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sweets | 480 | 314 | 0.289722 | -3,888,393,298,853,191,000 | 0.00017 | 0.077361 | 9.334538 |
Easter yeast cake with icing on holiday table decorated with spring flower and Easter eggs, traditional Easter pastries | 420 | 450 | 0.349809 | 1,150,797,104,443,958,400 | 0.001639 | 0.019232 | 9.186995 |
Carrousel Musical Egg by Faberge, celebrating his 166th birthday today! | 236 | 312 | 0.364614 | -5,075,316,253,925,935,000 | 0.000009 | 0.104656 | 9.143881 |
Playhouses, Treehouse, Jungle Gyms, Playparks and more... | 600 | 400 | 0.291991 | 8,259,451,369,021,398,000 | 0.000743 | 0.045207 | 9.277182 |
NKF Afternoon tea 6 textile & fabric material diy cross stitch pattern | 800 | 800 | 0.337653 | -1,452,707,389,731,089,000 | 0.000061 | 0.05873 | 9.213051 |
Girl Baby shower cookies | 300 | 263 | 0.308621 | -7,329,502,983,725,519,000 | 0.003425 | 0.124283 | 9.068804 |
http://zibbet-production.s3.amazonaws.com/images/85/426319-large.jpg | Mrs. Claus - Crochet Pattern | 360 | 429 | 0.344204 | -6,969,514,188,291,977,000 | 0.000165 | 0.173431 | 9.680122 |
MYSTERY DOLL KAL was held in prawelewe group in October 2016. These cuties were made during this event (-: | 236 | 236 | 0.292683 | 1,690,618,423,251,655,000 | 0.000261 | 0.127462 | 9.535225 |
Knitting Jenny Toys : Knitted doll let s get complicated make it knits and | 525 | 700 | 0.335148 | 2,354,214,028,791,977,000 | 0.000539 | 0.161623 | 9.223682 |
Woodcarvings Support Bethlehem | 753 | 551 | 0.300262 | -2,421,445,777,026,823,700 | 0.004598 | 0.059768 | 9.004465 |
critters: Halloween treats and spooky critters adorn this country cottage - with bats in the moonlit sky & a skull border | 450 | 450 | 0.320055 | 7,564,024,371,376,152,000 | 0.001508 | 0.207186 | 9.265188 |
hawaiian artists paintings | Hawaii Paintings by Roy Gonzalez Tabora - AmO Images - AmO Images | 499 | 750 | 0.317703 | -842,039,866,881,451,300 | 0.000028 | 0.072397 | 9.163482 |
Pink and White candy buffet - | 719 | 475 | 0.305611 | -5,282,286,854,270,112,000 | 0.000055 | 0.053565 | 9.261206 |
"Lot 11 - *Dudley (Arthur, ""Giovanni Barbaro"", active c.1890-1907). Still life with oranges, watermelon," | 600 | 383 | 0.349475 | 1,358,685,259,411,336,000 | 0.000001 | 0.051271 | 9.399202 |
Sweet Like Candy Cart Wedding Catering | 300 | 300 | 0.316997 | -1,156,870,207,419,294,200 | 0.000028 | 0.588723 | 9.249779 |
coffees: Breakfast with assortment of pastries, coffees and fresh strawberries | 450 | 300 | 0.325604 | -8,547,342,544,953,066,000 | 0.005919 | 0.5 | 9.163946 |
Tale as old as time: beauty and the beast afternoon tea | 480 | 640 | 0.314347 | -1,733,246,250,234,733,600 | 0.000181 | 0.062477 | 9.156561 |
Healthy Watermelon Smoothie | 650 | 520 | 0.320804 | -1,653,624,843,403,541,200 | 0.000107 | 0.06628 | 9.07939 |
Sweet Like Candy Cart Popcorn Cart | 300 | 300 | 0.307086 | -6,978,385,940,686,034,000 | 0.000028 | 0.588723 | 9.249779 |
Crochet girls pouch, drawstring bag, flower toddler sac, kid birthday, unique children gift floral tarot bag, crocheted purse children sack | 354 | 354 | 0.321914 | 1,356,400,864,267,304,200 | 0.000442 | 0.282566 | 9.1339 |
http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.SXDOuH-S1Ir8wDYiE4Fh3wHaHa | vintage kitchen collectibles kitchen pinup antiques fashion collectibles | 474 | 474 | 0.340836 | 5,748,289,650,174,198,000 | 0.000007 | 0.052427 | 9.535376 |
oj: Dessert table with Easter cake decorated with traditional Easter Peeps. | 450 | 300 | 0.346113 | 5,945,950,456,710,932,000 | 0.000044 | 0.084698 | 9.181398 |
teddy bear sabrina by svetlana dibrova | 300 | 400 | 0.300904 | -5,646,881,699,234,851,000 | 0.000677 | 0.115084 | 9.819828 |
Preserving Fruit and Vegetables | 1,280 | 847 | 0.310381 | 8,254,333,836,693,939,000 | 0.000435 | 0.100198 | 9.075905 |
Pastries at Black Bear Bread Co. | 480 | 640 | 0.290603 | 7,732,620,270,927,048,000 | 0.001037 | 0.094045 | 9.084949 |
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZT_2H8t3tXsb0YF4sGfr2FQmS-4ahBZesWyNdzg7En9vFhRyJ | A 1941 CHEVY SEDAN DELIVERY IN MAY 2012 | Seen at the 2012 R… | Flickr | 259 | 194 | 0.335253 | -1,668,498,390,460,292,600 | 0.000009 | 0.197543 | 9.100512 |
Resurgence Cafe Racer Protective Motorcycle Jeans | 1,280 | 855 | 0.30959 | -6,033,575,432,129,855,000 | 0.007355 | 0.027322 | 9.130383 |
http://www.thomaspkey.com/Portfolio/i-2ZTZvd8/0/X2/DSC_2753_4_5_6_7-Edit-Edit-X2.jpg | Colorful Cupboard | 1,280 | 853 | 0.315389 | 5,026,047,775,141,413,000 | 0.000882 | 0.098443 | 9.048882 |
http://ot-foodspotting-production.s3.amazonaws.com/reviews/891561/thumb_600.jpg?1316718258 | Frozen Hot Chocolate | 590 | 590 | 0.336362 | -4,949,151,312,460,076,000 | 0.000153 | 0.071274 | 9.088825 |
The Best DIY Remodeled Campers On a Budget Ideas No 28 | 282 | 210 | 0.327242 | 1,033,075,772,425,218,300 | 0.000008 | 0.322586 | 9.101152 |
Sandwich with fresh plum jam Stock Photo | 450 | 300 | 0.305585 | 3,325,346,577,049,919,000 | 0.000209 | 0.132692 | 9.094299 |
Naked Victoria sponge cake with fresh flowers | 825 | 675 | 0.317289 | -4,204,681,560,970,497,500 | 0.000019 | 0.031177 | 9.243916 |
Vector illustration of cartoon cute angel ant sweet rabbits | 240 | 240 | 0.314193 | -4,322,964,938,573,166,600 | 0.002014 | 0.303599 | 9.116293 |
http://i.pinimg.com/236x/84/75/56/847556ba9be34320f4281d66cf2e7be2.jpg | Fred Neveu, The Farmer Painting | 236 | 314 | 0.315154 | -9,220,444,620,925,692,000 | 0.000002 | 0.154309 | 9.003323 |
Fits Like American Girl Doll Clothes / Farmcookies Summer Doll Dress / 18 Inch Sundress For American Girl | 570 | 760 | 0.328159 | -1,747,887,754,314,221,300 | 0.002259 | 0.304262 | 9.085592 |
http://indianchiefmotorcycles.com/IMAGES/Parker%20blue%20841a.jpg | Indian Model 841 | Indian Motorcycle Forum | 576 | 312 | 0.325279 | -644,911,368,939,905,800 | 0.000022 | 0.149733 | 9.111419 |
Dessert table at celebrity wedding of Lady Mary Charteriss | 713 | 466 | 0.31071 | 8,923,513,717,091,619,000 | 0.000095 | 0.066855 | 9.109877 |
https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/53fd6405e4b0d9d29774a88a/1491761570012-241C50V15809WCW6IWV7/Idaho+vintage+furniture+rentals?content-type=image%2Fjpeg | Idaho vintage furniture rentals | 900 | 600 | 0.306778 | -7,830,800,645,189,949,000 | 0.000055 | 0.044053 | 9.041723 |
Teal And Pink Modern Chic Baby Shower Baby Shower Ideas | 600 | 800 | 0.354501 | -1,984,661,269,495,668,500 | 0.000065 | 0.061494 | 9.051088 |
animal bed bird candy flowers lollipop okitune-sama original pink_hair rabbit teddy_bear | 1,500 | 1,125 | 0.340877 | 5,461,774,563,401,186,000 | 0.011645 | 0.187142 | 9.056204 |
http://imageprocessor.digital.vistaprint.com/crop/106,0,400x400/maxWidth/2000/http://uploads.documents.cimpress.io/v1/uploads/f871a98a-77c9-4c45-9f4a-74546ae41886~110/original?tenant=vbu-digital | Birthday Party Cookie Set Birthday Cake Cookies Cupcake Cookies Candle Cookies Milwaukee | 400 | 400 | 0.311167 | -8,740,659,791,838,148,000 | 0.000294 | 0.146289 | 9.168032 |
colorful jams in glass jars | 889 | 589 | 0.34432 | 787,385,470,156,077,600 | 0.000181 | 0.073693 | 9.040613 |
Butterick Sewing Pattern 5613 Baby Boys Girls Size L-XL Easy Button Front Shirt Pants Shorts | 855 | 555 | 0.335822 | 5,220,134,399,467,175,000 | 0.000056 | 0.459413 | 9.34934 |
Quirky Camper Show | 318 | 255 | 0.297738 | 3,998,988,029,525,959,700 | 0.000034 | 0.247238 | 9.066256 |
| arte pop por Wayne Thiebaud | Most-Famous-Paintings.com | 1,500 | 994 | 0.391748 | -7,062,596,891,937,172,000 | 0.000001 | 0.288095 | 9.117186 |
Andrew Davidson's wonderful Illustrations for Marks and Spencer's Biscuit Tins | 300 | 362 | 0.302925 | -1,994,962,837,255,285,200 | 0.000038 | 0.156512 | 9.20463 |
Kitchen Dresser by The Vintage Magpie, via Flickr | 334 | 500 | 0.306348 | -8,662,264,128,436,389,000 | 0.000172 | 0.032461 | 9.19585 |
http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.EHjtBzWKVZBe-z9V-cnZSgHaFj | 7 Amazing Vintage Stores by My Front Porch May 2010 | 474 | 355 | 0.290581 | 1,166,077,579,538,987,000 | 0.000028 | 0.035875 | 9.330118 |
Shirley temple cake | 600 | 867 | 0.332967 | 4,335,171,490,088,765,400 | 0.001945 | 0.039973 | 9.572426 |
http://voice-tribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/BLOB-12162012JE12.jpg | Holiday cookies were served in the cottages during the walk-throughs. | 1,000 | 667 | 0.303631 | -1,979,963,912,795,462,000 | 0.000572 | 0.084041 | 9.20911 |
http://www.thehawthorngallery.co.uk/HawthornGallery/Default/img/Instances/def/Products/32602/2164_361845_20170525121401.jpg | The Village Fair by Allen Tortice, Industrial | Landscape | Northern | Nostalgic | Lowry | Local | 1,288 | 889 | 0.356411 | 6,069,929,465,118,270,000 | 0.000001 | 0.050664 | 9.212311 |
~~~ Beautiful French Bisque Bebe Steiner Figure C with Lever Eyes ~~~ | 230 | 230 | 0.334951 | 9,210,981,802,646,157,000 | 0.000119 | 0.201996 | 9.023338 |
Underwriting - Dessert Table | 498 | 332 | 0.301295 | 8,655,511,890,215,504,000 | 0.00034 | 0.057035 | 9.344378 |
More Jubilee Baking and little Red, White & Blue Strawberries and Cream Jubilee Cakes | 697 | 464 | 0.337927 | -6,798,387,469,923,757,000 | 0.000113 | 0.033415 | 9.069626 |
https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.69kbdwHUL4ajHEWbyCOUNAHaHa | easter decorating ideas 28 cute pastel easter decorations godfather style | 474 | 474 | 0.353016 | -6,518,934,463,098,622,000 | 0.000031 | 0.122774 | 9.21476 |
Free Stock Photo of Winding Blackwater Falls - Gold Fantasy HDR | 510 | 340 | 0.310161 | -7,893,959,448,870,952,000 | 0.000006 | 0.430891 | 9.415775 |
"""25"""" Lovely Fashion Doll Barrois with her original bride Gown.""" | 230 | 230 | 0.299594 | -8,164,047,132,273,972,000 | 0.0001 | 0.273049 | 9.047354 |
storybook playhouse project plan 500272 | 280 | 280 | 0.302472 | -7,318,792,768,363,691,000 | 0.000069 | 0.034829 | 9.096678 |
Candy Cart #Rockmyspringwedding @Derek Smith My Wedding | 380 | 507 | 0.351775 | -7,345,786,962,094,779,000 | 0.000028 | 0.063327 | 9.429102 |
http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.P4KrtEj18UasIHlQHSNuGgHaFj | gypsy home decor liz blair s art design and fashion gypsy caravan | 474 | 355 | 0.305508 | 7,170,902,472,759,994,000 | 0.001077 | 0.091362 | 9.170979 |
A Gallery Of Garden Shed Ideas | 550 | 550 | 0.334943 | -4,671,789,187,476,112,000 | 0.001748 | 0.010075 | 9.08501 |
https://cdn2.eyeem.com/thumb/32008241f1c7a07201bf83a8c53fd3e78584c8b9-1465314412223/w/350 | Mini Flower Cup Cakes. Blue Cake Close-up Colour Cup Cupcakes Delicious Dessert Flowers Fork Freshness Hydrengea Indulgence Mini Paper Pink Plate Ready-to-eat Roses Serving Size Spoon Still Life Sweet Violet Wooden | 350 | 467 | 0.353425 | 3,019,705,166,555,962,400 | 0.000274 | 0.224007 | 9.143011 |
Charles Archer Grapes Pears 19th Century Victorian Oil Painting Still Life | 400 | 310 | 0.326129 | -8,324,653,071,870,232,000 | 0.000004 | 0.028233 | 9.039182 |
gift wrapping: Fruit Juice Drink Cute cartoon Gift Wrapping Design Vector | 450 | 450 | 0.33645 | 5,789,584,913,281,579,000 | 0.00043 | 0.209413 | 9.542213 |
Cool All Season Gazebo Kits For Sale From Download Free Architecture Designs Scobabritishbridgeorg | 286 | 255 | 0.305976 | -3,246,546,344,925,750,000 | 0.000212 | 0.038777 | 9.010977 |
American Girl 18-inch Doll Clothes 1950's by HFDollBoutique | 236 | 315 | 0.323217 | -2,440,466,593,729,606,000 | 0.000262 | 0.146789 | 9.055883 |
Painting of man and woman on a balcony | 600 | 828 | 0.302632 | -1,477,555,629,391,240,200 | 0.000146 | 0.013984 | 9.276209 |
http://storybrookfarmweddings.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Storybrook-Farm-Naked-Wedding-Cake-by-Petite-Sweets-360x480.jpg | Storybrook Farm Naked Wedding Cake by Petite Sweets | 360 | 480 | 0.35185 | -4,581,142,554,949,021,000 | 0 | 0.105624 | 9.021221 |
Frutas tropicais e smoothie drink | 338 | 338 | 0.309377 | 7,945,253,054,424,671,000 | 0.001096 | 0.211101 | 9.63072 |
Happy surprised dark skinned stout man looks positively at painted eggs on sticks, has fun at home during Easter preparation, being bunny, models over lilac background. Festive food concept. | 540 | 360 | 0.394193 | 8,089,945,312,990,800,000 | 0.000177 | 0.290365 | 9.188963 |
Heart-Shaped Biscuits Filled with Raspberry Jam | 338 | 450 | 0.334206 | 6,463,823,180,246,526,000 | 0.000234 | 0.095838 | 9.187761 |
http://i.pinimg.com/736x/c0/e5/cd/c0e5cdb52f90c3e6db81d553f1d1ebea.jpg | Colorful Front Yard Garden Plans | 550 | 550 | 0.303333 | 6,187,757,452,825,505,000 | 0.000006 | 0.065507 | 9.09297 |
Decorate Your Own Spring Cookies | 1,588 | 2,117 | 0.317811 | -3,587,769,609,551,226,400 | 0.000083 | 0.044888 | 9.08999 |
15 Gorgeous Wedding Cake Ideas Inspired by The Summer | 620 | 413 | 0.324496 | -918,420,403,621,206,000 | 0.000012 | 0.132067 | 9.044399 |
Red & White wedding cart at Quy Mill Hotel | 236 | 316 | 0.32985 | 1,191,561,603,858,402,600 | 0.000021 | 0.202279 | 9.321226 |
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/DNsIVBw5mPs_vgKqKoDvywyQ7FWsCq70Yl_by3HIJIns9pGW72FsBPbjhO9ejjnA8X-tr0YyjY_rv9aEppLK1S-cwmCC3rxhA2NK4kMAOJBp9DpNZ9e9gBA-5Br65XnrpvA3e9LLZR4=s0-d | paper doll bunny | 465 | 640 | 0.307025 | 2,824,053,072,914,521,600 | 0.000035 | 0.245714 | 9.027996 |
Grasped by the Holy Spirit mural | 400 | 284 | 0.307085 | 5,693,088,108,694,736,000 | 0.000227 | 0.211926 | 9.406605 |
Winter Wonders Angel - by Janet Sever | 360 | 461 | 0.305206 | -8,125,467,406,943,895,000 | 0.001928 | 0.106284 | 9.162539 |
http://i.pinimg.com/736x/ea/93/3a/ea933aad4aafd78ead16b0243099a19c.jpg | Jelly Baby Gift Ideas : Cute jelly cups for baby shower wilbanks | 720 | 960 | 0.326785 | -4,364,338,692,973,976,600 | 0.000139 | 0.376627 | 9.270739 |
Fine French Paper-Mache Lady Doll with rare Blue Eyes & Extra Clothing | 375 | 500 | 0.311712 | 1,417,908,698,738,747,400 | 0.000274 | 0.10239 | 9.190484 |
"5 1/4"" Bisque Doll House Doll with Flat Shoes and Garters" | 230 | 230 | 0.316677 | -5,545,850,155,173,759,000 | 0.000116 | 0.063293 | 9.488843 |
http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.fEYcqjJjGc4DbTLdhZ2mRQHaJ3 | Princess Baby Shower Ideas by Wedding Theme Princess Baby Shower Ideas 2567621 | 474 | 631 | 0.319058 | -5,248,008,399,985,401,000 | 0.000013 | 0.305252 | 9.270273 |
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Y9Kdr_fTcpRsTXEIpY9gnSekHfGi-7W0xwX8SgrdJ_dph3HMUb1f7Yqp8dxgJ2Dmal8gAKd9sRTW0XU-CEXKfPg=s320-c-rj-v1-e365 | Buckfast Chicken Liver Pate with Caramelized Onions. | 320 | 320 | 0.294208 | -6,391,793,378,756,962,000 | 0.0052 | 0.084819 | 9.122654 |
Sweet Flower Tiered Cake - Blue | 350 | 408 | 0.336461 | 731,644,754,611,602,400 | 0.000001 | 0.178398 | 9.034924 |
Sweet Table Bapteme Mariage Rose Gris | 539 | 791 | 0.307608 | -4,340,204,280,700,929,000 | 0.001886 | 0.172515 | 9.516972 |
Pinafore from a Primrose Lane pattern. Check out the smocked insert with the lace trim...too, too special! | 236 | 314 | 0.283332 | 7,451,362,890,665,894,000 | 0.000035 | 0.086569 | 9.064306 |
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0K22hPZWQvc/VsHNVe8BgNI/AAAAAAAB1to/-f3TIoTgirY/s1600-r/132.JPG | Valentine Decor in the Kitchen, 2016 | 1,600 | 1,578 | 0.340089 | -5,003,278,040,330,341,000 | 0.033737 | 0.075196 | 9.291546 |
"Movie poster image for ""CREED II in IMAX""" | 624 | 355 | 0.319273 | -3,105,440,808,264,540,700 | 0.010015 | 0.399909 | 9.008419 |
55 best knitting patterns for easter images on pinterest knit julius easter bunny osterhase negle Gallery | 736 | 981 | 0.322977 | -5,558,729,027,478,938,000 | 0.001973 | 0.106074 | 9.023628 |
"""""""Bringing Home the Tree"""", December 21, 1957 by John Clymer""" | 300 | 300 | 0.294641 | 5,217,757,492,751,022,000 | 0.000003 | 0.18547 | 9.431725 |
baked and fruits : pancake with honey strawberries and apple on wooden table photo | 450 | 300 | 0.311662 | 1,114,043,234,084,220,500 | 0.001751 | 0.06503 | 9.139753 |
Cake and Tarts tablescape food still life painting by Jennifer Allevato | 300 | 385 | 0.332838 | -3,001,693,539,317,012,000 | 0.000022 | 0.231239 | 9.031452 |
A cake in the shape of a brick oven with Carlo's Bake Shop written in the back and decorated for Christmas | 900 | 556 | 0.376476 | 2,910,617,375,193,933,300 | 0.000846 | 0.082827 | 9.017164 |
stuffed teddy bear lidia by anzhela paetzel | 300 | 400 | 0.305508 | -2,539,264,337,142,665,000 | 0.002677 | 0.086705 | 9.123878 |
Baby Toys Strawberry Simulation Cake/Afternoon Tea Set Cut Game Pretend Play Kitchen Food Wooden Toys Child Birthday Gift | 200 | 200 | 0.355043 | -8,721,701,941,958,661,000 | 0.000755 | 0.071663 | 9.170677 |
Doll cloths for the American girl doll or 18 inch doll. Handmade | 600 | 800 | 0.319001 | -4,424,173,291,493,314,000 | 0.000118 | 0.093125 | 9.182673 |
dessert table adelaide catering | 567 | 694 | 0.310992 | 6,474,393,717,120,376,000 | 0.000023 | 0.07448 | 9.274391 |
Candy Bar Wedding, candy buffet, delicious Candy bar at a wedding Stock Footage | 480 | 270 | 0.328206 | -2,002,894,610,028,993,800 | 0.000653 | 0.08171 | 9.506876 |
In a Nov. 2008 photo, Phila Rawlings Hach poses with a Thanksgiving meal in Joelton, Tenn, Hach, the grand dame of Southern cooking, died Wednesday, Dec. 2, ... | 634 | 951 | 0.324648 | -7,742,794,862,768,490,000 | 0.078033 | 0.042971 | 9.32124 |
178 Images About Flower Cupcakes On We Heart It See More About | 421 | 588 | 0.336426 | -3,796,447,308,768,491,000 | 0.000011 | 0.1012 | 9.143787 |
Subsets and Splits