r/hockey has no love for us! Just stay here with all us cool people!
[ 6 ]
They don't seem to care much. Al qaida or ahrar al sham makes little difference anyway.
[ 0 ]
the number 9 recruit from the 2019 class at USC has already entered the transfer portal lol it's only been like 3 weeks man give it a chance
[ 3 ]
nah me good
[ 6 ]
I have his signature on my jersey. Lined up at Canadian Tire for it when I was younger. Happy retirement!
[ 3 ]
Every day it gets harder to tell the difference between a legit mental health issue and someone just using it as an excuse to be an arsehole.
[ 0, 4 ]
I am just like this! Glad to know I’m not imagining it.
[ 3 ]
I do not understand why everything in this script must inevitably explode.
[ 6 ]
The logic is so the government can oppress you.
[ 6 ]
Oh yeah! He was great for us. 0.69 ERA in 24 G with 10.7 K/9. I forgot about him.
[ 3 ]
I hope for the camera-man's sake that gun is empty
[ 3 ]
"[NAME], meet [NAME]" love that show
[ 3, 6 ]
Please never don't not reproduce.
[ 0 ]
Source each of these and trend lines from previous years please. No, listing a few agencies and telling people to Google 8t isn't a source.
[ 0 ]
Holy shit this golden comment flew under the radar. I laughed so hard
[ 3 ]
Saying babcuck should be fired = woke gimme updoots
[ 6 ]
[NAME] rescued me as well. I also had a couple weeks of [NAME] saving my ass.
[ 6 ]
Also, the Detroit Police Underwater Recovery Team is a thing that I want to learn more about...
[ 6 ]
It’s like you didn’t even read the comment you’re responding to.
[ 5 ]
They hated him, because he told them the truth
[ 4 ]
I hope she lives to be 200, just to piss them off.
[ 3 ]
Eventually sure. But the question really lacked the maybe later option lol
[ 3 ]
Okay fine. Still though. Make some joke "maybe we should cuddle for warmth" and see how she responds.
[ 6 ]
That would never pass since every side would get what they want. There has to be a loser in his eyes
[ 6 ]
I focus on the pain
[ 6 ]
Imagine what could've happened if you saw the longer director's cut!
[ 5 ]
This game looks way too fast for the Oilers rn
[ 6 ]
I am more than pleasantly surprised I clicked this link
[ 5 ]
I’ve seen 62 to 8 in 12 hours up north. Weather is crazy stuff.
[ 0 ]
I have dayz but haven’t played in years. Last I heard it’s still a broken mess lol.
[ 3 ]
"[NAME]" Still love [NAME], and while the actual [NAME] was cool at first, she's gotten pretty "meh" to me.
[ 6 ]
It's kinda funny when it's told to you
[ 3 ]
But even then it would need something else to live
[ 0 ]
I like it!
[ 3 ]
Thank you, needed to hear this today!
[ 3 ]
They aren't horrible in the least bit. Just learn from your mistake, remember, and move on. That's all you can do.
[ 3 ]
MEEEEEEEEE. Most people don't get my humour, but every now and then somebody does and we non-stop laugh together.
[ 3 ]
I read fuck and not tuck. Was wondering how the hell it wasn't creepy....
[ 5 ]
wake me up
[ 6 ]
Now THAT is a murder by words!
[ 0 ]
> When did I ever mention native genocide? How do you think the land was "stolen"? The residents were killed.
[ 3, 5 ]
Seeing that knife on this subreddit put the fear of [NAME] in me
[ 2 ]
The important thing to remember is 0 is also a number!
[ 6 ]
Sorry he was a United director when he bought it.
[ 6 ]
*Get up and Drive your funky soul by [NAME] starts playing
[ 6 ]
Man my siblings would never just kill me like that
[ 6 ]
You tell me, was this a short trip or not? I was wrong, it was 4.3
[ 0 ]
you might be more of an optimist than me. hopefully you're right
[ 3 ]
Good news: this is shark tale not finding Nemo
[ 3 ]
The only reason people are there is because they dont know [NAME] is fired lmao.
[ 3 ]
Thats insane. Someone died like 2 years ago after a bolt got kicked up by a truck and went through his windshield and hit him on 146 in LaPorte
[ 4 ]
Are you still sitting in the car right now?
[ 5 ]
He probably banked on the inherent secrecy of the community and ignorance (on Belgian law) of his victims.
[ 0 ]
[NAME] has to lose it a some point, just hope it's not tonight.
[ 3 ]
I feel awful posting it, but I couldn’t not share :|
[ 1 ]
See also: "Useless College Degrees From Prestigious and Ridiculously Overpriced Universities"
[ 6 ]
The sin was refusing to impregnate his brother's widow when [NAME] directly told him to. It's not just about wasting semen.
[ 0, 1 ]
“Wow. Just .. wow. Read a book, sweatie!”
[ 5 ]
Cheers to you on your cake day.
[ 3 ]
Ahh gotcha - thanks :)
[ 3 ]
He will rest easy knowing how happy he made all of us
[ 3 ]
You can request a hand count at bottle drop, I think
[ 6 ]
It's been cross posted.
[ 6 ]
He was hooking you up, hoping you both could hook up
[ 6 ]
Their orange chicken is the absolute fucking bomb. I love having it on top of a nice bed of rice and veggies :D
[ 3 ]
Klokslag 12 I find really enjoyable, horror movie podcast, Im not a horror fan but I find these dudes very entertaining
[ 3 ]
They basically worship this.
[ 6 ]
Damn thats so cheap
[ 0 ]
I am afraid to look, but my morbid curiosity draws me to ask.
[ 2 ]
Good for [NAME]. He deserves it.
[ 3 ]
Frankly, partisan politics aside, I would REALLY like to know where this fever dream of historical came from. It's mind boggling.
[ 5 ]
OMG if the [NAME] and [NAME] run... I'll have the worst of time deciding who to vote for!
[ 5 ]
This was potentially the most dangerous stunt I have ever seen someone do. One minor mistake and you die.
[ 2, 5 ]
whats the [NAME] story ? sorry, not up to date on the bloke
[ 5 ]
The actress died before season 1 aired so that’s literally impossible since [NAME] didn’t betray until season 2
[ 6 ]
[NAME] already had that in their comment and I didn't deny it. I guess that level of attention to detail isn't taught at Bellevue Community College.
[ 0 ]
Omg so glad I’m not alone
[ 3 ]
Yeah no haha. Out of my price range tbh
[ 3 ]
wow! thats... a lot of water my dude was your bladder ok
[ 5 ]
Wizards really embracing the tank, having [NAME] playing the 5 against [NAME]
[ 6 ]
Congrats, still waiting on getting called for an interview for another internal position. Applying around Christmas HR is so fucking slow.
[ 3 ]
And I’ll be there!!!
[ 6 ]
She's ugly so that might add some more months.
[ 0 ]
Wholesome and hilarious! Good job OP.
[ 3 ]
That was brilliant 😂
[ 3 ]
[ 6 ]
We didn't win in Alvalade even when they got 7th place. We just have some sort of block there
[ 4 ]
Sad. My condolences to her family.
[ 4 ]
I'm so excited for this game!! 😄
[ 3 ]
Focus on yourself by focusing on your prayers and reminding [NAME]
[ 3 ]
So true, sometimes what’s obvious passes over our heads. Good post.
[ 3 ]
She threw it in the trash? Pig! Wash it down the sink, even if it's a pancake.
[ 6 ]
It's embarrassing!
[ 4 ]
Found his burner
[ 6 ]
Another reason to instantly kill people who constantly use the word "awesome" for everything. This is just brainless mediocrity at its best.
[ 0 ]
Yup. You see more hands, have to learn more to be competitive.. etc
[ 3 ]
In your logic, billions of people being less poor is somehow a bad thing.
[ 6 ]
Yeah but even then I feel like they could’ve went about it better
[ 3 ]
Lol, ..probably not. But then again, i never wanted to know what blue waffles were and somehow i do.
[ 3 ]
I wasn't meaning it as an insult or anything, sorry if it came off that way.
[ 4 ]