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tubeyornot b you and me both i thought i found a tweetheart but i guess not so the search continues
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i just gave an msu fan a car rental discount he looked so sad i just couldn t turn him away
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about month ago i had one of the worst day of my life and i wa ready to call it quits if it wasn t for my closest friend stopping what he wa doing to come see me i probably would ve then and there p this is an appreciation post
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julius s malema nyaope boy are causing havoc in township breaking into house you can t protect the dealer our people are suffering and dying in depression come with solution to create job skill we are tired of your speech and poverty we don t eat speech http t co xiw wf jkx
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m rkm you stuck in traffic then my journey wa traffic free this morning if it s any help
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when i wa a teen i would burn myself with match because it made me feel better it ha been many year since i have burned myself today i got swarmed by yellowjackets and stung several time and instantly felt better i m not sure if it s the adrenaline or something else or if i m imagining it thought
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kaylee 0 yawn i m pretty good thanks awww i m sorry to hear that feel better soon lt
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nick thompson nick i d love to blame my oven i may have to blame the fact that i d had a shed load of wine and wa watching top gear
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is tooooooooo cold
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caught myself looking up the iphone promised i wouldn t torcher myself a i still have month left on my current contract
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i am vengeance batman is just emo if we had a superhero his tag line would be i am economic depression
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shooting outside my house o not kidding so scared
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hey guy im gon na be honest here im a year old stoner with a lot of mental health issue i havent ever really had anyone i felt comfortable or safe opening up to and i know it can be the same for a lot of other men of all age i wanted to create a subreddit of some sort a a safe place to vent give and seek advice for domestic or any other reason a men mental health problem seems to be kinda looked over i m looking for advice on how to grow that kind of community i haven t had a safe place like that for me and i dont want men to have the same problem or feel the same way kindest regard safewithus
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just need someone to talk to whether you re listening to me or i m listening to you too
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smashleypants awwwww virtual flower chocolate hug and kiss lt
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localtweeps wow ton of reply from you may have to unfollow so i can see my friend tweet you re scrolling the feed a lot
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today i felt like i wanted to die but i didn t really what sitting with someone in a dark place really mean depression shadowself emotionaleducation http t co fwhl9d jue
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defsound aawwwww i know what u mean iv never been that girl with a sense of humor
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theekween it help with depression anxiety and loss of a loved one thelmaherbs
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what tragedy and disaster in the news this week
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i am having a hard time nailing down whether i am truly experiencing ocd or anxiety or both amp x 00b doe anyone have any experience with one or both that can chime in
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gnah inner tube exploded got ta get a taxi to work or be late
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karsentheslater i m getting pissy lately i know i make mormon joke at you i m sorry i hear mormon joke now and i feel bad
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for reference i am f graduating college in may i grew up in a really shitty town and i worked really hard in school to guarantee i could get into my dream college and move to a city where i thought i would find more likeminded people college sincerely sucked i had terrible friend now don t really have friend don t really like my major scared that i only have qualification for a job i won t like and not to mention half of college wa online because of covid i am so terrified of applying for job and figuring out what i want to do with my life this wa literally my biggest fear going into school wa that i would waste year on a degree i don t love and don t know what i want to do i feel like applying to job is also accepting that i am no longer a student which ha been a huge part of my identity for what year i also think having college be a huge disappointment make me really nervous for everything else like the narrative that high school and college are supposed to be the best year of your life is pushed so much and both really weren t great i ve also heard it really hard to make friend outside of school which scare me a lot i feel like i have a few friend that i talk to occasionally but i don t think of them a my best friend or that i am overly close with them i think i am a nice and interesting person who care about others a lot and i don t understand why i have had such a long history of really horrible friend who never really cared about me literally had my best friend in high school pick the guy who sexually assaulted me over me i just am so scared that life won t get better it seems so easy for other people and i don t understand why figuring out life ha been so difficult for me
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earlier today my mom used a defuser on my hair because it s getting shaggier so the curl are much thicker thus not popping out a much a she wa doing it i started to feel dizzy couldn t hear vision got worse and i nearly blacked out i don t know what the cause for this is so yeah i m posting this idk if this is the right sub for this but it s worth a shot
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my project is going down the drain legal issue seem to have dealt a fatal blow
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i have a hard time articulating how i really feel and it frustrates me to no end i just wan na let it all out but it so hard it make it a lot difficult to seek help when i can t really explain what i m feeling and thinking about i can somewhat recognize what i m feeling but the moment i try to write it down or explain it my mind go blank though i can say a part of me doe feel guilty for unloading all my problem onto someone so maybe thats one of the reason i m unable to reach out to people for help plus another part of me is like trying to convince myself i m actually ok and faking it or being overdramatic which also stop me from saying anything so i usually turn to the internet to see if there s anyone who might feel the same way and could explain it in word better than i can i m sort of relieved to know that there are other people feeling exactly what i m feeling cause it really make me feel like i m not alone in this although it really suck that we all have to go through this i m not in a good state right now so i can t really give word of encouragement without feeling like a hypocrite but yeah you re definitely not alone in this
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i ve recently been planning out my suicide i probably sound like an attention seeker but i feel really terrible right now i can t get therapy and i have no where else to turn to i wa planning on attempting on the st of march right after my birthday i m so young life s barley started for me i can t handle the stress my parent don t believe there s anything wrong with me and they think therapist are corrupt people all i can do is cry and hope thing turn around for me i live in an average neighborhood middle class but just barley all my parent ever do is complain about money and recently my mom threatening to divorce my dad meaning i ll have to go live alone with my mother who s an alcoholic i don t want to die but i also don t want to live it feel like this is my only option to finally be happy
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overheardatmoo wish i could have participated this time
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got highly bored today scanning page for daddy had to do it
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i don t understand why thing get taken away i didn t have enough time with him it unfair i want him back he wa like my baby
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i wa a good kid class president one of those pesky mormon missionary after highschool on scholarship etc then at i snapped and went to prison for ten year i vowed to overcome it got out finished college and married le than five short year of being free i threw it all away and went back for another year on a parole violation finding out that week that my poor unsuspecting wife wa pregnant with our only child i struggled through five more year of incarceration dragging my entire family through the nightmare that is the criminal justice system again while my now ex wife struggled to have our baby and support herself i ve been free again for under two year i ll never have a good job i see my son for two brief hour a month and he barely know my name my family who wa heavily involved in his life while i wa incarcerated is now prevented from seeing him or even knowing about him for my ex everything i have is because of the charity of others and i ve earned nothing on my own other than disdain the direction my life took wa unexpected to everybody i wa expected to be so successful but here i sit year old with no hope of a meaningful life 0 year gone in the blink of an eye hell a a felon many people would just prefer i wa dead anyway to look at me you would never know that all of this is in my past the only friend i have are people i ve met online who don t even know my real name a all of my old friend have long since moved on with their life i would have ended it all already and in fact tried while incarcerated but i m just too damn scared at the heart of all of it i m just a coward
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it s so exhausting waking up every morning instantly with a wave of sadness and discontent then the whole day is filled with me trying to keep my mind off of my own thought and trying to chase little happiness i m tired of this why can t i just wake up happy and in a good mood like everyone else i m so exhausted and tired of living like this nothing help and nothing sustains it i try to workout but that doesn t help i m at a loss of thing to do about it this isn t how i want to live life and it s exhausting and more of a burden
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just washed the huge pile of post binge depression dish from my bedside table who s proud of me
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it s like knowing your place in this world i ve always been proud of me i always felt i ve done thing a they should be done fairly loving good people listen to others helping them always trying to draw a smile on their face and making their world a better place because life is short and everyone deserves to be happy no matter what and i thought i deserved that too but all i can see is that i m lonier than ever i never felt what is being loved the only partner i had abused and cheated on me leaving me memory like me cry next to him and he sleeping peacefully i ve been in love recently again but i got rejected like a few time before that previous relationship i guess i m not good enough a always there s always prettier people than me i lost friend and people i thought they were my friend family and the two three friend i have now can t understand how lonely i feel some of my friend deceived me when i thought they would be here for me at hard time like i always did for them all i try to be happy seems to be in vain i will never be precious to someone i m sure that people who know me will still live if i die so i don t care anymore if i die right now life go on for them but i want to stop mine now my place isn t in this world i m hoping for a sudden death like a car accident a domestic accident or something that kill me because i m a coward and i won t kill myself hoping my parent donate my organ so someone with force of will life a happy life a life i wanted for me but i never got
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i wa fine for a year or so and then the anxiety come back worse than ever panic attack in the evening which make me feel like shit i feel so fucking bad inside of my chest and stomach and my thought don t stop rushing in the day and morning i m fine but in the evening i feel like i m losing my mind and i want everything to just be ok but how will i live with myself i m generally healthy i work out i do breathing exercise but nothing help and it fucking suck school actually calm anxiety because i have a task and i m busy but when i m home i feel so fucking lonely
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hello im currently and ive only ever driven on the freeway once wa on for like a minute before i got scared and got off if for any reason i have to use it i ask a friend to take me or i get an uber instead driving in general ha always been scary for me but the freeway is the bane of my existence i feel like at my age it becoming a problem plus it just kind of embarrassing to admit to other people my age haha especially if im asking for a ride if anyone else ha had this problem please let me know what you did to overcome it thank you
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finally got my med so hopefully i climb out of the depression slump still a bit rough for now though so i ll take this photo a a future benchmark http t co ytl xwedd
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there s more security here than at sydney airport and no spirit at the bar startrek
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wo ist die studie eigentlich ver ffentlicht oder machen wir ffentliche diskussion jetzt einfach ohne faktenbasis tipp f r alle die auch schlechte studien machen wollen einfach die spezifischen longcovid symptome nicht testen kipptisch usw daf r depression nicht abgrenzen
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hey friend i come asking question about workplace anxiety i m 9 and work retail i realize that this is a job with low stake and that whatever fear i have about making mistake are rather silly given the nature of the job however i ve worked myself up because i worked an event this evening and in my eye it wa just a series of unfortunate event first i show up early but still later than my coworker who i wa working with for the event he wa talking to our bos second i wa underdressed he looked so sharp granted i am 9 and he is almost a full decade older than me with the life experience to really comprehend dress code it wa rather unspecified and unclear so i m trying not to beat myself up too much about it i ran home super quickly and grabbed some nicer shoe and a jacket but it still wasn t great third my bos gave u her number to text or to call if we needed any help i texted her first and then she asked if i would call her because she wa on the road make sense but i feel i made a mistake texting her in the first place fourth fifth sixth and so on i worry that throughout the entire evening i wad screwing up and ended up losing the store a ton of money i m so upset about everything that happened and being liked by my bos that i wa cry and now i can t sleep please oh please i beg of y all how do i get over this it s making my day really difficult and i don t want this to follow me into the future when if i have a job much more demanding and serious if i mess up it s eating me up and i can t take it thanks
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is it possible to die from coughing it suck being ill
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a coping mechanism i have is that i ll sort of get through the hour of the day until it is nighttime and i know i can have the sweet release of sleep soon of course this isn t every day but i usually look forward to sleep because it s the only time i am really guaranteed not to feel anxiety dread of course some day i will sorta forget about it but it seems that the like the main objective of the day is to get to the end of it funny enough i actually don t mind living like that i find it very comforting knowing i get an hour break from my anxiety every day i still have plenty of day where i am enjoying the thing through the day but even on those day when hour fly by i m like oh bonus i m closer to bed some day it s like my only hope though where i am really all over the place and it s my anchor to keep going idk i m sure it sound bad that i look forward to going to sleep everyday but i find it a pretty good coping mechanism
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hi i m f and my partner guy is also i say partner because i ve had mixed message about being in a relationship or not recently with him and i think this is a factor to my anxiety too fyi i have had bad anxiety since an abusive relationship at university and another one where i had a bf cheat multiple time my parent did not have a healthy relationship when i wa younger and where both not very present till my later teenage year i don t suffer anxiety in general but my relationship anxiety ha only got worse the older i get current situ we ve been dating month about week ago his twin brother died suddenly which wa tragic accident they were extremely close and he s been very unemotional about it all hasn t cried and been very rational before we got together we were friend before although i always knew he wanted more than that he d asked me on a few date in the past which i declined because he isn t usually someone i would go for but personality win me over everytime he wa also very consistent over text and the quality of conversation wa always really good which a someone with r anxiety the reassurance that someone is interested really help and usually attracts me more to them this ha since faded massively even before the passing of his brother and i find even some day the conversation is a 0th of what it used to be we ve discussed this and a lot of the time he say it s due to work and just over time not needing to keep up this same level because he is no longer chasing me because of my anxiety the long period of lack of communication i struggle with and my brain start to panic i find myself regularly checking his instagram who he follows what picture he s liked it s not healthy and i m trying to stop because it never help but almost become like an ocd since his brother passed he s shown me glimpse of seeing a future together he introduced me to some friend double date and his parent sister which i don t feel you would do if you didn t see a relationship potential he s said he would have asked me to be his gf when we should have gone on holiday the week after his brother passed but since i ve had mixed comment from whether we are in a relationship or still dating i find myself in a constant spiral atm due to the lack of communication which he say a factor is the grieving this is hard to overcome i feel awful to keep bringing up i need more in this situation i e if he can t text due to busy day can he call me more he agrees but never follows through consistently so every week i m cycling the anxiety cry worry that s now affecting my work and day to day in this situation i don t know what to do the anxiety is becoming worse and worse i don t want to have to keep bringing it up to him because of everything going on in his personal life but he doesn t seem to be meeting any emotional need for me and i m worried i won t cope long term with someone who can t reassure me i also feel guilty for wanting more from him i do hope it will get better in time a he is still in shock grieving process but it s hard to tell how would you handle this situation do you continue to suffer in silence with the anxiety in order to stop putting pressure on the other person when they are grieving or would ending the situation be better i wouldn t want to do this i m very happy with him but i feel like in a short space of time this ha been intense and draining
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to make thing clear no one invalidates me because i avoid every person and talk to no one i invalidate myself for whatever reason it s been made printed in my head to invalidate myself all the time like some sort of fucked competition on who ha it worse i dont know why i do it i know that every person s experience is different no one can experience the same thing a you it your struggle or whatever i know this yet anytime i hear any negative thing someone is dealing with or read something i downplay my struggle and just assume the person is going through worse i just say that i ain t going through shit compared to this person or that person it dumb i dont know why i do it i shouldnt be comparing my struggle to other people yet for whatever reason i do thank you for reading sorry if i made anyone mad or anything
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ugh stupid bug in spamassassin rule qa backend discovered it s going to take some fixing at some point adding to the todo list
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i feel like this is a flawed perspective i m having but sometimes it s hard to take the day off like to just relax and lay in bed for a day without guilt that can be hard for me but i feel like in a way im making it hard for myself by putting so much thought into it rather then actually just doing it
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is going to have a late one at mqu today
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chris 9 0 that s very true i think so many people are suffering from anxiety and depression right now we need to just listen to what they have to say listen to what s going on in there life right now
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i cant do this i just cant anymore i wan na be happy again im dealing with lot rn ever since i watched some verg graphic gore smoked weed had dpdr researched solipsism it all too much for me i wan na be happy again i just cant see the world the same anymore but i want to please someone help ive had this kind of depression for year it come and go i hadnt had any kind of major depression tho for a while this doesnt feel like itll go away i rly need to know and make sure itll go away because i just cant especially at night thats when it get rly bad i just don t know what to do this doesn t feel like it ll ever go away please please help im desperate
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funny for paul pogba to blame his depression or whatever on mourinho funny bcos pogba feel his fall out with mourinho is the most traumatizing experience he ha ever had not being benched and winning absolutely nothing under ol joker
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been on mirtazapine for week made my depression way worse and didn t do anything for anxiety it s mostly for anxiety i havent really went into detail about depression but it s supposed to be effective for both right im gon na have to start smoking weed again will that have an effect
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i know not many people will see this or probably care but i have no one or at least no one who ll genuinely listen a year or two ago i wasn t the best person selfish and careless i wa an alcoholic and a drug addict to deal with everything which i know now wa a horrible coping mechanism but it wa all my year old brain knew how to do a addiction ran in my family i wa hypersexual with no fundamental understanding of consent because all i knew wa assault i would get drunk and say horrible thing and my action reflected that i know trauma isn t an excuse for everything i did to people i used to call my friend but i swear i never meant to hurt anyone i wa horrible and when i realized how much hurt i had caused i never let myself live it down i couldn t look at myself the same i would cry for hour because i wa a monster that brought trauma to others life i honestly didn t know how to be healthy and i didn t know how to make real friend without making it sexual because that s all i thought people wanted from me i know these are a bunch of bullshit excuse but i don t know what to do i never wanted to be this person i left the school that wa once my haven because of the rumor i can t tell who i am anymore am i the monster they think i am i barely remember anything and i wa always drinking so it s all a blur amp x 00b i m a girl i m and this is where it started i m not going to give my life story just the bit that matter i wa accused of assault almost a year ago now with many other claim that had to do with my toxicity the original person who accused me and i had dealt with it privately and she had recognized that i wa extremely drunk when it happened and the lack of communication on both end honestly i have taken accountability for the fact that i shouldn t have drank underage and made her uncomfortable i remember bit and piece of that night some of it i can t even put together in my head but i realized that my behavior wa unacceptable and it wasn t okay not okay in the slightest but it got out to my whole school rumor began and people i had past romantic and sexual relationship with accused me of either assaulting them or being toxic i left the school and sought a lot of therapy but the rumor have entered my life in a more public setting i don t blame anyone i wa honestly a piece of shit but i know everything wa consensual but now i m not even sure of anything i think i m a monster i don t know what s real and what isn t i wa manipulative and a downright horrible person but i ve done everything i can to change and apologize but i can t seem to do it right i want to take accountability and be better but also want my name out there on the internet associated with these thing my parent don t deserve this i want to be able to be normal again but then i realize my life ha been normal i ve always through trauma my life is basically one big thing of trauma whether i realize it or not i m so sorry i really hate myself for hurting the people i did i don t want pity and i know nothing i can do can fix my reputation i don t even think i deserve it i really think i should just kill myself i think that d give the people i hurt peace of mind i don t think i deserve to live this life i m really sorry i know you ll judge me too but i promise i m really trying to be better and to help people i m not sure which perception is real theirs or mine i m broken down and i wan na be a kid again with my favorite stuffed animal maybe just take a nap and then i ll wake up and be okay
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ordered a pita it nevr came why they say the fax machine broke and the driver left what about my empty belly
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hi i m haven t had many female friend growing up now that i m in university and i m a part of a couple different club society we occasionally all go out and eat together i ve quickly realised that i ve been very anxious when eating food on a table with other woman there particularly the one i m meeting for the first time or the one i want to leave an impression on i have a bit of a short beard and one of my fear is that food will drip down and get stuck in my beard and those woman will notice it before i can clean it or it might just get stuck and they ll silently judge me for it and not tell me it s there i ve become great at conversation overtime from previously being very introverted and shy but asap food is served and everyone start eating i switch from being that casual fun guy to a scared and shy introvert who keep wiping his face after every bite of food he gulp down p s interestingly my fear isin t there when i m with guy or if i m with woman i m already close to would love to hear you guy opinion on how to tackle it and if you guy have faced any similar fear xx
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i ve had about panic attack in the past hour i took mg of xanax which usually will alleviate some physical symptom i have not had a case where it hasn t yet this time the chest pain is sticking around and i can t seem to get rid of it anyone else have similar issue or any method of relief
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olabini still here though the site is gone
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leanne is angry at me
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all my colleague hate me im just so clumy and stupid spilt a bunch of milk on the floor second time this ha happened and it went on my colleague shoe and she made a sarcastic comment about it and then her and the other guy i work with were looking like they were talking about me afterwards i cant do anything right this and everything else thats going on really is not helping the suicidal thought
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what is common between chidambaram and george bush http news oneindia in 009 0 0 sikh journalist hurl shoe at p chidambaram html
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sniffinglue ohhh i love it p i m sad we didn t get to hang out
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during my therapy session today my therapist mentioned that when people struggle with depression it often affect their perception and decision making in dating i do not personally struggle with depression but i recently dated someone who doe i wa wondering how often doe depression affect your perception and decision making when it come to dating
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aholmes nj i wa able to downthemall before ta wa able to delete my account didn t lose any photo but i lost almost all comment
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of course the baby is screaming in the crib the night before my first day back at work so i let him cry it out boooo
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for the last few year or a long a i can remember i haven t enjoyed much of anything sometimes i ll enjoy when i hangout with friend or whenever i m with family but im extremely co dependent to the point where if im alone im depressed and even if im not alone i m probably depressed i just recently started antidepressant and i think they re helping but not really i don t really feel like i connect to people or build connection because im constantly thinking about about x problem i have or x thing that s wrong with me there wa a time period where i thought i wa a narcissist but i hate myself so that s impossible can somebody like help me lmao i also feel like i m a burden to everyone in my life because every time i speak to anyone or interact with anyone it s about how depressed i am or how something is wrong with me
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phillyd wishing you the best lt
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xissyx we can t go to robina all the shop will be closed because it good friday
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mizzzidc you are spiralling me back into depression with your tweet http t co a9hjljkr p
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is cold
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i m so upset that i missed my chat and quiz online because my free internet ha ceased
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in the last month i started with a new therapist a my anxiety ha been the worst it ever ha in like ten year up until now i wa able to go medication free and just deal with thing little by little through talk therapy now it s like i m again and all the scary physical side effect of anxiety are hurling back through my life my therapist asked me how do you know you re having anxiety before your physical symptom for me it s a lot of shaking in arm leg and jaw getting really flushed skin picking tic heart racing get uncontrollable and i couldn t answer her question because like i don t know i m having anxiety until i get those big red flag physical cue what are some smaller physical cue you get before you get more extreme one
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lizdinkel lol i figured a much but you never know we don t talk anymore maybe you became easily offended
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last november i had a week where i wa so scared of death i couldn t sleep eat drink do anything i have a lot of anxiety and this wa just another one of those thing which bother me every so often but a lot more intense at that point maybe day go by i m so scared i decide to get really high to forget about it not a great idea but nothing go bad day later i start to have really really intense muscle twitching it made my anxiety so bad i had to go go a amp e a i couldn t breathe fast forward month later and i m still twitching every 0 second haven t used any drug in that time until the last week or two i ve noticed it make the twitching way worse when high if i m anxious at all but if i m not anxious the twitching is the same a normal so i m pretty sure it is anxiety related have had blood test done for deficiency s and nothing i also had a test done which told me i m producing time the normal amount of adrenaline constantly pretty sure this is the cause i have no idea what to do and how to stop this and it s driving me insane i m trying to get anxiety med but i have no official anxiety diagnosis so i m not sure if i even can i ve got a doctor appointment earliest they could do is in a month and a half could anyone help me on what to do
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i smoked for the first time in month and now i m freaking out and idk what to do edit i m all good now blocked out the stress for a little bit now getting food with the boy
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i am suicidal almost everyday i have about half a semester left of my st year of college i am constantly studying or driving to school or doing homework i do not have time to go to the doctor for my mental health but i think it s gon na be too late one day i simply can not find the motivation to use one of my limited free day during the week to go to the doctor because i d rather lay in bed because i m depressed this is the worst sickness ever
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tutsy e say e wan heal from the depression torus bata notori olohun
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i m not sure of even how to put it into word i m exhausted i ve moved into my own place i ve recently started a new job i m overwhelmed i don t want to die but i also feel like i don t want to exist if that make sense i m trying my best but at this point i feel like my best isn t actually my best i m not sure how to fight these feeling of inadequacy or how to fight off regret over thing i have acknowledged my mistake i ve made and will never make them again but somehow still manage to beat myself up and regret every mistake i ve ever made i hate feeling like this can i just not be tired for one day not be overwhelmed for a day
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one of my biggest fear is trying everything possible to turn my life around from grade to career career to myself then still come out being the same or still having the same hallow feeling i wan na take this next year to change my life around for the best i wan na look back and be happy with my life and what i ve accomplished i ve learned throughout the year that i really do want to be alive i just don t want to be me i wish i could change myself and who i am and where i came from but i can t so i would like to better myself do something to make myself proud i just don t want to waste even more time trying to fix myself then still be unhappy this fear probably came from my dad he s a ex heroin addict yet in his 0 he went from a crackhead to owning his own auto repair shop ha a beautiful yr old and amazing wife yet he still the most cold hearted asshole he still cant get more then a couple hr of sleep he s drunk every night he rarely speaks a word to me so from heroin addict to a shop owner yet still unhappy still suicidal still fighting after doing so fucking much is that really all there is to life constantly fighting to be happy without ever truly feeling it you may hide it or distract for awhile but it always come back and harder everytime till one day
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it s been a lot of stress past the last three year i feel like i can t take it anymore i m too anti social i can t talk to anyone i just start shaking and can t say a word and then this feeling of embarrassment will haunt me for the rest of the day no one want to talk with me i feel like i shouldn t be here like i m a burden to everyone i have to hold my emotion inside never letting them out and this is killing me i ve been cry for the last few day i feel so pathetic am i the problem i am so lost
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it s all hug and kiss till you wear sneaker and cause depression a you are buying sneaker for your kid pls buy your own too good morning
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eyrro awwwww bummerr sorry missed it again
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oh god one of the teacher here gave me a rotten gogoma to eat and i m so hungry i m trying to eat around the bad part hahahaha
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i ve only known my boyfriend for month official for he ha briefly opened up about having anxiety all i know is that he ha previously been medicated for it but not currently today after i left his place he messaged to apologise incase he came off odd he wa feeling anxious for no particular reason and that it just happens sometimes i told him not to worry about it now just before i go to sleep i messaged him to see how he wa he seemed fine initially but when i asked he stopping answering so regularly i m not sure if asking him wa the right thing to do i want to make it known that i care and that i m thinking of him but i m not sure if that make it worse i have never known how to help friend with anxiety either since it seems to be so rooted in not being able to talk about it
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having a coffee and going through my twitter facebook and other social network it seems to become a full time job to keep up
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rhinecruise09 you re absolutely right
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i started taking depression med a few month ago and it make my suicidal thought go away it wa somewhat amazing i had such thought every day and now i barely think about it at all even when the stray suicidal thought pop up it feel different le scary my problem is that such thought would help me through the day ironiclly if i wa getting stressed i wohld think about the end of all my problem i even began to mutter i m gon na kill myself unddr my breathe and mask during work this wa insanely unhealthy and where i am now is much better comparatively but the thing that worsened these thought is still there i hate my job i have no friend i don t know how to open up to people and i m terrified about having to choose what my life will be i want to go to college study sociology maybe creative writing a well but when i go to take any sort of action i m terrified it s illogical i hate it i work at an amazon facility i stow package i pick up box and i push cart i ve working there part time for year it wa to me at least pathetic so i moved to a longer shift a small bit of action i hate working there but i m terrified of trying anything else my new shift is 0 and a half hour long with a 0 minute unpaid break and two minute paid break yesterday wa my first day after hour i went to cry in the bathroom i drove to work 0 minute ago and soon began cry it wa ugly cry i wa shivering and whimpering on my drive to work i didn t use to do this when i wa depressed i wa much more apathetic i had my coping mechanism but now i don t i m not saying that being depressed wa better i hated my suicidal thought they would ruin my day but i m now noticing that they did help me get through some rough moment it s just not something i expected i know that i should speak to a psychiatrist maybe a therapist a well i know that quitting my job would be better for my mental health i am lucky in that i have the ability to do so and still have somewhere to sleep and eat i know that i think about my future if not college with a sociogy degree then an electrition there are other option for me i m just scared and anxious the reason i wrote this here wa to make it all feel real ir s easy for me to move on from these moment but i should realise that the fear and anxiety from change can t be worse than the anxiety and especially the self hatred that i feel now sitting in my work parking lot writing this out and i took the day off i m scared to confront my mom when i get home but it s for the best and it s what i should do fuck amazon
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burjz ugh i didn t mean to sign off and then when i got back you were gone
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i want to die so bad and i might carry on with it
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penalba por favor decime ke no estas involucrado en esa pagina nicatrolls they re the cancer that s killing b
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hedgewytch oh that s horrible about innocent smoothy we love them but if they start putting rubbish in them
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got an offer to go camping at fraser island for the weekend would jump on the offer without a nd thought but it s forecast to rain
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is seriously wondering what the australian public were thinking by kicking my baby kat off of sytycd i miss her already
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i m 9 i m in recovery for marijuana addiction i want to quit juuling soon it s making me so depressed and anxious i feel financially insecure i m not happy at my job and oftentimes time i feel suicidal i don t want to rely on med have any of you felt this way and made drastic change and turned it all around this is absolutely the most depressed i ve ever been and i ve never thought about suicide this much before i m seeing a therapist but ultimately i want to start leading a well rounded life with healthy coping mechanism that don t involve health insurance ha anyone ever done this have you gone through a dark era where suicide wa on your mind constantly but then you turned it around need some hope some story that make me think it s possible
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i m tired of living the one thing that kept me alive just weaponozed my mental health about week ago and left i m tired of being stressed about everything bill and not knowing of i can feed myself i ve given up how much oxy is lethal asking for well myself
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it s 09 am rn and it doesn t surprise me because i am used to this i have trouble sleeping because i always think about shit that ha gone wrong in my life and that is a lot i want to socialize have friend be funny i used to be when i wa back home with my friend i am learning in the u now but i always feel mute like i want to speak but i can t because i have a stomach feeling that shit is gon na go wrong so i just fake laugh and smile and it get awkward really fast and it becomes added to one of the thing that keep me up at night i also do weird stuff like smile weirdly curse under my breath or shake my hand or smth weird like that to distract from sudden flash of memory i have throughout my day and when i tell u it happens every damn day every damn minute or two i am not distracting myself in oh myyyy i just live everyday not wanting to wakeup wanting to die if course people around me don t know that i am just weirdly quiet to them anyway thought do i have anxiety
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theekween the herb is ideal for those that suffer from depression anxiety loss of a loved one heartbreak or have witnessed something tramatic thelmaherbs
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chordsy why am i the last to find out about these thing like that you re on the twitter too
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nowadays i find that thing simply don t make me very happy like video game reading watching tv i have felt pretty neutral over the past couple of month but god i feel so stupid saying that the only thing that make my day feel like it ha meaning is my shit supermarket job where i rearrange product and basically ruin the day of whoever work in that aisle i just like being told to do something and getting away from my not so nice home life i m exhausted during every shift and have passed out twice at work before but it the only thing that make my life feel like it ha any point i feel like i want to take more hour so i can avoid this constant boredom but my job also make me feel so anxious and exhausted i don t know what to do it sound so pathetic and stupid
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rsk depression