-kt | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/adventofcode2023/day2/day2.kt | dzkoirn | 725,682,258 | false | {"Kotlin": 133478} | package adventofcode2023.day2
import adventofcode2023.readInput
import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
val input = readInput("day2.txt")
println("Day 2")
println("Puzzle 1: ${puzzle1(input, GameRecord(red = 12, green = 13, blue = 14))}")
println("Puzzle 2: ${puzzle2(input)}")
data class GameRecord(
val green: Int = 0,
val red: Int = 0,
val blue: Int = 0
fun puzzle1(input: List<String>, initial: GameRecord): Int {
return { l -> dummyLineParsing(l) }
.filter { isGamePossible(initial, it.second) }
.sumOf { (id, _) -> id }
fun puzzle2(input: List<String>): Int {
return { l -> dummyLineParsing(l) }
.map { (_, records) -> calculateMinimalGameAmount(records) }
fun dummyLineParsing(line: String): Pair<Int, List<GameRecord>> {
val (gameIdStr, colorsStr) = line.split(":")
val gameId = gameIdStr.substring(5).toInt()
val gameRecords = colorsStr.split(";").map { s ->
s.split(",").map {
val (v, color) = it.trim().split(" ")
color to v.toInt()
}.map { m ->
green = m.getOrDefault("green", 0),
red = m.getOrDefault("red", 0),
blue = m.getOrDefault("blue", 0)
return Pair(gameId, gameRecords)
fun isGamePossible(initial: GameRecord, input: List<GameRecord>): Boolean =
!input.any { gr -> > || > || > }
fun calculateMinimalGameAmount(input: List<GameRecord>): GameRecord =
input.reduce { acc, gr ->
GameRecord(red = max(,, green = max(,, blue = max(,
fun calculatePower(gameRecord: GameRecord): Int = * *
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8f248fcdcd84176ab0875969822b3f2b02d8dea6 | 1,871 | adventofcode2023 | MIT License |
src/Day08.kt | kthun | 572,871,866 | false | {"Kotlin": 17958} | enum class Direction {
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = { line -> line.toCharArray().map { it.toString().toInt() } }
val height = trees.size
val width = trees[0].size
val numVisibleTrees = trees.mapIndexed { row, line ->
line.mapIndexed { col, tree ->
if ((0 until row).map { trees[it][col] }.none { otherTree -> otherTree >= tree }
|| (row + 1 until height).map { trees[it][col] }.none { otherTree -> otherTree >= tree }
|| (0 until col).map { trees[row][it] }.none { otherTree -> otherTree >= tree }
|| (col + 1 until width).map { trees[row][it] }.none { otherTree -> otherTree >= tree }) {
} else {
return numVisibleTrees
fun treesSeen(trees: List<List<Int>>, tree: Int, row: Int, col: Int, gridHeight: Int, gridWidth: Int, direction: Direction): Int {
var seen = 0
when (direction) {
Direction.NORTH -> {
for (r in row - 1 downTo 0) {
if (trees[r][col] >= tree) break
Direction.SOUTH -> {
for (r in row + 1 until gridHeight) {
if (trees[r][col] >= tree) break
Direction.EAST -> {
for (c in col + 1 until gridWidth) {
if (trees[row][c] >= tree) break
Direction.WEST -> {
for (c in col - 1 downTo 0) {
if (trees[row][c] >= tree) break
return seen
fun scenicScore(trees: List<List<Int>>, tree: Int, row: Int, col: Int, gridHeight: Int, gridWidth: Int): Int {
val treesSeenWest = treesSeen(trees, tree, row, col, gridHeight, gridWidth, Direction.WEST)
val treesSeenEast = treesSeen(trees, tree, row, col, gridHeight, gridWidth, Direction.EAST)
val treesSeenNorth = treesSeen(trees, tree, row, col, gridHeight, gridWidth, Direction.NORTH)
val treesSeenSouth = treesSeen(trees, tree, row, col, gridHeight, gridWidth, Direction.SOUTH)
return treesSeenSouth * treesSeenNorth * treesSeenEast * treesSeenWest
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = { line -> line.toCharArray().map { it.toString().toInt() } }
val height = trees.size
val width = trees[0].size
val bestScenicScore = trees.mapIndexed { row, line ->
line.mapIndexed { col, tree ->
scenicScore(trees, tree, row, col, height, width)
.also {
if (col in 1 until width - 1 && row in 1 until height - 1) {
println("($col, $row) is $tree tall and has score $it")
.maxByOrNull { it } ?: 0
return bestScenicScore
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
val input = readInput("Day08")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 5452702e4e20ef2db3adc8112427c0229ebd1c29 | 3,605 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2021/day14/Day14.kt | fadi426 | 433,496,346 | false | {"Kotlin": 44622} | package year2021.day14
import util.assertTrue
import util.model.Counter
import util.read2021DayInput
fun main() {
fun task1(input: List<String>) = findOptimalPolymer(input, 10)
fun task2(input: List<String>) = findOptimalPolymer(input, 40)
val input = read2021DayInput("Day14")
assertTrue(task1(input) == "${3342}".toLong())
assertTrue(task2(input) == "${3776553567525}".toLong())
fun findOptimalPolymer(input: List<String>, insertionLimit: Int): Long {
val polymerTemplate = input.first()
val rules = input.takeLast(input.size - 2).map { it.split(" -> ") }.map { Rule(it[0], it[1]) }
polymerTemplate.windowed(2).forEach { rules.first { rule -> it == }.counter++ }
val finalRules = rec(rules, Counter(), insertionLimit)
val letters = { it.insertion }.distinct().map { letter ->
finalRules.sumOf { rule -> { "$it" == letter } * rule.counter } / 2
}.sortedBy { it.second }
return calcWithOffset(polymerTemplate, letters.last()) - calcWithOffset(polymerTemplate, letters.first())
fun calcWithOffset(polymerTemplate: String, letter: Pair<String, Long>): Long {
return if (letter.first.single() == polymerTemplate.first() ||
letter.first.single() == polymerTemplate.last()
) letter.second + 1 else letter.second
fun rec(rules: List<Rule>, counter: Counter, limit: Int): List<Rule> {
if (counter.i > limit - 1) return rules
val temp = { it.copy() }.toMutableList()
for (i in rules.indices) {
if (rules[i].counter > 0) {
temp[i].counter -= rules[i].counter
temp[i].outcome.forEach { insertion ->
temp.first { == insertion }.counter += rules[i].counter
return rec(temp, counter, limit)
data class Rule(
val name: String,
val insertion: String,
var counter: Long = 0
) {
val outcome = mutableListOf<String>()
init {
outcome.addAll(listOf(name.first() + insertion, insertion + name.last()))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | acf8b6db03edd5ff72ee8cbde0372113824833b6 | 2,106 | advent-of-code-kotlin-template | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day02.kt | WaatzeG | 573,594,703 | false | {"Kotlin": 7476} | fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day02_input")
val solutionPart1 = part1(testInput)
println("Solution part 1: $solutionPart1")
val solutionPart2 = part2(testInput)
println("Solution part 2: $solutionPart2")
* Total score strategy 1
private fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val opponentActions = mapOf(
"A" to RockPaperScissorsAction.Rock,
"B" to RockPaperScissorsAction.Paper,
"C" to RockPaperScissorsAction.Scissors
val counterActions = mapOf(
"X" to CounterAction(RockPaperScissorsAction.Rock, 1),
"Y" to CounterAction(RockPaperScissorsAction.Paper, 2),
"Z" to CounterAction(RockPaperScissorsAction.Scissors, 3),
return input.sumOf { games ->
val (opponentAction, counterAction) = games.split(" ")
.let { game -> opponentActions.getValue(game[0]) to counterActions.getValue(game[1]) }
val gameResult = determineGameResult(opponentAction, counterAction.action)
gameResult.points + counterAction.points
* Total score strategy 2
private fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val opponentActions = mapOf(
"A" to RockPaperScissorsAction.Rock,
"B" to RockPaperScissorsAction.Paper,
"C" to RockPaperScissorsAction.Scissors
val gameResults = mapOf(
"X" to RockPaperScissorsGameResult.Loss,
"Y" to RockPaperScissorsGameResult.Draw,
"Z" to RockPaperScissorsGameResult.Win,
return input.sumOf { games ->
val (opponentAction, gameResult) = games.split(" ")
.let { game ->
opponentActions.getValue(game[0]) to gameResults.getValue(game[1])
val counterAction = determineCounterAction(gameResult, opponentAction)
gameResult.points + counterAction.points
private fun determineGameResult(
opponentAction: RockPaperScissorsAction,
ownAction: RockPaperScissorsAction,
): RockPaperScissorsGameResult {
return when {
opponentAction == ownAction -> RockPaperScissorsGameResult.Draw
opponentAction.defeats(ownAction) -> RockPaperScissorsGameResult.Loss
else -> RockPaperScissorsGameResult.Win
private fun determineCounterAction(
gameResult: RockPaperScissorsGameResult,
opponentsAction: RockPaperScissorsAction,
): RockPaperScissorsAction {
return when (gameResult) {
RockPaperScissorsGameResult.Draw -> opponentsAction
RockPaperScissorsGameResult.Win -> RockPaperScissorsAction.values().first { it.defeats(opponentsAction) }
else -> RockPaperScissorsAction.values().first { opponentsAction.defeats(it) }
private data class CounterAction(val action: RockPaperScissorsAction, val points: Int)
private enum class RockPaperScissorsAction(val points: Int) {
fun defeats(other: RockPaperScissorsAction): Boolean {
return when (this) {
Scissors -> other == Paper
Paper -> other == Rock
Rock -> other == Scissors
private enum class RockPaperScissorsGameResult(val points: Int) {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 324a98c51580b86121b6962651f1ba9eaad8f468 | 3,219 | advent_of_code_2022_kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | ambrosil | 572,667,754 | false | {"Kotlin": 70967} | import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.sign
fun main() {
fun List<IntRange>.union(): List<IntRange> {
val sorted = sortedBy { it.first }
val init = mutableListOf(sorted.first())
return sortedBy { it.first }.fold(init) { acc, r ->
val last = acc.last()
if (r.first <= last.last) {
acc[acc.lastIndex] = (last.first..maxOf(last.last, r.last))
} else {
acc += r
fun Point.frequency() = (x * 4_000_000L) + y
infix fun Point.distanceTo(other: Point): Int {
return abs(x - other.x) + abs(y - other.y)
infix fun Point.lineTo(other: Point): List<Point> {
val xDelta = (other.x - x).sign
val yDelta = (other.y - y).sign
val steps = maxOf(abs(x - other.x), abs(y - other.y))
return (1..steps).scan(this) { prev, _ -> Point(prev.x + xDelta, prev.y + yDelta) }
fun Point.findRange(y: Int, distance: Int): IntRange? {
val width = distance - abs(this.y - y)
return (this.x - width..this.x + width).takeIf { it.first <= it.last }
fun parse(input: List<String>): MutableList<Pair<Point, Point>> {
return {
val sensorX = it.substringAfter("Sensor at x=").substringBefore(",").toInt()
val sensorY = it.substringBefore(":").substringAfter("y=").toInt()
val beaconX = it.substringAfter("closest beacon is at x=").substringBefore(",").toInt()
val beaconY = it.substringAfterLast("y=").toInt()
Pair(Point(sensorX, sensorY), Point(beaconX, beaconY))
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val pairs = parse(input)
val y = 2_000_000
return pairs
.mapNotNull { (sensor, beacon) ->
val distance = sensor distanceTo beacon
sensor.findRange(y, distance)
.sumOf { it.last - it.first }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val pairs = parse(input)
val cave = 0..4_000_000L
return pairs.firstNotNullOf { (sensor, beacon) ->
val distance = sensor distanceTo beacon
val up = Point(sensor.x, sensor.y - distance - 1)
val down = Point(sensor.x, sensor.y + distance + 1)
val left = Point(sensor.x - distance - 1, sensor.y)
val right = Point(sensor.x + distance + 1, sensor.y)
(up.lineTo(right) + right.lineTo(down) + down.lineTo(left) + left.lineTo(up))
.filter { it.x in cave && it.y in cave }
.firstOrNull { point ->
pairs.all { (sensor, beacon) ->
sensor distanceTo point > sensor distanceTo beacon
val input = readInput("inputs/Day15")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ebaacfc65877bb5387ba6b43e748898c15b1b80a | 3,008 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | thpz2210 | 575,577,457 | false | {"Kotlin": 50995} | private class Solution08(input: List<String>) {
val trees = { it.toCharArray() }
val coords = trees.indices.cartesianProduct(trees[0].indices)
val maxX = trees[0].indices.max()
val maxY = trees.indices.max()
fun getTree(c: Coordinate) = trees[c.y][c.x]
fun getTreesAbove(c: Coordinate) = (0 until c.y).map { trees[it][c.x] }
fun getTreesBelow(c: Coordinate) = (c.y + 1..maxY).map { trees[it][c.x] }
fun getTreesLeft(c: Coordinate) = (0 until c.x).map { trees[c.y][it] }
fun getTreesRight(c: Coordinate) = (c.x + 1..maxX).map { trees[c.y][it] }
fun getScenicScoreAbove(c: Coordinate) =
if (c.y == 0) 0 else (c.y - 1 downTo 1).takeWhile { getTree(c) > trees[it][c.x] }.count() + 1
fun getScenicScoreBelow(c: Coordinate) =
if (c.y == maxY) 0 else (c.y + 1 until maxY).takeWhile { getTree(c) > trees[it][c.x] }.count() + 1
fun getScenicScoreLeft(c: Coordinate) =
if (c.x == 0) 0 else (c.x - 1 downTo 1).takeWhile { getTree(c) > trees[c.y][it] }.count() + 1
fun getScenicScoreRight(c: Coordinate) =
if (c.x == maxX) 0 else (c.x + 1 until maxX).takeWhile { getTree(c) > trees[c.y][it] }.count() + 1
fun part1() = coords.count { c ->
getTreesAbove(c).all { getTree(c) > it } ||
getTreesBelow(c).all { getTree(c) > it } ||
getTreesLeft(c).all { getTree(c) > it } ||
getTreesRight(c).all { getTree(c) > it }
fun part2() = coords.maxOf {
getScenicScoreAbove(it) * getScenicScoreBelow(it) * getScenicScoreLeft(it) * getScenicScoreRight(it)
fun main() {
val testSolution = Solution08(readInput("Day08_test"))
check(testSolution.part1() == 21)
check(testSolution.part2() == 8)
val solution = Solution08(readInput("Day08"))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 69ed62889ed90692de2f40b42634b74245398633 | 1,880 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | erikthered | 572,804,470 | false | {"Kotlin": 36722} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val grid = { line -> { it.digitToInt() } }
var visible = 0
grid.forEachIndexed { y, row ->
// Add all trees in first or last row
if (y == 0 || y == grid.lastIndex) {
visible += row.size
} else {
row.forEachIndexed { x, height ->
// Add all trees in first or last col
if (x == 0 || x == row.lastIndex) {
visible += 1
} else {
if (height > row.subList(0, x).max()
|| height > row.subList(x + 1, row.lastIndex + 1).max()
|| height > { row -> row[x] }.subList(0, y).max()
|| height > { row -> row[x] }.subList(y + 1, grid.lastIndex + 1).max()
) visible += 1
return visible
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val rows = { line -> { it.digitToInt() } }
var maxScore = 0
rows.forEachIndexed { y, row ->
row.forEachIndexed { x, height ->
val left = row.subList(0, x).reversed()
val right = row.subList(x + 1, row.lastIndex + 1)
val up = { row -> row[x] }.subList(0, y).reversed()
val down = { row -> row[x] }.subList(y + 1, rows.lastIndex + 1)
val score = arrayOf(left, right, up, down).map { direction ->
direction.indexOfFirst { it >= height }.let { if (it == -1) direction.size else it + 1 }
}.reduce { a, b -> a * b }
if (score > maxScore) maxScore = score
return maxScore
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 3946827754a449cbe2a9e3e249a0db06fdc3995d | 2,180 | aoc-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/com/ncorti/aoc2023/Day07.kt | cortinico | 723,409,155 | false | {"Kotlin": 76642} | package com.ncorti.aoc2023
class CardComparator(val withJoker: Boolean) : Comparator<Pair<String, Int>> {
private val cardRank = arrayOf('2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A')
private val cardRankWithJoker = arrayOf('J', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'Q', 'K', 'A')
private fun compareCard(card1: Char, card2: Char): Int =
if (withJoker) cardRankWithJoker.indexOf(card1) - cardRankWithJoker.indexOf(card2)
else cardRank.indexOf(card1) - cardRank.indexOf(card2)
private fun handScore(hand: String): Int {
val cards = hand.toCharArray()
val grouping = cards.groupBy { it }.mapValues { it.value.size }.toMutableMap()
if (withJoker && 'J' in grouping) {
val jokerInstances = grouping['J']!!
if (jokerInstances == 5) {
grouping['A'] = 5
} else {
val smartSortedEntries = grouping.entries.sortedWith { (key1, value1), (key2, value2) ->
when {
value1 > value2 -> -1
value1 < value2 -> 1
else -> compareCard(key1, key2)
val (firstEntry, firstValue) = smartSortedEntries[0]
grouping[firstEntry] = firstValue + jokerInstances
return when {
grouping.values.any { it == 5 } -> 7
grouping.values.any { it == 4 } -> 6
grouping.values.any { it == 3 } && grouping.values.any { it == 2 } -> 5
grouping.values.any { it == 3 } -> 4
grouping.values.count { it == 2 } == 2 -> 3
grouping.values.any { it == 2 } -> 2
else -> 1
override fun compare(o1: Pair<String, Int>, o2: Pair<String, Int>): Int {
val (hand1, _) = o1
val (hand2, _) = o2
val score1 = handScore(hand1)
val score2 = handScore(hand2)
return when {
score1 > score2 -> 1
score1 < score2 -> -1
else -> {
for (i in hand1.indices) {
val card1 = hand1[i]
val card2 = hand2[i]
val cardComparison = compareCard(card1, card2)
if (cardComparison != 0) {
return cardComparison
fun main() {
fun part(withJoker: Boolean): Int {
val hands = getInputAsText("07") {
split("\n").filter(String::isNotBlank).map {
val (card, rank) = it.split(" ")
card to rank.toInt()
return hands.sortedWith(CardComparator(withJoker = withJoker)).foldIndexed(0) { index, acc, (card, rank) ->
acc + (rank * (index + 1))
println(part(withJoker = false))
println(part(withJoker = true))
| 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 84e06f0cb0350a1eed17317a762359e9c9543ae5 | 3,011 | adventofcode-2023 | MIT License |
src/Day12.kt | arhor | 572,349,244 | false | {"Kotlin": 36845} | import java.util.*
fun main() {
val input = readInput {}
val yIndicies = 0..input.lastIndex
val xIndicies = 0..input.first().lastIndex
fun validNeighbours(curr: Point, next: Point): Boolean {
if (next.x in xIndicies && next.y in yIndicies) {
val currHeight = determineHeight(input[curr.y][curr.x])
val nextHeight = determineHeight(input[next.y][next.x])
return nextHeight <= currHeight + 1
return false
val data = input.withIndex().flatMap { (y, line) -> line.withIndex().map { (x, _) -> Point(x, y) } }
println("Part 1: ${solvePuzzle1(input, data, ::validNeighbours)}")
println("Part 2: ${solvePuzzle2(input, data, ::validNeighbours)}")
private fun solvePuzzle1(input: List<String>, data: List<Point>, validNeighbours: Point.(Point) -> Boolean): Double {
val alpha = data.first { input[it.y][it.x] == 'S' }
val omega = data.first { input[it.y][it.x] == 'E' }
return dijkstra(alpha, omega, validNeighbours)
private fun solvePuzzle2(input: List<String>, data: List<Point>, validNeighbours: Point.(Point) -> Boolean): Double {
val alpha = data.filter { input[it.y][it.x].let { height -> height == 'S' || height == 'a' } }
val omega = data.first { input[it.y][it.x] == 'E' }
return alpha.minOf { dijkstra(it, omega, validNeighbours) }
private fun determineHeight(value: Char) = when (value) {
'S' -> 'a'
'E' -> 'z'
else -> value
private fun dijkstra(alpha: Point, omega: Point, validNeighbours: (Point, Point) -> Boolean): Double {
val unvisited = PriorityQueue<Point>().apply { offer(alpha) }
val distances = HashMap<Point, Double>().apply { put(alpha, 0.0) }.withDefault { Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY }
while (!unvisited.isEmpty()) {
val curr = unvisited.poll()
val dist = distances.getValue(curr) + 1
for (next in curr.adjacentPoints(diagonal = false)) {
if (validNeighbours(curr, next) && dist < distances.getValue(next)) {
distances[next] = dist
return distances.filterKeys { it == omega }.values.minOrNull() ?: Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 047d4bdac687fd6719796eb69eab2dd8ebb5ba2f | 2,231 | aoc-2022-in-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/Day08.kt | ssiegler | 572,678,606 | false | {"Kotlin": 76434} | package day08
import geometry.Direction
import geometry.Direction.*
import utils.readInput
import kotlin.math.max
typealias Grid = List<String>
data class Tree(val height: Int) {
operator fun compareTo(tree: Tree): Int = height.compareTo(tree.height)
fun Grid.tree(row: Int, column: Int) = get(row)[column].toString().toInt().let(::Tree)
fun Grid.countVisibleTrees(): Int {
val visible = mutableMapOf<Pair<Int, Int>, Tree>()
for (i in indices) {
val max = mutableMapOf<Direction, Int>()
fun check(row: Int, column: Int, direction: Direction) {
val tree = tree(row, column)
if (tree.height > max.getOrDefault(direction, Int.MIN_VALUE)) {
visible[row to column] = tree
max[direction] = tree.height
for (j in indices) {
check(row = i, column = j, direction = Right)
check(row = j, column = i, direction = Down)
check(row = i, column = size - 1 - j, direction = Left)
check(row = size - 1 - j, column = i, direction = Up)
return visible.size
fun Grid.highestScenicScore(): Int {
var maxScore = 0
for (row in 1..size - 2) {
for (column in 1..size - 2) {
maxScore = max(score(row, column), maxScore)
return maxScore
fun Grid.score(row: Int, column: Int): Int =
when {
row == 0 || column == 0 || row == size - 1 || column == size - 1 -> 0
else ->
.map(findTrees(column, row))
.map { it.countVisible(tree(row, column)) }
private fun Grid.findTrees(column: Int, row: Int): (Direction) -> List<Tree> = {
when (it) {
Right -> (column + 1 until size).map { tree(row, it) }
Down -> (row + 1 until size).map { tree(it, column) }
Left -> (column - 1 downTo 0).map { tree(row, it) }
Up -> (row - 1 downTo 0).map { tree(it, column) }
private fun List<Tree>.countVisible(origin: Tree): Int {
var score = 0
for (tree in this) {
score += 1
if (tree >= origin) {
return score
fun part1(filename: String): Int = readInput(filename).countVisibleTrees()
fun part2(filename: String): Int = readInput(filename).highestScenicScore()
private const val filename = "Day08"
fun main() {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 9133485ca742ec16ee4c7f7f2a78410e66f51d80 | 2,502 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day02.kt | TheOnlyTails | 573,028,916 | false | {"Kotlin": 9156} | private enum class RockPaperScissors(val play: Char, val response: Char, val score: Int) {
Rock('A', 'X', 1),
Paper('B', 'Y', 2),
Scissors('C', 'Z', 3);
companion object {
val winners = mapOf(
Rock to Paper,
Paper to Scissors,
Scissors to Rock,
private enum class RoundResult(val c: Char) {
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input
.map {
val (play, response) = it.split(" ")
play to response
.map { (play, response) ->
RockPaperScissors.values().find { == play.single() }!! to RockPaperScissors.values()
.find { it.response == response.single() }!!
}.sumOf { (play, response) ->
val drawScore = if (play == response) 3 else 0
val winnerScore = if ([play] == response) 6 else 0
response.score + drawScore + winnerScore
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input
.map {
val (play, response) = it.split(" ")
play to response
.map { (play, response) ->
val enumPlay = RockPaperScissors.values().find { == play.single() }!!
val correspondingResponse = when (RoundResult.values().find { it.c == response.single() }!!) {
RoundResult.Lose ->[[enumPlay]]!!
RoundResult.Draw -> enumPlay
RoundResult.Win ->[enumPlay]!!
enumPlay to correspondingResponse
}.sumOf { (play, response) ->
val drawScore = if (play == response) 3 else 0
val winnerScore = if ([play] == response) 6 else 0
response.score + drawScore + winnerScore
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day02_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
val input = readInput("Day02")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 685ce47586b6d5cea30dc92f4a8e55e688005d7c | 2,342 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
advent-of-code-2023/src/Day03.kt | osipxd | 572,825,805 | false | {"Kotlin": 141640, "Shell": 4083, "Scala": 693} | private typealias EngineSchematic = List<CharArray>
private const val DAY = "Day03"
fun main() {
fun testInput() = readInput("${DAY}_test")
fun input() = readInput(DAY)
"Part 1" {
part1(testInput()) shouldBe 4361
measureAnswer { part1(input()) }
"Part 2" {
part2(testInput()) shouldBe 467835
measureAnswer { part2(input()) }
private fun part1(input: EngineSchematic): Int {
return input.sumIf(predicate = { !it.isDigit() && it != '.' }) { row, col ->
input.findNeighborNumbers(row, col).sum()
private fun part2(input: EngineSchematic): Int {
return input.sumIf(predicate = { it == '*' }) { row, col ->
val numbers = input.findNeighborNumbers(row, col)
if (numbers.size == 2) numbers[0] * numbers[1] else 0
private fun EngineSchematic.sumIf(
predicate: (char: Char) -> Boolean,
selector: (row: Int, col: Int) -> Int,
): Int {
var sum = 0
for (row in indices) {
for (col in this[row].indices) {
if (predicate(this[row][col])) sum += selector(row, col)
return sum
private fun EngineSchematic.findNeighborNumbers(row: Int, col: Int): List<Int> {
return neighborsOf(row, col)
.filter { (r, c) -> r in indices && c in first().indices }
.map { (r, c) -> this[r].extractNumberAt(c) }
.filter { it != 0 }
private fun neighborsOf(r: Int, c: Int): Sequence<Pair<Int, Int>> = sequenceOf(
r - 1 to c - 1, // top left
r - 1 to c, // top
r - 1 to c + 1, // top right
r to c - 1, // left
r to c + 1, // right
r + 1 to c - 1, // bottom left
r + 1 to c, // bottom
r + 1 to c + 1, // bottom right
private fun CharArray.extractNumberAt(index: Int): Int {
if (!this[index].isDigit()) return 0
var numberStart = 0
for (i in index downTo 0) {
if (this[i].isDigit()) numberStart = i else break
var numberEnd = 0
for (i in index..lastIndex) {
if (this[i].isDigit()) numberEnd = i else break
val number = String(sliceArray(numberStart..numberEnd)).toInt()
for (i in numberStart..numberEnd) this[i] = '.'
return number
private fun readInput(name: String) = readLines(name).map { it.toCharArray() }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 5 | 6a67946122abb759fddf33dae408db662213a072 | 2,314 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day08/Day08.kt | Regiva | 573,089,637 | false | {"Kotlin": 29453} | package day08
import readLines
typealias Forest = List<List<Int>>
fun main() {
val id = "08"
val testOutputPart1 = 21
val testOutputPart2 = 8
val testInput = readTreeHeightMap("day$id/Day${id}_test")
println("--- Part 1 ---")
check(part1(testInput) == testOutputPart1)
println("--- Part 2 ---")
check(part2(testInput) == testOutputPart2)
val input = readTreeHeightMap("day$id/Day$id")
// Time — O(), Memory — O()
fun part1(forest: Forest): Int {
val n = forest.size
val m = forest.first().size
var count = 2 * (n + m - 2)
fun Forest.isTreeVisibleByDirection(index: Int, jndex: Int, direction: Directions): Boolean {
val treeHeight = this[index][jndex]
return generateTreesByDirection(index, jndex, direction).all { treeHeight > it }
for (i in 1 until n - 1) {
for (j in 1 until m - 1) {
if (Directions.values().any { forest.isTreeVisibleByDirection(i, j, it) }) count++
return count
// Time — O(), Memory — O()
private fun part2(forest: Forest): Int {
var maxScore = 0
fun Forest.countVisibleTreesByDirection(index: Int, jndex: Int, direction: Directions): Int {
val treeHeight = this[index][jndex]
var count = 0
for (currentTree in generateTreesByDirection(index, jndex, direction)) {
if (currentTree >= treeHeight) return count
return count
for (i in 1 until forest.lastIndex) {
for (j in 1 until forest.first().lastIndex) {
val score = Directions.values()
.map { forest.countVisibleTreesByDirection(i, j, it) }
maxScore = maxOf(score, maxScore)
return maxScore
private fun Forest.generateTreesByDirection(index: Int, jndex: Int, direction: Directions): Sequence<Int> {
return generateSequence( to jndex), direction::next)
.takeWhile { (i, j) -> i in indices && j in first().indices }
.map { (i, j) -> this[i][j] }
fun readTreeHeightMap(fileName: String): Forest {
return readLines(fileName).map { }
private enum class Directions(val verticalChange: Int = 0, val horizontalChange: Int = 0) {
Up(verticalChange = -1),
Down(verticalChange = +1),
Left(horizontalChange = -1),
Right(horizontalChange = +1);
fun next(coordinates: Pair<Int, Int>): Pair<Int, Int> {
val (i, j) = coordinates
return (i + verticalChange) to (j + horizontalChange)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 2d9de95ee18916327f28a3565e68999c061ba810 | 2,718 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/poyea/aoc/mmxxii/day23/Day23.kt | poyea | 572,895,010 | false | {"Kotlin": 68491} | package poyea.aoc.mmxxii.day23
import poyea.aoc.utils.readInput
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
operator fun plus(other: Point) = Point(x + other.x, y + other.y)
enum class Direction(val neighbours: (Point) -> Set<Point>, val destination: (Point) -> Point) {
neighbours = { (x, y) -> setOf(Point(x + 1, y - 1), Point(x + 1, y), Point(x + 1, y + 1)) },
destination = { (x, y) -> Point(x + 1, y) }
neighbours = { (x, y) -> setOf(Point(x - 1, y + 1), Point(x, y + 1), Point(x + 1, y + 1)) },
destination = { (x, y) -> Point(x, y + 1) }
neighbours = { (x, y) -> setOf(Point(x - 1, y - 1), Point(x - 1, y), Point(x - 1, y + 1)) },
destination = { (x, y) -> Point(x - 1, y) }
neighbours = { (x, y) -> setOf(Point(x - 1, y - 1), Point(x, y - 1), Point(x + 1, y - 1)) },
destination = { (x, y) -> Point(x, y - 1) }
data class Grid(val elves: Set<Point>, val directions: List<Direction>) {
fun performRound(): Grid {
val (nonMovers, movers) =
elves.partition { elf ->
directions.none { dir -> dir.neighbours(elf).any(elves::contains) }
val propositions =
movers.associateWith { elf ->
.firstOrNull { dir -> dir.neighbours(elf).none(elves::contains) }
?.invoke(elf) ?: elf
val validPropositions =
propositions.values.groupingBy { it }.eachCount().filter { it.value == 1 }.keys
val movedOrLeft = { (current, next) -> if (next in validPropositions) next else current }
return Grid(
elves = nonMovers union movedOrLeft,
directions = directions.drop(1) + directions.first()
fun countEmptyTiles(): Int {
val min = Point(elves.minOf { it.x }, elves.minOf { it.y })
val max = Point(elves.maxOf { it.x }, elves.maxOf { it.y })
val width = max.x - min.x + 1
val height = max.y - min.y + 1
return (width * height) - elves.size
companion object {
fun from(input: List<String>): Grid {
return Grid(
elves =
.flatMapIndexed { y, line ->
line.mapIndexedNotNull { x, c -> if (c != '#') null else Point(x, y) }
directions =
listOf(Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH, Direction.WEST, Direction.EAST)
fun part1(input: String): Int {
return generateSequence(Grid.from(input.lines()), Grid::performRound).elementAt(10).countEmptyTiles()
fun part2(input: String): Int {
return generateSequence(Grid.from(input.lines()), Grid::performRound)
.takeWhile { it.first.elves != it.second.elves }
.count() + 1
fun main() {
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | fd3c96e99e3e786d358d807368c2a4a6085edb2e | 3,165 | aoc-mmxxii | MIT License |
y2017/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2017/Day07.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2017
object Day07 : AdventSolution(2017, 7, "Recursive Circus") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String): String {
return findRootProgram(parse(input)).name
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String): String {
val rows = parse(input)
val root = findRootProgram(rows)
val rootProgram = toLinkedProgramTree(rows, root)
val unbalancedSequence = generateSequence(rootProgram) { prev ->
prev.children.find { it.isUnbalanced }
val parent = unbalancedSequence.last()
val expectedWeightOfChildren = parent.children
.groupingBy { it.combinedWeight }
.find { a -> a.value > 1 }
val programWithIncorrectWeight = parent.children
.find { it.combinedWeight != expectedWeightOfChildren }!!
return (programWithIncorrectWeight.weight
+ expectedWeightOfChildren
- programWithIncorrectWeight.combinedWeight).toString()
private fun parse(input: String) = input
.map { UnlinkedProgram(it) }
private fun findRootProgram(programs: List<UnlinkedProgram>) =
sequenceOfAncestors(programs.first(), programs).last()
private fun sequenceOfAncestors(start: UnlinkedProgram,
programs: List<UnlinkedProgram>) =
generateSequence(start) { prev ->
programs.find { program -> in program.children
//Parsing an input row to a program description. No linking between rows
private data class UnlinkedProgram(val name: String,
val weight: Int, val
children: List<String>) {
constructor(input: String) : this(
name = input.substringBefore(" ("),
weight = input.substringAfter("(")
children = input.substringAfter("-> ", "")
.split(", ")
.filterNot { it.isBlank() })
private fun toLinkedProgramTree(programs: List<UnlinkedProgram>,
root: UnlinkedProgram): Program {
return Program(, root.weight, { childName ->
toLinkedProgramTree(programs, programs.find { in childName }!!)
private data class Program(val name: String,
val weight: Int,
val children: List<Program>) {
val combinedWeight: Int by lazy {
weight + children.sumOf { it.combinedWeight }
val isUnbalanced: Boolean by lazy {
children.distinctBy { it.combinedWeight }.size > 1
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 2,399 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/Day13.kt | MarkTheHopeful | 572,552,660 | false | {"Kotlin": 75535} | import kotlin.math.min
class WeirdLists(private val intValue: Int? = null) : Comparable<WeirdLists> {
constructor(list: List<WeirdLists>): this(null) {
container = list as MutableList<WeirdLists>
var container: MutableList<WeirdLists> = mutableListOf()
override fun compareTo(other: WeirdLists): Int {
return when {
intValue != null && other.intValue != null -> intValue.compareTo(other.intValue)
intValue == null && other.intValue == null -> {
var i = 0
while (i < min(container.size, other.container.size)) {
val compRes = container[i].compareTo(other.container[i])
if (compRes != 0) {
return compRes
return when {
container.size == other.container.size -> 0
i == container.size -> -1
else -> 1
intValue != null -> WeirdLists(listOf(this)).compareTo(other)
else -> this.compareTo(WeirdLists(listOf(other)))
fun main() {
fun parseThing(line: String, startPos: Int): Pair<WeirdLists, Int> {
if (line[startPos].isDigit()) {
val lastPos = line.substring(startPos).indexOfFirst { !it.isDigit() } + startPos
return Pair(WeirdLists(line.substring(startPos, lastPos).toInt()), lastPos)
if (line[startPos] == '[') {
if (line[startPos + 1] == ']') {
return Pair(WeirdLists(), startPos + 2)
val root = WeirdLists()
val (curVal, nextPos) = parseThing(line, startPos + 1)
var curPos = nextPos
while (line[curPos] == ',') {
val (newVal, newPos) = parseThing(line, curPos + 1)
curPos = newPos
assert(line[curPos] == ']')
return Pair(root, curPos + 1)
error("Weird start")
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val groupedLines = input.joinToString("/n").split("/n/n").map { it.split("/n") }
.map { (firstLine, secondLine) -> Pair(parseThing(firstLine, 0).first, parseThing(secondLine, 0).first) }
return groupedLines.withIndex().filter { (_, pair) -> pair.first < pair.second }.sumOf { it.index + 1}
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val flattenedLines = input.joinToString("/n").split("/n/n").map { it.split("/n") }.flatten()
.map { line -> parseThing(line, 0).first}.toMutableList()
val withTwo = WeirdLists(listOf(WeirdLists(listOf(WeirdLists(2)))))
val withSix = WeirdLists(listOf(WeirdLists(listOf(WeirdLists(6)))))
return (flattenedLines.indexOf(withTwo) + 1) * (flattenedLines.indexOf(withSix) + 1)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day13_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
check(part2(testInput) == 140)
// println(part1(testInput))
val input = readInput("Day13")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8218c60c141ea2d39984792fddd1e98d5775b418 | 3,392 | advent-of-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
y2023/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2023/Day07.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2023
import java.util.Arrays
import java.util.Collections
fun main() {
object Day07 : AdventSolution(2023, 7, "Camel Cards") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String): Long {
val hands = input.lines().map {
val (hand, bid) = it.split(" ")
Hand(hand, bid.toInt())
return hands.sorted().mapIndexed { i, h -> (i + 1L) * }.sum()
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String): Long {
val hands = input.lines().map {
val (hand, bid) = it.split(" ")
JokerHand(hand, bid.toInt())
return hands.sorted().mapIndexed { i, h -> (i + 1L) * }.sum()
private open class Hand(str: String, val bid: Int) : Comparable<Hand> {
open val cardValues = "23456789TJQKA"
val hand: List<Card> by lazy { { Card(it, cardValues) } }
open val handType: HandType by lazy {
hand.groupingBy { it }.eachCount().values.sorted().let(HandType::fromCardFrequency)
override fun compareTo(other: Hand): Int = compareValuesBy(
{ it.handType },
{ it.hand[0] },
{ it.hand[1] },
{ it.hand[2] },
{ it.hand[3] },
{ it.hand[4] })
private class JokerHand(str: String, bid: Int) : Hand(str, bid) {
override val cardValues = "J23456789TQKA"
override val handType: HandType by lazy {
val freq = hand.groupingBy { it }.eachCount()
val jokers = freq[joker] ?: 0
val other = freq.minus(joker).values.sorted()
val best = other.dropLast(1) + ((other.lastOrNull() ?: 0) + jokers)
private val joker = Card('J', "J23456789TQKA")
private enum class HandType(val freq: List<Int>) {
HighCard(listOf(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)),
OnePair(listOf(1, 1, 1, 2)),
TwoPair(listOf(1, 2, 2)),
ThreeOfAKind(listOf(1, 1, 3)),
FullHouse(listOf(2, 3)),
FourOfAKind(listOf(1, 4)),
companion object {
fun fromCardFrequency(freq: List<Int>) = HandType.entries.first { freq == it.freq }
private class Card(card: Char, ordering: String) : Comparable<Card> {
private val value = ordering.indexOf(card)
override fun compareTo(other: Card): Int = value.compareTo(other.value)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = (other as? Card)?.value == value
override fun hashCode() = value.hashCode()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 2,531 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2020/ex7.kt | noamfree | 433,962,392 | false | {"Kotlin": 93533} | fun main() {
val input = readInputFile("aoc2020/input7")
val rawRequirements = input.lines().map { parseLine(it) }
val (colorMap, requirements) = createColorMap(rawRequirements)
part1(colorMap, requirements)
part2(colorMap, requirements)
private fun part2(colorMap: MutableMap<String, Color>, requirements: List<Requirement>) {
println(countContainedAndSelf("shiny gold", colorMap, requirements) - 1)
private fun part1(colorMap: MutableMap<String, Color>, requirements: List<Requirement>) {
println(findContainersOf("shiny gold", colorMap, requirements).size)
private fun countContainedAndSelf(colorString: String,
colorMap: MutableMap<String, Color>,
requirements: List<Requirement>): Int {
val requirement = requirements.find { it.container.originalString == colorString }!!
if (requirement.containedOptions.isEmpty()) return 1
return requirement.containedOptions.sumOf { option -> option.number * countContainedAndSelf(option.color.originalString, colorMap, requirements) } + 1
private fun findContainersOf(colorString: String,
colorMap: MutableMap<String, Color>,
requirements: List<Requirement>): Set<String> {
var iterStart = setOf<String>(colorString)
var iterEnd = findContainersOf(iterStart, requirements)
while (iterStart.size != iterEnd.size) {
iterStart = iterEnd
iterEnd += findContainersOf(iterStart, requirements)
return iterEnd
private fun findContainersOf(contained: Set<String>, requirements: List<Requirement>): Set<String> {
return requirements.filter { requirement ->
requirement.containedOptions.find { it.color.originalString in contained } != null
}.map {
data class Color(val int: Int, val originalString: String)
private fun createColorMap(rawRequirements: List<Pair<String, List<RawContained>>>): Pair<MutableMap<String, Color>, List<Requirement>> {
val map = mutableMapOf<String, Color>()
val requirements = rawRequirements.mapIndexed { index, requirement ->
val containerColor = map.getOrPut(requirement.first) { Color(map.size, requirement.first) }
val containedOptions = requirement.second.mapNotNull { rawContained ->
if (rawContained == RawContained.EMPTY) return@mapNotNull null
val color = map.getOrPut(rawContained.color) { Color(map.size, rawContained.color) }
ContainedOption(color, rawContained.number)
Requirement(containerColor, containedOptions, lineInFile = index+1)
return map to requirements
private data class Requirement(val container: Color, val containedOptions: List<ContainedOption>, val lineInFile: Int = 0) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "line ${lineInFile}: ${container.originalString} contains ${ { "${it.number} ${it.color.originalString}" }.joinToString(", ")}"
data class ContainedOption(val color: Color, val number: Int)
data class RawContained(val color: String, val number: Int) {
companion object {
val EMPTY = RawContained("", 0)
fun parseLine(line: String): Pair<String, List<RawContained>> {
require(line.last() == '.')
val s = line.dropLast(1).split("contain")
require(s.size == 2)
val container = s[0]
val inTheBag = s[1]
return getContainerColor(container) to getContainedOptions(inTheBag)
private fun getContainedOptions(containedStrings: String): List<RawContained> {
val optionStrings = containedStrings.split(", ")
if (optionStrings.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
val fistOptionCorrected = optionStrings.first().drop(1)
return optionStrings.drop(1).map { getContainedOption(it) } + getContainedOption(fistOptionCorrected)
private fun getContainedOption(optionString: String): RawContained {
require(!optionString.startsWith(" "))
if (optionString == "no other bags") {
return RawContained.EMPTY
val splitted = optionString.split(" ")
require(splitted.size == 4)
require(splitted[3] == "bag" || splitted[3] == "bags")
val number = splitted[0].toInt()
val color = "${splitted[1]} ${splitted[2]}"
return RawContained(color, number)
private fun getContainerColor(containerString: String): String {
require(containerString.endsWith(" bags "))
return containerString.dropLast(6)
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 566cbb2ef2caaf77c349822f42153badc36565b7 | 4,614 | AOC-2021 | MIT License |
src/day03/Day03.kt | gagandeep-io | 573,585,563 | false | {"Kotlin": 9775} | package day03
import readInput
fun main() {
fun Char.priority(): Int = when (this) {
in 'a'..'z' -> {
(this - 'a') + 1
in 'A'..'Z' -> {
(this - 'A') + 27
else -> {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int = input.sumOf { line ->
val (firstHalf, secondHalf) = line.trimEnd()
val commonItem = firstHalf.toSet() intersect secondHalf.toSet()
commonItem.sumOf { it.priority() }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int = input.chunked(3).map { { str -> str.toSet() }.toList() }
.sumOf { it.fold(it.first()) { acc, chars -> acc intersect chars }.sumOf { ch -> ch.priority() } }
val inputForPartOne = readInput("day03/Day03_test")
val inputForPartTwo = readInput("day03/Day03_test_part2")
private fun <E> List<E>.splitInAGroupOf(n: Int): List<List<E>> = this.mapIndexed { index, line ->
Pair(index / n, line)
}.groupBy({ it.first }) { it.second }.map { it.value }
private operator fun String.component1(): String = substring(0, length / 2)
private operator fun String.component2(): String = substring(length / 2, length)
private infix fun String.common(other: String): Char {
val map = IntArray(128) { 0 }
this.toCharArray().forEach { map[it.code]++ }
return other.first { map[it.code] >= 1 }
private fun List<String>.commonItem(): Char {
val map = IntArray(128) { 0 }
this.forEachIndexed { index, string ->
string.toCharArray().forEach {
if (map[it.code] == index) {
map[it.code] = index + 1
return map.indexOfFirst { it == size }.toChar()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 952887dd94ccc81c6a8763abade862e2d73ef924 | 1,770 | aoc-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/aoc2023/Day02.kt | j4velin | 572,870,735 | false | {"Kotlin": 285016, "Python": 1446} | package aoc2023
import multiplyOf
import readInput
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.min
private enum class Color { RED, GREEN, BLUE }
private data class Cube(val amount: Int, val color: Color)
private data class Round(val cubes: Set<Cube>)
private data class Game(val id: Int, val rounds: List<Round>) {
companion object {
fun fromString(str: String): Game {
val split = str.split(": ")
val rounds = split[1].split("; ").map { round ->
round.split(", ").map { cubes ->
val cubesSplit = cubes.split(" ")
Cube(cubesSplit[0].toInt(), Color.valueOf(cubesSplit[1].uppercase(Locale.getDefault())))
}.map { Round(it) }
return Game(split[0].replace("Game ", "").toInt(), rounds)
object Day02 {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
// only 12 red cubes, 13 green cubes, and 14 blue cubes
val isGamePossible = { game: Game ->
game.rounds.all { round ->
round.cubes.all { cube ->
when (cube.color) {
Color.RED -> cube.amount <= 12
Color.GREEN -> cube.amount <= 13
Color.BLUE -> cube.amount <= 14
return { Game.fromString(it) }.filter { isGamePossible(it) }.sumOf { }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val getMaxAmountOfCubes = { game: Game, color: Color ->
game.rounds.flatMap { round ->
round.cubes.filter { it.color == color }.map { it.amount }
val getMinimumSet = { game: Game ->
val red = getMaxAmountOfCubes(game, Color.RED)
val green = getMaxAmountOfCubes(game, Color.GREEN)
val blue = getMaxAmountOfCubes(game, Color.BLUE)
setOf(Cube(red, Color.RED), Cube(green, Color.GREEN), Cube(blue, Color.BLUE))
return { Game.fromString(it) }.map { getMinimumSet(it) }.sumOf { minSet ->
minSet.multiplyOf { it.amount }
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day02_test", 2023)
check(Day02.part1(testInput) == 8)
check(Day02.part2(testInput) == 2286)
val input = readInput("Day02", 2023)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | f67b4d11ef6a02cba5b206aba340df1e9631b42b | 2,453 | adventOfCode | Apache License 2.0 |
2022/src/main/kotlin/day24.kt | madisp | 434,510,913 | false | {"Kotlin": 388138} | import utils.Graph
import utils.Parser
import utils.Solution
import utils.Vec2i
import utils.badInput
import utils.mapParser
fun main() {
object Day24 : Solution<Pair<Day24.Context, List<Day24.Blizzard>>>() {
override val name = "day24"
override val parser = Parser { it.trim() }.mapParser(Parser.charGrid).map { grid ->
val ctx = Context(Vec2i(0, -1), Vec2i(grid.width - 3, grid.height - 2), grid.width - 2, grid.height - 2)
val blizzards = grid.cells.filter { (p, char) ->
char in setOf('<', '>', '^', 'v') && p.x in 1 until grid.width - 1 && p.y in 1 until grid.height
}.map { (pos, char) ->
Blizzard(pos + Vec2i(-1, -1), when (char) {
'^' -> Direction.UP
'v' -> Direction.DOWN
'<' -> Direction.LEFT
'>' -> Direction.RIGHT
else -> badInput()
ctx to blizzards
enum class Direction(val v: Vec2i) {
UP(Vec2i(0, -1)),
DOWN(Vec2i(0, 1)),
LEFT(Vec2i(-1, 0)),
RIGHT(Vec2i(1, 0)),
STAY(Vec2i(0, 0)),
data class Blizzard(val pos: Vec2i, val dir: Direction) {
fun move(bounds: Vec2i) = Blizzard((pos + dir.v + bounds) % bounds, dir)
data class State(val pos: Vec2i, val blizzards: List<Blizzard>)
data class Context(val startPos: Vec2i, val endPos: Vec2i, val width: Int, val height: Int)
override fun part1(input: Pair<Context, List<Blizzard>>): Int {
val ctx = input.first
val graph = makeGraph(ctx)
val initialState = State(ctx.startPos, input.second)
return graph.shortestPath(initialState) { it.pos == ctx.endPos }.first
override fun part2(input: Pair<Context, List<Blizzard>>): Int {
val ctx = input.first
val graph = makeGraph(ctx)
val initialState = State(ctx.startPos, input.second)
val pt1 = graph.shortestPath(initialState) { it.pos == ctx.endPos }
val pt2 = graph.shortestPath(pt1.second) { it.pos == ctx.startPos }
val pt3 = graph.shortestPath(pt2.second) { it.pos == ctx.endPos }
return pt1.first + pt2.first + pt3.first
private fun makeGraph(ctx: Context): Graph<State, Unit> {
val bounds = Vec2i(ctx.width, ctx.height)
val graph = Graph<State, Unit>(
edgeFn = { state ->
// move blizzards by 1
val newBlizzards = { b -> b.move(bounds) }
val blizzCoords = { it.pos }.toSet()
// try out all possible moves
Direction.values().map { state.pos + it.v }
.filter { pos ->
// must be in bounds or start/end
pos == ctx.startPos || pos == ctx.endPos || (pos.x in 0 until ctx.width && pos.y in 0 until ctx.height)
.filter { pos ->
// cannot be occupied by blizzard
pos !in blizzCoords
.map { pos ->
Unit to State(pos, newBlizzards)
return graph
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 3f106415eeded3abd0fb60bed64fb77b4ab87d76 | 2,902 | aoc_kotlin | MIT License |
advent-of-code-2022/src/Day16.kt | osipxd | 572,825,805 | false | {"Kotlin": 141640, "Shell": 4083, "Scala": 693} | import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day16_test")
val input = readInput("Day16")
"Part 1" {
part1(testInput) shouldBe 1651
measureAnswer { part1(input) }
"Part 2" {
part2(testInput) shouldBe 1707
measureAnswer { part2(input) }
private fun part1(input: Map<String, Valve>): Int {
val valvesToOpen = input.valuableValves()
return input.maxRate("AA", timeLeft = 30, valvesToOpen)
private fun part2(input: Map<String, Valve>): Int {
val valvesToOpen = input.valuableValves()
fun combinations(size: Int): Sequence<Set<String>> {
if (size == 1) return sequenceOf(setOf(valvesToOpen.first()))
return sequence {
for (combination in combinations(size - 1)) {
for (add in valvesToOpen - combination) {
yield(combination + add)
// This can be optimized. Current values:
// - 10 combinations for test input (answer at 4th combination)
// - 3003 combinations for my input (answer at 259th combination)
val combinations = combinations(valvesToOpen.size / 2).associateWith { valvesToOpen - it }
println("Total: ${combinations.size}")
val sharedMem = mutableMapOf<List<Any>, Int>()
var count = 0
var currentMax = 0
return combinations
.maxOf { (myValves, elephantValves) ->
val myRate = input.maxRate("AA", timeLeft = 26, myValves, sharedMem)
val elephantRate = input.maxRate("AA", timeLeft = 26, elephantValves, sharedMem)
(myRate + elephantRate).also { value ->
currentMax = maxOf(currentMax, value)
println("${++count}: $myValves $elephantValves -> $value ($currentMax)")
// Returns valves with non-zero rate
private fun Map<String, Valve>.valuableValves(): Set<String> =
values.asSequence().filter { it.rate != 0 }.map { }.toSet()
private fun Map<String, Valve>.maxRate(
current: String,
timeLeft: Int,
closed: Set<String>,
mem: MutableMap<List<Any>, Int> = mutableMapOf(),
): Int {
if (timeLeft <= 2 || closed.isEmpty()) return 0
return mem.getOrPut(listOf(current, timeLeft, closed)) {
val valve = getValue(current)
val ifKeepAsIs = { maxRate(it, timeLeft - 1, closed, mem) }
val ifOpen = if (valve.rate != 0 && current in closed) {
val timeAfterOpen = timeLeft - 1
(valve.rate * timeAfterOpen) + { maxRate(it, timeAfterOpen - 1, closed - current, mem) }
} else {
maxOf(ifKeepAsIs, ifOpen)
// === Input reading ===
private val regex = Regex("^Valve (..) has flow rate=(\\d+); tunnels? leads? to valves? (.+)$")
private fun readInput(name: String) = buildMap {
for (line in readLines(name)) {
val (source, rate, destinations) = regex.matchEntire(line)!!.destructured
put(source, Valve(source, rate.toInt(), destinations.splitToSequence(", ").toSet()))
private data class Valve(val name: String, val rate: Int, val next: Set<String>)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 5 | 6a67946122abb759fddf33dae408db662213a072 | 3,207 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day08/Day08.kt | banshay | 572,450,866 | false | {"Kotlin": 33644} | package day08
import readInput
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val intInput = { row -> { it.toString().toInt() } }
val forest = createForest(intInput)
return forest.flatten().count { it.visible() }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val intInput = { row -> { it.toString().toInt() } }
val forest = createForest(intInput)
return forest.flatten().maxOf { it.scenicScore() }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
val input = readInput("Day08")
println("test part1: ${part1(testInput)}")
println("result part1: ${part1(input)}")
println("test part2: ${part2(testInput)}")
println("result part2: ${part2(input)}")
fun createForest(input: List<List<Int>>): List<List<Tree>> {
return List(input.size) { row ->
List(input[0].size) { col ->
val treeRow = input[row]
val treeCol = { it[col] }
treeRow[col], mapOf(
Direction.UP to treeCol.slice(0 until row).reversed(),
Direction.DOWN to treeCol.slice(row + 1 until treeCol.size),
Direction.LEFT to treeRow.slice(0 until col).reversed(),
Direction.RIGHT to treeRow.slice(col + 1 until treeRow.size)
enum class Direction {
data class Tree(val size: Int, val directionMap: Map<Direction, List<Int>>) {
fun visible(): Boolean {
return directionMap.values.any { it.isEmpty() } || directionMap.values.any { list -> list.all { size > it } }
fun scenicScore(): Int {
return { trees ->
val view = trees.takeWhile { size > it }.count()
if (view == trees.size) view else view + 1
.fold(1) { acc, it -> acc * it }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | c3de3641c20c8c2598359e7aae3051d6d7582e7e | 2,029 | advent-of-code-22 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | armandmgt | 573,595,523 | false | {"Kotlin": 47774} | import java.awt.Point
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
data class Sensor(val pos: Point, val beacon: Point) {
val xDistance = abs(beacon.x - pos.x)
val yDistance = abs(beacon.y - pos.y)
fun abscessesCoveredAt(y: Int): Set<Int> {
val evaluationYDistance = abs(y - pos.y)
val xSemiLength = xDistance + (yDistance - evaluationYDistance)
return ((pos.x - xSemiLength)..(pos.x + xSemiLength)).toSet()
fun abscessesCoveredAt(y: Int, maxSearch: Int): IntRange? {
val evaluationYDistance = abs(y - pos.y)
val xSemiLength = xDistance + yDistance - evaluationYDistance
if (xSemiLength < 0) return null
return maxOf(0, pos.x - xSemiLength)..minOf(maxSearch, pos.x + xSemiLength)
val sensorPattern = Regex("Sensor at x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+): closest beacon is at x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+)")
fun part1(input: List<String>, y: Int): Int {
return {
val (sensorX, sensorY, beaconX, beaconY) = sensorPattern.find(it)!!.destructured
Sensor(Point(sensorX.toInt(), sensorY.toInt()), Point(beaconX.toInt(), beaconY.toInt()))
}.fold(setOf<Int>()) { points, sensor ->
}.size - 1
fun part2(input: List<String>, maxSearch: Int): Long {
val sensors = {
val (sensorX, sensorY, beaconX, beaconY) = sensorPattern.find(it)!!.destructured
Sensor(Point(sensorX.toInt(), sensorY.toInt()), Point(beaconX.toInt(), beaconY.toInt()))
return (0..maxSearch).asSequence().map { y ->
sensors.fold(listOf<IntRange>()) { listOfRanges, sensor ->
val range = sensor.abscessesCoveredAt(y, maxSearch) ?: return@fold listOfRanges
val (includes, doesNotInclude) = listOfRanges.partition { r ->
r.contains(range.first) || r.contains(range.last) ||
range.contains(r.first) || range.contains(r.last)
doesNotInclude + listOf(includes.let { inc ->
if (inc.isEmpty()) range
else minOf(range.first, inc.minOf { it.first })..maxOf(range.last, inc.maxOf { it.last })
}.withIndex().first { it.value.size > 1 }.let {
val x = (if (it.value[0].first < it.value[1].first) it.value[0].last else it.value[1].last) + 1
println("y=${it.index} + x=$x * 4000000 = ${it.index + Math.multiplyExact(x.toLong(), 4000000L)}")
Math.addExact(it.index.toLong(), Math.multiplyExact(x.toLong(), 4000000L))
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("resources/Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
val input = readInput("resources/Day15")
println(part1(input, 2000000))
println(part2(input, 4000000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 0d63a5974dd65a88e99a70e04243512a8f286145 | 3,054 | advent_of_code_2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day16.kt | felldo | 572,233,925 | false | {"Kotlin": 76496} | private fun dijkstra(grid: Map<String, Pair<Int, List<String>>>, from: String): Map<String, Int> {
val distances = grid.asSequence().map { it.key to Int.MAX_VALUE }.toMap().toMutableMap()
val used = mutableSetOf<String>()
distances[from] = 0
for (iteration in 0 until grid.size) {
val v = distances.asSequence().filter { it.key !in used }.minBy { it.value }.key
if (distances[v] == Int.MAX_VALUE) break
used += v
grid[v]!!.second.forEach { distances[it] = minOf(distances[it]!!, distances[v]!! + 1) }
return distances
private fun part1(flows: Map<String, Int>, dijkstras: Map<String, Map<String, Int>>): Int {
fun weightedDepthFirstSearch(
flows: Map<String, Int>,
dijkstras: Map<String, Map<String, Int>>,
currentVertex: String,
iterateLimit: Int,
currentWeight: Int = 0,
used: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(),
): Int {
if (currentVertex in used || used.size == flows.size || iterateLimit <= 0) return currentWeight
used += currentVertex
val result = dijkstras[currentVertex]!!.maxOf { (vertex, path) ->
iterateLimit - path - 1,
currentWeight + (flows[currentVertex] ?: 0) * iterateLimit,
used -= currentVertex
return result
return weightedDepthFirstSearch(flows, dijkstras, "AA", 30)
fun <T> Pair<T, T>.map(first: Boolean, value: T) = if (first) copy(first = value) else copy(second = value)
fun <T> Pair<T, T>.get(first: Boolean) = if (first) this.first else second
fun main() {
val graph = buildMap {
.map {
val (from, flow, tos) = """Valve (\w+) has flow rate=(\d+); tunnels? leads? to valves? (.*)""".toRegex()
this[from] = flow.toInt() to tos.split(", ")
val flows = graph.asSequence().filter { it.value.first != 0 }.map { it.key to it.value.first }.toMap()
val dijkstras = graph.asSequence()
.filter { it.key in flows || it.key == "AA" }
.map { (vertex, _) -> vertex to dijkstra(graph, vertex).filterKeys { it in flows } }
println(part1(flows, dijkstras))
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 0ef7ac4f160f484106b19632cd87ee7594cf3d38 | 2,482 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day16/a/day16a.kt | pghj | 577,868,985 | false | {"Kotlin": 94937} | package day16.a
import readInputLines
import shouldBe
import util.Graph
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
val graph = simplifyGraph(read())
var best = 0
fun step(v: Valve, t: Int, sum: Int) {
for (vtx in graph[v.key]!!.connected) {
val len = vtx.distanceFrom(v.key)
val dst = vtx.other(v.key).value
if (!dst.used && dst.rate != 0) {
if (t + 1 + len < 30) {
dst.used = true
val s = sum + (30 - t - len) * dst.rate
best = max(best, s)
step(dst, t + 1 + len, s)
dst.used = false
val start = graph["AA"]!!.value
step(start, 1, 0)
shouldBe(2250, best)
* Many Valves have rate == 0, and these are eliminated from the graph.
* Only the "AA" Valve is preserved, but the 'used' flag is set such that it will be ignored.
* Every remaining Valve will be connected with every other Valve by a vertex with as its length
* the shortest distance that can be found by traveling the original graph.
* In the subsequent search, this will prevent repeatedly evaluating the same Valve order through suboptimal paths.
fun simplifyGraph(graph: Graph<String, Valve>): Graph<String, Valve> {
val simplified = Graph<String, Valve>()
.filter { it.value.rate != 0 || it.key == "AA" }
.forEach { simplified.add(it.key, it.value) }
simplified.nodes().toList().let { list ->
for ((i, a) in list.withIndex()) {
val d = graph.calculateLeastDistanceTable(a.key)
for (b in list.subList(i + 1, list.size)) {
val p = d[b.key]!!
simplified.connect(a.key, b.key, p)
simplified["AA"]!!.value.used = true
return simplified
class Valve(
val key: String,
val rate: Int,
) {
override fun toString(): String { return key }
var used = false
fun read(): Graph<String, Valve> {
val g = Graph<String, Valve>()
val connectTo = HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>()
readInputLines(16).forEach { line ->
val fr = line.split(Pattern.compile("[^0-9]+")).filter { it.isNotBlank() }[0].toInt()
val va = line.substring(1).split(Pattern.compile("[^A-Z]")).filter { it.isNotBlank() }
val valve = Valve(va[0], fr)
g.add(valve.key, valve)
connectTo[valve.key] = ArrayList(va.subList(1, va.size))
g.nodes().forEach { a ->
for (k in connectTo[a.key]!!) {
val b = g[k]!!
g.connect(a.key, b.key, 1)
return g
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4b6911ee7dfc7c731610a0514d664143525b0954 | 2,712 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | bigtlb | 573,081,626 | false | {"Kotlin": 38940} | fun main() {
fun isVisible(row: Int, col: Int, height: Int, forest: List<String>): Boolean = when {
// Outter trees are always visible
(col == 0 || col == forest[row].lastIndex || row == 0 || row == forest.lastIndex) -> true
// Visible from Left
forest[row].subSequence(0 until col).map(Char::digitToInt).all { it < height } -> true
// Visible from right
(col < forest[row].lastIndex &&
forest[row].subSequence(col + 1..forest[row].lastIndex).map(Char::digitToInt)
.all { it < height }) -> true
// Visible from top
(0 until row).toList().map { forest[it][col].digitToInt() }.all { it < height } -> true
// Visible from bottom
(row < forest.lastIndex &&
(row + 1..forest.lastIndex).toList().map { forest[it][col].digitToInt() }.all { it < height }) -> true
else -> false
fun List<Int>.canopy(height: Int): List<Int> =
slice(0..if (indexOfFirst { it >= height } > -1) indexOfFirst { it >= height } else lastIndex)
fun treeScore(row: Int, col: Int, height: Int, forest: List<String>): Int {
if (col == 0 || col == forest[row].lastIndex || row == 0 || row == forest.lastIndex) return 0
return forest[row].subSequence(0 until col).reversed().map(Char::digitToInt).canopy(height).count() *
forest[row].subSequence(col + 1..forest[row].lastIndex).map(Char::digitToInt).canopy(height).count() *
(0 until row).toList().reversed().map { forest[it][col].digitToInt() }.canopy(height).count() *
(row + 1..forest.lastIndex).toList().map { forest[it][col].digitToInt() }.canopy(height).count()
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int =
input.foldIndexed(0) { rowIndex, rowAccumulator, cur ->
cur.foldIndexed(rowAccumulator) { colIndex, acc, tree ->
if (isVisible(rowIndex, colIndex, tree.digitToInt(), input)) acc + 1 else acc
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int =
input.mapIndexed { rowIndex, cur ->
cur.mapIndexed { colIndex, tree ->
treeScore(rowIndex, colIndex, tree.digitToInt(), input)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d8f76d3c75a30ae00c563c997ed2fb54827ea94a | 2,531 | aoc-2022-demo | Apache License 2.0 |
src/year2021/Day14.kt | drademacher | 725,945,859 | false | {"Kotlin": 76037} | package year2021
import readLines
fun main() {
val input = parseInput(readLines("2021", "day14").filter { it != "" })
val testInput = parseInput(readLines("2021", "day14_test").filter { it != "" })
check(part1(testInput) == 1588L)
println("Part 1:" + part1(input))
check(part2(testInput) == 2188189693529L)
println("Part 2:" + part2(input))
private fun parseInput(lines: List<String>): Day14Input {
val template =
(0..lines.first().length - 2)
.map { "${lines.first()[it]}${lines.first()[it + 1]}" }
.groupBy { it }
.map { Pair(it.value.first(), it.value.size.toLong()) }
val rules =
.map { it.split(" -> ") }
.associate { Pair(it[0], it[1]) }
return Day14Input(template, rules)
private fun part1(input: Day14Input): Long {
return solveExtendedPolymerization(input, 10)
private fun part2(input: Day14Input): Long {
return solveExtendedPolymerization(input, 40)
private fun solveExtendedPolymerization(
input: Day14Input,
steps: Int,
): Long {
var current = input.template.toMutableMap()
repeat(steps) {
val next = mutableMapOf<String, Long>()
for ((key, value) in current) {
if (input.rules[key] != null) {
val first = "${key[0]}${input.rules[key]}"
val second = "${input.rules[key]}${key[1]}"
next[first] = next.getOrDefault(first, 0) + value
next[second] = next.getOrDefault(second, 0) + value
} else {
next[key] = next.getOrDefault(key, 0) + value
current = next
val occurrences =
.flatMap { (key, value) -> listOf(Pair(key[0], value), Pair(key[1], value)) }
.groupBy { it.first }
.map { (it.value.sumOf { it.second } + 1) / 2 }
return occurrences.maxOf { it } - occurrences.minOf { it }
data class Day14Input(val template: Map<String, Long>, val rules: Map<String, String>)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 4c4cbf677d97cfe96264b922af6ae332b9044ba8 | 2,102 | advent_of_code | MIT License |
src/day18/Day18.kt | Volifter | 572,720,551 | false | {"Kotlin": 65483} | package day18
import utils.*
Voxel(1, 0, 0),
Voxel(0, 1, 0),
Voxel(0, 0, 1),
Voxel(-1, 0, 0),
Voxel(0, -1, 0),
Voxel(0, 0, -1)
data class Voxel(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int) {
val neighbors get() = { dir -> this + dir }
operator fun plus(other: Voxel): Voxel =
Voxel(x + other.x, y + other.y, z + other.z)
operator fun minus(other: Voxel): Voxel =
Voxel(x - other.x, y - other.y, z - other.z)
override operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
other is Voxel
&& other.x == x
&& other.y == y
&& other.z == z
override fun hashCode(): Int = (x * 31 + y) * 31 + z
fun isInCuboid(start: Voxel, end: Voxel): Boolean =
x in start.x..end.x
&& y in start.y..end.y
&& z in start.z..end.z
fun minCoords(other: Voxel): Voxel =
minOf(x, other.x),
minOf(y, other.y),
minOf(z, other.z)
fun maxCoords(other: Voxel): Voxel =
maxOf(x, other.x),
maxOf(y, other.y),
maxOf(z, other.z)
fun parseVoxels(input: List<String>): Set<Voxel> =
.map { line ->
val (x, y, z) = line.split(",").map(String::toInt)
Voxel(x, y ,z)
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val voxels = parseVoxels(input)
return voxels.sumOf { voxel -> voxel.neighbors.count { it !in voxels } }
fun floodFill(voxels: Set<Voxel>, start: Voxel, end: Voxel): Int {
val visited = (voxels + start).toMutableSet()
var count = 0
generateSequence(setOf(start)) { stack ->
.flatMap { voxel -> voxel.neighbors }
.filter {
it.isInCuboid(start, end)
&& it !in visited
.onEach { voxel ->
count += voxel.neighbors.count { it in voxels }
}.find { it.isEmpty() }
return count
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val voxels = parseVoxels(input)
val min = voxels.reduce { acc, next -> acc.minCoords(next) }
val max = voxels.reduce { acc, next -> acc.maxCoords(next) }
return floodFill(voxels, min - Voxel(1, 1, 1), max + Voxel(1, 1, 1))
fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day18_test")
expect(part1(testInput), 64)
expect(part2(testInput), 58)
val input = readInput("Day18")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | c2c386844c09087c3eac4b66ee675d0a95bc8ccc | 2,646 | AOC-2022-Kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | slawa4s | 573,050,411 | false | {"Kotlin": 20679} | fun main() {
fun getColumn(matrix: List<List<Int>>, col: Int) = List(matrix.size) { matrix[it][col] }
fun getRow(matrix: List<List<Int>>, row: Int) = matrix[row]
fun isVisible(treeGrid: List<List<Int>>, i: Int, j: Int): Boolean {
val element = treeGrid[i][j]
return i == 0 || j == 0 || i == treeGrid.lastIndex || j == treeGrid.lastIndex ||
getRow(treeGrid, i).slice(0 until j).max() < element ||
getRow(treeGrid, i).slice(j + 1 until treeGrid.size).max() < element ||
getColumn(treeGrid, j).slice(0 until i).max() < element ||
getColumn(treeGrid, j).slice(i + 1 until treeGrid.size).max() < element
fun getScorePerLine(element: Int, line: List<Int>): Int {
val getLessTrees = line.takeWhile { it < element }.count()
return getLessTrees + if (getLessTrees == line.size) 0 else 1
fun getScenicScore(treeGrid: List<List<Int>>, i: Int, j: Int): Int {
val element = treeGrid[i][j]
return getScorePerLine(element, getRow(treeGrid, i).slice(0 until j).reversed()) *
getScorePerLine(element, getRow(treeGrid, i).slice(j + 1 until treeGrid.size)) *
getScorePerLine(element, getColumn(treeGrid, j).slice(0 until i).reversed()) *
getScorePerLine(element, getColumn(treeGrid, j).slice(i + 1 until treeGrid.size))
fun getGridOFTrees(input: List<String>): List<List<Int>> = input
.map { line ->{ Integer.parseInt(it.toString()) } }
val treeGrid = getGridOFTrees(readInput("Day08"))
fun part1(treeGrid: List<List<Int>>): Int = treeGrid.mapIndexed { indexRow, line ->
List(line.size) { indexCol ->
if (isVisible(treeGrid, indexRow, indexCol)) 1 else 0
fun part2(treeGrid: List<List<Int>>): Int = treeGrid.mapIndexed { indexRow, line ->
List(line.size) { indexCol ->
getScenicScore(treeGrid, indexRow, indexCol)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | cd8bbbb3a710dc542c2832959a6a03a0d2516866 | 2,092 | aoc-2022-in-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day15.kt | ked4ma | 573,017,240 | false | {"Kotlin": 51348} | import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
* [Day15](
private class Day15 {
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)
fun main() {
fun toDetects(input: List<String>): List<Pair<Day15.Point, Day15.Point>> = { line ->
"""Sensor at x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+): closest beacon is at x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+)"""
.toRegex().find(line)!!.groupValues.let { (_, sx, sy, bx, by) ->
Day15.Point(sx.toInt(), sy.toInt()) to Day15.Point(bx.toInt(), by.toInt())
fun mergeRange(ranges: List<IntRange>): List<IntRange> {
// [0].first <= [1].first <= ...
var left = ranges.sortedBy(IntRange::first)
val group = mutableListOf<IntRange>()
while (left.isNotEmpty()) {
var base = left.first()
val sub = left.takeWhile {
when {
// base.first <= it.first must be true because ranges sorted by first
// if 'it' and base is cross, first of 'it' should be smaller than or equal to last of 'base'
it.first <= base.last -> {
base = base.first..max(base.last, it.last)
else -> false
left = left.subList(sub.size, left.size)
return group
fun calcCoveredRanges(detects: List<Pair<Day15.Point, Day15.Point>>, targetRow: Int): List<IntRange> {
val ranges = { (sensor, beacon) ->
val distance = abs(sensor.x - beacon.x) + abs(sensor.y - beacon.y)
val rem = distance - abs(sensor.y - targetRow)
(sensor.x - rem..sensor.x + rem)
return mergeRange(ranges)
fun part1(input: List<String>, targetRow: Int): Int {
val detects = toDetects(input)
val coveredRanges = calcCoveredRanges(detects, targetRow)
val overlaps = detects.flatMap(Pair<Day15.Point, Day15.Point>::toList).toSet().count { p ->
p.y == targetRow && coveredRanges.any { it.contains(p.x) }
return coveredRanges.sumOf(IntRange::count) - overlaps
fun part2(input: List<String>): Long {
val detects = toDetects(input)
val (sMinX, sMaxX, sMinY, sMaxY) =<Day15.Point, Day15.Point>::first).let { list ->
val (minX, maxX) = { it.min() to it.max() }
val (minY, maxY) = { it.min() to it.max() }
listOf(minX, maxX, minY, maxY)
for (y in sMinY..sMaxY) {
val coveredRanges = calcCoveredRanges(detects, y)
if (!coveredRanges.any { it.first <= sMinX && sMaxX <= it.last }) {
val x = coveredRanges[1].first - 1
return x.toLong() * 4_000_000L + y.toLong()
return -1
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day15_test")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
check(part2(testInput) == 56_000_011L)
val input = readInput("Day15")
println(part1(input, 2_000_000))
} | 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6d4794d75b33c4ca7e83e45a85823e828c833c62 | 3,344 | aoc-in-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | juliantoledo | 570,579,626 | false | {"Kotlin": 34375} | interface Packets {}
class PacketList(val packets: List<Packets>): Packets {}
class PacketItem(val packets: Int) : Packets {}
fun compare(p1: Packets, p2: Packets): Int {
return when {
p1 is PacketItem && p2 is PacketItem -> (p1.packets.compareTo(p2.packets))
p1 is PacketList && p2 is PacketList -> compare(p1, p2)
p1 is PacketList && p2 is PacketItem -> compare(p1, PacketList(listOf(p2)))
p1 is PacketItem && p2 is PacketList -> compare(PacketList(listOf(p1)), p2)
else -> throw Exception("Error comparing Packets")
fun compare(p1: PacketList, p2: PacketList): Int {
val pairs =
for ((pl1, pl2) in pairs) {
val res = compare(pl1, pl2)
if (res != 0) return res
return p1.packets.size.compareTo(p2.packets.size)
fun parse(string: String): Packets? {
if (string.isEmpty()) return null
if (string[0].isDigit()) return PacketItem(string.toInt())
var bracketCount = 0
var lastComma = 0
val packets = mutableListOf<Packets?>()
string.forEachIndexed { index, value ->
if (value == '[') bracketCount++
if (value == ']') {
if (bracketCount == 0) packets += parse(string.take(index).drop(lastComma + 1))
if (value == ',') {
if (bracketCount == 1) {
packets += parse(string.take(index).drop(lastComma + 1))
lastComma = index
return PacketList(packets.filterNotNull())
fun main() {
fun solve(input: List<String>): Int {
var packets: MutableList<Packets?> = input.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.map { parse(it) } as MutableList<Packets?>
// Part 1
val total = packets.chunked(2).mapIndexed { index, pair ->
if (compare(pair.first()!!, pair.last()!!) < 0) index + 1 else 0
// Part 2
val divider1 = parse("[[2]]")
val divider2 = parse("[[6]]")
val sorted = packets.sortedWith { p1, p2 -> compare(p1!!, p2!!) }
val second = (sorted.indexOf(divider1) + 1) * (sorted.indexOf(divider2) + 1)
println("Part2: $second")
return total
var test = solve(readInput("Day13_test"))
println("Test1: $test")
check(test == 13)
val first = solve(readInput("Day13_input"))
println("Part1: $first")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 0b9af1c79b4ef14c64e9a949508af53358335f43 | 2,464 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | MarkTheHopeful | 572,552,660 | false | {"Kotlin": 75535} | fun main() {
fun toRightFrom(input: List<String>, i: Int, j: Int) = (j + 1 until input[0].length).map { input[i][it] }
fun toLeftFrom(input: List<String>, i: Int, j: Int) = (j - 1 downTo 0).map { input[i][it] }
fun toDownFrom(input: List<String>, i: Int, j: Int) = (i + 1 until input.size).map { input[it][j] }
fun toUpFrom(input: List<String>, i: Int, j: Int) = (i - 1 downTo 0).map { input[it][j] }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.withIndex().sumOf { (i, line) ->
line.withIndex().count { (j, char) ->
toRightFrom(input, i, j).all { it < char } || toLeftFrom(input, i, j).all { it < char } ||
toDownFrom(input, i, j).all { it < char } || toUpFrom(input, i, j).all { it < char }
fun <E> lenOfSuccessfulPrefix(list: List<E>, predicate: (E) -> Boolean): Int {
return (list.indexOfFirst {!predicate(it)}.takeIf {it >= 0}?.inc() ?: list.size)
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.withIndex().maxOf { (i, line) ->
line.withIndex().maxOf { (j, char) ->
lenOfSuccessfulPrefix(toRightFrom(input, i, j)) { it < char } *
lenOfSuccessfulPrefix(toLeftFrom(input, i, j)) { it < char } *
lenOfSuccessfulPrefix(toDownFrom(input, i, j)) { it < char } *
lenOfSuccessfulPrefix(toUpFrom(input, i, j)) { it < char }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 8218c60c141ea2d39984792fddd1e98d5775b418 | 1,778 | advent-of-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day16.kt | bigtlb | 573,081,626 | false | {"Kotlin": 38940} | data class Day16Valve(val name: String, val rate: Int, val connections: List<String>) {
val distanceMap = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
fun computeDistances(nodes: List<Day16Valve>) = apply {
distanceMap[name] = 0
ArrayDeque<Day16Valve>().let { queue ->
val visited = mutableSetOf<String>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val current = queue.removeFirst()
val distance = current.distanceMap[name]!!
current.connections.filter { it !in visited }.forEach { n ->
val neighbor = nodes.first { == n }
neighbor.distanceMap[name] = distance + 1
companion object {
val parseRegex =
"""Valve (?<name>[A-Z]+) has flow rate=(?<rate>[0-9]+); tunnels* leads* to valves* (?<connections>.+)""".toRegex()
fun loadValves(input: List<String>): List<Day16Valve> = input.mapNotNull { line->
parseRegex.matchEntire(line)?.let { r ->
val groups = r.groups as MatchNamedGroupCollection
groups["connections"]!!.value.split(",").map { it.trim() })
fun main() {
fun List<Day16Valve>.computeAllDistances(): List<Day16Valve> {
filter { it.rate > 0 }
.forEach { rated ->
return this
fun Day16Valve.remaining(opened: Set<String>, timeLeft: Int) =
distanceMap.filter { (key, timeNeeded) -> key !in opened && timeNeeded + 1 <= timeLeft }
fun List<Day16Valve>.highestPath(
opened: Set<String>,
node: String,
minutesLeft: Int,
sum: Int,
open: Int
): Pair<Int, List<String>> {
val curNode = this.first { == node }
return when {
minutesLeft < 0 -> Pair(0, emptyList())
minutesLeft == 0 -> Pair(sum, emptyList())
minutesLeft == 1 -> Pair(sum + open, emptyList())
curNode.distanceMap.all { (key, _) -> key in opened } -> Pair(sum + minutesLeft * open, emptyList())
else -> curNode.remaining(opened, minutesLeft)
.map { (nNode, distance) ->
opened + node,
minutesLeft - (distance + 1),
sum + (distance + 1) * open,
open + this.first { == nNode }.rate
Pair(sum + minutesLeft * open, emptyList())
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int =
.highestPath(emptySet(), "AA", 30, 0, 0).let{
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int = 0
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day16_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 1651)
check(part2(testInput) == 0)
val input = readInput("Day16")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d8f76d3c75a30ae00c563c997ed2fb54827ea94a | 3,672 | aoc-2022-demo | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/Day07.kt | alex859 | 573,174,372 | false | {"Kotlin": 80552} | fun main() {
val testInput = readInput("Day07_test.txt")
check(testInput.result() == 95437)
check(testInput.result2() == 24933642)
val input = readInput("Day07.txt")
fun String.result(): Int {
return readCommandsAsStrings().directories().sizes().values.filter { it <= 100000 }.sum()
fun String.result2(): Int {
val directories = readCommandsAsStrings().directories()
val values = directories.sizes().values
val sizeOfOuterMost = directories.sizes()["/"] ?: error("cannot find root")
val freeSpace = 70000000 - sizeOfOuterMost
val spaceToFree = 30000000 - freeSpace
return values
.filter { it >= spaceToFree }
fun Map<String, Int>.sizes(): Map<String, Int> {
val allDirectories = keys
return allDirectories.associateWith {
filter { (key, _) -> key.startsWith(it) }.map { (_, value) -> value }.sum()
fun Map<String, Int>.spaceToFree(): Int = 30000000 - freeSpace(total = 70000000)
fun Map<String, Int>.freeSpace(total: Int): Int = total - (this["/"]?: error("cannot find root"))
fun List<Command>.sizeOf(dir: String): Int {
return chunked(2).map { (cd, ls) ->
when (cd) {
is ChangeDir -> when (ls) {
is ListDir -> cd.dir to ls
else -> TODO("expecting $ls to be ListDir")
else -> TODO("expecting $cd to be ChangeDir")
}.filter { (myDir, _) -> myDir == dir }
.map { (_, ls) -> ls.size }
fun List<Command>.directories(): MutableMap<String, Int> {
val directories = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
var currentDirectory = ""
forEach { command ->
when (command) {
is ChangeDir -> {
currentDirectory = currentDirectory.change(command.dir)
is ListDir -> {
directories += currentDirectory to command.size
return directories
private fun String.change(dir: String): String =
when (dir) {
"/" -> "/"
".." -> split("/").toList().dropLast(1).joinToString("/")
else -> this + (if (this == "/") dir else "/$dir")
internal fun String.readCommandsAsStrings() =
split("$ ")
.map { it.trim() }
.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }
.map { it.readCommand() }
fun String.readCommand(): Command {
return if (startsWith("cd")) {
val (_, dir) = split(" ")
} else if (startsWith("ls")) {
} else {
sealed interface Command
data class ChangeDir(val dir: String): Command
data class ListDir(val files: List<String>): Command {
val size: Int get() {
return files
.filter { !it.startsWith("dir ") }
.sumOf {
val (size, _) = it.split(" ")
class Shell {
private var currentDirectory = "/"
fun execute(cmd: String) {
val (_, dir) = cmd.split(" ")
this.currentDirectory = dir
fun currentDirectory(): String {
return currentDirectory
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fbbd1543b5c5d57885e620ede296b9103477f61d | 3,212 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
y2019/src/main/kotlin/adventofcode/y2019/Day12.kt | Ruud-Wiegers | 434,225,587 | false | {"Kotlin": 503769} | package adventofcode.y2019
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.sign
fun main() = Day12.solve()
object Day12 : AdventSolution(2019, 12, "The N-body problem") {
override fun solvePartOne(input: String): Int {
val moons = parse(input).map { Moon(it, Vec3(0, 0, 0)) }
repeat(1000) {
moons.forEach { m ->
moons.filter { it != m }.forEach { m.attract(it) }
moons.forEach { it.move() }
return moons.sumOf { }
override fun solvePartTwo(input: String): Long {
val positions = parse(input)
return listOf(Vec3::x, Vec3::y, Vec3::z)
.map { }
.map { 2 * findHalfCycle(it).toLong() }
private fun findHalfCycle(positions: List<Int>): Int {
val pv = { it to 0 }
fun still(state: List<Pair<Int, Int>>) = state.all { it.second == 0 }
return evolve(pv).drop(1).takeWhile { !still(it) }.count() + 1
private fun evolve(state: List<Pair<Int, Int>>) = generateSequence(state) { old -> { (p, v) ->
val vn = v + old.sumOf { (it.first - p).sign }
p + vn to vn
private fun lcm(a: Long, b: Long) = a * b / gcd(a, b)
private tailrec fun gcd(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (b == 0L) a else gcd(b, a % b)
private fun parse(input: String): List<Vec3> = input
.map { """<x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+), z=(-?\d+)>""".toRegex().matchEntire(it)!!.destructured }
.map { (x, y, z) -> Vec3(x.toInt(), y.toInt(), z.toInt()) }
private data class Vec3(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int) {
operator fun plus(o: Vec3) = Vec3(x + o.x, y + o.y, z + o.z)
operator fun minus(o: Vec3) = Vec3(x - o.x, y - o.y, z - o.z)
fun sign() = Vec3(x.sign, y.sign, z.sign)
fun energy() = listOf(x, y, z).sumOf { it.absoluteValue }
private data class Moon(var p: Vec3, var v: Vec3) {
fun move() {
p += v
fun attract(o: Moon) {
v += (o.p - p).sign()
fun energy() = *
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 3 | fc35e6d5feeabdc18c86aba428abcf23d880c450 | 2,293 | advent-of-code | MIT License |
src/day12/Day12ToddGinsbergSolution.kt | commanderpepper | 574,647,779 | false | {"Kotlin": 44999} | package day12
import readInput
import java.util.*
fun main(){
val dayTwelveInput = readInput("day12")
val heightMap = parseInput(dayTwelveInput)
val shortestPath = heightMap.shortestPath(
begin = heightMap.start,
isGoal = { it == heightMap.end },
canMove = { from, to -> to - from <= 1 }
val startingElevations = heightMap.findPointsFromElevation { it == 0 }
val pathsToEnd = {
try {
begin = it,
isGoal = { it == heightMap.end },
canMove = { from, to -> to - from <= 1 }
catch (e: Exception){
val toddsPartTwoSolution = heightMap.shortestPath(
begin = heightMap.end,
isGoal = { heightMap.elevations[it] == 0 },
canMove = { from, to -> from - to <= 1 }
data class Point2D(val x: Int = 0, val y: Int = 0) {
fun cardinalNeighbors(): Set<Point2D> =
copy(x = x - 1),
copy(x = x + 1),
copy(y = y - 1),
copy(y = y + 1)
private class HeightMap(val elevations: Map<Point2D, Int>, val start: Point2D, val end: Point2D) {
fun shortestPath(
begin: Point2D,
isGoal: (Point2D) -> Boolean,
canMove: (Int, Int) -> Boolean
): Int {
val seen = mutableSetOf<Point2D>()
val queue = PriorityQueue<PathCost>().apply { add(PathCost(begin, 0)) }
while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
val nextPoint = queue.poll()
if (nextPoint.point !in seen) {
seen += nextPoint.point
val neighbors = nextPoint.point.cardinalNeighbors()
.filter { it in elevations }
.filter { canMove(elevations.getValue(nextPoint.point), elevations.getValue(it)) }
if (neighbors.any { isGoal(it) }) return nextPoint.cost + 1
queue.addAll( { PathCost(it, nextPoint.cost + 1) })
throw IllegalStateException("No valid path found")
* Quick solution I came to when I first read part two of day twelve.
fun findPointsFromElevation(meetsConditon: (Int) -> Boolean): List<Point2D>{
return elevations.filter { meetsConditon(it.value) }.keys.toList()
private fun parseInput(input: List<String>): HeightMap {
var start: Point2D? = null
var end: Point2D? = null
val elevations = input.flatMapIndexed { y, row ->
row.mapIndexed { x, char ->
val here = Point2D(x, y)
here to when (char) {
'S' -> 0.also { start = here }
'E' -> 25.also { end = here }
else -> char - 'a'
return HeightMap(elevations, start!!, end!!)
private data class PathCost(val point: Point2D, val cost: Int) : Comparable<PathCost> {
override fun compareTo(other: PathCost): Int =
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | fef291c511408c1a6f34a24ed7070ceabc0894a1 | 3,282 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day16.kt | davidkna | 572,439,882 | false | {"Kotlin": 79526} | import java.util.BitSet
fun main() {
class Valve(val rate: Int, val targets: List<Int>)
fun parseInput(input: List<String>): List<Valve> {
val regex = Regex("Valve (\\w+) has flow rate=(\\d+); tunnels? leads? to valves? (.+)")
val tempMap: Map<String, Pair<Int, List<String>>> = input.associate { line ->
val (name, rate, targets) = regex.matchEntire(line)!!.destructured
name to Pair(rate.toInt(), targets.split(", "))
val idxToName = tempMap.keys.sortedBy { it }.withIndex().associate { it.index to it.value }.toMap()
val nameToIdx = { it.value to it.key }.toMap()
return (0 until tempMap.size).map { idx ->
val v = tempMap[idxToName[idx]!!]!!
Valve(v.first, { nameToIdx[it]!! })
fun findShortestPaths(valves: List<Valve>): Map<Int, Map<Int, Int>> {
val shortestPaths = mutableMapOf<Int, Map<Int, Int>>()
val allNodes = valves.indices
allNodes.forEach { node ->
shortestPaths[node] = allNodes.associateWith {
if (node == it) 0 else if (valves[node].targets.contains(it)) 1 else 99999
allNodes.forEach { node ->
allNodes.forEach { source ->
allNodes.forEach { target ->
val newDistance = shortestPaths[source]!![node]!! + shortestPaths[node]!![target]!!
if (newDistance < shortestPaths[source]!![target]!!) {
shortestPaths[source] = shortestPaths[source]!!.toMutableMap().apply {
this[target] = newDistance
return shortestPaths
.map { (k, v) ->
k to v
.filter { valves[it.key].rate > 0 && it.key != k }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val valves = parseInput(input)
val cache = mutableMapOf<Triple<Int, Int, BitSet>, Int>()
val shortestPaths = findShortestPaths(valves)
fun makeBestChoice(current: Int, remainingSteps: Int, opened: BitSet): Int {
if (Triple(current, remainingSteps, opened) in cache) {
return cache[Triple(current, remainingSteps, opened)]!!
val result = shortestPaths[current]!!
.filter { !opened.get(it.key + 1) && (remainingSteps - (it.value + 1)) >= 0 }
.map { (target, distance) ->
val stepsLeftAfterOpen = remainingSteps - (distance + 1)
val newOpened = (opened.clone() as BitSet).apply { set(target + 1) }
valves[target].rate * stepsLeftAfterOpen + makeBestChoice(target, stepsLeftAfterOpen, newOpened)
}.maxOrNull() ?: 0
cache[Triple(current, remainingSteps, opened)] = result
return result
return makeBestChoice(0, 30, BitSet())
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val valves = parseInput(input)
val shortestPaths = findShortestPaths(valves)
val cache = mutableMapOf<Triple<Pair<Int, Int>, Pair<Int, Int>, BitSet>, Int>()
fun makeBestChoice(current: Pair<Int, Int>, remainingSteps: Pair<Int, Int>, opened: BitSet): Int {
if (remainingSteps.first < remainingSteps.second) {
return makeBestChoice(current.swap(), remainingSteps.swap(), opened)
if (Triple(current, remainingSteps, opened) in cache) {
return cache[Triple(current, remainingSteps, opened)]!!
val result = listOf(0, 1)
.filter { remainingSteps.get(it) >= 0 }
.flatMap { player ->
val playerCurrent = current.get(player)
val playerRemainingSteps = remainingSteps.get(player)
.filter { !opened.get(it.key + 1) && (playerRemainingSteps - (it.value - 1)) >= 0 }
.map { (target, distance) ->
val stepsLeftAfterOpen = playerRemainingSteps - (distance + 1)
val newOpened = (opened.clone() as BitSet).apply { set(target + 1) }
val newRemainingSteps = remainingSteps.set(player, stepsLeftAfterOpen)
val newCurrent = current.set(player, target)
valves[target].rate * stepsLeftAfterOpen + makeBestChoice(newCurrent, newRemainingSteps, newOpened)
}.maxOrNull() ?: 0
cache[Triple(current, remainingSteps, opened)] = result
return result
return makeBestChoice(Pair(0, 0), Pair(26, 26), BitSet())
val testInput = readInput("Day16_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 1651)
check(part2(testInput) == 1707)
val input = readInput("Day16")
private fun <A> Pair<A, A>.get(i: Int): A {
return when (i) {
0 -> first
1 -> second
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
private fun <A> Pair<A, A>.set(i: Int, value: A): Pair<A, A> {
return when (i) {
0 -> Pair(value, second)
1 -> Pair(first, value)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
private fun <A> Pair<A, A>.swap(): Pair<A, A> {
return Pair(second, first)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | ccd666cc12312537fec6e0c7ca904f5d9ebf75a3 | 5,579 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day18.kt | SimoneStefani | 572,915,832 | false | {"Kotlin": 33918} | fun main() {
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int) {
fun neighbours() = setOf(
Point(x + 1, y, z), // right
Point(x - 1, y, z), // left
Point(x, y + 1, z), // up
Point(x, y - 1, z), // down
Point(x, y, z + 1), // front
Point(x, y, z - 1), // back
fun computeAirBoundary(points: List<Point>, start: Point, max: Point): Set<Point> {
var toVisit = setOf(start)
val visited = mutableSetOf(start)
while (toVisit.isNotEmpty()) {
toVisit = toVisit
.flatMap { it.neighbours() - points.toSet() }
.filter { it.x in start.x..max.x && it.y in start.y..max.y && it.z in start.z..max.z }
visited += toVisit
return visited
fun parseInput(lines: List<String>) = lines
.map { it.split(",") }
.map { (x, y, z) -> Point(x.toInt(), y.toInt(), z.toInt()) }
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val points = parseInput(input)
return points.sumOf { it.neighbours().count { n -> n !in points } }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val points = parseInput(input)
val start = Point(points.minOf { it.x } - 1, points.minOf { it.y } - 1, points.minOf { it.z } - 1)
val max = Point(points.maxOf { it.x } + 1, points.maxOf { it.y } + 1, points.maxOf { it.z } + 1)
val airBoundary = computeAirBoundary(points, start, max)
return points.sumOf { it.neighbours().count { n -> n in airBoundary } }
val testInput = readInput("Day18_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 64)
check(part2(testInput) == 58)
val input = readInput("Day18")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | b3244a6dfb8a1f0f4b47db2788cbb3d55426d018 | 1,850 | aoc-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | niltsiar | 572,887,970 | false | {"Kotlin": 16548} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.indices.sumOf { i ->
input.first().indices.count { j ->
createListOfTrees(i, j, input.size, input.first().length).any { trees ->
trees.all { (x, y) -> input[x][y] < input[i][j] }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.indices.maxOf { i ->
input.first().indices.maxOf { j ->
createListOfTrees(i, j, input.size, input.first().length).map { trees ->
minOf(trees.takeWhile { (x, y) -> input[x][y] < input[i][j] }.size + 1, trees.size)
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
fun createListOfTrees(i: Int, j: Int, maxRows: Int, maxColumns: Int): List<List<Pair<Int, Int>>> {
val left = (j - 1 downTo 0).map { i to it }
val right = (j + 1 until maxColumns).map { i to it }
val up = (i - 1 downTo 0).map { it to j }
val down = (i + 1 until maxRows).map { it to j }
return listOf(left, right, up, down)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 766b3e168fc481e4039fc41a90de4283133d3dd5 | 1,366 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
advent-of-code-2023/src/Day07.kt | osipxd | 572,825,805 | false | {"Kotlin": 141640, "Shell": 4083, "Scala": 693} | private const val DAY = "Day07"
fun main() {
fun testInput() = readInput("${DAY}_test")
fun input() = readInput(DAY)
"Part 1" {
solve(testInput()) shouldBe 6440
measureAnswer { solve(input()) }
"Part 2" {
solve(testInput(), withJoker = true) shouldBe 5905
measureAnswer { solve(input(), withJoker = true) }
private fun solve(input: List<Hand>, withJoker: Boolean = false): Int = input
.sumOf { (index, hand) -> * (index + 1) }
private fun readInput(name: String) = readLines(name).map { line ->
val (cards, rawBid) = line.split(" ")
Hand(cards, rawBid.toInt())
private data class Hand(val cards: String, val bid: Int) {
fun power(withJoker: Boolean): Int {
val cardsCount = mutableMapOf<Char, Int>()
cards.groupingBy { it }.eachCountTo(cardsCount)
val jokers = if (withJoker) cardsCount.remove('J') ?: 0 else 0
val maxCardsCount = cardsCount.values.maxOrNull() ?: 0
return when (maxCardsCount + jokers) {
3 -> if (cardsCount.size == 2) FULL_HOUSE else THREE_OF_KIND
2 -> if (cardsCount.size == 3) TWO_PAIR else ONE_PAIR
else -> HIGH_CARD
companion object {
fun comparator(withJoker: Boolean): Comparator<Hand> {
return compareBy<Hand> { it.power(withJoker) }
.thenComparing { left, right ->
.map { i -> compareCards([i],[i], withJoker) }
.first { it != 0 }
private fun compareCards(cardA: Char, cardB: Char, withJoker: Boolean): Int {
return rankOfCard(cardA, withJoker) compareTo rankOfCard(cardB, withJoker)
private fun rankOfCard(card: Char, withJoker: Boolean): Int = when (card) {
in '2'..'9' -> card.digitToInt()
'T' -> 10
'J' -> if (withJoker) 1 else 11
'Q' -> 12
'K' -> 13
'A' -> 14
else -> error("Unexpected card: $card")
const val FIVE_OF_KIND = 6
const val FOUR_OF_KIND = 5
const val FULL_HOUSE = 4
const val THREE_OF_KIND = 3
const val TWO_PAIR = 2
const val ONE_PAIR = 1
const val HIGH_CARD = 0
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 5 | 6a67946122abb759fddf33dae408db662213a072 | 2,453 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
advent-of-code-2023/src/main/kotlin/eu/janvdb/aoc2023/day05/day05.kt | janvdbergh | 318,992,922 | false | {"Java": 1000798, "Kotlin": 284065, "Shell": 452, "C": 335} | package eu.janvdb.aoc2023.day05
import eu.janvdb.aocutil.kotlin.CombinedRange
import eu.janvdb.aocutil.kotlin.SimpleRange
import eu.janvdb.aocutil.kotlin.readGroupedLines
import java.util.*
//const val FILENAME = "input05-test.txt"
const val FILENAME = "input05.txt"
fun main() {
val groupedLines = readGroupedLines(2023, FILENAME)
private fun part1(groupedLines: List<List<String>>) {
val seeds = parseSingleRanges(groupedLines[0][0])
val mappings = Mappings.parse(groupedLines)
val seedsMapped =
private fun part2(groupedLines: List<List<String>>) {
val seeds = parseRanges(groupedLines[0][0])
val mappings = Mappings.parse(groupedLines)
val seedsMapped =
fun parseSingleRanges(line: String): CombinedRange {
return line.split(": ")[1].split(" ")
.map { it.toLong() }
.map { SimpleRange(it, it) }
.fold(CombinedRange()) { acc, range -> acc.add(range) }
fun parseRanges(line: String): CombinedRange {
return line.split(": ")[1].split(" ")
.map { it.toLong() }
.chunked(2) { SimpleRange(it[0], it[0] + it[1] - 1) }
.fold(CombinedRange()) { acc, range -> acc.add(range) }
data class Mappings(val mappings: List<Mapping>) {
fun map(source: CombinedRange): CombinedRange {
return mappings.fold(source) { acc, mapping -> }
companion object {
fun parse(groupedLines: List<List<String>>): Mappings {
val maps = groupedLines.drop(1).map { Mapping.parse(it) }
return Mappings(maps)
data class Mapping(val name: String, val entries: List<MappingEntry>) {
fun map(rangeSet: CombinedRange): CombinedRange {
val todo = LinkedList(rangeSet.ranges)
var result = CombinedRange()
while (!todo.isEmpty()) {
val range = todo.removeFirst()
if (range.isEmpty()) continue
val overlap = entries.find { it.sourceRange.overlapsWith(range) }
if (overlap == null) {
result = result.add(range)
} else {
result = result.add(
range.intersectWith(overlap.sourceRange).move(overlap.destinationStart - overlap.sourceRange.start)
range.subtract(overlap.sourceRange).forEach { todo.add(it) }
return result
companion object {
fun parse(lines: List<String>): Mapping {
val name = lines[0]
val entries = lines.drop(1)
.map { MappingEntry.parse(it) }
.sortedBy { it.sourceRange.start }
return Mapping(name, entries)
data class MappingEntry(val sourceRange: SimpleRange, val destinationStart: Long) {
companion object {
fun parse(line: String): MappingEntry {
val parts = line.split(" ").map { it.toLong() }
val sourceRange = SimpleRange(parts[1], parts[2] + parts[1] - 1)
return MappingEntry(sourceRange, parts[0])
| 0 | Java | 0 | 0 | 78ce266dbc41d1821342edca484768167f261752 | 3,241 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | ked4ma | 573,017,240 | false | {"Kotlin": 51348} | import kotlin.math.max
* [Day08](
fun main() {
fun trees(input: List<String>): Array<Array<Int>> = { line ->
fun toInfoList(input: List<String>): Pair<Array<Array<Int>>, Array<Array<Array<Int>>>> {
val trees = trees(input)
val around = Array(trees.size) {
Array(trees[0].size) {
Array(4) { 0 }
}.also {
val lastI = trees.lastIndex
val lastJ = trees[0].lastIndex
for (i in trees.indices) {
for (j in trees[0].indices) {
if (j < lastJ) {
// left
it[i][j + 1][0] = max(it[i][j][0], trees[i][j])
// right
it[i][lastJ - j - 1][2] = max(it[i][lastJ - j][2], trees[i][lastJ - j])
if (i < lastI) {
// up
it[i + 1][j][1] = max(it[i][j][1], trees[i][j])
// down
it[lastI - i - 1][j][3] = max(it[lastI - i][j][3], trees[lastI - i][j])
return trees to around
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val (trees, around) = toInfoList(input)
return (trees.size + trees[0].size) * 2 - 4 +
(1 until trees.lastIndex).sumOf { i ->
(1 until trees[0].lastIndex).count { j ->
trees[i][j] > around[i][j].min()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val trees = trees(input)
val lastI = trees.lastIndex
val lastJ = trees[0].lastIndex
val around = Array(trees.size) {
Array(trees[0].size) {
Array(4) { 0 }
fun search(i: Int, j: Int, direction: Int, value: Int): Int {
if (i == 0 || i == lastI || j == 0 || j == lastJ) return 0
val (ni, nj) = when (direction) {
0 -> i to j - 1 // left
1 -> i - 1 to j // up
2 -> i to j + 1 // right
3 -> i + 1 to j // down
else -> throw RuntimeException()
around[i][j][direction] = if (trees[ni][nj] < value) search(ni, nj, direction, value) + 1 else 1
return around[i][j][direction]
for (i in 1 until trees.lastIndex) {
for (j in 1 until trees[0].lastIndex) {
for (k in 0..3) {
search(i, j, k, trees[i][j])
return around.maxOf { row ->
row.maxOf { cell ->
cell.reduce { acc, v -> acc * v }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 21)
check(part2(testInput) == 8)
val input = readInput("Day08")
} | 1 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 6d4794d75b33c4ca7e83e45a85823e828c833c62 | 3,215 | aoc-in-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | rod41732 | 572,917,438 | false | {"Kotlin": 85344} | fun main() {
val input = readInput("Day13")
val testInput = readInput("Day13_test")
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
return input.filter { it.isNotBlank() }.map(::parseList).chunked(2)
.sumOfIndexed { idx, (x, y) -> if (x.compareTo(y) == -1) idx + 1 else 0 }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val dividers = listOf(parseList("[[2]]"), parseList("[[6]]"))
val all = input.filter { it.isNotBlank() }.map(::parseList).plus(dividers).sorted()
return { all.binarySearch(it) + 1 }.reduce { acc, i -> acc * i }
check(part1(testInput) == 13)
check(part2(testInput) == 140)
println(part1(input)) // 6428
println(part2(input)) // 22464
private data class NumberBuilder(var currentNum: Int = 0, var hasNum: Boolean = false) {
fun addDigit(digit: Int) {
currentNum = currentNum * 10 + digit
hasNum = true
fun collectNumber() = if (hasNum) currentNum.also { hasNum = false; currentNum = 0 } else null
private fun parseList(inp: String): Packet {
val root = PacketList(null)
var currentList = root
val numberBuilder = NumberBuilder()
inp.forEach {
when (it) {
'[' -> currentList = currentList.addList()
']' -> {
numberBuilder.collectNumber()?.also { currentList.addElement(it) }
currentList = currentList.parent!!
' ' -> {}
',' -> numberBuilder.collectNumber()?.also { currentList.addElement(it) }
else -> numberBuilder.addDigit(it - '0')
return root.children[0]
private sealed class Packet : Comparable<Packet> {
override fun compareTo(other: Packet): Int {
if (this is PacketNumber && other is PacketNumber) return value.compareTo(other.value)
return compareList(asPacketList(), other.asPacketList())
fun compareList(left: PacketList, right: PacketList): Int {
.forEach { (left, right) -> left.compareTo(right).let { if (it != 0) return it } }
return left.children.size.compareTo(right.children.size)
fun asPacketList(): PacketList = if (this is PacketList) this else PacketList(null, mutableListOf(this))
private data class PacketList(
val parent: PacketList?, val children: MutableList<Packet> = mutableListOf()
) : Packet() {
fun addElement(value: Int) {
fun addList(): PacketList = PacketList(this).also { children.add(it) }
private data class PacketNumber(val value: Int) : Packet()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1d2d3d00e90b222085e0989d2b19e6164dfdb1ce | 2,761 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
advent-of-code-2022/src/Day11.kt | osipxd | 572,825,805 | false | {"Kotlin": 141640, "Shell": 4083, "Scala": 693} | fun main() {
"Part 1" {
val testInput = readInput("Day11_test")
val input = readInput("Day11")
part1(testInput) shouldBe 10605
"Part 2" {
val testInput = readInput("Day11_test")
val input = readInput("Day11")
part2(testInput) shouldBe 2713310158
private fun part1(input: List<Monkey>): Long = solve(input, rounds = 20, keepCalm = true)
private fun part2(input: List<Monkey>): Long = solve(input, rounds = 10_000, keepCalm = false)
private fun solve(monkeys: List<Monkey>, rounds: Int, keepCalm: Boolean): Long {
val inspectionsCounts = IntArray(monkeys.size) { 0 }
// All `divideBy` values are prime numbers, so we can multiply them all together
// and take remainder from division by resulting value.
// We should do it after each operation to not overflow Int.
val mod = { it.divideBy.toLong() }.reduce(Long::times)
repeat(rounds) {
for ((i, monkey) in monkeys.withIndex()) {
inspectionsCounts[i] += monkey.items.size
for (item in monkey.takeItems()) {
val calmLevel = if (keepCalm) 3 else 1
val new = (monkey.operation(item) / calmLevel % mod).toInt()
val target = if (new % monkey.divideBy == 0) monkey.ifTrue else monkey.ifFalse
return inspectionsCounts.sortedDescending().take(2).map(Int::toLong).reduce(Long::times)
private fun readInput(name: String) = readText(name).splitToSequence("\n\n").map { rawMonkey ->
val (items, operation, test, ifTrue, ifFalse) = rawMonkey.lines().drop(1)
startingItems = items.substringAfter(": ").split(", ").map(String::toInt),
operation = parseOperation(operation),
divideBy = test.substringAfter("divisible by ").toInt(),
ifFalse = ifFalse.substringAfter("throw to monkey ").toInt(),
ifTrue = ifTrue.substringAfter("throw to monkey ").toInt(),
private fun parseOperation(input: String): (Int) -> Long {
val parts = input.substringAfter(" = ").split(" ")
val operation: (Long, Long) -> Long = if (parts[1] == "+") Long::plus else Long::times
val b = parts[2].toLongOrNull()
return { old -> operation(old.toLong(), b ?: old.toLong()) }
private class Monkey(
startingItems: List<Int>,
val operation: (Int) -> Long,
val divideBy: Int,
val ifFalse: Int,
val ifTrue: Int
) {
val items: MutableList<Int> = startingItems.toMutableList()
fun takeItems() = items.toList().also { items.clear() }
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 5 | 6a67946122abb759fddf33dae408db662213a072 | 2,687 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day08/Day08.kt | spyroid | 433,555,350 | false | null | package day08
import readInput
import kotlin.system.measureTimeMillis
fun main() {
fun part1(seq: Sequence<Box>) = { box -> box.numbers().count { it in listOf(1, 4, 7, 8) } }.sum()
fun part2(seq: Sequence<Box>) = { box -> box.asValue() }.sum()
val testSeq = readDigits(readInput("day08/test"))
val inputSeq = readDigits(readInput("day08/input"))
var res1 = part1(testSeq)
check(res1 == 26) { "Expected 26 but got $res1" }
var time = measureTimeMillis { res1 = part1(inputSeq) }
println("Part1: $res1 in $time ms")
time = measureTimeMillis { res1 = part2(inputSeq) }
println("Part2: $res1 in $time ms")
fun readDigits(list: List<String>): Sequence<Box> {
return { line ->
.split("|", " ")
.filter { it.isNotBlank() }
.map { it.toSet() }
.let { Box(it.take(10), it.takeLast(4)) }
data class Box(val left: List<Set<Char>>, var right: List<Set<Char>>) {
private val mappings = findMappings()
fun asValue() = { mappings.getValue(it) }.joinToString("").toInt()
fun numbers() = { mappings.getValue(it) }
private fun findMappings(): Map<Set<Char>, Int> {
val digits = Array<Set<Char>>(10) { emptySet() }
digits[1] = left.first { it.size == 2 }
digits[4] = left.first { it.size == 4 }
digits[7] = left.first { it.size == 3 }
digits[8] = left.first { it.size == 7 }
digits[3] = left
.filter { it.size == 5 }
.first { it.containsAll(digits[1]) }
digits[9] = left
.filter { it.size == 6 }
.first { it.containsAll(digits[3]) }
digits[0] = left
.filter { it.size == 6 }
.filter { it.containsAll(digits[1]) && it.containsAll(digits[7]) }
.first { it != digits[9] }
digits[6] = left
.filter { it.size == 6 }
.first { it != digits[0] && it != digits[9] }
digits[5] = left
.filter { it.size == 5 }
.first { digits[6].containsAll(it) }
digits[2] = left
.filter { it.size == 5 }
.first { it != digits[3] && it != digits[5] }
return digits.mapIndexed { index, chars -> chars to index }.toMap()
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 939c77c47e6337138a277b5e6e883a7a3a92f5c7 | 2,344 | Advent-of-Code-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/day15/Day15.kt | qnox | 575,581,183 | false | {"Kotlin": 66677} | package day15
import readInput
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
data class Scanner(val sx: Int, val sy: Int, val bx: Int, val by: Int) {
val dist: Int
get() = abs(sx - bx) + abs(sy - by)
val pattern = "Sensor at x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+): closest beacon is at x=(-?\\d+), y=(-?\\d+)".toRegex()
fun parseScanners(input: List<String>) = input.mapNotNull { line ->
pattern.matchEntire(line)?.let { match ->
val sx = match.groups[1]!!.value.toInt()
val sy = match.groups[2]!!.value.toInt()
val bx = match.groups[3]!!.value.toInt()
val by = match.groups[4]!!.value.toInt()
Scanner(sx, sy, bx, by)
fun calculateRanges(
scanners: List<Scanner>,
target: Int
) = scanners
.mapNotNull { scanner ->
val delta = scanner.dist - abs( - target)
if (delta >= 0) { - delta to + delta
} else {
.sortedBy { it.first }
.fold(mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()) { ranges, range ->
if (ranges.isEmpty()) {
} else {
val last = ranges.last()
if (last.second >= range.first && last.second < range.second) {
ranges.add(last.first to range.second)
} else if (last.second < range.first) {
ranges.add(range.first to range.second)
fun part1(input: List<String>, target: Int): Int {
val scanners = parseScanners(input)
val ranges = calculateRanges(scanners, target)
val beacons = scanners.filter { == target }.map { it.bx }.toSortedSet()
var count = 0
var last = Int.MIN_VALUE
for ((f, t) in ranges) {
val start = maxOf(last + 1, f)
val end = t
val length = maxOf(0, end - start + 1)
count += length - beacons.count { it in start..end }
last = maxOf(last, end)
return count
fun part2(input: List<String>, limit: Int): Long {
val scanners = parseScanners(input)
for (y in 0 until limit) {
val ranges = calculateRanges(scanners, y)
if (ranges.size > 1) {
val x = ranges[0].second + 1
return x.toLong() * 4000000 + y
return -1
val testInput = readInput("day15", "test")
val input = readInput("day15", "input")
check(part1(testInput, 10) == 26)
println(part1(input, 2000000))
check(part2(testInput, 20) == 56000011L)
println(part2(input, 4000000))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 727ca335d32000c3de2b750d23248a1364ba03e4 | 2,849 | aoc2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | kecolk | 572,819,860 | false | {"Kotlin": 22071} | fun main() {
data class Tree(val height: Int, var seen: Boolean = false, var scenic: Int = 0) {
fun getCount(): Int = if (seen) 1 else 0
fun parseInput(input: List<String>): Array<Array<Tree>> = {
it.toList().map { tree -> Tree(tree.toString().toInt()) }.toTypedArray()
fun part1(forest: Array<Array<Tree>>): Int {
val highestTop = MutableList(forest.size) { -1 }
val highestBottom = MutableList(forest.size) { -1 }
forest.forEach { item ->
var highestLeft = -1
var highestRight = -1
item.forEachIndexed { columnIndex, tree ->
if (tree.height > highestLeft) {
tree.seen = true
highestLeft = tree.height
if (tree.height > highestTop[columnIndex]) {
tree.seen = true
highestTop[columnIndex] = tree.height
item.reversed().forEach {
if (it.height > highestRight) {
it.seen = true
highestRight = it.height
forest.reversed().forEach { item ->
item.forEachIndexed { columnIndex, tree ->
if (tree.height > highestBottom[columnIndex]) {
tree.seen = true
highestBottom[columnIndex] = tree.height
return forest.sumOf { row -> row.sumOf { tree -> tree.getCount() } }
fun part2(input: Array<Array<Tree>>): Int {
for (row: Int in 0 until input.size) {
for (column: Int in 0 until input.first().size) {
val treeHeight = input[row][column].height
var currentTop = row
var currentBottom = input.size - 1 - row
var currentLeft = column
var currentRight = input.size - 1 - column
for (searchRow: Int in 0 until input.size) {
if (searchRow < row && input[searchRow][column].height >= treeHeight) {
currentTop = row - searchRow
if (searchRow > row && input[searchRow][column].height >= treeHeight && searchRow - row < currentBottom) {
currentBottom = searchRow - row
for (searchColumn: Int in 0 until input.first().size) {
if (searchColumn < column && input[row][searchColumn].height >= treeHeight) {
currentLeft = column - searchColumn
if (searchColumn > column && input[row][searchColumn].height >= treeHeight && searchColumn - column < currentRight) {
currentRight = searchColumn - column
input[row][column].scenic = currentTop * currentBottom * currentRight * currentLeft
return input.maxOf { row -> row.maxOf { tree -> tree.scenic } }
val testForest = parseInput(readTextInput("Day08_test"))
val forest = parseInput(readTextInput("Day08"))
check(part1(testForest) == 21)
check(part2(testForest) == 8)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 72b3680a146d9d05be4ee209d5ba93ae46a5cb13 | 3,389 | kotlin_aoc_22 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/y2021/Day09.kt | Yg0R2 | 433,731,745 | false | null | package y2021
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val heightmap: Array<Array<Int>> = input.toHeightMap()
return heightmap
.sumOf { (x, y) ->
heightmap[x][y] + 1
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val heightmap: Array<Array<Int>> = input.toHeightMap()
return heightmap
.map { (x, y) ->
getBasin(x, y, heightmap, setOf(x to y))
.sortedByDescending { it.size }
.fold(1) { acc: Int, set: Set<Pair<Int, Int>> ->
acc * set.size
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day09_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 15)
check(part2(testInput) == 1134)
val input = readInput("Day09")
private fun List<String>.toHeightMap(): Array<Array<Int>> = this
.map { it.split("") }
.map { it.toIntList() }
.map { it.toTypedArray() }
private fun Array<Array<Int>>.getLowestPointCoordinates(): List<Pair<Int, Int>> = this
.flatMapIndexed { x, heightPoints ->
.mapIndexedNotNull { y, currentHeight ->
if ((x == 0 || this[x - 1][y] > currentHeight) && (x == this.size - 1 || this[x + 1][y] > currentHeight) &&
(y == 0 || this[x][y - 1] > currentHeight) && (y == this[x].size - 1 || this[x][y + 1] > currentHeight)) {
x to y
else {
private fun getBasin(x: Int, y: Int, heightmap: Array<Array<Int>>, basin: Set<Pair<Int, Int>>): Set<Pair<Int, Int>> {
val currentHeight = heightmap[x][y]
if (currentHeight == 9) {
return basin
var newBasin = basin.toMutableSet()
.also { it.add(x to y) }
if ((x> 0) && (heightmap[x - 1][y] >= currentHeight + 1)) {
newBasin = getBasin(x - 1, y, heightmap, newBasin)
if ((x < heightmap.size - 1) && (heightmap[x + 1][y] >= currentHeight + 1)) {
newBasin = getBasin(x + 1, y, heightmap, newBasin)
if ((y > 0) && (heightmap[x][y - 1] >= currentHeight + 1)) {
newBasin = getBasin(x, y - 1, heightmap, newBasin)
if ((y < heightmap[x].size - 1) && (heightmap[x][y + 1] >= currentHeight + 1)) {
newBasin = getBasin(x, y + 1, heightmap, newBasin)
return newBasin
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d88df7529665b65617334d84b87762bd3ead1323 | 2,663 | advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day13.kt | mikrise2 | 573,939,318 | false | {"Kotlin": 62406} | fun chunkStringToList(str: String): List<String> {
val withoutBrackets = str.filterIndexed { index, _ -> index != 0 && index != str.lastIndex }
val elements = mutableListOf<String>()
var bracketIndex = 0
val current = StringBuilder("")
for (i in withoutBrackets.indices) {
if ((withoutBrackets[i] == ',' && bracketIndex == 0)) {
} else {
if (withoutBrackets[i] == '[') {
if (withoutBrackets[i] == ']') {
if (current.isNotEmpty())
return elements
fun compareLists(first: String, second: String): Int {
val elements1 = chunkStringToList(first)
val elements2 = chunkStringToList(second)
if (elements1.isEmpty() && elements2.isNotEmpty())
return 1
if (elements1.isEmpty())
return 0
if (elements2.isEmpty())
return -1
elements1.forEachIndexed { index, s ->
if (elements2.size <= index)
return -1
val comp = compare(s, elements2[index])
if (comp != 0) {
return comp
if (elements1.size == elements2.size)
return 0
return 1
fun compareNumbers(first: Int, second: Int): Int {
return if (first == second) 0 else if (first < second) 1 else -1
fun compareNumberList(number: Int, list: String): Int {
return compareLists("[$number]", list)
fun compareNumberList(list: String, number: Int) = -compareNumberList(number, list)
fun compare(first: String, second: String): Int {
return if (first[0] == '[') {
if (second[0] == '[') compareLists(first, second) else compareNumberList(first, second.toInt())
} else {
if (second[0] == '[') compareNumberList(first.toInt(), second) else compareNumbers(
class PackageComparator {
companion object : Comparator<String> {
override fun compare(a: String, b: String): Int {
return -compareLists(a, b)
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val pairs = input.chunked(3).map { if (it.size == 3) it.subList(0, 2) else it }
var result = 0
pairs.forEachIndexed { index, strings -> if (compareLists(strings[0], strings[1]) >= 0) result += (index + 1) }
return result
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val index1 = "[[2]]"
val index2 = "[[6]]"
val packages = input.filter { it.isNotEmpty() } + listOf(
val sortedPackages = packages.sortedWith(PackageComparator)
return (sortedPackages.indexOf(index1)+1) * (sortedPackages.indexOf(index2)+1)
val input = readInput("Day13")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | d5d180eaf367a93bc038abbc4dc3920c8cbbd3b8 | 3,028 | Advent-of-code | Apache License 2.0 |
src/main/kotlin/day9/Day9.kt | cyril265 | 433,772,262 | false | {"Kotlin": 39445, "Java": 4273} | package day9
import readToList
fun main() {
private fun part1(): Int {
val heightMatrix = HeightMatrix(readInput())
val filter = heightMatrix.matrix
.filter { it.lowest }
return filter
.sumOf { it.height + 1 }
private fun part2(): Int {
val heightMatrix = HeightMatrix(readInput())
val basins = heightMatrix.matrix
.filter { it.lowest }
.map { lowPoint ->
val (a, b, c) = basins.sortedDescending()
return a * b * c
private data class HeightMatrix(val matrix: List<List<Height>>) {
fun get(rowIndex: Int, columnIndex: Int): Height? {
return matrix.getOrNull(rowIndex)?.getOrNull(columnIndex)
fun setLowPoints() {
for (row in matrix) {
for (current in row) {
if (getAdjacent(current).all { current.height < it.height }) {
current.lowest = true
fun findBasin(lowPoint: Height): Int {
val adjacent = getAdjacent(lowPoint).filter { !it.basinPart && it.valid }
var basinSize = 0
if (!lowPoint.basinPart) {
lowPoint.basinPart = true
basinSize += adjacent
.filter { lowPoint.height <= it.height }
.sumOf { findBasin(it) }
return basinSize
private fun getAdjacent(height: Height): List<Height> {
return listOfNotNull(
get(height.rowIndex - 1, height.columnIndex),
get(height.rowIndex + 1, height.columnIndex),
get(height.rowIndex, height.columnIndex - 1),
get(height.rowIndex, height.columnIndex + 1),
private data class Height(
val height: Int,
var lowest: Boolean = false,
val valid: Boolean,
var basinPart: Boolean = false,
val columnIndex: Int,
val rowIndex: Int
private fun readInput() = readToList("day9.txt")
.mapIndexed { rowIndex, line ->
line.mapIndexed { columnIndex, char ->
val numericValue = Character.getNumericValue(char)
Height(height = numericValue, valid = numericValue != 9, columnIndex = columnIndex, rowIndex = rowIndex)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 1ceda91b8ef57b45ce4ac61541f7bc9d2eb17f7b | 2,417 | aoc2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day18.kt | RusticFlare | 574,508,778 | false | {"Kotlin": 78496} | fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val points = mutableSetOf<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>()
fun Triple<Int, Int, Int>.adjacent() = listOf(
copy(first = first + 1),
copy(first = first - 1),
copy(second = second + 1),
copy(second = second - 1),
copy(third = third + 1),
copy(third = third - 1),
return input.asSequence()
.map { it.split(",").map(String::toInt) }
.map { (x, y, z) -> Triple(x, y, z) }
.sumOf { point ->
point.adjacent().sumOf { (if (it in points) -1 else 1).toInt() }
.also { points += point }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val points = input.asSequence()
.map { it.split(",").map(String::toInt) }
.map { (x, y, z) -> Triple(x, y, z) }
val xRange = (points.minOf { (x) -> x } - 1)..(points.maxOf { (x) -> x } + 1)
val yRange = (points.minOf { (_, y) -> y } - 1)..(points.maxOf { (_, y) -> y } + 1)
val zRange = (points.minOf { (_, _, z) -> z } - 1)..(points.maxOf { (_, _, z) -> z } + 1)
val visited = mutableSetOf<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>()
fun Triple<Int, Int, Int>.adjacent() = listOfNotNull(
(first + 1).takeIf { it in xRange }?.let { copy(first = it) },
(first - 1).takeIf { it in xRange }?.let { copy(first = it) },
(second + 1).takeIf { it in yRange }?.let { copy(second = it) },
(second - 1).takeIf { it in yRange }?.let { copy(second = it) },
(third + 1).takeIf { it in zRange }?.let { copy(third = it) },
(third - 1).takeIf { it in zRange }?.let { copy(third = it) },
val toVisit = mutableListOf(Triple(xRange.first, yRange.first, zRange.first))
return generateSequence { toVisit.removeFirstOrNull() }
.flatMap { it.adjacent() }
.filterNot { it in visited }
.count { point -> (point in points).also { if (!it) toVisit += point } }
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readLines("Day18_test")
check(part1(testInput) == 64)
check(part2(testInput) == 58)
val input = readLines("Day18")
with(part1(input)) {
check(this == 4302)
with(part2(input)) {
check(this == 2492)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 10df3955c4008261737f02a041fdd357756aa37f | 2,531 | advent-of-code-kotlin-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day23.kt | shepard8 | 573,449,602 | false | {"Kotlin": 73637} | import java.util.SortedSet
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
class Elf(val x: Int, val y: Int): Comparable<Elf> {
fun propose(turn: Int, elves: SortedSet<Elf>): Elf {
val nElf = Elf(x, y - 1)
val sElf = Elf(x, y + 1)
val eElf = Elf(x + 1, y)
val wElf = Elf(x - 1, y)
val n = nElf !in elves
val ne = Elf(x + 1, y - 1) !in elves
val e = eElf !in elves
val se = Elf(x + 1, y + 1) !in elves
val s = sElf !in elves
val sw = Elf(x - 1, y + 1) !in elves
val w = wElf !in elves
val nw = Elf(x - 1, y - 1) !in elves
if (n && ne && e && se && s && sw && w && nw) return this
val movesNSWE = listOf(
nElf.takeIf { nw && n && ne },
sElf.takeIf { sw && s && se },
wElf.takeIf { nw && w && sw },
eElf.takeIf { ne && e && se },
val moves = movesNSWE.drop(turn % 4) + movesNSWE.take(turn % 4)
return moves.filterNotNull().firstOrNull() ?: this
override fun compareTo(other: Elf): Int {
val compY = y.compareTo(other.y)
if (compY == 0)
return x.compareTo(other.x)
return compY
override fun toString(): String {
return "($x, $y)"
fun parseInput(input: List<String>): SortedSet<Elf> {
val set = sortedSetOf<Elf>()
input.forEachIndexed { y, line -> line.forEachIndexed { x, char -> if (char == '#') set.add(Elf(x, y)) } }
return set
fun printMap(elves: SortedSet<Elf>) {
val minX = elves.minOf { it.x }
val minY = elves.minOf { it.y }
val maxX = elves.maxOf { it.x }
val maxY = elves.maxOf { it.y }
(minY..maxY).forEach { y ->
(minX..maxX).forEach { x ->
print(if (Elf(x, y) in elves) '#' else '.')
println("${elves.count()} elves in area $minX..$maxX : $minY..$maxY")
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
var elves = parseInput(input)
repeat(10) { turn ->
val elvesList = elves.toList() // For proper indexing
val proposals = { it.propose(turn, elves) }
val proposalsWithoutCollisions = proposals.filter { elf -> proposals.count { it.compareTo(elf) == 0 } == 1 }.toSortedSet()
elves = proposals.mapIndexed { index, proposal -> if (proposal in proposalsWithoutCollisions) proposal else elvesList[index] }.toSortedSet()
println("(${elves.maxOf { it.x }} - ${elves.minOf { it.x }} + 1) * (${elves.maxOf { it.y }} - ${elves.minOf { it.y }} + 1) - ${elves.count()}")
return (elves.maxOf { it.x } - elves.minOf { it.x } + 1) * (elves.maxOf { it.y } - elves.minOf { it.y } + 1) - elves.count()
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
var elves = parseInput(input)
var turn = 0
var lastNumberOfMoves = 42
while(lastNumberOfMoves > 0) {
val elvesList = elves.toList() // For proper indexing
val proposals = { it.propose(turn, elves) }
val proposalsWithoutCollisions = proposals.filter { elf -> proposals.count { it.compareTo(elf) == 0 } == 1 }.toSortedSet()
val newPositions = proposals.mapIndexed { index, proposal -> if (proposal in proposalsWithoutCollisions) proposal else elvesList[index] }.toSortedSet()
lastNumberOfMoves = { it.first != it.second }
println("Turn $turn : $lastNumberOfMoves moves")
elves = newPositions
return turn
val input = readInput("Day23")
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 81382d722718efcffdda9b76df1a4ea4e1491b3c | 3,931 | aoc2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day08.kt | befrvnk | 574,229,637 | false | {"Kotlin": 15788} | import java.lang.Integer.min
fun List<List<Int>>.isVisible(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
val maxXSize = this.first().size
return when {
x == 0 || x == maxXSize - 1 -> true
y == 0 || y == size - 1 -> true
else -> {
val tree = this[x][y]
val left = (0 until x).all { this[it][y] < tree }
val right = (min(x + 1, maxXSize - 1) until maxXSize).all { this[it][y] < tree }
val top = (0 until y).all { this[x][it] < tree }
val bottom = (min(y + 1, size - 1) until size).all { this[x][it] < tree }
top || right || bottom || left
fun List<List<Int>>.scenicScore(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
val height = this[x][y]
val maxYSize = this.first().size
val top = (0 until x).reversed().indexOfFirst { this[it][y] >= height }.takeIf { it != -1 }?.plus(1) ?: x
val bottom = (min(x + 1, size - 1) until size).indexOfFirst { this[it][y] >= height }.takeIf { it != -1 }?.plus(1) ?: (size - x - 1)
val left = (0 until y).reversed().indexOfFirst { this[x][it] >= height }.takeIf { it != -1 }?.plus(1) ?: y
val right = (min(y + 1, maxYSize - 1) until maxYSize).indexOfFirst { this[x][it] >= height }.takeIf { it != -1 }?.plus(1) ?: (maxYSize - y - 1)
return top * right * bottom * left
fun main() {
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val forest = { row -> row.toList().map { it.toString().toInt() } }
val visibleTrees = forest.mapIndexed { x, row ->
List(row.size) { y -> if (forest.isVisible(x, y)) 1 else 0 }.sum()
return visibleTrees
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val forest = { row -> row.toList().map { it.toString().toInt() } }
val maxScenicScore = forest.mapIndexed { x, row ->
List(row.size) { y -> forest.scenicScore(x, y) }.max()
return maxScenicScore
// test if implementation meets criteria from the description, like:
val testInput = readInput("Day08_test")
// check(part1(testInput) == 7)
// check(part2(testInput) == "MCD")
val input = readInput("Day08")
} | 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | 68e5dd5656c052d8c8a2ea9e03c62f4cd2438dd7 | 2,297 | aoc-2022-kotlin | Apache License 2.0 |
src/com/kingsleyadio/adventofcode/y2022/day15/Solution.kt | kingsleyadio | 435,430,807 | false | {"Kotlin": 134666, "JavaScript": 5423} | package com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.y2022.day15
import com.kingsleyadio.adventofcode.util.readInput
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
val data = parseInput()
part1(data, 2_000_000)
part2(data, 4_000_000)
fun part1(data: Map<Point, Point>, rowIndex: Int) {
val (exclusions, sortedBeacons) = evaluateRow(data, rowIndex)
var count = 0
var bIndex = 0
for (range in exclusions) {
count += range.endInclusive - range.start + 1
while (bIndex < sortedBeacons.size && sortedBeacons[bIndex] < range.start) bIndex++
if (bIndex < sortedBeacons.size && sortedBeacons[bIndex] in range) count--
fun part2(data: Map<Point, Point>, maxIndex: Int) {
for (y in 0..maxIndex) {
val (exclusions, _) = evaluateRow(data, y)
var left = 0
for (r in exclusions) {
if (r.start > left) break
else left = r.endInclusive + 1
if (left <= maxIndex) {
println(left * 4_000_000L + y)
fun evaluateRow(data: Map<Point, Point>, rowIndex: Int): RowData {
val exclusions = mutableListOf<ClosedRange<Int>>() // all empty cells at row $rowIndex
val obstructingBeacons = hashSetOf<Int>()
data.forEach { (sensor, beacon) ->
val dx = abs(sensor.x - beacon.x)
val dy = abs(sensor.y - beacon.y)
val radius = dx + dy
val ds = abs(sensor.y - rowIndex)
if (radius < ds) return@forEach
val boundX = radius - ds
exclusions.add((sensor.x - boundX)..(sensor.x + boundX))
if (beacon.y == rowIndex) obstructingBeacons.add(beacon.x)
exclusions.sortBy { it.start }
val sortedBeacons = obstructingBeacons.sorted()
var left = 0
for (i in 1..exclusions.lastIndex) {
val range = exclusions[i]
val previous = exclusions[left]
when (range.start) {
in previous -> exclusions[left] = previous.start..maxOf(previous.endInclusive, range.endInclusive)
else -> exclusions[++left] = range
return RowData(exclusions.take(left + 1), sortedBeacons)
fun parseInput(): Map<Point, Point> {
val np = "(-?\\d+)"
val pattern = "Sensor at x=$np, y=$np: closest beacon is at x=$np, y=$np".toRegex()
val data = mutableMapOf<Point, Point>()
readInput(2022, 15).forEachLine { line ->
val (sx, sy, bx, by) = pattern.matchEntire(line)!!.groupValues.drop(1).map { it.toInt() }
data[Point(sx, sy)] = Point(bx, by)
return data
data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int)
data class RowData(val exclusiveIndices: List<ClosedRange<Int>>, val beaconIndices: List<Int>)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | 9abda490a7b4e3d9e6113a0d99d4695fcfb36422 | 2,697 | adventofcode | Apache License 2.0 |
src/day05/Task.kt | dniHze | 433,447,720 | false | {"Kotlin": 35403} | package day05
import readInput
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.collections.sumOf
import kotlin.math.abs
fun main() {
val input = readInput("day05")
fun solvePartOne(input: List<String>): Int =
fun solvePartTwo(input: List<String>): Int =
private fun List<String>.toLineList() = map { string -> string.split(" -> ") }
.map { (start, end) -> Line(start.toCoordinates(), end.toCoordinates()) }
private fun List<Line>.filterStraightLines() =
filter { (start, end) -> start.x == end.x || start.y == end.y }
private fun List<Line>.createLineMatrix() = fold(
initial = Zero,
) { acc, line -> max(acc, line.max()) }
.let { (x, y) -> Array(y + 1) { Array(x + 1) { 0 } } }
.also { matrix ->
onEach { line ->
line.onEachMember { (x, y) ->
matrix[y][x] += 1
private fun Array<Array<Int>>.sumAtLeast2LinesOverlap() =
sumOf { row -> row.sumOf { amount -> if (amount > 1) 1L else 0L } }.toInt()
private fun String.toCoordinates() = split(',')
.let { (x, y) -> Coordinates(x.toInt(), y.toInt()) }
private fun step(start: Int, end: Int) = when {
start == end -> 0
start < end -> 1
else -> -1
private fun max(first: Coordinates, second: Coordinates) =
Coordinates(x = max(first.x, second.x), y = max(first.y, second.y))
private data class Line(
val start: Coordinates,
val end: Coordinates,
private data class Coordinates(val x: Int, val y: Int)
private val Zero = Coordinates(x = 0, y = 0)
private fun Line.onEachMember(block: (Coordinates) -> Unit) {
val horizontalStep = step(start.x, end.x)
val verticalStep = step(start.y, end.y)
repeat(stepsCount()) { count ->
x = start.x + horizontalStep * count,
y = start.y + verticalStep * count
private fun Line.stepsCount() =
max(abs(end.x - start.x), abs(end.y - start.y)) + 1
private fun Line.max() = max(start, end)
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 1 | f81794bd57abf513d129e63787bdf2a7a21fa0d3 | 2,287 | aoc-2021 | Apache License 2.0 |
src/Day18.kt | sebokopter | 570,715,585 | false | {"Kotlin": 38263} | import java.util.*
data class Cube(val x: Int, val y: Int, val z: Int) {
fun adjacentNeighbours(): Set<Cube> = setOf(
Cube(x + 1, y, z),
Cube(x - 1, y, z),
Cube(x, y + 1, z),
Cube(x, y - 1, z),
Cube(x, y, z + 1),
Cube(x, y, z - 1),
companion object {
fun fromCsv(commaSeparatedValues: String): Cube {
val (x, y, z) = commaSeparatedValues.split(",").map { it.toInt() }
return Cube(x, y, z)
fun main() {
fun cubes(input: List<String>) = input
.map { line -> Cube.fromCsv(line) }.toSet()
fun part1(input: List<String>): Int {
val cubes = cubes(input)
return cubes.sumOf { cube ->
cube.adjacentNeighbours().count { neighbour -> neighbour !in cubes }
fun part2(input: List<String>): Int {
val cubes = cubes(input)
val xRange = cubes.minOf { (x, _, _) -> x - 1 }..cubes.maxOf { (x, _, _) -> x + 1 }
val yRange = cubes.minOf { (_, y, _) -> y - 1 }..cubes.maxOf { (_, y, _) -> y + 1 }
val zRange = cubes.minOf { (_, _, z) -> z - 1 }..cubes.maxOf { (_, _, z) -> z + 1 }
fun Cube.inBounds() = x in xRange && y in yRange && z in zRange
fun surroundingAir(cubes: Set<Cube>): Set<Cube> {
tailrec fun fill(surrounding: Set<Cube>, current: Set<Cube>): Set<Cube> {
if (current.isEmpty()) return surrounding
val nextSet = current
.flatMap { it.adjacentNeighbours() }
.filter { it.inBounds() }
.filter { it !in cubes && it !in current && it !in surrounding }
return fill(surrounding + current, nextSet)
return fill(emptySet(), setOf(Cube(xRange.first, yRange.first, zRange.first)))
val surroundingAir = surroundingAir(cubes)
return cubes.sumOf { cube ->
cube.adjacentNeighbours().count { neighbour -> neighbour in surroundingAir }
val testInput = readInput("Day18_test")
println("part1(testInput): " + part1(testInput))
println("part2(testInput): " + part2(testInput))
check(part1(testInput) == 10)
check(part2(testInput) == 10)
val testInput2 = readInput("Day18_test2")
println("part1(testInput): " + part1(testInput2))
println("part2(testInput): " + part2(testInput2))
check(part1(testInput2) == 64)
check(part2(testInput2) == 58)
val input = readInput("Day18")
println("part1(input): " + part1(input))
println("part2(input): " + part2(input))
| 0 | Kotlin | 0 | 0 | bb2b689f48063d7a1b6892fc1807587f7050b9db | 2,686 | advent-of-code-2022 | Apache License 2.0 |