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i am a 63 y old male. i have some cervical arthritis. my left arm is considerably weaker than my right. r they related.
it could very well be related or have other causes
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can a third metacrapal fracture be fixed 5 years later? . i broke the neck of my third metacarpal (middle finger) about 6 years ago. the results are that my middle finger knuckle is less pronounced on my right hand because the bone healed at a slightly downwards angle. the hand has recently started to bother me a bit (arthritis and fixation on the cosmetics of the hand). is it possible to have surgery/ re-break the bone and straighten it out so that further complications do not arise later on in life. i am 24 now and broke this when i was 18.
yes i am sure you can find an orthopedic (hand) surgeon willing to do take a crack at it (no pun intended) but you could be asking for more trouble than it is worth. in order to get a better cosmetic result it will require a re-break and perhaps a pinning of the metacarpal in order to straighten out the bent digit. the orthopedist will tell you the pros and cons and hopefully your insurance company will be agreeable to paying for it.
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had xray done and found arthritis and calcium build up on my spine. do i still need calcium supplement?
i have chronic rib breakage with alot of calcium build up rib breakage i have is do to alot of past trauma. the doctors now are saying not to take too much calcium suplements.
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which will help arthritis and fibromyalgia the most a hot tub or a sauna
either one or try both. arthritis usually hits anyone with age. firbromyalgia is a nerve problem and is still being investigated. both can be very painful. i would try both. and see which one brings you the best relief.
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which will help arthritis and fibromyalgia the most a hot tub or a sauna
both hot tub and sauna will help easing the pain in arthritis and fibromyalgia. any one chosen should however be used in moderation.
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what can i do to help with arthritis in my feet on the bottom of my feet and they hurt badly
it may not be arthritis at all. if it is on the bottom of your feet it could be plantar fascitis. see a podiatrist for a proper examination and treatment which could be as simple as getting different shoes to special orthotics (shoe inserts). arthritis can also be improved by using nsaids (a class of drugs that includes ibuprofen and naproxyn).
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what can i do to help with arthritis in my feet on the bottom of my feet and they hurt badly
have you had them checked? spurs could do that to your feet also
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what can i do to help with arthritis in my feet on the bottom of my feet and they hurt badly
pain in bottom of feet is mainly due to plantar fasciitis a condition that is sometimes also called heel spur syndrome. it may also be due to other causes such as a stress fracture tendonitis arthritis nerve irritation or rarely a cyst. using first-line strategies like heel rest wearing supportive shoe inserts stretching exercise and intake of oral pain killer medications like nsaids may help.
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8 mts ago i dislocated and broke a finger at the knuckle. it's still painful sometimes feels like it's a big bruise. i'm worried it may be the beginning of arthritis. it's a dull pain not acute. it happened on the job so i want to make sure that if there's a chance this could result in long-term damage it's noted before i'm discharged. i see the orthopedic surgeon in 4 months. what should i ask him?
i broke and dislocated my pinky finger a couple of years ago and i can tell you it took a long time for the injury to heal because we use our hands for everything. but with time i am able to still use my hand and the pain is gone. splint the finger and keep it on for a while
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what should i do if i have abnormal bleeding during pregnancy?
because vaginal bleeding in any trimester can be a sign of a problem call your doctor. wear a pad so that you can keep track of how much you're bleeding and record the type of blood (for example pink brown or red; smooth or full of clots). bring any tissue that passes through the vagina to your doctor for testing. don't use a tampon or have sex while you are still bleeding. go to the emergency room or call 911 right away if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms which could be signs of a miscarriage or other serious problem: severe pain or intense cramps low in the abdomen. severe bleeding whether or not there is pain. discharge from the vagina that contains tissue. dizziness or fainting. a fever of more than 100. 5 degrees fahrenheit and/or chills.
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does that mean i could get pregnant after a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure or pof?
the data suggests that 5% to 10% of pof women will conceive unexpectedly. that is good news if women are trying to conceive. but the majority of women with pof will usually have a family via donor eggs or adoption. there have been numerous studies of ovulation induction treatments (such as clomid estrogens gnrh and fsh) for women with pof. alas the best designed studies have failed to show ovulation rates any better than in untreated pof women.
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is it safe to use medicine while i am trying to become pregnant?
it is hard to know exactly when you will get pregnant. once you do get pregnant you may not know you are pregnant for 10 to 14 days or longer. before you start trying to get pregnant it is wise to schedule a meeting with your doctor to discuss medicines that you use daily or every now and then. sometimes medicines should be changed and sometimes they can be stopped before a woman gets pregnant. each woman is different. so you should discuss your medicines with your doctor rather than making medicine changes on your own. if you are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant: do not stop any prescribed medicines without first talking to your doctor. talk to your doctor before using any over-the-counter medicine.
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what happens if i get pregnant? can i take my medicine for essential tremor?
tremor severity may fluctuate during pregnancy and after delivery. discuss the use of et medications with your doctor before getting pregnant as some medications put the developing baby at risk.
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can i use maxalt if i am pregnant?
do not use maxalt if you are pregnant think you might be pregnant are trying to become pregnant or are not using adequate contraception unless you have discussed this with your doctor.
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will progestin-only pills affect my ability to get pregnant later?
if you want to become pregnant simply stop taking progestin-only pills. progestin-only pills will not delay your ability to get pregnant.
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can asthma drugs affect my baby if i'm pregnant?
it is normal for mothers-to-be to feel uneasy taking medications while pregnant. however if a pregnant woman has asthma it is especially important that her asthma be well-controlled not only for her own health but also for the health and development of her unborn child. if you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant discuss your asthma with your doctor so your airways can be stabilized and appropriate medications can be prescribed. the risks of uncontrolled asthma in pregnancy are greater than the risks of necessary asthma medications.
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should pregnant women be vaccinated against human papillomavirus?
the vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women. there has only been limited information about vaccine safety among pregnant women and their unborn babies. so far studies suggest that the vaccine has not caused health problems during pregnancy nor has it caused health problems for the child. but more research is still needed. for now pregnant women should wait to complete their pregnancy before getting the vaccine. if a women finds out she is pregnant after she has started getting the vaccine series she should wait until after her pregnancy is completed to finish the three-dose series.
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my wife is having trouble getting pregnant. could my sperm be the problem?
although infertility is often seen as a woman’s problem male fertility problems contribute to about 40% of infertility cases. causes range from low sperm count to sperm that are deformed or just don’t swim so well. so if you and your partner aren’t having luck getting pregnant ask your doctor for a sperm test. if you do have sperm troubles there’s a lot that can be done. some underlying causes can be treated with medicine or surgery. if that won’t help fertility procedures -- like ivf (in vitro fertilization) -- and others can make it a lot easier for your sperm to do its work and fertilize an egg.
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what if i become pregnant while taking fortamet?
tell your doctor if you plan to become pregnant or have become pregnant. as with other oral glucose-control medications you should not take fortamet during pregnancy. usually your doctor will prescribe insulin while you are pregnant.
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who is affected by arthritis?
arthritis sufferers include men and women children and adults. approximately 350 million people worldwide have arthritis. nearly 40 million people in the united states are affected by arthritis including over a quarter million children! more than 27 million americans have osteoarthritis. approximately 1. 3 million americans suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. more than half of those with arthritis are under 65 years of age. nearly 60% of americans with arthritis are women.
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who is affected by arthritis?
men and women above 45 years of age are more likely to be affected with arthritis. women are more likely than are men to develop rheumatoid arthritis. individual are more likely to develop arthritis if his/her parents or siblings have the disorder. having family history of arthritis doubles the chances of getting affected with the disease. other risk factors may include obesity past injuries to joints certain occupation leading to repetitive joint activities or infections.
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can i take medicine if i get sick while i am pregnant?
whether or not you should use medicine during pregnancy is a serious question to discuss with your doctor. some health problems need treatment. not using a medicine that you need could harm you and your baby. for example a urinary tract infection (uti) that is not treated may become a kidney infection. kidney infections can cause preterm labor and low birth weight. an antibiotic is needed to get rid of a uti. ask your doctor whether the benefits of taking a certain medicine outweigh the risks for you and your baby.
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what causes abnormal vaginal bleeding during pregnancy?
many women have some amount of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. some studies show that up to 30% of pregnant women will experience some degree of vaginal bleeding while they are pregnant. vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is more common with twins and other multiple gestations than with singleton pregnancies (pregnancy with one fetus). sometimes women experience a very scant amount of bleeding in the first two weeks of pregnancy usually around the time of the expected menstrual period. this slight bleeding is sometimes referred to as "implantation bleeding. " doctors do not know for certain what causes this bleeding but it may occur as a result of the fertilized egg implanting in the uterine wall. the amount of the bleeding the stage of pregnancy and any associated symptoms can all help determine the cause of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy. while vaginal bleeding in pregnancy does not signify a problem with the pregnancy women who experience bleeding during pregnancy should always be evaluated by a doctor. causes of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy include miscarriage an abnormal location of the placenta ectopic pregnancy cervical infection or polyp and premature labor. chronic medical conditions and medication use can also be related to vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.
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can i take tylenol pm while taking mobic for arthritis?
tylenol pm contains acetaminophen (pain aid) and diphenhydramine (antihistamine). mobic belongs to the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (nsaids) drug class which also has pain aid properties. if you are looking for a specific sleep aid more questions for assessment need to be asked in order to appropriately answer this question. if you are just looking for a sleep aid only and for temporary relief then consider taking diphenydramine alone especially if mobic is controlling the pain associated with arthritis. determining the cause of a sleep issue and working with your health-care provider is important in selecting an appropriate aid dose and frequency of use.
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what are arthritis symptoms and signs?
symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. inflammation of the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness swelling redness and warmth. tenderness of the inflamed joint can be present. many of the forms of arthritis because they are rheumatic diseases can cause symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints. therefore symptoms in some patients with certain forms of arthritis can also include fever gland swelling (swollen lymph nodes) weight loss fatigue feeling unwell and even symptoms from abnormalities of organs such as the lungs heart or kidneys.
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what are arthritis symptoms and signs?
symptoms of osteoarthritis may include joint pain and progressive stiffness that develops gradually with aging. rheumatoid arthritis may include tender warm swollen joints inflammation and morning stiffness in the fingers arms legs and wrists occurring in the same joints on both sides of the body especially upon awakening. as the disease progresses it may affect other joints as well.
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is caffeine harmful for women who are trying to get pregnant?
many studies show no links between low amounts of caffeine (a cup of coffee per day) and any of the following: trouble conceiving miscarriage birth defects premature birth low birth rate. at the same time for pregnant women or those attempting pregnancy the march of dimes suggests fewer than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day. that's largely because in limited studies women consuming higher amounts of caffeine had an increased risk for miscarriage.
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how is arthritis diagnosed and why is a diagnosis important?
the first step in the diagnosis of arthritis is a meeting between the doctor and the patient. the doctor will review the history of symptoms examine the joints for inflammation and deformity as well as ask questions about or examine other parts of the body for inflammation or signs of diseases that can affect other body areas. furthermore certain blood urine joint fluid and/or x-ray tests might be ordered. the diagnosis will be based on the pattern of symptoms the distribution of the inflamed joints and any blood and x-ray findings. several visits may be necessary before the doctor can be certain of the diagnosis. a doctor with special training in arthritis and related diseases is called a rheumatologist (see below). many forms of arthritis are more of an annoyance than serious. however millions of people suffer daily with pain and disability from arthritis or its complications. earlier and accurate diagnosis can help to prevent irreversible damage and disability. properly guided programs of exercise and rest medications physical therapy and surgery options can idealize long-term outcomes for those with arthritis. it should be noted that both before and especially after the diagnosis of arthritis communication with the treating doctor is essential for optimal health. this is important from the standpoint of the doctor so that he/she can be aware of the vagaries of the patient's symptoms as well as their tolerance of and acceptance of treatments. it is important from the standpoint of patients so that they can be assured that they have an understanding of the diagnosis and how the condition does and might affect them. it is also crucial for the safe use of medications.
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how is arthritis diagnosed and why is a diagnosis important?
signs and symptoms clearly indicate the symptoms of arthritis like pain stiffness swollen and tender joints etc. the same can be confirmed with x-ray. blood test may also confirm arthritis. treatment depends on the diagnosis.
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what is the national financial impact of arthritis?
it has been estimated that the total cost of the arthritis bill for the united states in terms of hospitalization doctor visits medications physical therapies nursing-home care lost wages early death and family discord is over $50 billion dollars annually. this does not include the nearly $2 billion spent each year in the united states on unproven remedies by patients addressing their symptoms on their own.
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what is the arthritis foundation?
the arthritis foundation is the only national voluntary health organization whose purpose is directed solely to all forms of arthritis. the arthritis foundation has national and international programs involving support for scientific research public information and education for affected patients and their families training of specialists public awareness and local community assistance. local branch chapters of the arthritis foundation serve to disseminate information about arthritis and rheumatic diseases as well as function as referral centers. moreover many of the various forms of arthritis have their own foundations that serve as information and referral resources for local communities.
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what is the arthritis foundation?
arthritis foundation is non-profit organisations that work for prevention control and cure for arthritis. it provides educational resources for people suffering with arthritis. for more details visit www. arthritis. org. there many such foundations that work for best of the society.
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what is arthritis? what causes arthritis?
arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. a joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. a joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints. arthritis is frequently accompanied by joint pain. joint pain is referred to as arthralgia. there are many types of arthritis (over 100 identified and the number is growing). the types range from those related to wear and tear of cartilage (such as osteoarthritis) to those associated with inflammation resulting from an overactive immune system (such as rheumatoid arthritis). together the many types of arthritis make up the most common chronic illness in the united states. the causes of arthritis depend on the form of arthritis. causes include injury (leading to osteoarthritis) metabolic abnormalities (such as gout and pseudogout) hereditary factors the direct and indirect effect of infections (bacterial and viral) and a misdirected immune system with autoimmunity (such as in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus). arthritis is classified as one of the rheumatic diseases. these are conditions that are different individual illnesses with differing features treatments complications and prognoses. they are similar in that they have a tendency to affect the joints muscles ligaments cartilage and tendons and many have the potential to affect other internal body areas.
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what is arthritis? what causes arthritis?
arthritis is inflammation of one or more of your joints. the main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness which typically worsen with age. the common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. the cause varies depending upon the type of arthritis. osteoarthritis is mainly due to wear and tear of joints or excessive use or repeated use of joint related to certain occupation. whereas rheumatoid arthritis is inflammatory condition in which the body's immune system attacks the lining of the joint capsule and can eventually destroy cartilage and bone within the joint.
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what is the treatment for arthritis?
the treatment of arthritis is very dependent on the precise type of arthritis present. an accurate diagnosis increases the chances for successful treatment. treatments available include physical therapy splinting cold-pack application paraffin wax dips anti-inflammatory medications immune-altering medications and surgical operations.
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what is the treatment for arthritis?
joint replacement surgery is necessary when all methods of treatment have been tried and failed to get rid of pain increase movements and improve the person’s mobility surgery can dramatically improve quality of life. joint replacement surgery of the hip / knee is advised for patients suffering from: severe arthrirtis- osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis ankylosing spondilytis – in which the cartilage cushion between the bones forming a joint is badly damaged. for avascular necrosis of the hip – in which the hip joint loses its blood supply becomes deformed and painful. after certain fractures and dislocations of the hip and shoulder joint. source: <link>
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i have arthritis in my knees and my leg stay sore and feel like they are about to cramp is there anything i can take? . i take hyland leg cramp pills but they only help for an hour or so. i talked with my pcp but they have no answers can someone please help me. .
if you have been diagnosed with arthritis you may think about seeing a rheumatologist who specializes in treating arthritis and joint problems. if your current healthcare provider isn't giving you any help then definitely get a second opinion. here also is some information on treatments for osteoarthritis and treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. but before you take anything you want to be sure it doesn't interact with other medications you are taking or that the treatments are right for you based on your personal medical history. this is why it is important to work with your doctor. the webmd answers staff
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i have arthritis in my knees and my leg stay sore and feel like they are about to cramp is there anything i can take? . i take hyland leg cramp pills but they only help for an hour or so. i talked with my pcp but they have no answers can someone please help me. .
i have cmt (charcot-marie-tooth disease a form of muscular dystrophy) and drink schwepps tonic water to relieve leg and arm cramps. tonic water contains quinine (at low levels). i have found that when chilled the tonic water tastes similar to grapefruit juice. quinine pills are also available but i have read that gastrointestinal distress can result from the pills. i hope this helps you. best wishes.
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i have arthritis in my knees and my leg stay sore and feel like they are about to cramp is there anything i can take? . i take hyland leg cramp pills but they only help for an hour or so. i talked with my pcp but they have no answers can someone please help me. .
my husband and i have had trouble with leg cramps especially at night and we have found that taking a teaspoon of regular yellow mustard stops the cramping immediately and it does not return. my husband has actually started taking the mustard before going to bed to avoid being awakened by the cramping. he says this helps him.
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i have arthritis in my knees and my leg stay sore and feel like they are about to cramp is there anything i can take? . i take hyland leg cramp pills but they only help for an hour or so. i talked with my pcp but they have no answers can someone please help me. .
pickle juice. every football player in america can tell you it"s great for leg cramps.
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i have arthritis in my knees and my leg stay sore and feel like they are about to cramp is there anything i can take? . i take hyland leg cramp pills but they only help for an hour or so. i talked with my pcp but they have no answers can someone please help me. .
i take "electromix" by acalcer corp. (they also make emergen-c) when my legs start to cramp or feel as thought they are going to. it is a packaged sport mix that i mix with 3 or 4 oz. of water and chug it. it contains magnesium which i don't tolerate well in many of its other forms. the relief is immediate. i also use hylands's "restful legs" pills and have a rx for ropinerole. i have experienced rls for about 20 years and these really help.
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can you safely take mobic for arthritis pain if you are taking cymbalta and verapamil?
mobic can be taken safely with those two medications. there are no significant interactions between the medications you listed. mobic is an anti-inflammatory medication and does have a slight tendency to raise blood pressure when taken regularly. so it is important to watch your blood pressure while you are taking it. i am sure your doctor will be monitoring for that. also to avoid dangerous drug interactions it's always important to have all your prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy so the pharmacist has access to all the information he or she needs to take the best care of you. also new prescriptions will be screened against all the other medications you are taking to ensure there are no problems.
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would it better for me to move from connecticut to virginia because of my arthritis? i don't want to move west.
no you really don't have to move to improve your arthritis. your arthritis should be able to be managed quite well no matter where you live but you may need to see a rheumatologist to lend a professional hand.
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i have arthritis. would it be better for me to move from ct to va. not willing to move west lots of family in the neast
i'm sorry to hear you have arthritis. it's certainly a very common ailment. i guess i'm going to assume you're referring to osteoarthritis which is the wear-and-tear disease that makes the joints hurt. this type of arthritis frequently comes on as we get older. just to be clear there's another type of arthritis called rheumatoid arthritis that is an autoimmune disease. but based on your question i'm thinking you're referring to plain old arthritis that hurts worse when the weather gets colder. if that's the case moving from connecticut to virginia probably won't help. while it's true coldness can make the pain of osteoarthritis feel worse virginia probably isn't sufficiently warmer than connecticut in the winter to make much of a difference. now if you were talking about becoming a snowbird and flying down to florida to spend your winters then i'd probably say that's a fine idea. it's also important to take into consideration where your support system resides. when your arthritis symptoms become so severe you need help with daily or periodic tasks you need to be living where your family and friends are close enough to help you. if that's in new england then that's probably not a bad place for you to stay. i hope this helps!
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i have arthritis. would it be better for me to move from ct to va. not willing to move west lots of family in the neast
i've lived in va all my life and have osteo lupus and fibro. while it is warmer here in the winter than ct we do get some winters that are fairly cold - it does vary considerably and it varies a lot depending on where you live in va. another thing to weigh in is the heat and humidity - most of va especially the central and eastern half - is quite humid and is very hot in the summer. it's not unusual for it to start going into the 90's in late april and stay in that range until well into october. this summer we had long stretches of days in the high 90's - low 100's with humidity in the 80-90% range - and the combination of heat and humidity is particularly brutal especially if your arthritis causes compression of your c-spine nerves and you have a problem with sweating and body temp regulation because of it and/or if you are prone to migraines and sinus issues. the hot humid weather makes me far more miserable than the coldest days ever do and the older i get the less i seem able to tolerate it. so that's something to bear in mind when you consider moving here. (and please don't get me wrong i love my home state and am proud to be a virginian! )
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what is the likelihood of arthritis in joints near the base of fractured metatarsals #2 and #3? . if metatarsals #2 and #3 are fractured at the base near the joints of the midfoot what is the likelihood of arthritis particularly if metatarsal #2 is comminuted at the joint? is this a true lisfranc fracture? (aircast and no surgery)
the short answer to your question is that the development of osteoarthritis does seem more prevalent in joints that have been injured in the past. so you may development osteoarthritis of your foot in the future. that said the midfoot is not a common place to develop osteoarthritis. (the big toe is a more common target for arthritis. ) in terms of whether or not you suffered a lisfranc injury it does sound like it from your description. a midfoot injury is deemed a "lisfranc fracture" (or dislocation or injury) when any of the metatarsal bones separates from the tarsus which is the cluster of bones from the heel to the midfoot. this usually happens due to a crushing injury like dropping a jar of pickles on your foot. athletes in certain sports are more prone to lisfranc injuries. these include football and snowboarding. lisfranc injuries occur in varying degrees of severity. slight dislocations often are treated just as you described with some type of splinting (an air cast). severe dislocations require surgery. hope this helps and that you get better soon!
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should you practice safe sex during pregnancy?
to be safe pregnant women should avoid high-risk sexual behaviors. here are some important precautions: the absolute safest route of course is to avoid sex if your partner has a sexually transmitted disease such as hiv herpes genital warts or chlamydia. these infections can be transmitted to your baby during intercourse. some couples choose to use condoms and practice safe sex. avoid sex or use condoms if you're not absolutely sure about your partner's sexual history and there's a possibility of an unknown or undisclosed std. some experts suggest you should avoid having your partner blow air into your vagina if you engage in oral sex. it could send a dangerous air bubble into your bloodstream. if you use lubricants use a water-soluble product such as astroglide or ky jelly.
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how does pregnancy affect sexual desire?
sex during pregnancy is likely to feel different -- and may need more creativity than usual to feel good. some women find their desire waning. others feel more deeply connected to their sexuality and more aroused. over the 40 weeks of pregnancy it's normal for sexual desire to come and go as your body changes. you may feel self-conscious as your belly grows. or you may feel sexier with larger fuller breasts. open communication with your partner is key. you may need to play with positions especially later in pregnancy to find one that's both comfortable and stimulating for you.
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is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?
unless your doctor tells you otherwise sexual intercourse is safe throughout your pregnancy. for many women pregnancy increases their sex drive. for others it has the opposite effect. and almost all women need to try different positions when they start to get large bellies. if you have problems during your pregnancy or have had miscarriages in the past your doctor may suggest you avoid sexual intercourse. call your doctor if you have any of the following problems during or after sexual intercourse: pain in the vagina or abdomen. bleeding from the vagina. leaking of fluid from the vagina.
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how often should i use moist heat or ice for arthritis pain?
try to use moist heat or ice packs at least twice a day for the best relief from pain and stiffness. according to the american college of rheumatology 5-minute to 10-minute ice massages applied to a painful area within the first 48 hours of pain onset can help relieve pain. so can heat which relaxes the muscles. heat should be used for pains that last longer than 48 hours.
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can hot baths or spas help alleviate arthritis pain?
many people with arthritis find good relief from pain and stiffness with hot baths or spas. the moist heat increases muscle relaxation boosts blood supply to the site of pain and relieves rigidity and spasms in the muscles. but avoid hot tubs or spas if you have diabetes high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease or if you are pregnant.
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arthritis in ankle rubbing bone on bone and sports(basketball). will they ever coexist for me? . i really want to play ball again but idk how long i will be out due to arthritis im starting physical therapy monday but i want to know when i can get back out there without worrying about pain.
yup! u will be play ball again very soon so don't need to worry <positive_smiley> pain in one joint causes a change in the way you stand and walk even if it's something subtle you don't notice or are conscious of. this causes increased stress on the next joint up the line then the next etc. etc. what seems to be arthritis "spreading" could simply be the muscles and ligaments of those stressed joints yelling in protest. or causing other bones to rub together differently and thus cause joint inflammation. have you been seen for the chronic pain in your toe? it sounds like you need to get to the root cause.
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i have arthritis in my hands and have difficulty cleaning my teeth. what can you recommend?
there are several adaptations that you can try that should make caring for your teeth easier to accomplish if you have arthritis. to increase the size of the toothbrush handle try wrapping the handle with tape or insert the handle into a rubber ball or into a bicycle grip handle. to increase the length of the toothbrush handle tape two tongue depressors popsicle/ice cream bar sticks or small plastic or wooden rulers to the toothbrush handle. another option that might offer assistance is to attach a wide elastic band to the toothbrush under which the person would slide their hand. finally a battery or electric-powered toothbrush might be the most appropriate solution depending on the dexterity of the person. a variety of flossing aids are available from your local drug store. ask your dentist or dental hygienist which type of product might be best suited for you.
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does a prolactinoma affect pregnancy?
if a woman has a small prolactinoma there is usually no reason that she cannot conceive and have a normal pregnancy after successful medical therapy. the pituitary enlarges and prolactin production increases during normal pregnancy in women without pituitary disorders. women with prolactin-secreting tumors may experience further pituitary enlargement and must be closely monitored during pregnancy. but damage to the pituitary or eye nerves occurs in less than 1% of pregnant women with prolactinomas. in women with large tumors the risk of damage to the pituitary or eye nerves is greater. if a woman has already completed a successful pregnancy the likelihood of future successful pregnancies is extremely high. a woman with a prolactinoma should discuss her plans to conceive with her physician so she can be carefully evaluated prior to pregnancy. this evaluation typically includes a magnetic resonance imaging (mri) scan to assess the size of the tumor and an eye examination with measurement of visual fields. as soon as the patient becomes pregnant her doctor will usually advise that she discontinue bromocriptine (parlodel) or cabergoline (dostinex). patients should consult their hormone specialists (endocrinologists) promptly if symptoms develop – particularly headaches visual changes nausea vomiting excessive thirst or urination or extreme lethargy. bromocriptine or cabergoline treatment may be renewed and additional treatment may be required if symptoms occur as a result of growth of the tumor during pregnancy.
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can i take taxol if i am pregnant or nursing a baby?
taxol could harm the fetus when given to a pregnant woman. women should avoid becoming pregnant while they are undergoing treatment with taxol. tell your doctor if you become pregnant or plan to become pregnant while taking taxol. because studies have shown taxol to be present in the breast milk of animals receiving the drug it may be present in human breast milk as well. therefore nursing a baby while taking taxol is not recommended.
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how should i decide whether to use a medicine while i am pregnant?
when deciding whether or not to use a medicine in pregnancy you and your doctor need to talk about the medicine's benefits and risks. benefits: what are the good things the medicine can do for me and my growing baby (fetus)? risks: what are the ways the medicine might harm me or my growing baby (fetus)? there may be times during pregnancy when using medicine is a choice. some of the medicine choices you and your doctor make while you are pregnant may differ from the choices you make when you are not pregnant. for example if you get a cold you may decide to "live with" your stuffy nose instead of using the "stuffy nose" medicine you use when you are not pregnant. other times using medicine is not a choice -- it is needed. some women need to use medicines while they are pregnant. sometimes women need medicine for a few days or a couple of weeks to treat a problem like a bladder infection or strep throat. other women need to use medicine every day to control long-term health problems like asthma diabetes depression or seizures. also some women have a pregnancy problem that needs medicine treatment. these problems include severe nausea and vomiting earlier pregnancy losses or preterm labor.
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are herbal remedies or natural products safe for me when i am pregnant?
except for some vitamins little is known about using dietary supplements while pregnant. some herbal remedy labels claim they will help with pregnancy. but most often there are no good studies to show if these claims are true or if the herb can cause harm to or your baby. talk with your doctor before using any herbal product or dietary supplement. these products may contain things that could harm you or your growing baby during your pregnancy. in the u. s. there are different laws for medicines and for dietary supplements. the part of the fda that controls dietary supplements is the same part that controls foods sold in the u. s. only dietary supplements containing new dietary ingredients that were not marketed before october 15 1994 submit safety information for review by the fda. however unlike medicines herbal remedies and "natural products" are not approved by the fda for safety or for what they say they will do. most have not even been evaluated for their potential to cause harm to you or the growing fetus let alone shown to be safe for use in pregnancy. before a company can sell a medicine the company must complete many studies and send the results to the fda. many scientists and doctors at the fda check the study results. the fda allows the medicine to be sold only if the studies show that the medicine works and is safe to use.
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what are the warning signs of depression both during and after pregnancy?
any of these symptoms during and after pregnancy that last longer than two weeks are signs of depression: feeling restless or irritable feeling sad hopeless and overwhelmed crying a lot having no energy or motivation eating too little or too much sleeping too little or too much trouble focusing remembering or making decisions feeling worthless and guilty loss of interest or pleasure in activities withdrawal from friends and family having headaches chest pains heart palpitations (the heart beating fast and feeling like it is skipping beats) or hyperventilation (fast and shallow breathing). after pregnancy signs of depression may also include being afraid of hurting the baby or oneself and not having any interest in the baby.
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in the future will there be better ways to know if medicines are safe to use during pregnancy?
at this time drugs are rarely tested for safety in pregnant women for fear of harming the unborn baby. until this changes pregnancy exposure registries help doctors and researchers learn how medicines affect pregnant mothers and their growing baby. a pregnancy exposure registry is a study that enrolls pregnant women who are using a certain medicine. the women sign up for the study while pregnant and are followed for a certain length of time after the baby is born. researchers compare babies with mothers who used the medicine while pregnant to babies with mothers who did not use the medicine. this type of study compares large groups of pregnant mothers and babies to look for medicine effects. a woman and her doctor can use registry results to make more informed choices about using medicine while pregnant. if you are pregnant and are using a medicine or were using one when you got pregnant check to see if there is a pregnancy exposure registry for that medicine. the food and drug administration has a list of pregnancy exposure registries (<link> that pregnant women can join.
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where do doctors and nurses find out about using medicines during pregnancy?
doctors and nurses get information from medicine labels and packages textbooks and research journals. they also share knowledge with other doctors and nurses and talk to the people who make and sell medicines. the food and drug administration (fda) is the part of the u. s. government that controls the medicines that can and can't be sold in the u. s. the fda lets a company sell a medicine in the u. s. if it is safe to use and works for a certain problem. companies that make medicines usually have to show fda doctors and scientists whether birth defects or other problems occur in baby animals when the medicine is given to pregnant animals. most of the time drugs are not studied in pregnant women. the fda works with the drug companies to make clear and complete labels. but in most cases there is not much information about how a medicine affects pregnant women and their growing babies. many prescription medicine labels include the results of studies done in pregnant animals. but a medicine does not always affect growing humans and animals in the same way. here is an example: a medicine is given to pregnant rats. if the medicine causes problems in some of the rat babies it may or may not cause problems in human babies. if there are no problems in the rat babies it does not prove that the medicine will not cause problems in human babies. the fda asks for studies in two different kinds of animals. this improves the chance that the studies can predict what may happen in pregnant women and their babies. there is a lot that fda doctors and scientists do not know about using medicine during pregnancy. in a perfect world every medicine label would include helpful information about the medicine's effects on pregnant women and their growing babies. unfortunately this is not the case.
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is it safe to use medicine while i am pregnant?
there is no clear-cut answer to this question. before you start or stop any medicine it is always best to speak with the doctor who is caring for you while you are pregnant.
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which types of heat therapy are effective for arthritis pain?
you can choose from the following popular types of heat therapy: disposable heat patches or belts available at most drugstores. heated swimming pool. hot packs (you can buy some -- such as bed buddy -- that can be warmed in a microwave). moist heating pad. therapeutic mixture of paraffin and mineral oil. warm bath. warm shower. warm whirlpool or hot tub. warm moist towel or cloth. you may also sit on a stool that has rubber tips for safety while letting the warm shower hit the affected area. the constant heat flowing on the arthritic joint or pain site helps to keep pain minimal and allows for easier movement.
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how common is depression during and after pregnancy?
depression that occurs during pregnancy or within a year after delivery is called perinatal depression. the exact number of women with depression during this time is unknown. but researchers believe that depression is one of the most common complications during and after pregnancy. often the depression is not recognized or treated because some normal pregnancy changes cause similar symptoms and are happening at the same time. tiredness problems sleeping stronger emotional reactions and changes in body weight may occur during pregnancy and after pregnancy. but these symptoms may also be signs of depression.
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are vitamins safe for me while i am pregnant?
regular multivitamins and prenatal vitamins are safe to take during pregnancy and can be helpful. women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant should take a daily multivitamin or prenatal vitamin that contains at least 400 micrograms of folic acid. it is best to start taking these vitamins before you become pregnant or if you could become pregnant. folic acid reduces the chance of a baby having a neural tube defect like spina bifida in which the spine or brain does not form the right way. iron can help prevent a low blood count (anemia). it's important to take the vitamin dose prescribed by your doctor. too many vitamins can harm your baby. for example very high levels of vitamin a have been linked with severe birth defects.
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what should i do if i'm thinking about getting pregnant?
if you are not pregnant yet you can help your chances for having a healthy baby by planning ahead. schedule a pre-pregnancy checkup. at this visit you can talk to your doctor about the medicines vitamins and herbs you use. it is very important that you keep treating your health problems while you are pregnant. your doctor can tell you if you need to switch your medicine. ask about vitamins for women who are trying to get pregnant. all women who can get pregnant should take a daily vitamin with folic acid (a b vitamin) to prevent birth defects of the brain and spinal cord. you should begin taking these vitamins before you become pregnant or if you could become pregnant. it is also a good idea to discuss caffeine alcohol and smoking with your doctor at this time.
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if i have a health problem should i stop using my medicine while i am pregnant?
if you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant you should talk to your doctor about your medicines. do not stop or change them on your own. this includes medicines for depression asthma diabetes seizures (epilepsy) and other health problems. not using medicine that you need may be more harmful to you and your baby than using the medicine. for women living with hiv the cdc recommends using zidovudine (azt) during pregnancy. studies show that hiv positive women who use azt during pregnancy greatly lower the risk of passing hiv to their babies. if a woman with diabetes does not use her medicine during pregnancy she raises her risk for miscarriage stillbirth and some birth defects. if asthma and high blood pressure are not controlled during pregnancy problems with the fetus may result.
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are supplements helpful for arthritis?
glucosamine and chondroitin are nutritional supplements that are being studied for their effectiveness in treating arthritis. jason theodosakis md assistant clinical professor at the university of arizona college of medicine says that "first-line therapies" for the treatment of arthritis should always be improving biomechanics injury prevention weight control and low-impact exercise. "but there is also enough scientific evidence -- 42 human clinical trials to date -- to recommend the use of glucosamine and chondroitin " says theodosakis also the author of the arthritis cure. "it seems that researchers are having a difficult time confirming the beneficial effects of [glucosamine and chondroitin] " says robert hoffman do chief of rheumatology at the university of miami miller school of medicine. "the good news is the supplements seem to be safe [at the standard dosage] but it's not clear that they're beneficial. i don't feel compelled to highly recommend them. but if patients don't mind taking another pill -- and paying for a pill that may or may not help them -- it seems quite reasonable. and really there isn't anything else that helps slow the progression of osteoarthritis. "
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what are the symptoms of arthritis?
the knees hips fingers neck and lower back are most commonly affected by osteoarthritis. pain may be moderate intermittent and is generally worse with activity. the pain may not initially interfere with your day-to-day existence. in time however it may interfere with your everyday functioning and quality of life. the most common symptoms of osteoarthritis are: joint soreness after overuse or long periods of inactivity. stiffness after periods of rest that goes away quickly when you’re active again. morning stiffness which usually lasts no more than 30 minutes. pain caused by the weakening of muscles surrounding the joint due to inactivity. joint pain that is usually less in the morning and worse in the evening after a day’s activity. difficulty with posture and walking due to pain and stiffness.
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what is an infection (or infectious arthritis) of the knee and how is it treated?
many organisms may infect the knee. gonorrhea a common sexually transmitted disease can infect the knee as can common organisms residing on normal skin. infection of the knee causes painful knee swelling. in addition people who develop such infection typically complain of fevers and chills. less severe infections may not have associated fevers or cause this ill feeling. new swelling and pain in the knee must be evaluated for infection based on your doctor’s opinion. treatment usually includes intensive antibiotic therapy and may include aspiration of the joint or surgical drainage of the infection.
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what is an infection (or infectious arthritis) of the knee and how is it treated?
infectious arthritis is inflammation of joint caused by infection caused by bacteria virus or fungus. the infection may spread through bloodstream from another part of your body or by open infected wound or injury to the joint. infectious arthritis requires immediate and quick treatment. treatment involves dose of higher antibiotics to stop spread of infection and surgical interventions. best way is to visit your doctor at the earliest to get evaluated and to begin the treatment in time.
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what is 0-negative arthritis?
this is probably what is referred to as "sero-negative arthritis. " this is a form of arthritis that is characterized by inflammation (hot swollen tender painful stiff) of joints but is not associated with the classic blood (serum) test for rheumatoid arthritis called rheumatoid factor. we refer to these patients as being rheumatoid factor negative in their serum or seronegative. the term is nonspecific and it is possible for a patient's condition to evolve at a later time into a more classical identifiable disease.
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what is arthritis?
the word "arthritis" means "joint inflammation. " inflammation is one of the body's natural reactions to disease or injury and includes swelling pain and stiffness. inflammation that lasts for a very long time or recurs as in arthritis can lead to tissue damage. a joint is where two or more bones come together such as the hip or knee. the bones of a joint are covered with a smooth spongy material called cartilage which cushions the bones and allows the joint to move without pain. the joint is lined by a thin film of tissue called the synovium. the synovium's lining produces a slippery fluid called synovial fluid that nourishes the joint and helps reduce friction. strong bands of tissue called ligaments connect the bones and help keep the joint stable. muscles and tendons also support the joints and enable you to move. with arthritis an area in or around a joint becomes inflamed causing pain stiffness and sometimes difficulty moving. some types of arthritis also affect other parts of the body such as the skin and internal organs. there are over 100 types of arthritis including osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
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what is rheumatoid arthritis and how is it different from "old age" arthritis?
rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to turn on itself attacking tissue that normally helps protect and preserve joint function. during an ra "attack" -- known as a flare -- the immune system sends out a barrage of white blood cells to the affected joint which in turn causes inflammation in the area. it is this inflammation that is responsible for the symptoms of ra including joint swelling and pain. osteoarthritis also known as "old age arthritis" or "wear and tear arthritis" is a natural degeneration of the cartilage between joints that occurs with aging. the degeneration can be worsened by overuse or injury but its impact is limited to the affected joints.
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what is rheumatoid arthritis and how is it different from "old age" arthritis?
rheumatoid arthritis is inflammatory arthritis and disease of young age and the latter is due to age related wear and tear of the joints. old age arthritis is due to degenerative changes in the affected joint.
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is fibromyalgia pain similar to arthritis pain?
fibromyalgia can cause symptoms similar to arthritis bursitis and tendinitis. consequently some experts group fibromyalgia with arthritis and related disorders. the pain associated with these other conditions is typically localized to a single area while the pain and stiffness of fibromyalgia are very widespread and consists of deep muscle pain morning stiffness and painful tender points making it difficult to exercise or be physically active.
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what is crystalline arthritis (gout and pseudogout) of the knee and how is it treated?
these severely painful forms of arthritis are caused by sharp crystals that form in the knee and other joints. these crystals can form as a result of defects in the absorption or metabolism of various natural substances such as uric acid (which produces gout) and calcium pyrophosphate (pseudogout). treatment is aimed at controlling inflammation with anti-inflammatory medications and at aiding the metabolism of the various chemicals that may lead to crystal formation.
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can i have intercourse during pregnancy?
intercourse during pregnancy is safe for most women. special situations in which women might be advised to avoid intercourse include prior preterm labor multiple miscarriages infection bleeding amniotic fluid leak and a condition called placenta previa or low placenta. (a placenta previa is when the placenta is implanted near the outlet of the uterus so that at the time of delivery the placenta precedes the baby. placenta previa can cause painless bleeding in the last trimester of pregnancy and may be a reason for a c-section). all women are advised to avoid sexual intercourse that could put them at risk of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases.
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how does alcohol affect pregnancy?
alcohol has been implicated in infertility early miscarriage as well as in birth defects. the amount of alcohol consumption necessary to cause these problems is not known and varies among women. some women can drink excessively and have normal infants. others consume considerably less alcohol but still give birth to babies with cognitive disabilities and/or other birth defects. it is generally believed that the greater the amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy the greater the risk of pregnancy-related problems and birth defects. it is recommended that pregnant women avoid all consumption of alcohol. fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are a group of conditions reflecting the possible effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol. the fasds include fetal alcohol syndrome (fas) alcohol-related birth defects (arbd) and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disabilities (arnd). fetal alcohol syndrome (fas) is the extreme end of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and is a leading cause of cognitive disabilities.
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how does alcohol affect pregnancy?
women who continue to drink during pregnancy put their baby at risk for being born with fetal alcohol syndrome (fas) which is a pattern of physical and mental defects during fetus development during pregnancy. babies born with fas may have facial abnormalities as well as damage to the central nervous system and brain resulting in mental retardation. additionally alcohol use has been linked to premature delivery miscarriage infertility breast cancer heart disease and liver damage. before you make any decision regarding your health and the health of your baby you need to speak with your ob-gyn. your doctor will have recommendations for the best course of action for you and the baby and will possibly have suggestions for the type of detox best suited for you. gallus detox center is a private inpatient detox facility specializing in iv therapy medical detox. if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855-338-6929.
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can i travel by air during pregnancy?
the american college of obstetrics and gynecology guidelines say that air travel is safe for most pregnant women up to 36 weeks gestation as long as there are no obstetric or maternal complications already diagnosed. examples of special situations would be women with hypertension poorly controlled diabetes or sickle cell disease or women diagnosed with increased risk of premature labor. support stockings during flight and intermittent walking to move the legs around are recommended to minimize the chance of blood clots in the legs during prolonged flights.
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how can diet and nutrition affect early pregnancy?
the developing fetus receives its nutrition from the mother's blood. therefore high-fat diets and some vegetarian diets are discouraged during pregnancy because they may not provide all the nutrition needed for the developing fetus. bulimia anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders in the mother need to be addressed and treated. weight reduction diets are avoided. excess intake of sugar alcohol megavitamins and caffeine should also be avoided. because a "safe" amount of caffeine has never been confirmed to date it is best to avoid caffeine entirely. women who feel strongly that they need some coffee are advised to drink no more than one cup per day. there is no proof that one to two cups of coffee daily cause pregnancy complications. listeria is a type of bacteria found in contaminated food that can cause miscarriage and other problems to a fetus. because of the danger of getting a listeria infection pregnant women should avoid unpasteurized milk soft cheeses cold cuts and undercooked or raw animal foods. in addition fruits and vegetables should be washed completely prior to consumption. phenylketonuria is an inherited disease that affects the utilization of a certain protein component in foods. this disorder can be detected by a blood test. mothers with phenylketonuria may give birth to developmentally disabled children unless their diets are strictly controlled to exclude phenylalanine. megavitamins contain double or even triple the recommended daily allowances of vitamins and minerals. high doses of vitamin a have been implicated in producing birth defects. the better idea is to avoid megavitamins and instead follow the recommendation that has proven benefit: take a prenatal vitamin containing folic acid. folic acid intake in the mother prior to and during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of birth defects involving the brain and spinal cord. the u. s. public health service recommends folic acid for all women of childbearing capacity. studies have shown that if folic acid is begun at least four weeks prior to conception the risk of birth defects of the spinal cord and skull can be reduced by more than 70%. in women with or even without a history of having infants with birth defects of the spinal cord or skull folic acid should be taken one month before conception and continued through the 12th week of pregnancy. in fact continuing prenatal vitamins through pregnancy and even through nursing is probably wise. these prenatal vitamins are available over the counter. if a particular brand makes you feel nauseated simply switch to another brand or try taking the vitamin at night. because of the risks of mercury poisoning and nervous system damage in the fetus from contaminated fish pregnant women are advised to eliminate consumption of certain types of fish that are known to be high in mercury including shark swordfish tilefish and king mackerel. tuna steaks made from large tuna may also have high mercury levels. canned tuna is made from smaller fish that typically have lower levels of mercury than larger fish.
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what are examples of commonly used medications that are dangerous in pregnancy?
many women do not know that over-the-counter medications can be dangerous. in fact many prescription and over-the-counter medications harm the fetus very early in pregnancy at a time that the mother does not even know she is pregnant. even aspirin use by the mother can cause defects in the fetus. for this reason as soon as pregnancy is being contemplated women should avoid all over-the-counter and prescription medications until they are reviewed with the doctor. acne medications such as isotretinoin (accutane) can cause birth defects and should be discontinued before conception. since many medications and substances can affect fetal growth and development pregnancy planning is important so that potentially harmful substances can be stopped before conceiving. unplanned pregnancy during oral contraceptive use is not felt to pose a significant danger to the fetus although deliberate use of oral contraceptives during pregnancy is not advisable. women who become pregnant during oral contraceptive use have the same risk of birth defects in their newborns as the general population of women in the range of 2%-3%.
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should i avoid highly allergenic foods like peanuts or shellfish when i'm pregnant or nursing?
many people will say to avoid these foods while nursing and as part of the child's diet during the first three years but the evidence for that is less than what we'd like. i don't know the right answer.
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is it safe to drink during pregnancy?
no alcohol can harm the baby of a mother who drinks during pregnancy. although the highest risk is to babies whose mothers drink heavily it is not clear yet whether there is any completely safe level of alcohol during pregnancy. for this reason the u. s. surgeon general released advisories in 1981 and again in 2005 urging women who are pregnant or may become pregnant to abstain from alcohol. the damage caused by prenatal alcohol includes a range of physical behavioral and learning problems in babies. babies most severely affected have what is called fetal alcohol syndrome (fas). these babies may have abnormal facial features and severe learning disabilities. babies can also be born with mild disabilities without the facial changes typical of fas.
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is it safe to drink during pregnancy?
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what causes depression in women specifically related to pregnancy and childbirth?
there may be a number of reasons why a woman gets depressed. hormone changes or a stressful life event such as a death in the family can cause chemical changes in the brain that lead to depression. depression is also an illness that runs in some families. other times it's not clear what causes depression. during pregnancy during pregnancy these factors may increase a woman's chance of depression: history of depression or substance abuse family history of mental illness little support from family and friends anxiety about the fetus problems with previous pregnancy or birth marital or financial problems young age (of mother) after pregnancy depression after pregnancy is called postpartum depression or peripartum depression. after pregnancy hormonal changes in a woman's body may trigger symptoms of depression. during pregnancy the amount of two female hormones estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body increases greatly. in the first 24 hours after childbirth the amount of these hormones rapidly drops back down to their normal non-pregnant levels. researchers think the fast change in hormone levels may lead to depression just as smaller changes in hormones can affect a woman's moods before she gets her menstrual period. occasionally levels of thyroid hormones may also drop after giving birth. the thyroid is a small gland in the neck that helps to regulate your metabolism (how your body uses and stores energy from food). low thyroid levels can cause symptoms of depression including depressed mood decreased interest in things irritability fatigue difficulty concentrating sleep problems and weight gain. a simple blood test can tell if this condition is causing a woman's depression. if so thyroid medicine can be prescribed by a doctor. other factors that may contribute to postpartum depression include: feeling tired after delivery broken sleep patterns and not enough rest often keeps a new mother from regaining her full strength for weeks. feeling overwhelmed with a new or another baby to take care of and doubting your ability to be a good mother. feeling stress from changes in work and home routines. sometimes women think they have to be "super mom" or perfect which is not realistic and can add stress. having feelings of loss -- loss of identity of who you are or were before having the baby loss of control loss of your pre-pregnancy figure and feeling less attractive. having less free time and less control over time. having to stay home indoors for longer periods of time and having less time to spend with your partner and loved ones.
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what should i do if i show signs of depression during or after pregnancy?
some women don't tell anyone about their symptoms because they feel embarrassed ashamed or guilty about feeling depressed when they are supposed to be happy. they worry that they will be viewed as unfit parents. perinatal depression can happen to any woman. it does not mean you are a bad or "not-together" mom. you and your baby don't have to suffer. there is help. there are different types of individual and group "talk therapies" that can help a woman with perinatal depression feel better and do better as a mom and as a person. limited research suggests that many women with perinatal depression improve when treated with antidepressant medicine. your doctor can help you learn more about these options and decide which approach is best for you and your baby. speak to your doctor or midwife if you are having symptoms of depression while you are pregnant or after you deliver your baby. your doctor or midwife can give you a questionnaire to test for depression and can also refer you to a mental health professional who specializes in treating depression. here are some other helpful tips: try to get as much rest as you can. try to nap when the baby naps. stop putting pressure on yourself to do everything. do as much as you can and leave the rest. ask for help with household chores and nighttime feedings. ask your husband or partner to bring the baby to you so you can breastfeed. if you can have a friend family member or professional support person help you in the home for part of the day. talk to your husband partner family and friends about how you are feeling. do not spend a lot of time alone. get dressed and leave the house. run an errand or take a short walk. spend time alone with your husband or partner. talk with other mothers so you can learn from their experiences. join a support group for women with depression. call a local hotline or look in your telephone book for information and services. don't make any major life changes during pregnancy. major changes can cause unneeded stress. sometimes big changes cannot be avoided. when that happens try to arrange support and help in your new situation ahead of time.
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how common is arthritis in children?
arthritis affects approximately one child in every 1 000 in a given year. fortunately most of these cases are mild. however approximately one child in every 10 000 will have more severe arthritis that doesn't just go away. many children have what is called an acute inflammatory arthritis following a viral or bacterial infection. this arthritis is often quite severe for a brief period but usually disappears within a few weeks or months. juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (jra) is the most common type of arthritis that persists for months or years at a time. juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is also now called juvenile arthritis or juvenile arthritis of unknown cause (juvenile idiopathic arthritis).
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how is arthritis diagnosed?
arthritis is inflammation in a joint. diagnosis is based on a history of joint pain stiffness and/or warmth redness or swelling and physical examination. the examination can demonstrate swelling and often limited range of motion of the joint. x-ray examination can support the diagnosis and often disclose the type of arthritis and it's severity. early diagnosis is important for early treatment. many types of arthritis can progress without treatment. this can lead to permanent destruction of cartilage bone and ligaments which can result in deformity and loss of function that is not reversible. moreover some forms of arthritis are associated with disease elsewhere in the body. to avoid injury to other body tissues early diagnosis can be crucial.
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how is arthritis diagnosed?
your doctor will conduct physical examination of your affected joint co-relate it with blood tests like ra factor esr etc and use diagnostic techniques like x-ray ct scan mri and ultrasound to confirm if you are suffering from arthritis.
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i've had arthritis and heberden's nodes in my hands for several years. cysts are forming on the nodes. what can i do?
heberden's nodes are bony prominences that occur at the smallest joint at the end of the fingers. they develop as a result of inflammation that occurs in the bone under adjacent cartilage that has wear from degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis). they can become inflamed at times and be painful. sometimes a tiny fluid-filled cyst called a ganglion forms adjacent to the involved joint. to reduce inflammation sometimes anti-inflammatory medications can be of help. if a cyst has formed at the joint it can require an evaluation by a hand surgeon to consider surgical removal. you should discuss the best options for you with your doctor.
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isn't arthritis an old person's disease not a disease in children?
most lay people and many doctors fail to appreciate that arthritis in children exists. for the children affected and their families education about the condition is essential. many children suffer for months or years before the diagnosis of arthritis is thought of and proper treatment begun. but the problem doesn't end there. children with arthritis frequently experience difficulty because their teachers and schoolmates don't understand that children can develop arthritis. they have no idea what to expect from the child with arthritis or about the nature of the illness. as a result when the child is finally diagnosed with arthritis the family may be told just to put him or her in a wheelchair because "nothing can be done. " this is entirely wrong.
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what is the outlook for children with arthritis?
with proper therapy the children with arthritis will usually improve over time. indeed the vast majority of children with arthritis grow up to lead normal lives without significant difficulty. even for severe cases with proper medications proper physical and occupational therapy and proper surgery if necessary virtually no one with arthritis should need a wheelchair. everyone's doctor knows stories of children who looked awful but did very well or looked like it was "nothing serious " who became very sick. but these are the rare exceptions. there are many recent significant improvements in treating children with arthritis. for over 95% of the children with arthritis today we don't need new drugs or miraculous inventions. we just need proper application of the resources we already have. there are three important things for every child or adolescent with arthritis. first is proper recognition and diagnosis of the disease. second is proper treatment by an experienced physician with multidisciplinary support including physical and occupational therapists and orthopedic surgeons. third is proper education of the patient and family. people with arthritis are no different than everyone else in the world. they all need to grow up have jobs get married and have families. some will have some difficulty with mechanical problems. many will have small things they can't do if you watch them carefully. few will go on to be professional athletes or military officers but even fewer will be "totally disabled" by their disease. there are far more children who are disabled because they are told they couldn't do things than children who are really disabled by their disease. we should never accept a child with arthritis being told to use a wheelchair. in almost every case it is hoped that we will be able to correct the problem and get them walking again. this is why educating the public and physicians is so important. it must be appreciated that children can develop arthritis and must be properly diagnosed and treated. each child should be able to reach his or her full potential. children with arthritis should be treated just like everyone else. they need the same discipline the same allowance the same grades and the same respect as all the other children. arthritis might affect the body but it must never be allowed to affect the mind.
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what are the different surgical options for treatment of arthritis of the hand and wrist?
surgical options include: cleaning of the abnormal cartilage and bone including removal of bone spurs. fusion of the joint. joint replacement surgery. the optimal surgical treatment of arthritis of the hand and wrist varies from patient to patient and is based on many factors. these factors include the patient's age hand dominance employment level of pain functional goals and underlying disease.
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what are the different surgical options for treatment of arthritis of the hand and wrist?
carpal tunnel surgery trigger finger surgery
You are a medical knowledge assistant trained to provide information and guidance on various health-related topics.
what are the different surgical options for treatment of arthritis of the hand and wrist?
treatment/surgery for painful arthritic fingers and how to prevent further deterioration
You are a medical knowledge assistant trained to provide information and guidance on various health-related topics.
besides juvenile rheumatoid arthritis other forms of arthritis affect children?
along with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis there are several other forms of arthritis that can affect children and adolescents. interestingly these most often affect older children (greater than 8 years of age) and teenagers while typical juvenile rheumatoid arthritis most often affects young children. one type of childhood arthritis is the kind that affects teenagers who have rheumatoid factor-positive arthritis with involvement of the small joints in the hands and feet. rheumatoid factor is a blood-test finding which is present in most adults with rheumatoid arthritis but absent in most children with jra. it is present in this group because they usually are teenagers who have adult-type rheumatoid arthritis starting early. because it is starting early this is a worrisome group and these children need to be treated aggressively. often they will have lifelong arthritis. another form of arthritis that is common in this "older" group is spondyloarthropathy. this is a family of diseases in which the arthritis is the same but the associated problems are very different. the typical findings of a spondyloarthropathy are early involvement of the hips and other large joints. in addition these forms of arthritis tend to be asymmetric -- one side of the body is more severely affected than the other. the key finding is that these children not only have inflamed joints but they also have inflammation at the points where tissues attach to bone such as tendons and ligaments. often they have ankle or heel pain due to inflammation of the tendons inserting in the foot. in some mild cases the tendon inflammation occurs without obvious swollen joints. it is important to recognize the spondyloarthropathies as different from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis because the optimal treatment monitoring and outcome is likely to be different. in addition one must look carefully for evidence of the other diseases that can be associated with spondyloarthropathies. these include inflammatory bowel disease psoriasis reactive arthritis and behcet's syndrome. the most worrisome children with spondyloarthropathies are the hla b27-positive boys. they are at risk for developing ankylosing spondylitis. however most children with spondyloarthropathies seem to do reasonably well. in general for children who are hla b27 negative and do not have an associated condition the arthritis is more likely than jra to come and go repeatedly over a period of years but is less likely to be very severe or destructive. unfortunately we have only recognized children with spondyloarthropathies as being "different" since the middle 1970s so no good long-term follow-up data is available yet. sometimes children with a form of chronic skin inflammation called psoriasis can develop arthritis. this form of arthritis is referred to as psoriatic arthritis. occasionally there is a family history of psoriasis that can help clue the doctor into this diagnosis.
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are there any particular foods which should be included or excluded from the diet of an individual who has arthritis?
first there are many forms of arthritis each of which differ in the do's and don'ts of diet. so the answer is that it depends to some degree on the form of arthritis. persons with gouty arthritis should tend to avoid red meats shellfish alcohol and dehydration. at the same time dairy products such as low-fat milk and yogurt as well as adequate hydration are encouraged in persons with gout. persons with inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis may benefit by taking the omega-3 fatty acids that are in the oils of fish particularly salmon. those with osteoarthritis might benefit from the food supplement glucosamine.
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what are symptoms and signs of arthritis of the hand and wrist?
the most common symptoms of arthritis of the hands include pain stiffness and swelling over the joints. the pain is usually worsened when the joint is moved. moreover motion of the joint is frequently limited due to pain and joint contractures. symptoms can lead to difficulty with daily living activities including tying shoes buttoning buttons opening jars or turning a key in a lock. physical signs of arthritis of the hand include changes in the appearance of the joints. the joints most commonly affected by degenerative arthritis are those at the ends of the fingers. swelling and bumps or nodes can occur at the small joints at the area of the base of the nail. these bumps are called heberden nodes and can become extremely painful. the joint at the base of the thumb can also become swollen with bone spurs and cause pain and deformity. the joint destruction also leads to severe pain when pinching the fingers together and gripping forcefully. joint motion limitation can also decrease the ability to grip. wrist arthritis can cause pain with motion of the wrist or grasping and lifting. wrist range of motion is frequently limited by the arthritis. patients typically experience relief when the wrist is stabilized by a splint. rheumatoid arthritis frequently causes swelling pain and stiffness in the wrists as well as the small joints in the middle and at the base of the fingers. this disease frequently causes hand deformities. tissue lumps called rheumatoid nodules can form over the joints of the hand and wrist. the joints of the fingers and thumb can become deformed and contracted by the destruction of the supporting ligaments so that grasping and pinching movements are not possible.
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is the pneumococcal vaccine safe for pregnant women?
the safety of the pneumococcal vaccine for pregnant women has not yet been studied. there is no evidence that the vaccine is harmful to either the mother or the fetus but pregnant women should consult with their doctor before being vaccinated. women who are at high risk of pneumococcal disease should be vaccinated before becoming pregnant if possible.