991 values
15 values
from __future__ import unicode_literals import os from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders from import LabelCommand from django.utils.encoding import force_text class Command(LabelCommand): help = "Finds the absolute paths for the given static file(s)." label = 'static file' def add_arguments(self, parser): super(Command, self).add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument('--first', action='store_false', dest='all', default=True, help="Only return the first match for each static file.") def handle_label(self, path, **options): verbosity = options['verbosity'] result = finders.find(path, all=options['all']) path = force_text(path) if verbosity >= 2: searched_locations = ("Looking in the following locations:\n %s" % "\n ".join(force_text(location) for location in finders.searched_locations)) else: searched_locations = '' if result: if not isinstance(result, (list, tuple)): result = [result] result = (force_text(os.path.realpath(path)) for path in result) if verbosity >= 1: file_list = '\n '.join(result) return ("Found '%s' here:\n %s\n%s" % (path, file_list, searched_locations)) else: return '\n'.join(result) else: message = ["No matching file found for '%s'." % path] if verbosity >= 2: message.append(searched_locations) if verbosity >= 1: self.stderr.write('\n'.join(message))
"""Process DB for use with python.""" import collections import os import sqlite3 import sys # Add parent directory to path. sys.path.append(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), 'src')) from data import crossword from data import data from puzzle.puzzlepedia import prod_config prod_config.init() STOP_WORD = '~' # Appears after z. MAX_KEYWORDS = 50 MIN_USAGES = 5 VISITED = set() ALL_SEEN = collections.defaultdict(int) def _prune_keywords(keywords): top = sorted( keywords.items(), key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=True )[:MAX_KEYWORDS] results = {} for keyword, count in top: ALL_SEEN[keyword] += count results[keyword] = count return results conn = crossword.init('data/crossword.sqlite') c = conn.cursor() def _insert(solution, usages, keywords): try: crossword.add(c, solution, usages, _prune_keywords(keywords)) except (sqlite3.OperationalError, sqlite3.IntegrityError): conn.commit() conn.close() raise last_solution = None keywords = collections.defaultdict(int) usages = 0 for i, line in enumerate( data.open_project_path('data/clues.txt', errors='ignore')): solution, unused_int, unused_year, unused_source, clue = line.lower().split( None, 4) if solution > STOP_WORD: print(line) break if solution in VISITED: print('Skipping %s' % line) continue if last_solution and solution != last_solution: if usages >= MIN_USAGES and keywords: _insert(last_solution, usages, keywords) VISITED.add(last_solution) keywords.clear() usages = 0 usages += 1 for keyword in crossword.clue_keywords(clue): keywords[keyword] += 1 last_solution = solution _insert(last_solution, usages, keywords) conn.commit() conn.close() print(_prune_keywords(ALL_SEEN))
# helper module for test_runner.Test_TextTestRunner.test_warnings """ This module has a number of tests that raise different kinds of warnings. When the tests are run, the warnings are caught and their messages are printed to stdout. This module also accepts an arg that is then passed to unittest.main to affect the behavior of warnings. Test_TextTestRunner.test_warnings executes this script with different combinations of warnings args and -W flags and check that the output is correct. See #10535. """ import sys import unittest import warnings def warnfun(): warnings.warn('rw', RuntimeWarning) class TestWarnings(unittest.TestCase): # unittest warnings will be printed at most once per type (max one message # for the fail* methods, and one for the assert* methods) def test_assert(self): self.assertEquals(2+2, 4) self.assertEquals(2*2, 4) self.assertEquals(2**2, 4) def test_fail(self): self.failUnless(1) self.failUnless(True) def test_other_unittest(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(2+2, 4) self.assertNotAlmostEqual(4+4, 2) # these warnings are normally silenced, but they are printed in unittest def test_deprecation(self): warnings.warn('dw', DeprecationWarning) warnings.warn('dw', DeprecationWarning) warnings.warn('dw', DeprecationWarning) def test_import(self): warnings.warn('iw', ImportWarning) warnings.warn('iw', ImportWarning) warnings.warn('iw', ImportWarning) # user warnings should always be printed def test_warning(self): warnings.warn('uw') warnings.warn('uw') warnings.warn('uw') # these warnings come from the same place; they will be printed # only once by default or three times if the 'always' filter is used def test_function(self): warnfun() warnfun() warnfun() if __name__ == '__main__': with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ws: # if an arg is provided pass it to unittest.main as 'warnings' if len(sys.argv) == 2: unittest.main(exit=False, warnings=sys.argv.pop()) else: unittest.main(exit=False) # print all the warning messages collected for w in ws: print(w.message)
# # Analogue of `multiprocessing.connection` which uses queues instead of sockets # # multiprocessing/dummy/ # # Copyright (c) 2006-2008, R Oudkerk # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of author nor the names of any contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # __all__ = [ 'Client', 'Listener', 'Pipe' ] from queue import Queue families = [None] class Listener(object): def __init__(self, address=None, family=None, backlog=1): self._backlog_queue = Queue(backlog) def accept(self): return Connection(*self._backlog_queue.get()) def close(self): self._backlog_queue = None address = property(lambda self: self._backlog_queue) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.close() def Client(address): _in, _out = Queue(), Queue() address.put((_out, _in)) return Connection(_in, _out) def Pipe(duplex=True): a, b = Queue(), Queue() return Connection(a, b), Connection(b, a) class Connection(object): def __init__(self, _in, _out): self._out = _out self._in = _in self.send = self.send_bytes = _out.put self.recv = self.recv_bytes = _in.get def poll(self, timeout=0.0): if self._in.qsize() > 0: return True if timeout <= 0.0: return False self._in.not_empty.acquire() self._in.not_empty.wait(timeout) self._in.not_empty.release() return self._in.qsize() > 0 def close(self): pass def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.close()
""" This is our testing framework. Goals: * it should be compatible with py.test and operate very similarly (or identically) * doesn't require any external dependencies * preferably all the functionality should be in this file only * no magic, just import the test file and execute the test functions, that's it * portable """ from __future__ import print_function, division import os import sys import platform import inspect import traceback import pdb import re import linecache from fnmatch import fnmatch from timeit import default_timer as clock import doctest as pdoctest # avoid clashing with our doctest() function from doctest import DocTestFinder, DocTestRunner import random import subprocess import signal import stat from inspect import isgeneratorfunction from sympy.core.cache import clear_cache from sympy.core.compatibility import exec_, PY3, string_types, range from sympy.utilities.misc import find_executable from sympy.external import import_module from sympy.utilities.exceptions import SymPyDeprecationWarning IS_WINDOWS = ( == 'nt') class Skipped(Exception): pass import __future__ # add more flags ?? future_flags = __future__.division.compiler_flag def _indent(s, indent=4): """ Add the given number of space characters to the beginning of every non-blank line in ``s``, and return the result. If the string ``s`` is Unicode, it is encoded using the stdout encoding and the ``backslashreplace`` error handler. """ # After a 2to3 run the below code is bogus, so wrap it with a version check if not PY3: if isinstance(s, unicode): s = s.encode(pdoctest._encoding, 'backslashreplace') # This regexp matches the start of non-blank lines: return re.sub('(?m)^(?!$)', indent*' ', s) pdoctest._indent = _indent # ovverride reporter to maintain windows and python3 def _report_failure(self, out, test, example, got): """ Report that the given example failed. """ s = self._checker.output_difference(example, got, self.optionflags) s = s.encode('raw_unicode_escape').decode('utf8', 'ignore') out(self._failure_header(test, example) + s) if PY3 and IS_WINDOWS: DocTestRunner.report_failure = _report_failure def convert_to_native_paths(lst): """ Converts a list of '/' separated paths into a list of native (os.sep separated) paths and converts to lowercase if the system is case insensitive. """ newlst = [] for i, rv in enumerate(lst): rv = os.path.join(*rv.split("/")) # on windows the slash after the colon is dropped if sys.platform == "win32": pos = rv.find(':') if pos != -1: if rv[pos + 1] != '\\': rv = rv[:pos + 1] + '\\' + rv[pos + 1:] newlst.append(sys_normcase(rv)) return newlst def get_sympy_dir(): """ Returns the root sympy directory and set the global value indicating whether the system is case sensitive or not. """ global sys_case_insensitive this_file = os.path.abspath(__file__) sympy_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(this_file), "..", "..") sympy_dir = os.path.normpath(sympy_dir) sys_case_insensitive = (os.path.isdir(sympy_dir) and os.path.isdir(sympy_dir.lower()) and os.path.isdir(sympy_dir.upper())) return sys_normcase(sympy_dir) def sys_normcase(f): if sys_case_insensitive: # global defined after call to get_sympy_dir() return f.lower() return f def setup_pprint(): from sympy import pprint_use_unicode, init_printing # force pprint to be in ascii mode in doctests pprint_use_unicode(False) # hook our nice, hash-stable strprinter init_printing(pretty_print=False) def run_in_subprocess_with_hash_randomization(function, function_args=(), function_kwargs={}, command=sys.executable, module='sympy.utilities.runtests', force=False): """ Run a function in a Python subprocess with hash randomization enabled. If hash randomization is not supported by the version of Python given, it returns False. Otherwise, it returns the exit value of the command. The function is passed to sys.exit(), so the return value of the function will be the return value. The environment variable PYTHONHASHSEED is used to seed Python's hash randomization. If it is set, this function will return False, because starting a new subprocess is unnecessary in that case. If it is not set, one is set at random, and the tests are run. Note that if this environment variable is set when Python starts, hash randomization is automatically enabled. To force a subprocess to be created even if PYTHONHASHSEED is set, pass ``force=True``. This flag will not force a subprocess in Python versions that do not support hash randomization (see below), because those versions of Python do not support the ``-R`` flag. ``function`` should be a string name of a function that is importable from the module ``module``, like "_test". The default for ``module`` is "sympy.utilities.runtests". ``function_args`` and ``function_kwargs`` should be a repr-able tuple and dict, respectively. The default Python command is sys.executable, which is the currently running Python command. This function is necessary because the seed for hash randomization must be set by the environment variable before Python starts. Hence, in order to use a predetermined seed for tests, we must start Python in a separate subprocess. Hash randomization was added in the minor Python versions 2.6.8, 2.7.3, 3.1.5, and 3.2.3, and is enabled by default in all Python versions after and including 3.3.0. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.utilities.runtests import ( ... run_in_subprocess_with_hash_randomization) >>> # run the core tests in verbose mode >>> run_in_subprocess_with_hash_randomization("_test", ... function_args=("core",), ... function_kwargs={'verbose': True}) # doctest: +SKIP # Will return 0 if sys.executable supports hash randomization and tests # pass, 1 if they fail, and False if it does not support hash # randomization. """ # Note, we must return False everywhere, not None, as will # sometimes return None. # First check if the Python version supports hash randomization # If it doesn't have this support, it won't reconize the -R flag p = subprocess.Popen([command, "-RV"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: return False hash_seed = os.getenv("PYTHONHASHSEED") if not hash_seed: os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = str(random.randrange(2**32)) else: if not force: return False # Now run the command commandstring = ("import sys; from %s import %s;sys.exit(%s(*%s, **%s))" % (module, function, function, repr(function_args), repr(function_kwargs))) try: p = subprocess.Popen([command, "-R", "-c", commandstring]) p.communicate() except KeyboardInterrupt: p.wait() finally: # Put the environment variable back, so that it reads correctly for # the current Python process. if hash_seed is None: del os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] else: os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = hash_seed return p.returncode def run_all_tests(test_args=(), test_kwargs={}, doctest_args=(), doctest_kwargs={}, examples_args=(), examples_kwargs={'quiet': True}): """ Run all tests. Right now, this runs the regular tests (bin/test), the doctests (bin/doctest), the examples (examples/, and the sage tests (see sympy/external/tests/ This is what `` test`` uses. You can pass arguments and keyword arguments to the test functions that support them (for now, test, doctest, and the examples). See the docstrings of those functions for a description of the available options. For example, to run the solvers tests with colors turned off: >>> from sympy.utilities.runtests import run_all_tests >>> run_all_tests(test_args=("solvers",), ... test_kwargs={"colors:False"}) # doctest: +SKIP """ tests_successful = True try: # Regular tests if not test(*test_args, **test_kwargs): # some regular test fails, so set the tests_successful # flag to false and continue running the doctests tests_successful = False # Doctests print() if not doctest(*doctest_args, **doctest_kwargs): tests_successful = False # Examples print() sys.path.append("examples") from all import run_examples # examples/ if not run_examples(*examples_args, **examples_kwargs): tests_successful = False # Sage tests if not (sys.platform == "win32" or PY3): # run Sage tests; Sage currently doesn't support Windows or Python 3 dev_null = open(os.devnull, 'w') if"sage -v", shell=True, stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null) == 0: if"sage -python bin/test " "sympy/external/tests/", shell=True) != 0: tests_successful = False if tests_successful: return else: # Return nonzero exit code sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print() print("DO *NOT* COMMIT!") sys.exit(1) def test(*paths, **kwargs): """ Run tests in the specified test_*.py files. Tests in a particular test_*.py file are run if any of the given strings in ``paths`` matches a part of the test file's path. If ``paths=[]``, tests in all test_*.py files are run. Notes: - If sort=False, tests are run in random order (not default). - Paths can be entered in native system format or in unix, forward-slash format. - Files that are on the blacklist can be tested by providing their path; they are only excluded if no paths are given. **Explanation of test results** ====== =============================================================== Output Meaning ====== =============================================================== . passed F failed X XPassed (expected to fail but passed) f XFAILed (expected to fail and indeed failed) s skipped w slow T timeout (e.g., when ``--timeout`` is used) K KeyboardInterrupt (when running the slow tests with ``--slow``, you can interrupt one of them without killing the test runner) ====== =============================================================== Colors have no additional meaning and are used just to facilitate interpreting the output. Examples ======== >>> import sympy Run all tests: >>> sympy.test() # doctest: +SKIP Run one file: >>> sympy.test("sympy/core/tests/") # doctest: +SKIP >>> sympy.test("_basic") # doctest: +SKIP Run all tests in sympy/functions/ and some particular file: >>> sympy.test("sympy/core/tests/", ... "sympy/functions") # doctest: +SKIP Run all tests in sympy/core and sympy/utilities: >>> sympy.test("/core", "/util") # doctest: +SKIP Run specific test from a file: >>> sympy.test("sympy/core/tests/", ... kw="test_equality") # doctest: +SKIP Run specific test from any file: >>> sympy.test(kw="subs") # doctest: +SKIP Run the tests with verbose mode on: >>> sympy.test(verbose=True) # doctest: +SKIP Don't sort the test output: >>> sympy.test(sort=False) # doctest: +SKIP Turn on post-mortem pdb: >>> sympy.test(pdb=True) # doctest: +SKIP Turn off colors: >>> sympy.test(colors=False) # doctest: +SKIP Force colors, even when the output is not to a terminal (this is useful, e.g., if you are piping to ``less -r`` and you still want colors) >>> sympy.test(force_colors=False) # doctest: +SKIP The traceback verboseness can be set to "short" or "no" (default is "short") >>> sympy.test(tb='no') # doctest: +SKIP The ``split`` option can be passed to split the test run into parts. The split currently only splits the test files, though this may change in the future. ``split`` should be a string of the form 'a/b', which will run part ``a`` of ``b``. For instance, to run the first half of the test suite: >>> sympy.test(split='1/2') # doctest: +SKIP You can disable running the tests in a separate subprocess using ``subprocess=False``. This is done to support seeding hash randomization, which is enabled by default in the Python versions where it is supported. If subprocess=False, hash randomization is enabled/disabled according to whether it has been enabled or not in the calling Python process. However, even if it is enabled, the seed cannot be printed unless it is called from a new Python process. Hash randomization was added in the minor Python versions 2.6.8, 2.7.3, 3.1.5, and 3.2.3, and is enabled by default in all Python versions after and including 3.3.0. If hash randomization is not supported ``subprocess=False`` is used automatically. >>> sympy.test(subprocess=False) # doctest: +SKIP To set the hash randomization seed, set the environment variable ``PYTHONHASHSEED`` before running the tests. This can be done from within Python using >>> import os >>> os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = '42' # doctest: +SKIP Or from the command line using $ PYTHONHASHSEED=42 ./bin/test If the seed is not set, a random seed will be chosen. Note that to reproduce the same hash values, you must use both the same seed as well as the same architecture (32-bit vs. 64-bit). """ subprocess = kwargs.pop("subprocess", True) rerun = kwargs.pop("rerun", 0) # count up from 0, do not print 0 print_counter = lambda i : (print("rerun %d" % (rerun-i)) if rerun-i else None) if subprocess: # loop backwards so last i is 0 for i in range(rerun, -1, -1): print_counter(i) ret = run_in_subprocess_with_hash_randomization("_test", function_args=paths, function_kwargs=kwargs) if ret is False: break val = not bool(ret) # exit on the first failure or if done if not val or i == 0: return val # rerun even if hash randomization is not supported for i in range(rerun, -1, -1): print_counter(i) val = not bool(_test(*paths, **kwargs)) if not val or i == 0: return val def _test(*paths, **kwargs): """ Internal function that actually runs the tests. All keyword arguments from ``test()`` are passed to this function except for ``subprocess``. Returns 0 if tests passed and 1 if they failed. See the docstring of ``test()`` for more information. """ verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) tb = kwargs.get("tb", "short") kw = kwargs.get("kw", None) or () # ensure that kw is a tuple if isinstance(kw, str): kw = (kw, ) post_mortem = kwargs.get("pdb", False) colors = kwargs.get("colors", True) force_colors = kwargs.get("force_colors", False) sort = kwargs.get("sort", True) seed = kwargs.get("seed", None) if seed is None: seed = random.randrange(100000000) timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", False) slow = kwargs.get("slow", False) enhance_asserts = kwargs.get("enhance_asserts", False) split = kwargs.get('split', None) blacklist = kwargs.get('blacklist', []) blacklist = convert_to_native_paths(blacklist) r = PyTestReporter(verbose=verbose, tb=tb, colors=colors, force_colors=force_colors, split=split) t = SymPyTests(r, kw, post_mortem, seed) # Disable warnings for external modules import sympy.external sympy.external.importtools.WARN_OLD_VERSION = False sympy.external.importtools.WARN_NOT_INSTALLED = False # Show deprecation warnings import warnings warnings.simplefilter("error", SymPyDeprecationWarning) test_files = t.get_test_files('sympy') not_blacklisted = [f for f in test_files if not any(b in f for b in blacklist)] if len(paths) == 0: matched = not_blacklisted else: paths = convert_to_native_paths(paths) matched = [] for f in not_blacklisted: basename = os.path.basename(f) for p in paths: if p in f or fnmatch(basename, p): matched.append(f) break if split: matched = split_list(matched, split) t._testfiles.extend(matched) return int(not t.test(sort=sort, timeout=timeout, slow=slow, enhance_asserts=enhance_asserts)) def doctest(*paths, **kwargs): """ Runs doctests in all \*.py files in the sympy directory which match any of the given strings in ``paths`` or all tests if paths=[]. Notes: - Paths can be entered in native system format or in unix, forward-slash format. - Files that are on the blacklist can be tested by providing their path; they are only excluded if no paths are given. Examples ======== >>> import sympy Run all tests: >>> sympy.doctest() # doctest: +SKIP Run one file: >>> sympy.doctest("sympy/core/") # doctest: +SKIP >>> sympy.doctest("polynomial.rst") # doctest: +SKIP Run all tests in sympy/functions/ and some particular file: >>> sympy.doctest("/functions", "") # doctest: +SKIP Run any file having polynomial in its name, doc/src/modules/polynomial.rst, sympy/functions/special/, and sympy/polys/ >>> sympy.doctest("polynomial") # doctest: +SKIP The ``split`` option can be passed to split the test run into parts. The split currently only splits the test files, though this may change in the future. ``split`` should be a string of the form 'a/b', which will run part ``a`` of ``b``. Note that the regular doctests and the Sphinx doctests are split independently. For instance, to run the first half of the test suite: >>> sympy.doctest(split='1/2') # doctest: +SKIP The ``subprocess`` and ``verbose`` options are the same as with the function ``test()``. See the docstring of that function for more information. """ subprocess = kwargs.pop("subprocess", True) rerun = kwargs.pop("rerun", 0) # count up from 0, do not print 0 print_counter = lambda i : (print("rerun %d" % (rerun-i)) if rerun-i else None) if subprocess: # loop backwards so last i is 0 for i in range(rerun, -1, -1): print_counter(i) ret = run_in_subprocess_with_hash_randomization("_doctest", function_args=paths, function_kwargs=kwargs) if ret is False: break val = not bool(ret) # exit on the first failure or if done if not val or i == 0: return val # rerun even if hash randomization is not supported for i in range(rerun, -1, -1): print_counter(i) val = not bool(_doctest(*paths, **kwargs)) if not val or i == 0: return val def _doctest(*paths, **kwargs): """ Internal function that actually runs the doctests. All keyword arguments from ``doctest()`` are passed to this function except for ``subprocess``. Returns 0 if tests passed and 1 if they failed. See the docstrings of ``doctest()`` and ``test()`` for more information. """ normal = kwargs.get("normal", False) verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) blacklist = kwargs.get("blacklist", []) split = kwargs.get('split', None) blacklist.extend([ "doc/src/modules/plotting.rst", # generates live plots "sympy/utilities/", # needs tcc "sympy/physics/", # raises deprecation warning ]) if import_module('numpy') is None: blacklist.extend([ "sympy/plotting/", "sympy/plotting/", "examples/advanced/", "examples/advanced/", "examples/intermediate/", "examples/intermediate/", "examples/intermediate/", "doc/src/modules/numeric-computation.rst" ]) else: if import_module('matplotlib') is None: blacklist.extend([ "examples/intermediate/", "examples/intermediate/" ]) else: # don't display matplotlib windows from sympy.plotting.plot import unset_show unset_show() if import_module('pyglet') is None: blacklist.extend(["sympy/plotting/pygletplot"]) if import_module('theano') is None: blacklist.extend(["doc/src/modules/numeric-computation.rst"]) # disabled because of doctest failures in asmeurer's bot blacklist.extend([ "sympy/utilities/", "examples/advanced/", "examples/advanced/" ]) # blacklist these modules until issue 4840 is resolved blacklist.extend([ "sympy/", "sympy/utilities/" ]) blacklist = convert_to_native_paths(blacklist) # Disable warnings for external modules import sympy.external sympy.external.importtools.WARN_OLD_VERSION = False sympy.external.importtools.WARN_NOT_INSTALLED = False # Show deprecation warnings import warnings warnings.simplefilter("error", SymPyDeprecationWarning) r = PyTestReporter(verbose, split=split) t = SymPyDocTests(r, normal) test_files = t.get_test_files('sympy') test_files.extend(t.get_test_files('examples', init_only=False)) not_blacklisted = [f for f in test_files if not any(b in f for b in blacklist)] if len(paths) == 0: matched = not_blacklisted else: # take only what was requested...but not blacklisted items # and allow for partial match anywhere or fnmatch of name paths = convert_to_native_paths(paths) matched = [] for f in not_blacklisted: basename = os.path.basename(f) for p in paths: if p in f or fnmatch(basename, p): matched.append(f) break if split: matched = split_list(matched, split) t._testfiles.extend(matched) # run the tests and record the result for this *py portion of the tests if t._testfiles: failed = not t.test() else: failed = False # N.B. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Here we test *.rst files at or below doc/src. Code from these must # be self supporting in terms of imports since there is no importing # of necessary modules by doctest.testfile. If you try to pass *.py # files through this they might fail because they will lack the needed # imports and smarter parsing that can be done with source code. # test_files = t.get_test_files('doc/src', '*.rst', init_only=False) test_files.sort() not_blacklisted = [f for f in test_files if not any(b in f for b in blacklist)] if len(paths) == 0: matched = not_blacklisted else: # Take only what was requested as long as it's not on the blacklist. # Paths were already made native in *py tests so don't repeat here. # There's no chance of having a *py file slip through since we # only have *rst files in test_files. matched = [] for f in not_blacklisted: basename = os.path.basename(f) for p in paths: if p in f or fnmatch(basename, p): matched.append(f) break if split: matched = split_list(matched, split) setup_pprint() first_report = True for rst_file in matched: if not os.path.isfile(rst_file): continue old_displayhook = sys.displayhook try: out = sympytestfile( rst_file, module_relative=False, encoding='utf-8', optionflags=pdoctest.ELLIPSIS | pdoctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | pdoctest.IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL) finally: # make sure we return to the original displayhook in case some # doctest has changed that sys.displayhook = old_displayhook rstfailed, tested = out if tested: failed = rstfailed or failed if first_report: first_report = False msg = 'rst doctests start' if not t._testfiles: r.start(msg=msg) else: r.write_center(msg) print() # use as the id, everything past the first 'sympy' file_id = rst_file[rst_file.find('sympy') + len('sympy') + 1:] print(file_id, end=" ") # get at least the name out so it is know who is being tested wid = r.terminal_width - len(file_id) - 1 # update width test_file = '[%s]' % (tested) report = '[%s]' % (rstfailed or 'OK') print(''.join( [test_file, ' '*(wid - len(test_file) - len(report)), report]) ) # the doctests for *py will have printed this message already if there was # a failure, so now only print it if there was intervening reporting by # testing the *rst as evidenced by first_report no longer being True. if not first_report and failed: print() print("DO *NOT* COMMIT!") return int(failed) sp = re.compile(r'([0-9]+)/([1-9][0-9]*)') def split_list(l, split): """ Splits a list into part a of b split should be a string of the form 'a/b'. For instance, '1/3' would give the split one of three. If the length of the list is not divisible by the number of splits, the last split will have more items. >>> from sympy.utilities.runtests import split_list >>> a = list(range(10)) >>> split_list(a, '1/3') [0, 1, 2] >>> split_list(a, '2/3') [3, 4, 5] >>> split_list(a, '3/3') [6, 7, 8, 9] """ m = sp.match(split) if not m: raise ValueError("split must be a string of the form a/b where a and b are ints") i, t = map(int, m.groups()) return l[(i - 1)*len(l)//t:i*len(l)//t] from collections import namedtuple SymPyTestResults = namedtuple('TestResults', 'failed attempted') def sympytestfile(filename, module_relative=True, name=None, package=None, globs=None, verbose=None, report=True, optionflags=0, extraglobs=None, raise_on_error=False, parser=pdoctest.DocTestParser(), encoding=None): """ Test examples in the given file. Return (#failures, #tests). Optional keyword arg ``module_relative`` specifies how filenames should be interpreted: - If ``module_relative`` is True (the default), then ``filename`` specifies a module-relative path. By default, this path is relative to the calling module's directory; but if the ``package`` argument is specified, then it is relative to that package. To ensure os-independence, ``filename`` should use "/" characters to separate path segments, and should not be an absolute path (i.e., it may not begin with "/"). - If ``module_relative`` is False, then ``filename`` specifies an os-specific path. The path may be absolute or relative (to the current working directory). Optional keyword arg ``name`` gives the name of the test; by default use the file's basename. Optional keyword argument ``package`` is a Python package or the name of a Python package whose directory should be used as the base directory for a module relative filename. If no package is specified, then the calling module's directory is used as the base directory for module relative filenames. It is an error to specify ``package`` if ``module_relative`` is False. Optional keyword arg ``globs`` gives a dict to be used as the globals when executing examples; by default, use {}. A copy of this dict is actually used for each docstring, so that each docstring's examples start with a clean slate. Optional keyword arg ``extraglobs`` gives a dictionary that should be merged into the globals that are used to execute examples. By default, no extra globals are used. Optional keyword arg ``verbose`` prints lots of stuff if true, prints only failures if false; by default, it's true iff "-v" is in sys.argv. Optional keyword arg ``report`` prints a summary at the end when true, else prints nothing at the end. In verbose mode, the summary is detailed, else very brief (in fact, empty if all tests passed). Optional keyword arg ``optionflags`` or's together module constants, and defaults to 0. Possible values (see the docs for details): - DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 - DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE - NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE - ELLIPSIS - SKIP - IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL - REPORT_UDIFF - REPORT_CDIFF - REPORT_NDIFF - REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE Optional keyword arg ``raise_on_error`` raises an exception on the first unexpected exception or failure. This allows failures to be post-mortem debugged. Optional keyword arg ``parser`` specifies a DocTestParser (or subclass) that should be used to extract tests from the files. Optional keyword arg ``encoding`` specifies an encoding that should be used to convert the file to unicode. Advanced tomfoolery: testmod runs methods of a local instance of class doctest.Tester, then merges the results into (or creates) global Tester instance doctest.master. Methods of doctest.master can be called directly too, if you want to do something unusual. Passing report=0 to testmod is especially useful then, to delay displaying a summary. Invoke doctest.master.summarize(verbose) when you're done fiddling. """ if package and not module_relative: raise ValueError("Package may only be specified for module-" "relative paths.") # Relativize the path if not PY3: text, filename = pdoctest._load_testfile( filename, package, module_relative) if encoding is not None: text = text.decode(encoding) else: text, filename = pdoctest._load_testfile( filename, package, module_relative, encoding) # If no name was given, then use the file's name. if name is None: name = os.path.basename(filename) # Assemble the globals. if globs is None: globs = {} else: globs = globs.copy() if extraglobs is not None: globs.update(extraglobs) if '__name__' not in globs: globs['__name__'] = '__main__' if raise_on_error: runner = pdoctest.DebugRunner(verbose=verbose, optionflags=optionflags) else: runner = SymPyDocTestRunner(verbose=verbose, optionflags=optionflags) runner._checker = SymPyOutputChecker() # Read the file, convert it to a test, and run it. test = parser.get_doctest(text, globs, name, filename, 0), compileflags=future_flags) if report: runner.summarize() if pdoctest.master is None: pdoctest.master = runner else: pdoctest.master.merge(runner) return SymPyTestResults(runner.failures, runner.tries) class SymPyTests(object): def __init__(self, reporter, kw="", post_mortem=False, seed=None): self._post_mortem = post_mortem self._kw = kw self._count = 0 self._root_dir = sympy_dir self._reporter = reporter self._reporter.root_dir(self._root_dir) self._testfiles = [] self._seed = seed if seed is not None else random.random() def test(self, sort=False, timeout=False, slow=False, enhance_asserts=False): """ Runs the tests returning True if all tests pass, otherwise False. If sort=False run tests in random order. """ if sort: self._testfiles.sort() else: from random import shuffle random.seed(self._seed) shuffle(self._testfiles) self._reporter.start(self._seed) for f in self._testfiles: try: self.test_file(f, sort, timeout, slow, enhance_asserts) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(" interrupted by user") self._reporter.finish() raise return self._reporter.finish() def _enhance_asserts(self, source): from ast import (NodeTransformer, Compare, Name, Store, Load, Tuple, Assign, BinOp, Str, Mod, Assert, parse, fix_missing_locations) ops = {"Eq": '==', "NotEq": '!=', "Lt": '<', "LtE": '<=', "Gt": '>', "GtE": '>=', "Is": 'is', "IsNot": 'is not', "In": 'in', "NotIn": 'not in'} class Transform(NodeTransformer): def visit_Assert(self, stmt): if isinstance(stmt.test, Compare): compare = stmt.test values = [compare.left] + compare.comparators names = [ "_%s" % i for i, _ in enumerate(values) ] names_store = [ Name(n, Store()) for n in names ] names_load = [ Name(n, Load()) for n in names ] target = Tuple(names_store, Store()) value = Tuple(values, Load()) assign = Assign([target], value) new_compare = Compare(names_load[0], compare.ops, names_load[1:]) msg_format = "\n%s " + "\n%s ".join([ ops[op.__class__.__name__] for op in compare.ops ]) + "\n%s" msg = BinOp(Str(msg_format), Mod(), Tuple(names_load, Load())) test = Assert(new_compare, msg, lineno=stmt.lineno, col_offset=stmt.col_offset) return [assign, test] else: return stmt tree = parse(source) new_tree = Transform().visit(tree) return fix_missing_locations(new_tree) def test_file(self, filename, sort=True, timeout=False, slow=False, enhance_asserts=False): funcs = [] try: gl = {'__file__': filename} try: if PY3: open_file = lambda: open(filename, encoding="utf8") else: open_file = lambda: open(filename) with open_file() as f: source = if self._kw: for l in source.splitlines(): if l.lstrip().startswith('def '): if any(l.find(k) != -1 for k in self._kw): break else: return if enhance_asserts: try: source = self._enhance_asserts(source) except ImportError: pass code = compile(source, filename, "exec") exec_(code, gl) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except ImportError: self._reporter.import_error(filename, sys.exc_info()) return clear_cache() self._count += 1 random.seed(self._seed) pytestfile = "" if "XFAIL" in gl: pytestfile = inspect.getsourcefile(gl["XFAIL"]) pytestfile2 = "" if "slow" in gl: pytestfile2 = inspect.getsourcefile(gl["slow"]) disabled = gl.get("disabled", False) if not disabled: # we need to filter only those functions that begin with 'test_' # that are defined in the testing file or in the file where # is defined the XFAIL decorator funcs = [gl[f] for f in gl.keys() if f.startswith("test_") and (inspect.isfunction(gl[f]) or inspect.ismethod(gl[f])) and (inspect.getsourcefile(gl[f]) == filename or inspect.getsourcefile(gl[f]) == pytestfile or inspect.getsourcefile(gl[f]) == pytestfile2)] if slow: funcs = [f for f in funcs if getattr(f, '_slow', False)] # Sorting of XFAILed functions isn't fixed yet :-( funcs.sort(key=lambda x: inspect.getsourcelines(x)[1]) i = 0 while i < len(funcs): if isgeneratorfunction(funcs[i]): # some tests can be generators, that return the actual # test functions. We unpack it below: f = funcs.pop(i) for fg in f(): func = fg[0] args = fg[1:] fgw = lambda: func(*args) funcs.insert(i, fgw) i += 1 else: i += 1 # drop functions that are not selected with the keyword expression: funcs = [x for x in funcs if self.matches(x)] if not funcs: return except Exception: self._reporter.entering_filename(filename, len(funcs)) raise self._reporter.entering_filename(filename, len(funcs)) if not sort: random.shuffle(funcs) for f in funcs: self._reporter.entering_test(f) try: if getattr(f, '_slow', False) and not slow: raise Skipped("Slow") if timeout: self._timeout(f, timeout) else: random.seed(self._seed) f() except KeyboardInterrupt: if getattr(f, '_slow', False): self._reporter.test_skip("KeyboardInterrupt") else: raise except Exception: if timeout: signal.alarm(0) # Disable the alarm. It could not be handled before. t, v, tr = sys.exc_info() if t is AssertionError: self._reporter.test_fail((t, v, tr)) if self._post_mortem: pdb.post_mortem(tr) elif t.__name__ == "Skipped": self._reporter.test_skip(v) elif t.__name__ == "XFail": self._reporter.test_xfail() elif t.__name__ == "XPass": self._reporter.test_xpass(v) else: self._reporter.test_exception((t, v, tr)) if self._post_mortem: pdb.post_mortem(tr) else: self._reporter.test_pass() self._reporter.leaving_filename() def _timeout(self, function, timeout): def callback(x, y): signal.alarm(0) raise Skipped("Timeout") signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, callback) signal.alarm(timeout) # Set an alarm with a given timeout function() signal.alarm(0) # Disable the alarm def matches(self, x): """ Does the keyword expression self._kw match "x"? Returns True/False. Always returns True if self._kw is "". """ if not self._kw: return True for kw in self._kw: if x.__name__.find(kw) != -1: return True return False def get_test_files(self, dir, pat='test_*.py'): """ Returns the list of test_*.py (default) files at or below directory ``dir`` relative to the sympy home directory. """ dir = os.path.join(self._root_dir, convert_to_native_paths([dir])[0]) g = [] for path, folders, files in os.walk(dir): g.extend([os.path.join(path, f) for f in files if fnmatch(f, pat)]) return sorted([sys_normcase(gi) for gi in g]) class SymPyDocTests(object): def __init__(self, reporter, normal): self._count = 0 self._root_dir = sympy_dir self._reporter = reporter self._reporter.root_dir(self._root_dir) self._normal = normal self._testfiles = [] def test(self): """ Runs the tests and returns True if all tests pass, otherwise False. """ self._reporter.start() for f in self._testfiles: try: self.test_file(f) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(" interrupted by user") self._reporter.finish() raise return self._reporter.finish() def test_file(self, filename): clear_cache() from sympy.core.compatibility import StringIO rel_name = filename[len(self._root_dir) + 1:] dirname, file = os.path.split(filename) module = rel_name.replace(os.sep, '.')[:-3] if rel_name.startswith("examples"): # Examples files do not have files, # So we have to temporarily extend sys.path to import them sys.path.insert(0, dirname) module = file[:-3] # remove ".py" setup_pprint() try: module = pdoctest._normalize_module(module) tests = SymPyDocTestFinder().find(module) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except ImportError: self._reporter.import_error(filename, sys.exc_info()) return finally: if rel_name.startswith("examples"): del sys.path[0] tests = [test for test in tests if len(test.examples) > 0] # By default tests are sorted by alphabetical order by function name. # We sort by line number so one can edit the file sequentially from # bottom to top. However, if there are decorated functions, their line # numbers will be too large and for now one must just search for these # by text and function name. tests.sort(key=lambda x: -x.lineno) if not tests: return self._reporter.entering_filename(filename, len(tests)) for test in tests: assert len(test.examples) != 0 # check if there are external dependencies which need to be met if '_doctest_depends_on' in test.globs: if not self._process_dependencies(test.globs['_doctest_depends_on']): self._reporter.test_skip() continue runner = SymPyDocTestRunner(optionflags=pdoctest.ELLIPSIS | pdoctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | pdoctest.IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL) runner._checker = SymPyOutputChecker() old = sys.stdout new = StringIO() sys.stdout = new # If the testing is normal, the doctests get importing magic to # provide the global namespace. If not normal (the default) then # then must run on their own; all imports must be explicit within # a function's docstring. Once imported that import will be # available to the rest of the tests in a given function's # docstring (unless clear_globs=True below). if not self._normal: test.globs = {} # if this is uncommented then all the test would get is what # comes by default with a "from sympy import *" #exec('from sympy import *') in test.globs test.globs['print_function'] = print_function try: f, t =, compileflags=future_flags, out=new.write, clear_globs=False) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise finally: sys.stdout = old if f > 0: self._reporter.doctest_fail(, new.getvalue()) else: self._reporter.test_pass() self._reporter.leaving_filename() def get_test_files(self, dir, pat='*.py', init_only=True): """ Returns the list of \*.py files (default) from which docstrings will be tested which are at or below directory ``dir``. By default, only those that have an in their parent directory and do not start with ``test_`` will be included. """ def importable(x): """ Checks if given pathname x is an importable module by checking for file. Returns True/False. Currently we only test if the file exists in the directory with the file "x" (in theory we should also test all the parent dirs). """ init_py = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(x), "") return os.path.exists(init_py) dir = os.path.join(self._root_dir, convert_to_native_paths([dir])[0]) g = [] for path, folders, files in os.walk(dir): g.extend([os.path.join(path, f) for f in files if not f.startswith('test_') and fnmatch(f, pat)]) if init_only: # skip files that are not importable (i.e. missing g = [x for x in g if importable(x)] return [sys_normcase(gi) for gi in g] def _process_dependencies(self, deps): """ Returns ``False`` if some dependencies are not met and the test should be skipped otherwise returns ``True``. """ executables = deps.get('exe', None) moduledeps = deps.get('modules', None) viewers = deps.get('disable_viewers', None) pyglet = deps.get('pyglet', None) # print deps if executables is not None: for ex in executables: found = find_executable(ex) if found is None: return False if moduledeps is not None: for extmod in moduledeps: if extmod == 'matplotlib': matplotlib = import_module( 'matplotlib', __import__kwargs={'fromlist': ['pyplot', 'cm', 'collections']}, min_module_version='1.0.0', catch=(RuntimeError,)) if matplotlib is not None: pass else: return False else: # TODO min version support mod = import_module(extmod) if mod is not None: version = "unknown" if hasattr(mod, '__version__'): version = mod.__version__ else: return False if viewers is not None: import tempfile tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.environ['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (tempdir, os.environ['PATH']) if PY3: vw = '#!/usr/bin/env python3\n' \ 'import sys\n' \ 'if len(sys.argv) <= 1:\n' \ ' exit("wrong number of args")\n' else: vw = '#!/usr/bin/env python\n' \ 'import sys\n' \ 'if len(sys.argv) <= 1:\n' \ ' exit("wrong number of args")\n' for viewer in viewers: with open(os.path.join(tempdir, viewer), 'w') as fh: fh.write(vw) # make the file executable os.chmod(os.path.join(tempdir, viewer), stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE | stat.S_IXUSR) if pyglet: # monkey-patch pyglet s.t. it does not open a window during # doctesting import pyglet class DummyWindow(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.has_exit=True self.width = 600 self.height = 400 def set_vsync(self, x): pass def switch_to(self): pass def push_handlers(self, x): pass def close(self): pass pyglet.window.Window = DummyWindow return True class SymPyDocTestFinder(DocTestFinder): """ A class used to extract the DocTests that are relevant to a given object, from its docstring and the docstrings of its contained objects. Doctests can currently be extracted from the following object types: modules, functions, classes, methods, staticmethods, classmethods, and properties. Modified from doctest's version by looking harder for code in the case that it looks like the the code comes from a different module. In the case of decorated functions (e.g. @vectorize) they appear to come from a different module (e.g. multidemensional) even though their code is not there. """ def _find(self, tests, obj, name, module, source_lines, globs, seen): """ Find tests for the given object and any contained objects, and add them to ``tests``. """ if self._verbose: print('Finding tests in %s' % name) # If we've already processed this object, then ignore it. if id(obj) in seen: return seen[id(obj)] = 1 # Make sure we don't run doctests for classes outside of sympy, such # as in numpy or scipy. if inspect.isclass(obj): if obj.__module__.split('.')[0] != 'sympy': return # Find a test for this object, and add it to the list of tests. test = self._get_test(obj, name, module, globs, source_lines) if test is not None: tests.append(test) if not self._recurse: return # Look for tests in a module's contained objects. if inspect.ismodule(obj): for rawname, val in obj.__dict__.items(): # Recurse to functions & classes. if inspect.isfunction(val) or inspect.isclass(val): # Make sure we don't run doctests functions or classes # from different modules if val.__module__ != module.__name__: continue assert self._from_module(module, val), \ "%s is not in module %s (rawname %s)" % (val, module, rawname) try: valname = '%s.%s' % (name, rawname) self._find(tests, val, valname, module, source_lines, globs, seen) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise # Look for tests in a module's __test__ dictionary. for valname, val in getattr(obj, '__test__', {}).items(): if not isinstance(valname, string_types): raise ValueError("SymPyDocTestFinder.find: __test__ keys " "must be strings: %r" % (type(valname),)) if not (inspect.isfunction(val) or inspect.isclass(val) or inspect.ismethod(val) or inspect.ismodule(val) or isinstance(val, string_types)): raise ValueError("SymPyDocTestFinder.find: __test__ values " "must be strings, functions, methods, " "classes, or modules: %r" % (type(val),)) valname = '%s.__test__.%s' % (name, valname) self._find(tests, val, valname, module, source_lines, globs, seen) # Look for tests in a class's contained objects. if inspect.isclass(obj): for valname, val in obj.__dict__.items(): # Special handling for staticmethod/classmethod. if isinstance(val, staticmethod): val = getattr(obj, valname) if isinstance(val, classmethod): val = getattr(obj, valname).__func__ # Recurse to methods, properties, and nested classes. if (inspect.isfunction(val) or inspect.isclass(val) or isinstance(val, property)): # Make sure we don't run doctests functions or classes # from different modules if isinstance(val, property): if hasattr(val.fget, '__module__'): if val.fget.__module__ != module.__name__: continue else: if val.__module__ != module.__name__: continue assert self._from_module(module, val), \ "%s is not in module %s (valname %s)" % ( val, module, valname) valname = '%s.%s' % (name, valname) self._find(tests, val, valname, module, source_lines, globs, seen) def _get_test(self, obj, name, module, globs, source_lines): """ Return a DocTest for the given object, if it defines a docstring; otherwise, return None. """ lineno = None # Extract the object's docstring. If it doesn't have one, # then return None (no test for this object). if isinstance(obj, string_types): # obj is a string in the case for objects in the polys package. # Note that source_lines is a binary string (compiled polys # modules), which can't be handled by _find_lineno so determine # the line number here. docstring = obj matches = re.findall("line \d+", name) assert len(matches) == 1, \ "string '%s' does not contain lineno " % name # NOTE: this is not the exact linenumber but its better than no # lineno ;) lineno = int(matches[0][5:]) else: try: if obj.__doc__ is None: docstring = '' else: docstring = obj.__doc__ if not isinstance(docstring, string_types): docstring = str(docstring) except (TypeError, AttributeError): docstring = '' # Don't bother if the docstring is empty. if self._exclude_empty and not docstring: return None # check that properties have a docstring because _find_lineno # assumes it if isinstance(obj, property): if obj.fget.__doc__ is None: return None # Find the docstring's location in the file. if lineno is None: # handling of properties is not implemented in _find_lineno so do # it here if hasattr(obj, 'func_closure') and obj.func_closure is not None: tobj = obj.func_closure[0].cell_contents elif isinstance(obj, property): tobj = obj.fget else: tobj = obj lineno = self._find_lineno(tobj, source_lines) if lineno is None: return None # Return a DocTest for this object. if module is None: filename = None else: filename = getattr(module, '__file__', module.__name__) if filename[-4:] in (".pyc", ".pyo"): filename = filename[:-1] if hasattr(obj, '_doctest_depends_on'): globs['_doctest_depends_on'] = obj._doctest_depends_on else: globs['_doctest_depends_on'] = {} return self._parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, name, filename, lineno) class SymPyDocTestRunner(DocTestRunner): """ A class used to run DocTest test cases, and accumulate statistics. The ``run`` method is used to process a single DocTest case. It returns a tuple ``(f, t)``, where ``t`` is the number of test cases tried, and ``f`` is the number of test cases that failed. Modified from the doctest version to not reset the sys.displayhook (see issue 5140). See the docstring of the original DocTestRunner for more information. """ def run(self, test, compileflags=None, out=None, clear_globs=True): """ Run the examples in ``test``, and display the results using the writer function ``out``. The examples are run in the namespace ``test.globs``. If ``clear_globs`` is true (the default), then this namespace will be cleared after the test runs, to help with garbage collection. If you would like to examine the namespace after the test completes, then use ``clear_globs=False``. ``compileflags`` gives the set of flags that should be used by the Python compiler when running the examples. If not specified, then it will default to the set of future-import flags that apply to ``globs``. The output of each example is checked using ``SymPyDocTestRunner.check_output``, and the results are formatted by the ``SymPyDocTestRunner.report_*`` methods. """ self.test = test if compileflags is None: compileflags = pdoctest._extract_future_flags(test.globs) save_stdout = sys.stdout if out is None: out = save_stdout.write sys.stdout = self._fakeout # Patch pdb.set_trace to restore sys.stdout during interactive # debugging (so it's not still redirected to self._fakeout). # Note that the interactive output will go to *our* # save_stdout, even if that's not the real sys.stdout; this # allows us to write test cases for the set_trace behavior. save_set_trace = pdb.set_trace self.debugger = pdoctest._OutputRedirectingPdb(save_stdout) self.debugger.reset() pdb.set_trace = self.debugger.set_trace # Patch linecache.getlines, so we can see the example's source # when we're inside the debugger. self.save_linecache_getlines = pdoctest.linecache.getlines linecache.getlines = self.__patched_linecache_getlines try: test.globs['print_function'] = print_function return self.__run(test, compileflags, out) finally: sys.stdout = save_stdout pdb.set_trace = save_set_trace linecache.getlines = self.save_linecache_getlines if clear_globs: test.globs.clear() # We have to override the name mangled methods. SymPyDocTestRunner._SymPyDocTestRunner__patched_linecache_getlines = \ DocTestRunner._DocTestRunner__patched_linecache_getlines SymPyDocTestRunner._SymPyDocTestRunner__run = DocTestRunner._DocTestRunner__run SymPyDocTestRunner._SymPyDocTestRunner__record_outcome = \ DocTestRunner._DocTestRunner__record_outcome class SymPyOutputChecker(pdoctest.OutputChecker): """ Compared to the OutputChecker from the stdlib our OutputChecker class supports numerical comparison of floats occuring in the output of the doctest examples """ def __init__(self): # NOTE OutputChecker is an old-style class with no __init__ method, # so we can't call the base class version of __init__ here got_floats = r'(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)' # floats in the 'want' string may contain ellipses want_floats = got_floats + r'(\.{3})?' front_sep = r'\s|\+|\-|\*|,' back_sep = front_sep + r'|j|e' fbeg = r'^%s(?=%s|$)' % (got_floats, back_sep) fmidend = r'(?<=%s)%s(?=%s|$)' % (front_sep, got_floats, back_sep) self.num_got_rgx = re.compile(r'(%s|%s)' %(fbeg, fmidend)) fbeg = r'^%s(?=%s|$)' % (want_floats, back_sep) fmidend = r'(?<=%s)%s(?=%s|$)' % (front_sep, want_floats, back_sep) self.num_want_rgx = re.compile(r'(%s|%s)' %(fbeg, fmidend)) def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags): """ Return True iff the actual output from an example (`got`) matches the expected output (`want`). These strings are always considered to match if they are identical; but depending on what option flags the test runner is using, several non-exact match types are also possible. See the documentation for `TestRunner` for more information about option flags. """ # Handle the common case first, for efficiency: # if they're string-identical, always return true. if got == want: return True # TODO parse integers as well ? # Parse floats and compare them. If some of the parsed floats contain # ellipses, skip the comparison. matches = self.num_got_rgx.finditer(got) numbers_got = [ for match in matches] # list of strs matches = self.num_want_rgx.finditer(want) numbers_want = [ for match in matches] # list of strs if len(numbers_got) != len(numbers_want): return False if len(numbers_got) > 0: nw_ = [] for ng, nw in zip(numbers_got, numbers_want): if '...' in nw: nw_.append(ng) continue else: nw_.append(nw) if abs(float(ng)-float(nw)) > 1e-5: return False got = self.num_got_rgx.sub(r'%s', got) got = got % tuple(nw_) # <BLANKLINE> can be used as a special sequence to signify a # blank line, unless the DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE flag is used. if not (optionflags & pdoctest.DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE): # Replace <BLANKLINE> in want with a blank line. want = re.sub('(?m)^%s\s*?$' % re.escape(pdoctest.BLANKLINE_MARKER), '', want) # If a line in got contains only spaces, then remove the # spaces. got = re.sub('(?m)^\s*?$', '', got) if got == want: return True # This flag causes doctest to ignore any differences in the # contents of whitespace strings. Note that this can be used # in conjunction with the ELLIPSIS flag. if optionflags & pdoctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE: got = ' '.join(got.split()) want = ' '.join(want.split()) if got == want: return True # The ELLIPSIS flag says to let the sequence "..." in `want` # match any substring in `got`. if optionflags & pdoctest.ELLIPSIS: if pdoctest._ellipsis_match(want, got): return True # We didn't find any match; return false. return False class Reporter(object): """ Parent class for all reporters. """ pass class PyTestReporter(Reporter): """ Py.test like reporter. Should produce output identical to py.test. """ def __init__(self, verbose=False, tb="short", colors=True, force_colors=False, split=None): self._verbose = verbose self._tb_style = tb self._colors = colors self._force_colors = force_colors self._xfailed = 0 self._xpassed = [] self._failed = [] self._failed_doctest = [] self._passed = 0 self._skipped = 0 self._exceptions = [] self._terminal_width = None self._default_width = 80 self._split = split # this tracks the x-position of the cursor (useful for positioning # things on the screen), without the need for any readline library: self._write_pos = 0 self._line_wrap = False def root_dir(self, dir): self._root_dir = dir @property def terminal_width(self): if self._terminal_width is not None: return self._terminal_width def findout_terminal_width(): if sys.platform == "win32": # Windows support is based on: # # # 440694-determine-size-of-console-window-on-windows/ from ctypes import windll, create_string_buffer h = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-12) csbi = create_string_buffer(22) res = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, csbi) if res: import struct (_, _, _, _, _, left, _, right, _, _, _) = \ struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", csbi.raw) return right - left else: return self._default_width if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and not sys.stdout.isatty(): return self._default_width # leave PIPEs alone try: process = subprocess.Popen(['stty', '-a'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout = if PY3: stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8") except (OSError, IOError): pass else: # We support the following output formats from stty: # # 1) Linux -> columns 80 # 2) OS X -> 80 columns # 3) Solaris -> columns = 80 re_linux = r"columns\s+(?P<columns>\d+);" re_osx = r"(?P<columns>\d+)\s*columns;" re_solaris = r"columns\s+=\s+(?P<columns>\d+);" for regex in (re_linux, re_osx, re_solaris): match =, stdout) if match is not None: columns ='columns') try: width = int(columns) except ValueError: pass if width != 0: return width return self._default_width width = findout_terminal_width() self._terminal_width = width return width def write(self, text, color="", align="left", width=None, force_colors=False): """ Prints a text on the screen. It uses sys.stdout.write(), so no readline library is necessary. Parameters ========== color : choose from the colors below, "" means default color align : "left"/"right", "left" is a normal print, "right" is aligned on the right-hand side of the screen, filled with spaces if necessary width : the screen width """ color_templates = ( ("Black", "0;30"), ("Red", "0;31"), ("Green", "0;32"), ("Brown", "0;33"), ("Blue", "0;34"), ("Purple", "0;35"), ("Cyan", "0;36"), ("LightGray", "0;37"), ("DarkGray", "1;30"), ("LightRed", "1;31"), ("LightGreen", "1;32"), ("Yellow", "1;33"), ("LightBlue", "1;34"), ("LightPurple", "1;35"), ("LightCyan", "1;36"), ("White", "1;37"), ) colors = {} for name, value in color_templates: colors[name] = value c_normal = '\033[0m' c_color = '\033[%sm' if width is None: width = self.terminal_width if align == "right": if self._write_pos + len(text) > width: # we don't fit on the current line, create a new line self.write("\n") self.write(" "*(width - self._write_pos - len(text))) if not self._force_colors and hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and not \ sys.stdout.isatty(): # the stdout is not a terminal, this for example happens if the # output is piped to less, e.g. "bin/test | less". In this case, # the terminal control sequences would be printed verbatim, so # don't use any colors. color = "" elif sys.platform == "win32": # Windows consoles don't support ANSI escape sequences color = "" elif not self._colors: color = "" if self._line_wrap: if text[0] != "\n": sys.stdout.write("\n") # Avoid UnicodeEncodeError when printing out test failures if PY3 and IS_WINDOWS: text = text.encode('raw_unicode_escape').decode('utf8', 'ignore') elif PY3 and not sys.stdout.encoding.lower().startswith('utf'): text = text.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, 'backslashreplace' ).decode(sys.stdout.encoding) if color == "": sys.stdout.write(text) else: sys.stdout.write("%s%s%s" % (c_color % colors[color], text, c_normal)) sys.stdout.flush() l = text.rfind("\n") if l == -1: self._write_pos += len(text) else: self._write_pos = len(text) - l - 1 self._line_wrap = self._write_pos >= width self._write_pos %= width def write_center(self, text, delim="="): width = self.terminal_width if text != "": text = " %s " % text idx = (width - len(text)) // 2 t = delim*idx + text + delim*(width - idx - len(text)) self.write(t + "\n") def write_exception(self, e, val, tb): t = traceback.extract_tb(tb) # remove the first item, as that is always t = t[1:] t = traceback.format_list(t) self.write("".join(t)) t = traceback.format_exception_only(e, val) self.write("".join(t)) def start(self, seed=None, msg="test process starts"): self.write_center(msg) executable = sys.executable v = tuple(sys.version_info) python_version = "%s.%s.%s-%s-%s" % v implementation = platform.python_implementation() if implementation == 'PyPy': implementation += " %s.%s.%s-%s-%s" % sys.pypy_version_info self.write("executable: %s (%s) [%s]\n" % (executable, python_version, implementation)) from .misc import ARCH self.write("architecture: %s\n" % ARCH) from sympy.core.cache import USE_CACHE self.write("cache: %s\n" % USE_CACHE) from sympy.core.compatibility import GROUND_TYPES, HAS_GMPY version = '' if GROUND_TYPES =='gmpy': if HAS_GMPY == 1: import gmpy elif HAS_GMPY == 2: import gmpy2 as gmpy version = gmpy.version() self.write("ground types: %s %s\n" % (GROUND_TYPES, version)) if seed is not None: self.write("random seed: %d\n" % seed) from .misc import HASH_RANDOMIZATION self.write("hash randomization: ") hash_seed = os.getenv("PYTHONHASHSEED") or '0' if HASH_RANDOMIZATION and (hash_seed == "random" or int(hash_seed)): self.write("on (PYTHONHASHSEED=%s)\n" % hash_seed) else: self.write("off\n") if self._split: self.write("split: %s\n" % self._split) self.write('\n') self._t_start = clock() def finish(self): self._t_end = clock() self.write("\n") global text, linelen text = "tests finished: %d passed, " % self._passed linelen = len(text) def add_text(mytext): global text, linelen """Break new text if too long.""" if linelen + len(mytext) > self.terminal_width: text += '\n' linelen = 0 text += mytext linelen += len(mytext) if len(self._failed) > 0: add_text("%d failed, " % len(self._failed)) if len(self._failed_doctest) > 0: add_text("%d failed, " % len(self._failed_doctest)) if self._skipped > 0: add_text("%d skipped, " % self._skipped) if self._xfailed > 0: add_text("%d expected to fail, " % self._xfailed) if len(self._xpassed) > 0: add_text("%d expected to fail but passed, " % len(self._xpassed)) if len(self._exceptions) > 0: add_text("%d exceptions, " % len(self._exceptions)) add_text("in %.2f seconds" % (self._t_end - self._t_start)) if len(self._xpassed) > 0: self.write_center("xpassed tests", "_") for e in self._xpassed: self.write("%s: %s\n" % (e[0], e[1])) self.write("\n") if self._tb_style != "no" and len(self._exceptions) > 0: for e in self._exceptions: filename, f, (t, val, tb) = e self.write_center("", "_") if f is None: s = "%s" % filename else: s = "%s:%s" % (filename, f.__name__) self.write_center(s, "_") self.write_exception(t, val, tb) self.write("\n") if self._tb_style != "no" and len(self._failed) > 0: for e in self._failed: filename, f, (t, val, tb) = e self.write_center("", "_") self.write_center("%s:%s" % (filename, f.__name__), "_") self.write_exception(t, val, tb) self.write("\n") if self._tb_style != "no" and len(self._failed_doctest) > 0: for e in self._failed_doctest: filename, msg = e self.write_center("", "_") self.write_center("%s" % filename, "_") self.write(msg) self.write("\n") self.write_center(text) ok = len(self._failed) == 0 and len(self._exceptions) == 0 and \ len(self._failed_doctest) == 0 if not ok: self.write("DO *NOT* COMMIT!\n") return ok def entering_filename(self, filename, n): rel_name = filename[len(self._root_dir) + 1:] self._active_file = rel_name self._active_file_error = False self.write(rel_name) self.write("[%d] " % n) def leaving_filename(self): self.write(" ") if self._active_file_error: self.write("[FAIL]", "Red", align="right") else: self.write("[OK]", "Green", align="right") self.write("\n") if self._verbose: self.write("\n") def entering_test(self, f): self._active_f = f if self._verbose: self.write("\n" + f.__name__ + " ") def test_xfail(self): self._xfailed += 1 self.write("f", "Green") def test_xpass(self, v): message = str(v) self._xpassed.append((self._active_file, message)) self.write("X", "Green") def test_fail(self, exc_info): self._failed.append((self._active_file, self._active_f, exc_info)) self.write("F", "Red") self._active_file_error = True def doctest_fail(self, name, error_msg): # the first line contains "******", remove it: error_msg = "\n".join(error_msg.split("\n")[1:]) self._failed_doctest.append((name, error_msg)) self.write("F", "Red") self._active_file_error = True def test_pass(self, char="."): self._passed += 1 if self._verbose: self.write("ok", "Green") else: self.write(char, "Green") def test_skip(self, v=None): char = "s" self._skipped += 1 if v is not None: message = str(v) if message == "KeyboardInterrupt": char = "K" elif message == "Timeout": char = "T" elif message == "Slow": char = "w" self.write(char, "Blue") if self._verbose: self.write(" - ", "Blue") if v is not None: self.write(message, "Blue") def test_exception(self, exc_info): self._exceptions.append((self._active_file, self._active_f, exc_info)) self.write("E", "Red") self._active_file_error = True def import_error(self, filename, exc_info): self._exceptions.append((filename, None, exc_info)) rel_name = filename[len(self._root_dir) + 1:] self.write(rel_name) self.write("[?] Failed to import", "Red") self.write(" ") self.write("[FAIL]", "Red", align="right") self.write("\n") sympy_dir = get_sympy_dir()
# # ElementTree # $Id: 3375 2008-02-13 08:05:08Z fredrik $ # # limited xpath support for element trees # # history: # 2003-05-23 fl created # 2003-05-28 fl added support for // etc # 2003-08-27 fl fixed parsing of periods in element names # 2007-09-10 fl new selection engine # 2007-09-12 fl fixed parent selector # 2007-09-13 fl added iterfind; changed findall to return a list # 2007-11-30 fl added namespaces support # 2009-10-30 fl added child element value filter # # Copyright (c) 2003-2009 by Fredrik Lundh. All rights reserved. # # # # # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # The ElementTree toolkit is # # Copyright (c) 1999-2009 by Fredrik Lundh # # By obtaining, using, and/or copying this software and/or its # associated documentation, you agree that you have read, understood, # and will comply with the following terms and conditions: # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and # its associated documentation for any purpose and without fee is # hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in # all copies, and that both that copyright notice and this permission # notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of # Secret Labs AB or the author not be used in advertising or publicity # pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written # prior permission. # # SECRET LABS AB AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD # TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT- # ABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL SECRET LABS AB OR THE AUTHOR # BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY # DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS # ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE # OF THIS SOFTWARE. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. # See for licensing details. ## # Implementation module for XPath support. There's usually no reason # to import this module directly; the <b>ElementTree</b> does this for # you, if needed. ## import re xpath_tokenizer_re = re.compile( "(" "'[^']*'|\"[^\"]*\"|" "::|" "//?|" "\.\.|" "\(\)|" "[/.*:\[\]\(\)@=])|" "((?:\{[^}]+\})?[^/\[\]\(\)@=\s]+)|" "\s+" ) def xpath_tokenizer(pattern, namespaces=None): for token in xpath_tokenizer_re.findall(pattern): tag = token[1] if tag and tag[0] != "{" and ":" in tag: try: prefix, uri = tag.split(":", 1) if not namespaces: raise KeyError yield token[0], "{%s}%s" % (namespaces[prefix], uri) except KeyError: raise SyntaxError("prefix %r not found in prefix map" % prefix) else: yield token def get_parent_map(context): parent_map = context.parent_map if parent_map is None: context.parent_map = parent_map = {} for p in context.root.iter(): for e in p: parent_map[e] = p return parent_map def prepare_child(next, token): tag = token[1] def select(context, result): for elem in result: for e in elem: if e.tag == tag: yield e return select def prepare_star(next, token): def select(context, result): for elem in result: for e in elem: yield e return select def prepare_self(next, token): def select(context, result): for elem in result: yield elem return select def prepare_descendant(next, token): token = next() if token[0] == "*": tag = "*" elif not token[0]: tag = token[1] else: raise SyntaxError("invalid descendant") def select(context, result): for elem in result: for e in elem.iter(tag): if e is not elem: yield e return select def prepare_parent(next, token): def select(context, result): # FIXME: raise error if .. is applied at toplevel? parent_map = get_parent_map(context) result_map = {} for elem in result: if elem in parent_map: parent = parent_map[elem] if parent not in result_map: result_map[parent] = None yield parent return select def prepare_predicate(next, token): # FIXME: replace with real parser!!! refs: # # signature = [] predicate = [] while 1: token = next() if token[0] == "]": break if token[0] and token[0][:1] in "'\"": token = "'", token[0][1:-1] signature.append(token[0] or "-") predicate.append(token[1]) signature = "".join(signature) # use signature to determine predicate type if signature == "@-": # [@attribute] predicate key = predicate[1] def select(context, result): for elem in result: if elem.get(key) is not None: yield elem return select if signature == "@-='": # [@attribute='value'] key = predicate[1] value = predicate[-1] def select(context, result): for elem in result: if elem.get(key) == value: yield elem return select if signature == "-" and not re.match("\d+$", predicate[0]): # [tag] tag = predicate[0] def select(context, result): for elem in result: if elem.find(tag) is not None: yield elem return select if signature == "-='" and not re.match("\d+$", predicate[0]): # [tag='value'] tag = predicate[0] value = predicate[-1] def select(context, result): for elem in result: for e in elem.findall(tag): if "".join(e.itertext()) == value: yield elem break return select if signature == "-" or signature == "-()" or signature == "-()-": # [index] or [last()] or [last()-index] if signature == "-": index = int(predicate[0]) - 1 else: if predicate[0] != "last": raise SyntaxError("unsupported function") if signature == "-()-": try: index = int(predicate[2]) - 1 except ValueError: raise SyntaxError("unsupported expression") else: index = -1 def select(context, result): parent_map = get_parent_map(context) for elem in result: try: parent = parent_map[elem] # FIXME: what if the selector is "*" ? elems = list(parent.findall(elem.tag)) if elems[index] is elem: yield elem except (IndexError, KeyError): pass return select raise SyntaxError("invalid predicate") ops = { "": prepare_child, "*": prepare_star, ".": prepare_self, "..": prepare_parent, "//": prepare_descendant, "[": prepare_predicate, } _cache = {} class _SelectorContext: parent_map = None def __init__(self, root): self.root = root # -------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Generate all matching objects. def iterfind(elem, path, namespaces=None): # compile selector pattern if path[-1:] == "/": path = path + "*" # implicit all (FIXME: keep this?) try: selector = _cache[path] except KeyError: if len(_cache) > 100: _cache.clear() if path[:1] == "/": raise SyntaxError("cannot use absolute path on element") next = iter(xpath_tokenizer(path, namespaces)).__next__ token = next() selector = [] while 1: try: selector.append(ops[token[0]](next, token)) except StopIteration: raise SyntaxError("invalid path") try: token = next() if token[0] == "/": token = next() except StopIteration: break _cache[path] = selector # execute selector pattern result = [elem] context = _SelectorContext(elem) for select in selector: result = select(context, result) return result ## # Find first matching object. def find(elem, path, namespaces=None): try: return next(iterfind(elem, path, namespaces)) except StopIteration: return None ## # Find all matching objects. def findall(elem, path, namespaces=None): return list(iterfind(elem, path, namespaces)) ## # Find text for first matching object. def findtext(elem, path, default=None, namespaces=None): try: elem = next(iterfind(elem, path, namespaces)) return elem.text or "" except StopIteration: return default
#!/usr/bin/env python '''Add an Item to Pocket''' __author__ = 'Felipe Borges' import sys sys.path.append("..") import getopt import pocket USAGE = '''Usage: save_to_pocket [options] url This script adds an Item to Pocket. Options: -h --help: print this help --consumer_key : the Pocket API consumer key --access_token : the user's Pocket Access Token ''' def print_usage_and_exit(): print USAGE sys.exit(2) def main(): try: shortflags = 'h' longflags = ['help', 'consumer_key=', 'access_token='] opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortflags, longflags) except getopt.GetoptError: print_usage_and_exit() consumer_key = None access_token = None for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): print_usage_and_exit() if o in ('--consumer_key'): consumer_key = a if o in ('--access_token'): access_token = a url = ' '.join(args) if not url or not consumer_key or not access_token: print_usage_and_exit() api = pocket.Api(consumer_key = consumer_key, access_token = access_token) try: item = api.add(url) print 'Item \'%s\' added successfuly!' % item.normal_url except e: print e sys.exit(2) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Alistek Ltd ( All Rights Reserved. # General contacts <> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This module is GPLv3 or newer and incompatible # with OpenERP SA "AGPL + Private Use License"! # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## from code128 import get_code from code39 import create_c39 from EANBarCode import EanBarCode try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO def make_barcode(code, code_type='ean13', rotate=None, height=50, xw=1): if code: if code_type.lower()=='ean13': bar=EanBarCode() im = bar.getImage(code,height) elif code_type.lower()=='code128': im = get_code(code, xw, height) elif code_type.lower()=='code39': im = create_c39(height, xw, code) else: return StringIO(), 'image/png' tf = StringIO() try: if rotate!=None: im=im.rotate(int(rotate)) except Exception, e: pass, 'png') size_x = str(im.size[0]/96.0)+'in' size_y = str(im.size[1]/96.0)+'in' return tf, 'image/png', size_x, size_y
# Display a process of packets and processed time. # It helps us to investigate networking or network device. # # options # tx: show only tx chart # rx: show only rx chart # dev=: show only thing related to specified device # debug: work with debug mode. It shows buffer status. import os import sys sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \ '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace') from perf_trace_context import * from Core import * from Util import * all_event_list = []; # insert all tracepoint event related with this script irq_dic = {}; # key is cpu and value is a list which stacks irqs # which raise NET_RX softirq net_rx_dic = {}; # key is cpu and value include time of NET_RX softirq-entry # and a list which stacks receive receive_hunk_list = []; # a list which include a sequence of receive events rx_skb_list = []; # received packet list for matching # skb_copy_datagram_iovec buffer_budget = 65536; # the budget of rx_skb_list, tx_queue_list and # tx_xmit_list of_count_rx_skb_list = 0; # overflow count tx_queue_list = []; # list of packets which pass through dev_queue_xmit of_count_tx_queue_list = 0; # overflow count tx_xmit_list = []; # list of packets which pass through dev_hard_start_xmit of_count_tx_xmit_list = 0; # overflow count tx_free_list = []; # list of packets which is freed # options show_tx = 0; show_rx = 0; dev = 0; # store a name of device specified by option "dev=" debug = 0; # indices of event_info tuple EINFO_IDX_NAME= 0 EINFO_IDX_CONTEXT=1 EINFO_IDX_CPU= 2 EINFO_IDX_TIME= 3 EINFO_IDX_PID= 4 EINFO_IDX_COMM= 5 # Calculate a time interval(msec) from src(nsec) to dst(nsec) def diff_msec(src, dst): return (dst - src) / 1000000.0 # Display a process of transmitting a packet def print_transmit(hunk): if dev != 0 and hunk['dev'].find(dev) < 0: return print "%7s %5d %6d.%06dsec %12.3fmsec %12.3fmsec" % \ (hunk['dev'], hunk['len'], nsecs_secs(hunk['queue_t']), nsecs_nsecs(hunk['queue_t'])/1000, diff_msec(hunk['queue_t'], hunk['xmit_t']), diff_msec(hunk['xmit_t'], hunk['free_t'])) # Format for displaying rx packet processing PF_IRQ_ENTRY= " irq_entry(+%.3fmsec irq=%d:%s)" PF_SOFT_ENTRY=" softirq_entry(+%.3fmsec)" PF_NAPI_POLL= " napi_poll_exit(+%.3fmsec %s)" PF_JOINT= " |" PF_WJOINT= " | |" PF_NET_RECV= " |---netif_receive_skb(+%.3fmsec skb=%x len=%d)" PF_NET_RX= " |---netif_rx(+%.3fmsec skb=%x)" PF_CPY_DGRAM= " | skb_copy_datagram_iovec(+%.3fmsec %d:%s)" PF_KFREE_SKB= " | kfree_skb(+%.3fmsec location=%x)" PF_CONS_SKB= " | consume_skb(+%.3fmsec)" # Display a process of received packets and interrputs associated with # a NET_RX softirq def print_receive(hunk): show_hunk = 0 irq_list = hunk['irq_list'] cpu = irq_list[0]['cpu'] base_t = irq_list[0]['irq_ent_t'] # check if this hunk should be showed if dev != 0: for i in range(len(irq_list)): if irq_list[i]['name'].find(dev) >= 0: show_hunk = 1 break else: show_hunk = 1 if show_hunk == 0: return print "%d.%06dsec cpu=%d" % \ (nsecs_secs(base_t), nsecs_nsecs(base_t)/1000, cpu) for i in range(len(irq_list)): print PF_IRQ_ENTRY % \ (diff_msec(base_t, irq_list[i]['irq_ent_t']), irq_list[i]['irq'], irq_list[i]['name']) print PF_JOINT irq_event_list = irq_list[i]['event_list'] for j in range(len(irq_event_list)): irq_event = irq_event_list[j] if irq_event['event'] == 'netif_rx': print PF_NET_RX % \ (diff_msec(base_t, irq_event['time']), irq_event['skbaddr']) print PF_JOINT print PF_SOFT_ENTRY % \ diff_msec(base_t, hunk['sirq_ent_t']) print PF_JOINT event_list = hunk['event_list'] for i in range(len(event_list)): event = event_list[i] if event['event_name'] == 'napi_poll': print PF_NAPI_POLL % \ (diff_msec(base_t, event['event_t']), event['dev']) if i == len(event_list) - 1: print "" else: print PF_JOINT else: print PF_NET_RECV % \ (diff_msec(base_t, event['event_t']), event['skbaddr'], event['len']) if 'comm' in event.keys(): print PF_WJOINT print PF_CPY_DGRAM % \ (diff_msec(base_t, event['comm_t']), event['pid'], event['comm']) elif 'handle' in event.keys(): print PF_WJOINT if event['handle'] == "kfree_skb": print PF_KFREE_SKB % \ (diff_msec(base_t, event['comm_t']), event['location']) elif event['handle'] == "consume_skb": print PF_CONS_SKB % \ diff_msec(base_t, event['comm_t']) print PF_JOINT def trace_begin(): global show_tx global show_rx global dev global debug for i in range(len(sys.argv)): if i == 0: continue arg = sys.argv[i] if arg == 'tx': show_tx = 1 elif arg =='rx': show_rx = 1 elif arg.find('dev=',0, 4) >= 0: dev = arg[4:] elif arg == 'debug': debug = 1 if show_tx == 0 and show_rx == 0: show_tx = 1 show_rx = 1 def trace_end(): # order all events in time all_event_list.sort(lambda a,b :cmp(a[EINFO_IDX_TIME], b[EINFO_IDX_TIME])) # process all events for i in range(len(all_event_list)): event_info = all_event_list[i] name = event_info[EINFO_IDX_NAME] if name == 'irq__softirq_exit': handle_irq_softirq_exit(event_info) elif name == 'irq__softirq_entry': handle_irq_softirq_entry(event_info) elif name == 'irq__softirq_raise': handle_irq_softirq_raise(event_info) elif name == 'irq__irq_handler_entry': handle_irq_handler_entry(event_info) elif name == 'irq__irq_handler_exit': handle_irq_handler_exit(event_info) elif name == 'napi__napi_poll': handle_napi_poll(event_info) elif name == 'net__netif_receive_skb': handle_netif_receive_skb(event_info) elif name == 'net__netif_rx': handle_netif_rx(event_info) elif name == 'skb__skb_copy_datagram_iovec': handle_skb_copy_datagram_iovec(event_info) elif name == 'net__net_dev_queue': handle_net_dev_queue(event_info) elif name == 'net__net_dev_xmit': handle_net_dev_xmit(event_info) elif name == 'skb__kfree_skb': handle_kfree_skb(event_info) elif name == 'skb__consume_skb': handle_consume_skb(event_info) # display receive hunks if show_rx: for i in range(len(receive_hunk_list)): print_receive(receive_hunk_list[i]) # display transmit hunks if show_tx: print " dev len Qdisc " \ " netdevice free" for i in range(len(tx_free_list)): print_transmit(tx_free_list[i]) if debug: print "debug buffer status" print "----------------------------" print "xmit Qdisc:remain:%d overflow:%d" % \ (len(tx_queue_list), of_count_tx_queue_list) print "xmit netdevice:remain:%d overflow:%d" % \ (len(tx_xmit_list), of_count_tx_xmit_list) print "receive:remain:%d overflow:%d" % \ (len(rx_skb_list), of_count_rx_skb_list) # called from perf, when it finds a correspoinding event def irq__softirq_entry(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, vec): if symbol_str("irq__softirq_entry", "vec", vec) != "NET_RX": return event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, vec) all_event_list.append(event_info) def irq__softirq_exit(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, vec): if symbol_str("irq__softirq_entry", "vec", vec) != "NET_RX": return event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, vec) all_event_list.append(event_info) def irq__softirq_raise(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, vec): if symbol_str("irq__softirq_entry", "vec", vec) != "NET_RX": return event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, vec) all_event_list.append(event_info) def irq__irq_handler_entry(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, irq, irq_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, irq, irq_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def irq__irq_handler_exit(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, irq, ret): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, irq, ret) all_event_list.append(event_info) def napi__napi_poll(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, napi, dev_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, napi, dev_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def net__netif_receive_skb(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def net__netif_rx(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def net__net_dev_queue(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def net__net_dev_xmit(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, rc, dev_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, rc ,dev_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def skb__kfree_skb(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, protocol, location): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, protocol, location) all_event_list.append(event_info) def skb__consume_skb(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr) all_event_list.append(event_info) def skb__skb_copy_datagram_iovec(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen) all_event_list.append(event_info) def handle_irq_handler_entry(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, irq, irq_name) = event_info if cpu not in irq_dic.keys(): irq_dic[cpu] = [] irq_record = {'irq':irq, 'name':irq_name, 'cpu':cpu, 'irq_ent_t':time} irq_dic[cpu].append(irq_record) def handle_irq_handler_exit(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, irq, ret) = event_info if cpu not in irq_dic.keys(): return irq_record = irq_dic[cpu].pop() if irq != irq_record['irq']: return irq_record.update({'irq_ext_t':time}) # if an irq doesn't include NET_RX softirq, drop. if 'event_list' in irq_record.keys(): irq_dic[cpu].append(irq_record) def handle_irq_softirq_raise(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, vec) = event_info if cpu not in irq_dic.keys() \ or len(irq_dic[cpu]) == 0: return irq_record = irq_dic[cpu].pop() if 'event_list' in irq_record.keys(): irq_event_list = irq_record['event_list'] else: irq_event_list = [] irq_event_list.append({'time':time, 'event':'sirq_raise'}) irq_record.update({'event_list':irq_event_list}) irq_dic[cpu].append(irq_record) def handle_irq_softirq_entry(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, vec) = event_info net_rx_dic[cpu] = {'sirq_ent_t':time, 'event_list':[]} def handle_irq_softirq_exit(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, vec) = event_info irq_list = [] event_list = 0 if cpu in irq_dic.keys(): irq_list = irq_dic[cpu] del irq_dic[cpu] if cpu in net_rx_dic.keys(): sirq_ent_t = net_rx_dic[cpu]['sirq_ent_t'] event_list = net_rx_dic[cpu]['event_list'] del net_rx_dic[cpu] if irq_list == [] or event_list == 0: return rec_data = {'sirq_ent_t':sirq_ent_t, 'sirq_ext_t':time, 'irq_list':irq_list, 'event_list':event_list} # merge information realted to a NET_RX softirq receive_hunk_list.append(rec_data) def handle_napi_poll(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, napi, dev_name) = event_info if cpu in net_rx_dic.keys(): event_list = net_rx_dic[cpu]['event_list'] rec_data = {'event_name':'napi_poll', 'dev':dev_name, 'event_t':time} event_list.append(rec_data) def handle_netif_rx(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) = event_info if cpu not in irq_dic.keys() \ or len(irq_dic[cpu]) == 0: return irq_record = irq_dic[cpu].pop() if 'event_list' in irq_record.keys(): irq_event_list = irq_record['event_list'] else: irq_event_list = [] irq_event_list.append({'time':time, 'event':'netif_rx', 'skbaddr':skbaddr, 'skblen':skblen, 'dev_name':dev_name}) irq_record.update({'event_list':irq_event_list}) irq_dic[cpu].append(irq_record) def handle_netif_receive_skb(event_info): global of_count_rx_skb_list (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) = event_info if cpu in net_rx_dic.keys(): rec_data = {'event_name':'netif_receive_skb', 'event_t':time, 'skbaddr':skbaddr, 'len':skblen} event_list = net_rx_dic[cpu]['event_list'] event_list.append(rec_data) rx_skb_list.insert(0, rec_data) if len(rx_skb_list) > buffer_budget: rx_skb_list.pop() of_count_rx_skb_list += 1 def handle_net_dev_queue(event_info): global of_count_tx_queue_list (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) = event_info skb = {'dev':dev_name, 'skbaddr':skbaddr, 'len':skblen, 'queue_t':time} tx_queue_list.insert(0, skb) if len(tx_queue_list) > buffer_budget: tx_queue_list.pop() of_count_tx_queue_list += 1 def handle_net_dev_xmit(event_info): global of_count_tx_xmit_list (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, rc, dev_name) = event_info if rc == 0: # NETDEV_TX_OK for i in range(len(tx_queue_list)): skb = tx_queue_list[i] if skb['skbaddr'] == skbaddr: skb['xmit_t'] = time tx_xmit_list.insert(0, skb) del tx_queue_list[i] if len(tx_xmit_list) > buffer_budget: tx_xmit_list.pop() of_count_tx_xmit_list += 1 return def handle_kfree_skb(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, protocol, location) = event_info for i in range(len(tx_queue_list)): skb = tx_queue_list[i] if skb['skbaddr'] == skbaddr: del tx_queue_list[i] return for i in range(len(tx_xmit_list)): skb = tx_xmit_list[i] if skb['skbaddr'] == skbaddr: skb['free_t'] = time tx_free_list.append(skb) del tx_xmit_list[i] return for i in range(len(rx_skb_list)): rec_data = rx_skb_list[i] if rec_data['skbaddr'] == skbaddr: rec_data.update({'handle':"kfree_skb", 'comm':comm, 'pid':pid, 'comm_t':time}) del rx_skb_list[i] return def handle_consume_skb(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr) = event_info for i in range(len(tx_xmit_list)): skb = tx_xmit_list[i] if skb['skbaddr'] == skbaddr: skb['free_t'] = time tx_free_list.append(skb) del tx_xmit_list[i] return def handle_skb_copy_datagram_iovec(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen) = event_info for i in range(len(rx_skb_list)): rec_data = rx_skb_list[i] if skbaddr == rec_data['skbaddr']: rec_data.update({'handle':"skb_copy_datagram_iovec", 'comm':comm, 'pid':pid, 'comm_t':time}) del rx_skb_list[i] return
import sys import time from django.conf import settings from django.db.backends.base.creation import BaseDatabaseCreation from django.db.utils import DatabaseError from django.utils.functional import cached_property from django.utils.six.moves import input TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX = 'test_' PASSWORD = 'Im_a_lumberjack' class DatabaseCreation(BaseDatabaseCreation): @cached_property def _maindb_connection(self): """ This is analogous to other backends' `_nodb_connection` property, which allows access to an "administrative" connection which can be used to manage the test databases. For Oracle, the only connection that can be used for that purpose is the main (non-test) connection. """ settings_dict = settings.DATABASES[self.connection.alias] user = settings_dict.get('SAVED_USER') or settings_dict['USER'] password = settings_dict.get('SAVED_PASSWORD') or settings_dict['PASSWORD'] settings_dict = settings_dict.copy() settings_dict.update(USER=user, PASSWORD=password) DatabaseWrapper = type(self.connection) return DatabaseWrapper(settings_dict, alias=self.connection.alias) def _create_test_db(self, verbosity=1, autoclobber=False, keepdb=False): parameters = self._get_test_db_params() cursor = self._maindb_connection.cursor() if self._test_database_create(): try: self._execute_test_db_creation(cursor, parameters, verbosity, keepdb) except Exception as e: # if we want to keep the db, then no need to do any of the below, # just return and skip it all. if keepdb: return sys.stderr.write("Got an error creating the test database: %s\n" % e) if not autoclobber: confirm = input( "It appears the test database, %s, already exists. " "Type 'yes' to delete it, or 'no' to cancel: " % parameters['user']) if autoclobber or confirm == 'yes': if verbosity >= 1: print("Destroying old test database for alias '%s'..." % self.connection.alias) try: self._execute_test_db_destruction(cursor, parameters, verbosity) except DatabaseError as e: if 'ORA-29857' in str(e): self._handle_objects_preventing_db_destruction(cursor, parameters, verbosity, autoclobber) else: # Ran into a database error that isn't about leftover objects in the tablespace sys.stderr.write("Got an error destroying the old test database: %s\n" % e) sys.exit(2) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("Got an error destroying the old test database: %s\n" % e) sys.exit(2) try: self._execute_test_db_creation(cursor, parameters, verbosity, keepdb) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("Got an error recreating the test database: %s\n" % e) sys.exit(2) else: print("Tests cancelled.") sys.exit(1) if self._test_user_create(): if verbosity >= 1: print("Creating test user...") try: self._create_test_user(cursor, parameters, verbosity, keepdb) except Exception as e: # If we want to keep the db, then we want to also keep the user. if keepdb: return sys.stderr.write("Got an error creating the test user: %s\n" % e) if not autoclobber: confirm = input( "It appears the test user, %s, already exists. Type " "'yes' to delete it, or 'no' to cancel: " % parameters['user']) if autoclobber or confirm == 'yes': try: if verbosity >= 1: print("Destroying old test user...") self._destroy_test_user(cursor, parameters, verbosity) if verbosity >= 1: print("Creating test user...") self._create_test_user(cursor, parameters, verbosity, keepdb) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("Got an error recreating the test user: %s\n" % e) sys.exit(2) else: print("Tests cancelled.") sys.exit(1) self._maindb_connection.close() # done with main user -- test user and tablespaces created self._switch_to_test_user(parameters) return self.connection.settings_dict['NAME'] def _switch_to_test_user(self, parameters): """ Oracle doesn't have the concept of separate databases under the same user. Thus, we use a separate user (see _create_test_db). This method is used to switch to that user. We will need the main user again for clean-up when we end testing, so we keep its credentials in SAVED_USER/SAVED_PASSWORD entries in the settings dict. """ real_settings = settings.DATABASES[self.connection.alias] real_settings['SAVED_USER'] = self.connection.settings_dict['SAVED_USER'] = \ self.connection.settings_dict['USER'] real_settings['SAVED_PASSWORD'] = self.connection.settings_dict['SAVED_PASSWORD'] = \ self.connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] real_test_settings = real_settings['TEST'] test_settings = self.connection.settings_dict['TEST'] real_test_settings['USER'] = real_settings['USER'] = test_settings['USER'] = \ self.connection.settings_dict['USER'] = parameters['user'] real_settings['PASSWORD'] = self.connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] = parameters['password'] def set_as_test_mirror(self, primary_settings_dict): """ Set this database up to be used in testing as a mirror of a primary database whose settings are given """ self.connection.settings_dict['USER'] = primary_settings_dict['USER'] self.connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] = primary_settings_dict['PASSWORD'] def _handle_objects_preventing_db_destruction(self, cursor, parameters, verbosity, autoclobber): # There are objects in the test tablespace which prevent dropping it # The easy fix is to drop the test user -- but are we allowed to do so? print("There are objects in the old test database which prevent its destruction.") print("If they belong to the test user, deleting the user will allow the test " "database to be recreated.") print("Otherwise, you will need to find and remove each of these objects, " "or use a different tablespace.\n") if self._test_user_create(): if not autoclobber: confirm = input("Type 'yes' to delete user %s: " % parameters['user']) if autoclobber or confirm == 'yes': try: if verbosity >= 1: print("Destroying old test user...") self._destroy_test_user(cursor, parameters, verbosity) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("Got an error destroying the test user: %s\n" % e) sys.exit(2) try: if verbosity >= 1: print("Destroying old test database for alias '%s'..." % self.connection.alias) self._execute_test_db_destruction(cursor, parameters, verbosity) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("Got an error destroying the test database: %s\n" % e) sys.exit(2) else: print("Tests cancelled -- test database cannot be recreated.") sys.exit(1) else: print("Django is configured to use pre-existing test user '%s'," " and will not attempt to delete it.\n" % parameters['user']) print("Tests cancelled -- test database cannot be recreated.") sys.exit(1) def _destroy_test_db(self, test_database_name, verbosity=1): """ Destroy a test database, prompting the user for confirmation if the database already exists. Returns the name of the test database created. """ self.connection.settings_dict['USER'] = self.connection.settings_dict['SAVED_USER'] self.connection.settings_dict['PASSWORD'] = self.connection.settings_dict['SAVED_PASSWORD'] self.connection.close() parameters = self._get_test_db_params() cursor = self._maindb_connection.cursor() time.sleep(1) # To avoid "database is being accessed by other users" errors. if self._test_user_create(): if verbosity >= 1: print('Destroying test user...') self._destroy_test_user(cursor, parameters, verbosity) if self._test_database_create(): if verbosity >= 1: print('Destroying test database tables...') self._execute_test_db_destruction(cursor, parameters, verbosity) self._maindb_connection.close() def _execute_test_db_creation(self, cursor, parameters, verbosity, keepdb=False): if verbosity >= 2: print("_create_test_db(): dbname = %s" % parameters['user']) statements = [ """CREATE TABLESPACE %(tblspace)s DATAFILE '%(datafile)s' SIZE 20M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10M MAXSIZE %(maxsize)s """, """CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE %(tblspace_temp)s TEMPFILE '%(datafile_tmp)s' SIZE 20M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10M MAXSIZE %(maxsize_tmp)s """, ] # Ignore "tablespace already exists" error when keepdb is on. acceptable_ora_err = 'ORA-01543' if keepdb else None self._execute_allow_fail_statements(cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity, acceptable_ora_err) def _create_test_user(self, cursor, parameters, verbosity, keepdb=False): if verbosity >= 2: print("_create_test_user(): username = %s" % parameters['user']) statements = [ """CREATE USER %(user)s IDENTIFIED BY %(password)s DEFAULT TABLESPACE %(tblspace)s TEMPORARY TABLESPACE %(tblspace_temp)s QUOTA UNLIMITED ON %(tblspace)s """, """GRANT CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLE, CREATE SEQUENCE, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE TRIGGER TO %(user)s""", ] # Ignore "user already exists" error when keepdb is on acceptable_ora_err = 'ORA-01920' if keepdb else None self._execute_allow_fail_statements(cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity, acceptable_ora_err) # Most test-suites can be run without the create-view privilege. But some need it. extra = "GRANT CREATE VIEW TO %(user)s" success = self._execute_allow_fail_statements(cursor, [extra], parameters, verbosity, 'ORA-01031') if not success and verbosity >= 2: print("Failed to grant CREATE VIEW permission to test user. This may be ok.") def _execute_test_db_destruction(self, cursor, parameters, verbosity): if verbosity >= 2: print("_execute_test_db_destruction(): dbname=%s" % parameters['user']) statements = [ 'DROP TABLESPACE %(tblspace)s INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES CASCADE CONSTRAINTS', 'DROP TABLESPACE %(tblspace_temp)s INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES CASCADE CONSTRAINTS', ] self._execute_statements(cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity) def _destroy_test_user(self, cursor, parameters, verbosity): if verbosity >= 2: print("_destroy_test_user(): user=%s" % parameters['user']) print("Be patient. This can take some time...") statements = [ 'DROP USER %(user)s CASCADE', ] self._execute_statements(cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity) def _execute_statements(self, cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity, allow_quiet_fail=False): for template in statements: stmt = template % parameters if verbosity >= 2: print(stmt) try: cursor.execute(stmt) except Exception as err: if (not allow_quiet_fail) or verbosity >= 2: sys.stderr.write("Failed (%s)\n" % (err)) raise def _execute_allow_fail_statements(self, cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity, acceptable_ora_err): """ Execute statements which are allowed to fail silently if the Oracle error code given by `acceptable_ora_err` is raised. Return True if the statements execute without an exception, or False otherwise. """ try: # Statement can fail when acceptable_ora_err is not None allow_quiet_fail = acceptable_ora_err is not None and len(acceptable_ora_err) > 0 self._execute_statements(cursor, statements, parameters, verbosity, allow_quiet_fail=allow_quiet_fail) return True except DatabaseError as err: description = str(err) if acceptable_ora_err is None or acceptable_ora_err not in description: raise return False def _get_test_db_params(self): return { 'dbname': self._test_database_name(), 'user': self._test_database_user(), 'password': self._test_database_passwd(), 'tblspace': self._test_database_tblspace(), 'tblspace_temp': self._test_database_tblspace_tmp(), 'datafile': self._test_database_tblspace_datafile(), 'datafile_tmp': self._test_database_tblspace_tmp_datafile(), 'maxsize': self._test_database_tblspace_size(), 'maxsize_tmp': self._test_database_tblspace_tmp_size(), } def _test_settings_get(self, key, default=None, prefixed=None): """ Return a value from the test settings dict, or a given default, or a prefixed entry from the main settings dict """ settings_dict = self.connection.settings_dict val = settings_dict['TEST'].get(key, default) if val is None: val = TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX + settings_dict[prefixed] return val def _test_database_name(self): return self._test_settings_get('NAME', prefixed='NAME') def _test_database_create(self): return self._test_settings_get('CREATE_DB', default=True) def _test_user_create(self): return self._test_settings_get('CREATE_USER', default=True) def _test_database_user(self): return self._test_settings_get('USER', prefixed='USER') def _test_database_passwd(self): return self._test_settings_get('PASSWORD', default=PASSWORD) def _test_database_tblspace(self): return self._test_settings_get('TBLSPACE', prefixed='USER') def _test_database_tblspace_tmp(self): settings_dict = self.connection.settings_dict return settings_dict['TEST'].get('TBLSPACE_TMP', TEST_DATABASE_PREFIX + settings_dict['USER'] + '_temp') def _test_database_tblspace_datafile(self): tblspace = '%s.dbf' % self._test_database_tblspace() return self._test_settings_get('DATAFILE', default=tblspace) def _test_database_tblspace_tmp_datafile(self): tblspace = '%s.dbf' % self._test_database_tblspace_tmp() return self._test_settings_get('DATAFILE_TMP', default=tblspace) def _test_database_tblspace_size(self): return self._test_settings_get('DATAFILE_MAXSIZE', default='500M') def _test_database_tblspace_tmp_size(self): return self._test_settings_get('DATAFILE_TMP_MAXSIZE', default='500M') def _get_test_db_name(self): """ We need to return the 'production' DB name to get the test DB creation machinery to work. This isn't a great deal in this case because DB names as handled by Django haven't real counterparts in Oracle. """ return self.connection.settings_dict['NAME'] def test_db_signature(self): settings_dict = self.connection.settings_dict return ( settings_dict['HOST'], settings_dict['PORT'], settings_dict['ENGINE'], settings_dict['NAME'], self._test_database_user(), )
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Stanford University # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR(S) DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. """Repeatedly execute bank transfers. WARNING: This file does not create a new client instance per worker process. Your client library needs a mutex in shared memory around the networking code. See RAM-39. This is a stress test for RAMCloud. Run this program with --help for usage.""" import os import sys import random import time from optparse import OptionParser import multiprocessing from retries import ImmediateRetry as RetryStrategy import ramcloud import txramcloud from testutil import BreakException txramcloud.RetryStrategy = RetryStrategy class Stats(object): INCREMENTS = 0 ABORTS = 1 CRASHES = 2 NUM = 3 LABELS = ['increments', 'aborts', 'crashes'] @classmethod def to_str(cls, stats): pairs = ["'%s': %d" % (l, v) for (l, v) in zip(cls.LABELS, stats)] return '{%s}' % ', '.join(pairs) class CountdownHook(object): def __init__(self, count): self.count = count def __call__(self): if self.count == 0: raise BreakException else: self.count -= 1 class Test(object): def __init__(self, txrc, table, oids, stats, die, options, args): self.txrc = txrc self.table = table self.oids = oids self.global_stats = stats self.die = die self.options = options self.args = args def __call__(self): # Called by the child in its address space # self.global_stats, self.die are in shared memory # detach the child from the parent's TTY os.setsid() if self.options.crash: when = random.randint(0, self.options.crash) self.txrc.hook = CountdownHook(when) self.local_stats = [0] * Stats.NUM self.cache = {} for oid in self.oids: self.cache[oid] = None i = 1 try: while True: if i % 10**6 == 0: print "PID %d: continuing after %s" % (os.getpid(), Stats.to_str(self.local_stats)) accts = self.choose_accts() for retry in RetryStrategy(): if die.value: print "PID %d: done after %s" % (os.getpid(), Stats.to_str(self.local_stats)) return try: for oid in accts: if self.cache[oid] is None: blob, version =, oid) value = int(blob) self.cache[oid] = (value, version) if not self.algo(accts): retry.later() except BreakException: print "PID %d: crash after %s" % (os.getpid(), Stats.to_str(self.local_stats)) self.local_stats[Stats.CRASHES] += 1 for oid in self.cache: self.cache[oid] = None when = random.randint(0, self.options.crash) self.txrc.hook = CountdownHook(when) # and keep going i += 1 finally: # update global stats for i, v in enumerate(self.local_stats): self.global_stats[i] += v def choose_accts(self): assert len(self.oids) >= 2 max_num_accts = len(self.oids) if (self.options.max_num_accts_per_tx and self.options.max_num_accts_per_tx < max_num_accts): max_num_accts = self.options.max_num_accts_per_tx num_accts = random.randint(2, max_num_accts) accts = list(oids) random.shuffle(accts) accts = accts[:num_accts] return accts def algo(self, accts): mt = txramcloud.MiniTransaction() new_values = {} for oid in accts: value, version = self.cache[oid] rr = ramcloud.RejectRules.exactly(version) if oid == accts[0]: value -= len(accts[1:]) else: value += 1 new_values[oid] = value mt[(self.table, oid)] = txramcloud.MTWrite(str(value), rr) try: result = self.txrc.mt_commit(mt) except txramcloud.TxRAMCloud.TransactionRejected, e: for ((table, oid), reason) in e.reasons.items(): self.cache[oid] = None self.local_stats[Stats.ABORTS] += 1 return False except txramcloud.TxRAMCloud.TransactionExpired, e: self.local_stats[Stats.ABORTS] += 1 return False else: for ((table, oid), version) in result.items(): self.cache[oid] = (new_values[oid], version) self.local_stats[Stats.INCREMENTS] += 1 return True if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser() parser.set_description(__doc__.split('\n\n', 1)[0]) parser.add_option("-p", "--num-processes", dest="num_procs", type="int", default=1, help="spawn NUM processes, defaults to 1", metavar="NUM") parser.add_option("-o", "--num-objects", dest="num_objects", type="int", default=2, help=("increment across NUM objects, defaults to 2"), metavar="NUM") parser.add_option("-m", "--max-tx", dest="max_num_accts_per_tx", type="int", default=0, help=("the maximum NUM of accounts to involve in a " + "single transaction, defaults to infinity"), metavar="NUM") parser.add_option("-c", "--crash", dest="crash", type="int", default=0, help=("crash randomly by the NUM-th RAMCloud " "operation, defaults to not crashing"), metavar="NUM") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() assert not args r = txramcloud.TxRAMCloud(7) r.connect() r.create_table("test") table = r.get_table_id("test") oids = range(options.num_objects) for oid in oids: r.create(table, oid, str(0)) stats = multiprocessing.Array('i', Stats.NUM) die = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0, lock=False) target = Test(r, table, oids, stats, die, options, args) procs = [] for i in range(options.num_procs): procs.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=target)) start = time.time() for p in procs: p.start() try: for p in procs: p.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: # a process can be joined multiple times die.value = 1 for p in procs: p.join() end = time.time() print "wall time: %0.02fs" % (end - start) print "stats:", Stats.to_str(stats[:]) sum = 0 for oid in oids: blob, version =, oid) value = int(blob) sum += value print 'oid %d: value=%d, version=%d' % (oid, value, version) print 'sum: %d' % sum assert sum == 0
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol from thrift.transport import TTransport def serialize(thrift_object, protocol_factory=TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory()): transport = TTransport.TMemoryBuffer() protocol = protocol_factory.getProtocol(transport) thrift_object.write(protocol) return transport.getvalue() def deserialize(base, buf, protocol_factory=TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory()): transport = TTransport.TMemoryBuffer(buf) protocol = protocol_factory.getProtocol(transport) return base
# Copyright 2016 Tesora, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from datetime import date from oslo_log import log as logging from trove.common import cfg from trove.common.i18n import _ from trove.common import stream_codecs from trove.common import utils from trove.guestagent.common import operating_system from trove.guestagent.module.drivers import module_driver LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF NR_ADD_LICENSE_CMD = ['nrsysmond-config', '--set', 'license_key=%s'] NR_SRV_CONTROL_CMD = ['/etc/init.d/newrelic-sysmond'] class NewRelicLicenseDriver(module_driver.ModuleDriver): """Module to set up the license for the NewRelic service.""" def get_description(self): return "New Relic License Module Driver" def get_updated(self): return date(2016, 4, 12) @module_driver.output( log_message=_('Installing New Relic license key'), success_message=_('New Relic license key installed'), fail_message=_('New Relic license key not installed')) def apply(self, name, datastore, ds_version, data_file, admin_module): license_key = None data = operating_system.read_file( data_file, codec=stream_codecs.KeyValueCodec()) for key, value in data.items(): if 'license_key' == key.lower(): license_key = value break if license_key: self._add_license_key(license_key) self._server_control('start') else: return False, "'license_key' not found in contents file" def _add_license_key(self, license_key): try: exec_args = {'timeout': 10, 'run_as_root': True, 'root_helper': 'sudo'} cmd = list(NR_ADD_LICENSE_CMD) cmd[-1] = cmd[-1] % license_key utils.execute_with_timeout(*cmd, **exec_args) except Exception: LOG.exception(_("Could not install license key '%s'") % license_key) raise def _server_control(self, command): try: exec_args = {'timeout': 10, 'run_as_root': True, 'root_helper': 'sudo'} cmd = list(NR_SRV_CONTROL_CMD) cmd.append(command) utils.execute_with_timeout(*cmd, **exec_args) except Exception: LOG.exception(_("Could not %s New Relic server") % command) raise @module_driver.output( log_message=_('Removing New Relic license key'), success_message=_('New Relic license key removed'), fail_message=_('New Relic license key not removed')) def remove(self, name, datastore, ds_version, data_file): self._add_license_key("bad_key") self._server_control('stop')
# Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tricks that depend on a certain DNS provider. Tricks that require inheritence by must go here, otherwise, see for externally available functions. """ __author__ = ' (Thomas Stromberg)' class NameServerProvider(object): """Inherited by nameserver.""" # def GetMyResolverIpWithDuration(self): return self.GetIpFromNameWithDuration('') def GetMyResolverHostNameWithDuration(self): return self.GetNameFromNameWithDuration('') # OpenDNS def GetOpenDnsNodeWithDuration(self): return self.GetTxtRecordWithDuration('')[0:2] def GetOpenDnsInterceptionStateWithDuration(self): """Check if our packets are actually getting to the correct servers.""" (node_id, duration) = self.GetOpenDnsNodeWithDuration() if node_id and 'I am not an OpenDNS resolver' in node_id: return (True, duration) return (False, duration) # UltraDNS def GetUltraDnsNodeWithDuration(self): return self.GetNameFromNameWithDuration('')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # - (kdf_backend for btrbk) # # Copyright (c) 2017 Axel Burri # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The official btrbk website is located at: # # # Author: # Axel Burri <> # --------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys import os import getpass import hashlib def passprompt(): pprompt = lambda: (getpass.getpass("Passphrase: "), getpass.getpass("Retype passphrase: ")) p1, p2 = pprompt() while p1 != p2: print("No match, please try again", file=sys.stderr) p1, p2 = pprompt() return p1 if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("Usage: {} <dklen>".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) hash_name = "sha256" iterations = 300000 dklen = int(sys.argv[1]) salt = os.urandom(16) password = passprompt().encode("utf-8") dk = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(hash_name=hash_name, password=password, salt=salt, iterations=iterations, dklen=dklen) salt_hex = "".join(["{:02x}".format(x) for x in salt]) dk_hex = "".join(["{:02x}".format(x) for x in dk]) print("KEY=" + dk_hex); print("algoritm=pbkdf2_hmac"); print("hash_name=" + hash_name); print("salt=" + salt_hex); print("iterations=" + str(iterations));
# Copyright 2015 Internap. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import traceback from netman import regex import re class SubShell(object): debug = False def __init__(self, ssh, enter, exit_cmd, validate=None): self.ssh = ssh self.enter = enter self.exit = exit_cmd self.validate = validate or (lambda x: None) def __enter__(self): if isinstance(self.enter, list): [self.validate( for cmd in self.enter] else: self.validate( return self.ssh def __exit__(self, eType, eValue, eTrace): if self.debug and eType is not None: logging.error("Subshell exception {}: {}\n{}" .format(eType.__name__, eValue, "".join(traceback.format_tb(eTrace)))) def no_output(exc, *args): def m(welcome_msg): if len(welcome_msg) > 0: raise exc(*args) return m def split_on_bang(data): current_chunk = [] for line in data: if re.match("^!.*", line): if len(current_chunk) > 0: yield current_chunk current_chunk = [] else: current_chunk.append(line) def split_on_dedent(data): current_chunk = [] for line in data: if re.match("^[^\s].*", line) and len(current_chunk) > 0: yield current_chunk current_chunk = [line] else: current_chunk.append(line) yield current_chunk class ResultChecker(object): def __init__(self, result=None): self.result = result def on_any_result(self, exception, *args, **kwargs): if self.result and len(self.result) > 0: raise exception(*args, **kwargs) return self def on_result_matching(self, matcher, exception, *args, **kwargs): if regex.match(matcher, "\n".join(self.result), flags=re.DOTALL): raise exception(*args, **kwargs) return self class PageReader(object): def __init__(self, read_while, and_press, unless_prompt): self.next_page_indicator = read_while self.continue_key = and_press self.prompt = unless_prompt def do(self, shell, command): result =, wait_for=(self.next_page_indicator, self.prompt), include_last_line=True) while len(result) > 0 and self.next_page_indicator in result[-1]: result = result[:-1] + shell.send_key(self.continue_key, wait_for=(self.next_page_indicator, self.prompt), include_last_line=True) return result[:-1]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenERP S.A (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID from openerp.osv import osv from import _ class mail_mail(osv.Model): """ Update of mail_mail class, to add the signin URL to notifications. """ _inherit = 'mail.mail' def _get_partner_access_link(self, cr, uid, mail, partner=None, context=None): """ Generate URLs for links in mails: - partner is not an user: signup_url - partner is an user: fallback on classic URL """ if context is None: context = {} partner_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner') if partner and not partner.user_ids: contex_signup = dict(context, signup_valid=True) signup_url = partner_obj._get_signup_url_for_action(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [], action='mail.action_mail_redirect', model=mail.model, res_id=mail.res_id, context=contex_signup)[] return ", <span class='oe_mail_footer_access'><small>%(access_msg)s <a style='color:inherit' href='%(portal_link)s'>%(portal_msg)s</a></small></span>" % { 'access_msg': _('access directly to'), 'portal_link': signup_url, 'portal_msg': '%s %s' % (context.get('model_name', ''), mail.record_name) if mail.record_name else _('your messages '), } else: return super(mail_mail, self)._get_partner_access_link(cr, uid, mail, partner=partner, context=context)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Verifies simple actions when using an explicit build target of 'all'. """ import glob import os import TestGyp test = TestGyp.TestGyp(workdir='workarea_all') test.run_gyp('actions.gyp', chdir='src') test.relocate('src', 'relocate/src') # Some gyp files use an action that mentions an output but never # writes it as a means to making the action run on every build. That # doesn't mesh well with ninja's semantics. TODO(evan): figure out # how to work always-run actions in to ninja. # Android also can't do this as it doesn't have order-only dependencies. if test.format in ['ninja', 'android']:'actions.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src') else: # Test that an "always run" action increases a counter on multiple # invocations, and that a dependent action updates in step.'actions.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src') test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter.txt', '1') test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter_2.txt', '1')'actions.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src') test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter.txt', '2') test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter_2.txt', '2') # The "always run" action only counts to 2, but the dependent target # will count forever if it's allowed to run. This verifies that the # dependent target only runs when the "always run" action generates # new output, not just because the "always run" ran.'actions.gyp', test.ALL, chdir='relocate/src') test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter.txt', '2') test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir1/actions-out/action-counter_2.txt', '2') expect = """\ Hello from program.c Hello from Hello from """ if test.format == 'xcode': chdir = 'relocate/src/subdir1' else: chdir = 'relocate/src' test.run_built_executable('program', chdir=chdir, stdout=expect) test.must_match('relocate/src/subdir2/file.out', "Hello from\n") expect = "Hello from\n" if test.format == 'xcode': chdir = 'relocate/src/subdir3' else: chdir = 'relocate/src' test.run_built_executable('null_input', chdir=chdir, stdout=expect) # Clean out files which may have been created if test.ALL was run. def clean_dep_files(): for file in (glob.glob('relocate/src/dep_*.txt') + glob.glob('relocate/src/deps_all_done_*.txt')): if os.path.exists(file): os.remove(file) # Confirm our clean. clean_dep_files() test.must_not_exist('relocate/src/dep_1.txt') test.must_not_exist('relocate/src/deps_all_done_first_123.txt') # Make sure all deps finish before an action is run on a 'None' target. # If using the Make builder, add -j to make things more difficult. arguments = [] if test.format == 'make': arguments = ['-j']'actions.gyp', 'action_with_dependencies_123', chdir='relocate/src', arguments=arguments) test.must_exist('relocate/src/deps_all_done_first_123.txt') # Try again with a target that has deps in reverse. Output files from # previous tests deleted. Confirm this execution did NOT run the ALL # target which would mess up our dep tests. clean_dep_files()'actions.gyp', 'action_with_dependencies_321', chdir='relocate/src', arguments=arguments) test.must_exist('relocate/src/deps_all_done_first_321.txt') test.must_not_exist('relocate/src/deps_all_done_first_123.txt') test.pass_test()
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo.config import cfg from openstack_dashboard.openstack.common import jsonutils from openstack_dashboard.openstack.common import log as logging CONF = cfg.CONF def notify(_context, message): """Notifies the recipient of the desired event given the model. Log notifications using openstack's default logging system. """ priority = message.get('priority', CONF.default_notification_level) priority = priority.lower() logger = logging.getLogger( 'openstack_dashboard.openstack.common.notification.%s' % message['event_type']) getattr(logger, priority)(jsonutils.dumps(message))
# encoding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import json import xml.etree.ElementTree from .common import InfoExtractor from ..compat import ( compat_parse_qs, compat_str, compat_urllib_parse, compat_urllib_parse_urlparse, compat_urllib_request, compat_urlparse, compat_xml_parse_error, ) from ..utils import ( determine_ext, ExtractorError, find_xpath_attr, fix_xml_ampersands, unescapeHTML, unsmuggle_url, ) class BrightcoveIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'(?:https?://.*brightcove\.com/(services|viewer).*?\?|brightcove:)(?P<query>.*)' _FEDERATED_URL_TEMPLATE = '' _TESTS = [ { # From 'url': '', 'md5': '5423e113865d26e40624dce2e4b45d95', 'note': 'Test Brightcove downloads and detection in GenericIE', 'info_dict': { 'id': '2371591881001', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Xavier Sala i Martín: “Un banc que no presta és un banc zombi que no serveix per a res”', 'uploader': '8TV', 'description': 'md5:a950cc4285c43e44d763d036710cd9cd', } }, { # From 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '1785452137001', 'ext': 'flv', 'title': 'JVMLS 2012: Arrays 2.0 - Opportunities and Challenges', 'description': 'John Rose speaks at the JVM Language Summit, August 1, 2012.', 'uploader': 'Oracle', }, }, { # From 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '2750934548001', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'This Bracelet Acts as a Personal Thermostat', 'description': 'md5:547b78c64f4112766ccf4e151c20b6a0', 'uploader': 'Mashable', }, }, { # test that the default referer works # from 'url': ',AAAApYJi_Ck~,GxhXCegT1Dp39ilhXuxMJxasUhVNZiil&bctid=2878862109001', 'info_dict': { 'id': '2878862109001', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Lost in Motion II', 'description': 'md5:363109c02998fee92ec02211bd8000df', 'uploader': 'National Ballet of Canada', }, }, { # test flv videos served by # From 'url': '', # The md5 checksum changes on each download 'info_dict': { 'id': '2996102916001', 'ext': 'flv', 'title': 'UCI MTB World Cup 2014: Fort William, UK - Downhill Finals', 'uploader': 'Red Bull TV', 'description': 'UCI MTB World Cup 2014: Fort William, UK - Downhill Finals', }, }, { # playlist test # from 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'title': 'Sealife', 'id': '3550319591001', }, 'playlist_mincount': 7, }, ] @classmethod def _build_brighcove_url(cls, object_str): """ Build a Brightcove url from a xml string containing <object class="BrightcoveExperience">{params}</object> """ # Fix up some stupid HTML, see object_str = re.sub(r'(<param(?:\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+="[^"]*")*)>', lambda m: + '/>', object_str) # Fix up some stupid XML, see object_str = object_str.replace('<--', '<!--') # remove namespace to simplify extraction object_str = re.sub(r'(<object[^>]*)(xmlns=".*?")', r'\1', object_str) object_str = fix_xml_ampersands(object_str) try: object_doc = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(object_str.encode('utf-8')) except compat_xml_parse_error: return fv_el = find_xpath_attr(object_doc, './param', 'name', 'flashVars') if fv_el is not None: flashvars = dict( (k, v[0]) for k, v in compat_parse_qs(fv_el.attrib['value']).items()) else: flashvars = {} def find_param(name): if name in flashvars: return flashvars[name] node = find_xpath_attr(object_doc, './param', 'name', name) if node is not None: return node.attrib['value'] return None params = {} playerID = find_param('playerID') if playerID is None: raise ExtractorError('Cannot find player ID') params['playerID'] = playerID playerKey = find_param('playerKey') # Not all pages define this value if playerKey is not None: params['playerKey'] = playerKey # The three fields hold the id of the video videoPlayer = find_param('@videoPlayer') or find_param('videoId') or find_param('videoID') if videoPlayer is not None: params['@videoPlayer'] = videoPlayer linkBase = find_param('linkBaseURL') if linkBase is not None: params['linkBaseURL'] = linkBase return cls._make_brightcove_url(params) @classmethod def _build_brighcove_url_from_js(cls, object_js): # The layout of JS is as follows: # customBC.createVideo = function (width, height, playerID, playerKey, videoPlayer, VideoRandomID) { # // build Brightcove <object /> XML # } m = r'''(?x)customBC.\createVideo\( .*? # skipping width and height ["\'](?P<playerID>\d+)["\']\s*,\s* # playerID ["\'](?P<playerKey>AQ[^"\']{48})[^"\']*["\']\s*,\s* # playerKey begins with AQ and is 50 characters # in length, however it's appended to itself # in places, so truncate ["\'](?P<videoID>\d+)["\'] # @videoPlayer ''', object_js) if m: return cls._make_brightcove_url(m.groupdict()) @classmethod def _make_brightcove_url(cls, params): data = compat_urllib_parse.urlencode(params) return cls._FEDERATED_URL_TEMPLATE % data @classmethod def _extract_brightcove_url(cls, webpage): """Try to extract the brightcove url from the webpage, returns None if it can't be found """ urls = cls._extract_brightcove_urls(webpage) return urls[0] if urls else None @classmethod def _extract_brightcove_urls(cls, webpage): """Return a list of all Brightcove URLs from the webpage """ url_m = r'<meta\s+property=[\'"]og:video[\'"]\s+content=[\'"](https?://(?:secure|c)\[^\'"]+)[\'"]', webpage) if url_m: url = unescapeHTML( # Some sites don't add it, we can't download with this url, for example: # if 'playerKey' in url or 'videoId' in url: return [url] matches = re.findall( r'''(?sx)<object (?: [^>]+?class=[\'"][^>]*?BrightcoveExperience.*?[\'"] | [^>]*?>\s*<param\s+name="movie"\s+value="https?://[^/]*brightcove\.com/ ).+?>\s*</object>''', webpage) if matches: return list(filter(None, [cls._build_brighcove_url(m) for m in matches])) return list(filter(None, [ cls._build_brighcove_url_from_js(custom_bc) for custom_bc in re.findall(r'(customBC\.createVideo\(.+?\);)', webpage)])) def _real_extract(self, url): url, smuggled_data = unsmuggle_url(url, {}) # Change the 'videoId' and others field to '@videoPlayer' url = re.sub(r'(?<=[?&])(videoI(d|D)|bctid)', '%40videoPlayer', url) # Change bckey (used by urls) to playerKey url = re.sub(r'(?<=[?&])bckey', 'playerKey', url) mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) query_str ='query') query = compat_urlparse.parse_qs(query_str) videoPlayer = query.get('@videoPlayer') if videoPlayer: # We set the original url as the default 'Referer' header referer = smuggled_data.get('Referer', url) return self._get_video_info( videoPlayer[0], query_str, query, referer=referer) elif 'playerKey' in query: player_key = query['playerKey'] return self._get_playlist_info(player_key[0]) else: raise ExtractorError( 'Cannot find playerKey= variable. Did you forget quotes in a shell invocation?', expected=True) def _get_video_info(self, video_id, query_str, query, referer=None): request_url = self._FEDERATED_URL_TEMPLATE % query_str req = compat_urllib_request.Request(request_url) linkBase = query.get('linkBaseURL') if linkBase is not None: referer = linkBase[0] if referer is not None: req.add_header('Referer', referer) webpage = self._download_webpage(req, video_id) error_msg = self._html_search_regex( r"<h1>We're sorry.</h1>([\s\n]*<p>.*?</p>)+", webpage, 'error message', default=None) if error_msg is not None: raise ExtractorError( 'brightcove said: %s' % error_msg, expected=True) self.report_extraction(video_id) info = self._search_regex(r'var experienceJSON = ({.*});', webpage, 'json') info = json.loads(info)['data'] video_info = info['programmedContent']['videoPlayer']['mediaDTO'] video_info['_youtubedl_adServerURL'] = info.get('adServerURL') return self._extract_video_info(video_info) def _get_playlist_info(self, player_key): info_url = '' % player_key playlist_info = self._download_webpage( info_url, player_key, 'Downloading playlist information') json_data = json.loads(playlist_info) if 'videoList' not in json_data: raise ExtractorError('Empty playlist') playlist_info = json_data['videoList'] videos = [self._extract_video_info(video_info) for video_info in playlist_info['mediaCollectionDTO']['videoDTOs']] return self.playlist_result(videos, playlist_id='%s' % playlist_info['id'], playlist_title=playlist_info['mediaCollectionDTO']['displayName']) def _extract_video_info(self, video_info): info = { 'id': compat_str(video_info['id']), 'title': video_info['displayName'].strip(), 'description': video_info.get('shortDescription'), 'thumbnail': video_info.get('videoStillURL') or video_info.get('thumbnailURL'), 'uploader': video_info.get('publisherName'), } renditions = video_info.get('renditions') if renditions: formats = [] for rend in renditions: url = rend['defaultURL'] if not url: continue ext = None if rend['remote']: url_comp = compat_urllib_parse_urlparse(url) if url_comp.path.endswith('.m3u8'): formats.extend( self._extract_m3u8_formats(url, info['id'], 'mp4')) continue elif '' in url_comp.netloc: # This type of renditions are served through #, but they don't use f4m manifests url = url.replace('control/', '') + '?&v=3.3.0&fp=13&r=FEEFJ&g=RTSJIMBMPFPB' ext = 'flv' if ext is None: ext = determine_ext(url) size = rend.get('size') formats.append({ 'url': url, 'ext': ext, 'height': rend.get('frameHeight'), 'width': rend.get('frameWidth'), 'filesize': size if size != 0 else None, }) self._sort_formats(formats) info['formats'] = formats elif video_info.get('FLVFullLengthURL') is not None: info.update({ 'url': video_info['FLVFullLengthURL'], }) if self._downloader.params.get('include_ads', False): adServerURL = video_info.get('_youtubedl_adServerURL') if adServerURL: ad_info = { '_type': 'url', 'url': adServerURL, } if 'url' in info: return { '_type': 'playlist', 'title': info['title'], 'entries': [ad_info, info], } else: return ad_info if 'url' not in info and not info.get('formats'): raise ExtractorError('Unable to extract video url for %s' % info['id']) return info
""" Optional fixer to transform set() calls to set literals. """ # Author: Benjamin Peterson from lib2to3 import fixer_base, pytree from lib2to3.fixer_util import token, syms class FixSetLiteral(fixer_base.BaseFix): BM_compatible = True explicit = True PATTERN = """power< 'set' trailer< '(' (atom=atom< '[' (items=listmaker< any ((',' any)* [',']) > | single=any) ']' > | atom< '(' items=testlist_gexp< any ((',' any)* [',']) > ')' > ) ')' > > """ def transform(self, node, results): single = results.get("single") if single: # Make a fake listmaker fake = pytree.Node(syms.listmaker, [single.clone()]) single.replace(fake) items = fake else: items = results["items"] # Build the contents of the literal literal = [pytree.Leaf(token.LBRACE, u"{")] literal.extend(n.clone() for n in items.children) literal.append(pytree.Leaf(token.RBRACE, u"}")) # Set the prefix of the right brace to that of the ')' or ']' literal[-1].prefix = items.next_sibling.prefix maker = pytree.Node(syms.dictsetmaker, literal) maker.prefix = node.prefix # If the original was a one tuple, we need to remove the extra comma. if len(maker.children) == 4: n = maker.children[2] n.remove() maker.children[-1].prefix = n.prefix # Finally, replace the set call with our shiny new literal. return maker
from __future__ import print_function, division # do not edit! added by PythonBreakpoints from pdb import set_trace as _breakpoint class Key(object): """A location of data or metadata within NILMTK. Attributes ---------- building : int meter : int utility : str """ def __init__(self, string=None, building=None, meter=None): """ Parameters ---------- string : str, optional e.g. 'building1/elec/meter1' building : int, optional meter : int, optional """ self.utility = None if string is None: self.building = building self.meter = meter else: split = string.strip('/').split('/') assert split[0].startswith('building'), "The first element must be 'building<I>', e.g. 'building1'; not '{}'.".format(split[0]) try: self.building = int(split[0].replace("building", "")) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("'building' must be followed by an integer.\n{}" .format(e)) if len(split) > 1: self.utility = split[1] if len(split) == 3: assert split[2].startswith('meter') self.meter = int(split[-1].replace("meter", "")) else: self.meter = None self._check() def _check(self): assert isinstance(self.building, int) assert self.building >= 1 if self.meter is not None: assert isinstance(self.meter, int) assert self.meter >= 1 def __repr__(self): self._check() s = "/building{:d}".format(self.building) if self.meter is not None: s += "/elec/meter{:d}".format(self.meter) return s
# # Copyright (c) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software is licensed to you under the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version # 2 of the License (LGPLv2) or (at your option) any later version. # There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or implied, # including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, # NON-INFRINGEMENT, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should # have received a copy of LGPLv2 along with this software; if not, see # # # Jeff Ortel <> # from gofer import NAME, Singleton from gofer.config import Config, Graph from gofer.config import REQUIRED, OPTIONAL, ANY, BOOL, NUMBER # # [management] # enabled # The manager is (enabled|disabled). # host # Host (name or IP) the manager listens on. # port # The port number the manager listens on. # # [logging] # <module> # Logging level # # [pam] # service # The default PAM service for authentication. Default:passwd # AGENT_SCHEMA = ( ('management', REQUIRED, ( ('enabled', OPTIONAL, BOOL), ('host', OPTIONAL, ANY), ('port', OPTIONAL, NUMBER), ) ), ('logging', REQUIRED, [] ), ('pam', REQUIRED, ( ('service', OPTIONAL, ANY), ) ), ) # # [main] # # enabled # Plugin enabled/disabled (0|1) # name # The (optional) plugin name. The basename of the descriptor is used when not specified. # plugin # The (optional) fully qualified module to be loaded from the PYTHON path. # threads # The (optional) number of threads for the RMI dispatcher. # accept # Accept forwarding from. A comma (,) separated list of plugin names (,=none|*=all). # forward # Forward to. A comma (,) separated list of plugin names (,=none|*=all). # # [messaging] # # uuid # The (optional) agent identity. This value also specifies the queue name. # url # The (optional) broker connection URL. # cacert # The (optional) SSL CA certificate used to validate the server certificate. # clientcert # The (optional) SSL client certificate. PEM encoded and contains both key and certificate. # host_validation # The (optional) flag indicates SSL host validation should be performed. # authenticator # The (optional) fully qualified Authenticator to be loaded from the PYTHON path. # # [model] # # managed # The (optional) level of broker model management. Default: 2. # - 0 = none # - 1 = declare and bind queue. # - 2 = declare and bind queue; drain and delete queue on explicit detach. # queue # The (optional) AMQP queue name. This has precedent over uuid. # Format: <exchange>/<queue> where *exchange* is optional. # expiration # The (optional) auto-deleted queue expiration (seconds). # PLUGIN_SCHEMA = ( ('main', REQUIRED, ( ('enabled', REQUIRED, BOOL), ('name', OPTIONAL, ANY), ('plugin', OPTIONAL, ANY), ('threads', OPTIONAL, NUMBER), ('accept', OPTIONAL, ANY), ('forward', OPTIONAL, ANY), ) ), ('messaging', REQUIRED, ( ('url', OPTIONAL, ANY), ('uuid', OPTIONAL, ANY), ('cacert', OPTIONAL, ANY), ('clientcert', OPTIONAL, ANY), ('clientkey', OPTIONAL, ANY), ('host_validation', OPTIONAL, BOOL), ('authenticator', OPTIONAL, ANY), ) ), ('model', OPTIONAL, ( ('managed', OPTIONAL, '(0|1|2)'), ('queue', OPTIONAL, ANY), ('expiration', OPTIONAL, NUMBER) ) ), ) AGENT_DEFAULTS = { 'management': { 'enabled': '0', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': '5650', }, 'logging': { }, 'pam': { 'service': 'passwd' } } PLUGIN_DEFAULTS = { 'main': { 'enabled': '0', 'threads': '1', 'accept': ',', 'forward': ',' }, 'messaging': { }, 'model': { 'managed': '2' } } class AgentConfig(Graph): """ The gofer agent configuration. :cvar PATH: The absolute path to the config directory. :type PATH: str """ __metaclass__ = Singleton PATH = '/etc/%s/agent.conf' % NAME def __init__(self, path=None): """ Read the configuration. """ conf = Config(AGENT_DEFAULTS, path or AgentConfig.PATH) conf.validate(AGENT_SCHEMA) Graph.__init__(self, conf)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Reis # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields, orm class ProjectProject(orm.Model): _inherit = 'project.project' _columns = { 'use_analytic_account': fields.selection( [('no', 'No'), ('yes', 'Optional'), ('req', 'Required')], 'Use Analytic Account'), } _defaults = { 'use_analytic_account': 'no', } class ProjectTask(orm.Model): """ Add related ``Analytic Account`` and service ``Location``. A Location can be any Contact Partner of the AA's Partner. Other logic is possible, such as maintaining a specific list of service addresses for each Contract, but that's out of scope here - modules implementing these other possibilities are very welcome. """ _inherit = 'project.task' _columns = { 'analytic_account_id': fields.many2one( 'account.analytic.account', 'Contract/Analytic', domain="[('type','in',['normal','contract'])]"), 'location_id': fields.many2one( 'res.partner', 'Location', domain="[('parent_id','child_of',partner_id)]"), 'use_analytic_account': fields.related( 'project_id', 'use_analytic_account', type='char', string="Use Analytic Account"), 'project_code': fields.related( 'project_id', 'code', type='char', string="Project Code"), } def onchange_project(self, cr, uid, id, project_id, context=None): # on_change is necessary to populate fields on Create, before saving try: # try applying a parent's onchange, may it exist res = super(ProjectTask, self).onchange_project( cr, uid, id, project_id, context=context) or {} except AttributeError: res = {} if project_id: obj = self.pool.get('project.project').browse( cr, uid, project_id, context=context) res.setdefault('value', {}) res['value']['use_analytic_account'] = ( obj.use_analytic_account or 'no') return res def onchange_analytic(self, cr, uid, id, analytic_id, context=None): res = {} model = self.pool.get('account.analytic.account') obj = model.browse(cr, uid, analytic_id, context=context) if obj: # "contact_id" and "department_id" may be provided by other modules fldmap = [ # analytic_account field -> task field ('partner_id', 'partner_id'), ('contact_id', 'location_id'), ('department_id', 'department_id')] res['value'] = {dest: getattr(obj, orig).id for orig, dest in fldmap if hasattr(obj, orig) and getattr(obj, orig)} return res
from __future__ import unicode_literals import logging from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.gis import gdal from django.contrib.gis.geos import GEOSException, GEOSGeometry from django.forms.widgets import Widget from django.template import loader from django.utils import six, translation logger = logging.getLogger('django.contrib.gis') class BaseGeometryWidget(Widget): """ The base class for rich geometry widgets. Renders a map using the WKT of the geometry. """ geom_type = 'GEOMETRY' map_srid = 4326 map_width = 600 map_height = 400 display_raw = False supports_3d = False template_name = '' # set on subclasses def __init__(self, attrs=None): self.attrs = {} for key in ('geom_type', 'map_srid', 'map_width', 'map_height', 'display_raw'): self.attrs[key] = getattr(self, key) if attrs: self.attrs.update(attrs) def serialize(self, value): return value.wkt if value else '' def deserialize(self, value): try: return GEOSGeometry(value, self.map_srid) except (GEOSException, ValueError) as err: logger.error( "Error creating geometry from value '%s' (%s)" % ( value, err) ) return None def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): # If a string reaches here (via a validation error on another # field) then just reconstruct the Geometry. if isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = self.deserialize(value) if value: # Check that srid of value and map match if value.srid != self.map_srid: try: ogr = value.ogr ogr.transform(self.map_srid) value = ogr except gdal.GDALException as err: logger.error( "Error transforming geometry from srid '%s' to srid '%s' (%s)" % ( value.srid, self.map_srid, err) ) context = self.build_attrs( attrs, name=name, module='geodjango_%s' % name.replace('-', '_'), # JS-safe serialized=self.serialize(value), geom_type=gdal.OGRGeomType(self.attrs['geom_type']), STATIC_URL=settings.STATIC_URL, LANGUAGE_BIDI=translation.get_language_bidi(), ) return loader.render_to_string(self.template_name, context) class OpenLayersWidget(BaseGeometryWidget): template_name = 'gis/openlayers.html' class Media: js = ( '', 'gis/js/OLMapWidget.js', ) class OSMWidget(BaseGeometryWidget): """ An OpenLayers/OpenStreetMap-based widget. """ template_name = 'gis/openlayers-osm.html' default_lon = 5 default_lat = 47 class Media: js = ( '', '', 'gis/js/OLMapWidget.js', ) def __init__(self, attrs=None): super(OSMWidget, self).__init__() for key in ('default_lon', 'default_lat'): self.attrs[key] = getattr(self, key) if attrs: self.attrs.update(attrs) @property def map_srid(self): # Use the official spherical mercator projection SRID when GDAL is # available; otherwise, fallback to 900913. if gdal.HAS_GDAL: return 3857 else: return 900913
# Copyright (c) 2012 Mitch Garnaat # Copyright (c) 2012, Inc. or its affiliates. # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Check that all of the certs on SQS endpoints validate. """ import unittest from tests.integration import ServiceCertVerificationTest import boto.s3 class S3CertVerificationTest(unittest.TestCase, ServiceCertVerificationTest): s3 = True regions = boto.s3.regions() def sample_service_call(self, conn): conn.get_all_buckets()
# Copyright 2011, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """A simple load tester for WebSocket clients. A client program sends a message formatted as "<time> <count> <message>" to this handler. This handler starts sending total <count> WebSocket messages containing <message> every <time> seconds. <time> can be a floating point value. <count> must be an integer value. """ import time def web_socket_do_extra_handshake(request): pass # Always accept. def web_socket_transfer_data(request): line = request.ws_stream.receive_message() parts = line.split(' ') if len(parts) != 3: raise ValueError('Bad parameter format') wait = float(parts[0]) count = int(parts[1]) message = parts[2] for i in xrange(count): request.ws_stream.send_message(message) time.sleep(wait) # vi:sts=4 sw=4 et
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Probability Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ """Testing the TFP Hypothesis strategies. (As opposed to using them to test other things). """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from absl.testing import parameterized import hypothesis as hp from hypothesis import strategies as hps import numpy as np import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf from tensorflow_probability.python.internal import hypothesis_testlib as tfp_hps from tensorflow_probability.python.internal import test_util @test_util.test_all_tf_execution_regimes class HypothesisTestlibTest(test_util.TestCase): @parameterized.parameters((support,) for support in tfp_hps.ALL_SUPPORTS) @hp.given( @tfp_hps.tfp_hp_settings() def testTensorsInSupportsAlwaysFinite(self, support, data): try: result_ = data.draw(tfp_hps.tensors_in_support(support)) except NotImplementedError: # Constraint class doesn't have a constrainer function at all, so this # test is moot. return result = self.evaluate(result_) self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isfinite(result))) if __name__ == '__main__': tf.test.main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Invenio. # Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """Invenio Bibliographic Tasklet BibTask. This is a particular BibTask that execute tasklets, which can be any function dropped into ``<package>.tasklets`` where ``<package>`` is defined in ``PACKAGES``. """ from __future__ import print_function import sys from invenio.version import __version__ from invenio.legacy.bibsched.bibtask import ( task_init, write_message, task_set_option, task_get_option, task_update_progress) from invenio.utils.autodiscovery.helpers import get_callable_documentation from invenio.utils.autodiscovery.checkers import check_arguments_compatibility from invenio.modules.scheduler.registry import tasklets _TASKLETS = tasklets def cli_list_tasklets(): """Print the list of available tasklets and broken tasklets.""" print("""Available tasklets:""") for tasklet in _TASKLETS.values(): print(get_callable_documentation(tasklet)) sys.exit(0) def task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter(key, value, dummy_opts, dummy_args): """Check meaning of given string key. Eventually use the value for check. Usually it fills some key in the options dict. It must return True if it has elaborated the key, False, if it doesn't know that key. Example: .. code-block:: python if key in ('-n', '--number'): task_set_option('number', value) return True return False """ if key in ('-T', '--tasklet'): task_set_option('tasklet', value) return True elif key in ('-a', '--argument'): arguments = task_get_option('arguments', {}) try: key, value = value.split('=', 1) except NameError: print('ERROR: an argument must be in the form ' 'param=value, not "%s"' % (value, ), file=sys.stderr) return False arguments[key] = value task_set_option('arguments', arguments) return True elif key in ('-l', '--list-tasklets'): cli_list_tasklets() return True return False def task_submit_check_options(): """Check if a tasklet has been specified and the parameters are good.""" tasklet = task_get_option('tasklet', None) arguments = task_get_option('arguments', {}) if not tasklet: print('ERROR: no tasklet specified', file=sys.stderr) return False elif tasklet not in _TASKLETS: print('ERROR: "%s" is not a valid tasklet. Use ' '--list-tasklets to obtain a list of the working tasklets.' % tasklet, file=sys.stderr) return False else: try: check_arguments_compatibility(_TASKLETS[tasklet], arguments) except ValueError as err: print('ERROR: wrong arguments (%s) specified for ' 'tasklet "%s": %s' % ( arguments, tasklet, err), file=sys.stderr) return False return True def task_run_core(): """Run the specific tasklet.""" tasklet = task_get_option('tasklet') arguments = task_get_option('arguments', {}) write_message('Starting tasklet "%s" (with arguments %s)' % ( tasklet, arguments)) task_update_progress('%s started' % tasklet) ret = _TASKLETS[tasklet](**arguments) task_update_progress('%s finished' % tasklet) write_message('Finished tasklet "%s" (with arguments %s)' % ( tasklet, arguments)) if ret is not None: return ret return True def main(): """Main body of bibtasklet.""" task_init( authorization_action='runbibtasklet', authorization_msg="BibTaskLet Task Submission", help_specific_usage="""\ -T, --tasklet Execute the specific tasklet -a, --argument Specify an argument to be passed to tasklet in the form param=value, e.g. --argument foo=bar -l, --list-tasklets List the existing tasklets """, version=__version__, specific_params=("T:a:l", ["tasklet=", "argument=", "list-tasklets"]), task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter_fnc=( task_submit_elaborate_specific_parameter ), task_run_fnc=task_run_core, task_submit_check_options_fnc=task_submit_check_options)
from os import listdir, path from types import GeneratorType import six from pyinfra import logger, pseudo_inventory from pyinfra.api.inventory import Inventory from pyinfra_cli.util import exec_file # Hosts in an inventory can be just the hostname or a tuple (hostname, data) ALLOWED_HOST_TYPES = tuple( six.string_types + (tuple,), ) def _is_inventory_group(key, value): ''' Verify that a module-level variable (key = value) is a valid inventory group. ''' if ( key.startswith('_') or not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, GeneratorType)) ): return False # If the group is a tuple of (hosts, data), check the hosts if isinstance(value, tuple): value = value[0] # Expand any generators of hosts if isinstance(value, GeneratorType): value = list(value) return all( isinstance(item, ALLOWED_HOST_TYPES) for item in value ) def _get_group_data(deploy_dir): group_data = {} group_data_directory = path.join(deploy_dir, 'group_data') if path.exists(group_data_directory): files = listdir(group_data_directory) for file in files: if not file.endswith('.py'): continue group_data_file = path.join(group_data_directory, file) group_name = path.basename(file)[:-3] logger.debug('Looking for group data in: {0}'.format(group_data_file)) # Read the files locals into a dict attrs = exec_file(group_data_file, return_locals=True) keys = attrs.get('__all__', attrs.keys()) group_data[group_name] = { key: value for key, value in six.iteritems(attrs) if key in keys and not key.startswith('_') } return group_data def _get_groups_from_filename(inventory_filename): attrs = exec_file(inventory_filename, return_locals=True) return { key: value for key, value in six.iteritems(attrs) if _is_inventory_group(key, value) } def make_inventory( inventory_filename, deploy_dir=None, ssh_port=None, ssh_user=None, ssh_key=None, ssh_key_password=None, ssh_password=None, winrm_username=None, winrm_password=None, winrm_port=None, winrm_transport=None, ): ''' Builds a ``pyinfra.api.Inventory`` from the filesystem. If the file does not exist and doesn't contain a / attempts to use that as the only hostname. ''' if ssh_port is not None: ssh_port = int(ssh_port) file_groupname = None # If we're not a valid file we assume a list of comma separated hostnames if not path.exists(inventory_filename): groups = { 'all': inventory_filename.split(','), } else: groups = _get_groups_from_filename(inventory_filename) # Used to set all the hosts to an additional group - that of the filename # ie inventories/ means all the hosts are in the dev group, if not present file_groupname = path.basename(inventory_filename).rsplit('.', 1)[0] all_data = {} if 'all' in groups: all_hosts = groups.pop('all') if isinstance(all_hosts, tuple): all_hosts, all_data = all_hosts # Build all out of the existing hosts if not defined else: all_hosts = [] for hosts in groups.values(): # Groups can be a list of hosts or tuple of (hosts, data) hosts = hosts[0] if isinstance(hosts, tuple) else hosts for host in hosts: # Hosts can be a hostname or tuple of (hostname, data) hostname = host[0] if isinstance(host, tuple) else host if hostname not in all_hosts: all_hosts.append(hostname) groups['all'] = (all_hosts, all_data) # Apply the filename group if not already defined if file_groupname and file_groupname not in groups: groups[file_groupname] = all_hosts # In pyinfra an inventory is a combination of (hostnames + data). However, in CLI # mode we want to be define this in separate files (inventory / group data). The # issue is we want inventory access within the group data files - but at this point # we're not ready to make an Inventory. So here we just create a fake one, and # attach it to pseudo_inventory while we import the data files. logger.debug('Creating fake inventory...') fake_groups = { # In API mode groups *must* be tuples of (hostnames, data) name: group if isinstance(group, tuple) else (group, {}) for name, group in six.iteritems(groups) } fake_inventory = Inventory((all_hosts, all_data), **fake_groups) pseudo_inventory.set(fake_inventory) # Get all group data (group_data/*.py) group_data = _get_group_data(deploy_dir) # Reset the pseudo inventory pseudo_inventory.reset() # For each group load up any data for name, hosts in six.iteritems(groups): data = {} if isinstance(hosts, tuple): hosts, data = hosts if name in group_data: data.update(group_data.pop(name)) # Attach to group object groups[name] = (hosts, data) # Loop back through any leftover group data and create an empty (for now) # group - this is because inventory @connectors can attach arbitrary groups # to hosts, so we need to support that. for name, data in six.iteritems(group_data): groups[name] = ([], data) return Inventory( groups.pop('all'), ssh_user=ssh_user, ssh_key=ssh_key, ssh_key_password=ssh_key_password, ssh_port=ssh_port, ssh_password=ssh_password, winrm_username=winrm_username, winrm_password=winrm_password, winrm_port=winrm_port, winrm_transport=winrm_transport, **groups ), file_groupname and file_groupname.lower()
from enigma import eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite, eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial, eDVBFrontendParametersCable, eDVBFrontendParameters, eDVBResourceManager, eTimer class Tuner: def __init__(self, frontend, ignore_rotor=False): self.frontend = frontend self.ignore_rotor = ignore_rotor # transponder = (frequency, symbolrate, polarisation, fec, inversion, orbpos, system, modulation, rolloff, pilot, tsid, onid) # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 def tune(self, transponder): if self.frontend: print "[TuneTest] tuning to transponder with data", transponder parm = eDVBFrontendParametersSatellite() parm.frequency = transponder[0] * 1000 parm.symbol_rate = transponder[1] * 1000 parm.polarisation = transponder[2] parm.fec = transponder[3] parm.inversion = transponder[4] parm.orbital_position = transponder[5] parm.system = transponder[6] parm.modulation = transponder[7] parm.rolloff = transponder[8] parm.pilot = transponder[9] self.tuneSatObj(parm) def tuneSatObj(self, transponderObj): if self.frontend: feparm = eDVBFrontendParameters() feparm.setDVBS(transponderObj, self.ignore_rotor) self.lastparm = feparm self.frontend.tune(feparm) def tuneTerr(self, frequency, inversion=2, bandwidth = 7000000, fechigh = 6, feclow = 6, modulation = 2, transmission = 2, guard = 4, hierarchy = 4, system = 0, plpid = 0): if self.frontend: print "[TuneTest] tuning to transponder with data", [frequency, inversion, bandwidth, fechigh, feclow, modulation, transmission, guard, hierarchy, system, plpid] parm = eDVBFrontendParametersTerrestrial() parm.frequency = frequency parm.inversion = inversion parm.bandwidth = bandwidth parm.code_rate_HP = fechigh parm.code_rate_LP = feclow parm.modulation = modulation parm.transmission_mode = transmission parm.guard_interval = guard parm.hierarchy = hierarchy parm.system = system parm.plpid = plpid self.tuneTerrObj(parm) def tuneTerrObj(self, transponderObj): if self.frontend: feparm = eDVBFrontendParameters() feparm.setDVBT(transponderObj) self.lastparm = feparm self.frontend.tune(feparm) def tuneCab(self, transponder): if self.frontend: print "[TuneTest] tuning to transponder with data", transponder parm = eDVBFrontendParametersCable() parm.frequency = transponder[0] parm.symbol_rate = transponder[1] parm.modulation = transponder[2] parm.fec_inner = transponder[3] parm.inversion = transponder[4] #parm.system = transponder[5] self.tuneCabObj(parm) def tuneCabObj(self, transponderObj): if self.frontend: feparm = eDVBFrontendParameters() feparm.setDVBC(transponderObj) self.lastparm = feparm self.frontend.tune(feparm) def retune(self): if self.frontend: self.frontend.tune(self.lastparm) def getTransponderData(self): ret = { } if self.frontend: self.frontend.getTransponderData(ret, True) return ret # tunes a list of transponders and checks, if they lock and optionally checks the onid/tsid combination # 1) add transponders with addTransponder() # 2) call run(<checkPIDs = True>) # 3) finishedChecking() is called, when the run is finished class TuneTest: def __init__(self, feid, stopOnSuccess = -1, stopOnError = -1): self.stopOnSuccess = stopOnSuccess self.stopOnError = stopOnError self.feid = feid self.transponderlist = [] self.currTuned = None print "TuneTest for feid %d" % self.feid if not self.openFrontend(): self.oldref = self.session.nav.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceOrGroup() self.session.nav.stopService() # try to disable foreground service if not self.openFrontend(): if self.session.pipshown: # try to disable pip if hasattr(self.session, 'infobar'): if self.session.infobar.servicelist.dopipzap: self.session.infobar.servicelist.togglePipzap() if hasattr(self.session, 'pip'): del self.session.pip self.session.pipshown = False if not self.openFrontend(): self.frontend = None # in normal case this should not happen self.tuner = Tuner(self.frontend) self.timer = eTimer() self.timer.callback.append(self.updateStatus) def gotTsidOnid(self, tsid, onid): print "******** got tsid, onid:", tsid, onid if tsid is not -1 and onid is not -1: self.pidStatus = self.INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL self.tsid = tsid self.onid = onid else: self.pidStatus = self.INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_FAILED self.tsid = -1 self.onid = -1 self.timer.start(100, True) def updateStatus(self): dict = {} self.frontend.getFrontendStatus(dict) stop = False print "status:", dict if dict["tuner_state"] == "TUNING": print "TUNING" self.timer.start(100, True) self.progressCallback((self.getProgressLength(), self.tuningtransponder, self.STATUS_TUNING, self.currTuned)) elif self.checkPIDs and self.pidStatus == self.INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_NOOP: print "2nd choice" if dict["tuner_state"] == "LOCKED": print "acquiring TSID/ONID" self.raw_channel.receivedTsidOnid.get().append(self.gotTsidOnid) self.raw_channel.requestTsidOnid() self.pidStatus = self.INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_WAITING else: self.pidStatus = self.INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_FAILED elif self.checkPIDs and self.pidStatus == self.INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_WAITING: print "waiting for pids" else: if dict["tuner_state"] == "LOSTLOCK" or dict["tuner_state"] == "FAILED": self.tuningtransponder = self.nextTransponder() self.failedTune.append([self.currTuned, self.oldTuned, "tune_failed", dict]) # last parameter is the frontend status) if self.stopOnError != -1 and self.stopOnError <= len(self.failedTune): stop = True elif dict["tuner_state"] == "LOCKED": pidsFailed = False if self.checkPIDs: if self.currTuned is not None: if self.tsid != self.currTuned[10] or self.onid != self.currTuned[11]: self.failedTune.append([self.currTuned, self.oldTuned, "pids_failed", {"real": (self.tsid, self.onid), "expected": (self.currTuned[10], self.currTuned[11])}, dict]) # last parameter is the frontend status pidsFailed = True else: self.successfullyTune.append([self.currTuned, self.oldTuned, dict]) # 3rd parameter is the frontend status if self.stopOnSuccess != -1 and self.stopOnSuccess <= len(self.successfullyTune): stop = True elif not self.checkPIDs or (self.checkPids and not pidsFailed): self.successfullyTune.append([self.currTuned, self.oldTuned, dict]) # 3rd parameter is the frontend status if self.stopOnSuccess != -1 and self.stopOnSuccess <= len(self.successfullyTune): stop = True self.tuningtransponder = self.nextTransponder() else: print "************* tuner_state:", dict["tuner_state"] self.progressCallback((self.getProgressLength(), self.tuningtransponder, self.STATUS_NOOP, self.currTuned)) if not stop: self.tune() if self.tuningtransponder < len(self.transponderlist) and not stop: if self.pidStatus != self.INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_WAITING: self.timer.start(100, True) print "restart timer" else: print "not restarting timers (waiting for pids)" else: self.progressCallback((self.getProgressLength(), len(self.transponderlist), self.STATUS_DONE, self.currTuned)) print "finishedChecking" self.finishedChecking() def firstTransponder(self): print "firstTransponder:" index = 0 if self.checkPIDs: print "checkPIDs-loop" # check for tsid != -1 and onid != -1 print "index:", index print "len(self.transponderlist):", len(self.transponderlist) while (index < len(self.transponderlist) and (self.transponderlist[index][10] == -1 or self.transponderlist[index][11] == -1)): index += 1 print "FirstTransponder final index:", index return index def nextTransponder(self): print "getting next transponder", self.tuningtransponder index = self.tuningtransponder + 1 if self.checkPIDs: print "checkPIDs-loop" # check for tsid != -1 and onid != -1 print "index:", index print "len(self.transponderlist):", len(self.transponderlist) while (index < len(self.transponderlist) and (self.transponderlist[index][10] == -1 or self.transponderlist[index][11] == -1)): index += 1 print "next transponder index:", index return index def finishedChecking(self): print "finished testing" print "successfull:", self.successfullyTune print "failed:", self.failedTune def openFrontend(self): res_mgr = eDVBResourceManager.getInstance() if res_mgr: self.raw_channel = res_mgr.allocateRawChannel(self.feid) if self.raw_channel: self.frontend = self.raw_channel.getFrontend() if self.frontend: return True else: print "getFrontend failed" else: print "getRawChannel failed" else: print "getResourceManager instance failed" return False def tune(self): print "tuning to", self.tuningtransponder if self.tuningtransponder < len(self.transponderlist): self.pidStatus = self.INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_NOOP self.oldTuned = self.currTuned self.currTuned = self.transponderlist[self.tuningtransponder] self.tuner.tune(self.transponderlist[self.tuningtransponder]) INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_NOOP = 0 INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_WAITING = 1 INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_SUCCESSFUL = 2 INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_FAILED = 3 def run(self, checkPIDs = False): self.checkPIDs = checkPIDs self.pidStatus = self.INTERNAL_PID_STATUS_NOOP self.failedTune = [] self.successfullyTune = [] self.tuningtransponder = self.firstTransponder() self.tune() self.progressCallback((self.getProgressLength(), self.tuningtransponder, self.STATUS_START, self.currTuned)) self.timer.start(100, True) # transponder = (frequency, symbolrate, polarisation, fec, inversion, orbpos, <system>, <modulation>, <rolloff>, <pilot>, <tsid>, <onid>) # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 def addTransponder(self, transponder): self.transponderlist.append(transponder) def clearTransponder(self): self.transponderlist = [] def getProgressLength(self): count = 0 if self.stopOnError == -1: count = len(self.transponderlist) else: if count < self.stopOnError: count = self.stopOnError if self.stopOnSuccess == -1: count = len(self.transponderlist) else: if count < self.stopOnSuccess: count = self.stopOnSuccess return count STATUS_START = 0 STATUS_TUNING = 1 STATUS_DONE = 2 STATUS_NOOP = 3 # can be overwritten # progress = (range, value, status, transponder) def progressCallback(self, progress): pass
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ flask.sessions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Implements cookie based sessions based on itsdangerous. :copyright: (c) 2012 by Armin Ronacher. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import uuid import hashlib from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from datetime import datetime from werkzeug.http import http_date, parse_date from werkzeug.datastructures import CallbackDict from . import Markup, json from ._compat import iteritems, text_type from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer, BadSignature def total_seconds(td): return td.days * 60 * 60 * 24 + td.seconds class SessionMixin(object): """Expands a basic dictionary with an accessors that are expected by Flask extensions and users for the session. """ def _get_permanent(self): return self.get('_permanent', False) def _set_permanent(self, value): self['_permanent'] = bool(value) #: this reflects the ``'_permanent'`` key in the dict. permanent = property(_get_permanent, _set_permanent) del _get_permanent, _set_permanent #: some session backends can tell you if a session is new, but that is #: not necessarily guaranteed. Use with caution. The default mixin #: implementation just hardcodes `False` in. new = False #: for some backends this will always be `True`, but some backends will #: default this to false and detect changes in the dictionary for as #: long as changes do not happen on mutable structures in the session. #: The default mixin implementation just hardcodes `True` in. modified = True class TaggedJSONSerializer(object): """A customized JSON serializer that supports a few extra types that we take for granted when serializing (tuples, markup objects, datetime). """ def dumps(self, value): def _tag(value): if isinstance(value, tuple): return {' t': [_tag(x) for x in value]} elif isinstance(value, uuid.UUID): return {' u': value.hex} elif isinstance(value, bytes): return {' b': b64encode(value).decode('ascii')} elif callable(getattr(value, '__html__', None)): return {' m': text_type(value.__html__())} elif isinstance(value, list): return [_tag(x) for x in value] elif isinstance(value, datetime): return {' d': http_date(value)} elif isinstance(value, dict): return dict((k, _tag(v)) for k, v in iteritems(value)) elif isinstance(value, str): try: return text_type(value) except UnicodeError: raise UnexpectedUnicodeError(u'A byte string with ' u'non-ASCII data was passed to the session system ' u'which can only store unicode strings. Consider ' u'base64 encoding your string (String was %r)' % value) return value return json.dumps(_tag(value), separators=(',', ':')) def loads(self, value): def object_hook(obj): if len(obj) != 1: return obj the_key, the_value = next(iteritems(obj)) if the_key == ' t': return tuple(the_value) elif the_key == ' u': return uuid.UUID(the_value) elif the_key == ' b': return b64decode(the_value) elif the_key == ' m': return Markup(the_value) elif the_key == ' d': return parse_date(the_value) return obj return json.loads(value, object_hook=object_hook) session_json_serializer = TaggedJSONSerializer() class SecureCookieSession(CallbackDict, SessionMixin): """Baseclass for sessions based on signed cookies.""" def __init__(self, initial=None): def on_update(self): self.modified = True CallbackDict.__init__(self, initial, on_update) self.modified = False class NullSession(SecureCookieSession): """Class used to generate nicer error messages if sessions are not available. Will still allow read-only access to the empty session but fail on setting. """ def _fail(self, *args, **kwargs): raise RuntimeError('the session is unavailable because no secret ' 'key was set. Set the secret_key on the ' 'application to something unique and secret.') __setitem__ = __delitem__ = clear = pop = popitem = \ update = setdefault = _fail del _fail class SessionInterface(object): """The basic interface you have to implement in order to replace the default session interface which uses werkzeug's securecookie implementation. The only methods you have to implement are :meth:`open_session` and :meth:`save_session`, the others have useful defaults which you don't need to change. The session object returned by the :meth:`open_session` method has to provide a dictionary like interface plus the properties and methods from the :class:`SessionMixin`. We recommend just subclassing a dict and adding that mixin:: class Session(dict, SessionMixin): pass If :meth:`open_session` returns `None` Flask will call into :meth:`make_null_session` to create a session that acts as replacement if the session support cannot work because some requirement is not fulfilled. The default :class:`NullSession` class that is created will complain that the secret key was not set. To replace the session interface on an application all you have to do is to assign :attr:`flask.Flask.session_interface`:: app = Flask(__name__) app.session_interface = MySessionInterface() .. versionadded:: 0.8 """ #: :meth:`make_null_session` will look here for the class that should #: be created when a null session is requested. Likewise the #: :meth:`is_null_session` method will perform a typecheck against #: this type. null_session_class = NullSession #: A flag that indicates if the session interface is pickle based. #: This can be used by flask extensions to make a decision in regards #: to how to deal with the session object. #: #: .. versionadded:: 0.10 pickle_based = False def make_null_session(self, app): """Creates a null session which acts as a replacement object if the real session support could not be loaded due to a configuration error. This mainly aids the user experience because the job of the null session is to still support lookup without complaining but modifications are answered with a helpful error message of what failed. This creates an instance of :attr:`null_session_class` by default. """ return self.null_session_class() def is_null_session(self, obj): """Checks if a given object is a null session. Null sessions are not asked to be saved. This checks if the object is an instance of :attr:`null_session_class` by default. """ return isinstance(obj, self.null_session_class) def get_cookie_domain(self, app): """Helpful helper method that returns the cookie domain that should be used for the session cookie if session cookies are used. """ if app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN'] is not None: return app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN'] if app.config['SERVER_NAME'] is not None: # chop of the port which is usually not supported by browsers rv = '.' + app.config['SERVER_NAME'].rsplit(':', 1)[0] # Google chrome does not like cookies set to .localhost, so # we just go with no domain then. Flask documents anyways that # cross domain cookies need a fully qualified domain name if rv == '.localhost': rv = None # If we infer the cookie domain from the server name we need # to check if we are in a subpath. In that case we can't # set a cross domain cookie. if rv is not None: path = self.get_cookie_path(app) if path != '/': rv = rv.lstrip('.') return rv def get_cookie_path(self, app): """Returns the path for which the cookie should be valid. The default implementation uses the value from the SESSION_COOKIE_PATH`` config var if it's set, and falls back to ``APPLICATION_ROOT`` or uses ``/`` if it's `None`. """ return app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_PATH'] or \ app.config['APPLICATION_ROOT'] or '/' def get_cookie_httponly(self, app): """Returns True if the session cookie should be httponly. This currently just returns the value of the ``SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY`` config var. """ return app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY'] def get_cookie_secure(self, app): """Returns True if the cookie should be secure. This currently just returns the value of the ``SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE`` setting. """ return app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE'] def get_expiration_time(self, app, session): """A helper method that returns an expiration date for the session or `None` if the session is linked to the browser session. The default implementation returns now + the permanent session lifetime configured on the application. """ if session.permanent: return datetime.utcnow() + app.permanent_session_lifetime def should_set_cookie(self, app, session): """Indicates weather a cookie should be set now or not. This is used by session backends to figure out if they should emit a set-cookie header or not. The default behavior is controlled by the ``SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST`` config variable. If it's set to `False` then a cookie is only set if the session is modified, if set to `True` it's always set if the session is permanent. This check is usually skipped if sessions get deleted. .. versionadded:: 1.0 """ if session.modified: return True save_each = app.config['SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST'] return save_each and session.permanent def open_session(self, app, request): """This method has to be implemented and must either return `None` in case the loading failed because of a configuration error or an instance of a session object which implements a dictionary like interface + the methods and attributes on :class:`SessionMixin`. """ raise NotImplementedError() def save_session(self, app, session, response): """This is called for actual sessions returned by :meth:`open_session` at the end of the request. This is still called during a request context so if you absolutely need access to the request you can do that. """ raise NotImplementedError() class SecureCookieSessionInterface(SessionInterface): """The default session interface that stores sessions in signed cookies through the :mod:`itsdangerous` module. """ #: the salt that should be applied on top of the secret key for the #: signing of cookie based sessions. salt = 'cookie-session' #: the hash function to use for the signature. The default is sha1 digest_method = staticmethod(hashlib.sha1) #: the name of the itsdangerous supported key derivation. The default #: is hmac. key_derivation = 'hmac' #: A python serializer for the payload. The default is a compact #: JSON derived serializer with support for some extra Python types #: such as datetime objects or tuples. serializer = session_json_serializer session_class = SecureCookieSession def get_signing_serializer(self, app): if not app.secret_key: return None signer_kwargs = dict( key_derivation=self.key_derivation, digest_method=self.digest_method ) return URLSafeTimedSerializer(app.secret_key, salt=self.salt, serializer=self.serializer, signer_kwargs=signer_kwargs) def open_session(self, app, request): s = self.get_signing_serializer(app) if s is None: return None val = request.cookies.get(app.session_cookie_name) if not val: return self.session_class() max_age = total_seconds(app.permanent_session_lifetime) try: data = s.loads(val, max_age=max_age) return self.session_class(data) except BadSignature: return self.session_class() def save_session(self, app, session, response): domain = self.get_cookie_domain(app) path = self.get_cookie_path(app) # Delete case. If there is no session we bail early. # If the session was modified to be empty we remove the # whole cookie. if not session: if session.modified: response.delete_cookie(app.session_cookie_name, domain=domain, path=path) return # Modification case. There are upsides and downsides to # emitting a set-cookie header each request. The behavior # is controlled by the :meth:`should_set_cookie` method # which performs a quick check to figure out if the cookie # should be set or not. This is controlled by the # SESSION_REFRESH_EACH_REQUEST config flag as well as # the permanent flag on the session itself. if not self.should_set_cookie(app, session): return httponly = self.get_cookie_httponly(app) secure = self.get_cookie_secure(app) expires = self.get_expiration_time(app, session) val = self.get_signing_serializer(app).dumps(dict(session)) response.set_cookie(app.session_cookie_name, val, expires=expires, httponly=httponly, domain=domain, path=path, secure=secure) from flask.debughelpers import UnexpectedUnicodeError
# Copyright (c) 202 Mitch Garnaat # Copyright (c) 2012, Inc. or its affiliates. # All Rights Reserved # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. class SourceAttribute(object): """ Provide information about attributes for an index field. A maximum of 20 source attributes can be configured for each index field. :ivar default: Optional default value if the source attribute is not specified in a document. :ivar name: The name of the document source field to add to this ``IndexField``. :ivar data_function: Identifies the transformation to apply when copying data from a source attribute. :ivar data_map: The value is a dict with the following keys: * cases - A dict that translates source field values to custom values. * default - An optional default value to use if the source attribute is not specified in a document. * name - the name of the document source field to add to this ``IndexField`` :ivar data_trim_title: Trims common title words from a source document attribute when populating an ``IndexField``. This can be used to create an ``IndexField`` you can use for sorting. The value is a dict with the following fields: * default - An optional default value. * language - an IETF RFC 4646 language code. * separator - The separator that follows the text to trim. * name - The name of the document source field to add. """ ValidDataFunctions = ('Copy', 'TrimTitle', 'Map') def __init__(self): self.data_copy = {} self._data_function = self.ValidDataFunctions[0] self.data_map = {} self.data_trim_title = {} @property def data_function(self): return self._data_function @data_function.setter def data_function(self, value): if value not in self.ValidDataFunctions: valid = '|'.join(self.ValidDataFunctions) raise ValueError('data_function must be one of: %s' % valid) self._data_function = value
######################## BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ######################## # The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Netscape Communications Corporation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Mark Pilgrim - port to Python # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA ######################### END LICENSE BLOCK ######################### # KOI8-R language model # Character Mapping Table: KOI8R_CharToOrderMap = ( 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,254,255,255,254,255,255, # 00 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, # 10 253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253, # 20 252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,253,253,253,253,253,253, # 30 253,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152, 74,153, 75,154, # 40 155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,253,253,253,253,253, # 50 253, 71,172, 66,173, 65,174, 76,175, 64,176,177, 77, 72,178, 69, # 60 67,179, 78, 73,180,181, 79,182,183,184,185,253,253,253,253,253, # 70 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'charToOrderMap': win1251_CharToOrderMap, 'precedenceMatrix': RussianLangModel, 'mTypicalPositiveRatio': 0.976601, 'keepEnglishLetter': False, 'charsetName': "windows-1251" } Latin5CyrillicModel = { 'charToOrderMap': latin5_CharToOrderMap, 'precedenceMatrix': RussianLangModel, 'mTypicalPositiveRatio': 0.976601, 'keepEnglishLetter': False, 'charsetName': "ISO-8859-5" } MacCyrillicModel = { 'charToOrderMap': macCyrillic_CharToOrderMap, 'precedenceMatrix': RussianLangModel, 'mTypicalPositiveRatio': 0.976601, 'keepEnglishLetter': False, 'charsetName': "MacCyrillic" }; Ibm866Model = { 'charToOrderMap': IBM866_CharToOrderMap, 'precedenceMatrix': RussianLangModel, 'mTypicalPositiveRatio': 0.976601, 'keepEnglishLetter': False, 'charsetName': "IBM866" } Ibm855Model = { 'charToOrderMap': IBM855_CharToOrderMap, 'precedenceMatrix': RussianLangModel, 'mTypicalPositiveRatio': 0.976601, 'keepEnglishLetter': False, 'charsetName': "IBM855" } # flake8: noqa
import os import testtools from jenkins_jobs.cli import entry from tests.base import LoggingFixture from tests.base import mock class CmdTestsBase(LoggingFixture, testtools.TestCase): fixtures_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures') def setUp(self): super(CmdTestsBase, self).setUp() # Testing the cmd module can sometimes result in the CacheStorage class # attempting to create the cache directory multiple times as the tests # are run in parallel. Stub out the CacheStorage to ensure that each # test can safely create the cache directory without risk of # interference. cache_patch = mock.patch('jenkins_jobs.builder.CacheStorage', autospec=True) self.cache_mock = cache_patch.start() self.addCleanup(cache_patch.stop) self.default_config_file = os.path.join(self.fixtures_path, 'empty_builder.ini') def execute_jenkins_jobs_with_args(self, args): jenkins_jobs = entry.JenkinsJobs(args) jenkins_jobs.execute() class TestCmd(CmdTestsBase): def test_with_empty_args(self): """ User passes no args, should fail with SystemExit """ with mock.patch('sys.stderr'): self.assertRaises(SystemExit, entry.JenkinsJobs, [])
#!/usr/bin/env python # Meran - MERAN UNLP is a ILS (Integrated Library System) wich provides Catalog, # Circulation and User's Management. It's written in Perl, and uses Apache2 # Web-Server, MySQL database and Sphinx 2 indexing. # Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Grupo de desarrollo de Meran CeSPI-UNLP # # This file is part of Meran. # # Meran is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Meran is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Meran. If not, see <>. # encoding: utf-8 # Meran - MERAN UNLP is a ILS (Integrated Library System) wich provides Catalog, # Circulation and User's Management. It's written in Perl, and uses Apache2 # Web-Server, MySQL database and Sphinx 2 indexing. # Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Grupo de desarrollo de Meran CeSPI-UNLP # # This file is part of Meran. # # Meran is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Meran is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Meran. If not, see <>. # Thomas Nagy, 2006 (ita) "Base for c programs/libraries" import os import TaskGen, Build, Utils, Task from Logs import debug import ccroot from TaskGen import feature, before, extension, after g_cc_flag_vars = [ 'CCDEPS', 'FRAMEWORK', 'FRAMEWORKPATH', 'STATICLIB', 'LIB', 'LIBPATH', 'LINKFLAGS', 'RPATH', 'CCFLAGS', 'CPPPATH', 'CPPFLAGS', 'CCDEFINES'] EXT_CC = ['.c'] g_cc_type_vars = ['CCFLAGS', 'LINKFLAGS'] # TODO remove in waf 1.6 class cc_taskgen(ccroot.ccroot_abstract): pass @feature('cc') @before('apply_type_vars') @after('default_cc') def init_cc(self): self.p_flag_vars = set(self.p_flag_vars).union(g_cc_flag_vars) self.p_type_vars = set(self.p_type_vars).union(g_cc_type_vars) if not self.env['CC_NAME']: raise Utils.WafError("At least one compiler (gcc, ..) must be selected") @feature('cc') @after('apply_incpaths') def apply_obj_vars_cc(self): """after apply_incpaths for INC_PATHS""" env = self.env app = env.append_unique cpppath_st = env['CPPPATH_ST'] # local flags come first # set the user-defined includes paths for i in env['INC_PATHS']: app('_CCINCFLAGS', cpppath_st % i.bldpath(env)) app('_CCINCFLAGS', cpppath_st % i.srcpath(env)) # set the library include paths for i in env['CPPPATH']: app('_CCINCFLAGS', cpppath_st % i) @feature('cc') @after('apply_lib_vars') def apply_defines_cc(self): """after uselib is set for CCDEFINES""" self.defines = getattr(self, 'defines', []) lst = self.to_list(self.defines) + self.to_list(self.env['CCDEFINES']) milst = [] # now process the local defines for defi in lst: if not defi in milst: milst.append(defi) # CCDEFINES_ libs = self.to_list(self.uselib) for l in libs: val = self.env['CCDEFINES_'+l] if val: milst += val self.env['DEFLINES'] = ["%s %s" % (x[0], Utils.trimquotes('='.join(x[1:]))) for x in [y.split('=') for y in milst]] y = self.env['CCDEFINES_ST'] self.env['_CCDEFFLAGS'] = [y%x for x in milst] @extension(EXT_CC) def c_hook(self, node): # create the compilation task: cpp or cc if getattr(self, 'obj_ext', None): obj_ext = self.obj_ext else: obj_ext = '_%d.o' % self.idx task = self.create_task('cc', node, node.change_ext(obj_ext)) try: self.compiled_tasks.append(task) except AttributeError: raise Utils.WafError('Have you forgotten to set the feature "cc" on %s?' % str(self)) return task cc_str = '${CC} ${CCFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${_CCINCFLAGS} ${_CCDEFFLAGS} ${CC_SRC_F}${SRC} ${CC_TGT_F}${TGT}' cls = Task.simple_task_type('cc', cc_str, 'GREEN', ext_out='.o', ext_in='.c', shell=False) cls.scan = ccroot.scan cls.vars.append('CCDEPS') link_str = '${LINK_CC} ${CCLNK_SRC_F}${SRC} ${CCLNK_TGT_F}${TGT[0].abspath(env)} ${LINKFLAGS}' cls = Task.simple_task_type('cc_link', link_str, color='YELLOW', ext_in='.o', ext_out='.bin', shell=False) cls.maxjobs = 1 cls.install = Utils.nada
Enum DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- EXPORTS P1, P2; -- F.2.3.1 -- Use an enumerated type to model the values of a variable -- with three or more states. -- Assign values starting with zero if their only -- constraint is distinctness. -- EXAMPLE DayOfTheWeek ::= ENUMERATED {sunday(0), monday(1), tuesday(2), wednesday(3), thursday(4), friday(5), saturday(6)} firstDay DayOfTheWeek ::= sunday -- F.2.3.2 -- Use an enumerated type to model the values of a variable that -- has just two states now, -- but that may have additional states in a future version of the protocol. -- EXAMPLE MaritalStatus ::= ENUMERATED {single(0), married(1)} -- in anticipation of MaritalStatus2 ::= ENUMERATED {single(0), married(1), widowed(2)} E1 ::= ENUMERATED {blue,green,yellow} E2 ::= ENUMERATED {monday(0),thuesday(1),wednesday(2),thursday(3),friday(4)} E3 ::= ENUMERATED {monday,thuesday(0)} S ::= SEQUENCE { e1 ENUMERATED {hej,hopp}, e2 [2] EXPLICIT ENUMERATED {san,sa} } enumVal E3 ::= monday --enumWrongVal E3 ::= sunday END
# pylint: disable-msg=W0401,W0511,W0611,W0612,W0614,R0201,E1102 """Tests suite for MaskedArray & subclassing. :author: Pierre Gerard-Marchant :contact: pierregm_at_uga_dot_edu """ __author__ = "Pierre GF Gerard-Marchant" import types import warnings import numpy as np import numpy.core.fromnumeric as fromnumeric from numpy import ndarray from import * import from import * from numpy.compat import asbytes, asbytes_nested pi = np.pi import sys if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from functools import reduce if sys.platform == 'cli': def arand(shape): import random result = np.empty(shape, 'd') result.flat = [ random.random() for i in range(result.size) ] return result def uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, aize=1): import random result = np.empty(size, 'd') d = high-low result.flat = [ random.random()*d+low for i in range(result.size) ] return result else: arand = np.random.rand uniform = np.random.uniform #.............................................................................. class TestMaskedArray(TestCase): "Base test class for MaskedArrays." def setUp (self): "Base data definition." x = np.array([1., 1., 1., -2., pi / 2.0, 4., 5., -10., 10., 1., 2., 3.]) y = np.array([5., 0., 3., 2., -1., -4., 0., -10., 10., 1., 0., 3.]) a10 = 10. m1 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] m2 = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 1] xm = masked_array(x, mask=m1) ym = masked_array(y, mask=m2) z = np.array([-.5, 0., .5, .8]) zm = masked_array(z, mask=[0, 1, 0, 0]) xf = np.where(m1, 1e+20, x) xm.set_fill_value(1e+20) self.d = (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) def test_basicattributes(self): "Tests some basic array attributes." a = array([1, 3, 2]) b = array([1, 3, 2], mask=[1, 0, 1]) assert_equal(a.ndim, 1) assert_equal(b.ndim, 1) assert_equal(a.size, 3) assert_equal(b.size, 3) assert_equal(a.shape, (3,)) assert_equal(b.shape, (3,)) def test_basic0d(self): "Checks masking a scalar" x = masked_array(0) assert_equal(str(x), '0') x = masked_array(0, mask=True) assert_equal(str(x), str(masked_print_option)) x = masked_array(0, mask=False) assert_equal(str(x), '0') x = array(0, mask=1) self.assertTrue(x.filled().dtype is x._data.dtype) def test_basic1d(self): "Test of basic array creation and properties in 1 dimension." (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d self.assertTrue(not isMaskedArray(x)) self.assertTrue(isMaskedArray(xm)) self.assertTrue((xm - ym).filled(0).any()) fail_if_equal(xm.mask.astype(int), ym.mask.astype(int)) s = x.shape assert_equal(np.shape(xm), s) assert_equal(xm.shape, s) assert_equal(xm.dtype, x.dtype) assert_equal(zm.dtype, z.dtype) assert_equal(xm.size , reduce(lambda x, y:x * y, s)) assert_equal(count(xm) , len(m1) - reduce(lambda x, y:x + y, m1)) assert_array_equal(xm, xf) assert_array_equal(filled(xm, 1.e20), xf) assert_array_equal(x, xm) def test_basic2d(self): "Test of basic array creation and properties in 2 dimensions." (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d for s in [(4, 3), (6, 2)]: x.shape = s y.shape = s xm.shape = s ym.shape = s xf.shape = s # self.assertTrue(not isMaskedArray(x)) self.assertTrue(isMaskedArray(xm)) assert_equal(shape(xm), s) assert_equal(xm.shape, s) assert_equal(xm.size , reduce(lambda x, y:x * y, s)) assert_equal(count(xm) , len(m1) - reduce(lambda x, y:x + y, m1)) assert_equal(xm, xf) assert_equal(filled(xm, 1.e20), xf) assert_equal(x, xm) def test_concatenate_basic(self): "Tests concatenations." (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d # basic concatenation assert_equal(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, ym))) assert_equal(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((x, y))) assert_equal(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, y))) assert_equal(np.concatenate((x, y, x)), concatenate((x, ym, x))) def test_concatenate_alongaxis(self): "Tests concatenations." (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d # Concatenation along an axis s = (3, 4) x.shape = y.shape = xm.shape = ym.shape = s assert_equal(xm.mask, np.reshape(m1, s)) assert_equal(ym.mask, np.reshape(m2, s)) xmym = concatenate((xm, ym), 1) assert_equal(np.concatenate((x, y), 1), xmym) assert_equal(np.concatenate((xm.mask, ym.mask), 1), xmym._mask) # x = zeros(2) y = array(ones(2), mask=[False, True]) z = concatenate((x, y)) assert_array_equal(z, [0, 0, 1, 1]) assert_array_equal(z.mask, [False, False, False, True]) z = concatenate((y, x)) assert_array_equal(z, [1, 1, 0, 0]) assert_array_equal(z.mask, [False, True, False, False]) def test_concatenate_flexible(self): "Tests the concatenation on flexible arrays." data = masked_array(zip(arand(10), np.arange(10)), dtype=[('a', float), ('b', int)]) # test = concatenate([data[:5], data[5:]]) assert_equal_records(test, data) def test_creation_ndmin(self): "Check the use of ndmin" x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0], ndmin=2) assert_equal(x.shape, (1, 3)) assert_equal(x._data, [[1, 2, 3]]) assert_equal(x._mask, [[1, 0, 0]]) def test_creation_ndmin_from_maskedarray(self): "Make sure we're not losing the original mask w/ ndmin" x = array([1, 2, 3]) x[-1] = masked xx = array(x, ndmin=2, dtype=float) assert_equal(x.shape, x._mask.shape) assert_equal(xx.shape, xx._mask.shape) def test_creation_maskcreation(self): "Tests how masks are initialized at the creation of Maskedarrays." data = arange(24, dtype=float) data[[3, 6, 15]] = masked dma_1 = MaskedArray(data) assert_equal(dma_1.mask, data.mask) dma_2 = MaskedArray(dma_1) assert_equal(dma_2.mask, dma_1.mask) dma_3 = MaskedArray(dma_1, mask=[1, 0, 0, 0] * 6) fail_if_equal(dma_3.mask, dma_1.mask) def test_creation_with_list_of_maskedarrays(self): "Tests creaating a masked array from alist of masked arrays." x = array(np.arange(5), mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) data = array((x, x[::-1])) assert_equal(data, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]]) assert_equal(data._mask, [[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]) # x.mask = nomask data = array((x, x[::-1])) assert_equal(data, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]]) self.assertTrue(data.mask is nomask) def test_asarray(self): (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d xm.fill_value = -9999 xm._hardmask = True xmm = asarray(xm) assert_equal(xmm._data, xm._data) assert_equal(xmm._mask, xm._mask) assert_equal(xmm.fill_value, xm.fill_value) assert_equal(xmm._hardmask, xm._hardmask) def test_fix_invalid(self): "Checks fix_invalid." err_status_ini = np.geterr() try: np.seterr(invalid='ignore') data = masked_array([np.nan, 0., 1.], mask=[0, 0, 1]) data_fixed = fix_invalid(data) assert_equal(data_fixed._data, [data.fill_value, 0., 1.]) assert_equal(data_fixed._mask, [1., 0., 1.]) finally: np.seterr(**err_status_ini) def test_maskedelement(self): "Test of masked element" x = arange(6) x[1] = masked self.assertTrue(str(masked) == '--') self.assertTrue(x[1] is masked) assert_equal(filled(x[1], 0), 0) # don't know why these should raise an exception... #self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda x,y: x+y, masked, masked) #self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda x,y: x+y, masked, 2) #self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda x,y: x+y, masked, xx) #self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda x,y: x+y, xx, masked) def test_set_element_as_object(self): """Tests setting elements with object""" a = empty(1, dtype=object) x = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) a[0] = x assert_equal(a[0], x) self.assertTrue(a[0] is x) # import datetime dt = a[0] = dt self.assertTrue(a[0] is dt) def test_indexing(self): "Tests conversions and indexing" x1 = np.array([1, 2, 4, 3]) x2 = array(x1, mask=[1, 0, 0, 0]) x3 = array(x1, mask=[0, 1, 0, 1]) x4 = array(x1) # test conversion to strings junk, garbage = str(x2), repr(x2) assert_equal(np.sort(x1), sort(x2, endwith=False)) # tests of indexing assert type(x2[1]) is type(x1[1]) assert x1[1] == x2[1] assert x2[0] is masked assert_equal(x1[2], x2[2]) assert_equal(x1[2:5], x2[2:5]) assert_equal(x1[:], x2[:]) assert_equal(x1[1:], x3[1:]) x1[2] = 9 x2[2] = 9 assert_equal(x1, x2) x1[1:3] = 99 x2[1:3] = 99 assert_equal(x1, x2) x2[1] = masked assert_equal(x1, x2) x2[1:3] = masked assert_equal(x1, x2) x2[:] = x1 x2[1] = masked assert allequal(getmask(x2), array([0, 1, 0, 0])) x3[:] = masked_array([1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 1, 0]) assert allequal(getmask(x3), array([0, 1, 1, 0])) x4[:] = masked_array([1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 1, 0]) assert allequal(getmask(x4), array([0, 1, 1, 0])) assert allequal(x4, array([1, 2, 3, 4])) x1 = np.arange(5) * 1.0 x2 = masked_values(x1, 3.0) assert_equal(x1, x2) assert allequal(array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0], MaskType), x2.mask) assert_equal(3.0, x2.fill_value) x1 = array([1, 'hello', 2, 3], object) x2 = np.array([1, 'hello', 2, 3], object) s1 = x1[1] s2 = x2[1] assert_equal(type(s2), str) assert_equal(type(s1), str) assert_equal(s1, s2) assert x1[1:1].shape == (0,) def test_copy(self): "Tests of some subtle points of copying and sizing." n = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0] m = make_mask(n) m2 = make_mask(m) self.assertTrue(m is m2) m3 = make_mask(m, copy=1) self.assertTrue(m is not m3) warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) x1 = np.arange(5) y1 = array(x1, mask=m) #self.assertTrue( y1._data is x1) assert_equal(y1._data.__array_interface__, x1.__array_interface__) self.assertTrue(allequal(x1, y1.raw_data())) #self.assertTrue( y1.mask is m) assert_equal(y1._mask.__array_interface__, m.__array_interface__) warnings.resetwarnings() y1a = array(y1) #self.assertTrue( y1a.raw_data() is y1.raw_data()) self.assertTrue(y1a._data.__array_interface__ == y1._data.__array_interface__) self.assertTrue(y1a.mask is y1.mask) y2 = array(x1, mask=m) #self.assertTrue( y2.raw_data() is x1) self.assertTrue(y2._data.__array_interface__ == x1.__array_interface__) #self.assertTrue( y2.mask is m) self.assertTrue(y2._mask.__array_interface__ == m.__array_interface__) self.assertTrue(y2[2] is masked) y2[2] = 9 self.assertTrue(y2[2] is not masked) #self.assertTrue( y2.mask is not m) self.assertTrue(y2._mask.__array_interface__ != m.__array_interface__) self.assertTrue(allequal(y2.mask, 0)) y3 = array(x1 * 1.0, mask=m) self.assertTrue(filled(y3).dtype is (x1 * 1.0).dtype) x4 = arange(4) x4[2] = masked y4 = resize(x4, (8,)) assert_equal(concatenate([x4, x4]), y4) assert_equal(getmask(y4), [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) y5 = repeat(x4, (2, 2, 2, 2), axis=0) assert_equal(y5, [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]) y6 = repeat(x4, 2, axis=0) assert_equal(y5, y6) y7 = x4.repeat((2, 2, 2, 2), axis=0) assert_equal(y5, y7) y8 = x4.repeat(2, 0) assert_equal(y5, y8) y9 = x4.copy() assert_equal(y9._data, x4._data) assert_equal(y9._mask, x4._mask) # x = masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 1, 0]) # Copy is False by default y = masked_array(x) assert_equal(, assert_equal(, y = masked_array(x, copy=True) assert_not_equal(, assert_not_equal(, def test_deepcopy(self): from copy import deepcopy a = array([0, 1, 2], mask=[False, True, False]) copied = deepcopy(a) assert_equal(copied.mask, a.mask) assert_not_equal(id(a._mask), id(copied._mask)) # copied[1] = 1 assert_equal(copied.mask, [0, 0, 0]) assert_equal(a.mask, [0, 1, 0]) # copied = deepcopy(a) assert_equal(copied.mask, a.mask) copied.mask[1] = False assert_equal(copied.mask, [0, 0, 0]) assert_equal(a.mask, [0, 1, 0]) def test_pickling(self): "Tests pickling" import cPickle a = arange(10) a[::3] = masked a.fill_value = 999 a_pickled = cPickle.loads(a.dumps()) assert_equal(a_pickled._mask, a._mask) assert_equal(a_pickled._data, a._data) assert_equal(a_pickled.fill_value, 999) def test_pickling_subbaseclass(self): "Test pickling w/ a subclass of ndarray" import cPickle a = array(np.matrix(range(10)), mask=[1, 0, 1, 0, 0] * 2) a_pickled = cPickle.loads(a.dumps()) assert_equal(a_pickled._mask, a._mask) assert_equal(a_pickled, a) self.assertTrue(isinstance(a_pickled._data, np.matrix)) def test_pickling_wstructured(self): "Tests pickling w/ structured array" import cPickle a = array([(1, 1.), (2, 2.)], mask=[(0, 0), (0, 1)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', float)]) a_pickled = cPickle.loads(a.dumps()) assert_equal(a_pickled._mask, a._mask) assert_equal(a_pickled, a) def test_pickling_keepalignment(self): "Tests pickling w/ F_CONTIGUOUS arrays" import cPickle a = arange(10) a.shape = (-1, 2) b = a.T test = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(b)) assert_equal(test, b) # def test_pickling_oddity(self): # "Test some pickling oddity" # import cPickle # a = array([{'a':1}, {'b':2}, 3], dtype=object) # test = cPickle.loads(cPickle.dumps(a)) # assert_equal(test, a) def test_single_element_subscript(self): "Tests single element subscripts of Maskedarrays." a = array([1, 3, 2]) b = array([1, 3, 2], mask=[1, 0, 1]) assert_equal(a[0].shape, ()) assert_equal(b[0].shape, ()) assert_equal(b[1].shape, ()) def test_topython(self): "Tests some communication issues with Python." assert_equal(1, int(array(1))) assert_equal(1.0, float(array(1))) assert_equal(1, int(array([[[1]]]))) assert_equal(1.0, float(array([[1]]))) self.assertRaises(TypeError, float, array([1, 1])) # warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning) assert np.isnan(float(array([1], mask=[1]))) warnings.resetwarnings() # a = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0]) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda:float(a)) assert_equal(float(a[-1]), 3.) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(float(a[0]))) self.assertRaises(TypeError, int, a) assert_equal(int(a[-1]), 3) self.assertRaises(MAError, lambda:int(a[0])) def test_oddfeatures_1(self): "Test of other odd features" x = arange(20) x = x.reshape(4, 5) x.flat[5] = 12 assert x[1, 0] == 12 z = x + 10j * x assert_equal(z.real, x) assert_equal(z.imag, 10 * x) assert_equal((z * conjugate(z)).real, 101 * x * x) z.imag[...] = 0.0 # x = arange(10) x[3] = masked assert str(x[3]) == str(masked) c = x >= 8 assert count(where(c, masked, masked)) == 0 assert shape(where(c, masked, masked)) == c.shape # z = masked_where(c, x) assert z.dtype is x.dtype assert z[3] is masked assert z[4] is not masked assert z[7] is not masked assert z[8] is masked assert z[9] is masked assert_equal(x, z) def test_oddfeatures_2(self): "Tests some more features." x = array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) c = array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0]) x[2] = masked z = where(c, x, -x) assert_equal(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5]) c[0] = masked z = where(c, x, -x) assert_equal(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5]) assert z[0] is masked assert z[1] is not masked assert z[2] is masked def test_oddfeatures_3(self): """Tests some generic features.""" atest = array([10], mask=True) btest = array([20]) idx = atest.mask atest[idx] = btest[idx] assert_equal(atest, [20]) def test_filled_w_flexible_dtype(self): "Test filled w/ flexible dtype" flexi = array([(1, 1, 1)], dtype=[('i', int), ('s', '|S8'), ('f', float)]) flexi[0] = masked assert_equal(flexi.filled(), np.array([(default_fill_value(0), default_fill_value('0'), default_fill_value(0.),)], dtype=flexi.dtype)) flexi[0] = masked assert_equal(flexi.filled(1), np.array([(1, '1', 1.)], dtype=flexi.dtype)) def test_filled_w_mvoid(self): "Test filled w/ mvoid" ndtype = [('a', int), ('b', float)] a = mvoid((1, 2.), mask=[(0, 1)], dtype=ndtype) # Filled using default test = a.filled() assert_equal(tuple(test), (1, default_fill_value(1.))) # Explicit fill_value test = a.filled((-1, -1)) assert_equal(tuple(test), (1, -1)) # Using predefined filling values a.fill_value = (-999, -999) assert_equal(tuple(a.filled()), (1, -999)) def test_filled_w_nested_dtype(self): "Test filled w/ nested dtype" ndtype = [('A', int), ('B', [('BA', int), ('BB', int)])] a = array([(1, (1, 1)), (2, (2, 2))], mask=[(0, (1, 0)), (0, (0, 1))], dtype=ndtype) test = a.filled(0) control = np.array([(1, (0, 1)), (2, (2, 0))], dtype=ndtype) assert_equal(test, control) # test = a['B'].filled(0) control = np.array([(0, 1), (2, 0)], dtype=a['B'].dtype) assert_equal(test, control) def test_optinfo_propagation(self): "Checks that _optinfo dictionary isn't back-propagated" x = array([1, 2, 3, ], dtype=float) x._optinfo['info'] = '???' y = x.copy() assert_equal(y._optinfo['info'], '???') y._optinfo['info'] = '!!!' assert_equal(x._optinfo['info'], '???') def test_fancy_printoptions(self): "Test printing a masked array w/ fancy dtype." fancydtype = np.dtype([('x', int), ('y', [('t', int), ('s', float)])]) test = array([(1, (2, 3.0)), (4, (5, 6.0))], mask=[(1, (0, 1)), (0, (1, 0))], dtype=fancydtype) control = "[(--, (2, --)) (4, (--, 6.0))]" assert_equal(str(test), control) def test_flatten_structured_array(self): "Test flatten_structured_array on arrays" # On ndarray ndtype = [('a', int), ('b', float)] a = np.array([(1, 1), (2, 2)], dtype=ndtype) test = flatten_structured_array(a) control = np.array([[1., 1.], [2., 2.]], dtype=np.float) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(test.dtype, control.dtype) # On masked_array a = array([(1, 1), (2, 2)], mask=[(0, 1), (1, 0)], dtype=ndtype) test = flatten_structured_array(a) control = array([[1., 1.], [2., 2.]], mask=[[0, 1], [1, 0]], dtype=np.float) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(test.dtype, control.dtype) assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) # On masked array with nested structure ndtype = [('a', int), ('b', [('ba', int), ('bb', float)])] a = array([(1, (1, 1.1)), (2, (2, 2.2))], mask=[(0, (1, 0)), (1, (0, 1))], dtype=ndtype) test = flatten_structured_array(a) control = array([[1., 1., 1.1], [2., 2., 2.2]], mask=[[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(test.dtype, control.dtype) assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) # Keeping the initial shape ndtype = [('a', int), ('b', float)] a = np.array([[(1, 1), ], [(2, 2), ]], dtype=ndtype) test = flatten_structured_array(a) control = np.array([[[1., 1.], ], [[2., 2.], ]], dtype=np.float) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(test.dtype, control.dtype) def test_void0d(self): "Test creating a mvoid object" ndtype = [('a', int), ('b', int)] a = np.array([(1, 2,)], dtype=ndtype)[0] f = mvoid(a) assert(isinstance(f, mvoid)) # a = masked_array([(1, 2)], mask=[(1, 0)], dtype=ndtype)[0] assert(isinstance(a, mvoid)) # a = masked_array([(1, 2), (1, 2)], mask=[(1, 0), (0, 0)], dtype=ndtype) f = mvoid(a._data[0], a._mask[0]) assert(isinstance(f, mvoid)) def test_mvoid_getitem(self): "Test mvoid.__getitem__" ndtype = [('a', int), ('b', int)] a = masked_array([(1, 2,), (3, 4)], mask=[(0, 0), (1, 0)], dtype=ndtype) # w/o mask f = a[0] self.assertTrue(isinstance(f, np.void)) assert_equal((f[0], f['a']), (1, 1)) assert_equal(f['b'], 2) # w/ mask f = a[1] self.assertTrue(isinstance(f, mvoid)) self.assertTrue(f[0] is masked) self.assertTrue(f['a'] is masked) assert_equal(f[1], 4) def test_mvoid_iter(self): "Test iteration on __getitem__" ndtype = [('a', int), ('b', int)] a = masked_array([(1, 2,), (3, 4)], mask=[(0, 0), (1, 0)], dtype=ndtype) # w/o mask assert_equal(list(a[0]), [1, 2]) # w/ mask assert_equal(list(a[1]), [masked, 4]) def test_mvoid_print(self): "Test printing a mvoid" mx = array([(1, 1), (2, 2)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int)]) assert_equal(str(mx[0]), "(1, 1)") mx['b'][0] = masked ini_display = masked_print_option._display masked_print_option.set_display("-X-") try: assert_equal(str(mx[0]), "(1, -X-)") assert_equal(repr(mx[0]), "(1, -X-)") finally: masked_print_option.set_display(ini_display) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestMaskedArrayArithmetic(TestCase): "Base test class for MaskedArrays." def setUp (self): "Base data definition." x = np.array([1., 1., 1., -2., pi / 2.0, 4., 5., -10., 10., 1., 2., 3.]) y = np.array([5., 0., 3., 2., -1., -4., 0., -10., 10., 1., 0., 3.]) a10 = 10. m1 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] m2 = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 1] xm = masked_array(x, mask=m1) ym = masked_array(y, mask=m2) z = np.array([-.5, 0., .5, .8]) zm = masked_array(z, mask=[0, 1, 0, 0]) xf = np.where(m1, 1e+20, x) xm.set_fill_value(1e+20) self.d = (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) self.err_status = np.geterr() np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') def tearDown(self): np.seterr(**self.err_status) def test_basic_arithmetic (self): "Test of basic arithmetic." (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d a2d = array([[1, 2], [0, 4]]) a2dm = masked_array(a2d, [[0, 0], [1, 0]]) assert_equal(a2d * a2d, a2d * a2dm) assert_equal(a2d + a2d, a2d + a2dm) assert_equal(a2d - a2d, a2d - a2dm) for s in [(12,), (4, 3), (2, 6)]: x = x.reshape(s) y = y.reshape(s) xm = xm.reshape(s) ym = ym.reshape(s) xf = xf.reshape(s) assert_equal(-x, -xm) assert_equal(x + y, xm + ym) assert_equal(x - y, xm - ym) assert_equal(x * y, xm * ym) assert_equal(x / y, xm / ym) assert_equal(a10 + y, a10 + ym) assert_equal(a10 - y, a10 - ym) assert_equal(a10 * y, a10 * ym) assert_equal(a10 / y, a10 / ym) assert_equal(x + a10, xm + a10) assert_equal(x - a10, xm - a10) assert_equal(x * a10, xm * a10) assert_equal(x / a10, xm / a10) assert_equal(x ** 2, xm ** 2) assert_equal(abs(x) ** 2.5, abs(xm) ** 2.5) assert_equal(x ** y, xm ** ym) assert_equal(np.add(x, y), add(xm, ym)) assert_equal(np.subtract(x, y), subtract(xm, ym)) assert_equal(np.multiply(x, y), multiply(xm, ym)) assert_equal(np.divide(x, y), divide(xm, ym)) def test_divide_on_different_shapes(self): x = arange(6, dtype=float) x.shape = (2, 3) y = arange(3, dtype=float) # z = x / y assert_equal(z, [[-1., 1., 1.], [-1., 4., 2.5]]) assert_equal(z.mask, [[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) # z = x / y[None, :] assert_equal(z, [[-1., 1., 1.], [-1., 4., 2.5]]) assert_equal(z.mask, [[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) # y = arange(2, dtype=float) z = x / y[:, None] assert_equal(z, [[-1., -1., -1.], [3., 4., 5.]]) assert_equal(z.mask, [[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]]) def test_mixed_arithmetic(self): "Tests mixed arithmetics." na = np.array([1]) ma = array([1]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(na + ma, MaskedArray)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(ma + na, MaskedArray)) def test_limits_arithmetic(self): tiny = np.finfo(float).tiny a = array([tiny, 1. / tiny, 0.]) assert_equal(getmaskarray(a / 2), [0, 0, 0]) assert_equal(getmaskarray(2 / a), [1, 0, 1]) def test_masked_singleton_arithmetic(self): "Tests some scalar arithmetics on MaskedArrays." # Masked singleton should remain masked no matter what xm = array(0, mask=1) self.assertTrue((1 / array(0)).mask) self.assertTrue((1 + xm).mask) self.assertTrue((-xm).mask) self.assertTrue(maximum(xm, xm).mask) self.assertTrue(minimum(xm, xm).mask) def test_masked_singleton_equality(self): "Tests (in)equality on masked snigleton" a = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 1, 0]) assert((a[0] == 0) is masked) assert((a[0] != 0) is masked) assert_equal((a[-1] == 0), False) assert_equal((a[-1] != 0), True) def test_arithmetic_with_masked_singleton(self): "Checks that there's no collapsing to masked" x = masked_array([1, 2]) y = x * masked assert_equal(y.shape, x.shape) assert_equal(y._mask, [True, True]) y = x[0] * masked assert y is masked y = x + masked assert_equal(y.shape, x.shape) assert_equal(y._mask, [True, True]) def test_arithmetic_with_masked_singleton_on_1d_singleton(self): "Check that we're not losing the shape of a singleton" x = masked_array([1, ]) y = x + masked assert_equal(y.shape, x.shape) assert_equal(y.mask, [True, ]) def test_scalar_arithmetic(self): x = array(0, mask=0) assert_equal(x.filled(), # Make sure we don't lose the shape in some circumstances xm = array((0, 0)) / 0. assert_equal(xm.shape, (2,)) assert_equal(xm.mask, [1, 1]) def test_basic_ufuncs (self): "Test various functions such as sin, cos." (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d assert_equal(np.cos(x), cos(xm)) assert_equal(np.cosh(x), cosh(xm)) assert_equal(np.sin(x), sin(xm)) assert_equal(np.sinh(x), sinh(xm)) assert_equal(np.tan(x), tan(xm)) assert_equal(np.tanh(x), tanh(xm)) assert_equal(np.sqrt(abs(x)), sqrt(xm)) assert_equal(np.log(abs(x)), log(xm)) assert_equal(np.log10(abs(x)), log10(xm)) assert_equal(np.exp(x), exp(xm)) assert_equal(np.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm)) assert_equal(np.arccos(z), arccos(zm)) assert_equal(np.arctan(z), arctan(zm)) assert_equal(np.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym)) assert_equal(np.absolute(x), absolute(xm)) assert_equal(np.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym)) assert_equal(np.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym)) assert_equal(np.less(x, y), less(xm, ym)) assert_equal(np.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym)) assert_equal(np.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym)) assert_equal(np.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym)) assert_equal(np.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm)) def test_count_func (self): "Tests count" ott = array([0., 1., 2., 3.], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0]) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 or sys.platform == 'cli': self.assertTrue(isinstance(count(ott), np.integer)) else: self.assertTrue(isinstance(count(ott), int)) assert_equal(3, count(ott)) assert_equal(1, count(1)) assert_equal(0, array(1, mask=[1])) ott = ott.reshape((2, 2)) assert isinstance(count(ott, 0), ndarray) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 or sys.platform == 'cli': assert isinstance(count(ott), np.integer) else: assert isinstance(count(ott), types.IntType) assert_equal(3, count(ott)) assert getmask(count(ott, 0)) is nomask assert_equal([1, 2], count(ott, 0)) def test_minmax_func (self): "Tests minimum and maximum." (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d xr = np.ravel(x) #max doesn't work if shaped xmr = ravel(xm) assert_equal(max(xr), maximum(xmr)) #true because of careful selection of data assert_equal(min(xr), minimum(xmr)) #true because of careful selection of data # assert_equal(minimum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [1, 0, 3]) assert_equal(maximum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [4, 2, 9]) x = arange(5) y = arange(5) - 2 x[3] = masked y[0] = masked assert_equal(minimum(x, y), where(less(x, y), x, y)) assert_equal(maximum(x, y), where(greater(x, y), x, y)) assert minimum(x) == 0 assert maximum(x) == 4 # x = arange(4).reshape(2, 2) x[-1, -1] = masked assert_equal(maximum(x), 2) def test_minimummaximum_func(self): a = np.ones((2, 2)) aminimum = minimum(a, a) self.assertTrue(isinstance(aminimum, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(aminimum, np.minimum(a, a)) # aminimum = minimum.outer(a, a) self.assertTrue(isinstance(aminimum, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(aminimum, np.minimum.outer(a, a)) # amaximum = maximum(a, a) self.assertTrue(isinstance(amaximum, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(amaximum, np.maximum(a, a)) # amaximum = maximum.outer(a, a) self.assertTrue(isinstance(amaximum, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(amaximum, np.maximum.outer(a, a)) def test_minmax_reduce(self): "Test np.min/maximum.reduce on array w/ full False mask" a = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[False, False, False]) b = np.maximum.reduce(a) assert_equal(b, 3) def test_minmax_funcs_with_output(self): "Tests the min/max functions with explicit outputs" mask = arand(12).round() xm = array(uniform(0, 10, 12), mask=mask) xm.shape = (3, 4) for funcname in ('min', 'max'): # Initialize npfunc = getattr(np, funcname) mafunc = getattr(, funcname) # Use the np version nout = np.empty((4,), dtype=int) try: result = npfunc(xm, axis=0, out=nout) except MaskError: pass nout = np.empty((4,), dtype=float) result = npfunc(xm, axis=0, out=nout) self.assertTrue(result is nout) # Use the ma version nout.fill(-999) result = mafunc(xm, axis=0, out=nout) self.assertTrue(result is nout) def test_minmax_methods(self): "Additional tests on max/min" (_, _, _, _, _, xm, _, _, _, _) = self.d xm.shape = (xm.size,) assert_equal(xm.max(), 10) self.assertTrue(xm[0].max() is masked) self.assertTrue(xm[0].max(0) is masked) self.assertTrue(xm[0].max(-1) is masked) assert_equal(xm.min(), -10.) self.assertTrue(xm[0].min() is masked) self.assertTrue(xm[0].min(0) is masked) self.assertTrue(xm[0].min(-1) is masked) assert_equal(xm.ptp(), 20.) self.assertTrue(xm[0].ptp() is masked) self.assertTrue(xm[0].ptp(0) is masked) self.assertTrue(xm[0].ptp(-1) is masked) # x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=True) self.assertTrue(x.min() is masked) self.assertTrue(x.max() is masked) self.assertTrue(x.ptp() is masked) def test_addsumprod (self): "Tests add, sum, product." (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d assert_equal(np.add.reduce(x), add.reduce(x)) assert_equal(np.add.accumulate(x), add.accumulate(x)) assert_equal(4, sum(array(4), axis=0)) assert_equal(4, sum(array(4), axis=0)) assert_equal(np.sum(x, axis=0), sum(x, axis=0)) assert_equal(np.sum(filled(xm, 0), axis=0), sum(xm, axis=0)) assert_equal(np.sum(x, 0), sum(x, 0)) assert_equal(np.product(x, axis=0), product(x, axis=0)) assert_equal(np.product(x, 0), product(x, 0)) assert_equal(np.product(filled(xm, 1), axis=0), product(xm, axis=0)) s = (3, 4) x.shape = y.shape = xm.shape = ym.shape = s if len(s) > 1: assert_equal(np.concatenate((x, y), 1), concatenate((xm, ym), 1)) assert_equal(np.add.reduce(x, 1), add.reduce(x, 1)) assert_equal(np.sum(x, 1), sum(x, 1)) assert_equal(np.product(x, 1), product(x, 1)) def test_binops_d2D(self): "Test binary operations on 2D data" a = array([[1.], [2.], [3.]], mask=[[False], [True], [True]]) b = array([[2., 3.], [4., 5.], [6., 7.]]) # test = a * b control = array([[2., 3.], [2., 2.], [3., 3.]], mask=[[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]]) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(, assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) # test = b * a control = array([[2., 3.], [4., 5.], [6., 7.]], mask=[[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]]) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(, assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) # a = array([[1.], [2.], [3.]]) b = array([[2., 3.], [4., 5.], [6., 7.]], mask=[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]]) test = a * b control = array([[2, 3], [8, 10], [18, 3]], mask=[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]]) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(, assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) # test = b * a control = array([[2, 3], [8, 10], [18, 7]], mask=[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]]) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(, assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) def test_domained_binops_d2D(self): "Test domained binary operations on 2D data" a = array([[1.], [2.], [3.]], mask=[[False], [True], [True]]) b = array([[2., 3.], [4., 5.], [6., 7.]]) # test = a / b control = array([[1. / 2., 1. / 3.], [2., 2.], [3., 3.]], mask=[[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]]) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(, assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) # test = b / a control = array([[2. / 1., 3. / 1.], [4., 5.], [6., 7.]], mask=[[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1]]) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(, assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) # a = array([[1.], [2.], [3.]]) b = array([[2., 3.], [4., 5.], [6., 7.]], mask=[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]]) test = a / b control = array([[1. / 2, 1. / 3], [2. / 4, 2. / 5], [3. / 6, 3]], mask=[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]]) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(, assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) # test = b / a control = array([[2 / 1., 3 / 1.], [4 / 2., 5 / 2.], [6 / 3., 7]], mask=[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 1]]) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(, assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) def test_noshrinking(self): "Check that we don't shrink a mask when not wanted" # Binary operations a = masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=[False, False, False], shrink=False) b = a + 1 assert_equal(b.mask, [0, 0, 0]) # In place binary operation a += 1 assert_equal(a.mask, [0, 0, 0]) # Domained binary operation b = a / 1. assert_equal(b.mask, [0, 0, 0]) # In place binary operation a /= 1. assert_equal(a.mask, [0, 0, 0]) def test_mod(self): "Tests mod" (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf) = self.d assert_equal(mod(x, y), mod(xm, ym)) test = mod(ym, xm) assert_equal(test, np.mod(ym, xm)) assert_equal(test.mask, mask_or(xm.mask, ym.mask)) test = mod(xm, ym) assert_equal(test, np.mod(xm, ym)) assert_equal(test.mask, mask_or(mask_or(xm.mask, ym.mask), (ym == 0))) def test_TakeTransposeInnerOuter(self): "Test of take, transpose, inner, outer products" x = arange(24) y = np.arange(24) x[5:6] = masked x = x.reshape(2, 3, 4) y = y.reshape(2, 3, 4) assert_equal(np.transpose(y, (2, 0, 1)), transpose(x, (2, 0, 1))) assert_equal(np.take(y, (2, 0, 1), 1), take(x, (2, 0, 1), 1)) assert_equal(np.inner(filled(x, 0), filled(y, 0)), inner(x, y)) assert_equal(np.outer(filled(x, 0), filled(y, 0)), outer(x, y)) y = array(['abc', 1, 'def', 2, 3], object) y[2] = masked t = take(y, [0, 3, 4]) assert t[0] == 'abc' assert t[1] == 2 assert t[2] == 3 def test_imag_real(self): "Check complex" xx = array([1 + 10j, 20 + 2j], mask=[1, 0]) assert_equal(xx.imag, [10, 2]) assert_equal(xx.imag.filled(), [1e+20, 2]) assert_equal(xx.imag.dtype, xx._data.imag.dtype) assert_equal(xx.real, [1, 20]) assert_equal(xx.real.filled(), [1e+20, 20]) assert_equal(xx.real.dtype, xx._data.real.dtype) def test_methods_with_output(self): xm = array(uniform(0, 10, 12)).reshape(3, 4) xm[:, 0] = xm[0] = xm[-1, -1] = masked # funclist = ('sum', 'prod', 'var', 'std', 'max', 'min', 'ptp', 'mean',) # for funcname in funclist: npfunc = getattr(np, funcname) xmmeth = getattr(xm, funcname) # A ndarray as explicit input output = np.empty(4, dtype=float) output.fill(-9999) result = npfunc(xm, axis=0, out=output) # ... the result should be the given output self.assertTrue(result is output) assert_equal(result, xmmeth(axis=0, out=output)) # output = empty(4, dtype=int) result = xmmeth(axis=0, out=output) self.assertTrue(result is output) self.assertTrue(output[0] is masked) def test_eq_on_structured(self): "Test the equality of structured arrays" ndtype = [('A', int), ('B', int)] a = array([(1, 1), (2, 2)], mask=[(0, 1), (0, 0)], dtype=ndtype) test = (a == a) assert_equal(test, [True, True]) assert_equal(test.mask, [False, False]) b = array([(1, 1), (2, 2)], mask=[(1, 0), (0, 0)], dtype=ndtype) test = (a == b) assert_equal(test, [False, True]) assert_equal(test.mask, [True, False]) b = array([(1, 1), (2, 2)], mask=[(0, 1), (1, 0)], dtype=ndtype) test = (a == b) assert_equal(test, [True, False]) assert_equal(test.mask, [False, False]) def test_ne_on_structured(self): "Test the inequality of structured arrays" ndtype = [('A', int), ('B', int)] a = array([(1, 1), (2, 2)], mask=[(0, 1), (0, 0)], dtype=ndtype) test = (a != a) assert_equal(test, [False, False]) assert_equal(test.mask, [False, False]) b = array([(1, 1), (2, 2)], mask=[(1, 0), (0, 0)], dtype=ndtype) test = (a != b) assert_equal(test, [True, False]) assert_equal(test.mask, [True, False]) b = array([(1, 1), (2, 2)], mask=[(0, 1), (1, 0)], dtype=ndtype) test = (a != b) assert_equal(test, [False, True]) assert_equal(test.mask, [False, False]) def test_eq_w_None(self): # With partial mask a = array([1, 2], mask=[0, 1]) assert_equal(a == None, False) assert_equal( == None, False) assert_equal(a.mask == None, False) assert_equal(a != None, True) # With nomask a = array([1, 2], mask=False) assert_equal(a == None, False) assert_equal(a != None, True) # With complete mask a = array([1, 2], mask=True) assert_equal(a == None, False) assert_equal(a != None, True) # With masked a = masked assert_equal(a == None, masked) def test_eq_w_scalar(self): a = array(1) assert_equal(a == 1, True) assert_equal(a == 0, False) assert_equal(a != 1, False) assert_equal(a != 0, True) def test_numpyarithmetics(self): "Check that the mask is not back-propagated when using numpy functions" a = masked_array([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) control = masked_array([np.nan, np.nan, 0, np.log(2), -1], mask=[1, 1, 0, 0, 1]) # test = log(a) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) assert_equal(a.mask, [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) # test = np.log(a) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) assert_equal(a.mask, [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestMaskedArrayAttributes(TestCase): def test_keepmask(self): "Tests the keep mask flag" x = masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0]) mx = masked_array(x) assert_equal(mx.mask, x.mask) mx = masked_array(x, mask=[0, 1, 0], keep_mask=False) assert_equal(mx.mask, [0, 1, 0]) mx = masked_array(x, mask=[0, 1, 0], keep_mask=True) assert_equal(mx.mask, [1, 1, 0]) # We default to true mx = masked_array(x, mask=[0, 1, 0]) assert_equal(mx.mask, [1, 1, 0]) def test_hardmask(self): "Test hard_mask" d = arange(5) n = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] m = make_mask(n) xh = array(d, mask=m, hard_mask=True) # We need to copy, to avoid updating d in xh ! xs = array(d, mask=m, hard_mask=False, copy=True) xh[[1, 4]] = [10, 40] xs[[1, 4]] = [10, 40] assert_equal(xh._data, [0, 10, 2, 3, 4]) assert_equal(xs._data, [0, 10, 2, 3, 40]) #assert_equal(xh.mask.ctypes._data, m.ctypes._data) assert_equal(xs.mask, [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) self.assertTrue(xh._hardmask) self.assertTrue(not xs._hardmask) xh[1:4] = [10, 20, 30] xs[1:4] = [10, 20, 30] assert_equal(xh._data, [0, 10, 20, 3, 4]) assert_equal(xs._data, [0, 10, 20, 30, 40]) #assert_equal(xh.mask.ctypes._data, m.ctypes._data) assert_equal(xs.mask, nomask) xh[0] = masked xs[0] = masked assert_equal(xh.mask, [1, 0, 0, 1, 1]) assert_equal(xs.mask, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) xh[:] = 1 xs[:] = 1 assert_equal(xh._data, [0, 1, 1, 3, 4]) assert_equal(xs._data, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) assert_equal(xh.mask, [1, 0, 0, 1, 1]) assert_equal(xs.mask, nomask) # Switch to soft mask xh.soften_mask() xh[:] = arange(5) assert_equal(xh._data, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) assert_equal(xh.mask, nomask) # Switch back to hard mask xh.harden_mask() xh[xh < 3] = masked assert_equal(xh._data, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) assert_equal(xh._mask, [1, 1, 1, 0, 0]) xh[filled(xh > 1, False)] = 5 assert_equal(xh._data, [0, 1, 2, 5, 5]) assert_equal(xh._mask, [1, 1, 1, 0, 0]) # xh = array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], mask=[[1, 0], [0, 0]], hard_mask=True) xh[0] = 0 assert_equal(xh._data, [[1, 0], [3, 4]]) assert_equal(xh._mask, [[1, 0], [0, 0]]) xh[-1, -1] = 5 assert_equal(xh._data, [[1, 0], [3, 5]]) assert_equal(xh._mask, [[1, 0], [0, 0]]) xh[filled(xh < 5, False)] = 2 assert_equal(xh._data, [[1, 2], [2, 5]]) assert_equal(xh._mask, [[1, 0], [0, 0]]) def test_hardmask_again(self): "Another test of hardmask" d = arange(5) n = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] m = make_mask(n) xh = array(d, mask=m, hard_mask=True) xh[4:5] = 999 #assert_equal(xh.mask.ctypes._data, m.ctypes._data) xh[0:1] = 999 assert_equal(xh._data, [999, 1, 2, 3, 4]) def test_hardmask_oncemore_yay(self): "OK, yet another test of hardmask" "Make sure that harden_mask/soften_mask//unshare_mask retursn self" a = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0]) b = a.harden_mask() assert_equal(a, b) b[0] = 0 assert_equal(a, b) assert_equal(b, array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0])) a = b.soften_mask() a[0] = 0 assert_equal(a, b) assert_equal(b, array([0, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 0])) def test_smallmask(self): "Checks the behaviour of _smallmask" a = arange(10) a[1] = masked a[1] = 1 assert_equal(a._mask, nomask) a = arange(10) a._smallmask = False a[1] = masked a[1] = 1 assert_equal(a._mask, zeros(10)) def test_shrink_mask(self): "Tests .shrink_mask()" a = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 0]) b = a.shrink_mask() assert_equal(a, b) assert_equal(a.mask, nomask) def test_flat(self): "Test flat on masked_matrices" test = masked_array(np.matrix([[1, 2, 3]]), mask=[0, 0, 1]) test.flat = masked_array([3, 2, 1], mask=[1, 0, 0]) control = masked_array(np.matrix([[3, 2, 1]]), mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(test, control) # test = masked_array(np.matrix([[1, 2, 3]]), mask=[0, 0, 1]) testflat = test.flat testflat[:] = testflat[[2, 1, 0]] assert_equal(test, control) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestFillingValues(TestCase): # def test_check_on_scalar(self): "Test _check_fill_value" _check_fill_value = # fval = _check_fill_value(0, int) assert_equal(fval, 0) fval = _check_fill_value(None, int) assert_equal(fval, default_fill_value(0)) # fval = _check_fill_value(0, "|S3") assert_equal(fval, asbytes("0")) fval = _check_fill_value(None, "|S3") assert_equal(fval, default_fill_value("|S3")) # fval = _check_fill_value(1e+20, int) assert_equal(fval, default_fill_value(0)) def test_check_on_fields(self): "Tests _check_fill_value with records" _check_fill_value = ndtype = [('a', int), ('b', float), ('c', "|S3")] # A check on a list should return a single record fval = _check_fill_value([-999, -12345678.9, "???"], ndtype) self.assertTrue(isinstance(fval, ndarray)) assert_equal(fval.item(), [-999, -12345678.9, asbytes("???")]) # A check on None should output the defaults fval = _check_fill_value(None, ndtype) self.assertTrue(isinstance(fval, ndarray)) assert_equal(fval.item(), [default_fill_value(0), default_fill_value(0.), asbytes(default_fill_value("0"))]) #.....Using a structured type as fill_value should work fill_val = np.array((-999, -12345678.9, "???"), dtype=ndtype) fval = _check_fill_value(fill_val, ndtype) self.assertTrue(isinstance(fval, ndarray)) assert_equal(fval.item(), [-999, -12345678.9, asbytes("???")]) #.....Using a flexible type w/ a different type shouldn't matter fill_val = np.array((-999, -12345678.9, "???"), dtype=[("A", int), ("B", float), ("C", "|S3")]) fval = _check_fill_value(fill_val, ndtype) self.assertTrue(isinstance(fval, ndarray)) assert_equal(fval.item(), [-999, -12345678.9, asbytes("???")]) #.....Using an object-array shouldn't matter either fill_value = np.array((-999, -12345678.9, "???"), dtype=object) fval = _check_fill_value(fill_val, ndtype) self.assertTrue(isinstance(fval, ndarray)) assert_equal(fval.item(), [-999, -12345678.9, asbytes("???")]) # fill_value = np.array((-999, -12345678.9, "???")) fval = _check_fill_value(fill_val, ndtype) self.assertTrue(isinstance(fval, ndarray)) assert_equal(fval.item(), [-999, -12345678.9, asbytes("???")]) #.....One-field-only flexible type should work as well ndtype = [("a", int)] fval = _check_fill_value(-999999999, ndtype) self.assertTrue(isinstance(fval, ndarray)) assert_equal(fval.item(), (-999999999,)) def test_fillvalue_conversion(self): "Tests the behavior of fill_value during conversion" # We had a tailored comment to make sure special attributes are properly # dealt with a = array(asbytes_nested(['3', '4', '5'])) a._optinfo.update({'comment':"updated!"}) # b = array(a, dtype=int) assert_equal(b._data, [3, 4, 5]) assert_equal(b.fill_value, default_fill_value(0)) # b = array(a, dtype=float) assert_equal(b._data, [3, 4, 5]) assert_equal(b.fill_value, default_fill_value(0.)) # b = a.astype(int) assert_equal(b._data, [3, 4, 5]) assert_equal(b.fill_value, default_fill_value(0)) assert_equal(b._optinfo['comment'], "updated!") # b = a.astype([('a', '|S3')]) assert_equal(b['a']._data, a._data) assert_equal(b['a'].fill_value, a.fill_value) @dec.knownfailureif(True, "Multiple index values (arr[(1,3)]) are not supported") def test_fillvalue(self): "Yet more fun with the fill_value" data = masked_array([1, 2, 3], fill_value= -999) series = data[[0, 2, 1]] assert_equal(series._fill_value, data._fill_value) # mtype = [('f', float), ('s', '|S3')] x = array([(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (pi, 'pi')], dtype=mtype) x.fill_value = 999 assert_equal(x.fill_value.item(), [999., asbytes('999')]) assert_equal(x['f'].fill_value, 999) assert_equal(x['s'].fill_value, asbytes('999')) # x.fill_value = (9, '???') assert_equal(x.fill_value.item(), (9, asbytes('???'))) assert_equal(x['f'].fill_value, 9) assert_equal(x['s'].fill_value, asbytes('???')) # x = array([1, 2, 3.1]) x.fill_value = 999 assert_equal(np.asarray(x.fill_value).dtype, float) assert_equal(x.fill_value, 999.) assert_equal(x._fill_value, np.array(999.)) def test_fillvalue_exotic_dtype(self): "Tests yet more exotic flexible dtypes" _check_fill_value = ndtype = [('i', int), ('s', '|S8'), ('f', float)] control = np.array((default_fill_value(0), default_fill_value('0'), default_fill_value(0.),), dtype=ndtype) assert_equal(_check_fill_value(None, ndtype), control) # The shape shouldn't matter ndtype = [('f0', float, (2, 2))] control = np.array((default_fill_value(0.),), dtype=[('f0', float)]).astype(ndtype) assert_equal(_check_fill_value(None, ndtype), control) control = np.array((0,), dtype=[('f0', float)]).astype(ndtype) assert_equal(_check_fill_value(0, ndtype), control) # ndtype = np.dtype("int, (2,3)float, float") control = np.array((default_fill_value(0), default_fill_value(0.), default_fill_value(0.),), dtype="int, float, float").astype(ndtype) test = _check_fill_value(None, ndtype) assert_equal(test, control) control = np.array((0, 0, 0), dtype="int, float, float").astype(ndtype) assert_equal(_check_fill_value(0, ndtype), control) def test_extremum_fill_value(self): "Tests extremum fill values for flexible type." a = array([(1, (2, 3)), (4, (5, 6))], dtype=[('A', int), ('B', [('BA', int), ('BB', int)])]) test = a.fill_value assert_equal(test['A'], default_fill_value(a['A'])) assert_equal(test['B']['BA'], default_fill_value(a['B']['BA'])) assert_equal(test['B']['BB'], default_fill_value(a['B']['BB'])) # test = minimum_fill_value(a) assert_equal(test[0], minimum_fill_value(a['A'])) assert_equal(test[1][0], minimum_fill_value(a['B']['BA'])) assert_equal(test[1][1], minimum_fill_value(a['B']['BB'])) assert_equal(test[1], minimum_fill_value(a['B'])) # test = maximum_fill_value(a) assert_equal(test[0], maximum_fill_value(a['A'])) assert_equal(test[1][0], maximum_fill_value(a['B']['BA'])) assert_equal(test[1][1], maximum_fill_value(a['B']['BB'])) assert_equal(test[1], maximum_fill_value(a['B'])) def test_fillvalue_individual_fields(self): "Test setting fill_value on individual fields" ndtype = [('a', int), ('b', int)] # Explicit fill_value a = array(zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]), fill_value=(-999, -999), dtype=ndtype) f = a._fill_value aa = a['a'] aa.set_fill_value(10) assert_equal(aa._fill_value, np.array(10)) assert_equal(tuple(a.fill_value), (10, -999)) a.fill_value['b'] = -10 assert_equal(tuple(a.fill_value), (10, -10)) # Implicit fill_value t = array(zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]), dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int)]) tt = t['a'] tt.set_fill_value(10) assert_equal(tt._fill_value, np.array(10)) assert_equal(tuple(t.fill_value), (10, default_fill_value(0))) def test_fillvalue_implicit_structured_array(self): "Check that fill_value is always defined for structured arrays" ndtype = ('b', float) adtype = ('a', float) a = array([(1.,), (2.,)], mask=[(False,), (False,)], fill_value=(np.nan,), dtype=np.dtype([adtype])) b = empty(a.shape, dtype=[adtype, ndtype]) b['a'] = a['a'] b['a'].set_fill_value(a['a'].fill_value) f = b._fill_value[()] assert(np.isnan(f[0])) assert_equal(f[-1], default_fill_value(1.)) def test_fillvalue_as_arguments(self): "Test adding a fill_value parameter to empty/ones/zeros" a = empty(3, fill_value=999.) assert_equal(a.fill_value, 999.) # a = ones(3, fill_value=999., dtype=float) assert_equal(a.fill_value, 999.) # a = zeros(3, fill_value=0., dtype=complex) assert_equal(a.fill_value, 0.) # a = identity(3, fill_value=0., dtype=complex) assert_equal(a.fill_value, 0.) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestUfuncs(TestCase): "Test class for the application of ufuncs on MaskedArrays." def setUp(self): "Base data definition." self.d = (array([1.0, 0, -1, pi / 2] * 2, mask=[0, 1] + [0] * 6), array([1.0, 0, -1, pi / 2] * 2, mask=[1, 0] + [0] * 6),) self.err_status = np.geterr() np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') def tearDown(self): np.seterr(**self.err_status) def test_testUfuncRegression(self): "Tests new ufuncs on MaskedArrays." for f in ['sqrt', 'log', 'log10', 'exp', 'conjugate', 'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'arcsin', 'arccos', 'arctan', 'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'arcsinh', 'arccosh', 'arctanh', 'absolute', 'fabs', 'negative', # 'nonzero', 'around', 'floor', 'ceil', # 'sometrue', 'alltrue', 'logical_not', 'add', 'subtract', 'multiply', 'divide', 'true_divide', 'floor_divide', 'remainder', 'fmod', 'hypot', 'arctan2', 'equal', 'not_equal', 'less_equal', 'greater_equal', 'less', 'greater', 'logical_and', 'logical_or', 'logical_xor', ]: try: uf = getattr(umath, f) except AttributeError: uf = getattr(fromnumeric, f) mf = getattr(, f) args = self.d[:uf.nin] ur = uf(*args) mr = mf(*args) assert_equal(ur.filled(0), mr.filled(0), f) assert_mask_equal(ur.mask, mr.mask, err_msg=f) def test_reduce(self): "Tests reduce on MaskedArrays." a = self.d[0] self.assertTrue(not alltrue(a, axis=0)) self.assertTrue(sometrue(a, axis=0)) assert_equal(sum(a[:3], axis=0), 0) assert_equal(product(a, axis=0), 0) assert_equal(add.reduce(a), pi) def test_minmax(self): "Tests extrema on MaskedArrays." a = arange(1, 13).reshape(3, 4) amask = masked_where(a < 5, a) assert_equal(amask.max(), a.max()) assert_equal(amask.min(), 5) assert_equal(amask.max(0), a.max(0)) assert_equal(amask.min(0), [5, 6, 7, 8]) self.assertTrue(amask.max(1)[0].mask) self.assertTrue(amask.min(1)[0].mask) def test_ndarray_mask(self): "Check that the mask of the result is a ndarray (not a MaskedArray...)" a = masked_array([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) test = np.sqrt(a) control = masked_array([-1, 0, 1, np.sqrt(2), -1], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 1]) assert_equal(test, control) assert_equal(test.mask, control.mask) self.assertTrue(not isinstance(test.mask, MaskedArray)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestMaskedArrayInPlaceArithmetics(TestCase): "Test MaskedArray Arithmetics" def setUp(self): x = arange(10) y = arange(10) xm = arange(10) xm[2] = masked self.intdata = (x, y, xm) self.floatdata = (x.astype(float), y.astype(float), xm.astype(float)) def test_inplace_addition_scalar(self): """Test of inplace additions""" (x, y, xm) = self.intdata xm[2] = masked x += 1 assert_equal(x, y + 1) xm += 1 assert_equal(xm, y + 1) # warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) (x, _, xm) = self.floatdata id1 = x.raw_data().ctypes._data x += 1. assert (id1 == x.raw_data().ctypes._data) assert_equal(x, y + 1.) warnings.resetwarnings() def test_inplace_addition_array(self): """Test of inplace additions""" (x, y, xm) = self.intdata m = xm.mask a = arange(10, dtype=float) a[-1] = masked x += a xm += a assert_equal(x, y + a) assert_equal(xm, y + a) assert_equal(xm.mask, mask_or(m, a.mask)) def test_inplace_subtraction_scalar(self): """Test of inplace subtractions""" (x, y, xm) = self.intdata x -= 1 assert_equal(x, y - 1) xm -= 1 assert_equal(xm, y - 1) def test_inplace_subtraction_array(self): """Test of inplace subtractions""" (x, y, xm) = self.floatdata m = xm.mask a = arange(10, dtype=float) a[-1] = masked x -= a xm -= a assert_equal(x, y - a) assert_equal(xm, y - a) assert_equal(xm.mask, mask_or(m, a.mask)) def test_inplace_multiplication_scalar(self): """Test of inplace multiplication""" (x, y, xm) = self.floatdata x *= 2.0 assert_equal(x, y * 2) xm *= 2.0 assert_equal(xm, y * 2) def test_inplace_multiplication_array(self): """Test of inplace multiplication""" (x, y, xm) = self.floatdata m = xm.mask a = arange(10, dtype=float) a[-1] = masked x *= a xm *= a assert_equal(x, y * a) assert_equal(xm, y * a) assert_equal(xm.mask, mask_or(m, a.mask)) def test_inplace_division_scalar_int(self): """Test of inplace division""" (x, y, xm) = self.intdata x = arange(10) * 2 xm = arange(10) * 2 xm[2] = masked x /= 2 assert_equal(x, y) xm /= 2 assert_equal(xm, y) def test_inplace_division_scalar_float(self): """Test of inplace division""" (x, y, xm) = self.floatdata x /= 2.0 assert_equal(x, y / 2.0) xm /= arange(10) assert_equal(xm, ones((10,))) def test_inplace_division_array_float(self): """Test of inplace division""" (x, y, xm) = self.floatdata m = xm.mask a = arange(10, dtype=float) a[-1] = masked x /= a xm /= a assert_equal(x, y / a) assert_equal(xm, y / a) assert_equal(xm.mask, mask_or(mask_or(m, a.mask), (a == 0))) def test_inplace_division_misc(self): # x = [1., 1., 1., -2., pi / 2., 4., 5., -10., 10., 1., 2., 3.] y = [5., 0., 3., 2., -1., -4., 0., -10., 10., 1., 0., 3.] m1 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] m2 = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 1] xm = masked_array(x, mask=m1) ym = masked_array(y, mask=m2) # z = xm / ym assert_equal(z._mask, [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) assert_equal(z._data, [1., 1., 1., -1., -pi / 2., 4., 5., 1., 1., 1., 2., 3.]) #assert_equal(z._data, [0.2,1.,1./3.,-1.,-pi/2.,-1.,5.,1.,1.,1.,2.,1.]) # xm = xm.copy() xm /= ym assert_equal(xm._mask, [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]) assert_equal(z._data, [1., 1., 1., -1., -pi / 2., 4., 5., 1., 1., 1., 2., 3.]) #assert_equal(xm._data, [1/5.,1.,1./3.,-1.,-pi/2.,-1.,5.,1.,1.,1.,2.,1.]) def test_datafriendly_add(self): "Test keeping data w/ (inplace) addition" x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) # Test add w/ scalar xx = x + 1 assert_equal(, [2, 3, 3]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test iadd w/ scalar x += 1 assert_equal(, [2, 3, 3]) assert_equal(x.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test add w/ array x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) xx = x + array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(, [1, 4, 3]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [1, 0, 1]) # Test iadd w/ array x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) x += array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(, [1, 4, 3]) assert_equal(x.mask, [1, 0, 1]) def test_datafriendly_sub(self): "Test keeping data w/ (inplace) subtraction" # Test sub w/ scalar x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) xx = x - 1 assert_equal(, [0, 1, 3]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test isub w/ scalar x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) x -= 1 assert_equal(, [0, 1, 3]) assert_equal(x.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test sub w/ array x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) xx = x - array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(, [1, 0, 3]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [1, 0, 1]) # Test isub w/ array x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) x -= array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(, [1, 0, 3]) assert_equal(x.mask, [1, 0, 1]) def test_datafriendly_mul(self): "Test keeping data w/ (inplace) multiplication" # Test mul w/ scalar x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) xx = x * 2 assert_equal(, [2, 4, 3]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test imul w/ scalar x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) x *= 2 assert_equal(, [2, 4, 3]) assert_equal(x.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test mul w/ array x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) xx = x * array([10, 20, 30], mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(, [1, 40, 3]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [1, 0, 1]) # Test imul w/ array x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) x *= array([10, 20, 30], mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(, [1, 40, 3]) assert_equal(x.mask, [1, 0, 1]) def test_datafriendly_div(self): "Test keeping data w/ (inplace) division" # Test div on scalar x = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) xx = x / 2. assert_equal(, [1 / 2., 2 / 2., 3]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test idiv on scalar x = array([1., 2., 3.], mask=[0, 0, 1]) x /= 2. assert_equal(, [1 / 2., 2 / 2., 3]) assert_equal(x.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test div on array x = array([1., 2., 3.], mask=[0, 0, 1]) xx = x / array([10., 20., 30.], mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(, [1., 2. / 20., 3.]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [1, 0, 1]) # Test idiv on array x = array([1., 2., 3.], mask=[0, 0, 1]) x /= array([10., 20., 30.], mask=[1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(, [1., 2 / 20., 3.]) assert_equal(x.mask, [1, 0, 1]) def test_datafriendly_pow(self): "Test keeping data w/ (inplace) power" # Test pow on scalar x = array([1., 2., 3.], mask=[0, 0, 1]) xx = x ** 2.5 assert_equal(, [1., 2. ** 2.5, 3.]) assert_equal(xx.mask, [0, 0, 1]) # Test ipow on scalar x **= 2.5 assert_equal(, [1., 2. ** 2.5, 3]) assert_equal(x.mask, [0, 0, 1]) def test_datafriendly_add_arrays(self): a = array([[1, 1], [3, 3]]) b = array([1, 1], mask=[0, 0]) a += b assert_equal(a, [[2, 2], [4, 4]]) if a.mask is not nomask: assert_equal(a.mask, [[0, 0], [0, 0]]) # a = array([[1, 1], [3, 3]]) b = array([1, 1], mask=[0, 1]) a += b assert_equal(a, [[2, 2], [4, 4]]) assert_equal(a.mask, [[0, 1], [0, 1]]) def test_datafriendly_sub_arrays(self): a = array([[1, 1], [3, 3]]) b = array([1, 1], mask=[0, 0]) a -= b assert_equal(a, [[0, 0], [2, 2]]) if a.mask is not nomask: assert_equal(a.mask, [[0, 0], [0, 0]]) # a = array([[1, 1], [3, 3]]) b = array([1, 1], mask=[0, 1]) a -= b assert_equal(a, [[0, 0], [2, 2]]) assert_equal(a.mask, [[0, 1], [0, 1]]) def test_datafriendly_mul_arrays(self): a = array([[1, 1], [3, 3]]) b = array([1, 1], mask=[0, 0]) a *= b assert_equal(a, [[1, 1], [3, 3]]) if a.mask is not nomask: assert_equal(a.mask, [[0, 0], [0, 0]]) # a = array([[1, 1], [3, 3]]) b = array([1, 1], mask=[0, 1]) a *= b assert_equal(a, [[1, 1], [3, 3]]) assert_equal(a.mask, [[0, 1], [0, 1]]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestMaskedArrayMethods(TestCase): "Test class for miscellaneous MaskedArrays methods." def setUp(self): "Base data definition." x = np.array([ 8.375, 7.545, 8.828, 8.5 , 1.757, 5.928, 8.43 , 7.78 , 9.865, 5.878, 8.979, 4.732, 3.012, 6.022, 5.095, 3.116, 5.238, 3.957, 6.04 , 9.63 , 7.712, 3.382, 4.489, 6.479, 7.189, 9.645, 5.395, 4.961, 9.894, 2.893, 7.357, 9.828, 6.272, 3.758, 6.693, 0.993]) X = x.reshape(6, 6) XX = x.reshape(3, 2, 2, 3) m = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) mx = array(data=x, mask=m) mX = array(data=X, mask=m.reshape(X.shape)) mXX = array(data=XX, mask=m.reshape(XX.shape)) m2 = np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]) m2x = array(data=x, mask=m2) m2X = array(data=X, mask=m2.reshape(X.shape)) m2XX = array(data=XX, mask=m2.reshape(XX.shape)) self.d = (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX, m2x, m2X, m2XX) def test_generic_methods(self): "Tests some MaskedArray methods." a = array([1, 3, 2]) b = array([1, 3, 2], mask=[1, 0, 1]) assert_equal(a.any(), a._data.any()) assert_equal(a.all(), a._data.all()) assert_equal(a.argmax(), a._data.argmax()) assert_equal(a.argmin(), a._data.argmin()) assert_equal(a.choose(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), a._data.choose(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)) assert_equal(a.compress([1, 0, 1]), a._data.compress([1, 0, 1])) assert_equal(a.conj(), a._data.conj()) assert_equal(a.conjugate(), a._data.conjugate()) # m = array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) assert_equal(m.diagonal(), m._data.diagonal()) assert_equal(a.sum(), a._data.sum()) assert_equal(a.take([1, 2]), a._data.take([1, 2])) assert_equal(m.transpose(), m._data.transpose()) def test_allclose(self): "Tests allclose on arrays" a = arand(10) b = a + arand(10) * 1e-8 self.assertTrue(allclose(a, b)) # Test allclose w/ infs a[0] = np.inf self.assertTrue(not allclose(a, b)) b[0] = np.inf self.assertTrue(allclose(a, b)) # Test all close w/ masked a = masked_array(a) a[-1] = masked self.assertTrue(allclose(a, b, masked_equal=True)) self.assertTrue(not allclose(a, b, masked_equal=False)) # Test comparison w/ scalar a *= 1e-8 a[0] = 0 self.assertTrue(allclose(a, 0, masked_equal=True)) def test_allany(self): """Checks the any/all methods/functions.""" x = np.array([[ 0.13, 0.26, 0.90], [ 0.28, 0.33, 0.63], [ 0.31, 0.87, 0.70]]) m = np.array([[ True, False, False], [False, False, False], [True, True, False]], dtype=np.bool_) mx = masked_array(x, mask=m) xbig = np.array([[False, False, True], [False, False, True], [False, True, True]], dtype=np.bool_) mxbig = (mx > 0.5) mxsmall = (mx < 0.5) # assert (mxbig.all() == False) assert (mxbig.any() == True) assert_equal(mxbig.all(0), [False, False, True]) assert_equal(mxbig.all(1), [False, False, True]) assert_equal(mxbig.any(0), [False, False, True]) assert_equal(mxbig.any(1), [True, True, True]) # assert (mxsmall.all() == False) assert (mxsmall.any() == True) assert_equal(mxsmall.all(0), [True, True, False]) assert_equal(mxsmall.all(1), [False, False, False]) assert_equal(mxsmall.any(0), [True, True, False]) assert_equal(mxsmall.any(1), [True, True, False]) def test_allany_onmatrices(self): x = np.array([[ 0.13, 0.26, 0.90], [ 0.28, 0.33, 0.63], [ 0.31, 0.87, 0.70]]) X = np.matrix(x) m = np.array([[ True, False, False], [False, False, False], [True, True, False]], dtype=np.bool_) mX = masked_array(X, mask=m) mXbig = (mX > 0.5) mXsmall = (mX < 0.5) # assert (mXbig.all() == False) assert (mXbig.any() == True) assert_equal(mXbig.all(0), np.matrix([False, False, True])) assert_equal(mXbig.all(1), np.matrix([False, False, True]).T) assert_equal(mXbig.any(0), np.matrix([False, False, True])) assert_equal(mXbig.any(1), np.matrix([ True, True, True]).T) # assert (mXsmall.all() == False) assert (mXsmall.any() == True) assert_equal(mXsmall.all(0), np.matrix([True, True, False])) assert_equal(mXsmall.all(1), np.matrix([False, False, False]).T) assert_equal(mXsmall.any(0), np.matrix([True, True, False])) assert_equal(mXsmall.any(1), np.matrix([True, True, False]).T) def test_allany_oddities(self): "Some fun with all and any" store = empty(1, dtype=bool) full = array([1, 2, 3], mask=True) # self.assertTrue(full.all() is masked) full.all(out=store) self.assertTrue(store) self.assertTrue(store._mask, True) self.assertTrue(store is not masked) # store = empty(1, dtype=bool) self.assertTrue(full.any() is masked) full.any(out=store) self.assertTrue(not store) self.assertTrue(store._mask, True) self.assertTrue(store is not masked) def test_argmax_argmin(self): "Tests argmin & argmax on MaskedArrays." (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX, m2x, m2X, m2XX) = self.d # assert_equal(mx.argmin(), 35) assert_equal(mX.argmin(), 35) assert_equal(m2x.argmin(), 4) assert_equal(m2X.argmin(), 4) assert_equal(mx.argmax(), 28) assert_equal(mX.argmax(), 28) assert_equal(m2x.argmax(), 31) assert_equal(m2X.argmax(), 31) # assert_equal(mX.argmin(0), [2, 2, 2, 5, 0, 5]) assert_equal(m2X.argmin(0), [2, 2, 4, 5, 0, 4]) assert_equal(mX.argmax(0), [0, 5, 0, 5, 4, 0]) assert_equal(m2X.argmax(0), [5, 5, 0, 5, 1, 0]) # assert_equal(mX.argmin(1), [4, 1, 0, 0, 5, 5, ]) assert_equal(m2X.argmin(1), [4, 4, 0, 0, 5, 3]) assert_equal(mX.argmax(1), [2, 4, 1, 1, 4, 1]) assert_equal(m2X.argmax(1), [2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1]) def test_clip(self): "Tests clip on MaskedArrays." x = np.array([ 8.375, 7.545, 8.828, 8.5 , 1.757, 5.928, 8.43 , 7.78 , 9.865, 5.878, 8.979, 4.732, 3.012, 6.022, 5.095, 3.116, 5.238, 3.957, 6.04 , 9.63 , 7.712, 3.382, 4.489, 6.479, 7.189, 9.645, 5.395, 4.961, 9.894, 2.893, 7.357, 9.828, 6.272, 3.758, 6.693, 0.993]) m = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) mx = array(x, mask=m) clipped = mx.clip(2, 8) assert_equal(clipped.mask, mx.mask) assert_equal(clipped._data, x.clip(2, 8)) assert_equal(clipped._data, mx._data.clip(2, 8)) def test_compress(self): "test compress" a = masked_array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.], fill_value=9999) condition = (a > 1.5) & (a < 3.5) assert_equal(a.compress(condition), [2., 3.]) # a[[2, 3]] = masked b = a.compress(condition) assert_equal(b._data, [2., 3.]) assert_equal(b._mask, [0, 1]) assert_equal(b.fill_value, 9999) assert_equal(b, a[condition]) # condition = (a < 4.) b = a.compress(condition) assert_equal(b._data, [1., 2., 3.]) assert_equal(b._mask, [0, 0, 1]) assert_equal(b.fill_value, 9999) assert_equal(b, a[condition]) # a = masked_array([[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60]], mask=[[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]]) b = a.compress(a.ravel() >= 22) assert_equal(b._data, [30, 40, 50, 60]) assert_equal(b._mask, [1, 1, 0, 0]) # x = np.array([3, 1, 2]) b = a.compress(x >= 2, axis=1) assert_equal(b._data, [[10, 30], [40, 60]]) assert_equal(b._mask, [[0, 1], [1, 0]]) def test_compressed(self): "Tests compressed" a = array([1, 2, 3, 4], mask=[0, 0, 0, 0]) b = a.compressed() assert_equal(b, a) a[0] = masked b = a.compressed() assert_equal(b, [2, 3, 4]) # a = array(np.matrix([1, 2, 3, 4]), mask=[0, 0, 0, 0]) b = a.compressed() assert_equal(b, a) self.assertTrue(isinstance(b, np.matrix)) a[0, 0] = masked b = a.compressed() assert_equal(b, [[2, 3, 4]]) def test_empty(self): "Tests empty/like" datatype = [('a', int), ('b', float), ('c', '|S8')] a = masked_array([(1, 1.1, '1.1'), (2, 2.2, '2.2'), (3, 3.3, '3.3')], dtype=datatype) assert_equal(len(a.fill_value.item()), len(datatype)) # b = empty_like(a) assert_equal(b.shape, a.shape) assert_equal(b.fill_value, a.fill_value) # b = empty(len(a), dtype=datatype) assert_equal(b.shape, a.shape) assert_equal(b.fill_value, a.fill_value) def test_put(self): "Tests put." d = arange(5) n = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] m = make_mask(n) x = array(d, mask=m) self.assertTrue(x[3] is masked) self.assertTrue(x[4] is masked) x[[1, 4]] = [10, 40] #self.assertTrue(x.mask is not m) self.assertTrue(x[3] is masked) self.assertTrue(x[4] is not masked) assert_equal(x, [0, 10, 2, -1, 40]) # x = masked_array(arange(10), mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0] * 2) i = [0, 2, 4, 6] x.put(i, [6, 4, 2, 0]) assert_equal(x, asarray([6, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, ])) assert_equal(x.mask, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) x.put(i, masked_array([0, 2, 4, 6], [1, 0, 1, 0])) assert_array_equal(x, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ]) assert_equal(x.mask, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # x = masked_array(arange(10), mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0] * 2) put(x, i, [6, 4, 2, 0]) assert_equal(x, asarray([6, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, ])) assert_equal(x.mask, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) put(x, i, masked_array([0, 2, 4, 6], [1, 0, 1, 0])) assert_array_equal(x, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ]) assert_equal(x.mask, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) def test_put_hardmask(self): "Tests put on hardmask" d = arange(5) n = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] m = make_mask(n) xh = array(d + 1, mask=m, hard_mask=True, copy=True) xh.put([4, 2, 0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) assert_equal(xh._data, [3, 4, 2, 4, 5]) def test_putmask(self): x = arange(6) + 1 mx = array(x, mask=[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) mask = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1] # w/o mask, w/o masked values xx = x.copy() putmask(xx, mask, 99) assert_equal(xx, [1, 2, 99, 4, 5, 99]) # w/ mask, w/o masked values mxx = mx.copy() putmask(mxx, mask, 99) assert_equal(mxx._data, [1, 2, 99, 4, 5, 99]) assert_equal(mxx._mask, [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]) # w/o mask, w/ masked values values = array([10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60], mask=[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]) xx = x.copy() putmask(xx, mask, values) assert_equal(xx._data, [1, 2, 30, 4, 5, 60]) assert_equal(xx._mask, [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]) # w/ mask, w/ masked values mxx = mx.copy() putmask(mxx, mask, values) assert_equal(mxx._data, [1, 2, 30, 4, 5, 60]) assert_equal(mxx._mask, [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]) # w/ mask, w/ masked values + hardmask mxx = mx.copy() mxx.harden_mask() putmask(mxx, mask, values) assert_equal(mxx, [1, 2, 30, 4, 5, 60]) def test_ravel(self): "Tests ravel" a = array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]], mask=[[0, 1, 0, 0, 0]]) aravel = a.ravel() assert_equal(a._mask.shape, a.shape) a = array([0, 0], mask=[1, 1]) aravel = a.ravel() assert_equal(a._mask.shape, a.shape) a = array(np.matrix([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), mask=[[0, 1, 0, 0, 0]]) aravel = a.ravel() assert_equal(a.shape, (1, 5)) assert_equal(a._mask.shape, a.shape) # Checks that small_mask is preserved a = array([1, 2, 3, 4], mask=[0, 0, 0, 0], shrink=False) assert_equal(a.ravel()._mask, [0, 0, 0, 0]) # Test that the fill_value is preserved a.fill_value = -99 a.shape = (2, 2) ar = a.ravel() assert_equal(ar._mask, [0, 0, 0, 0]) assert_equal(ar._data, [1, 2, 3, 4]) assert_equal(ar.fill_value, -99) def test_reshape(self): "Tests reshape" x = arange(4) x[0] = masked y = x.reshape(2, 2) assert_equal(y.shape, (2, 2,)) assert_equal(y._mask.shape, (2, 2,)) assert_equal(x.shape, (4,)) assert_equal(x._mask.shape, (4,)) def test_sort(self): "Test sort" x = array([1, 4, 2, 3], mask=[0, 1, 0, 0], dtype=np.uint8) # sortedx = sort(x) assert_equal(sortedx._data, [1, 2, 3, 4]) assert_equal(sortedx._mask, [0, 0, 0, 1]) # sortedx = sort(x, endwith=False) assert_equal(sortedx._data, [4, 1, 2, 3]) assert_equal(sortedx._mask, [1, 0, 0, 0]) # x.sort() assert_equal(x._data, [1, 2, 3, 4]) assert_equal(x._mask, [0, 0, 0, 1]) # x = array([1, 4, 2, 3], mask=[0, 1, 0, 0], dtype=np.uint8) x.sort(endwith=False) assert_equal(x._data, [4, 1, 2, 3]) assert_equal(x._mask, [1, 0, 0, 0]) # x = [1, 4, 2, 3] sortedx = sort(x) self.assertTrue(not isinstance(sorted, MaskedArray)) # x = array([0, 1, -1, -2, 2], mask=nomask, dtype=np.int8) sortedx = sort(x, endwith=False) assert_equal(sortedx._data, [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]) x = array([0, 1, -1, -2, 2], mask=[0, 1, 0, 0, 1], dtype=np.int8) sortedx = sort(x, endwith=False) assert_equal(sortedx._data, [1, 2, -2, -1, 0]) assert_equal(sortedx._mask, [1, 1, 0, 0, 0]) def test_sort_2d(self): "Check sort of 2D array." # 2D array w/o mask a = masked_array([[8, 4, 1], [2, 0, 9]]) a.sort(0) assert_equal(a, [[2, 0, 1], [8, 4, 9]]) a = masked_array([[8, 4, 1], [2, 0, 9]]) a.sort(1) assert_equal(a, [[1, 4, 8], [0, 2, 9]]) # 2D array w/mask a = masked_array([[8, 4, 1], [2, 0, 9]], mask=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) a.sort(0) assert_equal(a, [[2, 0, 1], [8, 4, 9]]) assert_equal(a._mask, [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1]]) a = masked_array([[8, 4, 1], [2, 0, 9]], mask=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) a.sort(1) assert_equal(a, [[1, 4, 8], [0, 2, 9]]) assert_equal(a._mask, [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]]) # 3D a = masked_array([[[7, 8, 9], [4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]], [[1, 2, 3], [7, 8, 9], [4, 5, 6]], [[7, 8, 9], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3], [7, 8, 9]]]) a[a % 4 == 0] = masked am = a.copy() an = a.filled(99) am.sort(0) an.sort(0) assert_equal(am, an) am = a.copy() an = a.filled(99) am.sort(1) an.sort(1) assert_equal(am, an) am = a.copy() an = a.filled(99) am.sort(2) an.sort(2) assert_equal(am, an) def test_sort_flexible(self): "Test sort on flexible dtype." a = array([(3, 3), (3, 2), (2, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)], mask=[(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)], dtype=[('A', int), ('B', int)]) # test = sort(a) b = array([(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (3, 2), (1, 0)], mask=[(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)], dtype=[('A', int), ('B', int)]) assert_equal(test, b) assert_equal(test.mask, b.mask) # test = sort(a, endwith=False) b = array([(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, 2), (3, 3), ], mask=[(1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0), ], dtype=[('A', int), ('B', int)]) assert_equal(test, b) assert_equal(test.mask, b.mask) def test_argsort(self): "Test argsort" a = array([1, 5, 2, 4, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0, 1, 0]) assert_equal(np.argsort(a), argsort(a)) def test_squeeze(self): "Check squeeze" data = masked_array([[1, 2, 3]]) assert_equal(data.squeeze(), [1, 2, 3]) data = masked_array([[1, 2, 3]], mask=[[1, 1, 1]]) assert_equal(data.squeeze(), [1, 2, 3]) assert_equal(data.squeeze()._mask, [1, 1, 1]) data = masked_array([[1]], mask=True) self.assertTrue(data.squeeze() is masked) def test_swapaxes(self): "Tests swapaxes on MaskedArrays." x = np.array([ 8.375, 7.545, 8.828, 8.5 , 1.757, 5.928, 8.43 , 7.78 , 9.865, 5.878, 8.979, 4.732, 3.012, 6.022, 5.095, 3.116, 5.238, 3.957, 6.04 , 9.63 , 7.712, 3.382, 4.489, 6.479, 7.189, 9.645, 5.395, 4.961, 9.894, 2.893, 7.357, 9.828, 6.272, 3.758, 6.693, 0.993]) m = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) mX = array(x, mask=m).reshape(6, 6) mXX = mX.reshape(3, 2, 2, 3) # mXswapped = mX.swapaxes(0, 1) assert_equal(mXswapped[-1], mX[:, -1]) mXXswapped = mXX.swapaxes(0, 2) assert_equal(mXXswapped.shape, (2, 2, 3, 3)) def test_take(self): "Tests take" x = masked_array([10, 20, 30, 40], [0, 1, 0, 1]) assert_equal(x.take([0, 0, 3]), masked_array([10, 10, 40], [0, 0, 1])) assert_equal(x.take([0, 0, 3]), x[[0, 0, 3]]) assert_equal(x.take([[0, 1], [0, 1]]), masked_array([[10, 20], [10, 20]], [[0, 1], [0, 1]])) # x = array([[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60]], mask=[[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, ]]) assert_equal(x.take([0, 2], axis=1), array([[10, 30], [40, 60]], mask=[[0, 1], [1, 0]])) assert_equal(take(x, [0, 2], axis=1), array([[10, 30], [40, 60]], mask=[[0, 1], [1, 0]])) def test_take_masked_indices(self): "Test take w/ masked indices" a = np.array((40, 18, 37, 9, 22)) indices = np.arange(3)[None, :] + np.arange(5)[:, None] mindices = array(indices, mask=(indices >= len(a))) # No mask test = take(a, mindices, mode='clip') ctrl = array([[40, 18, 37], [18, 37, 9], [37, 9, 22], [ 9, 22, 22], [22, 22, 22]]) assert_equal(test, ctrl) # Masked indices test = take(a, mindices) ctrl = array([[40, 18, 37], [18, 37, 9], [37, 9, 22], [ 9, 22, 40], [22, 40, 40]]) ctrl[3, 2] = ctrl[4, 1] = ctrl[4, 2] = masked assert_equal(test, ctrl) assert_equal(test.mask, ctrl.mask) # Masked input + masked indices a = array((40, 18, 37, 9, 22), mask=(0, 1, 0, 0, 0)) test = take(a, mindices) ctrl[0, 1] = ctrl[1, 0] = masked assert_equal(test, ctrl) assert_equal(test.mask, ctrl.mask) def test_tolist(self): "Tests to list" # ... on 1D x = array(np.arange(12)) x[[1, -2]] = masked xlist = x.tolist() self.assertTrue(xlist[1] is None) self.assertTrue(xlist[-2] is None) # ... on 2D x.shape = (3, 4) xlist = x.tolist() ctrl = [[0, None, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, None, 11]] assert_equal(xlist[0], [0, None, 2, 3]) assert_equal(xlist[1], [4, 5, 6, 7]) assert_equal(xlist[2], [8, 9, None, 11]) assert_equal(xlist, ctrl) # ... on structured array w/ masked records x = array(zip([1, 2, 3], [1.1, 2.2, 3.3], ['one', 'two', 'thr']), dtype=[('a', int), ('b', float), ('c', '|S8')]) x[-1] = masked assert_equal(x.tolist(), [(1, 1.1, asbytes('one')), (2, 2.2, asbytes('two')), (None, None, None)]) # ... on structured array w/ masked fields a = array([(1, 2,), (3, 4)], mask=[(0, 1), (0, 0)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int)]) test = a.tolist() assert_equal(test, [[1, None], [3, 4]]) # ... on mvoid a = a[0] test = a.tolist() assert_equal(test, [1, None]) def test_tolist_specialcase(self): "Test mvoid.tolist: make sure we return a standard Python object" a = array([(0, 1), (2, 3)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int)]) # w/o mask: each entry is a np.void whose elements are standard Python for entry in a: for item in entry.tolist(): assert(not isinstance(item, np.generic)) # w/ mask: each entry is a ma.void whose elements should be standard Python a.mask[0] = (0, 1) for entry in a: for item in entry.tolist(): assert(not isinstance(item, np.generic)) def test_toflex(self): "Test the conversion to records" data = arange(10) record = data.toflex() assert_equal(record['_data'], data._data) assert_equal(record['_mask'], data._mask) # data[[0, 1, 2, -1]] = masked record = data.toflex() assert_equal(record['_data'], data._data) assert_equal(record['_mask'], data._mask) # ndtype = [('i', int), ('s', '|S3'), ('f', float)] data = array([(i, s, f) for (i, s, f) in zip(np.arange(10), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLM', arand(10))], dtype=ndtype) data[[0, 1, 2, -1]] = masked record = data.toflex() assert_equal(record['_data'], data._data) assert_equal(record['_mask'], data._mask) # ndtype = np.dtype("int, (2,3)float, float") data = array([(i, f, ff) for (i, f, ff) in zip(np.arange(10), arand(10), arand(10))], dtype=ndtype) data[[0, 1, 2, -1]] = masked record = data.toflex() assert_equal_records(record['_data'], data._data) assert_equal_records(record['_mask'], data._mask) def test_fromflex(self): "Test the reconstruction of a masked_array from a record" a = array([1, 2, 3]) test = fromflex(a.toflex()) assert_equal(test, a) assert_equal(test.mask, a.mask) # a = array([1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1]) test = fromflex(a.toflex()) assert_equal(test, a) assert_equal(test.mask, a.mask) # a = array([(1, 1.), (2, 2.), (3, 3.)], mask=[(1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)], dtype=[('A', int), ('B', float)]) test = fromflex(a.toflex()) assert_equal(test, a) assert_equal(, def test_arraymethod(self): "Test a _arraymethod w/ n argument" marray = masked_array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]], mask=[0, 0, 1, 0, 0]) control = masked_array([[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]], mask=[0, 0, 1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(marray.T, control) assert_equal(marray.transpose(), control) # assert_equal(MaskedArray.cumsum(marray.T, 0), control.cumsum(0)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestMaskedArrayMathMethods(TestCase): def setUp(self): "Base data definition." x = np.array([ 8.375, 7.545, 8.828, 8.5 , 1.757, 5.928, 8.43 , 7.78 , 9.865, 5.878, 8.979, 4.732, 3.012, 6.022, 5.095, 3.116, 5.238, 3.957, 6.04 , 9.63 , 7.712, 3.382, 4.489, 6.479, 7.189, 9.645, 5.395, 4.961, 9.894, 2.893, 7.357, 9.828, 6.272, 3.758, 6.693, 0.993]) X = x.reshape(6, 6) XX = x.reshape(3, 2, 2, 3) m = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) mx = array(data=x, mask=m) mX = array(data=X, mask=m.reshape(X.shape)) mXX = array(data=XX, mask=m.reshape(XX.shape)) m2 = np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]) m2x = array(data=x, mask=m2) m2X = array(data=X, mask=m2.reshape(X.shape)) m2XX = array(data=XX, mask=m2.reshape(XX.shape)) self.d = (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX, m2x, m2X, m2XX) def test_cumsumprod(self): "Tests cumsum & cumprod on MaskedArrays." (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX, m2x, m2X, m2XX) = self.d mXcp = mX.cumsum(0) assert_equal(mXcp._data, mX.filled(0).cumsum(0)) mXcp = mX.cumsum(1) assert_equal(mXcp._data, mX.filled(0).cumsum(1)) # mXcp = mX.cumprod(0) assert_equal(mXcp._data, mX.filled(1).cumprod(0)) mXcp = mX.cumprod(1) assert_equal(mXcp._data, mX.filled(1).cumprod(1)) def test_cumsumprod_with_output(self): "Tests cumsum/cumprod w/ output" xm = array(uniform(0, 10, 12)).reshape(3, 4) xm[:, 0] = xm[0] = xm[-1, -1] = masked # for funcname in ('cumsum', 'cumprod'): npfunc = getattr(np, funcname) xmmeth = getattr(xm, funcname) # A ndarray as explicit input output = np.empty((3, 4), dtype=float) output.fill(-9999) result = npfunc(xm, axis=0, out=output) # ... the result should be the given output self.assertTrue(result is output) assert_equal(result, xmmeth(axis=0, out=output)) # output = empty((3, 4), dtype=int) result = xmmeth(axis=0, out=output) self.assertTrue(result is output) def test_ptp(self): "Tests ptp on MaskedArrays." (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX, m2x, m2X, m2XX) = self.d (n, m) = X.shape assert_equal(mx.ptp(), mx.compressed().ptp()) rows = np.zeros(n, np.float) cols = np.zeros(m, np.float) for k in range(m): cols[k] = mX[:, k].compressed().ptp() for k in range(n): rows[k] = mX[k].compressed().ptp() assert_equal(mX.ptp(0), cols) assert_equal(mX.ptp(1), rows) def test_sum_object(self): "Test sum on object dtype" a = masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0], dtype=np.object) assert_equal(a.sum(), 5) a = masked_array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=object) assert_equal(a.sum(axis=0), [5, 7, 9]) def test_prod_object(self): "Test prod on object dtype" a = masked_array([1, 2, 3], mask=[1, 0, 0], dtype=np.object) assert_equal(, 2 * 3) a = masked_array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=object) assert_equal(, [4, 10, 18]) def test_meananom_object(self): "Test mean/anom on object dtype" a = masked_array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.object) assert_equal(a.mean(), 2) assert_equal(a.anom(), [-1, 0, 1]) def test_trace(self): "Tests trace on MaskedArrays." (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX, m2x, m2X, m2XX) = self.d mXdiag = mX.diagonal() assert_equal(mX.trace(), mX.diagonal().compressed().sum()) assert_almost_equal(mX.trace(), X.trace() - sum(mXdiag.mask * X.diagonal(), axis=0)) def test_varstd(self): "Tests var & std on MaskedArrays." (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX, m2x, m2X, m2XX) = self.d assert_almost_equal(mX.var(axis=None), mX.compressed().var()) assert_almost_equal(mX.std(axis=None), mX.compressed().std()) assert_almost_equal(mX.std(axis=None, ddof=1), mX.compressed().std(ddof=1)) assert_almost_equal(mX.var(axis=None, ddof=1), mX.compressed().var(ddof=1)) assert_equal(mXX.var(axis=3).shape, XX.var(axis=3).shape) assert_equal(mX.var().shape, X.var().shape) (mXvar0, mXvar1) = (mX.var(axis=0), mX.var(axis=1)) assert_almost_equal(mX.var(axis=None, ddof=2), mX.compressed().var(ddof=2)) assert_almost_equal(mX.std(axis=None, ddof=2), mX.compressed().std(ddof=2)) for k in range(6): assert_almost_equal(mXvar1[k], mX[k].compressed().var()) assert_almost_equal(mXvar0[k], mX[:, k].compressed().var()) assert_almost_equal(np.sqrt(mXvar0[k]), mX[:, k].compressed().std()) def test_varstd_specialcases(self): "Test a special case for var" nout = np.empty(1, dtype=float) mout = empty(1, dtype=float) # x = array(arange(10), mask=True) for methodname in ('var', 'std'): method = getattr(x, methodname) self.assertTrue(method() is masked) self.assertTrue(method(0) is masked) self.assertTrue(method(-1) is masked) # Using a masked array as explicit output _ = method(out=mout) self.assertTrue(mout is not masked) assert_equal(mout.mask, True) # Using a ndarray as explicit output _ = method(out=nout) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(nout)) # x = array(arange(10), mask=True) x[-1] = 9 for methodname in ('var', 'std'): method = getattr(x, methodname) self.assertTrue(method(ddof=1) is masked) self.assertTrue(method(0, ddof=1) is masked) self.assertTrue(method(-1, ddof=1) is masked) # Using a masked array as explicit output _ = method(out=mout, ddof=1) self.assertTrue(mout is not masked) assert_equal(mout.mask, True) # Using a ndarray as explicit output _ = method(out=nout, ddof=1) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(nout)) def test_varstd_ddof(self): a = array([[1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]], mask=[[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]]) test = a.std(axis=0, ddof=0) assert_equal(test.filled(0), [0, 0, 0]) assert_equal(test.mask, [0, 0, 1]) test = a.std(axis=0, ddof=1) assert_equal(test.filled(0), [0, 0, 0]) assert_equal(test.mask, [0, 0, 1]) test = a.std(axis=0, ddof=2) assert_equal(test.filled(0), [0, 0, 0]) assert_equal(test.mask, [1, 1, 1]) def test_diag(self): "Test diag" x = arange(9).reshape((3, 3)) x[1, 1] = masked out = np.diag(x) assert_equal(out, [0, 4, 8]) out = diag(x) assert_equal(out, [0, 4, 8]) assert_equal(out.mask, [0, 1, 0]) out = diag(out) control = array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 8]], mask=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) assert_equal(out, control) def test_axis_methods_nomask(self): "Test the combination nomask & methods w/ axis" a = array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) # assert_equal(a.sum(0), [5, 7, 9]) assert_equal(a.sum(-1), [6, 15]) assert_equal(a.sum(1), [6, 15]) # assert_equal(, [4, 10, 18]) assert_equal(, [6, 120]) assert_equal(, [6, 120]) # assert_equal(a.min(0), [1, 2, 3]) assert_equal(a.min(-1), [1, 4]) assert_equal(a.min(1), [1, 4]) # assert_equal(a.max(0), [4, 5, 6]) assert_equal(a.max(-1), [3, 6]) assert_equal(a.max(1), [3, 6]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestMaskedArrayMathMethodsComplex(TestCase): "Test class for miscellaneous MaskedArrays methods." def setUp(self): "Base data definition." x = np.array([ 8.375j, 7.545j, 8.828j, 8.5j , 1.757j, 5.928, 8.43 , 7.78 , 9.865, 5.878, 8.979, 4.732, 3.012, 6.022, 5.095, 3.116, 5.238, 3.957, 6.04 , 9.63 , 7.712, 3.382, 4.489, 6.479j, 7.189j, 9.645, 5.395, 4.961, 9.894, 2.893, 7.357, 9.828, 6.272, 3.758, 6.693, 0.993j]) X = x.reshape(6, 6) XX = x.reshape(3, 2, 2, 3) m = np.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]) mx = array(data=x, mask=m) mX = array(data=X, mask=m.reshape(X.shape)) mXX = array(data=XX, mask=m.reshape(XX.shape)) m2 = np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]) m2x = array(data=x, mask=m2) m2X = array(data=X, mask=m2.reshape(X.shape)) m2XX = array(data=XX, mask=m2.reshape(XX.shape)) self.d = (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX, m2x, m2X, m2XX) def test_varstd(self): "Tests var & std on MaskedArrays." (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX, m2x, m2X, m2XX) = self.d assert_almost_equal(mX.var(axis=None), mX.compressed().var()) assert_almost_equal(mX.std(axis=None), mX.compressed().std()) assert_equal(mXX.var(axis=3).shape, XX.var(axis=3).shape) assert_equal(mX.var().shape, X.var().shape) (mXvar0, mXvar1) = (mX.var(axis=0), mX.var(axis=1)) assert_almost_equal(mX.var(axis=None, ddof=2), mX.compressed().var(ddof=2)) assert_almost_equal(mX.std(axis=None, ddof=2), mX.compressed().std(ddof=2)) for k in range(6): assert_almost_equal(mXvar1[k], mX[k].compressed().var()) assert_almost_equal(mXvar0[k], mX[:, k].compressed().var()) assert_almost_equal(np.sqrt(mXvar0[k]), mX[:, k].compressed().std()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestMaskedArrayFunctions(TestCase): "Test class for miscellaneous functions." def setUp(self): x = np.array([1., 1., 1., -2., pi / 2.0, 4., 5., -10., 10., 1., 2., 3.]) y = np.array([5., 0., 3., 2., -1., -4., 0., -10., 10., 1., 0., 3.]) a10 = 10. m1 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] m2 = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 1] xm = masked_array(x, mask=m1) ym = masked_array(y, mask=m2) z = np.array([-.5, 0., .5, .8]) zm = masked_array(z, mask=[0, 1, 0, 0]) xf = np.where(m1, 1e+20, x) xm.set_fill_value(1e+20) = (xm, ym) def test_masked_where_bool(self): x = [1, 2] y = masked_where(False, x) assert_equal(y, [1, 2]) assert_equal(y[1], 2) def test_masked_equal_wlist(self): x = [1, 2, 3] mx = masked_equal(x, 3) assert_equal(mx, x) assert_equal(mx._mask, [0, 0, 1]) mx = masked_not_equal(x, 3) assert_equal(mx, x) assert_equal(mx._mask, [1, 1, 0]) def test_masked_equal_fill_value(self): x = [1, 2, 3] mx = masked_equal(x, 3) assert_equal(mx._mask, [0, 0, 1]) assert_equal(mx.fill_value, 3) def test_masked_where_condition(self): "Tests masking functions." x = array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) x[2] = masked assert_equal(masked_where(greater(x, 2), x), masked_greater(x, 2)) assert_equal(masked_where(greater_equal(x, 2), x), masked_greater_equal(x, 2)) assert_equal(masked_where(less(x, 2), x), masked_less(x, 2)) assert_equal(masked_where(less_equal(x, 2), x), masked_less_equal(x, 2)) assert_equal(masked_where(not_equal(x, 2), x), masked_not_equal(x, 2)) assert_equal(masked_where(equal(x, 2), x), masked_equal(x, 2)) assert_equal(masked_where(not_equal(x, 2), x), masked_not_equal(x, 2)) assert_equal(masked_where([1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), [99, 99, 3, 4, 5]) def test_masked_where_oddities(self): """Tests some generic features.""" atest = ones((10, 10, 10), dtype=float) btest = zeros(atest.shape, MaskType) ctest = masked_where(btest, atest) assert_equal(atest, ctest) def test_masked_where_shape_constraint(self): a = arange(10) try: test = masked_equal(1, a) except IndexError: pass else: raise AssertionError("Should have failed...") test = masked_equal(a, 1) assert_equal(test.mask, [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) def test_masked_otherfunctions(self): assert_equal(masked_inside(range(5), 1, 3), [0, 199, 199, 199, 4]) assert_equal(masked_outside(range(5), 1, 3), [199, 1, 2, 3, 199]) assert_equal(masked_inside(array(range(5), mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 1, 3).mask, [1, 1, 1, 1, 0]) assert_equal(masked_outside(array(range(5), mask=[0, 1, 0, 0, 0]), 1, 3).mask, [1, 1, 0, 0, 1]) assert_equal(masked_equal(array(range(5), mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 2).mask, [1, 0, 1, 0, 0]) assert_equal(masked_not_equal(array([2, 2, 1, 2, 1], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 2).mask, [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]) def test_round(self): a = array([1.23456, 2.34567, 3.45678, 4.56789, 5.67890], mask=[0, 1, 0, 0, 0]) assert_equal(a.round(), [1., 2., 3., 5., 6.]) assert_equal(a.round(1), [1.2, 2.3, 3.5, 4.6, 5.7]) assert_equal(a.round(3), [1.235, 2.346, 3.457, 4.568, 5.679]) b = empty_like(a) a.round(out=b) assert_equal(b, [1., 2., 3., 5., 6.]) x = array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) c = array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0]) x[2] = masked z = where(c, x, -x) assert_equal(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5]) c[0] = masked z = where(c, x, -x) assert_equal(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5]) assert z[0] is masked assert z[1] is not masked assert z[2] is masked def test_round_with_output(self): "Testing round with an explicit output" xm = array(uniform(0, 10, 12)).reshape(3, 4) xm[:, 0] = xm[0] = xm[-1, -1] = masked # A ndarray as explicit input output = np.empty((3, 4), dtype=float) output.fill(-9999) result = np.round(xm, decimals=2, out=output) # ... the result should be the given output self.assertTrue(result is output) assert_equal(result, xm.round(decimals=2, out=output)) # output = empty((3, 4), dtype=float) result = xm.round(decimals=2, out=output) self.assertTrue(result is output) def test_identity(self): a = identity(5) self.assertTrue(isinstance(a, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(a, np.identity(5)) def test_power(self): x = -1.1 assert_almost_equal(power(x, 2.), 1.21) self.assertTrue(power(x, masked) is masked) x = array([-1.1, -1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 0.]) b = array([0.5, 2., 0.5, 2., -1.], mask=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]) y = power(x, b) assert_almost_equal(y, [0, 1.21, 1.04880884817, 1.21, 0.]) assert_equal(y._mask, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]) b.mask = nomask y = power(x, b) assert_equal(y._mask, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]) z = x ** b assert_equal(z._mask, y._mask) assert_almost_equal(z, y) assert_almost_equal(z._data, y._data) x **= b assert_equal(x._mask, y._mask) assert_almost_equal(x, y) assert_almost_equal(x._data, y._data) def test_power_w_broadcasting(self): "Test power w/ broadcasting" a2 = np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]) a2m = array(a2, mask=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) b1 = np.array([2, 4, 3]) b1m = array(b1, mask=[0, 1, 0]) b2 = np.array([b1, b1]) b2m = array(b2, mask=[[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]) # ctrl = array([[1 ** 2, 2 ** 4, 3 ** 3], [4 ** 2, 5 ** 4, 6 ** 3]], mask=[[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]) # No broadcasting, base & exp w/ mask test = a2m ** b2m assert_equal(test, ctrl) assert_equal(test.mask, ctrl.mask) # No broadcasting, base w/ mask, exp w/o mask test = a2m ** b2 assert_equal(test, ctrl) assert_equal(test.mask, a2m.mask) # No broadcasting, base w/o mask, exp w/ mask test = a2 ** b2m assert_equal(test, ctrl) assert_equal(test.mask, b2m.mask) # ctrl = array([[2 ** 2, 4 ** 4, 3 ** 3], [2 ** 2, 4 ** 4, 3 ** 3]], mask=[[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]) test = b1 ** b2m assert_equal(test, ctrl) assert_equal(test.mask, ctrl.mask) test = b2m ** b1 assert_equal(test, ctrl) assert_equal(test.mask, ctrl.mask) def test_where(self): "Test the where function" x = np.array([1., 1., 1., -2., pi / 2.0, 4., 5., -10., 10., 1., 2., 3.]) y = np.array([5., 0., 3., 2., -1., -4., 0., -10., 10., 1., 0., 3.]) a10 = 10. m1 = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] m2 = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 1] xm = masked_array(x, mask=m1) ym = masked_array(y, mask=m2) z = np.array([-.5, 0., .5, .8]) zm = masked_array(z, mask=[0, 1, 0, 0]) xf = np.where(m1, 1e+20, x) xm.set_fill_value(1e+20) # d = where(xm > 2, xm, -9) assert_equal(d, [-9., -9., -9., -9., -9., 4., -9., -9., 10., -9., -9., 3.]) assert_equal(d._mask, xm._mask) d = where(xm > 2, -9, ym) assert_equal(d, [5., 0., 3., 2., -1., -9., -9., -10., -9., 1., 0., -9.]) assert_equal(d._mask, [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) d = where(xm > 2, xm, masked) assert_equal(d, [-9., -9., -9., -9., -9., 4., -9., -9., 10., -9., -9., 3.]) tmp = xm._mask.copy() tmp[(xm <= 2).filled(True)] = True assert_equal(d._mask, tmp) # ixm = xm.astype(int) d = where(ixm > 2, ixm, masked) assert_equal(d, [-9, -9, -9, -9, -9, 4, -9, -9, 10, -9, -9, 3]) assert_equal(d.dtype, ixm.dtype) def test_where_with_masked_choice(self): x = arange(10) x[3] = masked c = x >= 8 # Set False to masked z = where(c , x, masked) assert z.dtype is x.dtype assert z[3] is masked assert z[4] is masked assert z[7] is masked assert z[8] is not masked assert z[9] is not masked assert_equal(x, z) # Set True to masked z = where(c , masked, x) assert z.dtype is x.dtype assert z[3] is masked assert z[4] is not masked assert z[7] is not masked assert z[8] is masked assert z[9] is masked def test_where_with_masked_condition(self): x = array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]) c = array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0]) x[2] = masked z = where(c, x, -x) assert_equal(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5]) c[0] = masked z = where(c, x, -x) assert_equal(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5]) assert z[0] is masked assert z[1] is not masked assert z[2] is masked # x = arange(1, 6) x[-1] = masked y = arange(1, 6) * 10 y[2] = masked c = array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) cm = c.filled(1) z = where(c, x, y) zm = where(cm, x, y) assert_equal(z, zm) assert getmask(zm) is nomask assert_equal(zm, [1, 2, 3, 40, 50]) z = where(c, masked, 1) assert_equal(z, [99, 99, 99, 1, 1]) z = where(c, 1, masked) assert_equal(z, [99, 1, 1, 99, 99]) def test_where_type(self): "Test the type conservation with where" x = np.arange(4, dtype=np.int32) y = np.arange(4, dtype=np.float32) * 2.2 test = where(x > 1.5, y, x).dtype control = np.find_common_type([np.int32, np.float32], []) assert_equal(test, control) def test_choose(self): "Test choose" choices = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [10, 11, 12, 13], [20, 21, 22, 23], [30, 31, 32, 33]] chosen = choose([2, 3, 1, 0], choices) assert_equal(chosen, array([20, 31, 12, 3])) chosen = choose([2, 4, 1, 0], choices, mode='clip') assert_equal(chosen, array([20, 31, 12, 3])) chosen = choose([2, 4, 1, 0], choices, mode='wrap') assert_equal(chosen, array([20, 1, 12, 3])) # Check with some masked indices indices_ = array([2, 4, 1, 0], mask=[1, 0, 0, 1]) chosen = choose(indices_, choices, mode='wrap') assert_equal(chosen, array([99, 1, 12, 99])) assert_equal(chosen.mask, [1, 0, 0, 1]) # Check with some masked choices choices = array(choices, mask=[[0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) indices_ = [2, 3, 1, 0] chosen = choose(indices_, choices, mode='wrap') assert_equal(chosen, array([20, 31, 12, 3])) assert_equal(chosen.mask, [1, 0, 0, 1]) def test_choose_with_out(self): "Test choose with an explicit out keyword" choices = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [10, 11, 12, 13], [20, 21, 22, 23], [30, 31, 32, 33]] store = empty(4, dtype=int) chosen = choose([2, 3, 1, 0], choices, out=store) assert_equal(store, array([20, 31, 12, 3])) self.assertTrue(store is chosen) # Check with some masked indices + out store = empty(4, dtype=int) indices_ = array([2, 3, 1, 0], mask=[1, 0, 0, 1]) chosen = choose(indices_, choices, mode='wrap', out=store) assert_equal(store, array([99, 31, 12, 99])) assert_equal(store.mask, [1, 0, 0, 1]) # Check with some masked choices + out ina ndarray ! choices = array(choices, mask=[[0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]) indices_ = [2, 3, 1, 0] store = empty(4, dtype=int).view(ndarray) chosen = choose(indices_, choices, mode='wrap', out=store) assert_equal(store, array([999999, 31, 12, 999999])) def test_reshape(self): a = arange(10) a[0] = masked # Try the default b = a.reshape((5, 2)) assert_equal(b.shape, (5, 2)) self.assertTrue(b.flags['C']) # Try w/ arguments as list instead of tuple b = a.reshape(5, 2) assert_equal(b.shape, (5, 2)) self.assertTrue(b.flags['C']) # Try w/ order b = a.reshape((5, 2), order='F') assert_equal(b.shape, (5, 2)) self.assertTrue(b.flags['F']) # Try w/ order b = a.reshape(5, 2, order='F') assert_equal(b.shape, (5, 2)) self.assertTrue(b.flags['F']) # c = np.reshape(a, (2, 5)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(c, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(c.shape, (2, 5)) self.assertTrue(c[0, 0] is masked) self.assertTrue(c.flags['C']) def test_make_mask_descr(self): "Test make_mask_descr" # Flexible ntype = [('a', np.float), ('b', np.float)] test = make_mask_descr(ntype) assert_equal(test, [('a', np.bool), ('b', np.bool)]) # Standard w/ shape ntype = (np.float, 2) test = make_mask_descr(ntype) assert_equal(test, (np.bool, 2)) # Standard standard ntype = np.float test = make_mask_descr(ntype) assert_equal(test, np.dtype(np.bool)) # Nested ntype = [('a', np.float), ('b', [('ba', np.float), ('bb', np.float)])] test = make_mask_descr(ntype) control = np.dtype([('a', 'b1'), ('b', [('ba', 'b1'), ('bb', 'b1')])]) assert_equal(test, control) # Named+ shape ntype = [('a', (np.float, 2))] test = make_mask_descr(ntype) assert_equal(test, np.dtype([('a', (np.bool, 2))])) # 2 names ntype = [(('A', 'a'), float)] test = make_mask_descr(ntype) assert_equal(test, np.dtype([(('A', 'a'), bool)])) def test_make_mask(self): "Test make_mask" # w/ a list as an input mask = [0, 1] test = make_mask(mask) assert_equal(test.dtype, MaskType) assert_equal(test, [0, 1]) # w/ a ndarray as an input mask = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.bool) test = make_mask(mask) assert_equal(test.dtype, MaskType) assert_equal(test, [0, 1]) # w/ a flexible-type ndarray as an input - use default mdtype = [('a', np.bool), ('b', np.bool)] mask = np.array([(0, 0), (0, 1)], dtype=mdtype) test = make_mask(mask) assert_equal(test.dtype, MaskType) assert_equal(test, [1, 1]) # w/ a flexible-type ndarray as an input - use input dtype mdtype = [('a', np.bool), ('b', np.bool)] mask = np.array([(0, 0), (0, 1)], dtype=mdtype) test = make_mask(mask, dtype=mask.dtype) assert_equal(test.dtype, mdtype) assert_equal(test, mask) # w/ a flexible-type ndarray as an input - use input dtype mdtype = [('a', np.float), ('b', np.float)] bdtype = [('a', np.bool), ('b', np.bool)] mask = np.array([(0, 0), (0, 1)], dtype=mdtype) test = make_mask(mask, dtype=mask.dtype) assert_equal(test.dtype, bdtype) assert_equal(test, np.array([(0, 0), (0, 1)], dtype=bdtype)) def test_mask_or(self): # Initialize mtype = [('a', np.bool), ('b', np.bool)] mask = np.array([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, 0)], dtype=mtype) # Test using nomask as input test = mask_or(mask, nomask) assert_equal(test, mask) test = mask_or(nomask, mask) assert_equal(test, mask) # Using False as input test = mask_or(mask, False) assert_equal(test, mask) # Using True as input. Won't work, but keep it for the kicks # test = mask_or(mask, True) # control = np.array([(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)], dtype=mtype) # assert_equal(test, control) # Using another array w / the same dtype other = np.array([(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1)], dtype=mtype) test = mask_or(mask, other) control = np.array([(0, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 1)], dtype=mtype) assert_equal(test, control) # Using another array w / a different dtype othertype = [('A', np.bool), ('B', np.bool)] other = np.array([(0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1), (0, 1)], dtype=othertype) try: test = mask_or(mask, other) except ValueError: pass # Using nested arrays dtype = [('a', np.bool), ('b', [('ba', np.bool), ('bb', np.bool)])] amask = np.array([(0, (1, 0)), (0, (1, 0))], dtype=dtype) bmask = np.array([(1, (0, 1)), (0, (0, 0))], dtype=dtype) cntrl = np.array([(1, (1, 1)), (0, (1, 0))], dtype=dtype) assert_equal(mask_or(amask, bmask), cntrl) def test_flatten_mask(self): "Tests flatten mask" # Standarad dtype mask = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=np.bool) assert_equal(flatten_mask(mask), mask) # Flexible dtype mask = np.array([(0, 0), (0, 1)], dtype=[('a', bool), ('b', bool)]) test = flatten_mask(mask) control = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1], dtype=bool) assert_equal(test, control) mdtype = [('a', bool), ('b', [('ba', bool), ('bb', bool)])] data = [(0, (0, 0)), (0, (0, 1))] mask = np.array(data, dtype=mdtype) test = flatten_mask(mask) control = np.array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], dtype=bool) assert_equal(test, control) def test_on_ndarray(self): "Test functions on ndarrays" a = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) m = array(a, mask=False) test = anom(a) assert_equal(test, m.anom()) test = reshape(a, (2, 2)) assert_equal(test, m.reshape(2, 2)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestMaskedFields(TestCase): # def setUp(self): ilist = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] flist = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5] slist = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'] ddtype = [('a', int), ('b', float), ('c', '|S8')] mdtype = [('a', bool), ('b', bool), ('c', bool)] mask = [0, 1, 0, 0, 1] base = array(zip(ilist, flist, slist), mask=mask, dtype=ddtype) = dict(base=base, mask=mask, ddtype=ddtype, mdtype=mdtype) def test_set_records_masks(self): base =['base'] mdtype =['mdtype'] # Set w/ nomask or masked base.mask = nomask assert_equal_records(base._mask, np.zeros(base.shape, dtype=mdtype)) base.mask = masked assert_equal_records(base._mask, np.ones(base.shape, dtype=mdtype)) # Set w/ simple boolean base.mask = False assert_equal_records(base._mask, np.zeros(base.shape, dtype=mdtype)) base.mask = True assert_equal_records(base._mask, np.ones(base.shape, dtype=mdtype)) # Set w/ list base.mask = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1] assert_equal_records(base._mask, np.array([(x, x, x) for x in [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]], dtype=mdtype)) def test_set_record_element(self): "Check setting an element of a record)" base =['base'] (base_a, base_b, base_c) = (base['a'], base['b'], base['c']) base[0] = (pi, pi, 'pi') assert_equal(base_a.dtype, int) assert_equal(base_a._data, [3, 2, 3, 4, 5]) assert_equal(base_b.dtype, float) assert_equal(base_b._data, [pi, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5]) assert_equal(base_c.dtype, '|S8') assert_equal(base_c._data, asbytes_nested(['pi', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'])) def test_set_record_slice(self): base =['base'] (base_a, base_b, base_c) = (base['a'], base['b'], base['c']) base[:3] = (pi, pi, 'pi') assert_equal(base_a.dtype, int) assert_equal(base_a._data, [3, 3, 3, 4, 5]) assert_equal(base_b.dtype, float) assert_equal(base_b._data, [pi, pi, pi, 4.4, 5.5]) assert_equal(base_c.dtype, '|S8') assert_equal(base_c._data, asbytes_nested(['pi', 'pi', 'pi', 'four', 'five'])) def test_mask_element(self): "Check record access" base =['base'] (base_a, base_b, base_c) = (base['a'], base['b'], base['c']) base[0] = masked # for n in ('a', 'b', 'c'): assert_equal(base[n].mask, [1, 1, 0, 0, 1]) assert_equal(base[n]._data, base._data[n]) # def test_getmaskarray(self): "Test getmaskarray on flexible dtype" ndtype = [('a', int), ('b', float)] test = empty(3, dtype=ndtype) assert_equal(getmaskarray(test), np.array([(0, 0) , (0, 0), (0, 0)], dtype=[('a', '|b1'), ('b', '|b1')])) test[:] = masked assert_equal(getmaskarray(test), np.array([(1, 1) , (1, 1), (1, 1)], dtype=[('a', '|b1'), ('b', '|b1')])) # def test_view(self): "Test view w/ flexible dtype" iterator = zip(np.arange(10), arand(10)) data = np.array(iterator) a = array(iterator, dtype=[('a', float), ('b', float)]) a.mask[0] = (1, 0) controlmask = np.array([1] + 19 * [0], dtype=bool) # Transform globally to simple dtype test = a.view(float) assert_equal(test, data.ravel()) assert_equal(test.mask, controlmask) # Transform globally to dty test = a.view((float, 2)) assert_equal(test, data) assert_equal(test.mask, controlmask.reshape(-1, 2)) # test = a.view((float, 2), np.matrix) assert_equal(test, data) self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, np.matrix)) # def test_getitem(self): ndtype = [('a', float), ('b', float)] a = array(zip(arand(10), np.arange(10)), dtype=ndtype) a.mask = np.array(zip([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]), dtype=[('a', bool), ('b', bool)]) # No mask self.assertTrue(isinstance(a[1], np.void)) # One element masked self.assertTrue(isinstance(a[0], MaskedArray)) assert_equal_records(a[0]._data, a._data[0]) assert_equal_records(a[0]._mask, a._mask[0]) # All element masked self.assertTrue(isinstance(a[-2], MaskedArray)) assert_equal_records(a[-2]._data, a._data[-2]) assert_equal_records(a[-2]._mask, a._mask[-2]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class TestMaskedView(TestCase): # def setUp(self): iterator = zip(np.arange(10), arand(10)) data = np.array(iterator) a = array(iterator, dtype=[('a', float), ('b', float)]) a.mask[0] = (1, 0) controlmask = np.array([1] + 19 * [0], dtype=bool) = (data, a, controlmask) # def test_view_to_nothing(self): (data, a, controlmask) = test = a.view() self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(test._data, a._data) assert_equal(test._mask, a._mask) # def test_view_to_type(self): (data, a, controlmask) = test = a.view(np.ndarray) self.assertTrue(not isinstance(test, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(test, a._data) assert_equal_records(test, data.view(a.dtype).squeeze()) # def test_view_to_simple_dtype(self): (data, a, controlmask) = # View globally test = a.view(float) self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(test, data.ravel()) assert_equal(test.mask, controlmask) # def test_view_to_flexible_dtype(self): (data, a, controlmask) = # test = a.view([('A', float), ('B', float)]) assert_equal(test.mask.dtype.names, ('A', 'B')) assert_equal(test['A'], a['a']) assert_equal(test['B'], a['b']) # test = a[0].view([('A', float), ('B', float)]) self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(test.mask.dtype.names, ('A', 'B')) assert_equal(test['A'], a['a'][0]) assert_equal(test['B'], a['b'][0]) # test = a[-1].view([('A', float), ('B', float)]) self.assertTrue(not isinstance(test, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(test.dtype.names, ('A', 'B')) assert_equal(test['A'], a['a'][-1]) assert_equal(test['B'], a['b'][-1]) # def test_view_to_subdtype(self): (data, a, controlmask) = # View globally test = a.view((float, 2)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(test, data) assert_equal(test.mask, controlmask.reshape(-1, 2)) # View on 1 masked element test = a[0].view((float, 2)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(test, data[0]) assert_equal(test.mask, (1, 0)) # View on 1 unmasked element test = a[-1].view((float, 2)) self.assertTrue(not isinstance(test, MaskedArray)) assert_equal(test, data[-1]) # def test_view_to_dtype_and_type(self): (data, a, controlmask) = # test = a.view((float, 2), np.matrix) assert_equal(test, data) self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, np.matrix)) self.assertTrue(not isinstance(test, MaskedArray)) def test_masked_array(): a =[0, 1, 2, 3], mask=[0, 0, 1, 0]) assert_equal(np.argwhere(a), [[1], [3]]) ############################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": run_module_suite()
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.conch.client.knownhosts}. """ import os from binascii import Error as BinasciiError, b2a_base64, a2b_base64 from twisted.python.reflect import requireModule if requireModule('Crypto') and requireModule('pyasn1'): from twisted.conch.ssh.keys import Key, BadKeyError from twisted.conch.client.knownhosts import \ PlainEntry, HashedEntry, KnownHostsFile, UnparsedEntry, ConsoleUI from twisted.conch.client import default else: skip = "PyCrypto and PyASN1 required for twisted.conch.knownhosts." from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred from twisted.conch.interfaces import IKnownHostEntry from twisted.conch.error import HostKeyChanged, UserRejectedKey, InvalidEntry from twisted.test.testutils import ComparisonTestsMixin sampleEncodedKey = ( 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAsV0VMRbGmzhqxxayLRHmvnFvtyNqgbNKV46dU1bVFB+3y' 'tNvue4Riqv/SVkPRNwMb7eWH29SviXaBxUhYyzKkDoNUq3rTNnH1Vnif6d6X4JCrUb5d3W+Dm' 'YClyJrZ5HgD/hUpdSkTRqdbQ2TrvSAxRacj+vHHT4F4dm1bJSewm3B2D8HVOoi/CbVh3dsIiC' 'dp8VltdZx4qYVfYe2LwVINCbAa3d3tj9ma7RVfw3OH2Mfb+toLd1N5tBQFb7oqTt2nC6I/6Bd' '4JwPUld+IEitw/suElq/AIJVQXXujeyiZlea90HE65U2mF1ytr17HTAIT2ySokJWyuBANGACk' '6iIaw==') otherSampleEncodedKey = ( 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAwaeCZd3UCuPXhX39+/p9qO028jTF76DMVd9mPvYVDVXuf' 'WckKZauF7+0b7qm+ChT7kan6BzRVo4++gCVNfAlMzLysSt3ylmOR48tFpAfygg9UCX3DjHz0E' 'lOOUKh3iifc9aUShD0OPaK3pR5JJ8jfiBfzSYWt/hDi/iZ4igsSs8=') thirdSampleEncodedKey = ( 'AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAl/TQakPkePlnwCBRPitIVUTg6Z8VzN1en+DGkyo/evkmLw' '7o4NWR5qbysk9A9jXW332nxnEuAnbcCam9SHe1su1liVfyIK0+3bdn0YRB0sXIbNEtMs2LtCho' '/aV3cXPS+Cf1yut3wvIpaRnAzXxuKPCTXQ7/y0IXa8TwkRBH58OJa3RqfQ/NsSp5SAfdsrHyH2' 'aitiVKm2jfbTKzSEqOQG/zq4J9GXTkq61gZugory/Tvl5/yPgSnOR6C9jVOMHf27ZPoRtyj9SY' '343Hd2QHiIE0KPZJEgCynKeWoKz8v6eTSK8n4rBnaqWdp8MnGZK1WGy05MguXbyCDuTC8AmJXQ' '==') sampleKey = a2b_base64(sampleEncodedKey) otherSampleKey = a2b_base64(otherSampleEncodedKey) thirdSampleKey = a2b_base64(thirdSampleEncodedKey) samplePlaintextLine = ( " ssh-rsa " + sampleEncodedKey + "\n") otherSamplePlaintextLine = ( " ssh-rsa " + otherSampleEncodedKey + "\n") sampleHostIPLine = ( ", ssh-rsa " + sampleEncodedKey + "\n") sampleHashedLine = ( "|1|gJbSEPBG9ZSBoZpHNtZBD1bHKBA=|bQv+0Xa0dByrwkA1EB0E7Xop/Fo= ssh-rsa " + sampleEncodedKey + "\n") class EntryTestsMixin: """ Tests for implementations of L{IKnownHostEntry}. Subclasses must set the 'entry' attribute to a provider of that interface, the implementation of that interface under test. @ivar entry: a provider of L{IKnownHostEntry} with a hostname of and an RSA key of sampleKey. """ def test_providesInterface(self): """ The given entry should provide IKnownHostEntry. """ verifyObject(IKnownHostEntry, self.entry) def test_fromString(self): """ Constructing a plain text entry from an unhashed known_hosts entry will result in an L{IKnownHostEntry} provider with 'keyString', 'hostname', and 'keyType' attributes. While outside the interface in question, these attributes are held in common by L{PlainEntry} and L{HashedEntry} implementations; other implementations should override this method in subclasses. """ entry = self.entry self.assertEqual(entry.publicKey, Key.fromString(sampleKey)) self.assertEqual(entry.keyType, "ssh-rsa") def test_matchesKey(self): """ L{IKnownHostEntry.matchesKey} checks to see if an entry matches a given SSH key. """ twistedmatrixDotCom = Key.fromString(sampleKey) divmodDotCom = Key.fromString(otherSampleKey) self.assertEqual( True, self.entry.matchesKey(twistedmatrixDotCom)) self.assertEqual( False, self.entry.matchesKey(divmodDotCom)) def test_matchesHost(self): """ L{IKnownHostEntry.matchesHost} checks to see if an entry matches a given hostname. """ self.assertEqual(True, self.entry.matchesHost( "")) self.assertEqual(False, self.entry.matchesHost( "")) class PlainEntryTests(EntryTestsMixin, TestCase): """ Test cases for L{PlainEntry}. """ plaintextLine = samplePlaintextLine hostIPLine = sampleHostIPLine def setUp(self): """ Set 'entry' to a sample plain-text entry with sampleKey as its key. """ self.entry = PlainEntry.fromString(self.plaintextLine) def test_matchesHostIP(self): """ A "hostname,ip" formatted line will match both the host and the IP. """ self.entry = PlainEntry.fromString(self.hostIPLine) self.assertEqual(True, self.entry.matchesHost("")) self.test_matchesHost() def test_toString(self): """ L{PlainEntry.toString} generates the serialized OpenSSL format string for the entry, sans newline. """ self.assertEqual(self.entry.toString(), self.plaintextLine.rstrip("\n")) multiHostEntry = PlainEntry.fromString(self.hostIPLine) self.assertEqual(multiHostEntry.toString(), self.hostIPLine.rstrip("\n")) class PlainTextWithCommentTests(PlainEntryTests): """ Test cases for L{PlainEntry} when parsed from a line with a comment. """ plaintextLine = samplePlaintextLine[:-1] + " plain text comment.\n" hostIPLine = sampleHostIPLine[:-1] + " text following host/IP line\n" class HashedEntryTests(EntryTestsMixin, ComparisonTestsMixin, TestCase): """ Tests for L{HashedEntry}. This suite doesn't include any tests for host/IP pairs because hashed entries store IP addresses the same way as hostnames and does not support comma-separated lists. (If you hash the IP and host together you can't tell if you've got the key already for one or the other.) """ hashedLine = sampleHashedLine def setUp(self): """ Set 'entry' to a sample hashed entry for with sampleKey as its key. """ self.entry = HashedEntry.fromString(self.hashedLine) def test_toString(self): """ L{HashedEntry.toString} generates the serialized OpenSSL format string for the entry, sans the newline. """ self.assertEqual(self.entry.toString(), self.hashedLine.rstrip("\n")) def test_equality(self): """ Two L{HashedEntry} instances compare equal if and only if they represent the same host and key in exactly the same way: the host salt, host hash, public key type, public key, and comment fields must all be equal. """ hostSalt = "gJbSEPBG9ZSBoZpHNtZBD1bHKBA" hostHash = "bQv+0Xa0dByrwkA1EB0E7Xop/Fo" publicKey = Key.fromString(sampleKey) comment = "hello, world" entry = HashedEntry( hostSalt, hostHash, publicKey.type(), publicKey, comment) duplicate = HashedEntry( hostSalt, hostHash, publicKey.type(), publicKey, comment) # Vary the host salt self.assertNormalEqualityImplementation( entry, duplicate, HashedEntry( hostSalt[::-1], hostHash, publicKey.type(), publicKey, comment)) # Vary the host hash self.assertNormalEqualityImplementation( entry, duplicate, HashedEntry( hostSalt, hostHash[::-1], publicKey.type(), publicKey, comment)) # Vary the key type self.assertNormalEqualityImplementation( entry, duplicate, HashedEntry( hostSalt, hostHash, publicKey.type()[::-1], publicKey, comment)) # Vary the key self.assertNormalEqualityImplementation( entry, duplicate, HashedEntry( hostSalt, hostHash, publicKey.type(), Key.fromString(otherSampleKey), comment)) # Vary the comment self.assertNormalEqualityImplementation( entry, duplicate, HashedEntry( hostSalt, hostHash, publicKey.type(), publicKey, comment[::-1])) class HashedEntryWithCommentTests(HashedEntryTests): """ Test cases for L{PlainEntry} when parsed from a line with a comment. """ hashedLine = sampleHashedLine[:-1] + " plain text comment.\n" class UnparsedEntryTests(TestCase, EntryTestsMixin): """ Tests for L{UnparsedEntry} """ def setUp(self): """ Set up the 'entry' to be an unparsed entry for some random text. """ self.entry = UnparsedEntry(" This is a bogus entry. \n") def test_fromString(self): """ Creating an L{UnparsedEntry} should simply record the string it was passed. """ self.assertEqual(" This is a bogus entry. \n", self.entry._string) def test_matchesHost(self): """ An unparsed entry can't match any hosts. """ self.assertEqual(False, self.entry.matchesHost("")) def test_matchesKey(self): """ An unparsed entry can't match any keys. """ self.assertEqual(False, self.entry.matchesKey(Key.fromString(sampleKey))) def test_toString(self): """ L{UnparsedEntry.toString} returns its input string, sans trailing newline. """ self.assertEqual(" This is a bogus entry. ", self.entry.toString()) class ParseErrorTests(TestCase): """ L{HashedEntry.fromString} and L{PlainEntry.fromString} can raise a variety of errors depending on misformattings of certain strings. These tests make sure those errors are caught. Since many of the ways that this can go wrong are in the lower-level APIs being invoked by the parsing logic, several of these are integration tests with the C{base64} and L{twisted.conch.ssh.keys} modules. """ def invalidEntryTest(self, cls): """ If there are fewer than three elements, C{fromString} should raise L{InvalidEntry}. """ self.assertRaises(InvalidEntry, cls.fromString, "invalid") def notBase64Test(self, cls): """ If the key is not base64, C{fromString} should raise L{BinasciiError}. """ self.assertRaises(BinasciiError, cls.fromString, "x x x") def badKeyTest(self, cls, prefix): """ If the key portion of the entry is valid base64, but is not actually an SSH key, C{fromString} should raise L{BadKeyError}. """ self.assertRaises(BadKeyError, cls.fromString, ' '.join( [prefix, "ssh-rsa", b2a_base64( "Hey, this isn't an SSH key!").strip()])) def test_invalidPlainEntry(self): """ If there are fewer than three whitespace-separated elements in an entry, L{PlainEntry.fromString} should raise L{InvalidEntry}. """ self.invalidEntryTest(PlainEntry) def test_invalidHashedEntry(self): """ If there are fewer than three whitespace-separated elements in an entry, or the hostname salt/hash portion has more than two elements, L{HashedEntry.fromString} should raise L{InvalidEntry}. """ self.invalidEntryTest(HashedEntry) a, b, c = sampleHashedLine.split() self.assertRaises(InvalidEntry, HashedEntry.fromString, ' '.join( [a + "||", b, c])) def test_plainNotBase64(self): """ If the key portion of a plain entry is not decodable as base64, C{fromString} should raise L{BinasciiError}. """ self.notBase64Test(PlainEntry) def test_hashedNotBase64(self): """ If the key, host salt, or host hash portion of a hashed entry is not encoded, it will raise L{BinasciiError}. """ self.notBase64Test(HashedEntry) a, b, c = sampleHashedLine.split() # Salt not valid base64. self.assertRaises( BinasciiError, HashedEntry.fromString, ' '.join(["|1|x|" + b2a_base64("stuff").strip(), b, c])) # Host hash not valid base64. self.assertRaises( BinasciiError, HashedEntry.fromString, ' '.join([HashedEntry.MAGIC + b2a_base64("stuff").strip() + "|x", b, c])) # Neither salt nor hash valid base64. self.assertRaises( BinasciiError, HashedEntry.fromString, ' '.join(["|1|x|x", b, c])) def test_hashedBadKey(self): """ If the key portion of the entry is valid base64, but is not actually an SSH key, C{HashedEntry.fromString} should raise L{BadKeyError}. """ a, b, c = sampleHashedLine.split() self.badKeyTest(HashedEntry, a) def test_plainBadKey(self): """ If the key portion of the entry is valid base64, but is not actually an SSH key, C{PlainEntry.fromString} should raise L{BadKeyError}. """ self.badKeyTest(PlainEntry, "hostname") class KnownHostsDatabaseTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{KnownHostsFile}. """ def pathWithContent(self, content): """ Return a FilePath with the given initial content. """ fp = FilePath(self.mktemp()) fp.setContent(content) return fp def loadSampleHostsFile(self, content=( sampleHashedLine + otherSamplePlaintextLine + "\n# That was a blank line.\n" "This is just unparseable.\n" "|1|This also unparseable.\n")): """ Return a sample hosts file, with keys for and present. """ return KnownHostsFile.fromPath(self.pathWithContent(content)) def test_readOnlySavePath(self): """ L{KnownHostsFile.savePath} is read-only; if an assignment is made to it, L{AttributeError} is raised and the value is unchanged. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) new = FilePath(self.mktemp()) hostsFile = KnownHostsFile(path) self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, hostsFile, "savePath", new) self.assertEqual(path, hostsFile.savePath) def test_defaultInitializerIgnoresExisting(self): """ The default initializer for L{KnownHostsFile} disregards any existing contents in the save path. """ hostsFile = KnownHostsFile(self.pathWithContent(sampleHashedLine)) self.assertEqual([], list(hostsFile.iterentries())) def test_defaultInitializerClobbersExisting(self): """ After using the default initializer for L{KnownHostsFile}, the first use of L{} overwrites any existing contents in the save path. """ path = self.pathWithContent(sampleHashedLine) hostsFile = KnownHostsFile(path) entry = hostsFile.addHostKey( "", Key.fromString(otherSampleKey)) # Check KnownHostsFile to see what it thinks the state is self.assertEqual([entry], list(hostsFile.iterentries())) # And also directly check the underlying file itself self.assertEqual(entry.toString() + "\n", path.getContent()) def test_saveResetsClobberState(self): """ After L{} is used once with an instance initialized by the default initializer, contents of the save path are respected and preserved. """ hostsFile = KnownHostsFile(self.pathWithContent(sampleHashedLine)) preSave = hostsFile.addHostKey( "", Key.fromString(otherSampleKey)) postSave = hostsFile.addHostKey( "", Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey)) self.assertEqual([preSave, postSave], list(hostsFile.iterentries())) def test_loadFromPath(self): """ Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path with six entries in it will result in a L{KnownHostsFile} object with six L{IKnownHostEntry} providers in it. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() self.assertEqual(6, len(list(hostsFile.iterentries()))) def test_iterentriesUnsaved(self): """ If the save path for a L{KnownHostsFile} does not exist, L{KnownHostsFile.iterentries} still returns added but unsaved entries. """ hostsFile = KnownHostsFile(FilePath(self.mktemp())) hostsFile.addHostKey("", Key.fromString(sampleKey)) self.assertEqual(1, len(list(hostsFile.iterentries()))) def test_verifyHashedEntry(self): """ Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path containing a single valid L{HashedEntry} entry will result in a L{KnownHostsFile} object with one L{IKnownHostEntry} provider. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile((sampleHashedLine)) entries = list(hostsFile.iterentries()) self.assertIsInstance(entries[0], HashedEntry) self.assertEqual(True, entries[0].matchesHost("")) self.assertEqual(1, len(entries)) def test_verifyPlainEntry(self): """ Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path containing a single valid L{PlainEntry} entry will result in a L{KnownHostsFile} object with one L{IKnownHostEntry} provider. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile((otherSamplePlaintextLine)) entries = list(hostsFile.iterentries()) self.assertIsInstance(entries[0], PlainEntry) self.assertEqual(True, entries[0].matchesHost("")) self.assertEqual(1, len(entries)) def test_verifyUnparsedEntry(self): """ Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path that only contains '\n' will result in a L{KnownHostsFile} object containing a L{UnparsedEntry} object. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile(("\n")) entries = list(hostsFile.iterentries()) self.assertIsInstance(entries[0], UnparsedEntry) self.assertEqual(entries[0].toString(), "") self.assertEqual(1, len(entries)) def test_verifyUnparsedComment(self): """ Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path that contains a comment will result in a L{KnownHostsFile} object containing a L{UnparsedEntry} object. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile(("# That was a blank line.\n")) entries = list(hostsFile.iterentries()) self.assertIsInstance(entries[0], UnparsedEntry) self.assertEqual(entries[0].toString(), "# That was a blank line.") def test_verifyUnparsableLine(self): """ Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path that contains an unparseable line will be represented as an L{UnparsedEntry} instance. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile(("This is just unparseable.\n")) entries = list(hostsFile.iterentries()) self.assertIsInstance(entries[0], UnparsedEntry) self.assertEqual(entries[0].toString(), "This is just unparseable.") self.assertEqual(1, len(entries)) def test_verifyUnparsableEncryptionMarker(self): """ Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path containing an unparseable line that starts with an encryption marker will be represented as an L{UnparsedEntry} instance. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile(("|1|This is unparseable.\n")) entries = list(hostsFile.iterentries()) self.assertIsInstance(entries[0], UnparsedEntry) self.assertEqual(entries[0].toString(), "|1|This is unparseable.") self.assertEqual(1, len(entries)) def test_loadNonExistent(self): """ Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path that does not exist should result in an empty L{KnownHostsFile} that will save back to that path. """ pn = self.mktemp() knownHostsFile = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(FilePath(pn)) entries = list(knownHostsFile.iterentries()) self.assertEqual([], entries) self.assertEqual(False, FilePath(pn).exists()) self.assertEqual(True, FilePath(pn).exists()) def test_loadNonExistentParent(self): """ Loading a L{KnownHostsFile} from a path whose parent directory does not exist should result in an empty L{KnownHostsFile} that will save back to that path, creating its parent directory(ies) in the process. """ thePath = FilePath(self.mktemp()) knownHostsPath = thePath.child("foo").child("known_hosts") knownHostsFile = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(knownHostsPath) knownHostsPath.restat(False) self.assertEqual(True, knownHostsPath.exists()) def test_savingAddsEntry(self): """ L{} will write out a new file with any entries that have been added. """ path = self.pathWithContent(sampleHashedLine + otherSamplePlaintextLine) knownHostsFile = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(path) newEntry = knownHostsFile.addHostKey("", Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey)) expectedContent = ( sampleHashedLine + otherSamplePlaintextLine + HashedEntry.MAGIC + b2a_base64(newEntry._hostSalt).strip() + "|" + b2a_base64(newEntry._hostHash).strip() + " ssh-rsa " + thirdSampleEncodedKey + "\n") # Sanity check, let's make sure the base64 API being used for the test # isn't inserting spurious newlines. self.assertEqual(3, expectedContent.count("\n")) self.assertEqual(expectedContent, path.getContent()) def test_savingAvoidsDuplication(self): """ L{} only writes new entries to the save path, not entries which were added and already written by a previous call to C{save}. """ path = FilePath(self.mktemp()) knownHosts = KnownHostsFile(path) entry = knownHosts.addHostKey( "", Key.fromString(sampleKey)) knownHosts = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(path) self.assertEqual([entry], list(knownHosts.iterentries())) def test_savingsPreservesExisting(self): """ L{} will not overwrite existing entries in its save path, even if they were only added after the L{KnownHostsFile} instance was initialized. """ # Start off with one host/key pair in the file path = self.pathWithContent(sampleHashedLine) knownHosts = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(path) # After initializing the KnownHostsFile instance, add a second host/key # pair to the file directly - without the instance's help or knowledge. with"a") as hostsFileObj: hostsFileObj.write(otherSamplePlaintextLine) # Add a third host/key pair using the KnownHostsFile instance key = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey) knownHosts.addHostKey("", key) # Check that all three host/key pairs are present. knownHosts = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(path) self.assertEqual([True, True, True], [ knownHosts.hasHostKey( "", Key.fromString(sampleKey)), knownHosts.hasHostKey( "", Key.fromString(otherSampleKey)), knownHosts.hasHostKey("", key)]) def test_hasPresentKey(self): """ L{KnownHostsFile.hasHostKey} returns C{True} when a key for the given hostname is present and matches the expected key. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() self.assertEqual(True, hostsFile.hasHostKey( "", Key.fromString(sampleKey))) def test_hasNonPresentKey(self): """ L{KnownHostsFile.hasHostKey} returns C{False} when a key for the given hostname is not present. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() self.assertEqual(False, hostsFile.hasHostKey( "", Key.fromString(sampleKey))) def test_hasLaterAddedKey(self): """ L{KnownHostsFile.hasHostKey} returns C{True} when a key for the given hostname is present in the file, even if it is only added to the file after the L{KnownHostsFile} instance is initialized. """ key = Key.fromString(sampleKey) entry = PlainEntry([""], key.sshType(), key, "") hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() with"a") as hostsFileObj: hostsFileObj.write(entry.toString() + "\n") self.assertEqual( True, hostsFile.hasHostKey("", key)) def test_savedEntryHasKeyMismatch(self): """ L{KnownHostsFile.hasHostKey} raises L{HostKeyChanged} if the host key is present in the underlying file, but different from the expected one. The resulting exception should have an C{offendingEntry} indicating the given entry. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() entries = list(hostsFile.iterentries()) exception = self.assertRaises( HostKeyChanged, hostsFile.hasHostKey, "", Key.fromString(otherSampleKey)) self.assertEqual(exception.offendingEntry, entries[0]) self.assertEqual(exception.lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(exception.path, hostsFile.savePath) def test_savedEntryAfterAddHasKeyMismatch(self): """ Even after a new entry has been added in memory but not yet saved, the L{HostKeyChanged} exception raised by L{KnownHostsFile.hasHostKey} has a C{lineno} attribute which indicates the 1-based line number of the offending entry in the underlying file when the given host key does not match the expected host key. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() hostsFile.addHostKey( "", Key.fromString(otherSampleKey)) exception = self.assertRaises( HostKeyChanged, hostsFile.hasHostKey, "", Key.fromString(otherSampleKey)) self.assertEqual(exception.lineno, 1) self.assertEqual(exception.path, hostsFile.savePath) def test_unsavedEntryHasKeyMismatch(self): """ L{KnownHostsFile.hasHostKey} raises L{HostKeyChanged} if the host key is present in memory (but not yet saved), but different from the expected one. The resulting exception has a C{offendingEntry} indicating the given entry, but no filename or line number information (reflecting the fact that the entry exists only in memory). """ hostsFile = KnownHostsFile(FilePath(self.mktemp())) entry = hostsFile.addHostKey( "", Key.fromString(otherSampleKey)) exception = self.assertRaises( HostKeyChanged, hostsFile.hasHostKey, "", Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey)) self.assertEqual(exception.offendingEntry, entry) self.assertEqual(exception.lineno, None) self.assertEqual(exception.path, None) def test_addHostKey(self): """ L{KnownHostsFile.addHostKey} adds a new L{HashedEntry} to the host file, and returns it. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() aKey = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey) self.assertEqual(False, hostsFile.hasHostKey("", aKey)) newEntry = hostsFile.addHostKey("", aKey) # The code in OpenSSH requires host salts to be 20 characters long. # This is the required length of a SHA-1 HMAC hash, so it's just a # sanity check. self.assertEqual(20, len(newEntry._hostSalt)) self.assertEqual(True, newEntry.matchesHost("")) self.assertEqual(newEntry.keyType, "ssh-rsa") self.assertEqual(aKey, newEntry.publicKey) self.assertEqual(True, hostsFile.hasHostKey("", aKey)) def test_randomSalts(self): """ L{KnownHostsFile.addHostKey} generates a random salt for each new key, so subsequent salts will be different. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() aKey = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey) self.assertNotEqual( hostsFile.addHostKey("", aKey)._hostSalt, hostsFile.addHostKey("", aKey)._hostSalt) def test_verifyValidKey(self): """ Verifying a valid key should return a L{Deferred} which fires with True. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() hostsFile.addHostKey("", Key.fromString(sampleKey)) ui = FakeUI() d = hostsFile.verifyHostKey(ui, "", "", Key.fromString(sampleKey)) l = [] d.addCallback(l.append) self.assertEqual(l, [True]) def test_verifyInvalidKey(self): """ Verifying an invalid key should return a L{Deferred} which fires with a L{HostKeyChanged} failure. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() wrongKey = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey) ui = FakeUI() hostsFile.addHostKey("", Key.fromString(sampleKey)) d = hostsFile.verifyHostKey( ui, "", "", wrongKey) return self.assertFailure(d, HostKeyChanged) def verifyNonPresentKey(self): """ Set up a test to verify a key that isn't present. Return a 3-tuple of the UI, a list set up to collect the result of the verifyHostKey call, and the sample L{KnownHostsFile} being used. This utility method avoids returning a L{Deferred}, and records results in the returned list instead, because the events which get generated here are pre-recorded in the 'ui' object. If the L{Deferred} in question does not fire, the it will fail quickly with an empty list. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() absentKey = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey) ui = FakeUI() l = [] d = hostsFile.verifyHostKey( ui, "", "", absentKey) d.addBoth(l.append) self.assertEqual([], l) self.assertEqual( ui.promptText, "The authenticity of host ' (' " "can't be established.\n" "RSA key fingerprint is " "89:4e:cc:8c:57:83:96:48:ef:63:ad:ee:99:00:4c:8f.\n" "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? ") return ui, l, hostsFile def test_verifyNonPresentKey_Yes(self): """ Verifying a key where neither the hostname nor the IP are present should result in the UI being prompted with a message explaining as much. If the UI says yes, the Deferred should fire with True. """ ui, l, knownHostsFile = self.verifyNonPresentKey() ui.promptDeferred.callback(True) self.assertEqual([True], l) reloaded = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(knownHostsFile.savePath) self.assertEqual( True, reloaded.hasHostKey("", Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey))) self.assertEqual( True, reloaded.hasHostKey("", Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey))) def test_verifyNonPresentKey_No(self): """ Verifying a key where neither the hostname nor the IP are present should result in the UI being prompted with a message explaining as much. If the UI says no, the Deferred should fail with UserRejectedKey. """ ui, l, knownHostsFile = self.verifyNonPresentKey() ui.promptDeferred.callback(False) l[0].trap(UserRejectedKey) def test_verifyHostIPMismatch(self): """ Verifying a key where the host is present (and correct), but the IP is present and different, should result the deferred firing in a HostKeyChanged failure. """ hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() wrongKey = Key.fromString(thirdSampleKey) ui = FakeUI() d = hostsFile.verifyHostKey( ui, "", "", wrongKey) return self.assertFailure(d, HostKeyChanged) def test_verifyKeyForHostAndIP(self): """ Verifying a key where the hostname is present but the IP is not should result in the key being added for the IP and the user being warned about the change. """ ui = FakeUI() hostsFile = self.loadSampleHostsFile() expectedKey = Key.fromString(sampleKey) hostsFile.verifyHostKey( ui, "", "", expectedKey) self.assertEqual( True, KnownHostsFile.fromPath(hostsFile.savePath).hasHostKey( "", expectedKey)) self.assertEqual( ["Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address " "'' to the list of known hosts."], ui.userWarnings) class FakeFile(object): """ A fake file-like object that acts enough like a file for L{ConsoleUI.prompt}. """ def __init__(self): self.inlines = [] self.outchunks = [] self.closed = False def readline(self): """ Return a line from the 'inlines' list. """ return self.inlines.pop(0) def write(self, chunk): """ Append the given item to the 'outchunks' list. """ if self.closed: raise IOError("the file was closed") self.outchunks.append(chunk) def close(self): """ Set the 'closed' flag to True, explicitly marking that it has been closed. """ self.closed = True class ConsoleUITests(TestCase): """ Test cases for L{ConsoleUI}. """ def setUp(self): """ Create a L{ConsoleUI} pointed at a L{FakeFile}. """ self.fakeFile = FakeFile() self.ui = ConsoleUI(self.openFile) def openFile(self): """ Return the current fake file. """ return self.fakeFile def newFile(self, lines): """ Create a new fake file (the next file that self.ui will open) with the given list of lines to be returned from readline(). """ self.fakeFile = FakeFile() self.fakeFile.inlines = lines def test_promptYes(self): """ L{ConsoleUI.prompt} writes a message to the console, then reads a line. If that line is 'yes', then it returns a L{Deferred} that fires with True. """ for okYes in ['yes', 'Yes', 'yes\n']: self.newFile([okYes]) l = [] self.ui.prompt("Hello, world!").addCallback(l.append) self.assertEqual(["Hello, world!"], self.fakeFile.outchunks) self.assertEqual([True], l) self.assertEqual(True, self.fakeFile.closed) def test_promptNo(self): """ L{ConsoleUI.prompt} writes a message to the console, then reads a line. If that line is 'no', then it returns a L{Deferred} that fires with False. """ for okNo in ['no', 'No', 'no\n']: self.newFile([okNo]) l = [] self.ui.prompt("Goodbye, world!").addCallback(l.append) self.assertEqual(["Goodbye, world!"], self.fakeFile.outchunks) self.assertEqual([False], l) self.assertEqual(True, self.fakeFile.closed) def test_promptRepeatedly(self): """ L{ConsoleUI.prompt} writes a message to the console, then reads a line. If that line is neither 'yes' nor 'no', then it says "Please enter 'yes' or 'no'" until it gets a 'yes' or a 'no', at which point it returns a Deferred that answers either True or False. """ self.newFile(['what', 'uh', 'okay', 'yes']) l = [] self.ui.prompt("Please say something useful.").addCallback(l.append) self.assertEqual([True], l) self.assertEqual(self.fakeFile.outchunks, ["Please say something useful."] + ["Please type 'yes' or 'no': "] * 3) self.assertEqual(True, self.fakeFile.closed) self.newFile(['blah', 'stuff', 'feh', 'no']) l = [] self.ui.prompt("Please say something negative.").addCallback(l.append) self.assertEqual([False], l) self.assertEqual(self.fakeFile.outchunks, ["Please say something negative."] + ["Please type 'yes' or 'no': "] * 3) self.assertEqual(True, self.fakeFile.closed) def test_promptOpenFailed(self): """ If the C{opener} passed to L{ConsoleUI} raises an exception, that exception will fail the L{Deferred} returned from L{ConsoleUI.prompt}. """ def raiseIt(): raise IOError() ui = ConsoleUI(raiseIt) d = ui.prompt("This is a test.") return self.assertFailure(d, IOError) def test_warn(self): """ L{ConsoleUI.warn} should output a message to the console object. """ self.ui.warn("Test message.") self.assertEqual(["Test message."], self.fakeFile.outchunks) self.assertEqual(True, self.fakeFile.closed) def test_warnOpenFailed(self): """ L{ConsoleUI.warn} should log a traceback if the output can't be opened. """ def raiseIt(): 1 / 0 ui = ConsoleUI(raiseIt) ui.warn("This message never makes it.") self.assertEqual(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(ZeroDivisionError)), 1) class FakeUI(object): """ A fake UI object, adhering to the interface expected by L{KnownHostsFile.verifyHostKey} @ivar userWarnings: inputs provided to 'warn'. @ivar promptDeferred: last result returned from 'prompt'. @ivar promptText: the last input provided to 'prompt'. """ def __init__(self): self.userWarnings = [] self.promptDeferred = None self.promptText = None def prompt(self, text): """ Issue the user an interactive prompt, which they can accept or deny. """ self.promptText = text self.promptDeferred = Deferred() return self.promptDeferred def warn(self, text): """ Issue a non-interactive warning to the user. """ self.userWarnings.append(text) class FakeObject(object): """ A fake object that can have some attributes. Used to fake L{SSHClientTransport} and L{SSHClientFactory}. """ class DefaultAPITests(TestCase): """ The API in L{twisted.conch.client.default.verifyHostKey} is the integration point between the code in the rest of conch and L{KnownHostsFile}. """ def patchedOpen(self, fname, mode): """ The patched version of 'open'; this returns a L{FakeFile} that the instantiated L{ConsoleUI} can use. """ self.assertEqual(fname, "/dev/tty") self.assertEqual(mode, "r+b") return self.fakeFile def setUp(self): """ Patch 'open' in verifyHostKey. """ self.fakeFile = FakeFile() self.patch(default, "_open", self.patchedOpen) self.hostsOption = self.mktemp() knownHostsFile = KnownHostsFile(FilePath(self.hostsOption)) knownHostsFile.addHostKey("", Key.fromString(sampleKey)) knownHostsFile.addHostKey("", Key.fromString(sampleKey)) self.fakeTransport = FakeObject() self.fakeTransport.factory = FakeObject() self.options = self.fakeTransport.factory.options = { 'host': "", 'known-hosts': self.hostsOption } def test_verifyOKKey(self): """ L{default.verifyHostKey} should return a L{Deferred} which fires with C{1} when passed a host, IP, and key which already match the known_hosts file it is supposed to check. """ l = [] default.verifyHostKey(self.fakeTransport, "", sampleKey, "I don't care.").addCallback(l.append) self.assertEqual([1], l) def replaceHome(self, tempHome): """ Replace the HOME environment variable until the end of the current test, with the given new home-directory, so that L{os.path.expanduser} will yield controllable, predictable results. @param tempHome: the pathname to replace the HOME variable with. @type tempHome: L{str} """ oldHome = os.environ.get('HOME') def cleanupHome(): if oldHome is None: del os.environ['HOME'] else: os.environ['HOME'] = oldHome self.addCleanup(cleanupHome) os.environ['HOME'] = tempHome def test_noKnownHostsOption(self): """ L{default.verifyHostKey} should find your known_hosts file in ~/.ssh/known_hosts if you don't specify one explicitly on the command line. """ l = [] tmpdir = self.mktemp() oldHostsOption = self.hostsOption hostsNonOption = FilePath(tmpdir).child(".ssh").child("known_hosts") hostsNonOption.parent().makedirs() FilePath(oldHostsOption).moveTo(hostsNonOption) self.replaceHome(tmpdir) self.options['known-hosts'] = None default.verifyHostKey(self.fakeTransport, "", sampleKey, "I don't care.").addCallback(l.append) self.assertEqual([1], l) def test_verifyHostButNotIP(self): """ L{default.verifyHostKey} should return a L{Deferred} which fires with C{1} when passed a host which matches with an IP is not present in its known_hosts file, and should also warn the user that it has added the IP address. """ l = [] default.verifyHostKey(self.fakeTransport, "", sampleKey, "Fingerprint not required.").addCallback(l.append) self.assertEqual( ["Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address " "'' to the list of known hosts."], self.fakeFile.outchunks) self.assertEqual([1], l) knownHostsFile = KnownHostsFile.fromPath(FilePath(self.hostsOption)) self.assertEqual(True, knownHostsFile.hasHostKey("", Key.fromString(sampleKey))) def test_verifyQuestion(self): """ L{default.verifyHostKey} should return a L{Default} which fires with C{0} when passed a unknown host that the user refuses to acknowledge. """ self.fakeTransport.factory.options['host'] = '' self.fakeFile.inlines.append("no") d = default.verifyHostKey( self.fakeTransport, "", otherSampleKey, "No fingerprint!") self.assertEqual( ["The authenticity of host ' (' " "can't be established.\n" "RSA key fingerprint is " "57:a1:c2:a1:07:a0:2b:f4:ce:b5:e5:b7:ae:cc:e1:99.\n" "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? "], self.fakeFile.outchunks) return self.assertFailure(d, UserRejectedKey) def test_verifyBadKey(self): """ L{default.verifyHostKey} should return a L{Deferred} which fails with L{HostKeyChanged} if the host key is incorrect. """ d = default.verifyHostKey( self.fakeTransport, "", otherSampleKey, "Again, not required.") return self.assertFailure(d, HostKeyChanged)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import datetime from unittest import mock from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_utils import uuidutils from magnum.api.controllers.v1 import federation as api_federation from magnum.conductor import api as rpcapi import magnum.conf from magnum import objects from magnum.tests import base from magnum.tests.unit.api import base as api_base from magnum.tests.unit.api import utils as apiutils from magnum.tests.unit.objects import utils as obj_utils CONF = magnum.conf.CONF class TestFederationObject(base.TestCase): def test_federation_init(self): fed_dict = apiutils.federation_post_data() fed_dict['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid() federation = api_federation.Federation(**fed_dict) self.assertEqual(fed_dict['uuid'], federation.uuid) class TestListFederation(api_base.FunctionalTest): def setUp(self): super(TestListFederation, self).setUp() def test_empty(self): response = self.get_json('/federations') self.assertEqual(response['federations'], []) def test_one(self): federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) response = self.get_json('/federations') self.assertEqual(federation.uuid, response['federations'][0]['uuid']) def test_get_one(self): federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) response = self.get_json('/federations/%s' % federation['uuid']) self.assertTrue(response['uuid'], federation.uuid) def test_get_one_by_name(self): federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) response = self.get_json('/federations/%s' % federation['name']) self.assertTrue(response['uuid'], federation.uuid) def test_get_one_by_name_not_found(self): response = self.get_json('/federations/not_found', expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(404, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertTrue(response.json['errors']) def test_get_one_by_uuid(self): temp_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation(self.context, uuid=temp_uuid) response = self.get_json('/federations/%s' % temp_uuid) self.assertTrue(response['uuid'], federation.uuid) def test_get_one_by_uuid_not_found(self): temp_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() response = self.get_json('/federations/%s' % temp_uuid, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(404, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertTrue(response.json['errors']) def test_get_one_by_name_multiple_federation(self): obj_utils.create_test_federation(self.context, name='test_federation', uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) obj_utils.create_test_federation(self.context, name='test_federation', uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) response = self.get_json('/federations/test_federation', expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(409, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertTrue(response.json['errors']) def test_get_all_with_pagination_marker(self): federation_list = [] for id_ in range(4): federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, id=id_, uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) federation_list.append(federation) response = self.get_json( '/federations?limit=3&marker=%s' % federation_list[2].uuid) self.assertEqual(1, len(response['federations'])) self.assertEqual(federation_list[-1].uuid, response['federations'][0]['uuid']) def test_detail(self): federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) response = self.get_json('/federations/detail') self.assertEqual(federation.uuid, response['federations'][0]["uuid"]) def test_detail_with_pagination_marker(self): federation_list = [] for id_ in range(4): federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, id=id_, uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) federation_list.append(federation) response = self.get_json( '/federations/detail?limit=3&marker=%s' % federation_list[2].uuid) self.assertEqual(1, len(response['federations'])) self.assertEqual(federation_list[-1].uuid, response['federations'][0]['uuid']) def test_detail_against_single(self): federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) response = self.get_json( '/federations/%s/detail' % federation['uuid'], expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(404, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertTrue(response.json['errors']) def test_many(self): federation_list = [] for id_ in range(5): temp_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, id=id_, uuid=temp_uuid) federation_list.append(federation.uuid) response = self.get_json('/federations') self.assertEqual(len(federation_list), len(response['federations'])) uuids = [f['uuid'] for f in response['federations']] self.assertEqual(sorted(federation_list), sorted(uuids)) def test_links(self): uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() obj_utils.create_test_federation(self.context, id=1, uuid=uuid) response = self.get_json('/federations/%s' % uuid) self.assertIn('links', response.keys()) self.assertEqual(2, len(response['links'])) self.assertIn(uuid, response['links'][0]['href']) for link in response['links']: bookmark = link['rel'] == 'bookmark' self.assertTrue(self.validate_link(link['href'], bookmark=bookmark)) def test_collection_links(self): for id_ in range(5): obj_utils.create_test_federation(self.context, id=id_, uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) response = self.get_json('/federations/?limit=3') next_marker = response['federations'][-1]['uuid'] self.assertIn(next_marker, response['next']) def test_collection_links_default_limit(self): cfg.CONF.set_override('max_limit', 3, 'api') for id_ in range(5): obj_utils.create_test_federation(self.context, id=id_, uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) response = self.get_json('/federations') self.assertEqual(3, len(response['federations'])) next_marker = response['federations'][-1]['uuid'] self.assertIn(next_marker, response['next']) class TestPatch(api_base.FunctionalTest): def setUp(self): super(TestPatch, self).setUp() p = mock.patch.object(rpcapi.API, 'federation_update_async') self.mock_federation_update = p.start() self.mock_federation_update.side_effect = \ self._sim_rpc_federation_update self.addCleanup(p.stop) def _sim_rpc_federation_update(self, federation, rollback=False): return federation def test_member_join(self): f = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, name='federation-example', uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), member_ids=[]) new_member = obj_utils.create_test_cluster(self.context) response = self.patch_json( '/federations/%s' % f.uuid, [{'path': '/member_ids', 'value': new_member.uuid, 'op': 'add'}]) self.assertEqual(202, response.status_int) # make sure it was added: fed = self.get_json('/federations/%s' % f.uuid) self.assertTrue(new_member.uuid in fed['member_ids']) def test_member_unjoin(self): member = obj_utils.create_test_cluster(self.context) federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, name='federation-example', uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), member_ids=[member.uuid]) response = self.patch_json( '/federations/%s' % federation.uuid, [{'path': '/member_ids', 'value': member.uuid, 'op': 'remove'}]) self.assertEqual(202, response.status_int) # make sure it was deleted: fed = self.get_json('/federations/%s' % federation.uuid) self.assertFalse(member.uuid in fed['member_ids']) def test_join_non_existent_cluster(self): foo_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() f = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, name='federation-example', uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), member_ids=[]) response = self.patch_json( '/federations/%s' % f.uuid, [{'path': '/member_ids', 'value': foo_uuid, 'op': 'add'}], expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(404, response.status_int) def test_unjoin_non_existent_cluster(self): foo_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() f = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, name='federation-example', uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), member_ids=[]) response = self.patch_json( '/federations/%s' % f.uuid, [{'path': '/member_ids', 'value': foo_uuid, 'op': 'remove'}], expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(404, response.status_int) def test_join_cluster_already_member(self): cluster = obj_utils.create_test_cluster(self.context) f = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, name='federation-example', uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), member_ids=[cluster.uuid]) response = self.patch_json( '/federations/%s' % f.uuid, [{'path': '/member_ids', 'value': cluster.uuid, 'op': 'add'}], expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(409, response.status_int) def test_unjoin_non_member_cluster(self): cluster = obj_utils.create_test_cluster(self.context) f = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, name='federation-example', uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), member_ids=[]) response = self.patch_json( '/federations/%s' % f.uuid, [{'path': '/member_ids', 'value': cluster.uuid, 'op': 'remove'}], expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(404, response.status_int) class TestPost(api_base.FunctionalTest): def setUp(self): super(TestPost, self).setUp() p = mock.patch.object(rpcapi.API, 'federation_create_async') self.mock_fed_create = p.start() self.mock_fed_create.side_effect = self._simulate_federation_create self.addCleanup(p.stop) self.hostcluster = obj_utils.create_test_cluster(self.context) def _simulate_federation_create(self, federation, create_timeout): federation.create() return federation @mock.patch('oslo_utils.timeutils.utcnow') def test_create_federation(self, mock_utcnow): bdict = apiutils.federation_post_data( uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), hostcluster_id=self.hostcluster.uuid) test_time = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0) mock_utcnow.return_value = test_time response = self.post_json('/federations', bdict) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertEqual(202, response.status_int) self.assertTrue(uuidutils.is_uuid_like(response.json['uuid'])) def test_create_federation_no_hostcluster_id(self): bdict = apiutils.federation_post_data(uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) del bdict['hostcluster_id'] response = self.post_json('/federations', bdict, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(400, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertTrue(response.json['errors']) def test_create_federation_hostcluster_does_not_exist(self): bdict = apiutils.federation_post_data( uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), hostcluster_id=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) response = self.post_json('/federations', bdict, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(404, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertTrue(response.json['errors']) def test_create_federation_no_dns_zone_name(self): bdict = apiutils.federation_post_data( uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), hostcluster_id=self.hostcluster.uuid) del bdict['properties'] response = self.post_json('/federations', bdict, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(400, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertTrue(response.json['errors']) def test_create_federation_generate_uuid(self): bdict = apiutils.federation_post_data( hostcluster_id=self.hostcluster.uuid) del bdict['uuid'] response = self.post_json('/federations', bdict) self.assertEqual(202, response.status_int) def test_create_federation_with_invalid_name(self): invalid_names = [ 'x' * 243, '123456', '123456test_federation', '-test_federation', '.test_federation', '_test_federation', '' ] for value in invalid_names: bdict = apiutils.federation_post_data( uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), name=value, hostcluster_id=self.hostcluster.uuid) response = self.post_json('/federations', bdict, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertEqual(400, response.status_int) self.assertTrue(response.json['errors']) def test_create_federation_with_valid_name(self): valid_names = [ 'test_federation123456', 'test-federation', 'test.federation', 'testfederation.', 'testfederation-', 'testfederation_', 'test.-_federation', 'Testfederation' ] for value in valid_names: bdict = apiutils.federation_post_data( name=value, hostcluster_id=self.hostcluster.uuid) bdict['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid() response = self.post_json('/federations', bdict) self.assertEqual(202, response.status_int) def test_create_federation_without_name(self): bdict = apiutils.federation_post_data( uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid(), hostcluster_id=self.hostcluster.uuid) del bdict['name'] response = self.post_json('/federations', bdict) self.assertEqual(202, response.status_int) class TestDelete(api_base.FunctionalTest): def setUp(self): super(TestDelete, self).setUp() self.federation = obj_utils.create_test_federation( self.context, name='federation-example', uuid=uuidutils.generate_uuid()) p = mock.patch.object(rpcapi.API, 'federation_delete_async') self.mock_federation_delete = p.start() self.mock_federation_delete.side_effect = \ self._simulate_federation_delete self.addCleanup(p.stop) def _simulate_federation_delete(self, federation_uuid): federation = objects.Federation.get_by_uuid(self.context, federation_uuid) federation.destroy() def test_delete_federation(self): self.delete('/federations/%s' % self.federation.uuid) response = self.get_json('/federations/%s' % self.federation.uuid, expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(404, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) self.assertTrue(response.json['errors']) def test_delete_federation_not_found(self): delete = self.delete('/federations/%s' % uuidutils.generate_uuid(), expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(404, delete.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', delete.content_type) self.assertTrue(delete.json['errors']) def test_delete_federation_with_name(self): delete = self.delete('/federations/%s' % self.assertEqual(204, delete.status_int) def test_delete_federation_with_name_not_found(self): delete = self.delete('/federations/%s' % 'foo', expect_errors=True) self.assertEqual(404, delete.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', delete.content_type) self.assertTrue(delete.json['errors'])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time import pika import json import logging import hashlib class ExamplePublisher(object): """This is an example publisher that will handle unexpected interactions with RabbitMQ such as channel and connection closures. If RabbitMQ closes the connection, it will reopen it. You should look at the output, as there are limited reasons why the connection may be closed, which usually are tied to permission related issues or socket timeouts. It uses delivery confirmations and illustrates one way to keep track of messages that have been sent and if they've been confirmed by RabbitMQ. """ EXCHANGE = 'transactions' EXCHANGE_TYPE = 'topic' PUBLISH_INTERVAL = 60 QUEUE = 'bancandes' ROUTING_KEY = 'llamabank.requests' def __init__(self, logger, amqp_url='amqp://'): """Setup the example publisher object, passing in the URL we will use to connect to RabbitMQ. :param str amqp_url: The URL for connecting to RabbitMQ """ self._connection = None self._channel = None self._deliveries = [] self._acked = 0 self._nacked = 0 self._message_number = 0 self._stopping = False self._url = amqp_url self._closing = False self.logger = logger def connect(self): """This method connects to RabbitMQ, returning the connection handle. When the connection is established, the on_connection_open method will be invoked by pika. If you want the reconnection to work, make sure you set stop_ioloop_on_close to False, which is not the default behavior of this adapter. :rtype: pika.SelectConnection """'Connecting to %s', self._url) cred = pika.PlainCredentials('llamabank', '123llama123') param = pika.ConnectionParameters( host='', port=5672, virtual_host='bancandesh', credentials=cred ) self._connection = pika.TornadoConnection(param, self.on_connection_open, stop_ioloop_on_close=False) def on_connection_open(self, unused_connection): """This method is called by pika once the connection to RabbitMQ has been established. It passes the handle to the connection object in case we need it, but in this case, we'll just mark it unused. :type unused_connection: pika.SelectConnection """'Connection opened') self.add_on_connection_close_callback() self.open_channel() def add_on_connection_close_callback(self): """This method adds an on close callback that will be invoked by pika when RabbitMQ closes the connection to the publisher unexpectedly. """'Adding connection close callback') self._connection.add_on_close_callback(self.on_connection_closed) def on_connection_closed(self, connection, reply_code, reply_text): """This method is invoked by pika when the connection to RabbitMQ is closed unexpectedly. Since it is unexpected, we will reconnect to RabbitMQ if it disconnects. :param pika.connection.Connection connection: The closed connection obj :param int reply_code: The server provided reply_code if given :param str reply_text: The server provided reply_text if given """ self._channel = None if self._closing: self._connection.ioloop.stop() else: self.logger.warning('Connection closed, reopening in 5 seconds: (%s) %s', reply_code, reply_text) self._connection.add_timeout(5, self.reconnect) def reconnect(self): """Will be invoked by the IOLoop timer if the connection is closed. See the on_connection_closed method. """ self._deliveries = [] self._acked = 0 self._nacked = 0 self._message_number = 0 # This is the old connection IOLoop instance, stop its ioloop # self._connection.ioloop.stop() # Create a new connection self.connect() # There is now a new connection, needs a new ioloop to run # self._connection.ioloop.start() def open_channel(self): """This method will open a new channel with RabbitMQ by issuing the Channel.Open RPC command. When RabbitMQ confirms the channel is open by sending the Channel.OpenOK RPC reply, the on_channel_open method will be invoked. """'Creating a new channel') def on_channel_open(self, channel): """This method is invoked by pika when the channel has been opened. The channel object is passed in so we can make use of it. Since the channel is now open, we'll declare the exchange to use. :param channel: The channel object """'Channel opened') self._channel = channel self.add_on_channel_close_callback() self.setup_exchange(self.EXCHANGE) def add_on_channel_close_callback(self): """This method tells pika to call the on_channel_closed method if RabbitMQ unexpectedly closes the channel. """'Adding channel close callback') self._channel.add_on_close_callback(self.on_channel_closed) def on_channel_closed(self, channel, reply_code, reply_text): """Invoked by pika when RabbitMQ unexpectedly closes the channel. Channels are usually closed if you attempt to do something that violates the protocol, such as re-declare an exchange or queue with different parameters. In this case, we'll close the connection to shutdown the object. :param The closed channel :param int reply_code: The numeric reason the channel was closed :param str reply_text: The text reason the channel was closed """ self.logger.warning('Channel was closed: (%s) %s', reply_code, reply_text) if not self._closing: self._connection.close() def setup_exchange(self, exchange_name): """Setup the exchange on RabbitMQ by invoking the Exchange.Declare RPC command. When it is complete, the on_exchange_declareok method will be invoked by pika. :param str|unicode exchange_name: The name of the exchange to declare """'Declaring exchange %s', exchange_name) self._channel.exchange_declare(self.on_exchange_declareok, exchange_name, self.EXCHANGE_TYPE) def on_exchange_declareok(self, unused_frame): """Invoked by pika when RabbitMQ has finished the Exchange.Declare RPC command. :param pika.Frame.Method unused_frame: Exchange.DeclareOk response frame """'Exchange declared') self.setup_queue(self.QUEUE) def setup_queue(self, queue_name): """Setup the queue on RabbitMQ by invoking the Queue.Declare RPC command. When it is complete, the on_queue_declareok method will be invoked by pika. :param str|unicode queue_name: The name of the queue to declare. """'Declaring queue %s', queue_name) self._channel.queue_declare(self.on_queue_declareok, queue_name) def on_queue_declareok(self, method_frame): """Method invoked by pika when the Queue.Declare RPC call made in setup_queue has completed. In this method we will bind the queue and exchange together with the routing key by issuing the Queue.Bind RPC command. When this command is complete, the on_bindok method will be invoked by pika. :param pika.frame.Method method_frame: The Queue.DeclareOk frame """'Binding %s to %s with %s', self.EXCHANGE, self.QUEUE, self.ROUTING_KEY) self._channel.queue_bind(self.on_bindok, self.QUEUE, self.EXCHANGE, self.ROUTING_KEY) def on_bindok(self, unused_frame): """This method is invoked by pika when it receives the Queue.BindOk response from RabbitMQ. Since we know we're now setup and bound, it's time to start publishing."""'Queue bound') self.start_publishing() def start_publishing(self): """This method will enable delivery confirmations and schedule the first message to be sent to RabbitMQ """'Issuing consumer related RPC commands') self.enable_delivery_confirmations() # self.schedule_next_message() def enable_delivery_confirmations(self): """Send the Confirm.Select RPC method to RabbitMQ to enable delivery confirmations on the channel. The only way to turn this off is to close the channel and create a new one. When the message is confirmed from RabbitMQ, the on_delivery_confirmation method will be invoked passing in a Basic.Ack or Basic.Nack method from RabbitMQ that will indicate which messages it is confirming or rejecting. """'Issuing Confirm.Select RPC command') self._channel.confirm_delivery(self.on_delivery_confirmation) def on_delivery_confirmation(self, method_frame): """Invoked by pika when RabbitMQ responds to a Basic.Publish RPC command, passing in either a Basic.Ack or Basic.Nack frame with the delivery tag of the message that was published. The delivery tag is an integer counter indicating the message number that was sent on the channel via Basic.Publish. Here we're just doing house keeping to keep track of stats and remove message numbers that we expect a delivery confirmation of from the list used to keep track of messages that are pending confirmation. :param pika.frame.Method method_frame: Basic.Ack or Basic.Nack frame """ confirmation_type = method_frame.method.NAME.split('.')[1].lower()'Received %s for delivery tag: %i', confirmation_type, method_frame.method.delivery_tag) if confirmation_type == 'ack': self._acked += 1 elif confirmation_type == 'nack': self._nacked += 1 self._deliveries.remove(method_frame.method.delivery_tag)'Published %i messages, %i have yet to be confirmed, ' '%i were acked and %i were nacked', self._message_number, len(self._deliveries), self._acked, self._nacked) def schedule_next_message(self): """If we are not closing our connection to RabbitMQ, schedule another message to be delivered in PUBLISH_INTERVAL seconds. """ if self._stopping: return'Scheduling next message for %0.1f seconds', self.PUBLISH_INTERVAL) self._connection.add_timeout(self.PUBLISH_INTERVAL, self.publish_message) def publish_message(self, message): """If the class is not stopping, publish a message to RabbitMQ, appending a list of deliveries with the message number that was sent. This list will be used to check for delivery confirmations in the on_delivery_confirmations method. Once the message has been sent, schedule another message to be sent. The main reason I put scheduling in was just so you can get a good idea of how the process is flowing by slowing down and speeding up the delivery intervals by changing the PUBLISH_INTERVAL constant in the class. """ if self._stopping: return print message # message = {u'message': msg} properties = pika.BasicProperties(app_id='llamabank', content_type='application/json', headers=message) self._channel.basic_publish(self.EXCHANGE, self.ROUTING_KEY, json.dumps(message, ensure_ascii=False), properties) self._message_number += 1 self._deliveries.append(self._message_number)'Published message # %i', self._message_number) # self.schedule_next_message() def close_channel(self): """Invoke this command to close the channel with RabbitMQ by sending the Channel.Close RPC command. """'Closing the channel') if self._channel: self._channel.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2011-2012 Antoine Bertin <> # # This file is part of subliminal. # # subliminal is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # subliminal is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with subliminal. If not, see <>. from .core import (SERVICES, LANGUAGE_INDEX, SERVICE_INDEX, SERVICE_CONFIDENCE, MATCHING_CONFIDENCE, create_list_tasks, consume_task, create_download_tasks, group_by_video, key_subtitles) from .language import language_set, language_list, LANGUAGES import logging __all__ = ['list_subtitles', 'download_subtitles'] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def list_subtitles(paths, languages=None, services=None, force=True, multi=False, cache_dir=None, max_depth=3, scan_filter=None): """List subtitles in given paths according to the criteria :param paths: path(s) to video file or folder :type paths: string or list :param languages: languages to search for, in preferred order :type languages: list of :class:`~subliminal.language.Language` or string :param list services: services to use for the search, in preferred order :param bool force: force searching for subtitles even if some are detected :param bool multi: search multiple languages for the same video :param string cache_dir: path to the cache directory to use :param int max_depth: maximum depth for scanning entries :param function scan_filter: filter function that takes a path as argument and returns a boolean indicating whether it has to be filtered out (``True``) or not (``False``) :return: found subtitles :rtype: dict of :class:`~subliminal.videos.Video` => [:class:`~subliminal.subtitles.ResultSubtitle`] """ services = services or SERVICES languages = language_set(languages) if languages is not None else language_set(LANGUAGES) if isinstance(paths, basestring): paths = [paths] if any([not isinstance(p, unicode) for p in paths]): logger.warning(u'Not all entries are unicode') results = [] service_instances = {} tasks = create_list_tasks(paths, languages, services, force, multi, cache_dir, max_depth, scan_filter) for task in tasks: try: result = consume_task(task, service_instances) results.append((, result)) except: logger.error(u'Error consuming task %r' % task, exc_info=True) for service_instance in service_instances.itervalues(): service_instance.terminate() return group_by_video(results) def download_subtitles(paths, languages=None, services=None, force=True, multi=False, cache_dir=None, max_depth=3, scan_filter=None, order=None): """Download subtitles in given paths according to the criteria :param paths: path(s) to video file or folder :type paths: string or list :param languages: languages to search for, in preferred order :type languages: list of :class:`~subliminal.language.Language` or string :param list services: services to use for the search, in preferred order :param bool force: force searching for subtitles even if some are detected :param bool multi: search multiple languages for the same video :param string cache_dir: path to the cache directory to use :param int max_depth: maximum depth for scanning entries :param function scan_filter: filter function that takes a path as argument and returns a boolean indicating whether it has to be filtered out (``True``) or not (``False``) :param order: preferred order for subtitles sorting :type list: list of :data:`~subliminal.core.LANGUAGE_INDEX`, :data:`~subliminal.core.SERVICE_INDEX`, :data:`~subliminal.core.SERVICE_CONFIDENCE`, :data:`~subliminal.core.MATCHING_CONFIDENCE` :return: downloaded subtitles :rtype: dict of :class:`~subliminal.videos.Video` => [:class:`~subliminal.subtitles.ResultSubtitle`] .. note:: If you use ``multi=True``, :data:`~subliminal.core.LANGUAGE_INDEX` has to be the first item of the ``order`` list or you might get unexpected results. """ services = services or SERVICES languages = language_list(languages) if languages is not None else language_list(LANGUAGES) if isinstance(paths, basestring): paths = [paths] order = order or [LANGUAGE_INDEX, SERVICE_INDEX, SERVICE_CONFIDENCE, MATCHING_CONFIDENCE] subtitles_by_video = list_subtitles(paths, languages, services, force, multi, cache_dir, max_depth, scan_filter) for video, subtitles in subtitles_by_video.iteritems(): subtitles.sort(key=lambda s: key_subtitles(s, video, languages, services, order), reverse=True) results = [] service_instances = {} tasks = create_download_tasks(subtitles_by_video, languages, multi) for task in tasks: try: result = consume_task(task, service_instances) results.append((, result)) except: logger.error(u'Error consuming task %r' % task, exc_info=True) for service_instance in service_instances.itervalues(): service_instance.terminate() return group_by_video(results)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import cv2 from time import clock from numpy import pi, sin, cos import common class VideoSynthBase(object): def __init__(self, size=None, noise=0.0, bg = None, **params): = None self.frame_size = (640, 480) if bg is not None: = cv2.imread(bg, 1) h, w =[:2] self.frame_size = (w, h) if size is not None: w, h = map(int, size.split('x')) self.frame_size = (w, h) = cv2.resize(, self.frame_size) self.noise = float(noise) def render(self, dst): pass def read(self, dst=None): w, h = self.frame_size if is None: buf = np.zeros((h, w, 3), np.uint8) else: buf = self.render(buf) if self.noise > 0.0: noise = np.zeros((h, w, 3), np.int8) cv2.randn(noise, np.zeros(3), np.ones(3)*255*self.noise) buf = cv2.add(buf, noise, dtype=cv2.CV_8UC3) return True, buf class Chess(VideoSynthBase): def __init__(self, **kw): super(Chess, self).__init__(**kw) w, h = self.frame_size self.grid_size = sx, sy = 10, 7 white_quads = [] black_quads = [] for i, j in np.ndindex(sy, sx): q = [[j, i, 0], [j+1, i, 0], [j+1, i+1, 0], [j, i+1, 0]] [white_quads, black_quads][(i + j) % 2].append(q) self.white_quads = np.float32(white_quads) self.black_quads = np.float32(black_quads) fx = 0.9 self.K = np.float64([[fx*w, 0, 0.5*(w-1)], [0, fx*w, 0.5*(h-1)], [0.0,0.0, 1.0]]) self.dist_coef = np.float64([-0.2, 0.1, 0, 0]) self.t = 0 def draw_quads(self, img, quads, color = (0, 255, 0)): img_quads = cv2.projectPoints(quads.reshape(-1, 3), self.rvec, self.tvec, self.K, self.dist_coef) [0] img_quads.shape = quads.shape[:2] + (2,) for q in img_quads: cv2.fillConvexPoly(img, np.int32(q*4), color, cv2.CV_AA, shift=2) def render(self, dst): t = self.t self.t += 1.0/30.0 sx, sy = self.grid_size center = np.array([0.5*sx, 0.5*sy, 0.0]) phi = pi/3 + sin(t*3)*pi/8 c, s = cos(phi), sin(phi) ofs = np.array([sin(1.2*t), cos(1.8*t), 0]) * sx * 0.2 eye_pos = center + np.array([cos(t)*c, sin(t)*c, s]) * 15.0 + ofs target_pos = center + ofs R, self.tvec = common.lookat(eye_pos, target_pos) self.rvec = common.mtx2rvec(R) self.draw_quads(dst, self.white_quads, (245, 245, 245)) self.draw_quads(dst, self.black_quads, (10, 10, 10)) classes = dict(chess=Chess) def create_capture(source): ''' source: <int> or '<int>' or '<filename>' or 'synth:<params>' ''' try: source = int(source) except ValueError: pass else: return cv2.VideoCapture(source) source = str(source).strip() if source.startswith('synth'): ss = filter(None, source.split(':')) params = dict( s.split('=') for s in ss[1:] ) try: Class = classes[params['class']] except: Class = VideoSynthBase return Class(**params) return cv2.VideoCapture(source) presets = dict( empty = 'synth:', lena = 'synth:bg=../cpp/lena.jpg:noise=0.1', chess = 'synth:class=chess:bg=../cpp/lena.jpg:noise=0.1:size=640x480' ) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import getopt print 'USAGE: [--shotdir <dir>] [source0] [source1] ...' print "source: '<int>' or '<filename>' or 'synth:<params>'" print args, sources = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', 'shotdir=') args = dict(args) shotdir = args.get('--shotdir', '.') if len(sources) == 0: sources = [ presets['chess'] ] print 'Press SPACE to save current frame' caps = map(create_capture, sources) shot_idx = 0 while True: imgs = [] for i, cap in enumerate(caps): ret, img = imgs.append(img) cv2.imshow('capture %d' % i, img) ch = cv2.waitKey(1) if ch == 27: break if ch == ord(' '): for i, img in enumerate(imgs): fn = '%s/shot_%d_%03d.bmp' % (shotdir, i, shot_idx) cv2.imwrite(fn, img) print fn, 'saved' shot_idx += 1
#!/usr/bin/python from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtSql import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from blur.Stone import * from blur.Classes import * from blur.Classesui import * import, blur.jabber import sys, time, re, os from math import ceil import traceback try: import popen2 except: pass app = QApplication(sys.argv) initConfig( "/etc/db.ini", "/var/log/path_lister.log" ) blur.RedirectOutputToLog() blurqt_loader() VERBOSE_DEBUG = False if VERBOSE_DEBUG: Database.instance().setEchoMode( Database.EchoUpdate | Database.EchoDelete )# | Database.EchoSelect ) FreezerCore.instance().reconnect() class ProjectChooserDialog( QDialog ): def __init__(self): QDialog.__init__(self) # Project Chooser Widget self.projectCombo = ProjectCombo(self) self.projectCombo.setShowSpecialItem(False) # Ok | Cancel buttons dbb = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, Qt.Horizontal, self ) self.connect( dbb, SIGNAL( 'accepted()' ), self.accept ) self.connect( dbb, SIGNAL( 'rejected()' ), self.reject ) # Layout l = QVBoxLayout(self) l.addWidget( self.projectCombo ) l.addWidget( dbb ) def project(self): return self.projectCombo.project() project = None regenPaths = len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 1: project = Project.recordByName( sys.argv[1] ) if not project or not project.isRecord(): d = ProjectChooserDialog() if d.exec_() == QDialog.Accepted: project = d.project() if project.isRecord(): storageLocations = project.projectStorages() def print_paths( asset, tabs = 0 ): for c in asset.children(): print (' ' * tabs),, c.assetTemplate().name(), c.pathTemplate().name() for storage in storageLocations: path = c.path(storage) pt = c.pathTracker(storage) if not path.isEmpty() or pt.isRecord(): print (' ' * tabs) + ' ', path gen_path = pt.generatePathFromTemplate(storage) if path != gen_path: if regenPaths: print "Changing path to match template: ", gen_path pt.setPath(gen_path) pt.commit() else: print "Path doesnt match template: ", gen_path print_paths( c, tabs + 1 ) print_paths( project )
from datasketch import MinHashLSHForest, MinHash data1 = ['minhash', 'is', 'a', 'probabilistic', 'data', 'structure', 'for', 'estimating', 'the', 'similarity', 'between', 'datasets'] data2 = ['minhash', 'is', 'a', 'probability', 'data', 'structure', 'for', 'estimating', 'the', 'similarity', 'between', 'documents'] data3 = ['minhash', 'is', 'probability', 'data', 'structure', 'for', 'estimating', 'the', 'similarity', 'between', 'documents'] # Create MinHash objects m1 = MinHash(num_perm=128) m2 = MinHash(num_perm=128) m3 = MinHash(num_perm=128) for d in data1: m1.update(d.encode('utf8')) for d in data2: m2.update(d.encode('utf8')) for d in data3: m3.update(d.encode('utf8')) forest = MinHashLSHForest(num_perm=128) # Add m2 and m3 into the index forest.add("m2", m2) forest.add("m3", m3) # IMPORTANT: must call index() otherwise the keys won't be searchable forest.index() # Check for membership using the key print("m2" in forest) print("m3" in forest) # Using m1 as the query, retrieve top 2 keys that have the higest Jaccard result = forest.query(m1, 2) print("Top 2 candidates", result)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2009 Simon Arlott # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Usage: < cxacru-cf.bin # Output: values string suitable for the sysfs adsl_config attribute # # Warning: cxacru-cf.bin with MD5 hash cdbac2689969d5ed5d4850f117702110 # contains mis-aligned values which will stop the modem from being able # to make a connection. If the first and last two bytes are removed then # the values become valid, but the modulation will be forced to ANSI # T1.413 only which may not be appropriate. # # The original binary format is a packed list of le32 values. import sys import struct i = 0 while True: buf = if len(buf) == 0: break elif len(buf) != 4: sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stderr.write("Error: read {0} not 4 bytes\n".format(len(buf))) sys.exit(1) if i > 0: sys.stdout.write(" ") sys.stdout.write("{0:x}={1}".format(i, struct.unpack("<I", buf)[0])) i += 1 sys.stdout.write("\n")
# New matplotlib colormaps by Nathaniel J. Smith, Stefan van der Walt, # and (in the case of viridis) Eric Firing. # # This file and the colormaps in it are released under the CC0 license / # public domain dedication. We would appreciate credit if you use or # redistribute these colormaps, but do not impose any legal restrictions. # # To the extent possible under law, the persons who associated CC0 with # mpl-colormaps have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights # to mpl-colormaps. # # You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this # work. If not, see <>. __all__ = ['magma', 'inferno', 'plasma', 'viridis'] _magma_data = [[0.001462, 0.000466, 0.013866], [0.002258, 0.001295, 0.018331], [0.003279, 0.002305, 0.023708], [0.004512, 0.003490, 0.029965], [0.005950, 0.004843, 0.037130], [0.007588, 0.006356, 0.044973], [0.009426, 0.008022, 0.052844], [0.011465, 0.009828, 0.060750], [0.013708, 0.011771, 0.068667], [0.016156, 0.013840, 0.076603], [0.018815, 0.016026, 0.084584], [0.021692, 0.018320, 0.092610], [0.024792, 0.020715, 0.100676], [0.028123, 0.023201, 0.108787], [0.031696, 0.025765, 0.116965], [0.035520, 0.028397, 0.125209], [0.039608, 0.031090, 0.133515], [0.043830, 0.033830, 0.141886], [0.048062, 0.036607, 0.150327], [0.052320, 0.039407, 0.158841], [0.056615, 0.042160, 0.167446], [0.060949, 0.044794, 0.176129], [0.065330, 0.047318, 0.184892], [0.069764, 0.049726, 0.193735], [0.074257, 0.052017, 0.202660], [0.078815, 0.054184, 0.211667], [0.083446, 0.056225, 0.220755], [0.088155, 0.058133, 0.229922], [0.092949, 0.059904, 0.239164], [0.097833, 0.061531, 0.248477], [0.102815, 0.063010, 0.257854], [0.107899, 0.064335, 0.267289], [0.113094, 0.065492, 0.276784], [0.118405, 0.066479, 0.286321], [0.123833, 0.067295, 0.295879], [0.129380, 0.067935, 0.305443], [0.135053, 0.068391, 0.315000], [0.140858, 0.068654, 0.324538], [0.146785, 0.068738, 0.334011], [0.152839, 0.068637, 0.343404], [0.159018, 0.068354, 0.352688], [0.165308, 0.067911, 0.361816], [0.171713, 0.067305, 0.370771], [0.178212, 0.066576, 0.379497], [0.184801, 0.065732, 0.387973], [0.191460, 0.064818, 0.396152], [0.198177, 0.063862, 0.404009], [0.204935, 0.062907, 0.411514], [0.211718, 0.061992, 0.418647], [0.218512, 0.061158, 0.425392], [0.225302, 0.060445, 0.431742], [0.232077, 0.059889, 0.437695], [0.238826, 0.059517, 0.443256], [0.245543, 0.059352, 0.448436], [0.252220, 0.059415, 0.453248], [0.258857, 0.059706, 0.457710], [0.265447, 0.060237, 0.461840], [0.271994, 0.060994, 0.465660], [0.278493, 0.061978, 0.469190], [0.284951, 0.063168, 0.472451], [0.291366, 0.064553, 0.475462], [0.297740, 0.066117, 0.478243], [0.304081, 0.067835, 0.480812], [0.310382, 0.069702, 0.483186], [0.316654, 0.071690, 0.485380], [0.322899, 0.073782, 0.487408], [0.329114, 0.075972, 0.489287], [0.335308, 0.078236, 0.491024], [0.341482, 0.080564, 0.492631], [0.347636, 0.082946, 0.494121], [0.353773, 0.085373, 0.495501], [0.359898, 0.087831, 0.496778], [0.366012, 0.090314, 0.497960], [0.372116, 0.092816, 0.499053], [0.378211, 0.095332, 0.500067], [0.384299, 0.097855, 0.501002], [0.390384, 0.100379, 0.501864], [0.396467, 0.102902, 0.502658], [0.402548, 0.105420, 0.503386], [0.408629, 0.107930, 0.504052], [0.414709, 0.110431, 0.504662], [0.420791, 0.112920, 0.505215], [0.426877, 0.115395, 0.505714], [0.432967, 0.117855, 0.506160], [0.439062, 0.120298, 0.506555], [0.445163, 0.122724, 0.506901], [0.451271, 0.125132, 0.507198], [0.457386, 0.127522, 0.507448], [0.463508, 0.129893, 0.507652], [0.469640, 0.132245, 0.507809], [0.475780, 0.134577, 0.507921], [0.481929, 0.136891, 0.507989], [0.488088, 0.139186, 0.508011], [0.494258, 0.141462, 0.507988], [0.500438, 0.143719, 0.507920], [0.506629, 0.145958, 0.507806], [0.512831, 0.148179, 0.507648], [0.519045, 0.150383, 0.507443], [0.525270, 0.152569, 0.507192], [0.531507, 0.154739, 0.506895], [0.537755, 0.156894, 0.506551], [0.544015, 0.159033, 0.506159], [0.550287, 0.161158, 0.505719], [0.556571, 0.163269, 0.505230], [0.562866, 0.165368, 0.504692], [0.569172, 0.167454, 0.504105], [0.575490, 0.169530, 0.503466], [0.581819, 0.171596, 0.502777], [0.588158, 0.173652, 0.502035], [0.594508, 0.175701, 0.501241], [0.600868, 0.177743, 0.500394], [0.607238, 0.179779, 0.499492], [0.613617, 0.181811, 0.498536], [0.620005, 0.183840, 0.497524], [0.626401, 0.185867, 0.496456], [0.632805, 0.187893, 0.495332], [0.639216, 0.189921, 0.494150], [0.645633, 0.191952, 0.492910], [0.652056, 0.193986, 0.491611], [0.658483, 0.196027, 0.490253], [0.664915, 0.198075, 0.488836], [0.671349, 0.200133, 0.487358], [0.677786, 0.202203, 0.485819], [0.684224, 0.204286, 0.484219], [0.690661, 0.206384, 0.482558], [0.697098, 0.208501, 0.480835], [0.703532, 0.210638, 0.479049], [0.709962, 0.212797, 0.477201], [0.716387, 0.214982, 0.475290], [0.722805, 0.217194, 0.473316], [0.729216, 0.219437, 0.471279], [0.735616, 0.221713, 0.469180], [0.742004, 0.224025, 0.467018], [0.748378, 0.226377, 0.464794], [0.754737, 0.228772, 0.462509], [0.761077, 0.231214, 0.460162], [0.767398, 0.233705, 0.457755], [0.773695, 0.236249, 0.455289], [0.779968, 0.238851, 0.452765], [0.786212, 0.241514, 0.450184], [0.792427, 0.244242, 0.447543], [0.798608, 0.247040, 0.444848], [0.804752, 0.249911, 0.442102], [0.810855, 0.252861, 0.439305], [0.816914, 0.255895, 0.436461], [0.822926, 0.259016, 0.433573], [0.828886, 0.262229, 0.430644], [0.834791, 0.265540, 0.427671], [0.840636, 0.268953, 0.424666], [0.846416, 0.272473, 0.421631], [0.852126, 0.276106, 0.418573], [0.857763, 0.279857, 0.415496], [0.863320, 0.283729, 0.412403], [0.868793, 0.287728, 0.409303], [0.874176, 0.291859, 0.406205], [0.879464, 0.296125, 0.403118], [0.884651, 0.300530, 0.400047], [0.889731, 0.305079, 0.397002], [0.894700, 0.309773, 0.393995], [0.899552, 0.314616, 0.391037], [0.904281, 0.319610, 0.388137], [0.908884, 0.324755, 0.385308], [0.913354, 0.330052, 0.382563], [0.917689, 0.335500, 0.379915], [0.921884, 0.341098, 0.377376], [0.925937, 0.346844, 0.374959], [0.929845, 0.352734, 0.372677], [0.933606, 0.358764, 0.370541], [0.937221, 0.364929, 0.368567], [0.940687, 0.371224, 0.366762], [0.944006, 0.377643, 0.365136], [0.947180, 0.384178, 0.363701], [0.950210, 0.390820, 0.362468], [0.953099, 0.397563, 0.361438], [0.955849, 0.404400, 0.360619], [0.958464, 0.411324, 0.360014], [0.960949, 0.418323, 0.359630], [0.963310, 0.425390, 0.359469], [0.965549, 0.432519, 0.359529], [0.967671, 0.439703, 0.359810], [0.969680, 0.446936, 0.360311], [0.971582, 0.454210, 0.361030], [0.973381, 0.461520, 0.361965], [0.975082, 0.468861, 0.363111], [0.976690, 0.476226, 0.364466], [0.978210, 0.483612, 0.366025], [0.979645, 0.491014, 0.367783], [0.981000, 0.498428, 0.369734], [0.982279, 0.505851, 0.371874], [0.983485, 0.513280, 0.374198], [0.984622, 0.520713, 0.376698], [0.985693, 0.528148, 0.379371], [0.986700, 0.535582, 0.382210], [0.987646, 0.543015, 0.385210], [0.988533, 0.550446, 0.388365], [0.989363, 0.557873, 0.391671], [0.990138, 0.565296, 0.395122], [0.990871, 0.572706, 0.398714], [0.991558, 0.580107, 0.402441], [0.992196, 0.587502, 0.406299], [0.992785, 0.594891, 0.410283], [0.993326, 0.602275, 0.414390], [0.993834, 0.609644, 0.418613], [0.994309, 0.616999, 0.422950], [0.994738, 0.624350, 0.427397], [0.995122, 0.631696, 0.431951], [0.995480, 0.639027, 0.436607], [0.995810, 0.646344, 0.441361], [0.996096, 0.653659, 0.446213], [0.996341, 0.660969, 0.451160], [0.996580, 0.668256, 0.456192], [0.996775, 0.675541, 0.461314], [0.996925, 0.682828, 0.466526], [0.997077, 0.690088, 0.471811], [0.997186, 0.697349, 0.477182], [0.997254, 0.704611, 0.482635], [0.997325, 0.711848, 0.488154], [0.997351, 0.719089, 0.493755], [0.997351, 0.726324, 0.499428], [0.997341, 0.733545, 0.505167], [0.997285, 0.740772, 0.510983], [0.997228, 0.747981, 0.516859], [0.997138, 0.755190, 0.522806], [0.997019, 0.762398, 0.528821], [0.996898, 0.769591, 0.534892], [0.996727, 0.776795, 0.541039], [0.996571, 0.783977, 0.547233], [0.996369, 0.791167, 0.553499], [0.996162, 0.798348, 0.559820], [0.995932, 0.805527, 0.566202], [0.995680, 0.812706, 0.572645], [0.995424, 0.819875, 0.579140], [0.995131, 0.827052, 0.585701], [0.994851, 0.834213, 0.592307], [0.994524, 0.841387, 0.598983], [0.994222, 0.848540, 0.605696], [0.993866, 0.855711, 0.612482], [0.993545, 0.862859, 0.619299], [0.993170, 0.870024, 0.626189], [0.992831, 0.877168, 0.633109], [0.992440, 0.884330, 0.640099], [0.992089, 0.891470, 0.647116], [0.991688, 0.898627, 0.654202], [0.991332, 0.905763, 0.661309], [0.990930, 0.912915, 0.668481], [0.990570, 0.920049, 0.675675], [0.990175, 0.927196, 0.682926], [0.989815, 0.934329, 0.690198], [0.989434, 0.941470, 0.697519], [0.989077, 0.948604, 0.704863], [0.988717, 0.955742, 0.712242], [0.988367, 0.962878, 0.719649], [0.988033, 0.970012, 0.727077], [0.987691, 0.977154, 0.734536], [0.987387, 0.984288, 0.742002], [0.987053, 0.991438, 0.749504]] _inferno_data = [[0.001462, 0.000466, 0.013866], [0.002267, 0.001270, 0.018570], [0.003299, 0.002249, 0.024239], [0.004547, 0.003392, 0.030909], [0.006006, 0.004692, 0.038558], [0.007676, 0.006136, 0.046836], [0.009561, 0.007713, 0.055143], [0.011663, 0.009417, 0.063460], [0.013995, 0.011225, 0.071862], [0.016561, 0.013136, 0.080282], [0.019373, 0.015133, 0.088767], [0.022447, 0.017199, 0.097327], [0.025793, 0.019331, 0.105930], [0.029432, 0.021503, 0.114621], [0.033385, 0.023702, 0.123397], [0.037668, 0.025921, 0.132232], [0.042253, 0.028139, 0.141141], [0.046915, 0.030324, 0.150164], [0.051644, 0.032474, 0.159254], [0.056449, 0.034569, 0.168414], [0.061340, 0.036590, 0.177642], [0.066331, 0.038504, 0.186962], [0.071429, 0.040294, 0.196354], [0.076637, 0.041905, 0.205799], [0.081962, 0.043328, 0.215289], [0.087411, 0.044556, 0.224813], [0.092990, 0.045583, 0.234358], [0.098702, 0.046402, 0.243904], [0.104551, 0.047008, 0.253430], [0.110536, 0.047399, 0.262912], [0.116656, 0.047574, 0.272321], [0.122908, 0.047536, 0.281624], [0.129285, 0.047293, 0.290788], [0.135778, 0.046856, 0.299776], [0.142378, 0.046242, 0.308553], [0.149073, 0.045468, 0.317085], [0.155850, 0.044559, 0.325338], [0.162689, 0.043554, 0.333277], [0.169575, 0.042489, 0.340874], [0.176493, 0.041402, 0.348111], [0.183429, 0.040329, 0.354971], [0.190367, 0.039309, 0.361447], [0.197297, 0.038400, 0.367535], [0.204209, 0.037632, 0.373238], [0.211095, 0.037030, 0.378563], [0.217949, 0.036615, 0.383522], [0.224763, 0.036405, 0.388129], [0.231538, 0.036405, 0.392400], [0.238273, 0.036621, 0.396353], [0.244967, 0.037055, 0.400007], [0.251620, 0.037705, 0.403378], [0.258234, 0.038571, 0.406485], [0.264810, 0.039647, 0.409345], [0.271347, 0.040922, 0.411976], [0.277850, 0.042353, 0.414392], [0.284321, 0.043933, 0.416608], [0.290763, 0.045644, 0.418637], [0.297178, 0.047470, 0.420491], [0.303568, 0.049396, 0.422182], [0.309935, 0.051407, 0.423721], [0.316282, 0.053490, 0.425116], [0.322610, 0.055634, 0.426377], [0.328921, 0.057827, 0.427511], [0.335217, 0.060060, 0.428524], [0.341500, 0.062325, 0.429425], [0.347771, 0.064616, 0.430217], [0.354032, 0.066925, 0.430906], [0.360284, 0.069247, 0.431497], [0.366529, 0.071579, 0.431994], [0.372768, 0.073915, 0.432400], [0.379001, 0.076253, 0.432719], [0.385228, 0.078591, 0.432955], [0.391453, 0.080927, 0.433109], [0.397674, 0.083257, 0.433183], [0.403894, 0.085580, 0.433179], [0.410113, 0.087896, 0.433098], [0.416331, 0.090203, 0.432943], [0.422549, 0.092501, 0.432714], [0.428768, 0.094790, 0.432412], [0.434987, 0.097069, 0.432039], [0.441207, 0.099338, 0.431594], [0.447428, 0.101597, 0.431080], [0.453651, 0.103848, 0.430498], [0.459875, 0.106089, 0.429846], [0.466100, 0.108322, 0.429125], [0.472328, 0.110547, 0.428334], [0.478558, 0.112764, 0.427475], [0.484789, 0.114974, 0.426548], [0.491022, 0.117179, 0.425552], [0.497257, 0.119379, 0.424488], [0.503493, 0.121575, 0.423356], [0.509730, 0.123769, 0.422156], [0.515967, 0.125960, 0.420887], [0.522206, 0.128150, 0.419549], [0.528444, 0.130341, 0.418142], [0.534683, 0.132534, 0.416667], [0.540920, 0.134729, 0.415123], [0.547157, 0.136929, 0.413511], [0.553392, 0.139134, 0.411829], [0.559624, 0.141346, 0.410078], [0.565854, 0.143567, 0.408258], [0.572081, 0.145797, 0.406369], [0.578304, 0.148039, 0.404411], [0.584521, 0.150294, 0.402385], [0.590734, 0.152563, 0.400290], [0.596940, 0.154848, 0.398125], [0.603139, 0.157151, 0.395891], [0.609330, 0.159474, 0.393589], [0.615513, 0.161817, 0.391219], [0.621685, 0.164184, 0.388781], [0.627847, 0.166575, 0.386276], [0.633998, 0.168992, 0.383704], [0.640135, 0.171438, 0.381065], [0.646260, 0.173914, 0.378359], [0.652369, 0.176421, 0.375586], [0.658463, 0.178962, 0.372748], [0.664540, 0.181539, 0.369846], [0.670599, 0.184153, 0.366879], [0.676638, 0.186807, 0.363849], [0.682656, 0.189501, 0.360757], [0.688653, 0.192239, 0.357603], [0.694627, 0.195021, 0.354388], [0.700576, 0.197851, 0.351113], [0.706500, 0.200728, 0.347777], [0.712396, 0.203656, 0.344383], [0.718264, 0.206636, 0.340931], [0.724103, 0.209670, 0.337424], [0.729909, 0.212759, 0.333861], [0.735683, 0.215906, 0.330245], [0.741423, 0.219112, 0.326576], [0.747127, 0.222378, 0.322856], [0.752794, 0.225706, 0.319085], [0.758422, 0.229097, 0.315266], [0.764010, 0.232554, 0.311399], [0.769556, 0.236077, 0.307485], [0.775059, 0.239667, 0.303526], [0.780517, 0.243327, 0.299523], [0.785929, 0.247056, 0.295477], [0.791293, 0.250856, 0.291390], [0.796607, 0.254728, 0.287264], [0.801871, 0.258674, 0.283099], [0.807082, 0.262692, 0.278898], [0.812239, 0.266786, 0.274661], [0.817341, 0.270954, 0.270390], [0.822386, 0.275197, 0.266085], [0.827372, 0.279517, 0.261750], [0.832299, 0.283913, 0.257383], [0.837165, 0.288385, 0.252988], [0.841969, 0.292933, 0.248564], [0.846709, 0.297559, 0.244113], [0.851384, 0.302260, 0.239636], [0.855992, 0.307038, 0.235133], [0.860533, 0.311892, 0.230606], [0.865006, 0.316822, 0.226055], [0.869409, 0.321827, 0.221482], [0.873741, 0.326906, 0.216886], [0.878001, 0.332060, 0.212268], [0.882188, 0.337287, 0.207628], [0.886302, 0.342586, 0.202968], [0.890341, 0.347957, 0.198286], [0.894305, 0.353399, 0.193584], [0.898192, 0.358911, 0.188860], [0.902003, 0.364492, 0.184116], [0.905735, 0.370140, 0.179350], [0.909390, 0.375856, 0.174563], [0.912966, 0.381636, 0.169755], [0.916462, 0.387481, 0.164924], [0.919879, 0.393389, 0.160070], [0.923215, 0.399359, 0.155193], [0.926470, 0.405389, 0.150292], [0.929644, 0.411479, 0.145367], [0.932737, 0.417627, 0.140417], [0.935747, 0.423831, 0.135440], [0.938675, 0.430091, 0.130438], [0.941521, 0.436405, 0.125409], [0.944285, 0.442772, 0.120354], [0.946965, 0.449191, 0.115272], [0.949562, 0.455660, 0.110164], [0.952075, 0.462178, 0.105031], [0.954506, 0.468744, 0.099874], [0.956852, 0.475356, 0.094695], [0.959114, 0.482014, 0.089499], [0.961293, 0.488716, 0.084289], [0.963387, 0.495462, 0.079073], [0.965397, 0.502249, 0.073859], [0.967322, 0.509078, 0.068659], [0.969163, 0.515946, 0.063488], [0.970919, 0.522853, 0.058367], [0.972590, 0.529798, 0.053324], [0.974176, 0.536780, 0.048392], [0.975677, 0.543798, 0.043618], [0.977092, 0.550850, 0.039050], [0.978422, 0.557937, 0.034931], [0.979666, 0.565057, 0.031409], [0.980824, 0.572209, 0.028508], [0.981895, 0.579392, 0.026250], [0.982881, 0.586606, 0.024661], [0.983779, 0.593849, 0.023770], [0.984591, 0.601122, 0.023606], [0.985315, 0.608422, 0.024202], [0.985952, 0.615750, 0.025592], [0.986502, 0.623105, 0.027814], [0.986964, 0.630485, 0.030908], [0.987337, 0.637890, 0.034916], [0.987622, 0.645320, 0.039886], [0.987819, 0.652773, 0.045581], [0.987926, 0.660250, 0.051750], [0.987945, 0.667748, 0.058329], [0.987874, 0.675267, 0.065257], [0.987714, 0.682807, 0.072489], [0.987464, 0.690366, 0.079990], [0.987124, 0.697944, 0.087731], [0.986694, 0.705540, 0.095694], [0.986175, 0.713153, 0.103863], [0.985566, 0.720782, 0.112229], [0.984865, 0.728427, 0.120785], [0.984075, 0.736087, 0.129527], [0.983196, 0.743758, 0.138453], [0.982228, 0.751442, 0.147565], [0.981173, 0.759135, 0.156863], [0.980032, 0.766837, 0.166353], [0.978806, 0.774545, 0.176037], [0.977497, 0.782258, 0.185923], [0.976108, 0.789974, 0.196018], [0.974638, 0.797692, 0.206332], [0.973088, 0.805409, 0.216877], [0.971468, 0.813122, 0.227658], [0.969783, 0.820825, 0.238686], [0.968041, 0.828515, 0.249972], [0.966243, 0.836191, 0.261534], [0.964394, 0.843848, 0.273391], [0.962517, 0.851476, 0.285546], [0.960626, 0.859069, 0.298010], [0.958720, 0.866624, 0.310820], [0.956834, 0.874129, 0.323974], [0.954997, 0.881569, 0.337475], [0.953215, 0.888942, 0.351369], [0.951546, 0.896226, 0.365627], [0.950018, 0.903409, 0.380271], [0.948683, 0.910473, 0.395289], [0.947594, 0.917399, 0.410665], [0.946809, 0.924168, 0.426373], [0.946392, 0.930761, 0.442367], [0.946403, 0.937159, 0.458592], [0.946903, 0.943348, 0.474970], [0.947937, 0.949318, 0.491426], [0.949545, 0.955063, 0.507860], [0.951740, 0.960587, 0.524203], [0.954529, 0.965896, 0.540361], [0.957896, 0.971003, 0.556275], [0.961812, 0.975924, 0.571925], [0.966249, 0.980678, 0.587206], [0.971162, 0.985282, 0.602154], [0.976511, 0.989753, 0.616760], [0.982257, 0.994109, 0.631017], [0.988362, 0.998364, 0.644924]] _plasma_data = [[0.050383, 0.029803, 0.527975], [0.063536, 0.028426, 0.533124], [0.075353, 0.027206, 0.538007], [0.086222, 0.026125, 0.542658], [0.096379, 0.025165, 0.547103], [0.105980, 0.024309, 0.551368], [0.115124, 0.023556, 0.555468], [0.123903, 0.022878, 0.559423], [0.132381, 0.022258, 0.563250], [0.140603, 0.021687, 0.566959], [0.148607, 0.021154, 0.570562], [0.156421, 0.020651, 0.574065], [0.164070, 0.020171, 0.577478], [0.171574, 0.019706, 0.580806], [0.178950, 0.019252, 0.584054], [0.186213, 0.018803, 0.587228], [0.193374, 0.018354, 0.590330], [0.200445, 0.017902, 0.593364], [0.207435, 0.017442, 0.596333], [0.214350, 0.016973, 0.599239], [0.221197, 0.016497, 0.602083], [0.227983, 0.016007, 0.604867], [0.234715, 0.015502, 0.607592], [0.241396, 0.014979, 0.610259], [0.248032, 0.014439, 0.612868], [0.254627, 0.013882, 0.615419], [0.261183, 0.013308, 0.617911], [0.267703, 0.012716, 0.620346], [0.274191, 0.012109, 0.622722], [0.280648, 0.011488, 0.625038], [0.287076, 0.010855, 0.627295], [0.293478, 0.010213, 0.629490], [0.299855, 0.009561, 0.631624], [0.306210, 0.008902, 0.633694], [0.312543, 0.008239, 0.635700], [0.318856, 0.007576, 0.637640], [0.325150, 0.006915, 0.639512], [0.331426, 0.006261, 0.641316], [0.337683, 0.005618, 0.643049], [0.343925, 0.004991, 0.644710], [0.350150, 0.004382, 0.646298], [0.356359, 0.003798, 0.647810], [0.362553, 0.003243, 0.649245], [0.368733, 0.002724, 0.650601], [0.374897, 0.002245, 0.651876], [0.381047, 0.001814, 0.653068], [0.387183, 0.001434, 0.654177], [0.393304, 0.001114, 0.655199], [0.399411, 0.000859, 0.656133], [0.405503, 0.000678, 0.656977], [0.411580, 0.000577, 0.657730], [0.417642, 0.000564, 0.658390], [0.423689, 0.000646, 0.658956], [0.429719, 0.000831, 0.659425], [0.435734, 0.001127, 0.659797], [0.441732, 0.001540, 0.660069], [0.447714, 0.002080, 0.660240], [0.453677, 0.002755, 0.660310], [0.459623, 0.003574, 0.660277], [0.465550, 0.004545, 0.660139], [0.471457, 0.005678, 0.659897], [0.477344, 0.006980, 0.659549], [0.483210, 0.008460, 0.659095], [0.489055, 0.010127, 0.658534], [0.494877, 0.011990, 0.657865], [0.500678, 0.014055, 0.657088], [0.506454, 0.016333, 0.656202], [0.512206, 0.018833, 0.655209], [0.517933, 0.021563, 0.654109], [0.523633, 0.024532, 0.652901], [0.529306, 0.027747, 0.651586], [0.534952, 0.031217, 0.650165], [0.540570, 0.034950, 0.648640], [0.546157, 0.038954, 0.647010], [0.551715, 0.043136, 0.645277], [0.557243, 0.047331, 0.643443], [0.562738, 0.051545, 0.641509], [0.568201, 0.055778, 0.639477], [0.573632, 0.060028, 0.637349], [0.579029, 0.064296, 0.635126], [0.584391, 0.068579, 0.632812], [0.589719, 0.072878, 0.630408], [0.595011, 0.077190, 0.627917], [0.600266, 0.081516, 0.625342], [0.605485, 0.085854, 0.622686], [0.610667, 0.090204, 0.619951], [0.615812, 0.094564, 0.617140], [0.620919, 0.098934, 0.614257], [0.625987, 0.103312, 0.611305], [0.631017, 0.107699, 0.608287], [0.636008, 0.112092, 0.605205], [0.640959, 0.116492, 0.602065], [0.645872, 0.120898, 0.598867], [0.650746, 0.125309, 0.595617], [0.655580, 0.129725, 0.592317], [0.660374, 0.134144, 0.588971], [0.665129, 0.138566, 0.585582], [0.669845, 0.142992, 0.582154], [0.674522, 0.147419, 0.578688], [0.679160, 0.151848, 0.575189], [0.683758, 0.156278, 0.571660], [0.688318, 0.160709, 0.568103], [0.692840, 0.165141, 0.564522], [0.697324, 0.169573, 0.560919], [0.701769, 0.174005, 0.557296], [0.706178, 0.178437, 0.553657], [0.710549, 0.182868, 0.550004], [0.714883, 0.187299, 0.546338], [0.719181, 0.191729, 0.542663], [0.723444, 0.196158, 0.538981], [0.727670, 0.200586, 0.535293], [0.731862, 0.205013, 0.531601], [0.736019, 0.209439, 0.527908], [0.740143, 0.213864, 0.524216], [0.744232, 0.218288, 0.520524], [0.748289, 0.222711, 0.516834], [0.752312, 0.227133, 0.513149], [0.756304, 0.231555, 0.509468], [0.760264, 0.235976, 0.505794], [0.764193, 0.240396, 0.502126], [0.768090, 0.244817, 0.498465], [0.771958, 0.249237, 0.494813], [0.775796, 0.253658, 0.491171], [0.779604, 0.258078, 0.487539], [0.783383, 0.262500, 0.483918], [0.787133, 0.266922, 0.480307], [0.790855, 0.271345, 0.476706], [0.794549, 0.275770, 0.473117], [0.798216, 0.280197, 0.469538], [0.801855, 0.284626, 0.465971], [0.805467, 0.289057, 0.462415], [0.809052, 0.293491, 0.458870], [0.812612, 0.297928, 0.455338], [0.816144, 0.302368, 0.451816], [0.819651, 0.306812, 0.448306], [0.823132, 0.311261, 0.444806], [0.826588, 0.315714, 0.441316], [0.830018, 0.320172, 0.437836], [0.833422, 0.324635, 0.434366], [0.836801, 0.329105, 0.430905], [0.840155, 0.333580, 0.427455], [0.843484, 0.338062, 0.424013], [0.846788, 0.342551, 0.420579], [0.850066, 0.347048, 0.417153], [0.853319, 0.351553, 0.413734], [0.856547, 0.356066, 0.410322], [0.859750, 0.360588, 0.406917], [0.862927, 0.365119, 0.403519], [0.866078, 0.369660, 0.400126], [0.869203, 0.374212, 0.396738], [0.872303, 0.378774, 0.393355], [0.875376, 0.383347, 0.389976], [0.878423, 0.387932, 0.386600], [0.881443, 0.392529, 0.383229], [0.884436, 0.397139, 0.379860], [0.887402, 0.401762, 0.376494], [0.890340, 0.406398, 0.373130], [0.893250, 0.411048, 0.369768], [0.896131, 0.415712, 0.366407], [0.898984, 0.420392, 0.363047], [0.901807, 0.425087, 0.359688], [0.904601, 0.429797, 0.356329], [0.907365, 0.434524, 0.352970], [0.910098, 0.439268, 0.349610], [0.912800, 0.444029, 0.346251], [0.915471, 0.448807, 0.342890], [0.918109, 0.453603, 0.339529], [0.920714, 0.458417, 0.336166], [0.923287, 0.463251, 0.332801], [0.925825, 0.468103, 0.329435], [0.928329, 0.472975, 0.326067], [0.930798, 0.477867, 0.322697], [0.933232, 0.482780, 0.319325], [0.935630, 0.487712, 0.315952], [0.937990, 0.492667, 0.312575], [0.940313, 0.497642, 0.309197], [0.942598, 0.502639, 0.305816], [0.944844, 0.507658, 0.302433], [0.947051, 0.512699, 0.299049], [0.949217, 0.517763, 0.295662], [0.951344, 0.522850, 0.292275], [0.953428, 0.527960, 0.288883], [0.955470, 0.533093, 0.285490], [0.957469, 0.538250, 0.282096], [0.959424, 0.543431, 0.278701], [0.961336, 0.548636, 0.275305], [0.963203, 0.553865, 0.271909], [0.965024, 0.559118, 0.268513], [0.966798, 0.564396, 0.265118], [0.968526, 0.569700, 0.261721], [0.970205, 0.575028, 0.258325], [0.971835, 0.580382, 0.254931], [0.973416, 0.585761, 0.251540], [0.974947, 0.591165, 0.248151], [0.976428, 0.596595, 0.244767], [0.977856, 0.602051, 0.241387], [0.979233, 0.607532, 0.238013], [0.980556, 0.613039, 0.234646], [0.981826, 0.618572, 0.231287], [0.983041, 0.624131, 0.227937], [0.984199, 0.629718, 0.224595], [0.985301, 0.635330, 0.221265], [0.986345, 0.640969, 0.217948], [0.987332, 0.646633, 0.214648], [0.988260, 0.652325, 0.211364], [0.989128, 0.658043, 0.208100], [0.989935, 0.663787, 0.204859], [0.990681, 0.669558, 0.201642], [0.991365, 0.675355, 0.198453], [0.991985, 0.681179, 0.195295], [0.992541, 0.687030, 0.192170], [0.993032, 0.692907, 0.189084], [0.993456, 0.698810, 0.186041], [0.993814, 0.704741, 0.183043], [0.994103, 0.710698, 0.180097], [0.994324, 0.716681, 0.177208], [0.994474, 0.722691, 0.174381], [0.994553, 0.728728, 0.171622], [0.994561, 0.734791, 0.168938], [0.994495, 0.740880, 0.166335], [0.994355, 0.746995, 0.163821], [0.994141, 0.753137, 0.161404], [0.993851, 0.759304, 0.159092], [0.993482, 0.765499, 0.156891], [0.993033, 0.771720, 0.154808], [0.992505, 0.777967, 0.152855], [0.991897, 0.784239, 0.151042], [0.991209, 0.790537, 0.149377], [0.990439, 0.796859, 0.147870], [0.989587, 0.803205, 0.146529], [0.988648, 0.809579, 0.145357], [0.987621, 0.815978, 0.144363], [0.986509, 0.822401, 0.143557], [0.985314, 0.828846, 0.142945], [0.984031, 0.835315, 0.142528], [0.982653, 0.841812, 0.142303], [0.981190, 0.848329, 0.142279], [0.979644, 0.854866, 0.142453], [0.977995, 0.861432, 0.142808], [0.976265, 0.868016, 0.143351], [0.974443, 0.874622, 0.144061], [0.972530, 0.881250, 0.144923], [0.970533, 0.887896, 0.145919], [0.968443, 0.894564, 0.147014], [0.966271, 0.901249, 0.148180], [0.964021, 0.907950, 0.149370], [0.961681, 0.914672, 0.150520], [0.959276, 0.921407, 0.151566], [0.956808, 0.928152, 0.152409], [0.954287, 0.934908, 0.152921], [0.951726, 0.941671, 0.152925], [0.949151, 0.948435, 0.152178], [0.946602, 0.955190, 0.150328], [0.944152, 0.961916, 0.146861], [0.941896, 0.968590, 0.140956], [0.940015, 0.975158, 0.131326]] _viridis_data = [[0.267004, 0.004874, 0.329415], [0.268510, 0.009605, 0.335427], [0.269944, 0.014625, 0.341379], [0.271305, 0.019942, 0.347269], [0.272594, 0.025563, 0.353093], [0.273809, 0.031497, 0.358853], [0.274952, 0.037752, 0.364543], [0.276022, 0.044167, 0.370164], [0.277018, 0.050344, 0.375715], [0.277941, 0.056324, 0.381191], [0.278791, 0.062145, 0.386592], [0.279566, 0.067836, 0.391917], [0.280267, 0.073417, 0.397163], [0.280894, 0.078907, 0.402329], [0.281446, 0.084320, 0.407414], [0.281924, 0.089666, 0.412415], [0.282327, 0.094955, 0.417331], [0.282656, 0.100196, 0.422160], [0.282910, 0.105393, 0.426902], [0.283091, 0.110553, 0.431554], [0.283197, 0.115680, 0.436115], [0.283229, 0.120777, 0.440584], [0.283187, 0.125848, 0.444960], [0.283072, 0.130895, 0.449241], [0.282884, 0.135920, 0.453427], [0.282623, 0.140926, 0.457517], [0.282290, 0.145912, 0.461510], [0.281887, 0.150881, 0.465405], [0.281412, 0.155834, 0.469201], [0.280868, 0.160771, 0.472899], [0.280255, 0.165693, 0.476498], [0.279574, 0.170599, 0.479997], [0.278826, 0.175490, 0.483397], [0.278012, 0.180367, 0.486697], [0.277134, 0.185228, 0.489898], [0.276194, 0.190074, 0.493001], [0.275191, 0.194905, 0.496005], [0.274128, 0.199721, 0.498911], [0.273006, 0.204520, 0.501721], [0.271828, 0.209303, 0.504434], [0.270595, 0.214069, 0.507052], [0.269308, 0.218818, 0.509577], [0.267968, 0.223549, 0.512008], [0.266580, 0.228262, 0.514349], [0.265145, 0.232956, 0.516599], [0.263663, 0.237631, 0.518762], [0.262138, 0.242286, 0.520837], [0.260571, 0.246922, 0.522828], [0.258965, 0.251537, 0.524736], [0.257322, 0.256130, 0.526563], [0.255645, 0.260703, 0.528312], [0.253935, 0.265254, 0.529983], [0.252194, 0.269783, 0.531579], [0.250425, 0.274290, 0.533103], [0.248629, 0.278775, 0.534556], [0.246811, 0.283237, 0.535941], [0.244972, 0.287675, 0.537260], [0.243113, 0.292092, 0.538516], [0.241237, 0.296485, 0.539709], [0.239346, 0.300855, 0.540844], [0.237441, 0.305202, 0.541921], [0.235526, 0.309527, 0.542944], [0.233603, 0.313828, 0.543914], [0.231674, 0.318106, 0.544834], [0.229739, 0.322361, 0.545706], [0.227802, 0.326594, 0.546532], [0.225863, 0.330805, 0.547314], [0.223925, 0.334994, 0.548053], [0.221989, 0.339161, 0.548752], [0.220057, 0.343307, 0.549413], [0.218130, 0.347432, 0.550038], [0.216210, 0.351535, 0.550627], [0.214298, 0.355619, 0.551184], [0.212395, 0.359683, 0.551710], [0.210503, 0.363727, 0.552206], [0.208623, 0.367752, 0.552675], [0.206756, 0.371758, 0.553117], [0.204903, 0.375746, 0.553533], [0.203063, 0.379716, 0.553925], [0.201239, 0.383670, 0.554294], [0.199430, 0.387607, 0.554642], [0.197636, 0.391528, 0.554969], [0.195860, 0.395433, 0.555276], [0.194100, 0.399323, 0.555565], [0.192357, 0.403199, 0.555836], [0.190631, 0.407061, 0.556089], [0.188923, 0.410910, 0.556326], [0.187231, 0.414746, 0.556547], [0.185556, 0.418570, 0.556753], [0.183898, 0.422383, 0.556944], [0.182256, 0.426184, 0.557120], [0.180629, 0.429975, 0.557282], [0.179019, 0.433756, 0.557430], [0.177423, 0.437527, 0.557565], [0.175841, 0.441290, 0.557685], [0.174274, 0.445044, 0.557792], [0.172719, 0.448791, 0.557885], [0.171176, 0.452530, 0.557965], [0.169646, 0.456262, 0.558030], [0.168126, 0.459988, 0.558082], [0.166617, 0.463708, 0.558119], [0.165117, 0.467423, 0.558141], [0.163625, 0.471133, 0.558148], [0.162142, 0.474838, 0.558140], [0.160665, 0.478540, 0.558115], [0.159194, 0.482237, 0.558073], [0.157729, 0.485932, 0.558013], [0.156270, 0.489624, 0.557936], [0.154815, 0.493313, 0.557840], [0.153364, 0.497000, 0.557724], [0.151918, 0.500685, 0.557587], [0.150476, 0.504369, 0.557430], [0.149039, 0.508051, 0.557250], [0.147607, 0.511733, 0.557049], [0.146180, 0.515413, 0.556823], [0.144759, 0.519093, 0.556572], [0.143343, 0.522773, 0.556295], [0.141935, 0.526453, 0.555991], [0.140536, 0.530132, 0.555659], [0.139147, 0.533812, 0.555298], [0.137770, 0.537492, 0.554906], [0.136408, 0.541173, 0.554483], [0.135066, 0.544853, 0.554029], [0.133743, 0.548535, 0.553541], [0.132444, 0.552216, 0.553018], [0.131172, 0.555899, 0.552459], [0.129933, 0.559582, 0.551864], [0.128729, 0.563265, 0.551229], [0.127568, 0.566949, 0.550556], [0.126453, 0.570633, 0.549841], [0.125394, 0.574318, 0.549086], [0.124395, 0.578002, 0.548287], [0.123463, 0.581687, 0.547445], [0.122606, 0.585371, 0.546557], [0.121831, 0.589055, 0.545623], [0.121148, 0.592739, 0.544641], [0.120565, 0.596422, 0.543611], [0.120092, 0.600104, 0.542530], [0.119738, 0.603785, 0.541400], [0.119512, 0.607464, 0.540218], [0.119423, 0.611141, 0.538982], [0.119483, 0.614817, 0.537692], [0.119699, 0.618490, 0.536347], [0.120081, 0.622161, 0.534946], [0.120638, 0.625828, 0.533488], [0.121380, 0.629492, 0.531973], [0.122312, 0.633153, 0.530398], [0.123444, 0.636809, 0.528763], [0.124780, 0.640461, 0.527068], [0.126326, 0.644107, 0.525311], [0.128087, 0.647749, 0.523491], [0.130067, 0.651384, 0.521608], [0.132268, 0.655014, 0.519661], [0.134692, 0.658636, 0.517649], [0.137339, 0.662252, 0.515571], [0.140210, 0.665859, 0.513427], [0.143303, 0.669459, 0.511215], [0.146616, 0.673050, 0.508936], [0.150148, 0.676631, 0.506589], [0.153894, 0.680203, 0.504172], [0.157851, 0.683765, 0.501686], [0.162016, 0.687316, 0.499129], [0.166383, 0.690856, 0.496502], [0.170948, 0.694384, 0.493803], [0.175707, 0.697900, 0.491033], [0.180653, 0.701402, 0.488189], [0.185783, 0.704891, 0.485273], [0.191090, 0.708366, 0.482284], [0.196571, 0.711827, 0.479221], [0.202219, 0.715272, 0.476084], [0.208030, 0.718701, 0.472873], [0.214000, 0.722114, 0.469588], [0.220124, 0.725509, 0.466226], [0.226397, 0.728888, 0.462789], [0.232815, 0.732247, 0.459277], [0.239374, 0.735588, 0.455688], [0.246070, 0.738910, 0.452024], [0.252899, 0.742211, 0.448284], [0.259857, 0.745492, 0.444467], [0.266941, 0.748751, 0.440573], [0.274149, 0.751988, 0.436601], [0.281477, 0.755203, 0.432552], [0.288921, 0.758394, 0.428426], [0.296479, 0.761561, 0.424223], [0.304148, 0.764704, 0.419943], [0.311925, 0.767822, 0.415586], [0.319809, 0.770914, 0.411152], [0.327796, 0.773980, 0.406640], [0.335885, 0.777018, 0.402049], [0.344074, 0.780029, 0.397381], [0.352360, 0.783011, 0.392636], [0.360741, 0.785964, 0.387814], [0.369214, 0.788888, 0.382914], [0.377779, 0.791781, 0.377939], [0.386433, 0.794644, 0.372886], [0.395174, 0.797475, 0.367757], [0.404001, 0.800275, 0.362552], [0.412913, 0.803041, 0.357269], [0.421908, 0.805774, 0.351910], [0.430983, 0.808473, 0.346476], [0.440137, 0.811138, 0.340967], [0.449368, 0.813768, 0.335384], [0.458674, 0.816363, 0.329727], [0.468053, 0.818921, 0.323998], [0.477504, 0.821444, 0.318195], [0.487026, 0.823929, 0.312321], [0.496615, 0.826376, 0.306377], [0.506271, 0.828786, 0.300362], [0.515992, 0.831158, 0.294279], [0.525776, 0.833491, 0.288127], [0.535621, 0.835785, 0.281908], [0.545524, 0.838039, 0.275626], [0.555484, 0.840254, 0.269281], [0.565498, 0.842430, 0.262877], [0.575563, 0.844566, 0.256415], [0.585678, 0.846661, 0.249897], [0.595839, 0.848717, 0.243329], [0.606045, 0.850733, 0.236712], [0.616293, 0.852709, 0.230052], [0.626579, 0.854645, 0.223353], [0.636902, 0.856542, 0.216620], [0.647257, 0.858400, 0.209861], [0.657642, 0.860219, 0.203082], [0.668054, 0.861999, 0.196293], [0.678489, 0.863742, 0.189503], [0.688944, 0.865448, 0.182725], [0.699415, 0.867117, 0.175971], [0.709898, 0.868751, 0.169257], [0.720391, 0.870350, 0.162603], [0.730889, 0.871916, 0.156029], [0.741388, 0.873449, 0.149561], [0.751884, 0.874951, 0.143228], [0.762373, 0.876424, 0.137064], [0.772852, 0.877868, 0.131109], [0.783315, 0.879285, 0.125405], [0.793760, 0.880678, 0.120005], [0.804182, 0.882046, 0.114965], [0.814576, 0.883393, 0.110347], [0.824940, 0.884720, 0.106217], [0.835270, 0.886029, 0.102646], [0.845561, 0.887322, 0.099702], [0.855810, 0.888601, 0.097452], [0.866013, 0.889868, 0.095953], [0.876168, 0.891125, 0.095250], [0.886271, 0.892374, 0.095374], [0.896320, 0.893616, 0.096335], [0.906311, 0.894855, 0.098125], [0.916242, 0.896091, 0.100717], [0.926106, 0.897330, 0.104071], [0.935904, 0.898570, 0.108131], [0.945636, 0.899815, 0.112838], [0.955300, 0.901065, 0.118128], [0.964894, 0.902323, 0.123941], [0.974417, 0.903590, 0.130215], [0.983868, 0.904867, 0.136897], [0.993248, 0.906157, 0.143936]] from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap cmaps = {} for (name, data) in (('magma', _magma_data), ('inferno', _inferno_data), ('plasma', _plasma_data), ('viridis', _viridis_data)): cmaps[name] = ListedColormap(data, name=name) magma = cmaps['magma'] inferno = cmaps['inferno'] plasma = cmaps['plasma'] viridis = cmaps['viridis']
"""Base translators for translating Grow content.""" import copy import json import logging import os import threading import progressbar import texttable import yaml from protorpc import message_types from protorpc import messages from protorpc import protojson from grow.common import progressbar_non from grow.common import utils from grow.translators import errors as translator_errors class TranslatorStat(messages.Message): lang = messages.StringField(1) num_words = messages.IntegerField(2) num_words_translated = messages.IntegerField(3) source_lang = messages.StringField(4) ident = messages.StringField(5) url = messages.StringField(6) uploaded = message_types.DateTimeField(7) service = messages.StringField(8) downloaded = message_types.DateTimeField(9) def translator_stat_representer(dumper, stat): content = json.loads(protojson.encode_message(stat)) content.pop('lang') # Exclude from serialization. return dumper.represent_mapping(',2002:map', content) yaml.SafeDumper.add_representer(TranslatorStat, translator_stat_representer) class TranslatorServiceError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, ident=None, locale=None): if locale: new_message = 'Error for locale "{}" -> {}'.format(locale, message) elif ident: new_message = 'Error for resource "{}" -> {}'.format( ident, message) else: new_message = message self.message = new_message super(TranslatorServiceError, self).__init__(new_message) class Translator(object): TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH = '/translators.yaml' KIND = None has_immutable_translation_resources = False has_multiple_langs_in_one_resource = False def __init__(self, pod, config=None, project_title=None, instructions=None): self.pod = pod self.config = config or {} self.project_title = project_title or 'Untitled Grow Website' self.instructions = instructions def _cleanup_locales(self, locales): """Certain locales should be ignored.""" clean_locales = [] default_locale = self.pod.podspec.default_locale skipped = { 'symlink': set(), 'po': set(), } for locale in locales: locale_path = os.path.join('translations', str(locale)) # Silently ignore the default locale. if default_locale and str(locale) == str(default_locale): continue # Ignore the symlinks. if os.path.islink(locale_path): skipped['symlink'].add(str(locale)) continue # Ignore the locales without a `.PO` file. po_path = os.path.join(locale_path, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'messages.po') if not self.pod.file_exists(po_path): skipped['po'].add(str(locale)) continue clean_locales.append(locale) # Summary of skipped files. if skipped['symlink']:'Skipping: {} (symlinked)'.format( ', '.join(sorted(skipped['symlink'])))) if skipped['po']:'Skipping: {} (no `.po` file)'.format( ', '.join(sorted(skipped['po'])))) return clean_locales def _download_content(self, stat): raise NotImplementedError def _log_catalog_changes(self, unchanged_locales, changed_locales): if unchanged_locales:'No translations updated: {}'.format( ', '.join(sorted(unchanged_locales)))) if changed_locales: for locale, value in changed_locales.items():'Updated {} of {} translations: {}'.format( value['imported'], value['total'], locale)) def _upload_catalog(self, catalog, source_lang, prune): raise NotImplementedError def _upload_catalogs(self, catalogs, source_lang, prune=False): raise NotImplementedError def _update_acl(self, stat, locale): raise NotImplementedError def _update_acls(self, stat, locales): raise NotImplementedError def _update_meta(self, stat, locale, catalog): raise NotImplementedError def needs_meta_update(self): """Allow to be flagged for additional meta update after uploading.""" return False def _get_stats_to_download(self, locales): # 'stats' maps the service name to a mapping of languages to stats. if not self.pod.file_exists(Translator.TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH): return {} stats = self.pod.read_yaml(Translator.TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH) if self.KIND not in stats: 'Nothing found to download from {}'.format(self.KIND)) return {} stats_to_download = stats[self.KIND] if locales: stats_to_download = dict([(lang, stat) for (lang, stat) in stats_to_download.items() if lang in locales]) for lang, stat in stats_to_download.items(): if isinstance(stat, TranslatorStat): stat = json.loads(protojson.encode_message(stat)) stat['lang'] = lang stat_message = protojson.decode_message(TranslatorStat, json.dumps(stat)) stats_to_download[lang] = stat_message return stats_to_download def download(self, locales, save_stats=True, include_obsolete=False): # TODO: Rename to `download_and_import`. if not self.pod.file_exists(Translator.TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH): text = 'File {} not found. Nothing to download.' return stats_to_download = self._get_stats_to_download(locales) if not stats_to_download: return num_files = len(stats_to_download) text = 'Downloading translations: %(value)d/{} (in %(time_elapsed).9s)' widgets = [progressbar.FormatLabel(text.format(num_files))] bar = progressbar_non.create_progressbar( "Downloading translations...", widgets=widgets, max_value=num_files) bar.start() threads = [] langs_to_translations = {} new_stats = [] def _do_download(lang, stat): try: new_stat, content = self._download_content(stat) except translator_errors.NotFoundError: text = 'No translations to download for: {}' return new_stat.uploaded = stat.uploaded # Preserve uploaded field. langs_to_translations[lang] = content new_stats.append(new_stat) for i, (lang, stat) in enumerate(stats_to_download.items()): thread = utils.ProgressBarThread( bar, True, target=_do_download, args=(lang, stat)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() # Perform the first operation synchronously to avoid oauth2 refresh # locking issues. if i == 0: thread.join() for i, thread in enumerate(threads): if i > 0: thread.join() bar.finish() has_changed_content = False unchanged_locales = [] changed_locales = {} for lang, translations in langs_to_translations.items(): has_changed_content, imported_translations, total_translations = self.pod.catalogs.import_translations( locale=lang, content=translations, include_obsolete=include_obsolete) if imported_translations == 0: unchanged_locales.append(lang) else: changed_locales[lang] = { 'imported': imported_translations, 'total': total_translations, } if has_changed_content: has_changed_content = True if save_stats and has_changed_content: self.save_stats(new_stats) self._log_catalog_changes(unchanged_locales, changed_locales) return new_stats def update_acl(self, locales=None): locales = locales or self.pod.catalogs.list_locales() locales = self._cleanup_locales(locales) if not locales:'No locales to found to update.') return stats_to_download = self._get_stats_to_download(locales) if not stats_to_download:'No documents found to update.') return if self.has_multiple_langs_in_one_resource: self._update_acls(stats_to_download, locales) stat = list(stats_to_download.values())[0]'ACL updated -> {}'.format(stat.ident)) return threads = [] for i, (locale, stat) in enumerate(stats_to_download.items()): thread = threading.Thread( target=self._update_acl, args=(stat, locale)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() if i == 0: thread.join() 'ACL updated ({}): {}'.format(stat.lang, stat.url)) for i, thread in enumerate(threads): if i > 0: thread.join() def update_meta(self, locales=None): locales = locales or self.pod.catalogs.list_locales() locales = self._cleanup_locales(locales) if not locales:'No locales to found to update.') return stats_to_download = self._get_stats_to_download(locales) if not stats_to_download:'No documents found to update.') return threads = [] for i, (locale, stat) in enumerate(stats_to_download.items()): catalog_for_meta = self.pod.catalogs.get(locale) thread = threading.Thread( target=self._update_meta, args=(stat, locale, catalog_for_meta)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() if i == 0: thread.join()'Meta information updated ({}): {}'.format( stat.lang, stat.url)) for i, thread in enumerate(threads): if i > 0: thread.join() def upload(self, locales=None, force=True, verbose=False, save_stats=True, prune=False): source_lang = self.pod.podspec.default_locale locales = locales or self.pod.catalogs.list_locales() locales = self._cleanup_locales(locales) stats = [] num_files = len(locales) if not locales:'No locales to upload.') return if not force: if (self.has_immutable_translation_resources and self.pod.file_exists(Translator.TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH)): text = 'Found existing translator data in: {}' Translator.TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH)) text = 'This will be updated with new data after the upload is complete.' text = 'Proceed to upload {} translation catalogs?' text = text.format(num_files) if not utils.interactive_confirm(text):'Aborted.') return if self.has_multiple_langs_in_one_resource: catalogs_to_upload = [] for locale in locales: catalog_to_upload = self.pod.catalogs.get(locale) if catalog_to_upload: catalogs_to_upload.append(catalog_to_upload) stats = self._upload_catalogs(catalogs_to_upload, source_lang, prune=prune) else: text = 'Uploading translations: %(value)d/{} (in %(time_elapsed).9s)' widgets = [progressbar.FormatLabel(text.format(num_files))] bar = progressbar_non.create_progressbar( "Uploading translations...", widgets=widgets, max_value=num_files) bar.start() threads = [] def _do_upload(locale): catalog = self.pod.catalogs.get(locale) stat = self._upload_catalog(catalog, source_lang, prune=prune) stats.append(stat) for i, locale in enumerate(locales): thread = utils.ProgressBarThread( bar, True, target=_do_upload, args=(locale,)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() # Perform the first operation synchronously to avoid oauth2 refresh # locking issues. if i == 0: thread.join() for i, thread in enumerate(threads): if i > 0: thread.join() bar.finish() stats = sorted(stats, key=lambda stat: stat.lang) if verbose: self.pretty_print_stats(stats) if save_stats: self.save_stats(stats) return stats def save_stats(self, stats): """Merges a list of stats into the translator stats file.""" if self.pod.file_exists(Translator.TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH): content = self.pod.read_yaml(Translator.TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH) create = False else: content = {} create = True if self.KIND not in content: content[self.KIND] = {} for stat in copy.deepcopy(stats): content[self.KIND][stat.lang] = stat yaml_content = yaml.safe_dump(content, default_flow_style=False) self.pod.write_file(Translator.TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH, yaml_content) if create:'Saved: {}'.format( Translator.TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH)) else:'Updated: {}'.format( Translator.TRANSLATOR_STATS_PATH)) @classmethod def pretty_print_stats(cls, stats): table = texttable.Texttable(max_width=0) table.set_deco(texttable.Texttable.HEADER) rows = [] rows.append(['Language', 'URL', 'Wordcount']) for stat in stats: rows.append([stat.lang, stat.url, stat.num_words or '--']) table.add_rows(rows)'\n' + table.draw() + '\n') def get_edit_url(self, doc): if not doc.locale: return stats = self._get_stats_to_download([doc.locale]) if doc.locale not in stats: return stat = stats[doc.locale] return stat.url
from unittest import TestCase from zoom.www.entities.application_state import ApplicationState class TestApplicationState(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.state = ApplicationState(application_name="1", configuration_path="2", application_status="3", application_host=None, last_update=1388556000, start_stop_time="6", error_state="7", delete="8", local_mode="9", login_user="10", last_command="12", pd_disabled=False, grayed=True, read_only=True, load_times=1, restart_count=0, platform=0) def test_to_dictionary(self): self.assertEquals( { 'application_name': "1", 'configuration_path': "2", 'application_status': "unknown", 'application_host': "", 'last_update': '2014-01-01 00:00:00', 'start_stop_time': "6", 'error_state': "7", 'delete': "8", 'local_mode': "9", 'login_user': "10", 'last_command': "12", 'pd_disabled': False, 'grayed': True, 'read_only': True, 'load_times': 1, 'restart_count': 0, 'platform': 0 }, self.state.to_dictionary() )
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2009 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Verifies that test shuffling works.""" __author__ = ' (Zhanyong Wan)' import os import gtest_test_utils # Command to run the gtest_shuffle_test_ program. COMMAND = gtest_test_utils.GetTestExecutablePath('gtest_shuffle_test_') # The environment variables for test sharding. TOTAL_SHARDS_ENV_VAR = 'GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS' SHARD_INDEX_ENV_VAR = 'GTEST_SHARD_INDEX' TEST_FILTER = 'A*.A:A*.B:C*' ALL_TESTS = [] ACTIVE_TESTS = [] FILTERED_TESTS = [] SHARDED_TESTS = [] SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS = [] SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS = [] SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS = [] SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS = [] def AlsoRunDisabledTestsFlag(): return '--gtest_also_run_disabled_tests' def FilterFlag(test_filter): return '--gtest_filter=%s' % (test_filter,) def RepeatFlag(n): return '--gtest_repeat=%s' % (n,) def ShuffleFlag(): return '--gtest_shuffle' def RandomSeedFlag(n): return '--gtest_random_seed=%s' % (n,) def RunAndReturnOutput(extra_env, args): """Runs the test program and returns its output.""" environ_copy = os.environ.copy() environ_copy.update(extra_env) return gtest_test_utils.Subprocess([COMMAND] + args, env=environ_copy).output def GetTestsForAllIterations(extra_env, args): """Runs the test program and returns a list of test lists. Args: extra_env: a map from environment variables to their values args: command line flags to pass to gtest_shuffle_test_ Returns: A list where the i-th element is the list of tests run in the i-th test iteration. """ test_iterations = [] for line in RunAndReturnOutput(extra_env, args).split('\n'): if line.startswith('----'): tests = [] test_iterations.append(tests) elif line.strip(): tests.append(line.strip()) # 'TestCaseName.TestName' return test_iterations def GetTestCases(tests): """Returns a list of test cases in the given full test names. Args: tests: a list of full test names Returns: A list of test cases from 'tests', in their original order. Consecutive duplicates are removed. """ test_cases = [] for test in tests: test_case = test.split('.')[0] if not test_case in test_cases: test_cases.append(test_case) return test_cases def CalculateTestLists(): """Calculates the list of tests run under different flags.""" if not ALL_TESTS: ALL_TESTS.extend( GetTestsForAllIterations({}, [AlsoRunDisabledTestsFlag()])[0]) if not ACTIVE_TESTS: ACTIVE_TESTS.extend(GetTestsForAllIterations({}, [])[0]) if not FILTERED_TESTS: FILTERED_TESTS.extend( GetTestsForAllIterations({}, [FilterFlag(TEST_FILTER)])[0]) if not SHARDED_TESTS: SHARDED_TESTS.extend( GetTestsForAllIterations({TOTAL_SHARDS_ENV_VAR: '3', SHARD_INDEX_ENV_VAR: '1'}, [])[0]) if not SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS: SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS.extend(GetTestsForAllIterations( {}, [AlsoRunDisabledTestsFlag(), ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(1)])[0]) if not SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS: SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS.extend(GetTestsForAllIterations( {}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(1)])[0]) if not SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS: SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS.extend(GetTestsForAllIterations( {}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(1), FilterFlag(TEST_FILTER)])[0]) if not SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS: SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS.extend( GetTestsForAllIterations({TOTAL_SHARDS_ENV_VAR: '3', SHARD_INDEX_ENV_VAR: '1'}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(1)])[0]) class GTestShuffleUnitTest(gtest_test_utils.TestCase): """Tests test shuffling.""" def setUp(self): CalculateTestLists() def testShufflePreservesNumberOfTests(self): self.assertEqual(len(ALL_TESTS), len(SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS)) self.assertEqual(len(ACTIVE_TESTS), len(SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS)) self.assertEqual(len(FILTERED_TESTS), len(SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS)) self.assertEqual(len(SHARDED_TESTS), len(SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS)) def testShuffleChangesTestOrder(self): self.assert_(SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS != ALL_TESTS, SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS) self.assert_(SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS != ACTIVE_TESTS, SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS) self.assert_(SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS != FILTERED_TESTS, SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS) self.assert_(SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS != SHARDED_TESTS, SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS) def testShuffleChangesTestCaseOrder(self): self.assert_(GetTestCases(SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS) != GetTestCases(ALL_TESTS), GetTestCases(SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS)) self.assert_( GetTestCases(SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS) != GetTestCases(ACTIVE_TESTS), GetTestCases(SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS)) self.assert_( GetTestCases(SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS) != GetTestCases(FILTERED_TESTS), GetTestCases(SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS)) self.assert_( GetTestCases(SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS) != GetTestCases(SHARDED_TESTS), GetTestCases(SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS)) def testShuffleDoesNotRepeatTest(self): for test in SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS: self.assertEqual(1, SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS.count(test), '%s appears more than once' % (test,)) for test in SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS: self.assertEqual(1, SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS.count(test), '%s appears more than once' % (test,)) for test in SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS: self.assertEqual(1, SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS.count(test), '%s appears more than once' % (test,)) for test in SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS: self.assertEqual(1, SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS.count(test), '%s appears more than once' % (test,)) def testShuffleDoesNotCreateNewTest(self): for test in SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS: self.assert_(test in ALL_TESTS, '%s is an invalid test' % (test,)) for test in SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS: self.assert_(test in ACTIVE_TESTS, '%s is an invalid test' % (test,)) for test in SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS: self.assert_(test in FILTERED_TESTS, '%s is an invalid test' % (test,)) for test in SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS: self.assert_(test in SHARDED_TESTS, '%s is an invalid test' % (test,)) def testShuffleIncludesAllTests(self): for test in ALL_TESTS: self.assert_(test in SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS, '%s is missing' % (test,)) for test in ACTIVE_TESTS: self.assert_(test in SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS, '%s is missing' % (test,)) for test in FILTERED_TESTS: self.assert_(test in SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS, '%s is missing' % (test,)) for test in SHARDED_TESTS: self.assert_(test in SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS, '%s is missing' % (test,)) def testShuffleLeavesDeathTestsAtFront(self): non_death_test_found = False for test in SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS: if 'DeathTest.' in test: self.assert_(not non_death_test_found, '%s appears after a non-death test' % (test,)) else: non_death_test_found = True def _VerifyTestCasesDoNotInterleave(self, tests): test_cases = [] for test in tests: [test_case, _] = test.split('.') if test_cases and test_cases[-1] != test_case: test_cases.append(test_case) self.assertEqual(1, test_cases.count(test_case), 'Test case %s is not grouped together in %s' % (test_case, tests)) def testShuffleDoesNotInterleaveTestCases(self): self._VerifyTestCasesDoNotInterleave(SHUFFLED_ALL_TESTS) self._VerifyTestCasesDoNotInterleave(SHUFFLED_ACTIVE_TESTS) self._VerifyTestCasesDoNotInterleave(SHUFFLED_FILTERED_TESTS) self._VerifyTestCasesDoNotInterleave(SHUFFLED_SHARDED_TESTS) def testShuffleRestoresOrderAfterEachIteration(self): # Get the test lists in all 3 iterations, using random seed 1, 2, # and 3 respectively. Google Test picks a different seed in each # iteration, and this test depends on the current implementation # picking successive numbers. This dependency is not ideal, but # makes the test much easier to write. [tests_in_iteration1, tests_in_iteration2, tests_in_iteration3] = ( GetTestsForAllIterations( {}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(1), RepeatFlag(3)])) # Make sure running the tests with random seed 1 gets the same # order as in iteration 1 above. [tests_with_seed1] = GetTestsForAllIterations( {}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(1)]) self.assertEqual(tests_in_iteration1, tests_with_seed1) # Make sure running the tests with random seed 2 gets the same # order as in iteration 2 above. Success means that Google Test # correctly restores the test order before re-shuffling at the # beginning of iteration 2. [tests_with_seed2] = GetTestsForAllIterations( {}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(2)]) self.assertEqual(tests_in_iteration2, tests_with_seed2) # Make sure running the tests with random seed 3 gets the same # order as in iteration 3 above. Success means that Google Test # correctly restores the test order before re-shuffling at the # beginning of iteration 3. [tests_with_seed3] = GetTestsForAllIterations( {}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(3)]) self.assertEqual(tests_in_iteration3, tests_with_seed3) def testShuffleGeneratesNewOrderInEachIteration(self): [tests_in_iteration1, tests_in_iteration2, tests_in_iteration3] = ( GetTestsForAllIterations( {}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(1), RepeatFlag(3)])) self.assert_(tests_in_iteration1 != tests_in_iteration2, tests_in_iteration1) self.assert_(tests_in_iteration1 != tests_in_iteration3, tests_in_iteration1) self.assert_(tests_in_iteration2 != tests_in_iteration3, tests_in_iteration2) def testShuffleShardedTestsPreservesPartition(self): # If we run M tests on N shards, the same M tests should be run in # total, regardless of the random seeds used by the shards. [tests1] = GetTestsForAllIterations({TOTAL_SHARDS_ENV_VAR: '3', SHARD_INDEX_ENV_VAR: '0'}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(1)]) [tests2] = GetTestsForAllIterations({TOTAL_SHARDS_ENV_VAR: '3', SHARD_INDEX_ENV_VAR: '1'}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(20)]) [tests3] = GetTestsForAllIterations({TOTAL_SHARDS_ENV_VAR: '3', SHARD_INDEX_ENV_VAR: '2'}, [ShuffleFlag(), RandomSeedFlag(25)]) sorted_sharded_tests = tests1 + tests2 + tests3 sorted_sharded_tests.sort() sorted_active_tests = [] sorted_active_tests.extend(ACTIVE_TESTS) sorted_active_tests.sort() self.assertEqual(sorted_active_tests, sorted_sharded_tests) if __name__ == '__main__': gtest_test_utils.Main()
##################################################################### # File: ######################################################################## """ :mod: ReqManagerHandler .. module: ReqManagerHandler :synopsis: Implementation of the RequestDB service in the DISET framework """ __RCSID__ = "$Id$" # # imports import json import datetime import math from types import DictType, IntType, LongType, ListType, StringTypes, BooleanType # # from DIRAC from DIRAC import gLogger, S_OK, S_ERROR from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RequestHandler import RequestHandler, getServiceOption # # from RMS from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.Client.Request import Request from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.private.RequestValidator import RequestValidator from DIRAC.RequestManagementSystem.DB.RequestDB import RequestDB class ReqManagerHandler( RequestHandler ): """ .. class:: ReqManagerHandler RequestDB interface in the DISET framework. """ # # request validator __validator = None # # request DB instance __requestDB = None @classmethod def initializeHandler( cls, serviceInfoDict ): """ initialize handler """ try: cls.__requestDB = RequestDB() except RuntimeError, error: gLogger.exception( error ) return S_ERROR( error ) # If there is a constant delay to be applied to each request cls.constantRequestDelay = getServiceOption( serviceInfoDict, 'ConstantRequestDelay', 0 ) # # create tables for empty db return cls.__requestDB.createTables() # # helper functions @classmethod def validate( cls, request ): """ request validation """ if not cls.__validator: cls.__validator = RequestValidator() return cls.__validator.validate( request ) types_getRequestIDForName = [ StringTypes ] @classmethod def export_getRequestIDForName( cls, requestName ): """ get requestID for given :requestName: """ if type( requestName ) in StringTypes: result = cls.__requestDB.getRequestIDForName( requestName ) if not result["OK"]: return result requestID = result["Value"] return S_OK( requestID ) types_cancelRequest = [ ( IntType, LongType ) ] @classmethod def export_cancelRequest( cls , requestID ): """ Cancel a request """ return cls.__requestDB.cancelRequest( requestID ) types_putRequest = [ StringTypes ] @classmethod def export_putRequest( cls, requestJSON ): """ put a new request into RequestDB :param cls: class ref :param str requestJSON: request serialized to JSON format """ requestDict = json.loads( requestJSON ) requestName = requestDict.get( "RequestID", requestDict.get( 'RequestName', "***UNKNOWN***" ) ) request = Request( requestDict ) optimized = request.optimize() if optimized.get( "Value", False ): gLogger.debug( "putRequest: request was optimized" ) else: gLogger.debug( "putRequest: request unchanged", optimized.get( "Message", "Nothing could be optimized" ) ) valid = cls.validate( request ) if not valid["OK"]: gLogger.error( "putRequest: request %s not valid: %s" % ( requestName, valid["Message"] ) ) return valid # If NotBefore is not set or user defined, we calculate its value now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( microsecond = 0 ) extraDelay = datetime.timedelta( 0 ) if request.Status not in Request.FINAL_STATES and ( not request.NotBefore or request.NotBefore < now ) : # We don't delay if it is the first insertion if getattr( request, 'RequestID', 0 ): # If it is a constant delay, just set it if cls.constantRequestDelay: extraDelay = datetime.timedelta( minutes = cls.constantRequestDelay ) else: # If there is a waiting Operation with Files op = request.getWaiting().get( 'Value' ) if op and len( op ): attemptList = [ opFile.Attempt for opFile in op if opFile.Status == "Waiting" ] if attemptList: maxWaitingAttempt = max( [ opFile.Attempt for opFile in op if opFile.Status == "Waiting" ] ) # In case it is the first attempt, extraDelay is 0 # maxWaitingAttempt can be None if the operation has no File, like the ForwardDiset extraDelay = datetime.timedelta( minutes = 2 * math.log( maxWaitingAttempt ) if maxWaitingAttempt else 0 ) request.NotBefore = now + extraDelay "putRequest: request %s not before %s (extra delay %s)" % ( request.RequestName, request.NotBefore, extraDelay ) ) requestName = request.RequestName "putRequest: Attempting to set request '%s'" % requestName ) return cls.__requestDB.putRequest( request ) types_getScheduledRequest = [ ( IntType, LongType ) ] @classmethod def export_getScheduledRequest( cls , operationID ): """ read scheduled request given operationID """ scheduled = cls.__requestDB.getScheduledRequest( operationID ) if not scheduled["OK"]: gLogger.error( "getScheduledRequest: %s" % scheduled["Message"] ) return scheduled if not scheduled["Value"]: return S_OK() requestJSON = scheduled["Value"].toJSON() if not requestJSON["OK"]: gLogger.error( "getScheduledRequest: %s" % requestJSON["Message"] ) return requestJSON types_getDBSummary = [] @classmethod def export_getDBSummary( cls ): """ Get the summary of requests in the Request DB """ return cls.__requestDB.getDBSummary() types_getRequest = [ ( LongType, IntType ) ] @classmethod def export_getRequest( cls, requestID = 0 ): """ Get a request of given type from the database """ getRequest = cls.__requestDB.getRequest( requestID ) if not getRequest["OK"]: gLogger.error( "getRequest: %s" % getRequest["Message"] ) return getRequest if getRequest["Value"]: getRequest = getRequest["Value"] toJSON = getRequest.toJSON() if not toJSON["OK"]: gLogger.error( toJSON["Message"] ) return toJSON return S_OK() types_getBulkRequests = [ IntType, BooleanType ] @classmethod def export_getBulkRequests( cls, numberOfRequest, assigned ): """ Get a request of given type from the database :param numberOfRequest : size of the bulk (default 10) :return S_OK( {Failed : message, Successful : list of Request.toJSON()} ) """ getRequests = cls.__requestDB.getBulkRequests( numberOfRequest = numberOfRequest, assigned = assigned ) if not getRequests["OK"]: gLogger.error( "getRequests: %s" % getRequests["Message"] ) return getRequests if getRequests["Value"]: getRequests = getRequests["Value"] toJSONDict = {"Successful" : {}, "Failed" : {}} for rId in getRequests: toJSON = getRequests[rId].toJSON() if not toJSON["OK"]: gLogger.error( toJSON["Message"] ) toJSONDict["Failed"][rId] = toJSON["Message"] else: toJSONDict["Successful"][rId] = toJSON["Value"] return S_OK( toJSONDict ) return S_OK() types_peekRequest = [ ( LongType, IntType ) ] @classmethod def export_peekRequest( cls, requestID = 0 ): """ peek request given its id """ peekRequest = cls.__requestDB.peekRequest( requestID ) if not peekRequest["OK"]: gLogger.error( "peekRequest: %s" % peekRequest["Message"] ) return peekRequest if peekRequest["Value"]: peekRequest = peekRequest["Value"].toJSON() if not peekRequest["OK"]: gLogger.error( peekRequest["Message"] ) return peekRequest types_getRequestSummaryWeb = [ DictType, ListType, IntType, IntType ] @classmethod def export_getRequestSummaryWeb( cls, selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems ): """ Returns a list of Request for the web portal :param dict selectDict: parameter on which to restrain the query {key : Value} key can be any of the Request columns, 'Type' (interpreted as Operation.Type) and 'FromData' and 'ToData' are matched against the LastUpdate field :param sortList: [sorting column, ASC/DESC] :type sortList: python:list :param int startItem: start item (for pagination) :param int maxItems: max items (for pagination) """ return cls.__requestDB.getRequestSummaryWeb( selectDict, sortList, startItem, maxItems ) types_getDistinctValuesWeb = [ StringTypes ] @classmethod def export_getDistinctValuesWeb( cls, attribute ): """ Get distinct values for a given request attribute. 'Type' is interpreted as the operation type """ tableName = 'Request' if attribute == 'Type': tableName = 'Operation' return cls.__requestDB.getDistinctValues( tableName, attribute ) types_getRequestCountersWeb = [ StringTypes, DictType ] @classmethod def export_getRequestCountersWeb( cls, groupingAttribute, selectDict ): """ For the web portal. Returns a dictionary {value : counts} for a given key. The key can be any field from the RequestTable. or "Type", which will be interpreted as 'Operation.Type' :param groupingAttribute : attribute used for grouping :param selectDict : selection criteria """ return cls.__requestDB.getRequestCountersWeb( groupingAttribute, selectDict ) types_deleteRequest = [ ( IntType, LongType ) ] @classmethod def export_deleteRequest( cls, requestID ): """ Delete the request with the supplied ID""" return cls.__requestDB.deleteRequest( requestID ) types_getRequestIDsList = [ ListType, IntType, StringTypes ] @classmethod def export_getRequestIDsList( cls, statusList = None, limit = None, since = None, until = None, getJobID = False ): """ get requests' IDs with status in :statusList: """ statusList = statusList if statusList else list( Request.FINAL_STATES ) limit = limit if limit else 100 since = since if since else "" until = until if until else "" reqIDsList = cls.__requestDB.getRequestIDsList( statusList, limit, since = since, until = until, getJobID = getJobID ) if not reqIDsList["OK"]: gLogger.error( "getRequestIDsList: %s" % reqIDsList["Message"] ) return reqIDsList types_getRequestIDsForJobs = [ ListType ] @classmethod def export_getRequestIDsForJobs( cls, jobIDs ): """ Select the request IDs for supplied jobIDs """ return cls.__requestDB.getRequestIDsForJobs( jobIDs ) types_readRequestsForJobs = [ ListType ] @classmethod def export_readRequestsForJobs( cls, jobIDs ): """ read requests for jobs given list of jobIDs """ requests = cls.__requestDB.readRequestsForJobs( jobIDs ) if not requests["OK"]: gLogger.error( "readRequestsForJobs: %s" % requests["Message"] ) return requests for jobID, request in requests["Value"]["Successful"].items(): requests["Value"]["Successful"][jobID] = request.toJSON()["Value"] return requests types_getDigest = [ ( IntType, LongType ) ] @classmethod def export_getDigest( cls, requestID ): """ get digest for a request given its id :param str requestID: request's id :return: S_OK( json_str ) """ return cls.__requestDB.getDigest( requestID ) types_getRequestStatus = [ ( IntType, LongType ) ] @classmethod def export_getRequestStatus( cls, requestID ): """ get request status given its id """ status = cls.__requestDB.getRequestStatus( requestID ) if not status["OK"]: gLogger.error( "getRequestStatus: %s" % status["Message"] ) return status types_getRequestFileStatus = [ [ IntType, LongType ], list( StringTypes ) + [ListType] ] @classmethod def export_getRequestFileStatus( cls, requestID, lfnList ): """ get request file status for a given LFNs list and requestID """ if type( lfnList ) == str: lfnList = [lfnList] res = cls.__requestDB.getRequestFileStatus( requestID, lfnList ) if not res["OK"]: gLogger.error( "getRequestFileStatus: %s" % res["Message"] ) return res # types_getRequestName = [ ( IntType, LongType ) ] # @classmethod # def export_getRequestName( cls, requestID ): # """ get request name for a given requestID """ # requestName = cls.__requestDB.getRequestName( requestID ) # if not requestName["OK"]: # gLogger.error( "getRequestName: %s" % requestName["Message"] ) # return requestName types_getRequestInfo = [ [ IntType, LongType ] ] @classmethod def export_getRequestInfo( cls, requestID ): """ get request info for a given requestID """ requestInfo = cls.__requestDB.getRequestInfo( requestID ) if not requestInfo["OK"]: gLogger.error( "getRequestInfo: %s" % requestInfo["Message"] ) return requestInfo
# Copyright 2013 Cloudbase Solutions Srl # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import mock from oslo_utils import units from nova import test from nova.virt.hyperv import constants from nova.virt.hyperv import vhdutils from nova.virt.hyperv import vmutils class VHDUtilsBaseTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase): "Base Class unit test classes of Hyper-V VHD Utils classes." _FAKE_VHD_PATH = "C:\\fake_path.vhdx" _FAKE_PARENT_PATH = "C:\\fake_parent_path.vhdx" _FAKE_FORMAT = 3 _FAKE_TYPE = 3 _FAKE_MAX_INTERNAL_SIZE = units.Gi _FAKE_DYNAMIC_BLK_SIZE = 2097152 _FAKE_BAD_TYPE = 5 _FAKE_JOB_PATH = 'fake_job_path' _FAKE_RET_VAL = 0 _FAKE_VHD_INFO_XML = ( """<INSTANCE CLASSNAME="Msvm_VirtualHardDiskSettingData"> <PROPERTY NAME="BlockSize" TYPE="uint32"> <VALUE>33554432</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="Caption" TYPE="string"> <VALUE>Virtual Hard Disk Setting Data</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="Description" TYPE="string"> <VALUE>Setting Data for a Virtual Hard Disk.</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="ElementName" TYPE="string"> <VALUE>fake_path.vhdx</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="Format" TYPE="uint16"> <VALUE>%(format)s</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="InstanceID" TYPE="string"> <VALUE>52794B89-AC06-4349-AC57-486CAAD52F69</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="LogicalSectorSize" TYPE="uint32"> <VALUE>4096</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="MaxInternalSize" TYPE="uint64"> <VALUE>%(max_internal_size)s</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="ParentPath" TYPE="string"> <VALUE>%(parent_path)s</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="Path" TYPE="string"> <VALUE>%(path)s</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="PhysicalSectorSize" TYPE="uint32"> <VALUE>4096</VALUE> </PROPERTY> <PROPERTY NAME="Type" TYPE="uint16"> <VALUE>%(type)s</VALUE> </PROPERTY> </INSTANCE>""" % {'path': _FAKE_VHD_PATH, 'parent_path': _FAKE_PARENT_PATH, 'format': _FAKE_FORMAT, 'max_internal_size': _FAKE_MAX_INTERNAL_SIZE, 'type': _FAKE_TYPE}) class VHDUtilsTestCase(VHDUtilsBaseTestCase): """Unit tests for the Hyper-V VHDUtils class.""" def setUp(self): super(VHDUtilsTestCase, self).setUp() self._vhdutils = vhdutils.VHDUtils() self._vhdutils._conn = mock.MagicMock() self._vhdutils._vmutils = mock.MagicMock() self._fake_vhd_info = { 'ParentPath': self._FAKE_PARENT_PATH, 'MaxInternalSize': self._FAKE_MAX_INTERNAL_SIZE, 'Type': self._FAKE_TYPE} def test_validate_vhd(self): mock_img_svc = self._vhdutils._conn.Msvm_ImageManagementService()[0] mock_img_svc.ValidateVirtualHardDisk.return_value = ( self._FAKE_JOB_PATH, self._FAKE_RET_VAL) self._vhdutils.validate_vhd(self._FAKE_VHD_PATH) mock_img_svc.ValidateVirtualHardDisk.assert_called_once_with( Path=self._FAKE_VHD_PATH) def test_get_vhd_info(self): self._mock_get_vhd_info() vhd_info = self._vhdutils.get_vhd_info(self._FAKE_VHD_PATH) self.assertEqual(self._fake_vhd_info, vhd_info) def _mock_get_vhd_info(self): mock_img_svc = self._vhdutils._conn.Msvm_ImageManagementService()[0] mock_img_svc.GetVirtualHardDiskInfo.return_value = ( self._FAKE_VHD_INFO_XML, self._FAKE_JOB_PATH, self._FAKE_RET_VAL) def test_create_dynamic_vhd(self): self._vhdutils.get_vhd_info = mock.MagicMock( return_value={'Format': self._FAKE_FORMAT}) mock_img_svc = self._vhdutils._conn.Msvm_ImageManagementService()[0] mock_img_svc.CreateDynamicVirtualHardDisk.return_value = ( self._FAKE_JOB_PATH, self._FAKE_RET_VAL) self._vhdutils.create_dynamic_vhd(self._FAKE_VHD_PATH, self._FAKE_MAX_INTERNAL_SIZE, constants.DISK_FORMAT_VHD) mock_img_svc.CreateDynamicVirtualHardDisk.assert_called_once_with( Path=self._FAKE_VHD_PATH, MaxInternalSize=self._FAKE_MAX_INTERNAL_SIZE) self._vhdutils._vmutils.check_ret_val.assert_called_once_with( self._FAKE_RET_VAL, self._FAKE_JOB_PATH) def test_reconnect_parent_vhd(self): mock_img_svc = self._vhdutils._conn.Msvm_ImageManagementService()[0] mock_img_svc.ReconnectParentVirtualHardDisk.return_value = ( self._FAKE_JOB_PATH, self._FAKE_RET_VAL) self._vhdutils.reconnect_parent_vhd(self._FAKE_VHD_PATH, self._FAKE_PARENT_PATH) mock_img_svc.ReconnectParentVirtualHardDisk.assert_called_once_with( ChildPath=self._FAKE_VHD_PATH, ParentPath=self._FAKE_PARENT_PATH, Force=True) self._vhdutils._vmutils.check_ret_val.assert_called_once_with( self._FAKE_RET_VAL, self._FAKE_JOB_PATH) def test_merge_vhd(self): mock_img_svc = self._vhdutils._conn.Msvm_ImageManagementService()[0] mock_img_svc.MergeVirtualHardDisk.return_value = ( self._FAKE_JOB_PATH, self._FAKE_RET_VAL) self._vhdutils.merge_vhd(self._FAKE_VHD_PATH, self._FAKE_VHD_PATH) mock_img_svc.MergeVirtualHardDisk.assert_called_once_with( SourcePath=self._FAKE_VHD_PATH, DestinationPath=self._FAKE_VHD_PATH) self._vhdutils._vmutils.check_ret_val.assert_called_once_with( self._FAKE_RET_VAL, self._FAKE_JOB_PATH) def test_resize_vhd(self): mock_img_svc = self._vhdutils._conn.Msvm_ImageManagementService()[0] mock_img_svc.ExpandVirtualHardDisk.return_value = ( self._FAKE_JOB_PATH, self._FAKE_RET_VAL) self._vhdutils.get_internal_vhd_size_by_file_size = mock.MagicMock( return_value=self._FAKE_MAX_INTERNAL_SIZE) self._vhdutils.resize_vhd(self._FAKE_VHD_PATH, self._FAKE_MAX_INTERNAL_SIZE) mock_img_svc.ExpandVirtualHardDisk.assert_called_once_with( Path=self._FAKE_VHD_PATH, MaxInternalSize=self._FAKE_MAX_INTERNAL_SIZE) self._vhdutils._vmutils.check_ret_val.assert_called_once_with( self._FAKE_RET_VAL, self._FAKE_JOB_PATH) def _mocked_get_internal_vhd_size(self, root_vhd_size, vhd_type): mock_get_vhd_info = mock.MagicMock(return_value={'Type': vhd_type}) mock_get_blk_size = mock.MagicMock( return_value=self._FAKE_DYNAMIC_BLK_SIZE) with mock.patch.multiple(self._vhdutils, get_vhd_info=mock_get_vhd_info, _get_vhd_dynamic_blk_size=mock_get_blk_size): return self._vhdutils.get_internal_vhd_size_by_file_size( None, root_vhd_size) def test_create_differencing_vhd(self): mock_img_svc = self._vhdutils._conn.Msvm_ImageManagementService()[0] mock_img_svc.CreateDifferencingVirtualHardDisk.return_value = ( self._FAKE_JOB_PATH, self._FAKE_RET_VAL) self._vhdutils.create_differencing_vhd(self._FAKE_VHD_PATH, self._FAKE_PARENT_PATH) mock_img_svc.CreateDifferencingVirtualHardDisk.assert_called_once_with( Path=self._FAKE_VHD_PATH, ParentPath=self._FAKE_PARENT_PATH) def test_get_internal_vhd_size_by_file_size_fixed(self): root_vhd_size = 1 * 1024 ** 3 real_size = self._mocked_get_internal_vhd_size( root_vhd_size, constants.VHD_TYPE_FIXED) expected_vhd_size = 1 * 1024 ** 3 - 512 self.assertEqual(expected_vhd_size, real_size) def test_get_internal_vhd_size_by_file_size_dynamic(self): root_vhd_size = 20 * 1024 ** 3 real_size = self._mocked_get_internal_vhd_size( root_vhd_size, constants.VHD_TYPE_DYNAMIC) expected_vhd_size = 20 * 1024 ** 3 - 43008 self.assertEqual(expected_vhd_size, real_size) def test_get_internal_vhd_size_by_file_size_differencing(self): # For differencing images, the internal size of the parent vhd # is returned vhdutil = vhdutils.VHDUtils() root_vhd_size = 20 * 1024 ** 3 vhdutil.get_vhd_info = mock.MagicMock() vhdutil.get_vhd_parent_path = mock.MagicMock() vhdutil.get_vhd_parent_path.return_value = self._FAKE_VHD_PATH vhdutil.get_vhd_info.side_effect = [ {'Type': 4}, {'Type': constants.VHD_TYPE_DYNAMIC}] vhdutil._get_vhd_dynamic_blk_size = mock.MagicMock() vhdutil._get_vhd_dynamic_blk_size.return_value = 2097152 real_size = vhdutil.get_internal_vhd_size_by_file_size(None, root_vhd_size) expected_vhd_size = 20 * 1024 ** 3 - 43008 self.assertEqual(expected_vhd_size, real_size) def test_get_vhd_format_vhdx(self): with mock.patch('', mock.mock_open(read_data=vhdutils.VHDX_SIGNATURE), create=True): format = self._vhdutils.get_vhd_format(self._FAKE_VHD_PATH) self.assertEqual(constants.DISK_FORMAT_VHDX, format) def test_get_vhd_format_vhd(self): with mock.patch('', mock.mock_open(), create=True) as mock_open: f = mock_open.return_value f.tell.return_value = 1024 readdata = ['notthesig', vhdutils.VHD_SIGNATURE] def read(*args): for content in readdata: yield content = read() format = self._vhdutils.get_vhd_format(self._FAKE_VHD_PATH) self.assertEqual(constants.DISK_FORMAT_VHD, format) def test_get_vhd_format_invalid_format(self): with mock.patch('', mock.mock_open(read_data='invalid'), create=True) as mock_open: f = mock_open.return_value f.tell.return_value = 1024 self.assertRaises(vmutils.HyperVException, self._vhdutils.get_vhd_format, self._FAKE_VHD_PATH) def test_get_vhd_format_zero_length_file(self): with mock.patch('', mock.mock_open(read_data=''), create=True) as mock_open: f = mock_open.return_value f.tell.return_value = 0 self.assertRaises(vmutils.HyperVException, self._vhdutils.get_vhd_format, self._FAKE_VHD_PATH), 2) def test_get_supported_vhd_format(self): fmt = self._vhdutils.get_best_supported_vhd_format() self.assertEqual(constants.DISK_FORMAT_VHD, fmt)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Business Applications # Copyright (c) 2012-TODAY OpenERP S.A. <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.addons.mail.tests.common import TestMail from import mute_logger import socket MAIL_TEMPLATE = """Return-Path: <> To: {to} Received: by (Postfix, from userid 10002) id 5DF9ABFB2A; Fri, 10 Aug 2012 16:16:39 +0200 (CEST) From: {email_from} Subject: {subject} MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_Part_4200734_24778174.1344608186754" Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 14:16:26 +0000 Message-ID: {msg_id} {extra} ------=_Part_4200734_24778174.1344608186754 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon! -- Sylvie ------=_Part_4200734_24778174.1344608186754 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head>=20 <meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8" /> </head>=20 <body style=3D"margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #ffffff;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;">=20 <p>Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon!</p> <p>--<br/> Sylvie <p> </body> </html> ------=_Part_4200734_24778174.1344608186754-- """ MAIL_TEMPLATE_PLAINTEXT = """Return-Path: <> To: {to} Received: by (Postfix, from userid 10002) id 5DF9ABFB2A; Fri, 10 Aug 2012 16:16:39 +0200 (CEST) From: Sylvie Lelitre <> Subject: {subject} MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 14:16:26 +0000 Message-ID: {msg_id} {extra} Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon! -- Sylvie """ MAIL_MULTIPART_MIXED = """Return-Path: <> X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 10002) id E8166BFACA; Fri, 23 Aug 2013 13:18:01 +0200 (CEST) X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.1 (2010-03-16) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.6 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,FREEMAIL_FROM, HTML_MESSAGE,RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW autolearn=unavailable version=3.3.1 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 9BBD7BFAAA for <>; Fri, 23 Aug 2013 13:17:55 +0200 (CEST) Received: by with SMTP id qd12so575130ieb.4 for <>; Fri, 23 Aug 2013 04:17:54 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=dMNHV52EC7GAa7+9a9tqwT9joy9z+1950J/3A6/M/hU=; b=DGuv0VjegdSrEe36ADC8XZ9Inrb3Iu+3/52Bm+caltddXFH9yewTr0JkCRQaJgMwG9 qXTQgP8qu/VFEbCh6scu5ZgU1hknzlNCYr3LT+Ih7dAZVUEHUJdwjzUU1LFV95G2RaCd /Lwff6CibuUvrA+0CBO7IRKW0Sn5j0mukYu8dbaKsm6ou6HqS8Nuj85fcXJfHSHp6Y9u dmE8jBh3fHCHF/nAvU+8aBNSIzl1FGfiBYb2jCoapIuVFitKR4q5cuoodpkH9XqqtOdH DG+YjEyi8L7uvdOfN16eMr7hfUkQei1yQgvGu9/5kXoHg9+Gx6VsZIycn4zoaXTV3Nhn nu4g== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id mg1mr1144467igb.43.1377256674216; Fri, 23 Aug 2013 04:17:54 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 23 Aug 2013 04:17:54 -0700 (PDT) Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 13:17:54 +0200 Message-ID: <> Subject: Test mail multipart/mixed From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Raoul Grosbedon=E9e?= <> To: Followers of ASUSTeK-Joseph-Walters <> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=089e01536c4ed4d17204e49b8e96 --089e01536c4ed4d17204e49b8e96 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=089e01536c4ed4d16d04e49b8e94 --089e01536c4ed4d16d04e49b8e94 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Should create a multipart/mixed: from gmail, *bold*, with attachment. -- Marcel Boitempoils. --089e01536c4ed4d16d04e49b8e94 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 <div dir="ltr">Should create a multipart/mixed: from gmail, <b>bold</b>, with attachment.<br clear="all"><div><br></div>-- <br>Marcel Boitempoils.</div> --089e01536c4ed4d16d04e49b8e94-- --089e01536c4ed4d17204e49b8e96 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; name="test.txt" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_hkpb27k00 dGVzdAo= --089e01536c4ed4d17204e49b8e96--""" MAIL_MULTIPART_MIXED_TWO = """X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 10002) id E8166BFACA; Fri, 23 Aug 2013 13:18:01 +0200 (CEST) From: "Bruce Wayne" <> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Apple-Mail=_9331E12B-8BD2-4EC7-B53E-01F3FBEC9227" Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 7.3 \(1878.6\)) --Apple-Mail=_9331E12B-8BD2-4EC7-B53E-01F3FBEC9227 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii First and second part --Apple-Mail=_9331E12B-8BD2-4EC7-B53E-01F3FBEC9227 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Apple-Mail=_CA6C687E-6AA0-411E-B0FE-F0ABB4CFED1F" --Apple-Mail=_CA6C687E-6AA0-411E-B0FE-F0ABB4CFED1F Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii <html><head></head><body>First part</body></html> --Apple-Mail=_CA6C687E-6AA0-411E-B0FE-F0ABB4CFED1F Content-Disposition: inline; filename=thetruth.pdf Content-Type: application/pdf; name="thetruth.pdf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 SSBhbSB0aGUgQmF0TWFuCg== --Apple-Mail=_CA6C687E-6AA0-411E-B0FE-F0ABB4CFED1F Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii <html><head></head><body>Second part</body></html> --Apple-Mail=_CA6C687E-6AA0-411E-B0FE-F0ABB4CFED1F-- --Apple-Mail=_9331E12B-8BD2-4EC7-B53E-01F3FBEC9227-- """ class TestMailgateway(TestMail): def test_00_message_parse(self): """ Testing incoming emails parsing """ cr, uid =, self.uid res = self.mail_thread.message_parse(cr, uid, MAIL_TEMPLATE_PLAINTEXT) self.assertIn('Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon!', res.get('body', ''), 'message_parse: missing text in text/plain body after parsing') res = self.mail_thread.message_parse(cr, uid, MAIL_TEMPLATE) self.assertIn('<p>Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon!</p>', res.get('body', ''), 'message_parse: missing html in multipart/alternative body after parsing') res = self.mail_thread.message_parse(cr, uid, MAIL_MULTIPART_MIXED) self.assertNotIn('Should create a multipart/mixed: from gmail, *bold*, with attachment', res.get('body', ''), 'message_parse: text version should not be in body after parsing multipart/mixed') self.assertIn('<div dir="ltr">Should create a multipart/mixed: from gmail, <b>bold</b>, with attachment.<br clear="all"><div><br></div>', res.get('body', ''), 'message_parse: html version should be in body after parsing multipart/mixed') res = self.mail_thread.message_parse(cr, uid, MAIL_MULTIPART_MIXED_TWO) self.assertNotIn('First and second part', res.get('body', ''), 'message_parse: text version should not be in body after parsing multipart/mixed') self.assertIn('First part', res.get('body', ''), 'message_parse: first part of the html version should be in body after parsing multipart/mixed') self.assertIn('Second part', res.get('body', ''), 'message_parse: second part of the html version should be in body after parsing multipart/mixed') @mute_logger('openerp.addons.mail.mail_thread', 'openerp.models') def test_10_message_process(self): """ Testing incoming emails processing. """ cr, uid, user_raoul =, self.uid, self.user_raoul def format_and_process(template, to=',', subject='Frogs', extra='', email_from='Sylvie Lelitre <>', msg_id='<>', model=None): self.assertEqual(, uid, [('name', '=', subject)]), []) mail = template.format(to=to, subject=subject, extra=extra, email_from=email_from, msg_id=msg_id) self.mail_thread.message_process(cr, uid, model, mail) return, uid, [('name', '=', subject)]) # -------------------------------------------------- # Data creation # -------------------------------------------------- # groups@.. will cause the creation of new mail groups self.mail_group_model_id =, uid, [('model', '=', '')])[0] alias_id = self.mail_alias.create(cr, uid, { 'alias_name': 'groups', 'alias_user_id': False, 'alias_model_id': self.mail_group_model_id, 'alias_parent_model_id': self.mail_group_model_id, 'alias_parent_thread_id': self.group_pigs_id, 'alias_contact': 'everyone'}) # -------------------------------------------------- # Test1: new record creation # -------------------------------------------------- # Do: incoming mail from an unknown partner on an alias creates a new mail_group "frogs" self._init_mock_build_email() frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to=',') sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list # Test: one group created by mailgateway administrator self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 1, 'message_process: a new should have been created') frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) res = self.mail_group.get_metadata(cr, uid, [])[0].get('create_uid') or [None] self.assertEqual(res[0], uid, 'message_process: group should have been created by uid as alias_user__id is False on the alias') # Test: one message that is the incoming email self.assertEqual(len(frog_group.message_ids), 1, 'message_process: newly created group should have the incoming email in message_ids') msg = frog_group.message_ids[0] self.assertEqual('Frogs', msg.subject, 'message_process: newly created group should have the incoming email as first message') self.assertIn('Please call me as soon as possible this afternoon!', msg.body, 'message_process: newly created group should have the incoming email as first message') self.assertEqual('email', msg.type, 'message_process: newly created group should have an email as first message') self.assertEqual('Discussions',, 'message_process: newly created group should not have a log first message but an email') # Test: message: unknown email address -> message has email_from, not author_id self.assertFalse(msg.author_id, 'message_process: message on created group should not have an author_id') self.assertIn('', msg.email_from, 'message_process: message on created group should have an email_from') # Test: followers: nobody self.assertEqual(len(frog_group.message_follower_ids), 0, 'message_process: newly create group should not have any follower') # Test: sent emails: no-one self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 0, 'message_process: should create emails without any follower added') # Data: unlink group frog_group.unlink() # Do: incoming email from an unknown partner on a Partners only alias -> bounce self._init_mock_build_email() self.mail_alias.write(cr, uid, [alias_id], {'alias_contact': 'partners'}) frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to=',') # Test: no group created self.assertTrue(len(frog_groups) == 0) # Test: email bounced sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 1, 'message_process: incoming email on Partners alias should send a bounce email') self.assertIn('Frogs', sent_emails[0].get('subject'), 'message_process: bounce email on Partners alias should contain the original subject') self.assertIn('', sent_emails[0].get('email_to'), 'message_process: bounce email on Partners alias should have original email sender as recipient') # Do: incoming email from an unknown partner on a Followers only alias -> bounce self._init_mock_build_email() self.mail_alias.write(cr, uid, [alias_id], {'alias_contact': 'followers'}) frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to=',') # Test: no group created self.assertTrue(len(frog_groups) == 0) # Test: email bounced sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 1, 'message_process: incoming email on Followers alias should send a bounce email') self.assertIn('Frogs', sent_emails[0].get('subject'), 'message_process: bounce email on Followers alias should contain the original subject') self.assertIn('', sent_emails[0].get('email_to'), 'message_process: bounce email on Followers alias should have original email sender as recipient') # Do: incoming email from a known partner on a Partners alias -> ok (+ test on alias.user_id) self.mail_alias.write(cr, uid, [alias_id], {'alias_user_id': self.user_raoul_id, 'alias_contact': 'partners'}) p1id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Sylvie Lelitre', 'email': ''}) p2id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Other Poilvache', 'email': ''}) self._init_mock_build_email() frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to=',') sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list # Test: one group created by Raoul self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 1, 'message_process: a new should have been created') frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) res = self.mail_group.get_metadata(cr, uid, [])[0].get('create_uid') or [None] self.assertEqual(res[0], self.user_raoul_id, 'message_process: group should have been created by alias_user_id') # Test: one message that is the incoming email self.assertEqual(len(frog_group.message_ids), 1, 'message_process: newly created group should have the incoming email in message_ids') msg = frog_group.message_ids[0] # Test: message: author found self.assertEqual(p1id,, 'message_process: message on created group should have Sylvie as author_id') self.assertIn('Sylvie Lelitre <>', msg.email_from, 'message_process: message on created group should have have an email_from') # Test: author (not recipient and not Raoul (as alias owner)) added as follower frog_follower_ids = set([ for p in frog_group.message_follower_ids]) self.assertEqual(frog_follower_ids, set([p1id]), 'message_process: newly created group should have 1 follower (author, not creator, not recipients)') # Test: sent emails: no-one, no bounce effet sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 0, 'message_process: should not bounce incoming emails') # Data: unlink group frog_group.unlink() # Do: incoming email from a not follower Partner on a Followers only alias -> bounce self._init_mock_build_email() self.mail_alias.write(cr, uid, [alias_id], {'alias_user_id': False, 'alias_contact': 'followers'}) frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to=',') # Test: no group created self.assertTrue(len(frog_groups) == 0) # Test: email bounced sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 1, 'message_process: incoming email on Partners alias should send a bounce email') # Do: incoming email from a parent document follower on a Followers only alias -> ok self._init_mock_build_email() self.mail_group.message_subscribe(cr, uid, [self.group_pigs_id], [p1id]) frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to=',') # Test: one group created by Raoul (or Sylvie maybe, if we implement it) self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 1, 'message_process: a new should have been created') frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) # Test: one message that is the incoming email self.assertEqual(len(frog_group.message_ids), 1, 'message_process: newly created group should have the incoming email in message_ids') # Test: author (and not recipient) added as follower frog_follower_ids = set([ for p in frog_group.message_follower_ids]) self.assertEqual(frog_follower_ids, set([p1id]), 'message_process: newly created group should have 1 follower (author, not creator, not recipients)') # Test: sent emails: no-one, no bounce effet sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 0, 'message_process: should not bounce incoming emails') # -------------------------------------------------- # Test2: update-like alias # -------------------------------------------------- # Do: Pigs alias is restricted, should bounce self._init_mock_build_email() self.mail_group.write(cr, uid, [], {'alias_name': 'frogs', 'alias_contact': 'followers', 'alias_force_thread_id':}) frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='', msg_id='<>', to='>', subject='Re: news') # Test: no group 'Re: news' created, still only 1 Frogs group self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 0, 'message_process: reply on Frogs should not have created a new group with new subject') frog_groups =, uid, [('name', '=', 'Frogs')]) self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 1, 'message_process: reply on Frogs should not have created a duplicate group with old subject') frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) # Test: email bounced sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 1, 'message_process: incoming email on Followers alias should send a bounce email') self.assertIn('Re: news', sent_emails[0].get('subject'), 'message_process: bounce email on Followers alias should contain the original subject') # Do: Pigs alias is restricted, should accept Followers self._init_mock_build_email() self.mail_group.message_subscribe(cr, uid, [], [p2id]) frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='', msg_id='<>', to='>', subject='Re: cats') # Test: no group 'Re: news' created, still only 1 Frogs group self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 0, 'message_process: reply on Frogs should not have created a new group with new subject') frog_groups =, uid, [('name', '=', 'Frogs')]) self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 1, 'message_process: reply on Frogs should not have created a duplicate group with old subject') frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) # Test: one new message self.assertEqual(len(frog_group.message_ids), 2, 'message_process: group should contain 2 messages after reply') # Test: sent emails: 1 (Sylvie copy of the incoming email, but no bounce) sent_emails = self._build_email_kwargs_list self.assertEqual(len(sent_emails), 1, 'message_process: one email should have been generated') self.assertIn('', sent_emails[0].get('email_to')[0], 'message_process: email should be sent to Sylvie') self.mail_group.message_unsubscribe(cr, uid, [], [p2id]) # -------------------------------------------------- # Test3: discussion and replies # -------------------------------------------------- # Do: even with a wrong destination, a reply should end up in the correct thread frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='', msg_id='<>', to='>', subject='Re: news', extra='In-Reply-To: <>\n') # Test: no group 'Re: news' created, still only 1 Frogs group self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 0, 'message_process: reply on Frogs should not have created a new group with new subject') frog_groups =, uid, [('name', '=', 'Frogs')]) self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 1, 'message_process: reply on Frogs should not have created a duplicate group with old subject') frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) # Test: one new message self.assertEqual(len(frog_group.message_ids), 3, 'message_process: group should contain 3 messages after reply') # Test: author (and not recipient) added as follower frog_follower_ids = set([ for p in frog_group.message_follower_ids]) self.assertEqual(frog_follower_ids, set([p1id, p2id]), 'message_process: after reply, group should have 2 followers') # Do: incoming email with ref holding model / res_id but that does not match any message in the thread: must raise since OpenERP saas-3 self.assertRaises(ValueError, format_and_process, MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='', to='', subject='spam', extra='In-Reply-To: <>' %, msg_id='<>') # When 6.1 messages are present, compat mode is available # Create a fake 6.1 message tmp_msg_id = self.mail_message.create(cr, uid, {'model': '', 'res_id':}) self.mail_message.write(cr, uid, [tmp_msg_id], {'message_id': False}) # Do: compat mode accepts partial-matching emails frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='', msg_id='<>', to='>', subject='spam', extra='In-Reply-To: <>' % (, socket.gethostname())) self.mail_message.unlink(cr, uid, [tmp_msg_id]) # Test: no group 'Re: news' created, still only 1 Frogs group self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 0, 'message_process: reply on Frogs should not have created a new group with new subject') frog_groups =, uid, [('name', '=', 'Frogs')]) self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 1, 'message_process: reply on Frogs should not have created a duplicate group with old subject') frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) # Test: one new message self.assertEqual(len(frog_group.message_ids), 4, 'message_process: group should contain 4 messages after reply') # 6.1 compat mode should not work if hostname does not match! tmp_msg_id = self.mail_message.create(cr, uid, {'model': '', 'res_id':}) self.mail_message.write(cr, uid, [tmp_msg_id], {'message_id': False}) self.assertRaises(ValueError, format_and_process, MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='', msg_id='<>', to='>', subject='spam', extra='In-Reply-To: <>' % self.mail_message.unlink(cr, uid, [tmp_msg_id]) # Do: due to some issue, same email goes back into the mailgateway frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='', msg_id='<>', subject='Re: news', extra='In-Reply-To: <>\n') # Test: no group 'Re: news' created, still only 1 Frogs group self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 0, 'message_process: reply on Frogs should not have created a new group with new subject') frog_groups =, uid, [('name', '=', 'Frogs')]) self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 1, 'message_process: reply on Frogs should not have created a duplicate group with old subject') frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) # Test: no new message self.assertEqual(len(frog_group.message_ids), 4, 'message_process: message with already existing message_id should not have been duplicated') # Test: message_id is still unique msg_ids =, uid, [('message_id', 'ilike', '<>')]) self.assertEqual(len(msg_ids), 1, 'message_process: message with already existing message_id should not have been duplicated') # -------------------------------------------------- # Test4: email_from and partner finding # -------------------------------------------------- # Data: extra partner with Raoul's email -> test the 'better author finding' extra_partner_id = self.res_partner.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'A-Raoul', 'email': ''}) # Do: post a new message, with a known partner -> duplicate emails -> partner format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='Lombrik Lubrik <>', subject='Re: news (2)', msg_id='<>', extra='In-Reply-To: <>') frog_groups =, uid, [('name', '=', 'Frogs')]) frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) # Test: author is A-Raoul (only existing) self.assertEqual(frog_group.message_ids[0], extra_partner_id, 'message_process: email_from -> author_id wrong') # Do: post a new message with a non-existant email that is a substring of a partner email format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='Not really Lombrik Lubrik <>', subject='Re: news (2)', msg_id='<>', extra='In-Reply-To: <>\n') frog_groups =, uid, [('name', '=', 'Frogs')]) frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) # Test: author must not be set, otherwise the system is confusing different users self.assertFalse(frog_group.message_ids[0].author_id, 'message_process: email_from -> mismatching author_id') # Do: post a new message, with a known partner -> duplicate emails -> user frog_group.message_unsubscribe([extra_partner_id]) self.res_users.write(cr, uid, self.user_raoul_id, {'email': ''}) format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='Lombrik Lubrik <>', to='', subject='Re: news (3)', msg_id='<>', extra='In-Reply-To: <>') frog_groups =, uid, [('name', '=', 'Frogs')]) frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) # Test: author is Raoul (user), not A-Raoul self.assertEqual(frog_group.message_ids[0], self.partner_raoul_id, 'message_process: email_from -> author_id wrong') # Do: post a new message, with a known partner -> duplicate emails -> partner because is follower frog_group.message_unsubscribe([self.partner_raoul_id]) frog_group.message_subscribe([extra_partner_id]) raoul_email = self.res_users.write(cr, uid, self.user_raoul_id, {'email': ''}) format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='Lombrik Lubrik <>', to='', subject='Re: news (3)', msg_id='<>', extra='In-Reply-To: <>') frog_groups =, uid, [('name', '=', 'Frogs')]) frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) # Test: author is Raoul (user), not A-Raoul self.assertEqual(frog_group.message_ids[0], extra_partner_id, 'message_process: email_from -> author_id wrong') self.res_users.write(cr, uid, self.user_raoul_id, {'email': raoul_email}) # -------------------------------------------------- # Test5: misc gateway features # -------------------------------------------------- # Do: incoming email with model that does not accepts incoming emails must raise self.assertRaises(ValueError, format_and_process, MAIL_TEMPLATE, to='', subject='spam', extra='', model='', msg_id='<>') # Do: incoming email without model and without alias must raise self.assertRaises(ValueError, format_and_process, MAIL_TEMPLATE, to='', subject='spam', extra='', msg_id='<>') # Do: incoming email with model that accepting incoming emails as fallback frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to='', subject='Spammy', extra='', model='', msg_id='<>') self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 1, 'message_process: erroneous email but with a fallback model should have created a new') # Do: incoming email in plaintext should be stored as html frog_groups = format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE_PLAINTEXT, to='', subject='Frogs Return', extra='', msg_id='<>') # Test: one group created with one message self.assertEqual(len(frog_groups), 1, 'message_process: a new should have been created') frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0]) msg = frog_group.message_ids[0] # Test: plain text content should be wrapped and stored as html self.assertIn('<pre>\nPlease call me as soon as possible this afternoon!\n\n--\nSylvie\n</pre>', msg.body, 'message_process: plaintext incoming email incorrectly parsed') @mute_logger('openerp.addons.mail.mail_thread', 'openerp.models') def test_20_thread_parent_resolution(self): """ Testing parent/child relationships are correctly established when processing incoming mails """ cr, uid =, self.uid def format(template, to='Pretty Pigs <>,', subject='Re: 1', extra='', email_from='Sylvie Lelitre <>', msg_id='<>'): return template.format(to=to, subject=subject, extra=extra, email_from=email_from, msg_id=msg_id) group_pigs = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, self.group_pigs_id) msg1 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subject='1') msg2 = group_pigs.message_post(body='My Body', subject='2') msg1, msg2 = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, [msg1, msg2]) self.assertTrue(msg1.message_id, "message_process: new message should have a proper message_id") # Reply to msg1, make sure the reply is properly attached using the various reply identification mechanisms # 0. Direct alias match reply_msg1 = format(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to='Pretty Pigs <>', extra='In-Reply-To: %s' % msg1.message_id, msg_id='<>') self.mail_group.message_process(cr, uid, None, reply_msg1) # 1. In-Reply-To header reply_msg2 = format(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to='', extra='In-Reply-To: %s' % msg1.message_id, msg_id='<>') self.mail_group.message_process(cr, uid, None, reply_msg2) # 2. References header reply_msg3 = format(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to='', extra='References: <>\r\n\t<> %s' % msg1.message_id, msg_id='<>') self.mail_group.message_process(cr, uid, None, reply_msg3) # 3. Subject contains [<ID>] + model passed to message+process -> only attached to group, but not to mail (not in msg1.child_ids) reply_msg4 = format(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to='', extra='', subject='Re: [%s] 1' % self.group_pigs_id, msg_id='<>') self.mail_group.message_process(cr, uid, '', reply_msg4) group_pigs.refresh() msg1.refresh() self.assertEqual(6, len(group_pigs.message_ids), 'message_process: group should contain 6 messages') self.assertEqual(3, len(msg1.child_ids), 'message_process: msg1 should have 3 children now') def test_30_private_discussion(self): """ Testing private discussion between partners. """ cr, uid =, self.uid def format(template, to='Pretty Pigs <>,', subject='Re: 1', extra='', email_from='Sylvie Lelitre <>', msg_id='<>'): return template.format(to=to, subject=subject, extra=extra, email_from=email_from, msg_id=msg_id) # Do: Raoul writes to Bert and Administrator, with a thread_model in context that should not be taken into account msg1_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, self.partner_bert_id] msg1_id = self.mail_thread.message_post( cr, self.user_raoul_id, False, partner_ids=msg1_pids, subtype='mail.mt_comment', context={'thread_model': ''} ) # Test: message recipients msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg1_id) msg_pids = [ for p in msg.partner_ids] msg_nids = [ for p in msg.notified_partner_ids] test_pids = msg1_pids test_nids = msg1_pids self.assertEqual(set(msg_pids), set(test_pids), 'message_post: private discussion: incorrect recipients') self.assertEqual(set(msg_nids), set(test_nids), 'message_post: private discussion: incorrect notified recipients') self.assertEqual(msg.model, False, 'message_post: private discussion: context key "thread_model" not correctly ignored when having no res_id') # Test: message-id self.assertIn('openerp-private', msg.message_id, 'message_post: private discussion: message-id should contain the private keyword') # Do: Bert replies through mailgateway (is a customer) reply_message = format(MAIL_TEMPLATE, to='', email_from='', extra='In-Reply-To: %s' % msg.message_id, msg_id='<>') self.mail_thread.message_process(cr, uid, None, reply_message) # Test: last mail_message created msg2_id =, uid, [], limit=1)[0] # Test: message recipients msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg2_id) msg_pids = [ for p in msg.partner_ids] msg_nids = [ for p in msg.notified_partner_ids] test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, self.partner_raoul_id] test_nids = test_pids self.assertEqual(, self.partner_bert_id, 'message_post: private discussion: wrong author through mailgatewya based on email') self.assertEqual(set(msg_pids), set(test_pids), 'message_post: private discussion: incorrect recipients when replying') self.assertEqual(set(msg_nids), set(test_nids), 'message_post: private discussion: incorrect notified recipients when replying') # Do: Bert replies through chatter (is a customer) msg3_id = self.mail_thread.message_post( cr, uid, False, author_id=self.partner_bert_id, parent_id=msg1_id, subtype='mail.mt_comment') # Test: message recipients msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg3_id) msg_pids = [ for p in msg.partner_ids] msg_nids = [ for p in msg.notified_partner_ids] test_pids = [self.partner_admin_id, self.partner_raoul_id] test_nids = test_pids self.assertEqual(set(msg_pids), set(test_pids), 'message_post: private discussion: incorrect recipients when replying') self.assertEqual(set(msg_nids), set(test_nids), 'message_post: private discussion: incorrect notified recipients when replying') # Do: Administrator replies msg3_id = self.mail_thread.message_post(cr, uid, False, parent_id=msg3_id, subtype='mail.mt_comment') # Test: message recipients msg = self.mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg3_id) msg_pids = [ for p in msg.partner_ids] msg_nids = [ for p in msg.notified_partner_ids] test_pids = [self.partner_bert_id, self.partner_raoul_id] test_nids = test_pids self.assertEqual(set(msg_pids), set(test_pids), 'message_post: private discussion: incorrect recipients when replying') self.assertEqual(set(msg_nids), set(test_nids), 'message_post: private discussion: incorrect notified recipients when replying')
data = ( 'Xu ', # 0x00 'Ji ', # 0x01 'Mu ', # 0x02 'Chen ', # 0x03 'Xiao ', # 0x04 'Zha ', # 0x05 'Ting ', # 0x06 'Zhen ', # 0x07 'Pei ', # 0x08 'Mei ', # 0x09 'Ling ', # 0x0a 'Qi ', # 0x0b 'Chou ', # 0x0c 'Huo ', # 0x0d 'Sha ', # 0x0e 'Fei ', # 0x0f 'Weng ', # 0x10 'Zhan ', # 0x11 'Yin ', # 0x12 'Ni ', # 0x13 'Chou ', # 0x14 'Tun ', # 0x15 'Lin ', # 0x16 '[?] ', # 0x17 'Dong ', # 0x18 'Ying ', # 0x19 'Wu ', # 0x1a 'Ling ', # 0x1b 'Shuang ', # 0x1c 'Ling ', # 0x1d 'Xia ', # 0x1e 'Hong ', # 0x1f 'Yin ', # 0x20 'Mo ', # 0x21 'Mai ', # 0x22 'Yun ', # 0x23 'Liu ', # 0x24 'Meng ', # 0x25 'Bin ', # 0x26 'Wu ', # 0x27 'Wei ', # 0x28 'Huo ', # 0x29 'Yin ', # 0x2a 'Xi ', # 0x2b 'Yi ', # 0x2c 'Ai ', # 0x2d 'Dan ', # 0x2e 'Deng ', # 0x2f 'Xian ', # 0x30 'Yu ', # 0x31 'Lu ', # 0x32 'Long ', # 0x33 'Dai ', # 0x34 'Ji ', # 0x35 'Pang ', # 0x36 'Yang ', # 0x37 'Ba ', # 0x38 'Pi ', # 0x39 'Wei ', # 0x3a '[?] ', # 0x3b 'Xi ', # 0x3c 'Ji ', # 0x3d 'Mai ', # 0x3e 'Meng ', # 0x3f 'Meng ', # 0x40 'Lei ', # 0x41 'Li ', # 0x42 'Huo ', # 0x43 'Ai ', # 0x44 'Fei ', # 0x45 'Dai ', # 0x46 'Long ', # 0x47 'Ling ', # 0x48 'Ai ', # 0x49 'Feng ', # 0x4a 'Li ', # 0x4b 'Bao ', # 0x4c '[?] ', # 0x4d 'He ', # 0x4e 'He ', # 0x4f 'Bing ', # 0x50 'Qing ', # 0x51 'Qing ', # 0x52 'Jing ', # 0x53 'Tian ', # 0x54 'Zhen ', # 0x55 'Jing ', # 0x56 'Cheng ', # 0x57 'Qing ', # 0x58 'Jing ', # 0x59 'Jing ', # 0x5a 'Dian ', # 0x5b 'Jing ', # 0x5c 'Tian ', # 0x5d 'Fei ', # 0x5e 'Fei ', # 0x5f 'Kao ', # 0x60 'Mi ', # 0x61 'Mian ', # 0x62 'Mian ', # 0x63 'Pao ', # 0x64 'Ye ', # 0x65 'Tian ', # 0x66 'Hui ', # 0x67 'Ye ', # 0x68 'Ge ', # 0x69 'Ding ', # 0x6a 'Cha ', # 0x6b 'Jian ', # 0x6c 'Ren ', # 0x6d 'Di ', # 0x6e 'Du ', # 0x6f 'Wu ', # 0x70 'Ren ', # 0x71 'Qin ', # 0x72 'Jin ', # 0x73 'Xue ', # 0x74 'Niu ', # 0x75 'Ba ', # 0x76 'Yin ', # 0x77 'Sa ', # 0x78 'Na ', # 0x79 'Mo ', # 0x7a 'Zu ', # 0x7b 'Da ', # 0x7c 'Ban ', # 0x7d 'Yi ', # 0x7e 'Yao ', # 0x7f 'Tao ', # 0x80 'Tuo ', # 0x81 'Jia ', # 0x82 'Hong ', # 0x83 'Pao ', # 0x84 'Yang ', # 0x85 'Tomo ', # 0x86 'Yin ', # 0x87 'Jia ', # 0x88 'Tao ', # 0x89 'Ji ', # 0x8a 'Xie ', # 0x8b 'An ', # 0x8c 'An ', # 0x8d 'Hen ', # 0x8e 'Gong ', # 0x8f 'Kohaze ', # 0x90 'Da ', # 0x91 'Qiao ', # 0x92 'Ting ', # 0x93 'Wan ', # 0x94 'Ying ', # 0x95 'Sui ', # 0x96 'Tiao ', # 0x97 'Qiao ', # 0x98 'Xuan ', # 0x99 'Kong ', # 0x9a 'Beng ', # 0x9b 'Ta ', # 0x9c 'Zhang ', # 0x9d 'Bing ', # 0x9e 'Kuo ', # 0x9f 'Ju ', # 0xa0 'La ', # 0xa1 'Xie ', # 0xa2 'Rou ', # 0xa3 'Bang ', # 0xa4 'Yi ', # 0xa5 'Qiu ', # 0xa6 'Qiu ', # 0xa7 'He ', # 0xa8 'Xiao ', # 0xa9 'Mu ', # 0xaa 'Ju ', # 0xab 'Jian ', # 0xac 'Bian ', # 0xad 'Di ', # 0xae 'Jian ', # 0xaf 'On ', # 0xb0 'Tao ', # 0xb1 'Gou ', # 0xb2 'Ta ', # 0xb3 'Bei ', # 0xb4 'Xie ', # 0xb5 'Pan ', # 0xb6 'Ge ', # 0xb7 'Bi ', # 0xb8 'Kuo ', # 0xb9 'Tang ', # 0xba 'Lou ', # 0xbb 'Gui ', # 0xbc 'Qiao ', # 0xbd 'Xue ', # 0xbe 'Ji ', # 0xbf 'Jian ', # 0xc0 'Jiang ', # 0xc1 'Chan ', # 0xc2 'Da ', # 0xc3 'Huo ', # 0xc4 'Xian ', # 0xc5 'Qian ', # 0xc6 'Du ', # 0xc7 'Wa ', # 0xc8 'Jian ', # 0xc9 'Lan ', # 0xca 'Wei ', # 0xcb 'Ren ', # 0xcc 'Fu ', # 0xcd 'Mei ', # 0xce 'Juan ', # 0xcf 'Ge ', # 0xd0 'Wei ', # 0xd1 'Qiao ', # 0xd2 'Han ', # 0xd3 'Chang ', # 0xd4 '[?] ', # 0xd5 'Rou ', # 0xd6 'Xun ', # 0xd7 'She ', # 0xd8 'Wei ', # 0xd9 'Ge ', # 0xda 'Bei ', # 0xdb 'Tao ', # 0xdc 'Gou ', # 0xdd 'Yun ', # 0xde '[?] ', # 0xdf 'Bi ', # 0xe0 'Wei ', # 0xe1 'Hui ', # 0xe2 'Du ', # 0xe3 'Wa ', # 0xe4 'Du ', # 0xe5 'Wei ', # 0xe6 'Ren ', # 0xe7 'Fu ', # 0xe8 'Han ', # 0xe9 'Wei ', # 0xea 'Yun ', # 0xeb 'Tao ', # 0xec 'Jiu ', # 0xed 'Jiu ', # 0xee 'Xian ', # 0xef 'Xie ', # 0xf0 'Xian ', # 0xf1 'Ji ', # 0xf2 'Yin ', # 0xf3 'Za ', # 0xf4 'Yun ', # 0xf5 'Shao ', # 0xf6 'Le ', # 0xf7 'Peng ', # 0xf8 'Heng ', # 0xf9 'Ying ', # 0xfa 'Yun ', # 0xfb 'Peng ', # 0xfc 'Yin ', # 0xfd 'Yin ', # 0xfe 'Xiang ', # 0xff )
# Copyright (c) 2015 OpenStack Foundation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from sqlalchemy.orm import exc from neutron.api.v2 import attributes from neutron.common import constants from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc from neutron.common import utils from neutron.db import common_db_mixin from neutron.db import models_v2 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DbBasePluginCommon(common_db_mixin.CommonDbMixin): """Stores getters and helper methods for db_base_plugin_v2 All private getters and simple helpers like _make_*_dict were moved from db_base_plugin_v2. More complicated logic and public methods left in db_base_plugin_v2. Main purpose of this class is to make getters accessible for Ipam backends. """ @staticmethod def _generate_mac(): return utils.get_random_mac(cfg.CONF.base_mac.split(':')) @staticmethod def _delete_ip_allocation(context, network_id, subnet_id, ip_address): # Delete the IP address from the IPAllocate table LOG.debug("Delete allocated IP %(ip_address)s " "(%(network_id)s/%(subnet_id)s)", {'ip_address': ip_address, 'network_id': network_id, 'subnet_id': subnet_id}) context.session.query(models_v2.IPAllocation).filter_by( network_id=network_id, ip_address=ip_address, subnet_id=subnet_id).delete() @staticmethod def _store_ip_allocation(context, ip_address, network_id, subnet_id, port_id): LOG.debug("Allocated IP %(ip_address)s " "(%(network_id)s/%(subnet_id)s/%(port_id)s)", {'ip_address': ip_address, 'network_id': network_id, 'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'port_id': port_id}) allocated = models_v2.IPAllocation( network_id=network_id, port_id=port_id, ip_address=ip_address, subnet_id=subnet_id ) context.session.add(allocated) def _make_subnet_dict(self, subnet, fields=None, context=None): res = {'id': subnet['id'], 'name': subnet['name'], 'tenant_id': subnet['tenant_id'], 'network_id': subnet['network_id'], 'ip_version': subnet['ip_version'], 'cidr': subnet['cidr'], 'subnetpool_id': subnet.get('subnetpool_id'), 'allocation_pools': [{'start': pool['first_ip'], 'end': pool['last_ip']} for pool in subnet['allocation_pools']], 'gateway_ip': subnet['gateway_ip'], 'enable_dhcp': subnet['enable_dhcp'], 'ipv6_ra_mode': subnet['ipv6_ra_mode'], 'ipv6_address_mode': subnet['ipv6_address_mode'], 'dns_nameservers': [dns['address'] for dns in subnet['dns_nameservers']], 'host_routes': [{'destination': route['destination'], 'nexthop': route['nexthop']} for route in subnet['routes']], } # The shared attribute for a subnet is the same as its parent network res['shared'] = self._make_network_dict(subnet.networks, context=context)['shared'] # Call auxiliary extend functions, if any self._apply_dict_extend_functions(attributes.SUBNETS, res, subnet) return self._fields(res, fields) def _make_subnetpool_dict(self, subnetpool, fields=None): default_prefixlen = str(subnetpool['default_prefixlen']) min_prefixlen = str(subnetpool['min_prefixlen']) max_prefixlen = str(subnetpool['max_prefixlen']) res = {'id': subnetpool['id'], 'name': subnetpool['name'], 'tenant_id': subnetpool['tenant_id'], 'default_prefixlen': default_prefixlen, 'min_prefixlen': min_prefixlen, 'max_prefixlen': max_prefixlen, 'shared': subnetpool['shared'], 'prefixes': [prefix['cidr'] for prefix in subnetpool['prefixes']], 'ip_version': subnetpool['ip_version'], 'default_quota': subnetpool['default_quota']} return self._fields(res, fields) def _make_port_dict(self, port, fields=None, process_extensions=True): res = {"id": port["id"], 'name': port['name'], "network_id": port["network_id"], 'tenant_id': port['tenant_id'], "mac_address": port["mac_address"], "admin_state_up": port["admin_state_up"], "status": port["status"], "fixed_ips": [{'subnet_id': ip["subnet_id"], 'ip_address': ip["ip_address"]} for ip in port["fixed_ips"]], "device_id": port["device_id"], "device_owner": port["device_owner"]} # Call auxiliary extend functions, if any if process_extensions: self._apply_dict_extend_functions( attributes.PORTS, res, port) return self._fields(res, fields) def _get_network(self, context, id): try: network = self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Network, id) except exc.NoResultFound: raise n_exc.NetworkNotFound(net_id=id) return network def _get_subnet(self, context, id): try: subnet = self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Subnet, id) except exc.NoResultFound: raise n_exc.SubnetNotFound(subnet_id=id) return subnet def _get_subnetpool(self, context, id): try: return self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.SubnetPool, id) except exc.NoResultFound: raise n_exc.SubnetPoolNotFound(subnetpool_id=id) def _get_all_subnetpools(self, context): # NOTE(tidwellr): see note in _get_all_subnets() return context.session.query(models_v2.SubnetPool).all() def _get_port(self, context, id): try: port = self._get_by_id(context, models_v2.Port, id) except exc.NoResultFound: raise n_exc.PortNotFound(port_id=id) return port def _get_dns_by_subnet(self, context, subnet_id): dns_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.DNSNameServer) return dns_qry.filter_by(subnet_id=subnet_id).all() def _get_route_by_subnet(self, context, subnet_id): route_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.SubnetRoute) return route_qry.filter_by(subnet_id=subnet_id).all() def _get_router_gw_ports_by_network(self, context, network_id): port_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Port) return port_qry.filter_by(network_id=network_id, device_owner=constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW).all() def _get_subnets_by_network(self, context, network_id): subnet_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Subnet) return subnet_qry.filter_by(network_id=network_id).all() def _get_subnets_by_subnetpool(self, context, subnetpool_id): subnet_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Subnet) return subnet_qry.filter_by(subnetpool_id=subnetpool_id).all() def _get_all_subnets(self, context): # NOTE(salvatore-orlando): This query might end up putting # a lot of stress on the db. Consider adding a cache layer return context.session.query(models_v2.Subnet).all() def _get_subnets(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): marker_obj = self._get_marker_obj(context, 'subnet', limit, marker) make_subnet_dict = functools.partial(self._make_subnet_dict, context=context) return self._get_collection(context, models_v2.Subnet, make_subnet_dict, filters=filters, fields=fields, sorts=sorts, limit=limit, marker_obj=marker_obj, page_reverse=page_reverse) def _make_network_dict(self, network, fields=None, process_extensions=True, context=None): res = {'id': network['id'], 'name': network['name'], 'tenant_id': network['tenant_id'], 'admin_state_up': network['admin_state_up'], 'mtu': network.get('mtu', constants.DEFAULT_NETWORK_MTU), 'status': network['status'], 'subnets': [subnet['id'] for subnet in network['subnets']]} # The shared attribute for a network now reflects if the network # is shared to the calling tenant via an RBAC entry. shared = False matches = ('*',) + ((context.tenant_id,) if context else ()) for entry in network.rbac_entries: if (entry.action == 'access_as_shared' and entry.target_tenant in matches): shared = True break res['shared'] = shared # TODO(pritesh): Move vlan_transparent to the extension module. # vlan_transparent here is only added if the vlantransparent # extension is enabled. if ('vlan_transparent' in network and network['vlan_transparent'] != attributes.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED): res['vlan_transparent'] = network['vlan_transparent'] # Call auxiliary extend functions, if any if process_extensions: self._apply_dict_extend_functions( attributes.NETWORKS, res, network) return self._fields(res, fields) def _make_subnet_args(self, detail, subnet, subnetpool_id): gateway_ip = str(detail.gateway_ip) if detail.gateway_ip else None args = {'tenant_id': detail.tenant_id, 'id': detail.subnet_id, 'name': subnet['name'], 'network_id': subnet['network_id'], 'ip_version': subnet['ip_version'], 'cidr': str(detail.subnet_cidr), 'subnetpool_id': subnetpool_id, 'enable_dhcp': subnet['enable_dhcp'], 'gateway_ip': gateway_ip} if subnet['ip_version'] == 6 and subnet['enable_dhcp']: if attributes.is_attr_set(subnet['ipv6_ra_mode']): args['ipv6_ra_mode'] = subnet['ipv6_ra_mode'] if attributes.is_attr_set(subnet['ipv6_address_mode']): args['ipv6_address_mode'] = subnet['ipv6_address_mode'] return args def _make_fixed_ip_dict(self, ips): # Excludes from dict all keys except subnet_id and ip_address return [{'subnet_id': ip["subnet_id"], 'ip_address': ip["ip_address"]} for ip in ips]
""" Quick conversion command module. """ from optparse import make_option import sys from import BaseCommand from import no_style from django.conf import settings from django.db import models from django.core import management from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from south.migration import Migrations from south.hacks import hacks from south.exceptions import NoMigrations class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list if '--verbosity' not in [opt.get_opt_string() for opt in BaseCommand.option_list]: option_list += ( make_option('--verbosity', action='store', dest='verbosity', default='1', type='choice', choices=['0', '1', '2'], help='Verbosity level; 0=minimal output, 1=normal output, 2=all output'), ) option_list += ( make_option('--delete-ghost-migrations', action='store_true', dest='delete_ghosts', default=False, help="Tells South to delete any 'ghost' migrations (ones in the database but not on disk)."), make_option('--ignore-ghost-migrations', action='store_true', dest='ignore_ghosts', default=False, help="Tells South to ignore any 'ghost' migrations (ones in the database but not on disk) and continue to apply new migrations."), ) help = "Quickly converts the named application to use South if it is currently using syncdb." def handle(self, app=None, *args, **options): # Make sure we have an app if not app: print "Please specify an app to convert." return # See if the app exists app = app.split(".")[-1] try: app_module = models.get_app(app) except ImproperlyConfigured: print "There is no enabled application matching '%s'." % app return # Try to get its list of models model_list = models.get_models(app_module) if not model_list: print "This application has no models; this command is for applications that already have models syncdb'd." print "Make some models, and then use ./ schemamigration %s --initial instead." % app return # Ask South if it thinks it's already got migrations try: Migrations(app) except NoMigrations: pass else: print "This application is already managed by South." return # Finally! It seems we've got a candidate, so do the two-command trick verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 0)) management.call_command("schemamigration", app, initial=True, verbosity=verbosity) # Now, we need to re-clean and sanitise appcache hacks.clear_app_cache() hacks.repopulate_app_cache() # And also clear our cached Migration classes Migrations._clear_cache() # Now, migrate management.call_command( "migrate", app, "0001", fake=True, verbosity=verbosity, ignore_ghosts=options.get("ignore_ghosts", False), delete_ghosts=options.get("delete_ghosts", False), ) print print "App '%s' converted. Note that South assumed the application's models matched the database" % app print "(i.e. you haven't changed it since last syncdb); if you have, you should delete the %s/migrations" % app print "directory, revert so it matches the database, and try again."
"""Template helper methods for rendering strings with Home Assistant data.""" from ast import literal_eval import asyncio import base64 import from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import partial, wraps import json import logging import math from operator import attrgetter import random import re from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, Iterable, Optional, Type, Union from urllib.parse import urlencode as urllib_urlencode import weakref import jinja2 from jinja2 import contextfilter, contextfunction from jinja2.sandbox import ImmutableSandboxedEnvironment from jinja2.utils import Namespace # type: ignore import voluptuous as vol from homeassistant.const import ( ATTR_ENTITY_ID, ATTR_LATITUDE, ATTR_LONGITUDE, ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT, LENGTH_METERS, STATE_UNKNOWN, ) from homeassistant.core import State, callback, split_entity_id, valid_entity_id from homeassistant.exceptions import TemplateError from homeassistant.helpers import location as loc_helper from homeassistant.helpers.typing import HomeAssistantType, TemplateVarsType from homeassistant.loader import bind_hass from homeassistant.util import convert, dt as dt_util, location as loc_util from homeassistant.util.async_ import run_callback_threadsafe from homeassistant.util.thread import ThreadWithException # mypy: allow-untyped-calls, allow-untyped-defs # mypy: no-check-untyped-defs, no-warn-return-any _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) _SENTINEL = object() DATE_STR_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" _RENDER_INFO = "template.render_info" _ENVIRONMENT = "template.environment" _RE_JINJA_DELIMITERS = re.compile(r"\{%|\{\{|\{#") _RESERVED_NAMES = {"contextfunction", "evalcontextfunction", "environmentfunction"} _GROUP_DOMAIN_PREFIX = "group." _COLLECTABLE_STATE_ATTRIBUTES = { "state", "attributes", "last_changed", "last_updated", "context", "domain", "object_id", "name", } ALL_STATES_RATE_LIMIT = timedelta(minutes=1) DOMAIN_STATES_RATE_LIMIT = timedelta(seconds=1) @bind_hass def attach(hass: HomeAssistantType, obj: Any) -> None: """Recursively attach hass to all template instances in list and dict.""" if isinstance(obj, list): for child in obj: attach(hass, child) elif isinstance(obj, for child_key, child_value in obj.items(): attach(hass, child_key) attach(hass, child_value) elif isinstance(obj, Template): obj.hass = hass def render_complex(value: Any, variables: TemplateVarsType = None) -> Any: """Recursive template creator helper function.""" if isinstance(value, list): return [render_complex(item, variables) for item in value] if isinstance(value, return { render_complex(key, variables): render_complex(item, variables) for key, item in value.items() } if isinstance(value, Template): return value.async_render(variables) return value def is_complex(value: Any) -> bool: """Test if data structure is a complex template.""" if isinstance(value, Template): return True if isinstance(value, list): return any(is_complex(val) for val in value) if isinstance(value, return any(is_complex(val) for val in value.keys()) or any( is_complex(val) for val in value.values() ) return False def is_template_string(maybe_template: str) -> bool: """Check if the input is a Jinja2 template.""" return is not None class ResultWrapper: """Result wrapper class to store render result.""" render_result: Optional[str] def gen_result_wrapper(kls): """Generate a result wrapper.""" class Wrapper(kls, ResultWrapper): """Wrapper of a kls that can store render_result.""" def __init__(self, *args: tuple, render_result: Optional[str] = None) -> None: super().__init__(*args) self.render_result = render_result def __str__(self) -> str: if self.render_result is None: # Can't get set repr to work if kls is set: return str(set(self)) return kls.__str__(self) return self.render_result return Wrapper class TupleWrapper(tuple, ResultWrapper): """Wrap a tuple.""" # This is all magic to be allowed to subclass a tuple. def __new__( cls, value: tuple, *, render_result: Optional[str] = None ) -> "TupleWrapper": """Create a new tuple class.""" return super().__new__(cls, tuple(value)) # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, value: tuple, *, render_result: Optional[str] = None): """Initialize a new tuple class.""" self.render_result = render_result def __str__(self) -> str: """Return string representation.""" if self.render_result is None: return super().__str__() return self.render_result RESULT_WRAPPERS: Dict[Type, Type] = { kls: gen_result_wrapper(kls) for kls in (list, dict, set) } RESULT_WRAPPERS[tuple] = TupleWrapper def _true(arg: Any) -> bool: return True def _false(arg: Any) -> bool: return False class RenderInfo: """Holds information about a template render.""" def __init__(self, template): """Initialise.""" self.template = template # Will be set sensibly once frozen. self.filter_lifecycle = _true self.filter = _true self._result = None self.is_static = False self.exception = None self.all_states = False self.all_states_lifecycle = False = set() self.domains_lifecycle = set() self.entities = set() self.rate_limit = None self.has_time = False def __repr__(self) -> str: """Representation of RenderInfo.""" return f"<RenderInfo {self.template} all_states={self.all_states} all_states_lifecycle={self.all_states_lifecycle} domains={} domains_lifecycle={self.domains_lifecycle} entities={self.entities} rate_limit={self.rate_limit}> has_time={self.has_time}" def _filter_domains_and_entities(self, entity_id: str) -> bool: """Template should re-render if the entity state changes when we match specific domains or entities.""" return ( split_entity_id(entity_id)[0] in or entity_id in self.entities ) def _filter_entities(self, entity_id: str) -> bool: """Template should re-render if the entity state changes when we match specific entities.""" return entity_id in self.entities def _filter_lifecycle_domains(self, entity_id: str) -> bool: """Template should re-render if the entity is added or removed with domains watched.""" return split_entity_id(entity_id)[0] in self.domains_lifecycle def result(self) -> str: """Results of the template computation.""" if self.exception is not None: raise self.exception return self._result def _freeze_static(self) -> None: self.is_static = True self._freeze_sets() self.all_states = False def _freeze_sets(self) -> None: self.entities = frozenset(self.entities) = frozenset( self.domains_lifecycle = frozenset(self.domains_lifecycle) def _freeze(self) -> None: self._freeze_sets() if self.rate_limit is None: if self.all_states or self.exception: self.rate_limit = ALL_STATES_RATE_LIMIT elif or self.domains_lifecycle: self.rate_limit = DOMAIN_STATES_RATE_LIMIT if self.exception: return if not self.all_states_lifecycle: if self.domains_lifecycle: self.filter_lifecycle = self._filter_lifecycle_domains else: self.filter_lifecycle = _false if self.all_states: return if self.filter = self._filter_domains_and_entities elif self.entities: self.filter = self._filter_entities else: self.filter = _false class Template: """Class to hold a template and manage caching and rendering.""" __slots__ = ( "__weakref__", "template", "hass", "is_static", "_compiled_code", "_compiled", ) def __init__(self, template, hass=None): """Instantiate a template.""" if not isinstance(template, str): raise TypeError("Expected template to be a string") self.template: str = template.strip() self._compiled_code = None self._compiled = None self.hass = hass self.is_static = not is_template_string(template) @property def _env(self): if self.hass is None: return _NO_HASS_ENV ret = if ret is None: ret =[_ENVIRONMENT] = TemplateEnvironment(self.hass) return ret def ensure_valid(self): """Return if template is valid.""" if self._compiled_code is not None: return try: self._compiled_code = self._env.compile(self.template) except jinja2.TemplateError as err: raise TemplateError(err) from err def render( self, variables: TemplateVarsType = None, parse_result: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """Render given template.""" if self.is_static: if self.hass.config.legacy_templates or not parse_result: return self.template return self._parse_result(self.template) return run_callback_threadsafe( self.hass.loop, partial(self.async_render, variables, parse_result, **kwargs), ).result() @callback def async_render( self, variables: TemplateVarsType = None, parse_result: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """Render given template. This method must be run in the event loop. """ if self.is_static: if self.hass.config.legacy_templates or not parse_result: return self.template return self._parse_result(self.template) compiled = self._compiled or self._ensure_compiled() if variables is not None: kwargs.update(variables) try: render_result = compiled.render(kwargs) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except raise TemplateError(err) from err render_result = render_result.strip() if self.hass.config.legacy_templates or not parse_result: return render_result return self._parse_result(render_result) def _parse_result(self, render_result: str) -> Any: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Parse the result.""" try: result = literal_eval(render_result) if type(result) in RESULT_WRAPPERS: result = RESULT_WRAPPERS[type(result)]( result, render_result=render_result ) # If the literal_eval result is a string, use the original # render, by not returning right here. The evaluation of strings # resulting in strings impacts quotes, to avoid unexpected # output; use the original render instead of the evaluated one. if not isinstance(result, str): return result except (ValueError, TypeError, SyntaxError, MemoryError): pass return render_result async def async_render_will_timeout( self, timeout: float, variables: TemplateVarsType = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> bool: """Check to see if rendering a template will timeout during render. This is intended to check for expensive templates that will make the system unstable. The template is rendered in the executor to ensure it does not tie up the event loop. This function is not a security control and is only intended to be used as a safety check when testing templates. This method must be run in the event loop. """ assert self.hass if self.is_static: return False compiled = self._compiled or self._ensure_compiled() if variables is not None: kwargs.update(variables) finish_event = asyncio.Event() def _render_template(): try: compiled.render(kwargs) except TimeoutError: pass finally: run_callback_threadsafe(self.hass.loop, finish_event.set) try: template_render_thread = ThreadWithException(target=_render_template) template_render_thread.start() await asyncio.wait_for(finish_event.wait(), timeout=timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: template_render_thread.raise_exc(TimeoutError) return True finally: template_render_thread.join() return False @callback def async_render_to_info( self, variables: TemplateVarsType = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> RenderInfo: """Render the template and collect an entity filter.""" assert self.hass and _RENDER_INFO not in render_info = RenderInfo(self) # pylint: disable=protected-access if self.is_static: render_info._result = self.template.strip() render_info._freeze_static() return render_info[_RENDER_INFO] = render_info try: render_info._result = self.async_render(variables, **kwargs) except TemplateError as ex: render_info.exception = ex finally: del[_RENDER_INFO] render_info._freeze() return render_info def render_with_possible_json_value(self, value, error_value=_SENTINEL): """Render template with value exposed. If valid JSON will expose value_json too. """ if self.is_static: return self.template return run_callback_threadsafe( self.hass.loop, self.async_render_with_possible_json_value, value, error_value, ).result() @callback def async_render_with_possible_json_value( self, value, error_value=_SENTINEL, variables=None ): """Render template with value exposed. If valid JSON will expose value_json too. This method must be run in the event loop. """ if self.is_static: return self.template if self._compiled is None: self._ensure_compiled() variables = dict(variables or {}) variables["value"] = value try: variables["value_json"] = json.loads(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass try: return self._compiled.render(variables).strip() except jinja2.TemplateError as ex: if error_value is _SENTINEL: _LOGGER.error( "Error parsing value: %s (value: %s, template: %s)", ex, value, self.template, ) return value if error_value is _SENTINEL else error_value def _ensure_compiled(self): """Bind a template to a specific hass instance.""" self.ensure_valid() assert self.hass is not None, "hass variable not set on template" env = self._env self._compiled = jinja2.Template.from_code( env, self._compiled_code, env.globals, None ) return self._compiled def __eq__(self, other): """Compare template with another.""" return ( self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.template == other.template and self.hass == other.hass ) def __hash__(self) -> int: """Hash code for template.""" return hash(self.template) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Representation of Template.""" return 'Template("' + self.template + '")' class AllStates: """Class to expose all HA states as attributes.""" def __init__(self, hass): """Initialize all states.""" self._hass = hass def __getattr__(self, name): """Return the domain state.""" if "." in name: return _get_state_if_valid(self._hass, name) if name in _RESERVED_NAMES: return None if not valid_entity_id(f"{name}.entity"): raise TemplateError(f"Invalid domain name '{name}'") return DomainStates(self._hass, name) # Jinja will try __getitem__ first and it avoids the need # to call is_safe_attribute __getitem__ = __getattr__ def _collect_all(self) -> None: render_info = if render_info is not None: render_info.all_states = True def _collect_all_lifecycle(self) -> None: render_info = if render_info is not None: render_info.all_states_lifecycle = True def __iter__(self): """Return all states.""" self._collect_all() return _state_generator(self._hass, None) def __len__(self) -> int: """Return number of states.""" self._collect_all_lifecycle() return self._hass.states.async_entity_ids_count() def __call__(self, entity_id): """Return the states.""" state = _get_state(self._hass, entity_id) return STATE_UNKNOWN if state is None else state.state def __repr__(self) -> str: """Representation of All States.""" return "<template AllStates>" class DomainStates: """Class to expose a specific HA domain as attributes.""" def __init__(self, hass, domain): """Initialize the domain states.""" self._hass = hass self._domain = domain def __getattr__(self, name): """Return the states.""" return _get_state_if_valid(self._hass, f"{self._domain}.{name}") # Jinja will try __getitem__ first and it avoids the need # to call is_safe_attribute __getitem__ = __getattr__ def _collect_domain(self) -> None: entity_collect = if entity_collect is not None: def _collect_domain_lifecycle(self) -> None: entity_collect = if entity_collect is not None: entity_collect.domains_lifecycle.add(self._domain) def __iter__(self): """Return the iteration over all the states.""" self._collect_domain() return _state_generator(self._hass, self._domain) def __len__(self) -> int: """Return number of states.""" self._collect_domain_lifecycle() return self._hass.states.async_entity_ids_count(self._domain) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Representation of Domain States.""" return f"<template DomainStates('{self._domain}')>" class TemplateState(State): """Class to represent a state object in a template.""" __slots__ = ("_hass", "_state", "_collect") # Inheritance is done so functions that check against State keep working # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, hass, state, collect=True): """Initialize template state.""" self._hass = hass self._state = state self._collect = collect def _collect_state(self): if self._collect and _RENDER_INFO in[_RENDER_INFO].entities.add(self._state.entity_id) # Jinja will try __getitem__ first and it avoids the need # to call is_safe_attribute def __getitem__(self, item): """Return a property as an attribute for jinja.""" if item in _COLLECTABLE_STATE_ATTRIBUTES: # _collect_state inlined here for performance if self._collect and _RENDER_INFO in[_RENDER_INFO].entities.add(self._state.entity_id) return getattr(self._state, item) if item == "entity_id": return self._state.entity_id if item == "state_with_unit": return self.state_with_unit raise KeyError @property def entity_id(self): """Wrap State.entity_id. Intentionally does not collect state """ return self._state.entity_id @property def state(self): """Wrap State.state.""" self._collect_state() return self._state.state @property def attributes(self): """Wrap State.attributes.""" self._collect_state() return self._state.attributes @property def last_changed(self): """Wrap State.last_changed.""" self._collect_state() return self._state.last_changed @property def last_updated(self): """Wrap State.last_updated.""" self._collect_state() return self._state.last_updated @property def context(self): """Wrap State.context.""" self._collect_state() return self._state.context @property def domain(self): """Wrap State.domain.""" self._collect_state() return self._state.domain @property def object_id(self): """Wrap State.object_id.""" self._collect_state() return self._state.object_id @property def name(self): """Wrap""" self._collect_state() return @property def state_with_unit(self) -> str: """Return the state concatenated with the unit if available.""" self._collect_state() unit = self._state.attributes.get(ATTR_UNIT_OF_MEASUREMENT) return f"{self._state.state} {unit}" if unit else self._state.state def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Ensure we collect on equality check.""" self._collect_state() return self._state.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Representation of Template State.""" return f"<template TemplateState({self._state.__repr__()})>" def _collect_state(hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: str) -> None: entity_collect = if entity_collect is not None: entity_collect.entities.add(entity_id) def _state_generator(hass: HomeAssistantType, domain: Optional[str]) -> Generator: """State generator for a domain or all states.""" for state in sorted(hass.states.async_all(domain), key=attrgetter("entity_id")): yield TemplateState(hass, state, collect=False) def _get_state_if_valid( hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: str ) -> Optional[TemplateState]: state = hass.states.get(entity_id) if state is None and not valid_entity_id(entity_id): raise TemplateError(f"Invalid entity ID '{entity_id}'") # type: ignore return _get_template_state_from_state(hass, entity_id, state) def _get_state(hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: str) -> Optional[TemplateState]: return _get_template_state_from_state(hass, entity_id, hass.states.get(entity_id)) def _get_template_state_from_state( hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: str, state: Optional[State] ) -> Optional[TemplateState]: if state is None: # Only need to collect if none, if not none collect first actual # access to the state properties in the state wrapper. _collect_state(hass, entity_id) return None return TemplateState(hass, state) def _resolve_state( hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id_or_state: Any ) -> Union[State, TemplateState, None]: """Return state or entity_id if given.""" if isinstance(entity_id_or_state, State): return entity_id_or_state if isinstance(entity_id_or_state, str): return _get_state(hass, entity_id_or_state) return None def result_as_boolean(template_result: Optional[str]) -> bool: """Convert the template result to a boolean. True/not 0/'1'/'true'/'yes'/'on'/'enable' are considered truthy False/0/None/'0'/'false'/'no'/'off'/'disable' are considered falsy """ try: # Import here, not at top-level to avoid circular import from homeassistant.helpers import ( # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel config_validation as cv, ) return cv.boolean(template_result) except vol.Invalid: return False def expand(hass: HomeAssistantType, *args: Any) -> Iterable[State]: """Expand out any groups into entity states.""" search = list(args) found = {} while search: entity = search.pop() if isinstance(entity, str): entity_id = entity entity = _get_state(hass, entity) if entity is None: continue elif isinstance(entity, State): entity_id = entity.entity_id elif isinstance(entity, search += entity continue else: # ignore other types continue if entity_id.startswith(_GROUP_DOMAIN_PREFIX): # Collect state will be called in here since it's wrapped group_entities = entity.attributes.get(ATTR_ENTITY_ID) if group_entities: search += group_entities else: _collect_state(hass, entity_id) found[entity_id] = entity return sorted(found.values(), key=lambda a: a.entity_id) def closest(hass, *args): """Find closest entity. Closest to home: closest(states) closest(states.device_tracker) closest('group.children') closest( Closest to a point: closest(23.456, 23.456, 'group.children') closest('', 'group.children') closest(, 'group.children') As a filter: states | closest states.device_tracker | closest ['group.children', states.device_tracker] | closest 'group.children' | closest(23.456, 23.456) states.device_tracker | closest('') 'group.children' | closest( """ if len(args) == 1: latitude = hass.config.latitude longitude = hass.config.longitude entities = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: point_state = _resolve_state(hass, args[0]) if point_state is None: _LOGGER.warning("Closest:Unable to find state %s", args[0]) return None if not loc_helper.has_location(point_state): _LOGGER.warning( "Closest:State does not contain valid location: %s", point_state ) return None latitude = point_state.attributes.get(ATTR_LATITUDE) longitude = point_state.attributes.get(ATTR_LONGITUDE) entities = args[1] else: latitude = convert(args[0], float) longitude = convert(args[1], float) if latitude is None or longitude is None: _LOGGER.warning( "Closest:Received invalid coordinates: %s, %s", args[0], args[1] ) return None entities = args[2] states = expand(hass, entities) # state will already be wrapped here return loc_helper.closest(latitude, longitude, states) def closest_filter(hass, *args): """Call closest as a filter. Need to reorder arguments.""" new_args = list(args[1:]) new_args.append(args[0]) return closest(hass, *new_args) def distance(hass, *args): """Calculate distance. Will calculate distance from home to a point or between points. Points can be passed in using state objects or lat/lng coordinates. """ locations = [] to_process = list(args) while to_process: value = to_process.pop(0) if isinstance(value, str) and not valid_entity_id(value): point_state = None else: point_state = _resolve_state(hass, value) if point_state is None: # We expect this and next value to be lat&lng if not to_process: _LOGGER.warning( "Distance:Expected latitude and longitude, got %s", value ) return None value_2 = to_process.pop(0) latitude = convert(value, float) longitude = convert(value_2, float) if latitude is None or longitude is None: _LOGGER.warning( "Distance:Unable to process latitude and longitude: %s, %s", value, value_2, ) return None else: if not loc_helper.has_location(point_state): _LOGGER.warning( "distance:State does not contain valid location: %s", point_state ) return None latitude = point_state.attributes.get(ATTR_LATITUDE) longitude = point_state.attributes.get(ATTR_LONGITUDE) locations.append((latitude, longitude)) if len(locations) == 1: return hass.config.distance(*locations[0]) return hass.config.units.length( loc_util.distance(*locations[0] + locations[1]), LENGTH_METERS ) def is_state(hass: HomeAssistantType, entity_id: str, state: State) -> bool: """Test if a state is a specific value.""" state_obj = _get_state(hass, entity_id) return state_obj is not None and state_obj.state == state def is_state_attr(hass, entity_id, name, value): """Test if a state's attribute is a specific value.""" attr = state_attr(hass, entity_id, name) return attr is not None and attr == value def state_attr(hass, entity_id, name): """Get a specific attribute from a state.""" state_obj = _get_state(hass, entity_id) if state_obj is not None: return state_obj.attributes.get(name) return None def now(hass): """Record fetching now.""" render_info = if render_info is not None: render_info.has_time = True return def utcnow(hass): """Record fetching utcnow.""" render_info = if render_info is not None: render_info.has_time = True return dt_util.utcnow() def forgiving_round(value, precision=0, method="common"): """Round accepted strings.""" try: # support rounding methods like jinja multiplier = float(10 ** precision) if method == "ceil": value = math.ceil(float(value) * multiplier) / multiplier elif method == "floor": value = math.floor(float(value) * multiplier) / multiplier elif method == "half": value = round(float(value) * 2) / 2 else: # if method is common or something else, use common rounding value = round(float(value), precision) return int(value) if precision == 0 else value except (ValueError, TypeError): # If value can't be converted to float return value def multiply(value, amount): """Filter to convert value to float and multiply it.""" try: return float(value) * amount except (ValueError, TypeError): # If value can't be converted to float return value def logarithm(value, base=math.e): """Filter to get logarithm of the value with a specific base.""" try: return math.log(float(value), float(base)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value def sine(value): """Filter to get sine of the value.""" try: return math.sin(float(value)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value def cosine(value): """Filter to get cosine of the value.""" try: return math.cos(float(value)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value def tangent(value): """Filter to get tangent of the value.""" try: return math.tan(float(value)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value def arc_sine(value): """Filter to get arc sine of the value.""" try: return math.asin(float(value)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value def arc_cosine(value): """Filter to get arc cosine of the value.""" try: return math.acos(float(value)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value def arc_tangent(value): """Filter to get arc tangent of the value.""" try: return math.atan(float(value)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value def arc_tangent2(*args): """Filter to calculate four quadrant arc tangent of y / x.""" try: if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): args = args[0] return math.atan2(float(args[0]), float(args[1])) except (ValueError, TypeError): return args def square_root(value): """Filter to get square root of the value.""" try: return math.sqrt(float(value)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value def timestamp_custom(value, date_format=DATE_STR_FORMAT, local=True): """Filter to convert given timestamp to format.""" try: date = dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(value) if local: date = dt_util.as_local(date) return date.strftime(date_format) except (ValueError, TypeError): # If timestamp can't be converted return value def timestamp_local(value): """Filter to convert given timestamp to local date/time.""" try: return dt_util.as_local(dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(value)).strftime( DATE_STR_FORMAT ) except (ValueError, TypeError): # If timestamp can't be converted return value def timestamp_utc(value): """Filter to convert given timestamp to UTC date/time.""" try: return dt_util.utc_from_timestamp(value).strftime(DATE_STR_FORMAT) except (ValueError, TypeError): # If timestamp can't be converted return value def forgiving_as_timestamp(value): """Try to convert value to timestamp.""" try: return dt_util.as_timestamp(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None def strptime(string, fmt): """Parse a time string to datetime.""" try: return datetime.strptime(string, fmt) except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError): return string def fail_when_undefined(value): """Filter to force a failure when the value is undefined.""" if isinstance(value, jinja2.Undefined): value() return value def forgiving_float(value): """Try to convert value to a float.""" try: return float(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): return value def regex_match(value, find="", ignorecase=False): """Match value using regex.""" if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) flags = re.I if ignorecase else 0 return bool(re.match(find, value, flags)) def regex_replace(value="", find="", replace="", ignorecase=False): """Replace using regex.""" if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) flags = re.I if ignorecase else 0 regex = re.compile(find, flags) return regex.sub(replace, value) def regex_search(value, find="", ignorecase=False): """Search using regex.""" if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) flags = re.I if ignorecase else 0 return bool(, value, flags)) def regex_findall_index(value, find="", index=0, ignorecase=False): """Find all matches using regex and then pick specific match index.""" if not isinstance(value, str): value = str(value) flags = re.I if ignorecase else 0 return re.findall(find, value, flags)[index] def bitwise_and(first_value, second_value): """Perform a bitwise and operation.""" return first_value & second_value def bitwise_or(first_value, second_value): """Perform a bitwise or operation.""" return first_value | second_value def base64_encode(value): """Perform base64 encode.""" return base64.b64encode(value.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8") def base64_decode(value): """Perform base64 denode.""" return base64.b64decode(value).decode("utf-8") def ordinal(value): """Perform ordinal conversion.""" return str(value) + ( list(["th", "st", "nd", "rd"] + ["th"] * 6)[(int(str(value)[-1])) % 10] if int(str(value)[-2:]) % 100 not in range(11, 14) else "th" ) def from_json(value): """Convert a JSON string to an object.""" return json.loads(value) def to_json(value): """Convert an object to a JSON string.""" return json.dumps(value) @contextfilter def random_every_time(context, values): """Choose a random value. Unlike Jinja's random filter, this is context-dependent to avoid caching the chosen value. """ return random.choice(values) def relative_time(value): """ Take a datetime and return its "age" as a string. The age can be in second, minute, hour, day, month or year. Only the biggest unit is considered, e.g. if it's 2 days and 3 hours, "2 days" will be returned. Make sure date is not in the future, or else it will return None. If the input are not a datetime object the input will be returned unmodified. """ if not isinstance(value, datetime): return value if not value.tzinfo: value = dt_util.as_local(value) if < value: return value return dt_util.get_age(value) def urlencode(value): """Urlencode dictionary and return as UTF-8 string.""" return urllib_urlencode(value).encode("utf-8") class TemplateEnvironment(ImmutableSandboxedEnvironment): """The Home Assistant template environment.""" def __init__(self, hass): """Initialise template environment.""" super().__init__() self.hass = hass self.template_cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() self.filters["round"] = forgiving_round self.filters["multiply"] = multiply self.filters["log"] = logarithm self.filters["sin"] = sine self.filters["cos"] = cosine self.filters["tan"] = tangent self.filters["asin"] = arc_sine self.filters["acos"] = arc_cosine self.filters["atan"] = arc_tangent self.filters["atan2"] = arc_tangent2 self.filters["sqrt"] = square_root self.filters["as_timestamp"] = forgiving_as_timestamp self.filters["as_local"] = dt_util.as_local self.filters["timestamp_custom"] = timestamp_custom self.filters["timestamp_local"] = timestamp_local self.filters["timestamp_utc"] = timestamp_utc self.filters["to_json"] = to_json self.filters["from_json"] = from_json self.filters["is_defined"] = fail_when_undefined self.filters["max"] = max self.filters["min"] = min self.filters["random"] = random_every_time self.filters["base64_encode"] = base64_encode self.filters["base64_decode"] = base64_decode self.filters["ordinal"] = ordinal self.filters["regex_match"] = regex_match self.filters["regex_replace"] = regex_replace self.filters["regex_search"] = regex_search self.filters["regex_findall_index"] = regex_findall_index self.filters["bitwise_and"] = bitwise_and self.filters["bitwise_or"] = bitwise_or self.filters["ord"] = ord self.globals["log"] = logarithm self.globals["sin"] = sine self.globals["cos"] = cosine self.globals["tan"] = tangent self.globals["sqrt"] = square_root self.globals["pi"] = math.pi self.globals["tau"] = math.pi * 2 self.globals["e"] = math.e self.globals["asin"] = arc_sine self.globals["acos"] = arc_cosine self.globals["atan"] = arc_tangent self.globals["atan2"] = arc_tangent2 self.globals["float"] = forgiving_float self.globals["as_local"] = dt_util.as_local self.globals["as_timestamp"] = forgiving_as_timestamp self.globals["relative_time"] = relative_time self.globals["timedelta"] = timedelta self.globals["strptime"] = strptime self.globals["urlencode"] = urlencode if hass is None: return # We mark these as a context functions to ensure they get # evaluated fresh with every execution, rather than executed # at compile time and the value stored. The context itself # can be discarded, we only need to get at the hass object. def hassfunction(func): """Wrap function that depend on hass.""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(hass, *args[1:], **kwargs) return contextfunction(wrapper) self.globals["expand"] = hassfunction(expand) self.filters["expand"] = contextfilter(self.globals["expand"]) self.globals["closest"] = hassfunction(closest) self.filters["closest"] = contextfilter(hassfunction(closest_filter)) self.globals["distance"] = hassfunction(distance) self.globals["is_state"] = hassfunction(is_state) self.globals["is_state_attr"] = hassfunction(is_state_attr) self.globals["state_attr"] = hassfunction(state_attr) self.globals["states"] = AllStates(hass) self.globals["utcnow"] = hassfunction(utcnow) self.globals["now"] = hassfunction(now) def is_safe_callable(self, obj): """Test if callback is safe.""" return isinstance(obj, AllStates) or super().is_safe_callable(obj) def is_safe_attribute(self, obj, attr, value): """Test if attribute is safe.""" if isinstance(obj, (AllStates, DomainStates, TemplateState)): return not attr[0] == "_" if isinstance(obj, Namespace): return True return super().is_safe_attribute(obj, attr, value) def compile(self, source, name=None, filename=None, raw=False, defer_init=False): """Compile the template.""" if ( name is not None or filename is not None or raw is not False or defer_init is not False ): # If there are any non-default keywords args, we do # not cache. In prodution we currently do not have # any instance of this. return super().compile(source, name, filename, raw, defer_init) cached = self.template_cache.get(source) if cached is None: cached = self.template_cache[source] = super().compile(source) return cached _NO_HASS_ENV = TemplateEnvironment(None)
# # Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. from gladecheck import GladeTest class CheckMnemonics(GladeTest): def checkGlade(self, glade_tree): """Check for widgets with keyboard accelerators but no mnemonic""" # Look for labels with use-underline=True and no mnemonic-widget for label in glade_tree.xpath(".//object[@class='GtkLabel' and ./property[@name='use_underline' and ./text() = 'True'] and not(./property[@name='mnemonic_widget'])]"): # And now filter out the cases where the label actually does have a mnemonic. # This list is not comprehensive, probably. parent = label.getparent() # Is the label the child of a GtkButton? The button might be pretty far up there. # Assume widget names that end in "Button" are subclasses of GtkButton if parent.tag == 'child' and \ label.xpath("ancestor::object[substring(@class, string-length(@class) - string-length('Button') + 1) = 'Button']"): continue # Is the label a GtkNotebook tab? if parent.tag == 'child' and parent.get('type') == 'tab' and \ parent.getparent().get('class') == 'GtkNotebook': continue raise AssertionError("Label with accelerator and no mnemonic at %s:%d" % (label.base, label.sourceline))
# Copyright (c) 2012 Spotify AB # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. import os import sys try: from setuptools import setup except: from distutils.core import setup def get_static_files(path): return [os.path.join(dirpath.replace("luigi/", ""), ext) for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path) for ext in ["*.html", "*.js", "*.css", "*.png"]] luigi_package_data = sum(map(get_static_files, ["luigi/static", "luigi/templates"]), []) readme_note = """\ .. note:: For the latest source, discussion, etc, please visit the `GitHub repository <>`_\n\n """ with open('README.rst') as fobj: long_description = readme_note + install_requires = [ 'cached_property', 'pyparsing', 'tornado', 'python-daemon', ] if os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True': install_requires.append('sqlalchemy') # So that we can build documentation for luigi.db_task_history and luigi.contrib.sqla setup( name='luigi', version='1.3.0', description='Workflow mgmgt + task scheduling + dependency resolution', long_description=long_description, author='Erik Bernhardsson', author_email='', url='', license='Apache License 2.0', packages=[ 'luigi', 'luigi.contrib', 'luigi.contrib.hdfs', '' ], package_data={ 'luigi': luigi_package_data }, entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'luigi = luigi.cmdline:luigi_run', 'luigid = luigi.cmdline:luigid', 'luigi-grep =', 'luigi-deps =', ] }, install_requires=install_requires, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Console', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Topic :: System :: Monitoring', ], )
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # Copyright 2014-2015 Rumma & Ko Ltd # # License: GNU Affero General Public License v3 (see file COPYING for details) """ Choicelists for `lino_xl.lib.humanlinks`. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy as pgettext from django.utils.text import format_lazy from lino_xl.lib.contacts.roles import ContactsStaff from lino.api import dd class LinkType(dd.Choice): symmetric = False def __init__(self, value, name, mptext, fptext, mctext, fctext, **kw): self.mptext = mptext # male parent self.fptext = fptext self.mctext = mctext self.fctext = fctext # text = string_concat( # mptext, ' (', fptext, ') / ', mctext, ' (', fctext, ')') # text = string_concat(mctext, ' (', fctext, ')') text = format_lazy(u"{}({})",mptext, fptext) # text = "%s (%s) / %s (%s)" % (mptext, fptext, mctext, fctext) super(LinkType, self).__init__(value, text, name, **kw) def as_parent(self, human): if human is None: return self.text return, self.fptext) def as_child(self, human): if human is None: return self.text return, self.fctext) class LinkTypes(dd.ChoiceList): """The global list of human link types. This is used as choicelist for the :attr:`type <lino_xl.lib.humanlinks.models.Link.type>` field of a human link. The default list contains the following data: .. django2rst:: .. attribute:: adoptive_parent A person who adopts a child of other parents as his or her own child. .. attribute:: stepparent Someone that your mother or father marries after the marriage to or relationship with your other parent has ended .. attribute:: foster_parent A man (woman) who looks after or brings up a child or children as a father (mother), in place of the natural or adoptive father (mother). [`thefreedictionary <>`_] """ required_roles = dd.login_required(ContactsStaff) verbose_name = _("Parency type") verbose_name_plural = _("Parency types") item_class = LinkType add = LinkTypes.add_item add('01', 'parent', _("Father"), _("Mother"), _("Son"), _("Daughter")) add('02', 'adoptive_parent', _("Adoptive father"), _("Adoptive mother"), _("Adopted son"), _("Adopted daughter")) add('03', 'grandparent', _("Grandfather"), _("Grandmother"), _("Grandson"), _("Granddaughter")) add('05', 'spouse', _("Husband"), _("Wife"), _("Husband"), _("Wife"), symmetric=True) add('06', 'friend', pgettext("male", "Friend"), pgettext("female", "Friend"), pgettext("male", "Friend"), pgettext("female", "Friend"), symmetric=True) add('07', 'partner', pgettext("male", "Partner"), pgettext("female", "Partner"), pgettext("male", "Partner"), pgettext("female", "Partner"), symmetric=True) add('08', 'stepparent', _("Stepfather"), _("Stepmother"), _("Stepson"), _("Stepdaughter")) add('09', 'foster_parent', _("Foster father"), _("Foster mother"), _("Foster son"), _("Foster daughter")) add('10', 'sibling', pgettext("male", "Brother"), pgettext("female", "Sister"), pgettext("male", "Brother"), pgettext("female", "Sister"), symmetric=True) add('11', 'cousin', pgettext("male", "Cousin"), pgettext("female", "Cousin"), pgettext("male", "Cousin"), pgettext("female", "Cousin"), symmetric=True) add('12', 'uncle', _("Uncle"), _("Aunt"), _("Nephew"), _("Niece")) add('80', 'relative', pgettext("male", "Relative"), pgettext("female", "Relative"), pgettext("male", "Relative"), pgettext("female", "Relative"), symmetric=True) add('90', 'other', pgettext("male", "Other"), pgettext("female", "Other"), pgettext("male", "Other"), pgettext("female", "Other"), symmetric=True)
from __future__ import absolute_import import pytest from itertools import islice from kafka import ( KafkaClient, SimpleProducer, ) from tests.pgshovel.fixtures import ( cluster, create_temporary_database, ) from tests.pgshovel.streams.fixtures import ( DEFAULT_PUBLISHER, begin, transaction, transactions, ) from pgshovel.interfaces.common_pb2 import Snapshot from pgshovel.interfaces.configurations_pb2 import ReplicationSetConfiguration from pgshovel.interfaces.replication_pb2 import ( ConsumerState, State, BootstrapState, TransactionState, ) from pgshovel.interfaces.streams_pb2 import ( Header, Message, ) from pgshovel.replication.streams.kafka import KafkaStream from pgshovel.replication.validation.consumers import SequencingError from pgshovel.replication.validation.transactions import InvalidEventError from pgshovel.relay.streams.kafka import KafkaWriter from pgshovel.streams.utilities import UnableToPrimeError @pytest.yield_fixture def configuration(): yield {'hosts': 'kafka:9092'} @pytest.yield_fixture def stream(configuration, cluster, client): stream = KafkaStream.configure(configuration, cluster, 'default') client.ensure_topic_exists(stream.topic) yield stream @pytest.yield_fixture def client(configuration): yield KafkaClient(configuration['hosts']) @pytest.yield_fixture def writer(client, stream): producer = SimpleProducer(client) yield KafkaWriter(producer, stream.topic) @pytest.yield_fixture def state(): bootstrap_state = BootstrapState( node='1234', snapshot=Snapshot(min=1, max=2), ) yield State(bootstrap_state=bootstrap_state) @pytest.yield_fixture def sliced_transaction(): two_transactions = list(islice(transactions(), 6)) head, remainder = two_transactions[0], two_transactions[1:] assert head.batch_operation.begin_operation == begin yield remainder def test_starts_at_beginning_of_stream_for_bootstrapped_state(writer, stream, state): writer.push(transaction) consumed = list(islice(stream.consume(state), 3)) assert [message for _, _, message in consumed] == transaction def test_yields_new_update_state_after_each_message(writer, stream, state): expected_states = { 0: 'in_transaction', 1: 'in_transaction', 2: 'committed' } writer.push(transaction) for state, offset, message in islice(stream.consume(state), 3): assert state.stream_state.consumer_state.offset == offset assert state.stream_state.consumer_state.header == message.header assert state.stream_state.transaction_state.WhichOneof('state') == expected_states[offset] def test_uses_existing_stream_state_if_it_exists(writer, stream, state): writer.push(islice(transactions(), 6)) iterator = stream.consume(state) next(iterator) next(iterator) (new_state, offset, message) = next(iterator) new_iterator = stream.consume(new_state) (_, new_offset, _) = next(new_iterator) assert new_offset == 3 def test_crashes_on_no_state(stream): with pytest.raises(AttributeError): next(stream.consume(None)) def test_validates_stream_and_crashes_when_invalid(writer, stream, state): messages = list(islice(transactions(), 3)) messages[1] = messages[0] writer.push(messages) with pytest.raises(SequencingError): list(stream.consume(state)) def test_discards_messages_until_start_of_transaction(writer, stream, state, sliced_transaction): writer.push(sliced_transaction) consumed = list(islice(stream.consume(state), 3)) assert [message for _, _, message in consumed] == sliced_transaction[-3:] def test_discarded_messages_is_configurable(configuration, cluster, client, state, writer, sliced_transaction): writer.push(sliced_transaction) configuration['prime_threshold'] = 1 antsy_stream = KafkaStream.configure(configuration, cluster, 'default') less_antsy_config = configuration.copy() less_antsy_config['prime_threshold'] = 3 less_antsy_stream = KafkaStream.configure(less_antsy_config, cluster, 'default') client.ensure_topic_exists(antsy_stream.topic) with pytest.raises(UnableToPrimeError): list(islice(antsy_stream.consume(state), 3)) consumed = list(islice(less_antsy_stream.consume(state), 3)) assert [message for _, _, message in consumed] == sliced_transaction[-3:]
from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage from django.utils.translation import ugettext, ugettext_lazy as _ class FlatpageForm(forms.ModelForm): url = forms.RegexField( label=_("URL"), max_length=100, regex=r'^[-\w/\.~]+$', help_text=_("Example: '/about/contact/'. Make sure to have leading and trailing slashes."), error_messages={ "invalid": _( "This value must contain only letters, numbers, dots, " "underscores, dashes, slashes or tildes." ), }, ) class Meta: model = FlatPage fields = '__all__' def clean_url(self): url = self.cleaned_data['url'] if not url.startswith('/'): raise forms.ValidationError( ugettext("URL is missing a leading slash."), code='missing_leading_slash', ) if (settings.APPEND_SLASH and ( (settings.MIDDLEWARE and 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware' in settings.MIDDLEWARE) or 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware' in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES) and not url.endswith('/')): raise forms.ValidationError( ugettext("URL is missing a trailing slash."), code='missing_trailing_slash', ) return url def clean(self): url = self.cleaned_data.get('url') sites = self.cleaned_data.get('sites') same_url = FlatPage.objects.filter(url=url) if same_url = same_url.exclude( if sites and same_url.filter(sites__in=sites).exists(): for site in sites: if same_url.filter(sites=site).exists(): raise forms.ValidationError( _('Flatpage with url %(url)s already exists for site %(site)s'), code='duplicate_url', params={'url': url, 'site': site}, ) return super(FlatpageForm, self).clean()
#!/usr/bin/python #coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2017, Wayne Witzel III <> # # This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software. If not, see <>. ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.0', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: tower_job_cancel author: "Wayne Witzel III (@wwitzel3)" version_added: "2.3" short_description: Cancel an Ansible Tower Job. description: - Cancel Ansible Tower jobs. See U( for an overview. options: job_id: description: - ID of the job to cancel required: True fail_if_not_running: description: - Fail loudly if the job_id does not reference a running job. default: False extends_documentation_fragment: tower ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Cancel job tower_job_cancel: job_id: ''' RETURN = ''' id: description: job id requesting to cancel returned: success type: int sample: 94 status: description: status of the cancel request returned: success type: string sample: canceled ''' from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule try: import tower_cli import tower_cli.utils.exceptions as exc from tower_cli.conf import settings from ansible.module_utils.ansible_tower import ( tower_auth_config, tower_check_mode, tower_argument_spec, ) HAS_TOWER_CLI = True except ImportError: HAS_TOWER_CLI = False def main(): argument_spec = tower_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( job_id = dict(type='int', required=True), fail_if_not_running = dict(type='bool', default=False), )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, ) if not HAS_TOWER_CLI: module.fail_json(msg='ansible-tower-cli required for this module') job_id = module.params.get('job_id') json_output = {} tower_auth = tower_auth_config(module) with settings.runtime_values(**tower_auth): tower_check_mode(module) job = tower_cli.get_resource('job') params = module.params.copy() try: result = job.cancel(job_id, **params) json_output['id'] = job_id except (exc.ConnectionError, exc.BadRequest, exc.TowerCLIError) as excinfo: module.fail_json(msg='Unable to cancel job_id/{0}: {1}'.format(job_id, excinfo), changed=False) json_output['changed'] = result['changed'] json_output['status'] = result['status'] module.exit_json(**json_output) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Invenio. # Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 CERN. # # Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """Unit tests for the indexing engine.""" __revision__ = "$Id$" from invenio.testutils import InvenioTestCase from invenio import bibindex_engine_stemmer from invenio.testutils import make_test_suite, run_test_suite class TestStemmer(InvenioTestCase): """Test stemmer.""" def test_stemmer_none(self): """bibindex engine - no stemmer""" self.assertEqual("information", bibindex_engine_stemmer.stem("information", None)) def test_stemmer_english(self): """bibindex engine - English stemmer""" english_test_cases = [['information', 'inform'], ['experiment', 'experi'], ['experiments', 'experi'], ['experimented', 'experi'], ['experimenting', 'experi'], ['experimental', 'experiment'], ['experimentally', 'experiment'], ['experimentation', 'experiment'], ['experimentalism', 'experiment'], ['experimenter', 'experiment'], ['experimentalise', 'experimentalis'], ['experimentalist', 'experimentalist'], ['experimentalists', 'experimentalist'], ['GeV', 'GeV'], ['$\Omega$', '$\Omega$'], ['e^-', 'e^-'], ['C#', 'C#'], ['C++', 'C++']] for test_word, expected_result in english_test_cases: self.assertEqual(expected_result, bibindex_engine_stemmer.stem(test_word, "en")) def test_stemmer_greek(self): """bibindex engine - Greek stemmer""" greek_test_cases = [['πληροφορίες', 'ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙ'], ['πείραμα', 'ΠΕΙΡΑΜ'], ['πειράματα', 'ΠΕΙΡΑΜ'], ['πειραματιστής', 'ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΣΤ'], ['πειραματίζομαι', 'ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΖ'], ['πειραματίζεσαι', 'ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΖ'], ['πειραματίστηκα', 'ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΣΤ'], ['πειραματόζωο', 'ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΟΖΩ'], ['ζώο', 'ΖΩ'], ['πειραματισμός', 'ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΣΜ'], ['πειραματικός', 'ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚ'], ['πειραματικά', 'ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤ'], ['ηλεκτρόνιο', 'ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙ'], ['ηλεκτρονιακός', 'ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΑΚ'], ['ακτίνα', 'ΑΚΤΙΝ'], ['ακτινοβολία', 'ΑΚΤΙΝΟΒΟΛ'], ['E=mc^2', 'E=MC^2'], ['α+β=γ', 'Α+Β=Γ']] for test_word, expected_result in greek_test_cases: self.assertEqual(expected_result, bibindex_engine_stemmer.stem(test_word, "el")) TEST_SUITE = make_test_suite(TestStemmer,) if __name__ == "__main__": run_test_suite(TEST_SUITE)
"""The match_hostname() function from Python 3.3.3, essential when using SSL.""" import re __version__ = '' class CertificateError(ValueError): pass def _dnsname_match(dn, hostname, max_wildcards=1): """Matching according to RFC 6125, section 6.4.3 """ pats = [] if not dn: return False # Ported from python3-syntax: # leftmost, *remainder = dn.split(r'.') parts = dn.split(r'.') leftmost = parts[0] remainder = parts[1:] wildcards = leftmost.count('*') if wildcards > max_wildcards: # Issue #17980: avoid denials of service by refusing more # than one wildcard per fragment. A survey of established # policy among SSL implementations showed it to be a # reasonable choice. raise CertificateError( "too many wildcards in certificate DNS name: " + repr(dn)) # speed up common case w/o wildcards if not wildcards: return dn.lower() == hostname.lower() # RFC 6125, section 6.4.3, subitem 1. # The client SHOULD NOT attempt to match a presented identifier in which # the wildcard character comprises a label other than the left-most label. if leftmost == '*': # When '*' is a fragment by itself, it matches a non-empty dotless # fragment. pats.append('[^.]+') elif leftmost.startswith('xn--') or hostname.startswith('xn--'): # RFC 6125, section 6.4.3, subitem 3. # The client SHOULD NOT attempt to match a presented identifier # where the wildcard character is embedded within an A-label or # U-label of an internationalized domain name. pats.append(re.escape(leftmost)) else: # Otherwise, '*' matches any dotless string, e.g. www* pats.append(re.escape(leftmost).replace(r'\*', '[^.]*')) # add the remaining fragments, ignore any wildcards for frag in remainder: pats.append(re.escape(frag)) pat = re.compile(r'\A' + r'\.'.join(pats) + r'\Z', re.IGNORECASE) return pat.match(hostname) def match_hostname(cert, hostname): """Verify that *cert* (in decoded format as returned by SSLSocket.getpeercert()) matches the *hostname*. RFC 2818 and RFC 6125 rules are followed, but IP addresses are not accepted for *hostname*. CertificateError is raised on failure. On success, the function returns nothing. """ if not cert: raise ValueError("empty or no certificate") dnsnames = [] san = cert.get('subjectAltName', ()) for key, value in san: if key == 'DNS': if _dnsname_match(value, hostname): return dnsnames.append(value) if not dnsnames: # The subject is only checked when there is no dNSName entry # in subjectAltName for sub in cert.get('subject', ()): for key, value in sub: # XXX according to RFC 2818, the most specific Common Name # must be used. if key == 'commonName': if _dnsname_match(value, hostname): return dnsnames.append(value) if len(dnsnames) > 1: raise CertificateError("hostname %r " "doesn't match either of %s" % (hostname, ', '.join(map(repr, dnsnames)))) elif len(dnsnames) == 1: raise CertificateError("hostname %r " "doesn't match %r" % (hostname, dnsnames[0])) else: raise CertificateError("no appropriate commonName or " "subjectAltName fields were found")
#!/usr/bin/env python import unittest from test import support from test.test_urllib2 import sanepathname2url import os import socket import sys import urllib.error import urllib.request def _retry_thrice(func, exc, *args, **kwargs): for i in range(3): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except exc as e: last_exc = e continue except: raise raise last_exc def _wrap_with_retry_thrice(func, exc): def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): return _retry_thrice(func, exc, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped # Connecting to remote hosts is flaky. Make it more robust by retrying # the connection several times. _urlopen_with_retry = _wrap_with_retry_thrice(urllib.request.urlopen, urllib.error.URLError) class AuthTests(unittest.TestCase): """Tests urllib2 authentication features.""" ## Disabled at the moment since there is no page under which ## could be used to HTTP authentication. # # def test_basic_auth(self): # import http.client # # test_url = "" # test_hostport = "" # test_realm = 'Test Realm' # test_user = 'test.test_urllib2net' # test_password = 'blah' # # # failure # try: # _urlopen_with_retry(test_url) # except urllib2.HTTPError, exc: # self.assertEqual(exc.code, 401) # else: #"urlopen() should have failed with 401") # # # success # auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler() # auth_handler.add_password(test_realm, test_hostport, # test_user, test_password) # opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler) # f ='http://localhost/') # response = _urlopen_with_retry("") # # # The 'userinfo' URL component is deprecated by RFC 3986 for security # # reasons, let's not implement it! (it's already implemented for proxy # # specification strings (that is, URLs or authorities specifying a # # proxy), so we must keep that) # self.assertRaises(http.client.InvalidURL, # urllib2.urlopen, "") class CloseSocketTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_close(self): import socket, http.client, gc # calling .close() on urllib2's response objects should close the # underlying socket response = _urlopen_with_retry("") sock = response.fp self.assert_(not sock.closed) response.close() self.assert_(sock.closed) class OtherNetworkTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): if 0: # for debugging import logging logger = logging.getLogger("test_urllib2net") logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) # XXX The rest of these tests aren't very good -- they don't check much. # They do sometimes catch some major disasters, though. def test_ftp(self): urls = [ '', '', #'', '' '/research-reports/00README-Legal-Rules-Regs', ] self._test_urls(urls, self._extra_handlers()) def test_file(self): TESTFN = support.TESTFN f = open(TESTFN, 'w') try: f.write('hi there\n') f.close() urls = [ 'file:' + sanepathname2url(os.path.abspath(TESTFN)), ('file:///nonsensename/etc/passwd', None, urllib.error.URLError), ] self._test_urls(urls, self._extra_handlers(), retry=True) finally: os.remove(TESTFN) # XXX Following test depends on machine configurations that are internal # to CNRI. Need to set up a public server with the right authentication # configuration for test purposes. ## def test_cnri(self): ## if socket.gethostname() == 'bitdiddle': ## localhost = '' ## elif socket.gethostname() == '': ## localhost = 'localhost' ## else: ## localhost = None ## if localhost is not None: ## urls = [ ## 'file://%s/etc/passwd' % localhost, ## 'http://%s/simple/' % localhost, ## 'http://%s/digest/' % localhost, ## 'http://%s/not/found.h' % localhost, ## ] ## bauth = HTTPBasicAuthHandler() ## bauth.add_password('basic_test_realm', localhost, 'jhylton', ## 'password') ## dauth = HTTPDigestAuthHandler() ## dauth.add_password('digest_test_realm', localhost, 'jhylton', ## 'password') ## self._test_urls(urls, self._extra_handlers()+[bauth, dauth]) def _test_urls(self, urls, handlers, retry=True): import socket import time import logging debug = logging.getLogger("test_urllib2").debug urlopen = urllib.request.build_opener(*handlers).open if retry: urlopen = _wrap_with_retry_thrice(urlopen, urllib.error.URLError) for url in urls: if isinstance(url, tuple): url, req, expected_err = url else: req = expected_err = None debug(url) try: f = urlopen(url, req) except EnvironmentError as err: debug(err) if expected_err: msg = ("Didn't get expected error(s) %s for %s %s, got %s: %s" % (expected_err, url, req, type(err), err)) self.assert_(isinstance(err, expected_err), msg) else: with support.transient_internet(): buf = f.close() debug("read %d bytes" % len(buf)) debug("******** next url coming up...") time.sleep(0.1) def _extra_handlers(self): handlers = [] cfh = urllib.request.CacheFTPHandler() cfh.setTimeout(1) handlers.append(cfh) return handlers class TimeoutTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_http_basic(self): self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None) u = _urlopen_with_retry("") self.assertTrue(u.fp._sock.gettimeout() is None) def test_http_default_timeout(self): self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None) socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) try: u = _urlopen_with_retry("") finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(None) self.assertEqual(u.fp._sock.gettimeout(), 60) def test_http_no_timeout(self): self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None) socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) try: u = _urlopen_with_retry("", timeout=None) finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(None) self.assertTrue(u.fp._sock.gettimeout() is None) def test_http_timeout(self): u = _urlopen_with_retry("", timeout=120) self.assertEqual(u.fp._sock.gettimeout(), 120) FTP_HOST = "" def test_ftp_basic(self): self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None) u = _urlopen_with_retry(self.FTP_HOST) self.assertTrue(u.fp.fp.raw._sock.gettimeout() is None) def test_ftp_default_timeout(self): self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None) socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) try: u = _urlopen_with_retry(self.FTP_HOST) finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(None) self.assertEqual(u.fp.fp.raw._sock.gettimeout(), 60) def test_ftp_no_timeout(self): self.assertTrue(socket.getdefaulttimeout() is None) socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) try: u = _urlopen_with_retry(self.FTP_HOST, timeout=None) finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(None) self.assertTrue(u.fp.fp.raw._sock.gettimeout() is None) def test_ftp_timeout(self): u = _urlopen_with_retry(self.FTP_HOST, timeout=60) self.assertEqual(u.fp.fp.raw._sock.gettimeout(), 60) def test_main(): support.requires("network") support.run_unittest(AuthTests, OtherNetworkTests, CloseSocketTest, TimeoutTest, ) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import time import warnings from datetime import datetime, timedelta from io import BytesIO from django.db import connection, connections, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS from django.core import signals from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest, LimitedStream from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse, parse_cookie, build_request_repr, UnreadablePostError from django.test import SimpleTestCase, TransactionTestCase from django.test.client import FakePayload from django.test.utils import override_settings, str_prefix from django.utils import six from django.utils.unittest import skipIf from django.utils.http import cookie_date, urlencode from django.utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode as original_urlencode from django.utils.timezone import utc class RequestsTests(SimpleTestCase): def test_httprequest(self): request = HttpRequest() self.assertEqual(list(request.GET.keys()), []) self.assertEqual(list(request.POST.keys()), []) self.assertEqual(list(request.COOKIES.keys()), []) self.assertEqual(list(request.META.keys()), []) def test_httprequest_repr(self): request = HttpRequest() request.path = '/somepath/' request.GET = {'get-key': 'get-value'} request.POST = {'post-key': 'post-value'} request.COOKIES = {'post-key': 'post-value'} request.META = {'post-key': 'post-value'} self.assertEqual(repr(request), str_prefix("<HttpRequest\npath:/somepath/,\nGET:{%(_)s'get-key': %(_)s'get-value'},\nPOST:{%(_)s'post-key': %(_)s'post-value'},\nCOOKIES:{%(_)s'post-key': %(_)s'post-value'},\nMETA:{%(_)s'post-key': %(_)s'post-value'}>")) self.assertEqual(build_request_repr(request), repr(request)) self.assertEqual(build_request_repr(request, path_override='/otherpath/', GET_override={'a': 'b'}, POST_override={'c': 'd'}, COOKIES_override={'e': 'f'}, META_override={'g': 'h'}), str_prefix("<HttpRequest\npath:/otherpath/,\nGET:{%(_)s'a': %(_)s'b'},\nPOST:{%(_)s'c': %(_)s'd'},\nCOOKIES:{%(_)s'e': %(_)s'f'},\nMETA:{%(_)s'g': %(_)s'h'}>")) def test_wsgirequest(self): request = WSGIRequest({'PATH_INFO': 'bogus', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'bogus', 'wsgi.input': BytesIO(b'')}) self.assertEqual(list(request.GET.keys()), []) self.assertEqual(list(request.POST.keys()), []) self.assertEqual(list(request.COOKIES.keys()), []) self.assertEqual(set(request.META.keys()), set(['PATH_INFO', 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'SCRIPT_NAME', 'wsgi.input'])) self.assertEqual(request.META['PATH_INFO'], 'bogus') self.assertEqual(request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'], 'bogus') self.assertEqual(request.META['SCRIPT_NAME'], '') def test_wsgirequest_with_script_name(self): """ Ensure that the request's path is correctly assembled, regardless of whether or not the SCRIPT_NAME has a trailing slash. Refs #20169. """ # With trailing slash request = WSGIRequest({'PATH_INFO': '/somepath/', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '/PREFIX/', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'get', 'wsgi.input': BytesIO(b'')}) self.assertEqual(request.path, '/PREFIX/somepath/') # Without trailing slash request = WSGIRequest({'PATH_INFO': '/somepath/', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '/PREFIX', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'get', 'wsgi.input': BytesIO(b'')}) self.assertEqual(request.path, '/PREFIX/somepath/') def test_wsgirequest_with_force_script_name(self): """ Ensure that the FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME setting takes precedence over the request's SCRIPT_NAME environment parameter. Refs #20169. """ with override_settings(FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME='/FORCED_PREFIX/'): request = WSGIRequest({'PATH_INFO': '/somepath/', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '/PREFIX/', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'get', 'wsgi.input': BytesIO(b'')}) self.assertEqual(request.path, '/FORCED_PREFIX/somepath/') def test_wsgirequest_path_with_force_script_name_trailing_slash(self): """ Ensure that the request's path is correctly assembled, regardless of whether or not the FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME setting has a trailing slash. Refs #20169. """ # With trailing slash with override_settings(FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME='/FORCED_PREFIX/'): request = WSGIRequest({'PATH_INFO': '/somepath/', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'get', 'wsgi.input': BytesIO(b'')}) self.assertEqual(request.path, '/FORCED_PREFIX/somepath/') # Without trailing slash with override_settings(FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME='/FORCED_PREFIX'): request = WSGIRequest({'PATH_INFO': '/somepath/', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'get', 'wsgi.input': BytesIO(b'')}) self.assertEqual(request.path, '/FORCED_PREFIX/somepath/') def test_wsgirequest_repr(self): request = WSGIRequest({'PATH_INFO': '/somepath/', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'get', 'wsgi.input': BytesIO(b'')}) request.GET = {'get-key': 'get-value'} request.POST = {'post-key': 'post-value'} request.COOKIES = {'post-key': 'post-value'} request.META = {'post-key': 'post-value'} self.assertEqual(repr(request), str_prefix("<WSGIRequest\npath:/somepath/,\nGET:{%(_)s'get-key': %(_)s'get-value'},\nPOST:{%(_)s'post-key': %(_)s'post-value'},\nCOOKIES:{%(_)s'post-key': %(_)s'post-value'},\nMETA:{%(_)s'post-key': %(_)s'post-value'}>")) self.assertEqual(build_request_repr(request), repr(request)) self.assertEqual(build_request_repr(request, path_override='/otherpath/', GET_override={'a': 'b'}, POST_override={'c': 'd'}, COOKIES_override={'e': 'f'}, META_override={'g': 'h'}), str_prefix("<WSGIRequest\npath:/otherpath/,\nGET:{%(_)s'a': %(_)s'b'},\nPOST:{%(_)s'c': %(_)s'd'},\nCOOKIES:{%(_)s'e': %(_)s'f'},\nMETA:{%(_)s'g': %(_)s'h'}>")) def test_wsgirequest_path_info(self): def wsgi_str(path_info): path_info = path_info.encode('utf-8') # Actual URL sent by the browser (bytestring) if six.PY3: path_info = path_info.decode('iso-8859-1') # Value in the WSGI environ dict (native string) return path_info # Regression for #19468 request = WSGIRequest({'PATH_INFO': wsgi_str("/سلام/"), 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'get', 'wsgi.input': BytesIO(b'')}) self.assertEqual(request.path, "/سلام/") def test_parse_cookie(self): self.assertEqual(parse_cookie('invalid@key=true'), {}) def test_httprequest_location(self): request = HttpRequest() self.assertEqual(request.build_absolute_uri(location=""), '') request.get_host = lambda: '' request.path = '' self.assertEqual(request.build_absolute_uri(location="/path/with:colons"), '') @override_settings( USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST=False, ALLOWED_HOSTS=[ '', '', '', '', '[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]', '', '', '', ]) def test_http_get_host(self): # Check if X_FORWARDED_HOST is provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST': '', 'HTTP_HOST': '', 'SERVER_NAME': '', 'SERVER_PORT': 80, } # X_FORWARDED_HOST is ignored. self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), '') # Check if X_FORWARDED_HOST isn't provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'HTTP_HOST': '', 'SERVER_NAME': '', 'SERVER_PORT': 80, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), '') # Check if HTTP_HOST isn't provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'SERVER_NAME': '', 'SERVER_PORT': 80, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), '') # Check if HTTP_HOST isn't provided, and we're on a nonstandard port request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'SERVER_NAME': '', 'SERVER_PORT': 8042, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), '') # Poisoned host headers are rejected as suspicious legit_hosts = [ '', '', '', '', '[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]', '[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]:8080', '', # Punnycode for öäü.com '', '', '', ] poisoned_hosts = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', # not in ALLOWED_HOSTS ] for host in legit_hosts: request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'HTTP_HOST': host, } request.get_host() for host in poisoned_hosts: with self.assertRaises(SuspiciousOperation): request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'HTTP_HOST': host, } request.get_host() @override_settings(USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST=True, ALLOWED_HOSTS=['*']) def test_http_get_host_with_x_forwarded_host(self): # Check if X_FORWARDED_HOST is provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST': '', 'HTTP_HOST': '', 'SERVER_NAME': '', 'SERVER_PORT': 80, } # X_FORWARDED_HOST is obeyed. self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), '') # Check if X_FORWARDED_HOST isn't provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'HTTP_HOST': '', 'SERVER_NAME': '', 'SERVER_PORT': 80, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), '') # Check if HTTP_HOST isn't provided. request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'SERVER_NAME': '', 'SERVER_PORT': 80, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), '') # Check if HTTP_HOST isn't provided, and we're on a nonstandard port request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'SERVER_NAME': '', 'SERVER_PORT': 8042, } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), '') # Poisoned host headers are rejected as suspicious legit_hosts = [ '', '', '', '', '[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]', '[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]:8080', '', # Punnycode for öäü.com ] poisoned_hosts = [ '', '', '', '', '', ] for host in legit_hosts: request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'HTTP_HOST': host, } request.get_host() for host in poisoned_hosts: with self.assertRaises(SuspiciousOperation): request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'HTTP_HOST': host, } request.get_host() @override_settings(DEBUG=True, ALLOWED_HOSTS=[]) def test_host_validation_disabled_in_debug_mode(self): """If ALLOWED_HOSTS is empty and DEBUG is True, all hosts pass.""" request = HttpRequest() request.META = { 'HTTP_HOST': '', } self.assertEqual(request.get_host(), '') @override_settings(ALLOWED_HOSTS=[]) def test_get_host_suggestion_of_allowed_host(self): """get_host() makes helpful suggestions if a valid-looking host is not in ALLOWED_HOSTS.""" msg_invalid_host = "Invalid HTTP_HOST header: %r." msg_suggestion = msg_invalid_host + "You may need to add %r to ALLOWED_HOSTS." for host in [ # Valid-looking hosts '', '', '[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]', '', # Punnycode for öäü.com ]: request = HttpRequest() request.META = {'HTTP_HOST': host} self.assertRaisesMessage( SuspiciousOperation, msg_suggestion % (host, host), request.get_host ) for domain, port in [ # Valid-looking hosts with a port number ('', 80), ('', 443), ('[2001:19f0:feee::dead:beef:cafe]', 8080), ]: host = '%s:%s' % (domain, port) request = HttpRequest() request.META = {'HTTP_HOST': host} self.assertRaisesMessage( SuspiciousOperation, msg_suggestion % (host, domain), request.get_host ) for host in [ # Invalid hosts '', '', '', '', '', ]: request = HttpRequest() request.META = {'HTTP_HOST': host} self.assertRaisesMessage( SuspiciousOperation, msg_invalid_host % host, request.get_host ) def test_near_expiration(self): "Cookie will expire when an near expiration time is provided" response = HttpResponse() # There is a timing weakness in this test; The # expected result for max-age requires that there be # a very slight difference between the evaluated expiration # time, and the time evaluated in set_cookie(). If this # difference doesn't exist, the cookie time will be # 1 second larger. To avoid the problem, put in a quick sleep, # which guarantees that there will be a time difference. expires = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=10) time.sleep(0.001) response.set_cookie('datetime', expires=expires) datetime_cookie = response.cookies['datetime'] self.assertEqual(datetime_cookie['max-age'], 10) def test_aware_expiration(self): "Cookie accepts an aware datetime as expiration time" response = HttpResponse() expires = (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=10)).replace(tzinfo=utc) time.sleep(0.001) response.set_cookie('datetime', expires=expires) datetime_cookie = response.cookies['datetime'] self.assertEqual(datetime_cookie['max-age'], 10) def test_far_expiration(self): "Cookie will expire when an distant expiration time is provided" response = HttpResponse() response.set_cookie('datetime', expires=datetime(2028, 1, 1, 4, 5, 6)) datetime_cookie = response.cookies['datetime'] self.assertEqual(datetime_cookie['expires'], 'Sat, 01-Jan-2028 04:05:06 GMT') def test_max_age_expiration(self): "Cookie will expire if max_age is provided" response = HttpResponse() response.set_cookie('max_age', max_age=10) max_age_cookie = response.cookies['max_age'] self.assertEqual(max_age_cookie['max-age'], 10) self.assertEqual(max_age_cookie['expires'], cookie_date(time.time()+10)) def test_httponly_cookie(self): response = HttpResponse() response.set_cookie('example', httponly=True) example_cookie = response.cookies['example'] # A compat cookie may be in use -- check that it has worked # both as an output string, and using the cookie attributes self.assertTrue('; httponly' in str(example_cookie)) self.assertTrue(example_cookie['httponly']) def test_limited_stream(self): # Read all of a limited stream stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'test'), 2) self.assertEqual(, b'te') # Reading again returns nothing. self.assertEqual(, b'') # Read a number of characters greater than the stream has to offer stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'test'), 2) self.assertEqual(, b'te') # Reading again returns nothing. self.assertEqual(stream.readline(5), b'') # Read sequentially from a stream stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'12345678'), 8) self.assertEqual(, b'12345') self.assertEqual(, b'678') # Reading again returns nothing. self.assertEqual(stream.readline(5), b'') # Read lines from a stream stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'1234\n5678\nabcd\nefgh\nijkl'), 24) # Read a full line, unconditionally self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b'1234\n') # Read a number of characters less than a line self.assertEqual(stream.readline(2), b'56') # Read the rest of the partial line self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b'78\n') # Read a full line, with a character limit greater than the line length self.assertEqual(stream.readline(6), b'abcd\n') # Read the next line, deliberately terminated at the line end self.assertEqual(stream.readline(4), b'efgh') # Read the next line... just the line end self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b'\n') # Read everything else. self.assertEqual(stream.readline(), b'ijkl') # Regression for #15018 # If a stream contains a newline, but the provided length # is less than the number of provided characters, the newline # doesn't reset the available character count stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'1234\nabcdef'), 9) self.assertEqual(stream.readline(10), b'1234\n') self.assertEqual(stream.readline(3), b'abc') # Now expire the available characters self.assertEqual(stream.readline(3), b'd') # Reading again returns nothing. self.assertEqual(stream.readline(2), b'') # Same test, but with read, not readline. stream = LimitedStream(BytesIO(b'1234\nabcdef'), 9) self.assertEqual(, b'1234\na') self.assertEqual(, b'bc') self.assertEqual(, b'd') self.assertEqual(, b'') self.assertEqual(, b'') def test_stream(self): payload = FakePayload('name=value') request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': payload}) self.assertEqual(, b'name=value') def test_read_after_value(self): """ Reading from request is allowed after accessing request contents as POST or body. """ payload = FakePayload('name=value') request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': payload}) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {'name': ['value']}) self.assertEqual(request.body, b'name=value') self.assertEqual(, b'name=value') def test_value_after_read(self): """ Construction of POST or body is not allowed after reading from request. """ payload = FakePayload('name=value') request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': payload}) self.assertEqual(, b'na') self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: request.body) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {}) def test_non_ascii_POST(self): payload = FakePayload(urlencode({'key': 'España'})) request = WSGIRequest({ 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'wsgi.input': payload, }) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {'key': ['España']}) def test_alternate_charset_POST(self): """ Test a POST with non-utf-8 payload encoding. """ payload = FakePayload(original_urlencode({'key': 'España'.encode('latin-1')})) request = WSGIRequest({ 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=iso-8859-1', 'wsgi.input': payload, }) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {'key': ['España']}) def test_body_after_POST_multipart_form_data(self): """ Reading body after parsing multipart/form-data is not allowed """ # Because multipart is used for large amounts fo data i.e. file uploads, # we don't want the data held in memory twice, and we don't want to # silence the error by setting body = '' either. payload = FakePayload("\r\n".join([ '--boundary', 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"', '', 'value', '--boundary--' ''])) request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': payload}) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {'name': ['value']}) self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: request.body) def test_body_after_POST_multipart_related(self): """ Reading body after parsing multipart that isn't form-data is allowed """ # Ticket #9054 # There are cases in which the multipart data is related instead of # being a binary upload, in which case it should still be accessible # via body. payload_data = b"\r\n".join([ b'--boundary', b'Content-ID: id; name="name"', b'', b'value', b'--boundary--' b'']) payload = FakePayload(payload_data) request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'multipart/related; boundary=boundary', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': payload}) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {}) self.assertEqual(request.body, payload_data) def test_POST_multipart_with_content_length_zero(self): """ Multipart POST requests with Content-Length >= 0 are valid and need to be handled. """ # According to: # # Every request.POST with Content-Length >= 0 is a valid request, # this test ensures that we handle Content-Length == 0. payload = FakePayload("\r\n".join([ '--boundary', 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"', '', 'value', '--boundary--' ''])) request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': 0, 'wsgi.input': payload}) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {}) def test_POST_binary_only(self): payload = b'\r\n\x01\x00\x00\x00ab\x00\x00\xcd\xcc,@' environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/octet-stream', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': BytesIO(payload)} request = WSGIRequest(environ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {}) self.assertEqual(request.FILES, {}) self.assertEqual(request.body, payload) # Same test without specifying content-type environ.update({'CONTENT_TYPE': '', 'wsgi.input': BytesIO(payload)}) request = WSGIRequest(environ) self.assertEqual(request.POST, {}) self.assertEqual(request.FILES, {}) self.assertEqual(request.body, payload) def test_read_by_lines(self): payload = FakePayload('name=value') request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': payload}) self.assertEqual(list(request), [b'name=value']) def test_POST_after_body_read(self): """ POST should be populated even if body is read first """ payload = FakePayload('name=value') request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': payload}) raw_data = request.body self.assertEqual(request.POST, {'name': ['value']}) def test_POST_after_body_read_and_stream_read(self): """ POST should be populated even if body is read first, and then the stream is read second. """ payload = FakePayload('name=value') request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': payload}) raw_data = request.body self.assertEqual(, b'n') self.assertEqual(request.POST, {'name': ['value']}) def test_POST_after_body_read_and_stream_read_multipart(self): """ POST should be populated even if body is read first, and then the stream is read second. Using multipart/form-data instead of urlencoded. """ payload = FakePayload("\r\n".join([ '--boundary', 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"', '', 'value', '--boundary--' ''])) request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': payload}) raw_data = request.body # Consume enough data to mess up the parsing: self.assertEqual(, b'--boundary\r\nC') self.assertEqual(request.POST, {'name': ['value']}) def test_POST_connection_error(self): """ If raises an exception while trying to read() the POST, the exception should be identifiable (not a generic IOError). """ class ExplodingBytesIO(BytesIO): def read(self, len=0): raise IOError("kaboom!") payload = b'name=value' request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': ExplodingBytesIO(payload)}) with self.assertRaises(UnreadablePostError): request.body def test_FILES_connection_error(self): """ If raises an exception while trying to read() the FILES, the exception should be identifiable (not a generic IOError). """ class ExplodingBytesIO(BytesIO): def read(self, len=0): raise IOError("kaboom!") payload = b'x' request = WSGIRequest({'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=foo_', 'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(payload), 'wsgi.input': ExplodingBytesIO(payload)}) with self.assertRaises(UnreadablePostError): request.FILES @skipIf(connection.vendor == 'sqlite' and connection.settings_dict['TEST_NAME'] in (None, '', ':memory:'), "Cannot establish two connections to an in-memory SQLite database.") class DatabaseConnectionHandlingTests(TransactionTestCase): available_apps = [] def setUp(self): # Use a temporary connection to avoid messing with the main one. self._old_default_connection = connections['default'] del connections['default'] def tearDown(self): try: connections['default'].close() finally: connections['default'] = self._old_default_connection def test_request_finished_db_state(self): # Force closing connection on request end connection.settings_dict['CONN_MAX_AGE'] = 0 # The GET below will not succeed, but it will give a response with # defined ._handler_class. That is needed for sending the # request_finished signal. response = self.client.get('/') # Make sure there is an open connection connection.cursor() connection.enter_transaction_management() signals.request_finished.send(sender=response._handler_class) self.assertEqual(len(connection.transaction_state), 0) def test_request_finished_failed_connection(self): # Force closing connection on request end connection.settings_dict['CONN_MAX_AGE'] = 0 connection.enter_transaction_management() connection.set_dirty() # Test that the rollback doesn't succeed (for example network failure # could cause this). def fail_horribly(): raise Exception("Horrible failure!") connection._rollback = fail_horribly try: with self.assertRaises(Exception): signals.request_finished.send(sender=self.__class__) # The connection's state wasn't cleaned up self.assertEqual(len(connection.transaction_state), 1) finally: del connection._rollback # The connection will be cleaned on next request where the conn # works again. signals.request_finished.send(sender=self.__class__) self.assertEqual(len(connection.transaction_state), 0)
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Standard functions for creating slots. A slot is a `Variable` created with the same shape as a primary variable or `Tensor`. A slot is always scoped in the namespace of the primary object and typically has the same device and type. Slots are typically used as accumulators to track values associated with the primary object: ```python # Optimizers can create a slot for each variable to track accumulators accumulators = {var : create_zeros_slot(var, "momentum") for var in vs} for var in vs: apply_momentum(var, accumulators[var], lr, grad, momentum_tensor) # Slots can also be used for moving averages mavg = create_slot(var, var.initialized_value(), "exponential_moving_avg") update_mavg = mavg.assign_sub((mavg - var) * (1 - decay)) ``` """ # pylint: disable=g-bad-name from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variables from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope def _create_slot_var(primary, val, scope): """Helper function for creating a slot variable.""" # TODO(lukaszkaiser): Consider allowing partitioners to be set in the current # scope. current_partitioner = variable_scope.get_variable_scope().partitioner variable_scope.get_variable_scope().set_partitioner(None) slot = variable_scope.get_variable(scope, initializer=val, trainable=False) variable_scope.get_variable_scope().set_partitioner(current_partitioner) # pylint: disable=protected-access if isinstance(primary, variables.Variable) and primary._save_slice_info: # Primary is a partitioned variable, so we need to also indicate that # the slot is a partitioned variable. Slots have the same partitioning # as their primaries. # For examples when using AdamOptimizer in linear model, # here can be "linear//weights/Adam:0", while is # "linear//weight". We want to get 'Adam' as real_slot_name, so we # remove "'linear//weight' + '/'" and ':0'. real_slot_name =[len( + "/"):-2] slice_info = primary._save_slice_info slot._set_save_slice_info(variables.Variable.SaveSliceInfo( slice_info.full_name + "/" + real_slot_name, slice_info.full_shape[:], slice_info.var_offset[:], slice_info.var_shape[:])) # pylint: enable=protected-access return slot def create_slot(primary, val, name, colocate_with_primary=True): """Create a slot initialized to the given value. The type of the slot is determined by the given value. Args: primary: The primary `Variable` or `Tensor`. val: A `Tensor` specifying the initial value of the slot. name: Name to use for the slot variable. colocate_with_primary: Boolean. If True the slot is located on the same device as `primary`. Returns: A `Variable` object. """ # Scope the slot name in the namespace of the primary variable. # Set " + '/' + name" as default name, so the scope name of # optimizer can be shared when reuse is True. Meanwhile when reuse is False # and the same name has been previously used, the scope name will add '_N' # as suffix for unique identifications. with variable_scope.variable_scope(None, + '/' + name): if colocate_with_primary: with ops.colocate_with(primary): return _create_slot_var(primary, val, '') else: return _create_slot_var(primary, val, '') def create_zeros_slot(primary, name, dtype=None, colocate_with_primary=True): """Create a slot initialized to 0 with same shape as the primary object. Args: primary: The primary `Variable` or `Tensor`. name: Name to use for the slot variable. dtype: Type of the slot variable. Defaults to the type of `primary`. colocate_with_primary: Boolean. If True the slot is located on the same device as `primary`. Returns: A `Variable` object. """ if dtype is None: dtype = primary.dtype val = array_ops.zeros(primary.get_shape().as_list(), dtype=dtype) return create_slot(primary, val, name, colocate_with_primary=colocate_with_primary)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** --------------------- Date : May 2014 Copyright : (C) 2014 by Victor Olaya Email : volayaf at gmail dot com *************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * *************************************************************************** """ from processing.core.parameters import ParameterMultipleInput from processing.algs.saga.SagaAlgorithm import SagaAlgorithm from processing.core.GeoAlgorithm import GeoAlgorithm from processing.core.parameters import ParameterString from processing.algs.saga.SagaGroupNameDecorator import SagaGroupNameDecorator __author__ = 'Victor Olaya' __date__ = 'May 2014' __copyright__ = '(C) 2014, Victor Olaya' # This will get replaced with a git SHA1 when you do a git archive __revision__ = '$Format:%H$' from PyQt4 import QtGui from processing.core.parameters import ParameterRaster from processing.core.outputs import OutputRaster from import * class RasterCalculator(SagaAlgorithm): FORMULA = "FORMULA" GRIDS = 'GRIDS' XGRIDS = 'XGRIDS' RESULT = "RESULT" def __init__(self): self.allowUnmatchingGridExtents = True self.hardcodedStrings = [] GeoAlgorithm.__init__(self) def getCopy(self): newone = RasterCalculator() newone.provider = self.provider return newone def defineCharacteristics(self): = 'Raster calculator' self.cmdname = 'Grid Calculator' self.undecoratedGroup = "grid_calculus" = SagaGroupNameDecorator.getDecoratedName(self.undecoratedGroup) self.addParameter(ParameterRaster(self.GRIDS, 'Main input layers')) self.addParameter(ParameterMultipleInput(self.XGRIDS, 'Additional layers', ParameterMultipleInput.TYPE_RASTER, True)) self.addParameter(ParameterString(self.FORMULA, "Formula")) self.addOutput(OutputRaster(self.RESULT, "Result")) #=========================================================================== # def processAlgorithm(self, progress): # xgrids = self.getParameterValue(self.XGRIDS) # layers = xgrids.split(';') # grid = layers[0] # self.setParameterValue(self.GRIDS, grid) # xgrids = ";".join(layers[1:]) # if xgrids == "": xgrids = None # self.setParameterValue(self.XGRIDS, xgrids) # SagaAlgorithm.processAlgorithm(self, progress) #===========================================================================
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ jinja2._compat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some py2/py3 compatibility support based on a stripped down version of six so we don't have to depend on a specific version of it. :copyright: Copyright 2013 by the Jinja team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import sys PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 PYPY = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_translation_info') _identity = lambda x: x if not PY2: unichr = chr range_type = range text_type = str string_types = (str,) iterkeys = lambda d: iter(d.keys()) itervalues = lambda d: iter(d.values()) iteritems = lambda d: iter(d.items()) import pickle from io import BytesIO, StringIO NativeStringIO = StringIO def reraise(tp, value, tb=None): if value.__traceback__ is not tb: raise value.with_traceback(tb) raise value ifilter = filter imap = map izip = zip intern = sys.intern implements_iterator = _identity implements_to_string = _identity encode_filename = _identity get_next = lambda x: x.__next__ else: unichr = unichr text_type = unicode range_type = xrange string_types = (str, unicode) iterkeys = lambda d: d.iterkeys() itervalues = lambda d: d.itervalues() iteritems = lambda d: d.iteritems() import cPickle as pickle from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO, StringIO NativeStringIO = BytesIO exec('def reraise(tp, value, tb=None):\n raise tp, value, tb') from itertools import imap, izip, ifilter intern = intern def implements_iterator(cls): = cls.__next__ del cls.__next__ return cls def implements_to_string(cls): cls.__unicode__ = cls.__str__ cls.__str__ = lambda x: x.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') return cls get_next = lambda x: def encode_filename(filename): if isinstance(filename, unicode): return filename.encode('utf-8') return filename try: next = next except NameError: def next(it): return def with_metaclass(meta, *bases): # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a # dummy metaclass for one level of class instanciation that replaces # itself with the actual metaclass. Because of internal type checks # we also need to make sure that we downgrade the custom metaclass # for one level to something closer to type (that's why __call__ and # __init__ comes back from type etc.). # # This has the advantage over six.with_metaclass in that it does not # introduce dummy classes into the final MRO. class metaclass(meta): __call__ = type.__call__ __init__ = type.__init__ def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d): if this_bases is None: return type.__new__(cls, name, (), d) return meta(name, bases, d) return metaclass('temporary_class', None, {}) try: from collections import Mapping as mapping_types except ImportError: import UserDict mapping_types = (UserDict.UserDict, UserDict.DictMixin, dict) # common types. These do exist in the special types module too which however # does not exist in IronPython out of the box. Also that way we don't have # to deal with implementation specific stuff here class _C(object): def method(self): pass def _func(): yield None function_type = type(_func) generator_type = type(_func()) method_type = type(_C().method) code_type = type(_C.method.__code__) try: raise TypeError() except TypeError: _tb = sys.exc_info()[2] traceback_type = type(_tb) frame_type = type(_tb.tb_frame) try: from urllib.parse import quote_from_bytes as url_quote except ImportError: from urllib import quote as url_quote try: from thread import allocate_lock except ImportError: try: from threading import Lock as allocate_lock except ImportError: from dummy_thread import allocate_lock
# Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from connect import Connect from device import Device from account import Account from user import User from data import Data from rule import Rule from component import Component from utils import prettyprint, update_properties import json import os import sys # load Configuration file and store values as class attributes def load_config(infile): ''' Load global settings for Cloud connection - server name - username - password - proxy server(s) - API root location on REST server ''' if os.path.isfile(infile): obj = sys.modules[__name__] js = open(infile) data = json.load(js) update_properties(obj, data) js.close() return data else: raise ValueError("Config file not found: %s" % infile)
from hachoir_metadata.timezone import UTC from datetime import date, datetime # Year in 1850..2030 MIN_YEAR = 1850 MAX_YEAR = 2030 class Filter: def __init__(self, valid_types, min=None, max=None): self.types = valid_types self.min = min self.max = max def __call__(self, value): if not isinstance(value, self.types): return True if self.min is not None and value < self.min: return False if self.max is not None and self.max < value: return False return True class NumberFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, min=None, max=None): Filter.__init__(self, (int, long, float), min, max) class DatetimeFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, min=None, max=None): Filter.__init__(self, (date, datetime), datetime(MIN_YEAR, 1, 1), datetime(MAX_YEAR, 12, 31)) self.min_date = date(MIN_YEAR, 1, 1) self.max_date = date(MAX_YEAR, 12, 31) self.min_tz = datetime(MIN_YEAR, 1, 1, tzinfo=UTC) self.max_tz = datetime(MAX_YEAR, 12, 31, tzinfo=UTC) def __call__(self, value): """ Use different min/max values depending on value type (datetime with timezone, datetime or date). """ if not isinstance(value, self.types): return True if hasattr(value, "tzinfo") and value.tzinfo: return (self.min_tz <= value <= self.max_tz) elif isinstance(value, datetime): return (self.min <= value <= self.max) else: return (self.min_date <= value <= self.max_date) DATETIME_FILTER = DatetimeFilter()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Doctrine 2 ORM documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Fri Dec 3 18:10:24 2010. # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. import sys, os # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('_exts')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions # coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. extensions = ['configurationblock'] # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = ['_templates'] # The suffix of source filenames. source_suffix = '.rst' # The encoding of source files. #source_encoding = 'utf-8' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = u'Doctrine 2 ORM' copyright = u'2010-12, Doctrine Project Team' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = '2' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = '2' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. language = 'en' # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: #today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. #today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build. #unused_docs = [] # List of directories, relative to source directory, that shouldn't be searched # for source files. exclude_trees = ['_build'] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. #default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. #add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). #add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. show_authors = True # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. #modindex_common_prefix = [] # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. Major themes that come with # Sphinx are currently 'default' and 'sphinxdoc'. html_theme = 'doctrine' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. #html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. html_theme_path = ['_theme'] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # "<project> v<release> documentation". #html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. #html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. #html_logo = None # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. #html_favicon = None # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. #html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. #html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. #html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. #html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. #html_use_modindex = True # If false, no index is generated. #html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. #html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. #html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. #html_use_opensearch = '' # If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). #html_file_suffix = '' # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'Doctrine2ORMdoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- # The paper size ('letter' or 'a4'). #latex_paper_size = 'letter' # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). #latex_font_size = '10pt' # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ ('index', 'Doctrine2ORM.tex', u'Doctrine 2 ORM Documentation', u'Doctrine Project Team', 'manual'), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. #latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. #latex_use_parts = False # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. #latex_preamble = '' # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #latex_use_modindex = True primary_domain = "dcorm" def linkcode_resolve(domain, info): if domain == 'dcorm': return 'http://' return None
# copyright 2003-2013 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved. # contact -- # # This file is part of astroid. # # astroid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # astroid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along # with astroid. If not, see <>. """this module contains exceptions used in the astroid library """ __doctype__ = "restructuredtext en" class AstroidError(Exception): """base exception class for all astroid related exceptions""" class AstroidBuildingException(AstroidError): """exception class when we are unable to build an astroid representation""" class ResolveError(AstroidError): """base class of astroid resolution/inference error""" class NotFoundError(ResolveError): """raised when we are unable to resolve a name""" class InferenceError(ResolveError): """raised when we are unable to infer a node""" class UseInferenceDefault(Exception): """exception to be raised in custom inference function to indicate that it should go back to the default behaviour """ class UnresolvableName(InferenceError): """raised when we are unable to resolve a name""" class NoDefault(AstroidError): """raised by function's `default_value` method when an argument has no default value """
""" InaSAFE Disaster risk assessment tool developed by AusAid and World Bank - **Ftp Client for Retrieving ftp data.** Contact : .. note:: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. """ __author__ = '' __version__ = '0.5.0' __date__ = '10/01/2013' __copyright__ = ('Copyright 2012, Australia Indonesia Facility for ' 'Disaster Reduction') import sys import paramiko import ntpath from stat import S_ISDIR from errno import ENOENT import os import logging from utils import mkDir # The logger is intialised in by init LOGGER = logging.getLogger('InaSAFE') my_host = '' my_username = 'geospasial' try: my_password = os.environ['QUAKE_SERVER_PASSWORD'] except KeyError: LOGGER.exception('QUAKE_SERVER_PASSWORD not set!') sys.exit() my_remote_path = 'shakemaps' class SFtpClient: """A utility class that contains methods to fetch a listings and files from an SSH protocol""" def __init__(self, the_host=my_host, the_username=my_username, the_password=my_password, the_working_dir=my_remote_path): = the_host self.username = the_username self.password = the_password self.working_dir = the_working_dir # create transport object self.transport = paramiko.Transport( self.transport.connect(username=self.username, password=self.password) # create sftp object self.sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(self.transport) # go to remote_path folder, this is the default folder if not self.working_dir is None: self.sftp.chdir(self.working_dir) self.workdir_path = self.sftp.getcwd() def download_path(self, remote_path, local_path): """ Download remote_dir to local_dir. for example : remote_path = '20130111133900' will be download to local_dir/remote_path Must be in the parent directory of remote dir. """ # Check if remote_dir is exist if not self.is_path_exist(remote_path): print 'remote path is not exist %s' % remote_path return False if self.is_dir(remote_path): # get directory name dir_name = get_path_tail(remote_path) # create directory in local machine local_dir_path = os.path.join(local_path, dir_name) mkDir(local_dir_path) # list all directory in remote path list_dir = self.sftp.listdir(remote_path) # iterate recursive for my_dir in list_dir: new_remote_path = os.path.join(remote_path, my_dir) self.download_path(new_remote_path, local_dir_path) else: # download file to local_path file_name = get_path_tail(remote_path) local_file_path = os.path.join(local_path, file_name)'file %s will be downloaded to %s' % (remote_path, local_file_path)) self.sftp.get(remote_path, local_file_path) def is_dir(self, path): """Check if a path is a directory or not in sftp Reference: """ try: return S_ISDIR(self.sftp.stat(path).st_mode) except IOError: #Path does not exist, so by definition not a directory return False def is_path_exist(self, path): """os.path.exists for paramiko's SCP object Reference: """ try: self.sftp.stat(path) except IOError, e: if e.errno == ENOENT: return False raise else: return True def getListing(self, remote_dir=None, my_func=None): """Return list of files and directories name under a remote_dir and return true when it is input to my_func """ if remote_dir is None: remote_dir = self.workdir_path if self.is_path_exist(remote_dir): temp_list = self.sftp.listdir(remote_dir) else: LOGGER.debug('Directory %s is not exist, return None' % remote_dir) return None retval = [] for my_temp in temp_list: if my_func(my_temp): retval.append(my_temp) return retval def get_path_tail(path): '''Return tail of a path Reference : ''' head, tail = ntpath.split(path) return tail or ntpath.basename(head)
from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.test import TestCase from guardian.compat import get_user_model from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm, remove_perm class CustomPKModelTest(TestCase): """ Tests agains custom model with primary key other than *standard* ``id`` integer field. """ def setUp(self): self.user = get_user_model().objects.create(username='joe') self.ctype = ContentType.objects.create(model='bar', app_label='fake-for-guardian-tests') def test_assign_perm(self): assign_perm('contenttypes.change_contenttype', self.user, self.ctype) self.assertTrue(self.user.has_perm('contenttypes.change_contenttype', self.ctype)) def test_remove_perm(self): assign_perm('contenttypes.change_contenttype', self.user, self.ctype) self.assertTrue(self.user.has_perm('contenttypes.change_contenttype', self.ctype)) remove_perm('contenttypes.change_contenttype', self.user, self.ctype) self.assertFalse(self.user.has_perm('contenttypes.change_contenttype', self.ctype))
""" Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Gustavo Niemeyer <> This module offers extensions to the standard python 2.3+ datetime module. """ from import tzfile from tarfile import TarFile import os __author__ = "Gustavo Niemeyer <>" __license__ = "PSF License" __all__ = ["setcachesize", "gettz", "rebuild"] CACHE = [] CACHESIZE = 10 class tzfile(tzfile): def __reduce__(self): return (gettz, (self._filename,)) def getzoneinfofile(): filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__))) filenames.sort() filenames.reverse() for entry in filenames: if entry.startswith("zoneinfo") and ".tar." in entry: return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), entry) return None ZONEINFOFILE = getzoneinfofile() del getzoneinfofile def setcachesize(size): global CACHESIZE, CACHE CACHESIZE = size del CACHE[size:] def gettz(name): tzinfo = None if ZONEINFOFILE: for cachedname, tzinfo in CACHE: if cachedname == name: break else: tf = try: zonefile = tf.extractfile(name) except KeyError: tzinfo = None else: tzinfo = tzfile(zonefile) tf.close() CACHE.insert(0, (name, tzinfo)) del CACHE[CACHESIZE:] return tzinfo def rebuild(filename, tag=None, format="gz"): import tempfile, shutil tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() zonedir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "zoneinfo") moduledir = os.path.dirname(__file__) if tag: tag = "-"+tag targetname = "zoneinfo%s.tar.%s" % (tag, format) try: tf = for name in tf.getnames(): if not (name.endswith(".sh") or name.endswith(".tab") or name == "leapseconds"): tf.extract(name, tmpdir) filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, name) os.system("zic -d %s %s" % (zonedir, filepath)) tf.close() target = os.path.join(moduledir, targetname) for entry in os.listdir(moduledir): if entry.startswith("zoneinfo") and ".tar." in entry: os.unlink(os.path.join(moduledir, entry)) tf =, "w:%s" % format) for entry in os.listdir(zonedir): entrypath = os.path.join(zonedir, entry) tf.add(entrypath, entry) tf.close() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
""" Python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf library, for rendering images from html files. [ doc: ] * Currently supporting only Linux distributions! This script designed to be run on devices without display. Uses xvfb (X virtual framebuffer) for that functionality. [ doc: ]. Dependencies : [xvfb, wkhtmltopdf] Dependencies install: apt-get install wkhtmltopdf apt-get install xvfb """ from subprocess import call import logging import argparse import shutil from config import Config __version__ = '1.0.0' __description__ = "Python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf library - renders html to image (.jpeg) file" XVFB_RUN = "xvfb-run" WKHTML_TO_IMAGE = "wkhtmltoimage" XVFB_CMD = XVFB_RUN + " " + WKHTML_TO_IMAGE + " --window-status ready_to_print --crop-h 396 {0} {1}" def dependencies_installed(): """ Checks whether xvfb-run and wkhtmltoimage packages installed on local machine.abs """ result = False if Config.linux_host(): xvfb = shutil.which(XVFB_RUN) is not None wkhtml = shutil.which(WKHTML_TO_IMAGE) is not None result = xvfb and wkhtml return result def convert_html_to_image(html_path, image_out_path): """Converts html file to image and stores to disk Returns: whether the operations succeeded """ result = False if dependencies_installed(): try: cmd = XVFB_CMD.format(html_path, image_out_path) call(cmd, shell=True) result = True except IOError as ex: logging.getLogger("PYNETWORK").exception(ex) return result def main(): """Main entry point""" arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__description__, usage='%(prog)s [OPTION]...') arg_parser.add_argument("html", help="Html file path") arg_parser.add_argument("image", help="Image Output file path") args = arg_parser.parse_args() if args: convert_html_to_image(args.html, args.image) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/python # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: elb_application_lb short_description: Manage an Application load balancer description: - Manage an AWS Application Elastic Load Balancer. See U( for details. version_added: "2.4" requirements: [ boto3 ] author: "Rob White (@wimnat)" options: access_logs_enabled: description: - "Whether or not to enable access logs. When true, I(access_logs_s3_bucket) must be set." required: false choices: [ 'yes', 'no' ] access_logs_s3_bucket: description: - The name of the S3 bucket for the access logs. This attribute is required if access logs in Amazon S3 are enabled. The bucket must exist in the same region as the load balancer and have a bucket policy that grants Elastic Load Balancing permission to write to the bucket. required: false access_logs_s3_prefix: description: - The prefix for the location in the S3 bucket. If you don't specify a prefix, the access logs are stored in the root of the bucket. required: false deletion_protection: description: - Indicates whether deletion protection for the ELB is enabled. required: false default: no choices: [ 'yes', 'no' ] idle_timeout: description: - The number of seconds to wait before an idle connection is closed. required: false default: 60 listeners: description: - A list of dicts containing listeners to attach to the ELB. See examples for detail of the dict required. Note that listener keys are CamelCased. required: false name: description: - The name of the load balancer. This name must be unique within your AWS account, can have a maximum of 32 characters, must contain only alphanumeric characters or hyphens, and must not begin or end with a hyphen. required: true purge_listeners: description: - If yes, existing listeners will be purged from the ELB to match exactly what is defined by I(listeners) parameter. If the I(listeners) parameter is not set then listeners will not be modified default: yes choices: [ 'yes', 'no' ] purge_tags: description: - If yes, existing tags will be purged from the resource to match exactly what is defined by I(tags) parameter. If the I(tags) parameter is not set then tags will not be modified. required: false default: yes choices: [ 'yes', 'no' ] subnets: description: - A list of the IDs of the subnets to attach to the load balancer. You can specify only one subnet per Availability Zone. You must specify subnets from at least two Availability Zones. Required if state=present. required: false security_groups: description: - A list of the names or IDs of the security groups to assign to the load balancer. Required if state=present. required: false default: [] scheme: description: - Internet-facing or internal load balancer. An ELB scheme can not be modified after creation. required: false default: internet-facing choices: [ 'internet-facing', 'internal' ] state: description: - Create or destroy the load balancer. required: true choices: [ 'present', 'absent' ] tags: description: - A dictionary of one or more tags to assign to the load balancer. required: false extends_documentation_fragment: - aws - ec2 notes: - Listeners are matched based on port. If a listener's port is changed then a new listener will be created. - Listener rules are matched based on priority. If a rule's priority is changed then a new rule will be created. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details. # Create an ELB and attach a listener - elb_application_lb: name: myelb security_groups: - sg-12345678 - my-sec-group subnets: - subnet-012345678 - subnet-abcdef000 listeners: - Protocol: HTTP # Required. The protocol for connections from clients to the load balancer (HTTP or HTTPS) (case-sensitive). Port: 80 # Required. The port on which the load balancer is listening. # The security policy that defines which ciphers and protocols are supported. The default is the current predefined security policy. SslPolicy: ELBSecurityPolicy-2015-05 Certificates: # The ARN of the certificate (only one certficate ARN should be provided) - CertificateArn: arn:aws:iam::12345678987:server-certificate/ DefaultActions: - Type: forward # Required. Only 'forward' is accepted at this time TargetGroupName: # Required. The name of the target group state: present # Create an ELB and attach a listener with logging enabled - elb_application_lb: access_logs_enabled: yes access_logs_s3_bucket: mybucket access_logs_s3_prefix: "/logs" name: myelb security_groups: - sg-12345678 - my-sec-group subnets: - subnet-012345678 - subnet-abcdef000 listeners: - Protocol: HTTP # Required. The protocol for connections from clients to the load balancer (HTTP or HTTPS) (case-sensitive). Port: 80 # Required. The port on which the load balancer is listening. # The security policy that defines which ciphers and protocols are supported. The default is the current predefined security policy. SslPolicy: ELBSecurityPolicy-2015-05 Certificates: # The ARN of the certificate (only one certficate ARN should be provided) - CertificateArn: arn:aws:iam::12345678987:server-certificate/ DefaultActions: - Type: forward # Required. Only 'forward' is accepted at this time TargetGroupName: # Required. The name of the target group state: present # Create an ALB with listeners and rules - elb_application_lb: name: test-alb subnets: - subnet-12345678 - subnet-87654321 security_groups: - sg-12345678 scheme: internal listeners: - Protocol: HTTPS Port: 443 DefaultActions: - Type: forward TargetGroupName: test-target-group Certificates: - CertificateArn: arn:aws:iam::12345678987:server-certificate/ SslPolicy: ELBSecurityPolicy-2015-05 Rules: - Conditions: - Field: path-pattern Values: - '/test' Priority: '1' Actions: - TargetGroupName: test-target-group Type: forward state: present # Remove an ELB - elb_application_lb: name: myelb state: absent ''' RETURN = ''' access_logs_s3_bucket: description: The name of the S3 bucket for the access logs. returned: when state is present type: string sample: mys3bucket access_logs_s3_enabled: description: Indicates whether access logs stored in Amazon S3 are enabled. returned: when state is present type: string sample: true access_logs_s3_prefix: description: The prefix for the location in the S3 bucket. returned: when state is present type: string sample: /my/logs availability_zones: description: The Availability Zones for the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: list sample: "[{'subnet_id': 'subnet-aabbccddff', 'zone_name': 'ap-southeast-2a'}]" canonical_hosted_zone_id: description: The ID of the Amazon Route 53 hosted zone associated with the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: string sample: ABCDEF12345678 created_time: description: The date and time the load balancer was created. returned: when state is present type: string sample: "2015-02-12T02:14:02+00:00" deletion_protection_enabled: description: Indicates whether deletion protection is enabled. returned: when state is present type: string sample: true dns_name: description: The public DNS name of the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: string sample: idle_timeout_timeout_seconds: description: The idle timeout value, in seconds. returned: when state is present type: string sample: 60 ip_address_type: description: The type of IP addresses used by the subnets for the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: string sample: ipv4 listeners: description: Information about the listeners. returned: when state is present type: complex contains: listener_arn: description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the listener. returned: when state is present type: string sample: "" load_balancer_arn: description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: string sample: "" port: description: The port on which the load balancer is listening. returned: when state is present type: int sample: 80 protocol: description: The protocol for connections from clients to the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: string sample: HTTPS certificates: description: The SSL server certificate. returned: when state is present type: complex contains: certificate_arn: description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate. returned: when state is present type: string sample: "" ssl_policy: description: The security policy that defines which ciphers and protocols are supported. returned: when state is present type: string sample: "" default_actions: description: The default actions for the listener. returned: when state is present type: string contains: type: description: The type of action. returned: when state is present type: string sample: "" target_group_arn: description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group. returned: when state is present type: string sample: "" load_balancer_arn: description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: string sample: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-southeast-2:0123456789:loadbalancer/app/my-elb/001122334455 load_balancer_name: description: The name of the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: string sample: my-elb scheme: description: Internet-facing or internal load balancer. returned: when state is present type: string sample: internal security_groups: description: The IDs of the security groups for the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: list sample: ['sg-0011223344'] state: description: The state of the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: dict sample: "{'code': 'active'}" tags: description: The tags attached to the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: dict sample: "{ 'Tag': 'Example' }" type: description: The type of load balancer. returned: when state is present type: string sample: application vpc_id: description: The ID of the VPC for the load balancer. returned: when state is present type: string sample: vpc-0011223344 ''' import time import collections from copy import deepcopy import traceback from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import boto3_conn, get_aws_connection_info, camel_dict_to_snake_dict, ec2_argument_spec, get_ec2_security_group_ids_from_names, \ ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list, boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict, compare_aws_tags, HAS_BOTO3 try: import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, NoCredentialsError except ImportError: HAS_BOTO3 = False def convert_tg_name_to_arn(connection, module, tg_name): try: response = connection.describe_target_groups(Names=[tg_name]) except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) tg_arn = response['TargetGroups'][0]['TargetGroupArn'] return tg_arn def wait_for_status(connection, module, elb_arn, status): polling_increment_secs = 15 max_retries = module.params.get('wait_timeout') // polling_increment_secs status_achieved = False for x in range(0, max_retries): try: response = connection.describe_load_balancers(LoadBalancerArns=[elb_arn]) if response['LoadBalancers'][0]['State']['Code'] == status: status_achieved = True break else: time.sleep(polling_increment_secs) except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) result = response return status_achieved, result def _get_subnet_ids_from_subnet_list(subnet_list): subnet_id_list = [] for subnet in subnet_list: subnet_id_list.append(subnet['SubnetId']) return subnet_id_list def get_elb_listeners(connection, module, elb_arn): try: listener_paginator = connection.get_paginator('describe_listeners') return (listener_paginator.paginate(LoadBalancerArn=elb_arn).build_full_result())['Listeners'] except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) def get_elb_attributes(connection, module, elb_arn): try: elb_attributes = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(connection.describe_load_balancer_attributes(LoadBalancerArn=elb_arn)['Attributes']) except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) # Replace '.' with '_' in attribute key names to make it more Ansibley return dict((k.replace('.', '_'), v) for k, v in elb_attributes.items()) def get_listener(connection, module, elb_arn, listener_port): """ Get a listener based on the port provided. :param connection: ELBv2 boto3 connection :param module: Ansible module object :param listener_port: :return: """ try: listener_paginator = connection.get_paginator('describe_listeners') listeners = (listener_paginator.paginate(LoadBalancerArn=elb_arn).build_full_result())['Listeners'] except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) l = None for listener in listeners: if listener['Port'] == listener_port: l = listener break return l def get_elb(connection, module): """ Get an application load balancer based on name. If not found, return None :param connection: ELBv2 boto3 connection :param module: Ansible module object :return: Dict of load balancer attributes or None if not found """ try: load_balancer_paginator = connection.get_paginator('describe_load_balancers') return (load_balancer_paginator.paginate(Names=[module.params.get("name")]).build_full_result())['LoadBalancers'][0] except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'LoadBalancerNotFound': return None else: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) def get_listener_rules(connection, module, listener_arn): try: return connection.describe_rules(ListenerArn=listener_arn)['Rules'] except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) def ensure_listeners_default_action_has_arn(connection, module, listeners): """ If a listener DefaultAction has been passed with a Target Group Name instead of ARN, lookup the ARN and replace the name. :param connection: ELBv2 boto3 connection :param module: Ansible module object :param listeners: a list of listener dicts :return: the same list of dicts ensuring that each listener DefaultActions dict has TargetGroupArn key. If a TargetGroupName key exists, it is removed. """ if not listeners: listeners = [] for listener in listeners: if 'TargetGroupName' in listener['DefaultActions'][0]: listener['DefaultActions'][0]['TargetGroupArn'] = convert_tg_name_to_arn(connection, module, listener['DefaultActions'][0]['TargetGroupName']) del listener['DefaultActions'][0]['TargetGroupName'] return listeners def ensure_rules_action_has_arn(connection, module, rules): """ If a rule Action has been passed with a Target Group Name instead of ARN, lookup the ARN and replace the name. :param connection: ELBv2 boto3 connection :param module: Ansible module object :param rules: a list of rule dicts :return: the same list of dicts ensuring that each rule Actions dict has TargetGroupArn key. If a TargetGroupName key exists, it is removed. """ for rule in rules: if 'TargetGroupName' in rule['Actions'][0]: rule['Actions'][0]['TargetGroupArn'] = convert_tg_name_to_arn(connection, module, rule['Actions'][0]['TargetGroupName']) del rule['Actions'][0]['TargetGroupName'] return rules def compare_listener(current_listener, new_listener): """ Compare two listeners. :param current_listener: :param new_listener: :return: """ modified_listener = {} # Port if current_listener['Port'] != new_listener['Port']: modified_listener['Port'] = new_listener['Port'] # Protocol if current_listener['Protocol'] != new_listener['Protocol']: modified_listener['Protocol'] = new_listener['Protocol'] # If Protocol is HTTPS, check additional attributes if current_listener['Protocol'] == 'HTTPS' and new_listener['Protocol'] == 'HTTPS': # Cert if current_listener['SslPolicy'] != new_listener['SslPolicy']: modified_listener['SslPolicy'] = new_listener['SslPolicy'] if current_listener['Certificates'][0]['CertificateArn'] != new_listener['Certificates'][0]['CertificateArn']: modified_listener['Certificates'] = [] modified_listener['Certificates'].append({}) modified_listener['Certificates'][0]['CertificateArn'] = new_listener['Certificates'][0]['CertificateArn'] elif current_listener['Protocol'] != 'HTTPS' and new_listener['Protocol'] == 'HTTPS': modified_listener['SslPolicy'] = new_listener['SslPolicy'] modified_listener['Certificates'] = [] modified_listener['Certificates'].append({}) modified_listener['Certificates'][0]['CertificateArn'] = new_listener['Certificates'][0]['CertificateArn'] # Default action # We wont worry about the Action Type because it is always 'forward' if current_listener['DefaultActions'][0]['TargetGroupArn'] != new_listener['DefaultActions'][0]['TargetGroupArn']: modified_listener['DefaultActions'] = [] modified_listener['DefaultActions'].append({}) modified_listener['DefaultActions'][0]['TargetGroupArn'] = new_listener['DefaultActions'][0]['TargetGroupArn'] modified_listener['DefaultActions'][0]['Type'] = 'forward' if modified_listener: return modified_listener else: return None def compare_condition(current_conditions, condition): """ :param current_conditions: :param condition: :return: """ condition_found = False for current_condition in current_conditions: if current_condition['Field'] == condition['Field'] and current_condition['Values'][0] == condition['Values'][0]: condition_found = True break return condition_found def compare_rule(current_rule, new_rule): """ Compare two rules. :param current_rule: :param new_rule: :return: """ modified_rule = {} # Priority if current_rule['Priority'] != new_rule['Priority']: modified_rule['Priority'] = new_rule['Priority'] # Actions # We wont worry about the Action Type because it is always 'forward' if current_rule['Actions'][0]['TargetGroupArn'] != new_rule['Actions'][0]['TargetGroupArn']: modified_rule['Actions'] = [] modified_rule['Actions'].append({}) modified_rule['Actions'][0]['TargetGroupArn'] = new_rule['Actions'][0]['TargetGroupArn'] modified_rule['Actions'][0]['Type'] = 'forward' # Conditions modified_conditions = [] for condition in new_rule['Conditions']: if not compare_condition(current_rule['Conditions'], condition): modified_conditions.append(condition) if modified_conditions: modified_rule['Conditions'] = modified_conditions return modified_rule def compare_listeners(connection, module, current_listeners, new_listeners, purge_listeners): """ Compare listeners and return listeners to add, listeners to modify and listeners to remove Listeners are compared based on port :param connection: ELBv2 boto3 connection :param module: Ansible module object :param current_listeners: :param new_listeners: :param purge_listeners: :return: """ listeners_to_modify = [] listeners_to_delete = [] # Check each current listener port to see if it's been passed to the module for current_listener in current_listeners: current_listener_passed_to_module = False for new_listener in new_listeners[:]: new_listener['Port'] = int(new_listener['Port']) if current_listener['Port'] == new_listener['Port']: current_listener_passed_to_module = True # Remove what we match so that what is left can be marked as 'to be added' new_listeners.remove(new_listener) modified_listener = compare_listener(current_listener, new_listener) if modified_listener: modified_listener['Port'] = current_listener['Port'] modified_listener['ListenerArn'] = current_listener['ListenerArn'] listeners_to_modify.append(modified_listener) break # If the current listener was not matched against passed listeners and purge is True, mark for removal if not current_listener_passed_to_module and purge_listeners: listeners_to_delete.append(current_listener['ListenerArn']) listeners_to_add = new_listeners return listeners_to_add, listeners_to_modify, listeners_to_delete def compare_rules(connection, module, current_listeners, listener): """ Compare rules and return rules to add, rules to modify and rules to remove Rules are compared based on priority :param connection: ELBv2 boto3 connection :param module: Ansible module object :param current_listeners: list of listeners currently associated with the ELB :param listener: dict object of a listener passed by the user :return: """ # Run through listeners looking for a match (by port) to get the ARN for current_listener in current_listeners: if current_listener['Port'] == listener['Port']: listener['ListenerArn'] = current_listener['ListenerArn'] break # If the listener exists (i.e. has an ARN) get rules for the listener if 'ListenerArn' in listener: current_rules = get_listener_rules(connection, module, listener['ListenerArn']) else: current_rules = [] rules_to_modify = [] rules_to_delete = [] for current_rule in current_rules: current_rule_passed_to_module = False for new_rule in listener['Rules'][:]: if current_rule['Priority'] == new_rule['Priority']: current_rule_passed_to_module = True # Remove what we match so that what is left can be marked as 'to be added' listener['Rules'].remove(new_rule) modified_rule = compare_rule(current_rule, new_rule) if modified_rule: modified_rule['Priority'] = int(current_rule['Priority']) modified_rule['RuleArn'] = current_rule['RuleArn'] modified_rule['Actions'] = new_rule['Actions'] modified_rule['Conditions'] = new_rule['Conditions'] rules_to_modify.append(modified_rule) break # If the current rule was not matched against passed rules, mark for removal if not current_rule_passed_to_module and not current_rule['IsDefault']: rules_to_delete.append(current_rule['RuleArn']) rules_to_add = listener['Rules'] return rules_to_add, rules_to_modify, rules_to_delete def create_or_update_elb_listeners(connection, module, elb): """Create or update ELB listeners. Return true if changed, else false""" listener_changed = False # Ensure listeners are using Target Group ARN not name listeners = ensure_listeners_default_action_has_arn(connection, module, module.params.get("listeners")) purge_listeners = module.params.get("purge_listeners") # Does the ELB have any listeners exist? current_listeners = get_elb_listeners(connection, module, elb['LoadBalancerArn']) listeners_to_add, listeners_to_modify, listeners_to_delete = compare_listeners(connection, module, current_listeners, deepcopy(listeners), purge_listeners) # Add listeners for listener_to_add in listeners_to_add: try: listener_to_add['LoadBalancerArn'] = elb['LoadBalancerArn'] # Rules is not a valid parameter for create_listener if 'Rules' in listener_to_add: listener_to_add.pop('Rules') response = connection.create_listener(**listener_to_add) # Add the new listener current_listeners.append(response['Listeners'][0]) listener_changed = True except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) # Modify listeners for listener_to_modify in listeners_to_modify: try: # Rules is not a valid parameter for modify_listener if 'Rules' in listener_to_modify: listener_to_modify.pop('Rules') connection.modify_listener(**listener_to_modify) listener_changed = True except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) # Delete listeners for listener_to_delete in listeners_to_delete: try: connection.delete_listener(ListenerArn=listener_to_delete) listener_changed = True except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) # For each listener, check rules for listener in deepcopy(listeners): if 'Rules' in listener: # Ensure rules are using Target Group ARN not name listener['Rules'] = ensure_rules_action_has_arn(connection, module, listener['Rules']) rules_to_add, rules_to_modify, rules_to_delete = compare_rules(connection, module, current_listeners, listener) # Get listener based on port so we can use ARN looked_up_listener = get_listener(connection, module, elb['LoadBalancerArn'], listener['Port']) # Delete rules for rule in rules_to_delete: try: connection.delete_rule(RuleArn=rule) listener_changed = True except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) # Add rules for rule in rules_to_add: try: rule['ListenerArn'] = looked_up_listener['ListenerArn'] rule['Priority'] = int(rule['Priority']) connection.create_rule(**rule) listener_changed = True except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) # Modify rules for rule in rules_to_modify: try: del rule['Priority'] connection.modify_rule(**rule) listener_changed = True except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) return listener_changed def create_or_update_elb(connection, connection_ec2, module): """Create ELB or modify main attributes. json_exit here""" changed = False new_load_balancer = False params = dict() params['Name'] = module.params.get("name") params['Subnets'] = module.params.get("subnets") try: params['SecurityGroups'] = get_ec2_security_group_ids_from_names(module.params.get('security_groups'), connection_ec2, boto3=True) except ValueError as e: module.fail_json(msg=str(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) except NoCredentialsError as e: module.fail_json(msg="AWS authentication problem. " + e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc()) params['Scheme'] = module.params.get("scheme") if module.params.get("tags"): params['Tags'] = ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list(module.params.get("tags")) purge_tags = module.params.get("purge_tags") access_logs_enabled = module.params.get("access_logs_enabled") access_logs_s3_bucket = module.params.get("access_logs_s3_bucket") access_logs_s3_prefix = module.params.get("access_logs_s3_prefix") deletion_protection = module.params.get("deletion_protection") idle_timeout = module.params.get("idle_timeout") # Does the ELB currently exist? elb = get_elb(connection, module) if elb: # ELB exists so check subnets, security groups and tags match what has been passed # Subnets if set(_get_subnet_ids_from_subnet_list(elb['AvailabilityZones'])) != set(params['Subnets']): try: connection.set_subnets(LoadBalancerArn=elb['LoadBalancerArn'], Subnets=params['Subnets']) except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) changed = True # Security Groups if set(elb['SecurityGroups']) != set(params['SecurityGroups']): try: connection.set_security_groups(LoadBalancerArn=elb['LoadBalancerArn'], SecurityGroups=params['SecurityGroups']) except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) changed = True # Tags - only need to play with tags if tags parameter has been set to something if module.params.get("tags"): try: elb_tags = connection.describe_tags(ResourceArns=[elb['LoadBalancerArn']])['TagDescriptions'][0]['Tags'] except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) # Delete necessary tags tags_need_modify, tags_to_delete = compare_aws_tags(boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(elb_tags), boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(params['Tags']), purge_tags) if tags_to_delete: try: connection.remove_tags(ResourceArns=[elb['LoadBalancerArn']], TagKeys=tags_to_delete) except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) changed = True # Add/update tags if tags_need_modify: try: connection.add_tags(ResourceArns=[elb['LoadBalancerArn']], Tags=params['Tags']) except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) changed = True else: try: elb = connection.create_load_balancer(**params)['LoadBalancers'][0] changed = True new_load_balancer = True except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) if module.params.get("wait"): status_achieved, new_elb = wait_for_status(connection, module, elb['LoadBalancerArn'], 'active') # Now set ELB attributes. Use try statement here so we can remove the ELB if this stage fails update_attributes = [] # Get current attributes current_elb_attributes = get_elb_attributes(connection, module, elb['LoadBalancerArn']) if access_logs_enabled and current_elb_attributes['access_logs_s3_enabled'] != "true": update_attributes.append({'Key': 'access_logs.s3.enabled', 'Value': "true"}) if not access_logs_enabled and current_elb_attributes['access_logs_s3_enabled'] != "false": update_attributes.append({'Key': 'access_logs.s3.enabled', 'Value': 'false'}) if access_logs_s3_bucket is not None and access_logs_s3_bucket != current_elb_attributes['access_logs_s3_bucket']: update_attributes.append({'Key': 'access_logs.s3.bucket', 'Value': access_logs_s3_bucket}) if access_logs_s3_prefix is not None and access_logs_s3_prefix != current_elb_attributes['access_logs_s3_prefix']: update_attributes.append({'Key': 'access_logs.s3.prefix', 'Value': access_logs_s3_prefix}) if deletion_protection and current_elb_attributes['deletion_protection_enabled'] != "true": update_attributes.append({'Key': 'deletion_protection.enabled', 'Value': "true"}) if not deletion_protection and current_elb_attributes['deletion_protection_enabled'] != "false": update_attributes.append({'Key': 'deletion_protection.enabled', 'Value': "false"}) if idle_timeout is not None and str(idle_timeout) != current_elb_attributes['idle_timeout_timeout_seconds']: update_attributes.append({'Key': 'idle_timeout.timeout_seconds', 'Value': str(idle_timeout)}) if update_attributes: try: connection.modify_load_balancer_attributes(LoadBalancerArn=elb['LoadBalancerArn'], Attributes=update_attributes) changed = True except ClientError as e: # Something went wrong setting attributes. If this ELB was created during this task, delete it to leave a consistent state if new_load_balancer: connection.delete_load_balancer(LoadBalancerArn=elb['LoadBalancerArn']) module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) # Now, if required, set ELB listeners. Use try statement here so we can remove the ELB if this stage fails try: listener_changed = create_or_update_elb_listeners(connection, module, elb) if listener_changed: changed = True except ClientError as e: # Something went wrong setting listeners. If this ELB was created during this task, delete it to leave a consistent state if new_load_balancer: connection.delete_load_balancer(LoadBalancerArn=elb['LoadBalancerArn']) module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) # Get the ELB again elb = get_elb(connection, module) # Get the ELB listeners again elb['listeners'] = get_elb_listeners(connection, module, elb['LoadBalancerArn']) # For each listener, get listener rules for listener in elb['listeners']: listener['rules'] = get_listener_rules(connection, module, listener['ListenerArn']) # Get the ELB attributes again elb.update(get_elb_attributes(connection, module, elb['LoadBalancerArn'])) # Convert to snake_case snaked_elb = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(elb) # Get the tags of the ELB elb_tags = connection.describe_tags(ResourceArns=[elb['LoadBalancerArn']])['TagDescriptions'][0]['Tags'] snaked_elb['tags'] = boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(elb_tags) module.exit_json(changed=changed, **snaked_elb) def delete_elb(connection, module): changed = False elb = get_elb(connection, module) if elb: try: connection.delete_load_balancer(LoadBalancerArn=elb['LoadBalancerArn']) changed = True except ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc(), **camel_dict_to_snake_dict(e.response)) except NoCredentialsError as e: module.fail_json(msg="AWS authentication problem. " + e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc()) module.exit_json(changed=changed) def main(): argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( dict( access_logs_enabled=dict(type='bool'), access_logs_s3_bucket=dict(type='str'), access_logs_s3_prefix=dict(type='str'), deletion_protection=dict(default=False, type='bool'), idle_timeout=dict(type='int'), listeners=dict(type='list'), name=dict(required=True, type='str'), purge_listeners=dict(default=True, type='bool'), purge_tags=dict(default=True, type='bool'), subnets=dict(type='list'), security_groups=dict(type='list'), scheme=dict(default='internet-facing', choices=['internet-facing', 'internal']), state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], type='str'), tags=dict(default={}, type='dict'), wait_timeout=dict(type='int'), wait=dict(type='bool') ) ) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, required_if=[ ('state', 'present', ['subnets', 'security_groups']) ], required_together=( ['access_logs_enabled', 'access_logs_s3_bucket', 'access_logs_s3_prefix'] ) ) # Quick check of listeners parameters listeners = module.params.get("listeners") if listeners is not None: for listener in listeners: for key in listener.keys(): if key not in ['Protocol', 'Port', 'SslPolicy', 'Certificates', 'DefaultActions', 'Rules']: module.fail_json(msg="listeners parameter contains invalid dict keys. Should be one of 'Protocol', " "'Port', 'SslPolicy', 'Certificates', 'DefaultActions', 'Rules'.") # Make sure Port is always an integer elif key == 'Port': listener[key] = int(listener[key]) if not HAS_BOTO3: module.fail_json(msg='boto3 required for this module') region, ec2_url, aws_connect_params = get_aws_connection_info(module, boto3=True) if region: connection = boto3_conn(module, conn_type='client', resource='elbv2', region=region, endpoint=ec2_url, **aws_connect_params) connection_ec2 = boto3_conn(module, conn_type='client', resource='ec2', region=region, endpoint=ec2_url, **aws_connect_params) else: module.fail_json(msg="region must be specified") state = module.params.get("state") if state == 'present': create_or_update_elb(connection, connection_ec2, module) else: delete_elb(connection, module) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" Widgets for various HTML5 input types. """ from .core import Input __all__ = ( 'ColorInput', 'DateInput', 'DateTimeInput', 'DateTimeLocalInput', 'EmailInput', 'MonthInput', 'NumberInput', 'RangeInput', 'SearchInput', 'TelInput', 'TimeInput', 'URLInput', 'WeekInput', ) class SearchInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "search". """ input_type = 'search' class TelInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "tel". """ input_type = 'tel' class URLInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "url". """ input_type = 'url' class EmailInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "email". """ input_type = 'email' class DateTimeInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "datetime". """ input_type = 'datetime' class DateInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "date". """ input_type = 'date' class MonthInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "month". """ input_type = 'month' class WeekInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "week". """ input_type = 'week' class TimeInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "time". """ input_type = 'time' class DateTimeLocalInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "datetime-local". """ input_type = 'datetime-local' class NumberInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "number". """ input_type = 'number' def __init__(self, step=None): self.step = step def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): if self.step is not None: kwargs.setdefault('step', self.step) return super(NumberInput, self).__call__(field, **kwargs) class RangeInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "range". """ input_type = 'range' def __init__(self, step=None): self.step = step def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): if self.step is not None: kwargs.setdefault('step', self.step) return super(RangeInput, self).__call__(field, **kwargs) class ColorInput(Input): """ Renders an input with type "color". """ input_type = 'color'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'finalize.ui' # # Created: Fri Apr 10 01:36:55 2015 # by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.11.2 # # WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: def _fromUtf8(s): return s try: _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding) except AttributeError: def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig) class Ui_FinalImage(object): def setupUi(self, FinalImage): FinalImage.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("FinalImage")) FinalImage.resize(623, 154) self.horizontalLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(FinalImage) self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("horizontalLayout")) self.gridLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.gridLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("gridLayout")) self.statusText = QtGui.QLabel(FinalImage) self.statusText.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("statusText")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.statusText, 4, 1, 1, 1) self.label_4 = QtGui.QLabel(FinalImage) self.label_4.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_4")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.label_4, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.progressBar_3 = QtGui.QProgressBar(FinalImage) self.progressBar_3.setProperty("value", 0) self.progressBar_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("progressBar_3")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.progressBar_3, 2, 1, 1, 1) self.label = QtGui.QLabel(FinalImage) self.label.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.label, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.label_2 = QtGui.QLabel(FinalImage) self.label_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_2")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.label_2, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.progressBar_2 = QtGui.QProgressBar(FinalImage) self.progressBar_2.setProperty("value", 0) self.progressBar_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("progressBar_2")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.progressBar_2, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.progressBar_1 = QtGui.QProgressBar(FinalImage) self.progressBar_1.setProperty("value", 0) self.progressBar_1.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("progressBar_1")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.progressBar_1, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.label_3 = QtGui.QLabel(FinalImage) self.label_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("label_3")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.label_3, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.line = QtGui.QFrame(FinalImage) self.line.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.HLine) self.line.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Sunken) self.line.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("line")) self.gridLayout.addWidget(self.line, 3, 1, 1, 1) self.horizontalLayout.addLayout(self.gridLayout) self.verticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.verticalLayout.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("verticalLayout")) self.browseButton = QtGui.QPushButton(FinalImage) self.browseButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("browseButton")) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.browseButton) self.imageFormat = QtGui.QComboBox(FinalImage) self.imageFormat.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("imageFormat")) self.imageFormat.addItem(_fromUtf8("")) self.imageFormat.addItem(_fromUtf8("")) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.imageFormat) self.startButton = QtGui.QPushButton(FinalImage) self.startButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("startButton")) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.startButton) self.abortButton = QtGui.QPushButton(FinalImage) self.abortButton.setEnabled(False) self.abortButton.setText(_fromUtf8("Abort")) self.abortButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("abortButton")) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.abortButton) self.closeButton = QtGui.QPushButton(FinalImage) self.closeButton.setEnabled(True) self.closeButton.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("closeButton")) self.verticalLayout.addWidget(self.closeButton) self.horizontalLayout.addLayout(self.verticalLayout) self.retranslateUi(FinalImage) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.closeButton, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8("pressed()")), FinalImage.reject) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(FinalImage) def retranslateUi(self, FinalImage): FinalImage.setWindowTitle(_translate("FinalImage", "Export to images", None)) self.statusText.setText(_translate("FinalImage", "...", None)) self.label_4.setText(_translate("FinalImage", "status:", None)) self.label.setText(_translate("FinalImage", "Total", None)) self.label_2.setText(_translate("FinalImage", "progress of \n" " the one plane", None)) self.label_3.setText(_translate("FinalImage", "progress of\n" " the sample", None)) self.browseButton.setText(_translate("FinalImage", "Save to folder...", None)) self.imageFormat.setItemText(0, _translate("FinalImage", "*.tif", None)) self.imageFormat.setItemText(1, _translate("FinalImage", "*.png", None)) self.startButton.setText(_translate("FinalImage", "Start", None)) self.closeButton.setText(_translate("FinalImage", "Close", None))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ werkzeug.contrib.jsrouting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Addon module that allows to create a JavaScript function from a map that generates rules. :copyright: (c) 2014 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ try: from simplejson import dumps except ImportError: try: from json import dumps except ImportError: def dumps(*args): raise RuntimeError('simplejson required for jsrouting') from inspect import getmro from werkzeug.routing import NumberConverter from werkzeug._compat import iteritems def render_template(name_parts, rules, converters): result = u'' if name_parts: for idx in range(0, len(name_parts) - 1): name = u'.'.join(name_parts[:idx + 1]) result += u"if (typeof %s === 'undefined') %s = {}\n" % (name, name) result += '%s = ' % '.'.join(name_parts) result += """(function (server_name, script_name, subdomain, url_scheme) { var converters = [%(converters)s]; var rules = %(rules)s; function in_array(array, value) { if (array.indexOf != undefined) { return array.indexOf(value) != -1; } for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] == value) { return true; } } return false; } function array_diff(array1, array2) { array1 = array1.slice(); for (var i = array1.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (in_array(array2, array1[i])) { array1.splice(i, 1); } } return array1; } function split_obj(obj) { var names = []; var values = []; for (var name in obj) { if (typeof(obj[name]) != 'function') { names.push(name); values.push(obj[name]); } } return {names: names, values: values, original: obj}; } function suitable(rule, args) { var default_args = split_obj(rule.defaults || {}); var diff_arg_names = array_diff(rule.arguments, default_args.names); for (var i = 0; i < diff_arg_names.length; i++) { if (!in_array(args.names, diff_arg_names[i])) { return false; } } if (array_diff(rule.arguments, args.names).length == 0) { if (rule.defaults == null) { return true; } for (var i = 0; i < default_args.names.length; i++) { var key = default_args.names[i]; var value = default_args.values[i]; if (value != args.original[key]) { return false; } } } return true; } function build(rule, args) { var tmp = []; var processed = rule.arguments.slice(); for (var i = 0; i < rule.trace.length; i++) { var part = rule.trace[i]; if (part.is_dynamic) { var converter = converters[rule.converters[]]; var data = converter(args.original[]); if (data == null) { return null; } tmp.push(data); processed.push(; } else { tmp.push(; } } tmp = tmp.join(''); var pipe = tmp.indexOf('|'); var subdomain = tmp.substring(0, pipe); var url = tmp.substring(pipe+1); var unprocessed = array_diff(args.names, processed); var first_query_var = true; for (var i = 0; i < unprocessed.length; i++) { if (first_query_var) { url += '?'; } else { url += '&'; } first_query_var = false; url += encodeURIComponent(unprocessed[i]); url += '='; url += encodeURIComponent(args.original[unprocessed[i]]); } return {subdomain: subdomain, path: url}; } function lstrip(s, c) { while (s && s.substring(0, 1) == c) { s = s.substring(1); } return s; } function rstrip(s, c) { while (s && s.substring(s.length-1, s.length) == c) { s = s.substring(0, s.length-1); } return s; } return function(endpoint, args, force_external) { args = split_obj(args); var rv = null; for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { var rule = rules[i]; if (rule.endpoint != endpoint) continue; if (suitable(rule, args)) { rv = build(rule, args); if (rv != null) { break; } } } if (rv == null) { return null; } if (!force_external && rv.subdomain == subdomain) { return rstrip(script_name, '/') + '/' + lstrip(rv.path, '/'); } else { return url_scheme + '://' + (rv.subdomain ? rv.subdomain + '.' : '') + server_name + rstrip(script_name, '/') + '/' + lstrip(rv.path, '/'); } }; })""" % {'converters': u', '.join(converters), 'rules': rules} return result def generate_map(map, name='url_map'): """ Generates a JavaScript function containing the rules defined in this map, to be used with a MapAdapter's generate_javascript method. If you don't pass a name the returned JavaScript code is an expression that returns a function. Otherwise it's a standalone script that assigns the function with that name. Dotted names are resolved (so you an use a name like 'obj.url_for') In order to use JavaScript generation, simplejson must be installed. Note that using this feature will expose the rules defined in your map to users. If your rules contain sensitive information, don't use JavaScript generation! """ from warnings import warn warn(DeprecationWarning('This module is deprecated')) map.update() rules = [] converters = [] for rule in map.iter_rules(): trace = [{ 'is_dynamic': is_dynamic, 'data': data } for is_dynamic, data in rule._trace] rule_converters = {} for key, converter in iteritems(rule._converters): js_func = js_to_url_function(converter) try: index = converters.index(js_func) except ValueError: converters.append(js_func) index = len(converters) - 1 rule_converters[key] = index rules.append({ u'endpoint': rule.endpoint, u'arguments': list(rule.arguments), u'converters': rule_converters, u'trace': trace, u'defaults': rule.defaults }) return render_template(name_parts=name and name.split('.') or [], rules=dumps(rules), converters=converters) def generate_adapter(adapter, name='url_for', map_name='url_map'): """Generates the url building function for a map.""" values = { u'server_name': dumps(adapter.server_name), u'script_name': dumps(adapter.script_name), u'subdomain': dumps(adapter.subdomain), u'url_scheme': dumps(adapter.url_scheme), u'name': name, u'map_name': map_name } return u'''\ var %(name)s = %(map_name)s( %(server_name)s, %(script_name)s, %(subdomain)s, %(url_scheme)s );''' % values def js_to_url_function(converter): """Get the JavaScript converter function from a rule.""" if hasattr(converter, 'js_to_url_function'): data = converter.js_to_url_function() else: for cls in getmro(type(converter)): if cls in js_to_url_functions: data = js_to_url_functions[cls](converter) break else: return 'encodeURIComponent' return '(function(value) { %s })' % data def NumberConverter_js_to_url(conv): if conv.fixed_digits: return u'''\ var result = value.toString(); while (result.length < %s) result = '0' + result; return result;''' % conv.fixed_digits return u'return value.toString();' js_to_url_functions = { NumberConverter: NumberConverter_js_to_url }
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Runs a CI script when new diffs are posted on Review Board. # TODO(wfarner): Also add support for pinging stale reviews. from __future__ import print_function import argparse import base64 import json import subprocess import sys import urllib import urllib2 class ReviewBoard(object): def __init__(self, host, user, password): self._host = host self.user = user self._password = password def api_url(self, api_path): return 'https://%s/api/%s/' % (self._host, api_path) def get_resource_data(self, href, args=None, accept='application/json', data=None): href = '%s?%s' % (href, urllib.urlencode(args)) if args else href print('Request: %s' % href) request = urllib2.Request(href) base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (self.user, self._password)).replace('\n', '') request.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % base64string) request.add_header('Accept', accept) result = urllib2.urlopen(request, data=data) if result.getcode() / 100 != 2: print('Non-ok response: %s\n%s' % (result.getcode(), result)) sys.exit(1) return def get_resource(self, href, args=None, data=None): return json.loads(self.get_resource_data(href, args=args, data=data)) # Thrown when the patch from a review diff could not be applied. class PatchApplyError(Exception): pass def _apply_patch(patch_data, clean_excludes): subprocess.check_call(['git', 'clean', '-fdx'] + ['--exclude=%s' % e for e in clean_excludes]) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'reset', '--hard', 'origin/master']) patch_file = 'diff.patch' with open(patch_file, 'w') as f: f.write(patch_data) try: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'apply', patch_file]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise PatchApplyError() def _get_latest_diff_time(server, request): diffs = server.get_resource(request['links']['diffs']['href'])['diffs'] return diffs[-1]['timestamp'] REPLY_REQUEST = '@ReviewBot retry' def _get_latest_user_request(reviews): reply_requests = [r for r in reviews if REPLY_REQUEST.lower() in r['body_top'].lower()] if reply_requests: return reply_requests[-1]['timestamp'] def _needs_reply(server, request): print('Inspecting review %d: %s' % (request['id'], request['summary'])) reviews_response = server.get_resource(request['links']['reviews']['href']) reviews = reviews_response['reviews'] # The default response limit is 25. When the responses are limited, a 'next' link will be # included. When that happens, continue to walk until there are no reviews left. while 'next' in reviews_response['links']: print('Fetching next page of reviews.') reviews_response = server.get_resource(reviews_response['links']['next']['href']) reviews.extend(reviews_response['reviews']) feedback_reviews = [r for r in reviews if r['links']['user']['title'] == server.user] if feedback_reviews: # Determine whether another round of feedback is necessary. latest_feedback_time = feedback_reviews[-1]['timestamp'] latest_request = _get_latest_user_request(reviews) latest_diff = _get_latest_diff_time(server, request) print('Latest feedback was given at %s' % latest_feedback_time) print('Latest build request from a user at %s' % latest_request) print('Latest diff was posted at %s' % latest_diff) return ((latest_request and (latest_request > latest_feedback_time)) or (latest_diff and (latest_diff > latest_feedback_time))) return True def _missing_tests(server, diff): # Get files that were modified by the change, flag if test coverage appears lacking. diff_files = server.get_resource(diff['links']['files']['href'])['files'] paths = [f['source_file'] for f in diff_files] return (filter(lambda f: f.startswith('src/main/'), paths) and not filter(lambda f: f.startswith('src/test/'), paths)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--server', dest='server', help='Review Board server.', required=True) parser.add_argument( '--reviewboard-credentials-file', type=argparse.FileType(), help='Review Board credentials file, formatted as <user>\\n<password>', required=True) parser.add_argument( '--repository', help='Inspect reviews posted for this repository.', required=True) parser.add_argument( '--command', help='Build verification command.', required=True) parser.add_argument( '--tail-lines', type=int, default=20, help='Number of lines of command output to include in red build reviews.', required=True) parser.add_argument( '--git-clean-exclude', help='Patterns to pass to git-clean --exclude.', nargs='*') args = parser.parse_args() credentials = args.reviewboard_credentials_file.readlines() server = ReviewBoard( host=args.server, user=credentials[0].strip(), password=credentials[1].strip()) # Find the numeric ID for the repository, required by other API calls. repositories = server.get_resource( server.api_url('repositories'), args={'name': args.repository})['repositories'] if not repositories: print('Failed to find repository %s' % args.repository) sys.exit(1) repository_id = repositories[0]['id'] # Fetch all in-flight reviews. (Note: this does not do pagination, required when > 200 results.) requests = server.get_resource(server.api_url('review-requests'), args={ 'repository': repository_id, 'status': 'pending' })['review_requests'] print('Found %d review requests to inspect' % len(requests)) for request in requests: if not _needs_reply(server, request): continue diffs = server.get_resource(request['links']['diffs']['href'])['diffs'] if not diffs: continue latest_diff = diffs[-1] print('Applying diff %d' % latest_diff['id']) patch_data = server.get_resource_data( latest_diff['links']['self']['href'], accept='text/x-patch') sha = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD']).strip() ship = False try: _apply_patch(patch_data, args.git_clean_exclude) print('Running build command.') build_output = 'build_output' command = args.command # Pipe to a file in case output is large, also tee the output to simplify # debugging. Since we pipe the output, we must set pipefail to ensure # a failing build command fails the bash pipeline. result =[ 'bash', '-c', 'set -o pipefail; %s 2>&1 | tee %s' % (command, build_output)]) if result == 0: review_text = 'Master (%s) is green with this patch.\n %s' % (sha, command) if _missing_tests(server, latest_diff): review_text = '%s\n\nHowever, it appears that it might lack test coverage.' % review_text else: ship = True else: build_tail = subprocess.check_output(['tail', '-n', str(args.tail_lines), build_output]) review_text = ( 'Master (%s) is red with this patch.\n %s\n\n%s' % (sha, command, build_tail)) except PatchApplyError: review_text = ( 'This patch does not apply cleanly on master (%s), do you need to rebase?' % sha) review_text = ('%s\n\nI will refresh this build result if you post a review containing "%s"' % (review_text, REPLY_REQUEST)) print('Replying to review %d:\n%s' % (request['id'], review_text)) print(server.get_resource( request['links']['reviews']['href'], data=urllib.urlencode({ 'body_top': review_text, 'public': 'true', 'ship_it': 'true' if ship else 'false' }))) if __name__=="__main__": main()
# Copyright 2015, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Test of the GRPC-backed ForeLink and RearLink.""" import threading import unittest from grpc._adapter import _proto_scenarios from grpc._adapter import _test_links from grpc._adapter import fore from grpc._adapter import rear from grpc.framework.base import interfaces from import logging_pool _IDENTITY = lambda x: x _TIMEOUT = 2 class RoundTripTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.fore_link_pool = logging_pool.pool(80) self.rear_link_pool = logging_pool.pool(80) def tearDown(self): self.rear_link_pool.shutdown(wait=True) self.fore_link_pool.shutdown(wait=True) def testZeroMessageRoundTrip(self): test_operation_id = object() test_method = 'test method' test_fore_link = _test_links.ForeLink(None, None) def rear_action(front_to_back_ticket, fore_link): if front_to_back_ticket.kind in ( interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.COMPLETION, interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.ENTIRE): back_to_front_ticket = interfaces.BackToFrontTicket( front_to_back_ticket.operation_id, 0, interfaces.BackToFrontTicket.Kind.COMPLETION, None) fore_link.accept_back_to_front_ticket(back_to_front_ticket) test_rear_link = _test_links.RearLink(rear_action, None) fore_link = fore.ForeLink( self.fore_link_pool, {test_method: None}, {test_method: None}, None, ()) fore_link.join_rear_link(test_rear_link) test_rear_link.join_fore_link(fore_link) fore_link.start() port = fore_link.port() rear_link = rear.RearLink( 'localhost', port, self.rear_link_pool, {test_method: None}, {test_method: None}, False, None, None, None) rear_link.join_fore_link(test_fore_link) test_fore_link.join_rear_link(rear_link) rear_link.start() front_to_back_ticket = interfaces.FrontToBackTicket( test_operation_id, 0, interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.ENTIRE, test_method, interfaces.ServicedSubscription.Kind.FULL, None, None, _TIMEOUT) rear_link.accept_front_to_back_ticket(front_to_back_ticket) with test_fore_link.condition: while (not or[-1].kind is interfaces.BackToFrontTicket.Kind.CONTINUATION): test_fore_link.condition.wait() rear_link.stop() fore_link.stop() with test_fore_link.condition: self.assertIs([-1].kind, interfaces.BackToFrontTicket.Kind.COMPLETION) def testEntireRoundTrip(self): test_operation_id = object() test_method = 'test method' test_front_to_back_datum = b'\x07' test_back_to_front_datum = b'\x08' test_fore_link = _test_links.ForeLink(None, None) rear_sequence_number = [0] def rear_action(front_to_back_ticket, fore_link): if front_to_back_ticket.payload is None: payload = None else: payload = test_back_to_front_datum terminal = front_to_back_ticket.kind in ( interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.COMPLETION, interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.ENTIRE) if payload is not None or terminal: if terminal: kind = interfaces.BackToFrontTicket.Kind.COMPLETION else: kind = interfaces.BackToFrontTicket.Kind.CONTINUATION back_to_front_ticket = interfaces.BackToFrontTicket( front_to_back_ticket.operation_id, rear_sequence_number[0], kind, payload) rear_sequence_number[0] += 1 fore_link.accept_back_to_front_ticket(back_to_front_ticket) test_rear_link = _test_links.RearLink(rear_action, None) fore_link = fore.ForeLink( self.fore_link_pool, {test_method: _IDENTITY}, {test_method: _IDENTITY}, None, ()) fore_link.join_rear_link(test_rear_link) test_rear_link.join_fore_link(fore_link) fore_link.start() port = fore_link.port() rear_link = rear.RearLink( 'localhost', port, self.rear_link_pool, {test_method: _IDENTITY}, {test_method: _IDENTITY}, False, None, None, None) rear_link.join_fore_link(test_fore_link) test_fore_link.join_rear_link(rear_link) rear_link.start() front_to_back_ticket = interfaces.FrontToBackTicket( test_operation_id, 0, interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.ENTIRE, test_method, interfaces.ServicedSubscription.Kind.FULL, None, test_front_to_back_datum, _TIMEOUT) rear_link.accept_front_to_back_ticket(front_to_back_ticket) with test_fore_link.condition: while (not or[-1].kind is not interfaces.BackToFrontTicket.Kind.COMPLETION): test_fore_link.condition.wait() rear_link.stop() fore_link.stop() with test_rear_link.condition: front_to_back_payloads = tuple( ticket.payload for ticket in if ticket.payload is not None) with test_fore_link.condition: back_to_front_payloads = tuple( ticket.payload for ticket in if ticket.payload is not None) self.assertTupleEqual((test_front_to_back_datum,), front_to_back_payloads) self.assertTupleEqual((test_back_to_front_datum,), back_to_front_payloads) def _perform_scenario_test(self, scenario): test_operation_id = object() test_method = scenario.method() test_fore_link = _test_links.ForeLink(None, None) rear_lock = threading.Lock() rear_sequence_number = [0] def rear_action(front_to_back_ticket, fore_link): with rear_lock: if front_to_back_ticket.payload is not None: response = scenario.response_for_request(front_to_back_ticket.payload) else: response = None terminal = front_to_back_ticket.kind in ( interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.COMPLETION, interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.ENTIRE) if response is not None or terminal: if terminal: kind = interfaces.BackToFrontTicket.Kind.COMPLETION else: kind = interfaces.BackToFrontTicket.Kind.CONTINUATION back_to_front_ticket = interfaces.BackToFrontTicket( front_to_back_ticket.operation_id, rear_sequence_number[0], kind, response) rear_sequence_number[0] += 1 fore_link.accept_back_to_front_ticket(back_to_front_ticket) test_rear_link = _test_links.RearLink(rear_action, None) fore_link = fore.ForeLink( self.fore_link_pool, {test_method: scenario.deserialize_request}, {test_method: scenario.serialize_response}, None, ()) fore_link.join_rear_link(test_rear_link) test_rear_link.join_fore_link(fore_link) fore_link.start() port = fore_link.port() rear_link = rear.RearLink( 'localhost', port, self.rear_link_pool, {test_method: scenario.serialize_request}, {test_method: scenario.deserialize_response}, False, None, None, None) rear_link.join_fore_link(test_fore_link) test_fore_link.join_rear_link(rear_link) rear_link.start() commencement_ticket = interfaces.FrontToBackTicket( test_operation_id, 0, interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.COMMENCEMENT, test_method, interfaces.ServicedSubscription.Kind.FULL, None, None, _TIMEOUT) fore_sequence_number = 1 rear_link.accept_front_to_back_ticket(commencement_ticket) for request in scenario.requests(): continuation_ticket = interfaces.FrontToBackTicket( test_operation_id, fore_sequence_number, interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.CONTINUATION, None, None, None, request, None) fore_sequence_number += 1 rear_link.accept_front_to_back_ticket(continuation_ticket) completion_ticket = interfaces.FrontToBackTicket( test_operation_id, fore_sequence_number, interfaces.FrontToBackTicket.Kind.COMPLETION, None, None, None, None, None) fore_sequence_number += 1 rear_link.accept_front_to_back_ticket(completion_ticket) with test_fore_link.condition: while (not or[-1].kind is not interfaces.BackToFrontTicket.Kind.COMPLETION): test_fore_link.condition.wait() rear_link.stop() fore_link.stop() with test_rear_link.condition: requests = tuple( ticket.payload for ticket in if ticket.payload is not None) with test_fore_link.condition: responses = tuple( ticket.payload for ticket in if ticket.payload is not None) self.assertTrue(scenario.verify_requests(requests)) self.assertTrue(scenario.verify_responses(responses)) def testEmptyScenario(self): self._perform_scenario_test(_proto_scenarios.EmptyScenario()) def testBidirectionallyUnaryScenario(self): self._perform_scenario_test(_proto_scenarios.BidirectionallyUnaryScenario()) def testBidirectionallyStreamingScenario(self): self._perform_scenario_test( _proto_scenarios.BidirectionallyStreamingScenario()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.contrib.staticfiles.handlers import StaticFilesHandler from django.core.servers.basehttp import get_internal_wsgi_application #from django.utils import autoreload from trunserv import autoreload from twisted.application import internet, service, app from twisted.web import server, resource, wsgi, static from twisted.python import threadpool, log from twisted.internet import reactor from optparse import make_option import sys import os import re naiveip_re = re.compile(r"""^(?: (?P<addr> (?P<ipv4>\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}) | # IPv4 address (?P<ipv6>\[[a-fA-F0-9:]+\]) | # IPv6 address (?P<fqdn>[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*) # FQDN ):)?(?P<port>\d+)$""", re.X) DEFAULT_PORT = "8000" class Root(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, wsgi_resource): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.wsgi_resource = wsgi_resource def getChild(self, path, request): path0 = request.prepath.pop(0) request.postpath.insert(0, path0) return self.wsgi_resource def wsgi_resource(): pool = threadpool.ThreadPool() pool.start() # Allow Ctrl-C to get you out cleanly: reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('after', 'shutdown', pool.stop) handler = StaticFilesHandler(get_internal_wsgi_application()) wsgi_resource = wsgi.WSGIResource(reactor, pool, handler) return wsgi_resource class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('--noreload', action='store_false', dest='use_reloader', default=True, help='Do NOT use the auto-reloader.'), ) help = "Starts a Twisted Web server for development." args = '[optional port number, or ipaddr:port]' # Validation is called explicitly each time the server is reloaded. requires_model_validation = False def handle(self, addrport='', *args, **options): if not addrport: self.addr = '' self.port = DEFAULT_PORT else: m = re.match(naiveip_re, addrport) if m is None: raise CommandError('"%s" is not a valid port number ' 'or address:port pair.' % addrport) self.addr, _ipv4, _ipv6, _fqdn, self.port = m.groups() if not self.port.isdigit(): raise CommandError("%r is not a valid port." % self.port) if not self.addr: self.addr = ''*args, **options) def run(self, *args, **options): use_reloader = options.get('use_reloader', True) def _inner_run(): # Initialize logging log.startLogging(sys.stdout) # Setup Twisted application application = service.Application('django') wsgi_root = wsgi_resource() root = Root(wsgi_root) main_site = server.Site(root) internet.TCPServer(int(self.port), main_site ).setServiceParent(application) service.IService(application).startService() app.startApplication(application, False) reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', service.IService(application).stopService) if use_reloader: try: autoreload.main(_inner_run) except TypeError: # autoreload was in the middle of something pass else: _inner_run()
# Copyright (c) 2016 Clinton Knight # All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from unittest import mock import ddt from cinder.tests.unit import test from cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.performance \ import fakes as fake from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.client import api as netapp_api from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.performance import perf_base from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.dataontap.performance import perf_cmode @ddt.ddt class PerformanceCmodeLibraryTestCase(test.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(PerformanceCmodeLibraryTestCase, self).setUp() with mock.patch.object(perf_cmode.PerformanceCmodeLibrary, '_init_counter_info'): self.zapi_client = mock.Mock() self.perf_library = perf_cmode.PerformanceCmodeLibrary( self.zapi_client) self.perf_library.system_object_name = 'system' self.perf_library.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name = ( 'cpu_elapsed_time1') self._set_up_fake_pools() def _set_up_fake_pools(self): self.fake_volumes = { 'pool1': { 'netapp_aggregate': 'aggr1', }, 'pool2': { 'netapp_aggregate': 'aggr2', }, 'pool3': { 'netapp_aggregate': 'aggr2', }, 'pool4': { 'netapp_aggregate': ['aggr1', 'aggr2'], } } self.fake_aggrs = set(['aggr1', 'aggr2', 'aggr3']) self.fake_nodes = set(['node1', 'node2']) self.fake_aggr_node_map = { 'aggr1': 'node1', 'aggr2': 'node2', 'aggr3': 'node2', } def test_init_counter_info_not_supported(self): self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS = False self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS = False mock_get_base_counter_name = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_base_counter_name') self.perf_library._init_counter_info() self.assertIsNone(self.perf_library.system_object_name) self.assertIsNone( self.perf_library.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name) self.assertFalse(mock_get_base_counter_name.called){ 'system_constituent': False, 'base_counter': 'cpu_elapsed_time1', }, { 'system_constituent': True, 'base_counter': 'cpu_elapsed_time', }) @ddt.unpack def test_init_counter_info_api_error(self, system_constituent, base_counter): self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS = True self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS = ( system_constituent) self.mock_object(self.perf_library, '_get_base_counter_name', side_effect=netapp_api.NaApiError) self.perf_library._init_counter_info() self.assertEqual( base_counter, self.perf_library.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name) def test_init_counter_info_system(self): self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS = True self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS = False mock_get_base_counter_name = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_base_counter_name', return_value='cpu_elapsed_time1') self.perf_library._init_counter_info() self.assertEqual('system', self.perf_library.system_object_name) self.assertEqual( 'cpu_elapsed_time1', self.perf_library.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name) mock_get_base_counter_name.assert_called_once_with( 'system', 'avg_processor_busy') def test_init_counter_info_system_constituent(self): self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS = False self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS = True mock_get_base_counter_name = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_base_counter_name', return_value='cpu_elapsed_time') self.perf_library._init_counter_info() self.assertEqual('system:constituent', self.perf_library.system_object_name) self.assertEqual( 'cpu_elapsed_time', self.perf_library.avg_processor_busy_base_counter_name) mock_get_base_counter_name.assert_called_once_with( 'system:constituent', 'avg_processor_busy') @test.testtools.skip("launchpad bug 1715915") def test_update_performance_cache(self): self.perf_library.performance_counters = { 'node1': list(range(11, 21)), 'node2': list(range(21, 31)), } mock_get_aggregates_for_pools = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_aggregates_for_pools', return_value=self.fake_aggrs) mock_get_nodes_for_aggregates = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_nodes_for_aggregates', return_value=(self.fake_nodes, self.fake_aggr_node_map)) mock_get_node_utilization_counters = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_counters', side_effect=[21, 31]) mock_get_node_utilization = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization', side_effect=[25, 75]) self.perf_library.update_performance_cache(self.fake_volumes) expected_performance_counters = { 'node1': list(range(12, 22)), 'node2': list(range(22, 32)), } self.assertEqual(expected_performance_counters, self.perf_library.performance_counters) expected_pool_utilization = {'pool1': 25, 'pool2': 75, 'pool3': 75, 'pool4': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION} self.assertEqual(expected_pool_utilization, self.perf_library.pool_utilization) mock_get_aggregates_for_pools.assert_called_once_with( self.fake_volumes) mock_get_nodes_for_aggregates.assert_called_once_with(self.fake_aggrs) mock_get_node_utilization_counters.assert_has_calls(['node1'),'node2')]) mock_get_node_utilization.assert_has_calls([, 21, 'node1'),, 31, 'node2')]) @test.testtools.skip("launchpad bug #1715915") def test_update_performance_cache_first_pass(self): mock_get_aggregates_for_pools = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_aggregates_for_pools', return_value=self.fake_aggrs) mock_get_nodes_for_aggregates = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_nodes_for_aggregates', return_value=(self.fake_nodes, self.fake_aggr_node_map)) mock_get_node_utilization_counters = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_counters', side_effect=[11, 21]) mock_get_node_utilization = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization', side_effect=[25, 75]) self.perf_library.update_performance_cache(self.fake_volumes) expected_performance_counters = {'node1': [11], 'node2': [21]} self.assertEqual(expected_performance_counters, self.perf_library.performance_counters) expected_pool_utilization = { 'pool1': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, 'pool2': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, 'pool3': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, 'pool4': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, } self.assertEqual(expected_pool_utilization, self.perf_library.pool_utilization) mock_get_aggregates_for_pools.assert_called_once_with( self.fake_volumes) mock_get_nodes_for_aggregates.assert_called_once_with(self.fake_aggrs) mock_get_node_utilization_counters.assert_has_calls(['node1'),'node2')]) self.assertFalse(mock_get_node_utilization.called) def test_update_performance_cache_unknown_nodes(self): self.perf_library.performance_counters = { 'node1': range(11, 21), 'node2': range(21, 31), } mock_get_aggregates_for_pools = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_aggregates_for_pools', return_value=self.fake_aggrs) mock_get_nodes_for_aggregates = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_nodes_for_aggregates', return_value=(set(), {})) mock_get_node_utilization_counters = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_counters', side_effect=[11, 21]) mock_get_node_utilization = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization', side_effect=[25, 75]) self.perf_library.update_performance_cache(self.fake_volumes) expected_performance_counters = { 'node1': range(11, 21), 'node2': range(21, 31), } self.assertEqual(expected_performance_counters, self.perf_library.performance_counters) expected_pool_utilization = { 'pool1': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, 'pool2': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, 'pool3': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, 'pool4': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, } self.assertEqual(expected_pool_utilization, self.perf_library.pool_utilization) mock_get_aggregates_for_pools.assert_called_once_with( self.fake_volumes) mock_get_nodes_for_aggregates.assert_called_once_with(self.fake_aggrs) self.assertFalse(mock_get_node_utilization_counters.called) self.assertFalse(mock_get_node_utilization.called) def test_update_performance_cache_counters_unavailable(self): self.perf_library.performance_counters = { 'node1': range(11, 21), 'node2': range(21, 31), } mock_get_aggregates_for_pools = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_aggregates_for_pools', return_value=self.fake_aggrs) mock_get_nodes_for_aggregates = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_nodes_for_aggregates', return_value=(self.fake_nodes, self.fake_aggr_node_map)) mock_get_node_utilization_counters = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_counters', side_effect=[None, None]) mock_get_node_utilization = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization', side_effect=[25, 75]) self.perf_library.update_performance_cache(self.fake_volumes) expected_performance_counters = { 'node1': range(11, 21), 'node2': range(21, 31), } self.assertEqual(expected_performance_counters, self.perf_library.performance_counters) expected_pool_utilization = { 'pool1': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, 'pool2': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, 'pool3': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, 'pool4': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION, } self.assertEqual(expected_pool_utilization, self.perf_library.pool_utilization) mock_get_aggregates_for_pools.assert_called_once_with( self.fake_volumes) mock_get_nodes_for_aggregates.assert_called_once_with(self.fake_aggrs) mock_get_node_utilization_counters.assert_has_calls(['node1'),'node2')], any_order=True) self.assertFalse(mock_get_node_utilization.called) def test_update_performance_cache_not_supported(self): self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_METRICS = False self.zapi_client.features.SYSTEM_CONSTITUENT_METRICS = False mock_get_aggregates_for_pools = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_aggregates_for_pools') self.perf_library.update_performance_cache(self.fake_volumes) expected_performance_counters = {} self.assertEqual(expected_performance_counters, self.perf_library.performance_counters) expected_pool_utilization = {} self.assertEqual(expected_pool_utilization, self.perf_library.pool_utilization) self.assertFalse(mock_get_aggregates_for_pools.called){'pool': 'pool1', 'expected': 10.0}, {'pool': 'pool3', 'expected': perf_base.DEFAULT_UTILIZATION}) @ddt.unpack def test_get_node_utilization_for_pool(self, pool, expected): self.perf_library.pool_utilization = {'pool1': 10.0, 'pool2': 15.0} result = self.perf_library.get_node_utilization_for_pool(pool) self.assertAlmostEqual(expected, result) def test__update_for_failover(self): self.mock_object(self.perf_library, 'update_performance_cache') mock_client = mock.Mock(name='FAKE_ZAPI_CLIENT') self.perf_library._update_for_failover(mock_client, self.fake_volumes) self.assertEqual(mock_client, self.perf_library.zapi_client) self.perf_library.update_performance_cache.assert_called_once_with( self.fake_volumes) def test_get_aggregates_for_pools(self): result = self.perf_library._get_aggregates_for_pools(self.fake_volumes) expected_aggregate_names = set(['aggr1', 'aggr2']) self.assertEqual(expected_aggregate_names, result) def test_get_nodes_for_aggregates(self): aggregate_names = ['aggr1', 'aggr2', 'aggr3'] aggregate_nodes = ['node1', 'node2', 'node2'] mock_get_node_for_aggregate = self.mock_object( self.zapi_client, 'get_node_for_aggregate', side_effect=aggregate_nodes) result = self.perf_library._get_nodes_for_aggregates(aggregate_names) self.assertEqual(2, len(result)) result_node_names, result_aggr_node_map = result expected_node_names = set(['node1', 'node2']) expected_aggr_node_map = dict(zip(aggregate_names, aggregate_nodes)) self.assertEqual(expected_node_names, result_node_names) self.assertEqual(expected_aggr_node_map, result_aggr_node_map) mock_get_node_for_aggregate.assert_has_calls(['aggr1'),'aggr2'),'aggr3')]) def test_get_node_utilization_counters(self): mock_get_node_utilization_system_counters = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_system_counters', return_value=['A', 'B', 'C']) mock_get_node_utilization_wafl_counters = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_wafl_counters', return_value=['D', 'E', 'F']) mock_get_node_utilization_processor_counters = self.mock_object( self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_processor_counters', return_value=['G', 'H', 'I']) result = self.perf_library._get_node_utilization_counters(fake.NODE) expected = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I'] self.assertEqual(expected, result) mock_get_node_utilization_system_counters.assert_called_once_with( fake.NODE) mock_get_node_utilization_wafl_counters.assert_called_once_with( fake.NODE) mock_get_node_utilization_processor_counters.assert_called_once_with( fake.NODE) def test_get_node_utilization_counters_api_error(self): self.mock_object(self.perf_library, '_get_node_utilization_system_counters', side_effect=netapp_api.NaApiError) result = self.perf_library._get_node_utilization_counters(fake.NODE) self.assertIsNone(result) def test_get_node_utilization_system_counters(self): mock_get_performance_instance_uuids = self.mock_object( self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_instance_uuids', return_value=fake.SYSTEM_INSTANCE_UUIDS) mock_get_performance_counters = self.mock_object( self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_counters', return_value=fake.SYSTEM_COUNTERS) result = self.perf_library._get_node_utilization_system_counters( fake.NODE) self.assertEqual(fake.SYSTEM_COUNTERS, result) mock_get_performance_instance_uuids.assert_called_once_with( 'system', fake.NODE) mock_get_performance_counters.assert_called_once_with( 'system', fake.SYSTEM_INSTANCE_UUIDS, ['avg_processor_busy', 'cpu_elapsed_time1', 'cpu_elapsed_time']) def test_get_node_utilization_wafl_counters(self): mock_get_performance_instance_uuids = self.mock_object( self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_instance_uuids', return_value=fake.WAFL_INSTANCE_UUIDS) mock_get_performance_counters = self.mock_object( self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_counters', return_value=fake.WAFL_COUNTERS) mock_get_performance_counter_info = self.mock_object( self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_counter_info', return_value=fake.WAFL_CP_PHASE_TIMES_COUNTER_INFO) result = self.perf_library._get_node_utilization_wafl_counters( fake.NODE) self.assertEqual(fake.EXPANDED_WAFL_COUNTERS, result) mock_get_performance_instance_uuids.assert_called_once_with( 'wafl', fake.NODE) mock_get_performance_counters.assert_called_once_with( 'wafl', fake.WAFL_INSTANCE_UUIDS, ['total_cp_msecs', 'cp_phase_times']) mock_get_performance_counter_info.assert_called_once_with( 'wafl', 'cp_phase_times') def test_get_node_utilization_processor_counters(self): mock_get_performance_instance_uuids = self.mock_object( self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_instance_uuids', return_value=fake.PROCESSOR_INSTANCE_UUIDS) mock_get_performance_counters = self.mock_object( self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_counters', return_value=fake.PROCESSOR_COUNTERS) self.mock_object( self.zapi_client, 'get_performance_counter_info', return_value=fake.PROCESSOR_DOMAIN_BUSY_COUNTER_INFO) result = self.perf_library._get_node_utilization_processor_counters( fake.NODE) self.assertEqual(fake.EXPANDED_PROCESSOR_COUNTERS, result) mock_get_performance_instance_uuids.assert_called_once_with( 'processor', fake.NODE) mock_get_performance_counters.assert_called_once_with( 'processor', fake.PROCESSOR_INSTANCE_UUIDS, ['domain_busy', 'processor_elapsed_time'])
""" Regression tests for proper working of ForeignKey(null=True). Tests these bugs: * #7512: including a nullable foreign key reference in Meta ordering has un xpected results """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible # The first two models represent a very simple null FK ordering case. class Author(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=150) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Article(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=150) author = models.ForeignKey(Author, models.SET_NULL, null=True) def __str__(self): return 'Article titled: %s' % (self.title, ) class Meta: ordering = ['author__name', ] # These following 4 models represent a far more complex ordering case. class SystemInfo(models.Model): system_name = models.CharField(max_length=32) class Forum(models.Model): system_info = models.ForeignKey(SystemInfo, models.CASCADE) forum_name = models.CharField(max_length=32) @python_2_unicode_compatible class Post(models.Model): forum = models.ForeignKey(Forum, models.SET_NULL, null=True) title = models.CharField(max_length=32) def __str__(self): return self.title @python_2_unicode_compatible class Comment(models.Model): post = models.ForeignKey(Post, models.SET_NULL, null=True) comment_text = models.CharField(max_length=250) class Meta: ordering = ['post__forum__system_info__system_name', 'comment_text'] def __str__(self): return self.comment_text
from decimal import Decimal as D from django.test import TestCase import mock from oscar.apps.shipping import methods from oscar.apps.basket.models import Basket class TestFreeShipppingForEmptyBasket(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.method = methods.Free() self.basket = Basket() self.charge = self.method.calculate(self.basket) def test_is_free(self): self.assertEqual(D('0.00'), self.charge.incl_tax) self.assertEqual(D('0.00'), self.charge.excl_tax) def test_has_tax_known(self): self.assertTrue(self.charge.is_tax_known) def test_has_same_currency_as_basket(self): self.assertEqual(self.basket.currency, self.charge.currency) class TestFreeShipppingForNonEmptyBasket(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.method = methods.Free() self.basket = mock.Mock() self.basket.num_items = 1 self.charge = self.method.calculate(self.basket) def test_is_free(self): self.assertEqual(D('0.00'), self.charge.incl_tax) self.assertEqual(D('0.00'), self.charge.excl_tax) class TestNoShippingRequired(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.method = methods.NoShippingRequired() basket = Basket() self.charge = self.method.calculate(basket) def test_is_free_for_empty_basket(self): self.assertEqual(D('0.00'), self.charge.incl_tax) self.assertEqual(D('0.00'), self.charge.excl_tax) def test_has_a_different_code_to_free(self): self.assertTrue(methods.NoShippingRequired.code != methods.Free.code) class TestFixedPriceShippingWithoutTax(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.method = methods.FixedPrice(D('10.00')) basket = Basket() self.charge = self.method.calculate(basket) def test_has_correct_charge(self): self.assertEqual(D('10.00'), self.charge.excl_tax) def test_does_not_include_tax(self): self.assertFalse(self.charge.is_tax_known) class TestFixedPriceShippingWithTax(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.method = methods.FixedPrice( charge_excl_tax=D('10.00'), charge_incl_tax=D('12.00')) basket = Basket() self.charge = self.method.calculate(basket) def test_has_correct_charge(self): self.assertEqual(D('10.00'), self.charge.excl_tax) self.assertEqual(D('12.00'), self.charge.incl_tax) def test_does_include_tax(self): self.assertTrue(self.charge.is_tax_known)
# Copyright 2021, Kay Hayen, # # Python test originally created or extracted from other peoples work. The # parts from me are licensed as below. It is at least Free Software where # it's copied from other people. In these cases, that will normally be # indicated. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # module_value1 = 5000 module_value2 = 3000 def calledRepeatedly(): # Force frame and eliminate forward propagation (currently). module_value1 local_value = module_value1 s = module_value1 t = module_value2 # construct_begin t = s + t # construct_end return s, t, local_value import itertools for x in itertools.repeat(None, 50000): calledRepeatedly() print("OK.")
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2014 Matthew Wall # See the file LICENSE.txt for your rights. """Driver for ADS WS1 weather stations. Thanks to Steve (sesykes71) for the testing that made this driver possible. Thanks to Jay Nugent (WB8TKL) and KRK6 for weather-2.kr6k-V2.1 """ from __future__ import with_statement import serial import syslog import time import weewx.drivers DRIVER_NAME = 'WS1' DRIVER_VERSION = '0.19' def loader(config_dict, _): return WS1Driver(**config_dict[DRIVER_NAME]) def confeditor_loader(): return WS1ConfEditor() INHG_PER_MBAR = 0.0295333727 METER_PER_FOOT = 0.3048 MILE_PER_KM = 0.621371 DEFAULT_PORT = '/dev/ttyS0' DEBUG_READ = 0 def logmsg(level, msg): syslog.syslog(level, 'ws1: %s' % msg) def logdbg(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, msg) def loginf(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_INFO, msg) def logerr(msg): logmsg(syslog.LOG_ERR, msg) class WS1Driver(weewx.drivers.AbstractDevice): """weewx driver that communicates with an ADS-WS1 station port - serial port [Required. Default is /dev/ttyS0] max_tries - how often to retry serial communication before giving up [Optional. Default is 5] retry_wait - how long to wait, in seconds, before retrying after a failure [Optional. Default is 10] """ def __init__(self, **stn_dict): self.port = stn_dict.get('port', DEFAULT_PORT) self.max_tries = int(stn_dict.get('max_tries', 5)) self.retry_wait = int(stn_dict.get('retry_wait', 10)) self.last_rain = None loginf('driver version is %s' % DRIVER_VERSION) loginf('using serial port %s' % self.port) global DEBUG_READ DEBUG_READ = int(stn_dict.get('debug_read', DEBUG_READ)) self.station = Station(self.port) def closePort(self): if self.station is not None: self.station.close() self.station = None @property def hardware_name(self): return "WS1" def genLoopPackets(self): while True: packet = {'dateTime': int(time.time() + 0.5), 'usUnits': weewx.US} readings = self.station.get_readings_with_retry(self.max_tries, self.retry_wait) data = Station.parse_readings(readings) packet.update(data) self._augment_packet(packet) yield packet def _augment_packet(self, packet): # calculate the rain delta from rain total if self.last_rain is not None: packet['rain'] = packet['long_term_rain'] - self.last_rain else: packet['rain'] = None self.last_rain = packet['long_term_rain'] # no wind direction when wind speed is zero if 'windSpeed' in packet and not packet['windSpeed']: packet['windDir'] = None class Station(object): def __init__(self, port): self.port = port self.baudrate = 2400 self.timeout = 3 self.serial_port = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, _, value, traceback): self.close() def open(self): logdbg("open serial port %s" % self.port) self.serial_port = serial.Serial(self.port, self.baudrate, timeout=self.timeout) def close(self): if self.serial_port is not None: logdbg("close serial port %s" % self.port) self.serial_port.close() self.serial_port = None # FIXME: use either CR or LF as line terminator. apparently some ws1 # hardware occasionally ends a line with only CR instead of the standard # CR-LF, resulting in a line that is too long. def get_readings(self): buf = self.serial_port.readline() if DEBUG_READ: logdbg("bytes: '%s'" % ' '.join(["%0.2X" % ord(c) for c in buf])) buf = buf.strip() return buf def get_readings_with_retry(self, max_tries=5, retry_wait=10): for ntries in range(0, max_tries): try: buf = self.get_readings() Station.validate_string(buf) return buf except (serial.serialutil.SerialException, weewx.WeeWxIOError), e: loginf("Failed attempt %d of %d to get readings: %s" % (ntries + 1, max_tries, e)) time.sleep(retry_wait) else: msg = "Max retries (%d) exceeded for readings" % max_tries logerr(msg) raise weewx.RetriesExceeded(msg) @staticmethod def validate_string(buf): if len(buf) != 50: raise weewx.WeeWxIOError("Unexpected buffer length %d" % len(buf)) if buf[0:2] != '!!': raise weewx.WeeWxIOError("Unexpected header bytes '%s'" % buf[0:2]) return buf @staticmethod def parse_readings(raw): """WS1 station emits data in PeetBros format: Each line has 50 characters - 2 header bytes and 48 data bytes: !!000000BE02EB000027700000023A023A0025005800000000 SSSSXXDDTTTTLLLLPPPPttttHHHHhhhhddddmmmmRRRRWWWW SSSS - wind speed (0.1 kph) XX - wind direction calibration DD - wind direction (0-255) TTTT - outdoor temperature (0.1 F) LLLL - long term rain (0.01 in) PPPP - pressure (0.1 mbar) tttt - indoor temperature (0.1 F) HHHH - outdoor humidity (0.1 %) hhhh - indoor humidity (0.1 %) dddd - date (day of year) mmmm - time (minute of day) RRRR - daily rain (0.01 in) WWWW - one minute wind average (0.1 kph) """ # FIXME: peetbros could be 40 bytes or 44 bytes, what about ws1? # FIXME: peetbros uses two's complement for temp, what about ws1? # FIXME: for ws1 is the pressure reading 'pressure' or 'barometer'? buf = raw[2:] data = dict() data['windSpeed'] = Station._decode(buf[0:4], 0.1 * MILE_PER_KM) # mph data['windDir'] = Station._decode(buf[6:8], 1.411764) # compass deg data['outTemp'] = Station._decode(buf[8:12], 0.1) # degree_F data['long_term_rain'] = Station._decode(buf[12:16], 0.01) # inch data['pressure'] = Station._decode(buf[16:20], 0.1 * INHG_PER_MBAR) # inHg data['inTemp'] = Station._decode(buf[20:24], 0.1) # degree_F data['outHumidity'] = Station._decode(buf[24:28], 0.1) # percent data['inHumidity'] = Station._decode(buf[28:32], 0.1) # percent data['day_of_year'] = Station._decode(buf[32:36]) data['minute_of_day'] = Station._decode(buf[36:40]) data['daily_rain'] = Station._decode(buf[40:44], 0.01) # inch data['wind_average'] = Station._decode(buf[44:48], 0.1 * MILE_PER_KM) # mph return data @staticmethod def _decode(s, multiplier=None, neg=False): v = None try: v = int(s, 16) if neg: bits = 4 * len(s) if v & (1 << (bits - 1)) != 0: v -= (1 << bits) if multiplier is not None: v *= multiplier except ValueError, e: if s != '----': logdbg("decode failed for '%s': %s" % (s, e)) return v class WS1ConfEditor(weewx.drivers.AbstractConfEditor): @property def default_stanza(self): return """ [WS1] # This section is for the ADS WS1 series of weather stations. # Serial port such as /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyUSB0, or /dev/cuaU0 port = /dev/ttyUSB0 # The driver to use: driver = weewx.drivers.ws1 """ def prompt_for_settings(self): print "Specify the serial port on which the station is connected, for" print "example /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyS0." port = self._prompt('port', '/dev/ttyUSB0') return {'port': port} # define a main entry point for basic testing of the station without weewx # engine and service overhead. invoke this as follows from the weewx root dir: # # PYTHONPATH=bin python bin/weewx/drivers/ if __name__ == '__main__': import optparse usage = """%prog [options] [--help]""" syslog.openlog('ws1', syslog.LOG_PID | syslog.LOG_CONS) syslog.setlogmask(syslog.LOG_UPTO(syslog.LOG_DEBUG)) parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('--version', dest='version', action='store_true', help='display driver version') parser.add_option('--port', dest='port', metavar='PORT', help='serial port to which the station is connected', default=DEFAULT_PORT) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.version: print "ADS WS1 driver version %s" % DRIVER_VERSION exit(0) with Station(options.port) as s: while True: print time.time(), s.get_readings()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ jinja2.testsuite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the unittests of Jinja2. These tests can be executed by either running using multiple Python versions at the same time. :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import os import re import sys import unittest from traceback import format_exception from jinja2 import loaders from jinja2._compat import PY2 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) dict_loader = loaders.DictLoader({ 'justdict.html': 'FOO' }) package_loader = loaders.PackageLoader('jinja2.testsuite.res', 'templates') filesystem_loader = loaders.FileSystemLoader(here + '/res/templates') function_loader = loaders.FunctionLoader({'justfunction.html': 'FOO'}.get) choice_loader = loaders.ChoiceLoader([dict_loader, package_loader]) prefix_loader = loaders.PrefixLoader({ 'a': filesystem_loader, 'b': dict_loader }) class JinjaTestCase(unittest.TestCase): ### use only these methods for testing. If you need standard ### unittest method, wrap them! def setup(self): pass def teardown(self): pass def setUp(self): self.setup() def tearDown(self): self.teardown() def assert_equal(self, a, b): return self.assertEqual(a, b) def assert_raises(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.assertRaises(*args, **kwargs) def assert_traceback_matches(self, callback, expected_tb): try: callback() except Exception as e: tb = format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) if, ''.join(tb)) is None: raise'Traceback did not match:\n\n%s\nexpected:\n%s' % (''.join(tb), expected_tb)) else:'Expected exception') def find_all_tests(suite): """Yields all the tests and their names from a given suite.""" suites = [suite] while suites: s = suites.pop() try: suites.extend(s) except TypeError: yield s, '%s.%s.%s' % ( s.__class__.__module__, s.__class__.__name__, s._testMethodName ) class BetterLoader(unittest.TestLoader): """A nicer loader that solves two problems. First of all we are setting up tests from different sources and we're doing this programmatically which breaks the default loading logic so this is required anyways. Secondly this loader has a nicer interpolation for test names than the default one so you can just do `` ViewTestCase`` and it will work. """ def getRootSuite(self): return suite() def loadTestsFromName(self, name, module=None): root = self.getRootSuite() if name == 'suite': return root all_tests = [] for testcase, testname in find_all_tests(root): if testname == name or \ testname.endswith('.' + name) or \ ('.' + name + '.') in testname or \ testname.startswith(name + '.'): all_tests.append(testcase) if not all_tests: raise LookupError('could not find test case for "%s"' % name) if len(all_tests) == 1: return all_tests[0] rv = unittest.TestSuite() for test in all_tests: rv.addTest(test) return rv def suite(): from jinja2.testsuite import ext, filters, tests, core_tags, \ loader, inheritance, imports, lexnparse, security, api, \ regression, debug, utils, bytecode_cache, doctests suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(ext.suite()) suite.addTest(filters.suite()) suite.addTest(tests.suite()) suite.addTest(core_tags.suite()) suite.addTest(loader.suite()) suite.addTest(inheritance.suite()) suite.addTest(imports.suite()) suite.addTest(lexnparse.suite()) suite.addTest(security.suite()) suite.addTest(api.suite()) suite.addTest(regression.suite()) suite.addTest(debug.suite()) suite.addTest(utils.suite()) suite.addTest(bytecode_cache.suite()) # doctests will not run on python 3 currently. Too many issues # with that, do not test that on that platform. if PY2: suite.addTest(doctests.suite()) return suite def main(): """Runs the testsuite as command line application.""" try: unittest.main(testLoader=BetterLoader(), defaultTest='suite') except Exception as e: print('Error: %s' % e)
# MIT License # Copyright (c) 2017 MassChallenge, Inc. from django.apps import apps from django.conf import settings from django.conf.urls import ( include, url, ) from django.conf.urls.static import static from django.contrib import admin from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from django.views.generic import TemplateView from drf_auto_endpoint.router import router as schema_router from impact.graphql.utils.custom_error_view import SafeGraphQLView from rest_framework import routers from rest_framework_jwt.views import ( obtain_jwt_token, refresh_jwt_token, verify_jwt_token, ) from impact.graphql.middleware import IsAuthenticatedMiddleware from impact.graphql.schema import ( auth_schema, schema, ) from impact.model_utils import model_name_to_snake from impact.schema import schema_view from impact.v0.urls import v0_urlpatterns from impact.v1.urls import v1_urlpatterns from impact.views import ( CalendarReminderView, AlgoliaApiKeyView, GeneralViewSet, IndexView, JWTCookieNameView, ) from .views.general_view_set import MODELS_TO_EXCLUDE_FROM_URL_BINDING accelerator_router = routers.DefaultRouter() simpleuser_router = routers.DefaultRouter() simpleuser_router.register('User', GeneralViewSet, base_name='User') for model in apps.get_models('accelerator'): if (model._meta.app_label == 'accelerator' and not model._meta.auto_created and model.__name__ not in MODELS_TO_EXCLUDE_FROM_URL_BINDING): schema_router.register( model, url=model_name_to_snake(model.__name__)) sso_urlpatterns = [ url(r'^api-token-auth/', obtain_jwt_token), url(r'^api-token-refresh/', refresh_jwt_token), url(r'^api-token-verify/', verify_jwt_token), ] account_urlpatterns = [ url(r'^', include('registration.backends.simple.urls')), ] urls = [ url(r'^api/sso/token_name/', JWTCookieNameView.as_view(), name=JWTCookieNameView.view_name), url(r'^api/algolia/api_key/$', AlgoliaApiKeyView.as_view(), name=AlgoliaApiKeyView.view_name), url(r'^api/calendar/reminder/$', CalendarReminderView.as_view(), name=CalendarReminderView.view_name), url(r'^api/v0/', include(v0_urlpatterns)), url(r'^api/v1/', include(v1_urlpatterns)), url(r'^api/(?P<app>\w+)/(?P<model>[a-z_]+)/' r'(?P<related_model>[a-z_]+)/$', GeneralViewSet.as_view({'get': 'list', 'post': 'create'}), name='related-object-list'), url(r'^api/(?P<app>\w+)/(?P<model>[a-z_]+)/' r'(?P<related_model>[a-z_]+)/' r'(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/$', GeneralViewSet.as_view({ 'get': 'retrieve', 'put': 'update', 'patch': 'partial_update', 'delete': 'destroy' }), name='related-object-detail'), url(r'^api/(?P<app>\w+)/(?P<model>[a-z_]+)/$', GeneralViewSet.as_view({'get': 'list', 'post': 'create'}), name='object-list'), url(r'^api/(?P<app>\w+)/(?P<model>[a-z_]+)/(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/$', GeneralViewSet.as_view({ 'get': 'retrieve', 'put': 'update', 'patch': 'partial_update', 'delete': 'destroy' }), name='object-detail'), url(r'^api/simpleuser/', include(simpleuser_router.urls)), url(r'^api/accelerator/', include(schema_router.urls), name='api-root'), url(r'^sso/', include(sso_urlpatterns)), url(r'^admin/',, url(r'^accounts/', include(account_urlpatterns)), url(r'^graphql/$', csrf_exempt(SafeGraphQLView.as_view( graphiql=settings.DEBUG, schema=schema, middleware=[ IsAuthenticatedMiddleware])), name="graphql"), url(r'^graphql/auth/$', csrf_exempt(SafeGraphQLView.as_view( graphiql=settings.DEBUG, schema=auth_schema)), name="graphql-auth"), url(r'^oauth/', include('oauth2_provider.urls', namespace='oauth2_provider')), url(r'^schema/$', schema_view, name='schema'), url(r'^directory/(?:.*)$', TemplateView.as_view( template_name='front-end.html'), name="directory"), url(r'^allocator/(?:.*)$', TemplateView.as_view( template_name='front-end.html'), name="allocator"), url(r'^people/$', TemplateView.as_view( template_name='front-end.html'), name="entreprenuer_directory"), url(r'^people/(.*)/$', TemplateView.as_view( template_name='front-end.html'), name="entreprenuer_profile"), url(r'^startups/$', TemplateView.as_view( template_name='front-end.html'), name="startup_directory"), url(r'^openid/', include('oidc_provider.urls', namespace='oidc_provider')), url(r'^$', IndexView.as_view()), ] # use staticfiles with waitress (not recommneded!) # TODO: switch to a real static file handler urls += ( static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)) if settings.DEBUG: # add debug toolbar import debug_toolbar # pragma: no cover urls += [ # pragma: no cover url(r"^__debug__/", include(debug_toolbar.urls)), # pragma: no cover ] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT) urlpatterns = urls
"""Capa's specialized use of codejail.safe_exec.""" from codejail.safe_exec import safe_exec as codejail_safe_exec from codejail.safe_exec import not_safe_exec as codejail_not_safe_exec from codejail.safe_exec import json_safe, SafeExecException from . import lazymod from dogapi import dog_stats_api import hashlib # Establish the Python environment for Capa. # Capa assumes float-friendly division always. # The name "random" is a properly-seeded stand-in for the random module. CODE_PROLOG = """\ from __future__ import division import random as random_module import sys random = random_module.Random(%r) random.Random = random_module.Random sys.modules['random'] = random """ ASSUMED_IMPORTS = [ ("numpy", "numpy"), ("math", "math"), ("scipy", "scipy"), ("calc", "calc"), ("eia", "eia"), ("chemcalc", "chem.chemcalc"), ("chemtools", "chem.chemtools"), ("miller", "chem.miller"), ("draganddrop", "verifiers.draganddrop"), ] # We'll need the code from for use in safe_exec, so read it now. lazymod_py_file = lazymod.__file__ if lazymod_py_file.endswith("c"): lazymod_py_file = lazymod_py_file[:-1] lazymod_py = open(lazymod_py_file).read() LAZY_IMPORTS = [lazymod_py] for name, modname in ASSUMED_IMPORTS: LAZY_IMPORTS.append("{} = LazyModule('{}')\n".format(name, modname)) LAZY_IMPORTS = "".join(LAZY_IMPORTS) def update_hash(hasher, obj): """ Update a `hashlib` hasher with a nested object. To properly cache nested structures, we need to compute a hash from the entire structure, canonicalizing at every level. `hasher`'s `.update()` method is called a number of times, touching all of `obj` in the process. Only primitive JSON-safe types are supported. """ hasher.update(str(type(obj))) if isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)): for e in obj: update_hash(hasher, e) elif isinstance(obj, dict): for k in sorted(obj): update_hash(hasher, k) update_hash(hasher, obj[k]) else: hasher.update(repr(obj)) @dog_stats_api.timed('capa.safe_exec.time') def safe_exec( code, globals_dict, random_seed=None, python_path=None, extra_files=None, cache=None, slug=None, unsafely=False, ): """ Execute python code safely. `code` is the Python code to execute. It has access to the globals in `globals_dict`, and any changes it makes to those globals are visible in `globals_dict` when this function returns. `random_seed` will be used to see the `random` module available to the code. `python_path` is a list of filenames or directories to add to the Python path before execution. If the name is not in `extra_files`, then it will also be copied into the sandbox. `extra_files` is a list of (filename, contents) pairs. These files are created in the sandbox. `cache` is an object with .get(key) and .set(key, value) methods. It will be used to cache the execution, taking into account the code, the values of the globals, and the random seed. `slug` is an arbitrary string, a description that's meaningful to the caller, that will be used in log messages. If `unsafely` is true, then the code will actually be executed without sandboxing. """ # Check the cache for a previous result. if cache: safe_globals = json_safe(globals_dict) md5er = hashlib.md5() md5er.update(repr(code)) update_hash(md5er, safe_globals) key = "safe_exec.%r.%s" % (random_seed, md5er.hexdigest()) cached = cache.get(key) if cached is not None: # We have a cached result. The result is a pair: the exception # message, if any, else None; and the resulting globals dictionary. emsg, cleaned_results = cached globals_dict.update(cleaned_results) if emsg: raise SafeExecException(emsg) return # Create the complete code we'll run. code_prolog = CODE_PROLOG % random_seed # Decide which code executor to use. if unsafely: exec_fn = codejail_not_safe_exec else: exec_fn = codejail_safe_exec # Run the code! Results are side effects in globals_dict. try: exec_fn( code_prolog + LAZY_IMPORTS + code, globals_dict, python_path=python_path, extra_files=extra_files, slug=slug, ) except SafeExecException as e: emsg = e.message else: emsg = None # Put the result back in the cache. This is complicated by the fact that # the globals dict might not be entirely serializable. if cache: cleaned_results = json_safe(globals_dict) cache.set(key, (emsg, cleaned_results)) # If an exception happened, raise it now. if emsg: raise e
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type class Attribute: def __init__(self, isa=None, private=False, default=None, required=False, listof=None): self.isa = isa self.private = private self.default = default self.required = required self.listof = listof class FieldAttribute(Attribute): pass
# vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 encoding=utf-8 """ Python Character Mapping Codec based on gsm0338 generated from './GSM0338.TXT' with With extra sauce to deal with the 'multibyte' extensions! """#" import codecs import re ### Codec APIs # # Shared funcs # def _encode(input,errors='strict'): # split to see if we have any 'extended' characters runs=unicode_splitter.split(input) # now iterate through handling any 'multibyte' ourselves out_str=list() consumed=0 extended=extended_encode_map.keys() for run in runs: if len(run)==1 and run[0] in extended: out_str.append(extended_indicator+extended_encode_map[run]) consumed+=1 else: # pass it to the standard encoder out,cons=codecs.charmap_encode(run,errors,encoding_table) out_str.append(out) consumed+=cons return (''.join(out_str),consumed) def _decode(input,errors='strict'): # opposite of above, look for multibye 'marker' # and handle it ourselves, pass the rest to the # standard decoder # split to see if we have any 'extended' characters runs = str_splitter.split(input) # now iterate through handling any 'multibyte' ourselves out_uni = [] consumed = 0 for run in runs: if len(run)==0: # first char was a marker, but we don't care # the marker itself will come up in the next run continue if len(run)==2 and run[0]==extended_indicator: try: out_uni.append(extended_decode_map[run[1]]) consumed += 2 continue except KeyError: # second char was not an extended, so # let this pass through and the marker # will be interpreted by the table as a NBSP pass # pass it to the standard encoder out,cons=codecs.charmap_decode(run,errors,decoding_table) out_uni.append(out) consumed+=cons return (u''.join(out_uni),consumed) class Codec(codecs.Codec): def encode(self,input,errors='strict'): return _encode(input,errors) def decode(self,input,errors='strict'): # strip any trailing '\x00's as the standard # says trailing ones are _not_ @'s and # are in fact blanks if input[-1]=='\x00': input=input[:-1] return _decode(input,errors) class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder): def encode(self, input, final=False): # just use the standard encoding as there is no need # to hold state return _encode(input,self.errors)[0] class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.IncrementalDecoder): # a little trickier 'cause input _might_ come in # split right on the extended char marker boundary def __init__(self,errors='strict'): codecs.IncrementalDecoder.__init__(self,errors) self.last_saw_mark=False def decode(self, input, final=False): if final: # check for final '\x00' which should not # be interpreted as a '@' if input[-1]=='\x00': input=input[:-1] # keep track of how many chars we've added or # removed to the run to adjust the response from # _decode consumed_delta=0 # see if last char was a 2-byte mark if self.last_saw_mark: # add it back to the current run input=extended_indicator+input consumed_delta-=1 # 'cause we added a char self.last_saw_mark=False # reset if input[-1:]==extended_indicator and not final: # chop it off input=input[:-1] consumed_delta+=1 # because we just consumed one char self.last_saw_mark=True # NOTE: if we are final and last mark is # and extended indicator, it will be interpreted # as NBSP return _decode(input,self.errors)[0] def reset(self): self.last_saw_mark=False class StreamWriter(Codec,codecs.StreamWriter): pass class StreamReader(Codec,codecs.StreamReader): pass ### encodings module API def getregentry(): return codecs.CodecInfo( name='gsm0338', encode=Codec().encode, decode=Codec().decode, incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder, incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder, streamreader=StreamReader, streamwriter=StreamWriter, ) ### Decoding Tables # gsm 'extended' character. # gsm, annoyingly, is MOSTLY 7-bit chars # # BUT has 10 'extended' chars represented # by 2-chars, an idicator, and then one of # the 10 # first of the 2-chars is indicator extended_indicator='\x1b' # second char is the 'extended' character extended_encode_map = { # Unicode->GSM string u'\x0c':'\x0a', # FORM FEED u'^':'\x14', # CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT u'{':'\x28', # LEFT CURLY BRACKET u'}':'\x29', # RIGHT CURLY BRACKET u'\\':'\x2f', # REVERSE SOLIDUS u'[':'\x3c', # LEFT SQUARE BRACKET u'~':'\x3d', # TILDE u']':'\x3e', # RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET u'|':'\x40', # VERTICAL LINE u'\u20ac':'\x65' # EURO SIGN } # reverse the map above for decoding # GSM String->Unicode uni,gsm=zip(*extended_encode_map.items()) extended_decode_map=dict(zip(gsm,uni)) # splitter str_splitter=re.compile('(%(ind)s[^%(ind)s])' % { 'ind':extended_indicator }) unicode_splitter=re.compile(u'([%s])' % re.escape(''.join(extended_encode_map.keys())), re.UNICODE) # the normal 1-char table decoding_table = ( u'@' # 0x00 -> COMMERCIAL AT u'\xa3' # 0x01 -> POUND SIGN u'$' # 0x02 -> DOLLAR SIGN u'\xa5' # 0x03 -> YEN SIGN u'\xe8' # 0x04 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE u'\xe9' # 0x05 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE u'\xf9' # 0x06 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE u'\xec' # 0x07 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE u'\xf2' # 0x08 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE u'\xe7' # 0x09 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA u'\n' # 0x0A -> LINE FEED u'\xd8' # 0x0B -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE u'\xf8' # 0x0C -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE u'\r' # 0x0D -> CARRIAGE RETURN u'\xc5' # 0x0E -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE u'\xe5' # 0x0F -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE u'\u0394' # 0x10 -> GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA u'_' # 0x11 -> LOW LINE u'\u03a6' # 0x12 -> GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI u'\u0393' # 0x13 -> GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA u'\u039b' # 0x14 -> GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA u'\u03a9' # 0x15 -> GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA u'\u03a0' # 0x16 -> GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI u'\u03a8' # 0x17 -> GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI u'\u03a3' # 0x18 -> GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA u'\u0398' # 0x19 -> GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA u'\u039e' # 0x1A -> GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI u'\xa0' # 0x1B -> ESCAPE TO EXTENSION TABLE (or displayed as NBSP, see note above) u'\xc6' # 0x1C -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE u'\xe6' # 0x1D -> LATIN SMALL LETTER AE u'\xdf' # 0x1E -> LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (German) u'\xc9' # 0x1F -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE u' ' # 0x20 -> SPACE u'!' # 0x21 -> EXCLAMATION MARK u'"' # 0x22 -> QUOTATION MARK u'#' # 0x23 -> NUMBER SIGN u'\xa4' # 0x24 -> CURRENCY SIGN u'%' # 0x25 -> PERCENT SIGN u'&' # 0x26 -> AMPERSAND u"'" # 0x27 -> APOSTROPHE u'(' # 0x28 -> LEFT PARENTHESIS u')' # 0x29 -> RIGHT PARENTHESIS u'*' # 0x2A -> ASTERISK u'+' # 0x2B -> PLUS SIGN u',' # 0x2C -> COMMA u'-' # 0x2D -> HYPHEN-MINUS u'.' # 0x2E -> FULL STOP u'/' # 0x2F -> SOLIDUS u'0' # 0x30 -> DIGIT ZERO u'1' # 0x31 -> DIGIT ONE u'2' # 0x32 -> DIGIT TWO u'3' # 0x33 -> DIGIT THREE u'4' # 0x34 -> DIGIT FOUR u'5' # 0x35 -> DIGIT FIVE u'6' # 0x36 -> DIGIT SIX u'7' # 0x37 -> DIGIT SEVEN u'8' # 0x38 -> DIGIT EIGHT u'9' # 0x39 -> DIGIT NINE u':' # 0x3A -> COLON u';' # 0x3B -> SEMICOLON u'<' # 0x3C -> LESS-THAN SIGN u'=' # 0x3D -> EQUALS SIGN u'>' # 0x3E -> GREATER-THAN SIGN u'?' # 0x3F -> QUESTION MARK u'\xa1' # 0x40 -> INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK u'A' # 0x41 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A u'B' # 0x42 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B u'C' # 0x43 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C u'D' # 0x44 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D u'E' # 0x45 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E u'F' # 0x46 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F u'G' # 0x47 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G u'H' # 0x48 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H u'I' # 0x49 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I u'J' # 0x4A -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J u'K' # 0x4B -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K u'L' # 0x4C -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L u'M' # 0x4D -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M u'N' # 0x4E -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N u'O' # 0x4F -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O u'P' # 0x50 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P u'Q' # 0x51 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q u'R' # 0x52 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R u'S' # 0x53 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S u'T' # 0x54 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T u'U' # 0x55 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U u'V' # 0x56 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V u'W' # 0x57 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W u'X' # 0x58 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X u'Y' # 0x59 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y u'Z' # 0x5A -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z u'\xc4' # 0x5B -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS u'\xd6' # 0x5C -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS u'\xd1' # 0x5D -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE u'\xdc' # 0x5E -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS u'\xa7' # 0x5F -> SECTION SIGN u'\xbf' # 0x60 -> INVERTED QUESTION MARK u'a' # 0x61 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A u'b' # 0x62 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER B u'c' # 0x63 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C u'd' # 0x64 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER D u'e' # 0x65 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E u'f' # 0x66 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER F u'g' # 0x67 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER G u'h' # 0x68 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER H u'i' # 0x69 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I u'j' # 0x6A -> LATIN SMALL LETTER J u'k' # 0x6B -> LATIN SMALL LETTER K u'l' # 0x6C -> LATIN SMALL LETTER L u'm' # 0x6D -> LATIN SMALL LETTER M u'n' # 0x6E -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N u'o' # 0x6F -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O u'p' # 0x70 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER P u'q' # 0x71 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Q u'r' # 0x72 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER R u's' # 0x73 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER S u't' # 0x74 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER T u'u' # 0x75 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U u'v' # 0x76 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER V u'w' # 0x77 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER W u'x' # 0x78 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER X u'y' # 0x79 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y u'z' # 0x7A -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Z u'\xe4' # 0x7B -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS u'\xf6' # 0x7C -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS u'\xf1' # 0x7D -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE u'\xfc' # 0x7E -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS u'\xe0' # 0x7F -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE u'\ufffe' # 0x80 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x81 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x82 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x83 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x84 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x85 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x86 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x87 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x88 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x89 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x8A -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x8B -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x8C -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x8D -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x8E -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x8F -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x90 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x91 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x92 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x93 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x94 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x95 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x96 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x97 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x98 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x99 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x9A -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x9B -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x9C -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x9D -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x9E -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0x9F -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xA0 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xA1 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xA2 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xA3 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xA4 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xA5 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xA6 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xA7 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xA8 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xA9 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xAA -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xAB -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xAC -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xAD -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xAE -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xAF -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xB0 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xB1 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xB2 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xB3 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xB4 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xB5 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xB6 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xB7 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xB8 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xB9 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xBA -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xBB -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xBC -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xBD -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xBE -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xBF -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xC0 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xC1 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xC2 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xC3 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xC4 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xC5 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xC6 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xC7 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xC8 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xC9 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xCA -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xCB -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xCC -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xCD -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xCE -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xCF -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xD0 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xD1 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xD2 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xD3 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xD4 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xD5 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xD6 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xD7 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xD8 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xD9 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xDA -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xDB -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xDC -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xDD -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xDE -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xDF -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xE0 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xE1 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xE2 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xE3 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xE4 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xE5 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xE6 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xE7 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xE8 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xE9 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xEA -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xEB -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xEC -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xED -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xEE -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xEF -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xF0 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xF1 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xF2 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xF3 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xF4 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xF5 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xF6 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xF7 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xF8 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xF9 -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xFA -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xFB -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xFC -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xFD -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xFE -> UNDEFINED u'\ufffe' # 0xFF -> UNDEFINED ) encoding_table=codecs.charmap_build(decoding_table) if __name__ == "__main__": """ Run this as a script for poor-man's unit tests """ isoLatin15_alpha=u" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^-`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~¡¢£€¥Š§š©ª«¬®¯°±²³Žµ¶·ž¹º»ŒœŸ¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ" gsm_alpha=u"\u00A0@£$¥èéùìòçØøÅåΔ_ΦΓΛΩΠΨΣΘΞ^{}\\[~]|\u00A0\u00A0€ÆæßÉ !\"#¤%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?¡ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÄÖÑܧ¿abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöñüà\u00A0" gsm_alpha_encoded='1b000102030405060708090b0c0e0f101112131415161718191a1b141b281b291b2f1b3c1b3d1b3e1b401b1b1b651c1d1e1f202122232425262728292a2b2c2d2e2f303132333435363738393a3b3c3d3e3f404142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f505152535455565758595a5b5c5d5e5f606162636465666768696a6b6c6d6e6f707172737475767778797a7b7c7d7e7f1b' gsm_alpha_gsm=gsm_alpha_encoded.decode('hex') # some simple tests print "Assert GSM alphabet, encoded in GSM is correct (unicode->gsm_str)..." encoded=_encode(gsm_alpha)[0].encode('hex') print encoded assert(encoded==gsm_alpha_encoded) print "Good" print print "Assert GSM encoded string converts to correct Unicode (gsm_str->unicode)..." assert(_decode(gsm_alpha_gsm)[0]==gsm_alpha) print "Good" print # test Codec objects print "Try the codec objects unicode_test_str->encode->decode==unicode_test_str..." c=Codec() gsm_str,out=c.encode(gsm_alpha) assert(c.decode(gsm_str)[0]==gsm_alpha) print "Good" print print "Try the incremental codecs, same test, but loop it..." def _inc_encode(ie): encoded=list() hop=17 # make it something odd final=False for i in range(0,len(gsm_alpha),hop): end=i+hop if end>=len(gsm_alpha): final=True encoded.append(ie.encode(gsm_alpha[i:end],final)) return ''.join(encoded) enc=IncrementalEncoder() assert(_inc_encode(enc)==gsm_alpha_gsm) print "Good" print print "Now do that again with the same encoder to make sure state is reset..." enc.reset() assert(_inc_encode(enc)==gsm_alpha_gsm) print "Good" print print "Now decode the encoded string back to unicode..." def _inc_decode(idec): decoded=list() # define so we KNOW we hit a mark as last char hop=gsm_alpha_gsm.index('\x1b')+1 final=False for i in range(0,len(gsm_alpha_gsm),hop): end=i+hop if end>=len(gsm_alpha_gsm): final=True decoded.append(idec.decode(gsm_alpha_gsm[i:end],final)) return ''.join(decoded) dec=IncrementalDecoder() assert(_inc_decode(dec)==gsm_alpha) print "Good" print print "Do it again with some decoder to make sure state is cleared..." dec.reset() assert(_inc_decode(dec)==gsm_alpha) print "Good" print
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Module - Parent Dependencies module for Odoo # Copyright (C) 2014 GRAP ( # @author Sylvain LE GAL ( # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from . import model
""" These classes are light wrappers around Django's database API that provide convenience functionality and permalink functions for the databrowse app. """ from django.db import models from django.utils import formats from django.utils.text import capfirst from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode, smart_str, iri_to_uri from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.db.models.query import QuerySet EMPTY_VALUE = '(None)' DISPLAY_SIZE = 100 class EasyModel(object): def __init__(self, site, model): = site self.model = model self.model_list = site.registry.keys() self.verbose_name = model._meta.verbose_name self.verbose_name_plural = model._meta.verbose_name_plural def __repr__(self): return '<EasyModel for %s>' % smart_str(self.model._meta.object_name) def model_databrowse(self): "Returns the ModelDatabrowse class for this model." return[self.model] def url(self): return mark_safe('%s%s/%s/' % (, self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.module_name)) def objects(self, **kwargs): return self.get_query_set().filter(**kwargs) def get_query_set(self): easy_qs = self.model._default_manager.get_query_set()._clone(klass=EasyQuerySet) easy_qs._easymodel = self return easy_qs def object_by_pk(self, pk): return EasyInstance(self, self.model._default_manager.get(pk=pk)) def sample_objects(self): for obj in self.model._default_manager.all()[:3]: yield EasyInstance(self, obj) def field(self, name): try: f = self.model._meta.get_field(name) except models.FieldDoesNotExist: return None return EasyField(self, f) def fields(self): return [EasyField(self, f) for f in (self.model._meta.fields + self.model._meta.many_to_many)] class EasyField(object): def __init__(self, easy_model, field): self.model, self.field = easy_model, field def __repr__(self): return smart_str(u'<EasyField for %s.%s>' % (self.model.model._meta.object_name, def choices(self): for value, label in self.field.choices: yield EasyChoice(self.model, self, value, label) def url(self): if self.field.choices: return mark_safe('%s%s/%s/%s/' % (, self.model.model._meta.app_label, self.model.model._meta.module_name, elif self.field.rel: return mark_safe('%s%s/%s/' % (, self.model.model._meta.app_label, self.model.model._meta.module_name)) class EasyChoice(object): def __init__(self, easy_model, field, value, label): self.model, self.field = easy_model, field self.value, self.label = value, label def __repr__(self): return smart_str(u'<EasyChoice for %s.%s>' % (self.model.model._meta.object_name, def url(self): return mark_safe('%s%s/%s/%s/%s/' % (, self.model.model._meta.app_label, self.model.model._meta.module_name,, iri_to_uri(self.value))) class EasyInstance(object): def __init__(self, easy_model, instance): self.model, self.instance = easy_model, instance def __repr__(self): return smart_str(u'<EasyInstance for %s (%s)>' % (self.model.model._meta.object_name, self.instance._get_pk_val())) def __unicode__(self): val = smart_unicode(self.instance) if len(val) > DISPLAY_SIZE: return val[:DISPLAY_SIZE] + u'...' return val def __str__(self): return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8') def pk(self): return self.instance._get_pk_val() def url(self): return mark_safe('%s%s/%s/objects/%s/' % (, self.model.model._meta.app_label, self.model.model._meta.module_name, iri_to_uri( def fields(self): """ Generator that yields EasyInstanceFields for each field in this EasyInstance's model. """ for f in self.model.model._meta.fields + self.model.model._meta.many_to_many: yield EasyInstanceField(self.model, self, f) def related_objects(self): """ Generator that yields dictionaries of all models that have this EasyInstance's model as a ForeignKey or ManyToManyField, along with lists of related objects. """ for rel_object in self.model.model._meta.get_all_related_objects() + self.model.model._meta.get_all_related_many_to_many_objects(): if rel_object.model not in self.model.model_list: continue # Skip models that aren't in the model_list em = EasyModel(, rel_object.model) yield { 'model': em, 'related_field': rel_object.field.verbose_name, 'object_list': [EasyInstance(em, i) for i in getattr(self.instance, rel_object.get_accessor_name()).all()], } class EasyInstanceField(object): def __init__(self, easy_model, instance, field): self.model, self.field, self.instance = easy_model, field, instance self.raw_value = getattr(instance.instance, def __repr__(self): return smart_str(u'<EasyInstanceField for %s.%s>' % (self.model.model._meta.object_name, def values(self): """ Returns a list of values for this field for this instance. It's a list so we can accomodate many-to-many fields. """ # This import is deliberately inside the function because it causes # some settings to be imported, and we don't want to do that at the # module level. if self.field.rel: if isinstance(self.field.rel, models.ManyToOneRel): objs = getattr(self.instance.instance, elif isinstance(self.field.rel, models.ManyToManyRel): # ManyToManyRel return list(getattr(self.instance.instance, elif self.field.choices: objs = dict(self.field.choices).get(self.raw_value, EMPTY_VALUE) elif isinstance(self.field, models.DateField) or isinstance(self.field, models.TimeField): if self.raw_value: if isinstance(self.field, models.DateTimeField): objs = capfirst(formats.date_format(self.raw_value, 'DATETIME_FORMAT')) elif isinstance(self.field, models.TimeField): objs = capfirst(formats.time_format(self.raw_value, 'TIME_FORMAT')) else: objs = capfirst(formats.date_format(self.raw_value, 'DATE_FORMAT')) else: objs = EMPTY_VALUE elif isinstance(self.field, models.BooleanField) or isinstance(self.field, models.NullBooleanField): objs = {True: 'Yes', False: 'No', None: 'Unknown'}[self.raw_value] else: objs = self.raw_value return [objs] def urls(self): "Returns a list of (value, URL) tuples." # First, check the urls() method for each plugin. plugin_urls = [] for plugin_name, plugin in self.model.model_databrowse().plugins.items(): urls = plugin.urls(plugin_name, self) if urls is not None: #plugin_urls.append(urls) values = self.values() return zip(self.values(), urls) if self.field.rel: m = EasyModel(, if in self.model.model_list: lst = [] for value in self.values(): if value is None: continue url = mark_safe('%s%s/%s/objects/%s/' % (, m.model._meta.app_label, m.model._meta.module_name, iri_to_uri(value._get_pk_val()))) lst.append((smart_unicode(value), url)) else: lst = [(value, None) for value in self.values()] elif self.field.choices: lst = [] for value in self.values(): url = mark_safe('%s%s/%s/fields/%s/%s/' % (, self.model.model._meta.app_label, self.model.model._meta.module_name,, iri_to_uri(self.raw_value))) lst.append((value, url)) elif isinstance(self.field, models.URLField): val = self.values()[0] lst = [(val, iri_to_uri(val))] else: lst = [(self.values()[0], None)] return lst class EasyQuerySet(QuerySet): """ When creating (or cloning to) an `EasyQuerySet`, make sure to set the `_easymodel` variable to the related `EasyModel`. """ def iterator(self, *args, **kwargs): for obj in super(EasyQuerySet, self).iterator(*args, **kwargs): yield EasyInstance(self._easymodel, obj) def _clone(self, *args, **kwargs): c = super(EasyQuerySet, self)._clone(*args, **kwargs) c._easymodel = self._easymodel return c
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import encode from . import number_types as N class Table(object): """Table wraps a byte slice and provides read access to its data. The variable `Pos` indicates the root of the FlatBuffers object therein.""" __slots__ = ("Bytes", "Pos") def __init__(self, buf, pos): N.enforce_number(pos, N.UOffsetTFlags) self.Bytes = buf self.Pos = pos def Offset(self, vtableOffset): """Offset provides access into the Table's vtable. Deprecated fields are ignored by checking the vtable's length.""" vtable = self.Pos - self.Get(N.SOffsetTFlags, self.Pos) vtableEnd = self.Get(N.VOffsetTFlags, vtable) if vtableOffset < vtableEnd: return self.Get(N.VOffsetTFlags, vtable + vtableOffset) return 0 def Indirect(self, off): """Indirect retrieves the relative offset stored at `offset`.""" N.enforce_number(off, N.UOffsetTFlags) return off + encode.Get(N.UOffsetTFlags.packer_type, self.Bytes, off) def String(self, off): """String gets a string from data stored inside the flatbuffer.""" N.enforce_number(off, N.UOffsetTFlags) off += encode.Get(N.UOffsetTFlags.packer_type, self.Bytes, off) start = off + N.UOffsetTFlags.bytewidth length = encode.Get(N.UOffsetTFlags.packer_type, self.Bytes, off) return bytes(self.Bytes[start:start+length]) def VectorLen(self, off): """VectorLen retrieves the length of the vector whose offset is stored at "off" in this object.""" N.enforce_number(off, N.UOffsetTFlags) off += self.Pos off += encode.Get(N.UOffsetTFlags.packer_type, self.Bytes, off) ret = encode.Get(N.UOffsetTFlags.packer_type, self.Bytes, off) return ret def Vector(self, off): """Vector retrieves the start of data of the vector whose offset is stored at "off" in this object.""" N.enforce_number(off, N.UOffsetTFlags) off += self.Pos x = off + self.Get(N.UOffsetTFlags, off) # data starts after metadata containing the vector length x += N.UOffsetTFlags.bytewidth return x def Union(self, t2, off): """Union initializes any Table-derived type to point to the union at the given offset.""" assert type(t2) is Table N.enforce_number(off, N.UOffsetTFlags) off += self.Pos t2.Pos = off + self.Get(N.UOffsetTFlags, off) t2.Bytes = self.Bytes def Get(self, flags, off): """ Get retrieves a value of the type specified by `flags` at the given offset. """ N.enforce_number(off, N.UOffsetTFlags) return flags.py_type(encode.Get(flags.packer_type, self.Bytes, off)) def GetSlot(self, slot, d, validator_flags): N.enforce_number(slot, N.VOffsetTFlags) if validator_flags is not None: N.enforce_number(d, validator_flags) off = self.Offset(slot) if off == 0: return d return self.Get(validator_flags, self.Pos + off) def GetVOffsetTSlot(self, slot, d): """ GetVOffsetTSlot retrieves the VOffsetT that the given vtable location points to. If the vtable value is zero, the default value `d` will be returned. """ N.enforce_number(slot, N.VOffsetTFlags) N.enforce_number(d, N.VOffsetTFlags) off = self.Offset(slot) if off == 0: return d return off
# (c) 2016 Red Hat Inc. # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import json from ansible.compat.tests.mock import patch from import eos_config from .eos_module import TestEosModule, load_fixture, set_module_args class TestEosConfigModule(TestEosModule): module = eos_config def setUp(self): self.mock_get_config = patch('') self.get_config = self.mock_get_config.start() self.mock_load_config = patch('') self.load_config = self.mock_load_config.start() def tearDown(self): self.mock_get_config.stop() self.mock_load_config.stop() def load_fixtures(self, commands=None, transport='cli'): self.get_config.return_value = load_fixture('eos_config_config.cfg') self.load_config.return_value = dict(diff=None, session='session') def test_eos_config_no_change(self): args = dict(lines=['hostname localhost']) set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module() def test_eos_config_src(self): args = dict(src=load_fixture('eos_config_candidate.cfg')) set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module(changed=True) config = ['hostname switch01', 'interface Ethernet1', 'description test interface', 'no shutdown', 'ip routing'] self.assertEqual(sorted(config), sorted(result['commands']), result['commands']) def test_eos_config_lines(self): args = dict(lines=['hostname switch01', 'ip domain-name']) set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module(changed=True) config = ['hostname switch01'] self.assertEqual(sorted(config), sorted(result['commands']), result['commands']) def test_eos_config_before(self): args = dict(lines=['hostname switch01', 'ip domain-name'], before=['before command']) set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module(changed=True) config = ['before command', 'hostname switch01'] self.assertEqual(sorted(config), sorted(result['commands']), result['commands']) self.assertEqual('before command', result['commands'][0]) def test_eos_config_after(self): args = dict(lines=['hostname switch01', 'ip domain-name'], after=['after command']) set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module(changed=True) config = ['after command', 'hostname switch01'] self.assertEqual(sorted(config), sorted(result['commands']), result['commands']) self.assertEqual('after command', result['commands'][-1]) def test_eos_config_parents(self): args = dict(lines=['ip address', 'no shutdown'], parents=['interface Ethernet10']) set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module(changed=True) config = ['interface Ethernet10', 'ip address', 'no shutdown'] self.assertEqual(config, result['commands'], result['commands']) def test_eos_config_src_and_lines_fails(self): args = dict(src='foo', lines='foo') set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module(failed=True) def test_eos_config_match_exact_requires_lines(self): args = dict(match='exact') set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module(failed=True) def test_eos_config_match_strict_requires_lines(self): args = dict(match='strict') set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module(failed=True) def test_eos_config_replace_block_requires_lines(self): args = dict(replace='block') set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module(failed=True) def test_eos_config_replace_config_requires_src(self): args = dict(replace='config') set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module(failed=True) def test_eos_config_backup_returns__backup__(self): args = dict(backup=True) set_module_args(args) result = self.execute_module() self.assertIn('__backup__', result)
from import copy_helper, CommandError, LabelCommand from django.utils.importlib import import_module import os import re from random import choice class Command(LabelCommand): help = "Creates a Django project directory structure for the given project name in the current directory." args = "[projectname]" label = 'project name' requires_model_validation = False # Can't import settings during this command, because they haven't # necessarily been created. can_import_settings = False def handle_label(self, project_name, **options): # Determine the project_name a bit naively -- by looking at the name of # the parent directory. directory = os.getcwd() # Check that the project_name cannot be imported. try: import_module(project_name) except ImportError: pass else: raise CommandError("%r conflicts with the name of an existing Python module and cannot be used as a project name. Please try another name." % project_name) copy_helper(, 'project', project_name, directory) # Create a random SECRET_KEY hash, and put it in the main settings. main_settings_file = os.path.join(directory, project_name, '') settings_contents = open(main_settings_file, 'r').read() fp = open(main_settings_file, 'w') secret_key = ''.join([choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)') for i in range(50)]) settings_contents = re.sub(r"(?<=SECRET_KEY = ')'", secret_key + "'", settings_contents) fp.write(settings_contents) fp.close()