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As the repercussions of ClimateGate reverberate around the virtual community of global citizens, we believe it is both important and urgent to reflect on what this moment is telling us about the practice of science in the 21st Century.
One slight problem with Serrezes little theory, the ice is growing around pretty much all of the continent, and not just the small area of West Antarctic that he refers to.
Christopher Booker, whom I met in Nice a few years ago and whom I like, wrote the most read Earth-category article in the Telegraph over the last 3 days,
Held a high-priced, widely publicized, assume-alarmist-science conference in 2008, Beyond Science: The Economics and Politics of Responding to Climate Change , featuring John Kerry and John Holdren on the political side.
The Moscow region saw temperatures of -17 to -18 degrees Celsius on Wednesday, and the record cold temperatures are expected to linger for at least three more days. Thermometers in Siberia touched -50 degrees Celsius, which is also abnormal for December.
Meanwhile back in the real world, UAH shows that Antarctica is cooling at a rate of almost 1C / century.
?Every day nearly 16.000 children die from hunger and related causes.?
Over the past three decades, fossil fuels enabled 1.3 billion people to escape debilitating energy poverty over 830 million thanks to coal alone and China connected 99% of its population to the grid and increased its steel production eight times over, again mostly with coal. However, 1.3 billion people are still desperate for electricity and modern living standards. In India alone, over 300 million people (the population of the entire United States) remain deprived of electricity.
By contrast, the telephone and telegraph had barely changed since he was born; radio and talkies had been around since his youth; only television and (yawn) telex were true novelties. (That the satellite would do more for communication than for transportation in the years ahead was emblematic of what was to come.)An elderly person alive in 1950 would have witnessed extraordinary changes in the mode, speed and availability of transport: cars, motorcycles, powered flight, jet engines, rockets, outboard motors, electric trains, hovercraft, helicopters and supersonic speed.
1. US Reigns as World's No. 1 Producer of Petroleum. In March, total US petroleum production exceeded production in Saudi for the 17th straight month (see chart above). By surpassing Saudi Arabia the previous world leader in petroleum output "Saudi America' has been the world's No. 1 petroleum producer in every month since November 2012 (EIA data here).
The significance of these findings with respect to the ongoing rise in the air's CO 2 content is linked to the relationship that exists between atmospheric CO 2 enrichment and AMF growth and development. As may be seen by perusing the materials that are identified when searching for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on our website's search feature (home page upper right-hand corner), as the air's CO 2 content rises, it will likely impact crop-fungal interactions by increasing the percent of the crop's root system colonized by either mycorrhizal fungal hyphae or arbuscular structures, thereby promoting the positive phenomena documented by Rinaudo et al .
Before the debate began, however, Pederson went to the front of the classroom and, for 15 minutes, told those attending that they shouldn't believe a word of what Lomborg and Lawson said. The idea that a university audience might listen to a debate with an open mind is apparently beyond Pederson's ability to comprehend because, of course, he believes he is totally right on global warming and any other viewpoint is totally wrong.
We have at least 25 years to research this issue before CO2 emission cuts need to be considered.
11 EPA, National Air Pollutant Trends, 1900-1998, Executive Summary.
Note that Schmidt and Sherwood did not dispute the fact that the CMIP5 models performed worse than the earlier generation CMIP3 models at simulating global surface temperatures outside of the Arctic over recent decades. Schmidt and Sherwood simply commented on the practices of modeling groups. Regardless of the practices, in recent decades, the CMIP5 models perform better (but still bad) in the Arctic but worse outside the Arctic than the earlier generation models.
"Obama and Leo don't realize the potential for a humanitarian disaster" under strict carbon restrictions, Lewis said.
Ive put up two different metals standard price charts. One for precious metals vs currencies , the other for base metals vs precious metals .
Bottom Line: No scientist or team of scientists has come up with an empirically validated theory proving that higher Atmospheric CO2 Levels will lead to higher GASTnot EPAs team and certainly not to the EPAs 90-99% certainty. Moreover, if the causal link between higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations and higher GAST is broken by invalidating EPAs Three LoE, then EPAs claim that higher CO2 concentrations also cause sea level increases and more frequent and severe storms, floods and droughts is also disproved. Such causality claims require a validated theory that higher CO2 concentrations cause increases in GAST. Lacking such a validated theory, EPAs entire house of cards collapses.
Here??s sorted list of North Atlantic hurricane ACE numbers from 1950-2013 ??? this year tied for 5th lowest on record http://models.weatherbell.com/ace thru dec31 sort.dat
This lower limit of instrumental uncertainty implies that Earths fever is indistinguishable from zero Celsius, at the 1 level, across the entire 20th century.
I have used the same temperature scale , with a six degree range. Even with this scale, there is very little sign of any hockey stick. Certainly there was a bunch of warm years around the turn of the century, but they were only slightly warmer than earlier periods, notably the 1730s. And in recent years there has been a decline in temperature, which the running five year averages illustrate on the graph below. Indeed the average temperature over the last five years is no higher than several years during the 1730s.
"It is inappropriate and hyprocritical for Clinton to now imply that President Bush's policy is irresponsible or blameworthy," continued Lewis. "He can't have it both ways either the lack of meaningful participation by key developing countries justified his no-ratification policy or not. If it did, then Bush's identical policy of not seeking ratification is equally justified. If it did not, then he should apologize today to his fellow Kyoto supporters for not submitting the treaty while it was in his power to do so."
this from an argument about the cost of cutting emissions ? bad politics ? to
7. Graphic of the Day (above). Partly at least in response to rising labor costs from the "Fight for $15" hysteria that is sweeping the nation, some fast food restaurants are responding with increased automation, including the automated ordering kiosks pictured above at Hardee's. Expect more of this type of automation going forward as more cities and states pass higher minimum wage laws (14 states are raising their minimum wages this week). Hey, who said that government policies can't foster innovation?
13. " scientific answer to the question if and how much international technologies can contribute to the permanent and secure storage of CO2 in order to protect the climate ." No, that is not working and unnecessary.
The Global Warmingists have covered all their bases. No matter what the weather is like, it always turns out to be exactly the kind of weather we should expect if human activity were causing global temperatures to rise.
Australias antarctic runway melting | Boorowa News
North-west Tasmania, Burnie, Devonport News, sport and weather ...
Apparently that wasnt enough though. An astute reader (Steve Case) captured the USHCN data in 2008 and again today. Below is a plot of the further adjustments during the last two years. Once again, the present has been artificially made warmer and the past has been made cooler. Temperatures in 2007 were raised by 0.16 degrees, and temperatures were lowered by 0.08 degrees in 1930.
Lessee, 484 sites, 71 Luterbacher are actual temperature, so these clearly do not help support the NULL proxy by accident theory and can be subtracted from the 484 and 1209 total series. We cant forget the high end climate scientists who decided the IPCC should hide the decline of the latewood density data (MXD) and simply chop the data off. Yup, chop the offending bit of flacidity off and give it an Enzyte style prosthesis courtesy of RegEM The Mann show. Scientifically speaking, we have now subtracted another 95 series of horsecrap data from the remaining 413 leaving only 318 series (at a maximum) that passed validation presumably using actual data taken from actual proxies. NOPE, not so fast, this is climate science so were not done yet!!
In accordance with the disposition of the case, the US subsidiary of Japanese pharmaceutical firm Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. will pay $39 million to the US federal government and state Medicaid agencies, to settle claims that it paid doctors kickbacks to prescribe certain of its products. Daiichi Sanyo also agreed to adhere to a so-called corporate integrity agreement, whereby a number of compliance programs are instituted to prevent similar abuses from occurring in the future.
NASA-funded researchers Maosheng Zhao and Steven Running, of the University of Montana in Missoula, discovered the global shift during an analysis of NASA satellite data. Compared with a six-percent increase spanning two earlier decades, the recent ten-year decline is slight just one percent. The shift, however, could impact food security, biofuels, and the global carbon cycle.
The EPA quietly changed how it recommended dealing with a CFL mercury spill because when Americans are given no choice about how to light their homes , its best not to tell them how bad the green option really is.
In Climate Hustle renowned Swedish sea level expert and climatologist Nils-Axel M rner concludes: "Geological facts are on one side, lobbying and models are on the other."
Jo Nova ponders whether there is something wrong with the scientific method.
There is significant variance in the energy intensiveness of the production of various kinds of meat. In general, processing larger animals is less efficient than processing smaller ones. A study conducted in Sweden found that chicken had the lowest energy consumption of the types of meat studied, at 18,500 calories per pound produced. Pork and lamb had 21,000 calories and 23,000 calories per pound, respectively, and beef had energy inputs of up to 40,000 calories per pound. This is a similar finding to other studies.
Heres the SST anomaly map she cites as proof in her post about the issue at Climate Central. Note that actual temperatures in the ocean are quite cold.
This past week, Heartland held its 7th Climate Conference in Chicago.Ive looked at the program, nothing in particular caught my interest, Ive seen previous presentations from most of the scientific participants. I would much rather glance at ppt files, than take the time to watch a podcast; unfortunately no ppts are available and I didnt go through any of the podcasts. Seems that some of the astronauts were in attendance, they have written a new letter which is highlighted at WUWT .
Obviously there are others who feel the same way when it comes to the role of the sun on the earths climate. Another paper just published at the same journal shows that other scientists are hot on the sunstrail. Here Magee and Kavic in their paper titled: Probing the climatological impact of a cosmic raycloud connection through low-frequency radio observations suspect a solar mechanism and so propose a method of observation. In the abstract they write:
Next month, the United Nations will formally announce the successors to its Millennium Development Goals, the global body's approach to poverty alleviation since the year 2000. These new goals will be touted as "sustainable." The event will coincide with a visit by the pope, at which he is expected to concentrate on climate change and materialism as the greatest threats to the welfare of the people of the developing world.
This immediately involves a distortion of science at a very basic level: namely science becomes a source of authority rather than a mode of inquiry. The real utility of science stems from the latter; the political utility stems from the former.
" A paper published ...in the Journal of Geophysical Research finds "the loss rate in southeast Greenland for the more recent period has become almost negligible, down from 109 28 Gt/yr of just a few years ago. The rapid change in the nature of the regional ice mass in southeast and northwest Greenland, in the course of only several years, further reinforces the idea that the Greenland ice sheet mass balance is very vulnerable to regional climate conditions." Global warming allegedly due to greenhouse gases would not be expected to cause such regional interannual variability in Greenland ice loss, thus pointing to shifts in weather instead."
Clearly, absorption and re-radiation of the sunshine in the upper atmosphere at this wavelength cools the Earth and is going to cause additional cooling as the concentration of CO2 increases.
* In a classroom, a cultist indoctrinates British children, teaching them they are parasites who are killing the Earth Mother Gaia. She tells them they must de-industrialize and ruin the global economy because if not we will all die. HONESTLY, it feels like that movie "The Village" by M. Night Shalamar where crazy people teach children there are monsters who are going to get them if they don't stay in the primitive village and not have electricity or modern industry. When some of the children doubt the AGW cult beliefs, the teacher produces a Phillip K. Dick-conceived button and kills the non-believers. They pop like cherry Jell-o filled balloons to the horror of everyone around them.
14. How adequate is the ability to couple atmospheric and ocean models
a bank to be prohibited from doing business in America is a severe constraint.
I pointed out that the rules of the UN's climate panel require openness and transparency. He made it quite clear that he and the other Climategate emailers did not care about openness and transparency. Only one opinion would be permitted: and that would be the most extreme alarmist opinion they could get away with.
Global sea ice area, as of Sunday morning, stood at 1.005 million square kilometers above average.
Now all Uganda needs is extension cords that can reach nations with electricity.
Back to School. AEI's Frederick M. Hess testified before the House Committee on Education and Labor on Wednesday. He told the committee: "Securing effective teaching entails lowering the barriers presented by licensure, encouraging districts to tap the skills of those who are not full-time educators, and using pay and professional opportunities to attract and cultivate talent. Efforts to more evenly distribute effective teachers are laudable, but ought to be pursued in a fashion that will not compromise successful schools or bolder efforts to attract and retain good teachers."
But if all we allow ourselves is just over a century of global temperature measurements, we cannot from the same sample decide how the climate typically behaves over a century and also decide it is behaving abnormally.
Several appliance manufacturers also support DOE's new proposed rule, which would give them a guaranteed market for pricey front loaders that would otherwise remain slow sellers. Producers admit that they don't even have to worry about consumer satisfaction with front loaders, since the public would no longer have a choice.
Greenwashing is annoying but not often a public safety issue, except in Queensland where the police cannot fit all their gear into tiny hybrid cars .
Some tourists only go there to have some fun. But we have visited the place to convince Greenpeace that it was a good idea to host the radar. While some of the local people - e.g. Mr Ji Houka of Trokavec near the Totem here (who votes for the Communists because the Greens became too pro-imperialist) - dislike America and prefer to repeat anti-imperialist slogans, it was more pleasant to deal with Greenpeace. Together with my father , we explained them the importance of America for our national interests, possible threats in the world, and the peaceful, intimidating role of the missile defense system.
Accumulations of snow were likely to exceed 50cm above 300m, and 100cm above 500m. Smaller amounts of snow were expected below 300m.
Very nearly all of the so-called "tropical" diseases that Al Gore and other "global warming" profiteers say will spread disastrously if the weather continues to get warmer as it has done for the past 300 years are not tropical at all. The thrive in the tropics simply because the countries of that region do not have sufficient public-health measures to prevent them from breeding. In the contiguous United States, malaria was rife right up to the Canadian border in the 1880s, but widespread use of DDT had eradicated it by 1949.
Clive Martin wonders whether the intense, religious need to incorporate a workout regimen so liturgically in our lives is not a symbol and a symptom of the lack of meaning and purpose that the modern world gives off like the odor from a post-workout jock. When love of family, love of country, and love of God have all been mocked and legislated out of public existence, what greater thing than oneself is one supposed to love, sacrifice for, and protect? So our workouts become more grueling and strenuous. Like the despairing adolescent who slashes her wrist to make material and palpable her mental anguish, we flock to tough mudders, Crossfit, and the like to know that we have accomplished something, conquered something.
35 errors or gross exaggerations are found in Al Gores Oscar winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth.
Canada's Hudson Bay: Is Earlier Sea-Ice Breakup In Bay An Indication of AGW? Scientists Say No
The ETS will hurt everyone. Stifling regulations will hurt everyone. Whos next? You are, we are.
Elevated CO 2 suppressed foliar injury caused by elevated O 3 , especially in some of the more O 3 -sensitive cultivars used in this study. In addition, atmospheric CO 2 enrichment to 700 ppm almost completely protected such cultivars from the negative effects of elevated O 3 on seed yield. At ambient CO 2 concentrations, for example, elevated O 3 reduced seed yield by 48% in an O 3 -sensitive cultivar. However, at an atmospheric CO 2 concentration of 700 ppm, yield reductions in this same O 3 -susceptible variety were only 8%. Thus, atmospheric CO 2 enrichment had a strong ameliorating effect on the negative influences of elevated O 3 on growth and yield of O 3 -susceptable winter wheat cultivars.
JC comment: I first became aware of the problem two years ago, when Tim Palmer presented (at Fall AGU) a plot of absolute global temperatures simulated by the CMIP3 climate models for the 20th century. The impact of this on the model thermodynamics (notably the sea ice) is profound; model tuning then works around this problem, so that n wrongs make a right, almost certainly torquing feedbacks in unfortunate ways.
Australias antarctic runway melting | Eyre Peninsula Tribune
How to get more of those resources is another major theme of many of the papers. As one of the documents focusing on food security notes, "development assistance funding is less readily available and the donors are ever more focused on demonstrable results." One suggestion: tap global philanthropies, as well as link together "a broad range of public sector, business and civil society partners."
In short, there is potential here for a vital convergence of interests that will promote sound environmental policy, and aid the U.S. and world economies as well. The 'green' potential of tax reform should be placed high on the agenda of the Tax Reform Commission, and should play a major role in the tax reform debate. As pointed out back in 2000 ("Tax Reform is Green", published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute), "the greenest tax reform is that which does the most to reduce economic waste, encourage innovation and efficiency, and spur economic growth. From this standpoint, environmental tax reform should be fundamental tax reform."
WUWT has a post on this Workshop, which included presentations by Judith Lean and Leif Svalgaard, and Henrik Svensmark. Ithe following four presentations seem to be the most relevant to climate change:
Postscript 2 ??? Ellen Mosley-Thompson has an interesting cameo appearance in the Climategate emails. She was the EOS editor who rushed through the Mann et al 2003 EOS article on Soon and Baliunas 2003. The article took about 10 days from being commissioned to being accepted. They giggled among themselves when Willie Soon inquired about the peer review process. The character assassination of this article has not been fully analysed. In one despicable email, Tom Wigley acknowledged that Soon and Baliunas might have a point that 20th century precipitation was not unusual (a theme revisited in AR5 Zero and First Draft), writing to Mann and others (2003-06-06 682.):
Since even immediate and total shutdown of all carbon dioxide-emitting vehicles, power plants, and factories in the U.S. would decrease global warming by only a hypothetical and undetectable two-tenths of a degree Celsius by 2100, it is misleading to imply, as the report does, that the Obama administration's climate policies can provide any measurable protection from extreme weather events.
Get that? Climate forecasts are warming substantially faster than the actual atmosphere. This is a significant problem for modeling.
"An expert panel of the government's Tax Commission agreed Thursday to abolish a reduced tax rate for stock investments from January 2012 as scheduled, participants said."
There are several problems here. First, the authors statistical significance estimates are meaningless, ass they are based on random permutations of subjective flavors that are simply erroneous in the context of the correctly implemented RegEM procedure, as detailed in section 1 above. Mann et al (2005) provide a true rigorous significance estimation procedure and their code is available as supplementary information to that paper.
Glassman: Has there been solar activity over the last hundred years that would correlate with the temperature on Earth?
Also, it's patently false that breathing the ambient air in the United States is like smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, as MoveOn.org implies in the advertisement. According to one peer-reviewed scientific study published by the American Heart Association (Pope et al. ), "The estimated daily dose of PM2.5 from typical long-term exposure to SHS (second-hand smoke or ETS) or ambient air pollution is extremely small compared with the estimated dose from active cigarette smoking." Consequently, "The estimated relative risks from active cigarette smoking, even at relatively light smoking levels, are substantially larger than the relative risks from ambient air pollution or SHS." As my Competitive Enterprise Institute colleague Marlo Lewis has stated, "MoveOn is blowing smokenowhere in the United States is breathing the equivalent of a pack a day or even one cigarette a day."
I am just a geologist but I truly believe that there was a major glacial period about 400 million years ago when the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were about 10 times greater than they are today.
"High-frequency trading networks, which complete stock market transactions in microseconds, are vulnerable to manipulation by hackers who can inject tiny amounts of latency into them. By doing so, they can subtly change the course of trading and pocket profits of millions of dollars in just a few seconds, says Rony Kay, a former IBM research fellow and founder of cPacket Networks, a Silicon Valley firm that develops chips and technologies for network monitoring and traffic analysis."
24 Fred Crickard, ed., Multinational Naval Cooperation and Foreign Policy in the 21st Century, 1998 (a three-day symposium attended by 200 CNOs, diplomats, and academics from 32 countries). See also Sam Tangredi, ed., Globalization and Maritime Power, National Defense University, 2002.
As Ive shown several times already, even the 2009 Black Saturday fires were far from our biggest recorded - in 1851. NSW has had several severe October fires that were bigger and deadlier than this years.
Liberal AG Claims Global Warming More Important Than Free Speech
Positive cloud feedback amplifies global warming in all the climate models now used by the IPCC to forecast global warming. But if cloud feedback is sufficiently negative, then manmade global warming becomes a non-issue.
CEI's Lewis prefaced the lecture with a reminder that oceanography, like other scientific fields, casts doubts upon the rationale behind the Kyoto agreement. "There's hardly anything about the treaty that is not hotly debated: the scientific underpinnings, the economic costs, its feasibility, the implications for American sovereignty and national security," Lewis noted. "Today and in future lectures, we are considering scientific issues connected with the Kyoto Protocol and the larger global warming debate."
At least this fight produced one clear benefitover the course of the two winters since the video aired, OSTP hasn't produced a sequel.
Figure 1 is a map of the sea surface temperature anomalies (Reynolds OI.v2) for a portion of the North Atlantic. It captures the data for the week centered on Wednesday January 30, 2013. The map was created at the NOAA NOMADS website, using the Reynolds Optimum Interpolation sea surface temperature data. Ive used the contour levels of 0.5 deg C, with white set at zero, which are settings often used by NOAA. Obviously, last week sea surface temperature anomalies were elevated near the New England coast, but the data, as we will see, reveals that theres nothing unusual about those levels. Well use the coordinates of 35N-45N, 77W-67W for the data in the following graphs.
Lets recall our ENSO basics. During an El Nio, the NINO3.4 region is being fed warm water from the west Pacific Warm Pool; that is, the Equatorial Counter Current strengthens and carries warm water eastward. As a result, the normal annual sea surface temperature cycle in the NINO3.4 region is now being influenced by the annual cycle of the sea surface temperatures in the West Pacific Warm Pool. This is easily seen in Figure 4-41. It compares NINO3.4 sea surface temperatures (not anomalies) for the period of January1995 to January 2005 and also the series of base year cycles in the sea surface temperatures for the Western Equatorial Pacific (5S-5N, 120E-165E) and the NINO3.4 region. Also note that the La Nia events reach their lowest temperatures in December-January, which is another example of how a La Nia event is simply an exaggeration of an ENSO-neutral (average) phase.
Not only are health-care costs up, but we don t seem to be getting much more in return. Would even the slickest lobbyist claim that American health care is twice as good as it was in 2000? If anything, our health-care woes seem to have worsened. More people go without insurance, total patient satisfaction is down, and the number of medical errors is staggering.
Mr. Walker also targeted some 90 think tanks and other groups in an attempt to punish climate dissent. These groups and others, including these columns, pushed back on First Amendment grounds, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute counter-sued Mr. Walker and demanded sanctions. He pulled his subpoena against CEI last month.
Six energy policy changes to watch for in a Republican-controlled Congress
Furthermore, if this hidden costs analysis had been performed by a different set of researchers, a value of $50-100 billion could have been pretty firmly established as a best estimate with a low end that probably would include the possibility of a net positive externality from coal-fired electricity.
Heartland Institute Conference Shows the Growing Power of Climate Realism
Despite the inability of climate models to accurately represent global climate, this hasn't stopped scientists from using these same models to make precise predictions about the ostensible effects of human-induced climate change on relatively small regions of the Earth, such as California. For example, the Union of Concerned Scientists states without qualification "rising temperatures, possibly exacerbated by declining winter precipitation, will severely reduce snowpack in the Sierra Nevada" causing a substantial reduction in California's water supplies.
Dugongs congregate where there are seagrass meadows and there is no evidence that seagrass meadows are generally in decline around the Australian coastline.
Heating the cloud reduces the relative humidity in the cloud, Jacobson said.
Reconstruction of past climate Credit: Institute of Geography Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
In April 2010, at an event hosted by the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, McCarthy stated that best available control technology (BACT) standards for major greenhouse gasemitters would require only efficiency upgrades, not fuel switching from coal to gas. We havent done it in the past, and theres been good reason why we havent done it in the past, she reportedly said.
Even so, Friedman declares that "our one-party democracy is worse" than the Chinese model. He is upset that the minority party, the Republicans, won't go along with Democrats' plans to raise the price of carbon emissions and pass a government health care planthough, perhaps wisely, he refrains from praising the Chinese health delivery system. But he does get an essential bit wrong: It's our two-party system he's complaining about, and the fact that the current minority party won't act like it's just one wing of the majority.
The year The Heartland Institute started promoting education savings accounts, 1992, we also entered the national debate over health care reform by publishing a book titled Why We Spend Too Much on Health Care ... And What We Can Do About It. That book was widely credited with helping defeat "Hillarycare," Hillary Clinton's plan to nationalize the nation's health care system.
Despite my efforts to spread the wordwith my second column on the topic being one of my most popular ever I find that the CPP isn't even on the radar of the politically engaged (let alone the average person). Because this is an issue of utmost importance, I am, once again, bringing it to the attention of my readers with the hope that you will share it with everyone you know. At this point, we don't know if the EPA will extend the comment period, so please take time now to get your comments in. The Hill reports: "Adding 60 days to the comment period could make it harder for the EPA to finalize the rule by June 2015, as President Obama has ordered."
Record extreme weather-Viking end of times
"Cellular carriers, having spent years trying to blanket the nation with phone service, are now working on ways to stop people from getting calls and texts when they are behind the wheel."
The authors begin their short Brevia report by noting that "large-scale numerical models that simulate the interactions between changing global climate and terrestrial vegetation predict substantial carbon loss from tropical ecosystems, including the drought-induced collapse of the Amazon forest and conversion to savanna." What was done
The two largest sources of fructose in the human diet are sucrose (containing 50% fructose and 50% glucose) and HFCS which is present in the human diet in two forms: HFCS-55 (which consists of 55% fructose, 42% glucose and 3% other carbohydrates) and HFCS-42 (which consists of 42% fructose and 58% glucose).